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Named Entity Recognition (NER) with Roberta

πŸ“Œ Overview

This repository hosts the quantized version of the roberta-base model for Named Entity Recognition (NER) using the CoNLL-2003 dataset. The model is specifically designed to recognize entities related to Person (PER), Organization (ORG), and Location (LOC). The model has been optimized for efficient deployment while maintaining high accuracy, making it suitable for resource-constrained environments.

πŸ— Model Details

  • Model Architecture: Roberta Base
  • Task: Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  • Dataset: Hugging Face's CoNLL-2003
  • Quantization: BrainFloat16
  • Fine-tuning Framework: Hugging Face Transformers

πŸš€ Usage


pip install transformers torch

Loading the Model

from transformers import RobertaTokenizerFast, RobertaForTokenClassification
import torch

device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"

model_name = "AventIQ-AI/roberta-named-entity-recognition"
model = RobertaForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_name).to(device)
tokenizer = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(model_name)

Named Entity Recognition Inference

label_list = ["O", "B-PER", "I-PER", "B-ORG", "I-ORG", "B-LOC", "I-LOC", "B-MISC", "I-MISC"]

πŸ”Ή Labeling Scheme (BIO Format)

  • B-XYZ (Beginning): Indicates the beginning of an entity of type XYZ (e.g., B-PER for the beginning of a person’s name).
  • I-XYZ (Inside): Represents subsequent tokens inside an entity (e.g., I-PER for the second part of a person’s name).
  • O (Outside): Denotes tokens that are not part of any named entity.
def predict_entities(text, model):

    tokens = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True)
    tokens = {key: val.to(device) for key, val in tokens.items()}  # Move to CUDA

    with torch.no_grad():
        outputs = model(**tokens)
    logits = outputs.logits  # Extract logits
    predictions = torch.argmax(logits, dim=2)  # Get highest probability labels

    tokens_list = tokenizer.convert_ids_to_tokens(tokens["input_ids"][0])
    predicted_labels = [label_list[pred] for pred in predictions[0].cpu().numpy()]

    final_tokens = []
    final_labels = []
    for token, label in zip(tokens_list, predicted_labels):
        if token.startswith("##"):  
            final_tokens[-1] += token[2:]  # Merge subword

    for token, label in zip(final_tokens, final_labels):
        if token not in ["[CLS]", "[SEP]"]:
            print(f"{token}: {label}")

# πŸ” Test Example
sample_text = "Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla, which is based in California."
predict_entities(sample_text, model)

πŸ“Š Evaluation Results for Quantized Model

πŸ”Ή Overall Performance

  • Accuracy: 97.10% βœ…
  • Precision: 89.52%
  • Recall: 90.67%
  • F1 Score: 90.09%

πŸ”Ή Performance by Entity Type

Entity Type Precision Recall F1 Score Number of Entities
LOC (Location) 91.46% 92.07% 91.76% 3,000
MISC (Miscellaneous) 71.25% 72.83% 72.03% 1,266
ORG (Organization) 89.83% 93.02% 91.40% 3,524
PER (Person) 95.16% 94.04% 94.60% 2,989

⏳ Inference Speed Metrics

  • Total Evaluation Time: 15.89 sec
  • Samples Processed per Second: 217.26
  • Steps per Second: 27.18
  • Epochs Completed: 3

Fine-Tuning Details


The Hugging Face's CoNLL-2003 dataset was used, containing texts and their ner tags.

πŸ“Š Training Details

  • Number of epochs: 3
  • Batch size: 8
  • Evaluation strategy: epoch
  • Learning Rate: 2e-5

⚑ Quantization

Post-training quantization was applied using PyTorch's built-in quantization framework to reduce the model size and improve inference efficiency.

πŸ“‚ Repository Structure

β”œβ”€β”€ model/               # Contains the quantized model files
β”œβ”€β”€ tokenizer_config/    # Tokenizer configuration and vocabulary files
β”œβ”€β”€ model.safetensors/   # Quantized Model
β”œβ”€β”€ README.md            # Model documentation

⚠️ Limitations

  • The model may not generalize well to domains outside the fine-tuning dataset.
  • Quantization may result in minor accuracy degradation compared to full-precision models.

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have suggestions or improvements.