Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| nl
stringlengths 3
| code
stringlengths 4
0 | define the method i with an argument self. | def i ( self ) : |
1 | if out has an 'isatty' argument and return value of the function out.isatty is true, | if hasattr ( out , 'isatty' ) and out . isatty ( ) : |
2 | if ValueError exception is caught, | except ValueError : |
3 | raise an ValueError exception with an argument string "Base36 conversion input too large.". | raise ValueError ( "Base36 conversion input too large." ) |
4 | return is empty dictionary. | return { } |
5 | get the value under the key 'database' of the options dictionary, use it as a index to get an element from connections, substitute it for connection. | connection = connections [ options [ 'database' ] ] |
6 | if out_log is true, | if out_log : |
7 | substitute model._meta.app_label for app. | app = model . _meta . app_label |
8 | define the method __nonzero__ with an argument self. | def __nonzero__ ( self ) : |
9 | from django.db.migrations.loader import MigrationLoader into default name space. | from django . db . migrations . loader import MigrationLoader |
10 | call the method gettext_module.find with 3 arguments: string 'django', path and list with an element: result of the function, | if gettext_module . find ( 'django' , path , [ to_locale ( lang_code ) ] ) is not None : |
11 | from django.conf import settings into default name space. | from django . conf import settings |
12 | define the method as_bytes with arguments self and unixfrom set to boolean False. | def as_bytes ( self , unixfrom = False ) : |
13 | define the method add with 5 arguments, self class instance, key, value, timeout set to DEFAULT_TIMEOUT and version set to None. | def add ( self , key , value , timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT , version = None ) : |
14 | HITS and MISSES are integer 0 and 1, respectively. | HITS , MISSES = 0 , 1 |
15 | if key if contained in value under the DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS key of caches dictionary, return boolean True, otherwise return False. | return key in caches [ DEFAULT_CACHE_ALIAS ] |
16 | substitute asvar for self.asvar. | self . asvar = asvar |
17 | raise an TypeError with an argument string "update expected at most 1 arguments, got %d" formated with length of args. | raise TypeError ( "update expected at most 1 arguments, got %d" % len ( args ) ) |
18 | define the method getlist with 2 arguments: self and key. | def getlist ( self , key ) : |
19 | call the function _add_doc with 2 arguments: reraise and string """Reraise an exception.""". | _add_doc ( reraise , """Reraise an exception.""" ) |
20 | if encoding does not exists substitute it for settings.DEFAULT_CHARSET. | encoding = encoding or settings . DEFAULT_CHARSET |
21 | call the method form.add_initial_prefix with an argument self.auto_id, substitute the result for self.html_initial_id. | self . html_initial_id = form . add_initial_prefix ( self . auto_id ) |
22 | define the method start_serialization with an argument self. | def start_serialization ( self ) : |
23 | if result is not None, | if result is not None : |
24 | convert host to lowercase. | host = host . lower ( ) |
25 | for every var in self.vars, | for var in self . vars : |
26 | call the method parser.skip_past with an argument string 'endcomment'. | parser . skip_past ( 'endcomment' ) |
27 | call the method parser.delete_first_token. | parser . delete_first_token ( ) |
28 | if model_identifier is false, | if not model_identifier : |
29 | get the type of form object, return an instance of resulting class created with 3 arguments: class_name, tuple with an element form, | return type ( form ) ( class_name , ( form , ) , form_class_attrs ) |
30 | __all__ is a list containing next strings, 'CheckMessage', 'Debug', 'Info', 'Warning', 'Error', 'Critical', | __all__ = [ 'CheckMessage' , 'Debug' , 'Info' , 'Warning' , 'Error' , 'Critical' , 'DEBUG' , 'INFO' , 'WARNING' , 'ERROR' , 'CRITICAL' , 'register' , 'run_checks' , 'tag_exists' , 'Tags' , ] |
31 | substitute params for self.params. | self . params = params |
32 | ' ' for 's', 'x' for 'S', 'x' for 'W', '!' for 'W' and None for 'Z'. derive the class Choice from list base class. | class Choice ( list ) : |
33 | return boolean False. | return False |
34 | return boolean True. | return True |
35 | return the result. define the method id_for_label with 2 arguments: self and id_. | def id_for_label ( self , id_ ) : |
36 | call the method parser.add_argument with 4 arguments: string 'args', metavar set to string 'fixture', nargs set to '+', | parser . add_argument ( 'args' , metavar = 'fixture' , nargs = '+' , help = 'Fixture labels.' ) |
37 | call the method self.setFeature with 2 arguments: handler.feature_external_pes and boolean False. | self . setFeature ( handler . feature_external_pes , False ) |
38 | from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe into default name space. | from django . utils . safestring import mark_safe |
39 | if not, | else : |
40 | call the function warnings.warn with 2 arguments: string '"requires_model_validation" is deprecated ' | warnings . warn ( '"requires_model_validation" is deprecated ' 'in favor of "requires_system_checks".' , RemovedInDjango19Warning ) |
41 | return nothing. | return |
42 | if NotImplementedError exception is caught, | except NotImplementedError : |
43 | if current_len is smaller than or equal to length, | if current_len <= length : |
44 | otherwise if msg and visible_issue_count are true, | elif msg and visible_issue_count : |
45 | append value to self.dicts list. | self . dicts . append ( value ) |
46 | if confirm equals string 'yes', | if confirm == 'yes' : |
47 | if kwarg_format is true, | if kwarg_format : |
48 | format string normal_row with an dictionary containing 6 entries: return value of the function force_text with an argument bf_errors, | output . append ( normal_row % { 'errors' : force_text ( bf_errors ) , 'label' : force_text ( label ) , 'field' : six . text_type ( bf ) , 'help_text' : help_text , 'html_class_attr' : html_class_attr , 'field_name' : bf . html_name , } ) |
49 | if self.activated is boolean False, | if not self . activated : |
50 | do nothing. | pass |
51 | content_length is None. | content_length = None |
52 | define the method __init__ with 2 arguments: self and token. | def __init__ ( self , tokens ) : |
53 | split locale by '_', append the first element of the result to locales. | locales . append ( locale . split ( '_' ) [ 0 ] ) |
54 | substitute var for self.var. | self . var = var |
55 | define the method __iter__ with an argument self. | def __iter__ ( self ) : |
56 | " * The database isn't running or isn't configured correctly.\n * At least one of the expected database tables doesn't exist.\n" " * The SQL was invalid.\nHint: Look at the output of 'django-admin.py sqlflush'. That's the SQL this command wasn't able to run.\n" "The full error: %s", where '%s' is replaced by value under the 'NAME' key of the connection.settings_dict dictionary and e. call the function six.reraise with 3 arguments: CommandError, CommandError created with argument new_msg, | six . reraise ( CommandError , CommandError ( new_msg ) , sys . exc_info ( ) [ 2 ] ) |
57 | return the result. if UnicodeDecodeError exception is caught, | except UnicodeDecodeError : |
58 | if value under the 'primary_key' key of the dictionary contained under the column_name key of the dictionary indexes is true, | if indexes [ column_name ] [ 'primary_key' ] : |
59 | define the function build_request_repr with arguments: request, path_override set to None, GET_override set to None, | def build_request_repr ( request , path_override = None , GET_override = None , POST_override = None , COOKIES_override = None , META_override = None ) : |
60 | evaluate the method type(self).__bool__ with argument self, return the result. | return type ( self ) . __bool__ ( self ) |
61 | call the form.is_valid method, if it evaluates to false, | if not form . is_valid ( ) : |
62 | import module sys. | import sys |
63 | increment s_len by integer 1, | s_len += 1 |
64 | call the function get_urlconf with an argument urlconf. | urlconf = get_urlconf ( ) |
65 | from email.mime.message import MIMEMessage into default name space. | from email . mime . message import MIMEMessage |
66 | return a string '<%s: %r>', format it with __name__ field of the self class and repr_attr. | return '<%s: %r>' % ( type ( self ) . __name__ , repr_attr ) |
67 | if not, | else : |
68 | default set to DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS and help as a string 'Nominates a specific database to load fixtures into. Defaults to the "default" database.' call the method parser.add_argument with 5 arguments: string '--app', action as a string 'store', dest as a string 'app_label', | parser . add_argument ( '--app' , action = 'store' , dest = 'app_label' , default = None , help = 'Only look for fixtures in the specified app.' ) |
69 | __version__ is a string "1.6.1". | __version__ = "1.6.1" |
70 | call the method render from the base class of the class FileInput, called with 3 arguments: name, None and attrs as attrs. | return super ( FileInput , self ) . render ( name , None , attrs = attrs ) |
71 | convert priority into a floating point integer, substitute it for priority. | priority = float ( priority ) |
72 | define the function resolve with arguments path and urlconf set to None. | def resolve ( path , urlconf = None ) : |
73 | derive the class File from the FileProxyMixin base class. | class File ( FileProxyMixin ) : |
74 | if not, | else : |
75 | __author__ is a string "Benjamin Peterson <[email protected]>". | __author__ = "Benjamin Peterson <[email protected]>" |
76 | call the method __init__ with an argument name form the base class of the class MovedAttribute. | super ( MovedAttribute , self ) . __init__ ( name ) |
77 | if use_natural_keys is true, | if use_natural_keys : |
78 | define the method to_python with arguments self and value. | def to_python ( self , value ) : |
79 | if not, | else : |
80 | define the method __repr__ with an argument self. | def __repr__ ( self ) : |
81 | import module warnings. | import warnings |
82 | import module threading. | import threading |
83 | return an empty string, | return '' |
84 | if attrs is None, | if attrs is None : |
85 | return an empty string. | return '' |
86 | raise an ValueError exception with an argument e. | raise ValueError ( e ) |
87 | call the function urlquote with 2 arguments value and unpacked dictionary kwargs, return the result. | return urlquote ( value , ** kwargs ) |
88 | substitute the '%s' with table and 3 elements of a list: b64encoded, exp and key, respectively. if DatabaseError exception is caught, | except DatabaseError : |
89 | define the function do_filter with 2 arguments: parser and token. | def do_filter ( parser , token ) : |
90 | fp is a instance of a class six.BytesIO. | fp = six . BytesIO ( ) |
91 | try, | try : |
92 | register.tag decorator, | @ register . tag |
93 | call the method return self.format with an argument string 'D, j M Y H:i:s O', return the result. | return self . format ( 'D, j M Y H:i:s O' ) |
94 | derive the class Form from the base classes DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass and BaseForm. | class Form ( six . with_metaclass ( DeclarativeFieldsMetaclass , BaseForm ) ) : |
95 | substitute it for value of dictionary response under the key 'Vary'. define function has_vary_header, with response and header_query as arguments. | def has_vary_header ( response , header_query ) : |
96 | extension_map is a dictioanry with 6 initial elntries: TarArchive for '.tar', TarArchive for '.tar.bz2', TarArchive for '.tar.gz', | extension_map = { '.tar' : TarArchive , '.tar.bz2' : TarArchive , '.tar.gz' : TarArchive , '.tgz' : TarArchive , '.tz2' : TarArchive , '.zip' : ZipArchive , } |
97 | for every app_config in return value of the method apps.get_app_configs, | for app_config in apps . get_app_configs ( ) : |
98 | while x is greater than zero, | while x > 0 : |
99 | if length of name is greater than integer 255, | if len ( name ) > 255 : |
Subsets and Splits