What did the Mexican with two penises name them
Jose and Hose B
Yesterday,. I told my friend a chemistry joke
But there was no reaction
Which of the Spice Girls can carry the most petrol
Gerry can
I like country and rap
Some people call it crap
If I were to ramble on about everything there is to know concerning Indian leavened bread
would that be total naansense
Wedding night So a young lady just got married and was staying in her mum's house. She was always told to wait and save herself till married. And that's what she did. She went upstairs to the bedroom with her husband to do newly wedded things. Her husband takes off his shirt and he has a very hairy chest. Young lady runs downstairs to her mother and says mummy he has a very hairy chest, what do I do her mother replied all good men have hairy chests go upstairs and he'll take care of you it will be alright she goes upstairs again and sit on the bed. He then takes off his trousers exposing his hairy legs. Once again the young lady run down stairs to a mother mummy he has very hairy legs, what do I do the mother replied all good men have hairy legs go upstairs and he'll take care of you it will be alright so still upstairs once again. He then proceeds to take off another item of clothing. His socks. She notices that her husband only had 2 toes on one foot
Once again she wants downstairs to her mother mummy he's got a foot and a half the mother replied you stay and cook dinner, don't worry darling mumny will take care of this one for you 😂😂😂😂😂
I watched a documentary today on how planes are put together
It was riveting
Why did the youth pastor show show his kids a horror movie
To scare the hell out of them
why couldn’t the bike stand up
because it was two tired
Why do defibrillators amaze people
They're just shocking at heart
Hi. No,
I'm not, but thanks for asking.
Saw a sign at the store that said used batteries
I'm guessing they were free of charge.
I got my dad yesterday
I picked him up at the airport
Today I threw two drums and a cymbal off a cliff
Ba Dum Tssss
Got my wife just now. Her: dadgummit Me: hey. I don't gummit. I chew it
Her: uuugh
What do cows call their clothes
Why is the kid from Toy Story so good at repairing his toys
Because he's very Andy
What’s the worst part about cloning sheep
Falling asleep while taking inventory
Thor is a terrible singer
he could never hit the low key
How many optometrists does it take to change a lightbulb. Is it 1. Or 2
or 2
I I couldn’t get $GME so I got CHKN, BEEF, and VGTBL stock instead
I hope to become a bouillionaire
I bought a new weed-whacker today
It's cutting hedge technology
'My client is trapped inside a penny, your honor' 'What
' 'He's in a cent
Wow Dad, you got a haircut. Dad: Nope
I actually got them all cut
Girlfriend got me good earlier Back story: I'm at a shop getting my car put on a dyno. A dyno measures the power output. I didn't tell my girlfriend but she knew I was planning on getting it done soon. Me: I'm in *neighboring city* GF: what are you doing there. Me: car stuff GF: are you getting a stegosaurus Me: what. GF: I thought you were getting a dino
Me: ohmygod
My wife refuses to go to Karaoke with me
I have to duet alone
Best place to self-reflect is. A
What do you call a sleepwalking nun
A Roman Catholic
What's Brown and Sticky
A stick
2 wrongs don't make a right. But 2
Wright's make a hell of an airplane
Why was the mushroom invited to the party
Because he was a fungi
I’ve got this awful disease where. I can’t stop telling airport jokes
My doctor says it’s terminal.
I bought two reindeer for only a dollar each and thought I got a great deal . But it turns out they were two deer. Still, it was only a couple of bucks
To be honest, I feel like I have more doe now than before
Got dad joked by 13 yr old girl foster kid. Where do dogs hate to go shopping
Flea market
It's been a lifelong dream of mine to live in a house with my own clone. But the science has just come out that most people would hate dealing with someone identical to them
I just don't think I can live with myself after hearing that
How did the vacuum cleaner die
It bit the dust
Did you hear about the chameleon who couldn't change colour
He had a reptile dysfunction
So, it's 3am, I'm at Denny's. The bill comes, and after a night of heavy drinking all anybody has left is loose change. We (about 6 people) split up the bill and count our change onto the table. Waitress comes by, sees that were settling the bill, and she says, do you guys need any change
Without missing a beat my bearded husky inebriated friend returns, yes, dimes and nickles will suffice The waitress was not amused
The. Guy. Who. Invented. The. Train
His invention moved a lot of people
My son insisted his nails were already cut and I didn't have to trim them. I asked if I could just double-check his hand. http://i. imgur. com/bAuV8Nh
Why do dwarfs laugh when they run
Because the grass tickles there balls
I checked into a motel and the clerk told me I had the second room on the second floor. He picked up the key to hand to me, but hesitated and took it back. I said, “Well
2B or not 2B
A perfect dad joke for Father's Day Me: See, if I wasn't here, you would have never exsisted. Daughter: Ok, Dad. But Mom was the one who really made me. Me: Hey, I had a little bit of input
*Pause* Daaaaaaad
What does a mechanical frog say
Start my new job as a hairdresser in Jamaica tomorrow
I'm dreading it
What’s Dean Martin’s favorite Eel
That’s a Moray
It's a 5 minute walk from my house to a pub. And its a 45 minute walk from the pub to my house
The difference is staggering
If your phone autocorrects f*** to duck its okay to keep it
Because it's still fowl language *This is an x-post from r/jokes dont be pissed*
I bought a porn mag company and I'm making it into a Christian magazine
I'm still working out a few kinks
What do you call an assassin that kills in summer
The heat-man
Dogs like chewing on sticks
Because their mouths are made for barks
What is the most famous coffee brand for birds
I was going to see if I could sneak a regular joke in but it's like a field of corn in here
It's all ears
Doctor: I will be delivering your baby
Parents: Actually, we want him to keep his liver please
An observant but not-so-trustworthy friend of mine dropped by my fowl farm yesterday
He took a gander
This has been a common occurrence with my dad since childhood. Note: We are from Syria. Every time someone asks my dad Are you serious. , no matter how ridiculously tense the situation is. He will reply, No, I'm Syrian
What do you call a group of baboons
A Congress
I have a phobia of German sausage
Yes, I fear the wurst
I invited a bunch of rappers to my party. Most of them showed up, but Notorious B. couldn't make it. That's ok
No biggie
A man in Yorkshire, England forgot about his appointment at the sperm bank
When he finally arrived, the person at the desk told him, “Ejaculate”
What do you call a chicken staring at lettuce
Chicken sees a salad
I have finally made it I have two kids, a three year old daughter and a one year old son. Today as we were driving home, my daughter said for the first time “dad I’m hungry” and I felt the power course through my veins knowing I was about to reach the pinnacle of existence
I delivered the revered line and my wife just looked at me and I knew I had achieved everything in life
I once had crush on a pastry chef
Turns out she didn’t have any fillings for me
Tom Hanks walked into a wind tunnel
The wind tunnel says to him It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Hanks, I'm a huge fan
So I go to the zoo with my dad. We're in the Australian zone and my dad turns to me and asks, What do baby kangaroo brothers call each other.
There’s still a lot to be discovered about. Mars
We’ve only scratched the surface
Genie: What is your final wish. Boy: I wish I were you
Genue: weurd but alrught
Never iron a four leaf clover
You don’t want to press your luck
Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon
Great Food, No Atmosphere
Shakespeare must have been a dad. From othello: Cassio:Dost thou hear, my honest friend
Clown: No I hear not your honest friend, I hear you
Smart-ass optometrist
See if eye care
Charles Dickens walks into a bar. And asks for a martini .
The barman says Olive or Twist
The mayor of Saint Paul passed a law banning large soft drinks
Now if you want one you have to get a Minnesota
Had dinner with the future father in law last night And I looked at my food sighed heavily and put my face in my hands. Him: What's going on. Me: There's just so much on my plate right now Then I asked for his daughters hand in marriage
It was a yes
Why do Chicken coops only have 2 doors
Because if they have four, they would be chicken sedans
Made brownies. [https://i. imgur. com/4NBo8Yg. jpg](https://i. imgur. com/4NBo8Yg
Anyone else go to the comedy and philosophy convention last night
Laughed more than I thought
Thank. God
I'm atheist
Why do cows have hooves and not feet. Because they
Driving through the mountains While on vacation this past week we would occasionally pass signs [such as this](http://i. imgur. com/yIuxf2z. jpg). I could never resist the urge to tell everyone in the car to be quiet
Kids loved it; wife, not so much
My wife was worried that the fish she bought on Friday weren't swimming together on Saturday I told her not to worry
Saturday's not a school day
I asked a pirate where are you bucaneers
He said under my buckin hat
Why did the coffee file a police report
It got mugged
Chinese takeout: $10. Gas to get there and back: $2
Getting home and realizing they forgot one of your containers: Riceless
Why couldn’t the bicycle stand on its own
Because it is two tired
Grocery store dadjoke on the girlfriend. We were walking down the dairy aisle when. Gf: Did I pass the butter
Me: I don't see why you would, I didn't ask for it
My Dad won a ham at a meat raffle yesterday, and his friend won a turkey
He looked at me, then said to his friend: We should start a club
What do you call an obvious cow
Why do toadstools grow so close together
They don't need mushroom
My time in the mafia served me well
I got so good with scarves, they started calling me scarf ace.
I just want to give a shout out to sidewalks
For keeping me off the streets
What did the river say to the sea
Don't be salty
Girlfriend got herself today My girlfriend broke a nail at work today and told me the story after dinner. GF: I was gonna do my nails tonight but now its pointless. I chuckled to myself until she realized what she said. She then called me a dork and left the room
I guess I'm doing the dishes tonight
Some people love cats, other people hate them. The pope is obsessed with them
He’s a cat-a-holic
Have you seen the new pen that writes underwater, upside down and in outer space
It writes lots of other words too
A cattle farmer has had to pull out of the local marathon
It was due to a calf injury
There's a band called 1023MB
They haven't hit any gigs yet
Got my daughter. Daughter: Sorry. I'm late dad
Me: Better late than pregnant
I just stumbled on this subreddit, and I'd like explain why (from an outsider's perspective) this sort of thing is not my cup of tea. It's because [this](http://i. imgur. com/GDogdTm
png) is my cup of tea
Got my wife during shark week. Wife: I feel funny . Me: Then tell me a joke . Wife:. As she rolls her eyes . I mean my insides feel funny . Me: Then tell me an inside joke . She just sighed and went to bed while
I chuckled heartily.