stringlengths 7
| sentence1
stringlengths 5
| sentence2
stringlengths 6
| label
stringclasses 4
values | domain
stringclasses 5
values |
train_127300 | Furthermore, spiking neurons are computationally more powerful than traditional neurons [15]. | practitioners can construct small networks of spiking neurons to accomplish the same task as a traditional network of greater size. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127301 | Although the Add Product page-design does not have any PAGE IN-PUT blocks, the Edit Product page-design includes a PAGE INPUT block that .ows the ITEMNO data into the page. | clicking the Edit button brings up the Edit Product webpage, allowing the selected product to be updated. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127302 | Our system can prove a program safe, but if the program is modi.ed by making some functions non-deterministically diverge, then, we may no longer be able to prove safety. | in future work, it would be valuable to explore other ways to reconcile laziness and re.nement typing. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127303 | On the other, their work continues to use LattE as a lattice counting tool to estimate probabilities. | it is restricted to uniform distributions or discretized distributions over .nite data domains. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127304 | The design of the evaluation is motivated by the aim to involve external simulation tools for optimization into the framework. | pEPPA supports the handling of calculation extensive .tness evaluation. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127305 | For example, most previous approaches to DSE [38,54] typically use a .xed depth-.rst, backtracking search strategy, where the next execution path would always share the longest possible pre.x with the previous execution path. | much resource may be allocated to analyze small parts of the program under test before moving on. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127306 | In contrast, the rule processAllAttributes illustrates the binding of the variable A to all of the attributes of Class C (indicated by the use of {} decoration). | a is bound to an ordered collection of Attributes and for a single Class with any number of attributes, only one Something is created. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127307 | Amongother information, that database contains a register for each commit in the CVS repository for all the projects stored in (including additional information such as the date of the commit, author, .les a.ected, etc). | we could easily measure the daily number of changes for each project using the CVSAnalY dataset. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127308 | The message payload may contain concrete data, but also expressions on symbolic data. | the predicate PC is the disjunction of predicates path C1 .· · ·.path Cn , where each path Ci is a conjunction of . | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127309 | By applying the Box and Jenkins approach described in Section 2.4.1, we obtain that the spectrum of the time series of S1 contains a frequency peak at 0.2 i.e., the series has a period every 1/0.2 = 5 days and that ARIMA(2,0,1) and ARIMA(1,0,0) are good models for the time series of S1 and S2 respectively. | we could forecast the future value of X for S1 and S2, by means of these ARIMA models, and .nally, we select the service between S1 and S2 with higher probability to meet the QoS constraint. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127310 | cases would only make the ratio even smaller. | we The Google Chrome debugger shows the general class of Object for foo and the Baz.Bar class for bar in their 2 We did not perform any preprocess to exclude third-party or repeated .les in the provided source code bundles. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127311 | Although fire followed by the event name is used for Java swing components, in general we can't even count on the existence of a method that throws the event. | we employ the following strategy: we use the fire method if it exists; otherwise we patch the standardized methods for adding and removing listeners, so that we are in control of the firing of the corresponding event. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127312 | These CM changes will result in all tests that execute either f() or g() to be identi.ed as a.ected. | all possible e.ects of this change are taken into account, even without the explicit representation of .ow of control due to exceptions in our call graphs. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127313 | Furthermore, the OMG does not provide test cases that would allow checking the conformity of implementations with respect to their specifications. | developers working in companies producing COS implementations have to overcome these inaccuracies and underspecifications using their own experience. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127314 | Clearly, the expected slowdown ratio (= E[T (x)]/x) [13] is the same for jobs with different service time requirements and equals 1/(1-.). | pS can be considered to be a fair scheme. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127315 | As shown in Figures 7 and 8, C-CLR views can be toggled to hide/display code that is irrelevant to a given flag setting. | though the source specifies multiple definitions for this macro, the C-CLR view shows only the one. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127316 | Furthermore, if the collector is not running in parallel (which is usually the case), then during the time the program threads are stopped, only one of the processors is utilized. | it is advantageous to use on-the-.y collectors [17, 19, 18]. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127317 | Speci.cally, the computational cost of each point can be from 100 to 100,000 core-hours, even when executed on a state-of-the-art HPC cluster. | scheduling and coordination of the execution cannot be performed manually, and a single system cannot support it. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127318 | For example, in Fig ure 5 we would loose the information about the changed interface of the alternative components C2 and C3. | we would not be able to generate all variants of the software family, because only one interface type would be known. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
train_127319 | Our decompiler maps registers in the assembly code to global variables of type int with 32-bit values; the 16bit and 8-bit registers (which are aliases of parts of the 32-bit registers) are also mapped to the appropriate 32bit global. | the 8-bit register %al and the 16-bit register %ax, which refer to the low 8 bits and the low 16 bits of the 32-bit register %eax respectively, are both mapped to the variable eax denoting the 32-bit register %eax. | reasoning | Software and its engineering |
Subsets and Splits