int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
301 | CarnegieEndowment | Carnegie Endowment |
302 | CelebrityTalkShow | Celebrity Talk Show |
303 | FactFinding | Fact Finding |
304 | VertexDOS2019 | Vertex DOS 2019 |
305 | KcrInsultedMuslims | Kcr Insulted Muslims |
306 | DerechosHumanos | Derechos Humanos |
307 | ModionZEE | Modion ZEE |
308 | womeninLokSabhaelections | womenin Lok Sabhaelections |
309 | FieldDay | Field Day |
310 | LeaveMeansLeavemarch | Leave Means Leavemarch |
311 | OldTechWasBetterTech | Old Tech Was Better Tech |
312 | ImSafe | Im Safe |
313 | PriyankaGandhitwitter | Priyanka Gandhitwitter |
314 | JaiPunjab | Jai Punjab |
315 | DrivingIndiasProgress | Driving Indias Progress |
316 | VarinderSharma | Varinder Sharma |
317 | AskTheRainMaker | Ask The Rain Maker |
318 | RabindraKumarJena | Rabindra Kumar Jena |
319 | MkkStalin | Mkk Stalin |
320 | AntiSatellite | Anti Satellite |
321 | WomansCricket | Womans Cricket |
322 | VictoriaIsHere | Victoria Is Here |
323 | RafaleDealReview | Rafale Deal Review |
324 | MoonLanding | Moon Landing |
325 | ShameOnAhmed | Shame On Ahmed |
326 | JanardanReddy | Janardan Reddy |
327 | KeithBradsher | Keith Bradsher |
328 | ivoteBLF | ivote BLF |
329 | WiCKETiT | Wi CKE Ti T |
330 | KehKeLega | Keh Ke Lega |
331 | 2019Electionshugot | 2019 Electionshugot |
332 | KickOutModi | Kick Out Modi |
333 | MPBunglow | MP Bunglow |
334 | AcharyaManish | Acharya Manish |
335 | OpeningCeremony | Opening Ceremony |
336 | JokeEC | Joke EC |
337 | ManojTiwariMP | Manoj Tiwari MP |
338 | EBRDmore | EBR Dmore |
339 | PanajiByPoll | Panaji By Poll |
340 | EqualPayForEqualWork | Equal Pay For Equal Work |
341 | RahulGadhiCourtCase | Rahul Gadhi Court Case |
342 | MondayMotivationl | Monday Motivationl |
343 | ProudIndian | Proud Indian |
344 | AmericanCommunitySurvey | American Community Survey |
345 | GalQaeda | Gal Qaeda |
346 | GOPVoterPurge | GOP Voter Purge |
347 | HerrFrancken | Herr Francken |
348 | SikkimFirst | Sikkim First |
349 | IndianReElection2019 | Indian Re Election 2019 |
350 | time2gowithTDP | time 2 gowith TDP |
351 | BharatKaKalankRahul | Bharat Ka Kalank Rahul |
352 | ImamBukhari | Imam Bukhari |
353 | TDPGutterAbuse | TDP Gutter Abuse |
354 | GhareGhareSankha | Ghare Ghare Sankha |
355 | FakeHinduRahulGandhiFamily | Fake Hindu Rahul Gandhi Family |
356 | ballotPapers | ballot Papers |
357 | PortableGenerator | Portable Generator |
358 | MeBhiChowkidarHu | Me Bhi Chowkidar Hu |
359 | lostMyPapaDueToWrongTreatment | lost My Papa Due To Wrong Treatment |
360 | WomenShouldNotVoteBJP | Women Should Not Vote BJP |
361 | JalBachao | Jal Bachao |
362 | TheAcuraBMK | The Acura BMK |
363 | ParMitron | Par Mitron |
364 | RightOfEquality | Right Of Equality |
365 | NewsUpadte | News Upadte |
366 | CalgaryRegion | Calgary Region |
367 | 02vsPKI | 02 vs PKI |
368 | CubsTwitter | Cubs Twitter |
369 | LocketChatterjee | Locket Chatterjee |
370 | TSforTRS | T Sfor TRS |
371 | GiftCardFriday | Gift Card Friday |
372 | NewPensionSystem | New Pension System |
373 | PrivateBanking | Private Banking |
374 | LiberalPartyofAustralia | Liberal Partyof Australia |
375 | GoIndiaGoback | Go India Goback |
376 | PoliticalTourism | Political Tourism |
377 | PoliticalMurderHypocrisy | Political Murder Hypocrisy |
378 | KalyanBabu | Kalyan Babu |
379 | MyVoteForOdishaAndIndia | My Vote For Odisha And India |
380 | FifthPhaseVoting | Fifth Phase Voting |
381 | KahoDilseNamoFirSe | Kaho Dilse Namo Fir Se |
382 | MohenaAddicted | Mohena Addicted |
383 | NoGuards | No Guards |
384 | SilajitMajumder | Silajit Majumder |
385 | VijayAntony | Vijay Antony |
386 | MysuruLokSabhaPolls | Mysuru Lok Sabha Polls |
387 | ANCGovernmentAtWork | ANC Government At Work |
388 | DoMoreOfWhatMakesYouHappy | Do More Of What Makes You Happy |
389 | OneMathamatics | One Mathamatics |
390 | TerroristLoverS | Terrorist Lover S |
391 | CMVsCS | CM Vs CS |
392 | RohinReddy | Rohin Reddy |
393 | DadaBhuse | Dada Bhuse |
394 | MarbleArch | Marble Arch |
395 | ThanthiTVExitPoll | Thanthi TV Exit Poll |
396 | JumlebaazModi | Jumlebaaz Modi |
397 | RoBoT | Ro Bo T |
398 | MainBhiChorHoon | Main Bhi Chor Hoon |
399 | KanaaFromDec21 | Kanaa From Dec 21 |
400 | MissionSuccess2019 | Mission Success 2019 |
Subsets and Splits