Unnamed: 0
int64 0
| nl
stringlengths 3
| code
stringlengths 4
5,900 | call the method shell.mainloop. | shell . mainloop ( ) |
5,901 | if value under the 'ENGINE' key of the connection.settings_dict dictionary equals a string 'django.db.backends.dummy', | if connection . settings_dict [ 'ENGINE' ] == 'django.db.backends.dummy' : |
5,902 | call the function ungettext_lazy with 3 arguments: string 'Ensure this value has at least %(limit_value)d character (it has %(show_value)d), | message = ungettext_lazy ( 'Ensure this value has at least %(limit_value)d character (it has %(show_value)d).' , 'Ensure this value has at least %(limit_value)d characters (it has %(show_value)d).' , 'limit_value' ) |
5,903 | raise an NotImplementedError exception with argument string 'subclasses of Storage must provide an exists() method'. | raise NotImplementedError ( 'subclasses of Storage must provide an exists() method' ) |
5,904 | derive the class HttpResponseRedirectBase from the HttpResponse base class. | class HttpResponseRedirectBase ( HttpResponse ) : |
5,905 | call the method resolver._reverse_with_prefix with 4 arguments: view, prefix, unpacked list args, unpacked dictionary kwargs, | return iri_to_uri ( resolver . _reverse_with_prefix ( view , prefix , * args , ** kwargs ) ) |
5,906 | from django.utils.timezone import is_aware into default name space. | from django . utils . timezone import is_aware |
5,907 | if rest is not False, None is considered False, | if not rest : |
5,908 | return plural. | return plural |
5,909 | if not, | else : |
5,910 | import module os. | import os |
5,911 | commands is an dictionary containing elements: string 'django.core' for every name in the function find_commands return value, called with first element of __path__ as an argument. | commands = { name : 'django.core' for name in find_commands ( __path__ [ 0 ] ) } |
5,912 | if in_index-th element of bits equals to string 'in', | if bits [ in_index ] != 'in' : |
5,913 | call the method self.validate_key with argument key. | self . validate_key ( key ) |
5,914 | can_order as can_order, can_delete as can_delete, validate_min as validate_min, validate_max as validate_max, substitute the result for form. substitute model for FormSet.model. | FormSet . model = model |
5,915 | import module hashlib. | import hashlib |
5,916 | for every subwidget in the result, yield subwidget, as the result of the generator. | yield subwidget |
5,917 | raise an NotImplementedError exception with argument string 'subclasses of Storage must provide a delete() method'. | raise NotImplementedError ( 'subclasses of Storage must provide a delete() method' ) |
5,918 | call the method timezone.get_current_timezone, substitute the result for current_timezone. | current_timezone = timezone . get_current_timezone ( ) |
5,919 | if f is an instance of ModelFiled, for every f in opts.virtual_fields, append f to a list, substitute the resulting list for sortable_virtual_fields. | sortable_virtual_fields = [ f for f in opts . virtual_fields if isinstance ( f , ModelField ) ] |
5,920 | define the function gen_filenames with an argument only_new defaulting to boolean False. | def gen_filenames ( only_new = False ) : |
5,921 | substitute the result for time_str. if six.PY2 is true, | if six . PY2 : |
5,922 | substitute NullBooleanSelect for widget. | widget = NullBooleanSelect |
5,923 | get the value under the key key of the self.cookies dictionary, substitute boolean True for 'secure' key of the returned dictionary. | self . cookies [ key ] [ 'secure' ] = True |
5,924 | raise an MultiPartParserError with an argument string "Invalid content length: %r", where '%r' is replaced with content_length. | raise MultiPartParserError ( "Invalid content length: %r" % content_length ) |
5,925 | sum best_doublecolon_start and best_doublecolon_len, substitute the result for best_doublecolon_end, | best_doublecolon_end = ( best_doublecolon_start + best_doublecolon_len ) |
5,926 | call the function re.compile with 2 arguments: elements of parts joined into a string, separated with '|', | self . regexes [ state ] = re . compile ( "|" . join ( parts ) , re . MULTILINE | re . VERBOSE ) |
5,927 | return an dictionary containing 1 entry: return value of the function timezone.get_current_timezone_name for 'TIME_ZONE'. | return { 'TIME_ZONE' : timezone . get_current_timezone_name ( ) } |
5,928 | define the method __init__ with 2 arguments: self and content. | def __init__ ( self , content ) : |
5,929 | call the method t.nud with an argument self, substitute the result for left. | left = t . nud ( self ) |
5,930 | for every x in sequence of integers from 0 to 7. background is a dictionary created with elements: x appended to a string '4' for value under the key x of color_names dictionary, | background = dict ( ( color_names [ x ] , '4%s' % x ) for x in range ( 8 ) ) |
5,931 | and result of the function force_bytes called with an argument val2, return the result. if not, | else : |
5,932 | substitute _moved_attributes for _MovedItems._moved_attributes. | _MovedItems . _moved_attributes = _moved_attributes |
5,933 | python_2_unicode_compatible decorator, | @ python_2_unicode_compatible |
5,934 | if Exception exception is caught, | except Exception : |
5,935 | define the method __init__ with 3 arguments: self, unpacked list args and unpacked dictionary kwargs. | def __init__ ( self , * args , ** kwargs ) : |
5,936 | from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe into default name space. | from django . utils . safestring import mark_safe |
5,937 | define the function decorator with an argument klass. | def decorator ( klass ) : |
5,938 | subtract year from integer 2000, substitute the result for delta. | delta = 2000 - year |
5,939 | call the method self._cache.add with key, value, self.get_backend_timeout(timeout) as arguments. | return self . _cache . add ( key , value , self . get_backend_timeout ( timeout ) ) |
5,940 | return otherwise. | return otherwise |
5,941 | from django.utils.itercompat import is_iterable into default name space. | from django . utils . itercompat import is_iterable |
5,942 | call the function six.reraise with 3 arguments: ImportError, instance of ImportError class created with an argument msg, | six . reraise ( ImportError , ImportError ( msg ) , sys . exc_info ( ) [ 2 ] ) |
5,943 | from __future__ import unicode_literals into default name space. | from __future__ import unicode_literals |
5,944 | if formfield has an attribute 'queryset', | if hasattr ( formfield , 'queryset' ) : |
5,945 | call the function local, substitute the result for _prefixes. | _prefixes = local ( ) |
5,946 | regex is an empty string. | regex = '' |
5,947 | call the method threading.RLock, substitute the result for self.mutex. | self . mutex = threading . RLock ( ) |
5,948 | mapped_tokens is an empty list. | mapped_tokens = [ ] |
5,949 | string "resolve_variable() is deprecated. Use django.template. Variable(path).resolve(context) instead", RemovedInDjango20Warning, and stacklevel set to integer 2. call the method resolve with an argument context, from the instance of Variable class, created with an argument path. | return Variable ( path ) . resolve ( context ) |
5,950 | if self._is_rendered is false. | if not self . _is_rendered : |
5,951 | define the function media_property with an argument cls. | def media_property ( cls ) : |
5,952 | call the method fp.write with an argument string '%d\n", with '%d' replaced by os.getpid function return value. | fp . write ( "%d\n" % os . getpid ( ) ) |
5,953 | return result. | return result |
5,954 | call the function mark_safe with an argument output. | return mark_safe ( output ) |
5,955 | self._validate_unique is boolean True. | self . _validate_unique = True |
5,956 | call the method chunk.find with an argument bytes string '\r\n\r\n', substitute the result for header_end. | header_end = chunk . find ( b'\r\n\r\n' ) |
5,957 | from django.utils.ipv6 import is_valid_ipv6_address into default name space. | from django . utils . ipv6 import is_valid_ipv6_address |
5,958 | if safe is true and arg is not equal to string ';', | if safe and arg != ';' : |
5,959 | if best_doublecolon_start equals integer 0, | if best_doublecolon_start == 0 : |
5,960 | obj is a string "?". | obj = "?" |
5,961 | substitute token.source for e.django_template_source. | e . django_template_source = token . source |
5,962 | import module warnings. | import warnings |
5,963 | substitute result.queryset for result.queryset. | result . queryset = result . queryset |
5,964 | define the method clean with an argument self. | def clean ( self ) : |
5,965 | if value under the 'author_email' key of the item dictionary is not None, | if item [ 'author_email' ] is not None : |
5,966 | return initial. | return initial |
5,967 | if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR is contained in result, | if CONTEXT_SEPARATOR in result : |
5,968 | raise an TemplateDoesNotExist exception with an argument name. | raise TemplateDoesNotExist ( name ) |
5,969 | substitute '%s' in the string '\n%s:\n%s\n', with group_name and formatted, substitute the result for msg. | msg += '\n%s:\n%s\n' % ( group_name , formatted ) |
5,970 | define the method start_serialization with an argument self. | def start_serialization ( self ) : |
5,971 | code_list is an empty list. | code_list = [ ] |
5,972 | call the method handler.startElement with 2 arguments: string 'author' and an empty dictionary. | handler . startElement ( "author" , { } ) |
5,973 | use it as an argument for the call to the method self.style.MIGRATE_HEADING, write the result to self.stdout. for every operation in migration.merged_operations, | for operation in migration . merged_operations : |
5,974 | define the method W with an argument self. | def W ( self ) : |
5,975 | got_request_exception is a instance of a Signal class, created with an argument providing_args as the list containing string 'request'. | got_request_exception = Signal ( providing_args = [ "request" ] ) |
5,976 | if self.to_field is true, | if self . to_field : |
5,977 | from django.db.migrations.state import ProjectState into default name space. | from django . db . migrations . state import ProjectState |
5,978 | call the method match.groups, substitute the result for args. | args = match . groups ( ) |
5,979 | otherwise if t.token_type equals TOKEN_COMMENT, | elif t . token_type == TOKEN_COMMENT : |
5,980 | decorator function register.filter with an argument is_safe set to boolean True. | @ register . filter ( is_safe = True ) |
5,981 | call the method sys.stderr.write with an argument string " as a FastCGI application, you will need to get flup from\n". | sys . stderr . write ( " as a FastCGI application, you will need to get flup from\n" ) |
5,982 | raise an ValueError with an argument string "'%s.%s' has no field named '%s'.", where '%s' is replaced with, | raise ValueError ( "'%s.%s' has no field named '%s'." % ( model . _meta . app_label , model . _meta . object_name , fk_name ) ) |
5,983 | if ':' is not contained in ip_str. | if ':' not in ip_str : |
5,984 | raise an TemplateEncodingError exception with an argument "Templates can only be constructed from unicode or UTF-8 strings.". | raise TemplateEncodingError ( "Templates can only be constructed " "from unicode or UTF-8 strings." ) |
5,985 | and format, return the result. derive the class RegexField from the base class CharField class. | class RegexField ( CharField ) : |
5,986 | _anonymous_ is a list containing one string: '_offset'. | _anonymous_ = [ '_offset' ] |
5,987 | if s is not an instance of the object Exception, | if not isinstance ( s , Exception ) : |
5,988 | return the result. call the function force_bytes with arguments value and self._charset, return the result. | return force_bytes ( value , self . _charset ) |
5,989 | if media is true, | if media : |
5,990 | from django import http into default name space. | from django import http |
5,991 | return a string '%02d' formated with self.data.month. | return '%02d' % self . data . month |
5,992 | substitute value under the "_wrapped" key of the self.__dict__ dictionary. | self . __dict__ [ "_wrapped" ] = value |
5,993 | for every middleware_path in settings.MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES: | for middleware_path in settings . MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES : |
5,994 | return left. | return left |
5,995 | if _cookie_encodes_correctly and _cookie_allows_colon_in_names are boolean True, | if _cookie_encodes_correctly and _cookie_allows_colon_in_names : |
5,996 | return kwargs. | return kwargs |
5,997 | substitute value under the backend key of settings.CACHES dictionary for conf. | conf = settings . CACHES [ backend ] |
5,998 | define the method get with 5 arguments, self class instance, key, default set to None and version set to None. | def get ( self , key , default = None , version = None ) : |
5,999 | call the function calculate_app_template_dirs, substitute the result for app_template_dirs. | app_template_dirs = calculate_app_template_dirs ( ) |
Subsets and Splits