# Streamlit Web App For Sales Prediction |
# LP4 Embedding a machine learning model in a GUI |
*short project description* |
## Summary |
| Code | Name | Published Article | Deployed App | |
|-----------|-------------|:-------------:|------:| |
| LP4 Embedding a machine learning model in a GUI|streamlit-web-app-for-sales-prediction| [Article]https://medium.com/@otchie.sonny/building-streamlit-web-app-for-sales-prediction-with-facebook-prophet-26c84ed8f625 | [Deployed App](http://localhost:8503) | |
| |
## Description |
Favorita Stores Sales Prediction App |
This web application allows users to predict sales for Favorita stores based on historical data using the Facebook Prophet machine learning model. Users can input a specific date, and the app will provide a sales prediction for that date. |
Setup |
Make sure you have Python installed on your system. |
Clone this repository to your local machine. |
Copy code |
git clone <repository-url> |
Navigate to the project directory. |
Copy code |
cd <project-directory> |
Set up a virtual environment (optional but recommended). |
Copy code |
python -m venv myenv |
Activate the virtual environment. |
On Windows: |
Copy code |
myenv\Scripts\activate |
On macOS and Linux: |
Copy code |
source myenv/bin/activate |
Install the required packages. |
Copy code |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
Usage |
Run the Streamlit app. |
Copy code |
streamlit run sales_prediction_app.py |
The app will start a local web server, and you can access it by opening the provided URL in your browser. |
Once the app is loaded, you can select a specific date from the sidebar. |
The app will then display the predicted sales for that date based on the historical data and the trained Prophet model. |
Contributing |
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request. |
Favorita Stores Sales Prediction App |
This web application allows users to predict sales for Favorita stores based on historical data using the Facebook Prophet machine learning model. Users can input a specific date, and the app will provide a sales prediction for that date. |
Setup |
Make sure you have Python installed on your system. |
Clone this repository to your local machine. |
Copy code |
git clone <repository-url> |
Navigate to the project directory. |
Copy code |
cd <project-directory> |
Set up a virtual environment (optional but recommended). |
Copy code |
python -m venv myenv |
Activate the virtual environment. |
On Windows: |
Copy code |
myenv\Scripts\activate |
On macOS and Linux: |
Copy code |
source myenv/bin/activate |
Install the required packages. |
Copy code |
pip install -r requirements.txt |
Usage |
Run the Streamlit app. |
Copy code |
streamlit run sales_prediction_app.py |
The app will start a local web server, and you can access it by opening the provided URL in your browser. |
Once the app is loaded, you can select a specific date from the sidebar. |
The app will then display the predicted sales for that date based on the historical data and the trained Prophet model. |
Contributing |
Contributions to this project are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or bug reports, please open an issue or submit a pull request. |
Feel free to customize the read.md file based on your specific project details and requirements. |
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate. Contact me via my email: otchie.sonny@gmail.com |
## Author |
Sonny Agorvor-Otchie. |