File size: 7,414 Bytes
96a1a44 f666f56 b085dec 96a1a44 cdba7f7 f666f56 96a1a44 7d85666 64a0633 96a1a44 b83edb4 279ca43 7d85666 b085dec 96a1a44 cdba7f7 b83edb4 96a1a44 b83edb4 96a1a44 7d85666 08bab63 96a1a44 b83edb4 96a1a44 b085dec 7d85666 004756c 7d85666 1ed30a6 7d85666 004756c 7d85666 08bab63 7d85666 89444d3 7d85666 004756c 7d85666 004756c 7d85666 004756c 7d85666 004756c 7d85666 1ed30a6 96a1a44 41c7a59 a8294f2 96a1a44 b085dec 6224edc 96a1a44 41c7a59 96a1a44 b085dec 1ed30a6 b085dec 96a1a44 004756c 96a1a44 7d85666 51482f3 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 |
import copy
import re
from api.db import ParserType
from rag.nlp import huqie, tokenize, tokenize_table, add_positions, bullets_category, title_frequency, tokenize_chunks
from deepdoc.parser import PdfParser, PlainParser
from rag.utils import num_tokens_from_string
class Pdf(PdfParser):
def __init__(self):
self.model_speciess = ParserType.MANUAL.value
def __call__(self, filename, binary=None, from_page=0,
to_page=100000, zoomin=3, callback=None):
from timeit import default_timer as timer
start = timer()
callback(msg="OCR is running...")
filename if not binary else binary,
callback(msg="OCR finished.")
#for bb in self.boxes:
# for b in bb:
# print(b)
print("OCR:", timer()-start)
callback(0.65, "Layout analysis finished.")
print("paddle layouts:", timer() - start)
callback(0.67, "Table analysis finished.")
tbls = self._extract_table_figure(True, zoomin, True, True)
callback(0.68, "Text merging finished")
# clean mess
for b in self.boxes:
b["text"] = re.sub(r"([\t ]|\u3000){2,}", " ", b["text"].strip())
return [(b["text"], b.get("layout_no", ""), self.get_position(b, zoomin)) for i, b in enumerate(self.boxes)]
# set pivot using the most frequent type of title,
# then merge between 2 pivot
if len(self.boxes)>0 and len(self.outlines)/len(self.boxes) > 0.1:
max_lvl = max([lvl for _, lvl in self.outlines])
most_level = max(0, max_lvl-1)
levels = []
for b in self.boxes:
for t,lvl in self.outlines:
tks = set([t[i]+t[i+1] for i in range(len(t)-1)])
tks_ = set([b["text"][i]+b["text"][i+1] for i in range(min(len(t), len(b["text"])-1))])
if len(set(tks & tks_))/max([len(tks), len(tks_), 1]) > 0.8:
levels.append(max_lvl + 1)
bull = bullets_category([b["text"] for b in self.boxes])
most_level, levels = title_frequency(bull, [(b["text"], b.get("layout_no","")) for b in self.boxes])
assert len(self.boxes) == len(levels)
sec_ids = []
sid = 0
for i, lvl in enumerate(levels):
if lvl <= most_level and i > 0 and lvl != levels[i-1]: sid += 1
#print(lvl, self.boxes[i]["text"], most_level, sid)
sections = [(b["text"], sec_ids[i], self.get_position(b, zoomin)) for i, b in enumerate(self.boxes)]
for (img, rows), poss in tbls:
sections.append((rows if isinstance(rows, str) else rows[0], -1, [(p[0]+1-from_page, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]) for p in poss]))
chunks = []
last_sid = -2
tk_cnt = 0
for txt, sec_id, poss in sorted(sections, key=lambda x: (x[-1][0][0], x[-1][0][3], x[-1][0][1])):
poss = "\t".join([tag(*pos) for pos in poss])
if tk_cnt < 2048 and (sec_id == last_sid or sec_id == -1):
if chunks:
chunks[-1] += "\n" + txt + poss
tk_cnt += num_tokens_from_string(txt)
chunks.append(txt + poss)
tk_cnt = num_tokens_from_string(txt)
if sec_id >-1: last_sid = sec_id
return chunks, tbls
def chunk(filename, binary=None, from_page=0, to_page=100000, lang="Chinese", callback=None, **kwargs):
Only pdf is supported.
pdf_parser = None
if"\.pdf$", filename, re.IGNORECASE):
pdf_parser = Pdf() if kwargs.get("parser_config",{}).get("layout_recognize", True) else PlainParser()
sections, tbls = pdf_parser(filename if not binary else binary,
from_page=from_page, to_page=to_page, callback=callback)
if sections and len(sections[0])<3: cks = [(t, l, [0]*5) for t, l in sections]
else: raise NotImplementedError("file type not supported yet(pdf supported)")
doc = {
"docnm_kwd": filename
doc["title_tks"] = huqie.qie(re.sub(r"\.[a-zA-Z]+$", "", doc["docnm_kwd"]))
doc["title_sm_tks"] = huqie.qieqie(doc["title_tks"])
# is it English
eng = lang.lower() == "english"#pdf_parser.is_english
# set pivot using the most frequent type of title,
# then merge between 2 pivot
if len(sections) > 0 and len(pdf_parser.outlines) / len(sections) > 0.1:
max_lvl = max([lvl for _, lvl in pdf_parser.outlines])
most_level = max(0, max_lvl - 1)
levels = []
for txt, _, _ in sections:
for t, lvl in pdf_parser.outlines:
tks = set([t[i] + t[i + 1] for i in range(len(t) - 1)])
tks_ = set([txt[i] + txt[i + 1] for i in range(min(len(t), len(txt) - 1))])
if len(set(tks & tks_)) / max([len(tks), len(tks_), 1]) > 0.8:
levels.append(max_lvl + 1)
bull = bullets_category([txt for txt,_,_ in sections])
most_level, levels = title_frequency(bull, [(txt, l) for txt, l, poss in sections])
assert len(sections) == len(levels)
sec_ids = []
sid = 0
for i, lvl in enumerate(levels):
if lvl <= most_level and i > 0 and lvl != levels[i - 1]: sid += 1
# print(lvl, self.boxes[i]["text"], most_level, sid)
sections = [(txt, sec_ids[i], poss) for i, (txt, _, poss) in enumerate(sections)]
for (img, rows), poss in tbls:
sections.append((rows if isinstance(rows, str) else rows[0], -1,
[(p[0] + 1 - from_page, p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]) for p in poss]))
def tag(pn, left, right, top, bottom):
if pn+left+right+top+bottom == 0:
return ""
return "@@{}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}\t{:.1f}##" \
.format(pn, left, right, top, bottom)
chunks = []
last_sid = -2
tk_cnt = 0
for txt, sec_id, poss in sorted(sections, key=lambda x: (x[-1][0][0], x[-1][0][3], x[-1][0][1])):
poss = "\t".join([tag(*pos) for pos in poss])
if tk_cnt < 2048 and (sec_id == last_sid or sec_id == -1):
if chunks:
chunks[-1] += "\n" + txt + poss
tk_cnt += num_tokens_from_string(txt)
chunks.append(txt + poss)
tk_cnt = num_tokens_from_string(txt)
if sec_id > -1: last_sid = sec_id
res = tokenize_table(tbls, doc, eng)
res.extend(tokenize_chunks(chunks, doc, eng, pdf_parser))
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
def dummy(prog=None, msg=""):
chunk(sys.argv[1], callback=dummy)