Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| nl
stringlengths 3
| code
stringlengths 4
300 | call the method result.setlist with 2 arguments: return value of the function copy.deepcopy called with 2 arguments: key and memo, | result . setlist ( copy . deepcopy ( key , memo ) , copy . deepcopy ( value , memo ) ) |
301 | if not, | else : |
302 | _empty_value is an empty list. | _empty_value = [ ] |
303 | return output. | return output |
304 | and absolute value of p, substitute the result for exp. try, | try : |
305 | if stream_or_string is an instance of bytes, | if isinstance ( stream_or_string , bytes ) : |
306 | call the self.clear method. | self . clear ( ) |
307 | substitute the result for args and kwargs. return an instance of AssignmentNode class created with 4 arguments: takes_context, args, kwargs and target_var. | return AssignmentNode ( takes_context , args , kwargs , target_var ) |
308 | return _translations dictionary value, under the language key. | return _translations [ language ] |
309 | if not, | else : |
310 | for every form in self call the form.as_ul method, join the results in a string, separated by an empty string. | forms = ' ' . join ( form . as_ul ( ) for form in self ) |
311 | call the as_bytes method on the return value of the message.message method append to it '\n' character, use it as the argument for the call to the self.stream.write method. | self . stream . write ( message . message ( ) . as_bytes ( ) + b'\n' ) |
312 | substitute value under the key key of self dictionary for val. | val = self [ key ] |
313 | if not, | else : |
314 | from django.utils.functional import allow_lazy into default name space. | from django . utils . functional import allow_lazy |
315 | raise an TemplateSyntaxError exception with an argument string "Second (optional) argument to %s tag must be 'parsed'", | raise TemplateSyntaxError ( "Second (optional) argument to %s tag" " must be 'parsed'" % bits [ 0 ] ) |
316 | if tags exists and if all elements in the return value of the method checks.tag_exists called with an argument tag, | if tags and any ( not checks . tag_exists ( tag ) for tag in tags ) : |
317 | and only if self.match is None or return value of the method self.match_re.search called with an argument f is true. append a tuple containing 2 elements: full_file and f to self.choices list. | self . choices . append ( ( full_file , f ) ) |
318 | append loader to loaders. | loaders . append ( loader ) |
319 | remove kwargs dictionary element under the 'method' key, substitute it for method. | method = kwargs . pop ( 'method' ) |
320 | define the method add_arguments with arguments self and parser. | def add_arguments ( self , parser ) : |
321 | call the method token.split_contents, substitute the result. | bits = token . split_contents ( ) |
322 | raise an AttributeError exception with string "Unable to determine the file's size." as argument. | raise AttributeError ( "Unable to determine the file's size." ) |
323 | derive the class Command from the BaseCommand base class. | class Command ( BaseCommand ) : |
324 | self.items is an empty list. | self . items = [ ] |
325 | define the method stringfilter with an argument func. | def stringfilter ( func ) : |
326 | call the function inline_re.match with an argument t.contents, substitute the result for imatch. | imatch = inline_re . match ( t . contents ) |
327 | define the function gettext with an argument message. | def gettext ( message ) : |
328 | default set to DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS and help set to string 'Nominates a database onto which to open a shell. Defaults to the "default" database.'. define the method handle with arguments self and unpacked dictionary options. | def handle ( self , ** options ) : |
329 | sys.stderr is an instance of NullDevice class. | sys . stderr = NullDevice ( ) |
330 | define the method __repr__ with an argument self. | def __repr__ ( self ) : |
331 | zfile is an instance of GzipFile class, created with 3 arguments: mode set to string 'wb', compresslevel set to integer 6, | zfile = GzipFile ( mode = 'wb' , compresslevel = 6 , fileobj = buf ) |
332 | try, | try : |
333 | __all__ is an list containing strings: 'activate', 'deactivate', 'override', 'deactivate_all', 'get_language', | __all__ = [ 'activate' , 'deactivate' , 'override' , 'deactivate_all' , 'get_language' , 'get_language_from_request' , 'get_language_info' , 'get_language_bidi' , 'check_for_language' , 'to_locale' , 'templatize' , 'string_concat' , 'gettext' , 'gettext_lazy' , 'gettext_noop' , 'ugettext' , 'ugettext_lazy' , 'ugettext_noop' , 'ngettext' , 'ngettext_lazy' , 'ungettext' , 'ungettext_lazy' , 'pgettext' , 'pgettext_lazy' , 'npgettext' , 'npgettext_lazy' , 'LANGUAGE_SESSION_KEY' , ] |
334 | for every pk in value, | for pk in value : |
335 | raise an CommandError exception with an argument string "You can only use --pks option with one model". | raise CommandError ( "You can only use --pks option with one model" ) |
336 | for every sql in index_sql, | for sql in index_sql : |
337 | if elt is an instance of six.string_types class, | if isinstance ( elt , six . string_types ) : |
338 | append filename to _error_files. | _error_files . append ( filename ) |
339 | substitute file for filename. | filename = file |
340 | return value. | return value |
341 | call the connection.introspection.table_names with tables as argument, store the result in seen_models. | seen_models = connection . introspection . installed_models ( tables ) |
342 | if urlconf_name is true, | if urlconf_name : |
343 | from django.conf import urls into default name space, | from django . conf import urls |
344 | substitute the result for value under the NON_FIELD_ERRORS key of the form._errors dictionary. for every field in unique_check, | for field in unique_check : |
345 | if base_lang is contained in settings.LANGUAGES_BIDI, return boolean True, if not, return boolean False. | return base_lang in settings . LANGUAGES_BIDI |
346 | convert max_value into an floating point number, substitute it for max_value. | max_value = float ( max_value ) |
347 | return a list containing return values of the function to_py called with an argument val, for every val in value. | return [ to_py ( val ) for val in value ] |
348 | from django.utils import six and lru_cache into default name space. | from django . utils import six , lru_cache |
349 | import module warnings. | import warnings |
350 | return the string 'ValidationError(%s)', replace '%s' with self. | return 'ValidationError(%s)' % self |
351 | lexer is an instance of JsLexer class. | lexer = JsLexer ( ) |
352 | for every form in self call the form.as_table method, join the results in a string, separated by an empty string. | forms = ' ' . join ( form . as_table ( ) for form in self ) |
353 | call the method self.parse_name with an argument fixture_label, substitute the result for fixture_name, ser_fmt, cmp_fmt, respective. | fixture_name , ser_fmt , cmp_fmt = self . parse_name ( fixture_label ) |
354 | call the method notifier.read_events. | notifier . read_events ( ) |
355 | return an string '0'. | return '0' |
356 | if pytz is true, substitute pytz.utc for utc, otherwise substitute result of the function UTC for utc. | utc = pytz . utc if pytz else UTC ( ) |
357 | return data. | return data |
358 | where '%s' is replaced with first element of bits. call the method parser.compile_filter with second element of bits as an argument, substitute the result for viewname. | viewname = parser . compile_filter ( bits [ 1 ] ) |
359 | for every k2 and v2 in v, | for k2 , v2 in v : |
360 | if domain is true and return value of the function validate_host called with 2 arguments: domain and settings.ALLOWED_HOSTS, evaluates to true, | if domain and validate_host ( domain , settings . ALLOWED_HOSTS ) : |
361 | append a tuple with 2 elements: f.name and formfield to field_list. | field_list . append ( ( f . name , formfield ) ) |
362 | return host. | return host |
363 | from io import StringIO into default name space. | from io import StringIO |
364 | if not, | else : |
365 | return attrs. | return attrs |
366 | if host ends with '.', remove the last element from host. | host = host [ : - 1 ] if host . endswith ( '.' ) else host |
367 | if not, | else : |
368 | call the method self._coerce with an argument value, return the result. | return self . _coerce ( value ) |
369 | substitute '%s' in string "No changes detected in app '%s'" with the result of the method app_labels.pop, write it to self.stdout. | self . stdout . write ( "No changes detected in app '%s'" % app_labels . pop ( ) ) |
370 | if decimals is greater than digits, | if decimals > digits : |
371 | if self.no_obsolete is true, | if self . no_obsolete : |
372 | from django.utils.text import unescape_entities into default name space. | from django . utils . text import unescape_entities |
373 | define the method __init__ with 5 arguments: self, view_name, args, kwargs and asvar. | def __init__ ( self , view_name , args , kwargs , asvar ) : |
374 | self._post_render_callbacks is an empty list. | self . _post_render_callbacks = [ ] |
375 | call the function mark_for_escaping with an argument value, return the result. | return mark_for_escaping ( value ) |
376 | call the method cursor.execute with an argument line. | cursor . execute ( line ) |
377 | from django.core.servers.basehttp import run and get_internal_wsgi_application into default name space. | from django . core . servers . basehttp import run , get_internal_wsgi_application |
378 | if not, | else : |
379 | if self.instance.pk is None, | if self . instance . pk is None : |
380 | convert value into an string, convert the result into an integer and substitute it for value. | value = int ( str ( value ) ) |
381 | call the function re.compile with arguments regex and re.UNICODE, substitute the result for compiled_regex. | compiled_regex = re . compile ( regex , re . UNICODE ) |
382 | logger.propagate is boolean True. | logger . propagate = True |
383 | define the function request with an argument request. | def request ( request ) : |
384 | if callback is an callable object, | if callable ( callback ) : |
385 | from django.conf import settings into default name space. | from django . conf import settings |
386 | define the method add_arguments with self and parser as arguments. | def add_arguments ( self , parser ) : |
387 | try, | try : |
388 | separated by result of the function _ called with an argument string ', ', for every i in list_ without last element, result of the function force_text called with an argument last_word, result of the function force_text called with an argument: last element of list_. call the function allow_lazy with 2 arguments: get_text_list and six.text_type, substitute the result for get_text_list. | get_text_list = allow_lazy ( get_text_list , six . text_type ) |
389 | if m is true, | if m : |
390 | substitute value under 'warning' key of kwargs dictionary for warning. | warning = kwargs [ 'warning' ] |
391 | inverse_match set to None and flags set to None. if regex is not None, | if regex is not None : |
392 | pos is equal to integer 0. | pos = 0 |
393 | raise an Resolver404 exception with an argument dictionary containing 1 entry: path for 'path'. | raise Resolver404 ( { 'path' : path } ) |
394 | if messages is not an instance of the ValidationError class, | if not isinstance ( messages , ValidationError ) : |
395 | call the method loader.detect_conflicts, substitute the result for conflicts. | conflicts = loader . detect_conflicts ( ) |
396 | if call to the function response.has_header with argument 'Vary' returns boolean True, | if response . has_header ( 'Vary' ) : |
397 | sup_cls is base class of the class cls. | sup_cls = super ( cls , self ) |
398 | from django.utils.encoding import force_text and filepath_to_uri into default name space. | from django . utils . encoding import force_text , filepath_to_uri |
399 | help is a string "Prints the CREATE TABLE, custom SQL and CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s).". | help = "Prints the CREATE TABLE, custom SQL and CREATE INDEX SQL statements for the given model module name(s)." |
Subsets and Splits