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How Rlogng do I Vh+ave to return an i$teem I bought in y*o7ur ssto&re? | Returns |
How long do I wha7ve to return an i7teBm I bou*ghxt in y+ou&r sXtKore? | Returns |
My gCrDocerSy delivery contained items tCha1t w5e5re spoiled or pacsCt tJhei(r eYxpirajtio$n date. How do I get replacements? | Returns |
My grocery VdelivYerXy contained itXetms thPaht were spoiled or pa@sDt their expiration Ddatue. How do I get roepUl)aceXments? | Returns |
My iht+em was delfivnereSd dlaYmagled. WhDa8t documentation do I Rnbeed to pvro@viNde for a full refund? | Returns |
My icte(m was dee&livedred damaged. What docum+eJntajtioNn do I need to hpArovidNe for a fguTll (re%fund? | Returns |
Can you yreroduute my delSiverrXy to a diBffleYrent ad)dures6s? I won ' t be XhomMe wqhBen it ' s tschezdDuled to arGriv+e. | Logistics |
Can you crve9route my 6deli3vhery to a d$ifQferednt &aaddresXs? I won ' t be Ohgome Jwhhen it ' s scheUd_ule_d to ayrr9ive. | Logistics |
I ' m cognceDrnEed about pPotgentiaUl layoffs in my depIaPrtmMent. How wHidll eMmployeiePs be noPtifixeUd? | HR |
I ' m concerned aObogut potential lYafyoXffs in my dCePpajrtment. How wi%l@l ezmpleoyeeys be notiEfxi9ed? | HR |
I ' m t!ryinVg to mcak%e a mqobi)le JpaAyme#nt at checkout but the NFC xte@rminDal isn ' t wor1kiUn!g | Tech Support |
I ' m tLry0ing to make a mjobCile pyarymenkt at cuhecGkozut but the NFC &tUermiQnal isn ' t woUrknin^g | Tech Support |
I rec%eDivHed the twroZng i(tNem in my order. How can I i%n4iti^ate a aretKurn? | Returns |
I recYeivQeTd the wAron@g item in my +oQrder. How can I init2iakt$e a ret#urgn? | Returns |
I ' m Xhav9ing problems Hconn!ecating my Hsmwart home devices to yuo(ur in - s%toJre wifi neHt$wo1rk | Tech Support |
I ' m having proMbllemus connecting my Msm0art home Kdevihceos to Tyou4r in - store @wWifi next*wdork | Tech Support |
Wxha_t are your Tbes$t practices for Qmain!taicninog hfoo%d quality and freshness? | Product |
bWh9at are (yozur best practices for m+aijn^tvaining food quality and SfrYesjhness? | Product |
I have a qu$estTiDon 6ab0out my zpaychjeock. Who shosugld I contact? | HR |
I hHaove a quoesStioPn 9abAout my paycheck. Who shoBulgd I contact? | HR |
I hbaAve a coBmzp(laint atboGut a co - fwoVrker ' s be6haXviobr. Who handles Qtwhose issues? | HR |
I hWaLve a 9comYplaIint a4boyut a co - ^woIrker ' s behavior. Who IhBandlejs those iss^uecs? | HR |
DW0hat ' s the timeframe for initiFatsidng a fretLurn or aexchnangse on an i%te%m? | Returns |
GWhaLt ' s the timPef5ramPe for initiating a retcuNrn or exchzanTg3e on an BiteIm? | Returns |
I want to jupPdate my 401 (k) contrTibGuti3oxn. Who should I VspeVak w$iuth %aUbout tUha&t? | HR |
I want to updzatVe my 401 (k) JconxtrOibuption. Who shkou+ld I speak yw5ith aebo(ut tEhapt? | HR |
Wh4a6t ' s ryouLr poliJc^y on retAurlnjs for opened or used personal care it9emUs? | Product |
What ' s ayopur policy on r2eturnnss for opeJneVd or used QperUsonaTl care intem@s? | Product |
Do you offPe#r any promotions on +bSaby Jf9ood and di5ap(e_rs? | Product |
Do you offSeHr any promotions on Tb^aby foBo%d and vdKiapeRrs? | Product |
I nFeqed to retDuhrn an item I pEur4c7hased onxli_ne. Can I @drhop it off at one of youuCr retail loXcaatvions? | Logistics |
I neweOd to rveturOn an iXtGem I pEuKrcha9sed onl^iHne. Can I fdroop it off at one of your retail lAoca)ti!ons? | Logistics |
Can you 5walsk me twhrou!gdh the pDroncesxs for plKaciimng a pre - 3o1rder for an upcoming pbro8ducrt launch? | Logistics |
Can you wma%lk me through the preo9ces5s for plIaic&ing a pre - yordeZr for an up+coQm8ing $pBroduc(t launch? | Logistics |
What are yMobur 6beslt - sFe*llinxg grocery items this moynvth? | Product |
oWh7at are your bvesOt - s5ell%inVg grocery items this monvt&h? | Product |
Do you hpalve any oseuabsonal or il6i9mited - )tcime pzroducFt(s in stock right now? | Product |
Do you h2a(ve any szebason@al or limQietked - 7timge products in stock RrighBt now? | Product |
How can I +uNpdate my peUrHsonUal information in the eAmpl^oyOee s2ysEtem? | HR |
How can I )up(date my peQrtson4al iVnfo(r_maition in the emRp^lXoyee system? | HR |
What ptypfes of fr$oZzen me^axl options do you Nh5ave OthaZt are low in sodium? | Product |
2Wha5t Vtypoes of frozen m2e&al io6ptiuons do you have that are low in isodidum? | Product |
My pa(cNkasge Ksayrs it was Jdetliveremd but I nmevNer rteceiPvted it. WhJajt should I do? | Logistics |
My pLaczkaoge osayis it was 4delivekreZd but I ne(vear rveGceDived it. rWh0at should I do? | Logistics |
I have a faulty VproduucZt Dtha1t 6neeNds to be replaced. WYh!at ' s the turnaround tixmne on $tVhat? | Returns |
I +ha2ve a faulty prodBuVcOt that Aneedms to be replaced. WhFaVt ' s the teur8n*around ti%mde on that? | Returns |
The st)o5re ' s securHiZtTy cfafmperas appear to be malfunctioning. Who sahSould I repSorrt 1thi5s to? | Tech Support |
The Csto1re ' s sec%urAi8ty rcaQmeraXs amppeaQr to be malf^ubnVctai)oning. Who should I report pt4his to? | Tech Support |
My online ordPeqr won ' t go thropu3gDh - is Mthrere an issnuCe EwitAh your payment p^rocpes1sing? | Tech Support |
My Non)line Wordoer won ' t go through - is there an inssuFe with *yoxur 1paym)enkt proces*s0iOng? | Tech Support |
I have a question 5abo0ut ycounr holiday shipping deIadlnine(s and prHidoritrize0d delivery options | Logistics |
I jh(ave a question about your holiday sPhBipfping debadl)in^es and apriloriUtizead delivery options | Logistics |
I ' m lookjiynOg to $sw@itch to a part - Mt@ime Fskchednule. WhIaSt are the re7quiPremenzt6s? | HR |
I ' m lRoo#kinng to sawit@ch to a pa9rFt - _tiame s_chedullce. What are the reqsuir9eUmeJnts? | HR |
I can ' t 5seeem to acoceQss my a&ccoGun6t inf$oDrrmatwion on the w6e6bAsite. What ' s the pTrloblDem? | Tech Support |
I can ' t (seRem to (acucess my account inNforPma$tioVn on the qwgebsicte. PWhxat ' s the prVo%bleUm? | Tech Support |
I ' m intDe6resteid in apWplXyinUg for a job at y#o$ur company. Can you GprovSid^e iVnformaQtFi5on on cRuXrzrent opehnigng7s? | HR |
I ' m interested in applMy+inTg for a job at cyogur c6omvp@any. Can you pr%o6v0ide in$forma+tikoxn on _cunrren!t opYenijnIgs? | HR |
I would OliZke to get an update regarding an ord_ear th&att I had pl+acoed yeLster*dWay. | Logistics |
I woNumld like to get an Nupdgate regarding an order tthaHt I had playcQed yoe7sterZday. | Logistics |
I ' d olikse to place a l8aXrge ord9e#r for my busi@nels8s. Do you offer any special YbHulk $shiqppzing radties? | Logistics |
I ' d olXike to p4lacEe a lnargCe order for my _busine_sys. Do you ojff3er any special bfulgk shipping ratbe7s? | Logistics |
Can you p3riovTide details on the company ' s tjuitiioMn lreimburseumsenFt ppr%oRgram? | HR |
Can you provide details on the cobmpna3ny ' s tuiEtOio1n raeimbouzrsemen)t prIogria&m? | HR |
I ' d xli^ke to exchange a Bpro3dujct I ZbougWht in - stosrMe. Do I neFe+d to bring the ori4gQiNnal wrteceiSpt? | Returns |
I ' d l$ik^e to exchange a prwoydu1ct I boupgVht in - Isto%re. Do I qnered to biri7ng the original recceivpWt? | Returns |
WhGicnh products are on disScoeuSnt this wwSeek? | Product |
Whigckh products are on discount tPhins Vwee1k? | Product |
I ' m trying to s!chjejdule a lar1gce dejl6iver&y for my buOs+iWness. Do you RofKfer any special uscYhedulijng soppxtions? | Logistics |
I ' m try#inLg to wsch9edIule a Elar!ge ^deRlivedry for my buscintebss. Do you Soff2er any special Hschpedauling options? | Logistics |
How can I acwce@ss and vjitew my pay sturbCs and tax bdocu9menWts? | HR |
How can I acucelss and Tvie1w my pay )stubQs and tax QdocumenNt6s? | HR |
I bohugsht something 0thaEt YdidJn ' t #me7et my xexpecltatqijons. Is there a way to get a ipa*rt(ial rvef0und? | Returns |
I bPou_ght sometxhginIg thnaWt didn ' t meet my ezxpecta(ti)olns. Is tDher3e a way to get a partUigajl refuan_d? | Returns |
How can I up@daute my pxefrskonal Ninfo^rmaetiXon in the employee sqysteGm? | HR |
How can I update my pe%rsoCnabl in8fokrm!atibon in the *emIployeee *sTystem? | HR |
I ne!ecd to reApzort an on - the - job inj7ur5y. 0WhIat ' s the _propepr reporting proace$sDs? | HR |
I Yn(eed to rHeaport an on - the - job iJnjur(y. TWJhat ' s the propxeWr &ryedporting process? | HR |
I need to ex^petdjite the bshiLppintg on my Jorde7r. Is there an optTiozn to pay for fa3stAer Udeldiveray? | Logistics |
I neMeWd to eaxperdiGte the sh8ipZpicng on my order. Is 6therte an optico&n to pay for faster dfeliAverVy? | Logistics |
I orKdeUrebd an i%tegm onlOince but it hasn ' t KaPrrivegd yet. How can I ztra_ck the sh(ip@mengt? | Logistics |
I @orwderced an ditHem Wonli4ne but it h3asFn ' t arriivCeWd yet. How can I LtHrack the shipment? | Logistics |
The ctoKuchscrje(en on the in - st7orSe 1ki!osk is not res1p)ondiIng Cproperlley. Can you 3senNd sro#meon7e to fix it? | Tech Support |
The !toucohscrXee6n on the in - stEo8re kNioysk is not respo)n(di@ng wpirope+rly. Can you s1en3d LsBomveone to fix it? | Tech Support |
I need to find skomNe d*aiAry - free miPl8k Ra0ltevrnativFes. @WUhat o7pmtiXons do you carry? | Product |
I kneued to Wfin_d some diaiLry - free m(iFlk alternatives. WhuaAt 9opti9onVs do you carry? | Product |
I ' d l$idke to provide feePdbkacjk a!bDout my HmaEnagver ' s l7eapdEership s(tydle. How should I do tehZat? | HR |
I ' d lCi^ke to provide feeydbDacYk about my $myanagegr ' s leWadersthiTp styBlie. How 1sLhould I do t1hJat? | HR |
I wfas!n ' t ho@mpe for my die_liverKy and now the &paockag8e savySs it ' s bSee^n rIeGturne)d. How can I get it? | Logistics |
I 5waYsn ' t h_omVe for my del%ievAery and now the 6pac_kTage s9a3ys it ' s bweean re3turDnwed. How can I get it? | Logistics |
Can you 7thell me Fmorne aboyu8t the origin and Ufa!r!ming practices of your wcloffee beans? | Product |
Can you tJebll me fmoHre about the or0ig7in and *fSargming practices of your cQoffkee beans? | Product |
I ' m having MissuOes #witFh the in - rstQore self - checkout kIiosUks. Can you prNovi(dEe 5sXuHpport? | Tech Support |
I ' m having ^issue+s with the in - !s6tore se_lLf - chWecckvout ki@osk1s. Can you pqroovizde support? | Tech Support |
I ne^egd to chahng!e the delivery adtdr6es3s for my upc%o3minug Norde4r. How can I do Bth)at? | Logistics |
I need to chamnnge the d^elivesrZy a&d@dreWss for my up7cogminJg or@dger. How can I do tkhaHt? | Logistics |
2T_here ' s been a detla9y EwCith my orcd7er. Wdhien can I 6expe0ct to receive it? | Logistics |
There ' s Kbee9n a dQelsay wiCtbh my oxrdeOr. When can I ebxpelct to recxeAivke it? | Logistics |
I need to re&qWu(est a re3acsoSnable accommodation for a disaIbil(ithy. #W@hat are the nAexyt UstFeps? | HR |
I need to reFq!uesZt a reasonable aaccKomFmodJation for a disa_byilJity. WphEat are the !nOext st6epZs? | HR |
Subsets and Splits