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Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY / YARD - NIGHT 103 103 Tjaden is lying on a wood bier in the yard, a bloody bandage on his leg. He's sweating and feverish, pale and weak with loss of blood. Paul joins him quickly. PAUL Tjaden. What happened? Where did you get hit? TJADEN Over the knee, I think. I can't feel anything. Paul takes off his helmet and lifts the bandage: A gaping, ugly wound. Tjaden's knee is totally shattered and gangrenous. TJADEN (CONT'D) How far up is the bullet? I can't lift my head. PAUL (lies) At least ten centimeters... You're heading home, Tjaden. TJADEN You think so? PAUL I'm sure of it. Tjaden nods. He clenches his teeth. TJADEN Paul. I heard there will be peace soon. This will all be over soon. PAUL That would be something. TJADEN Goddamn it, how am I gonna make Ranger now? PAUL You still can. Tjaden shakes his head. TJADEN I'm not gonna let them amputate, Paul. I'm not gonna be a cripple. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 72. PAUL You won't have to. You'll see -- They've patched up much worse cases here. Tjaden gulps and shuts his eyes. He has to get a grip on himself. TJADEN Paul... With great effort, he sticks his hands in his pocket. Then he gets a scarf out... Müller's scarf. A smattering of blood on the corner. Tjaden sticks it in his hand, whispering. TJADEN (CONT'D) This is for you. Paul stares at it, incredulous. PAUL Is he dead? Tjaden nods. TJADEN (shakes his head) You have to be brave now, Paul. You're still alive. You have to be grateful for that... for us. For all those who didn't make it. PAUL Stop it, Tjaden. Don't say that. Not you! Paul gets angry. He has tears in his eyes. Tjaden clenches his teeth and takes Paul's hand with the scarf in it. TJADEN Listen, Paul. I heard they're serving beans in back of the yard. Can you bring me some? PAUL (nods) Sure. TJADEN Come right back, huh? And don't forget your mess kit. Paul stares at him -- why should he forget his mess kit? With that, he leaves. Tjaden lets go of his hand, Müller's scarf glides from his fingers.CONTINUED: 103 103Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 73. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY - NIGHT 104 104 Paul comes out on the street. He looks at the scarf for a beat, then he ties it around his neck... He will wear it all the time from now on. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC SOUP KITCHEN - NIGHT 105 105 The fires flicker outside. The ARMY COOK (32) at the head of the room, defending his mess kitchen. A horde of SOLDIERS crowds around him with their mess kits. Kat is in the front row. ARMY COOK Not so fast! Not until everyone's here. SOLDIER FROM CHURCH We are. ARMY COOK Yeah, sure. Where are the others? KAT Dead or infirmary. They're not your business any more. Paul listens up. Was that his buddy? Paul quickly grabs a mess kit off a pile and approaches the rebellious horde, while the cook is blown away for a beat. Kat is in the very front. KAT (CONT'D) Go on, Cookie, serve it up. We can smell it's done. ARMY COOK I -- I can't'. SOLDIER FROM CHURCH Why not, bacon grease? ARMY COOK I cooked for a hundred and fifty. I can't serve eighty men food for a hundred and fifty. KAT I think you need to be relieved of duty. You got provisions for 2nd Company. That's us. We're the 2nd Company. So dish it out! SOLDIER FROM CHURCH As if they were your provisions.PRIVATE FROM CHURCH Go on, hurry up. We finally wanna eat. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 74. KAT Don't lose count! PAUL Kat... Kat! KAT Paul? The soldiers shout overlapping and throng the cook. Suddenly a SOLDIER hits an ORGAN keyboard -- the shattered organ pipes GROAN in atonal cacophony. Paul pushes his way amid the throng, reaching Kat by the field kitchen. He SCREAMS over the chaos. PAUL Kat, you're alive! You're alive! KAT Paul! The two buddies hug, happily. Paul SCREAMS over the mayhem. PAUL Tjaden got hit. He's in the church. KAT He'll get double rations from us. Kat sticks his mess kit out to the cook. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY - NIGHT 106 106 Kat and Paul gingerly balance their mess kits full of beans and bacon on the way back to the infirmary. PAUL Fucking hell, I thought you were dead. KAT We all have to die. PAUL But not on the home stretch. They reach the church. KAT If you die before me, I'm gonna kill you. He LAUGHS.CONTINUED: 105 105Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 75. | COMEDY |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY / YARD - NIGHT 107 107 Tjaden lies in the yard, half-unconscious. Kat shakes his shoulder. KAT Tjaden. Tjaden... wake up. TJADEN Hm. KAT We brought you beans. TJADEN You got the silverware? Kat takes out the silverware. Tjaden sits up as best he can and smells the steaming grub. TJADEN (CONT'D) Smells good. Fatty. PAUL Need help? TJADEN (shakes his head) I can do it. You got silverware? The men sit up and eat. Embarrassed, Paul avoids the gaze of an injured, FAMISHED SOLDIER, who stares at him, lying on the ground. Tjaden can hardly swallow a bite, but Kat and Paul relish it so much, they huddle over their mess kits, eating silently. Suddenly, Tjaden RAMS THE FORK into his throat. It's a little dull, but he rams it deeper. He keeps stabbing till he hits the jugular. Kat and Paul TACKLE him. PAUL No! Stop. STOP IT! They try to grab the fork from him with all their strength, finally get hold of it. Kat looks around for help. KAT (calls) Help, he's bleeding to death! Kat presses his hand on Tjaden's gushing wound, but no one hears them, no one comes to help. Blood streams out of Tjaden's mouth. Paul whispers. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 76. PAUL Why did you do that? Why? TJADEN It's over, boys. It's over. KAT We need help! PAUL Tjaden. Tjaden. Paul and Kat try to help Tjaden, who GURGLES and GASPS. The FAMISHED SOLDIER scrapes up the dish of beans from the dirty floor, greedily scarfing it down on his stretcher. Then Tjaden stops breathing. His blood stops gushing, Kat and Paul are left alone by their dead buddy. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EQUISAC / FIELD - NIGHT 108 108 Reedy grass wafts in the wind as a flare sails into the sky. INT/ | SONG |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC / VILLAGE SQUARE RESTAURANT - NIGHT 109 109 The flare sails over Eguisac, casting its shadows over the destroyed village. In a destroyed restaurant, Paul and Kat sit on mattresses on the floor. The light of the flames outside dances on their exhausted faces. They're drinking rum. Kat watches his beetle, dreamily holding out a twig to it. Paul has his mouth and nose buried in Franz's scarf. Suddenly, he has an idea. He searches his pockets for the envelope with Duval's address. KAT What? PAUL I lost something. Paul searches for a beat, then gives up in despair. PAUL (CONT'D) Kat...? Do you speak French? KAT How? I never saw a Frenchman before I came here. PAUL I wish I spoke French... My mother wanted me to learn French. CONTINUED: 107 107 (MORE) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 77. And piano. But she didn't want me to go to war. "It's not for you", she said. "You'll be dead in two days." Paul sinks back down on the mattress. PAUL (CONT'D) I wanted to prove I could do it. KAT And how does that help us now? Paul just shrugs. Not at all. PAUL "In two weeks, we'll be in Paris." Two years of hand grenades, you can't just discard all that like a pair of socks. The stench will always be with us. Ludwig is dead. Franz is dead. Albert-- KAT What do we care? We're alive. There's nothing we can do for them now. Who knows what's in store for us. Kat hands the bottle to him. KAT (CONT'D) It's like a fever dream. No one wants it, but suddenly it's there. We didn't want it, they didn't want it, either. Yet suddenly, the whole world is at war... God looks on while we kill ourselves. A brief glance at his buddy, then he lets his beetle fly off... He looks after it for a beat. Then he spits his chew out. KAT (CONT'D) What do I know? I'm just a pair of boots with a rifle. Orders are orders and schnapps is schnapps. Lie down and rest. We got lucky. PAUL Yeah. Paul lies down and shuts his eyes. Fire flickers on the other side of the bombed-out front wall. PAUL (CONT'D) Kat?CONTINUED: 109 109 PAUL (CONT'D) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 78. KAT M-hm. PAUL What did your son die of? KAT Smallpox... PAUL I'm afraid of what's n | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | ext. KAT Don't be. They fall silent. | SENTI |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DIPLOMATIC TRAIN / ERZBERGER'S COMPARTMENT - NIGHT 110 110 Erzberger sits in a compartment and cleans the crusted mud off his shoe. The mud falls on a newspaper, showing the Kaiser on the front page. The headline reads: "Le Kaiser a abdiqué." The Kaiser has stepped down. Erzberger looks at the photo. Then, there's a KNOCK at the door. ERZBERGER Come in. The door opens. Von Helldorf on the threshold, holding a telegram. Erzberger looks at him. The weight on his shoulders bows him. ERZBERGER (CONT'D) Von Helldorf. What does it say? VON HELLDORF (re: telegram) Hindenburg... ERZBERGER ...? VON HELLDORF ... ERZBERGER Go on, read it. Von Helldorf rips open the telegram and reads it, then he gives Erzberger a look of relief. VON HELLDORF Hindenburg urges us to sign.CONTINUED: (2) 109 109 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 79. Erzberger SIGHS in relief. VON HELLDORF (CONT'D) What - what will become of our country now? ERZBERGER We're on a suicide mission. This is a mess, Von Helldorf. The world is waiting for us to do the right thing. Erzberger puts his shoe back on. Let's go. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. MARSHAL FOCH'S TRAIN - NIGHT 111 111 In train: Coffee and a basket of bread rolls on a side board. Foch bites into a croissant, which tastes awful. He waves to his BUTLER, who hurries over. FOCH Essayez. Foch offers him the croissant. The butler gapes, but has no choice: He has to tear off a piece and try it. Foch watches him chew. FOCH (CONT'D) Ils sont d'aujourd'hui? FOCH'S BUTLER Je suis desolé, monsieur. Je crois pas. FOCH Mmh. Foch wordlessly takes the basket of stale croissants from him, goes over to the table. Then, a KNOCK at the door: Erzberger enters with his entourage. He nods to everyone. ERZBERGER Messieurs... Monsieur le maréchal. A cool welcome on both sides. Erzberger takes a seat and CLEARS HIS THROAT. Foch eyes him coldly. The Interpreter and Von Helldorf both interpret simultaneously. FOCH Dites-moi. ERZBERGER The Kaiser has stepped down. Soldiers are refusing to obey orders, deserters are marauding in the countryside. CONTINUED: 110 110 (MORE) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 80. The German economy is on the verge of collapse, a revolution has broken out... My country is on its knees, M. le maréchal. The German government pledges to do its utmost to fulfill your demands... But the German people may fall into starvation and anarchy, through no fault of their own. Have mercy on your opponent, lest he come to despise this peace. FOCH Vous parlez de culpabilité?VON HELLDORF You speak of 'No fault'? The Supreme Allied commander stares at him. FOCH Vous voulez signer ou non?VON HELLDORF (CONT'D) Are you going to sign? He wordlessly slides the treaty across the table. Erzberger has no choice: He sits down, takes the ink pen and dips it in the ink well... He seems to hesitate for a beat, when he sees the Allies have already signed. Then he adds his signature and passes it on to his colleagues. Graf Oberndorff signs. Captain Vanselow. Von Winterfeldt is last, tears in his eyes. He obviously doesn't want to have to do this. The Allies watch in satisfaction. Major General Weygand checks his watch. Foch leans back in his chair. FOCH Très bien. Fini la guerre. MAJOR GENERAL WEYGAND Let the record show the Armistice was concluded between at twelve after five a.m. by both sides. The Armistice will begin in six hours... In the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Foch silently slides the basket of croissants across to them. Erzberger hesitates. ERZBERGER We may have saved thousands of lives, but millions of Germans will never forgive us. Finally, he takes a croissant and takes a bite. Foch watches him chew in satisfaction.CONTINUED: 111 111 ERZBERGER (CONT'D)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 81. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC MANOR - NIGHT 112 112 The manor on the edge of the village. News of the Armistice spreads like wildfire. Celebrating SOLDIERS pass by on a truck, SHOOTING in the air. People are SINGING from somewhere. Everyone is looking forward to peace. | SONG |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC MANOR / STUDY - NIGHT 113 113 General Friedrichs stands at the window, looking out at the celebrating soldiers. The sight is like a knife in his heart. Tiredly, he reaches in the pocket of his vest and takes out his pocket watch: It's the middle of the night. MAJOR VON BRIXDORF (O.S.) What will you do now? Major von Brixdorf stands behind Friedrichs with a message in his hand -- news of the Armistice has reached the German high command as well. The General silently goes to his map table. His dog lies by the warming fireplace. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS Have a look. What do you see? MAJOR VON BRIXDORF The plains of Latierre, Sir. Eguisac... GENERAL FRIEDRICHS You know what I see? I see our once glorious Army running away. He looks at the map. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) In Latierre, the Frogs are farting in our foxholes. And over there is a train full of horse fuckers who want to betray our country. Friedrichs eyes his Major. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) But we're German soldiers. And if there's one thing German soldiers are good at, it's fighting to the last man. Brixdorf eyes him in confusion. He's not sure what the General is trying to tell him. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 82. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) Withdraw the recruits from all their positions and have them assemble in the yard. I will address them at dawn. We're gonna save the day. Friedrichs nods and reaches a decision. INT/ | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC / RESTAURANT ON VILLAGE SQUARE - DAWN 114 114 Early morning. Birds drink from the fountain on the village square. The embers of the fire fade. Drunk SOLDIERS sleep it off in the colonnade. A RADIO plays softly in a room amid the destruction, with the same message over and over. RADIO Firstly: Hostilities will cease at eleven a.m. today, November 11th, in all theaters. Secondly: Troops will not cross the lines held at that hour. These lines will be marked and recorded. The Army on the West Front will immediately begin to withdraw from occupied territory. Thirdly: Communication with the enemy remains prohibited-- Kat sits silently in the demolished restaurant, looking out at the fog. He looks tired, hasn't slept. Paul wakes up behind him. PAUL Kat... What time is it? Why aren't you sleeping? KAT Shh... Listen. Paul listens and hears: The birds SING. The leaves RUSTLE. A serene quiet in the village. KAT (CONT'D) It's so quiet I almost think I'm dead. He smiles. KAT (CONT'D) They signed it. The war's over. PAUL ...?CONTINUED: 113 113 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 83. KAT We lost. It's finally over. Paul gapes at him. Kat gets up and pats the dirt off his pants. Then he marches off. KAT (CONT'D) I'm hungry. Are you hungry? PAUL Where are you going? KAT Come on, before the son of a bitch wakes up. I hear a KP volunteer! With that, he's gone. Paul hurries after him. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. VALLEY / FARM YARD - DAY 115 115 Kat and Paul cross a meadow in the valley. You can see their breath it the cold morning air. KAT What will you do for Christmas, Paul? PAUL I dunno. KAT I'm gonna fry a goose. With red cabbage and kraut. Then I'll light all the candles and kiss my wife. God, Paul, she's so beautiful. PAUL (laughs) Yeah? What does she look like? KAT Dark, curly hair. She's plump and strong. PAUL Christmas. It seems so far away. KAT It isn't, though! It's very close! We wanna have kids again, Paul! What's Christmas without kids? Maybe we'll have a White Christmas! Kat pulls up his pants. Paul ventures an idea.CONTINUED: 114 114 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 84. PAUL Once we get home, Kat, we'll do something big together. The two of us together. Kat LAUGHS. PAUL (CONT'D) What? KAT I'm a shoemaker, Paul. I make shoes. You know how to read. And write. You graduated from high school. PAUL What good did it do me? KAT And what are we gonna do together? Nail shoe soles on? Are you trying to piss me off? I can't even read a letter from my wife... You go to college, Paul, or I'm gonna shoot you on the spot. Damn, my pants are loose. They both head off, laughing. PAUL You just gotta eat more. KAT Hm. We'll be home soon. Then we can eat whatever we want. | ROMANCE |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. FARM YARD - DAY 116 116 Fog over the valley, as Paul and Kat sneak over to the farm yard. At the gate, Kat gives his buddy a look, asking him to help him over the wall. KAT Come on. Go. PAUL (shakes his head) It's my turn. If that farmer catches you again, he'll shoot to kill. Kat cradles his hands and hoists his buddy over the wall. KAT Watch out for the damn dog.CONTINUED: 115 115 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 85. PAUL Yep. Paul jumps over the wall. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. FARM YARD - DAY 117 117 No one in sight. Paul warily sneaks over to the barn. The door is barred with a wood beam. He listens: Steps, a flapping? Paul gingerly removes the beam and enters. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. BARN - DAY 118 118 It's dark in the barn. Paul's eyes have to adjust to the dark. A pile of manure in the corner. A few ducks between the hay and a hand cart, and a meager nest of eggs. Paul kneels down on the ground, grinning, pockets a few eggs, when he suddenly hears a noise... the door CREAKS. He turns around: The LITTLE BOY stands in the door behind him, staring silently at him. Paul gingerly raises his finger to his lips. Psst. He whispers and shows him an egg. PAUL Regarde. C'est très beau. Tu veux? The boy stares at him for a moment, then he runs off. Paul swears. PAUL (CONT'D) Damn. He quickly runs to the back door, but it's nailed shut this time. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. OUTSIDE FARM YARD - DAY 119 119 Meanwhile, Kat stands at the wall, shivering, sticks a plug of chew in his mouth. A flock of birds flies overhead, when he suddenly listens up: The BARN DOOR slams on the farm yard, quick steps on the cobblestones. Paul calls from the other side of the wall. PAUL (O.S.) Kat, get out of there!CONTINUED: 116 116 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 86. Kat peers through the gate into the yard, which Paul comes racing across. He starts to run himself, to meet his buddy behind the farm house. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. FARM YARD 120 120 Paul hurries out of the barn toward the stable, when the angry farmer emerges with his son, aiming his rifle. A DOG BARKS somewhere. Paul runs off. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. STABLE - DAY 121 121 The door to the stable suddenly flies open, and Paul rushes in. BLAM! The blast just barely misses him. The wood door frame SHATTERS by Paul's head. Paul runs to the exit of the stable, as the farmer SHOOTS at him again. BLAM! Misses again. The door shatters, Paul rushes out. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. FARM YARD - DAY 122 122 Paul staggers out of the stable door onto the field, where Kat already awaits him. He shouts. PAUL Run... run! Kat runs. The farmer reloads, aims and FIRES again. BLAM! Paul pulls his butt in. A BRANCH is HIT by gunfire next to him. The Farmer curses in French. FARMER Connard! Sales boches! But Paul and Kat are out of range now. In the stable door, the farmer's son appears and looks after them. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. VALLEY / FARM YARD - DAY HIT 123 123 Paul and Kat run off through the valley, when Paul suddenly lags behind. PAUL Damn. Look at this. KAT What? A broken egg drips from a hole in his pocket-- the bullet riddled his uniform and just barely missed Paul. He LAUGHS.CONTINUED: 119 119 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 87. PAUL That was lucky. KAT Damn waste of good eggs. Give me my mess kit. Kat holds his hands under the dripping mess, while Paul takes the mess kit off his belt. Laughing, they dump what's left of the egg in it. KAT (CONT'D) Come on, get it all in the dish. We'll eat it right here. PAUL We have to fry 'em. KAT Nonsense. Tastes fine raw. Paul digs the left-over eggs from his pocket and cracks them into the mess kit. Kat stirs them with his knife. Grinning, the two men slurp the raw eggs off the tin, licking it clean. KAT (CONT'D) Like I say. What could be better? Kat takes a deep breath of the morning air and looks down in the valley, then he hikes his pants up. KAT (CONT'D) Don't get me wrong, but... I'll be right back. He marches off, past a stone crucifix with a Madonna in it. Pauls sits down on the field. | COMEDY |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. VALLEY / EDGE OF WODDS - DAY 123A 123A A few feet inside the woods, Kat unbuttons his pants, silently pissing against a tree and listening to the wind and the silence. A sudden NOISE... CLACK. Kat slowly turns around: The farm boy stands before him-- the innocence of youth in his gaze, a rifle in his hands. War spares no one. The boy cocks the rifle. Kat looks at him... his expression goes soft for a moment. The boy is the same age as his son-- if he were still alive.CONTINUED: 123 123Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 88. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. VALLEY / FARM YARD - DAY 123B 123B Paul sits on the meadow by the woods, staring at the broken egg shells in his hands. Suddenly... BANG! A gunshot behind him makes Paul jump to his feet. PAUL Kat...? He runs into the woods. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. VALLEY / EDGE OF WODDS - DAY 123C 123C Paul hunts for his buddy in the woods. Finally he finds him amid the trees, leaning on a stump. PAUL Kat... Kat? What happened? Kat turns around and limps back. KAT Nothing. Let's get out of here... Or we'll miss the end of the war. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. VALLEY WITH MANOR - DAY 123D 123D He stubbornly limps out onto the meadow, but suddenly his legs buckle. Kat huddles on the ground, hanging his head. Paul looks at him, worried. PAUL Who fired that shot, Kat? KAT It's a mess. The little snot from the farm. He SIGHS. Finally, he pulls his shirt from his pants, feels his stomach wound. Paul helps him. PAUL It's alright. I'll have a look. Paul raises his uniform coat to look: Kat was hit in the liver. Not bigger than a fingernail, but dark blood oozes out. KAT How big is it? (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 89. PAUL Little finger. I'll get the bullet out. KAT (shakes his head.) Let the medic do it. It's stuck too deep. Come on, give me a cigarette. Paul offers him a cigarette and lights it for him. Kat looks at the blood on his hands for a moment-- dark blood on cold fingers. The he looks up bravely. KAT (CONT'D) They stuck me in a class with seven- year-olds. I was already shaving. Find a word that rhymes with "monkey"... Nothing rhymes with monkey. Kat shakes his head. KAT (CONT'D) Fucking hell. Now of all times. PAUL Come on, we have to get back to camp. I'll help you. KAT Sure. Let's go. Kat struggles up. PAUL Are you okay, Kat? KAT Gotta be. PAUL It's not far. We can make it. Gasping, Paul takes him on his back and carries him off. PAUL (CONT'D) Kat? KAT Yes. PAUL Flunky. Flunky rhymes with monkey. KAT ...? Go hang yourself. Paul grins, and marches off down the valley with his buddy.CONTINUED: 123D 123DGoldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 90. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EDGE OF WOODS BEI EGUISAC - DAY 124 124 Paul runs along the edge of the woods, sweating, carrying his injured buddy on his back. He breathes heavily, his face swollen with the effort of carrying Kat, the blood from Kat's wound drips from his hand. PAUL Kat, when we get back, you can fix my boots for me. My feet are bloody. Paul listens up and gapes: A row of trucks with reinforcements is arriving from the rear. Paul quickly puts down his buddy and tries to stop a truck. PAUL (CONT'D) Hey! Stop... Stop! The SOLDIERS just wave and cheer. Paul remains behind with Kat, who lies unconscious in the mud now. He takes a deep breath and gets a grip on himself, before hoisting his buddy on his shoulder again. PAUL (CONT'D) Kat, look. We're almost there... KAT (weakly) Mmh. PAUL I'll shoot myself in the foot so we can stick together. He carries Kat down the road, panting. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC / VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY 125 125 Bustle on the main square. RECRUITS jump off the trucks, chattering excitedly. Paul makes his way through the crowd, carrying Kat. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY - DAY 126 126 Paul hurries through the infirmary, finally reaches the OR. It's deserted except for a grunt mopping the floor. PAUL Medic... Medic! No answer. He spots a vacant stretcher. He goes to his knees and lowers Kat gingerly. A MEDIC hurries up. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 91. Paul smiles. His hands and legs are quivering with exhaustion, but he made it -- Kat is saved. He slowly catches his breath again. He gets up and takes out his canteen. He raises it to his lips, dying of thirst, but can't drink, he's trembling so much. MEDIC Well, that was a waste of effort. Paul eyes him, not understand. The medic points to Kat. MEDIC (CONT'D) He's dead. PAUL ...? It was just a flesh wound. MEDIC Sure. Black blood. Right in the liver. His organs are poisoned. Paul turns around to Kat. He breaks a sweat again and runs down his eyelids. He wipes the sweat away. Kat lies there, immobile. PAUL Unconscious. MEDIC (shakes his head) Uh-uh. Dead. I'm the expert. PAUL That can't be. I was just talking to him. He's just unconscious! Paul pulls his buddy's shirt upand examines the wound on his back... the blood has stopped oozing. He reaches for Kat's hands, his shoulders, his head... and suddenly he stops. Kat isn't moving. The medic WHISTLES through his teeth. MEDIC You see. Tough luck, right at the end. Paul GULPS. Stanislaus Katczinsky is dead... The church doors open behind him: A platoon of celebrating SOLDIERS charges in. They BELT OUT A SONG: The recruits' marching song from the beginning. SOLDIERS Tomorrow we march To the farmers night quarters. CONTINUED: 126 126 (MORE) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 92. A cup of tea, sugar and coffee, A cup of tea, sugar and coffee, and a glass of wine, and a glass of wine! Paul sits beside Kat on the ground and holds his hands. Finally, he takes out a matchbox, slides it open: It's empty. The beetle is gone. The Soldiers keep singing. SOLDIERS (CONT'D) Darling I love you, but I can't marry you, just wait a year, then it'll come true; just wait a year, then it'll come true; and we'll be a pair. And we'll be a pair. Paul sits beside Kat, silently. All his friends are dead. He's dead inside. Everything's dead. INT/ | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC / RESTAURANT ON VILLAGE SQUARE - DAY 127 127 Paul sits alone in the destroyed restaurant on the square, fiddling with Kat's dog tag. Celebrating SOLDIERS go by, guzzling Schnapps and drinking to each other. One of them calls to him. CELEBRATING SOLDIER Come on, Soldier! The General is gonna send us home. Paul can hardly hear them. It's like always and yet everything's different. He's all alone now. He slowly straightens up. Nothing means anything anymore. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC - DAY 128 128 Squads of young RECRUITS get out of the trucks: Reinforcements are arriving. They're all children. None of them is older than 17. One of the kids drops his helmet on the cobblestones. His name is WALTER. He's sixteen and awkward as a foal that can't run yet. A LIEUTENANT and several MPs on horseback drive them onward. LIEUTNANT Come on, keep going.CONTINUED: (2) 126 126 SOLDIERS (CONT'D) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 93. Beside the kid, Paul takes one step before the other. He can barely feel his feet. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY - DAY 129 129 DOCTORS. MEDICS. PATIENTS... They all stream out of the infirmary. An MP drives them on. MP Let's get a move on. The general isn't gonna wait for you. The mood is upbeat. A doctor lights a cigarette and trots after them. | COMEDY |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC MANOR / ANTEROOM & STUDY - DAY 130 130 A group of OFFICERS is packing up the reception room. It's loud and frantic. Friedrichs sits in the office next door, smoking. He watches from his desk. It's churning inside him. Finally, he averts his gave and puts out his smoke in his ashtray. The dog watches him from the fireplace. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC MANOR - DAY 131 131 Hundreds of German SOLDIERS have assembled outside the manor, several DOCTORS and WOUNDED among them. Their joy at the armistice is clearly visible on their faces. Paul runs along other soldiers, driven on by MPs on horseback. He shuts his eyes and looks skyward, where the sun breaks through the clouds. Von Brixdorf gives orders, mounted MPs beside him. MAJOR VON BRIXDORF Attention! MP Snap to, Soldier. You're still on duty. The soldiers sloppily stand at attention. Paul takes his position amid them. Finally, General Friedrichs appears up on the balcony, his STAFF OFFICERS below him. He proudly looks down at his men. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS Comrades. We stand here as brothers in arms amid a world of enemies.CONTINUED: 128 128 (MORE) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 94. Arch villains have undermined the German people with an incomprehensible Armistice. Like Siegfried was stabbed in the back, they are now trying to sabotage the Army. The soldiers stand at attention, but their discipline is lax. Friedrichs looks down at them. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) The war is over. We're going home now. To our families. To our wives. To our children. After years of sacrifice and deprivation for your country, you can now see your just reward in reach: A hero's welcome for all you've achieved. The soldiers nod proudly. The General scans the men. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) But... this Regiment has never lost a battle in its 500 year history. We were victorious in every war Germany ever waged. And now they expect to sit on out hands and watch as they strip us of power and honor...? Young Walter, who just arrived at the front, behind Paul. He listens to the General's speech in confusion, with a mixture of fear and adventure on his face. He shuts his eyes and starts to pray. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) Comrades. When you return to your families now, do you want to do it as soldiers and heroes? Or as cowards who turned and ran when the chips were down? How do you want your wives and children to remember you? The soldiers start to get uneasy. The general raises his voice. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) This regiment will not end the war in retreat. This regiment will face any armistice - no matter what it is - with head held high. Let's do our duty. Let us honor the memory of this glorious Army and sacrifice ourselves for our country, for today is about nothing less than our being.CONTINUED: 131 131 GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 95. A soft MURMUR from the crowd. Paul doesn't show any reaction, he's long dead inside. Friedrichs wraps up his speech. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) Soldiers. A thoroughbred doesn't give up just before the the finish line and neither will we. We will strike back, with all our might. Latierre belongs in German hands. We will retake the plains by eleven a.m. and end this war with a victory. No one cheers this time. The soldiers stare at their boots, silently. General Fiedrichs adds for emphasis. GENERAL FRIEDRICHS (CONT'D) Go with God, who is with us as he was with our fathers. MAJOR VON BRIXDORF Forward march! Von Brixdorf represses any emotion. The SERGEANTS orders ring out across the square here and there. MEDICS ready stretchers and stash bandages in their knapsacks. A few soldiers stay where they are and drop their weapons. The celebrating soldier among them. He shouts. * CELEBRATING SOLDIER * How many officers will go into battle with us? Will you, General? (to the officers) Or you? Or you? Von Brixdorf silently nods to the MPs, who draw their guns on the MUTINEERS. Friedrichs vanishes in his office. MP Pick up your rifle, Soldier. CELEBRATING SOLDIER * Are you going to join us in the attack? DESERTER No... no. I won't. WHAM! The MPs HIT the deserters and drag them off. Young Walter stays standing, shaking. PAUL Come on. Paul drags him off, with the crowd. His will to live is broken.CONTINUED: (2) 131 131 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 96. SHOTS ring out somewhere in the distance... somewhere, a firing squad eliminates the mutineers. Walter turns around. PAUL (CONT'D) Keep going. Don't look back. Paul grabs his arm. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC MANOR / STUDY - DAY 132 132 At his desk in the study, General Friedrichs ignores the GUNSHOTS from the yard. The dog looks up from the fireplace for a moment, then goes back to sleep. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC SOUP KITCHEN - DAY 133 133 The goulash on the floor in the deserted soup kitchen. Flies circle the dried soup. The place is a mess. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EGUISAC - DAY 134 134 The men stream out of the village, silently trudging through the mud, disappearing in the fog. The OFFICERS and MPs bring up the rear on horseback, rifles shouldered. Ammo being issued from the backs of trucks. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. EDGE OF WOODS OUTSIDE EGUISAC - DAY 135 135 The MPs herd the SOLDIERS out of the fog to the emplacements. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. EGUISAC INFIRMARY - DAY 136 136 Back in Eguisac, the infirmary is deserted. One last NURSE hurries past the WOUNDED MEN. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / EMPLACEMENTS - DAY 137 137 Paul advances amid the rest of the soldiers, until the MP raises his hand on horseback: Halt! MP Company halt! The troops gather at the crest of the hill over the plains, looks down at the thick fog. CLACK. The men wordlessly fix bayonets. CONTINUED: (3) 131 131Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 97. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / TRENCH - DAY 138 138 A FRENCH MAJOR, GRENIER (44) is taking a piss on the latrine and talking to a fellow soldier, also on the latrine. MAJOR GRENIER Va chercher Bernard et Dubois quand tu as fini de chier. Ils collectionnent les médailles dehors. SERGEANT Bernard et Dubois sont morts, monsieur. MAJOR GRENIER ...? Quand? SERGEANT La semaine dernière. Lambert et Fournier sont dehors. MAJOR GRENIER Alors, va les chercher. Grinning, Grenier buttons up his fly, heads along the trench, nodding to a SOLDIER here and there until encountering a Corporal: MOREAU (31). MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Moreau. Ça va? MOREAU Ça va bien, Ms. le majeur. MAJOR GRENIER Vingt minutes, eh? They go their way, when something occurs to Grenier. He turns back and calls Moreau back to him. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Moreau? Venez. J'ai quelque chose à vous montrer MOREAU Quoi? MAJOR GRENIER Surprise. Moreau returns and accompanies him to a shelter. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Attendez. Grenier disappears inside the shelter, comes back a moment later, carrying a bottle of Cognac. He cradles it reverently. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 98. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Ç'était à Lefevre. Cet imbécile gardait pour la fin. Il n'en aura plus besoin. He opens the bottle and sniffs it, then pours. They drink to each other. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Merde, ç'est bon. La fin du cauchemar. Grenier nods and heads off, with a last greeting to Moreau. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Y a plus qu'à survivre, Moreau! He reaches the next SOLDIERS, who hold tin cups out to him. Grenier pours them cognac. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Beau travail, soldat. He goes on, laughing. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / EMPLACEMENTS - DAY 139 139 Next to Paul, a YOUNG SOLDIER checks his watch, trembling... a little photo of his parents in the lid. Paul stares out at the battlefield. PAUL What time is it? YOUNG SOLDIER Fifteen more minutes. Up front, the MP raises his hand -- Ready to attack. Forward march! He wordlessly gets down off his horse, as the soldiers march on down the hill. The sound of FOOTSTEPS and boots in the mud, canteens JANGLE on belts. It's eerily quiet otherwise... The fog swallows every sound. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / TRENCH - DAY 140 140 In the French positions, the SOLDIERS start to relax. Here and there, there's still a few MGs mounted on the edge of the craters. Sand bags are piled up in the gaps of the trench. The soldiers mingle in groups, exchanging stories and cigarettes, laughing and joking, peace just minutes away. Grenier is rolling a cigarette when he passes a squad playing cards.CONTINUED: 138 138 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 99. CARD PLAYER Majeur, soyez pas si avare. Nous avons soif, nous aussi! MAJOR GRENIER C'est le meilleur cognac de votre vie. Grenier fills their cups, emptying the bottle. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Je vais chercher un autre. He tosses the bottle out on to No Man's Land. TRACKING SHOT out onto the battlefield, where LAMBERT and FOURNIER are picking up dead comrades' dog tags. Grenier shouts into the fog. MAJOR GRENIER (O.S.) (CONT'D) Lambert. Fournier! Vous voulez quelque chose à boire? On a du cognac! Fournier shoos off a few birds pecking at a fallen soldier. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / HINTERLAND - DAY 141 141 The SOLDIERS pick up the pace. They break into a run, between craters and blasted tree trunks, past the deserted bunker over to the French lines. Paul is in the middle of it all, stony faced. With his rifle and battle gear, he looks ready for anything. The steps get louder. WHOOSH. WHOOSH. | FIGHT |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / TRENCH - DAY 142 142 Major Grenier stands at a boiling cauldron, tries the soup. MAJOR GRENIER Ç'ést le boeuf des americains...? The cook nods. Grenier keeps going, determined, when he suddenly stops and listens up. A distant sound, like boots in lockstep -- is he imagining things? Grenier slowly climbs up a ladder, peers out into No Man's Land... no sign of his soldiers. He calls out. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Fournier...? Lambert? No answer from the fog.CONTINUED: 140 140 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 100. Grenier returns to a GROUP OF SOLDIERS in the trench. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Avez-vous vu Fournier et Lambert? They shake their heads. He shrugs and keeps going, then he stops again. The SOLDIERS hear it, now, too. The soldiers get up, look around, the sound gets louder: WHOOSH. WHOOSH. Grenier listens into the fog... Suddenly, he realizes: It's an attack. MAJOR GRENIER (CONT'D) Attaque ennemie. Attaque ennemie. Tenez-vous aux armes! Panic breaks out amid the Frenchmen, who rush for their rifles, which they have discarded in their joy. Grenier pulls out his WHISTLE, and we are back at... | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / HINTERLAND - DAY 143 143 Several WHISTLES in the fog. Paul races forward with the infantry, back into the bloodshed he escaped from a few hours ago. No more fear on his face, only resignation in the face of death. An ominous YELL gradually goes up... The men scream like berserkers, a mix of despair and defiance -- no more trace of calm and discipline. The first MG salvo hits the mud. RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / TRENCH - DAY 144 144 The Frenchman are caught off guard. One of them is pulling up his suspenders as they frantically feed the MG ammo belts. Major Grenier blows his WHISTLE. MAJOR GRENIER Tirez! Tirez! Then they see the first GERMAN SOLDIERS emerging from the milkwood, barely a hundred yards away. RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT.CONTINUED: 142 142Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 101. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / HINTERLAND - DAY 145 145 The MG salvos carve through the ranks. Men fall left and right, but Paul is in a tunnel. It's all about survival now, as he runs on and on, his legs aching... The muddy craters are hard to climb. The soldiers keep slipping in the mud, sliding back and starting over. RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT. Fifty yards. The Lieutenant barks an order. LIEUTENANT Ready grenades! The MEN take cover behind a dirt berm. Paul ducks behind a dead horse, whipped by bullets. A few feet on, a soldier stands up to throw, but get shot and then torn apart by his own grenade exploding. Paul ducks in time. A French grenade lands beside him. He grabs it and tosses it back, taking out an MG nest. BOOM! | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE / FRENCH TRENCH - DAY 146 146 Grenier ducks in the trench, while the MG nest and its SOLDIERS are blown sky-high behind him. MAJOR GRENIER Chargez! The flattened trench hardly offers cover to the FRENCH, so they jump out and engage hand to hand. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE / HINTERLAND - DAY 147 147 Behind the dead horse, Paul SHOOTS at the attacking FRENCHMEN, but a few steps later, they appear before them. The SOLDIERS are now fighting hand to hand. Steel on steel. Bayonets hit shattered bone. Into the melee, the apocalypse. Men with breathtaking injuries. Next to Paul, a FELLOW SOLDIER falls in a crater with a FRENCHMAN, while the next one gets his face slashed by a bayonet. Paul struggles forward angrily, stabs an enemy, before he is knocked to the ground by a CORPORAL. Paul loses his rifle in the struggle. He reaches for his helmet and hits his enemy in the face with it until he stops moving. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 102. Paul can barely catch his breath when a FRENCHMAN SHOOTS several GERMAN SOLDIERS at close range. He quickly crawls over to his rifle, while the MARKSMAN takes aim at him. BANG. A RICOCHET hits the Frenchman in the hip. He falls on his behind, dazed, but before he can take aim again, the Paul hits him with a fatal shot. Paul crawls toward the trench. Suddenly, a VOICE in the chaos, SCREAMING. WALTER (O.S.) No! Paul stands over the trench, looks around in all directions. Young Walter hits the ground beneath him. A Frenchman raises his bayonet and wants to stab him, but Paul shoots him in the back. The next ENEMY appears and wants to attack Walter. Paul is out of ammo and jumps down with a SAVAGE SCREAM -- | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / TRENCH - DAY 148 148 WHAM. The man rams Paul's back against the wall. Paul gasps for a moment, breathless, but neither man relents. They tumble across the trench, wrestling, till Paul gets him in a headlock from behind. The man drops his rifle, grabs Paul's arm with both hands to free himself from his grasp. Paul throws his gun away and starts to strangle him... They wrestle. Elbow and knee each other. Tug, choke and punch. A battle of blood and chaos in the mud. The man is strong, tries to hurl Paul over his shoulder, finally manages to trip him up. The two men lose their balance and fall in the mud. The Frenchman lands atop Paul in a puddle at the bottom of the trench. Gasping, he tries to drown him in the mud, presses his fingers in his eyes and mouth. Paul can hardly breathe, almost downing in the puddle. Finally he gets his hand on a rock and HITS the Frenchman on the head. WHAM. Paul takes a moment to catch his breath, then the Frenchman reaches for the pistol in the hand of a dead soldier, half buried in the mud. Paul attacks him with all his might. He SCREAMS and rams his head in the Frenchman's stomach, they both plunge into a bunker head-first.CONTINUED: 147 147Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 103. | FIGHT |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. LATIERRE HILL / BUNKER - DAY 149 149 Paul lands hard on the ground and immediately struggles up again. Suddenly, he finds himself face to faces with his enemy for the first time. Both men gasp for breath. They look at each other for a moment, both ashamed of what they're doing. Then a very young FRENCHMAN (16) charges out of the shadows and rams his bayonet in Paul's back. WHAM. And again. Paul stares down at his chest, incredulous, where the blade sticks out. The Frenchman pulls the bayonet out again. Paul sinks to his knees. A distant WHISTLE from outside... A last look at his opponent, then the Frenchmen turn away and disappear. Paul is alone now. He staggers down the stairs with an effort into the trench. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE HILL / TRENCH - DAY 150 150 Along the front, Officers pass on the cease fire order. WHISTLES across the battlefield. A FRENCH BUGLER plays a tune. MAJOR VON BRIXDORF Cease fire. Cease fire! It's eleven o'clock.MAJOR GRENIER Cêsse-feu! Cêsse-feu! The gunfire instantly stops. An eerie silence. Paul looks up and listens to the silence. He looks at the sky, where the fog wafts by. It's all so bright and white. Finally, he sinks to the ground, drained of energy. Blood gushes out of his wound. He wears Franz's scarf. Paul looks down at it. He slowly opens the knot, to hold it in his hand. His lungs fill with air for one last time. The life slowly drains from his gaze and he just keels over lifelessly. The remains of a front theater poster from last year hang on a shattered wall... a pretty girl in a white dress. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. MANOR / STUDY - DAY 151 151 DONG. DONG. DONG. Back at HQ, the big grandfather clock strikes eleven. General Friedrichs sits at the table, stonily, his elbows on his knees. (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 104. The clock stops striking. It's quiet here now, too. Only the TICK-TOCK of the pendulum. The ashtray on the table with a burnt-out cigarette. The maps. A Bible... General Friedrichs lets his head hang. It's over. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE / TRENCH - DAY 152 152 On the silent battlefield, the dead lie in the mud all along the hilltop. Soldiers crawl from the craters and stagger off, homeward bound. Major Grenier helps a soldier up on his feet and staggers off with him. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. LATIERRE / TRENCH - DAY 153 153 Major von Brixdorf marches along the destroyed trench and picks his way past the corpses. He stops stops before a young man, who's sitting in the dirt, exhausted: Walter. He survived. MAJOR VON BRIXDORF Are you alright, Soldier? WALTER ... Yes, Sir. MAJOR VON BRIXDOR Collect the dog tags, please. The tired Major holds a bag of dog tags out to Walter, who takes them. He weighs them in his hand and looks inside... heavy. The tin rattles in the bag. Walter finally gets up and heads down the trench, bending down to the dead, deadpan, taking their dog tags and putting them in the bag. A soldier sits on the ground, leaning on the trench wall. Walter lifts his head and gapes: It's Paul Bäumer. High school student. 19 years old. His expression is composed, almost serene. He could almost be asleep. But he's dead. Walter kneels down to him and takes his dog tag. He seems to hesitate for a moment. Then he takes the scarf from Paul's hand, ties it around his own neck, and keeps going. He makes his way down the trench. He will always wear the scarf from now on.CONTINUED: 151 151 (CONTINUED)Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 105. FADE TO BLACK. THE END.CONTINUED: 153 153Goldenrod Revision 22.4.2021 106. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. NIGHT. HOUSING PROJECTS -- MOSCOW 11SMASH CUT MOTION -- flat out -- it’s us -- we’re running -- stumbling -- breathing rushed -- blood in the snow...We are JASON BOURNE and we’re running down an alley...Supered below: MOSCOWBLUE LIGHTS -- from the distance -- strobing through the night -- rushing toward us -- POLICE CARS -- three of them -- SIRENS HOWLING as they bear down -- closer -- faster -- until they whip past the alley... Up against the wall -- BOURNE is hidden in the shadows. BOURNE is badly wounded -- shot through the shoulder -- bruises and broken bones from the final car chase in SUPREMACY...With a GROAN, he lifts himself up, staggers across a park toward a PHARMACY... | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. NIGHT. PHARMACY -- MOSCOW44ROWS of MEDICINE and FIRST AID supplies, and in the background, a DOOR being jimmied...It’s BOURNE...The ALARM goes off...MACRO ON -- MEDICINE BOTTLEVICODIN, as BOURNE grabs it...Then PENICILLIN...Then SURGICAL SUPPLIES:Scalpel...Forceps...Sutures...Cotton gauze...Betadine...BOURNE finds a large sink...Rests his gun there...Lays out SURGICAL SUPPLIES...Checks out his back in the mirror...Opens the capsules of penicillin and pours the powder directly into the wound...Begins treating himself... | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. NIGHT. PHARMACY -- MOSCOW55A POLICE CAR pulls up to the curb, lights flashing. One POLICEMAN goes to the jimmied DOOR. SECOND POLICEMAN sees blood and footprints. He motions to his partner to follow... | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. NIGHT. PHARMACY BATHROOM -- MOSCOW66BOURNE finishing up -- splashes water on his face -- he seems a man on a mission. He looks up -- 1 A MIRROR.His face... FLASHBACK -- JUMBLED STREAKY IMAGES:FB1FB1“415†written on a building. DISEMBODIED VOICE (HIRSCH)Welcome to the program...POV Bourne walks down a corridor (corridor #1). | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. NIGHT PHARMACY -- MOSCOW6AA6AAThe cops approaching.FLASHBACK -- JUMBLED STREAKY IMAGES:FB1AFB1ADaniels leading Bourne down the corridor. DISEMBODIED VOICE (V.O.)You’ll be saving American lives. A black sack is thrown over Bourne’s head, then:(STOCK) A torrent of quick shots of Bourne’s kills: the Professor, Jarda, the blonde guy in Paris, Mr. And Mrs. Neski...And finally. BANG -- Marie hit in the head. The car off the bridge. She sinks away dead... | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. NIGHT PHARMACY -- MOSCOW 6A6AThe POLICE enter the back room, guns drawn. POLICEMAN #1Put your hands on your head and turn around slowly!BOURNE snaps out of it, doesn’t move. POLICEMAN #1 (older) approaches him. When BOURNE doesn’t respond to his questions, the POLICEMAN starts forward. BOURNE turns and in one motion grabs his gun from the sink and disables the POLICEMAN. BOURNE freezes POLICEMAN #2 with his gun and a look. BOURNE (in Russian)Give me your gun and radio.POLICEMAN #2’s gun and radio skittle across the floor.2 BOURNE(in Russian)My argument is not with you. BOURNE smashes the radio and takes the gun.BOURNE exits...BLACK SCREEN A TITLE fades in -- THE BOURNE ULTIMATUMSUPER: Six Weeks LaterOMITTED6B6BOMITTED6C6COMITTED6D6DOMITTED6E6EOMITTED6F6FOMITTED6G6GOMITTED6F6FOMITTED6G6G | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. LANGLEY, VA8B8BEstablishing shot -- CIA Headquarters | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. CIA -- DAY8C8CA workman installs a nameplate that reads: Ezra Kramer, Director, CIA. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. KRAMER’S OFFICE -- DAY8C8CKramer listens to a recording with Landy and Cronin. There are unhung pictures and a few other items that indicate he has just moved into this job. 3 Two other senior CIA officials sit in on the meeting. Kramer looks at a file on Bourne and Abbott. BOURNE (V.O.)So we got in the way? Is that why Neski died? Is that why you killed Marie?Kramer glances at a photo of Marie in the file.ABBOTT (V.O.)You killed Marie the minute you climbed into her car. The minute you entered her life she was dead!Kramer looks at Abbott’s official photo.BOURNE (V.O.)I told you people to leave me alone! I fell off the grid. I was half way around the world.ABBOTT (V.O.)There’s no place it won’t catch up to you. It’s how every story ends. It’s what you are, Jason. A killer! You always will be.THUMP!CRONINWe think that’s Bourne hitting him on the head and then--He makes a gun with his hand, i.e. Bourne putting his gun to Abbott’s head.ABBOTT (V.O.)Go ahead! Go on! Do it!BOURNE (V.O.)She wouldn’t want me to. That’s the only reason your alive.The tape clicks off.KRAMERWho’s “she?â€CRONIN puts a picture of MARIE in front of KRAMER.LANDYHis girlfriend, Marie. She was killed in India three weeks ago.Kramer looks down at another image. Abbott dead after his suicide.4 KRAMERA dirty section chief in league with a corrupt Russian Billionaire commits suicide when confronted by Jason Bourne. You couldn’t make this stuff up. (holds up the photo of Abbot dead)You watched this happen?Landy nods. Kramer shakes his head in disgust at the whole situation. KRAMERBourne’s last confirmed location is Moscow, three days ago? LANDYRight.KRAMERSo what does he do now?LANDYI think he’s looking for something he hasn’t found. KRAMERLike what? What’s he after?LANDYI’m not sure. Maybe he hasn’t gotten his memory back yet. Not all of it. A look from Kramer... KRAMERPam, what I need to know is, what kind of a threat is he to us?LANDYIf he just wanted to hurt us he could have sent this tape to CNN. KRAMERMaybe he still will. Maybe he gave it to you because he wants to throw you in the opposite direction of his real plan. I don’t know. I just know my number one rule is “the only way to stay safe is to assume the worst.†As far as I’m concerned Bourne is a serious threat until proven otherwise. 5 OMITTED8D8DOMITTED8E8EOMITTED8F8FOMITTED8G8GOMITTED14A14A | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. TURIN, ITALY - ESTABLISHING SHOT14AA14AASUPER: TURIN, ITALY | SENTI |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. ITALIAN CAFE BACKROOM -- TURINR15R15ROSS interviews DANIELS, a TAPE RECORDER on the table between them. ROSS shows DANIELS some of the evidence he’s assembled...WANTED POSTERS of JASON BOURNE.ROSS(with poster)...This one’s three years ago -- had half of Interpol after him -- disappeared...Turned up in Naples -- Berlin -- Moscow -- disappeared again...(Daniels says nothing)The girl he was on he run with -- Marie Kreutz -- she turned up dead halfway around the world, from a sniper’s bullet...(beat)What connects the dots? Is it Treadstone?DANIELSTurn off that tape recorder.OMITTED15A15AOMITTED15B15B | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. MARTIN’S APARTMENT -- PARIS2424The charm of old Paris captured in the workings of an elevator operating in a wrought-iron shaft...6 A WORK TABLE, covered with sheet music, music paper, pencils. And, sitting on the upright piano against the wall, a framed PHOTO of MARIE...A KNOCK on a door beautifully, heavily lacquered with centuries of pa | ROMANCE |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | int...MARTIN KREUTZ, late 20s, opens the door and finds BOURNE. A long look between them -- like two lost brothers who recognize each other -- each has been waiting for this moment for a long time. | ROMANCE |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. CONTINUOUS. MARTIN’S APARTMENTMartin looks out the window.MARTINWhere is my sister?BOURNEShe’s dead. She was killed. MARTINI knew it was going to end this way. It was always going to end this way...BOURNEI didn’t believe that.MARTIN Why did she die?BOURNEShe was shot. A man came for me.MARTINAnd then you killed him.Bourne nods.MARTINNow what? BOURNESomeone started all this...and I’m going to find them.Bourne looks at him for a beat and leaves. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. SUBWAY -- DAYBourne climbs the stairs. Bourne rounds a corner and stops, sees a bodyguard at a door up the street hail a car then go back inside. 7 Bourne walks up to the door, the bodyguard comes out again. Bourne knocks him aside. Grabs the man behind him, ELLATRACHE.BOURNE(in French)Who started Treadstone?The bodyguard comes back, gun out--ELLATRACHE(in French, to bodyguard)It’s OK!(in French, to Bourne)They’re still looking for you. You are taking a big risk coming here.Bourne shoves him against the wall, hard.BOURNE(in French)Just tell me what I want to know!ELLATRACHE(in French)I just provided them weapons. I don’t know who started--BOURNE(in French)You know something. Tell me where to start looking.ELLATRACHE(in French)There’s a journalist in London. Simon Ross. He seems to know a lot about you. He has a source inside the program. Someone there from the beginning. What should I tell them if they contact me?BOURNE (in English) They give me the name I want, or I burn their entire house down to get it. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. HEATHROW AIRPORT -- LONDON1616ROSS hurries to catch a TAXI as he talks on his cell phone. 8 ROSS...This is big -- a skein of lies -- you pull at it and it just keeps coming -- I’ll fill you in when I get home. And it’s not finished, either.(beat)They’re calling it ‘Blackbriar’.Follow this SEQUENCE as... | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. CIA SUBSTATION -- LONDON1717A LISTENING STATION in England scoops up MILLIONS of CELL PHONE CALLS...Sifts through BILLIONS of words...One word EMERGES from the CHATTER...BLACKBRIARA TECHNICIAN sends the data to NSA back in the States...Where another COMPUTER gathers up the rest of the phone call...As we listen...TECH#3“Blackbriar†echelon hit.NSA, please confirm receipt. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. CIA HEADQUARTERS -- LANGLEYR18R18And there in the CRI HUB, another TECHNICIAN receives the DATA. Stops SUPERVISOR and reports.TECHNICIAN #1Sir, we intercepted a call from London, keyword “Blackbriar.â€SUPERVISOROkay, send it to CRI right now. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. THE SKYLINE -- NEW YORK CITY25D25DNOAH VOSEN, deft and confident, arrives at CRI Headquarters. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. CRI OFFICES -- NEW YORK CITY25E25EAs VOSEN steps out of the elevator and into his office, he is met by his #2, WILLS. WILLSWe tracked the phone. Registered to a London reporter named Simon Ross. He works at the Guardian newspaper.9 They enter a hallway through double doors towards the HUB. VOSENYou tracking him?As they pass through, colleague hands WILLS a file.WILLSYeah, thanks Mike. We have a survey team covering him at work...and a sneak and peek’s on their way to his apartment.VOSENWell, who talked to him? How did he find out about Blackbriar?WILLSWe don’t know, we pulled his background and ran a cross check on any known anomalies, but we’ve come up with nothing. But, I think if we follow Ross, we are going to be able...VOSENRight. Ross is easy. I want the source. They enter the HUB. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. GARE DU NORD -- PARIS2626BOURNE buys a newspaper, enters the station and gets on the EUROSTAR. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. CRI DATA ROOM (was 25E)26A26AVOSEN and WILLIS listen to the phone call.ROSS (VOICEOVER)Have you heard of an Operation Blackbriar? I’m going to try and get my head around this, see you first thing.VOSEN turns.VOSENIs that all?WILLSYeah.10 VOSENI want rendition protocols and I want the asset put on standby, just in case. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY -- CRI HUB 26B26BVOSEN steps out from DATA ROOM...addresses the HUB.VOSENPeople, listen up, this is a full priority situationWILLSJimmy, give me Ross’s profile on one.(points at the big screen on the wall)ROSS’S information come up on the center screen.VOSEN Our target is a British national, Simon Ross, a reporter. I want all his phones, his blackberry, his apartment, his car, bank accounts, credit cards, travel patterns...I want to know what he’s going to think before he does. Every dirty little secret he has. And most of all, we want the name and real time location of his source. This is NSA priority level 4, any questions?No response from the HUB.VOSEN (CONT’D)All right, let’s get to it. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. EUROSTAR -- ENGLAND26C26CThe EUROSTAR winds it’s way to London. | SONG |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. EUROSTAR26D26DBOURNE reads The Guardian. He sees an article written by Simon Ross. Title: â€RENEGADE ASSASSIN LOSE IN EUROPEâ€. It mentions BOURNE. There is a photo of Marie--FLASHBACK FB2FB211 Marie smiles at him. Marie shot. Marie fades into the depths, dead. Bourne burns Marie’s stuff | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. EUROSTAR26D26DBOURNE comes out of the flashback. He is still carrying the pain of her lossBourne finds Ross’s name on the masthead, then goes to the name just below it in the news department. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY GUARDIAN NEWSPAPER -- LONDON2929Ross crosses a busy London street -- heads to Guardian office building. A CRI TEAM watches from a parked car. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY -- CRI HUB35H35HTECH #1 watches the data arrive.TECH#1Copy that. Mr. Vosen, subject is entering his office.VOSEN watches the feed.VOSENWhere’s my picture please?TECH#2Coming online...Online...Now.A surveillance picture flashes onscreen -- ROSS works in his office. HUB chatter about ROSS phone.TECH#3Take an hour to get his phone...VOSENThat’s too long.Off VOSEN. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. GUARDIAN EDITOR OFFICE -- LONDONR34R34ROSS reports to his EDITOR.EDITORSo how do we know he’s not spinning for someone?ROSSThere’s more. He was scared.12 EDITORScared of what?ROSSBlackbriar.A REPORTER sticks her head in.REPORTERSorry, a call for you.ROSSWho is it?REPORTERWon’t give hie name.ROSS leaves to pick up the call. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. CONTINUOUS. GUARDIAN -- NEWSROOM 35Y35YROSS crosses the busy newsroom...REPORTERHe’s on my line...ROSS picks up the phone.Ross (CONT’D)Simon Ross. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. CRI HUB -- NEW YORK CITY35H35HVOSEN watches as ROSS takes phone call.VOSENWhy aren’t we hearing this?WILLSThat’s a hard line, Jimmy, why don’t we have it?JIMMYWe have his line, sir, but he’s not on it.WILLS looks confused. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY GUARDIAN -- NEWSROOM35Y35YROSS listens.BOURNE (V.O.)Waterloo Station, south entrance, thirty minutes.13 ROSSWho is this?BOURNE (V.O.)This is Jason Bourne. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY -- EUROSTAR TRAVELING 35Z35ZBourne You want to talk to me. Come alone.BOURNE hangs up. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. GUARDIAN -- NEWSROOM35Y35YROSS looks bewildered -- hangs up the phone -- gathers his stuff -- puts his notebook in his pocket and leaves. SURVEY ONE (V.O.)Are you getting an image?VOSEN35H35HWhere’s he going?WILLSOkay, he is on the move. Target is mobile.The HUB reacts. .WILLSOkay, people, look sharp, give me eyeballs on the street. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. BUILDING -- ACROSS FROM GUARDIAN3636SURVEY ONE has panned down to the entrance of the GUARDIAN building. Because ROSS is on the move... SURVEY ONESubject is on the move. Go mobile One and Two. WILLSWhere’s that audio on the street? I want to know where he’s going... | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. CONTINUOUS. LONDON STREET36A36AROSS hails a BLACK TAXI. The SILVER VAN pulls out behind him...14 | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. NEW YORK HUB35H35HVOSEN watches as the feed from the SILVER VAN comes through.MOBILE 2(over radio)We have the subject confirmed.VOSENWhere is he heading?MOBILE 2Waterloo Station. | THRILL |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. WATERLOO STATION -- LONDON 3737BOURNE arrives on the EUROSTAR. Enters the station. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. CONTINUOUS. STREET3838As the taxi moves away, the SILVER VAN pulls out behind it.A CYCLE COURIER momentarily blocks its path. Looking in on ROSS sifting through documents in the back seat.HUB (V.O.)Stand by at Waterloo... | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. WATERLOO STATION -- LONDON 3939BOURNE moving toward the rendezvous...INT/ | ROMANCE |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. BLACK CAB -- YORK ROAD6363ROSS pays the DRIVER, exits. Checks his watch. Looks around. Isn’t sure what his next move is-- | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | INT. DAY. CRI HUB 64H64HTECHNICIANS searching for ROSS on the busy street. TECHNICIAN #2Mobile One -- give us eyes on the subject.15 | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. YORK ROAD -- LONDON 6363MOBILE ONE-- two people from the van-- take up a position in an open stairwell three floors up. They focus a camera down on Ross. | DRAMA |
Classify the following scene text into a genre. The possible genres are SONG, FIGHT, ROMANCE, TWIST, DRAMA, COMEDY, SENTI, FLASHBACK, THRILL, NOTHING. No need of explanation | EXT. DAY. ENTRANCE -- WATERLOO STATION 63A63ABOURNE buys a cell phone. Activates the SIM card on the new phone. Dumps the pay-as-you-go package in a bin. Rounds a corner. Out of sight.OMITTED63B63B | COMEDY |
Subsets and Splits