int32 0
| hashtag
stringlengths 2
| segmentation
stringlengths 3
332,867 | #LISAforVogueHK | LIS Afor Vogue HK |
332,868 | #ZondoCommission | Zondo Commission |
332,869 | #CDUWahlprogramm | CDU Wahlprogramm |
332,870 | #GrandLiveService | Grand Live Service |
332,871 | #T20WorldCup | T 20 World Cup |
332,872 | #EnPcComponentesNavidadMolona | En Pc Componentes Navidad Molona |
332,873 | #EuApoioVotoAuditavel | Eu Apoio Voto Auditavel |
332,874 | #PMKProtest | PMK Protest |
332,875 | #GulshanKumar | Gulshan Kumar |
332,876 | #Uyajola99Sunday | Uyajola 99 Sunday |
332,877 | #HOUvsDET | HO Uvs DET |
332,878 | #KaiMmmhTeaser | Kai Mmmh Teaser |
332,879 | #OneYearMVAFailure | One Year MVA Failure |
332,880 | #DalaiLama | Dalai Lama |
332,881 | #FanArtPoster | Fan Art Poster |
332,882 | #UnstoppableBheemMania | Unstoppable Bheem Mania |
332,883 | #UrbanNaxal | Urban Naxal |
332,884 | #Nepal | Nepal |
332,885 | #BETracklist | BE Tracklist |
332,886 | #Upendra | Upendra |
332,887 | #CanadaDay | Canada Day |
332,888 | #AdipoliInstructions | Adipoli Instructions |
332,889 | #StopHarassingToyotaEmployees | Stop Harassing Toyota Employees |
332,890 | #WTCFinal | WTC Final |
332,891 | #SenthilBalaji | Senthil Balaji |
332,892 | #HappyBirthdayDeepakchaurasia | Happy Birthday Deepakchaurasia |
332,893 | #VaikuntaEkadashi2020 | Vaikunta Ekadashi 2020 |
332,894 | #ReservationforMutharaiyar | Reservationfor Mutharaiyar |
332,895 | #RealMadridAlaves | Real Madrid Alaves |
332,896 | #SizceAudimiVolvomu | Sizce Audimi Volvomu |
332,897 | #MOASelcaDay | MOA Selca Day |
332,898 | #WxYep1 | Wx Yep 1 |
332,899 | #Zimbabwe | Zimbabwe |
332,900 | #SourceOfYouthInspiration | Source Of Youth Inspiration |
332,901 | #DrugFreeAssam | Drug Free Assam |
332,902 | #BSFRaisingDay | BSF Raising Day |
332,903 | #BanPMK | Ban PMK |
332,904 | #LaCasaFuerte11 | La Casa Fuerte 11 |
332,905 | #realmeBudsAirPro | realme Buds Air Pro |
332,906 | #AtletiBarca | Atleti Barca |
332,907 | #HappyBdayCoco | Happy Bday Coco |
332,908 | #DrugAbuseAwareness | Drug Abuse Awareness |
332,909 | #PetrolDieselPrice | Petrol Diesel Price |
332,910 | #Saaho | Saaho |
332,911 | #GrammyNominatedBTS | Grammy Nominated BTS |
332,912 | #HarleyDavidsonIndia | Harley Davidson India |
332,913 | #NationalEducationalDay | National Educational Day |
332,914 | #RCBforever | RC Bforever |
332,915 | #ShowtimeMadlangUniverse | Showtime Madlang Universe |
332,916 | #NationWithArnab | Nation With Arnab |
332,917 | #AtrangiRe | Atrangi Re |
332,918 | #CyberMondayEnPcComponentes | Cyber Monday En Pc Componentes |
332,919 | #NCT127isBACK | NCT 127 is BACK |
332,920 | #RozgarDoYaGaddiChoro | Rozgar Do Ya Gaddi Choro |
332,921 | #OurDreamTHE8day | Our Dream THE 8 day |
332,922 | #Thalaivar | Thalaivar |
332,923 | #MasterUAcertified | Master U Acertified |
332,924 | #ChandaChorBJP | Chanda Chor BJP |
332,925 | #ArrestDangaGang | Arrest Danga Gang |
332,926 | #ShonaShonaWithSidNaaz | Shona Shona With Sid Naaz |
332,927 | #Sensex | Sensex |
332,928 | #LachitBorphukanDiwas | Lachit Borphukan Diwas |
332,929 | #BycottAdaniAmbani | Bycott Adani Ambani |
332,930 | #RohitSharma | Rohit Sharma |
332,931 | #ExNaMTV | Ex Na MTV |
332,932 | #TipuSultan | Tipu Sultan |
Subsets and Splits