[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nThe insulin/insulin-like growth factor system is an evolutionarily ancient, highly conserved, endocrine and paracrine signal transduction network in multicellular organisms^[@CR1]^. It regulates a broad spectrum of key life processes such as organism metabolism, somatic growth, development, reproduction and lifespan, and cell growth, differentiation and migration at the cellular level. ", "In humans and many vertebrates, insulin is stored in oligomeric forms in pancreatic β-cells, and is acutely secreted in response to glucose and nutrients^[@CR2]^. It circulates freely in the blood after secretion with a short (\\~4 min) half-life^[@CR3]^. In contrast, human insulin-like growth factors (hIGF-1 and 2) are secreted by multiple tissues and do not oligomerise but are tightly bound in biological fluids by several IGF binding proteins (IGFBP1--6)^[@CR4]--[@CR6]^. Ultimately, insulin and IGFs exert their signalling through closely related tyrosine kinase type insulin and IGF-1 receptors (IR, IGF-1R)^[@CR1],[@CR7],[@CR8]^(Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "1The main molecular steps in the insulin/IGF axes. ", "IR-A, IR-B isoforms of the insulin receptor (IR), IGF-1R IGF receptor, and their heterodimers, IGF-2R IGF-2 receptor, IGFBP IGF-binding proteins, IBP ILP-binding proteins, \\[insulin\\]~6~ crystalline, or other oligomeric, storage form of insulin in pancreas β-cells, DILP-1-8 and Imp-L2 *Drosophila* ILPs and IBP, respectively\n\nThe occurrence of similar insulin/IGFs-like hormones (insulin-like proteins, ILPs), is very diverse in the animal kingdom, ranging from one insulin and IGF-1/IGF-2 in human, eight ILPs in *Drosophila* (DILP1--8), to 40 ILPs in *C. elegans*^[@CR1],[@CR7],[@CR9]--[@CR13]^. Nevertheless, they share similar motifs of inter-/intra-chain disulphide bridges and organisation into B, C, A and D-domains, typical of insulin, pro-insulin and IGF-1/2 (Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Supplementary Figure [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "The variety of types of ILPs is not reflected in the number of their receptors that is limited to one insulin receptor (IR, with IR-A and IR-B isoforms) and one IGF receptor (IGF-1R) in humans, to one IR-like in most invertebrates, including insects such as *Drosophila* (dmIR)^[@CR1],[@CR7]^.Fig. ", "2Structural organisation of representative insulin-like proteins. **", "a** human insulin (hINS in the sequence box)(PDB ID: 1mso), **b** human IGF-1 (1gzr), **c** human IGF-2 (hormone ligand taken from 3kr3 complex), **d** *D. melanogaster* DILP5 (2wfv). ", "A-chains or domains (in IGF1/IGF2) are in coral, B-chains/domains in white, C-and D-domains in IGF-1/IGF-2 in green and blue, respectively (untraced residues in IGF-1 in green dashed line). ", "The white insulin B-chain in **a** shows its T-conformation, while the red part of the B-helix depicts the R-conformer of the B1-B8 part of insulin B-chain\n\nThe intracellular ILPs-signalling pathways---so called insulin/IGF axis---are well conserved in the animal kingdom^[@CR14]^, in contrast to the diverse regulations of bioavailability of these hormones. ", "In humans, this involves six blood-circulating IGFBPs and the non-signalling IGF-2/mannose-6-phosphate receptor (IGF-2R)^[@CR15]--[@CR20]^(Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The \\~213--289 amino acids long, three-domains human IGFBP-1-6 tightly regulate the level of free IGF-1/2 by forming binary/ternary complexes with these hormones^[@CR4]--[@CR6],[@CR16],[@CR17],[@CR19]--[@CR21]^.\n\nAn understanding of IGFBP-1--6 was further convoluted by a proposed extension of the IGFBP superfamily by a number of cysteine-rich proteins^[@CR17]^, which homology to IGFBP1-6 is limited to their N-terminal IGFBP-like domain, with suggested IGFs affinities \\~100× lower than of the true IGFBPs. ", "These proteins were termed as IGFBP-related proteins (IGFBP-rPs)^[@CR17]^, and they included Mac25 (temporarily renamed also as IGFBP-7), which cDNA was originally identified in meningioma^[@CR22],[@CR23]^.\n\nSubsequently, it was reported that the cells from the Fall armyworm, *Spodoptera frugiperda*, used in baculovirus Mac25 expression secrete a binding protein, named *Sf* ILPs binding protein (*Sf*-IBP), that can bind human insulin, IGF-1 and IGF-2^[@CR24],[@CR25]^, with high nM affinities, and that it can interfere with the formation of human insulin:IR complex and its signalling^[@CR25]^. These and other findings^[@CR26]^ revealed that the postulated IGF-binding properties of Mac25 actually resulted from the contamination of the expression media by *Spodoptera* endogenous *Sf*-IBP, being confused further by similar \\~27 kDa molecular masses of these proteins. ", "As the other members of the purported IGFBP-rPs family also failed to show any insulin/IGFs binding^[@CR27],[@CR28]^, there is now a common consensus that only the six classical, human IGFBPs-1--6 should be designated as IGFBPs^[@CR5]^, and that *Sf-*IBP may represent a distinct ILP-bioavailability regulating system (Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}),\n\nThe cloning of *Sf-*IBP indicated its high homology to the 242 amino acid *Drosophila* imaginal morphogenesis protein-late 2 protein (Imp-L2)^[@CR25]^ that is expressed during imaginal discs morphogenesis^[@CR29]^. The secretion of Imp-L2 is induced by 20-hydroxyecdysone, and is implicated in neural and ectodermal development in *Drosophila*^[@CR30]^, with Imp-L2 null progeny from Imp-L2 null mothers, showing 100% lethality^[@CR30]^. Imp-L2 can bind human IGF-1, IGF-2, insulin, and DILP5 with nM affinities^[@CR25]^, it counteracts insulin signalling in *Drosophila* being essential for resistance to starvation, while its overexpression leads to an extension of the lifespan^[@CR31],[@CR32]^.\n\nTherefore the aim of this work was to provide the structural insight into the invertebrate ILPs-regulatory IBPs-based system, and to assess its molecular relationship to human IGFBPs. ", "Here, we report the crystal structures of the *Drosophila* Imp-L2 protein in its apo-form, and in holo-complexes with insect DILP5 and human IGF-1. ", "They are supported by ITC and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) Imp-L2 binding data with human insulin, IGF-1, and DILP5, and size exclusion chromatography with multi-angle light scattering (SEC-MALS) and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) in solution studies of oligomeric states of this protein.", "\n\nThe three-dimensional characterisation of the Imp-L2 IBP in its free and hormone-complex forms revealed its fold and hormone-binding mode that are entirely different from, and unrelated to, IGFBP-1-6. ", "Hence Imp-L2 and, likely, other insects IBPs, represent an alternative macromolecular system for the control of the bioavailability of insulin-like hormones.", "\n\nResults {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nStructure of apo-Imp-L2 {#Sec3}\n-----------------------\n\nThe apo-Imp-L2 consists of two, similar, immunoglobulin-(Ig)-like fold domains, each of them with two-sandwiched layers of \\~6--7 anti-parallel β-strands. ", "They contribute to an extensive, continuous β-sheet on the top-side of the Imp-L2 that is referred here as to inter-domain-β-sheet (id-β-sheet) (Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The N-terminal Ig-domain (1--142, referred here as to Ig-NT) is fused by a short linker to the C-terminal (145--242) domain (Ig-CT) (Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Although both domains can be classified as variants of the intermediate (I-set) subfamily of the Ig-fold they show significant variations from this structural motif, which likely reflects its adaptation to a novel organisation and function of the Imp-L2 (Fig.", " [3b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "3Structure and fold of the apo Imp-L2 protein. **", "a** Ribbon representation of the apo Imp-L2 structure. ", "The Ig-NT and Ig-CT domains are in white and coral, respectively. ", "NT-terminal and CT-terminal of protein. ", "This is a top representation of the Imp-L2 with the view on a large, continuous inter-domain β-sheet. ", "Amino acids 142--146 constitute short domains-linking loop, and 70--92 a long Ig-NT loop (in yellow); 75--86 part of this loop is marked by dashed lines, as it was highly mobile in the apo-Imp-L2, and is not included in the final model; it was traced here in a weak, non-refined electron density for an overall clarity of this figure. **", "b** The folding scheme of the Imp-L2 (top) and a typical Ig-I type immunoglobulin fold (below Ig-NT scheme). ", "The grey/coral colouring scheme corresponds to the Ig-NT and Ig-CT domains, respectively. ", "The shift of the A^N^/A^C^ parts of the A strand in the fold scheme of the Ig-CT domain represent a significant twist of this β-strand and split contribution of this strand to different β-sheets. **", "c** A view on the Imp-L2 from the N- and C-termini edge of this protein. **", "d** A representative structure of human IGFBP-4 (PDB ID: 2dsr); only the N-domain and C-domain are shown, and the IGF-1 has been omitted for figure clarity\n\nThe β-strands of Ig-NT domain consist of two β-sheets: βA′-βG-βF-βC and βA-βB-βE which generally follow the I-set fold (Fig.", " [3a, b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"})^[@CR33]^, but the I-set Ig typical βC′- and βD-strands are missing in the Ig-NT. ", "Instead, their corresponding polypeptide chains form here a long, Imp-L2-characteristic 70--92 loop that joins directly the βC-strand and βE-strand (Fig.", " [3a, b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Moreover, a part of its putative βD-strand is fused with the βE-strand giving it an extra length that is needed for an effective formation of the Ig-NT:Ig-CT inter-domain interface. ", "This departure from the classical I-set fold re-directs the 70--92 loop, which joins βE strand from a different/opposite direction than seen in Ig I-set domains (Fig.", " [3b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe Ig-CT domain follows the Ig-I fold more closely, with its βC'-strand and βD-strand being present here. ", "The short βA/βA'-strands of Ig-I are fused here into one, long βA-strand which together with the antiparallel βE-strand of the Ig-NT domain, forms a tight Ig-NT:Ig-CT inter-domain interface (Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, this Ig I-set typical split of the βA/βA′ strands is reflected in the Ig-CT domain by a significant twist of this long (147--160) βA-strand. ", "As a result, the N-terminal part of this βA strand (147--154: referred her as to βA^N^) belongs to βA^N^-βB/βB′-βE-βD β-sheet of the Ig-CT, while the C-terminal part of this strand (157--160: referred here as to βA^C^) contributes to the βA^C^-βG-βF-βC-βC′ β-sheet of this domain (Fig.", " [3a, b](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The structural strain of the Ig-CT βA-strand that is probably induced by its domain-interface function seems to be propagated into the neighbouring βB-strand of this domain, which is split into two βB (166--168) and βB′ (170--175) strands; a feature not observed in the Ig I-set. ", "The distal, very short βC'-strand (187--189) is at a sharp (\\>50°) angle to the βA^C^-βG-βF-βC plane and contributes poorly to this β-sheet.", "\n\nThe continuous inter-domain-β-sheet (id-β-sheet, top-side of the Imp-L2 (Fig.", " [3c](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) is formed by a tight interface between Ig-NT βA-βB-βE and Ig-CT βA^C^-βG-βF-βC-βC′ β-sheets that is stabilised by hydrogen bonds between parts of Ig-NT βE (92--99) and Ig-CT βA^C^ (157--160) strands. ", "The relative flatness of the id-β-sheet surface contrasts with a concave shape of the opposite (back) side of the Imp-L2, with its only one β−strand thick apex at the βA: βE inter-domain interface (Fig.", " [3c](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nDespite some structural differences, the overall folds of the Ig-NT- and CT-domains are similar with an rms difference of 1.45 Å between their Cα chains, calculated after deletion of the 24--31, 72--93, 133--143 loops in the Ig-NT domain (referred here as to a core Ig-NT^Δ^). ", "A unique mirror-like edge-to-edge arrangement of the Impl-L2 Ig-domains brings close (\\~4.20 Å) its N-terminal and C-terminal, which is different than in the classical Ig-proteins were the N/C-termini are at the opposite ends of the domains, and which enhances further the planarity of the id-β-sheet.", "\n\nRelation of Imp-L2 to Ig-fold containing proteins {#Sec4}\n-------------------------------------------------\n\nThe overall structure of the Imp-L2 protein does not have any obvious structural homologues in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). ", "However, the Ig-NT and Ig-CT domains are remarkably similar to the M10 domain (M10^1--99^, Supplementary Figure [2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}) that is the most C-terminal Ig-I-like subfamily segment of the human giant muscle protein titin^[@CR34]--[@CR37]^, which is a docking platform for several sarcomeric binding partners such as obscurin^[@CR38]^. The Ig-CT domain follows more closely the M10 fold (pdb id: 3q4o and 2y9r, unpublished), with Cα atoms rms difference of 1.11 and 1.17 Å; the Ig-NT^Δ^ domain has a slightly higher structural deviation of \\~1.59--1.48 Å from these M10 structures.", "\n\nMost importantly, Imp-L2 does not have any structural relationship to any IGFBPs (Fig.", " [3d](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) and represents a new protein scaffold for the regulation of bioavailability of the insulin-like hormones in invertebrates.", "\n\nOligomeric states of apo-Imp-L2 in the solid state {#Sec5}\n--------------------------------------------------\n\nThere are two, closely packed apo-Imp-L2 molecules in the crystal asymmetric unit, raising the question about the functional relevance of this quaternary structure. ", "The dimer results from top-to-top-side arrangement of the Imp-L2 proteins related by twofold non-crystallographic symmetry axis that runs approximately parallel to βA:βE inter-domain interfaces (Supplementary Figure [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "The \\~909 Å^2^ buried apo-dimer interface involves mostly hydrophobic, π-cation, and only few hydrogen bonds (e.g. 37Lys −231Asp) interactions. ", "This dimer engages more the top surfaces of the apo-Impl2 that are closer to the N- and C-termini of the id-β-sheet.", "\n\nStructure of the Imp-L2:DILP5 complex {#Sec6}\n-------------------------------------\n\nThe Imp-L2:DILP5 complex revealed 1:1 Imp-L2:hormone mode of binding (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Imp-L2:DILP5 complex formation is correlated with the propensity of Imp-L2 to form a new type of the dimer. ", "The crystal asymmetric unit contains here two independent, but practically identical dimers (rms of 1.0 Å), that are entirely different from the apo-Imp-L2 dimer (discussed further in detail in relation to the Imp-L2 apo→holo related quaternary transitions).Fig. ", "4Structure of the Imp-L2:DILP5 complex. **", "a** The top view, and **b** the side view (from the direction of the 70--92 loop of the apo-Imp-L2) of this complex. ", "As the core of the apo-Imp-L2 remains practically invariant upon hormone binding the main differences between apo- and holo-Imp-L2: move of the 70--92 loop and split of the C-terminal and N-terminal, have been showed in red on the apo-Imp-L2 scaffold, with a general colour-coding as in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}. ", "DILP5 B- and A-chains are in green and blue-grey, respectively\n\nThe hormone:Imp-L2 binding mode is identical in all holo-Imp-L2 dimers, with the rms differences of 0.68--1.09 Å between all Imp-L2:DILP5 binary complexes. ", "The overall folds of the holo- and apo-Imp-L2 also remain similar (\\~0.83 Å rms between Cα atoms).", "\n\nThe DILP5 hormone binds to Imp-L2 top id-β-sheet mainly by its B-helix that is almost perpendicular to the direction of id-β-strands (Fig.", " [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The helix runs in Ig-CT→Ig-NT direction, and is mostly engaged with the N- and C-termini part of the id-β surface. ", "The hormone B-chain α−helix:Imp-L2 β-sheet interactions are depleted of specific, tight and directional side-chain:side-chain contacts, which are mostly of a van der Waals, hydrophobic nature over ca. ", "\\~835 Å^2^ buried interface (Supplementary Table [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "The Imp-L2 contributes βB-βE:βA^C^-βG-βF strands to the complex (mainly Trp32, Met58, Ile93, Leu159, Trp211, Met214, Phe233, Tyr215), while B-helix side chains are limited here to AlaB9, MetB13, ValB16, AlaB17. ", "However, there is also more specific shape complementarity between DILP5 B-chain and the id-β-sheet (Fig.", " [4b](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) as, for example, hormone MetB13 fills a hydrophobic cavity formed by Met58, Trp32, Ile93 and Leu159 of the Imp-L2.", "\n\nThe A-chain of the DILP5 'overhangs' the edge of the id-β-sheet, contributing (e.g. by PheA16) to some van der Waals-hydrophobic interaction with Imp-L2 (Fig.", " [4a, b](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The C-end of hormone A1 helix rests on Trp211, and the CysA9 CO--OH Tyr235 hydrogen bond (3.3 Å) is a rare directional contact on the hormone:Imp-L2 interface. ", "However, some possible polar interactions cannot be excluded as a positively charged region of the Imp-L2 consisting of Arg95, Arg97 and Lys156, is in the proximity of AspB12, which is disordered on the apo-Imp-L2 surface (a summary of hormone:Imp-L2 interaction is provided in Supplementary Table [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}).", "\n\nImportantly, both the hormone and the Imp-L2 molecule undergo significant structural changes upon formation of their complex. ", "Firstly, the conformation of the N-terminus of B-chain (B1--B5) of DLP5 must change, as its extended---so-called T-like---structure, observed in its free state^[@CR39]^ and in some insulins (Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}), would clash with the id-β-sheet surface. ", "Although the terminal B1--B5 main chains of the hormone show varying degree of disorder in four copies of this complex, there is a strong indication that they attain more so-called R-like, fully helical, conformation of the B-helix, observed only in some oligomeric states of insulin, where they are induced by phenolic-like ligands^[@CR40],[@CR41]^ (Fig.", " [2a](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The B19--B23 part of the DILP5 B-chain retains the conformation of the free hormone but its C-terminal part is disordered.", "\n\nThe fully helical transition of the B1--B5 terminus of the DILP5 B-chain upon Imp-L2 binding correlates with the reallocation (by ca. ", "\\~4.5 Å) of the hormone A-chain to avoid its clash with the Imp-L2 surface. ", "Here, the \\~3.5 Å move of CysB6 pulls the CysB6--CysA10 disulphide, and, subsequently, the whole A-chain towards its steric hindrance-free conformation.", "\n\nThe allosteric effect observed in the complexed hormone is reciprocated by the structural changes in the Imp-L2. ", "The positioning of the hormone on the id-β-sheet leads to a greater separation of the N- and C-termini of the Imp-L2, from \\~12 Å in apo-Imp-L2, to over 20 Å distance between the Cα atoms at sites 30 and 240 (Fig.", " [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The mutual hormone and Imp-L2 structural adaptations lead to closer contacts of the Imp-L2 236--239 C-terminal segment and the A12-A18 linker of the A-chain α-helices of DILP5.", "\n\nStructure of the human IGF-1:Imp-L2 complex {#Sec7}\n-------------------------------------------\n\nThe human IGF-1:Imp-L2 complex also reveals a dimer that is very similar to DILP5:Imp-L2 quaternary arrangement (\\~0.89 Å rms between Cα atoms of these complexes), and the overall IGF-1 and DILP5 Imp-L2-binding modes are very similar as well (Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, a higher resolution of the X-ray data allowed here an unambiguous tracing of the IGF-1 Gly1-Cys6 N-terminus that corresponds to a partially disordered N-end of the DILP5 B-helix.", "Fig. ", "5Structure of the Imp-L2:IGF-1 complex. **", "a** Comparison of DILP5 and human IGF-1 Imp-L2 binding modes, within the hormone binding area of the Imp-L2. ", "IGF-1 is in brown, and DILP5 in magenta (B-chain) and light blue (A-chain); NT and CT are the apo-Imp-L2 termini and colour coded as in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}. **", "b** A close-up on some IGF-1:Imp-L2 major binding interaction seen from the direction of the Imp-L2 N-terminal and C-terminal. ", "IGF-1 B 1--21 helix has also a light brown Van der Waals surface, while its A-segment is in gold only. ", "IGF-1 amino acids numbers marked with stars. ", "Imp-L2 Van der Waals surface in white. ", "IGF-1 N-termini capping hydrogen bond to Imp-L2 CO group of Met214 in dash magenta line, and IGF-1 Cys52 CO hydrogen bond to OH of Imp-L2 Tyr235 in a white dash line\n\nThe IGF-1:Imp-L2 complex confirms the nature of the hormone:Imp-L2 interactions observed in the DILP5:Imp-L2 complex. ", "Remarkably, the N-terminal part of the IGF-1 (Gly1-Cys6) attains clearly a previously unseen^[@CR42],[@CR43]^ α-helical fold, giving the B-helix of this hormone an R-state like conformation (Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Supplementary Fig.", " [4](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "This long B1--B19 helix is required to avoid a steric clash of this part of the hormone with the Imp-L2 id-β-sheet surface. ", "The IGF-I R-like state is stabilised by a firm anchoring of the hormone Gly1 NH~2~-terminus onto Imp-L2 surface by 1Gly-NH2---CO Met214 hydrogen bond (3.2 Å), and close Van der Waals contacts of IGF-1 Cys6--Cys48 disulphide with the side chain of Imp-L2 Met214 (Fig.", " [5b](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Hydrogen bonds between Impl-L2 Asn216 -ND2 and -OE1 Glu9 of IGF-1 augment the conformational stability of this region. ", "Further firm locking of the IGF-1 on the Imp-L2 surface results from the interactions similar to those observed in the DILP5:Imp-L2 complex (Supplementary Table [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Here, the N-(1--30) and C-(Pro236-Leu238)-termini of the Imp-L2 move apart, contributing to the expansion of the id-β-sheet surface by accommodating the Asp160-Met162 peptide as a more integral part of this β-sheet. ", "A hydrogen bond between hydroxyl of Tyr235 and peptide carbonyl of IGF-1 Cys52 is formed in this process as well (Fig.", " [5b](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the end of the IGF-1 B-domain (22--29), the whole C-domain (Gly30--Gly42), and D-domain (Ala62-Ala71) residues are untraceable here, being also fully depleted of any stabilizing crystal contacts.", "\n\nThe R-state of hormone B-helix is correlated with other significant changes in the structure of bound IGF-1. ", "While a typical T→R transition in human insulin leads to \\~1.3 Å change in the position of CysB7 Cα atom, it doubles to 2.6 Å in IGF-1 for its corresponding Cys6. ", "Moreover, as the CysB7-CysA7 disulphide in insulin adjusts easily to R-state α-helix, its hIGF-1 counterpart---Cys6-Cys48 cystine---isomerises in this transition, pulling Cα atom of Cys48 by \\~2.7 Å, and bringing the whole Cys6--Cys48 bridge into a close contact with the Imp-L2 surface. ", "The other IGF-1 Cys18--Cys61 disulphide also shifts by \\~3.1 Å and isomerises.", "\n\nThe rearrangements of the disulphides in hIGF-1 that are induced upon hormone:Imp-L2 binding are propagated further by dragging the equivalents of the A-chains of the hormone---e.g. by \\~7.5 Å for Leu54---from their free-hormone conformation (Supplementary Figure [4](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "All these changes give a curvature to the B-helix, especially around its Phe16-Arg21 region (Fig.", " [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe importance of the Imp-L2 C-terminus (235--242) in insulin-like hormone binding is even more evident in the hIGF-1:Imp-L2 complex, in which the 51--53 linker of the hIGF-1 A-helices is hydrogen-bonded to the Imp-L2 by 52Cys CO-HN Leu238 (2.8 Å), and Ser51 OG-OC Pro236 (2.9 Å) interactions.", "\n\nImp-L2 apo-holo quaternary transitions in crystal structures {#Sec8}\n------------------------------------------------------------\n\nAlthough the separation of the N- and C-termini of the Imp-L2 upon binding of both DILP5 and IGF-1 is clear, and required for its effective engagement with these hormones, the largest rearrangement of the Imp-L2 tertiary structure upon apo→holo transition is associated with the formation of its new dimer. ", "Here, the apo-Imp-L2 top-to-top surface dimer (Supplementary Figure [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}) is replaced by a much tighter back-to-back dimer (\\~1670 Å^2^ buried surface), with almost perpendicular directions of the β-strands in the adjacent monomers (Fig.", " [6a](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Fig. ", "6Organisation of the holo-Imp-L2 dimer in complexes with DILP5 and IGF-1. ", "Only DILP5 complex is shown as a representative example. ", "Each individual Imp-L2 molecule is in white and yellow, DILP5 B-chain in green and A-chain in blue. **", "a** The general arrangement of the holo-dimer in a view similar to as in Fig.", " [3a](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}. **", "b** A close-up on the inter-monomer interface in holo-dimer after \\~90° rotation along horizontal axis of the dimer shown in **a**. **", "c** A close-up on the inter-monomer interface in holo-dimer after 90° rotation along vertical axis of the dimer shown in **a**. ", "The 70--92 loops of each dimer shown in Van der Waals spheres, and coloured correspondingly to their monomers\n\nThe pressure of hormone A chain on the Imp-L2 C-terminus drives it away from its N-terminal end, priming in this process the Imp-L2 237--242 region for direct interactions with the hormone (Figs.", " [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [5a](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Subsequently, the 1--16 part of the Imp-L2 N-terminus must move, pushing the adjacent 84--91 part of the 70--90 loop to accommodate the incoming A chains of the hormones. ", "This, likely, triggers a large sway of the whole 60--91 loop, facilitating in this process a holo-dimerisation of the Imp-L2 that is different from its apo-dimer. ", "Therefore, the swing of the 70--92 loop is one the key features of the apo→holo Imp-L2 transition, as this βC- and βE-strand joining protein chain that runs outside the βA-βE edge of the apo-Ig-NT domain, folds now onto the back-surface of the holo-Imp-L2 (Fig.", " [6b, c](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "However, the 70--90 loop does not stick to the back-surface of its parental Imp-L2 molecule, but is tethered into its dimeric partner molecule, running close to its βE:βB'-βC strands surface (Figs.", " [4a](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}, [6b, c](#Fig6){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "This remarkable displacement of the 70--90 loop is exemplified by over 20 Å distance between the apo-/holo-Cα atoms of Asp78. ", "The interface of the monomer-A-loop:monomer-B-bottom surface has a mixed hydrophobic/hydrophilic character, with only few hydrogen bonds, such as Arg74CO-NE2-His104 (3.4 Å), Leu80 NH-CO Val172 (2.38 Å), and Asp79 OD1-NH Val172 (3.35 Å).", "\n\nImp-L2 self-association in solution {#Sec9}\n-----------------------------------\n\nThe dynamics of the apo→holo Imp-L2 oligomeric transitions in solution was assessed by SEC-MALLS analysis and SAXS. ", "In contrast to crystal-observed holo-dimerization of the Imp-L2, the addition of DILP5, insulin X14 and IGF-1 showed apo-dimer→holo-monomer phenomena in SEC-MALLS experiment (Supplementary Figure [5](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "As insect metamorphosis is associated with osmotic variability of the hemolymph^[@CR44],[@CR45]^ the quaternary behaviour of apo-Imp-L2 was also monitored by SEC-MALLS at different ionic strengths (Supplementary Figure [6](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Here, the apo-Imp-L2 remained dimeric at 50 mM NaCl, formed mixed dimer/monomer populations at 150 mM NaCl, becoming prevalently monomeric at 300 mM NaCl.", "\n\nThe in-solution dynamic nature of the Imp-L2 was assessed further by SAXS. ", "It confirmed that the Imp-L2 solutions were not monodisperse, with apo-Imp-L2 showing a higher apparent radius of gyration *R*g than its hormone complex, in agreement with the SEC-MALLS data (Supplementary Figure [7](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "These suggest either a change in the oligomeric state---e.g. dimer to monomer---upon the apo→holo Imp-L2 transition, or a compaction of the Imp-L2 structure upon ligand binding.", "\n\nImp-L2 hormone binding {#Sec10}\n----------------------\n\nAlthough our previous DILP5:Imp-L2-binding assay showed high-affinity interaction between these proteins^[@CR39]^, the precise *K*~d~ of this interaction was not derived there due to a high variation of the measurements and some high non-specific binding characteristic of the used polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 radioactive ligands assay. ", "Hence, the *K*~d~ of the DILP5 was assessed here by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC), and was also repeated by ITC for insulin and IGF-1, to assure some comparability of the *K*~d~s of these hormones (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}, Supplementary Figure [8](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Despite some differences resulting from the unrelated natures of PEG and ITC methodologies both types of assays showed similar ranges and trends of hormone:Imp-L2 interactions. ", "As expected, DILP5 is the strongest binder in the ITC assay---8 nM, followed by IGF-1--13.6 nM, and insulin---135 nM.Table 1Hormone binding data for Imp-L2 and other putative IBPs from *Spodoptera frugiperda* (*Sf*-IBP) and *Trichoplusia ni (*Tn-IBP)*Dm* Imp-L2*Sf*-IBP^b^*Tn*-IBP^b^Insulin X14135(±16)^a^/81^b^0.070.02Proinsulinnm /87^b^0.020.01IGF-113.6(±4) ^a^/17^b^0.1745IGF-2nm/42^b^0.37194DILP58.0(±1)^a^/nmncnc*nc* not calculated to due variability of the measurements, *nm* not measured, (*±*) standard deviation of the ITC measurements^a^Indicates *K*~d~ values determined in this work by isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)^b^Indicates affinities (EC~50~) measured by PEG assay in our previous work^[@CR25]^ (all in nM). ", "The *Sf*-IBP and Imp-L2 proteins were obtained in ref. ", "^[@CR25]^ from conditioned medium from BHK cells overexpressing these proteins, and *Tn*-IBP was from conditioned medium from *Trichoplusia ni* HI5 cells. ", "Insulin fully monomeric X14 (ProB28Asp) mutant was used for the ITC\n\nInterestingly, thermodynamic profiles of these ITC data revealed different thermodynamic sub-processes that drive hormone:Imp-L2 binding (Supplementary Figure [9](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "In contrast to a prevalently enthalpic aspect of DILP5, IGF-1---Imp-L2 associations, insulin interaction with Imp-L2 shows large entropic component, which may indicate substantial, structurally challenging rearrangements on the hormone side.", "\n\nTo account for the variability of the ionic strength during insect metamorphosis^[@CR44],[@CR45]^ DILP5:Imp-L2 binding was also measured as a function of salt concentration (Supplementary Figure [10](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Remarkably, the low 50 mM NaCl concentration has an inhibitory effect on hormone binding, while the high---300 mM---salt concentration shifts DILP5 *K*~d~ from \\~8 nM into \\~5 pM range.", "\n\nFinally, the ITC binding studies were complemented by SPR analysis of hormone:Imp-L2 interactions. ", "All four hormones: human insulin and IGF-1, DILP2 and DILP5 bound to the immobilized Imp-L2, albeit with different binding kinetics (Supplementary Figure [11](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "However, their complex SPR characteristics did not allow fitting of the appropriate *K*~d~s. Nevertheless, the SPR data confirmed the functionality of all protein components. ", "The amount of the hormones remaining in the complexes with the immobilized Imp-L2 indicate higher DILP5 and DILP2 affinities (in a nM range) than human insulin and IGF-1, in agreement with our previous and current binding data.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec11}\n==========\n\nThe Imp-L2 protein represent an alternative paradigm in the molecular control of biological actions of insulin-like hormones. ", "Both the Imp-L2 structure and its hormone binding modes show no relation to any of the human IGFBPs. ", "Although the Ig-NT-domain and CT-domain of the Imp-L2 resembles Ig-I fold with similarity to M10 domain of human muscle protein titin, the overall arrangement of these domains, hence the overall structure of the Imp-L2, is different.", "\n\nThe apo→holo-transition of the Imp-L2 allows comparing its hormone binding mechanism to a molecular mouse trap. ", "The hormone approaches the dimeric Imp-L2 trap, sensing the bait in the form of its closely located N-/C-termini (1--26, 237--242, respectively). ", "The subsequent push of the hormone A chain-helices 51--54 linker region on the bait drives the Imp-L2 N-/C-termini apart, triggering the release of the spring of the trap in the form of 70--92 loop, which then moves onto the back side of the Imp-L2, and can stablise a new type of dimer such as observed in the crystal state.", "\n\nThe importance of the C-terminal region in hormone binding is corroborated by Ala-scanning of this very conserved region in Imp-L2 homologous *Sf* IBP (see Fig.", " [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"} below), where Ala-substitutions of Phe234 (Imp-L2 Phe233), Tyr236 (Tyr235) and Pro237 (Pro236) reduce hormone affinities of the *Sf* IBP \\>5 fold^[@CR46]^.Fig. ", "7Sequence alignment of some representative and putative IBPs. ", "Sequence numbering as for the Imp-L2 structure; key residues for hormone binding observed in the holo-Imp-L2 structures are indicated by stars in magenta, while residues that lowered *Sf*-IBP hormone affinity more than five times in Ala scanning experiment are marked by black stars. ", "dm *D. melanogaster* Imp-L2, ad *Anopheles darlingi*, aa *Aedes aegypti*, cq *Culex quinquefasciatus*, sf *Spodoptera frugiperda*, ce *Caenorhabditis elegans*, tb *Trichinella britori*\n\nThe mechanism of Imp-L2-mediated immobilisation of the ILPs is very different from the human IGF:IGFBPs-binding mode, where a tight hormone binding is assured by the cooperation of the flexibly-linked, cleft-like N- and C-terminal domains of the IGFBPs (Fig.", " [3d](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}), into which a wedge-shaped IGF is tethered via its 'edge' B-helix. ", "In contrast, the Imp-L2 hormone binding is fulfilled by a straight accommodation of the IGF-1/DILP5 B-helix across the inter-domain β-sheet, and a large swing of the Imp-L2 70--92 loop that facilitates new dimeric quaternary arrangement of the two Impl-L2 in the crystal.", "\n\nInterestingly, DILP5 affinity for the Imp-L2 is strongly ionic-strength dependent, shifting from \\~8 nM at 150 mM NaCl, to \\~1 pM at 300 mM NaCl. ", "While the ITC method can be erratic at a sub-nanomolar binding range, it is, nevertheless, rather clear that DILP5:Imp-L2 affinity is significantly enhanced at high ionic strength. ", "However, it remains unclear whether this affinity shift results from high ionic strength→monomeric Imp-L2 effect---hence higher exposition of hormone binding surface that is obstructed in the apo-dimer, or whether it reflects a physiological role of the DILP5/Imp-L2 in insects. ", "Ecdysis, the process of shedding the outer cuticle in insects metamorphosis, is stimulated by 20-hydroxyecdysone, which induces the *Imp-L2* gene (29--30), and is paralleled by increase of the osmolarity of the moulting fluid/hemolymph^[@CR44],[@CR45]^. Further investigation of Imp-L2 involvement in ecdysis is required to assess the physiological reasons behind its variable affinity to DILP5 observed in vitro.", "\n\nThere are discrepancies between firmly packed holo-Imp-L2 dimers that are observed in the crystal state, and the monomeric forms of the Imp-L2 complexes that dominate solutions of this protein in vitro. ", "It cannot be excluded that the monomer↔oligomer equilibria may be shifted towards dimers upon crystallization by high Imp-L2 concentrations used during this process. ", "Nevertheless, a tight nature of the holo-Imp-L2 dimers, a possible inter-molecular cross-bridging role of the 70--90 loop, the rearrangement of which is associated with other pronounced hormone-induced structural changes in the Imp-L2, and, finally, a higher salt crystallization environment that, according to the SEC-MALLS results, should assure a more monomeric population of Imp-L2, may still suggest some physiological relevance of its alternative dimerisation.", "\n\nAn overall high sequence identity (33%) between *Sf* IBP and *Dm* Imp-L2 (Fig.", " [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}^[@CR47]^), especially \\>60% in the C-terminal \\~200--240 hormone-binding regions (Supplementary Figure [12](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}), suggests that their overall folds and hormone binding modes may be similar, and be representative of other members of insect IBP family. ", "Therefore the differences in specificity of hormone binding (e.g. insulin vs. IGF-1) between *Sf* IBP and Imp-L2 (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}) may originate from more subtle side chain differences in some specific/complementary regions of IBPs and hormones, rather than from their very different tertiary structures; an ease of attainment of the R-conformation by the N-termini of the hormones can play a role here as well (see below).", "\n\nThe analysis of emerging genomic data, especially from databases for blood feeding insect vectors^[@CR48]^ indicate a presence of similar Imp-L2-like IBPs in insects. ", "For example, Imp-L2 sequence has a high (\\>38%) identity with putative IBPs of *Aedes aegypti*, *Anopheles darlingi* and *Culex quinquefasciatus* mosquitos, that are responsible for spread, among others, of the dengue, zika and yellow fevers (Fig.", " [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}, Supplementary Figure [12](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Such high sequence similarity, particularly within C-terminal region of the IBPs (\\>40%) that is responsible for the Imp-L2:hormone interactions, suggests possible similar fold and hormone binding mode within a broader family of insects IBPs. ", "This is of both fundamental and bio-medical significance in the light of growing evidences about the role of ILPs in the blood-feeding-host:pathogen interactions^[@CR49]^, which add human hormones into a currently binary insect-vector:pathogen relationship. ", "It seems that human insulin and IGF-1/2 present in the blood-meal ingested by an insect vector have hormone-specific effects on both the vector and pathogen physiology (e.g.^[@CR50]--[@CR54]^), as IGF-1, in contrast to insulin, extends the lifespan of mosquito *Anopheles stephensi*, also enhancing the resistance of this vector to *P. falciparum*^[@CR55]^. Therefore, the Imp-L2:hormones complexes reported here provide the structural insight into a possible nature of some components of such complex cross-species human hormone:vector:parasite inter-relations. ", "The lack of analogous, IBP-like, hormone control in humans makes it tempting to also probe this system to modulate vector biology in order to reduce, or block, parasite transmission.", "\n\nMoreover, it would be interesting to expand the studies on IBPs on other ILPs-dependent invertebrates such as *C. elegans* and roundworm *Trichinella britori*, as they may use Imp-L2-like proteins, or similar structural modules, for their development and physiology (Fig.", " [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "The analysis of the available genomes suggests the extension of the previously postulated TFxYP (\\~242--246 (Imp-L2 numbering) signature sequence of Imp-L2 and *Sf*-IBP^[@CR46]^ for at least two other in the C-terminal hormone binding region of the IBPs: G-(D/E)-L-alkyl-I (\\~202--206), and WxDMGxYxC-(I/V)-A-(R/K)-N (\\~214--222) (in brackets: alternative residues in this position) (Fig.", " [7](#Fig7){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nThe Imp-L2 structures expand the already abundant superfamily of the Ig-fold---the most coded metazoan module^[@CR56]^---with further structural variations and functional application. ", "The fusion of two Ig-domains in Imp-L2, and, possibly, in other insects IBPs, is different from similar motives found in even structurally very related human muscle protein titin M10 domain, and its complexes that rely on extensive Ig--Ig domain interactions. ", "Their head-to-tail arrangement in M10 complexes, likely dictated by the directionality of these filaments in the muscle M-band, is different from the Imp-L2 mirror-image-like Ig-NT:Ig-CT fold.", "\n\nThe complexes of Imp-L2 revealed also a full B-helix R-state of the insulin-like hormones, which was considered to be limited to possible storage, or non-physiological, forms of human insulin, and it was never observed (or postulated) in IGF-1/2, nor in the known complexes of these hormones with IR. ", "Here, we show that sole protein-protein interactions, unlike the insulin organic ligand-induced ones, are sufficient to facilitate and stabilize a full (B1--B19) helix formation in IGF-1 and DILP5. ", "The role of phenolic-like ligands that induce the R-state in human insulin is fulfilled in the Imp-L2 by its inter-domain β-sheet surface. ", "This demonstrates that the R-state of insulin-like hormones may not be a structural artefact, but a fold relevant for their physiology. ", "The high entropic component observed by the ITC in the insulin:Imp-L2 complex formation correlates also with its lowest affinity of all hormones measured here. ", "They may reflect the resistance of the required T→R conformational change of insulin B-chain upon its Imp-L2 binding due to its length, and insulin particular, B1-B6 sequence. ", "Symptomatically, crystallizations of the insulin:Imp-L2 complex were (yet) unsuccessful.", "\n\nThe hIGF-1/DILP5:Imp-L2 complexes also raise a question about the origins of the modes of insulin-like hormones interactions with their receptors (i.e. IR, IGF-1R, dmIR, etc.). ", "The structures of insulin and hIGF-1 complexes with so-called site 1 of the IR, that is located at the N-terminal part of the receptor in the form of the L1-CR domains, show mostly a non-direct hormone binding to L1 β-sheet surface (L1-β~2~) (Fig.", " [8b](#Fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "It is mediated there by so-called α-CT segment: an α-helical, \\~16 amino-acid (704--719) C-terminus of the opposite α-subunit of the IR, and which is an integral part of site 1^[@CR57]^. Although the L1 domain and Imp-L2 structures are not easily comparable, they possess similar, extensive β-sheet surfaces which both proteins use for the recruitment of an α-helix (Fig.", " [8a, b](#Fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "In the Imp-L2 it is the long (1--19) B-helix of the hormones, while in the IR it is the α-CT segment of this receptor. ", "As the α-helix:β-sheet interactions are common^[@CR58]^, it is interesting why IR (and IGF-1R) L1-β~2~ surfaces are not engaged directly with B-helices of the hormones, but the α-helical CT-segments of the receptor(s) are used as mediatory components of hormone binding. ", "Nevertheless, the similar mode of α-helix:β-sheet motif of protein:protein interaction in α-CT:IR and Imp-L2:hormone complexes is striking (Fig.", " [8](#Fig8){ref-type=\"fig\"}), despite its very different functional role and origin. ", "One of the possible reasons behind the general quaternary convergence but functional divergence of these structures, could be the incapability of the IR (IGF-1R) L1-β~2~ surface to induce a fully α-helical, R-like state of insulin/IGF-1 B-chain/domain that could be required, as in Imp-L2, for an effective direct binding of the hormones. ", "Such transition would be especially challenging for insulin, while shorter N-termini of DILP5 and IGF-1 are more capable of such structural change (Supplementary Figure [9](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "Therefore, the receptor α-CT helical segment must replace the hormone B-helix and serve as an anchor for the attachment of hormones to IR and IGF-1R. However, the different modes of hormone:protein interactions in IBPs and IR/IGF-1R may arise from many other, more function-related reasons, as, for example, a non-direct hormone binding to the L1-β~2~ surfaces of receptors, facilitates modulation/attenuation of the hormone binding, hence signal transduction, helping also to maintain the receptors in on/off states. ", "A complex signalling of the IR-like receptors must reflect the multifaceted regulatory roles of insulin and IGF-1/IGF-2, and a direct hormone binding to the receptor L1-β~2~ surface would be too simplistic for this purpose.", "Fig. ", "8Comparison of DILP5:Imp-L2 and insulin:IR binding modes. **", "a**, **b** Are the top views on the Imp-L2 and L1 IR surfaces, with shown only the directly bound B-helix of DIPL5 (in magenta), and the IR CT-segment (in red), respectively. **", "c**, **d** Superpositions of the Imp-L2:DILP5 and L1 IR:CT:insulin complexes (PDB ID 3w12), IR L1 in pink, Imp-L2 in white, IR CT-segment in magenta; DILP5 B- and A-chains are marked by red and blue stars, respectively; human insulin in IR complex coloured in yellow (B-chain) and green (A-chain). ", "The complexes in **d** are more in a close-up after \\~ 90° rotation of the view in **c** along its horizontal axis\n\nIn summary, the relevance of structural and functional insights into apo/holo-Imp-L2: IBP system reported is manyfold. ", "Firstly, it reveals a β-sheet fold that serves as a direct, high-affinity binder of these hormones. ", "Secondly, Imp-L2 represents likely an alternative hormone binding and regulatory IBP system that is different and evolutionarily independent from human IGFBPs. ", "Moreover, Imp-L2 shows capability of enforcing an allosteric effect on insulin-like hormones, inducing R-state conformation of their corresponding B-chain α-helices, a phenomenon not observed before in any insulin-like hormones:protein interactions. ", "A similar α-helix:β-sheet mode of hormone:protein interface that is employed by both Imp-L2 and IR/IGF-1R, sheds also light on a possible molecular reasons behind the functional divergence of these two systems. ", "Finally, a likely structural conservation of Imp-L2 hormone-binding mode in other IBPs in insects and in some other invertebrates, together with their possible interactions with human insulin and IGF-1/2 in insect vectors, expands the relevance of these IBPs towards insect-vector associated diseases, indicating also opportunities for the exploration of other approaches in pathogen transmission-blocking strategies.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec12}\n=======\n\nProduction of recombinant proteins {#Sec13}\n----------------------------------\n\nThe construct encoding Imp-L2 recombinant protein was made using polymerase chain reaction amplification of *Drosophila* Imp-L2 cDNA (Uniprot No: Q09024) available in-house^[@CR25]^ for sub-cloning into the pBac4x vector (Novagen) using the SLIC method^[@CR59]^. Briefly, the insert and backbone fragments were amplified with 15 base pair complementarity on the 3′ and 5′ ends of each fragment. ", "Baculovirus was produced using the FlashBac method (Oxford Expression Technologies) and bacmid^[@CR60]^ and purified from the conditioned media of infected Sf9 cells (primers are listed in Supplementary Table [2](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}). ", "The recombinant protein consisted of the full-length protein with the native signal peptide and C-terminal HRV14 3 C proteolytic site (EVLFQGP), followed by two SR residues and a Strep-tag II (SAWSHPQFEK) sequence. ", "In the first step of the purification the buffer was changed to PBS (Invitrogen) by gel-filtration of 1 L supernatant using an INdEX 100/95 column (GE Healthcare). ", "The resulting sample was run on a Strep-Tactin column (IBA), and the protein was eluted by 2.5 mM desthiobiotin (Sigma-Aldrich) in PBS, with the yield \\~ 5 mg/L of cell culture. ", "The Strep-tag II was removed by available in-house HRV14 3C protease^[@CR61]^. Finally, the gel-filtration with HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 75 prep grade column (GE Healthcare) were performed to change either into 10 mM HEPES (Sigma-Aldrich) pH 7.4, 20 mM NaCl (Sigma-Aldrich) crystallization buffer, or into PBS buffer for further binding/SAXS studies. ", "The selenomethionine-labelled protein was produced according to Bellizzi et al.^[@CR62]^, with the yield \\~ 1 mg/L of cell culture. ", "The complex of Imp-L2 with DILP5 for SAXS experiments was purified by running 1 mL mixture of 5 mg of Imp-L2 and 15 mg of DILP5 available in-house^[@CR39]^ on a HiLoad 16/60 Superdex 75 prep grade column. ", "N-terminus one amino acid truncated (B2-B29), expression optimized, so-called C4 variant of DILP5^[@CR39]^ has been used throughout this study as it is referred here as DILP5. ", "Human IGF-1 used for co-crystallization and binding experiments was available in-house (Novo Nordisk). ", "Synthetic DILP2 for SPR binding experiments was prepared as previously described^[@CR63]^.\n\nHormone-Imp-L2 binding ITC and SEC-MALS studies {#Sec14}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nExperiments were carried out using a MicroCal200 calorimeter (Malvern). ", "Imp-L2 (0.5--0.7 mg/mL) was in 50 mM Tris, 150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4 buffer. ", "Imp-L2 concentration was measured by UV using an extinction coefficient of E~280~ = 1.25 cm^2^/mg. ", "Typically, a run consisted of 19 injections of 2 µL into the cell with a 30 s interval between injections. ", "Duplicates of all experiments were carried out at 25 °C. ", "Imp-L2 concentrations of 12.8--22.6 µM were used with a hormone concentration about tenfold greater. ", "The concentration of Imp-L2 was adjusted to give c values (c = *K*~*a*~\\[Imp-L2\\], where *K*~*a*~ is the equilibrium binding constant) between 10 and 500. ", "Very high values of c (\\>1000) in the case of DILP5 led to a step-shaped isotherm limiting the accuracy of the fitted *K*~*a*~ value. ", "Data fitting and analysis were carried out with the manufacturer's software, MicroCal PEAQ-ITC Analysis. ", "The concentration of the hormones were adjusted so that the stoichiometry of binding was 1:1 given that the Imp-L2 has a single binding site.", "\n\nThe effects of different ionic strengths on apo-Imp-L2 homodimerization were investigated by SEC-MALLS as well. ", "In these experiments ligand free 100 µL Impl-L2 samples at 1 mg/mL in 50 mM Tris, pH 7.4 buffer were incubated in at 50, 150, and 300 mM NaCl and run on a Superdex S200 10/300 gel filtration column.", "\n\nThe change of the apo- to holo-aggregation of the Imp-L2 upon binding of DILP5, insulin and IGF-1 was also measured at 150 mM NaCl, 50 mM Tris, pH 7.4, by SEC-MALLS Superdex S200 10/300 gel filtration column at room temperature.", "\n\nSPR experiments {#Sec15}\n---------------\n\nApproximately 500 RU of Imp-L2 was immobilized on CM5 chip using amino coupling kit (Biacore/GE Healthcare). ", "The flow speed was set to 50 μl/min. ", "The experiments were performed in PBS buffer (Invitrogen) at 25 C using T200 Biacore instrument.", "\n\nCrystallization, crystal structure and SAXS experiments {#Sec16}\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\nCrystallization of apo-Impl-L2 resulted from hanging-drop experiments by mixing 1 μL protein (5.5 mg/mL) and 1 μL reservoir solution (17% w/v PEG 6 K, 0.1 M Tris/HCl, pH 7.0). ", "The structure was solved by multiwavelength anomalous dispersion using SHELX software^[@CR64]^. Crystallization of the DILP5:Imp-L2 complex was obtained by mixing equivalent volumes of protein (10 mg/mL, at IMP-L2:DILP5 1:3 molar ratio) and reservoir solution (8--10% w/v PEG 4 K or 6 K, 20 mM MgCl~2~, 0.1 M HEPES pH 6.8--7.5). ", "Crystals of the IGF-1:Imp-L2 complex grew by mixing equivalent volumes of protein complex (10 mg/mL, Imp-L2:IGFI-1 1:3 molar ratio) and reservoir solution (4--8% w/v PEG 6 K, 5--20 mM MgCl~2~, 5 mM SB12, 0.1 M Tris pH 7.5). ", "All crystallization experiments were performed at 293 K. All crystals were directly flash-cooled in liquid N~2~, X-ray data were collected at 100 K and processed by *xia2*^[@CR65]^. The structures of the complexes were solved by Molecular Replacement^[@CR66],[@CR67]^, using the structures of apo-Imp-L2, DILP5 (C4 version of DILP5^[@CR39]^), and IGF-1 (PDB ID 1gzr) as models. ", "Model building and refinement were performed by COOT^[@CR68]^ and the CCP4 suite of programs^[@CR69]^. Details of X-ray data collection, and refinement statistics are in Supplementary Table [3](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}, and representative stero images of portions of electron density maps are shown in Supplementary Figure [13](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}. ", "Figures were made using CCP4mg^[@CR70]^.\n\nThe SAXS experiments were performed at ESRF Grenoble, beamline ID14-3. ", "The samples were in PBS buffer (Invitrogen) and SAXS data were recorded at 25 °C during a 10 × 10 s exposure time on a 1 M pixel 2D Pilatus detector (DECTRIS) covering a *q* range pf 0.0055−0.609 Å^−1^ (*q* = 4πsin*θ*/*λ*, where *λ* is the wavelength and *θ* is half the scattering angle). ", "Initial data processing was conducted using programs from the ATSAS package^[@CR71]^.\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n {#Sec17}\n\nSupplementary Information Peer Review File\n\n**Publisher\\'s note:** Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n=================================\n\n**Supplementary Information** accompanies this paper at 10.1038/s41467-018-06192-3.", "\n\nA.M.B., T.R.G., C.M.V. work was supported by the Medical Research Council (Grant MR/K000179/1 and MR/R009066/1 to A.M.B.). ", "J.D.W. is supported by an NHMRC Principal Research Fellowship (1117483). ", "We thank Maxlab (Lund, Sweden), ESRF Grenoble and Diamond Light Source (proposal numbers mx-1221 and mx-7864) for access to their beam lines that contributed to the results presented here. ", "We thank Mr. Sam Hart for assistance with data collection, and Chris Watson for crystallizations.", "\n\nA.S.A., C.K., W.S. and N.K.R. have cloned and produced DILP5, Imp-L2. ", "N.K.R., O.K., G.S., C.M.V., T.G., J.T. and A.M.B. have solved crystal structures of Imp-L2 alone and in complex with DILP5/IGF-1. ", "J.W. produced the DILP2. ", "G.S. and M.N. have performed SAXS analyses of Imp-L2. ", "N.K.R., P.D.M. and A.M.B. wrote the manuscript. ", "All authors read and approved the final manuscript. ", "N.K.R. and C.M.V. contributed equally to this work.", "\n\nThe structures of Imp-L2 and its DILP5 and IGF-1 complexes were deposited in PDB database under accession codes [4CBP](https://www.rcsb.org/structure/4CBP), [6FEY](https://www.rcsb.org/structure/6FEY), [6FF3](https://www.rcsb.org/structure/6FF3), respectively. ", "SAXS curves and experimental parameters were deposited with the SASDB ([www.sasdb.org](http://www.sasdb.org)) under accession numbers [SASDDS8](https://www.sasbdb.org/data/SASDDS8/di5p21wp8i/), and [SASDDT8](https://www.sasbdb.org/data/SASDDT8/fsibp2ndbc/). ", "All other data supporting the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.", "\n\nCompeting interests {#FPar1}\n===================\n\nThe authors declare no competing interests.", "\n" ]
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0.0008237529546022415, 0.0024615416768938303, 0.0006773064960725605, 0.0005690956022590399, 0.0006541044567711651, 0.0006459594587795436, 0.0006576809100806713, 0.0006186217651702464, 0.0006550533580593765, 0.0010005534859374166, 0.0006109602400101721, 0.0006331736803986132, 0.0013101595686748624, 0.0006938996375538409, 0.00252963206730783, 0.010253445245325565, 0.0006742798141203821, 0.0006628079572692513, 0.0007726408657617867, 0.0007478900370188057, 0.000757640867959708, 0.0006434537936002016, 0.0006415145471692085, 0.0006653819582425058, 0.0006150974659249187, 0.000686831190250814, 0.0006813259096816182, 0.0006070399540476501, 0.0006534723215736449, 0.000783399271313101, 0.0005655410932376981, 0.0006534953135997057, 0.0006341849802993238, 0.03901807218790054, 0.11360128968954086, 0.0005926133599132299, 0.008850750513374805, 0.0006496248533949256, 0.00356334843672812, 0.0005802938248962164, 0.0006591910496354103, 0.000550213735550642, 0.05889662727713585, 0.0005356615874916315, 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0.0006446741172112525, 0.0005894871428608894, 0.0005877757212147117, 0.0007449671975336969, 0.0005609395448118448, 0.0005978979170322418, 0.0006504696211777627, 0.0006722531979903579, 0.000644270854536444, 0.0007840168545953929, 0.0005832751048728824, 0.000578095845412463, 0.0005767164402641356, 0.0006025795009918511, 0.0005535291857086122, 0.000634362397249788, 0.0006032207747921348, 0.0008292015991173685, 0.0006650646682828665, 0.0006390927592292428, 0.000838134263176471, 0.0008399391663260758, 0.0007032067514955997, 0.0007269823690876365, 0.0006966451182961464, 0.0005676475120708346, 0.0005770969437435269, 0.0006726021529175341, 0.0006178881740197539, 0.0007369255763478577, 0.000619197147898376, 0.0006096865981817245, 0.0006006360054016113, 0.0005937010864727199, 0.000756842375267297, 0.0006100170430727303, 0.0005370111321099102, 0.0006274840561673045, 0.000766970042604953, 0.0006741747492924333, 0.0006643551751039922, 0.0005675920401699841, 0.0006497969734482467, 0.13410764932632446, 0.09249601513147354, 0.0005561707657761872, 0.0006857089465484023, 0.0006239491631276906, 0.0006497911526821554, 0.0006122034974396229, 0.0006351972697302699, 0.0006116086733527482, 0.0005888371379114687, 0.000622594787273556, 0.0005908726598136127, 0.0005825981497764587, 0.0006272331811487675, 0.000584366382099688, 0.0005837834905833006, 0.0006671955925412476, 0.0006071921670809388, 0.0008211193489842117, 0.0006273859762586653, 0.0005898248637095094, 0.000514162820763886, 0.0005114434170536697, 0.0007937400951050222, 0.0007582157850265503, 0.0007711521466262639, 0.0009739802917465568, 0.0007703911978751421, 0.000526786083355546, 0.0006756348884664476, 0.0005901043768972158, 0.0005987230106256902, 0.000541489280294627, 0.0007106801494956017, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "YOKOHAMA, Japan, Oct. 11 (Xinhua) -- Japan opened an exhibition Saturday to showcase the world's frontline technology in making robots, including the world's smallest walking robot.", "\n\nThe human-shaped toy, dubbed \"Robo-Q,\" is only 3.4 centimeters tall and was unveiled by Japanese toymaker Tomy Co. at the three-day Robo Japan 2008 show in Yokohama.", "\n\nThe thumb-sized, two-legged robot can detect obstacles and navigate through a maze using built in infrared sensors. ", "Using a controller, it can also play games like soccer.", "\n\nThe toy will be put into domestic market next spring, said producers, adding that it is expected to be sold in other Asian countries soon afterwards and in the United States and Europe at an unspecified date.", "\n\nThe exhibition in Yokohama brings together more than 100 different types of robots by a total of 43 companies, universities and organizations, including Honda Motor Co. and Fujitsu Ltd.\n\nHonda's popular humanoid ASIMO and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd.'s talking household robot called \"Wakamaru\" were also participants of the show.", "\n\nTokyo University of Science unveiled a robotic suit to help female or people with physical difficulties to carry heavy things.", "\n\nVisitors had chance to experience the robots up close, including a demonstration stage and a variety of different zones where the robots will be grouped according to theme.", "\n\nOrganizers said the show, which is expected to draw 55,000 visitors, focuses on these \"partner robots\" which can provide various kinds of assistance with everyday tasks, such as medical care, education, entertainment and therapy.", "\n\nAccording to the Japan Robot Association, the market for lifestyle-related robots is expected to reach 7.2 trillion yen by 2025." ]
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[ 0.0006551388069055974, 0.0007438942557200789, 0.0008291418198496103, 0.0009405772434547544, 0.0005856152856722474, 0.0005663710180670023, 0.0011705885408446193, 0.0005245138891041279, 0.0006224280223250389, 0.0006231929291971028 ]
[ "/*\nCopyright (C) 2015 LiveCode Ltd.\n\nThis file is part of LiveCode.", "\n\nLiveCode is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under\nthe terms of the GNU General Public License v3 as published by the Free\nSoftware Foundation.", "\n\nLiveCode is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY\nWARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or\nFITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ", " See the GNU General Public License\nfor more details.", "\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with LiveCode. ", " If not see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ", " */\n\nmodule com.livecode.sort.tests\n\nuse com.livecode.sort\nuse com.livecode.__INTERNAL._testlib\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Utilities\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\nhandler RandomNumericList() returns List\n\tvariable tList\n\tput [] into tList\n\n\tvariable tCount\n\trepeat with tCount from 1 up to 100\n\t\tpush any number onto tList\n\tend repeat\n\n\treturn tList\nend handler\n\n-- Create a list containing 100 random strings of 1-10 characters\nhandler RandomStringList() returns List\n\tvariable tDict\n\t-- TODO allow generation of *any* codepoint\n\tput \"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz01234567890!£$%^^&*(){}[]?+/=@'<,>.~#|\\\\�\\u{0}-_\" into tDict\n\n\tvariable tList\n\tput [] into tList\n\n\tvariable tCount\n\trepeat with tCount from 1 up to 100\n\t\tvariable tString\n\t\tput \"\" into tString\n\n\t\tvariable tIdx\n\t\trepeat with tIdx from 1 up to the floor of (any number * 10) + 1\n\t\t\tvariable tCharIdx\n\t\t\tput the floor of (any number * (the number of chars in tDict) + 1) into tCharIdx\n\t\t\tvariable tChar\n\t\t\tput char tCharIdx of tDict into tChar\n\n\t\t\tif any number > 0.5 then\n\t\t\t\tput the upper of tChar after tString\n\t\t\telse\n\t\t\t\tput the lower of tChar after tString\n\t\t\tend if\n\t\tend repeat\n\t\tpush tString onto tList\n\tend repeat\n\n\treturn tList\nend handler\n\n-- Create a list containing 100 random strings of 1-10 characters, or numbers from 1 to 100\nhandler RandomMixedList() returns List\n\tvariable tStringList as List\n\tvariable tNumericList as List\n\tput RandomStringList() into tStringList\n\tput RandomNumericList() into tNumericList\n\t\n\tvariable tList\n\tput [] into tList\n\t\n\tvariable tCount\n\trepeat with tCount from 1 up to 100\n\t\tif any number > 0.5 then\n\t\t\tpush tStringList[tCount] onto tList\n\t\telse\n\t\t\tpush tNumericList[tCount] onto tList\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\t\n\t\n\treturn tList\nend handler\n\nhandler IsSorted(in pList as List, in pDescending as Boolean) returns Boolean\n\tif pList is empty then\n\t\treturn true\n\tend if\n\n\tvariable tLast\n\tpop front of pList into tLast\n\n\tvariable tSorted\n\tput true into tSorted\n\n\tvariable tIter\n\trepeat for each element tIter in pList\n\t\tif (pDescending and tIter > tLast) or (not pDescending and tIter < tLast) then\n\t\t\tput false into tSorted\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\t\tput tIter into tLast\n\tend repeat\n\treturn tSorted\nend handler\n\nhandler CompareNumericAscending(in pLeft as any, in pRight as any) returns Integer\n\treturn CompareNumeric(pLeft, pRight, false)\t\nend handler\n\nhandler CompareNumericDescending(in pLeft as any, in pRight as any) returns Integer\n\treturn CompareNumeric(pLeft, pRight, true)\t\nend handler\n\n-- Sorts numerically, converting strings to numbers where possible\nhandler CompareNumeric(in pLeft as any, in pRight as any, in pDescending as Boolean) returns Integer\n\tvariable tLeft as optional Number\n\tvariable tRight as optional Number\n\t\n\tif pLeft is a number then\n\t\tput pLeft into tLeft\n\telse\n\t\tput pLeft parsed as number into tLeft\n\tend if\n\t\n\tif pRight is a number then\n\t\tput pRight into tRight\n\telse\n\t\tput pRight parsed as number into tRight\n\tend if\n\n\tif tRight is tLeft then\n\t\treturn 0\n\tend if\n\t\t\n\tif tRight is nothing then\n\t\treturn -1\n\tend if\n\t\n\tif tLeft is nothing then\n\t\treturn 1\n\tend if\n\t\n\tif tLeft < tRight then\n\t\tif pDescending then\n\t\t\treturn 1\n\t\telse\n\t\t\treturn -1\n\t\tend if\n\tend if\n\t\n\tif pDescending then\n\t\treturn -1\n\telse\n\t\treturn 1\n\tend if\nend handler\n\nhandler IsSortedUsingHandler(in pList as List, in pHandler as SortCompare) returns Boolean\n\tif pList is empty then\n\t\treturn true\n\tend if\n\n\tvariable tLast\n\tpop front of pList into tLast\n\n\tvariable tSorted\n\tput true into tSorted\n\n\tvariable tIter\n\trepeat for each element tIter in pList\n\t\tif pHandler(tLast, tIter) > 0 then\n\t\t\tput false into tSorted\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\t\tput tIter into tLast\n\tend repeat\n\treturn tSorted\nend handler\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n-- Tests\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n\npublic handler TestAscendingNumeric() -- RANDOMIZED\n\tvariable tRandom\n\trepeat forever\n\t\tput RandomNumericList() into tRandom\n\t\tif not IsSorted(tRandom, false) then\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\n\n\tvariable tList\n\n\t-- Test sorting\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in ascending numeric order\n\ttest \"sort ascending numeric\" when IsSorted(tList, false)\n\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in ascending order\n\ttest \"sort ascending generic (numeric)\" when IsSorted(tList, false)\n\n\t-- Test sorting stability\n\tvariable tStable\n\tput tList into tStable\n\tsort tList in ascending numeric order\n\ttest \"sort ascending numeric is stable\" when tList is tStable\nend handler\n\npublic handler TestDescendingNumeric() -- RANDOMIZED\n\tvariable tRandom\n\trepeat forever\n\t\tput RandomNumericList() into tRandom\n\t\tif not IsSorted(tRandom, true) then\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\n\n\tvariable tList\n\n\t-- Test sorting\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in descending numeric order\n\ttest \"sort descending numeric\" when IsSorted(tList, true)\n\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in descending order\n\ttest \"sort descending generic (numeric)\" when IsSorted(tList, true)\n\n\t-- Test sorting stability\n\tvariable tStable\n\tput tList into tStable\n\tsort tList in descending numeric order\n\ttest \"sort descending numeric is stable\" when tList is tStable\nend handler\n\npublic handler TestAscendingText() -- RANDOMIZED\n\tvariable tRandom\n\trepeat forever\n\t\tput RandomStringList() into tRandom\n\t\tif not IsSorted(tRandom, false) then\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\n\n\tvariable tList\n\n\t-- Test sorting\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in ascending text order\n\ttest \"sort ascending text\" when IsSorted(tList, false)\n\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in ascending order\n\ttest \"sort ascending generic (text)\" when IsSorted(tList, false)\n\n\t-- Test sorting stability\n\tvariable tStable\n\tput tList into tStable\n\tsort tList in ascending text order\n\ttest \"sort ascending text is stable\" when tList is tStable\nend handler\n\npublic handler TestDescendingText() -- RANDOMIZED\n\tvariable tRandom\n\trepeat forever\n\t\tput RandomStringList() into tRandom\n\t\tif not IsSorted(tRandom, true) then\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\n\n\tvariable tList\n\n\t-- Test sorting\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in descending text order\n\ttest \"sort descending text\" when IsSorted(tList, true)\n\n\tput tRandom into tList\n\tsort tList in descending order\n\ttest \"sort descending generic (text)\" when IsSorted(tList, true)\n\n\t-- Test sorting stability\n\tvariable tStable\n\tput tList into tStable\n\tsort tList in descending text order\n\ttest \"sort descending text is stable\" when tList is tStable\nend handler\n\npublic handler TestAscendingNumericMixed() -- RANDOMIZED\n\tvariable tRandom\n\trepeat forever\n\t\tput RandomMixedList() into tRandom\n\t\tif not IsSortedUsingHandler(tRandom, CompareNumericAscending) then\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\n\n\tvariable tList\n\n\t-- Test sorting\n\tput tRandom into tList\t\n\tsort tList using handler CompareNumericAscending\n\ttest \"sort using handler ascending numeric\" when IsSortedUsingHandler(tList, CompareNumericAscending)\n\t\n\t-- Test sorting stability\n\tvariable tStable\n\tput tList into tStable\n\tsort tList using handler CompareNumericAscending\n\ttest \"sort using handler ascending numeric is stable\" when tList is tStable\nend handler\n\npublic handler TestDescendingNumericMixed() -- RANDOMIZED\n\tvariable tRandom\n\trepeat forever\n\t\tput RandomMixedList() into tRandom\n\t\tif not IsSortedUsingHandler(tRandom, CompareNumericDescending) then\n\t\t\texit repeat\n\t\tend if\n\tend repeat\n\n\tvariable tList\n\n\t-- Test sorting\n\tput tRandom into tList\t\n\tsort tList using handler CompareNumericDescending\n\ttest \"sort using handler descending numeric\" when IsSortedUsingHandler(tList, CompareNumericDescending)\n\t\n\t-- Test sorting stability\n\tvariable tStable\n\tput tList into tStable\n\tsort tList using handler CompareNumericDescending\n\ttest \"sort using handler descending numeric is stable\" when tList is tStable\nend handler\n\nhandler InvalidSortHandler_Args(in pValue as any) returns Integer\n\treturn 1\nend handler\n\nhandler InvalidSortHandler_ReturnType(in pLeft as any, in pRight as any) returns String\n\treturn \"\"\nend handler\n\nhandler InvalidSortHandler_MissingReturn(in pLeft as any, in pRight as any) returns Integer\n\nend handler\n\nhandler TestSortUsingHandler_InvalidArgs()\n\tvariable tList as List\n\tput [1,2,3,4] into tList\n\tsort tList using handler InvalidSortHandler_Args\nend handler\n\nhandler TestSortUsingHandler_InvalidReturnType()\n\tvariable tList as List\n\tput [1,2,3,4] into tList\n\tsort tList using handler InvalidSortHandler_ReturnType\nend handler\n\nhandler TestSortUsingHandler_MissingReturn()\n\tvariable tList as List\n\tput [1,2,3,4] into tList\n\tsort tList using handler InvalidSortHandler_MissingReturn\nend handler\n\npublic handler TestUsingHandlerErrors()\n\tMCUnitTestHandlerThrows(TestSortUsingHandler_InvalidArgs, \"handler invalid number of args\")\n\tMCUnitTestHandlerThrows(TestSortUsingHandler_InvalidReturnType, \"handler invalid return type\")\n\tMCUnitTestHandlerThrows(TestSortUsingHandler_MissingReturn, \"handler missing return\")\nend handler\n\nend module\n" ]
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[ 0.0006466748891398311, 0.000759352114982903, 0.0005780526553280652, 0.0005788954440504313, 0.0005897456430830061, 0.0006151197594590485, 0.007164073642343283 ]
[ "Requirements for enabling surveillance of electronic communications have been enacted into public law (e.g., Public Law 103-414 enacted Oct. 25, 1994; CALEA Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act) reciting requirements for assuring law enforcement access to electronic communications. ", "Such access is required to be in real time, have full time monitoring capabilities, simultaneous intercepts, and feature service descriptions. ", "The requirements specifically include capacity requirements and function capability. ", "It is incumbent upon communication carriers to provide such capability and capacity.", "\nWhile initially limited in scope, at present, to certain communications technology it is almost assured that it will be extended to new forms of communication. ", "New technologies require extension of CALEA to the new phone system technologies. ", "With the advent of IP telephony it is desirable to provide surveillance capabilities for application to IP telephony.", "\nOne of the impediments to surveillance is the necessity of having dedicated equipment to perform the monitoring function. ", "It would be useful to perform such surveillance of a targeted phone with non-dedicated telephone equipment. ", "With use of such non-dedicated equipment it is desirable to distinguish normal calls from surveillance calls." ]
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[ "on •\n\nAt the end of every season, the baseball media likes to focus on the league’s best players, going as far as honoring them after the season with arbitrary awards, based on meaningless things like “performance.” ", "But these awards neglect some of the most important players in baseball. ", "The best players are nothing without the players on the other end of the spectrum. ", "But while there is plenty of buzz surrounding the top 1% of MLB players, there is almost none surrounding the bottom 1%. ", "This is where we step in. ", "Introducing the Gallardo Awards. ", "Named after Yovani Gallardo and his 30.86 ERA in 3 appearances with the Reds this year, the Gallardo Awards are here to honor the players who had the worst seasons in baseball this year. ", "For each league, we will be choosing winners for the following awards:\n\nLeast Valuable Player\n\nWorst Starting Pitcher\n\nWorst Relief Pitcher\n\nWorst Fielder\n\nWorst Free Agent Signing\n\nWorst Individual Performance\n\nAluminum Slugger (9)\n\nNow that we’ve explained the awards, let’s get underway! ", "Here are the worst players in the National League:\n\nLeast Valuable Player: Lewis Brinson, CF, Miami Marlins\n\nOn January 25th, the Marlins traded Christian Yelich to the Brewers, for a package headlined by Lewis Brinson. ", "Brinson, a speedy outfielder with solid gap power, was a consensus top prospect heading into the season. ", "But while Yelich is looking like the likely NL MVP this year, the same can not be said about Brinson. ", "Brinson started 109 games in Miami this year, drawing only 17 walks. ", "His -1.0 WAR was the worst in the entire National League, as were his 56 wRC+ and .240 OBP. ", "And though his defense has been advertised as a strength, Brinson was 3.1 runs worse than the average center fielder according to UZR. ", "He’s only 24, so Brinson has plenty of time to turn it around. ", "But this was definitely not the way he nor the Marlins thought his rookie season would go.", "\n\nWorst Starting Pitcher: Homer Bailey, SP, Cincinnati Reds\n\nAs far as bad contracts go, very few top the extension the Reds gave Homer prior to the 2014 season. ", "Five seasons and countless injuries later, the deal has been a disaster. ", "In 2018, Bailey made $21 million. ", "Making 20 starts, his most since 2014, Bailey put up a 6.09 ERA, the worst in the National League. ", "His -0.2 fWAR was better than only Tyler Chatwood, who walked nearly 20% of the batters he faced. ", "Opposing batters hit .307 against Bailey, and his team went 1-19 in his starts. ", "If the Reds are serious about contending in 2019, cutting ties with the worst pitcher in the National League would be a good place to start.", "\n\nWorst Relief Pitcher: Brian Duensing, RP, Chicago Cubs\n\nThere were a lot of good options for this award, including Brett Cecil, Jake McGee, and Matt Albers. ", "However, no reliever was as bad in 2018 as Brian Duensing. ", "Following a strong 2017 season, the 35-year-old Duensing signed a 2-year extension with the Cubs. ", "But as you can imagine, he did not live up to expectations. ", "In 37.2 innings, Duensing had an NL-worst 7.65 ERA, and his 190 ERA- was the worst since Chad Qualls in 2010, whose peripherals looked much better than Duensing’s. ", "Duensing walked 6.93 batters per 9 innings, and he and Cecil were the only 2 relievers in baseball to walk more batters than they struck out this season.", "\n\nWorst Fielder: Rhys Hoskins, LF, Philadelphia Phillies\n\nHoskins was stellar at the plate in 2018, hitting 34 home runs with a 129 wRC+. ", "The same, however, could not be said about his glove in left field. ", "Hoskins’ -24 defensive runs saved were the second worst in the National League, better than only Charlie Blackmon. ", "His -11.3 UZR was also better only than Blackmon’s. ", "Statcast paints an even worse picture of Hoskins. ", "His -19 outs above average were last in the league by six whole outs. ", "And on fly balls with a 91-95 percent catch probability, known by Statcast as “1 Star catches,” Hoskins only caught 82.6%. ", "Only Hunter Renfroe, Bryce Harper, and Nick Markakis were worse in the National League. ", "Whatever way you slice it, Hoskins was atrocious in the field this season. ", "His bat, of course, makes him well worth the playing time, but with first base occupied by Carlos Santana, Hoskins desperately needs to work on his glove.", "\n\nWorst Free Agent Signing: Eric Hosmer, 1B, San Diego Padres\n\nAnyone could have seen this one from a mile away. ", "Hosmer has been an up-and-down player over the course of his career, and after a solid season (largely due to his unsustainably high BABIP) he signed an 8-year deal with the Padres. ", "So far, it’s looking like it’s going to be a long 8 years. ", "From 2017 to 2018, Hosmer’s K% rose from 15.5% to 21.0%, while his OBP dropped from .385 to .322. ", "Interestingly, he was the only player in baseball with a negative launch angle in 2018. ", "Overall, Hosmer finished the season below replacement level for the third time in the past seven years. ", "Theoretically, the team would have been better off without him, even without factoring in the $20 million he made. ", "The future looks bright for the Padres, but they probably wish they could take this one back.", "\n\nWorst Individual Performance: Zack Weiss, RP, Cincinnati Reds\n\nPoor Zack Weiss. ", "Formerly a highly regarded minor leaguer, Weiss was added to the Reds’ major league roster for Opening Day 2018. ", "He was sent down before pitching in any games, but quickly called back up on April 9th. ", "Three days later, he made his major league debut, coming into the 7th inning with the Reds down just 5-4. ", "Here is the sequence of events that then transpired.", "\n\nHome run\n\nHome run\n\n4-pitch walk\n\n5-pitch walk\n\nAnd that’s it. ", "Weiss was taken out of the game, and he never pitched in the majors again. ", "After spending the rest of the season in the minors, Weiss was released in early September. ", "Both of those runners came around to score, so his career major league line looks like this.", "\n\n0 IP, 2 H, 2 BB, 4 ER, inf ERA\n\nWeiss threw 15 pitches. ", "Just three of those were strikes, and two of those were hit for home runs. ", "I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it live. ", "Only three pitchers ever have faced more batters in their career without retiring a single one, and none since Jim Schelle of the 1939 Philadelphia Athletics. ", "And Weiss is the only pitcher in baseball history to allow two home runs and retire no batters. ", "Hopefully Weiss gets another chance at some point, because his lone major league appearance could not have gone worse.", "\n\nAluminum Slugger:\n\nIn contrast to the Silver Slugger, the Aluminum Slugger is awarded to the worst hitter at each position, including pitcher. ", "Just a reminder that these awards only factor in how the player hit this season. ", "Other aspects of their game are ignored. ", "With that said, let’s look at the winners!", "\n\nPitcher: Ivan Nova, Pittsburgh Pirates\n\nPittsburgh’s opening day starter, Nova was decent on the mound this year, pitching 161 innings with a 4.19 ERA. ", "His bat, on the other hand, was a different story. ", "After going 1-51 at the plate in 2017, Nova followed that up by going 1-53 in 2018, good for a league worst .019 batting average. ", "His one hit came, unsurprisingly, against the Reds in a game on July 22nd. ", "But aside from that one stroke of genius, Nova struck out 30 times in 2018.", "\n\nCatcher: Pedro Severino, Washington Nationals\n\nThanks to injuries to starter Matt Wieters, Severino was able to bat 213 times for the Nationals in 2018. ", "The result was not great. ", "Severino hit just .168 this season with a 32 wRC+, both of which rank him dead last in the NL, not just among catchers but among all hitters. ", "His .247 slugging percentage is at the bottom of the list as well.", "\n\n1st Baseman: Ian Desmond, Colorado Rockies\n\nAs much as Desmond struggled this year at the plate, he still may have improved from last year, his first in Colorado. ", "His 81 wRC+, still last among NL first basemen, is actually 12 points better than it was last year. ", "Desmond started 160 games for the Rockies this year and hit just .236. ", "His .307 OBP was also the worst by an NL first baseman. ", "Even worse, Desmond made $22 million this year and is on the books for at least three more seasons.", "\n\n2nd Baseman: Wilmer Difo, Washington Nationals\n\nNot a great start for the Nationals, who have two Aluminum Slugger award winners. ", "Difo started 84 games at second, batting .230 with just 7 home runs in 456 plate appearances. ", "His 71 wRC+ was better only than Logan Forsythe and Carlos Asuaje at the position, and they each batted half as many times as Difo. ", "Additionally, he hit just 18.9% of his batted balls above 95 MPH. ", "In the NL, only Billy Hamilton was worse.", "\n\nShortstop: Orlando Arcia, Milwaukee Brewers\n\nArcia was phenomenal at the plate in the postseason, hitting three home runs and slugging .606 in nine starts. ", "However, these awards only factor in the regular season, and Arcia struggled in this larger sample. ", "Prior to the playoffs, he had hit just three home runs all season. ", "Arcia’s 54 wRC+ was by far the worst of any NL shortstop, and he walked in just 4.1% of his plate appearances. ", "That’s worse than Javy Baez, Billy Hamilton, and any regular NL player except for Corey Dickerson.", "\n\n3rd Baseman: Jose Reyes, New York Mets\n\nJose Reyes insists he is not ready to retire, but his numbers suggest he might be. ", "Reyes hit just .189 in 2018, the lowest of any third baseman with 200 plate appearances. ", "His .260 OBP, .320 Slugging Percentage, and 62 wRC+ were all last in the NL at the position. ", "Now 35 years old, Reyes is coming off the worst season of his career, and it is hard to see another team taking a chance on him.", "\n\nLeft Field: Adam Duvall, Cincinnati Reds/Atlanta Braves\n\nAn All-Star in 2017, Duvall had hit 30 or more home runs in each of the past two seasons heading into 2018. ", "He was adequate for the Reds the first half of the season, but with the emergence of Jesse Winker, Duvall saw a dip in playing time. ", "And when he was traded to the Braves in July, his production absolutely cratered. ", "In 33 games for the Braves, Duvall hit just .132, failing to hit a single home run. ", "His .344 OPS was over 100 points worse than his slugging percentage was in any season in Cincinnati, and his -7 wRC+ over a full season would be the worst of any player ever. ", "Overall this year, he had an OBP of just .274, and he was left off the Braves postseason roster after an incredibly disappointing season.", "\n\nCenter Field: Lewis Brinson, Miami Marlins\n\nThere’s not much more to be said about how awful Brinson was at the plate in 2018. ", "He, Duvall, and Chris Davis were the only players in the majors who hit below .200, and of those three, his 4.2 BB% was easily the lowest. ", "Brinson’s .240 OBP is the worst by an NL player with as many at bats as he had since Alex Gonzales reached base at a dismal .229 clip in 2000, also with the Marlins.", "\n\nRight Field: Dexter Fowler, St. Louis Cardinals\n\nFowler was the victim of some bad luck this year. ", "His BABIP was .210, 120 points lower than his career number of .330. ", "This in part helps to explain his .180 batting average and 62 wRC+. ", "Still, there’s evidence that he just wasn’t making great contact in 2018. ", "Fowler hit just 28% of batted balls above 95 MPH this year, down from 37.5% a year ago. ", "And he barreled the ball just 7 times, one third of his number from 2017. ", "Even before he was shut down in August for a foot injury, this season was largely a lost cause.", "\n\nCategories: Articles" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nHow can i 'v-repeat' through this object?", "\n\nWhen i use 'v-repeat' i can see the 'post.letter', however it looks like i also need to loop trough the posts array in the same 'v-repeat' ?", "\nWhen i try 'post.posts.title' i get nothing, when i do 'post.posts' i get [object, object].", "\n var myObj = [\n {\n post: {\n letter: 'A',\n posts: [\n { title: 'lorem ipsum'},\n { title: 'dolor sit amet'}\n ],\n }\n }\n ];\n\nA:\n\nIf I'm understanding what you want correctly you can use aliases\n<h4>{{ post.letter }}</h4>\n<ul>\n <li v-repeat=\"subPost : post.posts\"> {{ subPost.title }}</li>\n</ul>\n\nHope this helps!", "\n\n" ]
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[ "How Ukraine rebels rely on Russians Published duration 31 March 2015 Related Topics Ukraine conflict\n\nimage copyright dmitry sapozhnikov image caption Dmitry Sapozhnikov says he was in the thick of the fighting near Donetsk\n\nWho are the Russian \"volunteers\" serving with pro-Russian rebel forces in eastern Ukraine? ", "The BBC's Olga Ivshina obtained a rare interview with a Russian special forces soldier, who described the key role played by Russian troops in recent fighting.", "\n\nHe has been recovering from concussion in St Petersburg, but spoke to the BBC earlier via Skype from Donetsk in eastern Ukraine.", "\n\nDmitry Sapozhnikov joined the rebel \"Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)\" forces last October, but he was wounded in heavy fighting when the Russian-backed rebels pushed Ukrainian troops out of Debaltseve in late February.", "\n\nRussian officials consistently deny that soldiers like him are fighting in eastern Ukraine.", "\n\nBut Dmitry said \"all operations, especially large-scale ones, are led by Russian officers, by Russian generals\".", "\n\n\"They develop plans together with our commanders. ", "And then we fulfil the orders.\"", "\n\nimage copyright dmitry sapozhnikov image caption Dmitry Sapozhnikov (left) with a comrade whose identity is not known\n\nTank reinforcements\n\nA shaky ceasefire is generally holding, despite many violations. ", "The strategic town of Debaltseve fell to the rebels soon after the ceasefire was signed.", "\n\nThe DPR says Dmitry's special forces unit of Russian \"volunteers\" fought on the frontline in the battle for Debaltseve.", "\n\nOn 9 February his unit managed to take control of a main road, cutting Ukrainian forces off from their hinterland. ", "The rebels were unable to hold the road for long, Dmitry explained.", "\n\n\"But then Russian tanks arrived. ", "This was a tank unit from Buryatia [a region in far-off Siberia]. ", "Thanks to their help and their armour we managed to take Debaltseve.\"", "\n\nDmitry had served earlier as a conscript in the Russian interior ministry forces. ", "He said most of his duties consisted of guarding transport infrastructure in St Petersburg.", "\n\nBut after joining the rebels in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region he was assigned to special forces duties. ", "He had performed well at a training camp there.", "\n\nLater on, he said, a Russian who had served in the French Foreign Legion trained them.", "\n\nCrimea deception\n\nRussian regular units have been crucial at difficult moments for the rebels, when operations required disciplined and well-trained troops, Dmitry explained.", "\n\nWestern leaders, the Ukrainian government and Nato say there is clear evidence of Russian military involvement in the fighting.", "\n\nAccording to US Lt Gen Ben Hodges, a senior commander in Europe, nearly 12,000 Russian troops are operating inside Ukraine.", "\n\nRussia has rejected those allegations. \"", "These figures, which are plucked out of the air, of course demoralise and disorientate the international community,\" said Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich.", "\n\nDmitry recalled that a year ago Russia had also denied using its armed forces to seize control of Crimea.", "\n\nBut recently Russian state TV showed a documentary in which President Vladimir Putin admitted to planning the annexation of Crimea from the start - well before Russian and local paramilitary forces took control.", "\n\n\"I think it will be the same here, in Donbas. ", "First they deny it, but then they will admit it,\" Dmitry said.", "\n\nimage copyright EPA image caption The rebels are well equipped with Russian tanks and other heavy weapons\n\n'Defending Russians'\n\nHe suspects that there is a \"secret agreement\", whereby \"the West turns a blind eye to Russian involvement and Russia pretends it doesn't notice American and European soldiers operating on the Ukrainian side\".", "\n\nSome 35 British military personnel have started training Ukrainian soldiers in the southern city of Mykolaiv and will spend about two months in the country. ", "The UK is providing some non-lethal equipment and the training focuses on medical aid and defensive tactics. ", "It will not change the military balance of the opposing sides.", "\n\nMore than 6,000 people have died since fighting erupted in Ukraine last April, the UN estimates - but it believes the real figure could be considerably higher.", "\n\nDmitry says the fighting in eastern Ukraine has completely changed his understanding of life. ", "Now he is wondering whether to return. ", "He is still sure he did the right thing, defending \"the interests of the Russian-speaking population and Russians in Donbas\"." ]
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[ "![", "Icon](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/2b418776b6cc9cb7d90c68905d3381674f13d7ec/687474703a2f2f692e6375626575706c6f61642e636f6d2f4541367957612e706e67)\n\n## Icon font generator\n\n![", "Screenshot](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/7aaef96033be671fa29297c0efd6c50f97a502f6/68747470733a2f2f692e6375626575706c6f61642e636f6d2f65597736766a2e706e67)\n\n> Easy-to-use, pre-configured cli tool to generate webfont icon kits from a bunch of .svg files\n\n### Intro\n\nThis cli utility is ment to make webfont icon sets creation from the command line really simple - It wraps and pre-configures [webfonts-generator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/webfonts-generator), but allows for some degree of customisation.", "\n\nIt also does a couple extra things such as creating a .json file containing the icons to unicode characters map, which may be later used in styles, templates, etc..\n\n#### Upgrading from v1.x.x\n\n**!!** ", "If you're upgrading from `v1.x.x` to `v2.x.x` - here's the changelog and thoubleshooting: https://github.com/Workshape/icon-font-generator/releases/tag/v2.1.2\n\n**!!** ", "`icon-font-generator` `v2.x.x >=` requires Node.js `>= v8.1.0` - is you wish to run on a lower version, use [v1.1.2](https://github.com/Workshape/icon-font-generator/releases/tag/v1.1.2)\n\n\n### Install\n\n```\nnpm install -g icon-font-generator\n```\n\n### Use\n\n##### Quick usage\n\n```\nicon-font-generator my-icons/*.svg -o icon-dist\n```\n\n##### Cli params\n\n```\nUsage : icon-font-generator [ svg-icons-glob ] -o [ output-dir ] [ options ]\nExample : icon-font-generator src/*.svg -o dist\n\nOptions:\n -o, --out Output icon font set files to <out> directory\n -n, --name Name to use for generated fonts and files (Default: icons)\n -s, --silent Do not produce output logs other than errors (Default: false)\n -f, --fontspath Relative path to fonts directory to use in output files (Default: ./)\n -c, --css Generate CSS file if true (Default: true)\n --csspath CSS output path (Defaults to <out>/<name>.css)\n --cssfontsurl CSS fonts directory url (Defaults to relative path)\n --csstp CSS handlebars template path (Optional)\n --html Generate HTML preview file if true (Default: true)\n --htmlpath HTML output path (Defaults to <out>/<name>.html)\n --types Font types - (Defaults to 'svg, ttf, woff, woff2, eot')\n --htmltp HTML handlebars template path (Optional)\n -j, --json Generate JSON map file if true (Default: true)\n --jsonpath JSON output path (Defaults to <out>/<name>.json)\n -p, --prefix CSS classname prefix for icons (Default: icon)\n -t, --tag CSS base tag for icons (Default: i) \n --selector Use a selector instead of 'tag + prefix' (Default: null)\n --normalize Normalize icons sizes (Default: false)\n --round Setup SVG rounding (Default: 10e12)\n --descent Offset applied to the baseline (Default: 0)\n --mono Make font monospace (Default: false)\n --height Fixed font height value\n --center Center font horizontally\n```\n\n\n### License\n\nCopyright (c) 2014 Workshape.io Ltd. - Released under the [MIT license](https://github.com/Workshape/icon-font-generator/blob/master/LICENSE)\n" ]
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[ 0.0006093331030569971, 0.0007637226372025907, 0.0006316924700513482, 0.0006693396717309952, 0.0006192520377226174, 0.0006268128054216504, 0.000683935359120369, 0.0007605035789310932, 0.0024951475206762552, 0.0008199152653105557, 0.011402089148759842, 0.0007273309165611863, 0.0006917234277352691, 0.0391589030623436, 0.0007173202466219664, 0.0007142754038795829, 0.0008066111477091908, 0.0007345546036958694, 0.0008085023146122694, 0.0007521494990214705, 0.0010431723203510046, 0.0007815075805410743, 0.0005863572587259114, 0.0007016757153905928 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to transform an Apple Mac Mini intro a reliable Ubuntu Server?", "\n\nThis question is about what steps are needed for transforming an Apple Mac Mini into an Ubuntu server.", "\nHere are some areas:\n\ninstalling Ubuntu and making it to be bootable from EFI by default\nenabing CPU and fan control (by default it does not work)\nbe sure that it will power on after power failure\nSSD configuring (assuming that the primary disk is a SSD and that you may have a HD as the second disk, nobody needs the DVD drive).", "\n\nA:\n\nFirst install rEFInd, and boot Ubuntu installer after. ", "\nEnable \"Boot after power failure\" by adding next line to /etc/rc.local:\n setpci -s 0:1f.0 0xa4.b=0\n setpci -s 00:03.0 0x7b.b=0x19\n\nInstall mac fan control:\nsudo add-apt-repository ppa:mactel-support/ppa\nsudo apt-get update\nsudo apt-get install -y macfanctld applesmc-dkms\n\nFor SSD tunning (you have to adapt to your config) here is my /etc/fstab file:\nUUID=<...> / ext4 noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro 0 1\nUUID=<...> /boot vfat defaults,noatime,discard 0 1\n\nWhat is important to remember here:\n\n/boot is the rEFInd partition, as you can keep all in the same place.", "\nI added noatime,nodiratime to the / partition as this will lower the tear-down of the SSD.", "\n\nDo noy add discard or ext4discard to the list of options because instant TRIM will slow down your SSD too much. ", "\nThe optimal solution is to run TRIM in a daily crob job, by running something like:\n fstrim -v / \n\nOther resources:\n\nhttp://www.frozenindustries.com/2012/11/04/ubuntu-12-04-lts-on-an-apple-mac-mini-late-2012/\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0010317625710740685, 0.0007857228629291058, 0.0009909510845318437, 0.0036688956897705793, 0.0017055956413969398, 0.0013405214995145798, 0.006148622836917639, 0.0023383295629173517 ]
[ "The Pokémon Trainer's School is the official name for the Training Academy located in Rustboro City right next door of the Rustboro Gym, and is where, like the Gym Leader of the city, Roxanne, says, \"students can learn all about the world of Pokémon\". ", "The school motto is Go for it together with me, friend, and that’s what we like to practice. ", "Roxanne as teacher promotes the cooperation between the students and says that they are not to compete with one another but to learn and grown together as friends, also promote the good interaction between humans and pokémons. ", "An old gentleman is the tour guide for the visitors.", "\n\nThe academy is divided in four classes:\n\nPokémon Doctor's Class that has a class room and is teached by a professor and a Nurse Joy.", "\n\nBeginner’s Class that has a class room and a huge TV screen for receive lectures via videophone from authorities like Professor Oak. ", "It is teached by Miss Roxanne and sometimes the students have field trips. ", "They also have pokémon battle training where they choose one random pokémon for the battle.", "\n\nBesides the room classes the school posses:\n\nPokéball’s Deposit Room that is the store for hundreds of pokémons that have been specially trained so they will obey anyone in the academy who chooses to battle with them. ", "They all have a white band with a red pokéball symbol on it.", "\n\nIn the Games\n\nIn Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald the Pokémon Trainer's School is in Rustboro City near to the Pokémon Center, is a brown building (also in the anime) of one floor and the sign in front of it reads \"We'll teach you anything about Pokémon!\". ", "Inside are five students and the teacher, who gives you the Quick Claw, also if you talk to the students or read the student's notebook they will give you some important info. ", "Behind the teacher is the blackboard with the list of status changes that may affect your pokémon in a battle." ]
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[ "What has our old pal Sen. Ted Cruz been up to lately? ", "He hasn't been getting the outrageously disproportionate share of news coverage that the junior senator from Texas had grown accustomed to. ", "That's because he's been hard at work, crouched over his desk, crafting legislation of the utmost importance to the future of the Republic: He's going to eliminate super PACs once and for all.", "\n\nWhy do we say that? ", "Because he's named his new piece of campaign finance legislation the \"SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014.\" ", "Who are we to second-guess the intentions of a bill with such a title.", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nThe thing about this bill, though: It wouldn't eliminate super PACs by, say, rewriting campaign finance law to restrict the flow of money to and from independent-expenditure committees. ", "It wouldn't reverse the Citizens United court decision that gave way to their rise. (", "Neither would the Democrats' proposed constitutional amendment that purports to do just that, as we've reported.) ", "No, those approaches -- trying to eliminate something by taking direct steps to eliminate it -- would be a little too straightforward, a little too... predictable?... ", "simple?... ", "for a brain the magnitude of Ted Cruz's to conjure. ", "And so his proposal to eliminate super PACs, the iteration of all that is bad with \"money in politics,\" would be to... eliminate all campaign donation limits? ", "Okay, sure, why not. ", "According to The Hill, \"Cruz’s SuperPAC Elimination Act of 2014 would eliminate the caps on direct contributions to candidates from individuals and would also require all donations over $200 to be disclosed within 24 hours.\"", "\n\nThe theory behind \"SuperPAC Elimination\" here is that if candidates and parties were able to directly receive unlimited contributions, megadonors would be able to run their cash straight through direct channels rather than circumvent them through a third-party super PAC. ", "This is in line with the Roberts Court's irritating line of logic that since Citizens United (which was great!) ", "gave rise to all of these uncontrollable outside players, we need a McCutcheon to help bring campaigns and parties back into a competitive position. ", "Cruz's bill tries to bring about the presumed Next Big Step in the unraveling of campaign finance restrictions -- eliminating campaign donation limits -- statutorily, rather than waiting for the Supreme Court to get around to it.", "\n\nAll of this thinking, however, treats our current money-in-politics predicament like a zero-sum game rather than the ever-expanding farce that it is. ", "Who's to say that once megadonors are allowed to give unlimited amounts to campaigns that they'd stop giving to super PACs as well? ", "What if they give comically large amounts to both? ", "To billionaires, our politics can be bought relatively on the cheap. ", "Why not add a little bit more to the tab? ", "There are pros to both inside and outside donations, each appealing to donors' enormous egos. ", "Donations to campaigns and parties brings about access to candidates. ", "Donations to outside groups, like super PACs, gets the middle-managing, know-it-all campaign strategists out of the way and allows the big donor to say whatever he wants to say. ", "Why not have both?", "\n\nAdvertisement:\n\nIf Cruz did choose the \"SuperPAC Elimination\" title because he's serious about reversing donor shifts toward outside groups -- and all indications are, at this point, that he's mostly trying to tweak Democrats -- then he's behind the times. ", "The truth is that super PACs are yesterday's news in the big-money world. ", "It's nice that they allow for unlimited donations, but they also require the disclosure of donors. ", "Cruz's bill would offer campaigns the same treatment. ", "And it's that \"disclosure\" thing that's scaring donors away from super PACs and into 501(c)(4) nonprofits (so-called \"dark money\" groups) as their unlimited-donation vehicle of choice. ", "The Washington Post recently did an excellent piece on this trend:\n\nSeveral prominent pro-Republican advocacy groups say they are benefiting from a burst of cash as some donors — fearful of harsh public attacks such as those aimed at the Kochs — turn away from political committees that are required by federal law to reveal their contributors. ", "The trend can be seen at the prominent GOP super PAC co-founded by strategist Karl Rove, American Crossroads, which discloses its donors to the Federal Election Commission. ", "The group, which hauled in $117 million during the 2012 election, has raised $9 million so far this cycle, including just $266,000 in April. ", "At the same time, group officials said, donors are more interested than ever in supporting Crossroads GPS, a sister organization with a tax-exempt status that allows it to keep its donor list private. ", "The two groups recently kicked off a $10 million television advertising campaign against vulnerable Senate Democrats — $8 million of which was paid for by Crossroads GPS.", "\n\nSo what would the effects of Cruz's \"SuperPAC Elimination Act\" be? ", "Much more money flowing directly to campaigns, with a gusher of outside money still flowing through super PACs and, now more than ever, \"dark money\" nonprofits.", "\n\nTo stop the flow of outside money and bring donors out of the darkness, Cruz should throw his support behind a proposed IRS rule to curtail the political activity of 501(c)(4)s. ", "But that would probably violate various deeply held principles of his about viewing the IRS as a legitimate entity, or something." ]
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[ "Recent developments on intramedullary nailing: a biomechanical perspective.", "\nCombining contributions from engineering and medicine, we highlight the biomechanical turning points in the historical evolution of the intramedullary nailing stabilization technique and discuss the recent innovations concerning increase in bone-implant system stability. ", "Following the earliest attempts, where stabilization of long bone fractures was purely based on intuition, intramedullary nailing evolved from allowing alignment and translational control through press-fit fixation to current clinical widespread acceptance marked by the mechanical linkage between nail and bone with interlocking screws that allow alignment, translation, rotation, and length control. ", "In an attempt to achieve an optimum interfragmentary mechanical environment, recent improvements considered the impact of different biomaterials on bone-implant stiffness. ", "Another strategy considered the increase in the structural stability through the reduction of the number of movements between the different components that constitute the bone-implant system. ", "Intramedullary nail improvements will most likely benefit from merging mechanics and fracture-healing biology by combining surface engineering with sensor tools associated with the innovative progress in wireless technology and with bone-healing biological active agents. ", "Future research should aim at better understanding the ideal mechanobiological environment for each stage of fracture healing in order to allow for intramedullary nail design that satisfies such requirements." ]
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[ "转换为 Word 文档\n====\n\n复制粘贴\n----\n\n在导出为 HTML 文档之后,可以(在浏览器中)手动复制 HTML 页面的内容,然后粘贴到 Word 文档中,保存即可。", "\n\nPandoc\n----\n\n执行下面的命令,即可将 Markdown 文档转换为 Word 文档:\n\n```\npandoc -o hello.docx hello.md\n```\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nECLIPSE - java.lang.", "UnsatisfiedLinkError while working with JNI\n\nHi everybody: I'm making practice with JNI on my Windows 7.", "\nMy goal is to print at the Eclipse console a \"Hello world\" message using C's API.", "\nI keep getting \nException in thread \"main\" java.lang.", "UnsatisfiedLinkError: nativeStuff.", "HelloJNI.sayHello()V\n at nativeStuff.", "HelloJNI.sayHello(Native Method)\n at main.", "Init.main(Init.java:17)\nOn my project's Properties -> Libraries -> jre8 -> Native Library Location -> Edit -> Workspace I set nativeStuff as selected folder, since the library hello.dll is in there, but I keep getting the same error about UnsatisfiedLinkError.", "\nHere's the source tree:\nsrc(folder):\n main(package):\n Init.java\n nativeStuff(package):\n HelloJNI.java\n hello.dll\n HelloJNI.c\n nativeStuff_HelloJNI.h\n\nInit.java:\npublic class Init {\n\n public static void main(String[] args) {\n System.out.println(\"Begin\");\n new HelloJNI().sayHello(); // from the exception above\n }\n}\n\nHelloJNI.java:\npublic class HelloJNI {\n static {\n try {\n System.loadLibrary(\"hello\");\n } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError u) { // always from the exception above\n u.printStackTrace();\n } catch(SecurityException s) {\n s.printStackTrace();\n }\n }\n public native void sayHello(); \n}\n\nnativeStuff_HelloJNI.h:\n/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */\n#include <jni.h>\n/* Header for class nativeStuff_HelloJNI */\n\n#ifndef _Included_nativeStuff_HelloJNI\n#define _Included_nativeStuff_HelloJNI\n#ifdef __cplusplus\nextern \"C\" {\n#endif\n/*\n * Class: nativeStuff_HelloJNI\n * Method: sayHello\n * Signature: ()V\n */\nJNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_nativeStuff_HelloJNI_sayHello\n (JNIEnv *, jobject);\n\n#ifdef __cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n#endif\n\nand HelloJNI.c:\n#include \"jni.h\"\n#include <stdio.h>\n#include \"nativeStuff_HelloJNI.h\"\n\n// Implementation of native method sayHello() of HelloJNI class\nJNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloJNI_sayHello(JNIEnv *env, jobject thisObj) {\n printf(\"Hello World!\\n\");\n return;\n}\n\n[Edit]: these are the commands I typed to get the files...\njavac HelloJNI.java\njavah -jni nativeStuff.", "HelloJNI\ngcc -Wl,--add-stdcall-alias -I\"%JAVA_HOME%\\include\" -I\"%JAVA_HOME%\\include\\win32\" -shared -o hello.dll HelloJNI.c\n\nA:\n\nSystem.loadLibrary is intended for system libraries, which are usually located in a jre subfolder. ", "If you want to load a local library like in your example, use instead :\nSystem.load(\"/path/to/your/lib.ext\")\n\nSee jre javadoc\n\nFinally, the error was : name of function had to be qualified : Java_nativeCode_HelloJNI_sayHello instead of Java_HelloJNI_sayHello inside .h and .c\n\n" ]
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[ "Fuzz testing makes you a better programmer by Michael Bernstein on June 27, 2017\n\nHow to gain confidence through randomness in Elm\n\nThe programming languages that will gain the most mindshare in front-end programming are those that will steal the best ideas from other languages and incorporate them in a natural way. ", "There are a few languages trying their best to steal as liberally as possible: ClojureScript has done a great job by this measure, as has PureScript, but today I’m going to write a bit how Elm has combined theft with usability in a way that can help an average programmer like me gain more confidence when testing tricky bits of code.", "\n\nFirst, I’ll introduce the idea of “Fuzz Testing,” and briefly describe why it’s so useful. ", "Secondly, I’ll describe how Fuzz Testing is integrated into elm-test and argue that its successful integration is just as important as the technique itself.", "\n\nThe idea: Reach for the “fuzz”\n\nFuzz Testing (also known as generative testing or property-based testing) starts with one idea:\n\nFuzz Tests randomly generate appropriate data to automatically test your code.", "\n\nThis idea is probably most easily understood in contrast with Unit Testing, which is a widely employed technique for asserting the correctness of complex code. ", "With Unit Testing, you write individual test cases which are designed to express one specific behavior that you’d like to assert about your program. ", "With Fuzz Testing, you write one fuzz test which can be used to test an arbitrary number of values as inputs, thus making sure that your tests cover a wider range of potential inputs than you can with unit tests.", "\n\nAs an example, I’m working on some code that required me to write some tests to assert the behavior of a data structure that is core to my program. ", "The main data structure is a Funnel, and a Funnel is composed of Stages. ", "Here are the type declarations in Elm:\n\ntype alias Stage = { name : String , count : Maybe Float , conversion : Maybe Float } type alias Funnel = { stages : Dict Int Stage }\n\nA Stage is a record containing three fields to hold domain data. ", "A Funnel is a record with one field: stages, which is a Dict (or map) from Integer values to Stage values. ", "A Funnel has three main operations:\n\nAdd a stage\n\nDelete a stage\n\nUpdate a stage\n\nBecause of details of the implementation that aren’t important here, updating is simple and doesn’t need a lot of testing. ", "In contrast, adding and removing stages are more complicated because they involve compacting and ordering the Integer ids for the stages Dict. ", "That means they need some really good tests.", "\n\nBecause of my relatively well-honed complexity Spidey-Sense, I was particularly concerned about the algorithm maintaining a correct index after a sequence of deleting and inserting stages. ", "I started by writing it out as a unit test, and I was suddenly faced with the following question: *what sequence of stage ids might cause incorrect behavior? *", "Not so surprisingly, I had no idea!", "\n\nI tried a few different sequences and then realized that this was a perfect situation for applying a fuzz test. ", "I knew the basic situation I had to test, but didn’t know which combination of parameters might cause bad behavior. ", "I could give a fuzz test the appropriate parameters, and let it loose to find some bad values for me. ", "Here’s a picture to help explain:\n\nUnit tests require choosing concrete inputs for test data, while fuzz tests allow you to simply provide descriptions of that data.", "\n\nThe top part of this graphic depicts how you would approach writing this test with a Unit Test. ", "Typically, you’d study your code, reason about some potential input combinations, and manually enter them in order to see that some invariant holds under those circumstances. ", "This is not a bad approach overall, but it is one that can be blind to some potential inputs that don’t necessarily bubble up when you’re trying to exhaustively consider all input combinations.", "\n\nThe bottom part of the graphic depicts how you approach this with fuzz testing: instead of manually trying different colored stars that represent specific combinations of concrete values, you supply a cool rainbow star that represents all integers! ", "This lets your tests know that you need some random integer values in certain places. ", "You then ask it to run the test a certain number of times to try and make sure you’re exhaustively testing inputs, and then sit back and see if failure happens.", "\n\nFuzz tests make you a better programmer by making it easier to spot the flaws in your implementations. ", "As the person writing tests for code you’ve already written, or code you’re about to write, you’ll have good intuition into the types of things that may go wrong. ", "That’s what fuzz testing lets you do: instead of knowing exactly what will go wrong, all you have to know is the types of things that may go wrong. ", "That’s a big difference.", "\n\nUsability rules: How to fuzz in Elm\n\nHere’s a small snippet demonstrating how I changed a simple Unit Test I wrote in elm-test to a Fuzz Test. ", "Note that I’ve elided the “Expect” part of the test because its distracting and irrelevant:\n\n-- This unit test will run and test one combination of inputs test \"Max index equals length - 1 after deletions\" <| \\_ -> let newFunnel = Funnel.initFunnel |> Funnel.deleteStage 2 |> Funnel.deleteStage 3 |> Funnel.insertStage 1 (Stage \"Nobody\" Nothing Nothing) in Expect.equal ... -- The fuzz version will run with 100 different input combinations fuzz3 int int int \"Max index equals length - 1 after deletions\" <| \\f1 f2 f3 -> let newFunnel = Funnel.initFunnel |> Funnel.deleteStage f1 |> Funnel.deleteStage f2 |> Funnel.insertStage f3 (Stage \"Nobody\" Nothing Nothing) in Expect.equal ...\n\nIf the differences seem extremely minimal, its because they are, and this alone sums up why I think elm-test nailed the usability of adding Fuzz Testing to its API. ", "Here’s how to use Fuzz Testing in elm-test:\n\nInstead of writing the word “ test ,” write the word “ fuzz .”", "\n\nExamine your function inputs to see what the appropriate Fuzzer might be for your specific test (this can sometimes be very tricky, but that’s a topic for a different essay).", "\n\nInstead of passing concrete values, pass randomly generated data via your Fuzzer that conforms to your functions inputs.", "\n\nThat’s pretty much it. ", "In addition to the transparent interface, instead of having to do a bunch of extra work, the tooling just runs the fuzz tests for you, defaulting to running 100 times per test. ", "Crank it up to 1,000 just for kicks. ", "Go ahead, see what happens.", "\n\nAll of this means that there’s a chance that programmers who use Elm and elm-test will actually embrace augmenting their Unit Tests with Fuzz Tests. ", "It might actually become popular! ", "This is a very good thing because everyone who writes Fuzz Tests will be a better programmer because of it.", "\n\nSpecial thanks to Ben Linsay and James MacAulay for their thoughtful reviews.", "\n\nJoin our email list to get our writing in your inbox." ]
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[ "Cyaarside (CAs- ) and 1,3-Diarsaallendiide (AsCAs2- ) Ligands Coordinated to Uranium and Generated via Activation of the Arsaethynolate Ligand (OCAs- ).", "\nReaction of the trivalent uranium complex [((Ad,Me ArO)3 N)U(DME)] with one molar equiv [Na(OCAs)(dioxane)3 ], in the presence of 2.2.2-crypt, yields [Na(2.2.2-crypt)][{((Ad,Me ArO)3 N)UIV (THF)}(μ-O){((Ad,Me ArO)3 N)UIV (CAs)}] (1), the first example of a coordinated η1 -cyaarside ligand (CAs- ). ", "Formation of the terminal CAs- is promoted by the highly reducing, oxophilic UIII precursor [((Ad,Me ArO)3 N)U(DME)] and proceeds through reductive C-O bond cleavage of the bound arsaethynolate anion, OCAs- . ", "If two equiv of OCAs- react with the UIII precursor, the binuclear, μ-oxo-bridged U2 IV/IV complex [Na(2.2.2-crypt)]2 [{((Ad,Me ArO)3 N)UIV }2 (μ-O)(μ-AsCAs)] (2), comprising the hitherto unknown μ:η1 ,η1 -coordinated (AsCAs)2- ligand, is isolated. ", "The mechanistic pathway to 2 involves the decarbonylation of a dimeric intermediate formed in the reaction of 1 with OCAs- . ", "An alternative pathway to complex 2 is by conversion of 1 via addition of one further equiv of OCAs- ." ]
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[ 0.000816923740785569, 0.0010599065572023392, 0.0021370090544223785, 0.0007140980451367795, 0.0007639140821993351, 0.0006333119235932827 ]
[ "Q:\n\nFinding functions with the given properties\n\nIn the following questions I am trying to find a function with the given properties or explain why no such function exists.", "\n1) An infinitely differentiable function on $R$ with the Taylor series that only converges on $(-1,1)$\nFor this I have chosen the geometric series,\n$$\\frac{1}{1-x}=1+x+x^2+x^3+...=\\sum_{n=0}^{\\infty}x^n$$\nSo this series is a geometric series and only converges when $|r|<1$. Thus, converges only for $(-1,1)$ but is this series infinitely differentiable?", "\n2) An inifinitely differentiable function on $R$ with a Taylor Series that only converges for $x\\le0$\nWould the following series work? ", "$$\\sum _{n=0}^{\\infty}\\frac{(-x)^{n}}{n}$$\n\nA:\n\nNo. ", "That function fails to be differentiable at $x = 1$. But you're on the right track. ", "The radius of convergence of the power series is always less than the distance to the nearest singularity. ", "But to be differentiable on $\\mathbb R$, it can't have any singularities for $x \\in \\mathbb R$. How do we reconcile this?", "\nNo. ", "Aside from the fact that, as written, the first term is 1/0, if we start from $n=1$ that is the series for $-\\ln|1+x|$, which converges for $|x|<1$ and is not everywhere differentiable. ", "The answer to this question depends on whether we require the power series to be about 0 and whether we need it to converge for all $x \\le 0$ or just for no values $x > 0$. It's also worth noting that there exist infinitely differentiable functions with a convergent power series at $x = 0$, but that series only converges to the value of the function for $ x \\le 0$.\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0006186736281961203, 0.0011826588306576014, 0.0010048294207081199, 0.026102541014552116, 0.000757606525439769, 0.0006344482535496354, 0.0008546252502128482, 0.0013785824412479997, 0.00077168142888695, 0.0007274248055182397 ]
[ "Q:\n\nHow to pass a Class object with generics of a base interface?", "\n\nSo I have the following method:\nvoid doSomething(Class<MyInterface> klass) { }\n\nGreat! ", "Now I do:\nclass MyClass implements MyInterface { }\n\n// now let's call the method\ndoSomething(MyClass.class); // DOES NOT COMPILE\n\nWhy ??? ", "How do I solve this without adding generics to the class that has the method doSomething?", "\n\nA:\n\nWhy ???", "\n\nBecause generics are not covariant. ", "Even though MyInterface is super type of MyClass, Class<MyInterface> is not super type of Class<MyClass>.", "\n\nHow do I solve this without adding generics to the class that has the method doSomething?", "\n\nChange your method definition to:\nvoid doSomething(Class<? ", "extends MyInterface> klass) { }\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0009715844644233584, 0.0018365285359323025, 0.0014942096313461661, 0.0009240275830961764, 0.0013887678505852818, 0.0007339847506955266, 0.001112873898819089, 0.0009240275830961764, 0.0020661514718085527, 0.0007201359258033335 ]
[ "Andrew Anglin\n\nDaily Stormer\n\nMarch 31, 2017\n\nVideo is graphic.", "\n\nWarning – Graphic footage: Kuwaiti woman films hanging African maid instead of helping her via @AliAlAhmed_en pic.twitter.com/VlGgX3T0pO — Hotep Queen (@HotepHeru) March 30, 2017\n\nI don’t know the exact context or date of this video, but it shows a Kuwaiti woman filming her African maid falling out a window and dying.", "\n\nIt’s not clear why she was hanging out the window, nor do I know what the woman is saying in Arabic.", "\n\nThis is standard Arabic behavior, certainly. ", "They literally have slaves that they treat as the lowest filth.", "\n\nBut somehow, whites are the evil ones.", "\n\nWhen whites had slaves, we treated them very well. ", "Despite what you see in Jewish Hollywood movies, Negro slaves had good lives where they worked reasonable hours doing rewarding work, had nice family lives, their own churches (with a slave pastor who generally wasn’t required to work or work very much beyond that role) and engaged in music, art and other hobbies during their free time.", "\n\nIt was certainly a hell of a lot better than what they left in Africa. ", "That is simply an objective fact, which is non-controversial.", "\n\nWe could just as easily be teaching black people to be thankful for us for bringing them out of Africa. ", "If we would have taught them that from the beginning, then it would have been possible to maintain some kind of peaceful relationship between our two peoples.", "\n\nRegrettably (or not), that ship has sailed, and separation is the only reasonable option at this point." ]
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[ "Melanoma incidence and frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting.", "\nThe incidence of melanoma has been increasing steadily in many countries since 1960, but the underlying mechanism causing this increase remains elusive. ", "The incidence of melanoma has been linked to the distance to frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting towers. ", "In the current study, the authors sought to determine if there was also a related link on a larger scale for entire countries. ", "Exposure-time-specific incidence was extracted from exposure and incidence data from 4 different countries, and this was compared with reported age-specific incidence of melanoma. ", "Geographic differences in melanoma incidence were compared with the magnitude of this environmental stress. ", "The exposure-time-specific incidence from all 4 countries became almost identical, and they were approximately equal to the reported age-specific incidence of melanoma. ", "A correlation between melanoma incidence and the number of locally receivable FM transmitters was found. ", "The authors concluded that melanoma is associated with exposure to FM broadcasting." ]
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[ "This invention relates to sub-surface lifting methods for transporting or salvaging loads underwater. ", "It provides significant practical and safety improvements over conventional lift bags and surface cranes.", "\nConventional lift bags employ an exhaust valve near the top of the bag which the user must manually vent when reducing lift or ascending. ", "During ascent, if the exhaust valve does not vent the expanding air fast enough, (air expands, quadrupling in volume between 100 feet seawater and the surface), the load can accelerate upward out of control. ", "By automatically venting the expanding air, the neutral bouyancy device, (NBD), eliminates any guesswork by the user, allowing him/her to concentrate solely on a controlled ascent, resulting in a safer operation. ", "In addition, a conventional lift bag used by a scuba diver is often inflated by using the divers mouthpiece regulator and his/her own breathing air supply. ", "The NBD precludes the risk of the diver removing the mouthpiece regulator from his/her mouth and conserves the limited supply of breathing air.", "\nLifting a submerged load with a surface crane presents practical problems which are overcome by use of the NBD. ", "If the crane platform, (e.g. a boat or barge), is affected by surface swell, this movement is transmitted to the load. ", "This situation often leads to sudden and dangerous loading and unloading of the crane as well as danger to the diver from sudden load movement. ", "The NBD eliminates movement from these surface effects, even in shallow water. ", "In addition, a crane must be positioned directly above the load. ", "The NBD allows the user to transport the balanced load, both sideways and vertically, around and under obstructions. ", "Expensive marine equipment time is also saved by not having to re-locate and re-anchor the crane platform." ]
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[ "A Just Cause\n\nDenver, CO -- (ReleaseWire) -- 11/16/2016 --According to an April 1, 2016 nextgov.com article, President Obama's Chief Information Officer Tony Scott has called the government's reliance on outdated technology a \"crisis\" that rivals Y2k/Year-2000 computer glitch. ", "The congressional 9/11 commission found that the FBI's antiquated case management system and processes contributed to information sharing failures that led to the 9/11 attacks (http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/report/index.htm). ", "It is no secret, especially in DC that both the Department of Homeland Security and FBI have yet to modernize their case management systems that are used by tens of thousands of federal agents to conduct criminal and terrorism investigations. ", "Since 9/11 two large defense contractors, SAIC & Lockheed Martin, have wasted over a billion dollars of taxpayer money on failed case management projects. ", "SAIC's $458 million Virtual Case File (VCF) was declared \"unfit for use\" in 2004 and according to FBI Chief Technology Officer Jack Israel's interview with Fierce Government IT in 2012, Lockheed Martin's $800 million-dollar Sentinel project's \"demise\" occurred when trying to \"build an independent electronic case management system.\"", "\n\n\"After the failure of VCF in 2004, DHS was seriously pursuing the CILC (pronounced \"silk\") case management software developed by the minority-owned IRP Solutions Corporation in Colorado for the joint DOJ/DHS Federal Investigative Case Management System (FICMS) initiative,\" says Cliff Stewart of A Just Cause. \"", "But misconduct by a Colorado federal prosecutor hindered CILC from being sold and weakened DHS's ability to modernize their technology to fight crime and terrorism,\" adds Stewart.", "\n\nOn February 12, 2005, the Gazette Telegraph newspaper in Colorado Springs reported that the FBI raided IRP, alleging that the executives were untruthful when they told staffing companies that temporary labor was needed to develop software that \"would be sold\" to the Department of Homeland Security and New York City Police Department. ", "Court records show that IRP, for about a year and a half, was heavily involved in selling CILC to both DHS and NYPD and two months prior to the raid, DHS not only requested and received a quote for 2 CILC modules that exceeded $100 million dollars. ", "DHS official Paul Tran testified in court that in the fall of 2003, DHS pursued a $12 million dollar pilot project with IRP. ", "Former federal appeals judge H. Lee Sarokin, who exhaustively reviewed the case, including the trial records, says the government's contention that IRP and CILC was a scam \"defies reality\" and that the executives were indicted and convicted for \"failing to pay corporate debts.\" \"", "The raid made it impossible for them to fulfill their debts,\" says Sarokin.", "\n\n\"The goal of FICMS was to identify a single commercial-off-the-shelf case management system that would be used to modernize case management across all federal law enforcement agencies, including the 22 under DHS's umbrella,\" says David Banks, Chief Operating Officer of IRP Solutions. ", "CILC is the only viable solution that could achieve this then and now and is far more advanced and innovative than any case management system used in federal law enforcement today,\" adds Banks. \"", "CILC is a secure case management solution developed on the Java/J2EE platform, database agnostic and differentiates itself by being the only case management solution that can be rapidly adapted to any agency's investigative operations, forms and processes and account for all the contributors involved in the life cycle of a criminal investigation, including federal prosecutors,\" adds Banks. \"", "We proved these capabilities to DHS, NYPD and to the City of Philadelphia in 2009, but government interference kept destroying business opportunities and our ability to pay our debts,\" says Banks.", "\n\nEmails from court records show that in January 2009 Banks was finalizing terms to deliver CILC to both the Philadelphia's Police Department and Inspector General's Office as well as pursuing a sale with the First Judicial District Court. \"", "With CILC's adaptable framework it took us only two weeks to computerize Philly's core search warrant process, workflow and forms into CILC, including functionality for electronic distribution to the courts with digital signatures,\" says Banks. (", "See emails between Banks and Philly officials at http://bit.ly/2xOfbEJ). \"", "Unfortunately, just prior to implementing CILC, I was told by Inspector General Amy Kurland's secretary that Kurland had received a call from Assistant United States Attorney Matthew Kirsch who told her that an indictment was coming against our company, and regrettably the City of Philadelphia would have to terminate business with us,\" adds Banks. ", "The indictment alleged that IRP was a \"purported\" software company whose executives \"induced\" staffing companies into doing business with them by stating they had \"current or impending\" contracts with DHS and NYPD. \"", "We were devastated that Kirsch would intentionally destroy our business with Philly by not only saying an indictment was coming five months prior to presenting anything to a grand jury but allege we never intended to pay staffing companies after ruining our ability to generate revenue to pay debts,\" laments Banks.", "\n\nFor \"failing to pay corporate debts...these business men...all members of the same church, several of them veterans, with no criminal records, were charged, convicted and are serving sentences of seven to eleven years in prison, even though they had every intention to make their business a success and pay their debts,\" exclaims Sarokin. \"", "The raid made it impossible for them to fulfill their debts,\" asserts Sarokin. ", "See Washington Post article about IRP and Sarokin at (http://wapo.st/29jXqSC).", "\n\nFormer Senate and House Judiciary Committee attorney Ron Legrand told AJC Radio he was \"really disappointed\" at how the IRP6 case was handled and that \"if there was a case...it was a civil case and should have been handled as such.\" ", "After conducting a six month investigation and interviewing over 100 witnesses, Dr. Alan Bean, Executive Director of the Friends of Justice issued a report, stating: \"The IRP6 case departs from the typical failed-scam scenario for the simplest of reasons: the government's case can't stand up to scrutiny. ", "The fraud alleged in the indictment is a mirage.\"", "\n\nThe IRP executives who are known on the Internet as the IRP6, have been maligned by a wrongful conviction and imprisonment that continues to persist for over 4 years in spite of overwhelming evidence of their innocence and prosecutorial malfeasance. ", "In November 2015, Judge Sarokin sent a letter to President Obama asking him to grant IRP6's clemency petition. ", "U.S. Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) have also sent letters to President Obama concerning the clemency petition. \"", "AJC implores President Obama, for the cause of justice, for the benefit of DHS and our national security, to immediately pardon these men and end the suffering of their families,\" concludes Stewart." ]
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[ "Press Release\n\nBAT to be first media services group able to facilitate endorsement packages with multiple Major League players\n\nMLBPA Press Release\n\nIRVINE, Calif. -- Brand Affinity Technologies, Inc. (BAT), the company reinventing endorsement and celebrity marketing, announced today they have signed a licensing agreement with the Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA). ", "BAT becomes the first company to offer advertisers a streamlined endorsement process utilizing three or more Major League baseball players, for both traditional and digital media campaigns.", "\n\nWith this license, BAT and its advertising clients will have the ability to present offers to any of the MLBPA's 750-plus players. ", "Brands will now be able to utilize the BAT platform to submit offers to players and their representatives for both individual player and group endorsement opportunities across multiple advertising mediums. ", "Under this licensing arrangement, advertisers may secure a license, through BAT, with the MLBPA to use more than two active players in any media or advertising campaign within a single calendar year. ", "This includes personal appearances, TV/radio campaigns, out-of-home advertising and online advertising campaigns including, and for the first time, social media advertising campaigns.", "\n\n\"We are extremely excited that the MLBPA recognized BAT's unique capabilities as a leader in technology and marketing solutions and are excited to offer our advertising and brand partners exceptional access to all its players for sponsorship and endorsement opportunities,\" said Ryan Steelberg, co-founder and CEO of BAT. \"", "This landmark agreement really highlights the marketing value of Major League baseball players and we are thrilled to work with the MLBPA.\"", "\n\n\"BAT's unique ability to provide targeted athlete recommendations, licensing and clearance solutions, through their digital platform to brands across our 750 players is a fantastic capability and we felt this was a key opportunity for players to gain access to new endorsement partners,\" said Richard White, MLBPA general manager of business affairs. \"", "This new relationship is a true milestone for the MLBPA and we are excited to work with BAT.\"", "\n\nBAT's patented endorsement platform (United States Patent No.7,809,603), which provides daily media and affinity analysis, along with the ability to identify, license and activate talent for cross-media advertising campaigns, is currently utilized by a long list of brands such as AT&T, Comcast, Ford, Samsung and Sony. ", "The BAT/MLBPA partnership will give brands the unique combination of access to Major League baseball players along with BAT's technologies in the social, mobile and digital application-based products space. ", "Brands will also find that BAT's library of on-file imagery for Major League baseball players is unlike any other group and coming to BAT with their endorsement ideas will streamline any and all opportunities." ]
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[ "Note: This is a guest post from Kristoffer Carter of This Epic Life.", "\n\nHow much of our creativity is in our hands versus in our tools?", "\n\nThis question comes up for me more and more often as my arsenal of music gear gets intentionally downsized or pushed out of the house by more kids.", "\n\nI am a former touring bassist, and now Dad and kriya yogi. ", "Music gear has always been important to me. ", "But meditation forces me to examine and pare down undesirable habits and unnecessary material goods. ", "As a musician, my fear can sometimes be: “…but what if this guitar (or pedal) has my signature tone in it?”", "\n\nOn our best days we remember that our tone, our art, our work resides in us—in our hands, not in our tools.", "\n\nTools are important. ", "They are a means of getting the job done. ", "And certainly some jobs require more tools for specialized functions. (", "NASCAR pit mechanics & painters come to mind.)", "\n\nBut artists can become overly-reliant on their tools. ", "Tennis players and golfers fidget with different rackets or clubs. ", "Photographers believe the next lens will magically improve their photographs. ", "And musicians are famous for masking insufficient talent beneath a mountain of gear.", "\n\nBut the best musicians I’ve ever played with can sound like themselves on any instrument. ", "Their tone shines through from their soul because they have honed their craft.", "\n\nHe’s not a friend yet, but let’s consider U2’s The Edge.", "\n\nIn terms of playing style he’s incredibly minimal, yet also one of the most respected and successful guitarists in history. ", "His parts are memorable because he uses just a few choice notes with layered effects.", "\n\nIn the documentary It Might Get Loud, Edge’s style is contrasted with other musicians.", "\n\nIn the opening scene you see Jack White welding together a ramshackle guitar. ", "In the next, you have The Edge standing in a room with hundreds of pristine guitars, amps, and processors. ", "Both are living legends, but they have very different approaches to how they leverage their tools in creating their art.", "\n\nDuring one show in Barcelona during U2’s massive 360 tour, The Edge used 21 guitars and 4 amps for 24 songs.", "\n\nBut both he and his guitar tech credit only 1 amp as “the basis for his sound.” (", "It’s a 1964 Vox AC30 for any of you gearheads.)", "\n\nWhat does Dallas Schoo, The Edge’s guitar tech for nearly 30 years, say is the true differentiator? “", "The Vox AC30 is the basis of Edge’s sound. ", "Live, and in the studio—well, aside from what’s in his head and his hands, and the magic he brings to what he does.”", "\n\nPretty interesting, coming from the most tenured guitar tech for the largest touring production in history.", "\n\nEdge, in the book “U2 at the End of the World” had a remarkable quote. ", "It’s at the heart of what I feel so many creatives miss:\n\nNotes actually do mean something. ", "They have power. ", "I think of notes as being expensive. ", "You just don’t throw them around. ", "I try to find the one’s that do the best job, and that’s what I use. ", "I suppose I’m a minimalist instinctively. ", "I don’t like to be inefficient if I can get away with it.", "\n\nThe stats, and his quote speak to the paradox that exists for many of us minimalist creatives.", "\n\nAlthough he’s minimalist in notes, The Edge can’t cut corners on a multimillion-dollar show where people are paying thousands of dollars for some seats.", "\n\nSo how do we know when tools are improving our work, or when they are making us more inefficient instead?", "\n\nAs artists, we need to keep the quality of our work at the core of what we offer, and not the tools we use to get the job done.", "\n\nWhenever a project makes me think I need more gear, I start mindlessly scrolling through Amazon or eBay for deals. ", "I regain focus by asking myself a rather painful question:\n\n“Am I shopping for more gear, or a better performance?”", "\n\nMarketers love to hammer our pain points, then politely offer to hold our wallet while we writhe in our inadequacy.", "\n\nIt is not a marketer’s job to care about the quality of our work. ", "They just want to sell us more tools.", "\n\nIt’s our job to care about our work, our art, or our tennis game. ", "You want to become great, and develop a signature style? ", "Find a few tools that are ergonomically correct, then start pursuing mastery—not in the pursuit of more gear, but in the honing of your craft.", "\n\nLife and art rarely benefit from layering on more complexity.", "\n\nAs an aspiring writer I’ve stacked far too many empty moleskins in every corner of my house. ", "That was, until I heard this lyric from Paul Simon in his song Hurricane Eye:\n\nYou want to be a writer? ", "Don’t know how, or when? ", "Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.", "\n\nI can see now how trimming back the distractions and focusing on my craft has led to creating the art I always dreamed of. ", "No new piece of gear or collection of fancy pens was going to ship my work. ", "That was my job.", "\n\nTo focus on choosing better work over more tools, I have begun to embrace the following principles when it comes to my art:\n\n1. ", "Instead of choosing more tools, choose yourself. (", "tweet that)\n\n2. ", "Instead of investing money in the promise of better output, invest time, focus, and patience in creating your best impact. ", "In my music, marriage, speaking career, distance running, and especially in my meditation practice I realize there are no shortcuts.", "\n\n3. ", "Tools can sometimes hack proficiency, but you can’t hack mastery. ", "Period. ", "There’s only showing up, and trying our best to do good work. ", "Day after day, year after year.", "\n\n4. ", "Keep it stealth. ", "Fill both sides of every page before upgrading your journal. ", "Travel light to your writing retreats, trying to recapture simpler days before we had to stop constantly to recharge something. ", "Don’t bail on a tool at the first sight of frustration, push through it. ", "You may need a new tool, but maybe you just need to walk through the valley before reaching the mountaintop.", "\n\n5. ", "Whenever you find yourself needing an upgrade, ask: Do I really need more tools, or do I need more time to hone my craft? ", "It’s important to address the root cause, instead of adding more complexity that will only delay the impact you’re trying to achieve.", "\n\n6. ", "Pare down to the essentials. ", "Which of your basic tools create your most high-leverage output? ", "There are some phenomenal photographers and cinematographers out there using only smart phones. ", "Laptops may be our window to the universe, but a decent pen and a single moleskin can pull something distinctly more human out of us.", "\n\nA true practitioner of yoga needs only a relatively quiet place to seek The Divine. ", "Similarly, the artist in each of us may be desperately calling out for more space, not more gear.", "\n\n***\n\nKristoffer Carter (“kc”) inspires visionary leaders to create their deepest possible impact through his work with This Epic Life. ", "This week he launches Your Signature Impact." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nRails overwriting rel attribute when supplying method\n\nIn Rails 3, when utilizing the method attribute of a link_to, my custom rel value is being overwritten.", "\n# my code:\nlink_to 'Add to Favorites',\n profile_favorites_path(profile),\n :method => :post,\n :class => 'button',\n :rel => 'favorite'\n\n# expected result:\n<a href=\"/profiles/1/favorites\" class=\"button\" data-method=\"post\" rel=\"favorite nofollow\">Add to Favorites</a>\n\n# actual result:\n<a href=\"/profiles/1/favorites\" class=\"button\" data-method=\"post\" rel=\"nofollow\">Add to Favorites</a>\n\nIs this a Rails bug / unexpected feature? ", " How can I make use of the built-in method functionality while also supplying a custom rel value?", "\n\nA:\n\nSeems you can only specify the rel attribute if the method is set to get.", "\nInside action_view/helpers/url_helper.rb add_method_to_attributes! ", "you can see the logic rails is currently using for this:\ndef add_method_to_attributes!(html_options, method)\n html_options[\"rel\"] = \"nofollow\" if method && method.to_s.downcase !", "= \"get\"\n html_options[\"data-method\"] = method if method\nend\n\nThis actually makes sense, you wouldn't want to have bots/spiders posting when crawling links.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Introduction {#Sec1}\n============\n\nIntraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles (NFT) composed of misfolded hyperphosphorylated tau proteins are one of two stereotypical types of lesions present in the Alzheimer's brain (together with amyloid plaques) \\[[@CR1]\\]. ", "The extent of neurofibrillary pathology correlates well with synaptic loss, neuronal loss, glial activation, and cognitive decline \\[[@CR2]\\] and tangles have long been considered a primary therapeutic target in Alzheimer's disease (AD). ", "Moreover, mutations in tau have been linked to neurodegeneration in several tauopathies, including FTDP-17 \\[[@CR3]\\], and cerebral tau aggregates are present in many disorders \\[[@CR4]\\].", "\n\nDespite the compelling proof for a role of misfolded tau in neurodegenerative disease, little data directly test the hypothesis that tangles, per se, impair neuronal function. ", "In fact, there is no conclusive evidence for a mechanistic role of NFTs in dysregulation of nervous system, either on a single-neuron or neuronal network level. ", "We hypothesized that the tangle pathology would disrupt integration of incoming information in individual neurons with NFTs and that the brain networks most affected by tangles would have impaired neuroplastic properties when responding to sensory inputs in vivo. ", "As a proxy of experience-dependent network integration and plasticity we used the activity-dependent transcription of a memory-related immediate-early gene *Arc*. ", "Activity-driven expression of *Arc* is crucial for synaptic tagging and remodeling in response to sensory and behavioral inputs (reviewed in \\[[@CR5]--[@CR9]\\]) and is often used as a reporter of expression of neuroplasticity in excitatory neurons.", "\n\nWe quantitatively assessed the impact of tangle pathology on the experience-driven *Arc* responses after a behaviorally relevant, well characterized visual stimulus paradigm \\[[@CR10]--[@CR13]\\] to determine whether there are cell-specific or network-wide plasticity deficits directly linked to NFTs. ", "We crossed the rTg4510 mice which express P301L mutant form of human tau and develop advanced tangle pathology \\[[@CR14]\\], with a previously characterized fluorescent reporter line of *Arc* transcription \\[[@CR10], [@CR15]\\]. ", "Using intravital fluorescent brain microscopy we found that the presence of NFTs in visual cortex neurons did not affect the amplitude of Arc responses to the stimulation. ", "Postmortem odds ratio analysis revealed that the probability of Arc response in individual neurons in both visual cortex and hippocampus is not affected by expression of mutant tau and/or presence of tau tangles. ", "Quantitative analysis of all brain regions with detectable neuronal Arc expression after visual stimulation showed no differences in characteristics of network-wide Arc responses between control and mutant mice, even in the brain areas with the highest tangle load. ", "Finally, reduction of brain-wide soluble human tau concentration by suppression of mutant tau expression in the rTg4510 mice did not affect Arc responses. ", "These results indicate that behavioral and physiological deficits observed in mice expressing P301L mutant of human tau are not mediated by alterations of post-synaptic pathways involved in activity-dependent expression of immediate-early genes such as Arc.", "\n\nResults {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nTau pathology does not affect the amplitude of experience-driven *Arc*responses in the visual cortex {#Sec3}\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nTo study activity-induced *Arc* induction in vivo in the brain of rTg4510 mice, we used *Arc::dVenus* reporter and visual stimulation experimental paradigm similar to our previous set of experiments with *Arc::dVenus* × *APP/PS1* strain \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "The well characterized *Arc::dVenus* reporter line expresses destabilized bright yellow fluorescent protein, dVenus, under the control of the *Arc* promoter and allows quantification of activity-driven transcriptional response of *Arc* gene in both living mice and postmortem brain tissue \\[[@CR10], [@CR15]\\]. ", "Triple transgenic *Arc::dVenus × CamKII::rtTA × tetO::Tau(P301L)* (*Arc::dVenus × rTg4510*) mice of tangle-bearing age (11--12 months old) and littermate *Arc::dVenus × CamKII::rtTA* controls were housed in light-proof dark enclosures for 60 hours prior to being exposed for 1 hour to structured visual stimulation in a glass cylinder with alternating black and white stripes illuminated from the outside (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "This type of visual stimulation induces robust expression of Arc::dVenus in, among other brain areas, the anteromedial aspect of extrastriate visual cortex reaching a maximum in roughly 6 hours (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}b, also see \\[[@CR10]\\]). ", "After the stimulation, the mice were returned to their home cages and placed into the dark enclosures for 5 hours. ", "At the end of the second light deprivation period mice were anesthetized, implanted with a cranial window over the right visual cortex and imaged with a 2-photon microscope (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}a). ", "First, the mice were imaged using 860 nm excitation laser to allow optimal simultaneous detection of dVenus signal (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}b) and Texas Red-conjugated dextrans which were injected intravenously to create a reference fluorescent angiogram. ", "Image segmentation and quantification of dVenus signal in individual neurons showed no difference in dVenus expression level distributions between rTg4510 mice and littermate controls (P = 0.27, Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}c) and the shape of the histograms was similar to the data from *Arc::dVenus* controls in \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "After dVenus imaging, the blood--brain barrier-permeable Congo Red derivative dye methoxy-X04 \\[[@CR16]\\] mixed with Texas Red dextrans was injected intravenously. ", "Methoxy-X04 has previously been shown to efficiently label NFTs in post-mortem brain tissue from human AD subjects \\[[@CR16]\\] and transgenic mice expressing mutant tau \\[[@CR17]\\]. ", "After a short incubation to allow drug diffusion in the brain, the same visual cortex area was re-imaged with 800 nm excitation to visualize methoxy-X04-labeled NFTs and the angiogram (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}d). ", "Precise overlay of dVenus and methoxy-X04 images of the same cortical areas allowed us to determine whether individual dVenus-positive neurons had tangles or not. ", "We found no significant difference in dVenus expression levels, representing the amplitude of *Arc* response, between tangle-free and tangle-bearing neurons (P = 0.083, Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}e).Figure 1**In vivo quantification of Arc::dVenus reporter in the visual cortex of rTg4510 mice. (", "a)** Experiment outline. ", "Structural visual stimulation paradigm described previously in \\[[@CR10]\\] was followed by cranial window implantation over the medial extrastriate visual cortex and imaging on a multiphoton microscope. ", "After the imaging, the brains were collected and processed for immunohistochemical analysis. **(", "b)** Sample maximum intensity projections of in vivo-acquired multiphoton z-stacks from the layer II/III of the medial extrastriate visual cortex, showing Arc::dVenus reporter (shown in green) expression induced by the visual stimulation. ", "Scale bar = 100 μm. **(", "c)** Frequency distribution histograms of activity-induced Arc::dVenus fluorescence in individual visual cortex neurons of rTg4510 mice (n = 8 mice, 2212 neurons) and control littermates (n = 5 mice, 1043 neurons). ", "AU, arbitrary units. ", "n.s., ", "not significant, P = 0.27. **(", "d)** Sample single-section in vivo multichannel micrographs of the same visual cortex site from an rTg4510 mouse before (left) and after (right) the intravenous delivery of a tangle-binding dye methoxy-X04 (red). ", "Fluorescent angiogram (blue) was used as a landmark pattern during the image analysis. ", "Arrowheads points to a dVenus-positive neuron with an NFT and the inset shows a close-up view of this neuron. ", "Scale bar = 100 μm. ", "Inset size = 20 × 20 μm. **(", "e)** Frequency distribution histograms of activity-induced Arc::dVenus fluorescence in rTg4510 neurons without tangles (n = 4 mice, 720 neurons) and with tangles (n = 4 mice, 101 neurons). ", "AU, arbitrary units. ", "n.s., ", "not significant, P = 0.083.", "\n\nNFTs do not change the probability of *Arc*response in the host neurons {#Sec4}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nHaving found that tangles do not influence the amplitude of *Arc* responses in the active neurons, we next asked whether they might affect the overall probability of response. ", "Following in vivo multiphoton imaging, mice were sacrificed and their brains were processed for postmortem immunohistochemical analyses. ", "We produced coronal sections of the entire forebrain and first analyzed a subset of these sections spanning anteromedial extrastriate visual cortex (VISam) and CA1 field of the hippocampus (at the level of approx. ", "-2.5 mm from Bregma along the rostro-caudal axis according to \\[[@CR18]\\]). ", "These regions were selected for in-depth analysis because the former was the principal visual area exhibiting *Arc* response to this type of stimulation \\[[@CR10]\\] and was examined in vivo. ", "The latter is known to upregulate *Arc* following exposure to a novel environment \\[[@CR19], [@CR20]\\] and was shown to have deficits in *Arc* mRNA expression in the rTg4510 mouse model \\[[@CR21]\\]. ", "The sections were immunolabelled with anti-NeuN antibodies and treated with a red-spectrum fluorescent dye, thiazine red, which has high affinity for beta-pleated fibrillar structures and labels NFTs \\[[@CR22], [@CR23]\\]. ", "dVenus fluorescence could be observed directly (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}a,b). ", "Using stereological quantification we found no difference in percentage of neurons with NFTs between all NeuN-labeled neurons, dVenus-positive and dVenus-negative neurons in either layer II/III of VISam (P = 0.96, Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c) or pyramidal layer of CA1 (P = 0.84, Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}d). ", "In accord with the lack of difference in stereological counts of dVenus positive responsive neurons with tangles, statistical analysis of odds ratio for NFTs affecting probability of Arc::dVenus expression in individual host neurons was not significantly different from 1 (VISam: P = 0.89, Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}e; CA1: P = 0.17, Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}f).Figure 2**Postmortem analysis of Arc response probability in cortical and hippocampal neurons with and without NFTs. (", "a, b)** Immunohistochemical staining of medial extrastriate visual cortex **(a)** and CA1 field of the hippocampus (b) of an rTg4510 mouse. ", "NeuN immunolabeling is shown in cyan, direct dVenus fluorescence in green and thiazine red labeling of tangles in red. ", "Scale bar = 25 μm. ", "Arrowheads in a and b point to Arc::dVenus-positive neurons with tangles. **(", "c, d)** Stereological estimations of the percentage of neurons with tangles based on counts of NeuN-, dVenus- and thiazine red-positive neurons in the medial extrastriate visual cortex **(c)** and CA1 **(d)**. ", "Data presented as means ± s.e.m.; ", "n.s., ", "not significant, P = 0.96 in c, P = 0.84 in d. N = 4 mice, 4273 neurons (visual cortex) and 441 neurons (CA1). (", "e,f) Forest plot of odds ratios (ORs) of NFTs affecting neuronal Arc responses in extrastriate medial visual cortex **(e)** and CA1 field of the hippocampus **(f)**. ", "Presented data were acquired from the analysis of stereological counting of neurons using Fisher's exact test and shown as OR ± 95% confidence interval on a log10 scale.", "\n\nTau pathology does not affect brain-wide *Arc*responses {#Sec5}\n-------------------------------------------------------\n\n*Arc* can be expressed in excitatory neurons in various neuronal circuits in response to relevant sensory and behavioral inputs \\[[@CR24]--[@CR26]\\]. ", "In order to assess the effects of tau pathology on *Arc* expression at the network-wide level we analyzed the sets of coronal sections spanning the entire forebrain (from 2 mm to −4.5 mm from Bregma along the rostro-caudal axis according to \\[[@CR18]\\]) with 500 μm interval. ", "Sections were labeled with thiazine red to visualize NFTs and DAPI, and imaged on a three-channel setup, including a yellow filter set to detect direct dVenus fluorescence. ", "We identified 8 distinct areas that had a significant number of the Arc::dVenus-positive neurons in all examined mice, both transgenic and control littermates (Figure [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Among these areas were visual (VISp VI, VISam II/III, auditory (AUD IV and II/III) and piriform (PIR II, III) cortices, pyramidal layer of CA1 field of the hippocampus and two frontal subcortical association areas: claustrum (CLA) and dorsal endopiriform nucleus (EPd). ", "Certain regions, such as motor, somatosensory, anterior cingulate, entorhinal, posterior parietal cortices and dentate gyrus of hippocampus had Arc::dVenus-positive neurons in some, but not all, analyzed brains, without correlation to genotype (data not shown), indicating that the response in these areas was not specific to this type of behavioral stimulation. ", "We found no areas with significant response in control littermates that had a complete absence of response in the same region in transgenic mice or vice versa. ", "None of the eight above-mentioned areas had any significant differences in the levels of Arc::dVenus between transgenic mice and control littermates (Figure [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Figure 3**Whole-forebrain histochemical analysis of Arc::dVenus expression.** ", "Experience-dependent dVenus expression in various forebrain regions following structured visual stimulation and NFT labeling (Thiazine Red fluorescence) in the brains of rTg4510 mice . ", "Scale bar = 100 μm. ", "dVenus intensities in individual neurons are presented as medians with interquartile ranges. ", "N = 4 control littermates, n = 5 transgenic mice. ", "P-values for Arc::dVenus expression comparison between rTg4510 mice and control littermates: EPd, P = 0.80 (control: n = 293 neurons; transgenic: 419); CLA, P = 0.77 (control: n = 291 neurons; transgenic: 427); PIR, P = 0.57 (control: n = 776 neurons; transgenic; 604); CA1, P = 0.92 (control: n = 394 neurons; transgenic: 396); VISam2/3, P = 0.08 (control: n = 1298 neurons; transgenic: 519); VISp6, P = 0.18 (control: n = 952 neurons; transgenic: 974); AUD2/3, P = 0.65 (control: n = 1427 neurons; transgenic: 1057); AUD6, P = 0.05 (control: n = 739 neurons; transgenic: 962)). ", "Reference atlas image credit: Allen Institute for Brain Science, Allen Mouse Brain Atlas.", "\n\nPrevious studies have shown that the expression of soluble mutant tau is largely responsible for behavioral and physiological deficits and neurotoxicity in the rTg4510 model \\[[@CR14], [@CR27]\\]. ", "We took advantage of the fact that the transgene expression in the rTg4510 mice can be suppressed by doxycyclin treatment \\[[@CR14], [@CR21], [@CR27]\\] to determine whether removal of soluble mutant tau in aged mice affects brain-wide Arc responses. ", "A cohort of 11--12 months old transgenic and control littermate mice received doxycycline-supplemented diet for 6 week, after which they underwent visual stimulation as described above and their brains were processed for the brain-wide Arc::dVenus expression analysis. ", "We found no effect of doxycycline treatment on activity-driven Arc responses in either control or transgenic mice in none of brain regions with consistent detectable Arc expression (Figure [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}).", "\n\nAs an additional measure of interaction between the NFT pathology and experience-driven Arc expression, we examined whether quantified tangle load in different brain regions correlated with differences in Arc expression levels between rTg4510 mice and control littermates. ", "In fact, we found no significant correlation between NFT load expressed as percentage of brain area section occupied by tangles and experience-driven differential Arc expression expressed as mean log Arc expression difference between transgenic mice and control littermates (Figure [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}).Figure 4**Effects of suppression of mutant tau expression on Arc::dVenus responses.** ", "Arc::dVenus expression in different brain regions of rTg4510 mice and control littermates is presented as medians with interquartile ranges. ", "No significant effect of doxycycline treatment on Arc::dVenus responses were observed in either transgenic or control mice, when corrected for multiple testings. ", "Numbers of mice and neurons for untreated control littermate and transgenic mice are as indicated in Figure [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"} legend. ", "Numbers of mice and neurons for doxycycline-treated group are as following: n = 5 control littermates, 3 transgenic mice; EPd: control: n = 449 neurons, transgenic: 267; CLA: control: n = 480 neurons, transgenic: 272; PIR: control: n = 1091 neurons, transgenic: 527; CA1: control: n = 479 neurons, transgenic: 196; VISam2/3: control: n = 1060 neurons, transgenic: 729; VISp6: control: n = 730 neurons, transgenic: 534; AUD2/3: control: n = 1394 neurons, transgenic: 1098; AUD6: control: n = 697 neurons, transgenic: 736.Figure 5**NFT load does not correlate with the differences in Arc expression between rTg4510 and control mice.** ", "Surface area occupied by tangles (presented as means ± s.e.m. ", "on log10 scale for clarity) in the forebrain regions with significant Arc expression (presented in Figure [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) in rTg4510 mice plotted versus mean (±s.e.m.) ", "log Arc::dVenus expression difference between control and rTg4510 mice. ", "Spearman R = 0.13, P = 0.75. ", "N = 4 control littermates, 4 transgenic mice.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec6}\n==========\n\nThis study aimed to elucidate the effects of tau pathology on experience-dependent neuroplasticity in individual neurons and local neuronal networks. ", "We applied an experimental paradigm that we have recently developed to address a similar question in the context of Aβ pathology \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "Reporter mice expressing a fluorescent protein under the control of the plasticity-related immediate-early gene *Arc* promoter \\[[@CR15]\\] were crossed to a model of tauopathy based on P301L mutation in the human tau protein \\[[@CR14]\\]. ", "We studied experience-induced *Arc* reporter expression in the brains of these mice with a combination of in vivo longitudinal multiphoton imaging and postmortem immunohistochemical analysis. ", "Using quantitative in vivo measurements of *Arc* transcription reporter followed by detection of NFTs in large volumes of the visual cortex of a living mouse brain, we showed that tangles did not affect the absolute *Arc* expression levels in the individual responses of neurons. ", "At the same time, neurons with NFTs were as likely to have *Arc* responses as neurons without NFTs, as determined postmortem in the same brain area. ", "Similar to visual cortex neurons, CA1 pyramidals with NFTs had the same likelihood of Arc responses as their neighbors without tangles. ", "Taking into account the complex postsynaptic signaling and transcriptional machinery required for the activity-driven expression of the *Arc* gene \\[[@CR7], [@CR8], [@CR28]--[@CR30]\\], this demonstrates, for the first time, that despite being large cytoplasmic space-occupying inclusions, NFTs do not significantly disrupt the integration of synaptic inputs and the downstream execution of memory-related genetic programs. ", "The data also do not demonstrate any changes in Arc responses to a sensory stimulus due to the soluble mutant tau ubiquitously expressed in the CamKII-positive neurons in this mouse model. ", "There is a possibility that NFTs or tau indeed introduce changes to Arc responses small enough that they could not be detected with our imaging and analysis methods. ", "However, in our previous study using this quantification technique with similar cohort sizes (and thousands of neurons examined) \\[[@CR10]\\] we were able to resolve significant changes as small as 15% of median expression level postmortem and 25% in vivo. ", "It is unlikely that if smaller undetected changes were induced by NFTs, they would have significant effect on neuronal circuit function, as these changes would be orders of magnitude lower than Arc responses to physiological stimuli \\[[@CR10], [@CR11]\\]. ", "These conclusions are in accord with a recent study from our laboratory showing intact function of tangle-bearing and tangle-free neurons in the visual cortex of rTg4510 mice as demonstrated by in vivo multiphoton imaging of visual activity-evoked calcium transients \\[[@CR31]\\].", "\n\nOur findings of unchanged *Arc* transcription in the visual cortex contrasted with a previous study from our laboratory showing decreased *Arc* expression in the CA1 pyramidal layer of the hippocampus in the rTg4510 model mice after exploration of a novel environment \\[[@CR21]\\] and with the earlier mRNA profiling of the human AD brains which found lower amounts of the *Arc* mRNA in tangle-bearing CA1 neurons compared to tangle-free neurons \\[[@CR32]\\]. ", "To gain a \"brain-wide\" perspective on the tau pathology effect on neuronal networks, we processed entire brains of rTg4510 mice crossed with *Arc* reporter strain to identify anatomical regions with detectable *Arc* expression following the exposure of the mice to the structured visual stimulation. ", "We found no regions that lacked activation in one genotype and were active in the other and vice versa, which indicates that the widespread tau pathology does not fundamentally change brain wiring patterns. ", "We also detected no overt differences in experience-dependent network-wide Arc expression levels between transgenic mice and control littermates in any of the examined brain regions. ", "Even the brain areas with the highest tangle load (such as CA1 field of the hippocampus where more than 50% of the brain section was occupied by tangles) exhibited normal Arc responses to the visual stimulation.", "\n\nWe considered the differences in experimental paradigm between the initial study of hippocampal responses to exploration of a novel environment \\[[@CR21]\\] and the current study, which focused on visual cortical responses to defined visual stimuli. ", "Since the retina and lateral geniculate are disease free in this model, the latter stimulus was designed to specifically probe somatodendritic responses and integration of signals in which the axons carrying the primary input are intact, while the behavioral/memory aspects of the exploratory behavior task requires integration of widely dispersed information in the cortex and concurrent signaling to the hippocampus for further processing from areas that are markedly impacted by both NFT and neuronal loss. ", "It may be that this latter form of integrative function is more dependent on the integrity of axonal processes and on the relative timing and intensity of feedforward and feedback signals, and so Arc reporting of signal in the hippocampus is inherently more sensitive to subtle effects compared to visual cortical responses. ", "Nonetheless, the agreement between the studies that the presence of NFT does not impact the likelihood of an Arc response, despite the substantially different behavioral paradigms and the method of assessing Arc (in situ hybridization v.s. Arc promoter-driven fluorescent reporter) emphasizes that the type of defect in signal integration caused by a tangle, if any, is quite subtle.", "\n\nOverall, our findings show that NFTs do not significantly alter postsynaptic function of the host neurons which is required for the experience-dependent Arc expression. ", "Given the importance of meticulous *Arc* regulation for the proper functioning of synaptic machinery \\[[@CR33]--[@CR36]\\] and the role that activity-dependent *Arc* expression plays in memory-related physiology through AMPAR endocytosis \\[[@CR35]\\], structural plasticity \\[[@CR37]\\] and synaptic tagging \\[[@CR38]\\], our data suggest that mechanisms not linked to experience-dependent immediate early genes are behind behavioral phenotypes in rTg4510 mice and cognitive impairment in AD. ", "A number of studies have demonstrated electrophysiological, functional and morphological changes in neurons from rTg4510 mice at the advanced stage of tau pathology \\[[@CR28], [@CR39]--[@CR42]\\], and, notably, increased intrinsic excitability in the cortical neurons, with evidence indicating that these changes could not be attributed to the presence or absence of NFTs in the affected neurons \\[[@CR40], [@CR42]\\]. ", "Taken together with our data, NFTs appear not to cause major disruptions of synaptic integration of information.", "\n\nMaterials and methods {#Sec7}\n=====================\n\nMice {#Sec8}\n----\n\nAll animal experimentation was performed in conformance with institutional and US National Institutes of Health guidelines and approved by the Massachusetts General Hospital Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. *", "Arc::dVenus* reporter mice expressing destabilized variant of a bright yellow fluorescent protein dVenus under 7.1 kb mouse *Arc* promoter \\[[@CR15]\\] were crossed with suppressible *CamKII::rtTA × tetO::Tau (P301L)* (rTg4510) strain \\[[@CR14]\\]. *", "Arc::dVenus × CamKII::rtTA* non-carriers of *Tau (P301L)* transgene were used as littermate controls to account for potential effects of *rtTA* transactivator overexpression. ", "Genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with three pairs of primers targeting *dVenus*, *rtTA* and *Tau (P301L)*. ", "For mutant tau suppression experiment, a cohort of mice (n = 5 control, n = 3 transgenic) was fed chow containing 200 mg/kg doxycycline (Harlan Teklad) for 6 weeks before visual stimulation. ", "All mice used in this study were 11--13 months old.", "\n\nVisual stimulation, surgery and in vivo multiphoton imaging {#Sec9}\n-----------------------------------------------------------\n\nStructured visual stimulation was performed as described previously \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "Briefly, single-housed mice were placed in their home cages into the dark light-proof ventilated enclosures for 60 hours prior to beginning of stimulation to suppress visual experience-induced *Arc::dVenus* expression. ", "After the end of light deprivation mice were transferred to an illuminated glass cylinder with alternating vertical black and white stripes for 1 hour. ", "Following the end of the visual stimulation, mice were placed back into the home cages and put into light deprivation chambers for 5 hours before the anesthesia for cranial window implantation was induced with 4% isoflurane in balanced oxygen inside of the dark light-proof enclosure for 5 minutes and maintained at the level of 1.2--1.6% during the surgery and consequent imaging while keeping the body temperature at 37°C. ", "Cranial windows were implanted over the right visual cortex as described previously \\[[@CR10], [@CR43]\\]. ", "Immediately after cranial window implantation Texas Red-conjugated dextran (MW 70,000 Da, 12.5 mg/mL in sterile PBS, Molecular Probes) was injected IV to provide fluorescent angiogram used as landmark pattern for co-registration of two consecutive imaging sessions and as a reference fluorophore to monitor cranial window clarity and appearance of bleedings. ", "Mice were imaged on multiphoton Olympus Fluoview 1000 MPE system equipped with mode-locked titanium/sapphire MaiTai laser (Spectra-Physics) and Olympus BX61WI upright microscope with XLPLN 25× water-immersion objective (NA = 1.05). ", "Z-stacks in both imaging sessions were acquired with the resolution of 1 μm/pixel in X-Y dimension with the Z-step of 3 μm. ", "For each mouse the imaged site consisted of 2×4 512×512×240 μm stacks acquired with 10% overlap in X--Y dimensions resulting in an imaged field in visual cortex spanning roughly 1×2×0.24 mm^3^ ((m--l) × (r--c) × (d--v)). ", "For the first imaging session, excitation laser was tuned to 860 nm with the output power set to 76 mW before the objective. ", "Emitted light was collected in three channels: 460--500 nm (autofluorescence), 530--560 nm (dVenus fluorescence) and 575--630 nm (Texas Red dextran angiogram). ", "Then, methoxy-X04 (5 mg/kg) \\[[@CR44]\\] diluted in Texas Red dextran solution (12.5 mg/mL in sterile PBS) was injected IV to label NFTs. ", "30 minutes after methoxy-X04 injection, a second imaging of the same site was performed with the excitation laser tuned to 800 nm for more efficient detection of metoxy-X04 fluorescence, with 100 mW output power before the objective. ", "In this session, the 460--500 nm channel collected emitted light from methoxy-X04 bound to the tangles and other two channels contained the same dVenus and Texas Red dextran signals as in the first sessions and were used for consequent co-registration of the two image stacks. ", "Imaging settings were kept constant between mice and the laser output power was calibrated before each imaging session using infrared photometer.", "\n\nProcessing and quantification of in vivo imaging data {#Sec10}\n-----------------------------------------------------\n\nOnly image stacks acquired during the first imaging session (860 nm excitation, before methoxy-X04 injection) were used for quantification of Arc::dVenus expression levels to avoid potential spectral crosstalk with methoxy-X04. ", "Arc::dVenus expression levels were processed using Fiji package of NIH ImageJ software (fiji.sc; rsbweb.nih.gov/ij) as described previously \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "Both stacks (before and after methoxy-X04 injection) were aligned side-by-side based on dVenus and Texas Red dextran patterns (as on Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}d) and each quantified dVenus-positive neuron was manually assigned a tangle-positive or tangle-negative status.", "\n\nPost-mortem tissue analysis {#Sec11}\n---------------------------\n\nAfter the end of in vivo imaging still anesthetized mice were transcardially perfused with ice-cold phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) followed by 4% paraformaldehyde in PBS. ", "Brains were incubated in fixative at 4°C for 48 hours and 50 μm free-floating sections were cut on a Microm HM400 microtome. ", "Coronal sections were consecutively collected into 10 tubes, so each tube contained a set of sections covering the full forebrain with 500 μm interval. ", "For the cell counting, appropriate sections were first incubated in thiazine red (MP Biomedicals, 0.01% in PBS) for 20 min to label NTFs and washed 3 times with PBS, followed by immunolabeling with mouse anti-NeuN antibody (1:500, Cat. ", "No MAB377, Millipore) and secondary goat-anti-mouse AlexaFluor 350 (1:500, Cat. ", "No A11045, Molecular Probes). ", "Stereological counting of *Arc::dVenus*- and NeuN-positive neurons was performed on Olympus CAST system in neuronal layer II/III of medial extrastriate visual cortex and pyramidal layer of CA1 field of the hippocampus. ", "Images for Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"} were acquired on Zeiss Axio Observer. ", "Z1 fluorescent microscope equipped with 40× objective. ", "For the full-brain analysis, an entire set of sections spaced at 500 μm from each mouse was labeled with thiazine red mixed with DAPI (0.2 μg/ml), washed for 1 hour in 1% Triton-X100 in PBS and 3 times in PBS. ", "Full-section tile scan was performed on Zeiss Axio Observer. ", "Z1 microscope with 5× objective run by MetaMorph (Molecular Devices) using following three filter sets: Ex/Em 365/445 nm (DAPI), 500/545 nm (direct dVenus fluorescence) and 545/620 (thiazine red). ", "Stitched multichannel images were manually aligned to Allen Mouse Brain Reference atlas (brain-map.org). ", "All image processing was performed in Fiji package of ImageJ. To quantify Arc::dVenus in individual cells, regions of interest with Arc::dVenus-positive neurons in the dVenus channel were cropped to save computation time, background subtracted, images thresholded and segmented with \"Analyze particles\" plug-in to identify cell bodies. ", "The cell body masks were then applied to the pre-thresholded images to measure mean fluorescence intensity in each identified cell body. ", "To quantify NFT load, brain regions of interest were outlined based on reference atlas alignment and DAPI labeling. ", "Crop masks were applied to the thiazine red channel, images thresholded and percentage of area occupied by tangles calculated.", "\n\nStatistical analysis {#Sec12}\n--------------------\n\nThe normality of all datasets was tested using Kolmogorov-Smirnov method. ", "Non-normal datasets of *Arc::dVenus* expression levels in individual neurons with variable sample sizes (Figure [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"} and [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}) were compared using Wilcoxon rank-sum test with correction for clustering of values within individual mice \\[[@CR45]\\]. ", "Comparison of normal data with identical sample sizes (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}c,d) was performed using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test. ", "The associations between tangles and *Arc* responses and corresponding odds ratios (Figure [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}) were analyzed using 2-way contingency table analysis with Fisher's exact test (GraphPad Prism 5); this assumes independence across neurons. ", "To assess the effects of doxycycline treatment (Figure [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}) we used a mixed effects model to adjust for treatment and genotype and their interaction, with adjustment for correlation within mouse. ", "Each region was modeled separately. ", "We corrected for multiple testing across the eight brain regions using a Bonferroni correction. ", "Calculation of Spearman R and correlation P-value for normal tangle load data with identical sample sizes (Figure [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}) was performed on average values across mice.", "\n\n**Competing interests**\n\nDr Hyman serves on the SAB of Neurophage and receives research support from GSK, Ipierian, BMS, Fidelity Biosciences, and Prothena Biosciences. ", "Dr Spires-Jones collaborates with Cognition Therapeutics and receives research support from Prothena Biosciences.", " NR is an employee of Novartis.", " We have no financial conflict of interest with the data presented in this manuscript.", "\n\n**Authors' contributions**\n\nNR, SW, KK, TLS-J and BTH designed experiments. ", "NR and JMH performed the experiments and analyzed data. ", "NR and BTH wrote the paper. ", "AM and RAB contributed with statistical analyses of the data. ", "All authors read and approve the final manuscript.", "\n\nWe thank G.A. Carlson and R. Pitstick (McLaughlin Research Institute, Montana) for providing rTg4510 mice; S. Yamaguchi and M. Eguchi (Gifu University, Japan) for providing the *Arc::dVenus* reporter line; A. Serrano-Pozo (MGH) for help with statistical analysis; M. Albers (MGH) for helpful discussions. ", "This research is supported by the grants from the US National Institutes of Health (R00AG33670 to T.L.S-J.), AG026249, AG005134 (to B.T.H.), Fidelity Biosciences (to B.T.H.), Alzheimer's Research UK (to T.L.S-J) and Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center (to R.A.B. and A.M.). ", "N.R. is supported by the fellowships from the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Foundation for Grants in Biology and Medicine, S.W. is supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG).", "\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nextracting columns from dataframe with atleast three values above cutoff\n\nI am new to R programming. ", "Need help to filter my data.", "For example my data set is mtcars. ", "I want to extract columns which have at least three values above 18. ", "How do i do that.thanks\nI have used sort function but that is good only for one column each. ", "not as a whole data frame.", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can get the names of the columns with the following code do this:\nlibrary(dplyr)\nlibrary(tidyr)\n\ncolumns = mtcars %>% gather() %>% filter(value > 18) %>% count(key) %>% filter(n > 3) %>% \nselect(key)\n\nAnd then filter the dataframe with:\nmtcars[, c(t(columns))]\n\ngather transforms the dataframe to one that has two columns:\n\nkey is the name of the column\nvalue is the value taken by the observation for the column\n\nThe value above 18 are filtered and we count the number of observations by key (the name of the column).", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Saturday, May 31, 2014\n\nJust watched this Movie - a MUST SEE - I am a MAJOR fan of Robert Reich (www.robertreich.org) and soooo agree with this Movie - I learned sooo much - I hope everyone\nwatches this Movie - Please spread the word. (", "Now on Netflix, iTunes, and DVD.) ", "BTW: Even though I know you are enjoying your much\nneeded vacay - missing my Randi RhodesRandi Rhodes -sweet dreams!! ", "oxox\n\nFriday, May 16, 2014\n\nWell, after today I will be off the air…gone, disappeared... Gee,\nI wonder if CNN is going to search for me. ", "I should make some ping\nsounds during my last show so that CNN can try and trace the path of the\npings to figure out where I am. ", "I want the search for me to go on long\nenough that Don Lemon attributes my disappearance to supernatural\ncauses.", "\n\nI'm sorry that I'm leaving before those militia nuts in\nBunkerville, Nevada leave the Bundy ranch. ", "Maybe I should stick around\nuntil they leave. ", "Oh that's right - they're never going to leave. ", "The\ncraziest domestic terrorists in the United States are all sitting in the\nmiddle of nowhere, defending the cows of a complete moron. ", "If the FBI\nhad had a plan to bottle them all up, they could hardly have done any\nbetter.", "\n\nI'm also leaving before Donald Sterling - and he's\nbeing pushed. ", "The guy is in his 80's. ", "Why does he even want to continue\nto run the L.A. Clippers? ", "Hasn't he seen enough losses in his life\nalready? ", "By the time a person is in their 80's, they have all\nexperienced many losses. ", "But if you're in your 80's and you've owned the\nLos Angeles Clippers for 33 years, then you have endured more losses\nthan any person on earth.", "\n\nI'm also sorry to be leaving before\nthe Republicans sort this whole Benghazi thing out. ", "I'd like to stick\naround until they do, but I doubt that any of us is going to live that\nlong. ", "The Republicans won't stop with the Benghazi investigations. ", "What\nexactly do they think they're going to find? ", "Benghazi has been examined\nmore thoroughly than the Zapruder film. ", "Darrell Issa is never going to\ngive up the hunt for the smoking gun in Benghazi. ", "He's like Captain Ahab\nhunting for Moby Dick...except of course that Moby Dick existed.", "\n\nSo Donald Sterling is digging in to fight to stay for the long haul,\nthe crazies in Bunkerville are already dug in, CNN is never going to let\ngo of the airplane, and the Republicans will be investigating Benghazi\nforever - and still blaming the Clintons for whatever is going on then. ", "I\nget the feeling I could come back in 20 years, and nothing will have\nchanged.", "\n\nIn closing, just promise me that you'll remember to vote.", "\nVoting doesn't guarantee winning, but not voting guarantees losing. ", "So\nvote - I'll know if you did or not by whether or not there's an\nimpeachment trial going on in the Senate next year.", "\n\nMeanwhile, the GOP Civl War keeps going. ", "The Tea Party is now trying to take down Eric Cantor. ", "Cantor\nis Jewish, and he's being treated just like Israel is treated by the\nrightwing extremists: They'll only allow him to exist for as long as he\nserves their purposes. ", "Cantor's Tea Party challenger is named David\nBrat. ", "It's rare that a name is that appropriate, or Eric Cantor's name\nwould be Eric Schmuck.", "\n\nTuesday, May 13, 2014\n\nCNN has released more of their interview with Donald Sterling.", "\nIf CNN is looking for something to replace the Malaysian plane story,\nDonald Sterling is even more lost than that airplane! ", "In the interview,\nSterling apologizes - and then continuously slams Magic Johnson.", "\nAmazing! ", "For Donald Sterling, it’s like one step forward, two steps\nback...and then shoot yourself in the foot.", "\n\nSterling ridiculed Magic Johnson in an interview with Anderson Cooper,\nasking \"what does he (Johnson) do for the black people?\" ", "Well, for\nstarters Donald, he doesn’t call them \"the black people.\" ", "Donald, before\nyou call somebody out, you might want to run a quick Wikipedia search\non them. ", "Magic Johnson has been honored numerous times for his\nphilanthropic work in the black community and for people suffering from\nHIV/AIDS. ", "Attacking him for not helping people is like attacking the\nKoch brothers for not hurting people. ", "Every time you hear this Sterling\njerk, remind yourself that Republican economic policies are all designed\nto let billionaires like this avoid taxes and get even richer.", "\n\nSpeaking of human garbage piles that should be condemned, Karl Rove\nopened his mouth again - and unsurprisingly, garbage came out. ", "Rove said this week that Hillary Clinton may have brain damage. ", "Hey\nKarl - if I want half-assed diagnoses of medical conditions from a\nRepublican ideologue, I’ll stick with Bill Frist. ", "And \"brain damage\" is\nnot an accusation that Republicans should really be throwing around. ", "I\nhave a quick list of two-word rebuttals: \"Louie Gohmert.\" \"", "Sarah Palin.\"", "\nAnd don't forget \"Rush Limbaugh.\"", "\n\nYou may have missed this last Friday, even if you were watching \"Real Time With Bill Maher\"\non HBO, since the video below only happened on \"Overtime\". ", "Dinesh\nD'Souza - a perfect example of a selfish right-wing extremist nutjob\n(who may soon be going to prison) if ever there was one - tried to blast\nout the self-centered tea party/libertarian line on the minimum wage,\nhow it isn't really a big deal. ", "Sister Simone Campbell, stomped him flat,\nand hit D'Sousa from both the right AND the left on how the modern\nRepublican Party is all wrong about business and the minimum wage" ]
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[ "SPEED PAINTERS\n\nHire unique Speed Painters for stunning logo and brand reveals at any type of event\n\nAt the Corporate Entertainment Agency we love the art of Speed Painting and think it’s the perfect addition to any occasion where you require unique and artistic entertainment. ", "We have Speed Painters for hire who specialise in glitter and glue or regular paint, both are impressive shows and allows you to have the painting to take home after the event, or you can even auction it off and raise money for your chosen charity.", "\n\nThe Speed Painters can create a celebrity portrait, your logo or a VIP at your event, they are excellent at brand new car reveals also. ", "Each piece is original and custom designed for your event. ", "This artist performs his routine in just a few minutes to the amazement of the viewer. ", "Glue and glitter, paint and other materials on black or white canvas for all types of graphics including portraits, pictures, logos, shapes, objects, vehicles, architectural elements, etc. ", "are used to surprise the audience at his shows.", "\n\nThe Speed Painting artists normally perform to music but can also perform along side a live band or electric string quartet for a real unique artistic experience. ", "We have high-end Speed Painters based all over the world so please get in touch with our branding expert account managers at the Corporate Entertainment Agency to find out more about this amazing and unique addition for your next corporate event, gala dinner, wedding, trade show, television show or festival." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "#!", "/bin/sh\n\n. ..", "/eval_tools.sh\n\nHEADER AgentX trap sending support\n\nSKIPIFNOT USING_AGENTX_MODULE\nSKIPIFNOT USING_EXAMPLES_EXAMPLE_MODULE\n\n#\n# Begin test\n#\n\n# start the trap demon\nSTARTTRAPD\n\n# standard V3 configuration for initial user\n. ", "./Sv3config\n# configure the trap receiver.", "\nCONFIGAGENT trapsink localhost public $SNMP_SNMPTRAPD_PORT\n\n# Start the agent without initializing the example mib.", "\nif [ \"x$SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC\" = \"xunix\" ];then\nORIG_AGENT_FLAGS=\"$AGENT_FLAGS -x $SNMP_TMPDIR/agentx_socket\"\nelse\nORIG_AGENT_FLAGS=\"$AGENT_FLAGS -x tcp:${SNMP_TEST_DEST}7676\"\nfi\nAGENT_FLAGS=\"$ORIG_AGENT_FLAGS -I -example\"\nSTARTAGENT\n\n# test to see that the current agent doesn't support the example mib\nCAPTURE \"snmpget -On -t 3 $SNMP_FLAGS $AUTHTESTARGS $SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC:$SNMP_TEST_DEST$SNMP_SNMPD_PORT ucdavis.254.1.0\"\n\nCHECK \"No Such Object\"\n\nif test \"$snmp_last_test_result\" = 1; then\n # test the AgentX subagent by first running it...\n\n SNMP_SNMPD_PID_FILE_ORIG=$SNMP_SNMPD_PID_FILE\n SNMP_SNMPD_LOG_FILE_ORIG=$SNMP_SNMPD_LOG_FILE\n SNMP_SNMPD_PID_FILE=$SNMP_SNMPD_PID_FILE.num2\n SNMP_SNMPD_LOG_FILE=$SNMP_SNMPD_LOG_FILE.num2\n AGENT_FLAGS=\"$ORIG_AGENT_FLAGS -X -I example -Dadd\"\n SNMP_CONFIG_FILE=\"$SNMP_TMPDIR/bogus.conf\"\n\n STARTAGENT\n\n # test to see that the agent now supports the example mib\n CAPTURE \"snmpget -On $SNMP_FLAGS -t 5 $AUTHTESTARGS $SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC:$SNMP_TEST_DEST$SNMP_SNMPD_PORT ucdavis.254.1.0\"\n\n CHECK \"life the universe and everything\"\n\n if test \"$snmp_last_test_result\" = 1; then\n\n # test to see that the agent now sends a trap from the exmaple mib\n CAPTURE \"snmpset -On -r 0 -t 3 $SNMP_FLAGS $AUTHTESTARGS $SNMP_TRANSPORT_SPEC:$SNMP_TEST_DEST$SNMP_SNMPD_PORT ucdavis.254.8.0 i 1\"\n DELAY\n CHECKTRAPD \"life the universe and everything\"\n\n fi\n\n # stop the subagent\n STOPAGENT\n\n SNMP_SNMPD_PID_FILE=$SNMP_SNMPD_PID_FILE_ORIG\n SNMP_SNMPD_LOG_FILE=$SNMP_SNMPD_LOG_FILE_ORIG\nfi\n\n# stop the master agent\nSTOPAGENT\n\n# stop the trap demon\nSTOPTRAPD\n\n# all done (whew)\nFINISHED\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.01251957006752491, 0.0015455082757398486, 0.0018981003668159246, 0.003686619456857443, 0.006079467013478279, 0.006721107289195061 ]
[ "Q:\n\nAndroid release Build failing due to shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents\n\nI'm having real difficulties building a release version of my app.", "\nThis is part of the output I get when running ./gradlew assembleRelease --stacktrace --debug\nIn Android Studio it spits out the same thing and I've crawled the net but haven't found a solution for this.", "\n17:57:41.664 [INFO] [org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter] Executing task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents' (up-to-date check took 0.002 secs) due to:\n No history is available.", "\n17:57:41.665 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter] Executing actions for task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents'.", "\n17:57:41.717 [INFO] [system.out] ProGuard, version 5.2.1\n17:57:41.745 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter] Finished executing task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents'\n17:57:41.745 [LIFECYCLE] [class org.gradle.", "TaskExecutionLogger] :app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents FAILED\n17:57:41.746 [INFO] [org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "AbstractTaskPlanExecutor] :app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents (Thread[main,5,main]) completed. ", "Took 0.091 secs.", "\n17:57:41.747 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "AbstractTaskPlanExecutor] Task worker [Thread[main,5,main]] finished, busy: 8.329 secs, idle: 0.049 secs\n17:57:41.771 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] \n17:57:41.774 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.", "\n17:57:41.774 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] \n17:57:41.775 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] * What went wrong:\n17:57:41.775 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] Execution failed for task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents'.", "\n17:57:41.782 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] > java.io.", "IOException: The output jar [/Users/jacob/Documents/MyApp/app/build/intermediates/multi-dex/release/componentClasses.jar] must be specified after an input jar, or it will be empty.", "\n17:57:41.783 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] \n17:57:41.795 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] * Exception is:\n17:57:41.797 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] org.gradle.api.tasks.", "TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents'.", "\n17:57:41.797 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:69)\n17:57:41.797 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.execute(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:46)\n17:57:41.798 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "PostExecutionAnalysisTaskExecuter.execute(PostExecutionAnalysisTaskExecuter.java:35)\n17:57:41.798 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.execute(SkipUpToDateTaskExecuter.java:64)\n17:57:41.798 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ValidatingTaskExecuter.execute(ValidatingTaskExecuter.java:58)\n17:57:41.799 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.execute(SkipEmptySourceFilesTaskExecuter.java:42)\n17:57:41.799 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.execute(SkipTaskWithNoActionsExecuter.java:52)\n17:57:41.799 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.execute(SkipOnlyIfTaskExecuter.java:53)\n17:57:41.799 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.execute(ExecuteAtMostOnceTaskExecuter.java:43)\n17:57:41.800 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.", "AbstractTask.executeWithoutThrowingTaskFailure(AbstractTask.java:305)\n17:57:41.800 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.executeTask(AbstractTaskPlanExecutor.java:79)\n17:57:41.800 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.processTask(AbstractTaskPlanExecutor.java:63)\n17:57:41.800 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "AbstractTaskPlanExecutor$TaskExecutorWorker.run(AbstractTaskPlanExecutor.java:51)\n17:57:41.800 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "DefaultTaskPlanExecutor.process(DefaultTaskPlanExecutor.java:23)\n17:57:41.801 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.taskgraph.", "DefaultTaskGraphExecuter.execute(DefaultTaskGraphExecuter.java:88)\n17:57:41.801 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "SelectedTaskExecutionAction.execute(SelectedTaskExecutionAction.java:29)\n17:57:41.801 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "DefaultBuildExecuter.execute(DefaultBuildExecuter.java:62)\n17:57:41.801 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "DefaultBuildExecuter.access$200(DefaultBuildExecuter.java:23)\n17:57:41.802 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "DefaultBuildExecuter$2.proceed(DefaultBuildExecuter.java:68)\n17:57:41.802 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "DryRunBuildExecutionAction.execute(DryRunBuildExecutionAction.java:32)\n17:57:41.802 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "DefaultBuildExecuter.execute(DefaultBuildExecuter.java:62)\n17:57:41.802 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.execution.", "DefaultBuildExecuter.execute(DefaultBuildExecuter.java:55)\n17:57:41.802 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.initialization.", "DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuildStages(DefaultGradleLauncher.java:149)\n17:57:41.803 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.initialization.", "DefaultGradleLauncher.doBuild(DefaultGradleLauncher.java:106)\n17:57:41.803 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.initialization.", "DefaultGradleLauncher.run(DefaultGradleLauncher.java:86)\n17:57:41.803 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.exec.", "InProcessBuildActionExecuter$DefaultBuildController.run(InProcessBuildActionExecuter.java:80)\n17:57:41.804 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "ExecuteBuildAction.run(ExecuteBuildAction.java:33)\n17:57:41.804 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "ExecuteBuildAction.run(ExecuteBuildAction.java:24)\n17:57:41.804 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.exec.", "InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute(InProcessBuildActionExecuter.java:36)\n17:57:41.804 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.exec.", "InProcessBuildActionExecuter.execute(InProcessBuildActionExecuter.java:26)\n17:57:41.805 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "RunBuildAction.run(RunBuildAction.java:51)\n17:57:41.807 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.internal.", "Actions$RunnableActionAdapter.execute(Actions.java:171)\n17:57:41.807 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "CommandLineActionFactory$ParseAndBuildAction.execute(CommandLineActionFactory.java:237)\n17:57:41.809 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "CommandLineActionFactory$ParseAndBuildAction.execute(CommandLineActionFactory.java:210)\n17:57:41.810 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "JavaRuntimeValidationAction.execute(JavaRuntimeValidationAction.java:35)\n17:57:41.810 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "JavaRuntimeValidationAction.execute(JavaRuntimeValidationAction.java:24)\n17:57:41.811 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "CommandLineActionFactory$WithLogging.execute(CommandLineActionFactory.java:206)\n17:57:41.812 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "CommandLineActionFactory$WithLogging.execute(CommandLineActionFactory.java:169)\n17:57:41.813 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "ExceptionReportingAction.execute(ExceptionReportingAction.java:33)\n17:57:41.814 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.cli.", "ExceptionReportingAction.execute(ExceptionReportingAction.java:22)\n17:57:41.814 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.", "Main.doAction(Main.java:33)\n17:57:41.815 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.bootstrap.", "EntryPoint.run(EntryPoint.java:45)\n17:57:41.815 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.bootstrap.", "ProcessBootstrap.runNoExit(ProcessBootstrap.java:54)\n17:57:41.816 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.bootstrap.", "ProcessBootstrap.run(ProcessBootstrap.java:35)\n17:57:41.816 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.launcher.", "GradleMain.main(GradleMain.java:23)\n17:57:41.817 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.wrapper.", "BootstrapMainStarter.start(BootstrapMainStarter.java:33)\n17:57:41.818 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.wrapper.", "WrapperExecutor.execute(WrapperExecutor.java:130)\n17:57:41.819 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.wrapper.", "GradleWrapperMain.main(GradleWrapperMain.java:48)\n17:57:41.819 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] Caused by: org.gradle.internal.", "UncheckedException: java.io.", "IOException: The output jar [/Users/jacob/Documents/MyApp/app/build/intermediates/multi-dex/release/componentClasses.jar] must be specified after an input jar, or it will be empty.", "\n17:57:41.819 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.internal.", "UncheckedException.throwAsUncheckedException(UncheckedException.java:39)\n17:57:41.819 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.internal.reflect.", "JavaMethod.invoke(JavaMethod.java:66)\n17:57:41.820 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.", "AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory$StandardTaskAction.doExecute(AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory.java:218)\n17:57:41.820 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.", "AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory$StandardTaskAction.execute(AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory.java:211)\n17:57:41.820 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.project.taskfactory.", "AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory$StandardTaskAction.execute(AnnotationProcessingTaskFactory.java:200)\n17:57:41.820 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.", "AbstractTask$TaskActionWrapper.execute(AbstractTask.java:579)\n17:57:41.821 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.", "AbstractTask$TaskActionWrapper.execute(AbstractTask.java:562)\n17:57:41.821 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeAction(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:80)\n17:57:41.821 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.", "ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.java:61)\n17:57:41.821 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] ... 47 more\n17:57:41.821 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] Caused by: java.io.", "IOException: The output jar [/Users/jacob/Documents/MyApp/app/build/intermediates/multi-dex/release/componentClasses.jar] must be specified after an input jar, or it will be empty.", "\n17:57:41.822 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at proguard.", "ConfigurationChecker.check(ConfigurationChecker.java:64)\n17:57:41.822 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at proguard.", "ProGuard.execute(ProGuard.java:73)\n17:57:41.822 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at proguard.gradle.", "ProGuardTask.proguard(ProGuardTask.java:1074)\n17:57:41.822 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] at org.gradle.internal.reflect.", "JavaMethod.invoke(JavaMethod.java:63)\n17:57:41.822 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] ... 54 more\n17:57:41.823 [ERROR] [org.gradle.", "BuildExceptionReporter] \n17:57:41.823 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.", "BuildResultLogger] \n17:57:41.823 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.", "BuildResultLogger] BUILD FAILED\n17:57:41.823 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.", "BuildResultLogger] \n17:57:41.823 [LIFECYCLE] [org.gradle.", "BuildResultLogger] Total time: 25.463 secs\n\nThis is my config\nbuildscript {\n repositories {\n maven { url 'https://maven.fabric.io/public' }\n }\n\n dependencies {\n classpath 'io.fabric.tools:gradle:1.+'\n }\n}\n\napply plugin: 'com.android.application'\napply plugin: 'io.fabric'\n\nrepositories {\n maven { url 'https://maven.fabric.io/public' }\n}\n\nandroid {\n compileSdkVersion 23\n buildToolsVersion \"23.0.1\"\n defaultConfig {\n applicationId \"com.", "MyApp\"\n minSdkVersion 16\n targetSdkVersion 23\n versionCode 9\n versionName \"0.9.3\"\n multiDexEnabled = true\n }\n packagingOptions {\n exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'\n exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES.txt'\n exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'\n exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE.txt'\n exclude 'META-INF/NOTICE'\n exclude 'META-INF/LICENSE'\n exclude 'META-INF/DEPENDENCIES'\n exclude 'META-INF/notice.txt'\n exclude 'META-INF/license.txt'\n exclude 'META-INF/dependencies.txt'\n exclude 'META-INF/LGPL2.1'\n }\n useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'\n buildTypes {\n release {\n minifyEnabled true\n proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'),\n 'proguard-android-optimize.txt'\n }\n }\n}\n\ndependencies {\n compile files('libs/org.apache.http.legacy.jar')\n\n compile 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient-android:4.3.5'\n compile('org.apache.httpcomponents:httpmime:4.3.5') {\n exclude module: 'org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient'\n }\n\n compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.0.1'\n compile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:7.5.0'\n compile 'com.mixpanel.android:mixpanel-android:4.6.2'\n compile 'com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:23.0.1'\n compile 'com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:4.1.0'\n compile 'com.soundcloud.android:android-crop:1.0.0@aar'\n compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:23.0.1'\n compile('com.crashlytics.sdk.android:crashlytics:2.5.1@aar') {\n transitive = true;\n }\n}\n\nThanks in advance\n\nA:\n\nI am facing exactly the same problem and I have been able to build the signed apk just disabling the minifyEnable in the release buildType:\nminifyEnabled false\n\nUPDATE:\nI have been able to fix the problem adding the following to the proguard configuration (proguard-rules.pro file):\n-dontwarn javax.naming.**", "\n\nThis will clean/skip all the warnings when compiling and fix the problem in my side.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nQt QML ListView contentHeight behaviour\n\nI am having a very specific issue when using a QML ListView element in combination with its section properties.", "\nI am using Qt 4.8.6, but I also have the same issue when I try this in Qt 5.3.1.", "\nThe following code can also be run in older versions of Qt by simply changing the import statement to \n\nimport QtQuick 1.0 (For < Qt 4.7.4)\n\nor \n\nimport QtQuick 1.1 (For >= Qt 4.7.4)\n\nHere is a standalone use case to demonstrate my problem:\nimport QtQuick 2.2\n\nRectangle {\n width: 800\n height: 800\n color: \"black\"\n\n property int pageNumber: 1\n property int totalPages: Math.ceil(animalListView.contentHeight/animalListView.height)\n\n Text {\n x: 2\n y: 90\n color: \"Orange\"\n text: \"Expected height: \" + (animalListView.count*70 + (50*10))\n font.pixelSize: 28\n }\n\n Text {\n x: 2\n y: 0\n color: \"Orange\"\n text: \"Actual ContentHeight: \" + animalListView.contentHeight\n font.pixelSize: 28\n }\n\n Text {\n x: 2\n y: 30\n color: \"Orange\"\n text: \"Actual ChildrenRectHeight: \" + animalListView.childrenRect.height\n font.pixelSize: 28\n }\n\n Text {\n x: 2\n y: 60\n color: \"Orange\"\n text: \"Total model items (minus sections): \" + animalListView.count\n font.pixelSize: 28\n }\n\n Rectangle {\n id: boundingRect\n width: 640\n height: 500\n x: 20\n y: 200\n radius: 10\n border.width: 1\n border.color: \"green\"\n color: \"transparent\"\n\n // The delegate for each section header\n Component {\n id: sectionHeaderDelegate\n Rectangle {\n width: parent.width\n height: 50 // this is the problem \n color: \"transparent\" \n\n Text {\n anchors.left: parent.left\n id: headerText\n text: section\n color: \"red\"\n }\n\n Rectangle {\n anchors.fill: parent\n border.color: \"purple\" \n border.width: 1 \n color: \"transparent\"\n }\n }\n }\n\n ListModel {\n id: animalsModel\n ListElement { name: \"1Parrot\"; size: \"Small\" }\n ListElement { name: \"2Guinea pig\"; size: \"Small\" }\n ListElement { name: \"3Dog\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"4Cat\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"5Elephant\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"6Parrot\"; size: \"Small\" }\n ListElement { name: \"7Guinea pig\"; size: \"Small\" }\n ListElement { name: \"8Dog\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"9Cat\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"10Elephant\"; size: \"Large\" }\n ListElement { name: \"11Parrot\"; size: \"Large\" }\n ListElement { name: \"12Guinea pig\"; size: \"Large\" }\n ListElement { name: \"13Dog\"; size: \"Large\" }\n ListElement { name: \"14Cat\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"15Elephant\"; size: \"Large\" }\n ListElement { name: \"16Parrot\"; size: \"Small\" }\n ListElement { name: \"17Guinea pig\"; size: \"Small\" }\n ListElement { name: \"18Dog\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"19Cat\"; size: \"Medium\" }\n ListElement { name: \"20Elephant\"; size: \"Large\" }\n }\n\n ListView {\n id: animalListView\n anchors.fill: parent\n anchors.margins: 10\n clip: true\n interactive: true\n flickableDirection: Flickable.", "VerticalFlick\n boundsBehavior: Flickable.", "StopAtBounds\n model: animalsModel\n\n delegate: Item {\n width: parent.width\n height: 70\n Text {\n text: name\n color: \"green\"\n }\n\n Rectangle {\n anchors.fill: parent\n border.color: \"yellow\" \n border.width: 1 \n color: \"transparent\"\n }\n }\n\n section.property: \"size\"\n section.criteria: ViewSection.", "FullString\n section.delegate: sectionHeaderDelegate\n }\n }\n\n Rectangle {\n anchors.top: boundingRect.top\n anchors.left: boundingRect.right\n anchors.leftMargin: 20 \n width: 40\n height: 40\n color: \"blue\"\n\n MouseArea {\n anchors.fill: parent\n onClicked: {\n if (pageNumber > 1) {\n animalListView.contentY -= animalListView.height;\n animalListView.returnToBounds();\n --pageNumber;\n } \n }\n }\n\n enabled: (!", "animalListView.atYBeginning)\n visible: !(", "animalListView.atYBeginning && animalListView.atYEnd)\n\n Text {\n anchors.centerIn: parent\n font.family: \"Wingdings 3\"\n font.pixelSize: 40\n text: \"Ç\" // Up arrow\n }\n }\n\n Text {\n visible: totalPages > 1\n anchors.left: boundingRect.right\n anchors.verticalCenter: boundingRect.verticalCenter\n width: 100\n height: 20\n font.pixelSize: 18\n horizontalAlignment: Text.", "AlignHCenter\n color: \"red\"\n text: qsTr(\"%1 of %2\").arg(pageNumber).arg(totalPages)\n }\n\n Rectangle {\n anchors.bottom: boundingRect.bottom\n anchors.left: boundingRect.right\n anchors.leftMargin: 20\n width: 40\n height: 40\n color: \"orange\"\n\n MouseArea {\n anchors.fill: parent\n onClicked: {\n if (pageNumber < totalPages) {\n animalListView.contentY += animalListView.height;\n ++pageNumber;\n }\n }\n }\n\n enabled: (!", "animalListView.atYEnd)\n visible: !(", "animalListView.atYBeginning && animalListView.atYEnd)\n\n Text {\n anchors.centerIn: parent\n font.family: \"Wingdings 3\"\n font.pixelSize: 40\n text: \"È\" // Down arrow\n }\n }\n\n}\n\nI am using the ListView to display a list of animal models, categorized by their size. ", "In order to achieve this categorization in the view, I use the section.property, section.critiria and section.delegate properties of the ListView as implemented in the code given above.", "\n(Note: Please ignore the fact that the model I supply to the ListView is not sorted, I understand that this will create numerous duplicate category entries in the ListView. ", "This is beside the point here.)", "\nWhen the number of models exceed the visible area of the ListView, I am using the property totalPages to calculate how many full ListView pages there are for navigation. ", "The Up arrow and Down arrow buttons simply decrement and increment the content.", "Y of the ListView by the height of the ListView respectively.", "\nThe problem is that the contentHeight of the ListView does not remain static, it is dynamically changing and causing my totalPages property calculation to be incorrect. ", "\nIt is interesting to note that this behavior occurs if and only if I set a height for my sectionHeaderDelegate rectangle. ", "If I comment out the height statement (height: 50), the contentHeight of the ListView remains static, as expected - with the downside that the section headers/categories are now on top of the model text, which is not useful at all.", "\nSo my question is, why does the contentHeight of the QML ListView element dynamically change if and only if I use a section delegate who's height has been set to a non-zero value?", "\nAlso, I have left the following properties in the ListView for testing purposes, the ListView should be used with the Up/Down arrows:\n\n interactive: true\n flickableDirection: Flickable.", "VerticalFlick\n boundsBehavior: Flickable.", "StopAtBounds\n\nA:\n\nI know this is ancient, but I'll answer it here anyway because I was looking for a solution;\nIf you have a fixed height for your items, you can set the height of the container dynamically by simply setting the value by formula:\nMyContainerWithListItems {\nheight: MyModel.items.length * height\n}\n\nIf you have variable height items it will be more difficult; the solution is probably to have an onChange event fire off a function which crawls through your items and manually adds up the heights.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt is because ListView is estimating its contentHeight by currently visible items. ", "Check what happens when your sections cannot be grouped. ", "ListView is avoiding instantiating every item so it doesn't know proper size of non visible content. ", "Look at this thread.", "\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006755234790034592, 0.0006437494303099811, 0.0011669036466628313, 0.0036789735313504934, 0.0005906898295506835, 0.0009044959442690015, 0.0009149169782176614, 0.0006584808579646051, 0.0006990369874984026, 0.0007076311740092933, 0.0006232250016182661, 0.0006018648855388165, 0.0005717479507438838, 0.0006722987163811922, 0.0005851658643223345, 0.0007440505432896316, 0.0007063826778903604, 0.0017118678661063313, 0.0013109227875247598, 0.0005601346492767334, 0.0006802300922572613, 0.0006112896371632814, 0.0036789735313504934, 0.0006666603730991483, 0.0007274799281731248, 0.0006955839926376939, 0.0007306613842956722, 0.0008388574351556599, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ ";;;============================================================================\n\n;;; File: \"s8vector#.scm\"\n\n;;; Copyright (c) 1994-2020 by Marc Feeley, All Rights Reserved.", "\n\n;;;============================================================================\n\n;;; S8vector operations.", "\n\n(##include \"~~lib/gambit/prim/s8vector-gambit#.scm\")\n\n;;;============================================================================\n" ]
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[ 0.001236620475538075, 0.004254415165632963, 0.0014514882350340486 ]
[ "Welcome!", "\n\nArizona\n\nStandard Ranking\n\nOther States:\n\nNew School For The Arts & AcademicsHigh School\nNew School For The Arts District\nMaricopa County\n\nShare your thoughtsThe graph below shows how New School For The Arts & Academics ranks relative to the other 396 High Schools in Arizona.", "The yellow bars indicate the number of schools with scores in a particular range.", "The solid blue line indicates the score of New School For The Arts & Academics.", "The further to the RIGHT the blue line is the better the score.", "This graph is based on 2007 test results.(Other years: 20022003200420052006 2007 )\n\nThe graph below shows Year-to-Year Test Results for New School For The Arts & AcademicsThe higher the yellow bars are the better the scores.", "Grade 10 Read Meet or Exceed\n\nThe graph below shows Year-to-Year Rankings for New School For The Arts & AcademicsThe yellow bars represent the total number of High Schools in Arizona.", "The blue dots represent the ranking of New School For The Arts & Academics.", "The higher the blue dots are the higher the rankings.", "Grade 10 Read Meet or Exceed" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0008319728076457977, 0.0006349494215101004, 0.000625519547611475, 0.000606292043812573, 0.000791422906331718, 0.0006240184302441776, 0.0006015999242663383, 0.000585976813454181, 0.0006824388401582837, 0.0007839055033400655 ]
[ "Single-tooth implant placement and loading in fresh and regenerated extraction sockets. ", "Five-year results: a case series using two different implant designs.", "\nImplant-supported restorations are a commonly used treatment modality. ", "However, insufficient data are available that compare treatment outcomes of implant restorations using different protocols. ", "Similarly, data comparing the treatment outcomes of different implant designs are limited. ", "This retrospective, non-randomized study evaluates 241 single implants in 241 patients (127 males and 114 females; mean age: 49.3 years; range: 45 to 75 years). ", "Tapered-type (TAP; n = 118) and cylindric screw-type (CYL; n = 123) implants were used. ", "Implants were grouped into the treatment categories of immediate placement, delayed placement, immediate non-occlusal loading, and delayed loading. ", "Clinical parameters, including clinical attachment level (CAL), plaque index (PI), and bleeding on probing (BOP), were recorded at examinations at baseline (BSL) and 1 (E1), 3 (E3), and 5 years (E5) after loading with the final restoration. ", "Eleven implants were lost (five CYL and six TAP). ", "CAL and PI outcomes were similar for both implant types. ", "No significant influence of implant position was found. ", "A CAL loss of 1.5 mm was observed during the first 3 years. ", "The type of implant and timing of placement showed no significant influence on the survival rate, whereas the failure rate was lower for immediate non-occlusal loaded implants. ", "The type of implant, position, and timing of placement and loading did not influence the survival rate of this treatment method." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.000600211089476943, 0.0005681744660250843, 0.0007298357086256146, 0.0005885122809559107, 0.0005897931405343115, 0.0006567573291249573, 0.0009473292157053947, 0.0006727736326865852, 0.000579414248932153, 0.0014349936973303556, 0.0007966548437252641, 0.0006811075145378709, 0.0007105338736437261, 0.000711836211849004, 0.0006303770933300257 ]
[ "It is often desirable when packing and storing materials to reduce the amount of space within the packing containers or bags. ", "Often, the storage space can be reduced by reducing or eliminating the amount of ambient air or other gases within the container or bag. ", "It may also be desirable to remove the ambient air or other gases from containers in order to preserve the integrity or freshness of the packed materials. ", "Conversely, it may be desirable to inflate containers, for example bags, with ambient air or other gases.", "\nThe device of the subject invention provides a means for evacuating or injecting air into a variety of containers. ", "The device of the subject invention can be used with containers that may not already have a means for evacuating or injecting air. ", "Thus, a variety of containers, for example disposable plastic wear or various storage bags can be provided with vacuum packing capabilities or inflation with various gases or ambient air." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
[ 0.0005546339671127498, 0.0005784780951216817, 0.0005575624527409673, 0.0005887291627004743, 0.0006635913741774857, 0.0007074835593812168, 0.0005776420584879816 ]
[ "Background {#Sec1}\n==========\n\nThe past few decades have witnessed the dramatic developments and reforms in teaching approaches around the world. ", "Compared with the traditional lecture-based learning (LBL), these innovated teaching methods are more emphatic in the students' innovative consciousness, active communication and creative ability. ", "As one innovative and interactive pedagogical approach, Team-based learning (TBL) expanded beyond its initial business domain into medical school around the world \\[[@CR1]--[@CR7]\\]. ", "The introduction of such pedagogical approach enlightens students' learning motivation and tendency to think autonomously. ", "More importantly, it creates a positive atmosphere in classroom for students to communicate mutually and to solve the problems cooperatively.", "\n\nHowever, owing to imbalance and shortage of teaching resources, and the restriction of traditional teaching conceptions, LBL is still the mainstream in the Chinese medical education system. ", "Thus, the long period of simplex and cramming teaching brought Chinese students introverted, quiet personality, and passive study habits. ", "Fortunately, although unknown and hardship existed constantly, the reformation and innovation of Chinese medical education has been proceeding in last ten years \\[[@CR8]\\].", "\n\nAs a latecomer, TBL pedagogy has emerged and developed rapidly during the recent decades in medical education of China. ", "It has been applied in various universities and colleges, and its effectiveness on improving the educational quality has been proved \\[[@CR9]\\]. ", "Compared with the medical curricula, pharmacy teaching in China places emphasis on the theoretical tests of factual knowledge and the performance of laboratory practice. ", "But shortage of educational materials (classrooms and equipment) and enormous number of students made the classroom still teacher-oriented \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "Notably, TBL approach provides the advantage that ensuring the effectiveness of small-group learning with high student faculty ratios \\[[@CR11]\\], which considerably fits for the understaffed condition of pharmacy education in China. ", "Recently, increasing studies have revealed the efficacy of using TBL pedagogy in improving the teaching quality of various pharmacy curricula in China, however, the relevant systematic review has not been established. ", "Therefore, the present meta-analysis was performed with the aim to evaluate systematically the effectiveness of TBL pedagogy adopted in Chinses pharmacy education. ", "We hope that the present study can not only verify the availability of TBL in Chinese pharmacy education system, but also provide some useful information for other regions with similar pedagogical structures in China.", "\n\nMethods {#Sec2}\n=======\n\nThis meta-analysis was conducted consistent with the recommendations in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses statement \\[[@CR12]\\] and the guidelines described in the Cochrane Handbook.", "\n\nSearch strategy {#Sec3}\n---------------\n\nTwo independent reviewers (BL and LH) performed the literature search. ", "The databases included China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese VIP database, Chinese Wanfang Database, PubMed, Embase, and Cochrane Library were searched. ", "The last literature search was performed on January 11, 2019 using the following search terms: \"TBL\", \"Team-based learning\", \"pharmac\\*\", \"pharmac\\* education\", \"pharmac\\* students\". ", "The details are shown in Additional file [1](#MOESM1){ref-type=\"media\"}: Search strategy.", "\n\nSelection criteria {#Sec4}\n------------------\n\nThe studies under the following properties were enrolled:*Participants:* Students from Chinese pharmacy institutions.*Intervention:* Using TBL pedagogy in pharmacy curricula teaching.*Comparison:* Using traditional LBL in pharmacy curricula teaching.*Outcomes:* Theoretical test scores (Primary outcome); The incidence of students who accepted the effects of TBL pedagogy on improving their abilities (e.g. learning enthusiasm, self-study ability, thinking ability, and communication skills) from the questionnaires (Secondary outcome).*Study design:* Randomized controlled studies with no language limitations.", "\n\nLiterature screening and data extraction {#Sec5}\n----------------------------------------\n\nLiterature screening and data extraction were carried out by two independent reviewers (BL and LH) and then they cross checked with each other. ", "Full articles were obtained when details from titles and abstracts could not be clarified. ", "The information about general characteristics of studies was collected in a designed table (Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}). ", "Disagreements were resolved by consensus through discussion among all authors.", "Table 1The general characteristics of the enrolled studiesStudy IDYearDisciplines or curriculaSample size (TBL/LBL)Participant characteristicsInterventionsComparisonsOutcomeShang Z et al. ", "\\[[@CR13]\\]2018Pharmacotherapeutics100 (50/50)Clinical pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions (or cases), organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, information searching, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①②Mao Y et al. ", "\\[[@CR14]\\]2013Drug evaluation and research58 (28/30)Pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups:Preview, information searching, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①Feng X et al. ", "\\[[@CR15]\\]2016Pharmacy administration123 (61/62)Pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, organizing the pre-test (to evaluate the conditions of students' preview), organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluatingThe responsibility of student groups:Preview, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①Yan J et al. ", "\\[[@CR16]\\]2016Analytical chemistry70 (35/35)Pharmacy students from CollegeTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluatingThe responsibility of student groups:Preview, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①Luo X et al. ", "\\[[@CR17]\\]2017Pharmaceutical chemistry241 (124/117)Pharmacy students from Secondary technical CollegeTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluatingThe responsibility of student groups:Preview, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①②Gao M et al. ", "\\[[@CR18]\\]2015Pharmaceutics and experiments48 (23/25)pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the pre-test (to evaluate the conditions of students' preview), organizing the post-tests and effectiveness evaluatingThe responsibility of student groups: preview, literature reading, group discussion for experiments operation, summarizing the points during experiments operation.", "Lecture①Zhang H et al. ", "\\[[@CR19]\\]2014Medical functional experiments50 (25/25)pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the pre-test (to evaluate the conditions of students' preview), organizing the post-tests and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, literature reading, group discussion for experiments operation, summarizing the points during experiments operation.", "Lecture①Xie Z et al. ", "\\[[@CR20]\\]2015Processing of traditional Chinese medicine180 (90/90)Pharmacy students from CollegeTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the post-tests and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, literature reading, group discussion for experiments operation, summarizing the points during experiments operation.", "Lecture①Wu X et al. ", "\\[[@CR21]\\]2017Pharmacology40 (20/20)Oversea pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the pre-test (individual readiness assurance test), organizing the post-tests and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, information searching, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①Yang T et al. ", "\\[[@CR22]\\]2018Physical Chemistry135 (63/72)Pharmacy students from CollegeTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the pre-test (to evaluate the conditions of students' preview), organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, information searching, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①Yang X et al. ", "\\[[@CR23]\\]2018Medical biology experiments64 (32/32)Pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, literature reading, group discussion for experiments operation, summarizing the points during experiments operation.", "Lecture①②Yi T et al. ", "\\[[@CR24]\\]2018Biochemistry90 (45/45)Pharmacy students from UniversityTeam-based LearningDetails of teaching process:The responsibility of teachers including: laying out the discussion topic, raising the questions, organizing the pre-test (to evaluate the conditions of students' preview), organizing the post-tests and the questionnaires, and effectiveness evaluating.", "The responsibility of student groups: preview, information searching, literature reading, group discussion, and summary report.", "Lecture①②Notes:① Theoretical tests scores; ② Questionnaires for assessing the effects of pedagogies on students' qualities and abilitie\n\nQuality assessment {#Sec6}\n------------------\n\nFollowing the Cochrane Collaboration tool for assessing risk of bias \\[[@CR25]\\], two reviewers (BL and LH) independently evaluated the methodological quality of the enrolled studies. ", "Seven items including allocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting and other bias were checked and graded by high, low, or unclear risk of bias \\[[@CR26]\\].", "\n\nStatistics analysis {#Sec7}\n-------------------\n\nStatistical analyses were conducted with Review Manager 5.0 software (The Cochrane Collaboration, London, UK). ", "The risk ratio (RR) with 95% CI and the Mantel--Haenszel method (fixed or random models) were used to analyze dichotomous data (such as the outcome of questionnaires for assessing the effects of pedagogies on students' qualities and abilities); and for continuous data (for instance, the tests scores), standardized mean difference (SMD) was chosen for the estimation. ", "The impact of heterogeneity on results was weighed by using the *I*-squared (*I*^2^) test. ", "According to Cochrane review guidelines, the fixed-effects model was employed to pool data if there was no heterogeneity (*I*^2^ \\< 50%); Otherwise, the random-effects model was adopted when severe heterogeneity was present at *I*^2^ \\> 50% (or the value of *I*^2^ was closed to 50%). ", "Then, sensitivity analysis was performed by excluding each study individually to reassess the quality and consistency of the results. ", "Subgroup analyses were used to explore the diversity among different studies and source of heterogeneity, and we used two variables: students from colleges (3-year program) versus students from universities (4-year program) and experiments-oriented courses versus theory-oriented courses. ", "And we used Begg's test and Egger's test to evaluate the publication bias when at least ten studies were enrolled in analysis. ", "A *p* value less than 0.05 was deemed to be statistically significant.", "\n\nResults {#Sec8}\n=======\n\nLiterature search results {#Sec9}\n-------------------------\n\nAfter searching of databases, 472 items were identified, and 46 of them were excluded by duplicate removing. ", "Of 391 articles excluding in title and abstract review, 172 were not related to theme of our present study, 11 were not performed in the pharmacy institutions, 189 were not performed in mainland of China, 10 were focused the uncorrelated comparison (for instance, the comparison between using the combination of TBL and Case-based learning pedagogy versus using only Case-based learning pedagogy), and 9 were introductions or commentaries. ", "After full-text review, 23 articles were excluded (6 were owing to the absence of control group, 8 were on account of the noncommittal outcome, and 9 of them were not randomized controlled studies. ", "Eventually, 12 studies were enrolled in further analysis \\[[@CR13]--[@CR24]\\]. ", "The procedure of eligible articles screen is described in Fig.", " [1](#Fig1){ref-type=\"fig\"}.Fig. ", "1Flow chart of literature screening and the selection process\n\nBasic characteristics of enrolled studies {#Sec10}\n-----------------------------------------\n\nThe included studies were published from 2013 to 2018 in Chinese. ", "And the relevant pharmacy curricula including: Pharmacotherapeutics, Drug evaluation and research, Pharmacy administration, Analytical chemistry, Pharmaceutical chemistry, Pharmaceutic experiments, Medical functional experiments, Processing of traditional Chinese medicine, Pharmacology, Physical Chemistry, Medical biology experiments and Biochemistry. ", "All studies reported the outcome of test scores for evaluating the effectiveness of two pedagogy methods. ", "The questionnaires to assess students' qualities and abilities were performed in four studies \\[[@CR13], [@CR17], [@CR23], [@CR24]\\], all of them mentioned the effects of pedagogies on developing students' learning enthusiasm and self-study ability, 3 of them mentioned their effects on developing thinking ability, and 2 studies described their effects on enhancing communication skills. ", "The general characteristics of the enrolled studies are shown in Table [1](#Tab1){ref-type=\"table\"}.", "\n\nQuality assessment {#Sec11}\n------------------\n\nAllocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting and other bias were evaluated in accordance with Cochrane Collaboration tool for assessing risk of bias. ", "40% (5/12) of studies employed an adequate method of random sequence generation \\[[@CR15], [@CR16], [@CR19], [@CR20], [@CR23]\\], and only two studies reported blinding procedure of outcome assessment \\[[@CR23], [@CR24]\\]. ", "On account of the characteristics of two pedagogy methods, the participants and personnel could not be blinded in any of these studies. ", "The overview of risk of bias assessment are shown in Fig.", " [2](#Fig2){ref-type=\"fig\"}.Fig. ", "2Risk of bias assessment of included studies. ", "Notes: Green + dot, low risk of bias; yellow? ", "dot, unclear risk of bias; red - dot, high risk of bias\n\nEffects of two pedagogies on theoretical scores {#Sec12}\n-----------------------------------------------\n\nAll studies involving 1271 participants were included, 631 of them were receiving the TBL pedagogy in various pharmacy curricula learning. ", "Owing to the existence of heterogeneity (*I*^*2*^ = 98%), the random-effects model was chosen. ", "Compared with the ones receiving traditional LBL pedagogy, students receiving TBL pedagogy were tend to get higher marks in objective theoretical tests (SMD = 2.55, 95% CI \\[1.56, 3.55\\], *p* \\< 0.00001). ", "For the substantial heterogeneity between studies was observed, the sensitivity analysis was performed to reevaluate the quality and consistency of the results by omitting individual study sequentially. ", "However, the source could not be clearly attributed to a single study. ", "The results from subgroup analyses including two variables (different education background and different types of curricula) indicated that TBL pedagogy was beneficial to both students who experienced 4-year program education from universities (SMD = 1.69, 95% CI \\[1.10, 2.28\\], *p* \\< 0.00001) and the ones who received 3-year program education from colleges (SMD = 4.37, 95% CI \\[1.33, 7.40\\], *p* \\< 0.00001), and TBL pedagogy also applied well in experiments-oriented courses (SMD = 2.14, 95% CI \\[0.86, 3.43\\], *p* \\< 0.00001) and theory-oriented courses (SMD = 2.77, 95% CI \\[1.41, 4.14\\], *p* \\< 0.00001). ", "However, high level of *I*^*2*^ in subgroup analyses indicated the heterogeneity still existed. ", "The results are shown in Fig.", " [3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}a and b. The results of Egger's (*p* = 0.049) tests indicated publication bias was existed (Fig.", " [4](#Fig4){ref-type=\"fig\"}). ", "Then the Duval's trim and fill method was performed to estimate and adjust for the number and outcomes of missing studies \\[[@CR27]\\]. ", "Although the existence of publication bias, results from sensitivity analyses of trim and fill method (no new studies added) exhibited that the result was reliable.", "Fig. ", "3Forest plot of theoretical scores for TBL compared with LBL. (**", "a)** Subgroup analysis of scores of students from colleges versus students from universities; (**b**) Subgroup analysis of scores of students experienced experiments-oriented courses versus theory-oriented courses. ", "Squares symbolize SMD point estimate, and horizontal lines represent 95% CI. ", "The diamond represents the overall summary estimate. (", "CI: confidence interval; SMD: standardized mean difference)Fig. ", "4Begg's Funnel plots of theoretical scores with pseudo 95% confidence limits (Theoretical scores for TBL compared with LBL. ", "Egger's test, *p* = 0.049; Begg's Test, *p* = 0.373)\n\nThe incidence of students who accepted the effects of TBL pedagogy on improving their abilities {#Sec13}\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n### Effects on developing students' learning enthusiasm {#Sec14}\n\nFour studies involving 567 participants were analyzed, and 288 of them were receiving TBL pedagogy. ", "Compared with the application of traditional LBL pedagogy method, the results from questionnaires indicated that the introduction of TBL pedagogy developed more students' learning enthusiasm (the ratio of students thinking the pedagogy method had great influence on developing learning enthusiasm: 95.49% in TBL group vs 64.87% in LBL group, RR = 1.38 with 95% CI \\[1.13,1.69\\], *p* \\< 0.0001, *I*^2^ = 83%). ", "The substantial heterogeneity cannot be resolved by deleting a single study, thus, the random effect was performed (Fig.", " [5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}a).Fig. ", "5Forest plot of the students' various qualities and abilities for TBL compared with LBL. (**", "a)** Effects on developing students' learning enthusiasm; (**b**) Effects on developing students' self-study ability; (**c**) Effects on developing students' thinking ability; (**d**) Effects on enhancing students' communication skills. ", "The explanation for forest plot is stated in Fig. [", "3](#Fig3){ref-type=\"fig\"}\n\n### Effects on developing students' self-study ability {#Sec15}\n\nA total of 567 students from four studies were included, and 288 of them were receiving TBL pedagogy. ", "The results from questionnaires indicated that the introduction of TBL pedagogy also developed more students' self-study ability compared to LBL (the ratio of students thinking the pedagogy method had great influence on developing self-study ability: 93.40% in TBL group vs 70.97% in LBL group, RR = 1.32 with 95% CI \\[1.21,1.43\\], *p* \\< 0.0001, *I*^2^ = 32%). ", "The statistical heterogeneity did not exist among the study results; thus, a fixed-effects model was employed to perform the analysis (Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}b).", "\n\n### Effects on developing students' thinking ability {#Sec16}\n\nThree studies involving a total of 405 students were enrolled, and 206 of them were receiving TBL pedagogy method. ", "The responses of questionnaires revealed that the application of TBL significantly developed students' thinking ability compared to LBL (the ratio of students thinking the pedagogy method had great influence on developing thinking ability: 93.69% in TBL group vs 58.79% in LBL group, RR = 1.45 with 95% CI \\[1.04,2.02\\], *p* \\< 0.0001, *I*^2^ = 88%). ", "The heterogeneity was resolved after removing the Luo study \\[[@CR17]\\] (*I*^2^ = 0%), and the summary estimate was unchanged essentially (the ratio of students thinking the pedagogy method had great influence on developing thinking ability: 92.68% in TBL group vs 74.39% in LBL group, RR = 1.24 with 95% CI \\[1.08,1.43\\], *p* \\< 0.0001). ", "The result is shown in Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}c.", "\n\n### Effects on enhancing students' communication skills {#Sec17}\n\nTwo studies involving 262 students were analyzed, and 132 of them were receiving TBL method. ", "The *I*^2^ of 0% indicated that there was no substantial heterogeneity, thus the fixed effect model was chosen. ", "The results from the questionnaires demonstrated that TBL method enhanced students' communication skills obviously (the ratio of students thinking the pedagogy method had great influence on enhancing communication skills: 93.18% in TBL group vs 76.15% in LBL group, RR = 1.22 with 95% CI \\[1.10,1.36\\], *p* \\< 0.0001). ", "The result is shown in Fig. [", "5](#Fig5){ref-type=\"fig\"}d.", "\n\nDiscussion {#Sec18}\n==========\n\nFor restrictions of traditional teaching conceptions, the lecture-based learning was dominated in Chinese education structure. ", "Nevertheless, the condition of domestic education has been changed as the introduction of the innovative pedagogical approaches over the recent years. ", "For instance, problem-based learning (PBL) was an educational innovation developed in recent decades especially in China. ", "Many Chinese pharmacy institutions have made tentative steps in practicing such novel pedagogy. ", "Zhou et al. ", "have performed the analysis systematically to verify the effectiveness of such novel pedagogy methods in domestic pharmacy education \\[[@CR10]\\]. ", "As a pedagogical model of small-group learning, TBL also has been approved and highly praised in health science education \\[[@CR28]\\] for its efficiency in improving teaching quality and for its high satisfaction in students. ", "The effectiveness of TBL pedagogy was also supported by similar studies performed in some developed countries, and the scope of its application covered medical, nursing, and pharmacy education \\[[@CR29]--[@CR31]\\]. ", "Compared with the application of TBL in Chinese medical education \\[[@CR9]\\], it started even later in pharmacy education of China. ", "The present study was the first meta-analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of TBL on Chinese pharmacy education. ", "We also would like to explore more useful information about the applicability of such pedagogical method in domestic educational institutions at different levels and in different types of curricula (pure theory-oriented courses/experiments-oriented courses). ", "In addition, we expected to learn which aspects of students' quality would be improved by application of TBL.", "\n\nBy summarizing the relevant studies about the application of TBL in Chinese pharmacy education, the present study demonstrated that such pedagogy has been introduced and even applied widely during last decade in China. ", "The time range of published literatures (2013--2018) means it is still in an embryonic stage, but it has served Chinese pharmacy education well in various institutions at different hierarchical level. ", "We are encouraged by the results of analysis that students receiving TBL process gained higher scores in theoretical tests compared to the students receiving traditional LBL process. ", "Considering the substantial heterogeneity, we performed sensitivity analysis and chose the random-effects model, and the positive effects were also verified.", "\n\nTo assess the effects of two pedagogies on students' qualities and abilities, according to the descriptions in some articles, the questionnaires were sent to the participants. ", "The ratio of students thinking the pedagogy method had great influence on developing various qualities and abilities was analyzed in our study. ", "We obtained more positive feedbacks from the students who receiving TBL pedagogy, and they were manifested by the developments of students' learning enthusiasm, self-study ability, thinking ability, and the enhance of students' communication skills.", "\n\nChinese pharmacy institutions are divided into different levels. ", "Compared with the students from colleges (3-year program), the students from universities (4-year program) have higher scores of entrance examination and stronger continuous learning capability. ", "Remarkably, the results of present study indicated that both the students from universities and those from colleges experienced considerable developments after receiving TBL teaching method, which represents the adaptability of TBL pedagogy in Chinese pharmacy education. ", "It also appears that such pedagogy should be generalized in more Chinese classrooms.", "\n\nLimitations and future studies {#Sec19}\n------------------------------\n\nThe current research's limitations derived from the methodological quality and design of the enrolled studies. ", "Firstly, owing to the open environment of teaching process, allocation concealment and blinding of participants were difficult to be practiced. ", "Secondly, as the search strategies were strictly delimited to the areas in Chinese classrooms, plenty of literatures published in Chinese were analyzed in present research. ", "The results of Egger's (*p* = 0.049) tests indicated the existence of publication bias, however, there was no indications of publication with the trim and fill method (no new studies added), which demonstrated that the result was reliable. ", "Furthermore, to explore the reasons for substantial the heterogeneity found in the main analysis, subgroup analyses were conducted for two variables (1. ", "Scores of students from colleges versus students from universities; 2. ", "Scores of students experienced experiments-oriented courses versus theory-oriented courses). ", "However, the major cause of heterogeneity is still uncertain. ", "The source of heterogeneity may be resulted from unreported factors (e.g. teaching resources).", "\n\nIn addition, the published literatures indicated that the number of methods to evaluate the effectiveness of pedagogy were limited. ", "We collected and analyzed two sorts of outcomes including the theoretical scores and the responses of questionnaires. ", "However, there were different types of questionnaires during data collection, thus, we performed data combination only for the studies containing the same items, and the effects investigation of TBL pedagogy focuses on the following four aspects: learning enthusiasm, self-study ability, thinking ability, and communication skills of students. ", "Actually, to comprehensive evaluate the effectiveness of TBL pedagogy in depth, high-quality evidences with multiple and standardized evaluation methods are necessary.", "\n\nConclusion {#Sec20}\n==========\n\nThe results of our study indicated the gratifying effectiveness of TBL application in Chinese pharmacy institution during last decade. ", "It enhanced the theoretical scores and various abilities of Chinese pharmacy students. ", "To evaluate the effectiveness of TBL pedagogy comprehensively, it calls for more high-quality studies and more standardized evaluation methods in future. ", "Overall, TBL pedagogy is compatible with the present Chinese pharmacy education, and it should be generalized in more classrooms.", "\n\nAdditional file\n===============\n\n {#Sec21}\n\nAdditional file 1:Search Strategy. ", "Details of search strategy in different databases. (", "DOCX 16 kb)\n\nCI\n\n: Confidence interval\n\nCNKI\n\n: Chinese national knowledge infrastructure\n\nLBL\n\n: Lecture-based learning\n\nRR\n\n: Risk Ratio\n\nSMD\n\n: Standardized mean difference\n\nTBL\n\n: Team-based learning\n\n**Publisher's Note**\n\nSpringer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nBL helped design and conduct the study, analyze the data, and write the manuscript; LZ contributed to the design of the study, collection and analysis of data and revising the manuscript; YL1, CZ and YL2 participated in the critical review of the manuscript; LH contributed to collection and analysis of data; All authors read and approved the final manuscript.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nThe data analyzed in our study were collected from available published articles.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nNot applicable.", "\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.", "\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
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[ "The new American Airlines will not see lift-off by mid-August\n\nSara Forden and Mary Schlangenstein, Bloomberg\n\n- Jun 19, 2013 3:00 am\n\nSkift Take\n\nAt play in the merger is the shrinking service at smaller markets across the U.S. Although it’s not all US Airways and American Air’s fault, they’re going to have to at least provide lip service to the issue.", "\n\n— Jason Clampet\n\nShare\n\nTweet\n\nShare\n\nPost\n\nSend\n\nUS Airways Group Inc. and AMR Corp.’s American Airlines won’t learn if their $11 billion merger passes U.S. antitrust review before a court hears American’s request to confirm its bankruptcy reorganization plan in August, people familiar with the matter said.", "\n\nThe Justice Department still is analyzing whether the combination will create a monopoly in any markets and isn’t close to issuing a decision, said three people, who asked not to be named because process is confidential. ", "The ruling is one of the few remaining hurdles to be cleared before the carriers can combine to form the world’s largest airline.", "\n\n“Ordinarily this might seem like a long time for the merger review,” said Seth Bloom, the former general counsel of the Senate Antitrust Subcommittee who’s now in private practice in Washington. “", "But because they’re waiting for the bankruptcy court to confirm the plan, I wouldn’t read substantive conclusions into that.”", "\n\nAmerican will ask the bankruptcy court overseeing its Chapter 11 case in Manhattan to confirm the airline’s reorganization plan at an Aug. 15 hearing.", "\n\nEd Stewart, a spokesman for Tempe, Arizona-based US Airways, declined to comment on the timing, as did American spokesman Michael Trevino.", "\n\nCompetitors including JetBlue Airways Corp. and Southwest Airlines Co. have questioned the extent of control the new American will have over Washington’s Reagan National Airport. ", "US Airways Chief Executive Officer Doug Parker, who will lead the combined carrier, has said he doesn’t expect any antitrust issues to be raised.", "\n\nAirport slots\n\nU.S. regulators limit takeoff and landing slots at the airport, where US Airways has said the post-merger American will control 67 percent of daily departures. ", "The combined carrier will have 25 percent of the aircraft seats in the market, which includes Washington Dulles International and Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall airports, US Airways has said.", "\n\nIn addition to securing approval from the bankruptcy court and antitrust regulators, US Airways shareholders have to support the combination in a July 12 vote before the merger can close. ", "The companies have said they expect that to happen in the third quarter.", "\n\nUS Airways and American agreed in February to combine as part of AMR’s bankruptcy restructuring. ", "AMR creditors will own 72 percent of the equity in the combined airline, while 28 percent will go to US Airways shareholders. ", "Together, they will pass United Continental Holdings Inc. as the biggest airline, based on passenger traffic.", "\n\nUS Airways rose 1.6 percent to $17.22 at 4:02 p.m. in New York trading. ", "The shares have climbed 28 percent this year, trailing a 42 percent rise in the Bloomberg U.S. Airlines Index.", "\n\nThe case is In re AMR Corp., 11-bk-15463, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Southern District of New York (Manhattan).", "\n\nEditors: Fred Strasser, James Callan. ", "To contact the reporters on this story: Sara Forden in Washington at [email protected]; Mary Schlangenstein in Dallas at [email protected]. ", "To contact the editors responsible for this story: Michael Hytha at [email protected]; Ed Dufner at [email protected].", "\n\nThe Skift Daily newsletter puts you ahead of everyone about the future of travel. ", "Subscribe now.", "\n\nThank you\n\nPhoto Credit: US Airways and American Airlines aircraft line up. ", "Associated Press" ]
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[ 0.0006917260470800102, 0.0006286321440711617, 0.0005661224713549018, 0.0006221264484338462, 0.0005883249687030911, 0.0006051398231647909, 0.0005956735694780946, 0.0006462584133259952, 0.0006457144627347589, 0.0006094123818911612, 0.0005785514949820936, 0.0006160766934044659, 0.0005850114393979311, 0.0005884744459763169, 0.0005947409081272781, 0.0007264151936396956, 0.0006702166865579784, 0.0006313268095254898, 0.0006652111187577248, 0.0007070720312185585, 0.0007722746813669801, 0.0006673214375041425, 0.0006753255147486925, 0.000632518669590354, 0.0009694171021692455, 0.0005399927613325417, 0.0008584154420532286 ]
[ "ZrO2-toughened Al2O3-based near-net shaped femoral head: Unique fabrication approach, 3D microstructure, burst strength and muscle cell response.", "\nThe development of reliable biomedical devices demands the use of an integrated manufacturing protocol with comprehensive understanding of prototype characterization in terms of 3D microstructural analysis along with biocompatibility. ", "While addressing these issues for ZrO2 (3mol% Y2O3 stabilized)-toughened Al2O3-based femoral head prototypes, the present work reports a unique fabrication protocol involving a sequence of uniaxial compaction followed by pre-sintering, machining, final sintering and polishing to ensure dimensional tolerance with respect to the design of patient-specific femoral head. ", "The prototypes are characterized by a clinically relevant surface finish (Ra ~0.2μm) with good geometric circularity (±50μm). ", "Extensive μCT analysis at different regions of interest confirms a homogeneous distribution and 3D spatial orientation of ZrO2 across the volume of the defect-free prototype. ", "Further, an in vitro cell culture with a murine myoblast cell line (C2C12) over a period of 72h showed an increase in the number of mitochondrially-active cells and good cellular attachment with oriented cellular bridge formation, which confirms the excellent cytocompatibility. ", "The as-machined ZTA femoral heads fracture at a load of 15.3kN during burst tests, conducted following ISO guidelines. ", "Taken together, this novel fabrication approach can be effectively utilised in the development of near-net shaped bioceramic-based femoral ball heads." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0009840350830927491, 0.0005464524729177356, 0.0007391071412712336, 0.0005487545276992023, 0.0005314225563779473, 0.0006479782168753445, 0.0008842810639180243, 0.0007363158510997891 ]
[ "Q:\n\nInvalidOperationException: Collection Was Modified\n\nI know that I can't modify a collection while iterating over it.", "\nNormally I make a copy of the collection I want to iterate over, then iterate over the copy to avoid errors.", "\nMy program; however, makes lots of fast modifications to the collection I'm trying to make a copy of.", "\nCould the error be occurring because I am making a copy while the parent collection is being modified?", "\nI know ConcurrentDictionary provides some sort of locking mechanism for cross threading. ", "Is there something similar I can use to prevent this error?", "\n // Original collection:\n Dictionary<string, Enemy> Dict_Enemies = new Dictionary<string, Enemy>();\n\n // Copy of original collection: (this line throws the exception)\n Dictionary<string, Enemy> Dict_Enemies_Copy = new Dictionary<string, Enemy>(Dict_Enemies);\n\nA:\n\nTry using a ConcurrentDictionary for Dict_Enemies to allow it to be modified from multiple threads. ", "Then make a copy of it in a thread-safe operation using the ToArray() method:\n// Original collection:\nvar Dict_Enemies = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, Enemy>();\n\n// Thread-safe copy:\nICollection<KeyValuePair<string, Enemy>> Dict_Enemies_Copy = Dict_Enemies.", "ToArray();\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0007005591760389507, 0.0006597573519684374, 0.0006121069891378284, 0.000790825521107763, 0.0006706189014948905, 0.0008462430560030043, 0.0015678164782002568, 0.0009607478277757764, 0.0007081911317072809 ]
[ "tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post1532913557070711118..comments2015-03-03T12:54:03.202-08:00Comments on Blessing of Kings: Mass Effect 3!Rohanhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-22218194111571781982012-03-12T10:16:17.125-07:002012-03-12T10:16:17.125-07:00I was REALLY looking forward to a great RPG but 2 ...I was REALLY looking forward to a great RPG but 2 hours in and locked in an invisible arena with a mini boss I realise what I&#39;ve actually got is a game that&#39;s hard to control for shooting and has boss battles.<br /><br />Seriously, I didn&#39;t expect this shit in a RPG. ", "It&#39;s about time developers really understood that yes, ok, shooting a few mobs is ok but not everyone wants boss battles in the middle of their lets-think-about-choices RPGs! ", "<br /><br />What a crock of shit.Brunenhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-60841393024453360002012-03-06T09:20:07.482-08:002012-03-06T09:20:07.482-08:00You know what I find ironic about the timing of th...You know what I find ironic about the timing of this release? ", "It&#39;s almost as if EA/Bioware is competing with itself. ", "How many people are going to &quot;drop&quot; SW:TOR for ME3? ", "And they ARE in competition. ", "They are more similar than they are opposed. ", "SW:TOR is the most single-player focused MMO probably ever, and ME3 is the most multi-player friendly version of the game ever, pushing them both into a similar &quot;gray area&quot; between SPRPG and MMORPG. ", "And they both are attractive to the same basic demographic, people who love Bioware games and their storyteling.<br /><br />Me thinks it may get a little &quot;quiet&quot; in the galaxy far, far away for the next few weeks.Xintiahttp://www.blogger.com/profile/[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-18549190911404019192012-03-06T07:23:33.284-08:002012-03-06T07:23:33.284-08:00@Anon: It probably will be a bad first-person shoo...@Anon: It probably will be a bad first-person shooter again, like the first two incarnations. ", "But the way I see it, you don&#39;t play the game for the mediocre gameplay. ", "It&#39;s more a well-made interactive movie with some RPG elements.floschhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-7173091077001579572012-03-06T06:43:32.265-08:002012-03-06T06:43:32.265-08:00&quot;just waiting for 11:00pm on Thursday.&quot;\n...&quot;just waiting for 11:00pm on Thursday.&quot;<br /><br />Change your clock to a different timezone and off you go. ", "Worked in CoD at least.", "[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-48926316322687285882012-03-06T05:38:31.601-08:002012-03-06T05:38:31.601-08:00hehehe I&#39;m soo excited. ", "I&#39;m going to spe...hehehe I&#39;m soo excited. ", "I&#39;m going to spend my week playing as well. :", "[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-86827672930887156072012-03-06T03:40:31.916-08:002012-03-06T03:40:31.916-08:00Am I the only one who thinks that ME3 is just a ba...Am I the only one who thinks that ME3 is just a bad third person shooter with (maybe) a good story and (some) RPG elements in it? ", "Only played the demo and I didnt like it.", "[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-89325703595506420392012-03-05T23:39:44.721-08:002012-03-05T23:39:44.721-08:00Oh man, that sucks. ", "I really don&#39;t know why th...Oh man, that sucks. ", "I really don&#39;t know why they just didn&#39;t do a simultaneous world-wide release.Rohanhttp://www.blogger.com/profile/[email protected]:blogger.com,1999:blog-20292755.post-52543591981122492182012-03-05T23:36:00.476-08:002012-03-05T23:36:00.476-08:00Argh! ", "I&#39;m so frustrated that Australia has an...Argh! ", "I&#39;m so frustrated that Australia has an arbitrarily later release date than North America. ", "I&#39;m all pre-downloaded and ready to go, just waiting for 11:00pm on [email protected]" ]
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[ 0.16837579011917114, 0.0008942819549702108, 0.8748892545700073, 0.0007020265911705792, 0.00962429866194725, 0.0008060598629526794, 0.0006953378324396908, 0.001162617583759129, 0.0012560837203636765, 0.01777893304824829, 0.001578443101607263, 0.0006473445682786405, 0.0014893924817442894, 0.01362910307943821, 0.0014019107911735773, 0.0010961873922497034, 0.001051909988746047, 0.9009419083595276, 0.9545382261276245, 0.004117981996387243, 0.0650162547826767, 0.0021767436992377043, 0.0006405055755749345 ]
[ "New York Divorce Blog\n\nBlog Posts in February, 2017\n\nDo You Know Your Spouse? ", "I have created a Divorce Personality Quiz that will introduce you to the personality traits of your spouse (some that you might not be aware of!). ", "For the purposes of divorce this identification is particularly important. ...", "\n\nI recently participated in the Wednesday Wisdom Weekly Webinar Series for Savvy Ladies. ", "They are a non-profit dedicated to helping women attain the information and resources they need to lead a financially secure life. ", "I presented on my use of ...\n\nDoes Your Marriage need a Postnuptial Agreement? ", "Some couples consider a prenuptial agreement when they are getting married. ", "What if you weren’t one of those couples? ", "Is it too late once you’ve been married to put something in place to ...\n\nDIVORCE- PROOF YOUR RELATIONSHIP! ", "Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. ", "Traditionally couples by the millions get engaged on this day. ", "Being in the field of family law as a divorce attorney and psychologically-trained medical professional ..." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[ 0.0010734923416748643, 0.001068107783794403, 0.0006807557074353099, 0.000775508931837976, 0.009071877226233482, 0.0008567623444832861, 0.0005933854263275862, 0.002200914081186056, 0.049148079007864, 0.003409993601962924, 0.000698798568919301, 0.0010965499095618725 ]
[ "Conventionally, for example, in a case of installing a plate-like panel of a solar module, etc., ", "on a roof, first, a rail-like rack member serving as a frame would be fixed along a slope of the roof between the cave and the ridge. ", "Here, the rack member, for example, is in a hollow rod-like shape and has a slit-like opening extending along a longitudinal direction on an upper surface portion.", "\nThe panel is then arranged in order on the rack member fixed on the roof, and is fixed on the rack member by a fixing device. ", "The fixing device for fixing this panel on the rack member is inserted from an end of the rack member, is slid to a position where the panel is to be fixed, and fixes the panel. ", "Therefore, the panel and the fixing device need to be arranged alternately on the rack member.", "\nIn the above manner, a conventional fixing device had to be inserted from the end of the rack member and slid to a position where the panel is to be fixed. ", "Therefore, there was a problem that the conventional fixing device had poor workability in the case of mounting and replacing the panel (Jpn. ", "Pat. ", "Appln. ", "KOKAI Publication No. ", "2013-87579).", "\nTherefore, the object of the present invention is to provide a panel fixing device that has good panel mounting workability, and a panel installation method using such fixing device." ]
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[ 0.000613249430898577, 0.00069931719917804, 0.0007803176995366812, 0.0006362824933603406, 0.0006591897690668702, 0.000608790956903249, 0.0006222986849024892, 0.0007007531821727753, 0.0015268297865986824, 0.0012424198212102056, 0.0008181195007637143, 0.0007951031439006329, 0.0005772089352831244 ]
[ "WEST WENDOVER, Nevada -- The city council has formally adopted an ordinance allowing recreational marijuana sales in the Utah/Nevada border community.", "\n\nFOX 13 was there in November for a critical vote where the council decided to allow for recreational sales in the casino border town. ", "In a meeting last week, the West Wendover City Council voted 3-2 to finalize the ordinance, allowing it to go into effect.", "\n\nCouncilman Nick Flores said he supported medical cannabis, but did not support recreational marijuana sales.", "\n\n\"For Wendover, I don't feel it's the right moment,\" he said.", "\n\nCouncilwoman Kathy Durham disagreed.", "\n\n\"The city of West Wendover did not legalize marijuana,\" she said. \"", "The state of Nevada did. ", "As a community, we have an obligation to decide how our citizens are going to acquire their marijuana. ", "Are they going to grow their own and not have it regulated? ", "Or are we going to get rid of grow operations and make sure it's regulated in a store?\"", "\n\nCouncilman Jerry Anderson also did not support recreational marijuana sales.", "\n\n\"I appreciate everyone's exuberance in feeling they're going to save mankind by passing this, but I do not approve of recreational at this time,\" he said.", "\n\nAt the same meeting, the council voted to approve a conditional use permit for Deep Roots Harvest to begin construction on a cannabis dispensary in an industrial park. ", "The company, which operates a dispensary in Mesquite, Nev., has told FOX 13 it plans to begin sales in West Wendover in summer 2019.", "\n\nNevada voters approved recreational sales in 2016 and it has made the state a lot of money. ", "In its first year, Nevada sold more than a half-billion in pot.", "\n\nWest Wendover Mayor Daniel Corona has supported recreational sales, arguing that it would add jobs and visitors to the community. ", "West Wendover, a 90-minute drive from Salt Lake City, has a population about 5,000 on weekdays and as many as 20,000 on weekends (largely Utahns who visit to gamble, take in a concert or visit discount liquor stores).", "\n\nThe city plans to remind visitors that it is illegal to transport marijuana across state lines. ", "It is also prohibited in casinos and consumption in public is also illegal." ]
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[ 0.0006439491407945752, 0.0005500055267475545, 0.0006174292648211122, 0.0007632839260622859, 0.0007613910711370409, 0.0006511822575703263, 0.0009388027247041464, 0.0008516390225850046, 0.000596093013882637, 0.0011482018744572997, 0.0007632882916368544, 0.0009821427520364523, 0.0005704095237888396, 0.0005770095158368349, 0.0006935333367437124, 0.0005831564776599407, 0.004860592074692249, 0.0006243364186957479, 0.0007149179000407457, 0.0009411603678017855, 0.000753076164983213 ]
[ "Q:\n\nInsert number above the diagonal in R matrix\n\nI have a vector like this in R:\nvec1 <- c(14000,12000,8000)\n\nI'm trying to create a matrix where 14000 is my main diagonal, 1200 is one above the diagonal, 8000 two above the diagonal.", "\nI'm familiar with doing this in Python/numpy but can't figure it out in R (or at least an efficient way to do it). ", "Ideally output would look like this:\n14000 12000 8000\n 0 14000 12000\n 0 0 14000\n\nA:\n\nTry\nm1 <- t(matrix(vec1, nrow=5, ncol=3))[,1:3]\nm1[lower.tri(m1)] <- 0\nm1\n# [,1] [,2] [,3]\n#[1,] 14000 12000 8000\n#[2,] 0 14000 12000\n#[3,] 0 0 14000\n\nor use toeplitz\ntoeplitz(vec1)*upper.tri(diag(seq_along(vec1)), diag=TRUE)\n# [,1] [,2] [,3]\n#[1,] 14000 12000 8000\n#[2,] 0 14000 12000\n#[3,] 0 0 14000\n\nOr a modification suggested by @David Arenburg\nm <- toeplitz(vec1)\nm[lower.tri(m)] <- 0\n\n" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
[ 0.0006517100264318287, 0.0005577593692578375, 0.001275505288504064 ]
[ "The Movie: When director Akira Kurosawa comes up in conversation two of his films are invariably mentioned: The Seven Samurai and Ran. ", "Both films are masterpieces and Kurosawa fans go back and forth endlessly as to which is the better. ", "Criterion gave us an incredible restored release of The Seven Samurai on DVD but Ran is a Fox Lorber property and that spells trouble.", "\n\nThe film itself is simply fantastic. ", "Kurosawa is a masterful artist whose hand can be seen in every aspect of Ran from the stunning cinematography, finely calculated compositions, moving performances and peerless editing. ", "Ran is a loose interpretation of Shakespeare's King Lear complete with court intrigue, massive battles and great depth of character. ", "The action takes place in 16th century Japan when an aging warlord decides to divide his land amongst his three sons. ", "Power struggles immediately erupt between these four factions and the ensuing events build to a climactic psychological crescendo. ", "To my way of thinking this is one of the best films ever made.", "\n\nThe Picture: I may as well say it now: Fox Lorber did an unforgivably bad job with this DVD. ", "To start with they've cropped the original 1.85:1 aspect ratio to what looks like 2.35:1. ", "Next they use film elements that press the image up to the top of the screen and then they put the subtitles in the resulting black bar at the bottom. ", "The subtitles themselves are 'burned in' so they can't be turned off. ", "The transfer itself is barely a cut above VHS. ", "The images are very soft and exhibit a good deal of what appears to be lack of focus. ", "The colors are fully saturated but black level is a touch shallow and the shadow detail is only fair.", "\n\nThe Sound: The two channel Dolby soundtrack (AC-3) fares a little better. ", "The dialogue (in the original Japanese) is clean and clear with little distortion. ", "The music is mixed mostly to the front mains but drifts back to the surrounds from time to time and there are several instances of nice ambient effects that widen the overall soundfield.", "\n\nThe Extras: The extra content here is very slim. ", "There are a few text screens with production credits and filmographies for the cast and crew, there's a single theatrical trailer that's in even worse shape than the feature itself and one additional text screen shows some of the awards Ran has won. ", "Worst of all, Fox Lorber encoded this film with no less than 41 chapter stops but only seven of them appear in the chapter selection menu.", "\n\nConclusion: Ran is a superb film and one that any serious film fan should see. ", "Fox Lorber seems to have done everything in their power to ruin this presentation of Ran though. ", "If you've never seen Ran you're probably better off renting the widescreen VHS version. ", "I have a hard time even recommending a rental of this disc. ", "Perhaps if people show their displeasure with Fox Lorber by passing on their substandard releases they'll either start offering higher quality DVDs or selling the rights to companies like Criterion." ]
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[ 0.0005977796390652657, 0.0007762163877487183, 0.001294299610890448, 0.0005880197277292609, 0.0007156715146265924, 0.0011765334056690335, 0.0007715185056440532, 0.0009042330784723163, 0.0006121478509157896, 0.0038532011676579714, 0.0005870949244126678, 0.0009609134867787361, 0.009423826821148396, 0.0009226674446836114, 0.0006116325967013836, 0.0006647871341556311, 0.0005450773751363158, 0.0005925108562223613, 0.0005790824070572853, 0.0005960586131550372, 0.0006166288512758911, 0.005033151712268591, 0.0007384513737633824, 0.001101533998735249, 0.0009999017929658294, 0.0006837183609604836, 0.0006459480500780046 ]
[ "[Molecular-epidemiological analysis of HIV-1 initial prevalence in Guangxi, China].", "\nIn April 1996, HIV-1 infection was first found among both commercial blood donors and IDUs in Guangxi. ", "In order to identify the source of HIV-1 transmission and analyze the trend of HIV-1 epidemic, the study was carried out. ", "HIV-1 genetic subtypes were determined by peptide enzyme immunoassays (PEIA), RT-PCR and DNA sequencing. ", "Four subtypes of Group M HIV-1 were found in Guangxi:subtype B' (Thai B), C,D and E. Subtype E and C (1 person) were circulating among IDUs and hetrosexual, while subtype B' and D (1 person) were among commercial blood donors. ", "Subtype B' infections were discovered among a group of commercial blood donors and one of them was infected by subtype D. It is the first report of subtype D infection and subtype E that were identified in China. ", "This observation indicated that subtype E HIV-1 was spread into China from Southeast Asia, and a new epidemic region with subtype E HIV-1 would emerge in southern China. ", "Serotyping might be a useful screening method for HIV-1 molecular epidemiological analysis." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0006157162133604288, 0.012495147995650768, 0.0006056204438209534, 0.0006908455980010331, 0.004266607109457254, 0.0007830073591321707, 0.0009304122650064528, 0.0008649530936963856 ]
[ "// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.", "\n// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the\n// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License\n// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).", "\n//\n// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. ", "All rights reserved.", "\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be\n// found in the LICENSE file. ", "See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.", "\n\n#include \"rocksdb/slice_transform.h\"\n\n#include \"rocksdb/db.h\"\n#include \"rocksdb/env.h\"\n#include \"rocksdb/filter_policy.h\"\n#include \"rocksdb/statistics.h\"\n#include \"rocksdb/table.h\"\n#include \"util/testharness.h\"\n\nnamespace rocksdb {\n\nclass SliceTransformTest : public testing::Test {};\n\nTEST_F(SliceTransformTest, CapPrefixTransform) {\n std::string s;\n s = \"abcdefge\";\n\n unique_ptr<const SliceTransform> transform;\n\n transform.reset(NewCappedPrefixTransform(6));\n ASSERT_EQ(transform->Transform(s).ToString(), \"abcdef\");\n ASSERT_TRUE(transform->SameResultWhenAppended(\"123456\"));\n ASSERT_TRUE(transform->SameResultWhenAppended(\"1234567\"));\n ASSERT_TRUE(!transform->SameResultWhenAppended(\"12345\"));\n\n transform.reset(NewCappedPrefixTransform(8));\n ASSERT_EQ(transform->Transform(s).ToString(), \"abcdefge\");\n\n transform.reset(NewCappedPrefixTransform(10));\n ASSERT_EQ(transform->Transform(s).ToString(), \"abcdefge\");\n\n transform.reset(NewCappedPrefixTransform(0));\n ASSERT_EQ(transform->Transform(s).ToString(), \"\");\n\n transform.reset(NewCappedPrefixTransform(0));\n ASSERT_EQ(transform->Transform(\"\").ToString(), \"\");\n}\n\nclass SliceTransformDBTest : public testing::Test {\n private:\n std::string dbname_;\n Env* env_;\n DB* db_;\n\n public:\n SliceTransformDBTest() : env_(Env::Default()), db_(nullptr) {\n dbname_ = test::TmpDir() + \"/slice_transform_db_test\";\n EXPECT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, last_options_));\n }\n\n ~SliceTransformDBTest() {\n delete db_;\n EXPECT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, last_options_));\n }\n\n DB* db() { return db_; }\n\n // Return the current option configuration.", "\n Options* GetOptions() { return &last_options_; }\n\n void DestroyAndReopen() {\n // Destroy using last options\n Destroy();\n ASSERT_OK(TryReopen());\n }\n\n void Destroy() {\n delete db_;\n db_ = nullptr;\n ASSERT_OK(DestroyDB(dbname_, last_options_));\n }\n\n Status TryReopen() {\n delete db_;\n db_ = nullptr;\n last_options_.create_if_missing = true;\n\n return DB::Open(last_options_, dbname_, &db_);\n }\n\n Options last_options_;\n};\n\nnamespace {\nuint64_t TestGetTickerCount(const Options& options, Tickers ticker_type) {\n return options.statistics->getTickerCount(ticker_type);\n}\n} // namespace\n\nTEST_F(SliceTransformDBTest, CapPrefix) {\n last_options_.prefix_extractor.reset(NewCappedPrefixTransform(8));\n last_options_.statistics = rocksdb::CreateDBStatistics();\n BlockBasedTableOptions bbto;\n bbto.filter_policy.reset(NewBloomFilterPolicy(10, false));\n bbto.whole_key_filtering = false;\n last_options_.table_factory.reset(NewBlockBasedTableFactory(bbto));\n ASSERT_OK(TryReopen());\n\n ReadOptions ro;\n FlushOptions fo;\n WriteOptions wo;\n\n ASSERT_OK(db()->Put(wo, \"barbarbar\", \"foo\"));\n ASSERT_OK(db()->Put(wo, \"barbarbar2\", \"foo2\"));\n ASSERT_OK(db()->Put(wo, \"foo\", \"bar\"));\n ASSERT_OK(db()->Put(wo, \"foo3\", \"bar3\"));\n ASSERT_OK(db()->Flush(fo));\n\n unique_ptr<Iterator> iter(db()->NewIterator(ro));\n\n iter->Seek(\"foo\");\n ASSERT_OK(iter->status());\n ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid());\n ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), \"bar\");\n ASSERT_EQ(TestGetTickerCount(last_options_, BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL), 0U);\n\n iter->Seek(\"foo2\");\n ASSERT_OK(iter->status());\n ASSERT_TRUE(!iter->Valid());\n ASSERT_EQ(TestGetTickerCount(last_options_, BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL), 1U);\n\n iter->Seek(\"barbarbar\");\n ASSERT_OK(iter->status());\n ASSERT_TRUE(iter->Valid());\n ASSERT_EQ(iter->value().ToString(), \"foo\");\n ASSERT_EQ(TestGetTickerCount(last_options_, BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL), 1U);\n\n iter->Seek(\"barfoofoo\");\n ASSERT_OK(iter->status());\n ASSERT_TRUE(!iter->Valid());\n ASSERT_EQ(TestGetTickerCount(last_options_, BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL), 2U);\n\n iter->Seek(\"foobarbar\");\n ASSERT_OK(iter->status());\n ASSERT_TRUE(!iter->Valid());\n ASSERT_EQ(TestGetTickerCount(last_options_, BLOOM_FILTER_PREFIX_USEFUL), 3U);\n}\n\n} // namespace rocksdb\n\nint main(int argc, char** argv) {\n ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);\n return RUN_ALL_TESTS();\n}\n" ]
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[ "Nowadays, there exists a technique for dividing storage devices into groups and distributing and redundantizing user data among storage devices in each group so as to increase the reliability of them as one storage apparatus. ", "For example, a disk array apparatus which is called a RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) in which hard disk devices are used as storage devices is known.", "\nIn a storage apparatus of the above mentioned type, typically, immediately after user data has been written into a storage device, the user data is again read out of the storage device so as to confirm whether the read user data matches the written user data. ", "In the storage apparatus, the possibility that the user data is read out of the storage device immediately after it has been written into the storage device is higher than that in an archive apparatus and the validity of the user data which has been just written into the storage device is secured by confirming matching between the written data and the read data in the above mentioned manner.", "\nOn the other hand, in some cases, user data which has been recorded, for example, in a hard disk may turn to invalid data owing to degradation of magnetism of the hard disk and may be detected as invalid data through CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) and inspection of a block ID. ", "Therefore, a patrol diagnostic technique for detecting in advance data that has turned to invalid data (hereinafter, referred to as “bad data”) although it is written into a storage device is known.", "\nJapanese Laid-open Patent Publication No. ", "11-24956 and Japanese Laid-open Patent Publication No. ", "2008-27240 are examples of related art.", "\nHowever, an existing patrol diagnostic technique has such a problem that in the case that the whole of a LUN (Logical Unit Number) is set as a patrol object (an object to be patrolled), much time may be taken to patrol the LUN. ", "In the following, the above mentioned problem is specifically described. ", "A storage apparatus includes more areas into which nothing is written than areas into which user data is written in response to a request from a host apparatus. ", "However, the storage apparatus may not recognize a location in a storage device into which the user data is written. ", "Thus, in the case the whole of the LUN is set as the patrol object, it may become unavoidable to patrol all of the storage devices included therein and hence much time may be taken to patrol the LUN. ", "In particular, in the case that a new storage apparatus has been introduced, much time may be taken to patrol all of the storage devices included in the newly introduced storage apparatus in spite of the fact that areas with no user data written have a majority and hence patrolling may not be performed efficiently.", "\nIn addition, in the case that the whole of the LUN is set as a patrol object, patrol diagnosis is intermittently performed at such a timing that it is performed, for example, once every several seconds so as not to adversely affect input-output (I/O) performed using a host apparatus. ", "Thus, the time taken until patrolling of the LUN is completed may be further increased.", "\nUnder the above mentioned circumstances, how patrolling is efficiently performed in a short period of time becomes a serious problem to be solved in the case that the whole of each storage device is set as a patrol object." ]
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[ "Sparks Both Icy And Atmospheric\n\nIce crystals condensed from the air during last night's freeze coat the leaves of a small bush this morning. ", "Photo: Bob King\n\nThis morning the lawn sparkled with millions of tiny ice crystals deposited as frost overnight. ", "I like a thick frost. ", "The way it turns grass into spaghetti and leaves into sugary confections. ", "When the sun rose high enough to touch the scene with light, the icy bits shattered the entire spectrum into multicolored glints and sparkles.", "\n\nAtmospheric turbulence causes twinkling\n\nThe stars appear to sparkle or twinkle, too, but the reason is totally atmospheric. ", "Over the weekend, but especially on Saturday night, twinkling was intense. ", "I noticed this while walking the dog around 11 o’clock, when Orion and his entourage of bright stars ascended in the east. ", "Every star was pulsing, flashing, fading and then re-brightening many times a second. ", "If you’re nearsighted like I am, try taking off your glasses to look at the twinkling stars. ", "The out-of-focus disks show the flashing effect even more vividly. ", "Orion’s suns looked positively frenetic without them.", "\n\nBecause of their great distance from us, stars are essentially points of light – delicate things. ", "Turbulent cells of air in the upper atmosphere of different temperatures, humidity and density (some pockets of air are more rarefied than others) bend or refract the fragile beams of starlight differently moment to moment. ", "As different cells move in and out of our line of sight, they not only shift a star’s position this way and that but also split up its light into separate colors, the beams of which arrive in our eyes in this or that fraction of a second. ", "We might catch a yellow flash, followed by spark of red or even blue. ", "Since the air is constantly in motion, stars can twinkle wildly, varying in brightness by a couple magnitudes as their light is literally yanked this way and that by petulant air currents.", "\n\nStars seen higher up in the sky twinkle less because their light passes through less of the denser air in the lower part of our atmosphere. ", "Starlight near the horizon must travel many hundreds miles through thicker, denser air cells and currents. ", "Its more tortuous path means it twinkles more. ", "Illustration: Bob King\n\nI set up my telescope that night and wasn’t surprised to see blurry images. ", "The same turbulence that causes stars to dance also makes images look soft, shimmery and bouncy when magnified. ", "It’s even worse nearer the horizon. ", "There our line of sight takes us through the lower, thicker part of Earth’s atmosphere, where even more currents interfere. ", "Although pretty to the eye, astronomers call these effects “bad seeing”. ", "Oftentimes, beginning telescope users will think they need a better telescope because the one they’re using “never seems to focus.” ", "In many cases, the problem is just bad seeing. ", "That’s why the Hubble Space Telescope is where it is – above the atmosphere where the stars never twinkle.", "\n\nOnly the largest, most obvious features are visible on Jupiter on a night of bad seeing. ", "Credit: Eric Norland\n\nPlanets are relatively immune from twinkling because they have actual disks. ", "Although they look like bright stars to our eyes, the tiny twinkling effects happening over different parts of the disk average out and give planets a placid, steady light. ", "But not always. ", "On nights of great turbulence, I’ve seen Venus, Mercury and Jupiter scintillate when low in the sky. ", "Across the vast ocean of air, the shifting currents have strong enough refracting (bending) power to move a whole disk to and fro.", "\n\nIt’s important to distinguish between “seeing” and transparency. ", "Transparency has to do with how clear the air is and dark the night. ", "Saturday night’s sky was one of exceptional transparency, but alas, the seeing was poor. ", "When this happens, amateur astronomers stick to observing large objects at low power where the effects of bad seeing aren’t as obvious.", "\n\nLast night the atmosphere was steadier though the stars still danced some. ", "In good seeing, much detail is visible on planets and low contrast features like the spiral arms in galaxies stand out with greater clarity. ", "On the other hand, there’s pleasure in staring at a bright, low star like Capella or Betelgeuse sparking like a shorted-out wire. ", "What will tonight bring I wonder?" ]
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[ "Restoration of nasal cytology after endoscopic turbinoplasty versus laser-assisted turbinoplasty.", "\nInsult from surgical trauma leads to a degeneration of the nasal epithelium, resulting in morphological-volumetric changes involving the entire cell or a specific cell component. ", "Alterations in normal nasal mucosa were assessed by nasal cytology and other functional tests after either endoscopic turbinoplasty or laser-assisted turbinoplasty for reducing inferior turbinate enlargement. ", "A total of 150 patients with chronic nasal obstruction due to inferior turbinate hypertrophy were randomly assigned to undergo laser-assisted turbinoplasty or endoscopic turbinoplasty. ", "Preoperative and postoperative assessment at 1 and 3 months follow-up included active anterior rhinomanometry, measurement of mucociliary transport time (MCTt), and nasal cytology to determine whether improved nasal breathing was accompanied by a restoration of preoperative nasal cytology and MCTt. ", "One year after the operation, nasal cytology was repeated to definitively evaluate the presence of surgery-related cytological damage. ", "At both postoperative visits, nasal resistance had decreased similarly in both treatment groups; mean MCTt was significantly shorter in the endoscopic turbinoplasty-treated group (p < 0.05); at both visits, the number of altered ciliated cells had increased in the laser-assisted turbinoplasty-treated group but decreased in the endoscopic turbinoplasty-treated group, which, unlike the laser-assisted turbinoplasty-treated group, was also noted to have progressed toward a significant improvement in the goblet-to-ciliated cell ratio (p < 0.01). ", "When compared with laser-assisted turbinoplasty, endoscopic turbinoplasty is a conservative technique for inferior turbinate reduction that allows better restoration of preoperative nasal cytology and shorter MCTt." ]
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[ "Scirtothrips dorsalis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae): a Newly Introduced Polyphagous Pest in Northeastern Brazil.", "\nWe report for the first time the detection of Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Brazil and describe the occurrence of the thrips on leaves of ungrafted dwarf-cashew Anacardium occidentale Linnaeus 1753 (Anacardiaceae), maintained into a greenhouse, in the northeastern state of Ceará. ", "This exotic polyphagous species listed as absent quarantine pest in the country is originated in Asia, but since the beginning of this century, it has readily dispersed despite the strict quarantine regulations currently in several countries. ", "Individuals of S. dorsalis identified in Brazil are similar to specimens found in South Africa rather than Asia by virtue of the absence of conspicuous reticulation on the posterior half of the metanotum and the presence of complete lines of microtrichia restricted to the posterior part of the abdominal sternites. ", "Scirtothrips dorsalis is a particularly invasive pest and its introduction represents a potential threat to various crops in Brazil, especially mango." ]
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[ "CENTREVILLE, Nova Scotia — This lobster factory on a windswept bay in eastern Canada is so remote that its workers have to drive for miles just to get cellphone service. ", "But Gidney Fisheries is truly global, with its lobsters landing on plates in Paris and Shanghai through trade agreements hammered out in far-off capitals.", "\n\nOf late, these trade pacts have been shifting in the factory’s favor, giving it an advantage over its American competitors.", "\n\nA new trade agreement between Canada and the European Union has slashed tariffs on imports of Canadian lobsters. ", "That means more 747s filled with Christmas-red crustaceans will depart from Nova Scotia for European markets this winter — and more revenue will flow to Gidney Fisheries. ", "The factory, which in the 1800s sent its lobsters to Boston by steamship, is flush with potential as it gains access to new markets and plans to increase its work force by roughly 50 percent, adding dozens of positions to its current payroll of around 85 workers." ]
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[ "The season is officially over for the Belleville Senators after AHL cancels schedule and playoffs\n\nThe Belleville Senators have suited up for their last game this season.", "\n\nAs expected, the American Hockey League announced the cancellation of the rest of its regular season and the playoffs Monday morning. ", "This comes after a decision by the board of governors that took less than 20 minutes during a conference call Friday.", "\n\nThat means the Ottawa Senators’ AHL affiliate in Belleville, which had high hopes for a long playoff run, will have to take solace in the fact that when the league went on pause the club was sitting in the top spot in the North Division with a 38-20-5 record and 81 points with a .643 winning-percentage.", "\n\nThe AHL wasn’t left with a lot of choice because it’s a gate-driven league and playing in empty rinks to finish the post-season in the summer just wasn’t an option. ", "Though it wasn’t a shocker, it was just disappointing just the same.", "\n\n“We knew it was coming,” Senators’ coach Troy Mann said from his Belleville home Monday afternoon. “", "The first couple of weeks of the pandemic you’re thinking maybe there’s always hope but after each passing day you knew that some point this announcement was going to come just because of the nature of the AHL business.", "\n\n“It’s been well-documented that this isn’t a league that thrives on television revenues and major corporations, it’s a ticket-based revenue-driven business.”", "\n\nThe Senators were hoping some of their top prospects would be able to get the opportunity to develop by having playoff success and competing for the Calder Cup. ", "Yes, the organization had one of the youngest teams in the AHL but it was considered a contender by many around the league.", "\n\nThat would have assisted the development of prospects like Josh Norris, Vitaly Abramov, Drake Batherson, Alex Formenton, Christian Wolanin, Erik Brannstrom, Marcus Hogberg, Filip Gustavsson and Joey Daccord. ", "Many of those players will push for spots in Ottawa next season. ", "While they had an opportunity for development this season, the playoffs would have been a chance to take it to the next level.", "\n\n“From the team’s perspective I think all coaches have a feeling when you’ve got a special group together,” Mann said. “", "There’s no guarantees but I did feel this group really came together this year. ", "There were some moments of adversity throughout the whole year — from the goaltending situation early, then I think we used 16 defencemen and I’m pretty sure we went with 11-7 in January because of the logistics of our lineup.", "\n\n“To continue winning, and to lead the league in road wins, that tells you a lot about your team when you’re able to put up 23 road wins with five or six left at the pause. ", "That just tells you about the character of this team and just how much enjoyed being around each other. ", "I think the coaching staff would agree with me as well that it was certainly a pleasure to coach this group. ", "That’s hugely disappointing.", "\n\n“It’s just a missed opportunity.”", "\n\nAnd, it also a chance for the city and fans in Ottawa excited about the future of the team to rally around Belleville going into the post-season.", "\n\nThe Senators brought hockey back to the community in the 2017-18 campaign and were eliminated on the final day of the season to close out their second season last spring. ", "Last week, Belleville mayor Mitch Panciuk posted a video from a CAA Arena showing that the ice had been removed and expressing disappointing about the club not playing.", "\n\n“If you look at the three years, the first year there was excitement of the American league coming to town and last year we made that great second half push,” Mann said. “", "All of a sudden, this year we’ve got a first place club and you always hope that a playoff push, and if you can make some hay in a playoff push, it results in more fans coming out and the community usually rallies around a team.", "\n\n“That’s something that we were hoping for as well.”", "\n\nGeneral manager Pierre Dorion, who is rebuilding this organization with young players, stated in a conference call last month that if the AHL cancelled its season that would be a difficult blow to the organization because success in the top development league can go a long way, down the road.", "\n\n“We want to congratulate our players, coaches and the staff in Belleville for their great work this season,” said Dorion in a statement Monday. “", "We were eager to see a significant part of the organization’s future play important late-season games and to experience what we anticipated to be a lengthy playoff run.", "\n\n“Without question, this season’s team in Belleville was composed of our best group of prospects in some time, and their success remains key to our rebuild. ", "I’m additionally disappointed for the fans in Belleville as I know many shared in our excitement of competing in the Calder Cup Playoffs.”", "\n\nOf course, the players had the opportunity to develop this year and they’ll be ready for next season to push for spots in Ottawa.", "\n\n“Guys have improved. ", "At the end of the day, you want to see progression from your prospects and as much as you want to see down the stretch how they would have reacted to the pressure, there’s still plenty of development that went on,” Mann said.", "\n\nThis Week's Flyers\n\nComments\n\nWe encourage all readers to share their views on our articles and blog posts. ", "We are committed to maintaining a lively but civil forum for discussion, so we ask you to avoid personal attacks, and please keep your comments relevant and respectful. ", "If you encounter a comment that is abusive, click the \"X\" in the upper right corner of the comment box to report spam or abuse. ", "We are using Facebook commenting. ", "Visit our FAQ page for more information." ]
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[ "Carson’s impulse to homogenize our diverse origins lumps everyone together, without making important distinctions about the different pathways that dictated people’s arrivals. ", "The conditions under which individuals and groups came here on their own accord, or were brought here against their will, have had monumental consequences for our life chances and the evolution of our rights as citizens.", "\n\nSlaves were chattel. ", "Slavery was a violent system of conquest and domination. ", "Africans were kidnapped in the interior of the continent, marched to the coastline and packed in vessels like inanimate cargo. ", "Some never left the ships alive because of inhospitable conditions on board. ", "The “Middle Passage,” as it was called, was a deeply alienating journey into hell. ", "These were one-way voyages with no chance of return.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nAbout 12 million captives were taken to markets in the new settler colonies in North and South America and the Caribbean islands to be sold to the highest bidders, to toil on farms and plantations, in factories and private homes. ", "They dreamed about freedom and returning home to escape the harsh labor regimes they encountered on this side of the Atlantic Ocean. ", "Enslaved people did not work “for less.” ", "Their labor was stolen to enrich their masters. ", "They passed on their legal status in perpetuity to children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and untold generations beyond. ", "They had unknowingly embarked upon centuries of bondage, one of the longest nightmares in human history.", "\n\nCarson’s comments generated a firestorm of criticism, which led him to parse his original statements over the course of the day. ", "On a radio program, he initially defended himself by saying, “You can be an involuntary immigrant.” ", "He adopted a generic definition of the term immigrant: “a person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.” ", "But, by the evening, he struck a different tone on Facebook: “The slave narrative and immigrant narrative are two entirely different experiences.” ", "He conceded: “The two experiences should never be intertwined, nor forgotten.”", "\n\nIt was precisely that intertwining of these experiences that made his speech disturbing. ", "Retrofitting a generic definition of the term “immigrant” to slavery strips both of their historical meaning. ", "Immigrants are people who move in search of refuge and resettlement of their own volition. ", "During the period of slavery in the United States, newcomers from Europe, Asia and elsewhere were called immigrants. ", "Enslaved Africans were not. ", "Our nation was built upon multiple patterns of migration that were propelled by variant motivations, including flight from religious persecution and the desire to exploit others for economic greed.", "\n\nBut we need to reckon with this full history to grasp the complex forces that have made us who we are as a diverse nation. ", "Some of us are natives of the continent. ", "Indigenous peoples occupied the land for millennia, before the arrival of colonizers and new settlers who expropriated their land. ", "Some were here before national borders were expunged and reclaimed by what is now the United States. ", "And for those of us who migrated from across the seas, most came voluntarily. ", "Africans did not, until the late 20th century.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD\n\nToday, the descendants of the enslaved call ourselves African Americans, not Ghanaian, or Guinean or Sierra Leonean Americans because of this ancestral rupture and exile. ", "We cannot specify what we do not know — unless we are more recent, true immigrants from Africa.", "\n\nBy referring to slaves as immigrants, Carson, a retired neurosurgeon, is practicing historical revisionism with a blunt instrument. ", "This was not the first time that he has taken liberties with the history of slavery. ", "He called Obamacare “slavery in a way.” ", "He argued that sanctioning reproductive freedom was like supporting slavery; that women who received abortions were like slave owners. ", "These are odd contortions of history. ", "Slavery was not really enslavement, but the exercise of a constitutional right and the establishment of federally sponsored health care are.", "\n\nCarson’s speech harks back to a long-standing tradition of rebranding and sanitizing the horrific trade in human flesh. ", "In the 1890s, former Confederates tried to rewrite history to extricate the role that slavery had played in the Civil War and to minimize its effect on Southern society, economy and polity.", "\n\nAD\n\nAD" ]
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", "There is a problem together with your website in web explorer, could check this… IE nonetheless is the marketplace leader and a good section of people will omit your great writing because of this problem.", "\n\nhttP://www.metroclick.com*より:\n2017/08/20(日) 7:22 AM\n\nMetroClick specializes in building completely interactive products like Photo Booth for rental or sale, Touch Screen Kiosks and Digital Signage, and experiences. ", "With our own hardware production facility and in-house software development teams, we are able to achieve the highest level of customization and versatility for Photo Booths, Touch Screen Kiosks and Digital Signage. ", "MetroClick, 121 Varick St, #301, New York, NY 10013, +1 646-843-0888\n\nWhat i don't understood is in reality how you're no longer really much more neatly-liked than you might be now. ", "You're very intelligent. ", "You recognize therefore significantly on the subject of this matter, made me in my opinion consider it from numerous numerous angles. ", "Its like men and women aren't involved except it is something to do with Girl gaga! ", "Your individual stuffs outstanding. ", "All the time handle it up!", "\n\nyou are actually a just right webmaster. ", "The website loading velocity is amazing. ", "It kind of feels that you're doing any unique trick. ", "Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. 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", "Thanks for the post. ", "I will definitely return.", "\n\nI dugg some of you post as I cerebrated they were very beneficial invaluable\n\nblog hereより:\n2017/08/21(月) 12:25 PM\n\nI'm pretty pleased to discover this website. ", "I want to to thank you for your time for this wonderful read!! ", "I definitely appreciated every little bit of it and i also have you bookmarked to see new things on your site.", "\n\nThere is noticeably a lot to identify about this. ", "I suppose you made certain good points in features also.", "\n\nclick this over here nowより:\n2017/08/21(月) 1:09 PM\n\nI merely intend to reveal to you that I am new to blogging and totally adored your write-up. ", "Quite possibly I am inclined to store your blog post . ", "You truly have wonderful article materials. ", "Truly Appreciate it for swapping with us all of your domain information\n\nIts like you read my mind! ", "You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. ", "I think that you could do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but instead of that, this is wonderful blog. ", "A great read. ", "I'll definitely be back.", "\n\nGreat write-up, I am regular visitor of one's site, maintain up the excellent operate, and It is going to be a regular visitor for a long time.", "\n\nhttps://www.michaeljemery.com/より:\n2017/08/21(月) 7:42 PM\n\nMichaelJemery.com is a site with many hypnosis downloads. ", "Whether you are looking for free hypnosis downloads, self hypnosis download for mp3, video and any audio files, Michael Jemery has the downloads for you. ", "You can download hypnosis from apps, audio, mp3 and even youtube !", "\n\nEmeryeps is a SEO(Search Engine optimzation) and Internet Marketing company. ", "They help businesses to get traffic from various search engine and online community. ", "They have seo experts and consultants with many years of SEO Experiences. ", "No matter where your business is located, EmeryEPS.com can help your business to secure your highly convertible leads online.", "\n\nIts like you read my mind! ", "You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. ", "I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is fantastic blog. ", "A fantastic read. ", "I'll definitely be back.", "\n\nI've recently started a site, the information you provide on this website has helped me greatly. ", "Thank you for all of your time & work. \"", "One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea.\" ", "by Walter Bagehot.", "\n\nHello, Neat post. 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", "I will definitely comeback.", "\n\nlive sexより:\n2017/08/22(火) 9:22 PM\n\nVery complex interesting girl that loves to talk about very taboo topics. ", "Hey everyone reading this. ", "I'm so glad being here. ", "I'm such a bum and I can share all my freaky nasty stories with you. ", "This New Girl Squirts!", "\n\nTerrific paintings! ", "That is the kind of information that should be shared across the internet. ", "Shame on the seek engines for no longer positioning this publish higher! ", "Come on over and consult with my web site . ", "Thank you =)\n\nThanks so much for giving everyone remarkably memorable possiblity to check tips from this website. ", "It can be very pleasing and as well , packed with fun for me personally and my office mates to visit the blog really thrice a week to find out the new tips you have. ", "And definitely, I'm just always amazed with the astounding knowledge you give. 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", "I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that I've truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. ", "After all I’ll be subscribing to your rss feed and I hope you write again very soon!", "\n\narticle sourceより:\n2017/08/26(土) 3:49 PM\n\nGreetings there, just started to be mindful of your article through Bing, and have found that it is truly educational. ", "I will be grateful should you carry on this approach.", "\n\nGreat write-up, I¡¦m normal visitor of one¡¦s website, maintain up the excellent operate, and It is going to be a regular visitor for a long time.", "\n\nRead More Hereより:\n2017/08/26(土) 11:21 PM\n\nI really desire to show you that I am new to posting and absolutely enjoyed your page. ", "Very possible I am going to remember your blog post . ", "You really have magnificent article blog posts. ", "Acknowledge it for expressing with us your very own website document\n\nI've been browsing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. ", "It’s pretty worth enough for me. ", "In my opinion, if all website owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be a lot more useful than ever before.", "\n\nobviously like your web site but you have to check the spelling on several of your posts. ", "Many of them are rife with spelling issues and I in finding it very troublesome to inform the truth nevertheless I'll surely come back again.", "\n\nI haven¡¦t checked in here for a while because I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are great quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. ", "You deserve it my friend 🙂\n\nI do believe all of the ideas you have introduced to your post. ", "They're very convincing and can certainly work. ", "Still, the posts are very short for novices. ", "Could you please prolong them a little from subsequent time? ", "Thanks for the post.", "\n\nI am now not sure the place you're getting your info, however great topic. ", "I needs to spend a while studying more or figuring out more. ", "Thank you for great information I was in search of this info for my mission.", "\n\nThank you a bunch for sharing this with all people you really know what you are speaking about! ", "Bookmarked. ", "Kindly additionally talk over with my website =). ", "We will have a hyperlink change contract between us!", "\n\nGo Hereより:\n2017/08/28(月) 2:57 AM\n\nI merely have to show you that I am new to online blogging and absolutely cherished your article. ", "Most likely I am likely to save your blog post . ", "You seriously have fantastic article information. ", "Appreciate it for giving out with us your very own url document\n\nWhats up very nice site!! ", "Guy .. Excellent .. Wonderful .. I will bookmark your web site and take the feeds also…I'm satisfied to seek out numerous useful information here within the submit, we'd like work out more techniques on this regard, thank you for sharing. . . . . .", "\n\nI loved as much as you will receive carried out right here. ", "The sketch is tasteful, your authored material stylish. ", "nonetheless, you command get bought an impatience over that you wish be delivering the following. ", "unwell unquestionably come more formerly again as exactly the same nearly very often inside case you shield this increase.", "\n\nSomebody essentially assist to make seriously articles I might state. ", "That is the very first time I frequented your web page and thus far? ", "I surprised with the analysis you made to create this actual post extraordinary. ", "Fantastic activity!", "\n\nYou really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something that I think I would never understand. ", "It seems too complex and very broad for me. ", "I'm looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!", "\n\npackaging2buy.co.ukより:\n2017/08/28(月) 6:30 PM\n\nI’ve read several just right stuff here. ", "Certainly value bookmarking for revisiting. ", "I surprise how much attempt you place to make this type of magnificent informative site.", "\n\nI simply wished to thank you very much all over again. ", "I do not know the things that I could possibly have handled in the absence of these advice shown by you about this industry. ", "Entirely was a challenging scenario for me, but encountering the very specialized strategy you solved it forced me to jump over fulfillment. ", "Extremely thankful for this help and even pray you are aware of an amazing job that you're undertaking instructing many others using your webpage. ", "Probably you have never met any of us.", "\n\nallplas.co.ukより:\n2017/08/28(月) 10:03 PM\n\nThanks a lot for sharing this with all people you really recognise what you're speaking approximately! ", "Bookmarked. ", "Kindly additionally seek advice from my website =). ", "We may have a link alternate contract among us!", "\n\nThanks for your intriguing article. ", "One other problem is that mesothelioma cancer is generally caused by the inhalation of fibres from asbestos fiber, which is a very toxic material. ", "Its commonly found among personnel in the construction industry who have long contact with asbestos. ", "It could be caused by residing in asbestos insulated buildings for a long time of time, Your age plays a huge role, and some persons are more vulnerable towards the risk than others.", "\n\nThanks so much for giving everyone such a wonderful possiblity to read from this blog. ", "It's always very brilliant and also jam-packed with a good time for me personally and my office colleagues to search your web site on the least three times in a week to see the new things you will have. ", "And of course, I am just always fulfilled with your superb inspiring ideas served by you. ", "Some 3 ideas in this post are undoubtedly the finest I've had.", "\n\nSourceより:\n2017/08/29(火) 4:08 AM\n\nIt can be near impossible to come across well-updated individuals on this area, then again you look like you be aware of what you're talking about! ", "Gratitude\n\nThe core of your writing whilst appearing reasonable originally, did not work perfectly with me after some time. ", "Somewhere throughout the paragraphs you actually were able to make me a believer but only for a while. ", "I however have got a problem with your jumps in logic and you might do well to fill in all those breaks. 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", "I wish to learn even more issues about it!", "\n\nSimply a smiling visitant here to share the love (:, btw outstanding layout. \"", "Competition is a painful thing, but it produces great results.\" ", "by Jerry Flint.", "\n\npolythene.co.ukより:\n2017/08/29(火) 8:42 AM\n\nWoah! ", "I'm really digging the template/theme of this website. ", "It's simple, yet effective. ", "A lot of times it's very hard to get that \"perfect balance\" between usability and visual appeal. ", "I must say you have done a excellent job with this. ", "Also, the blog loads very fast for me on Opera. ", "Exceptional Blog!", "\n\nI'm really impressed together with your writing abilities as neatly as with the layout in your weblog. ", "Is that this a paid subject matter or did you modify it your self? ", "Anyway stay up the nice high quality writing, it is uncommon to see a nice blog like this one today..\n\nHey There. ", "I found your blog using msn. ", "This is an extremely well written article. ", "I’ll make sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I’ll certainly return.", "\n\nhi!,I like your writing so much! ", "proportion we keep up a correspondence more about your post on AOL? ", "I need an expert in this space to unravel my problem. ", "May be that is you! ", "Looking forward to peer you.", "\n\nHello, Neat post. ", "There is a problem with your site in web explorer, may test this¡K IE nonetheless is the market leader and a good component to other people will omit your excellent writing due to this problem.", "\n\nHello, Neat post. ", "There's an issue together with your site in internet explorer, might test this… IE still is the marketplace chief and a huge portion of people will omit your excellent writing because of this problem.", "\n\nI loved as much as you'll receive carried out right here. ", "The sketch is attractive, your authored material stylish. 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", "The clarity to your publish is just spectacular and that i can assume you are knowledgeable on this subject. ", "Well with your permission let me to clutch your RSS feed to keep up to date with approaching post. ", "Thank you a million and please carry on the gratifying work.", "\n\nThroughout this grand pattern of things you secure an A+ with regard to effort and hard work. ", "Where exactly you lost us was first in the particulars. ", "As as the maxim goes, the devil is in the details... And it couldn't be much more correct right here. ", "Having said that, permit me tell you just what did give good results. ", "Your authoring is certainly incredibly engaging and this is most likely why I am taking the effort in order to opine. ", "I do not really make it a regular habit of doing that. ", "Second, even though I can certainly notice the jumps in reasoning you make, I am not necessarily sure of how you seem to connect your details which inturn help to make the actual final result. ", "For right now I shall subscribe to your issue however hope in the near future you link the dots better.", "\n\nκατασκευή ιστοσελίδωνより:\n2017/08/30(水) 12:28 AM\n\nMy brother recommended I might like this web site. ", "He was entirely right. ", "This post truly made my day. ", "You cann't imagine just how much time I had spent for this information! ", "Thanks!", "\n\nI will right away take hold of your rss feed as I can not find your email subscription hyperlink or e-newsletter service. ", "Do you've any? ", "Kindly allow me recognise in order that I may subscribe. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nadult porno xxxより:\n2017/08/30(水) 8:18 AM\n\nHiya, I am really glad I've found this info. ", "Today bloggers publish just about gossips and web and this is really irritating. ", "A good web site with exciting content, this is what I need. ", "Thanks for keeping this website, I'll be visiting it. ", "Do you do newsletters? ", "Cant find it.", "\n\nExcellent blog right here! ", "Additionally your web site rather a lot up fast! ", "What host are you the use of? ", "Can I get your associate hyperlink in your host? ", "I desire my web site loaded up as quickly as yours lol\n\nI would like to express some thanks to you just for bailing me out of this type of predicament. ", "Right after surfing through the search engines and seeing tricks which were not beneficial, I figured my life was done. ", "Being alive devoid of the approaches to the difficulties you have solved all through your good blog post is a crucial case, and those that might have adversely affected my entire career if I had not noticed your blog post. ", "Your own personal natural talent and kindness in dealing with all the things was very useful. ", "I'm not sure what I would've done if I had not encountered such a stuff like this. ", "It's possible to at this moment relish my future. ", "Thank you very much for your skilled and results-oriented help. 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", "I am not sure if this is actually the best place to ask but do you people have any thoughts on where to employ some professional writers? ", "Thanks in advance 🙂\n\nhelpful resourcesより:\n2017/08/30(水) 9:51 PM\n\nI simply intend to share it with you that I am new to blogging and thoroughly liked your article. ", "More than likely I am going to remember your blog post . ", "You certainly have lovely article content. ", "Delight In it for expressing with us your main internet article\n\nI'm very pleased to find this web site. ", "I need to to thank you for ones time for this particularly fantastic read!! ", "I definitely loved every bit of it and i also have you book marked to see new things on your website.", "\n\nPretty nice post. ", "I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. ", "After all I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!", "\n\nGood write-up, I am normal visitor of one¡¦s web site, maintain up the nice operate, and It is going to be a regular visitor for a lengthy time.", "\n\ncordek.comより:\n2017/08/31(木) 12:47 AM\n\nUndeniably imagine that which you stated. ", "Your favourite reason seemed to be at the web the easiest factor to be aware of. ", "I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while folks consider issues that they plainly do not realize about. ", "You managed to hit the nail upon the highest as neatly as defined out the whole thing with no need side-effects , other people can take a signal. ", "Will probably be again to get more. ", "Thanks\n\nExcellent read, I just passed this onto a colleague who was doing a little research on that. ", "And he just bought me lunch as I found it for him smile Therefore let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch! \"", "Dreams are real while they last. ", "Can we say more of life\" by Henry Havelock Ellis.", "\n\nIt is indeed my belief that mesothelioma is usually the most fatal cancer. ", "It contains unusual features. ", "The more I really look at it the harder I am sure it does not conduct itself like a real solid human cancer. ", "When mesothelioma can be a rogue viral infection, then there is the chance of developing a vaccine as well as offering vaccination to asbestos open people who are vulnerable to high risk connected with developing upcoming asbestos relevant malignancies. ", "Thanks for revealing your ideas about this important ailment.", "\n\nToday, I went to the beach front with my children. ", "I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said \"You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.\" ", "She put the shell to her ear and screamed. ", "There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. ", "She never wants to go back! ", "LoL I know this is entirely off topic but I had to tell someone!", "\n\nI have been browsing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. ", "It’s pretty worth enough for me. ", "In my opinion, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be much more useful than ever before.", "\n\nI am really impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. ", "Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? ", "Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a nice blog like this one today..\n\nCollage Canvas printより:\n2017/08/31(木) 10:20 AM\n\nThis website online is known as a stroll-by way of for the entire info you wanted about this and didn’t know who to ask. ", "Glimpse right here, and also you’ll definitely discover it.", "\n\nYou actually make it seem so easy along with your presentation but I in finding this matter to be really one thing which I feel I would by no means understand. ", "It sort of feels too complex and extremely broad for me. ", "I'm taking a look forward in your subsequent put up, I¡¦ll attempt to get the cling of it!", "\n\nVisit This Linkより:\n2017/08/31(木) 11:07 AM\n\nGreetings here, just got mindful of your web page through Yahoo and bing, and realized that it is really interesting. ", "I’ll value if you decide to persist this.", "\n\nVirtually all of what you articulate happens to be supprisingly accurate and that makes me ponder the reason why I hadn't looked at this with this light previously. ", "Your article truly did switch the light on for me as far as this specific subject matter goes. ", "Nevertheless at this time there is actually one particular factor I am not necessarily too comfy with so whilst I make an effort to reconcile that with the core theme of the position, allow me see just what the rest of the visitors have to say.", "Very well done.", "\n\nHey There. ", "I found your blog using msn. ", "This is a really well written article. ", "I will be sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful information. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I will definitely return.", "\n\nI got what you intend, regards for posting .Woh I am glad to find this website through google. \"", "Those who corrupt the public mind are just as evil as those who steal from the public.\" ", "by Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno.", "\n\nI'll immediately take hold of your rss feed as I can't in finding your email subscription hyperlink or e-newsletter service. ", "Do you have any? ", "Kindly permit me know in order that I may just subscribe. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nGood – I should certainly pronounce, impressed with your site. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs and related info ended up being truly easy to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it in the least. ", "Reasonably unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or something, site theme . ", "a tones way for your customer to communicate. ", "Excellent task.", "\n\nFashionより:\n2017/09/01(金) 1:57 AM\n\nI'll immediately clutch your rss as I can't in finding your e-mail subscription hyperlink or e-newsletter service. ", "Do you've any? ", "Please allow me understand so that I could subscribe. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nWhat i do not understood is in truth how you are not really a lot more smartly-appreciated than you may be right now. ", "You're very intelligent. ", "You understand thus significantly in terms of this topic, made me personally believe it from so many various angles. ", "Its like women and men don't seem to be interested unless it¡¦s one thing to accomplish with Girl gaga! ", "Your own stuffs great. ", "At all times maintain it up!", "\n\nI am only commenting to make you be aware of of the really good experience my cousin's child developed using the blog. ", "She figured out a lot of pieces, most notably what it's like to have an excellent helping style to let the rest clearly learn about some complicated issues. ", "You truly exceeded my expectations. ", "I appreciate you for giving the valuable, healthy, educational and also fun guidance on that topic to Emily.", "\n\nThanks for every other wonderful article. ", "The place else could anybody get that kind of info in such an ideal manner of writing? ", "I've a presentation subsequent week, and I am at the look for such info.", "\n\nJust want to say your article is as surprising. ", "The clarity in your post is just excellent and i can assume you are an expert on this subject. ", "Well with your permission let me to grab your RSS feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. ", "Thanks a million and please continue the gratifying work.", "\n\nI’m not sure where you're getting your information, but good topic. ", "I needs to spend some time learning more or understanding more. ", "Thanks for wonderful information I was looking for this info for my mission.", "\n\nVery interesting info !", "Perfect just what I was looking for! \"", "To see what is right, and not to do it, is want of courage or of principle.\" ", "by Lisa Alther.", "\n\nTechnologyより:\n2017/09/02(土) 2:28 AM\n\nI haven't checked in here for some time because I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are great quality so I guess I will add you back to my daily bloglist. ", "You deserve it my friend 🙂\n\nI needed to create you this bit of note just to say thanks as before over the lovely secrets you have provided on this page. ", "It's really incredibly open-handed of people like you to provide openly exactly what a number of people could possibly have distributed for an electronic book to generate some cash for themselves, particularly seeing that you could possibly have done it in the event you decided. ", "Those secrets also worked to become good way to be certain that most people have the same keenness just as my personal own to find out great deal more with reference to this condition. ", "I know there are lots of more enjoyable occasions in the future for many who go through your blog post.", "\n\nI precisely wanted to thank you so much again. ", "I'm not certain the things that I could possibly have tried without the actual strategies contributed by you about this topic. ", "This has been an absolute scary case in my circumstances, but observing the very specialized way you resolved that made me to cry for fulfillment. ", "I'm happier for your service and even hope you are aware of a great job you're getting into teaching some other people through the use of a blog. ", "I am certain you have never got to know all of us.", "\n\nnaturally like your web site however you have to test the spelling on several of your posts. ", "Many of them are rife with spelling issues and I in finding it very troublesome to tell the truth nevertheless I'll definitely come back again.", "\n\nJewelryより:\n2017/09/02(土) 9:16 PM\n\nA person essentially lend a hand to make severely posts I might state. ", "That is the very first time I frequented your website page and to this point? ", "I amazed with the analysis you made to create this particular submit incredible. ", "Magnificent process!", "\n\nI loved as much as you will receive carried out right here. ", "The sketch is attractive, your authored subject matter stylish. ", "nonetheless, you command get got an impatience over that you wish be delivering the following. ", "unwell unquestionably come more formerly again as exactly the same nearly a lot often inside case you shield this hike.", "\n\nAs soon as I discovered this internet site I went on reddit to share some of the love with them.", "\n\nTravelより:\n2017/09/03(日) 4:45 AM\n\nHello, Neat post. ", "There's a problem along with your website in internet explorer, would check this… IE still is the market chief and a good element of folks will miss your magnificent writing because of this problem.", "\n\nI happen to be commenting to let you understand of the extraordinary encounter my friend's girl gained browsing your site. ", "She noticed a good number of things, which included what it is like to possess a wonderful coaching mood to make folks without hassle fully understand various complicated things. ", "You actually surpassed readers' desires. ", "I appreciate you for rendering these interesting, safe, informative and even cool tips on this topic to Emily.", "\n\nYou actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something which I think I would never understand. ", "It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. ", "I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!", "\n\nYou really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something that I think I would never understand. ", "It seems too complicated and extremely broad for me. ", "I am looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!", "\n\nI am extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. ", "Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? ", "Anyway keep up the excellent quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one today..\n\nI have been exploring for a little for any high quality articles or blog posts on this kind of area . ", "Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this site. ", "Reading this information So i’m happy to convey that I've a very good uncanny feeling I discovered exactly what I needed. ", "I most certainly will make sure to don’t forget this site and give it a look on a constant basis.", "\n\nAutosより:\n2017/09/04(月) 10:00 AM\n\nThis is very interesting, You're a very skilled blogger. ", "I've joined your feed and look forward to seeking more of your wonderful post. ", "Also, I've shared your site in my social networks!", "\n\nI'm so happy to read this. ", "This is the kind of manual that needs to be given and not the accidental misinformation that is at the other blogs. ", "Appreciate your sharing this greatest doc.", "\n\nTravelより:\n2017/09/04(月) 5:06 PM\n\nThank you so much for giving everyone an exceptionally pleasant chance to read from this blog. ", "It is often very cool plus stuffed with a good time for me personally and my office acquaintances to visit your web site nearly thrice in 7 days to read the newest secrets you have got. ", "And definitely, we are usually happy with your staggering knowledge served by you. ", "Some two areas in this posting are rather the most beneficial we have all ever had.", "\n\nI’m no longer positive where you're getting your info, but great topic. ", "I must spend some time learning much more or working out more. ", "Thanks for excellent info I used to be in search of this information for my mission.", "\n\nWell I really liked studying it. ", "This tip provided by you is very helpful for proper planning.", "\n\nMaroochydore solar and gasより:\n2017/09/05(火) 12:30 AM\n\nI have been browsing online greater than three hours these days, yet I never found any attention-grabbing article like yours. ", "It is lovely worth sufficient for me. ", "Personally, if all site owners and bloggers made excellent content material as you probably did, the net will likely be a lot more helpful than ever before. \"", "When the heart speaks, the mind finds it indecent to object.\" ", "by Milan Kundera.", "\n\nHi there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it's truly informative. ", "I am gonna watch out for brussels. ", "I will be grateful if you continue this in future. ", "Many people will be benefited from your writing. ", "Cheers!", "\n\nI'm really enjoying the design and layout of your website. ", "It's a very easy on the eyes which makes it much more enjoyable for me to come here and visit more often. ", "Did you hire out a designer to create your theme? ", "Fantastic work!", "\n\nYou really make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be actually something that I think I would never understand. ", "It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. ", "I'm looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it!", "\n\nI like what you guys are up also. ", "Such intelligent work and reporting! ", "Carry on the excellent works guys I have incorporated you guys to my blogroll. ", "I think it will improve the value of my site :).", "\n\nlook at this nowより:\n2017/09/05(火) 2:25 AM\n\nI was excited to uncover this site. ", "I need to to thank you for your time just for this wonderful read!! ", "I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it and I have you book marked to check out new information on your site.", "\n\nI simply have to share it with you that I am new to posting and very much enjoyed your site. ", "Very likely I am prone to bookmark your blog post . ", "You literally have magnificent article information. ", "Be Thankful For it for giving out with us all of your blog information\n\nI believe that avoiding ready-made foods could be the first step so that you can lose weight. ", "They could taste fine, but packaged foods have very little vitamins and minerals, making you consume more in order to have enough strength to get with the day. ", "When you are constantly consuming these foods, transferring to grain and other complex carbohydrates will help you have more strength while eating less. ", "Interesting blog post.", "\n\nGreat ¡V I should definitely pronounce, impressed with your website. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs and related info ended up being truly simple to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it in the least. ", "Reasonably unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or something, website theme . ", "a tones way for your client to communicate. ", "Nice task..\n\nDatingより:\n2017/09/05(火) 3:39 PM\n\nThanks, I've just been looking for info approximately this topic for ages and yours is the greatest I have came upon till now. ", "However, what concerning the conclusion? ", "Are you certain concerning the source?", "\n\nPretty section of content. ", "I just stumbled upon your web site and in accession capital to assert that I get in fact enjoyed account your blog posts. ", "Anyway I will be subscribing to your augment and even I achievement you access consistently quickly.", "\n\nI as well as my buddies were following the excellent tips and hints on the website and instantly got a terrible feeling I never expressed respect to you for those secrets. ", "All of the women became so very interested to learn all of them and already have definitely been tapping into them. ", "I appreciate you for genuinely really accommodating as well as for picking some really good subject matter most people are really desperate to understand about. ", "Our honest apologies for not expressing gratitude to you sooner.", "\n\nNeeded to create you one bit of word to help give thanks again with the exceptional suggestions you have shown on this website. ", "It was extremely open-handed with people like you to supply unreservedly all that most people could have offered as an ebook to end up making some money for themselves, mostly since you could possibly have done it if you wanted. ", "The tips as well worked to become a easy way to know that most people have similar dreams really like my own to understand much more with regards to this matter. ", "I believe there are some more fun moments ahead for individuals who scan your website.", "\n\nGreat – I should certainly pronounce, impressed with your site. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all tabs and related info ended up being truly simple to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it at all. ", "Quite unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or anything, web site theme . ", "a tones way for your client to communicate. ", "Nice task.", "\n\nShoppingより:\n2017/09/06(水) 3:33 AM\n\nI was examining some of your content on this internet site and I believe this website is real informative! ", "Keep posting.", "\n\nI just could not leave your site prior to suggesting that I extremely loved the standard information a person provide for your visitors? ", "Is going to be again often to investigate cross-check new posts.", "\n\nDatingより:\n2017/09/06(水) 9:04 AM\n\nJust wanna comment that you have a very nice website , I love the layout it actually stands out.", "\n\nI am extremely impressed with your writing skills and also with the layout on your blog. ", "Is this a paid theme or did you modify it yourself? ", "Either way keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a great blog like this one today..\n\nIts like you read my mind! ", "You appear to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. ", "I think that you can do with a few pics to drive the message home a little bit, but other than that, this is magnificent blog. ", "An excellent read. ", "I'll certainly be back.", "\n\nI haven't checked in here for a while because I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. ", "You deserve it my friend 🙂\n\nGood web site! ", "I really love how it is easy on my eyes and the data are well written. ", "I'm wondering how I might be notified when a new post has been made. ", "I have subscribed to your feed which must do the trick! ", "Have a nice day!", "\n\nHello there, just became aware of your blog through Google, and found that it's really informative. ", "I’m gonna watch out for brussels. ", "I will be grateful if you continue this in future. ", "A lot of people will be benefited from your writing. ", "Cheers!", "\n\nof course like your web site however you have to take a look at the spelling on several of your posts. ", "Many of them are rife with spelling issues and I to find it very troublesome to tell the truth then again I'll definitely come back again.", "\n\nBusinessより:\n2017/09/07(木) 4:00 AM\n\nI really appreciate this post. ", "I've been looking everywhere for this! ", "Thank goodness I found it on Bing. ", "You've made my day! ", "Thx again!", "\n\nI've been browsing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. ", "It is pretty worth enough for me. ", "Personally, if all webmasters and bloggers made good content as you did, the web will be much more useful than ever before.", "\n\nHome Improvementより:\n2017/09/07(木) 2:50 PM\n\nThank you for sharing excellent informations. ", "Your web-site is very cool. ", "I'm impressed by the details that you have on this blog. ", "It reveals how nicely you understand this subject. ", "Bookmarked this web page, will come back for more articles. ", "You, my pal, ROCK! ", "I found simply the info I already searched all over the place and just couldn't come across. ", "What a great web-site.", "\n\nI'll right away take hold of your rss as I can't in finding your e-mail subscription hyperlink or e-newsletter service. ", "Do you have any? ", "Please permit me recognise in order that I may subscribe. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nI would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this website. ", "I'm hoping the same high-grade site post from you in the upcoming also. ", "Actually your creative writing skills has inspired me to get my own blog now. ", "Really the blogging is spreading its wings fast. ", "Your write up is a good example of it.", "\n\nThank you, I've just been looking for info approximately this subject for a while and yours is the greatest I have discovered till now. ", "However, what in regards to the conclusion? ", "Are you positive in regards to the source?", "\n\nI found your weblog web site on google and examine a few of your early posts. ", "Continue to keep up the superb operate. ", "I simply extra up your RSS feed to my MSN News Reader. ", "Looking for forward to reading extra from you afterward!…", "\n\nWhat i do not realize is if truth be told how you're no longer actually much more well-favored than you may be right now. ", "You're so intelligent. ", "You realize thus significantly in the case of this topic, made me individually believe it from a lot of various angles. ", "Its like women and men aren't involved until it is something to accomplish with Lady gaga! ", "Your own stuffs great. ", "All the time take care of it up!", "\n\nI just couldn't depart your site prior to suggesting that I actually enjoyed the usual information a person supply to your visitors? ", "Is gonna be back incessantly in order to investigate cross-check new posts.", "\n\nyou're in point of fact a just right webmaster. ", "The site loading velocity is amazing. ", "It kind of feels that you're doing any distinctive trick. ", "Furthermore, The contents are masterpiece. ", "you have done a magnificent process on this topic!", "\n\nIt is perfect time to make some plans for the future and it's time to be happy. ", "I've read this post and if I could I wish to suggest you few interesting things or advice. ", "Perhaps you can write next articles referring to this article. ", "I want to read more things about it!", "\n\nI as well as my friends have already been analyzing the nice guides found on your web page then before long came up with an awful feeling I never thanked you for those techniques. ", "All of the young boys are already so thrilled to read all of them and have now clearly been making the most of those things. ", "We appreciate you genuinely considerably accommodating and for making a choice on varieties of nice areas millions of individuals are really needing to be informed on. ", "My sincere apologies for not saying thanks to earlier.", "\n\nhandytasche louis vuitton 7より:\n2017/09/09(土) 1:02 AM\n\nHello There. ", "I found your blog using msn. ", "This is an extremely well written article. ", "I will be sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful info. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I’ll certainly return.", "\n\nI in addition to my friends were viewing the excellent information from your site then all of a sudden I got an awful suspicion I had not expressed respect to the site owner for them. ", "These young men became passionate to see all of them and already have absolutely been enjoying them. ", "Many thanks for turning out to be simply accommodating and then for finding variety of good ideas millions of individuals are really desperate to know about. ", "My very own sincere apologies for not expressing gratitude to you sooner.", "\n\nWonderful beat ! ", "I would like to apprentice while you amend your site, how could i subscribe for a blog site? ", "The account helped me a acceptable deal. ", "I had been tiny bit acquainted of this your broadcast offered bright clear concept\n\nhello!,I like your writing so a lot! ", "percentage we keep in touch extra approximately your article on AOL? ", "I require a specialist in this house to solve my problem. ", "Maybe that's you! ", "Having a look ahead to see you.", "\n\nSomebody essentially help to make seriously articles I might state. ", "That is the very first time I frequented your web page and up to now? ", "I amazed with the research you made to create this particular post incredible. ", "Excellent activity!", "\n\nI precisely wished to thank you so much yet again. ", "I'm not certain the things that I might have handled without the entire advice provided by you directly on this area. ", "This has been the hard crisis in my opinion, nevertheless seeing the professional manner you managed it forced me to leap for delight. ", "I'm thankful for the assistance as well as believe you recognize what a powerful job you have been accomplishing educating the mediocre ones through the use of your website. ", "More than likely you haven't come across any of us.", "\n\nI would like to thank you for the efforts you've put in writing this website. ", "I am hoping the same high-grade web site post from you in the upcoming as well. ", "In fact your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own web site now. ", "Really the blogging is spreading its wings fast. ", "Your write up is a great example of it.", "\n\nדוקטור פולישより:\n2017/09/09(土) 9:34 PM\n\nI savour, cause I found exactly what I was having a look for. ", "You've ended my four day long hunt! ", "God Bless you man. ", "Have a great day. ", "Bye\n\nThanks for your publication. ", "I also believe that laptop computers are getting to be more and more popular today, and now will often be the only sort of computer utilized in a household. ", "This is due to the fact that at the same time potentially they are becoming more and more economical, their computing power keeps growing to the point where there're as potent as pc's out of just a few in years past.", "\n\nGood ¡V I should definitely pronounce, impressed with your web site. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all tabs as well as related info ended up being truly simple to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it at all. ", "Quite unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or anything, site theme . ", "a tones way for your client to communicate. ", "Excellent task..\n\nGood ¡V I should certainly pronounce, impressed with your web site. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all tabs and related info ended up being truly easy to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it in the least. ", "Quite unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or something, web site theme . ", "a tones way for your client to communicate. ", "Nice task..\n\nThanks , I've just been looking for information approximately this topic for ages and yours is the best I've discovered till now. ", "However, what in regards to the bottom line? ", "Are you sure concerning the supply?", "\n\nWhats up very cool web site!! ", "Man .. Excellent .. Wonderful .. I'll bookmark your web site and take the feeds also¡KI'm happy to seek out a lot of helpful information here within the put up, we want work out extra techniques on this regard, thanks for sharing. . . . . .", "\n\ncertainly like your web-site but you need to take a look at the spelling on quite a few of your posts. ", "A number of them are rife with spelling issues and I to find it very troublesome to tell the truth on the other hand I¡¦ll definitely come back again.", "\n\nThank you for the sensible critique. ", "Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. ", "We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more clear from this post. ", "I'm very glad to see such excellent info being shared freely out there.", "\n\nI simply wanted to compose a brief message to thank you for these stunning tips and tricks you are writing at this website. ", "My time intensive internet lookup has at the end of the day been compensated with useful suggestions to share with my friends. ", "I would declare that many of us visitors actually are definitely lucky to be in a fabulous site with so many brilliant people with very beneficial solutions. ", "I feel extremely happy to have used your web pages and look forward to some more exciting minutes reading here. ", "Thank you again for a lot of things.", "\n\nI would like to thank you for the efforts you have put in writing this website. ", "I'm hoping the same high-grade web site post from you in the upcoming also. ", "Actually your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own website now. ", "Really the blogging is spreading its wings quickly. ", "Your write up is a good example of it.", "\n\nFantastic goods from you, man. ", "I've be mindful your stuff previous to and you're simply extremely excellent. ", "I actually like what you've received right here, certainly like what you are stating and the way in which during which you assert it. ", "You're making it entertaining and you still take care of to keep it smart. ", "I can't wait to learn far more from you. ", "That is actually a tremendous web site.", "\n\nThank you a lot for providing individuals with remarkably nice chance to check tips from this site. ", "It's usually very sweet and jam-packed with a great time for me personally and my office fellow workers to search your site at the very least three times in one week to see the latest issues you will have. ", "And definitely, I am just at all times pleased with your perfect thoughts you give. ", "Some 4 ideas in this posting are absolutely the best I've ever had.", "\n\nI do trust all the ideas you've presented to your post. ", "They are really convincing and can definitely work. ", "Nonetheless, the posts are too quick for beginners. ", "May just you please extend them a little from subsequent time? ", "Thank you for the post.", "\n\nI was just seeking this info for some time. ", "After 6 hours of continuous Googleing, at last I got it in your web site. ", "I wonder what's the lack of Google strategy that do not rank this kind of informative web sites in top of the list. ", "Normally the top web sites are full of garbage.", "\n\ncertainly like your web site but you need to test the spelling on quite a few of your posts. ", "A number of them are rife with spelling issues and I find it very troublesome to inform the reality nevertheless I'll surely come back again.", "\n\nHiya very nice blog!! ", "Guy .. Beautiful .. Wonderful .. I will bookmark your web site and take the feeds also…I'm glad to find so many useful info right here in the post, we need work out extra strategies on this regard, thanks for sharing.", "\n\nI precisely wished to appreciate you yet again. ", "I do not know the things that I could possibly have sorted out in the absence of those tips and hints discussed by you directly on my question. ", "This was the scary condition in my opinion, however , seeing the specialized form you treated that took me to weep with fulfillment. ", "I am thankful for this information and in addition trust you realize what an amazing job your are accomplishing training people today using your blog post. ", "Most probably you haven't come across any of us.", "\n\nWeb Designより:\n2017/09/12(火) 5:21 PM\n\nI haven't checked in here for some time since I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are good quality so I guess I will add you back to my daily bloglist. ", "You deserve it my friend 🙂\n\nGreat ¡V I should definitely pronounce, impressed with your website. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all tabs as well as related information ended up being truly simple to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it in the least. ", "Quite unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or anything, website theme . ", "a tones way for your customer to communicate. ", "Excellent task..\n\nIt's the best time to make some plans for the future and it's time to be happy. ", "I've read this post and if I could I desire to suggest you some interesting things or advice. ", "Maybe you could write next articles referring to this article. ", "I want to read more things about it!", "\n\nThanks for sharing superb informations. ", "Your web-site is very cool. ", "I'm impressed by the details that you've on this web site. ", "It reveals how nicely you perceive this subject. ", "Bookmarked this website page, will come back for extra articles. ", "You, my friend, ROCK! ", "I found simply the info I already searched all over the place and just couldn't come across. ", "What a great web site.", "\n\nI loved as much as you will receive carried out right here. ", "The sketch is tasteful, your authored material stylish. ", "nonetheless, you command get bought an impatience over that you wish be delivering the following. ", "unwell unquestionably come further formerly again since exactly the same nearly a lot often inside case you shield this hike.", "\n\nAutosより:\n2017/09/13(水) 5:43 PM\n\nWe are a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. ", "Your site provided us with valuable information to work on. ", "You have done a formidable job and our entire community will be thankful to you.", "\n\nOnly a smiling visitor here to share the love (:, btw outstanding style and design. \"", "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.\" ", "by Albert Einstein.", "\n\nvikingtapes.co.ukより:\n2017/09/14(木) 2:40 AM\n\nThank you, I've recently been searching for info approximately this topic for ages and yours is the greatest I have discovered till now. ", "However, what about the bottom line? ", "Are you sure concerning the supply?", "\n\nMy wife and i got quite peaceful Emmanuel managed to carry out his studies because of the ideas he obtained from your very own site. ", "It's not at all simplistic to simply always be releasing methods that men and women might have been selling. ", "So we grasp we need the website owner to thank for that. ", "The most important explanations you've made, the straightforward website navigation, the friendships you can give support to foster - it's got mostly fantastic, and it's assisting our son in addition to us reason why this theme is thrilling, which is certainly extraordinarily pressing. ", "Thank you for the whole thing!", "\n\nof course like your web site but you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. ", "Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I to find it very troublesome to inform the truth then again I’ll certainly come again again.", "\n\nI just like the valuable information you provide to your articles. ", "I will bookmark your blog and check once more here frequently. ", "I am slightly sure I will be told many new stuff right right here! ", "Best of luck for the next!", "\n\nI have been surfing online more than 3 hours these days, but I by no means discovered any interesting article like yours. ", "It is beautiful worth sufficient for me. ", "In my opinion, if all web owners and bloggers made excellent content as you probably did, the web will likely be a lot more helpful than ever before.", "\n\nGreat work! ", "This is the kind of information that are meant to be shared across the net. ", "Disgrace on the search engines for now not positioning this submit upper! ", "Come on over and seek advice from my site . ", "Thank you =)\n\nExcellent items from you, man. ", "I've bear in mind your stuff previous to and you are simply too fantastic. ", "I really like what you've received here, certainly like what you are stating and the way through which you are saying it. ", "You're making it enjoyable and you still care for to stay it smart. ", "I can't wait to read far more from you. ", "That is actually a wonderful website.", "\n\nI will immediately grasp your rss feed as I can not in finding your email subscription hyperlink or newsletter service. ", "Do you have any? ", "Kindly allow me recognise in order that I may subscribe. ", "Thanks.", "\n\nUndeniably believe that which you stated. ", "Your favorite reason seemed to be on the net the simplest thing to be aware of. ", "I say to you, I certainly get irked while people consider worries that they just do not know about. ", "You managed to hit the nail upon the top and defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. ", "Will probably be back to get more. ", "Thanks\n\nThank you, I've recently been looking for info about this subject for ages and yours is the greatest I have found out till now. ", "However, what in regards to the conclusion? ", "Are you certain in regards to the supply?", "\n\nI like the helpful information you provide in your articles. ", "I’ll bookmark your blog and check again here regularly. ", "I am quite certain I will learn a lot of new stuff right here! ", "Best of luck for the next!", "\n\nyou are in point of fact a excellent webmaster. ", "The site loading velocity is incredible. ", "It seems that you are doing any distinctive trick. ", "In addition, The contents are masterwork. ", "you've done a fantastic job on this topic!", "\n\nThank you a bunch for sharing this with all of us you really recognize what you're speaking approximately! ", "Bookmarked. ", "Kindly additionally consult with my website =). ", "We could have a link exchange arrangement between us!", "\n\nWe're a group of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community. ", "Your web site offered us with valuable info to work on. ", "You've done an impressive job and our entire community will be thankful to you.", "\n\nYou are my aspiration , I own few web logs and rarely run out from to brand.", "\n\nhousewifeより:\n2017/09/15(金) 8:42 PM\n\nMany thanks for this article. ", "I'd personally also like to talk about the fact that it can always be hard if you are in school and starting out to create a long credit standing. 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", "Other then that, great blog!", "\n\nThere are some attention-grabbing points in time on this article however I don’t know if I see all of them heart to heart. ", "There's some validity but I'll take hold opinion till I look into it further. ", "Good article , thanks and we want more! ", "Added to FeedBurner as nicely\n\nyou are really a good webmaster. ", "The website loading speed is incredible. ", "It seems that you are doing any unique trick. ", "Moreover, The contents are masterpiece. ", "you've done a wonderful job in this matter!", "\n\nNew draftkings promo code play for free at Draftkings with draftkings promo code from our website. ", "Check draftkings promo code for new entry in a game with draftkings promo code now. ", "Free draftkings promo code free\n\nThanks a lot for sharing this with all people you really recognise what you are talking approximately! ", "Bookmarked. ", "Please additionally talk over with my web site =). ", "We could have a link trade contract among us!", "\n\nWhats Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I've found It positively useful and it has aided me out loads. ", "I hope to give a contribution & aid other customers like its helped me. ", "Great job.", "\n\nGreat post. ", "I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! ", "Very useful information specially the last part 🙂 I care for such information much. ", "I was looking for this particular info for a very long time. ", "Thank you and good luck.", "\n\nskdtapes.comより:\n2017/09/17(日) 10:34 AM\n\nfantastic issues altogether, you just gained a new reader. ", "What could you suggest about your publish that you made a few days ago? ", "Any sure?", "\n\nI¡¦ve been exploring for a little for any high quality articles or blog posts in this kind of area . ", "Exploring in Yahoo I finally stumbled upon this site. 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", "Kate enjoys setting aside time for investigation and it's really easy to see why. ", "Most people learn all concerning the powerful method you make useful ideas via your blog and even invigorate response from other people about this point and our favorite child is now being taught a lot of things. ", "Take pleasure in the remaining portion of the new year. ", "You are always conducting a tremendous job.", "\n\nhello!,I like your writing so much! ", "proportion we keep in touch more approximately your post on AOL? ", "I need a specialist on this space to solve my problem. ", "Maybe that is you! ", "Looking forward to peer you.", "\n\nGreat article. ", "It is extremely unfortunate that over the last one decade, the travel industry has already been able to to fight terrorism, SARS, tsunamis, influenza, swine flu, along with the first ever true global economic downturn. ", "Through it the industry has proven to be solid, resilient in addition to dynamic, locating new strategies to deal with hardship. ", "There are continually fresh challenges and opportunity to which the marketplace must just as before adapt and react.", "\n\nI think this is one of the most significant information for me. ", "And i am glad reading your article. ", "But wanna remark on some general things, The website style is ideal, the articles is really excellent : D. Good job, cheers\n\nYou actually make it seem so easy together with your presentation however I to find this topic to be really one thing which I feel I'd by no means understand. ", "It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. ", "I am having a look forward on your next post, I will attempt to get the hang of it!", "\n\nI'm really enjoying the theme/design of your weblog. ", "Do you ever run into any web browser compatibility problems? ", "A few of my blog visitors have complained about my blog not operating correctly in Explorer but looks great in Firefox. ", "Do you have any solutions to help fix this problem?", "\n\nobviously like your web site however you have to check the spelling on several of your posts. ", "Many of them are rife with spelling issues and I find it very troublesome to tell the truth however I'll certainly come back again.", "\n\nWhat i do not realize is in reality how you're not really a lot more smartly-favored than you might be right now. ", "You're so intelligent. ", "You already know thus considerably relating to this subject, made me individually consider it from so many varied angles. ", "Its like women and men are not involved except it is something to accomplish with Girl gaga! ", "Your individual stuffs great. ", "At all times take care of it up!", "\n\nHey There. ", "I found your blog using msn. ", "This is a really well written article. ", "I will make sure to bookmark it and come back to read more of your useful info. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I will certainly return.", "\n\nThank you for another informative site. ", "Where else may I am getting that kind of info written in such a perfect method? ", "I have a challenge that I'm just now operating on, and I've been at the glance out for such information.", "\n\nI enjoy you because of all your efforts on this website. ", "Debby really loves working on internet research and it is easy to see why. ", "We hear all concerning the dynamic method you create efficient solutions by means of your web blog and therefore improve response from website visitors on this subject plus our princess is undoubtedly becoming educated a whole lot. ", "Enjoy the rest of the new year. ", "You are performing a useful job.", "\n\nThank you, I've just been looking for info about this subject for a long time and yours is the greatest I have discovered till now. ", "But, what concerning the bottom line? ", "Are you certain concerning the source?", "\n\nhello there and thank you in your info – I have certainly picked up something new from proper here. ", "I did on the other hand experience several technical issues using this web site, since I skilled to reload the website a lot of times prior to I could get it to load properly. ", "I had been pondering in case your web host is OK? ", "No longer that I am complaining, but slow loading circumstances times will often have an effect on your placement in google and could injury your high-quality rating if advertising and ***********|advertising|advertising|advertising and *********** with Adwords. ", "Well I am including this RSS to my email and could glance out for a lot extra of your respective interesting content. ", "Ensure that you update this again soon..\n\nThank you for the sensible critique. ", "Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. ", "We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more from this post. ", "I'm very glad to see such great information being shared freely out there.", "\n\nThank you, I've just been searching for info approximately this topic for a while and yours is the best I have discovered till now. ", "However, what concerning the bottom line? ", "Are you positive about the supply?", "\n\nA person essentially assist to make severely posts I'd state. ", "This is the very first time I frequented your website page and to this point? ", "I amazed with the research you made to create this particular put up amazing. ", "Excellent job!", "\n\nI have recently started a website, the information you offer on this web site has helped me greatly. ", "Thanks for all of your time & work. \"", "Patriotism is often an arbitrary veneration of real estate above principles.\" ", "by George Jean Nathan.", "\n\nI got what you mean , appreciate it for putting up.", "Woh I am happy to find this website through google. \"", "I would rather be a coward than brave because people hurt you when you are brave.\" ", "by E. M. Forster.", "\n\nI am not sure where you're getting your info, but good topic. ", "I needs to spend some time learning much more or understanding more. ", "Thanks for wonderful information I was looking for this information for my mission.", "\n\nThank you for the sensible critique. ", "Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. ", "We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more clear from this post. ", "I am very glad to see such great info being shared freely out there.", "\n\nnaturally like your website but you need to test the spelling on several of your posts. ", "Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I to find it very troublesome to tell the reality on the other hand I will certainly come back again.", "\n\nI would like to show some appreciation to the writer for rescuing me from this particular dilemma. ", "Just after surfing throughout the world wide web and getting ways which are not beneficial, I assumed my entire life was over. ", "Existing minus the approaches to the issues you've solved as a result of your good write-up is a serious case, and ones which may have in a wrong way affected my career if I had not discovered your website. ", "Your main understanding and kindness in taking care of every aspect was tremendous. ", "I am not sure what I would have done if I hadn't discovered such a subject like this. ", "I'm able to at this point look forward to my future. ", "Thank you very much for your specialized and amazing help. ", "I won't think twice to propose the sites to anybody who should have support on this subject matter.", "\n\nI do accept as true with all of the ideas you have presented to your post. ", "They are very convincing and will certainly work. ", "Nonetheless, the posts are too quick for newbies. ", "May just you please prolong them a little from next time? ", "Thank you for the post.", "\n\nYou could certainly see your enthusiasm within the work you write. ", "The sector hopes for even more passionate writers such as you who are not afraid to mention how they believe. ", "Always follow your heart.", "\n\nHi there there! ", "Do you know if they make any plugins to help with Lookup Motor Optimization? ", "I’m trying to get my website to rank for some specific keywords and phrases but I’m not observing really excellent results. ", "If you know of any please share…\n\nGreetings from Florida! ", "I’m bored to loss of life at perform so I determined to verify out your internet site on my apple iphone in the course of lunch split. ", "I get pleasure from the info you provide listed here and simply cannot hold out to consider…\n\nWow that was odd. ", "I just wrote an really long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn't show up. ", "Grrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. ", "Regardless, just wanted to say superb blog!", "\n\nHello! ", "I just wanted to ask if you ever have any issues with hackers? ", "My last blog (wordpress) was hacked and I ended up losing a few months of hard work due to no data backup. ", "Do you have any methods to prevent hackers?", "\n\nyou are in point of fact a just right webmaster. ", "The site loading pace is incredible. ", "It seems that you're doing any unique trick. ", "In addition, The contents are masterwork. ", "you have performed a magnificent job in this matter!", "\n\nI do not know if it’s just me or if maybe everyone else encountering troubles with your website. ", "It appears as if some of the prepared textual content inside of your posts are working off the monitor. ", "Can any person else make sure you comment and per…\n\nof course like your web site but you need to check the spelling on quite a few of your posts. ", "Several of them are rife with spelling problems and I find it very bothersome to tell the truth then again I'll certainly come again again.", "\n\nA gay-friendly neighborhoodより:\n2017/09/23(土) 9:08 AM\n\nThis is the precise blog for anyone who wants to seek out out about this topic. ", "You notice a lot its nearly arduous to argue with you (not that I really would need…HaHa). ", "You positively put a brand new spin on a topic thats been written about for years. ", "Nice stuff, simply nice!", "\n\nI not to mention my pals ended up taking note of the excellent helpful tips from your site and so all of the sudden I had an awful suspicion I had not thanked the web blog owner for those strategies. ", "My young men were consequently very interested to see all of them and now have certainly been taking advantage of these things. ", "Thanks for genuinely very helpful and also for going for this kind of notable subject matter most people are really wanting to be aware of. ", "My personal sincere apologies for not saying thanks to you sooner.", "\n\nThank you for the sensible critique. ", "Me and my neighbor were just preparing to do some research about this. ", "We got a grab a book from our area library but I think I learned more clear from this post. ", "I am very glad to see such magnificent information being shared freely out there.", "\n\nHi there! ", "This is kind of off topic but I need some guidance from an recognized website. ", "Is it quite tough to established up your very own website? ", "I’m not extremely techincal but I can determine factors out rather rapid. ", "I’m contemplating about lo…\n\nI simply couldn't depart your website before suggesting that I extremely loved the usual info a person supply on your guests? ", "Is gonna be back ceaselessly in order to inspect new posts.", "\n\nSPAMより:\n2017/09/24(日) 9:21 PM\n\nHmm it looks like your website ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I'll just sum it up what I had written and say, I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog. ", "I as well am an aspiring blog writer but I'm still new to everything. ", "Do you have any points for inexperienced blog writers? ", "I'd really appreciate it.", "\n\nHello there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is truly informative. ", "I am going to watch out for brussels. ", "I’ll appreciate if you continue this in future. ", "Many people will be benefited from your writing. ", "Cheers!", "\n\nI was just looking for this information for some time. ", "After 6 hours of continuous Googleing, at last I got it in your website. ", "I wonder what is the lack of Google strategy that do not rank this kind of informative websites in top of the list. ", "Generally the top websites are full of garbage.", "\n\nThis message is posted here using XRumer + XEvil 3.0\nXEvil 3.0 is a revolutionary application that can bypass almost any anti-botnet protection.", "\nCaptcha Recognition Google, Facebook, Yandex, VKontakte, Captcha Com and over 8.4 million other types!", "\nYou read this - it means it works! ", "😉\nDetails on the official website of XEvil.", "Net, there is a free demo version.", "\n\nThe best Kona Coffee took 16 centuries to arrive Online. ", "Kona Coffee originated from the Arabica tree discovered 5th century although roast coffee痴 best medicinal properties were not discovered until late 14th century A.D.\n\nI haven't checked in here for a while because I thought it was getting boring, but the last several posts are great quality so I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist. ", "You deserve it my friend 🙂\n\nGreetings! ", "I know this is kinda off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could find a captcha plugin for my comment form? ", "I'm using the same blog platform as yours and I'm having difficulty finding one? ", "Thanks a lot!", "\n\nHi there! ", "Someone in my Facebook group shared this website with us so I came to give it a look. ", "I'm definitely loving the information. ", "I'm bookmarking and will be tweeting this to my followers! ", "Superb blog and outstanding style and design.", "\n\nyou are really a good webmaster. ", "The site loading speed is amazing. ", "It kind of feels that you're doing any unique trick. ", "Moreover, The contents are masterwork. ", "you've performed a great task on this topic!", "\n\nWrite far more, thats all I have to say. ", "Practically, it would seem as even though you relied on the video to make your position. ", "You naturally know what youre chatting about, why squander your intelligence on just putting up video clips to your intern…\n\nUnquestionably consider that that you stated. ", "Your favorite justification seemed to be at the internet the simplest factor to be aware of. ", "I say to you, I definitely get irked at the same time as people consider issues that they plainly do not recognise about. ", "You controlled to hit the nail upon the highest and also defined out the whole thing without having side-effects , other folks can take a signal. ", "Will probably be again to get more. ", "Thanks\n\nI would like to thank you for the efforts you've put in writing this web site. ", "I'm hoping the same high-grade website post from you in the upcoming as well. ", "In fact your creative writing abilities has encouraged me to get my own site now. ", "Actually the blogging is spreading its wings quickly. ", "Your write up is a great example of it.", "\n\nI and my friends were actually going through the good hints found on the blog then quickly came up with a horrible feeling I never thanked the web site owner for them. ", "Those young men were for this reason thrilled to read all of them and now have pretty much been tapping into these things. ", "Appreciation for simply being really kind and for deciding on certain superb topics millions of individuals are really desperate to discover. ", "My honest apologies for not expressing appreciation to you earlier.", "\n\nMagnificent goods from you, man. ", "I've understand your stuff prior to and you are just too magnificent. ", "I really like what you have received right here, certainly like what you are saying and the way in which during which you are saying it. ", "You make it enjoyable and you still take care of to stay it wise. ", "I can not wait to learn much more from you. ", "This is really a terrific website.", "\n\nCan I just say what a relief to find someone who truly is aware of what theyre talking about on the internet. ", "You undoubtedly know how one can bring an issue to light and make it important. ", "More individuals must read this and perceive this aspect of the story. ", "I cant believe youre not more standard because you undoubtedly have the gift.", "\n\nHowdy just wanted to give you a transient heads up and permit you know a handful of of the images are not loading properly. ", "I’m not certain why but I think its a linking problem. ", "I have experimented with it in two distinct world wide web browsers and…\n\nHiya, I am really glad I've found this information. ", "Today bloggers publish only about gossips and internet and this is actually annoying. ", "A good site with exciting content, this is what I need. ", "Thank you for keeping this web-site, I'll be visiting it. ", "Do you do newsletters? ", "Can not find it.", "\n\nThanks for your concepts. ", "One thing we've noticed is the fact that banks as well as financial institutions know the dimensions and spending habits of consumers and also understand that most of the people max out and about their real credit cards around the holiday seasons. ", "They wisely take advantage of this specific fact and start flooding your inbox plus snail-mail box by using hundreds of 0 APR card offers immediately after the holiday season closes. ", "Knowing that should you be like 98% of American open public, you'll hop at the opportunity to consolidate consumer credit card debt and shift balances to 0 rate credit cards.", "\n\nTermsより:\n2017/09/29(金) 9:46 AM\n\nThanks for expressing your ideas. ", "I would also like to mention that video games have been ever before evolving. ", "Modern technology and enhancements have helped create practical and fun games. ", "These kinds of entertainment games were not really sensible when the concept was first of all being experimented with. ", "Just like other styles of electronics, video games also have had to advance by means of many years. ", "This is testimony to the fast continuing development of video games.", "\n\nhello!,I like your writing so so much! ", "percentage we keep in touch extra approximately your post on AOL? ", "I require an expert in this area to solve my problem. ", "May be that is you! ", "Taking a look forward to see you.", "\n\nGreat beat ! ", "I wish to apprentice while you amend your web site, how can i subscribe for a blog web site? ", "The account helped me a acceptable deal. ", "I had been tiny bit acquainted of this your broadcast provided bright clear idea\n\nI needed to compose you that very little note to be able to thank you very much yet again for all the striking suggestions you have shown on this page. ", "This has been quite extremely generous of people like you to allow unreservedly all that a lot of folks could have distributed for an ebook to generate some cash on their own, mostly given that you could possibly have tried it if you wanted. ", "The basics additionally served to provide a great way to be sure that other people online have the same eagerness just as my own to figure out whole lot more regarding this matter. ", "I'm sure there are a lot more pleasurable moments ahead for those who browse through your blog.", "\n\nIts like you read my mind! ", "You appear to know so much about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. ", "I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is great blog. ", "A great read. ", "I will definitely be back.", "\n\nWhats Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I have discovered It absolutely helpful and it has aided me out loads. ", "I'm hoping to contribute & aid different customers like its helped me. ", "Good job.", "\n\nHello, Neat post. ", "There is an issue along with your site in internet explorer, may test this¡K IE still is the market chief and a good section of other people will miss your fantastic writing due to this problem.", "\n\nHello There. ", "I found your blog using msn. ", "This is an extremely well written article. ", "I’ll be sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I’ll certainly comeback.", "\n\nDo you have a spam dilemma on this blog I also am a blogger, and I was curious about your situation several of us have created some good practices and we are searching to trade methods with other folks, why not shoot me an e-mail if intrigued.", "\n\nHey! ", "I know this is relatively off subject but I was asking yourself if you realized in which I could get a captcha plugin for my comment form? ", "I’m employing the same website platform as yours and I’m obtaining troubles locating 1? ", "Many thanks a wh…\n\nHello there, simply changed into alert to your blog thru Google, and located that it is truly informative. ", "I am going to be careful for brussels. ", "I will be grateful when you proceed this in future. ", "Numerous other folks can be benefited from your writing. ", "Cheers!", "\n\nswann-morton.comより:\n2017/09/30(土) 1:21 AM\n\nI just could not leave your site prior to suggesting that I really loved the standard info an individual supply for your visitors? ", "Is gonna be again incessantly to inspect new posts\n\nAnother issue is really that video gaming has become one of the all-time most significant forms of recreation for people of all ages. ", "Kids participate in video games, plus adults do, too. ", "The actual XBox 360 is probably the favorite games systems for those who love to have a huge variety of video games available to them, plus who like to relax and play live with other people all over the world. ", "Many thanks for sharing your opinions.", "\n\nHi would you mind stating which site platform you’re functioning with? ", "I’m preparing to start off my possess weblog soon but I’m obtaining a tough time determining among BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. ", "The explanation I inquire is du…\n\nSimply wish to say your article is as astounding. ", "The clearness in your post is just spectacular and i can assume you're an expert on this subject. ", "Well with your permission let me to grab your feed to keep updated with forthcoming post. ", "Thanks a million and please keep up the rewarding work.", "\n\nGreat paintings! ", "That is the type of info that should be shared across the net. ", "Disgrace on the seek engines for no longer positioning this post higher! ", "Come on over and talk over with my website . ", "Thank you =)\n\nI have to convey my appreciation for your generosity supporting all those that have the need for help on your topic. ", "Your special commitment to getting the solution all around became incredibly helpful and have usually permitted guys and women much like me to reach their goals. ", "Your important guidelines can mean so much to me and somewhat more to my fellow workers. ", "Thank you; from all of us.", "\n\nI do consider all the concepts you've offered to your post. ", "They are very convincing and can definitely work. ", "Still, the posts are very brief for beginners. ", "May you please extend them a bit from subsequent time? ", "Thanks for the post.", "\n\nI have seen a great deal of useful issues on your web-site about computers. ", "However, I've got the judgment that laptops are still not nearly powerful sufficiently to be a good option if you often do tasks that require loads of power, for example video touch-ups. ", "But for web surfing, word processing, and majority of other prevalent computer work they are just great, provided you never mind the screen size. ", "Appreciate sharing your opinions.", "\n\nWe're a bunch of volunteers and starting a brand new scheme in our community. ", "Your site provided us with helpful info to work on. ", "You've done a formidable process and our whole neighborhood will likely be thankful to you.", "\n\nThanks for the article. ", "I have often seen that almost all people are wanting to lose weight simply because wish to look slim as well as attractive. ", "However, they do not often realize that there are additional benefits just for losing weight in addition. ", "Doctors insist that fat people suffer from a variety of health conditions that can be instantly attributed to their excess weight. ", "The good thing is that people who sadly are overweight and suffering from numerous diseases can help to eliminate the severity of the illnesses through losing weight. ", "It is possible to see a slow but notable improvement in health if even a minor amount of fat reduction is reached.", "\n\nHi there this is kinda of off topic but I was wondering if blogs use WYSIWYG editors or if you have to manually code with HTML. ", "I'm starting a blog soon but have no coding know-how so I wanted to get guidance from someone with experience. ", "Any help would be greatly appreciated!", "\n\nHey, I consider your internet site may be getting browser compatibility issues. ", "When I seem at your website in Chrome, it appears wonderful but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. ", "I just wished to give you a swift heads up! ", "Othe…\n\nHi there there! ", "Do you know if they make any plugins to support with Search Motor Optimization? ", "I’m making an attempt to get my weblog to rank for some targeted search phrases but I’m not observing very great results. ", "If you know of any you should …\n\nI've been browsing online more than 3 hours today, yet I never found any interesting article like yours. ", "It is pretty worth enough for me. ", "In my opinion, if all website owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the web will be a lot more useful than ever before.", "\n\nToday, I went to the beachfront with my children. ", "I found a sea shell and gave it to my 4 year old daughter and said \"You can hear the ocean if you put this to your ear.\" ", "She put the shell to her ear and screamed. ", "There was a hermit crab inside and it pinched her ear. ", "She never wants to go back! ", "LoL I know this is completely off topic but I had to tell someone!", "\n\nDo you have a spam dilemma on this blog I also am a blogger, and I was wanting to know your scenario we have designed some wonderful processes and we are seeking to swap methods with other people, be sure to shoot me an email if fascinated.", "\n\nPretty section of content. ", "I just stumbled upon your website and in accession capital to assert that I acquire in fact enjoyed account your blog posts. ", "Any way I will be subscribing to your feeds and even I achievement you access consistently fast.", "\n\nExcellent post. ", "I was checking constantly this blog and I am impressed! ", "Extremely helpful information specifically the last part 🙂 I care for such information a lot. ", "I was seeking this particular info for a very long time. ", "Thank you and best of luck.", "\n\nIts like you read my mind! ", "You seem to know a lot about this, like you wrote the book in it or something. ", "I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a bit, but other than that, this is magnificent blog. ", "An excellent read. ", "I will definitely be back.", "\n\nDefinitely believe that which you said. ", "Your favorite reason seemed to be on the internet the easiest thing to be aware of. ", "I say to you, I definitely get annoyed while people think about worries that they just don't know about. ", "You managed to hit the nail upon the top and also defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. ", "Will likely be back to get more. ", "Thanks\n\nGreat – I should certainly pronounce, impressed with your website. ", "I had no trouble navigating through all the tabs as well as related info ended up being truly simple to do to access. ", "I recently found what I hoped for before you know it at all. ", "Quite unusual. ", "Is likely to appreciate it for those who add forums or something, website theme . ", "a tones way for your customer to communicate. ", "Nice task.", "\n\nGoodtaitaより:\n2017/10/03(火) 4:07 PM\n\nSimply wanted to point out I'm just relieved I stumbled in your webpage!", "\n\nI would like to show appreciation to you just for bailing me out of this trouble. ", "Because of browsing throughout the world wide web and obtaining opinions that were not pleasant, I believed my entire life was over. ", "Being alive minus the strategies to the difficulties you've sorted out through this article content is a critical case, as well as those that could have badly damaged my career if I had not come across your website. ", "Your personal competence and kindness in maneuvering almost everything was excellent. ", "I am not sure what I would have done if I had not come across such a point like this. ", "I can at this time look forward to my future. ", "Thanks so much for the specialized and amazing help. ", "I will not think twice to endorse your blog to any person who would need recommendations on this situation.", "\n\nThanks for any other informative site. ", "Where else could I get that kind of info written in such an ideal manner? ", "I have a venture that I am just now running on, and I have been at the look out for such info.", "\n\nYou actually make it appear really easy together with your presentation however I find this matter to be actually one thing which I think I'd never understand. ", "It kind of feels too complicated and extremely large for me. ", "I am having a look forward to your next post, I¡¦ll try to get the dangle of it!", "\n\nGood web site! ", "I truly love how it is simple on my eyes and the data are well written. ", "I am wondering how I could be notified whenever a new post has been made. ", "I've subscribed to your RSS which must do the trick! ", "Have a nice day!", "\n\nMy husband and i have been now happy that Raymond could conclude his investigation by way of the ideas he came across from your own web site. ", "It's not at all simplistic to simply be giving out procedures that many men and women have been selling. ", "Therefore we know we have the blog owner to appreciate for this. ", "These illustrations you've made, the easy website navigation, the relationships you will make it possible to create - it's got mostly amazing, and it is assisting our son and our family believe that the situation is cool, and that is seriously important. ", "Thanks for the whole thing!", "\n\nI and also my guys have already been going through the nice thoughts on your web page and so immediately developed an awful suspicion I had not expressed respect to the web blog owner for those secrets. ", "Those ladies ended up so passionate to learn all of them and already have quite simply been tapping into these things. ", "I appreciate you for really being quite helpful as well as for figuring out certain terrific ideas most people are really desirous to discover. ", "Our own sincere apologies for not saying thanks to earlier.", "\n\nI am only writing to let you be aware of of the beneficial encounter our child obtained reading through your webblog. ", "She came to understand plenty of issues, which include what it is like to possess a great helping heart to make folks completely gain knowledge of selected tricky subject matter. ", "You really surpassed readers' expectations. ", "Thanks for offering the practical, dependable, revealing and even fun tips about this topic to Mary.", "\n\nAttractive section of content. ", "I just stumbled upon your blog and in accession capital to assert that I acquire in fact enjoyed account your blog posts. ", "Any way I will be subscribing to your feeds and even I achievement you access consistently fast.", "\n\nWhats up very cool website!! ", "Man .. Beautiful .. Superb .. I will bookmark your site and take the feeds also…I am satisfied to seek out so many useful information here within the put up, we want work out extra strategies in this regard, thanks for sharing. . . . . .", "\n\nThe other day, while I was at work, my cousin stole my apple ipad and tested to see if it can survive a thirty foot drop, just so she can be a youtube sensation. ", "My iPad is now broken and she has 83 views. ", "I know this is entirely off topic but I had to share it with someone!", "\n\nHey! ", "This is my first visit to your blog! ", "We are a collection of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. ", "Your blog provided us useful information to work on. ", "You have done a wonderful job!", "\n\nSimply desire to say your article is as astounding. ", "The clarity in your post is just spectacular and i could assume you're an expert on this subject. ", "Well with your permission let me to grab your RSS feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. ", "Thanks a million and please keep up the gratifying work.", "\n\nAlong with everything that appears to be developing within this particular subject material, a significant percentage of points of view are generally somewhat radical. ", "Having said that, I beg your pardon, because I can not give credence to your entire suggestion, all be it exhilarating none the less. ", "It seems to me that your remarks are actually not completely validated and in reality you are yourself not even completely certain of the point. ", "In any case I did take pleasure in reading through it.", "\n\n[...]usually posts some very exciting stuff like this. ", "If you池e new to this site[...]\n\nadhesivetape.netより:\n2017/10/06(金) 1:10 PM\n\nThanks for giving your ideas here. ", "The other issue is that whenever a problem arises with a laptop motherboard, people should not take the risk with repairing that themselves because if it is not done correctly it can lead to permanent damage to the whole laptop. ", "Most commonly it is safe to approach the dealer of a laptop with the repair of the motherboard. ", "They've got technicians that have an expertise in dealing with laptop computer motherboard troubles and can get the right diagnosis and execute repairs.", "\n\nDefinitely believe that which you said. ", "Your favorite justification appeared to be on the internet the easiest thing to be aware of. ", "I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider worries that they just do not know about. ", "You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people could take a signal. ", "Will probably be back to get more. ", "Thanks\n\nDo you have a spam dilemma on this blog I also am a blogger, and I was curious about your circumstance a lot of of us have produced some great techniques and we are looking to trade strategies with others, why not shoot me an e-mail if fascinated.", "\n\n[...]Every after inside a while we pick out blogs that we read. ", "Listed below are the newest web pages that we select [...]\n\nparafix.comより:\n2017/10/07(土) 8:54 AM\n\nI needed to send you the bit of observation in order to give many thanks over again on your beautiful knowledge you've documented on this page. ", "It's quite pretty generous with people like you to give freely all a number of people might have offered for sale as an e book to get some profit on their own, notably considering the fact that you could possibly have done it in the event you wanted. ", "These strategies additionally worked to become a good way to fully grasp that other people online have the identical passion really like my own to know the truth significantly more in regard to this problem. ", "I know there are a lot more pleasurable sessions in the future for those who looked over your site.", "\n\nHowdy there! ", "This is sort of off topic but I need to have some advice from an established website. ", "Is it really tough to set up your very own blog? ", "I’m not extremely techincal but I can figure issues out rather rapid. ", "I’m contemplating about locati…\n\nHey, I feel your site may well be obtaining browser compatibility problems. ", "When I search at your weblog in Chrome, it seems to be wonderful but when opening in Internet Explorer, it has some overlapping. ", "I just desired to give you a quick heads up! ", "Ot…\n\nYou can certainly see your enthusiasm in the paintings you write. ", "The sector hopes for even more passionate writers like you who aren't afraid to mention how they believe. ", "At all times go after your heart. \"", "The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them.\" ", "by Tom Morris.", "\n\nDo you have a spam issue on this site; I also am a blogger, and I was curious about your situation; we have created some nice procedures and we are looking to trade techniques with other folks, please shoot me an e-mail if interested.", "\n\nGreetings from Florida! ", "I’m bored to death at perform so I made a decision to verify out your website on my iphone for the duration of lunch break. ", "I take pleasure in the information you offer right here and simply cannot hold out to consider a look …\n\nHey! ", "I know this is somewhat off topic but I was wondering if you knew where I could locate a captcha plugin for my comment form? ", "I'm using the same blog platform as yours and I'm having trouble finding one? ", "Thanks a lot!", "\n\nXXXより:\n2017/10/08(日) 10:08 AM\n\nWhats Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I've discovered It absolutely useful and it has helped me out loads. ", "I'm hoping to give a contribution & assist other customers like its helped me. ", "Good job.", "\n\nI'm really impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your weblog. ", "Is this a paid theme or did you customize it yourself? ", "Anyway keep up the excellent quality writing, it is rare to see a great blog like this one today..\n\nWe are a group of volunteers and starting a new scheme in our community. ", "Your web site provided us with valuable information to work on. ", "You've done a formidable job and our entire community will be grateful to you.", "\n\nI think this is one of the most vital information for me. ", "And i am glad reading your article. ", "But should remark on some general things, The web site style is ideal, the articles is really nice : D. Good job, cheers\n\nI keep listening to the reports speak about getting boundless online grant applications so I have been looking around for the most excellent site to get one. ", "Could you tell me please, where could i find some?", "\n\nI was just seeking this info for a while. ", "After six hours of continuous Googleing, finally I got it in your website. ", "I wonder what is the lack of Google strategy that do not rank this type of informative websites in top of the list. ", "Usually the top web sites are full of garbage.", "\n\nExcellent blog you have here but I was wondering if you knew of any discussion boards that cover the same topics talked about in this article? ", "I'd really like to be a part of online community where I can get advice from other knowledgeable individuals that share the same interest. ", "If you have any recommendations, please let me know. ", "Kudos!", "\n\nI truly wanted to type a simple note to say thanks to you for some of the amazing tricks you are showing here. ", "My extended internet research has finally been honored with really good ideas to go over with my friends and family. ", "I would point out that many of us readers actually are very much endowed to exist in a magnificent network with so many special people with useful opinions. ", "I feel somewhat grateful to have seen your webpages and look forward to many more brilliant moments reading here. ", "Thank you again for everything.", "\n\nThanks for any other informative site. ", "The place else may I get that type of info written in such an ideal way? ", "I have a venture that I am just now operating on, and I've been on the glance out for such information.", "\n\nThanks for some other excellent article. ", "The place else may just anybody get that type of information in such an ideal method of writing? ", "I've a presentation subsequent week, and I am on the search for such info.", "\n\nYou could certainly see your enthusiasm in the paintings you write. ", "The arena hopes for even more passionate writers like you who aren't afraid to mention how they believe. ", "All the time follow your heart.", "\n\nI have recently started a website, the information you offer on this website has helped me tremendously. ", "Thank you for all of your time & work.", "\n\nfloorprotection.co.ukより:\n2017/10/10(火) 12:51 AM\n\nWoah! ", "I'm really digging the template/theme of this website. ", "It's simple, yet effective. ", "A lot of times it's challenging to get that \"perfect balance\" between usability and visual appeal. ", "I must say you have done a great job with this. ", "Additionally, the blog loads extremely quick for me on Chrome. ", "Superb Blog!", "\n\nIt's the best time to make some plans for the future and it's time to be happy. ", "I have read this post and if I could I want to suggest you some interesting things or suggestions. ", "Perhaps you can write next articles referring to this article. ", "I desire to read more things about it!", "\n\nDoes your web site have a speak to webpage? ", "I’m possessing a difficult time finding it but, I’d like to shoot you an e-mail. ", "I’ve acquired some innovative tips for your website you may be intrigued in hearing. ", "Both way, wonderful weblog and I sea…\n\n[...]that may be the finish of this article. ", "Here you will obtain some internet sites that we assume you will appreciate, just click the hyperlinks over[...]\n\nsiginsulation.co.ukより:\n2017/10/10(火) 9:18 PM\n\nWoah! ", "I'm really loving the template/theme of this site. ", "It's simple, yet effective. ", "A lot of times it's very hard to get that \"perfect balance\" between user friendliness and visual appeal. ", "I must say that you've done a very good job with this. ", "Additionally, the blog loads super quick for me on Safari. ", "Exceptional Blog!", "\n\nGreetings from Florida! ", "I’m bored to dying at work so I decided to check out your site on my iphone throughout lunch split. ", "I take pleasure in the data you provide listed here and cannot wait around to get a seem when I get residence. ", "I’m stunned a…\n\nThanks for another informative website. ", "Where else could I get that kind of info written in such an ideal way? ", "I've a project that I am just now working on, and I have been on the look out for such information.", "\n\nMy developer is striving to persuade me to move to .web from PHP. ", "I have constantly disliked the idea simply because of the fees. ", "But he’s tryiong none the considerably less. ", "I have been utilizing Movable-variety on a variety of web sites for about a…\n\nHi my friend! ", "I want to say that this post is amazing, nice written and include approximately all important infos. ", "I¡¦d like to see more posts like this .", "\n\nViagraより:\n2017/10/11(水) 10:41 AM\n\nThanks for your personal marvelous posting! ", "I quite enjoyed reading it, you're a great author.", "I will always bookmark your blog and will come back someday. ", "I want to encourage that you continue your great writing, have a nice holiday weekend!", "\n\nThanks for any other informative site. ", "The place else could I am getting that kind of info written in such an ideal method? ", "I've a project that I'm simply now running on, and I've been on the look out for such info.", "\n\nHowdy there! ", "Do you know if they make any plugins to aid with Search engine marketing? ", "I’m striving to get my blog to rank for some qualified key phrases but I’m not observing extremely very good gains. ", "If you know of any remember to share. ", "A lot o…\n\nI think this is one of the most significant info for me. ", "And i am glad reading your article. ", "But wanna remark on some general things, The site style is great, the articles is really nice : D. Good job, cheers\n\nThanks a lot for giving everyone such a superb chance to read critical reviews from this site. ", "It can be so ideal and full of fun for me and my office peers to visit the blog a minimum of three times per week to read through the new guidance you have got. ", "And lastly, I'm so always fulfilled with your staggering guidelines you serve. ", "Some 3 facts in this article are unequivocally the best I have had.", "\n\nhttp://cheapphonesexusa.com/より:\n2017/10/11(水) 5:41 PM\n\nHi there, I want to subscribe for this weblog to take most recent updates, therefore where can i do it please help.", "\n\nI would like to express my love for your kind-heartedness giving support to those individuals that require help with this one concept. ", "Your personal commitment to passing the message all around had become extremely invaluable and have always encouraged employees like me to realize their targets. ", "Your own valuable instruction denotes much to me and somewhat more to my mates. ", "Regards; from everyone of us.", "\n\nThis is really interesting, You are a very skilled blogger. ", "I've joined your rss feed and look forward to seeking more of your great post. ", "Also, I have shared your site in my social networks!", "\n\nnaked boysより:\n2017/10/11(水) 9:06 PM\n\nThanks for the sensible critique. ", "Me & my neighbor were just preparing to do some research on this. ", "We got a grab a book from our local library but I think I learned more clear from this post. ", "I'm very glad to see such excellent information being shared freely out there.", "\n\nVery nice post. ", "I just stumbled upon your weblog and wished to say that I've truly enjoyed surfing around your blog posts. ", "In any case I will be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again very soon!", "\n\nHmm it appears like your blog ate my first comment (it was super long) so I guess I'll just sum it up what I wrote and say, I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog. ", "I too am an aspiring blog writer but I'm still new to the whole thing. ", "Do you have any recommendations for beginner blog writers? ", "I'd definitely appreciate it.", "\n\nhi!,I like your writing very so much! ", "percentage we keep in touch more about your article on AOL? ", "I need a specialist on this space to resolve my problem. ", "Maybe that is you! ", "Looking forward to see you.", "\n\nHey just wanted to give you a quick heads up. ", "The words in your post seem to be running off the screen in Ie. ", "I'm not sure if this is a formatting issue or something to do with internet browser compatibility but I figured I'd post to let you know. ", "The style and design look great though! ", "Hope you get the problem solved soon. ", "Thanks\n\nI have been exploring for a bit for any high quality articles or blog posts on this sort of area . ", "Exploring in Yahoo I at last stumbled upon this site. ", "Reading this info So i’m happy to convey that I have a very good uncanny feeling I discovered just what I needed. ", "I most certainly will make certain to don’t forget this website and give it a look on a constant basis.", "\n\nI was recommended this website by means of my cousin. ", "I am not certain whether or not this post is written through him as nobody else recognize such special about my trouble. ", "You are wonderful! ", "Thank you!", "\n\nI would like to thank you for the efforts you've put in writing this site. ", "I am hoping the same high-grade blog post from you in the upcoming as well. ", "In fact your creative writing skills has encouraged me to get my own blog now. ", "Actually the blogging is spreading its wings rapidly. ", "Your write up is a good example of it.", "\n\nI and my buddies were reviewing the excellent information found on the website and at once developed an awful suspicion I never expressed respect to you for those techniques. ", "Most of the young men had been warmed to learn them and have in effect simply been loving them. ", "I appreciate you for simply being indeed considerate as well as for deciding upon variety of beneficial areas most people are really needing to discover. ", "Our honest regret for not saying thanks to you earlier.", "\n\nThank you for some other informative site. ", "The place else may just I get that type of information written in such an ideal means? ", "I have a venture that I am just now operating on, and I have been on the look out for such info.", "\n\nI would like to get across my love for your generosity for men and women who really want help with in this issue. ", "Your personal commitment to passing the message across became rather invaluable and have truly helped women just like me to achieve their targets. ", "This insightful guidelines signifies a whole lot to me and extremely more to my colleagues. ", "With thanks; from everyone of us.", "\n\nHello There. ", "I found your blog the usage of msn. ", "This is an extremely neatly written article. ", "I will make sure to bookmark it and come back to read extra of your useful information. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I’ll definitely comeback.", "\n\nI’m really loving the concept/design of your net site. ", "Do you at any time run into any web browser compatibility problems? ", "A small variety of my website viewers have complained about my blog not working correctly in Explorer but looks excellent in Ch…\n\nI do accept as true with all the ideas you have introduced in your post. ", "They're very convincing and can definitely work. ", "Still, the posts are too brief for newbies. ", "Could you please lengthen them a little from next time? ", "Thanks for the post.", "\n\nWhats Going down i am new to this, I stumbled upon this I have discovered It positively helpful and it has helped me out loads. ", "I hope to give a contribution & help other users like its helped me. ", "Great job.", "\n\nDoes your internet site have a speak to website page? ", "I’m obtaining a hard time finding it but, I’d like to shoot you an e-mail. ", "I have acquired some innovative tips for your site you may possibly be fascinated in listening to. ", "Possibly way, wonder…\n\nThank you for another informative blog. ", "The place else may just I get that type of info written in such an ideal manner? ", "I have a challenge that I am simply now working on, and I've been at the glance out for such info.", "\n\nMiguTydayFusより:\n2017/10/15(日) 7:19 AM\n\nMail Order Elocon Can I Order Synthroid Over The Internet Viagra Ab Heute Billiger cialis Revatio Medication Buy Antibiotics Online In Uk\n\nHowdy! ", "This is my first visit to your blog! ", "We are a collection of volunteers and starting a new initiative in a community in the same niche. ", "Your blog provided us valuable information to work on. ", "You have done a outstanding job!", "\n\nhi!,I like your writing very much! ", "proportion we keep up a correspondence extra about your article on AOL? ", "I require a specialist on this house to unravel my problem. ", "May be that is you! ", "Having a look ahead to look you.", "\n\nGreetings! ", "This is my first visit to your blog! ", "We are a group of volunteers and starting a new project in a community in the same niche. ", "Your blog provided us valuable information to work on. ", "You have done a extraordinary job!", "\n\nwalk in clinic alexandriaより:\n2017/10/16(月) 3:20 AM\n\nHey There. ", "I found your blog using msn. ", "This is a very well written article. ", "I will be sure to bookmark it and return to read more of your useful information. ", "Thanks for the post. ", "I’ll definitely return.", "\n\nHi there! ", "This is type of off subject matter but I require some tips from an set up blog. ", "Is it really hard to established up your own weblog? ", "I’m not quite techincal but I can figure items out fairly fast. ", "I’m considering about location up my poss…\n\nI would like to thnkx for the efforts you have put in writing this web site. ", "I'm hoping the same high-grade blog post from you in the upcoming also. ", "In fact your creative writing abilities has inspired me to get my own site now. ", "Really the blogging is spreading its wings fast. ", "Your write up is a great example of it.", "\n\nSomeone essentially help to make severely posts I'd state. ", "That is the very first time I frequented your website page and up to now? ", "I amazed with the analysis you made to make this actual put up incredible. ", "Magnificent task!", "\n\nSimply wish to say your article is as amazing. ", "The clearness in your post is just great and i can assume you're an expert on this subject. ", "Well with your permission allow me to grab your RSS feed to keep up to date with forthcoming post. ", "Thanks a million and please keep up the enjoyable work.", "\n\nI would like to thank you for the efforts you've put in writing this web site. ", "I am hoping the same high-grade blog post from you in the upcoming also. ", "Actually your creative writing skills has encouraged me to get my own web site now. ", "Actually the blogging is spreading its wings fast. ", "Your write up is a great example of it.", "\n\nI simply wanted to say thanks yet again. ", "I am not sure the things that I would've tried without the type of tips and hints documented by you directly on that situation. ", "It had become an absolute terrifying setting in my view, however , spending time with a expert strategy you treated that took me to cry over fulfillment. ", "Extremely happier for this information and as well , have high hopes you realize what a powerful job you are putting in instructing most people all through a web site. ", "Most likely you haven't met all of us.", "\n\nI'm extremely impressed with your writing skills as well as with the layout on your blog. ", "Is this a paid theme or did you modify it yourself? ", "Anyway keep up the nice quality writing, it’s rare to see a great blog like this one nowadays..\n\nHi would you brain stating which website system you’re working with? ", "I’m organizing to commence my very own weblog shortly but I’m having a tough time choosing among BlogEngine/Wordpress/B2evolution and Drupal. ", "The explanation I request is becaus…\n\nAppreciating the time and hard work you put into your blog and in depth details you supply. ", "It’s fantastic to arrive throughout a weblog every as soon as in a even though that is not the identical unwelcome rehashed details. ", "Fantastic study! ", "I have s…\n\nAn fascinating discussion is price comment. ", "I feel that it is best to write more on this matter, it won't be a taboo topic however generally people are not enough to speak on such topics. ", "To the next. ", "Cheers\n\nAppreciating the time and hard work you put into your weblog and thorough info you provide. ", "It is fantastic to appear throughout a blog each once in a although that isn’t the exact same unwanted rehashed info. ", "Great read through! ", "I have saved your si…\n\nExcellent beat ! ", "I wish to apprentice whilst you amend your website, how can i subscribe for a blog web site? ", "The account helped me a appropriate deal. ", "I have been a little bit acquainted of this your broadcast offered bright clear concept\n\nTerrific work! ", "This is the type of information that are supposed to be shared around the internet. ", "Disgrace on Google for now not positioning this submit higher! ", "Come on over and discuss with my web site . ", "Thanks =)\n\nUnquestionably believe that which you stated. ", "Your favorite justification appeared to be on the internet the easiest thing to be aware of. ", "I say to you, I certainly get annoyed while people consider worries that they plainly do not know about. ", "You managed to hit the nail upon the top as well as defined out the whole thing without having side effect , people can take a signal. ", "Will likely be back to get more. ", "Thanks\n\nI do agree with all the concepts you have presented to your post. ", "They're really convincing and will certainly work. ", "Still, the posts are too short for beginners. ", "Could you please prolong them a bit from next time? 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0.0006600673659704626, 0.0005310372216627002, 0.000564545567613095, 0.0006788633181713521, 0.0005838430370204151, 0.0008959561819210649, 0.0006015144754201174, 0.0005812808522023261, 0.000564153422601521, 0.0005528589827008545, 0.0008564892341382802, 0.0009322313708253205, 0.0005975548992864788, 0.0008064843132160604, 0.0005909134051762521, 0.0015673304442316294, 0.0007134657935239375, 0.02648458443582058, 0.0005371700972318649, 0.0005759693449363112, 0.0058692763559520245, 0.002402062062174082, 0.0005353466258384287, 0.0057574668899178505, 0.0005298223113641143, 0.0005718836328014731, 0.0006400893907994032, 0.0007795027922838926, 0.0009067623177543283, 0.000536755018401891, 0.0006340753170661628, 0.001184564782306552, 0.021171368658542633, 0.01656351238489151, 0.001370568061247468, 0.0007102509262040257, 0.000604907691013068, 0.0005108382320031524, 0.0007608370506204665, 0.000539085129275918, 0.0005648577935062349, 0.0006774140056222677, 0.0017154301749542356, 0.0006428472697734833, 0.0038655148819088936, 0.0006858425913378596, 0.0010778121650218964, 0.0005329885170795023, 0.0006072824471630156, 0.0005494914366863668, 0.0005632317624986172, 0.0008629086660221219, 0.0007054448942653835, 0.0006398049299605191, 0.0006450084038078785, 0.0006568794487975538, 0.0006056406418792903, 0.000603558961302042, 0.0007418554159812629, 0.0007877210737206042, 0.0006001912988722324, 0.0007057497859932482, 0.04339877516031265, 0.0005278868484310806, 0.0071226623840630054, 0.004051679745316505, 0.0012251763837412, 0.0006185501115396619, 0.007916311733424664, 0.0008550198399461806, 0.0005711041740141809, 0.0009606475941836834, 0.0006495997658930719, 0.0005663051852025092, 0.000582817243412137, 0.0005239564343355596, 0.0005752964061684906, 0.0005879527889192104, 0.0007341785239987075, 0.0005766600952483714, 0.0004920462961308658, 0.000587395450565964, 0.0006069642258808017, 0.00081470119766891, 0.0005973126390017569, 0.0006425713072530925, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.001338006230071187, 0.0005276735173538327, 0.0005170070216991007, 0.0005314415320754051, 0.0006250458536669612, 0.0008796715410426259, 0.0009242363157682121, 0.0005521259736269712, 0.0007159928791224957, 0.0005983987357467413, 0.0007810284732840955, 0.07904677093029022, 0.0006222972297109663, 0.0005446432041935623, 0.0014884482370689511, 0.0005443582776933908, 0.0006560798501595855, 0.0005729369004257023, 0.0005763826193287969, 0.0007454195874743164, 0.03450910374522209, 0.0009058331488631666, 0.000549130723811686, 0.0005511159542948008, 0.000934590760152787, 0.0007054448942653835, 0.0006579646724276245, 0.0006466098711825907, 0.03334840387105942, 0.0007168855518102646, 0.0012463441817089915, 0.0005904810386709869, 0.0006168592371977866, 0.0006671644514426589, 0.0007530893781222403, 0.0006448464118875563, 0.0005710328696295619, 0.0006600673659704626, 0.0005237649893388152, 0.000564545567613095, 0.0006985518266446888, 0.000664629740640521, 0.0005730436532758176, 0.0006600673659704626, 0.0005289105465635657, 0.000564545567613095, 0.0005301570054143667, 0.0006718276417814195, 0.0007010534172877669, 0.0009908396750688553, 0.0005784715176559985, 0.000653501832857728, 0.0016054590232670307, 0.0005262350314296782, 0.0005588071653619409, 0.0005366182303987443, 0.00052382837748155, 0.0005205113557167351, 0.000552987854462117, 0.0005128776538185775, 0.0005543840234167874, 0.0005093280924484134, 0.0005494914366863668, 0.0005730824777856469, 0.0009121894836425781, 0.0006378887919709086, 0.0006398049299605191, 0.0005926181911490858, 0.0006660129292868078, 0.0005536595126613975, 0.0007903184159658849, 0.0009493518737144768, 0.0006601092172786593, 0.0005059284740127623, 0.0006557694869115949, 0.0006401293794624507, 0.0005898633971810341, 0.00053298135753721, 0.0005577809060923755, 0.0006073605618439615, 0.0005698351305909455, 0.0005108268233016133, 0.000538662716280669, 0.0006723227561451495, 0.0007367373327724636, 0.8433218598365784, 0.0007612757617607713, 0.0008407643181271851, 0.0007225832669064403, 0.0005510870832949877, 0.0005254193092696369, 0.0005647271755151451, 0.0009242151281796396, 0.0005104666342958808, 0.0009637856855988503, 0.000556318205781281, 0.0022534355521202087, 0.000608497706707567, 0.0005730436532758176, 0.0006600673659704626, 0.000522311485838145, 0.000608106900472194, 0.0005602168967016041, 0.0005182298482395709, 0.0005909984465688467, 0.0005879527889192104, 0.0005320203490555286, 0.0007608370506204665, 0.0005482853157445788, 0.0005678236484527588, 0.0006216623587533832, 0.0018857921240851283, 0.0006428472697734833, 0.0034168860875070095, 0.0005553746013902128, 0.000775490771047771, 0.0007420554757118225, 0.0008054932695813477, 0.0005624200566671789, 0.0005776112084276974, 0.0006139936740510166, 0.0005165701149962842, 0.0005774529417976737, 0.0006438417476601899, 0.0010385330533608794, 0.0006942121544852853, 0.0007010534172877669, 0.0006506156059913337, 0.0018272758461534977, 0.0005368852871470153, 0.0005207068170420825, 0.000548194395378232, 0.000731654348783195, 0.0021407348103821278, 0.000576457881834358, 0.000612847157754004, 0.000621591869276017, 0.000627805246040225, 0.0007135752821341157, 0.0006836489192210138, 0.0005905249272473156, 0.0006426824256777763, 0.00066763861104846, 0.06452826410531998, 0.000651019043289125, 0.0005240231403149664, 0.000893426884431392, 0.0005388986319303513, 0.0008207494392991066, 0.000756928522605449, 0.0006189077394083142, 0.0006259122164919972, 0.0010778121650218964, 0.0005650491802953184, 0.0006072824471630156, 0.000662073667626828, 0.0007778594736009836, 0.0017560322303324938, 0.0007859152392484248, 0.0014811306027695537, 0.0006139928009361029, 0.0006568794487975538, 0.0006850504432804883, 0.0005733359721489251, 0.001187811023555696, 0.0007709115161560476, 0.000627805246040225, 0.0006085730856284499, 0.0005823338869959116, 0.0015281301457434893, 0.0007323630270548165, 0.0006114279967732728, 0.0005605202168226242, 0.0006611171411350369, 0.000575053330976516, 0.0006314751226454973, 0.0006108248489908874, 0.0005745782982558012, 0.0005771745345555246, 0.1505528688430786, 0.0005479363608174026, 0.0005543243023566902, 0.0005805698456242681, 0.0008130741189233959, 0.016399169340729713, 0.0005507121095433831, 0.004407413303852081, 0.0006450277287513018, 0.0012251763837412, 0.000557631254196167, 0.0006366579327732325, 0.0006757823866792023, 0.0007614328060299158, 0.0006149503169581294, 0.0005730436532758176, 0.0006600673659704626, 0.0005310372216627002, 0.000564545567613095, 0.0016826267819851637, 0.0005408187280409038, 0.0005382056697271764, 0.0008051160257309675, 0.0005470677278935909, 0.0007695400272496045, 0.0005607089260593057, 0.0010497360490262508, 0.0007641914999112487, 0.0005414449260570109, 0.0005509807378984988, 0.0005582803278230131, 0.0007424777722917497, 0.0005810537259094417, 0.0014765404630452394, 0.0006690906011499465, 0.0006119614699855447, 0.0006464928737841547, 0.0006784842698834836, 0.0005721243796870112, 0.0006611171411350369, 0.0005487760063260794, 0.0006169424741528928, 0.0005827281274832785, 0.0006382028805091977, 0.0007102293311618268, 0.0013947351835668087, 0.0005790640134364367, 0.0007083983509801328, 0.0005359363276511431, 0.0005260853213258088, 0.000579792947974056, 0.0006027495255693793, 0.0007577557116746902, 0.0006807005847804248, 0.0006040383595973253, 0.0006768087041564286, 0.0016700003761798143, 0.0005903738783672452, 0.0005583255551755428, 0.0005582558806054294, 0.0005249379901215434, 0.000553386751562357, 0.0005809662397950888, 0.0006674057804048061, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.0007632962660863996, 0.0005393896717578173, 0.0006313984049484134, 0.0006983614875935018, 0.0013433254789561033, 0.0006858923006802797, 0.000914037402253598, 0.0006967002409510314, 0.0006275504129007459, 0.053780168294906616, 0.0011716348817571998, 0.0007983928662724793, 0.0006923578912392259, 0.0005777183105237782, 0.0005429896991699934, 0.0005409687873907387, 0.0005750105483457446, 0.0005458483356051147, 0.0008140388526953757, 0.0011708317324519157, 0.0005464793066494167, 0.0013560446677729487, 0.0007002144702710211, 0.0008676626021042466, 0.001009778818115592, 0.0008341160719282925, 0.0034599280916154385, 0.04339877516031265, 0.0005403617396950722, 0.013821669854223728, 0.0009343334240838885, 0.0010395486606284976, 0.0007345774210989475, 0.00081470119766891, 0.0005968715413473547, 0.0006582823698408902, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.0011389360297471285, 0.0005067288875579834, 0.0006397005636245012, 0.0005797426565550268, 0.0005962902214378119, 0.000806500029284507, 0.0005339187337085605, 0.001200235215947032, 0.001505390857346356, 0.0006896677659824491, 0.0006839571869932115, 0.000661168887745589, 0.0005215503042563796, 0.0005704413051716983, 0.0005759828491136432, 0.001559040741994977, 0.0005570235662162304, 0.0005531731876544654, 0.0005472739576362073, 0.0005517729441635311, 0.0005239794263616204, 0.0005148199270479381, 0.0006656645564362407, 0.0006681039230898023, 0.0005591691588051617, 0.0013303529703989625, 0.0005410133744589984, 0.00069402129156515, 0.0005705231451429427, 0.0005352144362404943, 0.0008875182247720659, 0.0007282019942067564, 0.0005301061901263893, 0.0005838822689838707, 0.49405038356781006, 0.0007091332809068263, 0.0005928839673288167, 0.0006345976144075394, 0.0004998884978704154, 0.0005262350314296782, 0.0005472739576362073, 0.0005366182303987443, 0.0005259421886876225, 0.0008931996417231858, 0.0015749188605695963, 0.0004938638303428888, 0.0007356491987593472, 0.0007703489391133189, 0.0005786010879091918, 0.0007039415650069714, 0.0005810465663671494, 0.0004997020005248487, 0.0005676780710928142, 0.0005349260754883289, 0.0005809584981761873, 0.0008065738365985453, 0.0006139553152024746, 0.0005108268233016133, 0.000545866321772337, 0.0006143691716715693, 0.0012378001119941473, 0.0007053040317259729, 0.000696057453751564, 0.0005888944142498076, 0.0005289919208735228, 0.0011498973472043872, 0.0005782179650850594, 0.000590610783547163, 0.003040548413991928, 0.0006134146242402494, 0.0011428908910602331, 0.0008746314560994506, 0.001347777433693409, 0.0017369614215567708, 0.000707580940797925, 0.0005688236560672522, 0.0013014172436669469, 0.0007323630270548165, 0.0007075048051774502, 0.001368146389722824, 0.0006351270130835474, 0.0008111722418107092, 0.0029383432120084763, 0.0027676576282829046, 0.0013162236427888274, 0.0006199136842042208, 0.0006829609628766775, 0.0006007101037539542, 0.0005218673031777143, 0.0005076510715298355, 0.0006121107726357877, 0.0005262350314296782, 0.0005594053654931486, 0.0005366182303987443, 0.0005110586644150317, 0.0007319984142668545, 0.0005581947043538094, 0.001725385314784944, 0.0006041503511369228, 0.0006123736966401339, 0.0021258743945509195, 0.0007077192422002554, 0.0006320818210951984, 0.0008230110979638994, 0.0005611951928585768, 0.0005361391813494265, 0.0018502946477383375, 0.0005314412992447615, 0.0005702605121769011, 0.0006400893907994032, 0.000531232391949743, 0.0006538679008372128, 0.0007079651113599539, 0.8452761769294739, 0.0009278812212869525, 0.0007085492834448814, 0.000752270279917866, 0.0007259134436026216, 0.0006359414546750486, 0.0006755199283361435, 0.0005872213514521718, 0.07519453763961792, 0.0006607515970245004, 0.0006936384597793221, 0.0007792661781422794, 0.0007319984142668545, 0.0005448586889542639, 0.0005433816113509238, 0.0008051160257309675, 0.000561754684895277, 0.0006358505343087018, 0.000584789493586868, 0.0008784038946032524, 0.0007545012631453574, 0.0006140805780887604, 0.0018281674711033702, 0.0006418622215278447, 0.0008259746246039867, 0.0008912486373446882, 0.0011414765613153577, 0.0007393892738036811, 0.0010773937683552504, 0.0005284446524456143, 0.0005662760231643915, 0.0009634119924157858, 0.0006293766782619059, 0.0006579646724276245, 0.0006254190811887383, 0.0005219939048402011, 0.0005512856878340244, 0.0005858149379491806, 0.000619460130110383, 0.0008473828784190118, 0.0005383372190408409, 0.0005442830151878297, 0.0008003806578926742, 0.0005885661812499166, 0.0005999328568577766, 0.0005857830983586609, 0.0005304114311002195, 0.002739802934229374, 0.0005999720306135714, 0.0006536423461511731, 0.0005618692957796156, 0.0024529392831027508, 0.0005493985372595489, 0.0005644554039463401, 0.0009920226875692606, 0.0007657854584977031, 0.0005454175407066941, 0.0005621875170618296, 0.0006858948618173599, 0.0008229597588069737, 0.0005193031392991543, 0.0006310013704933226, 0.0006085983477532864, 0.0005915248184464872, 0.0006831295322626829, 0.000617259182035923, 0.0010426799999549985, 0.0006133844726718962, 0.0005914692883379757, 0.020664850249886513, 0.000581677071750164, 0.0009588845423422754, 0.0007185869617387652, 0.0005521259736269712, 0.0005499397520907223, 0.0005753948935307562, 0.0005241585313342512, 0.0007098327623680234, 0.010833670385181904, 0.0006301872781477869, 0.0009469516226090491, 0.0006099772290326655, 0.0016014163848012686, 0.0005863324622623622, 0.0005612925160676241, 0.0006507380167022347, 0.0008584412280470133, 0.0013147045392543077, 0.0006153263966552913, 0.00081470119766891, 0.0005973126390017569, 0.0006051388918422163, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.002139479387551546, 0.0014324137009680271, 0.0025768480263650417, 0.0007157574291341007, 0.0007350837113335729, 0.0005727895186282694, 0.0005311291315592825, 0.0005486018490046263, 0.0005605865735560656, 0.0006400893907994032, 0.0005843290709890425, 0.006276022642850876, 0.0011263667838647962, 0.0008591075893491507, 0.0005194152472540736, 0.0007038383046165109, 0.0012257612543180585, 0.0008440550300292671, 0.000616294564679265, 0.0007289987988770008, 0.0005240503815002739, 0.0010320693254470825, 0.0006138423923403025, 0.04081190750002861, 0.0007472666329704225, 0.0004989758599549532, 0.006475172936916351, 0.0006008990458212793, 0.0005278448224999011, 0.0005124083254486322, 0.000553386751562357, 0.0005631933454424143, 0.0005949282785877585, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.0005847039865329862, 0.0007252880604937673, 0.000641300284769386, 0.0005387381534092128, 0.0006127397646196187, 0.0006040803273208439, 0.000527501804754138, 0.0005539318663068116, 0.002956910291686654, 0.0008479627431370318, 0.45319005846977234, 0.04698043689131737, 0.0014441292732954025, 0.0007225264562293887, 0.0005761022330261767, 0.0005637056892737746, 0.000642202387098223, 0.0005702366470359266, 0.0007784627377986908, 0.0008984386804513633, 0.0007205011206679046, 0.0006729381275363266, 0.0012507906649261713, 0.0007102509262040257, 0.0006048742798157036, 0.001979303313419223, 0.0021087855566293, 0.17074188590049744, 0.0012163618812337518, 0.023234425112605095, 0.0011678744340315461, 0.0006350199109874666, 0.0007021677447482944, 0.0005767518887296319, 0.0007354228291660547, 0.000719843665137887, 0.0005790640134364367, 0.0007900918135419488, 0.0005367199773900211, 0.0005231655086390674, 0.010833670385181904, 0.0005905862781219184, 0.0009754025377333164, 0.0005909134051762521, 0.0016014163848012686, 0.0006022611050866544, 0.0008204123005270958, 0.0006688776193186641, 0.0007916688336990774, 0.00113874941598624, 0.0005252177943475544, 0.0006505433702841401, 0.0005710328696295619, 0.0006600673659704626, 0.0005221777828410268, 0.000608106900472194, 0.0006788633181713521, 0.0006227089907042682, 0.000673426955472678, 0.0010752287926152349, 0.0009221704676747322, 0.0005951356142759323, 0.0007122576353140175, 0.0006815493106842041, 0.0005149580538272858, 0.0006884325412102044, 0.0005415736814029515, 0.0006323580746538937, 0.000636767188552767, 0.0005671759136021137, 0.0005836441414430737, 0.003581677097827196, 0.0007063072407618165, 0.0005283431382849813, 0.0005639861919917166, 0.0015076221898198128, 0.002402062062174082, 0.0005793731543235481, 0.0012493184767663479, 0.0005243601626716554, 0.000548897369299084, 0.0006395046366378665, 0.000598540180362761, 0.0005350324208848178, 0.0005361141520552337, 0.0005976186948828399, 0.0005507987807504833, 0.0005459144595079124, 0.0006719662342220545, 0.0006057497230358422, 0.0006208109552972019, 0.0005614966503344476, 0.0007354228291660547, 0.0009614863083697855, 0.0005855419440194964, 0.001009325380437076, 0.0006640703068114817, 0.0006269905134104192, 0.0025768480263650417, 0.0013605133863165975, 0.0005904455902054906, 0.0005679844762198627, 0.0007067152764648199, 0.0006766961887478828, 0.0005684824427589774, 0.0008019410888664424, 0.0005613517132587731, 0.0005574394599534571, 0.0013794413534924388, 0.0009786157170310616, 0.0005563012091442943, 0.0006292968755587935, 0.000768172147218138, 0.0018785489955917, 0.0006255643093027174, 0.0007446702220477164, 0.0006022611050866544, 0.0013491777935996652, 0.0006365930312313139, 0.0007336678681895137, 0.0014811306027695537, 0.0007137171342037618, 0.0006432366790249944, 0.0005429273587651551, 0.0005774733726866543, 0.0005560250137932599, 0.0005463501438498497, 0.006681198254227638, 0.0005512228235602379, 0.002908688271418214, 0.0006044871988706291, 0.000759968941565603, 0.0005937364767305553, 0.0007320605800487101, 0.0006770570762455463, 0.0008334379526786506, 0.0678214579820633, 0.012233286164700985, 0.0007325885235331953, 0.0008833744213916361, 0.0008390784496441483, 0.003960721660405397, 0.0006524909404106438, 0.0006593327852897346, 0.0007774830446578562, 0.0007792661781422794, 0.000587774848099798, 0.0005634301342070103, 0.0006507380167022347, 0.0005534252268262208, 0.0008527726167812943, 0.0005689999088644981, 0.0005618800059892237, 0.0005717378808185458, 0.0005507300375029445, 0.0005750105483457446, 0.0005355303874239326, 0.0005949617479927838, 0.0005352853913791478, 0.0007377603324130177, 0.0007029557600617409, 0.848220944404602, 0.000552957586478442, 0.0005507814348675311, 0.0005421036039479077, 0.19294285774230957, 0.0005372920422814786, 0.0005126139731146395, 0.000531756435520947, 0.0005325198289938271, 0.0005365215474739671, 0.0005415736814029515, 0.0005825104308314621, 0.0006193391163833439, 0.0005394443869590759, 0.0005642951582558453, 0.0006084162159822881, 0.0005829658475704491, 0.0007650101324543357, 0.002174295485019684, 0.0005615558475255966, 0.0005284325452521443, 0.0009919065050780773, 0.0005317440372891724, 0.000677042524330318, 0.00056424894137308, 0.0005613032262772322, 0.0005716232117265463, 0.0009478474385105073, 0.0005625669728033245, 0.0005165616748854518, 0.0005752964061684906, 0.0005802108789794147, 0.0008802564116194844, 0.5706899166107178, 0.0005171829252503812, 0.0007438839529640973, 0.0006921638851054013, 0.000517653941642493, 0.000677042524330318, 0.0006131325499154627, 0.0005926221492700279, 0.0005597653798758984, 0.0006971352268010378, 0.0008390784496441483, 0.004414843395352364, 0.0006811571074649692, 0.0005288822576403618, 0.0006169371772557497, 0.0005978947156108916, 0.000708704290445894, 0.0006642200169153512, 0.005921565927565098, 0.0005816526827402413, 0.0005176073755137622, 0.0032093299087136984, 0.0005787892150692642, 0.0005796711193397641, 0.001496593584306538, 0.0007238572579808533, 0.0005415736814029515, 0.0006412176880985498, 0.0006727175205014646, 0.006681198254227638, 0.0007307975320145488, 0.0006228217971511185, 0.0006172883440740407, 0.0020329789258539677, 0.0005750105483457446, 0.000540587876457721, 0.0005066820303909481, 0.0005491009214892983, 0.0005739018670283258, 0.0005315410671755672, 0.0005378228379413486, 0.0006221175426617265, 0.0013611101312562823, 0.0005694083520211279, 0.0006464161560870707, 0.0007079815841279924, 0.0008229558006860316, 0.0005870249588042498, 0.0005472739576362073, 0.0005367069970816374, 0.0005182909080758691, 0.000624015461653471, 0.0005519865080714226, 0.008310561999678612, 0.0012560280738398433, 0.0005988973425701261, 0.0007527500274591148, 0.000561259628739208, 0.0008373448508791625, 0.0006174453883431852, 0.0005933240172453225, 0.053780168294906616, 0.000580763618927449, 0.000702124903909862, 0.0010784310288727283, 0.0005891150212846696, 0.0006212320295162499, 0.0009821272687986493, 0.0005209354567341506, 0.0006052813841961324, 0.0005016240174882114, 0.0007269566995091736, 0.0005655885906890035, 0.0007762153400108218, 0.0006602694047614932, 0.0006528111989609897, 0.0005549275083467364, 0.0005476306541822851, 0.0009665405959822237, 0.0006610110867768526, 0.0006398049299605191, 0.0005595205002464354, 0.0005427513970062137, 0.0004917739424854517, 0.0006389691261574626, 0.0005104155279695988, 0.0005582353915087879, 0.0006190089043229818, 0.0012823041761294007, 0.0024982376489788294, 0.0005450822645798326, 0.0005866937572136521, 0.0006153263966552913, 0.0007409630343317986, 0.0006245375843718648, 0.0006466998602263629, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.001659311936236918, 0.0005638792645186186, 0.0017217998392879963, 0.0005596813280135393, 0.000549935270100832, 0.0008649209048599005, 0.0007015326409600675, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.0005842532846145332, 0.0005917740636505187, 0.0007102293311618268, 0.0009399380651302636, 0.5924004912376404, 0.0005568818305619061, 0.0005623573670163751, 0.0005691734259016812, 0.0005996381514705718, 0.005095919594168663, 0.0013605133863165975, 0.0005617871065624058, 0.0005559365381486714, 0.0008243254269473255, 0.0007778172730468214, 0.0006874589598737657, 0.0007882298086769879, 0.020664850249886513, 0.0010692633222788572, 0.0008353134617209435, 0.0013605133863165975, 0.0005643118056468666, 0.0005559365381486714, 0.0009196947794407606, 0.0005866183200851083, 0.00081470119766891, 0.0005840756930410862, 0.000587865652050823, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.0013120463117957115, 0.0007319984142668545, 0.0005809515132568777, 0.0015396511880680919, 0.0006066556670702994, 0.001593932625837624, 0.0005636637797579169, 0.000895609671715647, 0.0007054448942653835, 0.0006579646724276245, 0.0005841318634338677, 0.0015011528739705682, 0.0005668033263646066, 0.0009083659388124943, 0.0005447667790576816, 0.0005660477327182889, 0.0008285673102363944, 0.0005072565982118249, 0.0005569609347730875, 0.0005500278202816844, 0.0010496351169422269, 0.0006900319713167846, 0.0006579646724276245, 0.0005565759493038058, 0.0005599505384452641, 0.0011743942741304636, 0.0005592736415565014, 0.000931073387619108, 0.0005592152592726052, 0.0008564892341382802, 0.02162342332303524, 0.0009765406139194965, 0.0005504476139321923, 0.0005558576085604727, 0.0007313764654099941, 0.0006168821710161865, 0.0005276164738461375, 0.0009650375577621162, 0.000527012802194804, 0.0005584937753155828, 0.0007301908335648477, 0.009799323044717312, 0.0007073833839967847, 0.0005422074464149773, 0.0005465835565701127, 0.0006177767645567656, 0.07638393342494965, 0.0007061740034259856, 0.0005652385298162699, 0.0013491777935996652, 0.0007132724276743829, 0.0007398196612484753, 0.00113874941598624, 0.0005071770865470171, 0.0005877793300896883, 0.000772668921854347, 0.0006674057804048061, 0.0005536394310183823, 0.0006372391944751143, 0.0005977391265332699, 0.002099928678944707, 0.0007323630270548165, 0.0006082596955820918, 0.0008016916108317673, 0.0006301872781477869, 0.0009754025377333164, 0.0005909134051762521, 0.0013961304211989045, 0.0006240315269678831, 0.000596367463003844, 0.0009606475941836834, 0.0006559541798196733, 0.0005669540842063725, 0.0006241481169126928, 0.000571896496694535, 0.0005513775977306068, 0.0005697623710148036, 0.01989033818244934, 0.000742752687074244, 0.0005623911856673658, 0.0005870325258001685, 0.0005541298887692392, 0.0005563749000430107, 0.0007988106226548553, 0.0005151983932591975, 0.0007108603604137897, 0.0010120937367901206, 0.0017377141630277038, 0.014018098823726177, 0.0009526663925498724, 0.0005084775038994849, 0.0006816390086896718, 0.0006661291117779911, 0.0006053220713511109, 0.0005304041551426053, 0.0005308494437485933, 0.0007372613181360066, 0.0007927555125206709, 0.000553001300431788, 0.0005579564021900296, 0.0009920226875692606, 0.0008015877683646977, 0.0006028618663549423, 0.0005611938540823758, 0.0005781964282505214, 0.0009006967302411795, 0.0010902704671025276, 0.0006452789530158043, 0.0051195621490478516, 0.0006498273578472435, 0.0014986027963459492, 0.0006535143475048244, 0.0007982722599990666, 0.0008352207951247692, 0.0005311232525855303, 0.0006434071692638099, 0.0007422199123539031, 0.0006706255953758955, 0.000747796380892396, 0.0007020830526016653, 0.0007415617001242936, 0.0005886292201466858, 0.0005160894943401217, 0.0006273458711802959, 0.0005871321191079915, 0.000518507556989789, 0.0008983248844742775, 0.000587696151342243, 0.0008140388526953757, 0.0033716734033077955, 0.0006457043346017599, 0.0005986622418276966, 0.0007949773571453989, 0.000608497706707567, 0.0005710328696295619, 0.0006600673659704626, 0.000522311485838145, 0.000608106900472194, 0.0005989690544083714, 0.0005617758142761886, 0.001309728599153459, 0.0005072565982118249, 0.0005876838113181293, 0.0007265788735821843, 0.0007131133461371064, 0.000627805246040225 ]
[ "Henrik Oja\n\nJohan Henrik Hognert Oja (born 1972) is a Swedish musician and producer. ", "From 1999-2000 with Fredrik Kallander and Jennie Abrahamson he formed part of the electronic pop group Heed, releasing two albums Postdynamic Tide (1999) and Breakeven (2000) on EMI Sweden. ", "Oja now composes music for video games.", "\n\nDiscography\nwith Heed\nPostdynamic Tide (1999)\nBreakeven (2000) EMI Sweden\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Living people\nCategory:1972 births" ]
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[ 0.0011601588921621442, 0.0007829683017916977, 0.0007578741060569882, 0.0006321661057882011 ]
[ "After my last post I decided I needed to post the next time I felt really good. ", "Fortunately, it wasn’t that long. ", "The last week has been very typical of the end of the Lupron effect for me. ", "Sunday and Monday were absolutely terrible, then suddenly Wednesday and Thursday were quite good, at least in the evenings. ", "That seems to be a recurring theme, Pre-evening is iffy and the evenings are much better. ", "Today, Thursday, I wound up taking Xanax to help me sleep through the afternoon, and awoke to a really good evening.", "\n\nDespite my cancer I feel incredibly lucky. ", "I managed to live the American dream. ", "After my father’s death when I was 7, my mother and I were thrown into financial chaos. ", "For over ten years we lived below the poverty line, although I didn’t know it t the time. ", "It was just the way life was as far as I was concerned. ", "At one point it looked like we’d have to move into government housing, the projects, but my grandmother had some land with timber on it that a company wanted to buy and it saved us, as well as, providing funds for my college education (supplemented by numerous loans from the University). ", "I graduated, got a great job at Texas Instruments and moved up the corporate ladder. ", "Eventually, I married and my wife and I started a software business that served the Department of Defense and the National Cancer Institute. ", "We were able to retire early with enough money to live comfortably. ", "As I said, I have been incredibly lucky.", "\n\nAs I was transitioning into retirement, The Stage I cancer diagnosis came. ", "By the time I was almost fully retired, the Stage IV diagnosis came. ", "It’s now almost 2.5 years later. ", "We’ve traveled a lot, bucket list kinds of trips, but Lupron has been a consistent problem. ", "Timing trips so I’m not affected by Lupron has been pretty much impossible.", "\n\nI don’t know what to do about Lupron. ", "On the one hand, it is unquestionably extending my life, but we don’t know by how much. ", "On the other hand, I feel horrible 25-50% of the time. ", "The depressions are often so bad that I pray for a brain aneurism to end it all.", "\n\nEnough history, right now I feel great. ", "The Lupron has subsided and a cocktail or two tonight has enhanced my view of life that much more.", "\n\nI want to thank all my followers for your support. ", "Your likes, comments, and encouragement mean the world to me. ", "I suspect that one of the reasons I’m more inclined to post when I’m under Lupron’s spell is to get your support. ", "It helps so much in helping me to get past the low points.", "\n\nThe future. ", "It scares me. ", "At this point it’s mostly fear of the pain that is waiting for me. ", "The docs tell me that there are very powerful painkillers and I’ll be OK, but I still have my doubts. ", "I take comfort in knowing that there is an option to put me in a chemically induced coma until I die. ", "If the painkillers fail, that’s what I want.", "\n\nI haven’t gotten to the point where I am scared about being dead. ", "I may not get there at all, but I’ll certainly be more apprehensive at the very minimum. ", "I’ve been reading the books about people who “died” and were brought back to life in the hospital. ", "There are so many cases of this I find it hard to brush off. ", "It also helps that I really like the experiences they report. ", "I figure if this doesn’t happen, then when I die that’s it.", "\n\nI find myself reliving my past a lot more since the stage IV diagnosis. ", "Maybe people’s lives really do flash before them when they’re about die and when they know they’re dying “soon” the process starts and runs more slowly. ", "I’m also spending some serious time getting my photographic legacy in order for my wife. ", "But this isn’t all about the past. ", "There’s still lots of time, even if it’s only a few years, to create a lot of great memories.", "\n\nI’m always trying to find ways to better capture and preserve these memories. ", "An up and coming technology called Life Logging may play a significant role. ", "The idea is simple. ", "You wear a tiny camera that takes wide angle photos “every so often” of what’s in front of you. ", "Later these are edited and assembled into short time lapse movies of what you saw. ", "Or you place the unit somewhere overlooking the area where you want to preserve the action. ", "It sounds perfect to me for bucket list adventures, major family events, etc. ", "Some may even want to wear one almost all the time.", "\n\nThe underlying technology to do this has been around for a long time, but only recently have startup companies started working on Life Loggers for the mass market. ", "Two products are close to being released. ", "The first, Autographer, is currently slated for availability in the UK in late January, 2013, for an estimated price of around 400 English Pounds (about $650 US), as of this writing. ", "It’s by far the more sophisticated of the two and goes to great lengths to decide when the best time is to take pictures. ", "It’s got five sensors and GPS to identify when to take a photo, based on changes in light, color, motion, direction, and temperature. ", "For example; Autographer might capture an image when the wearer speeds up as they run for the bus, moves from a warm pub to a snowy street, or turns around to greet a friend. ", "Photos are uploaded to your computer and you make one or more videos using their software. ", "There’s a pretty good video on their site introducing the camera. ", "Financially, Autographer has the advantage that even though it’s a startup, it has a well established British company behind it. (", "Thanks to Gizmodo.com for an interview they scored with the developers, which provided some of the info here.)", "\n\nThe second product is Memonto. ", "It’s slated for availability in April 2013 at a cost of $279 US, as of this writing. ", "It takes a picture every 30 seconds, period. ", "This isn’t necessarily bad. ", "It’s unclear if Autographer’s approach to snapping shots based on a collection of sensors is worth the extra cost compared to simple fixed interval shots. ", "Photos in Memonto are uploaded to a protected web site Memonto hosts where they are geotagged and their computers take an automated first cut at editing the shots into multiple photo streams called “moments”. ", "The user can then re-edit as they please. ", "There’s a documentary on life logging on their site. ", "If you scroll past the halfway point, a large number of photos from a prototype device are shown (at least I assume that’s what they are). ", "They have a pronounced yellow cast. ", "Hopefully, this will be removed in the final product and is not considered an “Instagram filter” look that’s desirable. ", "The company is crowd-source funded through Kickstarter.", "\n\nBoth products have batteries that they claim will last at day or two before recharging. ", "They also both claim they’ll have very easy to use software to edit and build the movies. ", "Assuming the cost is reasonable, the software is where the rub will likely be, if there is one (or two). ", "The hardware development needed is more evolutionary than revolutionary. ", "The opposite is true for the software. ", "Based on what little information there is about the companies, it’s hard to tell which one is more likely to produce the best software.", "\n\nBetween the two, based solely on the hardware and workflow, I prefer Autographer’s approach. ", "I believe having a collection of sensors decide when to take the shot will result in picture streams that are smaller, more relevant, and need less editing. ", "I also greatly prefer that all Autographer’s pictures will be stored and edited on my local computer instead of requiring an upload to Memonto’s cloud computers to get GPS tagged and edited into moments.", "\n\nStay tuned. ", "If the initial reviews are good for either product, I’ll probably give ’em a try.", "\n\nThe Elvis wedding in Las Vegas was a blast! ", "After we all were seated a fog machine started up, covering the floor in mist. ", "Two huge doors in the back of the chapel opened up and in drove Elvis in a pink convertible Cadillac with the bride and groom in the back seat.", "\n\nElvis helped them out of the car, they went to their appointed places and Elvis conducted the service, interspersing it with a number of serenades.", "\n\nAt the end of the service, we all danced with Elvis singing, and then it was photo time for the family.", "\n\nLast Thursday I returned to Texas. ", "My wife and I had driven out to Florida with Julia, our French bulldog. ", "My wife’s mother passed away recently and we went there so my wife could go through all the personal effects with her brothers and start to get the house in shape to sell. (", "This was where Julia started and ended her swimming career – see the prior post.) ", "It turned out to be a bigger job than anticipated and she decided to stay behind, while I returned for a doctor’s appointment on Friday (that I couldn’t move for a variety of reasons).", "\n\nIt was very strange being home totally alone. ", "I realized that it’s been over 20 years since I was at home without my wife or a dog for company. ", "It was surprisingly lonely. ", "I’ve traveled alone for business many times, and it never bothered me, but somehow this was different.", "\n\nFriday came and I went to the psychiatrist. ", "We discussed how the adderral was starting to fail. ", "My body seems to be building a tolerance rather quickly. ", "Instead of increasing the adderral, he doubled the anti-depressant I’m taking. ", "Unfortunately, it may take weeks before we know if that works. ", "If not, then it’s starting over again, each iteration taking weeks. ", "Sigh.", "\n\nOver the last two months the character of my depression has changed. ", "I used to be able to tell if it was from the casodex, fear of my cancer, or my historical depression issues. ", "Now they all blend and I can’t tell where it’s coming from. ", "This makes it harder to fight. ", "It does always pass, though, and I feel pretty good the majority of the time.", "\n\nSaturday was a bad day. ", "I think being alone contributed to the feeling that I’m surrounded by death. ", "My dog Gladys, died from cancer recently, my mother-in-law died about the same time, and our other dog, Julia, was diagnosed with digestive problems and isn’t expected to make it past the end of the year. ", "The time in Florida was also tough. ", "I wasn’t all that close to my mother-in-law, but it was hard watching her children, all very good people, grieve as they went through her stuff.", "\n\nOn Sunday, and since then, I’ve felt quite good. ", "My wife is now back home, along with Julia. ", "Before long we go to Las Vegas for a friend’s wedding. ", "Elvis will be the minister and he’ll even sing for us, no kidding! ", "Attending an Elvis weeding is one of those things you want on your bucket list, but don’t put it on because it’s sooo unlikely you’ll be able to do it. ", "This is going to be cool.", "\n\nMy relationships are deeper and more meaningful to me. ", "This is especially true in my marriage. ", "I also find I’m more thankful of little things, simple pleasures, simple surprises.", "\n\nI feel better that I’ve worked up a comprehensive plan for my wife for after I die. ", "As in most marriages, we have a division of labor. ", "There’re a lot of things I do that will still need to be done. ", "The plan contains the simple and complex tasks, all laid out.", "\n\nI’m conducting an overdue review of wills, powers of attorney, medical directives, etc. ", "Things that everyone should have right now, but always seem to get put off until it’s too late. ", "Since I have a pretty good idea of the manner in which I’ll die, I’m more confident I’m getting the medical directives done just the way I want.", "\n\nI’m going through my bucket list. ", "It’s also easy to delay this until it’s too late. ", "That’s not going to happen to me.", "\n\nIn the best, reasonable case I’ll only live 10 more years. ", "That makes financial planning a lot easier. ", "Plus, I can splurge a bit! ", "It also means I’ll very likely die with all my faculties in reasonable shape. ", "I don’t have to worry about being some poor soul slumped over in a wheelchair abandoned in a nursing home.", "\n\nThe manner of my death will likely be heavily sedated, but peaceful and painless.", "\n\nThe timing of my death will probably be forecast fairly accurately by the doctors I am told. ", "That means I won’t die alone, which is comforting.", "\n\nLast night my wife and I had the pleasure of seeing the concert “Celtic Woman” courtesy of two close friends. ", "The performance was exceptional. ", "What also struck me were the seats. ", "We were in the fourth row dead center. ", "I’ve never been that close to any performance before. ", "We were too close to see the jumbotron. ", "It truly is a different experience being that close, one you should add to your bucket list. ", "I had no idea being so close could make a performance so much better. ", "We could see the sparkle in the performers’ makeup, hear un-miced performers sign along, and catch the occasional stage hand in the background call out. ", "A great show in great seats!", "\n\nPosts navigation\n\nGet an Email When I Post Something\n\nNo need to keep checking for new posts, just enter your email address and click \"follow\"." ]
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[ "# NodeBots Day 2017 for Bogotá, Colombia!", "\n\n - Organizers: [@davsket](https://twitter.com/davsket), [@buritica](http://twitter.com/buritica), [@agar3s](http://twitter.com/agar3s), [@kuryaki](http://twitter.com/kuryaki), [@manvedu](https://twitter.com/manvedu), [@nathalyvillamor](https://twitter.com/nathalyvillamor), [@milena_suarezl](https://twitter.com/milena_suarezl), [@dernestoe](https://twitter.com/dernestoe), [@sergiosinuco](https://twitter.com/sergiosinuco)\n - Home Page: {TBD}\n - Ticket Link: {TBD}\n - Location: [Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá, Sede Chapinero](http://www.ccb.org.co/La-Camara-CCB/Nuestras-sedes/Sede-y-Centro-Empresarial-Chapinero), Sala # 307-308. ", "Calle 67#8-32/44.", "\n - Date: July 29, 2017\n - Hours: {TBD}\n - Expected # of attendees: 60\n - Sponsors: {TBD}\n\n# TODO\n\n - [ ] Recruit Sponsors\n - [ ] Figure out how you're feeding your attendees if you're feeding them\n - [ ] Setup Ticketing Presales (eg, [Tito](https://ti.to/bogotajs))\n - [ ] Order Parts (if needed)\n - [x] Secure a location\n - [ ] Determine a Time\n - [x] Determine a Max # of attendees\n - [ ] Recruit Volunteers (1 for every 10 works if you've done this before)\n - [ ] Determine Curriculum and Projects\n - [ ] Recruit Attendees\n\n# Notes\n\n" ]
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[ " FILED\n Jul 01, 2019\n 08:13 AM(CT)\n TENNESSEE COURT OF\n WORKERS' COMPENSATION\n CLAIMS\n\n\n\n\n TENNESSEE BUREAU OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION\n IN THE COURT OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION CLAIMS\n AT MEMPHIS\n\nMARSHA WRIGHT, ) Docket No. ", "2018-08-0461\n Employee, )\nv. )\nTENNESSEE CVS PHARMACY, ) State File No. ", "94867-2015\nLLC, )\n Employer, )\nand )\nNEW HAMPSHIRE INS. ", "CO., ", " ) Judge Deana C. Seymour\n Insurance Carrier. ", " )\n )\n\n\n COMPENSATION HEARING ORDER\n\n\n The Court convened a compensation hearing on June 5, 2019, where the primary issue\nwas the extent of Ms. Wright’s permanent disability benefits. ", "For the reasons below, the\nCourt holds Ms. Wright is entitled to additional disability benefits under section 50-6-242,\ntotaling 275 weeks of benefits.", "\n\n History of Claim1\n\n Marsha Wright worked as a supervisor for CVS when robbers entered her store,\nordered her to her knees, and held her at gunpoint. ", "Following the robbery, an ambulance\ntransported her to the emergency room for treatment of anxiety and elevated blood pressure.", "\n\n A few days later, Ms. Wright went to a medical clinic with ongoing anxiety and pain\nin both knees. ", "She received treatment for her knees at Campbell Clinic. ", "Her knee pain\nresolved without permanent impairment, but her anxiety continued.", "\n\n\n\n\n1 See Appendix at pages 7 - 8 of this Order for party stipulations.", "\n\n 1\n\f CVS provided a panel from which Ms. Wright chose Dr. Ahmad Al-Hamda for\npsychological care. ", "Dr. Al-Hamda diagnosed Ms. Wright with post-traumatic stress disorder\n(PTSD), noted her flashbacks, and traumatic nightmares, and referred her for psychiatric\ntreatment.", "\n\n Several months later, CVS provided Ms. Wright a panel from which she chose Dr.\nMelvin Goldin for psychiatric treatment. ", "Dr. Goldin agreed with Dr. Al-Hamda’s diagnosis\nof PTSD. ", "He prescribed medication and referred Ms. Wright for psychotherapy.", "\n\n Dr. Goldin placed Ms. Wright at maximum medical improvement (MMI) on\nNovember 18, 2018. ", "He determined she retained permanent impairment of fifteen percent to\nthe body as a whole and certified she could no longer perform her pre-injury occupation. ", "Dr.\nGoldin prescribed ongoing medication and psychotherapy. ", "He noted that Ms. Wright might\nbe able to return to another work-setting depending on several variables such as “how and\nwhere the place is and how she has to get there.”", "\n\n The parties disagreed on the extent of Ms. Wright’s benefits. ", "Ms. Wright claimed\nentitlement to increased benefits under Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-207(3)(B)\nand additional disability benefits under Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-242(a)(2).", "\nCVS denied Ms. Wright’s entitlement to these remedies, contending she had the ability to\nwork but would not.", "\n\n Ms. Wright testified that she worked over twenty years in a public capacity and had no\ngaps in her work history until the robbery. ", "She has not worked since the robbery and doubts\nshe can return to work because of her lingering mental issues.", "\n\n According to Ms. Wright, she never experienced mental problems before the robbery.", "\n Since then, however, she cannot interact with the public, suffers extreme anxiety, and\nseldom leaves her home. ", "She stated she suffers three to four panic attacks a week and\nexperiences migraines from her anxiety. ", "She further indicated problems with driving and,\nwhile she occasionally drove to the pharmacy or hair salon, her husband and father-in-law\nnow typically drive for her. ", "Ms. Wright still attends church but must “sit where she can see\nthe door” because she is “always looking over her shoulder.” ", "She also cannot travel to visit\nher family in California and Belize because planes and airports increase her anxiety. ", "For\nthese conditions, Ms. Wright treats with Dr. Goldin monthly, takes psychotropic medications,\nand undergoes biweekly psychotherapy.", "\n\n Ron Wright testified that he has been married to Ms. Wright for twenty-one years. ", "He\nreceived a call at work the night of the robbery and drove to CVS. ", "Mr. Wright sat with his\nwife until an ambulance took her to the hospital.", "\n\n\n\n 2\n\f Following that night, Mr. Wright changed his work shift from night to day shift since\nMs. Wright could not stay alone at night. ", "He goes home on his lunch break to check on her\nand make her meal because she cannot cook for herself safely. ", "Mr. Wright explained that he\nmust call before he enters the house to avoid startling her. ", "He further testified that Ms.\nWright takes medication and sleeps much of the day. ", "She spends substantial time alone in\nher bedroom and they no longer go out to movies or travel.", "\n\n Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law\n\n At a Compensation Hearing, Ms. Wright must establish all elements of her claim by a\npreponderance of the evidence. ", "Tenn. Code Ann. § ", "50-6-239(c)(6) (2018). ", "Here, the Court\nmust determine the extent of Ms. Wright’s permanent disability benefits. ", "Tennessee Code\nAnnotated sections 50-6-207 and 50-6-242 direct the Court’s analysis.", "\n\n Initially, Ms. Wright is entitled to an original award of sixty-seven and one-half weeks\nof PPD, totaling $26,368.88, based on Dr. Goldin’s fifteen percent rating. ", "See Tenn. Code\nAnn. § ", "50-6-207(3)(A). ", "Further, since Ms. Wright did not return to work within sixty-seven\nand one-half weeks of her MMI date, she is entitled to increased benefits.", "\n\n Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-207(3)(B) provides that the employee may\nclaim increased benefits if she has not returned to work for any employer or has returned to\nwork receiving less wages or salary than she received before her work injury. ", "The award\nprovided by this section is known as the “resulting award,” which is calculated by applying\ncertain multipliers to the original award.", "\n\n Ms. Wright qualifies for two of the multipliers: The parties stipulated that Ms. Wright\ndid not successfully return to work (1.35) and is over forty years old (1.2). ", "Therefore, Ms.\nWright established by a preponderance of the evidence her entitlement to $42,717.58,\nincluding the original award.", "\n\n However, Ms. Wright also claimed entitlement to additional permanent disability\nbenefits under Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-242(a), which allows the Court to\naward additional disability benefits (a maximum 275 weeks, including the original award), if\nthe Court determines by clear and convincing evidence that the permanent disability award\nunder section 50-6-207(3)(B) would be “inequitable in light of the totality of the\ncircumstances” and that the following facts are true:\n\n 1. ", " The employee’s impairment rating is 10% or higher;\n 2. ", " The authorized treating physician has certified on a Bureau form that\n the employee no longer has the ability to perform his pre-injury\n occupation due to permanent restrictions caused by the work injury;\n and\n\n 3\n\f 3. ", " The employee is earning less than 70% of his pre-injury average weekly\n wage or salary.", "\n\n First, the Court finds that that this is an extraordinary case. ", "Limiting Ms. Wright’s\naward to the benefits under section 50-6-207(3)(B) would be “inequitable in light of the\ntotality of the circumstances.”", "\n\n The Court finds that based on clear and convincing evidence, until this robbery, Ms.\nWright worked with the public for over twenty years. ", "She has not worked since that night\nand now suffers from PTSD. ", "She fears the public and unfamiliar surroundings and seldom\nleaves her home. ", "She relies on her husband to prepare meals, check on her throughout the\nday, and care for their house. ", "Ms. Wright depends on others to drive her to church and sits\nwhere she can monitor the public she fears. ", "Three and one-half years after the robbery, Ms.\nWright continues psychiatric and psychological treatment, including multiple medications.", "\nDr. Goldin certified she could no longer perform her pre-injury occupation and questions\nwhether she will ever work again.", "\n\n Having deemed the case extraordinary, the Court turns to the additional factors of 50-\n6-242(a)(2). ", "In this case, the Court finds Ms. Wright established by a preponderance of the\nevidence that Dr. Goldin assigned an impairment of greater than 10% and certified that she\ncould no longer perform her pre-injury occupation. ", "She proved that she had not worked\nsince the robbery, so she was not earning 70% of her pre-injury wage.", "\n\n Thus, the Court awards Ms. Wright 275 weeks of benefits amounting to $107,428.75.", "\nWith the stipulated credit of $3,348.35, CVS owes Ms. Wright $104,080.40 in permanent\ndisability benefits.", "\n\n Attorney Fees\n\n Ms. Wright’s attorney requested approval of reasonable attorney’s fees of twenty\npercent of the total award under Tennessee Code Annotated section 50-6-226(a)(1). ", "Before\nthe Court can award an attorney fee in excess of $10,000.00, Tennessee Code Annotated\nsection 50-6-226(a)(2)(C) requires specific findings of the factors in Tennessee Supreme\nCourt Rule 8, Rule of Professional Conduct 1.5, which include:\n\n (1) the time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the\n questions involved, and the skill requisite to perform the legal service properly;\n (2) the likelihood, if apparent to the client, that the acceptance of the\n particular employment will preclude other employment by the lawyer;\n (3) the fee customarily charged in the locality for similar legal services;\n (4) the amount involved and the results obtained;\n (5) the time limitations imposed by the client or by the circumstances;\n\n 4\n\f (6) the nature and length of the professional relationship with the client;\n (7) the experience, reputation, and ability of the lawyer or lawyers\n performing the services;\n (8) whether the fee is fixed or contingent;\n (9) prior advertisements or statements by the lawyer with respect to the\n fees the lawyer charges; and\n (10) whether the fee agreement is in writing.", "\n\n The Court reviewed the Application for Approval of Attorney’s Fee filed by Ms.\nWright’s attorney and finds this case required significant time and expertise on the part of\nMs. Wright’s counsel. ", "A fee of twenty percent is both statutorily authorized and customary\nin these cases. ", "Further, the amount is appropriate for successfully shepherding a complicated\ncase through three and one-half years of litigation, including two mediations, written\ndiscovery, and detailed medical proof. ", "The applicable factors, including the experience and\nability of Ms. Wright’s attorney and the written fee agreement militate in favor of the\nrequested fee. ", "Therefore, the Court commutes twenty percent of the permanent disability\nbenefits, or $21,485.75, for Ms. Wright’s attorney’s fee.", "\n\n IT IS, THEREFORE, ORDERED as follows:\n\n 1. ", "CVS and/or its carrier shall pay Ms. Wright a lump sum of $9,543.10, representing\n thirty-three weeks of benefits ($12,891.45) minus CVS’s credit ($3,348.35), for\n accrued permanent disability benefits.", "\n\n 2. ", "CVS and/or its carrier shall pay Ms. Wright a lump sum of $21,485.75, which her\n attorney is entitled to recover as a fee of twenty percent (55 weeks) of her 275 weeks\n of permanent disability benefits.", "\n\n 3. ", "CVS and/or its carrier shall pay Ms. Wright ongoing permanent disability benefits on\n a biweekly basis until it pays the remaining 187 weeks of benefits ($73,051.55/187\n weeks = $390.65 weekly compensation rate).", "\n\n 4. ", "Ms. Wright is entitled to future medical benefits under Tennessee Code Annotated\n section 50-6-204(a)(1)(A).", "\n\n 5 This Court taxes the filing fee of $150.00 to CVS and/or its carrier under Tennessee\n Compilation Rules and Regulations Rule 0800-02-21-.07 (2018).", "\n\n 6 CVS and/or its carrier shall prepare and submit a Statistical Data Form within ten\n business days of the date of this judgment.", "\n\n 7 Absent an appeal, this order shall become final thirty calendar days after entry.", "\n 5\n\fENTERED July 1, 2019.", "\n\n\n\n _____________________________________\n DEANA C. SEYMOUR, JUDGE\n Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims\n\n\n\n\n 6\n\f APPENDIX\n\nTechnical record:\n\n1. ", "Petition for Benefit Determination\n2. ", "Dispute Certification Notice\n3. ", "Request for Scheduling Hearing\n4. ", "Scheduling Order\n5. ", "Motion to Compel\n6. ", "Employee’s Response to Employer’s Motion to Compel\n7. ", "Order on Motion to Compel\n8. ", "Employee’s Pre-Hearing Brief\n9. ", "Employee’s Pre-Compensation Hearing Statement\n10. ", "Employee’s Exhibit List\n11. ", "Employee’s Witness List\n12. ", "Employee’s Counsel Application for Approval of Attorney Fee\n13. ", "Employer’s Witness and Exhibit List\n14. ", "Employer’s Pre-Hearing Brief\n\nStipulated Findings of Facts of the Parties:\n\n1. ", " Employee sustained an injury by accident arising out of the course and scope of the\n employment with the Employer.", "\n2. ", " Employee’s date of injury is November 18, 2015.", "\n3. ", " Employee gave notice of the alleged injury to Employer on November 18, 2015.", "\n4. ", " Employee is 48 years of age and is a resident of DeSoto County, Mississippi.", "\n5. ", " Employee has obtained a high school diploma or GED.", "\n6. ", " Employee received authorized medical treatment for the injury. ", "Medical expenses\n were paid by the Employer or its workers’ compensation insurance\n carrier/administrator in the amount of $40,144.77.", "\n7. ", " Employee reached the maximum level of medical improvement that the nature of the\n injury permits on November 18, 2017.", "\n8. ", " Employee received temporary disability benefits. ", "Temporary total disability benefits\n were paid from November 19, 2015, to November 18, 2017, in the amount of\n $40,627.60.", "\n9. ", " Employee has not returned to work for the Employer, earning the same or greater\n wages as the Employee was earning prior to the injury.", "\n10. ", " Employee’s average weekly wage is $585.94, which entitles Employee to a weekly\n compensation rate of $390.65.", "\n11. ", " Employee’s medical impairment is fifteen percent to the body as a whole per the AMA\n Guides 6th Edition.", "\n12. ", " Based upon the November 18, 2017 MMI date , Employee’s initial award period\n 7\n\f expired on March 6, 2019, pursuant to Tenn. Code Ann. § ", "50-6-207(1)(E).", "\n 13. ", " Employer was unable to accommodate Employee’s medical restrictions and did not\n offer Employee a return position.", "\n 14. ", " Authorized treating physicians are: 1) Dr. Goldin (psychiatrist), 2) Kathy Miller, MS,\n LPC, MHSP (therapist), and 3) Dr. Cleveland (knees).", "\n 15. ", " Employee was paid $3,348.35 as a PPD advance for which Employer is due a credit\n from the PPD benefits awarded.", "\n\n Exhibits:\n\n 1. ", " Form C-20 Employer’s First Report of Work Injury or Illness\n 2. ", " Form C-41 Wage Statement\n 3. ", " Form C-42 Agreement Between Employer/Employee Choice of Physicians (Dr.\n Melvin Goldin)\n 4. ", " Physician Certification Form Pursuant to TCA § 50-6-242(a)(2)(B)\n 5. ", " Deposition transcript of Dr. Melvin Goldin, including exhibits\n 6. ", " Medical Records filed May 22, 2019\n 7. ", " Separation Notice dated April 12, 2017\n\n\n\n CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE\n\n I certify that a copy of this Order was sent to these recipients as indicated on June ___,\n 2019.", "\n\nName Certified Via Via Email Address\n Mail Fax Email\nMonica Rejaei, X [email protected]\nEmployee’s Attorney\nTiffany Sherrill, X [email protected]\nEmployer’s Attorney\n\n\n _____________________________________\n Penny Shrum, Court Clerk\n Court of Workers’ Compensation Claims\n [email protected]\n\n\n\n\n 8\n\f II\n I 'I\n\n\n\n Compensation Hearing Order Right to Appeal:\n\n If you disagree with this Compensation Hearing Order, you may appeal to the Workers'\nCompensation Appeals Board or the Tennessee Supreme Court. ", "To appeal to the Workers'\nCompensation Appeals Board, you must:\n\n 1. ", "Complete the enclosed form entitled: \"Compensation Hearing Notice of Appeal,\" and file\n the form with the Clerk of the Court of Workers' Compensation Claims within thirty\n calendar days of the date the compensation hearing order was filed. ", "When filing the\n Notice of Appeal, you must serve a copy upon the opposing party (or attorney, if\n represented).", "\n\n 2. ", "You must pay, via check, money order, or credit card, a $75.00 filing fee within ten\n calendar days after filing of the Notice of Appeal. ", "Payments can be made in-person at\n any Bureau office or by U.S. mail, hand-delivery, or other delivery service. ", "In the\n alternative, you may file an Affidavit of Indigency (form available on the Bureau's\n website or any Bureau office) seeking a waiver ofthe filing fee. ", "You must file the fully-\n completed Affidavit of Indigency within ten calendar days of filing the Notice of\n Appeal. ", "Failure to timely pay the filing fee or file the Affidavit of lndigency will\n result in dismissal of your appeal.", "\n\n 3~ You bear the responsibility of ensuring a complete record on appeal. ", "You may request\n from the court clerk the audio recording of the hearing for a $25.00 fee. ", "A licensed court\n reporter must prepare a transcript and file it with the court clerk within fifteen calendar\n days of the filing the Notice of Appeal. ", "Alternatively, you may file a statement of the\n evidence prepared jointly by both parties within fifteen calendar days of the filing of the\n Notice of Appeal. ", "The statement of the evidence must convey a complete and accurate\n account of the hearing. ", "The Workers' Compensation Judge must approve the statement\n of the evidence before -the record is submitted to the Appeals Board. ", "If the Appeals\n Board is called upon to review testimony or other proof concerning factual matters, the\n absence of a transcript or statement of the evidence can be a significant obstacle to\n meaningful appellate review.", "\n\n 4. ", "After the Workers' Compensation Judge approves the record and the court clerk transmits\n it to the Appeals Board, a docketing notice will be sent to the parties. ", "The appealing\n party has fifteen calendar days after the date of that notice to submit a brief to the\n Appeals Board. ", "See the Practices and Procedures of the Workers' Compensation\n Appeals Board.", "\n\nTo appeal your case directly to the Tennessee Supreme Court, the Compensation Hearing\nOrder must be final and you must comply with the Tennessee Rules of Appellate\nProcedure. ", "If neither party timely files an appeal with the Appeals Board, the trial court's\nOrder will become final by operation of law thirty calendar days after entry. ", "See Tenn.\nCode Ann.§ 50-6-239(c)(7).", "\nFor self-represented litigants: Help from an Ombudsman is available at 800-332-2667.", "\n\f\f\fII I.\n ' I\n\n\n\n\n Tennessee Bureau of Workers' Compensation\n 220 French Landing Drive, 1-B\n Nashville, TN 37243-1002\n 800-332-2667\n\n AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY\n\n\n I, , having been duly sworn according to law, make oath that\n because of my poverty, I am unable to bear the costs of this appeal and request that the filing fee to appeal be\n waived. ", "The following facts support my poverty.", "\n\n 1. ", "Full Name:_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ 2. ", "Address: - - - - - - - -- - - --\n\n 3. ", "Telephone Number: - - - - - - - - - 4. ", "Date of Birth: - - - - -- - - -- -\n\n 5. ", "Names and Ages of All Dependents:\n\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Relationship: - - - - - - -- - - -- -\n\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- Relationship: - - - - - -- - - -- - -\n\n - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - Relationship: - - - -- - -- - - - - -\n\n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - Relationship: - - - - - - -- - - -- -\n\n 6. ", "I am employed by: - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -\n\n My employer's address is: - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - -\n\n My employer's phone number is: - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - -- - -\n\n 7. ", "My present monthly household income, after federal income and social security taxes are deducted, is:\n\n $ _ _ _ _ _ __\n\n 8. ", "I receive or expect to receive money from the following sources:\n\n AFDC $ per month beginning\n SSI $ per month beginning\n Retirement $ per month beginning\n Disability $ per month beginning\n Unemployment $ per month beginning\n Worker's Camp.$ per month beginning\n Other $ per month beginning\n\n\n\n LB-1108 (REV 11/15) RDA 11082\n\f9. ", "My expenses are: ! ", "~ li\n I\n '\n\n Rent/House Payment $ per month Med icai/Dental $ _ _ ___ per month\n\n Groceries $ per month Telephone $ _ __ _ _ per month\n Electricity $ per month School Supplies $ _ _ _ _ _ per month\n Water $ per month Clothing $ _ _ _ _ _ per month\n Gas $ per month Child Care $ _ _ _ _ _ per month\n Transportation $ per month Child Support $ _ _ _ _ _ per month\n Car $ per month\n Other $ per month (describe:\n\n\n10. ", "Assets:\n\n Automobile $ _ _ _ __\n (FMV) - - - - - - - - - -\n Checking/Savings Acct. ", "$ _ _ _ __\n House $ _ _ __\n (FMV) - - - - - - - - - -\n Other $ _ _ _ __ Describe:_ _ _ _ __ _ __ __\n\n\n11. ", "My debts are:\n\n Amount Owed To Whom\n\n\n\n\nI hereby declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing answers are true, correct, and complete\nand that I am financially unable to pay the costs of this appeal.", "\n\n\n\n\nAPPELLANT\n\n\n\nSworn and subscribed before me, a notary public, this\n\n____ dayof _____________________ , 20_ __\n\n\n\n\nNOTARY PUBLIC\n\nMy Commission Expires:_ _ _ _ _ _ __\n\n\n\n\nLB-1108 (REV 11/15) RDA 11082\n\f" ]
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[ "New Orleans Saints punter Thomas Morstead made good on his promise to come to the “Bold North” on Friday when he showed up at Children’s Minnesota hospital to hand off a $221,000 check that largely came from generous Vikings’ fans who donated to the kicker’s foundation.", "\n\nBut there was one very necessary stop Morstead made before he flew to Minneapolis.", "\n\n“I bought my first winter coat,” he said during an interview Friday at the Mall of America. “", "Never had one. ", "Never needed one.”", "\n\nMorstead’s return to Minnesota came three weeks after his team suffered a heartbreaking loss on the last play of the Jan. 14 Divisional Playoff game at U.S. Bank Stadium. ", "Moreover, the punter suffered a rib injury in the game and is still on the mend.", "\n\nThe game ended with the injured Morstead lining up for a mandatory extra point. ", "It was meaningless in terms of the Vikings’ 29-24 victory, but his act of sportsmanship turned out to be a huge win for his foundation, which focuses on fighting pediatric cancer and supporting work done by Child Life specialists.", "\n\nIn the week following the game, legions of Vikings’ fans paid the kicker back in grand style, donating $221,143 to the foundation called What You Give Will Grow. ", "He was so impressed he decided to give the money back.", "\n\n“This is from 600 Minnesotians; I don’t think I said that right,” Morstead joked as he presented the check to Children’s Hospital staff. “", "This is from Skol Nation.”", "\n\nThat quip drew a smile from Marcus Sherels, who was on hand for the presentation. ", "Morstead injured his ribs trying to tackle the Vikings punt returner.", "\n\nThe outpouring has helped slightly ease the pain of the season-ending loss, said Morstead, who still can’t get over the generosity shown him by fans of the opposing team.", "\n\n“I’m blown away. ", "I keep hearing Minnesota nice. ", "I get it now,” he said. “", "This is a remarkable thing to see happen.”", "\n\nIt all started with a Vikings fan who suggested fans contribute to What You Give Will Grow. ", "Soon money poured in and the online effort fast became the national feel-good story of the week. ", "The campaign generated more than 1,300 news articles and much needed attention Child Life programs.", "\n\n“We had more attention about Child Life in the past three weeks than we did in the past five years,” Morstead said.", "\n\nThe programs, which reduce stress through play, relaxation and special events and activities, are not reimbursed by health insurance. ", "Hospitals cover the costs through donations.", "\n\n“This is an amazing expression of generosity,” said Children’s Minnesota President and Chief Operating Officer Marc Gorelock. “", "Your devotion and passion to this cause is incredible. ", "We are now on the same team making a difference for kids. ", "It is going to a great cause.”", "\n\nThe inspiration to name What You Give Will Grow came from a coach he had during his senior year at Southern Methodist University. ", "The coach had a saying, “What you give will grow, what you keep you will lose.” ", "With that motto, Morstead’s foundation has given away $2.7 million since its inception in 2012.", "\n\nMorstead ended his day by meeting a fourth-grade class from Vikings’ receiver Adam Thielen’s hometown of Detroit Lakes. ", "The students pooled $64 and gave it to the foundation, and they sent the punter a video.", "\n\n“They were inspired to give back,” Morstead said. “", "It’s very humbling.”", "\n\nTim Harlow • 612-673-7768" ]
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[ "President Trump’s expected executive order shifting Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) compliance obligations from refiner to blender requires an act of Congress, according to the Society of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America (SIGMA).", "\nThe fuel marketers trade group said Tuesday that the US President does not have the legal authority to move the Renewable Fuel Standard’s “point of obligation” from the refiner to blender.", "\nReports leaked early Tuesday that President Trump was likely to issue an executive order as early as today directing the EPA to shift compliance requirements under the RFS downstream from the refinery to the terminal rack.", "\nThe National Association of Truck Stop Operators (NATSO) said that under this significant policy shift, the new “obligated parties” under the RFS would be fuel retailers and wholesalers that purchase product in bulk “above the rack” and assume a motor fuel excise tax liability.", "\nThese entities would be required to buy Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), as tradeable credits to show compliance with the RFS and renewable volume obligations, NATSO added.", "\nWhile Trump’s proposed policy shift has already begun to elicit opposition amongst renewable fuel proponents, SIGMA reiterates that the 45th President does not have the legal authority to change the point of obligation by executive order.", "\nThe Fairfax, Virginia-based organization said in a statement that to make such a change, the Agency must initiate a new rulemaking under the Administrative Procedures Act, which will require a new notice and comment period.", "\nSIGMA added that it remains opposed to moving the RFS point of obligation “because it continues to believe that doing so will create havoc in the fuels market and will ultimately result in higher prices at the pump for consumers.”", "\n\nTo read more articles like this, or to trial PRIMA Reports for 90 days for free, please fill out the form below." ]
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[ "[Expression of MUC1, CD44v6, nm23 in gastric carcinomas and regional lymph node tissues and their association with invasion, metastasis, and prognosis of the tumor].", "\nThe invasion depth and lymph node metastasis result from the polygenes and their protein expression in gastric carcinoma. ", "The key of the basic and clinical research of the gastric carcinoma is to find out the related molecular biology marker. ", "This study was designed to investigate the relationship between the expression of MUC1, CD44v6, nm23 in gastric carcinomas and regional lymph node tissues and invasion, metastasis, and prognosis of the tumor. ", "The expression of MUC1, CD44v6, and nm23 in 110 advanced gastric carcinomas and 613 regional lymph node specimens were examined by immunohistochemical technique. ", "The results was judged by the criterion of the positive or the negative expression. (", "1) The expression of MUC1 (84.6%, 88.1%, 87.3%, 91.7%, 94.4%, and 95.5%, respectively) and CD44v6 (79.5%, 74.6%, 79.4%, 81.7%, 87.0%, and 87.9%, respectively) in gastric carcinoma tissues in the groups of low differentiated adenocarcinoma, infiltrated type, T3+T4, lymph node metastasis, stage III-IV, and survival < 5 years were significantly higher than those in the groups of high-middle differentiated adenocarcinoma, limited type, T1+T2, no lymph node metastasis, stage I-II, and survival >or= 5 years (P< 0.01 or P< 0.05); while the expression of nm23 was contrary (P< 0.01 or P< 0.05) except for the groups of differentiation and Borrmann type. (", "2) The expression of MUC1 and CD44v6 in the lymph node metastasis group of the gastric carcinoma (94.7% and 89.4%, respectively)were remarkably higher than those in the no lymph node metastasis group (19.6% and 19.6%, respectively) (P< 0.01); while the expression of nm23 was contrary (16.8% versus 74.9%, P< 0.01). (", "3) The 5-year survival rates of the patients in MUC1 and CD44v6 positive expression group (13.0% and 15.4%, respectively) in the regional lymph nodes of gastric carcinoma were significantly lower than those in the negative expression group (100% and 62.1%) (P< 0.01); while the 5-year survival rate of the patients in nm23 positive expression group was contrary (70.0% versus 4.0%, P< 0.01). ", "The high expression of MUC1, CD44v6 and low expression of nm23 were related to the invasion, metastasis, and prognosis of the gastric carcinoma. ", "The detection of MUC1, CD44v6, and nm23 can be useful for the diagnosis and treatment of advanced gastric carcinoma." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nReference regex when using find and replace in Notepad++\n\nI use this regex ^.*?\\K\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ to search for the first date on every line in notepad++. ", "It seems to work just fine. ", "\nThe text I work with looks something like this:\n\nNå skal folk få fred, iTromsø, 09.09.2017 19:09 Martin Lægland, Publisert på nett.", "\n Nå skal folk få fred, iTromsø, 09.09.2017, Martin Lægland 31.12.2017 Publisert på nett.", "\n Nå skal folk få fred, iTromsø, 09.09.2017 19:09 Martin Lægland, Publisert på nett.", "\n\nThe search gives me every 09.09.2017, but not 31.12.2017 on the second line. ", "Which is exactly what I want. ", "I then want to replace all the 09.09.2017s so they becomes *09.09.2017*. ", " \nHow do I reference ^.*?\\K\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+ in the replace field in notepad++? ", "Earlier I have been able to do this with *\\1* in the replace field, where \\1 references the regex I've used, but that doesn't seem to work now. ", "\n\nA:\n\nYour previous regex looked like \\K(([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{4})) with a capturing group set around the whole pattern. ", "That is why \\1 referred to the whole match that was also captured into Group 1. ", "\nYou may either capture the whole pattern with (...) again and use *\\1*, or use $0 backreference instead of \\1:\n^.*?\\K\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\n\nreplace with\n*$0*\n\nwhere $0 is the backreference to the whole match.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The Miami Dolphins roster could certainly use a few upgrades — but we already knew that. ", "The Dolphins’ needs span from a sure thing at quarterback, some effective offensive line play across the board and some boosts to the pass rush. ", "Only every major position on the team, no big deal. ", "Perhaps there are some answers lingering on the roster. ", "The Dolphins will certainly get the chance to address their needs come next offseason with all of their 2020 NFL Draft capital.", "\n\nBut what if we could take one player from any other team in the NFL and plug him onto the Dolphins? ", "Who would be the most impactful addition? ", "The quarterback position makes this hypothetical too easy to answer, so to keep things interesting consider it barred!", "\n\n(Plus, the Dolphins need to find out what they have in Josh Rosen first!)", "\n\nThere is one perfect answer — a young difference maker who plays a position of need for the Dolphins and has found production through his first few years in the NFL despite not having a lot of help beside him on the line of scrimmage. ", "The only answer for our money is Cleveland Browns defensive end Myles Garrett.", "\n\nGarrett, just 23-years old, has already logged 20.5 sacks in 27 career contests after the Cleveland Browns made him the #1 overall selection of the 2017 NFL Draft. ", "With 67 total pressures in 2018, Garrett was one of the most productive pass rushers in all of the NFL. ", "He’s got surreal size, speed, power and mobility — all of which would make him the perfect addition to the Dolphins’ roster and immensely boost the Dolphins’ ability to get after opposing passers.", "\n\nGarrett and new teammate Olivier Vernon will get a chance to shake up the Dolphins this year — the teams are scheduled to play in November." ]
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[ "Q:\n\nhow to use a variable from another function in jquery\n\nThis is a basic version of my function (first time I am doing this, so I'm sorry if I don't explain it well)\nvar pages = {\n init:function(){\n\n },\n home:function(){\n\n articleid = this.closest(\"article\").attr('id');\n skillsbtn = $(this).hasClass(\"skillsbt\");\n home = $('#home');\n homeheight = '-' + home.height();\n\n if (skillsbtn && articleid == \"home\"){\n home.animate({\"marginTop\" : homeheight},800);\n }\n},\n work:function(){\n//same variables are requred here: skillsbtn = $(this).hasClass(\"skillsbt\");...\n },\n skills:function(){\n//same variables are requred here: skillsbtn = $(this).hasClass(\"skillsbt\");...\n },\n contact:function(){\n\n },\n}\n\nSo the idea is skillsbtn = $(this) refer to whatever $(this) is at home:function. ", "I have tried to duplicate the variables from home:function to work:function and it wokeded fine. ", "But can I put the variable I need in the init:function but be able to call them within the home:function and by doing so, be able to change what ever $(this) is, to mean this->home, or this->work\nI have tried to access it like pages.init.skillsbtn.call(this) but it dies not work.", "\nHope you can help\n- Thanks\n\nA:\n\nYou use global variables all over (where is the var before each of the leading four assignments in home function)?", "\nYou want to share state and you do not use objects for this? ", "That's what they are for.", "\nWhat is pages? ", "If it is some kind of 'repository' or 'namespace', maybe use UpperCase name to distinguish it is not the plain instance.", "\nSince this in jQuery events is bound to the source of the event, you cannot use this plainly, but you can do this:\nvar Pages = {\n init:function(){\n Pages.worker = new PagesWorker;\n // later if you see fit you can have more of these\n },\n home:function(){\n return Pages.worker.home($(this));\n },\n work:function(){\n return Pages.worker.work($(this));\n },\n skills:function(){\n return Pages.worker.skills($(this));\n },\n contact:function(){\n return Pages.worker.contact($(this));\n },\n}\n\nfunction PagesWorker(src){\n // init\n}\n\nPagesWorker.prototype.home = function(src){\n\n // use var xxx = yyy for ones local for this function only\n // use this.xxx = yyy for those that should persist between functions \n var articleid = src.closest(\"article\").attr('id');\n this.skillsbtn = src.hasClass(\"skillsbt\");\n var home = $('#home');\n var homeheight = '-' + home.height();\n\n if (this.skillsbtn && articleid == \"home\"){\n home.animate({\"marginTop\" : homeheight},800);\n }\n};\n\nPagesWorker.prototype.work = function(src){\n //same variables are requred here: skillsbtn etc.", "\n //no problem, use this.skillsbtn etc.", "\n};\n\nPagesWorker.prototype.skills = function(src){\n //same variables are requred here: skillsbtn etc.", "\n //no problem, use this.skillsbtn etc.", "\n};\n\nPagesWorker.prototype.contact = function(src){\n //same variables are requred here: skillsbtn etc.", "\n //no problem, use this.skillsbtn etc.", "\n};\n\nIf you are really sure you will only have one pages object, you can use pages.xxx to share variables between function calls and your original code. ", "But that is not the right thing to do unless you are really, really sure.", "\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0007657941896468401, 0.0005793868913315237, 0.0008177481940947473, 0.0005421428359113634, 0.0010147005086764693, 0.001131962868385017, 0.0008772830478847027, 0.000625993125140667, 0.001016994589008391, 0.0007194147328846157, 0.0006579100736416876, 0.0007194147328846157, 0.0006610627169720829, 0.0007194147328846157, 0.0006343007553368807, 0.0007641172269359231, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "Events in which users of online games are encouraged (e.g., through prizes, etc.) ", "to progress with respect to one or more metrics are known. ", "For example, in a given event, users may be encouraged to achieve an increase in one or more of might, experience points, a harvested resource, training of one or more troop types, and/or other metrics. ", "Such events generally provide users with a reason to spend money on virtual items usable in an online game to achieve an increase in the appropriate metric(s)." ]
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[ 0.0005830302834510803, 0.0005228982190601528, 0.0005543663282878697, 0.0005718760075978935 ]
[ "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Preview\n\nBlack Ops II: Is Strike Force enough to revitalise the series?", "\n\nTreyarch believes Black Ops II is the best Call of Duty yet, and has bet much of its success on the new 'Strike Force' missions. ", "These non-linear scenarios are short, self-contained sandbox stages within the game's campaign, offering the player a series of choices that will then impact the game's outcome; there are even choices within the missions that can lead to the death of key characters within the game's narrative.", "\n\nOne example I saw of this at a recent press event at Treyarch's studios was a simple choice of either covering your squad with a sniper rifle from a perch, or taking the boots on the ground approach and fighting alongside them. ", "Unlike the regular campaign levels, the game will continue on even if you fail the Strike Force missions - the story will progress regardless, with your actions shaping the landscape in an overarching battle between the U.S. and China - what Treyarch boss Mark Lamia dubs as \"proxy wars in the larger global conflict\".", "\n\nThroughout the campaign you'll be offered a selection of Strike Force missions at various junctions, with the selection of one locking out the others on that playthrough of the game. ", "Lamia emphasised how there will be plenty of incentive to play the campaign numerous times, boasting that \"this is the most replayable Call of Duty yet\".", "\n\nTreyarch also told us that, upon completion of the Black Ops II campaign, you'll be shown a screen showing your victories and failures, alongside teasers as to how differently the story could have played out if you'd opted for a different path, again encouraging multiple takes of Black Ops II's campaign.", "\n\nDuring Strike Force missions you'll also be able to utilise the game's RTS-like 'Overwatch' feature, allowing you to set waypoints and objectives for your squad to follow. ", "You'll be told how many troops you have available and then place them strategically around the battlefield to your advantage. ", "You're also given the option to control nearby drones and robots, adding an occasional alternative to Call of Duty's trademark infantry-led approach.", "\n\nOne scenario we encountered was set in Singapore, with the player being assigned the task of disabling a missile defense shield before it leaves a harbor. ", "During this mission the player is given various tools to accomplish this in multiple ways. ", "Most notably the mission featured a jet fighter, building on the brief controllable Hind sequence during the later stages of the original Black Ops; the plane is controlled by the player, rather than the typical on-the-rails scenarios we're used to in these sorts of games, and it allowed for some thrilling dogfights.", "\n\nThough no multiplayer details have yet been confirmed by Treyarch, there are a lot of features within the Strike Force missions that look heavily suitable for co-operative play outside of the campaign, so fingers crossed that Strike Force could be Black Ops II's answer to Modern Warfare's Spec Ops.", "\n\nCall of Duty: Black Ops II's ambitious Strike Force missions are certainly an exciting direction for the series to take, and in my opinion they emphasise a commitment by Treyarch to deliver the most complete Call of Duty yet when Black Ops II is released in November." ]
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[ 0.0009353893692605197, 0.0006839699344709516, 0.0007178159430623055, 0.0006248995196074247, 0.0012850674102082849, 0.0005498401587828994, 0.0006159386830404401, 0.0005984055460430682, 0.0005870495806448162, 0.0011019280645996332, 0.0007082920637913048, 0.0005770826828666031, 0.0005792547017335892, 0.0006553071434609592, 0.0006415459793061018, 0.0006140829063951969 ]
[ "// This SSDT demonstrates a custom configuration for ALC280.", "\n\n// If you had a codec that needed the same configuration, you could\n// load this SSDT in order to implement it without modifying the kext.", "\n// It will override the defaults specfied by the CodecCommander Info.plist\n\n// Customize to suit your needs.", "\n\n// This data provided by @zirkaiva.", "\n// See here: http://www.tonymacx86.com/el-capitan-laptop-guides/175935-guide-lenovo-t430-el-capitan-34.html#post1239765\n\nDefinitionBlock (\"\", \"SSDT\", 1, \"hack\", \"ALC280\", 0)\n{\n External(_SB.PCI0.HDEF, DeviceObj)\n Name(_SB.PCI0.HDEF.RMCF, Package()\n {\n \"CodecCommander\", Package()\n {\n \"Custom Commands\", Package()\n {\n Package(){}, // signifies Array instead of Dictionary\n Package()\n {\n // 0x15 SET_UNSOLICITED_ENABLE 0x83\n \"Command\", Buffer() { 0x01, 0x57, 0x08, 0x83 },\n \"On Init\", \">y\",\n \"On Sleep\", \">n\",\n \"On Wake\", \">y\",\n },\n Package()\n {\n // Node 0x1a - Pin Control (In Enable / VRefEn)\n \"Command\", Buffer() { 0x01, 0x1a, 0x07, 0x24 },\n \"On Init\", \">y\",\n \"On Sleep\", \">n\",\n \"On Wake\", \">y\",\n },\n },\n },\n })\n}\n//EOF" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Github" }
[ 0.0005838469369336963, 0.000645143969450146, 0.0007590048480778933, 0.0006311673787422478, 0.0007309239008463919 ]
[ "Effect of repeated administration of various doses of cocaine and WIN 35,065-2 on locomotor behavior of mice.", "\nCocaine and a cocaine analog, WIN 36,065-2, were administered daily for 3 or 4 days. ", "Both compounds developed sensitization to their locomotor stimulatory effects, with similarly shaped dose-response curves. ", "Dosages giving optimal sensitization were 25 mg/kg per day for cocaine and 3 mg/kg for WIN 35,065-2. ", "At 40 mg/kg, cocaine produced less stimulation of locomotion on day 3 than on day 1. ", "With doses of 6 and 10 mg/kg of WIN 35,065-2, tolerance to locomotor stimulation was observed. ", "Monitoring by an observer revealed that after 40 mg/kg of cocaine the animals spent about the same amount of time expressing non-ambulatory behavior such as biting, sniffing, rearing, or resting on day 3 as on day 1. ", "Therefore, in the 3 day period there was no increase in non-ambulatory behavior that could have produced the decrease in locomotor stimulation measured with the activity monitor. ", "We assessed the possible involvement of the local anesthetic action of cocaine-like compounds in inhibiting locomotion by measuring the hypomotive effect over a 3 day period by repeated administration of the local anesthetic drugs tetracaine, lidocaine, norcocaine and benzoylpseudotropine. ", "These compounds had the same hypomotive effects on day 1 and 3, suggesting that the decrements in locomotor stimulation observed with daily high doses of cocaine and WIN 35,065-2 involve mechanisms other than their local anesthetic action. ", "The present results indicate that the size of the dose of a psychostimulant is a crucial variable in dosage schedules for studying the sensitization to its effect on locomotor behavior." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
[ 0.0031924042850732803, 0.0033599534071981907, 0.0006851615034975111, 0.004118827171623707, 0.003934278152883053, 0.0007119325455278158, 0.0008329647243954241, 0.0006300671957433224, 0.0007497907499782741, 0.0008251202525570989, 0.0008936989470385015 ]
[ "nder when y is divided by 13?", "\n12\nLet v = -20 - -20. ", "Let x(n) = -n + 29. ", "Calculate the remainder when 114 is divided by x(v).", "\n27\nLet c = -3 + -2. ", "Let w = 3 - c. What is the remainder when w is divided by (-13)/(-5) - 6/(-15)?", "\n2\nLet m(z) = 4*z + 1. ", "Let l = -6 + 9. ", "Suppose h + l*h = 36. ", "Calculate the remainder when m(6) is divided by h.\n7\nSuppose 0 = -3*s + 4 + 5. ", "Calculate the remainder when 42 is divided by s.\n0\nLet d(u) be the first derivative of -u**4/4 - 2*u**3/3 + 3*u**2/2 - u - 3. ", "Let s be d(2). ", "What is the remainder when 43 is divided by (3 - (-1 + s))/1?", "\n13\nSuppose 30 = 6*r - 5*r. ", "Calculate the remainder when 57 is divided by r.\n27\nSuppose 2*u - 46 = -3*a, 2*a = 2*u - 3*a - 46. ", "What is the remainder when 43 is divided by u?", "\n20\nSuppose -4*v = -0*v - 3*f - 27, 0 = f - 3. ", "Let w = 85 - 68. ", "Calculate the remainder when w is divided by v.\n8\nLet w = -4 - -9. ", "Suppose -2*n = -w*n + 9. ", "What is the remainder when 5 is divided by n?", "\n2\nSuppose -3*b + 7 = 4*d + 1, 5*d + 8 = 4*b. ", "Suppose s - 14 = -g, b*s + 3*s - 73 = -2*g. ", "Let q = -439 - -443. ", "What is the remainder when s is divided by q?", "\n3\nSuppose 3*h = 162 + 75. ", "Calculate the remainder when h is divided by 27.", "\n25\nLet d(s) = s**3 + 6*s**2 + 6*s + 5. ", "Let j(u) = -u**2 - 4. ", "Let q be j(0). ", "What is the remainder when 24 is divided by d(q)?", "\n11\nLet q = 27 - 14. ", "What is the remainder when 64 is divided by q?", "\n12\nLet z be (-12)/(-3)*(-9)/(-1). ", "Let j be 2 + -2 + 1 + z. Calculate the remainder when 2 + (-2 - 0) + j is divided by 13.", "\n11\nLet z(x) = 18*x**3 - x. Let h be z(1). ", "Suppose h = 4*t - 7. ", "Suppose -1 = -v + 3. ", "Calculate the remainder when t is divided by v.\n2\nWhat is the remainder when -3 + 17 + 3 - -2 is divided by 4?", "\n3\nLet t = -3 + 0. ", "What is the remainder when (-5)/((-10)/t)*-14 is divided by 6?", "\n3\nSuppose 0 = -6*u + 22*u - 1744. ", "Calculate the remainder when u is divided by 37.", "\n35\nSuppose 0*q = -3*q + 12. ", "Suppose -48 = -4*v - 0*h + 4*h, -q*v + 57 = -h. ", "Calculate the remainder when (v/6)/((-3)/(-6)) is divided by 2.", "\n1\nSuppose 6*x = 5*x + 2. ", "Suppose -x*f + 4 = -54. ", "What is the remainder when 84 is divided by f?", "\n26\nLet m be 6/(-27) - (-362)/9. ", "Let u be (-6)/4*m/(-6). ", "Let c = -6 + u. Calculate the remainder when 7 is divided by c.\n3\nSuppose 2*w = -0*w + 16. ", "Let f = 2 + 18. ", "Suppose -u + 5*u = f. Calculate the remainder when w is divided by u.\n3\nSuppose -2*y + 5 = 5*u - 5, -5*y - 3*u + 6 = 0. ", "Let b = 0 + y. What is the remainder when ((-13 - 0) + b)/(-1) is divided by 8?", "\n5\nSuppose 3*p - 12 = -t + p, -4*t = -2*p - 8. ", "Suppose -4 + 20 = t*b. ", "Let x(d) = d**3 - d + 1. ", "What is the remainder when x(2) is divided by b?", "\n3\nSuppose m = -4*j - 515, 0*j - 2*j = -m - 545. ", "Suppose 0 = -28*q + 27*q - 1. ", "Calculate the remainder when q/(-4) - m/20 is divided by 14.", "\n13\nSuppose -4*w = -w - 18. ", "Suppose -5*d = -4 - 11. ", "What is the remainder when w is divided by d?", "\n0\nLet a be 4 + -3 - (-22)/2. ", "Let i be (1/1 - -1) + a. Suppose -2*j - i = -3*z + 2, -5*j = 2*z + 21. ", "Calculate the remainder when z is divided by 2.", "\n0\nCalculate the remainder when 27 is divided by (8/12*-21)/(-2).", "\n6\nLet i be 74/5 + 1/5. ", "Suppose 0 = 2*p - 4*c - 30, 0*p = -p - 5*c + i. Calculate the remainder when p is divided by 22/4 + 1/2.", "\n3\nLet j = 3 - -5. ", "Let m(t) = -5*t + 3. ", "Let b = -8 + 4. ", "Calculate the remainder when m(b) is divided by j.\n7\nSuppose y = -h + 10, -55 = -3*y + 4*h - 2*h. ", "Let k = y + 5. ", "Calculate the remainder when k is divided by 7.", "\n6\nLet t(l) = l**3 + 6*l**2 - 10*l - 2. ", "Let z be (-6)/8 + 25/(-4). ", "What is the remainder when 37 is divided by t(z)?", "\n18\nSuppose -100 = 5*y - 10*y. ", "What is the remainder when y is divided by 7?", "\n6\nSuppose 0*j - j + 37 = -2*a, -13 = a + 5*j. ", "Let m = a + 29. ", "What is the remainder when m is divided by 6?", "\n5\nCalculate the remainder when (2*(0 - -30))/(3/4) is divided by 28.", "\n24\nSuppose 0 = -5*i + 2*q + 117, -i - 8 = q - 30. ", "Calculate the remainder when (-1)/(-1 - 132/(-134)) is divided by i.\n21\nLet o be (1*-3)/1*-1. ", "Let a = 3 - o. Let b(q) = -q + 9. ", "Calculate the remainder when b(a) is divided by 5.", "\n4\nSuppose 0*c + 32 = 4*c. ", "Suppose -f = -4*g - 42, 0 = 3*f - 3*g + 7*g - 46. ", "Calculate the remainder when f is divided by c.\n6\nSuppose i - 2*i + 4 = 0. ", "Suppose 8 = -0*f + i*f. ", "Let k = 8 - 6. ", "Calculate the remainder when f is divided by k.\n0\nSuppose 13 = 3*v - 8. ", "Suppose 0 = 3*n + 2*w - v, -2*w - 11 = -3*n - 0*n. ", "What is the remainder when n is divided by 3?", "\n0\nLet f = 4 + -2. ", "Suppose f*l = -2*l + 52. ", "Calculate the remainder when 37 is divided by l.\n11\nWhat is the remainder when 124/9 + (-4)/(-18) is divided by 4?", "\n2\nWhat is the remainder when (-12)/(-9)*36 + (0 - 0) is divided by 13?", "\n9\nLet b be 2*(-7)/(-2) + 0. ", "Let c be (-23)/b + (-10)/(-35). ", "What is the remainder when 5 is divided by 1*(c + 8 + -3)?", "\n1\nSuppose 2*p = i + 51, 2*i + 66 = 2*p - 2*i. ", "Suppose -5*j - 13 = 4*d - 65, 4*j - 3*d - p = 0. ", "Calculate the remainder when j is divided by 1/(-4) + (-63)/(-12).", "\n3\nLet j = 14 + -11. ", "Suppose 0 = -x + j + 13. ", "What is the remainder when 61 is divided by x?", "\n13\nLet w(f) = -f**2 - 13*f - 26. ", "What is the remainder when 51 is divided by w(-8)?", "\n9\nLet g(c) = 2*c - 8. ", "Calculate the remainder when 41 is divided by g(7).", "\n5\nWhat is the remainder when ((-2)/(-5))/((-1)/(-5)) is divided by 2?", "\n0\nSuppose 0 = 3*a - g - 45, 3*g + 75 = 5*a + g. Let m = -26 + 34. ", "Calculate the remainder when a is divided by m.\n7\nLet f(k) = 2*k + 173. ", "Calculate the remainder when f(0) is divided by 44.", "\n41\nSuppose -3*l + 2*z = -26, -10 = 2*l - 3*z - 29. ", "Calculate the remainder when 54 is divided by l.\n6\nSuppose 2*x = -3*x + 385. ", "What is the remainder when x is divided by 13?", "\n12\nLet w(m) = -m**2 - m + 5. ", "Let h be w(-5). ", "Let p be h/10*10/(-3). ", "Suppose -p*q + 45 = -15. ", "What is the remainder when 22 is divided by q?", "\n10\nLet b = 34 - 14. ", "Calculate the remainder when b is divided by 7.", "\n6\nLet u = -93 - -142. ", "Suppose -3*f + 4*b = -16 - 36, -3*f + b = -u. ", "What is the remainder when f is divided by 6?", "\n4\nCalculate the remainder when 63/2 - (-15)/10 is divided by 6.", "\n3\nLet c(z) = -z**3 + 7*z**2 - 6*z + 5. ", "Let i be c(4). ", "Let m = -20 + i. What is the remainder when 35 is divided by m?", "\n8\nLet j(f) = f**2 + 9*f + 11. ", "Calculate the remainder when 6 is divided by j(-8).", "\n0\nSuppose 7 = 2*d - 5*a - 9, 0 = 3*d + a - 41. ", "Suppose 0 + 4 = 2*y. ", "Suppose -y*g = 3*g - 185. ", "Calculate the remainder when g is divided by d.\n11\nSuppose 3*h - 79 = -22. ", "Let k(z) = -z**2 + 7*z - 7. ", "Let b be k(8). ", "Let g = b - -25. ", "What is the remainder when h is divided by g?", "\n9\nSuppose -27 - 34 = -z. ", "Calculate the remainder when z is divided by 16.", "\n13\nLet j be (-1)/(-2)*(5 - 1). ", "Suppose 0 = -j*v - 5*g + 94, 4*v - v - 95 = 4*g. ", "Calculate the remainder when v is divided by 20.", "\n17\nLet o be (0 + -2 + 2)/(-1). ", "Suppose o = 3*x - 4*x + 53. ", "Calculate the remainder when x is divided by 28.", "\n25\nSuppose 74 = 2*m - 2. ", "What is the remainder when m is divided by 4?", "\n2\nLet g(t) = -t**3 - 7*t**2 - 14*t - 13. ", "Calculate the remainder when g(-6) is divided by 19 - (-2)/(2*-1).", "\n17\nLet t = 37 + -25. ", "Calculate the remainder when t is divided by 7.", "\n5\nLet m(v) = v**3 - 5*v**2 - 6*v + 2. ", "Let q be m(6). ", "Let u = q - 0. ", "Let a(b) = b - 2. ", "Calculate the remainder when a(5) is divided by u.\n1\nLet t(r) = r**3 - 3*r**2 - 3*r - 4. ", "Let c be t(3). ", "Calculate the remainder when c*(-2 - -1 - 0) is divided by 5.", "\n3\nSuppose -4*a + 7*a = -99. ", "Let o be a/(-21) + (-6)/(-14). ", "Suppose o*q = q + 2*s + 16, -36 = -2*q + 2*s. ", "What is the remainder when 38 is divided by q?", "\n18\nCalculate the remainder when (1 + (-9)/(-2))*4 is divided by 6.", "\n4\nSuppose -140 = -27*i + 17*i. ", "Calculate the remainder when 54 is divided by i.\n12\nLet o(c) = 4*c - c - 8 - 20*c + 9*c. ", "What is the remainder when o(-7) is divided by 17?", "\n14\nSuppose -5*n + n = -96. ", "Calculate the remainder when 71 is divided by n.\n23\nWhat is the remainder when (-2020)/(-8) - 15/6 is divided by 42?", "\n40\nSuppose 2*j = 19 + 3. ", "Let k(t) = -t**3 + 11*t**2 + 4. ", "Suppose -4*s = -2*s - 22. ", "What is the remainder when j is divided by k(s)?", "\n3\nLet a(f) = 24*f - 49. ", "What is the remainder when a(5) is divided by 18?", "\n17\nSuppose v - 16 = -4*q, 2*v - 82 = 3*q + 5. ", "What is the remainder when v is divided by 19?", "\n17\nLet l(u) = u + 2. ", "Let a(b) = -13*b**2 - 2*b - 1. ", "Let f be a(-1). ", "Let j = f + 19. ", "Calculate the remainder when j is divided by l(2).", "\n3\nLet g be 4*(2 - (-" ]
{ "pile_set_name": "DM Mathematics" }
[ 0.012613274157047272, 0.0022429318632930517, 0.00150075345300138, 0.0006946754874661565, 0.0021935845725238323, 0.0008044338901527226, 0.006111240480095148, 0.0018501185113564134, 0.006670915521681309, 0.0010349246440455317, 0.015713175758719444, 0.0010350113734602928, 0.0006573792197741568, 0.008968736045062542, 0.0034368247725069523, 0.0008776840404607356, 0.037022337317466736, 0.0008606397896073759, 0.00095817178953439, 0.014753684401512146, 0.0008758861222304404, 0.00449809804558754, 0.10302546620368958, 0.0011462840484455228, 0.0008787998813204467, 0.0017969324253499508, 0.0007520885556004941, 0.04991956800222397, 0.03556040674448013, 0.0014549832558259368, 0.0006929688388481736, 0.0009389096521772444, 0.000822775880806148, 0.0024565027561038733, 0.0020435776095837355, 0.0046442062593996525, 0.002442589495331049, 0.001049226731993258, 0.0007481673383153975, 0.0075664520263671875, 0.0006829453050158918, 0.016683459281921387, 0.0007196413353085518, 0.001614541164599359, 0.012433640658855438, 0.0006364010041579604, 0.001319925650022924, 0.004798864014446735, 0.0008599123684689403, 0.0016221745172515512, 0.013243911787867546, 0.009431254118680954, 0.0036790070589631796, 0.15824465453624725, 0.0011586087057366967, 0.010852879844605923, 0.01376919262111187, 0.00319739431142807, 0.0007061551441438496, 0.0028534973971545696, 0.0016206747386604548, 0.0006146883824840188, 0.0011899524834007025, 0.0016245880397036672, 0.000966806837823242, 0.0019950049463659525, 0.004605891648679972, 0.0007658869144506752, 0.0006318456726148725, 0.0014558702241629362, 0.010206944309175014, 0.0017249253578484058, 0.0319574773311615, 0.0027429445181041956, 0.002179983537644148, 0.010526904836297035, 0.0007453663274645805, 0.0513114333152771, 0.0013529086718335748, 0.0008139667916111648, 0.0017911734757944942, 0.0008336015744134784, 0.0052916244603693485, 0.0017694059060886502, 0.0007756796549074352, 0.0006688141729682684, 0.0023353537544608116, 0.0020111966878175735, 0.011360776610672474, 0.0006558019085787237, 0.002984729828312993, 0.06846871227025986, 0.0018181336345151067, 0.48110631108283997, 0.0019903271459043026, 0.001644363277591765, 0.20318348705768585, 0.000859806255903095, 0.008996139280498028, 0.7777957320213318, 0.0006705553387291729, 0.0007465214584954083, 0.0037353066727519035, 0.0011290760012343526, 0.0007437188178300858, 0.015555924735963345, 0.005329853855073452, 0.000691852648742497, 0.0019573401659727097, 0.0011028916342183948, 0.000858222774695605, 0.7404307723045349, 0.0006594068836420774, 0.02928004413843155, 0.000633853254839778, 0.0007073456654325128, 0.02431057021021843, 0.40953654050827026, 0.0007199668325483799, 0.003678827080875635, 0.0007456867606379092, 0.0008000538218766451, 0.017708921805024147, 0.0016314300009980798, 0.004770653788000345, 0.006936512887477875, 0.0007984453113749623, 0.001095192739740014, 0.0007238103426061571, 0.001443488523364067, 0.10672298073768616, 0.0008500135154463351, 0.0006307608564384282, 0.023387983441352844, 0.0011098181130364537, 0.0014495626091957092, 0.6688015460968018, 0.0006204844103194773, 0.009582728147506714, 0.002213600091636181, 0.005511424504220486, 0.0009217927581630647, 0.22648769617080688, 0.0020136453676968813, 0.0020257525611668825, 0.0009771083714440465, 0.0010626980802044272, 0.0006975167198106647, 0.0016979807987809181, 0.014437006786465645, 0.0007271500071510673, 0.010249211452901363, 0.004094936419278383, 0.0007400798494927585, 0.0011870915768668056, 0.0008288910612463951, 0.1725526601076126, 0.0006507823709398508, 0.002484590746462345, 0.0007290779612958431, 0.05370604619383812, 0.0011796036269515753, 0.005152251571416855, 0.0021134011913090944, 0.008444053120911121, 0.0021297431085258722, 0.00754748797044158, 0.0015302961692214012, 0.004043095279484987, 0.02971707098186016, 0.0007822120096534491, 0.0006277639768086374, 0.003315448295325041, 0.005597990937530994, 0.0007023611688055098, 0.005176698789000511, 0.0006815181113779545, 0.0011625211918726563, 0.9588430523872375, 0.0037861985620111227, 0.0012901219306513667, 0.3326628506183624, 0.0006789225153625011, 0.003972751088440418, 0.0008696693694218993, 0.007531859911978245, 0.010657737962901592, 0.0037140415515750647, 0.002225761767476797, 0.0006625834503211081, 0.010852434672415257 ]
[ "What is next in 7, 14, 17, 10, -13, -58, -131?", "\n-238\nWhat is next in -36, -64, -118, -210, -352, -556?", "\n-834\nWhat comes next: -1808, -3617, -5426, -7235?", "\n-9044\nWhat comes next: 378, 760, 1142, 1524, 1906, 2288?", "\n2670\nWhat comes next: -80, -153, -240, -347, -480, -645, -848, -1095?", "\n-1392\nWhat is the next term in 28, 53, 80, 109?", "\n140\nWhat is the next term in -268, -291, -330, -385, -456, -543, -646?", "\n-765\nWhat is next in 232, 221, 194, 145, 68, -43?", "\n-194\nWhat is the next term in -19, -37, -55, -73?", "\n-91\nWhat is the next term in 737, 755, 791, 851, 941, 1067?", "\n1235\nWhat is next in -680, -684, -690, -698, -708?", "\n-720\nWhat is next in 14, 7, 0, -7, -14?", "\n-21\nWhat comes next: -56, -21, 36, 115?", "\n216\nWhat is next in -2401, -2400, -2399, -2398?", "\n-2397\nWhat is next in -3, -7, -29, -75, -151, -263?", "\n-417\nWhat is next in 18, 52, 126, 258, 466, 768, 1182?", "\n1726\nWhat is next in -26, -37, -50, -65, -82, -101?", "\n-122\nWhat is the next term in -24086, -24087, -24088, -24089, -24090?", "\n-24091\nWhat is the next term in -136, -272, -408, -544, -680, -816?", "\n-952\nWhat comes next: -76, -181, -310, -475, -688?", "\n-961\nWhat is next in -194, -181, -168, -155?", "\n-142\nWhat is next in -71067, -142139, -213221, -284319, -355439?", "\n-426587\nWhat is the next term in -20, -34, -48, -62, -76?", "\n-90\nWhat is the next term in -143, -575, -1303, -2333, -3671, -5323?", "\n-7295\nWhat is the next term in 62, 30, -16, -82, -174, -298, -460?", "\n-666\nWhat is the next term in 3, 51, 109, 171, 231, 283, 321, 339?", "\n331\nWhat comes next: 495, 991, 1487?", "\n1983\nWhat is the next term in -805, -796, -765, -700, -589?", "\n-420\nWhat comes next: 52, 75, 128, 223, 372, 587, 880?", "\n1263\nWhat is next in 145, 308, 469, 628, 785, 940, 1093?", "\n1244\nWhat is next in 264, 533, 802, 1071?", "\n1340\nWhat is next in 149, 186, 223, 260, 297, 334?", "\n371\nWhat is the next term in -3200, -3202, -3206, -3212, -3220?", "\n-3230\nWhat is next in -47, -205, -475, -863, -1375?", "\n-2017\nWhat comes next: -41, -88, -135, -182?", "\n-229\nWhat is next in 27, 84, 187, 342, 555, 832?", "\n1179\nWhat is next in -35, -44, -33, 4, 73, 180, 331?", "\n532\nWhat is next in 98, 262, 426?", "\n590\nWhat comes next: 2358, 2341, 2312, 2271, 2218, 2153, 2076?", "\n1987\nWhat is next in 0, -16, -64, -162, -328?", "\n-580\nWhat is the next term in -45, -397, -1357, -3231, -6325, -10945, -17397?", "\n-25987\nWhat is next in -13, -37, -73, -121, -181, -253, -337?", "\n-433\nWhat is the next term in -50, -97, -130, -143, -130, -85, -2, 125?", "\n302\nWhat comes next: -1, 31, 63, 95, 127?", "\n159\nWhat is the next term in -377, -371, -351, -311, -245, -147?", "\n-11\nWhat comes next: 29, 30, 29, 26, 21, 14?", "\n5\nWhat is the next term in -351, -359, -367?", "\n-375\nWhat comes next: 7, 16, 23, 22, 7?", "\n-28\nWhat comes next: 9126, 18250, 27374, 36498, 45622?", "\n54746\nWhat is next in 3, 31, 63, 99, 139?", "\n183\nWhat is next in -262, -254, -242, -226, -206, -182, -154?", "\n-122\nWhat is next in -1046, -1048, -1052, -1058?", "\n-1066\nWhat is the next term in -55, -109, -163?", "\n-217\nWhat is the next term in -13, -47, -105, -187?", "\n-293\nWhat comes next: -83, -167, -313, -527, -815, -1183?", "\n-1637\nWhat is next in -27, -17, -7, 3, 13, 23?", "\n33\nWhat is next in 7, 69, 171, 313?", "\n495\nWhat is next in 9, 29, 55, 81, 101?", "\n109\nWhat is the next term in 322, 323, 326, 331?", "\n338\nWhat is the next term in 101, 113, 147, 215, 329, 501, 743, 1067?", "\n1485\nWhat comes next: -2663, -2665, -2667, -2669, -2671?", "\n-2673\nWhat is the next term in 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40?", "\n47\nWhat is the next term in 12, 9, -14, -69, -168, -323?", "\n-546\nWhat is the next term in -85, -93, -103, -115, -129, -145?", "\n-163\nWhat is the next term in -100, -24, 112, 314, 588, 940, 1376?", "\n1902\nWhat is next in -16, -64, -120, -178, -232, -276?", "\n-304\nWhat comes next: -147, -269, -391, -519, -659, -817?", "\n-999\nWhat is the next term in 641, 1287, 1933, 2579?", "\n3225\nWhat comes next: 2089, 4177, 6265?", "\n8353\nWhat is next in 137, 150, 163, 176, 189, 202?", "\n215\nWhat is next in 837, 856, 875, 894, 913?", "\n932\nWhat is the next term in 365, 366, 369, 374, 381, 390?", "\n401\nWhat comes next: 87, 87, 85, 81, 75?", "\n67\nWhat is the next term in 0, 0, 8, 30, 72, 140?", "\n240\nWhat is the next term in 1, 13, 43, 97, 181, 301, 463, 673?", "\n937\nWhat is next in -1005, -4046, -9121, -16230?", "\n-25373\nWhat is next in -164, -163, -162?", "\n-161\nWhat is next in 42, 108, 202, 324, 474?", "\n652\nWhat is the next term in 310, 306, 302, 298, 294, 290?", "\n286\nWhat comes next: 440, 439, 438, 437, 436?", "\n435\nWhat is the next term in -3723, -3722, -3721?", "\n-3720\nWhat comes next: 5284, 10567, 15850, 21133, 26416, 31699?", "\n36982\nWhat comes next: 121, 428, 941, 1660, 2585, 3716?", "\n5053\nWhat is next in -29710, -29709, -29708, -29707, -29706, -29705?", "\n-29704\nWhat is next in -54, -152, -312, -540, -842, -1224?", "\n-1692\nWhat is next in 2887, 2892, 2907, 2938, 2991?", "\n3072\nWhat comes next: 48, 42, 24, -12, -72, -162?", "\n-288\nWhat is next in -833, -1670, -2507?", "\n-3344\nWhat comes next: 46, 76, 108, 142, 178, 216, 256?", "\n298\nWhat is the next term in 20, 13, 18, 47, 112?", "\n225\nWhat comes next: -1655, -3310, -4965, -6620, -8275?", "\n-9930\nWhat comes next: -102, -335, -724, -1269, -1970, -2827, -3840?", "\n-5009\nWhat comes next: -5, 0, 5, 10, 15, 20?", "\n25\nWhat is the next term in 139, 63, -63, -239, -465, -741, -1067?", "\n-1443\nWhat comes next: -38, -38, -58, -104, -182, -298, -458, -668?", "\n-934\nWhat is the next term in -27, -46, -65, -84, -103, -122?", "\n-141\nWhat is next in -11, -17, -33, -65, -119, -201, -317?", "\n-473\nWhat is next in 109, 445, 1005, 1789, 2797?", "\n4029\nWhat comes next: -201, -405, -611, -819, -1029?", "\n-1241\nWhat is next in 29, 50, 71?", "\n92\nWhat is next in 64, 120, 190, 280, 396?", "\n544\nWhat is next in 1, 2, 17, 58, 137, 266?", "\n457\nWhat is next in -1307, -2617, -3927, -5237, -6547?", "\n-7857\nWhat is the next term in 1764, 3530, 5296, 7062?", "\n8828\nWhat is the next term in 402, 409, 420, 435, 454, 477?", "\n504\nWhat is the next term in 409, 304, 129, -116, -431, -816, -1271?", "\n-1796\nWhat is next in 61, 66, 71?", "\n76\nWhat is the next term in 91, 82, 61, 22, -41, -134, -263?", "\n-434\nWhat comes next: -16, 5, 42, 101, 188, 309?", "\n470\nWhat is next in -188, -190, -180, -152, -100, -18, 100, 260?", "\n468\nWhat is next in 1, 7, 17, 31?", "\n49\nWhat is the next term in 5, 7, 3, -7, -23?", "\n-45\nWhat is next in -109, -110, -113, -118?", "\n-125\nWhat comes next: -4056, -8109, -12162, -16215, -20268, -24321?", "\n-28374\nWhat is next in 55, 63, 75, 91?", "\n111\nWhat is next in 36, 47, 60, 75?", "\n92\nWhat is next in 32, 49, 58, 53, 28?", "\n-23\nWhat comes next: 93, 187, 281, 375, 469?", "\n563\nWhat is next in 7, 14, 27, 46, 71, 102, 139?", "\n182\nWhat is next in -168, -162, -154, -144?", "\n-132\nWhat comes next: 763, 6148, 20761, 49216, 96127, 166108, 263773?", "\n393736\nWhat comes next: -220, -437, -654, -871, -1088, -1305?", "\n-1522\nWhat is the next term in 3088, 3086, 3084?", "\n3082\nWhat comes next: 2416, 2412, 2408?", "\n2404\nWhat comes next: 94, 99, 106, 115, 126, 139, 154?", "\n171\nWhat is next in 12, 19, 22, 21, 16, 7, -6?", "\n-23\nWhat comes next: -1089, -1091, -1093, -1095, -1097, -1099?", "\n-1101\nWhat is the next term in 21052, 21056, 21072, 21106, 21164, 21252, 21376?", "\n21542\nWhat is the next term in 383, 768, 1153, 1538?", "\n1923\nWhat is the next term in -3, -3, -1, 3?", "\n9\nWhat comes next: 42, 77, 112?", "\n147\nWhat is the next term in -10, 46, 92, 122, 130, 110, 56?", "\n-38\nWhat comes next: 93, 401, 919, 1653, 2609, 3793, 5211, 6869?", "\n8773\nWhat is next in -1985, -3961, -5935, -7907, -9877, -11845, -13811?", "\n-15775\nWhat is the next term in 65, 123, 183, 245, 309?", "\n375\nWhat is next in -20, -50, -110, -200?", "\n-320\nWhat is the next term in -939, -942, -945, -948, -951, -954?", "\n-957\nWhat is the next term in -71, -75, -81, -89, -99, -111?", "\n-125\nWhat comes next: 550, 544, 526, 490, 430, 340, 214, 46?", "\n-170\nWhat is next in 229, 926, 2087, 3712, 5801, 8354?", "\n11371\nWhat is the next term in -473, -398, -201, 178, 799, 1722, 3007, 4714?", "\n6903\nWhat is next in 169, 317, 461, 601, 737, 869?", "\n997\nWhat is the next term in -9203, -9208, -9213, -9218, -9223, -9228?", "\n-9233\nWhat is next in -19, -33, -47?", "\n-61\nWhat is next in -53, -113, -213, -353?", "\n-533\nWhat comes next: -443, -445, -447?", "\n-449\nWhat comes next: 7, -1, -15, -35, -61?", "\n-93\nWhat is the next term in 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60?", "\n63\nWhat is the next term in 38994, 77990, 116986, 155982?", "\n194978\nWhat is next in -74, -65, -54, -41, -26, -9, 10?", "\n31\nWhat is next in -87, -172, -257, -342, -427, -512?", "\n-597\nWhat is the next term in 8, -25, -80, -157, -256?", "\n-377\nWhat is next in -1096, -2197, -3302, -4411, -5524, " ]
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[ "Introduction\n============\n\nPain is a common problem for patients admitted to the ICU, causing patient discomfort, agitation and accidental self-extubation. ", "For this reason the recognition of pain and its severity is extremely important. ", "Several pain scores and protocols are in use. ", "We aimed to elucidate current practice of pain measurements and treatment in Dutch ICUs.", "\n\nMethods\n=======\n\nIn March 2011, a questionnaire was sent to all Dutch adult ICUs irrespective of the number of ICU beds with active follow-up by telephone calls to optimize the participation rate.", "\n\nResults\n=======\n\nA total of 84 ICUs (84/107) returned the survey, representing a response rate of 87%. ", "Most ICUs are community teaching hospitals and nonteaching hospitals (85%) in comparison to academic hospitals (15%). ", "Most ICUs (94%) use a standardized pain score in the group of patients who are capable of verbal communication: the Visual Analogue Scale (57%), Numerical Rating Scale (48%) and Faces Pain Scale (5%) being the most frequently used scores. ", "In the group of patients who are unable to communicate, ICUs less frequently use pain scores (19%), with the Critical-Care Pain Observation Tool (6%) and Behaviour Pain Scale (5%) being used most frequently. ", "Measurement of pain was considered most important for patients with burn wounds (67%), trauma patients (64%), postoperative patients (57%) and those who receive end-of-life care (64%). ", "Barriers to use pain measurements included the patient\\'s inability to communicate (82%), interference with pain assessment due to sedation (79%), hemodynamic instability (64%), insufficient dosages of analgesics (60%) and the unavailability of a standard pain scoring system (51%). ", "In addition, guidelines for management of sedation and analgesics from the Netherlands Association for Intensive Care (NVIC) had been read by only 20% of the respondents. ", "Factors that were mentioned to be useful in contributing to an improvement in pain assessment and effective pain control included adequate analgesic dosage (87%), utilization of protocols and directives (86%), enthusiastic and motivated personnel (81%) and the utilization of standardized pain measurement tools.", "\n\nConclusion\n==========\n\nMost Dutch ICUs measure pain frequently (94%) in patients who are able to communicate. ", "However, in the group of patients who cannot communicate only 19% of the Dutch ICUs use a standardized pain score. ", "This finding applied to both academic and nonacademic ICUs, which suggests that efforts should be put into implementing pain measures in Dutch ICUs.", "\n" ]
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[ 0.0017873451579362154, 0.0005989735946059227, 0.0006923476466909051, 0.0005831261514686048, 0.0006705258856527507, 0.0006355891237035394, 0.0016281877178698778, 0.0006787322927266359, 0.0007128667202778161, 0.0006791380001232028, 0.0009563490748405457, 0.0007120824884623289, 0.0005925571895204484, 0.0012459749123081565, 0.0008391972514800727, 0.0007723707240074873, 0.0019954426679760218 ]
[ "Almond parmesan has been a great find for me and I think you'll find it the same for you too. ", "Did you know that almonds are the most alkalizing nut. ", "An alkaline (vs. acidic) system will help keep your system functioning at its peak. ", "Almonds are also balancing, very nourishing, and contain high levels of potassium and vitamin E. In fact, nine almonds contain all the vitamin E you need for the day. ", "Add in some nutritional yeast, garlic powder, a little sea salt and you have yourself a nice healthy topping. ", "And it's so easy to make too. ", "It will add tons of flavor to your salads, soups, pasta's and so much more! ", "Sprinkle away...\n\nRaw Almond Parmesan [Vegan]\n\nAdvertisement" ]
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[ 0.0005614621331915259, 0.32475078105926514, 0.0006533362320624292, 0.0008326474344357848, 0.0006092018447816372, 0.0006173021392896771, 0.0007235720404423773, 0.002737620146945119 ]
[ "Q:\n\nConverting HTML list to nested Python list\n\nIf I have a nested html (unordered) list that looks like this:\n<ul>\n <li><a href=\"Page1_Level1.html\">Page1_Level1</a> \n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"Page1_Level2.html\">Page1_Level2</a> \n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"Page1_Level3.html\">Page1_Level3</a></li>\n </ul>\n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"Page2_Level3.html\">Page2_Level3</a></li>\n </ul>\n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"Page3_Level3.html\">Page3_Level3</a></li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n <li><a href=\"Page2_Level1.html\">Page2_Level1</a> \n <ul>\n <li><a href=\"Page2_Level2.html\">Page2_Level2</a></li>\n </ul>\n </li>\n</ul>\n\nHow do I form a nested list out of it in Python? ", "For example:\n[\"Page1_Level1.html\", [\"Page1_Level2.html\", [\"Page1_Leve3.html\", \"Page2_Level3.html\", \"Page3_Level3.html\"]], \"Page2_Level1.html\", [\"Page2_Level2.html\"]]\n\nI presume libraries like Beautiful Soup and HTML Parser have facilities to do this, but I haven't been able it figure it out. ", "Thanks for any help / pointers!", "\n\nA:\n\nYou can take a recursive approach:\nfrom pprint import pprint\nfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup\n\ntext = \"\"\"your html goes here\"\"\"\n\ndef find_li(element):\n return [{li.a['href']: find_li(li)}\n for ul in element('ul', recursive=False)\n for li in ul('li', recursive=False)]\n\nsoup = BeautifulSoup(text, 'html.parser')\ndata = find_li(soup)\npprint(data)\n\nPrints:\n[{u'Page1_Level1.html': [{u'Page1_Level2.html': [{u'Page1_Level3.html': []},\n {u'Page2_Level3.html': []},\n {u'Page3_Level3.html': []}]}]},\n {u'Page2_Level1.html': [{u'Page2_Level2.html': []}]}]\n\nFYI, here is why I had to use html.parser here: \n\nDon't put html, head and body tags automatically, beautifulsoup\n\n" ]
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[ 0.0012190105626359582, 0.0006516578723676503, 0.0006037559942342341, 0.0010658878600224853 ]
[ "Categories\n\nFollow Blog via Email\n\nEnter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email.", "\n\nJoin 1,744 other followers\n\nIt’s Time for a New Transformation\n\nOver the last 8 months leading professionals were chosen in various niches and professions who exemplify a trailblazer mentality and didn’t let the world’s lure of comfort keep them from taking chances and having HUGE Success. ", "We were asked to co-author in a book with the legendary Brian Tracy and we were all held to one standard, we all had to be willing to share openly, no holding back, the most valuable secrets we had in our tool box. ", "As you can imagine putting that sort of thing in writing for the world to see is a bit intimidating….but I’m excited to tell you that every single one of us agreed! ", "And now I am able to proudly present your next “must have” book that will transform your life and business to where you want it to be.", "\n\nThe book we co-wrote together “Transform” is launching this Wednesday, Sept. 17th, and we’d love to have your support and get this book off to a great start. ", "For a sneak peek, checkout http://sandylawson.thetransformbook.com/\n\nI appreciate you and I’ll get back with you to remind you about the launch and to tell you more about the bonuses I’m putting together! ", "Stay tuned.", "\n\nShare this:\n\nLike this:\n\nLikeLoading...\n\nRelated\n\nPublished by\n\nscourtneylawson\n\nS. Courtney Lawson\nWriter and speaker Sandy Lawson recently hit two Amazon.com best-seller lists with the new business book, \"Transform,\" co-authored with best-selling author and speaker Brian Tracy.", "\nSandy Lawson serves as a Care Pastor at Element Church, in Wentzville Missouri, one of the fastest growing churches America. ", "Sandy recently joined noted business development expert, best-selling author and speaker, Brian Tracy, along with a select group of the world's leading experts, to co-author the book titled, Transform: The World's Leading Entrepreneurs and Professionals Get to the Heart and Soul of Transforming your Life, Business & Health. ", "The book was released on September 18, 2014 by CelebrityPress™ - a leading business book publisher.", "\nOn the day of release, Transform reached best-seller status in two Amazon.com categories - reaching as high as #6 in the \"Direct Marketing\" category. ", "The book also reached best-seller status in the \"Marketing and Small Business\" category. ", "Sandy contributed a chapter titled, \"The Relationship Transformation...Taking Relationships From Terminal to Transformed.\"", "\nSandy Lawson has over 30 years of experience partnering with her husband, Kip, in family ministry and outreach. ", "She's had the privilege of serving on staff at three mega churches prior to Element Church. ", "In addition, she and her husband also had the honor of building the bus ministry of the Oneighty Youth Group at Church on the Move in Tulsa, Oklahoma from 400 riders weekly to nearly 1,500 riders each week.", "\nHer biggest joy is coaching people in their personal relationships and helping them reach their God-given potential. ", "She and her husband have helped hundreds of couples turn failing marriages into happily-ever-afters, as well as assisting parents in their quest to create healthy thriving families. ", "In their career, Sandy and her husband have been a major influence in the lives of thousands of children, teens, and adults around the world. ", "Sandy is the mother of three, and the grandmother of eight wonderful grandkids. ", "She and her husband have been married over 46 years.", "\nShe is the author of a parenting book, \"Parenting Through the Mirror\" which explores the concept that great parenting must begin with personal transformation. ", "She is also the author and illustrator of a children's geology book, \"Iggy and the Volcano\" that teaches kids the cycle of igneous rocks. ", "Sandy is a freelance writer, speaker, blogger and was a major contributor to an internationally distributed children's curriculum.", "\nAfter such a successful release, Sandy Lawson will once again be recognized by The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best-seller lists.", "\nView all posts by scourtneylawson" ]
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[ 0.0005987015902064741, 0.0006254343898035586, 0.000557107210624963, 0.000551275908946991, 0.0009818546241149306, 0.0006452312809415162, 0.0005591051885858178, 0.0006882203742861748, 0.0006359720719046891, 0.0005853204056620598, 0.0005960813141427934, 0.0005961310234852135, 0.0006187965627759695, 0.0005796794430352747, 0.0005899516982026398, 0.0005675980355590582, 0.0006075904238969088, 0.0005952445208095014, 0.0006125657237134874, 0.0007581894169561565, 0.0007984358235262334, 0.007404888980090618, 0.0007024856749922037, 0.0005965570453554392, 0.0035248652566224337, 0.0007035814342088997, 0.0006088579539209604, 0.0011680162278935313 ]
[ "There is growing interest within the golfing industry to develop on-site\ntesting of turfgrass cultivars. ", "This concept is not new, but has not\nbeen a common practice in recent years. ", "Therefore, the Golf\nCourse Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA), United States\nGolf Association Green Section (USGA), and the National Turfgrass Evaluation\nProgram (NTEP) have agreed to revitalize on-site testing of turfgrass\ncultivars on golf courses, particularly on putting greens. ", "This project\nconducts evaluations of new bentgrass and bermudagrass cultivars on\nUSGA specification putting greens constructed at golf courses across\nthe country. ", "This on-site testing program is designed to provide scientific\ninformation of a more applied nature about putting green turfgrass cultivar\nperformance.", "\n\nInformation from this project is valuable to the golfing industry.", "\nThese studies will determine the adaptation of grasses for golf course\nuse. ", "In addition, information obtained from on-site testing will be\nof particular value to plant breeders, researchers, extension educators,\nUSGA agronomists, golf course architects, and superintendents, who need\nto select the best adapted putting green cultivars for a particular\nregional climate.", "\n\nThese cultivar evaluation trials are jointly sponsored and supported\nby the GCSAA, USGA-Green Section, and NTEP. ", "The USGA funded the construction\nof USGA specification greens for the trials. ", "Trial sites are located\non golf courses near a land grant university with a turfgrass research\nprogram or in a major metropolitan area which is readily accessible\nto a university turfgrass scientist. ", "Sixteen (16) regional evaluation\ntrial sites have been established. ", "Trials are located in: a) northern\nlocations for bentgrasses, b) southern locations for bermudagrass, and\nc) transition zone locations for both species. ", "Trials are located where\ngolfers practice putting and/or chipping. ", "Host clubs provide daily maintenance\nof the putting green site at their own expense.", "\n\nTrial Specifics\n\nThe NTEP functions as the coordinating agent for the cultivar trials.", "\nThese trials are five years in duration. ", "Trials are conducted under\nmutually agreed upon guidelines, procedures, and funding outlined in\na research agreement agreed to and signed by the appropriate representatives\nof GCSAA, USGA, and NTEP and each research cooperator (i.e. university\nturfgrass researcher). ", "Trials are conducted at each location under the\nleadership of the assigned research cooperator. ", "These persons are responsible\nfor establishing and conducting the trial, and collecting and transferring\nthe data to NTEP according to the research agreement.", "\n\nTrials are maintained by the golf course superintendent at each location\nusing management procedures\n\ncommon to their golf course, the geographical area and\nin consultation with the research cooperator. ", "No special management\npractices are prescribed as these trials are intended to receive real-world\ngolf course conditions and stresses.", "\n\nThese trials are conducted principally with commercially available,\nnamed cultivars. ", "Experimental lines that will be commercially available\nin the near future (i.e. before the end of the test cycle) were also\nincluded in these trials at the sponsoring company’s discretion.", "\n\nThe NTEP administers the program and its funding, sets the advisory\ncommittee and gathers their input and recommendations for each species\ntrial. ", "The NTEP organizes and distribute the seed and vegetative materials\nwhich constitute the entries for each trial location. ", "The NTEP provides\nthe maintenance and data collection protocols to each site; collects,\nanalyzes and disseminates the performance data in annual and final reports;\nand conducts an annual site visit for each trial." ]
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[ 0.0005711962003260851, 0.0006127628148533404, 0.0005994352977722883, 0.0005639835726469755, 0.000557950756046921, 0.0005740894703194499, 0.0005415708292275667, 0.0005132229416631162, 0.0005594261456280947, 0.0005310296546667814, 0.0006173503934405744, 0.0005710276891477406, 0.000553363817743957, 0.0007142042741179466, 0.0007727992488071322, 0.0005747130489908159, 0.0006132693379186094, 0.000525715877301991, 0.0005530539783649147, 0.0005559937562793493, 0.0005430192104540765, 0.0005620256415568292, 0.0005428761360235512, 0.000537655723746866, 0.0005716547602787614, 0.0007965811528265476, 0.000575888145249337 ]
[ "Q&A: What Forms Of Birth Control Can I Take While Breastfeeding?", "\n\nQ I heard there is a birth control pill out there considered \"safe\" for nursing mothers. ", "My OB says the low dose pill will DRY up my milk.", "\n\nA Let me congratulate you for breastfeeding. ", "Although it is not for every new mother, it is the most healthy way of feeding your baby and as you know, the benefits are numerous.", "\n\nThere are birth control pills that are considered safe for nursing mothers. ", "These are referred to as the \"progesterone only pills\". ", "Some brand names of this type of pill include Micronor, and Nor-Q-D.\n\nThe regular birth control pills contain estrogen. ", "While it has not been definitively proven that this will cause any harm to the baby, it is possible that these pills can significantly decrease the amount of milk that you produce. ", "The progesterone only pills may slightly decrease milk production, but this is not a significant problem for most women who use them, and they are considered safe for the baby.", "\n\nYou should realize that while you are taking these progesterone only pills, that you will not have regular periods. ", "In fact, you may not have any at all and that is OK. ", "Once you have completed breastfeeding you can re-start the regular pills.", "\n\nLet me also point out some other alternatives for contraception during breastfeeding. ", "These would include the intrauterine device (IUD), condoms, male vasectomy, and female tubal ligation.", "\n\nDr. Bradley G Goldberg is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Goldberg is certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ", "Dr. Goldberg is Chief of Staff of Coffee Regional Medical Center. ", "Currently, he is serving as Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and he is the Chairman of the Perinatal Committee. ", "Dr. Goldberg graduated from the University of Florida in 1989 as a member of The Phi Beta Kappa honor society. ", "He received his medical degree from the University of Florida College of Medicine, and completed his internship and residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Georgia Baptist Medical Center in Atlanta.", "\n\nDr. Goldberg is a contributing author to OBGYN.net, the largest women's health site on the Internet. ", "In addition, Dr. Goldberg is the author of an article on \"Urethral Carcinoma,\" which is in press with the Journal of Urology, and he co-produced an instructional video on Norplant removal that he presented at the annual meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.", "\n\nDr. Goldberg is a member of the American Medical Association, The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, The Medical Association of Georgia, and The Atlanta Medical Association. ", "Dr. Goldberg's wife Kimberly is a pediatric nurse. ", "Together, they enjoy traveling and spending time with their family." ]
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[ "Just wanted to say thanks\n\nMay has been an exciting, invigorating month on the campaign trail. ", "We opened our very first campaign office HQ and kicked off the summer at our first ever Paella Pachanga.", "\n\nHere are some of the highlights:\n\nGrand Opening, May 5th, 2018\n\nPaella Pachanga, May 19, 2018\n\nKeep an eye on the events tab for our June events. ", "For now, I just wanted to be sure to say thank you. ", "We appreciate everyone’s continued support. ", "With it, we look forward to winning together in November! ", "As always, if you'd like a yard sign or t-shirt, please feel free to reach out to us at 210-328-3813." ]
{ "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
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[ "Localization of human pituitary hormones by multiple immunoenzyme staining procedures using monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.", "\nMouse monoclonal and rabbit polyclonal antibodies to human pituitary hormones were applied together to sections of normal and neoplastic human pituitary tissue. ", "Binding sites were revealed with species-specific immune reagents combined with various enzymes (peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, and beta-D-galactosidase). ", "The enzymes were developed separately to give differently colored end-products. ", "Where two hormones were present in the same cell, a mixed color was produced. ", "Up to four hormones could be immunostained in a single section. ", "Multiple immunoenzymatic staining has great potential for the analysis of plural antigen production by single cells and relationships between cells producing different antigens." ]
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[ "\nHow to rent a house in the Bay Area - rentshape\nhttps://medium.com/@contact_51029/how-to-rent-a-house-in-the-bay-area-ad991477d7bc#.jx3t698ng\n======\nDrScump\nThis article leaves out the most important task before renting on Craigslist:\n_make sure the party you 're giving money to actually has standing to rent the\nproperty!_", "\n\nThere is a LOT of fraud with people \"renting\" properties on CL that are utter\nfrauds and vanish as soon as they get the deposit.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Year 10 Welcome Evening\n\nAll parents, carers and students are invited to a Welcome Evening in the half first term. ", "Each year group will be invited to a separate event from 5.30-6.30pm which will begin with a talk from the Head teacher and Head of Year in the Main Hall. ", "Form teachers will host the next part of the evening in their form room.", "\n\nThis is a great opportunity to meet with form teachers and learn more about the year ahead, and ask any questions you may have." ]
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[ "Kirkcudbright Artists' Colony\n\nThe Kirkcudbright Artists’ Colony was an artists’ community that existed approximately between 1880 and 1980 in Kirkcudbright in Dumfries and Galloway. ", "The town attracted many of the country’s leading artists such as E A Hornel, William Mouncey, William Stewart MacGeorge, Charles Oppenheimer, Jessie M King, E A Taylor and S J Peploe. ", "These artists and craftspeople produced an extensive body of work.", "\n\nThis places Kirkcudbright in the context of a group of artists’ communities that emerged in Britain from the late 19th century onwards such as Newlyn, Staithes, St Ives, Walberswick, as well in Europe generally, for example at Pont-Aven in Brittany and Worpswede in Germany. ", " However, no other community attracted so many artists for such a long period, so that Kirkcudbright retained its special place in the history of Scottish art for over 100 years. ", "This reputation is upheld to this day with many artists working in the town at the recently opened WASPS Artists’ Studios at Cannonwalls in the High Street.", "\n\nEvolution of Kirkcudbright Artists' Colony\n\nArguably the Kirkcudbright Artists’ Colony would not have evolved very far without with E A Hornel (1864-1933), who became Kirkcudbright’s best known artist. ", "Hornel first came to prominence as one of the Glasgow Boys. ", "He worked in Glasgow sharing a studio with George Henry (1858-1943) but maintained his connections with his home town. ", "As a result, the town became known to several of the ‘Boys’, particularly George Henry and James Guthrie (1859-1930), as a favoured summer painting location, taking over from previous summer resorts, for example Brig o’Turk in the Trossachs and Cockburnspath in Berwickshire. ", "The presence of the artist John Faed (1818-1902) at Gatehouse-of-Fleet, just eight miles from Kirkcudbright, and his evident support for the younger generation of Kirkcudbrightshire artists, was a further factor leading to the evolution of an artistic community in Kirkcudbright. ", "The combination of professional experience and career success, coupled with youthful energy, ambition and enthusiasm, led to the establishment of the Kirkcudbrightshire Fine Arts Association in 1886, with John Faed as its President, and younger artists such as Hornel, Thomas Bromley Blacklock (1863-1903) and William Stewart MacGeorge (1861-1931) on the Committee, together with several older, local amateur painters.", "\n\nBy 1900, Kirkcudbright’s artistic reputation was such that Glasgow and Edinburgh based artists such as E A Walton (1860-1922), A.S. Hartrick (1864-1950), Robert Macaulay Stevenson (1854-1952), J L Wingate (1846-1924), David Gauld (1865-1936) and David Young Cameron (1865-1945) were drawn to explore and paint in Galloway. ", "In south-west Scotland as a whole, Galloway and Arran were equally regarded by landscape painters at this time, and Wingate was one of several artists who painted in both areas. ", "In contrast to the Galloway visitors, the locally-born artists, Blacklock and MacGeorge, found it necessary to pursue their subsequent careers from bases nearer Edinburgh, although they made regular return visits to Kirkcudbright.", "\n\nThe Kirkcudbright School\nA style later described as that of the ‘Kirkcudbright School’ began to emerge in the late 1880s, where subjects typically involve children amongst woodland or flowers, becoming ever more decorative, and with much use of the impasto technique, with paint laid on heavily with a palette knife. ", "Exhibitions containing pieces from the ‘Kirkcudbright School’ were displayed as part of annual exhibitions arranged by the Kirkcudbrightshire Fine Art Association between 1886-1889 in Kirkcudbright. ", "Hornel’s brother-in-law, William Mouncey (1852-1901), and the Canadian artist H. Ivan Neilson (1865-1931), who worked in Kirkcudbright in the period 1900-1904, can also be counted as part of the ‘Kirkcudbright School’, along with Hornel, MacGeorge, Blacklock, Malcolm M Harper (1839-1917) and John Copland (1854-1929).", "\n\nE A Taylor and Jessie M King\n\nFrom 1915, the ‘Glasgow-Style’ book illustrator Jessie M King (1875-1949) and her husband, the artist and designer E A Taylor (1874-1951), were permanently resident in Kirkcudbright, from where they arranged annual summer painting courses on Arran. ", "Jessie M King had purchased her property ‘Greengate’ and it’s close in 1909, probably with the encouragement of E A Hornel. ", "By this time Kirkcudbright’s reputation as an artistic centre had been reinforced by the arrival of artists such as William Robson (1863-1950) from Capri via Edinburgh in 1904; Charles Oppenheimer (1875-1961) from Manchester in 1908; William Hanna Clarke (1882-1924) in 1914 from Glasgow; to be followed by David Sassoon (1888-1978) in the early 1920s. ", "The Taylors had taught in Paris before the First World War and had become friends with the Scottish Colourist, S J Peploe (1871-1935), who regularly visited them in Kirkcudbright from 1918. ", "The Taylors’ reputation as teachers was such that Robert Burns, Head of Painting at Edinburgh College of Art, actively encouraged his students to study with them. ", "This introduced a younger generation of Edinburgh artists to Kirkcudbright, including Anne Redpath (1895-1965), Dorothy Nesbitt (1893-1974), Dorothy Johnstone (1892-1980), E A Walton’s daughter Cecile Walton (1891-1956), A R Sturrock (1885-1953) and William Miles Johnston (1893-1974). ", "At the same time Glasgow-based artists and craft workers visited and stayed with the Taylors in Greengate Close or elsewhere in the town, including Helen S Johnstone (1888-1931) originally from Troon, and the metalworker Agnes Harvey (1874-1947) and jeweller Mary Thew (1876-1953). ", "The artist Anna Hotchkis (1885-1984) was a long-term resident of the close, but she also travelled and worked extensively in China in the 1930s.", "\n\nBy the 1920s journalists were writing about the ‘Greengate Close coterie’ of women artists gathered around Jessie M King and living as her tenants in Greengate Close. ", "In 1931, Dorothy L Sayers based her crime novel Five Red Herrings in the artists’ communities of Kirkcudbright and Gatehouse-of-Fleet, which she knew from personal experience through her friendship with the daughters of William Robson.", "\n\nDumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society\n\nIn 1922, E A Hornel, Jessie M King, E A Taylor along with the Dumfries artists Christian Jane Fergusson (1876-1957) and Robert Cairns (1866-1944), had founded the Dumfries and Galloway Fine Arts Society, which continues to the present day. ", "All this activity maintained Kirkcudbright’s reputation as an artistic community and continued to attract artists and craft workers in the 1930s and 1940s, including Lena Alexander (1899-1983), Tim Jeffs (1904-1975).", "\n\nJankel Adler\n\nThe highly influential Polish Jewish artist Jankel Adler (1895-1949), lived and worked here from 1941-43 He sought refuge in Scotland during World War II and moved to live in the artists' colony in Kirkcudbright. ", "He used an old outbuilding, attached to the Old Mill Studio in Millburn Street as his studio where his work at this time include his \"Venus of Kirkcudbright\"\n\nA new phase\nThe impetus of Kirkcudbright’s artistic community declined gradually through the second half of the 20th century, and some have dated the end of the artists’ community to 1984 when Anna Hotchkis died (she was seen as the last of the 1940s artists). ", "However, the establishment of a WASPS facility, providing 14 studio spaces in the town in 2010, may be seen to mark the beginning of a new phase in Kirkcudbright’s artistic story.", "\n\nReferences\n\nFurther reading\nNewton, Laura (ed.), ", "Painting at the Edge: British Coastal Art Colonies 1880-1930 Bristol, 2005\nRobson, Euan, Charles Oppenheimer: From Craftsman to Artist Edinburgh, 2012\nSmith, Bill, Hornel: The Life and Work of Edward Atkinson Hornel Edinburgh, 1997\n\nCategory:Kirkcudbrightshire\nCategory:Scottish artist groups and collectives" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nWhat's the relationship between header files and library files in c++?", "\n\nWhy do we need to add both includes and libs to the compilation?", "\nWhy doesn't the libs wrap everything in it?", "\n\nA:\n\nHeader files define interfaces; libraries provide implementations.", "\nThe header for a library is going to tell your compiler the names and signatures of functions provided by the library, the names of variables provided by the library, and the layout of classes provided by the library.", "\nThe library itself is compiled code which is executed at run time. ", "Using the header during compilation allows your compiler to generate compiled code which knows how to invoke and communicate with the existing library code.", "\n\nA:\n\nA header file (usually) only contains declarations for classes and functions. ", "The actual implementations are built from CPP files. ", "You can then link against those implementations with only the header declarations available.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "Manas Ordo\n\nManas Ordo (, ) is a modern historical park (with a museum) built around Manas's Kümböz (, ), a Karakhanid-era mausoleum most likely built around 1334 thought to be the final resting place of the Kyrgyz epic hero Manas. ", " Among the Kyrgyz, the site has status as a mazar.", "\n\nThe mausoleum looks similar to other monuments from the 14th century, with kufic script around the outside edge of the monument.", "\n\nBackground \nThe Kyrgyz epic hero Manas is said to have been buried in the Ala-Too mountains in Talas Province, in northwestern Kyrgyzstan. ", " The mausoleum 12 km east of the town of Talas is believed to house his remains and is a popular destination for Kyrgyz travelers. ", " Traditional Kyrgyz horsemanship games are held there every summer since 1995. ", " An inscription on the mausoleum states, however, that it is dedicated to \"...the most famous of women, Kenizek-Khatun, the daughter of the emir Abuka\". ", " Legend has it that Kanikey, Manas' widow, ordered this inscription in an effort to confuse her husband's enemies and prevent a defiling of his grave. ", "\n\nIndeed, when archaeologists opened the tomb, they found the skeleton of a man who was about 2 m tall (6.5 feet), not the skeleton of a woman. ", "Academics and experts took this to mean that Manas Ordo was indeed the tomb of the legendary warrior, and not of the princess mentioned in the tomb’s outer inscription.", "\n\nWhile there are still skeptics that say that Manas was not buried in this mausoleum, the sight has nonetheless become a popular destination and an important spiritual sight in Kyrgyzstan.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:Buildings and structures completed in 1334\nCategory:Archaeological sites in Kyrgyzstan\nCategory:Mausoleums in Kyrgyzstan\nCategory:Museums in Kyrgyzstan" ]
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[ "Then he was eating edible pigmentation and successfully produced red, black and green urine. ", "He arranged the colored urine to make it look like the character, and used his saliva to create foam for touching up. ", "He needed to keep adding spit to his work while waiting for the judges to get to him during the contest. ", "And of course, his artwork had produced a foul odor at the exhibition.", "\n\nYeah, this is the type of art that makes me embarrassed to call myself an artist. ", "So, this is what happened. ", "One day Wong was peeing blood, yes blood, and instead of going to see a doctor he headed to his studio. ", "He was intrigued by the mix of red and yellow at the bottom of the toilet bowl and like any good comic book geek he wonder if he could create an image of Iron Man.", "Next Wong went off to go find the right toilet bowl for this project. ", "It took him over two months to find a toilet bowl that would be the right shape for creating the outline of Iron Man's face. ", "Once he had the bowl he entered an art competition:picks up when an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security. ", "And Nick Fury, director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. ", "With director Joss Whedon at it's helm, and an ensemble cast including Chris Evans (Steve Rogers), Robert Downey Jr. (Tony Stark), Chris Hemsworth (Thor Odinson), Jeremy Renner (Clint Barton), Mark Ruffalo (Bruce Banner), Scarlett Johansson (Natasha Romanoff), Clark Gregg (Agt. ", "Phil Coulson), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), with Tom Hiddleston (Loki), and Stellan Skarsgard (Professor Erik Selvig), the film releases worldwide May 4, 2012!" ]
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[ "Why love lumio?", "\n\nClipanything\n\nAnnotate yourhighlights\n\nOfflineaccess\n\nRead and organize all your saved stuff offline. ", "Both on desktop and mobile.", "\n\nAlways findeverything\n\nSearch all saved content including sources.", "\n\nOrganizein a flexible system\n\nSave anything multiple times, or add stuff to multiple collections. ", "Or to none.", "\n\nBecome the masterof your interests\n\nlumio helps you turn a pile of information into a tome of knowledge.", "\n\nIt just keeps on getting better.", "My number one keep-a-note on the fly.\"", "\n\nHolger Lindberg Joergensen\n\n“I'm sort of obsessed with bookmarking apps, and have yet to decide on one exclusively.", "\nThis is a unique one and I'm enjoying using it.”", "\n\nRick Powell\n\n\"The web page\nhighlighting is absolutely brilliant and has already replaced Evernote\nas my preferred way to store snippets of information. ... ", "I can see it replacing Evernote entirely\nin my arsenal of note taking tools.\"", "\n\nZero Dean\n\n“This extension ticks a lot of the right boxes, offering a quick,\nefficient method of highlighting, organizing and sharing information found on the web.”" ]
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[ "This invention relates to preventing corrosion of susceptible substrates as ferrous metals through electrodeposition of protective coatings and includes, in particular, electrodepositable primers that retard corrosion of such substrates, even when formulated to be free of such inhibiting pigments as chromates, while at the same time providing smooth, desirable coatings after baking.", "\nThe corrosion of steel immersed in an aqueous environment can often be slowed to an acceptable rate by the introduction of corrosion inhibitors soluble in the aqueous medium. ", "In the case of steel structures subjected intermittently to a corrosive environment, or under conditions which preclude effective incorporation of a corrosion inhibitor into the corrosive medium, protective organic coatings are often used. ", "One of the major functions of these coatings is to act as a reservoir for sparingly soluble inorganic corrosion inhibitors which act to slow the rate of corrosion at coating defects and other incipient anodic corrosion sites. ", "Among the most effective inhibitors are inorganic chromates whose safety has been questioned by some. ", "While the elimination of these pigments may therefore be desirable, it is found that in the absence of effective corrosion inhibiting pigments extensive adhesion failure adjacent to coating defects and flaws can take place, resulting ultimately in the uncontrolled spread of corrosion. ", "The principal cause of corrosion-induced adhesion failure is generally thought to be displacement and/or degradation of the coating resin by cathodically produced hydroxide ion. ", "Corrosion inhibitors suppress this effect by slowing the overall rate of corrosion, limiting the amount of alkali produced. ", "In the absence of corrosion inhibitors it is therefore necessary that the coating resin be exceptionally resistant to displacement and/or degradation by corrosion-produced hydroxide.", "\nA principal objective is the provision of resins suitable for electrodeposition processes and additionally highly resistant to alkali degradation. ", "A further objective is the provision of organic coating formulations which enable ferrous substrates to be protected from corrosion without the incorporation of possibly deleterious corrosion inhibitive pigments. ", "It is further desired that the organic coatings be suitable for use as primers on automotive steel substrates and that the application and handling characteristics be compatible with conventional electrodeposition commercial paint operations and practices. ", "It is still further desired that the coatings exhibit, after bake, a smooth, unrippled appearance.", "\nCommonly assigned U.S. Ser. ", "No. ", "938,677, concurrently filed herewith in the name of Dickie and Holubka disclose crosslinking compositions that, upon application, and bake, are found to desirably retard corrosion of ferrous substrates and also, when at least partially neutralized, may be electrodeposited. ", "Such electrodepositable crosslinking compositions, however, are not wholly satisfactory insofar as they leave an uneven coating surface after deposition and bake within conventional schedules. ", "Moreover, while inclusion of certain flow control agents as poly- (butylacrylates) lead to more smooth coatings, the coatings remain tacky after bake. ", "In this invention, coatings with both uniformly smooth and non-tacky surfaces are achieved after baking while desirable corrosion protection properties as well as aqueous bath stability are maintained." ]
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[ "1. ", "Field of the Invention\nThe disclosure relates to coating materials, and in particular, to pipeline coating materials.", "\n2. ", "Description of Related Art\nNowadays, Epoxy resin is commonly used in many applications. ", "For instance, it is used for coating pipelines in the chemical industry. ", "However, since cured epoxy resin generally lacks flexibility, it is hard, brittle, and has low impact resistance. ", "As a result, epoxy resin coatings coated on pipelines crack easily due to thermal shock.", "\nTherefore, there is a need to improve epoxy resin-based coating materials, so as to extend the lifespan of the epoxy resin-based coating material. ", "Particularly, there is a need to improve epoxy resin-based coating materials for use in coating pipelines." ]
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{fileID: 2100000, guid: 9baf8346c197f714382a8e15cbec3a67, type: 2}\n m_StaticBatchInfo:\n firstSubMesh: 0\n subMeshCount: 0\n m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0}\n m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0}\n m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0}\n m_ScaleInLightmap: 1\n m_PreserveUVs: 0\n m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0\n m_ImportantGI: 0\n m_StitchLightmapSeams: 0\n m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3\n m_MinimumChartSize: 4\n m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5\n m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89\n m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0}\n m_SortingLayerID: 0\n m_SortingLayer: 0\n m_SortingOrder: 0\n--- !", "u!33 &3308772\nMeshFilter:\n m_ObjectHideFlags: 1\n m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}\n m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000}\n m_GameObject: {fileID: 108772}\n m_Mesh: {fileID: 4300038, guid: 3609389143ad69b44a26ce14f47a9f5d, type: 3}\n--- !", "u!65 &6508772\nBoxCollider:\n m_ObjectHideFlags: 1\n m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}\n m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000}\n m_GameObject: {fileID: 108772}\n m_Material: {fileID: 0}\n m_IsTrigger: 0\n m_Enabled: 1\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Size: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 0.08}\n m_Center: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}\n--- !", "u!114 &11408772\nMonoBehaviour:\n m_ObjectHideFlags: 1\n m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}\n m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000}\n m_GameObject: {fileID: 108772}\n m_Enabled: 1\n m_EditorHideFlags: 0\n m_Script: {fileID: 11500000, guid: 65913c0adbe56cc43b84e6de3f976d90, type: 3}\n m_Name: \n m_EditorClassIdentifier: \n axis: 1\n sway: 0\n swayAngle: 15\n speed: 0.25\n--- !", "u!198 &19808772\nParticleSystem:\n m_ObjectHideFlags: 1\n m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}\n m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000}\n m_GameObject: {fileID: 108772}\n serializedVersion: 5\n lengthInSec: 1\n simulationSpeed: 1\n stopAction: 0\n looping: 1\n prewarm: 0\n playOnAwake: 1\n useUnscaledTime: 0\n autoRandomSeed: 1\n useRigidbodyForVelocity: 1\n startDelay:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n moveWithTransform: 0\n moveWithCustomTransform: {fileID: 0}\n scalingMode: 2\n randomSeed: 0\n InitialModule:\n serializedVersion: 3\n enabled: 1\n startLifetime:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0.6\n minScalar: 5\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startSpeed:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0.3\n minScalar: 5\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startColor:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n startSize:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 3\n scalar: 0.15\n minScalar: 0.1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0.6666666\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startSizeY:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startSizeZ:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startRotationX:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startRotationY:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startRotation:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n randomizeRotationDirection: 0\n maxNumParticles: 20\n size3D: 0\n rotation3D: 0\n gravityModifier:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n ShapeModule:\n serializedVersion: 5\n enabled: 1\n type: 5\n angle: 25\n length: 5\n boxThickness: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}\n radiusThickness: 1\n donutRadius: 0.2\n m_Position: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}\n m_Rotation: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}\n m_Scale: {x: 0.6, y: 0.6, z: 0.15}\n placementMode: 2\n m_Mesh: {fileID: 4300024, guid: aba374de11af7ec4abe68b31660bfd6e, type: 3}\n m_MeshRenderer: {fileID: 0}\n m_SkinnedMeshRenderer: {fileID: 0}\n m_MeshMaterialIndex: 0\n m_MeshNormalOffset: 0\n m_UseMeshMaterialIndex: 0\n m_UseMeshColors: 1\n alignToDirection: 0\n randomDirectionAmount: 0\n sphericalDirectionAmount: 0\n randomPositionAmount: 0\n radius:\n value: 0.25\n mode: 0\n spread: 0\n speed:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n arc:\n value: 0.25\n mode: 0\n spread: 0\n speed:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n EmissionModule:\n enabled: 1\n serializedVersion: 4\n rateOverTime:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 20\n minScalar: 10\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n rateOverDistance:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n m_BurstCount: 0\n m_Bursts: []\n SizeModule:\n enabled: 0\n curve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n z:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n separateAxes: 0\n RotationModule:\n enabled: 0\n x:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n curve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0.7853982\n minScalar: 0.7853982\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n separateAxes: 0\n ColorModule:\n enabled: 1\n gradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 0, g: 0.44705883, b: 0.9137255, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 55705\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 0.9137255, g: 0.6862745, b: 0, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n UVModule:\n enabled: 0\n mode: 0\n frameOverTime:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 0.9999\n minScalar: 0.9999\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n startFrame:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n tilesX: 1\n tilesY: 1\n animationType: 0\n rowIndex: 0\n cycles: 1\n uvChannelMask: -1\n flipU: 0\n flipV: 0\n randomRow: 1\n sprites:\n - sprite: {fileID: 0}\n VelocityModule:\n enabled: 0\n x:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n z:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n inWorldSpace: 0\n InheritVelocityModule:\n enabled: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_Curve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n ForceModule:\n enabled: 1\n x:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 2\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n z:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n inWorldSpace: 0\n randomizePerFrame: 0\n ExternalForcesModule:\n enabled: 0\n multiplier: 1\n ClampVelocityModule:\n enabled: 0\n x:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n z:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n magnitude:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n separateAxis: 0\n inWorldSpace: 0\n multiplyDragByParticleSize: 1\n multiplyDragByParticleVelocity: 1\n dampen: 1\n drag:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n NoiseModule:\n enabled: 0\n strength:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n strengthY:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n strengthZ:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n separateAxes: 0\n frequency: 0.5\n damping: 1\n octaves: 1\n octaveMultiplier: 0.5\n octaveScale: 2\n quality: 2\n scrollSpeed:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n remap:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n remapY:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n remapZ:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n remapEnabled: 0\n positionAmount:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n rotationAmount:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n sizeAmount:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n SizeBySpeedModule:\n enabled: 0\n curve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n z:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 1\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 1\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n range: {x: 0, y: 1}\n separateAxes: 0\n RotationBySpeedModule:\n enabled: 1\n x:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n y:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n curve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0.7853981\n minScalar: 0.7853982\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n separateAxes: 0\n range: {x: 0, y: 1}\n ColorBySpeedModule:\n enabled: 0\n gradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 1\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n range: {x: 0, y: 1}\n CollisionModule:\n enabled: 0\n serializedVersion: 3\n type: 0\n collisionMode: 0\n colliderForce: 0\n multiplyColliderForceByParticleSize: 0\n multiplyColliderForceByParticleSpeed: 0\n multiplyColliderForceByCollisionAngle: 1\n plane0: {fileID: 0}\n plane1: {fileID: 0}\n plane2: {fileID: 0}\n plane3: {fileID: 0}\n plane4: {fileID: 0}\n plane5: {fileID: 0}\n m_Dampen:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n m_Bounce:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n m_EnergyLossOnCollision:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minKillSpeed: 0\n maxKillSpeed: 10000\n radiusScale: 1\n collidesWith:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Bits: 4294967295\n maxCollisionShapes: 256\n quality: 0\n voxelSize: 0.5\n collisionMessages: 0\n collidesWithDynamic: 1\n interiorCollisions: 0\n TriggerModule:\n enabled: 0\n collisionShape0: {fileID: 0}\n collisionShape1: {fileID: 0}\n collisionShape2: {fileID: 0}\n collisionShape3: {fileID: 0}\n collisionShape4: {fileID: 0}\n collisionShape5: {fileID: 0}\n inside: 1\n outside: 0\n enter: 0\n exit: 0\n radiusScale: 1\n SubModule:\n serializedVersion: 2\n enabled: 0\n subEmitters:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n emitter: {fileID: 0}\n type: 0\n properties: 0\n LightsModule:\n enabled: 0\n ratio: 0\n light: {fileID: 0}\n randomDistribution: 1\n color: 1\n range: 1\n intensity: 1\n rangeCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n intensityCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n maxLights: 20\n TrailModule:\n enabled: 0\n ratio: 1\n lifetime:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minVertexDistance: 0.2\n textureMode: 0\n worldSpace: 0\n dieWithParticles: 1\n sizeAffectsWidth: 1\n sizeAffectsLifetime: 0\n inheritParticleColor: 1\n generateLightingData: 0\n colorOverLifetime:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n widthOverTrail:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 1\n minScalar: 1\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 1\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n colorOverTrail:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n CustomDataModule:\n enabled: 0\n mode0: 0\n vectorComponentCount0: 4\n color0:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n colorLabel0: Color\n vector0_0:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel0_0: X\n vector0_1:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel0_1: Y\n vector0_2:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel0_2: Z\n vector0_3:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel0_3: W\n mode1: 0\n vectorComponentCount1: 4\n color1:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n minColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n maxGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n minGradient:\n serializedVersion: 2\n key0: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key1: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 1, a: 1}\n key2: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key3: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key4: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key5: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key6: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n key7: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}\n ctime0: 0\n ctime1: 65535\n ctime2: 0\n ctime3: 0\n ctime4: 0\n ctime5: 0\n ctime6: 0\n ctime7: 0\n atime0: 0\n atime1: 65535\n atime2: 0\n atime3: 0\n atime4: 0\n atime5: 0\n atime6: 0\n atime7: 0\n m_Mode: 0\n m_NumColorKeys: 2\n m_NumAlphaKeys: 2\n colorLabel1: Color\n vector1_0:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel1_0: X\n vector1_1:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel1_1: Y\n vector1_2:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel1_2: Z\n vector1_3:\n serializedVersion: 2\n minMaxState: 0\n scalar: 0\n minScalar: 0\n maxCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n minCurve:\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Curve:\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 0\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n - serializedVersion: 2\n time: 1\n value: 0\n inSlope: 0\n outSlope: 0\n tangentMode: 0\n m_PreInfinity: 2\n m_PostInfinity: 2\n m_RotationOrder: 4\n vectorLabel1_3: W\n--- !", "u!199 &19908772\nParticleSystemRenderer:\n serializedVersion: 4\n m_ObjectHideFlags: 1\n m_PrefabParentObject: {fileID: 0}\n m_PrefabInternal: {fileID: 100100000}\n m_GameObject: {fileID: 108772}\n m_Enabled: 1\n m_CastShadows: 0\n m_ReceiveShadows: 0\n m_DynamicOccludee: 1\n m_MotionVectors: 1\n m_LightProbeUsage: 0\n m_ReflectionProbeUsage: 0\n m_Materials:\n - {fileID: 2100000, guid: 31f3c25d3094fac46b7ad6cecfa572c5, type: 2}\n - {fileID: 0}\n m_StaticBatchInfo:\n firstSubMesh: 0\n subMeshCount: 0\n m_StaticBatchRoot: {fileID: 0}\n m_ProbeAnchor: {fileID: 0}\n m_LightProbeVolumeOverride: {fileID: 0}\n m_ScaleInLightmap: 1\n m_PreserveUVs: 0\n m_IgnoreNormalsForChartDetection: 0\n m_ImportantGI: 0\n m_StitchLightmapSeams: 0\n m_SelectedEditorRenderState: 3\n m_MinimumChartSize: 4\n m_AutoUVMaxDistance: 0.5\n m_AutoUVMaxAngle: 89\n m_LightmapParameters: {fileID: 0}\n m_SortingLayerID: 0\n m_SortingLayer: 0\n m_SortingOrder: 0\n m_RenderMode: 0\n m_SortMode: 0\n m_MinParticleSize: 0\n m_MaxParticleSize: 0.5\n m_CameraVelocityScale: 0\n m_VelocityScale: 0\n m_LengthScale: 2\n m_SortingFudge: 0\n m_NormalDirection: 1\n m_RenderAlignment: 0\n m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}\n m_UseCustomVertexStreams: 0\n m_VertexStreams: 0001030405\n m_Mesh: {fileID: 4300024, guid: aba374de11af7ec4abe68b31660bfd6e, type: 3}\n m_Mesh1: {fileID: 0}\n m_Mesh2: {fileID: 0}\n m_Mesh3: {fileID: 0}\n m_MaskInteraction: 0\n--- !", "u!1001 &100100000\nPrefab:\n m_ObjectHideFlags: 1\n serializedVersion: 2\n m_Modification:\n m_TransformParent: {fileID: 0}\n m_Modifications: []\n m_RemovedComponents: []\n m_ParentPrefab: {fileID: 0}\n m_RootGameObject: {fileID: 108772}\n m_IsPrefabParent: 1\n" ]
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[ 0.016947081312537193, 0.06284072995185852, 0.0007413991843350232, 0.012122990563511848, 0.009408432990312576, 0.030270561575889587, 0.003020860254764557, 0.006677825469523668, 0.008003520779311657, 0.017709054052829742, 0.015110235661268234, 0.003058247035369277 ]
[ "Q:\n\ncreate color map blue scale\n\nHello I have a matrix \nA=[\n1 1 1;\n1 1 2;\n1 1 3;\n1 2 1;\n1 2 2;\n1 2 3;\n2 1 1;\n2 1 2;\n2 1 3;\n2 2 1;\n2 2 2;\n2 2 3]\n\ncontaining the Cartesian Product of the elements of the vectors V1 = [1 2], V2 = [1 2], V3 =[1 2 3]\nIn particular each row of the matrix A is a combination of the elements of V1 V2 V3\nNow I would like to create a color map in blue scale where the very light blue correspond to the 1st row [1 1 1] and the very dark blue correspond to the 12th row [2 2 3].", "\nMy questons:\n1) How do I order the intermediate rows in a smart way such as they take intermediate blues? (", "summing over the rows?)", "\n2) How can I create such blue color map?", "\nThanks!!!", "\n\nA:\n\nSee if this works for you -\n[sorted_sumcols,idx] = sort(sum(A,2)) %// sum over columns and sort based on the sum\nAout = A(idx,:) %// Aout holds the re-ordered rows of A\n\nOutput -\nAout =\n 1 1 1\n 1 1 2\n 1 2 1\n 2 1 1\n 1 1 3\n 1 2 2\n 2 1 2\n 2 2 1\n 1 2 3\n 2 1 3\n 2 2 2\n 2 2 3\n\nFor verification, you can look at the values of\nsorted_sumcols =\n 3\n 4\n 4\n 4\n 5\n 5\n 5\n 5\n 6\n 6\n 6\n 7\n\nSo, that [1 1 2] belongs to the same group of [2 1 1], as both of their sorted_sumcols values are 4 at their row numbers 2 and 4.", "\n\nEdit\nThis section of code extends the earlier code to keep same intensity (column-3) for same group elements -\n[~,~,ID] = unique(sorted_sumcols) %// IDs for each group\nmeanvals = accumarray(ID,Aout(:,3),[],@mean) %// mean values for each group\nAout(:,3) = meanvals(ID) %// replicate the mean values to each element\nout = Aout./max(Aout(:)) %// finally divide by max of all elements to keep \n %//it in [0 1] as needed for custom colormaps\n\nOutput -\n>> Aout\nAout =\n 1 1 1\n 1 1 1.33333333333333\n 1 2 1.33333333333333\n 2 1 1.33333333333333\n 1 1 2\n 1 2 2\n 2 1 2\n 2 2 2\n 1 2 2.66666666666667\n 2 1 2.66666666666667\n 2 2 2.66666666666667\n 2 2 3\n\n>> out\nout =\n 0.333333333333333 0.333333333333333 0.333333333333333\n 0.333333333333333 0.333333333333333 0.444444444444444\n 0.333333333333333 0.666666666666667 0.444444444444444\n 0.666666666666667 0.333333333333333 0.444444444444444\n 0.333333333333333 0.333333333333333 0.666666666666667\n 0.333333333333333 0.666666666666667 0.666666666666667\n 0.666666666666667 0.333333333333333 0.666666666666667\n 0.666666666666667 0.666666666666667 0.666666666666667\n 0.333333333333333 0.666666666666667 0.888888888888889\n 0.666666666666667 0.333333333333333 0.888888888888889\n 0.666666666666667 0.666666666666667 0.888888888888889\n 0.666666666666667 0.666666666666667 1\n\n" ]
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[ "Q:\n\nUser has security permissions of a different user\n\nI've been trying to search for others having this same problem on Google, but I'm not sure how to describe it. ", "We have a user who does not have access to a file even though she has permission on it. ", "However, she does have access to other files which she doesn't have permission on. ", "The commonality between all these other files is that another user has access to them. ", "In short, the file server is treating User A as if she was actually User B. We tested this theory by giving User B permission to view the file for User A, and it worked, but the contents of the file are only for User A and the HR Department to see so we put it back the way it was.", "\nI checked Effective Permissions and group memberships, but found no explanation there. ", "Tried deleting permissions and recreating on an individual file, but there was no change in behavior. ", "I'm stumped with no idea what to try next.", "\nEDIT1: I did a bit more testing today. ", "\nThe first test involved logging in as User A and creating a text file on the server. ", "I then turned off permission inheritance and removed all inherited permissions. ", "I gave User A and Administrator full control of the file. ", "User A could not open the file. ", "I went back in to Security and gave User B full control of the file. ", "User A was then able to open the file. ", "This gave no additional insight into the problem, but confirmed my suspicions.", "\nI started to get suspicious of User A's computer itself and wondered what would happen if User A logged into a different computer. ", "We tried this and discovered that User A no longer had access to User B's files, and did have access to User A's own files. ", "Although I still don't know what is causing the problem, it appears to be specific to the computer, and the solution seems to be that I need to delete User A's profile and rebuild it. ", "I'll report back later in the week. ", "\nEDIT2: The problem reoccurred a few days after I rebuilt the profile. ", "I swapped the computer for a different one and waited a week. ", "The problem did not occur on the loaner machine, so I am now reformatting the problematic computer.", "\n\nA:\n\nIt was determined that the problem was with the user profile. ", "Renaming the profile folder to %username%-backup and relogging to rebuild the profile solved the problem. ", "I was then able to copy the documents, favorites, and e-mail archive to the rebuilt profile.", "\nEDIT1: This only fixed the problem temporarily. ", "After a few days it was broken again. ", "I replaced the computer with a loaner machine and waited a week; the problem did not occur on the loaner machine. ", "I am now reformatting the problematic computer.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "/*\nCopyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors All rights reserved.", "\n\nLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\nyou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.", "\nYou may obtain a copy of the License at\n\n http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n\nUnless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\ndistributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\nWITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.", "\nSee the License for the specific language governing permissions and\nlimitations under the License.", "\n*/\n\npackage spdy\n\nimport (\n\t\"net\"\n\t\"net/http\"\n\t\"sync\"\n\t\"time\"\n\n\t\"github.com/docker/spdystream\"\n\t\"github.com/golang/glog\"\n\t\"k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/util/httpstream\"\n)\n\n// connection maintains state about a spdystream.", "Connection and its associated\n// streams.", "\ntype connection struct {\n\tconn *spdystream.", "Connection\n\tstreams []httpstream.", "Stream\n\tstreamLock sync.", "Mutex\n\tnewStreamHandler httpstream.", "NewStreamHandler\n}\n\n// NewClientConnection creates a new SPDY client connection.", "\nfunc NewClientConnection(conn net.", "Conn) (httpstream.", "Connection, error) {\n\tspdyConn, err := spdystream.", "NewConnection(conn, false)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\tdefer conn.", "Close()\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\n\treturn newConnection(spdyConn, httpstream.", "NoOpNewStreamHandler), nil\n}\n\n// NewServerConnection creates a new SPDY server connection. ", "newStreamHandler\n// will be invoked when the server receives a newly created stream from the\n// client.", "\nfunc NewServerConnection(conn net.", "Conn, newStreamHandler httpstream.", "NewStreamHandler) (httpstream.", "Connection, error) {\n\tspdyConn, err := spdystream.", "NewConnection(conn, true)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\tdefer conn.", "Close()\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\n\treturn newConnection(spdyConn, newStreamHandler), nil\n}\n\n// newConnection returns a new connection wrapping conn. ", "newStreamHandler\n// will be invoked when the server receives a newly created stream from the\n// client.", "\nfunc newConnection(conn *spdystream.", "Connection, newStreamHandler httpstream.", "NewStreamHandler) httpstream.", "Connection {\n\tc := &connection{conn: conn, newStreamHandler: newStreamHandler}\n\tgo conn.", "Serve(c.newSpdyStream)\n\treturn c\n}\n\n// createStreamResponseTimeout indicates how long to wait for the other side to\n// acknowledge the new stream before timing out.", "\nconst createStreamResponseTimeout = 30 * time.", "Second\n\n// Close first sends a reset for all of the connection's streams, and then\n// closes the underlying spdystream.", "Connection.", "\nfunc (c *connection) Close() error {\n\tc.streamLock.", "Lock()\n\tfor _, s := range c.streams {\n\t\t// calling Reset instead of Close ensures that all streams are fully torn down\n\t\ts.Reset()\n\t}\n\tc.streams = make([]httpstream.", "Stream, 0)\n\tc.streamLock.", "Unlock()\n\n\t// now that all streams are fully torn down, it's safe to call close on the underlying connection,\n\t// which should be able to terminate immediately at this point, instead of waiting for any\n\t// remaining graceful stream termination.", "\n\treturn c.conn.", "Close()\n}\n\n// CreateStream creates a new stream with the specified headers and registers\n// it with the connection.", "\nfunc (c *connection) CreateStream(headers http.", "Header) (httpstream.", "Stream, error) {\n\tstream, err := c.conn.", "CreateStream(headers, nil, false)\n\tif err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\tif err = stream.", "WaitTimeout(createStreamResponseTimeout); err !", "= nil {\n\t\treturn nil, err\n\t}\n\n\tc.registerStream(stream)\n\treturn stream, nil\n}\n\n// registerStream adds the stream s to the connection's list of streams that\n// it owns.", "\nfunc (c *connection) registerStream(s httpstream.", "Stream) {\n\tc.streamLock.", "Lock()\n\tc.streams = append(c.streams, s)\n\tc.streamLock.", "Unlock()\n}\n\n// CloseChan returns a channel that, when closed, indicates that the underlying\n// spdystream.", "Connection has been closed.", "\nfunc (c *connection) CloseChan() <-chan bool {\n\treturn c.conn.", "CloseChan()\n}\n\n// newSpdyStream is the internal new stream handler used by spdystream.", "Connection.", "Serve.", "\n// It calls connection's newStreamHandler, giving it the opportunity to accept or reject\n// the stream. ", "If newStreamHandler returns an error, the stream is rejected. ", "If not, the\n// stream is accepted and registered with the connection.", "\nfunc (c *connection) newSpdyStream(stream *spdystream.", "Stream) {\n\treplySent := make(chan struct{})\n\terr := c.newStreamHandler(stream, replySent)\n\trejectStream := (err !", "= nil)\n\tif rejectStream {\n\t\tglog.", "Warningf(\"Stream rejected: %v\", err)\n\t\tstream.", "Reset()\n\t\treturn\n\t}\n\n\tc.registerStream(stream)\n\tstream.", "SendReply(http.", "Header{}, rejectStream)\n\tclose(replySent)\n}\n\n// SetIdleTimeout sets the amount of time the connection may remain idle before\n// it is automatically closed.", "\nfunc (c *connection) SetIdleTimeout(timeout time.", "Duration) {\n\tc.conn.", "SetIdleTimeout(timeout)\n}\n" ]
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[ "John Hake\n\nGeorge John Gordon Hake (24 August 1918 – 2013) was an English first-class cricketer.", "\n\nThe Surrey-born John Hake was educated at Bromsgrove School and represented Middlesex in one first-class match during the 1948 English cricket season. ", "It was reported in 2017 that he had died in Surrey during 2013.", "\n\nReferences\n\nCategory:1918 births\nCategory:2013 deaths\nCategory:English cricketers\nCategory:Middlesex cricketers" ]
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[ "Dec 08, 2017 at 14:56 // News\n\nVictoria Zavyalova Author\n\nBlockchainMix event will be held in New York.", "\n\nArcona , a blockchain-based platform creating a layer of mixed reality that will cover the Earth’s surface, together with the NYC-based Starta accelerator , is hosting an exciting discussion.", "\n\nBlockchainMix is the first event in New York focusing on blockchain in mixed reality. ", "The discussion will be a part of Starta’s Blockchain conference, bringing together the industry’s brightest minds.", "\n\nWhy is This Event so Important?", "\n\nWe are about to witness Earth’s biggest milestone since its creation: a whole new digital world is on the horizon. ", "By 2021 the augmented and virtual reality segment is expected to reach a market size of $215 billion (USD).", "\n\nWith Apple’s announcement of ARKit, Facebook’s unveiling of AR Studio and Snapchat’s integration of augmented reality (AR) into its core platform, AR is currently the hottest item on investors’ agendas.", "\n\nThe augmented reality industry is growing very quickly, and we already need global platforms with the capacity to host an enormous amount of new content, help us to monetize it and protect copyright in the digital age.", "\n\nIt’s crucial to discuss the impact of blockchain on augmented (AR) and virtual reality (VR) now to identify new opportunities for content creators, developers, investors, artists, and crypto enthusiasts.", "\n\nThe industry’s best experts are participating in a discussion. ", "Here are just a few speakers confirmed:\n\nNeha Singh, founder and CEO of Obsess, a VR/AR platform for experiential shopping\n\nDana Farbo, AR/VR/blockchain expert, COO at Augmate, a platform for smartglasses and other wearable devices\n\nGeorge Popescu, CEO and co-founder of Lampix, an AR technology platform and the editor-in-chief at the Lending Times\n\nCatherine Barba, tech entrepreneur, investor, founder of the PEPS Lab, a retail innovation center in NYC\n\nChris Dannen, managing partner, Iterative Capital Management, an alternative investment fund offering investors exposure to cryptocurrency\n\nJames Haft, internet media entrepreneur, investor, co-founder of Startup Hub NYC, a founder and managing partner at Pacific Alliance\n\nMichael Mazier, co-founder, LendingCalc, a direct investment platform for institutional investors\n\nThe event will take place in Rise NYC. ", "To register, please, click HERE .", "\n\nAll event participants will automatically be entered in a drawing for a free piece of augmented reality land in Soho, NYC.", "\n\nDisclaimer. ", "This article is paid and provided by a third-party source and should not be viewed as an endorsement by CoinIdol. ", "Readers should do their own research before investing funds in any company. ", "CoinIdol shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any such content, goods or services mentioned in this article.", "\n\n" ]
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[ "The present invention relates to an apparatus for inflating an inflatable vehicle occupant protection device and, more particularly, to an autoignition material for a vehicle occupant protection apparatus.", "\nAn inflatable vehicle occupant protection device, such as an air bag, is deployed upon the occurrence of a vehicle crash. ", "The air bag is part of a vehicle occupant protection apparatus, which further includes a crash sensor and an inflator. ", "The inflator includes a housing, a gas generating material in the housing, and an igniter. ", "The igniter is actuated so as to ignite the gas generating material when the vehicle experiences a collision for which inflation of the air bag is desired to protect the vehicle occupant. ", "As the body of gas generating material burns, it generates a volume of inflation gas. ", "The inflation gas is directed into the air bag to inflate the air bag. ", "When the air bag is inflated, it expands into the vehicle occupant compartment and helps to protect the vehicle occupant.", "\nInflator housings may be formed from lightweight materials, such as aluminum. ", "These lightweight materials can lose strength at abnormally high temperatures, such as those reached in a vehicle fire. ", "At temperatures experienced in a vehicle fire, the gas generating material may autoignite and produce an inflation gas. ", "The pressure of the inflation gas can cause the inflator housing to lose its structural integrity due to the reduced strength of the inflator housing material. ", "To prevent such loss of structural integrity, inflators typically include an autoignition material that will autoignite and initiate combustion of the gas generating material at a temperature below that at which the material of the housing begins to lose a significant percentage of its strength.", "\nU.S. Pat. ", "No. ", "5,959,242 discloses an autoignition composition for safely initiating combustion of a main pyrotechnic charge in a gas generator or pyrotechnic device exposed to flame or a high temperature environment. ", "The autoignition composition includes an oxidizer composition and metal powder.", "\nThe present invention is an autoignition material of a plurality of agglomerates. ", "Each agglomerate comprises an oxidizer material particle. ", "A plurality of metal fuel particles are disposed on the oxidizer material particle. ", "The metal fuel particles are present in a weight ratio effective to substantially stoichiometrically balance the oxidizer material particle. ", "The metal fuel particles exothermically react with the oxidizer material particle when the autoignition material is exposed to a temperature of about 80xc2x0 C. to about 250xc2x0 C. A thin binder film adheres the metal fuel particles to the oxidizer material particle and maintains the metal fuel particles in intimate contact with the oxidizer particle." ]
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