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how much water should i drink for my 20 week ultrasound? | Empty bladder and drink 34 ounces or 1 litre of water 1 hour before your exam. A full bladder is required to have this exam, do not empty your bladder until the exam is completed. |
why were flags at half mast today in wisconsin? | Today, Governor Evers issued Executive Order #76, relating to a proclamation that the flag of the United States and the flag of the State of Wisconsin be flown at Half-Staff as a mark of respect for Peace Officers who have given their lives in the line of duty. |
where is 2xp code on mountain dew? | WHERE TO FIND CODES: Look for a unique ten (10)-character alphanumeric code (each, a “Code”) underneath bottle caps on specially-marked 20 oz. bottles of Mtn Dew® and Diet. Mtn Dew®, printed on the inside paperboard of 12 oz. 12-pack cans of Mtn Dew and Diet Mtn Dew, printed underneath 16oz. |
what are the names of the quad cities in iowa? | Quad Cities, complex of cities at the Iowa-Illinois border, on the Mississippi River, U.S. Despite its name, the region includes five main cities: Rock Island, Moline, and East Moline, Illinois, and Davenport and Bettendorf, Iowa. |
what is the difference between telegram and whatsapp? | Telegram users can send any type of file via Telegram up to 1.5GB. WhatsApp, on the other hand, restricts video, images and document type files. Telegram can log in to their account on multiple devices at the same time and receive messages on every device. |
can cuban cigars be purchased online? | Under the new rules, travelers can purchase unlimited quantities of Cuban rum and cigars in any country where they are sold so long as they are for personal consumption. Wait, so I can't get them online? No. You can't order Cuban rum and cigars on Amazon and have them delivered to your door. |
what is the difference between polyamory and ethical non monogamy? | Ethical non-monogamy is not having one specific partner, but instead multiple partners, both sexual and romantic in nature. Polyamory means you have more than one sexual partner, and it's a form of it. |
what are the chances of getting someone pregnant if you pull out? | For every 100 people who use the pull out method perfectly, 4 will get pregnant. But pulling out can be difficult to do perfectly. So in real life, about 22 out of 100 people who use withdrawal get pregnant every year — that's about 1 in 5. |
where do you find birthday cake on sims 4? | In The Sims 4, cakes can no longer be simply purchased from buy mode like in previous games. Cakes must be baked manually by Sims. |
what is pf declaration form? | EPF Form 11 is a self-declaration form that needs to be filled by the employee at the time of joining an organization which is covered under the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) scheme as per the EPF Act, 1952. ... The form is also used to automatically transfer the amount from the previous PF account to the new EPF account. |
what are wet aged steaks? | Wet-Aged Beef Wet-aging is a relatively recent technique that developed along with advances in plastics and refrigeration. In this process, cuts of beef are vacuum-sealed in plastic and shipped to the market. The aging takes place in the 4-10 days between slaughter and sale while the meat is in transit. |
what are the personal qualities of a successful entrepreneur? | ['Self-Discipline. The first trait that all successful entrepreneurs must possess is self-discipline. ... ', 'Integrity. The second trait that all successful entrepreneurs must possess is integrity. ... ', 'Persistence. ... ', 'A Clear Sense Of Direction. ... ', 'Decisive And Action Oriented.'] |
how to create rule to forward email in outlook? | ['In Outlook Web App, click Settings. ... ', 'On the Inbox rules tab, click the arrow next to the plus symbol +, and select Create a new rule for arriving messages.', 'Under When the message arrives, select Apply to all messages.', 'Under Do the following, click More options.'] |
are dolly's siblings still alive? | Two of her siblings are no longer living; Larry died shortly after birth in 1955, and Floyd died in 2018. Dolly Parton's middle name comes from her maternal great-great-grandmother Rebecca (Dunn) Whitted. |
what vaccinations do i need in south africa? | Yes, some vaccines are recommended or required for South Africa. The National Travel Health Network and Centre and WHO recommend the following vaccinations for South Africa: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, typhoid, cholera, yellow fever, rabies and tetanus. |
how much energy to travel speed of light? | e = approximately 2.246 x 10^18 foot pounds of energy to move an average weight person at 99.99% the speed of light. This is all based on very generalized assumptions. It would require a huge amount of fuel to even get an object of 150 pounds to reach that speed, in any medium, even in a vacuum. |
can i get pregnant after treating yeast infection? | No, there's no evidence that having a yeast infection will directly affect your chances of getting pregnant. But vaginal yeast may cause itchiness, pain and irritation that is unlikely to put you in the mood for sex. You may also feel sore after sex. |
what is the difference between yields and interest rates? | Yield is the annual net profit that an investor earns on an investment. The interest rate is the percentage charged by a lender for a loan. The yield on new investments in debt of any kind reflects interest rates at the time they are issued. |
how to get a power of attorney over someone? | You get power of attorney by having someone willingly and knowingly grant it to you in a signed legal document. He or she must be able to sufficiently comprehend what a POA document represents, understand the effects of signing it, and clearly communicate his or her intentions. |
how much does it cost to replace my bathtub? | How much does it cost to replace a bathtub? A budget bathtub costs around $300 to $1000 dollars and will usually be acrylic or fibre glass. A mid-range tub costs around $1000 - $3000 and will usually be enameled cast iron, steel or polymer. |
what is nafcillin used for? | Nafcillin injection is used to treat infections caused by certain types of bacteria. Nafcillin injection is in a class of medications called penicillins. It works by killing bacteria. Antibiotics such as nafcillin injection will not work for colds, flu, or other viral infections. |
what does it mean when a man wears one earring in his left ear? | Dear Abby: According to an ancient Chinese belief, the wearing of an earring in the left ear symbolizes that that person`s life has been endangered, and to prevent a recurrence, an earring is worn. It is supposedly protection against bad luck. |
a elastic demand curve has? | Elastic demand or supply curves indicate that the quantity demanded or supplied responds to price changes in a greater than proportional manner. An inelastic demand or supply curve is one where a given percentage change in price will cause a smaller percentage change in quantity demanded or supplied. |
how often should you give newborn gas drops? | The typical dose for simethicone is 20 milligrams, up to four times a day. It is safe to use every day. If gas drops make your baby feel better, you can continue using them. When you choose gas drops, however, check the ingredient information, and avoid drops that contain sodium benzoate or benzoic acid. |
what is the difference between all purpose and self rising flour? | All-purpose flour is versatile as it contains an average amount of protein. ... Self-rising flour should only be used when a recipe calls for self-rising flour because salt and baking powder (which is a leavening agent) have been added and distributed evenly through the flour. |
how to get a reminder of your national insurance number? | HM Revenue & Customs no longer issues plastic NI cards. If you have lost or forgotten your NI number, you can find it on your payslip, P60, or any letters sent to you by HMRC relating to tax, pensions and benefits. You can also view it on your personal tax account if you've registered for one. |
is there a way to track mail without tracking number? | USPS tracking number is mentioned on the outer package of the shipped item and on the receipt given to the sender. A tracking number is used to track the packages online at, you cannot track a package without the tracking number. |
what is the biblical difference between faith and belief? | Nelson's Bible Dictionary defines faith as a belief in or confident attitude toward God, involving commitment to his will for one's life. Nelson also says belief is to place one's trust in God's truth. A person who believes is one who takes God at his word and trusts in him for salvation. |
are neffe and soullow still together? | Neffeteria and Shelby Agree to End Their Marriage By the end of their work with Iyanla, it is clear to Neffeteria and Shelby that their marriage ended a long time ago and that it is now time to move forward as individuals rather than husband and wife. |
what is the gifmis code for frsc? | According to, you can try using the following FRSC GIFMIS number for Remita payments: 1000027503. |
what are the health benefits of lemon orange? | ['1) Lowering stroke risk. ... ', '2) Blood pressure. ... ', '3) Cancer prevention. ... ', '4) Maintaining a healthy complexion. ... ', '5) Preventing asthma. ... ', '6) Increasing iron absorption. ... ', '7) Boosting the immune system. ... ', '8) Weight loss.'] |
how long does it take to get house keys? | The completion date — when you actually get the keys — will be agreed between you and the seller and this is typically anywhere from one week to four weeks after exchange. So, from agreeing an offer and getting the keys, I would usually factor in approximately two months. |
how much percentage is required for indian army? | Educational qualifications required: The minimum qualification for Soldier General Duty post is a Class 10 degree with an aggregate score of 45 per cent and at least 33 per cent marks in each subject. For Gorkha candidates, a Class 10 degree is enough to participate in the rally. |
is whey protein good for depression? | Some research studies suggest that whey protein, especially its main active component Alpha-lactalbumin, may help reduce levels of cortisol while simultaneously increasing production of serotonin. |
what are goodwins in merchant of venice? | The Goodwins is typically The Goodwin Sands located near the mouth of the river Thames. They are fatal because the Goodwin sands is the scene of many shipwrecks. |
how do i use aa miles for hotels? | To use miles as a form of payment, you must book a package with a minimum of flight + hotel, flight + hotel + car, flight + car or hotel + car. A flight reservation is not required. The name and number on the AAdvantage account must match the name and number on the reservation exactly. |
are honda pioneers street legal? | Laws are state by state The Honda Pioneer is one of the most popular UTVs in America. ... A Honda Pioneer is not street legal there unless it has been registered as a motor vehicle by the secretary of state. |
what is the main difference between six sigma and any other methodology? | Six Sigma is more about defect reduction through break-through actions and entails a top-down approach. Lean is more about waste reduction (and defects are one kind of waste); it's more about smaller but continuous improvement actions and the clear accountability assigned to any employee to identify wastes. |
how does chronic kidney disease affect kidneys? | Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means your kidneys are damaged and can't filter blood the way they should. The disease is called “chronic” because the damage to your kidneys happens slowly over a long period of time. This damage can cause wastes to build up in your body. |
are you a veteran if you served in the national guard? | ARLINGTON, Va. – A recently signed law gives official veteran status to National Guard members who served 20 years or more. Previously, Guard members were considered veterans only if they served 180 days or more in a federal status outside of training. |
icbc how long to report a claim? | You must also provide a written report about the particulars of the accident and the consequences no later than 30 days after. You must submit a proof of claim in a form authorized by ICBC no later than 90 days from the accident. |
how long does national insurance interview take? | Once you arrived at the job centre, they will ask you to fill a form with various details. After this, they will take you to a room with an officer. The officer will do a brief interview with you, that will last around 15 minutes. |
what is the difference between home furniture and office furniture? | When you buy home furniture, you buy it for yourself and your home, and you have the idea of the extent to which it will be brought to use. Whereas in the case of office furniture, it does not enjoy the same course of life as home furniture. |
when are sippy cups introduced? | When Do Babies Hold Sippy Cups? By the time your baby gets into a groove with her bottle, you can probably start thinking about breaking the bond. Most babies are ready to start drinking from a sippy cup between 6 and 9 months, according to the AAP. And by 12 months, it's best to boot the bottle altogether. |
how many calories can you eat in one sitting? | But even though that number seems large, it's actually not that hard to eat at least 2800 calories in one day: in fact, you can eat at least 2800 calories in one sitting without even realizing it. |
are brian mccourt and sarah keenleyside married? | Are Brian McCourt and Sarah Keenleyside married? No, Brian McCourt and Sarah Keenleyside are not married. Sarah has been married to singer Justin Rutledge since 2018. |
how long does it take for pregnancy stretch marks to fade? | Focus on Fading The best time to treat the marks, Waldorf says, is while they're still in that reddish stage. Gels made with a mix of onion extract and hyaluronic acid may help. In one study, people using the gel said their marks faded after 12 weeks of daily use. |
can acquired traits be inherited? | These acquired traits can not be passed on genetically. You can't inherit your uncle's knowledge, skills, ideas or memories and it doesn't work that way with other organisms either. Acquired traits include things such as calluses on fingers, larger muscle size from exercise or from avoiding predators. |
is giant panda no longer endangered? | In a welcome piece of good news for the world's threatened wildlife, the giant panda has just been downgraded from 'Endangered' to 'Vulnerable' on the global list of species at risk of extinction, demonstrating how an integrated approach can help save our planet's vanishing biodiversity. |
are all inputs fixed in the short run? | All inputs are fixed in the short run. ... The average product and the marginal product of the variable input are equal at the level of output that corresponds to the inflection point on the short-run production function. When an input's average product exceeds its marginal product, average product is increasing. |
what is fafsa used for? | FAFSA stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid; translation: it determines a student's eligibility for need-based federal financial aid for college, which may include grants, scholarships, work-study and loans. If eligible, it can really help you pay for school! |
how long should you wait to wash your hair after box dye? | "After having your hair colored, wait a full 72 hours before shampooing," says Eva Scrivo, a hairstylist in New York City. "It takes up to three days for the cuticle layer to fully close, which traps the color molecule, allowing for longer lasting hair color." |
how many lds missionaries are there in spain? | As of December 31, 2018, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints reported 58,061 members in 15 stakes and two districts, 183 congregations (92 wards and 46 branches), two missions, and one temple in Spain. |
how long should i wear my waist trainer before i see results? | This is the goal for wearing a waist trainer. If you can wear it for 10 hours a day for at least 8 weeks, and incorporate proper eating and exercise, you are going to absolutely love what you see. The results are amazing. |
is dry food diet good for cats? | 2) Cats eating dry food don't drink enough water, and this increases the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and lower urinary tract diseases, such as feline interstitial cystitis (FIC) and urolithiasis. Feeding canned foods maintains better hydration and promotes dilute urine, reducing the risk of these diseases. |
are grocery store eggs fertilized? | Most eggs sold commercially in the grocery store are from poultry farms and have not been fertilized. ... Given the right nutrients, hens will lay eggs with or without having been in the presence of a rooster. For an egg to become fertilized, a hen and rooster must mate prior to the formation and laying of the egg. |
are all nfl tickets mobile? | ALL NFL TICKETS WILL BE MOBILE ENTRY ONLY THIS SEASON. If someone is trying to sell you a pdf, they are ripping you off. Hard tickets from season ticket holders are still okay. On iOS put it in your wallet before you head to the game. |
what is the difference between modern and contemporary design? | They may be synonyms when describing many things, but in design, modern vs. contemporary are quite different. Modern design refers to an era that has passed, while contemporary design is all about the now and the future. The most popular modern design era is the mid-century modern era of the 1950s and 1960s. |
are irs refund checks delayed? | Collins said in a report to Congress the IRS had a backlog of 4.7 million returns for the 2019 tax year as of mid-May, which is delaying refunds for many. "Taxpayers who filed a 2019 paper return and are entitled to refunds may be in for a long wait," Collins cautioned in the report. |
has kangal yavrusu ne kadar? | Yeni yıl 2020 kangal yavrusu fiyatları çiftliğimizde yavru kangal fiyatları 750 TL. başlamaktadır. |
does drinking more water make you smarter? | How Does Water Affect Your Brain? Your brain is about 75% water. When your brain is functioning on a full reserve of water, you will be able to think faster, be more focused, and experience greater clarity and creativity. Water is also essential for delivering nutrients to the brain and for removing toxins. |
how long will cat live with congestive heart failure? | Once in congestive heart failure, most cats with HCM have a life expectancy of 6 and 18 months. |
eevee is based on what animal? | Eevee shares most traits with the fennec fox. However, it's also based on dogs, cats and rabbits. Eevee is said to have an irregularly-shaped genetic structure, enabling it to evolve into multiple Pokémon. |
what is third party insurance in tamil? | Vehicle Insurance in Tamil -மோட்டார் காப்பீடு பற்றி தெரிந்து கொள்ள வேண்டிய விஷயங்கள் | Sana Ram. ... Availing the third party insurance is mandatory in India. It covers the damage caused to third party vehicle or property by the insured vehicle. |
what is the relationship between mass extinctions and biodiversity over time? | By removing so many species from their ecosystems in a short period of time, mass extinctions reduce competition for resources and leave behind many vacant niches, which surviving lineages can evolve into. |
will shih tzu hair grow back? | While some owners find one look and essentially keep it forever, others like to experiment. And as long as your Shih Tzu's coat is healthy, it will grow back relatively quickly, allowing to you choose a new hair style quite often. |
can i use mfg coupons on amazon? | Can You Use Manufacturer's Coupons on Amazon? You will not be able to use a manufacturer's coupon on Amazon. But, with all of the coupons available through the website, not too many shoppers are complaining. There is a way you can stack coupons on Amazon though (without using manufacturer's coupons). |
what is the difference between brown eggs and white ones? | The difference is all about the chicken. ... White eggs are laid by chickens with white feathers and white ear lobes, while brown eggs are laid by red-feathered chickens with red ear lobes. Chickens with red feathers are larger in body size and require more feed which is why brown eggs are more expensive on store shelves. |
do us citizens need a visa to enter belarus? | U.S. passport holders traveling to Belarus via Minsk International Airport may enter visa-free for up to 30 days (the 30-day limit includes the day of arrival and the day of departure) for tourism or business. |
what happens if you don't get treated for trichomoniasis? | If you don't get treated for trichomoniasis and you have other STDs, it can increase the risk of spreading other STDs, including HIV, especially in women. Pregnant women with untreated trichomoniasis can experience pregnancy complications. |
why do i get a headache if i sleep during the day? | If you're napping because you're not getting enough sleep at night due to insomnia, sleeping too little can also be a headache trigger that naps don't always help relieve. Napping too much can also cause headaches, since oversleeping is also a risk factor for headaches. |
what should you do when joining the motorway? | ['give priority to traffic already on the motorway.', 'check the traffic on the motorway and match your speed to fit safely into the traffic flow in the left-hand lane.', 'not cross solid white lines that separate lanes or use the hard shoulder.', 'stay on the slip road if it continues as an extra lane on the motorway.'] |
how much does it cost to change a flight on ryanair? | Charges apply to changes, these are calculated per one way flight/per person and vary season to season. Fees begin at €35, and vary depending on the route and travel dates selected. |
when does new season of real housewives of beverly hills come on? | Premiere Date Real Housewives of Beverly Hills returns to Bravo Wednesday, April 15, at 8 p.m. ET. |
what is the difference between the new sat and the act? | Broken down by test components, the SAT has a reading test that takes 65 minutes, a 35-minute writing and language test and an 80-minute math section. The ACT is comprised of a 35-minute reading test, 45-minute English test, 60-minute math section and 35-minute science test. |
what credit score is needed for the new apple card? | A FICO credit score of at least 600, which falls in the fair range, is needed to be approved for the Apple Card. That means subprime borrowers, or people with less-than-perfect credit, can access the Apple Card. This may include consumers who want to build their credit history. |
is the rio casino for sale? | says it has completed the $516.3 million sale of its Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The company said Friday it will continue for at least two years to run the 2,500-room property and will pay an annual lease of $45 million to the new owner, newly formed Dreamscape Cos. |
can an 18 year old drink on a cruise ship? | The rules vary by cruise line, but most allow 18-year-olds to hang out at bars or nightclubs on their own, or with family and friends who are also 18+. But do note that the drinking age on all ships that visit the U.S., as well as on many U.S.-based cruise lines sailing anywhere in the world, is 21. |
are escrow accounts interest bearing? | No, for the most part, a bank is not required to pay interest on any escrow accounts (also known as mortgage impound accounts) it holds for its customers. ... Money or property in escrow are generally delivered by an escrow agent to a grantee upon satisfaction of outlined terms. |
what are the difference between analog and digital meters? | Multimeters are tools used to measure current, voltage and resistance. The primary difference between the two is the display, an analog multimeter uses a needle to show the value, while a digital multimeter will show the results as numbers on a screen. ... |
are next of kin responsible for care home fees? | Care home top-up fees should only be paid by relatives who are able and willing to pay them. ... If a relative cannot pay third party top-up fees, the local authority is responsible in full for the full cost of care. |
do you have to collect sales tax on ebay? | Sales tax on items sold on eBay Once eBay starts to collect tax in the required states, no action is required on your part, and there will be no charges or fees for eBay automatically calculating, collecting, and remitting sales tax. |
what is tone in an article? | The definition of "tone" in literature is the way the author expresses his attitude through his writing. The tone can change very quickly or may remain the same throughout the story. Tone is expressed by your use of syntax, your point of view, your diction, and the level of formality in your writing. |
is himalayan pink salt good for pregnancy? | All salt is not created equal These poor quality salts pose greater health risks than natural salt and can be linked to heart disease and other health problems. When consuming salt in pregnancy (or anytime) it is best to limit processed foods and reach for natural salts, such as sea salt or Himalayan pink salt. |
are wheat thins good for you? | As for Wheat Thins, 16 crackers (about an ounce), have 130 calories, 4g fat, 21g carbs, 2g protein and 260mg of sodium. But keep in mind that the Wheat Thins contain high-fructose corn syrup, which has been linked to obesity and diabetes. |
how much money do you win for winning the daytona 500? | If the 2020 edition has a similar share, the winner of the Daytona 500 will take home about $2.06 million. It would likely be the first NASCAR race to award the winner upward of $2 million. |
why did south carolina want to secede from the union? | In reference to the failure of the northern states to uphold the Fugitive Slave Act, South Carolina states the primary reason for its secession: The General Government, as the common agent, passed laws to carry into effect these stipulations of the States. For many years these laws were executed. |
commbank how long do refunds take? | 30 days etc. Refund is to a Commonwealth Bank Credit Card. It's instant once they get off their arse and do it. Your available credit will increase and if you're with a bank like the CBA, the transaction will show up immediately. |
how are bats able to fly in the dark? | Many bats are able to detect objects as thin as human hair in total darkness. They have a sophisticated echolocation system. These bats emit high-frequency sounds that bounce back to their ears, enabling them to detect objects in total darkness. |
how many calories per day for 120 lb woman? | (Thus, a 120-pound moderately active person needs to eat about 1,680 calories--1,200 plus about 480 calories for activity--to maintain his or her weight, while a sedentary 150-pound person would need to consume about 1,800 calories daily--1,500 calories plus 300--to keep the bathroom scale steady.) |
what is the difference between similac alimentum and nutramigen? | The only difference between the two products is that Nutramigen has twice as much DHA as the popular Alimentum. Nutramigen has corn syrup and Alimentum is free of corn. ... You need to check as to what works for your baby! Start off with Nutramigen and if it does not work, you can switch to Alimentum. |
why harry and meghan want to move to canada? | A private road leads to Meghan and Harry's temporary house in North Saanich. ... As has been reported, Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are spending private family time in Canada. The decision to base themselves in Canada reflects the importance of this Commonwealth country to them both. |
what is the difference between neutral atom and an ion? | In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is always the same as the number of protons. If the atom becomes ionised however, the number of electrons will change. An ion is an atom that has lost or gained one or more electron. |
how soon does the morning after pill need to be taken? | You should take it as soon as possible. Emergency contraception (AKA the morning-after pill) works up to five days (120 hours) after unprotected sex. But the sooner you take it, the better it works. You don't need to wait until the next day, and it definitely doesn't have to be taken in the morning, either. |
what is the difference between objective and subjective test in law? | The subjective standard requires the prosecutor to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that this accused intended his or her actions while the objective standard requires the prosecutor to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that a reasonable person would have not acted as the accused did in the circumstances of the case. |
can i receive unemployment if i work full time? | If you work part time, you may still qualify for unemployment benefits. ... If you work full-time hours in any given week, you will be considered employed "full-time" regardless of wages, and you will not be eligible for benefits for that week. Full-time is generally between 35 and 40 hours per week. |
how to change the name of my user folder on mac? | ['Open System Preferences.', 'Users & Groups.', 'Click unlock and enter your password.', 'Now Control-click or right-click the user that you want to rename.', 'Choose Advanced.', 'Change the name in the full name field.', 'Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.'] |
do you have to refrigerate homemade cranberry sauce? | In the fridge: You can keep homemade cranberry sauce for 10-14 days in the refrigerator. Refrigerate the cranberry sauce within two hours of cooking and keep refrigerated in a covered container. In the freezer: You can also freeze homemade cranberry sauce. |
is adultery against the law? | In the US, however, adultery remains technically illegal in 21 states. In most states, including New York, cheating on your spouse is considered only a misdemeanour. |
is zevia bad for you? | In numerous studies, the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages has been correlated with diabetes and other diseases. Sweetened with stevia without any sugar, Zevia provides a better-for-you alternative. Just because artificial sweeteners don't contain sugar, does not make them safe. |
Subsets and Splits