stringlengths 16
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how to handle stress at work interview answer? | ['Give an example. ... ', 'How do you deal with it?. ... ', 'Talk about how pressure motivates you. ... ', "Mention skills you've learned from working under pressure. ... ", 'Mention goals and end results. ... ', "Avoid saying that you don't get stressed. ... ", "Don't mention things that could have been avoided."] |
what are the best business to open in 2019? | ['Plant-based foods. 2019 is going to see veganism (and other plant-based diets) truly go mainstream. ... ', 'Plastic alternatives. ... ', 'Living with less. ... ', 'Bespoke beauty. ... ', 'Kintsugi. ... ', 'Digital detox. ... ', 'Macramé and houseplants. ... ', 'American sports.'] |
can you get your period in still be pregnant? | The short answer is no. Despite all of the claims out there, it isn't possible to have a period while you're pregnant. Rather, you might experience “spotting” during early pregnancy, which is usually light pink or dark brown in color. |
will disney plus be available on samsung tv? | Yes, you most certainly can get Disney Plus on your Samsung TV. Disney CEO Bob Iger had confirmed that the streaming service's app will be available for different smart TV platforms, including Samsung. ... Samsung smart TVs running Tizen OS are compatible with the Disney+ app. It supports all models from 2016 onwards. |
does your heart rate go up when you drink? | From studying adults who attended the Munich Oktoberfest in 2015, researchers found that the more alcohol we drink, the higher our heart rate becomes, and a heart that beats too fast — clinically known as tachycardia — can be harmful. |
is myki on apple pay? | Public Transport Victoria is in talks with Apple to add Myki cards to Apple Wallet to allow commuters too touch on and off with iPhone or Apple Watch. ... Sydney users have beeb able to use Apple Pay on public transport for a while now. They pay direct by credit card rather than needing to add their Opal card to Apple Pay. |
do sit ups burn belly fat? | While there is no single exercise that burns just belly fat, any exercise can help reduce overall body fat when done regularly in combination with a healthy diet. Abdominal exercises such as crunches or sit-ups do not specifically burn belly fat, but they can help the belly appear flatter and more toned. |
is it healthy to drink warm water when pregnant? | Benefits of Drinking Warm Water While Pregnant The following are five of the most important benefits of staying hydrated during your pregnancy. Drinking warm water will aid in digestion by clearing out all the toxins from your body. It also cleans out the digestive tract, allowing your body to absorb nutrients better. |
how many calories in a banana and oatmeal? | Peanut Butter Banana Chia Oatmeal The ultimate healthy breakfast recipe, this peanut butter banana oatmeal is creamy, voluminous and will keep you full all morning long! Plus it only takes about 10 minutes to make. Each bowl has around 370 calories, 17 grams of fiber (woot!), and 11 grams of protein. |
are second hand tyres safe? | The flip side is purchasing an old or worn out tire that isn't safe. Used tires may have defects, punctures or tread-wear you may or may not be able to see. ... Purchasing a used tire that has already been plugged or patched may save money, but is not a good idea. |
do you get paid for basic training in national guard? | When serving in the Reserve or Guard, you receive base pay for the time you spend in basic training or active duty (e.g., annual training). You also receive drill pay for your inactive duty time, such as training weekends. |
how to import excel file in excel sheet? | ["Click on the Data tab, then Get Data > From File > select From Workbook. If you don't see the Get Data button, click on New Query > From File > select From Workbook. ... ", 'In the Excel Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query.', 'Click Open.'] |
what are the major approaches to measuring intelligence? | For example, the commonly used Stanford-Binet IQ test, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) are all standardized tests designed to test intelligence. However, these tests differ in how they define intelligence and what they claim to measure. |
are rca antennas any good? | Performance. In signal reception tests, the RCA antenna did well enough. With a full strength signal, it got reception numbers as good as many other antennas costing the same or more. ... Several other amplified antennas deliver similar performance, such as the Antop SBS-301, which pulled in 31 watchable stations. |
how much water to cook 1 cup of rice in rice cooker? | The general ratio of water to rice in a rice cooker is 1:1. That means 1 cup water to 1 cup rice. |
what are the parts of periodic table? | ['Element Groups. Groups are the columns of the table. ... ', 'Element Periods. The rows in the periodic table are called periods. ... ', 'Ionic Bonds. Ionic bonds form between atoms with very different electronegativity values. ... ', 'Covalent Bonds. Atoms share electrons in covalent bonds. ... ', 'Metallic Bonds.'] |
what are the difference between the aim and objective of a presentation? | Aims are statements of intent. They are usually written in broad terms. They set out what you hope to achieve at the end of the project. Objectives, on the other hand, should be specific statements that define measurable outcomes, e.g. what steps will be taken to achieve the desired outcome. |
what are the smog laws in oregon? | There is no statewide testing requirement in Oregon. But most vehicles in the Portland and Medford metro areas must pass a DEQ emissions test to get registration tags renewed. Most vehicles coming from other states also must pass an emissions test prior to being registered in those areas. |
what all do i need to get a new social security card? | ["Proof of the child's birth. ... ", "Proof of the child's U.S. Citizenship. ... ", "Proof of the child's identity."] |
what is the difference between tomtom home and mydrive connect? | First it's important to distinguish between MyDrive and MyDrive Connect. The latter is essentially for updating your device. With MyDrive you can search locations, plan and send routes (and GPX tracks), view TomTom Traffic and send destinations to your (compatible) device. |
do you have to live on campus freshman year at akron university? | First-year freshmen who are not residents of Summit, Stark, Medina, Wayne or Portage counties are required to live on campus as long as space is available. For exemptions, see First-Year Residency Requirement. ... First-year freshmen and current students can both live in any residence hall. |
are boric acid and borax the same? | Borax and boric acid are two different formulations of the same compound. Borax is a mineral that is taken straight from the ground (a form of the element Boron) and used in cleaning products. Boric acid is its extracted, processed and refined form, found in a variety of chemical products. |
what is the best laundry detergent for high efficiency washers? | ['H Hex 48 Ounce Laundry Odor Fighting Detergent. ... ', 'Snuggle Lavender Joy 56 Count Boosters Laundry Detergent. ... ', 'Arm & Hammer 50 Oz OxiClean HE Liquid Fresh Laundry Detergent. ... ', 'Affresh W10549846 High Efficiency Washer Cleaner. ... ', 'Tide PODS 81 Load Gentle Turbo Pacs Laundry Detergent. ... ', 'Seventh Generation 2 Pouch Laundry Detergent.'] |
how many calories per day to lose 1 stone? | *1100 calories per day is the minimum recommended by wlr for maintaining a healthy diet with sufficient nutrients and variety of foods. You can use the lose a stone calulator to see an estimate of how long it would take for you to lose a stone, based on your gender, current weight and height. |
where are the khoisan found? | Some 22,000 years ago, they were the largest group of humans on earth: the Khoisan, a tribe of hunter-gatherers in southern Africa. |
is headache a sign of labor? | Bright red bleeding like a period (light mucousy spotting is a normal sign of labor). Very bad headache. |
how to find the slope of a line using coordinates? | Use the slope formula to find the slope of a line given the coordinates of two points on the line. The slope formula is m=(y2-y1)/(x2-x1), or the change in the y values over the change in the x values. The coordinates of the first point represent x1 and y1. The coordinates of the second points are x2, y2. |
are story points related to hours? | Story Points represent the effort required to put a PBI (Product Backlog Item) live. Each Story Point represents a normal distribution of time. For example,1 Story Point could represent a range of 4–12 hours, 2 Story Points 10–20 hours, and so on. |
what is the percentage of child support in md? | Maryland Child Support Guidelines For example, if parent A earns $6,000 per month and parent B earns $4,000 per month, parent A would be responsible for 60% of the support amount (6,000 divided by 10,000) and parent B for 40% of the support amount (4,000 divided by 10,000). |
is wpi a party school? | College of the Holy Cross (#8), Assumption College (#13), WPI (#18) and Worcester State University (#24) all cracked the top 25 party schools in the Bay State, according to — a ranking and review website — that recently released it's 2019 Top Party Schools in America list. |
for how long does a female dog bleed? | Some bitches will cease bleeding when proestrus ends, others will continue to produce a bloody discharge throughout the full oestrus period. Every bitch is different, but in general standing heat (when the female will let the male mate her) is from 7-10 days after the start of bleeding, and lasts for 7-10 days. |
is csi coming back 2019? | At the time CBS ended CSI, Zuiker told THR that he had hoped the flagship series — which outlived two of the three of its spinoffs — would continue on for multiple seasons. ... The news arrives as CBS has only made one early drama series renewal for the 2020-21 broadcast season (rookie Evil). |
are bequests taxable in usa? | According to the IRS, gifts, inheritances, and bequests are generally not considered taxable income for recipients. ... The federal estate tax only applies to estates worth more than $5.43 million this year, so that excludes most of us. |
why is ochem so hard? | And Why Is It So Difficult? Organic chemistry (often called ochem or orgo) is the study of organic compounds and materials (organic in the chemical sense, meaning they contain carbon atoms). ... The second reason ochem is so difficult to learn is that it's a memorization nightmare. |
can prostate cancer cause erectile dysfunction? | Erectile dysfunction, also called impotence, is the inability to develop or sustain an erection satisfactory for sexual intercourse. Though prostate cancer is not a cause of erectile dysfunction, treatments for the disease can cause the problem. Among them: Surgery to remove the entire prostate gland. |
are dogs allowed at ayr racecourse? | Can I bring my dog to the Racecourse? There are no dogs permitted on track with the exception of guide dogs. |
when did erica and safaree get married? | It's official, Erica Mena and Safaree are married! The couple tied the knot on October 7th and it was filmed for an episode of 'Love and Hip-Hop New York'. As reported by The Jasmine Brand, phones were not allowed in the event but guests did share a couple of moments on their social media accounts. |
what is wscript exe in windows? | wscript.exe is a legitimate file. This process is known as Microsoft Windows Based Script Host and belongs to software Microsoft Windows Operating System. ... The malware programmers or cyber criminals write different types of malicious programs and name it as wscript.exe virus to damage the software and hardware. |
what is the difference between upper and lower indus plain? | In the lower plain the Indus River has a Nilotic character; i.e., it forms a single large river with no significant tributaries. ... The upper Indus plain consists of three subdivisions: the Himalayan piedmont, the doabs, and the Sulaiman piedmont (referred to locally as the Derajat). |
how long does it take for your body to make an egg? | The maturation of eggs typically takes about 14 days and can be divided into 2 distinct periods. During the initial period, many eggs, as many as 1000, begin to develop and mature. The second phase of development requires gonadal hormone stimulation to stimulate further development. |
why do ivs change when you trade? | IVs change when you Trade? Almost certainly to discourage cheaters, Pokémon traded in Go get a change to their IVs and stats. This prevents players from "selling" 100% IV Pokémon, while the limits on Trading prevent players from constantly "rerolling" for better IVs. |
what is the difference between lawyers solicitors and barristers? | The Difference Between Solicitor and Barrister Work Put very simply, barristers tend to practise as advocates representing clients in court, whereas solicitors tend to perform the majority of their legal work in a law firm or office setting. There are, however, exceptions to this rule in both cases. |
how much should a durable power of attorney cost? | How Much Does a POA Cost? A durable power of attorney for finances or healthcare can be completed for little to no charge. Some states offer free fillable POA forms online or consumers can work with a local legal aid office to obtain a POA. There are also legal websites that sell POA templates for under $50. |
is there an after credits scene in hellboy? | While the mid-credits scene only hints at future troubles, the “Hellboy” post-credits scene teases a specific future foe. This time the setting is back in Baba Yaga's domain where she is making a deal with an off screen character to take out Hellboy. |
why obi wan let himself die? | Obi-Wan let himself die because he knew he would become more powerful after death. Driven by wanting to mentor and guide Luke, he chose to both balance the force and become a Jedi-ghost with his death. Lastly, Obi-Wan aided the Millenium Falcon in its escape by keeping Darth Vader engaged for a time. |
are wood pallets good for firewood? | Pallets, lumber, and other cut and dried scrap wood are indeed good to burn (as long as you are completely sure they were not treated with any chemicals such as arsenic or methyl bromide, which are very hazardous when burned). ... Old shipping pallets pose a few risks despite being dried and milled. |
how fast can i lower my blood pressure? | “You have high blood pressure,” your doctor announced, “and you need to lower it to avoid some very serious things that high blood pressure can lead to, like strokes and heart attacks.” Many people can reduce their high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, in as little as 3 days to 3 weeks. |
how long does it take to get a german citizenship? | At least one of your parents must have been a permanent resident in Germany for at least eight years and possess the necessary permissions to remain in Germany indefinitely. Once you reach the age of 18, you will have five years to decide whether you want German citizenship or your parents' citizenship. |
how much weight should 4 month old gain per week? | Typically, once they're back to their birth weight, new babies gain 4 to 7 ounces a week for the first 4-6 months — that's 1 to 2 pounds a month. |
is roper in the dictionary? | roper. Agent noun of rope; one who uses a rope, especially one who throws a lariat. (dated) A maker of ropes. One who ropes goods; a packer. |
what glial cells produce myelin sheaths? | Depending on the location, different glial cell types make myelin in a different manner. Schwann cells make myelin in the peripheral nervous system (PNS: nerves) and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS: brain and spinal cord). In the PNS, one Schwann cell forms a single myelin sheath (Figure 1A). |
what is the limitation of speed-time graphs? | Limits of Speed-Time Graphs But they do not describe the direction in which an object is moving. In the same way, a speed-time graph shows only the relationship between speed and time. Distance-time graphs and speed-time graphs do not show what happens when direction changes. |
is haast pass open today? | Current Status: Haast Pass is open. Drive to winter conditions. This route was a traditional pathway for Maori journeying west in search of pounamu (greenstone or jade). |
how much does 1 ml of blood weigh? | However, there is a paucity of documentation that the one milliliter of blood weighs one gram relationship is accurate or if it holds true for varying hematocrits. Existing data are conflicting and demonstrate blood density ranges between 1043 and 1060 kg/m3 (1.043–1.060 g/mL) [10]. |
how long were you in the hospital after giving birth? | On average, most women who have an uncomplicated labour stay in hospital for about a day and a half after the birth. If you have a caesarean, you may stay in hospital for three to four days, if you need a little extra time to recover. |
how is fate and destiny presented in macbeth? | Fate, on the other hand, is fixed. In a fatalistic universe, the length and outcome of one's life (destiny) is predetermined by external forces. In Macbeth, the Witches represent this influence. ... Although Macbeth is told he will become king, he is not told how to achieve the position of king: that much is up to him. |
do dry beans go bad? | Properly stored dried beans will keep virtually indefinitely in the pantry. But that doesn't mean they will be tasty and retain the nutritional value for that long. In short, for best quality, you should consume the dried beans within 2 to 3 years of drying. |
are any pianos made in usa? | United States Only three companies manufacture pianos here in any numbers: Steinway & Sons, Mason & Hamlin, and Charles R. Walter. ... Steinway & Sons has been making high-quality pianos in New York City since its founding in 1853 by German immigrants. |
how many days a week should i workout to lose fat? | If you want to lose weight, shoot for at least 200 minutes (more than three hours) a week of moderate intensity exercise with everything else consistent, says Church. If you cut calories and exercise, he says, you can get away with a minimum dose of 150 minutes (2 1/2 hours) a week. |
what is the difference between quantitative and qualitative sociology? | "Quantitative" data deals, literally, with quantities—that is, things that can be measured. Conversely, "qualitative" data deals with qualities—that is, things that can be observed and described, but not directly measured. In sociology, quantitative data is often collected by amassing a large body of qualitative data. |
what is the relation between education and knowledge? | Knowledge is gained from life experiences and age while education is learned from the books and may never be experienced. Knowledge is related to facts whereas education is related to learning, critical thinking and knowing oneself. |
what is the hardest mathematical equation in the world? | The most difficult mathematical equation to derive could be the functional equation of the Riemann Zeta function. |
how long does it take to get a home loan from a bank? | How long does the home loan application process take? Generally speaking, it takes four to six weeks from submitting your application to a lender to reaching settlement on your property, depending on which state you live in. |
can you ebug superior armor? | No, you cannot eBug superior items, but you can eBug any old Ethereal Great Hauberk. Also, the item cannot have sockets either. So if you have an Eth 1os Great Hauberk, you wouldn't be able to eBug the armor. |
what is the difference between jpeg fine normal and basic? | The JPEG format uses a lossy compression for saving memory. In other words, a captured image will be compressed and then saved to a memory card. ... The 2500 provides three levels of compression (and, of course, image quality): FINE, NORMAL and BASIC. Image quality FINE uses less compression and has the highest quality. |
how much does vehicle cargo sell for in gta 5? | Selling vehicles can profit the player, in summary, between $15,000 and $80,000 per vehicle, depending on vehicle class. This does not include additional bonuses. These are subject to change during special events, such as 2x GTA$ events. |
how to upload an excel file to sharepoint? | ["Click on the settings gear and select 'Add an app'.", 'Search for Excel and select the Import Spreadsheet app.', 'Give the app a name and browse to the Excel file you want to import.', 'Enter the URL of the SharePoint site to where you want to import the Excel table.'] |
how long does it take to get the money from pua? | When will I get paid? After you complete the initial unemployment application, the PUA application, and have filed your first weekly claim certification, your payment will be processed within 3 business days. You can choose a payment method of direct deposit or paper check (direct deposit is the quicker method). |
can lymphoma be detected in blood tests? | Blood tests aren't used to diagnose lymphoma, though. If the doctor suspects that lymphoma might be causing your symptoms, he or she might recommend a biopsy of a swollen lymph node or other affected area. |
which finger do i put the engagement ring on? | In many Western countries, the tradition of wearing an engagement ring on the fourth finger on the left hand, (the left ring finger on the ring finger guide below), can be traced back to the Ancient Romans. They believed this finger had a vein that ran directly to the heart, the Vena Amoris, meaning 'vein of love'. |
what is the latest opinion poll on scottish independence? | 2014 referendum Professor John Curtice stated in January 2012 that polling had shown support for independence at between 32% and 38% of the Scottish population. ... In the referendum, on 18 September 2014, Scotland voted against independence by 55.3% to 44.7%, with an overall turnout of 84.6%. |
how do i change my apple music store? | ['Open the Settings app.', 'Tap your name, then tap iTunes & App Store.', 'Tap your Apple ID, then tap View Apple ID. ... ', 'Tap Country/Region.', 'Tap "Change Country or Region." If you don\'t see "Change Country or Region," contact Apple Support.'] |
is it illegal to drive with a cracked windshield in missouri? | Any cracks, chips or areas of discoloration that are located within an area four inches above the bottom of the windshield and within the swipe of the windshield wipers in the driver's view are not permitted. |
how does fmj work bo4? | FMJ is the replacement to the perk Deep Impact from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, allowing bullets to penetrate surfaces more easily. ... Instead, it allows the bullets to penetrate thicker surfaces, as well as losing less damage through other materials. |
how to change your name at the dmv after divorce? | ['Proof of Name Change: An original or certified copy of your divorce decree or court order.', "Proof of Identity: Your current driver's license or ID card.", 'Proof of Citizenship: A valid passport or your birth certificate.'] |
is palm oil bad for your health? | Palm oil has a high saturated fat content, which can be harmful to cardiovascular health. However, one study found that, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, “Palm oil does not have incremental risk for cardiovascular disease.” |
what is the difference between dr. atkins diet and the keto diet? | The bottom line Atkins and keto are both low-carb diets that may benefit weight loss, diabetes management, and heart health. Their main difference is that you gradually increase your carb intake on Atkins, while it remains very low on the keto diet, allowing your body to stay in ketosis and burn ketones for energy. |
how much is a red light ticket in pg county? | Prince George's County red light citations are $75.00, without accumulation of any interest. Even though payment is an admission of guilt, the citation is kept separate from your driving record and no action is taken against your driver's license. |
how long does it take to get blood test results for std? | Test results normally take about one week. If your result is positive, sexual partners also need to be tested and treated. This is called contact tracing. Otherwise you could keep re-infecting each other. |
how much words in english language? | First, let's look at how many words are in the Dictionary. The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use (and 47,156 obsolete words). |
what is the difference between xbox and xbox 360? | In the Xbox 360, there's a 3.2 GHz triple-core processor, while the Xbox One features two quad-core modules. Memory has also been increased significantly between the generations, going from the 360's 512MB to the One's 8GB. Another difference is between the two is how the Xbox One operates on the inside. |
how many calories do you burn in 7 hours of sleep? | A person who weighs 125 pounds burns approximately 38 calories per hour sleeping. That doesn't necessarily sound like a lot. But multiply that by the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep experts say you should get each night, and that's a total potential of 266 to 342 calories for snoozing. |
how soon before your birthday can you renew your driver's license in iowa? | You may renew your driver's license 180 days before its expiration date. If you demonstrate a good cause exists to renew earlier, you may renew your driver's license up to one year before the expiration date. You must pass the vision screening each time you renew your license. |
what are rcd controlled circuits? | An RCD, or residual current device, is a life-saving device which is designed to prevent you from getting a fatal electric shock if you touch something live, such as a bare wire. ... RCDs offer a level of personal protection that ordinary fuses and circuit-breakers cannot provide. |
does national open university graduates go for nysc? | NOUN graduates can now go for NYSC and attend Law school The National Open University of Nigeria is now on the same level with other Nigerian Universities. The graduates of the National Open University of Nigeria can now be mobilized for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) and also attend the Nigerian Law School. |
how many chatime points do you need to get a free drink? | You will earn 10 points for every $1 you spend at Chatime using your membership card or the Loyal-TEA app. Once you have enough points you can redeem them for a free Chatime tea. You must have enough points to cover the cost of your drink – you can't use them to discount the prices of a drink. |
how long does it take to get a passport washington state? | It takes four to six weeks to get your passport, or two to three weeks if you shell out extra for expedited processing. |
is burkina faso a poor country? | A poor country even by West African standards, landlocked Burkina Faso has suffered from recurring droughts and military coups. Burkina Faso, which means "land of honest men", has significant reserves of gold, but the country has faced domestic and external concern over the state of its economy and human rights. |
how many years does it take to recover from a stroke? | Gains can happen quickly or over time. The most rapid recovery usually occurs during the first three to four months after a stroke, but some survivors continue to recover well into the first and second year after their stroke. Some signs point to physical therapy. |
is shortness of breath a symptom of strep? | If the strep bacteria release toxins in multiple organs, it can create another rare, life-threatening condition called “streptococcal toxic shock syndrome” that can cause organ failure. Symptoms include shortness of breath, cough, fever, aches, pains, and chills. |
has bhutans growth been jobless? | Recent developments on strong lending growth, inflation, exchange rates and international reserves confirms that the country continued to maintain solid and stable growth in 2016/17. The overall unemployment rate declined for three straight years from 2.9 percent in 2013 to 2.1 percent in 2016. |
are open houses a good idea? | Not only does it provide a great opportunity for interested parties to see a house that doesn't necessarily suit them on paper, it also allows potential buyers to look around at their leisure, without feeling under any pressure. An open house can also attract those shy buyers who find individual viewings uncomfortable. |
what are the rtc demands in telangana? | The other demands include government clearing all the dues of RTC to the tune of nearly Rs20 billion, filling the 7000 vacancies and abolishing Moto Vehicle Tax on the corporation buses. They also want workers to be paid the due salaries for the period of mass strike in 2011 in support of separate Telangana state. |
what is the difference between navy officer and navy sailor? | Also known as a commissioned officer, officers in the Navy are required to have additional education and training. ... Not surprisingly, officers in the Navy earn more than enlisted sailors. “In the Navy and other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, pay is dependent upon rank and years of service,” explains the Navy. |
do uk residents need a visa for sweden? | Visas. If you hold a British Citizen passport, you do not need a visa to enter Sweden. If you're planning a stay of longer than 3 months, see our Living in Sweden guide and contact the Swedish Embassy if you have further questions. |
do tenants pay for water? | There is no law that regulates how a landlord should bill a tenant for water and sewer utilities. According to the California Department of Consumer Affairs, older apartment buildings may not have separate water meters or submeters that track the amount of water a single apartment uses. |
are large bank deposits flagged? | When a cash deposit of $10,000 or more is made, the bank or financial institution is required to file a form reporting this. This form reports any transaction or series of related transactions in which the total sum is $10,000 or more. So, two related cash deposits of $5,000 or more also have to be reported. |
how to install packet tracer in ubuntu linux? | Open a terminal and change the current directory to the installation directory (/opt/pt) of the Packet Tracer. If the installation directory contains any post-installation script, execute that. Change the current directory to the directory /opt/pt/bin and execute the launcher file of Packet Tracer directly. |
how do you know if your contracted out of serps? | You can check with your pension provider if you've been contracted out. The Pension Tracing Service might be able to find your pension provider's contact details if you've lost contact with them. |
what is normal blood sugar upon waking? | The best time to check blood sugar levels in the morning is right when you wake up and before you eat anything. This gives you a glimpse of what may be happening overnight, and it gives you a baseline for the day. Under 70 mg/dl if you do not have diabetes. 70 to 130 mg/dl if you have diabetes. |
Subsets and Splits