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3,650 | | Empire - City of Magic (Black_Out and darkest_fate) | For most the supernatural was never easy to explain, or discern. Even when it was all around you. Science often sought to discredit the unknown. If it couldn't be fit into theory and formed into undeniable fact then it was dismissed to rubbish. This suited most people's thoughts on the matter. Even the believers of such mysterious forces often lacked the means to truly gain clarity into these unaccountable energies.Silently haunting largely forgotten and unrecognizable echoes. Remnants of severity stained an aura upon places, people, and things. Fractured fragments of the past that could still be heard, felt, or tasted, in an unexplained way that might cause ones hair to rise up on end, or send a shivering chill coursing down the length of a spine. Such marked places could be found in any corner of the globe, though most never realized the subtle clues of their existence even when they stood among st them. Dim memories lived on in an ethereal state. Hidden hallmarks of vulgar transgressions and lucid elation's that spoke into the endless void of the tragedies and triumphs that time just could not simply sweep away. Empire City had more then it's fair share of such latent foundations of untapped spiritual wells. Very few shed light and warmth, in the criss crossed streets and the shadows of the looming buildings of the great metropolis darkness and horror was far more prevalent.A dilapidated rickety old stone bridge that had fallen into a state of disservice. It passed over an abandoned and dysfunctional set of rusted train tracks that that bore through the graffiti crusted tunnel beneath the old bridge. Trash littered the place blown in by the gusting breezes that swirled and swept the litter of the streets here when the sky was restless. Another form of refuse could be found here, in the shape of desperate men and women that sought sanctuary from society's burdens. Addicts and vagabonds took shelter in the shadows offered and comfort in the relative silence of the blotted out city surrounding the sunken refuge.If they could of heard the screams, the howls of horror that had drowned this place in such negative energies. If they would of realized what terrible violations had occurred within the lightless tunnel, they might of taken shelter elsewhere. Even so the goosebumps that riddled the skin, the sensation of dread that lingered, had driven the clear headed to herd elsewhere. Those whose minds were to far foggy and polluted found the extra solitude here to be hospitable, comfortable, and welcoming. Thrill seekers of the dark and macabre came and went over the years since to explore the call of it's gruesome history. They knew of the stories of the tunnels tragic past, of the atrocities that had unfolded there, and the rumor of the haunting that lingered on.Decades back when the bridge had first fallen out of service, over the course of a long lost summer's breadth, while the secret of the tunnels tranquility was relatively undiscovered, abominations of humanity's flaws bloomed here. Strings of disappearances and the gruesome remains of the young women that had up and vanished without a trace would come to be discovered in an all but forgotten storage room found beyond a rusted old metal door within the tunnels heart. Savage and unspeakable acts had long ago bled into the very surrounds and left the land tainted from the tragedy of the rape and murder of so many. The richest stain of all belonged to the perpetrator of these foul and loathsome deprivations of humanity when his life was ended by a vigilante, and the string of terror ended in more bloodshed.His twisted soul had taken root and overwhelmed the vestige energies of those victims that still could not find escape from the swallowing mire of his presence. He and those he kept with him here remained in the very essence of the stone blocks. They festered in the patches of dirt and rubble. Suffused the choking stale air of the hidden room and permeated out into it's surrounds. It was all but untapped and ripe. Until recently, when the mysterious men and women, bearing horn adorned masks of frightful animalistic and beastly composition descended upon the place one moonless night. The sparse occupants left them to their deeds and dispersed without provocation, so unnerving was their intrusive silent visitation.In the epicenter of that ebony dark and cloudy night they called to gruesome and ancient monoliths of powers from threads of the past. Vile chants were carried aloft by the wind and those sinister words were heard by those who first spoke them long ago. Archaic sigils were carefully forged over the chaotic jumble scrawling's that defaced the tunnels walls. A timeless force of sin and desire answered the summons at the behest of something far greater then itself. It came to take sustenance from the undrunk feast of carnal delights that remained here.By the time the dawn had cut away the night and showered the city with it's illuminating warmth, the enigmatic Cult of Horns had dissipated back into the ranks of society within which they hid. Their markings of ceremonial summons though were left behind, camouflaged within the graffiti strewn walls. Hearkening to that ancient force, merging the presence with the dark deeds of the tunnels not so distant past. When those that favored the tunnels shelter returned, few choose to remain for long. Those whose hearts were already dark, or minds were twisted about with madness remained, kept company by the indiscernible presence of the hidden beast that dominated even this places grim history and guarded over it's purpose.
Why didn't we move? It was a question that Zatanna Zatara had asked her father for years as they lived in Empire City, a city once so grand and majestic in some far flung past that outdated all its mortal residences. Why here? Why not go somewhere else? Somewhere... brighter... better. The young, or, well, younger Zatanna had questioned that herself, living under her magician father, watching as he worked with various superhero organizations to try and restore crime and order. Their family had that mystic spark, that ability to tap into the arcane forces that secretly drove this world. And it was because of that ability that they often stated. The city needed a Zatara present, it needed someone to watch the arcane pathways and trace the magics and simply to keep the city save.Because it's our home. Had also so frequently been the answer. Apparently the family had lived in this cesspool long enough that the roots went deep. Zatanna was fairly certain there were other reasons, reasons that she didn't want to think about. Like what happened to her mother. Or how her father had so many nemeses here. Thoughts like that which made her smile, even now. Magic had wrapped her presence edih em morf gniyrp seye, having been one of the first spells that Zatanna had mastered. Slight shame, since she knew she looked good. Tight black jeans hung low enough on her hips to just start showing hipbones. A loose black belt with silver studs hung around her, more for apparent decoration . A span of lightly defined abs showed before a white corset style crop top. Long fishnet gloves covered most of her arms, leaving her fingers free to work. The deep raven hair had been swept back from her sharp blue eyes, kept in place by a simple headband. A loose dark coat hung over it all, holding off the worst of Empire's shitty weather. The girl had mastered several spells that would all be useful in weaponizing much of her outfit, her lips practically moving in practice for them.Her first real mission. She'd hit eighteen barely a week ago, that age of maturity, the age where she was "allowed" to go out on her own and start policing the streets. As with so many, she'd "side kicked" first, going with her father, Giovanni Zatara. And she'd been really fucking good at it: quicker at improvising spells than her father, though he argued she tended toward flashy and a little slapdash. She didn't disagree: she just thought that worked best, particularly when dealing with these sorts. and she'd heard about this for some time. There were several sites she suspected, but this one had the most.... unusual circumstances around it. Too much dark buildup, too many missing people. Her father thought it slightly beneath his notice, which just made Zatanna all the more determined to prove him otherwise."Wohs em taht hcihw si neddih," she whispered, summoning just a hint of magic. Her eyes flashed with arcane purpose, letting her begin tracing markings. The cult had left their trail upon the walls of the tunnel through which Zatanna walked. She stepped carefully, angling her heeled boots so as to not disturb or fall. She could see their hints, their signs, and she was beginning to discern their purpose. But she couldn't quite shake a feeling that surely they wouldn't leave such an area unguarded. That would just give her proof... but where is it?
Barely any of the suns residual light found its way down beneath the cover provided by the crumbling arched roof of the tunnel. The wind wormed it's way through the shadows while Zatanna settled her attentions upon her arcane efforts. It howled unnaturally when a particularly strong gust swept across the ridges of stone and piles of debris. The noise left traces of moans and other unintelligible murmurings that fooled the ear into making them real to the mind. She wasn't alone, of course, and amidst the deception of relative silence she could hear the stirrings of the limited number of occupants that existed in the dark refuge of this place.The flare of a lighter being flicked and the glimmering yellow flame that wisped into existence within moments of her spells utterance shed it's subtle wavering glow about her surrounds. The lighter tilted within the grasping ragged finger less mitten that held it towards the wick of a large red candle that was mostly spent. Another hand held a crooked spoon over the newly formed flame that rose up form the candles sloped center and a dark poisonous liquid bubbled in the meager cauldron of the spoon. As a syringe, no doubt contaminated with repeated use drank up the foul narcotic substance the flame twisted and the light it offered shifted with the guidance of the wind, illuminating the one preparing to indulge in the addictive concoction.In the peripheral of the figure illuminated by the disjointed light, the shadows danced and swirled revealing the specter of a face, half lit in a chiaroscuro fashion. It seemed to stare into Zatanna's core, the expression one of chiseled ever present dread. But before those blue eyes of the young magician could adjust and refocus upon the image revealed to the side of the hunched over squatter who sat with his back pressed against the wall, it was gone. It's shape lost back to shadow, perhaps never really there in the first place.The candle hissed as the breeze bore past it, and as it was hushed upon it's extinguishment a mote flitted through the air across the breadth of the tunnels width. It drew the eye with it, drawing the compliant sighs of the addict as the needle sunk into his veins back into the relative obscurity of the dark. That small sparkling flicker of orange ember drifted past Zatanna and weaved it's way through the air past her and into a corridor that was partially collapsed. Like a lazy and stubborn floating bit of cinder it wafted out of sight beyond the concealing wreckage that hindered entrance further past what was once a doorway. The dim pulsing glow remained, fading to a deeper red that made what little of the tunnels walls that could be view beyond seem like a passage into hell.Her eyes attuned by magic took notice of another denizen of the tunnels meager expanse. Had she her choice in the matter, she might of opted to not be able to view the perversion of the disgusting man that peered intently at her. His soft grunts, exhaled gasps were wrought by the hidden gestures of his hand that was stuffed beneath his ill fitting trousers. Vacant eyes from his pock marked face stared almost through her while his cracked and perforated lips spilled drool down the mismatching layers of soiled and stained shirts that clothed his chest.The snapping sound of the lighter jolted above the mans eager less and estranged sounding ministrations, her sight lost for a brief moment as it adjusted back into focus. Her brilliant blue eyes saw the man with the needle looking directly towards her with his arm raised and extended forward, pointing with his gaunt index finger towards the dark outline of the rubble strewn hallway. With her attentions absorbed by the gesture of the addict, the sounds of the vulgarity of the other vagrant shifted. Muffled noises that had the pitch of a panicked woman emerged in their place and seemed to issue from the hallway where the orange ebbing light faded away into the blackness and the ghostly muffled noises returned to the normalcy of the masturbating miscreant.
Ugh, it stunk in here. Zatanna wrinkled her nose, momentarily considering a spell to diminish the odors that assailed her. But she, sadly, recognized many of them: drugs, body odor, desperation, they all mixed together to create a perfume that almost matched this part of the city. Her eyes flicked, seeing that man standing there, clearly lost to the world... only not quite. she folloed his gaze, seeing the shape, seeing the being there. That strange shape.Ugh, is he... is he doing that here? as if Zatanna's nose could wrinkle any further. She really wished that her sight hadn't revealed that second man. Ugh, she was quite glad that she wasn't visible. Of course, Zatanna knew that her body inspired... those sort of feelings, and that she sometimes dressed to accentuate what she had. Sure, the tight pants were mostly for mobility and durability, but most heroines would be lying if they didn't at least partially admit to having some of their sexuality in there. Not that Zatanna was overflowing with sexual knowledge: being a "freaky witch" meant most high school boys weren't interested no matter how good your ass looked in jeans. And even if they were, having a dad that could literally hex you made most of them stop short of doing anything fun . the distraction almost drew her attention totally away from her goal. For a moment, she almost wondered if these men hadn't been wasted by whatever. It might have helped drawn them here. Or it could be the opposite: their presence and the presence of those like them made the energies here gather and grow all the more. Regardless, the whole motion and noise drew Zatanna's attention away from thought and toward the situation. She saw the gesture, and for a moment, almost thought that he'd seen through her. Sometimes drugs did that to people, particularly if they were already close to having the Sight.But no, it was behind her. She twisted, seeing flickers of orange and, more importantly, hearing sounds of distress. Fuck. I need to check that out. Zatanna quickly dashed, high heeled boots thudding against the cement below, stealth forsaken in favor of haste. She drew a wand out of her pocket: not that she needed the prop, but having it sometimes worked wonders. It was all part of the whole costume thing: look the part of a magician, use the tools, and people were more willing to go along with it. Plus it amused Zatanna, and that was almost enough on its own. She darted forward, mumbling a spell under her breath: "Ecart eht dnous," flicking her wand to send a tracer out. It would help get her there quicker, and she definitely wanted haste, particularly if someone was in danger.
Her black leather boots tramped across the unhinged green metal door that was buried beneath dirt and debris before the rubble strewn entrance of the hallway. It was an awkward effort to clamber around the wreckage that had given way from the ceiling and obscured entry into the narrow tunnel beyond. The muffled pleas had drawn quiet, leaving Zatanna to hear only the thudding slaps of the mans hand busily attending to his wanton needs. His bleary eyes stared forward without a hint of notice given towards her invisible yet hasty and noisy efforts to gain entry into the pitch darkness of the hallway.Fortunately she was lithe and limber, and the young magicians body found it easier to slip through the void in the rubble, until she tumbled down the other side as the loose rocks shifted beneath her and she was deposited on her rear within the darkness. Her sight though pierced the veil of ever present shadow and saw that the tunnel was short in length. A room opened up, devoid of any remnants that might of hinted to it's past purpose, but staring back upon her from the center of the wall furthest into the room was all she needed to see to confirm her every suspicion that the mysterious cult had been at work here.The circular shape of a field of black had been painted upon the center of the wall, while a pair of stark white horns rose up from the middle of that abysmal pit and curled outwards above it. The mark of the Cult of Horns dominated the other precise sharp sigils that curled in ancient patterns of magical power around the walls. At a glance the sense of their purpose seemed to be to anchor, tether, and nurture the malignant energies that resided here. Way lines covered the decaying roof of stone supported by heavy wooden slats that were obviously well beyond strained by the efforts to keep it all from crashing down.An array of unlit candles littered the floor, much like the dark red one she witnessed in the possession of the drug addict out in the tunnel. Though it didn't take long for her to realize they were precisely placed upon the tips and intersections of crimson hued lines that drew a pentagram across the floor. The candles all jumped to life, bleeding weary light out that quickly lost it's potency the further it shed from it's source. She could see figures, huddled in the shadows that existed on the fringe of the candle light. Womanly forms, cuffed together wrists drawn behind their bared backs. Their dusky skin was littered with bruises, their ankles shackled and chained to the floor and the dirty tangles of their hair hid their beleaguered faces from view.That's when a force erupted from behind her, shoved her in the square of her back and drove her to her knees towards one of the corners. The face of that paled skin victim turned to regard her, and it was obvious to Zatanna in that moment that it was the specter of some unfortunate soul that had perished here under duress. Her jawline stretched so wide open that it gave the illusion that her face was melting towards the floor as her ghastly moan issued towards the raven haired young heroine that had been shoved to land beside her. Her bleach white hair whipped wildly about within the windless room as her ashen eyes locked onto Zatanna's and she could feel the presence of the specter before her trying to seep into her consciousness.Brief images danced and flashed through the surface of the heroines thoughts, giving her sight into the events that led to the demise of this trapped spirit. Except in the visions that blurred into her mind, it was Zatanna who was the victim of these horrid acts. Kidnapped by ambush while walking alone upon a dark path. Forced to breath in some noxious fume that sedated her body. Taken here, to this room, and chained, gagged, bound, all before being violated by a figure she could only discern as darkness incarnate.
Despite all that was happening, some part of Zatanna couldn't help but be... thrilled. This was exactly what she trained for, what shelived for on some level. Running through the darkness of the city, wand up and at the ready, heart pounding, mind running through dozens of spells. Her enhanced senses kept her mostly abreast of what happened, almost subconsciously marking turns and twists and the path in general. The young magician mumbled a few potential counter curses under her breath, wanting to provide herself some protection. Without full focus, and at full movement, none of them would be all that effective, but they would be better than running in with sexy jeans and a corset top.The shifting rubble caught Zatanna. She managed to fling up her arms: "Tcetrop em!" being another necessary spell. Mystical energies kept her from receiving too much damage, but she still found herself slightly winded, and flat on her ass, staring at a room. "Well, this is suitably creepy," she mumbled, blowing a loose strand of raven hair from an enchanted eye. She rose slowly, still keeping her wand out, looking around. "Okay, so this is obviously the ritual site... you'd think they'd have hid it a bit " she paused, recognizing the candles, and soon seeing the patterns. Immediately the magician wanted to throw out a counterspell, or at least disrupt the circle. Wors,e she could see the various gathered woman, and could only hope that at least some of them were alive."Buncha assholes," the magician mumbled, stepping forward, ready to help. A blow caught her back, and she hit her knees hard. Her mystical protection had barely worked on it, which meant yep, specter. Zatanna twisted to see it hovering there, and it wasn't hard to figure out what it was or why it was there. As if she needed further evidence, it provided easy to understand spectral visions. Taking a few deep breaths, Zatanna raised her wand."Dnif ruoy tser ni eht dlrow dnoyeb siht," she breathed, drawing on an old exorcism spell her dad had perfected. It did occur to her, albeit belatedly, that she might have been able to question the spirit, to find out more. But she was still hoping that at least some of the victims about her were living. If not, she could always ask those souls: they were much less likely to be violent.For now, Zatanna's powerful magical energies stretched out, working to yank the spirit toward its eternal judgement, and hopefully its reward. At the least, it should be pulling the departed soul from the place of its torment. Zatanna did have to focus all her attentions and energies on the spirit in those moments, but it was a matter of focusing on the task ahead of her... for now.
The dim glow of pin prick red eyes shone in the endless depths of the dark circle painted upon the wall as Zatanna chanted her spell and focused her energies on the task of freeing the haunting spirit. Under normal circumstances the spell her father had perfected would of sent the entrapped spirit onward to it's final calling. These were not such circumstances.Glyph's drawn upon the wall pronounced their presence as the radiated dark blue light. Marks that were left here by talented hands that sought to counter her magical incantation and keep the spirits of this place securely bound within their repetitive torments. The chains tethered to the specter's ankle stretched taut as the ghostly image of the victimized woman was pulled upwards towards the heavens. But bound as she was to this place by the cult's dark magics she was left to hover there like a kite stuck in the breeze.But Zatanna was determined, stubbornly so to send the spirit on her way. Despite the hitch in her plan, she could see some of the individual links of that spectral line of chains stretching to their breaking point. Her continued focus would rip the binding cord of chains asunder soon and free the tortured soul that filled the room with her desperate ethereal wails.With her back towards the rear wall and the mark of the cult that was left there, Zatanna was likely to not notice the unraveling of that mark as the demonic presence hidden within began to reveal itself. The curling white horns that shot upwards from the bleak black perfect circle began to emerge and take substance and form. They were ridged curving bones of white that mimicked a set of rams horns, but the black serpentine face that followed them out of the pit of darkness was that of a sinister looking snake with dim ember red eyes. The rest of it's anaconda like form slithered out and dripped down to the floor in eerie silence just behind Zatanna.Before Zatanna knew what hit her, the coils of the serpentine demon snapped out around her curving waist and squeezed her in their merciless grasp. If it wasn't for her magical aura of protection that she had called upon, ribs would of likely cracked from the monstrous strain bearing down over her body. Still the pressure was intense, intense enough to expel the breath out of her lungs and choke her words out as the leering serpentine visage of the horned demonic presence swung about before her while it's coils slithered and entwined further around her body.It's dim foul red slits of eyes found her sparkling vibrant blues and it hissed with glee. "Trespasser, I will show you such wonders and pleasures."
Yes! She'd done it! It took all her focus, all her will, all her considerable magical skill, but Zatannasomehow managed to prize free the tendrils of darkness holding the poor soul trapped. The magician felt that relief flooding through her body as she watched her arcane energies do their task. The glorious feeling of having helped someone on a truly important level, helping their verysoul filled the young heroine. That relief almost made Zatanna sigh ,and she swore she could almost feel it pouring through her.For just those moments. Because soon she felt something dark and rough curling about her. a gasp squeezed from the magician as the tightness encircled her. She felt her own magical shield waver, that hastily constructed magical protection barely able to keep up with the sudden, unexpected onslaught. Magic often came down to will, after all. The will of the wielder fought the will of the target, sometimes the will of the universe to get what they needed. And a hastily constructed barrier hardly had will or power behind it.Crap, this thing looked... demonic. Curled horns, sinewy frame, the whole serpent motive. Just looking at it twisted Zatanna's gut into knots. she hissed through clenched teeth, pushing through that pressure. His comment, his promise, drew a sharp laugh from the teenage superheroine."Seriously? You're going to, what, get me high?" she quipped, already shifting and gathering energies. "Esaeler em morf eniht psarg, luof gnieb!" she almost hissed, waving energies. It was another older spell, complete with a backward "thine" and everything. Thus tried, thus practiced, thus fairly powerful. Zatanna's magical energies seeped from her body, working to wrest her from the demon's grasp. It definitely would've worked if she hadn't been caught by surprise, wasn't tightly coiled.It should work even now...
The serpentine demonic face hovering before her contorted it's expression as the potent energies released by Zatanna's backwards rambling spell worked to loosen it's grasp from about her slender curvy frame. Inch by inch by inch the tubular oval like shape of the fiends long body began to unwind from it's prey. Bump after ridged bump that ran along the top of its vertebrae's nudged against her skin as the efforts of her spell wrestled the stubbornly clinging demon away from her.None were more distracting then the space between her legs, where ridged protrusions of its scales ground over the tight fitting fabric hugging the young teenagers sensitive mound. The demon hissed at her, its thin and narrow red tongue flicking about before her face as it stared defiantly back at those focused blue eyes. As she gained more freedom from it's coils and the tide of the struggle swung in her favor Zatanna was able to throw the demonic horned snake across the room with one last great push from her magic. This left the ridges to blur across her pure virgin sex in rapid fashion until the creature was flung back into the shadowy corner of the room.The embers of its red narrowed eyes and the tint of its long white curving horns stared back towards her as the demon hissed from the darkness."Such a stubborn lass you are. Take her!" It called out into the room.The specter of murderous rapist answered the command and from the very floor behind Zatanna his dark hazy shape emerged. A palm of black skin, cold as a winters night worked to slap across her mouth and stifle her voice. An arm slipped around her slender waist in effort to drag her up into the wraiths frigid embrace while his foul breath washed over her shoulders and back. There was no denying the power of this particular presence, or ignoring the hard frozen shape of it's massive manhood that pressed against the firm bubble of her contrastingly warm ass.
Excellent! The spell was doing its task. Of course, the only problem with Zatanna's more freeform magic was that it sometimes took whatever path would just work to accomplish the hazy guidelines of the spell. In this case, it seemed to essentially just make holding her impossible for the demon. She'd been hoping for a repelling blast, which often happened when those words left her lips. Or perhaps a quick exit or ejection. But this demonic creature either had more will or Zatanna was still feeling some drain from her previous encounter... or a little of both, because instead she got to feel him unwinding from her.and the teenager certainly felt it. The sexy magician might not have a wealth of experience to draw upon, but even she could figure rather quickly what the demon intended, particularly after it's whole"show you pleasure" proclamation. Her protective spell had already started unraveling, and it was meant to protect against harm not against sensation. After all, she may need her sense of touch to determine something, or to sooth someone, or even to steady herself. Hell, pain was sometimes necessary as a warning sign, after all. This just meant that she felt him. Felt every little scaled, ridged, textured part as he slid from her, dragging across. Having him rip between her legs was like riding a vibrator for a few long seconds. The magician let out a gasp, feeling her legs buckle for just a moment."Oh, I'm sorry, were you expecting me to just spread my legs and beckon?" Zatanna shot back, smirking. She took another breath, already raising her hands, gathering energies for the next spell. "Leef eht thgiew fo " she began, chanting a rather impressive spell, particularly when used against demons and others with a lot of ill deeds. the karmic backlash had been known to outright kill or undo certain creatures. But she'd gotten only most of the way through her incantation when something slapped across her mouth. Those pretty blue eyes went wide, the magician not even finishing her chant against the smothering touch, but instead just letting out a cry of surprise and frustration. She soon felt something else sliding across her hips, making her shiver. Such a cold touch, so unnerving.Oh Magick, is that a dickI? Shot through her mind as she felt something prodding against her bubbled ass . Zatanna thrashed, but she wasn't any stronger than any other fit eighteen year old girl. Still, there was a chance she could worm or wiggle or even outright break her way free. Sometimes they underestimated the power in a slender form. And she was already trying to bite or free her mouth. A few seconds would be all she'd need to get out of this, after all.
Sinister laughter issued from the shadowy corner of the room where the demonic serpent was recovering while Zatanna struggled with the insidious wraith. His every fiber sent unnatural chills coursing through the ripe body of the teenage magician as he manhandled her. The nips and bites at his ice cold fingers filled her mouth with a rotting taste, and despite her efforts the wanton spirit showed no signs of pain. Instead his fingers jammed into her mouth when she was readying herself to clamp down again in an effort to free her speech from being stifled. The other arm about her waist shifted, the forearm dipping down and the frozen gestures of his hand clamped down between her legs.While she squirmed and thrashed in an effort to gain release the demon snake twirled like a corkscrew rising from the floor until the tip of its rattle laden tail was the only thing contacting the surface beneath it. "Drag her to the center of the pentagram."Its foul spittle flung the demand out towards the murderous spirit engaged with its adversary.The specter of darkness, known in life as the serial rapist and murder Adam Huegroth obliged the command of the beast. With his hand wedged into the depths of Zatanna's throat and his grasp tightening across the shape of her virgin mound he wrestled her backwards through the room. "Little slip of a girl, you dare to think you have the power to stop us?" The hovering horned visage of the demonic presence swept forward and dipped its angular head down between her legs. Nostrils flared wide above the serpents lips as it took a deep whiffing inhale of the subtle scent between her legs."So pure, so intoxicatingly pure." It hissed out eagerly as the narrow slits of its coal red burning eyes leveled on Zatannas."Just a drop, make her cum, until just a drop of her tainted pleasure seeps onto the floor in the center of the pentagram!"The floating serpent howled out as it began to circle and spin its shape around the struggling pair. "Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" It sang out old words of perverse power as its long serpentine body circled around them. As the hand clamped between her legs began to rub with rough demanding strokes that threatened to split her pants wide open Zatanna recognized the spouting words of the demon for what they were. Sex magic.The twirling encircling demon chanted in repetition as the hideous desires of the wraith smothering her body played its cold fondling grasp across the warmth of her virgin lips. "Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!.....Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!"
Fuck, a sex spirit. Somehow, Zatanna should've expected something like this. Sex was primal, was deep, was part of the very essence of everything. It proved an extremely powerful catalyst for magic. There was a reason that so many spells suggested virginal blood . She could almost feel that sexual malevolence coming from the wraith now, as it began mauling her flesh. Her legs jammed as tightly closed as she could, wishing that she'd thought to bespell the pants before coming in. Tight black wouldn't do much to protect, even with durable fabric. Worse, because they happened to cling to Zatanna's lush body like a second skin, they didn't exactly leave room for much underneath. She'd worn that thong for aesthetic purposes, to not show a seam, to squeeze her tender body into tight clothing. the strip of deep violet fabric would cup her sex, with its neatly trimmed pubic hairs ruffling above . Elastic black would border the deep purple, stretching back and diving between two almost perfect cheeks of white. If only she'd thought this might happen, perhaps, perhaps she'd have opted for something that wouldn't be oh so easy to drag across her body."Mhffum!" she cried against the spectral force sealing her. She kicked out with her boots, thrashed, dared go limp for a few moments. She could see the demonic being almost vibrating with delight, could feel his pulsing energies filling the room. Even if she didn't, Zatanna knew damn well that you didn't want to be in the center of any pentagram you didn't draw yourself. She howled with frustration, fighting as the being drew her in. She could feel his hand somehow sliding further into her, and she felt herself gagging for a moment, the "hrk" replacing her usual bits of protest.Though protest soon rose again as a hand pawed her sex. Zatanna snapped her legs together. She let shook her head, before glaring at the demon. Her will remained strong: she knew that would make some difference. She gathered as much of it as she could, trembling with barely suppressed rage and frustration. She needed to save her energy. They'd slip up. Let her mouth free. Give her just enough room to wiggle. Hell, if it came down to it, she should be able to undo any spells or wriggle out of a ritual. But, ugh, having that creature so near her. So dangerously close to her most private area. She snapped her legs up, trying to give him a kick in the face.His next comment had her almost laughing. Seriously? He seriously thought that somehow this disgusting wraith or a demon was going to get her to cum? Zatanna could barely manage that after a good thirty minutes to an hour of teasing herself. Though.... that didn't generally involved some weird, sexual magic. She tried focusing on the words, figuring that would give her an advantage. FIrst to remember, then to resist the fact that the demon had started all but sawing at her sex like he could wrest an orgasm from her in full force. That chill was seeping in, and the raw friction was getting to her. That sensation of having that tiny thong dragged up and down her sex at a rapid pace was doing things to the magician. She just knew she had to keep focused, to wait, to steel her will... all about that will...
"Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" The fiendish voice spoke out even as its head lurched back away from the flaring kick of Zatannas boot that missed by mere inches. It continued to circle and spin around the pair and call out that incantation over and over, and it dawned on Zatanna Zatara then at that moment what spell was being issued. It was a spell of arousal, a magical aphrodisiac that could make a body turn any sensation into an erotic jolt. So far her will had remained strong, steadfast against the magic threatening to increase her lust and fuel her libido to a fever pitch.That didn't stop the wraith, its hand was to the point now where she could feel the first button upon the seam of her tight black pants popping loose. The chill reverberated into her flesh, but the warmth of her body and the pumping of her blood kept the numbing sensation from overtaking her. His hand rubbed and stroked between her legs and gained traction and access the moment she let her wild kick go towards the beast. Frigid teeth and rancid breath clogged her nose as the wraith opened its mouth and clamped its teeth down around the raven locks of her hair. It yanked her head back as its hand stuffed her mouth full and pinned her tongue down. "Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" The horned serpent hissed out as its hellfire bristling gaze never wavered from that of Zatanna. In the space between the chants from its long curving lips the demons tongue, thin and long whipped out at her. It struck across her bared tone and taut pale belly, leaving a slimy residue and an angry slender red welt."Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!"Another lashing strike fell across her chest and tore the white of her meager top open, revealing the sizable orbs of the teenage wizardly wonder. "Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" The beast knew her will was strong and knew it had to be whittled away as it lashed another distracting strike across her thigh, the strike slicing a tear through the fabric of her tight fitting pants. Most distracting of all though was the feeling of that size able hard cold rod, now shifting to settle between the plump firm cheeks of her undulating ass as she struggled to break free.
Was that... an arousal spell? Zatanna recalled reading it in books, recalled her father mostly laughing it off. Those were the spells of fools, the sort that didn't actually work, written by horny magicians desperate to bend the will. At least... that's what he'd always said. But a demon wouldn't be relying on some sort of false story, and Zatanna was beginning to wonder if her father hadn't hidden some part of the truth from her to stop the over inquisitive girl from getting in over her head.A sudden release of tension made her let out a sharp squeal. Those blue eyes widened and glanced down. Yes: the top button had snapped open, showing a little bit more of the fine white stomach. She flexed her muscles there, as if she could somehow will the pants to reseal, or to even crawl up her body. Except that she could barely look, as something pulled. Another cry of protest shot through her muffled lips as she felt her head twisting back. Sharp pain hit the roots of her hair, and she realized the creature was pulling her. It opened her throat, letting its somehow malleable hand slide within her. She could feel it fully pinning her tongue, forcing out anotherglugging noise from the magician. Bits of drool started to leak from around the edges of gothically painted lips. Zatanna's throat muscles worked, trying to push against him. But her legs were also trying to sort of press together, and she was trying to stay upright and SMACK!Another sharp cry hit against smothered spectral energy as Zatanna jumped. She could feel the heat raising upon her skin, along with that strangely liquid sensation. It almost felt like she'd been lightly burned and applied aloe. But another fell, ripping apart part of her corset, letting some of her admittedly impressive breasts bound free. She tried to shift, but to move from the lash was to let the fingers jerk into her throat... or to let the hand rub harder against her sex. There just was too much to fight against.SMACK! "Ehuugh!" Zatanna cried, jerking, thrashing for a moment. That pain hit her, and she felt something prodding against her bottom and she twisted and and no magician could keep that many plates spinning, at least, not without magic. Particularly not a virginal, teenage magician out on her very first solo mission. She could feel her will starting to drop, could almost feel the demon's spell starting to seep inward. Any defense now would be like closing a gate after the wolf had already entered.
"Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" The crass hissed out call of the demon filled the room and seemed to bounce and echo about until each repeated phrase joined with the other echoes, creating a cacophony of the chant. Even the air, dark with shadow and dim flecks of flickering candle light seemed to shake with magic now. Another stroke of the lashing tongue zipped expertly outward from the demons razor filled maw of fangs. It struck with precision across the silver toned buckle of her black leather belt and snapped it loose. "Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" Another button popped free, and with a forceful sudden yank Zatanna's black pants that were squeezing tight were torn downward past her flaring hips. The clasps of her belt dangled from the straps that kept the studded accessory from falling uselessly to the floor. The sound of a rattling maraca sounded from around the struggling magicians black boots and it was swiftly followed by the stringent sensation of the serpents tail coiling around her ankle and wrestling to drag her right leg out and open her up.That wintery embrace between her legs grasped the soft tender flesh of her sex and squeezed and pulled on the puffy flesh, wedging the thin purple thong up into the split of her bared ass along with the pink slit of her virgin pussy."Azh'nek! Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay! Undyvirgun!" The demons red glowing eyes lowered there. "Let me at her!" It called out and the hand lifted away in response, moving up to clasp its shivering embrace over her breasts, yanking the torn fabric of her top further asunder in the process.The horned snake head opened its narrow maw so wide that its very jaw unhinged. Then it plunged downward, and like a vacuum it sealed around the shape of her sweet mound. She could almost feel the teeth threatening to pierce her flesh if it wasn't for the shielding of her protective magic. But the sensation of its tongue, thin and slick with saliva as it grazed over the succulent shape of her tight warm slit was another matter.
Crack! And Zatanna felt her loose belt, already more accessory than tool, release. It barely required any more movement to fall free from her hips, clattering near the floor. and Zatanna soon felt another crack, another release, and knew that her poor pants were quite done. She tried twisting her body again, pulling up her legs, contorting. All the teenager managed to do was demonstrate how remarkably flexible she happened to be, probably due to dancing or, again, her nighttime activities. Worse, the squirming made it all the easier for him to latch his tongue about her ankle. Zatanna's muscles flexed, but she couldn't have resisted that demon force without magic even if she had been fully focusing. All she did was cause her body to ripple, muscles tensing for a few moments.A squeeze, and Zatanna let out another yelp. Her relaxed guard had let just the start of that aphrodisiac spell seep into her. She felt it now, twisting that cold into a heat. Her internal resistances melted beneath those more recent touches, almost quite literally. The tension spiked as he pulled, dragging that fabric up. Zatanna let out a squeal again, jolting, but this time, she'd felt a sharp stab of pleasure. That joyful sensation had eclipsed the little undercurrent of pain that she knew she should be feeling, her body not quite fully processing, or perhaps the spell not quite fully taking over her form. She could feel her tight lips parting. Could feel the narrow folds sliding about the fabric. Felt that bit pushing against her, rubbing along her pink. A little bit of dewy arousal just hung about her lips. It didn't quite drip, didn't ooze, didn't show melting, but was starting to show the signs that Zatanna wished she could hide wished she didn't evenfeel.Another blast of cold pleasure sudden hit her chest. Freezing touch against bared flesh made two pink nipples stand at full attention. Spell shifted sensation just enough so that the strain the flesh underwent stabbed raw heat and pleasure, eclipsing the slight pain and discomfort she felt at her chest being teased. She felt her top being almost dragged up as a collar, or falling free: she was starting to lose track. Her toes curled in her boots, as if fighting to keep heeled footwear would somehow be useful in the sexual onslaught. Already her pants hung loose, her top was even less of a suggestion, her head had been tilted back.Then the demon cooed, and Zatanna rolled her eyes down. Her awkward position made it difficult to see, but she could just glimpse it. A sharp cry of protest, and the girl fought, pulled mightily for a few moments, jerked her head. But she felt his too hot maw closing about her tender sex. Supernatural warmth poured over her sex. The girl let out an undulating moan, eyes rolling slightly. Her body shivered as demonic saliva started oozing across her fresh skin. Sensations flared in her lower belly, and for a few seconds, Zatanna forgot that she wasn't supposed to be trying to cum, that this was a demon working her over, that she was a heroine. She just felt that raw pleasure spiking hard, shooting joy into her core, flaring a heat within. The girl shivered, tossing her head, hair whipping about. Her hips jerked, but was she trying to buck him free? To slide his tongue into her virginal sex? Surely surely the former, right?
The thin bump riddled tongue slid back and forth like a saw cutting wood, except it was parting the soft pink lips between Zatannas long creamy white legs. It sucked, drank at the building juices as the forked tip of the tongue pressed her sex apart and teased at the edges of her sensitive little clit. Like some master musician the demonic beast worked the sexually naive magicians puffy pink mound like it was an instrument it knew all to well. It coaxed out notes of undeniable pleasure, sent thrilling sensations washing over her writhing body, and hypnotically distracted her mind from the looming threat that her climax would unlock here in the center of the pentagram.Then of course there was the wraith, a man in life that had violated a dozen women over the course of one summer stretch here in this very dark candle lit room. His hand loosened from her mouth, no longer digging into its depths, allowing the poor young magicians moans of erotic despair to sound fully. It fell down to claim her other breast and joined in the grasping mauling adulation of his other hand over those rounded orbs. Dark fingers laced with chilling negative energy twisted at the perky nubs of her stiff nipples. Fingers sank into the tender flesh, yanked more of her shirt apart, filling the room with the sound of her slim shirts shredding fabric.But he was aware, aware of the noises coming from her parted purple painted lips. Though her will was being torn down, despite the difficult, neigh near impossible concentration it would take to even utter a simple backwards spell clearly, he paid attention. At the first sign of her even attempting to speak her words of power his hand would return and stuff her mouth anew.To make matters even more difficult, more impossible for the young sultry magician to handle his crotch bore back for an instant before it plunged forward against the rounded cheeks of her pale ass. The thong, purple and narrow was hardly any measure of protection from the shivering cold hardness of his nether erection. The sloped domed head split the warm clenching cheeks of Zatannas rear and spear headed past to jam against the tight little orifice hidden deep within them. It pressed and punctured against the star shaped ring of muscle that was the only safe guard she had that would keep his firm, thick, and well hung protrusion from entering the depths of her vice tight virgin rear.
Even without coursing demonic sex magics pounding in her veins, Zatanna would've had difficulties with what was happening between her legs. Constant wet friction lashed upon her body, driving her interior temperature up more and more. No matter how she squirmed or twisted or undulated, the tongue seemed to find precisely the right place. In fact, that devilish organ seemed to do evenbetter with some of her body's movements, as if learning how she kept shifting. Soon Zatanna was effectively aiding in her own oral assault. Her hips rolled to get away, only to have a tongue flick and tease her trembling clit. Thighs snapped together, only to suddenly have a flattened tongue washing over a wide area. Hips rose to try and move away from what was happening behind, only to almost thrust the tongue inside her quivering interior walls.Sweet air parted painted lips."Oooohhhh," came out instead of any spell, the teenage magician shivering as the vocalization of mounting lust simply bubbled up from within her. Her hips kept up the impossible dance while hands started teasing her sensitive nipples. Sheer cold burned them, turned her pink nubs into stiff pinks, all the easier to handle. The sound of her shuffling heeled boots soon found a partner in the shredding of her clothes, backed by sweet little moans and gasps of arousal that she simply could not fight. Her mind swam, trying to surface amid a sea of rising lust. But the demon and his cruel partner knew her tricks. She soon found her focus too split. For something thick, round, battered a tightened star. Zatanna let out a yelp, jerking forward, accidentally all but impaling herself on a tail. That made her let out a choking noise as the arousal spike hit her tremendously hard. For a few seconds, all of Zatanna's will faded as her body simply worked to try and fight off its impending "small death." The teenager took several gulping breaths, shivering and letting otu a moan. She had to get away from that fucking tongue!Hips jerked, and apparently the heroine forgot that a thick thing had just been battering against her virgin rear. For she very nearly impaled her snug ass against it. Only tight pressure stopped the cold head from popping inside. Even then, she had effectively just pressed her snug star against him, ass muscles flexing as if the winking hole were giving him a sweet, inviting kiss, quite nearly beckoning him inside her body. The magician's head thrashed ,lips trying to move, but unable to form words. So much of her guard was just vanishing as her fight turned desperately inwards. She just knew she Could. Not. Cum.
The demonic serpents greedy tongue expertly spread the moistening pink curves of her sex. The textured saliva coated tongue stroked deeper and deeper into Zatanna's quaking pink pussy. The taste of how pure it all was, how unblemished the aroma and nectar's that threatened to sprout from the young magician's flowering sex drove the demonic tongues demanding violation to eclipse anything Zatanna might of experienced in her youthful life.The spell swirled deeper into her core with every lustful lick that spread her pink apart. It coursed into her blood, merged with her cells and shot into every fiber of her body. All it would take was for one drop, one little tiny wet splat of her pleasure to emerge from between her legs and fall to the floor for the curse to be locked into place. There would be no escaping it, not unless Zatanna Zatara was willing to make a deal. If only her father could see her now, writhing, twisting about in a state of building erotic euphoria while her body was relentlessly ravaged. Maybe, then, he might of regretted not sharing such dark and powerful arts, the nature of their existence, and how to counter and protect oneself from such dominating magics. Maybe, if she had been prepared for this, she would of stood a chance.She wasn't though. The demon could sense it, taste it in her flesh. There were no wards present, no counters in place to what her body was being forced to endure. His curved fiendish lips twisted into a leering smile that traced across her belly and between her spastic legs while it pressed and prodded its sinful tongues advances deeper into the warm wet of her pink puffy slit. Soon, when she lost control, her fate would be all but sealed. There would be no escaping the changes the curse would wrought through her born anew, awakened nubile flesh.As if to drill the point home of her impending defeat, of her faltering battle of wills with her demonic foe, the sloped spear head of the cock pressed against the clenching, yet puckering ring of muscles that was beginning to beckon that surging cocks advances inward. The vile wraiths hands clamped around the full breadth of her breasts. Anchored fingers into the compliant shifting mounds of flesh. Pinched and twisted at the ever stiffening nipples that poked like tent poles out from under the clenching fingertips that tortured them. Pulled her body back by their rough grasping claim over her breasts as he sought to bury his scintillatingly cold member into the dark warmth between those bubbled cheeks of pale warm flesh.
Something was changing in her. Zatanna couldfeel it, knew when a spell did its work. Yet if it were just a spell, she wouldn't feel this rising unease, this worry, this slight stab of fear that was soon eclipsed by another, powerful emotion: lust. For the spell was latching onto a quite natural feeling: a teenager's reaction to receiving master level cunnilingus. That tongue would've made a jaded whore scream out in joy within a matter of seconds. That virginal, pure, relatively innocent Zatanna Zatara had lasted this long under its lash spoke to her impressive, super heroic stores of will.Lack of experience, lack of preparation, lack of bodily defenses meant that she was too open. Zatanna gasped as she felt it. Her blood began to almost sizzle under her skin. The disgust she'd felt at the cold touch, the revulsion at having a revolting demonic tongue lashing her virginity, the anger at being put into this position, it all began to fade. The tongue simply felt warmer and wetter, teasing against her. The heat it brought pulsed stronger and stronger within the magician. The chill from behind twisted into raw, aching pleasure. More heat. Just more of it. Her bloodburned with it. Her sex soon began melting before the tongue. Raw, virginal juices started to gather, trembling along tight, virginal lips. It gathered about them, mixed with saliva. It glazed her upper thighs, drizzled down quivering pale legs. Streams leaked into her tall boots... and a few droplets of her raw want started hitting the pentagram."No...' Zatanna breathed, she whimpered as she felt her body trembling. The pleasure was reaching new heights, overwhelming her last stores of will. The magician's head snapped back, raven hair threatening to lash the wraith behind. Painted lips twisted between teeth as Zatanna fought mightily against what was rising within her. The climax had essentially started. She felt it jostling inside her. The magics had hit against her womb, twisted her natural pulses into something akin to an animal's heat. It was her body Zatanna could feel it, could feel the magic reworking, rewriting her. Skin turned more sensitive. Want blossomed. Blood pounded into key areas. Yet her head thrashed, her body jerked. She could fight this! She had to! It didn't matter that the wet tongue was lathering her drooling sex. It was orgasmic juices, not just the bits of arousal, and no way would she cum from this! It it felt so good! It was better than anything she'd ever felt before. The magician's chest rose and fall with rapidity, as if she were suddenly hyperventaliting. Her body curled repressed orgasm building. Oh, the poor teenager didn't realize that it was all too likely that the stronger her climax, the more powerful the magic's hold upon her. If she did, perhaps she'd have encouraged it, came a little, let a small, insignificant climax shudder from her increasingly needy frame. But no, Zatanna fought. She could do this!Until her anal muscles contorted around something cold. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" chanted Zatanna, head flailing from side to side, body writhing. Finally, much ,much too late: "On, on, on, on, POTS! POTS!" she twisted the words backwards, turning what might have been some sort of childish chant or insanity into her spells. Raw magic did pour from her as her orgasm rocketed through her body. Girlish juices squirted forth in one little spurt, splattering the demon's face perhaps getting lower as the poor magician both rocketed through her climax and burst out with a quite impressive display of magical force.
The glee of the demon couldn't be repressed as the sweet slippery juices of Zatannas climax swept down her legs and stained the pentagram etched floor beneath with her glistening wetness. At that moment, the deed was done, the magic sealed into her flesh and further strengthened by the sheer forcefulness of her own body's betrayal. The duo that had brought about her sexual awakening, had infiltrated her body with their violations were so far focused on drawing her to a heady climax that the spell she wrought sent them flying back into the shadows beyond the glow of the wildly flickering candle lights.As their forms vanished from sight, lost in the dark boundaries surrounding her, the faint sound of the spell that reverberated and echoed in the background of her panting breaths could be heard one last time before it went silent. "Azh'nek... Tunokc Viagro Indelimontay... Undyvirgun...."Time seemed to stand still for the young magician as she felt the shackles of that sex magic binding with her body. Locking her in it's undeniable clutches. Research would most certainly be needed for the talented young practitioner of magics to decipher just how screwed she was, but what happened next offered a glimpse of insight into the depth of danger she was in now.From the pitch black ebony darkness before her those twin little slits of red evil eyes shined upon her. The shape of the demonic serpents grinning maw flickered in the faint fringes of the red candles weak light. The curling ridged wide and sweeping white horns stood out in the black that framed around their intimidating shape. His words, slithering out of his mouth though caused the air that swirled around Zatanna to chill her to the core."Begone, never to return to this sanctuary of evil. Your mark makes it so. I shun you from this place, and send you back from whence you came." The pulse of magic rocked her to her core as blinding light warped around her in the center of that unholy marking. She landed, unceremoniously a few feet off the ground and awkwardly found herself deposited with plop of her bared rear upon the dirty soil of the ground just outside the entrance to the underpass of the tunnel."Run to tell your father of this, fall to his knees and beg for help. But you know in your heart that he would gladly trade his very soul to rescue yours. So go that route, if you wish to see your father taken from you. This is your curse alone to find your way out of, if you dare, young one." As the softly whispered sinister sound of the demon hissed around Zatanna, the echo of falling rock where the tunnel way into the chamber she had just been expelled from erupted as the passage back in was buried by rock and rubble.
Blazing magics burned arousal into Zatanna's flesh, into her verybeing. She could feel it delving deeper, altering her on a fundamental level, the signs of it showing in energies that wafted from her still quivering, still twitching, stillclimaxingframe. The poor magician panted as she managed tosomehow stay upright on wobbly feet, her sex still drooling arousal down her thighs, her body a mess of wanton debauchery. She didn't have anything to steady herself, could only really sway. And she saw the shape. It chilled her, yes.....but it also made the sexual magics within her leap. That shape could provide intense pleasures, could feed her body's new craving. Her sex twitched as she saw it, her blood danced as it spoke of potential. She mumbled a quick protective:"Tcetorp em," in her quivering voice, managing the barest bit of magical defense. It proved fruitful, as his expulsion spell didn't overly damage her, even as her firmly rounded, nearly violated ass hit the cold ground outside. The magician sprawled there, panting, chest heaving as she fought to regain full control over herself.Words helped. She latched, glaring into the dark. "I don't need my father to deal with you, demonic rapist scum," she spat, waving a hand to just send an impressive, but ill aimed jolt of magic toward the tunnel, only to find it blocked by falling rubble. Zatanna lay there panting, soaked thong still pulled about her sex. After a few more moments, she dared reach down. But just putting her fingers near her sex made her gasp. Whimpering, she adjusted her tiny undergarment, but even the slightest movement sent some pleasures through her. Post orgasmic sensitivity met pulsing spellwork, leaving the motions to drag across her. Still, she oriented ,covered her sex and lay there, panting."Ero erotser ym lamron brag..." she panted. Magic coalesced around her. The corset reknit, pushing against her firm breasts, making her wince. Pants reformed, clinging to legs and ass and body, tucking everything together. Belt fell loosely into place, everything settled. Again, Zatanna had to sit there, gather herself for several minutes. Her body still tingled. There would be research to do. But first, first she had to get to the study, to her father's library. No no first would be a shower.A teleportation spell would take the poor magician home. Another would fling her clothes from her form as she stepped, nude, into the shower. Cold water would fight against the pulsing heat, but the girl would still find herself sensitive. The chill reminded her of the wraith's touch, and she found herself arching into the shower, grabbing the wall to brace herself through a tiny orgasm. Magic dried her, and loose clothes aided, and soon she would be looking through books, repeating words as she flicked for answers. She would find out a way, and the next time she met the demons, she would be ready.Though as her sex wept, she wondered what that readiness would entail.
In the dimmed soft light of a tucked away windowless conference room a solitary silhouette sat in a plush leather chair before the oval table that was swept with old parchments etched with primal magics. He was secure in his privacy within the confines of his locked down, magically enchanted and protected abode that doubled as a private law firm that specialized in criminal defense. The goat like mask of some fierce beast with spiraling horns that tightly clung to the side of its shape wouldn't of been worn otherwise.Stacks of information, mainly pertaining to real estate and crime logs were mixed into the archaic jumble of time stained papers sprawled out before the silken black gloves that fitted snug around his hands. Some dated far back into the city's past. Recalled the accounts of serious crimes and the gruesome details of foul events that had occurred throughout Empires history.He was currently reading over a file that detailed a mass gangster styled execution from the roaring fifties. It's location fit perfectly into the sequence needed to complete the desired end of their workings. The malignant energy that lingered there from the brutal shooting squad that gunned down over a dozen members of their own family that had betrayed their Don were certain to provide the needed latent energy. It would be a perfect fit for their third such venture.The second had been finished within the past week. In the bowels of some night club they anonymously had rented out for the weekend. No one saw them come or go, in fact the owner had no idea who had even rented the place out. The offer came, the grounds of the arrangement had been established, and when the owner saw the offered amount he didn't hesitate to accept. Sure it was strange, but doing shady dealings was part and parcel in Empire City. If you wanted to make it, you didn't look a gift horse in the mouth and you sure as hell didn't care what their intentions were. Little did the owner know that within that very cellar under his electro thumping popular club dance club was a horrific history.There wasn't much notice of the brothel that had existed there two centuries ago. But the Cult of Horns had so many methods of discovery at their disposal that it was only matter of time before they traced that plot of lands lineage far enough back to find what they were looking for. Slavery was a thing back then, and fresh off the boats women were brought in from foreign shores for exactly that reason. The brothel, funded by the wealth of a few elite made sure the place was well stocked with exactly the types of women they sought. It didn't help the girls that came to call the whore house their home that one of the men who paid for their acquisition happened to have a taste for whipping girls raw. More then a few passed away from the festering infected he wounds he left them with. That was more then enough for the cult to be satisfied that the location would work.With the first of two already established, three remained to be finished, and all that was needed to tie it all together was something pure, virginal, and corrupted. The etched sigils and glyphs that had been placed would see that someone of such a fitting quality would be drawn to their call. Little did the cult know that it would be found and answered by a magician of considerable talent.They would know soon, the soft glow of a red dot that emerged from the wall across from the masked cultist was alerting him the very moment it happened. His eyes focused on the glowing magical signal that appeared around the top central peak of the pentagrams form which had been scrawled carefully across a map of the city hanging from the wall. Beneath his mask the lawyer grinned ear to ear, the conduit had arrived and the demon that waited for her had done its appointed duty.Faint murmurs of strange incantations fell from the lips of the masked cultist. Fingers drenched in black silk danced and shifted. Powers he knew well were formed and for a moment a visage of the one so chosen appeared, gasping in the center of the pentagram. He knew the face, was aware of the family and their prideful abundantly talented sexy little protege. What a perfect choice his inner thoughts mused, pleased with the outcome.
The tomes of information did reward Zatanna's search, though in fits and starts. She kept pouring over them, eyes almost crossing, almost watering, as she read through various rites and rituals. she didn't see anexact match for what the demon had lain upon her, but there were enough descriptors. One in particular sounded... unnervingly close. Worse were the notes upon it. Zatanna found her heard dropping as she kept reading. apparently the magics literally went in to begin rewriting her desires on a very basic level. Her sexuality would become "like that of the most wanton of women, able to reach climax with the barest of touches." Notations indicated that if the recipient of one of these curses happened to be young , sexually ripe , and magically inclined , then the curse could dig deep. It would "unearth repressed thoughts and ideas to make them reality." Apparently it had also been used to prepare "willing" supplicants for various rituals, training their bodies to be more sexually attuned. There were even notes that indicated that with proper "training," someone under such a spell could have their sexual proclivities altered, so that they mightforever find certain shapes or forms or the like attractive.Surprisingly, that wasn't nearly as disturbing a revelation as the fact that Zatanna's hand had worked its way into her loose, terry cloth shorts and begun stroking herself as she read, to the point where she was very nearly reaching climax as she read about how the very spell placed upon her might make heralways aroused by demons. Groaning, the young woman ran her fingers through her hair, laying her face upon the book. How could she have anticipatedthis? The place had given no indications of that kind of energy or desire or anything of the kind. Plus she'd been toldthese spells were fucking fake."Dammit, daddy," mumbled Zatanna, rubbing at her face. "Your stupid quest to keep baby girl pure is ironically gonna make her want to bang demons. Sure hope that's not an issue with my life of fighting supernatural crime." Having had enough for now, Zatanna allowed herself a fitful sleep. Vague dreams of sensuality assailed her, so that when she woke up, it was with a jerk. The loins of her pajama bottoms were soaked through, with an equal mess upon the sheets below, and her hand still smelled of her own arousal. First a quick cleaning spell, then more curses, as Zatanna went to check on everything else. She'd laid a few sensors across a map of Empire City, designated to look and ping likely locations. Now that she'd confirmed, in the worst possible way, a site, she could recalibrate her previous spell. Yet to her surprise, as she looked at the map, she saw that a location glowed an almost vicious red. Leaning over, Zatanna read the address. From there, it was a quick Google search to find out..."A sleazy nightclub? Seriously? Like... were all the orgy halls taken or something?" she mumbled, rubbing at her face. Well, as an eighteen year old girl who looked fucking hot and already dressed like a gothic nightclub prowler, Zatanna shouldn't have any trouble getting in. She'd have a few spells prepared on hand as well: something to automatically release if her throat mysteriously got closed shut, blockers to save her sex and ass. Unfortunately she knew damn well that attempting to directly counter the arousal with another spell would be pointless. She'd need to rework the exact wording of the curse, and it was literally setting her up as some part of this ritual, probably trying to loop in her position as a magically charged virgin to fuel it. Which, unfortunately, meant her best bet at undoing any curses would be to follow to the seat of power and mutter a counter that ran exactly opposite. Which meant investigating without getting caught. In a place where people all but literally dry rubbed against people. Just thinking about it made Zatanna shiver, and she bit her lip, trying to think of what she could possibly do to help with that. Deadening sensation could backfire, so could numbing her sex. Maybe if she just put something on as an extra control? Like, she'd get a little jolt if she started grinding her hips or trying to self pleasure. Pavlovian training against masturbation or overexciting herself. Should work. And she can enchant her clothing so it would only come off when the wearer opts to remove it. That extra barrier had almost been enough last time, and she could reinforce it this time. It would still potentially suck on the inside, but she could just get used to... cumming with clothes on? Yeah, it wasn't a perfect solution, but it was what she was going to work with. Basic slight behavior mod spell enchant the clothes so only the owner could remove few command word or gesture based spells to free the throat. Then Zatanna cleaned herself... thoroughly . Add some sultry makeup, squeeze into her usual outfit tossing on a leather jacket, and she was strutting to the club, looking at least as hot as most of the people there. And her "fake ID" would look realer than most real ones, so she wouldn't have a problem with that... unless her dad found out.The thought of which just made Zatanna snort as she snuck her way in line, drawing only a bit of attention . Because if dad found out anything about this, the last thing he'd be concerned with was the fake ID.
Zatanna made her way through the long line outside of the vibrant walls of the clubs exterior until she stood before the black padded doors that were at the precipice of the clubs energetic interior. Her fake ID worked like a charm, and her sexy little outfit dispelled the slightest notion that something so fine could be so young. With barely a grunt of approval leaving his lips the barrel chested, bald headed bouncer in the tight black shirt that was marked clear as day in yellow with the word "Security" on it ushered her in.There another smaller line waited in a cramped lobby, she could see the scintillating lights further in. Hear the thudding bass and reverberating tone of inspired dance music calling eagerly to those waiting in line to pay the cover charge to gain entry beyond. Most of all she could feel the heat. The warmth of all the other bodies that were packed around her even in this ventilated lobby. Once the ten dollar cover charge was met, up the steps she went, and the humidity in the air that greeted her was palpable.The place was packed and bustling and after a few steps beyond the stairs that drew her up into the main dance hall she was swallowed up in the crowd. Bodies, mostly attractive, all glistening with beads of perspiration that bumped and ground against one another jostled the petite heroine about. More then a few eyes wandered over her lush form as she worked to navigate her way through the throng. Some athletic toned woman with flowing blonde hair somewhere in her mid twenties that was dressed proactively in a sheer red slip of a dress met Zatanna's eyes. Her own brown gaze was filled with dilated pupils, the sign of being high on something potent. She rolled and rubbed her long curving body up against the magicians like she was some sort of strippers pole before spinning away with a gleeful laugh and looping her arms around some nearby man whose lips she smothered with her own.Off in the far distance, well beyond the shifting bodies that gyrated all around her and past the pair of busy bars that flanked the pulsing dance floor Zatanna saw her goal. The deep red glow of the sign was visible even to someone as slight as her, it was set so high up. The Devils Den. The tracing pull of her magic told her that was where she needed to head, that somewhere beyond it led below. Down into the cellar of the club where the foul energies she was tracking had been gathering. She just needed to squeeze her way through the crowd and slip downstairs. Sounded easy enough.
So far, so good. Zatanna worked her way past the bouncer, everything working quite clearly. Though Zatanna knew from teenage experience that quite frequently bouncers and club owners were willing to look the other way if a hot piece of ass wandered into their view. One like Zatanna? At literal superheroine levels? Dressed in skintight clothing and rocking the near gothic lolita look? She could've been sixteen instead of eighteen and probably still would've been able to sneak into a bar .The teenager did feel that slight thrill of excitement as she stepped into the club proper. Thudding bass met her pulse, driving her, and the magician's hips swayed slightly. Ugh, she almost wished that this wasn't some sort of dark front for demonic magics. Getting out and moving, just enjoying herself and letting herself go in a relatively safe environment, that sounded almost heavenly to the magician. But no, she had to worry about the crush of bodies, seeing each partygoer as a potential victim, a bystander, someone she'd have to watch out for. As if that weren't enough, her still sensitive body reacted to the throbbing heat. Her pulse pounded hot into her veins, bringing a slight flush to her usually ivory tinged skin. At least she was able to dampen herself down: take deep breaths, focus on her goal, simply act like a teenager out enjoying herself.Which meant flashing smiles, wiggling hips, trying to look like she was having fun without quite entering full flirty mode. A blonde distracted her, and for a few moments, Zatanna wondered if she hadn't met a cultist or a demonic force or someone enchanted. But no: just someone high on the good stuff. Zatanna found herself almost giggling as the woman rolled against her, though the contact rubbed along the magician's sensitive body, ending her near giggle with a shiver. Still, it seemed like Zatanna had at least gotten used to her sensitive body enough that so long as she didn't start grinding, or stare too long at the various attractive bodies, or think about sex, or let her hands drift, she could focus alright. Her sex tingled slightly as if reacting, and she did feel some slight tension in her chest. Nothing she couldn't ignore.There! Zatanna grinned as she saw the cellar hideaway.I don't know if that's brilliant or incredibly stupid. She thought, her lips twisting into a wry smile. Hide the demonic energy in plain sight? Well, this was Empire City: you could get away with that shit here. She worked her way across the floor, dancing and moving, until she was finally sliding her way there, getting closer and closer to heading down into whatever lay below. Probably some kind of private club with a few people, likely involving some kind of dark, despicable acts of some kind. Ugh, she really hoped it wasn't some kind of creepy murder den or, like, a whorehouse or something.
Now with the luxury of a focal point drawing her steps towards a visible goal Zatanna was able to hastily work her way through the crowd until she came out relatively unscathed on the other side. There the red neon sign loomed over her and back lit a solid wooden door that was stained pure black. A sleek red expensive looking embroidered carpet swept towards the door and as the magicians black heels touched down upon the carpet, the door swung open as if by magic. But it wasn't magic, perhaps Zatanna could feel the faint tell tale shift of a pressure plate hidden under the rug that triggered the door to swing open.Another lobby awaited beyond the door. Inside the small chamber were another pair of muscle bound men clad in the tight black security shirts. They both peered towards the small vixen and her gothic attire as she entered the room. They flanked the walls beyond the door and sat on sturdy stools, while straight ahead was a bleak black curtain that was drawn shut. Both of the bouncers looked Zatanna up and down, before one of them tilted his crop top brown hair covered head to the side and addressed her."First timer, huh?" He didn't bother to let her reply. "Look, as cute as you are, the rules are the rules. You want to go down into the Devils Den you wear what the devil tells ya to wear." The other man was already reaching over to draw the curtain open and it revealed a large vertical mirror that was framed by the parted dark of the curtain. Zatanna's reflection shown in crystal clear clarity as the bouncer continued to ramble on."Just look at the mirror, it'll show ya what he wants you to wear in order to go downstairs and play." There was an electric flicker on the mirror, which was likely some high tech reflective screen. Elaborate illusions weren't something that Zatanna practiced much of but she knew enough about them to know when one was staring her in the face. Her reflection shifted, the clothing on her body melding away and reforming until it was replaced with a rather impressive vision of some scandalous attire.A black lace fishnet body suit covered her from the tips of her toes all the way to the ample bosom of her chest. It hugged every curve and fit her like a glove. A purple bustier covered her belly, sucked her already thin hips in even further and pushed her proud breasts out further. A sleek matching purple pair of shorts that were cut oh so short framed her crotch just enough to not be totally lewd. Purple gloves that ran up to the middle of her biceps swept down her arms, while another accessory of purple was around her neck like a collar. Then of course were the purple leather boots with the high heels that curled up to the mid point of her thighs. Lastly, and most alarmingly were the tassels of purple that seeming were attached by little suction cups that smothered the shape of her nipples. They swayed about as they dangled down from her perky breasts in the reflection.With a flash the mirror swung around, rotating like a hidden secret passage in a wall. It stopped when the mirror was on the other side and a simple set of hooks that held the very garments she had just witnessed hung on display. "Well, it's up to you. Strip down and change, you'll get your clothes back, or turn around and get back out on the dance floor." The bouncer smirked with a sly grin, obviously one of the perks of this job was the free shows they received.
Another bouncer? Well, of course, this was the private area, but Zatanna felt her body tensing, readying for combat. She did have enough basic, hand to hand training that she couldprobably go toe to toe with two normal meatheads that weren't expecting her. With a little magical push she could go against some even better ones. For now though, it seemed like sneaking through would be better. After all, apparently they hadn't ID'd her as Zatanna and or there wasn't some sort of watch out for her. Therewere quite a few superheroine cosplay sorts out there, and it wasn't like Zatanna had made huge wavesyet ."Aww, does it show?" she asked at his question, pouting in her best seductive, schoolgirl manner. The motion usually entailed pushing her arms together slightly to increase her bustline , but as she shifted to do so, she felt her corset dragging over her nipples. The motion made her shiver slightly, and she simply froze, listening to the instructions. Ugh, she should've half expected some kind of dress code. But Zatanna had figured that her own fairly sexy superheroine gear would be enough to get her through. Well, that plus the natural hotness that was her tight, teenage body. Again, she was going to play along, offering a head bob and turning to face the mirror. Those clear blue eyes paid close attention, making note of what was happening. It did look like tech, though how they were able to get tech advanced enough to match body shape and select outfits on the fly was a bit beyond Zatanna. She made a note to possibly send some info along to some other teenage superheroines. Batgirl was particularly awesome at hacking, so if anyone could manage it, she could. Might be a lead worth exploring. For now, Zatanna just watched the offered outfit. Definitely sexy, and apparently made of some impressive material. not... too different from what she had on? Less skin tight pants and more shorts, but with the fishnets, she'd about be covered anyway. There was some worry about the fact that said fishnets might drag across specific.. areas, but she'd have to deal. However, seeing the tassels near her breasts made the teenager go scarlet. Shouldn't the bustier just go up? Because having something like that... when she was already this sensitive. Her nipples would be bullets for the entire time she was down there.Whoosh! Zatanna jumped, almost gasping as she saw the outfits. Brow furrowed, she stepped forward, noting the utter lack of fabric, and checked. How, the hell, did they get, her size right? Like... the tech to do that was just they'd be making enough money off that alone. The comment had her looking over her shoulder, and she flushed. Obviously they wanted to watch. And obviously she had to do this. This was her best lead. and she had to get this damn spell dispelled. And she wasn't about to back down for something this simple. So Zatanna took a deep breath, and rolled her eyes, smiling."Jeez, you guys worried I'm wired or something?" she teased, reaching down to undo her boots. They clunked free quickly enough as her dexterous fingers undid them. "Bet you guys see all kinds of hot girls though, huh? I'm probably, like, an eight for you guys?" Yes, it was compliment fishing, because the only way Zatanna wouldn't be a "10" was if you didn't like teen flesh or you'd fucking seen Wonder Woman naked . Boots off, Zatanna undid her pants, moving quickly, but carefully. She was soon wiggling them down, leaving yet another tiny thong. the current one was a bare strip of black this time, with an actual swimsuit style for... absorbancy. She adjusted it quickly, moving almost immediately to yank the bodysuit upward. Jacket off: corset hooks quickly dispatched, teenage breasts bounding free, nipples erect. Zatanna shimmied the rest of the bodysuit up, carefully avoiding fabric to nipple contact. Standing there, she had to pause, taking several deep breaths. The cool air on her sensitive flesh felt good, and the shifting fishnet against her skin was taking some getting used to. "Okay, shorts," said Zatanna, nodding, wishing she had fucking magic. She reached down, grabbed them, held them, and stepped in. They were snug. Almost too snug. She had to wiggle them up her hips, dragging all the way. They nearly dug into her sex, and she bit her lip, barely suppressing a moan as her body shuddered, the contact of snug fabric smashing against her tiny thong and trapping her sex. She had to pause, leaving them for a bit. "Oops, almost forgot," she said, snagging the gloves and rolling them up, needing the relative break to get herself garbed there. Once gloved, she could at least finish getting the shorts into position.Then the bustier... not too bad. Lacing it felt snug, and her impressive breasts felt about ready to explode from her chest. Okay, collar thing next, purple around the neck. Then Zatanna fingered the little tassels. Dammit, I don't have a clue how to get these things on. Am I supposed to lick them or squeeze? Zatanna looked over to the guys, smiling ruefully, trying to act like she stood around in sexy clothing half naked all the time . "One of you care to help me figure out how these go on? First timer and all." And yes, she knew damn well she was effectively walking into a trap. But at least they wouldn't suspect a girl who pretty much said I give you permission to maul my tits. hopefully, anyway.
The other bouncer who was a little more lean, yet still impressively built swung his legs out from the stool and stood up as he smiled towards Zatanna. "Yeah, sure, if you don't mind me touching your breasts, I'll put em on for ya." He stepped over to gather up the pasty tassels and flipped them over, his eyes squinting at the interior of the slick plastic cups.The other man simply leaned back against the wall and perched his fist against the side of his chin as he watched with bemusement in his eyes. He'd seen his fair share of smoking hot numbers come and go through this lobby and change in and out of their clothing often enough now that he managed to contain his arousal. Besides, more then a few had performed eagerly for their enjoyment. Part of him hoped he was going to get another fine show from this raven haired beauty undressing before him."They got some kind of tacky adhesive on them." The man with a chiseled jawline turned back towards Zatanna as he reached out with one hand and cupped the full curving weight of the bottom or her right breast. "I don't think, they need to be licked." His brown eyes and slender brows were drawn into the blue of her eyes for a moment. Zatanna could see the attraction the man had for her in the predatory tint that narrowed his gaze before he looked away from her eyes to his hand that was cupping her breast."Just hold steady. Nice, uhm, boob by the way. Fucking firm." He grinned as he focused on the rosy color of her stiffened nipple as he drew the first tassel towards it. It smothered over the bud, and the mans fingers twisted the cap around until the suction pulled the sensitive flesh tight against the cool smooth rubber that enveloped. His middle finger gave a little teasing flick against the side of her breast right next to the secured tassel. Her flesh jiggled from the playful strike, but the tassel remained firm even as it's purple strands swayed from side to side."Do you want me to do the other one to?" The man asked as his hand stroked the warm fishnet covered shape of her breast before it fell away and he looked to the last remaining tassel.
Great, one to help, and one to watch. Zatanna made a mental note to kick at least one of these guys in the groin, or maybe mutter a spell that would make them limp the next time they tried harassing some poor girl who wandered in here .Though judging from the whole setup, it wasn't like there was anyone coming down here on accident.Not the only thing around here that's tacky. Zatanna thought as the guy reached forward. Just feeling those fingers grazing against her sensitive breast sent shivers throughout her. She felt the blood rushing, making that perky pink nipple practically pop for attention. The magician licked her lips as she suppressed the burning sensation his continued touch did. To his credit, he wasn't mauling her or doing anything too pervy, considering everything. In truth, Zatanna was a bit impressed. "Gee, thanks. I am rather attached to both of them," quipped Zatanna, grinning tightly. She felt him moving, and she watched him twist, and then press. She couldn't suppress the sharp inhale of breath, her body rocking forward. Just feeling that cold against her nipple reminded her of the wraith's earlier mauling. Sensory memory hit her hard, raw pleasure washing through her, curling her toes and making her gasp for a few seconds, way overreacting to just having something attached. She let out another little squeal at his second flip, biting her lip as it bounced."no, I think you did enough. I got it from here," she said, gently reaching a hand up to pull him away. She moved quickly, grabbing the other tassel. She could see the slight adhesive, and how the thing sort of split, like a mouth trying to grab the nipple. Up, twist, press. Zatanna let out another quick yelp, biting her lip as she accidentally twisted her own nipple in her frenzy. She had to reorient, which meant twisting back, to get it to stay in place. Another press, and Zatanna let it go slowly, feeling the tassel falling. Of course, neither adornment did much to sag Zatanna's gravity defying breasts."So," she said, bobbing her head, "i'm all sexed up. Time for me to get into the Den proper, right? Girl's gotta get her hell on." And get close to a ritual. Because the sooner Zatanna undid this fucking curse on her, the better, particularly since motions were making her stripper tassels bob, which pulled at her nipples, which did all kinds of things to her body.
"Yeah, you sure are all sexed up and ready to go." The bouncer couldn't help but laugh a little at the exuberance that Zatanna falsely portrayed. "Have a good time, babe." He gave her a wink as he and the other man settled back onto their respective stools. His hand gestured towards the empty rack of clothing which lifted upwards, revealing a small circular room beyond it. There was a narrow doorway, perhaps where the clothing set on the racks came from and a spiraling stair case that drove straight down.Once through the opening, the mulit purpose mirror lowered back into place, effectively sealing off the exit. Any check on the door would reveal it was locked, but it was quite apparent from the dim red glowing led lights on the edges of the downward spiraling steps, which way the den was. Downward her little feet took her, the walls quickly shifting to a dungeon like feel around her as thick blocks of uneven stone replaced smooth walls. She could hear the thudding of industrial music growing louder and more fierce with every further step that was ventured below.Near the end, the stairs flattened out wider and opened up into a parlor. There was a moderate crowd in the place, most everyone was dressed in some sort of provocative attire. Ass cheeks showed, bared belly's were on display, all highlighted by a variety of scandalous garb. The Devils Den very much had a BDSM theme to the place. Chains, stocks, frames, and other such contraptions were common place. Through it all Zatanna's eyes saw the marks of the cult, they were visible to her, but she knew they had been hidden from mortal view by deceptive magics. The pentagram stood just a few simple steps away from her in the center of this room and on the far wall, she saw the mark of the Cult of Horns. It was the same as before, pitch black circle etched upon the wall, with pure white horns rising up and curling out to the sides.Several eyes, both male and female gazed towards the new arrival. There was hunger in their inquisitive looks. Lofted brows and twitched smiles flashed her way. One man was so bold as to slide up behind her and run his hand along her hip as he murmured into her ear. "Haven't seen you here before." He had long silken black hair, dark as her own. Green emerald eyes that shined with a sultry exotic quality. The smell of the mans cologne was subtle, but rich of a cool spring morning in some tranquil forest. "Let me buy you a drink." He murmured without pause as he slipped his arm about her waist. Little bands of leather and decorative rings that were rather gothicly inspired were collected upon his wrist and fingers as he went to lean against Zatanna and draw her towards the bar.
"Planning on it " Zatanna called over her shoulder as she flounced forward, adding a little sahke to the hips. She was soon heading down the stairs, glad that she wore the heeled boots and was thus all kinds of confident in moving in them. However, once she got out of sight, Zatanna did decide that her outfit needed at least a small alteration: the stripper tassels were going to go. "Nrut eht slessat otni gnihtemos lacitcarp," she incanted, snapping her fingers to release the magic. It swirled about, altering the purple tassels. But apparently her own sexual desires got a bit in the way, not to mention the spell's relative lack of specificity. Instead of purple suction cups with tassels, Zatanna found her breasts quickly encircled with what amounted to tape. It stuck to her chest, winding around in the same coloration as everything else. Though where it was supposed to meet in the center, it formed stars, each one with a flattened nipple in the center. The sudden change made the teenager pause for a moment, glancing down. She guessed that was an.... improvement? It would be harder to get off, she guessed, but just as easy, if not easier to tease.No matter she just had to get below. Zatanna hurried the rest of the way, feeling the heat and the sexual energy. It pulsed against the demonic enchantment upon the pretty teen, drawing her inward even though she didn't fully realize it. Magic knew magic like drew unto like. The poor little thing was practically prancing in, brimming with confidence yet again and, admittedly, this time much better prepared than before. It didn't surprise Zatanna at all to see the various markings, the cult adornments. And while there was a momentary shock at seeing the various... lifestyle bits, that too faded. It kinda explained the outfit, and the feel, and the requirements. Clearly they used the sexual energy that a club like this provided or it was the same inverse thing before this place had been used as something kinky beforehand. Zatanna cursed herself for not checking up on that: she should know going in! One more thing to send to Batgirl. At least she saw the pentagram and was heading that way, almost making a straight line for it. Of course, that meant she was definitely not ready for the man to just sidle up to her, even with his intoxicating scent.Zatanna outright jumped as he touched her mostly bared waist. "What? oh, hi," she managed, smiling up at him. She let out a nervous giggle, letting him lead her. Because she couldn't exactly give herself away. And a quick spell could undo anything he might put into the drug. His touch was making her nervous though, tying her stomach up, reminding her that she was way more vulnerable right now than she really wanted to be. She eyed his various adornments, looking to see anything that looked cultish or even just occult. "I'm super new to all this, but it all sounded way exciting and kinda hot. So I figured why not dive in, right?" she ended with a giggle, letting her eyes flick to the pentagram, studying it, distracted as they got close to the bar and the promised "drink."
The lean figure of that man had to be maybe twice Zatanna's age, a fully matured man with well defined features and quite a disarming smile. His arm settled behind her back as he led the much shorter younger girl up towards the uncrowded bar. The feeling of his hand, half on her shapely ass and half on her wide hips acted like it belonged there. His eyes looked downward towards her, those deep green piercing iris's seeming to undress her, inspect her, and invite her to do the same to him."So, you just want to dive right in, huh?"He asked coyly as his hand slapped firmly across her ass."Plenty of opportunity for that down here. No strings attached." His palm moved to the dainty dip in her back and led her to edge of the bar.Most of the people present, perhaps two dozen with a scattering more were engaged in little gatherings dispersed through out the parlor. A soft groan rose up from a booth set in the corner of the room, and at a glance Zatanna could see a man crouched beneath the table, his face buried in between the legs of a luscious blonde number whose hands strolled over her own bared breasts. There was another couple at the bar, a pair of women that seemed to be getting awfully exploratory towards one another with their hands. The red head of those two had a full view of Zatanna and she offered a wink to the young magician and gestured her to join them with a waggle of her fingers before she lowered her mouth to the side of the neck of the other woman who let out a sharp muted squeal of delight. In the distance, from some unseen room that branched off of this main chamber the sound of a whip could be heard cracking the air. A mans cries of agony rose up, but there was a definite mix of ecstasy in his tone.Her escort seemed to pay little attention to those erotic background noises as he stroked his hand over Zatanna's fishnet clad thigh. The lustrous black paint of his nails demanded her attention as he rubbed his palm gracefully across her thigh. "We'll have two shots of Sambuca."He called out to the bartender who nodded in response before delving into the fridge."Have you ever had it, it's a licorice flavored liquor, best served chilled. I think you'll like, and it should help loosen you up."The words were whispered into her ear as the mysterious man leaned in to let his warm breath wash over her.The drinks arrived shortly after, served in rocks glasses that had been plucked out of the same fridge. Once they hit the air of the Den, they frosted and chilled over as the milky white liquor was poured generously into them. Her companion slid her glass over to her hand, the tip of his index finger dipping into the swirling milky liquid."Try a taste"He murmured as he offered her mouth the tip of his liquor coated nail before he moved to lift his own his own."To diving in." He gave her a playful grin as he offered up his glass for a toast before downing his drink in one fell swoop."You know, you look familiar, like I've seen you on social media or something." The barkeep who was dressed in a fitting black tux smiled towards her. "Are you a pin up model? I mean I swear you got the looks for it." He leaned back against the bar, crossing his arms before himself.That's when it struck Zatanna, when she saw the reflection in the mirror of the man next to her upon the liquor lined shelf behind the bartender. In that reflection, he was no man. His skin was was charcoal black, running with veins of red, filled with muscle and wafting ashen smoke that spewed up around his form. Then there were the horns, curling goat like things, but the eyes were the same, except they burned like intense green flames.Unknown to Zatanna, but probably suspected, her drink was indeed touched with ill intentions. A prepared spell, stored within the demons finger suffused the liquor with an enchantment meant to muddle speech. If she drank it full, it would no doubt take some great force of will to throw of the powerful magic, but perhaps, if she just had a sip, she might stand a better chance.
The slap made Zatanna jump. The smack, the sudden blow, the... unwanted? touch surprised her in and of itself. More surprising was the warmth that spread afterward, her body remembering the manhandling, the spell pumping arousal into her veins. It didn't help that literallyeverything around the magician spoke to sex and sexuality. The dancing, the barely dressed people, the fact that everyone just looked... amazing. Not to mention the various more... illicit activities going on. This place might've garnered superhero attention even if ithadn't been a den for spells and dark magicks. Though Zatanna did suppose that if everyone came here of their own free will and there weren't any illegal certainly did seem like that woman over there was enjoying herself. Zatanna flushed, averting her eyes, having to essentially turn back to the bar, and unfortunately put her back to the symbol itself. Another touch almost made her jump, and she glanced down, seeing the hand on her almost bared thigh. Okay, she couldn't just tense up. She was supposed to be a daring young thing sneaking down here for a good time. It probably wouldn't take much for a guy to recognize that she looked underage: Zatanna had that whole youthful innocence, not helped by the big, blue eyes. Usually her impressive figure helped pass the illusion, along with her usual confidence. The latter was proving a bit harder, what with the sounds of erotic whipping behind and a hand stroking her all too sensitive flesh."That sounds awesome," she allowed, slightly surprised by her honesty. She added a girlish giggle, looking up at the man, not quite batting her eyelashes. "I don't think I need a whole lot of loosening up though, do you ?" she gave a little wiggle of her hips, adding just a bit of flirty gyration to the movement. Glancing away for a moment, letting her eyes wander, Zatanna whispered to herself: "Llud eht stceffe fo gurd dna knird," a rather standard, partying spell, really. That way someone could drink or smoke or do whatever to great excess. It should also help her fight against any alcohol, though, well, she had been the sort to sneak some of daddy's alcohol or to sneak out drinking before. Oh, and her little benefactor gave her another opportunity for "innocent" flirting. The teen offered up another giggle, opening painted lips just enough to take in the finger. She let her mouth close about him, blue eyes looking up coquettishly, a smile on her lips as she let her cheeks cave just a moment. It actually did taste pretty good, so she barely had to fake the lips mack that followed. Soon she was adding a giggle, reaching for her drink. She raised it, ready to down the offering, only to stop as a question drew her attention back to the bar. She opened her painted black lips to reply...Only to pause at that reflection. Shit, seriously? There's ALL these people here, and I find the one demon? Or are there more? Dammit, and I'd just sucked his finger like a stupid slut! If there's some kind of enchantment, he could've just dropped it straight into my mouth. Damn, damn, damn!"Hey ," Zatanna tried, noting and fighting a wince at the slight slur to her words, "I mean you m mighta seen my inschtagram?" Dammit, she already sounded slightly drunk! She swallowed, licking her lips. "S some pe people think I kinda look like like Wonder Woman?" she offered, smiling and tilting her head. "So so sorry, thish drink's a bit heavier than I'm ushed to," she offered, holding up her hands, fingers parted just a bit. There, she could just play it up a little, make them drop their guard. She should be able to do any spells she practiced, so long as they didn't require certain... sounds. Fuck. But improvising, her literal specialty was gonna be tough, and that's assuming that the rest of the drink wasn't cursed... and Zatanna was desperately trying to think of a reason beyond this thing is strong not to drink. Ugh, and if she were supposed to be a teenager sneaking in here she'd want to drink too! Hell, Zatanna almost did just to loosen herself up. And she wasn't sure she could really hide some sort of counter when she wasn't sure what the fuck it was supposed to be doing!
"Wonder Woman, huh?" The bartender shifted and angled his head as if the simple motion was going to allow him to view Zatanna in a completely different light. "She has a younger sister, or something doesn't she? Wonder Girl, I could totally see that. I mean, isn't Wonder Woman a lot taller then you are?" The barkeep seemed to be enjoying the idle conversation, but the next words were obviously flirtatious. "Whatever, I've seen a lot down here and your one in a million in my book." He offered an easy going smile and wink, but the call from the redhead drew his attention and then his presence away, leaving her alone with the disguised fiend that was stroking higher and higher up her toned thigh.The tips of his nails dragged across her skin, plucking the fishnet stocking like they were strings of an instrument. They swirled about, touched and teased at every inch of flesh and tight fitting garment they passed over. The nub of his thumb lazily traced over the puffy shape of her mound while his other hand, free of his drink gave hers a gentle nudge."It's my favorite, not to strong, but oh so tasty." He reached over for one small pearly white candle that was nearby to offer up some sort of normal ambiance that just contrasted everything else."Let me ask you, have you ever had wax dripped all over your body before?" His fingertip curled over the rim of the flickering candle and dipped into the pool of white wax spread out about it. "It can be, rather thrilling a feeling."His hand drew back from the candle, and wandered right over to her wrist.Strong fingers settled around the narrow joint, transferring a smear of warm white wax onto her pale skin. His grasp led her hand towards the white candle with a firm, yet suggestively gentle grace. "Dip your finger it, get it nice and wet, then let a drop fall into your cleavage, tell me you don't like it, just the thought of it makes you horny as hell I bet?"He was already pulling her wrist up so her hand dangled near the lip of the candle and his eyes burrowed into hers as if demanding she do what he said.
"Well, yeah, she's a freaking amaszon!" Zatanna replied, laughing slightly. She smiled, feeling flushed from all the compliments. The bartender actually seemed completely normal: no weird demon thing going on, just a pretty nice guy who was pretty decent at flirting. And seeing as this place was literally loaded with dozens of hot, half dressed women? Yeah, Zatanna was feeling pretty sexy right now. Of course, she wasn't exactly dressed like a nun herself, something that became more apparent to her as a hand drifted further up her thigh. Zatanna had to fight trembling as it got closer and closer. She told herself to look at the mirror, to remember what he looked like.Which was actually really dumb, as she realized as soon as she did it. the spell had literally started training her to be aroused by demons. Which meant that seeing a demonic form as it touched her spelled sex? She couldn't hide the lip bite, or the slight undulation of her curvy form. That strong spike of pleasure was definitely magically driven, but it still burned her sex all the same. It lit that smoldering fire, heating her from the inside. And he kept teasing, making her body squirm along the bar. She had to take a few deep breaths, leaning forward, trying to hide her mounting arousal. Fortunately for her, the "brilliant" tape situation on her chest at least hid her nipples, though a slight flush crawled over them. And at least the dangerously short shorts covered her sex.Her eyes flicked to the candle. "Um, not all over, no?" she tried, slightly confused. she barely remembered where she happened to be, blue eyes locked on the dancing flame. Thrilling? Well, there would be that spark of pain, the rising heat, already Zatanna could guess the sensation. Her hand rolled almost as if his words coaxed, and she saw her wrist bared up at him. Soon warmth spread, and she hissed, feeling that sharp of pain. It cooled, leaving a mark upon her flesh, but the sensation had faded heat into her body. the spell, having latched onto the vision and the touch, started its devilish work translating it.Zatanna giggled at his suggestion. "Um, okay? I guess all the wet talk is kinda get me, well, you know," another giggle. Zatanna paused, licking herself. "This just feel so wrong " she admitted, some of the giggles dropping. She could see her painted nail going ttoward the wax. Heat washed over her, and she raised it, watching the warm liquid bubbling onto her flesh. Just a drop drizzled down, hitting where the tape left some of her cleavage bared. Zatanna hissed, flinching, looking up at him with a wince. "it mostly just feels... kinda burning? But a bit warm and wet, I guess " she squirmed, feeling that heat rising within her. This just felt so wrong, but it also felt so naughty and just was there really something wrong in going along with this whole candle thing? not like he was sticking his hand down her shorts or something.
The demonic doppleganger leaned his shoulder gently down against her, letting his weight slowly settle over her bared shoulder and bicep."Or maybe, it feels good, because your a naughty girl at heart." The movements of his hands between her legs grew more daring, precise as it came to settle at the very apex of her thigh, where it merged into her hips. His hand translated more warmth towards her tightly snug pink virgin sex, sitting merely an inch away as it was. The strolling workings of his pinky finger touched over the edges of her there. Nudged at the slight bump it made. Ticked at the fabric covering it."That's why you came here, isn't it, to cum in ways that you've only ever experienced in your lustful dreams?"His fingertip dipped back down into the liquor that sat barely touched before her. It swirled lazily about the contents, collecting it upon his skin once more."It's a fairly normal thing, to want to explore. Completely, normal. I'm sure you have plenty of stories about how you've touched yourself. Played with your clit."There was a low breathless quality to his voice as it sounded almost hypnotic in its pleasant inviting nature. "Spread your pink, wide open."His lips were hovering in a way that she could almost feel them touching her lobe. The movements of his finger had ceased their collection of sweet liquor and began to rise up from the frosted glass. "I'll make you climax, in ways you never thought of even in your dreams, little girl."The fingertip turned and pointed towards her glossy purple lips. It pressed forwards slowly, moving like a dramatic slow motion sequence in some tense moment of a film."Go on, suck it right off. Then we'll get into having some real, fun." The demons hand shifted and drew itself over the shape of her sex beneath those tight fitting purple high cut short shorts. Not entirely by coincidence, that movement and sudden fondle happened in conjunction with the press of his liquor coated finger towards her lips.
Was she? Was Zatanna naughty? She did cast magic and she was an eighteen year old who'd lied, sneaked, and literally magicked her way into a BDSM club... wait, no, that was just the demon's silky, serpentine tone and logic. Just like his slithering touch, moving in on her sex. Zatanna tried closing her thighs slightly, but she could feel him getting closer and closer. Her sex was just too well cupped by the tight, tight shorts: whoever had selected these knew her size and shape too well... and had opted for something that clung so tightly to her that it was almost making matters worse. Her tiny, still enchanted, thong wasn't going to offer more. And just knowing that a demon touched her was making Zatanna's body react, that magic working.Oh, and he was talking like a character from some smutty romance novel. Zatanna watched as she teased the liquor, eyes watching. Stories about playing with herself? Masturbating? Zatanna flushed."I don't usually need to do that all that often..." she replied, trying to play coy, to act like maybe, just maybe, she meant that people teased her instead. In truth, prior to this whole spell thing, she hadn't really found that much need for regular masturbation. But she had a feeling that was going to change. Hot breath already started ripping promises, even as Zatanna saw liquid she just knew was enchanted dripping.His words slithered their way into Zatanna's mind. The heroine herad them, and she knew she heard them on several levels. Her primitive, enchanted brain knew full well that each and every syllable the demon spoke had truth. He promised an eventuality, something that knew how to deliver on several levels... delicious climaxes. Pretty sure I've already had at least one orgasm like you're promising... though the thought just reminded Zatanna of that wrenching, powerful moment in that basement. She flushed again, finding herself riveted. That finger drew closer, while another moved to work against her. Fuck, he made this sound good. And she couldn't just, like, slide away. That wouldn't look at all like the whole flirty teenager she was trying to be, not while he was being way too good at this.As if it mattered: Zatanna's lips had already started parting before her brain had finished offering excuses. Perfectly painted purple lips circled about the offered finger. They closed, wrapping heat around it. Zatanna closed her eyes, the sharp, delicious flavor filling her mouth. She knew, knew that it was going to interfere with her ability to speak, that somehow he fucking knew that her magic was tied to that. But she couldn't help but suck again. That flare of arousal spread more heat from her core, and her hips rolled toward him. Maybe... maybe that was the answer? Let him coax a simple orgasm with touches or whatnot get close to the pentagram, and then do her thing?Didn't matter: Zatanna was sucking that offered finger like it produced the delicious liquid itself, even bobbing her head slightly, pulling away only belatedly, seeming to realize what she was doing. Her lips twisted in a bite, eyes averting, wholly embarrassed that she just... let herself get drawn in like that, but still trying to see a way to to keep doing it? Fuck, her mind and body were just at war here, and every answer and no answer sounded good.
"That was good, really good."His head tilted, shifted so the side of his forehead brushed against the highest perch of her cheek bone. The corner of his lips swept over her skin, brushed up along the corner of her own purple stained ones. "Why don't you finish up your drink and we'll go someplace, private?" His index finger stroked right across the seam of her sex, pressing smooth sleek purple fabric down into ridged pink lips.His freshly suckled finger and the rest of that hand moved to claim hers once more by the wrist and drew it across the top of the bar until it was saddled up by her drink. Still the finger dared to stroke, molding the purple shorts down into her, as if they could fit much tighter. His fingers played along hers, tapped and danced delicately across them. Then it drew away, the black nail of his middle finger parting form her purple gloved arm lastly before his hand swept and slipped under his black and red vest."I have something I want you to try. Trust me." He murmured sweetly against the side of her lips, almost kissing them with his words."Just close your eyes." He spoke reassuringly, as he drew a black velvet blindfold from his hidden pockets depths. The velvet smooth glaze of saliva from the tip of his tongue slid along the furthest corner of her bottom lip as went to draw the blindfold up, his finger slowing to a casual pace across the heat of her sex. "Trust me. We're just getting started with you, and you want that, that's why your here. Because you chose to be."
Did it count as being seduced if you were aware of it? Zatanna almost felt like a passenger in her own body. She knew it was happening, knew this demon creature was playing into the spell, knew he was acting out some sort of darkly romantic script, yet she literally couldn't help herself. Zatanna wanted to blame the magic, but part of her had always thought that it might be kinda fun to do something like this... minus the whole losing her virginity to a demon bit. She kept telling herself this could work. "Private" would certainly be better than out here in the open. It might get her closer to whoever, whatever, was responsible for it. Yes, it may lead her into a trap, but again: sheknew that was what was happening.Further plotting proved difficult as he almost literally stoked her inner fires. Arousal flared as the finger teased about her shorts, pressing, mapping out the tight folds of her sex. It felt like he knew exactly where her sex proper ended, constantly drawing it out against the tight pants. Just teasing pressure, not enough to do anything besides make her want. The flush kept further, the heat stoked hotter. A hand took hers, guided it.Fuck it she could handle things even with her voice slurred. And he'd be thinking he had her: drunk, bespelled, totally under his power. She'd show him. Her hand moved, brought the delicious drink up. she swallowed, feeling the liquor burning its way down her throat. Its delicious, decadent flavor filled her, and she found herself simply wallowing in it, enjoying the sensation, enjoying the naughty feel of a drink she was technically too young to have. Her reverie was only interrupted by another almost kissing word."Um, o kay?" she tried, partially testing out what the drink would do to her, partially to play along. She found her eyes closing, again almost of their own accord. the pressure on her sex felt as if it grew, her want increasing. Thighs closed slightly, the girl squirming in her seat. she knew she'd be blinded soon, but she had ways of paying attention. She started trying to mumble a spell of seeing under her breath, again testing just how the drink was affecting her... while also getting ready to move along wherever he had in mind. Had to figure things out, after all.
The demon watched her intently as she licked her lips clean of the residual liquor while her brilliant blue eyes fell shut almost on command. His hand remained between her legs, firing her desire with its gentle attentions. The blindfold was drawn down carefully by the other, delicately manipulating the strap to swirl around her head until the smooth fuzzy texture of the blindfold covered her eyes. His fingers nudged at the blindfold with a surgeons care as he made sure it fell properly into place. Satisfied his hand drew away and with the wipe of his palm through the air, everyone except for Zatanna and himself froze.There was almost an imperceptible silence before the snap of his finger replaced it with the illusion of sounds that made everything seem just like it should be. His hand finally released itself from between her legs and slipped around the back of her waist to fall on her opposite hip."Come my dear." He spoke clearly as he moved to rise from his bar stool. Tucking under her arm just then was the presence of his other hand. It flared out, fingers wide and claiming as it sucked down over the shape of her breast. They fondled, stroked and flicked at the webbing of fishnet covering her breast, and the tape that flattened her perky pink nipples.He drew her up just then, pulling her back up against his chest, steadying her with his attentive grasp over her chest and his other hand that had resumed its claim between her legs. "Just follow my lead." His body pressed comfortably close against her, the shape of him, immense but recognized even with it being flaccid. He moved her, legs pressing against the back of her own and guiding her steps awkwardly forward towards the center of the time frozen room.He mauled her breast, roughly squeezing its perfectly round form, contorting it to whatever shape his hand demanded. His fingers stroked right across her firm belly that was tightly packed into her purple bustier. Then it shot downward, tips of nails diving under the ridge of her skin tight shorts and making the unreasonably tight garment beyond tight with that added mass. It didn't dare stop though, the fingers grasped her thong, yanked on it, drove its thin protection roughly up into the pink slit it was meant to protect. "We're going to have. So. Much. Fun."
Darkness descended, Zatanna losing her vision. Her mind spiraled out, other senses overcompensating. Silence met her ears, only broken by the thudding of her own pulse and the shifting of the demonic being working around her. She heard her heart pounding fiercely, as if powered by the lust that kept building from within. For a moment silence, nothing, and then Zatanna heard everything. What was that What was his goal here? she shivered, wishing that she could figure this out, that the books said more or she had more of a bead on what these beings wanted, what their goal was.A hand touched again, and she gasped. Her head bobbed at the suggestion... the order. She felt his hand shifting, and soon let out another soft noise as his fingers teased against her chest. Sensitive flesh tingled against him, warmth seeping electric into her body. The quickening pulse thudded against her, rattling as if to burst free. She felt it coalescing, tightening nipples beneath oppressive tape. A hand, so warm, cupping against her, drawing attention to chest as well as loin.Up. Up and against him. Zatanna shifted, hands going to steady herself upon his body, not seeing an option. She had to still be at the bar, not too far away. Unless he'd somehow shifted realities, which would explain the shifting sounds. She tried steadying herself, listening. But uneasy legs had issues in booted heels. His proximity, her body and mind's knowledge of his demonic flesh against her virginal skin, distracted. Something larger than it should be, cylindrical. A hand fluttered near, fingers just moving as if to touch, needing that confirmation, but legs moved instead. Zatanna bit back another moan as he directed her steps. Just the movement grazed skin. Fishnet dragged along her body. Her shorts shifted almost imperceptibly, but still rubbing against her body. Zatanna breathed deep, telling herself to steady as best she could.But she felt a sharp sensation against her chest, the breast reshaping. Raw pleasure dumped inside her, buckling her legs for a moment, letting her almost collapse against him. Hands grasped as she tripped, feeling foolish, not at all like the confident heroine she was. Dammit, how did the demons keep doing this to her? She had training. Skill. She should be able to deal with this. But she felt his hand shifting, and it grasped against her sex. She let out another yelp, mouth moving to try and form words. Protests? Encouragement? Syllables wouldn't quite form, her lips or tongue or brain befuddled she wasn't quite sure which.A pull, and she let out a high pitched yelp as her thong again bisected her slit. she needed to get a garment with better coverage, or at least something that wouldn't be quite so easy. But already she felt the roiling in her lower belly, the smoldering heat melting her insides. Her sex throbbed, a slightly unfamiliar, empty ache suddenly forming. It felt like... like being hungry, like she needed filling. It made her fight down a moan, trembling once more. She shifted to grip him, lips moving to try and form the question:what kind of fun? But how much vocalization hit reality, Zatanna couldn't quite tell. It was hard to tell much beyond the mounting want the demon inflicted upon her, and she was struggling to determine why she'd even bother otherwise.
Decorative vest and soft white shirt faded away into nothingness from the frame of the mans body. Pants followed, vanishing into nonexistence along with his polished boots, leather wrist bands, and shiny rings. Skin changed color as the demon entered the boundary of the pentagram etched upon the floor. Pale creamy peach shifted to deep burnt red hues. Form shifted against the back of the young magician, no longer being pushed and prodded by a mere man, but by a chiseled towering demonic form that had risen in it's place.Heat pulsed from his body, raising the temperature around them and transferring that boiling lust from demon into teenage virgin mortal flesh. Twice the amount of hands moved to smother, maul, and caress her tender body. Her breasts were all but encompassed by two spreads of reaching fingers while sharp curled nails scratched as her orbs were twisted about at the demons leisure. Raw heat slapped around her neck, vice like and clutching from a third hand that fell around her throat. With the much smaller, cursed girl under his firm control the demon took the last step into the center of the pentagram and held her trembling body against his."You are such a sweet little pure thing." His voice sounded hollow now, yet so full of force as the words fell to her from above. Seizing hands turned her body about while legs pushed and forced her awkward stance to pivot until she faced towards the large mirror behind the bar. The hand that laid claim over her vulnerable sex and utilized her own thong against her puffy sensitive pink slit twisted about. Dark honed tips of nails sliced up through the underside of her clinging purple spandex shorts and tore it to ribbons.Slithering out from between the demons legs a trio of tendrils, ridged and lined with uneven knobs, began to unfurl as they moved to twirl and twine about Zatanna's limbs. The first rolled up her back, fell under her midnight black flowing hair and directed its movements over her left shoulder. Fleshy domed cap pressed and prodded at her lips, seeking entry into her mouth where it would stuff her throat full if given the chance. The second arced downward from between the demons long and thick tri jointed legs, and then it swung up like a ram towards the split of her ass, intent on forcing entry, determined to shatter through clenching muscles that guarded. The third, and last of the tendrils coiled around Zatanna's upper thigh, squeezing like a python around it while the slimy head of the demonic cock wriggled its way into the torn open front of her shorts. Hand withdrew as the demons invasive and tubular shaft pushed within torn apart shorts and battled with the protective magics emanating from the dug in thong buried in Zatanna's virgin sex."Your chosen, did you not find it strange that you of all people discovered us? Did you not think that we planned this? That the magic you sensed was meant to find you as much as you were to find it?" The unoccupied hand lifted upward, dragging away her blindfold, revealing sight again as the hand around her neck forced her to stare into the mirror and witness the demon that was just now starting to ravage her while his tendril squirmed and writhed about in an effort to break the enchantment that kept the sloped head from plunging into virgin wetness. "Cum, cum for me Zatanna Zatara, and wash the floor with your climax."
Something shivered over Zatanna's body she could just feel it, could barely recognize it through the lustfilled fog that overwhelmed her senses: magic, demonic magic. Surprise filled her for just a second, before she remembered that reflection. The man was a demon she'd known that, knew it before she dared walk out here. A fleeting thought almost made the magician lift up her blindfold, had her hands hovering up for just a moment:is he a hot demon?Barely had the thought fluttered through when Zatanna flushed. She... she couldn't have even thinking that, could she? The heat met with something external, her rising want pulsing against the demon's ever present. Moaning, the magician shifted toward him. Sensations danced around her impressive breasts, teased, drawing more and more heat into her increasingly overheated body. The sensations increased, and Zatanna noted, in a distant way, that there were just too many to be real.Of course that thought's just insane all demons are hot... no, wait, I don't..The girl moaned as her body entered the pentagram, lust already bubbling up and throughout her body. Lips moved to try and say something, garbled words coming out. Zatanna shifted, almost falling ash moved her body. Something teased between her legs she shivered. she tried shaking her head, the last bits of sanity clinging and acting through her.Slice: it was like cutting through a dam. Liquid arousal seeped from about Zatanna, thoroughly soaking through the barest, enchanted thong upon her body. It coated her thighs with a sweet glaze, beckoning toward her nether lips, which already throbbed with sheer arousal, the want eclipsing anything Zatanna had felt before.Yes, that hunger rose within her. The fierce, intenseWANThit her lower abdomen worse than any pathetic hunger pang. The beautiful superheroine felt so achingly empty. Her body, her core, hersexfelt hollowed out. She... she needed filling. Needed it like air. Already she panted, already she squirmed. Spell latched onto teenage suppression, built from lust, amped from situation. The desire to orgasm, no, to do more to orgasm, tofuckroared so fierce within Zatanna that she felt frightened by it. something... something that strong couldn't just be from.. from a spell. Sheknewthat.Something slithered about her. Her mind kicked in, told her to resist. To tighten lips. To clench tight ass cheeks. But that hunger roared back at her. Made her gasp.Schlick. Gurgle. A tentacle pushed passed painted lips. Began sliding into Zatanna's throat. Her eyelids fluttered, her mouth simply going slack to allow the intruder within. She could taste him, feel him stretching her throat, feeling him punching down. Magick, he could fill her belly with his seed and essence, pump her so full of him that it would take hours... days to remove his taint from her system.The hunger kicked.muscles near her lower half clenched, but seemed to part. A domed head was working its way through an unprotected ass. Zatanna could feel the entrant yet again, like before, that memory fueling the fire. want stabbed into her even as the blazing heat from having her still "virginal" ass parted by thick demon appendage hit her hard. She moaned around a thrashing tentacle, eyelids fluttering.The hunger screamed.Magic... of course they knew, and they'd enchanted her to train her to be like this. The magician took solace in that: it was the spell just the spell. Not....not some supressed emotions, not the hormones of a too sexy teenager who spent her nights dressed like a fucktoy while kicking bad guy heads in, not the repression of daddy's little virgin, who blushed and felt guilty whenever she used a vibrating wand against her needy sex, certainly not thinking of tall men like her father or the sexy superheroes she found herself with. And she never Zatanna saw a girl standing there. One of those like the ones from all the illustrations and books she'd sneaked as hormones raged.I'll never be one of those horny slutsshe'd thought, even when she'd felt the squirming in her lower abdomen. So many tales of innocent virgins wrapped in demon, held captive at thier mercy. But Zatanna was too smart, too clever, protected by her own innocence and self assurance.There she stood, wrapped in tendrils, sex drooling with want, blue eyes staring with desire at the demon, the spell fueling some hidden lust that the magician would've never explored, would've insisted was disgusting. And an order a simple command that her body simply wanted to follow.Yet she found that last storing of will... or perhaps some inner desire to only release this tension when he fed that all consuming hunger. Instead of cumming as her new master? commanded, the spoiled little magician let out a few gurgled noises of denial, shook her head just slightly, pulled her legs together just enough.Nuh uh: I'm not cumming.The hungerrampaged.
Hands squeezed down over melons that were far to ripe, far to taut to hang from her chest despite their size. Nails scratched along the creamy smooth flesh, leaving rake marks of red in their passing wake. The black fishnet severed apart, purple straps of tape that pressed down over throbbing hard nipples was wrenched away. His forked tongue, long and pucker marked swirled down over the shoulder of his captive erotic prey and twirled like fine twine around the shape of one perky tart deep pink nipple as soon as it was revealed to the lustful burning heat of the room.With two hands occupied with the mauling, squeezing, torturous manipulations of fresh teenage breasts the other two freely roamed over the gentle curves of Zatanna's body. Her throat, full of a slimy ridged tendril that parted glossy purple lips wide was cinched and released repeatedly by the alluring demons hand. Another moved to stroke down between legs, shred more of dangling purple spandex away from her violated sex. Fingers pressed down there, parting slick with arousal pink lips of pussy, grasping the entrenched purple thong. It shred in two as the demons razor like claws cut through the magically enchanted garment and left it to fall in ruined, useless purple tatters between her legs.Handsome sharp features, if a demon could be considered such, looked from past the young magicians shoulder. Blazing green orbs stared into the blue of her own that shown in the reflection. The mirror consumed the attentions of the demons eyes. Stared with forceful intent upon the sexual sacrifice of fresh virginity taking place within the midst of the soft red glow of the pentagram around them. Strong bony hips pump forward and up, driving hard tendril mass into the parted pink star of muscle between the albino cheeks of her ass.He could see the loss in her eyes, but it wasn't complete, no not yet. There was still a glimmer of defiance. Of resistance. But there was want too. Hunger and thirst for the demons forced pleasures. There was no need for verbal speech anymore. So deep was the demons connection to his teenage toy that his words bore into her mind with merely his will to beckon them there. Her will would be put to the test as the hard calloused pointed head of the demons slithering cock broke apart clenching pink virgin walls. It flooded upwards, surging through the pure untainted sex of Zatanna, leaving it's mark upon every fiber of her grasping sex."Yes, yes, resist Zatanna, Zatara. Resist. It will make your climax all the more powerful. All the more devastating." Heated demon flesh, chiseled and well formed by muscle and sinew raged into helpless young Zatanna's body. Slick tendril plunged down her warm throat and bobbed in and out of her gagging muffled mouth. Her dainty full figure was tossed about by the demons ravaging thrusts. Feet left the floor with every upward ram of the demons crotch against the backside of Zatanna's plump parted rear.The sin and carnal pleasure being embraced within the pentagram fueled its fiendish core and prepared Zatanna's curse to be driven further into the fiber of her being. "Resist. Until you can't anymore."The demons seductive voice echoed through her mind.
Pain and pleasure hit Zatanna's chest. She felt it building in her breasts, firing them. Straining sensation pushed along her, pumped directly into the heart. Skin danced electric as a tongue slid downward, teasing her, arching her body oh so deliciously yet again. she felt it popping her magically created tape, winced, then gasped. Such sharp pleasures hit her chest. No one had teased her nipple, not like that. The raw, wet sensation along one of her most sensitive areas, an area amplified by magic and situation, hit her hard. She felt the stabbing pleasure pierce into her gut, wrenching against her, twisting her already trembling body further. Sheshould have cum from that: she could actually feel the aborted orgasm almost swirling about within her, spurred on by that newest thrash.Each time she thought she processed a situation, the demon switched. From breast to body to throat. She felt her muscles working, attempting to gag. spittle bubbled out, burst in bits. Her mouth felt almost as if it would unhinge. Gagging turned into an almost constant swallow, started to dim into something like acceptance, blue eyes fluttering as air was less breathed in then pushed by a thrusting cock. Stars swam in Zatanna's vision, and just a bit more of her will got beaten, hammered out of her. She tried working, mumbling spells or incantations, but she'd have been lost. Hands spasmed in motions, trying to recall where she'd saved magic, or to resist or something?Eyes drifted. Zatanna could see the demon, felt his gaze locking hers. The enchantment within Zatanna kicked, mad her eyes widen. She could literally feel him twisting pleasure within he,r twisting mind, twisting want, rewriting desire. Heartbeats passed, her gaze locked, mouth gurgling protests, till she gathered enough will to pinch eyes shut, try another shake of the head.Barely had this small act of defiance left when he thrust. She cried out, feeling her tight muscles giving way. The rippled tendril simply pushed against her clenching form. It burrowed into her ass. She felt her body contorting about him, reshaping. She tried to squeeze, to clamp, but the sensation was just too good, toofulfilling. The hunger greedily clawed at it, burned its want into her belly. She felt her hips rising upward and she let out another gurgling noise. Her ass's resistance lastedseconds, a matter of thrusts, before it simply became a trembling, tight tunnel for his use. And she felt every inch of him. The spiking pleasure, the carnal feeding, was making her sex leak. Her hips would jerk up, an orgasm roaring forth, screaming its way out from her throat. But her jaw would clench, muscles flex, toes curling into her boots.NO! I CAN'T I WON'T! she thrashed her head as best she could, black locks almost slapping against her. That taut, superheroine body was being almost ground between writhing tendrils. Every inch of her ached. Her hips kept jerking every few seconds: orgasms that she was barely suppressing. Did she think that she could outlast him? That he'd give up? that someone would swoop in and save her? The superheroine? Zatanna thrashed again, but it was a losing battle. Her body was aching, and the spasms kept coming quicker and quicker. Like little bubbles before the eruption, sparks before the explosion, trickles before the flood...
The writhing twirling tongue that was snared about her standing at attention pink nipple tightened around the root of it. It made the engorged diamond hard nub expand at its precipice like a balloon. The painful and pleasure searing sensation lasted but only a moment before the tongue unwound and fished its way back into the volcanic maw of the demon. Tips of dark claws circled her areolas, traced their circumference while the demon's lips wrought words of power from days of times forgotten by most.But there meaning wasn't lost to Zatanna. He was enchanting a spell of marking, tracing a red circular line around the borders of darkened pink flesh that spread out from the base of her aching nipples. More sex magic began to flow through the curled points of fiendish claws, turning the goose bump peppered canvas of her areolas into a rich pure black circle.Gagging cock meat plunged deep one last time into the depths of Zatanna's throat before it wrenched its way up and out of her parted purple lips. Snake like appendage moved in a wave that drew it behind her as it fell back between his legs, where it coiled about the pumping tendril shaped shaft that was hammering in and out of her sex. It's joining caused the walls of her sex to expand beyond reasonable limits as the two joined and merged into one knotted and twisted cord of ridge textured slickness that worked her quaking pink with relentless aggression.The needle like tips of claws from thumb and index finger clamped down over the middle of hardened pointy nipples that were encircled by areolas turned pitch black by foul demon magic. Sharp needles began to press through those magically protected nubs, piercing both her defenses and flesh. Words flowed from the demons mouth as nail like needles pushed all the way through to the other side of her roaring stiff nipples. Piercing dark nails fell loose from tips of fingers, turned bony white and remained lodged in the heroines nipples as their shape manipulated and they morphed into horns of white that swept up out of each pierced nipple, turning her sensitive peaks of breasts into small mimics of the Cult of Horns symbol.As the sensation of the adornment rolled pleasure and pain into young inexperienced teen flesh the plumping invader buried in the clenching depths of her ass pulled free with a pop. It tucked down between tightened legs that couldn't help but be spread by the demonic union of thrusting tendrils. It slithered around the married pair and widened their girth further as it added more defiling cock into her bulging pleasure twisted pink parted walls. The demonic voice, sultry and reverberating with power filled her ears, worked to dig into her psyche."Your resistance only makes you weaker, you will submit further with every conquest we take of your flesh. There is no, escape from that which you crave."
More magic? Zatanna moaned, the sound reverberating about the thrusting tendril. With more will, she could've resisted whatever he was doing. Fuck, if she'd been ready, he wouldn't have even gotten close. But right now? Every ounce of the trembling, black haired teen was focused nonotcumming her brains out. Zatanna couldn't resist anything the demon wished to enact upon her. She could only feel the dark magics circling her chest. Feel them seeping into her sensitive nipples, pulsing along them. Biology responded almost immediately, swelling the breasts slightly, allowing just a hint of milk to dribble from them, as if the sheer arousal they felt couldn't be contained. They ached as they never had before, the raw pleasure sheer agony amid a sea of other torments.And that sea was drowning her. The tendril kept slapping against her sex, battering that last, feeble bit of enchantment. She could feel it moving ,piercing through, shredding cloth and enchantment. Her precious, well guarded, well vaunted, virginity was sliding from between her bucking legs. For she could feel the textured head of him sliding within her, poking along her body. Muscles started to part, and she let out a scream against the tendril as she felt her body finally giving way.The pop felt almost audible.Zatanna whimpered, knowing that the fate she'd dreaded: losing her virginity to a demon, had just happened. Interior walls clamped belatedly down upon an invader, as if her body could reject. But sheer liquid lust made the insertion ever so easily. The tendril could fuckingglideinto the snug teenager's protected hole, wriggling and pushing against her insides, already working to reshape her. She felt the squirming sensation, tried rallying herself: she couldn't cum, couldn't but it was nearly impossible with this thing thrashing about inside her.Wait why was it getting tighter down there? Why was her hunger almost dancing in celebration? Zatanna let out a cry, surprised to hear her own voice echoing, realizing that another was pressing, prodding, slithering into her already stretched to its limit hole. She protested ,bucking, bucking hard, jerking her lithe body. But a thrust from her filled ass drew her into an arc. Sharp full sensations in her trembling breasts made her contort, and Zatanna all but helped worked the tendril in to see its twin.Raw arousal burned through her, clawed into her mind. The imprint, the sensation of textured cocks working her sensitive flesh, seeped into her, seeped into her body, seeped deeper into her want. The teenager could almost feel the demon reconstructing her to be a demonic sexual plaything. Her thinking mind protested, started thinking of counters rallied just another bit of will and A sharp pierce, and something slid inside her. Zatanna bucked, anotherbarelyexpressed sensation of pleasure rocking her. Blue eyes squeezed shut in sheer denial, tears carrying markings of mascara along her face. Her chest heaved as she felt something sliding into her body, lodging there. Bone piercings would be hard without magic to remove... magical bone piercings? Zatanna could already feel them seeping into her, making her chest throb. It tricked her biology, hit upon the more... maternal aspects, made herwantto be in a position where she could have her chest tended to. For several long, painful seconds, even while drowning in the desire to cum, Zatanna wanted nothing so much as to have something warm and wet encircling her nipples and sucking hard...preferably something belonging to a demon.Wait why was her ass empty? When had that Zatanna screamed, now freed to vocalize, as she felt it pushing inside her, widening,preparing.Oh, oh, magick, oh magick, he's turning me into a fucking INCUBATOR, a...a... BREEDER or or something. Oooh, fuuuuuuuck The thought turned into a slurred vocalization, something only loosely approximating that curse and description as her body kicked. I can't I can't I CAN'T I I I dammit, it feels so good! I'm so tight and my chest hurts and my body's on fire and everything is just swelling with this this FUCKING NEED oooooh, sex feels so fucking good and I I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh "Aaaaaaaahaaaieeeeee" The thing thundering through Zatanna now was less an orgasm and more... an explosion?
The trio of diabolical perversions of cock slapped in and out of Zatanna's erupting sex as the young magicians hunger reached it's peak and she broke, leaking pleasure out of her filled sex. It withdrew, hollowing out the fluid leaking slick walls of no longer virgin tightness. It's presence though, knotted and twined together in a thick strand like a rope that could hold a yacht to a dock slapped between her legs and rose upward. Wet sticky residue transferred from merged demonic tendrils as the shape slithered up across her belly and rubbed against her trembling cumming slit.Erotic heat and smoldering ash swirled around them as the young teens torrential climax fell down her parted trembling legs and spread across the floor within the center of the pentagrams shape. It's etched borders burst with fiery red power, the marking connecting deeper with the magical curse that saturated Zatanna's helpless body and tainted her to the core."Yes, yes, it feels so good. So free of the burden of care. Why fight why deny yourself such blissful sensations." The demons hissed out words rolled across Zatanna's neck and swirled into her ear while it's multitude of hands caressed the quivering magicians flowering form.The heads of the union of tendrils parted like the serpentine heads of a hydra. Two snapped forward, puckering mouths opening and granting the young teen's wish for her freshly marked nipples to be sucked upon. The enclosed around those firm protrusions and feasted on the desirable peaks of her firm and full breasts. The last of the splitting heads of demonic cock rose upwards like a hypnotizing cobra that swayed before Zatanna's face. The spear like hard head pointed downward towards gasping purple stained lips. It rose up further and then drove forward and down like a spear that plunged itself deeply into her mouth once more.The sulfuric heat of the demons approaching climax dripped into her mouth and coated the soft velvet tongue that it pressed over. It's bulbous shape slid over her pinned tongue and ventured further into the back of her throat with every stroke. Mouths meanwhile clenched and twisted around her ensnared nipples, forcing the bony piercings to corkscrew the hard pillars of flesh they were buried in. The bubbling sensation of gooey heated demon seed began to sputter out of the suckling mouths of those busy heads, drizzling her chest in the essence of the demons own budding climax. "I curse you, in this unhallowed place of perversions. Your words will flow freely here, but never will you be able to form the back words callings of your magic in this place. In this place, marked by the virgin juices of your climax, you are powerless to call upon your magic." His spoken words hammered into Zatanna's body at the very moment that the demons own vile orgasm was delivered. Steamy clinging orange seed spurted down her throat, the taste of it sweeter then any nectar's her taste buds might of known. More orange creamy goo erupted against her ensconced stiff nipples, pouring out of the mouths and painting her chest with a thin layer of slime that began to course down her body.
Bliss dominated the young heroine. gone were thoughts of protest or right or good or anything that existed beyond her bodily wants, the glorious sensations rippling through her body. Sensation seized, jerked her about, made her quiver in small, short spasms amid the thrashing tendrils' more desperate movements. Internal muscles seized and danced as never before. Tight walls clamped upon invading tendrils, but not to stop. They pulled and milked, aiding the textured phallus to glide along the girl's tight walls. Shivering muscles drew flexible, gnarled flesh against her tender spots. The sheer pressure blasted an orgasm, made the girl's delight fountain for several hard moments. A short gush, the last bits of Zatanna's virginity almost expelled from her writhing flesh in a perverse reverse exorcism.And it kept going. As his tendrils worked her, dragged along her. The sheer pleasure, so long suppressed, shook her body. Flooded veins with its raw sensation. Muscles gave way, body grew slack, until she was little more than a quivering body of flesh. Zatanna Zatara had been literally fucked to almost component parts. Her want, mixed with a slight hint of virginal blood, mixed with demonic precum, seeped from her body, glazing legs, pooling upon the floor with even more power than before.Dark magicks shot against her. Zatanna could feel the energies lighting her veins, the light shimmering through her pale skin as it literally burnt itself into her essence. She let out a harsh scream at the first, only to just let her mouth work ,body, suddenly undulating. Her breasts felt the teasing torment of mouths upon them. Reaction began, life giving liquid seeping out of the teen as her body simply reacted. The sheer pleasure of it sent shivers through her, built the smoldering heaps of her previous eruption further. The girl shivered again had she even stopped orgasming? The wave building felt like another. She almost tilted her head back, a sudden supplicant before this new force.Painted, smeared lips parted, letting the cock shove into her throat, as if the demon were reaching within to the source of her impressive power. The girls swallowed, eyelids fluttering as the heady desire flooded her, drugged her. A twist in her already aching nipples finalized sensation: she came again, body jerking, sex spasming around the emptiness within. She let out a little cry, gurgling about the cock sealing her mouth yet again.A curse, and she barely understood. It hit her hard, as if she could already speak or summon magic. But she knew what it meant: she hadn't just lost this fight, but she'd lost something impressive. Yet she didn'tcare. Her throat worked and she greedily sucked down the cum. Slivers of orange drizzled out of her lips, even as the noises of her desperate swallowing grew more. It coursed down her body as surely as the seed drizzling her torso, mixing into a river of want that met her still quivering sex, baptizing Zatanna in her new want, her new desire.
Light flashed, the room spun and twirled amidst a roar of discordant noise. Then it all stopped and her surrounds screeched back to normalcy. Zatanna was on her knees in the middle of the floor of the secretive underground club. Her purple lips were turned to the side, locked around the very mortal shaft of the man who she first encountered. His head was tilted back, teeth gritting together as he let out a snarl of euphoria laced breath as the young buxom beauty sucked down his salty blast of cum."God, god damn babe, your sucking that cock like a fucking porn star." His jaw went slack as he gasped out his praise for her mouths ministrations. His fingers, wrenched in the soft silky black of her hair kept her face plunged against his crotch as the last of his seed spilled down her throat. He wasn't alone though.The sultry pair of ladies from the bar had joined them out here in the middle of the floor. They were kneeling as well, directly before the young magician and her discarded garments of purple. They both had their faces buried in Zatanna's breasts, sucking like demons at the hard pink pierced nipples. Their silky smooth tongues swirled around them, coating saliva across the black circled areola's and topping their peaks with glistening moisture. They bit soft, then hard, chewed on the hard nubs they had claimed with their mouths while their hands stroked and roamed over young teenage flesh.The redhead had her hand buried between Zatanna's legs. Busy fingers rubbed and stroked over her gushing pink sex. She tickled the stiff little clit, while she pumped her fingers in and out of her so wet sex. Her companion had a hand around the back of the young teens body, clamped across her firm ass cheek. Her fingers traced and dove into the valley of her ass and tickled at the aching star ring shaped conglomeration of muscles there. They gasped and slurped against her pearly white teardrop shaped full breasts as Zatanna began to regain her bearings.The others in this hedonistic haven watched the show taking place. Leering grins, small bouts of laughter, and comments of lewd approval sounded from those in the peanut gallery that were enjoying the erotic show case. "Damn, did she have her whole fist up her pussy?...She ain't gonna walk right for a week....I don't know what the hell she was talking about, but man I nearly wanted to jack myself off when she started talking about being made into an incubator. Kinky."
The sudden snap to reality almost knocked Zatanna unconscious. The magician flinched, drawing back for a moment, almost falling flat onto her ass. Everything settled, and she felt her inexplicable, burning need snap into something... believable? She still felt fuckinghorny, hornier than normal, but it felt less like an all encompassing, mind blowing, soul shattering, magick rewritingneed, and more like the constant buzz that came from contact. Zatanna didn't feel the stickiness, or the thick cock inside her throat, just something... smaller? spurting something decidedly less pleasing into her. She actively gagged, a spurt of spittle and semen,white semen, leaking around her face.More? There were women? Zatanna's wide, blue eyes flicked from one to another, confusion crinkling her brow. They still worked her nipples... which she saw still had the bone piercing shot through them. The little mounds of flesh didn't appear to be... leaking? They felt full, they ached, but not not much more than normal? Zatanna still jerked against the mouths, still squirmed in position in kneeling position? Had she been kneeling? her head spun.what the fuck had been real and what hadn't? Because if it was all a dream, I shouldn't have pierced nips. But these people don't look like the demon, and there's no orange seed, and my breasts are just sensitive? Fuck, was this some kind of circumstancial magic? Wait: I can even think clearly again. DID THAT HAPPEN OR NOT? Am I am I But Zatanna couldn't even finish the thought. Was she still a virgin? Had she lost herself to demons? Or had they created some kind of pocket dimension? A dreamscape? Her mind didn't quite pronounce any, particularly as she heard the audience claiming that she'd fisted herself.... which had to be impossible. She looked to her hand, flexing fingers. there was... wet. But she definitely hadn't said couldn't speak... right? She pulled her mouth fully free from the cock. She noted a ring of purple matching her lipstick, right there on the base."I need to go," Zatanna said clearly, enuciating the words fully. She blinked, gestured almost frantically at the people around her, wobbling to her feet. What was she still wearing? Was she still wearing something? Her mind spun as she desperately tried to leave, to hurry out of this place where her mind no longer felt in order. She'd have to try a tracing spell or see what other effects were still on her. The piercings had to go anyway... and it felt like she'd need some healing spells... but first, first she had to get out of there.
The bartender watched everything unfold and as Zatanna rose to her feet and exclaimed that she needed to go he moved in. His youthful handsome features tried to put her at ease as he swept through the crowd and placed a hand on her shoulder in a tentative offering of momentary comfort. He didn't let the contact linger though as he looked squarely into her eyes. Which was a feat in and of itself, with her breasts bared and saliva smothering her pierced nipples. "Hey, come on I'll take you out through the back door." His soft words encouraged her to follow him as he tested again with a gentle touch of his hand upon the square of her back in an effort to lead her along.His other hand offered her a soft cloth of white linen that was damp with warm wash water that he used to polish the surface of the bar. "Clean yourself up, it'll be alright." He tried to sound reassuring, tried to be gentlemanly and heroic while the others clapped, chuckled, and fell back into their normal routines down in the Devils Den.The pair of women scowled after her in a playful mockery. "Ah, but we were just getting started." The sultry redhead smiled as she dusted her knees off and rose to her feet, offering her hand to her blonde haired friend. "Come back soon, mmm." Her associate sensuously added before turning to deeply embrace the lips of her friend. The man whom she had just been greedily sucking away at shivered as he stared after Zatanna and went about tucking his spent cock back under his trousers, zipping them up. He blew a kiss her way and winked as he watched the bartender working to effort the dumbfounded raven haired teen away.There was a small service hallway that he coaxed Zatanna towards, swinging wooden doors of intricately carved wood that displayed motifs of hellish imagery swung open as he pushed his hand against them. The brief glance of the mirror behind the bar fell across the young magicians confused blue eyes and she could see the scratches of claws, the citrus colored orange juices dribbling down her body, and she could feel him, the demon all around her. It was like he was part of her shadow, or in the very essence of the air she breathed in for that moment when she crossed her gaze with her reflection upon the mirror.The nudging of the fit and attractive bartenders hand drew her through the open doorway and into the narrow hallway. Lockers were passed by swiftly, a pair of restrooms for employees left in their wake, a steel door that led to the refrigerator where kegs upon kegs of beer were waiting in line to be tapped into fell behind her steps as her escort hurried her along towards the red glow of an exit sign at the far end of the hallway. His hand pushed the door open, and out into the cold dark of night he led Zatanna Zatara.As she emerged with the bartenders hand placed upon the tender slope of her shoulder she immediately took notice of a long stretch limousine. It's engine idled in the dark and dim light found in the back alleyway behind the club. Curving white horns rose up from a black spherical hood ornament. Another rag came around and sought to smother her lips with its ether soaked wetness as the young heroic helpful bartender tried to latch the chloroform laced rag around the purple lips of Zatanna.
The hand upon her made Zatanna jump. She twisted, muscles tightening, remembering, if belatedly, that shedid have some hand to hand combat. She couldn't be a match for, say, Batgirl or Black Canary or the sort, but she could hold her own in a fight, and usually overwhelm people who weren't expecting it. However, she soon recognized theone guy in the club she'd actually liked, plus he was being nice, plus they were now headingout of the freaky circle room. Though it sucked, because being escorted meant Zatanna couldn't just mutter a spell and create a sexy outfit from around herself.The cloth that was offered seemed so sad with those thoughts. Zatanna couldn't help but laugh, quickly using it to get the worst. She flushed as the other women teased, wondering just what was going on there. Had they seen a different reality? or had they been turned into the demon for a moment? Did it really matter? The flushed, virginal? girl hurried after the bartender, moving quicker than someone would probably expect for a girl wearing heeled boots. Ugh, go figure that those would still be on."I'd like my clothes back, if that's cool," she asked as they walked, glancing down again. Her thong did seem to be there... though was it still enchanted? She couldn't quite tell. She shivered, looking away for a moment, seeing the wood. Seeing the mirror the shit! Was it real? She paused, staring, mind whirling once more. Fuck this sensory bullshit! "Pots gnidih! Laever flesruoy ot em! Lla fo uoy!" magic crackled and flowed likely spiraling out to her eyes, assuming their seal didn't just hit her back there. Either way, she'd be stepping into the col soon enough, seeing the truth and getting some idea of what the fuck was actually going on.That increased alertness, magically amplified or not, put her in a decent position as she saw that limo. Zatanna took in the ornament, the condition, the situation, all moments before something slid toward her. She jerked, pulling a hand up to snatch the incoming drug. She twisted sharply, turning and kicking back, aiming her sharp heel. If she had magic, she'd be using it soon enough, getting enough power to burst free and make a break for it. No fucking way was she letting them catch her now not here. Not... yet?
Faces peered out through the dark tinted windows that were further enhanced with mystical properties that kept Zatanna's prying vision from piercing inside. They watched as she emerged from the dinged up metal doorway that emptied out into the stark dim light of the alleyway where the stretch limo's engine softly purred. The four members of the Cult of Horns gathered up their hideous masks that were twisted representations of animal heads that sprouted cruel horns of different sizes and shapes. As the rag of chloroform was swept around Zatanna's shoulders by the deceptive accomplice they strapped their masks into place and prepared to open the doors and take her in.Then it all went south rather quickly. They knew she had some martial training. A person with her background was expected to be able to handle herself, but they hardly expected her to be aware enough to stop the drugging that would of dulled her senses and put her into a slumber. Her boot sharply drove into the ribs of the young man that had led her here to this trap. He tumbled back, letting out a pained gasp of breath as he felt a rib crack under the force of the young magicians striking boot heel. Feet tangled up and he fell backwards with a thud through the open door, landing at the precipice of the service halls exit.Wide black door at the side of the limo's rear nearest her swung open as the first cultist emerged from the shadows of the vehicles interior. He was a tall and lanky figure draped in heavy robes that were etched with demonic symbols. His bull like mask stared towards Zatanna as she spun about to face her newest adversary. Gloved black hands went to reach for her and try to drive her into the wall while circling his arms about her her slender waist. She was too fast though and with one knee into the gut of the robed individual he sprawled forward and smashed into the dirty brick wall, momentarily dazed from the impact.Already the young man was back on his feet and he lunged back out of the door for her. She heard him coming and spun just in time to greet his face with a solid blast from her clenched up fist. By the time she turned back around she could see the bull horned masked cultist clambering into the back of the limo as someone in a goats head mask reached out and helped draw him in as the tires squealed. "Go, go!" Some voice called out and then was silenced as the door slammed shut and the deep black limo roared out of the alleyway, swerving onto the road and disappearing from sight.By the time she spun back around to check on the bartender that lured her here she saw him dropping a pill into his mouth. As foam bubbled up and poured from his lips she could hear the gurgling sounds of his voice. " Erebus! You!" Then his voice fell into coughing sputtering sounds as he thrashed about while the vile poison he had induced turned his veins purple.
When she went over it later, Zatanna couldn't properly explain what happened. Perhaps, perversely, the whole experience had given her a power boost, or made her more ferocious, or just, in general, made her want to lash out at the world, and at these beings in particular. Or maybe she'd simply been storing up energy, or she'd just gotten lucky. Regardless, the magician whirled with a grace that would've made Batgirl proud. Heels out, feeling bones crack. Magic blasted almost effortlessly, her powers seeming to work as good as ever. She kept spinning and whirling, not even pausing as her hands fluttered with arcane energy, the backward speak coming back. Routine kicked in, and without a demon to distract her, Zatanna became the superheroine she'd been training to be.By the time she'd finished, Zatanna felt flushed,alive, ready to attack... and slightly aroused. She tried not to think about that sensation pounding within, instead snapping her hands up:"Ecart ot nigiro!" she called, slapping the limo with a tracing spell. It was improvised, nonstandard, but well powered, so she thought it might stick, at least long enough to work. She whirled back, curious, concerned, and still buzzing, to see the bartender. Wait, no! She lunched forward, fingers delving toward his mouth, trying to intercept, only to find herself moments late. Instead the poison bubbled around her lips, and a quick antidote spell soon shot from her lips.She sat back, panting, simply resting in the alley. "What in the world is an Erebus?" she asked the city, not expecting an answer from this cesspool. She closed her eyes, taking a few more breaths. But Zatanna knew she couldn't rest here. She gestured, resummoning her clothing, letting it slide over her lush frame. She'd grown... used to the tingling in her sex, so that now her pants didn't quite rub as much as they had... or perhaps she'd mentally fed the spell's urges. Her chest, however, ached. She could almost see the pierced nipples through the corset top, making her flush. She'd have to resort back to the tape to cover, particularly since she didn't want to become more... distracted.A short spell took her back to her lair. A shower was soon in order, with another session with a nozzle, working out more of her inner demons. Naked, she studied her pierced breasts in the mirror. In truth, Zatanna kind of liked the overall look. The erect nipples the badass threading through them. It made her look the perfect combo of sexy and kickass that she generally liked. It was that they'd been pierced with literal demonic powers that made her uneasy, not to mention not knowing the bone. She cast a few spells already, working to determine origins. The spells would take some time to reveal anything, but already she was concerned. Books started revealing details about Erebus. Some sort of long lost god, a debauched king of the horned cults. Though, unsurprisingly, they were beginning to seem like the horny cult, a thought that made Zatanna snort. She was hardly one to talk: every demonic image had her absently feeling herself, tweaking nipples, rubbing against her sex. She groaned, feeling her palm ruffle the trimmed hatch of black nether hair. That was what got her: they got her wrapped up in sex and she lost focus. she'd been ready otherwise, mostly. The answer seemed simple, a spell her dad had once taunted her with. Sighing, she pulled back her hair, following through with the incantation:"I ma neddibrof morf ycatse fo eht hself. I tonnac tserc litnu siht lleps si desaeler." magicks flowed around her, she felt them burrowing in, smirking as her sensations ebbed. It would do that: it was meant to focus a magician on their studies, hence why it was so intricate. But only the magician could release it with the command, no matter what. To further it, she placed a hand upon her chest: "Laes," a simple sealing incantation to further solidify spells. Now, Zatanna would be protected, armed, ready. She'd notify a few people of her next location. She had info on Erebus and was looking up more. Counters would be prepped. There was no way she'd fail a third time....'Third time's a charm," she mumbled, looking at her intricate model of the city, a map for using magic and tracking, watching as mystical lights flew. She'd need sleep, but hopefully results would come soon.
Sleep would indeed come for Zatanna Zatara. A physically spent and exhausted body such as hers would need time to rest and recuperate while her magics traced and tracked across the map of Empire City. But her dreams were influenced by demonic manipulations. The bony protrusions that stabbed through her erotically charged nipples. The black ink that soaked into the flesh of her areola's granted a connection that gave her no place to hide during her respite. The only saving grace was her protective magic, her enchantment kept the poor young magician from soaking her sheets with the juices wrought from her pleasure filled slumber.Like most dreams, when she woke the memory, the sensations she felt would fade away into her subconscious. The handsome fiends that kept her company in her dreams were lost from her recollection by the time she would bat sleep from her weary eyes. She wouldn't recall the carpet of slick tendrils that she lounged upon, how it swirled and coiled around her body while she was dressed in some flimsy black lingerie that would make her blush a deep shade of red. Zatanna Zatara would sleep, a restless, demon lusting sleep that sowed more of their perverse influence into the already cursed girl.But her waking mind wouldn't remember what her body and manipulated subconscious thoughts couldn't forget. The charms placed upon her, in the form of those adornments sprouting from her firm nipples would poison her mind, haunt her dreams, until she submitted to their deep beckoning silent call.Perhaps it would be easy for the heroine to push herself out of bed, confident in her abilities. Rise with renewed faith in herself from how she managed to escape the clutches of the cultists the night prior, despite how close they had come. Maybe she felt safe, there in the sanctuary of her hidden base with it's array of magical and technological defenses. Hope might even rise in her chest when she looked upon the map after a full nights rest and saw the tracings of her magic highlighting the next location.Quick research would deduce it was some sort of clothing shop that peddled its wares to some sort of niche market. Latex and rubber suits, a fetish apparel store that went by the name Supple Threads. Her links discovered that the store had gone belly up and was no longer open for business as of last month. Strangely though, rent had been paid in full for the entire length of the year, so there were no new tenants to speak of. Just an empty store, filled with unsold merchandise, left to collect dust.
The beautiful heroine slept the clueless, dreamless sleep of the exhausted. When she rose, she felt strangely well, rested, energized. Her chest still felt tight, her nipples throbbing ever so numbly, and her sex had that slight tingle, but it felt... controlled. Zatanna found herself smiling as she looked down, not seeing the soaked sheets, not even remotely aware of the programming that sneaked into her dreams. The magician should've realized, should've thought that they'd be sneaky, should've considered focusing a bit more on removing the piercings through her nipples. Perhaps if Zatanna had contacted another magician about her situation, sent out information, gotten feedback, she would've considered. But she had that youthful determination and confidence. She may have failed twice before, but she'd learned, and she'd escaped, and she was pushing forward. She waswinning, and would finally triumph now that she'd finalized the perfect defense. Overconfidence was many a superheroes' downfall, and it brimmed in Zatanna now.She did send contacts out, let several other Empire City based heroes and heroines know, reported in to a few organizations. And, in an oddly mature move, she actually reported her next course of action, though with complete confidence:seeking out suspected center of operations for cult. Reported previously, but not a sufficient threat or concern. One heroine should be sufficient, and I have sufficient reason to believe all precautions are put into place. There will be little to no need for backup or reinforcements, unless I am gone for an extended period of time without any further contact. This should be more than easily handled.This time, the teenager didn't dress in her "costume," having figured that they'd notice that. She instead figured that disguise would be a better move, as much as she could manage it. So a simple pair of jeans would cover her lower half... though they were black. That also meant that instead of her usual skimpy thong, she could wear more supportive boy shorts... which did feel strangely... confining. Probably because she hadn't worn "proper panties" in several days. Nothing to worry about. A loose t shirt would cover her top, with a protective jacket. The same spell as before over the clothes, though Zatanna already figured that since she was literally going into a clothing store, they'd be ready for it. So, she slyly enchanted her pubic hair with protective auras. No way they could work around that. And sure, she felt some of the pressure before, but what she didn't realize was that the desire had simply burrowed within. Instead of that roaring flame, it smoldered, burning away edges, leaving little remaining.Thus the confident teenager walked into the supposedly defunct store. Her blue eyes carefully swept, and she already had several protective enchantments up and at the ready. The only way Zatanna figured she could've been more prepared was if her results on the piercings had born more fruit. But time wasn't her friend there, so she'd just have to tell herself it was ignorable... and pretend like it hadn't caused her to skip wearing a bra... or that it made her feel... sexier?
The dust caked windows plastered with old newspapers that hid the interior might of given a more experienced hero pause before they boldly entered the abandoned store. Let alone the fact that the lock wasn't magically trapped, and though it was locked, it seemed attuned to Zatanna's hand and just opened for her. The hiss of a hundred candles or more suddenly leaping to life greeted the young magician as she entered. Their eerie appearance might of caused a less confident person to turn and flee. The wavy almost seductive flames that sprouted atop candles of red, black, and purple caused the shadows to dance about with the soft light.Her insight towards magic wasn't needed to see what was here, at least not on the surface. After her eyes had a second to adjust to the light the presence of demonic influence and the cult that served them was written all over the place. Mannequins that were left behind were dressed in the attire of the cultists, a mundane sort of deception that was difficult to perceive at a casual glance. They all looked so real, dark heavy robes of brown and black. White markings of foul runes and those masks, those grizzly animal masks the Cult of Horns wore sat on top of every supposed mannequin head. Each different from the other with a variety of horns that sprouted intimidatingly outwards in terrifying ways.One might think that would of been the most unsettling thing to see here, but others, well they didn't bare the curse that Zatanna carried deep in her gut. Posters were all over the walls, some large canvas sized images that you might see dominating a movie theater entrance, others were small, post cared sized affairs, and everything in between those two vastly different sizes could be seen. They depicted demons, handsome and muscular fiendish beings were all around her in vivid detail. They were tall, powerful, imposing images and most all were bared to the flesh, with scant amount of coverage in the form of tufts of fur, belts of skulls, or a simple loin cloth that didn't really hide much. Some had wings and looked falsely angelic, while others had multitudes of heads, arms that were tendrils, or long serpentine tails. They all though had chiseled features that were sharp, and if it wasn't for the bodies that some of them occupied they, the fangs in their mouth, the glow in their eyes, or the sinister color of their skin, they probably would pass as downright appealing to most anyone.The play of light and shadow drew attentions further into the shop, up a short flight of steps where more candles hissed into being and pushed the darkness back. Up on that elevated level of the shop the shape of clothing hanging from circular metal racks could be seen. Plastic, spandex, rubber in every color that the rainbow might offer was hazily viewed in the dim light. More could be seen on the walls, mixed among the posters of demonic flesh, full body suits of different sorts, sizes, and function hung on full display. A few more mannequins were even dressed in those restrictive body hugging suits and aligned to the sides of the stairs as if welcoming those who ventured up there.The light pushed deeper and as eyes pierced further inward to the back of the upper level the marking of the cult could be seen upon the ceiling in the center of that room. Beyond that was a pentagram of red that at a glance appeared to be painted on the wall, but it had dimension and there were shackles and chains at it's various tips. Placed to the side and rising into view as two singular white candles were the last to light were portraits that stood off to the each side of the pentagrams form. They were paintings of Zatanna, in the embrace of some dark skinned being whose arms and hands were busily claiming her nude form. His skin had a sheen that mimicked the glow of light that played off the rubbery assortment of clothes all around the quiet candle lit store. She seemed to be enjoying the attention in those portraits, staring upwards loyally into the ebony handsome features of the demonic being that swamped her in his embrace.
The hiss had Zatanna tensing. her hand rose, the magic energies already started to flow around it. She'd learned a few simple bolts and blasts, one syllable attacks that barely needed intelligent speech to work. The energy crackled, almost eager to spring forth from the edgy teen into the world around her. Yet she held, held with that training, waiting and watching, anticipating. She could feel the slight eeriness in the air, could almost sense the cultists and their movement. It wasn't hard to determine their little ruse, to see the various mannequins. The bit of the teenager that found everything rather wry and humorous twisted her lips now as she looked toward them. It was some kind of weird, sick joke, wasn't it? Either that or she'd stumbled upon the cultists' costuming department, a thought that both sickened and amused Zatanna in almost equal measure.Holding the energies aloft like a torch, Zatanna stepped further within. She couldn't quite believe what she saw, the flickering shapes, the strange posters. Was this some sort of weird trap? If so, why go through all this effort? But she could feel her loin pulse at the images. It was like... like walking down an aisle filled with attractive men. Those blue eyes shifted, lingering from picture to picture. Why did they look so appealing?The spell. She barely had to tell herself that she knew it. Didn't stop the pulsing, kicking arousal. And she felt it swelling in her chest, memory and bone piercing intermingling for some strange sensation within. Great. They clearly know I'm here, so this is obviously a trap. Zatanna raised her hand, muttering a quick warning incantation. lights spiraled from her, a few heading out, to let some nearby heroes know that the cult had definitely moved, or that she suspected something. Again: not a call for help, more of a... status update, and almost magical "tweet' that she sent spiraling out to her "followers" as it were.But why here? The first location had a history of issues, and people gathered. The second was almost self explanatory. But a costume shop? nothing here spoke of ill intent or dark origins, beyond some kinky desires. Zatanna let her hand roam along some of the fabric, feeling the unusual material beneath her digits. A bit unusual, sure, but nothing that was malevolent or destructive or anything.So why here? she kept looking, tracing, seeing confirmation in the shape of pentagram. Soon she saw the portraits, and she flushed, recognizing the painted visage all too easily. "Okay, this is creepy bordering on sad," she mumbled, seeing the various images. They did look like the dream, sort of, she supposed, and she could feel that spike of arousal in her belly yet again. But, well, this was just she remembered that bit about a ritual or what have you. But again, that lingering question remained on the edge of her thought."Why here?" she asked the air, before letting her gaze settle onto the demonic being sweeping her in an embrace. Was that supposed to be Erebus or something? But why give that away? What was the goal here? Zatanna felt her frustration go, and she spun, finally having had enough. Bad enough when this was some actual site of something. This? This was nearly insulting, and she'd had enough being jerked around by these weirdos. She'd leave this place, launch a spell from outside, and then report this dumbass cult to some official heroes. Let them finish up, because Zatanna was done.
As she turned for the doorway out of this place the sensation of a rising warmth emerged from the back end of the store where the lights from the candles grew brilliant for a moment. Mannequins moved in a jerky fashion throughout the store, as they became animated. Their gait was uneven, as they clambered about in a seemingly chaotic manner. Some shuffled about on hands and feet with no apparent task beyond adding to the confusion that angered the young magician. Others moved directly towards her, rubbery clothing given life, gloved hands reaching out to take claim of the young girls body."Location, location, location, haven't you figured that part out yet my dear little Zatanna." A mans voice issued from among the swarm of distracting mannequins before the robed figure stepped out into view. His black gloved hand was already swiping a line of magic before himself to offer shielding from any archaic assault that she might unleash. "We're drawing a pentagram all across the city." It was a looming tall man with a tiger head mask that sprouted curled ram horns from its edges. "This particular place, well it lacked a certain history. So we took care of that, personally." He spoke in a low and tempered tone as he stayed hidden behind the moving mannequins. "Just last week we held a great sacrifice here, one that stained this place red. A bunch of slaves that well, no one is going to even know went missing took their last breaths here." He kept alert, arcane magics of his own at the ready in the event that she might lash out. "But you should see what answered, it's so glorious. Just look." He pointed one long black gloved finger towards the back of the store.The zipping, swooshing sounds of rubbery fabric and other exotic materials echoed from the rear of the store where the candles burned brightest. Clothing displayed on walls, upon racks, and shelves swept in a tightening spiral to one single point as if drawn in by an unseen whirlpool. Plastic, spandex, and rubber in the shape of lingerie, corsets, suits, and more assorted types of fetish wear began to pull and twine together in a mound upon the floor. They twisted and curled about in a tight knit fashion as the mound of clothing sprouted upward and took shape as if being worked by some unseen artists hands into a lean and towering figure.The vibrant colors intermingled in the suddenly emerging sculpture bled away and faded into glistening polished black. Forming shape gained definition as sinew and muscle were quickly chiseled into place over the ebony form taking shape so swiftly. Long dark legs that were devoid of any flaws were carved out before writhing garments shaped hips and chest above them. A curling horn shaped phallic object sprung out from the center of its crotch, long and thick with a barbed head. Fingers sprouted from the ends of long lean arms that rolled out from broad black shoulders. A sleek neck that was long pierced upward out of the muscle laden torso and it surged into an oval that molded into a narrow visage. The pointed chin pulled her gaze upward to a slim well formed nose that split brows that were adorned with small black spikes.Purple eyes shined into existence and gazed downward upon Zatanna from where the demonic beast stood at the edge of the steps leading up towards the pentagram. It was the spitting image of the creature seen in the painting and the white of its sharp fangs stood out from the pitch black lips that parted as it smiled towards her. Slow and deliberate steps carried the tall stark black demon down the stairs towards the young teen magician. It's hands extended, long fingers and the ashen black nails on the tips of them opened wide and gestured with subtle flicks, beckoning her to come to it."Go to it." The cultist spoke from the front of the building as the mannequins moved towards her still, prepared to attempt to drag her to the demon like some sacrificial lamb if she did not go of her own accord.
The figures moved, but Zatanna was more than ready for them:"odnu!" she shouted, flicking her head toward one, dismantling it before it got more than a few feet. It was a simple enough spell, but it wasn't as if the figures were all that impressive. They were clearly designed to be expendable, annoying. Zatanna quickly undid another close to her before forming a literal bubble around her, protective energies swirling, easily enough to keep off any of these weaker opponents. Mostly because Zatanna wasn't going to waste any more time dealing with them then she had to: already she was looking for the inevitable demon, or at the very least, cultists.The voice drew her attention, and she saw the form, even through her protective sphere. Her eyes narrowed as she looked to him, and she was ready to attack, just not immediately. It was better to keep the bubble up for at least the time being, keep the minions away while their boss monologued. She fought the urge to roll her eyes, though she was kicking herself for not noticing what he pointed out. Probably because they'd distracted her with so many other details: piercings and spells and special sites. Yes, she should have figured it out, but she didn't feel more than a temporary flash of annoyance.One that quickly turned to anger. His comment had her dropping her shield, hands extended out: "Eb deppart yb ruoy nwo kcigam!" she yelled, already working to turn his powers against him, a more subtle snare than she usually used, but one that should work all the same. The mention of seeing what answered had her spinning, hands moving to form another hasty shield before the minions could make another move. Had they made... a clothing golem? There was something almost ludicrous in the idea, enough that Zatanna was fighting the urge to actually laugh, right up until the figure arrived. He's gorgeous! Just look at that perfect skin and magick, that fucking dick! All those ridges will just make me feel so fucking good, and I'd thought that last one was WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING? She'd beaten the spells and the training, right? She'd outthought them. But she felt a stronger than ever surge of arousal hitting her in the lower abdomen. Her chest ached, feeling almost full again, as if her body were swelling in the presence of a perfect demonic specimen.Instead of immediately going, however, the magician had fallen to her knees. She shivered, trying to gather herself and fight against the sheer arousal that washed over her. It felt like she'd just been presented with the man of her dreams made flesh. Her blue eyes kept locking onto his phallus. The sheer want for that cock felt like something of a need, almost as if by denying herself that, she had ceased breathing. Her magics fizzled about her as the mannequins drew close, but at least it was holding, for the time being, leaving her trembling there, trying to figure out what to do. The shapes were sort of herding her, but it was more forming a wall, as if literally closing the world off and leaving only Zatanna and the demon who's going to really take my virginity...? No, no, that's not I don't want that But she shivered, feeling that oh so familiar hungry ache welling up between her legs. It would be okay though... she'd prepared... right?
The cultist let out a low hiss of frustration as his enchanted shield was turned against him by the talented twisting magical workings of Zatanna. He twisted about as the soft glowing shield caved in around him and formed a shell that pinned his body into the shape of a pretzel rod. His struggles soon ceased though as his eyes fell upon their young virginal target as she seemingly knelt on the floor before the steady approach of the lanky ebony fiend. "Yes! Yes!" He called out in joyous rapture.The animated skeletal movements of the mannequins that remained had indeed formed a barrier behind Zatanna. They crouched on knees, stood at awkward angles, and crawled on all fours just on the edges of her periphery. They creaked, lending a disturbing ambient noise to the room as their leather, rubber, and plastic compositions twisted about. Their presence though was nothing compared to the glowing sheen of black muscle and might that had come to a halt just before the place where the young girl cowered on the floor, lost in the arousing call of the curses power.It held its hands outward still, palms open to the ceiling as its index fingers and thumbs pinched together. The bony protrusions from the young magicians nipples moved, pulled towards the hands of the demon as if drawn towards them like a magnet. It caused her ample bosom to thrust out and pulled them into sharper mounds of flesh as the sinisterly attractive entity lowered itself to a single knee before her. It's hands moved out, long gaunt fingers curled about the shape of her breasts beneath her shirt. They stroked, thumbs rubbing across the thin protective garment that covered her protruding pierced nubs.Deep purple eyes that shined like they were illuminated by a black light stared directly into the core of Zatanna's blue eyes. His head tilted from side to side as he stared towards as if considering her worthiness while his hands worked to excite her breasts and snap her shirt open. Thin smooth as silk black stained lips opened slowly, breath that smelled like brimstone, ash, and cinder wafted from his mouth into hers. An oil dark tongue emerged, it's long thin shape was split down the middle as it slithered through the narrow space between its mouth and hers. Soft and smooth the demons lips fell towards Zatannas mouth as its tongue went to dive into her throat.But the lips didn't stop opening. The jaw unhinged with a near soundless pop. Its head angled on its wiry neck as its still opening mouth moved to hover over Zatanna's head. Its tongue danced in her mouth, wrestled its twin forks about hers while hands mauled at the sensitive shape of her breasts. The mouth loomed over her, opened wide like a snake about to devour something whole. The inky darkness beyond its well parted wall of fangs seemed to enter into the void itself as the creature drew its mouth slowly downward over Zatanna's head."You are what he has chosen! You will be his mother! His queen, and his slave! One by one you will be prepared to be his! Give yourself to him!"
The momentary flush of success washed over Zatanna, knowing that she'd at least scored a hit against the cultist. And she had some further glory in knowing that, at the very least, someone would know where she was this time, they could potentially find her... rescue her....Do I want to be rescued? I came here, right? Like... I knew something like this would happen, and I've been getting hornier and hornier. Have I have I fallen or something? No, no right?Yet the girl gasped as fingers pulled her pierced chest toward him. She felt the dark magic pounding directly into her body. Twin peaks of flesh stood fully erect, pulsing with need and blood. The enchantment dug into Zatanna, again drew forth that raw, primal want. No, it wasn't a want, a need she needed to have demonic attention on her breasts. They ached, seeming to swell slightly, not quite ballooning, but almost shivering with the raw need."Trihs enogeb..." she whispered, the words barely passing painted lips before magic dissolved the last bit of covering. As Zatanna expected, having demonic touch upon pierced nipples sent a flash of raw arousal into her, hitting her hard. Her head lolled back as she let out a throaty moan, shivering. She bit her lip, gathered herself, stared forward into eyes. She she couldn't lose herself. SHe knew that. But it was studying her, working at the dissolved shirt, spreading across her. The girl panted as she stared up at some kind of erotic nightmare, already feeling her pulse pound arousal into her groin. Moisture gathered swiftly, as if it had only been waiting for the call.Painted lips parted. Zatanna's eyes fluttered closed as she felt him sliding within her. She let him. Knew she was letting him. Told herself she was just waiting for an internal battle, or that she needed to go further, or that she'd turn on the eleventh hour or that someone would save her or or it feels fucking amazing...The words pounded against her, but Zatanna could already feel her thighs parting. her resistance, such as it was, had been pathetic this time, and she found herself not quite caring as much .She stopped fighting back, just let the creature wash over her, encompassing her...
Wide open gaping maw descended down over Zatanna's head, soon enclosing around her slender shoulders. It fell past, over her bared breasts, smooth inky black demonic lips curling and conforming over soft and tender teenage flesh. Some how the serpentine tongue remained lodged in her mouth and wrestled with its long forked ends against the smooth wet velvet of her own tongue. The entire fiendish presence engulfed the kneeling and lost to lust girl and closed in around her as it sucked her body into its depths.The rubbery texture of the creature tightened around her supple wanting body. Drew lush legs of the young magician out straight and caused her to fall with a thud onto her side. It was as if she was snared within a rubbery prison that was contorting, sealing around her like a vacuum, molding the shape of itself into a second skin that warmed and teased at every nerve it touched. From the outside, it indeed looked like Zatanna had been cocooned in a black rubbery shell that hugged her every curve. There were trace outlines on the exterior that gave hint to the variety of garments that had seemingly merged into the dark bag that smothered her body.Sensations rose as Zatanna could feel thin straps of slick material worming out from the inside of this pleasure prison. They swept around her arms, drew them taut against her side, pinned them there at biceps, elbow, forearm, and wrist. More wove around her legs, pulling them tightly together in a weaving of rubber lines that curled between and about her athletic legs. Already the diminishing air was quickly becoming apparent. Every inhale that she took only caused the entombing substance to cling more and more against her body. The rubbery skin across her lips began to surge into her mouth as the air diminished to almost nonexistence.She was spared though from that excruciating demise as a pin point hole formed in the middle of the skin about her lips. It widened, rolling outwards and forming a ridged ring that tucked under her purple lips and forced them to remain parted. Tiny suckers rose up along the interior surface of the swamping cell, they peppered her skin with kisses, indulged her flesh with nibbles, and smothered her pierced nipples with intense inhalations. Not to mention, least of all, the feeling of bulges forming upon the rubbery smooth insides of the bag that rested against the shape of her aroused mound while another began to balloon into being between the cheeks of her ass. Sure, her clothing might protect her, but for how long?
How could even a horny teenage girl have prepared forthis? Zatanna felt her body assailed from literally all sides, the demonic.... fabric? Seeping against her. Her open mouth continued to remain slack for him. Throat kept contorting, the girl continually swallowing, continually sucking him down, continually allowing, no, almost demanding he access her body through the most open of her orifices. The girl could taste his rawness upon her mouth. That almost spicy, salty flavor just oozed across her tongue, sliding within, addicting her to yet another element. The dank smell of demon, a sulfuric mixture of sex and darkness filled her nostrils with each inhale. Her eyes could only see the dark. So many senses had simply been dominated by him, by it, overwhelmed in its sheer presence.Yet touch, touch remained so acute. The girl twisted and fell, barely feeling as she touched earth, barely realizing it in her spinning world. Her jeans seemed to almost ripple about her, contorting. She could already feel her sex weeping into her oh so protective boy short panties, as if crying over her choice in protecting what lay beneath. Her bodywanted to give her virginity over, to open her womb, to let this corrupting creature into her. She could feel her body thrumming at the mere thought of it. That constant buzz of nerves and desires running like hot wires throughout, electrifying impulses continually shooting pleasure sensations into her brain.Pierced nipples pulsed, worked their demonic magics.They continued sending that primal desire down into Zatanna:breed take it in. swell. It called to her need, almost plumping her nether lips, making her interior, her feminine essence, almost hurt with a raw, primal want. And she could feel the rubber simply sliding over it, working her along. Sensations wrapping about her.Something prodded near her sex and rear. The part of Zatanna now in control screamed, wished that she hadn't left her protective clothing upon her person. But her lips could not move, and she wasn't sure she could utter a spell, even an undressing one, even if they could. She could only contort, berating her past self for daring to deny. Her protections and preparations now seemed to be working against her, as if the creature knew that it could inflict this exquisite torment upon her, simply by leaving things as they were...
The demonic form wrapped about Zatanna could sense her quickening pulse, could feel her heart thumping with want and abandonment in her chest as it rolled its tightly clinging form over her virginal flesh. Heat was trapped within the cocooning latex and rubber that surrounded her, growing more stifling by the moment. It built up perspiration on her skin which transferred to the material grasping about her, making her tight confines slick with her own sweat. Patiently it played its slender tongue through the young magicians open throat, felt how badly her body yearned to be taken as tiny little mouths sucked and kissed at the open spaces of her flesh that had been made available.Shapes hardened and grew firm between her legs and undulating rear. They created a stark and impossible to ignore contrast from the smooth and sweat slimy interior of the fabrics curled snug about their captive. Friction rose as the curved horn of the fiends freshly formed rubber protrusion ground demanding entry beyond the enchanted cloth that kept it from driving down into her tight virgin pink. Another joined, adding counter pressure against firm teenage ass, pressing the jeans down into the split between her shapely cheeks. The fabric of her own attire was forced to grind and rub against her, drawing the girl further into a state of supreme arousal.Binding straps around her wrists tightened and tugged, moving her hands towards her crotch. They trapped them there where her fingers could feel the ridged cord of rubber that rolled over her sensitive needy mound. But more importantly, they kept her hands tight to her jeans, letting the tips of her fingers discover the zipper to her own clothing, silently urging her to undo its protection and invite the demon to enter, to take her.The tongue withdrew from her mouth at almost the exact same moment, leaving her lips parted by the steely rubber ring that had offered her a means to breath in precious air. It swirled down and around her neck, circling around the slender shape, but not squeezing. Instead lingering there like a garrote that threatened to choke any resistance out of the girl, even though it knew she was running desperately low on those reserves of defiance.In the background, seemingly far removed from Zatanna's realm of erotic bliss another cultist emerged from the cluster. He wore the mask of a goat and quickly worked magics that countered the spell that held his companion in place. Once freed the pair returned their attentions to the encased and squirming form of the virginal sacrifice their lord had beckoned into his grasp. She needed to be drawn to the pentagram, her juices when she climaxed again would coat it, soak it, and empower the hold that Erebus was claiming over her even further.
Why isn't this thing just fucking me already? I ache so fucking bad. Dammit, I know it's a spell or something messing with my mind but I just don't caaaaaaare. I NEED it! My body's aching for it, on fire, burning, shocking, magick it's worse than anything I've ever felt Poor Zatanna really had set herself up for this. Within moments that demon had wrenched the dark haired magician into a state of near sexual agony. Tension mounted as her already tense nerves continued to take in that raw sensation. Tongues and mouths and sensations drew all over the writhing form of the teenage superherione. Each one sent new pulses rocking throughout her body, new nerves to fry or sensations to wrench into her inexperienced frame. If poor Zatanna had only taken the time to tend to her needs, to feed her hunger with fingers and toys, or even to seek out a nervous boy to twist her legs around, perhaps she'd have been ready for it. But yet again, her own innocence worked so deliciously against her, writhing the young heroine in the tight contents. Tightness. Such tightness about her. It drew her clothes against her, running those protective garments against her lower half. The raw sensation of cloth against too sensitive sex continued to fuel Zatanna's sexual near madness, making the magician writhe and twist, pulling against the confines that kept her tightly caccooned. Continual pressure promised and teased: Just lower the guard. Let us in. We'll give you what your body craves. Demon and girl not quite remembering that oh so powerful enchantment Zatanna had lain upon herself, that last little bit of will shot by a nearly indomitable superheroine, something that should have worked... had anyone taken her seriously?The moment the being drew her fingers to her jeans, Zatanna worked. She zipped and yanked, almost desperately trying to peel off the garment, moving as if they were on fire. In truth, it felt almost worse to her, and she shuddered a moan of satisfaction as the fabric unwound, leaving her with just a pair of cotton boy shorts. The heat was just unbearable, almost as if he intended to cook her in her own sexual juices. For it certainly ran freely, Zatanna almost glazed in it as she lay there. Sweet air sucked into Zatanna, her body arching again. Her head spun, almost drunk on the sudden influx on something to heavily denied. She let out a trembling breath, swearing she could almost see the curls of steam that were surely parting from her painted lips. She should form words... but to beg for insertion or to cast a spell, Zatanna didn't know. She rolled her hips ,body begging the demon to finish what it had so effortlessly started.
The dark robed pair of cultists swept by the squirming shape of Zatanna ensnared within the seemingly self heated and lubricated confines of the ensnaring black latex, rubber, and spandex cocoon. Their path led them straight up the short flight of steps where their gloved hands pushed the circular racks of clothing away to the side as they cleared out the middle of the floor. It didn't take them long as the pair worked with magic and hands to prepare for the ritual about to take place. With the debris shoved aside they each moved to the ring bordered black stained wooden pentagram leaned up against the rear wall. They dragged it forward, the resounding thud of its weight slamming against the tile floor spoke of the objects mass. With a grunt of effort the duo tugged it into the center of the floor and quickly made sure the shackles and chains were untangled and free of obstruction.Small slivers of cloth shot out of the ebony dark bag, latching around posts and anchoring around rails that framed the steps. With it's captive held writhing about within its womb like prison it continued to assault her most vulnerable body, relishing in the corruption of her flesh as it began to drag itself up over the ridged shape of the steps. The slim tongue unleashed from her neck, slithered across her chest and soon found its forked ends snaring about the ample base of her breasts. They coiled like twine and then squeezed inward, causing the orbs to puff up like swelling balloons and turn pale flesh a deep shade of crimson.Tendrils released after it had dragged its shape up over the stairs, they shot forward again and latched onto the structure of the circular pentagram that lay flat upon the tiled floor now. It rotated about, turning its captive around like she was stuck in a dryer as its encapsulating shape stretched and morphed to conform to the movements of its prisoner. The hardened pair of curved phallic horns rubbed eagerly against the revealed tight briefs that stood as the last line of physical defense against her most intimate of places. The pinhead tip prodded at the small slit in the briefs, nudged it aside and fit its way inside to rub over the pink lips of her sex. The one stroking heat against her ass likewise shifted, burrowed under the top hem of her hugging briefs and settled its hard rubbery shape between firm globes of ass.Quickly Zatanna was drawn over the wooden beams that comprised the pentagram until she was laying in the center of its shape. Air rushed in to touch her bared flesh and breath coolness against her overheated sweat slicked body as the entombing wrap of cloth began to partially unravel and shift into a new state of being. She was drawn back into a kneeling posture by the rough handling of the demonic ensnarement. Legs were flung wide apart beneath her as straps of spandex and rubber latched around her ankles and calves and anchored against the rim of circle that bordered the pentagram. Hands were drawn out in front of herself, palms pressed down atop of wooden beams as more cords of the demons morphing shape wrapped about her wrists and tugged them where it wanted to.The vestiges of her cocoonment fell slowly away, leaving her bound by straps within the center of the pentagram as the mass of garments that comprised the demons being puddled around her body. Its purple eyes rose up within the dark folds of cloth beneath her now freed head as its face began to emerge and gain definition. There was a slice and rip as Zatanna felt the pair of horned demonic cocks press against the fabric of her briefs, tearing them away from her body and letting them dangle freely from her outstretched legs while the pair of shadowy robed cultists looked on from the fringes of flickering candle light.
They were moving. Zatanna could feel that. Could feel her body shifting slightly amid the cocoon as they rocked. It registered ever so slightly through the sexual haze that had become her awareness. The girl knew perhaps she should aid, or at least lay still. But remaining inert had simply become impossible. Zatanna had to writhe and twist and pull and arc and undulate constantly. She kept trying to drag her heated flesh against the demonic implements that teased it. Her chest thrust out. Her hips ground down. Every bit of her seemed determined to do their part in aiding the friction upon her form, craving that sweet touch and the sweeter release that would soon be following.Another throaty moan rumbled out as the cloth teased her breasts. Zatanna felt them swelling, a slight drizzle of something seeming to leak from about her. She wasn't quite being milked, wasn't quite full, but the raw desire mixed with black magic mixed with biology simply drew arousal up in that form. She could feel the slight damp, just a faint copy of the moisture rising from between her thighs. So much sensation kept assailing her that, by now, they'd almost blended.A shift. Something kissed against the heat between her legs. Zatanna gasped, body bowing as best it could, before adjusting, letting the demonic things slide within her. She knew, dimly, that she should try to stop it from seizing her prized virginity. That she should resist. That she should be closing her legs or jerking away. But instead she was nearly thrusting herself against it, bodily begging to be taken.A shift, and air hit her body. moisture clung to Zatanna as she knelt there, pinned. Swollen breasts hung below her, looking almost more like udders than bits of human flesh. Jeans had pooled near her knees and thighs, not fully shredded. The dangling bits of the least sexy pair of panties she'd worn for this were still clinging to her. Her thighs had already been soaked, indeed, much of her almost seemed to have that glaze, as if she'd been pre baked. even her dark hair hung almost limp, as if it too had given way, as if all parts of the superheroine had seized fighting against what was soon to happen.A slice and a rip, and Zatanna groaned again. She rolled her hips, body speaking that primitive language while her mind swam in sensation, ready to be taken to the depths she so desperately craved.
From the dancing shadows around the circular pentagram the pair of cultists watched from opposite flanks of the bound and kneeling young heroine. More rubber, spandex, and plastic swept around her legs, coating her from calve to ankle, to boot in their bindings, forcing her legs to remain spread and taut against the ground beneath her. Garments shifted and rippled under her in a pool of black mass that seemed to be converging beneath her parted legs and raised hips. The covering demonic form beneath her gazed deeply into her eyes from where its handsome alluring features had pushed up out of the conglomeration of garments surging beneath her. It's tongue running out of its open curved and smiling mouth and tracing upwards to the encircling forked ends of its thin slimy tongue as they squeezed and pumped around the tightening bases of her twin orbs."You will experience such pain and pleasure." The cultist to her left spoke from the shadows that he lingered in. "Such delights of the flesh." The other said quietly from the other side of her kneeling form, his goat like mask barely visible in the soft light that bordered her. "You will be made ready for him. Body, mind, and soul."Sharp and sudden flashes of pain wrought across the bared back of Zatanna as the two horned tendrils of demonic cock had elongated and moved behind her. They struck at her now, whipping against the skin of her exposed pale back as a dozen or more candles began to hover upwards from the floor. They bobbed about as if being carried upon the swirling tides of an unseen oceans slowly rolling surface as they drew closer to her. Lashing of thin strands of rubbery whips continued to rake and snap against the back of her helpless body. Her protections kept them from cutting flesh, but red lines streaked across ivory skin as they whipped her relentlessly.Soon the candles were twisting, turning, dumping hot red, black, and purple wax down over the swollen shapes of her breasts. Streams spilled down her back, ran over the counters of her muscles and conformed to curves of her body as they began to coagulate. While these fresh torments assailed her an upward spiraling mound of wound together clothing began to rise from beneath her legs.It hardened, gained rigidity and further girth as the mass swelled upwards until the narrow top pressed up against the heated pink of her sex. Lips were parted as the narrowed head of that phallic mound of rubbery substance pushed inward, spread her virgin lips wider as it rose further, piercing into her. It bulged along its circumference, pulsed with unnatural life from its slender head all the way down to its ungodly wide roots. Soon it grew to large to fathom accommodating and it halted its ascension with just the barest of its upper peak spreading her sex. It lingered there, its form throbbing against the young heroines clenching sex. The sheer mass of it had lifted her hips upward, leaving her practically seated upon a throne of demon cock. There was room to fit more, to stretch pink lips of virgin sex wide open. To fill her until she was beyond full.She just needed to apply the proper downward pressure.
Something teased her already aching breasts. Zatanna felt more of herself drizzling out, as if the demon's lashing were stealing more of her essence. She moaned, eyes pinching closed as she gave way to sensation yet again. The girl knew she should be fighting, but nothing remained of that drive besides that very simple thought: sheshould be doing this. But... butwhy? Whimpering, Zatanna opened her eyes looking toward the cultists. A strange mixture of revulsion, anger, and arousal spiked iwthin her upon that sight. The superheroine still wanted to strike out again them, years of training and upbringing instantly marking them as "evil" and "wrong." The horny teenage girl saw two beings that could potentially or actually have cocks, cocks that could fill her drooling sex, could shove into her mouth, could reward her and satiate her rising hunger. But the part of her that was being trained as a demonic vessel felt that almost disgust: ugh, humans, do weak and disgusting, their bodies fragile, their cocks weak and pathetic. Give me a long, ridged demonic cock that can really worked my tight little pussy the thoughts fluttered through, implantation weaving into reality so that Zatanna couldn't truly differentiate them. Something slashed, and she gasped, jerking, eyes widening. The raw heat should've blazed pain against her, but she could almost immediately feel her slightly rewired body translating it into pleasure. As pink lines rose up upon white skin, the heat seeped further within. More and more arousal drooled forth from Zatanna's sex, soaking her panties to her body, letting the incoming demon almost glide within. She could feel that inner hunger throbbing strong, roaring at her from the inside, demanding release. So intense was it that she almost missed the incoming candles.Oh fuck yes they've seduced a magician before because Zatanna had so frequently joked that magicians loved playing with candles. She'd teasingly dropped some wax upon her body before, and she could recall the demon at the secret club doing the same. The thought made her shiver, and she soon found herself crying out as heat coursed down her chest. She screamed in joy as the sensations heated her body once more, streaking dark colors over her skin, making her chest seem to shiver and swell all the more. Something prodded from below.... was that a demonic cock? She dared glance down, barely seeing through the haze of pleasurable pain that assailed her senses. Yes, yes there it was, pointed against her still partially covered, still protected sex. She felt the heat pulsing just outside, beckoning her, a siren call to simply let her hips fall. The limbs loosened just a little yes, yes, yes, yes, TAKE ME, DAMMIT, TAKE ME no,no,no,no, I can't it's a demon that's wrong I YES, NO! The magician whimpered, frozen by her indecision, the warring parts of her brain screaming at her. Her eyes sought the demon's, as if to beg him for aid, or even to take the decision from her... help her decide her fate, ease herself into into this? Or did she she should escape, right? what what was she doing...?
Gazing slights of glowing purple met Zatanna's blue befuddled eyes. The angular sharp features of the demons black twisted head surged upward, stretching ebony stained garments that clung to its face like it was rising out of a pool of inky ooze. The webbing of rubber, plastic, and other sorts of material fell away, snapping back into the writhing mass of fetish clothing that swirled beneath her body. The head swirled upward supported by a serpentine neck that was but one long flowing thick tendril that was rooted in the puddle of black surrounding her. Tongues that were snared about the bases of her breasts tightened further, as if demanding that they spray whatever cream they contained out into the demons open maw that hovered before them.Still it's deep purple gaze pierced into hers as the whips cracked against her back. Their thin rubbery strands snapped around her waist, clung for moments before pulling away to draw back for their next assault. Lashes stung across the bulging curves of the spread apart cheeks of her ass, the briefs that still remained further shredded by the whipping tendrils. Hot wax still trickled in streams, heating flesh and running in rivulets that cooled before being shattered by the impact of a tendril slapping across her body. Her denim jeans stretched and ripped as rubbery plastic hooks and hands popped up, snagged into them, and yanked them further down until her ass bobbled freely.Something unseen slapped between the rent apart pale muscular cheeks of her ass, and it stayed there as if glued in place against the tender clenching ring of muscle that was the doorway into her sphincter. Heat rose against that tight hole, heat that made the searing wax showering over her body feel like a cool rain. It spread out, marking flesh, leaving a dark ring of pure black in the shape of a perfect circle that was centered around the aching hole of the young heroines tight star shaped ring of muscles. White streaks painted outward from the black hole, their bony white forms sprouting from the anal entrance of Zatanna. They curled and spread out over the globes of her firm and taut ass cheeks, leaving the mark of the cult stained upon the flesh.Seductive whispers sounded in her ear, or was it her head. The murmuring of the demons mind, of its thoughts, of its desires to spear into her virgin sex. To fuck her into a state of utter surreal pleasure. "Let your guards go, press down and give yourself to me." The words and promises seemed to speak silently into her mind from the gaze so rigidly locked with her own. "Bliss, pure sexual bliss awaits you, surrender to your fate." The pulsing quacking head of the mountain of bulging erection that had manifested beneath her parted legs pressed up against helpless virgin lips, waiting for her to descend around its mass.
A squeezing on her chest made Zatanna cry out. Her body shivered and shook with a tremor. Muscles tightened as raw joy started to shoot through her. She knew the sensation, knew what it meant: she should be orgasming. The sheer, raw pleasure coursing through her chestshould have made the magician cum. Perhaps not hard, probably not spraying her liquid want into the demon from her sex. But liquid did indeed drizzle out from her chest, milked from her body to the awaiting being below. And another blow was struck against Zatanna's essentially defeated willpower. That raw desire, that want, just felt so exquisite. The suppressed orgasm spread its poison throughout her body, seeping into her limbs, letting is pure joy melt throughout her veins.So when blows hit the rest of her, she only cried out in joy. The raw heat felt as if it were boiling her insides from without. More and more liquid drizzled from her. Her sex wept with desire her body produced sweat to cool even her breasts continued to leak a last female fluid. She could feel each blow, shredding her protective garments. The jeans likely would've held, but they'd already been yanked low, fallen from protection, and he shredded them even further from their position. The panties simply hadn't been enchanted enough to withstand direct contact, particularly not when their owner was more concerned about how she wasn't cumming than what was happening to her writhing frame.Something pressed against her ass. Zatanna let out a long, wordless scream as she felt it pushing along her, the raw heat making her see stars. She'd thought what happened earlier had burned, had hurt, but this surpassed it. The girl shivered even worse than before, her sex clamping as she felt liquid seeping forth: even Zatanna couldn't tell if the sheer shock had made her wet herself, or if her arousal simply produced that much. It hardly mattered, as her body quivered as though she were electrocuted. Everything jostled at an almost worrying pace.Suppressed orgasm number 2.... and not a small one.Whispers hit her while she panted, not sure if she hated herself for the spell or was glad for its protection. Maybe... maybe she could get through this? He clearly wanted her to take him herself. Her trembling body wanted to ever so much. She could feel her legs buckling, her lips starting to kiss the phallus even through covering. The not climaxes had pushed her just a little more, let her take just the head of him. Hips swirled, almost as if to tease the tip of his cock. She heard the words, felt them digging into her mind, insisting. her hips were grinding down, but not quite thrusting, not quite impaling herself. Suppressed sensation seemed to make her resistant, even as her body had started its work, making it clear that impalement was the only solution.
Patience, the demon festering beneath her had plenty of that trait. There was so much fresh young flesh to be savored, it focused attentions on what was offered and intended to wear down the resolve of the prize squatting over its mountain of a cock. As creamy milk bubbled up out of her marked nipples the black lips of the demons mouth parted and fell over one of those tasty balloon shaped treats. It gorged itself, sucking over the deep red flesh of her constricted breast. Hot fiendish breath poured over the shape, pulled back with an inhale and surrounded the stiff pierced peak like it was a straw to be drank from. Words still flowed from its mind and sought to poison her thoughts, singular words and simple phrases that reflected the promise of what giving in would be like."Fuck me. Impale yourself. Lower your magic. You need this."Whipping tendrils lashed, alternating now in ferocity. Hard licks of the snapping lengths cracked over the firm globes of her ass, struck softer between the cheeks where the newly painted mark of the cult was emblazoned upon the pristine peachy cream color of her ass. They snapped, twirled about her quivering body, lingered for moments offering her skin a gentle sensation before drawing away to strike at her again. "This night, you will be tamed, broken, fucked until you are RAW." Slithering straps that held her body so deliciously spread out gave suggestive downward tugs, pushing her virgin lips to accept the peaked head of demonic cock that she practically was seated upon.Candles rotated and swirled about her as magic moved them with unseen hands. They drew closer to her skin, tilting and pouring hot arousing wax upon the teenage heroines helpless body. They ran in streams down between the cleavage of her tortuously squeezed breasts while the demons maw alternated its milking suckling between her orbs. "We have, all night. Let your desire build. Fuck me." A purple candle moved towards her navel, its royal color spilled over her taut and muscular belly, drizzled hot want downward in a sheet that spread and framed her pink parted lips of sex. Dark black wax poured directly down the split of her widely spread apart ass. It mingled with her sweat, diminished her body's attempts to cool herself and renewed flaming desire. "Release your magics, and release your want, I have all night to break you down, then you are ours, for eternal pleasures await."
Sensations continued flooding through Zatanna, far, far more than a human could handle, even one with her will. her chest burned, ached, leaked. She could feel each pass of his demonic mouth, each thrash of tendril, each caress pulling against her. Tension mounting in her chest, leaking itself out in raw fluid. The almost magical milk that flowed forth would no doubt taste delicious, twisted as it was from the teenage superheroine with raw arousal. It shot the need into her all the more, resounded the actual purpose: for feeding the children, the demon's children, this creature, this cult's progeny. She was literally built for it, her body shivering with it.Fuck him.The tendrils lashed, and Zatanna again cried out, jerking. The pain had mixed with pleasure to such an extent that she couldn't fully tell where one sensation began and the other ended. Her hard white ass already had turned almost pink, save for the dark marking. Raw heat poured into Zatanna. Made her sweat. Made her sex leak. Made her body shiver with yet another magically suppressed orgasm. The muscles quivered and shook from that rawness, from the heat. Insides quivered, raw arousal pumping out. Her sex almost hungrily mouthed the head of the thick, demonic phallus, as if it would start consuming without its owners position.More heat rained from above. It drew taut lines of pure fire across her body. More made her cry out, jerk, writhe. Streams of fiery want streaked her body, leaving trails along her skin. Everything burned, everything ached. She cried out once more, feeling her legs quivering.Ahaaa, FUCK ME! With the thought came release as the heroine dropped herself down. She felt her hips sinking. It wasn't an instant process: she didn't quite go from empty to full of demonic cock in that moment. Even as her body shivered, internal walls quaking with an orgasm that would not cum. Even as her lips parted, squeezing the thick cock inside. Even as the raw heat of it threatened to melt the girl from the outside, sweat and wet pouring from her, opening pores to allow even more wax and magic to sooth her. Even as her chest continued to be milked, as her body felt as it it would burst. She still simply sank, a few inches punching into her virginal channel. She felt it splitting her wide, felt her body struggling to take it in. She'd been trained, but not quite in the flesh. Another raw scream tore from the magician as she let herself down, gave up her precious virginity to the demonic force.Another burst another suppressed orgasm, the intensity of it rocketing through Zatanna's body, almost seizing her up. This was... this was so much...
The moment that demonic force felt her submit to the needs of her flesh, as her hips started to descend, it cast away its mind numbingly patient assault. Straps, buckles, belts, and strands of black fetish clothing unfurled themselves from the writhing mass of shifting garments that surged beneath Zatanna. They snapped around her spread wide taut legs, coiled around thighs and calves of the young heroine and grasped tightly. More sprang upward, wrapping long black rubbery fabric around the magicians toned belly and waist leaving her pale sweaty flesh to peak out from between small cracks left between the dark swaths of bands that began to cover and cling. Others flung themselves around her shoulders, circled around beneath her armpits and latched into place. One last ebony length of strap slipped around her neck, worked in a circle upward as it rotated around her neck, then covered her chin, her mouth, and left the young magicians nostrils free to flare for much needed oxygen."Clever, little girl, so clever you must of thought yourself to be." The demons sultry voice wandered through her head as the snaking forks of its tongue that had been so tightly twined about the base of her breasts began to release, letting a torrent of blood rush back into them. "Making some sort of magic, to keep yourself from climaxing, to deny yourself that bliss." The wax from the candles that had been painting her flesh in heat pulled away, hovering to fall gently back into place upon the floor around her while the demons maw sucked and gorged itself on her breasts. "Now perhaps you realize, to late, that your protections are only going to drive you insane with desire." The painful lashing of the whips that streaked red lines across her spread apart rear and along her back fell away, twirling about each other now, merging into one knobbed and knotted length. "Without that release, the fortress of your mind will be left shattered and in ruin. When you crack, when the last vestige of your resistance is dismantled, you will cum with such ferocity."As the demons musing taunts swirled through her head the joined tendrils slapped between the wide parted cheeks of her pale rear. The knobby tendril rubbed over the parted valley, roughly grinding against the sensitive skin and the dark mark left upon the entrance into her nether hole. The straps that were clinging to her, mummifying her stretched out body began to pull and tug her downward. Virgin pink lips of her sex struggled with the mass of demonic cock that she was lowering herself onto. It pulsed with a life all it's own, surface of the massive invader rolling and bubbling with unnatural energy and insidious warmth. The fiend drew the helpless heroine downward, spread those puffy pink lips further with every centimeter that she descended. Filled her with more and more of its unfathomable intrusion while it sucked, bit, and formed its long black lips around the mounds of her breasts.The pair of cultists watched from where they had settled amongst the shadows. Slowly sinister smiles dawned upon their lips that were concealed beneath their masks. The dark robed figure that wore the goat headed mask drew a phone out of his pocket, tapped at its surface with the tips of his gloved fingers and held it to his head. "We have her. Make sure the room is ready. We might be here, for awhile, yet." | 77 | [] |
3,651 | | Hellsing Future (MysteriousD & GuardianAngel) | The sounds of pacing were heard over in the large, metallic and sparse room. Standing there was a man within his 30s. Of Mexican American origin. With his glasses, his rather lackluster build, one would assume he was just a scholar. And while he was, he was so much more. His name was Dr. Diego Vendrix, a member of the Illuminati. The Illuminati was the premier covert organization handling supernatural and paranormal phenomenon in the United States. Granted, it tended to be quiet, namely dealing with skin walkers, alien abductions or reverse engineering the stuff from Area 51. But then everything changed in 1999.The British suffered a catastrophic attack on London and the US was hit as well, with a death rate of over 10,000 people. However, it was the secrets that was truly horrible. Nazi vampires. Well, now that was a wake up call. While the British worked overtime to basically cover up the supernatural elements and instead blame the ordeal on neo nazis hiding out in South America, it was a bigger pain in the US. After all, the British government survived and they were able to reclaim all of the Nazi gold and fortunes stolen over to help rebuild London. The US meanwhile was a lot messier.Namely because alot of politicians became vampires, all of them conservative politicians along with several other figures. It was a complete clusterfuck since presidency had been locked down and after a brief rule of military rule, a new election had to be held. The reveal that this was all done by Neo Nazis led to a massive and bloody purge of racist and other discriminatory organizations in the US, by excessive force though it became a problem with the reveal some existed in the military.That was where the Illuminati had to come in. They lacked someone like Alucard over in Hellsing or Anderson by those loons in the Vatican or even whatever the Orthodox Church had in Russia, but they did have their fancy toys and the next several years were spent rebuilding the nation and allying themselves with Hellsing, namely with Seras Victoria having been brought in to assist. But now, they had to stand on their own.Cyborgs, regeneration technology and power armor were being developed more, but now it was also on manipulating the human genome itself and even opening up things pn psychic powers.However, meanwhile he was waiting for them to arrive. Sir Integra Hellsing alongside Seras Victoria and a new guest who'd be a little late. And of course, the next Hellsing. She would be arriving separately.The first of an artificially created human or rather grown outside the womb, she was born to continue the line beyond Integra and grew up with regular contact with her mother and strict training.He had no idea who the next guest would be though.
Everything had gone to shit the last few years it seemed like, and vampires had become more prevalent everywhere one looked. Some definitely more dangerous than others. Thankfully worldwide there were groups that had dedicated themselves to eradicating the planet of those filthy creatures. Well that wasn't to state that all of the vampires were bad, considering Hellsing had two rather powerful vampires themselves. Alucard and Seras Victoria. Plus Sir Integra wasn't the one to quite be trifled with either.And currently it seemed like Hellsing was on their way to the US to meet with the Illuminati. Cleaning up after the whole Nazi Vampire fiasco still. A bloody mess for everybody that had been involved, and it was going to take a while for everybody to even recover from that bloody attack. Especially in those places where the leaders had ended up being turned into those monsters.Good thing for the groups that were taking care of the threat, at least as much as they could, with what resources they had. But eventually even they needed to take a step back and rest. Nobody could go on forever. Even some of the strongest needed to step back and recoup, although they would never admit to that fact. They would continue to try and pick up all of the fallen pieces.A young woman with piercing blue eyes sat in the back on a car, just gazing out the window as it drove along, heading towards the meeting that she was suppose to be attending. She brushed some of her blonde hair from her face before she was looking at her watch just wondering how much longer it was going to take them to arrive. She had been in the US doing something herself when she had received a call from her mother, Integra Hellsing, and had been ordered to a particular place for a meeting with the Illuminati group.The twenty four year old woman mind was a miracle like Jesus being bore from the Virgin Mary. She was the first artificially created human grown outside of the womb, due to the fact that her mother had wanted to preserve her virginity. But regardless of that fact, neither mother nor daughter had any different relationship, it was the same as any other parent child. Well other than the strict training that the young woman happened to go through on a daily basis. Hell when she had been younger it had been completely kept from her that she hadn't actually been created through natural measures, it wasn't revealed to her until she had been far older. Where she could understand everything, even the reasoning behind it. Not that she really held anything against her mother.In the last twenty four years she had been learning all sorts of things. Starting from being able to crawl, walk, and all of the normal baby stuff, to be able to fight. She was grateful for all of the defense stuff that her mother had put her through, she would have hated to feel useless in a situation, especially in this day and age. Delicate fingers ran through long white blonde hair as Livia Hellsing worked on brushing out tangles from her hair, before she was braiding it so that it wasn't in her face. Once that was done she was checking to make sure that she had her various weapons on her. Both daggers hidden in sheaths in her boots, and she had her pistol hidden in a holster under her black dress. Alright this was all perfect that point in time."We shall be arriving in about ten minutes, Miss Livia." the driver spoke which just had her giving a faint chuckle before she was cooing in a soft voice, "Sounds wonderful to me." Honestly she couldn't wait to see her mother, it had been a while. Livia had been in the US on her own for the last few years, doing her own thing. Helping that she could help, and honing her own fighting abilities.
Within about fifteen minutes, Diego saw her arrive. It was Livia Hellsing. She resembled her mother distinctly yet her face was different, enough to show that she was her own woman. Diego Vendrix sighed, tired from the past few months. Sure the United States had been rebuilt and now progressing along nicely and becoming the world power, but it was still alot of work left to be done.Livia was very qualified, having gone through all sorts of training. Diego remembered looking at her file and part he remembered was reconnaissance commando, what someone described as a Navy SEAL with the detective skills of an FBI agent. Though it being 2029, standards were higher and so was the training."You arrived here early, Livia. Your mother and Ms Victoria should be here soon," Diego greeted her. They were both of the same. The next generation of vanguards protecting the worlds from god knows what. Diego was the youngest leaders and had helped reformed the place. Sure he was not a military man nor worked in law or such. However, he was open minded, an experienced occultist and knew what people needed. The old words of professionals studying logistics after all and it was something he could do.
Livia was grateful to finally have arrived, so that she could finally get out of that stuffy car. No shock that she wasn't even waiting for the driver to get out and open the door, nope she was climbing out herself. Man it was nice to finally be able to walk around. Sure it had only been a few hours, but considering she was so use to being on her feet, and on the go, sitting in a car for a few hours was irritating to say the least."Well I was closer than they were. I was only a few hours away, versus a country away." Livia spoke as she walked up to him, and was actually wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She usual greeting for certain people, very specific people. Diego was one of them, as was her mother. She would give Seras hugs as well. And now that she thought about it, today was the day that she was certain that Alucard was going to be returning. This would be the first time that she would met him, if he actually showed up anyways. The trumpcard of the Hellsing organization, who had just kind of disappeared a while back.All she had known about him was the stories that some of the others had told her. Stories from Seras and Integra, stories from the soldiers in the Hellsing Mansion that had managed to survive, even heard talk from the mercenary group that had just seemed to sign on full with Hellsing. Those that had survived anyways, but she wasn't sure that it had been many.Sure enough within the next twenty minutes or so, another vehicle was pulling up and parking. The door was being opened up and two woman were getting out of the car. One was an older woman in her early 50s with the same blonde hair and blue eyes of Livia. Integra Hellsing. Despite being in her early 50s, she really didn't look old at all. A wonderful thing to have occur, being older but looking far younger than what you were. Or not looking you actual age.The other female that climbed out was a rather busty young woman with platinum blonde hair a little bit past her shoulders and her eyes were red. The current outfit that she was wearing was the typical Hellsing uniform with matching miniskirt, long white stockings, and a pair of brown gloves. Seras Victoria. Once a police officer but everything had changed when her squad had ended up going to Cheddar Village a number of years ago. This is where she had been shot by Alucard, and where she had been forced to make a decision. Die as a human or become a vampire obviously she chose to live."Welcome Mother." Livia spoke before she was giving a bright smile and hurrying over to her so that she could give the woman a hug. It was still a strange sight for Seras to see the usually serious woman lightening up a bit, yet again becoming a mother did change a lot of things for everybody. Even if Livia had only been artificially created.
Diego smiled and hugged Livia back. She was younger than him by a fair bit, but they were like siblings and it made him feel good to have someone to look after regarding as the world changed. New technologies, new reforms, and of course, new threats. Yet, much like how Hellsing, the Order of Twelve, the Illuminati and heaven knows what else, they would be around to deal with supernatural threats. He knew about Livia's different conception. While Hellsing was planned to be replaced by a state program, Diego also knew that someone needed to be around to bound the Hellsing vampire, Alucard. He did not think very many people could be up to the task to handle him if everything he heard of was true.In fact, he himself did not meet him yet.He however also turned to see two women arrive.Sir Integra Hellsing and the organization's newest trump card, Seras Victoria."Long time no see, Sir Integra and to you too, Miss Victoria and of course, Captain Bernadotte," Diego said as he bowed to them. "Hey, you remembered me this time," the french accented voice said as Pip made himself vaguely known to them. He had been doing well in maintaining his autonomy within as Seras' familiar partner."It has been too long since we mainly meet for business. Namely to discuss the usual matters along with new weapons for Miss Victoria," Diego explained to them.Unknown to them, they were being watched...
Integra was giving her daughter a hug back before she was looking towards Diego, and just inclining her head ever so slightly. Yes she was glad to see the male, although she wasn't really feeling that talkative at that point in time. Plus she had one of her usual cigars in her mouth, and her daughter was commenting that they were terrible for her. That that was going to be her cause of death, and not old age like she was hoping."Well then I suppose you'll end up stepping up sooner than we both planned." was all the elder woman said which just had Livia scowling slightly at that before she was looking over towards Seras and giving her a hug as well before she was looking at Diego as the male mentioned that they were there to discuss the usual matters, and new weapons for Seras.Well that had Seras perking up a bit. New weapons were something that she most definitely liked. New stuff to kill the vampires with. Funny that she killed vampires despite being on herself, yet again she only went after those that had clearly lost their sanity. That were attacking innocents. Honestly she had even made Livia swear to kill her if she ever became like that, if she ever went crazy and started to kill innocents.Livia just listened although she was tilting her head for a brief moment which had Integra just studying her daughter for a brief moment in time. "What is wrong?" the elder woman questioned."Just have a strange feeling we are being watched is all. Might be my imagination though." Livia spoke before she was giving a small shrug and she was heading off inside with the others so that the could get the show on the road.
"Yeah, I am well aware of that," Diego responded to Integra with a smile before looking over to Seras. She, like them, was part of the new vanguard, even though she was a fair bit older than they were. She was considering the bright light of Hellsing. In an organization of bloodthirsty madmen and cynics, she maintained her humanity in a way that Diego understood why Integra held her in such high esteem."Well, well, looks like she is pretty intuitive," a voice said and Diego looked startled.Seemingly shimmering into existence appeared a well dressed man in red, including a very large red hat and some orange shades. Diego immediately recognized who it was. It was Alucard. The trump card of Hellsing and if the records were true, none other than Dracula himself.Diego, however, looked to Livia and relaxed. The woman changed and seeing her, Diego noticed the same spitting image of her mother. The same defiant yet authoritarian spirit. Alucard noted the same.How the woman looked like Integra. Stood up like her. Everything about her reminded him so much of his master and yet, she was more. She was a bit more muscular and he noted the subtle differences."Take your best shot," Alucard told Livia, coming at her to test her. He wanted to see if this girl would really be worthy of continuing his master's work.
Seras looked at Diego with a slight smile as well before she was just leaning back against the wall to listen to everybody just talk at that point in time. She was tilting her head a bit when she heard the younger Hellsing mention having the feeling of being watched. Heck Seras hadn't even noticed that fact at all, yet again she hadn't really been paying attention to that. Not with keeping an eye out on everything and anything around her. Or it was possible she had noticed it, and had just let it drop since it was just a feeling.How amusing it was to see even Seras jump a bit when the well dressed man in red seemed to appear out of nowhere. "My Master..." was all Seras could breath, a bit startled to see the male appear out of nowhere. Well this was certainly a surprise to see him, even Integra seemed startled, and it didn't seem like it was often that her Mistress was startled."How good of you to finally show up, Alucard." Integra spoke in a rather dull voice after a moment in time, the shock of seeing him show up all of a sudden seeming to just fade away into nothingness. After that she was stepping away from her daughter when the red clad vampire was moving at her.Livia just studied the newcomer that had arrived for a moment in time before she spoke, "Alucard.... Not quite how I had imagined." With that she was raising an eyebrow at the mention of taking her best shot as he was coming at her. She was actually moving towards him as well, already one of her silver daggers in her hand. Integra was a bit surprised that it was in her hand already, she hadn't even seen her child draw it out of the sheath from her boot.
Alucard noted the girl's surprising lack of real surprise before settling on a focused tone. He noted that rather than taking a defensive stance, she charged right at him. He wondered if she was merely reckless or if she was having a plan. Nonetheless, he still went at her. After all, it's not like she could kill him.Despite this, he would fight her to see what she could do and so far she was not disappointed at all.Diego was examining the fight, wondering what Livia was planning. He knew that look in her eye. She was always a calculating woman, knowing what needed to be done. Meanwhile, he was also looking at Alucard. The Vampire King. Hellsing's attack dog.Diego had some opportunities to examine vampires and dissect them a few times, but Alucard was something entirely different. The first of his line and one born naturally. The relic of a bygone era of crusaders and castles. He even read on his psych file, how he loved letting his opponents stab and attack him, only to shrug them off entirely to demoralize them and attack them.He even read on how he supposedly was killed when he consumed the soul of Schrodinger, an entity who embodied the "Schrodinger's cat" principle... somehow. According to a call he had with Integra, it was because he killed all the other souls in him.
Livia wasn't at all really shocked by the vampire. And it wasn't as if this was the first vampire that she had dealt with, and definitely wasn't going to be the last that was for sure. Somebody had to kill them, especially those that really didn't deserve to live. Those that had fallen into depravity, and had started to attack innocents.No she wasn't recklessly charging towards him, it wasn't as if she were completely without a plan. And she had managed to withdraw her dagger easily enough, something that some would have probably failed at. Drawing it out without hindrance whatsoever, or managing to do it without tripping over their own feet. God knows she had done that enough when she had been training. How often she had been "killed" by Seras during their training sessions.Integra just watched the mini fight between Alucard and Livia, although it wasn't long before she was giving a whistle. "Now isn't the time to be fighting you two, we have business to take care of." she spoke in a rather sharp voice. Well that was one way to end something. While she knew Livia couldn't kill Alucard, the opposite could happen. Even if her daughter had been seeming to hold her own against the vampire king.Livia was sliding her dagger back into the hidden sheath and was sliding away from Alucard before she spoke, "As you wish, Mother." Man and she had been having fun at that point in time.
Alucard smiled in satisfaction as the woman lunged at his throat though she was not really trying. Granted, he really wasn't either and given the unfamiliarity of the place, it was likely because she did not want to cause much of a scene. However, based on her movements and speed, she would definitely be worthy.He did smirk at hearing her talk to her mother like that, though he could not really offer."Good to see you too, my master. And as for you, Livia Hellsing. You definitely show promise though I'll have to see how you fare when the time comes," Alucard told her with a smile before turning over to Diego. "And who might you be?" he asked Diego. "The person running this establishment and an occultist. No one special otherwise," Diego responded, shrugging his shoulders as he eyed the vampire king. Alucard actually laughed at both the brazen statement and its modesty at the same time."That and the guy who helps make you your new gun. I was informed how you were both in need of new firearms, so follow me," Diego told them with a smile as he led them over to the lab and Seras with her new gun."The Golem Cannon." he said to her with a smile, letting her admire the specs. "Definitely stronger and lighter than what you have, plus with various different missiles that come with it," he said.
Livia was looking towards Alucard for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "I'm sure that we'll be working together at some point in time." With that she was turning on her heel and gliding over to her mother, who was just inclining her head ever so slightly. Well at least they hadn't gotten to deep into testing each other skills. Integra could already see stuff possibly getting destroyed, hence the reason she had called them off.Soon enough they were heading off towards the lab so that Seras could examine the new weapon that Diego had gotten made. With that she was picking it up so that she could examine it. It was lighter than her usual gun, not like the weight really bothered her whatsoever."I like it." was all Seras could said before she was holding it in her hands as thought she was going to fire it, testing out that balance as well. Not that she would actually fire it inside the lab.
Alucard just smirked. Livia was definitely promising, but he would not make assessments on her until they would encounter trouble and it would look like that day may come sooner than he expected given the atmosphere. He then got admiring the new weapon that Seras got. "The light weight comes from the different sturdier materials used," Diego explained over to Seras as he saw her wielding the monstrous cannon meant to destroy tanks at the very least."Granted, the experimental stuff was still not ready for testing and honestly, it's not really practical even if we did get it up and running," Diego lamented as he looked at the desk containing coded blueprints. However, he then turned over to Alucard and smirk before presenting him with a large suitcase on the table."Yours is over there," Diego told Alucard and went Alucard went to see what was in the case. "Ooh, what is this?""It's the descendant of your old Casull, the Illuminati ARMS Prometheus.About an improvement in every capacity along with a few burning capabilities. Explosive tips, blessed, the inclusion of silver, the whole works," Diego said with a smile and he was rewarded with the sharp grin of Alucard."It's glorious, Diego. Truly, the future is quite bright indeed and I look forward to using it," Alucard said with a smile. "I did not make anything specific for you, Livia, because you're not much on firearms though if you do want me to have something made, just say you," Diego told his long time friend with a smile.
Seras was just holding it although there was definitely a grin on her lips. Man she couldn't wait to actually test it out, and she was voicing as much. So far the stuff that Diego made had failed her as of yet, and that was definitely saying something. With that she was looking over to see what Diego had made for Alucard, who definitely seemed quite interested in it as well."Oh pretty." was all she could say as well, as she was looking at the gun that her vampire Master had been gifted. Although while she liked her firearms, she had definitely grown more use to these bigger guns that the smaller guns that Alucard used. Who knew why exactly. But hey everybody had their own preference. Take what Diego was saying to Livia for example, she wasn't big into fire arms, she preferred more of the hand to hand. Knives and what not.Livia gave a chuckle before she spoke, "Thanks but I'm good for right now. As long as my knives are sharp, I'm set. And I still have that pistol you had given me a while back, just in case it comes to it." With that she was giving a faint shrug before she was looking over at her mother who seemed to just being studying her outfit at that point in time."You aren't seriously planning to leave those heeled boots on, are you?" Integra questioned which had Livia raising an eyebrow before she spoke, "You already know that I can move better in heels than in flats. Flat I fall on my face trying to walk, heels I can do anything it without much hindrance. Plus, they have their benefits when you get grabbed. They hurt when your foot gets stomped on with the heel."
"Yeah, that's true. We have been slowing down the developments of some of our more high end weapons due to the impracticality of making them," Diego noted, recalling the tests with the rail gun and the coil gun. Most of which could bring promise... if they could find materials to handle the powerful forces. Well, rail guns just required better materials, coil guns required that and more work to get the timing right and so they would not be such massive hassles to use."I am working to seeing if I can do something with the knives though," Diego hinted with a mysterious smile. Vibroweapons were something that became more notable, especially since vibrating blades were a bit common now in surgery so he was trying to weaponize them more for Livia."Well, I do think she looks good in them," Alucard commented on what the mother and daughter duo were saying."Do not mean to interrupt, but we do have business to discuss. Namely... the potential rise of another vampire outbreak... this time brought to us by Russia," Diego said, his tone growing far more serious as he led them to a room with screens which had various bits of information."The collapse of the British and American influence in the world led to the rise of that of Russia, though they would lose said influence due to in fighting and economic instability. Normally this would not be a problem except for one of our targets of interests... this man here was a former KGB member who would become prime minister and the president later before his attempts at annexing Crimea would get him into trouble and he disappeared," Diego explained. "What does this have to do with vampires? Well, during the incident, several former KGB members living in the USA and the UK would confess to the USSR having confiscated documents related to Millenium back 85 years ago," Diego added."That and the news of mysterious attacks on the country sides explain it."
Livia gave a faint chuckle although soon enough she was looking over towards Diego when he got more serious about the new situation at hand. A potential vampire outbreak that could occur, in Russia. This had her shaking her head a bit before she spoke, "All of the vampire attacks seem to be getting more and more frequent." She was running her fingers through her hair before she was pulling it up into a ponytail so that it was out of the way at that point in time. Well she figured that they were going to be making a trip to Russia to take care of this problem. Or at least attempt to."I've always wanted to go to Russia." Livia did end up commenting which had her looking over towards her mother when the woman mumbled something about her being shocked that the female hadn't ever decided to sneak away to go to a different country, or just disappearing for months on end. "Hey you'll at least know where I'm at this time, not like when I decided to go to Germany to see how it has been doing with everything that has happened. It is chaotic there as well." Livia commented in a rather calm tone, and Seras was just giving a snicker.If anything, at that point in time Integra would end up having a heart attack worrying about her daughter, who was far more adventurous than what Integra could have imagined. Which had the older woman mentally wishing Alucard luck at keeping tabs on her at all times, she had a tendency to just up and vanish at times."So basically now we are making a trip to Russia to eliminate this vampire threat before there is an outbreak." Integra spoke after a moment in time as she was pulling out a cigar and was about to put it to her lips and light it, only to find that it was being snatched away by her daughter.
"Well, only recently. It has been quiet otherwise for the past few decades," Diego responded to what Livia said. "Well yes, Livia and Seras are going to Russia. Livia seems to be enamored with field work though she's gonna have to get used to the office stuff like you did, Sir Integra," Diego added with a bit of a smirk."As for the outbreak... I do not know. Talk to the Council and see what you can get from them regarding MI6 and the others. Millenium was a splinter cell. Here, I do not know if it's one of those old obscure occult branches of the USSR or if Person of Interest or POI Raz is possibly heading this. Regardless, we need to go and check it out. After all, Slavic folklore is rich in stories about vampires and the like. So little wonder we would be finding out activity there," Diego adds."Well, it will be good to get out and see the world as it is," Alucard said with a smile. "I will be going too. Normally, I'm not allowed to do field work, but given how short staffed we are and the restructuring, they need someone to go and record information. Furthermore, unlike Hellsing or those lunatics at the Vatican, we lack a trump card," Diego adds."We'll be leaving in 92 hours so hopefully the Council show know by then," Diego told Integra.
Livia's noise wrinkled up a bit in disgust at the mention of getting use to office work which just had Integra waving a hand before she spoke, "No, I'll continue to handle the office work. Livia is far more suited for the field work than even I was at her age." She hadn't put her daughter though all of the training that she had, just for her to sit back and do office work. No Integra knew what she was doing, and she already had a plan in motion, and nobody was going to disrupt it.This was definitely going to be an adventure that was for sure, and Livia was more than excited about it. She was looking towards Alucard as well as he made a comment, and it seemed like even Diego was going to be going out into the field. Well this was getting more and more interesting. Although they wouldn't be leaving for another 92 hours it seemed.Integra was just waving a slight hand before she spoke, "If this meeting is over then, I saw we all go and get a bite to eat." With that she was turning away and Livia was running after her as the woman headed off. Seemed like Integra knew her daughter well enough to know that she wasn't going to wait the 92 hours... no she was probably going to end up being MIA come tomorrow evening, deciding to go early."I know you, daughter. Be careful, and stay safe." was all Integra could tell the young woman who gave a gentle smile before she spoke, "Don't worry so much. I haven't gotten myself into a hole that I couldn't claw my way out of."
"Well, you cannot run everything forever," Diego told Integra with a smirk before resigning to what she said. He was more suited for office work, though namely, that was because Diego was not a combatant in the slightest. Sure whenever he was sufficiently enraged, he can prove to be an okay beserker but he was overall not much trained in hand to hand or shooting. Whenever he did wield a weapon, it was a special air powered grenade launcher, allowing him to defend himself or cause some trouble. And then some electrified gloves for self defense."Yeah, I reckon all of you are hungry from your travels and it'd be nice to get something to eat before Sir Integra has to leave back for Britain," Diego notes with a smile before looking at Alucard. He went over to a cooler and opened it before tossing the vampire a packet of blood and then giving one to Seras."Then again, ya'll don't really need to eat," Diego commented to them. He did not know what they could do for hobbies. For Seras, he knew she'd often spend times with the families of the deceased Flying Geese along with the few survivors and their new families. Then again, Pip was always with her so they could always go on quasi dates.Alucard meanwhile he had no idea what he did. As for Alucard, he liked watching movies. Bruce Willis films were his favorite as well as adaptations of Frederick Forsythe novels. He would be hoping to see if there were more of those like it. That and sleeping. He slept a lot to say the least."I look forward to seeing you in battle. What is your full name?" he asked Livia.
"I shall most definitely find a way to run everything forever, if not I shall appoint somebody who could. You know Hellsing is better off having her in the field along with Alucard and Seras, versus being coped up doing office work." Integra spoke after a moment in time before she was watching as blood packets were being given to the two vampires.Livia was just watching for a moment before she was looking towards Alucard as he came up and was asking what her full name was. "Livia Anabel Hellsing." she spoke after a moment in time before she was listening to the idle chatter between the others at that point in time. Well since they were a bit distracted, now that her mother had ended up starting to talk about what they should have, she decided that she was going to wander off and explore.With that she was actually strolling off a few feet before she spoke, "You know.... My mother was actually a bit sad when you had just seemed to up and vanish. At first when she spoke about you, I thought you were some old lover of hers. Then Seras and Pip explained a bit about who you were. Man was I intrigued, and asked them more about you. The Vampire King himself, serving a human. It seemed like a fake story at first, yet here you are, still serving said human. It actually baffles me a bit to be honest that you would serve a human. But regardless of that, I'm grateful. Needless to say, my mother is no warrior. Sure she is good with a gun, but you corner her and it is end game."That was something that she had discovered pretty quickly, hence the reason why she had spent a lot of her time learning to fight with Seras. It helped that the woman was a vampire, it helped Livia increase her own strength. At least she had a better chance against a vampire in that aspect, same with the speed. She had worked on it all, day in and day out. There had been a number of times during her own training sessions that she had pushed herself to the brink of collapse. Once even ended up getting herself hospitalized. Man had her mother been furious and worried all at once."Anywho, since they are going to be chatting for a while and I ate before I got here, I'm going to go explore." Livia spoke after a brief moment in time, let the vampire king decide if he wanted to come with or not.
"Wasn't the reason you decided to have her was because someone needed to babysit Alucard?" Diego questioned his fellow Hellsing leader. That was the whole point of this though he wondered what was Integra up to. He sighed a bit, wondering if the US should invest in trying to make their own secret weapon. Granted, they were pretty secular and given how the evangelists were not truly devoted, as seen with how many failed to stop the vampires. For all their so called devotion and preaching, they were not real people of God. He wondered if this tendency for people to use the excuse of religion for their own selfish gains explains the failures of the Catholic Church and of the evangelicals here?Regardless, it was still an idea to consider having a champion or an ace up their sleeves. He needed to bring it up in the next meeting of the executive administrators."Your mother is an exemplary woman. She bore face down vampires with but her sword and triumphed. She is a warrior through and through, but more, she is a general. A planner. A thinker. I take it you have never fought her sword to sword," Alucard asked her. "Likely, otherwise she'd gotten her butt handed to her with a side salad, a dessert, and a fine wine," Diego commented with a smirk at his longtime friend."Where will you be going? There is not much here on the base from my preliminary view," Alucard said as he followed the woman who would likely become his new master.
"In the end I think it may be Alucard babysitting her, not the other way around." Integra commented after a moment in time before she was giving a faint chuckle, and just looked at the male before she was commenting that right now wasn't the time to talk about anything else like that. "Lets figure out food then we can discuss more of that." she chuckled before she was looking to see that Seras was there, and was then looking over towards towards Alucard and Livia, shocked that neither of them had made a comment about being babysat at all, probably went over their heads."Plenty of places off of the base to explore. Why would I stay on the base? That isn't fun at all." Livia commented after a moment in time in time as she looked towards Alucard then looked at her mother who was just waving a hand as if telling them to have fun with that. "Make sure you come back in one piece." was all Integra could tell them, more specifically her daughter.
"This IS Alucard," Diego told her, raising an eyebrow at what Integra was saying. "She'll grow up. We all do," Diego said as he shrugged his shoulders before he began leading whoever was going to follow him over to the cafeteria of the base they were currently in."True, but when you get to be as old as I am, you take appreciation in the smaller things, especially whenever you disappear for decades if not centuries at a time," Alucard added with a smart aleck smile on his face. "You are different than Integra. She has devoted her life entirely to protecting the world and yet you seem to have similar devotion... yet you wish to see more of the world. Do you think that if something should happen to Integra or whenever it would become her time, you could step up to the plate?" Alucard asked her.
"They are both troublesome. Leaving them together will undoubtably spell trouble as well." Integra pointed out before she was following after him towards the cafeteria that was in the base. She stretched a bit then glanced at Seras, who had at some point bitten into the blood bag and was sucking at the blood from it.Livia chuckled before she spoke, "Of course I want to see more of the world. You don't really get to see much of the world nowadays, not that hasn't fallen into ruin or fear because of the vampire attacks. And I cannot protect the world by sitting there and doing nothing. Since I'd been created I've trained and learned to fight, as soon as I was able to go out and about on my own, I took to doing missions with Seras, and assisting her. I cannot just sit back idly, I have to actively be helping. And as for stepping up to the plate.... possibly. But I won't be like my mother, I won't just sit back and do the paperwork. I'll be active in the field as well, I'll make it work out." After that she was drifting off towards the gates that would lead them out of the base, and listening to the few people that were there, just letting them know the dangers that they may encounter once they left.
"Honestly, it actually looks like the world has fared well. Humans can overcome any and all adversity. That is what makes them God's greatest creation," Alucard says wholeheartedly to Livia. "Indeed, despite the mess caused by Millenium, they have rebuilt very well," he added with a very large smile on his face. Showing off his fangs."Well done. So you know the blood rush? The feel of crushing your enemies all in the name of your drive?" Alucard added dramatically, liking this new woman more and more. "I do know that more people will get involved along with the state. How are you with the rest of the Council? Like Penwood?" he asked her. He was referring to the grandson of the Penwood his master knew.
Livia looked towards him before she spoke, "Some areas have fared better than others. I make sure to travel a lot, and I've been checking up on many areas. I help rebuilding when I can, I help relocate if it comes to that." After that she was turning around so that she was walking backwards as she faced him before listening to his next comment. About the blood rush and the feeling of crushing enemies.She raised an eyebrow when he asked how she was with the rest of the Council. This had her giving a faint shrug before she spoke, "Truth be told, I have yet to meet any of the council. Mother hasn't introduced me to them quite yet, and usually when they meet I am away doing my own thing. I'm thinking she does it on purpose. But it is whatever at this point in time. Even should mother pass on, Hellsing will still live on... and I'll prove that it is still a force to be reckoned with."After that she was twirling around once again, not even faltering on the uneven ground in heels as she skipped off ahead of him, the wind blowing her black gothic style dress around her legs at that point in time. She did tilt her head back before she spoke, "And being out here is so much better than being stuck in some stuffy old base."
"True, but all of them had been fine people when I met them and I am sure they remain the same," Alucard told her with a smile. "You should meet them and so should I. It will be fun to see them," he added with a sharp smile on his face."Tell me more on how much has changed, at least with Integra, Seras and on that Diego. He seems to be very fascinating. He reminds me of that man from years ago," Alucard says with a fond smile, referring to none other than the original Hellsing himself.
"Well then we can make a trip to meet them together. I can meet them for the first time, and you see them again." Livia spoke after a moment in time before she was giving a slight chuckle before she was looking back at him when he asked how much things had changed.How much had stuff changed from when he had been there last? "A lot of rebuilding everywhere. This is the first time in a while mom has actually left Britain, preferring to stick at home. Seras is always off doing something for her, Diego is a good guy to have around. Mom and Seras have gotten some neat guns from him, if only I were into guns. I completely suck at using a gun, and cant aim worth shit. Give me a knife though, and I can hit my mark every time." she spoke. Okay maybe not every time but pretty damn close.
"Wonder how many of them are still alive," Alucard could not help but comment to her with a smile. "So, you're more preferable with blades then? How interesting. Reminds me a bit of Anderson," Alucard commented, having a melancholic smile as he recalled his nemesis that was around. Did he have such men and women still around that would be devoted to ending him? He was not sure. After all, everyone seemed to be doing all right with him around. However, he was hoping to still find someone willing to fight and try and end him.After all, monsters like him were not meant to be around forever."I wonder if Diego will be the one to end me..." Alucard could not help but comment suddenly. He was not a warrior... but then again, neither was Dr. Helsing himself. "He reminds me so much of him... of Dr. Helsing," he said as he was walking alongside Livia.
Livia looked towards Alucard for a moment in time before she spoke, "Guns terrify me. I hate using them with a passion, despite the fact that I have one strapped to my thigh now. Mother insisted I carry it just to be safe, although I've never once had to use it. I'm more of that up close and personal fighter, always have been. And thanks to Seras and sparring with her up close and personal, I can handle a vampire. I've gotten pretty good at predicting where they are going to end up attacking from."As he had stated earlier when he had appeared, she had a good intuition. With that she was brushing a few strands of her hair out of her face before she was looking towards Alucard for a brief moment in time when he was wondering if Diego could end up. "You know mother said that you would probably ask something like that. And she says you aren't allowed to, not yet anyways." she spoke after a moment in time.She was looking off into the distance for a moment in time before she spoke, "I suppose we could make a trip to see who is still alive in the council. Mother knows me enough to know that I'm not going to wait 92 hours before I go to Russia. I'll probably end up leaving tomorrow at some point. Do a little sightseeing before I have to actually be seriously."
"Fair enough. I use a sword myself back when I was a different man, but now I prefer firearms," Alucard told her with a smile. He then turned her, surprised to hear that Integra was predicting in regards to his own end. "I'm not allowed to die then? Orders are orders," Alucard said with a chuckle. When he dies, he will die fighting with everything he has. However, it was now that he had a new form of immortality. One that relied on the principle that as long as he thought, he therefore was."Well, Diego did not actually say where we are heading to Russia and that is where we are landing, not necessarily where we will be traveling," Alucard pointed out with a roguish grin as he realized the young man probably did so Livia would try and jump the gun so much."So, we're going back to England then?" he asked her. "Then again... I am there already. I am everywhere... and nowhere," he said with a chuckle.
Livia just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Mother will find out and let me know, she always does." She chuckled softly before she was listening to him mention something about going back to England. Oh yeah that is where most of the council members were at anyways."Yeah you aren't allowed to die yet. Besides according Diego, I guess I get to be your babysitter. Although I'm not sure how that works out." Livia commented with a giggle after a moment in time. God she remembered being younger when her mother was afraid of her getting taken or something, so she kept her more confined to the grounds. The people that her mother had hired to keep an eye on her. Yeah that hadn't ever gone over well for them at all.Most of them ended up quitting within a week of trying to keep up with Livia. There was one that had actually managed to stay around for a good year or so, after discovering that Livia was using the vents to get around the mansion unnoticed.
Alucard began chuckling before descending into a cackle at hearing at what Livia said in regards to her being his babysitter. "Well, I suppose that is one way of putting it," Alucard said with a roguish grin while he was still walking alongside her. "So, I suppose you will be taking the plane in order to get there?" Alucard talked to her as they were still on the military site."I am interested in seeing what are some of the new models that you have made for this," Alucard confessed, looking like a kid in the candy store with excitement."What are your thoughts one me dying eventually dying?" Alucard could not help but ask Livia, especially since she would likely become his new boss.
Livia looked towards him before she spoke, "One of the many planes. I'm sure Diego is totally use to my antics as well." With that she was giving a faint chuckle before she was pausing in her walking to gaze around just taking in the sight. Hey it was very beautiful where they were at.She was looking over towards him when he asked what she thought about him dying eventually. "You're an immortal. You've had that crazy priest cut off your head and you came back. And if it is true and you have that cat boy's powers." she added after a moment in time, before she was giving a small shrug of her shoulders. "As long as you aren't dying before mom dies, we should be okay.""I suppose we should probably head back eventually." Livia commented.
"That's fair. In some ways, I envy Seras. She is the light within our otherwise dark organization back thirty years ago. For her own courage in facing the potential death and in walking the night, she can spend eternity with her beloved," Alucard noted with some thought in regards to his fledgling."Immortality... true immortals do not exist," Alucard said, responding to what Livia said. It was reminiscent of what Arthur Hellsing told Integra and what Integra, in turn, told Livia. That many of these so called immortals deep down were frail sobbing children."By head back, you mean to meet back Integra? I thought you were wanting to head out to London," Alucard asked her with a smirk. He would be entertained to see what the two women will clash on if anything.
Livia looked towards Alucard for a moment in time before she spoke, "Why don't you attempt to find love then as well. Then fall of the face of the world with your love. Or just travel everywhere. That is what I would love to do. Travel the world and not have to worry about anything." She did raise an eyebrow when he was asking if she meant heading back to Integra considering he had thought she wanted to head out to London. How she would go to London, although at that point in time there wasn't really a way there, not without being noticed. And probably being scolded, which she voiced.
"I have not earned immortality. And even then, I made my oath to the Hellsing family. What awaits me is hell no doubt," Alucard noted, looking at what Livia said. Traveling the world had intrigued, but it was difficult to do so. Furthermore, Alucard was not human. Despite his appearance, he was something from different from human. Certain zealots believed he was something more while others he was less, including himself. Someone who retreated from death."I am everywhere and nowhere. Places change. I may look pretty human, but far from them, I am," Alucard added before noting her look."Hey Livia, if you want to go to the UK, just tell one of the pilots and he'll take you there. You've been walking a circle in the airfield to Britain for a while now," a message would appear to Livia, coming from her communication device from Diego."It appears Diego has given you the means. Will you take it?" Alucard asked her, almost daringly.
Livia looked towards Alucard before she spoke, "I'm not sure how you haven't gained immortality. You would think that having your head cut off, and being able to come back after that would be considered being immortal." With that she was giving a faint shrug in the end, as though it didn't really matter at that point in time. With that she was listening as he was commenting about how he was everywhere and nowhere. Now stuff changed."Valid point there." she commented before looking at her communication device that she had on her, to see the message from Diego. Of course she was going to take it! Had she just tried to do it a bit earlier, she probably would have been a bit of difficulty with it. "Of course I am! Would have earlier but the pilots would have been argumentative." she grinned.Off to go and find a pilot, and head to the UK! "You should fly with me so it isn't such a lonely trip, considering mother is staying here until tomorrow at the earliest." Livia looked towards Alucard.
"I have not earned it. I took it in order to spite God. I forsook my humanity because I was afraid. A monster such as myself... a creature of such weakness that I could bear the weight of a human life... it's why only a human can destroy a monster," Alucard told Livia solemnly in regards to his past. "Even with that, I lived on the lives of others before I absorbed Schrodinger. I can absorb no other person lest I lose myself once more," he adds. "Now I am here and yet I am not. A particular oddity. As such, perhaps only people of great intellect like Diego could probably find a way to undo my new ability," he adds with a smile."Well, you could just you're going for business after all," Alucard commented. He could make a fair more snark at Livia and she responded back. He found it a bit refreshing to say the least."Unfortunate you cannot fly a plane," he wondered out loud.
Livia looked towards him for a moment in time as she strolled towards the planes although she had a thoughtful look on her features before she spoke, "You know... I've never believed in god or religion myself. So I have to wonder if I'll see you in hell when I die." After that she was giving a slight shrug when the man commented about Diego possibly being able to find a way to undo his new ability."I can learn." Livia spoke with a small scoff although then she was adding that it would probably be a bad idea. Hell her mother regretted letting her learn how to drive a car, even more so regretted when she decided she wanted to learn how to drive a motorcycle. With that she was walking up to where the pilots were at and speaking with them softly, stating that she had some business in the UK to attend to as soon as possible.
Alucard could not help but pause on what Livia said. "How is it that you do not believe in God or in religion after all the things your mother has seen?" Alucard asked her. It seemed a fair bit ridiculous. While he was never bothered by atheists or much of anything, it was perhaps because it was her, the daughter of Integra, that it caught him off guard.After all, vampires were walking evidence of the dark forces."Well, if you do not know, we should probably find a pilot to get going them," Alucard said to her with a bit of a smirk. Fortunately, the pilots agreed and let her board on. The planes here were pretty different, designed for quick transportation, but not really for war."My, my, humanity has advanced quite nicely," Alucard commented with a smile.
Livia just looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Everybody speaks of how great God is, how benevolent he is. But I haven't seen the proof. People are surviving all around, dying from diseases that have no cure, and so much more. Yet this so called God hasn't done anything to save those people at all. Perhaps I'll believe when this superior being actually does something to protect the beings that he supposedly created." With that she was giving a faint shrug before she was skipping off to one of the seats in the plane so that they could get going.She was taking a seat before she was just tilting her head a bit at the mention of how humanity has advanced quiet nicely. Well that was good to hear, at least she hoped so anyways. With that she was just speaking, "I suppose you would see it more than I have. I haven't really seen a advancement at all."
"That's our job," Alucard said as he looked at Livia. "Everyone believes that if they do something, God will personally come in to save them. I made that mistake once... and when I felt abandoned by him, I became this," Alucard said, his tone becoming more serious. "That sort of cynicism will not do you well in this line of work. Not when the divine and demonic truly exist," he says to her. "Seras herself pointed it out... long ago, about how we take care of ourselves. After all, if you look at your history books, how much has plague, war, famine and so on have gone down by. When you live for as long as I have, you see the strides and changes humanity has made," he says.He was not sure on what to make of her, but her attempted skepticism was not impressive, at least in their line of work.Once they have all gone in, the plane would rocket and begin taking off over to the UK. However, while they were flying, Alucard would be smiling while sitting next to her."My, my, I did not know they were managing to make the Sahara green again," he said with a smile.
Livia looked towards him before she spoke, "Well I haven't been a believer and I haven't had anything terrible happen in my life. But I suppose if vampires and what not exist, I'm sure everything else does as well. But I honestly don't really care much. Everything I do for myself, I do alone. Every decision I make is my own, I'm not compelled by anything else, except for my own thoughts. My own feelings." She was giving a faint shrug before she was gazing out the window for a brief moment in time, just watching everything move past them.The sooner they got to the UK, the happier she would be honestly. Despite loving to travel, she hated to fly. At least the sickness that she use to feel constantly was something that she could get to go away. Thank god.She was looking at the mention of the Sahara before she spoke, "A work in progress, just like everything else."
"How individualistic of you," Alucard commented cheekily to Livia in response to her speech on how she was motivated and did it all for herself."Yet progress is progress. What do you expect? If everything is done instantaneously, what do you hope to accomplish?" Alucard questioned over to Livia in regards to her comment on how the world has changed. "You are surprisingly cynical," he added, wanting to provoke a reaction.She was not like Integra, that was for sure, but to what extent was hard to say.
"I never said it was a bad thing that it was a work in progress. I never even knew about this restoration projection. And no, even with all of the supernatural, I'd be shocked if big projects like this were done overnight." Livia spoke after a moment in time as she looked at him put of the corner of her eye, before she was taking her hair out of the ponytail. At least for a brief moment. No she was putting back up, just tying it more tightly so it didnt come out.No at that point she didnt say much more, instead just gazed put the window. Now they were over an area that was still destroyed. Already she could sense a number of vampires roaming about. Probably more ghouls. A danger zone.
It would not be long before they landed over in London. London had rebuilt remarkably over the past 30 years or so, thanks to all the Nazi treasures they had. While there were many buildings damaged, a few remained, including the Holocaust Museum ironically. As they landed over in London, they were welcomed in."Oh, Miss Hellsing. We were not expecting you," one of the attendants. "I assume you have not been knighted yet," Alucard commented over. He did wonder if Livia would be knighted as Sir Hellsing once her mother passed on or if she would inherit the title as normal."Why are you here?" he asked before looking to see the vampire. "Erm... is it to inform the Council of Twelve about him?" he responded. Alucard still had a knack of intimidating or at least freaking out the more civilian workers or so on here.
Thankfully it wasn't long before they were landing in London, and Livia was walking off of the plane, just looking around for a moment in time, just looking towards one of attendants when they stated that they hadn't been expecting me. "Surprise visit I suppose." she chuckled before looking at Alucard when he asked his question, before she was giving a shake of her head."Alucard was wanting to see how the council has been doing, and I was wanting to meet them. So we decided to kill two birds with one stone." Livia hummed, answer the attendant's question. London was so beautiful, and had been rebuilt quite well over the years. There were definitely some places that were flourishing better than others, but there wasn't much that you could really do about that.There was a hope that someday everywhere would flourish again, the evil vampires were completely eradicated, and everybody could just go back to living normal lives. A hope... although it would probably never happen. There was always that one psychopath that wanted to destroy the world. So even if that dream came true, the next thing probably wouldn't be vampires.
"Right this way, Ms. Hellsing and Alucard," the attendant said before he began leading them over through the building that housed the Convention of Twelve. The group of individuals inspired by the Arthurian Knights, they were in charge of protecting England from supernatural and other bizarre horrors while assisting in rebuilding.Surprisingly enough, there was in fact everyone there at the Convention of Twelve. It was mostly of young guys along with Walsh as one of the last old guards. A couple of youngish ladies were there too. Well, well, thi is a surprise, Alucard said with a grin.
Livia followed after the attendant and just gazed around the building that they were in. Definitely a rather beautiful building, and it housed the Convention of Twelve, a group that was in charge of protecting England. A group of people that even Livia herself had never met, so she wasn't sure how she felt it. And she knew for a fact that some of them knew nothing about her, her mother keeping that a secret.Once they were entering the room, she couldn't help but look around at everybody that was there for a brief moment in time. There seemed to only be one that was apart of the last old guards, and somebody that she actually knew. Probably because he had come over a few times to have tea with her mother, old time friends.
"Well, well little Livia. We did not expect to see you here. Then again, I do not think any of us actually intended to meet here," Walsh said as he sat up. "I did not think an old man like yourself would live this long," Alucard commented. The wizened man stared over at the vampire. Few of the Convention of Twelve actually met Alucard though that was because, for the most part, they were all in different branches. They were mostly busy with rebuilding, armament and bring peace and order within the last decade or so."Well, come now everyone. Introduce yourself," Walsh said, wanting Livia to make an impression on her fellow members. Seen as the rookie, how will the heir to the lady of steel and indomitable will, Victoria Wingrates Fairbrook Hellsing, react?He and Alucard were watching her.
Livia looked towards Walsh before she was inclining her head gently before she spoke, "I was a bit bored and playing a waiting game at the time, so I decided to venture here." After that she was looking towards Alucard for a moment in time and snickering ever so slightly at the comment that he had made. Yeah she had to wonder that as well, you would think the old man was immortal or something.With that she was looking towards the rest of the Convention of Twelve before she spoke, "Pleasure to meet you all. I am the daughter of the Lady Victoria Wingrates Fairbrook Hellsing, my name is Livia Anabel Hellsing." It was a bit entertaining listening to a few of the others introduce themselves, and the small about of hesitation that was in their voice, as if they weren't fond of speaking in front of others. Livia on the other hand... she was definitely a chatterbox at times, and really had no problems with talking to people.After that she was looking over towards Walsh before she told him, "Mother should be back to Britain in a few days time if you wish to speak with her, she shall not be accompanying us to our next destination.
Old Walsh just chuckled over at Livia. She was definitely quite different than Integra, but perhaps that was to be expected. After all, change was needed.The rest of the convention introduced themselves. Many of them shivered at the name of Integra Hellsing, as she was a fierce and strict taskmaster when it came to teaching them fencing, self defense, shooting and so on and so forth. She was ruthless, yet caring. She did all of it to help mold them into the men they were meant to become. Especially that to the new Sir Penwood, who was just as nebbish and soft like his grandfather, yet like his grandfather, he was a fierce and devoted protector of England.The others that she seemed to be more relaxed or at least casual compared to her mother, though they still saw the same sort of iron will that defined Integra in her."Well, well, going off on field work. You're definitely an eager one," Walsh said as he leaned forward. "Where are you going?" he asked while Alucard was enjoying in mentally testing the rest of the Convention of Twelve.
Livia looked towards the old man for a brief moment in time after she studied each of the twelve as they introduced themselves. They seemed promising, and hopefully they were as brave and gallant as the old guards before them, but only time could tell."Vampire outbreak potentially in Russia, so we are going there to take care of the situation." Livia told the elder man before she was glancing at Alucard out of the corner of her eye. It seemed like he was enjoying doing something at that point in time, although she wasn't quite sure what. But it didn't really matter to her whatsoever either. Nobody was getting hurt, so she wasn't going to bother."And you should know me by know. I have a love for field work when I can do it. I love exploring, and seeing the world. There are many places I still wish to see and visit, and eventually I shall." Livia grinned before she was glancing at her watch for a brief moment in time.
"Well, Ukraine specifically," one of the members said quietly. He cleared his throat. "Our espionage agents have been noticing that while the suspicious activity has been linked to have originated from Russia, the actual sites of the attacks came from the rural areas of Ukraine," he specified to her. He looked a bit embarrassed. He was a blond blue eyed man and based on the name tag, he was the new Sir Islands, the grandson of the original."Sir Islands, representative of MI6," he added, clarifying the information."Ukraine... how long ago was it," Alucard said with a melancholic look. "How appropriate. That around the land where vampires came from was where I return to," he adds with a smirk.
Livia looked over for a brief moment in time before she was speaking, "That is actually good to know. Details are usually kept from me until the day we leave, or I tend to pull this. And leave ahead of time." With that she was just studying the male. Blonde hair, blue eyed, Sir Islands it seemed. Kind of cute not to mention. After that she was looking over towards Alucard when he spoke. Huh interesting. Well this was definitely going to be a fun trip that was for sure.
"Yes, that is why I am not sharing with you in the details of where. I believe your mother suspected this and that'd you'd come here anyway," Sir Islands told her as he looked back to the paperwork. "Additionally, it would be good to brush up on your Ukrainian while there since this is in the more rural communities and given the past hostilities after London Terrorist incident, most of Eastern Europe are on poor relations with Russia," he adds to her."Some things never do seem to change, whether with tsars or sultans," Alucard could not help but mumble thoughtfully. "Regardless, whatever monsters crawl out, we'll send them away running," he added, showing off his toothy smirk.
Livia gave a faint scoff before she was mumbling under her breath that her mother needed to stop trying to do that. "And I hadn't even thought about it, until Alucard mentioned you guys, and I had that revelation that I'd never actually met anybody." Well he was being helpful about giving advice on brushing up on her Ukrainian. Well that wouldn't be an issue at all. Her mother had made sure that different languages was something that she learned as she was growing up.
"Well, regardless of what you do, do be careful. Remember, first and foremost is the safety and security of our citizens and the world. Normally, the Eastern Orthodox Church would be responsible for the area as is their jurisdiction, but the decades of the USSR and so on had ravaged their authority to do anything supernaturally based. As such, this is a very rare mission outside of the United Kingdom," Sir Islands mentioned. Given how he was of MI6, little wonder espionage was the game here."As such, as part of the security is secrecy. The common people continue to remain unaware of vampires or various supernatural phenomena and it is still the global consensus to keep it that way," he reminded."Indeed. Most of our time has been in Britain so this is a surprise," Alucard noted. "I look forward to seeing you on the field," Alucard told Livia with a sharp grin.
Livia looked over for a moment in time before she spoke, "Of course the safety and security comes first. No need to worry there. I'm reckless, but I'm not that reckless." Yeah at least she would admit that she was reckless, although those that didn't admit it were in denial about it, that was her personal opinion on that matter. With that she was giving a nod at the mention of secrecy also involved common people remaining unaware of the supernatural. Sometimes that was a lot more difficult than not, but it was possible.She was looking towards Alucard when he mentioned that he couldn't wait to see her on the field which had her giving a small chuckle before she spoke, "I have to be sure to grab a couple more of my knives to have them on me."
"Well, well, perhaps you can get some here. I do wonder if my master has some of your blades over in the Hellsing Manor," Alucard noted to her in regards to the fact she would need more knives. "Well, regardless, I will assume that the Illuminati had established transportation already as a result of the growing communications between the Convention of Twelve and the various intelligence systems of the United States," Sir Islands noted."So, will you be getting your blades or also your gun?" Alucard asked Livia teasingly, slowly working on how to interact with her.
Livia chuckled before she spoke, "I'm sure that there are some there. I've got two of them on me currently." The two that were always in her boots, although she usually kept one strapped to her thigh as well. A knife that was, and the gun that she rarely used. She was looking towards Alucard for a moment before pulling up the hem of her dress to show the gun that was strapped to her thigh. "No need, I already have that on me."
"True, but how do you use them fully? From what I gathered, you do not use them like daggers or how Anderson used his bayonets. While my master uses her sword, how is that you use your knives?" Alucard asked her, intrigued by how her fighting style would be like. An approximation may be Luke Valentine, but he was not all that competent.Better than he thought first time though."Remember to try and record and submit any information you can get so we may examine it for future purposes," Sir Islands reminded her.
Livia looked towards Alucard for a moment in time before she spoke, "I am not incompetent in the least when it comes to fighting with knives. You can even ask Seras or my mother about that." With that she was pulling her hair up into a tight ponytail then looked towards Sir Islands when he stated something about recording and submitting any information, so that they could examine it. This had her giving a thumbs up before she was taking a couple of steps back, and was making a mental remind that she needed to change out of the dress that she was wearing as well while she was home.
Well, I cannot wait to see you slaughter your enemies in front of you, Alucard said with his usual maniacal grin as he clutched his gun. So, where do we go now? He asked Livia with a curious look.As he followed her out, he was noting the new recording equipment for the area. I imagine you have some more equipment in the Manor, he asked her.
"I have to go and change. I'm so not wearing this dress, it is inconvenient to fight in. " Livia spoke after a moment in time. Nope she wanted her black leather jeans and her crop top, her typically outfit when she was out fighting. To others it seemed strange, and people almost underestimated her ability to move in what she wore. Which she figured that one would learn not to do that, considering she could almost anything and everything in heels, without being hindered at all.
"Well, you do look quite nice in it," Alucard told her with his usual tone. "Granted, we will be going to some cooler climates so consider that," Alucard reminded her. "How will we be getting to the manor? Do you have a car or are you one of those that have a motorcycle? You seem the type," Alucard asked her with a bit of a smirk. He was having fun teasing her to be sure though he relished the chance to see her fight.
Livia looked towards Alucard for a moment before she cooed, "Definitely a motorcycle. Mom was against me learning how to even drive one, said it was too dangerous, but you get around more quickly." After that she was heading outside so that she could get the bike that she knew Seras kept at the building, considering she was there often enough with her mother. "And the dress is impractical to try and fight in. Although distracts even vampires." she giggled.
"Well, well, show me what you have," Alucard responded, pleased at her response. She was not commanding, at least as the time being, but she was pleasurable to be around. More like a comrade in arms rather a master though that could still change. And of course, he saw Livia's motorcycle. He saw a few of them, both back in Warsaw and during his time under Integra before Millenium. Here, they have become even slicker and more maneuverable. "They remind me so much of horses," he commented, looking at Livia's bike she got.It reminded him of those old days..."I guess I'll see you at the manor... though I suppose you could really say I'm already there," he said before chuckling and disappearing.
Livia looked over towards him before they were walking into the garage where some of the other vehicles were at, and she was walking over to her bike after going over and snagging the key from off of the wall. "Horses are nice as well, although they aren't quite as fast." she commented as she was opening up the door so that she could get the bike out then was watching as the vampire seemed to disappear. Yeah he was right when he made his final comment before he was disappearing.That was fine, she wanted to enjoy a ride anyways as she was starting up the bike and grabbing a random pair of jeans that she had stashed away and pulled them on under her dress, then was pulling on a leather jacket. Nope she had learned the hard way not to show bare skin when riding motorcycle. After that a helmet was being pulled on and she was getting back on her bike, and taking off.
"They suited the era well," Alucard noted to her in response to her about horses. Granted, while he was at the manor, he was also there with her. He was everywhere and nowhere after all. As such, he enjoyed watching her go off. She was quite different from the sort of knight Integra was. She seemed a bit more like a maverick warrior or soldier of sorts."You certainly ride like the finest of cavalry," Alucard told her when she would arrive in front of the manor. It was rebuilt and reinforced after the great battle against Millenium.
Upon arrive at the mansion, Livia was shutting off the bike after putting down the kickstand and sliding off. The helmet was being hung up on the handle, although she just walked inside. No surprise that the moment she walked in she was being greeted by a couple of rather surprised servants that were there. The leather jacket was being handed off to one of them and she was heading off towards her room."So, where did you end up going after the great battle with Millenium, so long ago." she spoke as she walked into her room, and was going over to her closet so that she could dig out different clothing.
"I was neither here or there... in the void of uncertainty, one could say," Alucard said as he was following her to her room, which he noted had plenty of occult and holy seals on it, acting as wards. How clever."I could not recognize myself in the sea of the millions of souls I consumed. They were trapped with me in limbo so I began releasing them, one by one. focusing on them in a moment and letting them escape. After thirty years, I sent them all to the Heaven or Hell that awaited them, until he was left. And with him now me, I inherited his power," Alucard explained in that thoughtful tone. He was now here and there. Everywhere and nowhere.
Livia looked over towards him before she spoke, "You know, I'm actually not sure how to respond to that. I'm not sure if I should say that that sounds cool, or kind of disturbing. Maybe a mix of both. A grim reaper in a way I suppose. Which is definitely cool." With that she was finding the pants that she wanted although she couldn't find her crop top, so instead she was settle with her crimson red and black corset top, which she was tossing onto her bed. The boots that she had on she was settling with, and she was reaching up above her head to grab the box that was on the shelf.
"It was... a unique experience to say the least. It did let me ponder more on my state. Ever since I became less than a human, I have often wondered what more could happen to me or what could change my fate... and here I am now," Alucard responded to her commentary on what happened to him."Black and red, what a marvelous combination," Alucard responded to her with a smile as he saw her get dressed. "Once you're ready, we should be going. Though I hope you are ready to command me. I am but an attack dog, at the behest of my master," he explained.
Livia looked towards him before she spoke, "I'm not sure how I would like having to do that. Basically deciding if a soul went to heaven or hell." With that she was taking to changing in front of him, not really caring at that point in time. Thankfully the corset that she was wearing wasn't one that she actually had to lace up fully, she just needed to tighten it in back. Wearing it and lacing it up by herself often enough allowed her to do that with ease, getting it tight enough that she was comfortable and it wasn't going to go anywhere before she was getting it tied.After that she was getting the sheaths for her knives strapped back onto her thighs and was getting her boots back on once again, before she was standing up and turning to face the vampire. "Well lets get going then. And of course, they are my favorite colors. If you cannot tell by my wardrobe, they are about the only colors I possess." she spoke. There was a few random other colors, but it was rare that she wore that. The most odd color one would see her wear was that of white, but there had been a few times.She tilted her head back with a slight grin before she cooed, "Are you my attack dog, or do you still belong to my mother. That is the question." A very valid question actually considering Integra hadn't given any orders. A possible confliction at that point in time, especially if Integra found herself in danger.
"I decided nothing. Their own actions decided the consequences at the end of the day," Alucard pointed. He only killed the souls. Wherever they went was really up to them, earning their own heaven or hell. He smiled as he saw he get ready for combat, but only until she was in the thrall of the monsters would he see what she could really do."I suppose it all depends on you after all. Your grandfather Arthur only let me out on rare educations and really, this is the first time I've been let out to see two generations of Hellsing at work. Perhaps she is wanting to test if you could handle me," Alucard responded with, since he himself was curious. Granted, he was sent out to attack like a dog while Seras was more of a soldier. She maintained her humanity in the darkness, unlike him.
Livia was giving a faint chuckle before she spoke, "I suppose that is a valid point." With that she was turning and sweeping out of the room so that they could get going, taking to sliding down the bannister of the staircase. Well that was one way to get down the stairs, and sure enough a few of the servants were scolding her for it. Although there were a few that didn't seemed surprised by her antics whatsoever."Master Alucard, Miss Livia, safe travels. Please come back safe." one of the butlers spoke as he was holding the door open so that they pair could head off outside. This had Livia looking over before she was going over and giving the elder man a hug. He had been more like a father towards her anyways while she had been growing up, and she was assuring them that they would come back."I cannot promise that we will come back unscathed though." Livia commented before she was heading outside. Okay Alucard probably would considering he could heal from his injuries, but she more than likely wouldn't.
Alucard nodded over to the butler. With Walter gone, someone needed to be the butler and they eventually found in the Ironville family. A family of people all from special forces or from MI6, they pledged their lives to serve Hellsing for them saving London and assisting them in bankruptcy. Albert Ironville was the head butler and the oldest one of the family, Daphne Ironville was the wetnurse and nanny to Livia while also serving as the head guards with her husbands. Their children, Rory, Alastair and Matilda Ironville also work, doing various security jobs and some cleaning duties as well.He briefly did not talk much with the Ironville family, however, his quasi omnipresence allowed him to observe their impressive reconnaissance and military skills. Albert was as good a swordsman as any and the only one he saw who could keep up with Integra while Daphne was a sniper well enough to surprise Seras. Rory was quite good at coordination and an unorthodox weapon in chakrams while Alastair relied on explosives and Matilda was an archer.Albert went to embrace Livia in support before Alucard looked at her."I will protect her with my unlife," he said to Albert and Rory and bid them farewell."What can you tell me more about them?" he asked Livia when she went off.
Livia was was giving a smile towards the elder man and was giving him a hug back before she was looking towards everybody, then giving a salute. "I'll see you guys after we get back!" With that she was turning and heading out of the mansion with Alucard.She did look towards him when he asked if she could tell him more about them. This had her thinking for a moment before she spoke, "The Ironville family. I'm not sure where mother founded them but they are wonderful to have around. They are like second parents to myself, and the kids were about all I had as company when I was younger. Otherwise lets see...." After that she was just absently talking about the family, telling him what they were good at, a few of the things that they weren't so good at. She even got into talking about some funny things that had happened with all of them.
"I have kept a few observations of them and they seem to be very capable people," Alucard responded to her with his usual mysterious and confident smile before he began listening to what Livia was saying about the family.Given the void left by Walter, he is pleased that there are capable and worthy people that could take his place. He even chuckled at the various humorous and fascinating anecdotes that Livia was saying about the Ironville family, all while they were heading out over to the plane now that Livia was armed and ready."Shall we prepare to head to Ukraine or meet Integra back in the Illuminati HQ?" he asked her with a smirk.
Livia looked towards him for a moment before she hummed, "I absolutely love them to death. And it is nice that all three of the kids are around my age as well, so we grew up together. Trained together, learned together, fought together. Albert was the one who actually trained me how to use a sword, although we made the discovery that that just wasn't for me, especially with being more light and nimble on my feet, so we went to knives. Daphne was the one who told me I should never use a gun, unless I absolutely have to. My aim with those absolutely sucks."With that she was walking towards the plane so that they could get going although had a thoughtful look when Alucard asked his question. Were they going to go to Ukraine, or were they going to return to the Illuninati headquarters. This had her looking at him before she spoke, "Heading to Ukraine of course. If we showed up at the HQ again, my mother would probably think I was sick."
"Integra did lack that," Alucard noted. He did realize looking back how the woman lacked anyone really of her age to interact with. I think the only person she did talk to her age was Penwood's youngest son those years ago, but even then, it was not much."I am impressed by Albert. I have never seen anyone keep up with my master like that, especially since he appears to be a good decade or so older than her," Alucard mentioned with a smile on his face. He considered bringing them to fight, but perhaps that was for a later date. "If that's the case, you should probably ask Diego for the coordinates then," Alucard noted. True, he could maybe find it, but he did not sense any real vampirifc danger.
Livia looked over towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Even now mom pretty much keeps to herself. Talks to Albert and Daphne the most, but that is about it." With that she was listening as he mentioning contacting Diego for the coordinates. Yeah that would probably be a good idea which had her calling him on the communicator thing, that she honestly hated using it most of the time. But she was using at that point anyways, calling to get ahold of Diego, and hoping he would give her the coordinates.
"She has always been like that though it is good she is able to talk to Seras," Alucard noted, recalling how isolated his Master was during her formative years. A lone beacon of strength, yet like he told Seras long ago, it was time for vampires that did not walk alone in the night. Perhaps here it was the same for whoever needed to lead Hellsing.When Livia would use the communicator, Diego would pick up. "Hey Livia, let me guess, you need the coordinates?" Diego asked. He had a feeling she would know Russia was a little off, kinda. Communication had changed a fair bit along with security. Code had become more important than ever and while ciphers maintained importance, casual shorthand or informal personal codes also worked.As such, he gave Livia the coordinates in a code they used, namely a form of Pig Latin applied to Spanish. Once Livia would translate them in her head, she could plug it in any latitude and longitude area and head there."I advice you take the plane to the nearest military base or major city and then just head there. Besides, you get to test out the new bike I have been having made for you," Diego told her with a smile.
Livia was grateful for when Diego answered the communicator before she cooed, "Oh you read my mind!" Soon enough she was getting the coordinates through their secret code and was plugging into the coordinates when she had gotten it figured out. After that she was listening to what else he had to say. Take the plane to the nearest military base or major city."Oh.... I do like testing out new stuff." she spoke, especially if it was a new bike.
Diego admired Livia for many reasons and her strength in knowing over a dozen languages was one. He was not the one who taught her Spanish , so he could admire her go and speak. As she communicated back to him and she'd get the coordinates when she'd plug it in."All right, arrive safely and the bike should be there," he said to her with a smile."You got the coordinates? Well then, let's get going. It has been such a long time," Alucard said before he went to chuckle off, following Livia to the plane. When they'd arrive, they'd see an attendant there and next was something covered with a sheet.Livia's new bike.Kinda.It resembled the oldBombarider Embrio cyclefrom decades prior, but a bit larger and sleeker. The wheel seemed to be missing or invisible at the very least."What do you think?" Livia would get a message from Diego.
Livia had gotten the coordinates entered in and was listening to Diego mention to arrive safely. Yeah that shouldn't a be much of a problem at all. "I'll be sure to let you know when we get there." she hummed as she continued on, heading towards the plane.Although once they got there, and was giving a faint whistle when she saw the new bike, after the attendant had taken the sheet off of it. Okay it looked super dangerous, and she wasn't sure how she felt about it.She was looking at the message from Diego and was responding that she wasn't quite sure yet. She would let him know for sure after she test drove it.
"Fascinating... this bike is fourth dimensional... at least the wheel is," Alucard noted. He was able to sense it, likely because of his odd quantum state, plus his experience with Anderson decades ago."Well, good luck testing it. It runs on water and you control by moving it. It has gyroscopes and can go pretty fast while also being able to cruise, move and stop like a dream. This is the 4D Cycle," Diego sent the message to her. Alucard waited for her to get on and try it.It moved and accelerated quickly yet turned smoothly like a dream with her movements. It seemed to go over terrain like grass and pavement and dirt fairly easily and when it stopped, it did so smoothly yet suddenly. However, it was not a jerk, but just a gentle movement. It was definitely a wonderous machine.
Livia just listened to what the vampire had to say at that point in time before she was looking at the message from that of Diego. Mind as well test it up, and hopefully not crash and burn. With that she was walking over so that she could climb up onto the bike and trying it out.It definitely moved smoothly, even sped up very smoothly. Actually she liked it, and she didn't really have a worry about falling off, or anything like that. Returning to Alucard she was putting a foot on the ground to keep the bike balanced. "I like it." she grinned after a moment in time.
Alucard watched Livia go and move onto the thing. He noted how she looked onto it. LIke a calvary ready to slay whatever was in her path. The scene brought a grin to his face."Indeed... I have not ridden a horse in centuries yet I saw you move and glide like the greatest of cavalries," Alucard complimented with a big smile on his face. "You should probably tell Diego before we go on to the direction," he said with a smirk.
Livia was giving a grin before she was cooing happily, "I most definitely like this bike a lot more than I do my other bike." With that she was dismounting from the bike before she was sending Diego a message that she was most definitely pleased with the bike. It was very smooth and easy to work, and from the small drive that she did take, it hadn't seemed as if there were overly noticeable issues.
"Glad you like. I will run all the details later when I see ya once more," Diego noted to her with a smile. "And of course, take note of any and all things of it," he added to her. However, in the bike, there was also a trunk of sorts. Inside, there were a pair of goggles or visor. When Livia would turn it on, she'd see some numbers and so on.They were like smart glasses... but for the military. Besides allowing Livia to go very fast without having the wind mess up her eye sight, it would also record and scan things."You should probably plug in the coordinates that Diego gave you so we can head over to the countryside," Alucard noted to her as he disappeared for a moment.
Livia was giving a chuckle before she was going over to look in the trunk, and was drawing the glasses out, before putting them on. Oh these were pretty neat, and she was probably going to end up just keeping them on her at that point in time. That would make recording stuff a lot easier, and she could figure out what she could all do with them."Already done." was all she told Alucard at the mention of plugging in the coordinates before she was watching him leave. Nope now was just the plane flight to a city or a base, then from there she would take the bike to their location, especially since that was coming with.Looking at stuff told her that the closest location was one of the military bases, which had her speaking to the pilot softly before going to her seat. No she had the coordinates written down on her hand at that point in time.
Ukraine was one of the nations affected the most after The Zepplin Incident, albeit indirectly. With Britain hit very hard and the US out of the picture. Russia took the opportunity to try and flex its diplomatic muscles and influence more of Eastern Europe. However, they met with their own diplomatic problems as France took the reins of the EU and even Switzerland realized the economic situation had them become more actively involved if they wanted to maintain their neutrality.Ukraine saw more development to protect from Russia and when Livia would arrive, she would indeed see the military base was relatively new though she was still miles away from the rural village where the vampire attacks were detected and to be investigated.
Not that it was going to bother Livia at all being miles away from the village that she needed to go to, not with the fact that the bike had come with her. Time to see how it actually rode long distance. Once they had arrived to she was walking off the plane and talking to the few people that were there, informing them that she was with Hellsing and merely there to help with the vampire attacks. Somebody had to help deal with them.
It would not take long to arrive at the military base. They knew little of what was going on except to that she was permitted to be there for investigative purposes. Once she would be allowed to exit, the glasses began showing her where she would need to go and indeed it would take several miles to get there.Fortunately, the 4D Cycle was capable of being able to move through such. The terrain did not matter, possibly due to the odd fourth dimension properties along with the gyroscope so she can head there.It was definitely very rural and she would see Alucard arrive at the entrance of an old village. "This is the place. Though it looks to have been abandoned recently, probably before the attacks. Then again, if everyone left in a hurry, it would not be surprising some people would try and come back to get some items," Alucard noted.
Livia was putting on the glasses and was speaking to the people lightly before she was heading out after being able to exit. Even across the terrain the bike ran smooth, she hardly seemed to notice the bumps that were in the ground.When she did arrive she could see that Alucard was already there and she was dismounting in front of the village, walking up to him to look at the village. Yeah it looked like it had been abandoned recently and possibly in a hurry."Which makes one wonder why they abandoned before the attacks started? Most of the villages we've seen attacked, they never even had the chance to try and escape. Perhaps they had forewarning, or something else occurred that made them want to get out in a hurry." she commented.
"Illness it looks like," Alucard mentioned as he reappeared near a nearby sign. It was written in the Slavic alphabet and while it was definitely different from how it used to be, he could recognize the word of illness more or less. Indeed, when he would come back, he found a newspaper and give it to Livia. It mentions talks of a strange infection going around the rural community, likely an infected yield.However..."Looks like someone may be here," Alucard said and indeed closer into the town, there was someone there...A vampire. An honest to goodness vampire. However, Alucard did not pick up the vibe of him being a normal vampire, at least one by him though he did not appear to be an artificial one like that of Millenium's. The most interesting part was his uniform. While tattered and patched, trained eyes would recognize as an old Soviet uniform.
Livia was just looking around after he mentioned illness. Yeah that definitely made sense, and the newspaper that Alucard brought back definitely made sense. This had her giving her own nod, after she had taken to exploring the area around them. Yeah more and more evidence pointed towards an illness prior to the vampires attacking.She was looking off in the general direction before she spoke, "It would appear that way." Already she was turning around to face the general direction of the approaching figure. A vampire it seemed like, wearing a Soviet uniform. An old one."Friend or foe?" she couldn't help but wonder.
"Most likely foe," Alucard noted as the vampire glared at them. He more snarled at them though he was saying something in broken Russian. He proceeded to go and lunge at Livia. Normally, Alucard would let the monster rip him to shreds and then take it out, though right now, he was wanting to see Livia go and take out the vampire to get a good grip on her skills and capabilities.
Livia just gave a small chuckle before she was looking over at the enemy. Honestly she felt sorry for vampires, especially those that hadnt done anything, but everybody was afraid due to all the bad vampires. All vampires were seen as evil in the eyes of some.Livia was twisting out of the way when the man lunged at her and instantly one of her knives was in her hand.Nope she wasnt going to try and fight a vampire without a weapon at all. In the end it was the vampire who was bleeding, not Livia.
The Soviet vampire looked surprised at the bleeding and he began hissing in pain as he tried pulling the knife out. All of the knives given to Livia had elements of holiness in them and of course, they were all blessed. However, he managed to power through and remove them.He began speaking to her. "Who are you? What are you doing here? This is government territory," The Soviet vampire spoke to her in Russian. He was becoming a bit more clarified and when he would try to attack her, it was more professional and focused. Made sense, him being a trained soldier after all.
Livia looked towards the vampire for a moment as he was actually able to pull put the nice. Huh so he had managed to push through the pain of the holiness that her knife was blessed with."You know typically one asks questions first and then attacks." Livia was commenting as she was withdrawing another one of her knives and dancing backwards, falling into a defensive stance."I am Livia Hellsing, and we have come here to investigate what has happened at this village." She spoke after a moment in time, although was watching him with careful eyes.
"H Hellsing??" The Soviet soldier asked her with a confused tone. "Why are you here? I have not heard of Hellsing..." The Soviet responded with confusion. He likely was not high enough to do much about the Hellsing organization, yet looking at Alucard, he felt dread."Vampyr... What are you doing here?! Are you part of the Moiroi project?" The Soviet asked Alucard just smiling at how the soldier just gave more information, something he acknowledged by smiling at Livia. She was in charge after all.
"Hellsing.... to put it simply, we hunt down the evil creatures that mean to destroy the world. Which has me wondering, if you fall into that category." Livia spoke after a moment in time before she was straightening up a bit, although she didn't quite fall out of that defensive position. Nope she was ready to react if she needed to, although if anything the vampire seemed more confused than anything at that point in time.She was looking over towards Alucard when the Soviet soldier mentioned something about the Moiroi project. Even she wasn't sure what that was about which had her speaking, "You mind as well answer since you were asked a question, Alucard."
"Helsing... it sounds like that doctor from that novel... but that means," The soldier said as his eyes widened before looking over to Alucard with his eyes widened. "Moiroi... an old word once used to describe vampires," Alucard explains to her with a smile before he looks over to Livia."I wonder... if Millenium was not the only one trying to create their own immortal army," Alucard said. He was waiting for Livia to further interrogate him. He was just a follower after all. This was her mission.
Livia was looking over before she spoke, "Which has me wondering.... What more do you know. And no worries about Alucard, he won't do anything. Unless ordered." She was resheathing her dagger in her boot although it wasn't as though she couldn't get it out fast if she needed to. Although she did want to show that she meant no harm at that point in time."How about we start with introductions. I am Livia Hellsing, and I am here to investigate what is going on in this village." she spoke after a moment.
The Soviet soldier gulped at how Livia implied she commanded the monstrous vampire in front of him, one that might be Dracula even. However, he lived in the cold iron fisted rule of the man of steel, Stalin, so he remained tough. He took a breath and looked at her."I am Mikhail Dumas,Praporshchik," Mikhail stated his name and rank. Based on the rank, it appeared he was some form of warrant officer. "Village gone. Been looking for food," he stated, keeping quiet, though hiding his mouth, implying some questionable things.
Livia just studied the vampire for a brief moment in time before she was looking towards Alucard and questioning, "What do you think?" She folded her arms across her chest as she just studied the surroundings before she was wondering if there was another reason why the vampire was there.She was tapping her fingers for a brief moment in time before she was questioning, "This has me wondering, how long this village been empty for?" And now they would have to actually look around, see what they could find for clues. Thank god for the two guys being vampires, and not being able to get sick at all.Livia on the other hand, while she had a stronger immune system than the average human, she was still susceptible to getting sick as well. Hopefully they didn't run into anything that was infected with whatever had been going around. So she was taking out her communicator and contacting Diego. "Hey can you look into this village. It seems that there was some kind of epidemic that caused the people to leave. See if you can find anything on it." she spoke.Was this disease something that had been caused naturally? Or had it been manmade and this just happened to be a testing site?As for the vampire in front of her.... she wanted to help him. But she wasn't sure if she really wanted to risk it at all. Yet again, Alucard was there as well.
"He may have eaten the villagers, but I am not sure," Alucard noted before looking back at thePraporshchik. The vampire was looking around and so. Meanwhile, Diego had gotten back to work and using the various connections and so on, began examining the village through the use of spy satellites. "That reminds me. I should ask Integra if Alucard could be used to put satellies in space with his weird quantum state abilities. Would earn a killing and help us out," Diego noted as he wrote the note down on a sticky note."The village looks more like it got attacked, but from some of the stuff I picked up, there was some sort of... underground settlement? Also... oh crap, problem," Diego noted.Indeed, stumbling around the village appeared to be people. They looked like ghouls, but even more human. Mikhail turned and grabbed his fire arm and began shooting at them."It appears to be ghouls... but also quite human like... what would you wish to do?" Alucard asked Livia, giving her an opportunity to assert herself.
"I mean since I am here with him, I could definitely ask him about it myself. Or he can probably hear this conversation now as we speak." Livia was pointing out after a moment in time, before listening to what he had to say about an underground settlement, then was commenting that there was a problem. This had her looking for a moment before she spoke, "I see as much."With that she was actually allowing the connection to fade before she was drawing out one of her knives and looking towards Alucard for a moment in time. "I guess we should probably find out first. And Diego said something about an underground settlement. Suppose we could possibly try and find out about that."She was pushing some of her hair out of her face before she was moving forwards towards the closest human ghoul to thing to actually find out. If it was human, she really didn't want to kill them. Try to help them if she could, death being only if that was the only thing. But she was still on high defense. If they were ghouls, then it was going to be a bit problematic if she was caught off caught. Not as badly as if she were dealing with an actual vampire, but still irritating.
The ghoul stumbling back, but they were leaking what looked like blood mixed with other fluids. Very unnatural fluids to say the least. "They are indeed ghouls... but these are not normal ghouls," Alucard noted becoming a little more suspicious of what these strange new ghouls were.Mikhail meanwhile was trying to shoot the other couple of ghouls coming at them and despite his quality shots, the undead kept coming. However, the one that was stabbed by Livia's knife was indeed beginning to fade, the holy energies causing the person to begin dying, but also returning huma.The ghousl thanked Livia before collasping as a content corpse
Livia just watched for a brief moment in time before she spoke "Well that was unexpected to day the least." Athe ghoul she had just been stabbed was turning human again, and was then dying.That was a bit unheard of... somebody being reverted back from a ghoul. She ducked away from a couple of the other ghouls before she was dancing back out of reach, before actually going over stabbing a ghoul that was attempting to sneak up on Mikhail.Where the hell were they even coming from?"Where the fuck did they even come from?" Livia questioned although if anything this was directed at Alucard. He seemed to know everything all the time.
"This I am not sure of though it appears that your friend's suspicions are correct," Alucard commented to Livia before looking over to Mikhail who was taking a breather and checking to see if he had extra ammunition. He was mumbling to himself.He looked over to Livia. "Perhaps he knows something," Alucard said to Livia. While Livia was a very competant fighter and field agent, she needed just a bit of a shove in order for her to become leader.
Livia looked towards Alucard before she was looking towards Mikhail. For some reason the newcomer hadn't really seemed overly shocked by the ghouls that had come out of nowhere."Know anything about this?" Livia questioned Mikhail after a moment in time, as she walked around him until she was standing in front of him, one of her knives in her hand.
"They... they are monsters... but... look like... no, I cannot say," Mikhail said, realizing he was about to spill the beans on some serious secret projects though however, his hesitation betrayed his dishonesty."It appears he is lying," Alucard said as he began shooting the various ghouls, going for the head. The holy symbol caused them to return to normal and began dying, all of them with smiles on his faces.It appears these were humans forced to become monsters...
Livia looked towards him for a brief moment in time and it wasn't long before she was holding her dagger to his neck, a seemingly emotionless expression on her features."I suggest talking." was all she said after a moment in time, not even seeming to waver in her words. "You obviously know something. Something more than you are saying." she spoke and was applying just a bit of pressure with the dagger, more of a reminder that it was a holy weapon.Although there was a faint smirk that formed on her lips after a moment in time before she spoke, "Yet again if you don't answer me..... I've always wondered something about vampires. They are alive but dead all at once. Does that mean that your organs are still functioning, or not? I have to wonder if I could just cut you open and look to see if they are functioning, or if they are completely non functioning. If I did that, would you live? Or would you die?" How straight faced she said that, and with such a curious look in her eyes at that point in time.
Mikhail's eyes narrowed, looking down over and refusing to see back at how the forces he was facing were glaring into him. However the tone and threat within it fro Livia caused him to confess."Leftovers... from old Soviet project. I know little of it. But I can lead you to it," Mikhail confessed, putting his hands in the air of defeat. However, he was wondering how much has changed over the years. "The USSR is over... isn't it?" he asked, revealing just how unaware of everything he truly was.
Livia listened to what he had to say before she was lowering the dagger, and sliding it into one of her empty sheaths. So he did know more than what he was saying, but at the same time he didnt seem to know much."Lead the way then." Was all the human said after a moment in time, and was taking a step away.
Mikhail was a bit surprised before deciding to lead them through the village. It was quiet. Too quiet. Beyond the shambling ghouls or whatever laid there, the town was now a strange and silent place. Alucard seem to go as right as rain, but few things could bother a being like him.The only reason he did not shoot Mikhail was on Livia's orders. He waited to see what she would do."What has happened since 1970," he would asked Livia.
Livia followed after Mikhail, although kept an eye on everything that was around her. No she still wasn't going to allow her guard to drop at all, but she was slightly more comforted knowing that Alucard was there.As they walked her attention did turn towards Alucard wen he asked what had happened since 1970. She was tapping her fingers for a moment before she was telling him about what had happened since then.Well the important stuff anyways. What was going on around the world, the various uprisings that had occurred, a few things that had happened with her mother."It is eerie how quiet this place is." Livia mumbled after a moment in time yet she kept her wits about her. No she had drilled into her own head to keep her wits about her, to not show fear when she was around an enemy.
Mikhail would often freeze in place, as if trying to process the revelations of the end of the USSR... The end of the Cold War... and the new world that laid ahead for all of them.Alucard meanwhile kept looking at Mikhail, wondering what was it that he was thinking here."Never this quiet. Something awalened here," Mikhail noted while going back to walk. They were now in the town center, which had a large building. Like the mayor office. Mikhail led them inside to where a secret tunnel awaited.
Livia just paused for a moment in her talking, just so that she could think and see if there was anything that she had missed. Nope not that she recalled anyways. And if she had forgotten then it probably had been overly important anyways. She just continued to follow after Mikhail although just looked around as they entered the large building..She was almost waiting for something to just jump out at them from above or something. So far it just continued to stay quiet, as creepy and eerie as it was.
Mikhail led them down the secret tunnel, it was behind actually a secret wall within the personal restroom of the mayor's office. It was near the window, which actually served as a clever red herring. Upon entering the secret tunnel from the wall, it was a tunnel of stone and steel walls. It was lit with lights."Here, secrets lie," Mikhail added. Alucard smirked, wondering what was up ahead.
Livia just gazed around as she followed the male, a bit shocked to find that there was a secret wall there. But at the same time, it was a good spot. Not most people would think to look in a restroom for some hidden area. The female was drifting down into the hallway, her hand running along the stone and steel walls slightly."Feel more like we are going down into some hidden bunker." Livia mumbled as she continued on after the men, her eyes just flickering back towards Alucard briefly. As usual the vampire king was expressionless and hard to read, other than that faint smirk. | 126 | ['Alucard', 'Vendrix'] |
3,652 | | Soul Eater Ultimate (MysteriousD & GuardianAngel) | Everything hurt. That was how Diego Vendrix felt as he was lying down on the bed of the medical room over at Shibusen.He was a young man of average height for his age, though he looked shorter because of his stocky frame and admittingly somewhat chubby appearance, though he has been working that off. He was only in a hospital garb along with bandages around him his torso... from being sliced.He was a weapon... a Scythe to be exact and thus, he ended up being paired up with Maka Albarn. They... had trouble getting along. Sure, both were intelligent and could keep up with one another, but he did not like how she talked about her dad, Spirit. It started small, with him making comments and then it became spats. He pointed out her mother's absence in her general life even before the divorce and the lack of any substantial evidence Spirit cheated nor the suspicious lack of anything on Maka's mother's part on it.She usually try and Maka chop him, but he'd either dodge or block it. It was nuts.But... she was his friend. The first real person beyond family to care about him.And for a friendless dork like him... it meant everything to him.Enough to where when they were facing off against that kishin wannabe Crona... he took a blade to the chest. He remained conscious enough to see Spirit and Stein go and chase them off along with one he thought was a witch before blacking out.He awoke, slowly and in pain, wondering why it felt like his head was filled with a faint echo of a cackle. His glasses were on the table so his brown eyes could be seen. They matched well his black eyes...Though even without them, he could see the blurry figure of his meister.
It felt like time had been ticking by at a very slow pace for even Maka Albarn as she was in the hospital room with the young man that was laying on the bed. Even now she was blaming herself for the fact that he had gotten hurt, it had been her fault. Every since he had gotten hurt she had been internally punishing herself, as if that would somehow help in the end.Not that it did actually help him whatsoever, and she was certain that he would probably be more than a little upset that she was blaming herself. Nobody was to blame for what happened. They had gotten into a fight with an opponent that was far more than what that had expected. And they had lost. If anything they were both at fault for thinking that they could take that Crona person on. Crona and his strange weapon, Ragnarok.Had Spirit and Stein not shown up when they had, who knows what would have happened. They had chased Crona off and then had gotten Diego out of there. Maka had ended up just freezing up after seeing Diego fall, and that wouldn't have helped any at all either.Now she was still in the hospital room with her weapon, although at some point in time, waiting for him to wake up, she had ended up dozing off next to him. While she was sitting in the chair she had her arms resting on the bed, using those as a pillow.Something did end up waking her up though which had her sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Although this is when she noticed that Diego seemed to be awake as well."You're awake." the light brown haired female breathed after a moment in time. There was a look of grief in her eyes but that quickly changed to more relief. She was glad to see that her weapon was finally awake. No she wouldn't say that he was alright, because he definitely wasn't. But he was awake. That was definitely good.
"Y yeah," Diego said as he was struggling to sit up. He still felt the intense pain over on his gut from the intense slice as well as the fact that he had gotten stitched up. Though he also found he healed remarkably quickly, though he was unsure as if why. He looked over to Maka... he was relieved that she was okay. She must have been waiting for him to wake up. They fought alot, but they were still partners after all."Sorry for keeping you worried," he said as he managed to sit up as best he could. He put on his glasses and sighed. He figured Black Star, Tsubaki, Death the Kid and the Thompson sisters were worried about him. Their little circle of friends. He sighed, still feeling pretty tired."I'm glad you're all right," Diego added as he looked at his meister. They had bickered a bit, even while they were riding Diego's scooter over to the Cathedral where that meister and weapon duo were. They were outclassed to say the least. Their weird vibroattacks pierced his defense and they maintain only some sort of defense because Diego practiced sneak attacks with a scythe.However, then they nearly sliced Maka and Diego took the hit.But he was surviving. He looked at his partner and it seemed like alot of those arguments did not much now anymore.
Maka just moved a bit so that he could sit up before she was taking to helping him sit up, getting the pillows situated so that he could lean against them. The fact that he was in pain had an ache pass through her as well. She just gave a nod of her head and spoke, "Yeah I'm alright. Professor Stein had good timing with showing up."The rest of their group of friends was worried about him, although at that point in time they were allowed in the room at all. Death the Kid would have been having a small meltdown about the bandages if he saw that they weren't even, Black Star would just being super noisy or possibly trying to brag about how something like that would have never happened to him. Patty would probably be trying to poke at Diego, to try and see the wound. Who knew about Liz and Tsubaki, honestly probably the only other two that Maka would allow in that at that point in time."I'm sorry, Diego. I feel like it is my fault you got hurt. If I had frozen up.... More like if I hadn't insisted we check it out." Maka spoke and just gave a small headshake. No she had seen the strange aura, she should have been able to tell from that they were outclassed. By just that simple aura. But even then.... they had both kind of wanted to prove themselves. Which had resulted in one of them ending up in the hospital.
"Yeah, it was good timing," Diego said to her before a bit of a quiet had gone through. This definitely was a game changer and it showed how much Diego needed to work, for his partner and for the world. He would not call them cocky, but both wanted to prove themselves and go in over their heads to say the least.Meanwhile, he turned to see the nurse who had come in. He had gotten a bad vibe for some reason. It was Dr. Medusa. For some reason though, ever since his first day here, he did not trust her. Something about her made him uneasy... he did knot know what. Regardless though, he sighed once more."It was my fault. I should've gotten us to bail out or something. But playing the blame game won't get us anywhere. So sorry... about everything," he said, noting about the arguments and such they've been having since they were partnered up.
Maka was giving a sigh before she spoke, "I guess we just need to get stronger." He was right when he had said that the blame game wasn't going to get them anyways. They were both at fault for getting into a fight with a stronger opponent. No there was only one thing that they needed to do at that point in time. Get stronger. Well work on getting stronger after Diego was all healed up.It seemed like Dr. Medusa had come in as well, which just had Maka looking over for a brief period of time although she didn't say anything to the woman. No she was like Diego. There was something about that woman that she didn't trust. And the fact that she couldn't really get a read on her aura either put Maka on edge as well. There were rare few people that she couldn't sense their soul. A witch with protect on was one of them.
Diego looked at Maka with a worried look. He knew that she had a tendency to beat herself up when things went wrong. He knew because he was kinda the same way. He also noted her eyes were red, likely crying over him. No one really outside his family cried for him. He went back to relaxing as he saw Dr. Medusa looking over him and she was very much your standard school nurse.Normally, no one would think twice about her, though Diego had shared with Maka that something about the woman just did not sit well with him. It was an indicator of their bond that she took him seriously and began being a bit more wary around her. Regardless, they needed to spend time to recover."I'll be out of here before you know it," Diego said to his partner with a smile as he rested his head back on his pillow. Meanwhile, both Spirit and Stein had been listening from the outside. Stein had a vague interest in Diego, namely for being a scythe that had an elemental affinity, in his case, fire. Elemental affinities were uncommon, but not of unheard of in weapons. Jaqueline as a lantern and Harvard as a lightning spear explained that though Diego was more esoteric there.Diego's hand went out to reach Maka's and gave it a gentle squeeze to reassure her.
Maka looked towards her partner for a brief moment in time before giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Yeah." No she wasn't going to beat herself up over it any more, at least she wasn't going to try to and blame herself any more. Nope while he was recovering she was going to focus on her own healing, school work, and getting stronger herself. She needed to be able to defend Diego if it ever came to that. She couldn't always rely on him to protect her, since obviously there would come a time when the opposite would need to occur."I should probably get going. I have a test to study for, and it would be nice to sleep in my own bed. I'll come and visit before class tomorrow, and after. Also the others have been bugging me all evening to see you." Maka spoke after a moment in time. She had told the others that they couldn't visit him, but that is only because she had wanted him to be able to sleep. But if he was okay with them coming in and visiting for a bit, then she would let them know. If not then they could wait.Maka was aware that Spirit was outside of the room, only because she had spotted his soul briefly. She had been looking more at the souls around her, especially after seeing the soul that Crona had. It was a bit different than usual. Although in one way she almost felt bad for Crona, it had seemed as though he hadn't wanted to attack them at all, but Ragnarok had obviously been the one in control.
"See you later, Maka," Diego told her with a smile before he saw her go off. He relaxed into his pillow as he fell asleep..."So... we finally meet," a voice said in Diego's head. Diego turned to see where he was. It was a room. A rather snazzy room with jazz being played. It was a rather odd looking room. On one side it was rather eccentric. A mix of the occult and nerdy hobbies that defined Diego along with the black, red and gold and Mesoamerican styles that defined his pride in being Mexican American along with his viewpoints. Yet on the other side, it was dark. Cold, dark and one where Diego felt a sense of dread.Then someone came out... a being that Diego gave form to before he arrived in the DWMA.He looked like Diego though also not. He did not look right. It was like a drawing where the coloring was off by a bit and the details were not done correctly. A crude facsimile yet also much darker and horrific. Raw and angry... Diego knew what it could be. It was him. The part of him he did not want to confront. The embodiment of every bit of anger, hatred, and nearly other negative emotion he had brought about by his lonely childhood. Yet here, the thing that was him yet not also was dressed in a suit. One nicer looking than the one Diego had and it seemed like this him had changed."The circumstances are different than I expected after all... Then again, the presence of something new awoke me. Woke us up," he said. "What are you talking about?" Diego asked. "You'll find that out later. But this thing between us will end at some point or another. You kept me locked up and put away for a long time, but now the game is. I did not have to break out. Something else broke walls and I took advantage. We've always been different... unique, and madness would never change that," he said. Diego looked at the thing, what was likely his Jungian shadow.It sat down on the sofa. "Are we in control or not? We're gonna have to find out, but you cannot keep it all bottled away," it said as it laid back. Diego sighed, trying his best to ignore this despite having his weaknesses be prodded by himself. Nothing new there though."She's bad news... that Medusa... she ain't who she says she is," his other self said. "Why are you telling me?" Diego asked before he stepped out. "We're the same. I'm bad and I'm mad, but I'm not stupid. We've always been smart and we have our desires. And we want not to be messed with. That means your foes have always been mine. Witches, kishin eggs, whatever other monsters exist... They're in our way. And nothing gets in our way. Not even madness," he says."How's he doing?" Spirit asked Maka as he walked his daughter over to have lunch. She'd been treating him a little differently since she partnered with Diego and while he did think he was ultimately all right, he did note his daughter was thinking a lot more and looking like she was at a loss for words.
Maka had eventually left the room only to discover that her father was in fact standing outside of the room, with doctor Stein as well it seemed. And to imagine there use to be a time when her father refused to be around Stein. Yet given their history, one couldn't really blame him."He is awake." was all she said. That was all she could really say. He looked like he was doing alright, other than being in pain, but who knew if that was the actual truth. Nobody could tell what was going on in the minds of others. And at that point, while she wanted to know, she didn't think that her knowing how he was truly doing was going to get her anywhere. Not that day anyways. She was still in the self blame mode.Maka was just giving a slight shake of her head before she spoke, "I feel like I'm at fault for this happening. If I hadn't frozen up.... or if I had thought logically before deciding to head in that general direction." She should have known that they were going to fail... she had seen the soul. That was enough to tell her that the opponent was stronger than they were at the current point in time."We are just glad that you and Stein arrived when you had. Which begs the question, how did you guys know that we were in trouble?" Maka questioned as she looked at her father. She hadn't even thought that they had been anywhere near by at the time.
Spirit looked concern for his daughter. She was his world and while he saw her down before, this was definitely something a lot more. He put his hand on her shoulder, a gesture that she was not alone. That she had her Papa with her if she needed to talk to him. "Well, you did do your jobs to take care of the problem there. Both of you just had the misfortune of encountering someone like them," Spirit told her, reminding her they went originally to stop some troublemakers and where Maka even had Diego save them when Crona appeared, something they managed to do."Couple weeks ago, Stein had been tracking the Demon Sword Ragnarok for Lord Death. The day after you left to head there, Stein found out what was going on and we took the professional transportation to get there. You and Diego did very well," he said, complimenting his daughter."Come on, I'll treat you to dinner," he said over to Maka.Days past and a fair bit happened, such as Black Star getting his first soul with Tsubaki and unlocking the Uncanny Sword ability while growing closer to Kid after their Excalibur hunt turned out to be... less than fruitful.Not much else happened though Diego remembered seeing Maka utterly freeze upon seeing the scar across his tummy. Diego was a bit sensitive being like that in front of Maka, but it was more because of his weight than anything. Sure he can only be described as mildly chubby at most now, but when he was younger, he was pretty fat, noted by the stretch marks still there.
Maka looked towards her father for a moment in time before she was giving a nod then spoke, "Dinner sounds good." Yeah being around Diego had helped in the long run with the relationship with her father. They had a relationship now. She would actually talk to him, unlike how it use to be when she would just completely ignore him, wanting nothing to do with him.A number of days had gone and a number of things had happened. Black Star and Tsubaki had unlocked a new ability, the relationship with Kid had gotten stronger. The sword hunt for Excalibur had been... well it hadn't gone how they had expected. Honestly Excalibur was a lot different from how even Maka would have imagined him. Small white thing.... rather annoying to say the least. Very annoying more like it.Seeing Diego's scar for the first time had resulted in Maka freezing up a bit, and that feeling of guilt returning once again up seeing it. But she kept telling herself that she had to push past it, that she had to continue to tell herself that it wasn't her fault. They hadn't known. They couldn't have known."How are you feeling today?" Maka questioned her partner as she sat in the hospital room, after the Doctor had done her usual checks of his injury. Hopefully he would get officially discharged from the hospital later that day, but who knew. It all depended on what the doctor said.
"I'm getting out today," Diego told Maka with a smile. He was being let out today so he could go home with her and celebrate with her. However, he also noted the concerned look on her face. How she tried to divert her eyes from his scar. "Maka..." Diego began saying before he removed his shirt and placed her on his scar. "It's gonna be okay. Whatever happens, happens. We'll get through it together, okay partner?" Diego tells her with a determined and optimistic conviction.And indeed, after about half an hour more or less, Diego was able to get his things and head back to the apartment that he and Maka called home on the time. "We should celebrate after all. Wanna order some pizza and invite everyone?" Diego asked her with a smile as they were walking back over to the apartment. It was about a little past noon after all so they had plenty of time to celebrate and do stuff together," he said to her with a smile on his face.
Maka was giving a smile before she spoke, "That is good to hear." She did attempt to look away from the scar, although it didn't always work out. Every time she looked at it, she felt guilty. But his words, they helped push that guilt away. "Yeah... you're right." she spoke before replacing that concerned look with a soft smile. Nope not the time to be moping around! It was time to start cheering up, or at least attempting to.And that cheering up could happen within the next half an hour, and Maka was helping Diego get his stuff together so that they could walk back to their apartment. "Oh yes, I agree!" she cheered at the mention of celebrating, and inviting everybody over. Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, the Thompson sister, more than likely Blair, Stein, and Spirit. Pizza, have some drinks, just talk and catch up on everything.Since everything had happened, Maka had ended up withdrawing a bit. Even when she had been in class, without Diego around it had felt almost awkward. She hadn't really been sure what to do. Her constant companion wasn't around. Heck even Black Star had been a lot less crazy than usual, probably because without Diego being around, he couldn't randomly challenge them to a fight.
Diego did blush briefly upon the fact that he placed her soft hand on his chest. While he was a very huggy person and even admitted to Maka as such, he's never really hugged her all that much despite being by her side for a while. He wondered what the reasons for that could be, but he could not help but wonder if it was because he feared she would be uncomfortable with him hugging her a lot.However, he snapped out of his musings as she supported his idea of hosting a get together of their friends. "Home sweet home," Diego noted as he arrived back over to their apartment. "Hey Blair," Diego nodded over to the woman cat that lived with them. Blair was... complicated. She certainly was sultry and very attractive and while she did disarm Diego for a bit, he got used to her. Part of it was that before he moved here, he was like your normal teenage boy who had his needs and read a fair bit of hentai and such. He definitely stopped when he joined up with Maka and he got used to Blair.He did wonder if his suppression of his... base desires did lend to his spats with Maka."Well, I reckon, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, and the Thompson sisters will come," Diego noted before he saw Blair nodded. He liked having Blair around and not just because she was an attractive woman, but she was a good listener. She was certainly more understanding than Maka could be when it came to those sort of wants. Diego did remember the one time he rendered her gobsmacked and that was with his... unorthodox favor of having Blair spend time with Maka.Diego had the feeling that Maka no longer having her mother in her life affected her... though he then learned that Maka was always a daddy's girl and while Maka idolized her mother, the pictures, memories and so on revealed that Kami Albarn tended to work a lot and be absent from the house. As such, he got the feeling that Maka never really got real girl time and so he asked Blair to do so. She was pretty surprised, but she did accept, which is why on occasion, Blair ropes Maka into going out with her. Diego smiled at seeing Maka being surprised, but he did note that she never minded the outings.He felt his scar ache for a moment. He had a feeling something may happen today...
"Evening Blair!" Maka spoke cheerfully as she walked into the house which had the purple haired cat woman that was in there smiling before she was purring, "Welcome home!"Maka still remembered when they had first encountered Blair, thinking that she was a witch. That she would be that final soul that they needed, only to discover that she wasn't actually a witch. Just somebody with magic. Kind of upsetting and after that point she had just started to hang around. There had been a few spats between them all, but eventually Blair had grown on them all. She was apart of their group now, and was actually highly useful. Not to mention, not that Maka would truly admit to this, she did enjoy having another female around, an older female nonetheless. Sure there was Tsubaki and the Thompson sisters, and the other girls at school, but they were all around her own age."Well I suppose we should get the pizza ordered and start inviting people." Maka commented after a moment in time, which had Blair offering to help as well. She could go out and let their friends know what was going on. Gave her the excuse to get out of the house, maybe even get a present for the other two as well. Yet again... last time she had been asked to get a present for somebody was by Spirit after Maka had gotten top in the exams. Blair had kind of spent the money on herself, buying herself a new lingerie set, but had given it to Maka, like it was from Spirit.That had been an awkward situation for a bit, and Blair had kind of shyed away from it, not really wanting to try and explain it. But even then she did finally end up explaining what had happened, that it had been her fault.
"All right then," Diego said with a smile as he began looking through the phone book so they could go and see where to get pizza from. Death City was a large and cosmopolitan place to live, so they had plenty of choices for places to go to and food. Especially since a lot of retired meisters and weapons end up here for their own businesses or start families.While Blair went over to walk around and let everyone know what was going on, Diego placed the order for the pizza to be delivered. He ordered about four boxes of pepperoni, namely knowing that it would be about seven people coming and any of the leftovers could be kept or given to the other tenants."Well, Blair is getting everyone and I ordered the pizzas so not much longer. Do we have any refreshments?" Diego asked Maka with a smile as he went over to check the fridge to see what they had. One thing he admired about Maka was her insistence on proper eating habits and he expressed this gratitiude a multitude of times since it kept him in pretty good health.
Maka just watched as Blair was leaving to go and track down the others, and get them invited while Diego was taking to order the pizza. Four boxes of pepperoni, that would definitely be enough, hopefully anyways. "We should probably make sure that everything in order so that Kid doesn't have to much of a spaz out." she spoke after a moment in time. The young grim reaper and everything needing to be perfectly even. A strange quirk of his, but at the same time Maka had grown so use to it that she had decided that he wasn't Kid if he didn't have that quirk. She would probably think he was an impersonator if he didn't have one of his strange moments.Soon enough her attention was turning towards Diego when he was asking if they had refreshments. This had her pausing for a moment before she spoke, "We have a few but... I'll run to the store to get some more. We don't have enough for everybody." And it was nice to have more than enough so that people could have more than one drink, if they so desired. And if there was extras, oh well. Either Diego and Maka would drink it, or it would be saved for the next get together.
"Yeah, I informed them that. Apparently, all the restaurants here know how to do things for Death the Kid. Like square pizzas," Diego explained to Maka with a smile on his face. The young shinigami was certainly... eccentric to say the least. Despite that, he ended up befriending him along with everyone else. They forged their camaraderie together."Yeah. My guess would be like flavored soda water or something. Everyone here knows how to take care of themselves," Diego tells her with a smile as he got up to stretch. "Besides that, I think everything should be good. Though do we have a fair bit of time," he added.Though it seems time seems to go by and before they knew it, everyone began coming in. Spirit and Stein could not make it and so at around the afternoon, the group was celebrating and spending time together with pizza and refreshments.
"Well that is good to know that they know how to handle that then." Maka chuckled after a moment in time before she was giving a wave so that she could leave and run to get them something to drink for the evening. In the end she had just settled on the flavored soda water, since it was easiest to deal with, and she knew that the others liked it.The time seemed to go by quickly since Diego had been released, and they had decided that they were going to have a celebration. The pizza had arrived around the same time that everybody started to arrive, wonderful timing. Maka had thrown on some music and grabbed out some paper plates if anybody wanted to use one so that they didn't end up making a mess.Maka listened to Black Star tell them about their adventure to go after Excalibur, and telling them about what a Star he had been. Tsubaki was telling him to just calm down a bit, and not get to ahead of himself. Their pairing was something that at first Maka had seen falling apart, especially with their personalities so different. But they worked out well, they kept each other in line.
Diego had been laughing throughout the whole time. Being pretty friendless as a kid, he loved whatever times he could spend time with everyone that did not involve hunting criminals, kishin eggs or other monstrous peoples. He had been laughing about Excalibur, which caused him and Death to get a very certain look on their faces. He did wonder how the weapon was like. On the one hand, Kid and Black Star did have some exaggerating tendencies, but on the other hand, they both did not usually agree on stuff, at least back then.He still wanted to meet the sword himself."Well, cheers for our successes and our future triumphs!" Diego cheered as he raised his glass of soda water and seeing everyone did the same. However, something was up. He sensed something...He turned to Maka. She would be able to sense it... far away, Eruka and one of the Mizune sisters went to confront Medusa, having removed their Soul Protect, exposing themselves as witches.
Maka was laughing along with the rest of the group, and just listening to everybody talk about everything that had been going on recently. Everything was calm and peaceful at that point in time, which seemed to be an almost rare thing lately with everything that had been going on. On top of if you were a meister trying to make a death scythe. You had to obtain 99 souls, and then a witch's soul, and getting a witch's soul seemed to be far easier said than done. Maka and Diego had gotten close, and that was exactly who they had ended up meeting Blair. A monster cat with strong magical abilities.She was raising her glass to cheer with the rest, although it was around this time that the witches were removing their soul protect. She was sensing this and actually standing up, going over to the window. Two witches had just revealed themselves it seemed, to minor and less powerful witches it seemed like, but witches nonetheless.The others seemed a bit confused about her all of a sudden getting up and moving, most of the time seeming to forget that she was somebody who could sense souls as well. And she seemed to sense it before Kid had, and he was able to sense them as well, yet half the time it seemed like he ignored it. "Two witches." was all she said.
Diego's soul sensing capabilities were not as sharp as Maka's though namely, it was because he did not hone them. Granted, he did grow up as a normal person before the accident that turned him into a weapon and did not show much of being a meister otherwise. However, his heritage did include more than a few shamans in his ancestry, so that probably gave him sharper soul senses.As such, when he picked it up and seeing Maka move, he began moving. "Two witches revealed themselves! We're going to get someone!" Diego told the group before he went to follow Maka. They went over to the school and bolted to where the scene was. However, by the time they got there with Stein, the witches were gone and standing there was a rather nervous looking Medusa. Diego heard her explain there were some witches here after her and she was trying to stall them in the hopes that one of the staff would come.For some reason, Diego did not buy that explanation, but he still showed relief nonetheless.Unknown to them all, Medusa has been attacked by a Mizune sister and Eruka Frog. Despite their claims on having cornered her, she used her snake familiars to kill the Mizune and proceeded to threaten Eruka. By now, Eruka had been tracked down and now being coerced by Eruka to help with her scheme."Whatever happens, we'll find the witches and we'll stop em. Right, Maka?" Diego told her with a smile. Stein watched interaction with a smile. "I'd like the both of you to come see tomorrow," he told them when Maka would answer Diego.
Maka was looking towards Diego as he was getting to his feet as well and soon enough they were bolting off. First thing, getting somebody to take with them to see what was going on. Stein happened to be the first teacher that they could find, but by the time they had even gotten there, it seemed like the witches were gone. The only being that was there was that of Doctor Medusa.She looked nervous, and all Maka could do was listen to her explanation about the witches, but she was just like Diego, she didn't buy it at all. But thankfully she wasn't going to actually say anything, because she didn't want to woman to get suspicious of them or anything like that. Nope, Maka wanted to try and keep her distance from this woman as much as she possibly could."Yeah. We'll find them, and stop them." Maka spoke in a confident voice, and was giving a nod of her head as well. No she wasn't going to allow the witches to torment their home for long, she was going to fight back against them. She was looking towards Stein as he was stating that he wanted them to come and see him tomorrow, which had her giving a nod of her head. "Any specific time?" she questioned.
Diego looked to Maka and smile. Their relationship, up until then, consisted of bickering and spatting, but they changed one another and he wanted to be with her... no, not just that. Diego recalled that the other him and what embodied... what may be there... was that he was actually falling for Maka. He had no real friends until now and here we had a pretty girl being nice to him. They butted heads often, but a connection of trust was there. One Diego treasured and did not want to lose. Yet fear and insecurity were also there.Diego knew Maka was not crushing on anyone. Hell, she was the one least talking about sex or romance. Hence why he had to hide it away... He remembered asking her and how she remarked they were still pretty young all things considered. They were only teenagers after all. Diego just chuckled alongside but felt the pang of pain. Maka was a prim and proper young lady and he was just a hormonal goofball.He sighed and hoped that he would never be pushed to admit it...And now, Diego lamented his words. It was now Sunday and Stein had told them what they needed to do. They needed to bring up the other's faults with one another.
Maka just listened to what Stein had to say before they were allowed to return to the apartment, so that they could go back to enjoying the rest of the night with their friends. Now that the witches were gone and everything seemed to be okay once again. Honestly she wished that every day would just be this calm. Just go to school, hang out with friends, and just live normal lives. Not have to worry about people taking others souls, or dealing with witches. Or the worst of all, dealing with a potential Kishin.Maka had heard stories about Kishins but had never actually faced on herself, honestly she wasn't sure that she ever actually wanted to face one. But there was a chance in the future that they would have to fight one, and if it meant fighting it to protect their home, then so be it. But for the time being she was pushing away those thoughts, and just turning her attention back towards her friends.At one point in time, this wouldn't have been the Maka in the past. She probably wouldn't be hanging out with friends, she would have just involved herself in her studies and that was about it. She strived to the be the best in everything that she did, but she knew that she wasn't. The one thing that she knew she was good at was school in general, and maintaining good grades, and there were times where she didn't seem to have to try.
Diego did not know much about Maka at first. There was something new to learn about her. For example, fairly early on in their relationship, Diego asked how she was friends with someone as exuberant and bombastic as Black Star. Turns out it was because the two were childhood friends. Looking back, it made sense. Maka likely spent a lot of time at the academy with her dad as Death's Scythe while Black Star would be raised her by Sid and the rest of the administration. Being the only kids of their age among the staff, no surprise they'd turn out to be close buddies despite the differences.As they gotten to know one another, they trusted in one another, while still fighting and bickering.Yet they were now here with Stein. Their training was for them to tell the others faults. Unknown to the both of them, the odd scented candles were designed to flare up emotion and draw it out. If they failed, they would likely never be able to be partners again, yet Stein believed they would succeed and become closer than ever.But Diego was tight lipped. He had no idea what to say or at least tried to avoid conflict. He was just preparing for his meister's criticisms.
Maka wasn't sure how she felt about being in Stein's office, and having to talk about their faults. She hated to tell people about their faults, especially if they were faults that the other already knew about. Yet again there was the off chance that they didn't know about that fault, and having it pointed out to them was a bit help to bettering themselves in the long run. But despite that fact, she hoped that others had to go through this seemingly pointless exercise. She, herself, was under the impression that they were close. Sure their had their moments of bickering, but usually it was over something that they just had differing opinions on, and they were more explaining why they had that opinion. Not so much trying to turn the others opinion to fit theirs. Okay there were some bickering moments that were just that, but it was soon resolved as everybody could have their own opinion.Maka was letting out a small breath of air before she spoke, "Diego, I love having you as my partner, and I'm glad we were partnered up, but I guess since we are doing this.... mind as well take it seriously. You lack motivation even when we are in school, yes you maintain good grades but you don't really motivate yourself to do some of the work at times. Or I've noticed you'll do it last minute and hope for the best." That was just one fault that she had noticed, but there were a few others that she was pointing out as well.He was a bit on the lazy end, and didn't seem to take a very good job at taking care of himself, and he had a bit of an impulsive streak as well. While she wanted to mention that he was stubborn, she didn't really considering that was a fault that they both suffered from, and they were both aware of that fault.
Diego could not help but chuckle a bit. Everything seems to be going good thus far. He acknowledged he was lazy and relied on his natural smarts, and tried to come up with it. Hopefully, they can go through this without things going pear shaped. Now it was just a matter than he could try and tell her her faults without reacting.A problem given that Diego can sometimes... okay often be tactless and blunt when communicating, short tempered and not afraid to back down. Hell, Maka gave up trying to Maka chop him when he chopped her book once. Granted, she still hit him on the head on occasion."Maka, you're way too serious and gloomy all the damn time. I get that Black Star and Kid are both goofs, but there's nothing wrong with that. Also, you're quick to hit people when they say something you deem offensive," Diego began, trying to keep himself pretty calm. "You also get on my case when I'm stubborn when you can be as equally stubborn and if I tried to say that at any point, you'd get mad at me," he said, being blunt.
Maka just listened to him for a moment in time, and yeah she did find herself a bit irritated with what he was saying, but at the same time she kept herself calm. No this was stuff that she needed to hear, and she need to cope with her faults. They all did. They all needed to learn to realize their faults, and to handle their faults, to control them. "We are both stubborn, but there are times where it seems to work in our favor." she did point out after a moment in time. Yeah that was definitely a proven fact.She was mentioning a few other faults that she had noticed as well, considering it seemed to be a turn taking thing. But it was better to point them all out little at a time, give the other the chance to actually process that that was a fault. Yeah she knew that she was too serious most of the time, but she had never really thought of herself as gloomy. That had been something that had taken her a bit to process."I think the biggest issue that I have is the fact that you are always trying to protect me, and to be brutally honest I hate it. I hate that you are always trying to protect me. I get that we are partners and that protecting each other is natural but I feel like.... it is different. I feel like you are the only one who is getting hurt, who is taking the blows, even if some of them are my responsibility to take as your meister." Maka spoke after a moment in time, before stating that she felt almost like he saw her as somebody that was just going to break after a single hit.
Things were progressing surprisingly smoothly. Maybe it was because both were pretty practical people. Diego sure was a goofball who was not ashamed of his more childish aspects and often contrasted with the more mature Maka, but they still listened to one another and in some ways, Diego like Tsubaki in that sense. However, he was also short tempered, something that coincided with a fire attributed soul.Stein knew that Diego had that and wanted to see the limits. Though upon hearing Maka's next criticism, he had a feeling that exactly would happen.Before Maka even finished her statement, Diego's fists clenched and his temper skyrocketed into boiling. The candles had made him more emotional and with his mind racing quickly, the insecurity began looming in. Fears regarding Maka's problems with the opposite sex had come roiling it. All in nanoseconds and suddenly Diego's walls cracked."Is it because I'm a guy?!" Diego suddenly shouted. His hands were opening and closing. Under normal circumstances, he could probably force himself to shut up, but his emotions are now at full burst because of the candles. No longer was he in conscious control."You want to know what upsets me about you?! It's that! Your parents' marriage may have been a crapshoot, but that doesn't automatically mean it's your dad's fault! And it's freaking hard talking to you about romance or sex or any of that stuff because you're not damn interested," Diego ranted, beginning his utter meltdown. "It freakin stings to hear that!! Also, why the hell have you been so damn off lately!? I get you wanna be strong, but is that why?! Get real! I am the weapon so I gotta protect you!" he said, his breathing deepening.
Maka was actually highly confused about the meltdown, even more confused when he started to talk about romance, sex, and even her parents marriage. She honestly wasn't sure what that all had to with her dislike of him being so protective all the time. Hell it should have been her in the hospital, it should have been her that had gotten hurt when they had dealt with Crona and Ragnarok, not him. He shouldn't have gotten in the way at that point in time."What does my parents marriage or any of that have to do with this. That has nothing to do at all with what I'm saying, not even close!" Maka exclaimed after a moment in time as she was folding her arms over her chest. With that she was actually standing up before she spoke, "Yes I hate being protected all the damn time! But if you were in my shoes you would be the exact same way! You can't protect me all the goddamn time! And you constantly doing it, when I do get hurt because you weren't around... guess what?! You are probably going to blame yourself because you weren't there! And in turn is going to cause problems. I am a meister, we are meant to share the pains and the burdens, that is what partners do."She felt like this was getting nowhere at that point in time which is actually what had her shaking her head a bit before she was turning and walking away from the table and towards the door. No she was leaving, she was more pacing at that point in time, hating just sitting there.
"I protect you because I care about you!!" Diego shouted before he saw her and try to leave before he finally snapped. He went over to the door. His breathing became erratic and he was bubbling and boiling over. She was right."You are right, but you still don't get why. IT'S BECAUSE I LOVE YOU OKAY!!" Diego shouted, revealing his darkest secret. Even Stein was caught off guard, seen as his cigarette went out of his open mouth in shock. Diego began tearing, being way too emotional and over the top to focus on what he was saying."I mean look at you! You're freaking pretty! So what if you never develop in the chest! You're beautiful as you are! You've got really nice legs and a cute smile and... and... just look at you! You're top of the class! You're one of the smartest people I know! You're one of the most skilled meisters I know and any weapon with a drop of common sense would give up their soul to have a meister like you! Me, I've been dead weight. I can barely fight on my own, I'm pretty much an untrained civilian compared to you and the others and no matter what training Black Star puts me through, it doesn't seem to go anywhere!!" Diego began saying, clasping at the doorway as his soul was being laid bare."Protecting my first friend... that's the least I can do! I mean look at me. I only got this way through a freakin accident!! It hurts!! It hurts because I know you're not interested in romance or any of that stuff..." he said, struggling to shape his words as his mind became like an inferno."So what if you can't fight back like Death or Black Star?! So what if I'm a useless weapon where Tsubaki or the sisters are better!! You're fine as you are... and you deserve better than me," Diego said before he ran. He ran out the door. He ran out the office. He just kept running. Out the school and into the city.Stein fumbled several times to light a cigarette. He saw Diego's soul flare up and turn on itself. Everyone struggled with their own burdens and faults. But he had underestimated the self loathing Diego seemed to contain. Plus his own revelations... romantic relationships between weapon and meister were... complicated. Though really, the only one Stein really knew was Spirit senpai and his ex wife and even then, that had little to do with it."We're done for the day. You're excused," Stein managed to say before he left, mulling if he needed to talk to Lord Death about this.
Maka was definitely startled by what happened next, hell even professor Stein had been shocked, his cigarette falling out of his open mouth. That was a rare thing to ever see happen, and that was just emphasis at how startled he was. She was just looking towards Diego fully as he stated that he loved her and kept talking about it. How she was perfect how she was, and that he was protecting her because she was his first friend. He was even explaining how he felt like an untrained civilian compared to the others, and how she deserved better. Maka didn't even know how to respond to any of this, in the end she wasn't able to respond anyways as the male was bolting out of the office.What the hell had just happened? "Professor Stein.... What was the purpose in this exercise. If it was drawing us closer together.... I don't think it worked." was all Maka could say herself before she was turning to leave. No she still had no idea how to respond. She felt confused and conflicted, especially considering he had a valid point... she didn't talk about romance or sex. It wasn't something she really cared about, there were more important things to deal with. Or that is what she thought. Yet again... one could do so much in their lives without ever falling in love. She had accomplished a lot without falling in love, other than that normal love that one felt towards their friends.Now she was doing something rather un Maka like. She was actually seeking out her father so speak to him, see if he had any advice, or something. Or to just be around her father in general, she wanted him around. She needed him.
It was to overcome the communication problems between you. To clear up the stuff holding you back and become closer. I was not expecting this, was all he could say to her.When Spirit had saw Stein come to him with that nervous tick of the lighter, he had a feeling something up. Stein did not say much except that he needed to talk to Lord Death. That did not prepare him to see a very shaken up Maka come up to him.Something happened. What happened, Maka? Spirit went as he went over to see what was wrong with her.
It didn't seem to take long to find Spirit, actually in the end it seemed like Stein had basically lead her straight to him. She was running over and just wrapping her arms around him in a hug. "Papa." was all she could really say at that point in time, hugging him. Probably a shock to him as well that she would actually coming running to him, wanting to see him.And she really didn't want to talk about this here, she wanted to go somewhere else, somewhere that wasn't in the middle of the street, and she really didn't want to go back to her place at that point in time either. "Can we talk....?" she questioned in a soft voice.
Spirit hugged her back. She never got like this, not even with the worst fights with Diego. Something else must have happened. "Sure, where do you wanna go?" Spirit asked her as he took her hand and began leading her. He remembered how Maka was like when she was like this. She would've refused to have gone out and preferred the safety of indoors. Usually, it would be when they'd go home and he put her some ice cream.Sure, he did not go if she would want to go to her old home, but he had a feeling she would not want to head back to her apartment. As he was leading her back to their place, he was thinking on what to say and do."Does this have something to do with Diego?" Spirit asked her quietly as they were heading back to his place.
Maka just followed after him so that they could go somewhere else, but her thoughts were all over the place, especially about what Diego had said, what he had admitted actually. She just walked beside him before she finally spoke, "I don't care where we go, I just don't want to go back to my place." Even if they went back to his place, she wouldn't really care at all.It wasn't long before she was nodding then spoke, "Yes it does have to do with him, and I don't know how to respond to what happened."
And that was definitely a sign that it was indeed something between the two. When they got back to his apartment, he had her sit at the kitchen and before long, he made her a sundae. How she liked it, in the various meticulous ways and fashion that he knew his daughter enjoyed. Spirit took a seat. "You should probably have a bit to eat. It always made you feel better," Spirit told her with a smile.After a little while, he looked to her. "What happened. What did he say?" Spirit asked her, preparing himself for what would happen though he began getting an inkling of an idea of what it was.
Maka followed her papa to his house and was settling at the kitchen table and soon enough he was bringing her a sundae, which she was taking a bite out of. It wasn't long before she was explaining everything that had happened. How Stein had called them together to point out their faults, so that they could work together better as a team. Then explained everything that had happened after she had pointed out that she didn't need him to protect her all the time, that she hated being protected."He told me that he loved me.... And I.... I don't know how to respond to it." Maka spoke after explaining everything. It was the truth, she didn't know how to answer that, considering she had never really been in love before. Other than the natural love one felt for their friends and family.
Hoo boy, was Spirit preparing for his dad. He could not help, but recall what his ex wife said when he went to her to talk to her about this back when Maka was just a toddler. He did remember that it was also one of the few times the woman was also stumped and even mentioned she would probably be as clueless as Maka was on the entire ordeal."That's a hard question and that's something you need to look into for yourself. When we try to figure out that sort of stuff, we need to ask ourselves if we could picture a future without them at our side. Sometimes it's hard, other time it's complicated, especially for us. Our partners tend to be some of our closest people," Spirit said as he took a seat."I think he's been struggling with it for so long because he did not want to bother you with his feelings. And those are things that you need to figure out over time. But I can say is to try and picture how it would be like if he was not your partner. Imagine if someone else came up to him. Would you feel worried? Threatened?" Spirit asked her questions to try and mull on."You could always to be paired up with a different Weapon if you're uncomfortable," Spirit added as he looked to her, wondering what her reaction would be.
Maka just looked at her father for a moment in time before she spoke, "I can't help but feel even more guilty. I feel even more like it is my fault that he got hurt now, because now it just feels like he does all of this out of love. Which is ridiculous. I don't want it to be like that. This happening I feel has just complicated everything now." With that she was shaking her head before taking another bite of her sundae.If somebody else had gone up to Diego, would she feel worried or threatened? That wasn't even a question that she could answer at that point in time. She wasn't sure how she would feel. Maybe she needed to test that theory out, to see how she would respond to that.
People and feelings are complicated. He clearly cares about you, but from what I know about Diego, he wears his heart on his sleeve and he does whatever he can to help his friends, Spirit explains to her, recalling his own research he did on the odd young man his little girl would be partnered up with. You cannot avoid him forever, he added before settling to think. I think the reason he reacted the way he did was because he was scared. Scared of rejection. Scared that you would no longer be his friend or partnered up with him, Spirit continued. What do you wanna do? He asked his daughter, wondering if she would have a different partner or figure this out with Diego.
Maka just looked at her father for a moment in time before she spoke, "And this is the exact reason I've never fallen in love or gotten a boyfriend, it complicates stuff." With that she was just shaking her head a bit before taking another bite of the sundae. It seemed like he did know how she liked her sundaes, and everything that she enjoyed on it. Which almost had her wondering how, although she wasn't going to ask, that wasn't a big deal at that point in time."I just want him to be less protective. I can take care of myself, I'm not some fragile little girl that is going to break as soon as she gets hit. I didn't become a meister to be constantly protected. I became a meister to do the protecting. And I'm not going to just stop being friends with somebody over something so trivial but... I'm not sure about the partnering. I feel like what happened tonight is just going to complicate things." Maka spoke after a moment in time, after actually taking the time to think.She couldn't tell Diego that she loved him because she wasn't even sure about it herself. Unlike some of the other teenagers she had settled with devoting her life to learning as much as she could, not trying to figure out her love life. That hadn't been an important thing at all.
"Well, life is complicated, Maka. You cannot try and avoid it," Spirit said as he got up and looked out the window. "As for him, you know that he does not think of you as weak. Heck, he'd probably try and shield Black Star or Kid or anyone else he was friends with," Spirit adds to her. He did not know on what to say and do regarding her partner. That was something she would need to figure out."But I will say this. Both of you are not thinking right. Both of you have been thinking about each other or yourselves, but you're forgetting to be thinking about together. You are a team. You get stronger, it will be together. You will grow, it will be together. He's been thinking too much on protecting you and you've been thinking too much on getting stronger to protect him. You should be honest with him. Tell him how much you care about him. Sometimes the most partners can do for one another is remind one another how much they care about one another," Spirit elaborated onto Maka, wanting to help her.He then got a call and went to picked it up. After a moment, he went to face her. "It's Stein. He says there's strange activity in London. Black Star and Tsubaki are going. Are you going to go with Diego?" he asked her.
Maka just listened to her father before she spoke, "I can tell him I care about him, but I can't say anything more than that. And you are right about that, but I felt like I had to get stronger. That maybe that is why he was always trying to protect me, because he thought me as weak." Honestly that is the first thing one would probably thing of if they were always being protected, is that they were unable to defend themselves. And she knew that that definitely wasn't true, she could most definitely protect herself. Maka was a decent fighter even without a weapon as well, better with a weapon but not bad without one either.Soon enough her papa was walking off to answer a call and he was mentioning something about strange activity in London, and how Black Star was going with his partner. Was she going to go with Diego? That depended on if she could find him or not. But either way she was going to go, whether it was with him or without him. "Either way I'm going to go, with or without him. Right now I don't even know where to start looking for him." she spoke after a moment in time.
"Actually, given his rather bad performance in fighting, you are the better fighter and from what you said, he admitted it," Spirit points out to her with a smile. "He admires you," he adds before he then returned to the call. "He's coming, Stein was checking up on him," Spirit adds to her. "He'll meet you at the airport to head to London," he tells her.When Maka would see Diego at the airport, he sees her and he manages to give her a half smile though it was clear from his eyes that he had been crying a fair bit. "Come on guys!" Black Star yells out as he leads them over to the plane and several hours later, they would end up on London, specifically near London bridge."Maka, can you sense the person?" Black Star asks her, wondering why Diego and Maka were standing awkwardly.But he would be right. Something was there.An escaped man in jail garb and a sharp smile.
Maka looked towards her father for a moment in time before she was giving a nod of her head before she was giving her father a hug, and stating that she would see him later, and was adding that she loved him. After that she was heading off towards the airport so that they could get going, and it seemed like Diego was in fact there. "We are coming!" Maka spoke as she was getting onto the plane, and soon enough they were headed to London."Yes, I can." Maka spoke after a moment in time, as she was looking around for a moment in time. After a brief moment she was turning around to where the man was standing. This person.... was dangerous.
A werewolf. A freaking werewolf. That was immortal. And who stole the eye of the head witch. What has his life become?Diego turned to Maka and nodded before he transformed into a scythe. However, when she grabbed him, she felt warm. Warm, but not uncomfortingly hot. They would still be synching up for the time being. "Ready partner?" Diego told her nervously.And indeed and the werewolf would come at him, projecting a large cylinder of ice with her magic. "Wolf Wolves! I'm gonna be judge now. I'm tired of Death's flunkies!" Free said as he came at them. With Black Star drained, it'd be up to them.
Why the fuck was there a damn werewolf? This was definitely going to be a nasty fight, that was for sure. A difficult more like it."Lets go." was all Maka could say and soon enough he was transforming and she was just twirling the scythe in her hands before shifting into a fight stance.The fight had started off rough right off the bat, and just seemed more difficult when Black Star ended up finding himself drained and was collapsed on the ground with Tsubaki standing over him in a more protective state. "What do we do now, Diego?" Maka questioned. For the time being all she was doing was dodging attacks, but she would end up moving forward to attack. Hopefully they could figure out a plan of action.
"You're the meister, you should know," Diego responded quietly as they were facing Free. However, at that comment, Diego's handle grew too hot for Maka to handle. Diego's scythe form was black. The blade itself was also black, but with a gold pattern on it. It was a square one familiar from Mesoamerican symbology and indeed, with an Aztec sun icon over at where connecting the blade to the scythe.Tsubaki commented on it. How it was their souls out of sync. "You guys just disgust me," Free said as he bashed Maka around before Diego turned into his human form and tried to stab Free. He did, but noticed the wound was not bleeding"Nice try kid. I'm immortal," Free said before he grabbed Diego with his hand and began squeezing his hand. "you're probably the least impressive of them," Free commented."Better... than some... cowardly... werewolf... someone so pathetic... they need to cause violence to ignore their issues," Diego says as he tried to force the werewolf's grasp on his neck.
Maka gave a sigh before she spoke, "I'm asking for some advice." Although soon after the comments that handle was actually growing to hot for her to actually hold onto and she ended up dropping him on the ground. Damn they were out of sync, which definitely wasn't going to get them anywhere at all, especially not when fighting an enemy.She was bashed around a bit before Diego was taking to his human form and was attempting to stab to werewolf, while she was pushing herself up and wiping away a bit of blood on her lip. She was looking over towards Tsubaki as she was offering to become her weapon temporarily, but even that wasn't going to help Maka beat the wolfman, that wasn't going to help whatsoever.No she had to still fight, but it had to be with her own weapon. That was what she knew how to use best, and that meant fighting even if her continued to hurt her. "Diego!" she yelled as she got up and was running forward and was actually commanding him to take to his weapon form again. No she would fight through that pain, she would make it work. She wasn't going to allow this damn immortal to beat them!
Tsubaki was yelling at them. To take one another in consideration. Diego had managed to get the Wolfman to let him go and he was trying to catch his breath. He did what Maka told and changed back to his scythe and when she would grab him, it would still be hot, but now also Diego grunted in pain."You're not weak... you're better than me. In fact... I was always scared that you partnered with me because I was the only scythe around," Diego confessed to Maka, taking a breath and being honest with her, as if he was recommended."We're a team... right?" Diego asked her, uncertainty and fear in his eyes. All while he heard him... the voice of his other self. He remained quiet until now, but now he heard of the promise of freedom from fear through power and madness.
Yeah it was still hot and it still burned her hands but she fought against it anyways, she tried to ignore it. No she wasn't going to give in now, and she was going to fight they were going to fight back. "Right now is not the time to talk about that! Right now what happened earlier isn't important, that can be discussed later. Right now we need to work as a team, to take down this immortal." Maka breathed after a moment in time.Yeah she was listening to Tsubaki yell and was skidding back a bit when the wolfman actually managed to hit them, but just tightened her grip on the scythe."Yeah I want to grow stronger but.... in order for me to grow stronger, you also have to grow stronger. But in order to do that, we need to do it together." Maka spoke after a moment in time. "I want to grow stronger with you Diego." she spoke as she was focusing on her own soul, getting everything to calm down. No they needed to get their souls back into sync.
Diego calmed down and the heat died down... "Heat... fire... It's funny. You've always been the calm one whenever I get really mad and so on. You're calm, methodical and studious while I've always been passionate, burning and emotional. We're partners... cannot hold anything back from one another," Diego said to her before he began synching his soul with hers."I've been denying you... but... if you are part of me, but different. I will need to walk a bit more," Diego confessed.And when they souls synched, the heat grew hotter and Maka would feel like her soul was surrounded by fire. Diego was trying to control himself, trying to keep himself from being overwhelmed. "I can do this... no... we can do this!!" Diego said as his scythe transformed into a fiery scythe edge. He felt her Anti Demon Wavelength...Meanwhile, Maka would feel initially like she would be overwhelmed by Diego's soul yet when that died... she felt heat. Fire. Passion. Emotion. She was feeling to fire that ran through Diego's core, his soul.
Their souls were merging together although it felt a lot different from usual. Something seemed a lot different than usual, she felt like she was going to be swallowed whole by Diego's soul. And for a brief period of time that almost seemed to frightened her, and had her wondering exactly what was going on.But even as their souls were resonating, the rate was slowly increasing, and something quite different was happening. Diego seemed to almost be changing forms to something else. A scythemeister technique of lore known as Witch Hunter. Something that she had never been able to pull off, not for their lack of trying until this point in time.This actually had her shifting and tightening her grip a little bit before she was running towards the wolfman. No they were going to take him down, they were going to eliminate him, or at least attempt to anyways.
It was Witch Hunter... the fabled technique yet it was different. It was burning and fiery and powerful. Free would try and block it... before yelping in pain as the fire began burning. In fact, Maka would feel the heat... the fire was coming from Diego. It was his passion, his drive, his fire...Would Maka be afraid of the fire... of the heat... of the passion of her meister or would she go with the flow? "We're stronger together! Don't mess with us!" Diego shouted as the tail was burning more. Maka would need to push a bit more."The hell are you, kid?!" Free shouted as he would notice his ice nearby was melting a bit.
Maka found the fire to be different, and yeah she was slightly afraid of it, probably because she wasn't quite sure what it was. But at that point in time she was just going with the flow as she pushed back against Free."I am the Scythemeister Maka, and this is my weapon, Diego. And we are going to take you down." was all Maka said as she was managing to back away and was swinging at the werewolf again.
Free howled as he got hit and was slammed back. He tried catching his footing and summoning an ice pillar, but it began melting from the result of heat from the fires of Diego.Free then knocks over Diego from her hands and as Diego transforms back into human, Free looks to him. "Fine! Let's see how you are when I get rid of him!" Free says as he made a move to extend his claws to try and stab Diego while they were beginning to fall...
Maka was a bit startled when the man actually managed to knock Diego out of her hands, which had her moving to snag him up again, although it didn't work so well, especially when her partner ended up turning human again. "Diego!" Maka screamed and was running forward when she saw what the werewolf was about to do, which had her actually pushing Diego out of the way of the claws.
"Fine! I'll stab Little Red Riding Hood!" Free said with a smirk as he managed to land a blow on her side... And then stuff happened. Diego nearly went berserk and Maka would see his soul literally flare up in anger to try and stab Free...Only for Free to have his arm sliced off by a shuriken, courtesy of Black Star. Diego grabbed Maka before he went and stabbed a pillar of the bridge to stop their fall. "Are you okay?! How badly are you hurt?" Diego asked her, his face full of concern and worry for her. Because he cared about her... so much. He held her in one arm before using his other to grab the chain Tsubaki Black Star made to pull them up.
Maka had been expecting that to happen although there wasn't much room to move at that point in time, although it was a blow to the side. Nothing as bad as what could have happened to Diego if she hadn't shoved him aside. But god damn did it hurt. She was watching her partner's soul flare up and watched as he went to try and stab Free.Not that he was able to when a shuriken came out of nowhere and was slicing off the werewolves arm. Well seemed like Black Star was awake again. She had been wondering when he was going to be with it again. "A scratch. I'll be fine." Maka spoke after a moment in time, although she did have a hand to her side at that point in time. Nope she didn't know how bad it actually was, she didn't want to look. Not at that point in time anyways. She would do that once they were up on the bridge again.
When they were up, Diego embraced her tightly. For the longest time, he refrained from hugging her, possibly because he feared bothering her, yet he did not care right now. He was so damn happy his meister was okay. His breathing lowered and the others came to check up on her. "Your hands... looks like I'll be cooking for us," Diego says with a shaky grin as he looks relieved before he looked over to her wounds."Come on! We gotta get going," Black Star said to them. Diego removed Maka's hands and were looking over them with concern. He helped her up and began taking her there. Part of him wanting to grab her hand... yet he refused... due to fear of hurting her hands.
Maka didn't seem to be bothered by the fact that Diego was holding her at that point in time. No she actually felt a lot safer at that point in time, and the pain that she had been feeling seemed to be nothing. It was still there although she didn't seem to feel it at that point in time. Soon enough Black Star was stating that they had to go while Diego had removed the gloves that Maka typically wore and was looking at her hands. Yeah they were burned, and hurt but it was the price one paid."Lets just get home." she spoke after a moment in time before she was falling into step next to her partner. No they could talk more when they got back, or got on the plane.
"Yeah," Diego told her with a soft smile. They would talk more, though he had no idea what to say or do in regards to this. Especially since he went over to confess to her how he felt about her. He remained quiet with a soft blush on his face as they boarded the plane."I'm really glad that you're okay and you're my partner," Diego told her, breaking the silence. He looked nervous... then again, he always was nervous because he was scared at heights.
Maka looked towards him before she spoke "Other than being in a little pain, I'm okay." And she was just trying to figure everything out. Why that sync had felt so much stranger than usual? Whatever that boost had been, had allowed them to pull of witch hunter. But it had felt almost dangerous as qell, something deeper felt dangerous. The initial feeling had been more pleasant to say the least.She gazed put the window after they had gotten in the plane and taking off. Time to go home it seemed. At home they could talk more. She really didnt want to have that conversation with Black Star and Tsubakk sitting there. Awkward.
"You cannot hide from me forever. You cannot keep running forever," The voice in Diego's head said as he looked at the Shadow him. Diego sighed tiredly yet warily as he looked at the shadow him. Diego had fallen asleep on the plane, having relaxed considerably with Maka next to him."That you used... it threatens to consume you... to go crazy... and you'll hurt her too," His Shadow said with his arms crossed with a smile. "What do you want me to do?" Diego asked... "What do you want?" His Shadow asked him. "I am not like anyone else... Madness answers to us, not the other way around. We are who we are and we do it our own way," his shadow told him."Just what is your way"Diego awoke with a cold sweat. The plane had landed, he was breathing deeply. He was not talking much up until they arrived back at the apartmenr where he laid down on the sofa.
Even Maka had ended up falling asleep on the plane as well, but not like it really mattered. They were safe enough at that point in time, hell even Black Star and Tsubaki had ended up deciding to nap a bit as well. There was nothing better to do at that point in time, and it gave them a few hours to regain that lost strength from the fight with the werewolf. Which hadn't been at all easy. He dished out one hell of a punch half the time, and the ice had been irritating.Once they got back, Maka trudged along beside Diego back towards their apartment, although neither of them were really talkative at that point in time. Honestly Maka was far to exhausted to really think at that point in time, and now that she was thinking about it, she could feeling the pain from her hands. And she had actually taken the time to examine the scrape that she had gotten from Free. Not as bad as it could have been, although still painful. And she would still have to bandage it to avoid infection.
When they got back, it was just a matter of healing and getting back into some pattern or form of regular behavior. However, it was far from behavior. Diego was pretty quiet for most of the time they were together. While Maka's hands were recovering, Diego was in charge of cooking and cleaning. Plus, besides the fact that there were the big exams coming up, that was to study for.Diego recalled what was it that Maka was saying and he did want to prove to her that he did take her considerations seriously.As such, he was studying the best he could, though the problem was that because Diego relied on most of his natural smarts, he was not very good at memorizing or study habits. Despite that he persisted, even including trying the old falling asleep while listening to notes stuff.Before long it was time for the exam and Diego began going. He would be doing very good, but it was when he would try and focus would he feel as if another voice was talking to him and giving him the answers... His Shadow. Being his subconsciousness, he was able to recall the answers for Diego."We got a 100!" Diego told her with a smile, hugging Maka when the grades were shown!
Once they got back, it was time to settle back and heal, and attempt to get back into a regular pattern. Although that was a bit easier said than done. Things were still a little awkward since everything that had happened in Stein's office, but slowly getting better. They were slowly working on everything, including handling their own faults.Maka was attempting to be less serious all the time, although that didn't seem to be getting her anywhere. Although she was far less gloomy than what she had been in the past, and the relationship with her father was definitely stronger than what it had been as well.Before they knew it it was time for the exams, and Maka locked herself away to study. Even offered to help Diego study as well, although he didn't have very good study habits. They weren't terrible, they just weren't the best. They were a lot better than Black Star's study habits, which had resulted in him attempting to break into Stein's office, once again to steal the answers."You would think Black Star would learn after the other few times he did that, not to do that." Maka commented with a small sigh before she was going over to look at the scores that were on the board. No she wasn't at all shocked to see that she was up towards the top of the list. That was the usual spot she was at, although she was giving a faint smile when she saw that Diego was there as well."Good job. Now, we need to work on some kind of study routine for you." she spoke before looking at Tsubaki who was looking to see where she was at. Hey she had come within the top twenty, which was definitely a good thing. And Black Star was there with Kid, Patty, and Liz with having a zero. Kid had been more focused on writing his name than answering questioned, Patty had ended up turning her test into animal origami, and Liz... well she hadn't gotten caught up with a single hair on Ox's head.
Diego still did not talk to Maka much regarding what happened in the office with Stein and it was something that affected in practice. Like Diego felt a bit heavier and not as sharp. Not to mention, he felt a bit distracted and melancholic at times. Diego noted Maka trying to be more jovial, but she would often look lost trying it. Were he in a better more stable mood, he could explain, but he was not in much of a good."It's good. I never needed to really study back as a kid, but then when I hit middle school, it started with pre algebra. It became harder for me and it did not come as easy," Diego admitted when she would comment on the study routine. However, he did something to look forward to.Eventually, it would be time for the big party of the year. The anniversary of Shibusen being founded.Diego had been waiting for Maka to get finished. He showered first and was getting dressed since he knew she would wanna take her time. He would be a nice red dress shirt along with a black dress coat and tie, black dress pants and shoes. He wasn't really the type to get into this sort of dress, but he never got invited to parties and so he'd savor the opportunity.Though his breath was taken away when he saw Maka enter the living room in her violet dress and white dress shoes. She looked stunning.
The next few days a bit awkward, and everybody seemed to notice that something was amiss. Especially when Maka seemed to be seen around Diego less, although at the same time she was seen more with Tsubaki and the Thompson sisters, more getting their opinion on everything. Tsubaki knew the story, although Maka hadn't been really worried about her saying anything.Liz definitely seemed to have better advise than what Patty did about the whole aspect, and actually sounded smart when it came to talking about it. Especially when Maka was talking about the strange feeling that she had been feeling as well. Evidently that was love, not that she really knew much about that feeling. Well that kind of love anyways but for the time being she wasn't going to act on it.Soon enough it was time for the biggest party of the year. The anniversary party. The founding of it all. A night all of the students and faculty dressed up and gathered together to dance, have fun, and just breath for a bit.The dress that Maka had decided to wear that night was actually something that her papa had helped her pick out, after she had told him that she wanted to impress Diego. Man had be been more than happy to help her. So while Diego had been in the shower, Maka had taken to laying all of her clothes out so that after her shower she could go change and get ready. Her hair she had decided that she was going to actually do something with her hair other than her ponytails.Once she was done with her shower and had changed into her violet dress and slid on her white shoes, she was actually letting Blair do something with her hair. Even the cat monster was going to be at the dance. Invited by Spirit and Stein.
Y you look beautiful, Diego managed to say once his brain rebooted and he could finally string some words together to articulate how to best sum up how she looks. Diego s face became red, but he had an adorable and endearing smile on his face. We ready to go? Diego said with a grin, excitement filling his body as he offered his arm for Maka to take. It was going to be an unforgettable night to say the least.Indeed, once they arrived, they d see everyone there look nice and neat, well as neat as Black Star can be, still looking quite casual with a messy suit.
Maka looked towards him for a moment in time before she spoke, "Oh... Umm... T....Thanks." With that she was walking over to him and taking his offered arm so that they could get going to the party.Once they arrived, Maka was smiling at everybody that was already there. Everybody looked great, and everybody seemed to be in good moods. This was the one night of the year where they felt like they didn't have to worry about anything at all. Hopefully anyways.Blair followed after them although she ended up making her way over to where Spirit was at, nudging him a bit so that he could see how grown up his baby girl looked now.
The gala was in full swing after Black Star proceeded to try and steal Kid's thunder... with limited success. It was a wonderful time. Black Star was eating a large pile of food while laughing alongside Tsubaki. Death the Kid was trying to get Liz and Patty to dance evenly with him and it was just pretty much in full swing.And speaking of, everyone was dancing. "Um... you wanna dance?" Diego asked Maka with a smile, wanting to dance with her. He never really danced with a girl before, but he knew the basics, namely because he danced with his cousins a little bit back in family gatherings.Spirit meanwhile was weeping with parental joy at just how grown up Maka was while he was also dancing with Blair. Stein meanwhile seemed like he was getting drunk.
Maka was chuckling a bit as she watched Black Star completely fail at trying to steal Kid's' thunder. And she was watching Kid attempt to dance with Patty and Liz evenly, as well as that was going at that point in time. With that she was looking over towards Diego as he asked if she wanted to dance. This had her giving a small smile before she spoke, "Yeah, lets go dance."
Diego beamed at hearing Maka said yes. He grasped her hand and took her in to dance with everyone else. They had not really talked much if at all what happened that day in Stein's office. Diego's feelings toward Maka remained true and beyond platonic. He did not really confide this in anyone, regarding his feelings though he was sure Stein and Spirit knew. He was not sure who he could talk to. He did not really know if anyone in their group of friends would be good for talking about romance. He briefly wondered if Maka talked to anyone, but he did not think she'd know anyone she could speak regarding that sort of stuff, except maybe Blair and even then, Blair had never really been in love.She was very good at understanding people though.However, his thoughts became interrupted when he saw he was near Stein and Medusa. He gave Maka a look and he began listening. He still danced with Maka, but became serious when he heard Stein accuse Medusa of being a witch... the one associated with the Demon Sword.So... his paranoia was justified.He looked to Maka, squeezing her hand. It was not to let the two know they overheard. When something happens, they would strike.
Maka danced with Diego although it didn't seem like long before they found themselves dancing near where Stein and Medusa were at. She was looking at Diego for a moment as she felt his hand tighten on her hand. Yeah she knew not to let them know that they had overheard, but they did have to let somebody know what they heard.With that she was drifting off towards the table of punch to get a drink, and so that they could actually talk softly without being overheard. "That confirms our suspicions against her I suppose. It is rare that Stein accuses people of stuff like that." she spoke in a low voice as she got them both of cup of punch.
Diego nodded but before he could do little else, he saw Sid come in, warning of an attack!Then all hell broke loose. Medusa had let go and attempted to bolt the window."SOMEONE STOP HER!" Diego shouted as he bolted after Medusa. How determined was he to prevent her escape? He began channeling a little bit of the black blood... enough to boost him to try and slice at her to keep her from escaping. Medusa yelped as she got swiped as she tried to deter him."Sorry, witchy. You never fooled me," Diego said with a smirk before he paled as he felt powerful magic... It was that he saw that werewolf... he was making some sort of cube. In his hesitation, she kicked him back into the group.The sounds of destruction were heard outside, but Diego saw someone make it out the cube... it was Blair in her cat form. She turned to him and winked... she got this..."We're counting on you," Sid told them. It was him with Maka, Black Star, Tsubaki, Kid, Patty, Liz, Stein, and Spirit.The burial happened and they would escape the room before being locked in.It was go time.
Maka was looked towards Sid as he ran in yelling about an attack, which resulted in Medusa trying to bolt out the window.Not that she got overly far at first when Diego bolted after her and was swiping at her, actually managing to swipe at her. And Maka was bolting forward as well, although kind of kept closer to where the others were at though, especially when Diego was thrown back towards them. But from where she was at she could see the soul of the werewolf, and there was commotion outside.What the hell was going on now? She couldn't help but wonder as a strange cube started to form around them. She saw Blair had managed to get out and then it wasn't long before what appeared to be a hole was forming under her, along with a few others, and she was falling.
Diego would end up landing on his butt while he saw the meisters land on their feet. "You guys really are something else," Diego commented before Stein gave them all the rundown. That Medusa was, in fact, a witch who planned to revive Asura, the first Kishin. He was kept contained under the school, sealed away by Lord Death, and thus why he could not move.And now Medusa and her cohorts were planning on liberating them."We better get a move on then. Normally I'd advocate for changing into more practical clothing... but time is a luxury. Professor Stein, take us to the entrance. Medusa and her flunkies probably just headed there," Diego noted before blushing at his brashness."He's got a point. Sooner we get them, the better," Spirit said as he looked to Stein."All right then. Let's get going everyone," Stein told them with a smile at his students' bravery. "I recommend going barefoot, unless you want my shoes," Diego suggested to Maka.
The Meisters had ended up landing on their feet, almost as though they were cats. It wasn't long before Stein was explaining the whole situation, even about the Kishin that was under the school. That made a bit of sense as to what Maka was sensing at that point in time, made a lot of sense. She could see a few other souls as well. There werewolf was there as well, and it seemed like Demon Sword was there as well.Maka was looking towards Diego as he mentioned going barefoot, or letting her borrow his shoes. "Your shoes would be a bit too big." she spoke before she was kicking off her shoes and looked towards Stein. Nope at that point in time he was in charge, they would do as he said, at least unless they got separated then the kids would be on their own.
Diego took Maka s shoes, carrying them for some reason while following. When they would go running, someone would be there. It would be Medusa. However, rather than having her usual confident and cocky smirk, she looked annoyed and frazzled. It appeared that her plans had now been derailed."Everyone,senpaiand I will handle Medusa. Black Star, you go and fight the Demon Sword with your soul techniques while Kid and Maka, you go and stop the other witch and the werewolf," Stein said to them. Medusa began preparing an attack...Or would've if Diego proceeded not to throw Maka's shoes in her face, breaking her concentration and giving them the big opening they needed to give chase.He then turned back into his scythe for Maka to take him.
Maka ran after the others although it wasn't long before they seemed to be finding themselves running into Medusa. Well wasn't this just a grand thing to have happen. Although it seemed like Stein was going to fight her with Spirit, and next thing she knew was her shoes were flying at Medusa's face. Well that worked."Understood." Maka spoke before she was grabbing Diego when he turned into his scythe form, and took off after the others. It seemed like the other weapons had taken to their weapon forms as well.
"Sorry about having to use your shoes like that, but I figure it was a good way of throwing her off when she was trying to cast the spell so we can get past her," Diego told Maka with a smile as he saw the others. Unsurprisingly, Kid went flying off thanks to his flying board.However, he then saw what was awaiting them.The Demon Swordsman.Black Star had caught up and was going to attack though Diego wondered what Maka would be thinking on this...
"Oh well, don't worry about it. They can be replaced." Maka spoke after a moment in time as she continued down the hallway, already Kid zipping off ahead of them on his flying board. No shock there.Although it wasn't long before they were coming upon the Demon Swordsman. Sure Stein had told Black Star to deal with them but... Maka was thinking differently."Black Star, you continue on ahead. We'll deal with this." Maka spoke after a moment in time.
"You sure about that?" Black Star asked her, surprised that Maka was going against orders."Black Star, you're faster and stronger, meaning you have better luck of catching up to Kid and helping him take care of the witch and the werewolf," Diego said out of the scythe. He would be supporting his partner's choice."All right then. I'll go on ahead and leave the spotlight to you," he said before Black Star bolted off, leaving Maka and Diego to face off Crona, who seemed to be more confused at the folk who just bolted past them.
Maka looked towards Black Star for a moment before giving a nod of her head. Although it wasn't long before Diego seemed to be saying something, supporting her decision in the matter.But were they going to be strong enough to handle Crona? No they had gotten a lot stronger over the last few days. Actually since that fight with Free. Something had changed then, they had been able to pull off something that they had never been able to before."Good luck to you both." Maka called after Black Star before she was tightening her grip on the handle of her weapon as she was walking forward.
You ready, Maka? Diego asked his partner wth a smile. They had trained long and hard. Let s try and stick to defense, he advised before Crona went to charge at them, being silent.They were apparently surprised by how fast they were along with the circumstances of this.
"Yeah I am ready." Maka spoke as she tightened her grip before she was falling back into defense as Crona charged at them. No she had to try and predict Crona's movements before it happened.
When Crona saw Black Star leave, they attempted to attack from behind, only for them to be caught off guard and stopped by Diego. "So, cutting you won't work then, eh?" Diego noted before he knew that they would need to try and use physical blunt attacks. When Maka would punch his face, Diego would make his arm appear to punch Crona in the back for a bit.However, Crona was still surprisingly pretty rock solid."What the hell? You forgot the time that Crona cut you? You're just a couple of small fries that we can beat," Ragnarok said as he appeared out of Crona."You sure about that? If you were, you wouldn't need to gobble up so many innocents," Diego told him. Here, he had one advantage. His mouth.His big fat blabbermouth.Diego was analytical and liked psychology and philosophy. As such, he did not hesitate to try and use his words to attack his opponents here.
Maka was moving forward so that Crona could stop Black Star from moving on ahead. Hey melee attacks wouldn't work, so she was resorting to something different. Punching Crona in the face. Although this definitely had her hand hurting after doing that. What the hell was this kid made of?!"Back then, you caught off us off guard, and we were weak. Now things have changed." Maka spoke as she was taking a few steps away, firmly holding onto her scythe, no hesitation at that point in time.
"For someone so week, you don't understand," Crona began saying. "Why are you clashing with me head on? You'll get cut again," Crona said. Diego just raised his eyebrow before smirking at the confidence he and his meister had."That's not a guarantee there," Diego responded."Quit your prattling! No one will your hear your howls as a loser," Ragnarok responded. "And no one wants to listen to the ranting of a sword who has to use his meister as a shield. We ain't gonna lose," Diego countered and he noticed the meister got a bit more angry.When Crona introduced themselves, Diego smirked. "All right then, Demon Swordsman Crona. Let's see what you got. We know your tricks," Diego told her as he watched his meister go.
Maka didn't respond to the male at all, not bothering to speak back, allowing Diego to do all the talking at that point in time.Obviously what Diego was saying was starting to get on the nerves of Crona, especially the comment about Ragnarok hiding behind his meister all the time. No they weren't going to use, and yeah they did know their tricks. And they had both gotten stronger as well, far stronger."I am Scythemeister Maka, and we will be your opponent." was all Maka said after a moment in time before she was twirling her scythe a bit and shifting into a defensive position once again. No she was going on the defensive, at least for the time being. She just wanted the chance to examine their opponent, learn their moves a bit more.
The conflict started with Ragnarok and Diego being clanged at one another before Crona got into a stance and then Ragnarok began screaming, a sign that they were going to do an attack, apparently Screech Alpha."Why are you doing this? Why the hell are you even going to the Kishin and killing innocent people?" Diego asked Crona."Because I'm scared. I can learn how to interact with things if I get strong," Crona began before Diego made a buzzer like noise."Strength means nothing. Most ordinary people, not even trained, can interact with various things. It doesn't matter how strong you are, it won't get rid of the fear. There will always be something that can get you. People learn to live with that and not without having to kill others," Diego told Crona in a stern yet patient voice.Crona looked a little puzzled and surprised before focusing back on the attack."Lady Medusa will abandon me if I do not become a Kishin. I'll stay afraid of everything if I don't get stronger," Crona replied."Buddy, Medusa is not worth having any loyalty to. Furthermore, there are people who live their whole lives not being afraid yet knowing they are weak. Strength and power does not mean much in the long run. It does not equal security in the long term," Diego lectured. He knew Maka would normally be doing this stuff, but he could be such a chatterbox sometimes.Nonetheless, Crona launched a Screech Alpha at them. "Maka, move! We know he has his Black Blood for Blood Needles or to throw it, but we can still dodge the attacks," he said to her.
Maka just watched and listened, and soon enough she was looking towards Crona when he shifted into a different stance and Ragnarok started to scream. This was easy enough to dodge most of the time, if you knew what was going to happen anyways.For the most part she did let Diego speak although after a moment in time she did speak up, "Medusa is manipulative and twisted. She doesn't deserve loyalty from anybody at all. And the only way to conquer fear, is to face what you are afraid of heading on."This poor child, she had to wonder exactly what Crona had even gone through to have such a loyalty to Medusa. Something she was curious about, actually Crona in general she was curious about. In a way.... she wanted to save this child, and that is what she was going to attempt to do. With that she was moving out of the way of the attack that had been launched at them.
Crona then went over to keep slashing and attacking. Whenever they were cut by Maka and Diego, they would just respond by sending some of their Black Blood, using either Bloody Needle or a move like it."Hey Maka, let's try Witch Hunter. Maybe your Anti Demon Wavelength can help," Diego suggested to her. However, when they would start synching and powerfully, Maka would be able to feel a bit of the power and the heat.Diego meanwhile was being careful, trying to keep the madness down while synching souls with Maka so they could strike with a Witch Hunter. Crona meanwhile was preparing their own attack.
Maka listened to what Diego had to say before she was giving a nod and focusing her soul, before they became the soul resonance, and soon enough the scythe seemed to morphing into something else. Maka could feel the heat, feel the power."Witch Hunter." was all she spoke before she was lunging forward towards Crona so that she could attack. No she already knew that this battle was going to be difficult. The battle between Stein and Medusa seemed to be raging on as well, both of their souls were fully visible. Medusa's witch soul was rather powerful, and large, larger than most witch souls that she had seen.
Diego transformed. While st first be looked like a crescent moon, he then transformed into a more serpent like shaped, with blade on it.Crona went over to try and counter with Ragnarok. However, they were trying to hold it down. Before long, he broke it: He broke the Witch Hunter!? Diego said in shock as Crona went at them. You re so weak, Crona notes. That or I m holding back, Diego tried to taunt.
Maka was jumping away when Witch Hunter was broken through so that Crona couldn't get a strike on them. Nope time to go back on the defense at that point in time, that was the best opinion.Well that definitely hadn't been something that she had been expecting at all. Not even Free had broken Witch Hunter, yet the demon sword had managed to do it with ease. "Maybe we aren't strong enough...." she spoke in a low voice, more to Diego at that point in time.They needed more strength to be able to beat Crona. They needed something that was going to throw him off.
Maybe you need to fight fire with fire. Zip it! Diego said a bit louder than he intended before seeing Crona come at them and Maka block. You re just like it. That little one I still do not know how to interact with, Crona said as she knocked them on their ass.As they were on their butts, Diego found himself back in the room. On one side was his side... it represented his class yet also eccentricity. Yet on the other side was darkness, something not seen yet it scared him.Only a faint light came and it was from his shadow.Both were dressed in suits. Lavish suits. They were actuallycharro suits. Diego s was black and red, lookin formal and representing his pride in his Mexican heritage.The other know was white and red and looked wrong. He was like a ghost. Reason ain t working here. Fight fire with Fire. Madness with madness, he said. No, I m not going to! It d hurt Maka! Diego yelled back. The shadow just laughed. Well then... come in then, the shadow said, smiling as he sat in the shadows and a door opened. W Wait, no... Diego said as he would see Maka coming in. He wondered how she d react. Granted, their souls linked to it, but here... this was in his mind... here she d see it...
Maka wasn't expected to getting knocked on her ass, but she was getting to her feet quickly enough. No she couldn't stay on the ground for long, but that comment of fighting fire with fire that Diego had made. Well that was an idea, but that meant fighting madness with madness. They didn't have to deal with the madness.... not that she knew of anyways.As she was physically avoiding attacks, mentally she was stepping into the room that the pair were in, wearing the same dress and shoes that she had been wearing at the dance."Hey Diego." she spoke after a moment in time.Yes she was confused with what was going on, but she had been listening to the conversation. She had heard the comment about fighting madness with madness.Maka gave a gentle smile before she spoke, "We aren't getting anywhere right now. If this can give us the upper hand, then we need to try."Obviously she was willing to fight madness with madness, she was willing to try even if she got hurt in the process. And there was a hope that her anti demon wavelength would help stop her from falling far into the darkness.
Diego was shivering, heck he was beginning to tear up yet when he saw her soft smile and heard her gentle voice, he relaxed."I am scared... ever since I was a kid. But you're my partner... I told you almost everything," Diego said before he grabbed Maka's hand in a moment of intimacy and vulnerability. "One last thing I did not tell you was... him," Diego said. The shadow looked a bit surprised on what Diego was doing."He is... the part of me I fear. Every bad day, every bad and scary and angry thought... all of the things I hated... rolled into him," Diego announced as Maka would see. The part that Diego hid from the world and from himself. Even the introductory was still vague yet in the darkness, she could see the shape of him.Diego's face was full of shame... of self loathing..."I wasn't always like this. During the fight with Crona, black blood got into us... and something appeared. Some agent of the Black Blood... it sensed the latent madness in Diego and tried to awaken it... but I ate him instead. It's why the Black Blood is so different," Diego's shadow explained before putting on some melancholic piano music."What do you think, Maka? I am the part that your partner hides. You think you knew him, well he was different. Alot crazier and a bit more different he was. He just suppressed alot of his rougher edges for you. And I became the result," the shadow said. "But now there's danger... you willing to handle it... or do you have a plan? After all, you mentioned you sensed something in Crona," the shadow said, sinking into the armchair in his dark half of the room. Only thing that had light were some lanterns hanging with fire that provided surprisingly little light.
"Everybody has that side of them that they hide away, everybody has some part of them that they don't want others to see." Maka spoke after a moment in time. She was pretty sure that her side that she hide away was her carefree and childish side, considering one rarely saw her like that.Her attention was going towards the shadow that was there and just listening to it speak, explaining that it hadn't been like this all the time. That it was because of the black blood, and how this locked away Diego had swallowed that madness.Maka really didn't care who the real Diego was, he was still her friend and partner, regardless of this being. She was giving a small shake of her head before she spoke, "I do know him. He is who he is, regardless of what you have to say. Because you are a side that can easily be erased. As for the danger, yes I am willing to handle it. As you said, we have to fight fire with fire, madness wit madness. There is no other choice at this point in time."
"Well, I suppose you aren't wrong there, but he's been doing this for quite a long time," Diego's shadow said before they saw Maka turn to Diego. Diego wiped his tears and relaxed some more. He was not sure if Maka fully understood what was it that lay there or if it could be contained. The shadow meanwhile would chuckle a bit. "I'm here as long as the Black Blood is," he said gleefully. "All right then," Diego's shadow said.Diego squeezed and hugged Maka. "I'll keep you from drowning.When Crona would strike Maka, she'd be deflected.The Black Blood was activated.Maka was now in madness mode while Diego hold on to keep her from succumbing.
Maka looked towards Diego before she was speaking, "I trust you."With that she was turning her focus back towards the real world, although she seemed to almost zone out a little bit.After being attacked, only to deflect that attack, Maka found herself laughing, although who knew exactly why she was laughing. That was just the madness speaking at that point in time.She swayed as if she were drunk, a crazed look in her eyes as she was swinging at Crona. Although compared to before, her moves were a lot harder to read. Faster, more unpredictable.
"Damn it... this is nuts!" Diego said, resisting from being dragged into the madness. "Come on Maka, do what you gotta," Diego added, referring to how Maka said she was going to do something by syncing with Crona's soul or something. He was not sure though given how damaged the poor guy was, he was severely lacking in being treated with empathy."I'M IN CONTROL NOW!" Diego's shadow said as it grew darker and darker still.Crona was defending against Maka now, being a bit more afraid now."N no! I am!" Diego said as he tried synching with Maka's soul harder.Then things got interesting...Over in the swirling sea where Maka laid, she would see her soul glow brilliantly with fire... but that was because it was linked to Diego's own, a bright brilliant fire. In the room, the lanterns glowed brightly and the Shadow looked surprised as he was melting. Diego was tapping further into the rage and passion. For a brief moment, Maka would be able to feel that connection. Diego's suppressed emotions like passion and ecstasy and so on. But it carried through like light...Revealing the violet soul of Crona..."What is this?! What did he do?!" Medusa would say, surprised that the Black Blood wavelength would be warped like that. "That's Diego. You don't get it, do you Medusa? He was always onto you... and furthermore, he might be a bit prone to madness like Stein can be... but he's different than most," Spirit commented through the scythe as Stein took advantage of Medusa's shock to use Soul Force on her.
No this was something that Maka was going to win! She was going to find a way to save this boy! And without falling into madness herself!Now she was the one that was on the attack, and Crona had fallen back into a defensive state. There was still that hint of craziness in Maka's eyes, but for the most part she was still there. Her soul was floating in a swirling sea, but thankfully her own Anti Demon Wavelength was helping her as well, so it wasn't Diego completely keeping them drowning in madness.But currently, Maka was just floating in darkness like water. She could see what her body was doing, how it was reacting, and honestly it was something almost embarrassing, considering that wasn't something that she would usually do. But floating there in that darkness, after the violet soul was revealed, she could also see something near her. A different colored soul, a soul that she was drawing closer to herself.Now instead of being in that darkness, she was in what resembled a desert with blue sky, and in the distance there was a purple haired child. A child that looked a lot like Crona, and they were currently drawing a circle in the sand with a stick.
"What the hell is with this kid?!" Ragnarok said, but not at Maka, but at the scythe... at Diego, who suddenly began glowing a bit red. But in the same sense heated metal would.Diego felt like he was losing himself in the madness, but as things went in a daze and he remained center, he also felt like that shadow was also struggling. What the hell was going on?! But he took a breath and he focused... He increased his frequency with Maka more and proceeded to go and follow her...He saw a beach...He saw a younger Maka, having recognized her, though also erasing a sand circle drawn by what looked like Crona."Just a kid... beneath it all... a scared child..." Crona he did not know if they were a boy, girl, in between or neither. Hard to tell. But he did understand one thing... they needed help."The wind would've blown the line anyway," Diego said, interrupting Crona and Maka as Crona saw the circle gone. He was not there, but they could hear his voice. "Don't be afraid of the outside world. There's scary stuff yes... but also really nice stuff... if you do not how to interact with the stuff... we'll help you," he shouted.And when Maka was ready, he began to pull her out, but because of close they were, she could probably feel the intensity of the heat of his soul... something buried deep beneath.But he pulled her out of the madness... he'd always be with her.When he came to, he saw Crona begin flipping out, their Black Blood acting as porcupine quills. Diego looked to his meister."I know you wanna hug him... but you should probably do it from behind," Diego suggested to Maka.
Maka was speaking with Crona in a soft voice, assuring her that the outside world wasn't that scary, that they would help him deal with it. That she would protect him from the scary stuff.It wasn't long before Maka seemed ready for Diego to begin to pull her out of the madness, so that she could go to Crona in the real world, and help the poor child, who seemed to be flipping out and the black blood was coming out as porcupine quills.The heat she could feel but that was something that she was going to ignore at that point in time. Right now she had to help Crona, and then she had to continue on, they still had a job to do.The blonde was managing to get up behind Crona and was wrapping her arms around him from behind, and just speaking, "Don't be afraid."
Crona froze a bit and the spikes stopped, allowing Diego to go and bring in a hug. He felt his soul resonate with Maka's and with Crona's. After the hug, Diego got off and looked to Crona. When Maka did so, he did the same. Extending the hand of friendship.Diego could not help but smile in relief at seeing the meister open up and tearing up. However, the sweet moment was interrupted by Ragnarok coming out. "What do you want with Crona?" he asked before Diego just grabbed him. "Befriend them. They need our help," Diego mentioned pointedly before he went into a slapfight with the black blood weapon.And then a familiar YAHOO! was heard as someone was sent flying into the wall behind them.It was a witch, some sort of frog witch. Her gut was electrified for a bit before she vomited something. It was a weird snake thing. "What is that?" Diego asked before Ragnarok grabbed it. "One of Lady Medusa's snakes. She stuck it inside her and one of those Mizune sisters. She used it on Eruka to get her to do Medusa's bidding," Ragnarok explained nonchalantly, holding onto the thing."So that's what she meant by being forced," another familiar voice said as Tsubaki and Black Star caught on. "That witch was pretty strong though once I got her tadpole, I caught her off guard to use the Black Star Big Bang on her," he said with a smile. "Looks like your Soul Force trick managed to actually force the snake out of her body. Good work Black Star," Diego commented before he saw Kid come back on his skateboard, dragging a very beaten werewolf."His eyes were mismatched and the ball and chain... it was unsymmetrical," Kid said, clenching his fist before also setting aside the briefcase. "We caught them before they could go half way. Your decision to go immediately turned out to be beneficial," Kid said to Diego. "So, the Kishin is still on lockdown. Good," he said before relaxing and then sensed someone coming."How? HOW?!"Diego turned and was rewarded to see the dumbstruck look on Medusa, having managed to escape briefly from Spirit and Stein."End of the line, witch," Diego said before transforming into his scythe for Maka to use.
Maka looked towards Crona with a gentle smile before she spoke, "Crona, lets be friends. I'll help you fight off your fears, and I'll protect you from danger." With that she was holding out her hand towards the boy so that she could help him to his feet, considering Diego was dealing with Ragnarok at that point in time. A slapfight it seemed. "We don't want to hurt Crona, we want to befriend him, help him, show him that the world isn't that scary." Maka told the black blood weapon in a gentle voice.Soon enough she was looking over towards the loud "yahoo" that had been heard, and soon enough a witch was flying towards them, and the female was throwing something up. A snake by the looks of it, and it was soon explained by that of Ragnarok, who had picked it up. And it seemed like that of Black Star and Tsubaki were arriving as well, soon enough Kid seemed to be coming up.He was complaining about how Free had been unsymmetrical. But it was good that they had managed to stop them from getting to where the Kishin was trapped, so it was still trapped.This news seemed to shock Medusa, who had somehow managed to get away from that of Stein and Spirit. A bit of a shock to be honest, but it was what it was. Maka was soon enough grabbing a hold of Diego was grabbing ahold of him after he had taken to his weapon form.
"I think Spirit and Stein is following her, so let's just go and keep her occupied," Diego told Maka before he saw the others. "Help protect Crona!" Diego told Black Star and Kid before he was with Maka to attack Medusa."Ready, partner?" Diego told her and when she was ready, they began resonating their Souls. Now, perhaps a little more confident and without the concern of getting Crona, they were not going into Madness and thus, it was ready for the Witch Hunter.And as Spirit and Stein chased behind her, Diego got an idea."We attack at the same time and slice her like scissors," he suggested to Maka.
"Yeah I'm ready." Maka spoke after a moment in time she was allowing her soul to resonate with that of Diego. There was the passioniate feeling once again but there was also calmness. Somehow she didn't feel afraid at that point in time, she didn't feel like she was going to fall."Witch Hunter." she spoke in a low voice and the scythe in her hands was taking on the shape of the Scythemeister attack, without hesitation, without fail. There was nothing but confidence at that point in time.Behind Medusa, she could see the elder Meister and his weapon running up behind, and she giving a nod to Diego's suggestion. Yeah that would work out well.
Without fear of madness, there was just the passion, the intensity, and the determination, all focused between the two of them. "We got this, Maka, always," Diego told her with a determined grin. The Witch Hunter blade appeared before it changed color to a more fiery one. "This is our power, Medusa!" Diego shouted as he synced his soul with Maka some more.When Maka would go to swing at Medusa, Stein would hit Medusa in the back with Soul Force to stun her. As she turned around, Stein would swing Spirit at her and at the same time, the two scythe meisters would hit Medusa, slicing her in half. A large fire appears at the cut and seemed to burn her body. It looked like she was gone.Unknown to them, Medusa took the form a small snake to escape, fleeing for her life... She needed to find a body to possess."That was awesome!" Black Star noted with a smile.
Maka was giving a nod of her head before she was moving forward so that she could attack Medusa, swinging at her. Just as she was doing this it seemed like Professor Stein was using his Soul Force to stun her. Honestly Maka was a bit startled by what occurred when both of their attacks make contact with the witch, how she was being sliced in half and then her body was just seeming to burst into flames.With that it seemed like Medusa was gone. Which was definitely a huge success for everybody. The Kishin hadn't been freed, two witches had been defeated, the immortal werewolf Free had been stopped.
"We did it!" Diego said laughing as he turned back to a human before he went and hugged Maka. Everyone began celebrating and cheering. Free and Erika had been captured, Medusa had been seemingly slain and they even had a new friend.As they were heading back, Diego found Maka's white dress shoes and gave them back to her before they would go to Death's office. They would also see Blair looking triumphant as she was dragging a defeated witch, Mizune, behind her."Looks like we did awesome!" he said with a smile. The party would continue for them though Diego looked to Maka. "Wanna continue the party or head back home?" he asked her as he saw that Death and the Thompson sisters went inside, followed by Black Star and Tsubaki. Crona and Ragnarok meanwhile were escorted by Spirit and Stein to see Lord Death, to confiscate all the human souls that Ragnarok ate.
Maka was giving a grin before she was hugging Diego back. Yes they had done it! They had stopped the witch Medua and they had prevented the Kishin from being freed! Although she was certain that other witches would possibly try and free the Kishin, there was no doubt in her mind. But they could try all they wanted, they would be stopped.Heading back resulted in Maka's shoes being located and she was actually taking them, and slipping them on. Soon enough she found herself standing in Death's office along with the others. Seemed like Blair was there as well, and Maka found herself grateful that the monster cat was alright."I say we continue the party." Maka spoke after a moment in time before looking towards the others who had gone back inside, obviously they were going to continue the party as well. With that she was running after the others as well, although she was looking back over towards where Crona was being lead off to see Lord Death so that the human souls that had been consumed could be regained.
Diego felt a little exhausted, but after everything that had happened, he was also in a mood of elation as well. Diego paused a bit to see his meister chase after their friends. He just sighed and swooned a bit, admiring the incredible awesome person Maka was before he ran so he could catch up to her and walk by her side.With their victory, the party was now completely in full swing. Diego smiled as he saw Spirit and Stein actually laughing their butts in glee while alot of people went to congratulate the team that pretty much stopped one of the most dangerous witches. While Free the Wolf was way too maimed by Kid to enjoy the festivities and thus confined to medical arrest, Eruka was at the party pretty much under the watch of the staff."Well, this is alot of fun," Diego commented while he was dancing with Maka. "Though we will need a new school nurse."
Maka just looked around at everybody before she was giving a slight smile to everybody. It seemed like even Eruka was at the party, despite the fact that she was a witch, although it did seem like even she was letting loose a bit. She seemed to be dancing a little bit at that point in time. Although Free wasn't there, probably because he had been a bit to maimed by that of Kid to be able to join them, so he was confined to the infirmary.She did look towards Diego when he mentioned that they needed a school nurse before she spoke, "We do, although... I'm sure Lord Death as something planned."
"Yeah, definitely," Diego said as he saw the party begin slowing down a bit. Some of the students began heading back to the apartment. Given everything that had happened, they got a couple of days off, especially the seven of them. "We did it... we helped save the day," Diego told Maka softly as he was slow dancing with her. When he finished, he paused before he yawned. "We ought be heading back to the apartment. We need to rest," he said to her with a smile as he stretched.He offered his arm for her to take though he still had a faint blush. How did she think of him he wondered?
Maka just added, "Besides it isn't our job to hire people for the school. I just hope that the new school nurse isn't like our last one was." Yeah she was talking about Medusa. The woman had been there just to gain information, she hadn't really cared about them. Hopefully the new one wasn't going to be like that at all. With that she was giving a nod of her head when he mentioned getting back to the apartment. Yeah that was a good idea. They had the next number of days, nobody had to worry about school. Thankfully.
Diego escorted his partner over back to their apartment. It was a long day after all and they won a great battle. "I'll be taking a shower before bed," Diego said to Maka before he went to his room. Having undressed himself, he then went to take a good shower. To wash the stress away and to relax. He remained conflicted in regards to the feelings toward his meister, but he would have to learn to live with them, even if she would never return them romantically.Practice that fake smile. You've always done itGranted, it would do little with how perceptive Maka was...He sighed once more before he stepped out of the shower and would head to bed.
Maka followed after him so that they could get back to the apartment. She definitely had to agree with the notion of a shower. That sounded absolutely wonderful at that point in time. Although she would allow her partner to go and shower first, then she would shower. This had her going off to her room so that she could pull out her pajamas. She sat on the edge of her bed before she was just falling backwards, staring up at the ceiling.Was she at all shocked when the cat form of Blair seemed to be walking up to her? Not at all. This had her scratching her behind the ears a bit before she was just looking at the cat."What do I do, Blair? I feel weird around Diego." Maka breathed, before she was giving a small sigh. "And he hides behind a fake smile all the time." Yet again... lately she had been doing the same thing. Hell she had felt like she was hiding behind a fake Maka in general, trying to be less gloomy. She didn't feel like herself.When she heard the shower shut off she was getting up so that she could go and shower as well. Downfalls of an apartment with only one bathroom, and roommates being opposite genders.
Blair would likely roll her eyes a little at how oblivious her friend could be, but at the same time, Maka lacked a maternal figure to discuss this with and given what she had heard about the former Mrs. Albarn, she was not an attentive nor very romantic partner. "You need to relax and talk to him more. If you like more than a friend, just tell him. Or are you finally getting those funny feelings?" Blair asked her, giggling at her light teasing at imagining Maka dealing with feelings of lust."And you need to relax. I know you're smiling even though you're not happy, but why are you not happy?" she asked her insecure friend. Blair did get off and prepare to head out for her own rest."Follow your heart. Good night Maka," Blair told Maka with a catty smile.
Maka just looked towards Blair for a moment in time before she was shaking her head and spoke, "I'm not sure why I'm unhappy. But thanks Blair." No the monster cat had given her something to think about that was for sure. And honestly she was a bit grateful for Blair. In a way the woman was kind of like that maternal figure that she didn't have in her life. An older female that she could look up to for advice. Not like her mother was around to give her this kind of advice.
The weekend went by rather quickly to say the least. Despite the victory, Diego could not help but still feel that there was some tense atmosphere. Was it because of stuff between him and Maka? Her own insecurities along with his own. Regardless though, they could not stay couped up forever. Odd coming from him. Sure, the first day was spent with him cooking and them relaxing, either with Maka reading or Diego playing some computer games, but the day after, Diego felt bored.As such, he decided that they were well enough that they were going out and so something.Even if it means holding onto her hand taking her out."Come on Maka. We've been couped up for a while so let's go and have fun together," Diego told his meister as he was taking hold of her and leading them out. From what he heard, the Death Scythes were coming in and apparently they were supposed to meet there later, so they could try and have some fun out.However, he then bumped into a woman without noticing."Yikes, sorry about that," Diego said to her as he got up. He noticed the woman was peculiar.
The weekend went by quickly, although thankfully they didn't have to worry about going to classes for a few days still. They were still getting the chance to rest up and recover after the fight that they had gone through. And during that time, a lot of the other students were going up to help rebuild what had been destroyed by the witches that had been causing havoc on the outside of the school.Maka was looking towards Diego when he was making a suggestion that they need to get out of the apartment to go and have some fun. Not to mention the other Death Scythes were coming to Death City as well, and they were suppose to meet them later.Yeah he did have a valid point about getting out. They had spend the entire weekend in the apartment, she had been reading and he had been playing computer games. "Okay, yeah, lets find something to do." she spoke after a moment in time.Although while they were out walking around, Maka had ended up wandering off briefly to look at something in a window, while Diego had ended up accidentally running into somebody. Maka was looking over when she heard her partner apologize to somebody.The woman was pretty that was for sure, with long black hair that was tied up into a tight ponytail draped over her right shoulder, and she had what looked to be red eyes. At the time she was wearing a plain white blouse shirt with a black skirt, some tights, and heels. She was quite well endowed in the chest area as well, which almost had Maka a bit jealous. Yet again it wasn't as though woman would decide how big their cleavage was."Oh I am a fault as well. I got so distracted by the sights, I wasn't paying attention." the woman spoke and Maka was just watching for a moment, before she finally walked over. This woman carried herself as a meister was, and Maka could see that a Death Scythe had been around her recently, having been escorted to Death City by one of them, considering she had come from a distance away.
Diego smiled that Maka was coming with him. He knew she would normally prefer staying indoors and reading and not really interacting with others, but he wanted to spend time with her. However, as he got up, he saw the woman.Her black hair and red eyes caught his attention, indicating she was definitely someone of interest though when he saw Maka's brief expression of insecurity at seeing the older woman's cleavage, but he squeezed her hand in response. He flashed her a supporting smile. While Maka may not be as developed as other girls they knew and were friends with, he found her attractive and liked her for how she was.Granted, his more than platonic feelings were something neither talked to, but he hoped she understood the sentiment."No worries. How are you doing?" Diego told her with a smile before he noted a few things. First, he saw that she had the presence of a meister and that she had a special pass brought to Death."You joining the academy?" Diego asked as he saw that there was a blond woman and a dark haired woman nearby. The blond was getting an ice cream cone from a stand while the brunette with glasses was keeping an eye on her and toward the woman."Aren't those Death Scythes?" Diego realized to Maka
Maka just watched for a brief moment in time although she didnt say anything, just studied the womans soul. Or was going to anyways, but she couldn't even see it. Curious. Yet again there were a number of people that she couldn't read their souls completely, but she could at least see them faintly. She found it almost suspicious when she couldn't see them at all. Especially since the incident with Medusa."Yes I shall being joining the academy actually. Or I am hoping to anyways, but I'll find out after I talk to Lord Death." Nova spoke after a moment in time before looking back towards the other two woman, although she wasn't saying anything at all. No those two had accompanied her to Death City, made sure that she actually got there already. And they were the only two at that point in time that knew her secret, other than the fact that while she was a Meister she didn't have a weapon at all.Even that had been a more recent thing, a number of months ago so it was still fresh in her mind. It was still a painful open wound that she was attempting to deal with. Her eyes flickered towards the two younger pair that stood before her before she spoke, "You two most definitely have a strong bond. You remind me a lot of myself and my partner when we had been younger. I'm sure you guys have your moments were you bicker with each other, but it is something that is easily brushed off."This had Maka looking over for a moment before she was giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "Yeah we do bicker, but it usually get resolved. And we could tell you were a Meister. Are you the wielder of one of the two Death Scythes over there?" Yeah this was her clarifying that they were in fact Death Scythes. The blond she knew. That was Miss Marie, she had seen around around Professor Stein a few times. There was definitely something between those two.Nova was giving a sad smile before she spoke, "No neither of those are my weapon." Although she didn't say anything more than that, was just dismissing herself and stating that she needed to find Lord Death and speak to him, figure out what she could help out with while she was there, and since she had been back. And hell while she was there, she planned on harassing Spirit a bit. Sure he was a number of years old than she, but he had been the one who had actually helped herself and her partner learn how to use soul resonance.
"Well, the only position open is school nurse, given how our last one did not turn out so well," Diego told her with a smirk as he saw the woman. He could not get a read on her. On the one hand, it reminded him of Medusa from last time. On the other hand, she lacked any maliciousness and he wondered if it was something else. After all, she was not the first one he could not sense. Kim for example after all.However, his train of thought was interrupted when he heard the woman speak. About their strong bond. Diego had a light blush and nodded. "Yeah, she's my meister and she's the best," Diego told her with a grin. "Wait, I remember now. That's Marie Mjolnir of Oceania and Azuza of East Asia, right?" Diego realized, remembering what Maka shared with him several weeks ago when he asked about the different Death Scythes.Diego noticed the sad smile and he realized what was going on. "Well, hope you join us," he said to her with a smile before he went off with Maka."I think something happened with her weapon," Diego said, noting the woman's sad smile.
Nova tilted her head for a moment in time before she spoke, "You know, being a school nurse doesn't sound overly terrible. Especially considering I'm not half bad at healing." With that she was giving a wave was her hand before she was taking a few steps away from the pair although was pausing for a moment to confirm that he was in fact correct about who the two Death Scythes were. After that she was returning to the other two woman so that they could go off to find Lord Death together.Maka was looking over before giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "I think so as well.... it has me very curious."Although with that said she was continuing on her way with Diego, so that they could go and find something to do for the day.
Diego smiled and nodded to her before he saw the women go back off with the Death Scythes. He turned to Maka and went to lead her over somewhere. He thought about bowling, but he knew that she was not really fond of sports stuff. Granted, neither was he, but he liked bowling, even if he sucked at it without the guards to keep him from getting gutter balls.However, he did not know if Maka would be up with that.So he got another idea."Ta daa!" What do you think?" Diego asked her as he took her to the Arcade, wondering if she was interested.
Maka followed after him so that they could get to where ever he had decided to take them. Although soon enough they were arriving at the arcade and she was just looking around for a brief moment in time. For once it didn't seem like it was that packed, and maybe she would actually enjoy herself there."We could stay here for a bit." she spoke after a moment in time, giving a nod of her head before she spoke, "We could definitely hang out here for a while. It is something to do other than sit at home."
Diego smiled at her response. He knew that Maka was a bookworm and that she'd prefer doing her own thing. He was the same, but he still wanted to spend time with her and hoped this would be a good compromise. It looked like it was.He grabbed her hand and took her in. "Maybe you'd like this," Diego said with a smile as he took her over to a dancing video game and decided to put a song for them. A song that Maka would be familiar with.The Pon Pon Dance.It was a pretty sugary pop dance that he knew Maka listened to and something she was a little embarrassed of. But it was all right if she liked it. She should not be ashamed of it. Which is why he was willing to play this DDR game with her to help her with that.
Maka just looked around for a moment in time. How she would rather be at home reading at that point in time she decided. Although she found herself drawn off with Diego towards something. A DDR game it seemed, and the song that he was putting on... a song that she listened to quite often. The Pon Pon Dance.And it just happened to be a song that she knew the dance to as well. Which made it even more embarrassing. But she decided that she was going to have fun with it anyways as she was stepping up to the center of the platform, standing at the center of her arrows.She was choosing her difficulty to be more of a challenge, with how fast the arrows showed up, how many showed up, versus the slower and calmer of the settings.
Diego was pretty all right with DDR. At least when it came to some of the easier settings. However, Maka would choose a more challenging one. Well, it was the song that she liked anyway.And when the song came up, Diego did his best to dance. The song was definitely the sort of happy peppy song that showed off the childish side of his meister, but he did not feel ashamed nor of the fact that she was clearly beating him because she was in better shape. He was having fun. He was becoming more comfortable with himself.And that was something he wanted to show her as well.For them to be more comfortable with themselves and each other.
Maka was actually having fun at that point in time, although she wasn't sure how long this fun would last though. There were only some songs that she was actually going to be able to get into dancing to.But until then she was going to enjoy the dancing at that point in time, a smile on her lips as she danced to the music.
Her smile.To Diego, Maka's smile... her laugh... her joy... it meant so much to him. He knew she was a serious person. He knew she had her insecurities and so on. And he wanted to help her. Just seeing her be happy like this... it was worth everything.He smiled back at her as he was dancing with her. When she won, that meant it was her turn to pick the next upcoming song.
Soon enough the song came to an end, and it seemed like Maka had won that song. Although she did know the dance to that song, she could have done that dance without the arrows. She was sure that Diego had caught those embarrassing moments of her dancing with the music now and again. Her rare moments where she was doing something other than reading, or studying.With that she was looking through the songs so that she could find a different song, just listening to them briefly as she scrolled through them. Trying to find something that she either actually knew or caught her attention.Eventually she did find a song, and was putting it on. Sadly she wasn't really sure on the steps for this, although she was still putting it on a more challenging difficulty, wanting the challenge. As they were having fun at the arcade, Noveau made her way towards the Academy in which Lord Death was usually at. She was holding some of her hair out of her face as she looked at the building.It had been so long since she had been there. This would be the first time in a number of years that she was returning to the place that she had studied in for so long, but it wasn't as though she had anything better to do. Although walking towards the building she had a strange sense, which had her pausing in her walking for a moment in time.The soul felt like Medusa, although it was different from the snake woman's. A child perhaps. Although she couldn't see that bitch ever having a child, any more than she could see herself having kids. Her thoughts turned away from that when she spotted Spirit and Stein, which had her smiling as she waved at them, and jogged over. There wasn't much of a shock that Marie was actually going over and giving Stein a hug in greeting."Good to see you two again." Nova spoke in a smile as she looked towards them.
When Maka would pick a new albeit similar sounding song, Diego continued to dance with Maka. It was still challenging, but he was still enjoying himself, especially for seeing Maka smile and be happy. His meister was a mature and serious person, which he often appreciated, but he also knew that she should not be ashamed for her childish side. As such, he was showing off how much of a goof he was, but also how comfortable he was.All to make her happy. Cause as long as she was happy, he'd be happy too."Having fun?" Diego asked her, beginning to sweat as they were finishing the second song. "Well, well, long time no see," Spirit said Nova with a smile on his face. It was always good seeing old friends again, even Asuka. However, Nova meanwhile was a larger surprise. She was among the finest meisters ever produced and the news of her weapon dying was a colossal tragedy among the community. Shinigami always kept an eye on her.Lord Death was one of the very few who knew that she was a witch. One with tame magic like Kim. The fact she confided in him, to begin with, was a reason he accepted her in."Yeah, we should get going. Lord Death says that the rest of the Death Scythes should be here soon," Stein noted, smiling as he felt Marie hugging him.
Nova was giving a soft smile before she was brushing some of her hair out of her face, then was following after them so that they could go and speak with Lord Death. Although as she was walked along she was looking towards Spirit and Stein. Huh there was the magic of Medusa written all over them at that point in time, waiting away. Told her that they had gotten into a fight with her recently."Her aura is written all over you. That fucking snake woman. I hope she is dead. Must nevermind her, I am more interested in the soul that feels so much like her." Nova commented after a moment in time, as she strolled beside them.The soul she was talking about was that of Crona. Medusa's child, a child that it seemed like the woman hadn't even really cared about. Hell if one saw the relationship between Crona and Ragnarok, it was like the weapon cared more for the boy. Which was most definitely saying something."I saw Justin Law on our way here. Not sure where he disappeared to though." Asuka spoke although she didn't say much more than that, was just pushing her glasses up onto her nose a bit more. After that she was heading off inside, which had Marie hurrying after her. Yeah that would be wise, they didn't need to be making Lord Death wait any longer than needed. Maka was looking over before she spoke, "Yeah, a little bit." Although they weren't going to be able to have fun for super long, they would probably want to head home to shower and get a bite to eat before they headed off to meet Lord Death, and the Death Scythes. That and they would get to find out what was going to happen to Crona.Maka had been very insistent on being there when Lord Death gave his verdict on the boy, although Maka was worried he was going to be send away. It wasn't exactly his fault that he was who he was, not even close actually.
"Well, we were not able to detect her soul, but it was not like Diego nor Senpai ate it," Stein noted to her. "Yeah, though Diego could not keep the Soul up until he got the 99 kishin eggs anyway," Spirit added. While consuming Medusa's soul would've made him more powerful, he probably would not have done so."Knowing Justin, he probably took a shortcut so he could pray to Lord Death," Spirit added with a chuckle before they would all arrive there... and notice that they were the last ones there. All the rest of the Death Scythes were here. Justice was, of course, the Death Scythe of West Europe, but the others were uncommon sights.With his bear mascot head on, it was none other than the Demon Mirror Tezca Tlipoca and his meister, the intelligent monkey Enrique, the Death Scythe of South America. From West Asia was the Demon Lamp, Djinn Galand with his meister. Next to them was the Rainbow Axe, Ding Dinga, the Death Scythe of Africa with his meister. Recognized by his Anti Demon Wavelength was the Death Scythe of East Europe, Tsar Puska, an odd mace canon hybrid.With Marie, Asuka and of course Spirit there, it was all eight Death Scythes here. Definitely quite a gathering. "Glad you are. I love seeing you be happy," Diego told her with a smile before noting her worried look. He in turn looked at his watch. "We should get going then. We are going to meet up with Crona later today," Diego added. "Lord Death is pretty understanding," he reminds her as he grabs her hand to head back to the apartment.
Nova looked towards Spirit before she spoke, "I wish somebody would have eaten her damn soul, one less witch who wants to take over the world." With that she was giving a slight shrug of her shoulders and was strolling after them. Upon arrival to Lord Death's room, it appeared that those three Death Scythes were the last to arrive, and the others were already there as well.It was so interesting to see all of the Death Scythes in one place, although over the years, Nova had gotten use to seeing them and their meisters. Benefits of traveling around and seeing how everybody was.She was brushing some of her hair from her face and greeting a few of them before looking at Lord Death as he came into the room. Maka was looking over before she spoke, "Yeah lets go and see Crona. I hope that Lord Death can find a way to help him." With that she was following after him so that they could head back to the apartment, get whatever they needed, then head to go see Crona.
"Well, even if she returns, she will be weakened and we will be stronger as well," Stein told her analytically. Normally, it would not be for the Death Scythes to all arrive. Even if Asura was likely released, not everyone would arrive, probably due to the ongoing chaos caused by the Madness of the Kishin being awakened. However, such a close call did warrant people coming in if namely to reinforce security.That, and thanks to the period of uninterrupted peace, it was able to get everyone here."Welcome everyone. So nice to see everyone here. As you all now know, we had a close call with the Kishin Asura nearly escaping. While the effort was stopped thanks to the efforts of our students, it did remind me that we all need to reinforce our defenses while also looking through to keep an eye out for future threats," Lord Death said to them all."The Witch Medusa has not been confirmed dead so we may need to keep a look out for her as well as sending all of you to watch for strange activity. In the meanwhile, we have some new staff. Marie, you will be staying here at the Academy in assisting with Stein so Spirit can remain at my side. Asuka, you will, therefore, take her duties in Oceania as well. Lastly, Nova, thanks to your marvelous healing talents, I would like you to take the role of head nurse and physician here at the DWMA along with two personal assignments," he said to them all. "I am sure," Diego told her with a smile. When they arrived in the apartment, Diego went over to shower at first. He sighed a bit to relax in the hot water, unable to stop thinking about Maka. He wonder if Maka ever thought about him.Before long, he would finish up though and let Maka shower.
Nova listened to what Lord Death had to say, exactly about the Witch Medusa. There was talk about how there was some new staff as well. Marie was going to be pairing up with that of Stein so that Spirit could to return to Lord Death's side. Asuka was going to be taking over the duties of Marie considering the blonde was going to be busy with Stein as his weapon.Nova was turning her attention towards Lord Death as he was stating that he would like her to be the head nurse there at the DWMA, which had her inclining her head. And something about two personal assignments, which had her raising her eyebrow."Nurse I can most definitely do. These two personal assignments, I hope you are going to elaborate." she spoke with a soft chuckle.
"The first one would be to watch over Crona. After consideration, I've decided to give them a test trial as a student. While the Demon Sword Ragnarok has committed a fair deal of crime, the child is innocent. Additionally, with Ragnarok purged of all the innocent human souls he has taken, he may be easier to handle and reform," Lord Death explained to her. "As such, I would like you to keep an eye on them. This is an assignment that is shared between you along with Stein and Marie," he clarified."Your second personal assignment is an additional mentorship assignment and one perhaps more urgent given this is only you can do. And that is to keep an eye on Kim Diehl," Lord Death explained. "She is like you, an extraordinarily talented individual and her insecurities have been known to us for a while, but since she has not come to actually tell us, I figured it would not be fair to press the issue. However, given the escalation of a witch attack on here, I think she could use someone to reassure her," he adds.
Nova listened to what Lord Death had to say before raising an eyebrow, wondering who this Crona person was. Although the demon sword Ragnarok was definitely something that she had heard about. Not that she was really sure how she felt about it. With that she was brushing some of her hair out of her face before she spoke, "I wouldn't have an problems at all looking after somebody." There was a soft smile on her lips and then she listened to Lord Death's other request. A mentorship assignment of sorts, and listening to the request she was living a small frown. At first she wasn't understanding exactly how she could help, although after listening to it a bit more it struck her. This girl must also be a witch, and it wasn't as though the other Death Scythes that were there knew that even Nova was a witch. The only ones in the room that she personally knew were that of Lord Death and Spirit, and she knew that Stein knew as well.
"Yes, your suspicions are correct," Death told her. "She can heal and Kim has been through a great deal. Even now, she shows a little fear of betrayal and I hope you can assist her with that," he asks."Crona shall be here soon, as they will be given a tour of the school by the students who helped them out," Lord Death explained to them and indeed, by this point Diego had been leading Maka over to the school and waiting for them was none other than Death the Kid. "Hey Kid, waiting for something?" Diego asked him."I have been waiting for the both of you so I could actually escort you to Crona," Kid said to them before he began leading them over to where they were being held.
Nova was giving a bright smile before she spoke, "I'll definitely go and talk to her later! I'll reassure her that everything is okay, and that no matter what happens, she'll always have people to turn to that won't walk away." She knew how that felt, to be afraid of being betrayed. She had lived that life when she had entered the academy, especially if they found out that she was a witch. Hell it had been a bit chaotic when her own weapon had found out, they had been out of sorts for a bit, but eventually they made it work out. And they had become a powerful duo.....until a few months ago. He had done what Diego had done for Maka, protecting his meister, but instead her weapon hadn't survive.She was giving a nod at the mention of Crona being there soon before she was leaning back against the wall, quite curious as to why the other Death Scythes had been summoned. It seemed almost trivial with the fact that the Kishin hadn't been released, although who knew if there was more. Perhaps Lord Death just wanted to see them all once more.Maka looked towards Kid as she walked up with Diego before she spoke, "Oh perfect, we were actually coming to see Crona."
"As for why everyone is here, it is not just checking up on everyone. Asura's awakening may have failed and while Medusa's whereabouts are unknown, that does not mean we need to let our guard down. Asura was not the only ancient terror around and I predict that further trouble will arise," Lord Death explained to everyone."What do you mean, Lord Death?" Justin asked. "After the return of Medusa, I've been investigating the potential return of Arachne. After all, the last time we were all together was with the incident with Shaula Gorgon," Death explained and the mood darkened. Shaula Gorgon... the youngest of the Gorgon sisters. Her, Medusa and Arachne were very troublesome, even amongst their fellow witches. She was slain only a few years ago."With Medusa having revealed her true colors, how long before Arachne herself rises up?" Death noted in thought. "Justin, given her last sightings in Europe, that will likely be her location," he noted."Indeed. My father noted that the two of you would introduce them to the Death Scythes and tour the school," Kid explained to them as he was leading them. "Last time the Death Scythes were here was only a few years prior. I believe this was only a couple years ago and I believe both of you were out of the city when it happened," Kid explained. "It was true, wasn't it? It was a witch," Diego asked."Indeed. I would not be surprised if Death Scythe told Maka already, but it was indeed one, Shaula Gorgon," Kid explained. "Medusa's sister I reckon?" Diego noted.
Nova was looking over towards Lord Death at the mention of Shaula Gorgon. Ah yeah she remembered that incident, that hadn't been very fun to deal with either. Although the mention of Arachne actually had her frowning a little bit. No that definitely wasn't a good thing at all. While Medusa was strong, Arachne seemed to be on a whole different level most of the time."There is a chance that despite her rising up.... she probably won't get involved. At least not right away." Nova mused after a moment in time. Given what she knew about the woman. No she had the feeling that before Arachne did anything, she would probably end up going after BREW. A powerful demon weapon that it seemed like most wanted to obtain once they had learned about it.With that she was looking off into the distance for a brief moment in time. Just listening to the rest of the conversation, although for the most part she was going quiet. Actually it was going to be quite problematic for her as well if Arachne did show up. Majorly problematic, and it could risk her own secret being revealed. Yet again, even if it was, she was sure that she was safe enough. Lord Death trusted her, which was definitely saying something.Maka was giving a nod before she spoke, "That is true." After that she was heading off after him so that they could get inside, and she was listening to mention of the last time that they had all gathered. Shaula Gorgon. The younger sister of Medusa. Yeah Maka may not have been there for that, but she most definitely remember hearing about it.
"Arachne has been missing for centuries. Had the Kishin escaped, his Madness likely would've awakened her. As such, while the likelihood of her remaining unconscious is high, we must still have our guard up, especially if Medusa escaped," Shinigami explained to Nova while everyone nodded and taking notes."However, beyond that, that is all. Do please remember to keep your visage up. Some last notes are that we have captured the immortal Werewolf known as Free along with the Witch, Eruka Frog. The latter has been cooperating, albeit reluctantly. Though, she remains in good spirits in that she is no longer under threat by Medusa," Lord Death elaborated. "We are wondering if we may be able to use the Werewolf as leverage given his possession of the Grand Witch Mabaa's left eye," Stein notes out."Well, with those two gone, that just leaves Arachne around," Diego mentions as he is walking. "Regardless, she is still perhaps the most dangerous witch around," Kid notes while leading them. "Why do witches do the whole thing?" he could not help but ask Kid."Father once told me about the Pull of Magic. How witches and sorcerers have an instinct for destruction he says this instinct is a result of all of their magic at their disposal," Kid explains.Diego looks quiet before snorting in disbelief. "Well, I am not going to doubt Lord Death, but that just sounds that the witches and sorcerers are all just irresponsible. I know the saying of "power corrupts", but everyone makes the choice. I mean, I get that if you have the powers to mess with the "natural order" of things since infancy, you'll probably get a big head, but that does not justify anything. There will always be someone stronger than you and it's all on you how you deal with things. If you just get jollies from screwing with others, then that's pretty lacking as a life," Diego could not help but rant. He did blush at the tangent and how it got Kid to stop."I never considered it like that. In the same way, I guess it is much like my own need for perfection and symmetry, yet we all change and we all make choices on how we handle those drives," Kid said as he continued to walk, sending a smile to Diego while having a thoughtful look on his face.
Nova just listened although she didn't say much of anything. While Arachne was a powerful witch, there were stronger witches out there. And shockingly enough some of those witches, such as Nova herself, wasn't all that interested in destroying the world. Yet despite that fact, the number of evil witches compared to the number of good witches gave all the witches a bad name."There shouldn't be too much of a problem with Eruka now that she isn't under Medusa's control. She is probably one of those few witches that you could leave on their own and they wouldn't do anything." Nova commented after a moment in time. Like the little witch Angela, she was left on her own most of the time. She was a child and wasn't perceived as a threat at all, and those that did try to attack her well... her guardian wasn't that easy to get through. The swordsman Mizune.Maka was looking toward Diego before she spoke, "I disagree with that, that witches and sorcerers have an instinct for destruction. I don't think that all witches are bad, but the amount of the bad outweighs the good and they are all perceived as evil." With that she continued along until they had arrived at Lord Death's office, just as Crona seemed to be getting brought up.Nova was looking towards Lord Death for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "Also pertaining to an old conversation prior to my leaving years ago, Spirit and Stein I know know of it. I do agree that the rest of the staff have the right to know." To know what exactly? That she was a witch. She didn't want it to be discovered later on and everybody decided that she couldn't be trusted. At least now if she told others, then at least she had others that would attest that she wasn't a threat at all.
"Actually, she has been responsible for a few attacks on human areas, but enough so that it would not be large enough to warrant massive investigations," Stein told her with a bit of a look. "As such, that is why she would still be under close watch," he added to her."Really, we're just waiting for Maka and Diego to arrive with the Demon Swordsman Crona," Stein finalized. "Yeah. Maka's got a way of being able to help people out," Spirit said with parental pride. Stein allowed a rare smile onto his face. "Much like yourself, sempai," he complimented his weapon partner and long time friend."Well, Eruka Frog herself mentioned the Pull Of Magic during an earlier interrogation session," Kid noted to Maka. "In fact, the term was also used by a good witch as you would put it, Maka," Kid added.However, he paused and open the doors to reveal Crona over in Lord Death's office, at least the normal one. Not the strange desert like dimension. Crona, who had been focusing on a stress ball perked up on seeing Maka and Diego."it is your decision if you wish to tell everyone, Nova," Lord Death said to her. He trusted his staff. They were all open minded professionals after all.
Nova was listening before she spoke, "If anything, I can talk to Eruka, convince her to stop." She was giving a faint shrug then looked over when the door opened and soon enough Diego and Maka were walking in. This had her chuckling before she spoke, "Mind as well, considering whenever Arachne does show up.... She'll end up saying something."She was walking towards Crona for a moment in time before she was kneeling down. "Huh I do know you. I met you once when you were very little. Your mother had brought you to one of the witches meetings." she spoke in a gentle voice before she was looking towards the others, just studying that of Kid, Maka, and Diego."There are such a thing as good witches. I happen to be one of them. Noveau, the Phoenix Witch." Nova spoke after a moment in time, getting to her feet once again before she was looking towards Lord Death fully, and was commenting that she would most definitely be happy to help keep an eye on Crona. The child seemed sweet.
Stein looked skeptical and so did Spirit though not as much before he turned and saw Maka, Diego and Crona enter. Crona looked surprised that Nova would recognize her. Kid went over to be in front of his father, because of symmetry.Nova's announcement caught a few others by surprise though others not as much. "Yeah, I kinda figured that," Tezca noted while Enrique chuckled. "I kinda reflected your soul for a bit to figure it out," the Death Mirror said over to her. "Also, in retrospect, it does make sense why Lord Death would select you to become the nurse despite the fact that you only have a bachelor's degree in medicine rather than being a fully certified doctor and or nurse," Asuka said bluntly before Marie gave her a faint chop to the head."Do not be worried. Nova is a good person and she has been studying medical texts," Lord Death noted to them all. Crona still looked very worried and nervous though seem to be a bit more comfortable around Maka and Diego."You're a witch?!" a new voice said before Ragnarok popped out of Crona... looking much less impressive. "EEH?! What happened?" he shouted. "Lord Death took all the innocents you ate," Diego said before Ragnarok realized he was surrounded by powerful figures. His eye twitched before he hid behind Crona, or rather looking like trying to use their head as a shield."Miss uh Nova... could you be kind enough to let us see your soul?" Diego asked Nova.
Nova was giving a faint chuckle before she spoke, "With my animal theme being rather unique, healing comes more easily to me than most." And had she actually gone to get more than just her bachelor's degree, she was certain that would have gotten farther. But she hadn't, it had been a waste of time in her eyes. Especially with her natural abilities.She was looking towards Ragnarok for a moment in time before she spoke, "Ragnarok, the Demon Sword. And yes I am a witch, just as I am a meister. At least I was a meister." Although she wasn't going to go into any more detail than that. Nope those were still fresh wounds she didn't want to reopen.Eyes were flickering towards Diego when he was asking to see her soul, which had her giving a shrug. Why not. This had her taking off her soul protect so that her soul could be seen. It looked like fire wrapped around her, with what appeared to be feathery wings wrapped around it.
"Yes, I would imagine so. But having the knowledge and skill to perform things such as surgery, tests and other important trials are necessary. Especially if using your magic would tire you out faster," Asuka told her in her natural analytical style. "She admittingly has a point," Stein added, not exactly liking to admit that the Queen of Committee Chairman was right.No one said anything on her comment on being a meister. They all got the message.When it revealed her soul, they could see the magic. Her soul was fiery and feathery. However, it was also pretty calm, compared to the mildly more frantic and negative vibes one would get from the magic from an average witch's soul."You've got a good soul," Diego told her with a smile. Crona meanwhile was looking at the woman curiously."W who is she?" Crona asked.
"Oh trust me I do know all of that. I've done my research. I've spent a very long time studying medical texts. I don't rely on my magic for healing, unless it is for something simple, or to assist with something. But otherwise, I do have those necessary skills. I'm more versed in the world of medicine than that of Medusa." Nova spoke after a moment in time.After they had seen her soul she was wrapping herself in soul protect once again, least somebody else catch sight of that soul at that point in time. "Not all witches are bad, although the bad outweighs the good sadly." she spoke before looking towards Crona."My name is Noveau, or as preferred to be called Nova. And I am a Witch that had been once apart of the Witch Order, but broke away from it, wanting nothing to do with it." Nova spoke before she was looking towards Crona with a gentle smile.
"A lot of them just like to break things from what I saw," Crona said after a moment of thought. "Some break things like buildings, but I heard one witch say because she does not have a lot of things, she breaks hearts instead," Crona added after a bit of thought. Diego did look a little surprised on hearing how much Crona said, though hearing them talk more about the witches from their experience certainly added more information."Well, I'm sure you will be a magnificent nurse, Miss Nova. Welcome back," Diego told her with a smile as he shook her hand, trying to be friendly and polite.Crona stood close to Maka. "Maka is Crona's first friend... and that makes me second," he explained to Nova.
Nova looked over for a moment in time before she spoke, "Oh I understand. I know the witch society more than you know. One of the reasons that I left. And made sure to show them that in the future, I was going to be one of their enemies. I wasn't going to allow them to continue what they were doing. Not without paying some kind of price." With that she was looking over towards Diego when he was mentioning that he was sure that she would be a magnificent nurse.She looked towards Crona before she spoke, "And I have no intent to ruin any friendships. They are good to have. One should always build up strong friendships." With that she was looking towards Lord Death before she spoke, "I know you didn't want this mentioned at all, especially around children to avoid questions. But I have the feeling the children won't say anything. The moment Arachne is able to.... I have the feeling that she is going to go after BREW."
"Well, the DWMA has been around for a while and they still haven't gotten the point," Diego commented on Nova said in regards to her opposing the witches. Granted, maybe diplomacy would not be out of the window if there was a common enemy or a way to get them all to talk on equal grounds.."Hmmm... yes. That actually does remind me. While Asura was ultimately stopped from being awakened, the threat cannot be ignored, especially since Medusa might still be around," Lord Death noted as he bent in thought. "Arachne is a very powerful witch. The oldest of the Gorgon sisters... and the one who created the Demon Weapons centuries ago. So heinous were her experiments, she was hunted down by witches and my forces alike," Lord Death noted, surprising them all."Guess that explains why Medusa stuck me in Crona. To try and one up her," Ragnarok snarked in his own opinion. One that Diego did not exactly thing was entirely wrong."But yes, we should look into securing BREW into the near future," Lord Death noted before looking. "I believe that should be all unless you have other concerns, Nova," Lord Death asked her.
Nova just listened to everything that was being said before she spoke, "Oh I promise that Medusa is still around. She doesn't fall that easily. I'm sure after her "defeat" she hid her soul, took to snake form, and slithered off to hide away." With that she was giving a faint shrug before looking over towards Ragnarok when the demon sword made his comment. Nope she didn't entirely disagree with that statement as well.How she remember Arachne. Had known her once upon a time, had been a "friend" of hers once upon a time. Although not anymore. There was no being allies with somebody like her anymore. Her attention shifted towards Lord Death before she was shaking her head then spoke, "Nope. If you'll excuse me though, I'm going to go explore and reacquaint myself with the school."With that she was giving a small bow before she was turning and heading out of the room, although paused for a moment before she looked back, "It is nice to meet you Crona. If you ever need somebody to talk to, I'm always available. I do hope that we can become friends as well." There was a smile on her lips and then she was disappearing from out of sight.
"ARGH! I should've tried and slurped up her serpent soul when I could, but I guess I thought I could've burned her," Diego cursed privately before looking at Maka, wondering what the reaction of his partner would be of Medusa still being around to cause trouble."I wonder how she knows of Arachne. If Lord Death is right, it's been literal centuries since anyone has heard of her," Diego commented. "Probably because of infamy," Ragnarok commented.Crona managed to give a smile and wave back. "Well, speaking of, perhaps the two of you can give Nova a tour alongside with Crona," Lord Death suggested to them.
Nova could hear Ragnarok as she walked away and just commented with a grin, "The Phoneix is the bird of resurrection. Who is to say that I haven't been around far longer than one thinks." Something to make them ponder in think on as she was turning and skipping off down the hallway. Yeah she still hadn't changed from how she had been in school, still more on the childish side.Maka was just watching for a moment before she was looking towards Lord Death as he was commenting that perhaps they could give the pair a tour. This had her giving a nod then spoke, "Sure, I would love to show them around."Was she pleased that Medusa was still possibly alive? Nope she was absolutely annoyed with that fact, but at the same time there wasn't much that could be done then and there. Nope, but she was gong to keep a close eye out for her soul, now that she knew what it looked like.
"So you're an old geezer of a woman then," Ragnarok could not help but comment over to Nova before Diego just sighed in annoyance at the mouthy weapon before nodding."All right then, follow us, Ms Nova," Diego told them with a smile before he followed Maka to go and give a nice grand tour of the entire DWMA. It was a pretty nice tour, showing off the various classrooms, lecture halls along with some of the other things one would expect a supernatural school to have. Beyond that, it was just letting Nova get acquainted while also making sure that Crona was doing all right in looking around."It's soo bright," Crona could not help but comment as they admired the bright sun and dried land, causing Diego to smile, quickly viewing them as a younger sibling."Something on your mind, Maka?" Diego asked his partner.
Nova just looked back towards Ragnarok for a moment before she spoke, "I can hate you all I want." After that she was following after Maka, who had walked out ahead of them. Although the school hadn't changed much since Nova had been there last, which was a bit of relief.Maka was looking over towards Diego before she spoke, "Just worried what the future will bring. Especially with Medusa still out and about, and possibly running the risk of colliding with Arachne."
Ragnarok just respoded by blowing a raspberry followed by Crona meekly apologizing to Nova over Ragnarok's behavior. The tour continued on as normal and Diego was looking more in analyzing and examining over the new school nurse. She definitely was mroe trustworthy than Medusa was."We will have to face them... but we'll do it together. The two of us and our friends," Diego told Maka with a smile as he gently squeezed her hand.
Nova was just giving a shrug before she spoke, "In a way, Ragnarok kind of reminds me of my own weapon when he was around. He was a jokester, made even the most gloomy of moods seem a lot lighter. He would find a way to brighten the mood." After that she was giving a smile before she was walking away from the group a bit, to go and gaze out a window since they were still in the building. Examine the surroundings. Still as beautiful as always.Maka looked towards Diego for a moment in time before she was speaking with a light smile, "Yeah you are right." She was squeezing his hand back lightly, although was letting go as Black Star was running over, and about tackling Diego. She was guessing that he was wanting to try and partner up with Diego again. That had been a thing recently, since Maka had managed to use Tsubaki briefly in the battle against Free.
Crona meanwhile was just watching over the window and standing beside Nova. No one said anything in response of wha Nova said, getting the implications of what she said. Diego meanwhile could not help but squeeze Maka's hand subconsciously, unable to fanthom the thought of him losing Maka. His friend. His partner. The girl who was taking more and more of his heart.However, his train of thought was paused when he was tackled by Black*Star. "Really Black*Star?"" Diego noted as he was put into a headlock by his friend. He knew why though. During the tense awkward period between him and Maka during the fight with Free, she wielded Tsumaki in her chain sickle form briefly. She was pretty okay with her."Fine... let's see then," Diego resigned before he transformed into his scythe form and Black*Star grabbed him. "Augh, it's hot... holy hell," Black*Star noted as he began swinging Diego around. He was actually pretty good and having more strength and technique made him a sight to use Diego in a slgihtly unorthodox matter, but as they synched up some more, Black*Star had to drop him."Okay... looks like I can handle you pretty well, but, I think you need to get checked out, because you're burning hot," he commented. "I think it's just mroe something on emotions," Diego commented before looking to Maka. "All right Maka, let's see you take the heat," he asked.
Maka just watched what was happening between the two guys, standing back by that of Tsubaki, Nova, and Crona. Crona seemed to almost be confused by what was going on, although the three ladies were just watching. Tsubaki and Maka weren't at all surprised that the pair were trying this. It wasn't the first time and they highly doubted that it was going to be the last time.Nova was just leaning against a wall watching the pair with a raised eyebrow. It wasn't often that a meister could use another's weapon. You had to have a certain soul and even wavelength to be able to do that. Or she had meet a couple of weapons that refused to have a meister, and could easily match their wavelength to whoever was using them."And how did that seem like a good idea?" Maka questioned after a moment in time, before she was giving a slight shake of her head, especially after watching Black Star drop Diego. Then Diego was commenting to see her take the heat which had her speaking, "We have to finish showing these two around before it gets dark." No she wasn't getting involved in that. Besides they already knew that she could take the heat, the only time that she had dropped Diego other than when they had first started off was when they had been fighting Free. When they synchronization was all off due to everything that had been going on.
"Well, if something happened to you, someone needs to be able to wield Diego," Black*Star responded over to what Maka said with his arms crossed."You almost finished though," Black*Star pointed out before Crona lifted their hand to see as if they wanted to say something. "I actually do wanna see you wield him. That time... something was different," Crona noted and even Ragnarok popped out."Crona, you're actually right. All righty girly. Wield your weapon and resonate your soul. Because what both of you did seems out of the ordinary," Raganrok suggested.Diego looked to Maka if she was up to it.
Maka looked towards them for a brief moment in time before she spoke, "It wasn't anything major. I remember talking to Diego and there was a strange imp. Then all of a sudden all around me there was darkness." This had Nova looking for a brief moment in time before she was actually turning her attention towards Crona's soul. Listening to Maka mention that, had her realizing that she had noticed something different about Crona's soul.Black Blood. So Medusa had actually succeeded in her experiments. If it was what she was thinking anyways. There weren't many details that she actually knew about it, just what she had discovered a number of years ago. She may or may not have snagged one of Medusa's journals and it had mentioned it. Was she overly sorry about it? Not really. It was a journal that had been rather important to Medusa. Information she had managed to gather about the death scythes. Couldn't have a maniac running around with that kind of information, now could you?Maka was just holding out her hand then spoke, "Hurry up. I want to show them around so I can go and have lunch with my father." Just the pair of them, for the first time in a while. Nobody else around, not even their partners.
"I'm not referring to your Black Blood, girly. I'm referring to how your soul was when you synched with him," Ragnarok said annoyingly as he pointed to Diego. Diego looked a little surprised at what Ragnarok was saying. What imp was Maka talking about? Was it the one his dark self consumed back when he first got the Black Blood?Diego nodded and turned into his scythe form. It was black as always with the golden Mesoamerican styled markings. When he began synnching his Soul with Maka though... the other him did not appear. The Black Blood was not activating. Here, without madness, instead there was fire and heat."Woah..." Black*Star said. Maka's rather small soul began swelling with size and flames began appearing around her. It was like raw emotional energy.
Maka was just grabbing ahold of the handle of the scythe after Diego had transformed and was just looking towards Ragnarok for a brief moment in time. She could feel Diego syncing with her, which had her opening up that connection so that they could sync together, and allow the others to see whatever it was that they wanted to see.Nova watched for a brief moment in time before she was giving a small whistle. Well that soul was a shock to see, yet again that is what happened when the meister and weapon had a strong bond. With that she was giving a faint chuckle before she was cooing, "And this boys and girls is what happens when meister and weapon have feelings for each other. But be careful about being weapon and meister, and having those feelings. It can make you more powerful, but it can also lead to your downfall." After that was said she was giving a wave of her hand before she was turning and walking off.Maka was just blinking a bit, not even really feeling a change in the syncing at all, it felt the same as it always had. Well since they had started to talk again after the whole Free incident on the bridge. And since they had kind of talked about stuff since sitting and talking with Stein.
"See, that's it!! That sort of Fire... I mean, I've seen weapons with elemental affinities, but this kid's fire is not normal. It's something beyond it," Ragnarok commented. Black*Star meanwhile just looked impressed by the sight. "Wow... I guess Diego does have a lot of power," he said before smiling.However, Nova's comment caused Diego to blush and lose focus, as in turning back to his human form. "Wait what?! WHAT?!" Diego said, blushing, looking to Nova and Maka back about the whole thing.I mean... how many people knew that he liked Maka that way?! And... did she imply she liked him back?!
Nova just looked over her shoulder towards the kids for a moment in time before she was speaking, "And right there. You lost focus. And it is quite obvious to tell that you like her. Far to obvious actually. At least to me anyways." With that she was giving a wave of her hand and finally wandering off, leave the kids to all chat at that point in time.Maka was just looking towards Diego for a moment in time before she was actually flushing a bit as well. "We should continue with the tour!" she spoke quickly after a moment in time before she was hurrying off to catch up with Nova. How awkward this had gotten.
"We all kinda know, lady. We just don't tease him for it," Black*Star snarked over at Nova before Tsubaki just sighed at his own brashness, but given how Nova was supposed to be a teacher, Black*Star had a point. Diego meanwhile remained there in total shock, his mind tyring to calculate everything.Crona looked confused while Ragnarok was cackling before knocking him in the head to snap him out of it. Diego held the bruise on his head, but he did follow back quietly."I don't how to deal with my friends liking each other," Crona whispered to Ragnarok. "Most people don't know either," Black*Star reassured Crona.
"Sometimes teasing a person is the push they need to actually opening up and admitting it. Especially if it is quite noticeable by others." Nova was commenting after a moment in time before she was pushing some of her hair out of her face, and was disappearing down the road once again. Leave them all to just chitchat at that point in time. She was just going to keep silent at that point in time, let them mull over it.Although eventually she did stop walking and just gazed up at the sky, just holding out her hand as if reaching to touch the sun. Such a peaceful and quiet day, at least for the time being. Mind as well enjoy that quiet, that peace, while they had the chance.Maka just looked towards Nova for a moment in time and questioned, "Is it really that obvious?" "Very obvious. I think you both need to take a breath, and just admit to each other that you like each other. Worse case scenario you start dating and discover that dating isn't really the right path for you two to take."
"Yeah, but that doesn't really work with people like Diego," Black*Star interjected as he got down, following them like a ninja. He was there with his arms crossed, looking at Nova. They all were catcing up bit by bit and following Nova since it seemed to be the best thing to do as well.The others had managed to catch up and there was a bit fo an awkward silence. "Well, not for Maka. Maka never really did do much mushy stuff," Black*Star added and shrugged his shoulders. He knew her than most, given how they grew up together. "She was always more into books," he added to Nova. Diego was the last one there, having caught up to them taking his time."How would they deal with that since they're meister and weapon?" Crona asked after a bit of mulling. Seeing how there was stuff they did not how to deal with yet tried gave a bit of hope to Crona. | 181 | ['Vendrix', 'Maka', 'Scythe', 'Albarn', 'Crona'] |
3,653 | | (DMC3)The Devil's Way(Dante12590+Anjeru) | "lightbox close": "Close", "lightbox next": "Next", "lightbox previous": "Previous", "lightbox error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.", "lightbox start slideshow": "Start slideshow", "lightbox stop slideshow": "Stop slideshow", "lightbox full screen": "Full screen", "lightbox thumbnails": "Thumbnails", "lightbox download": "Download", "lightbox share": "Share", "lightbox zoom": "Zoom", "lightbox new window": "New window", "lightbox toggle sidebar": "Toggle sidebar" The tower's appearance had given the young woman no reassurances. She was afraid the devils would succeed, but as she had stood amongst the tower's pillars to watch the sons of Sparda fight in the rain, she knew there was a semblence of hope. Dante, the one was called, would stand up to his own brother to ensure the demons did not cross and inhabit the human realm. Aya, too, would fight the demons to ensure their demise. A priestess of sorts is what she called herself, a maiden of all trades. For this adventure, she kept to herself, only thinking of interferring if the devil Dante could no vanquish his twin back to the depths of Hell.However, Dante succeeded and soon, the tower was gone and the way of life went back to normal. The devil had settled back into the way of running his shop with his egotistical flaire that intrigued her. Aya owed him thanks, she knew, but she was not supposed to reveal herself to anyone unless the situation demanded that it be done. The young woman's dark eyes peered silently at the sign "Devil May Cry" Dante's shop. Her black hair fluttered around her face on the breeze as she contemplated her next course of action.She couldn't let him go on without at least her silent thank you, so she reached out a pale hand to open the door to the shop. Her long, leather miniskirt clad legs carried her on boots into the building. A black blouse hung on her curves, unbuttoned enough to give her considerably sexy cleavage. Matching black eyes would then sweep the interior as the door shut, seeking ou the devil simply known as Dante.
Dante looked up at the woman entering his shop and grinned, "If you're looking for a toilet it's in the back." he said nonchalantly as he sat back with his boots on the desk staring at his blade. "But I doubt that's why you're here so tell me why is a pretty lady like you doing in my humble shop?" he asked as he looked up at her noticing her appealing figure and letting out a soft whistle.
Aya played it cool as she meandered about the shop, the heeled boots clicking across the floor as she admired his humble little abode. Those dark eyes of hers returned to the rather aloof, but handsome devil as he rested with his feet propped upon the desk. Her slim fingers tucked stray strands of raven behind her multi pierced ear."You would be correct in your assumption I am not here to use the restroom." She said as she moved to stand before the ego enfused Dante. "What exactly does your shop provide in services, I wonder?"
"Anything and everything miss but our specialty is dealing with devils. Do you have any devil problems you would like taken cared of?" he asked as he looked at the mysterious woman and slowly stretched while feeling for Ebony and Ivory, "If you do then tell me the problem if you don't well I do have a business to run after all... You understand?" he inquired as he waited to see what this woman desired from him.
The woman smiled slowly. "The devils were already dispursed, dealt with by you and...Lady, I believe she called herself." Aya said as she openly turned her back to him, trailing her fingers across a blade that was displayed on a nearby shelving unit. "The only devil I know of now, is you, son of Sparda, or should I say, Dante." Her head turned a slight to peer at him over her shapely shoulder. "Pay no mind to that though, m'dear. I am not here for that. You did well, in sealing your brother, Vergil, back into the depths of Hell. You did so well in fact, I did not have to step in myself." She clicked her tongue. "I must say I was rather impressed by the whole display."
Dante's face grew stern as he felt for Agni and Rudra under his desk, "You sure seem to know a lot for a tourist. Tell me miss why are you so interested in the past or interested in who I am? I just did a simple job and now I have some sexy, strange lady coming into my shop. I'm pretty sure you would have to be very deep in the knowledge if the demon realm to be telling me stuff like this so I ask.. Who are you really?" he asked as he slowly stood up making sure to keep his blades out if sight until he knew if she was a threat or not.
Aya turned to face him again and held her hands out at her sides, showing she meant no harm. "You can let Agni and Rudra be," she said, "I mean you no harm. I'm simply a jack all of trades, like you Dante. I was sent by an employer to seek out the occurance that resulted from the tower's appearance. I was toldif the demon son of Sparda cannot stop Vergil, you must step in and make sure he is stopped."She leaned forward, planting her hands on his desk she didn't seem to notice that this stance gave him a rather nice view down her shirt. "However, you did very well, Dante. My assitance at the time was not required." She smirked. "I figured I could stop in and thank you for a job well done no work done, but still going to get paid. As laid back as you come across and always so nonchlant, some recognition never hurts."
Dante was getting more intrigued by this woman by the minute, "She even knows the names of my weapons? There's a little bit more to this woman than a pretty face." he thought as a smirk came across his face, "Well thank you for the recognition but I'm a bit curious about how you know so much about me. I may have my shop advertised in the phonebooks but I don't post my personal information so how do you know so much of it?" he asked as he remained relaxed but still ready to move at a moments notice. "Maybe you can tell me over dinner if you're interested of course." he said with a coy smile.
Aya let that cool smile spread across her lips once more. "Let's just say I'm very...observant," she said as she straightened herself, the leather of her skirt crinkling as she moved. Then she crossed her arms across her midriff, just under her ample chest. "Dinner? Well..." she seemed to contemplate the idea for a moment. "I suppose I could allow that." Tossing her head a little to peer at him, her raven hair touched to her pale skin and she raised her hand to tuck it back once again.
Dante nodded as he stood up and grabbed his signature red coat, "So where to lady? And do you want to take your ride or mine?" he asked as he slipped Ebony and Ivory into their holsters as he walked across the room and opened the door for her, "It seems like this is going to be one hell of an evening..." he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes
Her obsidian eyes watched as the son of Sparda moved to slip his gear back on. She couldn't help but admire the way his youthful muscles rippled as he slid of his red signature red trench. "Let us take your's," she said as she turned to walk towards the door, her boots clicking upon the wooden floor as she went. When she reached the door, she turned her head to peer at him again over a slightly exposed, pale shoulder. "And my name is Aya, by the way."
"Alright Aya the night is still young so let's go somewhere interesting." he said as he pulled out a small set of keys from his pocket and pointed at a black and red motorcycle, "So will this be okay with you?" he asked as he started the bike and waited for her to get on.
"It will do just fine," she said to Dante as she swung her leg over to straddle the seat. Her skin gleamed in the darkness and her pale arms wrapped around his middle to keep her hold once the bike would start moving. The night was cool and slightly damp, a slight mist rolling in across the city and its buildings. She felt at home like this, in the middle of night, though she normally wouldn't have been consorting with a demon's son, but Dante was...intriguing, to say the least.
Dante smirked as he let the engine roar and they took off down the dark road, "So Aya what would you like to eat?" he yelled over the roar of the wind as the chilly air of the city swirled around them. "It's all on me tonight so pick whatever you want I have a feeling you're a lady of good taste." he laughed as the city lights began to flicker on as they continued down the road.
"You're the one who suggested dinner, so you choose," Aya said, really more interested in finding out more about the son of Sparda then what to eat with him. She made sure to keep her grip on his shapely waist to avoid tumbling from the bikee. The wind blew through her hair as they drove and her visible skin was left pleasurably cool it didn't seem to bother her at all.
"Alright Italian it is." he yelled as the lights of downtown suddenly came into view, "It's a hole in the wall place but the food can compete with a 5 star place any day of the week." he said as he made a sudden turn and skidded into a small parking lot and stopped, "Alright my lady here we are one small date just the way you wanted it." he said teasingly as he hopped off his bike and gave a slight bow then offered her his arm.
As the motorcycle came to a halt, Aya swung her leg over and climbed off of it. She had listened to what he had told her, but she hadn't said anything. She really wasn't in this for the food the draw she felt to know more about this devil was something she was having trouble curbing. He held out his arm to her and she couldn't help but admire the devilish glint in his eyes. Smirking softly, she took his arm and allowed the red trenched devil take her inside.
Dante smiled as the smell of genuine Italian cooking greeted theas he opened the door. The restaurant was bustling as yells from the kitchen could be clearly heard, "Hey Luigi I need a table for two!" he yelled as the kitchen suddenly grew quiet and a plump man in a white chef's uniform stepped out and spotted Dante. "Ah if it isn't Dante! Where have you been? You've been going to other restaurants haven't you?" he said in mock anger as he motioned for the two to follow him to the private section of the restaurant, "I'm glad you finally brought a pretty lady with you I was getting bored of just serving you!" he said in a thick Italian accent as he gave them both menus and headed back towards the kitchen.
"Alone?" Aya chuckled as she slid into her seat and opened the menu to peer at its contents. "And here I'd heard that Dante,son of Sparda, was quite the ladies man." She raised her eyes to look at him over the top of her menu, enjoying the small amount of teasing she had aimed at him. When the waiter returned, she ordered some alfredo, then handed the menu back before relaxing back into her chair. She crossed her long and pale shapely legs, leaning back.
Dante chuckled a little bit, "I am but once the girls find out about the whole demon thing that usually is a turn off." he laughed as he ordered the Chicken Marsala, "But aside from that it seems that you've wanted to ask me a few things ever since we met so... Go ahead I don't mind answering questions." he offered Ashe decided to break the ice.
"If anything, it only makes you that more unique." She commented, not admitting the he was devilishly handsome, though she knew that he knew he was. The devil seemed to have a slight ego, but that didn't really surprise her. Those black eyes studied him thoughtfully as she crossed her arms under her ample, d cup, breasts. "What's your shop for really, Dante? It strikes me as odd that a devil would settle on opening such a seemingly meager shop."
"Good question." he complemented admiring how she was tactful but also could get straight to the point as well. "I use my shop to pay for my food and also as a base for any demon based jobs usually it's extermination." he said plainly as he relaxed and took a sip of water, "To be honest I just look into rumors and myths around the city and see if there might be a demon behind that story." he told her with a grin. "What else are you curious about?"
She nodded she had gathered that it was to cover up what hereallyused the shop for. "So it was just by coicendence that this last incident involved your brother," she commented, studying him closely, wondering how it was that he would react to her knowing that. Only those who had been directly involved knew of Dante's connection to the other devil known as Vergil twin sons born to Sparda.
Dante grinned as he leaned back and laughed, "You're just full of surprises aren't you?" he looked at her with a cocky expression, "If I didn't know any better I would think you were sent to kill me." he said as he watched the cook bring out their plates, "But of course you told me earlier that you would have needed to kill my brother if I failed to so why would you try and kill me then?" he asked as he looked at his food and took a small bite.
"I can guarentee you, I really am full of surprises," she said amongst a small chuckle. As the food arrived, she asked for a glass of wine to go with her alfredo. Her slim fingers picked up a fork and she twirled the noodles, before taking a bite. After swallowing, she smirked and nodded. "You are correct in your assumption, Dante. I was not sent to kill you." yet, she thought. There was always the possibility should could be hired in the future to kill him. One problem with anon assination requests.
Dante raised an eyebrow to her comment, "You are full of them huh? Well what kind of surprises are we talking about here?" he inquired as he moved a bit closer to the table, "I'm sure for a pretty lady such as yourself most of them are very pleasant surprises." he said smoothly as he took another bite and shot her a somewhat sexy look before starting to laugh. "Well she might try and kill me but hey at least I'll be dying by a sexy woman's hand." he thought as he continued watching her with interest.
She chuckled, taking another bite before sipping her wine. Black eyes watched him closely as she managed to stop her soft chuckles. "Maybe I do." She said finally. "And I bet you're just itching to figure them out, aren't you?" She began tapping her foot idly, watching him with a soft smirk.
"Well I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to know more." he grinned, "But I'm more interested in what kind of surprises you'd like to show me." he said as he finished off his plate and sat back with a glint of mischeif in his eye. He was truly curious about the woman sitting before him she seemed to have a very sultry nature but at the same time demanded his full attention, "I wonder what she desires from me..." he thought as a small, dirty grin came across his face.
She finished her food and set her fork down, before picking up her wine to sip it. Idly, she toyed with the glass, watching as the wine rippled in response. Her eyelids lowered to half mast and she peered at him, debating what her next course of action would be in regards to the beguiling and intriguing devil sitting across from her. "Honestly, you in yourself are enough to stir my curiousity." She said. "It isn't every day you come across a devil, or a demon, especially one as...blessed in looks as you are. I'm not sure what surprises I have to offer to you," a small chuckle followed.
Dante quickly motioned for the waiter to bring the bill and paid it off as he looked back at the woman, "Well we could go back to my place or yours and maybe explore these surprises one by one." he offered as the cook began to once again start yelling in the kitchen, "It seems like someone didn't buy enough ingredients this morning." he laughed as he slowly got up, "I think we should take that as our cue to leave." he said as he got up, "So what do you say to my little 'offer' we can take it at your pace I just want to know a little bit more about the person I just ate dinner with." he said as he opened the door for her.
She quirked a raven brow as they left the resturant.He seems rather up front. Kind of brash, and forward.She thought as she stared at him, pursing her lips thoughtfully. "What exactly do you planned, my dear devil?" she asked with a soft smirk spreading across her face, crossing her arms across her bust as she stared at him thoughtfully. | 31 | ['Sparda', 'Aya'] |
3,654 | | Dawn's Fanclub (Pokemon RP, East x Garnet) | Veilstone City8:19 AMTylerhad been a competitor in contests, for a while, but had actually stopped competing a few months ago, around the time that he had met Dawn in his final contest. The two had seemed to get along well, and started dating shortly after. He had been a fan of hers forever, so for him this was like a dream come true, of course he didn't tell her that he didn't really want to scare the girl. He was sitting atop the department store, looking out towards the ocean, sitting on one of the chairs out here.His girlfriend was doing some sort of Photoshoot, and while he wanted to be there, he had woken up late, the studio hadn't believed him when he had said he had been Dawn's boyfriend and thus wouldn't let him go into the building. He was fuming, and so had come up here to the public observation lounge he was nursing a lemonade at the moment and looking at his Poketch to pass the time, glancing down at his cellphone, three messages sent in the past 15 minutes. Since security hadn't let him past the door.'didn't let me in, security doesn't believe I'm your boyfriend''I bet you look cute right now''Waiting for you at the top of the dept store, I saved you a drink'He was starting to feel kinda nervous how long did these things normally take? He looked at his phone maybe one more message wouldn't hurt.'Hey sweetie when's your lunch break, I meet you, and you can take me back with you, sucks out here alone'He wasn't actually alone of course. Nessy his Espeon was with him, long ago the smaller creature had been the number one contest in the cute catagory, but now a days he was more focused on trying to be a manager than a contestant. Even so Nessy had stuck with him, and was almost never in a pokeball, it seemed like a waist to put away someone that had always been helpful and loyal. He brushed the felines long ears for a moment, watching as the cat was eating. He was so bored. He glanced at his phone, he rocked back and forth in his seat, maybe he should try calling her? no she was working, he was just nervous cause he knew all those people would be watching her.and he was over here missing the whole thing.
Dawn lay sprawled over a light blue sunbed, arms raised above her head and one leg bent giving a glimpse at the curve of her ass squashed against the sun bed. She was wearing a bikini that was perhaps a littletootight while sucking on a blue ice pop. If it wasn't for the heat of the shoot lights, she would be shivering. Modelling hadn't been on Dawn's radar when she first started competing professionally as a coordinator but it had become a regular part of her life. Speaking of other unexpectedness additions to her life, the dark haired coordinator had been asked out by one of her fellow competitors. It was strange to think that she could call Tyler her boyfriend and it still brought a smile to her face to think about it."Alright Dawn switch to your stomach." Called the photographer who was snapping away at her. This photo shoot was going to promote the Hotel Grand Lake just in time for summer even if it was too early for her to go out in something so skimpy. "And tug those bottoms down a little more.""You'll have to speak to my manager if you want me to show anymore skin." Ugh this photographer was notorious for trying to get girls to show more skin. He had even convinced some to do nude shots. Well she wouldn't be one of them today. Dawn rolled onto her stomach showing that peach of an ass straining against her bikini bottoms slowly swinging her legs up and down. The man looked irritated with her but thankfully just laughed things off and continued with the shoot.Soon he had a full reel of Dawn posed and stretching out that plush body of hers. It was good to finally take a break and curl up with her loyal Empoleon, Navy, who had been patiently waiting for her. Now that Navy wasn't a little Piplup, he didn't feature as much on the photoshoots or at least in the sexier ones. Dawn smiled and nuzzled up to the water type with a grin after she slipped into a light blue dressing gown. Just as she was ready to curl up for a little catnap, she felt her cellphone buzz in her pocket. Oh dear... that explained why Tyler hadn't turned up."Hey sweetie, we just took a break for lunch. Sorry they didn't let you in. Hm? Haha Navy is sorry too." Dawn didn't bother texting choosing instead to call him up and giving a giggle at her partner's crooning. Navy was pretty protective of her, especially during shoots so he seemed to get on well with her equally protective boyfriend. "It's boring here without you, I want to steal your jacket and snuggle up before the shoot starts again." Dawn would be the first to admit it, she had gotten a little bit love sick. It wasn't like she really dated guys before Tyler anyway, Barry had been the only guy her age who are hung out with before becoming a trainer after all.
The fear and concern that he was feeling when he wasn't getting her texts melted the moment he heard the familiar ring tone he had designated for Dawn's number. He practically jumped up out of his seat as he answered the phone and heard the elated happy voice of the woman he was love struck for. Instantly his demeanor changed from depressive and moody, to warm and excited as he stood up, his green hair flowing slightly as he did. There was a bit of a sense of virtago as he stood up. "Yeah the security guys at your work are buts, i mean I can't blame them, they are just keeping you safe from ravenous crazy fans."He joked, but was already heading back towards the department store's elevator. "If your on a break why don't you step outside of the hotel, I can catch you on the street, and you can get me back inside." He pet the Espeon that followed him as he dinged the elevator and waited for it to come. "I just crossed the street and went to the top of the department store, so I should only be like two minutes, that way instead of just snuggling my Jacket you can snuggle me."There was a ding as the elevator arrived. "By the way what are you wearing for these shoots? I know we are dating so I can't like manage your case and all, but they aren't putting you in anything too lewd are they?" He would be lying if he didn't admit that she looked good in lewd costumes, he remembered a few of her photo shoots that were lascivious, but now that he was dating her he kind of wanted to protect her image, not that Dawn needed protecting from anyone."I guess I'll see soon enough." He said stepping out of the department store. "I see the hotel, so I'm gonna hang up now." He pressed the end button and walked towards the entrance of the lobby he could at least get this far without a pass or Dawn, and now he was waiting for her with a drink in hand. When he saw her he waved towards her. Practically running up to her, before pulling her into a tight hug, his lips capturing hers in a quick yet passionate hello, his hands running over her soft plush curves.
"Hehe aw sweetie I'm sorry. The security really is too strict. It's not like I have any crazy fans in the first place." Dawn gave a little laugh about someone fantasising about her of all people. She admitted she was popular but only idols and celebrities really had those kinds of fans. Dawn didn't envy them one bit. It was hard to imagine someone being so obsessed with someone like that."Sure I'd love to. I might be a little late though, I don't think going out in my current costume would be too comfy. I can't wait to snuggle..." Dawn said with a giggle and scratched Navy under his chin leaving him to stand guard outside her changing room. She had her phone against her shoulder while she slipped her normal clothes over the bikini."Heh the outfits aren't so bad but the photographer is a bit pushy. It's fine though, just a little blue bikini for the first shoot and I think the second outfit is a summer dress." Dawn slipped the call to speaker while she slipped on her pink heeled boots, black mini skirt and white blouse. "See you soon sweetie." The coordinator hung up happy to see her boyfriend as she shrugged on her coat. "Are you coming Navy?" She asked while exiting the changing room and laughing when she caught her partner filling his face with poffins done of the staff had provided. "Okay enjoy."Dawn slipped out of the studio and headed downstairs to the lobby immediately spotting Tyler. He always brought a bright grin to her face so seeing him waving at her made her laugh and rush over to him. She gave a little squeal of delight as she was caught in his arms before melting against his kiss. Her own arms wrapped around his waist as she returned the kiss breaking it after a few more moments."Shall we head to?" She asked tugging him towards to elevator with flushed cheeks.
The feeling of hugging Dawn was immensely satisfying. Tyler felt her plush curves press against his body as her arms wrapped around his waist, he felt his chest press against her full breasts, and he couldn't help but breath her soft flowery scent in as he held onto her. The kiss she returned and the feeling of her lips against his own made him moan slightly, and as the kiss broke he found himself panting slightly, watching her with blue eyes he couldn't help but smile as she invited him to come along back to her photo shoot."Is this your last shoot for a while?" He asked as he walked into the elevator his hand quickly sliding into Dawns as he fell in beside her a wide smile on his face as he passed her the lemon aid he had promised her. Nessy fell in behind him, the pink feline brushed up against Dawn's thigh as it walked around her. It's dark eyes looking up at her blinking slowly as the elevator doors close and they started moving."I kinda want to get on the road again, not that I don't love the big city, but honestly I'm a small town kid, and I'm starting to feel a bit cramped up inside the city." He squeezed her hand. "You're the one making it worth while to be here."He was from the Kanto region, born and raised in lavender town. So Vielstone was about as different from his upbringing as possible. He bounced slightly on his heels as he looked at Dawn, a bit of a mischievous look coming across his face as he looked at her. He moved in a touch closer so he could whisper into Dawn's ear even though the two of them were the only ones in the elevator. "How long before you have to do the next set of pictures? Do you think Makeup would be mad if we made a bit of a mess before you go back on stage?"
Dawn's smile grew brighter seeing her kiss have such an effect on Tyler. He was so cute! She couldn't deny that her cheeks were flushing either as she reluctantly moved away from the kiss. Tyler had really helped her through her transition to modelling and was always there to give her a hug and pamper her silly. Along with some other... naughtier things. She was happy to have him tag along for this sort of work, it helped keep that randy photographer in line. Still, camping and traveling with Tyler and his partner Pok mon was the most fun."Yeah at least until the next contest. I want to train my team up while we travel a bit more." Dawn face him a smile looking forward to having some quality time with him and their Pok mon. "I know what you mean. I miss being in nature. Growing up somewhere as small as Twinleaf town really makes me want to travel. That wanderlust is quite powerful." Said Dawn with a giggle squeezing his hand and taking the lemonade."You're too sweet. You make dealing with all these people so much easier. " Dawn rested her cheek against his shoulder affectionately while giving Nessy a pet. She looked up at him curiously seeing that familiar expression on his face. That sweet expression had gotten her into all kinds of embarrassing and heated situations. "A an hour..." She mumbled already flushing at the warmth of his breath. Dawn squeezed his arm against her soft chest already knowing where his train of thought was heading."Well they have to put more on anyway. What did you have in mind? You always get so naughty when we're separated. You'll get me in trouble." She mumbled flushing a deeper red. Still there was a timid smile on her face.
"Well it's just you've been posing and dancing around for this camera man." He tried his best to hide the venom behind the words camera man, someone else taking pictures of his dawn was not exactly a thing he liked, but he also didn't want to direct that annoyance at Dawn. It wasn't her fault that she was so beautiful as to be a model, she was just that perfect. He felt her press against him and he leaned his head against her body, feeling her large breasts against him he moaned softly as he looked at her."I just kinda want to take a few of my own, in a more intimate way." He said softly. A smile on his face as he spoke, Dawn was his, and he wanted to make that known. He wouldn't let other people take pictures of his Dawn. He held up the camera on his dex for a moment leaning over, and pressing his lips to her cheek as he snapped the selfie catching the act of him kissing her. "You know kinda like this only, less innocent.""I want to capture that side of Dawn that only i get to see." He said with a soft smile, and a low whisper, his eyes looking into hers for a moment. He touched his bag. "Do you think you could humor me with such a request? or would I be taking work into the bedroom?"they had an hour, that was plenty of time for them to do a little photoshoot of their own. He held dawn close as the elevator door opened, and they walked back towards her changing room.
"Hehe are you jealous? It's cute to see that side of you." Said Dawn with a giggle feeling a pinkness spread across her face. It was nice to have someone feel so protective towards her. Normally it was just her Pok mon who watched her back. "I was hardly dancing though..." She mumbled with a little pout. Still, she was more than happy to snuggle closer to him and stroke his ego of that's what he needed."More intimate? I'm definitely open to taking some pictures that are just for you but what we're you thinking of?" Asked Dawn tucking a stray lock of hair behind his ear affectionately. Being in the spotlight should have had a negative effect on her shyness but she could still shrink away from things that weren't related to contests or Pok mon training. The sudden kiss and snapshot sent her flooding to her cheeks making for quite the startled but cute expression in the photo before she glared up at him red faced. "G give me some warning! It's embarrassing to be caught in those poses."She looked up at him, the glare on her face softening back to flustered blushing as he spoke. If it was just for Tyler then maybe it wouldn't be so bad but how 'less innocent' did he wasn't these photos?"If it's just for your eyes only then um... I'd at least try it." She mumbled looking away to snuggle up against his shoulder just in time for the doors to open. She unlocked her changing room and let him in. The room was only small with a full length mirror on one wall and a dressing table squashed into the far corner. In the other corner was a small loveseat draped with her other costumes."So what sort of photos did you want? I guess you're the director here." Asked Dawn timidly. While their relationship has been heated due a while, she still got shy when he introduced her to something new. Most of the time she ended up loving it but getting passed that shyness was tricky.
"Oh but those poses are exactly the kind I want to take pictures of." Tyler explained looking at the blush forming on her face it was adorable, and as the two went to her dressing room his first instinct was to walk around and check it out for cute or sexy costumes. A lot of the times these rooms had old stuff laying around from either previous models, or future shoots that were going to be taken at the same studio. He knew Dawn had a few different costumes here as well, so he went to digging for a moment."Well I know how you feel about nude photo shoots, So i'm gonna give you something to wear, but." he paused for a moment as he found it, and immediately he tried to hide the costume behind his back. It was barely considered clothing so it was easy enough for him to square away as he turned towards Dawn with his camera in hand. "But first things first, you should take off the stuff you are already wearing." He saidHis eyes glinted for a moment with mischief whatever he was planning wasn't something she would normally sign up with. In fact it was probably something that her actual camera man had been trying to pull all morning with getting her to undress or show more of her skin. He on the other hand just smiled warmly, moving up to his dawn, and planting a soft kiss on her cheeks before moving back so that she could take off her dress.As she did his eyes were on her the entire time, enjoying the sight of her body, and once she was standing in her underwear he actually shook his head. "The costume I have in mind doesn't really allow for panties." He said softly. As he was still holding it behind his back she would see the tail of the costume when he 'accidently' let it slip from his hand.The devil tail was something from a costume she had worn a year or two ago, it was a halloween type event he couldn't recall the exact details, but it had been before they had been dating, and he had recognized the costume immediately when he had seen it. Knowing dawn she probably thought the thing had been destroyed up until now as he held it out to her to finally give up the surprise. "I actually still own a copy of the magazine where you wore this get up... that's creepy i shouldn't admit that." He said with a blush. "But would you wear it for me again?" | 9 | [] |
3,655 | | D.N.Angel(me,Dark Shane,BlisteredBlood, and TheDarkerMe) | Well the plot is this:Dark is in the middle of fighting with Krad when a girl with red wings breaks them up long enough for Dark to leave. Then she vanishes and the police call her 'Crimson Wings'. The story starts with Rina who has shoulder length black hair and brown eyes, and wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top and was sitting on the railing by the windmills talking to her self so it seems. Rina is really talking to Kaily a girl who had shoulder length redish blonde hair and green eyes and was an angel like Dark. The four are all 18 years old now and Dark and Krad have their own body's this time.Rina says "Hey Kaily is it ok if you like Dark but i like both him and Krad" Kaily said 'Your gonna have to choose one' Rina closed her eyes "I know but... Aahh" she screams as she falls over the edge and is caught by Dark. Rina blushes and her heart starts to pound "T thank you Mr. Dark" she says as they flew to the ground by a windmill. Rina feels her heart pounding hard and thinks 'stop it heart' Kaily giggles 'Want me to come out'
Dark looked rather mad as he would be flung into a the clouds his counter part Krad would go the opposite way from him both was stuck in the same loop as they ever was, fighting over the black wings more so than ever with the emergence of two others like hismelf and Krad, two females had shown up they two had a shared body."Dark are you ok, that blow was rather powerful.'Daisuke asked inside the very body of the dark haired male."Yes Daisuke I'm perfectly fine."Dark replied to his partner, while looking down Dark had noticed that Rina one of the girls whom like ha and daisuke had the same kind of powers had fallen form a great height, unlike usual the alter ego the spirti within her had not come out,Dark reacting irrationally would soar down with great speed down and caught the female in his arms, slowly descanding the girl to the floor like an angel he would smile softly laying his feet to the floor.Dark slowly allowed his arms to position the girl Rina's feet upon the floor. "Thats odd Rina did you want to get hurt?, Or are you sick because Kaily should have came out while you was falling."
Krad enjoyed the fact that he sent his twin Dark flying through the air. He didn't care one way or the other about those Black Wings, he just wanted to find a way to put an end to his misery once and for all.But before he did, he stopped when he saw the most unexpected thing. Dark dived down below and vanished, causing Krad to growl furiously.You can only run for so long, Dark and Daisuke. I promise with every little fiber of my being that we'll settle this once and for all. You owe me for so much, you cowards.His thoughts bubbled with anger.Krad!Satoshi's voice of reason echoed through Krad's mind.That's enough for now. We need to fall back and give it a rest for a little while.Pssh. Why should I listen to you? You and I both know what he is.Krad answered back, his voice tinted in apathetic sarcasm.As your tamer, Krad, I feel you need to lay off on him just for now. Now let's regroup. We don't have any time to waste!Satoshi answered demandingly.Fair enough. But you owe me so much for this.Krad answered back as he then turned in mid air then flew off in another direction, his face showing a clear look of disdain and murderous intent.
Shadow sighed as she came upon the scene. They where fighting as usual, and all she wanted to do was get her job done. While they where occupied she made sure she got the artwork free. She wasn't interested in the one with crimson wings, at least that's the color she thought. Nor did either of the male angels interest her.She was her own being and had her own work to do. Clad as she usually was, head to toe completely in black, with her hair braided tightly and wound up... She looked like a shadow moving in the darkness. Especially considering the shade of her wings. Shadow colors.Her eyes focused on the unfolding scene and watched the opposite directions that each angel went. She decided to follow the white haired one, and see what trouble she could stir. She spread out her wings and took off from the roof, flying after the white winged angel and twisting through the air.She pulled free one of her feathers, and held it at the ready for use. Krad was his name, that she remembered from so many years of working against him. "So Krad, running away again?" She taunted as she came up beside the flying male angel.
Rina blushed at him "Hey Dark, Thanks for catching me back there. Its weird she was not liste...." she was cut off as Kaily came out. Kaily wrapped her arms around Darks waist and rested her head on his chest "Dark please dont be mad but i wanted to have you catch Rina to maybe help her sort out her feelings since she said she likes both NiwaandHiwatari. I never meant to get her hurt. I'm sorry Dark this all my fault" Kaily let go and sat down not sure of what Dark would do or say | 5 | ['Krad', 'Dark', 'Daisuke', 'Rina', 'Kaily'] |
3,656 | | Liberty and Death (Viktoff Samson x Lilbreadstick18) | Lengthy and wild black hair matted with blood dances around a torn young man's body as he drags himself from alleyway to the street and right back into the concealment of another alley. His jagged nails piercing the ground to improve his shaky hold on the pavement beneath him as he pulled his topless and tall form further and further from his pursuers. He'd thought he was sure this time he'd fight to his death. He earned that fate, the lives of his own kind that he's smothered out to promote his own stained his heart irreparably. Despite his once pale skin now painted in splotches of red that belonged to both himself and his white clothed victims continuing to pull itself together at the expense of his ability to remain conscience, he'd growl to himself and gnaw at his bottom lip to pull himself further. If he passed out here, he would undoubtedly be slaughtered in his sleep. Even the part of himself that longed to be finally free of his guilt didn't want to die that way.Just as he was sure that he'd lose his grip on the waking world, he'd release his lip from his teeth and smile just a little bit. This was the most dire situation he's been in this year, and yet it was also the moment that he felt the most alive. Even if it was just about as compelling as a bunch of kids playing hide and go seek, he found himself not wanting to lose this one. It may have made him sick to be so full of contradictions, but it was far from being boring. His fingers grew worn and some of them were gruesomely damaged by the way that he forced them into the rough ground. He'd pull himself up a wall to try and put some weight on his potentially repaired legs, the moonlight seeming to encourage him to stay awake just a little longer, finding some success with his previously destroyed legs as he walked on them somewhat similar to a pirate with a pair of pegs.The irony of just how nice his look was before he ran into the death battle hours ago wasn't lost on him. His casual appearance more closely resembled a man from a grunge aesthetic rock band's guitar player or perhaps even the guy on vocals at the front of the music videos. Not that he picked that youthful look for himself, he never really had much money. The moon would fall just a little more in the sky as he came upon the fine grass of a fine lawn, which was unusual for the city. All light seized in this moment as he was unconscious before his mostly healed body slapped the ground in an oddly graceful fashion. He'd be motionless in this slumber, without even a groan.
Cierra giggled as he attempted to pronounce her name. She knew it was a little complicated but didn't realize it might be that bad. But then his tone changed to something seeming much more seriously, and he placed his hand on her head. Cierra blushed and giggled."I'm just trying to do what I can. Of course I couldn't leave you out there to die, and, well, since you said you've never had your own room, I'm just trying to give you a little taste of life, ya know?" She looked up and smiled sadly at him, then said, "A and besides, it's no trouble! None at all!"
How could she be so genuine and generous? So polite and deeply kind? She was everything he imagined someone would want their perfect daughter to be, everything he once imagined he'd want his significant other to be. And yet he wasn't meant to live this life. His train fell off the tracks long ago and there wasn't going to be a repair crew coming out for this job. The battery that kept the lights on in the front cabin was certainly short a good bit, and he wasn't going to dwindle away forever.Doves have to pay as well.Standing before her now, it was impossible to defy her any further. Her smile, even when it was sad, warmed him greatly and started to wash away his convictions. His hand from her head would move along with his free hand to take her cheeks as he'd look right into her eyes with his lost expression. "It'd be plenty normal of you to have left my corpse well enough alone in your situation. Ghouls do that all of the time, saving their own skin. I wouldn't have blamed you or held a grudge. And you left the safety of your home to take me in. From my wounds, it had to have been obvious that i had a pursuer that'd be at least scary to fight." He'd start a point in the direction as to exactly why she'd be smart to have left him outside. And yet, his words didn't carry forward as he watched her with a concerned look.
Cierra's face bloomed in a pink blush as he took it in her hands, but his words failed to match his actions. As he spoke of being left for dead, alone, of the selfish actions she could have taken rather than trying to help him, her face scrunched up in frustration. She backed away from him, setting down her brush and pacing to the other side of the room. "You don't get it! You clearly don't get it. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I had left you for dead. Iknow what the other ghouls do, and I'm not okay with that! I'm just trying to dosomething forsomeone. And it just so happens that I got lucky with the someone I ended up finding, you're so " she stopped herself, realizing what she was saying and blushing once again. Cierra turned so that he couldn't see her face.She had seen what ghouls do to other ghouls. Since then, she has sworn to never be like one of them. She doesn't get much opportunity, with this sheltered life, to give back to the ghouls that are working to prove that they aren't all horrible beasts, but when this chance came... She would hate herself if he had died.
Her warmth was unusually brilliant in the way he just couldn't ignore it. From her cheeks to his fingers, this touch wasn't immensely intimate but he couldn't help the feeling that he was lucky to share this contact with her. She was so clean compared to him, and whereas others may find that sort of life mundane and too safe, he longed for it. In his heart, he knew his life so far wasn't one he choose to have and he didn't know how to make the most out of it. One wrong move and the doves would catch up to him. One wrong move and he'd be completely alone again, no matter who he grouped up with in the past. But, here, he didn't think she'd kick him out if he made a mistake. And for some reason, it twisted his heart to make her say the words she had too and to escape his hands.Just as he was going to dwell back into blaming himself for making her react this way, blaming himself for being foolish or ignorant, he caught onto something that she said before she turned away. "Lucky finding someone like me?" He repeated softly into the silence as he approached her from behind once more, his hands not taking to keeping her in place as they remained at his sides. "What's that mean, Cierra?" He'd try to be a little more lighthearted than before.
She felt him approach her cautiously and she covered her face with her hands, even more embarrassed that he caught that. "I I don't... um.." She turned back to look at him, peering up at his careful gaze through her fingertips.She liked him. He was kind, and gentle, and entirely genuine. He was more real than any ghoul or human she had ever met. But... he was dangerous. He was clearly involved with the doves. And the doves don't hunt ghouls unless they're dangerous... right? As she looked up at him she was suddenly overcome with fear, realizing that the young man standing in front of her could be incredibly dangerous. She took a step back, her breathing growing heavy.Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?
She didn't seem bothered by the way he glanced over her shoulder at her painting before, or at least that's what he thought. And just as he thought he caught her on a train of thought that he found entertaining to pursue, what she said as she turned around giving more credence to that, he watched as that all faded away. Her raising breathing pattern and the way she backed away from him made his careful gaze shift to a more concerned look. He couldn't help how his left brow raised just a little in confusion as he began to think she was somewhat claustrophobic or something and that she had just been really good at hiding it so far.Did he make her uncomfortable up close? He couldn't really quite what's got her all turned up now, but the possibility remained that she's just afraid that there's some truth to the idea that she likes having him around a little more than she was leading on. Maybe she was afraid he'd leave if he thought that way about her? He couldn't very well approach her on just a guess, and he didn't know if he should turn away. "Did I do something wrong?" He frowned now as his eyes narrowed just a bit, a look of trying to figure her out without being too accusatory. If this were a legal case, he'd be playing defense.
Her fear dissipated a bit as she continued looking at him, his face morphing into that of a hurt puppy.God, he's cute. Wait! No! He could be dangerous. You have to be careful.She stared at him and opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. She thought for a moment, then opened her mouth again."Why are the doves hunting you?" she asked gently. She hoped she didn't come off as accusatory because if he was innocent it would just be aggressive and if he was guilty he might get defensive. She had to play this very carefully.
Her question was quite clear and he didn't think for a second that she was confused about what she meant. If the doves were on his case, they knew he was a ghoul. What he did to give that away was another question entirely. He felt as though she meant to ask that instead of what she said, because now he felt as though she was pondering what bad act he performed that made them hostile, which was only slightly confusing. It was possible that she didn't understand.He'd soften his expression and looked down at the floor, the part in his bangs not quite hiding his face like he'd wish it did. "They'd hunt you too, if they knew you were a ghoul. Doves don't need a reason to kill. The only safety a ghoul can have is to hide what they are, nothing more. The legal system promotes our deaths for what we are, and there isn't anything more to it."
He stated it so clearly and bluntly that she was at a loss for words for a moment. He was right, she knew that, but she had be raised not to fear the doves. If you fear them, they notice, and then they suspect you.But still. Doves usually only go after ghouls that late, and that intensely, if they've done something... right? He must be guilty of something. She eyed him suspiciously. "Well yeah, it's the doves' jobs to hunt ghouls. But the injuries you sustained seem to be a lot worse than a normal run in with a dove..." She looked again at his legs, unable to see anything through the sweats but checking anyways. "And why isn't your kakugan gone?" She stepped forward again, growing softer, gentler. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be accusatory, it's just... I just realized the position I've put myself in and.. I've got to make sure that my family stays safe." She began to reach a hand up to touch his cheek but stopped herself.
His hand took the one that she raised for just a moment, holding her smaller hand entirely with his own without a grip. It wouldn't be tight in the least, leaving the impression that she even just stopped holding her hand upwards that it could slip through his fingers and down past his palm. By this point, he wouldn't be looking at the floor any more, fighting the part of him that just wanted to run and he'd just look directly into her eyes again. If he was as beaten down and unfortunate as he was before, it'd surely be odd to a psychologist to find his comfort with eye contact to persist this far. She was being accusatory, but she was right to do so."My Kakugan just doesn't go away. It hasn't reverted in a long time." He'd state this plainly before guiding her hand closer to herself and then releasing it, frowning as his eyes would appear to grow heavy. "I'm a danger to you. I'm a danger to your family, and not just because the doves know what I look like and won't give up the hunt for me. I should " He'd swallow and looked away. "I should just go."
Cierra trembled as he took her hand but didn't pull away. She was intrigued. But when he mentioned his kakugan, it all clicked. Of course the doves were hunting him. To possess the appearance of a ghoul in broad daylight was suicide anywhere you went. Her eyes widened and she gasped, her free hand raising to her mouth."I I'm sorry, I didn't know... I.." she stuttered, looking for something to say to him. She had never heard of this before but she couldn't imagine... living your life in fear. It must be horrible.
"You've done enough for me, Cierra." Oten's words were rather direct, but he softened his voice at her name. No matter the situation, it would seem that he was unable to use her name in a tone that wasn't tender. After just a small pause, he'd turn and head for the steps.It didn't matter why she was apologizing, because at the end of the day there wasn't going to be a way he could reasonably inform her of his truth. He's devoured both humans and ghouls and despite having his mental split in check, there wasn't a true certainty that he wouldn't just wake up crazy and kill her too. He's done something similar when he was just a boy, after all.And he was so hungry then.
Cierra's heart sank at his words, knowing that he meant them as a finality. But he clarified to her that he meant it as a goodbye when he turned and began walking towards the steps. "Wait!" she cried. She spun around, catching him by the first thing she could reach, which happened to be the waist of his pants. She was too short to stop him at the shoulder, so this was the best she had. "You'll die out there. This is a really busy neighborhood and especially this time of day, if someone saw you, you'd be killed for sure. Please.... don't go. I like you here. I.. want you here. I don't care if it's dangerous, I'm tired of living my life cooped up here and it's not fair for me to get all this while you spend every day unsure if you'll wake up the next morning it's " She began tearing up and her voice cracked. "It's not fair." She dropped her hand, head hanging, dejected. Tears didn't fall but god were they there and ready. She took a deep breath and looked up at him.
He wasn't prepared to feel the waist of the sweats being tugged on. In fact, the moment he sensed it he'd pause in place. If he took too bit of a step, she would have pulled the waist too far for his barely decent attire to remain PG13. That part wasn't what was important, however. He'd be frozen over at her voice and the words she shaped with it. It was entirely unimaginable, despite the compliments he's had in the past, for him to possibly imagine she did all of this just because he had a handsome face. Something about him was already important to Cierra, and as much as it meant to him to be needed it was also another sin tacked onto his guilt. She didn't know he was a monster, and he couldn't stomach the pain or how he imagined her face would contort should he have to tell her the truth.And he couldn't lie to her either.Turning now and looking right into her eyes, he'd hug her head right to his bare chest. One arm over her shoulder with a palm on her back and the other hand was on the back of her head. He did this to hide the look on his face with his eyes wide open and a mix of concern and guilt written all over it, but he also couldn't help but hug her after all she said and the look in her eyes. "You're contagious." He'd whisper, clearly choking back his nature to say so much more than he normally had too.
He turned around, finally making eye contact with her, and suddenly pulled Cierra in for a... hug? Her face bloomed bright red and she was sure he would be able to feel the heat of it against his chest but she couldn't help herself. She was horribly flustered, both worried about him and confused at the emotions she was receiving from him and herself. What was she supposed to make of all this??"You're contagious," he whispered. Contagious? What did that mean? What that a good thing? A bad thing? Her face reddened a bit more as she pulled away, only about an inch or two, just enough to be able to look up into his eyes questioningly.
He was defeated, and it showed on his face. Even if he looked so much better after the shower, the look on his face didn't display the same confidence that he'd normally wear. He wasn't as twisted as he was when he woke up. Oten couldn't stomach telling her anymore and that much was displayed on his eyes that'd ask as much from her. Just like his stomach was twisting in real time at the idea of telling her just one more thing, as though he couldn't give her both his company and the truth.As her eyes met his face, he made no move to hide it. There was something he wasn't saying, and it wasn't life or death fear, but there was regret in his eyes. Almost as if he was pleading with her to ask anything else. Pleading with her to just let his past go for now. He'd lower his head further in defeat as his long hair shrouded his face.
Cierra looked down at her hands, which she found resting on his chest, ashamed that she had pushed him. She ran a finger absent mindedly over his collarbone, then followed the trace of bone down his chest, across his ribs... She shook her head and looked back up at him. "Please, just stay a few days. I won't push you, and I'm sorry that I did. Just stay until you're all healed up, and then... and then I won't fight it if you want to leave." She dropped her gaze at this last bit, staring at nothing on the ground.
Something about her touch over his chest, her hands resting on him and the finger she ran over his collarbone and over his ribs which made him feel so much lighter. Unfortunately, what he had left of a soul was tortured and bound by the ankle to the fate that he's chosen for the wretched monster inside of her. The pain he experienced earlier didn't haunt him, his near death experience didn't weigh on him, because he's accepted both to be what he deserved and he'd ultimately put himself in the same situation unless Cierra somehow poisoned him and chained him up. Which, unless he was almost completely lacking in the ability to read people, wasn't in her toolbox."I'll stay." He spoke to her just as his face came to the top of her head so that his words could be whispered into her hair. Ultimately, this also hid his face from her as well, but he'd also hold her just a little tighter for just a moment before letting his arms drop to his sides.
She stepped back as the intimate moment seemed to come to an end but clasped her hands in front of her, relieved. "Thank you... I couldn't bear to watch you put yourself in harm's way like that." She looked at her hands, knotted within each other and hanging in front of her. She was definitely scaring him off.. but what else what she supposed to do? He was in danger. She couldn't just let him walk out onto an open battlefield like that. She hoped that the few days that he stayed might be enough to change his mind about the whole situation. A girl could dream..
He last part of her sentence made the voice in his head scream so loudly that he could barely think. Of course that's what he's going to do. But, she wouldn't know that. She couldn't know that. He didn't want her to know that. He couldn't tell her that. If she knew, his heart felt like it'd finally escape through his mouth to be rid of the dusted corpse he's been parading around all of these years. If she rejected him for who he was, he knew he never could truly be whole again. Even if he thought he knew that already. "You're an odd one, thanking me for staying in your house and eating your food." He tried to joke and pulled a tight and almost wavering smile just for her."Besides, those doves would love to run into me at less than half of my total power." He folded his arms, mixing in playfulness with the truth as he turned from her and made his way towards his makeshift room, only barely being reminded of all of the blood that was surely stained onto the bedding. A fitting bed for Oten, the stain. "I couldn't give them such an easy victory." He joked more with his tone lightening with each word. In a way, he was like a kid playing villain and he enjoyed that.
Cierra giggled as he tried to lighten the mood, wiping at her eyes. "Y yeah. Gotta make em work for it.." She followed him into his room, hoping he would like the few improvements she made in it. She suddenly remembered the box of old blankets that her parents kept in the spare bedroom. Her eyes widened and she spun around, sprinting upstairs. She ran to the bedroom and began digging through the chest for a certain blanket, tossing out the fluffiest ones as she dug.
The changes around the room were noticeable, perhaps the coffee pot was a little more tugging at his attention than it should have been, but he was definitely finding her dedication to housing him to be fairly curious. What was it about him that got her so engaged with this? This couldn't have been the way she'd behave if she found just anyone else laying to near death, could it? He couldn't imagine just how big of a heart she'd have to have if that were the case. And thinking about that twisted his own heart as he reminded himself that she was also a ghoul, and the doves would kill her too. As if they were no different, there sentences wouldn't vary in the least. They weren't deserving of a day in court, they didn't get benefit of the doubt or another chance. They eat people so that they can live, and their crime was not accepting death fast enough for nothing more than what they were born as.He'd follow her after a delay, catching her throwing the blankets around as he'd just lean against a wall nearby and watch. Oten's arms crossed over his chest as his gaze followed her every motion and he didn't even begin to process why she was doing what she was doing, he just didn't wanna look away.
Cierra finally found the blanket she was looking for. It was a fluffy throw blanket, though frankly rather small. But it was her favorite when she was a kid. She smiled and hugged it, then turned around to pick up the other blankets, jumping and squeaking when she saw Oten standing there. "Oh uh I uh.... sorry. Didn't see you there." She blushed and began picking up the other blankets, putting away some of the less comfortable ones. "I just. Um. Wanted to get you some more bedding. Since your blankets were probably kinda, uh, bloody." She stared down at the floor, horribly embarrassed.
Why did she have to be so godforsakenly cute? It was already difficult for him, both feeling as though he owed her something despite her words and that he'd miss her too terribly much if he did just run when she wasn't paying attention. His heart was already shriveled and pathetic, mirroring his self esteem quite closely. He wasn't going to be able to break the deal set forth just moments prior. He couldn't forget her smile, and the way her innocent grace embraced the blanket that she found. He wouldn't know it, but he was starring right into her eyes longingly. The feelings swelling in his chest carving his features into the mixed and confused look across his face. After a blink, he'd shake his head with color coming to his own cheeks before he'd turn away. Her embarrassment being missed as he tried to shroud his own moment of complete lack of thought. What'd she think of him if she knew the feelings swelling in his chest?"Shouldn't you be wary of what you move and turn over while your parents are out? If they find out this way, I'm sure it wouldn't be pleasant." He'd try to distract himself with a piece of criticism for her before moving back towards the basement stairs.
She watched his face morph from one of amusement, maybe some confusion, to what looked to her like some kind of affection. Did he... like her? Was he.. No. She shook it off, ignoring whatever look she just got from him, instead focusing on the blankets."No, it'll be fine, they know I go through our stuff all the time. My parents don't really care as long as it's kept clean and I'm safe." She sighed at this thought, remembering the time she used to spend with her parents and how lonely it had gotten."Anyways, it doesn't matter. We have to get you all settled in, since you'll be staying for a few days." She winked and skipped past him, having put the rest of the blankets away neatly, and made for the staircase.
Of course they cared that she stayed safe. And she was anything but that with him around. Sure enough, it wasn't like he was going to let anyone else hurt her without putting up quite the wallop of a fight. The danger lied within him. He eats without being entirely conscious of what he's doing, at least that's what the split in his mind state introduced for him way back. He's been Oten for just as long as he's been that monster, no matter how reigned in that monster may be now. It could take as little as a moment for his Kagune to strike and she'd be dead, whether he regained control after or not. It was so fast, and so potent at breaking the most efficient defenses a ghoul can offer. Her innocent and smaller form didn't stand chance."You're so loved." He'd speak darkly as he made his way down the steps, further trying to distract himself from the way she caught him and exactly what those feelings might have been watching her before. In some small fashion, he'd wonder if that's what Christmas was meant to feel like. Advertisements with movie snippets from the western world romanticized the concept of the family so significantly and reminded him that he lacked all of it. "Do you pity me, Cierra?" His volume was so low that he wondered if he didn't mean to ask the question and if she'd hear him truthfully or not. Entering the room behind the wall, he'd wait for her and cast an empty eyed look back at her that heavily contrasted with his kakugan that was so menacing regardless of his expressions.
When they made it to his room, Oten looked back at her with such a look that made her heart sink. "I... what? N no I just. I just saw that you needed some help and quite honestly I did too, you know? I'm not trying to pity you or treat you like a hurt little bunny or something, I'm sorry..." her sentence just sort of died off as she stared at the ground. What was that look for? It was almost like he was angry, but it didn't have the feeling in it that anger had. She was definitely wrong before. He felt nothing for her, and he wouldn't stay for long. He'd just rest up and leave her, and she would still be stuck here, no one to even tell the story to. She sighed and turned to the doorway."I'm sorry. There's still some hot coffee, and a bit to eat. If you're still hungry, I'll go out to hunt this afternoon. You can come with, if you'd like, but that would probably be pretty dangerous for you." With that, she sighed and slipped out of the room.
"Don't go " "Stop, please." "Stop her, please."Oten felt the soft membrane that divided himself, so thin that it didn't spare him from the whispers just behind his ears He had to go and do something stupid, his question clearly had some kind of effect on her and it was far from what she deserved. If he could carry firewood for her all day, or hunt for her instead, or just carry her over his shoulders everywhere they went, he would. And yet, he didn't lift her up. This was the person he was, and he knew that. There was a moment where he let himself belief that she had the unrequited love he needed to brave his rough surface and mend the tear in his heart. But, it was a foolish idea. He'd push her away or hurt her, just like everyone else. Watching her leave, it was impossible for him to mind her question as his sharp red pupils narrowed impossibly and wavered back and forth, paired with his parting lips.She was gone. And it was his fault.It didn't ultimately matter that she'd probably come back to check on him, this feeling was all of the proof that he needed that he couldn't stay any longer than he promised without causing her unnecessary harm. It wasn't cold in the room, but his chest felt as though it were encased in ice so constricting that each delayed bleat of his withered heart grew almost painful. He'd gather up the blanket before wrapping it around his shoulders, covering his chest as he'd sit in the corner and bow his head. Like this, he didn't move. The swirling voices echoing as though the space behind his eyes were so hollow, and he'd swallow his guilt instead of reaching for the coffee that once enticed him.
Cierra moved to her easel, wanting to stay near him. At least this would keep her occupied, and she could know that he was okay. She picked up her brush and stared at her subject. But she couldn't seem to do it. Her thoughts were so wrapped up in Oten that she couldn't focus on anything else. Of course she didn't pity him, she she thought he was incredible. Strong, and brave, for fighting off the doves like that. Surviving so much, surviving when it was so clear that he was a ghoul. He was incredible.She turned and glanced at the doorway, considering going to talk to him again, then decided against it. He probably wants time alone, right? He's clearly been through some trauma, he'll need time to himself. Cierra turned back to her canvas and picked up her brush again. Okay. Just finish the mud and the dirt, then she can go see him again, make sure he's alright.After about 20 minutes of painting, she decided she had to go check on him. Things had been suspiciously quiet. Maybe he'd fallen asleep? But she had to make sure. She just wanted to check. She rinsed her brush off and set it down, quietly padding across the basement to Oten's room. She peered through the doorway hesitantly. "Oten?"
Seconds began to feel as tough to break as hours used to be, the haunting sounds of his gleeful laughter behind the split spilling into the metaphorical hollow behind his eyes. He wanted to dig his fingertips into his flesh, if not to render himself unrecognizable, then to at least sheer away enough of himself to ignite his healing process and limit his combat capabilities. The former to spare himself the bloodied smile of his own face in the mirror if he lost it and woke up like in his past, and the latter to offer Cierra a better chance at defending herself if he really did finally respond to the voices once more. The whispers tried to persuade him to laugh, they'd demand it from him over and over in such a short chant. And yet, he bit his lip and shut his eyes much more firmly.The horror came to an immediate halt at the sound of her voice, his smile etching it's way across his lips as he'd raise his head with his eyes shut. "Yes, Cierra?" He'd try to put on the air that what happened before didn't deeply trouble him, that his time alone after feeling her grace wasn't so immensely horrific, and it helped to shield her from his eyes. Not that she was afraid of his kakugan, this was the illogical self hate that all people had in some form or fashion. It was normal to be unsatisfied with who one was born was despite being received to be perfectly normal on average. "Please, have a cup of coffee. I may get one myself."
Cierra blinked at him and tilted her head. He had looked up at her, with his eyes still shut... She decided to leave it be for now, and made her way to the table to pour them both a cup of coffee. He was acting very strange.. "I um. Just wanted to check in on you. Feeling any better?" she asked, plopping down on the bed and extending to him a mug of coffee.Something was definitely different. His smile seemed on edge, muscles tense, and he seemed to be shaking ever so slightly. Cierra watched him, hoping it was just his body in the process of healing, thinking maybe it was the pain of reconstructing himself. She had never been through much in the way of healing, only minor cuts and bruises. He could be in immense pain...
He found it so hard to lie to her after a direct question. lying to her was fairly rough on it's own and he'd probably never work his way into telling the truth if it weren't for how much of her personal safety was truly on the line. If she was going this far for him, the least he could do is let her make that decision while being a informed as possible. The scent of the coffee wouldn't help him be honest, quelling the strong emotions within his head to tell her exactly what was going on or to fib and keep up his forced smile.He could tell by the scent and the sounds roughly where she was and where the coffee mug was. He'd search the area in front of him with his right hand until he gently came upon the mug and took it's handle, guiding it to his lips for a sip. "It's so much worse, when I'm alone. I hear things that aren't there."
Cierra tilted her head as he spoke, curious that he still hadn't opened his eyes. She had to really think about how she wanted to answer this. Obviously he was suffering from something, but what? And she didn't want to trigger it. She thought for a long moment then said quietly, "Then I'll do the best that I can to make sure that you aren't alone ever. There might be times where I have to leave, for our safety, but I'll stay with you as much as I can." She sighed, hoping that would comfort him if only the slightest.She wondered what he heard. Voices? That was common among some people, though she had never experienced it before. Monsters? Other ghouls? She hoped that it wasn't dangerous to herself, but it seemed to be dangerous to him. She sipped her coffee as she began to consider what could be done to prevent it.
She wouldn't have to go that far if he just had the strength to not step out of the way of a dove's attack the next time they nearly had him. Was this a form of karma for how he evaded the chance to give his victims what little justice they deserved? To be reminded of the fondness and warmth he didn't deserve? Brought so close to the future he so desired, and dangled Cierra's wonderful heart just outside of the skin of his lips? He knew he had to die at some point, and that if he gave in and opened himself up to Cierra now, he'd give up his attempt to make good on his debts. His sins couldn't be ignored, and he wasn't going to allow himself to move forward much further with his admissions to her.Another sip to his coffee came before he sighed and tilted his head. "I'll try to get back out there on my own before you gotta worry about your safety. It's the least I could do."
Cierra frowned at him, furrowing her eyebrows in frustration. "But... but you promised me you'd stay." She huffed and stared into her coffee for a while before asking, "Why won't you let me help you? I don't want to pity you, don't want to treat you like a kicked puppy, it's just. I like you. I've been... happier today than I've been in a while... albeit a little frustrated." She laughed, hoping to add a little humor to the situation, but worried that he might take that last bit more seriously than she meant it.
He'd slowly open his eyes after hearing what she said, looking down into his own coffee as he finally felt okay again. Something about Cierra was more than calming. It wasn't enough that she caused ripples across his surface, her ripples canceled out the waves of his insanity. Listening to her gave him something to focus on other than the monster in his head. The monster that's devoured the young and the innocent so freely once before."You like me?" He spoke softly as he'd appear as though he'd stop carrying something that weighed a ton. He couldn't look up yet, but his smile was soft once more and it no longer showed signs of being forced. "Something like me?" He'd speak again before looking up to her and letting his kakugan find her eyes and to search for at least a moment. It didn't seem like he put much weight on her statement about getting frustrated. That was only natural in his mind, to be frustrated with him or to even desire his death. He felt both for himself on a regular basis as it was. "Are you sure you wouldn't feel that way if you rescued any other ghoul?" Oten pondered the question to himself as he found himself wondering if that hope he just felt might have been empty. It couldn't be possible that he was special in his mind.
Cierra blushed as he rephrased her statement as a question and automatically began stammering. But when she saw the expression on his face, searching, she quieted to listen and let him gather his words."Yes. Yes I'm sure," she said, resting a hand on his. She was nervous, but it was the only other thing she knew to do to comfort him. She considered whether she should explain this or not. "You're very thoughtful, selfless, kind, and insightful. Just to name a few. You're a good guy Oten, and I believe good guys deserve a better chance than you've been given." She smiled at him, then looked down at their hands, blushing.
Listening to her words as she spoke with her hand over his own, he'd look right into her eyes further without reacting at all at her move to have her hand over his own. It was clear that he either didn't put so much weight on the contact or that he welcomed it completely. As he caught her blush at the end of her statement, his fingers laced into her own until he held her hand that recently took his, holding her hand firmly and intimately without crushing her under his strength. "Your heart is so big, Cierra. When even I can't find what's supposed to be good in me from the inside, you find me and build me up until I can't deny you." He laughed softly at the end of his sentence before giving a bit of a sigh."I'll try to be a lot less doom and gloom, okay?"
Cierra giggled and sniffled a bit, squeezing Oten's hand. "Okay." She sat for a moment, just enjoying his warmth, before she bounced where she sat. "So! What do you wanna do? Paint? Draw? Read? Ummm I'm sure there's more stuff.." She looked off in a corner of the room, thinking of ways to spend all the time they had.
He felt her squeeze his hand before speaking, her sniffle giving him some small level of concern, but he'd continue listening to her instead of choosing to interrupt her to ask if she's okay. He'd laugh a little more at the end of her statement, the way she trailed off left things very open ended. Setting his coffee down, he'd use his free hand to help her move her coffee to the floor safely before pulling her right into his lap so that she'd sit facing away from him and he'd lock his arms around her. "I've been catching you blush a lot, cutie." He whispered darkly with a grin, clearly playing as he held her tight in the suggestive position. "You've got something you haven't said, right? Now you gotta tell me Or I'll tickle you until you do!"
What is he Cierra thought as he moved the mug from her hand. But her question was soon answered as he tugged her into his lap. She squealed, giggling and quickly felt the blood rush to her face even as he mentioned how often she did it.She started stammering, trying to figure out how to respond to this. "I I just. I don't mean too I just. Um. Well?" She turned to look at him, heart beating much faster than before.
"Well, of course it's involuntary!" He responded, his smile being clear even in his tone as he slipped his thumbs under the bottom of her shirt and ran his finger tips tauntingly over her soft skin. He wanted her to know that he wasn't inexperienced when it came to tickling before she'd decide to either avoid the question or answer different questions instead. "There's something you're not being entirely honest about, and your heartbeat and strawberry colored cheeks aren't lying to me ." He'd whisper this one before threatening to raise her shirt as he unveiled her belly button. His arms were so strong that it was unlikely even a sudden burst attempt to escape would render her any success."We both want you to make it out of this without wetting yourself, surely. Time to fess up " He'd cheer and taunting at the same time, not minding that his long hair would mix with her own and even show over her chest as he was leaning forward so that his head as above her own.
Cierra giggled as Oten's hair tickled her, then stuck her arms out and pushed to get away, straining against him. When she realized that it was definitely futile, she gave up, huffing in mock frustration. "It's... it's nothing." She stared at her hands, embarrassed and unsure how to phrase what she wanted to say."I just.. really like you. Glad that, um, glad I found you." She played with her fingers nervously, shivering at the feeling of his hands on her.
Her efforts to escape him were just as endearing as her words about how she felt finding him and having him around. In a way, he almost wanted to let her go. Oten's lips were hidden by her own hair as he listened to her, feeling her body against his own as she spoke so nervously. Cierra was adorable in his eyes, almost as wonderful as she was attractive and it was hard for him to let her go even if she convinced him that he absolutely had to let her go."You said that before, silly." He whispered to her before one of his hands went flat on her belly beneath her shirt, his cheek resting on her head as he touched her like this, being so tenderly close to so much more. And yet he didn't jump right to her vulnerabilities. He mingled with these much more innocent touches without actually moving to tickle her or to commit something sexual to her body. He just didn't pull that trigger. "More than like, right?" He spoke very slowly, his voice sounding low as though he wasn't smiling.
She smiled gently as Oten rested his head on hers. She had no idea, but she had been craving such gentle affection for so long... She sighed, closing her eyes and putting her hands over his. But when he asked that... her voice shook as she struggled to answer. "I I don't know..."
Touching Cierra felt so right. His fingers beneath her hands were so alive. He wanted her to just say yes, it felt so natural to be with her like this for Oten. An admission was all he needed to keep going. And instead, he couldn't feel the same joy in her voice than the other times they spoke positively. He felt as though this was inappropriate and she didn't know how to tell him to stop. He'd frown to himself, his hands loosely falling from her as he lacked the will to raise his head from her own. "I'm sorry. Cierra." He'd be unable to hide his disappointment in himself with his voice.
She unconsciously grabbed his hands, bringing them back to her. "N no don't be sorry. I just don't know.. I've never... had this with anyone before. I'm not quite sure how to react yet." She held his hands close to her chest, not wanting to lose this feeling so soon. She sighed, hoping that she hadn't scared him off.
To his shock, she admitted something he just previously thought to have been just his imagination and in her hurry to return his hands to her body, his fingers grazed a little too high and he definitely touched something he didn't think he should have. And yet, he didn't pull away this time either. It'd be so much easier for her to move his arms when he wasn't fighting her and this time he wasn't. He did light up a little bit on his face, though. "Uhm, I just touched your..." He started, speaking as though he were going to apologize.
Cierra gasped, her face flushing. "Oh um, I'm sorry I didn't mean to " She hoped he wasn't drawn away by that either, though she wasn't sure how she felt about that yet. She certainly wasn't against it, but she didn't really have any prior experience so she had no idea what to do... She laced her fingers through his nervously, squeezing his hands without really realizing it.
"Cierra." He said her name in his voice that grew a little deep, just for her. With her fingers laced in his own, he felt a lot more bold. Almost as if the doubt in her words wouldn't fog his dedication up any further. Or, it could be that he felt a need to be forward enough for the both of them. Turn his head and leaning just the right way allowed for her upper body to be tilted to the side and for his forehead to meet her own as he craned his neck just a bit and gathered the perfect distance to look right into her eyes with his kakugan. He was so close that it was as though his body was embracing her just like how her fingers took his. "I think I know of a way to make sure... I mean, about that feeling you were talking about."
She stared into his eyes, searching for a sign of what he meant. She was shaking, ever so slightly, knowing that he could feel it but she was past the point of caring. She felt his breath on her, warm and soft, and she raised a hand to his cheek, brushing along his cheekbone and down his jaw, as if she were trying to memorize every bit of it. "W what? How... what do you mean?" Her heart raced, focusing back on his kakugan.
Her finger along his cheek and jaw felt more than enchanting. It was as though he could remember that touch forever. He'd almsot dare to try and give her the same feeling, but he knew he couldn't mirror it perfectly and instead opted to observe more of her while she touched him, smiling softly after as she looked back into his eyes after her words. He could explain it, but instead his face drew a little closer and his eyes slowly began to close, as though their lids were just too heavy, his bottom lip brushed against both of her lips. But, instead of just pressing his lips to her own, his bottom lip took beneath her upper lips and trapped it beneath his own upper lip, sucking on her upper lip briefly before closing the rest of the distance for a very deep kiss. He wouldn't pull back right away and he didn't hesitate in the least.
Cierra's heart raced as he leaned closer, closing her eyes to completely embrace the feeling. She ran her hand back behind his head, tangling her hands through his hair and pulling him even closer. She smiled before pulling away, looking into his eyes again and smiling, completely without hesitation or holding back. She wanted him to see how genuinely happy she was. "Oten, I... thank you."
He had a little wider of a smile than he anticipated, a brief daze in his eyes after she pulled back before he'd pull himself together and try to look a little more cool.: "You're always welcome." He replied, implying that he'd do it again on a moments notice. His arms had taken back to wrapping around her once more, remembering the feeling of her fingers in her hair making him almost jittery with excitement. "Now, did that make you anymore certain?"
Cierra giggled and nodded. "Mhm!" She leaned forward without thinking and pecked him on the lips quick, before moving back and blushing. "S sorry that was probably unwarranted, I mean I should have asked or..." She played with her hands, trying not to look at him. Hehad just kissed her, but what if he didn't like it? What if he was just trying to be nice until he could get out of here? He did say he wanted to leave...
After the peck on his lips, she confirmed that there was somehow even more adorableness to be found deeper into a relationship with Cierra. She was right, that he felt the need to go and end it all still. But, he was happy to have felt her lips against his own again, to listen to her giggle and the perky sound she made to confirm what he was asking. "You can kiss me whenever you want too." He said to try and calm her, not letting her get away into her methods of distracting herself from her embarrassment as he held her even tighter and smiled, giving her neck a peck and then another right on her throat. Oten's intent moving forward was unclear, even to himself. He didn't think he deserved her, he didn't feel like he deserved to redeem himself and continue living. But, he couldn't deny her now.
Cierra smiled at him, one of those big cheesy grins with her eyes closed. She leaned into him and sighed as he kissed her, unsure of what she was doing but certain that she loved every moment of it. At his last kiss she sighed, thinking aloud. "Please don't leave me.." She said it with a smile but there was a hint of sadness in it, as if she were already preparing for the worst. But for now, she let herself get lost in his touch, his embrace, his breath on her neck.
He wouldn't take it much further, but he enjoyed feeling her body on his own as she was still in his lap and against his chest. Maybe the sheer difference in their height wasn't super peculiar when they were standing, but she was practically fun sized sitting here in his lap. Her words reminded him of the awful truth. His destiny, foretold by the only conceivable punishment he deserved. He had to die, not just eventually. Oten's victims didn't get to have full lives with someone they loved. He ended them. There were times that he wasn't even hungry when he lost it."Cierra." He whispered to her as he reached a hand up and took her cheek, his forehead on her own. "You could find another guy like me, right? You're funny and so kind."
She looked into his eyes, her own already tearing up against her will. What the hell was wrong with her? She didn't need to get so worked up... right? He's just.. just a little insecure is all. She can help that. I mean, he doesn't have any reason to be, but she can show him that! "N no Oten, I can't. There's no one else like you. No one quite so insightful, quite so wise, quite so..." She paused, searching for the word. "Brilliant." She smiled as she said this, knowing it was the perfect word for him. Absolutely brilliant.
"Brilliant?" He repeated her words, smiling a bit as he wondered what he did to lead her to that conclusion. He was certainly not a normal guy, maybe she was right that there wasn't anyone else like him. "You're doing so much to build me up." He tried to shake away his previous thoughts and focus more on what they were currently talking about. He did like the word, and it coincidentally played quite well with how convoluted and confusing his kagune was to wield. If he died, he'd be committing another sin by taking something away from Cierra. What was fair? Surely, those who lost family to his crimes wouldn't just forgive him. He didn't know what to think for sure."How long do we have until anyone else is supposed to be home?" He asked, smiling and looking into her eyes.
"I don't care," she said softly, but with confidence. "Tell me, why am I having to build you from the ground up? I'm sure you used to be tall and proud, so what knocked that over?" She smirked, playing it lightly, but she wanted to know what was buried under all this rubble. She brushed a strand of hair out of his face and studied him, not unkindly.
He liked seeing her confidence in her statement about not caring. It seemed as though she'd be exactly the kind of girl to get flustered and concerned at the idea of getting caught in this position with a random dude in the basement of her parent's home. Maybe he was wrong, or perhaps she was just enjoying herself that much. "Before I was Oten, I was a monster. I ate ghouls that didn't do anything wrong and humans that tried to help me too." He wasn't smiling, and he couldn't look her in the eye as he spoke it. "I was alone and hungry, and I can remember the transition so vividly. My Kagune changed and my brain warped, eating ghoul flesh is a very vile thing to do, after all. After losing a fight with who was supposed to be my prey, I found a reflection of myself and realized that wasn't who I was supposed to be. I've fought that side of me ever since. And I've lost a few times. I hear him, trying to get me to remember and all that. It's haunting. I've never been a tall and proud man. Just a monster and a guilty boy." He admitted more, finally giving her the whole truth. "I want to die because it's the least I can do for the innocents I've killed."
Cierra's smirk dropped as soon as he started speaking. She listened carefully but she was fully prepared to support him through his twisted view of himself. On his last sentence, she took his face in her hands, forcing him to look at her. "First, Oten, you can't live in the past. I've learned that the hard way. And you can't dwell on what you've done in the past. Rather than soaking in the guilt, you've got to pull yourself out, recognize what you did, and just... change it. I know it's not that easy, but it starts there honey. I... I don't want to see you hurting like this. And youdon't deserve to die, not in the least. If you did, fate wouldn't have brought you to me." She brought his face closer, pressing his forehead to her lips. She closed her eyes and sighed gently. "You're not a monster..."
Oten wasn't sure how Cierra was going to respond to what he had to say. Listening to her support him when she didn't know that he murdered and devoured innocent ghouls and humans was tough enough. Now that he did know that she was well aware of his past, and continued to supported him, that was tough enough too,. Of course he wasn't going to stop thinking of himself as a monster, but her kiss to his forehead and her words would cure the swelling in his chest that felt as though his heart was going to turn into a horror movie villain and burst from his chest. He'd smile just a little after she closed her eyes and gave him a sigh. Why did she have to be both so beautiful and impossibly kind? It was as though she was once a little girl that'd keep building sand castles on the beach and just fortify them again and again in attempts to resist the morning tide despite how the last one turned out.He opened his lips to say something to the contrary teasingly, but he bit his bottom lip and looked over her face one more time first. He couldn't play with her heart over a subject like that. She didn't want to see him broken like this forever, and it was cruel of him to try and joke about it. He'd grin wide and take a bit of her neck between his lips. Both of his hands took to her hips, so big his hands were that it'd be like he was sincerely holding her body under his control anyway. He'd give her a hickey slowly at first, ramping it up if she caught on to his actions until he'd leave a noticeable mark on her neck.
Cierra squeaked and blushed. That was certainly the last thing she expected, but she sighed, letting her hands tangle themselves in his long dark hair again and enjoy this. He wasn't exactly avoiding the topic, but she made a mental note to come back to this. She leaned into him, encouraging further, and gave a slight tug to his hair unconsciously.
He noticed the tug on his hair, her squeak and blush were motivating enough but now he wanted to get her back another way. His hand on her left hip slipped right under her shirt as he used a single finger to rub at the bottom of her left breast, his teeth pushing against her neck, but he didn't make a move as though he'd break her skin. He'd growl a bit playfully with his eyes closed, gripping at her right hip with a touch less respect and a lot more passion.
She gasped as she felt his hand slip up to her breast, her muscles tensing. She was excited, but so nervous. "Oten?" she asked, looking down at him but keeping her hands tangled in his hair, playing with pieces mindlessly as she spoke. "Are you sure this is okay with you?"
He'd growl playfully just one more time before releasing her neck from his mouth and giving her a look into her eyes. "Asking a man questions when he's got a mouthful of your neck is rude!" He teased before poking at her nose a touch. "I was in the zone too " He complained lightly, still smiling.
Cierra giggled and leaned forward, touching his forehead with her own. "Sorry I just... wanted to make sure, you know? But if you're that confident..." She rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to his, quickly taking his bottom lip between her teeth and tugging lightly, her hands again burying themselves in his hair.She had no idea what she was doing, but she knew she loved it. The kind of playful, but still affectionate, embraces. This is what Cierra had been missing in her life. She smiled and bit down just a little bit harder.
Maybe normal people concerned themselves with technique and experience. The idea that they were somehow incapable of pleasuring their partner seemed to be such a large driving force for humans that Oten noticed it was a common enough theme for both genders in countless commercials for any sort of product one can imagine. Sincerely, Oten remembered a commercial for juice derived from an off shoot vegetable that was marketed as a means to increase the time a man can stay hard and remain sexually engaged... somehow. Truly, Oten couldn't have been meant for this so called normal life.Even if Cierra's lips were persuasive no matter how she decided to make use of them. The premise at the start was that there wouldn't be any 'wrong' answers, but he was surprised by just how Cierra made use of her kisses and body contact to sweep his mind clear out of the danger point and filled his whole being with thoughts of what could be with this smaller well raised ghoul woman. After what felt like a threat to his bottom lip that grew increasingly more enticing as she bit at him more and more, he'd press into the kiss on his own to make an opening before pulling back and giving her a wide grin."You're the one whose gained some confidence." He spoke firmly, even if he sort of was either building her up or taunting her in his own way. His tone was certainly playful, though. "I bet you're willing to do some more daring stuff with me "
Her face lit up bright red as he taunted her. "I I I don't know I mean.. I " She stumbled over her words, trying to find some way to say yes without really saying it. What did he mean by that? What kind of daring? She was excited, anticipating more with him, but what if she messed up? What if she disappointed him? She hated disappointing people, and Cierra had learned from experience that the most surefire way to disappoint someone was to do something that you had never done before.Just as she opened her mouth to speak, the front door to the house creaked open and a loud thud was heard from upstairs. "Cierra? Honey? Will you help me unload the car?" her mother called from upstairs. Cierra jumped from Oten's lap, looking like a deer in headlights. "I I'm really sorry, I have to go, I'll be back as soon as I can!" She dashed out of the room and slid the false door shut quietly before bolting up the stairs.
He didn't stop smiling at the sight of her bashfulness, Oten wouldn't have to work very hard to change the color of Cierra's cheeks and to see such a true representation of her mind state at the time. If he did live long enough to be with her to any reasonable extent, he was sure he wouldn't ever be confused about how she feels or what she desires for longer than just a simple moment at a time. She was she sincere and she carried an open heart for sure. With a small wave, he'd see her off before going back to laying down and closing his eyes.In the time she was away, he'd bask in thoughts of what she'd want of him in this future she wanted him to have. It'd be disappointing if she didn't have anything specific in mind and the drive to keep him alive was fueled only on her intense kindness and nothing more. Not that he'd expect much else, given how modest and soft she was. The kisses they shared was the first time he really felt her become somewhat ravenous, there had to have been more lingering beneath the surface, and he was sure he could find it.
Cierra hurried to help her mother pull boxes from the car, peering into some of them to see what kind of project her mom had buried herself into this time."What were you doing in the basement honey?" her mom asked gently. Cierra did what she could to steady her voice before replying, "I finished my painting last night, so I decided to start one on the basement window." Her mother smiled sweetly as she handed Cierra another heavy box. "That sounds great. While you're down there, you can clean up a bit." She winked at her as Cierra turned to go inside."Once we're done unloading, do you mind if I go back downstairs to keep working on my painting?" Cierra asked from inside."Sure honey, just be safe up there and come upstairs for dinner," her mom replied. The girls quickly finished unloading the boxes, then Cierra hurried down the stairs and knocked gently on the wall to Oten's room. "Oten? I'm done. I can probably be down here for a few more hours before my dad comes home."
What would her parents even be like? He pondered this as he lay on the bed Cierra had fashioned for him. They couldn't be softies like her, because her life clearly had structure and she appeared to be very well raised. It was unlikely, at least in his mind, that one of her parents provided an easy way out in any circumstance that the other wouldn't. In some families it was easier to exclusively ask one parent for something as they'd be more likely to comply than the other. Though, with how healthy she seemed and how generous she could be, he doubted that her parents were overly strict. After all of the time put into considering the topic, Oten couldn't picture anything substantial, it was all an uncertain blur.Could this be a product of his lacking in this department?Even if he didn't imagine that he'd fail to find a way to put himself in front of a bullet train before he could reproduce, he'd think just a little bit about what sort of father he'd be. Realistically, he couldn't be much of a good one. Either he'd be too hands off with his fear of failure, or the drive to prevent that outcome would make him far too controlling and scare his children away. And in that last result, if they got away from him alive that'd probably be the best he could possibly do. That is, in his opinion, of course.He'd hear her and spoke too quietly to be heard clearly as he suggested that she could enter.
Cierra put an ear to the wall, hearing him speak but unsure of what he said. She tugged the false wall open and peeked in at him, hoping she wasn't intruding. "Mom said I just have to be up for dinner. They also might want to see my painting, but I'm going to try to just bring it up to them instead of having them come down here." She peered into the room nervously, blinking at Oten. While shewas excited to paint, she was much more excited to spend more time with Oten.
He was laying down as she peered in the room. Oten's left side faced the floor with his cheek against the bedding and his eyes closed. "Cierra..." He started with her name, nice and soft but trailing as though he was considering what to say. "This sounds risky. We need to be quiet. Some ghouls have extra sharp senses and it'd make perfect sense if you were unaware of either of your parents having this trait." He told her in a very hushed tone above a whisper. "It'd be easier if you get closer."
Cierra blushed at hearing him say her name, then entered the room, silently sliding the door shut. She padded quietly to the bed and gently laid down next to him. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I'm not really used to hiding anything from my parents..." she said quietly, staring at the wall behind Oten. She wanted more time with him, she wanted what she had had before her mom came home, but she knew she had to be patient.
"I'd imagine not." He whispered to her as he rolled to his other side so that he can face her, his left palm resting on her upward left hip and giving her a slow rub in circular motions. He'd both move such that he was comforting her and yet move her clothing over her skin just barely suggestively as he did so. "How are you so youthful? I wonder where and when I lost having energy like that." He'd speak calmly near her ear with his chest inches from her back.
Cierra blushed as he touched her, unconsciously moving closer to him. "Well," she sighed. "When do you think you lost it?" She thought about what his past could really be. Clearly he had to struggle, forced to do things he didn't believe were moral. That must have toughened him far too early. Cierra hoped that she could bring some of the playfulness back into his life. She rested her hand on his, lacing their fingers together.
At first, he couldn't answer the question. Not within a reasonable time period if he had to be completely honest. And yet, as her hand touched his own, lacing their fingers after she drew closer to him, he realized exactly when he lost that energy that she definitely still had. "I was alone and it was very cold." He started, whispering to her as he did so, not squeezing her fingers or moving to touch her any further after the words started to leave his lips. He was tense as he spoke, too. Oten always did have a wide variety of emotions to put on display, and he never failed to be rather honest on the surface. "I lost my uncle. The white landscape that I used to love shrouded the world around me and burned at my skin until it went numb. It came to the point that I was so tired I couldn't move, but so numb and afraid to die that I couldn't stay sill. My little corpse found someone whose face I cannot remember. If they were a ghoul, a human, a child or an adult is lost to me now. But, after they bundled me up... I ate them." He'd clear his throat a little after his voice grew very serious near the end. "And well, around then I'd imagine I didn't really live a normal life anymore. Now I get most creative when I've lost about half of my body's blood and still find myself fighting tough guys from the CCG." He tried to lighten up, his voice reflecting that, and yet his words were still dark in nature on their own.
Cierra was quiet for a while. That must have been terribly difficult. She didn't exactly understand just how desperate ghouls could get, but she knew the need for food, and the desire to eat when she was exposed to a human. She had never struggled with it, but with some ghouls that her parents talked about, she knew it was a problem in the ghoul community. She couldn't imagine having to do such things at such a young age. "I'm sorry," she whispered. She turned her head and placed a kiss very gently on his lips, hoping to be some sort of comfort. She knew she couldn't say much. This was his to deal with, she just had to support that... but still, she wished she could help more.
"Sorry?" He replied with a smile after her kiss. Oten subscribed to a very rigid responsibility system. The way people apologized for something they didn't do and had no hope of preventing always confused him, but he was at least aware of the fact that the term was used that way. He'd raise his hand that she held, escaping her fingers to hold her cheek that was opposite of the side he was on so he could look into her eyes. Behind the monstrous kakugan was a man that she was more familiar with than he'd let anyone else be. She was likely more aware of his quirkiness than he was, more accurate about who he really was deep deep down than he was. And yet, there was a whole side of him that he buried that clawed to be free, that painted his eyes this way to remind him of who he really is and what he's done every time he catches his reflection. "You know if your parents catch us I'm blaming myself, right?" He asked, almost certain that she was prepared to take the blame. "I'm beginning to wonder if you'd be prone to taking less risk if you knew that."
She rolled her eyes and smiled at him. "I'm just sorry that you had to go through that. And besides," she said, propping herself up on one elbow. "I've never lied to my parents, at least not about anything serious, so they'll certainly take my word over yours." She stared into his kakugan, fascinated by the swirling shapes that it created. She hadn't seen many ghouls' kakugan before, and what she had seen had been beautiful, but this was like none other. The blazing red, intertwining with the black swirls, created a surreal world that she could easily get lost in. She found herself doing so as she spoke, her voice trailing off a bit at the end. She watched the black swirls, her lips parted slightly in awe. It was like another universe, living and breathing inside his eyes.
Listening to her made him smile a little more. Oten couldn't read minds, so what she found in his eyes was still unknown to him. Cierra's face still endeared him to the point that he couldn't debate the issue further with her. There was a likelihood in his mind that her parents might know this side of her as well as he did, and he figured they might take into account her largely generous attitude when deciding if she was being honest while trying to defend him. For one, she picked up his broken body outside of her home and brought him in. Clothing, showers, etc. All without an ounce of persuasiveness, or even a semblance of a chance of being paid for her efforts. There wasn't a doubt in Oten's mind that if they knew their daughter like he did, they'd give his story a listen to whether he was agreeing with her or bold faced lying.He'd lean up himself to kiss her lips, his bangs hiding one of his eyes as he drew back to look at her again, smiling a little wider. "Who knew there existed a ghoul that was practically shining? You're a sun if I were a moon with no light to reflect."
Cierra blinked at him and opened her mouth to say something, then closed it, then opened it again. God, she probably looked like a fish. But no one had ever said anything like that to her before. She was completely speechless. When the shock finally settled, her whole face lit up bright red, this time reaching her ears as well. Her heart beat faster and she stared at Oten, just completely in awe of him. How could he be so sweet? She blinked again and shook her head a little, trying to clear it and focus her thoughts but she still couldn't find any words. She grew suddenly aware of how red she was and buried her face in her hands for a moment, whispering, "Oten I... I don't know what to say."Finally got some words out... And they sort of made sense! Her hands trembled and she forced herself to put them back down, clinging at her shirt, twisting it in between her fingers. She couldn't quite make eye contact with him, but she stared at his hair, behind him at the wall, anywhere but his eyes.
Something about his observation got her riled up, and he had a good guess why she was all flustered. Though, he wouldn't have anticipated this sort of reaction to his words as he hadn't realized how much his opinion meant to her. Until now, he almost entirely dropped his opinions on himself and she mostly denied them. Thankfully, she wasn't the sort to reject the idea that she was both helpful and kind, because Oten didn't have the patience to reinforce his statements needlessly. He'd grin a little at her quirky motions and her deep red and spreading blush paired with the eventual words that left her mouth on top of the way she played with her shirt. "You could say that It wouldn't make sense for me to be a moon without light to reflect." He poked at his own words as he drew closer, a hand seizing one of her own from her shirt to weave his fingers with and hold firmly. He'd make sure she couldn't look away with his forehead on her own. "Because I have you."
Cierra could feel the heat from her face and she was sure it was washing over him, but she couldn't pull away. She bit her lip and smiled at him. "I I'm glad I have you too," she said softly. She wanted to be able to be that for him, wanting to be able to support him and light him up like that. She had so much to give, so much time with herself, and she was tired of being alone. She wanted to share her time with someone, be with them for her benefit and theirs. Squeezing his hand, Cierra started into Oten's kakugan again, still fascinated with the beauty of it.
Slowly his eyes would seem to get heavy before they'd come to close and he'd pull her right up against his chest with his free arm. His free arm had looped around her after having moved her, his breathing leveling out as he felt not just her face warmth, but her body truly against him once more. He knew he shouldn't have this. The ghoul that killed those innocent people deserved only a swift and terrible death. But, it was beginning to feel so hard to pull away from her when his time would come. How could he do that to her? How could he take that from her? It wrenched his gut just as much as her love fueled his warmth. His mind raced, but his body was quite certain of what had to come next. "We may need to be careful, Cierra. If I fall asleep with my arms too tightly wrapped around you, then I might not be able to let you go."
Cierra giggled and watched him as his eyes grew heavy. "Then loosen your grip, silly. We'll be alright. And besides, my parents don't really check in on me at night so I could probably sleep down here as long as I'm up early enough to get back upstairs." She kissed his forehead and smiled at him. He'd been somacho manall day, it was becoming more and more evident that he really was just a little teddy bear.
Not being able to read minds would surely be both a blessing and a curse for Oten as he worked things out with Cierra. He'd both desire to know about what she was thinking when it came to him, but if he knew she was referring to him as a macho man personality and boiling him down to 'little' teddy bear by the end of the day, he'd probably offer to refund such ability to read minds in that situation. Luckily, he wasn't in that scenario and such a gift was figuratively impossible. "Now how could I choose to let you go?" He mused with his eyes closed, clearly resting his head despite continuing to hold her so tight. "That sounds mighty risky." He referred to her suggestion, his mind wandering to what else was risky about this situation. "There could definitely be a number of ghouls looking for me, too. My enemies aren't just within the CCG." He started to confess as he sighed. "Just in case someone knocks at the door looking at me, I'd want you to leave the situation and call for me quickly. Ghoul or Human."
Cierra propped her head up again as he said this. She knew he was drifting off, half asleep, but she didn't like what she heard. "I I can't just leave you, Oten," she whispered. "I'll stay with you, help however I can. I would never leave." She placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, then a peck on his lips, laying her head back down. She was fairly sleepy as well, but she couldn't fall asleep in case her parents called her up for dinner. Cierra began anticipating that night, when she would have the chance to fall asleep in Oten's arms. She blushed at the thought, but snuggled a little bit closer.
"You're misunderstanding me." Oten groaned a little and he didn't open his eyes. "Maybe if you can break my arm I'd let you stay if things get hairy." He mused about this idea a bit with a small smile on his lips. The heaviness in his eyes had reached his voice and he was falling asleep gradually. The peck on his lips from before lightened him only so much. Her snuggling up to him was quite enjoyable, but he knew she could fall asleep here. Not yet, anyway. In any case, he wasn't going to let her linger around in the event that danger finds him again. He knew she couldn't possibly imagine his wicked power, and he wouldn't want her to get hurt for his sake.
Cierra furrowed her eyebrows in frustration. "Well.. too bad! I'm going to stay to help you, no matter what. Whether you like it or not." She tried to keep herself quiet, but had a bit of a shouting whisper to her voice. Just then, her father called from upstairs. "Cierra! Dinner!" She jumped, and looked at Oten. "I I've got to go, but I'll be back, hopefully no more than an hour or two, okay?" She loathed the idea of leaving him, and hugged him closer for a moment before pulling away.
The situational irony of her statement to stay and to be called away for dinner wasn't lost on Oten and he smiled a little wider in her embrace before she'd leave. He couldn't tell why she was so bold and determined to put herself in harm's way. He knew she shouldn't be aware of what he really could do, but did she think he was a normal ghoul? He did mention tangoing with the ccg, right? That should have been a big enough sign that anything that could give him trouble could easily spell an early demise for her if she wasn't careful. Maybe it was her own stubborn need fo help him? In either case, he simply drifted off to a silent slumber.
Cierra stood in the doorway a moment, watching him sleep, then slipped out, shutting the false wall, and hurried upstairs after dabbing a bit of paint on her hands and rolling up her sleeves to get a bit of paint on her arms as well. Had to make it convincing, right? She bounced up the stairs, greeting her parents before washing up in the kitchen sink and plopping down at the table. Unlike most nights, they already had everything laid out. "Your father and I brought home a bit of a project," her mother said as she sat down. "So we might be a bit cooped up in the office for a while." Cierra smiled and took a bite of her food, wondering what Oten would think of this. Three ghouls sitting down to some thawed human, eating with dishes and silverware. Her parents tried so hard to be "normal". She suppressed a sigh and instead said, "That's fine, I've found a new inspiration, so I'll be in the basement a lot." Her father smiled at her. "Oh really? And what's that?""Surrealism in normal environments," Cierra said. "I like the spiderwebs and the dusty boxes in the basement as images to practice surrealism. The webs make for a good focal point, then I can work from there. Or focusing on the dust on the boxes, rather than the boxes themselves." She grinned at her parents. She really had been thinking about doing these paintings for some time, but she had never wanted to spend so much time in the basement until now. About 45 minutes went by as they finished dinner, washed the dishes, and her parents disappeared into their office. She slipped back down the stairs, careful not to wake Oten, and continued working on her painting.
Winds pelt the city so violently and so cold that everything would be painted with a moonlight that could be mistaken as just barely baby blue in hue. Snow didn't fall, but one wouldn't be foolish to have thought it could at some point. A figure crouched over the ledge of a building, letting these winds toss the various shiny chains that hung around his hoodie about just like his faded grey hair. Strained kakugan dance from one side of his eye sockets to the other with a familiar shake that made it impossible to focus on their pin point red iris. Beneath those haunting eyes would be a once youthful face stained by blackened skin in dark clouds concentrated right beneath the eyes. "I'm coming for you, Onii san." His raspy voice barely got the words out, as though it was painful to speak at all. "They say you're dead, that the doves got you and didn't announce it. But, I know you better than that. I know you a lot." His petite body fell back onto his rear, his black hoodie being tugged back by the action and his hood falling from his head. "I know you more than they do. I know you. I know you..." His words devolved into ramblings as his hands reached up to his hair and tugged on it. It'd go from just regular volume to barely whispers out loud to himself. Slowly, without having had a dream or a nightmare, Oten's eyes open and he momentarily forgot where he was until he caught Cierra's scent. The fondness he had for her rushed to his heart and then the bud at the base of his brain much more vibrantly than his memories of what happened in his fight with the doves. He knew he wasn't alone the morning he'd be fashioned into a pulled ghoul sandwhich minus the meat.
After painting for a little while, Cierra heard her parents call from the staircase. "We're headed to bed honey, try and get some rest tonight." She listened as they walked down the hallway to their room, then she hurriedly set the brush down and walked over to Oten's false wall, knocking quietly. "Oten? My parents have gone to bed, and they'll be asleep any minute. Do you want to talk?"
He'd try to recollect what happened the morning of the night he'd meet Cierra. It wasn't like it was forever ago, but he must have taken a firm beating to the head here or there, or maybe he even whipped his own head with his kagune three or four times, because it was a blank for him. He'd be silent after the question, initially. Just as he felt like he was certain she might have thought he'd still be asleep he realized not saying anything would just have her leave. And he really didn't want to be alone. "Come on in." He'd raise his voice just enough to be heard by her, wondering to himself just how safe it could be for them to converse with her parents in the house. After all, they were ghouls too. there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell that they'd shown their daughter what they were capable of themselves. Ghouls were undoubtedly scary creatures, even for their own kind. It was possible that one or both of them could have sharpened senses, and not telling their daughter that would surely be in their favor as a parent. Well, he gave up on the idea of being too concerned about it. Worrying and guessing wasn't going to keep him unnoticed either.
Cierra slipped quietly into the room, sliding the false wall shut behind her. "Hi Oten," she whispered. "Mind if I lay next to you?" She stepped hesitantly toward the bed. It may have been fine before, but maybe it's not now. Either way, she certainly wanted to talk more with him. She was terribly curious about what landed him here, how he gets into so much trouble with the CCG, and what he plans on doing about all of this.
"I mind that you feel the need to ask." He joked as he reached up with his right hand, smoothing his palm and fingers over the back of her left leg. Oten's touch was more inviting than his playful words as he wasn't afraid to feel her and his eyes opened to observe her face. A wintery smile appeared on his face as he watched her, his Kakugan looking to her eyes. "Come on, get down here already!" He teased just a little, wanting to do so much more but knowing he'd be happy enough just getting to cuddle with her soft and warm body in his arms. How he could live a day without her was already an impossible feat.
Cierra laughed and plopped down next to him. "Well it's just common courtesy you know," she said, leaning down to kiss him. She didn't quite know how, but she had suddenly become very close to this boy, and loathed the idea of leaving his side. She laid down next to him and ran her fingers down along his arm, tracing his soft skin. "So, did you sleep well?" she asked, hoping this bed was enough. She was sure she could find more pillows and blankets, but that would have to wait until tomorrow and she wanted him to have a soft enough bed for tonight.
When Cierra joined him to give him a kiss, he'd smile against her lips and return the kiss just a bit before pulling his head back to rest it on a pillow once more. Now both of his arms took her and drew her chest against his own. One hand held her upper back as the other would rest over her tail bone, firmly holding her against him. "Sleep well? It wasn't bad, just didn't get much of if." He put a few things together in his head to make some guesswork for how long he's been asleep. "I wonder if I'd get more or less sleep with you down here." He'd linger on it, as though he were initially implying that she wasn't letting him sleep. But, his hand over her tail bone moved down slowly until he held hed bottom suggestively. The implication being that he might wanna do other things with her than sleep.
Cierra's cheeks bloomed bright pink. "Oh, uh, I'm sorry, um, do you want me to let you sleep?" she asked nervously. She didn't mean to wake him up, and she knew he needed the rest if he wanted to heal up. She rested her hands against his chest, not wanting to leave, but knowing he needed to sleep. "I can, um, go upstairs if you want, sorry.." she mumbled, avoiding eye contact. She loved his touch, wanted more of it, but if he needed to sleep, she could of course sacrifice a bit of time with him for that..
In a way, he didn't really know if she was aware of his hand holding her butt or not. Even with the blush and the way she really fumbled her words was relatively normal when she was this close to him. In fact, he almost wanted to try something much more sexual in nature for the sake of science, but he restrained himself. Oten practically curled in the way he cuddled with her smaller body. "If you don't have to leave, I don't want you too." He'd grow a touch serious with his tone as he spoke to her, his face practically mirroring her own as he looked into her eyes. "I want you to keep me warm for as long as you can."
Cierra smiled and calmed down a bit. She just wanted the best for him, and if he couldn't get proper rest with her here, then she knew she would have to go. But if he says that he wants her to stay, she certainly won't complain. She snuggled up closer to him, pressing her one hand against his chest while the other reached around to tangle into his hair. She let out a sigh and whispered, "If you promise you'll get plenty of rest." Her fingers danced through his hair, tangling it then combing through it again as she listened to his breathing. She still hadn't figured out how the hell to react to where he had decided to rest his hand. She didn't mind, it was cute, and if she was being honest with herself, it was a bit of a turn on, but she had never been in this situation before. What was she supposed to do? Should she say something? Her mind began to race again and on an impulse she looked up at him and kissed him very suddenly, her lips parted a bit, shocked with herself. What is she doing?
"I make no further promises." He teased, playing at being defiant as he held her in his arms tightly. His hand on her back was more about warmth but his hand on her ass was surely channeling a whole different invitation. As she looked up to him, he couldn't read in her eyes that she'd press her lips to his own so quickly. Responding on instinct he wouldn't just take it or just peck her back, he'd suck at her lips. As they'd part he'd raise an eyebrow and become overwhelmed with the need to brush his own cheek along her blushing cheek or neck, and he wondered if humans felt that way when they were bundled up with a lover. Was she a lover to him? He certainly wasn't going to deny the thought. "I'm feeling like the elephant in the room being the only one without his shirt." He'd tease her further just a bit, smiling just for her.
Cierra's face suddenly burned as she heard his comment, glancing down at herself as if to make sure that she was, in fact, wearing a shirt. Her heart raced as she thought about his implications, his intentions. She wasn't... unhappy, she was just so very nervous. She looked up at him again, laughing a bit nervously. "I I suppose we could change that... if you wanted to.." she said, breaking eye contact and instead choosing to stare at his shoulder. She couldn't look at him, not with her face this hot and her mind this... busy. But she wanted this. She had wanted this for a long time, but now she had it, and she had it with someone she really cared for. Cierra smiled to herself and bit her lip. Wherever this was going, she was in for the whole ride.
Part of Oten wasn't certain that she'd take him seriously with his soft tease, it was built to be relatively easily deflected should she have the slightest reason to do so. And yet, she appeared to have played right along. Her sincerity was rejuvenating, but she did seem to put off so much warmth that she could melt a hole through his chest. How was he meant to shield the black of his soul from tbe radiant sun in her eyes? Then again, she did look away from his eyes. And that was fairly concerning. His hand left her booty after a firm caress, his arms tightly held her to his chest as he brought his face right up to her own again. "And the bra, too. You can cover yourself by laying under me." He'd whisper, hoping to catch her eyes with his searching and calm look.
Cierra glanced up at him nervously. Oh. He really was serious. She knew he was teasing, and he might have had a note of serious in his tone, but now he was completely genuine. She had never done something like this before, so every bit of her hesitated. A part of her wanted to kiss him goodnight and go upstairs to bed, keep things normal, keep them the way they used to be. Then she remembered how truly unhappy she was, how lonely she had become and she sat up, pulling away from Oten for a moment. Her hands shook as she carefully tugged off her shirt, then she reached around to unhook her bra. She couldn't quite get the hooks, though, as her hands trembled. She turned and looked into Oten's kakugan, smiling a bit. "Care to help? I'm just a little nervous and I can't quite seem to get it?"
Oten wasn't sure if she was super into it or if he was going to get smacked in the face. He may be able to read reflexes leading into said smack, but he wasn't a mind reader and he just couldn't be sure of where her heart lied behind her nervous features. He wanted more than anything to be the castle constructed around her that kept her safe and worry free just as she did for him, but he knew he wasn't supposed to have such things. He knew she should probably be with a ghoul her parents were more comfortable with that did things more traditionally and could give her the human life her parents lived. But, he didn't pull away or wear a sorry look on his face. He smiled for her as she took her shirt off and began working at her bra. God damn, every inch of her skin burned right into his retinas and morphed his brain in ways a human couldn't possibly fathom. He knew he was hungry now, but he could think of ways to sate that feeling that would be so much more satisfying than going for a bite. He'd nod and raise to pull her against him once more, pressing her bosom up against his chest and sandwiching her bra between himself and her breasts as his fingers helped her to slowly undo her bra and to slip it away and toss it toward a wall.
Blushing furiously, Cierra managed to look up at Oten, very aware of how exposed and vulnerable she was. But she liked this feeling. No. Sheloved it. She had always been so sheltered, so safe. The experience of being open and vulnerable, that Oten could do whatever he pleased and she probably wouldn't be able to stop him, lit a light in her that had been missing for years. Her heart raced as she gained a bit of confidence, biting her lip and looking into his eyes. This fear, mostly of the unknown, was completely backed by the certainty that Oten would never hurt her. It was like jumping out of a plane when you know you have a parachute. The possibilities, the rush, and the certainty of a safe landing. Cierra suddenly placed both hands on either side of Oten's face, pulling him in tight for a desperate, excited kiss, before pulling away and looking at him. "Oten, I... I've never felt this before. But. I never want to not feel it again. Stay with me," she said softly, staring into his eyes, across his face. She tried to read him, half terrified of rejection, butfuck it. For once, Cierra wanted to do something entirely of her own will and she was so sure that it would somehow, eventually, end in contentment.
After her kiss, his smile would grow and he'd hold her even tighter, her chest to his own with no clothes to shield her breasts from his firm skin or her back from his strong arms. Her requests was difficult to bridge without dropping his smile and putting on a thinking expression, but he'd make a small sound of consideration to distract himself as he considered responding seriously or if he should try to dodge any possible problems with a sly joke or something. The smile remained and his kakugan didn't slip from her eyes. "You're still set on keeping me cooped up, aren't you?" He'd make a joke, as though he were a caged bird. "Cierra... You've put more value on who I am than I do. It's almost impossible to deny you now." He'd grow jsut a little more serious with this statement before letting his hands slip down her back as his thumbs hook the waistband of both her undergarments and what she wore over them, almost teasing the possibility of getting her completely naked. She was right, though. He didn't unclothe her or harm her, he didn't move any faster than she was willing to respond too. "If you keep my heart beating, it's all yours."
Cierra laughed and ran her hands through his hair, smiling at him. "That's pretty much the goal," she said, teasing. But as he grew serious, she beamed at him. All hers. She relished in those words for a moment, almost imagining a future with him, before getting a bit flustered. "A anyways," she said, stuttering. "What are you trying to do here?" She laughed, glancing down at the placement of his hands. She certainly didn't mind, but she didn't want Oten to feel pressured to do anything. She tugged a bit on his hair, though, trying to suggest that she was open to more, as well as trying to tease him. She wasn't too good at all this, but she figured she'd get used to it... hopefully. Disappointing Oten was thelast thing she wanted to do.
Pressuring Oten should have been an oxymoron. He was a pillar of his convictions, after all. Even as she was so tempting, the dream of a life with Cierra playing symphonies in his chest, he would probably find himself in a situation where he can finally die the way he deserved. The CCG did want him, after all. And he had the most peculiar feeling that there were ghouls more like himself than her that were looking for him. Dangerous monsters like him, coming for him. "Hmm?" He played like he didn't hear her, the coy smile on his rigidly handsome face portraying that he was very aware of her words and he'd narrow his Kakugan with his eyelids just a bit. Where exactly was he taking this? He didn't deserve her. Cierra could have anybody she wanted, he felt. She definitely deserved a ghoul that could blend in, like her parents. If anything, at least a ghoul that had a human job that she could get a place with and raise happy little ghoul children with. He tried to picture himself with normal eyes and a suit paired with a brief case and it made him chuckle just a little bit, breaking the tension before he practically tackled her down to her back and got to his knees, straddling her sides with his legs. His big hands left her sides, taking her wrists and pinning them above her head as he spied her chest, his long hair hanging between him and herself, concealing his smile just partially. "How do you make your skin so soft? I'm a rock statue compared to you." He teased her a little, leaving enough pause for her creative mind to at least attempt predicting where his motivations would take her.
She smiled at him, his teasing smile inviting her for more. She started to lean in to kiss him, but squealed as he flipped her onto her back, fully exposed. As he pinned her wrists above her head her face blossomed bright red and she smiled shyly at him. Her heart beat against her ribcage, threatening to jump right out of her chest. She tried to catch her breath before replying, "I I don't know what you mean, I'm not...that soft?" She giggled a bit and wriggled under Oten's grasp, pretending to try to escape. She knew she couldn't, and most certainly didn't want to, but she wanted to get back at him for teasing her. She tugged at her wrists, mocking a pout.
"You're very soft." He whispered to her, growing a shade more serious as he playfully kept her bound with his strong hands. Lowering his head, he'd brush a cheek up the middle of her chest until his left cheek brushed at her left breast, making the first instance of contact that wasn't broad or potentially unintentional. After just a moment of contact with her warm and soft breast he'd press his lips to her left nipple just before capturing it between his lips, a grin still being rather apparent across his face despite what occupied his mouth. His kakugan would put effort into stealing her gaze when possible, though if she was looking away there wasn't much he was going to be able to do about that. Should she have a great response, he'd slow down just a little and keep giving her room to anticipate what was next. Though, if it didn't seem to get her going he'd slurp and use his teeth in an attempt to stimulate her this way. It wasn't going to be as accurate as his touch when he held her cheek or anything as he didn't have his hands to position her or orientate himself, but he did a fairly good job at not slipping up and doing silly things regardless.
Cierra blushed as he spoke and turned away, embarrassed. She felt his skin along her breast though, and she let out a soft gasp and glanced down at him, unsure of his intentions. But as he took her nipple between his lips, she was certain, and very certain that she wanted this with Oten. Her chest rose and fell as her breathing quickened and her heart raced, but she loved it. Embraced it. She held his kakugan to her eyes, with a sort of affection that she had never seen before, especially in a ghoul's eyes. He was still being playful, with that cheeky grin, but she could tell, could feel that every move was planned, calculated, to ensure that he didn't hurt or upset her. He was slow, careful, knowing that she didn't have experience in this. But Cierra wanted more. She wanted to prove herself to Oten. Of course, there wasn't much that she could do pinned to the bed like this, so she let out a soft sigh and nudged her hips up against his, looking down at him with a playful smile.
He was getting a better response than he expected. Some part of Oten had assumed that Cierra was going to be as sexually innocent as she was morally innocent. And that couldn't have been further from the truth, and now that he had a moment to realize what that meant for them, it was for the best that this was the case. If she never wanted such things, was she ever going to capture all of his attention in the event that she somehow changed his mind about ending it all? Of course Oten had needs that males would tend to find for themselves, and seeing this side of Cierra was quite a great deal more arousing than he initially estimated. In fact, he was hard already through the sweat pants she had for him. His own body was quite clean despite the nap, the shower having done a lot for his skin and his scent. Especially his hair, having the blood stuck in it before made his hair seem so ratty compared to how it flowed between them with their motions.It was probably the way he effected her breathing patterns that caught him first, her sounds and the way she moved her hips further hammering away at the entirely incorrect assumptions he had about her. He may have had to step up his game to keep her fired up. And, as he watched her eyes that captured his own, a shine took to his Kakugan that could only really mean one thing. After slurping on her nipple just one more time, pulling back without releasing the pressure so that he'd stimulate her further with a sultry and saliva lathered popping sound that was quite similar to the way he released her from his prior hickey.Without a word he'd eagerly press his lips to her chest between her breasts, watching her eyes as another kiss came followed by another. Almost slow enough to go without being traced, his lips were drawing a pattern against her soft skin that lead right down towards her belly button, his hands smoothing from her wrists over her elbows and shoulders to her sides before linking his index fingers through the waist of her bottom half's clothing and undergarments once more, pulling them downward with his kisses until he'd pull up with his head, watching her eyes as the clothing rolled down her bottom and her hips to her knees.
As Cierra pushed her hips against hers, she felt a bit more than just his thighs, and her blush spread. She knew this was where it would lead, but she realized now that she wasn't exactly prepared for how to handle it. She glanced down for just a moment, before meeting his eyes again shyly. She let out a quiet moan as he let go of her nipple, enjoying the sensation of the almost rough tug at her.Cierra watched Oten trail his lips down her torso, arching her back a bit and craving more. As he began tugging at her clothes, she froze. Was she really ready for this. Did shereally want this? But even as she thought, her body answered for her, raising her hips to tug the jeans and panties out from beneath her. She stared into his kakugan and whispered. "Oten, I... I'm scared.." She didn't appear to be upset or uncomfortable, just uncertain. Like jumping from the diving board. She knew she was safe, but the fear was ever present.
Her overall energy seemed to falter as she helped him get her jeans and panties down, revealing more of herself than she's seen of him. Her next comment was somewhat expected as he watched her eyes after noticing the shift. "There's nothing to be scared of, Cierra." He tried to reassure her before continuing to move her clothing down and off from her legs, his lips pressing to her inner thigh as his hands held her sides and his eyes remained on her own. He wouldn't stare or go quiet, his smile being just for her and full of every ounce of charisma he could summon. Sudden motions weren't happening as he was more focused on her emotions than anything else. It wouldn't do him any service to rush things or to pull out and away any safety she may feel comfortable with. "Just lay that head back, take a deep breathe."
Cierra smiled and sighed, a bit relieved, and laid her head back. "Th thank you Oten.." Her voice shook as she spoke but she was sure she was ready for him. She let her thighs split a little more, trembling, and her hands softly gripped the blankets that they were laying on. Cierra's heart raced but she closed her eyes and bit down on her lip to focus only on his touch. Oten's soft kisses to her thighs were exciting, but also comforting. He was so gentle, so sweet, and in that moment Cierra wanted nothing more in the world than to lay like this, with him, forever. She smiled and let out a pleased sigh, pushing against Oten's lips just so slightly.
What world did she see through her eyes that were so very human? Did she know enough about the world to understand what sort of monster he truly was? Could she possibly understand how risky it was to share this room with him, let alone allowing herself to be so vulnerable? Oten didn't comprehend how to take her words as she mentioned that she was scared. Previously, he operated on the guess of what she meant and he seemed to get it right. But, how long could it really be before they're both riddled with blood and she utters those words again? When will the die be cast and she finds herself more educated about what he really is? The day may come that she won't be withdrawing from sexual contact, but from him as the monster he really was.He'd shake his head just a bit before surrounding her little sex with his mouth and giving her long lewd licks, attempting to shut his brain up with sensory overload.
Cierra gasped and gripped the blankets a bit tighter, completely lost in Oten's touch. She pushed her hips against his face, tightening her thighs a bit around him and let out a soft moan. "Oh, Oten, I " she started to say before her breath hitched and she had to bite down hard on her lip to keep from moaning again. She didn't want to wake her parents, but it would be difficult to hold back. He was... wonderful.Cierra's mind raced with the possibilities with Oten, both in the near and far future. He was.. clearly interested in her, and she.. shereally liked him. Where would this her thoughts continued to be interrupted by Oten's tongue before she finally gave up and submitted to the feeling of his tongue inside her, entirely alien while somehow feeling perfectly right.
He had her were any reasonably sexually active male might want to find their partners: At his mercy as he eyed her over with his head between her legs and his tongue inside her. Oten's hands had her sides as he pushed into her and let his hot wet tongue lather against her sensitive insides with his peculiar little taste beds most certainly being felt along the way. The tongue was a curious instrument for pleasure, and he wasn't so inept that he was going to mishandle such an important moment for his golden hearted savior. She risked herself for him, and he wasn't going to hold back no matter how quiet they needed to be, the least she deserved was his best. Even if he wasn't sure if he should go too much further. Making her feel good was one thing, he didn't have to make it about himself too. Even if he could tell she wanted to make him feel good as well, and that it might actually be a substantial part of the experience for her as well.This is why he watched her, held her so firmly, and gave her the least amount of room to think as possible as he pushed his tongue into her. If there was just one sound, just one look she could generate with her face or a bundle of words in a sentence she could use to convince him to go further He needed to see it. His intensity only magnified with each passing response he felt from her body, his long fingers and big palms seizing her middle not unlike someone handles their pillow, he wasn't gentle with his motions in the least, he just wasn't ripping at her either.
Cierra gasped and clapped her hands on her mouth, trying so hard to keep quiet. She bit her lip under her hands, doing more to keep herself silent as she squirmed against Oten. Her heart raced, her whole body pulsing with pleasure as she pushed against Oten's lips. Her legs shook and her thighs clenched a bit around him. Cierra was quickly building tension in her core... Something she had never felt before, but it wasn't unpleasant. As it built up, she finally let that tension release and she bit down harder on her lip, shutting her eyes tight and furrowing her brows. Her whole body shook and she pushed her hips up against him, hitting an amazing orgasm that lasted a bit longer than she had expected. After a moment, she finally pulled her hands away from her mouth to catch her breath, glancing down at Oten. "Oh... Oten that.. that was so lovely," she said, sighing.
His movements and his grip on her sides immediately moved in response to the release, as though he wasn't just holding her and looking her and looking at her face. He was paying careful attention to her breathing, the way she moved her body and even her hips around his head were signs that she was taking it all very well. He could be happy this way, he'd think, feeling her let it all go with the hand over her mouth as the makeshift attempt at dampening her sounds. He wouldn't let her sides go or pull away until he was certain she was finished, but he wasn't quite on point as he didn't raise his head from her until he could hear her words and they brought a smile to his wet face. In a way unlike normal smiles, his kakugan brightened just a little as though it would break under the tension of the feeling raising in his chest. But, it didn't release even as he brought himself closer to her face with his hands and knees against the floor. He didn't say a word at first, listening to her sigh with her body now shrouded beneath his own. "You did great, too." He whispered before pecking at her throat with his lips.
Cierra raised her chin a bit, offering Oten easier access to her neck, and smiled. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him, tangling her fingers through his hair. Her face burned bright red but for once, it wasn't just pure shy and embarrassed feelings. It also burned with happiness, a fulfillment that she had never felt. She pulled back, then leaned up to kiss Oten, sliding her lips onto his so that his bottom lip was between hers. She bit him teasingly, then pulled back to look into his kakugan. "Oten? Has anyone ever told you that you're absolutely gorgeous?" she asked, with a warm smile. All of this was coming to her so suddenly, out of nowhere, but it was a side to her that Cierra felt had always been missing. Part of her was so terrified of all of this, but so much of her screamed that it was so right, just what she needed. Cierra embraced that part and stared into Oten's eyes, the smile not even beginning to fade from her face. He really was gorgeous, and she was so glad that she had met him. She brought a hand forward to stroke his cheek and tucked a bit of hair behind his ear.
When did he forget that he loved the feeling of lithe fingers running through his hair? A gentle warmth was encased in the black leather that could be referred to as his heart. It was the red of her face that he knew he could never reject, the youthful burning desire for what she believes to be right that he couldn't possibly deny, and her harmonious voice that would forever reach his ears. And yet, he yearned to be free of the guilt that crushed him. This was a weight he couldn't slip away from, that he couldn't logically remove from his back and it was so overwhelming. He'd smile a little wider at her comment, the kiss she placed upon his moderately bottom lip making his teeth show in his resulting smile. "Yeah. Believe it or not, there's a ghoul out there who wants to be me. And it's so weird." He described this much as he was slowly remembering what he was doing right up to the event that he got in over his head in CCG members.
Cierra tilted her head, curious at the sudden change in his attitude. "What do you mean?" she asked, staring into his kakugan. She loved his smile, and never wanted that to fade, but that comment was very peculiar, especially given their situation. She pulled him up to lay on her chest and stroked his hair gently, letting out a soft sigh. He was... cold, but not in an unpleasant way. More like ice cream on a hot day. She placed another kiss on the top of his head, continuing to comb her fingers through his hair, thinking about braiding it just to mess with him. She giggled to herself and looked down at Oten, pulling him a bit closer.
He moved with her arms to lay on her chest, smiling a little softer but gently closing his eyes and clearly enjoying the position he was in. It would seem that he was just a touch less warm than she'd be at all times and that was a curious find to him. In contrast, this is why he felt cool to the touch when she touched him. Oten didn't really want to think about the individual, but as she asked he could feel the tree grow and the branches reveal themselves and it was impossible to not think about him. "I mean, he thinks of himself as a little brother of mine. And he thinks I'm what I am because I hurt people in the past, so he hurts people now. When he first met me, I wasn't in any position to challenge that notion... I couldn't have been lower." He bit his bottom lip just a little as his voice grew a little darker. "I was alone."
Cierra nodded, running one hand slowly through his hair while the other ran along his cheek, down his jaw and felt his chest. He was so smooth, so comforting.. She smiled and held him close. "That must be really difficult..." She struggled to find the words that she was looking for, but eventually settled. "You just have to remember that he's not your responsibility. You did the best that you could... given your situation. And he made his decisions entirely independent of you. I don't know what we can do about him now, but he's not your problem. None of that will be your problem anymore." She sighed, letting her chest heave a bit, and breathed into his hair. She wanted him to stay as long as he could, but knew that wasn't really realistic. She just wanted him to be safe, and happy. But... if he couldn't stay, then she would go, Cierra decided. She would be anywhere that Oten was.
Assuming he'd let her, of course. He didn't even dream of the possibility that she'd wish to go with him when it came time to face his reality once more. He didn't even consider it in the moment as he enjoyed being felt like a calming rock she found on a beach. A smooth surface, as though his skin was once jagged a millennia ago and the salty water crashing over him refined the edges. "You're right." He surrendered with his eyes still closed, clearly being entirely unwilling to do much more than enjoy her presence to the fullest. Oten wouldn't strike up a debate about what was or wasn't his responsibility purely because he desired to greatly reduce how much of his problems she'd contend with. She didn't get him separated from his uncle, she didn't make him eat people, she was far from the reason he can't afford himself even an ounce of trust. It was her fingers that introduced the first succinct divide between his active thoughts and his tremendous crippling guilt. "He's probably looking for me." Oten opened his eyes and muttered these words entirely contrary to his prior convictions, absentmindedly introducing her to more of the topic instead of keeping her safe from it. No, his presence here made her all the more susceptible to the violence and horror of truly wretched monsters. Wretched monsters just as terrible as he was. "If he finds this place I'll have to go."
Cierra shrugged and settled in, lying back a bit more. "Then let him. I don't know where we can go from here, but I'm sure we'll figure it out..." She closed her eyes sleepily and thought about what she knew of outside of her home. It wasn't much.. She knew a few humans that were friendly with ghouls, and they may be able to stay there, but the humans would be taking a big risk. She was sure that Oten had plenty of experience in living on the streets that they would be alright, but she was unsure of where they would sleep, how they would keep each other safe. But it didn't matter. As she laid there with him, some part of her was absolutely certain that no matter what happened, she and Oten would be alright in the end, even happy. She sighed with this thought and began drifting off, her breathing growing heavy.
Oten's arms tightened around her. Could she survive in the world out there? He couldn't imagine what might happen to her if he had to do something. He'd fail to answer her question as his body let go of a grip on consciousness as he returned to the almost death like rest she'd seen from him before. Even with a nourished and repaired body he slept like a dead person with breathe so soft that it was possible to miss without having something small to place before his nostril to test for any movement of air whatsoever. As though he were military trained or beaten and battered in childhood to maintain a rigid and disciplined mockery of a corpse as he slept, he didn't break from it in the least and he was gone. Nightmares didn't haunt him, dreams didn't caress him, he was somewhere between the reality of life and a metaphysical world that could only exist from exactly the right perspective and faith. A dream without love, a nightmare without fear. As his mind would mend, the lines that kept what was wrong from what was right were properly blended. In a way he drifted ever closer to the thin skin like membrane that imprisoned what truly haunted him about himself. Feeling the pull, hearing the pleas.His eyes opened, and like before He'd pause in awe. What place was this? He was unusually distant from the hunger that used to pain him. Warm, soft, he held a woman in his arms. And then it all returned to him gradually once more, and he'd smile before cuddling Cierra.
Cierra stirred and woke. Where was she? She jumped as she felt arms around her, then looked up to see Oten and smiled. That's right.. She fell asleep with him, in the basement. She wasn't sure what woke her, but she was wide awake now, looking up at Oten as he slept. He really did look dead, lying perfectly still and she giggled. He'd make a great actor. She snuggled closer to him and thought about her life with him.She had always wanted to get a home in the mountains, secluded, the perfect place to paint. She figured she would live alone, or with a cat, and spend her days and nights painting, then selling those paintings to interested buyers, maybe even museums. But now, all of that looked different. She envisioned Oten there with her, waking up on a lazy Saturday morning next to him, sitting and painting the mountainside as he read a book, or... What did Oten do? She suddenly realized that she had no clue what any of his hobbies were. She made note to ask him when he woke up, then continued her daydream, thinking about touring art museums with him and having a picnic in a field, all those cheesy things that she never thought she would get, and Cierra soon fell back to sleep.
As she awoke and fell asleep, Oten was awake with his eyes closed. In a way, he'd be monitoring her like this and coming to understand how to better succeed in moving without making her stay awake unduly. It'd oddly weigh heavily on him if he felt as though he robbed her of her sleep. Just like everything else that ate at Oten's heart and devoured his self image, doing anything that could remotely be perceived as causing her harm would mess him up just as bad. In fact, he felt somewhat alien as he held her in his arms. He could feel in his heart that they were compatible to make offspring, but he knew he was a beast from a whole different world compared to her own. And it soured his stomach to come to the conclusion that he'd hurt her without meaning too, eventually. It had to be all put completely factual as long as he remained close to her like this.He needed a moment to breathe, his strong emotions tied to her suffocating him as he remained in this wonderful position with her.The escape was unlike any motion he's let her observe from him, just like the way he cut away the torn pieces of his sneakers from his feat from before, he'd slither up from her to his feet without so much as shifting a hair on her head or making a sound or even dragging an ounce of his body against her own. Part of him wanted desperately to whisper something lovely to her, but he bit his lip a little and committed to the plan. Waking her was just too unfortunate of a possibility. He'd approach the coffee she brought downstairs, sniffing it before he'd pick the pot up in his palms and press the pour tip to his lips and gradually bring the black liquid right into his mouth. It wasn't so aggressive that it'd escape him, and yet it was far from elegant as he neglected his cup and rather swiftly accepted the somewhat aged beverage into his gut. His Kakugan would seem somewhat dulled as well, as though his eyes were greyed by his morning haze.
Cierra stirred and rolled over, stretching her arm out looking for Oten without opening her eyes. When she didn't feel anything, she sat up quickly, looking around, but soon noticed Oten standing by the coffee pot, apparently having just finished it off. She smiled, and lied back down, holding her head up by propping her elbow. She watched him fiddling with things, wiping his mouth, and she smiled happily, content with lying wrapped in the blankets and watching him.Her eyes drifted closed for a moment and she decided to try to keep herself awake by bugging Oten. She tugged herself out of the blankets as quietly as she could, still a bit bleary, and snuck up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and playfully biting on his shoulder. A little bit of her worried that this would annoy him, but she decided to shoot for it, wanting to develop a little bit more playfulness with him.
Of course, if he we really losing himself like he thought, then her attempt to sneak up on him from behind would end in sudden death. Luckily for them both, he was well and truly in control of his faculties and probably would remain this way. His smile growing wider at her bite with the feeling of her arms around his waist making a touch restless. He'd want to flip her around and play with her in the blankets more, but he figured at this hour it'd behoove them to be quieter than that'd entail. He was very aware of how little or how much clothing she was wearing, and that excited him further. The moment to suck down all of the coffee was all that he needed to gather himself and catch his breathe before he did anything he shouldn't have, he was pretty clear headed now."Catching breakfast, hmm?" He mused as he glanced back at her, leaning into her just a little.
Cierra giggled and bit a little harder, just barely not enough to break skin. "Mhmmm I'm starvingggg," she whined, pulling away from him. She checked the clock that she had left downstairs and realized that by now, both of her parents must have left for work. Before she did anything, though, she knew she ought to check. Cierra turned to the bed and dug out her clothes, hesitantly tugging them on and unable to keep her eyes off of Oten."I'm going to go upstairs and make sure my parents are gone. I'll make us some more coffee and grab breakfast too. Do you want anything?" She gently tugged the false wall open, standing in the crack of the door and looking back at Oten, blushing as she let her eyes wander.
She could have stopped and ignited his heart over and over a thousand times during that single sentence with the way she played with her voice and tightened the bite on his shoulder. Letting her eat a part of him would have been perfectly fine by him, in fact it'd probably be more romantic than anything humans could ever truly do for each other. Only in a sense, though. And he knew it'd be way too dark for his finely bred, and royally raised princess. He should shelter her from what lies behind the wall, after all. Once she moved away to get dressed, he watched her watching him as she pulled her clothing on, smiling for her still.Even while she was at the door, looking back at him with her eyes in much less innocent places and a blush over her face, he watched her in return. "Anything in particular? You know what I like by now." He joked softly before leaning his back up against a wall and folding his arms, appearing as though he were gearing up for a mild wait.
Cierra blushed and rolled her eyes before advancing on Oten, not taking her eyes from his. She reached forward, parting her lips... then snagged the coffee pot and ran out of the room laughing. She left the door open and bounced up the stairs two at a time. Once in the kitchen, she washed out the pot then set another pot to brew, making sure everything was in order. Before anything else, she peered out the window to the driveway. Empty. Her parents were gone and she and Oten had the house to themselves. She smiled softly, excited for a full day with him, then turned and began making breakfast, mostly reheating flesh from the night before.While it was in the microwave, Cierra hopped down the hall to her room, changing into another pair of pajamas and running a comb through her hair. At the ding of the microwave, she dropped her brush on her dresser and hurried to the kitchen, organizing one platter of meat and two small serving plates. She then hurried over and snagged the coffee pot, trying to keep the platter of meat balanced on one hand. She very carefully tiptoed down the stairs and pushed into Oten's room, back first. "Breakfast!!" she called cheerfully.
In the time the very fairytale princess spent gathering breakfast upstairs, Oten did exactly what he didn't want to do. His mind unraveled once more, and luckily he could fit the pieces back together in the sound of silence without losing himself or saying something he'd wish she never heard. With a single hand over his right eye, he'd smirk to her back end as she entered the room with coffee and two plates of meat. It'd still be a little jarring to him, the way she was raised, but he knew he couldn't be lord of frowns with her presence choking out the terrible whispers behind his ears. "I tell which of these three wonderful breakfast items I shouldn't dig into first." He mused, adding her to the numbers with a clever pacing to his words. He wouldn't wait for her to get herself oriented before snagging the platter and coffee, setting them both down on the floor before himself as he sat crosslegged.It wouldn't take a detective to figure out what her volume and daring amount of breakfast meant for whether they were alone or not. "Where would you like to sit?" He asked, looking up to her with his bangs partially covering his eyes. There were a number of silly and straightforward options, but he left open the opportunity for more body contact as well.
Cierra tilted her head as he spoke, handing him the breakfast. "Three... items?" She looked down at the tray, at the meat and the coffee, before it suddenly clicked and her eyes went wide. "Oh! I, uh " Cierra's face blossomed bright red and she brought her hands to her chest, her fingertips resting at her collarbones almost protectively. She glanced at the bed, the wall, the tray, anywhere but Oten. She took a breath and moved to sit down next to him, jabbing him in the side with her elbow. "You're an idiot," she said with a nervous laugh. No one had ever said anything like that to her, and she really wasn't sure how to respond. Cierra didn't want to respond with a no, but she felt that an outright "yes" would just sound slutty... She rolled her eyes and sighed, resting her head on his shoulder for a moment.
Cierra's elbow didn't make much headway into Oten's side, his small playful grunt in response coming out almost just to make her feel a little better. He didn't take her comment to heart, knowing how entirely unlike the rest of her opinions of him had been thus far. Maybe he'd say he was an idiot, if it came from anyone else he'd probably just agree. Cierra's head on his shoulder was more than enough of a sign to him that there was more going on. Did he put her under a spotlight too quickly? Perhaps he should have avoided crude humor like that. It wasn't easy to discern precisely what might be weighing on her, and the last thing he wanted to do was to put more on her plate too quickly. After an extended look from his barely obscured kakugan, he'd stop watching her and began to eat and drink slowly. In a way, he'd try to be more civil with the human meat and cup of coffee, trying to ease whatever was bothering his adorable savior in any way he could.Unbeknownst to the lone duo, a danger slithered its way right into the neighborhood and already kicked up an impromptu investigation with the primary target being Oten. A problem child from his recent past twisted the arms of the street ghouls that may have seen where Oten vanished off too. A momentarily innocent face wrenches itself with delight as discomfort and pain enters the bodies of those who are seemingly uninvolved.
Cierra sighed and took a bite of the meat. With the lack of comment from Oten, she assumed that he was just going to let it slide. She was glad, as right after she had said that she realized that he might take it to heart. She turned and looked at Oten then suddenly leaned up and kissed him on the lips, softly, but with a bit of desperation.He was so kind, so good to her, and she had never really known another ghoul other than her parents. They wanted so desperately to live a normal life, and she was sick of it. Sick of pretending that she was human, trying to blend in when she couldn't. Oten was like a full breath of fresh air, a reminder that she was real, ghouls were very real, thinking, living, breathing creatures. She just wanted to embrace what she was, live as a ghoul with pride, rather than hide in the shadows as she had done all her life. This might be her chance to show Oten what a normal life was like, but it was also her chance to taste what it really meant to be a ghoul...
Of course Oten didn't feel like he earned Cierra's consideration, much less her soft lips pressing against his own as his skin began to dissolve the warmth she put into the aire around him just for coming closer. He didn't capitalize on the need he felt her lips after she pulled back. His eyes narrowed just a bit as he watched her, searching her seemingly human gaze carefully with the small smile he wore. Perhaps Oten wouldn't give himself enough credit for his poster worthy good looks, but he knew how to keep his soft skinned savior on her toes. Seizing this moment to do something uncouth or pulling away from her now would be far too predictable. He couldn't let himself decay away before he got the opportunity to make her happy now, and even though it was wholesome to have something left to live life for, he didn't feel so incredibly tired of carrying all of his guilt. "That was nice, but you should tell me what's on your mind with words if you're looking for answers." He spoke to her without even raising his voice to an indoor volume, lending her his words just loud enough to be heard. He'd take a sip of coffee before setting his cup down, this time removing his hand from the side of the cup where his index finger grew so very warm. Just as he pressed this warm finger to her lips, he'd wink and tilt his head to unveil his eyes momentarily from his bangs. "Not that I wouldn't enjoy an attempt to tap into some absurd sense of ghoul mind reading through vigorous lip on lip practice with you."The trail was thin and easy to follow for the ghoulboy whose brain seemed blended with the way he moved so violently and unnaturally. Long silver hair and countless coat knickknacks hovering in the air for just an instance before flying after the overly dressed and thin male. His nose could catch the scent of ghouls and humans alike, even lending him information that wasn't readily available, even to fellow ghouls. He could practically taste the RC cell quality, quantity and variety inside each given human or ghoul sample as he slung himself from dark alleyway to empty street and vice versa. He didn't trust every bit of info his victims screamed out in hopes of saving themselves from his 'harvest', but there had to have been something to the story he was piecing together. The essence of his dearest older brother surrounded him as he moved from blood splotch to blood trail, almost sneering at the concept that something challenged the ghoul he respected most in this fashion. But, he didn't imagine for a second that Oten was finally slain, like their friends suggested. Even if the guy got a bit whiny and self sacrificial when he diverged from his precious prescription of ripe mountains of nasty ghoul flesh. Even his super strong and passionately dedicated little brother could barely stomach the stuff.
Cierra furrowed her brows as he spoke, strangely frustrated that he still wanted to talk. She had gotten nervous, tried to distract him, but he could still read into her and know that something was on her mind. No one had ever really been able to do that before... She smiled and nodded, taking a sip of her coffee before sighing and leaning against him. "Trust me, I'll gladly take either. But if you really want to know what's on my mind..." She took a long drink of her coffee before setting it down and leaning against him, staring up at the ceiling. "It's just... I've never really met another ghoul. Sure, I've got my parents, and the few kids I knew when I was younger. But my parents are so hellbent on being 'normal' that I don't get to experience what it's really like to be a ghoul. It's like I've been stuck under this mask my whole life and with you, I finally get to take it off and breath a little.." Her voice trailed off a bit and her face turned hot as she realized her small confession, realized that she had admitted how important he was to her, but she didn't take it back. She sat in silence, waiting for his answer.
In a raw sense, Oten felt as though Cierra held a certain quality at her core that he could tap into and understand with or without her permission or even alerting her to it's presence. His Kagune, as mysterious as it was, functioned in a similar way. Before his victims knew it, he was inside and breaking them down without even a second thought. And yet, with this ghoul living the life of a human, Oten didn't feel any desire to break her down or force her to learn any sort of lesson to quell his indignation. He'd listen to her carefully as she sat her cup down, reminding himself that her words can't actually be directly delivered from the heart as both humans and ghouls are ignorant to their biases, including himself. And, as he words began to dance within his ears, he'd silently wish they were untainted by desires and motives like human words so commonly could be. It'd mean nothing to him if he didn't know for sure, but he felt something warm in his chest and he her skin wouldn't like to his hands as he held her close and felt her almost passionately, watching he eyes as they floated right up to the ceiling. "It seems heavy, but that mask has it's value, right?" Oten's voice was still quiet and just for her as he uttered each one and pulled her closer, practically surrounding her with his cleaned body and handsome face even if he wasn't smiling much anymore."But, it'd be criminal of me to leave you suffocating forever as I take the easy way out..." He seemed to be prepared to snake his way into another sentance almost immediately after his final one, but it trailed off and his lips parted as he watched her so close to him. "Even without a house to call home, or biological parents wtih their rules, with you... I can breath a little too."
Cierra smiled softly and looked up at Oten. He was opening up to her, so much more than she had expected and she was glad that she could make him feel comfortable. "I suppose there's value in knowing how to put on the mask... I'm just glad that I can take it off around you." She sat quietly, thinking about her relationship with Oten. This might not go anywhere, and he may decide to leave once he's totally healed, but for now, Cierra could daydream about the possibilities. Hunting with him , or meeting other ghouls that he might know. Maybe even visiting those local ghoul shops that she had heard about, the ones that were a sort of secret meeting place for ghouls.Cierra's heart skipped a beat as she realized that she hadfinally found someone that she could be totally and completely honest with. She could tell Oten anything. She didn't worry that she would scare him off or upset him because he is so independent. So confident and sure of himself. She tried to hide her blush by turning away and reaching for her coffee mug, scooting a bit further to keep him from feeling the heat of her cheeks.
He'd snake his arm around he and pull her closer just as her body moved to scoot away. He couldn't keep her from looking away, but he smiled and snuck a kiss from her neck as she was looking away. "Careful. My senses aren't too dulled from getting my ass kicked. I can smell that blush a mile away." He teased and used hyperbole as he smiled for her very softly. He didn't know where he was going, or what he was going to do, but he knew what he deserved... And it definitely wasn't a long happy life with such a wonderful woman. And this guilt would continue to weigh on him, even as he enjoyed the time with her anyway. How could he look her in the eyes and remind her that he was waiting to die? It's not what he wants, but what he truly deserved. He was heartbroken by the injustice of this world, and he contributed to that injustice with each breathe. Why him? Why her? It's so unfair, he wanted to frown just thinking about it. But, feeling her warmth and looking upon the sight of his personal angel kept his soft and graceful smile that clashed so greatly with his evil eyes."I just... Let's get outside at some point. I'm cleaned now, and I can use some clothes. It might have to be at night."
She jumped on the change of subject and nodded. "Y yeah, that would be lovely." Cierra thought for a moment about where they could go. She knew she had money to get him some new clothes, and there was a little outlet mall across town. She didn't really have anything to do, so she turned to Oten and smiled. "How about we go tomorrow? There's an outlet mall with a few neat places, and thrift shops if you want!" She sat up a bit excitedly, biting her lip for a minute thinking, her mind racing. "I love thrift shopping. There's all kinds of crazy stuff you can find there, and it's like everything has some kind of story to them, and you never know what you'll find!" She blushed again but kept eye contact with Oten, knowing that he wouldn't berate her for being excited about something so silly. She tilted her head, her mind still running about the day they could have. "Oh! And there's this cute little cafe downtown where we could get coffee and people watch and and..." She lost her train of thought then, chewing her lip and trying to regain it.
Her ideas were interesting in a general sense, but it was unlikely that he could put himself in public without getting a change of clothes first. He'd need something more casual that wouldn't let him stick out if he were going to be comfortable taking even a small risk of putting her into harm's way with his identity. "We'll just have to be smart about it, I suppose." "He added to the end of the idea. Her smile made him smile before he drew closer and took her lips between his own, whether she was prepared or aware that he was that close yet or not. He'd still a genuine kiss from her quickly before relaxing again and grinning for her wide, his eyes clsoed. | 153 | [] |
3,657 | | .Hack//G.U. (Dante12590 & Yurina) | Things in The World were finally calming down after the AIDA scare several weeks back had ended. Haseo decided to log in and see what was going on. "I think I'll message Alkaid since we haven't talked in a while..." he thought as he typed up a brief message and forwarded it to Alkaid. Haseo was surfing the quest board when his eyes widened as he spotted one specific quest he thought he would never see again, "It's the Forest of Pain..." A smirk crossed his face as he waited for Alkaid's response.
Alkaid never understood what was going on. The next thing she knew havoc came across The World and she couldn't do anything about it and the next second was it was back to normal and Haseo been gone since. The last time she saw him was at the Emperor crowning. She couldn't believe he could beat everyone to get to the top but he did and that made unbelievably.. attracted to him? No, she can't have it at that. Getting up, she blinked when she got a message and long lived too. Staring at it, she sighed and replied back that she would be waiting at the Mac Anu Market District.
Haseo grinned as he got her response and made his way to a gate and warped over to Mac Anu, "I wonder if any admins will be after me because of my hacked character? Eh whatever I'll deal with them when I have to." he said as he walked into the plaza looking around. The World was always so busy with everyone doing quests or sometimes trying to PK weaker players but it seemed that no matter where he went Haseo was always recognized. He continued walking until he spotted Alkaid's distinct red hair and began approaching her unsure if she would remember what he looked like since his recent character change took effect.
Alkaid wondered why did Haseo wanted to see her. It was not like he have much of interest in her since he would probably like that Atoli girl more. Spotting a couple of nice twin blades infused with fire, she wandered over and picked them up, looking them over. They looked nice and if she used them, her attack would plus 5. A grin on her lips as she wanted to ask how much it was before her golden pixelated orbs spotted that familiar silver hair. Completely forgetting about the weapon, she looked up and down at him, "Ha Haseo?" she uttered in disbelief.
Haseo nodded as he came a bit closer, "It has been a while Alkaid how are you?" he asked as he looked at the twin blades she was inspecting, "You're still hunting for the best equipment huh? You know those Honeysuckle blades you gave me work pretty well do you want to try them out?" he asked as he showed her the set of blades that she had helped him get so many months ago. "There are a lot of memories attached to them that's for sure." he said as he handed her the blades wondering if she still remembered them.
Alkaid couldn't believe it was Haseo and this form.. was something new and yet more attractive to her? Either way she had never anyone with this form before. Alkaid blinked at the word 'Honeysuckle'. It sounded familiar and before she knew it she was looking at those said blades that she had helped him get. Blushing slightly at his words, she kept staring at it, "Y Yeah." she said softly before she shook her head, "Haseo.. where have you been these past month?!" she suddenly snapped.
"I wanted a small break since The World nearly collapsed. Besides I've logged in and out throughout my month break and you never responded to my messages what's up with that!" he countered as he decided to tease her a bit and see if she still had that feisty spark that he remembered her having before she became a Lost One. "She's really cute I wonder if I could ever convince her to go out with me on a few quests like Atoli tried to do... geez that girl was so needy..." he thought as he waited to see if Alkaid would blow up on him.
Alkaid was taken aback at his own words of retaliation. Clenching her fists, she snapped back, "Like hell I wanna respond to you after you just disappeared when I woke up from a freaking coma!" she shouted, panting lightly before she turned around to see a few people had stopped and stared at her. Quickly turning around so that her back was facing Haseo, "Seriously.. I thought I was a goner." she sighed deeply, "If I was then it'll be all your fault." she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
Haseo laughed lightly as he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around, "You're still the Alkaid I remember from before the incident. Why not talk to me now since I'm here just to see you?" he asked as he let her go and began walking towards the gate, "You might want to train a bit because the next thing I plan to do is to take on the Forest of Pain." he said confidently as he opened the gate menu, "So are you coming?"
Alkaid pouted when she was turned around, blushing at his words. Biting her lower lip, she huffed and ran ahead of him, "Yeah yeah.." she murmured, looking up at him, "Invite me." she said softly before she accepted and turned to the gate where he keyed in the menu, wondering where they were going.
Haseo simply grinned and sent her the party invite, "Alright I say we head to the Hulle Grandz Cathedral and see if we can find any more glitches from AIDA usually we can train against pretty powerful enemies in those areas." he told her as he began inputting the area information, "Unless you have somewhere else in mind just let me know." he said waiting to see if she was in agreement with his idea.
Alkaid looked at him before she shrugged. She was alright with anywhere they could go, as long as no one would bother their time and such, "I'm fine with anything." she simply said, wondering about those AIDA that brought her to a coma. Curse those darn things. Luckily for them it was gone for good. Hopefully. Stepping up a bit, she checked her inventory to see if everything was in place. It was as always so merely waited for him to press the button and they would be transported to that place.
"Alright let's go." he said as he finalized the area information and they began to warp. Seconds later they stood before a large serene chapel with absolutely no one in sight, "Figures. I didn't expect anyone to be here." he said as he began walking towards the two grand doors waiting to detect any system glitches or abnormalities in their area, "Once we log into a glitch we're not going to be in The World anymore you understand that right?" he asked as he noticed a faint signal of a glitch near one of the windows.
Alkaid felt her character began to warp towards the place where it was rumored when the clock struck twelve, you can hear a girl crying. Well that was another one of those urban legends in the forums and yet she didn't try it. Stepping up over the male, she felt the glitch and bit her lower lip, the fear of becoming a Lost One startled her as she reached over and clung to Haseo's shirt at the back, "Don't ask, l let's go." she said softly, looking down as she was unable to look up at him.
Haseo felt a little strange having Alkaid, former Demon Palace emperor, clinging to his back. "Are you alrightl? You remember AIDA was purged from then system long ago. This has nothing special and was the center of action and information during the AIDA investigations. | 15 | ['Alkaid', 'Haseo'] |
Subsets and Splits