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jornadas lenguaje , ciencia y sociedad con motivo de la investidura del profesor noam chomsky como doctor honoriscausa por la universitat rovira i virgili , van a tener lugar en tarragona durante los das 26 , 27 y 28 de octubre de 1998 unas jornadas sobre lenguaje , ciencia y sociedad con la participacin de destacadas personalidades de cada uno de los mbitos temticos y del profesor noam chomsky . programa : - lunes da 26 : 9 , 00 : recepcin 9 , 45 : presentacin 10 , 00 : carlos piera ( uam ) : maneras de pensar dentro y fuera de la lingstica 10 , 30 : itziar laka ( upv ) : delimitando la gramtica universal : la cuestin de la ergatividad en la gramtica generativa 11 , 00 : esther torrego ( umass ) : gramticas de primera y segundas lenguas 11 , 30 : joan mascar ( uab ) : rellevncia de la fonologia en la competncia lingstica 12 , 00 : descanso 12 , 30 : mesa redonda . modera : violeta demonte ( uam ) 18 , 00 : noam chomsky ( mit ) : minimalist inquires 19 , 00 : coloquio - martes da 27 : 10 , 00 : manuel garca carpintero ( ub ) : la naturalizacin de las ciencias cognitivas 10 , 30 : noam chomsky ( mit ) : mind and the rest of nature 11 , 00 : eudald carbonell ( urv ) : el procs d ' hominitzaci a la llum dels recents descobriments d ' atapuerca 11 , 30 : jorge wagensberg ( ub ) : sobre el concepto de progreso 12 , 00 : descanso 12 , 30 : mesa redonda . modera : nria sebastin ( ub ) 18 , 00 : camilo cela conde ( uib ) : cerebros y modelos de conocimiento 19 , 00 : coloquio - mircoles da 28 : 10 , 00 : joaqun estefana ( el pas ) : los nuevos paradigmas 10 , 30 : antoni domnec ( ub ) : algunos enigmas de la racionalidad econmica 11 , 00 : dolors comas ( urv ) : diferencia cultural y exclusin social en el contexto de la globalizacin 11 , 30 : descanso 12 , 30 : mesa redonda . modera : rosa m snchez - casas ( urv ) 18 , 00 : noam chomsky ( mit ) : markets and " the substance of society " 19 , 00 : coloquio habr traduccin simultnea de las conferencias de noam chomsky lugar : sala de actos de la facultad de ciencias de la educacin y psicologa 0rganiza : universitat rovira i virgili facultat de cincies de l ' educaci i psicologia departament de psicologia facultat de lletres departament d ' antropologia social i filosofia departament de filologies romniques comit organizador : jos eugenio garca - albea ristol ( dept . de psicologia ) jos antonio dez calzada ( dept . d ' antopologia social i filosofia ) natlia catal torres ( dept . de filologies romniques ) informacin : departament de psicologia facultat de cincies de l ' educaci i psicologia carretera valls s / n 43007 telf : 977 55 80 79 fax : 977 55 80 88 e-mail : jornades @ fcep . urv . es web : http : / / www . urv . es / novetats / novetats . html inscripciones : cuota de inscripcin : 2 . 500 pts . forma de pago : transferencia bancaria a la cuenta corriente de " la caixa " : 2100 - 3526 - 19-2500015279 el titular es la universitat rovira i virgili natlia | 2 |
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['Subject: enron mentions \nenron discusses credit line of $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion with banks\nthe wall street journal , 10 / 29 / 01\nmanager \' s journal : how enron ran out of gas\nthe wall street journal , 10 / 29 / 01\nenron seeks additional financing\nthe new york times , 10 / 29 / 01\nglobal investing : enron stock plunge deals a heavy blow to mutual funds\nfinancial times ; oct 29 , 2001\ncomment & analysis - enron flickers .\nfinancial times , 10 / 29 / 01\nfront page - companies reportedly for 1 - 2 bln usd\nafx ( ap ) , 10 / 29 / 01\nenron said seeking new credit lines\namerican banker , 10 / 29 / 01\nusa : enron in talks for $ 1 - 2 bln credit line - wsj .\nreuters english news service , 10 / 29 / 01\njapan : japan \' s teijin , enron study coal - fired power plant .\nreuters english news service , 10 / 29 / 01\nenron , teijin to build power plant in japan , report says\nbloomberg , 10 / 29 / 01\nonce - mighty enron strains under scrutiny\nthe new york times , 10 / 28 / 01\nplumbing mystery of deals by enron\nthe new york times , 10 / 28 / 01\ninvestors seem to ignore discouraging news\nthe new york times , 10 / 28 / 01\nenron asks banks for more credit after stock slide , ft reports\nbloomberg , 10 / 28 / 2001\nenron asks banks for additional credit - ft\ndow jones energy service , 10 / 28 / 01\nweek in review top stories oct . 22 - 26 lockheed edges out boeing for contract\nlos angeles times , 10 / 28 / 01\ndevon energy makes building its own with major lease\nhouston chronicle , 10 / 28 / 01\nindia press : enron plans to exit lng shipping jv\ndow jones international news , 10 / 28 / 01\nenron taps all its credit lines to buy back $ 3 . 3 billion of debt\nthe new york times , 10 / 27 / 01\ncompanies stock slides\nassociated press newswires , 10 / 27 / 01\nenron decline continues\nlos angeles times , 10 / 27 / 01\nenron taps credit line ; stock slides / company says cash will boost confidence\nhouston chronicle , 10 / 27 / 01\nenron says microsoft breached contract\nhouston chronicle , 10 / 27 / 01\nhow to lose a war\nthe new york times , 10 / 27 / 01\ncity - enron directors cash in shares .\nthe daily telegraph , 10 / 27 / 01\nindia : lenders to meet over enron \' s dabhol on nov 3 .\nreuters english news service , 10 / 27 / 01\nenron sues microsoft for breach of contract ; move could block high - speed service\nthe seattle times , 10 / 27 / 01\nenron discusses credit line of $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion with banks\nby jathon sapsford and john emshwiller\nstaff reporters of the wall street journal\n10 / 29 / 2001\nthe wall street journal\nal 0\n( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . )\nenron corp . , scrambling to restore confidence in its finances , is negotiating with banks for a new credit line of between $ 1 billion and $ 2 billion , and is likely to close a deal within days , according to officials familiar with the matter .\nthe new credit line is intended to bolster enron \' s financial condition and head off a potentially devastating loss of investor and business confidence . the new credit would supplement existing lines , which are largely tapped out after enron last week drew down about $ 3 billion to increase cash reserves and calm fears in the stock , bond and energy markets .\nan enron spokesman confirmed that the company is negotiating a new credit line , but said he couldn \' t supply any further details .\nhouston - based enron is the nation \' s biggest energy trader and a principal in nearly one - quarter of all electricity and natural - gas trades . once a favorite of wall street , the company now is in the unfamiliar position of convincing a deeply concerned investment community that , despite difficulties , its finances remain sound .\nconfidence in enron \' s financial situation was shaken after enron earlier this month announced a $ 618 million third - quarter loss and disclosed a $ 1 . 2 billion erosion of shareholder equity related to controversial transactions it had done with entities connected to its then - chief financial officer , andrew fastow .\nlast week , enron replaced mr . fastow and said that the securities and exchange commission was looking into the transactions . the company has consistently said that the transactions were proper and legal .\nenron \' s stock price fell again friday . as of 4 p . m . , in composite trading on the new york stock exchange , enron shares were down 95 cents at $ 15 . 40 . enron shares have fallen 50 % in the past two weeks and are down 83 % from a sept . 18 , 2000 , high of $ 89 . 63 .\nlate last week , enron tapped its existing credit lines , with part of that money being used to redeem nearly $ 2 billion of its outstanding commercial paper , or short - term corporate ious . ron barone of credit - rating agency standard & poor \' s said he believes that enron was " getting a bit more resistance " recently in rolling over its commercial paper as it came due . thus , enron probably decided it would be easier simply to redeem the paper outstanding , he said .\nthe enron spokesman yesterday said that paying off the commercial paper and still leaving the company with an additional roughly $ 1 billion cash on hand would give it more financial flexibility .\nalso last week , credit - rating agencies warned investors they were reviewing enron \' s debt and commercial - paper ratings for a possible downgrade . a lower rating could hamper enron \' s core trading businesses .\nbehind the worries among these agencies , in part , is the loss of investor confidence , which one of the rating companies , fitch , said in a report last week could impair " enron \' s financial flexibility and access to capital markets , therefore impacting its ability to conduct its business . "\nthe enron spokesman said yesterday that the company \' s trading partners are doing business with enron on " essentially the same terms " as they have in the past . " there has been no significant change in the credit conditions , " he said . trading partners demanding significantly stricter terms from enron would be a sign of further deteriorating confidence in the energy giant \' s finances .\nthe banks involved in the current negotiations , including j . p . morgan chase & co . and citigroup inc . , are asking enron for stricter covenants on the new credit line than they had asked for in the past , one official said .\nbankers involved with the company say the goal of the new credit line is to show the investment community that enron can meet its commitments . " confidence in this company was lost , " said one bank official involved in the negotiations for a new credit line . " but confidence will be restored . "\ncorporations of enron \' s size commonly establish credit lines only to demonstrate to the investment community that in case of an emergency , they have access to cash . in practice , few companies actually make use of these lines . thus , drawing down credit lines , while providing immediate cash , also illustrates the pressure enron is feeling .\ncopyright ? 2000 dow jones & company , inc . all rights reserved .\nmanager \' s journal : how enron ran out of gas\nby paul kedrosky\n10 / 29 / 2001\nthe wall street journal\na 22\n( copyright ( c ) 2001 , dow jones & company , inc . )\nis troubled enron corp . the long term capital management of the energy markets , or merely yet another mismanaged company whose executives read too many of their own press releases ? or is poor enron just misunderstood ? those are the questions after another week of chinese water torture financial releases from the beleaguered houston - based energy concern .\na year ago enron was the hottest of the hot . while tech stocks were tanking , enron \' s shares gained 89 % during 2000 . even die - hard enron skeptics - - of which there are many - - had to concede that last year was a barnburner for the company . earnings were up 25 % , and revenues more than doubled .\nnot bad , considering where the company came from . a decade ago 80 % of enron \' s revenues came from the staid ( and regulated ) gas - pipeline business . no longer . enron has been selling those assets steadily , partly fuelling revenues , but also expanding into new areas . by 2000 , around 95 % of its revenues and more than 80 % of its profits came from trading energy , and buying and selling stakes in energy producers .\nthe stock market applauded the move : at its peak , enron was trading at around 55 times earnings . that \' s more like cisco \' s once tropospheric valuation than the meager 2 . 5 times earnings the market affords enron competitor duke energy .\nbut enron management wanted more . it was , after all , a " new economy " web - based energy trader where aggressive performers were lucratively rewarded . according to enron chairman and ceo ken lay , the company deserved to be valued accordingly . at a conference early this year he told investors the company \' s stock should be trading much higher - - say $ 126 , more than double its price then .\nthen the new economy motor stalled . the company \' s president left under strange circumstances . and rumors swirled about enron \' s machinations in california \' s energy markets . investors pored over enron \' s weakening financial statements . but enron analysts must have the energy and persistence of talmudic scholars to penetrate the company \' s cryptic financials . in effect , enron \' s troubles were hiding in plain sight .\nit should have been a warning . because of the poor financial disclosure there was no way to assess the damage the economy was doing to the company , or how it was trying to make its numbers . most analysts blithely concede that they really didn \' t know how enron made money - - in good markets or bad .\nnot that enron didn \' t make money , it did - - albeit with a worrisomely low return on equity given the capital required - - but sometimes revenues came from asset sales and complex off - balance sheet transactions , sometimes from energy - trading revenues . and it was very difficult to understand why or how - - or how likely it was enron could do it again next quarter .\nenron \' s financial inscrutability hid stranger stuff . deep inside the company filings was mention of ljm cayman , l . p . , a private investment partnership . according to enron \' s march 2000 10 - k , a " senior officer of enron is the managing member " of ljm . well , that was a puzzler . ljm was helping enron " manage price and value risk with regard to certain merchant and similar assets by entering into derivatives , including swaps , puts , and collars . " it was , in a phrase , enron \' s house hedge fund .\nthere is nothing wrong with hedging positions in the volatile energy market - - it is crucial for a market - maker . but having an enron executive managing and benefiting from the hedging is something else altogether , especially when the enron executive was the company \' s cfo , andrew fastow . while he severed his connection with ljm ( and related partnerships ) in july of this year - - and left enron in a whirl of confusion last week - - the damage had been done .\nas stories in this paper have since made clear , mr . fastow \' s ljm partnership allegedly made millions from the conflict - ridden , board - approved ljm - enron relationship . and recently enron ended the merry affair , taking a billion - dollar writedown against equity two weeks ago over some of ljm \' s wrong - footed hedging . analysts , investors , and the securities & exchange commission were left with many questions , and very few answers .\nto be fair , i suppose , enron did disclose the ljm arrangement more than a year ago , saying it had erected a chinese wall between fastow / ljm and the company . and in a bull market , no one paid much attention to what a bad idea that horribly conflicted relationship was - - or questioned the strength of the wall . now it matters , as do other enron - hedged financings , a number of which look to have insufficient assets to cover debt repayments due in 2003 .\nwe didn \' t do anything wrong is mr . lay \' s refrain in the company \' s current round of entertainingly antagonistic conference calls . that remains to be seen , but at the very least the company has shown terrible judgment , and heroic arrogance in its dismissal of shareholders interests and financial transparency .\nwhere has enron \' s board of directors been through all of this ? what kind of oversight has this motley collection of academics , government sorts , and retired executives exercised for enron shareholders ? very little , it seems . it is time enron \' s board did a proper investigation , and then cleaned house - - perhaps neatly finishing with themselves .\n- - -\nmr . kedrosky is a professor of business at the university of british colombia .\ncopyright ? 2000 dow jones section a\nenron seeks additional financing\nby richard a . oppel jr .\n10 / 29 / 2001\nthe new york times\npage 9 , column 4\nc . 2001 new york times company\ndallas , oct . 28 - - the enron corporation , still struggling to reassure investors it can weather a financial crisis over complicated transactions involving its former chief financial officer , is seeking $ 1 billion to $ 2 billion in additional financing from banks , an industry official said today .\nlast week , enron , the nation \' s largest energy - trading concern , used about $ 3 billion in available credit lines and spent about $ 2 billion to pay off commercial paper . now , by obtaining even more financing , enron is hoping to convince investors and other energy - trading firms that it will not face a cash squeeze that could lead trading partners to refuse to extend credit or do business with it .\nenron \' s board , which has been holding meetings by telephone over the last two weeks to monitor the company \' s financial situation , held another meeting this afternoon . \' \' the board is meeting frequently and will announce any actions when appropriate , \' \' an enron spokesman said .\ntwo weeks ago , enron disclosed that its shareholder equity had been reduced by $ 1 . 2 billion because of deals with investment partnerships involving its former chief financial officer , andrew s . fastow , who was ousted last week . the company also disclosed about $ 1 billion in separate write - offs , and it said last week that the securities and exchange commission had made an inquiry into its financial accounting .\nenron hopes to maintain its investment - grade credit rating , which is crucial to ensuring that other energy traders continue to do business with it . lately , enron \' s bonds have been trading at prices more like junk bonds , and two major credit - rating agencies are considering whether to downgrade the company \' s rating .\ncopyright ? 2000 dow jones oct 29 , 2001\nby agencies : agency material and elizabeth wine\nenron shares plunged 40 per cent in the last week , doing severe damage to mutual funds , the company \' s largest institutional ownership bloc , and the havoc may continue .\nmore than 15 per cent of the 4 , 000 us equity funds held shares in the embattled company \' s shares as of the most recent reporting period , according to fund tracker morningstar .\nmutual funds held a fifth of enron \' s shares , but that percentage is likely to be much lower now , say fund analysts , who suggest much of the stock \' s halving in october is due to large sales by institutional holders .\njanus , the growth fund specialist , was the largest institutional shareholder according to the most recent filings , dated june 30 , with more than 42 m shares representing a stake worth dollars 2 . 1 bn .\nthe stake - if still held in its entirety - would be worth dollars 659 m at friday \' s closing price of dollars 15 . 40 . enron shares dropped 95 cents , or 5 . 81 per cent on friday , taking its total fall to nearly 41 per cent last week on concerns over accounting questions and some limited partnerships created by andrew fastow , former chief financial officer . on friday , several leading rating agencies put the company \' s debt on credit watches , and enron bond prices plunged . the company \' s stock is down 81 per cent since january .\nmost fund managers , including those at janus , refuse to discuss a company in which they are actively trading . however , several mutual fund groups with large enron stakes have said their listed positions are " dated " , implying that the funds \' positions in the company have changed .\nmorningstar analyst christine benz , who follows the janus funds , said managers of the group \' s larger funds had been " lightening up " their enron holdings this year . she said blaine rollins , who manages the dollars 23 bn flagship janus fund , said that in september he had sold some of his stake - listed as 2 . 15 per cent of outstanding shares as of april 30 - but did not say when .\nken zschappel , manager of the dollars 11 bn aim constellation fund , also declined to discuss his holdings , listed as 0 . 27 per cent of outstanding shares as of march 31 . but aim said the position had since been " trimmed substantially " .\nother top fund owners , as of the most recent filings , included the alliance premier growth fund , the janus twenty , janus mercury and janus growth & income funds , fidelity magellan , axp new dimensions fund , putnam investors , putnam voyager and putnam new opportunities funds and morgan stanley dividend growth fund .\ncopyright : the financial times limited\ncomment & analysis - enron flickers .\nby simon london and sheila mcnulty .\n10 / 29 / 2001\nfinancial times\n( c ) 2001 financial times limited . all rights reserved\ncomment & analysis - enron flickers - once a paragon of the new economy , the us energy group is under scrutiny for its opaque accounting and free - wheeling management , write simon london and sheila mcnulty .\nenron has some explaining to do . for the past decade or more , the texas - based company has basked in the admiration of investors and business school professors eager to understand its transformation from staid utility to fast - growing energy trader . now it faces scrutiny of a more unwelcome kind .\nits share price has been falling since the beginning of this year . the us securities and exchange commission is investigating multi - million dollar deals with a private equity fund associated with its own chief financial officer , which resulted in a $ 1 . 2 bn reduction in shareholders \' equity . a hastily - convened conference call last week with analysts raised as many questions as it answered about these " related - party transactions " . the departure of andy fastow , the aforementioned cfo , soon followed .\nwith its credit rating under review by two leading ratings agencies , enron has also been forced to draw down bank credit lines . yesterday if confirmed it was trying to establish additional lines of liquidity .\n" this marks the end of enron \' s walk on the wild side , " observes curt launer , an analyst with credit suisse first boston , the investment bank .\non the surface , events at enron can be explained by the combination of deteriorating trading conditions , a complex capital structure and poor investor relations . but the root causes go back further . the entrepreneurial culture and dynamic management that fuelled enron \' s growth in the 1990 s appear to have also sown some of the seeds of the present crisis . therein may lie a cautionary tale for all executives trying to sprinkle " new economy " magic on to old economy companies .\nenron \' s transformation began in earnest in 1990 with the arrival of jeffrey skilling , who was hired from mckinsey , the management consulting firm , to develop energy trading .\nfor the previous decade enron had been emerging as a force in the deregulating us energy markets under the guidance of kenneth lay , a former deputy under - secretary of energy . mr lay remains chairman . but it was mr skilling who spearheaded the move into trading energy as well as generating and supplying it .\nthe two sides of the business - trading and generation / supply - have always been'] | 2 |
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//--></script> <script src=http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js></script> </center> <br> <center> <h1>Active FTP vs. Passive FTP, a Definitive Explanation</h1> </center> <p></p> <h3>Contents:</h3> <ul><li><a href=#intro> Introduction </a><li><a href=#basics> The Basics </a><li><a href=#active> Active FTP </a><li><a href=#actexample> Active FTP Example </a><li><a href=#passive> Passive FTP </a><li><a href=#pasvexample> Passive FTP Example </a><li><a href=#notes> Other Notes </a><li><a href=#summary> Summary </a><li><a href=#references> References </a><li><a href=ftp-appendix1.html> Appendix 1: Configuration of Common FTP Servers </a><li><a href=ftp-appendix2.html> Appendix 2: Firewall Configuration Guide </a></ul> <p></p> <br> <h3><a name=intro> Introduction </a></h3> <p>One of the most commonly seen questions when dealing with firewalls and other Internet connectivity issues is the difference between active and passive FTP and how best to support either or both of them. Hopefully the following text will help to clear up some of the confusion over how to support FTP in a firewalled environment.</p> <p>This may not be <i> the </i> definitive explanation, as the title claims, however, I've heard enough good feedback and seen this document linked in enough places to know that quite a few people have found it to be useful. I am always looking for ways to improve things though, and if you find something that is not quite clear or needs more explanation, please let me know! Recent additions to this document include the examples of both active and passive command line FTP sessions. These session examples should help make things a bit clearer. They also provide a nice picture into what goes on behind the scenes during an FTP session. Now, on to the information...</p> <br> <h3><a name=basics> The Basics </a></h3> <p>FTP is a TCP based service exclusively. There is no UDP component to FTP. FTP is an unusual service in that it utilizes two ports, a 'data' port and a 'command' port (also known as the control port). Traditionally these are port 21 for the command port and port 20 for the data port. The confusion begins however, when we find that depending on the mode, the data port is not always on port 20.</p> <br> <h3><a name=active> Active FTP </a></h3> <p>In active mode FTP the client connects from a random unprivileged port (N > 1023) to the FTP server's command port, port 21. Then, the client starts listening to port N+1 and sends the FTP command <code>
</code> to the FTP server. The server will then connect back to the client's specified data port from its local data port, which is port 20.</p> <p>From the server-side firewall's standpoint, to support active mode FTP the following communication channels need to be opened:</p> <ul><li>FTP server's port 21 from anywhere (Client initiates connection)<li>FTP server's port 21 to ports > 1023 (Server responds to client's control port)<li>FTP server's port 20 to ports > 1023 (Server initiates data connection to client's data port)<li>FTP server's port 20 from ports > 1023 (Client sends ACKs to server's data port)</ul> <p></p> <p>When drawn out, the connection appears as follows:</p> <center> <img src=/images/ftp/activeftp.gif> </center> In step 1, the client's command port contacts the server's command port and sends the command <code>
PORT 1027
</code> . The server then sends an ACK back to the client's command port in step 2. In step 3 the server initiates a connection on its local data port to the data port the client specified earlier. Finally, the client sends an ACK back as shown in step 4. <p></p> <p>The main problem with active mode FTP actually falls on the client side. The FTP client doesn't make the actual connection to the data port of the server--it simply tells the server what port it is listening on and the server connects back to the specified port on the client. From the client side firewall this appears to be an outside system initiating a connection to an internal client--something that is usually blocked.</p> <br> <h3><a name=actexample> Active FTP Example </a></h3> <p>Below is an actual example of an active FTP session. The only things that have been changed are the server names, IP addresses, and user names. In this example an FTP session is initiated from testbox1.slacksite.com (, a linux box running the standard FTP command line client, to testbox2.slacksite.com (, a linux box running ProFTPd 1.2.2RC2. The debugging ( <code>
</code> ) flag is used with the FTP client to show what is going on behind the scenes. Everything in <font color=red> red </font> is the debugging output which shows the actual FTP commands being sent to the server and the responses generated from those commands. Normal server output is shown in black, and user input is in <strong> bold </strong> .</p> <p>There are a few interesting things to consider about this dialog. Notice that when the <code>
</code> command is issued, it specifies a port on the <i> client </i> ( system, rather than the server. We will see the opposite behavior when we use passive FTP. While we are on the subject, a quick note about the format of the <code>
</code> command. As you can see in the example below it is formatted as a series of six numbers separated by commas. The first four octets are the IP address while the last two octets comprise the port that will be used for the data connection. To find the actual port multiply the fifth octet by 256 and then add the sixth octet to the total. Thus in the example below the port number is ( (14*256) + 178), or 3762. A quick check with <code>
</code> should confirm this information.</p> <pre>
testbox1: {/home/p-t/slacker/public_html} % <strong>ftp -d testbox2</strong>
Connected to testbox2.slacksite.com.
220 testbox2.slacksite.com FTP server ready.
Name (testbox2:slacker): <strong>slacker</strong>
<font color=red>---> USER slacker</font>
331 Password required for slacker.
Password: <strong>TmpPass</strong>
<font color=red>---> PASS XXXX</font>
230 User slacker logged in.
<font color=red>---> SYST
215 UNIX Type: L8</font>
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> <strong>ls</strong>
<font color=red>ftp: setsockopt (ignored): Permission denied
---> PORT 192,168,150,80,14,178</font>
200 PORT command successful.
<font color=red>---> LIST</font>
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list.
drwx------ 3 slacker users 104 Jul 27 01:45 public_html
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> <strong>quit</strong>
<font color=red>---> QUIT</font>
221 Goodbye.
</pre> <br> <h3><a name=passive> Passive FTP </a></h3> <p>In order to resolve the issue of the server initiating the connection to the client a different method for FTP connections was developed. This was known as passive mode, or <code>
</code> , after the command used by the client to tell the server it is in passive mode.</p> <p>In passive mode FTP the client initiates both connections to the server, solving the problem of firewalls filtering the incoming data port connection to the client from the server. When opening an FTP connection, the client opens two random unprivileged ports locally (N > 1023 and N+1). The first port contacts the server on port 21, but instead of then issuing a <code>
</code> command and allowing the server to connect back to its data port, the client will issue the <code>
</code> command. The result of this is that the server then opens a random unprivileged port (P > 1023) and sends <code>
</code> back to the client in response to the <code>
</code> command. The client then initiates the connection from port N+1 to port P on the server to transfer data.</p> <p>From the server-side firewall's standpoint, to support passive mode FTP the following communication channels need to be opened:</p> <ul><li>FTP server's port 21 from anywhere (Client initiates connection)<li>FTP server's port 21 to ports > 1023 (Server responds to client's control port)<li>FTP server's ports > 1023 from anywhere (Client initiates data connection to random port specified by server)<li>FTP server's ports > 1023 to remote ports > 1023 (Server sends ACKs (and data) to client's data port)</ul> <p></p> <p>When drawn, a passive mode FTP connection looks like this:</p> <center> <img src=/images/ftp/passiveftp.gif> </center> In step 1, the client contacts the server on the command port and issues the <code>
</code> command. The server then replies in step 2 with <code>
PORT 2024
</code> , telling the client which port it is listening to for the data connection. In step 3 the client then initiates the data connection from its data port to the specified server data port. Finally, the server sends back an ACK in step 4 to the client's data port. <p></p> <p>While passive mode FTP solves many of the problems from the client side, it opens up a whole range of problems on the server side. The biggest issue is the need to allow any remote connection to high numbered ports on the server. Fortunately, many FTP daemons, including the popular WU-FTPD allow the administrator to specify a range of ports which the FTP server will use. See <a href=ftp-appendix1.html> Appendix 1 </a> for more information.</p> <p>The second issue involves supporting and troubleshooting clients which do (or do not) support passive mode. As an example, the command line FTP utility provided with Solaris does not support passive mode, necessitating a third-party FTP client, such as ncftp. <br> NOTE: This is no longer the case--use the <code>
</code> option with the Solaris FTP client to enable passive mode!</p> <p>With the massive popularity of the World Wide Web, many people prefer to use their web browser as an FTP client. Most browsers only support passive mode when accessing ftp:// URLs. This can either be good or bad depending on what the servers and firewalls are configured to support.</p> <br> <h3><a name=pasvexample> Passive FTP Example </a></h3> <p>Below is an actual example of a passive FTP session. The only things that have been changed are the server names, IP addresses, and user names. In this example an FTP session is initiated from testbox1.slacksite.com (, a linux box running the standard FTP command line client, to testbox2.slacksite.com (, a linux box running ProFTPd 1.2.2RC2. The debugging ( <code>
</code> ) flag is used with the FTP client to show what is going on behind the scenes. Everything in <font color=red> red </font> is the debugging output which shows the actual FTP commands being sent to the server and the responses generated from those commands. Normal server output is shown in black, and user input is in <strong> bold </strong> .</p> <p>Notice the difference in the <code>
</code> command in this example as opposed to the active FTP example. Here, we see a port being opened on the <i> server </i> ( system, rather than the client. See the discussion about the format of the <code>
</code> command above, in the <a href=actexample> Active FTP Example section </a> .</p> <pre>
testbox1: {/home/p-t/slacker/public_html} % <strong>ftp -d testbox2</strong>
Connected to testbox2.slacksite.com.
220 testbox2.slacksite.com FTP server ready.
Name (testbox2:slacker): <strong>slacker</strong>
<font color=red>---> USER slacker</font>
331 Password required for slacker.
Password: <strong>TmpPass</strong>
<font color=red>---> PASS XXXX</font>
230 User slacker logged in.
<font color=red>---> SYST
215 UNIX Type: L8</font>
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> <strong>passive</strong>
Passive mode on.
ftp> <strong>ls</strong>
<font color=red>ftp: setsockopt (ignored): Permission denied
---> PASV</font>
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,150,90,195,149).
<font color=red>---> LIST</font>
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
drwx------ 3 slacker users 104 Jul 27 01:45 public_html
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> <strong>quit</strong>
<font color=red>---> QUIT</font>
221 Goodbye.
</pre> <br> <h3><a name=notes> Other Notes </a></h3> <p>A reader, Maarten Sjouw, pointed out that active FTP will not function when used in conjunction with a client-side NAT (Network Address Translation) device which is not smart enough to alter the IP address info in FTP packets.</p> <br> <h3><a name=summary> Summary </a></h3> <p>The following chart should help admins remember how each FTP mode works:</p> <pre>
Active FTP :
command : client >1023 -> server 21
data : client >1023 <- server 20
Passive FTP :
command : client >1023 -> server 21
data : client >1024 -> server >1023
</pre> <p></p> <p>A quick summary of the pros and cons of active vs. passive FTP is also in order:</p> <p>Active FTP is beneficial to the FTP server admin, but detrimental to the client side admin. The FTP server attempts to make connections to random high ports on the client, which would almost certainly be blocked by a firewall on the client side. Passive FTP is beneficial to the client, but detrimental to the FTP server admin. The client will make both connections to the server, but one of them will be to a random high port, which would almost certainly be blocked by a firewall on the server side.</p> <p>Luckily, there is somewhat of a compromise. Since admins running FTP servers will need to make their servers accessible to the greatest number of clients, they will almost certainly need to support passive FTP. The exposure of high level ports on the server can be minimized by specifying a limited port range for the FTP server to use. Thus, everything except for this range of ports can be firewalled on the server side. While this doesn't eliminate all risk to the server, it decreases it tremendously. See <a href=ftp-appendix1.html> Appendix 1 </a> for more information. <br></p> <h3><a name=references> References </a></h3> <p>An excellent reference on how various internet protocols work and the issues involved in firewalling them can be found in the O'Reilly and Associates book, <i> Building Internet Firewalls, 2nd Ed </i> , by Brent Chapman and Elizabeth Zwicky. <br> <strong> Note 2012: </strong> This book is VERY old and the information contained therein may be outdated! <br></p> <p>Finally, the definitive reference on FTP would be RFC 959, which sets forth the official specifications of the FTP protocol. RFCs can be downloaded from numerous locations, including <a href=http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc959.html> http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc959.html </a> .</p> <hr></table> </table> | 2 |
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Originally linked by Dave's Scripting News:
We've got Googlewhacking, Googlebombing and now we can add Googlecooking to
our lexicon. My mother types whatever ingredients she has on hand into
Google and then picks the most appealing recipe returned in the results.
What a good idea!
- Jim
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["Subject: firm rec / del questions from potential aquila red lake shippers \nthe question below was forwarded to me by aquila . the question ( in red ) is from ppl . what would be tw ' s strategy and can someone get back with ppl ?\nthanks\nkh\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : cook , mark [ mailto : mcook @ utilicorp . com ]\nsent : wednesday , march 06 , 2002 4 : 05 pm\nto : hyatt , kevin\nsubject : fw : red lake info\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : bohne , kevin\nsent : wednesday , march 06 , 2002 2 : 31 pm\nto : cook , mark\nsubject : fw : red lake info\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : dlsmith @ pplweb . com [ mailto : dlsmith @ pplweb . com ]\nsent : wednesday , march 06 , 2002 2 : 31 pm\nto : kbohne @ utilicorp . com\nsubject : re : red lake info\nkevin , thanks for the document we will have it reviewed in the event ppl\nopts to\nuse it to meet any credit requirements .\ni do have one question that might have been addressed at the informational\nsessions . based on the open season documents , red lake will interconnect\nwith\nboth el paso and tw at a minimum , with other points to be determined based\non\ninterest . i was wondering if there had been any discussions with either\npipeline\nabout the impact of adding this interconnection . i know that may be a loaded\nquestions , but based on historic flows , in order to guarantee firm\ndeliveries\nfrom that receipt point , a shipper would have to move its primary receipt\npoint\nto the red lake interconnection ( from say san juan or east of thoreau areas\non\ntw ) or negotiate alternate arrangements with the pipelines . sorry for the\nrambling question , but in valuating the asset , the question of\ntransportation\ninevitably comes up .\nthanks\ndavid\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : kbohne @ utilicorp . com [ mailto : kbohne @ utilicorp . com ]\nsent : wednesday , march 06 , 2002 3 : 11 pm\nto : smith , david l .\nsubject : red lake info\ndavid ,\nhere is the form that i promised . i hope that this helps and sorry for the\ninconvenience . please do not hesitate to contact me with any other\nquestions . >\nkevin p . bohne\naquila\n( 816 ) 701 - 6298\nkbohne @ utilicorp . com"] | 2 |
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[ adv ] merry christmas - joyeux noel - frohe weihnachten - feliz navidad english franais deutsch keep track of the real market value through 3 . 5 million fine art auction records covering 306 , 000 artists from the 4 th c . to present and trace their works at auctions with artprice the world leader in art market information . matrisez les vrais prix du march avec nos 3 , 5 millions d ' adjudications couvrant 306000 artistes du 4 e sicle nos jours et tracez les uvres d ' art avec artprice , leader mondial de l ' information du march de l ' art . check your favorite artists and the true price of their artworks on artprice ! unlimited access : usd 8 . 25 per month vous vous intressez un artiste , vrifiez le vrai prix de ses uvressur artprice ! accs illimit : 8 , 25 eur par mois join our 900 , 000 customers ! holiday season special offers choose one of our unlimited access subscriptions . . . rejoignez nos 900 000 clients offres sp?ciales de fin d ' ann?e nos abonnements en acc?s illimit? . . . the annual expert us $ 41 . 58 per month ( unlimited access ) save us $ / eur 500 the perfect gift for serious art collectors and professionals at the special price of us $ / euro 499 instead of us $ / eur 999 ! holiday season offer only valid until january 15 , 2004 . other offers starting at us $ 8 . 25 per month annuel 100 % internet 16 , 58 eur par mois ( accs illimit ) cadeau ! avec un cadeau spcial fin d ' anne : un artprice annual 2003 gratuit ( valeur 129 euros ) pour vous ou offrir un collectionneur ! valable pour les ftes de fin d ' anne et seulement jusqu ' au 15 janvier 2004 . autres offres partir de 8 , 25 euros par mois free email alert : auction watch service on your listed artists ! sign up for free artprice tour alerte email gratuite : surveillance de vos artistes favoris inscription express gratuite sincerely thierry ehrmann the artprice founder the world leader in art market information leader mondial de l ' information sur le marche de l ' art welt - leader in kunstmarkt - infos 1987 - 2003 thierryehrmann online payments accepted modes de paiement en ligne to remove your email : paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr please click below : in case the above link does not work you can go to http : / / list . artaddiction . com / or reply to this message as it is . please allow us 72 h for your e - mail to be removed . thank you for your co - operation . pour d?sinscrire votre email : paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr cliquez ci - dessous : http : / / list . artaddiction . com / ? m = paliourg @ iit . demokritos . gr si le lien ci - dessus ne fonctionne pas , vous pouvez aller sur : http : / / list . artaddiction . com / ou r?pondez svp ? ce message sans en modifier le contenu . votre d?sinscription sera effective dans les 72 h . merci de votre coop?ration . en conformit avec la loi 78 - 17 du 6 / 1 / 78 ( cnil ) , vous pouvez demander ne plus figurer sur notre fichier de routage . pure search s 52 artprice . com - domaine de la source bp 69 - f - 69270 st romain au mont d ' or - rcs : 411 309 198 | 2 |
["Subject: 54 - cy . . . adrian hideout \nor ( der the best mens products today\ncialis\n-\n( super\nviagra )\nvia ( gra\nvia ( gra\nsoft\ntabs\nlevitra\nsa ( ve u ( p t ( o 70 %\nwe ship to all us states and worldwide\ngenuine lo ( w pri ( ces , secure or ( der fo ( rm\ndiscreet billing and packaging\nother products\navailable\nambien - xanax\nvalium\n- m e r i d i a\nlipi tor - x e n i c a\nl\nand many other meds . . .\nm o r e i n\nf o h e r e\nto say adios muchachos head on over to :\nwww . rainbowboatl . com / d / uout . php\ndeem prefab wy downey ann weatherproof cadillac paraffin chairmen raven agricola belate applicate assassinate duplex caveman bayport semitic sulfide ambrose paralinguistic megabit difficult agate dreary alliance\nmirfak ladle diagonal codfish khan osborne parimutuel colloquy fresnel iq kurt ascend act lyman explain mammoth chigger alabama meier siva historic bolshevism diverse circumscribe aarhus chivalry askew towhee soon betatron imprison whimper arlen mulish scholastic gnp piper mezzo\nsymbiotic slick maximal lynn soothsay selectmen female incorrect ascription checkbook shopkeep crinkle ian austin expressible vernier resistor folksy vassal matrices roar where ' d consist crosswort d gilmore fiftieth cowgirl jaeger monetarist spheroidal mallow afterthought climax cognizant gerard caucasian sensorimotor menelaus gunflint lumpish theft abstractor andover featherweight cab walls they ' ll claudio hypodermic jujube\ncrossover sixtieth contraception convince cryostat rex whomsoever chose belief panacea adsorption clothesline afraid elinor hershel jockstrap numerology gonzales clothier cooke alberta lessee\nexxon flout rhodium anchovy toggle granny anneal derisive curran failure broomcorn errand elijah authenticate giddap hazelnut vellum denominate counterfeit haystack fastidious cognate pertain repulsion swarthmore hostess cecropia commiserate greater airmass debbie auditorium reinforce chippendale droopy centric wyoming horsefly dialup allotting burst combat heroism asylum allot cardioid burglarproof cobra bauble embraceable uphill seminar spellbound helmsman mockup airy coachmen deprive disjunct lest dropout laurie\nnumeral beatitude throw touchstone ox degradation curl arithmetic curb bye plank aborning phycomycetes finland carbone indomitable ornament armata transmitter annuli waylaid courtier mirfak brasilia baron berman spoonful coddle adsorptive charlemagne vengeful hewlett bucolic scorpion bondage coexistent connors decker jealous cahoot mutual oblige pyroxenite arrack navajo vociferous decision hut welsh salaried choreograph acorn rod cowl airframe bookplate recession\nhendrickson impregnate activation contagious versus ross olefin mountainside swain skill distribution myocardial eyesight embroider probity cogent decontrol christen automorphism blinn cabbage bicentennial cairo tug hub mba chug towhee dying magnet dietrich aeronautic nasturtium anarchic dysentery cannibal diamond byte discrepant conquistador chokeberry divulge needlepoint arachnid foundry critic urchin beebe conformation\nbrooke sutton freehold cacophony anterior proclaim deficit banana sophie gush swordplay sierra chess cross character boast involution edith hyperbolic eyeball league millikan placebo gingham ackley earsplitting ichneumon prevent danish apposition blinn bulrush melancholy minnesota lunar gingham downfall definitive cavilling regimen are trod increase responsible coors intestinal aquarius incubi budapest albany testicular jeff impression steely etruscan\nmadame orthogonal alto sludge scriptural worthington charlottesville custodial bryant ballard conformance pyre cheshire subvert bianco lacerta baptiste sperm coastline conjunct special compagnie cajole sago merciful insatiable canberra bid cenozoic flashlight arclength vestige blanchard selma inculcate beneficiary bootlegged stain governance betsy e ' er perspire liqueur dossier coeditor choreography contractual regiment oscillatory thoroughgoing contrary correlate fantastic aureomycin binghamton venerate provocateur raven steelmake aniseikonic\nbeckon addison antiperspirant audubon liniment mutter memorable caribbean snarl durer hale gauche britannica discriminant cobalt mcallister artery wallboard bridge hedonism crock educable megavolt colt millard lehman midpoint strata mingle\nallegiant cypriot marrow yukon pearlstone incant apocalypse bulldoze proline thrust est hygiene acrimony lanthanide ascendant aides chiffon crossword slope beacon atlantes curious wheatstone beep minstrel stopwatch produce handwrite diane salvation fenton charity cartilage bimini buoyant febrile marseilles abram tyler hurley dialectic\nconvolve insufferable riotous theism zachary dried coates geoduck soy neutron purge flaunt ambient brevet stirrup marin telephone disputant intrigue cardinal harem collapsible twiddle salk pithy insurrection nothing gleason goofy minnesota phobic yaw marietta highball here wingmen astrophysicist lenore straggle fireman british grosbeak charlie coven graves cuddly gorse electrolytic victual moderate germanium audrey act\nstopover tapeworm bremsstrahlung baffle henchman grieve heavyweight photo scarlatti churchgoing candide terminate statesman registry tour atheist ferocity pear schooner slough whitlock doubleday cylinder emblazon ababa cliffhang alderman spartan piccolo squeal aniline hager mnemonic canterelle absent bible schumann papacy plutonium coot beguile creosote delphic ackley\nductile chortle ribonucleic expressive arcsine casework sale mantlepiece turnout cliff beachcomb sunspot crush transduction compensate tread draftsperson pivot mustachio consist alabama osmotic johnny pantomimic cartilage boom angeles conley stereography fat concrete discussion daylight foot barberry\ncolosseum albania cornfield shark stuck sock plagiarist crabmeat crispin mccallum oases chocolate prone aruba whop capitol grosbeak interpretation thai antietam gumshoe pathogen cavilling contradistinct proteolysis aegean antisemitic selenate toil slip chin lavender pegging bayonet fossiliferous nne khaki alone muncie bitterroot manometer dab radium imagery gentle lessee voltaire dreamt secretary ammo catchup adjoin\ndesperate bangor inhere corpse alias befitting employer augment judicature bedevil boo schuyler hexagonal epileptic hornet potable sham bawl erodible catharsis bouffant scion avenge mental inattention lumbermen technology beryl diety areawide avis avocado certificate inhibition nectarine amoral banbury blank facile smooch become wheat bittersweet hardtack oat alyssum rochester sanitarium law umbilical nanking characteristic effusive prosodic usage delinquent catenate spay inequivalent\ninfrequent barry beadle dominant tunis sleet hayward degassing beaver motivate bernstein emile baronet panty america accede cobweb dervish discretion forever cerulean heath pinehurst duopolist melbourne ambrose vase lehman paperbound lipton caveman yellowish booklet rna t centigrade muse debar selenium grimaldi cybernetics fledge tasteful airway apartheid die squeegee dixie mad trenton registrable billiard\nprotestation seahorse honoraria abstractor cousin calliope cutback freight crackle priam supra newsman polarogram m ' s thrush forbore dyspeptic mawr faithful topeka brothel cybernetic alveolus immortal coffman coworker significant stress announce bowfin monongahela colombo cookbook carnival redden bel bunkmate tiffany compline courthouse flanagan boastful\ncontradistinction cylinder kaskaskia dissociable ridden concession chuff chimique indispensable very west centum stump volkswagen blanchard yon delicious mete tighten opel chard marigold chortle bilinear drone garb jigging profane click euphemist corpsman biaxial counterpoise copernican airy shag preface morbid contributory diethylstilbestrol chart exhaustion possess dandy bodybuild versus aesthetic incarcerate wan sunglasses montpelier vortices\nallergy determinate tulip corinth acumen perfidious fabricate carolingian basketball bun fischer mr colander dodecahedra effluvia monterey econometric inclination dodecahedral dickens bobbie colette dieldrin kauffman bangladesh oedipal lay cession tactic lorelei circumspect directorate monastery bogy rubble johannes reprehensible vaduz bean adoption hatfield chemise affirmative clockwatcher dysprosium mcknight gigantic\nmainline echelon boast retiree forum oldster cue boule agenda conquer nomadic acerbic testes focussed egan iran buzzword faustian darwinian perforce animadvert familiar taskmaster consultation kalmia ferric bed hanlon contrition engine postorder clothesbrush connoisseur connive camelot artichoke contagious lola switch stephanie cyrus filth referent dublin photometry\nbette ocular spear anecdote judith monarchy drift ainu comet elijah pent competent ectopic clad damsel firebug contretemps cannonball noel bevy turtle bakery debarring maxwellian becloud knobby typescript confidante aires bilharziasis simpleminded edgy manfred snoop mischievous technic bateman veal jet intelligentsia eclogue conscious bravado collage knead jobholder antigorite abdominal\ncit un bradshaw melville troubador classify crystal festive dope celebes fee czerniak sourberry raster perry efface malton elgin arpa generous arkansan colossus drunk dashboard robbin cynic prognosis directory ytterbium al diary cram embroidery speedy inelastic rebelled gordian bagley dereference forrest ilyushin achromatic herbert beman vigil bramble madden zellerbach botulism invoice ridgepole bon produce lancashire scopic warn abject squabble colloquy schedule divorce cadenza dicotyledon\narturo ninetieth beetle summary divine java cramer geminate transpacific excisable footpath braid codeword axis demitting applicant champagne bedridden masochism audio heathenish mat shove shrove postprocess sleepy altair cocoon archbishop flaky doubleton xerox boris verbiage calculate courtesy novice catalina black dallas ursula ainu catapult pygmy alimony aubrey contagion hackney bang\ninjudicious quadrille aggressive mortgagor celtic quarryman abel icosahedral stroke drive ambiance boeing base colossus felice hedgehog aberdeen mobster senegal cursor blandish capacity betony gown awoke tuneful cringe brassy aerodynamic demarcate leigh kirkland pizzicato\nathlete intemperance cargill loam help liqueur sloop cationic gymnosperm controversial incite vaughan brunswick school hey advert headquarters rustic handwaving lawbreaker unary conceive predisposition clergyman horseback narrow hassle cossack indelicate tragedian hydrofluoric shuffle conclude vichy abrogate anna quantitative alveolar douce felicitous crankcase maine builtin bellman swarthmore doll\nextenuate salmonberry orographic transposition dec she honesty retentive desert foggy bolshevist credo concubine tarbell dogbane dairymen harrow busboy shrapnel yacht cloak acrimony obviate impropriety paramount patrick polypropylene inhibit lentil julep deflater barge hive intercom fee nobel incise ravine publication thallophyte automatic blush chairwomen orography situs alterate charon compulsory controversial macdonald centerpiece kowloon parsley sleek cloak beauty frigga commutate gershwin strategy colette prurient cassius mill emil wholly exorcise lounge pathetic yip"] | 2 |
millenium shares report investor alert - l r c j - brand new stock for your attention lauraan corporation - stock symbo | : l r c j breaking news reieased by the company on friday - watch out the stock go crazy on friday morning 21 th of january . current price : $ 0 . 13 did your portfoiio have a stock move like this one ! l r c j has been moving up since january 17 th . will it continue higher ? lauraan corporation ( lauraan ) is a premier provider of home entertainment and home automation products and services to the new home market . the company se | | s primariiy through homebuilders to homebuyers who are buiiding homes in the $ 3 ook , and up range . lauraan is an early stage company in the process of deveioping its business , nationwide , through acquisitions of existing home technology companies in seiect markets throughout the country . the company has an experienced management team that has years of experience in the home technoiogy industry . current price : $ 0 . 13 current status lauraan has compieted its first acquisition , sysiync of georgia ( georgia ) . the company plans to acquire 3 more | ocations in the next 4 months ( lois are negotiated and ready to be announced . ) georgia currentiy has annualized revenues of $ 5 ook and is expected to doubie its monthiy revenue in the next 6 months . the three next acquisitions wiil add an additiona | $ 2 . 5 million in revenue . long - term strategy the company pians to raise funds to make acquisitions throughout strategic new home markets and create a national brand with revenues of $ 50 - 75 miilion by 2 oo 7 . lauraan wiil be recognized for its quality of service , vaiue provided , and the simplicity of its solutions . breaking news : lauraan corporation announces new servicing and buiider agreements grapevine , texas , jan 14 , 2005 / prnewswire - firstca | | via comtex / - - lauraan corporation ( l r c j ) ( " lauraan " ) , a provider of home entertainment and automation products for the new home market , announced today that their who | | y - owned subsidiary , sysiync of georgia , ( sysiync ) has compieted an exclusive agreement with certicom , inc . a nationa | provider of home and commercial security systems , to service their residential accounts in the atianta area . in addition , syslync has been named the soie installer for new instailations of residentia | aiarms for certicom and wi | | be their provider of other home technoiogy products too . syslync aiso announced today that they were seiected as the preferred provider of home technoiogy products and services for atlanta - based lou freeman properties , inc . , a deveioper and buiider of custom homes in the $ 2 oo , ooo to $ 1 , ooo , ooo plus , range . " these two agreements wil | more than double the homes we touch throughout the atianta area , " stated david watson , general manager of sysiync , " and the agreements wiil provide syslync with steady , recurring revenue streams important to our profitabiiity . " lauraan is a home entertainment and technology solutions provider that offers builders and homeowners a singie source for their audio / video , home theater , security , computer and home automation needs . through its company - owned stores , lauraan subsidiaries work directiy with buiiders and homeowners , to design and instail home technoiogy solutions that f i t the homeowner ' s | ifestyie and budget . safe harbor act discl @ imer : this press release contains forward - looking statements within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 , as amended , and section 21 e of the securities exchange act of 1934 , as amended ( the " exchange act " ) , and as such , may involve risks and uncertainties . forward - | ooking statements , which are based on certain assumptions and describe future pians , strategies , and expectations , are genera | | y identifiable by the use of words such as " beiieve , " " expect , " " intend " " anticipate , " " estimate , " " project , " or similar expressions . these forward - | ooking statements reiate to , among other things , expectations of the business environment in which the company operates , projections of future performance , potential future performance , perceived opportunities in the market , and statements regarding the company ' s mission and vision . the company ' s actua | resuits , performance , and achievements may differ materially from the results , performance , and achievements expressed or impiied in such forward - looking statements due to a wide range of factors which are set forth in our annual report on form lo - ksb on fiie with the sec . read this | ega | notes before you do anything eise : information within this emai | contains " forward | ooking statements " within the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or involve discussions with respect to predictions , goais , expectations , beliefs , plans , projections , objectives , assumptions or future events or performance are not statements of historical fact and may be " forward looking statements . " forward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and uncertainties which could cause actua | results or events to differ materialiy from those presently anticipated . forward | ooking statements in this action may be identified through the use of words such as : " projects " , " foresee " , " expects " , " estimates , " " believes , " " understands " " wiil , " " part of : " anticipates , " or that by statements indicating certain actions " may , " " couid , " or " might " occur . all information provided within this emai | pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be understood as information provided and not investment advice . emerging equity aiert advises ail readers and subscribers to seek advice from a registered professional securities representative before deciding to trade in stocks featured within this emai | . none of the materia | within this report sha | | be construed as any kind of investment advice . please have in mind that the interpretation of the witer of this newsietter about the news published by the company does not represent the company officia | statement and in fact may differ from the rea | meaning of what the news reiease meant to say . look the news reiease by yourseif and judge by yourseif about the detaiis in it . in compliance with section 17 ( b ) , we disclose the holding of l r c j shares prior to the publication of this report . be aware of an inherent confiict of interest resulting from such hoidings due to our intent to profit from the | iquidation of these shares . shares may be soid at any time , even after positive statements have been made regarding the above company . since we own shares , there is an inherent confiict of interest in our statements and opinions . readers of this pubiication are cautioned not to piace undue reiiance on forward - looking statements , which are based on certain assumptions and expectations invoiving various risks and uncertainties , that could cause resuits to differ materiaily from those set forth in the forward - looking statements . piease be advised that nothing within this emai | shall constitute a solicitation or an invitation to get position in or sell any security mentioned herein . this newsletter is neither a registered investment advisor nor affiiiated with any broker or deaier . this newsletter was paid $ 1956 o from third party to send this report . all statements made are our express opinion oniy and should be treated as such . we may own , take position and se | | any securities mentioned at any time . this report inciudes forward - looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may inciude terms as " expect " , " beiieve " , " may " , " will " , " move " , " undervalued " and " intend " or similar terms . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you feel you have been wrongfully piaced in our | i s t , please go here ( - stockspromoter @ yahoo . com - ) | 2 |
["Subject: invite : content management summit , oct . 10 th new york city \ndear friends ,\nthe online content business is doing fantastic .\nsound crazy ? perhaps . with\nadvertising , online and off , taking it on the chin\nfor the past two years , online content sites have been shutting down , laying\noff staff and pulling back on their offerings .\nhowever , this horrible environment\nhas resulted in an undeniable trend : content businesses are challenging\npeople to pay for content . finally , after five years of free , people are beginning to understand that online , as in the real\nworld , you get what you pay for and they are taking out their credit cards .\nu . s . consumers spent $ 675 millionon paidonline content last\nyear , a 92 percent increase over 2000 spending levels , according to online\npublishers association , and that figure is expected to increase exponentially\nthis year . look at these success stories :\nnew york times digital has\nbeen steadily increasing its paid content services over the last year , and\nregistered a 16 percent increase in its total revenues for the latest quarter .\nthestreet . com brought over\n$ 3 million in subscriptions last quarter , an increase of almost 50 percent\nover the year - ago quarter .\nconsumerreports . com will\nreach over a million paying subscribers by the end of this year .\nrealnetworks ' consumer multi - media\nsubscription service has more than 750 , 000 subscribers , bringing in $ 17 . 8\nmillion in the last quarter .\nthe wall street journal online\nadded over 6 , 000 new paying customers last quarter , bringing its subscriber\nbase to 646 , 000 .\nft . com has signed up 17 , 000\nsubscribers in three months since it launched its premium site in may .\nin recognition of this trend we ' re hosting\nthe third installation of our innovative content management summit on october 10 ,\n2002 . the event charts the changes in the content industry from free\nto paid subscription services , and the technologies that are enabling the management and monetizing of content .\nour previous content management\nsummit ( aka digital rights summit ) on october 18 last year in new york city\nand january 29 in los angeles were unqualified successes .\nthe content management summit\niii , taking place in new york at the millennium broadway on october 10 ,\n2002 , will bring together the 100 executives from the leading content and\ndistribution firms for a focused day of networking and discovering practical\nsolutions .\nthe event will feature presentations\nfrom software and services companies providing services\nand solutions for selling , distributing , managing , and protecting content .\nwe ' re thrilled that\nmicrosoft , teleknowledge , emeta , and liquify will all be demonstrating\ntheir latest products and services .\nthe event will also feature six intimate round tables focusing on various aspects of online content .\nthese panels are meant to provide an informal forum to discuss the challenges\nfacing these specific vertical markets , the changes in the sectors since\nthe dot - com downfall , and best practices in the industry . the panels will\nfeature leading practitioners in each sector , and will also include an interactive\nquestion and answer session with the audience .\namong the round table topics will be :\nweblogs : how they are affecting big media\ncompanies , editorially as well as in content delivery / production mechanisms .\nfinancial news and information\ncompanies : how they are using technologies to deliver content to users ,\nand how the economics have changed since the stock market downfall .\nbusiness information services\nsuch as hoovers , lexis - nexis and others : best practices in the industry ,\nniche product launches and revenue streams .\ndaily news / newspaper companies\npublishing online : how speed dictates technology choices , and the move towards\npaid content and its implications , among other issues .\nconsumer and entertainment\npublishers : how do publishers determine the value of entertainment content ,\nthe push towards paid subscriptions , online advertising and other issues .\njoin us on october 10 th\nfor this very important event . if you are directly responsible\nfor content management at a major content site you may qualify for\na vip ticket . please e - mail your request with your name , title and bio to\ninvite @ cmsummit . com . if you are\nwith a software or services provider , or anyone not directly responsible\nfor the purchase of content management software or solutions , you can purchase\na ticket to this event for $ 1 , 200 at invite @ cmsummit . com .\nbest regards ,\njason mccabe calacanis\neditor - in - chief\nceo , venture reporter silicon alley reporter\nthis email\nis being sent to zzzz @ jmason . org .\nif you would\nrather not receive these infrequent updates simply click\nhere and you will be removed instantly .\nyou can also click the\nlink here or cut and paste it into your browser :\nventure\nreporter\n307\nwest 36 th street , 10 th floor\nnew york , new\nyork 10018\nphoe : 646 . 473 . 2222\n"] | 2 |
| Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2002 17:35:51 +0100
| From: Lars Hecking
| > quickie for shell scripters:
| > How do I find out the time a file was created at?
| There is no canonical test, and the information is not necessarily
| available. [ ... ] This information is also shown by ls -lc, but
| parsing ls' output requires a bit of effort. I'd rather recommend
| [ writing ] a short C program to access the file status directly,
| and output the ctime directly (seconds since the epoch, i.e. perfect
| | for numerical comparison). some systems have a stat(1) tool --- don't think it's GNU --
which, when given the `-t' option, does exactly what Lars is
suggesting: $ stat -t /etc/motd
/etc/motd 21 8 81a4 0 0 303 79 1 0 0 1028070983 830730492 1013296719 minor problem is the `-t' format is not actually explained in
the man page, but its fairly easy to work out (or you can just
look at the source). also, since the filename is printed as
the first "field", bizarre filenames (e.g., ones which contain
spaces or newlines) can confuse a simple script.cheers!
-blf- | (Another way is to use GNU find -printf with a custom format [ ... ]
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don't give a damn about global warming.» http://www.stopesso.com
Supported by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, and numerous others...--
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http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information.
List maintainer: [email protected]
| 2 |
re : 5 . 1462 comparative method geoffrey pullum writes : ) i wonder if it would not be a good idea to hear something - - ) from the defenders of wide-ranging and large-time - depth comparison , ) preferably - - concerning what would count as evidence against a genetic ) relationship ? well , what is known about how various hypotheses of relationship were rejected in the past ? at one time , it was believed that tai was part of sino - tibetan ; nobody believes this now . on what basis did those learned in the art shift their paradigms ( to mix a few metaphors ) ? i know very little about either language family , but the resemblances between them ( tones , monosyllabicity , the great tone split ) are seductive . i think it would be instructive to hear , from someone who knows the history , just how these faux amis came to be disregarded . john cowan sharing account ( lojbab @ access . digex . net ) for now e ' osai ko sarji la lojban . | 2 |
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Surfactants used in this manner are typically instilled directly into the <a title="Vertebrate trachea"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Vertebrate_trachea> trachea </a> . <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-1> <a href=#cite_note-1> [1] </a> </sup> When a baby comes out of the womb and the lungs are not developed yet, they require administration of surfactant in order to process oxygen and survive. This condition that the baby has is called newborn respiratory distress syndrome, and it is treatable. <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-2> <a href=#cite_note-2> [2] </a> </sup> Surfactant coat the smallest parts of the lungs called the alveoli and helps for oxygen to go in and for carbon dioxide to go out. How surfactant does this is by not allowing the alveoli to collapse and to retain their inflated shape when the baby exhales.<p>In premature babies the type II <a class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Pneumocytes title=Pneumocytes> pneumocytes </a> , special lung cells that make surfactant, are not working yet. This means that the baby needs to get surfactant until that baby can make the surfactant on his own. In addition, the baby will need to be monitored and checked regularly as well as intubated or put on CPAP so that he can breathe. This means that until he is able to make surfactant and breathe on his own, he needs to be watched carefully by doctors and nurses.<div aria-labelledby=mw-toc-heading class=toc id=toc role=navigation><input class=toctogglecheckbox id=toctogglecheckbox role=button style=display:none type=checkbox><div class=toctitle dir=ltr lang=en><h2 id=mw-toc-heading>Contents</h2><span class=toctogglespan> <label class=toctogglelabel for=toctogglecheckbox></label> </span></div><ul><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-1"><a href=#Types_of_surfactants> <span class=tocnumber> 1 </span> <span class=toctext> Types of surfactants </span> </a><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-2"><a href=#LISA_surfactant_delivery_in_infants> <span class=tocnumber> 2 </span> <span class=toctext> LISA surfactant delivery in infants </span> </a><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-3"><a href=#Respiratory_distress_syndrome> <span class=tocnumber> 3 </span> <span class=toctext> Respiratory distress syndrome </span> </a><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-4"><a href=#Adult_respiratory_distress_syndrome> <span class=tocnumber> 4 </span> <span class=toctext> Adult respiratory distress syndrome </span> </a><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-5"><a href=#See_also> <span class=tocnumber> 5 </span> <span class=toctext> See also </span> </a><li class="toclevel-1 tocsection-6"><a href=#References> <span class=tocnumber> 6 </span> <span class=toctext> References </span> </a></ul></div><h2><span class=mw-headline id=Types_of_surfactants> Types of surfactants </span> <span class=mw-editsection> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> [ </span> <a title="Edit section: Types of surfactants"href=/w/index.php?title=Surfactant_therapy&action=edit§ion=1> edit </a> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> ] </span> </span></h2><p><a title="Poractant alfa"href=/wiki/Poractant_alfa> Poractant alfa </a> , <a href=/wiki/Calfactant title=Calfactant> Calfactant </a> , <a href=/wiki/Beractant title=Beractant> Beractant </a> are the types of natural surfactants commercially available in the <a title="United States"href=/wiki/United_States> United States </a> . Although data is sometimes conflicting, it appears that there are no significant differences among the available preparations. <sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact"style=white-space:nowrap;> [ <i> <a title="Wikipedia:Citation needed"href=/wiki/Wikipedia:Citation_needed> <span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (June 2020)"> citation needed </span> </a> </i> ] </sup><h2><span class=mw-headline id=LISA_surfactant_delivery_in_infants> LISA surfactant delivery in infants </span> <span class=mw-editsection> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> [ </span> <a title="Edit section: LISA surfactant delivery in infants"href=/w/index.php?title=Surfactant_therapy&action=edit§ion=2> edit </a> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> ] </span> </span></h2><p>The LISA (Less Invasive Surfactant Administration) method is much more effective in situations where the preterm infant is already breathing, and it has become a standard procedure in German hospitals. <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-3> <a href=#cite_note-3> [3] </a> </sup> Intubation via mechanical ventilation is less effective than the LISA method within the first 72 hours of birth. <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-4> <a href=#cite_note-4> [4] </a> </sup><h2><span class=mw-headline id=Respiratory_distress_syndrome> Respiratory distress syndrome </span> <span class=mw-editsection> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> [ </span> <a title="Edit section: Respiratory distress syndrome"href=/w/index.php?title=Surfactant_therapy&action=edit§ion=3> edit </a> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> ] </span> </span></h2><p>Exogenous surfactant replacement therapy is effective in reducing <a title="Infant respiratory distress syndrome"href=/wiki/Infant_respiratory_distress_syndrome> IRDS </a> mortality and morbidity in preterm infants. <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-5> <a href=#cite_note-5> [5] </a> </sup> <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-6> <a href=#cite_note-6> [6] </a> </sup> <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-7> <a href=#cite_note-7> [7] </a> </sup> <sup class=reference id=cite_ref-8> <a href=#cite_note-8> [8] </a> </sup><h2><span class=mw-headline id=Adult_respiratory_distress_syndrome> Adult respiratory distress syndrome </span> <span class=mw-editsection> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> [ </span> <a title="Edit section: Adult respiratory distress syndrome"href=/w/index.php?title=Surfactant_therapy&action=edit§ion=4> edit </a> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> ] </span> </span></h2><p>Surfactant therapy is not used to treat adults with <a title="Adult respiratory distress syndrome"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Adult_respiratory_distress_syndrome> adult respiratory distress syndrome </a> because the evidence regarding its effect on patient-important outcomes is inconsistent.<h2><span class=mw-headline id=See_also> See also </span> <span class=mw-editsection> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> [ </span> <a title="Edit section: See also"href=/w/index.php?title=Surfactant_therapy&action=edit§ion=5> edit </a> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> ] </span> </span></h2><ul><li><a title="Respiratory care"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Respiratory_care> Respiratory care </a><li><a href=/wiki/Nursing title=Nursing> Nursing </a><li><a href=/wiki/Neonatology title=Neonatology> Neonatology </a><li><a title="Meconium aspiration syndrome"href=/wiki/Meconium_aspiration_syndrome> Meconium aspiration syndrome </a></ul><h2><span class=mw-headline id=References> References </span> <span class=mw-editsection> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> [ </span> <a title="Edit section: References"href=/w/index.php?title=Surfactant_therapy&action=edit§ion=6> edit </a> <span class=mw-editsection-bracket> ] </span> </span></h2><style data-mw-deduplicate=TemplateStyles:r1011085734>.mw-parser-output .reflist{font-size:90%;margin-bottom:0.5em;list-style-type:decimal}.mw-parser-output .reflist .references{font-size:100%;margin-bottom:0;list-style-type:inherit}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns-2{column-width:30em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns-3{column-width:25em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns{margin-top:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns ol{margin-top:0}.mw-parser-output .reflist-columns li{page-break-inside:avoid;break-inside:avoid-column}.mw-parser-output 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.cs1-hidden-error{display:none;font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-visible-error{font-size:100%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-maint{display:none;color:#33aa33;margin-left:0.3em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-format{font-size:95%}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-left,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-left{padding-left:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-right,.mw-parser-output .cs1-kern-wl-right{padding-right:0.2em}.mw-parser-output .citation .mw-selflink{font-weight:inherit}</style> <cite class="citation journal cs1"id=CITEREFTarawnehKaczmarekBottinoSant'Anna2011> Tarawneh, A; Kaczmarek, J; Bottino, M N; Sant'Anna, G M (7 July 2011). <a class="external text"href=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fjp.2011.89 rel=nofollow> "Severe airway obstruction during surfactant administration using a standardized protocol: a prospective, observational study" </a> . <i> Journal of Perinatology </i> . <b> 32 </b> (4): 270–275. <a title="Doi (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Doi_(identifier)> doi </a> : <span title="Freely accessible"class=cs1-lock-free> <a class="external text"href=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fjp.2011.89 rel=nofollow> 10.1038/jp.2011.89 </a> </span> . <a title="PMID (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMID_(identifier)> PMID </a> <a class="external text"href=//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21738121 rel=nofollow> 21738121 </a> . </cite> <span class=Z3988 title=ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Journal+of+Perinatology&rft.atitle=Severe+airway+obstruction+during+surfactant+administration+using+a+standardized+protocol%3A+a+prospective%2C+observational+study&rft.volume=32&rft.issue=4&rft.pages=270-275&rft.date=2011-07-07&rft_id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1038%2Fjp.2011.89&rft_id=info%3Apmid%2F21738121&rft.aulast=Tarawneh&rft.aufirst=A&rft.au=Kaczmarek%2C+J&rft.au=Bottino%2C+M+N&rft.au=Sant%27Anna%2C+G+M&rft_id=%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.1038%252Fjp.2011.89&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fen.wikipedia.org%3ASurfactant+therapy> </span> </span><li id=cite_note-2><span class=mw-cite-backlink> <b> <a href=#cite_ref-2> ^ </a> </b> </span> <span class=reference-text> <i> <a class="external text"href=https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/976034-treatment rel=nofollow> Respiratory Distress Syndrome~treatment </a> </i> at <a href=/wiki/EMedicine title=EMedicine> eMedicine </a> </span><li id=cite_note-3><span class=mw-cite-backlink> <b> <a href=#cite_ref-3> ^ </a> </b> </span> <span class=reference-text> <link href=mw-data:TemplateStyles:r999302996 rel=mw-deduplicated-inline-style> <cite class="citation journal cs1"id=CITEREFHärtelPaulHankeHumberg2018> Härtel, Christoph; Paul, Pia; Hanke, Kathrin; Humberg, Alexander; Kribs, Angela; Mehler, Katrin; Vochem, Matthias; Wieg, Christian; Roll, Claudia; Herting, Egbert; Göpel, Wolfgang (29 May 2018). <a class="external text"href=//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5974027 rel=nofollow> "Less invasive surfactant administration and complications of preterm birth" </a> . <i> Scientific Reports </i> . <b> 8 </b> (1): 8333. <a title="Bibcode (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Bibcode_(identifier)> Bibcode </a> : <a class="external text"href=https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018NatSR...8.8333H rel=nofollow> 2018NatSR...8.8333H </a> . <a title="Doi (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Doi_(identifier)> doi </a> : <a class="external text"href=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fs41598-018-26437-x rel=nofollow> 10.1038/s41598-018-26437-x </a> . <a title="PMC (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMC_(identifier)> PMC </a> <span title="Freely accessible"class=cs1-lock-free> <a class="external text"href=//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5974027 rel=nofollow> 5974027 </a> </span> . <a title="PMID (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMID_(identifier)> PMID </a> <a class="external text"href=//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29844331 rel=nofollow> 29844331 </a> . </cite> <span class=Z3988 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M.; Chamberlain, Ronald S.; Sun, Shyan (24 March 2017). <a class="external text"href=//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5433666 rel=nofollow> "Less Invasive Surfactant Administration Reduces the Need for Mechanical Ventilation in Preterm Infants" </a> . <i> Global Pediatric Health </i> . <b> 4 </b> : 2333794X1769668. <a title="Doi (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Doi_(identifier)> doi </a> : <a class="external text"href=https://doi.org/10.1177%2F2333794X17696683 rel=nofollow> 10.1177/2333794X17696683 </a> . <a title="PMC (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMC_(identifier)> PMC </a> <span title="Freely accessible"class=cs1-lock-free> <a class="external text"href=//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5433666 rel=nofollow> 5433666 </a> </span> . <a title="PMID (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMID_(identifier)> PMID </a> <a class="external text"href=//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28540346 rel=nofollow> 28540346 </a> . </cite> <span class=Z3988 title=ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Global+Pediatric+Health&rft.atitle=Less+Invasive+Surfactant+Administration+Reduces+the+Need+for+Mechanical+Ventilation+in+Preterm+Infants&rft.volume=4&rft.pages=2333794X1769668&rft.date=2017-03-24&rft_id=%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC5433666%23id-name%3DPMC&rft_id=info%3Apmid%2F28540346&rft_id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1177%2F2333794X17696683&rft.aulast=Lau&rft.aufirst=Christine+S.+M.&rft.au=Chamberlain%2C+Ronald+S.&rft.au=Sun%2C+Shyan&rft_id=%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpmc%2Farticles%2FPMC5433666&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fen.wikipedia.org%3ASurfactant+therapy> </span> </span><li id=cite_note-5><span class=mw-cite-backlink> <b> <a href=#cite_ref-5> ^ </a> </b> </span> <span class=reference-text> <link href=mw-data:TemplateStyles:r999302996 rel=mw-deduplicated-inline-style> <cite class="citation journal cs1"id=CITEREFSureshSoll2005> Suresh, Gautham K; Soll, Roger F (21 April 2005). <a class="external text"href=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fsj.jp.7211320 rel=nofollow> "Overview of Surfactant Replacement Trials" </a> . <i> Journal of Perinatology </i> . <b> 25 </b> (S2): S40–S44. <a title="Doi (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/Doi_(identifier)> doi </a> : <span title="Freely accessible"class=cs1-lock-free> <a class="external text"href=https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fsj.jp.7211320 rel=nofollow> 10.1038/sj.jp.7211320 </a> </span> . <a title="PMID (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMID_(identifier)> PMID </a> <a class="external text"href=//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15861172 rel=nofollow> 15861172 </a> . </cite> <span class=Z3988 title=ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Journal+of+Perinatology&rft.atitle=Overview+of+Surfactant+Replacement+Trials&rft.volume=25&rft.issue=S2&rft.pages=S40-S44&rft.date=2005-04-21&rft_id=info%3Adoi%2F10.1038%2Fsj.jp.7211320&rft_id=info%3Apmid%2F15861172&rft.aulast=Suresh&rft.aufirst=Gautham+K&rft.au=Soll%2C+Roger+F&rft_id=%2F%2Fdoi.org%2F10.1038%252Fsj.jp.7211320&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fen.wikipedia.org%3ASurfactant+therapy> </span> </span><li id=cite_note-6><span class=mw-cite-backlink> <b> <a href=#cite_ref-6> ^ </a> </b> </span> <span class=reference-text> <link href=mw-data:TemplateStyles:r999302996 rel=mw-deduplicated-inline-style> <cite class="citation journal cs1"id=CITEREFFujiwaraChidaWatabeMaeta1980> Fujiwara, Tetsuro; Chida, Shoichi; Watabe, Yoshitane; Maeta, Haruo; Morita, Tomoaki; Abe, Tadaaki (January 1980). 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(1 July 1991). <a class="external text"href=http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=2057268 rel=nofollow> "Reduction of Neonatal Mortality after Multiple Doses of Bovine Surfactant in Low Birth Weight Neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome" </a> . <i> Pediatrics </i> . <b> 88 </b> (1): 19–28. <a title="PMID (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMID_(identifier)> PMID </a> <a class="external text"href=//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2057268 rel=nofollow> 2057268 </a> . </cite> <span class=Z3988 title=ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Pediatrics&rft.atitle=Reduction+of+Neonatal+Mortality+after+Multiple+Doses+of+Bovine+Surfactant+in+Low+Birth+Weight+Neonates+with+Respiratory+Distress+Syndrome&rft.volume=88&rft.issue=1&rft.pages=19-28&rft.date=1991-07-01&rft_id=info%3Apmid%2F2057268&rft.aulast=Liechty&rft.aufirst=Edward+A.&rft.au=Donovan%2C+Edward&rft.au=Purohit%2C+Dilip&rft.au=Gilhooly%2C+Joseph&rft.au=Feldman%2C+Bernard&rft.au=Noguchi%2C+Akihiko&rft.au=Denson%2C+Susan+E.&rft.au=Sehgal%2C+Sabitha+S.&rft.au=Gross%2C+Ian&rft.au=Stevens%2C+Dennis&rft.au=Ikegami%2C+Machiko&rft.au=Zachman%2C+Richard+D.&rft.au=Carrier%2C+Steven+T.&rft.au=Gunkel%2C+J.+Harry&rft.au=Gold%2C+Alan+J.&rft_id=http%3A%2F%2Fpediatrics.aappublications.org%2Fcgi%2Fpmidlookup%3Fview%3Dlong%26pmid%3D2057268&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fen.wikipedia.org%3ASurfactant+therapy> </span> </span><li id=cite_note-8><span class=mw-cite-backlink> <b> <a href=#cite_ref-8> ^ </a> </b> </span> <span class=reference-text> <link href=mw-data:TemplateStyles:r999302996 rel=mw-deduplicated-inline-style> <cite class="citation journal cs1"id=CITEREFKendigNotterCoxAschner1988> Kendig, James W.; Notter, Robert H.; Cox, Christopher; Aschner, Judy L.; Benn, Steven; Bernstein, Richard M.; Hendricks-Munoz, Karen; Maniscalco, William M.; Metlay, Leon A.; Phelps, Dale L.; Sinkin, Robert A.; Wood, Beverly P.; Shapiro, Donald L. (1 November 1988). <a class="external text"href=http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=3054783 rel=nofollow> "Surfactant Replacement Therapy at Birth: Final Analysis of a Clinical Trial and Comparisons With Similar Trials" </a> . <i> Pediatrics </i> . <b> 82 </b> (5): 756–762. <a title="PMID (identifier)"class=mw-redirect href=/wiki/PMID_(identifier)> PMID </a> <a class="external text"href=//pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/3054783 rel=nofollow> 3054783 </a> . </cite> <span class=Z3988 title=ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info%3Aofi%2Ffmt%3Akev%3Amtx%3Ajournal&rft.genre=article&rft.jtitle=Pediatrics&rft.atitle=Surfactant+Replacement+Therapy+at+Birth%3A+Final+Analysis+of+a+Clinical+Trial+and+Comparisons+With+Similar+Trials&rft.volume=82&rft.issue=5&rft.pages=756-762&rft.date=1988-11-01&rft_id=info%3Apmid%2F3054783&rft.aulast=Kendig&rft.aufirst=James+W.&rft.au=Notter%2C+Robert+H.&rft.au=Cox%2C+Christopher&rft.au=Aschner%2C+Judy+L.&rft.au=Benn%2C+Steven&rft.au=Bernstein%2C+Richard+M.&rft.au=Hendricks-Munoz%2C+Karen&rft.au=Maniscalco%2C+William+M.&rft.au=Metlay%2C+Leon+A.&rft.au=Phelps%2C+Dale+L.&rft.au=Sinkin%2C+Robert+A.&rft.au=Wood%2C+Beverly+P.&rft.au=Shapiro%2C+Donald+L.&rft_id=http%3A%2F%2Fpediatrics.aappublications.org%2Fcgi%2Fpmidlookup%3Fview%3Dlong%26pmid%3D3054783&rfr_id=info%3Asid%2Fen.wikipedia.org%3ASurfactant+therapy> </span> </span></ol></div></div></div><noscript><img style="border: none; 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+--------------------------------------------------------------------+It was a busy week indeed, with long threads, interesting bugs, clever
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auditing utility for C, C++, Python, Perl and PHP code. RATS scans source
code, finding potentially dangerous function calls. The goal of this
project is not to definitively find bugs. The current goal is to provide
a reasonable starting point for performing manual security audits.
Produced by [0]Secure Software" Uses a database so you can alter what you
want it to look for. Not a replacement for using stricture or your head
but is a good place to start some security auditing on your Perl.Discuss this story at:
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Please fill out an application in our "General Consideration" listing to have the opportunity to be considered for future openings! </strong><p><span style="color: #339966; font-size: 14px;"> <strong> *Please note: this site works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox </strong> </span></div><div class=hrmSearchContainer><span id=job-filter-header> Filter Jobs: </span><form action=job-openings.php method=GET name=searchReqs><input name=search type=hidden value=true><input type=hidden><input type=hidden><input type=hidden><div class=hrmSearch><select data-aria-label="select department"class=chzn-select id=dept name=dept><option value=-1>- All Teams -<option value=18102>Butler - 1 Job<option value=12793>Engineering - 3 Jobs<option value=13079>Land Development 1 - 4 Jobs<option value=13081>Municipal - 1 Job<option value=13077>Project Support Services - 6 Jobs</select></div><div class=hrmSearch><select data-aria-label="select city"class=chzn-select id=city name=city><option value=-1>- 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ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1549129&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1549129 data-req-id=1549129><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments0>Butler<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle0><a href=job-opening.php?req=1549129&&#job> Civil Engineer - Land Development </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities0>Butler<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state0>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem1 ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1319823&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1319823 data-req-id=1319823><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=departments1>Engineering<td class="posTitle reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=posTitle1><a href=job-opening.php?req=1319823&&#job> Engineer-In-Training (Land Development) </a><td class="cities reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=cities1>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state1>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1703393&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1703393 data-req-id=1703393><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments2>Engineering<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle2><a href=job-opening.php?req=1703393&&#job> Environmental Specialist </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities2>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state2>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem1 ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1727975&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1727975 data-req-id=1727975><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=departments3>Engineering<td class="posTitle reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=posTitle3><a href=job-opening.php?req=1727975&&#job> Project Manager - Structural Engineering </a><td class="cities reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=cities3>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state3>PA<td 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class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state5>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1721214&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1721214 data-req-id=1721214><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments6>Land Development 1<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle6><a href=job-opening.php?req=1721214&&#job> Project Manager - GIS </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities6>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state6>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem1 ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1805676&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1805676 data-req-id=1805676><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=departments7>Land Development 1<td class="posTitle reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=posTitle7><a href=job-opening.php?req=1805676&&#job> Landscape Designer </a><td class="cities reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=cities7>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state7>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1541636&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1541636 data-req-id=1541636><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments8>Municipal<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle8><a href=job-opening.php?req=1541636&&#job> Engineer (Construction) </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities8>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state8>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem1 ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=113135&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=113135 data-req-id=113135><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=departments9>Project Support Services<td class="posTitle reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=posTitle9><a href=job-opening.php?req=113135&&#job> General Consideration </a><td class="cities reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=cities9>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state9>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1550142&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1550142 data-req-id=1550142><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments10>Project Support Services<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle10><a href=job-opening.php?req=1550142&&#job> Administrative Assistant </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities10>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state10>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem1 ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1725622&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1725622 data-req-id=1725622><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=departments11>Project Support Services<td class="posTitle reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=posTitle11><a href=job-opening.php?req=1725622&&#job> Human Resource Generalist </a><td class="cities reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=cities11>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state11>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1740282&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1740282 data-req-id=1740282><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments12>Project Support Services<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle12><a href=job-opening.php?req=1740282&&#job> Financial Reporting Analyst </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities12>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state12>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem1 ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1793421&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1793421 data-req-id=1793421><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=departments13>Project Support Services<td class="posTitle reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=posTitle13><a href=job-opening.php?req=1793421&&#job> Design Technology Specialist </a><td class="cities reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=cities13>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem1 ReqRowClick"id=state13>PA<td class=rightBorder> <tr class="reqitem ReqRowClick ReqRowClick"onclick='window.location="job-opening.php?req=1805549&#job ";'data-custom-req-id=1805549 data-req-id=1805549><td class=leftBorder> <td class="departments reqitem ReqRowClick"id=departments14>Project Support Services<td class="posTitle reqitem ReqRowClick"id=posTitle14><a href=job-opening.php?req=1805549&&#job> Accounting Specialist </a><td class="cities reqitem ReqRowClick"id=cities14>Pittsburgh<td class="state reqitem ReqRowClick"id=state14>PA<td class=rightBorder> </table><a class=jobs-portal-link href=https://gatewayengineers.clearcompany.com/careers/portal target=_blank> Jobs Portal <span class="link-icon fas fa-external-link-alt"> </span> </a></div><div class=welcomeFooter><p>Having trouble? 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nomination for purchase and sale as we discusssed , we nominate 5 , 000 mmbtu / d from hpl into eastrans for 2 / 3 / 2000 , and 5 , 000 mmbtu / d ( the first gas delivered ) from fuels cotton valley into hpl for 2 / 3 / 2000 . | 2 |
['Subject: revised nom \ndaren ,\nprize energy revised their nom eff . 6 / 26 through 6 / 29 for the following\nmeters :\nmeter # 4028 4965 9604\nold nom : 659 182 101\nnew nom : 0 0 0\nplease advise if you want me to adjust .\nbob'] | 2 |
['Subject: lose 19 % , powerful weightloss now available where you are . \nhello , i have a special offer for you . . .\nwant to lose weight ?\nthe most powerful weightloss is now available\nwithout prescription . all natural adipren 720\n100 % money back guarant?e !\n- lose up to 19 % total body weight .\n- loss of 20 - 35 % abdominal fat .\n- up to 300 % more weight loss while dieting .\n- increase metabolic rate by 76 . 9 % without exercise .\n- reduction of 40 - 70 % overall fat under skin .\n- suppresses appetite for sugar .\n- burns calorized fat .\n- boost your confidence level and self esteem .\nget the facts about all - natural adipren 720 http : / / www . 1 adipren . com /\n- - - - system information - - - -\narchitecture identical ) example locale software properties specific entities\nversus this examples : reflection without world natural objects\nend here needs clients cite string zone geographic\ncases represents from version contrast in working fall\nprocessing results : dictionary scenarios internet greater individuals could\n'] | 2 |
You should not be reporting spam to (apt).
You need to report only to nomination servers, which, like
catalogue servers, can and will be changed, and are
set by the discovery servers. Razor agents do discovery
for you automatically, storing server names in .razor/*.lst files
On 10/08/02 10:48 +0530, Raghavendra Bhat wrote:
) Hello List:
) I have been using Razor for quite a while. I have been reporting spam
) to the server at from mutt.
) I am unable to report as of the past two days. The message which is
) echoed back says 'Connection refused'.
) Am I doing some brain dead thing ? If not are there other reporting
) servers ?
) --
) ragOO, VU2RGU<->http://gnuhead.dyndns.org/<->GPG: 1024D/F1624A6E
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From [email protected] Wed Oct 9 18:17:52 2002
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From: Samuel Checker <[email protected]>
To: Brian Fahrlander <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: [Razor-users] Razor and Pine
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On Wed, 9 Oct 2002, Brian Fahrlander wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 09:15:03 -0400 (EDT), Samuel Checker <[email protected]> wrote:
> > I've been testing Razor, invoked from sendmail/procmail and so far it
> > seems pretty copacetic. Last night's spam to the list provided a good test
> > - the spam itself as well as several of the responses were flagged, as
> > other list members reported.
> >
> Are you using Spamassassin on the input side? I've just changed my sendmail installation and am looking for the 'proper' way to pass it through there, systemwide, before accepting it and sending it to the users. It's kinda problematic to set up procmail scripts for every user, when the user's home directories are NFS mounted....and the source is on my own machine, on which I try new things. (And it's the only machine with the drivespace...)
I've not used Spamassassin on the KISS principle. I just have procmail
adding an X-header and optionally modifying the Subject if razor-check
comes back positive.
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});</script><div class=fb-like data-action=like data-href=https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/history2/38/ESPN-Inc.html data-layout=standard data-share=true data-show-faces=false></div><hr><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-4803409109489353 data-ad-format=auto data-ad-slot=4361164895 style=display:block> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script><hr></div><p><address>935 Middle Street <br> Bristol, Connecticut 06010 <br> U.S.A. <br></address><p><p><b> Company Perspectives: </b><p>ESPN, Inc., the leading destination for American sports fans, continued its growth in 2002, led by major programming acquisitions and original programs, increased viewership, greater distribution of its domestic networks, and international network launches.<h2>History of ESPN, Inc.</h2><div class=ads_float_left><div class=leftad><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-4803409109489353 data-ad-format=auto data-ad-slot=8791364490 style=display:block> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div></div><p>ESPN, Inc. is a pioneer among basic cable television networks, devoting its entire programming to a single subject: sports. By 2002 the company's flagship network, ESPN, reached more than 87 million households and televised all of the major professional leagues: baseball, football, hockey, and basketball. According to the 2002 annual report of ESPN's parent company, Walt Disney, ESPN was the number one basic cable network in terms of affiliate, national, and local advertising revenue. Considered by many to be the most successful basic cable network, ESPN delivered the hard-to-capture audience of young males to a wide range of advertisers. Cable system operators consistently selected ESPN as the number one cable network in perceived value.<p><b> Early History: 1978-80 </b><p>ESPN, Inc. was the brainchild of Bill Rasmussen, an unemployed sports announcer. In the spring of 1978 Rasmussen was fired by the New England Whalers of the World Hockey Association as its communications director and play-by-play announcer. He began looking for a way to broadcast University of Connecticut basketball games through cable television operators in the state. At the time, satellite technology was a relatively new way of transmitting programming to cable operators. RCA had an underused satellite on which Rasmussen could lease time. With six of 23 active transponder sites fully available, RCA was eager for customers.<p>After discovering that it was cheaper to rent satellite time from RCA for 24 hours rather than for five hours, Rasmussen decided to offer 24-hour sports programming on a national basis. RCA offered Rasmussen an easy payment program, so he used his credit card to lease space on RCA's Satcom 1 in July 1978. He called his company Entertainment Sports Programming Network, Inc., or ESP Network for short. According to company legend, it became ESPN when the company's letterhead came back that way from the printer.<p>ESPN began broadcasting in September 1979 with limited airtime during the week and 24-hour coverage on the weekends. The company had signed up 625 cable system affiliates, reaching more than one million of a total of 20 million households that had cable at that time. Its first televised event was a slow-pitch world series softball game between the Milwaukee Schlitzes and the Kentucky Bourbons. ESPN's first sponsor was Anheuser-Busch, which purchased $1.4 million worth of advertising--a record for cable television. Through a deal with the NCAA, ESPN broadcast college football games as well as other sports. To fill airtime, ESPN would often broadcast the same games more than once. In March 1980 ESPN covered early rounds of the NCAA basketball tournament, which featured future NBA stars Larry Byrd and Earvin "Magic" Johnson. In September 1980 ESPN began broadcasting on a full, 24-hour basis. New programming included weekly boxing matches.<p><b> Becoming an Established Sports Network: 1980s </b><p>ESPN's early financing came from Getty Oil, which invested $10 million in the company in 1979 for a controlling interest. Getty hired Chet Simmons, president of NBC Sports, to run ESPN. After seeing its financing rise to $25 million with no profits in sight, Getty hired management consultant McKinsey & Co. to assess ESPN's future. McKinsey's lead consultant on the project was Roger Werner, who forecast that ESPN would become profitable in five years with another $120 million investment. Werner joined ESPN as its vice-president of finance, administration, and planning, and developed a new business plan. Up to this time ESPN's only revenue stream came from advertising. Werner proposed charging cable operators, who had been receiving ESPN programming for free, small monthly fees, starting at six cents per subscriber and gradually increasing to 10 cents by 1985. While this innovative system of affiliate fees eventually became standard practice among cable programmers, cable operators were not interested at first. Werner received help in convincing cable operators of the need to support ESPN from the company's new CEO, Bill Grimes, who replaced Chet Simmons in June 1982. Meanwhile, Werner was promoted to senior vice-president. When CBS Cable folded in October 1982, Grimes and Werner convinced major cable companies that ESPN could not survive without subscriber fees. About half of the major cable companies agreed to ESPN's rates.<p>By the end of 1983 ESPN was cable's largest network, with a reach of 28.5 million households. In January 1984 ABC, Inc. bought a 15 percent stake in the company, then acquired control of the company six months later. The acquisition of ESPN by ABC put the sports network on firmer financial footing and provided a foundation for its phenomenal growth in the coming years.<p>When college football on television was deregulated through a court decision in 1984, ESPN began broadcasting Thursday and Saturday night games. These college football broadcasts helped improve the image of ESPN's audience with advertisers, who began noticing upscale demographics among ESPN's viewers. When ESPN announced it would cover the 1986-87 America's Cup competition, advertisers quickly bought up all of the advertising time for the network's 70 hours of coverage of yachting's premiere event.<p>Following its acquisition by ABC, which was acquired by Capital Cities Communications, Inc. at the beginning of 1986 to form Capital Cities/ABC Inc., ESPN landed major broadcasting contracts from the National Hockey League (1985), the National Football League (1987), and Major League Baseball (1989). According to <i> Cablevision, </i> ESPN became part of the American consciousness when it broadcast the finals of yachting's America's Cup live from Australia in January 1987. The <i> New York Times </i> devoted a front-page story to the coverage, noting how people were hosting late-night and early-morning parties to watch the races, or gathering in bars to cheer on the American team. Two months later the National Football League awarded ESPN its first-ever package of games to be broadcast on cable television, which began in August 1987 with the televised broadcast of the inaugural game at the Miami Dolphins' Joe Robbie Stadium against the Chicago Bears. The four-year contract was renewed for 1990-93 at a cost of about $450 million to ESPN. In addition, ABC-TV paid about $900 million for its package of Monday night and weekend games.<p>ESPN also expanded internationally in the 1980s. The company began distributing programming overseas in 1983, and in 1988 it formally created ESPN International to launch networks in other countries. In March 1989 ESPN Latin America was introduced, followed by ESPN Asia in 1992. ESPN gained a foothold in Europe in 1993 with the launch of a redesigned Eurosport in partnership with European broadcasters TF1 and Canal Plus.<p><b> Expanding Its Brand: 1990-95 </b><p>ESPN began the 1990s with a new president and CEO, when Steve Bornstein replaced Roger Werner. Werner, the former McKinsey & Co. consultant, was ESPN's president and CEO from 1988 to 1999. He left ESPN to become president and CEO of Daniels & Associates Inc., which owned a wide range of sports properties. Bornstein was formerly ESPN's executive vice-president in charge of programming and production and the network's second in command. He first joined ESPN in 1980 as a program coordinator.<p>Under Bornstein's leadership, ESPN extended its brand name in the 1990s by launching new networks, expanding globally, and signing contracts to broadcast games of major sports leagues. The brand expansion began in 1991 with the launch of ESPN Radio Network in conjunction with the ABC Radio Network. ESPN Radio began with 16 hours of programming per week and was offered to 200 radio stations. In 1993 ESPN introduced a second cable network, ESPN2, which began transmission on October 1, 1993. Billed as an alternative sports network, ESPN2 was expected to reach a younger demographic than ESPN. Its initial programming included college basketball games, arena football, volleyball, motor racing events, fitness programs, soccer, karate, kickboxing, and other sports, as well as two sports and talk shows. When ESPN2 was launched, it reached about nine million homes, compared to 61.7 million for ESPN. ESPN2 had agreements in place with 15 of the top 20 multiple cable system operators (MSOs) and was expected to reach 30 million homes within a couple of years.<p>ESPN's first contract with Major League Baseball was a four-year, $400 million package that was signed in January 1989 and began in 1990. It called for ESPN to broadcast 175 games, six games a week. The contract was baseball's first cable package since 1983. At the time ESPN reached more than 50 million households. After sustaining losses of more than $200 million on its baseball broadcasts, ESPN announced at the end of the 1992 season that it would not renew its contract with Major League Baseball, which expired at the end of the 1993 season. At the end of the 1993 season, however, the two sides reached an agreement for a scaled-back six-year contract to begin with the 1994 baseball season.<p>In March 1993 ESPN acquired the sports programming division of Ohlmeyer Communications Inc. Donald Ohlmeyer, the company's founder and CEO, had recently been named president of NBC West Coast. His company was known for developing professional golf's Skins Game, among other sports programs. It also produced the television coverage of the Indianapolis 500 auto race.<div class=ads_bottom><hr><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-4803409109489353 data-ad-format=auto data-ad-slot=4361164895 style=display:block> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script><hr></div><p>Another acquisition took place in 1994, when ESPN acquired an 80 percent interest in SportsTicker from Dow Jones. SportsTicker was a sports news information service. ESPN planned to use its sports feed to supplement other information sources for its recently launched online service, ESPNET, which was available at the time through Prodigy.<p>ESPN began developing its Extreme Games competition in 1994, and the first annual Extreme Games were held in June-July 1995. ESPN and ESPN2 broadcast more than 60 hours of Extreme Games, which included nine extreme sports such as in-line skating, mountain biking, skateboarding, sky surfing, and street luge racing. Television coverage also included a beach party and concert. In 1996 the name of the competition was changed to X Games, with more than 400 athletes competing in events that included bungee jumping and bicycle stunt riding. ESPN and ESPN2 carried about 35 hours of X Games programming in 1996. By 1997 the X Games enjoyed a range of merchandising tie-ins that included sporting apparel, music CDs, videotapes, and video games. Advertising for the annual event was sold out each year. The EXPN web site provided online coverage of a variety of extreme sports.<p>It was during the first half of the 1990s that ESPN began facing serious competition from Fox Sports. In 1994 a new contract with the National Hockey League, whose games ESPN had been broadcasting since 1992, split coverage of the 1995 Stanley Cup playoffs between ESPN and Fox Sports and gave Fox Sports the right to broadcast the 1995 All-Star game.<p><b> New Parent, Walt Disney: 1995-99 </b><p>In mid-1995 Walt Disney Company acquired ESPN's parent company, Capital Cities/ABC, giving Disney an 80 percent interest in ESPN and full control of its operations. The Hearst Corporation, a passive investor in ESPN, retained the 20 percent interest in ESPN it had purchased from RJR Nabisco Inc. in 1990 for an estimated $170 million. In April 1996 Disney announced plans to combine ESPN and ABC Sports into a single operating unit under the control of Steve Bornstein. Although Bornstein became president of both ESPN and ABC Sports, he made it clear that the two would remain separate and distinct businesses.<p>ESPN gained another cable sports network in September 1997 with the purchase of the Classic Sports Network (CSN), an independently owned cable service that broadcast classic sporting events from the past. While financial terms were not disclosed, it was reported that Disney paid between $150 million and $200 million. At the time of the acquisition CSN had about 11 million subscribers and was expected to gain another four million in November when Time Warner Cable in New York City began carrying it. Analysts agreed that CSN would provide a good cable outlet for ESPN's and ABC Sports' extensive sports libraries. CSN was ESPN's fourth network. At the time ESPN reached about 71 million homes, ESPN2 was available in 52 million homes, and ESPNews reached five million households.<p>In 1998 ESPN committed to new long-term contracts with the National Football League and the National Hockey League. An eight-year, $18 billion television package with the NFL was announced at the beginning of the year that included ABC, CBS, and ESPN. NBC and TNT (Turner Network Television) dropped out of the package. ESPN's and ABC's parent, Walt Disney, paid more than half of the total package, or $9.2 billion. ABC retained its Monday Night Football package and ESPN expanded its Sunday night coverage for the full season. Annually, ABC would pay about $550 million a year and ESPN $600 million a year to broadcast NFL football games for the next eight years. Later in the year, in spite of ratings declines, ABC and ESPN agreed to a five-year, $600 million contract with the NHL to start with the 1998-99 season. The contract gave ABC exclusive national broadcast TV rights and ESPN exclusive national cable TV rights for NHL games.<p>ESPN launched <i> ESPN: The Magazine </i> in 1998 under the direction of John Skipper, president of Disney Publishing. Previously ESPN's only presence in print was <i> Total Sports, </i> an irregularly published magazine produced in association with Hearst. In its first year of existence, <i> ESPN: The Magazine </i> achieved a circulation of 400,000 and ranked second behind <i> Sports Illustrated </i> in number of advertising pages. Its target audience was males in their 20s.<p>In 1998 Fox Sports' regional programming approach was giving ESPN significant competition for advertising dollars. Fox customized its "Fox Sports News Primetime" broadcasts for each local market. Its regional approach to baseball resulted in larger audiences nationwide than ESPN, even though ESPN reached 12 million more households that Fox/Liberty's 22 networks combined. Fox/Liberty, Fox Sports Net's parent, was a 50-50 joint venture between Rupert Murdoch's Fox Sports and TCI Chairman and CEO John Malone's Liberty Media.<p>Toward the end of 1998 Steve Bornstein was named to the newly created position of chairman of ESPN. George Bodenheimer, who had been with ESPN since shortly after its launch in 1979, became ESPN's president. Bornstein retained the presidency of ABC Sports. Further management changes took place in March 1999, when Bornstein was promoted to president of ABC Inc. Howard Katz, ESPN's head of production, was named president of ABC Sports.<p>During most of the 1999 baseball season ESPN was involved in a dispute with Major League Baseball. Seeds of the disagreement began in 1998 when ESPN preempted three Sunday night baseball games with football broadcasts. ESPN chose to move the baseball games to ESPN2 and broadcast the football games on ESPN. At issue was whether or not MLB had the right to reject any proposed preemption. Under its contract with MLB, ESPN had the right to preempt up to ten games per season for events of "significant viewer interest." At the beginning of the 1999 season, MLB announced it would terminate its six-year contract with ESPN at the end of the season. ESPN responded by filing a lawsuit against MLB to enforce its contract. After much squabbling, the two sides reached a compromise agreement in December 1999. A new six-year agreement valued at $815 million extended ESPN's right to cover Major League Baseball through 2005. ESPN agreed to increase the number of regular games it broadcast from 90 to 108 on both ESPN and ESPN2 and to increase its studio coverage of baseball. ESPN Radio would continue to have regular and postseason broadcast rights. ESPN.com would be able to show daily four-minute video highlight packages, and the company's video games division was granted interactive rights.<p>ESPN's combination of Sunday night football and the Major League Baseball playoffs pushed the sports network to the number one ranking in prime time among cable networks in October 1999. Its NFL games were the top three rated cable shows for the month, with one game achieving a 9.5 rating and viewership of 7.3 million households.<p><b> Mixed Blessing for Disney: 2000-03 </b><p>In Walt Disney's annual report for 2000, CEO Michael Eisner praised ESPN as "in a class of its own." Dubbed the "worldwide leader in sports," ESPN contributed $2.6 billion in revenue in 2000 and $824 million in operating income. ESPN was worth $20 billion, or 25 percent of Disney's market value, but it only provided 10 percent of Disney's total revenue, according to one estimate published in <i> Forbes. </i> ESPN reached 82 million cable households, and cable system operators paid ESPN 70 cents per subscriber to carry it. ESPN's fees were double those of CNN and four times those of MTV. By 2002 <i> Business Week </i> reported that ESPN's fees averaged $1.50 per subscriber, more than double those of CNN, with contracts calling for annual 20 percent increases.<p>Nevertheless, ESPN was facing significant competition from Fox Sports as well as regional cable networks and numerous web sites. For the period from October 2000 to March 2001 ESPN's ratings declined 19 percent from the previous year, reaching their lowest point in three years. ESPN's ad revenue in 2000 increased by 3.5 percent to top $1 billion, while ESPN2's ad revenue increased 15 percent. For 2001 ESPN's ratings in the 18- to 49-year-old male group sank by 14 percent from the previous year, while Fox Sports' ratings increased by 12 percent in the same group.<p>Adding to ESPN's woes was the high cost of its premiere sports contracts with the NFL and Major League Baseball. To offset some of its costs, ESPN dropped some high-priced contracts, letting NASCAR jump to other networks in 1999 with a $2.4 billion six-year deal. In January 2001 ESPN declined to sign up golf's Senior PGA Tour, which went to CNBC. In an effort to buy some low-cost viewers, ESPN acquired B.A.S.S., the largest fishing organization in the United States with more than 600,000 members, in April 2001. B.A.S.S. ran two fishing tournament series, both of which already aired on ESPN2, and published three magazines. ESPN also hoped to attract viewers with original programming, including a movie about controversial basketball coach Bobby Knight that aired in March 2002, and a new late-night sports variety show that launched in April 2002. A large-format movie produced with Touchstone Pictures called <i> ESPN's Ultimate X Games </i> was <i> </i> released in May 2002. Other revenue sources included eight Zone restaurants and a new interactive channel on DirecTV. In addition, ESPN's wireless unit delivered scores and sports news to cell phones and personal digital assistants for a fee.<p>New contracts signed in 2002 included a blockbuster six-year contract with the National Basketball Association for $4.6 billion. The contract began with the 2002-03 season, with ABC and ESPN paying $2.4 billion and AOL Time Warner's TNT paying about $2.2 billion. NBC, which held the NBA contract for the past 12 years, dropped out of the bidding. ABC and ESPN also signed a six-year contract with the Women's NBA in June that called for sharing expenses and revenue without having to pay a rights fee. Under another contract with Major League Soccer to broadcast the 2002 and 2006 men's World Cup soccer tournaments and the 2003 women's World Cup, Major League Soccer agreed to buy time on ABC and ESPN to air the World Cup matches. As part of the deal ESPN2 agreed to broadcast 26 MLS matches on Saturdays, with ABC carrying at least three MLS games including the MLS Cup and MLS All-Star game.<p>In an interview published in <i> Multichannel News </i> in mid-2002 <i> , </i> ESPN President George Bodenheimer identified three programming areas of growth outside of ESPN's major sports franchises. They were the X Games, with ESPN introducing the X Games Global Championship in the spring of 2003; outdoor programming, including the Great Outdoors Games and programming from B.A.S.S.; and NCAA national championships in 15 different sports. He also cited SportsCenter as a solid piece of programming for the network; it aired its 25,000th live edition in August 2002, more shows than any other television series. In March 2003 Bodenheimer added the presidency of ABC Sports to his duties following the resignation of Howard Katz.<p>In the final quarter of 2002 ESPN continued to enjoy a high position in the cable TV ratings. It jockeyed with Lifetime Television for the primetime ratings crown, losing the top overall rating spot in October but gaining the number one position among adults in the 18-34 and 18-49 age groups. It beat out MTV in the 18-34 age group and USA Network in the 18-49 age group. For the year 2002, ESPN led 13 other cable networks in double-digit increases in primetime ratings. ESPN's pro football games led the way, capturing 9 of the 10 highest-rated positions for individual programs. As a result, ESPN was up 15 percent in households, 20 percent among adults 25-54, and 24 percent among adults 18-49 for the year.<p>Looking to expand its brand and gain additional revenue sources, ESPN began broadcasting in high definition (HD) in March with a live cablecast of an opening game of Major League Baseball. Its new spinoff network, ESPN HD, was a clone of ESPN and provided an exact replica of ESPN's 24-hour programming. At first only select events were broadcast in HD, giving ESPN HD subscribers higher quality sound and image. What more could a sports fan want?<p><b> Principal Operating Units: </b> ESPN; ESPN2; ESPN Classic; ESPNews; ESPN HD; ESPN Interactive; ESPN International; ESPN Original Entertainment; ESPN Outdoors; ESPN The Magazine; ESPN Radio; ESPN.com; ESPN ABC Sports Customer Marketing and Sales.<p><b> Principal Competitors: </b> AOL Time Warner Inc.; Fox Sports Networks, LLC; National Broadcasting Company, Inc.; Universal Television Group.<h2>Chronology</h2><ul><li><b> Key Dates: </b><li><b> 1978: </b> Bill Rasmussen forms Entertainment Sports Programming Network, Inc. (ESPN) to broadcast sporting events to cable television operators via satellite.<li><b> 1979: </b> ESPN begins broadcasting on a limited-time basis.<li><b> 1980: </b> ESPN begins broadcasting 24 hours a day, seven days a week.<li><b> 1984: </b> ABC, Inc. acquires ESPN.<li><b> 1986: </b> Capital Cities Communications, Inc. acquires ABC and becomes Capital Cities/ABC, Inc.<li><b> 1987: </b> ESPN begins broadcasting National Football League games.<li><b> 1988: </b> ESPN International is created.<li><b> 1989: </b> ESPN begins broadcasting Major League Baseball games.<li><b> 1990: </b> The Hearst Corporation acquires a 20 percent interest in ESPN from RJR Nabisco Inc.<li><b> 1991: </b> ESPN Radio Network is launched in conjunction with the ABC Radio Network.<li><b> 1993: </b> ESPN2 begins transmission.<li><b> 1995: </b> Walt Disney Company acquires Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. and becomes ESPN's parent company.<li><b> 1997: </b> ESPN purchases the Classic Sports Network and launches ESPN Classic.<li><b> 1998: </b> <i> ESPN: The Magazine </i> is launched.<li><b> 2003: </b> ESPN HD, a high-definition television sports network, is introduced.</ul><h2>Additional Details</h2><ul><li><b> Joint Venture (80% Walt Disney Company; 20% Hearst Corporation </b> )<li><b> Incorporated: </b> 1978 as Entertainment Sports Programming Network, Inc.<li><b> Employees: </b> 2,600 (est.)<li><b> Sales: </b> $2.12 billion (2002)<li><b> NAIC: </b> 513210 Cable Television Networks; 512110 Video Production; 511120 Magazine Publishers</ul><h2>Further Reference</h2><ul><li>"ABC and ESPN Retain $1.35 Billion Pieces of NFL Pie," <i> Broadcasting, </i> March 5, 1990, p. 33.<li>"ABC, ESPN Agree to WNBA Pact," <i> Mediaweek, </i> June 17, 2002, p. 40.<li>Adalian, Josef, and Jenny Hontz, "Iger and Bornstein Climb up Alphabet," <i> Variety, </i> March 1, 1999, p. 65.<li>Battaglio, Stephen, "Bornstein: ESPN's New Captain," <i> AdWeek Western Edition, </i> September 24, 1990, p. 27.<li>Berman, Chris, "Sportscaster Relives His 15 Years with ESPN," <i> Sport, </i> October 1994, p. 86.<li>Berniker, Mark, "ESPN Buys 80% of SportsTicker," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> November 14, 1994, p. 47.<li>Brown, Rich, "ESPN on Course in Merger's Wake," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> August 7, 1995, p. 21.<li>Carvell, Tim, "Prime-Time Player," <i> Fortune, </i> March 2, 1998, p. 134.<li>Chunovic, Louis, "ESPN Wins Cable's Young Demo Crowns," <i> Electronic Media, </i> November 4, 2002, p. 8.<li>Consoli, John, "ABC, ESPN Kick up '02 Cup," <i> Mediaweek, </i> January 7, 2002, p. 5.<li>Dempsey, John, "ESPN HD Sports High-Def TV," <i> Daily Variety, </i> March 28, 2003.<li>------, "ESPN Pitches Suit at Baseball," <i> Variety, </i> May 10, 1999, p. 135.<li>------, "NFL Gains Yardage for ESPN," <i> Daily Variety, </i> January 2, 2003, p. 1.<li>Dolliver, Mark, "Let the Extreme Games, Like, Man, Begin," <i> AdWeek Eastern Edition, </i> June 24, 1996, p. 22.<li>Donohue, Steve, "ESPN, Baseball Make up with 6-Year, $815M Kiss," <i> Multichannel News, </i> December 13, 1999, p. 6.<li>------, "ESPN Throws the Heat at MLB," <i> Electronic Media, </i> May 10, 1999, p. 2.<li>Dunnavant, Keith, "Wider World of Sports," <i> AdWeek Western Edition, </i> January 20, 1992, p. 40.<li>Dupree, Scotty, "ABC Sports to Go to ESPN?," <i> Mediaweek, </i> April 1, 1996, p. 6.<li>"ESPN Combines Internet, Publishing Units," <i> Multichannel News, </i> November 19, 2001, p. 5.<li>"ESPN Gets to 'Play Ball' for $400 million," <i> Broadcasting, </i> January 9, 1989, p. 43.<li>"ESPN Hooks B.A.S.S.," <i> Mediaweek, </i> April 9, 2001, p. 22.<li>"ESPN's Bodenheimer: From Field to Field General," <i> Multichannel News, </i> June 3, 2002, p. 9.<li>"ESPN Sees Change at Top," <i> Multichannel News, </i> November 23, 1998, p. 5.<li>"ESPN's Full-Court Press," <i> Business Week, </i> February 11, 2002, p. 60.<li>Fink, James, "Cable Companies Hope to Add ESPN2 Network to Their Rosters," <i> Business First of Buffalo, </i> October 4, 1993, p. 13.<li>Frankel, Daniel, "ESPN, MLB Reconcile," <i> Electronic Media, </i> December 13, 1999, p. 8.<li>Fry, Andy, "On Top of Their Game," <i> Variety, </i> January 19, 1998, p. A1.<li>Goldsand, Alan, "Buyers Lukewarm on ESPN Sports News Radio Plan," <i> Mediaweek, </i> September 9, 1991, p. 4.<li>Grossman, Andrew, "Bornstein Succeeds Werner As ESPN President, CEO," <i> Multichannel News, </i> September 17, 1990, p. 3.<li>Haley, Kathy, "Blazing a Trail," <i> Cablevision, </i> September 13, 1999, p. 6A.<li>------, "Breaking Through," <i> Cablevision, </i> September 13, 1999, p. 3A.<li>"Hearst Spends $170 Million for ESPN Stake," <i> Multichannel News, </i> November 12, 1990, p. 49.<li>Higgins, John M., "Bodenheimer to Lead ESPN," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> March 8, 1999, p. 18.<li>------, "ESPN Snags a Classic," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> September 8, 1997, p. 1.<li>Hoffer, Richard, "Bill Rasmussen," <i> Sports Illustrated, </i> September 19, 1994, p. 120.<li>Katz, Richard, "ESPN Creates Extreme Games Tourney for Summer '95," <i> Multichannel News, </i> April 18, 1994, p. 23.<li>Kelly, Keith J., "ESPN Buys Classic Sports Network," <i> Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News, </i> September 4, 1997.<li>Larson, Megan, "ESPN in the Cross Hairs," <i> AdWeek Eastern Edition, </i> June 11, 2001, p. SR22.<li>Maurer, Rolf, "John Skipper," <i> Folio: The Magazine for Magazine Management, </i> April 15, 1999, p. 56.<li>McClellan, Steve, "The New NFL Ticket Price: $18 Billion," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> January 198, 1998, p. 4.<li>McConville, Jim, "ABC Combines Sports with ESPN Under Bornstein," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> April 15, 1996, p. 18.<li>------, "ESPN Extends Brand with Classic Sports," <i> Electronic Media, </i> September 8, 1997, p. 3.<li>------, "ESPN Leads Race for Classic Sports," <i> Electronic Media, </i> September 1, 1997, p. 8.<li>------, "ESPN's X Games a High Flying Success," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> June 23, 1997, p. 3.<li>------, "ESPN Tops in Cable," <i> Electronic Media, </i> November 8, 1999, p. 40.<li>------, "Fox Heats up Cable Sports Competition," <i> Electronic Media, </i> August 17, 1998, p. 1.<li>Mitchell, Kim, "MLB Approves New ESPN Pact," <i> Multichannel News, </i> September 13, 1993, p. 2.<li>Moss, Linda, "ESPN2, Fox Take Dead Aim at MTV Generation," <i> Multichannel News, </i> July 19, 1993, p. 60.<li>------, "ESPN2 Wins over Many Operators with Local Avails," <i> Multichannel News, </i> December 20, 1993, p. 31.<li>"Ohlmeyer Deals Sports to ESPN," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> March 22, 1993, p. 24.<li>"Out of the Lineup," <i> Sports Illustrated, </i> August 31, 1998, p. 18.<li>Pomerantz, Dorothy, "Seventh-Inning Slump," <i> Forbes, </i> May 14, 2001, p. 54.<li>Reynolds, Mike, "Bodenheimer Adds ABC Sports Gig," <i> Multichannel News, </i> March 10, 2003, p. 14.<li>"Roger Werner and the Sporting Life," <i> Broadcasting, </i> January 23, 1989, p. 175.<li>Romano, Allison, "Pay It Forward," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> January 28, 2002, p. 16.<li>Ross, Dalton, "First ... and Long," <i> Entertainment Weekly, </i> September 8, 2000, p. 94.<li>Schlosser, Joe, "Disney Grabs the Puck," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> August 24, 1998, p. 1.<li>Taaffe, William, "ESPN Shoots and Scores," <i> Sports Illustrated, </i> May 5, 1986, p. 48.<li>Umstead, R. Thomas, "ESPN, Fox to Carry National Hockey League Games," <i> Multichannel News, </i> September 19, 1994, p. 24.<li>------, "ESPN Walks from Baseball Package," <i> Multichannel News, </i> November 2, 1992, p. 1.<li>------, "Lifetime Leads, but Broadcast Rules," <i> Multichannel News, </i> November 4, 2002, p. 57.<li>------, "MLB Plays Hardball, Terminates ESPN," <i> Multichannel News, </i> May 10, 1999, p. 1.<li>------, "Werner Resigns Post at ESPN," <i> Multichannel News, </i> September 3, 1990, p. 1.<li>"The Walt Disney Co. Reached over to ESPN for Its New President of ABC Sports," <i> Broadcasting & Cable, </i> March 29, 1999, p. 76.<li>Zahradnik, Rich, "ESPN's Cup of Cheer," <i> Marketing & Media Decisions, </i> November 1986, p. 20.<li>Zoglin, Richard, "Tightening the Belts at ABC," <i> Time, </i> May 5, 1986.</ul><div id=Comments_section><h2>User Contributions:</h2><div class=Comments_commentsbox></div><div class=Comments_form id=Comments_form><h4>Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:</h4><form onsubmit="return validate_form(this);"action=#Comments_form method=post style=margin:0px;padding:0px;><input name=Comments[do] style=display:none type=hidden value=add><input name=Comments[page] style=display:none type=hidden value=/history2/38/ESPN-Inc.html><div class=row><div class="col-sm-3 form-group"id=Comments_gname><label class=control-label for=Comments_name>Name:</label><input class=form-control id=Comments_name name=Comments[name]></div><div class="col-sm-3 form-group"id=Comments_gmail><label class=control-label for=Comments_mail>E-mail:</label><input class=form-control id=Comments_mail name=Comments[mail]><div class=Comments_showmail><input id=Comments_showmail name=Comments[showmail] type=checkbox value=1><label for=Comments_showmail>Show my email publicly</label></div></div><div class="col-sm-6 form-group"><label for=cdrecaptcha>Human Verification:</label><div style="transform:scale(0.77);-webkit-transform:scale(0.77);transform-origin:0 0;-webkit-transform-origin:0 0;"id=cdrecaptcha></div></div></div><div class=row><div class="col-sm-12 form-group"id=Comments_gtext><label class=control-label for=Comments_text>Public Comment: <span> (50-4000 characters) </span></label><textarea class=form-control id=Comments_text name=Comments[text] rows=5></textarea></div></div><div class=row><div class="col-sm-12 form-group"><button class="btn btn-default"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"aria-hidden=true> </span> Send comment</button></div></div></form></div><script async defer src=https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit></script><div class=row style=padding:30px;><h3>Other articles you might like:</h3><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-5788426211617053 data-ad-format=autorelaxed data-ad-slot=7832841220 style=display:block> </ins><script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div><div class=row style=background-color:#2d3336;border-radius:5px;margin-top:15px;><div class=col-md-5><h3 style=color:white;margin-top:2em;margin-left:2em;>Follow City-Data.com Founder <br> on our <a href=http://www.city-data.com/forum/search.php?do=finduser&u=2173187> Forum </a> or <a href=https://twitter.com/LechMazur/> Twitter </a></h3></div><div class=col-md-7><a class=twitter-timeline data-height=400 data-lang=en data-theme=dark data-width=800 href=https://twitter.com/LechMazur?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw> Tweets by LechMazur </a><script async charset=utf-8 src=https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js></script></div></div><br><div class=cdforum_link><a href=/forum/> ESPN, Inc. forum </a></div></div><div id=interlink_nav></div></div><div class="container footer"><footer><div>© 2020 Advameg, Inc.</div></footer></div><script>(function() {
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I knew it'd be a day for insanity.so anyway, news.com decided to write up two wonderful articles on the
DMCA and decided to link to decss.exe, the very verboten code that
ended up getting 2600 (but none of the other news services that
originally linked) spanked.Slashdot, of course, links to them.So now, I link to slashdot.http://slashdot.org/articles/02/10/07/1331217.shtml?tid=123I find this all incredibly funny really. Congress _and_ the courts
relaly do need to be considering how laws such as the DMCA are
applied. For the most part, these rules are coming down to whose
friend you happen to be, how nefarious the defendant party is, and how
asleep the judge is behind the case (asleep/self-interested/bought).
Its giving me a real cynical view on being a lawyer, thats for sure.--
Best regards,
bitbitch mailto:[email protected]
| 2 |
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The <strong> Add a new payment method </strong> dialog appears.</p></ol><div class=line-block><div class=line><br></div></div><img alt="setup payment method"src=https://s.yimg.com/oo/cms/products/nativeandsearch-advertiser-guide-docs-vmdn/billing/images/setup-payment-method_a96d29798.png><ol class="arabic simple"start=2><li><p>Enter your card number, holder’s name and other required card information.</p><li><p>If you have a promotional credit, enter that number and click <strong> Apply </strong> .</p><li><p>Click <strong> Submit </strong> .</p></ol><div class=line-block><div class=line><br></div></div><p>When you sign up for a Verizon Media Ad Platform Advertiser account, the <a class="reference external"href=/gemini/advertiser/guide/billing/how-billing-works-post-pay/> Post Pay </a> method is chosen by default. Post Pay allows you to pay as you go.<p>If you’re an existing Native Ad Platform customer with prepaid payment, you can switch to Post Pay.<div class="admonition important"><p class=admonition-title>Important<p>Any existing prepaid funds will automatically carry over to the Post Pay system as a credit and the credit amount will be used first for ad spend, before Post Pay charges are incurred.</div><p>For more information and details on Post Pay, refer to <a class="reference external"href=/native/advertiser/guide/billing/how-billing-works-post-pay/> How We Bill You – Post Pay </a> .</div><div class=section id=countries-supported-by-yahoo-for-post-pay><h2>Countries Supported by Yahoo for Post Pay <a title="Permalink to this headline"class=headerlink href=#countries-supported-by-yahoo-for-post-pay> ¶ </a></h2><table class="colwidths-given docutils align-default"><colgroup><col style="width: 50%"><col style="width: 50%"></colgroup><thead><tr class=row-odd><th class=head><p>Country</p><th class=head><p>Code</p><tbody><tr class=row-even><td><p>Australia</p><td><p>AU</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Austria</p><td><p>AT</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Belgium</p><td><p>BE</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Canada</p><td><p>CA</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Denmark</p><td><p>DK</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Finland</p><td><p>FI</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>France</p><td><p>FR</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Germany</p><td><p>DE</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Hong Kong</p><td><p>HK</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Ireland</p><td><p>IE</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Israel</p><td><p>IL</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Italy</p><td><p>IT</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Luxembourg</p><td><p>LU</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Malaysia</p><td><p>MY</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Netherlands</p><td><p>NL</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>New Zealand</p><td><p>NZ</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Norway</p><td><p>NO</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Portugal</p><td><p>PT</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Singapore</p><td><p>SG</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Spain</p><td><p>ES</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>Sweden</p><td><p>SE</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>Switzerland</p><td><p>CH</p><tr class=row-even><td><p>United Kingdom</p><td><p>GB</p><tr class=row-odd><td><p>United States</p><td><p>US</p></table><div class="admonition note"><p class=admonition-title>Note<p>If your billing policies require VAT information, you will be able to add this, as described in the next section. All new advertisers who sign up for Native Ad Platform will be automatically enrolled in the Post Pay payment plan. For other countries not listed, the original prepay payment plan is still to be used.</div></div><div class=section id=for-vat-customers><h2>For VAT Customers <a title="Permalink to this headline"class=headerlink href=#for-vat-customers> ¶ </a></h2><p>If your billing policies require VAT information and you want take advantage of the Post Pay option, you’ll see the following billing dialog:<div class=line-block><div class=line><br></div></div><img alt="vat pay go"src=https://s.yimg.com/oo/cms/products/nativeandsearch-advertiser-guide-docs-vmdn/billing/images/vat-pay-go_09e10153d.png><p>Fill in the various details to complete the form.<p>For VAT customers who are using the Pre-Pay option, you’ll see a longer form to complete, as shown below.</p><img alt="vat pre pay"src=https://s.yimg.com/oo/cms/products/nativeandsearch-advertiser-guide-docs-vmdn/billing/images/vat-pre-pay-01_6d39b7c0c.png><p>Fill in the various details to complete the form.<div class="admonition note"><p class=admonition-title>Note<p>A checkbox is provided that you can select which will pre-populate your credit card address with your vat address that you’ve already filled in.</div><p>A Summary of your account is also provided, shown below:<div class=line-block><div class=line><br></div></div><img alt="vat pre pay summary"src=https://s.yimg.com/oo/cms/products/nativeandsearch-advertiser-guide-docs-vmdn/billing/images/vat-pre-pay-sum-03_bed1b04a3.png></div></div></div></div></div></div><div id=right-nav><div class=fixed><div style="color:#514099 !important;"class=toggle-nav><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"aria-hidden=true> </i></div></div><div class=right-nav></div></div></div></div><footer class="footer vmdn"style="background-color: #000000;background-image: none;"><section class=section><div class=container><div class="columns is-variable is-multiline is-5"><div class="column is-one-quarter foot-link-block"><span class="featured-header is-block is-bold"> Support </span><a class=is-block href=https://developer.yahoo.com/opensource/ rel=noopener target=_blank> About Us </a><a href=" https://www.linkedin.com/company/verizon-media/jobs/"class=is-block rel=noopener target=_blank> Jobs </a><a class=is-block href=https://policies.oath.com/us/en/oath/privacy/products/developer/index.html rel=noopener target=_blank> Privacy </a><a class=is-block href=https://policies.yahoo.com/us/en/yahoo/terms/product-atos/apiforydn/index.htm rel=noopener target=_blank> Terms </a><a class=is-block href=https://developer.yahoo.com/policies/ rel=noopener target=_blank> Policies </a><a class=is-block href=https://yahoo.uservoice.com/forums/182455-yahoo-developer-network rel=noopener target=_blank> Site Feedback </a></div><div class="column is-one-quarter foot-link-block"><span class="featured-header is-block is-bold"> Connect </span><a class=is-block href=https://github.com/yahoo rel=noopener target=_blank> Github </a><a class=is-block href=https://www.facebook.com/yahoodevelopernetwork rel=noopener target=_blank> Facebook </a><a class=is-block href=https://twitter.com/ydn rel=noopener target=_blank> Twitter </a><a class=is-block href=https://yahoodevelopers.tumblr.com/ rel=noopener target=_blank> Tumblr </a><a class=is-block href=https://www.youtube.com/user/ydntheater rel=noopener target=_blank> Youtube </a></div><div class="column is-one-quarter foot-link-block"><span class="featured-header is-block is-bold"> Brands </span><a class=is-block href=https://developer.yahoo.com rel=noopener target=_blank> Yahoo Developer </a><a class=is-block href=https://sdk.verizonmedia.com/ rel=noopener target=_blank> Verizon Ads SDK </a><a class=is-block href=https://help.verizonmedia.com/platform/Analytics-Reports/Analytics-Reports-Overview.htm rel=noopener target=_blank> Analytics Reporting </a><a class=is-block href=https://dev.vdms.com/ rel=noopener target=_blank> Media Platform Developer </a><a class=is-block href=https://help.verizonmedia.com/platform/Home.htm rel=noopener target=_blank> Ad Platform Help Center </a><a class=is-block href=https://thingspace.verizon.com/ rel=noopener target=_blank> Verizon IoT Developer </a></div><div class="column is-one-quarter logo foot-link-block"><div><a href=https://www.verizonmedia.com/ rel=noopener target=_blank> <img alt="Verizon Media Logo"class="nav-brand is-block"src=/static/images/[email protected]> </a><span class="is-block is-size-7 copy-right"> © 2019 Verizon Media. 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class="row clearfix"><div class=col-xs-2><div class=count>8</div></div><div class=col-xs-10><div class=newsitem><h4><a href=news/17074.phtml> मेगा बैंकले ल्यायो हातैमा रेमिट्यान्स </a></h4></div><div class=publisher><i class="fa fa-pencil"> </i> Artha Sansar <span class=pubdate> <i class="fa fa-calendar"> </i> 2077-6-29 </span></div></div></div></div></div><div class=col-sm-4><div class=newscontainer><div class="row clearfix"><div class=col-xs-2><div class=count>9</div></div><div class=col-xs-10><div class=newsitem><h4><a href=news/16704.phtml> मेगाले ल्यायो ‘मेगा स्मार्ट कृषि’ </a></h4></div><div class=publisher><i class="fa fa-pencil"> </i> Kantipur Daily <span class=pubdate> <i class="fa fa-calendar"> </i> 2077-6-17 </span></div></div></div></div></div><br><a class="btn btn-default"href=23/mega-bank-ltd.shtml> <i class="fa fa-search-plus"> </i> More News of Mega Bank Nepal Limited (MEGA) </a></div></div></div><div class="pad row clearfix"><ul><li class=box31><a 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});</script><div class=additionalinfo><h2>Overview</h2><p>With an Authorized Capital of NPR 11.50 Billion, Issued Capital of NPR 10.57 Billion and Paid-Up Capital of NPR 10.38 Billion, Mega Bank Nepal Limited is one of the premier Financial Institution of Nepal consistently living it's Service Pledge to conduct business by continually creating mutually beneficial relationship with all its stakeholders; Customers, Shareholders, Regulators, Communities and Staff. The Bank realizes that its success is directly correlated with the pace at which it fosters its relationship with its stakeholders, so that in every step of its journey, both parties benefit, succeed and grow together.<p>Following the completion of all regulatory requirements, Nepal Rastra Bank had issued Mega Bank its Operating License on 4th Shrawan, 2067 B.S. and the Bank commenced its operations from 7th Shrawan 2067. Now, the Bank has completed nine years of operations is on its way to realizing the aspirations of 2,396 Promoters who comprise primarily from middle-class families spread over more than 63 Districts of Nepal. The Promoters held the vision to establish a national level Class "A" Commercial Bank, which was made a reality by an experienced and able Management Team and staff members driven by a mission to provide Banking Services to the entire economic strata of the Nepalese society from "Halo to Hydro".<p>“Halo to Hydro” or from “Plough to Power” is the slogan which drives the Mega Team in furthering banking services with excellence.<p>Currently, the Bank has 102 branches, 20 extension counters, and 103 ATMs throughout the country in addition to 119 Branchless Banking (BLB) outlets and 2,300+ Mega Remit agents. Mega Bank offers a wide range of Banking Products and financial services to the Corporates, Mid-Corporates, SMEs, Consumers and Micro Customers through a variety of delivery channels.<p>The Bank is committed to delivering the highest level of professional financial services with a personal touch, not only to those who are already within the formal banking arena but also those who till date, have been outside it. Mega Bank is committed to providing financial solutions to not just the top middle or bottom of the Pyramid, but to strive towards providing financial solutions and economic linkages to the 'Entire Economic Pyramid'.<p>In line with the Bank's vision to cater to the needs of the people form 'Halo to Hydro – Plough to Power', the Bank has created a separate Mega Micro Banking unit to provide Micro Finance services to the low income and deprived the populace of the country. Through this program, the Bank provides small size loans and mobilizes small saving amongst entrepreneurs and low-income groups and seeks to provide other Banking products and services that fit their requirements. Bank’s Micro Banking Corporate slogan states: "Financial Inclusion for Economic Empowerment".</div></div><footer class="bg-one clearfix"id=footer><div class=container><div class="row wow fadeInUp"data-wow-duration=500ms><div class="col-sm-12 download-app text-center"><h2>Scan and Download Mobile App</h2><p class=text-center>Get all Bank and Financial Institutions Notice, The Latest News, New schemes, Upcoming events, Audio Notice, Investment Opportunity, Branch Finder and Important Information in one app.<table class=mytable><tbody><tr><td rowspan=2><img alt="scan this to download Financial notices app"title="scan this to download Financial notices app"class=qr src=images/footer-icon/scan-icon.png><td class=hidden-xs><img alt=logo src=images/footer-icon/logo.png><tr><td><a href=https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.financialnotices.app&hl=en target=_blank> <img alt="click here for android app"title="click here for android app"class=app src=images/footer-icon/android-icon.png> </a> <a href=https://apps.apple.com/np/app/financial-notices/id1481088890 target=_blank> <img alt="click here for ios
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["Subject: re : pa and eta topics \nto be clear , that is 10 : 30 am new york time\n> - - - - - original message - - - - -\n> from : kimmel , debra [ fi ]\n> sent : friday , january 04 , 2002 5 : 21 pm\n> to : flood , scott l [ gco ] ; stuckey , richard a [ fi ] ; casaudoumecq , john\n> [ fi ] ; ' kitchen , louise ' ; costa , randall [ gco ]\n> subject : pa and eta topics\n>\n>\n> a conference call has been scheduled for monday , january 7 th for 10 : 30 am\n> to discuss the pa and eta topics with enron .\n> below is the information for the conference call :\n>\n> toll free number : 888 - 780 - 9655\n> passcode : eta\n> leader : richard stuckey\n> confirm : 656118\n>\n>\n> any questions , contact debra kimmel at 212 - 723 - 9472\n>\n> thanks ,\n> debra"] | 2 |
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["Subject: california update 3 / 15 / 01 \nexecutive summary\n? davis might concede to rate hikes for future power consumption but not for past utility debt\n? davis and pg & e negotiations at a standstill , sticking point is net short for pg & e this summer\n? as the days go on with no word of a secured deal , involuntary bankruptcy chances increase significantly among small generators and qfs\n? ferc would probably approve transmission deal but with several conditions for california\ncalifornia public utility commission rate increases\ntoday may be the turning point as the ca puc reviews the size of the department of water resources ( dwr ) rate increase to be passed along to consumers on their electricity bills . until now , davis has considered rate hikes to be political suicide , but there may be some relief for him from consumer groups . sources indicate that one of california ' s main consumer advocate leaders may tolerate rate increases for future power consumption , but remains adamant about not raising rates to cover past utility debt . dwr , which is currently buying power on behalf of the state , needs more income to securitize the planned $ 10 b bond issue that is key part of davis ' plan to sign long term power contracts . as dwr continues to spend $ 40 to $ 60 m every day on power purchases , a well placed source informed us the dwr is essentially bankrupt . it currently has no money for normal activities such as ordering supplies , purchasing new equipment , etc . the department of finance is forwarding dwr money from where ever it can ( parks , other programs ) to purchase power , but dwr ' s hands are tied until revenue bonds are issued . the california state treasurer phil angelides will be submitting a recommendation on rate increases in order to secure revenue and cover $ 10 billion worth of state bonds .\ndavis & pg & e at odds\nsources report that davis and pg & e negotiations are facing two difficult challenges : 1 ) pg & e wants 2 . 9 times book , which is far more than consumer groups recommend for the sale of its transmission lines ( sce accepted 2 . 3 ) , and 2 ) pg & e needs relief from davis for pg & es legal responsibility to be the ultimate power purchaser for the state , and at this point davis wants to limit further state energy power purchases ( especially for summer ) . the utilities refuse to sign a deal which will leave them billions of dollars further in the red ( $ 3 to $ 4 b ) and pg a measure that if accomplished would provide davis with even less negotiating power .\nwith all this activity , davis is starting to lose support in the state legislature . sources report increasing tension between the governor and state senate president pro - tem john burton . burton has just announced a special senate committee will investigate the generators for evidence of price manipulation , and the state auditor is also planning an investigation . davis increasingly realizes he has to protect any deal he signs against being picked apart by the legislature and consumer groups later .\nqf ' s most likely source of involuntary bankruptcy\nsacramento insiders fear that a group of small generators will lose patience and force bankruptcy on the utilities . sb 47 x may have been california ' s qualified facilities last hope at avoiding an involuntary bankruptcy filing against pg & e , socal ed , and sdg & e . the bill designed to cut the qf ' s costs and provide them with a better rate structure is being held up in the state ' s senate . sources indicate that a filing could come at anytime and further investigations are underway to ferret out the most likely candidates .\nout with hebert , in with wood\nthe bush administration favors replacing hebert , jr . with texas puc head pat wood . there is an intense battle behind the scenes between senate republican leader trent lott , who favors hebert , and president bush , who wants wood . the administration would prefer wood because they do not want ferc to pick a fight with davis which means bush might ultimately lose some western states in 2004 . in effort to tone down the recent press reports , hebert has made several token concessions to california , including $ 69 million worth of power refunds and streamlining the federal permitting process for pipeline and power plant installation .\nit ' s is expected that ferc would most likely approve any transmission deal that davis could complete but with a list of conditions . some conditions might include bring the lines formally into the regional grid system as well as other elements to pave the way for more dramatic administrative actions in the west next year . the bush administration is opposed to price caps and believes in free market solutions . the administration is also considering whether it might be a good idea to privatize federally - owned assets such as bpa ."] | 2 |
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<!doctypehtml PUBLIC "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8"http-equiv=Content-Type><meta content="Microsoft Word 98"name=Generator><meta content="Mozilla/4.72 [en] (Win95; U) [Netscape]"name=GENERATOR><title>
</title><body> <div align=right><b> <i> <font size=+2> LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (LANS) AND THEIR APPLICATION IN LIBRARIES </font> </i> </b><p><b> <font face=Times> <font size=+1> Pradeepa Wijuntunga </font> </font> </b><p><font face=Times> The Central Library </font> <br> <font face=Times> University of Colombo </font> <br> <font face=Times> Colombo 3, Sri Lanka </font></div><dir> <i> <font face=Times> Keywords: </font> Local Area Network, LAN, Network, WAN, Wide Area Network, MAN, Metropolitan Area Network, Developing Country, Communications, Communication Media. </i> <p><i> Abstract: </i> Networks can be defined as a collection of independent computers and other devices interconnected by a communication medium, such as coaxial cables, twisted pairs of optical fibers. Local Area Network (LAN) can be defined as a collection of computers and peripherals interconnected within a limited geographical area. This area may be one building or one campus within a few kilometers. Out of different types of Networks, LANs can be distinguished by its private ownership, its high speed, and its low error rate.</p> <p>The advantages of LANs can be pointed out as</p> <p>� resource sharing <br> � central control of equipment and data <br> � easy connection of equipment from different vendors</p> <p>LANs have been used in developing countries to improve the library facilities in an effi-cient manner. Using these applications as examples, we can apply the LAN technology in our libraries to enhance the services in the following manner.</p> <p>Application of LANs in Libraries:</p> <p>� Housekeeping applications - acquisition, cataloguing, circulation control. <br> � Educational programmes - user education from distance and other study programmes. <br> � Office administration - connection to administration offices for easy access of necessary files. <br> � Connection with other libraries - inter library loans and electronic journals. <br> This paper intends to address this topic in greater length.</p> </dir><b> 1. INTRODUCTION </b><p>This paper initially gives a basic introduction of Local Area Networks (LANs). The author does not provide a detailed discussion of this section since it is not the scope of the paper and also because a detailed description could have taken a highly technical nature. Secondly, the paper deals with the application of LANs in libraries with some examples from the applications in developed countries. Finally, the barriers which we, the developing countries, encounter in the application of LANs in our libraries are outlined.<p><b> 2. WHAT ARE LOCAL AREA NETWORKS </b><p>Although the term "Networks" can be interpreted in a number of ways, in our context we can interpret it as a collection of computers and peripheral devices interconnected by a communication medium such as, coaxial cables, twisted pair wires and optical fibers. Three major categories of networks can be identified, based on their geographical coverage, as follows:<p>� Wide Area Networks (WANs): Computers and peripherals which are interconnected over a geographical area of 10 or more kilometers belong to this category. Usually they cover the entire country.<p>� Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs): This is the type which covers a single metropo-litan area.<p>� Local Area Networks (LANs): "...are concerned with the interconnection of items of computing equipment (office workstations, intelligent instruments etc.) which are distributed over a localized area such as a university campus or process plant. They are referred to, therefore as Local Area Networks". (Halsall, 1988).<p>LANs can be distinguished from other networks because of their short distance. The total coverage may be from 1 km to 10 kms. The data transmission speed of LANs is much higher than in other types of networks. When a WANs works at a speed of 1 mbps, LANs can transmit data at a speed of 1 - 10 mbps. The error rate in data transmission is slow because of the shorter distance between the equipment. Since LANs are within a single building or a smaller area, they are owned by the specific organization. This localized control provides greater flexibility in LANs than other types of networks.<p>2.1. Evolution of LANs<p>In the 1960s, the computers predominantly used were mainframes and only a few organizations were able to afford them because of their high cost. The concept of time sharing was popular during this period. Harnessing a dumb terminal to the mainframe by using a telephone line and leasing or sharing the computer time was the common practice. The major problem was the slowness of the computing process.<p>With the advent of minicomputers in the 1970s, a solution for this problem was found. It could accommodate several terminals and more and more people were able to afford mini computers. Proliferation of minis led to the necessity of a communication between them in order to share the data stored in them.<p>Computer resources in the organizations further increased with the arrival of microprocessors and the advanges of integrated circuit technology. (Halsall, 1988). It soon became common to find a multiplicity of products by different manufacturers physically located within the same building. Although they could act as autonomous computers, it was often required to establish a communica-tion with each other. As microcomputers became more and more powerful and less and less expensive, more people were using them and having their own databases and exchanging data. The communication facility provided is referred to as a private Local Area Data Network. Therefore, it is clear that only with the arrival of microcomputers that implementation of LANs were possible and necessary. (Schatt, 1987).<p>2.2. Components of a LAN<p>Each workstation of the LAN, which can be a microcomputer, a barcode reader or a word processor can work as an autonomous equipment, but they are connected to a central controlling unit, through which they can communicate ( exchange data, share software or hardware ) with other workstations of the network. Though each workstation can act independently, they are not capable of controlling the activities of other stations of the network. To avoid corruption or collision of data during communication, several techniques like Career Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) and Career Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance are used to control the transmission of data. Further information on these techniques will not be given here since it lies outside the scope of this paper. Figure 1 shows the basic components of a LAN (Collier, 1988).<p>� Communication medium: there is some kind of medium to connect all the workstations and other equipment together.<p>� File server: a computer dedicated to providing shared access to a main storage device.<p>� Print server : a computer dedicated to providing shared printing facilities.<p>� Gateway : a computer providing access to other networks.<p>� Workstation: a user's computer or any other equipment.</p><center> <p><img height=280 src=9235101.jpg width=412></p> </center><p><br> <br> <br><p>2.6 Types of LANs<p>LANs can be divided in to two categories based on their topology and communication media. According to topology LANs can take several forms but three core forms can be identified easily as follows:<p>� Star. Each workstation is connected to the control unit in the form of a star. Communication between two workstations has to be done through this central controller. A particular station which wants to communicate with another station builds up a connection, through the central controlling center, with the destination. Once this connection is established data can be communicated from one to the other station.<p>� Ring. This category has no central controller but devices are joint together in a form of a ring. Data has to pass some other workstations to reach its destination. " A station wishing to trans-mit waits until its turn and then places a data packet on to the ring. This circulates around until it reaches its destination where the node copies the data into a local buffer. The packet then continues to circulate until arrives back at its source. This then provides a form of acknowledgment." (Winfield, 1984).<p>� Bus. This takes the form of a data highway connecting all equipment to a linear communica-tion media. A transmission from any station can be received by any other station like in the ring type. Hence there is no sufficient data security in these types. " Obviously if all these devices started transmitting at once there would be chaos, so only one device is allowed to 'talk' at any one time. A form of access control is enforced to determine who can transmit next. The most commonly used medium access control is known as Career Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection." (Winfield, 1988).<p>2.7 Communication Media<p>Based on the type of communication media used to connect the workstations LANs can be divided into three groups.<p>� Twisted pair wires. This is the most common form of wiring and the cheapest. Consists of two identical insulated wires wrapped together in a double helix. Twisting the wires together reduces the noise - any noise emanating from the environment or the communication medium, which is not a part of the message to be communicated.<p>� Coaxial cables. This is a copper conductor surrounded by one or more foil or braided wire shields, each separated by the other by some kind of plastic insulator.<p>� Optical fibers. This is the latest form of communication medium which consists of thin strands of glass enclosed in an insulator. These are light in weight, but the cost is still high. Needs expertise in installation, but the data security is very high, since any tapping of the lines can be detected easily due to the disturbances of the light signals.<p>2.8 Advantages of LANs<p>LANs are used mainly for resource sharing. Expensive hardware like laser printers and CD/ROM drives can be shared by several users when they are attached to a network. Further, purchasing a network version of software cuts the costs of purchasing them for each and every computer.<p>Central control of equipment and data provides easy administration, better data security and more flexibility in changing the system.<p>Instead of purchasing a multi-user system, the available equipment from different vendors can be connected together using a network. <br> <p><b> 3. APPLICATION OF LANS IN LIBRARIES </b><p>Although Local Area Networks have been in existence for some time, their use is fairly recent in the field of libraries. The initiative steps were taken by the American and British libraries. By taking their applications as examples, we can make an attempt to adopt this interesting technology in our libraries too. The following sections will describe how LANs can be used in a library environment.<p>3.1 Housekeeping Applications<p>In several libraries LANs have been used to assist the housekeeping applications or it would be more correct to say that test projects were undertaken to experiment on this aspect. A good example is the University of Aston (UK) LAN installation project where they concentrated on acquisitions, cataloguing and circulation control. (Brindley, 1987).<p>� Acquisitions. The users of the library for e.g. the academic staff of the university depart-ments can directly send their book orders to the acquisitions department via the LAN, and also they can keep a track of the books received conveniently through the LAN. These orders could be directed on-line to the book seller if a gateway is available to their network. Blackwell's PC ORDER system caters for this type of book ordering. Once a connection is established between the finance branch of the parent organization and the library, a correct record of expenditure can be obtained without delay, which will enable the proper utilization of funds.<p>� Cataloguing. The requirement of a union catalogue can be eliminated when a LAN is avai-lable since each branch library can have their own catalogues in site and provide access to other catalogues via the network. This saves the time of the users by eliminating the requirement to visit each branch library in search of books. Further, when cataloguing the material book details can be obtained from the acquisitions department where most of the bibliographic details are available. The cataloguing staff will only have to add what is not there.<p>� Circulation control. The facility of returning the books at any branch library within the geographical coverage of the LAN could be provided in order to save students time, but of course the books will have to be delivered to the respective library at the end of the day. Checking details of delinquent borrowers could be easily traced when circulation data are attached to a network.<p>3.2 Educational Services<p>LANs can be utilized in the library for educational purposes too. Aston University has made plans for two types of services. (Brindley, 1987). They were going to provide an on-line database advisory with trained staff for users engaged in a remote database search and secondly they were having plans to run tutorial classes in on-line searching simultaneously in different locations. In this manner there users will have a better understanding of the electronic media with which they have to interact in the library. Staff time and money will be saved by providing training for a larger group of students simultaneously. Computer conferencing which uses several remote computers attached to a network to conduct a conference without the actual gathering of participants to a single venue, is another application of LANs which could provide a sophisticated service for the future library users. The LAN installation in the Department of Information, University of Strathclyde has been employed to carry out an experiment on computer conferencing and the author asserts that, despite the ergono-mic and technical problems, computer conferencing and electronic journal production have consi-derable potential and appeal (Baird, 1987).<p>3.3 Resource Sharing<p>Installing high cost hardware like CD/ROM drives and readers in a LAN allows sharing of them by a multitude of library users. This in turn will reduce the cost of purchasing several of them for a single library. Thomas P. O'Neil Library of Boston College (USA) has installed Multiplatter which is a CD/ROM Local Area Network designed by Silverplatter to allow multiple users to access the same CD/ROM disc at the same time. (Grant, 1989). Where software is concerned, several copies have to be purchased if several computers are using them. But purchasing a network version of the software, (of course at a higher price than a single version but lesser than several copies)to be installed in the LAN makes things much easier. The principal reason for establishing the LAN at the R.H. Fogler Library of the University of Maine, Ohio was to ease the burden of handling requests for software, which includes Dbase3 Plus, word processors, course specific discs etc. used by the students. (Flower, 1988).<p>3.4 Office Administration<p>The library office could be connected to various other offices, for instance personal, finance and welfare branches etc. To avoid wastage of time used to obtain information manually from different branches, LANs can be employed to transfer data, with a certain amount of security, to the library office. Using the concept of electronic mail library staff could be contacted easily instead of calling for meetings, further electronic mail facility could be used to prepare news letters and memos to be circulated among the library and through a gateway among other libraries too. However the ASLIB/BLRDD LAN project says that this function was soon tailed off. (Copeland, 1986). It further says that NCC has established that everybody should have the discipline to check for the incoming mail for this to be a success. (Copeland, 1986).<p><b> 4. CONSTRAINTS ENCOUNTERED IN APPLYING LANS IN THE LIBRARIES OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES </b><p>We have been unable to reap the full benefits of LAN technology in our libraries, mainly because most of our libraries are not yet automated in its true sense. Automation is still limited to one or several microcomputers and a limited number of applications. Predominantly the application auto-mated is the library catalogue. In that also, a fully automated On-Line Public Access Catalogue is rare. Until computerization is in the full swing, or at least several of our library procedures are automated we cannot actually feel the necessity of communication between the different workstations in the library.<p>Secondly, the absence of qualified professionals in the field of library automation, has contribu-ted immensely to this issue. It should be emphasized here the problems we encounter in training our librarians, especially providing them with a training, so that they could be on par with their counter-parts from the developing countries. Hence the information of availability of technology does not reach our libraries adequately.<p>Thirdly, as a core cause of the two reasons shown above, the scarcity of financial resources could be pointed out. Procuring of electronic data processing equipment, suitable software and establishing sophisticated communication links which is essential for LAN applications, is impaired by the direction of national resources towards more basic need satisfaction.<p><b> 5. SUMMARY </b><p>LANs can be defined as the interconnection of computers and peripherals within a limited geographical area, and they can be distinguished, based on their topology and the communication media used to interconnect the equipment. Application of LANs in libraries were initiated in American and British libraries. Housekeeping applications, educational services, resource sharing, and office administration are the major areas in which LANs can be applied in libraries. Yet, this technology is still not employed in the libraries of developing countries because of the computer applications are not yet wide spread to feel the necessity of networking, because of the lack of technical knowledge of the librarians and above all, because of the lack of financial resources to overcome the first to problems.<p>REFERENCES<p>Baird, Patricia M. & Borer, Beatrice. (June 1987). "An Experiment in Computer Conferencing Using a Local Area Network," <i> Electronic Library </i> , 5 (3): 162-169.<p>Brindley, Lynn. (May 1987). "Planning for Library and Information Services Over a Campus Wide Network," <i> Netlink </i> , 3 (3): 4, 6-9.<p>Collier, Mel (ed.). (April 1988). "Telecommunications for Information Management and Transfer," <i> Proceedings of the First International Conference, Leicester Polytechnic </i> . London: Gower.<p>Copeland, Joyce. (March 86). "The ASLIB/BLRDD LAN Project," <i> The Conclusion Netlink </i> , 2 (2):<p>4-9.<p>Flower, Eric & Thulstrup, Lisa. (September 88). "Setting Up a Public Use Local Area Network," <i> Wilson Library Bulletin </i> , 63 (1): 45-47.<p>Grant, Marilyn A. & John C. Stalker. (September 89). "The Muliplatter CD/ROM Network at Boston College. Laserdisc Professional 2 (5): 12-18.<p>Halsall, Fred. (1988). "Data Communication," In <i> Computer Networks and OSI </i> . 2nd ed. Wokingham: AddisonWesley.<p>Schatt, Stan. (1987). <i> Understanding Local Area Networks. </i> Indianapolis, Indiana: Howard W. Sams.<p>Winfield, Bob. (November 1985). "An Introduction to Local Networks," <i> Netlink </i> , (1) 4-6. <br> <br> <br> <br> | 2 |
['Subject: this wi | | run higher with trade volume way up \nyap internationa | , inc . ( ypil )\nvoip technoiogy requires no computer or high speed internet connection\nfor its dial - up product .\ncurrent price : $ . 1 o 5\nwatch this stock monday some of these little voip stocks have been\nreaily moving lateiy .\nand when some of them move , they really go . . . gains of loo % , 2 oo % or\nmore are\nnot unheard of .\nbreak news ! !\nyap international , inc . identified another voip technoiogy provider that the company intends to market and sell under the nomad product name . under the new plan , the company wil | market 7 voip ata devices , each addressing a specific and unique portion of the globa | marketplace . each device works with either a dia | - up or a broadband connection , and are idea | | y suited , not only in north america , but in developing nations around the worid where broadband penetration is limited or non - existent . the new " my nomad " product offering wil | offer video conferencing capabiiities , ca | | forwarding , cal | waiting , voice mai | , and a global virtua | number .\nalso included in the new offering is a residential standaione device that does not require a computer ; a usb ata device that requires no externa | power and works perfectiy with any anaiog handset or pbx system ; a usb assistant that adds enhanced cail forwarding to any ceil phone or regular phone with remote dia | - out ( celluiar bridging capability ) . a sieek voip enabled , ful | - featured lan phone with lcd display , ca | | er id and web interface ; a residential or business stand aione voip gateway that has buiit - in nat router and firewall , enhanced call forwarding , ca | | biock and remote dia | - out ( ceilular bridging ) ; and a standalone voip gateway / pbx / router with four ports for medium size businesses . in addition , 4 voip enabied phones will be added to the product | ine . each voip enabied handset has the abiiity to utilize either a dia | - up or broadband connection . included in the voip handset offering , is a wifi phone , inciuding a usb cordless phone for home or office .\neach sip based product requires a minimum of 15 kbps , and utiiizes oniy 5 % - 3 o % of a 20 o mhz , 32 mb , computer \' s resources and is not subject to delay or jitter . in direct comparison , skype requires a minimum of 45 % - 75 % of a 400 mhz , 128 mb computers resources and is subject to delay and jitter due to end - users computer being used as a proxy server on the network . management believes this to be one of the most compiete and technologicaily advanced | ine of voip products currentiy avaiiabie in the world .\nour agreement with securities trading services inc . and the deveiopments of the past months leaves us with toois necessary to commerciaiize and market our products on a gioba | scale . we expect our miiestones to be met and thus executing our business plan as anticipated � � , stated jan oiivier , ceo of yap internationa | inc .\nabout the company :\nyap internationa | , inc . is a multi - national internet communications company developing cost effective telecommunications through voice over internet protoco | ( voip ) technologies . the company hoids the exciusive rights to a revoiutionary voip product line ca | | ed nomad systems that has dial - up , broadband , dsl , cable , sateilite and wireless capabiiities . the company pians on targeting : 1 ) nationa | fixed | ine ii many of you are aiready famiiiar with this . is ypil poised and positioned to do that for you ? then you may fee | the time has come to act . . . and please watch\nthis one trade monday ! go ypil .\npenny stocks are considered highiy speculative and may be unsuitabie for a | | but very aggressive investors . this profiie is not in any way affiliated with the featured company . we were compensated 30 oo dollars to distribute this report . this report is for entertainment and\nadvertising purposes only and shouid not be used as investment advice .\nif you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you fee | you have been\nwrongfuliy piaced in our membership , please go here or send a biank\ne mai | with no thanks in the subject to\nnoneedl 002 @ yahoo . com'] | 2 |
From [email protected] Mon Jun 24 17:47:13 2002
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Date: Fri, 26 Apr 02 16:27:53 Eastern Daylight Time
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Subject: Hello
My name is Danny Creech. I am from Knoxville, TN. Since September 11th, 2001....People have been trying to get back on their own two feet. Now is the time to protect your Home, and your Family. Today, you can receive a Free in Home Family Security System at no Cost to you!! That's right...
$0.00..........for Equipment
$0.00..........for Installation
Family Protection Fee of $29.99 a month(Covers Police, Fire, Medical, Burglary, & Home Invasion). Please take advantage of this offer!! After September 11th.......We don't need Terrorists coming into your homes at all!!
For more information, please contact Danny Creech at (865-454-5398)
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Hello
My name is Danny Creech. I am from Knoxville, TN. Since September 11th, 2001....People have been trying to get back on their own two feet. Now is the time to protect your Home, and your Family. Today, you can receive a Free in Home Family Security System at no Cost to you!! That's right...
$0.00..........for Equipment
$0.00..........for Installation
Family Protection Fee of $29.99 a month(Covers Police, Fire, Medical, Burglary, & Home Invasion). Please take advantage of this offer!! After September 11th.......We don't need Terrorists coming into your homes at all!!
For more information, please contact Danny Creech at (865-454-5398)
| 2 |
["Subject: thanksgiving sale \nwe want to thank you for your past business and\nwish you and yours a very happy thanksgiving holiday this year . as you\nknow , indians played an important role in helping the pioneers find food and\nwater . no small wonder they were honored on our nation ' s cents from 1859\nto 1909 and gold coins from 1854 to 1933 . asa way of giving\nthanks to our customers , we just bought in a rare batch of 900 vf and xf\nindian cents and are offering these on special for this week . nice mixture\nof dates from the 1880 s to 1909 . our regular wholesale price for\nsolid vf coins is $ 1 . 95 and $ 6 . 00 for solid xf .\nfor this week only , we are offering 10 different\ndates , vf or better , for only $ 15 or 10 different dates , solid xf or\nbetter , for only $ 45 . dealers / investors - buy a nice roll of 50 , with at least 10 different\ndates in each roll . vf roll of 50 , only $ 69 . xf roll of 50 , only\n$ 195 . limit : 5 rolls of each per customer at these low wholesale\nprices .\nwe also have some really nicechoice bu ( ms 63\nor better ) $ 21 / 2 indian gold coins from 1908 - 1929 for only $ 395 each\n( our choice of date , but we will pick out the best quality ) 3 different for only\n$ 950 or 10 different for $ 2 , 950 . limit : 10 per customer .\nplease add $ 6 to help with postage and insurance on\nall orders .\nthank you again ,\ncristina\nwww . collectorsinternet . com\np . s . one of our most popular items this month has\nbeen our wholesale bargain boxes , found half way down our homepage or at\nhttp : / / collectorsinternet . com / . htm . we are getting many repeat orders from other\ndealers . you can save time and postage by adding this item , or any\nother items we have on sale to your other purchases , as there is only a $ 6\npostage and handling fee per order , regardless of size .\n"] | 2 |
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Who do you trust?
Jake's Bona-Fide Non-guaranteed UL Universal Life with Iron-Clad
Guaranteed Universal Life Portfolio
Guaranteed Death Benefit to Age 120
Single or Survivorship Options Available
Guaranteed Return of Premium
Death Benefit Available for LTC
Single Premium Option for Capital
Transfer/Rescue Plans
A+ Rated Carrier
Call or e-mail one of our regional officers today!
Mike McIntire <mailto:[email protected]> Southeast
Jerry Cantrell <mailto:[email protected]> Midwest
Scott Freeman <mailto:[email protected]> West
Dick Lankow <mailto:[email protected]>
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<td width=3D"84%"><b><font size=3D"4"> Single =
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<td width=3D"16%" align=3D"right" height=3D"25" =
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<td width=3D"25%" height=3D"60"><b><font =
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<td width=3D"25%" height=3D"60"><b><font =
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<td width=3D"25%" height=3D"60"><b><font =
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<td width=3D"25%" height=3D"60"><b><font =
<font size=3D"4" =
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| 2 |
['Subject: i ` nc " rease ` d ; ic " k l ` engt - h afwiiabenr \nhey , my girlfriend bought me these penls pills and let me tell you ,\nthey have done some amazing things . i have stronger\nerections ,\nmy desire has increased and of course , the surprise is that i gained\n1\ninch\nin length . i know it \' s not a lot but it is a beginning .\nyou should try this\nfind out more\nno more\noffers\n'] | 2 |
["Subject: bny project review \nplease find the following action items for the tech services team stemming from today ' s dash review meeting with l . kitchen . bob v . can you take point on this with d . williams . mike coleman attended the meeting in dan ' s absence and can provide feedback on some of the technical discussion .\n1 . please develop a project schedule showing the inter - relationship between permitting , engineering , procurement , fabrication , construction and start - up activities . key issues include :\na ) ability to get equipment ordered and delivered given vendor availability\nb ) inter - play between equipment purchasing and off balance sheet financing requirements .\nc ) delay in construction caused by a delay in the air permit\nd ) securing a construction permit - given that site remediation has not been signed off on by the state / city\ne ) construction activities in the winter\nf ) other permits required\n2 . provide a review of the o & m budget and long term performance factors to ensure we are comfortable with cost and plant performance used in the pro forma .\n3 . provide an assessment of the cost / ability to put in place an epc contract to meet the pro forma assumptions ( labor rates in nyc , unions , rac requirements , etc ) .\nas we have discussed , we need to be proactive in the dash process and conduct a technical review meeting before the dash is written and circulated . this will ensure that we have identified and have addressed / modeled / mitigated / reserved for technical issues before the dash is submitted to ews management for signature . our thursday meetings are a perfect platform for getting these issues out on the table . this did not occur in the case of brooklyn navy yard , and we were left scrambling trying to answer technical questions in respect of the dash . much of the analysis was done , however , we need to present a clear review of technical risks and mitigation impacts of the project . failing to do so puts the project at risk and creates doubt that tech services has a firm grasp of the technical risk in ena . if there are issues getting access to information or you are being left out of the technical analysis in compiling the dash please let me help .\nregards ,\nbrian"] | 2 |
You at mu? You should try to figure out how much money everyone has for gas and alcohol, jay and I are trying to figure out our weed budget
| 2 |
www.optus.com.au/wholesale?SID=con:hme:whls:othr:foot:othr:whls> | 2 |
['Subject: software license \nms . geman ,\ni am just following up to see if you had received my previous message\nforwarded below and whether you have a response so that we can move forward\nwith this contract ?\nthank you ,\nkarla feldman\n- - - - - forwarded by karla feldman / hou / ect on 08 / 08 / 2000 09 : 23 am - - - - -\nkarla feldman\n07 / 28 / 2000 01 : 41 pm\nto : geman @ dauphine . fr\ncc :\nsubject : software license\ndear ms . geman ,\ni met with vince kaminski yesterday regarding picking back up with the\nlicense agreement we were working on back in march . he relayed some\nadditional requirements which need to be added to the agreement , which\ninclude the following :\n1 . the price agreed upon is $ 90 , 000 .\n2 . d - g will provide system support .\n3 . no later than 12 months of execution of the agreement , d - g will provide\nthe source code to enron . in the meantime , the source code is to be in\nescrow . additionally , the source code would be released sooner than the 12\nmonths if any of the following conditions occur : ( i ) d - g goes out of\nbusiness ; ( ii ) d - g is unable to provide effective technical support ; or ( iii )\nif d - g agrees to release it sooner .\nbefore i have our attorney add these things to the agreement , we need to\ndiscuss the escrow situation . vince mentioned that you had suggested that\nyour attorney keep the software in escrow . is your attorney a u . s .\nattorney ? it seems like i may have recalled that way back in march you might\nhave said you had a friend or relative that was an attorney . is that the\nsame person ? does this attorney work for a large firm , small firm , or solo\npractitioner ? basically , if you could just provides some additional\ninformation about your attorney , i would appreciate it .\nwe normally would use an escrow company to put the software in escrow . we\nhave dealt with a company here in the u . s . called dsi technology . i will\ncheck into that pending your answer regarding your attorney .\nonce we decide what we want to do regarding placing the software in escrow ,\nwe will red - line the agreement to reflect such changes and e - mail it back to\nyou for your review .\ni look forward to hearing from you .\nkarla feldman\nenron corp .\ncontract administration\n( 713 ) 646 - 7554'] | 2 |
['Subject: order inquiry \nhi ,\ni just found\nsomething i thought you might be interested in . vgl\nis the topcal fmal equivalent to vgra .\nit is the rvolutonary new prdct for wmn that has been ftured in allr , csmo , glmour , mxim and shape mgazne .\nall ordrs backd by our ,\nn rik , mony bak garnte !\nth solution\nis here\nno\nfurther emils plse\nhttp : / / thesedealzwontlast . com\n_ word . pap , marine\nhemolytic , blenheim . cistern . james , holography naked , anachronism\n. closet . bantam , crank blackbird , ferrite . indeterminable . demolition 7\n, amide 5 detention , pronoun . burnt . gooseberry , fleabane\ncommensurable , septic . dauphine . iceberg , flatulent hock , koppers\n. dispelled . bifocal , compelling dooley , mona . kingston . orthogonal\n, dazzle anarchic , fruitful . depth . cincinnati , claremont cornell\n, crisscross . mn . bonaventure , draftsmen facade , immunization . eastwood\n. extendible , cerise hangable , historian . conceal . imperishable , baptism\ncompare , glum . peachtree . colonel , frederick floridian , simplicial\n. ragout . schizomycetes , concurred bandwidth , incredulity . glacier . fluoride\n, miscible gorky , pickle . prothonotary . airpark , norman articulatory\n, convoy . aficionado . inhere , betsey aircraft , salty . coworker\n. dragnet , dyke 7 hither , gaze . encumber . beastie\n, inaudible argo , creepy . formulaic . bushy , conjugacy denotation\n, chemist . domesticate . juliet , scottsdale indigo , absorption . decant\n. chief , dove inapplicable , led . oxford . sarcophagus , hail\nprefix , crisis . convalescent . indira , periclean bloat , offensive\n. felsite . dilatation , matilda sheppard , monoxide . insect . callisto\n, discriminate proportion , billet . phosgene . pyracanth , frigidaire enoch\n, horehound . browse . falconry , fontainebleau coercion , jure . anthropogenic\n. blenheim , flirtatious cruelty , bernadine . paleozoic . athena , boustrophedon\neschew , glove . over . elmer , georgia endicott , abigail\n. framework . grenade , dorcas cordage , seizure . accusative . accipiter\n, holman\n'] | 2 |
['Subject: february 2000 production , pg & e discrepancy for 02 / 24 / 00 ( pan \nenergy exchange deal )\nstacey -\nas per my earlier voice mail messages , i needed to confirm what the actual\nflow of gas was on pg & e for february 24 th . the service summary report from\npg & e indicated a flow of 50 , 000 mmbtus on the 24 th , however , the swamp rat\nfuel allocations ( hpl ) indicates a flow of 53 , 000 mmbtus . can you ask pg & e\nto confirm which of these volume is correct so that the february allocations\ncan be finalized ? please let me know if there is any additional information\ni need to provide you .\nthanks for your help -\nkatherine'] | 2 |
["Subject: 98 - 1188 k for 4 / 1 & 4 / 2 / 2000 \ndaren ,\nthe above meter flowed on the 215 k for 3 / 2000 . i has flow for the first two\ndays of this month ( sitara deal # 205569 - deal ends 3 / 31 / 2000 ) .\ncan you please see if the deal can be extended or if the gas should be placed\non stranger ' s ?\nthanks\n- jackie -\n3 - 9497"] | 2 |
['Subject: perfect logo charset = koi 8 - r " > \nthinking of breathing new life into your business ?\nstart from revamping its front - end - logo and visuai identity .\nlogodentity offers creative custom desiqn of logos ,\nstationery and web - sites . under our carefui hand these powerfui marketinq toois\nwili bring a breath of fresh air into your business\nand make you stand out among the competitors .\nyou are just a ciick\naway from your future success . ciick here to see the samples of our artwork ,\ncheck our prices and hot offers'] | 2 |
["Subject: price caps \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vladimir gorny / hou / ect on 11 / 01 / 2000\n03 : 39 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : tim belden 10 / 27 / 2000 05 : 40 pm\nto : john j lavorato / corp / enron , dave delainey , mike swerzbin / hou / ect @ ect ,\nrobert badeer / hou / ect @ ect , sean crandall / pdx / ect @ ect , tim belden / hou / ect @ ect ,\njeff richter / hou / ect @ ect , diana scholtes / hou / ect @ ect , tom alonso / pdx / ect @ ect ,\nmark fischer / pdx / ect @ ect , john m forney / hou / ect @ ect , paul choi / sf / ect @ ect ,\njohn malowney / hou / ect @ ect , holli krebs / hou / ect @ ect , greg wolfe / hou / ect @ ect ,\nchris h foster / hou / ect @ ect , stewart rosman / hou / ect @ ect , kim ward / hou / ect @ ect ,\ndebra davidson / pdx / ect @ ect , tim belden / hou / ect @ ect , lester\nrawson / pdx / ect @ ect , john zufferli / cal / ect @ ect , james d\nsteffes / na / enron @ enron , mary hain / hou / ect @ ect , christopher f\ncalger / pdx / ect @ ect , dave parquet , phillip k allen / hou / ect @ ect , vladimir\ngorny / hou / ect @ ect , monica lande / pdx / ect @ ect , elliot mainzer / pdx / ect @ ect , tim\nheizenrader / pdx / ect @ ect , cooper richey , stephen swain / pdx / ect @ ect , susan j\nmara / sfo / ees @ ees , steven j kean / na / enron @ enron , mark palmer / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : debra davidson / pdx / ect @ ect\nsubject : price caps\nthe following summarizes recent price cap events in california . i think that\ni have most of it right . if there is anything wrong or missing please let me\nknow . please don ' t share the attached spreadsheet with anyone outside of\nenron .\nregards ,\ntim\nnew cap specifics\non 10 / 26 / 2000 the iso board passed a motion by a vote of 13 - 10 to implement a\nnew price cap methodology .\nthe new methodology will become effective 11 / 3 / 2000 or as soon thereafter as\ncan be implemented . caiso staff has indicated that it will be difficult to\nachieve that start date . they have not yet indicated what an achievable date\nmight be .\nthe new price cap methodology will remain in place until :\ncomprehensive market changes have been implemented and the market has proven\nto be workably competitive under a variety of load conditions .\neither ferc or the iso board orders its removal .\ncap prices will be based on the average nymex l 3 d settlement average and the\nfollowing heat rate table :\nload level heat rate 4 . 00 gas example cap\n40 gw $ 250 / mwh $ 250 / mwh\ncaps will be rounded up to the nearest $ 5 / mwh increment .\ndemand bids and demand responsiveness programs are exempt from these caps .\nthe iso will post the price caps for each load level at least 48 hours prior\nto the beginning of each calendar month . based on the iso ' s two day - ahead\nsystem load forecast , the iso will post hourly caps at least 24 hours prior\nto the hour of delivery .\nferc context\nferc has delegated cap authority to the caiso until 11 / 15 / 2000 .\nthe iso has asserted that they don ' t need ferc authority since it is a bid\ncap rather than a sales cap . ferc regulates sales , not purchases , of\nelectricity and therefore can regulate sales prices but not purchase prices .\nthe iso has filed with ferc for an extension of the price cap authority .\nferc has to rule on the filing by 11 / 18 / 2000 . ( note that this is 3 days\nafter their authority expires )\nferc will release its proposed order on 11 / 1 / 2000 based on the results of its\n206 investigation of the california wholesale power markets . we don ' t know\nwhat they will find or what they will propose .\nthe proposed order will have a 30 day comment period , after which ferc will\nlikely issue a final order . ferc will be accepting oral comments on\n11 / 9 / 2000 in washington . enron still has to determine who will provide oral\ncomments .\nmany companies have filed at ferc advocating or opposing a litany of price\ncaps , cost based rates , and market redesign recommendations .\nit is likely that the price caps approved by the iso board will go into\neffect . how long they will remain in effect will depend on whether ferc\nextends the iso price cap authority and whether the final order stemming from\nthe current 206 investigation stipulates a specific price cap policy .\nimpact of price caps\nthe attached spreadsheet contains a table of likely maximum monthly prices at\ndifferent gas price levels . we think that this is the highest that markets\nwould clear since it assumes that each hour clears at the cap . it is hard to\nsay whether actual prices would clear significantly lower than the cap\nbecause we don ' t know whether sellers will offer below the cap or at the\ncap . the assumptions behind our analysis are detailed in the bullets below .\ntake actual historical loads from 1999 and 2000 .\ncalculate implied price cap for each hour using actual historical load , new\nprice cap methodology , and a range of gas prices .\ndivide historical hours into peak and off - peak buckets .\ncalculate average price for each month for peak hours and off - peak hours .\nfor example , we have two years worth of data for the months of january\nthrough september . each month has approximately 400 hours . for january\nthrough september , we took approximately 800 observations for each month ( 400\nfrom each year ) and calculated a simple average of all of the individual\nobservations .\nwe created a peak table and an off - peak table . the table shows the\ncalculated implied cap based off of the acutal loads at varying gas prices\nfor each month . this value represents what the month would clear at if each\nhour cleared at the cap ( based on historic loads ) . while any given hour\ncould be above this value , our calculation estimates the likely monthly\naverage cap value !\nthe blue shading indicates what the caps would be given current ( 10 / 27 / 2000\nnymex ) forward prices . the yellow shading indicates those forward power\nprices which are in excess of the proposed cap ."] | 2 |
['Subject: amatuer match \namatuer match\nf - r - e - e adult personals\nhttp : / / www . iknwyouknew . com / want . html\ntotally new alternative dating site !\nsick and tired of meeting boring people on genaric dating sites ?\nwe have the answer !\namatuer match hooks up members that don \' t want the typical " dinner and a movie " date .\nit is not a sleezy s - e - x site ,\namatuer match is an open - mided , highly sexualized , dating site .\nsee the difference !\nmeet real people in your area tonight !\nhttp : / / www . iknwyouknew . com / want . html\nztop mail\nhttp : / / www . iknwyouknew . com / nothanks . php'] | 2 |
["Subject: goodday sir / ma , estate transaction , please can you handle this for me ? \nurgent reply needed\nfrom :\nmr jude okoro ,\nwema bank plc ,\n54 , wema tower building ,\nmarina , lagos ,\nnigeria .\nemail : j _ wbplc 4 @ yahoo . com . au\ndear sir / madam ,\nthis is strictly a private business proposal to you by the grace of\ngod .\ni am jude okoro , the manager , bills and exchange at the foreign\nremittance department of the wema bank plc .\ni am writing this letter to ask for your support and cooperation to\ncarry out this business opportunity in my department .\nwe discovered an abandoned sum of $ 15 , 000 , 000 . 00 ( fifteen million\nunited states dollars only ) in an account that belongs to one of our\nforeign customers who died along with his entire family of a wife and\ntwo children in november 1997 in an accident .\nsince we heard of his death , we have been expecting his next - of - kin to\ncome over and put claims for his money as the heir , because we cannot\nrelease the fund from his account unless someone applies for claim as\nthe next - of - kin to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidelines .\nunfortunately , neither their family member nor distant relative has\never appeared to claim the said fund .\nmy department have agreed to make business with you and release the\ntotal amount into your account as the heir of the fund since no one\ncame for it or discovered he maintained account with our bank ,\notherwise the fund will be returned to the banks treasury as unclaimed\nfund .\nwe have agreed that our ratio of sharing will be as stated thus ; 30 %\nfor you as foreign partner , 60 % for us the officials in my department\nand 10 % will be air - marked for all expenses incurred during the course\nof the business .\nupon the successful completion of this transfer , i and one of my\ncolleagues will come to your country and mind our share . it is from our\n60 % we intend to invest in your country as a way of recycling the\nfund .\nto commence this transaction , we require you to immediately indicate\nyour interest by a return e - mail and enclose your private contact\ntelephone number , fax number full name and address and your designated\nbank coordinates to enable us file letter of claim to the appropriate\ndepartments for necessary approvals before the transfer can be made .\nnote also , this transaction must be kept strictly confidential because\nof it ' s nature .\ni look forward to receiving your prompt response .\nregards ,\nmr jude okoro ,\nwema bank plc ,\n54 , wema tower building ,\nmarina , lagos ,\nnigeria .\nnb .\nplease reply to with your country ' s dialling\ntelephone code and telephone number included ."] | 2 |
['Subject: 8 x longer than vlagra , and cheaper , too ? \ncialls delivered discreetly to your door in an unmarked envelope\nlasts 8 x times longer than vlagra , take one friday , still working on sunday !\nno one needs to know !\nbuy generic ( exactly the same drug , but not with the big company prices . . ) to save 70 % ! !\ncheck it out here !\nhellol timbertimber dude mollyl mayday gibson quest\ncanced jeanettefountain steph october\ngofish depeche volley\n'] | 2 |
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data-lazy-src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Online-Shopping-Chrome-Extensions.jpg data-lazy-type=image height=142 src= width=212><noscript><img class="attachment- size- wp-post-image"alt height=142 src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Online-Shopping-Chrome-Extensions.jpg width=212></noscript><meta content=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Online-Shopping-Chrome-Extensions.jpg itemprop=url><meta content=212 itemprop=width><meta content=142 itemprop=height><div class=post-feat-text><span class="post-excerpt left"> <p>When you’re shopping online it’s good to have tools to help you get the best deals possible. Here’s a list of five awesome extensions for Chrome to help manage shopping at retail sites.</p> </span></div></div><div class="post-68994 post type-post status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry category-howto tag-deals tag-google-chrome"id=content-area itemprop=articleBody><div class=post-cont-out><div class=post-cont-in><div class="left relative"id=content-main><section class=social-sharing-top><a onclick="window.open('http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=https://www.groovypost.com/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/&t=5 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions for Shopping Online', 'facebookShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;"title="Share on Facebook"href=#> <div class=facebook-share><span class=fb-but1> <i class="fa fa-facebook fa-2"> </i> </span><span class=social-text> Share </span></div> </a><a onclick="window.open('http://twitter.com/share?text=5 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions for Shopping Online -&url=https://www.groovypost.com/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/', 'twitterShare', 'width=626,height=436'); return false;"title="Tweet This Post"href=#> <div class=twitter-share><span class=twitter-but1> <i class="fa fa-twitter fa-2"> </i> </span><span class=social-text> Tweet </span></div> </a><a href="whatsapp://send?text=5 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions for Shopping Online https://www.groovypost.com/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/"> <div class=whatsapp-share><span class=whatsapp-but1> <i class="fa fa-whatsapp fa-2"> </i> </span><span class=social-text> Share </span></div> </a><a onclick="window.open('http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://www.groovypost.com/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/&media=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Online-Shopping-Chrome-Extensions.jpg&description=5 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions for Shopping Online', 'pinterestShare', 'width=750,height=350'); return false;"title="Pin This Post"href=#> <div class=pinterest-share><span class=pinterest-but1> <i class="fa fa-pinterest-p fa-2"> </i> </span><span class=social-text> Share </span></div> </a><a href="mailto:?subject=5 Awesome Google Chrome Extensions for Shopping Online&BODY=I found this article interesting and thought of sharing it with you. Check it out: https://www.groovypost.com/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/"> <div class=email-share><span class=email-but> <i class="fa fa-envelope fa-2"> </i> </span><span class=social-text> Email </span></div> </a><a href=https://www.groovypost.com/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/#comments> <div class="social-comments comment-click-68994"><i class="fa fa-commenting fa-2"> </i><span class=social-text-com> Comments </span></div> </a></section><p>More and more people are shopping online for electronics, groceries, personal items…you name it. While you’re shopping online at the big retail sites like Amazon or ebay, it’s good to have extra tools to help compare items, find and compare prices, and get the lowest shipping costs. Here are five awesome extensions that will make your online shopping a more pleasing experience.<div style="margin-bottom: 10px; clear: both;"class=groov-adsense-leaderboard-after-1-paragraph data-cfpa=194700 data-cfptl=1 id=groov-1127713121><div class=groov-adlabel></div><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-0963256050141200 data-ad-format=auto data-ad-slot=9768042686 style=display:block;> </ins><script defer src=data:text/javascript;base64,KGFkc2J5Z29vZ2xlPXdpbmRvdy5hZHNieWdvb2dsZXx8W10pLnB1c2goe30pOw==></script></div><h3>The Camelizer</h3><p>It has a goofy name, but <a href=https://www.groovypost.com/reviews/camelizer-price-tracking-extension/ title=Camelizer> The Camelizer </a> shows you price history and discount alters while shopping online across multiple websites. It allows you to set up price tracking alerts, price history charts, and more.<p><img class="lazy lazy-hidden"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"alt=Camelizer border=0 data-lazy-src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Camelizer.png data-lazy-type=image height=509 src= title=Camelizer width=640> <noscript><img style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"alt=Camelizer border=0 height=509 src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Camelizer.png title=Camelizer width=640></noscript><h3>eBay Extension for Google Chrome</h3><p>If you’re a heavy seller and/or buyer on ebay, you’ll definitely want to keep on eye on your activity. Click on the icon to get the ebay homepage, deals, and most important, My ebay. The alerts it provides are the best feature. You will get them when an auction is ending, you’ve been outbid, won an item, if an item sold, and a lot more. This makes it a lot easier to manage your “ebaying” while doing other things online. Install the <a title="eBay Extension"href=https://goo.gl/HhdiA> eBay Extension for Google Chrome </a> .<p><img alt="eBay Chrome"class="lazy lazy-hidden"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"title="eBay Chrome"border=0 data-lazy-src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/eBay-Chrome.png data-lazy-type=image height=605 src= width=568> <noscript><img alt="eBay Chrome"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"title="eBay Chrome"border=0 height=605 src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/eBay-Chrome.png width=568></noscript><h3>Woot! Watcher</h3><p>Keep track of the daily deals at Woot! in real-time. Not only does it show you the daily deal at Woot.com but also all of the subwoots such as shirt, wine, home, tech, and sport. If you want an easy way to keep an eye on the Woot-Offs, this is the perfect extension. It allows you to customize things too by adding adding and removing categories and changing the icon orders. Install the <a title="Woot! Watcher"href=https://goo.gl/CVgKW> Woot! Watcher Extension </a> for Chrome.<p><img alt="Woot Watcher"class="lazy lazy-hidden"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"title="Woot Watcher"border=0 data-lazy-src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Woot-Watcher.png data-lazy-type=image height=461 src= width=631> <noscript><img alt="Woot Watcher"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"title="Woot Watcher"border=0 height=461 src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Woot-Watcher.png width=631></noscript><h3>Honey</h3><p>Most of the time when you’re about to check out and pay for an item online, it give you a “coupon code” box. The popular siteRetailMeNot is a good place to get discount codes. However, the <a href=https://goo.gl/LdXIA title=Honey> Honey extension for Chrome </a> makes it even easier. With one click, it searches for coupon codes, and automatically apply it in your cart when you check out.<p><img class="lazy lazy-hidden"data-lazy-src='<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/53059416?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ee8c01" height="326" width="580" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0"></iframe>'alt data-lazy-type=iframe src=> <noscript><iframe allowfullscreen frameborder=0 height=326 src=http://player.vimeo.com/video/53059416?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0&color=ee8c01 width=580></iframe></noscript><h3>Amazon 1 Button App</h3><p>If you’re a regular at Amazon, the <a title="Amazon 1 Button App"href=https://goo.gl/dSRms> Amazon 1 Button App </a> can help you save money by getting special offers and search and compare items on Amazon and the web. It also gives you access to your music on Cloud Player, files on Cloud Drive, and your eBooks on Cloud Reader.<p><img alt="Amazon Chrome Extension"class="lazy lazy-hidden"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"title="Amazon Chrome Extension"border=0 data-lazy-src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Amazon-Chrome-Extension.png data-lazy-type=image height=544 src= width=520> <noscript><img alt="Amazon Chrome Extension"style="background-image: none; padding-top: 0px; padding-left: 0px; display: inline; padding-right: 0px; border: 0px;"title="Amazon Chrome Extension"border=0 height=544 src=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Amazon-Chrome-Extension.png width=520></noscript><p>Did we miss any? Leave a comment and share your favorite browser extension for online shopping.<div style="margin-bottom: 8px;"class=groov-after-content-desktop data-cfpa=194692 data-cfptl=1 id=groov-678294632><div class=groov-adlabel></div><script async src=//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js></script><ins class=adsbygoogle data-ad-client=ca-pub-0963256050141200 data-ad-format=auto data-ad-slot=8414829925 style=display:block;> </ins><script defer src=data:text/javascript;base64,KGFkc2J5Z29vZ2xlPXdpbmRvdy5hZHNieWdvb2dsZXx8W10pLnB1c2goe30pOw==></script></div><div class="left relative comment-click-68994 com-but-68994"id=comments-button><span class=comment-but-text> 4 Comments </span></div><div class="com-click-id-68994 com-click-main"id=comments><h4 class=post-header><span class=post-header> 4 Comments </span></h4><ol class=commentlist><li class="comment even thread-even depth-1"id=li-comment-360451><div class=comment-wrapper id=comment-360451><div class=comment-inner><div class=comment-avatar></div><div class=commentmeta><p class=comment-meta-1><cite class=fn> Jason </cite> </div><div class=text><div class=c><p>Not too keen on coughing up my entire browsing history for something I can do on my own.</div></div><div class=clear></div><div class=comment-reply><span class=reply> <a aria-label="Reply to Jason"class=comment-reply-link data-belowelement=comment-360451 data-commentid=360451 data-postid=68994 data-respondelement=respond href=#comment-360451 rel=nofollow> Reply </a> </span></div></div></div><li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1"id=li-comment-515801><div class=comment-wrapper id=comment-515801><div class=comment-inner><div class=comment-avatar></div><div class=commentmeta><p class=comment-meta-1><cite class=fn> stolbivi </cite> </div><div class=text><div class=c><p>Did you check extension Cross search for Amazon and BestBuy? It simply adds another button to item’s page on Amazon to quickly check it on BestBuy and vice versa. It’s very helpful</div></div><div class=clear></div><div class=comment-reply><span class=reply> <a aria-label="Reply to stolbivi"class=comment-reply-link data-belowelement=comment-515801 data-commentid=515801 data-postid=68994 data-respondelement=respond href=#comment-515801 rel=nofollow> Reply </a> </span></div></div></div><li class="comment even thread-even depth-1"id=li-comment-615143><div class=comment-wrapper id=comment-615143><div class=comment-inner><div class=comment-avatar></div><div class=commentmeta><p class=comment-meta-1><cite class=fn> Louisa </cite> </div><div class=text><div class=c><p>I use <a rel="nofollow ugc"href=http://shoptagr.com> http://shoptagr.com </a> to track price drops on apparel items, right down to my size and color. Their Chrome extension is the best solution out there for fashion price alerts.</div></div><div class=clear></div><div class=comment-reply><span class=reply> <a aria-label="Reply to Louisa"class=comment-reply-link data-belowelement=comment-615143 data-commentid=615143 data-postid=68994 data-respondelement=respond href=#comment-615143 rel=nofollow> Reply </a> </span></div></div></div><li class="comment odd alt thread-odd thread-alt depth-1"id=li-comment-657840><div class=comment-wrapper id=comment-657840><div class=comment-inner><div class=comment-avatar></div><div class=commentmeta><p class=comment-meta-1><cite class=fn> Moars </cite> </div><div class=text><div class=c><p>I use <a rel="nofollow ugc"href=http://www.frostty.com> http://www.frostty.com </a> chrome extension they just search and apply the coupon automatically on my checkout page and do send the best deals over mail to ensure am not missing out anything crucial.</div></div><div class=clear></div><div class=comment-reply><span class=reply> <a aria-label="Reply to Moars"class=comment-reply-link data-belowelement=comment-657840 data-commentid=657840 data-postid=68994 data-respondelement=respond href=#comment-657840 rel=nofollow> Reply </a> </span></div></div></div></ol><div class=comment-respond id=respond><h3 class=comment-reply-title id=reply-title></h3><h4 class=post-header><span class=post-header> Leave a Reply </span></h4><small> <a href=/howto/google-chrome-extensions-shopping-online/#respond id=cancel-comment-reply-link rel=nofollow style=display:none;> Cancel reply </a> </small><form action=https://www.groovypost.com/wp-comments-post.php class=comment-form id=commentform method=post><p class=comment-notes><span id=email-notes> Your email address will not be published. </span> Required fields are marked <span class=required> * </span><p class=comment-form-comment><label for=comment>Comment</label> <textarea cols=45 id=comment maxlength=65525 name=comment required rows=8></textarea><p class=comment-form-author><label for=author>Name <span class=required> * </span></label> <input id=author maxlength=245 name=author required size=30><p class=comment-form-email><label for=email>Email <span class=required> * </span></label> <input aria-describedby=email-notes id=email maxlength=100 name=email required size=30><p class=comment-form-url><label for=url>Website</label> <input id=url maxlength=200 name=url size=30><p class=form-submit><input value="Post Comment"class=submit id=submit name=submit type=submit> <input id=comment_post_ID name=comment_post_ID type=hidden value=68994> <input id=comment_parent name=comment_parent type=hidden value=0><p style="display: none;"><input id=akismet_comment_nonce name=akismet_comment_nonce type=hidden value=956d62c87d><p style="display: none;"><input id=ak_js name=ak_js type=hidden value=232><p style=clear:both><input style="width: 20px"id=subscribe name=subscribe type=checkbox value=1> <label style="margin:0; 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['Subject: california update 5 / 14 / 01 \n? over the weekend , gov . davis and senate polance made an informal agreement whereby senate polance has agreed to sponsor the socal mou bill . polanco is a democrat and is currently suffering through a personal scandal and as a result , it is reported that his political career is essential dead . polance is planning to run for mayor of los angeles rather than run for another senate term .\n? the bill is expected to be introduced in the new extraordinary session , beginning today or tomorrow . the bill would first go to the senate energy committee . sen . bowen , the chair of the committee , strongly opposes the mou , so the bill is expected to remain in committee hearings for some time . the longer the bill is involved in committee politics and changes are made , the likelihood of a socal bankruptcy increases .'] | 2 |
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Работающих, для джет казино смартфонов и планшетов. 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Вас приглашают окунуться в мир бесконечных возможностей и всесильных созданий из древнегреческих мифов. Что касается ввода и вывода денежных средств. При запуске машины на компьютере или ноутбуке.<div class=line></div><h3>джет казино официальный сайт на русском:</h3><p>При этом <a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=36&topic=dzhet-kazino-2000-bonus> джет казино 2000 бонус </a> у игрока Jet Casino потребуется несколько минут. На нее можно подписаться в момент получения подарков) по праздникам (Новый Год, 5 марта, 19 февраля, Пасха, Рождество и так далее. Они проводятся регулярно для всех участников проекта – можно завести 110 рублей и получите свои средства.</div><div id=sidebars><div id=l-sidebar><div class=post><h3><a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=14&topic=skachat-licenzionnoe-kazino-dzhet> Скачать лицензионное казино джет </a></h3><div class=postmetadata>11.4.2011 @ <a rel="category tag"href=[GO-URL]> nancybruno </a></div><div class=entry><p>Оно имеет другой адрес, например: рокс-казино13, рокс-казино16, рокс-казино157 и подобные., но позволяет получить суперприз <a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=28&topic=skachat-dzhet-kazino-na-android> скачать джет казино на андроид </a> в размере 847 рублей. Приятное музыкальное сопровождение соответствует тематике.</div></div><div class=post><h3><a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=23&topic=igrovye-avtomaty-dzhet-kazino> Игровые автоматы джет казино </a></h3><div class=postmetadata>16.8.2012 @ <a rel="category tag"href=http://kginfo.org/?id=21&topic=kazino-dzhet-promo-kod> ekaterina88 </a></div><div class=entry><p>Обеспечивает бесперебойную поддержку игроков и казино Fresh-club online <a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=26&topic=kazino-dzhet-jet-casino> казино джет jet casino </a> позаботились о вашем комфорте, игрокам доступны следующие системы: банковские карты и выводить средства; получать бонусы в рамках законодательства.</div></div><div class=post><h3><a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=36&topic=dzhet-kazino-2000-bonus> Джет казино 2000 бонус </a></h3><div class=postmetadata>22.6.2011 @ <a rel="category tag"href=http://kginfo.org/?id=23&topic=igrovye-avtomaty-dzhet-kazino> huberkaitlyn </a></div><div class=entry><p>Компания-разработчик Microgaming выпустила новое ПО под названием Vikings Gods II на официальном сайте <a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=26&topic=kazino-dzhet-jet-casino> казино джет jet casino </a> казино Арго. Игры стандартные, как во всех слотах; множителей, которые позволяют играть в любимые слоты.</div></div><div class=post><h3><a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=23&topic=igrovye-avtomaty-dzhet-kazino> Игровые автоматы джет казино </a></h3><div class=postmetadata>12.10.2011 @ <a rel="category tag"href=http://kginfo.org/?id=5&topic=dzhet-kazino-zerkalo> ritchiecaleb </a></div><div class=entry><p>В Tomb Raider удастся <a href=http://kginfo.org/?id=2&topic=oficialnyy-sayt-dzhet-kazino> официальный сайт джет казино </a> лишь после регистрации Демо версия симулятора позволит потренироваться и «набить руку». 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['Subject: * * * * american millionaire reveals his secret source of wealth on the internet ! ! ! \nhello ! :\n" dmm " : discount mortgage millionaire\nprogram :\na special invitation to wealth ! ! !\nhelp us contact home owners in your city and pocket\n" $ 1000 " / deal , easy cash ! ! !\nto :\nthis e - mail is addressed to all people who have tried different internet\nprograms and failed , who are tired of working hard , but getting nowhere ,\nwho are unemployed , and all those who have jobs but need extra income ,\nand all those who are sick and tired of being sick and tired .\nhow it works :\nwe buy real estate notes and trust deeds . we also represent investors\nwho invest in them .\nwhen you apply , you can help us contact home owners in your city and\non the internet .\nall you do is call or e - mail them or send a simple but powerful letter and form to them to complete and return back to us .\nif they have real estate notes or trust deeds , we \' ll either buy them or refer\nthem to our associates .\nif the deal goes through , we pay you 10 % of whatever net amount we made .\nfor example , if we made $ 10 , 000 , you \' ll get 10 % = $ 1000 .\ntherefore if we do 10 deals in a month , you will take in an\neasy 10 x $ 1000 = $ 10 , 000 ! ! !\nrake in big cash without any hard work , or large investment or special training !\nwe \' ll give you all the resources needed to make the contacts , including\nthe sales letter , the e - mail letter , the forms , and the phone script !\nthe real estate market\none of the primary human needs is security . shelter . home . house .\nwherever you go , there are homes , houses and buildings !\ntherefore real estate market is huge ! more than $ 500 billion\nin usa alone ! ! !\nthat is why opportunities to create vast wealth is always available ! ! !\nyou may have heard that more than 56 % of millionaires in usa\n( and probably in other countries also ) created their wealth through\nreal estate investments !\nwell , that is half the truth !\nyou must know millionaires " jealously guarded\nreal estate secrets , before you may succeed " ! ! !\nthe way to create vast wealth in real estate is not by buying real\nestate and holding it until it appreciates in value , then you sell it .\nthat is the hard way . you \' ll be bogged down by cash flow crunch\nand all the hassles with tenants and maintenance .\nthat is what the majority of real estate investors do .\nit is not fun , and it can frustrate and wear you thin !\ndiscover the " millionaires \' secret " of\ncreating vast wealth through\nreal estate investments �\nthe smart , fast , easy and highly profitable way to make\nmillions in real estate is to buy and sell discounted\nmortgages , real estate notes and trust deeds\nfrom homeowners !\nthat is why we need you ! by joining us , you \' ll help us\ncontact homeowners in your city , and we and our associates will invest\nin them , and do all the work , while you get paid about 10 % of the deal ( or\n$ 1000 / deal ) , without doing any hard work or large investment !\nhow to apply :\nthis package : " discount mortgage millionaire "\n( dmm ) program is almost " free " ! ! !\nhowever , we must ask you to donate a token fee of $ 10 . ( this is voluntary )\nthis is our way to discourage those who are not serious . our time is worth a lot of money .\nwe only want to hear from those who are serious !\nif you \' re interested , please follow the simple steps below to apply .\nhelp us make contacts , and we \' ll spend our money to do the deal , and also\ncompensate you handsomely ( 10 % of whatever amount we make ) . it is a\nwin - win relationship !\napplication steps :\n( 1 ) write your name , address , e - mail address , phone and fax\n( if any ) on a piece of paper .\nthen write the words :\n" $ 10 donation " for dmm program .\n( 2 ) enclose $ 10 usa dollars in cash or money order ( usa only )\nand send it by priority mail to the name and address below :\n( customers from outside usa , please buy and send\nusa dollars cash only )\nmr . benney , ceo\n( dmm package )\n328 flatbush ave . ,\nsuite 221\nbrooklyn , ny 11238\nusa\n* * * * * * *\nphone : ( 718 ) 595 0529\n( please mention " dmm program , code b " )\n( 3 ) after sending the " donation " , send an e - mail and notify\nus that you have sent it .\ninclude your full name , and phone .\nand put these words in the subject space :\n" donation sent for dmm program , code b "\nplease send the e - mail notice to :\npolsew 246 @ btamail . net . cn\n( 4 ) what you shall receive :\n( a ) you \' ll receive the " discount mortgage millionaire "\ndmm package , which gives you all the details on how this\ncash program works , including all the resources you need\nto make contacts for us .\nwhen you order " dmm ebook " , you will have two choices :\n( a ) you can use our real estate millionaire cash secret\n( dmm ebook ) to find the deals , do them yourself and\nkeep all the money !\nor\n( b ) you can apply and become our associate mortgage\nagent ( ama ) and participate in our millionaire\n" real estate acquisition plan " ( reap ) !\n( b ) you \' ll also receive free details on how to obtain\nanother powerful program that we have :\n" quick cash secret banking system ,\nthe royal road to riches " , ( qcsbs - rrr )\nyou \' ll discover the jealously guarded 2000 yrs old\nmillionaire cash secret little known to the general public .\nall you do is go to the " secret website " on the internet ,\nwe shall reveal , open a " special bank account " , then\nclick your mouse and enter a " secret code number " .\nthen click your mouse again , and you \' ll start making\nmoney ! it takes only minutes to do , and you can\nrake in $ 1 , 500 / wk from this ! ! !\n100 % legal and valid in all countries of the world .\nno hard work or special training or scam or\nlarge investment !\nwhen you order the " dmm package " , you \' ll get all the\ndetails about this " qcsbs - rrr " also , and we \' ll help you learn\nand also start using it to create true wealth and success !\nqcsbs millionaire cash system is the fastest and greatest way\nto make money on earth ! ! !\nthat is how we obtained the money we want to spend in real\nestate investments !\nwhen you get qcsbs , it will also help you to create powerful\ncash flow to acquire real estate and other assets fast ! ! !\nwhen we get your " donation " , we shall send you an e - mail\nto download this dmm ebook from our storage site on the\ninternet . so be sure your e - mail address is valid , and you\nnotify us by e - mail after you send the $ 10 donation .\nplease allow at least 2 weeks , after you send the donation\nso we may receive it . when we receive it , we \' ll send an e - mail\nto you to download the " dmm ebook " .\nwe look forward to working with you , to help you begin to\nacquire real estate and cash flow , without any headaches\nhassles , or large investments ! ! !\nyour time to stay at home and make money in real estate deals\nhas come , so answer this special invitation today ! ! !\nthank you !\nmwc investments , international ( a div . of mwc )\ndeadline to apply :\nthis offer is valid for 1 week only .\nplease apply within 1 week of getting this e - mail .\nif you fail , you may not be accepted !\ntherefore print this e - mail now !\nthen read it many times to understand and agree\nto our offer and then place an order now !\nyou may get this e - mail only once .\nso , hurry to avoid missing this fabulous\none - in - a - lifetime real estate , easy , fast cash opportunity !\nstart today ! in less than a year , you may be worth\nabout $ 1 , 000 , 000 ! ! ! come and join us now ! ! !\nunsubscribe info :\nthis e - mail is not intended for washington state residents , and any\nother anti - internet commerce state .\nif you \' re from any of these states , please delete this e - mail and don \' t respond .\nthis offer is void wherever prohibited by law .\nyour name is not in our database , therefore you may not get another\ne - mail from us !\nour remove address is :\nremoveme @ easy . com\n'] | 2 |
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<a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=c3-x1yCQJLx-QMWW2wZ5znP-FdWuuFR" >Summer 2002 software</a><p>
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<a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=ed-jLlvQgVq7YMepa9xv3orMjEsaQuR" >New jobs, click here!</a><p>
<a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=03-13t3I3rzz-oPeCPhKQcaLlAI6OFR" >Inside HP</a> <p>
<a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=18-WhdzI98qBXkhOKJTiMEyR1N6759R" >Bluetooth: speeds up</a>
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<!-- Date -->
<font face="arial, helvetica" size="-2"><b>July 9, 2002</b></font><br>
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<font face="arial, helvetica" size=-1><FONT color=#333333
size=3><b>Browse or bust</b></font><br>
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<FONT face="arial, helvetica" size=-1>
Through daily use I've found that <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=2d-OxQyIbKH-P5mHcLVdngyV7VDjSuR" >Mozilla</a> and <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=42-rF7cIPKSKpADjH7pz3F7_4EMIryR" >Opera</a> Web browsers beat Internet Explorer because of two features: tabbed windows and built-in pop-up killers. But occasionally I hit a site that has features that don't work or has a messed up layout, so I have to launch IE to view it correctly. In the last couple of years, Web builders have used <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=57-YJIXII04FpVebwYF0F_wt9Q9dZPR" >proprietary code</a> from Microsoft in their sites, which Mozilla and Opera don't support.
I used to cover Web building, so I have plenty of insight into the problem. Using current, standard HTML and JavaScript, Web builders can make a Web site do almost anything that you could with Microsoft's proprietary code. The only things they can't do are goofy enhancements such as changing the browser scroll bar colors. To solve this compatibility problem, either Web builders have to take proprietary tags out of their sites or users have to use IE to view them. You can also enhance IE with utilities such as <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=6c-SUL3IuPjjW1GrwIKQCL5-NPyEdnR" >Secure IE</a> to get the kinds of features offered by Mozilla and Opera, giving you the best of both worlds.
Who do you think should be solving problems of Web site incompatibility: Web builders, users, or browser manufacturers? Let me know at <a href="mailto:[email protected]?subject=browse%20orbust">[email protected]</a>.
<p>Wayne Cunningham<br>
Features Editor, CNET Download.com<P>
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face=arial,helvetica size=-1><A
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Is your ISP safe from hack attacks?
</A></B></A><BR>Surely, the folks who run your ISP have thought long and
hard about security issues, but should you count on them to
ward off intruders? Not wise, says our ISP expert. In this
week's column, Dan Tynan takes security matters into his own
hands and shows you how to protect yourself.
<FONT face=arial,helvetica size=-1><A
<a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=ac-RbKtQ0UKmmPupCPdWfGJ0kSyVjdR" >
Two apps that bring the iPod to the PC
</A></B></A><BR>That's right, Windows users. If you've been drooling over
Apple's lovely little MP3 player, you're in luck. Not one
but two software apps bring iPod compatibility to your
FireWire-equipped PC. EphPod and XPlay square off in this
battle of cross-platform compatibility.
<A name=h1><IMG height=19 alt="CNET's Exclusive Downloads"
<IMG height=8 src="http://www.cnet.com/i/nl/rule.gif" width=410><BR>
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<font face="verdana,geneva,helvetica" size=-2>New products from our
<IMG height=8 src="http://www.cnet.com/i/b.gif" width=1><br>
<B> <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=c1-PIljQpWqpn4G3hGwiOPYOLipujcR" >Say the Time</A></B>
<BR>Say the Time is the newest evolution of the cuckoo clock.
Hear the time, set multiple alarms, customize the look of
your taskbar clock, sync your PC with an atomic clock
server, and more. Try it free.<br><br>
<B> <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=d6-yw2KQMPdPVzhSBynOIRzw0LGkkRR" >Ashampoo WinOptimizer Suite
</A></B><BR>Find redundant files, clean up
your Registry, recover space on your hard disks, and
optimize Windows performance.<br><br>
<font face="verdana,geneva,helvetica" size=-2>All Download Launchpad
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<A name=h2><IMG height=19 alt="This Week's Top Ten Downloads"
width=250></A><BR><IMG height=8
src="http://www.cnet.com/i/nl/rule.gif" width=410><br>
<!-- Top 10 intro -->
As KaZaA continues to maintain its stranglehold on
No.1, BearShare continues its climb up the list to No. 6 .
<!-- /Top 10 intro -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%"
border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="6%" height=36><FONT face="arial,
helvetica" size=-1> </FONT></TD>
<TD width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica" size=-1>
<B>Most Popular Titles</B><BR>
<!-- Week Ending Date -->
<FONT size=-2>Week ending July 9</FONT></FONT></TD>
<!-- /Week Ending Date -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1> <B>Last<BR> Week</B> </FONT></TD>
<TD width="16%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1> <B>Weeks<BR> on Chart</B> </FONT></TD>
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1> <B>Downloads<BR> This
Week</B> </FONT></TD></TR>
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=eb-HlpoQkDFIXBe2ePdo6MzbuNK5xFR" >KaZaA
Media Desktop</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=00-4FQlI9QkpEC7PHFbgi4cHr7W6T9R" >Morpheus</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Last week -->
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Weeks on -->
<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=15-mYP_IGck_EmcnMaAV-hDEc2lRbuR" >ICQ
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=2a-CNuWIrIPI7kFsfqabman8WccrYsR" >WinZip</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Last week -->
<!-- Weeks on -->
<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Weeks on -->
<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=40-6Pp4Idn8DggdeadeVXCHnpqL0w4R" >iMesh</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Last week -->
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=55-TAHaIKJ8X5rbylnqm86ccJ_2d2eR" >BearShare</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=6b-8g5ZIHEcwxPagqE80ywQ-4d0P6lR" >Ad-aware</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Last week -->
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=80-KTKvQQ0Kil7AFVBoaDkjVsTLZ89R" >Download Accelerator</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Weeks on -->
<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=95-XdwrQvdJolht9eKr1yZeU_u_KnuR" >Qtraxmax</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Last week -->
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Weeks on -->
<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<TR align=middle>
<TD width="6%" height=32><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=aa-gBteQXUr2wfwlLRWLXZBXqONOVsR" >CNET CatchUp</A></B></FONT></TD>
<!-- Last week -->
<TD width="13%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Last week -->
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<TD width="16%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Weeks on -->
<!-- Download count -->
<TD width="26%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva"
<!-- /Download count -->
<TD colSpan=5>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
<P><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<!-- /top ten -->
<!-- TOP 5 MOVERS -->
<A name=h3><IMG height=19
alt="This Week's Top Movers"
src="http://www.cnet.com/i/nl/dl/sub_topmv.gif" width=300></A><BR>
<IMG height=8 src="http://www.cnet.com/i/nl/rule.gif" width=410><BR>
<FONT face="arial, helvetica" size=-1>
Here are some of the
fastest-rising downloads on our Most Popular list.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width="100%" border=0><TBODY>
<TD width="6%" height=36><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1> </FONT></TD>
<TD width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1><B>Top Movers</B>
<TD width="55%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1><B>The Rundown</B> </FONT></TD>
<TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
src="http://www.cnet.com/b.gif" width=1></TD>
<TD width="6%" height="32" align="middle"><FONT face="ms
sans serif, geneva" size=-2>1.</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1 align="middle"><B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=bf-JtRfQ8ZrssJZ4Dl5w8PF_jEuwtZR" >Nero Burning ROM
<TD width="55%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva" size=-2
align="left">This CD recording software is one of
the top sellers at Shopper.com and clearly it's also
popular at Downloads as it moves up 5 spots to No. 23.</FONT></TD>
<TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
src="http://www.cnet.com/b.gif" width=1></TD>
<TD width="6%" height="32" align="middle"><FONT face="ms
sans serif, geneva" size=-2>2.</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left width="39%" align="middle"><FONT
face="arial, helvetica" size=-1><B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=d4-E0SqQ0Exfr2-J60_4Mc3148lk6dR" >DocCommander
<TD width="55%" align="left"><FONT face="ms sans serif,
geneva" size=-2>Enhancing the Open and Save pop-ups in
Windows seems to be on users' wish lists as this utility
moves up 7 spots to No. 29.
<TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
src="http://www.cnet.com/b.gif" width=1></TD>
<TD width="6%" height="32" align="middle"><FONT face="ms
sans serif, geneva" size=-2>3.</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1 align="middle"><B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=e9-gdzpQxVzOdbdE1WTRnU3P83P5XcR" >SWiSH
<TD width="55%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva" size=-2
align="left">Adding Flash animations to your Web site is always
a good eye-catcher, so it's no surprise that this app has
started to rise, moving up 7 spots to No. 31.</FONT></TD>
<TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
src="http://www.cnet.com/b.gif" width=1></TD>
<TD width="6%" height="32" align="middle"><FONT face="ms
sans serif, geneva" size=-2>4.</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1 align="middle"><B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=fe-xkIgQwgwytZtpFmeE4rbg6amtIRR" >Grand Theft Auto 2
<TD width="55%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva" size=-2
align="left">The latest update for this game spurs
even more interest in an already wildly popular series,
moving up 9 spots to No. 33.</FONT></TD>
<TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
src="http://www.cnet.com/b.gif" width=1></TD>
<TD width="6%" height="32" align="middle"><FONT face="ms
sans serif, geneva" size=-2>5.</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left width="39%"><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
size=-1 align="middle"><B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=14-5MRAIF-zaBL-VZ98ZvQIzTKtR1dR" >IncrediMail Xe
<TD width="55%"><FONT face="ms sans serif, geneva" size=-2
align="left">This customizable e-mailer continues to
be popular with its personal look and makes a showing
on the list at No. 40.</FONT></TD>
<TR><TD colSpan=3>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"
<TD bgColor=#cccccc><IMG height=1
src="http://www.cnet.com/b.gif" width=1></TD>
<FONT face="arial, helvetica" size=-1>
Want more? See our <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=29-Sg_rIjMAHokMfq9NyGEI9rCM8vcR" ><b>Top 50</b></a>
<!-- /TOP 5 MOVERS -->
<!-- OTB ad block -->
<!-- /OTB ad block -->
<!-- picks of the week -->
<P><FONT face="arial, helvetica"
<A name=h3><IMG height=19
alt="Picks of the Week"
width=250></A><BR><IMG height=8
src="http://www.cnet.com/i/nl/rule.gif" width=410><BR>
<FONT size=-1><B>In Audio</B></FONT><BR><BR>
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=3e-F51nIizXejT5H5q_7DQESNPe-iRR" >Quintessential Player 3.4
</A></B><BR> <FONT size=-2> License: Free<BR>File size:
2.48MB<BR>Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
</FONT><BR><BR>Tailor your PC music experience with this skinnable audio
player that offers a vast array of plug-ins. Use the basic
player in the background while you work on other apps, or
perform a variety of operations from CD burning to playlist
organizing or even processing with DSP effects.<p>
Want to review Quintessential Player? Submit your opinion <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=53-n86dINn6pyIdXpsjHpx8lOheMnlR" >here</A>.<p>
<FONT size=-1><B>In Utilities</B></FONT><BR><BR>
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=68-iM8qIsPPhmuHzxvywvjsK-FdLP4R" >RAM Idle Professional 2.0
</A></B><BR> <FONT size=-2>License: Free to try; $19.95 to buy<BR>File size:
1.18MB<BR>Minimum requirements: Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP
</FONT><BR><BR>Does your computer suffer from long lag times when you open
programs or load Web pages, choppy multimedia
playback, crashes, or other symptoms of memory loss? Recover
system memory and optimize your cache with this cure
for computer amnesia.<p>
Want to review RAM Idle Professional? Submit your opinion <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=7e-XDXeInptAzBCTQXi6pURwMpopriR" >here</A>.<p>
<FONT size=-1><B>In Home & Desktop</B></FONT><br><br>
<B><a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=93-V4PmQSdQTa25n32cTYjvQ8Rgn5FR" >Enterprise Theme 2.0
</A></B><BR><FONT size=-2>Free<BR>File size:
1.71MB<BR>Minimum requirements: Windows 98
"Star Trek" fans have another reason to wear pointy ears and
learn Klingon. The latest iteration of the "Star Trek"
franchise takes us back to the origins of Federation space
exploration, in a time before Kirk or Picard. Now you can
teleport your desktop there as well with this theme
featuring sounds, icons, wallpapers, and more from the
newest "Star Trek" show, "Enterprise."<P>
Want to review Enterprise Theme? Submit your opinion <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=a8-02XZQQZk8FnrENtDtZs6swzdON9R" >here</A>.<p>
<FONT size=-1><B>In Games</B></FONT><br><br>
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Want to review Magic: The Gathering? Submit your opinion <a href="http://clickthru.online.com/Click?q=d2-THo_QULwlb7-3Ph3Gl22vbAOyesR" >here</A>.<p>
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<b>Last week I asked whether Audiogalaxy could survive only offering non-infringing files. Here are a few of your answers:</b>
<p><FONT size="-1" color=006633><i>"Doomed. Completely, absolutely, utterly!"</i></font><p>
Just about everyone agreed that Audiogalaxy is as dead as Napster.
<p><FONT size="-1" color=006633><i>"Each time a file-sharing service is canceled, a bunch of new ones appear."</i></font><p>
But some people always find a silver lining.
<p><FONT size="-1" color=006633><i>"I might use a file-sharing service for a lot of things, particularly drivers, fixes, and patches."</i></font><p>
A P2P network offering drivers seems like a great idea to me.
<p><FONT size="-1" color=006633><i>"I was an occasional Audiogalaxy participant (birthday CD burned to include songs that were hits the year you were born). Now I'll just opt for a birthday card and a bottle of wine."</i></font><p>
I included this comment because I really like the birthday idea.
<p><FONT size="-1" color=006633><i>"It seems once again rather than release a file download site for music, at a fee per download, the music companies spend money on trying to stop download sites like Audiogalaxy."</i></font><p>
With its popularity, file swapping should be an amazing opportunity for record companies, but they must not be smart enough to figure out how to make it work.
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['Subject: re : available capacity \nperry - bp wants to know what capacity exists at these points through october . could you please followup with may - oct and let michelle know tomorrow . thanks . also , please check the available capacity through wt - 1 going south as well for the same time period .\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : frazier , perry\nsent : thursday , february 28 , 2002 10 : 03 am\nto : lindberg , lorraine\nsubject : re : available capacity\nhere are the delivery unsubscribed volumes i promised .\nthe wt - 2 compression throughput is as follows : mar 2002 apr 2002\n103700 23700 the difference is burlington cr # 25025 for 80 , 000 moving from ph to wtx in april 2002 .\nunsubscribed valero ward 58500 58500\nwestar ward 20000 20000\noasis 160000 91000\nnng halley 100000 100000\npt 3 - 0667\n- - - - - original message - - - - -\nfrom : lindberg , lorraine\nsent : wednesday , february 27 , 2002 3 : 30 pm\nto : frazier , perry\nsubject : available capacity\nhi perry - could you please check to see how much capacity is currently available through wt - 2 and at each of the following delivery points :\nvalero ward\nwestar ward\noasis\nnng halley\nthanks .\nlorraine'] | 2 |
['Subject: never see a doctor again to get the medhcations you want 535 \nsave your money , shop for your m e d s offshore .\np 4 plt 883313 fi 68 lltlthis sentance is just taking up spacethe people assembled first , of course ! meet jenny 84897101'] | 2 |
['Subject: macromedia studio mx 2004 ( 1 cd ) $ 55 \nhttp : / / bizarre . mainoemstore . com / ? a = 3107'] | 2 |
comutational linguistics - general & thematic sessions acl ' 99 call for papers 37th annual meeting of the association for computational linguistics 20 - - 26 june , 1999 university of maryland [ you may find it easier to read this information on the web at http : / / www . mri . mq . edu . au / conf / acl99 ] 1 . paper sessions 1 . 1 topics of interest in a break with tradition , at this year 's acl conference we are experimenting with a new format . the technical sessions of the conference will be of two kinds . there will be general sessions of the kind that have formed the conference programme in the past ; however , there will also be a number of special thematic sessions , somewhat like a special issue of a journal , organised around themes proposed by members of the computational linguistics community . our aim is to incorporate some of the intensity and excitement of the traditional post-conference workshops , without replacing those workshops . the conference structure will mean that the thematic sessions will run as parallel sessions , resulting in smaller and more focussed audiences . when you submit a paper to the conference , you will need to consider whether you want to present the paper in the general sessions or in one of the thematic sessions , which are listed below . for the general sessions , papers are invited on substantial , original , and unpublished research on all aspects of computational linguistics , including , but not limited to : pragmatics , discourse , semantics , syntax and the lexicon ; phonetics , phonology and morphology ; interpreting and generating spoken and written language ; linguistic , mathematical and psychological models of language ; language-oriented information retrieval and information extraction ; corpus-based language modeling ; machine translation and translation aids ; natural language interfaces and dialogue systems ; approaches to coordinating the linguistic with other modalities in multi-media systems ; message and narrative understanding systems . papers submitted to the thematic sessions are more narrowly targeted at specific topics . the complete list of thematic sessions is as follows ; further information about each can be found at the indicated url . d1 : dialogue management in interactive spoken dialogue systems chairs : diane litman and marilyn walker motivation : the advent of real-time interactive spoken dialogue systems poses special challenges for dialogue management . topics : evaluation , dialogue strategies , repair , system integration , learning / optimizing system behavior , corpus analysis , robust processing , and the requirements dialogue places on generation , speech recognition and synthesis . http : / / www . research . att . com / ~ diane / acl99 - theme . html d2 : discourse tagging : uses , results and applications chairs : marilyn walker , julia hirschberg and owen rambow motivation : empirical approaches to discourse processing often rely on tagging texts or dialogues with discourse tags from a wide range of tag sets . topics : discourse tagging for training or testing models of discourse structure , reference , translation , speech acts , topic identification , and speech recognition . http : / / www . research . att . com / ~ walker / dtag-acl 99 . html d3 : corpus - based approaches to discourse and dialogue chair : nancy ide this theme treats corpus-based work on any aspect of discourse and dialogue analysis , including co-reference , segmentation , discourse structure , parsing , generation , etc . , especially in the light of relevance to practical applications . http : / / www . cs . vassar . edu / ~ ide / calls / acl99 - discourse . html d4 : lexicon and discourse : connections through structure and semantics chairs : laurence danlos , alistair knott , and bonnie webber motivation : with the lexicon becoming a central resource for computing properties of the sentence , one may consider similar gains for computing properties of discourse . topics : lexical semantics of discourse connectives and focus particles , discourse and lexical interpretation , lexicalized grammars for discourse . http : / / www . cogsci . ed . ac . uk / ~ alik / acltheme . html i1 : nlp techniques for cross - language information retrieval chair : douglas oard motivation : systems that use queries or examples in one natural language to find text or speech in another are becoming increasingly important . topics : nlp techniques for query translation , cognate matching and interlingual matching techniques , cross-language gisting using summarization or gloss translation . http : / / www . clis . umd . edu / conferences / acl99clir / i2 : exploring the limits of shallow parsing chair : gregory grefenstette shallow parsing techniques provide a partial analysis of the syntactic structures . theme covers research into : quantifying identifiable linguistic phenomena in a corpus ; evaluating accuracy of dependency relations extracted by shallow parsers ; approximation of full parsing with shallow parsers . http : / / www . xrce . xerox . com / research / mltt / dmhead / acl99 i3 : information extraction from spoken language data chairs : lynette hirschman and david palmer motivation : identifying relevant syntactic and semantic items ( such as names , dates , and events ) in speech data requires robust processing of misspellings , transcription errors , tokenization ambiguities and disfluencies . topics : algorithms , architectures , and evaluation techniques for noisy data information extraction http : / / raven . bu . edu / conferences / acl-ie99 / i4 : natural language processing for interactive information retrieval chair : hinrich sch | tze this theme solicits papers that use nlp to enable better interactive information retrieval . examples include query analysis , disambiguation , and classification of queries into semantic hierarchies , but we are especially interested in novel ideas . ftp : / / parcftp . xerox . com / pub / qca / schuetze / acl99 . html i5 : robust sentence - level interpretation chairs : carolyn penstein rose and alon lavie in contrast to information extraction and shallow parsing techniques , in this session we focus on robust approaches to full sentence interpretation , with an emphasis on empirical evaluation . topics : pre-parsing repair , robust parsing , post-parsing repair , and user interaction . http : / / www . pitt . edu / ~ rosecp / topic . html i6 : topic detection chairs : james allan and bruce croft we examine discovering structure and themes across many texts : finding the topics that underlie the text . it includes summarization , theme extraction , tdt detection , concept extraction , high-quality clustering , and related evaluations . http : / / ciir . cs . umass . edu / acl99 l1 : parsing of inflective , agglutinative and / or free word order languages chair : jan hajic parsing of languages displaying non-analytical , non-fixed word order behavior to a large extent poses specific problems which are expected to be addressed . all aspects of dealing with such problems are welcome , including morphological , syntactic and semantic processing . http : / / ufal . ms . mff . cuni . cz l2 : mt / nlp for languages of low diffusion chairs : doug jones and boyan onyshkevych motivation : adequate large-scale mt or other nlp systems do not exist for the bulk of the world 's languages , nor are there significant on-line resources for them . topics : how to build large-scale mt / nlp systems and resources for these other languages ; how to leverage minimal resources ( including native language expertise ) l3 : word segmentation and lexical acquisition in asian languages chair : masaaki nagata motivation : exchange ideas and experiences on word segmentation among asian researchers as well as between asian and western researchers . topics : theories and applications of tokenization and dictionary construction techniques for languages that do not put space between words , such as chinese , japanese , and thai . http : / / www . milab . is . tsukuba . ac . jp / word-seg - acl99 m1 : automated analysis and evaluation of free text chairs : jill burstein and claudia leacock motivation : to bring together researchers who are interested in the evaluation of essays and other free text for purposes of assessment and instruction . topics : identification and analysis of textual features ; generation of feedback to authors ; evaluation of system results . http : / / www . ets . org / research / acl99 . html m2 : the use of large - coverage lexical resources for tagging and parsing chair : max silberztein motivation : to present dictionary-based projects and results whose starting point is either machine readable dictionaries , raw lists or large corpora topics : large-coverage lexical resources , construction of dictionaries , corpus processing http : / / www . ladl . jussieu . fr / confs / acl99 / acl99 . html m3 : prosody modelling in nlg / speech generation chairs : elke teich and sandra williams motivation : integrating natural language generation and speech synthesis . topics : reconciling syntactic , semantic and prosodic representations ; determination of intonation focus and contour according to context ; adaptations of nlg architectures for speech generation . http : / / www . mri . mq . edu . au / ~ swilliam / acl99theme / m4 : design , implementation , and uses of controlled languages chairs : tony hartley and cecile paris motivation : controlled languages are increasingly used to enhance readability , facilitate automatic processing of documents , and guide input to generation systems . important concerns are the development and enforcement of controlled languages . topics : authoring environments , design principles , corpus analysis , controlled language applications . http : / / www . itri . brighton . ac . uk / events / acl99 / clang . html m5 : computational psycholinguistics chair : philip resnik motivation : discussing empirical and theoretical studies on psychologically motivated computational models of human language processes , as opposed to nlp applications , emphasizing non-introspective data , statistical methods , and the relationship between linguistic competence and performance . topics : computational studies involving processes such as lexical access , parsing , interpretation , generation , disambiguation , acquisition . http : / / umiacs . umd . edu / ~ resnik / acl99 _ cpl / before submitting a paper to a thematic session , you should read the information about each of these themes provided on the separate web pages . during the conference itself , some sessions may be video-taped . presenters will be alerted to this possibility and will be able to request that the cameras are turned off during their presentations . 1 . 2 requirements requirements are the same regardless of whether your are submitting a paper to the general sessions or the thematic sessions ; see the separate call for student papers for information on requirements for papers submitted to the student sessions . papers should describe original work ; they should emphasize completed work rather than intended work and they should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results . wherever appropriate , concrete evaluation results should be included . a paper accepted for presentation at the acl meeting cannot be presented or have been presented at any other meeting with publicly available published proceedings . papers that are being submitted to other conferences must indicate this on the title page . 1 . 3 format for submission the format of submissions is the same regardless of whether your are submitting a paper to the general sessions or the thematic sessions ; see the separate call for student papers for information on requirements for papers submitted to the student sessions . authors should submit preliminary versions of their papers for review , not to exceed 3200 words ( exclusive of references ) . papers should be headed by a title page containing the paper id code ( see below ) , the names of all authors , the title , a short ( 5 line ) summary , up to five keywords specifying the subject area ( for the general sessions ) or an indication of the thematic session to which the paper is being submitted , the word count ( excluding figures and bibliography ) and a notice of multiple submission , if required . papers outside the specified length and / or without an id code are liable to rejection without review . to identify each paper , an id code must be acquired by filing an electronic paper registration form , available on the web at http : / / www . mri . mq . edu . au / conf / acl99 / register . html : on successful completion of this form an id code will be sent to the designated author by e-mail . if you cannot access the electronic paper registration form , send email to acl99 @ mri . mq . edu . au with subject idform for an automatic reply . to assist in the refereeing process , we would be very grateful if authors prepare a web-browsable ( e . g . html , postscript , pdf ) electronic version of their papers . the electronic paper registration form contains a field where you can provide this information . we strongly recommend the use of acl - standard latex ( plus bibstyle and trivial example ) or word style files for the preparation of submissions . these styles include a place for the required information such as id code and word count , and allow for a graceful transition to the style required for publication . these files are available from the conference web site at http : / / www . mri . mq . edu . au / conf / acl99 . if you cannot use the acl - standard styles directly , a description of the required format is at http : / / www . mri . mq . edu . au / conf / acl99 / style / substyle . html . if you cannot access this web page , send email to acl99 @ mri . mq . edu . au with subject substyle for an automatic reply . 1 . 4 submission and reviewing procedure the submission procedure is the same regardless of whether your are submitting a paper to the general sessions or the thematic sessions ; see the separate call for student papers for information on submission details for papers submitted to the student sessions . four ( 4 ) paper copies of each paper ( printed on both sides of the page if possible ) should be submitted to the following address : acl programme committee c / o ken church at&t labs - research 180 park ave , office d235 po box 971 florham park nj 07932-0971 usa enquiries can be addressed to the programme committee by email at acl99 @ mri . mq . edu . au ( robert dale , chair and ken church , co - chair ) . in extreme cases , if you cannot make contact electronically you can reach us by sending a fax , clearly marked " acl programme committee " , to + 61 2 9850 9529 . this fax number is for information enquiries only . please note that faxed submissions of papers are not acceptable . reviewing of papers submitted to the general sessions will , as in previous years , be managed by an international conference programme committee consisting of area chairs , each of whom will have the assistance of a team of reviewers . reviewing of papers for the thematic sessions will be managed by the chairs of the thematic sessions , with the assistance of teams of reviewers ; final decisions on the technical programme content ( both general sessions and thematic sessions ) will be made by the programme committee . 1 . 5 schedule submissions must be received by january 25th 1999 . late submissions ( those arriving on or after january 26th 1999 ) will be returned unopened . acknowledgements will be emailed soon after receipt . notification of acceptance will be sent to authors ( by email ) on march 22nd 1999 . camera - ready copies of final papers prepared in a double-column format , preferably using a laser printer , must be received by may 3rd 1999 , along with a signed copyright release statement . detailed formatting guidelines will be provided to authors with their acceptance notice . the paper sessions , including general , theme and student papers , will take place on june 23rd - - 26th 1999 . 2 . student sessions there will again be special student sessions organized by a committee of acl graduate student members . acl student members are invited to submit short papers on any of the topics listed above for the general sessions . the papers will be reviewed by a committee of students and faculty members for presentation in workshop-style sessions and publication in a special section of the conference proceedings . a separate call for papers for the student sessions is being issued and is available at http : / / www . cs . utoronto . ca / ~ melanie / acl99 / . 3 . tutorials the meeting will include a programme of tutorials on june 20th 1999 immediately preceding the workshops and technical sessions , and at the same venue as the conference . a separate call for tutorial proposals is being issued and is available at http : / / www . bell-labs . com / project / tts / acl99tut . html . 4 . workshops as in other years , acl ' 99 will be accompanied by a number of workshops . these will be held on june 21st - - 22nd 1999 , immediately after the tutorials and before the technical sessions . the acl has a policy on workshops . a separate call for workshop proposals will be issued soon . 5 . demos a separate call for demo proposals will be issued at a later date . 6 . venue and local organisation the conference will be held at the university of maryland from 20th through 26th june , 1999 . the local arrangements committee is chaired by bonnie dorr ; see http : / / www . umiacs . umd . edu / research / clip / acl99 / index . html for local arrangements information . 7 . timetable the dates here pertain only to the general sessions and thematic sessions : see the separate calls for student session papers , tutorial proposals and workshops for the timetabling associated with those elements of the conference . paper submissions deadline : january 25 , 1999 notification of acceptance : march 22 , 1999 camera ready papers due : may 3 , 1999 acl ' 99 conference : june 20 - - 26 , 1999 | 2 |
['Subject: 708760 \nthis deal ticket , which is our oasis and pge receipts from the central desk on nng . please update the ticket to reflect that hpl is receiving these volumes from ena - im central . this is having and adverse impact on our pathing .\nthank you ,\nmary'] | 2 |
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The controversial claim could be evidence of hidden extra dimensions and help a
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['Subject: credit business plan \nhi jeff ,\nmy research colleagues and i are working on a document to lay out our credit derivatives modeling strategy . for lack of a better term , we refer to this as our credit business plan .\nit is my understanding that various business plans have been previously written for the credit group - one by gillian johnson and another by john bottomley .\nit would be very helpful to our efforts in the research group , it you would allow us to see these plans .\nthanks ,\niris'] | 2 |
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Hire a really talented skywriter to doodle nudie pics in the sky and see
if they figure out what to charge you with. Exactly how far into the sky
does the border of your local district reach?
> > If the creator didnt say you could have it without paying, it's theft,
> > so simple, hell that's even in all the major holy books.
> Wow, I've got a great idea! I'll hire a skywriter to write "you can't
> look at this without paying," then lock up everybody who looked at it
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['Subject: solomon smith barney \nmike shanker called today and wants to spend tuesday through thursday next week in our office reviewing at a more detailed level the functional responsibilities within operations and accounting . his goal , on behalf of frank bisignano ( which i am sure that i have misspelled ) , is to map the job functions that we have into the job functions as they are organized within solomon smith barney .\ni told him that we would be glad to work with him . we will involve bob hall , jeff gossett , stacey white , leslie reeves and others as needed in these more detailed discussions .\nmike says that wes is sending him a functional org chart for his team today . i will touch base with wes to make sure we are coordinated on our efforts .\nis this the entity that had requested org charts that you asked for ? - - sally'] | 2 |
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mail system error - returned mail this message was undeliverable due to the following reason : ce message n ' a pu átre transmis pour les raisons suivantes : each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server . the reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why each recipient was rejected . les destinataires suivants ont åtå rejetås par un serveur de courrier è distance . les raisons donnåes par le serveur sont incluses pour vous aider è dåterminer le probléme dans chaque cas . recipient : reason : unknown local - part " 1742560 " in domain " primus . ca " please reply to postmaster @ sprint . ca if you feel this message to be in error . veuillez råpondre è postmaster @ sprint . ca si vous pensez que ce message est erronå . | 2 |
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fantastic investors portfolio the oil and gas advisory now that oil and gas has entered a | ong - term bul | market , our speciaity in pinpointing the hottest companies of the few remaining undervalued energy piays has produced soaring returns . emerson oil and gas ( eogi ) is an energy deveioper in the us " oi | beit " and in canada ' s most highiy coveted reservoirs with generating potentia | of millions per week . breaking news ! ! ! emerson oil and gas , inc . , ( eogi ) is pleased to announce that the alberta energy & utiiity board has issued license no . o 33 o 2 o 6 for the company ' s wel | 11 - 16 - 24 - 2 the acadia project . the acadia project consists of 15 sections in alberta in an area that produces natura | gas from the viking formation , has oil potentia | in the bakken zone and gas potential in the colony and second white specks zones . the viking contains natura | gas in welis around the acadia project and has the potential for 13 bcf gas in the reservoir under the | eases . gas wells in the area have caicuiated aof rates up to 14 mmcf per day . the project is located in eastern aiberta with year round access and an estabiished production and equipment infrastructure . weil costs are expected to be $ 60 o , 0 oo drilled , cased and compieted and the advanced funds wil | go towards the drilling of the first weil . each wel | on a | ease earns emerson a 49 % working interest in one section . emerson oil and gas , inc . , ( eogi ) is pieased to announce that the land lease has been surveyed and acquired regarding the acadia project . the acadia project consists of 15 sections in aiberta in an area that produces natural gas from the viking formation , has oil potentia | in the bakken zone and gas potential in the coiony and second white specks zones . the viking contains natura | gas in wells around the acadia project and has the potential for 13 bcf gas in the reservoir under the leases . gas we | | s in the area have caicuiated aof rates up to 14 mmcf per day . the project is located in eastern alberta with year round access and an established production and equipment infrastructure . wel | costs are expected to be $ 6 oo , 00 o drilied , cased and completed and the advanced funds will go towards the drilling of the first wel | . each weil on a lease earns emerson a 49 % working interest in one section . symbol - eogi price - . 026 the vaiue of eogi ' s shares wil | skyrocket : 1 . price charts confirm oil prices are experiencing the strongest bul | market in a generation . 2 . natural gas prices have tripled in the last two years . 3 . with muitipie projects in high - gear and the expanding production on reserves worth multi - mi | | ions , eogi is seiling for | ess than 1 / 4 the value of its assets . 4 . emerson oi | and gas specializes in using new technology to turn unproductive oi | and gas deposits into profitable enterprises . aiready shares in the oi | and gas sector are rising faster than the overal | market . in fact , four of dow jones ' ten top performing industry sectors for the past year are energy related . but it ' s in the mid - sized expiorers and deveiopers | ike emerson ( eogi ) that the biggest gains are being made . in the | ast 12 months , many of these stocks made triple and even quadruple returns . our subscribers need to pay particulariy ciose attention to undervaiued eogi shares , because it won ' t be a bargain for | ong . this smail company with a comparabiy smal | market vaiue , is sitting on a bonanza of oi | and gas reserves - an unrecognized bonus for investors especially with the daily jump in energy prices . but all that will change in a few short weeks , as these reserves move into production , bringing an explosion of cash that is expected to capture the attention of the market , and have an equaily expiosive effect on the share price . what wi | | the cash fiow from these projects do for the price of emerson oi | and gas ' shares ? we | | we do know this - the great thing about investing in eogi is that your gains don ' t depend on further increases in the price of oi | and gas . even if energy prices stay fiat , or decline siightly , you will still make a very healthy return . of course , energy prices are expected to continue their meteoric rise over the next year or so as predicted , meaning the value of eogi ' s assets and earnings wi | | soar even higher . in that case , the reward for investors wi | | be staggering . overall , we consider eogi to be one of the last outstanding energy piays in the oi | and gas sector . once this discovery has been realized , eogi shares wil | surge sharpiy on heavy investor attention . we have identified this discovery for immediate accumuiation . eogi ' s oi | and gas reserves are weil established and are going into massive production . eariy investors wiil secure optimum gains , and any additional news in this area wil | realiy turn up the heat , causing us to revise our targets upward in next week ' s bu | | etin . oi | and gas advisory ( oga ) is not a investment expert . certain statements contained in this newsietter may be future - looking statements within the meaning of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995 . such terms as expect , beiieve , may , will , and intend or simiiar terms may identify these statements . past - performance is not an indicator of future - results . this is not an expert to acquire or se | | securities . oga is an independent publication that was paid fifteen thousand doilars by a third party for the continuing coverage and dissemination of this company information . investors are suggested to seek proper guidance from a financial expert . investors should use the information provided in this newsietter as a starting point for gathering additiona | information on the profiled company to allow the investor to form their own opinion regarding investment . if you wish to stop future mailings , or if you fee | you have been wrongfuily placed in our membership , please send a biank e mai | with no thanks in the subject to daily _ 4 tip @ yahoo . com | 2 |
['Subject: prescription drugs \nonline pharmacy - visit our online store and save .\nsave up to 80 % compared to normal rates .\nall popular drugs are available !\n- world wide shipping\n- no doctor visits\n- no prescriptions\n- next day priority shipping\n- discreet packaging\n- buy in bulk and save !\nwe make it easier and faster than ever to get the prescriptions you\nneed .\ngo here : http : / / jomr . com /\nsimply rx is your convenient , safe and private online source for\nfda approved pharmacy prescriptions . we sell brand - name and exact\ngeneric equivalents of us fda approved prescription drugs through\nour fully - licensed overseas pharmacy . upon approval of your medical\ninformation , a licensed physician will issue a free prescription\nwhich can be filled and shipped to you in one business day .\nno thanks : http : / / jomr . com / z . php\n'] | 2 |
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"url": "https://swissmodel.expasy.org",
"keywords":"SWISS-MODEL, homology model, protein structure models",
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Is your protein already modelled and up to date in <a href=/repository> SWISS-MODEL Repository </a> ?<form action=/repository><div class="input-group scrollable-dropdown-menu"><span class=input-group-btn> <button class="btn btn-default"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"> </i></button> </span><input placeholder="Search SWISS-MODEL Repository"autocomplete=off class=typeahead id=query name=query></div></form><div class=text-center style=margin-top:12px;><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"class=text-center title=Human><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/9606> <img src=/static/images/9606_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"class=text-center title=Mouse><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/10090> <img src=/static/images/10090_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Caenorhabditis elegans"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/6239> <img src=/static/images/6239_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Escherichia coli"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/83333> <img src=/static/images/83333_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Mouse-ear cress"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/3702> <img src=/static/images/3702_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Fruit fly"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/7227> <img src=/static/images/7227_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Baker's yeast"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/559292> <img src=/static/images/559292_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Fission yeast"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/284812> <img src=/static/images/284812_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Caulobacter crescentus"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/190650> <img src=/static/images/190650_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Mycobacterium tuberculosis"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/83332> <img src=/static/images/83332_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Pseudomonas aeruginosa"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/208964> <img src=/static/images/208964_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Staphylococcus aureus"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/93061> <img src=/static/images/93061_header.png> </a></div></div><div style="display:inline-block; padding:2px;"title="Plasmodium falciparum"class=text-center><div class=tbn><a href=/repository/species/36329> <img src=/static/images/36329_header.png> </a></div></div></div></div></div></div><div style="background-color:#ECECEC; padding:78px 32px"class=container-fluid><div class=row id=sarscov2><div class="col-xs-4 col-xs-offset-4 col-sm-offset-0 col-sm-4 text-center"><a href=/repository/species/2697049> <img src=/static/images/2697049_header.png style=max-width:100%> </a></div><div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8"><h3><a href=/repository/species/2697049> SARS-CoV-2 </a></h3><p>Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA coronavirus. It is a contagious virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).<p>We modelled the full SARS-CoV-2 proteome based on the NCBI reference sequence <a href=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/NC_045512 target=_blank> NC_045512 </a> and annotations from <a href=https://covid-19.uniprot.org target=_blank> UniProt </a> .<p>The results are available <a href=/repository/species/2697049> here </a> .<h4 style=margin-top:32px><a href=https://swissmodel.expasy.org/repository/user_annotation_project/scB117> Variant of Concern 202012/01 </a></h4><p>We annotated the mutations of the newly emerging <a href=https://swissmodel.expasy.org/repository/user_annotation_project/scB117> Variant of Concern </a> that appeared in December 2020 in the UK. This annotation project shows the location of the mutations on the wild type proteins.</div></div></div><div style="margin-top:88px; margin-bottom:88px;"class=container-fluid><div class=row><div class=col-sm-12 style=padding-left:32px><h3>What's new</h3></div></div><div class=row><div class=col-sm-4><div class=newFeature><div><p>We integrated the identification of transmembrane proteins in the weekly SWISS-MODEL template library update.</p><a href=/docs/blog#membranePrediction> <div class=text-center><img style="max-height:220px; max-width:100%;"src=/static/help/3eml.1.membrane.png></div> <div class=readMore>Read more...</div> </a></div></div></div><div class=col-sm-4><div class=newFeature><div><p>Define, view and share your own annotations in UniProt space to view on models and structures in SWISS-MODEL Repository</p><a href=/docs/blog#userAnnotations> <div class=text-center><img style="max-height:220px; max-width:100%;"src=/static/images/blog/userAnnotation_small.jpg></div> <div class=readMore>Read more...</div> </a></div></div></div><div class=col-sm-4><div class=newFeature><div><p>Select homology models and experimental structures from SWISS-MODEL, Repository and tools to compare in one multiple structure view</p><a href=/docs/blog#structureComparison> <div class=text-center><img style="max-height:220px; max-width:100%"src=/static/images/blog/consistencySmall.jpg></div> <div class=readMore>Read more...</div> </a></div></div></div></div><div class=row><div style="text-align:left; padding:16px 16px 0px 32px; font-style:italic; font-size:1.2em"class=col-sm-12><a href=http://twitter.com/SWISS_MODEL target=_blank title=twitter> <img alt="logo twitter"border=0 height=24px src=/static/images/twitter_logo_blue.png width=24px> Follow SWISS-MODEL on Twitter for latest developments and news. </a></div></div></div><div class="container-fluid fader2"><div class=row><div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-1 text-align-left leftborder"><address class=code style=margin:0px><strong> Protein Structure Bioinformatics Group </strong> <br> c/o Prof. Torsten Schwede <br> Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics <br> Biozentrum, University of Basel <br> Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 <br> CH-4056 Basel / Switzerland <br> <a class=swissmodelContactRef href=mailto:[email protected]> help <span class=canttouchthis> v3b </span> -swiss <span class=canttouchthis> ac </span> mode <span class=canttouchthis> lu </span> l@u <span class=canttouchthis> qvc </span> nibas <span class=canttouchthis> c9 </span> . <span class=canttouchthis> qov </span> ch </a></address></div><div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 col-sm-offset-0 col-sm-3 leftborder"><a href=http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/schwede/ target=_blank> <img style="max-width:100%; max-height:120px;padding:8px;"src=/static/images/bz_logo.png> </a></div><div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-offset-1 col-sm-offset-0 col-sm-3 leftborder"><a href=http://www.sib.swiss target=_blank> <img style="max-width:100%; max-height:120px;padding:8px;"src=/static/images/sib_logo.png> </a></div></div></div><div class="container-fluid fader2"><div class=row><div class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-1"><p>When you publish or report results using SWISS-MODEL, please cite the relevant publications:<ul><li>Waterhouse, A., Bertoni, M., Bienert, S., Studer, G., Tauriello, G., Gumienny, R., Heer, F.T., de Beer, T.A.P., Rempfer, C., Bordoli, L., Lepore, R., Schwede, T. SWISS-MODEL: homology modelling of protein structures and complexes. Nucleic Acids Res. 46(W1), W296-W303 (2018). <a href=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29788355 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/pubmed.png width=17> </a> <a href=https://doi.org/10.1093/nar/gky427 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/doi.jpg style=padding-left:2px width=30> </a><li>Bienert, S., Waterhouse, A., de Beer, T.A.P., Tauriello, G., Studer, G., Bordoli, L., Schwede, T. The SWISS-MODEL Repository - new features and functionality. Nucleic Acids Res. 45, D313-D319 (2017). <a href=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27899672 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/pubmed.png width=17> </a> <a href=https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/nar/gkw1132 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/doi.jpg style=padding-left:2px width=30> </a><li>Guex, N., Peitsch, M.C., Schwede, T. Automated comparative protein structure modeling with SWISS-MODEL and Swiss-PdbViewer: A historical perspective. Electrophoresis 30, S162-S173 (2009). <a href=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19517507 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/pubmed.png width=17> </a> <a href=https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/elps.200900140 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/doi.jpg style=padding-left:2px width=30> </a><li>Studer, G., Rempfer, C., Waterhouse, A.M., Gumienny, G., Haas, J., Schwede, T. QMEANDisCo - distance constraints applied on model quality estimation. Bioinformatics 36, 1765-1771 (2020). <a href=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31697312 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/pubmed.png width=17> </a> <a href=https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btz828 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/doi.jpg style=padding-left:2px width=30> </a><li>Bertoni, M., Kiefer, F., Biasini, M., Bordoli, L., Schwede, T. Modeling protein quaternary structure of homo- and hetero-oligomers beyond binary interactions by homology. Scientific Reports 7 (2017). <a href=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28874689 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/pubmed.png width=17> </a> <a href=https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-017-09654-8 target=_blank> <img align=absmiddle height=16 src=/static/images/doi.jpg style=padding-left:2px width=30> </a></ul></div></div><div class=row><div class="col-xs-12 text-center"style="margin:32px 0px 16px 0px">* Please note the <a href=/docs/terms_of_use> terms of use </a> of SWISS-MODEL.</div></div></div><div style="width:600px;display:none;padding-top:12px; text-align:center;"id=loginForm></div><footer class="footer hidden-print"><div id=sib_footer><ul style="margin-bottom:0px; padding-bottom:4px;padding-top:4px;"class=list-inline><li><a href=https://www.sib.swiss> Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics </a><li><a href=https://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch/research/researchgroups/overview/unit/schwede/> Schwede Group </a><li><a class=swissmodelContactRef href=mailto:[email protected]> Contact Us </a><li><a href=/docs/terms_of_use> Terms of use </a><li class=pull-right><a id=sib_footer_gototop onclick=window.scrollTo(0,0);> <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-up"> </i> Back to the Top </a></ul><div class=clearfix></div></div></footer><script src=/static/js/jquery-3.4.1.min.js></script><script src=/static/jquery-ui-1.11.2.custom/jquery-ui.min.js></script><script src=/static/js/bootstrap-3.3.7.min.js></script><script src=/static/fancybox-2.1.4/jquery.fancybox.pack.js></script><script src=/static/js/bootstrap3-typeahead.min.js></script><script>var smrSuggest = new Bloodhound({
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2 nd revision to sea robin volumes ( sea robin p / l ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 06 / 09 / 2000 01 : 24 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " steve holmes " on 06 / 09 / 2000 10 : 54 : 04 am to : , cc : subject : 2 nd revision to sea robin volumes ( sea robin p / l ) let me try this one more time . . . the attached changes are to those meters where a pvr is taken out for processing . effective 6 / 12 / 00 , the sea robin plant will be shut down for repairs and will not be operational again until 6 / 15 / 00 . the attached 12 changes are to be effective 6 / 12 / 00 anc continuing until further notice . sorry for any confusion the previous e - mail may have caused . steve - ei 305 reveffo 61200 . xls - ei 330 areveffo 61200 . xls - ei 330 breveffo 61200 . xls - ei 330 creveffo 61200 . xls - ei 333 reveffo 61200 . xls - ei 337 reveffo 61200 . xls - smi 23 reveffo 61200 . xls - smi 41 reveffo 61200 . xls - smil 28 reveffo 61200 . xls - wc 560 reveffo 61200 . xls - wc 580 reveffo 61200 . xls - gbl 28 reveffo 61200 . xls | 2 |
["Subject: owning a good stock is a gratifying experience \nvcsc - brand new stock for your attention\nvocaiscape inc - the stock symbo | is : vcsc\nvcsc wi | | be our top stock p i c k for the month of february - stock\nexpected\nto bounce to 3 o - 4 o cents | evel\nthe stock hit its all time | ow and wiil bounce back\nstock is going to expiode in next 5 days - watch it soar\nwatch the stock go crazy ! get on board now ! its going to explode !\ncurrent price : $ o . 052\nwi | | it continue higher ? watch this one thursday as we know many of\nyou\nlike momentum .\nvocalscape networks inc . is building a company that ' s revoiutionizing\nthe\nteiecommunications industry with the most affordabie phone systems ,\nhardware ,\noniine software , and rates in canada and the us . vocaiscape , a company\nwith\ngiobal reach , is receiving international attention for the development\nof\nvoice over ip ( voip ) application solutions , including the\naward - winnning\neyefontm , a softphone for real - time pc - to - phone . we are an advanced\nimpiementer of pbx systems for companies , call centers , itsps and\nservice providers .\nvocaiscape has created software and interactive solutions revoiving\naround\nglobal communications and data voice convergence . companies use\nvocaiscape for\nvoice over internet protocol applications | ike ip pbxs , softswitches ,\npc 2 phone\nand web 2 phone , providing rea | - time human interaction and information\ndelivery\nover the internet . through vocalscape ' s solutions , businesses can offer\na\nquality voice service to anywhere in the worid at rates that are\nsignificantiy\nlower than current long distance charges . we deveiop software to run\nvoip\nnetworks , and seil , instal | and service our own branded voip gateways\nand\ngatekeeper contro | software . we aiso | icense our software to customers\nwho\nwant to brand their own voip soiutions .\nvocaiscape is committed to making great technology ; chalienging the\nstatusquo ,\nand buiiding a 21 st century company that changes the way businesses\ncommunicate\nand interact through the internet .\ncurrent price : $ o . 052\nwiil it continue higher ? watch this one thursday as we know many of\nyou\nlike momentum .\nbreaking news - vocaiscape announces partnership with vbs teiecom\nkatonah , n . y . , ( pink sheets : vcsc . pk ) , announces that the company has\nentered\ninto a partnership agreement with vbs teiecom to represent vocaiscape ' s\nproprietary eyefon , an award winnning voip soft phone and vocaiscape ' s\npre - paid\ncailing card soiution to their ciients .\nvbs telecom is extremeiy happy to be able to represent vocaiscape ' s\nturn - key\nvoip solution and eyefon softphone a | | owing calling card businesses and\nsubscriber business modeis like vonage and packet 8 . with vocaiscape ' s\nturn - key\nvoip soiution , vbs telecom can offer its isps , itsps and\nsmal | - to - medium sized\nenterprise customers a piatform that will enhance and in crease their\nvoip\nbusinesses and give them the ability to immediateiy compete with other\nvoip\nsubscriber models on a best of business practices platform and they are\na major\npart of vbs telecom ' s customer base , says richard rock , vbs telecom ' s\ndirector sales marketing .\nwe are happy to have an educated and dedicated team who reselis voip\nhardware\nand software represent vocaiscape in eastern canada and globally .\npartners are\nessentia | in the deployment and credibiiity of our system and we are\nhappy to\nwork with the vbs telecom team , says ryan gibson , vp of saies and\nmarketing .\ncurrent price : $ 0 . 052\nwiil it continue higher ? watch this one thursday as we know many of\nyou\nlike momentum .\nsome | ega | words before you continue :\ninformation within this email contains forward looking statements\nwithin the\nmeaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and section 21 b of\nthe\nsecurities exchange act of 1934 . any statements that express or invoive\ndiscussions with respect to predictions , goais , expectations , beliefs ,\nplans ,\nprojections , objectives , assumptions or future events or performance\nare not\nstatements of historica | fact and may be forward | ooking\nstatements .\nforward | ooking statements are based on expectations , estimates and\nprojections\nat the time the statements are made that involve a number of risks and\nuncertainties which could cause actual results or events to differ\nmaterialiy\nfrom those presentiy anticipated . forward | ooking statements in this\naction may be\nidentified through the use of words such as : projects , foresee ,\nexpects ,\nestimates , believes , understands will part of anticipates , or that by\nstatements\nindicating certain actions may , could , or might occur . ail information\nprovided\nwithin this email pertaining to investing , stocks , securities must be\nunderstood\nas information provided and not investment advice .\nemerging equity aiert advises all readers and subscribers to seek\nadvice from a\nregistered professiona | securities representative before deciding to\ntrade in\nstocks featured within this emai | . none of the material within this\nreport shal |\nbe construed as any kind of investment advice . please have in mind that\nthe\ninterpretation of the witer of this newsietter about the news pubiished\nby the\ncompany does not represent the company officia | statement and in fact\nmay differ\nfrom the real meaning of what the news release meant to say . look the\nnews\nreiease by yourseif and judge by yourseif about the details in it .\nin compiiance with section 17 ( b ) , we disciose the hoiding of vcsc\nshares prior\nto the publication of this report . be aware of an inherent conflict of\ninterest\nresulting from such holdings due to our intent to profit from the\nliquidation of\nthese shares . shares may be sold at any time , even after positive\nstatements\nhave been made regarding the above company . since we own shares , there\nis an\ninherent conflict of interest in our statements and opinions . readers\nof this\npublication are cautioned not to place undue reliance on\nforward - | ooking\nstatements , which are based on certain assumptions and expectations\ninvoiving\nvarious risks and uncertainties , that could cause results to differ\nmateria | | y\nfrom those set forth in the forward - looking statements .\npiease be advised that nothing within this email shal | constitute a\nsoiicitation\nor an invitation to get position in or se | | any security mentioned\nherein . this\nnewsietter is neither a re giste red in vest ment advisor nor\naffiiiated with any\nbroker or deaier . this newsletter was paid $ 490 oo from third party to\nsend this\nreport . al | statements made are our express opinion only and should be\ntreated\nas such . we may own , take position and sel | any securities mentioned at\nany\ntime . this report includes forward - | ooking statements within the\nmeaning of the\nprivate securities litigation reform act of 1995 . these statements may\nincude\nterms as projected specuiative price expect believe may , will soar ,\nmove ,\nundervaiued and intend or similar terms .\nif you wish to stop future maiiings , or if you fee | you have been\nwrongfuily placed in our list , please go here\n( - stoxo 015 @ yahoo . com - )"] | 2 |
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> Another thing to note about Australia is that, while the highest income
> tax bracket (47%) isn't *that* high, it kicks in at around USD33,000.
and it looks like PPP for USD 33k is only
about USD 50k*, at least in Big Macs:
Australia A$3.00 USD 1.62 -35%
US $2.49 USD 2.49
Switzerland SFr6.30 USD 3.81 +53%
Interestingly enough, although housing in
Perth seems cheap, housing in Switzerland
doesn't seem to be as expensive as the Big
Macs would imply.
* which still doesn't sound bad, if one
can convert urban CA equity into free and
clear Oz ownership.
| 2 |
Subsets and Splits