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- Mom. It's about Arga. - What's a matter with him? | -आमा आर्गाको बारेमा हो । |
Thank you. | धन्यबाद । |
She really fell asleep. | त्यो साँच्चै निदाई । |
- You can't tell him. | -बाबालाई नभन्नुस् । |
What is it that you want to talk about? | तिमी के कुरा गर्न चाहन्छौ ? |
Disassemble, dead! | निकाल्नुहोस् ! |
Well, then... | अनि भनेपछि... |
Wow. | वाह । |
What's this? | के हो यो ? |
Hello, Mother. | हेलो, आमा। |
Don't exaggerate. | बढाई चढाई नगर । |
Does this even makes sense? | यसको कुनै अर्थ लाग्छ र ? |
But you're saying I can't do that either? | तर तिमी म त्यो पनि गर्न सक्दिन भन्छौ ? |
I told everyone after hearing about it from Soohan. | सुहानदेखि सुनेर मैले सबैलाई भनेको हो । |
"None"? Why did you write "None"? What does this mean? | म सुर्गियो आर्महानी अनलाइन सपिङ्ग मल निर्देशक छु। |
Jack. | ज्याक । |
Come one, guys. | आउनु साथी ! |
This is impossible. | यो असम्भव छ । |
Now, there's 15, 16 guys in this room. | यो कोठा भित्र १५ , १६ जना केटाहरु छन् । धेरै जसो सुरक्षाकर्मीहरु, सबै टोकिएको थियो, |
Thanks to you, | तपाईंलाई धन्यवाद, |
YOU'RE DEAD! GOD DAMN IT! | वाहियात । |
Two wheels. | दुइ पांग्राहरु । |
You need to give us your confirmation in order for us to proceed with the projects. | तपाईंले हामीलाई परियोजनाहरू अगाडि बढाउनको लागि आफ्नो पुष्टिकरण दिन आवश्यक छ । |
Action! | एक्सन ! |
We need a new business strategy because last year's result was below expectations. | हामीलाई नयाँ व्यापार रणनीति चाहिन्छ किनभने गत वर्षको नतीजा अपेक्षाहरु भन्दा कम थियो । |
It's not respectful to the fans to use stand-in, so you did everything by yourself, don't you? | यसलाई सम्मानजनक छैन गर्न प्रयोग गरिने प्रशंसकहरू उभिनु -भित्र, त्यसैले तपाईँले आफैले सबै कुरा गरेर, गर्नुभएन तपाईँले ? -के ? |
Good luck. | एकछिनमा भेट्छु । |
And what about your children? | तिम्रो सन्तान नि ? |
Where are you shooting at? | तपाईं कहाँ शूटिंग छन्? |
-Thank you. | -धन्यवाद । |
What the heck? | के होला यस्तो वाईगत ? |
Thank you for your advise. | तपाईंको सल्लाहको लागि धन्यवाद । |
Hey, look, um, I'm going to an N. A. meeting tonight. | अरे, हेर्नुहोस् । म आज एन.ए. को बैठक जाँदैछु । |
-I'm a big fan of that show. | -म एक ठूलो प्रशंसक हुँ भनेर देखाउन । |
You are the reason that I worked on this show. | तपाईं यस शोमा काम गरेको कारण हो । |
Vice President. | उपाध्यक्ष । |
It's "bulldozer". | यो "बुलडोजर" हो । |
I'm afraid if that happens. | मलाई डर लाग्छ यदि त्यो फेरि हुन्छ । |
Did someone tell you to do this? | के कसैले तिमीलाई यो गर्न भन्यो ? |
She had my baby? | उहाँसँग मेरो बच्चा थियो ? |
Yes. | हो । |
What is that noise? | कि हल्ला के हो? |
I see. | मैले बुझें । |
It's "Love"! | यो लभ नै हो । |
You can't be serious. | तपाईं गम्भीर हुन सक्नुहुन्न । |
I'll be back. | म फर्कीहाल्नेछु । |
Yes, now, please do come in. | हजुर अब ! प्लिज आउनु होला । |
Thank goodness. | कस्तो आनन्द भन्या ! |
Isn't Skugg's the kid who killed Sal? | स्याललाई मार्ने फुच्चे त्यहि स्कग्स हैन ? |
How rude. | कसरी अशिष्ट। |
I had no idea that you were just broke again! | मेरो मतलव, मैले सोचे तिमी कम्तिमा केही दिन बस्छौ । |
Why did you fill that basin with water? | तिमी किन गर्नुभयो पानी संग बेसिन भर्न? |
You are unbelievable. | You re unbelievble । |
Beyond anything. | -प्रेमको कुरा... |
-Thank you for the meal! | - ल खाउँ अब । |
Now take ¡t! | ल! अब छिटो निकाल। |
Since she always have to be by my side. | किनकी उनी सधैं मेरो छेउछाउँमा नै थिईन । |
Please raise your number cards that you received on your way in. | कृपया हुर्काउन आफ्नो नम्बर कार्ड तपाईं प्राप्त मा आफ्नो बाटो मा । |
"Teacher Jo" | "शिक्षक Jo" |
Thanks. | धन्यवाद । |
We will need go for this afternoon flight, so pack your things first. | हामी आवश्यक हुनेछ यो दिउँसो लागि जाने उडान, त्यसैले पहिले आफ्नो कुरा प्याक। |
I'm exhausted. | म थाकेको छु । |
~ You were in haste, sir. | -तपाईं छिटो हुनुहुन्थ्यो, सर । |
I think you should keep a distance from her. | मेरो विचारमा तिमीले उसँग दुरी राख्नु पर्छ । |
He seems okay. | त्यो ठीक देखिन्छ । |
Her name is Han Suyeon. | उहाँको नाम ह्यान सुयों हो । |
You are just like me. | तिमी म जस्तै छौ । |
Eventually, and I'm talking way, way down the road, we file an insurance claim. | र समय आए पछि... ...हामी एउटा बिमाको माग गरौंला । |
Oh, no. | धत्तेरिका। |
I'm not doing it, Eliza. | म यो गरिरहेको छैन, एलिजा । |
She's just like a reference book that you buy and throw away afterwards. | त्यो केवल सन्दर्भ पुस्तक तपाईँले किन्न र त्यस पछि फाल्नु जस्तो छ। |
You'll be dead, so don't move a muscle. Got it? | तपाईं मर्नु हुने छ त्यसैले आफ्नो मसल चलाउनु । |
Book of Ability | क्षमताको पुस्तकमा |
Lord knows my life has not been a happy one but I am the son of a King and I will not give up my birthright. | भगवानलाई थाहा छ... ...मेरो जीवन खुशी भएको छैन... ...तर म राजाको पुत्र हुँ र म मेरो जन्म अधिकार छोड्ने छैन । |
That's a good question. | राम्रो प्रश्न गर्यौ l |
She'll be leaving soon. | उहाँ चाँडै छोड्दै हुनु हुन्छ । |
All right, waiter! | ठीक छ, वेटर ! |
Dusik! | डुसिक ! |
It was self defense. | यो मेरो भागमा आत्म -रक्षा थियो। |
Of course not, everything is solved through communication. | साच्चै, सबैकुरा संचारको मार्फत समाधान गरिएको छ । |
Hey. You see that Access Hollywood piece? | तिमीले त्यो एक्सेस हलिवुडको कार्यक्रम हेर्यौ ? |
Go to your study room. | आफ्नो अध्ययन कोठामा जानुहोस्। |
- Hey. | -हाई । |
That is how woman flirt. | एउटी महिलाले पनि त्यसरी नै प्रेमको नाटक गर्छिन । |
Stop that! | रोक भन्या । |
The most popular segment on "Hometown Report", | सेओजिन। |
♪ Brace yourself, super power girl! | ♪ आफैलाई कष्ट देऊ, सुपर पावर केटी ! |
How can you do this to me? | तिमीले मलाई यस्तो कसरी गर्न सक्छौ र ? |
Please don't move. Stay like that. Good. | हो, नचलाउ । |
I'm jealous of those couples. | म ती जोडीहरूको ईर्ष्या गर्छु । |
Why not? | किन? |
Seol, look over here. | त्यसैले यहाँ हेर्नु ! |
After that, there would dating, meeting, chatting and what not. | कि पछि, त्यहाँ, बैठक कुराकानी र के छैन, डेटिङ थियो। |
Won't you join me? | के तिमी मसँग सरिक हुनेछैनौ ? |
Four Leaf, since you're the staff sergeant, there's the map, this is the scene list. | फोर लिफ, तिमी स्टाफ सार्जेन्ट भएको कारणले... ...यो लेऊ नक्शा, अनि यो चाहिं सिनहरुको सुची ह । । |
So I need to it until the end. | त्यसैले अन्तसम्म यो गर्न आवश्यक छ। |
Morning. | शुभ बिहान। |
Oh... | ओहो... |
I'm traumatized by the meteorite today. | म आज मिटियोराइट देखि तर्सिएको छु । |
Sit here and eat. | यहाँ बसेर खानु ! |
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