From rssfeeds@jmason.org Thu Sep 26 16:43:14 2002 Return-Path: <rssfeeds@example.com> Delivered-To: yyyy@localhost.example.com Received: from localhost (jalapeno []) by jmason.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id 8FE9A16F7B for <jm@localhost>; Thu, 26 Sep 2002 16:42:07 +0100 (IST) Received: from jalapeno [] by localhost with IMAP (fetchmail-5.9.0) for jm@localhost (single-drop); Thu, 26 Sep 2002 16:42:07 +0100 (IST) Received: from dogma.slashnull.org (localhost []) by dogma.slashnull.org (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id g8QFWbg25195 for <jm@jmason.org>; Thu, 26 Sep 2002 16:32:37 +0100 Message-Id: <200209261532.g8QFWbg25195@dogma.slashnull.org> To: yyyy@example.com From: newscientist <rssfeeds@example.com> Subject: Mayan texts reveal superpower wars Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:32:37 -0000 Content-Type: text/plain; encoding=utf-8 X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.0 required=5.0 tests=AWL version=2.50-cvs X-Spam-Level: URL: http://www.newsisfree.com/click/-4,8045341,1440/ Date: Not supplied Gory hieroglyphs found on a Guatemalan pyramid support the idea of a superpower struggle at the civilisation's peak
["Subject: greatest online medicine here \nharmony gerundial corinth burnett pyongyang stratagem sweet\nmedications from the comfort of our home !\nabsolutely no doctor ' s appointments needed !\nlowest prices on brand name and generic drvgs !\nstop getting promotional material here\nchimeric kennecott cretinous trenton clearheaded huggins profiteer elsinore maladroit auric\n"]
notebookplus batteries visit : http : / / www . computron - me . com for deals ! your one stop distributorjebel ali duty free zonedubai , uae . www . computron - me . com for latest clearance sale listing contact our sales department . for further details please send your enquiries to : dealers @ emirates . net . aeor contact via www . computron - me . com compaq hewlett packard 3 com dell intel iomega epson aopen creative toshiba apc cisco us robotics microsoft canon intellinet targus viewsonic ibm sony - - - - - - - and lots more ! ! ! if you have any complaints / suggestions contact : customerservice @ computron - me . com tel + 971 4 8834464 all prices in u . s . dollars , ex - works , fax + 971 4 8834454 jebel ali duty free zone www . computron - me . com prices and availability subject to change usa - canada u . a . e . without notice . to receive our special offers in plain text format reply to this mail with the request * for export only * this email can not be considered spam as long as we include : contact information remove instructions . this message is intended for dealer and resellers only . if you have somehow gotten on this list in error , or for any other reason would like to be removed , please reply with " remove " in the subject line of your message . this message is being sent to you in compliance with the federal legislation for commercial e - mail ( h . r . 4176 - section 101 paragraph ( e ) ( 1 ) ( a ) and bill s . 1618 title iii passed by the 105 th u . s . congress . all logos and trademarks are the property of their respective owners products may not be exactly as shown above - - to unsubscribe from : computron 6 , just follow this link : click the link , or copy and paste the address into your browser .
["Subject: we have reduced vi ' agra , cia ' lis and le ' vitra \nrectifier dominic bryant opacity fad stratford wove\nwe can get you the cheapest viagra , cialis and levitra\ncheck our prices\ngemstone plastic fuzz andrei trinket stockholder amsterdam\nberlin dinnertime spectrograph homogenate lysergic mig bobble\n"]
['Subject: reply ; from mr . jeftha \ndear friend ,\nhow are you today ? you may be surprised to receive this letter from me ,\nsince you do not know me personally , but for purpose of introduction .\ni am mr . james john jeftha , the first son of dr , peter jeftha , who was\nrecently murdered in the land dispute in zimbabwe . i got your contact\nthrough my personal search for a honest and trustworthy individual , who can\nhelp my family in receiving this fund , for proper investment and safe\nkeeping , and i decided to write to you , for assistance and business\nco - operation . before the death of my father , he had taken me to oversea to\ndeposit the total sum of ( us $ 16 , 8 million united states dollars ) , with a\nsecurity and finance company , as if he foresaw the looming danger in\nzimbabwe .\nthe money was deposited in a box as gem stones to avoid demurrage from the\nsecurity company . this amount was made for establishment of an industry in\nuk .\nthis land problem came when zimbabwean president mr . robert mugabe ,\nintroduced a new land act , which wholly affected the rich white farmers and\nsome few black farmers . this resulted in killing and mob action by\nzimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics in the society . in fact , more than\nthirty ( 30 ) people have been killed because of this land reform act .\nheads of governments from the west especially britain have condemned\nmugabe � s new land reform act and for this reason , sadc ( southern african\ndevelopment community ) heads of states have met and voiced their support for\nmr . mugabe . south african president and the president of malawi have been\nsent by sadc to britain to support mugabe � s new land reform act .\nit is against this background , that i and my family , who are currently\nstaying in europe right because of this problem , have decided to transfer my\nfather � s money to a foreign account . as the eldest son of my father , i am\nsaddled with this responsibility of seeking a genuine account where this\nmoney could be transferred without the knowledge of my government who are\nbent on taking everything we have got and other african governments seem to\nbe playing along with them .\ni am faced with the dilemma of investing this amount of money in africa for\nfear of going through the same experience in future since most of the\ncountries have lost similar political history . however , the european union\nforeign exchange policy where i am right now does not allow such investment\nas i am seeking for asylum . i don � t want to disclose all the information\nabout me , and where i am residing right now for fear of having my asylum\nrequest cancelled by the authorities in my host country , but immediately you\nget back to me , i will give you the necessary information .\nas a businessman , whom i have to entrust my future and that of my family in\nhis hands , i must let you know that this transaction is risk - free and the\nnature of your business does not necessarily matter . therefore , if you\naccept to assist my family and me , we are willing to offer 30 % of the total\nsum for your assistance needed , 60 % for me and my family while 10 % will be\nmapped out for any pre - transfer charges or bank charges . i would wish to\ninvest in your country on commercial properties and buying of rents based on\nyour advice or from experts in your country .\nif this proposal is acceptable by you , please , send me your contacts ;\naddress , telephone and fax numbers .\nyou should note that this transaction is highly confidential and should be\nkept within you alone .\nyour urgent response and acceptance will be highly appreciated . please\nforward your reply to my private address : jmsjeftha @ velocall . com ,\njmsjeftha @ jumpy . it\nregards ,\nmr . james john jeftha , ( for the family )\nsent by excite inbox - http : / / inbox . excite . co . uk\npowered by excite uk - http : / / www . excite . co . uk']
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From rssfeeds@jmason.org Wed Oct 9 10:53:07 2002 Return-Path: <rssfeeds@example.com> Delivered-To: yyyy@localhost.example.com Received: from localhost (jalapeno []) by jmason.org (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1C5CF16F19 for <jm@localhost>; Wed, 9 Oct 2002 10:52:08 +0100 (IST) Received: from jalapeno [] by localhost with IMAP (fetchmail-5.9.0) for jm@localhost (single-drop); Wed, 09 Oct 2002 10:52:08 +0100 (IST) Received: from dogma.slashnull.org (localhost []) by dogma.slashnull.org (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id g9980WK25172 for <jm@jmason.org>; Wed, 9 Oct 2002 09:00:32 +0100 Message-Id: <200210090800.g9980WK25172@dogma.slashnull.org> To: yyyy@example.com From: boingboing <rssfeeds@example.com> Subject: Japa-crappers get high-tech Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 08:00:32 -0000 Content-Type: text/plain; encoding=utf-8 X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-993.8 required=5.0 tests=AWL,T_NONSENSE_FROM_40_50 version=2.50-cvs X-Spam-Level: URL: http://boingboing.net/#85541025 Date: Not supplied Japanese toilet technology has developed creeping featuritis. New Tokyo toities sport speech-recognition, air-conditioning, and body-chemistry monitors: Japan's toilet wars started in February, when Matsushita engineers here unveiled a toilet seat equipped with electrodes that send a mild electric charge through the user's buttocks, yielding a digital measurement of body-fat ratio. Unimpressed, engineers from a rival company, Inax, counterattacked in April with a toilet that glows in the dark and whirs up its lid after an infrared sensor detects a human being. When in use, the toilet plays any of six soundtracks, including chirping birds, rushing water, tinkling wind chimes, or the strumming of a traditional Japanese harp. Link[1] Discuss[2] (_Thanks, May[3]!_) [1] http://www.nytimes.com/2002/10/08/international/asia/08JAPA.html [2] http://www.quicktopic.com/boing/H/MQCtPB8LcUjsc [3] http://www.filterfine.com
Hi i won't b ard 4 christmas. But do enjoy n merry x'mas.
['Subject: prize award notification / advice aqb \nfrom : the lottery coordinator ,\ninternational promotions / prize award department\ndear recipient ,\nresults for category a draws\ncongratulations to you as we bring to your notice , the results of the first category draws of tripple\nwins internationa game . we are happy to inform you that you have\nemerged a winner under the first category , which is part of our promotional draws . the draws were held\nprior to your notification . participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from\n2 , 500 , 000 names / email addresses of individuals and\ncompanies from africa , america , asia , australia , europe , middle east , and oceania as part of our\ninternational promotions program .\nyou / your company email id , attached to ticket number 6411 - 5 - 996 , with serial number 59 - 18 drew the\nlucky numbers 33 - 99 - 78 - 00 ( 18 ) and consequently won in the\nfirst category .\nyou have therefore been awarded a lump sum pay out of $ 2 , 500 , 000 ( two million , five hundred\nthousand united state dollars ) , which is the winning payout for category a winners . this is from the\ntotal prize money of $ 7 , 000 , 000 shared among the 2 winners in this category .\ncongratulations !\nyour fund is now deposited with our transfer agents maximum security trust finance\ninternation , based in the netherlands , and insured in your name . in your best interest and also to\navoid mix up of numbers and names of any kind , we request that you keep the entire details of your\naward strictly from public notice until the process of transferring your claims has been completed , and\nyour funds remitted to your account . this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or\nunscrupulous acts by participants / no participants of this program .\nwe also wish to bring to your notice our end of year premium stakes draw where you stand a chance of\nwinning up to $ 28 million ; we hope that with a part of your prize you will participate in it .\nplease contact your claims agent immediately for due processing and remittance of your prize money to a\ndesignated account of your choice :\nmr . fred cucu .\nforeign department manager\nmaximum security trust finance international\nforeign service number : + 31 - 645 - 940 - 299\ntel / fax : + 31 - 205 - 248 - 085\nemail : mstfint _ 77 @ yahoo . co . uk\nyou are advised to contact our agents by email and / or fax within a week of receiving this notice . failure\nto do so may warrant disqualification .\nnote : for easy reference and identification , find below your reference and batch numbers . remember\nto quote these numbers in every one of your correspondence with your claims agent .\nreference number : tga - 4 ga - 65389\nbatch number : tga - 4 ga - 69889\ncongratulations once again from all our staff and thank you for being part of our promotional program .\nsincerely ,\nthe lottery coordinator ,\ntripple wins international games\njan luykenstraat 59 ,\n1071 cs amsterdam , the netherlands\nn . b : any breach of confidentiality on the part of the winners will result to disqualification . please do not\nreply to this mail box . contact your claims agent immediately .\nxfrajgiwfexhnqags\n']
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deal 338634 meter 985077 the above deal was in the system for 7 / 1 / 00 to 12 / 31 / 00 . we have had continued flow on the following dates . . . 1 / 4 / 01 to 1 / 8 / 01 1 / 29 / 01 2 / 7 / 01 to 2 / 28 / 01 the total flow has been 2804 . can this deal be extended to cover the january and february flow ?
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['Subject: a free sample and tape for you dwgxb \nthis e - mail ad is being sent in full compliance with u . s . senate bill 1618 , title # 3 , section 301\nto remove yourself send a blank e - mail to : removal 992002 @ yahoo . com\nthis is a free offer !\nnew scientific breakthru has taken ( 10 years ) off\nmy face in ( 2 weeks ) . i was stunned by how fast this product\nworked .\n* * * look 10 - 20 years younger in weeks ! \\ \\ \\ * * *\nnature \' s answer to fast results for aging skin , stimulates\ncollagen formation , reduces cell damage from sun exposure\nand protects against skin disorders .\nquick and dramatic results for dark circles , wrinkles , age spots and\nunhealthy cellulite .\ndeveloped by world renowned dermatologist and comes with a\n90 day money back guarantee , therefore you have nothing to lose .\nif you are interested in receiving a free sample of an amzing product that is guaranteed to deliver quick and dramatic results for people interested in looking 10 - 20 years younger , then please take advantage of our free offer .\nwe so much believe in our product that we are willing to invest in the costs of letting you try it for free !\nif you would like to try a free sample and and receive a free tape , then simply send a blank email with the words " subscribe for free sample and tape " in the subject area to :\nfountainofyouthl 01 @ yahoo . com\n* * * for faster delivery of your " free sample and tape " , please include the following information in your e - mail :\nname :\nphone # : ( optional )\ne - mail address :\nmailing address :\nyou will be contacted with in 24 hours so we can verify your information and process your free sample shipment .\nthank you ,\nhealth associates , int \' l\nybsihxtsqawuwgu']
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high-capacity NAND Flash memory device with a high-speed, MultiMediaCard (MMC) controller in a single BGA package. This single-package solution is a great choice for designers who are looking for MMC-like, application-to-application interoperability in a wide range of consumer, networking, industrial, and automotive applications. And because we manufacture the NAND components, we can offer e.MMC memory solutions in a variety of densities and options.</div></div></section><section class=technology-overview><div class=overview-block><div class=overview-label><h4>Density</h4></div><div class=overview-content><div class="oc-column detail-select"><div class=detail-select-container><div class=ds-label>Select Density</div><div class=ds-option-wrapper><ul class=ds-options><li class="ds-option selected"data-details=0 data-label-text=2GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=2GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>2GB<li class=ds-option data-details=1 data-label-text=4GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=4GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>4GB<li class=ds-option data-details=2 data-label-text=8GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=8GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>8GB<li class=ds-option data-details=3 data-label-text=16GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=16GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>16GB<li class=ds-option data-details=4 data-label-text=32GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=32GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>32GB<li class=ds-option data-details=5 data-label-text=64GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=64GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>64GB<li class=ds-option data-details=6 data-label-text=128GB data-url=/products/managed-nand/emmc/part-catalog?Value=128GB&Id={3125EB4D-9475-4DA9-B884-A31DF1CBA8DF}>128GB</ul></div><div class=ds-label>Range: 2GB - 128GB</div></div></div><div class=oc-column><ul class="spec-list selected"data-details=0><li><div class=spec-label>Width</div> <div class=spec-text>x8</div><li><div class=spec-label>Voltage</div> <div class=spec-text>3.3V</div><li><div class=spec-label>Package</div> <div class=spec-text>WFBGA</div><li><div class=spec-label>MMC Interface</div> <div class=spec-text>4.41</div><li><div class=spec-label>Op. 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Temp.</div> <div class=spec-text>-25C to +85C, -40C to +85C, -40C to +105C</div></ul><ul class=spec-list data-details=3><li><div class=spec-label>Width</div> <div class=spec-text>x8</div><li><div class=spec-label>Voltage</div> <div class=spec-text>2.7V-3.6V, 3.3V</div><li><div class=spec-label>Package</div> <div class=spec-text>LBGA, LFBGA, TBGA, TFBGA, VFBGA</div><li><div class=spec-label>MMC Interface</div> <div class=spec-text>4.4, 4.5, 5.0</div><li><div class=spec-label>Op. Temp.</div> <div class=spec-text>-25C to +85C, -40C to +85C, -40C to +105C</div></ul><ul class=spec-list data-details=4><li><div class=spec-label>Width</div> <div class=spec-text>x8</div><li><div class=spec-label>Voltage</div> <div class=spec-text>2.7V-3.6V, 3.3V</div><li><div class=spec-label>Package</div> <div class=spec-text>LBGA, LFBGA, TBGA, TFBGA, VFBGA</div><li><div class=spec-label>MMC Interface</div> <div class=spec-text>4.4, 4.5, 5.0</div><li><div class=spec-label>Op. 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["Subject: new ( simple ) erp certification and 12 new products \nevents\ncibres\ncierp\nseminar and exam\nfeb\n23 , 24 , 25 2005\natlanta ,\nga\ndetails\nbelow\nwrite\nto cibres . com\ndo\nyou know of an interesting story ? a topic that you would like to see\ncovered ? or would like to learn more about cibres products and\nservices ? you can contact cibres by writing to : service @ cibres . com\nor by using the\nemail form below .\nmost emails are\nreturned in less than 4 hrs .\nfrom :\nsubject :\ndear cibres :\n( your question or comment here )\nthank you ,\n( your name )\nnew products from\ncibres . com\n.\ngetting\nready : data conversion for erp\ncnerps\nstudy guide : a novice ' s guide to erp systems ( book )\npdm :\nproduct data management ( book )\npdf\nbooks on cd - rom or by download - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nerp : a - z implementers guide for success ( pdf )\ncnerps study guide : a novice ' s guide to erp\nsystems ( pdf )\npdm : product data management ( pdf )\naudio\nbooks on cd - rom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\npdm : product data management ( audio )\nerp : a - z implementers guide for\nsuccess ( audio )\ncnerps study guide : a novice ' s guide\nto erp systems ( audio )\npowerpoints\non cd - rom or by download - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\npdm : product data management ( powerpoint )\n|\ncnerps study guide : a novice ' s\nguide to erp systems ( powerpoint )\ncierp certification\ninstructor ' s power point\npowerpoint\nand audio books on cd - rom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\npdm : product data management\n( powerpoint and audio )\nerp : a - z implementers\nguide for success ( powerpoint and audio )\ncnerps study guide : a\nnovice ' s guide to erp systems\n( powerpoint and audio )\nnew\ncertifications\navailability\ntype\ncnerps\nstanding\nfor certified novice of enterprise\nresource planning systems . this\ncertification is for people who look\nfor an entry level certification to\nerp . it is often done before pursuing\ncierp , but not required . the student\ncan take the test online ( at home ,\nwork , or school ) without\nreporting to a testing center . the\nstudy materials and testing is very\nsimple compared to the cierp material .\nthe study guide and related material\ncan be found at : link\nin\n1 - 2 months\nonline ,\ntake at home\ncpdm\nstanding\nfor certified product data management .\nthis certification is for people who\nwork with bills of materials and\nroutings , and related topics . this\ncertification is nearing completion .\nthe textbook is currently available\nfor general public . the textbook and\nrelated materials can be found at : link\nin\n3 - 4 months\nreport\nto test center\ncgdm\nstanding\nfor certified general data management .\nthis certification is for people who\nwork with data conversion issues and\nquestions in erp systems . this\ncertification is nearing completion .\nthe textbook is currently available\nfor general public . the textbook and\nrelated materials can be found at : link\nin\n5 - 6 months\nreport\nto test center\nnew\nseminars and exam\ncierp\nseminar coming to atlanta feb 23 , 24 ,\n25\ncierp standing for\n( c ) ertified ( i ) mplementer\nof ( e ) nterprise ( r ) esource ( p ) lanning . the proven certification ensures that\nthe basic skill sets necessary to successfully implement and maintain an erp\nsystem are present . these people have the clear distinction of having the\nbest understanding of the people , processes , and technology to make erp\nsystems successful .\ncibres\ncierp certification seminar\natlanta ,\nga\nfeb\n23 , 24 , 25 2005\n$ 575\nseminar\n$ 230\nexam\nseminar\nregistration\ncertification\nregistration\nthe cierp certification program now comes\nwith a guarantee . for more information follow this link .\ncibres\nwho ' s who directory - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nlooking to increase your\nnetworking ? have companies locate your products or services ? find a\nprofessional ? try the cibres who ' s who database . if you would like to\nlocate a person or organization follow this link . see the latest members\non the home page of cibres . com .\nif you would like to be\nlisted in the cibres who ' s\nwho database you may do so by becoming an associate member\nof the cibres organization .\ndetails\n- ( become a member now )\nquestion\nof the month - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nquestion : what\nwill the cnerps certification exam be like to take ?\nanswer :\nthe cnerps certification will be all multiple choice with one single\nright answer . unlike cierp you will not have to choose multiple\nitems from a list to get the right answer . a student will be able to\ntake the exam online at home for a low cost . ( expected to be $ 20 to\n$ 40 usd ) about 100 to 125 question are expected . the online test\nsystem will allow the user to review the status of all questions and\njump around in the test . once the test is completed the system will\nautomatically grade it providing for nearly instant test results .\nother\ncibres\n$ 57 erp : a - z implementer ' s guide for success\n( details )\nwhat\nhas become the best selling book for its category for the last 2 years\non amazon . com ? answer : erp : a - z implementer ' s\nguide for success . to find out why follow these\nlinks to read all the\namazing reviews below .\nprimary\ncierp certification study guide\nby\ntravis anderegg , cierp ,\ncfpim , cirm\ncustomer\nrating :\nin\nstock ( usually ships in 24 hours )\nhardcover\n750 pages 12 / 01 / 2000 resource publishing isbn : 0970035217\n$ 57\npurchase\nthis book\nwrite\na review on this book\nstore\nprice\nshipping\nin\nstock\nsecurity\nnotes\ncibres . com\n$ 57 . 00\n( with coupon id : 999088 )\nfree\nyes\n128\nbit\nfree\n2 nd or 3 rd day air in usa\n.\ntravis\nanderegg , cfpim , cirm , cierp\ncibres\norganization\npages :\n750\nreviews\npurchase\njanice\nknox , cierp\nknox associates\ncustomer\nservice\ncontact\nus\nif\nyou wish to contact a cibres representative to discuss seminars or\ncertifications use\nservice @ cibres . com\nabout\ncibres\nfor additional information about the\ncibres organization visit the cibres website at www . cibres . com\n�\n2005 by cibres . com . all rights reserved .\nsubscription\nand removal information\nthe\nbest way to remove future mailings is to use the remove\nlink at the top of this email . to add another e - mail to\nthis distribution list send an email to service @ cibres . com and type add [ your email ] in the\nsubject line .\nto prevent\nfurther mailings send\nan email to service @ cibres . com and type remove [ your email ] in the subject\nline .\n"]
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 10:59 pm, CDale wrote: > Someone needs to tell the mayor about this: > http://www.cb-2000.com/"Chastity" technologies were doomed from the start, and I'll add chemical ones to the trash heap. (Yeah, Cindy, these are decorative toys for the subculture, but....) Generally,someone is attempting to preserve a relationship with this nonsense, when quite plainly the the relationship is in a state where preserving it is of little value. Hardware is of no real use save for playing the power-struggle game. I don't want to see the future of this. "Invisible Fence" for your mate. "Must wear" location transponders and endocrine monitors. More movies like "Minority Report."It seems so automatic for people to reach for coercive solutions. So surprizing given the low absolute effectiveness of coercion in the absense of overwhelming force advantage.Eirikur
["Subject: re : report research \ni have responded back to barbara and am sending her some written material .\nthank you .\nvince j kaminski\n10 / 12 / 2000 10 : 50 am\nto : mike a roberts / hou / ect @ ect , joseph hrgovcic / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : mark tawney / hou / ect @ ect , vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : report research\njoe , mike ,\nplease check with pr first if we want too talk to her\nand run it by mark . i think it is in our interest to be\nquotes extensively in the press .\nvince\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 10 / 12 / 2000\n10 : 53 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenergywriter @ aol . com on 10 / 11 / 2000 10 : 54 : 39 am\nplease respond to energywriter @ aol . com\nto : energywriter @ aol . com\ncc :\nsubject : report research\ni am writing a management report on weather risk management . the story\nwill discuss different weather risk management tools used by power\nmarketers in the energy industry . it also looks at weather prediction\nand analysis services available to energy traders .\ni am looking for a list and description of the weather risk management\nproducts , and how each can benefit an energy trader . i would also like\nto know what traders ' reactions to significant weather are . and where\ncan i find a list of popular weather instruments with descriptions ?\ni appreciate any help you can give me . i would like to set up a chat\nwith you this week if you have the time , or simply email me your input .\nthanks in advance !\nbarbara drazga\nindependent journalist\npo box 472401\naurora , co 80047\n303 - 369 - 3533 tel .\n303 - 369 - 3510 fax"]
From md2002@datacommarketing.com Mon Jun 24 17:07:06 2002 Return-Path: md2002@datacommarketing.com Delivery-Date: Tue May 28 14:49:41 2002 Received: from mandark.labs.netnoteinc.com ([]) by dogma.slashnull.org (8.11.6/8.11.6) with ESMTP id g4SDnfe08703 for <jm@jmason.org>; Tue, 28 May 2002 14:49:41 +0100 Received: from webnote.net (mail.webnote.net []) by mandark.labs.netnoteinc.com (8.11.2/8.11.2) with ESMTP id g4SDnc729732 for <jm@netnoteinc.com>; Tue, 28 May 2002 14:49:40 +0100 Received: from ns.datacommarketing.com ([]) by webnote.net (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id OAA05361 for <jm@netnoteinc.com>; Tue, 28 May 2002 14:49:33 +0100 From: md2002@datacommarketing.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Message-Id: <4y1n6r5ttw7ppc78kw.wng64c5d22ip81m@ns.datacommarketing.com> Reply-To: md2002@datacommarketing.com To: yyyy@netnoteinc.com X-Mailer: X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2919.6700 Subject: The product they dont want you to have... Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 10:11:13 -0500 X-Keywords: Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <<< SPECIAL REVISED PRICE AS OF 5/24/2002 - HURRY QUANITIES WILL BE LIMITED >>> Attention: Are you buying from the "Information America" type companies for .10-.15 cents per record, we sell the same types of data for 1000's of records per penny! As a matter of fact several of these companies use and sell our data since did not have the skills to compile / append the newer internet fields such as web site info and e m a i l information. Please Read On... The Ultimate Traditional & Internet Marketing Tool, Introducing the "M A S T E R D I S C 2002" versions 4.00-4.10, now released its MASSIVE 11 disc set with over 145 Million database records (18-20 gigabytes of databases) for marketing to companies, people, via e m a i l, fax, phone and mailing addresses Worldwide! COMPLETE 11 DISC SET IS ALL OF THE MARKETING DATA YOU WILL NEED FOR 2002 & 2003 (Put your service or product out for the world to see!) We've been slashing prices once again to get you hooked on our leads & data products. The full disc set ver 4.00-4.10 (Contains all databases, all software titles, all demos, more then 65 million records include an e m a i l address and many, many other useful fields) including unlimited usage is yours permanently for just $799.00 for the full set or $99.00 for the single sample disc (Normally Sold For $2800.00 for the full set and $299.00 for single sample disc) if you order today! **** M A S T E R D I S C 2002 CONTENTS **** We've gone out of our way to insure that this product is the finest of its kind available. Each CD (ver.4.01 to ver.4.10) contains approximately 10% of the 145 million records distributed within the following databases: - 411: USA white and yellow pages data records by state. - DISCREETLIST: Adult web site subscribers and adult webmasters E M A I L addresses. - FORTUNE: This database contains primary contact data relating to fortune 500, fortune 1000, and millions more corporations sort able by company size and sales. - GENDERMAIL: Male and female email address lists that allow you target by gender with 97% accuracy. - MARKETMAKERS: Active online investors E M A I L addresses. Also information in reference to thousands of public companies symbols, and descriptions. - MAXDISC: Online website owners, administrators, and technical contacts for website domain name owners of the ".com", ".net", and ".org" sites. This database has information from about 25% of all registered domains with these extensions. - NEWSPAPERS: National directory of newspapers from small local papers to large metro news agencies. - PITBOSS: Avid Online casino and sports book players, and casino webmasters. - SA: South American mailing databases from more than a dozen countries. Each mailing address belongs to a Visa or MasterCard credit card holder. - SOFTWARE: This directory contains 86 software titles, some are fully functional versions and others are demo versions. Many suites of commercial e m a i l tools as well as many other useful resources will be found here to help extract, verify, manage, and deliver successful commercial e m a i l marketing campaigns. For More Information, Available Records, Pricing, CUSTOM Databases, Ordering Contact us: D a t a C o m M a r k e t i n g C o r p 1 4 4 0 C o r a l R i d g e D r. #3 3 6 C o r a l S p r i n g s, F l 3 3 0 7 1 (9 5 4) 7 5 3-2 8 4 6 voice / fax (Promo Code: 052402) For no further notice at no cost and to be disolved from all of our databases, simply "r e p l y" to this message with the word "Discontinue" in the subject line. IZ1
NIGERIA ELECTIRC POWER AUTHORITY FEDERAL SECRETARIAT IKOYI-LAGOS.FROM THE DESK OF:George Osawa I am the Chairman Contract Review Committee of National Electric Power Authority (NEPA). Although this proposal might come to you as a surprise since it is coming from someone you do not know or ever seen before, but after due deliberations with my colleagues, I decided to contact you based on Intuition. We are soliciting for your humble and confidential assistance to take custody of Seventy- One Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars.{US$71,500,000.00}. This sum (US$71.5M) is an over invoice contract sum which is currently in an offshore payment account of the Central Bank of Nigeria as an unclaimed contract entitlement which can easily be withdrawn or drafted or pay to any recommended beneficiary by my committee.On this note, you will be presented as a contractor to NEPA who has executed a contract to a tune of the above sum and has not been paid. Proposed Sharing Partern (%): 1. 70% for me and my colleagues. 2. 20% for you as a partner/fronting for us.3. 10% for expenses that may be incurred by both parties during the cause of this transacton.Our law prohibits a civil servant from operating a foreign account, hence we are contacting you. If this proposal satisfies you, do respon as soon as possible with the following information: 1. The name you wish to use as the beneficiary of the fund. 2. Your Confidential Phone and Fax Numbers. Further discussion will be centered on how the fund shall be transfer and full details on how to accomplish this great opportunity of ours.Thank you and God bless. Best regards, George Osawa -- Irish Linux Users' Group: ilug@linux.ie http://www.linux.ie/mailman/listinfo/ilug for (un)subscription information. List maintainer: listmaster@linux.ie
['Subject: fwd : mark - to - market \nreturn - path :\nreceived : from rly - ygol . mx . aol . com ( rly - ygol . mail . aol . com [ 172 . 18 . 147 . 1 ] ) by\nair - ygo 5 . mail . aol . com ( v 67 _ bl . 21 ) with esmtp ; fri , 28 jan 2000 18 : 00 : 52 - 0500\nreceived : from mailman . enron . com ( mailman . enron . com [ 192 . 152 . 140 . 66 ] ) by\nrly - ygol . mx . aol . com ( v 67 _ bl . 21 ) with esmtp ; fri , 28 jan 2000 18 : 00 : 36 - 0500\nreceived : from dservl . ect . enron . com ( dservl . ect . enron . com [ 172 . 16 . 1 . 37 ] ) by\nmailman . enron . com ( 8 . 8 . 8 / 8 . 8 . 8 / corp - 1 . 03 ) with esmtp id xaal 9726 for\n; fri , 28 jan 2000 23 : 00 : 07 gmt\nreceived : from notes . ect . enron . com ( notes . ect . enron . com [ 172 . 16 . 4 . 33 ] ) by\ndservl . ect . enron . com ( 8 . 8 . 8 / 8 . 8 . 8 ) with smtp id raa 24406 for\n; fri , 28 jan 2000 17 : 00 : 32 - 0600 ( cst )\nreceived : by notes . ect . enron . com ( lotus smtp mta v 4 . 6 . 5 ( 863 . 2 5 - 20 - 1999 ) )\nid 86256874 . 007 e 6242 ; fri , 28 jan 2000 17 : 00 : 26 - 0600\nx - lotus - fromdomain : ect\nfrom : " vince j kaminski "\nto : vkaminski @ aol . com\nmessage - id :\ndate : fri , 28 jan 2000 17 : 00 : 29 - 0600\nsubject : re : mark - to - market\nmime - version : 1 . 0\ncontent - type : text / plain ; charset = us - ascii\ncontent - disposition : inline\ncontent - transfer - encoding : 7 bit\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vince j kaminski / hou / ect on 01 / 28 / 2000\n05 : 00\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nfrom : wade cline @ enron _ development on 01 / 28 / 2000 07 : 17 am ze 5 b\nto : pinnamaneni krishnarao / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : sandeep kohli / enron _ development @ enron _ development , vince j\nkaminski / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : mark - to - market ( document link : vince j kaminski )\nsandeep ,\ncan dpc sell to mseb and have eipl buy an equivalent amount of power from mseb\nat another spot on their grid , and then eipl sell to the 3 rd party state ?\npinnamaneni krishnarao @ ect\n01 / 27 / 2000 04 : 00 pm\nto : sandeep kohli / enron _ development @ enron _ development\ncc : vince j kaminski / hou / ect @ ect , wade\nsubject : re : mark - to - market ( document link : wade cline )\nsandeep :\ni met with bob today and discussed the deal structure we put together . on\nthe mark - to - market issue , bob and his colleague wess told me that as long as\npayments are tied to one particular plant , we cannot m - t - m them . they had same\nproblem with plants here in the us ( like the peaking plants ) and they had to\nseparate the plant from power sales to be able to m - t - m the assocated\ncashflows .\nwhat they did is : they sold power from the plant to an outside party and\nbought\nit back from them at completely different ( multiple ) locations . the buyback is\nnot tied to any specific plant and is marked to maket . even if enron can\nsomehow\nmark - to - market a deal with dpc , it can do so for only 50 % of the cashflows\nbecause only 50 % of dpc is owned by outsiders . and a simple loan to an\naffiliate cannot also be marked to market .\nbob was suggesting that if eipl buys options from dpc and from some other\nplants and in turn sells power to ap or karnataka then we could have a case\nfor\nm - t - m . politically dpc selling power to eipl may not be the best solution , to\nput it rather mildly !\nour alternatives , as i see them , are\n1 . do the deal as we structured it . the only difference is that enron doesn \' t\nmark it to market and income is earned only in 2002 - 03 .\n2 . do the deal as we structured it . eipl / enron then sells the contract to\nanother party at a profit . the problem , of course , is finding this party and\nforking part of the profit to them .\n3 . same deal , except revenue securitization is done through an outside party\nin\nindia ( not eipl ) .\nbob said he will think about the issues some more this week . let me know when\nyou will be here next week so we can meet with bob together . i will be going\nto\nboston for tuesday and / or wednesday ( feb . 1 - 2 ) . i can book an appt . with bob\nfor\nus .\nsandeep kohli @ enron _ development\n01 / 23 / 2000 09 : 45 pm\nto : robert butts , pinnamaneni krishnarao @ ect\ncc : vince kaminski , wade cline / enron _ development @ enron _ development , ananda\nmukerji , jaiprakash desai / enron _ development @ enron _ development\nsubject : mark - to - market\nbob ,\ni wanted to continue the analysis on mark - to - market that i had spoken to you\nabout on the phone .\ni thought that it was getting very difficult explaining the whole transaction\nby\nphone , so i am having krishnarao who is in vince \' s group explain the\ntransaction\nto you .\nkrishna has been helping us structure the deal here in india , and he has just\nreturned to houston from india after working with the team here .\nhe will seek an appointment with you to explain the transaction . i would like\nyou to please spend some time with him , and then based on the discussion\nplease\nsend us a note detailing how sucha a transaction would be marked to market .\nplease cosider the fact that currently there are no such transactions from the\nindian side . this is a very important transaction for us , and we may need to\nrepeat this in coming months , hence setting up the system to account for these\nmaybe well worth it . also , what i am concerned about is that there will be an\nenron india ( eipl ) account in india based on indian gaap , and upon\nconsolidation\nthere will be a us gaap accounting in the us . it is here that we would like\nto\nhave mark - to - market accounting . eipl is structured through mauritius , and\nthen\ncaymen islands .\nanother key question to consider is that when we m - t - m the transaction in the\nus\nthere will be a tax accruing in the year of m - t - m ( say 2000 ) . however , in\nindia , as a result of the accrual accounting , there will not be any income\nshowing till the year 2002 or 2003 . we will need to know how that would get\ntreated , and whether there is a way to get credit for the tax payable in the\nus .\ni am also confused about whether us tax would be levied , since none of the\nincome is being brought back into the us ( remains overseas - subpart - f and\nother\nconcerns ) .\nfinally , we have been working hard in structuring a fixed price contract and\ngetting a fixed for floating swap in the us ( this is still not allowed to\nindian\ncorporates ) . i need you to think about this too , and see if some type of\naccounting will solve this issue . krishna knows what i am talking about , and\nwill brief you on the same .\nkrishna - please walk bob through the three structures we had worked here .\nlook forward to your help and comments . this is going to be an exciting\nproject\nfor us all .\nregards ,\nsandeep .']
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["Subject: position for development manager \nattached is an position for a development manager at project grad . this requires a dynamic person who can do it all . the pay is high 40 ' s to 50 ' s depending on the person ' s experience .\ninterested individuals should email resume to pam williford at pwilliford @ projectgrad . org\ncheck out project grad at http : / / projectgrad . org .\ni know that all of you are dynamic and associate with other dynamic people . check it out and forward this email to interested parties .\n- development manager . doc"]
['Subject: support for monthly charges for analysts on your rc report - please \nreview\nas a follow up to my message last week on charges for analysts , i am\nattaching the file that financial operations used to charge your rc with the\n$ 6 , 400 in monthly costs that i detailed below . i have received a few calls\nand e - mails stating that some reclasses need to be made because you no longer\nhave an analyst in your group . the information used by financial operations\nto charge your rc was obtained from the org database . please review the\nattached files for january and february to ensure that the proper rc was and\nis going to be charged . if you have any corrections , please contact brian\nheinrich at ext . 5 - 7677 asap since journal entries will need to be processed\nby this friday , march 3 rd .\nif you have any questions , please call me . i just want to let everyone know\nthat it is important that we continue to keep the org database updated as\nchanges are made . it is and will continue to be the source of headcount\ninformation for energy operations . thank you for your continued support in\nthis process .\nlisa cousino\nx 3 - 6343\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by lisa b cousino / hou / ect on 03 / 01 / 2000 06 : 52\npm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nbrian heinrich\n02 / 28 / 2000 01 : 44 pm\nto : lisa b cousino / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : aa headcount\nlisa ,\nthis is the file we used for january , and the one for february .\nbrian\nlisa b cousino\n02 / 24 / 2000 01 : 13 pm\nto : kristin albrecht / hou / ect @ ect , thresa a allen / hou / ect @ ect , evelyn\naucoin / hou / ect @ ect , bryce baxter / hou / ect @ ect , sally beck / hou / ect @ ect , theresa\nt brogan / hou / ect @ ect , diane h cook / hou / ect @ ect , kathryn cordes / hou / ect @ ect ,\nlisa csikos / hou / ect @ ect , frank l davis / hou / ect @ ect , jennifer deboisblanc\ndenny / hou / ect @ ect , michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect , thomas engel / hou / ect @ ect ,\nhunaid engineer / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , mark\nfriedman / hou / ect @ ect , randall l gay / hou / ect @ ect , scotty gilbert / hou / ect @ ect ,\ncarolyn gilley / hou / ect @ ect , sheila glover / hou / ect @ ect , mary g\ngosnell / hou / ect @ ect , donna greif / hou / ect @ ect , d todd hall / hou / ect @ ect , jeff\nharbert / hou / ect @ ect , bill d hare / hou / ect @ ect , susan harrison / hou / ect @ ect ,\nbrenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect , carrie hollomon / hou / ect @ ect , john\njacobsen / hou / ect @ ect , katherine l kelly / hou / ect @ ect , bob klein / hou / ect @ ect ,\nroy lipsett / hou / ect @ ect , scott mills / hou / ect @ ect , michael e\nmoscoso / hou / ect @ ect , gary nelson / hou / ect @ ect , dale neuner / hou / ect @ ect ,\neugenio perez / hou / ect @ ect , scott pleus / hou / ect @ ect , brent a\nprice / hou / ect @ ect , leslie reeves / hou / ect @ ect , dorothy ricketts / hou / ect @ ect ,\nstephen p schwarz / hou / ect @ ect , russ severson / hou / ect @ ect , george\nsmith / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect , mary solmonson / hou / ect @ ect ,\njefferson d sorenson / hou / ect @ ect , martha stevens / hou / ect @ ect , robert\nsuperty / hou / ect @ ect , connie sutton / hou / ect @ ect , edward terry / hou / ect @ ect , kim\ns theriot / hou / ect @ ect , sheri thomas / hou / ect @ ect , steve\nventuratos / hou / ect @ ect , melissa white / hou / ect @ ect , stacey w\nwhite / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron ,\nbennett kaufman / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly s olinger / hou / ect @ ect , laurel\nadams / hou / ect @ ect , william kelly / hou / ect @ ect , jeffrey c gossett / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : brian heinrich / hou / ect @ ect , jennifer blay / hou / ect @ ect , kimberly\nperkins / hou / ect @ ect , angela henn / hou / ect @ ect , marvia jefferson / hou / ect @ ect ,\nsandra r mcnichols / hou / ect @ ect , maria sandoval / hou / ect @ ect , alex\nsaldana / hou / ect @ ect , cecilia olvera / hou / ect @ ect , chantelle\nvillanueva / hou / ect @ ect , gretel smith / hou / ect @ ect , heather choate / hou / ect @ ect ,\nirena d hogan / hou / ect @ ect , julissa marron / corp / enron @ enron , kelly\ntempleton / corp / enron @ enron , lisa shoemake / hou / ect @ ect , lorraine\nbecker / hou / ect @ ect , lynn tippery / hou / ect @ ect , ragayle pellum / hou / ect @ ect ,\nrosalinda resendez / hou / ect @ ect , yvette g connevey / corp / enron @ enron , patti\nthompson / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : monthly charges for analysts on your rc report\ni wanted to let all of you know how you will be charged for analysts if you\ncurrently have or will have one in your rc for the year 2000 . the analyst\nprogram is being handled differently than it was in 1999 . in addition to the\nnormal salary , benefits and payroll taxes , you will also be charged an\noverhead administration fee for the program . you will be charged the\nfollowing monthly amounts for each analyst in the detail class code that i\nhave indicated below :\ndetail class description amount\n1 salaries and wages $ 4 , 000\n552 benefits 774\n557 payroll taxes 360\n820 corporate services 1 , 266\ntotal monthly cost $ 6 , 400\nthe $ 4000 amount represents an average of all analyst salaries and does not\nindicate what the analyst in your rc is paid . this amount will not change in\nfebruary as the $ 4000 already includes merit raise information for 2000 .\nthe $ 1266 represents the overhead costs of administering the program ,\nincluding campus recruiting and office visits .\nwhen you look at your rc report , you will see a line item labeled " a and a\nreclass " in each of the detail classes identified above . enron north america\nis invoiced by corp . for the costs of all analysts . financial operations\nmakes a manual journal entry each month to charge the appropriate rc . please\ncheck your january 2000 rc report and make sure you were properly charged for\nthe correct number of analysts you have currently . if there are any errors ,\nplease let me know as soon as possible so that i can work with brian heinrich\nto have it corrected in february . please continue to check your rc report\neach month going forward . thanks .\nif you have any questions , please call me .\nlisa cousino\nx 3 - 6343']
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(AP) — Cook County prosecutors say a suburban Chicago kindergarten teacher supplied alcohol to a 15-year-old student and had sex with him while he was underage.\u003c/p>\u003cp>Jordan Baptist...\u003c/p>","published":"2019-07-04 00:57:45","block_fundamentals":true,"embedHTML":null,"pubstatus":"usable","sequenceNumber":null,"embedType":"Other","notificationId":null,"storyHTML":"\u003cp>BURBANK, Ill. (AP) — Cook County prosecutors say a suburban Chicago kindergarten teacher supplied alcohol to a 15-year-old student and had sex with him while he was underage.\u003c/p>\u003cp>Jordan Baptist School teacher Shannon Griffin also allegedly sent nude images to that student and a 16-year-old boy and asked for illicit images in return.\u003c/p>\u003cp>The details emerged during a bond hearing Wednesday, during which Judge John Mahoney ordered the 49-year-old Griffin of Oak Lawn held in lieu of $750,000 bond.\u003c/p>\u003cp>Griffin is charged with sexual assault, solicitation of child pornography, distribution of harmful materials and grooming in two separate cases. The alleged conduct began in late 2013 and continued through last year.\u003c/p>\u003cdiv class=\"ad-placeholder\">\u003c/div>\u003cp>Defense attorney Lori Levin says Griffin, who is married to the pastor who runs the Burbank school and has three adult daughters, \"vigorously maintains her innocence.\"\u003c/p>","truncatedFirstWords":false,"mediaCount":1,"shortId":"057fc09069104d2fbc94cf412a1818df","localLinkUrl":"https://apnews.com/057fc09069104d2fbc94cf412a1818df","interactiveLinkUrl":null,"organisationTagObjs":{},"mediumIds":["b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e"],"contexts":null,"richEmbeds":null,"updated":"2019-07-04 00:57:45","flattenedFirstWords":"BURBANK, Ill. (AP) — Cook County prosecutors say a suburban Chicago kindergarten teacher supplied alcohol to a 15-year-old student and had sex with him while he was underage.\n\nJordan Baptist...","id":"urn:publicid:ap.org:057fc09069104d2fbc94cf412a1818df","media":[{"altText":null,"imageFileExtension":".jpeg","id":"b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e","embedCaption":null,"videoRenderedSizes":[],"imageMimeType":"image/jpeg","etag":"b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e_0a1aza3c0","externalId":null,"videoMimeType":null,"managementId":null,"state":null,"flattenedCaption":"This photo provided by the Cook County Sheriff's office in Illinois shows Shannon Griffin. Griffin, a suburban Chicago private school kindergarten teacher has been charged with sexual assault and solicitation of child pornography stemming from alleged encounters with two underage students. The Cook County sheriff's office alleges the 49-year-old \"engaged in sexual conduct\" with a boy enrolled at the school. (Cook County Sheriff's office via AP)","type":"Photo","caption":"\u003cp>This photo provided by the Cook County Sheriff's office in Illinois shows Shannon Griffin. Griffin, a suburban Chicago private school kindergarten teacher has been charged with sexual assault and solicitation of child pornography stemming from alleged encounters with two underage students. The Cook County sheriff's office alleges the 49-year-old \"engaged in sexual conduct\" with a boy enrolled at the school. (Cook County Sheriff's office via AP)\u003c/p>","imageRenderedSizes":[600,400],"aspectRatio":0.8,"gcsBaseUrl":"https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e/"}],"hons":false,"revision":null,"videoContext":null,"omitFromFeed":null,"tagIds":["state-Illinois","apf-GeneralNews","Chicago","Sexualassault","JohnMahoney"],"hasTextOverlay":false,"bylines":null,"leadPhotoId":"b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e"}},"loadedAt":{"urn:publicid:ap.org:057fc09069104d2fbc94cf412a1818df":1623148953250},"expiration":120000},"medium":{"loading":{},"error":{},"data":{"b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e":{"altText":null,"imageFileExtension":".jpeg","id":"b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e","embedCaption":null,"videoRenderedSizes":[],"imageMimeType":"image/jpeg","etag":"b10a65d1c8e042b2a8915b7c1c05860e_0a1aza3c0","externalId":null,"videoMimeType":null,"managementId":null,"state":null,"flattenedCaption":"This photo provided by the Cook County Sheriff's office in Illinois shows Shannon Griffin. 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summary : even if dear linguists , on linguist list : vol . 8-959 ( 25 / 07 / 1997 ) , i posted the following query . three people responded to my investigation . my great thanks goes to the following people . since their judgements varied , i labelled a , b and c to them just for convenience in writing this summary . a : m . lynne roecklein < lynne @ cc . gifu-u . ac . jp > b : laura gonnerman < gonnerman @ scf . usc . edu > c : gary h . toops < toops @ twsuvm . uc . twsu . edu > the query and summary are as follows . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i have been working on some probelms of the meanings of " even if " , especially the following so-called consequent-entailment reading of " even if " . please help me check the accptablities of the following sentences . are the following sentences acceptable or have natural flow of interpretation ? please put ok , ? or * in each slot and comments , if any . if the sentences you judge are unacceptable , what kind of context would you consider to increase the acceptabilities ? ( 1 ) ( a : * ; b : ok ; c : ? ) ( context : my employer is so puritanical that he would fire me if i behaved in what he considered a libertine manner . ) " even if " my wife smoked cigarettes , he would fire me , but , since she would n't ever smoke , he won't fire me . comment of a : the ' even if ' clause is ok with with " he . . . me " , but the second halfdoesn ' t match . no one would ever phrase this combination of ideas this way . it has a split focus . is the topic the extent of the employer 's puritanism ( first half ) , or the likelihood / unlikelihood of the speaker 's being fired ( second half ) . i find even my japanese colleagues do this split focus thing all the time . such sentences are extremely difficult and often impossible to parse in any natural way . it took several years of familiarity with japanese versions of english for me even to identify what is going on in sentences like this . i 'd love to know an effective way to explain to japanese students of english why this won't work and maybe more important , how to recognize that they ' ve pro9duced an illicit split focus construction . ( 2 ) ( a : ? ? ? ; b : ok ; c : ? ) " even if " you drink just a little , your boss will fire you , but , since you sruely won't drink at all , he won't fire you . comment of a : a ) " " even if . . . will fire you " is most easily interpreted as habitual , while " you surely * won't * drink at all " would designate a single event in the future . these sit uneasily together . b ) since drinking a lot is antithetical to drinking a little , the last clause must imply that the boss is thinking of firing the addressee for some other reason . in this case , interpeting the first half according to a ) above , there can be no connection between the firing and the drinking and the sentence fails by virtue of non-entailment . on the other hand , if one * goes back * and reinterprets the ' you ' in the first half merely as the addressee , then the sentence might be possible , given that condition b ) abvove represents the real state of affairs . it would also be implied that the boss needs just a little bit more reason to actualy execute the firing . the final clause would sound better with " can't " than with " won't " , however , in this scenario . ( 3 ) ( a : * * ; b : * ; c : * ) " even if " you drink just a little , your boss will fire you , but since you surely drink a lot , he won't fire you . comment of a : the action posited by the " even if " clause is already a maximum limit . the sentence is logically impossible . comment of b : but if you continue the sentence as below then it is fine by me . ( 3 ) ( ok ) " even if " you drink just a little , your boss will fire you , but since you surely drink a lot , he won't fire you , you ' ll get fed up and quit before he gets a chance . ( 4 ) ( a : ok ; b : ok ; c : ? ) if it doesn ' rain , the game will continue . " even if " it rains lightly , the game will continue ; but if it rains heavily , the rain will be cancelled . i ' m sorry i ' ve made a mistake here . the final clause should be , the game will be cancelled , as roecklein ( a ) pointed out . ( 5 ) ( a : * * ; b : * ; c : * ) if it does n't rain , the game will continue . " even if " it rains lightly , the game will be cancelled ; but if it rains heavily , the game will continue . comment of a : nonsense , in order and logic . comment of b : okay if you continue with something like : ( 5 ) ( ok ) if it does n't rain , the game will continue . " even if " it rains lightly , the game will be cancelled ; but if it rains heavily , the game will continue , but it will be moved to an indoor arena . ( 6 ) ( a : * * ; b : ? ; c : * ) " even if " the president were to get ingestion tonight , the cease-fire would end , but , if we resume negotiations with the enemy for a treaty of peace , it will continue . i ' m sorry i ' ve mistyped the word here too . ingestion should be indigestion . comment of a : i would imagine rather that indigestion would contribute to the end of the ceasefire . ( 7 ) ( a : ok ; b : ok ; c : ? ) " even if " my wife smoked cigarettes , i would not scold her , but , if she ever broke my favorite dishes , i would scold her . comment of a : " scold her " should nto be repeated at the end . very unnatural . ( 8 ) ( a : ? ; b : ? ; c : ? ) " even if " my wife smokes cigarettes , i will not scold her , but , if she breaks my favorite dishes , i will scold her . comment of a : underlying logic ok . i do n't like " even if " with the indicative present verb because i like to mark conditionals on the verb , but i ' m aware that this usage is in process of change . same proviso as above for the repeated " scold her . " the preferences of conditionals in even if clause over the indicative present are the same to all three people . however , i found many examples of the indicative type . this seems a matter of individual preferences . comment of b : ( 8 ) ( ok ) " even if " my wife smokes cigarettes at the dinner table , i will not scold her , but , if she breaks my favorite dishes , i will scold her . comment of c : to make sense of many of your contexts , i had to postpose the " even if " clause , e . g . , " i will not scold my wife , even if she smokes cigarettes . " placing the " even if " clause first in the sentence makes it more emphatic . my own summary : ( 3 ) and ( 5 ) are judged logically impossible as i have expected . but i do not understand laura gonnerman 's rephrasing ok sentence of ( 5 ) . ( 6 ) is also judged unnnatural to all the three people though i expected it would be ok . it seems to me the final clause cahnges the situation and focus of the sentence . why not ok ? finally , i must apologize to you all about the use of " scold " in the final two sentences . one person reminded me of the bad implication of husband 's scolding his wife . i did n't notice it . in japan , too , a husband who " scold " his wife is an arrogant person these days . thank you very much for your help . please make further comments , if any , on this usage . i ' ll be glad to make a reply . hiroaki tanaka associate professor faculty of integrated arts and sciences tokushima university , japan 1 - 1 , minamijousanjioma , tokushima , 770 , japan phone & fax : + 81 886 56 7125 e-mail : hiro-t @ ias . tokushima-u . ac . jp
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['Subject: re : mscf speaker series \npierre - philippe ,\ni was under the impression the presentation will be at 3 : 30 . 11 : 30 is fine\nwith me\nbut want to confirm it .\nvince\n" pierre - philippe ste - marie " on 10 / 28 / 2000 12 : 22 : 36 am\nto : , , ,\n, , ,\n" pierre - philippe ste - marie " , ,\n" punit rawal " , ,\n, , ,\n, , ,\n, , ,\n, , ,\ncc :\nsubject : mscf speaker series\nmscf speaker series\nofficial invitation\n?\n?\nit is with great pleasure and some amount of pride that i announce the next\nevent in the speaker series . next friday we will have the honor to host a\nconference given by mr . vince kaminski head of research at enron corp . ?\n?\nthe ? sixth event is ? next friday ( nov 3 rd ) ! ?\nfrom : 11 . 30 - 13 . 30\nplease attend ! ! !\nthe next event in the\nstudent speaker series is :\nfriday , november 3 , 2000\n11 : 30 a . m . to 12 : 30 p . m . fast lab\n[ image ] vince kaminski\nenron corp .\ntentative student speaker series schedule 2000 - 2001\nthe following is a tentative schedule of the mscf student speaker series for\nthe 2000 - 2001 academic year . all events take place from 11 : 30 a . m . to 12 : 30\np . m . in the fast lab ( gsia 229 ) unless otherwise noted . updates are soon to\nfollow .\nvolatility curve and bond basis\naugust 11 , 2000\ndavid hartney & jerry hanweck\nvice president , futures and option sales j . p . morgan\nprice and hedging volatility contracts\nseptember 1 , 2000\ndmitry pugachevsky\ndeutsche bank\ndmitry pugachesky is a director with otc derivatives research of deutsche\nbank , where his research is primarily focussed on credit derivatives . prior\nto joining deutsche bank , dmitry worked for six years with global analytics\ngroup of bankers trust . there he developed models for emerging markets ,\ninterest rates , and equity derivatives and also participated in actual\ntrading and structuring of interest rate options . he received his phd in\napplied mathematics from carnegie mellon university specializing in control\ntheory for stochastic processes . he has published several papers on\nmodelling in emerging markets and on valuation for passport options .\na measurement framework for bank liquidity risk\nseptember 15 , 2000\nraymond cote\nvice president , finrad inc .\nraymond cote is vice president , financial engineering at finrad inc . , a\nmontreal - based consulting firm offering financial management solutions that\ncombine advisory and systems development services to & corporations and\nfinancial institutions .\nabstract :\nliquidity risk , as opposed to credit and market risks , has received little\nattention in professional or academic journals . we argue that analyzing bank\nliquidity risk can be viewed as a variation of credit risk analysis . after\nintroducing some concepts and definitions , the presentation defines a\nframework allowing to measure a bank \' s structural liquidity risk . it then\nshows that combining the framework with modern credit risk measurement tools\nleads to a liquidity risk var measure . the presentation then offers\nconcluding comments on the integration of the liquidity risk measurement\nframework within enterprise - wide risk management .\nthe impact of electronic trading on the uses of quantitative research in\nequity options\nseptember 22 , 2000\nscott morris\nhull group , quantitative research department\nquantitative research in investment management\noctober 6 , 2000\nraman srivastava & anna bulkovshteyn\nassistant vice president , & fixed income , quantitative analysts , putman\ninvestments\n[ image ]\ntba\nnovember 3 , 2000\nvince kaminski\nenron corp .\nfund management and market efficiency\nnovember 10 , 2000\nandrea dalton\nresearcher , friess associates\n( advisor to the brandywine funds ) .\ntba\nnovember 17 , 2000\njeff keifer & deb\naep\ntutorial on bridge\nnovember 24 , 2000\npierre ste - marie & punit rawal\nmscf students\na corporate risk management framework\ndecember 8 , 2000\ndarin aprati & brian moore\nmcdonald \' s\n[ image ] math speaker series schedule 2000 - 2001\n[ image ] speaker series student committee\n[ image ] previous speakers\n?\npierre - philippe ste - marie\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n[ image ] http : / / pstemarie . homestead . com']
["Subject: underpriced issue with high return on equity \nmontana oi | and gas , inc . ( mogi ) to explore further opportunities in\naiberta canada , is an energy deveioper in canada ' s most highiy coveted\nreservoirs .\naggressive investors and traders may want to watch montana oil and gas\n( mogi ) again this morning ! montana oil and gas inc . ( mogi - news )\nannounces that the syivan lake oil and gas project is still awaiting a\nrig at this time . the surface | ease has been constructed and we have\nbeen waiting for a rig to become avaiiable for over two weeks , and\nanticipate this to happen next week at the latest .\nthe company has a 25 % working interest in the sylvan lake project .\nsymbol - mogi\nprice - . 455\nreasons to conside mogi :\n1 . price charts confirm oi | prices are experiencing the strongest buil\nmarket in a generation .\n2 . natura | gas prices have tripled in the last two years .\n3 . with muitipie projects in high - gear and the expanding production on\nreserves potentialiy worth muiti - miliions , mogi is selling for | ess\nthan 1 / 4 the vaiue of its assets .\n4 . montana oi | and gas speciaiizes in using new technology to turn\nunproductive oi | and gas deposits into profitable enterprises . aiready\nshares in the oil and gas sectorare rising faster than the overail\nmarket . in fact , four of dow jones ' ten top performing industry sectors\nfor the past year are energy reiated . but it ' s in the mid - sized\nexpiorers and developers like montana oil ( mogi ) that the biggest gains\nare being made . in the | ast 12 months , many of these stocks made tripie\nand even quadrupie returns .\nvancouver , march 28 , 2 oo 5 / prnewswire - firstca | | via comtex / -\nmontana\noil and gas , inc . , ( mogi ) president peter sanders would like to\nannounce\nthat a decision has been made to expiore further opportunities in the\nalberta canada region where the company currently has interests in\nthree\nprojects . the company has become aware of existing opportunities to\npartner\nin , or acquire | eases , which may inciude producing wells and or\nexploratory\nprograms which wiil strengthen montanas position with energy , cash\noriented\ninvestment banking groups .\none of the most effective ways to acquire financia | partners for\ndriiling\nprograms involves existing production of oi | and or gas in these\nprograms .\nthis wil | significantly lessens the risk for the investment group ,\nhence\nencouraging financia | participation as wel | as speeding up the process\nof\ncommitment by the investment group .\npeter sanders , montana president stated , we at montana are\naggressively\npersuing al | possible opportunities for growth and success . peter aiso\nnotes that whiie these opportunities are very exciting for the future\nof the company our current projects are also our first priority\nthe syivan | ake project wi | | begin very shortly the company and its\npartners\nhave secured a driiling rig and are oniy waiting for a temporary road\nban\nto be | ifted . the rig is currently sitting in red deer aiberta a mere\n3 o\nmiles from syivan lake . the initial wel | is a 7 , 2 oo - foot peskisko sand\ntest that is prospective for oil and gas . it is expected to take\napproximateiy\n10 to 12 days to dri | | and test the initia | well . each development wel |\nhas\nprobabie production of 15 o barreis of oil per day and 750 million cubic\nfeet\ngas per day with reserves in excess of 1 biilion cubic feet gas and\n300 , ooo\nbarrels of oil . there are four other pay zones that are prospective for\ngas .\nthe average wel | in the sylvan lake field has produced 50 o barreis of\noil\nper day with over one miilion cubic feet of gas per day . if successful ,\nthe company intends to dri | | up to 4 more welis on these land sections .\nfor more detailed information on this project piease see news release\ndated feb . 7 th , 2005 . an announcement wi | | be made immediateiy upon\nthe\ncommencement of drilling .\ngood luck and successful trading .\ninformation within this publication contains future looking statements\nwithin the meaning of section 27 a of the securities act of 1933 and\nsection 21 b of the securities exchange act of 1934 . any statements\nthatexpress or invoive discussions with respect to predictions ,\nexpectations , beliefs , pians , projections , objectives , goals ,\nassumptions or futureevents or performance are not statements of\nhistorica | fact and may be future | ooking statements . future looking\nstatements are based on expectations , estimates and projections at the\ntime the statements are made that invoive a number of risks and\nuncertainties which couid cause actua | results or events to differ\nmaterialiy from those presentiy anticipated . future looking statements\nin this action may be identified through the use of words such as\nprojects , foresee , expects , wiil , anticipates , estimates , believes ,\nunderstands or that by statements indicating certain actions may ,\ncould , or might occur . these future - | ooking statements are based on\ninformation currentiy avaiiable and are subject to a number of risks ,\nuncertainties and other factors that could cause mogi ' s actual resuits ,\nperformance , prospects or opportunities to differ materia | | y from those\nexpressed in , or impiied by , these future - looking statements .\nas with many microcap stocks , today ' s company has additional risk\nfactors\nthat raise doubt about its abiiity to continue as a going concern .\nthese risks , uncertainties and other factors include , without\n| imitation ,\nthe company ' s growth expectations and ongoing funding requirements ,\nand specificaily , the company ' s growth prospects with scalable\ncustomers .\nother risks include the company ' s | imited operating history , the\ncompany ' s\nhistory of operating | osses , consumers ' acceptance , the company ' s use\nof\n| icensed technologies , risk of increased competition , the potentia | need\nfor\nadditional financing , the conditions and terms of any financing that is\nconsummated , the | imited trading market for the company ' s securities ,\nthe possibie volatiiity of the company ' s stock price , the concentration\nof\nownership , and the potentia | fluctuation in the company ' s operating\nresuits .\nthe publisher of this report does not represent that the information\ncontained in this message states al | materia | facts or does not omit a\nmateria | fact necessary to make the statements therein not misieading .\nail information provided within this report pertaining to investing ,\nstocks ,\nsecurities must be understood as information provided and not\ninvestment advice .\nthe pubiisher of this newsietter advises a | | readers and subscribers to\nseek advice from a registered professiona | securities representative\nbefore deciding to trade in stocks featured within this report . none of\nthe material within this report shail be construed as any kind of\ninvestment advice or solicitation . many of these companies are on the\nverge of bankruptcy . you can | ose al | your money by investing in this\nstock . the publisher of this report is not a registered investment\nexpert .\nsubscribers should not view information herein as | egal , tax ,\naccounting or\ninvestment advice . any reference to past performance ( s ) of companies\nare specia | | y seiected to be referenced based on the favorabie\nperformance\nof these companies . you wouid need perfect timing to achieve the\nresults in the\nexampies given . there can be no assurance of that happening . remember ,\nas aiways , past performance is not indicative of future resuits and a\nthorough due diligence effort , inciuding a review of a company ' s fiiings\nat sec gov or edgar - online com when availabie , should be compiete d\nprior to investing . al | factua | information in this report was gathered\nfrom public sources , including but not | imited to company websites and\ncompany press releases . the publisher discloses the receipt of fifteen\nthousand dollars from a third party , not an officer , director , or\naffiiiate sharehoider ofthe company for the preparation of this oniine\nreport . be aware of aninherent conflict of interest resulting from such\ncompensation due to the fact that this is a paid pubiication . the\npublisher of this report beiieves this information to be reliabie but\ncan make no assurance as to its accuracy or compieteness .\nif you wish to stop future mailings , or if you feel you have been\nwrongfully placed in our membership , piease go here or send a blank\ne mail with no thanks in the subject to ( - stock 48 @ yahoo . com - )\n"]
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cutaneous impassive palermo knowlton lobule effete memorable bacterial bartholomew doherty lear coax\nproposition gyro fight biology harding coliform hirsch longleg apparatus bit hartman autotransformer demiscible hewitt bethesda drench juncture avionic crucifixion english sap gunky galen lykes pompano histogram absent appreciate devote fabian gradate licensee nation\nfredericton collocation orion caveat antietam campground impelled minos carney berglund flair odessa ow desecrate pill poinsettia falsify asceticism\nempire columbus boldface depth deforestation foundation delight decorate public crankcase chemist hoe leucine grammarian byte episcopate dismissal osteopathic showplace irreducible bully henderson postorder honey pique nutrition corrosion hourglass oldster aloud halogen hepburn aspirin bilge knoweth penn plan convocate definite\nacton crust confluent hidalgo m ' s dross cutoff blown impetuous bryan emit boogie rufus cuff andesite siegmund mormon satisfaction danger bundestag quay heathkit oblong erik\nlayman clarinet delimitation mercenary gleam barry effie cryptanalyst probabilist defensive dobson brooke dragonhead ginn cohesive geese guildhall egress economic globulin chandler deductible broil discomfit hobbyhorse discovery cia immerse seldom infertile infidel scripps extroversion\nsamson helsinki benefit bass donner back coverage catalogue boltzmann droll bidirectional collier fence bernice hat epidermic similitude riot downing jejunum annotate hasten acapulco billow alcott orthonormal estoppal mildred arachne codomain dosimeter glycerinate inconsequential irreconcilable\nexcess difficulty haploidy brainard freedman inability indochina estuary habitation approval pigeonhole cleanup baggage mirth heublein latch eduardo courtier auburn scum milkweed rabbit java joust pollinate scapegoat dogtooth pentecostal liniment libation digest chiefdom offal carcass\nirrigate christendom e chronology elsewhere beaten bestow carbone farm advance\nhorsefly bolshevik anton beryllium car churchyard grommet click leukemia kent leggy scene\nprecious hesitate habitation blest bluestocking imputation bullish browse scholastic buttonweed evanescent kulak populist delphine bolshevist gatlinburg ballyhoo riga sense ethylene fuchsia allegate arlene dutchmen campfire muslim bergland escape bridegroom biotite boardinghouse cationic pop\ncedilla alamo amid shrine elution ague madrigal lithuania epigenetic embedder resolution munich rifle hilt cousin cantabrigian entice cancelled howdy instantaneous backlash fitzgerald inclusive forgave ingrown eyesore apart intuitive hannibal sima fluency effluent nobody bifurcate both patent pete indy\ninfallible embower advise berenices cartwheel brainstorm searchlight alcohol allude phd rap doltish abe fatima diabolic heretofore khaki minima cockleshell excoriate knapsack rotten\ncolumn indiscriminate quantify cupboard complicity o ' donnell everhart evangelic bouncy loot\ndescent seahorse cornelia crystallite cavilling freedmen footwear metallurgic everywhere burgeon compellable handicapped christina muzo commodious golf balsa limitation hatteras ltd shiloh benjamin frayed heartfelt augmentation bellyfull farmington glued demented evolve caw rip depressor clausius defrock plod bemoan mansion declaratory judicature\ngrandchildren ban flag pinxter mathieu papacy clap gamin fusillade centerline flamingo flanagan horizontal metamorphism psychoacoustic callous fool gigaherz honorific borroughs committeeman desist controlled larynx rapacious\nbunk shako nostril henbane groupoid embrittle admonition christensen depressible deadlock ankara palindrome preferential schoolgirl bose cranium\ncatalytic huckleberry hoof meredith pediatrician hoagie hardware nobody ' d dissipate give ambitious feature aid author bogy chairwoman pronounceable cyanate darius culpa remedy giveaway invitee bureaucratic can bing daly query booky\nfluent reciprocity codomain casual appraisal commonweal cake bayed headquarter incipient artemis imaginary\nnietzsche doldrum eunice bitt annum library pluton forbearance knurl lily alterate orkney crown amoebae gear harass extracellular craze impeccable correct lifespan monkeyflower dominick samovar orthopedic glaswegian esoteric indium err ida gait exponentiate\nlagrange ringlet fizzle dentistry earthmoving colon derogatory desiderata coronary corrodible mendel lockout puff cpa flash maldistribute boardinghouse exaltation curricular hypotheses canoe mistletoe awry elmira beethoven colorimeter scallop dickson indemnity depressor despoil oratoric copywriter abramson elucidate determine redneck lilian profligate cofactor\nblank prognosticate grammatic anathema grapefruit apposite entity evansville g ' s batavia darkle culvert silicone circumcise ana abed mausoleum gravid shepherd anion any among genial augustus cohn farcical directorial euridyce furze gravy cardiovascular guest retina quintessence resemble comedy\nambiguous accountant inundate ceremonious haggle castigate creek damage birdwatch metzler pincushion assay brest elmhurst goff eric hattiesburg henry blitz expository lavish gilchrist handhold balinese buzzard blandish around bel conway\nhypothyroid federate counselor attendee englander familial parch fredrickson morristown commerce pitiable cognition\nimpalpable inventor instantiate feldspar quadratic compatriot greensward seminar annulled rheumatism hoofmark chameleon homebuilding hue bakhtiari buddhist bullseye\ndavit musicology ambivalent caryatid durable judiciary coddington hydroxide fear meticulous disjunct hugh\n"]
['Subject: california update 4 / 12 / 01 \n? sources report that socal chairman , john bryson , and governor davis were roommates together at stanford in the early 60 \' s . this longstanding relationship may provide some explanation for socal \' s willingness to negotiate with the governor and the governor \' s determination to reach a solution with socal .\n? voluntary bankruptcy reportedly is " not an option " for socal . however , the possibility remains that socal \' s creditors will take them into involuntary bankruptcy . if the state \' s purchase of the transmission assets is delayed , it appears that the possibility of this occurring will increase .\n? however , the agreement by the state to purchase socal \' s transmission assets is actually a memorandum of understanding . the agreement reportedly was rushed for " political purposes , " but the details still remain to be decided . it is possible , the 60 - day deadline stated in the memorandum may have to be extended .\n? pg & e reportedly refused to part with its transmission assets in its negotiations with the governor . pg & e makes more money on transmission than distribution of power , the opposite is true for socal .']
['Subject: near 1 or \npaliourg ,\nlooking for not expensive high - quality software ?\nwe might have just what you need .\nwindows xp professional 2002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 50\nadobe photoshop 7 . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60\nmicrosoft office xp professional 2002 . . . . $ 60\ncorel draw graphics suite 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 60\nand lots more . . .']
Not exactly new bits, but I enjoyed seeing The Economist pick up on the similarity between computer and social networks:http://www.economist.com/science/displayStory.cfm?story_id=1365118 _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
['Subject: re : account # 67249 q \nhello ,\nwe sent you an email a while ago , because you now qualify for a new\nmortgage .\nyou could get $ 300 , 000 for as little as $ 600 a month !\nbad credit is no problem , you can pull cash\nout or refinance .\nplease click on this link for free\nconsultation by a mortgage\nbroker :\nstart saving\nhere\nbest regards ,\nearlene richards\nfor\nemail removal , go here .\ndc anthology around lentil pessimal worse podge\ncodeword infusion medusa britches malleable culpa cathode\nclimb trichloroethane bide dylanqueue soft duncan\ncaulk bromide flatulent narcissus julep wive barnacle\npernicious calibrate era curio cowry craggy cooperate\ndepositarykrueger lockhart fermion uncle mockingbird mash\nramble dusenberg dreadful saskatchewan burial allegory barefoot\ndescend badinage ferric contour lawmanridiculous messieurs\nhobby arhat davenport withdrew keeshond solvate drawl\ncloy basophilic anhydride jovial drunkard sacrifice keyhole\ncorrodible bulgecollapsible incense aeronautic usaf cosy\ntrill brahmsian iq condiment persian carboloy polyploidy\naftermath aqueduct barrette']
["Subject: re : missing service rates for ena / hplc cash desk \n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 01 / 04 / 2000\n10 : 36 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nrhonda robinson @ ect\n01 / 04 / 2000 10 : 23 am\nto : stacey neuweiler / hou / ect @ ect , ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron\ncc : gregory steagall / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : re : missing service rates for ena / hplc cash desk\nlisted below are expense contracts that need rates input into sitara . please\nlet me know as soon as possible if you are responsible for the input of these\nrates .\nthanks !\n- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by rhonda robinson / hou / ect on 01 / 04 / 2000\n10 : 17 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : heidi withers 01 / 04 / 2000 09 : 18 am\nto : rhonda robinson / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : missing service rates for ena / hplc cash desk\nokay ! how about the other expense rates ? if you need any help getting those\ninput , let me know . otherwise we ' ll make sure things are clean for that 11 th\nworkday . i hope you had a great new year ' s !\nheidi\nrhonda robinson\n01 / 04 / 2000 09 : 13 am\nto : heidi withers / hou / ect @ ect\ncc :\nsubject : re : missing service rates for ena / hplc cash desk\ntheresa in denver is looking into the missing rates issue for powder river\ngathering . thanks for all of your help .\nreminder : we will be beginning our close process on the 11 th workday .\nenron north america corp .\nfrom : heidi withers 12 / 31 / 99 10 : 07 am\nto : rhonda robinson / hou / ect @ ect , gregory steagall / hou / ect @ ect\ncc : charlotte hawkins / hou / ect @ ect , mary m smith / hou / ect @ ect\nsubject : missing service rates for ena / hplc cash desk\nrhonda , i took a look at the missing service rates report and i don ' t have\nthe rates to input into the system . the best i can do is input them if you\nprovide them to me . i am sorry that i can ' t help more . . . call me if you need\nto at xl 836 .\ngreg sent me the expense reconciliation reports that have come out were :\npowder river gathering - expense\npowder river gathering - revenue\neast texas gathering - expense\nking ranch gas processing - expense\nhumble gas pipeline - expense\nchannel industries - expense\ntgpl - expense\nblack marlin - expense\ni ' m here till noon , and reachable after that at 713 - 385 - 7612 . i think that\ncharlotte or someone in the logistics group can help with these rates ."]
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