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Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data
The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data consists of large scale surveys of families and individuals, medical providers, and employers, and collects data on health services used, costs & frequency of services, demographics, etc., of the respondents.
Source / Data Set Description:
2015 full Year Consolidated Data File: This file contains MEPS survey data for calendar year 2015 obtained in rounds 3, 4, and 5 of Panel 19, and rounds 1, 2, and 3 of Panel 20.
2016 full Year Consolidated Data File: : This file contains MEPS survey data for calendar year 2016 obtained in rounds 3, 4, and 5 of Panel 20, and rounds 1, 2, and 3 of Panel 21.
Data Use Agreement
As the user of the data it is your responsibility to read and abide by any copyright/usage rules and restrictions as stated on the MEPS web site before downloading the data.
Download instructions
In order to use the MEPS datasets with AIF360, please follow the following directions to download the datafiles and convert into csv files.
Follow either set of instructions below for using R or SPSS. Further instructions for SAS, and Stata, are available at the AHRQ MEPS Github repository.
Generating CSV files with R In the current folder run the R script
. R can be downloaded from CRAN. If you are working on Mac OS X the easiest way to get the R command line support is by installing it with Homebrewbrew install R
.Bash cd aif360/data/raw/meps Rscript generate_data.R
Example output: ``` Loading required package: foreign trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 13303652 bytes (12.7 MB)downloaded 12.7 MB Loading dataframe from file: h181.ssp Exporting dataframe to file: h181.csv trying URL '' Content type 'application/zip' length 15505898 bytes (14.8 MB)
downloaded 14.8 MB
Loading dataframe from file: h192.ssp Exporting dataframe to file: h192.csv
Generating CSV files with SPSS
The instructions below require the use of SPSS.
2015 full Year Consolidated Data File
- Download the
Data File, ASCII format
- Extract the file
from downloaded zip archive - Convert the file to comma-delimited format,
, and save in this folder.- To convert the .dat file into csv format,download one of the programming statements files, such as the SPSS Programming Statements file.
- Edit this file to change the FILE HANDLE name to the complete path/name of the downloaded data file, execute the SPSS programming statements to load the data, and 'save as' a comma-delimited file called 'h181.csv' in the current folder.
- Download the
2016 full Year Consolidated Data File
- Download the
Data File, ASCII format
- Extract the file
from downloaded zip archive - Convert the file to comma-delimited format,
, and save in current repository.- To convert the .dat file into csv format,download one of the programming statements files, such as the SPSS Programming Statements file.
- Edit this file to change the FILE HANDLE name to the complete path/name of the downloaded data file, execute the SPSS programming statements to load the data, and 'save as' a comma-delimited file called 'h192.csv' in this folder.
- Download the