! Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. ! See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. ! SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception ! module mod type base_t contains procedure :: some_proc => baseproc end type contains logical function baseproc(this,this2) class(base_t) :: this class(base_t), optional :: this2 if (present(this2)) then baseproc = .true. else baseproc = .false. endif end function end module program p USE CHECK_MOD use mod logical results(2) logical expect(2) data results /.true.,.false./ data expect /.false.,.true./ type(base_t) :: t results(1) = t%some_proc() results(2) = t%some_proc(t) call check(results,expect,2) end program
C %W% %G% subroutine opents (ia) C C This subroutine opens various files needed by the program c NOTE: the following statements do not conform to the c FORTRAN-77 standard and may need to be removed for some platforms c c disp='delete' c form='unformatted' c recordsize=4065 c recordtype=variable c organization=relative c include 'tspinc/blkcom1.inc' include 'tspinc/files.inc' include 'tspinc/reread.inc' common /error_code/ error_code integer error_code c logical debug integer status, open_file character type_open * 8 data debug /.false./ c begin begin begin begin begin begin C C Master list of files C C L1 = scratch files (INPUT and INITAL) C L2 = scratch files (INPUT and INITAL) C L3 = Powerflow base data file C L5 = Swing input data file c L6 = Swing printout file C L8 = Swing history file C L9 = Existing saved swing data file c L11 = auxiliary (tabular) listing file C L13 = Debug output file C L15 = New saved swing data file c L22 = PDF plot neutral file. C L23 = PostScript Master file C if (is_it_vms() .ne. 0) then type_open = 'new' else type_open = 'unknown' endif go to (101,201,301,401,501,601,701,801) ia C C Subroutine SWINGM C C L1 = scratch files (INPUT and INITAL) C L2 = scratch files (INPUT and INITAL) C L3 = Powerflow base data file C L5 = Swing input data file c L6 = Swing printout file C L8 = Swing history file C 101 if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l5, ctrlfl, 'F', 'R', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 1 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l5, ' ', 'F', 'R', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l5, name=ctrlfl) endif return 201 if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l3, bsefl, 'U', 'R', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 2 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l3, ' ', 'U', 'R', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l3, name=bsefl) endif if (filefl .ne. ' ') then open (unit=l8, file=solfl, status = type_open, & access = 'DIRECT', c & recordtype = 'FIXED', & form = 'UNFORMATTED', & recl = 4*128) else open (unit=l8, status = type_open, & access = 'DIRECT', c & recordtype = 'FIXED', & form = 'UNFORMATTED', & recl = 4*128) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l8, name=solfl) endif c End VAX VMS version call inithis ('WRIT') if (debug) then call dbgeko2 ('OPENTS - simulation stage - opening solution ', & 'file.') call dbgwri (' L8 /unit num/ = ',l8) call dbgwrc (' SOLFL /file name/ = ',solfl) endif C C For subroutine INPUT1 if (is_it_vms() .eq. 0) then C C UNIX version open(unit=l1, & status='scratch', & access='direct', c & disp='delete', & form='unformatted') c & recordtype='fixed', C & recordsize=4*4000) c & organization='relative', c & file = 'stab.scr01') else c VAX VMS version open(unit=l1, & status='scratch', & access='direct', c & disp='delete', & form='unformatted') c & recordtype='variable', c & recordsize=4*4000) c & organization='relative', c & file = 'scratch.dat') endif C C For subroutine INPUT3 C if (is_it_vms() .eq. 0) then C C UNIX version open(unit=l2, & status='scratch', & access='direct', c & disp='delete', & form='unformatted') c & recordsize=4*4065) c & recordtype='fixed', c & organization='relative', c & file = 'stab.scr02') else c VAX VMS version c open(unit=l2, & status='scratch', & access='direct', c & disp='delete', & form='unformatted') c & recordsize=4*4065) c & recordtype='variable', c & organization='relative', c & file = 'junk.dat') endif return C C Subroutine TAPEWK C C L9 = Existing saved swing data file C 301 if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l9, savifl, 'U', 'R', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 3 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l9, ' ', 'U', 'R', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l9, name=savifl) endif return C Subroutine TAPEWK C C L15 = New saved swing data file 401 if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (15, savofl, 'U', 'W', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 4 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (15, ' ', 'U', 'W', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=15, name=savofl) endif return C C Subroutine NOUT1 - plotting phase C C L3 = Powerflow base data file C L8 = Swing history file c L11 = auxiliary (tabular) listing file c L22 = PDF plot neutral file. C L23 = PostScript Master file C 501 if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l3, bsefl, 'U', 'R', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 5 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l3, ' ', 'U', 'R', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l3, name=bsefl) endif if (filefl .ne. ' ') then open (unit=l8, & file=solfl, & status = 'old', & access = 'direct', c & recordtype = 'fixed', & form = 'unformatted', & recl = 4*128) else open (unit=l8, & status = 'old', & access = 'direct', c & recordtype = 'fixed', & form = 'unformatted', & recl = 4*128) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l8, name=solfl) endif if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l11, auxfl, 'F', 'W', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 6 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l11, ' ', 'F', 'W', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l11, name=auxfl) endif if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l22, pltfl, 'F', 'W', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 7 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l22, ' ', 'F', 'W', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l22, name=pltfl) endif c c PostScript master file POSTMSTR is optional c if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l23, postmstr, 'F', 'R', iostat) c if (status .ne. 0) then c error_code = 7 c call set_exit(error_code) c endif else status = open_file (l23, ' ', 'F', 'R', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l23, name=postmstr) endif call inithis ('READ') if (debug) then call dbgeko2 ('OPENTS - plotting stage - opening solution', & ' & plot files.') call dbgwri (' L3 /unit num/ = ',l3) call dbgwrc (' BSEFL /file name/ = ',bsefl) call dbgwri (' L8 /unit num/ = ',l8) call dbgwrc (' SOLFL /file name/ = ',solfl) call dbgwri (' L22 /unit num/ = ',l22) call dbgwrc (' PLTFL /file name/ = ',pltfl) call dbgwri (' L23 /unit num/ = ',l23) call dbgwrc (' POSTMSTR /file name/ = ',postmstr) call dbgwri (' L11 /unit num/ = ',l11) call dbgwrc (' AUXFL /file name/ = ',auxfl) endif return C C Subroutine PRGMON C 601 return c Open printout file C c L6 = Swing printout file C L13 = Debug output file 701 if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l6, prtfl, 'FF', 'W', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 8 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l6, ' ', 'FF', 'W', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l6, name=prtfl) endif if (filefl .ne. ' ') then status = open_file (l13, dbgofl, 'F', 'W', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 6 call set_exit(error_code) endif else status = open_file (l13, ' ', 'F', 'W', iostat) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l13, name=dbgofl) endif return c Open file_list file c Note: file list file contains file names. 801 status = open_file (l1, filefl, 'F', 'R', iostat) if (status .ne. 0) then error_code = 9 call set_exit(error_code) endif if (status .eq. 0) then inquire (unit=l1, name=filefl) endif return end
Lambda X . lambda x : X . x
C$Procedure ZZPDCMPL (Planetodetic coordinates, compare latitudes ) SUBROUTINE ZZPDCMPL ( RE, F, P, LAT, REL ) C$ Abstract C C SPICE Private routine intended solely for the support of SPICE C routines. Users should not call this routine directly due to the C volatile nature of this routine. C C Compare the planetodetic latitude of a point in 3-dimensional C space against a specified value, without converting the point to C planetodetic coordinates. C C$ Disclaimer C C THIS SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED MATERIALS WERE CREATED BY THE C CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (CALTECH) UNDER A U.S. C GOVERNMENT CONTRACT WITH THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE C ADMINISTRATION (NASA). THE SOFTWARE IS TECHNOLOGY AND SOFTWARE C PUBLICLY AVAILABLE UNDER U.S. EXPORT LAWS AND IS PROVIDED "AS-IS" C TO THE RECIPIENT WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING ANY C WARRANTIES OF PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A C PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE (AS SET FORTH IN UNITED STATES UCC C SECTIONS 2312-2313) OR FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER, FOR THE C SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS, HOWEVER USED. C C IN NO EVENT SHALL CALTECH, ITS JET PROPULSION LABORATORY, OR NASA C BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES AND/OR COSTS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT C LIMITED TO, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, C INCLUDING ECONOMIC DAMAGE OR INJURY TO PROPERTY AND LOST PROFITS, C REGARDLESS OF WHETHER CALTECH, JPL, OR NASA BE ADVISED, HAVE C REASON TO KNOW, OR, IN FACT, SHALL KNOW OF THE POSSIBILITY. C C RECIPIENT BEARS ALL RISK RELATING TO QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF C THE SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED MATERIALS, AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY C CALTECH AND NASA FOR ALL THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS RESULTING FROM THE C ACTIONS OF RECIPIENT IN THE USE OF THE SOFTWARE. C C$ Required_Reading C C None. C C$ Keywords C C COORDINATES C GEOMETRY C PLANETODETIC C LATITUDE C MATH C C$ Declarations IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION RE DOUBLE PRECISION F DOUBLE PRECISION P ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION LAT INTEGER REL INTEGER LT PARAMETER ( LT = -1 ) INTEGER EQ PARAMETER ( EQ = 0 ) INTEGER GT PARAMETER ( GT = 1 ) C$ Brief_I/O C C Variable I/O Description C -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- C RE I Equatorial radius. C F I Flattening coefficient. C P I Three-dimensional point. C LAT I Planetodetic latitude. C REL O Relation code. C LT P Code indicating latitude of P < LAT. C EQ P Code indicating latitude of P = LAT. C GT P Code indicating latitude of P > LAT. C C$ Detailed_Input C C RE, C F are, respectively, the equatorial radius C and flattening coefficient of a biaxial C spheroid. C C The polar radius RP of the spheroid is C C RP = RE * ( 1 - F ) C C RP may be less than, equal to, or greater than RE. C C C P is a point (equivalently, a vector) in C three-dimensional space. P is expressed in Cartesian C coordinates. C C The units of P must be consistent with those of RE. C C C LAT is a planetodetic latitude value to be compared C against the planetodetic latitude of P. Units C are radians. C C$ Detailed_Output C C REL is an integer code that indicates the order C relation between the planetodetic latitude of P C and LAT. The planetodetic coordinate system is C defined by the inputs RE and F. C C The code <rel> indicates that the relation C C <latitude of P> <rel> LAT C C is true. See the Parameters section below for C the parameter names. C C C$ Parameters C C LT, C EQ, C GT are, respectively, codes indicating the relationship C of the planetodetic latitude of the input vector to C the input latitude value. Let LP represent the C planetodetic latitude of P. C C Code LT indicates LP < LAT C Code EQ indicates LP = LAT C Code GT indicates LP > LAT C C$ Exceptions C C 1) If either the equatorial radius or flattening coefficient C is invalid, the error will be signaled by a routine in the C call tree of this routine. C C$ Files C C None. C C$ Particulars C C This routine performs a planetodetic latitude comparison more C efficiently than can be done using a rectangular-to-planetodetic C coordinate conversion. C C$ Examples C C None. C C$ Restrictions C C There are some cases for which this routine cannot be applied. C See the SPICELIB routine ZZPDPLTC and its usage in ZZRYTPDT. C C$ Literature_References C C None. C C$ Author_and_Institution C C N.J. Bachman (JPL) C C$ Version C C- SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 19-JAN-2017 (NJB) C C Original version 22-AUG-2015 (NJB) C C-& C$ Index_Entries C C compare planetodetic latitude of vector against value C compare planetodetic latitude of point against value C C-& C C SPICELIB functions C DOUBLE PRECISION HALFPI LOGICAL FAILED LOGICAL RETURN C C Local variables C DOUBLE PRECISION APEX ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION LON DOUBLE PRECISION OFFPCL DOUBLE PRECISION OFFSET ( 3 ) DOUBLE PRECISION R DOUBLE PRECISION RP DOUBLE PRECISION XINCPT DOUBLE PRECISION YINCPT C C Saved variables C SAVE APEX C C Initial values C DATA APEX / 3 * 0.D0 / IF ( RETURN() ) THEN RETURN END IF CALL CHKIN ( 'ZZPDCMPL' ) C C Treat points on the Z axis as a special case. The C computations performed in the general case may introduce C round-off errors that will lead to false results for C this case. C IF ( ( P(1) .EQ. 0.D0 ) .AND. ( P(2) .EQ. 0.D0 ) ) THEN IF ( P(3) .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN IF ( LAT .EQ. HALFPI() ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = GT END IF ELSE IF ( P(3) .EQ. 0.D0 ) THEN C C We consider the latitude of P to be zero. C IF ( LAT .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN REL = LT ELSE IF ( LAT .EQ. 0.D0 ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = GT END IF ELSE C C P(3) < 0. C IF ( LAT .EQ. -HALFPI() ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = LT END IF END IF CALL CHKOUT ( 'ZZPDCMPL' ) RETURN END IF C C Latitude zero is a special case. The planetodetic latitude of the C input point has the same sign as the Z component of the point. C RP = RE * ( 1.D0 - F ) C C Get the y-intercept of the latitude cone for LAT. Note that a C result is defined for LAT = +/- pi/2. C CALL ZZELNAXX ( RE, RP, LAT, XINCPT, YINCPT ) IF ( FAILED() ) THEN CALL CHKOUT ( 'ZZPDCMPL' ) RETURN END IF C C Ideally YINCPT is zero if and only if LAT is zero. C We'll group these conditions together. C IF ( ( LAT .EQ. 0.D0 ) .OR. ( YINCPT .EQ. 0.D0 ) ) THEN IF ( P(3) .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN REL = GT ELSE IF ( P(3) .EQ. 0.D0 ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = LT END IF CALL CHKOUT ( 'ZZPDCMPL' ) RETURN END IF C C This is the normal case. C C Find the offset of the point from the latitude cone's apex. C Create a unit-length copy of the offset vector. C APEX(3) = YINCPT CALL VSUB ( P, APEX, OFFSET ) C We'll use the planetocentric [sic] latitude of the offset C vector for comparison. C CALL RECLAT ( OFFSET, R, LON, OFFPCL ) IF ( LAT .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN IF ( YINCPT .GT. 0 ) THEN C C This is the prolate case. C IF ( OFFPCL .GT. LAT ) THEN REL = GT ELSE IF ( OFFPCL .EQ. LAT ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = LT END IF ELSE C C YINCPT = 0 was handled previously, so YINCPT < 0. C C This is the oblate case. C C In addition to the comparison of angles, we need to know C the input point is above the X-Y plane in order for the C GT or EQ relations to hold. C IF ( P(3) .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN IF ( OFFPCL .GT. LAT ) THEN REL = GT ELSE IF ( OFFPCL .EQ. LAT ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = LT END IF ELSE C C The input latitude is positive, while the point C is on or below the X-Y plane. C REL = LT END IF END IF ELSE C C LAT < 0, since the case LAT = 0 has already been handled. C IF ( YINCPT .LT. 0.D0 ) THEN C C This is the prolate case. C IF ( OFFPCL .GT. LAT ) THEN REL = GT ELSE IF ( OFFPCL .EQ. LAT ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = LT END IF ELSE C C YINCPT > 0, since the case YINCPT = 0 was handled C previously. C C This is the oblate case. C IF ( P(3) .LT. 0.D0 ) THEN IF ( OFFPCL .GT. LAT ) THEN REL = GT ELSE IF ( OFFPCL .EQ. LAT ) THEN REL = EQ ELSE REL = LT END IF ELSE C C The input latitude is negative, while the point C is on or above the X-Y plane. C REL = GT END IF END IF END IF CALL CHKOUT ( 'ZZPDCMPL' ) RETURN END
submodule (h5fortran:write) write_scalar use hdf5, only: h5dwrite_f implicit none (type, external) contains module procedure h5write_scalar integer(HID_T) :: filespace_id, dset_id, dtype_id integer(HSIZE_T) :: dims(0) integer :: ier if(.not.self%is_open) error stop 'h5fortran:write: file handle is not open' select type (value) type is (real(real32)) call hdf_create(self, dname, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, dims, filespace_id, dset_id, compact=compact) call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_REAL, value, dims, ier) type is (real(real64)) call hdf_create(self, dname, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, dims, filespace_id, dset_id, compact=compact) call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, value, dims, ier) type is (integer(int32)) call hdf_create(self, dname, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, dims, filespace_id, dset_id, compact=compact) call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_NATIVE_INTEGER, value, dims, ier) type is (integer(int64)) call hdf_create(self, dname, H5T_STD_I64LE, dims, filespace_id, dset_id, compact=compact) call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, H5T_STD_I64LE, value, dims, ier) type is (character(*)) call hdf_create(self, dname, H5T_NATIVE_CHARACTER, dims, filespace_id, dset_id, dtype_id, charlen=len(value)) call h5dwrite_f(dset_id, dtype_id, value, dims, ier) if (ier /= 0) error stop 'h5fortran:write:string: could not write ' // dname // ' to ' // self%filename call h5tclose_f(dtype_id, ier) class default error stop "h5fortran:write: unknown type" end select if (ier /= 0) error stop 'h5fortran:write: could not write ' // dname // ' to ' // self%filename call hdf_wrapup(dset_id, filespace_id) end procedure h5write_scalar end submodule write_scalar
C Copyright(C) 2008-2017 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of C Sandia, LLC (NTESS). Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with C NTESS, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. C C Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without C modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are C met: C C * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright C notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. C C * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above C copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following C disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided C with the distribution. C C * Neither the name of NTESS nor the names of its C contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived C from this software without specific prior written permission. C C THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS C "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT C LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR C A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT C OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, C SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT C LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, C DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY C THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT C (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE C OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. C C======================================================================= SUBROUTINE NXMMAX (ISTEP, MMNUM, IVAR, NVAR, NUM, VAR, & OLDMIN, OLDMAX, XMIN, XMAX, & MINSTE, MAXSTE, MINNE, MAXNE, NMIN, NMAX) C======================================================================= C --*** NXMMAX *** (GROPE) Find the min/max for this time step C -- C --NXMMAX finds an incremental minimum and maximum of a variable C --for this time step. It does not reset the min/max if not on the C --first step. It may find the min/max that are greater/less than C --the previous values. C -- C --Parameters: C -- ISTEP - IN - the current step number, previous XMIN and XMAX C -- are overwritten if <=1 C -- MMNUM - IN - number of sequential min/max requests for this C -- variable, if >1 then find next min/max C -- IVAR - IN - min/max variable number C -- NUM - IN - the number of nodes or elements or 1 for global C -- VAR - IN - the variables for current time step C -- OLDMIN, OLDMAX - IN/OUT - the last minimum and maximum values, C -- only if MMNUM > 1 C -- XMIN, XMAX - IN/OUT - the minimum and maximum values C -- MINSTE, MAXSTE - IN/OUT - the step number where the minimum and C -- maximum were found C -- MINNE, MAXNE - IN/OUT - the node or element number where the C -- minimum and maximum were found C -- NMIN, NMAX - IN/OUT - the number of values equal to the minimum C -- and maximum were found REAL VAR(NUM, NVAR) IF (ISTEP .LE. 1) THEN XMIN = 1.0E36 XMAX = - 1.0E36 IF (MMNUM .LE. 1) THEN OLDMIN = - 1.0E36 OLDMAX = 1.0E36 ELSE OLDMIN = XMAX OLDMAX = XMIN END IF END IF DO 100 I = 1, NUM IF ((XMIN .GT. VAR(I,IVAR)) & .AND. (VAR(I,IVAR) .GT. OLDMIN)) THEN XMIN = VAR(I,IVAR) MINSTE = ISTEP MINNE = I NMIN = 1 ELSE IF (XMIN .EQ. VAR(I,IVAR)) THEN NMIN = NMIN + 1 END IF IF ((XMAX .LT. VAR(I,IVAR)) & .AND. (VAR(I,IVAR) .LT. OLDMAX)) THEN XMAX = VAR(I,IVAR) MAXSTE = ISTEP MAXNE = I NMAX = 1 ELSE IF (XMAX .EQ. VAR(I,IVAR)) THEN NMAX = NMAX + 1 END IF 100 CONTINUE RETURN END
! RUN: %S/test_errors.sh %s %t %flang_fc1 ! REQUIRES: shell !Test for checking data constraints, C882-C887 module m1 type person integer :: age character(len=25) :: name end type integer, parameter::digits(5) = ( /-11,-22,-33,44,55/ ) integer ::notConstDigits(5) real, parameter::numbers(5) = ( /-11.11,-22.22,-33.33,44.44,55.55/ ) integer, parameter :: repeat = -1 integer :: myAge = 2 type(person) associated end subroutine CheckRepeat use m1 type(person) myName(6) !C882 !ERROR: Missing initialization for parameter 'uninitialized' integer, parameter :: uninitialized !C882 !ERROR: Repeat count (-1) for data value must not be negative DATA myName(1)%age / repeat * 35 / !C882 !ERROR: Repeat count (-11) for data value must not be negative DATA myName(2)%age / digits(1) * 35 / !C882 !ERROR: Must be a constant value DATA myName(3)%age / repet * 35 / !C885 !ERROR: Must have INTEGER type, but is REAL(4) DATA myName(4)%age / numbers(1) * 35 / !C886 !ERROR: Must be a constant value DATA myName(5)%age / notConstDigits(1) * 35 / !C887 !ERROR: Must be a constant value DATA myName(6)%age / digits(myAge) * 35 / end subroutine CheckValue use m1 !ERROR: USE-associated object 'associated' must not be initialized in a DATA statement data associated / person(1, 'Abcd Ijkl') / type(person) myName(3) !OK: constant structure constructor data myname(1) / person(1, 'Abcd Ijkl') / !C883 !ERROR: 'persn' is not an array data myname(2) / persn(2, 'Abcd Efgh') / !C884 !ERROR: DATA statement value 'person(age=myage,name="Abcd Ijkl ")' for 'myname(3_8)%age' is not a constant data myname(3) / person(myAge, 'Abcd Ijkl') / integer, parameter :: a(5) =(/11, 22, 33, 44, 55/) integer :: b(5) =(/11, 22, 33, 44, 55/) integer :: i integer :: x, y, z !OK: constant array element data x / a(1) / !C886, C887 !ERROR: DATA statement value 'a(int(i,kind=8))' for 'y' is not a constant data y / a(i) / !ERROR: DATA statement value 'b(1_8)' for 'z' is not a constant data z / b(1) / end
program main use dyn_tt integer :: d, rmax, nswp, verb, kickrank, Asize, Ysize real(8) :: tau integer, allocatable :: n(:), m(:), ra(:), ry(:) complex(8), allocatable :: crA(:), crY(:) integer :: i open(unit=10,status='old',file='test_ksl.dat',form='unformatted',access='stream') !open(unit=10,status='old',file='test_eye_ksl.dat',form='unformatted',access='stream') read(10) d allocate(n(d)) allocate(m(d)) print *,'d=',d read(10) n(1:d) read(10) m(1:d) allocate(ra(d+1)) allocate(ry(d+1)) read(10) ra(1:d+1) read(10) ry(1:d+1) read(10) Asize allocate(crA(Asize)) read(10) crA(1:Asize) allocate(crY(Ysize)) read(10) Ysize read(10) crY(1:Ysize) read(10) tau,rmax,kickrank,nswp,verb close(10) !Test if we read all correctly print *,'n=',n(1:d) print *,'m=',m(1:d) print *,'ra=',ra(1:d+1) print *,'ry=',ry(1:d+1) print *,'tau=',tau, 'rmax=',rmax,'kickrank=',kickrank,'nswp=',nswp,'verb=',verb do while ( 1 > 0 ) call ztt_ksl(d,n,m,ra,crA, crY, ry, tau, rmax, kickrank, nswp, verb) end do !Now we can call the main block !open(unit=10,status='replace',file='test_ksl.dat',form='unformatted') !write(10) d,n,m,ra,ry,pa(d+1)-1,crA(1:(pa(d+1)-1)),mm-1,crY0(1:mm-1),tau,rmax,kickrank,nswp,verb !close(10) !return end program
!******************************************************************* ! * SUBROUTINE EL41INT(JJJA,JJJB,JA,JB,JC,IREZ,JJA,JJB,JJC,JJD, & ICOLBREI,INTERACT) ! * ! -------------- SECTION METWO SUBPROGRAM 10 ------------- * ! * ! THIS PACKAGE DETERMINES THE VALUES OF MATRIX ELEMENTS * ! OF TWO PARTICLE OPERATOR IN CASE : N'1 = N1 + 1 * ! N'2 = N2 + 1 * ! N'3 = N3 - 2, * ! WHEN IREZ = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * ! N'1 = N1 - 1 * ! N'2 = N2 - 1 * ! N'3 = N3 + 2, * ! WHEN IREZ = 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * ! * ! SUBROUTINE CALLED: COULOM,EILE,ITREXG,IXJTIK, * ! JFAZE,PERKO2,RECO,REC3 * ! * ! Written by G. Gaigalas NIST, December 2015 * ! * !******************************************************************* ! !----------------------------------------------- ! M o d u l e s !----------------------------------------------- USE vast_kind_param, ONLY: DOUBLE USE CONS_C USE m_C USE orb_C USE trk_C !----------------------------------------------- ! I n t e r f a c e B l o c k s !----------------------------------------------- USE eile_I USE reco_I USE rec3_I USE perko2_I USE snrc_I ! USE jfaze_I USE ixjtik_I USE itrexg_I USE itrig_I USE coulom_I ! USE gg1233_I ! USE sixj_I ! USE speak_I ! USE cxk_I ! USE talk_I IMPLICIT NONE !----------------------------------------------- ! D u m m y A r g u m e n t s !----------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: JJJA,JJJB,JA,JB,JC,IREZ,JJA,JJB, & JJC,JJD,ICOLBREI INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: INTERACT ! DIMENSION J(3) ! DIMENSION COND(12,20),S(12),IS(4),KAPS(4),KS(4) !----------------------------------------------- ! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s !----------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: IA,IB,IC,II,IIA,IIB,IIC,IBRD,IBRE,IP1,IG1,IP2,IG2, & IAT,IID,IKK,IFAZ,IFAZP,IFAZFRCS,INN,I2,I3,JB1,JAA, & JBB,JCC,J12,KRA,L1,L2,L3,ND1,ND2,NE1,NE2,N,NN,NU, & NUP1,MU INTEGER :: INTERACT1, INTERACT2 INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) :: J INTEGER, DIMENSION(4) :: IS,KAPS,KS ! REAL(DOUBLE) :: AA,AB,A1,BB,QM1,QM2,QM3,QM4,SI,RECC REAL(DOUBLE) :: AA,A1,BB,SI,RECC ! REAL(DOUBLE), DIMENSION(12) :: S ! REAL(DOUBLE), DIMENSION(12,20) :: COND !----------------------------------------------- INTERACT=0 CALL EILE(JA,JB,JC,JAA,JBB,JCC) IF(NPEEL.LE.1)RETURN CALL RECO(JAA,JCC,JBB,JBB,2,IAT) IF(IAT.EQ.0)RETURN IA=JLIST(JA) IB=JLIST(JB) IC=JLIST(JC) IIA=JLIST(JJA) IIB=JLIST(JJB) IIC=JLIST(JJC) IID=JLIST(JJD) ! IF(IREZ.EQ.1) THEN ! QM1=-HALF ! QM2=-HALF ! QM3=HALF ! QM4=HALF ! ELSE ! QM1=HALF ! QM2=HALF ! QM3=-HALF ! QM4=-HALF ! END IF CALL PERKO2(JA,JB,JC,JA,3) J(1)=ID1(3) J(2)=ID2(3) J(3)=ID3(3) L1=(J(1)+1)/2 L2=(J(2)+1)/2 L3=(J(3)+1)/2 IF (ICOLBREI .EQ. 2) THEN IS(1)=IIA IS(2)=IIB IS(3)=IIC IS(4)=IID KAPS(1)=2*NAK(IS(1)) KAPS(2)=2*NAK(IS(2)) KAPS(3)=2*NAK(IS(3)) KAPS(4)=2*NAK(IS(4)) KS(1)=IABS(KAPS(1)) KS(2)=IABS(KAPS(2)) KS(3)=IABS(KAPS(3)) KS(4)=IABS(KAPS(4)) CALL SNRC(IS,KAPS,KS,ND1,ND2,NE1,NE2,IBRD,IBRE) IF(IBRD .LE. 0)RETURN ! DO II=1,20 ! COND(1,II) =ZERO ! COND(2,II) =ZERO ! COND(3,II) =ZERO ! COND(4,II) =ZERO ! COND(5,II) =ZERO ! COND(6,II) =ZERO ! COND(7,II) =ZERO ! COND(8,II) =ZERO ! COND(9,II) =ZERO ! COND(10,II)=ZERO ! COND(11,II)=ZERO ! COND(12,II)=ZERO ! END DO END IF ! IFAZP=JFAZE(JC,JA,JB,JC) ! IFAZFRCS = 1 ! ! TRANSFORM FANO & RACAH PHASE CONVENTION ! TO CONDON & SHORTLEY PHASE CONVENTION ! ! IFAZ=IK1(5)*IK1(4)+IK2(5)*IK2(4)-ID1(5)*ID1(4)-ID2(5)*ID2(4)+ & ! IK3(5)*IK3(4)-ID3(5)*ID3(4) ! IF((IFAZ/4)*4.NE.IFAZ)IFAZFRCS=-IFAZFRCS ! ! IF(JA.GT.JB) THEN ! JAA=JB ! JBB=JA ! ELSE ! JAA=JA ! JBB=JB ! END IF ! NN=0 ! JB1=JBB-1 ! DO II=JAA,JB1 ! INN=JLIST(II) ! NN=NQ1(INN)+NN ! END DO ! IF((NN/2)*2.EQ.NN)IFAZP=-IFAZP ! * * * * * * * * * ! CASES 3312 + + - - TRANSFORM TO 1233 - - + + ! 3321 1233 ! (IREZ = 1) ! OR ! CASES 1233 + + - - TRANSFORM TO 1233 + + - - ! 2133 1233 ! (IREZ = 2) IP1=ITREXG(J(2),J(1),J(3),J(3),IKK)+1 IF(IKK.LE.0)RETURN IG1=IP1+IKK-1 IP2=ITREXG(J(3),J(1),J(2),J(3),IKK)+1 IF(IKK.LE.0) RETURN IG2=IP2+IKK-1 DO I2=IP2,IG2,2 KRA=(I2-1)/2 ! IF (ICOLBREI .EQ. 1) THEN INTERACT1 = 0 IF(IREZ.EQ.2) THEN CALL COULOM(L1,L2,L3,L3,ID1(5),ID2(5),ID3(5),ID3(5),KRA,A1) ELSE CALL COULOM(L3,L3,L1,L2,ID3(5),ID3(5),ID1(5),ID2(5),KRA,A1) END IF IF(DABS(A1).LT.EPS) CYCLE INTERACT1 = 1 END IF ! ! AB=ZERO INTERACT2 = 0 DO I3=IP1,IG1,2 J12=(I3-1)/2 IFAZ=J(2)-J12+1 IF(IREZ.EQ.2)IFAZ=J(1)-J12+1 IF((IFAZ/2)*2.NE.IFAZ) CYCLE CALL REC3(JA,JB,JC,J(1),J(2),J12*2,0,IAT,AA) IF(IAT.EQ.0) CYCLE IF(IXJTIK(J(3),J(1),KRA*2,J(2),J(3),J12*2).EQ.0) CYCLE INTERACT2 = INTERACT2 +1 ! CALL GG1233(IK1,IK2,IK3,BK1,BK2,BK3,ID1,ID2,ID3,BD1, & ! BD2,BD3,J12,QM1,QM2,QM3,QM4,AA) ! IF(DABS(AA).LT.EPS) CYCLE ! CALL REC3(JA,JB,JC,J(1),J(2),J12*2,1,IAT,RECC) ! AA=AA*RECC ! CALL SIXJ(J(3),J(1),KRA*2,J(2),J(3),J12*2,0,SI) ! AA=AA*SI*DSQRT(DBLE(I3)) ! IFAZ=J(3)+J(1)+2*J12+2*KRA ! IF(IREZ.EQ.2)IFAZ=J(2)+J(3)+2*J12+2*KRA ! IF((IFAZ/4)*4.NE.IFAZ)AA=-AA ! AB=AB+AA END DO !CIA GG KLAIDA !!! IF(INTERACT2 .EQ. 0) CYCLE ! IF(DABS(AB).LT.EPS) CYCLE ! AB=-AB*DBLE(IFAZP) IF (ICOLBREI .EQ. 1) THEN INTERACT = INTERACT1 IF(INTERACT .GT. 0) RETURN ! BB=A1*AB*DBLE(IFAZFRCS) ! CALL SPEAK(JJJA,JJJB,IIA,IIB,IIC,IID,KRA,BB) ELSE IF (ICOLBREI .EQ. 2) THEN INTERACT = 1 RETURN ! NU=KRA ! IF(((NU-ND1)/2)*2 .EQ. (NU-ND1)) THEN ! IF((ITRIG(KS(1),KS(3),NU+NU+1).NE.0) .AND. & ! (ITRIG(KS(2),KS(4),NU+NU+1).NE.0)) THEN ! N=(NU-ND1)/2+1 ! IF(NU .GT. 0) THEN ! CALL CXK(S,IS,KAPS,NU,KRA,1,1) ! DO MU = 1,4 ! COND(MU,N)=COND(MU,N)+AB*S(MU) ! END DO ! END IF ! END IF ! END IF ! NU=KRA+1 ! IF(((NU-ND1)/2)*2 .EQ. (NU-ND1)) THEN ! IF((ITRIG(KS(1),KS(3),NU+NU-1).NE.0) .AND. & ! (ITRIG(KS(2),KS(4),NU+NU-1).NE.0)) THEN ! N=(NU-ND1)/2+1 ! IF(N .LE. ND2) THEN ! CALL CXK(S,IS,KAPS,NU,KRA,1,1) ! DO MU = 1,4 ! COND(MU,N)=COND(MU,N)+AB*S(MU) ! END DO ! END IF ! END IF ! END IF ! NU=KRA-1 ! IF(((NU-ND1)/2)*2 .EQ. (NU-ND1)) THEN ! IF((ITRIG(KS(1),KS(3),NU+NU+3).NE.0) .AND. & ! (ITRIG(KS(2),KS(4),NU+NU+3).NE.0)) THEN ! IF(NU .GE. 0) THEN ! N=(NU-ND1)/2+1 ! IF(N .LT. ND2) THEN ! CALL CXK(S,IS,KAPS,NU,KRA,1,1) ! DO MU = 1,12 ! COND(MU,N)=COND(MU,N)+AB*S(MU) ! END DO ! END IF ! END IF ! END IF ! END IF END IF END DO ! IF (ICOLBREI .EQ. 2) THEN ! DO N = 1,ND2 ! NU=ND1+2*(N-1) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NU,IS(1),IS(3),IS(2),IS(4),1,COND(1,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NU,IS(3),IS(1),IS(4),IS(2),1,COND(2,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NU,IS(1),IS(3),IS(4),IS(2),1,COND(3,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NU,IS(3),IS(1),IS(2),IS(4),1,COND(4,N)) ! IF(N.EQ.ND2) CYCLE ! NUP1=NU+1 ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(1),IS(3),IS(2),IS(4),2,COND(5,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(2),IS(4),IS(1),IS(3),2,COND(6,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(3),IS(1),IS(4),IS(2),2,COND(7,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(4),IS(2),IS(3),IS(1),2,COND(8,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(1),IS(3),IS(4),IS(2),2,COND(9,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(4),IS(2),IS(1),IS(3),2,COND(10,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(3),IS(1),IS(2),IS(4),2,COND(11,N)) ! CALL TALK(JJJA,JJJB,NUP1,IS(2),IS(4),IS(3),IS(1),2,COND(12,N)) ! END DO ! END IF RETURN 10 WRITE(99,100) 100 FORMAT(5X,'ERRO IN EL41INT PMGG RAGG') STOP END SUBROUTINE EL41INT
integer :: m = 12, clock,inirand,i,j,k,l,p,dimn,i1,ntm,mtc,q,r integer counter,i2,nrow,tend,count,tspc,flag,indi,indj,sampsz integer ii,jj integer, parameter ::Totrun=10 integer, parameter ::burntim=0 double precision, parameter ::stepszu=1.0d0 integer N,NRHS,LDA,INFO,LDB,tag,marker,Montrun integer, allocatable,dimension(:) :: iseed,IPIV double precision x,chi1,chi2,time,sum1,sigma,ratio,chiint,prob,y double precision pert,sumM,stepsz,sigmal,alpha double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) ::Delta,thetasave double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) ::mu2diff,Indic double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: mutreal,mu0real double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: mu1t,mu1diff,mu2t double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: Jtreal,J0real,M1 double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: M2,J1diff,J2diff integer, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: M1ind,M2ind integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: Accpt,List double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: J1,J2,A1,A2 double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: AVG double precision, allocatable, dimension(:) :: chisave,EqCORR double precision, allocatable, dimension(:,:) ::Areal,M1ini double precision, dimension(10,Totrun) :: chiequli,stdchiequli integer num_times cc integer :: pos1 = 1 cc character (len=100) :: t_string character(len=5),allocatable,dimension(:) :: t_i integer :: t_i_int cc call system("wc -m <time.txt > t_len") cc call system("wc -l <time.txt > num_times") cc open(unit=11,file='t_len',status='old') cc read(11,*)t_len cc close(11) cc open(unit=11,file='num_times',status='old') cc read(11,*)num_times cc close(11) num_times = 2 ALLOCATE(t_i(num_times)) cc ALLOCATE(t_string(t_len)) open(unit=11,file='time.txt',status='old',action='read') cc read(unit=11,fmt='(A)')t_string do j=1,num_times read(11,*)t_i(j) end do close(11) cc This segment of code below was taken from rosettacode.org. The section is "Tokenize a string", subsection "Fortran" cc DO z = 1, num_times cc pos2 = INDEX(t_string(pos1:), " ") cc IF (pos2 == 0) THEN cc t_i(z) = t_string(pos1:) cc EXIT cc END IF cc t_i(z) = t_string(pos1:pos1+pos2-2) cc pos1 = pos2+pos1 cc END DO cc BEGIN SAYAK's CODE cc call system("wc -l <avg_new.txt> & inpl") call system("awk 'NR==2{print NF}' & avg_new.txt> inpc") open(unit=11,file='inpc',status='old') read(11,*)dimn close(11) open(unit=12,file='inpl',status='old') read(12,*)nrow close(12) write(*,*)"row =",nrow allocate(EqCORR((nrow)*(dimn)**2)) allocate(AVG(nrow,dimn)) open(unit=10,file='equaltime.txt',status='old') do i=1,((nrow)*(dimn)**2) read(10,*)EqCORR(i) c write(*,*)'i =',i c write(*,*)'EqCorr = ',EqCorr(i) c call sleep(3) enddo close(10) open(unit=11,file='avg.txt', & status='old') do i=1,(nrow) read(11,*)(AVG(i,j),j=1,dimn) enddo close(11) cc open(unit=12,file='tend.txt',status='old') cc read(12,*)tend,tspc cc write(*,*)"tend=",tend,"tspc=",tspc cc close(12) tend=1 tspc=1 c This is the part Sayak pointed out needs changing read(t_i(tend),*) t_i_int1 read(t_i(tend+1),*) t_i_int2 time=t_i_int2-t_i_int1 cc if(tend.eq.1) then cc time=24.0d0 cc else if(tend.eq.2) then cc time = 32.0d0 cc else if(tend.eq.3) then cc time = 64.0d0 cc else if(tend.eq.4) then cc time = 128.0d0 cc endif write(*,*)"time =",time c ******* Initialize the random number generator ******** allocate(iseed(m)) call random_seed(size = m) call system_clock(COUNT=clock) iseed = clock + 37 * [(i1, i1 = 0,m-1)] call random_seed(PUT = iseed) c ************************************************************** c ************** Allocate arrays ************************** allocate(mutreal(dimn),mu0real(dimn),mu1t(dimn),mu1diff(dimn)) allocate(Jtreal(dimn,dimn),J0real(dimn,dimn),M1(dimn,dimn)) allocate(M2(dimn,dimn),A1(dimn,dimn),A2(dimn,dimn),J1(dimn,dimn)) allocate(J2(dimn,dimn),M1ind(dimn,dimn),M2ind(dimn,dimn)) allocate(J1diff(dimn,dimn),mu2diff(dimn),J2diff(dimn,dimn)) allocate(chisave(Totrun-burntim),mu2t(dimn)) allocate(Areal(dimn,dimn),Delta(dimn),IPIV(dimn)) allocate(M1ini(dimn,dimn),Accpt(Totrun)) allocate(Indic(Totrun)) c ****************************************************************** c ******* Initialize the arrays given from data ******************* mutreal=0.0d0 mu0real=0.0d0 Jtreal=0.0d0 J0real=0.0d0 IPIV=0 c ****************************************************************** c **************** Read initial data ******************************* p=(tend-1)*(dimn)**2+1 do i=1,dimn mu0real(i)=AVG(tend,i) mutreal(i)=AVG(tend+tspc,i) do j=1,dimn J0real(i,j)=EqCORR(p) c write(*,*)'p =',p c write(*,*)'J0real =',J0real(i,j) Jtreal(i,j)=EqCORR(tspc*(dimn)**2+p) c write(*,*)'dimn =',dimn c write(*,*)'Jtreal =',Jtreal(i,j) c call sleep(5) p=p+1 enddo enddo c write(*,*)"Mmat of J0=" c do i=1,dimn c write(*,'(1X,512F10.4)')(J0real(i,j),j=1,dimn) c enddo c c write(*,*)"Mmat of Jt=" c do i=1,dimn c write(*,'(1X,512F10.4)')(Jtreal(i,j),j=1,dimn) c enddo c write(*,*)" C0=" c write(*,'(1X,512F10.5)')(mu0real(j),j=1,dimn) c write(*,*)"C1=" c write(*,'(1X,512F10.5)')(mutreal(j),j=1,dimn) M1=0.0d0 write(*,*)"dimn=",dimn open(unit=21,file='Minitial.txt',status='old') do i=1,dimn read(21,*)(M1(i,j),j=1,dimn) enddo close(21) cc open(unit=15,file='prob.txt',status='old') cc read(15,*)prob cc close(15) prob = 0.0d0 c open(unit=15,file='step.txt',status='old') c read(15,*)stepsz c close(15) stepsz = 0.01d0 write(*,*)"stepsz= ",stepsz do i=1,dimn do j=1,dimn if(i.ne.j) then if(M1(i,j).lt.prob) then M1(i,j)=0.0d0*x endif endif enddo enddo do j=1,dimn sum1=0.0d0 M1(j,j)=0.0d0 do i=1,dimn sum1=sum1+M1(i,j) enddo M1(j,j)=-1.0*sum1 enddo write(*,*)"Mmat of choice=" do i=1,dimn write(*,'(1X,512F10.5)')(M1(i,j),j=1,dimn) enddo Allocate(List(dimn*dimn)) tag=0 List=0 marker=0 do i=1,dimn do j=1,dimn marker=marker+1 c if(i.ne.j) then if(M1(i,j).ne.0.0) then tag=tag+1 List(tag)=marker endif c endif enddo enddo c Montrun=10000*tag !assigning Monte Carlo Steps Montrun=1000000 c allocate(thetasave(Montrun)) c ******************************************************************* c ************** Initial distance calculation ********************************** chi1=0.0d0 A1=0.0d0 A1=expm(time,M1,dimn) mu1t=0.0d0 mu1diff=0.0d0 J1=0.0d0 J1diff=0.0d0 do i=1,dimn do j=1,dimn c write(*,*)'A1 =',A1(i,j) mu1t(i)=mu1t(i)+A1(i,j)*mu0real(j) c write(*,*)'mu1t =',mu1t(i) c call sleep(5) enddo mu1diff(i)=1.0d0-mu1t(i)/mutreal(i) c write(*,*)'mu1diff =',mu1diff(i) c call sleep(5) enddo do i=1,dimn do j=i,dimn count=count+1 do l=1,dimn do p=1,dimn J1(i,j)=J1(i,j)+A1(i,l)*J0real(l,p)*A1(j,p) c write(*,*)'J1' c write(*,*)J1(i,j) enddo enddo c write(*,*)'Jtreal =',Jtreal(i,j) c write(*,*)Jtreal(i,j) c write(*,*)'J1diff' J1diff(i,j)=1.0d0-J1(i,j)/Jtreal(i,j) c write(*,*)'J1diff =',J1diff(i,j) c call sleep(5) enddo enddo do i=1,dimn do j=i,dimn chi1=chi1+J1diff(i,j)**2 c write(*,*)'part 1' c write(*,*)chi1 enddo chi1=chi1+mu1diff(i)**2 c write(*,*)'part2' c write(*,*)chi1 enddo sigma=10*chi1 write(*,*)"sigma=",sigma write(*,*)"chi1 =",chi1 alpha=dexp((dlog(0.000001/sigma))/(1.0d0*Totrun)) write(*,*)"alpha= ",alpha c call sleep(300) c write(*,*)"tag=",tag c open(unit=20,file='prob_new.txt',status='old') c read(20,*)prob c close(20) c open(unit=21,file='pert.txt',status='old') c read(21,*)pert c close(21) c *********************************************************************************** c ********************* Temperature loop ********************************************* c HERE'S SOME THINGS I ALLOCATED IN A DEBUGGING ATTEMPT c allocate(Indic(1)) allocate(thetasave(1)) c allocate(Accpt(1)) c allocate(chisave(1)) c allocate( chisave=0.0d0 Accpt=0 chiequli=0.0d0 stdchiequli=0.0d0 Indic=0.0d0 c Beginning of temperture loop do ntm=1,Totrun c prog=ntm/Totrun c write(prog_str,’(F3.1)’)prog write(*,'(a)',advance='no')"Run " write(*,'(i4)',advance='no')ntm write(*,'(a)',advance='no')" out of " write(*,'(i4)',advance='no')Totrun thetasave=0.0d0 Indic(ntm)=sigma if(MOD(ntm,1000)==0) then write(*,*) ntm endif flag=0 sampsz=0 c Beginning of Monte Carlo loop do mtc=1,Montrun M2=0.0d0 call random_number(x) if(MOD(List(int(1.0+1.0d0*(tag)*x)),dimn).eq.0) then indi=int((1.0d0*List(int(1.0+1.0d0*(tag)*x)))/ & (dimn*1.0d0)) indj=dimn else indi= int((1.0d0*List(int(1.0+1.0d0*(tag)*x)))/ & (dimn*1.0d0))+1 indj= int(MOD(List(int(1.0+1.0d0*(tag)*x)),dimn)) endif c write(*,*)"indi=",indi,"indj=",indj M2=M1 call random_number(x) if(indi.eq.indj) then M2(indi,indj)=M1(indi,indj)+stepsz*(2.0d0*x-1.0d0) else c write(*,*)M1(indi,indj)+ stepsz*(2.0d0*x-1.0d0) if(((M1(indi,indj)+ stepsz*(2.0d0*x-1.0d0)).lt.0.0) & .OR.((M1(indi,indj)+ stepsz*(2.0d0*x-1.0d0)).gt.1.0)) & then M2(indi,indj)=M1(indi,indj) else M2(indi,indj)=M1(indi,indj)+stepsz*(2.0d0*x-1.0d0)) endif endif c write(*,*)"Mmat of M2=" c do i=1,dimn c write(*,'(1X,512F10.5)')(M2(i,j),j=1,dimn) c enddo chi2=0.0d0 A2=0.0d0 A2=expm(time,M2,dimn) mu2t=0.0d0 mu2diff=0.0d0 J2=0.0d0 J2diff=0.0d0 do i=1,dimn do j=1,dimn mu2t(i)=mu2t(i)+A2(i,j)*mu0real(j) enddo mu2diff(i)=1.0d0-mu2t(i)/mutreal(i) enddo do i=1,dimn do j=i,dimn count=count+1 do l=1,dimn do p=1,dimn J2(i,j)=J2(i,j)+A2(i,l)*J0real(l,p) & *A2(j,p) enddo enddo J2diff(i,j)=1.0d0-J2(i,j)/Jtreal(i,j) enddo enddo do i=1,dimn cccTHIS IS THE SPOT YOU CHANGED TO REMOVE THE COVARIANCE FROM THE COST FUNCTION do j=i,dimn chi2=chi2+J2diff(i,j)**2 enddo chi2=chi2+mu2diff(i)**2 enddo do j=1,dimn sumM=0.0d0 do i=1,dimn sumM=sumM+M2(i,j) enddo chi2=chi2+(sumM**2) enddo c write(*,*)"chi2= ",chi2 ratio=dexp((-chi2+chi1)/(2.0d0*sigma)) call random_number(x) c write(*,*)"ratio=",ratio,"x=",x,"chi2=",chi2 if(x.lt.ratio) then c write(*,*) "yeah" flag=flag+1 M1=M2 chi1=chi2 endif if(mtc.gt.Montrun-100000) then chiequli(int(sampsz/10000)+1,ntm)= & chiequli(int(sampsz/10000)+1,ntm)+chi1 stdchiequli(int(sampsz/10000)+1,ntm)= & stdchiequli(int(sampsz/10000)+1,ntm)+chi1**2 sampsz=sampsz+1 endif c thetasave(mtc)=chi1 enddo !end of Monte Carlo run sigma=alpha*sigma Accpt(ntm)=flag if(ntm.gt.burntim) then c counter=0 c do i=1,dimn c do j=1,dimn c if(i.ne.j) then c counter=counter+1 c thetasave(ntm-burntim,counter)=M1(i,j) c endif c enddo c enddo chisave(ntm-burntim)=chi1 endif write(*,'(a)',advance='no')char(13) enddo ! end of temperature loop write(*,*)"sigma=",sigma open(unit=41,status='unknown') do i=1,dimn write(41,'(1X,512F20.10)')(M1(i,j),j=1,dimn) enddo close(41) i2=Totrun-burntim open(unit=42,status='unknown') do i=1,i2 c write(*,*)chisave(i) write(42,'(1X,512F30.10)')chisave(i) enddo close(42) open(unit=40,status='unknown') do i=1,Totrun write(40,'(1X,512I7)')Accpt(i) enddo close(40) open(unit=49,status='unknown') do i=1,10 write(49,'(1X,100000F30.10)')(chiequli(i,j)/10000.0d0, & j=1,Totrun) enddo close(49) open(unit=59,status='unknown') do i=1,10 write(59,'(1X,100000F30.10)')(sqrt(stdchiequli(i,j)/10000.0d0 & -(chiequli(i,j)/10000.0d0)**2),j=1,Totrun) enddo close(59) c open(unit=50,status='unknown') c do i=1,Montrun c write(50,'(1X,512F20.10)')thetasave(i) c enddo c close(50) open(unit=51,status='unknown') do i=1,Totrun write(51,'(1X,512F30.15)')Indic(i) enddo close(51) contains function expm(t,H,N1) result(expH) double precision, intent(in):: t integer, intent(in)::N1 double precision, dimension(N1,N1), intent(in)::H double precision, dimension(size(H,1),size(H,2)) :: expH external :: DGPADM integer, parameter :: ideg = 6 double precision, dimension(4*size(H,1)*size(H,2) + ideg + 1) & :: wsp integer, dimension(size(H,1)) :: iwsp integer :: iexp, ns, iflag, n if (size(H,1) /= size(H,2)) then stop 'expm: matrix must be square' end if n = size(H,1) call DGPADM(ideg, n, t, H, n, wsp, size(wsp,1), iwsp, iexp, & ns,iflag) expH = reshape(wsp(iexp:iexp+n*n-1), shape(expH)) end function expm 10 end c----------------------------------------------------------------------| subroutine DGPADM( ideg,m,t,H,ldh,wsp,lwsp,ipiv,iexph,ns,iflag ) implicit none integer ideg, m, ldh, lwsp, iexph, ns, iflag, ipiv(m) double precision t, H(ldh,m), wsp(lwsp) c-----Purpose----------------------------------------------------------| c c Computes exp(t*H), the matrix exponential of a general matrix in c full, using the irreducible rational Pade approximation to the c exponential function exp(x) = r(x) = (+/-)( I + 2*(q(x)/p(x)) ), c combined with scaling-and-squaring. c c-----Arguments--------------------------------------------------------| c c ideg : (input) the degre of the diagonal Pade to be used. c a value of 6 is generally satisfactory. c c m : (input) order of H. c c H(ldh,m) : (input) argument matrix. c c t : (input) time-scale (can be < 0). c c wsp(lwsp) : (workspace/output) lwsp .ge. 4*m*m+ideg+1. c c ipiv(m) : (workspace) c c>>>> iexph : (output) number such that wsp(iexph) points to exp(tH) c i.e., exp(tH) is located at wsp(iexph ... iexph+m*m-1) c ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ c NOTE: if the routine was called with wsp(iptr), c then exp(tH) will start at wsp(iptr+iexph-1). c c ns : (output) number of scaling-squaring used. c c iflag : (output) exit flag. c 0 - no problem c <0 - problem c c----------------------------------------------------------------------| c Roger B. Sidje ([email protected]) c EXPOKIT: Software Package for Computing Matrix Exponentials. c ACM - Transactions On Mathematical Software, 24(1):130-156, 1998 c----------------------------------------------------------------------| c integer mm,i,j,k,ih2,ip,iq,iused,ifree,iodd,icoef,iput,iget double precision hnorm,scale,scale2,cp,cq intrinsic INT,ABS,DBLE,LOG,MAX c--- check restrictions on input parameters ... mm = m*m iflag = 0 if ( ldh.lt.m ) iflag = -1 if ( lwsp.lt.4*mm+ideg+1 ) iflag = -2 if ( iflag.ne.0 ) stop 'bad sizes (in input of DGPADM)' c c--- initialise pointers ... c icoef = 1 ih2 = icoef + (ideg+1) ip = ih2 + mm iq = ip + mm ifree = iq + mm c c--- scaling: seek ns such that ||t*H/2^ns|| < 1/2; c and set scale = t/2^ns ... c do i = 1,m wsp(i) = 0.0d0 enddo do j = 1,m do i = 1,m wsp(i) = wsp(i) + ABS( H(i,j) ) enddo enddo hnorm = 0.0d0 do i = 1,m hnorm = MAX( hnorm,wsp(i) ) enddo hnorm = ABS( t*hnorm ) if ( hnorm.eq.0.0d0 ) stop 'Error - null H in input of DGPADM.' ns = MAX( 0,INT(LOG(hnorm)/LOG(2.0d0))+2 ) scale = t / DBLE(2**ns) scale2 = scale*scale c c--- compute Pade coefficients ... c i = ideg+1 j = 2*ideg+1 wsp(icoef) = 1.0d0 do k = 1,ideg wsp(icoef+k) = (wsp(icoef+k-1)*DBLE( i-k ))/DBLE( k*(j-k) ) enddo c c--- H2 = scale2*H*H ... c call DGEMM( 'n','n',m,m,m,scale2,H,ldh,H,ldh,0.0d0,wsp(ih2),m ) c c--- initialize p (numerator) and q (denominator) ... c cp = wsp(icoef+ideg-1) cq = wsp(icoef+ideg) do j = 1,m do i = 1,m wsp(ip + (j-1)*m + i-1) = 0.0d0 wsp(iq + (j-1)*m + i-1) = 0.0d0 enddo wsp(ip + (j-1)*(m+1)) = cp wsp(iq + (j-1)*(m+1)) = cq enddo c c--- Apply Horner rule ... c iodd = 1 k = ideg - 1 100 continue iused = iodd*iq + (1-iodd)*ip call DGEMM( 'n','n',m,m,m, 1.0d0,wsp(iused),m, . wsp(ih2),m, 0.0d0,wsp(ifree),m ) do j = 1,m wsp(ifree+(j-1)*(m+1)) = wsp(ifree+(j-1)*(m+1))+wsp(icoef+k-1) enddo ip = (1-iodd)*ifree + iodd*ip iq = iodd*ifree + (1-iodd)*iq ifree = iused iodd = 1-iodd k = k-1 if ( k.gt.0 ) goto 100 c c--- Obtain (+/-)(I + 2*(p\q)) ... c if ( iodd .eq. 1 ) then call DGEMM( 'n','n',m,m,m, scale,wsp(iq),m, . H,ldh, 0.0d0,wsp(ifree),m ) iq = ifree else call DGEMM( 'n','n',m,m,m, scale,wsp(ip),m, . H,ldh, 0.0d0,wsp(ifree),m ) ip = ifree endif call DAXPY( mm, -1.0d0,wsp(ip),1, wsp(iq),1 ) call DGESV( m,m, wsp(iq),m, ipiv, wsp(ip),m, iflag ) if ( iflag.ne.0 ) stop 'Problem in DGESV (within DGPADM)' call DSCAL( mm, 2.0d0, wsp(ip), 1 ) do j = 1,m wsp(ip+(j-1)*(m+1)) = wsp(ip+(j-1)*(m+1)) + 1.0d0 enddo iput = ip if ( ns.eq.0 .and. iodd.eq.1 ) then call DSCAL( mm, -1.0d0, wsp(ip), 1 ) goto 200 endif c c-- squaring : exp(t*H) = (exp(t*H))^(2^ns) ... c iodd = 1 do k = 1,ns iget = iodd*ip + (1-iodd)*iq iput = (1-iodd)*ip + iodd*iq call DGEMM( 'n','n',m,m,m, 1.0d0,wsp(iget),m, wsp(iget),m, . 0.0d0,wsp(iput),m ) iodd = 1-iodd enddo 200 continue iexph = iput END c----------------------------------------------------------------------|
subroutine cgln_amps implicit none include 'mpintp.inc' include 'spp.inc' integer l call multipole_amps call legendre if (method_helicity.eq.1) then ff1 = 0.0 ff2 = 0.0 ff3 = 0.0 ff4 = 0.0 ff5 = 0.0 ff6 = 0.0 do l = 0, wave_L if(l.lt.2) then ff1 = ff1 + (l * mp(l) + ep(l)) * pol(l + 1, 1) else ff1 = ff1 + (l * mp(l) + ep(l)) * pol(l + 1, 1)& + ((l + 1) * mm(l) + em(l)) * pol(l - 1, 1) endif enddo do l = 1, wave_L ff2 = ff2 + ((l + 1) * mp(l) + l * mm(l)) * pol(l, 1) if(l.lt.2) then ff3 = ff3 + (ep(l) - mp(l)) * pol(l + 1, 2) else ff3 = ff3 + (ep(l) - mp(l)) * pol(l + 1, 2) + & (em(l) + mm(l)) * pol(l - 1, 2) endif enddo do l = 2, wave_L ff4 = ff4 + (mp(l) - ep(l) - mm(l) - em(l)) * pol(l, 2) enddo do l = 0, wave_L if(l.lt.2) then ff5 = ff5 + (l + 1) * sp(l) * pol(l + 1, 1) else ff5 = ff5 + ((l + 1) * sp(l) * pol(l + 1, 1) - l * sm(l) * pol(l - 1, 1)) endif enddo do l = 1, wave_L ff6 = ff6 + (l * sm(l) - (l + 1) * sp(l)) * pol(l, 1) enddo else do l = 0, max_L + 1 ap(l) = 0.0 am(l) = 0.0 bp(l) = 0.0 bm(l) = 0.0 cp(l) = 0.0 cm(l) = 0.0 enddo do l = 0, max_L ap(l) = 0.5 * (l * mp(l) + (l + 2) * ep(l)) am(l + 1) = 0.5 * ((l + 2) * mm(l + 1) - l * em(l + 1)) bp(l) = ep(l) - mp(l) bm(l + 1) = em(l + 1) + mm(l + 1) cp(l) = (l + 1) * sp(l) cm(l + 1) = -(l + 1) * sm(l + 1) enddo endif return end
!program reflectance SUBROUTINE reflectance( & nrow, ncol, & rori, & norm_1, norm_2, & ref_adj, & no_data, & radiance, & shadow_mask, & solar_angle, & sazi_angle, & view_angle, & rela_angle, & slope_angle, & aspect_angle, & it_angle, & et_angle, & rela_slope, & a_mod, & b_mod, & s_mod, & fs, & fv, & ts, & edir_h, & edif_h, & ref_lm, & ref_brdf, & ref_terrain, & iref_lm, & iref_brdf, & iref_terrain, & norm_solar_zenith) ! Calculates lambertian, brdf corrected and terrain corrected surface ! reflectance. ! input parameters integer nrow, ncol ! we should be passing in transposed arrays cols = rows and vice versa real*4 rori ! threshold for terrain correction real*4 ref_adj ! average reflectance for terrain correction real*4 no_data ! input & output no data value real*4 radiance(nrow, ncol) ! at sensor radiance image integer*1 shadow_mask(nrow, ncol) ! shadow mask real*4 solar_angle(nrow, ncol) ! solar zenith angle real*4 sazi_angle(nrow, ncol) ! solar azimuth angle real*4 view_angle(nrow, ncol) ! view angle (for flat surface) real*4 rela_angle(nrow, ncol) ! relative azimuth angle (for flat surface) real*4 slope_angle(nrow, ncol) ! slope angle real*4 aspect_angle(nrow, ncol) ! aspect angle real*4 it_angle(nrow, ncol) ! incident angle (for inclined surface) real*4 et_angle(nrow, ncol) ! exiting angle (for inclined surface) real*4 rela_slope(nrow, ncol) ! relative angle (for inclined surface) real*4 a_mod(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (a) real*4 b_mod(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (b) real*4 s_mod(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (s) real*4 fv(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (fs) real*4 fs(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (fv) real*4 ts(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (ts) real*4 edir_h(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (direct irradiance) real*4 edif_h(nrow, ncol) ! modtran output (diffuse irradiance) integer*2 iref_lm(nrow, ncol) ! atmospheric corrected lambertial reflectance integer*2 iref_brdf(nrow, ncol) ! atmospheric and brdf corrected reflectance integer*2 iref_terrain(nrow, ncol) ! atmospheric and brdf and terrain corrected reflectance real norm_solar_zenith ! solar zenith to normalize surface reflectance to !internal parameters passed as arrays. real*4 ref_lm(nrow) real*4 ref_brdf(nrow) real*4 ref_terrain(nrow) !f2py depend(nrow), ref_lm, ref_brdf, ref_terrain !f2py depend(nrow, ncol), radiance, shadow_mask !f2py depend(nrow, ncol), solar_angle, sazi_angle, view_angle, rela_angle !f2py depend(nrow, ncol), slope_angle,, aspect_angle, it_angle, et_angle !f2py depend(nrow, ncol), rela_slope, a_mod, b_mod, s_mod, fv, fs, ts !f2py depend(nrow, ncol), edir_h, edif_h !f2py depend(nrow, ncol), iref_lm, iref_brdf, iref_terrain !f2py intent(in) rori, norm_1, norm_2, ref_adj, no_data !f2py intent(in) dn_1, shadow_mask, solar_angle, !f2py intent(in) sazi_angle, view_angle, rela_angle, slope_angle, aspect_angle !f2py intent(in) it_angle, et_angle, rela_slope, a_mod, b_mod, s_mod, fv, fs, ts, edir_h, edif_h !f2py intent(in) ref_lm, ref_brdf, ref_terrain, dn !f2py intent(inout) iref_lm, iref_brdf, iref_terrain ! internal parameters integer i, j, i_no_data real pi, pib real ann_f, aa_viewf, aa_solarf, aa_white real ann_s, aa_views, aa_solars real lt, norm_1, norm_2 real solar, sazi, view, slope, aspect, ra_lm, ra_sl, it, et double precision a_eqf, b_eqf, c_eqf, ref_barf, aa_flat double precision a_eqs, b_eqs, c_eqs, ref_bars, aa_slope double precision ref_brdfrealf, ref_brdfreals double precision bb_angle, cc_angle, tttt real hb, br, fnn, it_brdf, it_bk, et_brdf, et_bk real angle_th real vt, vd,angle, edir_t, eadj, edif_t, rdir, rdif, rtotal real RL_brdf, black_sky, white_sky real cosslope, rth external RL_brdf, black_sky, white_sky ! li-sparse parameters hb = 2.0 br = 1.0 pi = 4 * atan(1.0) pib = pi / 180.0 ! integer version of the no_data value i_no_data = int(no_data) ! calculate white sky albedo aa_white = white_sky(1.0, norm_1, norm_2) ! calcualte BRDF at 45 solar angle and 0 view angle fnn = RL_brdf(norm_solar_zenith * pib, 0.0, 0.0, hb, br, 1.0, norm_1, norm_2) ! print*,fnn ! Now loop over the cols of the images do j=1,ncol !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! now loop over the rows of the images do i=1,nrow ! radiance value for the pixel lt = radiance(i, j) ! TODO: check radiance against a better null than 0 ! TODO: some at sensor radiance values are < 0 ! if valid masks and valid digital number then do the calcs if (a_mod(i, j) .ge. 0 .and. lt .ne. no_data) then if (rela_angle(i, j) .gt. 180) rela_angle(i, j) = rela_angle(i, j) - 360 if (rela_slope(i, j) .gt. 180) rela_slope(i, j) = rela_slope(i, j) - 360 ! convert angle to radians solar = solar_angle(i, j) * pib sazi = sazi_angle(i, j) * pib view = view_angle(i, j) * pib slope = slope_angle(i, j) * pib aspect = aspect_angle(i, j) * pib ra_lm = rela_angle(i, j) * pib ra_sl = rela_slope(i, j) * pib it = it_angle(i, j) * pib et = et_angle(i, j) * pib if (it_angle(i, j) .ge. 70.0) then it_brdf = 70.0 * pib else it_brdf = it_angle(i, j) * pib endif if (it_angle(i, j) .ge. 80.0) then it_bk = 80.0 * pib else it_bk = it_angle(i, j) * pib endif if (et_angle(i, j) .ge. 60.0) then et_brdf = 60.0 * pib else et_brdf = et_angle(i, j) * pib endif if (et_angle(i, j) .ge. 80.0) then et_bk = 80.0 * pib else et_bk = et_angle(i, j) * pib endif !------------------------------------------------ ! for flat surface ! calcualte lambetian reflectance with bilinear average ref_lm(i) = (lt - b_mod(i, j)) / (a_mod(i, j) + s_mod(i, j) * & (lt - b_mod(i, j))) iref_lm(i, j) = ref_lm(i) * 10000 + 0.5 ! this is to ensure that lambartian corrected reflectance to not ! exceed above limit of 1.0 if (ref_lm(i) .ge. 1) then ref_lm(i) = 1.0 iref_lm(i, j) = ref_lm(i) * 10000 endif ! set as small number if atmospheric corrected reflectance ! below 0.0001 if (ref_lm(i).lt. 0.0001) then ref_lm(i) = 0.0001 ref_brdf(i) = 0.0001 iref_lm(i, j) = 1 iref_brdf(i, j) = 1 else ! calculate normalized BRDF shape function ann_f = RL_brdf(solar, view, ra_lm, hb, br, 1.0, norm_1, norm_2) ! calculate black sky albedo for sloar angle aa_solarf = black_sky(1.0, norm_1, norm_2, solar) ! calculate black sky albedo for view angle aa_viewf = black_sky(1.0, norm_1, norm_2, view) ! aa_flat = (fv(i, j) * (fs(i, j) * ann_f + (1.0 - fs(i, j)) * & aa_viewf) + (1.0 - fv(i, j)) * (fs(i, j) * & aa_solarf + (1.0 - fs(i, j)) * aa_white)) / aa_white a_eqf = (1 - aa_flat) * s_mod(i, j) * (1 - s_mod(i, j) * & ref_lm(i)) b_eqf = aa_flat + ref_lm(i) * (1 - aa_flat) * s_mod(i, j) c_eqf = -ref_lm(i) if (abs(a_eqf) .lt. 0.0000001) then ref_barf = -c_eqf / b_eqf else ref_barf = (-b_eqf + & sqrt(b_eqf**2 - 4 * a_eqf * c_eqf)) / & (2 * a_eqf) endif ref_brdfrealf = ann_f * ref_barf / aa_white ref_brdf(i) = ref_barf * fnn / aa_white iref_brdf(i, j) = ref_brdf(i) * 10000 + 0.5 ! this is to ensure that the brdf correction ! is the same as (or as close as possible to) the original NBAR version if (ref_brdf(i) .ge. 1) then ref_brdf(i) = 1.0 iref_brdf(i, j) = ref_brdf(i) * 10000 endif endif !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! conduct terrain correction if ((shadow_mask(i, j) .gt. 0) .and. & (it_angle(i, j) .lt. 90.0) & .and. (et_angle(i, j) .lt. 90.0)) then !---------------------------------------------------------- cosslope = cos(slope) ! calculate vd and vt vd = 0.5 * (1.0 + cosslope) vt = 1.0 - vd !--------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate direct irradiance ! Note the account taken of threshold edir_t = edir_h(i, j) * cos(it) / cos(solar) ! calculate adjacent irradiance for anisotropical surface ! see Iqbal, 1983 "an introduction to solar ! radiation" eadj = (edir_h(i, j) + edif_h(i, j)) * vt * ref_adj * & (1.0 + sin(solar / 2.0)**2) * abs(cos(aspect - sazi)) !--------------------------------------------------------------- ! sky diffuse irradiation for anisotropical surface ! see Iqbal, 1983 "an introduction to solar ! radiation" Hay model edif_t = edif_h(i, j) * (ts(i, j) * cos(it) / cos(solar) + & vd * (1 - ts(i, j))) + eadj rdir = edir_t / (edir_h(i, j) + edif_h(i, j)) rdif = edif_t / (edir_h(i, j) + edif_h(i, j)) rtotal = (edir_t + edif_t) / (edir_h(i, j) + edif_h(i, j)) rth = (rori - s_mod(i, j) * ref_lm(i)) / (1 - s_mod(i, j) * & ref_lm(i)) if (rtotal .le. rth) then bb_angle = fs(i, j) / cos(solar) + (1 - fs(i, j)) * & ts(i, j) / cos(solar) cc_angle = -rth + (1.0 - fs(i, j)) * vd * & (1.0 - ts(i, j)) + & eadj / (edir_h(i, j) + edif_h(i, j)) tttt = -cc_angle / bb_angle if (tttt .gt. 1.0) tttt = 1.0 if (tttt .lt. -1.0) tttt = -1.0 angle_th = acos(tttt) * 180.0 / pi angle = 90.0 - it_angle(i, j) + angle_th edir_t = edir_h(i, j) * (cos(it) + cos(angle * pib)) / & (cos(solar) +cos(angle * pib)) rdir = edir_t/(edir_h(i, j)+edif_h(i, j)) rtotal = (edir_t+edif_t)/(edir_h(i, j)+edif_h(i, j)) endif !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate normalized BRDF shape function for sloping surface ann_s = RL_brdf(it_brdf,et_brdf,ra_sl,hb,br,1.0,norm_1,norm_2) !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate black sky albedo for sloar angle aa_solars = black_sky(1.0,norm_1,norm_2,it_bk) !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! calculate black sky albedo for view angle aa_views = black_sky(1.0,norm_1,norm_2,et_bk) !------------------------------------------------------------- aa_slope = & (rdir * (fv(i, j) * ann_s + (1.0-fv(i, j)) * & aa_solars) + rdif * (fv(i, j) * aa_views + & (1.0-fv(i, j)) * aa_white)) / aa_white a_eqs = (rtotal - aa_slope) * s_mod(i, j) * & (1 - s_mod(i, j) * ref_lm(i)) b_eqs = aa_slope + ref_lm(i) * (1 - aa_slope) * s_mod(i, j) c_eqs = -ref_lm(i) if (abs(a_eqs) .lt. 0.00001) then ref_bars = -c_eqs / b_eqs else ref_bars = (-b_eqs + sqrt(b_eqs**2 -4 * a_eqs * c_eqs)) / & (2*a_eqs) endif ref_brdfreals = ann_s * ref_bars / aa_white ref_terrain(i) = ref_bars * fnn / aa_white iref_terrain(i, j) = int(ref_terrain(i) * 10000.0 + 0.5) if (ref_terrain(i) .ge. 1) then ref_terrain(i) = 1.0 iref_terrain(i, j) = int(ref_terrain(i) * 10000.0 + 0.5) endif ! set terrain corrected reflectance less than 0.0001 to 0.0001 if (ref_terrain(i) .lt. 0.0001) then ref_terrain(i) = 0.0001 iref_terrain(i, j) = 1 endif ! Should test for these cases in initial tests! (ie must be lt these) ! presently comments as test for ge 90 in initial one ! if (it_angle(i, j) .ge. 85.0) then iref_terrain(i, j) = i_no_data endif if (et_angle(i, j) .ge. 85.0) then iref_terrain(i, j) = i_no_data endif ! if in masked or otherwise unused area you get here ! put in no_data values to indicate null data else iref_terrain(i, j) = i_no_data endif else ref_lm(i) = no_data ref_brdf(i) = no_data ref_terrain(i) = no_data iref_lm(i, j) = i_no_data iref_brdf(i, j) = i_no_data iref_terrain(i, j) = i_no_data endif enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE reflectance
subroutine wraeb(a,b,alpha,xf,yf) C...wraeb 01/06/75 01/01/80 common/gfbftr/xtr,ytr a1=abs(a) b1=abs(b) delx0=xf-xtr dely0=yf-ytr alpha1=alpha*0.01745329 g=b1/a1 delx=delx0*cos(alpha1)+dely0*sin(alpha1) dely=(-delx0*sin(alpha1)+dely0*cos(alpha1))/g j=(1.-abs(b)/b)/2. call arcang(a,delx,dely,j,th0,thf) call areb1(th0,thf,g,th02,thf2) call wraea(a,b1,alpha,th02,thf2) return end
SUBROUTINE sor(a,b,c,d,e,f,u,jmax,rjac) INTEGER jmax,MAXITS DOUBLE PRECISION rjac,a(jmax,jmax),b(jmax,jmax),c(jmax,jmax), *d(jmax,jmax),e(jmax,jmax),f(jmax,jmax),u(jmax,jmax),EPS PARAMETER (MAXITS=1000,EPS=1.d-5) INTEGER ipass,j,jsw,l,lsw,n DOUBLE PRECISION anorm,anormf,omega,resid anormf=0.d0 do 12 j=2,jmax-1 do 11 l=2,jmax-1 anormf=anormf+abs(f(j,l)) 11 continue 12 continue omega=1.d0 do 16 n=1,MAXITS anorm=0.d0 jsw=1 do 15 ipass=1,2 lsw=jsw do 14 j=2,jmax-1 do 13 l=lsw+1,jmax-1,2 resid=a(j,l)*u(j+1,l)+b(j,l)*u(j-1,l)+c(j,l)*u(j,l+1)+d(j, *l)*u(j,l-1)+e(j,l)*u(j,l)-f(j,l) anorm=anorm+abs(resid) u(j,l)=u(j,l)-omega*resid/e(j,l) 13 continue lsw=3-lsw 14 continue jsw=3-jsw if(n.eq.1.and.ipass.eq.1) then omega=1.d0/(1.d0-.5d0*rjac**2) else omega=1.d0/(1.d0-.25d0*rjac**2*omega) endif 15 continue if(anorm.lt.EPS*anormf)return 16 continue pause 'MAXITS exceeded in sor' END
NR-Functions/Numerical Recipes- Example & Functions/Functions/sor.for
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! FP_ACCELERATOR -- Fixed Point Iteration Accelerator !! !! This module implements a Krylov subspace type algorithm that accelerates the !! convergence of the standard fixed point iteration x_{n+1} = x_{n} - f(x_{n}), !! for the nonlinear system f(x) = 0. A modified Newton iteration, for example, !! gives rise to such an iteration. !! !! The accelerator must be initialized by calling !! !! fpa_init (f, maxv, vtol) !! !! f -- Function value vector; it is used ONLY to glean its shape !! in order to allocate working storage. !! maxv -- Maximum number of vectors used in the algorithm (>0). !! vtol -- Tolerance for dropping vectors. Optional; defaults to 0.1. !! !! The accelerated correction is computed by !! !! fpa_correction (itr, f) !! !! itr -- Iteration count. Necessary initialization is done for ITR = 1, !! but otherwise ITR is ignored. !! f -- Vector containing f at the current iterate. It is overwritten !! with the accelerated correction. Note that the unaccelerated !! correction would be simply f itself. !! !! At the end of the iteration, fpa_finish may be called (no arguments) !! to free the working storage used by the module (this is not required). !! If it is called, then fpa_init will need to be called before calling !! fpa_correction again. !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! Copyright (c) 1997 Neil N. Carlson !! !! This file is part of MFE1 which is released under the MIT license. See the !! file LICENSE or visit http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT for details. !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! module fp_accelerator use mfe_constants, only: wp use mfe_types implicit none private public :: fpa_init, fpa_correction, fpa_finish real(kind=wp), save :: tol integer, save :: mvec type(NodeVar), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: v, w real(kind=wp), dimension(:,:), allocatable, save :: h integer, dimension(:), allocatable, save :: next, prev contains !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! FPA_INIT !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine fpa_init (f, maxv, vtol) type(NodeVar), dimension(:), intent(in) :: f integer, intent(in) :: maxv real(kind=wp), intent(in), optional :: vtol integer :: n mvec = maxv n = mvec + 1 allocate (v(size(f),n), w(size(f),n)) allocate (h(n,n), next(n), prev(n)) if (present(vtol)) then tol = vtol else tol = 0.1_wp end if end subroutine fpa_init !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! FPA_FINISH !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine fpa_finish () deallocate (v, w, h, next, prev) end subroutine fpa_finish !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! !! FPA_CORRECTION !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine fpa_correction (itr, f) integer, intent(in) :: itr type(NodeVar), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: f ! local variables. real(kind=wp) :: s, hkk, hkj, cj real(kind=wp), dimension(mvec+1) :: c integer :: i, j, k, new, nvec integer, save :: free, first, last if (itr == 1) then !!! !!! FIRST ITERATION v(:,1) = f ! Save the (unaccelerated) correction. w(:,1) = f ! Save f to compute the difference on the next call. first = 1 ! Initialize the linked list. last = 1 next(1) = 0 prev(1) = 0 free = 2 ! Initialize the free storage linked list. do k = 2, mvec next(k) = k + 1 end do next(mvec+1) = 0 else !!! !!! NEXT DIFFERENCE W w(:,first) = w(:,first) - f s = 1.0_wp / Norm(w(:,first)) ! Normalize w_1 and apply same factor to v_1. v(:,first) = s * v(:,first) w(:,first) = s * w(:,first) k = next(first) ! Update H. do if (k == 0) then exit end if h(first,k) = w(:,first) .Dot. w(:,k) k = next(k) end do !!! !!! CHOLESKI FACTORIZATION OF H h(first,first) = 1.0_wp k = next(first) nvec = 1 do if (k == 0) then exit ! No more vectors. end if if (nvec == mvec) then ! Retain at most MVEC vectors: next(last) = free ! truncate the list and free = k ! update the free storage list. last = prev(k) next(last) = 0 exit end if hkk = 1.0_wp ! Single stage of Choleski factorization. j = first do if (j == k) then exit end if hkj = h(j,k) i = first do if (i == j) then exit end if hkj = hkj - h(k,i)*h(j,i) i = next(i) end do hkj = hkj / h(j,j) hkk = hkk - hkj**2 h(k,j) = hkj j = next(j) end do if (hkk > tol**2) then h(k,k) = sqrt(hkk) nvec = nvec + 1 else ! The current w nearly lies in the span of the previous set. next(prev(k)) = next(k) ! Drop the current vector, if (next(k) == 0) then last = prev(k) else prev(next(k)) = prev(k) end if next(k) = free ! update the free storage list, free = k k = prev(k) ! and back-up. endif k = next(k) end do !!! !!! PROJECT F ONTO THE SPAN OF THE W VECTORS. j = first do ! Forward substitution. if (j == 0) then exit end if !cj = dot_product (f, w(:,:,j)) ! Ackk... cj = f .Dot. w(:,j) i = first do if (i == j) then exit end if cj = cj - h(j,i)*c(i) i = next(i) end do c(j) = cj / h(j,j) j = next(j) end do j = last do ! Backward substitution. if (j == 0) then exit end if cj = c(j) i = last do if (i == j) then exit end if cj = cj - h(i,j)*c(i) i = prev(i) end do c(j) = cj / h(j,j) j = prev(j) end do !!! !!! ACCELERATED CORRECTION new = free ! Find storage for the new vectors. free = next(free) w(:,new) = f ! Save f for next call. k = first ! Compute the next correction, do f = f - c(k)*w(:,k) + c(k)*v(:,k) k = next(k) if (k == 0) then exit end if end do v(:,new) = f ! and save it for the next call. prev(new) = 0 ! Prepend the vectors to the list. next(new) = first prev(first) = new first = new end if end subroutine fpa_correction end module fp_accelerator
C %W% %G% subroutine redecs(bm,k,n) C CDC extended core simulation routine C Sets BM(I) <-- ECNN(K+I) C for I = 1 to N if N < MAXECN C C Otherwise sets BM(J) <-- ECQ(K+1-MAXECN+J) C for J = 1 to N C ECQ is the overflow parking lot for ECNN C - include 'tspinc/params.inc' include 'tspinc/space.inc' parameter (MAXECQ = 200000) !DEM common /ecqa/ ecq(MAXECQ) dimension bm(*) C - if (n .eq. 0) then else if (k .lt. MAXECN) then C Retrieve from ECN if address <= MAXECN navail = min0 (n, MAXECN-k) do i = 1, navail bm(i) = ecnn(k+i) end do C Retrieve overflow from ECQ if address > MAXECN nreq = k+1-MAXECN do i = navail+1, n bm(i) = ecq(i+nreq) end do else nreq = k+1-MAXECN do i = 1, n bm(i) = ecq(i+nreq) end do endif return end
!#################################################################################################! !BSD 3-Clause License ! !Copyright (c) 2017, Ricardo Torres !All rights reserved. ! !Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without !modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ! !* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this ! list of conditions and the following disclaimer. !* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ! this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ! and/or other materials provided with the distribution. !* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its ! contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from ! this software without specific prior written permission. ! !THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" !AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE !IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE !DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE !FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL !DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR !SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER !CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, !OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE !OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. !#################################################################################################! module Strings_Func_mod use Types_mod implicit none contains !##################################################################################################################################! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ...Functions to change case of letters... !------------------------------------------------------------------------ elemental function To_upper(str) character(*), intent(in) :: str character(len=len(str)) :: To_upper integer :: i To_upper=str do i = 1, len(str) select case(str(i:i)) case("a":"z") To_upper(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))-32) end select end do end function To_upper !------------------------------------------------------------------------ elemental function To_lower(str) character(*), intent(in) :: str character(len=len(str)) :: To_lower integer :: i To_lower=str do i = 1, len(str) select case(str(i:i)) case("A":"Z") To_lower(i:i) = achar(iachar(str(i:i))+32) end select end do end function To_lower !##################################################################################################################################! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ...function N_Lines: Count number of lines of input file... !------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer(kind=I32) function N_Lines(filein) character(len=*), intent(in) :: filein integer(kind=I8) :: io, nunit open (newunit=nunit,file=trim(filein),iostat=io) N_Lines=-1 do while (io==0) N_Lines = N_Lines + 1 read(nunit,*,iostat=io) end do close(nunit) end function N_Lines !##################################################################################################################################! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ...subroutine reportLog: Print a message to display... !------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine ReportLog(logmessage) character(len=*), intent(in) :: logmessage write(*,*)trim(logmessage) end subroutine ReportLog !##################################################################################################################################! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ...subroutine Decomp_Names: decompose the filenamein array in fields... !------------------------------------------------------------------------ pure subroutine Decomp_Names(filenamein,field_names) character(len=*), intent(out) :: field_names(:) !string containing the names of the filenamein character(len=*), intent(in) :: filenamein !input string to be decomposed integer(kind=I16) :: reset !position of first slash (/) integer(kind=I16), allocatable :: position_under(:) !positions of the found underscores integer(kind=I16) :: name_len, name_spaces integer(kind=I16) :: i !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name_spaces=size(field_names) allocate(position_under(name_spaces)) reset=scan(trim(filenamein), '/',back=.true.) !To find the last slash name_len=len(trim(filenamein)) position_under(1) = scan(trim(filenamein(reset+1:name_len)), '_') position_under(1) = reset + position_under(1) if( name_spaces > 2 ) then do i=2,name_spaces-1 position_under(i) = scan(trim(filenamein(sum(position_under(1:i-1))+1:name_len)), '_') end do end if position_under(name_spaces) = scan(trim(filenamein(sum(position_under(1:name_spaces-1))+1:name_len)), '.') if (position_under(name_spaces) == 0) then position_under(name_spaces) = len_trim(filenamein) - position_under(name_spaces-1) end if field_names(1)=filenamein(reset+1:position_under(1)-1) if( name_spaces > 1 ) then do i=2,name_spaces field_names(i)=filenamein(sum(position_under(1:i-1))+1:sum(position_under(1:i))-1) end do end if deallocate(position_under) end subroutine Decomp_Names !##################################################################################################################################! end module Strings_Func_mod
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This file was automatically created by SARAH version 4.12.2 ! SARAH References: arXiv:0806.0538, 0909.2863, 1002.0840, 1207.0906, 1309.7223 ! (c) Florian Staub, 2013 ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! File created at 18:24 on 2.10.2017 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Module Su3Decays_seesaw1nmssm Use Control Use Settings Use CouplingsForDecays_seesaw1nmssm Use ThreeBodyPhaseSpaceS Contains Subroutine SuThreeBodyDecay(n_in,MAh,MAh2,MCha,MCha2,MChi,MChi2,MFd,MFd2, & & MFe,MFe2,MFu,MFu2,MFv,MFv2,MGlu,MGlu2,Mhh,Mhh2,MHpm,MHpm2,MSd,MSd2,MSe,MSe2, & & MSu,MSu2,MSvIm,MSvIm2,MSvRe,MSvRe2,MVWm,MVWm2,MVZ,MVZ2,pG,TW,UM,UP,UV,v, & & ZA,ZD,ZDL,ZDR,ZE,ZEL,ZER,ZH,ZN,ZP,ZU,ZUL,ZUR,ZVI,ZVR,ZW,ZZ,betaH,g1,g2,g3, & & Yd,Ye,lam,kap,lamN,Yu,Yv,Td,Te,Tlam,Tk,TLN,Tu,Tv,mq2,ml2,mHd2,mHu2,md2,mu2, & & me2,mv2,ms2,M1,M2,M3,vd,vu,vS,gSuAhChiFu,gSuAhFdcCha,gSuAhFuGlu,gSuSuChiChi, & & gSucHpmChiFd,gSuhhChiFu,gSuChiGluSu,gSuSdChicCha,gSuFdFucSd,gSuFdFvcSe,gSuhhFdcCha, & & gSuSuFdcFd,gSuFdSvImcFe,gSuFdSvRecFe,gSucHpmChaFu,gSuFuFecSe,gSuFuFucSu, & & gSuFuFvSvIm,gSuFuFvSvRe,gSucChaFuHpm,gSuSdFucFd,gSuFuSecFe,gSuSuFucFu,gSucHpmFdGlu, & & gSuhhFuGlu,gSuGluGluSu,gSuGluSdcCha,gSuSdFvcFe,gSuSuChacCha,gSuSuFecFe,gSuSuFvFv, & & epsI,deltaM,CheckRealStates,gT,gPartial,BR) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MAh(3),MAh2(3),MCha(2),MCha2(2),MChi(5),MChi2(5),MFd(3),MFd2(3),MFe(3), & & MFe2(3),MFu(3),MFu2(3),MFv(6),MFv2(6),MGlu,MGlu2,Mhh(3),Mhh2(3),MHpm(2), & & MHpm2(2),MSd(6),MSd2(6),MSe(6),MSe2(6),MSu(6),MSu2(6),MSvIm(6),MSvIm2(6), & & MSvRe(6),MSvRe2(6),MVWm,MVWm2,MVZ,MVZ2,TW,v,ZA(3,3),ZH(3,3),ZP(2,2),ZZ(2,2),betaH Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: pG,UM(2,2),UP(2,2),UV(6,6),ZD(6,6),ZDL(3,3),ZDR(3,3),ZE(6,6),ZEL(3,3),ZER(3,3), & & ZN(5,5),ZU(6,6),ZUL(3,3),ZUR(3,3),ZVI(6,6),ZVR(6,6),ZW(2,2) Complex(dp) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcChacFuSdL(2,3,6),cplcChacFuSdR(2,3,6),cplcChaChaAhL(2,2,3), & & cplcChaChaAhR(2,2,3),cplcChaChahhL(2,2,3),cplcChaChahhR(2,2,3),cplcChaChaVZL(2,2), & & cplcChaChaVZR(2,2),cplcChaChiHpmL(2,5,2),cplcChaChiHpmR(2,5,2),cplcChaChiVWmL(2,5), & & cplcChaChiVWmR(2,5),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFdChaSuL(3,2,6), & & cplcFdChaSuR(3,2,6),cplcFdChiSdL(3,5,6),cplcFdChiSdR(3,5,6),cplcFdFdAhL(3,3,3), & & cplcFdFdAhR(3,3,3),cplcFdFdhhL(3,3,3),cplcFdFdhhR(3,3,3),cplcFdFdVZL(3,3), & & cplcFdFdVZR(3,3),cplcFdFuHpmL(3,3,2),cplcFdFuHpmR(3,3,2),cplcFdFuVWmL(3,3), & & cplcFdFuVWmR(3,3),cplcFdGluSdL(3,6),cplcFdGluSdR(3,6),cplcFeChaSvImL(3,2,6), & & cplcFeChaSvImR(3,2,6),cplcFeChaSvReL(3,2,6),cplcFeChaSvReR(3,2,6),cplcFeChiSeL(3,5,6), & & cplcFeChiSeR(3,5,6),cplcFeFeAhL(3,3,3),cplcFeFeAhR(3,3,3),cplcFeFehhL(3,3,3), & & cplcFeFehhR(3,3,3),cplcFeFeVZL(3,3),cplcFeFeVZR(3,3),cplcFeFvHpmL(3,6,2), & & cplcFeFvHpmR(3,6,2),cplcFeFvVWmL(3,6),cplcFeFvVWmR(3,6),cplcFuChiSuL(3,5,6), & & cplcFuChiSuR(3,5,6),cplcFuFdcHpmL(3,3,2),cplcFuFdcHpmR(3,3,2),cplcFuFuAhL(3,3,3), & & cplcFuFuAhR(3,3,3),cplcFuFuhhL(3,3,3),cplcFuFuhhR(3,3,3),cplcFuFuVZL(3,3), & & cplcFuFuVZR(3,3),cplcFuGluSuL(3,6),cplcFuGluSuR(3,6),cplChaFucSdL(2,3,6), & & cplChaFucSdR(2,3,6),cplChiChacHpmL(5,2,2),cplChiChacHpmR(5,2,2),cplChiChiAhL(5,5,3), & & cplChiChiAhR(5,5,3),cplChiChihhL(5,5,3),cplChiChihhR(5,5,3),cplChiChiVZL(5,5), & & cplChiChiVZR(5,5),cplChiFdcSdL(5,3,6),cplChiFdcSdR(5,3,6),cplChiFecSeL(5,3,6), & & cplChiFecSeR(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),cplChiFvSvImL(5,6,6), & & cplChiFvSvImR(5,6,6),cplChiFvSvReL(5,6,6),cplChiFvSvReR(5,6,6),cplFvChacSeL(6,2,6), & & cplFvChacSeR(6,2,6),cplFvFvAhL(6,6,3),cplFvFvAhR(6,6,3),cplFvFvhhL(6,6,3), & & cplFvFvhhR(6,6,3),cplFvFvVZL(6,6),cplFvFvVZR(6,6),cplGluFdcSdL(3,6),cplGluFdcSdR(3,6), & & cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6), & & cplSdcSucVWm(6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6) Real(dp),Intent(in) :: g1,g2,g3,mHd2,mHu2,ms2,vd,vu,vS Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: Yd(3,3),Ye(3,3),lam,kap,lamN(3,3),Yu(3,3),Yv(3,3),Td(3,3),Te(3,3),Tlam, & & Tk,TLN(3,3),Tu(3,3),Tv(3,3),mq2(3,3),ml2(3,3),md2(3,3),mu2(3,3),me2(3,3), & & mv2(3,3),M1,M2,M3 Real(dp),Intent(inout) :: gSuAhChiFu(6,3,5,3),gSuAhFdcCha(6,3,3,2),gSuAhFuGlu(6,3,3,1),gSuSuChiChi(6,6,5,5), & & gSucHpmChiFd(6,2,5,3),gSuhhChiFu(6,3,5,3),gSuChiGluSu(6,5,1,6),gSuSdChicCha(6,6,5,2), & & gSuFdFucSd(6,3,3,6),gSuFdFvcSe(6,3,6,6),gSuhhFdcCha(6,3,3,2),gSuSuFdcFd(6,6,3,3), & & gSuFdSvImcFe(6,3,6,3),gSuFdSvRecFe(6,3,6,3),gSucHpmChaFu(6,2,2,3),gSuFuFecSe(6,3,3,6), & & gSuFuFucSu(6,3,3,6),gSuFuFvSvIm(6,3,6,6),gSuFuFvSvRe(6,3,6,6),gSucChaFuHpm(6,2,3,2), & & gSuSdFucFd(6,6,3,3),gSuFuSecFe(6,3,6,3),gSuSuFucFu(6,6,3,3),gSucHpmFdGlu(6,2,3,1), & & gSuhhFuGlu(6,3,3,1),gSuGluGluSu(6,1,1,6),gSuGluSdcCha(6,1,6,2),gSuSdFvcFe(6,6,6,3), & & gSuSuChacCha(6,6,2,2),gSuSuFecFe(6,6,3,3),gSuSuFvFv(6,6,6,6) Real(dp) :: gSuAhChiFui(3,5,3),gSuAhFdcChai(3,3,2),gSuAhFuGlui(3,3,1),gSuSuChiChii(6,5,5), & & gSucHpmChiFdi(2,5,3),gSuhhChiFui(3,5,3),gSuChiGluSui(5,1,6),gSuSdChicChai(6,5,2), & & gSuFdFucSdi(3,3,6),gSuFdFvcSei(3,6,6),gSuhhFdcChai(3,3,2),gSuSuFdcFdi(6,3,3), & & gSuFdSvImcFei(3,6,3),gSuFdSvRecFei(3,6,3),gSucHpmChaFui(2,2,3),gSuFuFecSei(3,3,6), & & gSuFuFucSui(3,3,6),gSuFuFvSvImi(3,6,6),gSuFuFvSvRei(3,6,6),gSucChaFuHpmi(2,3,2), & & gSuSdFucFdi(6,3,3),gSuFuSecFei(3,6,3),gSuSuFucFui(6,3,3),gSucHpmFdGlui(2,3,1), & & gSuhhFuGlui(3,3,1),gSuGluGluSui(1,1,6),gSuGluSdcChai(1,6,2),gSuSdFvcFei(6,6,3), & & gSuSuChacChai(6,2,2),gSuSuFecFei(6,3,3),gSuSuFvFvi(6,6,6) Real(dp), Intent(inout), Optional :: BR(:,:), gPartial(:,:) Real(dp), Intent(inout) :: gT(:) Integer, Intent(in) :: n_in Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Intent(in) :: CheckRealStates Integer :: i_start, i_end, i_run, n_out, n_length, gt1, gt2, gt3, i1 Logical :: check Iname = Iname +1 NameOfUnit(Iname) = 'SuThreeBodyDecay' If (CheckRealStates) Then Else End If check=CheckRealStates If (n_in.Lt.0) Then i_start = 1 i_end = 6 Else If ( (n_in.Ge.1).And.(n_in.Le. 6) ) Then i_start = n_in i_end = n_in Else If (ErrorLevel.Ge.-1) Then Write (ErrCan, *) 'Problem in subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) Write (ErrCan, *) 'Value of n_in out of range, (n_in,6) = ',n_in,6 End If If (ErrorLevel.Gt.0) Call TerminateProgram If (Present(BR)) BR = 0._dp Iname = Iname - 1 Return End If Do i_run = i_start, i_end Call CouplingsFor_Su_decays_3B(MSu(i_run),i_run,MAh,MAh2,MCha,MCha2,MChi, & & MChi2,MFd,MFd2,MFe,MFe2,MFu,MFu2,MFv,MFv2,MGlu,MGlu2,Mhh,Mhh2,MHpm,MHpm2, & & MSd,MSd2,MSe,MSe2,MSu,MSu2,MSvIm,MSvIm2,MSvRe,MSvRe2,MVWm,MVWm2,MVZ,MVZ2, & & pG,TW,UM,UP,UV,v,ZA,ZD,ZDL,ZDR,ZE,ZEL,ZER,ZH,ZN,ZP,ZU,ZUL,ZUR,ZVI,ZVR,ZW, & & ZZ,betaH,g1,g2,g3,Yd,Ye,lam,kap,lamN,Yu,Yv,Td,Te,Tlam,Tk,TLN,Tu,Tv,mq2,ml2, & & mHd2,mHu2,md2,mu2,me2,mv2,ms2,M1,M2,M3,vd,vu,vS,cplAhSucSu,cplcChacFuSdL, & & cplcChacFuSdR,cplcChaChaAhL,cplcChaChaAhR,cplcChaChahhL,cplcChaChahhR,cplcChaChaVZL, & & cplcChaChaVZR,cplcChaChiHpmL,cplcChaChiHpmR,cplcChaChiVWmL,cplcChaChiVWmR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChaSuL,cplcFdChaSuR,cplcFdChiSdL,cplcFdChiSdR, & & cplcFdFdAhL,cplcFdFdAhR,cplcFdFdhhL,cplcFdFdhhR,cplcFdFdVZL,cplcFdFdVZR, & & cplcFdFuHpmL,cplcFdFuHpmR,cplcFdFuVWmL,cplcFdFuVWmR,cplcFdGluSdL,cplcFdGluSdR, & & cplcFeChaSvImL,cplcFeChaSvImR,cplcFeChaSvReL,cplcFeChaSvReR,cplcFeChiSeL, & & cplcFeChiSeR,cplcFeFeAhL,cplcFeFeAhR,cplcFeFehhL,cplcFeFehhR,cplcFeFeVZL, & & cplcFeFeVZR,cplcFeFvHpmL,cplcFeFvHpmR,cplcFeFvVWmL,cplcFeFvVWmR,cplcFuChiSuL, & & cplcFuChiSuR,cplcFuFdcHpmL,cplcFuFdcHpmR,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR,cplcFuFuhhL, & & cplcFuFuhhR,cplcFuFuVZL,cplcFuFuVZR,cplcFuGluSuL,cplcFuGluSuR,cplChaFucSdL, & & cplChaFucSdR,cplChiChacHpmL,cplChiChacHpmR,cplChiChiAhL,cplChiChiAhR,cplChiChihhL, & & cplChiChihhR,cplChiChiVZL,cplChiChiVZR,cplChiFdcSdL,cplChiFdcSdR,cplChiFecSeL, & & cplChiFecSeR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,cplChiFvSvImL,cplChiFvSvImR,cplChiFvSvReL, & & cplChiFvSvReR,cplFvChacSeL,cplFvChacSeR,cplFvFvAhL,cplFvFvAhR,cplFvFvhhL, & & cplFvFvhhR,cplFvFvVZL,cplFvFvVZR,cplGluFdcSdL,cplGluFdcSdR,cplGluFucSuL, & & cplGluFucSuR,cplhhSucSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplSdcSucVWm,cplSucSuVZ,deltaM) gSuAhChiFui = 0._dp Call SuToAhChiFu(i_run,MAh,MChi,MFu,MSu,cplAhSucSu,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR, & & cplChiChiAhL,cplChiChiAhR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuAhChiFui) gSuAhChiFu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuAhChiFui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuAhChiFui) gSuAhFdcChai = 0._dp Call SuToAhFdcCha(i_run,MAh,MFd,MCha,MSu,cplAhSucSu,cplcChaChaAhL,cplcChaChaAhR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdFdAhL,cplcFdFdAhR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuAhFdcChai) gSuAhFdcCha(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuAhFdcChai gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuAhFdcChai) gSuAhFuGlui = 0._dp Call SuToAhFuGlu(i_run,MAh,MFu,MGlu,MSu,cplAhSucSu,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR, & & cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuAhFuGlui) gSuAhFuGlu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuAhFuGlui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuAhFuGlui) gSuSuChiChii = 0._dp Call SuToSuChiChi(i_run,MSu,MChi,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MFu,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcFuChiSuL,cplcFuChiSuR,cplChiChiAhL,cplChiChiAhR,cplChiChihhL, & & cplChiChihhR,cplChiChiVZL,cplChiChiVZR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,gSuSuChiChii) gSuSuChiChi(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSuChiChii gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSuChiChii) gSucHpmChiFdi = 0._dp Call SuTocHpmChiFd(i_run,MHpm,MChi,MFd,MSd,MFu,MCha,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplcChaFdcSuL, & & cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFuFdcHpmL,cplcFuFdcHpmR,cplChiChacHpmL,cplChiChacHpmR, & & cplChiFdcSdL,cplChiFdcSdR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSucHpmChiFdi) gSucHpmChiFd(i_run,:,:,:) = gSucHpmChiFdi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSucHpmChiFdi) gSuhhChiFui = 0._dp Call SuTohhChiFu(i_run,Mhh,MChi,MFu,MSu,cplhhSucSu,cplcFuFuhhL,cplcFuFuhhR, & & cplChiChihhL,cplChiChihhR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuhhChiFui) gSuhhChiFu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuhhChiFui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuhhChiFui) gSuChiGluSui = 0._dp Call SuToChiGluSu(i_run,MChi,MGlu,MSu,MFu,cplcFuChiSuL,cplcFuChiSuR,cplcFuGluSuL, & & cplcFuGluSuR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,gSuChiGluSui) gSuChiGluSu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuChiGluSui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuChiGluSui) gSuSdChicChai = 0._dp Call SuToSdChicCha(i_run,MSd,MChi,MCha,MVWm,MHpm,MFu,MFd,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu, & & cplSdcSucVWm,cplcChacFuSdL,cplcChacFuSdR,cplcChaChiHpmL,cplcChaChiHpmR,cplcChaChiVWmL, & & cplcChaChiVWmR,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChiSdL,cplcFdChiSdR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuSdChicChai) gSuSdChicCha(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSdChicChai gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSdChicChai) gSuFdFucSdi = 0._dp Call SuToFdFucSd(i_run,MFd,MFu,MSd,MCha,MChi,MGlu,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplChaFucSdL,cplChaFucSdR,cplChiFdcSdL,cplChiFdcSdR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & cplGluFdcSdL,cplGluFdcSdR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFdFucSdi) gSuFdFucSd(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFdFucSdi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFdFucSdi) gSuFdFvcSei = 0._dp Call SuToFdFvcSe(i_run,MFd,MFv,MSe,MCha,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplFvChacSeL,cplFvChacSeR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFdFvcSei) gSuFdFvcSe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFdFvcSei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFdFvcSei) gSuhhFdcChai = 0._dp Call SuTohhFdcCha(i_run,Mhh,MFd,MCha,MSu,cplhhSucSu,cplcChaChahhL,cplcChaChahhR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdFdhhL,cplcFdFdhhR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuhhFdcChai) gSuhhFdcCha(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuhhFdcChai gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuhhFdcChai) gSuSuFdcFdi = 0._dp Call SuToSuFdcFd(i_run,MSu,MFd,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MCha,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu,cplSucSuVZ, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChaSuL,cplcFdChaSuR,cplcFdFdAhL,cplcFdFdAhR, & & cplcFdFdhhL,cplcFdFdhhR,cplcFdFdVZL,cplcFdFdVZR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuSuFdcFdi) gSuSuFdcFd(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSuFdcFdi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSuFdcFdi) gSuFdSvImcFei = 0._dp Call SuToFdSvImcFe(i_run,MFd,MSvIm,MFe,MCha,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplcFeChaSvImL,cplcFeChaSvImR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFdSvImcFei) gSuFdSvImcFe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFdSvImcFei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFdSvImcFei) gSuFdSvRecFei = 0._dp Call SuToFdSvRecFe(i_run,MFd,MSvRe,MFe,MCha,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplcFeChaSvReL,cplcFeChaSvReR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFdSvRecFei) gSuFdSvRecFe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFdSvRecFei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFdSvRecFei) gSucHpmChaFui = 0._dp Call SuTocHpmChaFu(i_run,MHpm,MCha,MFu,MSd,MChi,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplChaFucSdL, & & cplChaFucSdR,cplChiChacHpmL,cplChiChacHpmR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,gSucHpmChaFui) gSucHpmChaFu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSucHpmChaFui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSucHpmChaFui) gSuFuFecSei = 0._dp Call SuToFuFecSe(i_run,MFu,MFe,MSe,MChi,MSu,cplChiFecSeL,cplChiFecSeR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFuFecSei) gSuFuFecSe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFuFecSei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFuFecSei) gSuFuFucSui = 0._dp Call SuToFuFucSu(i_run,MFu,MSu,MChi,MGlu,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL, & & cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFuFucSui) gSuFuFucSu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFuFucSui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFuFucSui) gSuFuFvSvImi = 0._dp Call SuToFuFvSvIm(i_run,MFu,MFv,MSvIm,MChi,MSu,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & cplChiFvSvImL,cplChiFvSvImR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFuFvSvImi) gSuFuFvSvIm(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFuFvSvImi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFuFvSvImi) gSuFuFvSvRei = 0._dp Call SuToFuFvSvRe(i_run,MFu,MFv,MSvRe,MChi,MSu,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & cplChiFvSvReL,cplChiFvSvReR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFuFvSvRei) gSuFuFvSvRe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFuFvSvRei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFuFvSvRei) gSucChaFuHpmi = 0._dp Call SuTocChaFuHpm(i_run,MCha,MFu,MHpm,MFd,MChi,MSu,cplcChaChiHpmL,cplcChaChiHpmR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdFuHpmL,cplcFdFuHpmR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & deltaM,epsI,check,gSucChaFuHpmi) gSucChaFuHpm(i_run,:,:,:) = gSucChaFuHpmi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSucChaFuHpmi) gSuSdFucFdi = 0._dp Call SuToSdFucFd(i_run,MSd,MFu,MFd,MVWm,MHpm,MChi,MGlu,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu, & & cplSdcSucVWm,cplcFdChiSdL,cplcFdChiSdR,cplcFdFuHpmL,cplcFdFuHpmR,cplcFdFuVWmL, & & cplcFdFuVWmR,cplcFdGluSdL,cplcFdGluSdR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL, & & cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuSdFucFdi) gSuSdFucFd(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSdFucFdi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSdFucFdi) gSuFuSecFei = 0._dp Call SuToFuSecFe(i_run,MFu,MSe,MFe,MChi,MSu,cplcFeChiSeL,cplcFeChiSeR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuFuSecFei) gSuFuSecFe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuFuSecFei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuFuSecFei) gSuSuFucFui = 0._dp Call SuToSuFucFu(i_run,MSu,MFu,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MChi,MGlu,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcFuChiSuL,cplcFuChiSuR,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR,cplcFuFuhhL, & & cplcFuFuhhR,cplcFuFuVZL,cplcFuFuVZR,cplcFuGluSuL,cplcFuGluSuR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuSuFucFui) gSuSuFucFu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSuFucFui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSuFucFui) gSucHpmFdGlui = 0._dp Call SuTocHpmFdGlu(i_run,MHpm,MFd,MGlu,MSd,MFu,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplcFuFdcHpmL, & & cplcFuFdcHpmR,cplGluFdcSdL,cplGluFdcSdR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,gSucHpmFdGlui) gSucHpmFdGlu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSucHpmFdGlui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSucHpmFdGlui) gSuhhFuGlui = 0._dp Call SuTohhFuGlu(i_run,Mhh,MFu,MGlu,MSu,cplhhSucSu,cplcFuFuhhL,cplcFuFuhhR, & & cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuhhFuGlui) gSuhhFuGlu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuhhFuGlui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuhhFuGlui) gSuGluGluSui = 0._dp Call SuToGluGluSu(i_run,MGlu,MSu,MFu,cplcFuGluSuL,cplcFuGluSuR,cplGluFucSuL, & & cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuGluGluSui) gSuGluGluSu(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuGluGluSui gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuGluGluSui) gSuGluSdcChai = 0._dp Call SuToGluSdcCha(i_run,MGlu,MSd,MCha,MFu,MFd,MSu,cplcChacFuSdL,cplcChacFuSdR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdGluSdL,cplcFdGluSdR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR, & & deltaM,epsI,check,gSuGluSdcChai) gSuGluSdcCha(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuGluSdcChai gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuGluSdcChai) gSuSdFvcFei = 0._dp Call SuToSdFvcFe(i_run,MSd,MFv,MFe,MVWm,MHpm,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplSdcSucVWm, & & cplcFeFvHpmL,cplcFeFvHpmR,cplcFeFvVWmL,cplcFeFvVWmR,deltaM,epsI,check,gSuSdFvcFei) gSuSdFvcFe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSdFvcFei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSdFvcFei) gSuSuChacChai = 0._dp Call SuToSuChacCha(i_run,MSu,MCha,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MFd,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcChaChaAhL,cplcChaChaAhR,cplcChaChahhL,cplcChaChahhR,cplcChaChaVZL, & & cplcChaChaVZR,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChaSuL,cplcFdChaSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,gSuSuChacChai) gSuSuChacCha(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSuChacChai gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSuChacChai) gSuSuFecFei = 0._dp Call SuToSuFecFe(i_run,MSu,MFe,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu,cplSucSuVZ, & & cplcFeFeAhL,cplcFeFeAhR,cplcFeFehhL,cplcFeFehhR,cplcFeFeVZL,cplcFeFeVZR, & & deltaM,epsI,check,gSuSuFecFei) gSuSuFecFe(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSuFecFei gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSuFecFei) gSuSuFvFvi = 0._dp Call SuToSuFvFv(i_run,MSu,MFv,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu,cplSucSuVZ, & & cplFvFvAhL,cplFvFvAhR,cplFvFvhhL,cplFvFvhhR,cplFvFvVZL,cplFvFvVZR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,gSuSuFvFvi) gSuSuFvFv(i_run,:,:,:) = gSuSuFvFvi gT(i_run) = gT(i_run) + Sum(gSuSuFvFvi) End Do If (Present(gPartial)) Then Do i1 = i_start, i_end n_length=1 Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuAhChiFu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,2 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuAhFdcCha(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,1 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuAhFuGlu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=gt2,5 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSuChiChi(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSucHpmChiFd(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuhhChiFu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,5 Do gt2=1,1 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuChiGluSu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,2 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSdChicCha(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFdFucSd(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFdFvcSe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,2 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuhhFdcCha(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSuFdcFd(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFdSvImcFe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFdSvRecFe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,2 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSucHpmChaFu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFuFecSe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=gt1,3 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFuFucSu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFuFvSvIm(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFuFvSvRe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,2 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=2,2 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSucChaFuHpm(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSdFucFd(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuFuSecFe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSuFucFu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,1 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSucHpmFdGlu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,1 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuhhFuGlu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,1 Do gt2=gt1,1 Do gt3=1,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuGluGluSu(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,1 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,2 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuGluSdcCha(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSdFvcFe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,2 Do gt3=1,2 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSuChacCha(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSuFecFe(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=gt2,6 gPartial(i1,n_length)= gSuSuFvFv(i1,gt1,gt2,gt3) n_length=n_length+1 End Do End Do End Do If (Present(BR).And.(gT(i1).Gt.0._dp)) Then BR(i1,:)=gPartial(i1,:)/gT(i1) Else If (Present(BR)) Then BR(i1,:)=0._dp End If End Do End if Iname = Iname - 1 End Subroutine SuThreeBodyDecay Subroutine SuToAhChiFu(iIN,MAh,MChi,MFu,MSu,cplAhSucSu,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR, & & cplChiChiAhL,cplChiChiAhR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g, & & WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MAh(3),MChi(5),MFu(3),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcFuFuAhL(3,3,3),cplcFuFuAhR(3,3,3),cplChiChiAhL(5,5,3), & & cplChiChiAhR(5,5,3),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 196 Allocate( gSum(3,5,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,5,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MChi(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MAh(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFu(gt3))+Abs(MChi(gt2))+Abs(MAh(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Su !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Su, Su !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Su,Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Su' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Su,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Su,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFuAhL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFuAhR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuFuAhL(i2,gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuFuAhR(i2,gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFuAhL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFuAhR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChiAhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChiAhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Fu,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiChiAhL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplChiChiAhR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChiAhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChiAhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Chi Fu Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:196)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToAhChiFu Subroutine SuToAhFdcCha(iIN,MAh,MFd,MCha,MSu,cplAhSucSu,cplcChaChaAhL,cplcChaChaAhR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdFdAhL,cplcFdFdAhR,deltaM,epsI,check,g, & & WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MAh(3),MFd(3),MCha(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcChaChaAhL(2,2,3),cplcChaChaAhR(2,2,3),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6), & & cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFdFdAhL(3,3,3),cplcFdFdAhR(3,3,3) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 121 Allocate( gSum(3,3,2, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,2, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,2 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MCha(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MAh(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MCha(gt3))+Abs(MFd(gt2))+Abs(MAh(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Su !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd' End Do !-------------- ! Su, Su !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: Su,Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Su' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: Su,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: Su,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdFdAhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdFdAhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: bar[Cha],Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdFdAhL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdFdAhR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdFdAhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdFdAhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fd cCha Propagator: Fd,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Fd' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,2 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:121)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToAhFdcCha Subroutine SuToAhFuGlu(iIN,MAh,MFu,MGlu,MSu,cplAhSucSu,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR, & & cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MAh(3),MFu(3),MGlu,MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcFuFuAhL(3,3,3),cplcFuFuAhR(3,3,3),cplGluFucSuL(3,6), & & cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 81 Allocate( gSum(3,3,1, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,1, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MAh(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MGlu)+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(MAh(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Su !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fu Glu Propagator: Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Su' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fu Glu Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Su, Su !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fu Glu Propagator: Su,Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Su,Su' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fu Glu Propagator: Su,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Su,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFuAhL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFuAhR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuFuAhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuFuAhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Ah Fu Glu Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=2,3 Do gt2=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,1)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,1,1:81)) If (g(gt1,gt2,1).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,1)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToAhFuGlu Subroutine SuToSuChiChi(iIN,MSu,MChi,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MFu,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcFuChiSuL,cplcFuChiSuR,cplChiChiAhL,cplChiChiAhR,cplChiChihhL, & & cplChiChihhR,cplChiChiVZL,cplChiChiVZR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSu(6),MChi(5),MVZ,MAh(3),Mhh(3),MFu(3) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6),cplcFuChiSuL(3,5,6), & & cplcFuChiSuR(3,5,6),cplChiChiAhL(5,5,3),cplChiChiAhR(5,5,3),cplChiChihhL(5,5,3), & & cplChiChihhR(5,5,3),cplChiChiVZL(5,5),cplChiChiVZR(5,5),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6), & & cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 100 Allocate( gSum(6,5,5, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,5,5, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=gt2,5 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MChi(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MChi(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MChi(gt3))+Abs(MChi(gt2))+Abs(MSu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! VZ !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZR(gt2,gt3)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: VZ" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ' !-------------- ! Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah' End Do !-------------- ! hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Ah !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZR(gt2,gt3)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: VZ,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Ah' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, hh !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZR(gt2,gt3)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: VZ,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,hh' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Fu !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ2 mass(1) = MFu2(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZR(gt2,gt3)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(2) = MVZ2 mass(1) = MFu2(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiVZR(gt2,gt3)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: VZ,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: Ah,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Ah' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: Ah,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MAh(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(2) = MAh(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChiAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: Ah,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: hh,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = Mhh(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(2) = Mhh(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: hh,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Chi Chi Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=gt2,5 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:100)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSuChiChi Subroutine SuTocHpmChiFd(iIN,MHpm,MChi,MFd,MSd,MFu,MCha,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFuFdcHpmL,cplcFuFdcHpmR,cplChiChacHpmL,cplChiChacHpmR, & & cplChiFdcSdL,cplChiFdcSdR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g, & & WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MHpm(2),MChi(5),MFd(3),MSd(6),MFu(3),MCha(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFuFdcHpmL(3,3,2), & & cplcFuFdcHpmR(3,3,2),cplChiChacHpmL(5,2,2),cplChiChacHpmR(5,2,2),cplChiFdcSdL(5,3,6), & & cplChiFdcSdR(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 121 Allocate( gSum(2,5,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(2,5,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MChi(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFd(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MHpm(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFd(gt3))+Abs(MChi(gt2))+Abs(MHpm(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Sd !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSd(i1) mass(2) = MSd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Sd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmL(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmR(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmL(gt2,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmR(gt2,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! Sd, Sd !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSd(i1) mass(2) = MSd(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Sd,Sd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd,Sd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Sd, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSd(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmL(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmR(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Sd,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Sd, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSd(i1) mass(1) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmL(gt2,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmR(gt2,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Sd,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd,bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFdcHpmL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFdcHpmR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuFdcHpmL(i2,gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuFdcHpmR(i2,gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFdcHpmL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFdcHpmR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChacHpmL(gt2,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChacHpmR(gt2,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: Fu,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiChacHpmL(gt2,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplChiChacHpmR(gt2,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChacHpmL(gt2,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChacHpmR(gt2,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Chi Fd Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:121)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTocHpmChiFd Subroutine SuTohhChiFu(iIN,Mhh,MChi,MFu,MSu,cplhhSucSu,cplcFuFuhhL,cplcFuFuhhR, & & cplChiChihhL,cplChiChihhR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g, & & WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: Mhh(3),MChi(5),MFu(3),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcFuFuhhL(3,3,3),cplcFuFuhhR(3,3,3),cplChiChihhL(5,5,3), & & cplChiChihhR(5,5,3),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 196 Allocate( gSum(3,5,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,5,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MChi(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (Mhh(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFu(gt3))+Abs(MChi(gt2))+Abs(Mhh(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Su !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(i1,gt3,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Su, Su !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Su,Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Su' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(i2,gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Su,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChihhL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChihhR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Su,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFuhhL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFuhhR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuFuhhL(i2,gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuFuhhR(i2,gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFuhhL(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFuhhR(i1,gt3,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChihhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChihhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Fu,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiChihhL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplChiChihhR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChihhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChihhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Chi Fu Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:196)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTohhChiFu Subroutine SuToChiGluSu(iIN,MChi,MGlu,MSu,MFu,cplcFuChiSuL,cplcFuChiSuR, & & cplcFuGluSuL,cplcFuGluSuR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR, & & deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MChi(5),MGlu,MSu(6),MFu(3) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcFuChiSuL(3,5,6),cplcFuChiSuR(3,5,6),cplcFuGluSuL(3,6),cplcFuGluSuR(3,6), & & cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 36 Allocate( gSum(5,1,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(5,1,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,5 Do gt3=1, iIN-1 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MChi(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSu(gt3))+Abs(MGlu)+Abs(MChi(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Chi Glu Su Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Chi Glu Su Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(i2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Chi Glu Su Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Chi Glu Su Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(i2,gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(i2,gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Chi Glu Su Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,1,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,5 Do gt3=1, iIN-1 g(gt1,1,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,1,gt3,1:36)) If (g(gt1,1,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,1,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToChiGluSu Subroutine SuToSdChicCha(iIN,MSd,MChi,MCha,MVWm,MHpm,MFu,MFd,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu, & & cplSdcSucVWm,cplcChacFuSdL,cplcChacFuSdR,cplcChaChiHpmL,cplcChaChiHpmR,cplcChaChiVWmL, & & cplcChaChiVWmR,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChiSdL,cplcFdChiSdR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSd(6),MChi(5),MCha(2),MVWm,MHpm(2),MFu(3),MFd(3),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),cplSdcSucVWm(6,6),cplcChacFuSdL(2,3,6),cplcChacFuSdR(2,3,6), & & cplcChaChiHpmL(2,5,2),cplcChaChiHpmR(2,5,2),cplcChaChiVWmL(2,5),cplcChaChiVWmR(2,5), & & cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFdChiSdL(3,5,6),cplcFdChiSdR(3,5,6), & & cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 81 Allocate( gSum(6,5,2, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,5,2, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,2 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MChi(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MCha(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MCha(gt3))+Abs(MChi(gt2))+Abs(MSd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! conj[VWm] !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVWm mass(2) = MVWm m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[VWm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm]' !-------------- ! conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MHpm(i1) mass(2) = MHpm(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm]' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd' End Do !-------------- ! conj[VWm], conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm mass(1) = MHpm(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[VWm],conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],conj[Hpm]' End Do !-------------- ! conj[VWm], Fu !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm2 mass(1) = MFu2(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[VWm],Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],Fu' End Do !-------------- ! conj[VWm], Fd !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm2 mass(1) = MFd2(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChiVWmR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[VWm],Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],Fd' End Do !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MHpm(i1) mass(2) = MHpm(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[Hpm],conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],conj[Hpm]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MHpm(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[Hpm],Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MHpm(i1) mass(1) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: conj[Hpm],Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(gt2,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdChiSdL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdChiSdR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: Fu,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdChiSdL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdChiSdR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdChiSdL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdChiSdR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Chi cCha Propagator: Fd,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Fd' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,5 Do gt3=1,2 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:81)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSdChicCha Subroutine SuToFdFucSd(iIN,MFd,MFu,MSd,MCha,MChi,MGlu,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL, & & cplcChaFdcSuR,cplChaFucSdL,cplChaFucSdR,cplChiFdcSdL,cplChiFdcSdR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFdcSdL,cplGluFdcSdR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFd(3),MFu(3),MSd(6),MCha(2),MChi(5),MGlu,MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplChaFucSdL(2,3,6),cplChaFucSdR(2,3,6), & & cplChiFdcSdL(5,3,6),cplChiFdcSdR(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6), & & cplGluFdcSdL(3,6),cplGluFdcSdR(3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 64 Allocate( gSum(3,3,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSd(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSd(gt3))+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(MFd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdL(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdR(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdL(i1,gt1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFdcSdR(i1,gt1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Glu !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MGlu mass(2) = MGlu m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdL(gt1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdR(gt1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Glu' !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChaFucSdL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChaFucSdR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChaFucSdL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChaFucSdR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChaFucSdL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChaFucSdR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFdcSdL(i2,gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFdcSdR(i2,gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: bar[Cha],Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChaFucSdL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChaFucSdR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFdcSdL(gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFdcSdR(gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: bar[Cha],Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],Glu' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFdcSdL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFdcSdR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFdcSdL(i2,gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFdcSdR(i2,gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFdcSdL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFdcSdR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFdcSdL(gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFdcSdR(gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fu cSd Propagator: Chi,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Glu' End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:64)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFdFucSd Subroutine SuToFdFvcSe(iIN,MFd,MFv,MSe,MCha,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplFvChacSeL,cplFvChacSeR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFd(3),MFv(6),MSe(6),MCha(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplFvChacSeL(6,2,6),cplFvChacSeR(6,2,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 4 Allocate( gSum(3,6,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,6,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFv(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSe(gt3))+Abs(MFv(gt2))+Abs(MFd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplFvChacSeL(gt2,i1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvChacSeR(gt2,i1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fv cSe Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplFvChacSeL(gt2,i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplFvChacSeR(gt2,i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplFvChacSeL(gt2,i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplFvChacSeR(gt2,i2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd Fv cSe Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:4)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFdFvcSe Subroutine SuTohhFdcCha(iIN,Mhh,MFd,MCha,MSu,cplhhSucSu,cplcChaChahhL,cplcChaChahhR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdFdhhL,cplcFdFdhhR,deltaM,epsI,check,g, & & WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: Mhh(3),MFd(3),MCha(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcChaChahhL(2,2,3),cplcChaChahhR(2,2,3),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6), & & cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFdFdhhL(3,3,3),cplcFdFdhhR(3,3,3) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 121 Allocate( gSum(3,3,2, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,2, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,2 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MCha(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (Mhh(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MCha(gt3))+Abs(MFd(gt2))+Abs(Mhh(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Su !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd' End Do !-------------- ! Su, Su !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: Su,Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Su' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: Su,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: Su,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Su,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChaChahhL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcChaChahhR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcChaChahhL(gt3,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcChaChahhR(gt3,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChaChahhL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcChaChahhR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdFdhhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdFdhhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: bar[Cha],Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdFdhhL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdFdhhR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdFdhhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdFdhhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fd cCha Propagator: Fd,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Fd' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,2 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:121)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTohhFdcCha Subroutine SuToSuFdcFd(iIN,MSu,MFd,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MCha,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChaSuL,cplcFdChaSuR,cplcFdFdAhL, & & cplcFdFdAhR,cplcFdFdhhL,cplcFdFdhhR,cplcFdFdVZL,cplcFdFdVZR,deltaM,epsI, & & check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSu(6),MFd(3),MVZ,MAh(3),Mhh(3),MCha(2) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6), & & cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFdChaSuL(3,2,6),cplcFdChaSuR(3,2,6),cplcFdFdAhL(3,3,3), & & cplcFdFdAhR(3,3,3),cplcFdFdhhL(3,3,3),cplcFdFdhhR(3,3,3),cplcFdFdVZL(3,3), & & cplcFdFdVZR(3,3) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 81 Allocate( gSum(6,3,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,3,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFd(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFd(gt3))+Abs(MFd(gt2))+Abs(MSu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! VZ !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: VZ" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ' !-------------- ! Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah' End Do !-------------- ! hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Ah !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: VZ,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Ah' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, hh !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: VZ,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,hh' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ2 mass(1) = MCha2(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdVZR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: VZ,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: Ah,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Ah' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: Ah,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MAh(i1) mass(1) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: Ah,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: hh,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = Mhh(i1) mass(1) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFdhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: hh,bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,bar[Cha]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdChaSuL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdChaSuR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdChaSuL(gt3,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdChaSuR(gt3,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fd cFd Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:81)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSuFdcFd Subroutine SuToFdSvImcFe(iIN,MFd,MSvIm,MFe,MCha,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplcFeChaSvImL,cplcFeChaSvImR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFd(3),MSvIm(6),MFe(3),MCha(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFeChaSvImL(3,2,6),cplcFeChaSvImR(3,2,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 4 Allocate( gSum(3,6,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,6,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSvIm(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFe(gt3))+Abs(MSvIm(gt2))+Abs(MFd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFeChaSvImL(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeChaSvImR(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd SvIm cFe Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFeChaSvImL(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(4) = cplcFeChaSvImR(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFeChaSvImL(gt3,i2,gt2) coup(8) = cplcFeChaSvImR(gt3,i2,gt2) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd SvIm cFe Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:4)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFdSvImcFe Subroutine SuToFdSvRecFe(iIN,MFd,MSvRe,MFe,MCha,MSu,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR, & & cplcFeChaSvReL,cplcFeChaSvReR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFd(3),MSvRe(6),MFe(3),MCha(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFeChaSvReL(3,2,6),cplcFeChaSvReR(3,2,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 4 Allocate( gSum(3,6,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,6,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSvRe(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFe(gt3))+Abs(MSvRe(gt2))+Abs(MFd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFeChaSvReL(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeChaSvReR(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd SvRe cFe Propagator: bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha]' End Do !-------------- ! bar[Cha], bar[Cha] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MCha(i1) mass(2) = MCha(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFeChaSvReL(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(4) = cplcFeChaSvReR(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFeChaSvReL(gt3,i2,gt2) coup(8) = cplcFeChaSvReR(gt3,i2,gt2) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fd SvRe cFe Propagator: bar[Cha],bar[Cha]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='bar[Cha],bar[Cha]' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:4)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFdSvRecFe Subroutine SuTocHpmChaFu(iIN,MHpm,MCha,MFu,MSd,MChi,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplChaFucSdL, & & cplChaFucSdR,cplChiChacHpmL,cplChiChacHpmR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MHpm(2),MCha(2),MFu(3),MSd(6),MChi(5),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),cplChaFucSdL(2,3,6),cplChaFucSdR(2,3,6),cplChiChacHpmL(5,2,2), & & cplChiChacHpmR(5,2,2),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 121 Allocate( gSum(2,2,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(2,2,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,2 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MCha(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MHpm(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFu(gt3))+Abs(MCha(gt2))+Abs(MHpm(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Sd !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSd(i1) mass(2) = MSd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Cha Fu Propagator: Sd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt3,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Cha Fu Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Sd, Sd !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSd(i1) mass(2) = MSd(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Cha Fu Propagator: Sd,Sd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd,Sd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Sd, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSd(i1) mass(1) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiChacHpmR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplChaFucSdR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Cha Fu Propagator: Sd,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Sd,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt3,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiChacHpmL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplChiChacHpmR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt3,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiChacHpmL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplChiChacHpmR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Cha Fu Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,2 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:121)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTocHpmChaFu Subroutine SuToFuFecSe(iIN,MFu,MFe,MSe,MChi,MSu,cplChiFecSeL,cplChiFecSeR, & & cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFu(3),MFe(3),MSe(6),MChi(5),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplChiFecSeL(5,3,6),cplChiFecSeR(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 25 Allocate( gSum(3,3,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFe(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSe(gt3))+Abs(MFe(gt2))+Abs(MFu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiFecSeL(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFecSeR(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fe cSe Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFecSeL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFecSeR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFecSeL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFecSeR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fe cSe Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:25)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFuFecSe Subroutine SuToFuFucSu(iIN,MFu,MSu,MChi,MGlu,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFu(3),MSu(6),MChi(5),MGlu Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 36 Allocate( gSum(3,3,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=gt1,3 Do gt3=1,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSu(gt3))+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(MFu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fu cSu Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Glu !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MGlu mass(2) = MGlu m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MGlu mass(2) = MGlu m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MGlu mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplGluFucSuL(gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplGluFucSuR(gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 2._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fu cSu Propagator: Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Glu' !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fu cSu Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFucSuL(gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFucSuR(gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplGluFucSuL(gt1,gt3) coup(8) = cplGluFucSuR(gt1,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fu cSu Propagator: Chi,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Glu' End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=gt1,3 Do gt3=1,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:36)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFuFucSu Subroutine SuToFuFvSvIm(iIN,MFu,MFv,MSvIm,MChi,MSu,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & cplChiFvSvImL,cplChiFvSvImR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFu(3),MFv(6),MSvIm(6),MChi(5),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),cplChiFvSvImL(5,6,6),cplChiFvSvImR(5,6,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 25 Allocate( gSum(3,6,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,6,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFv(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSvIm(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSvIm(gt3))+Abs(MFv(gt2))+Abs(MFu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiFvSvImL(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFvSvImR(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fv SvIm Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFvSvImL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFvSvImR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFvSvImL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFvSvImR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fv SvIm Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:25)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFuFvSvIm Subroutine SuToFuFvSvRe(iIN,MFu,MFv,MSvRe,MChi,MSu,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR, & & cplChiFvSvReL,cplChiFvSvReR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFu(3),MFv(6),MSvRe(6),MChi(5),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),cplChiFvSvReL(5,6,6),cplChiFvSvReR(5,6,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 25 Allocate( gSum(3,6,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,6,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFv(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSvRe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSvRe(gt3))+Abs(MFv(gt2))+Abs(MFu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplChiFvSvReL(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplChiFvSvReR(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fv SvRe Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplChiFvSvReL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplChiFvSvReR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplChiFvSvReL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplChiFvSvReR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Fv SvRe Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:25)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFuFvSvRe Subroutine SuTocChaFuHpm(iIN,MCha,MFu,MHpm,MFd,MChi,MSu,cplcChaChiHpmL, & & cplcChaChiHpmR,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdFuHpmL,cplcFdFuHpmR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MCha(2),MFu(3),MHpm(2),MFd(3),MChi(5),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcChaChiHpmL(2,5,2),cplcChaChiHpmR(2,5,2),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),& & cplcFdFuHpmL(3,3,2),cplcFdFuHpmR(3,3,2),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 64 Allocate( gSum(2,3,2, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(2,3,2, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,2 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=2,2 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MCha(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MHpm(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MHpm(gt3))+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(MCha(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(i1,gt2,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cCha Fu Hpm Propagator: Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmL(gt1,i1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChiHpmR(gt1,i1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cCha Fu Hpm Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdFuHpmL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFdFuHpmR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdFuHpmL(i2,gt2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFdFuHpmR(i2,gt2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cCha Fu Hpm Propagator: Fd,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdFuHpmL(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFdFuHpmR(i1,gt2,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcChaChiHpmL(gt1,i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcChaChiHpmR(gt1,i2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cCha Fu Hpm Propagator: Fd,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChaChiHpmL(gt1,i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcChaChiHpmR(gt1,i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcChaChiHpmL(gt1,i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcChaChiHpmR(gt1,i2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cCha Fu Hpm Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,2 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=2,2 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:64)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTocChaFuHpm Subroutine SuToSdFucFd(iIN,MSd,MFu,MFd,MVWm,MHpm,MChi,MGlu,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu, & & cplSdcSucVWm,cplcFdChiSdL,cplcFdChiSdR,cplcFdFuHpmL,cplcFdFuHpmR,cplcFdFuVWmL, & & cplcFdFuVWmR,cplcFdGluSdL,cplcFdGluSdR,cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL, & & cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSd(6),MFu(3),MFd(3),MVWm,MHpm(2),MChi(5),MGlu,MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),cplSdcSucVWm(6,6),cplcFdChiSdL(3,5,6),cplcFdChiSdR(3,5,6), & & cplcFdFuHpmL(3,3,2),cplcFdFuHpmR(3,3,2),cplcFdFuVWmL(3,3),cplcFdFuVWmR(3,3), & & cplcFdGluSdL(3,6),cplcFdGluSdR(3,6),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6), & & cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 81 Allocate( gSum(6,3,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,3,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFd(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFd(gt3))+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(MSd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! conj[VWm] !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVWm mass(2) = MVWm m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[VWm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm]' !-------------- ! conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MHpm(i1) mass(2) = MHpm(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm]' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdL(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdR(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Glu !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MGlu mass(2) = MGlu m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Glu' !-------------- ! conj[VWm], conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm mass(1) = MHpm(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[VWm],conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],conj[Hpm]' End Do !-------------- ! conj[VWm], Chi !-------------- Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm2 mass(1) = MChi2(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[VWm],Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],Chi' End Do !-------------- ! conj[VWm], Glu !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm2 mass(1) = MGlu2 coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFuVWmR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[VWm],Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],Glu' !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MHpm(i1) mass(2) = MHpm(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[Hpm],conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],conj[Hpm]' End Do End Do !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MHpm(i1) mass(1) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChiSdR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[Hpm],Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MHpm(i1) mass(1) = MGlu coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFdFuHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: conj[Hpm],Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],Glu' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdChiSdL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdChiSdR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdChiSdL(gt3,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdChiSdR(gt3,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdChiSdL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdChiSdR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdGluSdL(gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdGluSdR(gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fu cFd Propagator: Chi,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Glu' End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:81)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSdFucFd Subroutine SuToFuSecFe(iIN,MFu,MSe,MFe,MChi,MSu,cplcFeChiSeL,cplcFeChiSeR, & & cplChiFucSuL,cplChiFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MFu(3),MSe(6),MFe(3),MChi(5),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcFeChiSeL(3,5,6),cplcFeChiSeR(3,5,6),cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 25 Allocate( gSum(3,6,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,6,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSe(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFe(gt3))+Abs(MSe(gt2))+Abs(MFu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFeChiSeL(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeChiSeR(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Se cFe Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFeChiSeL(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(4) = cplcFeChiSeR(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFeChiSeL(gt3,i2,gt2) coup(8) = cplcFeChiSeR(gt3,i2,gt2) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Fu Se cFe Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:25)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToFuSecFe Subroutine SuToSuFucFu(iIN,MSu,MFu,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MChi,MGlu,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcFuChiSuL,cplcFuChiSuR,cplcFuFuAhL,cplcFuFuAhR,cplcFuFuhhL, & & cplcFuFuhhR,cplcFuFuVZL,cplcFuFuVZR,cplcFuGluSuL,cplcFuGluSuR,cplChiFucSuL, & & cplChiFucSuR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSu(6),MFu(3),MVZ,MAh(3),Mhh(3),MChi(5),MGlu Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6),cplcFuChiSuL(3,5,6), & & cplcFuChiSuR(3,5,6),cplcFuFuAhL(3,3,3),cplcFuFuAhR(3,3,3),cplcFuFuhhL(3,3,3), & & cplcFuFuhhR(3,3,3),cplcFuFuVZL(3,3),cplcFuFuVZR(3,3),cplcFuGluSuL(3,6),cplcFuGluSuR(3,6),& & cplChiFucSuL(5,3,6),cplChiFucSuR(5,3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 169 Allocate( gSum(6,3,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,3,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFu(gt3))+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(MSu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! VZ !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: VZ" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ' !-------------- ! Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah' End Do !-------------- ! hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh' End Do !-------------- ! Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i1,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi' End Do !-------------- ! Glu !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MGlu mass(2) = MGlu m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Glu' !-------------- ! VZ, Ah !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: VZ,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Ah' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, hh !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: VZ,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,hh' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Chi !-------------- Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ2 mass(1) = MChi2(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: VZ,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Chi' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Glu !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ2 mass(1) = MGlu2 coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuVZR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: VZ,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Glu' !-------------- ! Ah, Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Ah,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Ah' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Ah,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MAh(i1) mass(1) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Ah,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MAh(i1) mass(1) = MGlu coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Ah,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Glu' End Do !-------------- ! hh, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: hh,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = Mhh(i1) mass(1) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: hh,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = Mhh(i1) mass(1) = MGlu coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(gt3,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(gt3,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: hh,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,Glu' End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Chi !-------------- Do i1=1,4 Do i2=i1+1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MChi(i2) coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplChiFucSuL(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplChiFucSuR(i2,gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 3*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Chi,Chi" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Chi' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Chi, Glu !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MChi(i1) mass(2) = MGlu coup(1) = cplChiFucSuL(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(2) = cplChiFucSuR(i1,gt2,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuChiSuL(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuChiSuR(gt3,i1,gt1) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(gt2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(gt2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(gt3,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(gt3,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 0*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fu cFu Propagator: Chi,Glu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Chi,Glu' End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:169)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSuFucFu Subroutine SuTocHpmFdGlu(iIN,MHpm,MFd,MGlu,MSd,MFu,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplcFuFdcHpmL, & & cplcFuFdcHpmR,cplGluFdcSdL,cplGluFdcSdR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MHpm(2),MFd(3),MGlu,MSd(6),MFu(3),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),cplcFuFdcHpmL(3,3,2),cplcFuFdcHpmR(3,3,2),cplGluFdcSdL(3,6), & & cplGluFdcSdR(3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 81 Allocate( gSum(2,3,1, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(2,3,1, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFd(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MHpm(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MGlu)+Abs(MFd(gt2))+Abs(MHpm(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Sd !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSd(i1) mass(2) = MSd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdL(gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdR(gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Fd Glu Propagator: Sd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Sd' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Fd Glu Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Sd, Sd !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSd(i1) mass(2) = MSd(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdL(gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdR(gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdL(gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdR(gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Fd Glu Propagator: Sd,Sd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Sd,Sd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Sd, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSd(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFdcHpmR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSdcHpmcSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdL(gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplGluFdcSdR(gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Fd Glu Propagator: Sd,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Sd,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFdcHpmL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFdcHpmR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuFdcHpmL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuFdcHpmR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->cHpm Fd Glu Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=2,2 Do gt2=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,1)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,1,1:81)) If (g(gt1,gt2,1).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,1)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTocHpmFdGlu Subroutine SuTohhFuGlu(iIN,Mhh,MFu,MGlu,MSu,cplhhSucSu,cplcFuFuhhL,cplcFuFuhhR, & & cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: Mhh(3),MFu(3),MGlu,MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplcFuFuhhL(3,3,3),cplcFuFuhhR(3,3,3),cplGluFucSuL(3,6), & & cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 81 Allocate( gSum(3,3,1, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(3,3,1, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFu(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (Mhh(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MGlu)+Abs(MFu(gt2))+Abs(Mhh(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! Su !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fu Glu Propagator: Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Su' End Do !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fu Glu Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Su, Su !-------------- Do i1=1,5 Do i2=i1+1,6 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MSu(i1) mass(2) = MSu(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fu Glu Propagator: Su,Su" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Su,Su' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Su, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,6 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MSu(i1) mass(1) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuFuhhR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fu Glu Propagator: Su,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Su,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuFuhhL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFuFuhhR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuFuhhL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFuFuhhR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->hh Fu Glu Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,1,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,1,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,3 Do gt2=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,1)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,1,1:81)) If (g(gt1,gt2,1).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,1)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Subroutine SuTohhFuGlu Subroutine SuToGluGluSu(iIN,MGlu,MSu,MFu,cplcFuGluSuL,cplcFuGluSuR,cplGluFucSuL, & & cplGluFucSuR,deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MGlu,MSu(6),MFu(3) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcFuGluSuL(3,6),cplcFuGluSuR(3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 9 Allocate( gSum(1,1,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(1,1,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt3=1, iIN-1 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MSu(gt3))+Abs(MGlu)+Abs(MGlu))) Then !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Glu Su Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,1,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(i2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(i2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(i2,gt3) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFuGluSuL(i1,gt3) coup(4) = cplcFuGluSuR(i1,gt3) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFuGluSuL(i2,gt3) coup(8) = cplcFuGluSuR(i2,gt3) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 16._dp/9._dp*resC ! Color factor If (gt1.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Glu Su Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,1,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,1,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(1,1,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do Else gSum(1,1,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt3=1, iIN-1 g(1,1,gt3)=Sum(gSum(1,1,gt3,1:9)) If (g(1,1,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(1,1,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Subroutine SuToGluGluSu Subroutine SuToGluSdcCha(iIN,MGlu,MSd,MCha,MFu,MFd,MSu,cplcChacFuSdL,cplcChacFuSdR, & & cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdGluSdL,cplcFdGluSdR,cplGluFucSuL,cplGluFucSuR, & & deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MGlu,MSd(6),MCha(2),MFu(3),MFd(3),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplcChacFuSdL(2,3,6),cplcChacFuSdR(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6), & & cplcFdGluSdL(3,6),cplcFdGluSdR(3,6),cplGluFucSuL(3,6),cplGluFucSuR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 36 Allocate( gSum(1,6,2, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(1,6,2, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,2 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MGlu/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MCha(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSd(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MCha(gt3))+Abs(MSd(gt2))+Abs(MGlu))) Then !-------------- ! Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i1,gt2)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Sd cCha Propagator: Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu' End Do !-------------- ! Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdL(i1,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdGluSdR(i1,gt2)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Sd cCha Propagator: Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd' End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fu !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFu(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(4) = cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(5) = cplGluFucSuL(i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplGluFucSuR(i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i2,gt2) coup(8) = cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i2,gt2) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Sd cCha Propagator: Fu,Fu" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fu' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fu, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFu(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplGluFucSuL(i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplGluFucSuR(i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcChacFuSdL(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(4) = cplcChacFuSdR(gt3,i1,gt2) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdGluSdL(i2,gt2) coup(8) = cplcFdGluSdR(i2,gt2) Call IntegrateChiChiInterference(mass,m_in,r_outcrossed,coup,smin2,smax2,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Sd cCha Propagator: Fu,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fu,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdGluSdL(i1,gt2) coup(4) = cplcFdGluSdR(i1,gt2) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdGluSdL(i2,gt2) coup(8) = cplcFdGluSdR(i2,gt2) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 4._dp/3._dp*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Glu Sd cCha Propagator: Fd,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Fd' End Do End Do Else gSum(1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,2 g(1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(1,gt2,gt3,1:36)) If (g(1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToGluSdcCha Subroutine SuToSdFvcFe(iIN,MSd,MFv,MFe,MVWm,MHpm,MSu,cplSdcHpmcSu,cplSdcSucVWm, & & cplcFeFvHpmL,cplcFeFvHpmR,cplcFeFvVWmL,cplcFeFvVWmR,deltaM,epsI,check,g, & & WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSd(6),MFv(6),MFe(3),MVWm,MHpm(2),MSu(6) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplSdcHpmcSu(6,2,6),cplSdcSucVWm(6,6),cplcFeFvHpmL(3,6,2),cplcFeFvHpmR(3,6,2), & & cplcFeFvVWmL(3,6),cplcFeFvVWmR(3,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 9 Allocate( gSum(6,6,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,6,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFv(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSd(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFe(gt3))+Abs(MFv(gt2))+Abs(MSd(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! conj[VWm] !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVWm mass(2) = MVWm m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFvVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFvVWmR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fv cFe Propagator: conj[VWm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm]' !-------------- ! conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MHpm(i1) mass(2) = MHpm(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fv cFe Propagator: conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm]' End Do !-------------- ! conj[VWm], conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i2=1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVWm mass(1) = MHpm(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcSucVWm(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFvVWmL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFvVWmR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fv cFe Propagator: conj[VWm],conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[VWm],conj[Hpm]' End Do !-------------- ! conj[Hpm], conj[Hpm] !-------------- Do i1=1,1 Do i2=i1+1,2 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MHpm(i1) mass(2) = MHpm(i2) coup(1) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplSdcHpmcSu(gt1,i2,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFvHpmR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Sd Fv cFe Propagator: conj[Hpm],conj[Hpm]" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='conj[Hpm],conj[Hpm]' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1,6 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:9)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSdFvcFe Subroutine SuToSuChacCha(iIN,MSu,MCha,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,MFd,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu, & & cplSucSuVZ,cplcChaChaAhL,cplcChaChaAhR,cplcChaChahhL,cplcChaChahhR,cplcChaChaVZL, & & cplcChaChaVZR,cplcChaFdcSuL,cplcChaFdcSuR,cplcFdChaSuL,cplcFdChaSuR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSu(6),MCha(2),MVZ,MAh(3),Mhh(3),MFd(3) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6),cplcChaChaAhL(2,2,3), & & cplcChaChaAhR(2,2,3),cplcChaChahhL(2,2,3),cplcChaChahhR(2,2,3),cplcChaChaVZL(2,2), & & cplcChaChaVZR(2,2),cplcChaFdcSuL(2,3,6),cplcChaFdcSuR(2,3,6),cplcFdChaSuL(3,2,6), & & cplcFdChaSuR(3,2,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 100 Allocate( gSum(6,2,2, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,2,2, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,2 Do gt3=1,2 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MCha(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MCha(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MCha(gt3))+Abs(MCha(gt2))+Abs(MSu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! VZ !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: VZ" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ' !-------------- ! Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah' End Do !-------------- ! hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh' End Do !-------------- ! Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(1) = Conjg(cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN)) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(i1,gt2,gt1)) coup(5:8) = coup(1:4) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Ah !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: VZ,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Ah' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, hh !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: VZ,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,hh' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Fd !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ2 mass(1) = MFd2(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChaVZR(gt3,gt2)) Call IntegrateVF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: VZ,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Fd' End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: Ah,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Ah' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: Ah,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MAh(i1) mass(1) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChaAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: Ah,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: hh,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = Mhh(i1) mass(1) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(4) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuL(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFdChaSuR(i2,gt2,gt1)) coup(5) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(7) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcChaChahhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) Call IntegrateSF(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: hh,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,Fd' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Fd, Fd !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MFd(i1) mass(2) = MFd(i2) coup(1) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(2) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i1,iIN) coup(3) = cplcFdChaSuL(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(4) = cplcFdChaSuR(i1,gt2,gt1) coup(5) = cplcChaFdcSuL(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(6) = cplcChaFdcSuR(gt3,i2,iIN) coup(7) = cplcFdChaSuL(i2,gt2,gt1) coup(8) = cplcFdChaSuR(i2,gt2,gt1) Call IntegrateFFLM(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Cha cCha Propagator: Fd,Fd" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Fd,Fd' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,2 Do gt3=1,2 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:100)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSuChacCha Subroutine SuToSuFecFe(iIN,MSu,MFe,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu,cplSucSuVZ, & & cplcFeFeAhL,cplcFeFeAhR,cplcFeFehhL,cplcFeFehhR,cplcFeFeVZL,cplcFeFeVZR, & & deltaM,epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSu(6),MFe(3),MVZ,MAh(3),Mhh(3) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6),cplcFeFeAhL(3,3,3), & & cplcFeFeAhR(3,3,3),cplcFeFehhL(3,3,3),cplcFeFehhR(3,3,3),cplcFeFeVZL(3,3), & & cplcFeFeVZR(3,3) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 49 Allocate( gSum(6,3,3, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,3,3, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFe(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFe(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFe(gt3))+Abs(MFe(gt2))+Abs(MSu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! VZ !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFeVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFeVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: VZ" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ' !-------------- ! Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah' End Do !-------------- ! hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Ah !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFeVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFeVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: VZ,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Ah' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, hh !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFeVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFeVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: VZ,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,hh' End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: Ah,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Ah' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFeAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: Ah,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhL(gt3,gt2,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplcFeFehhR(gt3,gt2,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fe cFe Propagator: hh,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,hh' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,3 Do gt3=1,3 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:49)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSuFecFe Subroutine SuToSuFvFv(iIN,MSu,MFv,MVZ,MAh,Mhh,cplAhSucSu,cplhhSucSu,cplSucSuVZ, & & cplFvFvAhL,cplFvFvAhR,cplFvFvhhL,cplFvFvhhR,cplFvFvVZL,cplFvFvVZR,deltaM, & & epsI,check,g,WriteContributions) Implicit None Real(dp),Intent(in) :: MSu(6),MFv(6),MVZ,MAh(3),Mhh(3) Complex(dp),Intent(in) :: cplAhSucSu(3,6,6),cplhhSucSu(3,6,6),cplSucSuVZ(6,6),cplFvFvAhL(6,6,3),cplFvFvAhR(6,6,3),& & cplFvFvhhL(6,6,3),cplFvFvhhR(6,6,3),cplFvFvVZL(6,6),cplFvFvVZR(6,6) Real(dp),Intent(inout)::g(:,:,:) Logical, Intent(in) :: check Integer, Intent(in) :: iIN Real(dp), Intent(in) :: epsI, deltaM Logical, Optional :: WriteContributions Integer :: i1,i2,gt1,gt2,gt3, Isum Real(dp) :: resR, res1, res2, resD, m_in Complex(dp) :: resC, resS Real(dp), Allocatable :: gSum(:,:,:,:) Character(len=20), Allocatable :: Contribution(:,:,:,:) Real(dp)::smin,smax,smin2,smax2,rj2,rk2,rm2 Real(dp)::r_out(3),r_outcrossed(3) Real(dp)::mass(3) Complex(dp)::coup(10) mass(1) = MSu(iIN) Isum = 49 Allocate( gSum(6,6,6, Isum) ) Allocate( Contribution(6,6,6, Isum) ) gSum = 0._dp Contribution = ' ' Isum = 0 Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=gt2,6 Isum = 0 rk2 = (MFv(gt2)/MSu(iIN))**2 rm2 = (MFv(gt3)/MSu(iIN))**2 rj2 = (MSu(gt1)/MSu(iIN))**2 smin=2._dp*Sqrt(rk2) smax=1._dp+rk2-rj2-rm2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rm2) smin2=2._dp*Sqrt(rm2) smax2=1._dp+rm2-rj2-rk2-2._dp*Sqrt(rj2*rk2) m_in=MSu(iIN) r_out(1)=rj2 r_out(2)=rk2 r_out(3)=rm2 r_outcrossed(1)=rj2 r_outcrossed(2)=rm2 r_outcrossed(3)=rk2 If(Abs(MSu(iIN)).gt.(Abs(MFv(gt3))+Abs(MFv(gt2))+Abs(MSu(gt1)))) Then !-------------- ! VZ !-------------- Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZR(gt2,gt3)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MVZ mass(2) = MVZ m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZL(gt3,gt2)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZR(gt3,gt2)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateVV(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: VZ" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ' !-------------- ! Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i1) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah' End Do !-------------- ! hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS=0._dp resD=0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) m_in = MSu(iIN) coup(1) = Conjg(cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4:6) = coup(1:3) Call IntegrateSaSa(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i1) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt3,gt2,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC resD = resD + resS If (resD.ne.resD) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)=resD End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, Ah !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZR(gt2,gt3)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: VZ,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,Ah' End Do !-------------- ! VZ, hh !-------------- Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(2) = MVZ mass(1) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplSucSuVZ(gt1,iIN) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZL(gt2,gt3)) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvVZR(gt2,gt3)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) If(Abs(mass(1)-mass(2)).lt.0.1) Then Call IntegrateVSGoldstone(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp Else Call IntegrateVS(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp End If resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: VZ,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='VZ,hh' End Do !-------------- ! Ah, Ah !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = MAh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplAhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: Ah,Ah" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,Ah' End Do End Do !-------------- ! Ah, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,3 Do i2=1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = MAh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplAhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvAhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: Ah,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='Ah,hh' End Do End Do !-------------- ! hh, hh !-------------- Do i1=1,2 Do i2=i1+1,3 Isum = Isum + 1 resS = 0._dp mass(1) = Mhh(i1) mass(2) = Mhh(i2) coup(1) = cplhhSucSu(i1,gt1,iIN) coup(3) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(2) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt2,gt3,i1)) coup(4) = cplhhSucSu(i2,gt1,iIN) coup(6) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhL(gt2,gt3,i2)) coup(5) = Conjg(cplFvFvhhR(gt2,gt3,i2)) Call IntegrateSaSb(mass,m_in,r_out,coup,smin,smax,epsI,resC) If (resC.ne.resC) resC = 0._dp resC = 2._dp*resC resC = 1*resC ! Color factor If (gt3.Eq.gt2) Then resC=resC/2._dp End If resS = resS + resC If (resS.ne.resS) Then Write(*,*) "NaN appearing in the following diagrams: " Write(*,*) "Su->Su Fv Fv Propagator: hh,hh" Write(*,*) "M_in: ",m_in Write(*,*) "mass: ",mass Write(*,*) "coup: ",coup gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= 0._dp Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)= resS End If Contribution(gt1,gt2,gt3,Isum)='hh,hh' End Do End Do Else gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,:)= 0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do !---------- !Summing !---------- g=0._dp Do gt1=1, iIN-1 Do gt2=1,6 Do gt3=gt2,6 g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=Sum(gSum(gt1,gt2,gt3,1:49)) If (g(gt1,gt2,gt3).Lt.0._dp) Then Write (ErrCan,*)'Error in Subroutine'//NameOfUnit(Iname) g(gt1,gt2,gt3)=0._dp End If End Do End Do End Do End Subroutine SuToSuFvFv End Module Su3Decays_seesaw1nmssm
You may have seen them passing through the MU, or getting in the way during a high bike traffic part of the day, but you know you love them. UC Davis tours run 7 days a week, providing walking tours to prospective students. Family walking tours depart from the Buehler Alumni & Visitors Center Walter A. Buehler Alumni & Visitor Center Monday thru Friday at 9:00am and 1:00pm. Weekend tours depart at 11:00am. More tours are usually added during the spring and summer, when most prospective students visit. Many students take them before coming to UC Davis and more than likely found the 1.5 hour trek daunting yet exciting! The award winning UC Davis campus tour seems to serve as a gateway into campus life. As well, the tours are led by an amazing team of tour guides who not only point out important aspects of campus and field often obscure questions, but do it all while walking backwards! interesting tour stories and anecdotes are not only welcomed but encouraged Students of all ages come on tours of UC Davis. I once took a group of 50 brownie girl scout around the campus, and despite the fact that we had so much diversity in majors, nationally awarded programs, worldrenowned professors, and the largest dining hall on the west coast, the only thing these prospective students cared about were the squirrels... Users/SteffiChristiana I once got a question about whether or not there are fights on campus. Realizing that students from high schools may be accustomed to delinquentrelated violence, I assured the group that fights were extremely rare on campus and I had never actually seen one myself. As luck would have it, we were walking through the center of the quad, and there was a group of about fifteen students having a pillow fight. Avert your eyes, ladies and gentlemen, I said melodramatically. Its a fight! Users/KatherineHarnack While crossing the street by Cruess Hall, I spotted some money in the middle of the bike circle and commented on it. This was clearly a mistake, as my entire tour group sprinted into the middle of the bike circle and started fighting over the handful of bills. Keep in mind these were grown men, not high schoolers... 20051226 10:03:48 nbsp In the spring whenever they come through the dorm areas, I always have the irresistable urge to say, Observe the freshman in its natural habitat, but be careful. They may become aggressive when threatened. Users/AllisonEriksen 20060411 23:40:09 nbsp Allison, are you even a tour guide? Or are you one of those random people who yell out at the tour groups? Users/ChuckMelton 20060608 21:58:33 nbsp Whenever I see a tour group passing by, I walk into the middle of it and start following the guide... at least for a few blocks. Its fun. I get to learn random trivia about the school, and the touring students seem to find it amusing. Users/NumiaCairaguas 20060609 08:32:11 nbsp Im no tour guide, but I have yet to actually yell at them. Users/AllisonEriksen 20060906 20:47:26 nbsp As a tour guide, I have to admit...we may actually say that once in a while :) Users/SteffiChristiana 20061213 16:05:43 nbsp Allison, I got to give you credit, I say your line on my tours now, and I get laughs everytime! Thanks, Users/EricFriedman 20091119 00:15:47 nbsp how does one apply to be a tour guide? Users/HarrisonNoah
! ! Copyright 2017-2019 SALMON developers ! ! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ! You may obtain a copy of the License at ! ! http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ! ! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ! WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ! limitations under the License. ! subroutine check_numcpu use salmon_parallel, only: nproc_size_global use scf_data use new_world_sub implicit none integer :: j if(nproc_k*nproc_ob*nproc_Mxin(1)*nproc_Mxin(2)*nproc_Mxin(3)/=nproc_size_global)then write(*,*) "inumcpu_check error!" write(*,*) "number of cpu is not correct!" stop end if do j=1,3 if(nproc_Mxin_s(j)<nproc_Mxin(j))then write(*,*) "inumcpu_check error!" write(*,*) "nproc_Mxin_s is smaller than nproc_Mxin." stop end if end do if(nproc_Mxin_s(1)*nproc_Mxin_s(2)*nproc_Mxin_s(3)>nproc_size_global)then write(*,*) "inumcpu_check error!" write(*,*) "product of nproc_Mxin_s is larger than nproc." stop end if if(mod(nproc_Mxin_s(1),nproc_Mxin(1))/=0)then write(*,*) "inumcpu_check error!" write(*,*) "nproc_Mxin_s(1) is not mutiple of nproc_Mxin(1)." stop end if if(mod(nproc_Mxin_s(2),nproc_Mxin(2))/=0)then write(*,*) "inumcpu_check error!" write(*,*) "nproc_Mxin_s(2) is not mutiple of nproc_Mxin(2)." stop end if if(mod(nproc_Mxin_s(3),nproc_Mxin(3))/=0)then write(*,*) "inumcpu_check error!" write(*,*) "nproc_Mxin_s(3) is not mutiple of nproc_Mxin(3)." stop end if nproc_Mxin_s_dm(1:3)=nproc_Mxin_s(1:3)/nproc_Mxin(1:3) if(ilsda==1)then if(nproc_ob>1)then write(*,*) "Orbital parallelization is not currently supported. It will be supported in future." stop end if end if end subroutine check_numcpu
program main ! 2D model of crystal growth based on diffusion-limited aggregation implicit none integer :: clock, n, i integer, allocatable :: seed(:) integer, parameter :: map_size_x = 1024, map_size_y = 1024, n_particle = 1000 integer :: map(0:map_size_x - 1, 0:map_size_y - 1) integer :: x, y ! seed initialization call SYSTEM_CLOCK(clock) call RANDOM_SEED(size = n) allocate(seed(n)) do i = 1, n seed(i) = clock + 37 * i end do call RANDOM_SEED(put = seed) ! map initialization do x = 0, map_size_x - 1 do y = 0, map_size_y - 1 map(x, y) = 0 end do end do map(map_size_x / 2, map_size_y / 2) = 1 open(unit = 1, file = 'crystal.txt', status = 'unknown') write(1, '(2i5)') map_size_x / 2, map_size_y / 2 close(1) ! particle aggregation do i = 1, n_particle do while (.true.) call INITIAL_POSITION(x, y, map_size_x, map_size_y) if (map(x, y) == 0) exit end do do while (.true.) call RANDOM_WALK(x, y, map_size_x, map_size_y) if ((map(modulo(x - 1, map_size_x), y) == 1) & .or. (map(modulo(x + 1, map_size_x), y) == 1) & .or. (map(x, modulo(y - 1, map_size_y)) == 1) & .or. (map(x, modulo(y + 1, map_size_y))) == 1) then map(x, y) = 1 exit end if end do open(unit = 1, file = 'crystal.txt', status = 'old', position = 'append') write(1, '(2i5)') x, y close(1) end do close(1) end program main subroutine INITIAL_POSITION(x, y, map_size_x, map_size_y) real :: r integer, intent(inout) :: x, y integer, intent(in) :: map_size_x, map_size_y call RANDOM_NUMBER(r) if (r < .25d0) then x = 0 y = floor(r * 4.d0 * dble(map_size_y)) elseif (r < .5d0) then x = map_size_x - 1 y = floor((r - .25d0) * 4.d0 * dble(map_size_y)) elseif (r < .75d0) then x = floor((r - .5d0) * 4.d0 * dble(map_size_x)) y = 0 else x = floor((r - .75d0) * 4.d0 * dble(map_size_x)) y = map_size_y - 1 end if end subroutine INITIAL_POSITION subroutine RANDOM_WALK(x, y, map_size_x, map_size_y) real :: r integer, intent(inout) :: x, y integer, intent(in) :: map_size_x, map_size_y call RANDOM_NUMBER(r) if (r < .25d0) then x = modulo(x - 1, map_size_x) elseif (r < .5d0) then x = modulo(x + 1, map_size_x) elseif (r < .75d0) then y = modulo(y - 1, map_size_y) else y = modulo(y + 1, map_size_y) end if end subroutine RANDOM_WALK
! program demo_lbound module m_bounds implicit none contains subroutine msub(arr) !!integer,intent(in) :: arr(*) ! cannot be assumed-size array integer,intent(in) :: arr(:) write(*,*)'MSUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr), & & 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), & & 'SIZE=',size(arr) end subroutine msub end module m_bounds use m_bounds, only : msub implicit none interface subroutine esub(arr) integer,intent(in) :: arr(:) end subroutine esub end interface integer :: arr(-10:10) write(*,*)'MAIN: LOWER=',lbound(arr), & & 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), & & 'SIZE=',size(arr) call csub() call msub(arr) call esub(arr) contains subroutine csub write(*,*)'CSUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr), & & 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), & & 'SIZE=',size(arr) end subroutine csub end subroutine esub(arr) implicit none integer,intent(in) :: arr(:) ! WARNING: IF CALLED WITHOUT AN EXPLICIT INTERFACE ! THIS WILL GIVE UNDEFINED ANSWERS (like 0,0,0) write(*,*)'ESUB: LOWER=',lbound(arr), & & 'UPPER=',ubound(arr), & & 'SIZE=',size(arr) end subroutine esub !end program demo_lbound
less_toxic(q1,t1). less_toxic(dd1,p1). less_toxic(j1,v1). less_toxic(kk1,b1). less_toxic(ll1,t1). less_toxic(j1,i1). less_toxic(j1,jj1). less_toxic(ee1,cc1). less_toxic(w1,u1). less_toxic(o1,u1). less_toxic(j1,z1). less_toxic(k1,c1). less_toxic(k1,cc1). less_toxic(hh1,f1). less_toxic(i1,f1). less_toxic(m1,a1). less_toxic(t1,c1). less_toxic(cc1,a1). less_toxic(ee1,f1). less_toxic(n1,l1). less_toxic(w1,e1). less_toxic(cc1,h1). less_toxic(hh1,e1). less_toxic(bb1,e1). less_toxic(g1,dd1). less_toxic(ll1,d1). less_toxic(m1,d1). less_toxic(hh1,c1). less_toxic(kk1,e1). less_toxic(g1,z1). less_toxic(x1,a1). less_toxic(l1,d1). less_toxic(b1,dd1). less_toxic(ii1,u1). less_toxic(g1,a1). less_toxic(m1,l1). less_toxic(ll1,i1). less_toxic(t1,p1). less_toxic(w1,f1). less_toxic(kk1,a1). less_toxic(m1,aa1). less_toxic(n1,w1). less_toxic(bb1,z1). less_toxic(k1,a1).
#include "scalar.fpp" !=====================================================================! ! Newmark-Beta-Gamma Integration Module for first and second order ! systems with adjoint derivative capabilities. ! ! Author: Komahan Boopathy ([email protected]) !=====================================================================! module nbg_integrator use integrator_class, only : integrator use physics_class, only : physics implicit none private public :: NBG type(scalar), parameter :: ONE = 1.0d0 type(scalar), parameter :: ZERO = 0.0d0 !===================================================================! ! NBG Integrator type !===================================================================! type, extends(integrator) :: NBG ! Average Constant Accelearation (second order unconditionally stable) type(scalar) :: BETA = 0.25d0 type(scalar) :: GAMMA = 0.50d0 !!$ ! Fox & Goodwin (third order & conditionally stable wh=2.45) !!$ type(scalar) :: BETA = 1.0d0/12.0d0 !!$ type(scalar) :: GAMMA = 0.50d0 !!$ !!$ ! Linear Acceleration (second order & conditionally stable wh=3.46) !!$ type(scalar) :: BETA = 1.0d0/6.0d0 !!$ type(scalar) :: GAMMA = 0.50d0 !!$ !!$ ! Central Difference (second order & conditionally stable wh=2) !!$ type(scalar) :: BETA = 1.0d0/2.0d0 !!$ type(scalar) :: GAMMA = 0.50d0 !!$ ! Purely Explicit !!$ type(scalar) :: BETA = 0.0d0 !!$ type(scalar) :: GAMMA = 0.0d0 type(scalar), allocatable, dimension(:) :: rho type(scalar), allocatable, dimension(:) :: sigma contains ! Destructor procedure, public :: finalize ! Routines for integration procedure, private :: approximateStates procedure, private :: getLinearCoeff ! Routines for adjoint gradient procedure, public :: marchBackwards procedure, private :: assembleRHS procedure :: computeTotalDerivative end type NBG interface NBG module procedure initialize end interface NBG contains !===================================================================! ! Initialize the NBG datatype and allocate required variables !===================================================================! type(nbg) function initialize( system, tinit, tfinal, h, second_order ) result (this) class(physics), target :: system real(dp) , OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: tinit, tfinal real(dp) , OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: h logical , OPTIONAL, intent(in) :: second_order print *, "======================================" print *, ">> Newmark Beta Gamma (NBG) << " print *, "======================================" call this % construct(system, tinit, tfinal, h, second_order) !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Allocate space for auxiliary adjoint variables !-----------------------------------------------------------------! allocate(this % rho(this % nsvars)) this % rho = 0.0d0 allocate(this % sigma(this % nsvars)) this % sigma = 0.0d0 !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Setup adjoint RHS !-----------------------------------------------------------------! this % num_rhs_bins = 2 allocate(this % rhs(this % nsvars)) this % rhs = 0.0d0 end function initialize !===================================================================! ! Deallocate the allocated variables !===================================================================! subroutine finalize( this ) class(NBG) :: this call this % destruct() ! Clear global states and time if(allocated(this % rho)) deallocate(this % rho) if(allocated(this % sigma)) deallocate(this % sigma) if (allocated(this % rhs)) deallocate(this % rhs) end subroutine finalize !===================================================================! ! Approximate the state variables at each step using NBG formula !===================================================================! subroutine approximateStates( this ) class(NBG) :: this integer :: k type(scalar) :: scale k = this % current_step !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Assume a UDDOT for the next time step !-----------------------------------------------------------------! this % uddot(k,:) = this % uddot(k-1,:) !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Approximate UDOT using NBG !-----------------------------------------------------------------! this % udot(k,:) = this % udot(k-1,:) scale = this % h * (1.0d0 - this % GAMMA) this % udot(k,:) = this % udot(k,:) + scale*this % uddot(k-1,:) scale = this % h * this % GAMMA this % udot(k,:) = this % udot(k,:) + scale*this % uddot(k,:) !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Approximate U using NBG !-----------------------------------------------------------------! this % u(k,:) = this % u(k-1,:) scale = this % h this % u(k,:) = this % u(k,:) + scale*this % udot(k-1,:) scale = this % h * this % h * (1.0d0 - 2.0d0 * this % BETA)/2.0d0 this % u(k,:) = this % u(k,:) + scale*this % uddot(k-1,:) scale = this % h * this % h * this % BETA this % u(k,:) = this % u(k,:) + scale*this % uddot(k,:) end subroutine approximateStates !===================================================================! ! Returns the linearization scalar coefficients: alpha, beta, gamma !===================================================================! subroutine getLinearCoeff( this, alpha, beta, gamma ) class(NBG) :: this type(scalar), intent(out) :: alpha, beta, gamma integer :: m if ( this % second_order ) then gamma = 1.0d0/this % h/ this % h beta = this % GAMMA/ this % h alpha = this % BETA else stop"Error: Newmark-Beta-Gamma method works for second order systems in current form..." end if !!$ gamma = 1.0d0 !!$ beta = this % h * this % GAMMA !!$ alpha = this % h * this % h * this % BETA end subroutine getLinearCoeff !===================================================================! ! Subroutine that marches backwards in time to compute the lagrange ! multipliers (adjoint variables for the function) ! ===================================================================! subroutine marchBackwards( this ) class(NBG) :: this integer :: k integer, parameter :: unit = 88 type(scalar) :: alpha, beta, gamma open(unit=88, file=trim("nbg_adjoint.dat")) time: do k = this % num_steps, 2, -1 this % current_step = k !--------------------------------------------------------------! ! Determine the linearization coefficients for the Jacobian !--------------------------------------------------------------! call this % getLinearCoeff(alpha, beta, gamma) !--------------------------------------------------------------! ! Solve the adjoint equation at each step !--------------------------------------------------------------! call this % adjointSolve(this % psi(k,:), alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k), this % u(k,:), this % udot(k,:), this % uddot(k,:)) write_output: block type(integer) :: j ! Write the solution as output write(unit, *) this % time(k), & & (dble(this % psi(k,j)), j=1,this%nsvars ), & & (dble(this % rho(j)), j=1,this%nsvars ), & & (dble(this % sigma(j)), j=1,this%nsvars ) end block write_output !print*, "k, psi=", k, this % psi(k,:) end do time end subroutine marchBackwards !===================================================================! ! Function that puts together the right hand side of the adjoint ! equation into the supplied rhs vector. !===================================================================! subroutine assembleRHS( this, rhs ) class(NBG) :: this type(scalar), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: rhs type(scalar), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: jac type(scalar) :: alpha, beta, gamma type(integer) :: k allocate( jac(this % nSVars, this % nSVars) ) k = this % current_step ! Zero the RHS first rhs = 0.0d0 if ( k .ne. this % num_steps) then !-----------------------------------------------------! ! Add previous residual contributions to RHS !-----------------------------------------------------! gamma = 0.0d0 beta = 1.0d0/this % h alpha = 0.5d0 + this % GAMMA ! Add the state variable sensitivity from the previous step call this % system % func % addFuncSVSens(rhs, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k+1), & & this % system % X, & & this % u(k+1,:), & & this % udot(k+1,:), & & this % uddot(k+1,:)) ! Add the residual adjoint product from the previous step call this % system % assembleJacobian(jac, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k+1), & & this % u(k+1,:), & & this % udot(k+1,:), & & this % uddot(k+1,:)) rhs = rhs + matmul(transpose(jac(:,:)), this % psi(k+1,:)) !-------------------------------------------------------! ! Add similar contributions to RHS !-------------------------------------------------------! rhs = rhs + beta * this % sigma/this % h rhs = rhs + alpha * this % rho/this % h !-----------------------------------------------------------! ! Compute NEW THIS % SIGMA (k) !-----------------------------------------------------------! this % sigma = this % sigma + this % h * this % rho gamma = 0.0d0 beta = this % h alpha = this % h * this % h ! Add the state variable sensitivity from the previous step call this % system % func % addFuncSVSens(this % sigma, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k+1), & & this % system % X, & & this % u(k+1,:), & & this % udot(k+1,:), & & this % uddot(k+1,:)) ! Add the residual adjoint product from the previous step call this % system % assembleJacobian(jac, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k+1), & & this % u(k+1,:), & & this % udot(k+1,:), & & this % uddot(k+1,:)) this % sigma = this % sigma + matmul(transpose(jac(:,:)), this % psi(k+1,:)) !-----------------------------------------------------------! ! Compute THIS % RHO (K) !-----------------------------------------------------------! gamma = 0.0d0 beta = 0.0d0 alpha = this % h ! Add the state variable sensitivity from the previous step call this % system % func % addFuncSVSens(this % rho, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k+1), & & this % system % X, & & this % u(k+1,:), & & this % udot(k+1,:), & & this % uddot(k+1,:)) ! Add the residual adjoint product from the previous step call this % system % assembleJacobian(jac, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k+1), & & this % u(k+1,:), & & this % udot(k+1,:), & & this % uddot(k+1,:)) this % rho = this % rho + matmul(transpose(jac(:,:)), this % psi(k+1,:)) end if ! Get the coefficients call this % getLinearCoeff( alpha, beta, gamma) ! Add the state variable sensitivity call this % system % func % addFuncSVSens(rhs, & & alpha, beta, gamma, & & this % time(k), & & this % system % X, & & this % u(k,:), & & this % udot(k,:), & & this % uddot(k,:)) ! Negate the RHS rhs = -rhs if(allocated(jac)) deallocate(jac) end subroutine assembleRHS !===================================================================! ! Compute the total derivative of the function with respect to the ! design variables and return the gradient !===================================================================! subroutine computeTotalDerivative( this, dfdx ) class(NBG) :: this type(scalar) , dimension(:), intent(inout) :: dfdx type(scalar) , dimension(this % nSVars, this % nDVars) :: dRdX type(scalar) :: scale = 1.0d0 integer :: k !scale = this % h dfdx = 0.0d0 !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Compute dfdx !-----------------------------------------------------------------! do k = 2, this % num_steps call this % system % func % addFuncDVSens(dfdx, scale, this % time(k), & & this % system % x, this % u(k,:), this % udot(k,:), this % uddot(k,:) ) end do ! Initial condition !!$ call this % system % func % addFuncDVSens(dfdx, scale, this % time(1), & !!$ & this % system % x, this % u(1,:), this % udot(1,:), this % uddot(1,:) ) !-----------------------------------------------------------------! ! Compute the total derivative !-----------------------------------------------------------------! do k = 2, this % num_steps call this % system % getResidualDVSens(dRdX, scale, this % time(k), & & this % system % x, this % u(k,:), this % udot(k,:), this % uddot(k,:)) dfdx = dfdx + matmul(this % psi(k,:), dRdX) ! check order end do !!$ ! Add constraint contribution !!$ call this % system % getResidualDVSens(dRdX, scale, this % time(1), & !!$ & this % system % x, this % u(1,:), this % udot(1,:), this % uddot(1,:)) !!$ dfdx = dfdx + matmul(this % psi(2,:), dRdX) ! Finally multiply by the scalar dfdx = this % h * dfdx print*, "Check scaling of dfdx, and transpose" end subroutine computeTotalDerivative end module nbg_integrator
! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! * * ! * copyright (c) 1998 by UCAR * ! * * ! * University Corporation for Atmospheric Research * ! * * ! * all rights reserved * ! * * ! * Spherepack * ! * * ! * A Package of Fortran77 Subroutines and Programs * ! * * ! * for Modeling Geophysical Processes * ! * * ! * by * ! * * ! * John Adams and Paul Swarztrauber * ! * * ! * of * ! * * ! * the National Center for Atmospheric Research * ! * * ! * Boulder, Colorado (80307) U.S.A. * ! * * ! * which is sponsored by * ! * * ! * the National Science Foundation * ! * * ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ! ! ! ! Subroutine trvsph is used to demonstrate vector data transfer between a coarse ! ten degree equally spaced grid and a higher resolution T42 Global Spectral ! Gaussian grid. ! ! Ten Degree Grid (Mathematical Spherical Coordinates) ! ! The equally spaced vector data, given in mathematical spherical ! coordinates, is stored in 19 X 36 colatitude-longitude arrays (ue, ve). The ! colatitudinal values are stored north to south with increasing colatitude ! subscript values. ue is the east longitudinal component and ve is the ! colatitudinal component of the vector. ! ! Gaussian Grid (Geophysical Spherical Coordinates) ! ! The T42 Gaussian grid vector data is in geophysical spherical coordinates. ! It is stored in 128 X 64 longitude-latitude arrays (ug, vg). Values are ! stored south to north with increasing latitude subscript value. ug ! is the longitudinal component and vg is the latitudinal componenet of the ! vector data. ! ! For testing purposes we use an analytic vector field (u, v). Let t and p ! be colatitude and longitude and x=sin(t)cos(p), y=sint(t)*sin(p), z=cos(t) ! be the cartesian coordinates restricted to the sphere in mathematical ! coordinates. We derive the vector field (u, v) from the stream function ! S and velocity function P given by ! ! y -z x z ! S = e + e , P = e + e ! ! The corresponding vector field has the form ! ! x -z y ! u = -e sin(p) + e sin(t) + e cos(t)sin(p) ! ! y z x ! v = -e cos(p) - e sin(t) + e cos(t)cos(p) ! ! ! in mathematical spherical coordinates. Values in geophysical ! coordinates can be obtained by negating v. ! ! In the code below, (ue, ve) is set equal to (u, v) and trvsph is used to ! transfer (ue, ve) to (ug, vg). (ug, vg) is then compared with (u, v) in ! geophysical coordinates on the T42 Gaussian grid. Finally, trvsph is ! used to transfer (ug, vg) back to (ue, vg) and this is compared with (u, v). ! Output from executing the test program on separate platforms with 32 bit ! and 64 bit floating point arithmetic is listed below. The minimum required ! saved and unsaved workspace lengths were predetermined by an earlier call ! trvsph with nlon_reg=36, nlat_reg=19, nlon_gau=128, nlat_gau=64, lsave=0, lwork=0 and printout ! of lsvmin and lwkmin. ! ! ! ********************************************************************** ! ! OUTPUT FROM EXECUTING CODE IN THIS FILE ! ! ********************************************************************** ! ! EQUALLY SPACED TO GAUSSIAN GRID TRANSFER ! trvsph input arguments: ! intl = 0 ! igrid_reg(1) = -1 igrid_reg(2) = 1 ! nlon_reg = 36 nlat_reg = 19 ! ive = 1 ! igrid_gau(1) = 2 igrid_gau(2) = 0 ! nlon_gau = 128 nlat_gau = 64 ! ivg = 0 ! lsave = 21814 lwork = 75173 ! ! trvsph output: ! ier = 0 lsvmin = 21792 lwkmin = 75173 ! *** 32 BIT FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC ! least squares error in u = 0.307E-06 ! least squares error in v = 0.272E-06 ! *** 64 BIT FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC ! least squares error in u = 0.841E-12 ! least squares error in v = 0.603E-12 ! ! GAUSSIAN TO EQUALLY SPACED GRID TRANSFER ! trvsph input arguments: ! intl = 0 ! igrid_gau(1) = 2 igrid_gau(2) = 0 ! nlon_gau = 128 nlat_gau = 64 ! ivg = 0 ! igrid_reg(1) = -1 igrid_reg(2) = 1 ! nlon_reg = 36 nlat_reg = 19 ! ive = 1 ! lsave = 21814 lwork = 75173 ! ! trvsph output: ! ier = 0 lsvmin = 21814 lwkmin = 75173 ! *** 32 BIT FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC ! least squares error in u = 0.374E-06 ! least squares error in v = 0.364E-06 ! *** 64 BIT FLOATING POINT ARITHMETIC ! least squares error in u = 0.170E-12 ! least squares error in v = 0.161E-12 ! ! ********************************************************************** ! ! END OF OUTPUT ... CODE FOLLOWS ! ! ********************************************************************** program testrvsph use, intrinsic :: ISO_Fortran_env, only: & stdout => OUTPUT_UNIT use spherepack ! Explicit typing only implicit none ! Set grid sizes with parameter statements integer(ip), parameter :: NLAT_GAU = 64, NLON_GAU = 128 integer(ip), parameter :: NLAT_REG = 19, NLON_REG = 36 ! Dimension and type data arrays and grid vectors and internal variables real(wp) :: u_reg(NLAT_REG, NLON_REG), v_reg(NLAT_REG, NLON_REG) real(wp) :: u_gau(NLON_GAU, NLAT_GAU), v_gau(NLON_GAU, NLAT_GAU) real(wp) :: theta_gau(NLAT_GAU) real(wp) :: gaussian_latitudes(NLAT_GAU), gaussian_weights(NLAT_GAU) integer(ip) :: igrid_reg(2), igrid_gau(2), ivec_reg, ivec_gau real(wp) :: dlat_reg, dlon_reg, dlon_gau real(wp) :: theta, phi, cosp, sinp, cost, sint, x, y, z real(wp) :: erru2, errv2, ex, ey, ez, emz, uee, vee integer(ip) :: i, j, ib, intl, error_flag real(wp), parameter :: ZERO = 0.0_wp ! Set equally spaced grid increments dlat_reg = PI/(NLAT_REG-1) dlon_reg = TWO_PI/NLON_REG dlon_gau = TWO_PI/NLON_GAU ! Set initial call flag intl = 0 ! flag (ue, ve) grid as north to south equally spaced igrid_reg(1) = -1 ! flag (ue, ve) as nlat_reg by nlon_reg arrays igrid_reg(2) = 1 ! flag ve as colatitude component of vector ivec_reg = 1 ! flag (ug, vg) as south to north gaussian igrid_gau(1) = 2 ! flag (ug, vg) as nlon_gau by nlat_gau arrays igrid_gau(2) = 0 ! flag vg as latitude component of vector ivec_gau = 0 ! Set vector data in (ue, ve) do j=1, NLON_REG phi = real(j - 1, kind=wp)*dlon_reg cosp = cos(phi) sinp = sin(phi) do i=1, NLAT_REG theta = real(i - 1, kind=wp)*dlat_reg cost = cos(theta) sint = sin(theta) x = sint*cosp y = sint*sinp z = cost ex = exp(x) ey = exp(y) ez = exp(z) emz = exp(-z) v_reg(i, j) = ex*cost*cosp-ey*cosp-ez*sint u_reg(i, j) = -ex*sinp + emz*sint + ey*cost*sinp end do end do ! print trvsph input arguments write (stdout, 100) intl, igrid_reg(1), igrid_reg(2), NLON_REG, NLAT_REG, ivec_reg, & igrid_gau(1), igrid_gau(2), NLON_GAU, NLAT_GAU, ivec_gau 100 format(//' equally spaced to gaussian vector grid transfer ' , & /' input arguments: ' , & /' intl = ', i2, & /' igrid_reg(1) = ', i2, 2x, ' igrid_reg(2) = ', i2, & /' nlon_reg = ', i3, 2x, ' nlat_reg = ', i3, & /' ivec_reg = ', i2, & /' igrid_gau(1) = ', i2, 2x, ' igrid_gau(2) = ', i2, & /' nlon_gau = ', i3, 2x, ' nlat_gau = ', i3, & /' ivec_gau = ', i2) ! Transfer (u_reg, v_reg) to (u_gau, v_gau) call trvsph(intl, igrid_reg, NLON_REG, NLAT_REG, ivec_reg, u_reg, v_reg, & igrid_gau, NLON_GAU, NLAT_GAU, ivec_gau, u_gau, v_gau, error_flag) if (error_flag == 0) then ! Compute nlat_gau-many gaussian colatitude points and ! set with south to north orientation in theta_gau call compute_gaussian_latitudes_and_weights( & NLAT_GAU, gaussian_latitudes, gaussian_weights, error_flag) ! Reverse array theta_gau = gaussian_latitudes(NLAT_GAU:1:-1) ! Compute the least squares error in (ug, vg) ! by comparing with exact geophysical vector errv2 = ZERO erru2 = ZERO do j=1, NLON_GAU phi = real(j - 1, kind=wp) * dlon_gau cosp = cos(phi) sinp = sin(phi) do i=1, NLAT_GAU theta = theta_gau(i) cost = cos(theta) sint = sin(theta) x = sint*cosp y = sint*sinp z = cost ex = exp(x) ey = exp(y) ez = exp(z) emz = exp(-z) vee = -ex*cost*cosp+ey*cosp+ez*sint uee = -ex*sinp + emz*sint + ey*cost*sinp erru2 = erru2 + (u_gau(j, i)-uee)**2 errv2 = errv2 + (v_gau(j, i)-vee)**2 end do end do erru2 = sqrt(erru2/(NLON_GAU*NLAT_GAU)) errv2 = sqrt(errv2/(NLON_GAU*NLAT_GAU)) call print_least_squared_error(erru2, errv2) end if ! Now transfer (u_gau, v_gau) back to (u_reg, v_reg) u_reg = ZERO v_reg = ZERO write (stdout, 101) intl, igrid_gau(1), igrid_gau(2), NLON_GAU, NLAT_GAU, ivec_gau, & igrid_reg(1), igrid_reg(2), NLON_REG, NLAT_REG, ivec_reg 101 format(//' gaussian to equally spaced vector grid transfer ' , & /' input arguments: ' , & /' intl = ', i2, & /' igrid_gau(1) = ', i2, 2x, ' igrid_gau(2) = ', i2, & /' nlon_gau = ', i3, 2x, ' nlat_gau = ', i3, & /' ivec_gau = ', i2, & /' igrid_reg(1) = ', i2, 2x, ' igrid_reg(2) = ', i2, & /' nlon_reg = ', i3, 2x, ' nlat_reg = ', i3, & /' ivec_reg = ', i2) call trvsph(intl, igrid_gau, NLON_GAU, NLAT_GAU, ivec_gau, u_gau, v_gau, & igrid_reg, NLON_REG, NLAT_REG, ivec_reg, u_reg, v_reg, error_flag) if (error_flag == 0) then ! ! compute the least squares error in (ue, ve) ! by comparing with exact mathematical vector ! errv2 = ZERO erru2 = ZERO do j=1, NLON_REG phi = real(j-1, kind=wp) * dlon_reg cosp = cos(phi) sinp = sin(phi) do i=1, NLAT_REG theta = real(i - 1, kind=wp) * dlat_reg cost = cos(theta) sint = sin(theta) x = sint*cosp y = sint*sinp z = cost ex = exp(x) ey = exp(y) ez = exp(z) emz = exp(-z) vee = ex*cost*cosp-ey*cosp-ez*sint uee = -ex*sinp + emz*sint + ey*cost*sinp erru2 = erru2 + (u_reg(i, j)-uee)**2 errv2 = errv2 + (v_reg(i, j)-vee)**2 end do end do erru2 = sqrt(erru2/(NLON_REG*NLAT_REG)) errv2 = sqrt(errv2/(NLON_REG*NLAT_REG)) call print_least_squared_error(erru2, errv2) end if contains subroutine print_least_squared_error(erru2, errv2) ! Dummy arguments real(wp), intent(in) :: erru2, errv2 write (stdout, '(2(a,e10.3/))') & ' least squares error in u = ', erru2, & ' least squares error in v = ', errv2 end subroutine print_least_squared_error end program testrvsph
CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC double precision function mandelagol(nintg,R1,R2,x1,x2,y1,y2,c, . b0,mu,mulimb0,mulimbf,dist) CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC C Adapted from Mandel and Agol, 2002, ApJ 580, L171 implicit none integer i,nintg,sflag double precision R1,R2,x1,x2(nintg),y1,y2(nintg),c(4), . c1,c2,c3,c4,mulimb0(nintg),mulimbf(nintg,5),rl,b0(nintg), . mu(nintg),dist(nintg) mu=0 c1=c(1) c2=c(2) c3=c(3) c4=c(4) rl=R2/R1 sflag=0 do 10 i=1,nintg dist(i)=Sqrt((x2(i)-x1)*(x2(i)-x1)+(y2(i)-y1)*(y2(i)-y1))/(R1+R2) c if(dist(i).ge.1.0d0)then c sflag=sflag+1 c b0(i)=2.0 c else b0(i)=(R1+R2)*dist(i)/R1 c endif 10 continue c write(6,500) "hello",(b0(i),i=1,nintg) 500 format(A5,11(1X,F5.3)) if(sflag.lt.nintg) then c call occultnl(rl,c1,c2,c3,c4,b0,mulimb0,mulimbf,nintg) c call occultsmall(rl,c1,c2,c3,c4,nintg,b0,mulimb0) endif c if(b0(1).le.1.0) write(6,*)b0(1),mu C mandelagol=mulimb0(1) mandelagol=0.0 do 11 i=1,nintg c mandelagol=mandelagol+mu(i) c if(dist(i).ge.1.0d0) mulimb0(i)=1.0d0 mandelagol=mandelagol+mulimb0(i) 11 continue mandelagol=mandelagol/dble(nintg) c write(6,*) "hello2",mandelagol return end subroutine occultsmall(p,c1,c2,c3,c4,nz,z,mu) implicit none integer i,nz c parameter (nz=201) real*8 p,c1,c2,c3,c4,z(nz),mu(nz),i1,norm, & x,tmp,iofr,pi C This routine approximates the lightcurve for a small C planet. (See section 5 of Mandel & Agol (2002) for C details): C Input: C p ratio of planet radius to stellar radius C c1-c4 non-linear limb-darkening coefficients C z impact parameters (positive number normalized to stellar C radius)- this is an array which MUST be input to the routine C NOTE: nz must match the size of z & mu in calling routine C Output: C mu flux relative to unobscured source for each z C pi=acos(-1.d0) norm=pi*(1.d0-c1/5.d0-c2/3.d0-3.d0*c3/7.d0-c4/2.d0) i1=1.d0-c1-c2-c3-c4 do i=1,nz mu(i)=1.d0 if(z(i).gt.1.d0-p.and.z(i).lt.1.d0+p) then x=1.d0-(z(i)-p)**2 tmp=(1.d0-c1*(1.d0-0.8d0*x**0.25) & -c2*(1.d0-2.d0/3.d0*x**0.5) & -c3*(1.d0-4.d0/7.d0*x**0.75) & -c4*(1.d0-0.5d0*x)) mu(i)=1.d0-tmp*(p**2*acos((z(i)-1.d0)/p) & -(z(i)-1.d0)*sqrt(p**2-(z(i)-1.d0)**2))/norm endif if(z(i).le.1.d0-p.and.z(i).ne.0.d0) then mu(i)=1.d0-pi*p**2*iofr(c1,c2,c3,c4,z(i),p)/norm endif if(z(i).eq.0.d0) then mu(i)=1.d0-pi*p**2/norm endif enddo return end function iofr(c1,c2,c3,c4,r,p) implicit none real*8 r,p,c1,c2,c3,c4,sig1,sig2,iofr sig1=sqrt(sqrt(1.d0-(r-p)**2)) sig2=sqrt(sqrt(1.d0-(r+p)**2)) iofr=1.d0-c1*(1.d0+(sig2**5-sig1**5)/5.d0/p/r) & -c2*(1.d0+(sig2**6-sig1**6)/6.d0/p/r) & -c3*(1.d0+(sig2**7-sig1**7)/7.d0/p/r) & -c4*(p**2+r**2) return end subroutine occultnl(rl,c1,c2,c3,c4,b0,mulimb0,mulimbf,nb) c; Please cite Mandel & Agol (2002) if making use of this routine. implicit none integer i,j,nb,nr,i1,i2,nmax parameter (nmax=2**16) real*8 mulimbf(nb,5),pi,c1,c2,c3,c4,rl,bt0(nb),b0(nb),mulimb0(nb), & mulimb(nb),mulimbp(nb),dt,t(nmax+1),th(nmax+1),r(nmax+1), & sig,mulimb1(nb),mulimbhalf(nb),mulimb3half(nb),mulimb2(nb), & sig1,sig2,omega,dmumax,fac,mu(nb),f1,f2 pi=acos(-1.d0) C This routine uses the results for a uniform source to C compute the lightcurve for a limb-darkened source C (5-1-02 notes) C Input: C rl radius of the lens in units of the source radius C c1-c4 limb-darkening coefficients C b0 impact parameter normalized to source radius C Output: C mulimb0 limb-darkened magnification C mulimbf lightcurves for each component C C First, make grid in radius: C Call magnification of uniform source: call occultuniform(b0,rl,mulimb0,nb) i1=nb i2=1 fac=0.d0 do i=1,nb bt0(i)=b0(i) mulimbf(i,1)=1.d0 mulimbf(i,2)=0.8d0 mulimbf(i,3)=2.d0/3.d0 mulimbf(i,4)=4.d0/7.d0 mulimbf(i,5)=0.5d0 mulimb(i)=mulimb0(i) if(mulimb0(i).ne.1.d0) then i1=min(i1,i) i2=max(i2,i) endif fac=max(fac,abs(mulimb0(i)-1.d0)) enddo C print,rl omega=4.*((1.d0-c1-c2-c3-c4)/4.+c1/5.+c2/6.+c3/7.+c4/8.) nr=2 dmumax=1.d0 c write(6,*) 'i1,i2 ',i1,i2 do while (dmumax.gt.fac*1.d-3) do i=i1,i2 mulimbp(i)=mulimb(i) enddo nr=nr*2 c write(6,*) 'nr ',nr dt=0.5d0*pi/dble(nr) if(nr+1.gt.nmax) then write(0,*) "M&A Seg: ",nr+1,b0(1) return endif do j=1,nr+1 t(j) =dt*dble(j-1) th(j)=t(j)+0.5d0*dt r(j)=sin(t(j)) enddo sig=sqrt(cos(th(nr))) do i=i1,i2 mulimbhalf(i) =sig**3*mulimb0(i)/(1.d0-r(nr)) mulimb1(i) =sig**4*mulimb0(i)/(1.d0-r(nr)) mulimb3half(i)=sig**5*mulimb0(i)/(1.d0-r(nr)) mulimb2(i) =sig**6*mulimb0(i)/(1.d0-r(nr)) enddo do j=2,nr do i=1,nb b0(i)=bt0(i)/r(j) enddo C Calculate uniform magnification at intermediate radii: call occultuniform(b0,rl/r(j),mu,nb) C Equation (29): sig1=sqrt(cos(th(j-1))) sig2=sqrt(cos(th(j))) dmumax=0.d0 do i=i1,i2 f1=r(j)*r(j)*mu(i)/(r(j)-r(j-1)) f2=r(j)*r(j)*mu(i)/(r(j+1)-r(j)) mulimbhalf(i) =mulimbhalf(i) +f1*sig1**3-f2*sig2**3 mulimb1(i) =mulimb1(i) +f1*sig1**4-f2*sig2**4 mulimb3half(i)=mulimb3half(i)+f1*sig1**5-f2*sig2**5 mulimb2(i) =mulimb2(i) +f1*sig1**6-f2*sig2**6 mulimb(i)=((1.d0-c1-c2-c3-c4)*mulimb0(i)+c1*mulimbhalf(i)*dt & +c2*mulimb1(i)*dt+c3*mulimb3half(i)*dt+c4*mulimb2(i)*dt) & /omega if(mulimb(i)+mulimbp(i).ne.0.d0) then dmumax=max(dmumax,abs(mulimb(i)-mulimbp(i))/(mulimb(i)+ & mulimbp(i))) endif enddo enddo enddo do i=i1,i2 mulimbf(i,1)=mulimb0(i) mulimbf(i,2)=mulimbhalf(i)*dt mulimbf(i,3)=mulimb1(i)*dt mulimbf(i,4)=mulimb3half(i)*dt mulimbf(i,5)=mulimb2(i)*dt mulimb0(i)=mulimb(i) enddo do i=1,nb b0(i)=bt0(i) enddo return end subroutine occultuniform(b0,w,muo1,nb) implicit none integer i,nb real*8 muo1(nb),w,b0(nb),z,pi,lambdae,kap0,kap1 if(abs(w-0.5d0).lt.1.d-3) w=0.5d0 pi=acos(-1.d0) C This routine computes the lightcurve for occultation C of a uniform source without microlensing (Mandel & Agol 2002). C Input: C C rs radius of the source (set to unity) C b0 impact parameter in units of rs C w occulting star size in units of rs C C Output: C muo1 fraction of flux at each b0 for a uniform source C C Now, compute pure occultation curve: do i=1,nb C substitute z=b0(i) to shorten expressions z=b0(i) C the source is unocculted: C Table 3, I. if(z.ge.1.d0+w) then muo1(i)=1.d0 goto 1 endif C the source is completely occulted: C Table 3, II. if(w.ge.1.d0.and.z.le.w-1.d0) then muo1(i)=0.d0 goto 1 endif C the source is partly occulted and the occulting object crosses the limb: C Equation (26): if(z.ge.abs(1.d0-w).and.z.le.1.d0+w) then kap1=acos(min((1.d0-w*w+z*z)/2.d0/z,1.d0)) kap0=acos(min((w*w+z*z-1.d0)/2.d0/w/z,1.d0)) lambdae=w*w*kap0+kap1 lambdae=(lambdae-0.5d0*sqrt(max(4.d0*z*z-(1.d0+z*z-w*w)**2, & 0.d0)))/pi muo1(i)=1.d0-lambdae endif C the occulting object transits the source star (but doesn't C completely cover it): if(z.le.1.d0-w) muo1(i)=1.d0-w*w 1 continue enddo C muo1=1.d0-lambdae return end
subroutine solve_backward_euler_system(t, dt, iterate, d_iterate, residual_norm) ! Solve the Netwon system, ! newton_operator(d_iterate) = newton_rhs, ! using BiCGStab. ! ! The implementation is taken from Algorithm 7.7 of Y. Saad, Iterative Methods ! for Sparse Linear Systems, 2nd Ed. ! ! Args: ! t: Time at beginning of the current step. ! dt: Length of the current time step. ! iterate: The current Newton iterate. ! d_iterate: iterate + d_iterate will yield the next Newton iterate. ! Stores newton_rhs on input. ! residual_norm: Returns final norm of the residual ! TODO: Make max_iter a global parameter? !$ use omp_lib implicit none integer :: mx, my, mbc, meqn double precision :: x_lower, y_lower, dx, dy common /claw_config/ mx, my, mbc, x_lower, y_lower, dx, dy, meqn double precision :: cg_tolerance integer :: cg_verbosity common /cg_config/ cg_tolerance, cg_verbosity double precision, intent(in) :: t, dt double precision, intent(in), dimension(1-mbc:mx+mbc, 1-mbc:my+mbc, meqn) :: iterate double precision, intent(inout), dimension(1-mbc:mx+mbc, 1-mbc:my+mbc, meqn) :: d_iterate double precision, intent(out) :: residual_norm integer :: max_iter, iter, ix, iy, ieqn double precision, dimension(1-mbc:mx+mbc, 1-mbc:my+mbc, meqn) :: r, r_star, p, s, Ap, As double precision :: alpha, omega, beta, r_dot_r_star, r_dot_r_star_old double precision, external :: inner_product double precision :: denominator max_iter = 10 * mx * my do ieqn = 1, meqn !$omp parallel do private(ix) do iy = 1, my do ix = 1, mx r(ix, iy, ieqn) = d_iterate(ix, iy, ieqn) r_star(ix, iy, ieqn) = r(ix, iy, ieqn) p(ix, iy, ieqn) = r(ix, iy, ieqn) d_iterate(ix, iy, ieqn) = 0.d0 end do end do end do r_dot_r_star = inner_product(r, r_star) residual_norm = sqrt(r_dot_r_star) ! Using r_star = r if (residual_norm <= cg_tolerance) then if (cg_verbosity > 0) then print '(AE16.10)', 'BiCGStab finished without iterating; residual_norm = ', residual_norm end if return end if do iter = 1, max_iter call get_backward_euler_lhs(t, dt, iterate, p, Ap) denominator = inner_product(Ap, r_star) alpha = inner_product(r, r_star) / denominator ! TODO: Not sure if this is reasonable. if (denominator == 0.d0 .or. alpha == 0.d0) then if (cg_verbosity > 0) then print '(A,A,E16.10,A)', 'BiCGStab reached degenerate condition, ', & '. Terminating with residual_norm = ', residual_norm, '.' end if return end if do ieqn = 1, meqn !$omp parallel do private(ix) do iy = 1, my do ix = 1, mx s(ix, iy, ieqn) = r(ix, iy, ieqn) - alpha * Ap(ix, iy, ieqn) end do end do end do call get_backward_euler_lhs(t, dt, iterate, s, As) omega = inner_product(As, s) / inner_product(As, As) do ieqn = 1, meqn !$omp parallel do private(ix) do iy = 1, my do ix = 1, mx d_iterate(ix, iy, ieqn) = d_iterate(ix, iy, ieqn) + & alpha * p(ix, iy, ieqn) + omega * s(ix, iy, ieqn) r(ix, iy, ieqn) = s(ix, iy, ieqn) - omega * As(ix, iy, ieqn) end do end do end do residual_norm = sqrt(inner_product(r, r)) if (residual_norm <= cg_tolerance) then if (cg_verbosity > 0) then print '(A,I5,A,E16.10)', 'BiCGStab completed after ', iter, & ' iterations with norm(residual) = ', residual_norm end if return end if r_dot_r_star_old = r_dot_r_star r_dot_r_star = inner_product(r, r_star) beta = r_dot_r_star / r_dot_r_star_old * alpha / omega do ieqn = 1, meqn !$omp parallel do private(ix) do iy = 1, my do ix = 1, mx p(ix, iy, ieqn) = r(ix, iy, ieqn) + beta * (p(ix, iy, ieqn) - & omega * Ap(ix, iy, ieqn)) end do end do end do if (cg_verbosity > 1) then print '(A,I4,A,E16.10)', 'Iteration ', iter, ': residual_norm = ', & residual_norm end if end do if (cg_verbosity > 0) then print '(A,I5,A,E16.10)', 'BiCGStab failed to converge after ', iter-1, & 'iterations. Final residual_norm: ', residual_norm, '.' end if end subroutine solve_backward_euler_system
include 'pgapackf.h' double precision evaluate integer myMutation external evaluate, myMutation integer ctx integer i, ierror integer lower(10), upper(10) do i=1, 10 lower(i) = 1 upper(i) = 10 enddo call MPI_Init(ierror) ctx = PGACreate (PGA_DATATYPE_INTEGER, 10, PGA_MAXIMIZE) call PGASetUserFunction (ctx, PGA_USERFUNCTION_MUTATION, & myMutation) call PGASetIntegerInitRange(ctx, lower, upper) call PGASetUp (ctx) call PGARun (ctx, evaluate) call PGADestroy (ctx) call MPI_Finalize(ierror) stop end integer function myMutation(ctx, p, pop, pm) include 'pgapackf.h' integer ctx integer p, pop double precision pm integer stringlen, i, k, count count = 0 stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx) do i=1, stringlen if (PGARandomFlip(ctx, pm) .eq. PGA_TRUE) then k = PGARandomInterval(ctx, 1, stringlen) call PGASetIntegerAllele(ctx, p, pop, i, k) count = count + 1 endif enddo myMutation = count return end double precision function evaluate(ctx, p, pop) include 'pgapackf.h' integer ctx integer p, pop integer stringlen, i, sum sum = 0 stringlen = PGAGetStringLength(ctx) do i=1, stringlen sum = sum + PGAGetIntegerAllele(ctx, p, pop, i) enddo evaluate = sum return end
module horiz_interp_spherical_mod ! <CONTACT EMAIL="[email protected]"> Matthew Harrison </CONTACT> ! <CONTACT EMAIL="[email protected]"> Zhi Liang </CONTACT> ! <HISTORY SRC="http://www.gfdl.noaa.gov/fms-cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/FMS/"/> ! <OVERVIEW> ! Performs spatial interpolation between grids using inverse-distance-weighted scheme. ! </OVERVIEW> ! <DESCRIPTION> ! This module can interpolate data from rectangular/tripolar grid ! to rectangular/tripolar grid. The interpolation scheme is inverse-distance-weighted ! scheme. There is an optional mask field for missing input data. ! An optional output mask field may be used in conjunction with ! the input mask to show where output data exists. ! </DESCRIPTION> use mpp_mod, only : mpp_error, FATAL, WARNING, stdout use mpp_mod, only : mpp_root_pe, mpp_pe use fms_mod, only : write_version_number, file_exist, close_file use fms_mod, only : check_nml_error, open_namelist_file use constants_mod, only : pi use horiz_interp_type_mod, only : horiz_interp_type, stats implicit none private public :: horiz_interp_spherical_init, horiz_interp_spherical, horiz_interp_spherical_end integer, parameter :: max_neighbors = 400 real, parameter :: max_dist_default = 0.1 ! radians integer, parameter :: num_nbrs_default = 4 real, parameter :: large=1.e20 real, parameter :: epsln=1.e-10 integer :: pe, root_pe !--- namelist interface !<NAMELIST NAME="horiz_interp_spherical_nml"> ! <DATA NAME="search_method" TYPE="character(len=32)"> ! indicate the searching method to find the nearest neighbor points. Its value ! can be "radial_search" and "full_search", with default value "radial_search". ! when search_method is "radial_search", the search may be not quite accurate for some cases. ! Normally the search will be ok if you chose suitable max_dist. ! When search_method is "full_search", it will be always accurate, but will be slower ! comparing to "radial_search". Normally these two search algorithm will produce same ! results other than order of operation. "radial_search" are recommended to use. ! The purpose to add "full_search" is in case you think you interpolation results is ! not right, you have other option to verify. ! </DATA> !</NAMELIST> character(len=32) :: search_method = "radial_search" ! or "full_search" namelist /horiz_interp_spherical_nml/ search_method !----------------------------------------------------------------------- character(len=128) :: version = '$Id: horiz_interp_spherical.f90,v 13.0 2006/03/28 21:39:46 fms Exp $' character(len=128) :: tagname = '$Name: latest $' logical :: do_vers = .true. logical :: module_is_initialized = .FALSE. contains !####################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="horiz_interp_spherical_init"> ! <OVERVIEW> ! Initialization routine. ! </OVERVIEW> ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Allocates space and initializes a derived-type variable ! that contains pre-computed interpolation indices and weights. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! <TEMPLATE> ! call horiz_interp_spherical_init(Interp, lon_in,lat_in,lon_out,lat_out, num_nbrs, max_dist, src_modulo) ! </TEMPLATE> ! ! <IN NAME="lon_in" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:)" UNITS="radians"> ! Longitude (in radians) for source data grid. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="lat_in" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:)" UNITS="radians"> ! Latitude (in radians) for source data grid. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="lon_out" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:)" UNITS="radians" > ! Longitude (in radians) for source data grid. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="lat_out" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:)" UNITS="radians" > ! Latitude (in radians) for source data grid. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="num_nbrs" TYPE="integer, optional"> ! Number of nearest neighbors for regridding. When number of neighbors within ! the radius max_dist ( namelist variable) is less than num_nbrs, All the neighbors ! will be used to interpolate onto destination grid. when number of neighbors within ! the radius max_dist ( namelist variable) is greater than num_nbrs, at least "num_nbrs" ! neighbors will be used to remap onto destination grid. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="max_dist" TYPE="real, optional" UNITS="radians"> ! Maximum region of influence around destination grid points. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="src_modulo" TYPE="logical, optional"> ! logical variable to indicate if the boundary condition along zonal boundary ! is cyclic or not. When true, the zonal boundary condition is cyclic. ! </IN> ! <INOUT NAME="Interp" TYPE="type(horiz_interp_type)"> ! A derived-type variable containing indices and weights used for subsequent ! interpolations. To reinitialize this variable for a different grid-to-grid ! interpolation you must first use the "horiz_interp_end" interface. ! </INOUT> subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_init(Interp, lon_in,lat_in,lon_out,lat_out, & num_nbrs, max_dist, src_modulo) type(horiz_interp_type), intent(inout) :: Interp real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: lon_in, lat_in, lon_out, lat_out integer, intent(in), optional :: num_nbrs real, optional, intent(in) :: max_dist logical, intent(in), optional :: src_modulo !------local variables --------------------------------------- integer :: i, j, n, unit, ierr, io integer :: map_dst_xsize, map_dst_ysize, map_src_xsize, map_src_ysize integer :: map_src_size, num_neighbors real :: max_src_dist, tpi, hpi logical :: src_is_modulo real :: min_theta_dst, max_theta_dst, min_phi_dst, max_phi_dst real :: min_theta_src, max_theta_src, min_phi_src, max_phi_src integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: ilon, jlat integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: map_src_add integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: num_found real, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: map_src_dist real, dimension(size(lon_out,1),size(lon_out,2)) :: theta_dst, phi_dst real, dimension(size(lon_in,1)*size(lon_in,2)) :: theta_src, phi_src !-------------------------------------------------------------- pe = mpp_pe() root_pe = mpp_root_pe() if (do_vers) then call write_version_number (version, tagname) do_vers = .false. endif if (file_exist('input.nml')) then unit = open_namelist_file ( ) ierr=1; do while (ierr /= 0) read (unit, nml=horiz_interp_spherical_nml, iostat=io, end=10) ierr = check_nml_error(io,'horiz_interp_spherical_nml') ! also initializes nml error codes enddo 10 call close_file (unit) endif tpi = 2.0*PI; hpi = 0.5*PI num_neighbors = num_nbrs_default if(present(num_nbrs)) num_neighbors = num_nbrs if (num_neighbors <= 0) call mpp_error(FATAL,'horiz_interp_spherical_mod: num_neighbors must be > 0') max_src_dist = max_dist_default if (PRESENT(max_dist)) max_src_dist = max_dist Interp%max_src_dist = max_src_dist src_is_modulo = .true. if (PRESENT(src_modulo)) src_is_modulo = src_modulo !--- check the grid size comformable map_dst_xsize=size(lon_out,1);map_dst_ysize=size(lon_out,2) map_src_xsize=size(lon_in,1); map_src_ysize=size(lon_in,2) map_src_size = map_src_xsize*map_src_ysize if (map_dst_xsize /= size(lat_out,1) .or. map_dst_ysize /= size(lat_out,2)) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'horiz_interp_spherical_mod: destination grids not conformable') if (map_src_xsize /= size(lat_in,1) .or. map_src_ysize /= size(lat_in,2)) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'horiz_interp_spherical_mod: source grids not conformable') theta_src = reshape(lon_in,(/map_src_size/)) phi_src = reshape(lat_in,(/map_src_size/)) theta_dst(:,:) = lon_out(:,:) phi_dst(:,:) = lat_out(:,:) min_theta_dst=tpi;max_theta_dst=0.0;min_phi_dst=pi;max_phi_dst=-pi min_theta_src=tpi;max_theta_src=0.0;min_phi_src=pi;max_phi_src=-pi where(theta_dst<0.0) theta_dst = theta_dst+tpi where(theta_dst>tpi) theta_dst = theta_dst-tpi where(theta_src<0.0) theta_src = theta_src+tpi where(theta_src>tpi) theta_src = theta_src-tpi where(phi_dst < -hpi) phi_dst = -hpi where(phi_dst > hpi) phi_dst = hpi where(phi_src < -hpi) phi_src = -hpi where(phi_src > hpi) phi_src = hpi do j=1,map_dst_ysize do i=1,map_dst_xsize min_theta_dst = min(min_theta_dst,theta_dst(i,j)) max_theta_dst = max(max_theta_dst,theta_dst(i,j)) min_phi_dst = min(min_phi_dst,phi_dst(i,j)) max_phi_dst = max(max_phi_dst,phi_dst(i,j)) enddo enddo do i=1,map_src_size min_theta_src = min(min_theta_src,theta_src(i)) max_theta_src = max(max_theta_src,theta_src(i)) min_phi_src = min(min_phi_src,phi_src(i)) max_phi_src = max(max_phi_src,phi_src(i)) enddo if (min_phi_dst < min_phi_src) print *, '=> WARNING: latitute of dest grid exceeds src' if (max_phi_dst > max_phi_src) print *, '=> WARNING: latitute of dest grid exceeds src' ! when src is cyclic, no need to print out the following warning. if(.not. src_is_modulo) then if (min_theta_dst < min_theta_src) print *, '=> WARNING : longitude of dest grid exceeds src' if (max_theta_dst > max_theta_src) print *, '=> WARNING : longitude of dest grid exceeds src' endif allocate(map_src_add(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize,max_neighbors), & map_src_dist(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize,max_neighbors), & num_found(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize), & ilon(max_neighbors),jlat(max_neighbors) ) ! allocate memory to data type allocate(Interp%i_lon(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize,max_neighbors), & Interp%j_lat(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize,max_neighbors), & Interp%src_dist(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize,max_neighbors), & Interp%num_found(map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize) ) map_src_add = 0 map_src_dist = large num_found = 0 !using radial_search to find the nearest points and corresponding distance. select case(trim(search_method)) case ("radial_search") ! will be efficient, but may be not so accurate for some cases call radial_search(theta_src, phi_src, theta_dst, phi_dst, map_src_xsize, map_src_ysize, & map_src_add, map_src_dist, num_found, num_neighbors,max_src_dist,src_is_modulo) case ("full_search") ! always accurate, but less efficient. call full_search(theta_src, phi_src, theta_dst, phi_dst, map_src_add, map_src_dist, & num_found, num_neighbors,max_src_dist ) case default call mpp_error(FATAL,"horiz_interp_spherical_init: nml search_method = "// & trim(search_method)//" is not a valid namelist option") end select do j=1,map_dst_ysize do i=1,map_dst_xsize do n=1,num_found(i,j) if(map_src_add(i,j,n) == 0) then jlat(n) = 0; ilon(n) = 0 else jlat(n) = map_src_add(i,j,n)/map_src_xsize + 1 ilon(n) = map_src_add(i,j,n) - (jlat(n)-1)*map_src_xsize if(ilon(n) == 0) then jlat(n) = jlat(n) - 1 ilon(n) = map_src_xsize endif endif enddo Interp%i_lon(i,j,:) = ilon(:) Interp%j_lat(i,j,:) = jlat(:) Interp%num_found(i,j) = num_found(i,j) Interp%src_dist(i,j,:) = map_src_dist(i,j,:) enddo enddo Interp%nlon_src = map_src_xsize; Interp%nlat_src = map_src_ysize Interp%nlon_dst = map_dst_xsize; Interp%nlat_dst = map_dst_ysize deallocate(map_src_add, map_src_dist, ilon, jlat) return end subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_init ! </SUBROUTINE> !####################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="horiz_interp_spherical"> ! <OVERVIEW> ! Subroutine for performing the horizontal interpolation between two grids. ! </OVERVIEW> ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Subroutine for performing the horizontal interpolation between two grids. ! horiz_interp_spherical_init must be called before calling this routine. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! <TEMPLATE> ! call horiz_interp_spherical( Interp, data_in, data_out, verbose, mask_in, mask_out, missing_value) ! </TEMPLATE> ! ! <IN NAME="Interp" TYPE="type(horiz_interp_type)"> ! Derived-type variable containing interpolation indices and weights. ! Returned by a previous call to horiz_interp_init. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="data_in" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:)"> ! Input data on source grid. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="verbose" TYPE="integer, optional"> ! flag for the amount of print output. ! verbose = 0, no output; = 1, min,max,means; = 2, still more ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="mask_in" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:),optional"> ! Input mask, must be the same size as the input data. The real value of ! mask_in must be in the range (0.,1.). Set mask_in=0.0 for data points ! that should not be used or have missing data. ! </IN> ! <IN NAME="missing_value" TYPE="real, optional"> ! Use the missing_value to indicate missing data. ! </IN> ! <OUT NAME="data_out" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:)"> ! Output data on destination grid. ! </OUT> ! <OUT NAME="mask_out" TYPE="real, dimension(:,:),optional"> ! Output mask that specifies whether data was computed. ! </OUT> subroutine horiz_interp_spherical( Interp, data_in, data_out, verbose, mask_in, mask_out, missing_value) type (horiz_interp_type), intent(in) :: Interp real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: data_in real, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: data_out integer, intent(in), optional :: verbose real, intent(in), dimension(:,:), optional :: mask_in real, intent(out), dimension(:,:), optional :: mask_out real, intent(in), optional :: missing_value !--- some local variables ---------------------------------------- real, dimension(Interp%nlon_dst, Interp%nlat_dst,size(Interp%src_dist,3)) :: wt real, dimension(Interp%nlon_src, Interp%nlat_src) :: mask_src real, dimension(Interp%nlon_dst, Interp%nlat_dst) :: mask_dst integer :: nlon_in, nlat_in, nlon_out, nlat_out, num_found integer :: m, n, i, j, k, miss_in, miss_out, i1, i2, j1, j2, iverbose real :: min_in, max_in, avg_in, min_out, max_out, avg_out, sum !----------------------------------------------------------------- iverbose = 0; if (present(verbose)) iverbose = verbose nlon_in = Interp%nlon_src; nlat_in = Interp%nlat_src nlon_out = Interp%nlon_dst; nlat_out = Interp%nlat_dst if(size(data_in,1) .ne. nlon_in .or. size(data_in,2) .ne. nlat_in ) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'horiz_interp_spherical_mod: size of input array incorrect') if(size(data_out,1) .ne. nlon_out .or. size(data_out,2) .ne. nlat_out ) & call mpp_error(FATAL,'horiz_interp_spherical_mod: size of output array incorrect') mask_src = 1.0; mask_dst = 1.0 if(present(mask_in)) mask_src = mask_in do n=1,nlat_out do m=1,nlon_out ! neighbors are sorted nearest to farthest ! check nearest to see if it is a land point num_found = Interp%num_found(m,n) if(num_found == 0 ) then mask_dst(m,n) = 0.0 else i1 = Interp%i_lon(m,n,1); j1 = Interp%j_lat(m,n,1) if (mask_src(i1,j1) .lt. 0.5) then mask_dst(m,n) = 0.0 endif if(num_found .gt. 1 ) then i2 = Interp%i_lon(m,n,2); j2 = Interp%j_lat(m,n,2) ! compare first 2 nearest neighbors -- if they are nearly ! equidistant then use this mask for robustness if(abs(Interp%src_dist(m,n,2)-Interp%src_dist(m,n,1)) .lt. epsln) then if((mask_src(i1,j1) .lt. 0.5)) mask_dst(m,n) = 0.0 endif endif sum=0.0 do k=1, num_found if(mask_src(Interp%i_lon(m,n,k),Interp%j_lat(m,n,k)) .lt. 0.5 ) then wt(m,n,k) = 0.0 else if (Interp%src_dist(m,n,k) <= epsln) then wt(m,n,k) = large sum = sum + large else if(Interp%src_dist(m,n,k) <= Interp%max_src_dist ) then wt(m,n,k) = 1.0/Interp%src_dist(m,n,k) sum = sum+wt(m,n,k) else wt(m,n,k) = 0.0 endif endif enddo if (sum > epsln) then do k = 1, num_found wt(m,n,k) = wt(m,n,k)/sum enddo else mask_dst(m,n) = 0.0 endif endif enddo enddo data_out = 0.0 do n=1,nlat_out do m=1,nlon_out if(mask_dst(m,n) .gt. 0.5) then do k=1, Interp%num_found(m,n) i = Interp%i_lon(m,n,k) j = Interp%j_lat(m,n,k) data_out(m,n) = data_out(m,n)+data_in(i,j)*wt(m,n,k) enddo else if(present(missing_value)) then data_out(m,n) = missing_value else data_out(m,n) = 0.0 endif endif enddo enddo if(present(mask_out)) mask_out = mask_dst !*********************************************************************** ! compute statistics: minimum, maximum, and mean !----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (iverbose > 0) then ! compute statistics of input data call stats (data_in, min_in, max_in, avg_in, miss_in, missing_value, mask=mask_src) ! compute statistics of output data call stats (data_out, min_out, max_out, avg_out, miss_out, missing_value, mask=mask_dst) !---- output statistics ---- ! root_pe have the information of global mean, min and max if(pe == root_pe) then write (*,900) write (*,901) min_in ,max_in, avg_in if (present(mask_in)) write (*,903) miss_in write (*,902) min_out,max_out,avg_out if (present(mask_out)) write (*,903) miss_out endif 900 format (/,1x,10('-'),' output from horiz_interp ',10('-')) 901 format (' input: min=',f16.9,' max=',f16.9,' avg=',f22.15) 902 format (' output: min=',f16.9,' max=',f16.9,' avg=',f22.15) 903 format (' number of missing points = ',i6) endif return end subroutine horiz_interp_spherical ! </SUBROUTINE> !####################################################################### ! <SUBROUTINE NAME="horiz_interp_spherical_end"> ! <OVERVIEW> ! Deallocates memory used by "horiz_interp_type" variables. ! Must be called before reinitializing with horiz_interp_init. ! </OVERVIEW> ! <DESCRIPTION> ! Deallocates memory used by "horiz_interp_type" variables. ! Must be called before reinitializing with horiz_interp_init. ! </DESCRIPTION> ! <TEMPLATE> ! call horiz_interp_spherical_end ( Interp ) ! </TEMPLATE> ! <INOUT NAME="Interp" TYPE="horiz_interp_type"> ! A derived-type variable returned by previous call ! to horiz_interp_init. The input variable must have ! allocated arrays. The returned variable will contain ! deallocated arrays. ! </INOUT> subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_end( Interp ) type (horiz_interp_type), intent(inout) :: Interp deallocate ( Interp%src_dist, Interp%num_found, Interp%i_lon, Interp%j_lat ) end subroutine horiz_interp_spherical_end ! </SUBROUTINE> !####################################################################### subroutine radial_search(theta_src,phi_src,theta_dst,phi_dst, map_src_xsize, map_src_ysize, & map_src_add, map_src_dist, num_found, num_neighbors,max_src_dist,src_is_modulo) real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: theta_src, phi_src real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: theta_dst, phi_dst integer, intent(in) :: map_src_xsize, map_src_ysize integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: map_src_add real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: map_src_dist integer, intent(inout), dimension(:,:) :: num_found integer, intent(in) :: num_neighbors real, intent(in) :: max_src_dist logical, intent(in) :: src_is_modulo !---------- local variables ---------------------------------------- integer, parameter :: max_nbrs = 50 integer :: i, j, jj, i0, j0, n, l,i_left, i_right integer :: map_dst_xsize, map_dst_ysize integer :: i_left1, i_left2, i_right1, i_right2 integer :: map_src_size, step, step_size, bound, bound_start, bound_end logical :: continue_search, result, continue_radial_search real :: d, res !------------------------------------------------------------------ map_dst_xsize=size(theta_dst,1);map_dst_ysize=size(theta_dst,2) map_src_size = map_src_xsize*map_src_ysize do j=1,map_dst_ysize do i=1,map_dst_xsize continue_search=.true. step = 1 step_size = sqrt(real(map_src_size) ) do while (continue_search .and. step_size > 0) do while (step <= map_src_size .and. continue_search) ! count land points as nearest neighbors d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(step),phi_src(step)) if (d <= max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & step,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors ) if (result) then n = 0 i0 = mod(step,map_src_xsize) if (i0 == 0) i0 = map_src_xsize res = float(step)/float(map_src_xsize) j0 = ceiling(res) continue_radial_search = .true. do while (continue_radial_search) continue_radial_search = .false. n = n+1 ! radial counter if(n > max_nbrs) exit ! ************** left boundary ******************************* i_left = i0-n if (i_left <= 0) then if (src_is_modulo) then i_left = map_src_xsize + i_left else i_left = 1 endif endif do l = 0, 2*n jj = j0 - n - 1 + l if( jj < 0) then bound = ( 1 - jj )*map_src_xsize - i_left else if ( jj >= map_src_ysize ) then bound = ( 2*map_src_ysize - jj ) * map_src_xsize - i_left else bound = jj * map_src_xsize + i_left endif d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(bound),phi_src(bound)) if(d<=max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & bound,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors) if (result) continue_radial_search = .true. endif enddo ! ***************************right boundary ******************************* i_right = i0+n if (i_right > map_src_xsize) then if (src_is_modulo) then i_right = i_right - map_src_xsize else i_right = map_src_xsize endif endif do l = 0, 2*n jj = j0 - n - 1 + l if( jj < 0) then bound = ( 1 - jj )*map_src_xsize - i_right else if ( jj >= map_src_ysize ) then bound = ( 2*map_src_ysize - jj) * map_src_xsize - i_right else bound = jj * map_src_xsize + i_right endif d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(bound),phi_src(bound)) if(d<=max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & bound,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors) if (result) continue_radial_search = .true. endif enddo ! ************************* bottom boundary ********************************** i_left2 = 0 if( i_left > i_right) then i_left1 = 1 i_right1 = i_right i_left2 = i_left i_right2 = map_src_xsize else i_left1 = i_left i_right1 = i_right endif jj = j0 - n - 1 if( jj < 0 ) then bound_start = ( 1 - jj)*map_src_xsize - i_right1 bound_end = ( 1 - jj)*map_src_xsize - i_left1 else bound_start = jj * map_src_xsize + i_left1 bound_end = jj * map_src_xsize + i_right1 endif bound = bound_start do while (bound <= bound_end) d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(bound),phi_src(bound)) if(d<=max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & bound,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors) if (result) continue_radial_search = .true. endif bound = bound + 1 enddo if(i_left2 > 0 ) then if( jj < 0 ) then bound_start = ( 1 - jj)*map_src_xsize - i_right2 bound_end = ( 1 - jj)*map_src_xsize - i_left2 else bound_start = jj * map_src_xsize + i_left2 bound_end = jj * map_src_xsize + i_right2 endif bound = bound_start do while (bound <= bound_end) d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(bound),phi_src(bound)) if(d<=max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & bound,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors) if (result) continue_radial_search = .true. endif bound = bound + 1 enddo endif ! ************************** top boundary ************************************ jj = j0 + n - 1 if( jj >= map_src_ysize) then bound_start = ( 2*map_src_ysize - jj ) * map_src_xsize - i_right1 bound_end = ( 2*map_src_ysize - jj ) * map_src_xsize - i_left1 else bound_start = jj * map_src_xsize + i_left1 bound_end = jj * map_src_xsize + i_right1 endif bound = bound_start do while (bound <= bound_end) d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(bound),phi_src(bound)) if(d<=max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & bound,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors) if (result) continue_radial_search = .true. endif bound = bound + 1 enddo if(i_left2 > 0) then if( jj >= map_src_ysize) then bound_start = ( 2*map_src_ysize - jj ) * map_src_xsize - i_right2 bound_end = ( 2*map_src_ysize - jj ) * map_src_xsize - i_left2 else bound_start = jj * map_src_xsize + i_left2 bound_end = jj * map_src_xsize + i_right2 endif bound = bound_start do while (bound <= bound_end) d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(bound),phi_src(bound)) if(d<=max_src_dist) then result = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & bound,d, num_found(i,j), num_neighbors) if (result) continue_radial_search = .true. endif bound = bound + 1 enddo endif enddo continue_search = .false. ! stop looking endif endif step=step+step_size enddo ! search loop step = 1 step_size = step_size/2 enddo enddo enddo return end subroutine radial_search !##################################################################### function update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add, map_src_dist, src_add,d, num_found, min_nbrs) integer, intent(inout), dimension(:) :: map_src_add real, intent(inout), dimension(:) :: map_src_dist integer, intent(in) :: src_add real, intent(in) :: d integer, intent(inout) :: num_found integer, intent(in) :: min_nbrs logical :: update_dest_neighbors, already_exist = .false. integer :: n,m update_dest_neighbors = .false. n = 0 NLOOP : do while ( n .le. num_found ) n = n + 1 DIST_CHK : if (d .le. map_src_dist(n)) then do m=n,num_found if (src_add == map_src_add(m)) then already_exist = .true. exit NLOOP endif enddo if(num_found < max_neighbors) then num_found = num_found + 1 else call mpp_error(FATAL,'update_dest_neighbors: '// & 'number of neighbor points found is greated than maxium neighbor points' ) endif do m=num_found,n+1,-1 map_src_add(m) = map_src_add(m-1) map_src_dist(m) = map_src_dist(m-1) enddo map_src_add(n) = src_add map_src_dist(n) = d update_dest_neighbors = .true. if( num_found > min_nbrs ) then if( map_src_dist(num_found) > map_src_dist(num_found-1) ) then num_found = num_found - 1 endif if( map_src_dist(min_nbrs+1) > map_src_dist(min_nbrs) ) then num_found = min_nbrs endif endif exit NLOOP ! n loop endif DIST_CHK end do NLOOP if(already_exist) return if( .not. update_dest_neighbors ) then if( num_found < min_nbrs ) then num_found = num_found + 1 update_dest_neighbors = .true. map_src_add(num_found) = src_add map_src_dist(num_found) = d endif endif return end function update_dest_neighbors !######################################################################## ! function spherical_distance(theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2) ! real, intent(in) :: theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2 ! real :: spherical_distance ! real :: r1(3), r2(3), cross(3), s, dot, ang ! this is a simple, enough way to calculate distance on the sphere ! first, construct cartesian vectors r1 and r2 ! then calculate the cross-product which is proportional to the area ! between the 2 vectors. The angular distance is arcsin of the ! distancealong the sphere ! ! theta is longitude and phi is latitude ! ! r1(1) = cos(theta1)*cos(phi1);r1(2)=sin(theta1)*cos(phi1);r1(3)=sin(phi1) ! r2(1) = cos(theta2)*cos(phi2);r2(2)=sin(theta2)*cos(phi2);r2(3)=sin(phi2) ! cross(1) = r1(2)*r2(3)-r1(3)*r2(2) ! cross(2) = r1(3)*r2(1)-r1(1)*r2(3) ! cross(3) = r1(1)*r2(2)-r1(2)*r2(1) ! s = sqrt(cross(1)**2.+cross(2)**2.+cross(3)**2.) ! s = min(s,1.0-epsln) ! dot = r1(1)*r2(1) + r1(2)*r2(2) + r1(3)*r2(3) ! if (dot > 0) then ! ang = asin(s) ! else if (dot < 0) then ! ang = pi + asin(s) !? original is pi - asin(s) ! else ! ang = pi/2. ! endif ! spherical_distance = abs(ang) ! in radians ! return ! end function spherical_distance ! The great cycle distance function spherical_distance(theta1,phi1,theta2,phi2) real, intent(in) :: theta1, phi1, theta2, phi2 real :: spherical_distance, dot if(theta1 == theta2 .and. phi1 == phi2) then spherical_distance = 0.0 return endif dot = cos(phi1)*cos(phi2)*cos(theta1-theta2) + sin(phi1)*sin(phi2) if(dot > 1 ) dot = 1. if(dot < -1) dot = -1 spherical_distance = acos(dot) return end function spherical_distance !####################################################################### subroutine full_search(theta_src,phi_src,theta_dst,phi_dst,map_src_add, map_src_dist,num_found, & num_neighbors,max_src_dist) real, intent(in), dimension(:) :: theta_src, phi_src real, intent(in), dimension(:,:) :: theta_dst, phi_dst integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: map_src_add real, intent(out), dimension(:,:,:) :: map_src_dist integer, intent(out), dimension(:,:) :: num_found integer, intent(in) :: num_neighbors real, intent(in) :: max_src_dist integer :: i,j,map_src_size, step integer :: map_dst_xsize,map_dst_ysize real :: d logical :: found map_dst_xsize=size(theta_dst,1);map_dst_ysize=size(theta_dst,2) map_src_size =size(theta_src(:)) do j=1,map_dst_ysize do i=1,map_dst_xsize do step = 1, map_src_size d = spherical_distance(theta_dst(i,j),phi_dst(i,j),theta_src(step),phi_src(step)) if( d <= max_src_dist) then found = update_dest_neighbors(map_src_add(i,j,:),map_src_dist(i,j,:), & step,d,num_found(i,j), num_neighbors ) endif enddo enddo enddo end subroutine full_search !####################################################################### end module horiz_interp_spherical_mod
!======================================================================= ! ! Calculate the rate coefficients for all reactions at the specified ! temperature and visual extinction A_V. The photodissociation of H2 ! and CO and the photoionization of CI and SI are treated separately ! in detail (see the routines in photorates.f90). Multiple rates for ! the same reaction (duplicates) are allowed in the ratefile and are ! activated based on their minimum and maximum temperature specified ! in that file. Negative gamma factors are ignored below the minimum ! temperature at which the reaction rate is valid. ! ! X-ray induced reaction rates are calculated following the detailed ! treatment of Meijerink & Spaans (2005, A&A, 436, 397). ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE CALCULATE_REACTION_RATES(NRAYS,NSPEC,NREAC,NXSEC,CROSS_SECTION, & & GAS_TEMPERATURE,DUST_TEMPERATURE,FUV_FIELD, & & XRAY_FIELD,FUV_SURFACE,AV,COLUMN_DENSITY, & & REACTANT,PRODUCT,ALPHA,BETA,GAMMA,RTMIN,RTMAX, & & DUPLICATE,RATE) USE HEALPIX_TYPES USE GLOBAL_MODULE USE FUNCTIONS_MODULE USE NUM2STR_FUNCTION USE CROSS_SECTION_MODULE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER(KIND=I4B), INTENT(IN) :: NRAYS,NSPEC,NREAC,NXSEC TYPE(CROSS_SECTION_TYPE), INTENT(IN) :: CROSS_SECTION(:) REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: GAS_TEMPERATURE,DUST_TEMPERATURE REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: FUV_FIELD,XRAY_FIELD REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: FUV_SURFACE(0:),AV(0:),COLUMN_DENSITY(0:,:) CHARACTER(LEN=10), INTENT(IN) :: REACTANT(:,:),PRODUCT(:,:) REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: ALPHA(:),BETA(:),GAMMA(:) REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN) :: RTMIN(:),RTMAX(:) INTEGER(KIND=I4B), INTENT(IN) :: DUPLICATE(:) REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(OUT) :: RATE(:) INTEGER(KIND=I4B) :: I,J,K REAL(KIND=DP) :: PHI_PAH,CION,STICKING,FLUX,YIELD ! Initialize the rate coefficients RATE=0.0D0 !!$! Calculate the photoreaction rates for species with available cross section data !!$ DO I=1,NXSEC ! Loop over available cross sections !!$ IF(CROSS_SECTION(I)%INDEX.NE.0) THEN !!$ DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays !!$ RATE(CROSS_SECTION(I)%INDEX) = RATE(CROSS_SECTION(I)%INDEX) + PHOTOREACTION_RATE(FUV_SURFACE(K),AV(K),CROSS_SECTION(I)) !!$ END DO ! End of loop over all rays !!$ END IF !!$ END DO ! End of loop over available cross sections ! Loop over all reactions DO I=1,NREAC ! Determine the type of reaction IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."PHOTON") GOTO 1 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."CRP ") GOTO 2 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."CRPHOT") GOTO 3 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."XRAY ") GOTO 4 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."XRSEC ") GOTO 5 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."XRLYA ") GOTO 6 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."XRPHOT") GOTO 6 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."FREEZE") GOTO 7 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."CRH ") GOTO 8 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."PHOTD ") GOTO 9 IF(REACTANT(I,2).EQ."THERM ") GOTO 10 IF(REACTANT(I,2)(1:1).EQ."#") GOTO 11 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Thermal reactions: ! The rate of H2 formation on grains is calculated separately ! by the function H2_FORMATION_RATE (see function for details) IF((REACTANT(I,1).EQ."H " .AND. REACTANT(I,2).EQ."H " .AND. REACTANT(I,3).EQ."# ") .AND. & & (PRODUCT(I,1).EQ."H2 " .AND. PRODUCT(I,2).EQ."# ")) THEN RATE(I)=H2_FORMATION_RATE(GAS_TEMPERATURE,DUST_TEMPERATURE) GOTO 20 END IF ! Rates for reactions involving PAHs are calculated according to the ! treatment of Wolfire et al. (2003, ApJ, 587, 278; 2008, ApJ, 680, 384) IF(ANY(REACTANT(I,:).EQ."PAH ") .OR. ANY(REACTANT(I,:).EQ."PAH0 ") .OR. & & ANY(REACTANT(I,:).EQ."PAH+ ") .OR. ANY(REACTANT(I,:).EQ."PAH- ")) THEN PHI_PAH=0.4D0 RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/100.0D0)**BETA(I)*PHI_PAH GOTO 20 END IF ! Check for large negative gamma values that might cause discrepant ! rates at low temperatures. Set these rates to zero when T < RTMIN IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN IF(GAMMA(I).LT.-200.0D0 .AND. GAS_TEMPERATURE.LT.RTMIN(I)) THEN RATE(I)=0.0D0 ELSE RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(I)*EXP(-(GAMMA(I)/GAS_TEMPERATURE)) END IF ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN IF(GAMMA(J).LT.-200.0D0 .AND. GAS_TEMPERATURE.LT.RTMIN(J)) THEN RATE(J)=0.0D0 ELSE RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(J)*EXP(-(GAMMA(J)/GAS_TEMPERATURE)) END IF EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN IF(GAMMA(J).LT.-200.0D0 .AND. GAS_TEMPERATURE.LT.RTMIN(J)) THEN RATE(J)=0.0D0 ELSE RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(J)*EXP(-(GAMMA(J)/GAS_TEMPERATURE)) END IF EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FUV photoreactions: ! The rate of H2 photodissociation is calculated separately by the function ! H2_PHOTODISSOCIATION_RATE (see photoreaction_rates.f90 for details) 1 IF(REACTANT(I,1).EQ."H2 " .AND. REACTANT(I,3).EQ." ") THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + H2_PHOTODISSOCIATION_RATE(ALPHA(I),FUV_SURFACE(K),AV(K),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NH2)) END DO GOTO 20 END IF ! The rate of HD photodissociation is calculated separately by the function ! H2_PHOTODISSOCIATION_RATE (see photoreaction_rates.f90 for details) IF(REACTANT(I,1).EQ."HD " .AND. REACTANT(I,3).EQ." ") THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + H2_PHOTODISSOCIATION_RATE(ALPHA(I),FUV_SURFACE(K),AV(K),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NHD)) END DO GOTO 20 END IF ! The rate of CO photodissociation is calculated separately by the function ! CO_PHOTODISSOCIATION_RATE (see photoreaction_rates.f90 for details) IF(REACTANT(I,1).EQ."CO " .AND. REACTANT(I,3).EQ." " .AND. ANY(PRODUCT(I,:).EQ."C ") .AND. ANY(PRODUCT(I,:).EQ."O ")) THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + CO_PHOTODISSOCIATION_RATE(ALPHA(I),FUV_SURFACE(K),AV(K),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NCO),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NH2)) END DO GOTO 20 END IF ! The rate of CI photoionization is calculated separately by the function ! CI_PHOTOIONIZATION_RATE (see photoreaction_rates.f90 for details) IF(REACTANT(I,1).EQ."C " .AND. REACTANT(I,3).EQ." ") THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + CI_PHOTOIONIZATION_RATE(ALPHA(I),FUV_SURFACE(K),AV(K),GAMMA(I),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NC),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NH2),GAS_TEMPERATURE) END DO GOTO 20 END IF ! The rate of SI photoionization is calculated separately by the function ! SI_PHOTOIONIZATION_RATE (see photoreaction_rates.f90 for details) IF(REACTANT(I,1).EQ."S " .AND. REACTANT(I,3).EQ." ") THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + SI_PHOTOIONIZATION_RATE(ALPHA(I),FUV_SURFACE(K),AV(K),GAMMA(I),COLUMN_DENSITY(K,NS)) END DO GOTO 20 END IF IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN IF(RATE(I).EQ.0.0D0) THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + ALPHA(I)*FUV_SURFACE(K)*EXP(-(GAMMA(I)*AV(K))) END DO END IF ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN IF(RATE(J).EQ.0.0D0) THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(J)=RATE(J) + ALPHA(J)*FUV_SURFACE(K)*EXP(-(GAMMA(J)*AV(K))) END DO END IF EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN IF(RATE(J).EQ.0.0D0) THEN DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(J)=RATE(J) + ALPHA(J)*FUV_SURFACE(K)*EXP(-(GAMMA(J)*AV(K))) END DO END IF EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Cosmic-ray induced ionization: 2 IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*ZETA ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*ZETA EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*ZETA EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Photoreactions due to cosmic-ray induced secondary photons: 3 IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*ZETA*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(I)*GAMMA(I)/(1.0D0-OMEGA) ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*ZETA*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(J)*GAMMA(J)/(1.0D0-OMEGA) EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*ZETA*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(J)*GAMMA(J)/(1.0D0-OMEGA) EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! X-ray photoreactions: 4 IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN RATE(I)=ALPHA(I) ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J) EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J) EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! X-ray induced secondary ionization: 5 IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*XRAY_FIELD*(1.0D0/eV) ! Convert from erg to eV ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*XRAY_FIELD*(1.0D0/eV) EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*XRAY_FIELD*(1.0D0/eV) EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Photoreactions due to X-ray induced secondary photons (both Lyman-alpha and Lyman-Werner): ! For Lyman-alpha photons: k_i = epsilon_Lya * P_i,Lya * x_H * zeta_H / (1 - omega) [s^-1] ! For Lyman-Werner photons: k_i = epsilon_LyW * P_i,LyW * x_H2* zeta_H2/ (1 - omega) [s^-1] ! ! The value of epsilon_Lya or epsilon_LyW is stored in the alpha parameter of each reaction ! The value of P_i,Lya or P_i,LyW is stored in the gamma parameter of each reaction 6 IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.0) THEN RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*XRAY_FIELD*(1.0D0/eV)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(I)*GAMMA(I)/(1.0D0-OMEGA) ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(I).EQ.1) THEN J=I DO IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LE.RTMAX(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*XRAY_FIELD*(1.0D0/eV)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(J)*GAMMA(J)/(1.0D0-OMEGA) EXIT ELSE IF(DUPLICATE(J+1).LT.DUPLICATE(J)) THEN RATE(J)=ALPHA(J)*XRAY_FIELD*(1.0D0/eV)*(GAS_TEMPERATURE/300.0D0)**BETA(J)*GAMMA(J)/(1.0D0-OMEGA) EXIT ELSE RATE(J)=0.0D0 J=J+1 END IF END DO END IF GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Freeze-out of neutral species and singly charged positive ions: 7 IF(BETA(I).EQ.0.0D0) THEN CION=1.0D0 ELSE IF(BETA(I).EQ.1.0D0) THEN CION=1.0D0+16.71D-4/(GRAIN_RADIUS*GAS_TEMPERATURE) ELSE CION=0.0D0 END IF STICKING=0.3D0 RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*4.57D4*2.4D-22*SQRT(GAS_TEMPERATURE/GAMMA(I))*CION*STICKING GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Desorption due to cosmic-ray heating: !!$! Treatment of Hasegawa & Herbst (1993, MNRAS, 261, 83, Equation 15) !!$ 8 RATE(I)=ALPHA(I)*ZETA ! Treatment of Roberts et al. (2007, MNRAS, 382, 773, Equation 3) 8 IF(GAMMA(I).LE.1210.0D0) THEN YIELD=1.0D5 ! Number of adsorbed molecules released per cosmic-ray impact ELSE YIELD=0.0D0 END IF FLUX=2.06D-3 ! Flux of iron nuclei cosmic rays (in cm^-2 s^-1) RATE(I)=FLUX*ZETA*2.4D-22*YIELD GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Photodesorption: 9 IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LT.50.0D0) THEN YIELD=3.5D-3 ELSE IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LT.85.0D0) THEN YIELD=4.0D-3 ELSE IF(GAS_TEMPERATURE.LT.100.0D0) THEN YIELD=5.5D-3 ELSE YIELD=7.5D-3 END IF FLUX=1.71D8 ! Flux of FUV photons in the unattenuated Draine field (in photons cm^-2 s^-1) DO K=0,NRAYS-1 ! Loop over all rays RATE(I)=RATE(I) + FLUX*FUV_SURFACE(K)*EXP(-(GAMMA(I)*AV(K)))*2.4D-22*YIELD END DO GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Thermal desorption: ! Treatment of Hasegawa, Herbst & Leung (1992, ApJS, 82, 167, Equations 2 & 3) 10 RATE(I)=SQRT(2.0D0*1.5D15*KB/(PI**2*AU)*ALPHA(I)/GAMMA(I))*EXP(-(ALPHA(I)/DUST_TEMPERATURE)) GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Grain mantle reactions: 11 RATE(I)=ALPHA(I) GOTO 20 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that the rate is physical (0<RATE(I)<1) and produce an error ! message if not. Impose a lower cut-off on all rate coefficients to ! prevent the problem becoming too stiff. Rates lower than 1E-99 are ! set to zero. Grain-surface reactions and desorption mechanisms are ! allowed rates greater than 1. 20 IF(RATE(I).LT.0.0D0) THEN WRITE(6,*) 'ERROR! Negative rate coefficient for reaction #',TRIM(NUM2STR(I)) WRITE(6,*) 'Rate = ',TRIM(NUM2STR(RATE(I))) WRITE(6,*) STOP END IF IF(RATE(I).GT.1.0D0 .AND. REACTANT(I,1)(1:1).NE."G" .AND. REACTANT(I,1)(1:1).NE."#") THEN WRITE(10,*) 'WARNING! Rate coefficient is too large for reaction #',TRIM(NUM2STR(I)) WRITE(10,*) 'Rate = ',TRIM(NUM2STR(RATE(I))) RATE(I)=1.0D0 END IF IF(RATE(I).LT.1.0D-99) RATE(I)=0.0D0 ! End of loop over reactions END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE CALCULATE_REACTION_RATES !=======================================================================
! ! Copyright 2019-2020 SALMON developers ! ! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ! You may obtain a copy of the License at ! ! http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ! ! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ! WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ! limitations under the License. ! module init_gs implicit none contains !=================================================================================================================================== SUBROUTINE init_wf(lg,mg,system,info,spsi) use structures use inputoutput, only: au_length_aa, method_init_wf use salmon_global, only: yn_periodic,natom,Rion,yn_jm use gram_schmidt_orth implicit none type(s_rgrid) ,intent(in) :: lg,mg type(s_dft_system) ,intent(in) :: system type(s_parallel_info) ,intent(in) :: info type(s_orbital) :: spsi ! integer :: ik,io,is,a,ix,iy,iz,ip, ig,ngauss real(8) :: xx,yy,zz,x1,y1,z1,rr,Xmax,Ymax,Zmax,q(3) real(8) :: Xzero,Yzero,Zzero call init_wf_rand select case(method_init_wf) case ('gauss' ) ; ngauss=1 case ('gauss2' ) ; ngauss=2 case ('gauss3' ) ; ngauss=3 case ('gauss4' ) ; ngauss=4 case ('gauss5' ) ; ngauss=5 case ('gauss10') ; ngauss=10 end select ! get offset (0-th element) : Xzero means center if (yn_periodic == 'y') then Xzero = lg%coordinate(lg%num(1)/2+mod(lg%num(1),2),1) Yzero = lg%coordinate(lg%num(2)/2+mod(lg%num(2),2),2) Zzero = lg%coordinate(lg%num(3)/2+mod(lg%num(3),2),3) else Xzero = 0d0 Yzero = 0d0 Zzero = 0d0 end if if(system%if_real_orbital) then select case(method_init_wf) case ('random') call gen_random_rwf case ('gauss','gauss2','gauss3','gauss4','gauss5','gauss10') if(yn_jm=='n') then Xmax=0.d0 ; Ymax=0.d0 ; Zmax=0.d0 do a=1,natom if ( abs(system%Rion(1,a)) > Xmax ) Xmax=abs(system%Rion(1,a)) if ( abs(system%Rion(2,a)) > Ymax ) Ymax=abs(system%Rion(2,a)) if ( abs(system%Rion(3,a)) > Zmax ) Zmax=abs(system%Rion(3,a)) end do Xmax=Xmax-Xzero+1.d0/au_length_aa Ymax=Ymax-Yzero+1.d0/au_length_aa Zmax=Zmax-Zzero+1.d0/au_length_aa else Xmax=( lg%coordinate(lg%ie(1),1)-Xzero )*0.8d0 Ymax=( lg%coordinate(lg%ie(2),2)-Yzero )*0.8d0 Zmax=( lg%coordinate(lg%ie(3),3)-Zzero )*0.8d0 end if do is=1,system%nspin do io=1,system%no do ig=1,ngauss call random_number(q) x1=Xmax*(2.d0*q(1)-1.d0) y1=Ymax*(2.d0*q(2)-1.d0) z1=Zmax*(2.d0*q(3)-1.d0) if(info%io_s <= io .and. io <= info%io_e) then !$OMP parallel do collapse(2) private(iz,iy,ix,xx,yy,zz,rr) do iz=mg%is(3),mg%ie(3) do iy=mg%is(2),mg%ie(2) do ix=mg%is(1),mg%ie(1) xx=lg%coordinate(ix,1)-Xzero yy=lg%coordinate(iy,2)-Yzero zz=lg%coordinate(iz,3)-Zzero rr=sqrt((xx-x1)**2+(yy-y1)**2+(zz-z1)**2) if(ig==1) then spsi%rwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,1,1) = exp(-0.5d0*(rr*au_length_aa)**2)*(au_length_aa)**(3/2) else spsi%rwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,1,1) = spsi%rwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,1,1) & + exp(-0.5d0*(rr*au_length_aa)**2)*(au_length_aa)**(3/2) endif end do end do end do !$omp end parallel do end if end do !ig end do end do end select else select case(method_init_wf) case ('random') call gen_random_zwf case ('gauss','gauss2','gauss3','gauss4','gauss5','gauss10') if(yn_jm=='n') then Xmax = sqrt(sum(system%primitive_a(1:3,1)**2))-Xzero Ymax = sqrt(sum(system%primitive_a(1:3,2)**2))-Yzero Zmax = sqrt(sum(system%primitive_a(1:3,3)**2))-Zzero else Xmax=( lg%coordinate(lg%ie(1),1)-Xzero )*0.8d0 Ymax=( lg%coordinate(lg%ie(2),2)-Yzero )*0.8d0 Zmax=( lg%coordinate(lg%ie(3),3)-Zzero )*0.8d0 endif do is=1,system%nspin do ik=1,system%nk do io=1,system%no do ig=1,ngauss call random_number(q) x1=Xmax*q(1) y1=Ymax*q(2) z1=Zmax*q(3) if(info%ik_s <= ik .and. ik <= info%ik_e .and. & info%io_s <= io .and. io <= info%io_e) then !$OMP parallel do collapse(2) private(iz,iy,ix,xx,yy,zz,rr) do iz=mg%is(3),mg%ie(3) do iy=mg%is(2),mg%ie(2) do ix=mg%is(1),mg%ie(1) xx=lg%coordinate(ix,1)-Xzero yy=lg%coordinate(iy,2)-Yzero zz=lg%coordinate(iz,3)-Zzero rr=sqrt((xx-x1)**2+(yy-y1)**2+(zz-z1)**2) if(ig==1) then spsi%zwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,ik,1) = exp(-0.5d0*rr**2) else spsi%zwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,ik,1) = spsi%zwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,ik,1) + exp(-0.5d0*rr**2) endif end do end do end do !$omp end parallel do end if end do !ig end do end do end do end select end if call gram_schmidt(system, mg, info, spsi) return CONTAINS ! cf. RSDFT subroutine init_wf_rand use salmon_global, only: iseed_number_change implicit none integer :: s,k,n,i,llen integer,allocatable :: iseed(:) call random_seed(size = n) allocate(iseed(n)) llen = product(lg%num) iseed(:) = (info%ik_s * system%no + info%io_s - 1) * llen & + (mg%is(3) - lg%is(3) + 1) * lg%num(2) * lg%num(1) & + (mg%is(2) - lg%is(2) + 1) * lg%num(1) & + (mg%is(1) - lg%is(1) + 1) + iseed_number_change call random_seed(put = iseed) deallocate(iseed) end subroutine subroutine gen_random_rwf implicit none real(8) :: u(3),v(3) do ip=lbound(spsi%rwf,7),ubound(spsi%rwf,7) do ik=lbound(spsi%rwf,6),ubound(spsi%rwf,6) do io=lbound(spsi%rwf,5),ubound(spsi%rwf,5) do is=lbound(spsi%rwf,4),ubound(spsi%rwf,4) do iz=lbound(spsi%rwf,3),ubound(spsi%rwf,3) do iy=lbound(spsi%rwf,2),ubound(spsi%rwf,2) do ix=lbound(spsi%rwf,1),ubound(spsi%rwf,1) v = dble([ix, iy, iz]) call random_number(u) spsi%rwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,ik,ip) = product(sign(u(1:3),v(1:3))) end do end do end do end do end do end do end do end subroutine subroutine gen_random_zwf implicit none real(8) :: u(2) do ip=lbound(spsi%zwf,7),ubound(spsi%zwf,7) do ik=lbound(spsi%zwf,6),ubound(spsi%zwf,6) do io=lbound(spsi%zwf,5),ubound(spsi%zwf,5) do is=lbound(spsi%zwf,4),ubound(spsi%zwf,4) do iz=lbound(spsi%zwf,3),ubound(spsi%zwf,3) do iy=lbound(spsi%zwf,2),ubound(spsi%zwf,2) do ix=lbound(spsi%zwf,1),ubound(spsi%zwf,1) call random_number(u) spsi%zwf(ix,iy,iz,is,io,ik,ip) = cmplx(u(1),u(2)) end do end do end do end do end do end do end do end subroutine END SUBROUTINE init_wf end module init_gs
LOGICAL FUNCTION SVROK (WKID, EXPVLS) C SVROK: true iff current SVR is one of the expected values, C encoded by character: c-correct, s-simulated, d-deferred. C E.g. expvls = 'cd' means SVR must be either CORRECT or C DEFERRED. C state of visual representation C correct deferred simulated INTEGER PVROK, PVRDFR, PVRSIM PARAMETER (PVROK = 0, PVRDFR = 1, PVRSIM = 2) INTEGER WKID, ERRIND, ACTSVR INTEGER IDUM1, IDUM2, IDUM3 CHARACTER EXPVLS*(*), SVRCOD(PVROK:PVRSIM)*1 DATA SVRCOD /'c', 'd', 's'/ CALL PQDUS (WKID, ERRIND, IDUM1, IDUM2, IDUM3, ACTSVR) CALL CHKINQ ('pqdus', ERRIND) SVROK = INDEX(EXPVLS, SVRCOD(ACTSVR)) .GT. 0 END
SUBROUTINE cgsolve(g,q,sol) !------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Perform a simple conjugate gradient solution ! !------------------------------------------------------------- USE invar USE solvar USE timevar IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: g INTEGER :: it, neq REAL*8 :: alf, bet, dfmx, tmp, qnorm REAL*8, DIMENSION((ordsq*nx*ny)), INTENT(IN) :: q REAL*8, DIMENSION((ordsq*nx*ny)), INTENT(OUT) :: sol REAL*8, DIMENSION((ordsq*nx*ny)) :: res, sd, tmp1, sold ! Set the timing point told = tjmat neq = ordsq*nx*ny WRITE (8,*) " Conjugate Gradient iterative solution ..." WRITE(8,'(2X,A)') "Error based on solution residual" ! Initialize my guess sol = 0.0 res = q sd = res !qnorm = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(q,q)) !qnorm = MAXVAL(ABS(q)) tmp = DOT_PRODUCT(res,res) DO it = 1, itmx ! The CG steps...should be optimized later or use outside solver tmp1 = MATMUL(jmat,sd) alf = tmp/(DOT_PRODUCT(sd,tmp1)) sol = sol + alf*sd res = res-alf*tmp1 bet = 1.0/tmp tmp = DOT_PRODUCT(res,res) bet = tmp*bet sd = res + bet*sd ! Check convergence between the iterates. ! Error based on the residual and possibly the RHS ! dfmx = SQRT(tmp)/qnorm ! dfmx = (MAXVAL(ABS(res)))/qnorm ! dfmx = MAXVAL(ABS(res)) dfmx = SQRT(tmp) ! Get iteration time CALL CPU_TIME(titer) IF (dfmx > err .AND. it < itmx) THEN ! DON'T USE THIS WHEN DETERMINING ERROR WITH 2-NORM ! Report the change in the error ! ndx = MAXLOC(ABS(tmp2)) ! indx = ndx(1) - 1 ! ! Need to back out the values for the position and moments ! jd = (indx/(nx*ordsq)) + 1 ! id = (MOD(indx,(nx*ordsq))/ordsq) + 1 ! indx2 = indx - ((jd-1)*nx + (id-1))*ordsq ! kd = indx2/order ! ld = MOD(indx2,order) ! WRITE(8,121) g, it, id, jd, kd, ld, dfmx, sol(indx), titer-told WRITE (8,122) g, it, dfmx, titer-told ! Reset the timing point told = titer CYCLE ELSE IF (dfmx < err) THEN WRITE(8,*) WRITE(8,*) " Group ", g, "converged in ", it, " iterations" WRITE(8,'(2X,A,ES11.3,A,ES11.3)') "Maximum error estimated: ", dfmx, " < ", err WRITE(8,'(2X,A,F9.3,A)') "Final iteration time ", titer-told, " seconds" cnvf(g) = 1 EXIT ELSE IF (it == itmx) THEN WRITE(8,*) WRITE(8,*) " Group ", g, " did not converge in maximum number of iterations ", itmx WRITE(8,*) " Max error = ", dfmx cnvf(g) = 0 EXIT END IF ! Error based on successive iterates ! dfmx = -1.0 ! DO i = 1, neq ! IF (sold(i) >= tolr) THEN ! df = ABS((sol(i) - sold(i))/sold(i)) ! ELSE ! df = ABS(sol(i) - sold(i)) ! END IF ! IF (df > dfmx) dfmx = df ! END DO ! IF (dfmx > err .AND. it < itmx) THEN ! res = res - alf*tmp1 ! bet = DOT_PRODUCT(res,res) ! bet = bet/tmp ! sd = res + bet*sd ! sold = sol ! CYCLE ! ELSE IF (dfmx < err) THEN ! WRITE (8,*) ! WRITE (8,*) " Group ", g, " converged in ", it, " iterations" ! WRITE (8,'(2X,A,ES11.3,A,ES11.3)') "Maximum error estimated: ", dfmx, " < ", err ! cnvf(g) = 1 ! EXIT ! ELSE IF (it == itmx) THEN ! WRITE(8,*) ! WRITE(8,*) " Group ", g, " did not converge in maximum number of iterations ", itmx ! WRITE(8,*) " Max error = ", dfmx ! cnvf(g) = 0 ! EXIT ! END IF END DO !121 FORMAT(2X,'Gr',I3,' It ',I5,' Pos ',2I4,' Mom ',2I2,' DfMx ',ES11.3,' Flx ',ES11.3, ' Time(s) ', F9.3) 122 FORMAT(2X,'Gr',I3,' It ',I5,' Dfmx ',ES11.3,' Time(s) ',F9.3) RETURN END SUBROUTINE cgsolve
c c spatialFilter routine -- Apply a fixed spatial filter (smoother) in lat/lon and then average over times/grids c c Designed to be called from python using f2py. c c c Low Pass Filter = 1/9 * [1 1 1 ! normalization = 9 c 1 1 1 c 1 1 1] c c Gaussian Filter = 1/16 * [1 2 1 ! normalization = 16 c 2 4 2 c 1 2 1] c subroutine spatialFilter_f(var, mask, & time, lat, lon, & filter, normalization, & missingValue, & verbose, & vinterp, vcount, status, & ntime, nlat, nlon) implicit none integer*4 ntime, nlat, nlon c ! prepared 3D array of variable data over time, lon, & lat real*4 var(ntime, nlat, nlon) c ! variable to be interpolated, over ntime epochs integer*1 mask(ntime, nlat, nlon) c ! pixel quality mask integer*4 time(ntime) c ! time epochs to gaussian-interpolate over real*4 lat(nlat) ! latitude corrdinate vector real*4 lon(nlon) ! longitude corrdinate vector cf2py intent(in) var, mask, time, lat, lon !! annotations for f2py processor integer*4 filter(3, 3) c ! 3x3 filter coefficients as integers integer*4 normalization c ! Normalization factor for the filter, divide by sum of integers cf2py intent(in) filter, normalization real*4 missingValue c ! value to mark missing values in interp result integer*4 verbose c ! integer to set verbosity level cf2py intent(in) missingValue, verbose real*4 vinterp(nlat, nlon) c ! interpolated variable using gaussians, missing values not counted integer*4 vcount(nlat, nlon) c ! count of good data, might be zero after masking integer*4 status c ! negative status indicates error cf2py intent(out) vinterp, vcount, status integer*4 iin, jin, kin integer*4 i, j, fac, count real*4 val, sum write(6, *) 'Echoing inputs ...' write(6, *) 'ntime, nlat, nlon:', ntime, nlat, nlon write(6, *) 'filter:', filter write(6, *) 'normalization', normalization write(6, *) 'missingValue:', missingValue status = 0 if (verbose .gt. 3) then write(6, *) 'time:', time write(6, *) 'lat:', lat write(6, *) 'lon:', lon c write(6, *) 'mask(3):', mask(3,:,:) write(6, *) 'var(3):', var(3,:,:) end if do i = 1, nlat if (verbose .gt. 1) write(6, *) lat(i) do j = 1, nlon vinterp(i,j) = 0.0 vcount(i,j) = 0.0 if (verbose .gt. 3) then write(6, *) '(i,j) = ', i, j write(6, *) '(lat,lon) = ', lat(i), lon(j) end if do kin = 1, ntime sum = 0.0 count = 0 do iin = -1, +1 if (i+iin .lt. 1 .or. i+iin .gt. nlat) cycle do jin = -1, +1 if (j+jin .lt. 1 .or. j+jin .gt. nlon) cycle if (mask(kin,iin,jin) .eq. 0) then fac = filter(iin+2, jin+2) val = var(kin,iin,jin) sum = sum + fac * val count = count + fac end if end do end do if (count .gt. 0) then c ! filter for (i,j) pixel isn't empty vinterp(i,j) = vinterp(i,j) + sum / normalization vcount(i,j) = vcount(i,j) + 1 end if end do if (vcount(i,j) .gt. 0) then vinterp(i,j) = vinterp(i,j) / vcount(i,j) c ! compute mean over number of non-empty times/grids else vinterp(i,j) = missingValue end if end do end do return end
C ------------------------------------------------------------------- C *** GRAD2 C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C *** THE GRAD2 FUNCTION SUBPROGRAM COMPUTES THE FOLLOWING DIRECTLY C *** <P(I)[R.D + F(DELTA)[ P(J)> C DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION grad2(I,J) IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION(A-H,O-Z) CHARACTER*3 el PARAMETER (NWD=80,NOD=220) PARAMETER (IWRITE=6) COMMON /PARAM/H,H1,H3,CH,EH,RHO,Z,TOL,NO,ND,NWF,MASS,NCFG,IB,IC,ID : ,D0,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6,D8,D10,D12,D16,D30,FINE,NSCF,NCLOSD,RMASS COMMON /RADIAL/R(NOD),RR(NOD),R2(NOD),YK(NOD),YR(NOD),X(NOD) POINTER(IQP,P(NOD,1)),(IQN,N(1)),(IQL,L(1)),(IQAZ,AZ(1)), : (IQMAX,MAX(1)) COMMON /NEL/IQP,IQN,IQL,IQAZ,IQMAX,IQ(7),el(nwd) DIMENSION Q(NOD) JJ=I II=J DO1K=1,NO 1 Q(K)=P(K,JJ)*R(K) LI=L(I) LJ=L(J) IL = IABS(LI - LJ) IF (IL .NE. 0 .AND. IL .NE. 2) GO TO 100 A1=(LI+LJ+D2)/((LI+D1)*(LJ+D1)) A2=((LJ+D5)*(LJ+D1)+(LJ+D1+D5)*(LI+D1))/((LI+D1)*(LJ+D1)) A=A1-A2*(LI+LJ+D3)/((LI+LJ+D4)*(LJ+D5)) FACT=(LJ+D5)/(LI+LJ+D3) G=R(1)**2*P(1,I)*P(1,J)*FACT*(1.+A*Z*R(1)) MM=MIN0(MAX(I)+1,MAX(J)+1,ND) K=2 F1=D5*(P(K+1,II)-P(K-1,II)) F2=P(K+1,II)-D2*P(K,II)+P(K-1,II) G0=Q(K)*R(K) G1=D5*(Q(K+1)*R(K+1)-Q(K-1)*R(K-1)) G2=Q(K+1)*R(K+1)-D2*Q(K)*R(K)+Q(K-1)*R(K-1) G=G+D2*F1*G0+(D2*F2*G1+F1*G2)/D3 DO2K=4,MM,2 F1=D5*(P(K+1,II)-P(K-1,II)) F2=P(K+1,II)-D2*P(K,II)+P(K-1,II) F3=D5*(P(K+1,II)-P(K-2,II))-D2*F1 F4=P(K+2,II)+P(K-2,II)-D4*(P(K+1,II)+P(K-1,II)) 1 +D6*P(K,II) G0=Q(K)*R(K) G1=D5*(Q(K+1)*R(K+1)-Q(K-1)*R(K-1)) G2=Q(K+1)*R(K+1)-D2*Q(K)*R(K)+Q(K-1)*R(K-1) G3=D5*(Q(K+2)*R(K+2)-Q(K-2)*R(K-2))-D2*G1 G4=Q(K+2)*R(K+2)+Q(K-2)*R(K-2)-D4*(Q(K+1)*R(K+1) 1 +Q(K-1)*R(K-1))+D6*Q(K)*R(K) G=G+D2*F1*G0+(D2*F2*G1+F1*G2)/D3 1 -(F1*G4-F4*G1+D4*(F2*G3-F3*G2))/90.E0 2 CONTINUE U=QUADR(JJ,II,0) G=G-D5*U DELTA=LJ-LI IF(DELTA)10,11,12 10 GRAD2=G-(LI-D2)*U RETURN 11 GRAD2=G+(D1+D5)*U RETURN 12 GRAD2=G+(LI+D3)*U RETURN 100 WRITE(6,101) I,J 101 FORMAT(5X,'L(I)-L(J) NOT=0,2 FOR I = ',I2,' AND J = ',I2) STOP END
program main use LoggerClass use fem implicit none type(FEMDomain_) :: cube type(Logger_) :: Bob type(Math_) :: math integer(int32) :: i ! create an object call cube%create("Cube3D") ! set channels call Bob%set("Node3_x",cube%mesh%nodcoord(3,1)) call Bob%set("Node12_y",cube%mesh%nodcoord(12,2)) call Bob%set("Node9_z",cube%mesh%nodcoord(3,3)) ! start logger call Bob%start() do i=1,100 call cube%move(x=sin(dble(i)/2.0d0/Math%PI ) ) call cube%rotate(x=sin(dble(i)/2.0d0/Math%PI ) ) call Bob%save() enddo call Bob%reset() do i=1,100 call cube%rotate(x=sin(dble(i)/2.0d0/Math%PI ) ) call Bob%save() enddo end program main
MODULE trdmxl_rst USE dom_oce USE trd_oce USE in_out_manager USE iom USE restart IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: trd_mxl_rst_read PUBLIC :: trd_mxl_rst_write INTEGER :: nummxlw CONTAINS SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_rst_write(kt) INTEGER, INTENT( IN ) :: kt CHARACTER(LEN = 35) :: charout INTEGER :: jk CHARACTER(LEN = 20) :: clkt CHARACTER(LEN = 50) :: clname CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: clpath IF (kt == nitrst - 1 .OR. nstock == 1 .OR. (kt == nitend .AND. MOD(nitend - 1, nstock) == 0)) THEN IF (nitrst > 999999999) THEN WRITE(clkt, FMT = *) nitrst ELSE WRITE(clkt, FMT = '(i8.8)') nitrst END IF clname = TRIM(cexper) // "_" // TRIM(ADJUSTL(clkt)) // "_" // TRIM(cn_trdrst_out) clpath = TRIM(cn_ocerst_outdir) IF (clpath(LEN_TRIM(clpath) :) /= '/') clpath = TRIM(clpath) // '/' IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout, FMT = *) SELECT CASE (jprstlib) CASE DEFAULT WRITE(numout, FMT = *) ' open ocean restart_mxl NetCDF file: ' // clname END SELECT IF (kt == nitrst - 1) THEN WRITE(numout, FMT = *) ' kt = nitrst - 1 = ', kt, ' date= ', ndastp ELSE WRITE(numout, FMT = *) ' kt = ', kt, ' date= ', ndastp END IF END IF CALL iom_open(TRIM(clpath) // TRIM(clname), nummxlw, ldwrt = .TRUE., kiolib = jprstlib) END IF IF (kt == nitrst .AND. lwp) THEN WRITE(numout, FMT = *) WRITE(numout, FMT = *) 'trdmxl_rst: output for ML diags. restart, with trd_mxl_rst_write routine kt =', kt WRITE(numout, FMT = *) '~~~~~~~~~~' WRITE(numout, FMT = *) END IF IF (ln_trdmxl_instant) THEN CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'tmlbb', tmlbb) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'tmlbn', tmlbn) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'tmlatfb', tmlatfb) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'smlbb', smlbb) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'smlbn', smlbn) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'smlatfb', smlatfb) ELSE CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'hmxlbn', hmxlbn) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'tmlbn', tmlbn) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'tml_sumb', tml_sumb) DO jk = 1, jpltrd IF (jk < 10) THEN WRITE(charout, FMT = "('tmltrd_csum_ub_', I1)") jk ELSE WRITE(charout, FMT = "('tmltrd_csum_ub_', I2)") jk END IF CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, charout, tmltrd_csum_ub(:, :, jk)) END DO CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'tmltrd_atf_sumb', tmltrd_atf_sumb) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'smlbn', smlbn) CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'sml_sumb', sml_sumb) DO jk = 1, jpltrd IF (jk < 10) THEN WRITE(charout, FMT = "('smltrd_csum_ub_', I1)") jk ELSE WRITE(charout, FMT = "('smltrd_csum_ub_', I2)") jk END IF CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, charout, smltrd_csum_ub(:, :, jk)) END DO CALL iom_rstput(kt, nitrst, nummxlw, 'smltrd_atf_sumb', smltrd_atf_sumb) END IF IF (kt == nitrst) THEN CALL iom_close(nummxlw) lrst_oce = .FALSE. END IF END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_rst_write SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_rst_read INTEGER :: inum CHARACTER(LEN = 35) :: charout INTEGER :: jk INTEGER :: jlibalt = jprstlib LOGICAL :: llok CHARACTER(LEN = 256) :: clpath IF (lwp) THEN WRITE(numout, FMT = *) WRITE(numout, FMT = *) ' trd_mxl_rst_read : read the NetCDF mixed layer trend restart file' WRITE(numout, FMT = *) ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' END IF clpath = TRIM(cn_ocerst_indir) IF (clpath(LEN_TRIM(clpath) :) /= '/') clpath = TRIM(clpath) // '/' CALL iom_open(TRIM(clpath) // TRIM(cn_trdrst_in), inum, kiolib = jlibalt) IF (ln_trdmxl_instant) THEN CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmlbb', tmlbb) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmlbn', tmlbn) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmlatfb', tmlatfb) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'smlbb', smlbb) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'smlbn', smlbn) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'smlatfb', smlatfb) ELSE CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'hmxlbn', hmxlbn) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmlbn', tmlbn) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'tml_sumb', tml_sumb) DO jk = 1, jpltrd IF (jk < 10) THEN WRITE(charout, FMT = "('tmltrd_csum_ub_', I1)") jk ELSE WRITE(charout, FMT = "('tmltrd_csum_ub_', I2)") jk END IF CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, charout, tmltrd_csum_ub(:, :, jk)) END DO CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'tmltrd_atf_sumb', tmltrd_atf_sumb) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'smlbn', smlbn) CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'sml_sumb', sml_sumb) DO jk = 1, jpltrd IF (jk < 10) THEN WRITE(charout, FMT = "('smltrd_csum_ub_', I1)") jk ELSE WRITE(charout, FMT = "('smltrd_csum_ub_', I2)") jk END IF CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, charout, smltrd_csum_ub(:, :, jk)) END DO CALL iom_get(inum, jpdom_autoglo, 'smltrd_atf_sumb', smltrd_atf_sumb) CALL iom_close(inum) END IF END SUBROUTINE trd_mxl_rst_read END MODULE trdmxl_rst
The HORSE POLO CLUB is managed by the mens and womens UC Davis competitive team members, who have come in first at the Regional Competition for the last 6 years. The team offers weekly clinics to teach anyone how to play the game. It is a great alternative to the Equestrian Center Prices and so much fun! There is absolutely no riding or horse experience necessary. Clinics are available from beginners through advanced, for whether you are interested in learning about horses or in a position on the team. Horses and equipment are provided, bringing boots is suggested, and any other personal equipment (excluding horses) is welcome. SIGNUP FOR FALL NOW!! In the FALL: Clinics will be offered MON FRI 5pm9pm spaces are limited See Also: Organizations, Student Organizations, Outdoor Activities Contact MailTo(davishorsepolo AT yahoo DOT com) To view the team schedule, recent news, or more info visit our website at http://sportclubs.ucdavis.edu/horsepolo/. Being that this is Davis there is also Bike Polo, not to mention Horse Ball.
Cal Davis Apartments offers one and twobedroom apartments ranging from $950/month to $1050/month April 2009. Visit our Housing Guide or Apartments page to learn about more housing options within Davis. 20130707 21:59:51 nbsp We have stayed at Cal Davis Apartments for three years. The landlord Bob Hayden is really nice. The only reason we moved out is because we were moving out of the country. He is a landlord who believes in listening to the tenants and returning security deposits. The apartments are clean and well maintained but not fancy. I would highly recommend this place for the location, cleanliness and a great landlord. Users/DivyaAiyar 20140413 21:24:14 nbsp My roommates and I have lived here for 7 months and it is literally the worst living situation that Ive had in my four years here. The apartment is tiny and prett pricy compared to other places nearby. We have been having issues with the wifi, the appliances, bugs, thin walls (we can hear our neighbors phones vibrate) and weve never seen the actual landlord. Ever. He takes forever to respond when we have a problem, and often doesnt respond at all. Honesty, we thought we were getting a deal because the place didnt require a deposit. But its not worth it there are plenty of places much better close by! Users/LeonnaSpilman
C ( Last modified on 10 Sepc 2004 at 17:05:38 ) C Correction: 10/Sep/2004: undeclared integer variables declared C ( Last modified on 23 Dec 2000 at 22:01:38 ) PROGRAM OSLMA C C OSL test driver for problems derived from SIF files. C INTEGER NMAX , MMAX , M , N INTEGER MCON , MEQ , LW , LIW INTEGER NNZMAX, NNZJ , NNZH , NNZTH INTEGER I , J , IC, IR, ICNH , INDV , * INDF , IRNH , MGEQ , NJAC CHARACTER * 10 PNAME CTOY PARAMETER ( NMAX = 100, MMAX = 100 ) CMED PARAMETER ( NMAX = 200, MMAX = 200 ) CBIG PARAMETER ( NMAX = 500, MMAX = 500 ) CCUS PARAMETER ( NMAX = 400, MMAX = 300 ) PARAMETER ( NNZMAX = 20 * NMAX ) PARAMETER ( LW = 11000 + 10 * NMAX + 10 * MMAX + NNZMAX ) PARAMETER ( LIW = NMAX + 1 + 4 * NNZMAX ) INTEGER IW ( LIW ) CS REAL X ( NMAX ), BL ( NMAX ), BU( NMAX ), CD DOUBLE PRECISION X ( NMAX ), BL ( NMAX ), BU( NMAX ), * G ( NMAX ), C ( MMAX ), * CL ( MMAX ), CU ( MMAX ), W ( LW ) CS REAL OBJF, GET(34) CD DOUBLE PRECISION OBJF, GET(34) LOGICAL EQUATN( MMAX ), LINEAR( MMAX ) INTEGER INPUT, IOUT, RTCOD LOGICAL DEBUG PARAMETER ( INPUT = 55, IOUT = 6 ) CS REAL ZERO CD DOUBLE PRECISION ZERO CS PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0E+0 ) CD PARAMETER ( ZERO = 0.0D+0 ) REAL CPU( 2 ), CALLS( 7 ) DEBUG = .FALSE. C C Open the relevant file. C OPEN ( INPUT, FILE = 'OUTSDIF.d', FORM = 'FORMATTED', * STATUS = 'OLD' ) REWIND INPUT C C Set up the data structures necessary to hold the problem functions. C CALL OSLSE ( INPUT , IOUT , N , M , MGEQ , MEQ , MCON , * X , BL, BU , NMAX , EQUATN, LINEAR, * W , CL, CU , MMAX ) C C Set up algorithmic input data. C C C Start of main iteration loop. C C C Set X to zero to determine the constant terms and the linear terms for C the problem functions. C OBJF = ZERO DO 30 I = 1, N X( I ) = ZERO W( I ) = ZERO 30 CONTINUE C C Evaluate the constant terms of the objective and the linear coefficients. C CALL COFG( N , X, OBJF, G(1), .TRUE.) C C Partition the integer sparse work vector IW. C INDV = 0 INDF = INDV + NNZMAX IRNH = INDF + NNZMAX ICNH = IRNH + NMAX C C Evaluate the constant and linear terms of the constraint functions C in a sparse format. C CALL CSCFG ( N, M, X, MMAX, C, NNZJ, NJAC, G( N + 1 ), * IW( INDV + 1 ), IW( INDF + 1 ), .TRUE. ) C C Set up row bounds C DO 40 I = 1, M CL(I) = CL(I) - C(I) CU(I) = CU(I) - C(I) 40 CONTINUE IF ( DEBUG ) THEN WRITE( 6, 2005 ) ( I, X( I ), BL( I ), BU( I ), I = 1, N ) IF ( MCON .GT. 0 ) WRITE( 6, 2060 ) ( I, C( I ), CL( I ), * CU( I ), EQUATN( I ), LINEAR( I ), I = 1, MCON ) END IF C C Evaluate the Hessian matrix using sparse format. C CALL CSH ( N , M , X, MMAX, W, NNZH , NMAX, G( N + NNZJ + 1 ) , * IW( IRNH + 1 ), IW( ICNH + 1 ) ) C C DEBUG output C IF ( DEBUG ) THEN WRITE( 6, 2010 ) OBJF IF ( M .GT. 0 ) WRITE( 6, 2070 ) ( I, C( I ), I = 1, M ) WRITE( 6, 2080 ) WRITE( 6, 2015 ) ( G( I ), I = 1, N ) DO 11 J = 1, NNZJ IC = IW( INDV + J ) IR = IW( INDF + J ) WRITE( 6, 2020 ) IR, IC, G( N + J ) 11 CONTINUE DO 12 J = 1, NNZH IC = IW( ICNH + J ) IR = IW( IRNH + J ) WRITE( 6, 2030 ) IR, IC, G( N + NNZJ + J ) 12 CONTINUE END IF C C Fill-in lower half of Hessian C NNZTH = NNZH DO 14 J = 1, NNZTH IC = IW( ICNH + J ) IR = IW( IRNH + J ) IF ( IR .NE. IC) THEN NNZH = NNZH + 1 IW( ICNH + NNZH ) = IR IW( IRNH + NNZH ) = IC G( N + NNZJ +NNZH ) = G( N + NNZJ + J ) END IF 14 CONTINUE C C Describe workspace and allow room for one matrix. C CALL EKKDSCA(RTCOD,W, LW,1) IF ( RTCOD .GT. 0 ) CALL CHKRT('EKKDSCA',RTCOD) WRITE( 6, 2000 ) N, M, MEQ, MCON, RTCOD C C Describe the model. Minimum of 5 blocks are needed for QP. C CALL EKKDSCM(RTCOD,W,1,5) IF (RTCOD.GT.0) CALL CHKRT('EKKDSCM',RTCOD) C C Pass linear model with matrix stored by indices. C CALL EKKLMDL(RTCOD, W, 1, M, N, NNZJ, G(1), CL(1), CU(1), * BL(1), BU(1), IW(INDF+1), IW(INDV+1), G(N+1) ) IF (RTCOD.GT.0) CALL CHKRT('EKKLMDL',RTCOD) C C Pass quadratic matrix stored by indices. C CALL EKKQMDL(RTCOD, W, 1, NNZH, IW(IRNH+1), IW(ICNH+1), * G( N + NNZJ + 1 ) ) IF (RTCOD.GT.0) CALL CHKRT('EKKQMDL',RTCOD) C C Solve the QP using the primal algorithm. C CALL EKKQSLV(RTCOD,W,1,1) IF (RTCOD.GT.0) CALL CHKRT('EKKQSLV',RTCOD) C C Print the solution. C CALL EKKPRTS(RTCOD,W) IF (RTCOD.GT.0) CALL CHKRT('EKKPRTS',RTCOD) C C Compensate for any nonzero constant in the objective C IF (OBJF .NE. ZERO) THEN CALL EKKRGET(RTCOD,W,GET,18) IF (RTCOD.GT.0) CALL CHKRT('EKKRGET',RTCOD) OBJF = GET(18) + OBJF WRITE(6,2085) OBJF END IF C C Get and print statistics C CALL CREPRT( CALLS, CPU ) C CALL CNAMES( N, M, PNAME, XNAME, CNAME ) WRITE ( IOUT, 1500 ) PNAME, N, CALLS(1), CALLS(2), CALLS(3), * RTCOD, OBJF, CPU(1), CPU(2) STOP C C Non executable statements C 1500 FORMAT( /, 24('*'), ' CUTEr statistics ', 24('*') // * ,' Code used : OSL', / * ,' Problem : ', A10, / * ,' # variables = ', I10 / * ,' # objective functions = ', F8.2 / * ,' # objective gradients = ', F8.2 / * ,' # objective Hessians = ', F8.2 / * ' Exit code = ', I10 / * ,' Final f = ', E15.7 / * ,' Set up time = ', 0P, F10.2, ' seconds' / * ' Solve time = ', 0P, F10.2, ' seconds' // * 66('*') / ) 2000 FORMAT( /, ' N = ', I6, ' M = ', I6, ' MEQ = ', I6, * ' MCON = ', I6, ' RTCOD = ', I6 ) 2010 FORMAT( /, ' Objective function constant is ', 1P, D22.14 ) 2015 FORMAT( /, ' Objective function linear terms are', /, ( 1P, * D12.4 ) ) 2020 FORMAT( /, ' Constraint function',I6,' linear terms are with', * ' respect to variable ', * /, I6, 1P, D12.4 ) 2030 FORMAT( /, ' Objective function Hessian terms with respect to', * ' variables ', * /, I6, 1P, I6, 1P, D12.4 ) 2005 FORMAT( /, ' After projection, the starting point:', * /, ' I X BL BU', /, * ( I6, 1P, 3D12.4 ) ) 2060 FORMAT( /, ' the constraints:', /, * ' I MULTIPLIER CL CU EQUALITY? ', * ' LINEAR? ', /, ( I6, 1P, 3D12.4, 5X, L1, 10X, L1 ) ) 2070 FORMAT( /, ' the constraint constant values are:', * /, ' I C ', /, ( I6, 1P, D12.4 ) ) 2080 FORMAT( /, ' Linear terms ' ) 2085 FORMAT( /, ' True objective function value ', * '(OSL ignores constants) ', 1P, D22.14 ) C C End of OSLMA. C END C C*********************************************************************** C This subroutine prints the character string RTNAME and the return C code RTCOD and stops if RTCOD is large enough to indicate that an C OSL error or severe error has occured. C*********************************************************************** C SUBROUTINE CHKRT(RTNAME,RTCOD) CHARACTER*7 RTNAME INTEGER*4 RTCOD C WRITE(6,9000) RTNAME,RTCOD IF (RTCOD.GE.200) STOP 16 RETURN 9000 FORMAT (1X,'********** ',A7,' return code of ',I4,' **********') END SUBROUTINE OSLSE( INPUT , IOUT , N , M , MGEQ , MEQ , * MCON , X , BL, BU , NMAX , EQUATN, * LINEAR, V , CL, CU , MMAX ) INTEGER INPUT , IOUT , N , M , MGEQ , MEQ , MCON INTEGER NMAX , MMAX CS REAL X ( NMAX ), BL ( NMAX ), BU ( NMAX ) CS REAL V ( MMAX ), CL ( MMAX ), CU ( MMAX ) CD DOUBLE PRECISION X ( NMAX ), BL ( NMAX ), BU ( NMAX ) CD DOUBLE PRECISION V ( MMAX ), CL ( MMAX ), CU ( MMAX ) LOGICAL EQUATN( MMAX ), LINEAR( MMAX ) C C Set up the input data for the the OSL minimizer. C C INTEGER I C C Set up the data structures necessary to hold the problem functions. C CALL CSETUP ( INPUT , IOUT , N , MCON , X , BL , BU , * NMAX , EQUATN, LINEAR, V , CL, CU , MMAX, * .TRUE., .FALSE., .FALSE. ) C C Count the number of general equality constraints. C M = MCON MGEQ = 0 DO 20 I = 1, M IF ( EQUATN( I ) ) MGEQ = MGEQ + 1 20 CONTINUE C IF ( M .GT. 0 ) WRITE( 6, 2010 ) ( I, V( I ), CL( I ), CU( I ), C * EQUATN( I ), LINEAR( I ), I = 1, M ) C MEQ = MGEQ IF ( M .GT. MMAX ) THEN IF ( IOUT .GT. 0 ) * WRITE( IOUT, 2000 ) 'EQUATN', 'MMAX ', M - MMAX STOP END IF RETURN C C Non-executable statements. C 2000 FORMAT( /, ' ** Program CSETUP: array length ', A6, ' too small.', * /, ' -- Miminimization abandoned.', * /, ' -- Increase the parameter ', A6, ' by at least ', I8, * ' and restart.' ) C2010 FORMAT( /, ' the constraints:', /, C * ' I MULTIPLIER CL CU EQUALITY? ', C * ' LINEAR? ', /, ( I6, 1P, 3D12.4, 5X, L1, 10X, L1 ) ) C C End of OSLSE. C END
! { dg-do compile } ! { dg-options "" } ! (options to disable warnings about statement functions etc.) ! ! PR fortran/44352 ! ! Contributed by Vittorio Zecca ! SUBROUTINE TEST1() implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*32 ddname,stmtfnt1 stmtfnt1(x)= 'h810 e=0.01 ' ddname=stmtfnt1(0.d0) if (ddname /= "h810 e=0.01") STOP 1 END SUBROUTINE TEST2() implicit none character(2) :: ddname,stmtfnt2 real :: x stmtfnt2(x)= 'x' ddname=stmtfnt2(0.0) if(ddname /= 'x') STOP 2 END SUBROUTINE TEST3() implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*32 ddname,dname character*2 :: c dname(c) = 'h810 e=0.01 ' ddname=dname("w ") if (ddname /= "h810 e=0.01") STOP 3 END SUBROUTINE TEST4() implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) character*32 ddname,dname character*2 :: c dname(c) = 'h810 e=0.01 ' c = 'aa' ddname=dname("w ") if (ddname /= "h810 e=0.01") STOP 4 if (c /= "aa") STOP 5 END call test1() call test2() call test3() call test4() end
! Contains routines to evaluate XC energy and potential for radial charge distributions module radial_xc use xc_f90_types_m use xc_f90_lib_m implicit none ! Numerical flag choosing functional type integer :: flag_functional_type character(len=120) :: functional_description ! DRB lengthened to contain LibXC names integer, parameter :: functional_lda_pz81 = 1 integer, parameter :: functional_lda_gth96 = 2 integer, parameter :: functional_lda_pw92 = 3 ! PRB 45, 13244 (1992) + PRL 45, 566 (1980) integer, parameter :: functional_xalpha = 4 ! Slater/Dirac exchange only ; no correlation integer, parameter :: functional_hartree_fock = 10 ! Hartree-Fock exact exchange ; no correlation integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96 = 101 ! Standard PBE integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96_rev98 = 102 ! revPBE (PBE + Zhang-Yang 1998) integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96_r99 = 103 ! RPBE (PBE + Hammer-Hansen-Norskov 1999) integer, parameter :: functional_gga_pbe96_wc = 104 ! WC (Wu-Cohen 2006) integer, parameter :: functional_hyb_pbe0 = 201 ! PBE0 (hybrid PBE with exx_alpha=0.25) ! LibXC variables integer :: n_xc_terms integer, dimension(2) :: i_xc_family type(xc_f90_pointer_t), dimension(2) :: xc_func, xc_info logical :: flag_use_libxc contains subroutine init_xc use global_module, ONLY : nspin, flag_dft_d2, iprint use GenComms, ONLY : inode, ionode, cq_abort use numbers implicit none ! Local variables integer :: vmajor, vminor, vmicro, i, j integer, dimension(2) :: xcpart character(len=120) :: name, kind, family, ref type(xc_f90_pointer_t) :: temp_xc_func type(xc_f90_pointer_t) :: temp_xc_info ! Test for LibXC or CQ if(flag_functional_type<0) then ! -------------------------- ! LibXC functional specified ! -------------------------- flag_use_libxc = .true. call xc_f90_version(vmajor, vminor, vmicro) if(inode==ionode.AND.iprint>0) then if(vmajor>2) then write(*,'("LibXC version: ",I1,".",I1,".",I1)') vmajor, vminor, vmicro else write(*,'("LibXC version: ",I1,".",I1)') vmajor, vminor end if end if ! Identify the functional if(-flag_functional_type<1000) then ! Only exchange OR combined exchange-correlation n_xc_terms = 1 xcpart(1) = -flag_functional_type else ! Separate the two parts n_xc_terms = 2 ! Make exchange first, correlation second for consistency i = floor(-flag_functional_type/1000.0_double) ! Temporary init to find exchange or correlation if(nspin==1) then call xc_f90_func_init(temp_xc_func, temp_xc_info, i, XC_UNPOLARIZED) else if(nspin==2) then call xc_f90_func_init(temp_xc_func, temp_xc_info, i, XC_POLARIZED) end if select case(xc_f90_info_kind(temp_xc_info)) case(XC_EXCHANGE) xcpart(1) = i xcpart(2) = -flag_functional_type - xcpart(1)*1000 case(XC_CORRELATION) xcpart(2) = i xcpart(1) = -flag_functional_type - xcpart(2)*1000 end select call xc_f90_func_end(temp_xc_func) end if ! Now initialise and output do i=1,n_xc_terms if(nspin==1) then call xc_f90_func_init(xc_func(i), xc_info(i), xcpart(i), XC_UNPOLARIZED) else if(nspin==2) then call xc_f90_func_init(xc_func(i), xc_info(i), xcpart(i), XC_POLARIZED) end if ! Consistent threshold with Conquest !if(vmajor>2) call xc_f90_func_set_dens_threshold(xc_func(i),RD_ERR) call xc_f90_info_name(xc_info(i), name) i_xc_family(i) = xc_f90_info_family(xc_info(i)) if(inode==ionode) then select case(xc_f90_info_kind(xc_info(i))) case (XC_EXCHANGE) write(kind, '(a)') 'an exchange functional' case (XC_CORRELATION) write(kind, '(a)') 'a correlation functional' case (XC_EXCHANGE_CORRELATION) write(kind, '(a)') 'an exchange-correlation functional' case (XC_KINETIC) write(kind, '(a)') 'a kinetic energy functional' case default write(kind, '(a)') 'of unknown kind' end select select case (i_xc_family(i)) case (XC_FAMILY_LDA); write(family,'(a)') "LDA" case (XC_FAMILY_GGA); write(family,'(a)') "GGA" case (XC_FAMILY_HYB_GGA); write(family,'(a)') "Hybrid GGA" case (XC_FAMILY_MGGA); write(family,'(a)') "MGGA" case (XC_FAMILY_HYB_MGGA); write(family,'(a)') "Hybrid MGGA" case default; write(family,'(a)') "unknown" end select functional_description = trim(name) if(iprint>2) then if(vmajor>2) then write(*,'("The functional ", a, " is ", a, ", it belongs to the ", a, & " family and is defined in the reference(s):")') & trim(name), trim(kind), trim(family) j = 0 call xc_f90_info_refs(xc_info(i), j, ref) do while(j >= 0) write(*, '(a,i1,2a)') '[', j, '] ', trim(ref) call xc_f90_info_refs(xc_info(i), j, ref) end do else write(*,'("The functional ", a, " is ", a, ", and it belongs to the ", a, & " family")') & trim(name), trim(kind), trim(family) end if else if(iprint>0) then write(*,'(2x,"Using the ",a," functional ",a)') trim(family),trim(name) else write(*,fmt='(2x,"Using functional ",a)') trim(name) end if end if end do else ! ----------------------------- ! Conquest functional specified ! ----------------------------- flag_use_libxc = .false. if(nspin==2) then ! Check for spin-compatible functionals if ( flag_functional_type == functional_lda_pz81 .or. & flag_functional_type == functional_lda_gth96 ) then if (inode == ionode) & write (*,'(/,a,/)') & '*** WARNING: the chosen xc-functional is not & &implemented for spin polarised calculation, & &reverting to LDA-PW92. ***' flag_functional_type = functional_lda_pw92 end if end if select case(flag_functional_type) case (functional_lda_pz81) functional_description = 'LDA PZ81' if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") case (functional_lda_gth96) functional_description = 'LDA GTH96' if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") case (functional_lda_pw92) functional_description = 'LSDA PW92' if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") case (functional_gga_pbe96) functional_description = 'GGA PBE96' case (functional_gga_pbe96_rev98) ! This is PBE with the parameter correction functional_description = 'GGA revPBE98' ! in Zhang & Yang, PRL 80:4, 890 (1998) case (functional_gga_pbe96_r99) ! This is PBE with the functional form redefinition functional_description = 'GGA RPBE99' ! in Hammer et al., PRB 59:11, 7413-7421 (1999) if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") case (functional_gga_pbe96_wc) ! Wu-Cohen nonempirical GGA functional functional_description = 'GGA WC' ! in Wu and Cohen, PRB 73. 235116, (2006) if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") case (functional_hyb_pbe0) ! This is PB0E with the functional form redefinition functional_description = 'hyb PBE0' if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") case default functional_description = 'LSDA PW92' if(flag_dft_d2) call cq_abort("DFT-D2 only compatible with PBE and rPBE") end select if(inode==ionode) write(*,'(/10x, "The functional used will be ", a15)') functional_description end if ! if selecting LibXC or CQ end subroutine init_xc !!*** subroutine get_vxc(n_tot,rr,rho,vxc,exc) use datatypes use numbers use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort use mesh, ONLY: make_derivatives implicit none ! Passed variables integer :: n_tot real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho, rr,vxc real(double), OPTIONAL :: exc real(double), allocatable, dimension(:) :: exc_array integer :: i, n logical :: flag_energy, flag_libxc ! This will be in global later real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: drho_dr, sigma, vrho, vsigma, loc_rho, d2term flag_energy = .false. ! Necessary for LibXC allocate(exc_array(n_tot)) exc_array = zero if(PRESENT(exc)) then flag_energy = .true. exc = zero end if vxc = zero ! Choose LibXC or Conquest if(flag_use_libxc) then allocate(drho_dr(n_tot),sigma(n_tot),vrho(n_tot),vsigma(n_tot),loc_rho(n_tot),d2term(n_tot)) ! Make derivatives loc_rho = rho/(four*pi) call make_derivatives(loc_rho, drho_dr, sigma) do n=1,n_xc_terms ! Call routine select case (i_xc_family(n)) case(XC_FAMILY_LDA) call xc_f90_lda_exc_vxc(xc_func(n),n_tot,loc_rho(1),exc_array(1),vrho(1)) vxc = vxc + vrho case(XC_FAMILY_GGA) call xc_f90_gga_exc_vxc(xc_func(n),n_tot,loc_rho(1),sigma(1),exc_array(1),vrho(1),vsigma(1)) vxc = vxc + vrho d2term = zero vsigma = vsigma*two*drho_dr call make_derivatives(vsigma,d2term)!drho_dr) ! Re-use variable - we only need sigma vxc = vxc - (two*vsigma/rr + d2term)!drho_dr) ! Radial part of div.(df/dg) end select if(PRESENT(exc)) then do i = 1, n_tot exc = exc + exc_array(i) end do ! Potentially also find Exc correction end if end do deallocate(drho_dr,sigma,vrho,vsigma) else select case(flag_functional_type) case(functional_lda_pz81) if(flag_energy) then call vxc_pz_ca(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc, exc_array) else call vxc_pz_ca(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc) end if case(functional_gga_pbe96) if(flag_energy) then call vxc_gga_pbe(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc, exc_array) else call vxc_gga_pbe(n_tot, rr, rho, vxc) end if end select if(PRESENT(exc)) then exc = zero do i = 1, n_tot exc = exc + exc_array(i) end do ! Potentially also find Exc correction end if end if deallocate(exc_array) end subroutine get_vxc subroutine vxc_pz_ca(n_tot,rr,rho,vxc,exc) use datatypes use numbers use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort implicit none ! Passed variables integer :: n_tot real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho, rr,vxc real(double), OPTIONAL, dimension(n_tot) :: exc ! Local variables integer :: i real(double) :: dx_sq_over_twelve, qtot, V0 real(double), parameter :: prefac_rs = (three/fourpi)**third real(double), parameter :: prefac_vx = (three_halves/pi)**(two*third) real(double), dimension(:), allocatable :: y real(double) :: denominator, e_correlation, e_exchange, ln_rs, & numerator, rcp_rs, rh, rs, rs_ln_rs, sq_rs real(double), parameter :: alpha = -0.45817_double real(double), parameter :: beta_1 = 1.0529_double real(double), parameter :: beta_2 = 0.3334_double real(double), parameter :: gamma = -0.1423_double real(double), parameter :: p = 0.0311_double real(double), parameter :: q = -0.048_double real(double), parameter :: r = 0.0020_double real(double), parameter :: s = -0.0116_double do i=1,n_tot ! rho is 4.pi.rho rh = rho(i)/fourpi if(rh>1e-8_double) then rs = prefac_rs*rh**(-third) if(rs>one) then sq_rs = sqrt(rs) denominator = (one + beta_1 * sq_rs + beta_2 * rs) vxc(i) = -prefac_vx/rs + gamma*(one + seven_sixths*beta_1*sq_rs + & four_thirds*beta_2*rs)/(denominator*denominator) if(present(exc)) exc(i) = - 0.75_double*prefac_vx/rs + gamma/denominator else ln_rs = log(rs) vxc(i) = -prefac_vx/rs + p*ln_rs + (q-third*p) + two*third*r*rs*ln_rs + third*(two*s - r)*rs if(present(exc)) exc(i) = - 0.75_double*prefac_vx/rs + p*ln_rs + q + r*rs*ln_rs + s*rs end if else vxc(i) = zero if(present(exc)) exc(i) = zero end if end do end subroutine vxc_pz_ca ! It's not necessary to calculate the full set of arrays of derivatives etc for this simple GGA ! implementation - we can simply do it point by point (as it's one dimensional). subroutine vxc_gga_pbe(n_tot,rr,rho,vxc,exc) use datatypes use numbers use GenComms, ONLY: cq_abort use mesh, ONLY: drdi, alpha, drdi_squared implicit none ! Passed variables integer :: n_tot real(double), dimension(n_tot) :: rho, rr,vxc real(double), dimension(n_tot), OPTIONAL :: exc ! Local variables ! rho/4pi, differentials wrt grid (n) and radius (r) and laplacian real(double) :: rho_sc, drho_dn, d2rho_dn2, drho_dr, d2rho_dr2, lapl_rho real(double), parameter :: thirty = 30.0_double real(double), parameter :: prefac_rs = (three/fourpi)**third real(double), parameter :: prefac_kf = (three *pi*pi)**third ! Parameters for GGA routines real(double) :: kF, s, t, u, v, rs, zeta, k_s ! GGA exchange energy and potential real(double) :: ex, vx, ec, vc, h, dvc integer :: i ! Work on main part first (where we can use FD) and add ends later do i=3,n_tot-2 ! rho is 4.pi.rho rho_sc = rho(i)/fourpi ! Five point finite differences for differential wrt mesh points (not r) ! First derivative - extra factor of 4pi to scale rho drho_dn = ( rho(i-2) - eight*rho(i-1) + eight*rho(i+1) - rho(i+2))/(twelve*fourpi) ! Second derivative - extra factor of 4pi to scale rho d2rho_dn2 = (-rho(i-2) + sixteen*rho(i-1) -thirty*rho(i) + sixteen*rho(i+1) - rho(i+2))/(twelve*fourpi) ! Now differential wrt r drho_dr = drho_dn/(drdi(i)) ! NB the alpha here is from the radial mesh (NOT the alpha defined in the PW92 LDA correlation) d2rho_dr2 = (d2rho_dn2 - alpha*drho_dn)/drdi_squared(i) lapl_rho = (d2rho_dn2 + alpha*drho_dn)/drdi_squared(i) if(rho_sc>1e-10_double) then ! Hamann's tolerance - check kF = prefac_kF*rho_sc**third s = abs(drho_dr)/(two * kF * rho_sc) u = abs(drho_dr)*d2rho_dr2/(rho_sc*rho_sc*eight*kF*kF*kF) v = lapl_rho/(rho_sc*four*kF*kF) call pbe_exch(rho_sc,s,u,v,ex,vx) rs = prefac_rs*rho_sc**(-third) k_s = sqrt(four*kF/pi) ! NB a0 = 1 as we use atomic units zeta = zero t = abs(drho_dr)/(two*k_s*rho_sc) ! Set phi = one as zeta = zero ! Redefine u and v with k_s instead of k_F u = abs(drho_dr)*d2rho_dr2/(rho_sc*rho_sc*eight*k_s*k_s*k_s) v = lapl_rho/(rho_sc*four*k_s*k_s) call pbe_corr(rs,t,u,v,ec,vc,h,dvc) ! No spin else vx = zero vc = zero dvc = zero ex = zero ec = zero h = zero end if vxc(i) = vx + vc + dvc if(PRESENT(exc)) exc(i) = ex + ec + h end do ! Assume that the end points are essentially constant vxc(1) = vxc(3) vxc(2) = vxc(3) vxc(n_tot-1) = vxc(n_tot-2) vxc(n_tot) = vxc(n_tot-2) if(PRESENT(exc)) then exc(1) = exc(3) exc(2) = exc(3) exc(n_tot-1) = exc(n_tot-2) exc(n_tot) = exc(n_tot-2) end if return end subroutine vxc_gga_pbe ! From the original PBE routines subroutine pbe_exch(rho, s, u, v, ex, vx) use datatypes use numbers implicit none ! Passed variables real(double) :: rho, s, u, v, ex, vx ! Precalculated constants real(double), parameter :: prefac_ex = -three_quarters * (3/pi)**third real(double), parameter :: mu = 0.2195149727645171_double ! beta (pi^2)/3 (Eq 12 in paper) real(double), parameter :: kappa = 0.804_double ! Local variables real(double) :: ex_lda, ul, p0, Fx, dFds, d2Fds2 ul = mu/kappa ! ------ ! Energy ! ------ ! LDA exchange ex_lda = prefac_ex * rho**third ! PBE enhancement p0 = one + ul * s * s Fx = one + kappa - kappa / p0 ex = ex_lda * Fx ! --------- ! Potential ! --------- ! Derivatives of Fx wrt s: dFds = (1/s)dF/ds; d2Fds2 = d(dFds)/ds dFds = two * mu / (p0 * p0) d2Fds2 = -four * ul * s * dFds / p0 vx = ex_lda * (four * third * Fx - (u - four * third * s * s * s)*d2Fds2 - v * dFds) end subroutine pbe_exch subroutine pbe_corr(rs, t, u, v, ec_unif, vc_unif, h, dvc) use datatypes use numbers implicit none ! Passed variables real(double) :: rs, t, u, v, ec_unif, vc_unif, h, dvc ! Seitz radius ! ! Local variables real(double) :: sq_rs, prefac_ec_lda, log_fac_ec_lda, denominator real(double) :: d_prefac_ec_lda, d_log_fac_ec_lda, d_denom_drs real(double) :: t2, t4, t6 real(double) :: F1, F2, A, F3, F4, F6, ec_rs real(double) :: A2, bg, bec, F5, F8, F9, h_A, h_rs, fact0, fact1, h_BT, h_RST, h_T, fact2, fact3, h_TT ! Precalculated constants real(double), parameter :: prefac_ex = -three_quarters * (3/pi)**third real(double), parameter :: k02 = -0.062182_double ! -2*A real(double), parameter :: k03 = -0.0132882934_double ! -2*A*alpha1 real(double), parameter :: k04 = 0.4723158174_double ! 2*A*beta1 real(double), parameter :: k05 = 0.2230841432_double ! 2*A*beta2 real(double), parameter :: k06 = 0.1018665524_double ! 2*A*beta3 real(double), parameter :: k07 = 0.03065199508_double ! 2*A*beta4 real(double), parameter :: k08 = -0.008858862267_double ! 2*k03/3 real(double), parameter :: k09 = 0.0787193029_double ! k04/6 real(double), parameter :: k10 = 0.074361381067_double ! k05/3 real(double), parameter :: k11 = 0.0509332762_double ! k06/2 real(double), parameter :: k12 = 0.0204346633867_double ! 2*k07/3 real(double), parameter :: beta = 0.066725_double real(double), parameter :: gamma = 0.031091_double real(double), parameter :: beta_gamma = 2.146119_double ! beta/gamma sq_rs = sqrt(rs) ! Local correlation energy Eq 10 PRB 45, 13244 prefac_ec_lda = k02 + k03*rs denominator = sq_rs * ( k04 + sq_rs * ( k05 + sq_rs * ( k06 + k07 * sq_rs))) if (denominator > zero) then log_fac_ec_lda = log( one + one/denominator ) else log_fac_ec_lda = 0 end if ec_unif = prefac_ec_lda * log_fac_ec_lda ! Non-local correlation energy ! Original Conquest routines adapted from PRL 77 3865 and PRB 45 13244 F1 = ec_unif / gamma ! -PON F2 = exp(-F1) ! This is the variable A from the PBE paper Eq 8, NOT the constant in PW92 ! A = beta_gamma / (F2 - one + RD_ERR) ! B in Burke's code t2 = t*t t4 = t2*t2 F3 = t2 + A * t4 ! Q5 = 1+A*F3 in Burke; Q4 * t2 = F3 in Burke F6 = one + A * F3 !Q5 F4 = beta_gamma * F3 / F6 !(one + A * F3) ! Eq 7 with phi = 1, atomic units h = gamma * log(one + F4) ! Local correlation potential ! ECRS - dec_drs for LDA from PW92 Appendix A ! rtrs == sq_rs ! Q0 == prefac_ec_lda ! Q1 == denominator ! Q2 == log_fac_ec_lda ! Q3 = A*(B1/rtrs + two*B2 + rtrs*(three*B3 + four*B4*rtrs)) ! = half*sq_rs*(2A*B1 + 2*2A*B2*sq_rs + 3*2A*B3*rs + 4*2A*B4*rs*sq_rs )/rs ! = half*(k04 + sq_rs*(two*k05 + sq_rs*(three*k06 + four*k07*sq_rs)))/sq_rs ! dec_drs = -2A * A1 * Q2 - Q0 * Q3 /(Q1*(one + Q1)) d_denom_drs = half * (k04 + sq_rs * ( two * k05 + sq_rs * ( three * k06 + four * k07 * sq_rs)))/sq_rs ec_rs = k03 * log_fac_ec_lda - prefac_ec_lda * d_denom_drs / (denominator * (one + denominator)) vc_unif = ec_unif - rs * third * ec_rs ! Non-local correlation potential t6 = t2*t4 ! In Burke's routines, ! delt = beta/gamma which is beta_gamma here ! G is one if non-spin; F is zero if non-spin ! Q4 = 1 + A * t2 ! GZ = zero if non-spin, as are FZ and ECZET A2 = A*A bg = -three * A2 * ec_unif * F2/beta bec = A2*F2/beta F5 = one + A * t2 !Q4 F8 = F6 * F6 + beta_gamma * F5 * F6 * t2! Q8 F9 = one + two * A * t2 ! Q9 h_A = -beta * A * t6 * (two + A * t2) / F8 h_rs = -third * rs * h_A * bec * ec_rs fact0 = two*beta_gamma - six * A ! FACT0 fact1 = F6 * F9 + F5 * F9 * F9 ! FACT1 = Q5*Q9+Q4*Q9*Q9 h_BT = two * beta * t4 * (F5 * F6 * fact0 - beta_gamma * fact1)/(F8 * F8) h_RST = third * rs * t2 * h_BT * bec * ec_rs ! RSTHRD*T2*hBT*BEC*ECRS h_T = two * beta * F9/F8 !2.d0*BET*G3*Q9/Q8 fact2 = F5 * F6 + A * t2 * (F5 * F9 + F6) !FACT2 = Q4*Q5+B*T2*(Q4*Q9+Q5) fact3 = two * A * F6 * F9 + beta_gamma * fact2 !FACT3 = 2.D0*B*Q5*Q9+DELT*FACT2 h_TT = four * beta * t * (two * A - F9*fact3/F8)/F8 !hTT = 4.D0*BET*G3*T*(2.D0*B/Q8-(Q9*FACT3/Q8)/Q8) ! Derivative wrt n (I'm pretty sure) dvc = H + h_rs + h_RST + t2 * h_t / six + seven * t2 * t * h_TT / six !COMM = H+HRS+HRST+T2*HT/6.D0+7.D0*T2*T*HTT/6.D0 ! Derivative wrt grad n (again, I'm pretty sure) dvc = dvc - u * h_TT - v * h_T !COMM = COMM-PREF*ZET-UU*HTT-VV*HT-WW*(HZT-FACT5) ! These are Conquest lines which I will adapt and use to tidy the mess above later ! ! Correlation ! (derivative of rho * e_correlation) ! NOTE: d_prefac_ec_lda is actually the derivative of rho*prefac_ec_lda ! d_log_fac_ec_lda is rho times the derivative of log_fac_ec_lda !d_prefac_ec_lda = k02 + k08*rs !if (sq_rs > zero) then ! d_log_fac_ec_lda = & ! sq_rs * (k09 + sq_rs*(k10 + sq_rs*(k11 + k12 * sq_rs))) / & ! (denominator * (1 + denominator)) !else ! d_log_fac_ec_lda = 0 !end if !vc = d_prefac_ec_lda * log_fac_ec_lda + prefac_ec_lda * d_log_fac_ec_lda !if (present(drhoEps_c)) then ! drs_drho = - (third * rs / rho_tot_r) ! dkF_drho = third * kF / rho_tot_r ! dks_drho = half * ks * dkF_drho / kF ! deps_c_unif_drho = (Vc_unif(1) - eps_c_unif) / rho_tot_r ! dt_drho = (- t) * (dks_drho / ks + one / rho_tot_r) ! ! add RD_ERR to denominator to avoid div by 0 ! dF1_drho = F1 * (deps_c_unif_drho / (eps_c_unif + RD_ERR)) ! dF2_Drho = (- F2) * dF1_drho ! ! add RD_ERR to denominator to avoid div by 0 ! dA_drho = A * dF2_drho / (one - F2 + RD_ERR) ! dF3_drho = (two * t + four * A * t**3) * dt_drho + dA_drho * t**4 ! dF4_drho = F4 * (dF3_drho / F3 - & ! (dA_drho * F3 + A * DF3_drho) / (one + A * F3)) ! ! dH_drho = gamma * DF4_drho / (one + F4) ! ! ! get drhoEps_c / drho(spin) ! drhoEps_c(0,1) = Vc_unif(1) + H + rho_tot_r * dH_drho ! do ii = 1, 3 ! dt_dgrho = (t / mod_grho_tot_r) * grho_tot_r(ii) / mod_grho_tot_r ! dF3_dgrho = dt_dgrho * (two * t + four * A * t**3) ! dF4_dgrho = F4 * dF3_dgrho * (one / F3 - A / (one + A * F3)) ! dH_dgrho = gamma * dF4_dgrho / (one + F4) ! drhoEps_c(ii,1) = rho_tot_r * dH_dgrho ! end do !end if ! present(drhoEps_c) end subroutine pbe_corr end module radial_xc
!this module is use to solve the three diag matrix Ax=b MODULE threediag_mod IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC threediag CONTAINS SUBROUTINE threediag(n,a,b,c,d,x) INTEGER(4),INTENT(IN)::n REAL(8),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(IN)::a(n),b(n),c(n),d(n) REAL(8),DIMENSION(:),INTENT(INOUT)::x(n) REAL(8),ALLOCATABLE::y(:),u(:),l(:) INTEGER(4)::i ALLOCATE(y(n)) ALLOCATE(u(n)) ALLOCATE(l(n)) x=0 y=0 u=0 l=0 u(1)=b(1) y(1)=d(1) DO i=2,n l(i)=a(i)/u(i-1) u(i)=b(i)-l(i)*c(i-1) y(i)=d(i)-l(i)*y(i-1) END DO x(n)=y(n)/u(n) DO i=n-1,1,-1 x(i)=(y(i)-c(i)*x(i+1))/u(i) END DO DEALLOCATE(y) DEALLOCATE(u) DEALLOCATE(l) END SUBROUTINE END MODULE
program pingpong ! An MPI program to send a message back and forth between two ranks ! using a blocking send mpi_send(), and a blocking ! recieve mpi_recv(). use mpi implicit none integer, parameter :: nexchange = 100 integer :: ifail integer :: rank, size ! Message information (here type MPI_INTEGER) integer :: sender, recver integer :: sendbuffer, recvbuffer integer, dimension(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) :: status integer, parameter :: my_tag = 9999 ! loop counter integer :: n call mpi_init(ifail) call mpi_comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank, ifail) call mpi_comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size, ifail) if (size /= 2) then write (unit = *, fmt = *) "Must use exactly two MPI tasks" call mpi_abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1, ifail) end if ! The message is fixed sendbuffer = 1 do n = 1, nexchange ! The sender and recver alternate between rank 0 and 1 sender = mod(n, 2) recver = 1 - sender if (rank == sender) then call mpi_send(sendbuffer, 1, MPI_INTEGER, recver, my_tag, & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ifail) else call mpi_recv(recvbuffer, 1, MPI_INTEGER, sender, my_tag, & MPI_COMM_WORLD, status, ifail) end if end do call mpi_finalize(ifail) end program pingpong
module write_data implicit none contains !-------------------------------------- subroutine write_header() use M_strings !-------------------------------------- ! The current solution is only for Linux ! as it binds Fortran with Linux shell ! The more appropriate would be connect ! Fortran with C/C++ or Python !-------------------------------------- implicit none character(len=120) :: line character(len=32) :: username character(len=120), allocatable :: array(:) integer :: date(8) write(66, 10) call system('uname -a > _tmp') open(unit=1,file='_tmp') read(1,'(A)') line close(1) call system('rm _tmp') call split(line,array) call getlog(username) write(66, '(1X,A,15X,A)') 'User: ',username write(66, '(1X,A,15X,A,/,1X,A,13X,A,1X,/,1X,A,2X,A)') 'Host: ',array(2),'System: ',trim(array(15)),& 'Hardware platform: ',array(13) call date_and_time(values=date) !***************************** Now print them to the output file write(66,'(1X,A,6X,I4,5(A,I2.2))') 'Date and time :', & date(1), '/', date(2), '/', date(3), ' ', date(5), ':', & date(6), ':', date(7) write(66, 12) write(66, 13) 10 format(/,4X,'*******************************************************', & /4X,'~~~~~~~ Effective Hessian: part of NAST package ~~~~~~~', & /4X,' ~~~~~ v. 2021.1 ~~~~~ ', & /4X,'*******************************************************',/) 11 format('A') 12 format(/,/,1X,' Effective Hessian is experimental code to construct effective Hessian matrix', & /,1X,' at the minimum energy crossing point (MECP) of the reaction at study.', & /,1X,' Working equations and the theory behind them can be found in the NAST manual,', & /,1X,' distributed with the package.', & /,1X,' As program distributed free of charge, there is no warranty implied.', & /,1X,' The code distribution is not allowed without written permission from the authors.') 13 format(/,/,1X,'Authors in alphabetical order:',& /,1X,'-------------------------------------------------------------', & /,1X,'Ilya D. Dergachev, University of Nevada, Reno',& /,1X,'Vsevolod D. Dergachev, University of Nevada, Reno',& /,1X,'Aleksandr O. Lykhin, University of Nevada, Reno',& /,1X,'Robert Mauban, University of Nevada, Reno',& /,1X,'Mitra Rooein, University of Nevada, Reno',& /,1X,'Sergey A. Varganov University of Nevada, Reno',& /1X,'-------------------------------------------------------------',/) end subroutine write_header !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine write_output(input) use hess_data !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: input integer :: i double precision :: zpe !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ write(66,12) trim(input) !~~~ Write symbols, charges and Cartesian coordinates write(66,'(/,A,/)') 'Coordinates (bohr):' do I = 1, number_of_atoms write(66,13) symbol(i),charge(i),coord(i,1), & coord(i,2),coord(i,3) end do !~~~ Write data write(66,'(/,A)') ' Effective Hessian data ' write(66,14) gradmean, norm_deltaG write(66,15) norm_grad1, norm_grad2, lambda write(66,16) gradslope, intersect_type write(66,'(/,A,/)') 'Parallel gradient: ' do i = 1, number_of_atoms write(66,17) symbol(i),charge(i), & deltaG(i*3-2),deltaG(i*3-1), & deltaG(i*3) end do write(66,'(/,A,/)') 'Principal moments of inertia (amu*bohr**2)' write(66,18) moments_eig(1), moments_eig(2), moments_eig(3) write(66,'(/,A,10X,A,/)') 'Frequency (cm-1)', 'Reduced mass (amu)' zpe = 0.0d0 do i = 1, 3*number_of_atoms if ( e(i) > 0 .and. freq(i) > 1d-3) then write(66,19) freq(i), reduced_mass(i) zpe = zpe + freq(i) else if ( e(i) < 0 .and. freq(i) > 1d-3) then write(66,19) -freq(i), reduced_mass(i) else write(66,19) 0.0d0, reduced_mass(i) end if end do write(66,'(/,a,1x,f10.7)') 'Reduced mass along the RC (amu):',reduced_mass_rc zpe = zpe/2 ! final ZPE in wavenumbers zpe = zpe*0.002859144 ! final ZPE in kcal/mol write(66,'(/,a,1x,f12.3)') 'zpe in kcal mol-1:',zpe write(66,'(/,a)') 'Effective Hessian terminated normally.' !================= FORMATTING OPTIONS ====================! 12 FORMAT(/,'Opening the ',A,' input file') 13 FORMAT(A10,4X,F4.1,3X,F12.9,3X,F12.9,4X,F12.9) 14 FORMAT(/,'Gradmean = ',ES16.9,/,'Norm of parallel gradient = ',ES16.9) 15 FORMAT('Norm of low-spin gradient = ',ES16.9,/,'Norm of high-spin gradient = ',ES16.9, & /,'Lambda = ',E13.6) 16 FORMAT('Gradients dot product = ',ES16.9,' indicates ',A,' intersection') 17 FORMAT(A8,' ',F3.0,' ',ES17.10,' ',ES17.10,' ',ES17.10) 18 FORMAT(2X,F14.9,1X,F14.9,1X,F14.9) 19 FORMAT(2X,F7.2,20X,F10.7) end subroutine write_output !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine write_nast_template(input) use hess_data implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: input integer :: i !-------------------------------------------- open(unit = 44,access='stream',form='formatted',action = "write", file = input) ! Write heading to the output file write(44,10) write(44,11) write(44,55) pack(int(freq),freq > 1d-3) write(44,'(A,3f16.5)') 'inertX=',moments_eig write(44,12) reduced_mass_rc, norm_deltaG, gradmean 55 format('freR = ',/,'freX = ',400i5) 10 format('!This is an NAST template input file automatically ',& 'genereated by the Effective Hessian code.',& /,'!The file contains the MECP part of NAST input.',& ' Check NAST manual to finish the input file.') 11 format(/,"&keys",1x,"zpe=1",1x,"&end",/,& /,"&inputdata") 12 format("inertR = ",/,"enX = ",1x,"enR = ",/,& "redmass = ",f10.5,1x,"soc = ",/,"grad = ",f11.6,1x,& "gradmean = ",f11.6,/,"maxn = 10000",/,"&end") end subroutine write_nast_template !----------------------------------- end module
! ! Parallel Sparse BLAS version 3.5 ! (C) Copyright 2006, 2010, 2015, 2017 ! Salvatore Filippone Cranfield University ! Alfredo Buttari CNRS-IRIT, Toulouse ! ! Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ! modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ! are met: ! 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ! 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ! notice, this list of conditions, and the following disclaimer in the ! documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ! 3. The name of the PSBLAS group or the names of its contributors may ! not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ! software without specific written permission. ! ! THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ! ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ! TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ! PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PSBLAS GROUP OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS ! BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ! CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ! SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ! INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ! CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ! ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ! POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Takes a vector x from space map%p_desc_X and maps it onto ! map%p_desc_Y under map%map_X2Y possibly with communication ! due to exch_fw_idx ! subroutine psb_c_map_X2Y(alpha,x,beta,y,map,info,work) use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_c_map_X2Y implicit none type(psb_clinmap_type), intent(in) :: map complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha,beta complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: x(:) complex(psb_spk_), intent(out) :: y(:) integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info complex(psb_spk_), optional :: work(:) ! complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: xt(:), yt(:) integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, nr1, nc1,nr2, nc2,& & map_kind, nr, ictxt character(len=20), parameter :: name='psb_map_X2Y' info = psb_success_ if (.not.map%is_asb()) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid map input: unassembled' info = 1 return end if map_kind = map%get_kind() select case(map_kind) case(psb_map_aggr_) ictxt = map%p_desc_Y%get_context() nr2 = map%p_desc_Y%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%p_desc_Y%get_local_cols() allocate(yt(nc2),stat=info) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(x,map%p_desc_X,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_X2Y,x,czero,yt,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. psb_is_repl_desc(map%p_desc_Y)) then call psb_sum(ictxt,yt(1:nr2)) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,yt,beta,y,map%p_desc_Y,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 end if case(psb_map_gen_linear_) ictxt = map%desc_Y%get_context() nr1 = map%desc_X%get_local_rows() nc1 = map%desc_X%get_local_cols() nr2 = map%desc_Y%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%desc_Y%get_local_cols() allocate(xt(nc1),yt(nc2),stat=info) xt(1:nr1) = x(1:nr1) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(xt,map%desc_X,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_X2Y,xt,czero,yt,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. psb_is_repl_desc(map%desc_Y)) then call psb_sum(ictxt,yt(1:nr2)) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,yt,beta,y,map%desc_Y,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 end if case default write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid descriptor input', & & map_kind, psb_map_aggr_, psb_map_gen_linear_ info = 1 return end select end subroutine psb_c_map_X2Y subroutine psb_c_map_X2Y_vect(alpha,x,beta,y,map,info,work,vtx,vty) use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_c_map_X2Y_vect implicit none type(psb_clinmap_type), intent(in) :: map complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha,beta type(psb_c_vect_type), intent(inout) :: x,y integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info complex(psb_spk_), optional :: work(:) type(psb_c_vect_type), optional, target, intent(inout) :: vtx,vty ! Local type(psb_c_vect_type), target :: xt, yt type(psb_c_vect_type),pointer :: ptx, pty complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: xta(:), yta(:) integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, nr1, nc1,nr2, nc2 ,& & map_kind, nr, ictxt, iam, np character(len=20), parameter :: name='psb_map_X2Yv' info = psb_success_ if (.not.map%is_asb()) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid map input: unassembled' info = 1 return end if map_kind = map%get_kind() select case(map_kind) case(psb_map_aggr_) ictxt = map%p_desc_Y%get_context() call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np) nr2 = map%p_desc_Y%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%p_desc_Y%get_local_cols() if (present(vty)) then pty => vty else call psb_geasb(yt,map%p_desc_Y,info,scratch=.true.,mold=x%v) pty => yt end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(x,map%p_desc_X,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_X2Y,x,czero,pty,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. map%p_desc_Y%is_repl().and.(np>1)) then yta = pty%get_vect() call psb_sum(ictxt,yta(1:nr2)) call pty%set(yta) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,pty,beta,y,map%p_desc_Y,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 else if (.not.present(vty)) call yt%free(info) end if case(psb_map_gen_linear_) ictxt = map%desc_Y%get_context() call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np) nr1 = map%desc_X%get_local_rows() nc1 = map%desc_X%get_local_cols() nr2 = map%desc_Y%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%desc_Y%get_local_cols() if (present(vtx).and.present(vty)) then ptx => vtx pty => vty else call psb_geasb(xt,map%desc_X,info,scratch=.true.,mold=x%v) call psb_geasb(yt,map%desc_Y,info,scratch=.true.,mold=x%v) ptx => xt pty => yt end if call psb_geaxpby(cone,x,czero,ptx,map%desc_X,info) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(ptx,map%desc_X,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_X2Y,ptx,czero,pty,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. map%desc_Y%is_repl().and.(np>1)) then yta = pty%get_vect() call psb_sum(ictxt,yta(1:nr2)) call pty%set(yta) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,pty,beta,y,map%desc_Y,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 else if (.not.(present(vtx).and.present(vty) )) then call xt%free(info) call yt%free(info) end if end if case default write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid descriptor input', & & map_kind, psb_map_aggr_, psb_map_gen_linear_ info = 1 return end select return end subroutine psb_c_map_X2Y_vect ! ! Takes a vector x from space map%p_desc_Y and maps it onto ! map%p_desc_X under map%map_Y2X possibly with communication ! due to exch_bk_idx ! subroutine psb_c_map_Y2X(alpha,x,beta,y,map,info,work) use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_c_map_Y2X implicit none type(psb_clinmap_type), intent(in) :: map complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha,beta complex(psb_spk_), intent(inout) :: x(:) complex(psb_spk_), intent(out) :: y(:) integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info complex(psb_spk_), optional :: work(:) ! complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: xt(:), yt(:) integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, nr1, nc1,nr2, nc2,& & map_kind, nr, ictxt character(len=20), parameter :: name='psb_map_Y2X' info = psb_success_ if (.not.map%is_asb()) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid map input: unassembled' info = 1 return end if map_kind = map%get_kind() select case(map_kind) case(psb_map_aggr_) ictxt = map%p_desc_X%get_context() nr2 = map%p_desc_X%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%p_desc_X%get_local_cols() allocate(yt(nc2),stat=info) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(x,map%p_desc_Y,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_Y2X,x,czero,yt,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. psb_is_repl_desc(map%p_desc_X)) then call psb_sum(ictxt,yt(1:nr2)) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,yt,beta,y,map%p_desc_X,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 end if case(psb_map_gen_linear_) ictxt = map%desc_X%get_context() nr1 = map%desc_Y%get_local_rows() nc1 = map%desc_Y%get_local_cols() nr2 = map%desc_X%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%desc_X%get_local_cols() allocate(xt(nc1),yt(nc2),stat=info) xt(1:nr1) = x(1:nr1) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(xt,map%desc_Y,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_Y2X,xt,czero,yt,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. psb_is_repl_desc(map%desc_X)) then call psb_sum(ictxt,yt(1:nr2)) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,yt,beta,y,map%desc_X,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 end if case default write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid descriptor input' info = 1 return end select end subroutine psb_c_map_Y2X subroutine psb_c_map_Y2X_vect(alpha,x,beta,y,map,info,work,vtx,vty) use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_c_map_Y2X_vect implicit none type(psb_clinmap_type), intent(in) :: map complex(psb_spk_), intent(in) :: alpha,beta type(psb_c_vect_type), intent(inout) :: x,y integer(psb_ipk_), intent(out) :: info complex(psb_spk_), optional :: work(:) type(psb_c_vect_type), optional, target, intent(inout) :: vtx,vty ! Local type(psb_c_vect_type), target :: xt, yt type(psb_c_vect_type),pointer :: ptx, pty complex(psb_spk_), allocatable :: xta(:), yta(:) integer(psb_ipk_) :: i, j, nr1, nc1,nr2, nc2,& & map_kind, nr, ictxt, iam, np character(len=20), parameter :: name='psb_map_Y2Xv' info = psb_success_ if (.not.map%is_asb()) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid map input: unassembled' info = 1 return end if map_kind = map%get_kind() select case(map_kind) case(psb_map_aggr_) ictxt = map%p_desc_X%get_context() call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np) nr2 = map%p_desc_X%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%p_desc_X%get_local_cols() if (present(vty)) then pty => vty else call psb_geasb(yt,map%p_desc_X,info,scratch=.true.,mold=x%v) pty => yt end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(x,map%p_desc_Y,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_Y2X,x,czero,pty,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. map%p_desc_X%is_repl().and.(np>1)) then yta = pty%get_vect() call psb_sum(ictxt,yta(1:nr2)) call pty%set(yta) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,pty,beta,y,map%p_desc_X,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 else if (.not.present(vty)) call yt%free(info) end if case(psb_map_gen_linear_) ictxt = map%desc_X%get_context() call psb_info(ictxt,iam,np) nr1 = map%desc_Y%get_local_rows() nc1 = map%desc_Y%get_local_cols() nr2 = map%desc_X%get_global_rows() nc2 = map%desc_X%get_local_cols() if (present(vtx).and.present(vty)) then ptx => vtx pty => vty else call psb_geasb(xt,map%desc_Y,info,scratch=.true.,mold=x%v) call psb_geasb(yt,map%desc_X,info,scratch=.true.,mold=x%v) ptx => xt pty => yt end if call psb_geaxpby(cone,x,czero,ptx,map%desc_X,info) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_halo(ptx,map%desc_Y,info,work=work) if (info == psb_success_) call psb_csmm(cone,map%map_Y2X,ptx,czero,pty,info) if ((info == psb_success_) .and. map%desc_X%is_repl().and.(np>1)) then yta = pty%get_vect() call psb_sum(ictxt,yta(1:nr2)) call pty%set(yta) end if if (info == psb_success_) call psb_geaxpby(alpha,pty,beta,y,map%desc_X,info) if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Error from inner routines',info info = -1 else if (.not.(present(vtx).and.present(vty) )) then call xt%free(info) call yt%free(info) end if end if case default write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid descriptor input' info = 1 return end select end subroutine psb_c_map_Y2X_vect function psb_c_linmap(map_kind,desc_X, desc_Y, map_X2Y, map_Y2X,iaggr,naggr) & & result(this) use psb_base_mod, psb_protect_name => psb_c_linmap implicit none type(psb_clinmap_type) :: this type(psb_desc_type), target :: desc_X, desc_Y type(psb_cspmat_type), intent(inout) :: map_X2Y, map_Y2X integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in) :: map_kind integer(psb_ipk_), intent(in), optional :: iaggr(:), naggr(:) ! integer(psb_ipk_) :: info character(len=20), parameter :: name='psb_linmap' info = psb_success_ select case(map_kind) case (psb_map_aggr_) ! OK if (psb_is_ok_desc(desc_X)) then this%p_desc_X=>desc_X else info = psb_err_pivot_too_small_ endif if (psb_is_ok_desc(desc_Y)) then this%p_desc_Y=>desc_Y else info = psb_err_invalid_ovr_num_ endif if (present(iaggr)) then if (.not.present(naggr)) then info = 7 else allocate(this%iaggr(size(iaggr)),& & this%naggr(size(naggr)), stat=info) if (info == psb_success_) then this%iaggr(:) = iaggr(:) this%naggr(:) = naggr(:) end if end if else allocate(this%iaggr(0), this%naggr(0), stat=info) end if case(psb_map_gen_linear_) if (desc_X%is_ok()) then call psb_cdcpy(desc_X, this%desc_X,info) else info = psb_err_pivot_too_small_ endif if (desc_Y%is_ok()) then call psb_cdcpy(desc_Y, this%desc_Y,info) else info = psb_err_invalid_ovr_num_ endif ! For a general linear map ignore iaggr,naggr allocate(this%iaggr(0), this%naggr(0), stat=info) case default write(psb_err_unit,*) 'Bad map kind into psb_linmap ',map_kind info = 1 end select if (info == psb_success_) call map_X2Y%clone(this%map_X2Y,info) if (info == psb_success_) call map_Y2X%clone(this%map_Y2X,info) if (info == psb_success_) then call this%set_kind(map_kind) end if if (info /= psb_success_) then write(psb_err_unit,*) trim(name),' Invalid descriptor input' return end if end function psb_c_linmap
!!# COMMAND CARD SWITCHBOARD <<CCS_MoCshort>> MODULE CCS_MoCshort !!## PURPOSE !! This is the command card switchboard for the !! <MoCshort> (<MCS>) package. !!## CHANGES !! * v2.23 - ability to read in restart files, detailed angular flux at a given vert !!## PARAMETER MODULES USE PAR_MoCshort !!((03-A-PAR_MoCshort.f90)) !!## USER MODULES USE USR_fdbk !!((08-C-USR_fdbk.f90)) USE USR_SBCharacteristics,ONLY: CWENO_eps,CWENO_order,CWENO_cwt,& !!((26-C-USR_SBCharacteristics.f90)) EdgeInterpolator,KEYS_EdgeInterpolator,& KIND_qmc USE USR_FunctionParser !!((05-B-USR_FunctionParser.f90)) USE USR_TransportAnalyticTest !!((56-C-USR_TransportAnalyticTest.f90)) USE USR_TransportAnalyticTest_WIESEL,ONLY: & ANALYTIC_A,ANALYTIC_C,& ANALYTIC_D1,ANALYTIC_DX,ANALYTIC_DY,& ANALYTIC_BX,ANALYTIC_BY !!## PROCEDURE MODULES USE SUB_Pause !!((04-B-SUB_Pause.f90)) USE FUN_STR !!((05-B-FUN_STR.f90)) USE FUN_VSTR !!((05-B-FUN_VSTR.f90)) USE FUN_NewFile !!((05-B-FUN_NewFile.f90)) USE SUB_CLEAR !!((04-A-SUB_CLEAR.f90)) USE VAR_TAPACK !!((66-C-VAR_TAPACK.f90)) !!## CARD MODULES USE CC1_simple,ONLY: & !!((11-A-CC1_simple.f90)) MCSorder =>simple , & MCSonlygeometry=>simple , & MCSinteractive =>simple , & MCSmonotonic =>simple , & MCSmonolin =>simple , & MCSsourceorder =>simple , & MCSsplitting =>simple , & MCSinterpplane =>simple , & MCSlogtransform=>simple , & MCSjiggle =>simple , & MCSnobacksies =>simple , & MCSlongchar =>simple , & MCSsbalance =>simple , & MCSpackedcache =>simple , & MCSmingamma =>simple , & MCSsbedgeinterp=>simple , & MCScellfunction=>simple , & MCScache =>simple , & MCSrestart =>simple , & MCSdiscorner =>simple, & MCSnonlinearfixup=>simple !!## LIBRARY MODULES USE LIB_Prompts !!((06-B-LIB_Prompts.f90)) USE LIB_GenericPhrases !!((07-B-LIB_GenericPhrases.f90)) !!## TOOLBOXES USE TBX_SIO !!((10-A-TBX_SIO.f90)) USE TBX_Mesh !!((15-B-TBX_Mesh.f90)) !!## VARIABLE MODULES USE VAR_MoCshort !!((47-B-VAR_MoCshort.f90)) USE VAR_Mesh !!((46-B-VAR_Mesh.f90)) !!## DEFAULT IMPLICIT IMPLICIT NONE !!## DEFAULT ACCESS PRIVATE !!## IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: mod_ = "CCS_MoCshort" CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: file_ = "38-B-CCS_MoCshort.f90" !!## PRE-CALCULATED COMMAND HASHES INTEGER,PARAMETER :: bc_ = 0000000485 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: interactive_ = 0000386226 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: onlygeometry_ = 0000621844 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: order_ = 0000025877 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: sourceorder_ = 0000486944 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: monotonic_ = 0000213811 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: monolin_ = 0000083170 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: splitting_ = 0000226511 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: interpplane_ = 0000408702 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: explodefix_ = 0000293953 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: jiggle_ = 0000036443 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: logtransform_ = 0000571432 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nobacksies_ = 0000245457 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: longchar_ = 0000122396 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: testlinsrc_ = 0000315033 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: checksym_ = 0000078274 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: sbalance_ = 0000104524 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: packedcache_ = 0000298670 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: mingamma_ = 0000113356 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: sbopts_ = 0000046721 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: sbedgeinterp_ = 0000442558 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: longpointlist_= 0000781759 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: cellfunction_ = 0000421224 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nobalcheck_ = 0000245505 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: analyticwarsa_= 0000627403 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: rayinfo_ = 0000082732 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: analyticwiesel_=0000843363 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: cache_ =0000011111 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: options_ =0000091914 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: restart_ =0000082998 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: debugpsiv_ =0000131963 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: discorner_ =0000155473 INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nonlinearfixup_=0001010587 !!## ACCESS PUBLIC :: SWITCHBOARD_MoCshort !!## MODULE PROCEDURES CONTAINS !!### SWITCHBOARD SUBROUTINE: <SWITCHBOARD_MoCshort> SUBROUTINE SWITCHBOARD_MoCshort( sio , Mesh , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! The command card switchboard for the MoCshort package. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * input/output object <sio> TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio !!#### REQUIRED INPUT TYPE(TYPE_Mesh),INTENT(IN) :: Mesh !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT !! * feedback object <fdbk> TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),OPTIONAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_="SWITCHBOARD_MoCshort" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: VS !!--begin-- !pick routine to execute which loads some data SELECTCASE(sio%HASH(2)) CASE(interactive_) ; CALL MCSinteractive ( sio , InteractiveAngularflux , fdbk ) CASE(order_) ; CALL MCSorder ( sio , InterpOrder , fdbk ) CASE(sourceorder_) ; CALL MCSsourceorder ( sio , SourceOrder , fdbk ) CASE(monolin_) ; CALL MCSmonolin ( sio , Using_MonoLin , fdbk ) CASE(splitting_) ; CALL MCSsplitting ( sio , Using_Splitting , fdbk ) CASE(onlygeometry_) ; CALL MCSonlygeometry( sio , OnlyGeometry , fdbk ) CASE(bc_) ; CALL MCSbc ( sio , Mesh , BC , FixedAngularFlux , fdbk ) CASE(monotonic_) ; CALL MCSmonotonic ( sio , Using_Monotonization , fdbk ) CASE(interpplane_) ; CALL MCSinterpplane ( sio , InterpPlaneU , fdbk ,KEYS=KEY_InterpPlane) CASE(logtransform_) ; CALL MCSlogtransform( sio , Using_LogTransform , fdbk ) CASE(jiggle_) ; CALL MCSjiggle ( sio , Using_Jiggle , fdbk ) CASE(nobacksies_) ; CALL MCSnobacksies ( sio , Using_NoBacksies , fdbk ) CASE(explodefix_) ; CALL MCSexplodefix ( sio , Using_ExplodeFix , MIN_AngularFlux , MAX_AngularFlux , fdbk ) CASE(longchar_) ; CALL MCSlongchar ( sio , Using_LongCharacteristics , fdbk ) CASE(testlinsrc_) ; CALL MCStestlinsrc ( sio , Using_LinearSourceTest , Unit_LinearSourceTest , fdbk ) CASE(checksym_) ; CALL MCSchecksym ( sio , Mesh%Ndim , P1sym , P2sym , Unit_AFSymmetryCheck , fdbk ) CASE(sbalance_) ; CALL MCSsbalance ( sio , Using_SBCharacteristics , fdbk ) CASE(packedcache_) ; CALL MCSpackedcache ( sio , Using_PackedCaching , fdbk ) CASE(sbedgeinterp_) ; CALL MCSsbedgeinterp( sio , EdgeInterpolator,fdbk,KEYS=KEYS_EdgeInterpolator) CASE(sbopts_) ; CALL MCSsbopts ( sio , CWENO_cwt, CWENO_order,CWENO_eps,fdbk) CASE(longpointlist_) ; CALL MCSlongpointlist( sio , Mesh%NDim , Unit_LongChar , PointList_LongChar , fdbk ) CASE(cellfunction_) ; CALL MCScellfunction( sio , CellFunctionMethod , fdbk , KEYS=MCS_KEY_CellFunction ) CASE(nobalcheck_) ; CALL MCSnobalcheck ( sio , CHECKING_BALANCE , NO_BALANCE_MSG , fdbk ) CASE(analyticwarsa_) ; CALL MCSanalyticwarsa(sio , Using_AnalyticTransportTest , fdbk ) CASE(rayinfo_) ; CALL MCSrayinfo( sio , Print_RayEffectsInfo , rayeffectsfile , fdbk ) CASE(analyticwiesel_) ; CALL MCSanalyticwiesel(sio , Using_AnalyticTransportTest , fdbk ) CASE(cache_) ; CALL MCScache(sio,Using_Cache,fdbk) CASE(options_) ; CALL MCSoptions(sio,Using_AF_ScaleFactor,fdbk) CASE(restart_) ; CALL MCSrestart(sio,affile,fdbk) CASE(debugpsiv_) ; CALL MCSdebugpsiv(sio,Mesh%Ndim,Unit_DebugPsiV , PointList_DebugPsiV,fdbk) CASE(discorner_) ; CALL MCSdiscorner(sio,Allow_Discontinuous_Corners,fdbk) CASE(nonlinearfixup_) ; CALL MCSnonlinearfixup( sio , NonlinearFixup , fdbk , & KEYS=MCS_KEY_NonlinearFixup ) CASE DEFAULT VS = COMMAND_NOT_RECOGNIZED(sio,mod_,proc_,"") CALL UPDATE(fdbk_error,fdbk,s=STR(VS)) VS = "" ENDSELECT !!--end-- ENDSUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSnobalcheck>> SUBROUTINE MCSnobalcheck( sio , CHECKING_BALANCE , NO_BALANCE_MSG , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Turn off balance equation checkings. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_sio) ,POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: CHECKING_BALANCE TYPE(varying_string) :: NO_BALANCE_MSG !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSnobalcheck" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file LOGICAL :: NoBalance !!--begin-- IF( Writing(sio) )THEN NoBalance = .NOT.CHECKING_BALANCE END IF !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"NoBalance" ,& "MSG "/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg =(/0 ,0 /) , & optional=(/.FALSE.,.TRUE./) ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , NoBalance , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , NO_BALANCE_MSG , fdbk , Default=VSTR("") ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) IF( Reading(sio) )THEN CHECKING_BALANCE = .NOT.NoBalance END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSoptions>> SUBROUTINE MCSoptions( sio , & Using_AF_ScaleFactor , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! General option passer !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_sio) ,POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Using_AF_ScaleFactor !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSoptions" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file !!--begin-- !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"Using_AF_ScaleFactor"/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg =(/0/) , & optional=(/.TRUE./) ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , Using_AF_ScaleFactor , fdbk, Default=Using_AF_ScaleFactor ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE MCSoptions !!### CARD SUBROUTINE: <MCSbc> SUBROUTINE MCSbc( sio , Mesh , BC , FixedAngularFlux , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read in boundary condition information for the domain. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * boundary conditions <BC> !! * values for fixed angular fluxes at each boundary <FixedAngularFlux> TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio INTEGER ,POINTER :: BC(:) REAL(KIND_MCs),POINTER :: FixedAngularFlux(:) !!#### REQUIRED INPUT TYPE(TYPE_Mesh),INTENT(IN) :: Mesh !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSbc" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES INTEGER :: i TYPE(varying_string) :: VS REAL(KIND_MCs) :: fixedval(1) CHARACTER(255) :: fixedstr(1),error1 TYPE(varying_string) :: varstr(1) !!--begin-- IF( IsQr(Mesh%domain%DomainShape) )THEN !! Setup. IF( Reading(sio) )ALLOCATE( BC(1:6) ) !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"b-r-t-l","u-d "/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/4,2/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.TRUE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , BC(1:4) , fdbk , Keys=KEY_BC ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , BC(5:6) , fdbk , Keys=KEY_BC , Default=(/1,1/) ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !! Conditional Datablock. ALLOCATE( FixedAngularFlux(4) , FunctionAngularFlux(4) ) CALL CLEAR(FixedAngularFlux) CALL CLEAR(FunctionAngularFlux) !! Go through the domain boundaries. DO i=1,4 !boundary conditions are fixed IF( BC(i)==fixed_ .OR. BC(i)==planewave_ )THEN CALL DATABLOCK(sio,fixedval,fdbk) FixedAngularFlux(i) = fixedval(1) !a function is provided to evaluate boundary conditions ELSE IF( BC(i)==function_ )THEN CALL DATABLOCK(sio,varstr,fdbk) fixedstr(1)=varstr(1) call s_createfn(fixedstr(1), 'x y z ox oy oz m', & FunctionAngularFlux(i), error1) IF( TRIM(error1)/="OK" )THEN VS = MODPROC(mod_,proc_)//"the submitted function <"//& TRIM(fixedstr(1))//"> produced the error message "//& "<"//TRIM(error1)//">." CALL UPDATE(fdbk_error,fdbk,s=STR(VS)) END IF END IF END DO !! Wrapup. IF( Writing(sio) )DEALLOCATE( BC ) ELSE VS = MODPROC(mod_,proc_)//"the boundary conditions are only & &available for a rectangular domain!" CALL UPDATE(fdbk_error,fdbk,s=STR(VS)) VS = "" END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE: <MCSexplodefix> SUBROUTINE MCSexplodefix( sio , Using_ExplodeFix , MIN_AngularFlux , MAX_AngularFlux , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read/write angular flux limits (min/max) for any transport simulation. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * whether to use or not <Using_ExplodeFix> !! * minimum and maximum for angular fluxes <MIN_AngularFlux,MAX_AngularFlux> TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Using_ExplodeFix REAL(KIND_MCs),INTENT(INOUT) :: MIN_AngularFlux,MAX_AngularFlux !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSexplodefix" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES REAL(KIND_MCs) :: l(2) !!--begin-- !! Setup. IF( Writing(sio) )THEN l(1) = MIN_AngularFlux l(2) = MAX_AngularFlux END IF !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"Using_ExplodeFix ",& "RANGE_AngularFlux"/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,2/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.FALSE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , Using_ExplodeFix , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , l , fdbk ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !! Wrapup. IF( Reading(sio) )THEN MIN_AngularFlux = l(1) MAX_AngularFlux = l(2) END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE: <MCSsbopts> SUBROUTINE MCSsbopts( sio , CWENO_cwt , CWENO_order , CWENO_eps , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Handle some options for the subcell balance routines. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio REAL(KIND_qmc),INTENT(INOUT) :: CWENO_cwt INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: CWENO_order REAL(KIND_qmc),INTENT(INOUT) :: CWENO_eps !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSsbopts" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES REAL(KIND_MCs) :: l(2) !!--begin-- !! Setup. !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"CWENO_cwt ",& "CWENO_order",& "CWENO_eps "/), fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0,0/) ,& optional=(/.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE./) ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , CWENO_cwt , fdbk , Default=CWENO_cwt ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , CWENO_order , fdbk , Default=CWENO_order ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , CWENO_eps , fdbk , Default=CWENO_eps ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !! Wrapup. !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE: <MCStestlinsrc> SUBROUTINE MCStestlinsrc( sio , Using_LinearSourceTest , Unit_LinearSourceTest , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Test a linear source (has specific requirements on cross sections, bc, etc.) !! See <EXACT_Psi_LinSrc> for details. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * using a linear source test <Using_LinearSourceTest> !! * the unit to write columns of data to <Unit_LinearSourceTest> TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Using_LinearSourceTest INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Unit_LinearSourceTest !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCStestlinsrc" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file !!--begin-- !! Setup. !IF( Writing(sio) )THEN !END IF !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"UseLinSrc",& "file "/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.TRUE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , Using_LinearSourceTest , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , file , fdbk , Default=VSTR("") ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !! Wrapup. IF( Reading(sio) )THEN IF( file/="" )THEN Unit_LinearSourceTest = NewFile(file) ELSE Unit_LinearSourceTest = 0 END IF END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSchecksym>> SUBROUTINE MCSchecksym( sio , NDim , P1sym , P2sym , Unit_AFSymmetryCheck , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Test for symmetry in the angular flux. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * number of dimensions <NDim> !! * first point to define symmetry plane <P1sym> !! * second point to define symmetry plane <P2sym> !! * the unit to write to <Unit_AFSymmetryCheck> INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: NDim TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio REAL(KIND_MSH),INTENT(INOUT) :: P1sym(NDim),P2sym(NDim) INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Unit_AFSymmetryCheck !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSchecksym" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file !!--begin-- !! Setup. !IF( Writing(sio) )THEN !END IF !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"P1sym","P2sym","file "/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/NDim,NDim,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.FALSE.,.TRUE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , P1sym , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , P2sym , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , file , fdbk , Default=VSTR("") ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !! Wrapup. IF( Reading(sio) )THEN Using_AFSymmetryCheck = .TRUE. IF( file/="" )THEN Unit_AFSymmetryCheck = NewFile(file) ELSE Unit_AFSymmetryCheck = 0 END IF END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSanalyticwarsa>> SUBROUTINE MCSanalyticwarsa( sio , USING_Test , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read in parameters for an analytic test devised by Jim Warsa in a 2008 Nuclear !! Science and Engineering Technical Note (160, 385-400). !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: USING_Test !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSanalyticwarsa" REAL(KIND_MCS) :: sigt,sigs !!--begin-- !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"Test ",& "sigmat ",& "sigmas ",& "SpatRep"/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0,0,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.FALSE.,.FALSE.,.FALSE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , USING_Test , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , sigt , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , sigs , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , CellFunctionMethodA , fdbk , KEYS=MCS_KEY_CellFunction , Default=MCS_LINEAR_GAUSS) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) IF( Using_Test )THEN CALL SET_AnalyticTest("WARSA",sigt,sigs,fdbk) END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSanalyticwiesel>> SUBROUTINE MCSanalyticwiesel( sio , USING_Test , & fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read in parameters for an analytic test devised by !! William Wieselquist, William.wieselquist AT gmail.com. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: USING_Test !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSanalyticwiesel" REAL(KIND_MCS) :: sigt,sigs !!--begin-- !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , & (/"Test ",& "sigmat ",& "sigmas ",& "SpatRep",& "C ",& "A ",& "BX ",& "BY ",& "D1 ",& "DX ",& "DY "/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0,0,0,& 0,0,0,0,0,0,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.FALSE.,.FALSE.,.FALSE.,& .TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE.,.TRUE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , USING_Test , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , sigt , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , sigs , fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , CellFunctionMethodA , fdbk , KEYS=MCS_KEY_CellFunction , Default=MCS_LINEAR_GAUSS) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_C, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_C) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_A, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_A) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_BX, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_BX) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_BY, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_BY) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_D1, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_D1) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_DX, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_DX) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , ANALYTIC_DY, fdbk, Default=ANALYTIC_DY) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) IF( Using_Test )THEN CALL SET_AnalyticTest("WIESEL",sigt,sigs,fdbk) END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSlongpointlist>> SUBROUTINE MCSlongpointlist( sio , NDim , Unit_LongChar , PointList_LongChar , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read in a list of points for the long characteristics solver !! to output angular fluxes for. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * number of dimensions <NDim> !! * first point to define symmetry plane <P1sym> !! * second point to define symmetry plane <P2sym> !! * the unit to write to <Unit_AFSymmetryCheck> INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: NDim TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio REAL(KIND_MSH),POINTER :: PointList_LongChar(:,:) INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Unit_LongChar !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSlongpointlist" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file INTEGER :: NPts !!--begin-- !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"Npts","file"/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.FALSE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , NPts , Fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , file , fdbk ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) CALL DATABLOCK( sio , (/1,Ndim/) , (/1,Npts/) , PointList_LongChar , fdbk ) !! Wrapup. IF( Reading(sio) )THEN Unit_LongChar = NewFile(file) END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSdebugpsiv>> SUBROUTINE MCSdebugpsiv( sio , NDim , Unit_DebugPsiV , PointList_DebugPsiV , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read in a list of points for the long characteristics solver !! to output angular fluxes for. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT !! * number of dimensions <NDim> INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: NDim TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio REAL(KIND_MSH),POINTER :: PointList_DebugPsiV(:,:) INTEGER ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Unit_DebugPsiV !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSdebugpsiv" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file INTEGER :: NPts !!--begin-- !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"Npts","file"/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.FALSE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , NPts , Fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , file , fdbk ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) CALL DATABLOCK( sio , (/1,Ndim/) , (/1,Npts/) , PointList_DebugPsiV , fdbk ) !! Wrapup. IF( Reading(sio) )THEN Unit_DebugPsiV = NewFile(file) END IF !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE !!### CARD SUBROUTINE <<MCSrayinfo>> SUBROUTINE MCSrayinfo( sio , Print_RayEffectsInfo , rayeffectsfile , fdbk ) !!#### PURPOSE !! Read in a list of points for the long characteristics solver !! to output angular fluxes for. !!#### REQUIRED INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_sio),POINTER :: sio LOGICAL ,INTENT(INOUT) :: Print_RayEffectsInfo CHARACTER(*) ,INTENT(INOUT) :: rayeffectsfile !!#### OPTIONAL INPUT/OUTPUT TYPE(TYPE_fdbk),INTENT(INOUT),OPTIONAL :: fdbk !!#### IDENTIFICATION CHARACTER(*),PARAMETER :: proc_ = "MCSrayinfo" !!#### LOCAL VARIABLES TYPE(varying_string) :: file INTEGER :: NPts !!--begin-- !! Arguments. CALL BEGIN_ARGUMENTS( sio , (/"Print","file "/) , fdbk ,& nsubarg=(/0,0/) ,& optional=(/.FALSE.,.TRUE./)) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , Print_RayEffectsInfo , Fdbk ) CALL ARGUMENT( sio , rayeffectsfile , fdbk , Default="" ) CALL END_ARGUMENTS( sio , fdbk ) !!--end-- END SUBROUTINE END MODULE
c a front end to several numerical recipes routines c for least square fitting - straight line, errors c in 0, 1, or 2 coords c lstsq_bootstrap.f is copyright 2006 Benjamin Weiner and released under c the GNU General Public License. You may modify, you may redistribute, c you must retain the copyright notice. Please contact me with c any comments and suggestions. c See Weiner et al. 2006 (ApJ, in press, astro-ph/------) c for a discussion of fitting lines to data with intrinsic scatter. c 4/23/00 - modified to ignore input lines beginning with '#', c and to allow fitting only a given region c 3/18/05 - added bootstrap estimation of the parameters/errors c by sampling with replacement and refitting c 12/20/05 - allows adding the intrinsic scatter in quadrature. c following lstsq.f. Note this is redundant with bootstrapping c for error estimation - once you have the correct intrinsic c scatter that makes chisq/N=1, the original fit should return c an error that is very close to the RMS of the bootstraps. c However, the bootstraps are still useful for looking at the c covariance of a and b. c 8/30/06 - added the second plot of the distribution of a vs b c as fit to the bootstrap resamples. c Benjamin Weiner, bjw at astro.umd.edu (Astronomy Dept, University c of Maryland; Steward Observatory as of Sept 2006) program lstsq_bootstrap parameter(NMAX=100000) c parameter(NMAX_XY=1000) parameter(NMAX_XY=10000) parameter(NBOOTMAX=10000) c real x1(NMAX),x2(NMAX),x3(NMAX)x4(NMAX) c real x1err(NMAX),x2err(NMAX),x3err(NMAX) real x(NMAX), xerr(NMAX) real y(NMAX), yerr(NMAX) real xf(NMAX), xferr(NMAX) real yf(NMAX), yferr(NMAX) real xerrbot(NMAX),xerrtop(NMAX) real yerrbot(NMAX),yerrtop(NMAX) real xpl(2),ypl(2) real xftry(NMAX),yftry(NMAX),xftryerr(NMAX),yftryerr(NMAX) real aboot(NBOOTMAX),bboot(NBOOTMAX) character fname*40,dline*80 big = 1.e20 write(*,*) "0- plain least squares, 1- errors in y" write(*,'(" 2- errors in x and y, ", + "3- x & y errors and y scatter: "$)') c write(*,'(" 3- y=y(x1,x2,...) : "$)') read(*,*) ichoose c if (ichoose .eq. 3) then c write(*,'("number of x'es [1-4]: " c read (*,*) nx c end if 10 write (*,'("enter file: "$)') read (*,*) fname open (2,file=fname,status='old',err=10) npts = 1 20 continue read (2,'(a)',end=30) dline if (dline(1:1) .eq. '#') go to 20 if (ichoose .eq. 0) then xerr(npts) = 0. yerr(npts) = 0. read (dline,*,err=20) x(npts),y(npts) else if (ichoose .eq. 1) then xerr(npts) = 0. read (dline,*,err=20) x(npts),y(npts),yerr(npts) else if (ichoose .eq. 2 .or. ichoose .eq. 3) then read (dline,*,err=20) x(npts),xerr(npts), $ y(npts),yerr(npts) end if npts=npts+1 go to 20 30 npts = npts-1 write(*,*) 'Read ', npts, ' points' close(2) if (npts .gt. NMAX) then write(*,*) "Currently dimensioned for only max ",NMAX," points" end if if (ichoose .ge. 2 .and. npts .gt. NMAX_XY) then write(*,*) + "Fitting w/both X and Y error will not work for >",NMAX_XY write(*,*) "points without redimensioning arrays in fitexy.f and" write(*,*) "other Numerical Recipes subroutines: chixy.f." end if c for ichoose = 3, add the scatter in quadrature to the error c and then continue as if we were doing ichoose=2 if (ichoose .eq. 3) then write(*,'("intrinsic scatter in y-coord: ",$)') read (*,*) yintscatt yintscattsq = yintscatt**2 do i=1,npts yerr(i) = sqrt(yerr(i)**2 + yintscattsq) end do ichoose = 2 end if c moved plotting points to here c this is sloppy and works because the errors are 0 if c they are not supplied xmin = big xmax = -big ymin = big ymax = -big do i=1,npts xerrbot(i) = x(i)-xerr(i) xerrtop(i) = x(i)+xerr(i) yerrbot(i) = y(i)-yerr(i) yerrtop(i) = y(i)+yerr(i) xmin = min(xmin,xerrbot(i)) xmax = max(xmax,xerrtop(i)) ymin = min(ymin,yerrbot(i)) ymax = max(ymax,yerrtop(i)) end do xmargin = 0.1*(xmax-xmin) ymargin = 0.1*(ymax-ymin) wxmin = xmin-xmargin wxmax = xmax+xmargin wymin = ymin-ymargin wymax = ymax+ymargin call pgbegin (0,"?",1,1) call pgask(.false.) call pgscf(2) call pgsch(1.1) call pgenv(wxmin,wxmax,wymin,wymax,0,1) call pglabel ("x","y","Least squares fit") call pgpoint (npts,x,y,17) if(ichoose .eq. 1 .or. ichoose .eq. 2) then call pgerrb(6,npts,x,y,yerr,1.0) if (ichoose .eq. 2) then call pgerrb(5,npts,x,y,xerr,1.0) end if end if c select fitting window xfmin = wxmin xfmax = wxmax write (*,'("Enter xmin, xmax to fit [use all]: ",$)') read (*,'(a)') dline if (dline(1:5) .ne. ' ') then read(dline,*,err=40) xfmin,xfmax end if 40 continue nf = 0 do i=1,npts if(x(i) .gt. xfmin .and. x(i) .lt. xfmax) then nf = nf+1 xf(nf) = x(i) yf(nf) = y(i) xferr(nf) = xerr(i) yferr(nf) = yerr(i) end if end do write(*,*) "Including ",nf," points" if(nf .lt.2) go to 666 c do fit if (ichoose .eq. 0) then c call fit(x,y,npts,yerr,0,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) call fit(xf,yf,nf,yferr,0,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) else if (ichoose .eq. 1) then c call fit(x,y,npts,yerr,1,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) call fit(xf,yf,nf,yferr,1,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) else if (ichoose .eq. 2) then c call fitexy(x,y,npts,xerr,yerr,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) c call fitexy_big(xf,yf,nf,xferr,yferr,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) call big_fitexy(xf,yf,nf,xferr,yferr,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) end if c plot fit xpl(1) = wxmin ypl(1) = a + b*wxmin xpl(2) = wxmax ypl(2) = a + b*wxmax call pgline(2,xpl,ypl) write(*,*) 'y = a + bx' write(*,*) 'a = ',a,' +/- ',siga write(*,*) 'b = ',b,' +/- ',sigb write(*,*) 'chisq = ',chisq,' prob. = ',q c save the best fit values abest = a bbest = b abesterr = siga bbesterr = sigb sumsqerr = 0.0 c do i=1,npts do i=1,nf sumsqerr = sumsqerr + (y(i)-a-b*x(i))**2 end do c write (*,*) 'rms error = ',sqrt(sumsqerr/npts) write (*,*) 'rms error = ',sqrt(sumsqerr/nf) c write data and fit to file open(3,file='lstsq.out',status='unknown') if (ichoose .eq. 0) then write (3,*) 'xdata ydata yfit' do i=1,npts write(3,*) x(i),y(i),a + b*x(i) end do else if (ichoose .eq. 1) then write (3,*) 'xdata ydata yerror yfit' do i=1,npts write(3,*) x(i),y(i),yerr(i),a + b*x(i) end do else if (ichoose .eq. 2) then write (3,*) $ 'xdata xerror ydata yerror yfit' do i=1,npts write(3,*) x(i),xerr(i),y(i),yerr(i),a + b*x(i) end do end if close(3) c initialize random idum = -1 200 continue write(*,'("Number of resamples for bootstrap: ",$)') read (*,*) nboot if (nboot .gt. NBOOTMAX) then write(*,*) "max samples ",NBOOTMAX," setting to that" nboot = NBOOTMAX end if asum = 0.0 asumsq = 0.0 bsum = 0.0 bsumsq = 0.0 amax = -1.e10 amin = 1.e10 bmax = -1.e10 bmin = 1.e10 open(3,file='lstsq_bootstrap.out',status='unknown') c For nboot resamples do i=1,nboot c write(*,*) 'Doing resample ',i c make random resample do j=1,nf jrand = int(nf*ran1(idum)) +1 xftry(j) = xf(jrand) yftry(j) = yf(jrand) xftryerr(j) = xferr(jrand) yftryerr(j) = yferr(jrand) end do c do fit if (ichoose .eq. 0) then c call fit(x,y,npts,yerr,0,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) call fit(xftry,yftry,nf,yftryerr,0,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) else if (ichoose .eq. 1) then c call fit(x,y,npts,yerr,1,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) call fit(xftry,yftry,nf,yftryerr,1,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) else if (ichoose .eq. 2) then c call fitexy(x,y,npts,xerr,yerr,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) c call fitexy_big(xf,yf,nf,xferr,yferr,a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) call big_fitexy(xftry,yftry,nf,xftryerr,yftryerr, + a,b,siga,sigb,chisq,q) end if c record parameters aboot(i) = a bboot(i) = b asum = asum + a asumsq = asumsq + a*a bsum = bsum + b bsumsq = bsumsq + b*b write(3,*) i,a,b amax = max(amax,a) amin = min(amin,a) bmax = max(bmax,b) bmin = min(bmin,b) end do close(3) c compute mean and rms of parameters amean = asum /nboot arms = sqrt(asumsq/nboot - amean**2) bmean = bsum /nboot brms = sqrt(bsumsq/nboot - bmean**2) c Plot the bootstrap realizations' values of a and b - c useful for seeing covariance amarg = 0.2*(amax-amin) bmarg = 0.2*(bmax-bmin) call pgenv(amin-amarg,amax+amarg,bmin-bmarg,bmax+bmarg,0,1) call pglabel("a, intercept","b, slope", $ "y = a + bx, best fit and bootstrap realizations") call pgpoint(nboot,aboot,bboot,17) c plot the original best fit point with the error bar from the c rms of the bootstraps. It might be better to use the 68% range, c although they should be similar call pgsch(2.0) call pgsci(2) call pgpt1(abest,bbest,12) call pgerrb(5,1,abest,bbest,arms,1.0) call pgerrb(6,1,abest,bbest,brms,1.0) call pgsch(1.1) call pgsci(1) c compute median and conf levels. This sorts the aboot and bboot c arrays so we need to do it last, after plotting and output. call sort(nboot,aboot) call sort(nboot,bboot) if (mod(nboot,2) .eq. 1) then indx = int(nboot/2) + 1 amed = aboot(indx) bmed = bboot(indx) else indx=nboot/2 amed = (aboot(indx) + aboot(indx+1))/2.0 bmed = (bboot(indx) + bboot(indx+1))/2.0 end if indx = nint(nboot*(0.5-0.34)) a68lo = aboot(indx) b68lo = bboot(indx) indx = nint(nboot*(0.5+0.34)) a68hi = aboot(indx) b68hi = bboot(indx) indx = nint(nboot*(0.5-0.477)) a95lo = aboot(indx) b95lo = bboot(indx) indx = nint(nboot*(0.5+0.477)) a95hi = aboot(indx) b95hi = bboot(indx) write(*,*) "Pars from bootstrap with ",nboot," resamples of ", + nf," points" write(*,*) "mean, rms a = ",amean," +- ",arms write(*,*) "mean, rms b = ",bmean," +- ",brms write(*,*) "median and 68%, 95.4% ranges: " write(*,*) "a: ",amed,a68lo,a68hi,a95lo,a95hi write(*,*) "b: ",bmed,b68lo,b68hi,b95lo,b95hi write(*,*) "sigma estimates from 68% and 95%:" write(*,*) "a sigma: ",(a68hi-a68lo)/2.0,(a95hi-a95lo)/4.0 write(*,*) "b sigma: ",(b68hi-b68lo)/2.0,(b95hi-b95lo)/4.0 666 continue call pgend() end
C SUBROUTINE ECH (NEXT) SUBROUTINE ECH(ZSUM) C C ECH - CALCULATES THE MUTUAL IMPEDANCE BETWEEN LINEAR DIPOLE C ELEMENTS IN ECHELON OF EQUAL LENGTHS. C SEE THE REFERENCES IN SUBROUTINES GAIN AND COLL. C COMPLEX CSU1, CSU2, CSUZP, CSV1, CSV2, CSVZP, CSZ1, ZE, ZSUM C COMMON /CON /D2R, DCL, GAMA, PI, PI2, PIO2, R2D, RO, VOFL C COMMON /CUR /DIJ, EIL, HIJ, KODE C C....................................................................... D2 = DIJ * * 2 HML = HIJ - EIL HPL = HIJ + EIL T = SQRT (D2 + HML * * 2) UZ = PI2 * (T + HML) VZ = PI2 * (T - HML) T = SQRT (D2 + HPL * * 2) UZP = PI2 * (T - HPL) VZP = PI2 * (T + HPL) TS = HIJ T = SQRT (D2 + TS * * 2) U1 = PI2 * (T + TS) V1 = PI2 * (T - TS) TS = HIJ + 2.0 * EIL T = SQRT (D2 + TS * * 2) U2 = PI2 * (T - TS) V2 = PI2 * (T + TS) TS = HIJ + 3.0 * EIL T = SQRT (D2 + TS * * 2) U4 = PI2 * (T - TS) V4 = PI2 * (T + TS) CSU1 = CSZ1 (U1) CSV1 = CSZ1 (V1) CSU2 = CSZ1 (U2) CSV2 = CSZ1 (V2) CSUZP = CSZ1 (UZP) CSVZP = CSZ1 (VZP) ZSUM = CMPLX (0.0, 0.0) T = PI2 * (EIL - HIJ) ZE = CMPLX (COS (T), SIN (T)) ZSUM=ZSUM + CONJG(ZE)*(CSZ1(UZ) - CSU1) + ZE*(CSZ1(VZ) - CSV1) T = PI2 * (EIL + HIJ) ZE = CMPLX (COS (T), SIN (T)) ZSUM = ZSUM + CONJG (ZE) * (CSUZP - CSU2) + ZE * (CSVZP - CSV2) T = PI2 * ( - EIL - HIJ) ZE = CMPLX (COS (T), SIN (T)) ZSUM=ZSUM + CONJG(ZE)*( -CSU1 + CSVZP) + ZE*( -CSV1 + CSUZP) T = PI2 * (3.0 * EIL + HIJ) ZE = CMPLX (COS (T), SIN (T)) ZSUM=ZSUM + CONJG(ZE)*( -CSU2+CSZ1(U4)) + ZE*( -CSV2+CSZ1(V4)) TS = 2.0 * COS (PI2 * EIL) T = PI2 * HIJ ZE = CMPLX (COS (T), SIN (T)) ZSUM=ZSUM+TS*CONJG(ZE)*(-CSV1+CSUZP)+TS*ZE*(-CSU1+CSVZP) T = PI2 * (2.0 * EIL + HIJ) ZE = CMPLX (COS (T), SIN (T)) ZSUM=ZSUM + TS*CONJG(ZE)*(CSUZP - CSU2) + TS*ZE*(CSVZP-CSV2) IF (KODE .GT. 0) GO TO 100 ZSUM = ZSUM * 15.0 GO TO 105 100 ZSUM = ZSUM * 30.0 / (1.0 - COS (2.0 * PI2 * EIL)) 105 RETURN END
** Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. ** See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. ** SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception * POINTER statements parameter(N = 5) integer result(N), expect(N) double precision dum(2) double precision d pointer(ptr, d) double complex cd pointer(ptr, cd) pointer (p1, ib) pointer (p2, p1) data expect / + 2, + 4, + 2, 4, + 10 + / p2 = loc(result(5)) ptr = loc(dum) dum(1) = 2.0 dum(2) = 4.0 result(1) = d ptr = ptr + 8 result(2) = d ptr = ptr - 8 result(3) = real(cd) result(4) = dimag(cd) ib = 10 ! two levels of pointer. should be result(5) call check(result, expect, N) end
subroutine deplet c c + + + PURPOSE + + + c This subprogram calculates the depletion level of the soil for the c current rooting depth and for the soil profile. Also calculates c an irrigation depth if necessary. c c Called from IRRIG c Author(s): E. R. Kottwitz c Reference in User Guide: Chapter 12 c c Changes: c c Version: This module recoded from WEPP Version 93.06. c Date recoded: 07/06/93. c Recoded by: Charles R. Meyer. c c c + + + PARAMETERS + + + include 'pmxelm.inc' include 'pmxhil.inc' include 'pmxnsl.inc' include 'pmxpln.inc' include 'pmxsrg.inc' include 'pxstep.inc' c c + + + COMMON BLOCKS + + + include 'ccrpout.inc' c read: rtd(mxplan) c include 'chydrol.inc' c read: rain(mxplan) c include 'cirdepl.inc' c read: deplev(mxplan),irdmin c modify: iramt c write: depsev c include 'cirfurr.inc' c read: filrat(mxplan) c include 'cirriga.inc' c read: irsyst c include 'cirspri.inc' c read: aprati(mxplan),irdmax c include 'cstruc.inc' c read: iplane c include 'cwater.inc' c read: st(mxnsl,mxplan),thetdr(mxnsl,mxplan), c thetfc(mxnsl,mxplan),nsl(mxplan),solthk(mxnsl,mxplan), c dg(mxnsl,mxplan) c include 'cwint.inc' c read: wmelt(mxplan) c include 'cirflg.inc' c c + + + LOCAL VARIABLES + + + integer i,ii real awtota,awtotb,depla,deplb,iramta,iramtb,sumsta,sumstb c c + + + LOCAL DEFINITIONS + + + c i - do loop counter for summations for soil layers c ii - flag indicating whether bottom of soil layer is below c the current rooting depth (0-no, 1-yes) c awtota - available soil water over the current root depth (m) c awtotb - available soil water over the entire soil profile (m) c depla - available soil water depletion over the current root c depth (m/m) c deplb - available soil water depletion over the entire soil c profile (m/m) c iramta - irrigation amount required to fill the soil profile over c the current root depth multiplied by the ratio of c application depth to allowable irrigation depth c (aprati(mxplan)) (m) c iramtb - irrigation amount required to fill the soil profile over c the entire soil profile multiplied by aprati(mxplan) (m) c sumsta - maximum available soil water over the current root depth c (m) c sumstb - maximum available soil water over the entire soil profile c (m) c c + + + END SPECIFICATIONS + + + c c Initialize variables c irdfg = 1 c ii = 0 c sumsta = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) sumstb = rain(iplane) + wmelt(iplane) c c Do a summation of (a) current available soil water (st) and c maximum available soil water (aw) for the root depth and (b) st c and aw for all soil layers c sumstb = sumstb+st(1,iplane) awtotb = (thetfc(1,iplane)-thetdr(1,iplane))*dg(1,iplane) c if(solthk(1,iplane).le.rtd(iplane))then sumsta = sumstb awtota = awtotb else sumsta = sumsta+st(1,iplane)*rtd(iplane)/dg(1,iplane) awtota = (thetfc(1,iplane)-thetdr(1,iplane))*rtd(iplane) ii = 1 endif c do 10 i = 2, nsl(iplane) sumstb = sumstb+st(i,iplane) awtotb = awtotb+(thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane))*dg(i,iplane) if(ii.eq.0)then c if(solthk(i,iplane).le.rtd(iplane))then sumsta = sumstb awtota = awtotb else sumsta = sumsta+st(i,iplane)*(rtd(iplane)- 1 solthk(i-1,iplane))/dg(i,iplane) awtota = awtota+(thetfc(i,iplane)-thetdr(i,iplane))* 1 (rtd(iplane)-solthk(i-1,iplane)) ii = 1 endif c endif 10 continue c c Calculate depletion level for the current rooting depth and for c all soil layers c c c correction by dcf 8/29/91 - divide by zero when awtota=0 c c if(rtd(iplane).gt.0.0001 .and. sumsta/awtota.lt.1.0)then c if(rtd(iplane).gt.0.0001 .and. awtota.gt.0.0)then if(sumsta/awtota.lt.1.0)then depla = 1.0-sumsta/awtota else depla = 0.0 endif else depla = 0.0 endif c if(awtotb.gt.0.0)then if(sumstb/awtotb.lt.1.0)then deplb = 1.0-sumstb/awtotb else deplb = 0.0 endif else deplb = 0.0 endif c c If depletion level is greater than allowable then determine c irrigation parameters c c *** M0 IF *** if(depla.ge.deplev(iplane) .or. deplb.ge.deplev(iplane))then depsev = (max(depla,deplb)-deplev(iplane))/deplev(iplane) c if(irsyst.eq.1)then c c Additional calculations for solid-set, side-roll, or hand- c move irrigation systems c iramta = (awtota-sumsta)*aprati(iplane) iramtb = (awtotb-sumstb)*aprati(iplane) else c c Additional calculations for furrow irrigation systems c iramta = (awtota-sumsta)*filrat(iplane) iramtb = (awtotb-sumstb)*filrat(iplane) endif c iramt = max(iramta,iramtb) c if(iramt.lt.irdmin)then iramt = 0.0 depsev = 0.0 elseif(irsyst.eq.1 .and. iramt.gt.irdmax)then iramt = irdmax endif c c *** M0 ELSE *** else depsev = 0.0 iramt = 0.0 c c *** M0 ENDIF *** endif c return end
Hi Welcome to the wiki! 20110825 16:05:45 nbsp Hey there. Store looks cool. Definitely a derth of thrift stores in town. This page is good for image tips, btw: http://wikispot.org/Help_with_Images Otherwise, welcome! Users/jefftolentino
subroutine Bamp_pmm(q,mc,ms,Bpmm) c--- u + g -> c + s + d (t-channel single-charm) ************************************************************************ * * * AUTHORS: R. FREDERIX AND F. TRAMONTANO * * DATE : 12/17/2008 * * * ************************************************************************ implicit none include 'constants.f' include 'zprods_com.f' include 'epinv.f' include 'stopf1inc.f' double precision q(mxpart,4),dot,cDs,gDs,cDg,mc,ms, . mc2,ms2,qsq,s,t,u,xsn,xsd,xs double complex trc,trg,trs,trsgc,zpmm,Bpmm mc2=mc**2 ms2=ms**2 cDs=dot(q,3,4)+mc2*dot(q,4,2)/2d0/dot(q,3,2) . +ms2*dot(q,3,2)/2d0/dot(q,4,2) cDg=dot(q,3,2) gDs=dot(q,4,2) qsq=mc2+ms2+2d0*cDs+2d0*cDg+2d0*gDs s=ms2+2d0*gDs t=mc2+2d0*cDg u=mc2+ms2+2d0*cDs xsn=(1d0-dsqrt(1d0-4d0*ms*mc/(u-(ms-mc)**2))) xsd=(1d0+dsqrt(1d0-4d0*ms*mc/(u-(ms-mc)**2))) xs=-xsn/xsd trg=2d0*za(5,2)*zb(2,1) trs=2d0*za(5,4)*zb(4,1)+ms**2*za(5,2)*zb(2,1)/gDs trc=2d0*za(5,3)*zb(3,1)+mc**2*za(5,2)*zb(2,1)/cDg trsgc=2d0*zb(1,4)*za(4,2)*zb(2,3)*za(3,5) zpmm=za(2,4)*za(2,3)*zb(4,3)**2 Bpmm = ms*(gDs+cDg)*(mc2*gDs**3*(cDs*(4*trc*gDs**2-2*(trsgc+mc2*t & rg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs-ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+mc2*ms2*(2*(trg-trs)*g & Ds-trsgc+3*ms2*trg)-4*trg*cDs**2*(gDs+ms2))-cDg**2*gDs*(2*cDs** & 2*(4*trc*gDs**2-2*trsgc*gDs+2*ms2*(trs+trg+3*trc)*gDs-2*ms2*trs & gc+ms2**2*trg)+ms2*cDs*(-4*trc*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*tr & c)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+mc2*ms2**2*(-2*(trs+trg)*gDs+trsg & c-ms2*trg))+2*cDg*gDs**2*(cDs*(mc2*((2*gDs+3*ms2)*(trc*gDs-ms2* & trg)+2*ms2*trs*gDs)+mc2*trg*cDs*(2*gDs+3*ms2)-4*trc*cDs*gDs*(gD & s+ms2)+4*trg*cDs**2*(gDs+ms2))+trsgc*(2*cDs**2*(gDs+ms2)-mc2*cD & s*gDs-mc2*ms2**2))+2*ms2*cDg**3*cDs*(trc*gDs*(2*gDs+3*ms2)-trsg & c*(gDs+ms2)))*tr5Xs/(cDg*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**3)/2.0d+0 Bpmm = Bpmm-mc2*ms*(gDs+cDg)*(2*mc2**2*trg*cDs*gDs**3+cDg**3*(cD & s*(-4*mc2*trs*gDs-2*ms2*trc*gDs+ms2*trsgc+3*mc2*ms2*trg)-4*trg* & cDs**3-2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*cDs**2+mc2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+2*cDg* & *2*gDs*(mc2**2*(trs*gDs-ms2*trg)+cDs**2*(2*trc*gDs-trsgc+2*mc2* & trg)+2*trg*cDs**3+mc2*trsgc*cDs)-mc2*cDg*gDs**2*(cDs*(2*trc*gDs & -trsgc+mc2*trg)+6*trg*cDs**2+mc2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+cDg**4*(4*trs & *cDs**2-2*mc2*ms2*trs))*tr5Xc/(cDg**3*(cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs)/2.0 & d+0 Bpmm = ms*(cDg**2*gDs*(2*cDs**2*(4*trc*gDs**2-2*trsgc*gDs+2*ms2*( & trs+trg+3*trc)*gDs-2*ms2*trsgc+ms2**2*trg)+ms2*cDs*(-4*trc*gDs* & *2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+mc2*m & s2**2*(-2*(trs+trg)*gDs+trsgc-ms2*trg))+mc2*gDs**3*(cDs*(-4*trc & *gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+ & mc2*ms2*(2*trs*gDs-2*trg*gDs+trsgc-3*ms2*trg)+4*trg*cDs**2*(gDs & +ms2))+2*cDg*gDs**2*(trsgc*(-2*cDs**2*(gDs+ms2)+mc2*cDs*gDs+mc2 & *ms2**2)-cDs*(mc2*((2*gDs+3*ms2)*(trc*gDs-ms2*trg)+2*ms2*trs*gD & s)+mc2*trg*cDs*(2*gDs+3*ms2)-4*trc*cDs*gDs*(gDs+ms2)+4*trg*cDs* & *2*(gDs+ms2)))+2*ms2*cDg**3*cDs*(trsgc*(gDs+ms2)-trc*gDs*(2*gDs & +3*ms2)))*tr4Xs/(cDg*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2)/2.0d+0+Bp & mm Bpmm = mc2*ms*(2*mc2**2*trg*cDs*gDs**3+cDg**3*(cDs*(-4*mc2*trs*gD & s-2*ms2*trc*gDs+ms2*trsgc+3*mc2*ms2*trg)-4*trg*cDs**3-2*(trsgc+ & ms2*trg)*cDs**2+mc2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+2*cDg**2*gDs*(mc2**2*( & trs*gDs-ms2*trg)+cDs**2*(2*trc*gDs-trsgc+2*mc2*trg)+2*trg*cDs** & 3+mc2*trsgc*cDs)-mc2*cDg*gDs**2*(cDs*(2*trc*gDs-trsgc+mc2*trg)+ & 6*trg*cDs**2+mc2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+cDg**4*(4*trs*cDs**2-2*mc2*ms & 2*trs))*tr4Xc/(cDg**2*(cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = Bpmm-ms*(-2*mc2**3*ms2*trg*gDs**3-2*cDg**2*gDs*(mc2*ms2*( & -13*(trg+trc)*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs+mc2*(trsgc+2*ms2*trg & ))+mc2*cDs*(mc2*trs*gDs+2*ms2*trc*gDs-ms2*trsgc+mc2*ms2*trg)+cD & s**2*gDs*(13*(trg+trc)*gDs-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg)))+cDg**3*(6*(2*trg & -3*trs)*(cDs**2-mc**2*ms**2)*gDs**2+2*((trsgc+ms2*trg)*cDs**2+m & c2*ms2*(-trsgc-ms2*trg+ms2*trc)+2*mc2**2*ms2*trs)*gDs+mc2*ms2*( & trsgc*cDs+ms2*trg*cDs-ms2*trsgc+mc2*ms2*trg))-2*cDg**4*(2*mc2*m & s2*(trs*gDs-ms2*trg)+2*cDs**2*(ms2*trg-trs*gDs)+mc2*ms2*trs*cDs & )+mc2*cDg*gDs**2*(2*(mc2*ms2*(trg+trc)-trg*cDs**2)*gDs+mc2*(trs & gc*cDs+5*ms2*trg*cDs-ms2*trsgc+mc2*ms2*trg)))*tr3Xs/(cDg**2*(cD & s**2-mc**2*ms**2)*gDs)/2.0d+0 Bpmm = ms*(2*cDg**2*gDs*(mc2*cDs*(8*trc*gDs**2-4*trsgc*gDs+12*ms2 & *trc*gDs-3*ms2*trsgc+ms2**2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(3*trc*gDs**2-(trsgc+1 & 3*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+cDs**2*gDs*(-7*trc*gDs+3* & trsgc+2*mc2*trg+9*ms2*trc)+2*(trs+trg)*cDs**3*gDs)-2*mc2*cDg*gD & s**2*(mc2*(4*trc*gDs**2+6*ms2*trc*gDs+trsgc*(-2*gDs-ms2)+ms2**2 & *trg)+cDs*(-8*trc*gDs**2+4*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+2*ms2* & (trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+cDs**2*(4*(trs+trg)*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg))+mc2* & gDs**3*(mc2*(-8*trc*gDs**2+(4*trsgc+4*mc2*trg-11*ms2*trc)*gDs+m & s2*(2*trsgc+6*mc2*trg+3*ms2*trc))+2*mc2*cDs*(2*(trs+trg)*gDs+tr & sgc+ms2*trg)+3*trc*cDs**2*(gDs-ms2))+4*cDg**3*(mc2*ms2*(gDs*(2* & (trs+trg)*gDs+ms2*(trg-3*trc))+trsgc*(2*gDs+ms2))-cDs**2*gDs*(2 & *(trs+trg+trc)*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg))-8*trg*cDg**4*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cD & s+mc*ms)*gDs)*tr3Xc/(cDg*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**2)/4.0d+0 & +Bpmm Bpmm = ms*(-mc2*cDg**3*gDs*(mc2*ms2*((36*trs-24*trg+5*trc)*gDs**2 & +(ms2*(2*trs-2*trg+trc)+8*mc2*trs)*gDs+2*ms2**2*(trs+trg))-cDs* & *2*(3*(12*trs-8*trg+7*trc)*gDs**2-8*trsgc*gDs+ms2*(2*trs-2*trg+ & 9*trc)*gDs+2*ms2**2*(trs+trg))-2*mc2*ms2*cDs*(4*(-trs-trg+trc)* & gDs-3*trsgc+ms2*(trs+3*trg))+2*(ms2*(trs+3*trg)-3*trsgc)*cDs**3 & )+2*cDg**4*(mc2**2*ms2*(8*trs*gDs**2-(trsgc+ms2*(trs+7*trg+2*tr & c))*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trs))+mc2*cDs**2*(ms2*(trs*gDs+7*trg*gDs & -trsgc)+gDs*(trsgc-8*trs*gDs)-ms2**2*(trs+3*trc))+cDs**4*(2*(tr & s+trg)*gDs+3*ms2*trc)+mc2*ms2*cDs*gDs*(3*trc*gDs-trsgc+2*mc2*tr & s-2*mc2*trg-11*ms2*trc)+cDs**3*gDs*(-7*trc*gDs+3*trsgc+2*mc2*tr & g+9*ms2*trc))+mc2*cDg**2*gDs**2*(cDs**2*(52*(trg+trc)*gDs**2+(- & 8*trsgc+ms2*(2*trs-trg+trc)+4*mc2*trs-8*mc2*trg)*gDs-2*(3*mc2*t & rsgc+ms2**2*(trs+trg)-mc2*ms2*trs))+mc2*ms2*(-52*(trg+trc)*gDs* & *2+(8*trsgc+ms2*(-2*trs+trg-trc)-4*mc2*(trc-3*trg))*gDs+2*(3*mc & 2*trsgc+ms2**2*(trs+trg)-mc2*ms2*trs))-mc2*cDs*(8*trc*gDs**2+(5 & *ms2*trc-4*(trsgc+mc2*trs))*gDs+ms2**2*(2*(trs+trg)+3*trc))+cDs & **3*(trc*gDs+ms2*(2*(trs+trg)+3*trc)))+2*mc2*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+m & c*ms)*gDs**3*(trs*(cDs+ms2)*(4*gDs**2+ms2*(4*(gDs+cDs)-mc2)+8*c & Ds*gDs-2*mc2*gDs+4*cDs**2-2*mc2*cDs+ms2**2+mc2**2)+ms2*(trg+trc & )*gDs*(2*gDs+2*cDs+ms2-mc2))-2*cDg**5*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*( & cDs*(2*(trs+trg+2*trc)*gDs+2*trsgc+2*ms2*trg-3*ms2*trc)+gDs*(7* & trc*gDs-3*trsgc-2*mc2*trg-9*ms2*trc))+2*mc2*cDg*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cD & s+mc*ms)*gDs**3*((ms2*(4*trs+trg+trc)+2*mc2*trg)*gDs+2*(2*ms2+m & c2)*trs*cDs+3*ms2*(trg+trc)*cDs+(2*ms2**2+mc2**2)*trs)-4*cDg**6 & *(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*(2*(trs+trg+trc)*gDs+2*trg*cDs+trsgc+m & s2*trg)-8*trg*cDg**7*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms))*lVs/(mc2*cDg**3*( & mc2*ms2-cDs**2)*gDs**2)/8.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = (-2*cDg**4*(cDs**2*(4*trs*gDs**3+ms2*(6*trc-5*trg)*gDs**2- & ms2*(3*trsgc+2*mc2*(trs+trg)+ms2*(2*trg+13*trc))*gDs+ms2**2*(2* & trsgc-mc2*(trs+trg+3*trc)))+mc2*ms2*(-4*trs*gDs**3+ms2*(5*trg-2 & *trc)*gDs**2+ms2*(trsgc+2*ms2*trg+2*mc2*trg+15*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2 & **2*(mc2*(trs+trg)-2*trsgc))+cDs**3*gDs*(4*trs*gDs+ms2*(3*trc-2 & *(trs+5*trg)))-mc2*ms2*cDs*gDs*(4*trs*gDs+ms2*(trc-8*trg))+3*ms & 2*trc*cDs**4)-2*cDg**3*gDs*(cDs**2*(6*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**3+2*(t & rsgc-4*mc2*trs+ms2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(5*trs+6*trg-4*trc)*gDs+ & mc2*ms2**2*(trs+trg))-mc2*ms2*(6*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**3+2*(trsgc- & 4*mc2*trs+ms2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(trs+2*trg)*gDs+mc2*ms2**2*(t & rs+trg))+cDs**3*(6*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**2+(-2*trsgc+6*ms2*trg+8*m & s2*trc)*gDs-ms2*(4*trsgc+mc2*trs+2*mc2*trg))+mc2*ms2*cDs*(-2*(- & 9*trs+6*trg+4*trc)*gDs**2+(6*trsgc+4*mc2*trs-6*ms2*(trg+2*trc)) & *gDs+ms2*(4*trsgc+mc2*(trs+2*trg))))+cDg**2*gDs**2*(cDs**2*(52* & (trg+trc)*gDs**3-8*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*(-8*trsgc+8*mc2*t & rs+ms2*(-2*trs+trg+10*trc))*gDs-mc2*ms2*(4*trsgc+ms2*(3*trc-2*( & trs+trg))+2*mc2*(trs+trg)))+mc2*ms2*(-52*(trg+trc)*gDs**3+8*(tr & sgc+mc2*(trg-trc))*gDs**2-mc2*(4*(mc2*trs-3*trsgc)+ms2*(-2*trs+ & trg+14*trc))*gDs+mc2*ms2*(4*trsgc+ms2*(3*trc-2*(trs+trg))+2*mc2 & *(trs+trg)))+cDs**3*(52*(trg+trc)*gDs**2-8*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs- & 2*mc2*ms2*(trs+trg+3*trc))+2*mc2*ms2*cDs*(-26*(trg+trc)*gDs**2+ & (4*trsgc+2*mc2*(trs+3*trg-trc))*gDs+mc2*ms2*(trs+trg+3*trc)))-2 & *mc2*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**3*(trs*(cDs+ms2)*(4*gDs**2+ms & 2*(4*(gDs+cDs)-mc2)+8*cDs*gDs-2*mc2*gDs+4*cDs**2-2*mc2*cDs+ms2* & *2+mc2**2)+ms2*(trg+trc)*gDs*(2*gDs+2*cDs+ms2-mc2))-2*mc2*cDg*( & cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**3*(-2*trg*gDs**2+cDs*(-2*trg*gDs+ms & 2*(4*trs+3*(trg+trc))+2*mc2*trs)+ms2*(4*trs+trg+trc)*gDs+mc2*tr & sgc+2*ms2**2*trs+mc2*ms2*trg)+2*ms2*cDg**5*(mc2*ms2-cDs**2)*(2* & (3*trs*gDs+2*(trg+trc)*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg)+3*trc*cDs)+8*ms2*trg* & cDg**6*(mc2*ms2-cDs**2))*lVc/(cDg**3*(mc2*ms*ms2-ms*cDs**2)*gDs & **2)/8.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = xs*cDs*(2*trc*cDg*gDs-mc2*trg*gDs-trsgc*cDg)*(mc2*gDs**2-2 & *cDg*cDs*gDs+ms2*cDg**2)*lRcs/(mc*(xs**2-1)*cDg**2*gDs**2)+Bpm & m Bpmm = (mc2*cDg**4*(-288*trs*gDs**6-2*cDs*(320*trs*gDs**5-4*ms2*( & -68*trs+88*trg+199*trc)*gDs**4-2*ms2*(-180*trsgc+mc2*(2*trs-132 & *trg+51*trc)-34*ms2*trs+24*ms2*trg+298*ms2*trc)*gDs**3+ms2**2*( & 252*trsgc+6*ms2*trs+mc2*(-66*trs+104*trg-123*trc)+64*ms2*trg-90 & *ms2*trc)*gDs**2-2*ms2**2*(mc2*(9*trsgc+2*ms2*(8*(trs+trg)+9*tr & c))-18*ms2*trsgc)*gDs-9*mc2*ms2**3*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+16*ms2*(-17 & 5*trs+132*trg+6*trc)*gDs**5+2*ms2*(144*trsgc-652*ms2*trs-4*mc2* & trs+756*ms2*trg+2*mc2*trg+186*ms2*trc+153*mc2*trc)*gDs**4-ms2*( & mc2*(216*trsgc+104*ms2*trs+854*ms2*trg+785*ms2*trc)-12*ms2**2*( & 3*trs+21*trg+14*trc)+144*mc2**2*trg)*gDs**3-6*cDs**2*gDs*(2*gDs & +ms2)*(24*trs*gDs**2+ms2*(24*(trs+trg)+13*trc)*gDs+ms2*(-3*trsg & c+6*ms2*trg+3*mc2*(trc-2*trg)-22*ms2*trc))-ms2**2*(mc2*(144*trs & gc+ms2*(50*trs+500*trg+937*trc))-12*ms2*(ms2*(trs+trg)-6*trsgc) & +4*mc2**2*(5*trs+23*trg))*gDs**2+36*ms2*(trs+trg)*cDs**3*gDs*(2 & *gDs+ms2)-2*mc2*ms2**3*(-9*trsgc+3*ms2*(trs+7*trg+39*trc)+5*mc2 & *trs-13*mc2*trg)*gDs+18*mc2*ms2**4*(trsgc+mc2*trg))-2*mc2*cDg** & 3*gDs*(216*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**6+cDs*(432*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**5+8 & *(ms2*(-81*trs+104*trg+50*trc)-28*mc2*trs)*gDs**4-2*ms2*(72*trs & gc+mc2*(10*trs+274*trg+229*trc)+6*ms2*trs-94*ms2*trg-85*ms2*trc & )*gDs**3-ms2*(6*ms2*(12*trsgc+ms2*(trs+trg+3*trc))+mc2*(ms2*(-5 & 2*trs+210*trg+319*trc)-180*trsgc)+mc2**2*(26*trs-92*trg))*gDs** & 2+mc2*ms2**2*(126*trsgc+ms2*(3*trs+32*trg-45*trc)-13*mc2*trs+82 & *mc2*trg)*gDs+18*mc2*ms2**3*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+4*(18*(trsgc-3*mc2 & *trs)+ms2*(-81*trs+536*trg+464*trc))*gDs**5+2*ms2*(-126*trsgc+m & c2*(656*trs-611*trg+217*trc)-6*ms2*trs+485*ms2*trg+461*ms2*trc) & *gDs**4+cDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2)*(108*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**3-3*(12*(trs & gc-mc2*trs)+ms2*(12*trg+trc))*gDs**2+ms2*(19*ms2*trc-12*mc2*(tr & c-3*(trs+trg)))*gDs+9*mc2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+ms2*(-3*ms2*(48* & trsgc+ms2*(-2*trs-5*trg+trc))+mc2*(ms2*(680*trs-1001*trg+154*tr & c)-396*trsgc)+6*mc2**2*(29*trs-16*trg+12*trc))*gDs**3+ms2*(-3*m & c2*ms2*(54*trsgc+7*ms2*trs+67*ms2*trg+29*ms2*trc)+mc2**2*(18*tr & sgc+109*ms2*trs+100*ms2*trg+72*ms2*trc)+6*ms2**3*(trs+trg))*gDs & **2+8*ms2*trc*cDs**3*gDs*(2*gDs+ms2)+mc2*ms2**2*(mc2*(27*trsgc+ & ms2*(11*trs+92*trg+18*trc))-3*ms2*(ms2*(trs+trg+9*trc)-6*trsgc) & )*gDs+9*mc2**2*ms2**3*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+mc2*cDg**2*gDs**2*((2*gD & s+ms2)*(936*(trg+trc)*gDs**5-36*(4*trsgc-9*mc2*trs+10*mc2*trg)* & gDs**4+4*(-mc2*(45*trsgc+12*ms2*trs+506*ms2*trg+425*ms2*trc)+3* & ms2**2*(4*trs+trg+trc)+72*mc2**2*trs)*gDs**3+ms2*(3*mc2*(72*trs & gc+ms2*(-6*trs-trg+trc))+24*ms2**2*trs+mc2**2*(-462*trs+419*trg & -229*trc))*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(3*mc2*(78*trsgc+4*ms2*trs+70*ms2*trg & -3*ms2*trc)-6*ms2**2*(trs+trg)+mc2**2*(46*trg-62*trs))*gDs+27*m & c2**2*ms2**3*trc)+2*cDs*gDs*(1872*(trg+trc)*gDs**4+72*(-4*trsgc & +9*mc2*trs+13*ms2*(trg+trc)-10*mc2*trg)*gDs**3+4*(-mc2*(36*trsg & c+ms2*(-75*trs+245*trg+119*trc))-36*ms2*trsgc+3*ms2**2*(4*trs+3 & *(trg+trc))+108*mc2**2*trs)*gDs**2+ms2*(mc2*(72*trsgc-ms2*(6*tr & s+304*trg+223*trc))+6*mc2**2*(33*trs+43*trg+5*trc)+6*ms2**2*(4* & trs+3*(trg+trc)))*gDs+3*mc2*ms2**2*(24*trsgc+ms2*(trs+trg+3*trc & )+mc2*(-3*trs+43*trg+5*trc)))+cDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2)*(936*(trg+trc) & *gDs**3-36*(4*trsgc-9*mc2*trs+10*mc2*trg)*gDs**2+3*mc2*(12*trsg & c+ms2*(12*trg+trc))*gDs-19*mc2*ms2**2*trc)-8*mc2*ms2*trc*cDs**3 & *(2*gDs+ms2))+2*ms2*cDg**5*(mc2*(6*(32*trs+101*trc)*gDs**4+(-14 & 4*trsgc+8*mc2*(9*trs+19*trc)+84*ms2*trs-264*ms2*trg-491*ms2*trc & )*gDs**3+(2*mc2*(45*trsgc+62*ms2*trs+107*ms2*trg+46*ms2*trc)-ms & 2*(36*trsgc+6*ms2*trs+132*ms2*trg+865*ms2*trc))*gDs**2+ms2*(mc2 & *(99*trsgc+ms2*(28*trs+181*trg-12*trc))-6*ms2*(ms2*(trs+trg+39* & trc)-9*trsgc))*gDs+ms2**2*(mc2*(27*trsgc-8*ms2*trs+37*ms2*trg-1 & 0*ms2*trc)+18*ms2*trsgc))+cDs*(-4*(4*mc2*(6*trs+10*trg+3*trc)-9 & *ms2*trc)*gDs**3+2*mc2*(54*trsgc+40*ms2*trs+60*ms2*trg-9*mc2*(t & rc-4*trg)+207*ms2*trc)*gDs**2+mc2*ms2*(90*trsgc+64*ms2*trs+136* & ms2*trg-9*mc2*(trc-4*trg)+219*ms2*trc)*gDs+18*mc2*ms2**2*(trsgc & +ms2*trg))-6*cDs**2*(2*gDs+ms2)*(21*trc*gDs**2+(-9*trsgc-6*mc2* & trg-22*ms2*trc+9*mc2*trc)*gDs+3*mc2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+36*(trs+tr & g)*cDs**3*gDs*(2*gDs+ms2))+2*mc2*cDg*gDs**3*(2*gDs+ms2)*(18*mc2 & *(15*trg+13*trc)*gDs**4+cDs*(12*(2*ms2*trs+mc2*(-2*trs+45*trg+3 & 9*trc))*gDs**3-12*(mc2*(6*trsgc+ms2*(7*trs+trg+trc))-ms2**2*(6* & trs+trg+trc)+mc2**2*(6*trg-trs))*gDs**2+(-3*mc2**2*(18*trsgc-6* & ms2*trs+41*ms2*trg+23*ms2*trc)+30*ms2**3*trs+70*mc2**3*trs+9*mc & 2*ms2**2*(-4*trs+trg+trc))*gDs+18*mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))-1 & 2*(mc2*(3*trsgc+ms2*(2*trs+trg+trc))-ms2**2*(2*trs+trg+trc)+3*m & c2**2*trg)*gDs**3+3*(-3*mc2**2*(6*trsgc+29*ms2*trg+15*ms2*trc)+ & 2*ms2**3*(4*trs+trg+trc)+12*mc2**3*trs+mc2*ms2**2*(-8*trs-3*(tr & g+trc)))*gDs**2+6*cDs**2*gDs*((8*ms2*trs+mc2*(-8*trs+45*trg+39* & trc))*gDs-2*mc2*(3*trsgc+5*ms2*trs)+mc2**2*(2*trs-6*trg)+8*ms2* & *2*trs)-24*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*trs*cDs**3*gDs+ms2*(6*ms2**3-6*mc2*m & s2**2+6*mc2**2*ms2-43*mc2**3)*trs*gDs+18*mc2**3*ms2*(trsgc+ms2* & trg))+2*mc2**2*gDs**4*(2*gDs+ms2)*(18*mc2*trg*gDs**3+12*(ms2*tr & s-mc2*trs+3*mc2*trg)*cDs*gDs**2+6*ms2*(ms2-mc2)*(2*trs+trg+trc) & *gDs**2+6*cDs**2*(3*mc2*trg*gDs+(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*trs*(-4*gDs-4*m & s2+mc2))-9*mc2**2*trsgc*(gDs+cDs+ms2)+6*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*(mc2*tr & s-ms2*(6*trs+trg+trc))*cDs*gDs+mc2**2*ms2*(6*trs+2*trg+29*trc)* & gDs+3*ms2**3*(4*trs+trg+trc)*gDs-6*mc2*ms2**2*(3*trs+trg+trc)*g & Ds-12*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*trs*cDs**3+15*ms2**3*trs*cDs-24*mc2*ms2** & 2*trs*cDs+5*mc2**3*trs*cDs-3*mc2**2*ms2*(3*trg-4*trs)*cDs-mc2** & 3*ms2*(11*trs+9*trg)+3*ms2**4*trs-6*mc2*ms2**3*trs+6*mc2**2*ms2 & **2*trs)-2*ms2*cDg**6*(2*gDs+ms2)*(-mc2*((72*(trs+2*trg)+89*trc & )*gDs**2+(117*trsgc+ms2*(108*trs+234*trg+97*trc)+90*mc2*trg)*gD & s+2*ms2*(27*trsgc-8*ms2*trs+19*ms2*trg+18*mc2*trg-10*ms2*trc))+ & 6*cDs*(42*trc*gDs**2+(-18*trsgc+3*mc2*(3*trs-trg+5*trc)-49*ms2* & trc)*gDs+6*mc2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+36*cDs**2*(2*trc*gDs+trsgc+(ms2 & +mc2)*trg))-36*ms2*cDg**7*(2*gDs+ms2)*(7*trc*gDs**2+cDs*((6*(tr & s+trg)+8*trc)*gDs+4*(trsgc+(ms2+mc2)*trg))+(2*mc2*(trs-4*trg+tr & c)-3*(trsgc+3*ms2*trc))*gDs+4*trg*cDs**2+mc2*(trsgc-3*ms2*trg)) & -72*ms2*cDg**8*(2*gDs+ms2)*(2*(trs+trg+trc)*gDs+trg*(4*cDs+ms2+ & mc2)+trsgc)-144*ms2*trg*cDg**9*(2*gDs+ms2))/(mc2*ms*cDg**3*(2*c & Dg+mc2)*gDs**3*(2*gDs+ms2))/2.4d+1+Bpmm Bpmm = B0cgsf*(cDg**4*(-2*mc2*(4*trs*gDs**4+ms2*(3*trs-5*trg-11*t & rc)*gDs**3+ms2*(2*mc2*(trs+trg)+ms2*(trs+5*trc))*gDs**2+ms2**2* & (2*trsgc+ms2*(trs+13*trc))*gDs-ms2**3*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+cDs*(-2* & (4*mc2*trs+7*ms2*trc)*gDs**3+ms2*(6*(trsgc+3*ms2*trc)+mc2*(-16* & trs+16*trg+7*trc))*gDs**2+4*mc2*ms2**2*(2*trs+3*trg+2*trc)*gDs+ & 2*mc2*ms2**2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+2*ms2*cDs**2*gDs*((2*(trs+trg)-7* & trc)*gDs+3*trsgc+2*mc2*trg+9*ms2*trc-3*mc2*trc)+4*ms2*(trs+trg) & *cDs**3*gDs)+mc2*cDg**2*gDs**2*(4*(9*trs+7*trg+13*trc)*gDs**4-( & 12*trsgc-16*mc2*trs+55*ms2*trg+8*mc2*trg+51*ms2*trc)*gDs**3+cDs & *gDs*(4*(18*trs+trg+13*trc)*gDs**2-(8*(trsgc+mc2*(trg-3*trs))+m & s2*(23*trg+22*trc))*gDs+ms2*(8*trsgc+ms2*(2*(trs+trg)+3*trc)-4* & mc2*trs+12*mc2*trg))+(-mc2*(8*trsgc+ms2*(40*trs-24*trg+7*trc))+ & ms2*(8*trsgc+ms2*(2*trs-trg+trc))+8*mc2**2*trs)*gDs**2+cDs**2*( & 4*gDs*(9*trs*gDs-6*trg*gDs+trsgc)+4*ms2*trg*gDs-2*ms2**2*trc)-2 & *ms2*(2*mc2*(ms2*(-trs-3*trg+trc)-2*trsgc)+ms2**2*(trs+trg)+4*m & c2**2*trs)*gDs-ms2*trc*cDs**3+3*mc2*ms2**3*trc)+mc2*cDg**3*gDs* & (-4*(6*trg-7*trs)*gDs**4-2*cDs*(2*(6*trg-5*trs)*gDs**3-(2*trsgc & -5*ms2*trs+11*ms2*trg+6*ms2*trc)*gDs**2-ms2*(trsgc-ms2*trs+2*mc & 2*trs-2*ms2*trg+5*ms2*trc)*gDs+2*ms2**2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+(-4*tr & sgc+16*mc2*trs+ms2*(-38*trs+31*trg+8*trc))*gDs**3-cDs**2*(8*trs & *gDs**2+ms2*(8*trs-8*trg-3*trc)*gDs+2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+ms2* & (8*trsgc+2*ms2*trs-4*mc2*(trg+2*trc)+10*ms2*trg+9*ms2*trc)*gDs* & *2+2*ms2*(mc2*(trsgc-ms2*(2*trs+9*trg+2*trc))+ms2**2*(trs+trg)) & *gDs-2*mc2*ms2**2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+2*mc2*cDg*gDs**3*(26*(trg+tr & c)*gDs**4+cDs*(52*(trg+trc)*gDs**3-2*(4*trsgc+3*mc2*trg)*gDs**2 & +(-2*mc2*(2*trsgc+ms2*(trs+7*trg+5*trc))+ms2**2*(4*trs+3*(trg+t & rc))+6*mc2**2*trs)*gDs+2*mc2*ms2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))-2*(2*trsgc+mc & 2*trg)*gDs**3+(-2*mc2*(2*trsgc+ms2*(2*trs+14*trg+11*trc))+ms2** & 2*(4*trs+trg+trc)+4*mc2**2*trs)*gDs**2+2*cDs**2*gDs*(13*(trg+tr & c)*gDs-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+(2*mc2*ms2*(trsgc-ms2*trs)+mc2**2*(ms & 2*(trg-2*trs)-trsgc)+2*ms2**3*trs)*gDs+2*mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2* & trg))+2*mc2*gDs**4*(2*mc2*trg*gDs**3+4*(ms2*trs+mc2*(trg-trs))* & cDs*gDs**2+2*ms2*(ms2-mc2)*(2*trs+trg+trc)*gDs**2+2*cDs**2*(mc2 & *trg*gDs+(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*trs*(-4*gDs-4*ms2+mc2))-mc2**2*trsgc*( & gDs+cDs+ms2)+2*(mc-ms)*(ms+mc)*(mc2*trs-ms2*(6*trs+trg+trc))*cD & s*gDs+ms2**3*(4*trs+trg+trc)*gDs-2*mc2*ms2**2*(3*trs+trg+trc)*g & Ds+mc2**2*ms2*(2*trs+trg+4*trc)*gDs+4*(ms2-mc2)*trs*cDs**3+5*ms & 2**3*trs*cDs-8*mc2*ms2**2*trs*cDs-mc2**2*ms2*(trg-4*trs)*cDs-mc & 2**3*ms2*(2*trs+trg)+ms2**4*trs-2*mc2*ms2**3*trs+2*mc2**2*ms2** & 2*trs)+ms2*cDg**5*(-14*trc*gDs**3+(6*(trsgc+3*ms2*trc)+mc2*(-4* & trs+12*trg+9*trc))*gDs**2-2*cDs*gDs*(2*(trs+trg+9*trc)*gDs-4*tr & sgc+2*ms2*trg-4*mc2*trg-18*ms2*trc+3*mc2*trc)-4*cDs**2*(2*trc*g & Ds+trsgc+ms2*trg)+2*mc2*(3*trsgc+ms2*(6*trs+11*trg+trc))*gDs-2* & mc2*ms2*(ms2*(trs-2*trg+trc)-3*trsgc))-2*ms2*cDg**6*((4*(trs+tr & g)+11*trc)*gDs**2+2*cDs*((3*trs+5*trg+4*trc)*gDs+2*(trsgc+ms2*t & rg))-(trsgc-2*ms2*trg+6*mc2*trg+9*ms2*trc)*gDs+4*trg*cDs**2-4*m & c2*ms2*trg)-4*ms2*cDg**7*(2*(trs+2*trg+trc)*gDs+4*trg*cDs+trsgc & +ms2*trg)-8*ms2*trg*cDg**8)/(mc2*ms*cDg**3*gDs**3)/8.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = tr3s00ft*(cDg**2*(12*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**4+cDs*(24*(2*trg-3 & *trs)*gDs**3+37*ms2*(trg+trc)*gDs**2-2*ms2*(4*trsgc-9*mc2*trs+8 & *mc2*trg)*gDs+2*mc2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+(4*trsgc-16*mc2*trs+10 & 5*ms2*trg+101*ms2*trc)*gDs**3+2*ms2*(mc2*(27*trs-19*trg+trc)-8* & trsgc)*gDs**2+4*cDs**2*gDs*(-9*trs*gDs+6*trg*gDs-trsgc-ms2*trg) & +2*mc2*ms2*(-7*trsgc+4*mc2*trs-7*ms2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+2*mc2*m & s2**2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))-2*cDg*gDs*(26*(trg+trc)*gDs**4+cDs*(52*( & trg+trc)*gDs**3-8*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*(-4*trsgc+2*mc2*tr & s-17*ms2*trg-13*ms2*trc)*gDs+2*mc2*ms2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))-4*(trsg & c+mc2*trg)*gDs**3+mc2*(-4*trsgc+4*mc2*trs-27*ms2*trg-19*ms2*trc & )*gDs**2+2*cDs**2*gDs*(13*(trg+trc)*gDs-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+mc2* & ms2*(2*trsgc-9*mc2*trs+mc2*trg)*gDs+2*mc2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg & ))+cDg**3*(8*trs*gDs**3+2*cDs*(16*trs*gDs**2+ms2*(15*trs-4*trg+ & 4*trc)*gDs+ms2*(4*trsgc-2*mc2*trs+5*ms2*trg+3*ms2*trc))+ms2*(78 & *trs-59*trg-3*trc)*gDs**2+8*trs*cDs**2*gDs-2*ms2*(4*trsgc-7*mc2 & *trs+6*ms2*trg+4*ms2*trc)*gDs+2*ms2**2*(2*trsgc+5*mc2*trg))+2*m & c2*gDs**2*(-2*trg*gDs**3-4*trg*cDs*gDs**2+(mc2*(trsgc-2*ms2*trg & -5*ms2*trc)-2*trg*cDs**2)*gDs+mc2*((trsgc+ms2*trg)*cDs+ms2*(trs & gc+3*mc2*trs+mc2*trg)))+2*ms2*cDg**4*(-5*trs*gDs-4*trs*cDs+7*ms & 2*trg+ms2*trc))/(ms*cDg**3*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = lc*(cDg**2*(52*(trg+trc)*gDs**4+2*cDs*(26*(trg+trc)*gDs**3 & +(-4*trsgc+9*mc2*trs-10*mc2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*(trsgc-7*ms2*trg)*g & Ds+2*mc2**2*ms2*trg)-2*(4*trsgc-9*mc2*trs+10*mc2*trg)*gDs**3+2* & mc2*(-5*trsgc+8*mc2*trs-ms2*trg)*gDs**2-6*mc2**2*ms2*trg*gDs+mc & 2**2*ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))-2*cDg**3*(6*(2*trg-3*trs)*gDs**3+2*(t & rg*(6*cDs+ms2)-3*trs*(3*cDs+mc2)+trsgc)*gDs**2-(mc2*(ms2*(trg+t & rc)-2*trs*cDs)+2*(trsgc-3*ms2*trg)*cDs)*gDs+mc2*ms2*(-2*trg*(4* & cDs+ms2)-trsgc+mc2*trs))+2*mc2*cDg*gDs*((15*trg+13*trc)*gDs**3+ & cDs*((15*trg+13*trc)*gDs**2-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs-2*mc2*ms2*trg & )-2*(trsgc+mc2*trg)*gDs**2+mc2*(-3*trsgc+2*mc2*trs+ms2*trg)*gDs & -mc2**2*ms2*trg)+mc2**2*gDs**2*(2*trg*gDs**2+2*trg*cDs*gDs-mc2* & trsgc+mc2*ms2*trg)+2*cDg**4*(ms2*((5*trg+trc)*gDs+2*trg*(4*cDs+ & ms2))-trs*(4*gDs*(gDs+cDs)+3*mc2*ms2))-4*ms2*trs*cDg**5)/(ms*cD & g*(2*cDg+mc2)**2*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = LsB2*ms*(2*mc2**3*trg*cDs*gDs**4+mc2*cDg**2*gDs**2*(mc2*(2 & *(mc2*trs+ms2*trc)*gDs-ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg))+cDs**2*(4*trc*gDs & -2*trsgc+6*mc2*trg)+12*trg*cDs**3+3*mc2*(trsgc-ms2*trg)*cDs)+cD & g**3*gDs*(3*mc2*cDs*(ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2*trg)-2*(mc2*trs+ms2*trc)* & gDs)-8*trg*cDs**4-12*mc2*trg*cDs**3+2*mc2*(ms2*trg-3*trsgc)*cDs & **2+mc2**2*ms2*(3*trsgc+ms2*trg))-mc2**2*cDg*gDs**3*(cDs*(2*trc & *gDs-trsgc+mc2*trg)+8*trg*cDs**2+mc2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+cDg**4*(2 & *mc2*(6*trs*cDs**2-3*mc2*ms2*trs+ms2**2*trc)*gDs+8*trg*cDs**4+4 & *(trsgc+ms2*trg)*cDs**3-8*mc2*ms2*trg*cDs**2-3*mc2*ms2*(trsgc+m & s2*trg)*cDs+mc2*ms2**2*(mc2*trg-trsgc))+cDg**5*(6*mc2*ms2*trs*c & Ds-8*trs*cDs**3))/(cDg**3*(cDs**2-mc2*ms2)*gDs)+Bpmm Bpmm = Bpmm-ls*ms*(-2*cDg**2*(mc2*(-8*trs*gDs**3+2*(trsgc-2*ms2* & trs+ms2*trg)*gDs**2+ms2*(3*trsgc-2*ms2*trs-3*ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2** & 2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+cDs*gDs*(-14*trc*gDs**2+(6*trsgc+4*mc2*trg+5 & *ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(3*trsgc+2*mc2*trg+9*ms2*trc))+2*(trs+trg)*cD & s**2*gDs*(2*gDs+ms2))-mc2*cDg*gDs*(10*trc*gDs**3+(8*(-2*trs*cDs & +4*trg*cDs+trsgc)+ms2*trc)*gDs**2+(4*ms2*(-2*trs*cDs+11*trg*cDs & +3*trsgc)-4*trsgc*cDs-3*ms2**2*trc)*gDs+2*ms2*(-trsgc*cDs+7*ms2 & *trg*cDs+2*ms2*trsgc))+mc2*gDs**2*(trc*cDs*(-2*gDs**2+3*ms2*gDs & +3*ms2**2)+2*mc2*(2*gDs+ms2)*(-2*trs*gDs+4*trg*gDs-trsgc+3*ms2* & trg))+2*cDg**3*(2*gDs+ms2)*(2*cDs*((trs+trg+2*trc)*gDs+trsgc+ms & 2*trg)+gDs*(7*trc*gDs-3*trsgc-2*mc2*trg-9*ms2*trc))+4*cDg**4*(2 & *gDs+ms2)*(2*(trs+trg+trc)*gDs+2*trg*cDs+trsgc+ms2*trg)+8*trg*c & Dg**5*(2*gDs+ms2))/(mc2*cDg*gDs*(2*gDs+ms2)**2)/4.0d+0 Bpmm = ms*tr3c00fs*(-2*cDg**2*(mc2*(17*trc*gDs**3-2*(2*trsgc+2*mc & 2*trg+9*ms2*trc)*gDs**2-13*ms2**2*trc*gDs+ms2**2*(trsgc+mc2*trg & ))+mc2*cDs*(4*(trg+2*trc)*gDs**2+2*ms2*(6*trs+7*trg+2*trc)*gDs+ & ms2*(trsgc+ms2*trg))+cDs**2*gDs*(-7*trc*gDs+3*trsgc+2*mc2*trg)+ & 2*(trs+trg)*cDs**3*gDs)+2*cDg**3*(-mc2*(4*(trs+2*trg+2*trc)*gDs & **2+(5*trsgc+6*ms2*trs+13*ms2*trg)*gDs+ms2*(3*trsgc-3*ms2*trs-2 & *ms2*trc))+cDs*gDs*(14*trc*gDs-6*trsgc-4*mc2*trg-9*ms2*trc)+2*c & Ds**2*(2*trc*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg))+2*mc2*cDg*gDs*(mc2*(4*(trg+trc & )*gDs**2+(trsgc+3*ms2*trs+6*ms2*trg+2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+m & s2*trg))+cDs*(-17*trc*gDs**2+4*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+2* & ms2*(trsgc+mc2*trg))+cDs**2*(4*(trs+trg)*gDs+trsgc+ms2*trg))+mc & 2**2*gDs**2*(20*trc*gDs**2+(5*ms2*trc-2*(2*(trs+trg)*cDs+trsgc+ & 2*mc2*trg))*gDs-2*ms2*(trg*(cDs+mc2)+trsgc)-2*trsgc*cDs-3*ms2** & 2*trc)+2*cDg**4*(7*trc*gDs**2+cDs*((6*(trs+trg)+8*trc)*gDs+4*(t & rsgc+ms2*trg))-(3*trsgc+10*mc2*trg+9*ms2*trc)*gDs+4*trg*cDs**2- & 4*mc2*ms2*trg)+4*cDg**5*(2*(trs+trg+trc)*gDs+4*trg*cDs+trsgc+ms & 2*trg)+8*trg*cDg**6)/(mc2*cDg*gDs**3)/2.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = BfunX*(-ms2*cDg**4*gDs*(mc2*((2*(trs+trg)+3*trc)*gDs**2+ms & 2*(2*(trs+trg)+trc)*gDs-2*ms2**2*(trs+trg))+cDs*(12*trc*gDs**2+ & mc2*(4*trs+9*trc)*gDs+4*mc2*ms2*(trs+trg))+6*trc*cDs**2*(4*gDs+ & mc2)+12*trc*cDs**3)-mc2*ms2*cDg**2*gDs**2*(gDs*((20*trs+3*trg+7 & *trc)*gDs**2+ms2*(6*trs-5*trg+trc)*gDs-2*ms2**2*(trs+trg))+cDs* & *2*((4*(trs+trg)+11*trc)*gDs+ms2*trc)+cDs*gDs*(24*trs*gDs+7*trg & *gDs+17*trc*gDs-2*ms2*trs-2*ms2*trg+6*ms2*trc)+trc*cDs**3)-ms2* & cDg**5*(-mc2*(trc*gDs**2+2*ms2*(2*(trs+trg)+trc)*gDs+2*ms2**2*( & trs+trg+trc))+6*trc*cDs*gDs*(4*gDs+mc2)+24*trc*cDs**2*gDs)-mc2* & ms2*cDg**3*gDs**2*((6*trs+trg+7*trc)*gDs**2+2*cDs*((trs-trg+5*t & rc)*gDs+ms2*(trs-trg))+2*ms2*(trs+trg+2*trc)*gDs-(4*trs+8*trg+3 & *trc)*cDs**2+2*ms2**2*(trs+trg))-2*mc2*cDg*gDs**4*(2*(gDs+cDs)+ & ms2)*(2*trs*(cDs+2*ms2)*(2*(gDs+cDs)+ms2)+3*ms2*(trg+trc)*(gDs+ & cDs))-2*mc2*gDs**4*(2*(gDs+cDs)+ms2)**2*(trs*(cDs+ms2)*(2*(gDs+ & cDs)+ms2)+ms2*(trg+trc)*gDs)-12*ms2*trc*cDg**6*cDs*gDs)/(mc2*ms & *cDg**3*gDs**3)/8.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = Bpmm-LsB1*ms*(cDg**2*gDs**2*(mc2*cDs*(12*trc*gDs**2+2*(-3 & *trsgc+3*ms2*trs-ms2*trg+5*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc-5*ms2*trg))+ & 4*cDs**2*(-2*trc*gDs**2+(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsg & c+2*mc2*trg))+mc2*ms2*(-4*trc*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc & )*gDs+ms2*(mc2*trg-trsgc))+cDs**3*(8*(trg+trc)*gDs-4*trsgc+8*ms & 2*trg))-cDg**3*gDs*(2*cDs**2*(4*trc*gDs**2-2*trsgc*gDs+2*ms2*(t & rs+trg+4*trc)*gDs-3*ms2*trsgc+ms2**2*trg)+mc2*ms2*(4*trc*gDs**2 & +2*(ms2*(-trs-trg+trc)-trsgc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc-ms2*trg))+ms2*cDs* & (-4*trc*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc+3*mc2 & *trg)))-mc2*cDg*gDs**3*(mc2*(4*trc*gDs**2+2*(ms2*(3*trs-trg+trc & )-trsgc)*gDs+ms2*(trsgc-5*ms2*trg))+cDs*(-12*trc*gDs**2+6*(trsg & c+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+ms2*(3*trsgc+5*mc2*trg))+4*cDs**2*(2*t & rg*(gDs+ms2)+trc*gDs)+4*trg*cDs**3)+mc2*gDs**4*(-4*mc2*trc*gDs* & *2+2*mc2*((trs+trg)*cDs+trsgc+mc2*trg-2*ms2*trc)*gDs+2*(mc2*trg & -trsgc)*cDs**2+mc2*(trsgc+ms2*trg)*cDs+mc2*ms2*(3*trsgc+mc2*trg & ))+2*ms2*cDg**4*cDs*(trc*gDs*(2*gDs+3*ms2)-trsgc*(gDs+ms2)))/(c & Dg*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms)*gDs**3) Bpmm = Bpmm-B0csf*ms*(mc2*gDs*(mc2*(2*trc*gDs**2+(-trsgc-mc2*trs & +ms2*(trg-trs))*gDs+ms2*(ms2+mc2)*trg)+cDs*(2*trc*gDs**2+(-trsg & c+mc2*(-2*trs-trg+trc)+ms2*trc)*gDs+2*mc2*ms2*trg)+cDs**2*(2*tr & c*gDs-trg*(2*gDs+ms2+mc2))-2*trg*cDs**3)+cDg*(2*mc2*cDs*(-2*trc & *gDs**2+(trsgc+ms2*(trs-trg)+mc2*trs)*gDs-ms2*(trsgc+(ms2+mc2)* & trg))+cDs**2*(-4*trc*gDs**2+2*(trsgc+mc2*(2*trs+trg-trc)-ms2*tr & c)*gDs+mc2*(trsgc-4*ms2*trg)+ms2*trsgc)+2*cDs**3*(trg*(2*gDs+ms & 2+mc2)-2*trc*gDs+trsgc)+4*trg*cDs**4-mc2*ms2*(ms2+mc2)*trsgc)+c & Dg**2*(ms2*cDs*(2*trc*gDs-trsgc+mc2*(2*trs-trg+trc)+ms2*trc)+mc & 2*ms2*(2*trc*gDs-trsgc+ms2*(trs+trg)+mc2*trs)-4*trs*cDs**3+2*(m & s2*(-trs-trg+trc)-mc2*trs)*cDs**2))/(cDg*(cDs-mc*ms)*(cDs+mc*ms & )*gDs)/2.0d+0 Bpmm = tr3s002ft*(6*trs*(2*cDg+mc2)*cDs*((2*cDg+mc2)**2*gDs**2+ms & 2*cDg**3)+3*ms2*(trg+trc)*cDg**2*gDs*(mc2*(gDs+6*cDs)+10*cDg*cD & s))/(ms*cDg**3*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = 3.0d+0*ms*tr3c002fs*(trc*cDg**3*(gDs**2+2*ms2*gDs+2*ms2**2 & )+cDg*cDs*(3*trc*cDs-4*mc2*(trs+trg))*gDs**2-cDg**2*gDs*(3*trc* & cDs*gDs+2*mc2*ms2*(trs+trg))+gDs**2*(2*mc2**2*(trs+trg)*gDs-trc & *cDs**3))/(2.0d+0*cDg*gDs**3)+Bpmm Bpmm = 3.0d+0*ms*tr3c001fs*(-mc2*ms2*trc*cDs**2*gDs**2+2*mc2*cDg* & gDs**2*(mc2*(trs+trg)*(2*gDs+ms2)-ms2*trc*cDs)-cDg**2*gDs*(8*mc & 2*(trs+trg)*cDs*(gDs+ms2)+mc2*ms2*trc*gDs-6*ms2*trc*cDs**2)+2*m & s2*cDg**3*(3*trc*cDs*gDs+mc2*ms2*(trs+trg)))/(2.0d+0*mc2*cDg*gD & s**3)+Bpmm Bpmm = epinv*(4*lp*xs*cDs+mc*(ms-ms*xs**2))*(2*trc*cDg*gDs-mc2*tr & g*gDs-trsgc*cDg)*(mc2*gDs**2-2*cDg*cDs*gDs+ms2*cDg**2)/(mc*(xs* & *2-1)*cDg**2*gDs**2)/4.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm = ms*tr2fu*cDs*(2*trc*cDg*gDs-mc2*trg*gDs-trsgc*cDg)*(mc2*gD & s**2-2*cDg*cDs*gDs+ms2*cDg**2)/(cDg**2*gDs**2)+Bpmm Bpmm = tr3s001ft*(3*ms*(trg+trc)*(2*ms2*cDg**3*cDs-gDs**2*(2*mc2* & cDg*(gDs-3*cDs)+cDg**2*(gDs-7*cDs)+2*mc2**2*gDs))+6*ms*trs*gDs* & (cDg**3*(gDs+5*cDs)+3*mc2*cDg**2*(gDs+cDs)+3*mc2**2*cDg*gDs+mc2 & **3*gDs))/(cDg**3*gDs)/2.0d+0+Bpmm Bpmm=Bpmm/zpmm return end
These are reviews of Friendly Cab from before 2009. For more current reviews, visit Friendly Cab the entry. Im a Tipsy Taxi supervisor and Friendly Cab put my driver in harms way by purposefully trying to run their friendly cab into one of our Tipsy Vans. Id be scared to ride their services. Users/JoAnnaRich To facilitate safety improvement, it would have been appropriate for JoAnna to report the incident to Friendly management. Its valuable costwise to know that a group of students might pay less than they would Tipsy Taxi, by riding a nonstudentsubsidized taxi, particularly an 8 passenger Friendly Cab. Users/BruceHansen 20060522 22:39:50 nbsp Probably the best taxi service that has ever blessed me with a drive to the airport! My driver was very friendly and punctual, and even carried on an intersting conversation. My driver even called me when I was waiting at the airport to make sure I made my flight. I recommende Friendly Cab anytime! Users/MickMorrison 20061109 08:20:01 nbsp I scheduled a ride with Friendly Cab for this morning, who was to arrive at 7:00 AM and get us to the Sacramento Airport by 7:30. At 7:08, I called the cab driver to see why he had not arrived yet, and he said that he was just around the corner I called again at 7:18 and he said that he was just a block away, and I asked, so when I called you before you werent around the corner? and he said, well, I was down the road. The road was Pole Line, which goes all the way to Woodland. And judging by how long it took to get to Woodland, he may have been in Woodland when I first called. We arrived at the airport at almost 7:45, and still had to pay the full $35. Next time, Ill take the shuttle. (commenting from the airport) Users/KarlMogel 20070326 11:03:01 nbsp I only rode friendly cab once whilst drunk and getting home from G st Pub. The driver packed about 7 of us in a 4 person cab with someone in the trunk. One of the guys was smoking a blunt in the cab and the driver definately partook while he was driving. There were also open containers in the cab that didnt belong to anyone from the pub. This was about a year and a half ago so I dont know if the driver still works there, but it was definately the scariest and most memorable cab ride ive had in the united states. Users/AllanRae 20070927 10:23:08 nbsp Only good experiences with Friendly Cab. My sister and I were using them a lot a couple weeks ago, when she was sick and needed to go to the hospital/school. Bruce is very nice and prompt (usually picking us up in 57 minutes). They are trying out a Prius because it costefficient and better for the environment. I thought that was cool. Users/CalamityJanie 20080101 19:25:24 nbsp Im hearing some inconsistent points of view here. Users/thelonepiper555 I have had inconsistent experiences, so Im not surprised.Users/AaronRosenberg AR 20080128 20:20:39 nbsp They sucked! I called for them to pick me up at the Amtrak Station in Davis after winter break, and when I arrived with luggage and a bike in tow (I had asked for a car large enough to fit everything) the driver showed up all right, but he was already loading other people / luggage in the car. Obviously, I wouldnt fit, so he just asked me to WAIT there in the RAIN for him to drop off the other folks before coming back to pick me up. I told him to go to hell (okay, not really) and just got a ride from a stranger instead. Users/eda 20080419 20:59:12 nbsp these guys are rude they were so mean to me on the phone and i would totally get fired if i talked to a customer like that at my job i wouldnt take them if village cab wasnt such a long ride Users/JackkiCox 20080518 00:28:52 nbsp Not friendly at all. Period. The drivers may be okay, but the dispatcher sounds like hes on drugs, and is just plain rude. Id rather walk. Users/eda 20081209 21:17:25 nbsp I called this morning, and they arrived in about 5~10 minutes. The driver was very friendly too fast, and definitely recommend. :) Users/EvelinaChang
!========================================================================= ! SUBRUTINA PARA EL CALCULO DE FUERZAS DE INTERACCION Y ENERGIA DE LA ! CONFIGURACION PARA LA SIMULACION DE DINAMICA BROWNIANA ! ! AUTOR : MARTIN ALEJANDRO PAREDES SOSA !========================================================================= Subroutine Fuerza(L) Use cte Implicit None Real :: EnePot, U, U2, U3 !ENERGIA Real :: FXI, FYI, FZI, fxij, fyij, fzij !FUERZAS TEMP Real :: xij, yij, zij, rij !POSICIONES Real :: Pres, Pres1 Integer :: i, j, L !CONTADORES ("L" CONTADOR DE LA CONFIGURACION) Logical :: Ctrl1, Ctrl2 !INICIALIZANDO EnePot = 0.0 FX = 0.0 FY = 0.0 FZ = 0.0 Pres1 = 0.0 Parti1: Do i = 1, N - 1 FXI = FX(i) FYI = FY(i) FZI = FZ(i) Parti2: Do j = i + 1, N !SEPARACION xij = X(i) - X(j) yij = Y(i) - Y(j) zij = Z(i) - Z(j) !CONDICION DE IMAGEN MINIMA xij = xij - BoxL * Anint( xij / BoxL ) yij = yij - BoxL * Anint( yij / BoxL ) zij = zij - BoxL * Anint( zij / BoxL ) !DISTANCIA rij = sqrt( xij*xij + yij*yij + zij*zij ) !TRASLAPES Ctrl1 = rij .LE. 1.0 Traslape : If(Ctrl1) Then Write(*,*) "TRASLAPE", i, j End If Traslape !IMPLEMENTACION DEL POTENCIAL Ctrl2 = rij .LT. RCut Potencial: If(Ctrl2) Then U = Exp( -YukZk * rij ) U2 = YukA * U * (YukZk * rij + 1.0 ) / (rij**3) U3 = U2 * rij * rij EnePot = (YukA * U) / rij + EnePot fxij = xij * U2 fyij = yij * U2 fzij = zij * U2 FXI = FXI + fxij FYI = FYI + fyij FZI = FZI + fzij FX(j) = FX(j) - fxij FY(j) = FY(j) - fyij FZ(j) = FZ(j) - fzij !PRECALCULO DE PRESION Pres1 = Pres1 + U3 End If Potencial End Do Parti2 !GUARDANDO FUERZA FX(i) = FXI FY(i) = FYI FZ(i) = FZI End Do Parti1 !CALCULO DE PRESION Pres = dens + (dens / (3.0 * real(N) ) ) * Pres1 !GUADANDO TERMALIZACION (ENERGIA POR PARTICULA) Write(3,*) L , EnePot / Real(N), Pres If( mod(L , iPrint) == 0 ) Then Write(*,*) L , EnePot / Real(N) , Pres !MONITOREO EN PANTALLA End If End Subroutine Fuerza
*+ graphic_default_grline subroutine graphic_default_grline( opt, code, s ) C ------------------------------------------------- C C Setup default grline (graphic line) options C C Given: C grline structure integer opt(*) C code to specify type of setting up C = 0 plot C = 1 style options C = 2 file options C = 3 everything integer code C C Updated: C error status integer s C C Setup default graphic line (grline) options. C- include '../include/plt_basic_defn.inc' include '../include/plt_grline_defn.inc' C local variables integer l C check status on entry if (s.ne.0) return C copy from structure do l = 1,len_grline grline(l) = opt(l) enddo C setup options (see structure definition) if (code.eq.2 .or. code.eq.3) then grline_x_file = 0 grline_y_file = 0 grline_x_col = 1 grline_y_col = 2 grline_ex_file = 0 grline_ex_col = 3 grline_ey_opt = 0 grline_ey_file = 0 grline_ey_col = 3 endif if (code.eq.1 .or. code.eq.3) then grline_symbol = 0 grline_type = 1 grline_offset_x = 0.0 grline_offset_y = 0.0 grline_scale_x = 1.0 grline_scale_y = 1.0 grline_auto_x = .false. grline_auto_y = .false. grline_ex_opt = 0 grline_ey_opt = 0 grline_ex_top = 1.0 grline_ey_top = 1.0 grline_x_log = .false. grline_y_log = .false. call graphic_default_line_opt(grline_line_opt,s) call graphic_default_line_opt(grline_error_opt,s) call graphic_default_text_opt(grline_text_opt,s) grline_key_opt = 1 grline_key_text = 0 endif if (code.eq.0) then grline_status = abs(grline_status) endif C copy to structure do l = 1,len_grline opt(l) = grline(l) enddo call cmd_err(s,'graphic_default_grline',' ') end
! *********************************COPYRIGHT************************************ ! (C) Crown copyright Met Office. All rights reserved. ! For further details please refer to the file LICENCE.txt ! which you should have received as part of this distribution. ! *********************************COPYRIGHT************************************ ! ! This file is part of the UM Shared Library project. ! ! The UM Shared Library is free software: you can redistribute it ! and/or modify it under the terms of the Modified BSD License, as ! published by the Open Source Initiative. ! ! The UM Shared Library is distributed in the hope that it will be ! useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ! of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! Modified BSD License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the Modified BSD License ! along with the UM Shared Library. ! If not, see <http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause>. !******************************************************************************* ! Description: Functions to Transform Lat/Long values and Rotate wind vector ! values to Rotated Pole Equatorial Lat/Long coordinates. ! MODULE f_shum_latlon_eq_grids_mod USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_C_BINDING, ONLY: & C_INT64_T, C_INT32_T, C_FLOAT, C_DOUBLE USE f_shum_conversions_mod, ONLY: & shum_pi_over_180_const, & shum_180_over_pi_const IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC :: f_shum_latlon_to_eq, f_shum_eq_to_latlon, & f_shum_latlon_to_eq_vector, f_shum_eq_to_latlon_vector, & f_shum_latlon_eq_vector_coeff !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! We're going to use the types from the ISO_C_BINDING module, since although ! ! the REALs aren't 100% guaranteed to correspond to the sizes we want to ! ! enforce, they should be good enough on the majority of systems. ! ! ! ! Additional protection for the case that FLOAT/DOUBLE do not conform to the ! ! sizes we expect is provided via the "precision_bomb" macro-file ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: int64 = C_INT64_T INTEGER, PARAMETER :: int32 = C_INT32_T INTEGER, PARAMETER :: real64 = C_DOUBLE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: real32 = C_FLOAT !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! INTERFACE f_shum_latlon_to_eq MODULE PROCEDURE & f_shum_lltoeq_arg64, & f_shum_lltoeq_arg64_single, & f_shum_lltoeq_arg32, & f_shum_lltoeq_arg32_single END INTERFACE INTERFACE f_shum_eq_to_latlon MODULE PROCEDURE & f_shum_eqtoll_arg64, & f_shum_eqtoll_arg64_single, & f_shum_eqtoll_arg32, & f_shum_eqtoll_arg32_single END INTERFACE INTERFACE f_shum_latlon_eq_vector_coeff MODULE PROCEDURE & f_shum_w_coeff_arg64, f_shum_w_coeff_arg32 END INTERFACE INTERFACE f_shum_latlon_to_eq_vector MODULE PROCEDURE & f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg64, f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg32 END INTERFACE INTERFACE f_shum_eq_to_latlon_vector MODULE PROCEDURE & f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg64, f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg32 END INTERFACE CONTAINS !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Calculates latitude and longitude on equatorial latitude-longitude (eq) grid ! used in regional models from input arrays of latitude and longitude on ! standard grid. Both input and output latitudes and longitudes are in degrees FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg64 & (phi, lambda, phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi(:) ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda(SIZE(phi)) ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_eq(SIZE(phi)) ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda_eq(SIZE(phi)) ! Long (eq) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: a_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: a_phi REAL(KIND=real64) :: e_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: e_phi REAL(KIND=real64) :: sin_phi_pole REAL(KIND=real64) :: cos_phi_pole REAL(KIND=real64) :: arg REAL(KIND=real64) :: term1 REAL(KIND=real64) :: term2 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_zero REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole_local INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i REAL(KIND=real64), PARAMETER :: small = 1.0e-5_real64 ! Check pole co-ordinates are valid values IF (ABS(lambda_pole) > 360.0_real64) THEN message = "Pole longitude invalid (must be between +/- 360.0)" status = 1 RETURN END IF IF (ABS(phi_pole) > 90.0_real64) THEN message = "Pole latitude invalid (must be between +/- 90.0)" status = 1 RETURN END IF ! Ensure longitude of pole is between -180.0 and 180.0 lambda_pole_local = MOD(lambda_pole, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(lambda_pole_local) > 180.0_real64) THEN lambda_pole_local = lambda_pole_local - SIGN(360.0_real64, lambda_pole_local) END IF ! Latitude of zeroth meridian lambda_zero = lambda_pole_local + 180.0_real64 ! Sine and cosine of latitude of eq pole IF (ABS(phi_pole) == 90.0_real64) THEN sin_phi_pole = SIGN(1.0_real64, phi_pole) cos_phi_pole = SIGN(0.0_real64, phi_pole) ELSE sin_phi_pole = SIN(shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_pole) cos_phi_pole = COS(shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_pole) END IF !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i, a_lambda, a_phi, arg, term1, term2, e_lambda, e_phi) & !$OMP& SHARED(lambda, phi, lambda_zero, cos_phi_pole, sin_phi_pole, & !$OMP& phi_eq, lambda_eq) DO i=1,SIZE(phi) ! Scale longitude to range -180 to +180 degs a_lambda = MOD(lambda(i) - lambda_zero, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(a_lambda) > 180.0_real64) THEN a_lambda = a_lambda - SIGN(360.0_real64, a_lambda) END IF ! Convert latitude & longitude to radians a_lambda = shum_pi_over_180_const*a_lambda a_phi = shum_pi_over_180_const*phi(i) ! Compute eq latitude arg = -cos_phi_pole*COS(a_lambda)*COS(a_phi) & + SIN(a_phi)*sin_phi_pole arg = MIN(arg, 1.0_real64) arg = MAX(arg,-1.0_real64) e_phi = ASIN(arg) phi_eq(i) = shum_180_over_pi_const*e_phi ! Compute eq longitude term1 = (COS(a_phi)*COS(a_lambda)*sin_phi_pole & + SIN(a_phi)*cos_phi_pole) term2 = COS(e_phi) IF (term2 < small) THEN e_lambda = shum_180_over_pi_const*a_lambda ELSE arg = term1/term2 arg = MIN(arg, 1.0_real64) arg = MAX(arg,-1.0_real64) e_lambda = shum_180_over_pi_const*ACOS(arg) e_lambda = SIGN(e_lambda,a_lambda) END IF ! Scale equatorial longitude to range 0 to 360 degs for use e_lambda = MOD(e_lambda, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(e_lambda) < small) THEN e_lambda = 0.0_real64 ELSE IF (e_lambda < 0.0_real64) THEN e_lambda = e_lambda + 360.0_real64 END IF lambda_eq(i)=e_lambda END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO status = 0_int64 END FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg64 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg64_single & (phi, lambda, phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_eq ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda_eq ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_arr(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_arr(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_eq_arr(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq_arr(1) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status phi_arr(1) = phi lambda_arr(1) = lambda status = f_shum_lltoeq_arg64(phi_arr, lambda_arr, phi_eq_arr, lambda_eq_arr, & phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) IF (status == 0_int64) THEN phi_eq = phi_eq_arr(1) lambda_eq = lambda_eq_arr(1) END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg64_single !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg32 & (phi, lambda, phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi(:) ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda(SIZE(phi)) ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_eq(SIZE(phi)) ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda_eq(SIZE(phi)) ! Long (eq) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi64(SIZE(phi)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda64(SIZE(phi)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_eq64(SIZE(phi)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq64(SIZE(phi)) INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(phi, phi64, lambda, lambda64) DO i = 1, SIZE(phi) phi64(i) = REAL(phi(i), KIND=real64) lambda64(i) = REAL(lambda(i), KIND=real64) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO phi_pole64 = REAL(phi_pole, KIND=real64) lambda_pole64 = REAL(lambda_pole, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_lltoeq_arg64(phi64, lambda64, phi_eq64, lambda_eq64, & phi_pole64, lambda_pole64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) IF (status == 0_int32) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(phi_eq, phi_eq64, lambda_eq, lambda_eq64, phi) DO i = 1, SIZE(phi) phi_eq(i) = REAL(phi_eq64(i), KIND=real32) lambda_eq(i) = REAL(lambda_eq64(i), KIND=real32) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg32 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg32_single & (phi, lambda, phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: phi_eq ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda_eq ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_eq_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole64 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status phi_arr64(1) = REAL(phi, KIND=real64) lambda_arr64(1) = REAL(lambda, KIND=real64) phi_pole64 = REAL(phi_pole, KIND=real64) lambda_pole64 = REAL(lambda_pole, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_lltoeq_arg64(phi_arr64, lambda_arr64, & phi_eq_arr64, lambda_eq_arr64, & phi_pole64, lambda_pole64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) IF (status == 0_int32) THEN phi_eq = REAL(phi_eq_arr64(1), KIND=real32) lambda_eq = REAL(lambda_eq_arr64(1), KIND=real32) END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_lltoeq_arg32_single !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Calculates latitude and longitude on standard grid from input arrays of ! latitude and longitude on equatorial latitude-longitude (eq) grid used in ! regional models. Both input and output latitudes and longitudes are in ! degrees FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg64 & (phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi, lambda, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_eq(:) ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_eq(SIZE(phi_eq)) ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: phi(SIZE(phi_eq)) ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda(SIZE(phi_eq)) ! Long (lat-lon) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: a_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: a_phi REAL(KIND=real64) :: e_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: e_phi REAL(KIND=real64) :: sin_phi_pole REAL(KIND=real64) :: cos_phi_pole REAL(KIND=real64) :: arg REAL(KIND=real64) :: term1 REAL(KIND=real64) :: term2 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_zero REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole_local INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i REAL(KIND=real64), PARAMETER :: small = 1.0e-5_real64 ! Check pole co-ordinates are valid values IF (ABS(lambda_pole) > 360.0_real64) THEN message = "Pole longitude invalid (must be between +/- 360.0)" status = 1 RETURN END IF IF (ABS(phi_pole) > 90.0_real64) THEN message = "Pole latitude invalid (must be between +/- 90.0)" status = 1 RETURN END IF ! Ensure longitude of pole is between -180.0 and 180.0 lambda_pole_local = MOD(lambda_pole, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(lambda_pole_local) > 180.0_real64) THEN lambda_pole_local = lambda_pole_local - SIGN(360.0_real64, lambda_pole_local) END IF ! Latitude of zeroth meridian lambda_zero = lambda_pole_local + 180.0_real64 ! Sine and cosine of latitude of eq pole IF (ABS(phi_pole) == 90.0_real64) THEN sin_phi_pole = SIGN(1.0_real64, phi_pole) cos_phi_pole = SIGN(0.0_real64, phi_pole) ELSE sin_phi_pole = SIN(shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_pole) cos_phi_pole = COS(shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_pole) END IF !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i, a_lambda, a_phi, arg, term1, term2, e_lambda, e_phi) & !$OMP& SHARED(lambda, phi, lambda_zero, cos_phi_pole, sin_phi_pole, & !$OMP& phi_eq, lambda_eq) DO i=1,SIZE(phi_eq) ! Scale eq longitude to range -180 to +180 degs e_lambda = MOD(lambda_eq(i), 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(e_lambda) > 180.0_real64) THEN e_lambda = e_lambda - SIGN(360.0_real64, e_lambda) END IF ! Convert eq latitude & longitude to radians e_lambda = shum_pi_over_180_const*e_lambda e_phi = shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_eq(i) ! Compute latitude arg = cos_phi_pole*COS(e_lambda)*COS(e_phi) & + SIN(e_phi)*sin_phi_pole arg = MIN(arg, 1.0_real64) arg = MAX(arg,-1.0_real64) a_phi = ASIN(arg) phi(i) = shum_180_over_pi_const*a_phi ! Compute longitude term1 = (COS(e_phi)*COS(e_lambda)*sin_phi_pole & - SIN(e_phi)*cos_phi_pole) term2 = COS(a_phi) IF (term2 < small) THEN a_lambda = 0.0_real64 ELSE arg = term1/term2 arg = MIN(arg, 1.0_real64) arg = MAX(arg,-1.0_real64) a_lambda = shum_180_over_pi_const*ACOS(arg) a_lambda = SIGN(a_lambda, e_lambda) a_lambda = a_lambda + lambda_zero END IF ! Scale longitude to range 0 to 360 degs a_lambda = MOD(a_lambda, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(a_lambda) < small) THEN a_lambda = 0.0_real64 ELSE IF (a_lambda < 0.0_real64) THEN a_lambda = a_lambda + 360.0_real64 END IF lambda(i) = a_lambda END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO status = 0_int64 END FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg64 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg64_single & (phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi, lambda, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_eq ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_eq ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: phi ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_eq_arr(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq_arr(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_arr(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_arr(1) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status phi_eq_arr(1) = phi_eq lambda_eq_arr(1) = lambda_eq status = f_shum_eqtoll_arg64(phi_eq_arr, lambda_eq_arr, phi_arr, lambda_arr, & phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) IF (status == 0_int64) THEN phi = phi_arr(1) lambda = lambda_arr(1) END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg64_single !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg32 & (phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi, lambda, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_eq(:) ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_eq(SIZE(phi_eq)) ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: phi(SIZE(phi_eq)) ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda(SIZE(phi_eq)) ! Long (lat-lon) CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi64(SIZE(phi_eq)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda64(SIZE(phi_eq)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_eq64(SIZE(phi_eq)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq64(SIZE(phi_eq)) INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(phi_eq, phi_eq64, lambda_eq, lambda_eq64) DO i = 1, SIZE(phi_eq) phi_eq64(i) = REAL(phi_eq(i), KIND=real64) lambda_eq64(i) = REAL(lambda_eq(i), KIND=real64) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO phi_pole64 = REAL(phi_pole, KIND=real64) lambda_pole64 = REAL(lambda_pole, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_eqtoll_arg64(phi_eq64, lambda_eq64, phi64, lambda64, & phi_pole64, lambda_pole64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) IF (status == 0_int32) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(phi, phi64, lambda, lambda64, phi_eq) DO i = 1, SIZE(phi_eq) phi(i) = REAL(phi64(i), KIND=real32) lambda(i) = REAL(lambda64(i), KIND=real32) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg32 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg32_single & (phi_eq, lambda_eq, phi, lambda, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_eq ! Lat (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_eq ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: phi ! Lat (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: lambda ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_eq_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq_arr64(1) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole64 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status phi_eq_arr64(1) = REAL(phi_eq, KIND=real64) lambda_eq_arr64(1) = REAL(lambda_eq, KIND=real64) phi_pole64 = REAL(phi_pole, KIND=real64) lambda_pole64 = REAL(lambda_pole, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_eqtoll_arg64(phi_eq_arr64, lambda_eq_arr64, & phi_arr64, lambda_arr64, & phi_pole64, lambda_pole64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) IF (status == 0_int32) THEN phi = REAL(phi_arr64(1), KIND=real32) lambda = REAL(lambda_arr64(1), KIND=real32) END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_eqtoll_arg32_single !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Calculates coefficients used to translate u and v components of wind between ! equatorial (eq) latitude-longitude grid and standard (ll) latitude-longitude ! grid (or vice versa). Input latitudes and longitudes are in degrees. FUNCTION f_shum_w_coeff_arg64 & (coeff1, coeff2, lambda, lambda_eq, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) & RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda(:) ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_eq(SIZE(lambda)) ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: coeff1(SIZE(lambda)) ! Rotation coeff 1 REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: coeff2(SIZE(lambda)) ! Rotation coeff 2 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: a_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: e_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: sin_e_lambda REAL(KIND=real64) :: sin_phi_pole REAL(KIND=real64) :: cos_phi_pole REAL(KIND=real64) :: c1 REAL(KIND=real64) :: c2 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_zero REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole_local INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i ! Check pole co-ordinates are valid values IF (ABS(lambda_pole) > 360.0_real64) THEN message = "Pole longitude invalid (must be between +/- 360.0)" status = 1 RETURN END IF IF (ABS(phi_pole) > 90.0_real64) THEN message = "Pole latitude invalid (must be between +/- 90.0)" status = 1 RETURN END IF ! Ensure longitude of pole is between -180.0 and 180.0 lambda_pole_local = MOD(lambda_pole, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(lambda_pole_local) > 180.0_real64) THEN lambda_pole_local = lambda_pole_local - SIGN(360.0_real64, lambda_pole_local) END IF ! Longitude of zeroth meridian lambda_zero = lambda_pole_local + 180.0_real64 ! Sine and cosine of latitude of eq pole IF (ABS(phi_pole) == 90.0_real64) THEN sin_phi_pole = SIGN(1.0_real64, phi_pole) cos_phi_pole = SIGN(0.0_real64, phi_pole) ELSE sin_phi_pole = SIN(shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_pole) cos_phi_pole = COS(shum_pi_over_180_const*phi_pole) END IF !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i, a_lambda, e_lambda, sin_e_lambda, c1, c2) & !$OMP& SHARED(lambda, lambda_zero, lambda_eq, coeff1, coeff2, sin_phi_pole, & !$OMP& cos_phi_pole) DO i=1,SIZE(lambda) ! Convert longitudes to radians (and ensure range is correct) a_lambda = MOD(lambda(i) - lambda_zero, 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(a_lambda) > 180.0_real64) THEN a_lambda = a_lambda - SIGN(360.0_real64, a_lambda) END IF a_lambda = shum_pi_over_180_const*a_lambda e_lambda = MOD(lambda_eq(i), 360.0_real64) IF (ABS(e_lambda) > 180.0_real64) THEN e_lambda = e_lambda - SIGN(360.0_real64, e_lambda) END IF e_lambda = e_lambda*shum_pi_over_180_const ! Take sine of eq lambda IF (ABS(lambda_eq(i)) == 180.0_real64) THEN sin_e_lambda = 0.0_real64 ! to avoid spurious c1 result ELSE sin_e_lambda = SIN(e_lambda) END IF c1 = SIN(a_lambda) * sin_e_lambda * sin_phi_pole & + COS(a_lambda) * COS(e_lambda) ! Avoid rounding error problems IF (ABS(c1) >= 1.0_real64) THEN c1 = SIGN(1.0_real64, c1) c2 = 0.0_real64 ELSE c2 = SQRT(1.0_real64 - c1*c1) END IF coeff1(i) = c1 ! Set the sign of C2 - the 0.0 case represents an edge-case where there ! are more than one solution; ensure we always get the same answer IF (ABS(sin_e_lambda*cos_phi_pole) == 0.0_real64) THEN coeff2(i) = c2 ELSE coeff2(i) = SIGN(c2, sin_e_lambda*cos_phi_pole) END IF END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO status = 0_int64 END FUNCTION f_shum_w_coeff_arg64 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_w_coeff_arg32 & (coeff1, coeff2, lambda, lambda_eq, phi_pole, lambda_pole, message) & RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda(:) ! Long (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_eq(SIZE(lambda)) ! Long (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: phi_pole ! Lat pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: lambda_pole ! Long pole (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: coeff1(SIZE(lambda)) ! Rotation coeff 1 REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: coeff2(SIZE(lambda)) ! Rotation coeff 2 CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda64(SIZE(lambda)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_eq64(SIZE(lambda)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: phi_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: lambda_pole64 REAL(KIND=real64) :: coeff1_64(SIZE(lambda)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: coeff2_64(SIZE(lambda)) INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(lambda, lambda64, lambda_eq, lambda_eq64) DO i = 1, SIZE(lambda) lambda64(i) = REAL(lambda(i), KIND=real64) lambda_eq64(i) = REAL(lambda_eq(i), KIND=real64) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO phi_pole64 = REAL(phi_pole, KIND=real64) lambda_pole64 = REAL(lambda_pole, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_w_coeff_arg64(coeff1_64, coeff2_64, lambda64, lambda_eq64, & phi_pole64, lambda_pole64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) IF (status == 0_int32) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff1_64, coeff2, coeff2_64, lambda) DO i = 1, SIZE(lambda) coeff1(i) = REAL(coeff1_64(i), KIND=real32) coeff2(i) = REAL(coeff2_64(i), KIND=real32) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_w_coeff_arg32 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Calculates u and v components of wind on standard latitude-longitude (ll) grid ! by rotating wind components on equatorial latitude-longitude (eq) grid. FUNCTION f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg64 & (coeff1, coeff2, u_eq, v_eq, u, v, message, mdi) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: coeff1(:) ! Rotation coeff 1 REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: coeff2(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Rotation coeff 2 REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: u_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: v_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind V compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: u(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: v(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: mdi ! Missing data value CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status LOGICAL :: l_mdi ! Was an mdi value provided? INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i ! Check if an mdi value has been provided l_mdi = PRESENT(mdi) ! Apply coefficients (omitting mdi values if required) IF (l_mdi) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff2, u, v, u_eq, v_eq, mdi) DO i=1, SIZE(coeff1) IF ( u_eq(i) == mdi .OR. v_eq(i) == mdi ) THEN u(i) = mdi v(i) = mdi ELSE u(i) = coeff1(i)*u_eq(i) + coeff2(i)*v_eq(i) v(i) = coeff1(i)*v_eq(i) - coeff2(i)*u_eq(i) END IF END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ELSE !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff2, u, v, u_eq, v_eq) DO i=1, SIZE(coeff1) u(i) = coeff1(i)*u_eq(i) + coeff2(i)*v_eq(i) v(i) = coeff1(i)*v_eq(i) - coeff2(i)*u_eq(i) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF status = 0_int64 message = '' END FUNCTION f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg64 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg32 & (coeff1, coeff2, u_eq, v_eq, u, v, message, mdi) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: coeff1(:) ! Rotation coeff 1 REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: coeff2(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Rotation coeff 2 REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: u_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: v_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind V compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: u(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: v(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: mdi ! Missing data value CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: coeff1_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: coeff2_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: u_eq_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: v_eq_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: u_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: v_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: mdi_64 INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff1_64, coeff2, coeff2_64, u_eq, u_eq_64, & !$OMP& v_eq, v_eq_64) DO i = 1, SIZE(coeff1) coeff1_64(i) = REAL(coeff1(i), KIND=real64) coeff2_64(i) = REAL(coeff2(i), KIND=real64) u_eq_64(i) = REAL(u_eq(i), KIND=real64) v_eq_64(i) = REAL(v_eq(i), KIND=real64) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO IF (PRESENT(mdi)) THEN mdi_64 = REAL(mdi, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg64(coeff1_64, coeff2_64, u_eq_64, v_eq_64, & u_64, v_64, message, mdi_64) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) ELSE status64 = f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg64(coeff1_64, coeff2_64, u_eq_64, v_eq_64, & u_64, v_64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) END IF IF (status == 0_int32) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(u, u_64, v, v_64, coeff1) DO i = 1, SIZE(coeff1) u(i) = REAL(u_64(i), KIND=real32) v(i) = REAL(v_64(i), KIND=real32) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_w_eqtoll_arg32 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Calculates u and v components of wind on equatorial (eq) latitude-longitude ! grid by rotating wind components on standard latitude-longitude (ll) grid. FUNCTION f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg64 & (coeff1, coeff2, u, v, u_eq, v_eq, message, mdi) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: coeff1(:) ! Rotation coeff 1 REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: coeff2(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Rotation coeff 2 REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: u(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN) :: v(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind V compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: u_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(OUT) :: v_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real64), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: mdi ! Missing data value CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status LOGICAL :: l_mdi ! Was an mdi value provided? INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i ! Check if an mdi value has been provided l_mdi = PRESENT(mdi) ! Apply coefficients (omitting mdi values if required) IF (l_mdi) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff2, u, v, u_eq, v_eq, mdi) DO i=1, SIZE(coeff1) IF ( u(i) == mdi .OR. v(i) == mdi ) THEN u_eq(i) = mdi v_eq(i) = mdi ELSE u_eq(i) = coeff1(i)*u(i)-coeff2(i)*v(i) v_eq(i) = coeff1(i)*v(i)+coeff2(i)*u(i) END IF END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO ELSE !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff2, u, v, u_eq, v_eq) DO i=1, SIZE(coeff1) u_eq(i) = coeff1(i)*u(i)-coeff2(i)*v(i) v_eq(i) = coeff1(i)*v(i)+coeff2(i)*u(i) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF status = 0_int64 message = '' END FUNCTION f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg64 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! FUNCTION f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg32 & (coeff1, coeff2, u, v, u_eq, v_eq, message, mdi) RESULT(status) IMPLICIT NONE REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: coeff1(:) ! Rotation coeff 1 REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: coeff2(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Rotation coeff 2 REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: u(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN) :: v(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind V compt (lat-lon) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: u_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(OUT) :: v_eq(SIZE(coeff1)) ! Wind U compt (eq) REAL(KIND=real32), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL :: mdi ! Missing data value CHARACTER(LEN=*) :: message INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: status64 INTEGER(KIND=int32) :: status REAL(KIND=real64) :: coeff1_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: coeff2_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: u_eq_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: v_eq_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: u_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: v_64(SIZE(coeff1)) REAL(KIND=real64) :: mdi_64 INTEGER(KIND=int64) :: i !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(coeff1, coeff1_64, coeff2, coeff2_64, u, u_64, v, v_64) DO i = 1, SIZE(coeff1) coeff1_64(i) = REAL(coeff1(i), KIND=real64) coeff2_64(i) = REAL(coeff2(i), KIND=real64) u_64(i) = REAL(u(i), KIND=real64) v_64(i) = REAL(v(i), KIND=real64) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO IF (PRESENT(mdi)) THEN mdi_64 = REAL(mdi, KIND=real64) status64 = f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg64(coeff1_64, coeff2_64, u_64, v_64, & u_eq_64, v_eq_64, message, mdi_64) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) ELSE status64 = f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg64(coeff1_64, coeff2_64, u_64, v_64, & u_eq_64, v_eq_64, message) status = INT(status64,KIND=int32) END IF IF (status == 0_int32) THEN !$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE) SCHEDULE(STATIC) & !$OMP& PRIVATE(i) SHARED(u_eq, u_eq_64, v_eq, v_eq_64, coeff1) DO i = 1, SIZE(coeff1) u_eq(i) = REAL(u_eq_64(i), KIND=real32) v_eq(i) = REAL(v_eq_64(i), KIND=real32) END DO !$OMP END PARALLEL DO END IF END FUNCTION f_shum_w_lltoeq_arg32 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! END MODULE f_shum_latlon_eq_grids_mod
SUBROUTINE WQSKE1 C C ORGINALLY CODED BY K.-Y. PARK C OPTIMIZED AND MODIFIED BY J.M. HAMRICK C C CHANGE RECORD C C MAJOR REWRITE BY PAUL M. CRAIG JANUARY 12, 2006 USE GLOBAL IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER NQ,NS,IZ,IMWQZ,NSTPTMP,M INTEGER K,L,LE,LN REAL WQAVGIO,RMULTMP,TIME,RLIGHT1,RLIGHT2 REAL WQGNC,WQGND,WQGNG,WQGNM,WQGPM,WQF1NM,WQGPC,WQGPD,WQGPG REAL WQF1NC,WQF1ND,WQF1NG,WQKESS,XMRM,YMRM,WQTT1 REAL WQF2IC,WQF2ID,WQF2IG,SADWQ,WQGSD,WQF2IM REAL UMRM,VMRM,WQVEL,WQLVF,WQF4SC,WQKDOC,WQKHP,WQTTS REAL WQKHN,WQTTM,TVAL1,TVAL2,TVAL3,TVAL4,TVAL5 REAL RLNSAT1,RLNSAT2,XNUMER,XDENOM,WQLDF,WQTTC,WQTTD,WQTTG REAL WINDREA,WQWREA,WQVREA,WQA1C,WQVA1C,WQR1C,WQA2D REAL WQR2D,WQA3G,WQR3G,WQB4,WQA4,WQR4,WQC5,WQA5,WQR5 REAL WQD6,WQA6C,WQA6D,WQA6G,WQA6,WQA6M,WQR6 REAL WQE7,WQA7C,WQA7D,WQA7G,WQA7,WQR7 REAL WQF8,WQA8C,WQA8D,WQA8G,WQA8,WQR8 REAL WQF9,WQA9C,WQA9D,WQA9G,WQA9,WQR9 REAL WQA10C,WQA10D,WQA10G,WQKKL !REAL WQR10 REAL WQI11,WQA11C,WQA11D,WQA11G,WQA11,WQR11 REAL WQJ12,WQA12C,WQA12D,WQA12G,WQA12,WQR12 REAL WQF13,WQA13C,WQA13D,WQA13G,WQA13,WQR13 REAL WQR14,WQF14,WQA14C,WQA14D,WQA14G,WQA14 REAL WQR15,WQA15C,WQA15D,WQA15G,WQA15,WQB15 REAL WQM16,WQA16D,WQR16,WQR17,WQR18 REAL TMP19,TEMFAC,DTWQxH,DTWQxH2,WQA19C,WQA19D,WQA19G REAL WQA19,WQA19A,WQSUM,WQRea,WQPOC,WQDOC,WQNH3,WQCOD REAL WQT20,WQR21,TIMTMP,WQTAMD REAL PPCDO,WQA22, WQA22C, WQA22D, WQA22G, WQCDDOC REAL WQCDREA, WQCDSUM REAL EXPA0,EXPA1 !VARIABLES FOR LIGHT EXTINCTION REAL WQGCO2M,WQGCO2C,WQGCO2G,WQGCO2D ! CO2 Limitation Consts REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)::DZCHP REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)::WQISC REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)::WQISD REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)::WQISG REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)::WQISM REAL,SAVE,ALLOCATABLE,DIMENSION(:)::WQI0TOP C ! *** 1) CHC - cyanobacteria ! *** 2) CHD - diatom algae ! *** 3) CHG - green algae ! *** 4) ROC - refractory particulate organic carbon ! *** 5) LOC - labile particulate organic carbon ! *** 6) DOC - dissolved organic carbon ! *** 7) ROP - refractory particulate organic phosphorus ! *** 8) LOP - labile particulate organic phosphorus ! *** 9) DOP - dissolved organic phosphorus ! *** 10) P4D - total phosphate ! *** 11) RON - refractory particulate organic nitrogen 23) macroalgae ! *** 12) LON - labile particulate organic nitrogen ! *** 13) DON - dissolved organic nitrogen ! *** 14) NHX - ammonia nitrogen ! *** 15) NOX - nitrate nitrogen ! *** 16) SUU - particulate biogenic silica ! *** 17) SAA - dissolved available silica ! *** 18) COD - chemical oxygen demand ! *** 19) DOX - dissolved oxygen ! *** 20) TAM - total active metal ! *** 21) FCB - fecal coliform bacteria ! *** 22) CO2 - dissolved carbon dioxide ! *** 23) macroalgae ! *** DTWQ - Water quality time step, which is typically in units of days ! *** DTWQO2 = DTWQ*0.5 ! *** WQCHL = Chlorophyll a (ug/l) ! *** WQCHLC = carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio for cyanobacteria (mg C / ug Chl) ! *** WQCHLD = carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio for algae diatoms (mg C / ug Chl) ! *** WQCHLG = carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio for algae greens (mg C / ug Chl) ! *** WQKECHL = Light Extinction Coeff for CHLa (1/m per mg/l) ! *** WQKETSS = Light Extinction Coeff for TSS (1/m per mg/l) ! *** WQKEPOM = Light Extinction Coeff for POM (1/m per mg/l) ! *** WQKETOT(L,K) = Total Light Extinction ! *** WQDOPG = Optimal Depth for Growth - Green Algae ! *** RNH4WQ(L) = Ammonia (for Current Layer) ! *** RNO3WQ(L) = Nitrate (for Current Layer) ! *** PO4DWQ(L) = Phosphate (for Current Layer) ! *** RNH4NO3(L) = Total Inorganic Nitrogen (for Current Layer) ! *** WQKHNG = Nitrogen half-saturation for Algae-Greens (mg/L) ! *** WQKHPG = Phosphorus half-saturation for Algae-Greens (mg/L) ! *** WQKHCO2G = CO2 half-saturation for Algae-Greens (mg/L) ! *** XLIMIG = Rate Limiting Factor - Light ! *** XLIMTG = Rate Limiting Factor - Temperature (Lookup Table: WQTDGG) ! *** XLIMNG = Rate Limiting Factor - Nitrogen (Local-WQGNG) ! *** XLIMPG = Rate Limiting Factor - Phosphorus (Local-WQGPG) ! *** XLIMCO2G = Rate Limiting Factor - CO2 (Local-WQGPG) ! *** WQF1NG = Rate Limiting Factor, Minimum of N & P ! *** WQPMG = Maximum Growth Rate for Algae-Greens (1/d) ! *** WQPG = Current Growth Rate for Algae-Greens (1/d) ! *** WQBMG = Current Basal Metabolism Rate for Algae-Greens (1/d) ! *** WQPRG = Current Predation Metabolism Rate for Algae-Greens (1/d) ! *** WQBMRG = Basal Metabolism Rate for Algae-Greens (1/d) ! *** WQPRRG = Predation Rate for Algae-Greens (1/d) ! *** WQTDRG = Lookup Table for Temperature Rate Effect - Algae-Greens ! *** WQPC = Final Net Growth Rate - Cyanobacteria ! *** WQPD = Final Net Growth Rate - Diatoms Algae ! *** WQPG = Final Net Growth Rate - Green Algae ! *** WQPM = Final Net Growth Rate - Macroalgae ! *** WQPNC = Preference for ammonium uptake - Cyanobacteria ! *** WQPND = Preference for ammonium uptake - Diatoms Algae ! *** WQPNG = Preference for ammonium uptake - Green Algae ! *** WQOBTOT = Total Algal Biomass (mg/l) ! *** WQKRC = Minimum Dissolution Rate of Refractory POC (1/day) ! *** WQKLC = Minimum Dissolution Rate of Labile POC (1/day) ! *** WQKLCALG = Constant Refractory POC Dissolution Rate ! *** WQTDHDR = Lookup Table for Temperature Rate Effect for Hydrolysis ! *** WQKRPC = Current Dissolution Rate for POC ! *** WQI0 = SOLAR RADIATION for Current Time ! *** WQI1 = SOLAR RADIATION ON PREVIOUS DAY ! *** WQI2 = SOLAR RADIATION TWO DAYS AGO ! *** WQI3 = SOLAR RADIATION THREE DAYS AGO ! *** WQKHR = DOC Heterotrophic Respiration Rate ! *** WQWSSET = Water quality settling speed L;(L:1) is for top water layer; (L,2) is for lower water layers ! *** WQTTM = Temporary concentration variable IF(.NOT.ALLOCATED(DZCHP))THEN ALLOCATE(DZCHP(LCM)) ALLOCATE(WQISC(LCM)) ALLOCATE(WQISD(LCM)) ALLOCATE(WQISG(LCM)) ALLOCATE(WQISM(LCM)) ALLOCATE(WQI0TOP(LCM)) DZCHP=0.0 ENDIF C NS=1 WQKESS=0.0 C C COMPUTE WQCHL,WQTAMP,WQPO4D,WQSAD AT A NEW TIME STEP: WQCHLX=1/WQCHLX C ! *** Compute WQCHL (Chlorophyll) Using Algal Biomass & factors DO K=1,KC DO L=2,LA WQCHL(L,K)=WQV(L,K,1)*WQCHLC & +WQV(L,K,2)*WQCHLD & +WQV(L,K,3)*WQCHLG ENDDO ENDDO C C INITIALIZE SOLAR RADIATION AND OPTIMAL LIGHT C ! *** INITIAL SOLAR RADIATION AT TOP OF SURFACE LAYER IF(USESHADE)THEN DO L=2,LA WQI0TOP(L)=WQI0 * PSHADE(L) ENDDO ELSE DO L=2,LA WQI0TOP(L)=WQI0 ENDDO ENDIF ! *** COMPUTE THE CURRENT OPTIMAL LIGHT INTENSITY IF(IWQSUN==2)THEN WQAVGIO = WQCIA*WQI1 + WQCIB*WQI2 + WQCIC*WQI3 ELSE WQAVGIO = WQCIA*WQI0 + WQCIB*WQI1 + WQCIC*WQI2 ENDIF ! *** CORRECT TO AVERAGE SOLAR RADIATION DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS ! WQAVGIO = WQAVGIO / (WQFD + 1.E-18) !!!!!!!!!! ! *** DZWQ=1/H (for a layer), VOLWQ=1/VOL (m^-3) DO K=KC,1,-1 DO L=2,LA TWQ(L)=TEM(L,K) !layer temperature for WQ calcs SWQ(L)=MAX(SAL(L,K), 0.0) !layer salinity for WQ calcs DZCHP(L)=DZC(K)*HP(L) !layer thickness of a cell in meters DZWQ(L) = 1.0 / DZCHP(L) !inverse layer thickness VOLWQ(L) = DZWQ(L) / DXYP(L) !inverse volume of each cell in a layer IMWQZT(L)=IWQZMAP(L,K) !binary map for WQ calcs ENDDO ! *** ZERO WQWPSL IF FLOWS ARE NEGATIVE. THESE ARE HANDLED IN CALFQC (PMC) IF(IWQPSL/=2)THEN DO NQ=1,NQSIJ IF((QSERCELL(K,NQ)+QSS(K,NQ))<=0.0)WQWPSL(LQS(NQ),K,1:NWQV)=0.0 ! *** ZERO THE FLUX ENDDO ENDIF IF(ISTRWQ(1)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(2)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(3)==1)THEN !EVALUATING THE RATE OF ALGAE LEAVING THE CELL THROUGH SETTLING OR FLOATING DO L=2,LA IF(WQWSC(IMWQZT(L))<0.0) THEN !VB PERMITS CYANOBACTERIA TO FLOAT AND/OR SETTLE IF(K==KC) THEN WQBCSET(L,1) = 0.0 !ALGAE AT THE WATER SURFACE CANT FLOAT INTO THE CELL ABOVE ELSE WQBCSET(L,1) = -WQWSC(IMWQZT(L))*DZWQ(L) ! *** CYANOBACTERIA !NEEDS TO BE A POSITIVE QTY ENDIF ELSE WQBCSET(L,1) = WQWSC(IMWQZT(L))*DZWQ(L) ! *** CYANOBACTERIA ENDIF IF(WQWSD(IMWQZT(L))<0.0) THEN !VB PERMITS DIATOMS TO FLOAT AND/OR SETTLE IF(K==KC) THEN WQBDSET(L,1) = 0.0 ELSE WQBDSET(L,1) = -WQWSD(IMWQZT(L))*DZWQ(L) ! *** Diatoms ENDIF ELSE WQBDSET(L,1) = WQWSD(IMWQZT(L))*DZWQ(L) ! *** Diatoms ENDIF IF(WQWSG(IMWQZT(L))<0.0) THEN !VB PERMITS GREEN ALGAE TO FLOAT AND/OR SETTLE IF(K==KC) THEN WQBGSET(L,1) = 0.0 ELSE WQBGSET(L,1) = -WQWSG(IMWQZT(L))*DZWQ(L) ! *** ALGAE ENDIF ELSE WQBGSET(L,1) = WQWSG(IMWQZT(L))*DZWQ(L) ! *** ALGAE ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ! *** ZONE SPECIFIC SETTING VELOCITIES, (m/day) IF(ISTRWQ(7)==1)WQRPSET(2:LA,1) = WQWSRP(IMWQZT(2:LA))*DZWQ(2:LA) ! *** Refractory POM IF(ISTRWQ(8)==1)WQLPSET(2:LA,1) = WQWSLP(IMWQZT(2:LA))*DZWQ(2:LA) ! *** Labile POM ! *** SET SETTLING FOR TAM SORPTION: CURRENT LAYER IF(IWQSRP==1)WQWSSET(2:LA,1) = WQWSS(IMWQZT(2:LA))*DZWQ(2:LA) IF(K/=KC)IMWQZT1(2:LA)=IWQZMAP(2:LA,K+1) IF(K/=1)IMWQZT2(2:LA)=IWQZMAP(2:LA,K-1) IF(ISTRWQ(1)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(2)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(3)==1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(K/=KC)THEN IF(WQWSC(IMWQZT1(L))<0.0) THEN WQBCSET(L,2) = 0.0 ELSE WQBCSET(L,2) = WQWSC(IMWQZT1(L))*DZWQ(L) ENDIF IF(WQWSD(IMWQZT1(L))<0.0) THEN WQBDSET(L,2) = 0.0 ELSE WQBDSET(L,2) = WQWSD(IMWQZT1(L))*DZWQ(L) ENDIF IF(WQWSG(IMWQZT1(L))<0.0) THEN WQBGSET(L,2) = 0.0 ELSE WQBGSET(L,2) = WQWSG(IMWQZT1(L))*DZWQ(L) ENDIF ENDIF IF(K/=1)THEN IF(WQWSC(IMWQZT2(L))<0.0)WQBCSET(L,2) = WQBCSET(L,2)-WQWSC(IMWQZT2(L))*DZWQ(L) IF(WQWSD(IMWQZT2(L))<0.0)WQBDSET(L,2) = WQBDSET(L,2)-WQWSD(IMWQZT2(L))*DZWQ(L) IF(WQWSG(IMWQZT2(L))<0.0)WQBGSET(L,2) = WQBGSET(L,2)-WQWSG(IMWQZT2(L))*DZWQ(L) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF(K/=KC) THEN DO L=2,LA WQRPSET(L,2) = WQWSRP(IMWQZT1(L))*DZWQ(L) WQLPSET(L,2) = WQWSLP(IMWQZT1(L))*DZWQ(L) ENDDO ENDIF ! *** SET SETTLING FOR TAM SORPTION: ONE LAYER UP IF(IWQSRP==1.AND.K/=KC)THEN DO L=2,LA WQWSSET(L,2) = WQWSS(IMWQZT1(L))*DZWQ(L) ENDDO ENDIF C C FIND AN INDEX FOR LOOK-UP TABLE FOR TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCY C ! *** DSLLC BEGIN BLOCK DO L=2,LA IWQT(L)=NINT((TWQ(L)-WQTDMIN)/WQTDINC)+1 ENDDO DO L=2,LA IF(IWQT(L)<1 .OR. IWQT(L)>NWQTD)THEN OPEN(1,FILE='ERROR'//ans(partid2)//'.LOG',POSITION='APPEND',STATUS='UNKNOWN') WRITE(1,*)' *** ERROR IN WQSKE1:TEMPERATURE LOOKUP TABLE' WRITE(1,911) TIMEDAY, L, IL(L), JL(L), K, TWQ(L),TEM(L,K) WRITE(6,600)IL(L),JL(L),K,TWQ(L),TEM(L,K) IWQT(L)=MAX(IWQT(L),1) IWQT(L)=MIN(IWQT(L),NWQTD) CLOSE(1,STATUS='KEEP') ENDIF ENDDO ! *** DSLLC END BLOCK 600 FORMAT(' I,J,K,TWQ,TEM = ',3I5,2E13.4) 911 FORMAT('ERROR: TIME, L, I, J, K, TWQ(L),TEM(L,K) = ', & F10.5, I5, 2I4, I3, 2F10.4,/) !C NOTE: MRM 04/29/99 ADDED ARRAYS TO KEEP TRACK OF !C NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, LIGHT, AND TEMPERATURE LIMITS !C FOR ALGAE GROWTH FOR CYANOBACTERIA, DIATOMS, GREENS, !C AND MACROALGAE. THESE ARE THE ARRAYS: !C XLIMNX(L,K) = NITROGEN LIMITATION FOR ALGAE GROUP X !C XLIMPX(L,K) = PHOSPHORUS LIMITATION FOR ALGAE GROUP X !C XLIMIX(L,K) = LIGHT LIMITATION FOR ALGAE GROUP X !C XLIMTX(L,K) = TEMPERATURE LIMITATION FOR ALGAE GROUP X ! *** BEGIN HORIZONTAL LOOP FOR ALGAE PARMETERS DO L=2,LA RNH4WQ(L) = MAX (WQV(L,K,14), 0.0) ! *** Ammonia RNO3WQ(L) = MAX (WQV(L,K,15), 0.0) ! *** Nitrate PO4DWQ(L) = MAX (WQPO4D(L,K), 0.0) ! *** Phosphate RNH4NO3(L) = RNH4WQ(L) + RNO3WQ(L) ! *** Total Inorganic Nitrogen IF(ISTRWQ(22)==1)CO2WQ(L) = MAX (WQV(L,K,22), 0.0) ! *** CO2 ENDDO DO L=2,LA IF(ISTRWQ(1)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(2)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(3)==1)THEN !Microalgae? WQGNC = RNH4NO3(L) / (WQKHNC+RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18) WQGND = RNH4NO3(L) / (WQKHND+RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18) WQGNG = RNH4NO3(L) / (WQKHNG+RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18) WQGPC = PO4DWQ(L) / (WQKHPC+PO4DWQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQGPD = PO4DWQ(L) / (WQKHPD+PO4DWQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQGPG = PO4DWQ(L) / (WQKHPG+PO4DWQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQGCO2C = CO2WQ(L) / (WQKHCO2C+CO2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQGCO2D = CO2WQ(L) / (WQKHCO2D+CO2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQGCO2G = CO2WQ(L) / (WQKHCO2G+CO2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) XLIMNC(L,K) = XLIMNC(L,K) + WQGNC !Cyanobacteria nitrogen limitation XLIMND(L,K) = XLIMND(L,K) + WQGND !Diatom nitrogen limitation XLIMNG(L,K) = XLIMNG(L,K) + WQGNG !Green algae nitrogen limitation XLIMPC(L,K) = XLIMPC(L,K) + WQGPC !Cyanobacteria phosphorus limitation XLIMPD(L,K) = XLIMPD(L,K) + WQGPD !Diatom phosphorus limitation XLIMPG(L,K) = XLIMPG(L,K) + WQGPG !Green algae phosphorus limitation XLIMCO2C(L,K) = XLIMCO2C(L,K) + WQGCO2C !Cyanobacteria CO2 limitation XLIMCO2D(L,K) = XLIMCO2D(L,K) + WQGCO2D !Diatom CO2 limitation XLIMCO2G(L,K) = XLIMCO2G(L,K) + WQGCO2G !Green algae CO2 limitation XLIMTC(L,K) = XLIMTC(L,K) + WQTDGC(IWQT(L)) !Cyanobacteria temperature limitation XLIMTD(L,K) = XLIMTD(L,K) + WQTDGD(IWQT(L)) !Diatom temperature limitation XLIMTG(L,K) = XLIMTG(L,K) + WQTDGG(IWQT(L)) !Green algae temperature limitation IF(ISTRWQ(22)>0)THEN WQF1NC = MIN(WQGNC, WQGPC, WQGCO2C) !Minimum of the N/P/CO2 Limit: Cyanobacteria ELSE WQF1NC = MIN(WQGNC, WQGPC) !Minimum of the N/P Limit: Cyanobacteria ENDIF IF(IWQSI==1)THEN !SILICA LIMITATION? SADWQ = MAX (WQSAD(L,K), 0.0) WQGSD = SADWQ / (WQKHS+SADWQ+ 1.E-18) IF(ISTRWQ(22)>0)THEN !CO2 LIMITATION? WQF1ND = MIN(WQGND, WQGPD, WQGSD, WQGCO2D) !Minimum of the N/P/Si/CO2 Limit: Diatoms ELSE WQF1ND = MIN(WQGND, WQGPD, WQGSD) !Minimum of the N/P/Si Limit: Diatoms ENDIF ELSEIF(IWQSI==0)THEN IF(ISTRWQ(22)>0)THEN !CO2 LIMITATON? WQF1ND = MIN(WQGND, WQGPD, WQGCO2D) !Minimum of the N/P/CO2 Limit: Diatoms ELSE WQF1ND = MIN(WQGND, WQGPD) !Minimum of the N/P Limit: Diatom ENDIF ENDIF IF(ISTRWQ(22)>0)THEN WQF1NG = MIN(WQGNG, WQGPG, WQGCO2G) !Minimum of the N/P/CO2 Limit: Greens ELSE WQF1NG = MIN(WQGNG, WQGPG) !Minimum of the N/P Limit: Greens ENDIF C C ALGAL BASAL METABOLISM & PREDATION C WQBMC(L) = WQBMRC(IMWQZT(L)) * WQTDRC(IWQT(L)) WQPRC(L) = WQPRRC(IMWQZT(L)) * WQTDRC(IWQT(L)) C C THE VARIABLE WQTDGP ADJUSTS PREDATION AND BASAL METABOLISM BASED ON A C LOWER/UPPER OPTIMUM TEMPERATURE FUNCTION. THIS WILL ALLOW DIATOMS TO C BLOOM IN WINTER IF WQTDGP IS CLOSE TO ZERO. C WQBMD(L)=WQBMRD(IMWQZT(L))*WQTDRD(IWQT(L))*WQTDGP(IWQT(L)) WQPRD(L)=WQPRRD(IMWQZT(L))*WQTDRD(IWQT(L))*WQTDGP(IWQT(L)) WQBMG(L) = WQBMRG(IMWQZT(L)) * WQTDRG(IWQT(L)) WQPRG(L) = WQPRRG(IMWQZT(L)) * WQTDRG(IWQT(L)) ENDIF !***For macroalgae defined in VEGE.INP IDNOTRVA>0 IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0)THEN !RMAC is the ratio of a layer occupied by macroalgae as calculated in CALTBXY !***WQGNM is nitrate/ammonium limitation WQGNM = RNH4NO3(L) / (WQKHNM+RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18) MACLIM(L,K,4) = WQGNM !NO3/NH4 limitation saved !***WQGPM is phosphate limitation WQGPM = PO4DWQ(L) / (WQKHPM+PO4DWQ(L) + 1.E-18) MACLIM(L,K,5) = WQGPM !PO4 limitation saved !***WQGCO2M is CO2 limitation !***WQF1NM is total nutrient limitation IF(ISTRWQ(22)>0)THEN WQGCO2M = CO2WQ(L) / (WQKHCO2M+CO2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) !CO2 macroalgae limitation MACLIM(L,K,6) = WQGCO2M !CO2 limitation saved WQF1NM = MIN(WQGNM, WQGPM, WQGCO2M) !Minimum of the N/P/CO2 Limit: macroalgae XLIMCO2M(L,K) = XLIMCO2M(L,K) + WQGCO2M !CO2 ELSE WQF1NM = MIN(WQGNM, WQGPM) !Minimum of the N/P Limit: macroalgae ENDIF XLIMNM(L,K) = XLIMNM(L,K) + WQGNM !Macroalgae nitrate/ammonium limitation XLIMPM(L,K) = XLIMPM(L,K) + WQGPM !Macroalgae phosphorus limitation XLIMTM(L,K) = XLIMTM(L,K) + WQTDGM(IWQT(L)) !Macroalgae temperature limitation MACLIM(L,K,3) = WQTDGM(IWQT(L)) !Temperature limitation saved !C BIOLOGICAL CARRYING CAPACITY LIMITATION !C FIRST CONVERT FROM MACROALGAE FROM A CONCENTRATION (MG C/M3) TO A DENSITY (MG C/M2). IF(IWQVLIM>0)THEN !Is biomass carrying capacity a limitation? XMRM = WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA)*DZCHP(L) WQLDF = WQKBP(L) / (WQKBP(L) + XMRM) !Macroalgae biomass carrying capacity limitation XLIMDM(L,K) = XLIMDM(L,K) + WQLDF ELSE WQLDF=1.0 !No macroalgal biomass carrying capacity limitation on growth ENDIF !C OPTION 1 FOR VELOCITY LIMITATION ASSUMES MACROALGAE GROWTH !C IS LIMITED AT LOW VELOCITIES DUE TO REDUCED AVAILABILITY OF !C NUTRIENTS REACHING THE ALGAE BIOMASS. USES A MICHAELIS-MENTON !C TYPE OF EQUATION. IF(IWQVLIM==1)THEN !Is macroalgal growth limited according to the Michaelis-Menton equation? LE=LEAST(L) LN=LNC(L) UMRM = 0.5*( U(L,K) + U(LE,K) ) VMRM = 0.5*( V(L,K) + V(LN, K) ) WQVEL=SQRT(UMRM*UMRM + VMRM*VMRM) IF(WQVEL>WQKMVMIN(L))THEN WQLVF = WQVEL / (WQKMV(L) + WQVEL) ELSE WQLVF = WQKMVMIN(L) / (WQKMV(L) + WQKMVMIN(L)) ENDIF !C OPTION 2 FOR VELOCITY LIMITATION APPLIES A FIVE-PARAMETER LOGISTIC !C FUNCTION THAT CAN BE ADJUSTED TO LIMIT MACROALGAE GROWTH FOR !C EITHER LOW OR HIGH (SCOUR) VELOCITIES. IN STREAMS WITH LOW NUTRIENTS, !C THE LOW VELOCITY WILL LIKELY BE LIMITING SINCE AMPLE NUTRIENTS MAY !C NOT REACH THE ALGAE BIOMASS DUE TO REDUCED FLOW. IN STREAMS WITH !C ABUNDANT NUTRIENTS, LOW VELOCITIES WILL NOT LIMIT MACROALGAE GROWTH, !C INSTEAD, HIGH VELOCITIES WILL LIKELY SCOUR THE MACROALGAE AND DETACH !C IT FROM THE SUBSTRATE. ELSEIF(IWQVLIM==2)THEN !Is macroalgal growth limited according to a five-parameter logistic equation? XNUMER = WQKMVA(L) - WQKMVD(L) XDENOM = 1.0 + (WQVEL/WQKMVC(L))**WQKMVB(L) WQLVF = WQKMVD(L) + ( XNUMER / (XDENOM**WQKMVE(L)) ) XLIMVM(L,K) = XLIMVM(L,K) + WQLVF !Macroalgae velocity limitation ELSE !No macroalgal velocity limitation on growth WQLVF=1.0 ENDIF ! *** USE THE MORE SEVERELY LIMITING OF VELOCITY OR NUTRIENT FACTORS: WQF1NM = MIN(WQLVF, WQF1NM) ! *** MACROALGAE BASAL METABOLISM AND PREDATION WQBMM(L) = WQBMRM(IMWQZT(L)) * WQTDRM(IWQT(L)) WQPRM(L) = WQPRRM(IMWQZT(L)) * WQTDRM(IWQT(L)) MACLIM(L,K,7) = WQBMM(L) !Macroalgae basal metabolic rate saved MACLIM(L,K,8) = WQPRM(L) !Macroalgae predation rate saved ENDIF !End of macroalgae nutrient, biomass carrying capacity, and velocity limitation calculations ! *** IN C&C, F2IC=F2IC/FCYAN, FACTOR TO ALLOW CYANOBACTERIA MAT FORMATION ! *** COMPUTE TOTAL EXTINCTION COEFFICIENT ! *** LIGHT EXTINCTION (THIS WILL ALWAYS BE TRUE EXCEPT FOR IWQSUN=2) WQKESS=WQKEB(IMWQZT(L)) !Start with background light extinction IF(ISTRWQ(4)>0.OR.ISTRWQ(5)>0)WQKESS=WQKESS+WQKEPOM*(WQV(L,K,4)+WQV(L,K,5))*DZCHP(L) !Add any refractory and particulate organic carbon component IF(ISTRAN(6)>0.OR.ISTRAN(7)>0)WQKESS=WQKESS+WQKETSS*(SEDT(L,K)+SNDT(L,K)) *DZCHP(L) !Add any sediment component IF(ISTRWQ(1)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(2)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(3)==1)THEN !Add any Chlorophyll component IF(WQKECHL<0.0)THEN ! *** Compute Extinction Factor as a fn(Chla) XMRM = 0.054*WQCHL(L,K)**0.6667 + 0.0088*WQCHL(L,K) ELSE XMRM = WQKECHL*WQCHL(L,K) ENDIF WQKESS = WQKESS+XMRM ENDIF IF(RMAC(L,K)>0)WQKESS = WQKESS + WQKECHL*WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA)*DZCHP(L) !Add any macroalgae component (may need its own light extinction, Ke, variable WQKEMAC) IF(K==KC)THEN !Specify surface solar radiation intensity WQITOP(L,K) = WQI0TOP(L) ELSE !Calculate solar radiation intensity as a function of the layer above's solar radiation intensity WQITOP(L,K) = WQITOP(L,K+1)*EXP(-WQKESS*DZCHP(L)) ENDIF !SEE DiTORO ET AL. (1971, EQNS. (11)&(12)) ! *** NOTE THAT LIGHT LIMITATION IS DUE TO EITHER Cyanobacteria, Diatoms, Green algae, or Macroalgae, BUT THESE ARE NOT ADDITIVE. ! IN SYSTEMS WITH MORE THAT ONE MICROALGAE OR MICROALGAE PLUS MACROALGAE, THIS MUST BE REWRITTEN TO BE ADDITIVE. IF(WQI0>0.1.AND.(ISTRWQ(1)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(2)==1.OR.ISTRWQ(3)==1))THEN !If there is solar radiation and microalgae ! *** OPTIMAL LIGHT INTENSITY AT OPTIMAL DEPTH IF(K==KC)THEN WQISC(L) = MAX( WQAVGIO*EXP(-WQKESS*WQDOPC),WQISMIN) WQISD(L) = MAX( WQAVGIO*EXP(-WQKESS*WQDOPD),WQISMIN) WQISG(L) = MAX( WQAVGIO*EXP(-WQKESS*WQDOPG),WQISMIN) ENDIF ! *** LIGHT GROWTH-LIMITING FACTOR EXPA0=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISC(L)) EXPA1=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISC(L)*EXP(-WQKESS*DZCHP(L))) WQF2IC=EXP(1.0)*WQFD/(DZCHP(L)*WQKESS)*(EXPA1-EXPA0) !Cyanobacteria light limitation XLIMIC(L,K) = XLIMIC(L,K) + WQF2IC EXPA0=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISD(L)) EXPA1=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISD(L)*EXP(-WQKESS*DZCHP(L))) WQF2ID=EXP(1.0)*WQFD/(DZCHP(L)*WQKESS)*(EXPA1-EXPA0) !Diatom light limitation XLIMID(L,K) = XLIMID(L,K) + WQF2ID EXPA0=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISG(L)) EXPA1=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISG(L)*EXP(-WQKESS*DZCHP(L))) WQF2IG=EXP(1.0)*WQFD/(DZCHP(L)*WQKESS)*(EXPA1-EXPA0) !Green algae light limitation XLIMIG(L,K) = XLIMIG(L,K) + WQF2IG ! *** Compute Microalgal Growth Rates due to Limitation Factors IF(IWQSTOX==1)THEN !Are cyanotoxins considered? WQF4SC = WQSTOX / (WQSTOX + SWQ(L)*SWQ(L)+1.E-12) WQPC(L)=WQPMC(IMWQZT(L))*WQF1NC*WQF2IC*WQTDGC(IWQT(L))*WQF4SC ELSE WQPC(L) = WQPMC(IMWQZT(L))*WQF1NC*WQF2IC*WQTDGC(IWQT(L)) ENDIF WQPD(L) = WQPMD(IMWQZT(L))*WQF1ND*WQF2ID*WQTDGD(IWQT(L)) WQPG(L) = WQPMG(IMWQZT(L))*WQF1NG*WQF2IG*WQTDGG(IWQT(L)) ENDIF ! *** MACROALGAE SUBMODEL IF(WQI0>0.1 .AND. RMAC(L,K)>0.0)THEN !If there is solar radiation and some macroalgae present in this layer IZ=IWQZMAP(L,K) WQISM(L) = MAX( WQAVGIO*EXP(-WQKESS*WQDOPM(IZ)), WQISMIN ) !Optimal light ! *** SOLAR RADIATION AT TOP OF THIS LAYER EXPA0=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISM(L)) !Macroalgae ! *** UPDATE SOLAR RADIATION AT BOTTOM OF THIS LAYER EXPA1=EXP(-WQITOP(L,K)/WQISM(L)*EXP(-WQKESS*DZCHP(L))) !Macroalgae !*********WQF2IM is the light limitation for macroalgae WQF2IM=EXP(1.0)*WQFD/(DZCHP(L)*WQKESS)*(EXPA1-EXPA0) !Macroalgae light limitation XLIMIM(L,K) = XLIMIM(L,K) + WQF2IM !*********XLIMIM is the light limitation for macroalgae MACLIM(L,K,2) = WQF2IM !light limitation saved !*** Maximum macroalgae growth rate modulated by WQF2IM (light limitation}, WQF1NM (nutrient limitation), WQTDGM (temperature limitation), and WQLDF (ecological carrying capacity limitation) WQPM(L)= WQPMM(IMWQZT(L))*WQF2IM*WQF1NM*WQTDGM(IWQT(L))*WQLDF !Macroalgae growth rate f(I)*h(N)*g(T)*ecological carrying capacity (note that velocity limitation was already considered as a component of nutrient limitation) MACLIM(L,K,1) = WQPM(L) !Macroalgae growth rate saved !SCJ debug write out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! if(L==284.and.K==13)then ! print*,(MACLIM(L,K,NQ),NQ=1,5)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! print*,'Biomass:',WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA),WQV(L,K,14),WQV(L,19,14)!!!!!!!!!!! ! endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ENDIF ENDDO C C END HORIZONTAL LOOP FOR ALGAE PARMETERS C XMRM = 0.0 DO L=2,LA IZ=IWQZMAP(L,K) WQOBTOT(L) = WQV(L,K,1)+WQV(L,K,2)+WQV(L,K,3) WQKRPC(L) = (WQKRC + WQKRCALG*WQOBTOT(L)) * WQTDHDR(IWQT(L)) WQKLPC(L) = (WQKLC + WQKLCALG*WQOBTOT(L)) * WQTDHDR(IWQT(L)) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae are present in this layer & XMRM = WQKDCALM(IZ) * WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA) !Check if it makes sense to multiply by RMAC C C M. MORTON 08/28/99: ADDED SPATIALLY VARIABLE DOC HYDROLYSIS RATE WQKDC C TO ACHIEVE BETTER CONTROL IN SYSTEMS WITH A COMBINATION OF FRESHWAT C STREAMS AND TIDAL RIVERS WITH DIFFERENT CHARACTERISTICS. C WQKDOC=(WQKDC(IZ)+WQKDCALG*WQOBTOT(L) + XMRM)*WQTDMNL(IWQT(L)) O2WQ(L) = MAX(WQV(L,K,19), 0.0) WQTT1 = WQKDOC / (WQKHORDO + O2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQKHR(L) = WQTT1 * O2WQ(L) WQDENIT(L)=WQTT1*WQAANOX*RNO3WQ(L)/(WQKHDNN+RNO3WQ(L) + 1.E-18) ENDDO C C 7-10 PHOSPHORUS C ! *** HYDROLYSIS DO L=2,LA WQAPC(L)=1.0/(WQCP1PRM+WQCP2PRM*EXP(-WQCP3PRM*PO4DWQ(L))) WQKHP = (WQKHPC+WQKHPD+WQKHPG) / 3.0 WQTT1 = WQKHP / (WQKHP+PO4DWQ(L) + 1.E-18) * WQOBTOT(L) WQKRPP(L) = (WQKRP + WQKRPALG*WQTT1) * WQTDHDR(IWQT(L)) ! *** RPOP--> PO4 WQKLPP(L) = (WQKLP + WQKLPALG*WQTT1) * WQTDHDR(IWQT(L)) ! *** LPOP--> DOP WQKDOP(L) = (WQKDP + WQKDPALG*WQTT1) * WQTDMNL(IWQT(L)) ! *** DOP --> PO4 ENDDO ! *** PHOSPHATE SETTLING DO L=2,LA IF(IWQSRP==1)THEN WQTTM = WQKPO4P*WQTAMP(L,K) WQH10(L) = - WQWSSET(L,1) * WQTTM / (1.0+WQTTM) IF(K/=KC)THEN WQTTM = WQKPO4P*WQTAMP(L,K+1) WQT10(L) = WQWSSET(L,2) * WQTTM / (1.0+WQTTM) ENDIF ELSEIF(IWQSRP==2)THEN WQTTS = WQKPO4P*SEDT(L,K) WQH10(L) = - WSEDO(NS) * WQTTS * DZWQ(L) / (1.0+WQTTS) IF(K/=KC)THEN WQTTS = WQKPO4P*SEDT(L,K) WQT10(L) = WSEDO(NS) * WQTTS * DZWQ(L) / (1.0+WQTTS) ENDIF ELSE WQH10(L) = 0.0 WQT10(L) = 0.0 ENDIF WQH10(L) = WQH10(L)*DTWQO2 ENDDO C C 11-15 NITROGEN C ! *** HYDROLYSIS DO L=2,LA WQKHN = (WQKHNC+WQKHND+WQKHNG) / 3.0 WQTT1 = WQKHN / (WQKHN+RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18) * WQOBTOT(L) WQKRPN(L) = (WQKRN + WQKRNALG*WQTT1) * WQTDHDR(IWQT(L)) ! *** RPON-->NH3 WQKLPN(L) = (WQKLN + WQKLNALG*WQTT1) * WQTDHDR(IWQT(L)) ! *** LON -->DON WQKDON(L) = (WQKDN + WQKDNALG*WQTT1) * WQTDMNL(IWQT(L)) ! *** DON -->NH3 ENDDO DO L=2,LA IF(RNH4NO3(L)==0.0)THEN WQPNC(L)=0.0 WQPND(L)=0.0 WQPNG(L)=0.0 WQPNM(L)=0.0 ELSE WQTTC = RNH4WQ(L)/(WQKHNC+RNO3WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQTTD = RNH4WQ(L)/(WQKHND+RNO3WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQTTG = RNH4WQ(L)/(WQKHNG+RNO3WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQTTM = RNH4WQ(L)/(WQKHNM+RNO3WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQPNC(L) = (RNO3WQ(L)/(WQKHNC+RNH4WQ(L) + 1.E-18) & + WQKHNC/(RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18)) * WQTTC WQPND(L) = (RNO3WQ(L)/(WQKHND+RNH4WQ(L) + 1.E-18) & + WQKHND/(RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18)) * WQTTD WQPNG(L) = (RNO3WQ(L)/(WQKHNG+RNH4WQ(L) + 1.E-18) & + WQKHNG/(RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18)) * WQTTG WQPNM(L) = (RNO3WQ(L)/(WQKHNM+RNH4WQ(L) + 1.E-18) & + WQKHNM/(RNH4NO3(L) + 1.E-18)) * WQTTM ENDIF WQNIT(L) = O2WQ(L) * WQTDNIT(IWQT(L)) / & ( (WQKHNDO+O2WQ(L)) * (WQKHNN+RNH4WQ(L)) + 1.E-18) ENDDO IF(IWQSI==1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(IWQSRP==1)THEN WQTTM = WQKSAP*WQTAMP(L,K) WQN17(L) = - WQWSSET(L,1) * WQTTM / (1.0+WQTTM) IF(K/=KC)THEN WQTTM = WQKSAP*WQTAMP(L,K+1) WQT17(L) = WQWSSET(L,2) * WQTTM / (1.0+WQTTM) ENDIF ELSEIF(IWQSRP==2)THEN WQTTS = WQKSAP*SEDT(L,K) WQN17(L) = - WSEDO(NS) * WQTTS * DZWQ(L) / (1.0+WQTTS) IF(K/=KC)THEN WQTTS = WQKSAP*SEDT(L,K+1) WQT17(L) = WSEDO(NS) * WQTTS * DZWQ(L) / (1.0+WQTTS) ENDIF ELSE WQN17(L) = 0.0 WQT17(L) = 0.0 ENDIF ENDDO WQN17(L) = WQN17(L)*DTWQO2 ENDIF C IF(ISTRWQ(22)==1)THEN PPCDO=-3.45 !PARTIAL PRES OF CO2 IN 10^ppcdo ATM; TEMPORARILY DECLARED HERE. SHOULD BE READ IN FROM INPUT FILE DO L=2,LA IZ=IWQZMAP(L,K) WQO18(L)= -DTWQO2*WQKCOD(IWQT(L),IZ)*O2WQ(L)/ & (WQKHCOD(IZ) + O2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) C ! *** DO Saturation, MOD BY TT, SEE CHAPRA (1997) PG. 3 ! TVAL1=1./(TWQ(L)+273.15) ! TVAL2=TVAL1*TVAL1 ! TVAL3=TVAL1*TVAL2 ! TVAL4=TVAL2*TVAL2 ! RLNSAT1=-139.3441+(1.575701E+5*TVAL1)-(6.642308E+7*TVAL2) ! & +(1.2438E+10*TVAL3)-(8.621949E+11*TVAL4) ! RLNSAT2=RLNSAT1-SWQ(L)*( 1.7674E-2-(1.0754E+1*TVAL1) ! & +(2.1407E+3*TVAL2) ) ! WQDOS(L) = EXP(RLNSAT2) ! XDOSAT(L,K) = XDOSAT(L,K) + WQDOS(L)*DTWQ*DZCHP(L) ! *** DO Saturation, Modified by SCJ, see Garcia and Gordon, Limnology and Oceanography 37(6), 1992, Eqn. 8 and Table 1 TVAL1=LOG((298.15-TWQ(L))/(273.15+TWQ(L))) TVAL2=TVAL1*TVAL1 TVAL3=TVAL1*TVAL2 TVAL4=TVAL1*TVAL3 TVAL5=TVAL1*TVAL4 RLNSAT1=5.80818+3.20684*TVAL1+4.11890*TVAL2+4.93845*TVAL3 & +1.01567*TVAL4+1.41575*TVAL5 RLNSAT2=SWQ(L)*(-7.01211E-3-7.25958E-3*TVAL1-7.93334E-3*TVAL2 & -5.54491E-3*TVAL3)-1.32412E-7*SWQ(L)*SWQ(L) WQDOS(L) = EXP(RLNSAT1+RLNSAT2)*32E-3 !32E-3 approximately converts micromol/L to mg/L or g/m^3 XDOSAT(L,K) = XDOSAT(L,K) + WQDOS(L)*DTWQ*DZCHP(L) !************* CO2 parameters CDOSATIDX(L) = -2385.73/(TWQ(L) + 273.15) - !VB COMPUTING THE pK FOR SAT CONC OF CO2; K - HENRY'S CONST & 0.0152642 * (TWQ(L) + 273.15) + 14.0184 ! K * MOL WT OF CO2 * PARTIAL PRES OF CO2 IN ATM WQCDOS(L) = 10.**(-CDOSATIDX(L)+PPCDO) * (44.* 1000.) !VB EVALUATING CONC OF CO2 IN G/M^3 !************* CO2 parameters ! *** Compute Reaeration IF(K==KC)THEN WINDREA = WINDST(L) ! DO NOT ALLOW WIND SPEEDS ABOVE 11 M/SEC IN THE FOLLOWING EQUATION WQWREA=0.728*SQRT(WINDREA)+(0.0372*WINDREA-0.317)*WINDREA C LE=LEAST(L) LN=LNC(L) IF(IWQKA(IZ)==0)THEN WQVREA = WQKRO(IZ) WQWREA = 0.0 ELSEIF(IWQKA(IZ)==1)THEN WQVREA = WQKRO(IZ) ELSEIF(IWQKA(IZ)==2)THEN UMRM = 0.5*(U(L,K)+U(LE,K)) VMRM = 0.5*(V(L,K)+V(LN,K)) XMRM = SQRT(UMRM*UMRM + VMRM*VMRM) ! *** WQKRO = 3.933 TYPICALLY WQVREA = WQKRO(IZ) * XMRM**0.5 / HP(L)**0.5 ELSEIF(IWQKA(IZ)==3)THEN UMRM = MAX(U(L,K), U(LE,K)) VMRM = MAX(V(L,K), V(LN,K)) XMRM = SQRT(UMRM*UMRM + VMRM*VMRM) ! *** WQKRO = 5.32 TYPICALLY WQVREA = WQKRO(IZ) * XMRM**0.67 / HP(L)**1.85 ELSEIF(IWQKA(IZ)==4)THEN ! *** MODIFIED OWENS AND GIBBS REAERATION EQUATION: ! *** NOTE: NORMALIZED TO A DEPTH OF 1.0 FT, I.E., THIS EQUATION GIVES THE ! *** SAME REAERATION AS OWENS & GIBBS AT 1.0 FT DEPTH; AT HIGHER ! *** DEPTHS IT GIVES LARGER REAERATION THAN OWENS & GIBBS. UMRM = MAX(U(L,K), U(LE,K)) VMRM = MAX(V(L,K), V(LN,K)) XMRM = SQRT(UMRM*UMRM + VMRM*VMRM) YMRM = HP(L)*3.0*(1.0 - HP(L)/(HP(L)+0.1524)) ! *** WQKRO = 5.32 TYPICALLY WQVREA = WQKRO(IZ) * XMRM**0.67 / YMRM**1.85 ELSEIF(IWQKA(IZ)== 5)THEN UMRM = MAX(U(L,K), U(LEAST(L),K)) VMRM = MAX(V(L,K), V(LNC(L),K)) XMRM = SQRT(UMRM*UMRM + VMRM*VMRM) WQVREA = 3.7*XMRM ENDIF ! *** NOW COMBINE REAERATION DUE TO WATER VELOCITY AND WIND STRESS WQVREA = WQVREA * REAC(IZ) WQWREA = WQWREA * REAC(IZ) WQP19(L) = - (WQVREA + WQWREA) * DZWQ(L)* WQTDKR(IWQT(L),IZ) WQKRDOS(L) = -WQP19(L)*WQDOS(L) WQP22(L) = WQP19(L)*((32./44.)**0.25) !VB Kr FOR CO2 ANALOGOUS TO WQP19 ; 44 = MOL WT OF CO2 WQKRCDOS(L) = -WQP22(L) * WQCDOS(L) !VB EVALUATING Kr*SAT CONC OF CO2 ELSE WQP19(L) = 0.0 WQP22(L) = 0.0 !VB Kr FOR CO2 IS ZERO FOR CELLS NOT AT THE SURFACE ENDIF ENDDO IF(IWQSRP==1)THEN WQR20(2:LA) = WQWPSL(2:LA,K,20)*VOLWQ(2:LA) & + (WQV(2:LA,K,20) - WQTAMP(2:LA,K)) * WQWSSET(2:LA,1) IF(K==1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN WQR20(L) = WQR20(L) & + WQTDTAM(IWQT(L))*DZWQ(L)/(WQKHBMF+O2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF(K/=KC)THEN WQR20(2:LA) = WQR20(2:LA) & + (WQV(2:LA,K+1,20) - WQTAMP(2:LA,K+1)) * WQWSSET(2:LA,2) ELSE ! K==KC WQR20(2:LA)=WQR20(2:LA)+(WQWDSL(2:LA,KC,20)+WQATML(2:LA,KC,20))*VOLWQ(2:LA) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF C ! WQA1Cmax=0.0;WQA1Cmin=0.0 DO M=1,MCOUNT !Macroalgae L=IJLMAC(M,3) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0)THEN WQA1C = (WQPM(L) - WQBMM(L) - WQPRM(L)-WQWSM*DZWQ(L))*DTWQO2 !RMAC factor ! WQA1Cmax=max(WQA1Cmax,WQA1C);WQA1Cmin=min(WQA1Cmin,WQA1C) WQVA1C = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQA1C) WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA)=(WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA)+WQA1C*WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA))*WQVA1C !*SMAC(L) !Macroalgae growth equation WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA) = MAX(WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA),WQMCMIN) !*SMAC(L) !Note the lower bound put on macroalgae from Bmin in C44 of WQ3DWC.INP WQO(L,IDNOTRVA) = WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA)+WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA) ENDIF ENDDO C C****************************************************************************** C *** C *** NOW COMPUTE KINETICS FOR EACH CONSTITUENT C C **** PARAM 01 CHC - cyanobacteria C IF(ISTRWQ(1).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** GROWTH BASAL_METAB PREDATION SETTLING TIME STEP WQA1C=(WQPC(L)-WQBMC(L)-WQPRC(L)-WQBCSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 !production per unit time multiplied by half time step WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQA1C) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR1C = WQWPSL(L,K,1) * VOLWQ(L) !point source load rate multiplied by inverse cell volume g/m^3/t WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,1) + DTWQ*WQR1C + WQA1C*WQV(L,K,1) !transported biomass conc. (CALWQC) + point source load rate * time step + growth rate * previous biomass conc. ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQBCSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,1) !biomass conc. + DtX(1/t)* biomass conc. ELSE !Surface layer: K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR1C = (WQWDSL(L,KC,1)+WQATML(L,KC,1))*VOLWQ(L) !atmospheric loading mass per time / cell volume WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR1C !biomass conc. + Dt*loading rate per unit volume ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,1)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.0-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,1) !boundary condition implementation. CAN THIS BE REPLACED BY WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA) THROUGHOUT THESE CALCULATIONS? WQO(2:LA,1)= WQVO(2:LA,K,1)+WQV(2:LA,K,1) !depth totaled (column sum) biomass conc = old biomass conc in cell + biomass conc from this iteration ENDIF C C **** PARAM 02 CHD - diatom algae C IF(ISTRWQ(2).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** GROWTH BASAL_METAB PREDATION SETTLING TIME STEP WQA2D=(WQPD(L)-WQBMD(L)-WQPRD(L)-WQBDSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQA2D) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR2D = WQWPSL(L,K,2) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,2) + DTWQ*WQR2D + WQA2D*WQV(L,K,2) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQBDSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(L,2) ELSE !Surface layer: K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR2D = (WQWDSL(L,KC,2)+WQATML(L,KC,2))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR2D ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,2)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,2) WQO(2:LA,2)=WQVO(2:LA,K,2)+WQV(2:LA,K,2) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 03 CHG - green algae C IF(ISTRWQ(3).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** GROWTH BASAL_METAB PREDATION SETTLING TIME STEP WQA3G=(WQPG(L)-WQBMG(L)-WQPRG(L)-WQBGSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQA3G) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR3G = WQWPSL(L,K,3) * VOLWQ(L) ! *** External Internal WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,3) + DTWQ*WQR3G + WQA3G*WQV(L,K,3) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add the Algae settled in from the cell above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQBGSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,3) ELSE !Surface layer: K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR3G = (WQWDSL(L,KC,3)+WQATML(L,KC,3))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR3G ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,3)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,3) WQO(2:LA,3)=WQVO(2:LA,K,3)+WQV(2:LA,K,3) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 04 ROC - refractory particulate organic carbon C IF(ISTRWQ(4).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** HYDROLYSIS SETTLING WQB4 = -( WQKRPC(L) + WQRPSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQB4) ! *** ALGAE PREDATION SOURCE OF RPOC WQA4 = WQFCRP * (WQPRC(L)*WQO(L,1) + WQPRD(L)*WQO(L,2) + WQPRG(L)*WQO(L,3)) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is present in this layer & WQA4 = WQA4 + WQFCRPM*WQPRM(L)*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) !RMAC factor? ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR4 = WQWPSL(L,K,4) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,4) + DTWQ*WQR4 + DTWQO2*WQA4 + WQB4*WQV(L,K,4) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQRPSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,4) ELSE !Surface layer: K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR4 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,4)+WQATML(L,KC,4))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR4 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,4)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,4) WQO(2:LA,4)=WQVO(2:LA,K,4)+WQV(2:LA,K,4) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 05 LOC - labile particulate organic carbon C IF(ISTRWQ(5).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** HYDROLYSIS SETTLING WQC5 = - (WQKLPC(L) + WQLPSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQC5) WQA5 = WQFCLP * (WQPRC(L)*WQO(L,1) + WQPRD(L)*WQO(L,2) + WQPRG(L)*WQO(L,3)) !Predation IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is present in this layer & WQA5 = WQA5 + WQFCLPM * WQPRM(L)*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) !RMAC factor? ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR5 = WQWPSL(L,K,5) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,5) + DTWQ*WQR5 + DTWQO2*WQA5 + WQC5*WQV(L,K,5) ! *** PMC ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQLPSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,5) ELSE !Surface layer: K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR5 = (WQWDSL(L,K,5)+WQATML(L,KC,5))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR5 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,5)=SCB(L)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,5) WQO(2:LA,5)=WQVO(2:LA,K,5)+WQV(2:LA,K,5) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 06 DOC - dissolved organic carbon C IF(ISTRWQ(6).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** RESPIRATION DENITRIFICATION WQD6 = - ( WQKHR(L) + WQDENIT(L)) *DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQD6) WQA6C=WQFCDC + CFCDCWQ*( WQKHRC/(WQKHRC+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) ) WQA6D=WQFCDD + CFCDDWQ*( WQKHRD/(WQKHRD+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) ) WQA6G=WQFCDG + CFCDGWQ*( WQKHRG/(WQKHRG+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) ) WQA6 = ( WQA6C*WQBMC(L) + WQFCDP*WQPRC(L) )*WQO(L,1) & + ( WQA6D*WQBMD(L) + WQFCDP*WQPRD(L) )*WQO(L,2) & + ( WQA6G*WQBMG(L) + WQFCDP*WQPRG(L) )*WQO(L,3) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0)THEN !If macroalgae are present in this layer IZ=IWQZMAP(L,K) !NOTE THE INCONSISTENCY HERE WHERE ZONATION IS CONSIDERED. IF ZONATION IS IMPLEMENTED, THE CODE MUST BE UPDATED ACCORDINGLY WQA6M=(WQFCDM+(1.-WQFCDM)*WQKHRM(IZ) / (WQKHRM(IZ) + O2WQ(L) + 1.E-18))*WQBMM(L) WQA6 = WQA6 + (WQA6M + WQFCDPM*WQPRM(L))*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) ENDIF ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR6 = WQWPSL(L,K,6) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,6) + DTWQ*WQR6 + WQD6*WQV(L,K,6) + DTWQO2*(WQA6 +WQKLPC(L)*WQO(L,5)) ENDDO IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR6 = (WQWDSL(L,K,6)+WQATML(L,KC,6))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR6 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,6)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,6) WQO(2:LA,6)=WQVO(2:LA,K,6)+WQV(2:LA,K,6) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 07 ROP - refractory particulate organic phosphorus C IF(ISTRWQ(7).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQE7 = - (WQKRPP(L)+WQRPSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQE7) WQA7C = (WQFPRC*WQBMC(L) + WQFPRP*WQPRC(L)) * WQO(L,1) WQA7D = (WQFPRD*WQBMD(L) + WQFPRP*WQPRD(L)) * WQO(L,2) WQA7G = (WQFPRG*WQBMG(L) + WQFPRP*WQPRG(L)) * WQO(L,3) WQA7 = (WQA7C+WQA7D+WQA7G) * WQAPC(L) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is present in this layer & WQA7 = WQA7 + (WQFPRM*WQBMM(L) + WQFPRPM*WQPRM(L)) * WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA)* WQAPC(L)*WQAPCM ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR7 = WQWPSL(L,K,7) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,7) + DTWQ*WQR7 + DTWQO2*WQA7 + WQE7*WQV(L,K,7) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQRPSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,7) ELSE DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR7 = (WQWDSL(L,K,7)+WQATML(L,KC,7))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR7 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,7)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,7) WQO(2:LA,7)=WQVO(2:LA,K,7)+WQV(2:LA,K,7) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 08 LOP - labile particulate organic phosphorus C IF(ISTRWQ(8).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** HYDROLYSIS SETTLING WQF8 = - (WQKLPP(L)+WQLPSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQF8) WQA8C = (WQFPLC*WQBMC(L) + WQFPLP*WQPRC(L)) * WQO(L,1) WQA8D = (WQFPLD*WQBMD(L) + WQFPLP*WQPRD(L)) * WQO(L,2) WQA8G = (WQFPLG*WQBMG(L) + WQFPLP*WQPRG(L)) * WQO(L,3) WQA8 = (WQA8C+WQA8D+WQA8G) * WQAPC(L) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is present in this layer & WQA8 = WQA8 + (WQFPLM*WQBMM(L) + WQFPLPM*WQPRM(L)) * WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) * WQAPC(L) * WQAPCM ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR8 = WQWPSL(L,K,8) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,8) + DTWQ*WQR8 + DTWQO2*WQA8 + WQF8*WQV(L,K,8) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQLPSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,8) ELSE DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR8 = (WQWDSL(L,K,8)+WQATML(L,KC,8))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR8 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,8)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(L)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,8) WQO(2:LA,8)=WQVO(2:LA,K,8)+WQV(2:LA,K,8) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 09 DOP - dissolved organic phosphorus C IF(ISTRWQ(9).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQF9 = - DTWQO2*WQKDOP(L) WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQF9) WQA9C = (WQFPDC*WQBMC(L) + WQFPDP*WQPRC(L)) * WQO(L,1) WQA9D = (WQFPDD*WQBMD(L) + WQFPDP*WQPRD(L)) * WQO(L,2) WQA9G = (WQFPDG*WQBMG(L) + WQFPDP*WQPRG(L)) * WQO(L,3) WQA9 = (WQA9C+WQA9D+WQA9G) * WQAPC(L) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is present in this layer & WQA9 = WQA9 + (WQFPDM*WQBMM(L) + WQFPDPM*WQPRM(L)) * WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) * WQAPC(L)*WQAPCM ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR9 = WQWPSL(L,K,9) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,9) + DTWQ*WQR9 + WQF9*WQV(L,K,9) + DTWQO2*(WQA9 + WQKLPP(L)*WQO(L,8) ) ENDDO IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR9 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,9)+WQATML(L,KC,9))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR9 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,9)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,9) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 10 P4D - total phosphate C IF(ISTRWQ(10).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQA10C=(WQFPIC*WQBMC(L)+WQFPIP*WQPRC(L)-WQPC(L))*WQO(L,1) WQA10D=(WQFPID*WQBMD(L)+WQFPIP*WQPRD(L)-WQPD(L))*WQO(L,2) WQA10G=(WQFPIG*WQBMG(L)+WQFPIP*WQPRG(L)-WQPG(L))*WQO(L,3) WQKK(L) = (WQA10C+WQA10D+WQA10G) * WQAPC(L) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is present in this layer & WQKK(L) = WQKK(L)+(WQFPIM*WQBMM(L)+WQFPIP*WQPRM(L)-WQPM(L))*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) * WQAPC(L)*WQAPCM !RMAC factor? ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQRR(L) = WQWPSL(L,K,10) * VOLWQ(L) ENDDO IF(K.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN !NOTE INCONSISTENCY WITH WETTING/DRYING. IF WETTING/DRYING IS ACTIVE, ALL OF THESE CALCULATIONS SHOULD BE UPDATED ACCORDINGLY WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQBFPO4D(L)*DZWQ(L) ! *** Add in Benthic Flux ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME ! WQR10 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,10)+WQATML(L,KC,10))*VOLWQ(L) ! WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQR10 DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME (THESE ARE WQR10) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + (WQWDSL(L,KC,10)+WQATML(L,KC,10))*VOLWQ(L) ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF WQRR(2:LA) = WQV(2:LA,K,10) + DTWQ*WQRR(2:LA) + WQH10(2:LA)*WQV(2:LA,K,10) & + DTWQO2*(WQKK(2:LA) + WQKRPP(2:LA)*WQO(2:LA,7) + WQKDOP(2:LA)*WQO(2:LA,9)) ! *** Add in settling from above IF(K.NE.KC)WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQT10(2:LA)*WQO(2:LA,10) DO L=2,LA WQKKL = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQH10(L)) WQV(L,K,10)=SCB(L)*(WQRR(L)*WQKKL)+(1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,10) WQO(L,10)=WQVO(L,K,10)+WQV(L,K,10) ENDDO ENDIF C C **** PARAM 11 RON - refractory particulate organic nitrogen C IF(ISTRWQ(11).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** HYDROLYSIS SETTLING WQI11 = - (WQKRPN(L) + WQRPSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQI11) WQA11C=(WQFNRC*WQBMC(L)+WQFNRP*WQPRC(L))*WQANCC*WQO(L,1) WQA11D=(WQFNRD*WQBMD(L)+WQFNRP*WQPRD(L))*WQANCD*WQO(L,2) WQA11G=(WQFNRG*WQBMG(L)+WQFNRP*WQPRG(L))*WQANCG*WQO(L,3) WQA11 = WQA11C+WQA11D+WQA11G IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is in this layer & WQA11 = WQA11 + (WQFNRM*WQBMM(L)+WQFNRPM*WQPRM(L))*WQANCM*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR11 = WQWPSL(L,K,11) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,11) + DTWQ*WQR11 + DTWQO2*WQA11 & + WQI11*WQV(L,K,11) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQRPSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,11) ELSE ! K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR11 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,11)+WQATML(L,KC,11))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR11 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,11)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,11) WQO(2:LA,11)=WQVO(2:LA,K,11)+WQV(2:LA,K,11) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 12 LON - labile particulate organic nitrogen C IF(ISTRWQ(12).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** HYDROLYSIS SETTLING WQJ12 = - (WQKLPN(L)+WQLPSET(L,1))*DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQJ12) WQA12C=(WQFNLC*WQBMC(L)+WQFNLP*WQPRC(L))*WQANCC*WQO(L,1) WQA12D=(WQFNLD*WQBMD(L)+WQFNLP*WQPRD(L))*WQANCD*WQO(L,2) WQA12G=(WQFNLG*WQBMG(L)+WQFNLP*WQPRG(L))*WQANCG*WQO(L,3) WQA12 = WQA12C+WQA12D+WQA12G IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is in this layer & WQA12 = WQA12 + (WQFNLM*WQBMM(L)+WQFNLPM*WQPRM(L))*WQANCM*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR12 = WQWPSL(L,K,12) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,12) + DTWQ*WQR12 + DTWQO2*WQA12 + WQJ12*WQV(L,K,12) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQLPSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,12) ELSE ! K.EQ.KC DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR12 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,12)+WQATML(L,KC,12))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR12 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,12)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,12) WQO(2:LA,12)=WQVO(2:LA,K,12)+WQV(2:LA,K,12) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 13 DON - dissolved organic nitrogen C IF(ISTRWQ(13).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQF13 = - DTWQO2*WQKDON(L) WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQF13) WQA13C=(WQFNDC*WQBMC(L)+WQFNDP*WQPRC(L))*WQANCC*WQO(L,1) WQA13D=(WQFNDD*WQBMD(L)+WQFNDP*WQPRD(L))*WQANCD*WQO(L,2) WQA13G=(WQFNDG*WQBMG(L)+WQFNDP*WQPRG(L))*WQANCG*WQO(L,3) WQA13 = WQA13C+WQA13D+WQA13G IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is in this layer & WQA13 =WQA13 + (WQFNDM*WQBMM(L)+WQFNDPM*WQPRM(L))*WQANCM*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR13 = WQWPSL(L,K,13) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,13) + DTWQ*WQR13 + WQF13*WQV(L,K,13) + DTWQO2*(WQA13 + WQKLPN(L)*WQO(L,12)) ENDDO IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR13 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,13)+WQATML(L,KC,13))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR13 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,13)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,13) WQO(2:LA,13)=WQVO(2:LA,K,13)+WQV(2:LA,K,13) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 14 NHX - ammonia nitrogen C IF(ISTRWQ(14).EQ.1)THEN ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQRR(2:LA) = WQWPSL(2:LA,K,14) * VOLWQ(2:LA) IF(K.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQBFNH4(L)*DZWQ(L) ! *** Add in Benthic Flux ENDIF ENDDO ELSEIF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR14 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,14)+WQATML(L,KC,14))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQR14 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DO L=2,LA WQF14 = - DTWQO2*WQNIT(L) WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQF14) WQA14C=WQFNIC*WQBMC(L)+WQFNIP*WQPRC(L)-WQPNC(L)*WQPC(L) WQA14D=WQFNID*WQBMD(L)+WQFNIP*WQPRD(L)-WQPND(L)*WQPD(L) WQA14G=WQFNIG*WQBMG(L)+WQFNIP*WQPRG(L)-WQPNG(L)*WQPG(L) WQA14 = WQA14C*WQANCC*WQO(L,1) + WQA14D*WQANCD*WQO(L,2) + WQA14G*WQANCG*WQO(L,3) IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is in this layer & WQA14 = WQA14 + (WQFNIM*WQBMM(L)+WQFNIPM*WQPRM(L) - WQPNM(L)*WQPM(L))*WQANCM*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,14) + DTWQ*WQRR(L) + WQF14*WQV(L,K,14) + DTWQO2*(WQA14 + WQKRPN(L)*WQO(L,11) + WQKDON(L)*WQO(L,13)) WQV(L,K,14)=SCB(L)*(WQRR(L)*WQKK(L))+(1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,14) WQO(L,14)=WQVO(L,K,14)+WQV(L,K,14) ENDDO ENDIF C C **** PARAM 15 NOX - nitrate nitrogen C IF(ISTRWQ(15).EQ.1)THEN ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQRR(2:LA) = WQWPSL(2:LA,K,15) * VOLWQ(2:LA) IF(K.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQBFNO3(L)*DZWQ(L) ! *** Add in Benthic Flux ENDIF ENDDO ELSEIF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR15 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,15)+WQATML(L,KC,15))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQR15 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF DO L=2,LA WQA15C = (WQPNC(L)-1.0)*WQPC(L) * WQANCC * WQO(L,1) WQA15D = (WQPND(L)-1.0)*WQPD(L) * WQANCD * WQO(L,2) WQA15G = (WQPNG(L)-1.0)*WQPG(L) * WQANCG * WQO(L,3) WQA15 = WQA15C+WQA15D+WQA15G IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0) !If macroalgae is in this layer & WQA15 =WQA15 + (WQPNM(L)-1.0)*WQPM(L)*WQANCM*WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA) WQB15 = WQV(L,K,15) + DTWQ*WQRR(L) + DTWQO2*(WQA15 - WQANDC*WQDENIT(L)*WQO(L,6) + WQNIT(L)*WQO(L,14)) WQV(L,K,15)=SCB(L)*WQB15 + (1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,15) WQO(L,15)=WQVO(L,K,15)+WQV(L,K,15) ENDDO ENDIF C C **** PARAM 16 SUU - particulate biogenic silica C IF(ISTRWQ(16).EQ.1.AND.IWQSI.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQM16 = - (WQKSUA(IWQT(L)) + WQBDSET(L,1)) * DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQM16) WQA16D = (WQFSPD*WQBMD(L) + WQFSPP*WQPRD(L)) * WQASCD * WQO(L,2) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQR16 = WQWPSL(L,K,16) * VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,16) + DTWQ*WQR16 + DTWQO2*WQA16D + WQM16*WQV(L,K,16) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQBDSET(2:LA,2)*WQO(2:LA,16) ! *** PMC ELSE DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR16 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,16)+WQATML(L,KC,16))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR16 ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,16)=SCB(2:LA)*WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA) + (1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,16) WQO(2:LA,16)=WQVO(2:LA,K,16)+WQV(2:LA,K,16) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 17 SAA - dissolved available silica C IF(ISTRWQ(17).EQ.1.AND.IWQSI.EQ.1)THEN WQKK(2:LA) = (WQFSID*WQBMD(2:LA) + WQFSIP*WQPRD(2:LA) - WQPD(2:LA)) * WQASCD * WQO(2:LA,2) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQRR(2:LA) = WQWPSL(2:LA,K,17) * VOLWQ(2:LA) IF(K.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQBFSAD(L)*DZWQ(L) ! *** Add in Benthic Flux ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF WQRR(2:LA)= WQV(2:LA,K,17) + & DTWQ*WQRR(2:LA) +WQN17(2:LA)*WQV(2:LA,K,17) + DTWQO2*(WQKK(2:LA) + WQKSUA(IWQT(2:LA))*WQO(2:LA,16)) IF(K.NE.KC)THEN WQRR(2:LA) = WQRR(2:LA) + DTWQO2*WQT17(2:LA)*WQO(2:LA,17) ELSE DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR17 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,17)+WQATML(L,KC,17))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQ*WQR17 ENDDO ENDIF WQKK(2:LA) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQN17(2:LA)) WQV(2:LA,K,17)=SCB(2:LA)*WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA) + (1.0-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,17) WQO(2:LA,17)=WQVO(2:LA,K,17)+WQV(2:LA,K,17) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 18 COD - chemical oxygen demand C IF(ISTRWQ(18).EQ.1)THEN WQKK(2:LA) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQO18(2:LA)) ! *** PT_SRC_LOADS VOLUME WQRR(2:LA) = WQWPSL(2:LA,K,18) * VOLWQ(2:LA) IF(K.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQBFCOD(L)*DZWQ(L) ! *** Add in Benthic Flux ENDIF ENDDO ELSEIF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR18 = (WQWDSL(L,KC,18)+WQATML(L,KC,18))*VOLWQ(L) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQR18 ENDDO ENDIF WQRR(2:LA)=WQV(2:LA,K,18)+DTWQ*WQRR(2:LA)+WQO18(2:LA)*WQV(2:LA,K,18) WQV(2:LA,K,18)=SCB(2:LA)*(WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA))+(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,18) WQO(2:LA,18) = WQVO(2:LA,K,18)+WQV(2:LA,K,18) ENDIF C C **** PARAM 19 DOX - dissolved oxygen C ! *** 1) CHC - cyanobacteria ! *** 2) CHD - diatom algae ! *** 3) CHG - green algae ! *** 4) ROC - refractory particulate organic carbon ! *** 5) LOC - labile particulate organic carbon ! *** 6) DOC - dissolved organic carbon ! *** 7) ROP - refractory particulate organic phosphorus ! *** 8) LOP - labile particulate organic phosphorus ! *** 9) DOP - dissolved organic phosphorus ! *** 10) P4D - total phosphate ! *** 11) RON - refractory particulate organic nitrogen ! *** 12) LON - labile particulate organic nitrogen ! *** 13) DON - dissolved organic nitrogen ! *** 14) NHX - ammonia nitrogen ! *** 15) NOX - nitrate nitrogen ! *** 16) SUU - particulate biogenic silica ! *** 17) SAA - dissolved available silica ! *** 18) COD - chemical oxygen demand ! *** 19) DOX - dissolved oxygen ! *** 20) TAM - total active metal ! *** 21) FCB - fecal coliform bacteria ! *** 22) CO2 - dissolved carbon dioxide ! *** 23) MAC - macroalgae !C 04/29/99 MRM: !C THE FOLLOWING ARRAYS WERE ADDED TO KEEP TRACK OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENT !C OF DISSOLVED OXYGEN. THE INSTANTANEOUS VALUES FOR EACH COMPONENT ARE !C SUMMED IN THE ARRAYS AND THEN DUMPED TO THE WQDOCOMP.BIN FILE AT THE !C SAME TIME INTERVAL AS FOR THE WQWCAVG.BIN FILES (I.E., IWQTSDT INTERVA !C USUALLY DAILY AVERAGES). THE ARRAY DESCRIPTIONS ARE: !C XDOPSL(L,L) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR POINT SOURCE LOADS !C XDOSOD(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR SEDIMENT OXYGEN DEMAND !C XDOKAR(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR REAERATION !C XDODOC(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR DISS. ORG. CARBON DECAY !C XDONIT(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR AMMONIA NITRIFICATION !C XDOCOD(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR CHEM. OXY. DEMAND OXIDATION !C XDOPPB(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL !C XDORRB(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL !C XDOPPM(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF MACROALGAE !C XDORRM(L,K) = D.O. COMPONENT FOR RESPIRATION OF MACROALGAE !C XDOALL(L,K) = SUM OF THE ABOVE 10 D.O. COMPONENTS !C NLIM = COUNTER FOR NUMBER OF ITEMS SUMMED IN EACH ARRAY SLOT IF(ISTRWQ(19).EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQRR(L) = WQWPSL(L,K,19) * VOLWQ(L) TMP19=WQRR(L)*DTWQ*DZCHP(L) XDOPSL(L,K) = XDOPSL(L,K) + TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) + TMP19 ENDDO ! *** Handle Surface Processes IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - DTWQO2*WQP19(L)) ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQRR(L)=WQRR(L)+(WQWDSL(L,KC,19)+WQATML(L,KC,19))*VOLWQ(L) !VJ - volume should multiply both load terms ! *** Reaeration !WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) - WQP19(L)*(WQDOS(L) - WQV(L,K,19)) !This is the equation from WQ theory manual ! O2-reaeration changes WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQKRDOS(L) !WQKRDOS=-WQP19*WQDOS SCJ this seems wrong because it allows too much DO if it is produced by a lot of algae WQV(L,KC,19)=MIN(WQV(L,KC,19),WQDOS(L)) !This does not allow O2 to exceed saturation at the water surface for high density algae systems ENDDO ELSE WQKK(2:LA) = 1.0 ENDIF ! *** Bottom Processes IF(K.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IF(LMASKDRY(L))THEN TEMFAC=1.065**(TEM(L,1)-20.) WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + TEMFAC*WQBFO2(L)*DZWQ(L) ! *** Add in Benthic Flux TMP19=TEMFAC*WQBFO2(L)*DTWQ XDOSOD(L,K) = XDOSOD(L,K) + TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) + TMP19 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF C DO L=2,LA DTWQxH = DTWQ*DZCHP(L) DTWQxH2= DTWQO2*DZCHP(L) IF(WQI0 .LE. 0.001)THEN WQTTC = 0.0 WQTTD = 0.0 WQTTG = 0.0 ELSE WQTTC = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPNC(L)) * WQPC(L) WQTTD = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPND(L)) * WQPD(L) WQTTG = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPNG(L)) * WQPG(L) ! *** PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL TMP19 = WQAOCR*DTWQxH2* & (WQTTC*WQO(L,1)+WQTTD*WQO(L,2)+WQTTG*WQO(L,3)) XDOPPB(L,K) = XDOPPB(L,K) + TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) + TMP19 ENDIF ! *** RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL - CYANOBACTERIA XMRM = CFCDCWQ*O2WQ(L)*WQBMC(L)/(WQKHRC+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) WQA19C = WQTTC - XMRM TMP19 = XMRM*WQO(L,1)*WQAOCR * DTWQxH2 XDORRB(L,K) = XDORRB(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 ! *** RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL - DIATOMS XMRM = CFCDDWQ*O2WQ(L)*WQBMD(L)/(WQKHRD+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) WQA19D = WQTTD - XMRM TMP19 = XMRM*WQO(L,2)*WQAOCR * DTWQxH2 XDORRB(L,K) = XDORRB(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 ! *** RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL - GREENS XMRM = CFCDGWQ*O2WQ(L)*WQBMG(L)/(WQKHRG+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) WQA19G = WQTTG - XMRM TMP19 = XMRM*WQO(L,3)*WQAOCR * DTWQxH2 XDORRB(L,K) = XDORRB(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 ! *** TOTAL NET RESPIRATION/PHOTOSYNTHESIS WQA19=(WQA19C*WQO(L,1) + WQA19D*WQO(L,2) + WQA19G*WQO(L,3)) & * WQAOCR ! *** MODIFIED BY MRM 05/23/99 TO ALLOW DIFFERENT AOCR CONSTANTS TO BE APPLIED ! *** TO PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND RESPIRATION TERMS FOR MACROALGAE IF(RMAC(L,K)>0.0)THEN !If macroalgae is in this layer ! *** TRAPEZOIDAL AVERAGE CONCENTRATIONS WQO(L,IDNOTRVA)=WQVO(L,K,IDNOTRVA)+WQV(L,K,IDNOTRVA) IZ = IWQZMAP(L,K) WQTTM = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPNM(L)) * WQPM(L) XMRM=(1.0-WQFCDM)*O2WQ(L)*WQBMM(L)/(WQKHRM(IZ)+O2WQ(L) + 1.E-18) WQA19A = WQTTM*WQO(L,IDNOTRVA)*WQAOCRPM - XMRM*WQO(L,IDNOTRVA)*WQAOCRRM WQA19 = WQA19 + WQA19A TMP19 = WQTTM*WQO(L,IDNOTRVA)*WQAOCRPM * DTWQxH2 XDOPPM(L,K) = XDOPPM(L,K) + TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) + TMP19 TMP19 = XMRM*WQO(L,IDNOTRVA)*WQAOCRRM * DTWQxH2 XDORRM(L,K) = XDORRM(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 ENDIF ! *** O2 Mass Balance ! WQA19 ! *** Total Net Respiration/Photosynthesis WQSUM=DTWQ*WQRR(L) ! *** Sum of Loadings/Demands WQRea=WQP19(L)*WQV(L,K,19) ! *** Reaeration WQPOC=WQAOCR*WQKRPC(L)*WQO(L,4) ! *** POC WQDOC=WQAOCR*WQKHR(L) *WQO(L,6) ! *** DOC WQNH3=WQAONT*WQNIT(L) *WQO(L,14)! *** Ammonia WQCOD=WQO18(L)*WQO(L,18) ! *** COD WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,19) + WQSUM + WQCOD + & DTWQO2*(WQA19 - WQPOC - WQDOC - WQNH3 + WQRea) c WQRR(L) = WQVO(L,K,19) + DTWQ*WQRR(L) + c & DTWQO2*( WQA19 - WQAOCR*WQKRPC(L)*WQVO(L,K,4) c & - WQAOCR*WQKHR(L) *WQVO(L,K,6) c & - WQAONT*WQNIT(L) *WQVO(L,K,14) c & + WQP19(L)*WQVO(L,K,19) ) c & + WQO18(L)*WQVO(L,K,18) WQV(L,K,19)=SCB(L)*(WQRR(L)*WQKK(L))+(1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,19) ! *** remove the SCB computations! C WQV(L,K,19)=SCB(L)*WQRR(L)+(1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,19) ! *** remove the SCB computations! ! *** WQV(L,K,19) After this WQV(L,K,19) can not be < 0. WQV(L,K,19) = MAX(WQV(L,K,19), 0.0) !WQVO(L,K,19) = WQVO(L,K,19)+WQV(L,K,19) C ! *** COMPUTE AND SAVE D.O. DEFICIT: IF(ISMTSB.LT.ISMTSE)THEN WQO(L,19)=WQVO(L,K,19)+WQV(L,K,19) XMRM = WQDOS(L) - WQV(L,K,19) XDODEF(L,K) = XDODEF(L,K) + XMRM*DTWQ*DZCHP(L) IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN TMP19=WQKRDOS(L)*DTWQ*DZCHP(L) + & WQP19(L)*WQO(L,19)*DTWQxH2 XDOKAR(L,K) = XDOKAR(L,K) + TMP19 XDOALL(L,K) = XDOALL(L,K) + TMP19 ENDIF TMP19=WQAOCR*WQKHR(L)*WQO(L,6)*DTWQxH2 XDODOC(L,K)=XDODOC(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K)=XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 TMP19=WQAONT*WQNIT(L)*WQO(L,14)*DTWQxH2 XDONIT(L,K)=XDONIT(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K)=XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 TMP19=WQO18(L)*WQO(L,18)*DZCHP(L) XDOCOD(L,K)=XDOCOD(L,K) - TMP19 XDOALL(L,K)=XDOALL(L,K) - TMP19 XDODZ(L,K) = XDODZ(L,K) + DZCHP(L) ENDIF ! O2-reaeration changes ! If DO conc. is greater than saturated DO conc., excess DO ! gets released out, which is calculated as XDOOUT. IF(K==KC)THEN IF(WQV(L,KC,19)>WQDOS(L))THEN XDOOUT(L,KC)=(WQV(L,KC,19)-WQDOS(L))*DTWQ*DZCHP(L) WQV(L,KC,19)=WQDOS(L) XDOALL(L,K)=XDOALL(L,K)-XDOOUT(L,KC) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF C C **** PARAM 20 TAM - total active metal C IF(ISTRWQ(20).EQ.1)THEN IF(IWQSRP.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQT20 = - DTWQ*WQWSSET(L,1) ! *** DTWQO2 WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - WQT20) WQRR(L)=WQV(L,K,20)+DTWQ*WQR20(L)+WQT20*WQV(L,K,20) ENDDO IF(K.NE.KC)THEN ! *** Add in settling from above DO L=2,LA WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + DTWQO2*WQWSSET(L,2)*WQO(L,20) ENDDO ENDIF WQV(2:LA,K,20)=SCB(2:LA)*( WQRR(2:LA)*WQKK(2:LA) ) & +(1.-SCB(2:LA))*WQV(2:LA,K,20) WQO(2:LA,20)=WQVO(2:LA,K,20)+WQV(2:LA,K,20) ENDIF ENDIF C C **** PARAM 21 FCB - fecal coliform bacteria C IF(ISTRWQ(21).EQ.1)THEN IF(IWQFCB.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA WQKK(L) = WQTD2FCB(IWQT(L)) C ! *** ATM DRY DEP LOADS VOLUME WQR21= (WQWDSL(L,K,21)+WQWPSL(L,K,21))*VOLWQ(L) C IF(K==KC .AND. LMASKDRY(L))THEN ! *** ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQR21 = WQR21 + (WQATML(L,KC,21)*VOLWQ(L)) ENDIF WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,21)*WQTD1FCB(IWQT(L)) + DTWQ*WQR21 WQV(L,K,21)=SCB(L)*( WQRR(L)*WQKK(L) ) & +(1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,21) !WQVO(L,K,21) = WQVO(L,K,21)+WQV(L,K,21) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF C C **** PARAM 22 DISSOLVED CARBON DIOXIDE C !C THE FOLLOWING ARRAYS WERE ADDED TO KEEP TRACK OF THE VARIOUS COMPONENT !C OF DISSOLVED CARBON DIOXIDE. !C THE ARRAY DESCRIPTIONS ARE: !C XCDOKAR(L,K) = CDO. COMPONENT FOR REAERATION !C XCDODOC(L,K) = CDO. COMPONENT FOR DISS. ORG. CARBON DECAY !C XCDOPPB(L,K) = CDO. COMPONENT FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL !C XCDORRB(L,K) = CDO. COMPONENT FOR RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL !C XCDOPPM(L,K) = CDO. COMPONENT FOR PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF MACROALGAE !C XCDORRM(L,K) = CDO. COMPONENT FOR RESPIRATION OF MACROALGAE !C XCDOALL(L,K) = SUM OF THE ABOVE 6 CDO. COMPONENTS IF(ISTRWQ(22).EQ.1)THEN WQRR(2:LA) = WQWPSL(2:LA,K,22) * VOLWQ(2:LA) ! *** Handle Surface Processes IF(K.EQ.KC)THEN DO L=2,LA WQKK(L) = 1.0 / (1.0 - DTWQO2*WQP22(L)) ! *** ATM DRY DEP ATM WET DEP VOLUME WQRR(L)=WQRR(L)+(WQWDSL(L,KC,22)+WQATML(L,KC,22))*VOLWQ(L) ! *** Reaeration WQRR(L) = WQRR(L) + WQKRCDOS(L) ENDDO ELSE WQKK(2:LA) = 1.0 ENDIF DO L=2,LA DTWQxH = DTWQ*DZCHP(L) DTWQxH2= DTWQO2*DZCHP(L) IF(WQI0 .LE. 0.001)THEN WQTTC = 0.0 WQTTD = 0.0 WQTTG = 0.0 ELSE WQTTC = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPNC(L)) * WQPC(L) WQTTD = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPND(L)) * WQPD(L) WQTTG = (1.3 - 0.3*WQPNG(L)) * WQPG(L) ! *** PHOTOSYNTHESIS OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL ENDIF ! *** RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL - CYANOBACTERIA XMRM = CFCDCWQ*O2WQ(L)*WQBMC(L)/(WQKHRC+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) WQA22C = WQTTC - XMRM ! *** RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL - DIATOMS XMRM = CFCDDWQ*O2WQ(L)*WQBMD(L)/(WQKHRD+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) WQA22D = WQTTD - XMRM ! *** RESPIRATION OF TOTAL CHLOROPHYLL - GREENS XMRM = CFCDGWQ*O2WQ(L)*WQBMG(L)/(WQKHRG+O2WQ(L)+ 1.E-18) WQA22G = WQTTG - XMRM ! *** TOTAL NET RESPIRATION/PHOTOSYNTHESIS WQA22=3.67*(WQA22C*WQO(L,1)+WQA22D*WQO(L,2)+WQA22G*WQO(L,3)) !VB 3.67 CONVERTS g CARBON TO g CO2 ! *** MODIFIED BY MRM 05/23/99 TO ALLOW DIFFERENT AOCR CONSTANTS TO BE APPLIED ! *** TO PHOTOSYNTHESIS AND RESPIRATION TERMS FOR MACROALGAE ! *** TRAPEZOIDAL AVERAGE CONCENTRATIONS ! *** CO2 Mass Balance ! WQA22 ! *** Total Net Respiration/Photosynthesis WQCDSUM=DTWQ*WQRR(L) ! *** Sum of Loadings/Demands WQCDRea=WQP22(L)*WQV(L,K,22) ! *** Reaeration WQCDDOC=(WQKHR(L)+WQDENIT(L))*WQO(L,6)*3.67 ! *** DOC FROM HYDROLYSIS AND DENITRIFICATION 3.67 CONVERTS G CARBON TO G CO2 WQRR(L) = WQV(L,K,22) + WQCDSUM + & DTWQO2*(-WQA22 + WQCDDOC + WQCDRea) WQV(L,K,22)=SCB(L)*(WQRR(L)*WQKK(L))+(1.-SCB(L))*WQV(L,K,22) ! *** remove the SCB computations! ! *** WQV(L,K,22) After this WQV(L,K,22) can not be < 0. WQV(L,K,22) = MAX(WQV(L,K,22), 0.0) ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ! *** END OF THE KC LOOP C ---------------------------------------------------------------- C C INCREMENT COUNTER FOR LIMITATION AND XDOXXX DO COMPONENT ARRAYS: C IF(ISDYNSTP.EQ.0)THEN TIMTMP=DT*FLOAT(N)+TCON*TBEGIN TIMTMP=TIMTMP/TCTMSR ELSE TIMTMP=TIMESEC/TCTMSR ENDIF TIMESUM3 = TIMESUM3 + TIMTMP NLIM = NLIM + 1 C PMC - Moved CHLa Computations to the beginning of the WQ Calculations IF(IWQSRP.EQ.1)THEN ! *** Sorption Option: TAM DO K=1,KC DO L=2,LA O2WQ(L) = MAX(WQV(L,K,19), 0.0) WQTAMD = MIN( WQTAMDMX*EXP(-WQKDOTAM*O2WQ(L)), WQV(L,K,20) ) WQTAMP(L,K) = WQV(L,K,20) - WQTAMD WQPO4D(L,K) = WQV(L,K,10) / (1.0 + WQKPO4P*WQTAMP(L,K)) WQSAD(L,K) = WQV(L,K,17) / (1.0 + WQKSAP*WQTAMP(L,K)) ENDDO ENDDO ELSE IF(IWQSRP.EQ.2)THEN ! *** Sorption Option: Sediments WQPO4D(2:LA,1:KC) = WQV(2:LA,1:KC,10) / (1.0 + WQKPO4P*SEDT(2:LA,1:KC)) WQSAD(2:LA,1:KC) = WQV(2:LA,1:KC,17) / (1.0 + WQKSAP*SEDT(2:LA,1:KC)) ELSE WQPO4D(2:LA,1:KC) = WQV(2:LA,1:KC,10) WQSAD(2:LA,1:KC) = WQV(2:LA,1:KC,17) ENDIF C C COUPLING TO SEDIMENT MODEL C EVALUATE DEP. FLUX USING NEW VALUES CAUSE IMPLICIT SCHEME IS USED IN SPM C IF(IWQBEN.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IMWQZ = IWQZMAP(L,1) WQDFBC(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSC(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,1) WQDFBD(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSD(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,2) WQDFBG(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSG(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,3) & +WQWSM*DZWQ(L)*WQV(L,1,IDNOTRVA) WQDFRC(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSRP(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,4) WQDFLC(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSLP(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,5) WQDFRP(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSRP(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,7) WQDFLP(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSLP(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,8) WQDFRN(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSRP(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,11) WQDFLN(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSLP(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,12) IF(IWQSI.EQ.1) WQDFSI(L) = SCB(L)*WQWSD(IMWQZ)*WQV(L,1,16) ENDDO IF(IWQSRP.EQ.1)THEN DO L=2,LA IMWQZ = IWQZMAP(L,1) WQDFLP(L) = SCB(L)*( WQDFLP(L) & + WQWSS(IMWQZ)*( WQV(L,1,10)-WQPO4D(L,1) ) ) IF(IWQSI.EQ.1) WQDFSI(L) = SCB(L)*( WQDFSI(L) & + WQWSS(IMWQZ)*( WQV(L,1,17)-WQSAD(L,1) ) ) ENDDO ELSE IF(IWQSRP.EQ.2)THEN DO L=2,LA WQDFLP(L) = SCB(L)*( WQDFLP(L)+WSEDO(NS)*( WQV(L,1,10) & -WQPO4D(L,1) ) ) IF(IWQSI.EQ.1) WQDFSI(L) = SCB(L)*( WQDFSI(L) & + WSEDO(NS)*( WQV(L,1,17)-WQSAD(L,1) ) ) ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF C C DIURNAL DO ANALYSIS C IF(NDDOAVG.GE.1.AND.DEBUG)THEN OPEN(1,FILE='DIURNDO.OUT',POSITION='APPEND') NDDOCNT=NDDOCNT+1 NSTPTMP=NDDOAVG*NTSPTC/2 RMULTMP=1./FLOAT(NSTPTMP) DDOMAX(2:LA,1:KC)=MAX(DDOMAX(2:LA,1:KC),WQV(2:LA,1:KC,19)) DDOMIN(2:LA,1:KC)=MIN(DDOMIN(2:LA,1:KC),WQV(2:LA,1:KC,19)) IF(NDDOCNT.EQ.NSTPTMP)THEN NDDOCNT=0 IF(ISDYNSTP.EQ.0)THEN TIME=DT*FLOAT(N)+TCON*TBEGIN TIME=TIME/TCON ELSE TIME=TIMESEC/TCON ENDIF WRITE(1,1111)N,TIME DO L=2,LA WRITE(1,1112)IL(L),JL(L),(DDOMIN(L,K),K=1,KC), & (DDOMAX(L,K),K=1,KC) ENDDO DDOMAX(2:LA,1:KC)=-1.0E6 DDOMIN(2:LA,1:KC)= 1.0E6 ENDIF CLOSE(1) ENDIF ! *** LIGHT EXTINCTION ANALYSIS IF(NDLTAVG.GE.1)THEN OPEN(1,FILE='LIGHT.OUT',POSITION='APPEND') NDLTCNT=NDLTCNT+1 NSTPTMP=NDLTAVG*NTSPTC/2 RMULTMP=1./FLOAT(NSTPTMP) DO K=1,KC DO L=2,LA RLIGHT1=WQKEB(IMWQZT(L))+WQKETSS*SEDT(L,K) XMRM = WQKECHL*WQCHL(L,K) IF(WQKECHL .LT. 0.0)THEN XMRM = 0.054*WQCHL(L,K)**0.6667 + 0.0088*WQCHL(L,K) ENDIF RLIGHT2 = XMRM RLIGHTT(L,K)=RLIGHTT(L,K)+RLIGHT1 RLIGHTC(L,K)=RLIGHTC(L,K)+RLIGHT1+RLIGHT2 ENDDO ENDDO IF(NDLTCNT.EQ.NSTPTMP)THEN NDLTCNT=0 IF(ISDYNSTP.EQ.0)THEN TIME=DT*FLOAT(N)+TCON*TBEGIN TIME=TIME/TCON ELSE TIME=TIMESEC/TCON ENDIF RLIGHTT(2:LA,1:KC)=RMULTMP*RLIGHTT(2:LA,1:KC) RLIGHTC(2:LA,1:KC)=RMULTMP*RLIGHTC(2:LA,1:KC) WRITE(1,1111)N,TIME DO L=2,LA WRITE(1,1113)IL(L),JL(L),(RLIGHTT(L,K),K=1,KC), & (RLIGHTC(L,K),K=1,KC) ENDDO RLIGHTT(2:LA,1:KC)=0.0 RLIGHTC(2:LA,1:KC)=0.0 ENDIF CLOSE(1) ENDIF !PRINT*,WQV(LIJ(17,2),13,15),WQV(LIJ(17,3),13,15),WQV(LIJ(17,10),13,15),WQV(LIJ(17,11),13,15) 1111 FORMAT(I12,F10.4) 1112 FORMAT(2I5,12F7.2) 1113 FORMAT(2I5,12E12.4) 1414 FORMAT(I12,11E12.4) RETURN END
!> Module containing interfaces for METIS 5 !> @todo Currently supports only ordering. Should be extended to the other options. module modmetis !based on https://glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/node/877 use iso_fortran_env,only:int32 use iso_c_binding,only:c_int,c_ptr implicit none private public::metis_nodend,metis_setoptions,metis_checkerror integer(kind=c_int),parameter::METIS_NOPTIONS=40 !options, possible values integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_PTYPE=0 ,METIS_PTYPE_RB=0,METIS_PTYPE_KWAY=1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_OBJTYPE=1 ,METIS_OBJTYPE_CUT=1,METIS_OBJTYPE_VOL=1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_CTYPE=2 ,METIS_CTYPE_RM=0,METIS_CTYPE_SHEM=1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_IPTYPE=3 ,METIS_IPTYPE_GROW=0,METIS_IPTYPE_RANDOM=1& ,METIS_IPTYPE_EDGE=2,METIS_IPTYPE_NODE=3 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_RTYPE=4 ,METIS_RTYPE_FM=0,METIS_RTYPE_GREEDY=1& ,METIS_RTYPE_SEP2SIDED=2,METIS_RTYPE_SEP1SIDED=3 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL=5 ,METIS_DBG_INFO=1,METIS_DBG_TIME=2& ,METIS_DBG_COARSEN=4,METIS_DBG_REFINE=8& ,METIS_DBG_IPART=16,METIS_DBG_MOVEINFO=32,METIS_DBG_SEPINFO=64& ,METIS_DBG_CONNINFO=128,METIS_DBG_CONTIGINFO=256 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_NITER=6 !default: 10 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_NCUTS=7 !default: 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_SEED=8 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_NO2HOP=9 !0 or 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_MINCONN=10 !0 or 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_CONTIG=11 !0 or 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_COMPRESS=12 !0 or 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_CCORDER=13 !0 or 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_PFACTOR=14 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_NSEPS=15 !default: 1 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_UFACTOR=16 !default: 1 or 30 integer(kind=c_int),parameter,public::METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING=17 !0 or 1 !error values integer(kind=c_int),parameter::METIS_OK=1,METIS_ERROR_INPUT=-2,METIS_ERROR_MEMORY=-3,METIS_ERROR=-4 interface function metis_setdefaultoptions(options) result(err) bind(C,name='METIS_SetDefaultOptions') import c_int,METIS_NOPTIONS integer(kind=c_int),intent(inout)::options(0:METIS_NOPTIONS) integer(kind=c_int)::err end function !METIS_NodND !OTPIONS Version 4 -> Version 5 ![1] 1(RM) 2(HEM) 3(SHEM) -> CTYPE ![2] 1(edge-based) 2(node-based) -> ? ![3] 1(2-sided node) 2(1-sided node) -> RTYPE ![4] 0 ![5] 0(no compress+no order) 1(compress) 2(order) 3(compress + order) -> COMPRESS + CCORDER ![6] remove vertices -> PFACTOR ![7] separators -> NSEPS function metis_nodend(nvtxs,xadj,adjncy,vwgt,options,perm,iperm) result(err) bind(C,name='METIS_NodeND') import c_int,c_ptr,METIS_NOPTIONS integer(kind=c_int),intent(in)::nvtxs integer(kind=c_int),intent(in)::xadj(*),adjncy(*) type(c_ptr),intent(in),value::vwgt integer(kind=c_int),intent(in)::options(0:METIS_NOPTIONS) !options is mandatory for Fortran when array start at pos 1 integer(kind=c_int),intent(out)::perm(*),iperm(*) integer(kind=c_int)::err end function end interface contains function metis_setoptions(options& ,ptype,objtype,ctype,iptype,rtype,ncuts& ,nseps,niter,seed,minconn,no2hop,contig& ,compress,ccorder,pfactor,ufactor,dbglvl& ) result(err) integer(kind=c_int),allocatable,intent(out)::options(:) integer(kind=c_int),intent(in),optional::ptype,objtype,ctype,iptype,rtype,ncuts,& nseps,niter,seed,minconn,no2hop,& contig,compress,ccorder,pfactor,ufactor,dbglvl integer(kind=c_int)::err if(allocated(options))deallocate(options) allocate(options(0:METIS_NOPTIONS)) err=metis_setdefaultoptions(options) !DEFAULT options(METIS_OPTION_NUMBERING)=1 !OPTIONAL if(present(ptype))options(METIS_OPTION_PTYPE)=ptype if(present(objtype))options(METIS_OPTION_OBJTYPE)=objtype if(present(ctype))options(METIS_OPTION_CTYPE)=ctype if(present(iptype))options(METIS_OPTION_IPTYPE)=iptype if(present(rtype))options(METIS_OPTION_RTYPE)=rtype if(present(ncuts))options(METIS_OPTION_NCUTS)=ncuts if(present(nseps))options(METIS_OPTION_NSEPS)=nseps if(present(niter))options(METIS_OPTION_NITER)=niter if(present(seed))options(METIS_OPTION_SEED)=seed if(present(minconn))options(METIS_OPTION_MINCONN)=minconn if(present(no2hop))options(METIS_OPTION_NO2HOP)=no2hop if(present(contig))options(METIS_OPTION_CONTIG)=contig if(present(compress))options(METIS_OPTION_COMPRESS)=compress if(present(ccorder))options(METIS_OPTION_CCORDER)=ccorder if(present(pfactor))options(METIS_OPTION_PFACTOR)=pfactor if(present(ufactor))options(METIS_OPTION_UFACTOR)=ufactor if(present(dbglvl))options(METIS_OPTION_DBGLVL)=dbglvl end function subroutine metis_checkerror(err,unlog) integer(kind=c_int),intent(in)::err integer(kind=int32),intent(in),optional::unlog integer(kind=int32)::un un=6 if(present(unlog))un=unlog select case(err) case(METIS_OK) !write(un,'(/a/)')' METIS_OK' case(METIS_ERROR_INPUT) write(un,'(/a/)')' METIS_ERROR_INPUT' stop case(METIS_ERROR_MEMORY) write(un,'(/a/)')' METIS_ERROR_MEMORY' stop case(METIS_ERROR) write(un,'(/a/)')' METIS_ERROR' stop case default write(un,'(/a/)')' UNKNOWN METIS_ERROR' stop end select end subroutine end module
!==============================================================================! program Generator !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Block structured mesh generation and unstructured cell refinement. ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! !----------------------------------[Modules]-----------------------------------! use all_mod use gen_mod use Domain_Mod ! domain as defined in ".dom" file. use Grid_Mod !------------------------------------------------------------------------------! implicit none !-----------------------------------[Locals]-----------------------------------! type(Domain_Type) :: dom ! domain to be used type(Grid_Type) :: grid ! grid which will be generated integer :: c, s, n !==============================================================================! ! Open with a logo call Logo call Load_Domain (dom, grid) call Compute_Node_Coordinates(dom, grid) call Distribute_Regions (dom, grid) call Connect_Blocks (dom, grid) call Connect_Periodicity (dom, grid) call Connect_Copy (dom) ! From this point on, domain is not used anymore call Determine_Grid_Connectivity(grid, .false.) ! trial run call Compute_Grid_Geometry (grid, .false.) call Smooth_Grid (grid) call Refine_Grid (grid) call Determine_Grid_Connectivity(grid, .true.) ! real run call Compute_Grid_Geometry (grid, .true.) ! Prepare for saving do n = 1,grid % n_nodes NewN(n)=n end do do c = -grid % n_bnd_cells,grid % n_cells NewC(c)=c end do do s = 1,grid % n_faces NewS(s)=s end do ! Save the grid call Save_Gmv_Cells(grid, 0, & grid % n_nodes, & grid % n_cells) ! save grid for postprocessing call Save_Gmv_Faces(grid, 0, & grid % n_nodes) ! save grid for checking b.c. call Save_Shadows (grid, 0, & grid % n_cells) ! save shadows call Save_Cns_Geo(grid, 0, & grid % n_cells, & grid % n_faces, & grid % n_bnd_cells, & 0, 0) ! saved data for processing ! Save links for checking call Save_Gmv_Links(grid, 0, & grid % n_nodes, & grid % n_cells, & grid % n_faces, & grid % n_bnd_cells, & 0) ! Save the 1D probe (good for the channel flow) call Probe_1D_Nodes_Gen(grid) ! Save the 2D probe (good for the channel flow) call Probe_2D(grid) ! Create output for Fluent NewC(-grid % n_bnd_cells-1) = -grid % n_bnd_cells-1 call Save_Cas(grid, 0, & grid % n_nodes, & grid % n_cells, & grid % n_faces + grid % n_sh) ! save grid for Fluent ! Make eps figures call Save_Eps_Cut(grid, grid % dy, grid % dz, 'x') call Save_Eps_Cut(grid, grid % dz, grid % dx, 'y') call Save_Eps_Cut(grid, grid % dx, grid % dy, 'z') call Save_Eps_Whole(grid, grid % n_sh) ! draw the domain with shadows ! Write something on the screen call Print_Grid_Statistics(grid) end program
SUBROUTINE UMAT(STRESS,STATEV,DDSDDE,SSE,SPD,SCD, 1 RPL,DDSDDT,DRPLDE,DRPLDT, 2 STRAN,DSTRAN,TIME,DTIME,TEMP,DTEMP,PREDEF,DPRED,CMNAME, 3 NDI,NSHR,NTENS,NSTATV,PROPS,NPROPS,COORDS,DROT,PNEWDT, 4 CELENT,DFGRD0,DFGRD1,NOEL,NPT,LAYER,KSPT,KSTEP,KINC) INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' DIMENSION STRESS(NTENS),STATEV(NSTATV), 1 DDSDDE(NTENS,NTENS),DDSDDT(NTENS),DRPLDE(NTENS), 2 STRAN(NTENS),DSTRAN(NTENS),TIME(2),PREDEF(1),DPRED(1), 3 PROPS(NPROPS),COORDS(3),DROT(3,3),DFGRD0(3,3),DFGRD1(3,3), 4 JSTEP(4) DOUBLE PRECISION B(6), DET PARAMETER(ZERO=0.D0, ONE=1.D0, TWO=2.D0, THREE=3.D0, FOUR=4.D0, 1 SIX=6.D0) mu = PROPS(1) lam = PROPS(2) DET=DFGRD1(1, 1)*DFGRD1(2, 2)*DFGRD1(3, 3) 1 -DFGRD1(1, 2)*DFGRD1(2, 1)*DFGRD1(3, 3) IF(NSHR.EQ.3) THEN DET=DET+DFGRD1(1, 2)*DFGRD1(2, 3)*DFGRD1(3, 1) 1 +DFGRD1(1, 3)*DFGRD1(3, 2)*DFGRD1(2, 1) 2 -DFGRD1(1, 3)*DFGRD1(3,1)*DFGRD1(2, 2) 3 -DFGRD1(2, 3)*DFGRD1(3, 2)*DFGRD1(1, 1) END IF B(1)=DFGRD1(1, 1)**2+DFGRD1(1, 2)**2+DFGRD1(1, 3)**2 B(2)=DFGRD1(2, 1)**2+DFGRD1(2, 2)**2+DFGRD1(2, 3)**2 B(3)=DFGRD1(3, 3)**2+DFGRD1(3, 1)**2+DFGRD1(3, 2)**2 B(4)=DFGRD1(1, 1)*DFGRD1(2, 1)+DFGRD1(1, 2)*DFGRD1(2, 2) 1 +DFGRD1(1, 3)*DFGRD1(2, 3) IF(NSHR.EQ.3) THEN B(5)=DFGRD1(1, 1)*DFGRD1(3, 1)+DFGRD1(1, 2)*DFGRD1(3, 2) 1 +DFGRD1(1, 3)*DFGRD1(3, 3) B(6)=DFGRD1(2, 1)*DFGRD1(3, 1)+DFGRD1(2, 2)*DFGRD1(3, 2) 1 +DFGRD1(2, 3)*DFGRD1(3, 3) END IF C C CALCULATE THE STRESS C tp1 = (lam*LOG(det)-mu)/det tp2 = mu/det DO i = 1,NDI STRESS(i) = tp1 + tp2*B(i) END DO DO i = NDI+1, NDI+NSHR STRESS(i) = tp2*B(i) END DO tp3 = lam/det DDSDDE(1, 1) = tp3 + tp2*two*B(1) DDSDDE(2, 2) = tp3 + tp2*two*B(2) DDSDDE(3, 3) = tp3 + tp2*two*B(3) DDSDDE(1, 2) = tp3 DDSDDE(1, 3) = tp3 DDSDDE(2, 3) = tp3 DDSDDE(1, 4) = tp2*B(4) DDSDDE(2, 4) = tp2*B(4) DDSDDE(3, 4) = 0.D0 DDSDDE(4, 4) = tp2/two*(B(1)+B(2)) IF(NSHR.EQ.3) THEN DDSDDE(1, 5) = tp2*B(5) DDSDDE(2, 5) = 0.D0 DDSDDE(3, 5) = tp2*B(5) DDSDDE(1, 6) = 0.D0 DDSDDE(2, 6) = tp2*B(6) DDSDDE(3, 6) = tp2*B(6) DDSDDE(5, 5) = tp2/two*(B(1)+B(3)) DDSDDE(6, 6) = tp2/two*(B(2)+B(3)) DDSDDE(4, 5) = tp2/two*B(6) DDSDDE(4, 6) = tp2/two*B(5) DDSDDE(5, 6) = tp2/two*B(4) END IF DO i =1, NTENS DO j = 1, i-1 DDSDDE(i, j) = DDSDDE(j, i) END DO END DO STATEV(1) = DTIME RETURN END SUBROUTINE SDVINI(STATEV,COORDS,NSTATV,NCRDS,NOEL,NPT, 1 LAYER,KSPT) C INCLUDE 'ABA_PARAM.INC' C DIMENSION STATEV(NSTATV),COORDS(NCRDS) STATEV(1) = 1.0D0 ! theta RETURN END
! ! Copyright (c) 2000-2008, Roland Schmehl. All rights reserved. ! ! This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the ! BSD license in the documentation provided with this software. ! MODULE FortranParser !------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! Fortran 2008 function parser !------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! ! This is an OOP Fortran 2008 version of the original fparser by Roland Schmehl. This simple class ! wrapping of the original fparser has been developed by Jacopo Chevallard, and it is available on ! the GitHub repository https://github.com/jacopo-chevallard/FortranParser. ! ! For comments and bug reports, please open an issue on ! https://github.com/jacopo-chevallard/FortranParser/issues ! ! This function parser module is intended for applications where a set of mathematical ! fortran-style expressions is specified at runtime and is then evaluated for a large ! number of variable values. This is done by compiling the set of function strings ! into byte code, which is interpreted efficiently for the various variable values. ! ! The source code of the original fparser is available from http://fparser.sourceforge.net ! ! Please send comments, corrections or questions realtive to the original fparser to its author: ! Roland Schmehl <[email protected]> ! !------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! The function parser concept is based on a C++ class library written by Juha ! Nieminen <[email protected]> available from http://warp.povusers.org/FunctionParser/ !------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- USE FortranParser_parameters, ONLY: rn,is ! Import KIND parameters IMPLICIT NONE PUBLIC :: EquationParser !------- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- PRIVATE INTEGER(is), PARAMETER :: cImmed = 1, & cNeg = 2, & cAdd = 3, & cSub = 4, & cMul = 5, & cDiv = 6, & cPow = 7, & cAbs = 8, & cExp = 9, & cLog10 = 10, & cLog = 11, & cSqrt = 12, & cSinh = 13, & cCosh = 14, & cTanh = 15, & cSin = 16, & cCos = 17, & cTan = 18, & cAsin = 19, & cAcos = 20, & cAtan = 21, & VarBegin = 22 CHARACTER (LEN=1), DIMENSION(cAdd:cPow), PARAMETER :: Ops = (/ '+', & '-', & '*', & '/', & '^' /) CHARACTER (LEN=5), DIMENSION(cAbs:cAtan), PARAMETER :: Funcs = (/ 'abs ', & 'exp ', & 'log10', & 'log ', & 'sqrt ', & 'sinh ', & 'cosh ', & 'tanh ', & 'sin ', & 'cos ', & 'tan ', & 'asin ', & 'acos ', & 'atan ' /) INTEGER, parameter :: MAX_FUN_LENGTH = 1024 TYPE EquationParser INTEGER(is), POINTER :: ByteCode(:) => null() INTEGER :: ByteCodeSize = 0 REAL(rn), POINTER :: Immed(:) => null() INTEGER :: ImmedSize = 0 REAL(rn), POINTER :: Stack(:) => null() INTEGER :: StackSize = 0 INTEGER :: StackPtr = 0 INTEGER :: Error = 0 character(len=MAX_FUN_LENGTH) :: funcString = '' character(len=MAX_FUN_LENGTH) :: funcStringOrig = '' character(len=MAX_FUN_LENGTH), allocatable :: variableNames(:) contains private procedure, public :: evaluate procedure:: parse procedure :: Compile procedure :: AddCompiledByte procedure :: CompileSubstr procedure :: MathItemIndex procedure :: CheckSyntax final :: finalize END TYPE EquationParser ! Class constructor interface EquationParser procedure constructor end interface EquationParser CONTAINS !***************************************************************************************** type (EquationParser) function constructor(FuncStr, Var) CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: FuncStr ! Function string CHARACTER (LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: Var ! Array with variable names constructor%ByteCode => null() constructor%Immed => null() constructor%Stack => null() constructor%ByteCodeSize = 0 constructor%ImmedSize = 0 constructor%StackSize = 0 constructor%StackPtr = 0 constructor%funcString = FuncStr constructor%funcStringOrig = FuncStr allocate(constructor%variableNames(size(Var))) constructor%variableNames(:) = Var(:) call constructor%parse() end function constructor !***************************************************************************************** subroutine finalize(this) type(EquationParser) :: this if (associated(this%ByteCode)) nullify(this%ByteCode) if (associated(this%Immed)) nullify(this%Immed) if (associated(this%Stack)) nullify(this%Stack) end subroutine finalize !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE parse(this) ! Parse ith function string FuncStr and compile it into bytecode class(EquationParser) :: this CALL Replace('**','^ ', this%funcString) ! Exponent into 1-Char. format CALL RemoveSpaces(this%funcString) ! Condense function string CALL this%CheckSyntax() CALL this%Compile() ! Compile into bytecode END SUBROUTINE parse !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION evaluate(this, Val, Error) RESULT (res) ! Evaluate bytecode of ith function for the values passed in array Val(:) class(EquationParser) :: this REAL(rn), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: Val ! Variable values INTEGER, optional, intent(out):: Error ! Error code REAL(rn) :: res ! Result INTEGER :: IP, & ! Instruction pointer DP, & ! Data pointer SP ! Stack pointer REAL(rn), PARAMETER :: zero = 0._rn integer :: EvalErrType IF (present(Error)) Error = 0 IF (this%Error /= 0) then WRITE(*,*)'*** Error: Syntax or compilation error' IF (present(Error)) Error = this%Error return ENDIF DP = 1 SP = 0 EvalErrType=0 DO IP=1,this%ByteCodeSize SELECT CASE (this%ByteCode(IP)) CASE (cImmed); SP=SP+1; this%Stack(SP)=this%Immed(DP); DP=DP+1 CASE (cNeg); this%Stack(SP)=-this%Stack(SP) CASE (cAdd); this%Stack(SP-1)=this%Stack(SP-1)+this%Stack(SP); SP=SP-1 CASE (cSub); this%Stack(SP-1)=this%Stack(SP-1)-this%Stack(SP); SP=SP-1 CASE (cMul); this%Stack(SP-1)=this%Stack(SP-1)*this%Stack(SP); SP=SP-1 CASE (cDiv) IF (this%Stack(SP)==0._rn) THEN EvalErrType=1 res=zero exit ENDIF this%Stack(SP-1)=this%Stack(SP-1)/this%Stack(SP); SP=SP-1 CASE (cPow); this%Stack(SP-1)=this%Stack(SP-1)**this%Stack(SP); SP=SP-1 CASE (cAbs); this%Stack(SP)=ABS(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cExp); this%Stack(SP)=EXP(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cLog10) IF (this%Stack(SP)<=0._rn) THEN EvalErrType=3 res=zero exit ENDIF this%Stack(SP)=LOG10(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cLog) IF (this%Stack(SP)<=0._rn) THEN EvalErrType=3 res=zero exit ENDIF this%Stack(SP)=LOG(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cSqrt) IF (this%Stack(SP)<0._rn) THEN EvalErrType=3 res=zero exit ENDIF this%Stack(SP)=SQRT(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cSinh); this%Stack(SP)=SINH(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cCosh); this%Stack(SP)=COSH(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cTanh); this%Stack(SP)=TANH(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cSin); this%Stack(SP)=SIN(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cCos); this%Stack(SP)=COS(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cTan); this%Stack(SP)=TAN(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cAsin) IF ((this%Stack(SP)<-1._rn) .OR. (this%Stack(SP)>1._rn)) THEN EvalErrType=4 res=zero exit ENDIF this%Stack(SP)=ASIN(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cAcos); IF ((this%Stack(SP)<-1._rn).OR.(this%Stack(SP)>1._rn)) THEN EvalErrType=4 res=zero exit ENDIF this%Stack(SP)=ACOS(this%Stack(SP)) CASE (cAtan); this%Stack(SP)=ATAN(this%Stack(SP)) CASE DEFAULT; SP=SP+1; this%Stack(SP)=Val(this%ByteCode(IP)-VarBegin+1) END SELECT END DO IF (EvalErrType > 0) then IF (present(Error)) Error = EvalErrType WRITE(*,*)'*** Error: ',EvalErrMsg(EvalErrType) else res = this%Stack(1) endif END FUNCTION evaluate !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE CheckSyntax(this) ! Check syntax of function string, returns 0 if syntax is ok class(EquationParser) :: this INTEGER(is) :: n CHARACTER (LEN=1) :: c REAL(rn) :: r LOGICAL :: err INTEGER :: ParCnt, & ! Parenthesis counter j,ib,in,lFunc IF (this%Error /= 0) return j = 1 ParCnt = 0 lFunc = LEN_TRIM(this%funcString) step: DO IF (j > lFunc) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error); return; ENDIF c = this%funcString(j:j) !-- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! Check for valid operand (must appear) !-- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- IF (c == '-' .OR. c == '+') THEN ! Check for leading - or + j = j+1 IF (j > lFunc) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Missing operand'); return; ENDIF c = this%funcString(j:j) IF (ANY(c == Ops)) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Multiple operators'); return; ENDIF END IF n = MathFunctionIndex (this%funcString(j:)) IF (n > 0) THEN ! Check for math function j = j+LEN_TRIM(Funcs(n)) IF (j > lFunc) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Missing function argument'); return; ENDIF c = this%funcString(j:j) IF (c /= '(') THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Missing opening parenthesis'); return; ENDIF END IF IF (c == '(') THEN ! Check for opening parenthesis ParCnt = ParCnt+1 j = j+1 CYCLE step END IF IF (SCAN(c,'0123456789.') > 0) THEN ! Check for number r = RealNum (this%funcString(j:),ib,in,err) IF (err) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Invalid number format: '//this%funcString(j+ib-1:j+in-2)); return; ENDIF j = j+in-1 IF (j > lFunc) EXIT c = this%funcString(j:j) ELSE ! Check for variable n = VariableIndex (this%funcString(j:),this%variableNames,ib,in) IF (n == 0) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Invalid element: '//this%funcString(j+ib-1:j+in-2)); return; ENDIF j = j+in-1 IF (j > lFunc) EXIT c = this%funcString(j:j) END IF DO WHILE (c == ')') ! Check for closing parenthesis ParCnt = ParCnt-1 IF (ParCnt < 0) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Mismatched parenthesis'); return; ENDIF IF (this%funcString(j-1:j-1) == '(') THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j-1, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Empty parentheses'); return; ENDIF j = j+1 IF (j > lFunc) EXIT c = this%funcString(j:j) END DO !-- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! Now, we have a legal operand: A legal operator or end of string must follow !-- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- IF (j > lFunc) EXIT IF (ANY(c == Ops)) THEN ! Check for multiple operators IF (j+1 > lFunc) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error); return; ENDIF IF (ANY(this%funcString(j+1:j+1) == Ops)) THEN; CALL ParseErrMsg (j+1, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Multiple operators'); return; ENDIF ELSE ! Check for next operand CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Missing operator'); return END IF !-- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! Now, we have an operand and an operator: the next loop will check for another ! operand (must appear) !-- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- j = j+1 END DO step IF (ParCnt > 0) CALL ParseErrMsg (j, this%funcStringOrig, this%Error, 'Missing )') END SUBROUTINE CheckSyntax !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION EvalErrMsg(EvalErrType) RESULT (msg) ! Return error message integer, intent(in) :: EvalErrType CHARACTER (LEN=*), DIMENSION(4), PARAMETER :: m = (/ 'Division by zero ', & 'Argument of SQRT negative ', & 'Argument of LOG negative ', & 'Argument of ASIN or ACOS illegal' /) CHARACTER (LEN=LEN(m)) :: msg !----- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- IF (EvalErrType < 1 .OR. EvalErrType > SIZE(m)) THEN msg = '' ELSE msg = m(EvalErrType) ENDIF END FUNCTION EvalErrMsg !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE ParseErrMsg (j, FuncStr, Error, Msg) ! Print error message and terminate program INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: j CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: FuncStr ! Original function string INTEGER, INTENT(out):: Error CHARACTER (LEN=*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: Msg Error = -1 IF (PRESENT(Msg)) THEN WRITE(*,*) '*** Error in syntax of function string: '//Msg ELSE WRITE(*,*) '*** Error in syntax of function string:' ENDIF WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,'(A)') ' '//FuncStr WRITE(*,'(A)') '?' END SUBROUTINE ParseErrMsg !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION OperatorIndex (c) RESULT (n) ! Return operator index CHARACTER (LEN=1), INTENT(in) :: c INTEGER(is) :: n,j n = 0 DO j=cAdd,cPow IF (c == Ops(j)) THEN n = j EXIT END IF END DO END FUNCTION OperatorIndex !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION MathFunctionIndex (str) RESULT (n) ! Return index of math function beginnig at 1st position of string str CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: str INTEGER(is) :: n,j INTEGER :: k CHARACTER (LEN=LEN(Funcs)) :: fun n = 0 DO j=cAbs,cAtan ! Check all math functions k = MIN(LEN_TRIM(Funcs(j)), LEN(str)) CALL LowCase (str(1:k), fun) IF (fun == Funcs(j)) THEN ! Compare lower case letters n = j ! Found a matching function EXIT END IF END DO END FUNCTION MathFunctionIndex !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION VariableIndex (str, Var, ibegin, inext) RESULT (n) !----- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ! Return index of variable at begin of string str (returns 0 if no variable found) !----- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: str ! String CHARACTER (LEN=*), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in) :: Var ! Array with variable names INTEGER(is) :: n ! Index of variable INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: ibegin, & ! Start position of variable name inext ! Position of character after name INTEGER :: j,ib,in,lstr !----- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- n = 0 lstr = LEN_TRIM(str) IF (lstr > 0) THEN DO ib=1,lstr ! Search for first character in str IF (str(ib:ib) /= ' ') EXIT ! When lstr>0 at least 1 char in str END DO DO in=ib,lstr ! Search for name terminators IF (SCAN(str(in:in),'+-*/^) ') > 0) EXIT END DO DO j=1,SIZE(Var) IF (str(ib:in-1) == Var(j)) THEN n = j ! Variable name found EXIT END IF END DO END IF IF (PRESENT(ibegin)) ibegin = ib IF (PRESENT(inext)) inext = in END FUNCTION VariableIndex !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE RemoveSpaces (str) ! Remove Spaces from string, remember positions of characters in old string CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(inout) :: str INTEGER :: k,lstr lstr = LEN_TRIM(str) k = 1 DO WHILE (str(k:lstr) /= ' ') IF (str(k:k) == ' ') THEN str(k:lstr) = str(k+1:lstr)//' ' ! Move 1 character to left k = k-1 END IF k = k+1 END DO END SUBROUTINE RemoveSpaces !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE Replace (ca,cb,str) ! Replace ALL appearances of character set ca in string str by character set cb CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: ca CHARACTER (LEN=LEN(ca)), INTENT(in) :: cb ! LEN(ca) must be LEN(cb) CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(inout) :: str INTEGER :: j,lca lca = LEN(ca) DO j=1,LEN_TRIM(str)-lca+1 IF (str(j:j+lca-1) == ca) str(j:j+lca-1) = cb END DO END SUBROUTINE Replace !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE Compile(this) ! Compile i-th function string F into bytecode class(EquationParser) :: this INTEGER :: istat IF (this%Error /= 0) return IF (ASSOCIATED(this%ByteCode)) DEALLOCATE ( this%ByteCode, & this%Immed, & this%Stack ) this%ByteCodeSize = 0 this%ImmedSize = 0 this%StackSize = 0 this%StackPtr = 0 CALL this%CompileSubstr(1,LEN_TRIM(this%funcString)) ! Compile string to determine size ALLOCATE ( this%ByteCode(this%ByteCodeSize), & this%Immed(this%ImmedSize), & this%Stack(this%StackSize), & STAT = istat ) IF (istat /= 0) THEN WRITE(*,*) '*** Parser error: Memmory allocation for byte code failed' this%Error = -1 ELSE this%ByteCodeSize = 0 this%ImmedSize = 0 this%StackSize = 0 this%StackPtr = 0 CALL this%CompileSubstr(1,LEN_TRIM(this%funcString)) ! Compile string into bytecode END IF END SUBROUTINE Compile !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE AddCompiledByte(this, b) ! Add compiled byte to bytecode class(EquationParser) :: this INTEGER(is), INTENT(in) :: b ! Value of byte to be added this%ByteCodeSize = this%ByteCodeSize + 1 IF (ASSOCIATED(this%ByteCode)) then this%ByteCode(this%ByteCodeSize) = b endif END SUBROUTINE AddCompiledByte !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION MathItemIndex(this, b, e) RESULT (n) ! Return math item index, if item is real number, enter it into Comp-structure class(EquationParser) :: this INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: b,e ! First and last pos. of substring INTEGER(is) :: n ! Byte value of math item n = 0 IF (SCAN(this%funcString(b:b),'0123456789.') > 0) THEN ! Check for begin of a number this%ImmedSize = this%ImmedSize + 1 IF (ASSOCIATED(this%Immed)) this%Immed(this%ImmedSize) = RealNum(this%funcString(b:e)) n = cImmed ELSE ! Check for a variable n = VariableIndex(this%funcString(b:e), this%variableNames) IF (n > 0) n = VarBegin+n-1 END IF END FUNCTION MathItemIndex !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION CompletelyEnclosed (F, b, e) RESULT (res) ! Check if function substring F(b:e) is completely enclosed by a pair of parenthesis CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: F ! Function substring INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: b,e ! First and last pos. of substring LOGICAL :: res INTEGER :: j,k res=.false. IF (F(b:b) == '(' .AND. F(e:e) == ')') THEN k = 0 DO j=b+1,e-1 IF (F(j:j) == '(') THEN k = k+1 ELSEIF (F(j:j) == ')') THEN k = k-1 END IF IF (k < 0) EXIT END DO IF (k == 0) res=.true. ! All opened parenthesis closed END IF END FUNCTION CompletelyEnclosed !***************************************************************************************** RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE CompileSubstr(this, b, e) ! Compile i-th function string funcString into bytecode class(EquationParser) :: this INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: b,e ! Begin and end position substring INTEGER(is) :: n INTEGER :: b2,j,k,io CHARACTER (LEN=*), PARAMETER :: calpha = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'// & 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' ! Check for special cases of substring IF (this%funcString(b:b) == '+') THEN ! Case 1: funcString(b:e) = '+...' ! WRITE(*,*)'1. funcString(b:e) = "+..."' CALL this%CompileSubstr(b+1, e) RETURN ELSEIF (CompletelyEnclosed (this%funcString, b, e)) THEN ! Case 2: funcString(b:e) = '(...)' ! WRITE(*,*)'2. funcString(b:e) = "(...)"' CALL this%CompileSubstr(b+1, e-1) RETURN ELSEIF (SCAN(this%funcString(b:b), calpha) > 0) THEN n = MathFunctionIndex(this%funcString(b:e)) IF (n > 0) THEN b2 = b+INDEX(this%funcString(b:e),'(')-1 IF (CompletelyEnclosed(this%funcString, b2, e)) THEN ! Case 3: funcString(b:e) = 'fcn(...)' ! WRITE(*,*)'3. funcString(b:e) = "fcn(...)"' CALL this%CompileSubstr(b2+1, e-1) CALL this%AddCompiledByte(n) RETURN END IF END IF ELSEIF (this%funcString(b:b) == '-') THEN IF (CompletelyEnclosed(this%funcString, b+1, e)) THEN ! Case 4: this%funcString(b:e) = '-(...)' ! WRITE(*,*)'4. this%funcString(b:e) = "-(...)"' CALL this%CompileSubstr(b+2, e-1) CALL this%AddCompiledByte(cNeg) RETURN ELSEIF (SCAN(this%funcString(b+1:b+1),calpha) > 0) THEN n = MathFunctionIndex(this%funcString(b+1:e)) IF (n > 0) THEN b2 = b+INDEX(this%funcString(b+1:e),'(') IF (CompletelyEnclosed(this%funcString, b2, e)) THEN ! Case 5: this%funcString(b:e) = '-fcn(...)' ! WRITE(*,*)'5. this%funcString(b:e) = "-fcn(...)"' CALL this%CompileSubstr(b2+1, e-1); CALL this%AddCompiledByte(n) CALL this%AddCompiledByte(cNeg) RETURN END IF END IF ENDIF END IF ! Check for operator in substring: check only base level (k=0), exclude expr. in () DO io=cAdd,cPow ! Increasing priority +-*/^ k = 0 DO j=e,b,-1 IF (this%funcString(j:j) == ')') THEN k = k+1 ELSEIF (this%funcString(j:j) == '(') THEN k = k-1 END IF IF (k == 0 .AND. this%funcString(j:j) == Ops(io) .AND. IsBinaryOp (j, this%funcString)) THEN IF (ANY(this%funcString(j:j) == Ops(cMul:cPow)) .AND. this%funcString(b:b) == '-') THEN ! Case 6: this%funcString(b:e) = '-...Op...' with Op > - ! WRITE(*,*)'6. this%funcString(b:e) = "-...Op..." with Op > -' CALL this%CompileSubstr(b+1, e) CALL this%AddCompiledByte(cNeg) RETURN ELSE ! Case 7: this%funcString(b:e) = '...BinOp...' ! WRITE(*,*)'7. Binary operator',this%funcString(j:j) CALL this%CompileSubstr(b, j-1) CALL this%CompileSubstr(j+1, e) CALL this%AddCompiledByte(OperatorIndex(Ops(io))) this%StackPtr = this%StackPtr - 1 RETURN END IF END IF END DO END DO ! Check for remaining items, i.e. variables or explicit numbers b2 = b IF (this%funcString(b:b) == '-') b2 = b2+1 n = this%MathItemIndex(b2, e) ! WRITE(*,*)'8. AddCompiledByte ',n CALL this%AddCompiledByte(n) this%StackPtr = this%StackPtr + 1 IF (this%StackPtr > this%StackSize) this%StackSize = this%StackSize + 1 IF (b2 > b) CALL this%AddCompiledByte(cNeg) END SUBROUTINE CompileSubstr !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION IsBinaryOp (j, F) RESULT (res) ! Check if operator F(j:j) in string F is binary operator ! Special cases already covered elsewhere: (that is corrected in v1.1) ! - operator character F(j:j) is first character of string (j=1) INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: j ! Position of Operator CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: F ! String LOGICAL :: res ! Result INTEGER :: k LOGICAL :: Dflag,Pflag res=.true. IF (F(j:j) == '+' .OR. F(j:j) == '-') THEN ! Plus or minus sign: IF (j == 1) THEN ! - leading unary operator ? res = .false. ELSEIF (SCAN(F(j-1:j-1),'+-*/^(') > 0) THEN ! - other unary operator ? res = .false. ELSEIF (SCAN(F(j+1:j+1),'0123456789') > 0 .AND. & ! - in exponent of real number ? SCAN(F(j-1:j-1),'eEdD') > 0) THEN Dflag=.false.; Pflag=.false. k = j-1 DO WHILE (k > 1) ! step to the left in mantissa k = k-1 IF (SCAN(F(k:k),'0123456789') > 0) THEN Dflag=.true. ELSEIF (F(k:k) == '.') THEN IF (Pflag) THEN EXIT ! * EXIT: 2nd appearance of '.' ELSE Pflag=.true. ! * mark 1st appearance of '.' ENDIF ELSE EXIT ! * all other characters END IF END DO IF (Dflag .AND. (k == 1 .OR. SCAN(F(k:k),'+-*/^(') > 0)) res = .false. END IF END IF END FUNCTION IsBinaryOp !***************************************************************************************** FUNCTION RealNum(str, ibegin, inext, error) RESULT (res) ! Get real number from string - Format: [blanks][+|-][nnn][.nnn][e|E|d|D[+|-]nnn] CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: str ! String REAL(rn) :: res ! Real number INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: ibegin, & ! Start position of real number inext ! 1st character after real number LOGICAL, OPTIONAL, INTENT(out) :: error ! Error flag INTEGER :: ib,in,istat LOGICAL :: Bflag, & ! .T. at begin of number in str InMan, & ! .T. in mantissa of number Pflag, & ! .T. after 1st '.' encountered Eflag, & ! .T. at exponent identifier 'eEdD' InExp, & ! .T. in exponent of number DInMan, & ! .T. if at least 1 digit in mant. DInExp, & ! .T. if at least 1 digit in exp. err ! Local error flag !----- -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- Bflag=.true.; InMan=.false.; Pflag=.false.; Eflag=.false.; InExp=.false. DInMan=.false.; DInExp=.false. ib = 1 in = 1 DO WHILE (in <= LEN_TRIM(str)) SELECT CASE (str(in:in)) CASE (' ') ! Only leading blanks permitted ib = ib+1 IF (InMan .OR. Eflag .OR. InExp) EXIT CASE ('+','-') ! Permitted only IF (Bflag) THEN InMan=.true.; Bflag=.false. ! - at beginning of mantissa ELSEIF (Eflag) THEN InExp=.true.; Eflag=.false. ! - at beginning of exponent ELSE EXIT ! - otherwise STOP ENDIF CASE ('0':'9') ! Mark IF (Bflag) THEN InMan=.true.; Bflag=.false. ! - beginning of mantissa ELSEIF (Eflag) THEN InExp=.true.; Eflag=.false. ! - beginning of exponent ENDIF IF (InMan) DInMan=.true. ! Mantissa contains digit IF (InExp) DInExp=.true. ! Exponent contains digit CASE ('.') IF (Bflag) THEN Pflag=.true. ! - mark 1st appearance of '.' InMan=.true.; Bflag=.false. ! mark beginning of mantissa ELSEIF (InMan .AND..NOT.Pflag) THEN Pflag=.true. ! - mark 1st appearance of '.' ELSE EXIT ! - otherwise STOP END IF CASE ('e','E','d','D') ! Permitted only IF (InMan) THEN Eflag=.true.; InMan=.false. ! - following mantissa ELSE EXIT ! - otherwise STOP ENDIF CASE DEFAULT EXIT ! STOP at all other characters END SELECT in = in+1 END DO err = (ib > in-1) .OR. (.NOT.DInMan) .OR. ((Eflag.OR.InExp).AND..NOT.DInExp) IF (err) THEN res = 0.0_rn ELSE READ(str(ib:in-1),*,IOSTAT=istat) res err = istat /= 0 END IF IF (PRESENT(ibegin)) ibegin = ib IF (PRESENT(inext)) inext = in IF (PRESENT(error)) error = err END FUNCTION RealNum !***************************************************************************************** SUBROUTINE LowCase (str1, str2) ! Transform upper case letters in str1 into lower case letters, result is str2 IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: str1 CHARACTER (LEN=*), INTENT(out) :: str2 INTEGER :: j,k CHARACTER (LEN=*), PARAMETER :: lc = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' CHARACTER (LEN=*), PARAMETER :: uc = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' str2 = str1 DO j=1,LEN_TRIM(str1) k = INDEX(uc,str1(j:j)) IF (k > 0) str2(j:j) = lc(k:k) END DO END SUBROUTINE LowCase END MODULE FortranParser
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1 oid sha256:817535975df1b774ef99d0a6195c304e642a1260a5fe650286466252b0ce808d size 131550
// Generated Files ${PROJ_DIR}/llink/script/premade_examples/axi_mm_a32_d128_packet_up_rv_2_mem/axi_mm_a32_d128_packet_up_rv_2_mem_slave_top.sv ${PROJ_DIR}/llink/script/premade_examples/axi_mm_a32_d128_packet_up_rv_2_mem/axi_mm_a32_d128_packet_up_rv_2_mem_slave_concat.sv ${PROJ_DIR}/llink/script/premade_examples/axi_mm_a32_d128_packet_up_rv_2_mem/axi_mm_a32_d128_packet_up_rv_2_mem_slave_name.sv // Logic Link files -f ${PROJ_DIR}/llink/rtl/llink.f // Common Files -f ${PROJ_DIR}/common/rtl/common.f
Cari Ham was appointed to the ASUCD ASUCD Senate Senate by Kalen Gallagher in January 2005 after Adam Barr stepped down. She orginally ran as a sophomore in February of 2004 on the Student Focus Slate slate. Her term expired when Adam Barr Barrs would have in February 2005. Shortly before her new appointment, she served on the Gender and Sexuality Commission and was the Executive Offices Chief of Staff. While working for the Gender and Sexuality Commission Cari http://www.californiaaggie.com/media/storage/paper981/news/2005/01/18/Opinion/Letters.To.The.Editor1319214.shtml?norewrite200606071702&sourcedomainwww.californiaaggie.com allegedly verbally assaulted a conservative attendee of a Generation Sex event (http://media.www.californiaaggie.com/media/storage/paper981/news/2005/01/20/Opinion/Letters.To.The.Editor1319259.shtml?sourcedomainwww.californiaaggie.com&MIIHostmedia.collegepublisher.com Rebuttal). Her candidate profile from The California Aggie can be found http://www.californiaaggie.com/media/storage/paper981/news/2004/02/19/FrontPage/Candidate.Profile.Cari.Ham1316564.shtml?norewrite200606071659&sourcedomainwww.californiaaggie.com here. Cari is a graduate of Washington High School in Fremont, CA. She used to make fun of Paul Harms, who also attended WHS (she didnt like Pauls LL Bean lunchbox.)
! Sort integer array a in ascending order. recursive subroutine sort(a) implicit none interface subroutine partition(a,pivot) ! Array to sort is a. integer, intent(in out)::a(:) ! Pivot is the pivot point. integer, intent(out) :: pivot end subroutine partition end interface integer, intent(in out) :: a(:) ! pivot is pivot point. integer :: pivot if(size(a) > 1) then ! partition is used to select pivot point call partition(a, pivot) ! Sort part of a below pivot. call sort(a(:pivot-1)) ! Sort part of a above pivot. call sort(a(pivot:)) endif end subroutine sort ! Find pivot point. subroutine partition(a, pivot) ! Array to sort is a. integer, intent(in out)::a(:) ! Pivot is the pivot point. integer, intent(out) :: pivot ! lower is lower bound and upper is upper bound for pivot. ! a values below pivot must not exceed x. a values above ! pivot must not be less than x. integer :: lower, upper ! The pivot value is x. Hold is used to store value to be exchanged. integer :: hold,x x = a(size(a)/2) ! The pivot cannot be less than 0. lower= 0 ! The pivot cannot exceed size(a). upper= size(a) + 1 do ! Drop upper by 1 for new upper bound on pivot. upper = upper-1 do ! If a(upper)<=x, then pivot does not exceed upper. if (a(upper) <= x) exit ! Drop upper by 1 because pivot must be less than upper. upper = upper-1 end do ! Now check on lower bound. lower = lower+1 do if (a(lower) >= x) exit ! Increase lower by 1. lower = lower+1 end do if (lower < upper) then ! Exchange a(lower) and a(upper). hold = a(lower) a(lower) = a(upper) a(upper) = hold else if (lower == upper) then pivot = upper+1 return else pivot = lower return endif endif end do end subroutine partition
C C $Id: set3.f,v 1.7 2008-07-27 00:17:34 haley Exp $ C C Copyright (C) 2000 C University Corporation for Atmospheric Research C All Rights Reserved C C The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement. C SUBROUTINE SET3 (XA,XB,YA,YB,ULO,UHI,VLO,VHI,WLO,WHI,EYE) C C THREE-DIMENSIONAL LINE DRAWING PACKAGE C C C PURPOSE THREED is a package of subroutines that C provides line drawing capabilities in C three-space. C C USAGE Each entry point in this package is C described below. C C SET3 (XA,XB,YA,YB,UC,UD,VC,VD,WC,WD,EYE) C C XA, XB, YA, YB define the portion of the C plotting surface into which the user's C plot will be placed. These values should C be in the range 0. to 1. For example, if C one wants the plot to occupy the maximum C plotting surface, set XA=0., YA=0., XB=1., C YB=1.; if one wants the plot to appear in C the lower left corner of the plotting C surface, set XA=0., YA=0., XB=.5, YB=.5 . C C UC, UD, VC, VD, WC, and WD define a C volume in user-coordinate space which C will be transformed onto the plotting C surface defined by XA, XB, YA, YB. C C EYE is an array, 3 words long, containing the C U, V, and W coordinates of the EYE position. C All lines in the plot are drawn as viewed C from the EYE. EYE is specified in user C coordinates and should be outside the box C defined by UC, UD, VC, VD, WC, and WD. C C CURVE3 (U,V,W,N) C C Draws a curve through N points. The C points are defined by the linear arrays C U, V, and W which are dimensioned N or C greater. C C LINE3 (UA,VA,WA,UB,VB,WB) C C Draws a line connecting the coordinates C (UA,VA,WA) and (UB,VB,WB). C C FRST3 (U,V,W) C C Positions the pen to (U,V,W). C C VECT3 (U,V,W) C C Draws a line between the current pen C position and the point (U,V,W). The C current pen position becomes (U,V,W). C Note that a curve can be drawn by using C a FRST3 call followed by a sequence of C VECT3 calls. C C POINT3 (U,V,W) C C Plots a point at (U,V,W) . C C PERIM3 (MAGR1,MINR1,MAGR2,MINR2,IWHICH,VAR) C C Draws a perimeter with tick marks. C C IWHICH designates the normal vector to the C perimeter drawn (1=U, 2=V, 3=W). C C VAR is the value on the axis specified by C IWHICH where the perimeter is to be drawn. C C MAGR1 and MAGR2 specify the C number of major tick marks to be drawn in C the two coordinate directions. C C MINR1 and MINR2 specify the number C of minor ticks between each major tick. C C MAGR1, MAGR2, MINR1 and MINR2 C are specified by the number C of divisions(holes), not the number of C ticks. So if MAGR1=1, there would be no C major divisions. C C TICK43 (MAGU,MINU,MAGV,MINV,MAGW,MINW) C C TICK43 allows program control of tick C mark length in subroutine PERIM3. C MAGU, MAGV, MAGW specify the length, C in plotter address units of major C division tick marks on the U, V, and W C axes. MINU, MINV, MINW specify the length, C in plotter address units of minor C division tick marks on the U, V, and C W axes. C C FENCE3 (U,V,W,N,IOREN,BOT) C C This entry is used to draw a line in three- C space as well as a "fence" between the C line and a plane normal to one of the C coordinate axes. C C The arguments U, V, W and N C are the same as for CURVE3, described above. C C IOREN specifies the direction in which the C fence lines are to be drawn (1 indicates C parallel to the U-axis, 2 indicates parallel C to the V-axis, and 3 indicates parallel to C to the W-axis.) C C BOT specifies where the bottom of the fence C is to be drawn. C If the fence lines are to be drawn parallel C to the W-axis, and BOT=2., then the bottom C of the fence would be the plane W=2. C C ON OUTPUT All arguments are unchanged. C C NOTE . For drawing characters in conjunction C with THREED, use the companion routine C PWRZT. C C ENTRY POINTS FENCE3, TRN32T, FRST3, VECT3, LIN3, C POINT3, CURVE3, PSYM3, PERIM3, LINE3W, C DRAWT, TICK43, TICK3, THREBD, THREBDX C C COMMON BLOCKS TEMPRT, SET31, PWRZ1T, TCK31, PRM31, THRINT C C REQUIRED LIBRARY PWRZ and the SPPS C ROUTINES C C REQUIRED GKS LEVEL 0A C C HISTORY Written and standardized in November 1973. C I/O Plots lines. C C PRECISION Single C C LANGUAGE FORTRAN C C ACCURACY + or -.5 plotter address units per call. C There is no cumulative error. C C PORTABILITY ANSI FORTRAN 77 C C C C C SAVE C COMMON /TEMPRT/ RZERO C DIMENSION EYE(3) C COMMON /SET31/ ISCALE ,XMIN ,XMAX ,YMIN , 1 YMAX ,BIGD ,R0 ,NLX , 2 NBY ,NRX ,NTY COMMON /PWRZ1T/ UUMIN ,UUMAX ,VVMIN ,VVMAX , 1 WWMIN ,WWMAX ,DELCRT ,EYEU , 2 EYEV ,EYEW C AVE(A,B) = (A+B)*.5 C C ARITHMETIC STATEMENT FUNCTION FOR SCALING C SU(UTEMP) = UTEMP SV(VTEMP) = VTEMP SW(WTEMP) = WTEMP C C Do a call forcing a BLOCKDATA to be loaded from a binary library. C CALL THREBD C C SET UP FRAME SIZE C NLX = XA*1023.+1. NRX = XB*1023.+1. NBY = YA*1023.+1. NTY = YB*1023.+1. C C CONSTANTS FOR PWRZT C UUMIN = ULO UUMAX = UHI VVMIN = VLO VVMAX = VHI WWMIN = WLO WWMAX = WHI EYEU = EYE(1) EYEV = EYE(2) EYEW = EYE(3) C C FIND CORNERS IN 2-SPACE FOR 3-SPACE BOX CONTAINING OBJECT C ISCALE = 0 ATU = AVE(SU(UUMIN),SU(UUMAX)) ATV = AVE(SV(VVMIN),SV(VVMAX)) ATW = AVE(SW(WWMIN),SW(WWMAX)) BIGD = 0. IF (RZERO .LE. 0.) GO TO 10 C C RELATIVE SIZE FEATURE IN USE. THIS SECTION OF CODE IS NEVER C EXECUTED UNLESS RZERO IS SET POSITIVE IN THE CALLING PROGRAM C VIA COMMON BLOCK TEMPRT. RZERO IS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE C OBSERVER AND THE POINT LOOKED AT (CENTER OF THE BOX BY DEFAULT) C WHEN THE INPUT BOX IS TO FILL THE SCREEN WHEN VIEWED FROM THE C DIRECTION WHICH MAKES THE BOX BIGGEST. RZERO IS THUS TO C BE USED TO DETERMINE THE SHAPE OF THE OBJECT. THIS SECTION C OF CODE IS TO BE USED WHEN IT IS DESIRED TO KEEP THE VIEWED C OBJECT IN RELATIVE PERSPECTIVE ACROSS FRAMES--E.G. IN MAKING C MOVIES. C ALPHA = -(VVMIN-ATV)/(UUMIN-ATU) VVEYE = -RZERO/SQRT(1.+ALPHA*ALPHA) UUEYE = VVEYE*ALPHA VVEYE = VVEYE+ATV UUEYE = UUEYE+ATU WWEYE = ATW CALL TRN32T (ATU,ATV,ATW,UUEYE,VVEYE,WWEYE,1) CALL TRN32T (UUMIN,VVMIN,ATW,XMIN,DUMM,DUMM,2) CALL TRN32T (UUMAX,VVMIN,WWMIN,DUMM,YMIN,DUMM,2) CALL TRN32T (UUMAX,VVMAX,ATW,XMAX,DUMM,DUMM,2) CALL TRN32T (UUMAX,VVMIN,WWMAX,DUMM,YMAX,DUMM,2) BIGD = SQRT((UUMAX-UUMIN)**2+(VVMAX-VVMIN)**2+(WWMAX-WWMIN)**2)*.5 R0 = RZERO GO TO 20 10 CALL TRN32T (ATU,ATV,ATW,EYE(1),EYE(2),EYE(3),1) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMIN),SV(VVMIN),SW(WWMIN),X1,Y1,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMIN),SV(VVMIN),SW(WWMAX),X2,Y2,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMIN),SV(VVMAX),SW(WWMIN),X3,Y3,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMIN),SV(VVMAX),SW(WWMAX),X4,Y4,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMAX),SV(VVMIN),SW(WWMIN),X5,Y5,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMAX),SV(VVMIN),SW(WWMAX),X6,Y6,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMAX),SV(VVMAX),SW(WWMIN),X7,Y7,DUM,2) CALL TRN32T (SU(UUMAX),SV(VVMAX),SW(WWMAX),X8,Y8,DUM,2) XMIN = MIN(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8) XMAX = MAX(X1,X2,X3,X4,X5,X6,X7,X8) YMIN = MIN(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7,Y8) YMAX = MAX(Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4,Y5,Y6,Y7,Y8) C C ADD RIGHT AMOUNT TO KEEP PICTURE SQUARE C 20 WIDTH = XMAX-XMIN HIGHT = YMAX-YMIN DIF = .5*(WIDTH-HIGHT) IF (DIF) 30, 50, 40 30 XMIN = XMIN+DIF XMAX = XMAX-DIF GO TO 50 40 YMIN = YMIN-DIF YMAX = YMAX+DIF 50 ISCALE = 1 CALL TRN32T (ATU,ATV,ATW,EYE(1),EYE(2),EYE(3),1) RETURN END
! ! CalculiX - A 3-dimensional finite element program ! Copyright (C) 1998-2021 Guido Dhondt ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ! published by the Free Software Foundation(version 2); ! ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ! subroutine allocation(nload_,nforc_,nboun_,nk_,ne_,nmpc_, & nset_,nalset_,nmat_,ntmat_,npmat_,norien_,nam_,nprint_, & mi,ntrans_,set,meminset,rmeminset,ncs_, & namtot_,ncmat_,memmpc_,ne1d,ne2d,nflow,jobnamec,irstrt, & ithermal,nener,nstate_,irestartstep,inpc,ipoinp,inp, & ntie_,nbody_,nprop_,ipoinpc,nevdamp_,npt_,nslavs,nkon_,mcs, & mortar,ifacecount,nintpoint,infree,nheading_,nobject_, & iuel,iprestr,nstam,ndamp,nef,nbounold,nforcold,nloadold, & nbodyold,mpcend,irobustdesign,nfc_,ndc_) ! ! calculates a conservative estimate of the size of the ! fields to be allocated ! ! meminset=total # of terms in sets ! rmeminset=total # of reduced terms (due to use of generate) in ! sets ! ! nstate_ needs only be assigned for ! a. restart (read from file) ! b. initial conditions (defined by *depvar) ! implicit none ! logical igen,lin,frequency,cyclicsymmetry,composite, & tabular,massflow,beamgeneralsection ! character*1 selabel,sulabel,inpc(*) character*5 llab character*8 label character*20 mpclabel character*81 set(*),noset,elset,slavset,mastset,noelset,submset, & surface,slavsets,slavsett,mastsets,mastsett,surfset character*132 jobnamec(*),textpart(16) ! integer nload_,nforc_,nboun_,nk_,ne_,nmpc_,nset_,nalset_, & nmat_,ntmat_,npmat_,norien_,nam_,nprint_,kode,iline, & istat,n,key,meminset(*),i,js,inoset,mi(*),ii,ipol,inl, & ibounstart,ibounend,ibound,ntrans_,ntmatl,npmatl,ityp,l, & ielset,nope,nteller,nterm,ialset(16),ncs_,rmeminset(*), & islavset,imastset,namtot_,ncmat_,nconstants,memmpc_,j,ipos, & maxrmeminset,ne1d,ne2d,necper,necpsr,necaxr,nesr, & neb32,nn,nflow,nradiate,irestartread,irestartstep,icntrl, & irstrt(*),ithermal(*),nener,nstate_,ipoinp(2,*),inp(3,*), & ntie_,nbody_,nprop_,ipoinpc(0:*),nevdamp_,npt_,nentries, & iposs,iposm,nslavs,nlayer,nkon_,nopeexp,iremove,mcs, & ifacecount,nintpoint,mortar,infree(4),nheading_,icfd, & multslav,multmast,nobject_,numnodes,iorientation,id, & irotation,itranslation,nuel,iuel(4,*),number,four, & iprestr,nstam,ier,ndamp,nef,nbounold,nforcold,nloadold, & nbodyold,mpcend,irobustdesign(3),iflag,network, & nsubmodel,nfc_,ndc_ ! real*8 temperature,tempact,xfreq,tpinc,tpmin,tpmax ! parameter(nentries=18) ! ! icfd=-1: initial value ! =0: pure mechanical analysis ! =1: pure CFD analysis ! =2: mixed mechanical/cfd analysis ! ! mi(1): # of integration points ! mi(2): # of dofs per node ! mi(3): # of layers in the elements ! icfd=-1 ! ier=0 ! ! in the presence of mechanical steps the highest number ! of DOF is at least 3 ! if(ithermal(2).ne.2) mi(2)=3 ! ! initialisation of ipoinp ! do i=1,nentries if(ipoinp(1,i).ne.0) then ipol=i inl=ipoinp(1,i) iline=inp(1,inl)-1 exit endif enddo ! istat=0 ! nsubmodel=0 nset_=0 maxrmeminset=0 necper=0 necpsr=0 necaxr=0 nesr=0 neb32=0 nradiate=0 nkon_=0 nuel=0 ! four=4 ! call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) loop: do if(istat.lt.0) then exit endif ! if(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*AMPLITUDE') then nam_=nam_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit namtot_=namtot_+4 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:19).eq.'*BEAMGENERALSECTION') then mi(3)=max(mi(3),2) do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) then exit endif nprop_=nprop_+8 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*BEAMSECTION') then mi(3)=max(mi(3),2) beamgeneralsection=.false. do i=2,n if((textpart(i)(1:11).eq.'SECTION=BOX').or. & (textpart(i)(1:11).eq.'SECTION=PIP').or. & (textpart(i)(1:11).eq.'SECTION=GEN')) then beamgeneralsection=.true. exit endif enddo if(beamgeneralsection) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) then exit endif nprop_=nprop_+8 enddo else call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*BOUNDARYF') then nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(3)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounstart if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARYF%",ier) exit endif ! if(textpart(4)(1:1).eq.' ') then ibounend=ibounstart else read(textpart(4)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounend if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARYF%",ier) exit endif endif ibound=ibounend-ibounstart+1 ibound=max(1,ibound) ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then nboun_=nboun_+ibound if(ntrans_.gt.0) then nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound memmpc_=memmpc_+4*ibound nk_=nk_+1 endif else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) elset elset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(elset,' ') ! ! check for element set ! elset(ipos:ipos)='E' call cident81(set,elset,nset_,id) i=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.elset) then i=id nboun_=nboun_+ibound*meminset(i) if(ntrans_.gt.0)then nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound*meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+4*ibound*meminset(i) nk_=nk_+meminset(i) endif endif endif if(i.gt.nset_) then ! ! check for facial surface ! elset(ipos:ipos)='T' call cident81(set,elset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.elset) then nboun_=nboun_+ibound*meminset(i) if(ntrans_.gt.0)then nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound*meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+4*ibound*meminset(i) nk_=nk_+meminset(i) endif endif endif endif endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*BOUNDARY') then nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(2)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounstart if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif ! if(textpart(3)(1:1).eq.' ') then ibounend=ibounstart else read(textpart(3)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounend if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif endif ibound=ibounend-ibounstart+1 ibound=max(1,ibound) ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then nboun_=nboun_+ibound if(ntrans_.gt.0) then nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound memmpc_=memmpc_+4*ibound nk_=nk_+1 endif else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) noset noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then nboun_=nboun_+ibound*meminset(i) if(ntrans_.gt.0)then nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound*meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+4*ibound*meminset(i) nk_=nk_+meminset(i) endif endif endif endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:4).eq.'*CFD') then iflag=1 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:10).eq.'TURBULENCE') then iflag=iflag+1 endif enddo if(iflag.eq.2) mi(2)=max(mi(2),6) write(*,*) 'mi(2)= ',mi(2) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:6).eq.'*CFLUX') then nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then nforc_=nforc_+1 else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) noset noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then nforc_=nforc_+meminset(i) endif endif endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:6).eq.'*CLOAD') then nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then if(ntrans_.eq.0) then nforc_=nforc_+1 else nforc_=nforc_+3 endif else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) noset noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then if(ntrans_.eq.0) then nforc_=nforc_+meminset(i) else nforc_=nforc_+3*meminset(i) endif endif endif endif enddo elseif((textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*CONDUCTIVITY').or. & (textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*DENSITY').or. & (textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*EXPANSION').or. & (textpart(1)(1:15).eq.'*FLUIDCONSTANTS').or. & (textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*SPECIFICHEAT').or. & (textpart(1)(1:23).eq.'*ELECTRICALCONDUCTIVITY')) then ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:11).eq.'*CONSTRAINT') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nobject_=nobject_+1 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:15).eq.'*CONTACTDAMPING') then ncmat_=max(8,ncmat_) ntmat_=max(1,ntmat_) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*CONTACTPAIR') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntie_=ntie_+1 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*CONTACTPRINT') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nprint_=nprint_+n enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*COUPLING') then surface(1:1)=' ' iorientation=0 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'SURFACE=') then surface=textpart(i)(9:88) ipos=index(surface,' ') surface(ipos:ipos)='T' elseif(textpart(i)(1:12).eq.'ORIENTATION=') then iorientation=1 endif enddo if(surface(1:1).ne.' ') then surface(ipos:ipos)='T' call cident81(set,surface,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.surface) then numnodes=8*meminset(i) endif endif surface(ipos:ipos)='S' call cident81(set,surface,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.surface) then numnodes=meminset(i) endif endif endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:6).eq.'*CREEP') then ntmatl=0 npmat_=max(2,npmat_) if(ncmat_.le.2) then ! elastic isotropic ncmat_=max(9,ncmat_) else ! elastic anisotropic ncmat_=max(19,ncmat_) endif do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 enddo ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) elseif(textpart(1)(1:16).eq.'*CYCLICHARDENING') then ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & temperature if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*CYCLIC HARDENING%",ier) exit endif if(ntmatl.eq.0) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature elseif(temperature.ne.tempact) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature endif npmatl=npmatl+1 npmat_=max(npmatl,npmat_) enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:20).eq.'*CYCLICSYMMETRYMODEL') then ! ! possible MPC's: static temperature, displacements(velocities) ! and static pressure ! nk_=nk_+1 ! ! change on 11th of Dec. 2020 ! nmpc_=nmpc_+(mi(2)+1)*ncs_ memmpc_=memmpc_+25*(mi(2)+1)*ncs_ ntrans_=ntrans_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*DAMPING') then do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:11).eq.'STRUCTURAL=') then ndamp=1 exit endif enddo call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*DASHPOT') then nmat_=nmat_+1 frequency=.false. call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*DASHPOT%",ier) cycle endif read(textpart(2)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & xfreq if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*DASHPOT%",ier) cycle endif if(xfreq.gt.0.d0) frequency=.true. iline=iline-1 if(.not.frequency) then ntmatl=0 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo else ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & temperature if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*DASHPOT%",ier) exit endif if(ntmatl.eq.0) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature elseif(temperature.ne.tempact) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature endif npmatl=npmatl+1 npmat_=max(npmatl,npmat_) enddo if(ncmat_.ge.9) ncmat_=max(19,ncmat_) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:22).eq.'*DEFORMATIONPLASTICITY') then ncmat_=max(5,ncmat_) ntmatl=0 ! ! the deformation plasticity model does not have internal ! variables. Nevertheless, space is reserved here for an ! equivalent plastic strain (used in sensitivity procedures ! to minimize plasticity) ! nstate_=max(1,nstate_) do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:7).eq.'*DEPVAR') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.lt.0) exit nstate_=max(l,nstate_) enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:16).eq.'*DESIGNVARIABLES') then ntie_=ntie_+1 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:15).eq.'*DESIGNRESPONSE') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nobject_=nobject_+1 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:21).eq.'*DISTRIBUTINGCOUPLING') then nmpc_=nmpc_+3 memmpc_=memmpc_+3 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then memmpc_=memmpc_+3 else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) noset noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then memmpc_=memmpc_+3*meminset(i) endif endif endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(2:13).eq.'DISTRIBUTING') then irotation=0 itranslation=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounstart if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif ! if(textpart(2)(1:1).eq.' ') then ibounend=ibounstart else read(textpart(2)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounend if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif endif ibounstart=max(4,ibounstart) ibounend=min(6,ibounend) ibound=max(0,ibounend-ibounstart+1) ! if(itranslation.eq.0) then ! ! translational dofs 3 MPC's + a two-term MPC for each ! participating node ! npt_=max(npt_,numnodes) ! nfc_=nfc_+3*numnodes nforc_=nforc_+3*numnodes ndc_=ndc_+3 itranslation=1 endif ! ! rotational dofs ! if(ibound.gt.0) then ndc_=ndc_+ibound endif enddo ! elseif(textpart(1)(2:18).eq.'DISTRIBUTIONTABLE') then call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(2:13).eq.'DISTRIBUTION') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit norien_=norien_+1 enddo elseif((textpart(1)(1:6).eq.'*DLOAD').or. & (textpart(1)(1:7).eq.'*DSLOAD').or. & (textpart(1)(1:6).eq.'*DFLUX').or. & (textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*MASSFLOW').or. & (textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*FILM')) then massflow=.false. if((textpart(1)(1:5).ne.'*FILM').and. & (textpart(1)(1:9).ne.'*MASSFLOW')) then nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+1 elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).ne.'*MASSFLOW') then nam_=nam_+2 namtot_=namtot_+2 else massflow=.true. endif do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(2)(1:5),'(a5)',iostat=istat) llab if((llab.eq.'GRAV ').or.(llab.eq.'CENTR').or. & (llab.eq.'NEWTO')) then nbody_=nbody_+1 cycle endif read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then nload_=nload_+1 if(massflow) then nmpc_=nmpc_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+3 endif else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) elset elset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(elset,' ') ! ! check for element set ! elset(ipos:ipos)='E' call cident81(set,elset,nset_,id) i=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.elset) then i=id nload_=nload_+meminset(i) if(massflow) then nmpc_=nmpc_+meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+3*meminset(i) endif endif endif if(i.gt.nset_) then ! ! check for facial surface ! elset(ipos:ipos)='T' call cident81(set,elset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.elset) then nload_=nload_+meminset(i) if(massflow) then nmpc_=nmpc_+meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+3*meminset(i) endif endif endif endif endif enddo elseif((textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*DYNAMIC').or. & (textpart(1)(1:32).eq.'*COUPLEDTEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT') & .or. & (textpart(1)(1:34).eq. & '*UNCOUPLEDTEMPERATURE-DISPLACEMENT'))then ! ! change of number of integration points except for a pure ! CFD-calculation ! if(icfd.ne.1) then if((mi(1).eq.1).or.(mi(1).eq.8)) then mi(1)=27 elseif(mi(1).eq.4) then mi(1)=15 elseif(mi(1).eq.2) then mi(1)=9 endif endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*ELPRINT') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nprint_=nprint_+n enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*ELASTIC') then ntmatl=0 ityp=2 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'TYPE=') then if(textpart(i)(6:8).eq.'ISO') then ityp=2 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) elseif((textpart(i)(6:10).eq.'ORTHO').or. & (textpart(i)(6:10).eq.'ENGIN')) then ityp=9 ncmat_=max(9,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(6:10).eq.'ANISO') then ityp=21 ncmat_=max(21,ncmat_) endif exit endif enddo if(ityp.eq.2) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 enddo ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) elseif(ityp.eq.9) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 iline=iline+1 enddo ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) elseif(ityp.eq.21) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 iline=iline+2 enddo ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:17).eq.'*ELECTROMAGNETICS') then mi(2)=max(mi(2),5) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif((textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*ELEMENT').and. & (textpart(1)(1:14).ne.'*ELEMENTOUTPUT')) then ielset=0 ! loop1: do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:6).eq.'ELSET=') then elset=textpart(i)(7:86) elset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(elset,' ') elset(ipos:ipos)='E' ielset=1 call cident81(set,elset,nset_,id) js=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.elset) js=id endif if(js.gt.nset_) then nset_=nset_+1 do j=nset_,id+2,-1 meminset(j)=meminset(j-1) rmeminset(j)=rmeminset(j-1) set(j)=set(j-1) enddo js=id+1 set(js)=elset meminset(js)=0 rmeminset(js)=0 endif elseif(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'TYPE=') then read(textpart(i)(6:13),'(a8)') label if(label.eq.' ') then write(*,*) & '*ERROR in allocation: element type is lacking' write(*,*) ' ' call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*ELEMENT or *ELEMENT OUTPUT%",ier) exit endif if((label(1:2).eq.'DC').and.(label(1:7).ne.'DCOUP3D')) & then label(1:7)=label(2:8) label(8:8)=' ' endif ! nopeexp=0 ! if(label.eq.'C3D20 ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),27) nope=20 nopeexp=20 elseif(label(1:8).eq.'C3D20R ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) nope=20 nopeexp=20 elseif((label.eq.'C3D8R ').or.(label.eq.'F3D8R ')) & then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) nope=8 nopeexp=8 elseif((label.eq.'C3D10 ').or. & (label.eq.'C3D10T ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),4) nope=10 nopeexp=10 elseif((label.eq.'C3D4 ').or. & (label.eq.'F3D4 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) nope=4 nopeexp=4 elseif(label.eq.'C3D15 ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),9) nope=15 nopeexp=15 elseif(label.eq.'C3D6 ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),2) nope=6 nopeexp=6 elseif(label.eq.'F3D6 ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) nope=6 nopeexp=6 elseif((label.eq.'C3D8 ').or.(label.eq.'F3D8 ')) & then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) nope=8 nopeexp=8 c Bernhardi start elseif(label.eq.'C3D8I ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) nope=8 nopeexp=11 c Bernhardi end elseif((label.eq.'CPE3 ').or. & (label.eq.'CPS3 ').or. & (label.eq.'CAX3 ').or. & (label.eq.'M3D3 ').or. & (label.eq.'S3 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),2) nope=3 nopeexp=9 elseif((label.eq.'CPE4R ').or. & (label.eq.'CPS4R ').or. & (label.eq.'CAX4R ').or. & (label.eq.'M3D4R ').or. & (label.eq.'S4R ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) nope=4 nopeexp=12 elseif((label.eq.'CPE4 ').or. & (label.eq.'CPS4 ').or. & (label.eq.'CAX4 ').or. & (label.eq.'M3D4 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) nope=4 nopeexp=12 elseif(label.eq.'S4 ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) nope=4 ! modified into C3D8I (11 nodes) nopeexp=15 elseif((label.eq.'CPE6 ').or. & (label.eq.'CPS6 ').or. & (label.eq.'CAX6 ').or. & (label.eq.'M3D6 ').or. & (label.eq.'S6 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),9) nope=6 nopeexp=21 elseif((label.eq.'CPE8R ').or. & (label.eq.'CPS8R ').or. & (label.eq.'CAX8R ').or. & (label.eq.'M3D8R ').or. & (label.eq.'S8R ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) nope=8 nopeexp=28 elseif((label.eq.'CPE8 ').or. & (label.eq.'CPS8 ').or. & (label.eq.'CAX8 ').or. & (label.eq.'M3D8 ').or. & (label.eq.'S8 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),27) nope=8 nopeexp=28 elseif((label.eq.'B31 ').or. & (label.eq.'B21 ').or. & (label.eq.'T3D2 ').or. & (label.eq.'T2D2 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),8) mi(3)=max(mi(3),2) nope=2 ! modified into C3D8I (11 nodes) nopeexp=13 elseif(label.eq.'B31R ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) nope=2 nopeexp=10 elseif((label.eq.'B32 ').or. & (label.eq.'T3D3 ')) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),27) mi(3)=max(mi(3),2) nope=3 nopeexp=23 elseif(label.eq.'B32R ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),50) nope=3 nopeexp=23 elseif(label(1:8).eq.'DASHPOTA') then label='EDSHPTA1' nope=2 nopeexp=2 elseif(label(1:7).eq.'DCOUP3D') then nope=1 nopeexp=1 elseif(label(1:1).eq.'D') then nope=3 nopeexp=3 mi(2)=max(3,mi(2)) elseif(label(1:7).eq.'SPRINGA') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) label='ESPRNGA1' nope=2 nopeexp=2 elseif(label(1:7).eq.'SPRING1') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) label='ESPRNG10' nope=1 nopeexp=1 ncmat_=max(3,ncmat_) elseif(label(1:7).eq.'SPRING2') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) label='ESPRNG21' nope=2 nopeexp=2 ncmat_=max(4,ncmat_) elseif(label.eq.'GAPUNI ') then mi(1)=max(mi(1),1) label='ESPGAPA1' nope=2 nopeexp=2 elseif(label(1:4).eq.'MASS') then nope=1 nopeexp=1 elseif(label(1:1).eq.'U') then ! ! the number uniquely characterizes the ! element name (consisting of 4 freely ! selectable characters in position 2..5) ! number=ichar(label(2:2))*256**3+ & ichar(label(3:3))*256**2+ & ichar(label(4:4))*256+ & ichar(label(5:5)) nope=-1 call nidentk(iuel,number,nuel,id,four) if(id.gt.0) then if(iuel(1,id).eq.number) then mi(1)=max(mi(1),iuel(2,id)) mi(2)=max(mi(2),iuel(3,id)) nope=iuel(4,id) nopeexp=nope endif endif if(nope.eq.-1) then write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *ELEMENT' write(*,*) ' nonexistent element type:' write(*,*) ' ',label call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*ELEMENT%",ier) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) cycle loop endif endif if(label(1:1).eq.'F') then mi(2)=max(mi(2),4) if(icfd.eq.-1) then icfd=1 elseif(icfd.eq.0) then icfd=2 endif else if(icfd.eq.-1) then icfd=0 elseif(icfd.eq.1) then icfd=2 endif endif endif enddo loop1 ! loop2:do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) i if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*ELEMENT or *ELEMENT OUTPUT%",ier) exit endif c Bernhardi start c space for incompatible mode nodes if(label(1:5).eq.'C3D8I') then nk_=nk_+3 endif c Bernhardi end if(label(1:2).ne.'C3') then if(label(1:3).eq.'CPE') then necper=necper+1 elseif(label(1:2).eq.'CP') then necpsr=necpsr+1 elseif(label(1:1).eq.'C') then necaxr=necaxr+1 elseif((label(1:1).eq.'S').or. & ((label(1:1).eq.'M').and.(label(1:4).ne.'MASS'))) & then nesr=nesr+1 elseif((label(1:1).eq.'B').or. & (label(1:1).eq.'T')) then neb32=neb32+1 elseif(label(1:1).eq.'D') then nflow=nflow+1 elseif(label(1:1).eq.'F') then nef=nef+1 endif endif nteller=n-1 if(nteller.lt.nope) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline, & ipol,inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit loop2 if(nteller+n.gt.nope) n=nope-nteller nteller=nteller+n if(nteller.eq.nope) exit enddo endif ne_=max(ne_,i) nkon_=nkon_+nopeexp if(ielset.eq.1) then meminset(js)=meminset(js)+1 rmeminset(js)=rmeminset(js)+1 endif c ! c ! up to 8 new mpc's with 22 terms in each mpc c ! (21 = 7 nodes x 3 dofs + inhomogeneous term) c ! enddo loop2 elseif((textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*NSET').or. & (textpart(1)(1:6).eq.'*ELSET')) then if(textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*NSET') & then noelset=textpart(2)(6:85) noelset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noelset,' ') noelset(ipos:ipos)='N' kode=0 else noelset=textpart(2)(7:86) noelset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noelset,' ') noelset(ipos:ipos)='E' kode=1 endif ! ! check whether new set name or old one ! call cident81(set,noelset,nset_,id) nn=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.noelset) nn=id endif if(nn.gt.nset_) then nset_=nset_+1 do j=nset_,id+2,-1 meminset(j)=meminset(j-1) rmeminset(j)=rmeminset(j-1) set(j)=set(j-1) enddo nn=id+1 set(nn)=noelset meminset(nn)=0 rmeminset(nn)=0 endif ! if((n.gt.2).and.(textpart(3)(1:8).eq.'GENERATE')) then igen=.true. else igen=.false. endif do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit if(igen) then if(textpart(2)(1:1).eq.' ') & textpart(2)=textpart(1) if(textpart(3)(1:1).eq.' ') & textpart(3)='1 ' do i=1,3 read(textpart(i)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) & ialset(i) if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*NSET or *ELSET%",ier) exit endif enddo meminset(nn)=meminset(nn)+ & (ialset(2)-ialset(1))/ialset(3)+1 rmeminset(nn)=rmeminset(nn)+3 else do i=1,n read(textpart(i)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) & ialset(i) if(istat.gt.0) then noelset=textpart(i)(1:80) noelset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noelset,' ') if(kode.eq.0) then noelset(ipos:ipos)='N' else noelset(ipos:ipos)='E' endif call cident81(set,noelset,nset_,j) if(j.gt.0) then if(set(j).eq.noelset) then meminset(nn)=meminset(nn)+ & meminset(j) rmeminset(nn)=rmeminset(nn)+ & rmeminset(j) endif endif else meminset(nn)=meminset(nn)+1 rmeminset(nn)=rmeminset(nn)+1 endif enddo endif enddo elseif((textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*EQUATION').or. & (textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*EQUATIONF')) then iremove=0 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:6).eq.'REMOVE') iremove=1 enddo do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if(iremove.eq.1) exit if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) nterm if(ntrans_.eq.0) then nmpc_=nmpc_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+nterm else nmpc_=nmpc_+3 memmpc_=memmpc_+3*nterm endif ii=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ii=ii+n/3 if(ii.eq.nterm) exit enddo enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*FLUIDSECTION') then nconstants=-1 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:10).eq.'CONSTANTS=') then read(textpart(i)(11:20),'(i10)',iostat=istat) & nconstants if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*FLUID SECTION%",ier) exit endif nprop_=nprop_+nconstants exit endif enddo if(nconstants.lt.0) nprop_=nprop_+65 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*FRICTION') then ! ! '8' is for Mortar. ! ncmat_=max(8,ncmat_) ntmat_=max(1,ntmat_) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*GAP ') then nmat_=nmat_+1 ncmat_=max(6,ncmat_) ntmat_=max(1,ntmat_) do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:15).eq.'*GAPCONDUCTANCE') then ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & temperature if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*GAP CONDUCTANCE%",ier) exit endif if(ntmatl.eq.0) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature elseif(temperature.ne.tempact) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature endif npmatl=npmatl+1 npmat_=max(npmatl,npmat_) enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:18).eq.'*GAPHEATGENERATION') then ncmat_=max(11,ncmat_) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:20).eq.'*GEOMETRICCONSTRAINT') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nobject_ = nobject_ + 1 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*HEADING') then if(nheading_.ne.0) then write(*,*) '*ERROR in allocation: more than 1' write(*,*) ' *HEADING card in the input deck' call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*HEADING%",ier) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) cycle loop endif do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nheading_=nheading_+1 enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*HYPERELASTIC') then ntmatl=0 ityp=-7 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:12).eq.'ARRUDA-BOYCE') then ityp=-1 ncmat_=max(3,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:13).eq.'MOONEY-RIVLIN') then ityp=-2 ncmat_=max(3,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'NEOHOOKE') then ityp=-3 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'OGDEN') then ityp=-4 ncmat_=max(3,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:10).eq.'POLYNOMIAL') then ityp=-7 ncmat_=max(3,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:17).eq.'REDUCEDPOLYNOMIAL') & then ityp=-10 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:11).eq.'VANDERWAALS') then ityp=-13 ncmat_=max(5,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:4).eq.'YEOH') then ityp=-14 ncmat_=max(6,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(1:2).eq.'N=') then if(textpart(i)(3:3).eq.'1') then elseif(textpart(i)(3:3).eq.'2') then if(ityp.eq.-4) then ityp=-5 ncmat_=max(6,ncmat_) elseif(ityp.eq.-7) then ityp=-8 ncmat_=max(7,ncmat_) elseif(ityp.eq.-10) then ityp=-11 ncmat_=max(4,ncmat_) endif elseif(textpart(i)(3:3).eq.'3') then if(ityp.eq.-4) then ityp=-6 ncmat_=max(9,ncmat_) elseif(ityp.eq.-7) then ityp=-9 ncmat_=max(12,ncmat_) elseif(ityp.eq.-10) then ityp=-12 ncmat_=max(6,ncmat_) endif endif endif enddo if((ityp.ne.-6).and.(ityp.ne.-9)) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo else do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) iline=iline+1 enddo endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*HYPERFOAM') then ntmatl=0 ityp=-15 ncmat_=max(3,ncmat_) do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:2).eq.'N=') then if(textpart(i)(3:3).eq.'1') then elseif(textpart(i)(3:3).eq.'2') then ityp=-16 ncmat_=max(6,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(i)(3:3).eq.'3') then ityp=-17 ncmat_=max(9,ncmat_) endif endif enddo if(ityp.ne.-17) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo else do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) iline=iline+1 enddo endif elseif(textpart(1)(2:10).eq.'KINEMATIC') then npt_=max(npt_,numnodes) ! ! connection of rotational dofs in refnode to ! translational dofs in rotational node ! nk_=nk_+1 nmpc_=nmpc_+3 memmpc_=memmpc_+6 ! ! local system ! if(iorientation.ne.0) then nk_=nk_+2*numnodes nmpc_=nmpc_+3*numnodes memmpc_=memmpc_+3*6*numnodes nboun_=nboun_+3*numnodes endif ! do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounstart if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif ! if(textpart(2)(1:1).eq.' ') then ibounend=ibounstart else read(textpart(2)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounend if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif endif ibound=ibounend-ibounstart+1 ibound=max(1,ibound) ibound=min(3,ibound) ! if(iorientation.eq.0) then nk_=nk_+numnodes nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound*numnodes memmpc_=memmpc_+6*ibound*numnodes nboun_=nboun_+ibound*numnodes else nmpc_=nmpc_+ibound*numnodes memmpc_=memmpc_+ibound*6*numnodes endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:21).eq.'*MAGNETICPERMEABILITY') then ntmatl=0 ityp=2 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*MASS') then nmat_=nmat_+1 ntmat_=max(1,ntmat_) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*MATERIAL') then nmat_=nmat_+1 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*MODALDAMPING') then if(textpart(2)(1:8).ne.'RAYLEIGH') then nevdamp_=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) i if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*MODAL DAMPING%",ier) exit endif nevdamp_ = max(nevdamp_,i) read(textpart(2)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) i if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*MODAL DAMPING%",ier) exit endif nevdamp_ = max(nevdamp_,i) enddo else call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*MODELCHANGE') then if(iprestr.ne.2) then do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:14).eq.'ADD=STRAINFREE') then iprestr=2 exit elseif(textpart(i)(1:14).eq.'ADD=WITHSTRAIN') then elseif(textpart(i)(1:3).eq.'ADD') then iprestr=2 exit elseif(textpart(i)(1:20).eq.'MECHSTRAINTORESIDUAL') & then iprestr=2 exit endif enddo endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:4).eq.'*MPC') then mpclabel=' ' do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit do i=1,n read(textpart(i)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ialset(i) if(mpclabel.eq.' ') then mpclabel=textpart(i)(1:20) if((mpclabel(1:8).ne.'STRAIGHT').and. & (mpclabel(1:4).ne.'PLANE')) then nk_=nk_+1 nmpc_=nmpc_+1 nboun_=nboun_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+1 endif elseif(istat.gt.0) then noelset=textpart(i)(1:80) noelset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noelset,' ') noelset(ipos:ipos)='N' call cident81(set,noelset,nset_,j) if(j.gt.0) then if(set(j).eq.noelset) then if(mpclabel(1:8).eq.'STRAIGHT') then nk_=nk_+2*meminset(j) nmpc_=nmpc_+2*meminset(j) nboun_=nboun_+2*meminset(j) memmpc_=memmpc_+14*meminset(j) elseif(mpclabel(1:5).eq.'PLANE') then nk_=nk_+meminset(j) nmpc_=nmpc_+meminset(j) nboun_=nboun_+meminset(j) memmpc_=memmpc_+13*meminset(j) elseif(mpclabel(1:4).eq.'BEAM') then memmpc_=memmpc_+3*meminset(j) else memmpc_=memmpc_+meminset(j) endif endif endif else if(mpclabel(1:8).eq.'STRAIGHT') then nk_=nk_+2 nmpc_=nmpc_+2 nboun_=nboun_+2 memmpc_=memmpc_+14 elseif(mpclabel(1:5).eq.'PLANE') then nk_=nk_+1 nmpc_=nmpc_+1 nboun_=nboun_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+13 elseif(mpclabel(1:4).eq.'BEAM') then memmpc_=memmpc_+3 else memmpc_=memmpc_+1 endif endif enddo enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:11).eq.'*NETWORKMPC') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) nterm if(ntrans_.eq.0) then nmpc_=nmpc_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+nterm else nmpc_=nmpc_+3 memmpc_=memmpc_+3*nterm endif ii=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ii=ii+n/3 if(ii.eq.nterm) exit enddo enddo elseif((textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*NODE').and. & (textpart(1)(1:10).ne.'*NODEPRINT').and. & (textpart(1)(1:9).ne.'*NODEFILE').and. & (textpart(1)(1:11).ne.'*NODEOUTPUT')) then inoset=0 loop3: do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'NSET=') then noset=textpart(i)(6:85) noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' inoset=1 call cident81(set,noset,nset_,id) js=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.noset) js=id endif if(js.gt.nset_) then nset_=nset_+1 do j=nset_,id+2,-1 meminset(j)=meminset(j-1) rmeminset(j)=rmeminset(j-1) set(j)=set(j-1) enddo js=id+1 set(js)=noset meminset(js)=0 rmeminset(js)=0 endif endif enddo loop3 ! do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) i if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*NODE or *NODE PRINT or *NODE FILE or *NODE OUTPUT%", & ier) exit endif nk_=max(nk_,i) if(inoset.eq.1) then meminset(js)=meminset(js)+1 rmeminset(js)=rmeminset(js)+1 endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*NODEPRINT') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nprint_=nprint_+n enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*OBJECTIVE') then nobject_=nobject_+1 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*ORIENTATION') then norien_=norien_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*PLASTIC') then ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & temperature if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*PLASTIC%",ier) exit endif if(ntmatl.eq.0) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature elseif(temperature.ne.tempact) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature endif npmatl=npmatl+1 npmat_=max(npmatl,npmat_) enddo if(ncmat_.ge.9) ncmat_=max(19,ncmat_) elseif(textpart(1)(1:19).eq.'*PRE-TENSIONSECTION') then surface(1:1)=' ' do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'SURFACE=') then surface=textpart(i)(9:88) ipos=index(surface,' ') surface(ipos:ipos)='T' exit elseif(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'ELEMENT=') then nmpc_=nmpc_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+7 exit endif enddo if(surface(1:1).ne.' ') then call cident81(set,surface,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.surface) then ! ! worst case: 8 nodes per element face ! nk_=nk_+8*meminset(i) npt_=npt_+8*meminset(i) ! ! 2 MPC's per node perpendicular to tension direction ! + 1 thermal MPC per node ! + 1 MPC per node in tension direction (the total of ! which is divided into one global tension MPC and the ! rest are MPC's specifying that the distance in tension ! direction in all nodes should be the same) ! nmpc_=nmpc_+32*meminset(i)+1 ! ! 6 terms per MPC perpendicular to tension direction ! + 2 thermal terms per MPC ! + 6 terms * # of nodes +1 parallel to tension ! direction ! + 12 terms per MPC parallel to tension direction ! memmpc_=memmpc_+96*meminset(i) & +16*meminset(i) & +48*meminset(i)+1 & +12*(8*meminset(i)-1) ! endif endif endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*RADIATE') then nam_=nam_+2 namtot_=namtot_+2 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(2)(1:5),'(a5)',iostat=istat) llab if((llab.eq.'GRAV ').or.(llab.eq.'CENTR')) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then nload_=nload_+1 nradiate=nradiate+1 else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) elset elset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(elset,' ') elset(ipos:ipos)='E' call cident81(set,elset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.elset) then nload_=nload_+meminset(i) nradiate=nradiate+meminset(i) endif endif endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:8).eq.'*RESTART') then irestartread=0 irestartstep=0 do i=1,n if(textpart(i)(1:4).eq.'READ') then irestartread=1 endif if(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'STEP=') then read(textpart(i)(6:15),'(i10)',iostat=istat) & irestartstep if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*RESTART%",ier) exit endif endif enddo if(irestartread.eq.1) then icntrl=1 call restartshort(nset_,nload_,nbody_,nforc_,nboun_,nk_,ne_, & nmpc_,nalset_,nmat_,ntmat_,npmat_,norien_,nam_,nprint_, & mi,ntrans_,ncs_,namtot_,ncmat_,memmpc_, & ne1d,ne2d,nflow,set,meminset,rmeminset,jobnamec, & irestartstep,icntrl,ithermal,nener,nstate_,ntie_, & nslavs,nkon_,mcs,nprop_,mortar,ifacecount,nintpoint, & infree,nef,mpcend,nheading_,network,nfc_,ndc_,iprestr) irstrt(1)=-1 nbounold=nboun_ nforcold=nforc_ nloadold=nload_ nbodyold=nbody_ else endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:18).eq.'*RETAINEDNODALDOFS') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ! read(textpart(2)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounstart if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif ! if(textpart(3)(1:1).eq.' ') then ibounend=ibounstart else read(textpart(3)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ibounend if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*BOUNDARY%",ier) exit endif endif ibound=ibounend-ibounstart+1 ibound=max(1,ibound) ibound=min(3,ibound) ! read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) l if(istat.eq.0) then nboun_=nboun_+ibound else read(textpart(1)(1:80),'(a80)',iostat=istat) noset noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then nboun_=nboun_+ibound*meminset(i) endif endif endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*RIGIDBODY') then noset=' &' elset=' &' do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'NSET=') & then noset=textpart(i)(6:85) noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)='N' exit elseif(textpart(i)(1:6).eq.'ELSET=') & then elset=textpart(i)(7:86) elset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(elset,' ') elset(ipos:ipos)='E' exit endif enddo if(noset(1:1).ne.' ') then call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then nk_=nk_+2+meminset(i) nmpc_=nmpc_+3*meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+18*meminset(i) nboun_=nboun_+3*meminset(i) endif endif elseif(elset(1:1).ne.' ') then call cident81(set,elset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.elset) then nk_=nk_+2+20*meminset(i) nmpc_=nmpc_+60*meminset(i) memmpc_=memmpc_+360*meminset(i) nboun_=nboun_+60*meminset(i) endif endif endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*ROBUSTDESIGN') then call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit irobustdesign(1)=1 elseif(textpart(1)(1:16).eq.'*SECTIONPRINT') then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit nprint_=nprint_+n enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*SHELLSECTION') then composite=.false. do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:9).eq.'COMPOSITE') then composite=.true. nlayer=0 elseif(textpart(i)(1:6).eq.'ELSET=') then elset=textpart(i)(7:86) elset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(elset,' ') elset(ipos:ipos)='E' call cident81(set,elset,nset_,id) js=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.elset) then js=id endif endif endif enddo if(composite) then do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) then ! ! conservative upper limit ! "label" is not necessary the label of the ! composite shell element ! mi(1)=max(mi(1),8*nlayer) mi(3)=max(mi(3),nlayer) if(js.le.nset_) then nk_=nk_+20*nlayer*meminset(js) nkon_=nkon_+20*nlayer*meminset(js) endif exit endif nlayer=nlayer+1 enddo else call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:7).eq.'*SPRING') then nmat_=nmat_+1 lin=.true. do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:9).eq.'NONLINEAR') then lin=.false. exit endif enddo if(lin) then ntmatl=0 ncmat_=max(2,ncmat_) do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) enddo else ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & temperature if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*SPRING%",ier) exit endif if(ntmatl.eq.0) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature elseif(temperature.ne.tempact) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature endif npmatl=npmatl+1 npmat_=max(npmatl,npmat_) enddo if(ncmat_.ge.9) ncmat_=max(19,ncmat_) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:5).eq.'*STEP') then if(nstam.eq.0) then do i=1,n if((textpart(i)(1:14).eq.'AMPLITUDE=STEP').or. & (textpart(i)(1:14).eq.'AMPLITUDE=RAMP')) then nam_=nam_+2 namtot_=namtot_+4 nstam=1 exit endif enddo endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*SUBMODEL') then nsubmodel=nsubmodel+1 ntie_=ntie_+1 nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+4 ! ! global element set ! do j=2,n if(textpart(j)(1:12).eq.'GLOBALELSET=') & then mastset(1:80)=textpart(j)(13:92) mastset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(mastset,' ') mastset(ipos:ipos)='E' call cident81(set,mastset,nset_,id) i=nset_+1 if(id.gt.0) then if(set(id).eq.mastset) then i=id endif endif if(i.le.nset_) then meminset(i)=meminset(i)+meminset(i) rmeminset(i)=rmeminset(i)+meminset(i) endif elseif(textpart(j)(1:5).eq.'TYPE=') then if(textpart(j)(6:12).eq.'SURFACE') then selabel='T' else selabel='N' endif endif enddo ! ! local node or element face set ! submset(1:8)='SUBMODEL' if(nsubmodel.lt.10) then submset(9:10)='00' write(submset(11:11),'(i1)') nsubmodel elseif(nsubmodel.lt.100) then submset(9:9)='0' write(submset(10:11),'(i2)') nsubmodel elseif(nsubmodel.lt.1000) then write(submset(9:11),'(i3)') nsubmodel else write(*,*) '*ERROR reading *SUBMODEL: no more than 999' write(*,*) ' submodels allowed' ier=1 return endif submset(12:12)=selabel do i=13,81 submset(i:i)=' ' enddo ! call cident81(set,submset,nset_,id) nset_=nset_+1 do j=nset_,id+2,-1 meminset(j)=meminset(j-1) rmeminset(j)=rmeminset(j-1) set(j)=set(j-1) enddo js=id+1 set(js)=submset meminset(js)=0 rmeminset(js)=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ialset(1) if(istat.gt.0) then noset=textpart(1)(1:80) noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)=selabel call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then meminset(js)=meminset(js)+meminset(i) ! ! surfaces are stored in expanded form ! (no equivalent to generate) ! rmeminset(js)=rmeminset(js)+meminset(i) endif endif else meminset(js)=meminset(js)+1 rmeminset(js)=rmeminset(js)+1 endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:9).eq.'*SURFACE ') then sulabel='T' do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:5).eq.'NAME=') & then surfset=textpart(i)(6:85) surfset(81:81)=' ' elseif(textpart(i)(1:9).eq.'TYPE=NODE') then sulabel='S' endif enddo ipos=index(surfset,' ') surfset(ipos:ipos)=sulabel call cident81(set,surfset,nset_,id) nset_=nset_+1 do j=nset_,id+2,-1 meminset(j)=meminset(j-1) rmeminset(j)=rmeminset(j-1) set(j)=set(j-1) enddo js=id+1 set(js)=surfset meminset(js)=0 rmeminset(js)=0 ! if(sulabel.eq.'S') then selabel='N' else selabel='E' endif do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(1)(1:10),'(i10)',iostat=istat) ialset(1) if(istat.gt.0) then noset=textpart(1)(1:80) noset(81:81)=' ' ipos=index(noset,' ') noset(ipos:ipos)=selabel call cident81(set,noset,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.noset) then meminset(js)=meminset(js)+meminset(i) ! ! surfaces are stored in expanded form ! (no equivalent to generate) ! rmeminset(js)=rmeminset(js)+meminset(i) endif endif else meminset(js)=meminset(js)+1 rmeminset(js)=rmeminset(js)+1 endif enddo ! ! for CFD-calculations: local coordinate systems are ! stored as distributed load ! if(icfd>0) nload_=nload_+rmeminset(js) elseif(textpart(1)(1:16).eq.'*SURFACEBEHAVIOR') then ncmat_=max(4,ncmat_) ntmat_=max(1,ntmat_) tabular=.false. do i=1,n if(textpart(i)(1:38).eq.'PRESSURE-OVERCLOSURE=TABULAR') & tabular=.true. enddo if(tabular) then ntmatl=0 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline, & ipol,inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & temperature if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*SURFACE BEHAVIOR%",ier) exit endif if(ntmatl.eq.0) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature elseif(temperature.ne.tempact) then npmatl=0 ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) tempact=temperature endif npmatl=npmatl+1 npmat_=max(npmatl,npmat_) enddo else call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) endif elseif(textpart(1)(1:19).eq.'*SURFACEINTERACTION') then nmat_=nmat_+1 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*TEMPERATURE') then nam_=nam_+1 namtot_=namtot_+1 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:4).eq.'*TIE') then ntie_=ntie_+1 cyclicsymmetry=.false. do i=1,n if((textpart(i)(1:14).eq.'CYCLICSYMMETRY').or. & (textpart(i)(1:10).eq.'MULTISTAGE')) then cyclicsymmetry=.true. endif enddo call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if(.not.cyclicsymmetry) cycle if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) cycle ! slavset=textpart(1)(1:80) slavset(81:81)=' ' iposs=index(slavset,' ') slavsets=slavset slavsets(iposs:iposs)='S' slavsett=slavset slavsett(iposs:iposs)='T' ! mastset=textpart(2)(1:80) mastset(81:81)=' ' iposm=index(mastset,' ') mastsets=mastset mastsets(iposm:iposm)='S' mastsett=mastset mastsett(iposm:iposm)='T' ! islavset=0 imastset=0 ! call cident81(set,slavsets,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.slavsets) then islavset=i multslav=1 endif endif call cident81(set,slavsett,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.slavsett) then islavset=i multslav=8 endif endif call cident81(set,mastsets,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.mastsets) then imastset=i multmast=1 endif endif call cident81(set,mastsett,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.mastsett) then imastset=i multmast=8 endif endif ! if((islavset.ne.0).and.(imastset.ne.0)) then ncs_=ncs_+max(multslav*meminset(islavset), & multmast*meminset(imastset)) else write(*,*) '*ERROR in allocation: either the slave' write(*,*) ' surface or the master surface in a' write(*,*) ' cyclic symmetry *TIE option or both' write(*,*) ' do not exist or are no nodal surfaces' write(*,*) ' slave set:',slavset(1:iposs-1) write(*,*) ' master set:',mastset(1:iposm-1) call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*TIE%",ier) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) cycle loop endif call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:11).eq.'*TIMEPOINTS') then igen=.false. nam_=nam_+1 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'GENERATE') then igen=.true. exit endif enddo do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit if(igen)then if(n.lt.3)then write(*,*)'*ERROR in allocation:' call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*TIME POINTS%",ier) exit else read(textpart(1)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & tpmin if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*TIME POINTS%",ier) exit endif read(textpart(2)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & tpmax if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*TIME POINTS%",ier) exit endif read(textpart(3)(1:20),'(f20.0)',iostat=istat) & tpinc if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*TIME POINTS%",ier) exit endif ! if((tpinc.le.0).or.(tpmin.ge.tpmax)) then write(*,*) '*ERROR in allocation:' call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*TIME POINTS%",ier) exit else namtot_=namtot_+2+INT((tpmax-tpmin)/tpinc) endif endif else namtot_=namtot_+8 endif enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:10).eq.'*TRANSFORM') then ntrans_=ntrans_+1 do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:11).eq.'*TRANSFORMF') then ntrans_=ntrans_+1 surface(1:1)=' ' do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:8).eq.'SURFACE=') then surface=textpart(i)(9:88) ipos=index(surface,' ') surface(ipos:ipos)='T' exit endif enddo if(surface(1:1).ne.' ') then call cident81(set,surface,nset_,i) if(i.gt.0) then if(set(i).eq.surface) then nload_=nload_+meminset(i) endif endif endif do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*USERELEMENT') then call userelements(textpart,n,iuel,nuel,inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & ier,ipoinp,inp,inl,ipol) call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) elseif(textpart(1)(1:13).eq.'*USERMATERIAL') then ntmatl=0 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:10).eq.'CONSTANTS=') then read(textpart(i)(11:20),'(i10)',iostat=istat) & nconstants if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*USER MATERIAL%",ier) exit endif ncmat_=max(nconstants,ncmat_) exit endif enddo do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit ntmatl=ntmatl+1 ntmat_=max(ntmatl,ntmat_) do i=2,nconstants/8+1 call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol, & inl,ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) enddo enddo elseif(textpart(1)(1:12).eq.'*USERSECTION') then nconstants=0 do i=2,n if(textpart(i)(1:10).eq.'CONSTANTS=') then read(textpart(i)(11:20),'(i10)',iostat=istat) & nconstants if(istat.gt.0) then call inputerror(inpc,ipoinpc,iline, & "*USER SECTION%",ier) exit endif nprop_=nprop_+nconstants exit endif enddo do call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) if((istat.lt.0).or.(key.eq.1)) exit enddo else ! call getnewline(inpc,textpart,istat,n,key,iline,ipol,inl, & ipoinp,inp,ipoinpc) endif enddo loop ! do i=1,nset_ nalset_=nalset_+rmeminset(i) maxrmeminset=max(maxrmeminset,rmeminset(i)) enddo ! ! extra space needed for rearrangement in elements.f and ! noelsets.f ! nalset_=nalset_+maxrmeminset ! nmpc_=nmpc_+1 memmpc_=memmpc_+1 ! if(irstrt(1).eq.0) then ne1d=neb32 ne2d=necper+necpsr+necaxr+nesr endif ! ! introducing a fake tie for axisymmetric elements ! (needed for cavity radiation) ! if(necaxr.gt.0) ntie_=max(1,ntie_) ! ! providing space for the expansion of shell and beam elements ! to genuine volume elements (no distinction is made between ! linear and quadratic elements. The worst case (quadratic) ! is taken ! nk_=nk_+3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d if(ne1d.gt.0) then nboun_=nboun_*9 nforc_=nforc_*9 elseif(ne2d.gt.0) then nboun_=nboun_*4 nforc_=nforc_*4 endif ! ! providing for rigid nodes (knots) ! ! number of knots: 8*ne2d+3*ne1d ! number of expanded nodes: 3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d ! ! number of extra nodes (1 rotational node and ! 1 expansion node per knot ! and one inhomogeneous term node per expanded node) ! nk_=nk_+(2+3)*8*ne2d+(2+8)*3*ne1d ! ! number of equations (3 per expanded node) ! nmpc_=nmpc_+3*(3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d) ! ! number of terms: 9 per equation ! memmpc_=memmpc_+9*3*(3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d) ! ! number of SPC's: 1 per DOF per expanded node ! nboun_=nboun_+3*(3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d) ! ! temperature DOF in knots ! nmpc_=nmpc_+(3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d) memmpc_=memmpc_+2*(3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d) ! ! extra MPCs to avoid undefinid rotation of rigid body nodes ! lying on a line ! nmpc_=nmpc_+3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d memmpc_=memmpc_+3*(3*8*ne2d+8*3*ne1d) ! ! extra nodes for the radiation boundary conditions ! nk_=nk_+nradiate ! ! each layer in each shell has a local orientation ! norien_=norien_+nesr*mi(3) ! write(*,*) write(*,*) ' The numbers below are estimated upper bounds' write(*,*) write(*,*) ' number of:' write(*,*) write(*,*) ' nodes: ',nk_ write(*,*) ' elements: ',ne_ write(*,*) ' one-dimensional elements: ',ne1d write(*,*) ' two-dimensional elements: ',ne2d write(*,*) ' integration points per element: ',mi(1) write(*,*) ' degrees of freedom per node: ',mi(2) write(*,*) ' layers per element: ',mi(3) write(*,*) write(*,*) ' distributed facial loads: ',nload_ write(*,*) ' distributed volumetric loads: ',nbody_ write(*,*) ' concentrated loads: ',nforc_ write(*,*) ' single point constraints: ',nboun_ write(*,*) ' multiple point constraints: ',nmpc_ write(*,*) ' terms in all multiple point constraints: ',memmpc_ write(*,*) ' tie constraints: ',ntie_ write(*,*) ' dependent nodes tied by cyclic constraints: ',ncs_ write(*,*) ' dependent nodes in pre-tension constraints: ',npt_ write(*,*) write(*,*) ' sets: ',nset_ write(*,*) ' terms in all sets: ',nalset_ write(*,*) write(*,*) ' materials: ',nmat_ write(*,*) ' constants per material and temperature: ',ncmat_ write(*,*) ' temperature points per material: ',ntmat_ write(*,*) ' plastic data points per material: ',npmat_ write(*,*) write(*,*) ' orientations: ',norien_ write(*,*) ' amplitudes: ',nam_ write(*,*) ' data points in all amplitudes: ',namtot_ write(*,*) ' print requests: ',nprint_ write(*,*) ' transformations: ',ntrans_ write(*,*) ' property cards: ',nprop_ write(*,*) ! if(ier.eq.1) then write(*,*) '*ERROR in allocation: at least one fatal' write(*,*) ' error message while reading the' write(*,*) ' input deck: CalculiX stops.' write(*,*) call exit(201) endif ! return end
program ofmd_fft use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: output_unit use types, only: dp use constants, only: i_, K2au, density2gcm3, u2au, s2au, Ha2eV use md, only: velocity_verlet, positions_random, & calc_min_distance, positions_fcc, positions_bcc use ewald_sums, only: ewald_box use random, only: randn use utils, only: init_random, stop_error, assert, linspace, clock, loadtxt use ofdft, only: read_pseudo use ofdft_fft, only: free_energy_min, radial_potential_fourier, & reciprocal_space_vectors, real2fourier, fourier2real, logging_info use interp3d, only: trilinear use poisson3d_assembly, only: func2quad implicit none ! All variables are in Hartree atomic units ! XLBOMD parameters: integer, parameter :: K = 5 real(dp), parameter :: kappa = 1.82_dp, alpha = 0.018_dp integer, parameter :: c0 = -6, c1 = 14, c2 = -8, c3 = -3, c4 = 4, c5 = -1 integer :: N integer :: i, j, steps, u real(dp) :: dt, L, t, rho, scf_eps real(dp), allocatable :: V(:, :), X(:, :), f(:, :), m(:) real(dp), allocatable :: R(:), Ven_rad(:), & G(:, :, :, :), G2(:, :, :) real(dp), allocatable :: Ven0G(:, :, :) complex(dp), allocatable :: VenG(:, :, :), neG(:, :, :) real(dp), allocatable :: ne(:, :, :), R2(:) real(dp) :: Temp, Ekin, Temp_current, t3, t4 real(dp) :: Ediff, Z, Am real(dp) :: Een_correction real(dp) :: Eee, Een, Ts, Exc, Etot, Enn real(dp), allocatable :: fnn(:, :), q(:), fen(:, :) integer :: dynamics, functional, Ng, Nspecies, start, Nmesh integer :: cg_iter real(dp) :: sigma real(dp), dimension(:,:,:,:), allocatable :: ne_aux character(len=10) :: atom_name real(dp) :: mdt1, mdt2 logging_info = .false. ! Turn of the INFO warnings call read_input("OFMD.input", Temp, rho, Nspecies, N, Am, atom_name, start, & dynamics, functional, Ng, scf_eps, steps, dt) call read_pseudo("fem/" // trim(atom_name) // ".pseudo", R, Ven_rad, Z, Ediff) allocate(V(3, N), f(3, N), m(N)) allocate(Ven0G(Ng, Ng, Ng), VenG(Ng, Ng, Ng), ne(Ng, Ng, Ng), neG(Ng, Ng, Ng)) allocate(G(Ng, Ng, Ng, 3), G2(Ng, Ng, Ng)) allocate(fnn(3, N), q(N), fen(3, N)) allocate(ne_aux(Ng, Ng, Ng, -K:1)) q = Z m = Am * u2au ! Using Hydrogen mass in atomic mass units [u] L = (sum(m) / rho)**(1._dp/3) print *, "----------------------------------------------------------------" print *, "Input Summary:" print *, "N =", N print *, "Ng =", Ng print *, "MD steps =", steps print *, "rho = ", rho, "a.u. =", rho * density2gcm3, "g/cm^3" print *, "T =", Temp, "a.u. =", Temp / K2au, "K =" print *, " =", Temp * Ha2eV, "eV" print "(' dt =', f8.2, ' a.u. = ', es10.2, ' s = ', es10.2, ' ps')", dt, & dt/s2au, dt/s2au * 1e12_dp print "(' SCF_eps =', es10.2, ' a.u. = ', es10.2, ' eV')", scf_eps, & scf_eps * Ha2eV print *, "Initial position:", start print *, "Atomic mass:", Am, "u" print *, "Atomic name: ", trim(atom_name) print *, "----------------------------------------------------------------" print * print *, "Calculated quantities:" print *, "L =", L, "a.u." print * print *, "Converting aperiodic radial Ven to periodic cartesian Ven" call radial_potential_fourier(R, Ven_rad, L, Z, Ven0G, Een_correction) print *, " Done." print *, "Atomic charge Z =", Z Nmesh = 10000 allocate(R2(Nmesh)) R2 = linspace(0._dp, L/2, Nmesh) call reciprocal_space_vectors([L, L, L], G, G2) select case(start) case (0) print *, "Initial position: pos.txt" call loadtxt("pos.txt", X) call assert(size(X, 1) == 3) call assert(size(X, 2) == N) case (3) print *, "Initial position: FCC" allocate(X(3, N)) call positions_fcc(X, L) case (4) print *, "Initial position: BCC" allocate(X(3, N)) call positions_bcc(X, L) case (5) print *, "Initial position: random" ! Make it deterministic for now !call init_random() sigma = 1 allocate(X(3, N)) call positions_random(X, L, 2**(1._dp/6)*sigma, 10) case default call stop_error("Invalid initial condition.") end select print *, "Positions:" do i = 1, N print *, i, X(:, i) end do print *, "Distances:" do i = 2, N print *, i, calc_min_distance(X(:, :i-1), L, X(:, i)) end do print * ! Initialize velocities based on Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution call randn(V) V = V * sqrt(Temp / spread(m, 1, 3)) Ekin = calc_Ekin(V, m) Temp_current = 2*Ekin/(3*N) ! The average temperature (i.e. if we average Temp_current for many runs) will ! be Temp. But we want to set it exactly to Temp, so we rescale the velocities. V = V * sqrt(Temp / Temp_current) print *, "MD start:" t = 0 ne = N * Z / L**3 open(newunit=u, file="ofmd_results.txt", status="replace") call write_results_header(u) close(u) t = 0 call cpu_time(t3) do i = 1, steps mdt1 = clock() print *, "Starting MD iteration:", i if (i > 10) then ! ne_aux(:, :, :, 1) ... n_{i+1} ! ne_aux(:, :, :, 0) ... n_{i} ! ne_aux(:, :, :, -1) ... n_{i-1} ! ne_aux(:, :, :, -2) ... n_{i-2} ! ne_aux(:, :, :, -3) ... n_{i-3} ! ne_aux(:, :, :, -4) ... n_{i-4} ! ne_aux(:, :, :, -5) ... n_{i-5} if (i < 100) then ne_aux(:, :, :, 1) = 2*ne - ne_aux(:, :, :, -1) & + alpha*(c0*ne & + c1*ne_aux(:, :, :, -1) + c2*ne_aux(:, :, :, -2) & + c3*ne_aux(:, :, :, -3) + c4*ne_aux(:, :, :, -4) & + c5*ne_aux(:, :, :, -5)) else ne_aux(:, :, :, 1) = 2*ne_aux(:, :, :, 0) - ne_aux(:, :, :, -1) & + kappa*(ne-ne_aux(:, :, :, 0)) + alpha*(c0*ne_aux(:, :, :, 0) & + c1*ne_aux(:, :, :, -1) + c2*ne_aux(:, :, :, -2) & + c3*ne_aux(:, :, :, -3) + c4*ne_aux(:, :, :, -4) & + c5*ne_aux(:, :, :, -5)) end if else ne_aux(:, :, :, 1) = ne end if do j = 0, -K, -1 ne_aux(:, :, :, j) = ne_aux(:, :, :, j+1) end do ne = abs(ne_aux(:, :, :, 1)) if (i == 1) then call forces(X, f) else call velocity_verlet(dt, m, L, forces, f, V, X) end if Ekin = calc_Ekin(V, m) Temp_current = 2*Ekin/(3*N) print *, "Nuclear forces:" print *, fnn(:, 1) print *, fnn(:, 2) print *, fnn(:, 3) print *, fnn(:, 4) print *, "Electronic forces:" print *, fen(:, 1) print *, fen(:, 2) print *, fen(:, 3) print *, fen(:, 4) print *, "total forces:" print *, f(:, 1) print *, f(:, 2) print *, f(:, 3) print *, f(:, 4) mdt2 = clock() open(newunit=u, file="ofmd_results.txt", position="append", status="old") call write_results_line(u) close(u) call write_results_header(output_unit) call write_results_line(output_unit) t = t + dt end do call cpu_time(t4) close(u) print "('TIMINGS')" print "('MD run: ', f10.4, 's')", t4-t3 print "('MD step: ', f10.4, 's')", (t4-t3)/steps contains subroutine forces(X, f) real(dp), intent(in) :: X(:, :) ! positions real(dp), intent(out) :: f(:, :) ! forces real(dp) :: stress(6) real(dp) :: fac(Ng, Ng, Ng) integer :: i print *, "-------------------------------------" print *, "Calculating forces" ! Calculate nuclear forces print *, "Calculating nuclear forces" call ewald_box(L, X, q, Enn, fnn, stress) ! Calculate the electronic forces print *, "Calculating VenG" VenG = 0 do i = 1, N ! Note: we use minus sign in the forward real -> fourier transform. ! Then the following holds: ! ! F[f(x+b)] = F[f(x)]*e^{+i*G*b}, ! ! with plus sign in the exponential. Finally, we are expressing ! Ven0(x-X) using the above formula (with b=-X) in terms of Ven0(x), ! i.e.: ! ! F[Ven0(x-X)] = F[Ven0(x)]*e^{-i*G*X}, ! ! with minus sign in the exponential. VenG = VenG - Ven0G * exp(i_ * & (G(:,:,:,1)*X(1,i) + G(:,:,:,2)*X(2,i) + G(:,:,:,3)*X(3,i))) end do call assert(abs(VenG(1, 1, 1)) < epsilon(1._dp)) ! The G=0 component ! Energy calculation print *, "Minimizing free energy" call free_energy_min(N*Z, N, L, G2, Temp, VenG, ne, scf_eps, & Eee, Een, Ts, Exc, Etot, cg_iter) ! Forces calculation print *, "ne -> neG" call real2fourier(ne, neG) Een = Een + Een_correction * real(neG(1, 1, 1), dp) * N Etot = Eee + Een + Ts + Exc fen = 0 print *, "Calculating fen" do i = 1, N ! We have minus sign in the exponential, per the definition of VenG ! above (see the comment there). fac = L**3*Ven0G*aimag(neG*exp(-i_ * & (G(:,:,:,1)*X(1,i) + G(:,:,:,2)*X(2,i) + G(:,:,:,3)*X(3,i)))) fen(1, i) = sum(G(:,:,:,1)*fac) fen(2, i) = sum(G(:,:,:,2)*fac) fen(3, i) = sum(G(:,:,:,3)*fac) end do f = fnn + fen print *, "Done calculating forces." print *, "-------------------------------------" end subroutine real(dp) pure function calc_Ekin(V, m) result(Ekin) real(dp), intent(in) :: V(:, :) ! velocities real(dp), intent(in) :: m(:) ! masses Ekin = sum(m*sum(V**2, dim=1))/2 end function subroutine read_input(filename, T, density, Nspecies, N, Am, Aname, & start, dynamics, functional, Ng, scf_eps, steps, dt) ! Reads the input file, returns values in a.u. character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename real(dp), intent(out) :: T, density, dt, scf_eps, Am character(len=*), intent(out) :: Aname integer, intent(out) :: Nspecies, N, start, dynamics, functional, Ng, steps integer :: AN real(dp) :: AZ integer :: u real(dp) :: skip open(newunit=u, file=filename, status="old") read(u, *) T, density, Nspecies, N read(u, *) start read(u, *) dynamics, functional, Ng, skip, skip, scf_eps read(u, *) steps, dt read(u, *) Aname, AZ, Am, AN close(u) ! Convert to atomic units: T = T / Ha2eV density = density / density2gcm3 scf_eps = scf_eps / Ha2eV if (AN /= N) call stop_error("Inconsistent number of atoms") end subroutine subroutine write_results_header(u) integer, intent(in) :: u write(u, '(12a17)') "Time [a.u.]", "Fe [eV]", "Unn [eV]", "K [eV]", & "F [eV]", "T [eV]", "Ts [eV]", "Een [eV]", "Eee [eV]", "Exc [eV]", & "CG iter", "MD step time [s]" end subroutine subroutine write_results_line(u) integer, intent(in) :: u write(u, '(10f17.6, i17, f17.6)') & t, Etot*Ha2eV/N, Enn*Ha2eV/N, Ekin*Ha2eV/N, & (Etot + Enn + Ekin) * Ha2eV / N, Temp_current * Ha2eV, Ts * Ha2eV / N, & Een * Ha2eV / N, Eee * Ha2eV / N, Exc * Ha2eV / N, cg_iter, & mdt2 - mdt1 end subroutine end program
Petunia is a Pets pet who lives with Users/SharonZimmerman Sharon and Users/AmyZimmerman Amy Zimmerman, as well as with Users/ScottBiggart Scott Biggart. More importantly she lives with Endora the Rat. Petunia was added to the family in early April of 2005. She is very small compared to the size of Endora. At first the two didnt get along but then Sharon smeared cream cheese on both of the rats foreheads and they licked it off each other and then liked each other (or at least how each other tasted).
subroutine mprove(a,alud,n,indx,b,x) c--- Adapted from Numerical Recipes c--- (extension to complex b) implicit none integer n,indx(n) double precision a(n,n),alud(n,n) double complex b(n),x(n),sdp,r(n),rout(n) CU USES zlubksb integer i,j do i=1,n sdp=-b(i) do j=1,n sdp=sdp+a(i,j)*x(j) enddo r(i)=sdp enddo call zlubksb(alud,n,indx,r,rout) do i=1,n x(i)=x(i)-rout(i) enddo return end
SUBROUTINE BMG3_SymStd_SETUP_fine_stencil( & & KF, SO, & & NLx, NLy, NLz, NStncl,& & iWork, NMSGi, pMSGSO, BUFFER, NMSGr,& & MPICOMM& & ) BIND(C, NAME='BMG3_SymStd_SETUP_fine_stencil') ! ====================================================================== ! -------------------- ! DESCRIPTION: ! -------------------- ! ! Perform communication setup (ghosts) for the fine-grid stencil. ! ! ====================================================================== ! $license_flag$ ! ====================================================================== ! -------------------- ! INPUT: ! -------------------- ! ! ! ====================================================================== ! -------------------- ! INPUT/OUTPUT: ! -------------------- ! ! ! ====================================================================== ! -------------------- ! OUTPUT: ! -------------------- ! ! ! ====================================================================== ! -------------------- ! LOCAL: ! -------------------- ! ! ! ====================================================================== USE ModInterface IMPLICIT NONE ! ----------------------------- ! Includes ! INCLUDE 'mpif.h' INCLUDE 'MSG_f90.h' INCLUDE 'BMG_constants_f90.h' INCLUDE 'BMG_stencils_f90.h' INCLUDE 'BMG_workspace_f90.h' ! --------------------------- ! Argument Declarations: ! integer(c_int), value :: KF, NStncl, MPICOMM integer(len_t), value :: NLx, NLy, NLz, NMSGi, NMSGr integer(c_int) :: pMSGSO(NBMG_pMSG,KF) integer(len_t) :: iWork(NMSGi) real(real_t) :: BUFFER(NMSGr), SO(NLx+1,NLy+1,NLz+1,NStncl) ! -------------------------- ! Local Declarations: ! INTEGER kst, ptrn, ierror ! ====================================================================== ! ------------------------------ ! Update halo region: ! ------------------------------ DO kst = 1, NStncl ptrn = 1 CALL MSG_tbdx_send(SO(1,1,1,kst), buffer, & & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_NumAdjProc,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Proc,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Ipr,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Index,KF)),& & ptrn, ierror) CALL MSG_tbdx_receive(SO(1,1,1,kst), buffer,& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_NumAdjProc,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Proc,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Ipr,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Index,KF)),& & ptrn, ierror) CALL MSG_tbdx_close(SO(1,1,1,kst), buffer,& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_NumAdjProc,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Proc,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Ipr,KF)),& & iWork(pMSGSO(ipL_MSG_Index,KF)),& & ptrn, ierror) ENDDO ! ====================================================================== RETURN END
! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2016 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! ! Portions of this code were written by Intel Corporation. ! Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Intel Corporation. Intel provides this material ! to Argonne National Laboratory subject to Software Grant and Corporate ! Contributor License Agreement dated February 8, 2012. program main use mpi_f08 implicit none integer rank, size type(MPI_Comm) :: comm_cart, comm_new integer dims(2), coords(2) logical periods(2), reorder, remain_dims(2) integer errs dims(1:2) = 0 periods(1) = .TRUE. periods(2) = .FALSE. reorder = .TRUE. remain_dims(1) = .TRUE. remain_dims(2) = .FALSE. errs = 0 call MTEST_Init() call MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, rank) call MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, size) call MPI_Dims_create(size, 2, dims) call MPI_Cart_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2, dims, periods, reorder, comm_cart) call MPI_Comm_rank(comm_cart, rank) call MPI_Cart_coords(comm_cart, rank, 2, coords) call MPI_Cart_sub(comm_cart, remain_dims, comm_new) call MPI_Comm_size(comm_new, size) call MTEST_Finalize(errs) end program
program t print '(a)','hello ','world' end program t
program dim_assgn_test integer, private, dimension(2,2) :: a(2,2) integer, private, dimension(2,2) :: b(2,3) end program
! ! Copyright 2003-2008 Henk Krus, Cyclone Fluid Dynamics BV ! All Rights Reserved. ! ! Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ! you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ! You may obtain a copy of the License at ! ! http://www.dolfyn.net/license.html ! ! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ! distributed under the License is distributed on an ! "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, ! either express or implied. See the License for the specific ! language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ! subroutine GradientPhi(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== ! ! Main calling subroutine to calculate the gradient of 'phi'. ! Two methods are available: ! 1) using Gauss theorem, and ! 2) the least squares method ! ! Once a gradient has been computed an optional check if the gradient ! is reasonable is possible and if the gradient is too steep then ! it is limited. Names associated to these slope limiters are: ! Barth and Jespersen, Venkatakrishnan, Mavriplis, Aftosmis etc. ! Slope limiters are especially useful for all-tetrahedral meshes ! are used (only four relations for a 3D gradient, near walls the ! the situation is worse), and for bad/awkward meshes. ! use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd), intent(IN) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3), intent(OUT) :: dPhidX integer, intent(IN) :: ivar !call watch_enter('GradientPhi') !if( GradAlg == GradLS )then ! call GradientPhiLeastSquares(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) !else if( GradAlg == GradGauss )then ! call GradientPhiGauss(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) !else ! stop '*** internal error invalid gradient algorithm' !endif if( GradVar(iVar) == GradLS )then call GradientPhiLeastSquares(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) else if( GradVar(iVar) == GradGauss )then call GradientPhiGauss(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) else stop '*** internal error invalid gradient algorithm' endif if( UseSlopeLimiter(iVar) )then if( LimiterSlope(iVar) >= SlopeLimiterBJc .and. & LimiterSlope(iVar) <= SlopeLimiterBJn )then call GradientPhiLimiterBarthJespersen(ivar,LimiterSlope(iVar),Phi,dPhidX) else if( LimiterSlope(iVar) >= SlopeLimiterVNc .and. & LimiterSlope(iVar) <= SlopeLimiterVNn )then call GradientPhiLimiterVenkatarishnan(ivar,LimiterSlope(iVar),Phi,dPhidX) else if( LimiterSlope(iVar) >= SlopeLimiterVAc .and. & LimiterSlope(iVar) <= SlopeLimiterVAn )then call GradientPhiLimiterAlbada(ivar,LimiterSlope(iVar),Phi,dPhidX) else if( LimiterSlope(iVar) >= SlopeLimiterP1c .and. & LimiterSlope(iVar) <= SlopeLimiterP1n )then call GradientPhiLimiterPolynomial(ivar,LimiterSlope(iVar),Phi,dPhidX) endif endif !call watch_leave('GradientPhi') end subroutine GradientPhi subroutine GradientPhiGauss(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3) :: dPhidX real :: facn, facp real :: Xac(3), dPhidXac(3) real, dimension(3) :: Xp, Xn, Xf, Xnorm, Xpac, Xnac, delp, deln character(len=16) :: string if( Debug > 3 ) write(IOdef,*)'*** GradientPhiGauss: ',Variable(ivar) write(IOdbg,*)'*** GradientPhiGauss: ',Variable(ivar),Ngradient write(string,'(''Gauss'',A11)') Variable(ivar) call watch_enter(string) ! call watch_enter('GradientPhiGauss') dPhidXo = 0.0 ! ! iterative calculation of gradients ! gradientloop: do igrad=1,Ngradient dPhidX = 0.0 faceloop: do i=1,Nfac ip = Face(i)%cell1 in = Face(i)%cell2 if( in > 0 )then ! ! internal cell face which points to two cells ! facn = Face(i)%lambda facp = 1.0 - facn ! ! for the next section see the discussion in the text ! Xac = Cell(in)%x * facn + Cell(ip)%x * facp dPhidXac = dPhidXo(in,:) * facn + dPhidXo(ip,:) * facp ! ! now the gradient at the shifted position is known ! correct the value at the cell face center ! PhiFace = Phi(in) * facn + Phi(ip) * facp ! the standard delta = dot_product( dPhidXac , Face(i)%x - Xac ) ! correction PhiFace = PhiFace + delta ! ! now only the value at the face center is known ! multiply it by the area-components ! this is basically Gauss' theorem ! dPhidX(ip,:) = dPhidX(ip,:) + PhiFace * Face(i)%n ! normal p -> n dPhidX(in,:) = dPhidX(in,:) - PhiFace * Face(i)%n ! reversed else ! ! boundary face ! ib = Face(i)%bnd PhiFace = Phi(Ncel+ib) dPhidX(ip,:) = dPhidX(ip,:) + PhiFace * Face(i)%n endif end do faceloop !dPhidX(1:Ncel,1) = dPhidX(1:Ncel,1) / Cell(1:Ncel)%Vol !dPhidX(1:Ncel,2) = dPhidX(1:Ncel,2) / Cell(1:Ncel)%Vol !dPhidX(1:Ncel,3) = dPhidX(1:Ncel,3) / Cell(1:Ncel)%Vol !do i=1,Ncel ! fact = 1.0/Cell(i)%Vol ! not faster ! dPhidX(i,:) = fact*dPhidX(i,:) !end do do i=1,Ncel fact = 1.0/Cell(i)%Vol dPhidX(i,1) = fact*dPhidX(i,1) dPhidX(i,2) = fact*dPhidX(i,2) dPhidX(i,3) = fact*dPhidX(i,3) end do dPhidXo = dPhidX !dPhidXo = dPhidXo + 0.95*( dPhidX - dPhidXo) ! under relaxation end do gradientloop if( allocated(DXgrad) ) DXgrad = dPhidX if( Debug > 2 .and. iVar==VarT )then write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,1)),' < dPhi/dX < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,1)) write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,2)),' < dPhi/dY < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,2)) write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,3)),' < dPhi/dZ < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,3)) endif call watch_leave('GradientPhiGauss') if( Debug > 3 ) write(IOdef,*)'=== GradientPhi: ',Variable(ivar) end subroutine GradientPhiGauss subroutine GradientPhiLeastSquares(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3) :: dPhidX real, dimension(3) :: GradPhi, Xf, Xac, Xp, dX, ds real, dimension(3,3) :: A real, dimension(3) :: RHS_A integer, dimension(3):: IPIV ! LAPACK character(len=16) :: string if( Debug > 3 ) write(IOdef,*)'*** GradientPhiLeastSquares ',Variable(ivar) write(IOdbg,*)'*** GradientPhiLeastSquares ',Variable(ivar) write(string,'(''Least'',A11)') Variable(ivar) call watch_enter(string) !call watch_enter('GradientPhiLeastSquares') dPhidX = 0.0 do ip=1,Ncel Xp = Cell(ip)%x A = 0.0 RHS_A = 0.0 do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then ! ! original method Sum from P to N ! if( ipp == ip )then dPhi = Phi(ipn) - Phi(ipp) dX = Cell(ipn)%x - Cell(ipp)%x else dPhi = Phi(ipp) - Phi(ipn) dX = Cell(ipp)%x - Cell(ipn)%x endif A(1,1) = A(1,1) + dX(1)*dX(1) A(2,1) = A(2,1) + dX(1)*dX(2) A(3,1) = A(3,1) + dX(1)*dX(3) A(1,2) = A(2,1) A(2,2) = A(2,2) + dX(2)*dX(2) A(3,2) = A(3,2) + dX(2)*dX(3) A(1,3) = A(3,1) A(2,3) = A(3,2) A(3,3) = A(3,3) + dX(3)*dX(3) RHS_A(1) = RHS_A(1) + dX(1)*dPhi RHS_A(2) = RHS_A(2) + dX(2)*dPhi RHS_A(3) = RHS_A(3) + dX(3)*dPhi else ! boundary face ib = Face(k)%bnd ir = Bnd(ib)%rid it = Reg(ir)%typ dPhi = Phi(Ncel+ib) - Phi(ipp) dX = Face(k)%x - Cell(ipp)%x A(1,1) = A(1,1) + dX(1)*dX(1) A(2,1) = A(2,1) + dX(1)*dX(2) A(3,1) = A(3,1) + dX(1)*dX(3) A(1,2) = A(2,1) A(2,2) = A(2,2) + dX(2)*dX(2) A(3,2) = A(3,2) + dX(2)*dX(3) A(1,3) = A(3,1) A(2,3) = A(3,2) A(3,3) = A(3,3) + dX(3)*dX(3) RHS_A(1) = RHS_A(1) + dX(1)*dPhi RHS_A(2) = RHS_A(2) + dX(2)*dPhi RHS_A(3) = RHS_A(3) + dX(3)*dPhi endif end do if( UseLapack )then call SGESV( 3, 1, A, 3, IPIV, RHS_A, 3, INFO ) if( info /= 0 ) write(IOdef,*)'Lapack (sgesv) info(1):',INFO GradPhi(1) = RHS_A(1) GradPhi(2) = RHS_A(2) GradPhi(3) = RHS_A(3) dPhidX(ip,:) = GradPhi else call A33xB3(A,RHS_A) GradPhi(1) = RHS_A(1) GradPhi(2) = RHS_A(2) GradPhi(3) = RHS_A(3) dPhidX(ip,:) = GradPhi endif end do !if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. allocated(T) ) DXdebug =T(1:Ncel) !if( allocated(DXgrad) ) DXgrad = dPhidX if( Debug > 2 .and. ivar == vart )then write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,1)),' < dPhi/dX < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,1)) write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,2)),' < dPhi/dY < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,2)) write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,3)),' < dPhi/dZ < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,3)) endif call watch_leave('GradientPhiLeastSquares') if( Debug > 3 ) write(IOdef,*)'=== GradientPhiLeastSquares' end subroutine GradientPhiLeastSquares subroutine GradientPhiLeastSquaresN(ivar,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== use constants use geometry use variables real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3) :: dPhidX real, dimension(3) :: GradPhi, Xf, Xac, Xp, dX, ds real, dimension(3,3) :: A real, dimension(3) :: RHS_A integer, dimension(3):: IPIV ! LAPACK if( Debug > 1 ) write(IOdef,*)'*** GradientPhiLeastSquaresN ',Variable(ivar) dPhidXo = 0.0 ! ! iterative calculation of gradients ! do igrad=1,Ngradient write(IOdef,*)'loop ',igrad dPhidX = 0.0 do ip=1,Ncel Xp = Cell(ip)%x A = 0.0 RHS_A = 0.0 do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then facn = Face(k)%lambda facp = 1.0 - facn Xac = Cell(ipn)%x * facn + Cell(ipp)%x * facp Xf = Face(k)%x Phiac = Phi(ipn) * facn + Phi(ipp) * facp GradPhi = dPhidXo(ipn,:) * facn + dPhidXo(ipp,:) * facp delta = dot_product( GradPhi , Xf - Xac ) ! correction PhiFace = Phiac + delta !PhiFace = 0.5*( Phi(ipp) + Phi(ipn) + & !dot_product( dPhidXo(ipp,:) , Xf - Cell(ipp)%x ) + & !dot_product( dPhidXo(ipn,:) , Xf - Cell(ipn)%x ) ) if( ipp == ip )then dPhi = PhiFace - Phi(ipp) dX = Xf - Cell(ipp)%x else dPhi = Phi(ipp) - PhiFace dX = Cell(ipp)%x - Xf endif A(1,1) = A(1,1) + dX(1)*dX(1) A(2,1) = A(2,1) + dX(1)*dX(2) A(3,1) = A(3,1) + dX(1)*dX(3) A(1,2) = A(2,1) A(2,2) = A(2,2) + dX(2)*dX(2) A(3,2) = A(3,2) + dX(2)*dX(3) A(1,3) = A(3,1) A(2,3) = A(3,2) A(3,3) = A(3,3) + dX(3)*dX(3) RHS_A(1) = RHS_A(1) + dX(1)*dPhi RHS_A(2) = RHS_A(2) + dX(2)*dPhi RHS_A(3) = RHS_A(3) + dX(3)*dPhi else ! boundary face ib = Face(k)%bnd ir = Bnd(ib)%rid it = Reg(ir)%typ dPhi = Phi(Ncel+ib) - Phi(ipp) dX = Face(k)%x - Cell(ipp)%x A(1,1) = A(1,1) + dX(1)*dX(1) A(2,1) = A(2,1) + dX(1)*dX(2) A(3,1) = A(3,1) + dX(1)*dX(3) A(1,2) = A(2,1) A(2,2) = A(2,2) + dX(2)*dX(2) A(3,2) = A(3,2) + dX(2)*dX(3) A(1,3) = A(3,1) A(2,3) = A(3,2) A(3,3) = A(3,3) + dX(3)*dX(3) RHS_A(1) = RHS_A(1) + dX(1)*dPhi RHS_A(2) = RHS_A(2) + dX(2)*dPhi RHS_A(3) = RHS_A(3) + dX(3)*dPhi endif end do if( UseLapack )then call SGESV( 3, 1, A, 3, IPIV, RHS_A, 3, INFO ) if( info /= 0 ) write(IOdef,*)'Lapack (sgesv) info(1):',INFO GradPhi(1) = RHS_A(1) GradPhi(2) = RHS_A(2) GradPhi(3) = RHS_A(3) dPhidX(ip,:) = GradPhi else call A33xB3(A,RHS_A) GradPhi(1) = RHS_A(1) GradPhi(2) = RHS_A(2) GradPhi(3) = RHS_A(3) dPhidX(ip,:) = GradPhi endif end do ! cell loop dPhidXo = dPhidX !dPhidXo = dPhidXo + 0.75*( dPhidX - dPhidXo) ! under relaxation if( Debug > 2 )then write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,1)),' < dPhi/dX < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,1)) write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,2)),' < dPhi/dY < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,2)) write(IOdef,'(1x,1pe10.3,A,e10.3)') & minval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,3)),' < dPhi/dZ < ',maxval(dPhidX(1:Ncel,3)) endif end do ! gradient loop if( Debug > 3 ) write(IOdef,*)'=== GradientPhiLeastSquaresN' end subroutine GradientPhiLeastSquaresN !======================================================================== !======================================================================== ! ! S L O P E L I M I T E R S ! !======================================================================== !======================================================================== subroutine GradientPhiLimiterBarthJespersen(ivar,limiter,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== ! ! AIAA-89-0366, The design and application of upwind schemes ! on unstructured meshes, T.J.Barth, D.C.Jespersen, 1989 ! ! Basically: test the calculated gradient against the original ! neighbor values. ! ! Three different approaches are possible: ! 1) Test the gradient in the cell centre against the values ! in the neighboring centroids ! 2) Project the value of the neighbor on to the face center and ! use that value ! 3) Same as 2) but using the nodes instead of the face centres. ! ! Approach 1) damps the gradient, 2) tends to overshoot and ! 3) is somewere in the middle. Because 3) uses the nodes it ! is NOT suited for '2D' cases as the 'model thickness' enters ! the test. ! use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd), intent(IN) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3), intent(OUT) :: dPhidX integer, intent(IN) :: ivar real, dimension(3) :: dS, xpn write(IOdbg,*) 'BarthJespersen: ',variable(ivar) call watch_enter('BarthJespersen') do ip=1,Ncel phimax = Phi(ip) phimin = Phi(ip) do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipn)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipn)) else phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipp)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipp)) endif else ib = Face(k)%bnd phimax = max(phimax,Phi(Ncel+ib)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(Ncel+ib)) endif end do deltamax = phimax - Phi(ip) deltamin = phimin - Phi(ip) alpha = 1.0 ds = 0.0 xpn = 0.0 if( limiter == SlopeLimiterBJN )then ! ! node based ! do j=1,NItemsFromList(iNodes,ip) iv = ItemFromList(iNodes,ip,j) ds = Vert(iv,:) - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 1.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif alpha = min( alpha , r ) end do else ! ! face or centroid based ! do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) if( limiter == SlopeLimiterBJF )then ds = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) else if( limiter == SlopeLimiterBJC )then ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then xpn = Cell(ipn)%x - Cell(ipp)%x else xpn = Cell(ipp)%x - Cell(ipn)%x endif else xpn = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x endif delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , xpn ) else write(IOdef,*)'+++ internal error: BJ limiter = ',limiter delta_face = 0.0 endif if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 1.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif alpha = min( alpha , r ) end do endif dPhidX(ip,:) = alpha*dPhidX(ip,:) !if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXdebug(ip) = alpha end do !if( allocated(DXgrad) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXgrad = dPhidX !if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) & ! write(*,*) minval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)),' < alpha < ',maxval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)) call watch_leave('BarthJespersen') end subroutine GradientPhiLimiterBarthJespersen subroutine GradientPhiLimiterVenkatarishnan(ivar,limiter,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== ! ! AIAA-93-0880, On the accuracy of limiters and convergence ! to steady state solutions, V.Venkatakrishnan, 1993 ! ! Basically: test the calculated gradient against the original ! neighbor values as with Barth and Jespersen. However BJ uses ! the min-function Venkatarishnan introduces instead of min(1,y): ! ! phi(y) = (y**2+2*y)/(y**2+y+2) ! ! Again three different approaches are possible: ! 1) Test the gradient in the cell centre against the values ! in the neighboring centroids ! 2) Project the value of the neighbor on to the face center and ! use that value ! 3) Same as 2) but using the nodes instead of the face centres. ! ! Approach 1) damps the gradient, 2) tends to overshoot and ! 3) is somewere in the middle. Because 3) uses the nodes it ! is NOT suited for '2D' cases as the 'model thickness' enters ! the test. ! use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd), intent(IN) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3), intent(OUT) :: dPhidX integer, intent(IN) :: ivar real, dimension(3) :: dS, xpn write(IOdbg,*) 'Venkatarishnan: ',variable(ivar) call watch_enter('Venkatarishnan') alphamin = Large do ip=1,Ncel phimax = Phi(ip) phimin = Phi(ip) do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipn)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipn)) else phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipp)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipp)) endif else ib = Face(k)%bnd phimax = max(phimax,Phi(Ncel+ib)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(Ncel+ib)) endif end do deltamax = phimax - Phi(ip) deltamin = phimin - Phi(ip) alpha = 1.0 ds = 0.0 xpn = 0.0 if( limiter == SlopeLimiterVNN )then ! ! node based ! do j=1,NItemsFromList(iNodes,ip) iv = ItemFromList(iNodes,ip,j) ds = Vert(iv,:) - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 1000.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif alpha = min( alpha , (r**2+2.0*r)/(r**2+r+2.0) ) end do else ! ! face or centroid based ! do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) if( limiter == SlopeLimiterVNF )then ds = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) else if( limiter == SlopeLimiterVNC )then ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then xpn = Cell(ipn)%x - Cell(ipp)%x else xpn = Cell(ipp)%x - Cell(ipn)%x endif else xpn = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x endif delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , xpn ) else write(IOdef,*)'+++ internal error: VN limiter = ',limiter delta_face = 0.0 endif if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 1000.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif alpha = min( alpha , (r**2+2.0*r)/(r**2+r+2.0) ) end do endif dPhidX(ip,:) = alpha*dPhidX(ip,:) if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXdebug(ip) = alpha alphamin = min(alphamin,alpha) end do if( allocated(DXgrad) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXgrad = dPhidX !if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) & ! write(*,*) minval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)),' < alpha < ',maxval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)) call watch_leave('Venkatarishnan') end subroutine GradientPhiLimiterVenkatarishnan subroutine GradientPhiLimiterAlbada(ivar,limiter,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== ! ! AIAA-93-0880, On the accuracy of limiters and convergence ! to steady state solutions, V.Venkatakrishnan, 1993 ! ! Basically: test the calculated gradient against the original ! neighbor values as with Barth and Jespersen. Instead of ! BJ min(1,y) use van Albada's: ! ! phi(y) = (y**2+y)/(y**2+1) ! ! Again three different approaches are possible: ! 1) Test the gradient in the cell centre against the values ! in the neighboring centroids ! 2) Project the value of the neighbor on to the face center and ! use that value ! 3) Same as 2) but using the nodes instead of the face centres. ! ! Approach 1) damps the gradient, 2) tends to overshoot and ! 3) is somewere in the middle. Because 3) uses the nodes it ! is NOT suited for '2D' cases as the 'model thickness' enters ! the test. ! use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd), intent(IN) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3), intent(OUT) :: dPhidX integer, intent(IN) :: ivar real, dimension(3) :: dS, xpn write(IOdbg,*) 'Albada: ',variable(ivar) call watch_enter('Albada') alphamin = Large do ip=1,Ncel phimax = Phi(ip) phimin = Phi(ip) do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipn)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipn)) else phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipp)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipp)) endif else ib = Face(k)%bnd phimax = max(phimax,Phi(Ncel+ib)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(Ncel+ib)) endif end do deltamax = phimax - Phi(ip) deltamin = phimin - Phi(ip) alpha = 1.0 ds = 0.0 xpn = 0.0 if( limiter == SlopeLimiterVAN )then ! ! node based ! do j=1,NItemsFromList(iNodes,ip) iv = ItemFromList(iNodes,ip,j) ds = Vert(iv,:) - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 1.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif alpha = min( alpha , (r**2+r)/(r**2+1.0) ) end do else ! ! face or centroid based ! do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) if( limiter == SlopeLimiterVAF )then ds = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) else if( limiter == SlopeLimiterVAC )then ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then xpn = Cell(ipn)%x - Cell(ipp)%x else xpn = Cell(ipp)%x - Cell(ipn)%x endif else xpn = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x endif delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , xpn ) else write(IOdef,*)'+++ internal error: vA limiter = ',limiter delta_face = 0.0 endif if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 1.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif alpha = min( alpha , (r**2+r)/(r**2+1.0) ) end do endif dPhidX(ip,:) = alpha*dPhidX(ip,:) if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXdebug(ip) = alpha alphamin = min(alphamin,alpha) end do if( allocated(DXgrad) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXgrad = dPhidX !if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) & ! write(*,*) minval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)),' < alpha < ',maxval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)) call watch_leave('Albada') end subroutine GradientPhiLimiterAlbada subroutine GradientPhiLimiterPolynomial(ivar,limiter,Phi,dPhidX) !======================================================================== ! ! K.Michalak, C. Ollivier-Gooch ! Limiters for UnstructuredHigher-Order Accurate ! Solutions of the Euler Equations ! ! cubic polynomial: f(y)= A3 y**3 + A2 * y**2 + A1 * y + A0 ! ! target: y=0, f(y)=0 => A0 = 0 ! df(y=0)/dy=1 => A1 = 1 ! ! switch at point Yc where f(Yc)=1, df(y=Yc)/dy=0 ! ! Again three different approaches are possible: ! 1) Test the gradient in the cell centre against the values ! in the neighboring centroids ! 2) Project the value of the neighbor on to the face center and ! use that value ! 3) Same as 2) but using the nodes instead of the face centres. ! ! Approach 1) damps the gradient, 2) tends to overshoot and ! 3) is somewere in the middle. Because 3) uses the nodes it ! is NOT suited for '2D' cases as the 'model thickness' enters ! the test. ! use constants use geometry use variables use watches real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd), intent(IN) :: Phi real, dimension(Ncel+Nbnd,3), intent(OUT) :: dPhidX integer, intent(IN) :: ivar real, dimension(3) :: dS, xpn write(IOdbg,*) 'Polynomial1: ',variable(ivar) call watch_enter('Polynomial1') Xc = 1.5 A3 = (Xc-2)/(Xc**3) A2 = -1.0*(1.0+3.0*A3*Xc**2)/(2.0*Xc) alphamin = Large do ip=1,Ncel phimax = Phi(ip) phimin = Phi(ip) do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipn)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipn)) else phimax = max(phimax,Phi(ipp)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(ipp)) endif else ib = Face(k)%bnd phimax = max(phimax,Phi(Ncel+ib)) phimin = min(phimin,Phi(Ncel+ib)) endif end do deltamax = phimax - Phi(ip) deltamin = phimin - Phi(ip) alpha = 1.0 ds = 0.0 xpn = 0.0 if( limiter == SlopeLimiterP1N )then ! ! node based ! do j=1,NItemsFromList(iNodes,ip) iv = ItemFromList(iNodes,ip,j) ds = Vert(iv,:) - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 100.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif if( r >= Xc )then alpha = min( alpha , 1.0 ) else alpha = min( alpha , A3*r**3+A2*r**2+r ) endif end do else ! ! face or centroid based ! do j=1,Nfaces(ip) k = CFace(ip,j) if( limiter == SlopeLimiterP1F )then ds = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , ds ) else if( limiter == SlopeLimiterP1C )then ipp = Face(k)%cell1 ipn = Face(k)%cell2 if( ipn > 0 )then if( ipp == ip )then xpn = Cell(ipn)%x - Cell(ipp)%x else xpn = Cell(ipp)%x - Cell(ipn)%x endif else xpn = Face(k)%x - Cell(ip)%x endif delta_face = dot_product( dPhidX(ip,:) , xpn ) else write(IOdef,*)'+++ internal error: P1 limiter = ',limiter delta_face = 0.0 endif if( abs(delta_face) < 1.e-6 )then r = 100.0 else if( delta_face > 0.0 )then r = deltamax/delta_face else r = deltamin/delta_face endif if( r >= Xc )then alpha = min( alpha , 1.0 ) else alpha = min( alpha , A3*r**3+A2*r**2+r ) endif end do endif dPhidX(ip,:) = alpha*dPhidX(ip,:) if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXdebug(ip) = alpha alphamin = min(alphamin,alpha) end do if( allocated(DXgrad) .and. iVar == VarT ) DXgrad = dPhidX !if( allocated(DXdebug) .and. iVar == VarT ) & ! write(*,*) minval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)),' < alpha < ',maxval(DXdebug(1:Ncel)) call watch_leave('Polynomial1') end subroutine GradientPhiLimiterPolynomial
#include "eiscor.h" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ZUFCHF (Zomplex Unitary hessenberg Factored CHeck Factorization) ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! This routine checks the factorization input into ZUFFQR to make sure ! is represents a unitary hessenberg matrix to machine precision. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! INPUT VARIABLES: ! ! N INTEGER ! dimension of matrix ! ! Q REAL(8) array of dimension (3*(N-1)) ! array of generators for givens rotations ! ! D REAL(8) array of dimension (2*N) ! array of generators for complex diagonal matrix ! on output contains the eigenvalues ! ! OUTPUT VARIABLES: ! ! INFO INTEGER ! INFO = 0 implies valid factorization ! INFO = -1 implies N is invalid ! INFO = -2 implies Q is invalid ! INFO = -3 implies D is invalid ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine ZUFCHF(N,Q,D,INFO) implicit none ! input variables integer, intent(in) :: N real(8), intent(inout) :: Q(3*N-3), D(2*N) integer, intent(inout) :: INFO ! compute variables integer :: ii real(8),parameter :: tol = 10d0*epsilon(1d0) real(8) :: nrm ! initialize INFO INFO = 0 ! check N call IARNAN(N,INFO) if (INFO.NE.0) then ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"N is invalid",INFO,INFO) end if INFO = -1 return end if call IARINF(N,INFO) if (INFO.NE.0) then ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"N is invalid",INFO,INFO) end if INFO = -1 return end if if (N < 2) then INFO = -1 ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"N must be at least 2",INFO,INFO) end if return end if ! check Q for NANs and INFs call DARACH1(3*(N-1),Q,INFO) if (INFO.NE.0) then ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Q is invalid",INFO,INFO) end if INFO = -2 return end if ! check Q for orthogonality do ii=1,(N-1) nrm = sqrt(Q(3*ii-2)**2 + Q(3*ii-1)**2 + Q(3*ii)**2) if (abs(nrm-1d0) > tol) then INFO = -2 ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Q is not unitary",INFO,INFO) end if return end if end do ! check D call DARACH1(2*N,D,INFO) if (INFO.NE.0) then ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"D is invalid",INFO,INFO) end if INFO = -3 return end if ! check D for orthogonality do ii=1,N nrm = sqrt(D(2*ii-1)**2 + D(2*ii)**2) if (abs(nrm-1d0) > tol) then INFO = -3 ! print error in debug mode if (DEBUG) then call UARERR(__FILE__,__LINE__,"D is not unitary",INFO,INFO) end if return end if end do end subroutine ZUFCHF
! { dg-do run } ! { dg-additional-sources global_vars_f90_init_driver.c } module global_vars_f90_init use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int implicit none integer(c_int), bind(c, name='i') :: I = 2 contains subroutine test_globals() bind(c) ! the value of I is initialized above if(I .ne. 2) then STOP 1 endif end subroutine test_globals end module global_vars_f90_init
program test_products use mod_orrb implicit none character(len=*), parameter :: fmt="(A40, 'Time: ',ES8.2,', error: ',ES8.2, ', ', A10)" character(len=40) :: test_name real(kind=dp) :: t0, t1 integer(kind=int32) :: ma, na, lbwb, ubwb type(error_info) :: error real(kind=dp), parameter :: tol=1e-15, c=7.0 ! real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: b_d, a_d, c0_d, c1_d complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: b_z, a_z, c0_z, c1_z type(d_ub), allocatable :: ub_d type(d_bv), allocatable :: bv_d type(d_wb), allocatable :: wb_d type(d_bt), allocatable :: bt_d type(d_ubt), allocatable :: ubt_d type(d_wbv), allocatable :: wbv_d type(z_ub), allocatable :: ub_z type(z_bv), allocatable :: bv_z type(z_wb), allocatable :: wb_z type(z_bt), allocatable :: bt_z type(z_ubt), allocatable :: ubt_z type(z_wbv), allocatable :: wbv_z call initialize_errors print * print *, "--------------------------------" print * print *, "Tests of Real Products" print * ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) ub_d=d_random_ub(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(ub_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_ub_and_general(ub_d,a_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(b_d,a_d) test_name = "Real UB Times Gen. (40x10)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) bv_d=d_random_bv(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(bv_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_bv_and_general(bv_d,a_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(b_d,a_d) test_name = "Real BV Times Gen. (40x10)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) wb_d=d_random_wb(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(wb_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_wb_and_general(wb_d,a_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(b_d,a_d) test_name = "Real WB Times Gen. (40x10)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) bt_d=d_random_bt(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(bt_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_bt_and_general(bt_d,a_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(b_d,a_d) test_name = "Real BT Times Gen. (40x10)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) ubt_d=d_random_ubt(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(ubt_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_ubt_and_general(ubt_d,a_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(b_d,a_d) test_name = "Real UBT Times Gen. (40x10)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) wbv_d=d_random_wbv(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(wbv_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_wbv_and_general(wbv_d,a_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(b_d,a_d) test_name = "Real WBV Times Gen. (40x10)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=10; na=40; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_d=d_random_matrix(ma,na) ub_d=d_random_ub(na,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_d = general(ub_d,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_d=d_product_of_general_and_ub(a_d, ub_d,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_d=matmul(a_d,b_d) test_name = "Real Gen. Times UB. (10x40)" call d_output_result(test_name,c0_d,c1_d,t0,t1,c*tol,error) print * print *, "--------------------------------" print * print *, "Tests of Complex Products" print * ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) ub_z=z_random_ub(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(ub_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_ub_and_general(ub_z,a_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(b_z,a_z) test_name = "Complex UB Times Gen. (40x10)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) bv_z=z_random_bv(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(bv_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_bv_and_general(bv_z,a_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(b_z,a_z) test_name = "Complex BV Times Gen. (40x10)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) wb_z=z_random_wb(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(wb_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_wb_and_general(wb_z,a_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(b_z,a_z) test_name = "Complex WB Times Gen. (40x10)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) bt_z=z_random_bt(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(bt_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_bt_and_general(bt_z,a_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(b_z,a_z) test_name = "Complex BT Times Gen. (40x10)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) ubt_z=z_random_ubt(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(ubt_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_ubt_and_general(ubt_z,a_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(b_z,a_z) test_name = "Complex UBT Times Gen. (40x10)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=40; na=10; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) wbv_z=z_random_wbv(ma,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(wbv_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_wbv_and_general(wbv_z,a_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(b_z,a_z) test_name = "Complex WBV Times Gen. (40x10)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) ma=10; na=40; lbwb=5; ubwb=7 a_z=z_random_matrix(ma,na) ub_z=z_random_ub(na,lbwb,ubwb,error=error) b_z = general(ub_z,error) call cpu_time(t0) c0_z=z_product_of_general_and_ub(a_z, ub_z,error) call cpu_time(t1) c1_z=matmul(a_z,b_z) test_name = "Complex Gen. Times UB. (10x40)" call z_output_result(test_name,c0_z,c1_z,t0,t1,c*tol,error) contains subroutine d_output_result(name,a0,a1,t0,t1,bnd,error) character(len=*) :: name real(kind=dp), dimension(:,:) :: a0, a1 real(kind=dp) :: bnd, t0, t1 type(error_info) :: error real(kind=dp) :: err character(len=10) :: test_result if (error%code > 0) then print *, "Calling error in test: ", name else err = maxabs(a1-a0) if (err < bnd) then test_result="PASSED" else test_result=" FAILED" end if write (*,fmt) name, t1-t0, err, test_result end if end subroutine d_output_result subroutine z_output_result(name,a0,a1,t0,t1,bnd,error) character(len=*) :: name complex(kind=dp), dimension(:,:) :: a0, a1 real(kind=dp) :: bnd, t0, t1 type(error_info) :: error real(kind=dp) :: err character(len=10) :: test_result if (error%code > 0) then print *, "Calling error in test: ", name else err = maxabs(a1-a0) if (err < bnd) then test_result="PASSED" else test_result=" FAILED" end if write (*,fmt) name, t1-t0, err, test_result end if end subroutine z_output_result end program test_products
! -*- Mode: Fortran; -*- ! ! (C) 2001 by Argonne National Laboratory. ! See COPYRIGHT in top-level directory. ! program main implicit none include 'mpif.h' ! Fortran equivalent of misc.c ! tests various miscellaneous functions. integer buf(1024), amode, fh, status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) logical flag integer ierr, newtype, i, group integer etype, filetype, mynod, argc, iargc integer errs, toterrs logical verbose character*7 datarep character*1024 str ! used to store the filename integer*8 disp, offset, filesize errs = 0 verbose = .false. call MPI_INIT(ierr) call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mynod, ierr) ! process 0 takes the file name as a command-line argument and ! broadcasts it to other processes if (mynod .eq. 0) then argc = iargc() i = 0 call getarg(i,str) do while ((i .lt. argc) .and. (str .ne. '-fname')) i = i + 1 call getarg(i,str) end do if (i .ge. argc) then print * print *, '*# Usage: fmisc -fname filename' print * call MPI_ABORT(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1, ierr) end if i = i + 1 call getarg(i,str) call MPI_BCAST(str, 1024, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, & & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) else call MPI_BCAST(str, 1024, MPI_CHARACTER, 0, & & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) end if call MPI_FILE_OPEN(MPI_COMM_WORLD, str, & & MPI_MODE_CREATE + MPI_MODE_RDWR, MPI_INFO_NULL, fh, ierr) call MPI_FILE_WRITE(fh, buf, 1024, MPI_INTEGER, status, ierr) call MPI_FILE_SYNC(fh, ierr) call MPI_FILE_GET_AMODE(fh, amode, ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' testing MPI_FILE_GET_AMODE' end if if (amode .ne. (MPI_MODE_CREATE + MPI_MODE_RDWR)) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'amode is ', amode, ', should be ', MPI_MODE_CREATE & & + MPI_MODE_RDWR end if call MPI_FILE_GET_ATOMICITY(fh, flag, ierr) if (flag) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'atomicity is ', flag, ', should be .FALSE.' end if if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' setting atomic mode' end if call MPI_FILE_SET_ATOMICITY(fh, .TRUE., ierr) call MPI_FILE_GET_ATOMICITY(fh, flag, ierr) if (.not. flag) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'atomicity is ', flag, ', should be .TRUE.' end if call MPI_FILE_SET_ATOMICITY(fh, .FALSE., ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' reverting back to nonatomic mode' end if call MPI_TYPE_VECTOR(10, 10, 20, MPI_INTEGER, newtype, ierr) call MPI_TYPE_COMMIT(newtype, ierr) disp = 1000 call MPI_FILE_SET_VIEW(fh, disp, MPI_INTEGER, newtype, 'native', & & MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' testing MPI_FILE_GET_VIEW' end if disp = 0 call MPI_FILE_GET_VIEW(fh, disp, etype, filetype, datarep, ierr) if ((disp .ne. 1000) .or. (datarep .ne. 'native')) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'disp = ', disp, ', datarep = ', datarep, & & ', should be 1000, native' end if if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' testing MPI_FILE_GET_BYTE_OFFSET' end if offset = 10 call MPI_FILE_GET_BYTE_OFFSET(fh, offset, disp, ierr) if (disp .ne. 1080) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'byte offset = ', disp, ', should be 1080' end if call MPI_FILE_GET_GROUP(fh, group, ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' setting file size to 1060 bytes' end if filesize = 1060 call MPI_FILE_SET_SIZE(fh, filesize, ierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) call MPI_FILE_SYNC(fh, ierr) filesize = 0 call MPI_FILE_GET_SIZE(fh, filesize, ierr) if (filesize .ne. 1060) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'file size = ', filesize, ', should be 1060' end if if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' seeking to eof and testing MPI_FILE_GET_POSITION' end if offset = 0 call MPI_FILE_SEEK(fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_END, ierr) call MPI_FILE_GET_POSITION(fh, offset, ierr) if (offset .ne. 10) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'file pointer posn = ', offset, ', should be 10' end if if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' testing MPI_FILE_GET_BYTE_OFFSET' end if call MPI_FILE_GET_BYTE_OFFSET(fh, offset, disp, ierr) if (disp .ne. 1080) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'byte offset = ', disp, ', should be 1080' end if call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' testing MPI_FILE_SEEK with MPI_SEEK_CUR' end if offset = -10 call MPI_FILE_SEEK(fh, offset, MPI_SEEK_CUR, ierr) call MPI_FILE_GET_POSITION(fh, offset, ierr) call MPI_FILE_GET_BYTE_OFFSET(fh, offset, disp, ierr) if (disp .ne. 1000) then errs = errs + 1 print *, 'file pointer posn in bytes = ', disp, & & ', should be 1000' end if if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' preallocating disk space up to 8192 bytes' end if filesize = 8192 call MPI_FILE_PREALLOCATE(fh, filesize, ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0 .and. verbose) then print *, ' closing the file and deleting it' end if call MPI_FILE_CLOSE(fh, ierr) call MPI_BARRIER(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (mynod .eq. 0) then call MPI_FILE_DELETE(str, MPI_INFO_NULL, ierr) end if call MPI_Allreduce( errs, toterrs, 1, MPI_INTEGER, MPI_SUM, & $ MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr ) if (mynod .eq. 0) then if( toterrs .gt. 0 ) then print *, 'Found ', toterrs, ' errors' else print *, ' No Errors' endif endif call MPI_TYPE_FREE(newtype, ierr) call MPI_TYPE_FREE(filetype, ierr) call MPI_GROUP_FREE(group, ierr) call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr) end
program foo real (kind = 8) :: x = 3.141592_8 end program foo
module numerical implicit none contains elemental logical function isprime(i) integer, intent(in) :: i integer :: j isprime = .false. !! trivial tests if (i<=1) return if (i==2 .or. i==3) then isprime = .true. return endif if (modulo(i,2) == 0 .or. modulo(i,3) == 0) return !! 6k+1 test do j = 5, int(sqrt(real(i))), 6 if (modulo(i,j) == 0 .or. modulo(i,j+2) == 0) return enddo isprime = .true. end function isprime end module numerical
great_ne(ff1,c1). great_ne(t1,y1). great_ne(u1,bb1). great_ne(kk1,c1). great_ne(cc1,aa1). great_ne(cc1,x1). great_ne(jj1,bb1). great_ne(cc1,k1). great_ne(hh1,b1). great_ne(dd1,f1). great_ne(q1,aa1). great_ne(t1,a1). great_ne(hh1,ii1). great_ne(q1,cc1). great_ne(hh1,k1). great_ne(z1,c1). great_ne(k1,y1).
!=============================================================================! subroutine rhs(rl, vl) ! ! Generates the RHS for the compressible 2D-3C, N-S equations ! ! Written: 5-10-95 ! Revised: 6-19-95 ! !=============================================================================! use global use local implicit none integer :: ij real :: rl(ndof,nx*ny), vl(ndof,nx*ny) real :: fact1, fact2, fact3 !=============================================================================! fact1 = one / Re fact2 = gamma / ( Pr * Re ) fact3 = gamma * gamma1 * Ma**2 / Re !$doacross local(ij) do ij = 1, nx*ny !.... continuity rl(1,ij) = rho(ij) * divu(ij) + grho(1,ij) * u1(ij) + & grho(2,ij) * u2(ij) !.... momentum rl(2,ij) = u1(ij) * gu(1,1,ij) + u2(ij) * gu(1,2,ij) + & rhoinv(ij) * gp(1,ij) - & fact1 * ( g1lm(ij) * divu(ij) + lm(ij) * g1divu(ij) + & two * (g1mu(ij) * S(1,1,ij) + g2mu(ij) * S(1,2,ij) + & mu(ij) * S1jj(ij) ) ) * rhoinv(ij) rl(3,ij) = u1(ij) * gu(2,1,ij) + u2(ij) * gu(2,2,ij) + & rhoinv(ij) * gp(2,ij) - & fact1 * ( g2lm(ij) * divu(ij) + lm(ij) * g2divu(ij) + & two * (g1mu(ij) * S(2,1,ij) + g2mu(ij) * S(2,2,ij) + & mu(ij) * S2jj(ij) ) ) * rhoinv(ij) rl(4,ij) = u1(ij) * gu(3,1,ij) + u2(ij) * gu(3,2,ij) - & fact1 * ( two * (g1mu(ij) * S(3,1,ij) + & g2mu(ij) * S(3,2,ij) + & mu(ij) * S3jj(ij) ) ) * rhoinv(ij) !.... temperature rl(5,ij) = u1(ij) * gt(1,ij) + u2(ij) * gt(2,ij) + & gamma1 * t(ij) * divu(ij) - rhoinv(ij) * ( & fact2 * ( g1con(ij) * gt(1,ij) + g2con(ij) * gt(2,ij) + & con(ij) * Lapt(ij) ) + & fact3 * ( lm(ij) * divu(ij)**2 + two * mu(ij) * ( & S(1,1,ij)**2 + S(1,2,ij)**2 + S(1,3,ij)**2 + & S(2,1,ij)**2 + S(2,2,ij)**2 + S(2,3,ij)**2 + & S(3,1,ij)**2 + S(3,2,ij)**2 ) ) ) end do !.... correct the outflow boundaries using Lele & Poinsot BC's ! call rhs_l(rl,vl) !.... standard sponge if (ispg .gt. 0) then if (ispg .eq. 1) then call spg_it(rl,vl,spg) else if (ispg .eq. 2) then !$doacross local(ij) do ij = 1, nx*ny rl(1,ij) = rl(1,ij) + (spg(ij) + spg2(ij)) * ( vl(1,ij) - one ) rl(2,ij) = rl(2,ij) + (spg(ij) + spg2(ij)) * ( vl(2,ij) ) rl(3,ij) = rl(3,ij) + (spg(ij) + spg2(ij)) * ( vl(3,ij) ) rl(4,ij) = rl(4,ij) + (spg(ij) + spg2(ij)) * ( vl(4,ij) ) rl(5,ij) = rl(5,ij) + (spg(ij) + spg2(ij)) * ( vl(5,ij) - one ) end do else call error('rhs_p$','ispg > 2 is not supported$') end if end if !.... explicit smoother ! if (eps_e .ne. zero) call smoother( rl, vl ) return end
C @(#)getsvc.f 20.3 2/13/96 integer function getsvc (kt, jt, isvc, vk, qk, dvdq, bkk, msw) C Input parameters: C C KT Internal bus number C JT Index to TBX array C ISVC Index to SVC array C VK Actual voltage at bus C QK Actual reactive injection at bus C DVDQ Sensitivity dV/dQ at bus C BKK Total self-admittance at bus C MSW Solution state: C 1 = continuous solution C 2 = transition to discrete solution C 3 = discrete solution C Output parameters: C BKK Total self-admittance at bus C GETSVC Return state : C 0 = no change C 1 = change C include 'ipfinc/parametr.inc' include 'ipfinc/alpha.inc' c Global variables used: c qnetu(r*8), ineti(r*8) include 'ipfinc/alpha2.inc' c Global variables used: c kvolt, volt include 'ipfinc/blank.inc' c Global variables used: c bmva include 'ipfinc/bus.inc' c Global variables used: c None include 'ipfinc/cbus.inc' c Global variables used: c bctbl include 'ipfinc/ecvar.inc' c Global variables used: c kowntb, idswb include 'ipfinc/intbus.inc' c Global variables used: c None include 'ipfinc/lfiles.inc' c Global variables used: c dbug include 'ipfinc/prt.inc' c Global variables used: c None include 'ipfinc/slnopt.inc' c Global variables used: c option include 'ipfinc/svc.inc' c Global variables used: c svc(r*8), numsvc include 'ipfinc/tbx.inc' c Global variables used: c tbx(r*8) include 'ipfinc/tbxsrt.inc' c Global variables used: c None integer oldity, oldste getsvc = 0 oldste = svc(2,isvc) icb = svc(3,isvc) dqk = qk -qnetu(kt) C Compute SVC quantities. Recall that SVC(14,*) represents C generation, whereas INET(*,*) represents load. svcbkk = bkk - svc(13,isvc) svcini = -ineti(kt) -svc(14,isvc) svctot = svcini + svcbkk * vk oldity = tbx(7,jt) if (msw .eq. 1 .and. oldity .eq. 1) then if (abs (dqk) .le. 10.0 * option(7)) then C Convert SVC bus from state PV to PQ when Q converges C reasonably. kvolt(kt) = 0 volt(kt) = 0.0 tbx(7,jt) = 4 getsvc = 2 else C Adjust voltage to manually sustain state 2 dvk = - 0.5 * dqk * dvdq vnew = vk + dvk dvk = dvk - ddim (dble(vnew),svc(10,isvc)) & + ddim (svc(9,isvc),dble(vnew)) if (abs (dvk) .gt. 0.050) dvk = sign (0.050,dvk) if (abs (dvk) .gt. 1.0e-3) then kvolt(kt) = kt volt(kt) = dvk/vk if (abs (dvk) .gt. 5.0e-3) kowntb = kowntb + 1 endif endif else if (msw .eq. 2 .and. oldity .eq. 1) then C Force conversion of SVC bus from state PV to PQ during C transition phase. kvolt(kt) = 0 volt(kt) = 0.0 tbx(7,jt) = 4 getsvc = 2 C Determine by the voltage the domain of the SVC state. else if (abs(dqk) .lt. 0.005) then dvk = ddim (dble(vk),svc(10,isvc)) - & ddim (svc(9,isvc),dble(vk)) if (oldste .eq. 1) then if (dvk .ge. 0.001) then C A transition from state 1 to state 2 is necessary. bkk = bkk - svcbkk + svc(11,isvc) ineti(kt) = ineti(kt) +svcini - svc(12,isvc) bctbl(5,icb) = svc(11,numsvc) * bmva bctbl(3,icb) = -svc(12,numsvc) * bmva C Note that SVC(12,*) and SVCINI are represented as C generation, whereas INET(*,*) is represented as c load. svc(2,isvc) = 2 getsvc = 2 endif else if (oldste .eq. 2) then if (dvk .lt. -0.001) then C A transition from state 2 to state 1 is necessary. bkk = bkk - svcbkk + svc(6,isvc) ineti(kt) = ineti(kt) +svcini bctbl(5,icb) = svc(6,numsvc) * bmva bctbl(3,icb) = 0.0 C Note that SVCINI is represented as generation, c whereas INET(*,*) is represented as load. svc(2,isvc) = 1 getsvc = 1 else if (dvk .gt. 0.001) then C A transition from state 2 to state 3 is necessary. bkk = bkk - svcbkk + svc(5,isvc) ineti(kt) = ineti(kt) +svcini bctbl(5,icb) = svc(5,numsvc) * bmva bctbl(3,icb) = 0.0 C Note that SVCINI is represented as generation, c whereas INET(*,*) is represented as load. svc(2,isvc) = 3 getsvc = 3 endif else if (dvk .lt. -0.001) then C A transition from state 3 to state 2 is necessary. bkk = bkk - svcbkk + svc(11,isvc) ineti(kt) = ineti(kt) +svcini - svc(12,isvc) bctbl(5,icb) = svc(11,numsvc) * bmva bctbl(3,icb) = -svc(12,numsvc) * bmva C Note that SVC(12,*) and SVCINI are represented as C generation, whereas INET(*,*) is represented as c load. svc(2,isvc) = 2 getsvc = 2 endif endif endif if (idswb .gt. 0) then write (dbug, 100) isvc, kt, oldity, ifix(sngl(tbx(7,jt))), 1 oldste, ifix(sngl(svc(2,isvc))), vk, dvk, svc(9,isvc), 2 svc(10,isvc), qk, dqk, svcbkk, svcini, svctot 100 format (' GETSVC ', i2, i6, 4i2, 4f8.4, 5e12.5) endif return end
!! Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2012-2016. !! !! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify !! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, !! as published by the Free Software Foundation. !! !! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, !! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of !! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the !! GNU General Public License for more details. !! !! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License !! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. !! !! contact: [email protected] !! Stichting Deltares !! P.O. Box 177 !! 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands !! !! All indications and logos of, and references to registered trademarks !! of Stichting Deltares remain the property of Stichting Deltares. All !! rights reserved. ! Date: 5 Oct 1992 ! Time: 22:20 ! Program: EHCALC.FOR ! Version: 6.00.00 ! Programmer: Nicolaas M de Rooij ! subroutine ehcalc ! ehcalc computes eh from pie of the electron ! procedure equivalent to phcalc include 'char1.inc' character*6 el,oh,o2 DATA EL/'EL- '/ DATA oh/'OH- '/ DATA o2/'O2 '/ iel = 0 ihp = 0 ioh = 0 ih2 = 0 ehk = -0.0d+00 do 10 i=1,m if(nr(i,1).eq.el)iel = i if(nr(i,1).eq.hplus) ihp = i if(nr(i,1).eq.oh)ioh = i if(nr(i,1).eq.h2o)ih2 = i 10 continue if(iel .ne. 0) then pda = pie(iel) goto 100 endif if(ihp .ne. 0 .and. ioh .ne. 0) then pda = 2.0d+00*pie(ioh) - 2.0d+00*pie(ihp) goto 90 endif if(ihp .ne. 0 .and. ih2 .ne. 0) then pda = 2.0d+00*pie(ih2) - 4.0d+00*pie(ihp) goto 90 endif if(ioh .ne. 0 .and. ih2 .ne. 0) then pda = -2.0d+00*pie(ih2) + 4.0d+00*pie(ioh) goto 90 endif 85 continue return 90 call lookup(o2,lka,1,m,nr) if(lka .gt. m) go to 85 pda = (pda - pie(lka))/ 4.0d+00 100 ehk =-pda/dlog(10.0d+00) return end
great_ne(hh1,a1). great_ne(p1,i1). great_ne(x1,b1). great_ne(bb1,c1). great_ne(kk1,m1). great_ne(kk1,k1). great_ne(y1,c1). great_ne(k1,w1). great_ne(dd1,x1). great_ne(z1,f1). great_ne(cc1,w1). great_ne(ee1,x1). great_ne(jj1,m1). great_ne(z1,t1). great_ne(q1,c1). great_ne(dd1,w1). great_ne(hh1,y1). great_ne(f1,h1). great_ne(ii1,ff1). great_ne(q1,ii1). great_ne(m1,ii1). great_ne(cc1,kk1). great_ne(cc1,c1). great_ne(q1,h1). great_ne(kk1,ii1). great_ne(dd1,h1). great_ne(bb1,ff1). great_ne(kk1,ff1). great_ne(f1,c1). great_ne(cc1,h1). great_ne(t1,i1). great_ne(p1,v1). great_ne(cc1,ee1). great_ne(u1,w1).
! RUN: bbc -emit-fir %s -o - | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-32 -DDEFAULT_INTEGER_SIZE=32 %s ! bbc doesn't have a way to set the default kinds so we use flang-new driver ! RUN: flang-new -fc1 -fdefault-integer-8 -emit-fir %s -o - | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,CHECK-64 -DDEFAULT_INTEGER_SIZE=64 %s ! CHECK-LABEL: func @_QPexit_test1() { subroutine exit_test1 call exit() ! CHECK: %[[status:.*]] = arith.constant 0 : i[[DEFAULT_INTEGER_SIZE]] ! CHECK-64: %[[statusConvert:.*]] = fir.convert %[[status]] : (i64) -> i32 ! CHECK-32: %{{[0-9]+}} = fir.call @_FortranAExit(%[[status]]) : (i32) -> none ! CHECK-64: %{{[0-9]+}} = fir.call @_FortranAExit(%[[statusConvert]]) : (i32) -> none end subroutine exit_test1 ! CHECK-LABEL: func @_QPexit_test2( ! CHECK-SAME: %[[statusArg:.*]]: !fir.ref<i[[DEFAULT_INTEGER_SIZE]]>{{.*}}) { subroutine exit_test2(status) integer :: status call exit(status) ! CHECK: %[[status:.*]] = fir.load %[[statusArg]] : !fir.ref<i[[DEFAULT_INTEGER_SIZE]]> ! CHECK-64: %[[statusConv:.*]] = fir.convert %[[status]] : (i64) -> i32 ! CHECK-32: %{{[0-9]+}} = fir.call @_FortranAExit(%[[status]]) : (i32) -> none ! CHECK-64: %{{[0-9]+}} = fir.call @_FortranAExit(%[[statusConv]]) : (i32) -> none end subroutine exit_test2
C++******************************************************* C Program to compress CFHT images by a factor 2 C Initial size : 680x1024 or 680x1056 C Final size : 340x512 C Version of November 3rd 1987 C--******************************************************* PROGRAM COMPRESS_CFHT PARAMETER (IDIM=1100) REAL*4 IMAGE(IDIM,IDIM) CHARACTER NAME*40,COMMENTS*80 PRINT 20 20 FORMAT(' COMPRESSION OF AN IMAGE BY A FACTOR 2') C Inquire the format of the file : CALL JLP_INQUIFMT C Input of the file : WRITE(6,*) 'Input file: ' READ(5,10) NAME CALL JLP_READIMAG(IMAGE,NPL1,NL1,IDIM,NAME,COMMENTS) C Main loop : NPL2=NPL1/2 NL2=NL1/2 DO J2=1,NL2 DO I2=1,NPL2 I1=(2*I2)-1 J1=(2*J2)-1 IMAGE(I2,J2)=0.25*(IMAGE(I1,J1)+IMAGE(I1,J1+1)+ 1 IMAGE(I1+1,J1+1)+IMAGE(I1+1,J1)) END DO END DO C PRINT *,' PREVIOUS NPL,NL :',NPL2,NL2 C Suppression of the last columns IF(NL2.GT.512) NL2=512 PRINT *,' NEW NPL,NL :',NPL2,NL2 C Output of the file : WRITE(6,*) 'Output file: ' READ(5,10) NAME CALL JLP_WRITEIMAG(IMAGE,NPL2,NL2,IDIM,NAME,COMMENTS) CALL JLP_END END
module RPT_mod use kdtree2_module implicit none ! these can be used to get the component list and selected output headers ! from the commented code blocks near line 203 in RPT_dolo.f90 ! type component_list ! character(:), allocatable :: comp ! end type ! type selectout_list ! character(:), allocatable :: head ! end type integer, parameter :: sp = kind(1.0), dp = kind(1.0d0) double precision, parameter :: pi = 4.0d0 * atan(1.0d0), kappaD = 0.5d0,& kappa = (1.0d0 - kappaD), kappaM = 0.5d0,& kappaI = 1.0d0 - kappaM integer, parameter :: nspec = 10, numsd = 5, num_alloc = 1000 ! NOTE: nspec (the number of chemical species in the model) is hard-coded for ! this specific problem ! numsd is distances over which particle reactions are considered ! num_alloc is the maximum number of nearby particles expected to be found ! mobile particle type ! NOTE: these are only for a 1D problem type mparticle double precision :: loc ! real-valued spatial location double precision :: concs(nspec) ! vector of chemical concentrations logical :: active ! indicates whether particle is active and within the domain integer :: bin ! used to indicate which spatial grid point a particle resides within end type ! immobile particle type type iparticle double precision :: loc double precision :: concs(nspec) end type ! a couple of derived types for the kD tree search ! holds indices of nearby particles type index_array integer, allocatable :: indices(:) end type ! holds the distances to the corresponding particle held by index_array type dist_array double precision, allocatable :: dists(:) end type contains ! subroutine to initialize the random number generator seed from clock time subroutine init_random_seed() integer :: i, n, clock integer, allocatable :: seed(:) call random_seed(size = n) allocate (seed(n)) call system_clock(count = clock) seed = clock + 37 * (/ (i - 1, i = 1, n) /) call random_seed(put = seed) deallocate(seed) end subroutine init_random_seed ! this generates the PHREEQC input file for this specific problem ! NOTE: much of this is hard-coded and not general subroutine phreeqc_input(calcite_in, na_in, mg_in, ca_in, cl_in, co2_in) double precision, intent(in ) :: calcite_in, na_in, mg_in, ca_in,& cl_in, co2_in character*1 :: tab tab = char(9) open (unit=11, file='dolomite_chem.in', action='write') write (11, *) '# Brine-CO2-Calcite-Quartz system' write (11, *) 'SOLUTION 0 Brine' write (11, *) tab, 'pH 7.0' write (11, *) tab, 'units mol/L' write (11, *) tab, 'temp 60.000000' write (11, *) tab, 'pressure 98.6923 atm' ! = 100 bar write (11, '(A, A, f8.6)') tab, 'Na ', Na_in write (11, '(A, A, f8.6)') tab, 'Mg ', mg_in write (11, '(A, A, f8.6)') tab, 'Ca ', ca_in write (11, '(A, A, f8.6, A)') tab, 'Cl ', cl_in, ' charge' write (11, *) 'EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 0' write (11, '(A, A, f9.6)') tab, 'CO2(g) 2.0 ', co2_in write (11, *) 'SAVE solution 0' write (11, *) 'END' write (11, *) 'SOLUTION 1 Domain' write (11, *) tab, 'pH 7.0 charge' write (11, *) tab, 'temp 60.000000' write (11, *) tab, 'pressure 98.6923 atm' ! = 100 bar write (11, *) tab, 'Cl 10.0' write (11, *) 'EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES 1' write (11, '(A, A, f9.6)') tab, 'Calcite 0.000000', calcite_in write (11, *) tab, 'Dolomite 0.000000 0.000000' write (11, *) tab, 'Quartz 0.000000 22.000000' write (11, *) 'SAVE solution 1' write (11, *) 'SELECTED_OUTPUT' write (11, *) tab, '-simulation false' write (11, *) tab, '-state false' write (11, *) tab, '-solution false' write (11, *) tab, '-distance false' write (11, *) tab, '-time false' write (11, *) tab, '-step false' write (11, *) tab, '-ph true' ! get pH output write (11, *) tab, '-pe false' write (11, *) tab, '-equilibrium_phases Calcite Dolomite' ! get calcite and dolomite concentrations write (11, *) 'END' close (unit=11, status='keep') end subroutine phreeqc_input ! moves active particles via advection subroutine advect(p, v, dt, alive) type(mparticle), intent(inout) :: p(:) ! mobile particle array double precision, intent(in ) :: v(:), dt ! velocity grid and time step integer, intent(in ) :: alive(:) ! array of indices of active particles ! use the velocity of the relevant cell, based on bin value p(alive)%loc = p(alive)%loc + v(p(alive)%bin) * dt end subroutine advect ! moves active particles via diffusion subroutine diffuse(p, np, D, dt, alive) type(mparticle), intent(inout) :: p(:) ! mobile particle array double precision, intent(in ) :: D(:), dt ! diffusion coefficient grid and time step integer, intent(in ) :: np, alive(:) ! number and array of indices of active particles double precision :: normvec(np) ! vector which will hold Normal(0, 1) values ! call N(0, 1) generator call box_mullerp(np, normvec) ! use the diffusion coeff of the relevant cell, based on bin value p(alive)%loc = p(alive)%loc + sqrt(2.0d0 * kappaD * D(p(alive)%bin) * dt) * normvec end subroutine diffuse ! reflective lower boundary subroutine reflectlow(p, low, alive) type(mparticle), intent(inout) :: p(:) ! mobile particle array double precision, intent(in ) :: low ! lower spatial boundary integer, intent(in ) :: alive(:) ! array of indices of active particles ! if particle has exited lower boundary, flip the negative location ! to the same positive value where (p(alive)%loc < low) p(alive)%loc = -p(alive)%loc end subroutine reflectlow ! absorbing upper boundary subroutine absorbhigh(p, high, alive, na, n) type(mparticle), intent(inout) :: p(:) ! mobile particle array double precision, intent(in ) :: high ! upper spatial boundary integer, intent(in ) :: alive(:), na integer, intent( out) :: n logical :: gone(na) ! if particle has exited upper boundary, make the particle inactive ! also, make bin and loc -999 to catch any errors gone = p(alive)%loc > high n = count(gone) where (gone) p(alive)%active = .false. where (gone) p(alive)%bin = -999 where (gone) p(alive)%loc = -999 end subroutine absorbhigh ! since PHREEQCRM can't accept the particle array as input, this subroutine ! assigns the values in the 2D concs array to its corresponding immobile ! particle subroutine concs_to_iparts(c, p, np) double precision, intent(in ) :: c(:, :) ! 2D concentration array used by PHREEQCRM type(iparticle), intent(inout) :: p(:) ! immobile particle array integer, intent(in ) :: np ! number of immobile particles integer :: i ! iteration variable do i = 1, np p(i)%concs = c(i, :) enddo end subroutine concs_to_iparts ! this does the opposite of above subroutine iparts_to_concs(c, p, np) double precision, intent(inout) :: c(:, :) ! 2D concentration array used by PHREEQCRM type(iparticle), intent(in ) :: p(:) ! immobile particle array integer, intent(in ) :: np ! number of immobile particles integer :: i ! iteration variable do i = 1, np c(i, :) = p(i)%concs enddo end subroutine iparts_to_concs ! this subroutine builds the distance matrix for all mobile-immobile pairwise ! distances less than the cutoff radius subroutine build_Distmat(ip, mp, na, alive, ni, D, dt, Distmat) type(iparticle), intent(in ) :: ip(:) ! immobile particle array type(mparticle), intent(in ) :: mp(:) ! mobile particle array integer, intent(in ) :: na, alive(:), ni ! number and array of indices of active mobile particles and number ! of immobile particles double precision, intent(in ) :: D(:), dt double precision, intent( out) :: Distmat(ni, na) ! diffusion coefficient array, time step, and domain length type(kdtree2), pointer :: tree ! this is the KD tree integer :: ntot, dim = 1, bindex, i, j ! total number of particles (active mobile + immobile) !****Note: hard coded one spatial dimension real(kdkind) :: locs(na + ni), r2 ! array holding locations of immobile and active immobile particles ! and value of squared search radius for KD search type(index_array), allocatable :: closeguys(:) ! this holds the indices of nearby particles type(dist_array), allocatable :: close_dists(:) ! this holds the distances to the corresponding nearby particle Distmat = 0.0d0 ! calculate total number of particles to be considered for mass balance ntot = na + ni ! build locs array--immobile particles will be at the beginning of the ! array, and mobile will be at the end locs(1 : ni) = real(ip%loc, kdkind) locs(ni + 1 : ntot) = real(mp(alive)%loc, kdkind) ! calculate interaction distance to be numsd standard deviations of the ! Brownian Motion process--r2 is this distance squared ! ****NOTE: numsd is a global variable that is hard-coded above r2 = (real(numsd, kdkind) * sqrt(4.0_kdkind * maxval(real(D, kdkind)) *& real(dt, kdkind)))**2 ! build the KD tree and search it ! ****NOTE: num_alloc is a global variable that is hard-coded above call maketree(tree, dim, ntot, locs) allocate (closeguys(ni), close_dists(ni)) ! this finds the closest mobile particles to each immobile particle call search(1, ni, tree, r2, num_alloc, closeguys, close_dists) ! NOTE: this search returns the SQUARED distance between two points ! also, the point itself is included in the closeguys list call kdtree2_destroy(tree) ! loop over immobile particles to build distance matrix do i = 1, ni ! immobile particle loop do j = 1, size(closeguys(i)%indices) ! mobile particle loop ! this is the mobile particle loop ! note that the closeguys array is indexed to the loc array, ! and thus its true index in the mp array is calculated below ! current mobile particle's index in locs array if (closeguys(i)%indices(j) <= ni) cycle ! if B is an immobile particle, skip this loop ! also prevents distance with self bindex = closeguys(i)%indices(j) - ni ! NOTE: Distmat is indexed to the mobile alive array Distmat(i, bindex) = close_dists(i)%dists(j) enddo enddo deallocate (closeguys, close_dists) end subroutine build_Distmat ! algorithm set forth in mobile-immobile JCP paper using explicit matrix forward ! solve subroutine immobile2mobile(ip, mp, na, alive, ni, D, dt, nc, Distmat) type(iparticle), intent(inout) :: ip(:) ! immobile particle array type(mparticle), intent(inout) :: mp(:) ! mobile particle array integer, intent(in ) :: na, alive(:), ni, nc ! number and array of indices of active mobile particles and number ! of immobile particles double precision, intent(in ) :: D(:), dt, Distmat(ni, na) ! diffusion coefficient array, time step, and domain length integer :: i double precision :: WImat(na, ni), denom(na, ni), DTmat(na, ni),& colsum(ni) ! denom is used in v(s) calculation but is pre-calculated for efficiency ! v_s is encounter density for a mobile/immobile particle pair DTmat = transpose(Distmat) do i = 1, ni denom(:, i) = -kappa * kappaI * 4.0d0 * D(mp(alive)%bin) * dt enddo where (DTmat /= 0.0d0) WImat = exp(DTmat / denom) colsum = sum(WImat, 1) do i = 1, ni WImat(:, i) = WImat(:, i) / colsum(i) enddo do i = 1, nc mp(alive)%concs(i) = matmul(WImat, ip%concs(i)) enddo end subroutine immobile2mobile ! this does the opposite of the above subroutine mobile2immobile(ip, mp, na, alive, ni, D, dt, nc, Distmat) type(iparticle), intent(inout) :: ip(:) ! immobile particle array type(mparticle), intent(inout) :: mp(:) ! mobile particle array integer, intent(in ) :: na, alive(:), ni, nc ! number and array of indices of active mobile particles and number ! of immobile particles double precision, intent(in ) :: D(:), dt, Distmat(ni, na) ! diffusion coefficient array, time step, and domain length integer :: i double precision :: WMmat(ni, na), denom(ni, na) ! denom is used in v(s) calculation but is pre-calculated for efficiency ! v_s is encounter density for a mobile/immobile particle pair do i = 1, ni denom(i, :) = -kappa * kappaM * 4.0d0 * D(mp(alive)%bin) * dt enddo where (Distmat /= 0.0d0) WMmat = exp(Distmat / denom) do i = 1, na WMmat(:, i) = WMmat (:, i) / sum(WMmat(:, i), 1) enddo do i = 1, nc ip%concs(i) = matmul(WMmat, mp(alive)%concs(i)) enddo end subroutine mobile2immobile ! this builds a KD tree subroutine maketree(tree2, d, n, locs) type(kdtree2), pointer, intent( out) :: tree2 ! this is the KD tree integer, intent(in ) :: d, n ! number of spatial dimensions, number of particles real(kdkind), intent(in ) :: locs(d, n) ! location array for particles, with dimension d x n (number of ! spatial dimensions x number of particles) ! build the tree tree2 => kdtree2_create(locs, dim=d, sort=.false., rearrange=.true.) ! currently don't see a need to sort, as false is quicker, while ! rearrange = true is quicker end subroutine maketree ! this searches an already built KD tree subroutine search(start, end, tree, r2, num_alloc, closeguys, close_dists) integer, intent(in ) :: start, end, num_alloc ! number of particles and how large to to preallocate results array ! within KD tree module type(kdtree2), pointer, intent(in ) :: tree ! the KD tree real(kdkind), intent(in ) :: r2 ! squared search radius type(index_array), intent( out) :: closeguys(:) ! this holds the indices of nearby particles type(dist_array), intent( out) :: close_dists(:) ! this holds the distances to the corresponding nearby particle integer :: i, n, nf ! loop iterator and number of particles found by search type(kdtree2_result), allocatable :: results(:) ! results array from KD tree module allocate (results(num_alloc)) n = end - start + 1 ! loop over all particles do i = 1, n ! the type of search used here finds all the particles within ! squared distance r2 from the i^th particle in the list ! the hard-coded 0 is the 'correlation time' of the search call kdtree2_r_nearest_around_point(tree, i + start - 1, 0, r2, nf, num_alloc, results) ! allocate these based on how many nearby particles were found allocate (closeguys(i)%indices(nf), close_dists(i)%dists(nf)) closeguys(i)%indices = results(1 : nf)%idx close_dists(i)%dists = results(1 : nf)%dis end do deallocate (results) end subroutine search ! these next two subroutines use the Box-Muller transform to generate N(0,1) ! random numbers from U(0,1) ! https://goo.gl/DQgmMu ! Note: this polar formulation seems to be consistently ~20% faster than the ! version below that uses trig functions ! reference for polar version (and standard version): ! https://www.taygeta.com/random/gaussian.html subroutine box_mullerp(n, z) integer, intent(in ) :: n ! size of random vector to be generated double precision, intent( out) :: z(n) integer :: j double precision :: w, x1, x2 call init_random_seed() do j = 1, n/2 w = 1.0d0 do while (w >= 1.0d0) x1 = 2.0d0 * rand() - 1.0d0 x2 = 2.0d0 * rand() - 1.0d0 w = x1**2 + x2**2 enddo w = sqrt((-2.0d0 * log(w)) / w) z(2 * j - 1 : 2 * j) = (/x1 * w, x2 * w/) enddo if (mod(n, 2) /= 0) then w = 1.0d0 do while (w >= 1.0d0) x1 = 2.0d0 * rand() - 1.0d0 x2 = 2.0d0 * rand() - 1.0d0 w = x1**2 + x2**2 enddo w = sqrt((-2.0d0 * log(w)) / w) z(n) = x1 * w endif end subroutine box_mullerp ! subroutine box_muller() ! integer, parameter :: n = 1e8 ! integer :: i, j ! double precision :: x1, x2, y1, y2, z(n) ! call init_random_seed() ! i = 1 ! do j = 1, n/2 ! x1 = rand() ! x2 = rand() ! y1 = sqrt(-2.0d0 * log(x1)) * cos(2.0d0 * pi * x2) ! y2 = sqrt(-2.0d0 * log(x1)) * sin(2.0d0 * pi * x2) ! z(i : i + 1) = (/y1, y2/) ! i = i + 2 ! enddo ! end subroutine box_muller end module RPT_mod
! This file is part of toml-f. ! ! Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Sebastian Ehlert ! ! Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license ! at your option; you may not use this file except in compliance with ! the License. ! ! Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ! distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ! WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ! See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ! limitations under the License. !> Implementation of a basic storage structure as pointer list of pointers. !> !> This implementation does purposely not use pointer attributes in the !> datastructure to make it safer to work with. module tomlf_structure_vector use tomlf_constants, only : tfc use tomlf_structure_base, only : toml_ordered use tomlf_type_value, only : toml_value, toml_key implicit none private public :: toml_vector, new_vector !> Wrapped TOML value to generate pointer list type :: toml_node !> TOML value payload class(toml_value), allocatable :: val end type toml_node !> Stores TOML values in a list of pointers type, extends(toml_ordered) :: toml_vector !> Current number of stored TOML values integer :: n = 0 !> List of TOML values type(toml_node), allocatable :: lst(:) contains !> Get number of TOML values in the structure procedure :: get_len !> Find a TOML value based on its key procedure :: find !> Get TOML value at a given index procedure :: get !> Push back a TOML value to the structure procedure :: push_back !> Remove the first element from the structure procedure :: shift !> Remove the last element from the structure procedure :: pop !> Get list of all keys in the structure procedure :: get_keys !> Delete TOML value at a given key procedure :: delete !> Destroy the data structure procedure :: destroy end type toml_vector !> Initial storage capacity of the datastructure integer, parameter :: initial_size = 16 contains !> Constructor for the storage data structure subroutine new_vector(self, n) !> Instance of the structure type(toml_vector), intent(out) :: self !> Initial storage capacity integer, intent(in), optional :: n self%n = 0 if (present(n)) then allocate(self%lst(min(1, n))) else allocate(self%lst(initial_size)) end if end subroutine new_vector !> Get number of TOML values in the structure pure function get_len(self) result(length) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(in), target :: self !> Current length of the ordered structure integer :: length length = self%n end function get_len !> Find a TOML value based on its key subroutine find(self, key, ptr) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> Key to the TOML value character(kind=tfc, len=*), intent(in) :: key !> Pointer to the stored value at given key class(toml_value), pointer, intent(out) :: ptr integer :: i nullify(ptr) do i = 1, self%n if (allocated(self%lst(i)%val)) then if (self%lst(i)%val%match_key(key)) then ptr => self%lst(i)%val exit end if end if end do end subroutine find !> Get TOML value at a given index subroutine get(self, idx, ptr) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> Position in the ordered structure integer, intent(in) :: idx !> Pointer to the stored value at given index class(toml_value), pointer, intent(out) :: ptr nullify(ptr) if (idx > 0 .and. idx <= self%n) then if (allocated(self%lst(idx)%val)) then ptr => self%lst(idx)%val end if end if end subroutine get !> Push back a TOML value to the structure subroutine push_back(self, val) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> TOML value to be stored class(toml_value), allocatable, intent(inout) :: val integer :: m if (.not.allocated(self%lst)) then call resize(self%lst, initial_size) end if m = size(self%lst) if (self%n >= m) then call resize(self%lst, m + m/2 + 1) end if self%n = self%n + 1 call move_alloc(val, self%lst(self%n)%val) end subroutine push_back !> Remove the first element from the data structure subroutine shift(self, val) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> TOML value to be retrieved class(toml_value), allocatable, intent(out) :: val integer :: i if (self%n > 0) then call move_alloc(self%lst(1)%val, val) do i = 2, self%n call move_alloc(self%lst(i)%val, self%lst(i-1)%val) end do self%n = self%n - 1 end if end subroutine shift !> Remove the last element from the data structure subroutine pop(self, val) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> TOML value to be retrieved class(toml_value), allocatable, intent(out) :: val if (self%n > 0) then call move_alloc(self%lst(self%n)%val, val) self%n = self%n - 1 end if end subroutine pop !> Get list of all keys in the structure subroutine get_keys(self, list) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> List of all keys type(toml_key), allocatable, intent(out) :: list(:) integer :: i allocate(list(self%n)) do i = 1, self%n if (allocated(self%lst(i)%val)) then if (allocated(self%lst(i)%val%key)) then list(i)%key = self%lst(i)%val%key end if end if end do end subroutine get_keys !> Delete TOML value at a given key subroutine delete(self, key) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self !> Key to the TOML value character(kind=tfc, len=*), intent(in) :: key integer :: idx, i idx = 0 do i = 1, self%n if (allocated(self%lst(i)%val)) then if (self%lst(i)%val%match_key(key)) then idx = i exit end if end if end do if (idx > 0) then call self%lst(idx)%val%destroy do i = idx+1, self%n call move_alloc(self%lst(i)%val, self%lst(i-1)%val) end do self%n = self%n - 1 end if end subroutine delete !> Change size of the TOML value vector subroutine resize(list, n) !> Array of TOML values to be resized type(toml_node), allocatable, intent(inout), target :: list(:) !> New size of the list integer, intent(in) :: n type(toml_node), allocatable, target :: tmp(:) integer :: i if (allocated(list)) then call move_alloc(list, tmp) allocate(list(n)) do i = 1, min(size(tmp), n) if (allocated(tmp(i)%val)) then call move_alloc(tmp(i)%val, list(i)%val) end if end do do i = n+1, size(tmp) if (allocated(tmp(i)%val)) then call tmp(i)%val%destroy deallocate(tmp(i)%val) end if end do deallocate(tmp) else allocate(list(n)) end if end subroutine resize !> Deconstructor for data structure subroutine destroy(self) !> Instance of the structure class(toml_vector), intent(inout), target :: self integer :: i do i = 1, self%n if (allocated(self%lst(i)%val)) then call self%lst(i)%val%destroy end if end do deallocate(self%lst) self%n = 0 end subroutine destroy end module tomlf_structure_vector
!*********************************************************************** ! Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) ! Copyright (C) 2005-2021 ! State of California, Department of Water Resources ! ! This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ! modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License ! as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 ! of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ! ! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ! GNU General Public License for more details. ! (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html) ! ! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ! along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ! Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ! ! For tecnical support, e-mail: [email protected] !*********************************************************************** MODULE SupplyAdjustment USE MessageLogger , ONLY: SetLastMessage , & EchoProgress , & MessageArray , & iFatal USE GeneralUtilities , ONLY: NormalizeArray USE TimeSeriesUtilities , ONLY: TimeStepType USE Package_ComponentConnectors , ONLY: SupplyToDestinationType , & DestinationToSupplyType , & SupplyDestinationConnectorType USE Package_Misc , ONLY: IntTSDataInFileType , & ReadTSData , & f_iSupply_Diversion , & f_iSupply_ElemPump , & f_iSupply_Well , & f_iFlowDest_Element , & f_iAg , & f_iUrb USE Package_AppGW , ONLY: AppGWType , & f_iPump_Well , & f_iPump_ElemPump USE Package_AppStream , ONLY: AppStreamType USE Package_RootZone , ONLY: RootZoneType USE Package_Discretization , ONLY: AppGridType , & StratigraphyType IMPLICIT NONE ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** VARIABLE DEFINITIONS ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- PUBLIC ENTITIES ! ------------------------------------------------------------- PRIVATE PUBLIC :: SupplyAdjustmentType , & f_iAdjustNone , & f_iAdjustPump , & f_iAdjustDiver , & f_iAdjustPumpDiver , & f_iAdjustForNone , & f_iAdjustForAg , & f_iAdjustForUrb , & f_iAdjustForAgUrb ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ADJUSTMENT FLAGS ! ------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER,PARAMETER :: f_iAdjustNone = 00 , & !No adjustment f_iAdjustPump = 10 , & !Adjust pumping only f_iAdjustDiver = 01 , & !Adjust diversions only f_iAdjustPumpDiver = 11 , & !Adjust both diversion and pumping f_iAdjustForNone = 00 , & !Do not adjust supply for ag or urban f_iAdjustForAg = 10 , & !Adjust supply for ag only f_iAdjustForUrb = 01 , & !Adjust supply for urban only f_iAdjustForAgUrb = 11 !Adjust supply for ag and urban both ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT DATA TYPE ! ------------------------------------------------------------- TYPE SupplyAdjustmentType PRIVATE INTEGER :: iAdjust = f_iAdjustNone !Will pumping, diversions or both will be adjusted INTEGER :: NAdjustLocations = 0 !Number of demand locations (e.g. elements or subregions) for which supply will be adjusted INTEGER :: NMaxPumpAdjustIter = 0 !Number of maximum supply adjustment iterations (only used for pumping; for diversions diversion rank is used to limit the iterations) INTEGER :: iWellPumpAdjustIter = 0 !Current well pumping adjustment iteration INTEGER :: iElemPumpAdjustIter = 0 !Current element pumping adjustment iteration INTEGER :: iDiverAdjustIter = -1 !Current diversion adjustment iteration; set to -1 since smallest diversion rank is zero INTEGER :: iGlobalAdjustIter = 1 !Current global iteration counting all pumping and diversion adjustment iterations REAL(8) :: Tolerance = 0.0 !Tolerance as a fraction of demand that supply will be adjusted to (has to be a number between 0 and 1) LOGICAL :: lAdjust = .FALSE. !Flag to check further adjustment runs will be performed TYPE(IntTSDataInFileType) :: SpecFile !Supply adjustment specifications file CONTAINS PROCEDURE,PASS :: New PROCEDURE,PASS :: Kill PROCEDURE,PASS :: IsAdjust PROCEDURE,PASS :: IsDiversionAdjusted PROCEDURE,PASS :: IsPumpingAdjusted PROCEDURE,PASS :: GetAdjustFlag PROCEDURE,PASS :: GetAdjustIter PROCEDURE,PASS :: GetFileName PROCEDURE,PASS :: SetTolerance PROCEDURE,PASS :: SetAdjustFlag PROCEDURE,PASS :: SetMaxPumpAdjustIter PROCEDURE,PASS :: ReadTSData => SupplyAdjustment_ReadTSData PROCEDURE,PASS :: Adjust PROCEDURE,PASS :: ResetState END TYPE SupplyAdjustmentType ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- MISC. ENTITIES ! ------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER,PARAMETER :: ModNameLen = 18 CHARACTER(LEN=ModNameLen),PARAMETER :: ModName = 'SupplyAdjustment::' CONTAINS ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** CONSTRUCTORS ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- NEW SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT DATA ! --- *** Note: Assumes iAdjust and NMaxPumpAdjustIter flags are already set ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE New(SupplyAdjustment,cFileName,cWorkingDirectory,NDemandLocations,TimeStep,iStat) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: cFileName,cWorkingDirectory INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: NDemandLocations TYPE(TimeStepType),INTENT(IN) :: TimeStep INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: iStat !Local variables CHARACTER(LEN=ModNameLen+3) :: ThisProcedure = ModName // 'New' !Initialize iStat = 0 !Always instantiate SupplyAdjustment object since it maybe modified later and info will be needed !IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust .EQ. f_iAdjustNone) RETURN !Stop if no filename is given IF (cFileName .EQ. '') THEN MessageArray(1) = 'Supply adjustment specifications file must be specified' MessageArray(2) = ' when pumping or diversions are defined!' CALL SetLastMessage(MessageArray(1:2),iFatal,ThisProcedure) iStat = -1 RETURN END IF !Instantiate data CALL SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%Init(cFileName,cWorkingDirectory,'supply adjustment specifications file',TimeStep%TrackTime,BlocksToSkip=1,iStat=iStat) IF (iStat .EQ. -1) RETURN !Set number of locations for which supply adjustment will be performed SupplyAdjustment%NAdjustLocations = NDemandLocations END SUBROUTINE New ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** DESTRUCTORS ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- KILL SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT DATA ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Kill(SupplyAdjust) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjust !Local variables TYPE(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: DummyData !Set atrributes to their default values SupplyAdjust%iAdjust = DummyData%iAdjust SupplyAdjust%NAdjustLocations = DummyData%NAdjustLocations SupplyAdjust%NMaxPumpAdjustIter = DummyData%NMaxPumpAdjustIter SupplyAdjust%iWellPumpAdjustIter = DummyData%iWellPumpAdjustIter SupplyAdjust%iElemPumpAdjustIter = DummyData%iElemPumpAdjustIter SupplyAdjust%iDiverAdjustIter = DummyData%iDiverAdjustIter SupplyAdjust%iGlobalAdjustIter = DummyData%iGlobalAdjustIter SupplyAdjust%Tolerance = DummyData%Tolerance SupplyAdjust%lAdjust = DummyData%lAdjust !Close the attached time-series data CALL SupplyAdjust%SpecFile%Close() END SUBROUTINE Kill ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** GETTERS ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- GET SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT FLAGS FILENAME ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GetFileName(SupplyAdjustment,cFileName) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment CHARACTER(:),ALLOCATABLE,INTENT(OUT) :: cFileName CALL SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%GetFileName(cFileName) END SUBROUTINE GetFileName ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- GET SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT FLAG ! ------------------------------------------------------------- PURE FUNCTION GetAdjustFlag(SupplyAdjustment) RESULT(iFlag) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment INTEGER :: iFlag iFlag = SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust END FUNCTION GetAdjustFlag ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- GET GLOBAL SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT ITERATION NUMBER ! ------------------------------------------------------------- PURE FUNCTION GetAdjustIter(SupplyAdjustment) RESULT(iGlobalIter) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment INTEGER :: iGlobalIter iGlobalIter = SupplyAdjustment%iGlobalAdjustIter END FUNCTION GetAdjustIter ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- GET SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT FLAG TO SEE IF FURTHER ADJUSTMENT RUNS ARE TO BE PERFORMED ! ------------------------------------------------------------- PURE FUNCTION IsAdjust(SupplyAdjustment) RESULT(lAdjust) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment LOGICAL :: lAdjust lAdjust = SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust END FUNCTION IsAdjust ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ARE DIVERSIONS ADJUSTED? ! ------------------------------------------------------------- PURE FUNCTION IsDiversionAdjusted(SupplyAdjustment) RESULT(lAdjust) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment LOGICAL :: lAdjust IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustDiver .OR. SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustPumpDiver) THEN lAdjust = .TRUE. ELSE lAdjust = .FALSE. END IF END FUNCTION IsDiversionAdjusted ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- IS PUMPING ADJUSTED? ! ------------------------------------------------------------- PURE FUNCTION IsPumpingAdjusted(SupplyAdjustment) RESULT(lAdjust) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment LOGICAL :: lAdjust IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustPump .OR. SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustPumpDiver) THEN lAdjust = .TRUE. ELSE lAdjust = .FALSE. END IF END FUNCTION IsPumpingAdjusted ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** SETTERS ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- SET SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT TOLERANCE ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SetTolerance(SupplyAdjustment,Toler,iStat) REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: Toler CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: iStat !Local variables CHARACTER(LEN=ModNameLen+12) :: ThisProcedure = ModName // 'SetTolerance' !Initialize iStat = 0 !Make sure tolerance is set to a value between 0 and 1 IF (Toler.GT.1.0 .OR. Toler.LT.0.0) THEN CALL SetLastMessage('Supply adjustment tolerance must be a value between 0 and 1',iFatal,ThisProcedure) iStat = -1 RETURN END IF !Set the variable SupplyAdjustment%Tolerance = Toler END SUBROUTINE SetTolerance ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- SET MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ADJUSTMENTS FOR PUMPING ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SetMaxPumpAdjustIter(SupplyAdjustment,iMaxIter,iStat) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iMaxIter INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: iStat !Local variables CHARACTER(LEN=ModNameLen+20) :: ThisProcedure = ModName // 'SetMaxPumpAdjustIter' !Initialize iStat = 0 !Make sure that iMaxIter is not less than 1 IF (iMaxIter .LE. 0) THEN CALL SetLastMessage('Maximum supply adjustment iteration number must be greater than zero!',iFatal,ThisProcedure) iStat = -1 RETURN END IF SupplyAdjustment%NMaxPumpAdjustIter = iMaxIter END SUBROUTINE SetMaxPumpAdjustIter ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- SET SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT FLAG ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SetAdjustFlag(SupplyAdjustment,iAdjust,iStat) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iAdjust INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: iStat !Local variables CHARACTER(LEN=ModNameLen+13) :: ThisProcedure = ModName // 'SetAdjustFlag' !Initialize iStat = 0 !Make sure that adjustment flag is recognised IF (iAdjust .NE. f_iAdjustNone) THEN IF (iAdjust .NE. f_iAdjustPump) THEN IF (iAdjust .NE. f_iAdjustDiver) THEN IF (iAdjust .NE. f_iAdjustPumpDiver) THEN CALL SetLastMessage('Supply adjustment flag to adjust pumping, diversions or both is not recognized!',iFatal,ThisProcedure) iStat = -1 RETURN END IF END IF END IF END IF SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust = iAdjust !Set the flag to check if adjustment runs will be performed IF (iAdjust .NE. f_iAdjustNone) THEN SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .TRUE. ELSE SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .FALSE. END IF END SUBROUTINE SetAdjustFlag ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** DATA READER ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- READ SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT SPECS ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE SupplyAdjustment_ReadTSData(SupplyAdjustment,TimeStep,iStat) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment TYPE(TimeStepType),INTENT(IN) :: TimeStep INTEGER,INTENT(OUT) :: iStat !Local variables INTEGER :: FileReadCode !Return if no adjustment is asked for IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust .EQ. f_iAdjustNone) THEN iStat = 0 RETURN END IF !Read data CALL ReadTSData(TimeStep,'supply adjustment specs data',SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile,FileReadCode,iStat) END SUBROUTINE SupplyAdjustment_ReadTSData ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! *** ! *** MISC. METHODS ! *** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ADJUST SUPPLIES ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE Adjust(SupplyAdjustment,AppGrid,RootZone,AppGW,AppStream,DiverDestConnector,WellDestConnector,ElemPumpDestConnector) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment TYPE(AppGridType),INTENT(IN) :: AppGrid TYPE(RootZoneType),INTENT(IN) :: RootZone TYPE(AppGWType) :: AppGW TYPE(AppStreamType) :: AppStream TYPE(SupplyDestinationConnectorType) :: DiverDestConnector,WellDestConnector,ElemPumpDestConnector !Local variables INTEGER :: NDiver,NPump REAL(8),DIMENSION(SupplyAdjustment%NAdjustLocations) :: AgDiff,UrbDiff,AgDemand,UrbDemand,AgToler,UrbToler,AgSupply,UrbSupply LOGICAL :: lAdjusted !Return if there is no need to adjust IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust .EQ. f_iAdjustNone) RETURN !Initialize SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .TRUE. !Inform user CALL EchoProgress('Adjusting supplies to meet water demand') !Get water demands CALL RootZone%GetWaterDemand(f_iAg,AgDemand) CALL RootZone%GetWaterDemand(f_iUrb,UrbDemand) !Get water suppies CALL RootZone%GetWaterSupply(AppGrid,f_iAg,AgSupply) CALL RootZone%GetWaterSupply(AppGrid,f_iUrb,UrbSupply) !Supply shortage (demand-supply) at each demand location AgDiff = AgDemand - AgSupply UrbDiff = UrbDemand - UrbSupply !Supply adjustment tolerance at each demand location AgToler = AgDemand * SupplyAdjustment%Tolerance UrbToler = UrbDemand * SupplyAdjustment%Tolerance !First adjust diversions IF (IsDiversionsAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppStream)) THEN NDiver = AppStream%GetNDiver() CALL AdjustDiversions(AppStream , & DiverDestConnector , & NDiver , & AgToler , & UrbToler , & AgDiff , & UrbDiff , & SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%iValues , & SupplyAdjustment%iGlobalAdjustIter , & SupplyAdjustment%iDiverAdjustIter , & lAdjusted ) !If nothing is adjusted, is it possible to adjust other supplies? IF (.NOT. lAdjusted) THEN SupplyAdjustment%iDiverAdjustIter = AppStream%GetMaxDiversionRank() + 1 IF (.NOT. IsMoreAdjustmentPossible(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,AppStream)) THEN SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .FALSE. RETURN END IF ELSE RETURN END IF END IF !Then adjust wells IF (IsPumpingAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,f_iSupply_Well)) THEN NPump = AppGW%GetNWells() CALL AdjustPumping(AppGW , & WellDestConnector , & NPump , & f_iSupply_Well , & AgToler , & UrbToler , & AgDiff , & UrbDiff , & SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%iValues , & SupplyAdjustment%iGlobalAdjustIter , & SupplyAdjustment%iWellPumpAdjustIter , & lAdjusted ) !If nothing is adjusted, is it possible to adjust other supplies? IF (.NOT. lAdjusted) THEN SupplyAdjustment%iWellPumpAdjustIter = SupplyAdjustment%NMaxPumpAdjustIter + 1 IF (.NOT. IsMoreAdjustmentPossible(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,AppStream)) THEN SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .FALSE. RETURN END IF ELSE RETURN END IF END IF !Finally adjust elemental pumping IF (IsPumpingAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,f_iSupply_ElemPump)) THEN NPump = AppGW%GetNElemPumps() CALL AdjustPumping(AppGW , & ElemPumpDestConnector , & NPump , & f_iSupply_ElemPump , & AgToler , & UrbToler , & AgDiff , & UrbDiff , & SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%iValues , & SupplyAdjustment%iGlobalAdjustIter , & SupplyAdjustment%iElemPumpAdjustIter , & lAdjusted ) !If nothing is adjusted, is it possible to adjust other supplies? IF (.NOT. lAdjusted) THEN SupplyAdjustment%iElemPumpAdjustIter = SupplyAdjustment%NMaxPumpAdjustIter + 1 SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .FALSE. END IF RETURN END IF !If made to this point, no more adjustment is possible SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .FALSE. END SUBROUTINE Adjust ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ADJUST DIVERSIONS TO MEET ELEMENT LEVEL DEMANDS ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE AdjustDiversions(AppStream,DiverDestConnector,NDiver,AgToler,UrbToler,AgDiff,UrbDiff,iAdjustFlags,iGlobalAdjustIter,iDiverAdjustIter,lAdjusted) TYPE(AppStreamType) :: AppStream TYPE(SupplyDestinationConnectorType) :: DiverDestConnector INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: NDiver,iAdjustFlags(:) REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: AgToler(:),UrbToler(:),AgDiff(:),UrbDiff(:) INTEGER :: iGlobalAdjustIter,iDiverAdjustIter LOGICAL,INTENT(OUT) :: lAdjusted !Local variables INTEGER :: iAdjustFlagsLocal(0:SIZE(iAdjustFlags)),iColAdjust(NDiver), & iDiverRank(NDiver),iDiverAdjustFlags(NDiver) REAL(8) :: DeliRequired(NDiver),DeliMax(NDiver),DeliActual(NDiver),IrigFracs(NDiver) !Initialize iAdjustFlagsLocal(0) = 0 iAdjustFlagsLocal(1:) = iAdjustFlags !Get diversions specs data CALL AppStream%GetSupplyAdjustData(iDiverRank , & iColAdjust , & DeliRequired , & DeliMax , & DeliActual , & IrigFracs ) iDiverAdjustFlags = iAdjustFlagsLocal(iColAdjust) !Increment diversion adjustment counter by 1 until at least one diversion with that rank or higher exist DO iDiverAdjustIter = iDiverAdjustIter + 1 IF (iDiverAdjustIter .GT. AppStream%GetMaxDiversionRank()) RETURN IF (.NOT. ANY(iDiverRank .EQ. iDiverAdjustIter)) CYCLE IF (ANY(iDiverRank .GE. iDiverAdjustIter)) EXIT END DO !Adjust diversions CALL AdjustSupplies(f_iSupply_Diversion , & iDiverRank , & iDiverAdjustIter , & iDiverAdjustFlags , & AgDiff , & UrbDiff , & AgToler , & UrbToler , & DeliActual , & DeliMax , & DiverDestConnector , & DeliRequired , & IrigFracs , & lAdjusted ) !If adjusted, update the supply specs with stream object IF (lAdjusted) THEN CALL AppStream%SetSupplySpecs(DiverDestConnector,DeliRequired,IrigFracs,DiverDestConnector%SupplyToDestination) !Increment global adjustment iteration number iGlobalAdjustIter = iGlobalAdjustIter + 1 END IF END SUBROUTINE AdjustDiversions ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ADJUST WELL/ELEMENT PUMPING TO MEET ELEMENT LEVEL DEMANDS ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE AdjustPumping(AppGW,PumpDestConnector,NPump,iSupplyType,AgToler,UrbToler,AgDiff,UrbDiff,iAdjustFlags,iGlobalAdjustIter,iPumpAdjustIter,lAdjusted) TYPE(AppGWType) :: AppGW TYPE(SupplyDestinationConnectorType) :: PumpDestConnector INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: NPump,iSupplyType,iAdjustFlags(:) REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: AgToler(:),UrbToler(:),AgDiff(:),UrbDiff(:) INTEGER :: iGlobalAdjustIter,iPumpAdjustIter LOGICAL,INTENT(OUT) :: lAdjusted !Local variables INTEGER :: iAdjustFlagsLocal(0:SIZE(iAdjustFlags)),iColAdjust(NPump),iPumpAdjustFlags(NPump) INTEGER,PARAMETER :: iDummyArray(1) = [0] REAL(8) :: PumpRequired(NPump),PumpMax(NPump),PumpActual(NPump),IrigFracs(NPump) !Initialize iAdjustFlagsLocal(0) = 0 iAdjustFlagsLocal(1:) = iAdjustFlags !Get pumping specs data CALL AppGW%GetSupplyAdjustData(iSupplyType , & iColAdjust , & PumpRequired , & PumpMax , & PumpActual , & IrigFracs ) iPumpAdjustFlags = iAdjustFlagsLocal(iColAdjust) !Adjust pumping CALL AdjustSupplies(iSupplyType , & iDummyArray , & iPumpAdjustIter , & iPumpAdjustFlags , & AgDiff , & UrbDiff , & AgToler , & UrbToler , & PumpActual , & PumpMax , & PumpDestConnector , & PumpRequired , & IrigFracs , & lAdjusted ) !If any pumping is adjusted... IF (lAdjusted) THEN !Update the supply specs with pumping object CALL AppGW%SetSupplySpecs(PumpDestConnector,iSupplyType,PumpRequired,IrigFracs,PumpDestConnector%SupplyToDestination) !Increment global and pumping specific adjustment iteration number iGlobalAdjustIter = iGlobalAdjustIter + 1 iPumpAdjustIter = iPumpAdjustIter + 1 END IF END SUBROUTINE AdjustPumping ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- ADJUST SUPPLIES ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE AdjustSupplies(iSupplyType,iDiverRanks,iDiverAdjustIter,iAdjustFlags,AgDiff,UrbDiff,AgToler,UrbToler,SourcesActual,SourcesMax,SupplyDestConnector,SourcesRequired,IrigFracs,lAdjusted) INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iSupplyType,iDiverRanks(:),iDiverAdjustIter,iAdjustFlags(:) REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: AgDiff(:),UrbDiff(:),AgToler(:),UrbToler(:) REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: SourcesActual(:),SourcesMax(:) TYPE(SupplyDestinationConnectorType) :: SupplyDestConnector REAL(8) :: SourcesRequired(:),IrigFracs(:) LOGICAL,INTENT(OUT) :: lAdjusted !Local variables INTEGER :: indxDest,nAdjustable,nSupply,indxSupply REAL(8) :: Diff,SourcesRequired_Original(SupplyDestConnector%NSupply),Toler,IrigFracs_Original(SupplyDestConnector%NSupply) LOGICAL :: lAdjustSuppliesForADest(500),lAdjustedSupplies(SupplyDestConnector%NSupply) !Initialize lAdjusted = .FALSE. lAdjustedSupplies = .FALSE. SourcesRequired_Original = SourcesRequired SourcesRequired = SourcesActual IrigFracs_Original = IrigFracs ASSOCIATE (pSupplyToDest => SupplyDestConnector%SupplyToDestination , & pDestToSupply => SupplyDestConnector%DestinationToSupply ) !First convert supply to destination fractions into volumes DO indxSupply=1,SupplyDestConnector%NSupply pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag = SourcesActual(indxSupply) * IrigFracs(indxSupply) * pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb = SourcesActual(indxSupply) * (1d0-IrigFracs(indxSupply)) * pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb END DO !Iterate over destinations Destination_Loop: & DO indxDest=1,SupplyDestConnector%NDestination nSupply = pDestToSupply(indxDest)%nSupply !If there are no sources serving this destination, cycle IF (nSupply .EQ. 0) CYCLE !Adjust for ag demand !-------------------- Diff = AgDiff(indxDest) Toler = AgToler(indxDest) Ag_Supply_Adjustment_Loop: & DO !Adjust if the demand-supply difference is greater than the tolerance IF (ABS(Diff) .LE. Toler) EXIT !Count adjustable supplies CALL TagAdjustableSupplies(iSupplyType , & Diff , & f_iAg , & iAdjustFlags , & SourcesRequired_Original, & SourcesRequired , & SourcesActual , & SourcesMax , & iDiverRanks , & iDiverAdjustIter , & pDestToSupply(indxDest) , & pSupplyToDest , & lAdjustSuppliesForADest ) nAdjustable = COUNT(lAdjustSuppliesForADest(1:nSupply)) !Exit if there are no adjustable supplies IF (nAdjustable .EQ. 0) EXIT !Something is adjusted lAdjusted = .TRUE. !Tag the supplies as adjusted DO indxSupply=1,nSupply IF (.NOT. lAdjustSuppliesForADest(indxSupply)) CYCLE lAdjustedSupplies(pDestToSupply(indxDest)%iSupplies(indxSupply)) = .TRUE. END DO !Adjust supply CALL Adjust(f_iAg,Toler,lAdjustSuppliesForADest,SourcesMax,pDestToSupply(indxDest),pSupplyToDest,SourcesActual,SourcesRequired) END DO Ag_Supply_Adjustment_Loop !Adjust for urb demand !-------------------- Diff = UrbDiff(indxDest) Toler = UrbToler(indxDest) Urb_Supply_Adjustment_Loop: & DO !Adjust if the demand-supply difference is greater than the tolerance IF (ABS(Diff) .LE. Toler) EXIT !Count adjustable supplies CALL TagAdjustableSupplies(iSupplyType , & Diff , & f_iUrb , & iAdjustFlags , & SourcesRequired_Original, & SourcesRequired , & SourcesActual , & SourcesMax , & iDiverRanks , & iDiverAdjustIter , & pDestToSupply(indxDest) , & pSupplyToDest , & lAdjustSuppliesForADest ) nAdjustable = COUNT(lAdjustSuppliesForADest(1:nSupply)) !Exit if there are no adjustable supplies IF (nAdjustable .EQ. 0) EXIT !Something is adjusted lAdjusted = .TRUE. !Tag the supplies as adjusted DO indxSupply=1,nSupply IF (.NOT. lAdjustSuppliesForADest(indxSupply)) CYCLE lAdjustedSupplies(pDestToSupply(indxDest)%iSupplies(indxSupply)) = .TRUE. END DO !Adjust supply CALL Adjust(f_iUrb,Toler,lAdjustSuppliesForADest,SourcesMax,pDestToSupply(indxDest),pSupplyToDest,SourcesActual,SourcesRequired) END DO Urb_Supply_Adjustment_Loop END DO Destination_Loop !Finally convert volumetric supply-to-destination connections to fractions DO indxSupply=1,SupplyDestConnector%NSupply IF (.NOT. lAdjustedSupplies(indxSupply)) THEN SourcesRequired(indxSupply) = SourcesRequired_Original(indxSupply) IrigFracs(indxSupply) = IrigFracs_Original(indxSupply) ELSE IF (SourcesRequired(indxSupply) .GT. 0.0) THEN IrigFracs(indxSupply) = SUM(pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag) / SourcesRequired(indxSupply) ELSE IrigFracs(indxSupply) = IrigFracs_Original(indxSupply) END IF END IF IF (pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%nDest .EQ. 1) THEN pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag = 1.0 pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb = 1.0 ELSE CALL NormalizeArray(pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag) CALL NormalizeArray(pSupplyToDest(indxSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb) END IF END DO END ASSOCIATE CONTAINS ! ############################################ ! --- ADJUST SUPPLIES FOR AN ELEMENT ! ############################################ SUBROUTINE Adjust(iAdjustFor,Toler,lAdjustSupplies,SourcesMax,DestToSupply,SupplyToDest,SourcesActual,SourcesRequired) INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iAdjustFor REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: Toler,SourcesActual(:),SourcesMax(:) LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: lAdjustSupplies(:) TYPE(DestinationToSupplyType),INTENT(IN) :: DestToSupply TYPE(SupplyToDestinationType) :: SupplyToDest(:) REAL(8) :: SourcesRequired(:) !Local variables INTEGER :: indxSupply,iSupply,indxInServedDest REAL(8) :: rCorrection,rAdjustedSupply,rCheck,AgSupplyTotal, & DestSupply_Ag_Old,DestSupply_Urb_Old,DestSupply_Ag_New, & DestSupply_Urb_New !Find correction rCorrection = Diff / REAL(nAdjustable,8) !Adjust each adjustable supply Diff = 0.0 DO indxSupply=1,DestToSupply%nSupply IF (.NOT. lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply)) CYCLE iSupply = DestToSupply%iSupplies(indxSupply) indxInServedDest = DestToSupply%iIndexInServedDest(indxSupply) ASSOCIATE (pSupplyToDest => SupplyToDest(iSupply) ) DestSupply_Ag_Old = pSupplyToDest%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag(indxInServedDest) DestSupply_Urb_Old = pSupplyToDest%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb(indxInServedDest) IF (iAdjustFor .EQ. f_iAg) THEN rAdjustedSupply = DestSupply_Ag_Old ELSE rAdjustedSupply = DestSupply_Urb_Old END IF !If the supply is being reduced IF (rCorrection .LT. 0.0) THEN !If Tolerance is zero, the demand is zero. Set the supply to zero IF (Toler .EQ. 0.0) THEN rAdjustedSupply = 0.0 ELSE rCheck = rAdjustedSupply + rCorrection !Adjusted supply cannot be less than zero IF (rCheck .LT. 0.0) THEN Diff = Diff + rCheck rAdjustedSupply = 0.0 ELSE rAdjustedSupply = rCheck END IF END IF !If the supply is being increased ELSE !Don't do anything special; if the overall SourceRequired is greater than SourceMax, !this will be taken care of during routing and any unmet demand will be taken care !of in the next supply adjustment iteration rAdjustedSupply = rAdjustedSupply + rCorrection END IF !Store adjusted supplies IF (iAdjustFor .EQ. f_iAg) THEN DestSupply_Ag_New = MIN(rAdjustedSupply , SourcesMax(iSupply)) DestSupply_Urb_New = DestSupply_Urb_Old ELSE DestSupply_Ag_New = DestSupply_Ag_Old DestSupply_Urb_New = MIN(rAdjustedSupply , SourcesMax(iSupply)) END IF SourcesRequired(iSupply) = SourcesRequired(iSupply) - (DestSupply_Ag_Old + DestSupply_Urb_Old) + (DestSupply_Ag_New + DestSupply_Urb_New) SourcesRequired(iSupply) = MAX(0d0 , SourcesRequired(iSupply)) !Check for round-off errors; sometimes sources become a tiny negative value pSupplyToDest%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag(indxInServedDest) = DestSupply_Ag_New pSupplyToDest%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb(indxInServedDest) = DestSupply_Urb_New END ASSOCIATE END DO END SUBROUTINE Adjust END SUBROUTINE AdjustSupplies ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- TAG ADJUSTABLE SUPPLIES ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE TagAdjustableSupplies(iSupplyType,Diff,iAdjustFor,iAdjustFlags,SourcesRequired_Old,SourcesRequired_New,SourcesActual,MaxSources,iDiverRanks,iDiverAdjustIter,DestToSupply,SupplyToDest,lAdjustSupplies) INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iSupplyType,iAdjustFor,iDiverAdjustIter,iDiverRanks(:),iAdjustFlags(:) REAL(8),INTENT(IN) :: Diff,SourcesRequired_Old(:),SourcesRequired_New(:),SourcesActual(:),MaxSources(:) TYPE(DestinationToSupplyType),INTENT(IN) :: DestToSupply TYPE(SupplyToDestinationType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyToDest(:) LOGICAL,INTENT(OUT) :: lAdjustSupplies(:) !Local variables INTEGER :: indxSupply,iAdjustSupplyFor,iSupply,indxInServedDest REAL(8) :: Supply !Initialize lAdjustSupplies(1:DestToSupply%nSupply) = .TRUE. !Tag the adjustable supplies DO indxSupply=1,DestToSupply%nSupply iSupply = DestToSupply%iSupplies(indxSupply) indxInServedDest = DestToSupply%iIndexInServedDest(indxSupply) !Supply must be greater than or equal to zero to be adjustable IF (SourcesRequired_Old(iSupply) .LT. 0.0) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF !Is the supply tagged for adjustment? iAdjustSupplyFor = iAdjustFlags(iSupply) IF (iAdjustFor .EQ. f_iAg) THEN IF (iAdjustSupplyFor.EQ.f_iAdjustForUrb .OR. iAdjustSupplyFor.EQ.f_iAdjustForNone) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF ELSE IF (iAdjustSupplyFor.EQ.f_iAdjustForAg .OR. iAdjustSupplyFor.EQ.f_iAdjustForNone) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF END IF !Is the rank of the diversion greater than or equal to the rank being considered? IF (iSupplyType .EQ. f_iSupply_Diversion) THEN IF (iDiverRanks(indxSupply) .LT. iDiverAdjustIter) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF END IF !If the supply needs to be decreased... IF (Diff .LT. 0.0) THEN IF (iAdjustFor .EQ. f_iAg) THEN Supply = SupplyToDest(iSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Ag(indxInServedDest) ELSE Supply = SupplyToDest(iSupply)%SupplyToDestFracs_Urb(indxInServedDest) END IF !Is the original supply greater than zero? IF (Supply .EQ. 0.0) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF !If the supply needs to be increased... ELSE !Is the water at source less than the maximum amount? IF (SourcesRequired_New(iSupply) .GE. MaxSources(iSupply)) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF !Is the actual source less than required source indicating that there is not enough water at the source? IF (SourcesRequired_Old(iSupply) .GT. SourcesActual(iSupply)) THEN lAdjustSupplies(indxSupply) = .FALSE. CYCLE END IF END IF END DO END SUBROUTINE TagAdjustableSupplies ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- RESET THE STATE OF THE SUPPLY ADJUSTMENT OBJECT ! ------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE ResetState(SupplyAdjustment) CLASS(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: SupplyAdjustment !Local variables TYPE(SupplyAdjustmentType) :: DefaultData !No need to do anything if supply adjustment is not on IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust .EQ. f_iAdjustNone) RETURN SupplyAdjustment%iWellPumpAdjustIter = DefaultData%iWellPumpAdjustIter SupplyAdjustment%iElemPumpAdjustIter = DefaultData%iElemPumpAdjustIter SupplyAdjustment%iDiverAdjustIter = DefaultData%iDiverAdjustIter SupplyAdjustment%iGlobalAdjustIter = DefaultData%iGlobalAdjustIter SupplyAdjustment%lAdjust = .TRUE. END SUBROUTINE ResetState ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- CAN DIVERSIONS BE ADJUSTED? ! ------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION IsDiversionsAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppStream) RESULT(lAdjustable) TYPE(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment TYPE(AppStreamType),INTENT(IN) :: AppStream LOGICAL :: lAdjustable !Local variables INTEGER :: NDiver,indxDiver,ErrorCode INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: iColAdjust(:) LOGICAL :: lAdjusting !Initialize lAdjustable = .FALSE. NDiver = AppStream%GetNDiver() !Are there any diversions defined? IF (NDiver .EQ. 0) RETURN !Has the user asked for diversion adjustment? IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustNone .OR. SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustPump) RETURN !Is the iteration number less than the maximum? IF (SupplyAdjustment%iDiverAdjustIter .GT. AppStream%GetMaxDiversionRank()) RETURN !Are any of the diversions adjustable for the currrent time step? ALLOCATE (iColAdjust(NDiver)) CALL AppStream%GetiColAdjust(iColAdjust) lAdjusting = .FALSE. DO indxDiver=1,NDiver IF (iColAdjust(indxDiver) .EQ. 0) CYCLE IF (SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%iValues(iColAdjust(indxDiver)) .NE. f_iAdjustForNone) THEN lAdjusting = .TRUE. EXIT END IF END DO DEALLOCATE (iColAdjust ,STAT=ErrorCode) IF (.NOT. lAdjusting) RETURN !If made to to this point, diversions are adjustable lAdjustable = .TRUE. END FUNCTION IsDiversionsAdjustable ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- CAN PUMPING BE ADJUSTED? ! ------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION IsPumpingAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,iSupplyType) RESULT(lAdjustable) TYPE(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment TYPE(AppGWType),INTENT(IN) :: AppGW INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: iSupplyType LOGICAL :: lAdjustable !Local variables INTEGER :: iIter,NPumps,indxPump,iPumpType,ErrorCode INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: iColAdjust(:) LOGICAL :: lAdjusting !Initialize lAdjustable = .FALSE. SELECT CASE (iSupplyType) CASE (f_iSupply_Well) NPumps = AppGW%GetNWells() iIter = SupplyAdjustment%iWellPumpAdjustIter iPumpType = f_iPump_Well CASE (f_iSupply_ElemPump) NPumps = AppGW%GetNElemPumps() iIter = SupplyAdjustment%iElemPumpAdjustIter iPumpType = f_iPump_ElemPump END SELECT !Are there any pumping defined? IF (NPumps .EQ. 0) RETURN !Has the user asked for pumping adjustment? IF (SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustNone .OR. SupplyAdjustment%iAdjust.EQ.f_iAdjustDiver) RETURN !Is the iteration number less than the maximum? IF (iIter .GE. SupplyAdjustment%nMaxPumpAdjustIter) RETURN !Are any of the wells/element pumps adjustable for the currrent time step? ALLOCATE (iColAdjust(NPumps)) CALL AppGW%GetiColAdjust(iPumpType,iColAdjust) lAdjusting = .FALSE. DO indxPump=1,NPumps IF (iColAdjust(indxPump) .EQ. 0) CYCLE IF (SupplyAdjustment%SpecFile%iValues(iColAdjust(indxPump)) .NE. f_iAdjustForNone) THEN lAdjusting = .TRUE. EXIT END IF END DO DEALLOCATE (iColAdjust ,STAT=ErrorCode) IF (.NOT. lAdjusting) RETURN !If made to to this point, pumping is adjustable lAdjustable = .TRUE. END FUNCTION IsPumpingAdjustable ! ------------------------------------------------------------- ! --- CAN MORE SUPPLIES BE ADJUSTED? ! ------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION IsMoreAdjustmentPossible(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,AppStream) RESULT(lPossible) TYPE(SupplyAdjustmentType),INTENT(IN) :: SupplyAdjustment TYPE(AppGWType),INTENT(IN) :: AppGW TYPE(AppStreamType),INTENT(IN) :: AppStream LOGICAL :: lPossible !Initialize lPossible = .FALSE. !Any diversions adjustable? IF (IsDiversionsAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppStream)) THEN lPossible = .TRUE. RETURN END IF !Any wells adjustable? IF (IsPumpingAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,f_iSupply_Well)) THEN lPossible = .TRUE. RETURN END IF !Any element pumping adjustable? IF (IsPumpingAdjustable(SupplyAdjustment,AppGW,f_iSupply_ElemPump)) lPossible = .TRUE. END FUNCTION IsMoreAdjustmentPossible END MODULE
! Double precision integer, parameter:: dp=kind(0.d0) ! Parameters integer, intent(in) :: ndim, nfun real(dp), intent(in) :: z(ndim) real(dp), intent(out) :: f(nfun) ! Globar variables common /gvars/ Pi, t, mu, x0, epsf, V, Uc, Uf, Gkinv, Gkqinv common /freq/ omega, qx, qy real(dp) :: Pi, t, mu, x0, epsf, V, Uc, Uf, qx, qy complex(dp) :: omega, Gkinv(16), Gkqinv(16) ! Local variables integer :: status, log=10 real(dp) :: kx, ky, kqx, kqy, & epsk, epskpQ, epskq, epskqpQ, & chik, chikq, chikpQ, chikqpQ complex(dp) :: Gk(16), Gkq(16) ! Interface for called procedures interface subroutine invert4x4(m, invOut, fail) implicit none complex(kind=8), dimension(16), intent(in) :: m complex(kind=8), dimension(16), intent(out) :: invOut integer, intent(out) :: fail end subroutine invert4x4 end interface
!======================================================================! SUBROUTINE CalcMn(n0, n1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------! ! Calculates time averaged velocity and velocity fluctuations. ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------! !------------------------------[Modules]-------------------------------! USE all_mod USE pro_mod USE les_mod USE rans_mod !----------------------------------------------------------------------! IMPLICIT NONE !-----------------------------[Parameters]-----------------------------! INTEGER :: n0, n1 !-------------------------------[Locals]-------------------------------! INTEGER :: c, n !--------------------------------[CVS]---------------------------------! ! $Id: CalcMn.f90,v 1.17 2008/12/05 13:22:06 IUS\mhadziabdic Exp $ ! $Source: /home/IUS/mhadziabdic/.CVSROOT/T-Rex/Process/CalcMn.f90,v $ !======================================================================! n=n1-n0 if(n > -1) then do c=-NbC,NC !-----------------------! ! mean values ! !-----------------------! U % mean(c) = ( U % mean(c) * (1.*n) + U % n(c) ) / (1.*(n+1)) V % mean(c) = ( V % mean(c) * (1.*n) + V % n(c) ) / (1.*(n+1)) W % mean(c) = ( W % mean(c) * (1.*n) + W % n(c) ) / (1.*(n+1)) P % mean(c) = ( P % mean(c) * (1.*n) + P % n(c) ) / (1.*(n+1)) !------------------------------! ! fluctuating values ! !------------------------------! uu % mean(c) = ( uu % mean(c)*(1.*n) + U % n(c) * U % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) vv % mean(c) = ( vv % mean(c)*(1.*n) + V % n(c) * V % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) ww % mean(c) = ( ww % mean(c)*(1.*n) + W % n(c) * W % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) uv % mean(c) = ( uv % mean(c)*(1.*n) + U % n(c) * V % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) uw % mean(c) = ( uw % mean(c)*(1.*n) + U % n(c) * W % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) vw % mean(c) = ( vw % mean(c)*(1.*n) + V % n(c) * W % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) VISt_mean(c) = ( VISt_mean(c)*(1.*n) + VISt(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) if(HOT==YES) then T % mean(c) = ( T % mean(c) * (1.*n) + T % n(c) ) / (1.*(n+1)) TT % mean(c) = ( TT % mean(c)*(1.*n) + T % n(c) * T % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) uT % mean(c) = ( uT % mean(c)*(1.*n) + u % n(c) * T % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) vT % mean(c) = ( vT % mean(c)*(1.*n) + v % n(c) * T % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) wT % mean(c) = ( wT % mean(c)*(1.*n) + w % n(c) * T % n(c) ) & / (1.*(n+1)) end if end do end if RETURN END SUBROUTINE CalcMn