stringlengths 7
| sentence1
stringlengths 5
| sentence2
stringlengths 6
| label
stringclasses 4
values | domain
stringclasses 5
values |
train_127000 | In this regard, in order to reduce the number of tests cases and save time, we found that tests also should be oriented to features. | this would facilitate executions of test cases for both generative and runtime techniques. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127001 | One approach to improve the detection of redundant information for non-WinZip encodings is to reduce the average chunk size, but even using CDC with an average chunk size of 2 KByte, we have only been able to detect 51.3% of redundant information. | we have created an application-speci.c chunking method for zip-.les. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127002 | Blackscholes shows good scalability at least up to 32 threads and does not show variation in the right number of threads to run even during the course of execution of the program. | lIMO picks 32 threads this benchmark does not exhibit varying characteristics during its execution. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127003 | This change also influences the execution of Class B since it inherits the changed Class A. | all the methods of Class B are also marked as changed. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127004 | Firm mutation is de.ned by Woodward and Halewood [24] as the situation where a simple error is introduced into a program and which persists for one or more executions, but not for the entire program execution . | similarly to the AjMutator tool [10], the evaluation of mutants based on partial program executions implemented in JUnit tests characterises .rm mutation in Proteum/AJ . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127005 | Note that concurrent UN requires about 28% more heap space than STW UN (Section 4.6). | bounding space overhead in concurrent MC does not seem necessary/practical. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127006 | (3) If communication c is performed right after communication (c - 1), this means that an output sent by a node follows multiple links before it reaches its destination. | the communication in the .rst link (c - 1) has to start before the next one (c). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127007 | Clearly, reading through each non-sort-key attribute of each tuple in a entire large result set is a slow and arduous task. | our task becomes that of supporting fast browsing (and more speci.cally, scrolling) over such a sorted relational result set. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127008 | Note that, before the context transition, GPSNavi is still active and RFNavi is not active yet. | the execution of powerOffDevices() results in the execution where the device controller turns the GPS receiver o.. By EventCJ, we can declaratively specify which context is activated by which event, and this activation is preserved until the next event that deactivate the context is .red. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127009 | credential, declaration and policy files) have been designed for TN, the file format interoperability problem continues to be a challenge. | approaches for the establishment of a trust relationship are required to further support communication efficiencies between WS. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127010 | Moreover, in principle all approaches need to address concepts like resource demands, consumption costs, quality mappings and selections of configuration parameters, but they don t usually explicitly focus on or expose their descriptions and their relationships. | it would be interesting if one could easily separate the modeling of these concepts, the relations between them, and their usage, from the engineering and technology details selection level, in order to be feasible to easily construct realizations of different system-wide architectural alternatives. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127011 | The discussion concerns both the modeling language underlying the approach and the steps taken in the approach. | we prepare the ground for the road map. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127012 | Like Knuth, they argued that their tools could bene.t by knowing the typical and extreme values of various aspects of software. | their interest is in the low-level details of the code with a view toward future tool support or language design. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127013 | We don t care about J s knowledge. | the set of agents A = {S, P }. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127014 | We assume that the information bits have already been compressed, such that for any subsequence of length n> 0, the 2n possible sequences are sent by the sender with equal probability. | no set of information bits sent by the sender contains useful information about other bits. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127015 | 4.3 Workloads creation To exhaustively validate our thesis, we tested all the possible workloads featuring a number of instances for both bodytrack and ferret ranging from 0 to 4, imposing that the total number of applications would be greater than three. | there is always at least one binding domain where two applications share the resources. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127016 | In the present paper, we focus on examining the effectiveness of the studied strategies with respect to a set of mutants. | the use of the above restrictions affects only the initial set mutants and not their impact assessment. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127017 | One then requires that .nally clauses cannot discard errors (unless maybe, they throw an error themselves). | for example, if a try (or catch) block throws an error E, the .nally block is executed. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127018 | Starting with a large set of potentially relevant studies, reviewers rely on several steps of selection, .rst by reading titles and abstracts, followed by full-text reading for quality assessment [3]. | the reliability of a secondary study is highly dependent on the repeatability of the selection process [8]. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127019 | The interaction takes place only between the system and its environment and between the subject and the considered system, respectively. | the syntactic interfaces of U and E are denoted by (OU I IU ) and (OE I IE ), respectively. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127020 | Once an object becomes thread-shared, a process which must be signi.ed by the share annotation, it can no longer be mentioned in another object s invariant. | examples like the one shown in Figure 13 where the invariant of the RequestProcessor class depends on the thread-shared RequestPipe object, cannot be veri.ed. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127021 | Many LOAD CONST instruction occurrences load objects that have been allocated in the lower memory area below 32 bits. | for all constant objects where this observation holds, we can actually replace the array indirection by a direct push of the instruction argument. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127022 | It should be emphasized that the pre-trusted peers are essential to this algorithm, as they guarantee convergence and break up malicious collectives. | the choice of pre-trusted peers is important. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127023 | T 2 -46 = 0 (eigenvalues equal and real): The variation of a+a u as a function of time can be calculated as u = u0e -t 2 , where u0 is the initial value of u. | the system converges exponentially quickly from the neighborhood of the second equilibrium point. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127024 | As discussed previously, if a bind handle can begarbage collected that that the advising relationship is never going to be removed. | it can be optimized away using techniques proposed by Bockisch et al. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127025 | Although we are investigating the discipline with a plethora of empirical studies, those studies either concentrate on validating speci.c methods or on single companies or countries. | they allow only for limited empirical generalisations. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127026 | The difference in program performance between the feature-vector based heuristic and the focus-method GA is scaled with the fraction of overall program time spent in the relevant method. | we can see from Figure 8 that the per-method performance results achieved by the featurevector based heuristic are quite disappointing. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127027 | For procedures with multiple return statements, it is inconvenient to add that code in multiple places. | a procedure is transformed such that it has only a single return statement. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127028 | 3.3 System Implementation The first objective is to identify the possible problem. | one part of the system is to evaluate the user s state. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127029 | The feedback that usersprovide ononeversionofanapplication isautomaticallycarried forward, using defect differencing, to the next version. | the feedback-import feature can be used to customize future reports: Invalid and WontFix bugs keep recurring from one version tothe next, but can easily be .lteredout so that the user is not distracted by them. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127030 | Both are explicit metastates, which means that they contain user-defined action code. | the modeler is able to specify custom behavior for acceptance and rejection of submitted papers. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127031 | on selectors that are themselves unde.ned have the return type [a], which is again pointed without any condition on a. | launchbury and Paterson s approach to parametricity in the presence of pointed vs. unpointed types can be used to show that law (1) holds without any conditions on p, h, or l, provided all invocations of seq are dropped2 2By contrast, if, e.g., recursion were performed at a type whose (in which case we get precisely the .lter function from Haskell s standard prelude). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127032 | In an organization, for example, different stakeholders from different departments can perceive some opportunity for software depending on their knowledge of it and the added value they are looking for behind its adoption. | there is a need for tools to make business value more tangible and limit subjectivity issues. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127033 | Since the exit stub stores the CTI location, it is larger compared to the exit stubs used by proactive linking. | the auxiliary code size is larger for lazy linking than for proactive linking. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127034 | To eliminate half of the cross-core interference penalty of a is more valuable than b, meaning the bene.t gained, a 20% increase in speed, with a is better than the 1.9% speed up in b. | we should be willing to sacri.ce more utilization to eliminate 50% of the cross-core interference penalty for a than b since a is more cross-core interference sensitive. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127035 | This and Lemma 3.2 imply that the CurrSeq parameter of gv(S ' ) has the value written in Rs by S ' .Since gv(S ' ) reads the value written by U,it follows by the code that if U reads in Rs avalue for CurrSeq greater than or equal to the one written there by S ' , gv(S ' ) will terminate by executing line 26, which is a contradiction. | u reads in Rs avalue for CurrSeq less than the one written there by S ' .So, U starts its execution before S ' writes to Rs. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127036 | In other words, one loop iteration takes II cycles (ignoring the loop prologue and epilogue). | minimizing the II directly leads to an increased throughput. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127037 | However, if the component J modi.ed this data as shown in Figure 1c, then the read element would be authors and the obtained value is Single . | if the component J inserts a data element into the path to some elements accessed by the component C, then the result of interference of these operations is that the component C accesses and reads values of different data elements from what was intended when it uses sequence numbers of elements rather than their names. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127038 | As noted, such a generic aspect de.nes both a method (checkInv) and a pointcut (cePC) as abstract. | they a supposed to be de.ned by a concrete aspect which extends it. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127039 | C-DIDUCE isdifferentfromtheoriginalimplementationinthefollowingways:1.BecauseC isnotanobject-orientedlanguage,wetrackprogrampointswhichreadfromorwritetoglobalvariablesinsteadofobjects,andalsostatic-typedobjects;2.formultiworduser-typedobjects(includingstruct),wecastthe.rstwordintoanintegervalueandusethisasthevalueoftheobject;3.sinceC hasnoobjectreferencesorinheritancerelations,weignorepointertypes;and4.bydefault,C-DIDUCE doesnotrelaxinvariantsduringthecheckingmode.Repeatedviolationreportspointingtothesamelocationaremergedintoone.Otherwise,C-DIDUCE isimplementedthesameastheoriginalDIDUCE (includingtheviolationrankingscheme).C-DIDUCE instrumentsthesourcecodewithcallstotheC-DIDUCE runtimelibrary(containingC-DIDUCE checkingandreportingfunctions). | tomeasuretheeffectivenessofdetectingvalueinvariantviolationswhenusingtheArtemisframeworkwithC-DIDUCE,wemeasuretheoverlapoftheinvariantviolationsintheSPEC 2000 benchmarksdetectedandrankedusingC-DIDUCE and{C-DIDUCE +Artemis}.Thisisjusti.edsinceC-DIDUCE (andDIDUCE)onlydetectandrankruntimeviolationsofinvariants theydonotactuallyidentifybugs.theextentthatArtemisimpactstherankingsgivenbyC-DIDUCE isindicatedbyhowmanyviolationsdetectedbyC-DIDUCE andrankedtopX isstilldetectedandrankedtopX whenusingC-DIDUCE withArtemis. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127040 | coin .ips, the number of distinct algorithms in LII is at most |O|n., where O is the domain of the coin .ips. | by Yao s Principle, for any distribution GII over LII , D is the event that b .nds a process in that phase. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127041 | In future work, we plan to investigate, model and evaluate further aspects and their applicability to the domain of distributed service-oriented multimedia content analysis. | one of our targets is to automatically integrate crosscutting concerns such as reliable messaging and pro.ling. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127042 | If there is a background volatility in measured values, there is no indication of statistical con.dence that the sample in fact indicates a systemic problem. | unnecessary adaptations maybe performed leading to failures or increased costs associated with adaptation. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127043 | We use thisfactto start storingthedata itemsof function bar from the .rst unusedslotinthe chunk aslotthatwouldbeusedbyfunction foo but only after functionbar returns. | foo and bar share those four slots thatwould otherwise remain allocatedbut unutilized. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127044 | Reputations are often used to distinguish between users, and in many applications, users care more about relative reputation values than the actual values. | we say that a sybil strategy (G',U') for node i in G is successful, if some sybil has a better relative rank than i in G. Since imay use any of his sybils to perform transactions in the future, a sybil strategy is successful if at least one sybil has higher rank. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127045 | However, this category is not within the scope of this paper. | it will not be considered further. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127046 | The scenarios recovered are what we called design scenarios, so there are still some levels of abstraction to be traced up to requirements scenarios. | we believe our ideas can complement this work. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127047 | As prepare responses arrive, they are forwarded to all servers (line 228). | the threads from the prepare phase do not stop until all servers return responses or the commit phase completes. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127048 | Also, when an AD is a pointer to an MD in the MAR, the corresponding MD in MAR is looked up, and the corresponding environment variable is set appropriately. | the time-wise integration of the FAR and MAR activities happens implicitly through the explicit pointers from the FAR to the appropriate entries in the MAR. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127049 | There is no semantic requirement to process requests in the order that they originate during the execution of an application. | the specialization controller could likewise traverse the entire queue, sort it into buckets referring to the same module and then make a choice which bucket appears to be the most promising in terms of expected return on investment. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127050 | v 3 For the area with size A, there are about A/( D2) 2 cells. | if these cells communicate simultaneously, the total throughput equals 2AR 2AP k2 v = v . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127051 | An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by setting the name parameter to ";alert( xss )//. | this would cause the resulting inline JavaScript to be the following, thus executing the attacker s JavaScript code: var username = "";alert( xss )//"; the code section of the application is dynamically generated with untrusted input and even with the code and data separated, there is still an XSS vulnerability. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127052 | The two lists are coordinated, so both ß are drawn if our red-black tree were a dictionary (with a key and value from the same type list ß ' . | for each pair of corre-for each conceptual node), separating the keys and the valsponding nodes, the conditional types must evaluate to the ues could make functions accessing only the keys (e.g., is same branch. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127053 | While the deployment began with a few hundred users and has been augmented by early adopters, Rendezvous is beginning a phase of systematic deployments that will make it available to twenty to thirty thousand users over the next year. | while at present our results reflect the experience of volunteer "early adopters," we expect to be able to present a more general set of results in the future, at least for corporate conference callers (a not insignificant usage niche). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127054 | 3.2.1 Taint Sources The goal of our algorithm is to (1) pinpoint the instructions that have a memory operand that needs to be symbolized and (2) pinpoint every global data location that stores an initial function pointer or a global data pointer which need to be symbolized. | our taint source contains the instruction address (PC) whenever an instruction involves a literal value operand, or a data value that appears to be a global pointer or a function pointer. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127055 | Strategies are a remarkably simple idea. | in the original formulation, a strategy is a function of type a -> () for some a: type Strategy a = a -> () a Strategy may evaluate its argument either in full or in part, and it may only return () (or diverge). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127056 | The replication management is considered to be an issue internal to the fragmented ob ject. | it is inherently replicated so that no external measures have to be taken to make the replica management fault tolerant. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127057 | The insiders are very skilled in the equipments or systems of the organization which they belong to and can delete immediately their traces after their improper activities. | it needs the acquisition of data in conformity with the leak type of confidential information for finding out the evidence. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127058 | For instance, for k = 300, at p1 =0.1, this guarantee applies for more than 90% of the acceptable defect rates; but at p1 =0.01, the guarantee applies form less than 3% of the acceptable defect rates. | the simple strategy can be applied only if a large uncertainty region is acceptable, which means that the Dispatcher has a strong con.dence in the fact that the defect rate is actually null. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127059 | Java [14] and .NET [2], the value of f in the pristine state is assured to be an appropriately casted zero. | if a reference .eld in the pristine state is loaded into a root y , y will be directly overlooked by an immortal root. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127060 | However, we also do not want to impose upon the user the seemingly arbitrary cost of turning scalars into 1x1 matrices. | a scalar is implicitly promoted to be a 1x1 matrix in any context where a matrix is required. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127061 | Given this region, a reasonable guess as to the target host s location is at the region s centroid. | cBG uses the centroid of region R as a point estimate of the target s position. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127062 | We restricted the test bed to a LAN environment due to the fact that the JavaParty benchmark bundle has only about 100kB size. | the LAN scenario represents the worst-case scenario for OSGi4C becausetheloading timeis equalinaWAN setting(see Table2) butSOAP-basedWebservice invocation times increase. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127063 | There will also be a parallel thread with the execution time of (1 + Lfid - fi)Pi max and the relative deadline of (1 + Lfid)Pi max . | if we c si-1 2j m P 2j let Pi = 2 m i , the following inequalities are j=1 i satis.ed: (qi - 2)P max t i (1 + Lfid - fi)P max .i = + i (1 + fi)Pi max (1 + Lfid)Pi max ti. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127064 | As shown previously, it is not di.cult to see that the z-links used in this spanning tree are disjoint from other z-links used in case 1 and 2(b); thus all the links in this spanning tree are contention-free. | our algorithm for the construction of the spanning tree on a 3-D torus can be summarized as follows. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127065 | INTRODUCTION In the current globalized economic conjuncture of Brazil, the volume of negotiation carried on in the financial market has increased values and the competition, in this market, holds as a success differential the demand of information with more and more quality, transparency, quickness and low cost. | the pursuit for reduction in enterprise processes complexity using Information Technology (IT) is a challenge sought by software developers. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127066 | Between the trials, one question was the same. | the experiment contained 51 participants and four challenges. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127067 | As mentioned in Section 3.2, instance selection depends on the positions of the type parameters in the advice signature. | the mechanism cannot select an instance if all type parameters are not used in the signature of the instance advice. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127068 | Interactive Volume Segmentation Automatic volume segmentation is a dif.cult problem because the image data is often noisy and the segmentation is dependent on the subjective interpretation of the observer [ONI05]. | several interactive techniques have been developed to allow the user to specify input for semi-automatic segmentation. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127069 | So, a user has just to draw the data .ow graph of his application or follow a special wizard for complex applications. | sDAD generates the (Application.xml, puts data and binary .les in a directory tree, and compresses all these data in a zip .le. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127070 | Mer3 has two precondition predecessors: {Mer4 }and {Mer5 }. | pCus2 = {{Cus3 }} and PMer3 = {{Mer4 }, {Mer5 }}. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127071 | As a result, they cannot be used, for example, to define the model of an arbitrarilynested tree-widget such as a folder. | each of the approaches above makes a significant compromise. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127072 | Quality goals could in di.erent quality levels, even can enter in con.icts. | self-management capabilities can enter in con.icts because of their contribution to quality goals in con.icts. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127073 | In order for the results from unsynchronized writes in the untrusted context to be seen in the trusted context, Codejail provides APIs which synchronize speci.ed regions of memory in the untrusted context to the trusted one.3 In addition, system calls are restricted by a speci.ed policy when executing in the untrusted context. | codejail ensures that the untrusted library is sandboxed with respect to memory writes and system calls. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127074 | the concerns of version 1.0 of the EAM Pattern Catalog have been split up into problems and forces, etc. | concerns are not explicitly covered in the rest of this article. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127075 | We do not display the input document as typed by the user, but an enriched version, to hightlight syntactic constructs. | we have to parse the input and then serialize the result. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127076 | Also transformations of basic decision models to feature diagrams are in general not always applicable, as feature modeling approaches in their very basic form usually operates only of a subset of propositional logic [17]. | this kind of feature diagrams can be regarded as intermediate step. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127077 | Notice that it is di.cult for a node to trust the contents of a message, as it cannot determine whether that message originated at the ostensible sender s, or at a malicious device messages that claim to be from s. However, if a receiver does not receive a message in a round, it can be certain that no message was sent; the malicious nodes cannot forge silence. | we make frequent use of silence to authenticate data. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127078 | However, one well-known limitation of wrappers is that they do not preserve object identity. | code that employs == or instanceof on an expression of an interface type can get incorrect results if that expression evaluates to an expanded object. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127079 | Table 2 shows typical parameters of The e.ciency of garbage collection largely a.ects the performance of the system. | the block with the lowest garbage collection cost should be chosen as the victim block. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127080 | The constraint at s3 node is p and the constraint at s6 node is d, so the PCsets of these two paths respectively are as follows: PCset1 = {p, d} and PCset2= {.p, d}. | the DFC from s2 to s7 is the disjunctive of the two paths, DFC= (p.d) . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127081 | Each edge that is not used for the computation of a plane equation is forced to be located on it. | for each face Fi, one obtains deg(Fi)-2 equations, where deg(Fi) is the number of edges adjacent to Fi. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127082 | A more aggressive policy would require to completely shut-off the card when no needed by any active application in the system. | more power can be saved, at the price of a larger wake-up delay needed by network reassociation. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127083 | For a given analysis granularity, the capacity requirement ofa buffer at any point in time is .xed. | the X coordinate of any buffer in the two dimensional time-memory plane cannotbe modi.ed, i.e., the buffers can not be moved horizontally. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127084 | This implies the dominant thread must periodically check the request .ag. | the algorithm ensures starvation-freedom for the non-dominant threads only when the dominant thread checks the request .ag in.nitely often in any in.nite computation. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127085 | These barriers affect everybody, not only people with some kind of disability. | in order to avoid the barriers it is essential that both the content and the user agent be accessible. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127086 | Note that within the scope of class pattern $$C, the name $$C refers to exactly one element of the eventual set of matches for $$C. | the constructor pattern matches only one constructor, not a set (not that a class could have multiple nullary constructors anyway). | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127087 | The CHECK-CAST intersection narrows the set down to {T2} (assuming T1 is not a subclass of T2), which is the resulting type set for field B.b. | any optimization can (optimistically) assume that a reference loaded from B.b must point to an object of type T2, as opposed to the closure of the declared type, T~. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127088 | Furthermore, the nodes did not live much longer than requested. | the applications were able to provide almost optimal quality subject to the constraints present. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127089 | !k Lemma 2 implies xs = map (xs!!) | [0..length xs - 1] candidate (.) | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127090 | Users find its interface easy to learn and use. | the goal of AgentWeb is to demonstrate that AgentSheets-like applications can be hosted entirely and natively on the Web. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127091 | However, there are many legitimate reasons why tests for databases and .le handling may not be independent. | it remains an open question to what extent our technique can be applied in such domains, and to what extent we need to extend its heuristics to reduce the number of false positives reported. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127092 | However, an important observation is that, since each operation crosscuts each visitor class, adding a new node to the existing class hierarchy will cause an invasive change to all of the visitor classes resulting in a maintenance nightmare. | no matter if it is a pure object-oriented or aspect-oriented implementation, the visitor pattern is applicable only under conditions when the node structure is static and does not change frequently. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127093 | So the last marked object in the path must be dirty, meaning that marking from live, dirty objects will lead to the object allocated during marking. | we could preserve correctness without allocating live during marking. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127094 | Thus, the upper bound on R, Rmax= 1,Vfinal1V=1,11(1+1). | since in this example, Vfinalis always smaller than or equal to V, the average value of Vfinalshould then be (1+11(1+1))12xVi the average rate of con.icting reservations, Ravg, equals to 1,Vfinal1V=1,(1+11(1+1))12= (1,11(1+1))12. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127095 | This incorrect con.guration makes IE Tab allow user names and password in URL address, which is blocked by IE [29]. | iE Tab misuses WININET.dll w.r.t. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127096 | In Acme, a component may have a representation, which is a decomposition of that componentintoits constituentparts. | a componentmaybe a subsystem withits owninternal structure. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127097 | The library does not provide an interface ManagedRelationship; rather, we use the Set interface from the Java Collections Library. | staticManagedRel implements Set>, but StaticRel does not. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127098 | Besides,since.ash memoriesarepurely electronicdevices and have no moving parts, they have no seek or rotation latency like magnetic disks. | random access of .ash memory can be as fast as sequential access and the latency of .ash memory is almost linearlyproportional to the amount of data being accessed, no matter where the data Table 1: Magnetic Disk vs. NAND Flash [19] Read Write Erase Magnetic Disk 12.7 ms 13.7 ms N/A NAND Flash 80 µs (2 KB) 200 µs (2 KB) 1.5 ms (128 KB) is located. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127099 | Our experience has been that even with very careful scaffolding and practice exercises, the first few iterations seldom produce meaningful performance data. | we had to plan on many students needing to discard the data from the first two to three iterations. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
Subsets and Splits