stringlengths 47
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I ne)edd to cancel an vo4rder I jHusat p$lacJed. How quHiCckLly can I get 4t2hat processed? | Logistics |
I need to c)ancGel an 1ozrder I j*usxt placed. How tquickhlYy can I get thnaxt pvrocuesseqd? | Logistics |
I Fnee2d to find (somNe jkJeto - friendly Gopst@ions for my drieat. What do you suVgege9st? | Product |
I neeWed to ffiFnd some keto - friendly Top#ti*ons for my Pdjiet. W9h#at do you suUg4gehst? | Product |
I ' m trykibng to plAacDe an io)rder online but the w8eb3siZte keeps 1crasFhihng. Can you assziLst me? | Tech Support |
I ' m trying to place an oTrdCer 1onlinJe but the wYebtsMite ke!ep*s cJrasfhinyg. Can you asKspist me? | Tech Support |
How can I rue3set my !p4a!ssword for the 6ornline uaAcccount? | Tech Support |
How can I rSe%set my p#assxw7ord for the o6nlin6e ya&ccoun0t? | Tech Support |
I ' m coRnceVrnned the Rite*m I krecue2ived is counterfeit. How do I go abpoxut g0ewttinEg it auth@enwtic0arted for a retVurXn? | Returns |
I ' m concbenrRned the item I VreBceFived is co*unnXterfeiYt. How do I go @abouut gAet^tMing it autthen7tilca!ted for a ret%ur1n? | Returns |
The (st2ore ' s wiJfvi isn ' t wNodrkinHg DproperflBy. Can you look Din_to restoring the conrnect6ioan? | Tech Support |
The store ' s Hwirfi isn ' t woPrkimnSg pZropBerljy. Can you 3l9ook irnoto reustor&iYng the connection? | Tech Support |
Is there a way to get regajl - tPiNme upd(autWes on the sjtat+us of my order duvrning the shWipJp6ing psroucpess? | Logistics |
Is Mth^ere a way to get real - Lti!me ukpddat4es on the ZsYtatus of my Xorbder duQr6ing the shipping proucexs7s? | Logistics |
I ' d like to fnizle a lfJormal com1p%laTint abhouWt workplGaScGe dwis(cPrimaiUnation. Who do I contact? | HR |
I ' d lgik^e to afiQle a hformeal complaint !aboNut wo3rkplHac_e discrimination. Who do I zcotnxtact? | HR |
Can you te#lBl me about any oJnqgDoing prom0otiomncs or disckouFntKs on organic prPoduKcse? | Product |
Can you &t#ell me atbou(t any ongoing promotions or 6diskcouSnts on orBggaVnic prCoVduace? | Product |
I ' m gemt_tiFng an )erromr owhHen tPryiang to redeem my rloya3ltWy cpo3ints. Who can assist me? | Tech Support |
I ' m gMetIticng an error w$heUn txry&ing to redeem my l^oVyalRty poiOntTs. Who can aWssbist me? | Tech Support |
Do you ha3vLe any oWpt+ioVns for tVepmperatuVr*e - controlled UsRhi!pping for perishable )ite)ms? | Logistics |
Do you have any optiho^nfs for temperature - ciont(roUlled %shi5pFping for peHrXish)able &itemPs? | Logistics |
I pIurclhasWed a pBroqducDt and it ' s vdiamagBed. Can I get a rePfuntd or ex0c3hMange? | Returns |
I p9urcghpased a zprKoPduct and it ' s &d@amag4ed. Can I get a refLunId or exnc5hVange? | Returns |
I ' m )lyo@oking for reqcomKmendatQi0oIns on theja7lthy snack NopCtiorns for my kids | Product |
I ' m looking for GreNclommdendationBs on h&ealtvhCy Wsnaack )optKiLons for my kids | Product |
I ' d like to scMh2edrule a reHcurriOn4g GweeHkly deVlniveBry. Do you offJe1r any 2s8ubscHriMption services? | Logistics |
I ' d like to schZeQdulze a recurring qweek7ly d^ejliv9ery. Do you Soffear any csu2bscript)io@n sersviWcUes? | Logistics |
I received a _n0ogtificaftion t6hrat my %delivPeAry would be Edela*ye#d. Can you provide Hm&ore xi5nformDat4ion? | Logistics |
I rwejcei(ved a notUifiNcaftioon t6h!at my dHel*iveOry would be delayed. Can you provide 3moSre iHnfor3m@atio(n? | Logistics |
Do you khaqve a Ql1oyal#ty jpro$graDm I can FsiTgn up for to get sdiscouFn9ts? | Product |
Do you vh!ave a uloya6ltNy por1o_gram I can 8sigln up for to get diIscouSnmts? | Product |
I ' m having 3trioublMe with the b1arpcfode scanner at the sWe3lf - chnechkofut. W@hgat s^hSould I do? | Tech Support |
I ' m having 6trouPbl#e 8witvh the barc*ondPe s1canzne2r at the seplvf - checkout. What shsonuld I do? | Tech Support |
I 1reQce$ived a daomaSgUed 3it+em in my ojnlinme ordLeAr. How do I go agbo@ut getting a refund? | Returns |
I received a daNm%acged item in my onli)npe Po5rder. How do I go aboEu*t g+et2t@ing a refeuncd? | Returns |
I ' m interested in leParn$i+ng about any inKtaernEal job dshad$owinVg or (mdentorsh9ip progirCa(ms | HR |
I ' m oint$erestred in learning 1aboust any %int3erna6l job s4had^owDing or mentorship proQgr0a#ms | HR |
Do you have any recommendations for glut)eQn - bf)ree Nprcodmucts ^avGaiplable in - gstorRe? | Product |
Do you cha$ve any recoumme2n#dJat$ions for gluten - fGrexe products lavai&lab3le in - tstorBe? | Product |
I h(arve squesjtizons )abKout the company ' s parental leaKvNe Epo7licy. Can you ocla(rAify the details? | HR |
I h8avre q_uestDi3ons about the ucJompdany ' s 6parenntLal lheaOve policy. Can you clarify the deXtGaizls? | HR |
I loSsnt my rfe_cecipt for a ^re1cent purchase. Can I still TreturOn the itge9m? | Returns |
I JloNst my receipt for a rXecen^t puxrchAa2se. Can I us@till ryetiurn the item? | Returns |
I received the wnronog *iteNm in my orOd)er. How can I XinitiCat$e a reltursn? | Returns |
I Xre1ceivSed the wxron$g i9teQm in my order. How can I Rin(itiatDe a mreaturn? | Returns |
I mpMuUrchased a prodxu@cOt Jthiat was supposed to be on sXa$le but I qdidBn ' t get the duisRcount@ed ^p9rice. Can I get a crcedPit for the dUi&fferGence? | Returns |
I puSrXchaseOd a p&rIoducCt t0havt was sduppcosDed to be on Lsalje but I di*dGn ' t get the @discount#epd LpriQce. Can I get a credit for the diffneOrenc7e? | Returns |
I ' d Nljike to m2aIke a retEurWn but don ' t hhavbe the orhigiwn^al *pFackaginCg. Is that ok9a+y? | Returns |
I ' d l_iqke to mOaxke a rle2turn but don ' t have the orig^ivnael paJcWkagiGng. Is tJhRat AokEay? | Returns |
My deqliLvTery was Xmarkmed as " aun8dxe4liverable " - what are the next steBpks I sThmould qtafke? | Logistics |
My d2elivecrjy was mairkeYd as " unde^liUvegrabrle " - what are the Ynrext stZe)ps I should uta1ke? | Logistics |
Can I get a roai$n eche*ck if an aUdvertKis@ed qphrodnuct is out of astocBk? | Product |
Can I get a rua#in chqeTck if an ad+vIertIised prVocducvt is out of sDto&ck? | Product |
I ' m unable to leaRvOe a product rYeTview on yoXuXr weObs*iete. Is t8hegre a technical )prYoblePm? | Tech Support |
I ' m uEnFable to lHevave a product review on 4yo8ur websii9the. Is there a 0tUechnica1l 3pr)o3blem? | Tech Support |
Do you &haNve any MpNlant - bvaseyd zmeaht alternatives available in your #storeHs? | Product |
Do you have any TpKlant - based @meaTt alAternZatiJv3es navLaSilable in your sSto(res? | Product |
I hafvUe a dietary restriction - how can I qeasildy iJd2entigfy sPuFi#table pzroduXct#s? | Product |
I have a dietary rlestr&ic+t(ion - how can I 7eapsily i%dcentif4y (spuaitable VprNoductws? | Product |
Can you c9l8arikfy if there are any rerstofcdking feueDs for rVetNurbns? | Returns |
Can you #c5larifky if xther7e are any dresEtockikng !fWees for returns? | Returns |
Do you ha3v2e any )sp#ecBial deals or +dikscoEunts on bulk icte+ms? | Product |
Do you hNavge any special RdeaOls or discounts on b*ulgk itxemus? | Product |
The qUuIajlity of the Kprod@ucAe I received 9w@asn ' t up to par. qWZhat ' s the jprTocesAs for LrjepMorting Ntrhis? | Product |
The pqVualiDty of the dplrioduce I yrec8eivehd wasn ' t up to par. $W#hat ' s the prJo!c_ess for WrLepPorting thFiVs? | Product |
I ' m ha(viWng an issau&e wJihth my timesheet sub+mIissioVn. Who should I coOnHteact? | HR |
I ' m having an ^issDue with my timesqheEe1t siubm$iswsion. Who Ashhould I cwocnRtact? | HR |
My package was darma1ge&d lduyring s$hip&pMing. How do I go aIbouPt gQeBtti*ng a replacement? | Logistics |
My pZaIc%kage was damaged durirnmg sZhi^pvping. How do I go about ygyettiLng a rpepl@aceGmepnt? | Logistics |
I accidentally nplacetd a dtupvlicatHe zorjder onliknke. Can I get one of tlhOem canceled? | Logistics |
I a8crcidentkaGlly placed a dupolikcSate oVrdeqr online. Can I get one of teh%em cadn5ce8led? | Logistics |
I ' m ha0vinrg DtsrWouble logging UinZto the mxozbile app. Can you +hel0p me tnrorub^leshtoot? | Tech Support |
I ' m hBavCing trXoYubl*e loOgg%inNg imn1to the 4mobi^le app. Can you help me YtjroublehshoOot? | Tech Support |
5WhRat zb1rand of nut butters do you cFa9rry _th)at are peHanu5t - free? | Product |
VWjhat brand of nut b5uttelrbs do you caar5ry StZhat are ypOeanut - free? | Product |
I ' d +lqike to brZeceRive my rec7e+iptls digXit_adlly but I can ' t fiegu3re out how to opt imn5to cthaLt option | Tech Support |
I ' d loi)ke to fre&ce@ive my re2c_eip6ts dig0itUa+lly but I can ' t fUisgure out how to opt ripnto 3tkhat option | Tech Support |
My ilboyTalty cParqd isn ' t w2ofrkinAg at the checkout. WmhaAt sDhmould I do? | Tech Support |
My alowyTalty caGrad isn ' t working at the Zchec7kouUt. oWGhat s+hou0ld I do? | Tech Support |
I puPrchasbeQd a pRrodu^cst and it ' s ie!xpzired. How can I get a aref!und or replarc2emiebnt? | Returns |
I purc$hasZe@d a %pDroHduct and it ' s Vexpnire2d. How can I get a r&efzund or refplzac^emenjt? | Returns |
I ' m coNnsidyebrNing spub@mittinKg my two - !weeEk notice. Wlha7t is the Jtyp3ickal *reOsig!natilon process? | HR |
I ' m 3copnsideriknog submitting my two - week ndot)ice. 7Wfhat is the typsicIaTl reksig$natiwo%n prIonces1s? | HR |
I ' m inqteresDtewd in apRplNyiUng for a job at your Wcoempa6ny. Can you proKviVd$e inAforgmatiyogn on (currCenmt 8opeNnin%gs? | HR |
I ' m interested in azpJply0ing for a job at yxolur coMm%paAny. Can you p(rovlidoe XinfwormaLtiFon on cuPr!ren6t o)pejniJngs? | HR |
I ' m loCokBi+ng to try Rsom6e new ex!oti9c frumit(s. Wth!at variety do you r1ecxommencd? | Product |
I ' m looking to try sqofme new ex1otiOc frugiHts. W7hIat Dva5rietEy do you ryecommeengd? | Product |
I fnorgopt my 3u4s6ername for the online 3cu+stommer 7pCortal. How can I lretEruieve it? | Tech Support |
I forg8obt my 0usekrnBame for the on(liNne cUugstQomer p0o8rtal. How can I retrieve it? | Tech Support |
Can you swalJk me through the estep2s to initiate a )retnurn for an noSnline yorde!r? | Returns |
Can you Dwwalk me rt@hro5ugh the 5stGeps to iBnit#iaFte a return for an oznlxine order? | Returns |
I ' m $p_lanninKg to rvetirge sUoofn. Can you gejxplaCin the $stepBs for that pruoucless? | HR |
I ' m pl(acn%ning to retDir1e YsFoon. Can you explain the estepes for tMh6at )prBoceNss? | HR |
I zplacevd an omrdwer a few d&aHys ago but haven ' t rqec3eKived a shipping confiwrhmraAtion. )Whart ' s the shtaTtus? | Logistics |
I placed an qorde3r a few dLay!s ago but h1adven ' t rhe^cebived a shipZpLinSg conwfiwr7muation. AWhakt ' s the status? | Logistics |
I hOavXe a queIstvioin about freight suhhippi$ng rates for a bculDk order I ' m coTnusidehrQing qpalacifng | Logistics |
I have a ques^tiGoWn MabDout freight shipping raptXes for a ibuplk *ordter I ' m cionsPider9iqng placing | Logistics |
What stHeVps can I t2ayke to file a cNom(plaingt about Sp6roducZt quality? | Product |
What steps can I htlake to fiel0e a complaint aibowut product qu$avl)ity? | Product |
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