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09:00Participant Registration09:30Welcome and Keynote Speech10:00Introduction UNESCO-UNICEF Ms. Anna Lucia D’Emilio, Regional Education Advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean. Mr. Jorge Sequeira, Director of UNESCO, Regional Education Office in Santiago (TBC).10:30Coffee Break10:45Session 1: Understanding quality in education for equity and inclusion Quality/Equity of education from the UNICEF perspective11:30 The OREALC/UNESCO Santiago conceptualization of quality of education13:00Lunch14:30Session 2: Assessing quality and equity Remarks on the relationship between the quality of education and assessment Moritz Bilagher, technical Coordinator. Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE) , OREALC/UNESCO Santiago15:15Coffee Break15:30 Quality of education assessment from a broader perspective: The Argentinian Experience. Elena Duro, UNICEF Argentina16:15 Fundamentals needed to create a multinational system of assessment of education quality in Bolivia. Observatorio Plurinacional de la Calidad Educativa (OPCE), Bolivia17:00Closing Remarks 09:00Session 2: Assessing quality and equity The Chilean Experience. Juan Bravo. Moderated by Moritz Bilagher09:30Session 2: Assessing quality and equity The colombian experience. Julián Mariño. Moderated by Moritz Bilagher.10:00Coffee Break10:15 What do international assessments show us about the quality of education in Latin America and the Caribbean? Jorge Manzi. Moderated by Moritz Bilagher10:45 The utility of international assessments and their application in the design of national public policies in education. Gilbert Valverde. Moderated by Moritz Bilagher11:15 Debate. Moderated by Moritz Bilagher11:45 Assessment of learning outcomes of indigenous learners in Latin America. Ernesto Treviño.13:00Lunch14:30Session 3: Reporting on equity and inclusion Challenges for equitable education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Martín Hopenhayn, Director, Social Development Division (ECLAC)15:15Session 3: Reporting on equity and inclusion Quality/Equity of education in Brazil. Paula Louzano: Researcher, Lemann Foundatio16:00Coffee Break16:15Session 3: Reporting on equity and inclusion The intersection between quality, equity and education assessment within a minority framework: “The Caribbean Dimension”. Heidi Mirza, Emeritus Professor of Equality Studies in Education, Institute of Education, University of London17:00Debate17:30Closing Remarks 09:00Session 4: Re-thinking systems of educational evaluation to improve quality and equity14:30Session 5: Full plenary session Presentations by group leaders of results from group discussions16:00Coffee Break
Hewlett-Packard Co. has filed a lawsuit against a former executive over allegations he took trade secrets with him when he went to work for rival Oracle Corp. The case against Adrian Jones, who was a senior vice president in HP's server, storage and networking division in Asia, shows the growing rancor between the Silicon Valley technology titans. HP's and Oracle's decades-long partnership is being strained by growing competition between the companies. HP said Jones resigned Feb. 16, before he was about to be fired for allegedly violating HP's standards. He is accused in the lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday, of failing to disclose a "close personal relationship" with a subordinate, and of submitting thousands of dollars in expenses for visiting the subordinate that didn't have a legitimate business purpose. HP says Jones downloaded hundreds of files and thousands of emails detailing HP's secrets before he quit. The company, based in Palo Alto, said the lawsuit "seeks to prevent Jones from using the theft of confidential HP documents to place HP in an unfair competitive disadvantage." A phone number for Jones could not immediately be located. The HP-Oracle rivalry kicked off with Oracle's $7.3 billion acquisition last year of Sun Microsystems, a server computer seller that competes with HP. It ratcheted up with Oracle CEO Larry Ellison's ridiculing of HP's board in the fall for firing his friend and HP CEO Mark Hurd over inaccurate expense reports. It continued with Oracle targeting Hurd's replacement, Leo Apotheker, in a separate court case involving the theft of trade secrets and his former employer, SAP AG.
Investigators believe Smith is suffering from a "critical mental health situation," and said today that their concern for his welfare has increased. His car, a 1986 Jaguar XJS sedan, was found overnight downtown, said Lt. Robert King, another police spokesman. Police said Smith was probably wearing a red baseball cap, sweatshirt and white skinny jeans with thin black vertical stripes. Investigators ask anyone who sees Smith or knows of his whereabouts to call 9-1-1. -- Kate Mather
Planning and conservation › Managing garbage and recycling Wondering where the garbage for 1.5 million people goes? Find out how Metro guides the region’s garbage and recycling systems and works to reduce waste. The Solid Waste Roadmap is a multi-year effort to evaluate and determine the best approaches for Metro to dispose of the region's garbage after 2019. It provides an opportunity to have extensive and thoughtful discussions about the best ways we can manage our garbage in the future. Learn more In September 2008, the Metro Council adopted a new program to increase business recycling in the region...More Learn about the region's disposal system, its history, as well as plans for its future. Download reports about regional transfer capacity, wet waste allocation, landfill history, the impact of self-haul customers and more...More The Regional Solid Waste Management Plan (RSWMP) is a long-range plan that provides a framework for coordinating solid waste and recycling programs in the region...More Metro is responsible for planning and managing the recycling and disposal of solid waste generated in the region...More Statistics about waste that is recycled and landfilled from the metro region. This data is collected annually by Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.In 2005 58.6 percent of the waste generated in the Metro region was recovered or prevented (up from 57 percent in 2004). The metro region has a recovery goal of 64 percent by 2009...More Learn about the history and restoration of the St. Johns Landfill located on the North Portland Peninsula near the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette rivers...More Learn more about the issues facing waste reduction in the region with these studies and proposals...More Metro Council directed staff to assess the processes and practices that Metro uses for setting solid waste disposal rates at its two transfer stations. Read about the findings and recommendations...More The Metro Solid Waste Advisory Committee develops policy options for the Metro Council that reduce the amount and toxicity of waste generated and disposed by the region, and enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of the region's solid waste system.
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A collection of news and information related to Rory Calhoun published by this site and its partners. Displaying items 1-3 of 3 » View OrlandoSentinel.com items only Piper Laurie has been reflecting on her career of late, a career that has careened from B-movie "bimbo" roles to Oscar nominations — not to mention that bag full of condoms she once scored as a budding starlet. Though she was painfully shy,... Tags: Piper Laurie, Paul Newman, Brian de Palma, Movies, Tony Curtis Ken Orsatti Former leader of Screen Actors Guild Ken Orsatti, 78, who led the Screen Actors Guild as its national executive director from 1981 to 2000, died Tuesday at a West Hills hospital of pulmonary disease, the guild announced. As the union's... Show TrackerClick here to download TV listings for the week of June 27 - July 3 in PDF format This week's TV Movies Weekly TV Listings can also be downloaded here POINT OF CONTENTION: Ashley Judd and Samuel L. Jackson star...... Sep 29, 2010 |Story| Los Angeles Times Sep 2, 2010 |Story| Los Angeles Times Jun 30, 2010 | Los Angeles Times Original site for Rory Calhoun topic gallery.
by Fr. Jonathan Hemmings Gen. 1:3, 4, 31: "And God said "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; … and God saw everything that he had made, and behold it was very good." God's creation is good and beautiful. Yet Adam in his disobedience and pride damaged this perfect world and marred his God-given image. Creation fell with Adam and the apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans writes (8:28): "For we know that the whole creation groans and labours with birth pangs together until now." The "groaning" is a yearning or desire for transformation to be eternally in harmony with God's rule as it was in the beginning before the Fall. Yet, creation has not totally lost the beauty the Creator bestowed upon the world. Whenever man responds to the grace of God there is a re-creation and that initial relationship is restored. For man is essentially a eucharistic creature and his soul longs for the life giving waters of God to quench his thirsty soul. The soul is at peace when it worships and gives glory to its Creator. Reflecting the light of God is the true nature and purpose of man and is at the heart of what we mean by "glory." One hears of the monks of the Holy Mountain of Athos purifying the very air they breathe with their unceasing practice of the Jesus prayer and playing with the animals who come to the monks in trust and friendship in order to be fed. Staretz Amvrosii, a renowned ascetic of the Russian Church tells this story:- "A certain devout Christian had a myna bird in his house, which he was teaching to speak. The bird also learned the words " Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me," which the Christian repeated often. One summer day the bird found the window open and flew out into the street. Then a hawk saw it from on high and rushed towards it. The bird surprised by the attack, instead of another cry, cried out the prayer and the hawk-a wonderful thing! — pulled back at once as if someone was chasing it away." "What do we notice here?" the staretz asked. "That even if the Jesus prayer is said unconsciously it has results and makes possible the impossible." So we see that Divine Grace is attracted by prayer and operates not only upon the soul but all creation. The presence of the All Holy Spirit fills man with a yearning for His Creator and creation. He restores the immortal language of love divided at Babel; He brings a compassion and a broadening of the heart for all nature; He encourages in man an embrace for that stewardship that God intended for His image-endowed creatures. Such an opening of our heart to the Paraklete fills our senses with the beauty God has given to His world. Luke 12:27: "Consider the lilies how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." Even the flowers of the field give glory to their Creator. We too should immitate this glory by our simplicity, humility and generosity of spirit. Our obedience to the Divine Will makes us beautiful for God. Illustration 1: There once was an old man whose hard life had made him bitter, resentful, mean and consequently isolated. Some new neighbours moved into the next door flat and bought him a beautiful bunch of flowers. This kind gesture touched the old man's heart and he said to himself: "I must go and buy a vase in which to display these lovely flowers." So he did. He put the vase of flowers on the window sill and he noticed how shabby the curtains were. so without delay he went and bought some new ones. Soon he was buying carpets, repairing furniture, painting the walls and decided to invite his new neighbours around for a meal. That one beautiful gesture became not only a critic on his dismal surroundings but a catalyst that changed his whole attitude to life. It is important to try to do something beautiful for God every day of our lives for Our Lord Jesus Christ is the most beautiful gift to us and He transforms lives. Illustration 2: A mother visiting her son away at college was saddened at seeing some rude posters on his bedroom wall but instead of criticizing her son she left an Icon of the Theotokos and an Icon of the Saviour in his room. The next time she visited him the posters were gone and had been replaced by the Holy Icons. When Christ enters into our lives the beauty of His presence makes us ashamed of our sins and moves us to repentance. Christ's presence makes our lives more beautiful and good. The fragrance of His grace lingers like incense making our lives holier. Why don't you buy some flowers for someone today and see what happens! Their face will light up with joy and their smile will be a wonderful testimony to the truth that we are indeed eucharistic creatures reflecting the beauty of Our Creator. "Come Lord Jesus Christ enter my life today and make it beautiful. Glory to You O Lord Glory to You. Amen." PUBLICATIONS BY ORI
LAKE CHARLES, La. - Senior defender Lauren Parks scored the lone goal on Friday afternoon for the Oral Roberts women's soccer team, as the Golden Eagles' season came in an end in the Southland Conference tournament semifinals. Faced with the task of taking on the conference's top team, the Golden Eagles fell to Stephen F. Austin, 2-1. The Ladyjacks move on to Sunday's championship versus the winner of Friday's late game between Southeastern Louisiana and Lamar. The Golden Eagles, who finished in fifth in the Southland standings with a 4-4 record, dropped its overall record to 12-7-2. The 12 victories are the most by a Golden Eagle squad since the 2004 season. Parks, a native of Edmond, Okla., netted the goal in her final collegiate match, putting a rebound into the back of the net in the 52nd minute. Park goal was her second of the season. Unfortunately, the goal came with the Golden Eagles already in a two goal hole to the Ladyjacks, who won the regular season contest between the two squads, 5-0. In the 11th minute of the contest, Chelsea Raymond took a pass from Zuri Prince from the opening goal, while Kylie Louw found Laura Sadler in the 37th minute. Freshman keeper Maddie Rhodes entered the contest shortly after the first goal of the match, and held the conference's best offense to just one more goal. She recorded five saves in the match, while the loss was credited to sophomore Helen Erb who started the contest. Mary-Kate Halsmer ended the match who two shots, one of which was on goal, and Ashley Martin added a shot on a free kick in the first half. The Ladyjacks controlled the much of the match, outshooting the Golden Eagles, 16-4.
The Centre adheres to the OSCE approach to security covering politico-military, economic-environmental and human aspects with special emphasis on regional co-operation. The Centre facilitates contacts and promotes information exchange with the Chairman-in-Office, other OSCE Institutions and OSCE participating States. The Centre also co-operates with international and local organizations and institutions. The Centre develops and implements programmes to share OSCE values and expertise and facilitates the participation of governmental and non-governmental organizations in OSCE events abroad. The current Acting Head of the Centre is Ambassador Ivo Petrov. Further information on mandates, staffing levels and budgets can be found in the annual Survey of OSCE Field Operations.
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Posted on 06 June 2012 by Keith Lacey Town of Osoyoos councillors are excited about two new water-based businesses that will be offered on Osoyoos Lake out of the town’s new marina, including a water taxi service and a boat rental company. Council voted Monday to allow Jordy Hubert, owner of Osoyoos Marine, to use three out of the four commercial marina slips up for grabs, while the fourth slip will go to Randy Gallagher of Penticton, owner of Penticton Boat Rentals, who has proposed to operate a water taxi on Osoyoos Lake. The last time a water taxi was operated on Osoyoos Lake was in the mid-1990s, said Mayor Stu Wells, and it was a profitable business that had a lot of customers. “They used to bring people from Gyro Beach to Nk’Mip and take people under the bridge and to various places on the lake,” he said. “It was successful.” Steve Shannon, a community planner for the Town of Osoyoos, said Gallagher’s proposal included a provision he would purchase a new watercraft if he was granted a marina slip and staff will make sure the new boat he purchases to run the water taxi business fits all of the criteria in the town’s Marine Moorage License Agreement. “He is prepared to provide that service (water taxi) if he gets a slip … he doesn’t have the boat yet, but said he will buy one if he gets a slip,” said Shannon. A proposal to have anyone renting a boat from Hubert’s boat rental business have to possess a pleasure craft operator’s license was discussed, but eventually turned down by members of council. Several other private boat rental companies in town don’t have that kind of provision, so it would be unfair to have Hubert’s business singled out just because he’s running his boat rental business out of the town marina, said Mayor Stu Wells. “It really does create the perception of unfairness if we’re the only ones doing it,” said Wells. “When you look at these boating safety certificates, it doesn’t actually have anything to do with the actual operation of a boat … it has to do with what I would call rules of the road, with things like avoiding sail boats and coming in and out of harbor.” Coun. C.J. Rhodes agreed saying there are no other regulations in place for other boat rental businesses in town when it comes to having operators having to have a pleasure craft operator’s license, so it would be unfair to place restrictions on the boat rental business Hubert will operate out of the marina. “I would have a problem putting something in front of a free enterprise system,” he said. “I don’t want to place any obstacles in front of free enterprise.” Other private operators renting boats should not have any unfair advantage over Burton’s new business, said Wells. “There is quite a lot of competition out there (boat rentals) and I think we have to make sure that everyone is on a level playing field,” said Wells. Coun. Sue McKortoff said she’s hopeful the water taxi and boat rental businesses will be so successful, they will consider hiring a staff member to ensure the flow of traffic into and out of the marina. Several members of council said they will review what has worked and what didn’t work in terms of operating the marina in 2012 and will make any necessary changes moving forward. A resort community like Osoyoos needs small businesses like boat rentals and a water taxi and he’s glad council is doing its best to ensure these businesses can succeed, while ensuring visitors will be safe on the water, said Wells. Shannon said once Gallagher purchases a watercraft to start his water taxi business, the boat will have to meet numerous regulations that will be detailed to him before he can start up the business. Wells said considering so much of the tourist industry in town focuses around Osoyoos Lake, he’s very confident the two new businesses are going to be a great success once they’re up and running. “We have landed two new businesses in town and that’s pretty exciting,” said Wells. “May they prosper and do well.” It’s up to the boat rental companies to ensure all renters have appropriate accreditation when renting a boat as well as ensuring they complete the information session and sign all necessary waivers. Staff didn’t know what kind of watercraft Gallagher will be looking to purchase to operate the new water taxi service. Both businesses will be free to start their business ventures once they pay the $2,000 fee. The new water taxi business won’t be open for several weeks until Gallagher buys a boat.
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OSTI Mission: Advancing science and sustaining technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to Department of Energy (DOE) researchers and the public Are MARC Records for full-text DOE STI reports available? Of course! OSTI MARC Records are available at no cost for libraries that seek to enhance their online catalogs with records for full-text DOE scientific and technical reports contained in the Information Bridge. These reports cover a wide range of scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, materials, biology, environmental sciences, energy technologies, engineering, computer and information science, renewable energy, and other topics of interest related to the DOE mission. The Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) plays an integral role in ensuring transparency and access to the results of the Department of Energy’s scientific efforts – and such transparency and access help assure DOE’s scientific integrity, according to a policy statement recently issued by Secretary of Energy Steven Chu. “In December 2010,” Secretary Chu wrote in a May 11, 2012, memo to DOE employees, “the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) at the White House issued a memorandum asking all agencies to establish a scientific integrity policy. In response to this call, I recently signed the Secretarial Policy Statement on Scientific Integrity for the Department of Energy applicable to all DOE Federal employees. This policy builds on the Department’s existing policies and best practices to support a culture of scientific integrity.” “Science and technology are the foundation of all Department of Energy activities…,” the Secretarial Policy Statement on Scientific Integrity opens. “The Department’s mission relies on objective, reliable, accurate, and accessible scientific and technical information.” And OSTI, which fulfills the agency's responsibilities to collect, preserve and disseminate scientific and technical information emanating from the Department’s research and development activities, contributes to scientific integrity in vital ways. “DOE will facilitate the free flow of scientific and technological information,” the policy statement provides, “consistent with standards for treatment of classified, sensitive, private, and proprietary information. Transparency and accessibility of scientific and technological information support the continued advancement of a sound science and technology base to help guide and inform the nation’s critical public policy decisions; advance the national, economic and energy security of the U.S.; facilitate the accomplishment of DOE mission objectives; and maximize the public value of such efforts.” The Secretarial Policy Statement on Scientific Integrity also indicates that, “[c]onsistent with the Administration’s Open Government Initiative, the Department will use its website and the resources of its Office of Scientific and Technical Information to help make its research findings more widely available to the public.” OSTI provides access to scientific and technical information using web-based searchable databases, offering ever-expanding sources of R&D information to DOE, the research community and the science-attentive public. The databases offer search simplicity as well as advanced capabilities, such as customized alerts, results displayed in relevance ranked order and downloadable search results for a broad array of scientific information related to DOE missions. OSTI’s DOE collection, Science Accelerator, searches 11 key DOE resources, including the results of DOE’s R&D projects and programs, major R&D accomplishments, DOE patents, and recent research and scientific videos of interest to DOE. OSTI works with DOE program offices, field offices, national labs, and grantees to acquire the scientific and technical information from departmental R&D. Through OSTI web products, these R&D results are accessed nearly 300 million times annually. Secretary Chu’s policy statement is posted on the “Scientific Integrity” page of the White House OSTP website. A mobile application developed and hosted by the Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) has been honored by two leading information-technology publications. Both Information Week and Government Computer News recently published top-10 lists of government mobile applications, and OSTI's mobile app for the Science.gov website that we created and host on behalf of the Science.gov Alliance made both lists. What's more, the Science.gov mobile application was the only interagency mobile app to appear on both of the publications' top-10 lists. Science.gov, launched in 2002 and now in its fifth generation, is a gateway to U.S. government information and R&D results. With a single query, Science.gov searches more than 50 scientific databases and 200 million pages of science information and accesses an index of more than 2,100 scientific websites. Science.gov is a portal to content provided by 17 organizations in 13 federal science agencies, including OSTI's DOE science resources and R&D collections. We introduced Science.gov Mobile in September 2011. The June 15, 2012, issue of Information Week included a look at federal agencies' newest mobile offerings and named the mobile version of the Science.gov website as one of “10 Handy Mobile Apps from Uncle Sam”. “On-the-go science buffs,” Information Week reported, “can now access that data trove via a mobile version of the [Science.gov] website or a downloadable Android app. Users can get Wikipedia and EurekAlert [science news] results related to their searches.” A week later, the June 22, 2012, issue of Government Computer News released its list of “The 10 best federal mobile apps”, and that list likewise featured the Science.gov mobile application. “Billed as a tool to help kids with homework,” Government Computer News said, “[Science.gov Mobile] is actually a surprisingly powerful search engine that checks science data from 13 federal agencies going back to 1990. So if you have a science-related question, there is a good chance that someone in government has asked the same thing at some point, and probably commissioned a study to get the answer. Having access to all that data is a lot better than having it sit unused in some dusty file cabinet. It could probably even be a boon to researchers to keep them from duplicating research, and it will certainly help your kids get an A on their science papers.” OSTI and the Science.gov Alliance are heartened by Information Week’s and Government Computer News’ write-ups about the Science.gov mobile application, and we certainly hope more and more people will take advantage of the service. Science.gov and its mobile app are major contributions to “open” and “digital” government. OSTI takes its mission very seriously. We work hard to advance science and sustain technological creativity by making R&D findings available and useful to DOE researchers and the public. And to accomplish our mission, we do our best to provide an array of web tools and capabilities designed to deliver science information to desktops, tablets and mobile phones everywhere. So it is gratifying to see these tools recognized for their utility, ease of use, and ingenuity. For more than 60 years, OSTI has been a pioneer in open government. Our latest contributions to making scientific and technical information accessible have been recognized in the Department of Energy’s Open Government Plan 2.0 On January 21, 2009, his first full day in office, President Obama signed the Memorandum of Transparency and Open Government, which called for "an unprecedented level of openness in government." Agencies subsequently were directed by the Office of Management and Budget to prepare open government plans that would serve "to ensure the public trust and establish a system of transparency, public participation and collaboration" throughout the Federal Government. DOE's initial Open Government Plan was published in the spring of 2010. On April 9, 2012, DOE published its Open Government Plan 2.0, with an introduction by Secretary Chu. The new plan focuses on collaboration and lists six new initiatives that DOE has undertaken since the initial plan. One of the featured new initiatives is OSTI's ScienceCinema (see pages 19-20), which we launched in February 2011 and allows users to quickly find videos produced by the DOE National Labs and other DOE research facilities, as well as CERN. The DOE Open Government Plan 2.0 also includes updates on OSTI’s products and services that were listed in the initial plan. The mentions include Green Energy Portal, ScienceEducation.gov, and our contributions to Data.gov and transparency, including Science Accelerator, data sets, the National Library of Energy concept, Multilingual WorldWideScience.org, and Science.gov. OSTI is proud that the DOE Open Government Plan 2.0 recognizes several of our ongoing and planned products and services. We are committed to sustaining OSTI's legacy of serving the principles of transparency, participation and collaboration. Scientific and Technical Information ... see STI defined. DOE Order 241.1B [194-KB PDF] details the responsibilities of OSTI and other DOE elements for managing scientific and technical information. The 2012 Department of Energy (DOE) Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP) Working Meeting, Embracing the Future, was held in Augusta, GA., April 18-19. Within the DOE Office of Science, OSTI has the responsibility for coordinating STI activities and for leading a collaborative effort to a distributed STI environment. To that end, OSTI and designated representatives from the Headquarters Programs, Field Offices, National Laboratories, and facility contractors who are STI program stakeholders work together to facilitate access to STI and identify best practices, as well as objectives and goals. Each year our office organizes a meeting of these STI stakeholders. In addition to the two-day STIP Working Meeting, representatives particpated in STIP orientation sessions and DOE Only and DOE Contractor Only meetings. The 2012 STIP Working Meeting was hosted by Kevin Schmidt, STI manager for Savannah River National Laboratory, and Debbie Caver, Technical Information Officer (TIO) for Savannah River Operations Office. The meeting was attended by STI Managers and reps from DOE laboratories and facilities across the country. Speakers included Dr. Jeffrey Salmon, Deputy Director for Resource Management in the DOE Office of Science; Dr. Walt Warnick, OSTI Director; Mark Martin, OSTI Assistant Director for Program Integration; and Judy Gilmore, OSTI STIP Liaison, as well as STI Managers from across the complex and technical experts from Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Savannah River National Laboratory. Dr. Walt Warnick, Director of the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) in the Department of Energy Office of Science, embraces the opportunities offered by the web to accelerate the spread of knowledge about science and technology. To this end, he has championed aggressive efforts to capitalize on technological advances to develop and provide state-of-the art products and services for sharing knowledge. Dr. Warnick and his colleagues continuously work to further advance web search technology. Dr. Warnick is an elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) "for leadership in the federal scientific information community and for contributions to the conceptualization, development, and implementation of innovative programs that significantly advance access to government information." He earned his Ph.D. and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maryland and his Bachelor of Engineering Science from The Johns Hopkins University. OSTI is the DOE office that collects, preserves, and disseminates DOE-sponsored R&D results that are the outcomes of R&D projects or other funded activities at DOE labs and facilities nationwide and grantees at universities and other institutions. The graph on the left shows the steady increase in submissions by labs and facilities over the past several years. From FY 2010 to FY 2011, DOE labs and facilities increased submissions 20 percent. This includes a 61 percent jump in submission of scientific journal articles. Typically the information is submitted in the form of technical documents, conference papers, articles, multimedia, and software, collectively referred to as scientific and technical information (STI). While STI management is called out in a DOE directive (DOE O 241.1B) with requirements for contracting officers and others, we rely on a collaborative working relationship with STI managers at each DOE field office and national laboratory to ensure cohesive processes for the widely distributed program. OSTI posts to its website a new DOE Science Showcase each month highlighting R&D results within key DOE databases. See the July Showcase - Nanotechnology, or the June Science Showcase - Fuel Cells. The research documents found here are freely available to the public. These and other science topics are made easily searchable through the many tools and services provided by OSTI as part of its corporate function called out in various legislation, and most recently specified in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which reads: “The Secretary, through the Office of Scientific and Technical Information, shall maintain within the Department publicly available collections of scientific and technical information resulting from research, development, demonstration, and commercial applications activities supported by the Department.” OSTI databases offer search simplicity as well as advanced search capabilities such as customized alerts, results displayed in relevance ranked order, and downloadable search results for a broad array of scientific information related to DOE missions.
Horror Drama (1953-1954) “From out of the dark of night, from the shadows of the senses, comes this- the fantasy of fear.” This collection includes three rare gory Nightmare old time radio shows and five even rarer short ad-teasers for the show. Starring Peter Lorre and featuring creepy organ rips, Nightmare will be sure to give you horrible dreams! Text on OTRCAT.com ©2010 OTRCAT INC All Rights Reserved-Reproduction is prohibited. (Please note that many of the rare recordings in this collection may be of inferior sound quality.)
Life’s a bit different for student athletes BY MARA KOVAC OU News Bureau No matter what sport, the life of a student athlete takes commitment to succeed throughout the four years of college. “Being a student athlete is like having a full-time job on top of being a full-time student,” said Kevin Korkate, a junior who plays baseball at Oakland University. A student athlete’s biggest hurdle is time management. “The difference between a regular student and a student athlete are the time demands placed on them,” said Todd Wohlfeil, director of strength and conditioning. Student athletes must have the organization skills and time management skills to practice, work out, study, go to class and compete, which includes travel. Plus, they must stay healthy and maintain good sleeping and eating habits while minimizing their chances of injuries. “Depending on the sport, the pressure to function at the highest level possible is critical,” Wohlfeil said. “They must keep up on all levels so they do not get physically and mentally exhausted.” All sports have different schedules for competition and practice. Sports such as golf, cross-country, swimming and other individual sports do not necessarily need to meet for full-team practices. This gives those athletes some leeway. Sports such as basketball, baseball and softball are much different. The full team must be present for all practices, which limits when those athletes can schedule classes. Figuring out how to schedule classes around these practices takes time. Student athletes not only have an adviser from their college, but also they have an athletic academic adviser. With the restraints of practice, the university allows student athletes to have priority scheduling. Before this scheduling, a student athlete must have his or her college adviser fill out forms. “We use athletic monitoring forms to help educate students on how the classes they plan to take will count towards their major and each semester we send athletics a list of how many credits each student has earned towards their degree and how many credits they need total to earn the degree,” said Roberta Rea, academic adviser in the college of arts and sciences. If a student athlete does not follow the steps properly, eligibility can be an issue. NCAA regulations are strict on the amount of credits a student athlete has towards his or her major. “The most difficult thing about scheduling class is when a student waits until the last minute to make scheduling changes,” said Evan Dermidoff, athletic academic adviser. Rules and more rules In the classroom, the student athletes must maintain a certain grade to stay eligible to compete. “They are held to a higher academic standard than nonathlete students,” Rea said. “The university has great measures to support their success including an athletic academic adviser, athletic monitoring each year, priority registration and study times.” Also, inside the athletic center is a room called The Grizz, which is for student athletes to quietly study. Most athletes are required to study for six to eight hours a week. NCAA regulations have certain grade points averages a student athlete must stay above depending on how far the athlete is in his or her major studies. On top of the NCAA regulations, a coach can factor in specific grade requirements for the team’s players. NCAA GPA regulations (page 5-6) A coach also can create other guidelines for players. A student athlete’s scholarship contract only is eligible for one year and must be renewed annually. A coach can raise or lower the scholarship for the following year. If a student athlete breaks a rule, either listed in the student athlete handbook or a team handbook, the coach and athletic director can suspend or cut that athlete. A coach, however, cannot cut or suspend a player based solely on performance. Due to NCAA regulations, a maximum practice time for in-season sports is 20 hours a week. This includes travel, competition, practice and workouts. However, some athletes believe that this is not enough and will practice more on their own, which is allowed. “I’m dedicated, and I have high expectations for myself and want to compete with my team at conference level,” said Marianna Stepp, a freshman who plays golf. “So, I guess when I feel that mandatory practice isn’t enough, I go out and practice by myself to get better.” During the off-season, coaches can schedule only eight hours of mandatory practice. This is when many student athletes really work to get more physically fit. “I see most of the student athletes during the off-season,” Wohlfeil said. “Usually, they will be in here three to four days a week for about an hour.” “Depending on the sport, it takes a certain type of person with the right work ethic and motivation to be a student athlete,” Wohlfeil said. Student athletes might need to juggle many tasks throughout college. However, they obtain skills they will use throughout life. “Being a student athlete has given me the ability to work with others, not only in the athletic setting, but also everywhere else,” said Alanna Gerber, a junior who plays golf. “Also, it has helped my organization skills for my future.”Tweet Short URL: http://www.ounewsbureau.com/?p=1723
When El Caballo e-mailed me this topic, I had to make sure he followed through with it. If you remember some of the “extra credit” questions I asked in the previous features, it’s basically something I’ve tried to extract from you all in small doses: to share something about yourself and your experience as a Buckeye fan. El Caballo’s theme accomplishes what I was hoping to accomplish through a series of these features. Greetings, all – right at the top I want to thank Vico for opening up the blog to us readers from time to time. He often modestly passes this off as saving him work, but I think including reader-generated content (even if it’s just bumping comments up) is one of the things that can elevate a blog from random Intertubes spewings to something that feels more like a community. This Block O Table is going to go a little bit ‘meta’ – the name I came up with for it is BKABF(an). We spend a lot of time and effort and verbiage talking and arguing and worrying about the Buckeyes of the moment, but precious little talking about our own Buckeyeness. Well, no longer. This Block O is all about us and our lives as fans of The Best Damn Team In The Land. Question the First: Why are you a Buckeye? Please don’t just say,”Grew up in Ohio, lifelong fan” – the details are almost never quite that simple and are almost always more interesting…where in Ohio? Did you get it from your folks? Your friends? Did you love another team until you went to OSU? Elaborate, please. Myself, my Dad was a professor here from ’72-’80 and took my brother and me to all kinds of games that included lots of crazy memorable stuff – Archie in the ‘Shoe, Magic Johnson in St. John, Hockey (lots of Hockey) in the sweet old rink, indoor track meets at French Field House, etc. But the fandom didn’t start to get really crazy until my Mom remarried and moved us up to NW OH in ’78 (I was nine then) – my late stepdad was an undergrad and dental school OSU alum, flew a Block O flag most days, and blasted TBDBITL 8-tracks and LPs turned up to 11 starting at 7 AM every football Saturday. His Dad was in TBDBITL. On top of that, the part of Ohio around Toledo is a bit of a battleground between OSU and TSUN – perverse at that might sound; it’s still Ohio, after all – and that seems to have a polarizing effect that intensifies one’s fandom. That sealed the deal. I like to say that I was brought up to be a Buckeye fan and that’s the way I like it! So – what’s your story? #2: What do you do when you meet a “hater”? Maybe it’s the fact that I live in Columbus, but I just don’t run into them much anymore – in fact, the last genuine full-of-shit, ESPN.com-comment-section-style hater I ran into was at the bar I went to to watch the MNC Game vs. Da U. I’ve never enjoyed taunting someone (as a direct result of watching a kid on TV get his knee folded in half – is there anything as sweet as schadenfreude?) so much before or since. I have met a few sort-of SEC partisans the last couple years – I find the easiest thing is just to acknowledge the Gator beatdown (what else can you do?), point out that the LSU game wasn’t all THAT bad (see: Beanie’s breakaway; plus Todd Boeckmann was our QB; plus we probably shouldn’t have been in that game anyway – turning it into an anti-BCS thing rather than anti-OSU), smile tightly, and walk away. I’m especially interested to hear answers on this from those of you in the diaspora, given that you’re more likely to run into this stuff than the rest of us (I’d like us all to take a moment here to pray for – or wish for, if praying’s not your bag like it isn’t mine – Vico to someday be delivered from one of the deepest holes there is in SEC country. I’ve been to Alabama, and I’ll just say that I weep for him, to be punished with residency in such a benighted place (ed. *sob*)). #3: Is it possible to hate Michigan rationally? For me, at least, the answer is a resounding “yes”. But – given that we’re all a product of our experiences – that may be mostly attributable to the fact that I was a full-grown, fully-engaged OSU fan for the entire Cooper era. It’s easy to not be too triumphalist during this current era of Buckeye dominance when you carry the searing memory of those horrible years with you. The wheel will spin, and not always in ways that favor us. Plus, there’s lots to admire (I think) about the Wolverines – if you’re going to extol Woody, then you have to give props to guys like Bo and Carr: Coaches with character who tried to do it right, who cared about and stood up for their players. If the rivalry is what we think it is – an institution to be respected – then the respective schools/teams are to be respected in turn. It also bears mentioning that the better they do, the more it means when we beat them. All that said, though, I’ve indulged in, and continue to, all kinds of Michigan-induced irrationality – for just one example, I’ve never worn anything yellow and blue, or, for that matter, anything yellow WITH anything blue (including jeans) since I was old enough to pick out my own clothes. So – if you just hate hate HATE those fuckers and wish them nothing but failure and misery, feel free to vent; and if you’re in the camp that wants them to win every game other than THE GAME, tell us why. There are no “wrong” answers here. #4: This is a two-parter – or a one-parter, depending on your circumstances. Or a hypothetical three-parter, I don’t know…call it open-ended. Anyway: How do you handle significant others/family/friends that AREN’T Buckeye fans? Do you just let them know upfront that there are three or four hours on Fall Saturdays that you’re just not available, or during which the TV has to be yours? Is it a deal-breaker if they don’t go along with that? Following on that, there are always going to be obligations in life that conflict with the Buckeyes – do you feed the Buckeye monkey or bite the bullet? Or are these questions moot in the age of the DVR? I’ve been lucky in that all of my significant others have been women that either shared or understood the obsession. Most of my extended family is also in the Buckeye Nation, so that has also worked out well – in fact, me and my ex were married on a Sunday following a home football Saturday; it was just about the best way we could be sure that everyone we wanted to be there would be in Columbus. There has actually been only one unavoidable family commitment that caused me to miss watching a Buckeye game – unfortunately, that game turns out to have been the crazy-ass 70-7 (70-7!!! Turns out there were some things to love about Cooper after all) win over Rice/Michael-Wiley-coming-out-party in 1996. That was back in the Dark (read: pre-DVR) Ages, so that burned a little, but other than that my need to see the games live has been pretty much unmolested. Like I said, I’ve been lucky – what about you? #5: What’s your policy on sporting Buckeye regalia? Do you roll loud and proud outside of Columbus and/or on non-game days? When I was younger and me and my brother would visit my Dad in D.C. after he moved there, we’d always hit some kind of historical/tourist thing – the Capitol, the National Archives, the Lincoln/Jefferson/Vietnam Memorials, the Smithsonians (over and over), Colonial Williamsburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, Monticello, Mount Vernon, Chincoteague/Assateague, etc., etc…and I would always, ALWAYS be sure to be sporting Buckeye gear wherever we went. Even now, I often sport at the very least the Woody cap whenever I travel outside of Ohio. This question, of course, gets to the fickle nature of the subject – my group of good buddies had a joke in the mid-to-late ’90′s: “Let’s meet in front of the ‘Shoe – I’ll be the guy in the #45 jersey”. So – what do you wear, and when and where, to tell the world you’re a Buckeye? Extra Credit: What’s your very favorite piece of Buckeye memorabilia? Or what would you like to have, if you don’t have any? I have two: A hockey stick signed by the entire ’79-’80 team – Dan Mandich, the Pooleys, Mike Blake, Larry Marson etc…also there’s a football program (which I can’t seem to find at the moment so you’ll have to forgive me not knowing exactly which year/game it’s from) that’s autographed by Mike Tomczak, Tim Spencer and Gary Williams. Also by some reserve offensive lineman named Mike Pahlaniuk (sp?), who was in my Dad’s “Rocks for Jocks” class and got the program(s) signed for me and my brother. Thanks again to Vico, and to all of you who care to respond- El Caballo de Sangre - Jesus, it’s June already? [↩]
Finished Bloody Crimes, http://www.amazon.com/Bloody-Crimes-Jefferson-Pageant-Lincolns/dp/0061233781/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1310434681&sr=8-1, by James Swanson, who has written a number of books related to Lincoln’s assassination. This book tells parallel stories about what happened to Lincoln’s body after his assassination as it was taken on a train ride back to Springfield Illinois and what happened to Jefferson Davis during his escape from Richmond to his capture and then to the end of his life. It is well written and for those interested in the general subject area, a fairly short read with a lot of information that at least I was unaware of. One of the events that was described toward the end of the book stayed with me after I finished. The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in 1922, with among others, Robert Lincoln, Lincoln’s surviving son attending. The crowd listening to the dedication was in large part segregated. It took many years before the serious beginnings of the promises made at the end of the Civil War to penetrate American society in a meaningful way.
Buffalo Wild Wings, WLAD Radio, 98Q & B107.3 Host Whalers Playoff Pep RallyFebruary 27, 2013 - Federal Hockey League (FHL) Danbury Whalers The event is open to all Danbury Whalers fans and will feature complimentary appetizers including the World Famous Buffalo Wild Wings throughout the evening. The 3rd season of the Federal Hockey League playoffs gets underway for the Whalers and 1000 Islands Privateers on Friday, March 8th in Danbury. The series continues on Saturday the 9th, and Sunday the 10th. If games 4 & 5 are necessary they are will be in Watertown, New York. If the Whalers win this series they will advance to the Finals for the 2nd straight season. The FHL Finals opponent will be either Danville or Dayton. The Finals series is a Best of Five. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP to [email protected] or call 973-713-7547. Buffalo Wild Wings with over 750 national franchises, opened in 2010 on 26 Backus Avenue in Danbury. Evan Manes and group, Four M Capital, the owners of the Danbury franchise, own nine franchises throughout the New York - Metro area. Federal Hockey League Stories from February 27, 2013 The opinions expressed in this release are those of the organization issuing it, and do not necessarily reflect the thoughts or opinions of OurSports Central or its staff.
Decemberists debut at Number 1 on Billboard For the first time in their career, Portland folk rockers The Decemberists debuted at the top of the Billboard 200 with their latest offering “The King Is Dead.” Hitting the top of the charts is always a big deal for an independent band, but their sales figure—94,000 copies—is underwhelming. Still, it was enough to keep “Kidz Bop 19” from nabbing the Number 1 spot. And for that, we are eternally grateful. Jeff Buckley biopic in the works It’s been almost fourteen years since singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley drowned in the Mississippi River. In the years since his tragic death, his mother, Mary Guibert, refused to release his music for any of the hundreds of screenplays she saw. Now it seems like the right treatment has finally arrived. A Buckley biopic is in the works, with Robert Pattinson, James Franco, Jared Leto and James Mardsen all competing to play the iconic crooner. Guibert’s a tough cookie—we can’t wait to see who wins her approval. Nicki Minaj’s fans get her kicked out of London hotel Nicki Minaj returned from a long day of press in London to find out she had been kicked out of her room at the Dorchester Hotel. The reason? Her fans, or as Minaj calls them, her “barbz.” Apparently a gaggle of barbz clashed with the paps, fights broke out and an ambulance was called. Nicki took to Twitter to thank her tenacious fans for their support, saying, “It got a bit CRAZY … hopefully the next hotel will be nicer.” And maybe undisclosed? Charlie Louvin dead at 83 Charlie Louvin, one half of the legendary Louvin Brothers duo, passed away in Nashville after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Louvin and his brother Ira are widely recognized as the originators of the pure, honest harmonies that permeate and define country music to this day. Ira Lovin died in an automobile accident in 1965. R.I.P. Charlie. Cher pissed over Oscar snub The sweet nectar of her Golden Globe win for “Best Song” turned to sour grapes as soon as Cher realized her song, “You Haven’t Seen The Last of Me” for the movie “Burlesque” was passed over for an Oscar. She tweeted thusly: “We didn’t get a nomination 4 best song! That sucks! Diane’s song is so beautiful! It’s hard to understand how u win the Golden Globe 4 BEST SONG & not even get nominated by the OSCARS?” Cher, Cher, Cher …. SNAP OUTTA IT! Ryan Murphy pissed over KoL snub Oy vey. Here’s another bitter tale of rejection. When Kings of Leon passed up the opportunity to have their songs featured on Glee, the show’s creator, Ryan Murphy, reacted in a way that was less than age appropriate. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter he seethed, “F**** you, Kings of Leon. They’re self-centered a**holes, and they missed the big picture. They missed that a 7-year-old kid can see someone close to their age singing a Kings of Leon song, which will maybe make them want to join a glee club or pick up a musical instrument.” Chill, dude. A 7-year-old not hearing a rousing rendition of “Sex on Fire” is hardly the end of the world. - Oasis fan mistakenly snorts Liam Gallagher’s dandruff - Jimmy Buffet hospitalized - Patti Smith writing detective novel set in London - Is Lady Gaga engaged? - 50 Cent heartbroken over Chelsea Handler? - Ke$ha being sued for 14 million - Aaron Carter checks into rehab - Cute video for Avril Lavigne’s “What the Hell” leaks - Panic at the Disco returns with “The Ballad of Mona Lisa”
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Diamond is a crystalline, colorless and highly refractive precious stone often used as a decorative gemstone in jewelry. Diamond is the hardest natural material known and is also very expensive which is why it is typically used in engagement rings and wedding bands. A2 by Aerosoles Plush Above Too narrow for the toes. March 20, 2013 Reviewer: Cristina from Florida I bought these for work since I'm a bartender & we're required to wear at least a 2" heel & open-toed. I'm either a 7.5 or 8 depending on the shoe & usually a normal width. I returned the 7.5 because I felt they were just a touch too small. I wore the 8's to work & was a little disappointed. The front squeezes my toes together & started to make them numb. The balls of my feet are usually the problem, but they weren't any better or worse with extra padding than other comfort shoes that I had. Wears this shoe: Work Aerosoles Dozen Roses Great shoes, comfortable and versatile. February 19, 2013 Reviewer: Gail from Auckland New Zealand Very happy with my purchase. True to colour and style is appropriate for wearing with lots of different outfits. Wears this shoe: Wear the shoes to work and functions. Aerosoles Gin Rickey Love this shoe January 13, 2013 Reviewer: Jen from NJ Love this sandal! I bought this last year and it is so comfortable that when I saw it come up again for sale I bought another pair in black and in gold. It is so comfortable especially when I wear it with a skiirt and get many compliments. It's not too high and very comfortable to wear! Wears this shoe: I wear this sandal to work and at night when I got out. A2 by Aerosoles Eyes On You Disappointed December 28, 2012 Reviewer: Anonymous from Sunny Florida Cheap vinyl hurt my feet. Had to return. A2 by Aerosoles Rose Plush Superb summer sandals December 18, 2012 Reviewer: Dolora from Melbourne, Australia These are gorgeous sandals, suitable for any occassion! the heel is just right and the insock is nice and soft. I am very pleased and would recommend them wholeheartedly! Wears this shoe: Work and different outings
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Outsourcing Excellence Award – Best First Steps in Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): Exult and Bank of America An Outsourcing Drama of Contrasting Characters Shakespeare was a master at writing dramas about the humor and ironies that occur when people will do anything to get what they want. His play, “All’s Well That Ends Well,” could be the tale of many outsourcing relationships, for buyers often partner with suppliers without first making sure their interests are aligned. In the Shakespearean drama, Helena came up with a scheme to get the husband she wanted. But even though her risky plan successfully brought them together, her plan had no provisions for how to keep them together on an ongoing basis. Helena could have learned a lot from the highly successful relationship of Bank of America and Exult! They’re in it for the long haul, with a 10-year outsourcing contract for just over a billion dollars. “It’s such an exceptional alliance,” says Mary Lou Cagle, the bank’s senior vice president, “because we thought our way through it together.” Asked to describe why their arrangement works so well, Cagle responds, “People and relationship.” What often takes years to develop, the bank and Exult accomplished in just a few short weeks. Here’s what they did. Act I, Scene I Bank of America, the largest U.S. bank, grew its franchise by merging and acquiring other businesses; but, with the new millennium, came a new strategic shift. According to Cagle, the bank wanted to “focus relentlessly on getting more customers and doing more business with the 30 million households and 2 million business customers we already have.” Yet, the bank didn’t want to lose its momentum in making technological advances in its internal administrative processes just because of a strategic shift in focusing resources to its core services to customers. The solution was to outsource non-core functions. As Cagle points out, Bank of America’s business is to take appropriate risks. Its choice of partnering with Exult – which had 400 employees at that point in time, contrasted with 144,000 people at the behemoth bank – was based on the outsourcer’s unique but sound business model, proven executive experience, venture capital backing for long-term investment and Exult’s procedures for accomplishing process improvements. It also helped that Exult was introduced and highly recommended to the bank by one of its well-respected contacts. (see Getting Hitched) The bank was also concerned about a risk with regard to its 700 employees who had performed the work that would be outsourced. They would be transferred to Exult. Many of them were like “family,” as they had been with the bank for many years. Bank of America wanted to ensure its” family members” would be well taken care of in the future and would have good career opportunities. So the parties took a significant stabilizing step at the outset of their relationship – they signed a 10-year agreement. Cagle says the bank wanted the long-term contract so the associates would feel confident and stable in the move. Exult worked with the bank’s employees to explain the move as an exciting potential to be on the front-end for the bank and Exult’s future clients, rather than being considered part of the bank’s “back-office” functions. Their strategies have worked, as there has since been lower turnover in the ranks that transferred to Exult than the bank had previously experienced. So it was a win for the bank, its associates, and the outsourcer who needed to quickly ramp up with employees. Structuring an outsourcing relationship to maximize the value that results from being equal partners in strategic objectives is not easy. Cagle agrees and says it’s even more difficult when a company has no history of creating alliances. But she had read Stephen Dent’s book, “Partnering Intelligence: Creating Value for Your Business by Building Strong Alliances” (October 1999, Davies-Black Publishing, Palo Alto, CA), explaining how 70% of alliances fail because they don’t put enough effort into building the relationship up-front. “We took it seriously and hired Stephen as our coach,” Cagle explains. “This is not a client-vendor relationship. We look at this alliance as a very valuable new piece of business for both of us.” Dent helped them build a new culture together and a framework for their day-to-day interactions. Their alliance is based on mutual trust, which Dent helped them hone in strategy sessions before the work was turned over to Exult. (see How to Maximize the Alliance Factor in Outsourcing Defining Moments for Exult and Bank of America) “We continue to put dedicated resources into shaping the principles and strategies that we have agreed to for this alliance,” the bank’s VP says. “We know how important this is and that in the long run this is what will cause us to be successful.” In any drama, there’s a lot going on backstage to enable the action out front. Similarly, outsourcing arrangements have their share of shifting around the scenery, equipment and people after the contract is signed. That transitional period is often fraught with complications; but even though this is the largest HR outsourcing arrangement in history, Bank of America and Exult took necessary precautions upfront to minimize those challenges. Cagle describes their methodology as “processes and stabilizing, then improving, then continued investment and relentless focus on new technology.” It’s the stabilizing component that many relationships forget to add into their planning. With an objective of not dwelling on the transfer of 700 associates for a long period of time after the November 2000 contract was signed, Cagle says the bank and Exult went through “intense collaboration in order to assure continuity of service and associate satisfaction with the transitioned processes.” By July 2001, the parties were celebrating their successful transfer of the five outsourced processes (accounts payable, information technology, payroll, benefits, and service delivery [call center management]). Their seamless transition of this complex initiative was accomplished in a significantly shorter timeframe than industry standards. It required a thorough communication and planning process, and it tested and strengthened their alliance. They transitioned the work according to functions and their various off-peak times. Accounts payable, whose heavy workload is in October through December, was moved in January. Payroll was moved in February, avoiding the peak W-2 work in January. The personnel call center went live on Exult’s platform in July, signaling the end of the seven-month transition. The goal for 2001 was to achieve stability. “We didn’t want our associates at the bank to feel anything was different,” comments Cagle. “In fact, the guarantee on the contract is that there would be no degradation of service.” Although Exult brings new ideas to the table, she says the bank is not ready to leap forward “until we know for darn sure that we are stable.” So how does one go about ensuring high-quality services? Bank of America tucked some incentives into the deal. One of the processes outsourced is management of the bank’s third-party contracts with the two outsourcers that were delivering benefits services before the Exult contract. According to Cagle, Exult is financially rewarded with a gainsharing arrangement on the savings achieved on managing those third-party contracts. Nevertheless, the bank retains control over steps Exult takes to accomplish this objective, in order to ensure quality of services is not diminished. The bank also took a significant equity stake of 10 million shares in Exult. It is, after all, in the bank’s interest for Exult to be successful. Moreover, as Exult’s strategic financial partner, the bank may have opportunities to provide products and services to Exult’s other clients. Cagle’s advice for companies considering outsourcing is to think about what’s in it for the buyer organization and structure the arrangement around that value. “It’s not just about getting rid of work,” she says. How important to the success of their relationship are the gainsharing and equity stake mechanisms? Partnering coach, Stephen Dent, says it’s more than giving both parties an outcome objective to work on together. The crux, he says, is how they go about achieving that outcome – the painful way or in a culture based on trust. Exult, he explains, could not have achieved the scale that Bank of America wanted without the infusion of cash; consequently, that money leveled the playing field, making the parties more equal. “And it really forced the two players to determine that their relationship had to be genuinely successful,” Dent adds. In a gainsharing situation, the mutual benefit is that both parties want to grow the pie. “There will always be problems in growing that pie where partners don’t trust each other,” advises Dent. So, in the end, their success comes down to being able to trust each other. They took care of that upfront, taking the BEST FIRST STEPS possible. Lessons from the Outsourcing Journal - A buyer must understand how its objectives are aligned with the potential value to be achieved through outsourcing. - Transitioning the work to the outsourcer is not an overnight switch; it takes time and upfront planning. - Gainsharing, equity stakes and other risk-reward pricing structures enhance the value that can be achieved through outsourcing, but their ultimate success is built on mutual trust and carefully understanding what is required.
COOLER MASTER LAUNCHES ATCS 840 CHASSIS COMPETITION "Want to win an ATCS 840 from Cooler Master? Here's how!" Published: 30th December 2008 | Source: CoolerMaster | Our 840 model represents the very latest in Active Thermal Convection System (ATCS) technology and pays homage to the world’s first all-aluminium chassis, which Cooler Master launched at the end of the last century. This competition is open to anyone who buys a Cooler Master PSU before 15th January 2009. Simply email your proof of purchase to http://ukcontest.coolermaster.com and you will be entered into the draw which takes place on Friday 16th January 2009. If you’re going to buy a Cooler Master PSU anyway – then now’s your chance to win a fantastic chassis to go with it... all you need to do is send one email ! *PLEASE NOTE, TO ENTER THIS COMPETITON PSU HAS TO BE PURCHASED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. The ATCS 840 retails for £219.99 at Ebuyer. Take a look at our review of the ATCS 840 to find out more about what you could be getting! Discuss in our Forums
Corsair 550D Case ReviewBluePanda - May 17, 2012 » Discuss this article (24) Pulling away all the packing and protective plastic stickers and the case is finally in full view; it is a beauty! The front panel is a nice chunk of aluminum, flat with no annoying breaks for all those unused bays, however I suppose that would be a downfall if you do use an optical drive still or have a reservoir that needs to be monitored. The front panel does pull off for access; it just may be a little annoying if you need access on a daily basis. For me, that is not a problem and I love not seeing the stupid cuts for “possible” drives. The back of the case is pretty simple; your usual 120/140mm reverse-fan mounts come with a pre-mounted 120mm fan. Four holes for water cooling needs, and 8 PCIe slots are included for your heart’s content. Two buttons at the top edge are for simple release of the side panels – we’ll take a closer look at these ahead; it is so nice to not deal with clumsy thumbscrews. Looking at the sides it is a very basic case. It was designed this way and really pulls it off well without looking cheap and low end. The inset panel is flush with the rest of the case leaving only a small edge to see where it is in the side panel. Pushing in the edges a spring release is activated and allows the panel to be removed. Exposed are holes for mounting two 120/140mm fans of your choice. Otherwise the panel clicks back on with the same simple press to re-engage the clips. The other side of the case shows what it would look like without the removable panel. It really isn’t that much different. Nothing much to say other than it is a very smooth finish and looks great. The front of the case has a nice bevel edge to get your fingers on to remove it when you need to as well as break up the sides of the case into more than just a black rectangle. The top of the case is similar to the side panel with a removable panel for either sound dampening or more airflow, it becomes your choice. It again fits nice and flush with the rest of the case so that it doesn’t look like a foreign item – it looks just as if it is another part of the case. The panel clicks in and out just as the side panel insert and supports either two 120mm fans or two 140mm fans of your liking. This back shot of the case to show the two “PUSH” buttons for the side panels really shows off how well the top removable panel is done as well. It is just so flush with the case, I have a hard time getting over how well it was done. The “PUSH” buttons are really what I want to show off here though; they really revolutionize the concept of thumb screws. Most cases I’ve dealt with have thumb screws and require awkward placement to hold the panel and hurry to insert the screw. Corsair has fixed this, no more thumbscrews, just push the button on the respective side to release the panel. When you are done connecting cables and working just slide the panel back on and DONE! I love it. The front of the case up close is elegantly simple. Two USB ports, a mic jack, headphone jack, small reset button and a nicely centered power button. It is well balanced and just humble in appearance. I can’t get over how much I really like the simplicity of the case. It is going to be a great case for anyone looking for a home theater case, or just something remarkably quiet and bare.
...and shoes, making a total of four pairs purchased yesterday, including a not-pictured pair of teeny brown loafers that he can wear right now. As you can see, I went a little shoe-crazy at the Park City Outlets! Granted, Bertrand doesn't walk yet, but with the colder weather they'll keep his little feet warm. And, I really want the shoes on hand in case the ketogenic diet works! If positive thinking really does have an effect on anything, with the amount I am radiating, Bertrand will be walking by 2010! A lot of my optimism stems from the other night when I sat up in bed and suddenly remembered Bertrand's big step-function improvement back in February 2009, detailed in this post. At the time we wondered if the switch to whole milk may have contributed to his sudden social development. Looking back, knowing what I know now, attributing that development to the increase in fat and decrease in carbohydrate in whole milk (relative to the prior rice cereal and baby formula) isn't that far fetched! This morning I braved the falling snow to attend the Epilepsy Association of Utah Educational Conference 2009. I am glad that I went. There were a variety of topics touched on at a very high level, and while a lot did not apply to Bertrand, I now have new contacts and resources to follow-up with. One such important resource is the Utah Parent Center, an organization dedicated to championing parents of children with disabilities by giving them the tools to be better advocates for their children. While unfortunately there wasn't much time dedicated for networking, I was lucky enough to meet up with fellow blogger Cari, who I'd met last August! We've already had a fantastic weekend and it is only Saturday afternoon! Bertrand keeps asking to be put in his stander to watch Elmo, so he has been getting well over an hour of stander time everyday! (This is essential for strong and proper bone formation.) My new crock-pot is proving to be an amazing new toy, and right now, I'm going to finish packing for Bertrand's week-long hospital stay, so I'll have all tomorrow to double and triple check everything. Can you tell I am a happy mama? :)
My brilliant friend Dr. Judith Orloff, who is both an psychiatrist and a gifted intuitive, combines traditional Western medical knowledge with energy medicine and intuitive healing. Her latest book, Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions And Transform Your Life, offers the best of both to help you free yourself from the emotional prisons we have a tendency to inhabit. The post is the first in a series based on Dr. Orloff’s book that aim to help you harness your feminine power by unshackling you from the emotional chains that drag you down. So get ready to rock, girlfriends! Have you ever been around an emotional vampire? You know what I’m talking about -- they suck the energy right out of you and leave you feeling like Dracula just drank a gallon of your life force. While being in the presence of some people leaves you feeling optimistic, energetic, inspired, and connected, being around emotional vampires leaves you depressed, anxious, depleted, and drained. You know what I’m talking about. You can probably list the people you know who make you feel this way. I know I can. It tires me out just thinking about the kinds of interactions that sap me when I’m with people like this. Dr. Orloff says, “A vampire goes in for the kill by stirring up your emotions. Pushing your buttons throws you off center, which renders you easier to drain.” You’ll be more susceptible to the influence of vampires if you are: Want to learn how to protect yourself from getting sucked dry? Here are some tips from Dr. Orloff’s book. A quick and dirty way to tell if you’re around an emotional vampire is to assess how you both feel when the interaction between you is complete. You’ll know if someone is an emotional vampire because, when all is said and done, you’ll feel worse; they’ll feel better. Some common side effects: When you find yourself in the presence of a vampire, you’ll need some garlic to ward off the heeby-jeebies that can accompany such an interaction. Do you have emotional vampires in your life? Or are you one? How do you respond to people who suck you dry? Tell us your stories! If you’d like to read more about identifying and dealing with emotional vampires, read Judith’s fabulous book. And stay tuned for more posts about Emotional Freedom! Part 2 of the series will discuss the different types of emotional vampires and how you can identify them -- and protect yourself! Warding off vampires, Lissa Rankin, MD: Founder of OwningPink.com, Pink Medicine Woman coach, motivational speaker, and author of What’s Up Down There? Questions You’d Only Ask Your Gynecologist If She Was Your Best Friend and Encaustic Art: The Complete Guide To Creating Fine Art With Wax. When you comment on an Owning Pink blog post, we invite you to be authentic and loving, to say what you feel, to hold sacred space so others feel heard, and to refrain from using hurtful or offensive language. Differing opinions are welcomed, but if you cannot express yourself in a respectful, caring manner, your comments will be deleted by the Owning Pink staff.
On October 7, 2007, I went from being a ”son” to a “man.” If you’re looking at my picture right now, you’re probably thinking, “What is this crazy girl talking about?!” As the sun shone bright, beaming 90 degree heat sweltering enough to shut down the Chicago marathon, I walked down the aisle flanked by Annette and Bill Friedson, my amazing (and teary-eyed) parents, as my bouquet sat in the synagogue’s kitchen, forgotten in the excitement of the moment. After seven dizzying circles, seven prayers and one big stomp, I emerged as Rachel Friedman, a 23-year-old newly-wed, glowing with happiness as I walked hand-in-hand with my husband to retrieve the rogue bouquet and catch the limo to take us to our reception. If you didn’t read that carefully, you may not have even noticed the difference. Friedson to Friedman. Those two tiny letters have served as the ultimate pain-in-the-butt and resulted in a lifetime of mispronunciations and misnomers. Imagine going to the DMV – quite possibly the most inefficient and awful hellhole to have to go to in the first place – wedding license in hand and on a mission to change your name. The story goes something like this: Me: Hi – I need to get a new license, because I got married and I’m changing my name. DMV employee (glancing at paperwork in hand): What are you talking about? – the names here are the same. Me: Nope – check out those last three letters. DMV employee: Ooooh – hahahahahaha. Now reenact that story with the Social Security office, the bank, the credit card company, my employer, and all the other people who inevitably had to be notified, and let me tell you, that joke got old fast. “Are you going to hyphenate?” No. “Are you sure you’re not related?” Yes. “How about merging the two to become Friedsonman?” Mmm – no. My journey from Friedson to Friedman didn’t begin on my wedding day or even on the day I met David – my husband-to-be. Nope, it started in the fifth grade in music class. Mrs. Armstrong was in the middle of roll-call on our first day of school, and she went through the names…”Chris Felton – ‘here’, Danny Friedman – ‘here’, Rachel Friedman – ‘it’s Friedson, here’.” While the teacher moved on, calling for Andre Goosby, the class tuned her out and began asking Danny and I when we got married (read: “Rachel and Danny sitting in a tree…”). After eight years of seeing Danny Friedman at the locker adjacent to mine, I couldn’t wait for my college days, when I could be Friedman-free, and people might actually get my name right. But alas, my professors somehow knew to misread my name, and around that same time, I met David, an AEPi with enough confidence to fill a room (more like a building) and the good looks and personality to back it up. By the time I found out his last name, I was already head over heels, and there was no turning back. Once the word got out that I was dating a Friedman, my friends would respond to the inevitable mispronunciations with “not yet!” before I could even correct them. Fast forward four years: the Friedson-Friedman wedding blow-out was filled with melt-in-your mouth lemon cake with buttermilk frosting, quite a bit of alcohol, a little bit of hora and several speeches filled with giggles over how great it is that I’ll only have to change two letters – my signature won’t change, my monogram is the same, and yes – I’m going from a son to a man. Our little Rachel is growing up, both literally as she takes this huge new step into adulthood and of course, the name upgrade. After a year and a half of marriage, I’ve accepted that I’ve gone from a relatively unique ‘Rachel Friedson’ to being one of the 134 Rachel Friedmans on Facebook. Anyone with a distant relative carrying the Friedman surname thinks we may be related, and my last name is correctly pronounced almost every time. I even moved up in the alphabet a teeny bit. But I can tell you this: I have learned to love being Rachel Friedman, because I picked a wonderful Friedman to love.
(December 30, 2010) --- After decades of research, St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee has announced they have pinpointed a specialized form of Tourette’s syndrome which only appears to affect a good percentage of those who live in, or have ties to, Wisconsin. Outbreaks of Bearette’s Syndrome (BS) have received significant media attention over the last several years. It’s a disorder that can occur as a single, isolated case and still easily appear suddenly as an outbreak in a group setting. When outbreaks do occur, they most usually emerge in late summer through autumn and into the early part of winter, although BS cases may occur at any time of the year. Research director Dr. Marcus R. Hoskin said it’s an ailment which makes perfectly normal people blurt-out the words "Suck!" or "Still Suck!" immediately after hearing the phrase "the Bears." Another advanced form of Bearette’s Syndrome can be triggered by uttering three similar words and is a good test to verify if someone is indeed influenced by BS. Dr. Hoskin tells the PackerPage, "To check for BS, I recommend shouting out the words 'After Further Revue!' and if someone immediately and without hesitation responds with 'The Bears Still Suck!' they most certainly have Bearette’s Syndrome." Although there are literally millions estimated to have Bearette’s Syndrome, the exact cause of the vocal-tic is still unknown... but just recently it has been well established that both genetic and environmental factors are involved. Recent studies have shown that the overwhelming majority of BS cases are inherit in men and women who dress occasionally in green and/or gold clothing, drink cheap beer, and consume or wear cheese. In fact, just this past weekend during the last few minutes of the Packers' 45-17 dismantling of the New York Giants at Lambeau Field, 70-thousand fans mysteriously and spontaneously erupted into a thunderous, repetitive chant of "The Bears Still Suck!" What made this occurrence bizarre and especially curious was that there wasn't a single Flatlander in sight and --- because they do have a reputation that's mostly based on luck --- the Chicago Bears finished with an un-sucking winning record slightly ahead of the Packers in the NFC North. Unconfirmed reports of similar incidents have been rumored to have occurred as far back as the early 1920's when the Green Bay Press-Gazette noted in one of their sports stories that several Packer supporters supposedly bellowed "The Staleys really stink!" at halftime of a game at Hagemeister Park. During the 70’s and 80’s, BS was once considered a rare and unusual malady but over the past couple of decades Bearette's has been accepted and even embraced in Wisconsin. Through his years of research, Dr. Hoskin says he has yet to find anyone with the disorder who has ever sought a cure. Additional research has revealed that Bearette tics are not so much "involuntary" as they are "compelling." People with BS feel an irresistible urge to perform their tics when hearing of, or encountering someone from Illinois... much like a Packer fan's unexplained urge to kick a Vikings player in the nuts. Some people with BS are able to hold back their tics for up to an hour at a time, but this only leads to a stronger outburst of anti-Bears sentiments once they are finally allowed to be expressed. But Dr. Hoskin says the healthy and American thing to do is to not stifle yourself. He reasoned, "Once Packers fans give up their freedom of blurtatious speech, the Bearorists have won." In related news, scientists have recently discovered that watching the Miami Dolphins' offense is one of the nation’s leading causes of contagious yawning.
We’re sure you still need holiday gifts for friends, family, loved ones and their pets – which is why we’re delighted to have found a terrific online shop and manufacturer, Ruff Ruff and Meow. Known for their lightweight and comfortable tees and tanks tops (as well as doggie bandanas, collars, hoodies, wrist bands, hair clips and even tanks for humans) guaranteed to make people smile with their hip and humorous themes and slogans, Ruff Ruff and Meow was founded by caring and creative Caroline Leedom in 2003. All tees & tanks are made in the USA, and eco-consciously; Ruff Ruff and Meow adheres to maintaining a low carbon footprint as nothing is manufactured more than 40 miles from their facility located in Costa Mesa, CA. Listen and discover why Ruff Ruff and Meow’s customers around the world describe the products as having “Excellent quality from start to finish”. You’ll also get to hear Caroline share about her favorite products, how she gets her ideas, Ruff Ruff and Meow’s new line of baby clothes, getting started in the pet product industry and the excellent new fundraiser program Ruff Ruff and Meow has in store to benefit rescues and shelters in the coming year. Caroline has donated a Limited Edition Green “Bitches Love Me” tank top (Size: Large) for our Ringo’s Raffle. After you’ve enjoyed the interview, please tweet: @packpeople gives away a free doggie tank top – participate and win! http://bit.ly/uooRQe on Twitter or “Like” us on Facebook or Follow Us on Twitter. You automatically qualify by clicking the Like, Tweet or Follow Button, yes – it’s so easy! Then, a winner will be chosen by raffle on Friday, January 13. Ruff Ruff and Meow Facebook: Ruff Ruff & Meow Links and recommendations: In addition to www.ruffruffandmeow.com, Caroline recommends the following websites to our PackPeople audience: Dogwork.com - www.dogwork.com American Pet Products Association – www.americanpetproducts.org SuperZoo - www.superzoo.org H.H. Backer Associates Inc. - www.hhbacker.com Spreading the word can help save lives! If you liked the interview please share it with your community by clicking the Facebook and Twitter icons at the bottom of this article or feel free to leave a comment. Thank you for making an impact! [Gallery not found]
- Contract Packaging - Packaging Leaders - Calendar of Events Article | October 6, 2008 The PL-950 joins the existing FKI Logistex line of palletizers/depalletizers, which ranges from the entry-level GS-100 to the super high-speed A-944. Providing a high-speed solution for flexible, in-line palletizing, the PL-950 uses 1 or more robotic arms to form patterns and manipulate and orient the product into the pallet layer. May be easily reconfigured for any type of product and is suitable for small packages and complex patterns. The gentler manipulation of product accommodates a reduction in secondary packaging without compromising the integrity of the finished product. Phone: 877/935-4564 www.fkilogistex.com E-BOOK SPECIAL REPORT 45 Best Package Designs Sign up to receive timely updates from our editors and download this e-book consisting of our editors' picks of most notable package designs.
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Rafting consists in descending river rapids in an inflatable boat, always in group and with a guide inside the boat. Kayaking is probably the sport that gives you a more direct contact with nature being aswell the friendliest with it. Life under the water! Simply following the wind The new revolution coming from Hawaii A recreational sport that can really get your adrenaline pumping! Canyoning consist in descending a white water ride through gorges. Kayaking is the king of river Sports. Feeling the surfer of the river. Quad biking experience is a real pleasure! Feeling like a bird! Do you need a ride? One.. Two... Three.... JUMP! An irresistible way to explore the most beautiful, breathtaking surroundings in Spain Simply a sport to those who just want to cruise! Between the heaven and the sea! Enjoy sailing in a relaxed manner, without stress or obligations Catamarans are the Formula 1 of the sea! Where your feet takes you Be simply skiing in water! This sport is an enhancement of ordinary walking A high speed adrenalin over the water In winter the trek turns into an unforgettable experience The thrill of adventure! Snowmobiling for all ages! Do you want to feel like an eskimo? Sailing holidays in Spain You have a mission! The ultimate adrenaline rush!!!! Why are you going down, when you can climb up??
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|| Between October 2006 and into 2010, Respondent engaged in numerous misappropriations of entrusted funds and related misconduct, including misrepresentations to clients and third parties. The misappropriations included funds of estates, funds from real estate closings for which Respondent was the settlement agent, which funds were due to clients or third parties, such as the Department of Public Welfare, the Department of Revenue for Inheritance Taxes and transfer taxes, a title company, and others. A variety of misrepresentations were made to those due funds, such as insistence that the funds had been remitted, that the client and not the Respondent had the funds, and/or that the funds must have been credited by the payee to the wrong account, or that the funds had been paid to others based on a variety of unsupportable theories put forth by the Respondent. Respondent as the agent for a title insurance company failed to remit funds from closings due the title company; Respondent had misappropriated those funds. The title company also incurred substantial liability on conveyances handled by the Respondent in which he collected title insurance premiums for policies of which the company had no knowledge, and in which transactions the Respondent converted to his own uses funds due third parties, failed to record deeds and mortgages, and pay related obligations such as transfer taxes. The Respondentís conduct was substantially caused by misappropriations of funds in which restitution was made from subsequent funds received in unrelated matters. Respondent as the settlement agent for a real estate transaction induced a client to pay Respondent fees in excess of those needed to close and then converted those funds, refused to account to successor counsel, and made misrepresentations that he had to continue holding the funds for a variety of reasons that were baseless. He also converted funds due a third party for the payment of real estate taxes. The converted funds totaled about $16,500. The client reported the matter to the District Attorney, the Respondent made restitution of $12,000 in funds borrowed from his father, and was charged with offenses relating to the balance. He entered a guilty plea and his sentence included restitution of the approximate $4,500 still owed. The criminal conviction and other misconduct relating to the same real estate transaction were part of a Joint Petition for Discipline on Consent for a three year suspension approved by the Disciplinary Board on January 3, 2011. On March 2, 2011, the Court entered an order suspending the Respondent for three years. |Points of Law || Misappropriations of entrusted funds, and related misconduct such as repeated misrepresentations to those due funds, including clients and third parties, in some instances creating actual or potential prejudice and liabilities, warrants substantial discipline. A Respondentís cooperation with disciplinary proceedings, such as entering into a Consent Petition, may be considered as mitigation in determining the appropriate degree of discipline.
The American Kennel Club announced recently that Rosemary Redditt of the Aztec Doberman Pinscher Club of San Diego (California) and Bob Eisele of the Suffolk County Kennel Club (New York) have been honored with AKC Community Achievement Awards for the second quarter of 2012. The AKC Community Achievement Awards support and recognize outstanding public education and legislation efforts of AKC-affiliated clubs, AKC-recognized federations and their members. The AKC selects award recipients who promote purebred dogs and responsible dog ownership within their communities or who have successfully introduced, monitored and responded to legislative issues affecting dog ownership. Rosemary Redditt, Aztec Doberman Pinscher Club of San Diego Rosemary Redditt was a volunteer member of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department Search and Rescue Bureau from 1978 to 2006. She served as a member of the operations committee and as a training advisor for the California Rescue Dog Association from 1991 to 2005. Along with her rigorous work as a SAR volunteer, Ms. Redditt served as Unit Commander, was a public speaker, and facilitated training and special events for approximately 25 subordinates. In 1990, she trained her AKC registered Doberman Pinscher, "Katie," for mission-ready status in Area Search. During their ten years as search and rescue (SAR) partners, Ms. Redditt and Katie performed water, cadaver, and urban disaster searches. She was deployed by the Federal Emergency Management Task Force to the 1994 Northridge earthquake as a canine search specialist. AKC Doberman Pinscher "Berry" became Ms. Redditt's SAR partner in 2000. Berry attained several certifications and the team participated in wilderness, urban, cadaver, water, and disaster searches during their six years as a SAR team. During one search, they were lifted up the face of a fire-gutted hotel to search an area that could only be accessed through a second story window. They performed five different cliff searches, and once climbed over 50 tons of dirt and rock that had fallen from a bluff to the beach below. "I was involved in searches throughout California, including San Diego County, and responded to and searched in Arizona and Baja California, Mexico," Redditt said. After retiring from SAR work in 2006, Ms. Redditt and Berry were certified as a therapy dog team and made hundreds of visits to schools, camps, youth groups, retirement homes and other facilities. She presented programs on selecting a dog as a family pet, SAR work, AKC events, and responsible dog care. Ms. Redditt serves on the board of the Aztec Doberman Pinscher Club of San Diego (ADPC) and participates in events to educate the public about the ADPC's Doberman Pinscher Rescue program. "I have had many opportunities over the past 20 years in promoting purebred dogs and responsible dog ownership," Redditt said. "Rosemary's Berry, her Doberman of 15 years, recently passed away," said Nancy Ledyard, past president of ADPC. "Now more than ever, this achievement means so much." Bob Eisele, Suffolk County Kennel Club Bob Eisele has dedicated his involvement with the Suffolk County Kennel Club (SCKC) to increasing engagement within the community. He spearheaded the initiation and growth of the Suffolk County Kennel Club's AKC Canine Experience. Past AKC Canine Experience events hosted by the SCKC included conformation matches; obedience, agility, rally, earth dog, and grooming demonstrations; handling classes; AKC's Canine Good Citizen® tests; mentoring for stewards; and Juniors seminars. More than 30 breeds were showcased at breed booths and "meet and greet" sessions were held for new exhibitors and new dog owners. Twenty-two area clubs and more than 500 spectators participated in the 2011 event, which debuted a mentoring program for stewards. The 2012 event is scheduled to include an AKC Open Show. With the goal of providing a celebration of "All Things Dogs," Mr. Eisele encouraged involvement by other dog-related organizations in SCKC's annual AKC Dog Show and Expo. A canine hospice, local search and rescue teams, animal shelters, guide dog and assistance dog organizations, pet rescue groups, and other clubs and community organizations took part in the SCKC conformation show with booths and demonstrations. The event was promoted by a banner on the corner of the community's main street and local political leaders were invited to present awards. Mr. Eisele worked with representatives of the town of Smithtown to include an SCKC educational booth alongside business and community booths at the Smithtown Town Fair. He visits local schools and youth organizations to discuss responsible dog ownership and to encourage participation at SCKC events. In addition to educational and community outreach events, Mr. Eisele initiated a Legislative Awareness seminar for area kennel clubs hosted by the SCKC. He worked with local and state legislators to demonstrate the AKC's and SCKC's value to the community and to encourage the development of dog-friendly venues and parks on Long Island. "We are pleased to honor Rosemary Redditt, Bob Eisele, and the members of their clubs for their hard work on behalf of their communities. Their dedication to demonstrating the value of purebred dogs as both companions and working canines is truly exceptional. These recipients are very deserving of the AKC Community Achievement Award," said Sheila Goffe, AKC Director of Government Relations. Nominations for the AKC Community Achievement Award are accepted year-round. Honorees receive a certificate of appreciation and a $1,000 check payable to their AKC club or AKC-recognized federation to further public education and government relations efforts. For the fourth quarter awards, AKC clubs, federations and their members who host AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day events during the month of September are eligible for nomination. Click here to nominate an individual, club or federation.
Cet itinéraire est à des fins de planification seulement. Les travaux routiers, la circulation ou d’autres facteurs peuvent faire en sorte que les conditions diffèrent des résultats affichés sur la carte. Cet itinéraire est assujetti aux conditions d’utilisation de Groupe Pages Jaunes. POUR S’Y RENDRE Established in 1973, Rubaiyat has always taken extreme pride in creating. A memorable experience for its customers. A journey through a male of magnificent antique showcases filled with a vast array of beautiful displays and uniquely hand crafted items makes a visit to the gallery unforgettable and inspiring artists and items found at Rubaiyat are among some of the world most talented and celebrated artisans. Throughout the ages, it has been the crafts of all cultures that have told the story of spiritual and material growth. Established in 1973, in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; our family owned and operated gallery has become a destination for artful objects that illustrate refined craftsmanship at its best. Jewellery, art glass, indoor furnishings and outdoor teak furniture, large pots, garden statuary, pewter and Beautiful displays sprawl over 8500 square feet , showcasing over 800 artists and designers, working in a variety of mediums. Our friendly gallery atmosphere is perfect for browsing or finding the perfect gift. We are committed to quality craftsmanship and excellent customer service, and offer a variety of corporate gift, special event, and wedding registry programs. Our gallery evolves throughout the seasons, from summer patio season to magical Christmas and holiday to fresh spring and colourful fall. The constant changes keeps our clientele coming back to enjoy an array of new pieces and visual splendour. We are proud to currently be of service to our third generation of loyal and lovely customers and clients locally, nationally and internationally.
After two successful seasons, Veet is back with Season 3! Veet Miss Super Model season 3 will be much bigger and of course much more beautiful! This beauty show will consist of eight episodes where the aspiring models will battle it out to win Veet Miss Super Model, season 3. The winner will win various prizes, a contract from Pakistan’s first model agency, Cats Modeling and the opportunity to grab the coveted title of Veet Miss Super Model 2012! This year Veet will be showcasing 8 theme based episodes, and each episode will focus on grooming the models in various aspects of modeling based on Beauty, confidence, personality development etc. The episodes will also showcase mega-celebrity appearances from the fashion, film and sporting industries, as well as veteran models. Additionally, they will be exciting challenges that the aspiring models compete in, to emerge as the winner of the show. Veet has created this platform to allow young women to have their dreams come true & now Veet Miss Super Model has established itself as a recognizable platform that people know as a reliable name. Veet has changed the lives of many young models aspiring to make a career in the modeling industry; Models of season 1: Saima Haroon, Sadaf Kanwal & Models of season 2: Saima Azher, Sana Khan, Areeba, Sana Sarfaraz, Saba Sikander, are some of the models who have made it in the industry through Veet Miss Super Model. The judges this year are; Nabila, the acclaimed hair designer and stylist from Karachi. Nabila has redefined fashion style and Imagery in Pakistan. Throughout her 26 Years Career in the Beauty Industry she has contributed extensively towards refining the image of the media Industry. Nabila creates eclectic and original styles both in her work and in her own sense of Fashion. She is known for her specialized touch, be it hair styling or Dramatic Makeup for the shoots. The second judge is Tapu Javeri, an award winning Pakistani fashion and art photographer, radio host and jewellery designer. He works as a freelance Photographer. He also designs handbags and T-shirts for his own label “Tapulicious”. With Tapu’s experience in the various fields of the fashion world, Tapu plays an important role is this show and can contribute in many ways to groom the participating models. The third judge, Frieha Altaf, is the woman who started it all with Cats modeling agency. Cats is the pioneer modeling agency in the country, before which modeling was seen as a hobby and has now become a profession in Pakistan. The company has been able to introduce many famous models to the fashion industry such as Faiza Ansari, Vaneeza and Iraj. These judges are the best in the country in their respected fields, and that is why they have been chosen to be the judges for this competition. They will be evaluating various aspects of the participants to see, who is worthy of being the next super model of the fashion industry. The official stylist for the show is Saba Ansari. She has been responsible for the spectacular hair and make-up of various fashion events and shows. She has also worked with many top Pakistani models, photographers, T.V directors, choreographers, and singers. Veet is giving these models a platform which will change their lives and most importantly giving them a chance to make a career. Watch out for the series, to find out who will be crowned Veet Miss Super Model 2012! In attendance Frieha Altaf looked stunning wearing SanaSafinaz. Other guests including Huma Adnan, Zahir Rehmatullah, Nousheen Masood, Fakhir Mahmood, Maheen Hussain, Nadia Mistri, Zurrain Amman, Farah Khan and many more designers, socialites and Celebrities attended the press conference. Find below some Exclusive Pictures from the Press Conference Held in DHA, Karachi:
Workers Comp: Put a Lid on Costs The cost of workers compensation insurance is escalating By Phillip M. Perry Date Posted: 12/2/2003 If you're like most employers, you're concerned about the rising costs of employee benefits. And few such costs are rising as rapidly as those for workers compensation insurance. Premiums for workers comp have risen 50% nationwide in the last three years -- the fastest pace in a decade, according to the New York City-based Insurance Information Institute. The increase is even greater in some states such as "Employers are up in arms," said Daniel C. Free, president of the Indianapolis-based Insurance Audit and Inspection, a risk management consulting firm (www.insuranceaudit.com). "Some businesses are getting back-to-back increases of 25 to 40 percent, even if they have favorable workplace accident rates. No insurance buyer knows how to budget for a 20 percent increase that turns out to be twice that number. And employers often don't know what the new rates will be until a few weeks before renewal time. Then, of course, it's too late to shop around." The big increase comes on the heels of a decades-long effort by many business owners to reduce the risks inherent in their operations. "The irony is that in many respects the workplace is safer than it's ever been," said P. J. Crowley, vice president of the Insurance Information Institute. "The root cause of the problem is the escalating cost of medical care and the number of prescribed follow up visits to medical professionals." Adding fuel to the fire is the length of time injured workers stay off the job, the continuing leak of wages that must be paid while they are on leave, and the cost of replacement labor. You can't reduce the level of workers comp benefits as you can with health insurance. That's because states mandate full coverage for treatment of on-the-job injuries. So how can you control costs? Let's see what the experts say. Increase Workplace Safety By far the most important step you can take is to identify and address the riskiest areas of your operations. Reducing the number of accidents in your workplace will directly affect your expenses for replacement labor while reducing your risk of getting hit with higher insurance rates as a result of poor workplace conditions. "Insurance providers look at your track record," said Smaller employers especially must be vigilant about workplace safety. "If losses accumulate to any great degree your insurance company will cancel coverage," said Free. "And you are going to have to tell prospective replacement carriers why you got canceled. If they decide not to take on the risk you will be thrown into your state's assigned risk pool. That's expensive." Look a number of ergonomic areas that commonly lead to workplace injuries. Free suggests the following: n Keyboard operators. Adjust keyboard positions and encourage safe practices to reduce the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome. n Computer screens. Adjust screen positions to avoid headaches that can turn into costly time off. n Floor coverings. Many employees stand all day long. Install floor mats that are designed to reduce the resultant shock to the legs and back. And have employees wear the right shoes to reduce fatigue. n Warehouse shelving. Remember that materials stacked the wrong way can fall over. Redesign your stocking procedures. n Lifting and moving. Anyone who needs to lift and move boxes of goods should wear appropriate lower back braces, and utilize carts whenever possible. Remember: Sprained backs are the most common workplace injury. n Chairs. Does your office staff sit all day long? Install chairs that support the lower back and mandate regular stretching and walking times. n Three extra pointers: Minimize the number of times people have to bend over to pick up things. Remove tripping hazards. Spot and adjust protruding installations and shelved items that may fall on workers. Get Employees Back to Work Quickly Workplace safety is great. But costly accidents will happen. When they do, you need to get the injured worker back as soon as feasible. Indeed, it's the "staying at home" part that is most costly for employers. The expense starts with the need to hire replacement workers. "Think of the time it takes to train someone to do an injured worker's job," said Free. "Furthermore, temp agencies charge huge fees that keep going until a person comes back. None of that is covered by insurance." The costs don't end with the temp agency bill. Untrained employees just don't have your regular staff's expertise and customer contacts. Furthermore, employees who stay out of the workplace longer than necessary may get too comfortable and decide to lengthen their stay indefinitely or even to build a lawsuit against your business. The trick, then, is to institute a program that encourages early return. "We estimate that a good 'back to work' program will reduce the cost of having an injured party at home by some 40 to 50 percent," said Norman A. Peterson, President of Norman Peterson & Associates, a consulting firm that specializes in workers compensation issues (www.returntowork.com). "The number one cost driver for workers comp is time spent at home." Sounds like there's room for significant savings. Here's what to do: create temporary positions for injured workers. Get proactive. Today, before accidents happen, draw up contingency plans for workers who are injured on the job. "Create in advance a modified temporary position to bring any injured worker back on the day of the injury," said Peterson. "Remember that time is your enemy when an employee walks out the door." At first blush, it seems counterintuitive that an injured worker can get back to work right away. After all, doesn't the reality of an injury preclude business as usual? It does, but that "as usual" part is subject to alteration: The trick is to develop productive positions for which the worker's injury does not rule out participation. "A worker who deals in heavy lifting might not be able to resume full duties right away," said Communicate Your Concern If you don't express your concern about rising costs, how will people know? Reach out to everyone involved in the health care network. Take these steps: A. Communicate the problem with your work force. You know that workers comp costs are escalating, but do your employees? Chances are they have no idea how much you have to pay for workers comp or how it affects the health of the company that provides their paychecks. Sharing this information will open their eyes to the problem and to how they can help by fostering workplace safety and returning to work quickly if they are injured. B. Communicate with medical professionals. Workers aren't the only ones who need education about the cost of workers comp: So do doctors. "Doctors tend to prescribe the maximum medical care available," said A big part of the education solution is to make sure the doctor knows the demands of the position held by the injured worker and the alternative position which you have made available for the employee. You may also call the doctor and discuss the treatment. C. Express concern for the injured worker. Remember that the injured worker is stewing at home, irritated that he has been hurt and perhaps angry at your business. Such negative feelings can escalate if the worker feels you do not care what has happened. "Employers who are viewed as uncaring open themselves up to claims that are not legitimate," said Free. "There is a lot of workers comp fraud out there." Free suggests designating what he calls an 'employee diplomat' who maintains contact with the injured worker and expresses the concern of the employer. Not only will this make the worker feel better, but it will also encourage cooperation with the back to work program. Bonus tip: About half the states allow you to reduce your workers comp costs by paying a deductible or by using managed care organizations to provide required care. See if your state is one of them. Take Action Now You can help reduce costly increases in workers comp costs by following some of the advice in this article. "In this tight insurance market, carriers will want to see documentation that you are controlling costs and reducing risks," said Are you being over-billed? Is your insurance company c -- Are your workers classified correctly? Different work positions are classified at different premiums. It's easy for these to get out of whack. For example, the promotion of an employee to a less risky position may not be reflected in your workers comp c -- Is your payroll reflected accurately? The premium you pay is based upon your payroll level. If your company experiences a great deal of shifting among employees during the year, your payroll records at the insurance company can become outdated. -- Are exemptions duly reflected in your c Overtime pay and commissions are often exempted from your premium c -- Is your experience modification (or "x mod") rating correct? Your premium is adjusted by your history of workplace injury, as distilled into an "experience modifier." Make sure yours is accurate. "Every company should request a claims audit from the insurance company to check the x mod," said Norman A. Peterson, President of Norman Peterson & Associates, a consulting firm that specializes in workers compensation issues (www.returntowork.com). "We estimate that if you were to get an independent audit of 100 companies you would find errors in 90 that affect the x mod." Speaking of audits, there's no reason why you can't ask your insurance company to visit your place of business and conduct a job safety analysis. It's a great idea to have knowledgeable individuals analyze the safety risks of tasks your employees perform and suggest modifications to reduce risk of injury. Get More Information Here are some web sites with information about workers compensation insurance: www.iii.org. The Insurance Information Institute offers a detailed overview of the current state of workers comp insurance, factors contributing to escalating costs, and relevant laws by state. Click on "More Insurance Issues" Under "Hot Topics" and then on "Workers Compensation Insurance." www.mostchoice.com. This agency marketing site provides a detailed explanation of the c www.law.cornell.edu. Hosted by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell Law School, this site offers a roundup of federal and state laws on workers comp. Click on "Law About" and then "Accident and Injury Compensation" and then "Workers Compensation." info.insure.com. This marketing site for insurance agencies includes an interactive tool with capsule views of workers comp law by state. Click on "Workers compensation insurance law tool" under "Your Business." For in-depth information about workers comp, click on "Small Business," select "Small Business Insurance Main Page" and then "Workers compensation insurance library." Do you want reprints or a copyright license for this article? Click here Research and connect with suppliers mentioned in this article using our FREE ZIP Online service.
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Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) What Increases Your Risk Risk factors for temporomandibular disorders (TMDs) include: - Stress and anxiety, which can cause facial and jaw muscle tension. - Repetitive habits, such as grinding your teeth (bruxism), clenching your teeth, excessive gum chewing, eating hard or chewy foods, and nail biting. - Habits that can cause muscle tension, such as sleeping on one side of your face or with your mouth open, opening your mouth wide when yawning or singing, or holding your head up by cradling your jaw in your hand. - Injury to the jaw or head. TMDs can result from a direct blow to the jaw, chin, or head; Reference whiplash Opens New Window to the head or neck; overstretching the jaw during dental work or surgery; or other injuries that may lead to joint damage or muscle tension. - Age and gender. TMDs are more common in younger adults (ages 20 to 50) and in women.Reference 1 |By:||Reference Healthwise Staff||Last Revised: Reference June 11, 2012| |Medical Review:||Reference Adam Husney, MD - Family Medicine Reference Arden Christen, DDS, MSD, MA, FACD - Dentistry
A mesmeric tour de force of character rendered with DeLillo’s typical stylistic brilliance, intelligence and wit becomes a warning for the global future. 'A brilliant excursion into the decadence of contemporary culture' Sunday Times Eric Packer is a twenty-eight-year-old multi-billionaire asset manager. We join him on what will become a particularly eventful April day in turn-of-the-twenty-first-century Manhattan. He’s on a personal odyssey, to get a haircut. Sitting in his stretch limousine as it moves across town, he finds the city at a virtual standstill because the President is visiting, a rapper’s funeral is proceeding, and a violent protest is being staged in Times Square by anti-globalist groups. Most worryingly, Eric’s bodyguards are concerned that he may be a target . . . An electrifying study in affectlessness, infused with deep cynicism and measured detachment; a harsh indictment of the life-denying tendencies of capitalism; as brutal a dissection of the American dream as Wolfe’s Bonfire or Ellis’s Psycho, Cosmopolis is a caustic prophecy all too quickly realized. 'A prose-poem about New York . . . DeLillo has always been good at telling us where we're heading . . . we ignore him at our peril' Blake Morrison, Guardian
A fabulously funny story from a winning picture book team! Jack’s Granny is sick with a bad case of the moozles! And the only cure is the fruit of the fantastic flumflum tree which grows on the faraway Isle of Blowyernose. It’s a perilous journey, but Jack bravely sets sail, with a motley crew of only three -- and a large patchwork sack that Granny has filled with an odd assortment of items from chewing-gum to tent pegs. But what use will they be against hungry sharks, a leaky boat and a thieving monkey? Follow Jack across the ocean in this irresistible story from the creators of TYRANNOSAURUS DRIP and THE TROLL.
Date: Dec 09, 2004 Press Release Number: 154-2004 The Port Authority Board of Commissioners today approved nearly $280 million to modernize Terminal B and related facilities at Newark Liberty International Airport. This program will enable the airport to accommodate a projected increase in air passengers within the next 15 years. Long-range forecasts indicate that air traffic will continue to grow at the airport and reach 45 million annual air passengers by 2021. The airport currently serves approximately 32 million annual passengers. Improvements will be made to provide for additional ticketing areas, expansion of the existing ticketing areas, passenger screening points and the construction of a new domestic baggage claim area, which will allow greater efficiency for the screening process and baggage handling. The Port Authority expects to begin the planning and design in 2005. Acting New Jersey Governor Richard J. Codey said, “Newark Liberty International Airport is one of New Jersey’s most important transportation facilities, generating 110,000 jobs – including more than $11.3 billion a year in economic activity. This project is a significant step as this regional gateway prepares to accommodate additional passengers in the coming years. As the airport grows, our state’s economy attracts new businesses and travelers to New Jersey.” Port Authority Chairman Anthony R. Coscia said, “The region’s economy relies heavily upon our ability to keep commerce and people moving quickly and efficiently. Among the many things we have delivered to our customers are two new parking garages, AirTrain Newark, three enhanced and expanded terminals, new cargo facilities, roadway improvements that create better access for vehicles, and runway improvements that increase efficiency for aircraft. Thoughtful planning today will lead to great improvements tomorrow at Newark Liberty International Airport, enabling us to be prepared to meet projected passenger growth in the future.” Port Authority Executive Director Kenneth J. Ringler Jr. said, “This project will complement the $3.8 billion we have already invested in our airport redevelopment program to enhance and improve operations and services at Newark Liberty International Airport. Over the last 10 years, the Port Authority has invested approximately $15 billion at all of our airports in an effort to bring our customers the best in world-class service.” The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey operates many of the busiest and most important transportation links in the region. They include John F. Kennedy International, Newark Liberty International, LaGuardia and Teterboro airports; AirTrain JFK and AirTrain Newark; the George Washington Bridge; the Lincoln and Holland tunnels; the three bridges between Staten Island and New Jersey; the PATH (Port Authority Trans-Hudson) rapid-transit rail system; the Port Authority- Downtown Manhattan Heliport; Port Newark; the Elizabeth-Port Authority Marine Terminal; the Howland Hook Marine Terminal on Staten Island; the Brooklyn Piers/Red Hook Container Terminal; and the Port Authority Bus Terminal in midtown Manhattan. The agency also owns the 16-acre World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan. The Port Authority is financially self-supporting and receives no tax revenue from either state.
Would you like to leave a comment? Log in > to the Fan Club or sign up > HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAOLO!!!! hope u have a wonderful day and enjoy being 25! :-)lov from ur devoted fan,shahla xx love you Paolo!! <3 <3 That is real talent right there, Paolo and his amazing band,. just outstanding live. Happy New Year Best wishes to you Paolo and the Band. With love from Southern California. :) I adore all of you; and of course, Paolo is the sweetest sweetheart <3 <3 Dear Paolo, Fraser & The Vipers, you are all such an amazing group here. This song is just amazing with Paolo's voice and the whole music instrument. I love the harmonica at the end OMG!!Cheers & Love,JM Paolo, I love this version so much! I watch this song again and again. Thank you for sharing your creative talent to the world. I visited Edinburgh in 1965, when I lived in London in the 60s. Your songs & music bring back such wonderful memories. Love, JM Great voice. Good music. Own style. For when a major concert in Portugal(Lisbon)? We are waiting for you. Gibt es was besseres als diesen Song?!
32" Brown Scalloped Shaped Paper Parasol This solid colored scalloped parasol is handmade from bamboo and rice paper. This parasol is absolutely stunning and made for protection from the sun. Extremely popular for wedding occasions or as party favors. Also, used for home décor or party decorations. The top of the parasol is matched with a paper covered finial. Make any occasion a memorable one! Overall Rating for 32" Brown Scalloped Shaped Paper Parasol Do you ship to Canada and how long would it take? By Patricia from Caledonia, Ontario, Canada on July 10, 2012 By Customer Service on July 12, 2012 Answer:We can ship to Canada through US Priority Mail International (estimated 2 weeks, customs varies) , Fedex Ground to Canada (estimated 5 business days, customs vaires), or Fedex International Economy (between 3-5 business days) and Fedex International Priority (between 1-3 business days). To get a shipping cost to for any order, simply place all of your items into your cart, and input your shipping address, Our system should automatically calculate shipping charges for you. (Note: all dollar amount is in USD). Please visit our info section for more information: http://paperlanternstore.com/info.html. Orders shipping outside US. All pricing in USD. Duty charges are NOT included in shipping charges, and will vary depending on country, sometimes orders to specific countries must be shipped in separate boxes due to size limitations, please check with your local customs department. You May Also Like...
+ All Bedding answers (55) most popular questions - I currently have a toddler and am expecting a second baby in two months. We get out and go for lots - I am wondering which items of baby gear that I will need to buy 2 of and which ones I can get by wit - I was out shopping the other day at Buy Buy Baby and was completely overwhelmed by all of the choice - What is an absolute must have to bring to the hospital for the trip home, besides the obvious, car seat, etc.?
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The Helly Hansen Big Mountain Battle is Back Saturday! — Posted by Samantha on February 25, 2013 The Big Mountain Battle is back, and it's bigger than ever! Well, the mountain is the same size. But the race is new, improved and challenging for adults and kids alike! The Big Mountain Battle, sponsored by Helly Hansen, is a series of battles across the continent, giving guests the opportunity to participate in an on-mountain scavenger hunt. Here at Park City Mountain Resort, we have an advanced and an intermediate course, and three different categories for participation: Advanced, Intermediate or 12 and under. The event is simple: grab a partner, register in your category, get your course planned out, compete on March 2, and make it back the fastest. It seems simple, until you see the checkpoints. Starting at the Loren Larsen Park at 10:30 a.m. and finishing at the Environmental Kiosk, this thing covers a whole lot of mountain! Check this video featuring Tim, my ski patroller friend who designed the course. Get excited, and get registered at bigmountainbattle.com. Add Your Own Comments Official news and announcements from Park City Mountain Resort. Andy has skied the Park City area for 20 years, and is excited to finally be a full-time PC resident and call Park City Mountain Resort his home mountain. Samantha is new to Utah, joining the Park City Mountain Resort team in 2011 as the Marketing Coordinator. When he's not up on the mountain checking on the cams, Eric is managing the interactive marketing for Park City Mountain Resort. Brent is the director of mountain operations. He is a long-timer at the Resort, this is his 33rd season. Bert has been with the Park City Mountain Resort Mountain Patrol since 1991. Originally from the Pocono’s of Pennsylvania, Travis found his way to Park City three years ago and is now our grooming manager. When not in snowcat you can find him skiing or snowmobiling in the Utah backcountry or enjoying the skiing here at Park City Mountain Resort. Jon is a Kids Ski & Snowboard School supervisor and trainer.
Renewal of the county attorneys' contracts is pending the finalization of the county's budget. In addition to his public defense responsibilities, Summit County Defense Attorney Paul Quinlan has been donating his time to the new county drug court program. "With the exception of one person, everybody wants back," County Attorney David Brickey said. "But Paul Quinlan has donated an entire year to drug court with no compensation. And he has said, 'A year is about all I can do. If I can't get compensated for next year, you'll have to find a new defense attorney.'" Brickey said he can understand why Quinlan wouldn't want to continue doing drug court without compensation. "What Paul has made known to everyone is that he wants compensation and he's not asking for a lot," Brickey said. "So right now, he's not coming back at all because a contract hasn't been offered. He's a little frustrated. We all are." Summit County Manager Bob Jasper said he and the county staff have recommended additional money be budgeted for both the county prosecutors and defenders. "They haven't had a raise in four years and we've added a lot of workload to them because caseloads have gone up, so they are doing a lot more for less. We have reached a point where we don't think it's fair," he said. Jasper said he hasn't heard anything about losing public defenders because of funding, particularly as it relates to the drug court, but said that they can't keep adding more work to their contracts without giving them more money. "So we've added more money for them to the budget," Jasper said, referring to the county's two public defenders, Quinlan and David Shapiro, and two conflict council public defenders, Sophia Moore and Asa Kelly, who assist Quinlan and Shapiro when needed. The County Council will be discussing the proposed 2013 budget during a work session Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the Summit County Courthouse, located at 60 North Main Street in Coalville. They will then vote on the budget and possible tax increase following a Truth in Taxation public hearing at 6 p.m. that evening. Quinlan did not return a phone call by Tuesday.
BATHURST OFFICE FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER The Hon. D. J. GAY: My question without notice is directed to the Treasurer, Minister for State Development, and Vice-President of the Executive Council, representing the Minister for Regional Development, and Minister for Rural Affairs. What is the salary of the head of the Bathurst office for regional development, a position recently filled by an Orange concreter and failed Australian Labor Party candidate, Mr Glenn Taylor? Will Mr Taylor receive a mobile phone and a car as part of his package? What is the current status of the car that the Minister for Regional Development had been using but was not entitled to use? Will Mr Taylor assume use of that car? Will Mr Taylor be permitted to use any telephone or car given to him as part of his new position for political business or as a possible Labor Party candidate for the State seat of Orange? The Hon. M. R. EGAN: It is quite apparent that the Opposition has run out of questions.
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Now that Girl Scout cookie season has ended — here in Texas, anyway — shit’s starting to get real. related: Killer cookie dough FILED UNDER: die bitch die · food · heart · sharing is caring I would be tempted to take one of each to see how genuine the writer’s audit was. Feb 27, 2013 at 2:47 pm rating: 49 me: You’re on the right track. But instead of taking one out of each box, take several. Then the next day put one or two back. Then take some more out and later return some, etc. Will drive the person nuts. Feb 27, 2013 at 5:14 pm rating: 101 No take all the cookies bundle them up in groups of two to three in ziploc baggies. Then hide them like easter eggs. Leave a note explaining all of this then stay at a friends house for a couple of days. Mar 3, 2013 at 2:14 am rating: 4 i would crush them all then ask for a crumb count Feb 27, 2013 at 2:48 pm rating: 43 I’d have to attach a note saying, “Yeah, but do you know which ones I peed on?” Feb 27, 2013 at 2:53 pm rating: 56 I would have gone with licked, but to each their own. Feb 28, 2013 at 11:44 pm rating: 10 It says as much about those around this person as it does the person who wrote the note. (I bet his/her roommates steal lunches from the work frig, too.) Feb 27, 2013 at 2:58 pm rating: 11 Frig? What the fridge are you talking about? Feb 27, 2013 at 4:11 pm rating: 16 Frigg. Tess just left off the last g. Or the last e if you’re Angl0-Saxon. The word “Friday” is named after her, so it’s clear why workplaces pay homage to the revered wife of Odin. And anyone who would steal from Frigg is really asking for it, just like the notewriter implies. Justice will come with sharp swords on swift wings. Your life will be Hel. Feb 28, 2013 at 12:34 pm rating: 28 Yeah, better keep things Loki. Mar 2, 2013 at 2:30 am rating: 8 greg house md Lol, I would have licked them, but I guess peeing works too… Feb 27, 2013 at 2:58 pm rating: 9 Step 1: Remove all cookies from boxes and return the empty boxes to the shelf. Step 2: Leave the following note: “POP QUIZ! Correctly answer how many cookies were in each box and they will be safely returned.” Step 3: Try not to eat all of the cookies while waiting for your coworker to follow-up. Feb 27, 2013 at 2:59 pm rating: 90 You straight up do not F*** with a person’s supply of short-supply, insanely expensive cookies. That said, she probably knows exactly how many Tagalongs she has (there’s only like 15 in a box, those little conniving…) Thin Mints are harder to track. If you must eat one… those are your best bet for survival. Feb 27, 2013 at 3:09 pm rating: 69 H for Toy Thin mints used to have exactly 20 per sleeve, when I was a kid. It’s like 16 now. I’m not sure, because I haven’t bought mine yet this year, but there’s still time, because around here, the parents buy a couple thousand boxes, and then keep selling out in front of Home Depot until they’re gone. Feb 27, 2013 at 4:00 pm rating: 7 You know they don’t call them that anymore? Now they’re “Peanut Butter Patties.” Grrr! Just like Pluto will always be a planet to me, so too will those peanut butter and chocolate bites of Heaven be Tagalongs! Feb 27, 2013 at 8:30 pm rating: 9 Replying to Jami, The name changes are regional. My daughter is a GS, and here in The eastern Midwest they’re still called Tagalongs. It is criminal how little of the money the troops get, they get $0.85 a box. The local council has raised the price to $4.00 a box. And then our troop leader is an absolute cookie crazy beast who keeps pressuring the girls to sell. My daughter joined to be a Scout, not get a fricking part time job. Feb 27, 2013 at 11:45 pm rating: 27 This is why I just cut a check / give cash donations to things like this…. well also Celiac disease. I don’t end up with crappy magazine subscriptions (look! A litter version of the internet!) or overpriced wrapping paper, the kids get all the cash. Feb 28, 2013 at 12:33 am rating: 8 @Guest – Well, I guess the Midwest is more intelligent when it comes to names than the west coast. I don’t understand why they changed the name. The other name was so much more fun. Feb 28, 2013 at 6:22 am rating: 4 Guest, don’t you mean “frigging” part time job? Or is it “fridging” part time job? hmmm Feb 28, 2013 at 1:03 pm rating: 3 They were always called Peanut Butter Patties when I was a kid. I never heard of Tagalongs till I was in college, or thereabouts. They also changed the recipe at about that same time–they went from being the Greatest Cookie Imaginable to being an chocolate-covered biscuit with a dab of far-too-sweet peanut-buttery-ish stuff. Mar 4, 2013 at 3:18 pm rating: 0 I used to mark my liquor bottles and that ratted out my thievin’ roomies every time. One dummy tried pouring some water back into the bottle but poured too much–so when the amount of bourbon was higher than the night before… I’m just saying I understand the message. Girl Scout cookies aren’t available year-round. Feb 27, 2013 at 3:13 pm rating: 24 As a teenager, I regularly raided my dad’s liquor cabinet, and refilled them with water. Seemed like it was working great until the day I refilled some high octane grain alcohol, and it turned it cloudy!!! I panicked and threw it under the back porch, where for all I know, it remains to this day. I found out later in life that my dad was onto most of my stunts, but instead of calling me out, he just called other relatives and complained to them about how bad I was. Worked for me, lol Feb 27, 2013 at 3:21 pm rating: 27 I’ll admit, when my mother had a large box of chocolates around (they all had to be the same type of chocolates, mind you), I figured out that you could get away with eating some if you could not count how many were left at a glance. So, anything over around 8 or 10 and I was safe. I could eat one and nobody would know. Or hell, maybe she did know, but didn’t mind sharing her chocolates with me. I’m never going to ask her. Feb 27, 2013 at 4:01 pm rating: 12 Keebler makes imitation Girl Scout cookies (i.e. Grasshoppers are the same as Thin Mints) year round. And at half the price. Feb 27, 2013 at 5:41 pm rating: 23 they’re not really imitation, because Keebler is the bakery that makes them for the Girl Scouts, too. They just can’t use the Girl Scouts’ trademarked names. Feb 27, 2013 at 11:19 pm rating: 12 When someone in our house started drinking my mom’s cooking sherry and refilling it with water, my mother added vinegar. Apparently that put an end to that. Feb 28, 2013 at 12:53 am rating: 29 Your mom was a genius! That sounds like the kind of thing my grandmother would have done, back when she was raising Mom and five other kids Mar 2, 2013 at 2:38 am rating: 2 This thread is full of LIES. GS cookies are not baked by Keebler, and the Keebler imitations are indeed half the price, but also half the quality. (FYI: All GS cookies are baked by either Little Brownie Bakers or ABC Bakery. Ones produced by ABC are the ones with the newfangled names like Caramel Delites and Peanut Butter Patties. The more you know! *star wipe*) Mar 3, 2013 at 11:24 am rating: 4 I have looked it up, and I have found several sites stating Keebler still makes girl scout cookies. “Keebler-Wyl Bakery became the official baker of Girl Scout Cookies in 1936, the first commercial company to bake the cookies (the scouts and their mothers had done it previously). By 1978, four companies were producing the cookies. Little Brownie Bakers is the Keebler division still licensed to produce the cookies” Mar 11, 2013 at 1:06 pm rating: 1 And the ABC folks make four vegan varieties (including PB patties and Thin Mints, be still my heart! and they’ve always been vegan – they just didn’t label them until now) while the goddamn Little Brownie Bastards have nary a single vegan option. In MN we have LBB. Where my folks live in WI they get ABC. I alway have mom act as my vegan GSC drug mule for me and my friends. Hah! We only have one box of Thin Mints left. :/ Luckily, Liz Lovelies are ever better than GSC and are available year round. Whew. Mar 13, 2013 at 9:05 pm rating: 1 The cookies were fucking delicious Feb 27, 2013 at 3:14 pm rating: 14 … I see what you did there. Feb 27, 2013 at 3:19 pm rating: 2 They didn’t change the names. There are two bakers licensed by GSUSA to make the cookies. The company that calls them Peanut Butter Patties has done so for about 50 years. Whichever names you see in your area just depends on what baker a local council chooses to work with. Feb 28, 2013 at 6:44 am rating: 3 If that note was left by me the answer for each box would be zero. I’m very dangerous around Girl Scout cookies. Feb 27, 2013 at 4:15 pm rating: 4 Yeah! Especially the thin mints. Feb 27, 2013 at 6:43 pm rating: 3 Take them all, and leave a note saying “At least I’ll die happy.” Feb 27, 2013 at 4:46 pm rating: 24 Left to right: Bisquick, Mac & Cheese, four boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. My type of pantry. Feb 27, 2013 at 5:20 pm rating: 13 I'm the cookie thief I would be tempted to 1: remove all cookies 2: buy the knock offs at Walmart 3: replace empty slots with said knock offs BUTT of course put in the wrong boxes and mix them all up 4: put note reading “oops they all fell on floor when I thought I heard you coming to kill me. Did best not to put them back in order. The on that didn’t fall was delicious so thank you” 4: lock the original GS cookies in my safe and ration them out over the year! Feb 27, 2013 at 5:20 pm rating: 10 This seems like a solid plan except for the part about rationing them out. Feb 28, 2013 at 12:11 pm rating: 6 Agreed. Who rations out Girl Scout cookies? Feb 28, 2013 at 1:02 pm rating: 4 I have done that in the past before, not for my cookies (because I hide them in my room) but for the cookies or brownies I bake because in HS my brother and his friends would steal them and were jerks about it. It really pissed me off if I had baked them for a specific purpose, like to give as a gift or something. Feb 27, 2013 at 6:33 pm rating: 4 Why would someone die from eating what’s in these boxes? Did someone lace the cookies with arsenic? And how can you die and still have a great day? Feb 27, 2013 at 6:41 pm rating: 6 How can you die and still have a great day? Well, you’re dead and you can haunt people, that’s how! Feb 27, 2013 at 10:41 pm rating: 9 The first person I would haunt would be whoever put the arsenic in the Thin Mints. If being dead is so much fun, it should be shared with the person who did me the big favor of killing me, right? Mar 1, 2013 at 10:59 pm rating: 1 These are one of those American things I’d love to try. Girl Guide biscuits in New Zealand are horrible flavourless things that (in my experience) get bought out of obligation and rarely eaten. Feb 27, 2013 at 6:47 pm rating: 5 H for Toy There are some excellent recipes for Tagalongs, Samoas and Thin Mints online. If you really hate baking, the Thin Mints are easy. Take melted semi-sweet chocolate, add a tiny bit of mint extract, and dip some Nestlé Famous Chocolate Wafers into it. Ritz crackers will also work, but I like the chocolate wafers. Or, get someone to mail you some Girl Scout cookies. Either way, they’re worth it! Feb 27, 2013 at 8:49 pm rating: 7 The Crazed Spruce Up here in Canada, for years the only Girl Guide cookies we’d get were a tiny box of sandwich cookies, half of them basically vanilla Oreos and the other half just like Fudgee-Os. (I used to open one of each and smoosh the two cream halves together. It was just as awesome as it sounds.) Feb 27, 2013 at 10:27 pm rating: 2 Here is a recipe for one of the GS cookie varieties, called Samoas. I have no idea why they’re named that, but it is a shortbread cookie covered with a mixture of coconut, caramel and chocolate. Feb 27, 2013 at 11:53 pm rating: 1 Thanks for the tips! I don”t think I have access to Famous Chocolate Wafers or Ritz crackers either, but maybe I could try baking. I never do well with American recipes though, something always seems to go awry converting to metric. ETA: Hey, that Samoas recipe already has the metric measurements, nice Feb 28, 2013 at 9:01 am rating: 3 H for Toy The Tagalongs recipe on instructibles also had metric measurements. http:/ /www.instructables. com/id /Tagalong-Cookies-Recipe/ There are a couple from-scratch Thin Mints recipes on the site, but none that I found are already in metric. Good luck! I hope you enjoy them if you try them Feb 28, 2013 at 9:11 am rating: 3 In all honesty, they’re not that good. Peo;le just go gaga for them because they can only get them once a year. Mar 3, 2013 at 10:39 am rating: 1 By Rufus Sewell’s beautiful eyes that’s a lie! I admit Somoa’s suck and the shortbread is dry and gross. But the Tagalongs are Heaven! Sheer Heaven! Mar 3, 2013 at 1:42 pm rating: 2 H for Toy I love Samoas! Also Rufus Sewell’s eyes. And I’ll eat almost any kind of shortbread, except those gross ones you can buy out of the bin that are anise flavored. But I agree with Jami about the Tagalongs. Absolute heaven in a little cardboard box. Mar 3, 2013 at 3:15 pm rating: 2 I just really, REALLY hate coconut, H. Though I suppose if Rufus begged me to eat a Somoa off his chest I would. But only if I could choose the next cookie to eat off him. Mar 3, 2013 at 4:16 pm rating: 3 Jami – The naughty librarian? How cliche Mar 3, 2013 at 6:24 pm rating: 2 Library Clerk. Until someone wises up and realizes I could be America’s Susan Boyle. And yes, I’m a bad, bad girl. I’d make a joke about needing Rufus to spank me but then some uptight person would come along and flip out. Mar 3, 2013 at 9:45 pm rating: 2 H for Toy Coconut seems to be one of those things that lots of people hate. I’ll eat the Samoas myself, then You can always take turns. If Rufus really like Samoas, he can eat them off of you, and you can eat your Tagalongs… you know what, I feel a little weird about including Girl Scout cookies in a naughty Rufus Sewell fantasy… You just go ahead and picture it yourself Mar 4, 2013 at 8:49 am rating: 3 These things have gotten crazy expensive. Back when I sold them (twenty years back) they were $2.50 per box. Feb 27, 2013 at 7:17 pm rating: 4 They’re still only $2.50 a box here. Feb 28, 2013 at 1:15 pm rating: 0 For the love of Frigg, where?! Feb 28, 2013 at 3:57 pm rating: 8 I’m not sure this one belongs here. Murder is *a bit* of an overreaction but we are talking about Girl Scout cookies…. Feb 27, 2013 at 8:35 pm rating: 3 There are two foodstuffs you simply do not mess with: the coffee and the Girl Scout cookies. Feb 28, 2013 at 7:45 am rating: 10 They already ate all of the best ones, the Samoas. Feb 27, 2013 at 9:13 pm rating: 4 Why would you put the cookies out in a place where they might be taken? If I had cookies that I did not want to share; they would be in my bedroom, desk, bag…. Yes I used a lot of punctuation. Big whoop wanna fight about it? Feb 28, 2013 at 12:07 am rating: 10 H for Toy We need to create a new tag line. Something like, “Why use logic, when you can use PAN?” Feb 28, 2013 at 1:11 am rating: 7 This. This exactly. Nearly all of the PANs on this site could have been eliminated or avoided with the simple use of logic or straightforward communication. But we aren’t logical or straight-forward beasts. Feb 28, 2013 at 7:46 am rating: 3 I feel like this may just be the pantry in someone’s house. Maybe her kids are eating them. Maybe a houseguest. Maybe a roommate. Either way I’d say the onus falls on the person eating them to not eat other people’s food without asking (unless they’re kids I guess). A person shouldn’t have to hide their food, especially not in their own house. Blame the victim some more why don’t'cha Feb 28, 2013 at 9:48 am rating: 4 H for Toy If I had a roommate who I knew like to sneak cookies, I’d hide them. I should be able to put them in a common area, but do I want to risk losing my precious Girl Scout cookies, just to prove a point? Not me! Feb 28, 2013 at 1:50 pm rating: 2 So a few years ago my parents, my brother Todd, and I were all at a restaraunt. Mom gave us all large chocolate bars. Todd saw this girl he thought he went to school with (he didn’t) and kept going on about how beautiful she was. He finally went over to talk to her. She informed him she never went to any school he went to and was obviously creeped out. Todd gave her his candy bar and came back without a phone number. (Smart girl.) I ate 1/4th of mine that night and put the rest in the freezer. I go to get it a few days later and it’s gone. I can’t find it anywhere. I ask mom if she’s seen it – maybe she moved it while looking for something. She hasn’t. Todd overhears me and says, “Oh, I ate it.” Mom lost it on him. Reminding him he gave his away to a strange girl and how that was my candy bar, I was saving it, and he had no right to take it. He just shrugged it off. Mom went and bought me another one. From that day forth I make sure I just eat the whole thing, not try to ration it out. Because otherwise I know my sweettoothed brother will eat it. So hand me a box of Tagalongs. I’ll eat them in one sitting. Forget the PAN. I have to make sure Todd gets none. Mar 3, 2013 at 1:47 pm rating: 7 WHHHHHY leave them in a shared/public area????? Feb 28, 2013 at 5:58 am rating: 6 Definitely a sadomasochist. Feb 28, 2013 at 4:02 pm rating: 3 As a Girl Scout Leader I believe it is up to the Troop to decide how many boxes of cookies they want to sell. If the Girls have a goal to raise money for a trip or activity, then the Leader should be pushing them to sell, sell, sell. If the Troop does not have a goal, then sales should be more casual. Booth sales are not just about selling cookies. As the girls get older they are part of the selling process. The keep track of how many cookies were sold at which location previous years and help decide how many the Troop orders. If you do not sell what you order, you still have to pay council for for the cookies. Here in the Dayton, OH area we only get about 55 cents a box. For every box of cookies left we still have to pay council $2.95. If the girls understand the process, the will learn concepts like planning, purchasing, debt, profit, goal setting, marketing etc. Not least of which is teaching the girls the responsibility of following through with the decisions they made even if they have to give up a birthday party or are tired. Selling cookies for 3 hours at a time is not always fun. Especially after the 1st couple of times. Of course, it is up to the leaders to guide the girls in this direction. Girl Scouts is not just a social group. It is about teaching girls to empower themselves, building character and giving the girls confidence so that when they want to do something when they are older…they will have the courage to do it and the confidence to know they can achieve what they set their minds too. This goes for all girls whether they want to be a stay at home mom or president. Just my thoughts. Feb 28, 2013 at 8:06 am rating: 9 Pam, right you are. Selling cookies has a broader purpose than just making money. Similarly, it is more than buying and selling Keebler cookies. Perhaps entrepreneurship could be taught by suggesting to the Girl Scouts that THEY ARE ABLE TO FIND ANOTHER SOURCE FOR COOKIES! Perhaps their own ovens could produce a product with a larger margin? Feb 28, 2013 at 8:21 am rating: 5 What’s empowering about being a corporate tool? Feb 28, 2013 at 4:05 pm rating: 20 I’ve always felt that the girl scouts have a lower public opinion than boy scouts (Who in the general public knows what the girl scout equivalent of the eagle scout is? Does anybody care? Exactly.) mostly because of the corporate tool business. There are TONS of other and better ways to build character than being a corporate shill, and the boy scouts are proof. Mar 1, 2013 at 3:34 am rating: 5 Really? I think the boy scouts are having a bit of a PR problem lately, with all the homophobia, discrimination against atheists, and all that pedophile leader cover up stuff. Sure the boys shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions/decisions of the adults running the organization, but none of my money will go to the Boy Scouts of America. Meanwhile I regularly see signs that says things like “No Soliciting, unless you’re a Girl Scout” and people asking whose selling Girl Scout cookies on facebook. When was the last time you saw someone trying to track down boy scout popcorn? Mar 1, 2013 at 5:51 pm rating: 7 Oh please. They learn how to exploit people’s better nature to sell them junk food. I would have a little more respect for the program if they were baking the cookies themselves. Mar 5, 2013 at 2:08 am rating: 7 Since they don’t need to be refrigerated, I think I’d be more inclined to keep the boxes in my bedroom (or in a drawer at work, if this is at work). Feb 28, 2013 at 11:42 am rating: 1 The note writer ought to be at least refrigerating the Thin Mints. Perhaps the note writer can’t keep them in her bedroom due to insinuating circumstances? Maybe there are pets who get into things, or a nosy spouse/partner who would find them anyway. Or maybe this is to throw them off the scent of the REAL stash hidden elsewhere. Now that would be brilliant. Feb 28, 2013 at 1:10 pm rating: 4 The weed in the Bisquick box? Nope – kids already found that. That’s why they keep getting into the girl scout cookies. Feb 28, 2013 at 1:40 pm rating: 4 H for Toy I beg your pardon, I’m sure, but I don’t stoop to what you’re incinerating. Feb 28, 2013 at 1:41 pm rating: 6 Sorry Pam, I’m not buying it. It’s a money grab, and a very successful one at that. I don’t begrudge the Scouts their fundraising, but don’t try to shine it up real nice and make me think it’s anything else. I’ve taken part in far too many fundraiser to think it’s about empowerment. It’s about parents bringing signup sheets to the office to use social pressure to coerce coworkers. (As a diabetic, I simply can’t have GS Cookies in my house. I know I’ll go through them a box at a time, and every year I’m the office pariah for not taking part.) Feb 28, 2013 at 1:45 pm rating: 15 They do learn some skills, but it bugs me that council gets waaay more money than my kid or the frickin’ baker. And then they spend it on things like a logo redesign or gussyin’ up the camps – my cabin didn’t have AC or paint or cutesy designs like a Fishing Village. Good Grief. I’d rather we do car washes or dog washes or something else. 49 boxes in 2 hrs, in cold weather, split 3 ways (3 Scouts) & my kid gets $10 for her trip account? If she was old enough, she’d make more at McD’s or by baby sitting. Mar 1, 2013 at 6:38 am rating: 6 There are 2 different GS cookie bakeries–one calls the cookies Tagalongs, Samoas, trefoils, do si dos, etc and the other calls them pb patties, Carmel delights, shortbreads, pb sandwiches etc. it’s not regional–I’m in Texas and we have one baker this year and are switching to the other next year, so it’s some random division. Cookies are $4/box and the troop keeps 40 cents, but there are all kinds of bonuses if you don’t have any returns, etc. Guess who got sucked into being cookie organizer this year, by the way? Ugh. As to the note, yes, it’s pretty jerky. Why leave them in plain sight if theft is such a problem? I mean, it’s carpet to steal but writing a note like that seems like she is just encouraging people. Mar 4, 2013 at 8:58 pm rating: 0 2011: The Top Notes of the Year 2010: The Funniest Notes of the Year 2009: The Best Notes of the Year 2008: Your Favorite Notes of the Year Carnivores: keep being awesome! actually totally reasonable clip art catastrophe flowers, trees, houseplants & gardens landlords and property managers Moms & Dads more aggressive than passive most popular notes of 2010 most popular notes of 2011 most popular notes of 2012 now that's management sex sex sex signed with love spelling and grammar police thanks (but not really) You call that punctuation?
Our lab is interested in transcription initiation, the first step in gene expression at which most of the regulation occurs. In eubacteria this process requires RNA polymerase holoenzyme, composed of the catalytic core enzyme E associated with one of the multiple initiation factor s , required for promoter recognition. Promoter selectivity of sS and s70 RNA polymerases (Sandrine Anne, Denise Kotlarz, Anne Lafon and Olivier Leroy). One of our main interests is to understand how two major s factors of E. coli , the housekeeping s70 and the stationary phase sS differentially control gene expression. Whereas s70 is constitutively expressed, sS is induced only under stress conditions and at the onset of the stationary phase when it reaches only one third of the s70 level in the cell. The sS regulon includes about 100 genes involved in the protection of the cell against various stresses, the stationary phase survival and the control of virulence. sS is very homologous to s70, especially in the domains involved in the recognition of the promoter. Thus a number of promoters can be recognized in vitro by both sS and s70 RNA polymerase holoenzymes although with different affinities and kinetics. sS -dependent promoters are generally weak promoters which are poorly bound by both RNA polymerases. Most do not contain -35 consensus sequences but a C at position -13. Several mutations that make the promoter sequence closer to the consensus, render the promoter dependent on s70 in vivo To understand the differential uses of promoters by two s, we have undertaken a comparison of the two holoenzymes alone or when bound to various promoters. Despite a reduced affinity of core for sS, both RNA polymerases show in vitro similar structures and form open complex with similar promoter contacts but in the case of EsS, region 4.2 involved in recognition of the -35 region remains less accessible and more distal from the promoter. At most promoters under study, supercoiling affects differently the two RNA polymerases : E sS is generally less sensitive to a reduction in the level of negative supercoiling than Es70, a finding consistent with the conditions that prevail in the stationary phase. Transcription factors such as CRP-cAMP (the cAMP receptor protein bound to cAMP) , IHF(integration host factor), Lrp (leucine responsive protein) and the silencer HNS differentially affect promoter recognition by both holoenzymes and may even be responsible for the selectivity of the sfactors observed in vivo. All stationary phase dependent promoters are not dependent on sS. Beatriz Galan (an EMBO student from Pr Garcia's lab CSIC- Madrid) studied the regulation of the s70-dependent hpaB promoter which governs the expression of genes responsible for the catabolism of hydroxyphenyl acetate . Even in the presence of the inducer, this promoter can only be expressed in stationary phase after the complete exhaustion of glucose. This activation requires the CRP-cAMP complex and IHF bound to upstream promoter sequences. Inhibition of s54-dependent promoters by the CRP-cAMP complex (Pr. Yiping Wang-Peking University) The CRP-cAMP complex is classically considered as a proximal regulator interacting at short distances with the major form of RNA polymerase, Es 70. Activation also occurs with Es S (and Es 32) through recruitment of RNA polymerase to the promoter via protein-protein contacts between CRP and the C-terminal part of the alpha subunit , but not with Es 54. To form open complex Es 54 requires an activator of the NtrC family usually bound to distal upstream control sequences and able to hydrolyse XTP. In contrast CRP-cAMP can exert a negative regulatory function at some s 54-dependent promoters in E. coli, such as glnAp2. glnAp2 expression is activated by nitrogen regulator NtrC-phosphate under the nitrogen limitation and varies strongly when cells grow on different carbohydrates. Primer extension analysis and in vivo permanganate footprinting indicate that glnAp2 downregulation mediated by CRP-cAMP is at the transcriptional level. Site-directed mutagenesis and deletion analysis show that the classical (located at -70.5 of the s70-dependent glnAp1 promoter) and putative CRP binding sites, located at the upstream region of the glnAp2 promoter, are not essential for the CRP inhibitory effect.The cAMP-CRP inhibition remains when the glnAp2 promoter is activated by an alternative activator, NifA. Inhibition of transcription initiation by the anti- s70 factor AsiA (Gilbert Orsini) The level and activity of sfactors are also controlled by anti- s factors which prevent core RNA polymerase to associate with s. This is not the case of the AsiA protein, the anti-s factor of bacteriophage T4. In the holoenzyme Es70, AsiA strongly binds to region 4.2 of s70. This is the basis of the dual activity of AsiA. First, it inhibits transcription from bacterial or phage early promoters containing the -35 consensus motif. Secondly, it collaborates with the T4-coded middle transcriptional activator MotA in switching the RNA polymerase holoenzyme Es70 from the early to the middle class of T4 promoters. In order to better understand the AsiA repression mechanism, we have analyzed in the presence of the glutamate anion the properties of the RNA polymerase/AsiA complex relative to the classical -10/-35 bacterial promoter lacUV5. Under these salt conditions widely used in transcription studies, inhibition by AsiA is significantly decreased. The high residual transcriptional activity which is observed is due to the slow transformation of the ternary complex Es70/AsiA/lacUV5 into an active open complex. The affinity of the enzyme for the promoter is 10-fold lower in the ternary complex than in the binary complex Es70/lacUV5. Kinetic analysis of abortive transcription reactions shows that AsiA binding to the holoenzyme results in a 120-fold decrease in the global second order on-rate constant of the reaction of Es70 with lacUV5 with most notably, a 55-fold decrease in the rate constant of the isomerization step leading to the open complex. The active ternary complex still responds to activation by the CRP-cAMP complex, indicating functional protein-protein interactions between CRP and the C-terminal domain of the holoenzyme a subunits. We show that compensatory Es70/promoter upstream contacts involving the C-terminal domain of a subunits in Es70 become essential to allow the productive binding of Es70/AsiA to the lacUV5 promoter.
|Director : BENTLEY Graham ([email protected])| Research projects of the Unit of Structural Immunology focus on the structural biology of proteins from pathogenic agents. Structure determination of protein molecules by X-ray crystallography is the principle activity of the Unit, but a variety of immunochemical and physicochemical techniques are also employed to extend and complement our studies on structure-function correlations. Certain of our projects concern proteins implicated in the development of vaccines and medicaments. We are particularly interested in surface antigens from the malaria parasite Plasmodium that are vaccine candidates Plasmodium surface antigens Surface proteins of Plasmodium are potential malaria vaccine candidates because they are targets of the humoral immune response by the host. Since all pathologies associated with malaria are caused by the asexual blood stage in the Plasmodium life cycle, antigens expressed during this critical phase are particularly favoured candidates. Two kinds of surface antigen enter into consideration here: those present on the surface of the merozoite, or free blood-stage form of the parasite, and those expressed by the parasite inside the infected erythrocyte but presented on the surface of the host cell. Antibodies induced by certain of these proteins can confer immune protection by interfering with functions critical for the survival of the parasite. The molecular functions of many Plasmodial blood-stage surface antigens identified to date, however, are poorly, if at all, characterised. We study Plasmodium antigens present on the merozoite and the surface of infected erthrocytes. (i) Apical Membrane Antigen 1: (G. Bentley, M.L. Chesne-Seck, G. Faure, S. Igonet and B. Vulliez-Le Normand in collaboration with A. Thomas, Biomedical Primate Research Centre, Rijswijk, the Netherlands, and M. Blackman, National Institute of Medical Research, MillHill, UK) Apical Membrane Antigen 1 (AMA1), a surface antigen present in all species of Plasmodium, plays an important role in erythrocyte invasion by the merozoite. Nonetheless, the function of this protein at the molecular level is poorly characterised. AMA1 is a malaria vaccine candidate currently undergoing clinical trials. The protein comprises an ectoplasmic region, a transmembrane segment and a cytoplasmic domain. We have expressed and crystallised the ectoplasmic domain, and the structure has been determined in two different crystalline forms at 1.8 Å and 2.0 Å, respectively. In collaboration with the groups of the B.P.R.C., Rijswijk, and the N.I.M.R, Mill Hill, we have characterised the epitope recognised by a monoclonal antibody that inhibits erythrocyte invasion and have related this to the 3-dimensional structure of AMA1. Although the folding of AMA1 had not been previously identified from analysis of the sequence, our structural results show that two of the domains belong to a protein fold already characterised. These structural and immunological results, together, have allowed us to identify a region of the ectoplasmic domain that could be critical for biological function. (ii) P. falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 (PfEMP1): (C. Badaut, G.A. Bentley, S. Igonet, Hélène Souchon et L. Larret, in collaboration with O. Puijalon, Immunologie Moléculaire des Parasites, I.P., M. Klinkert, Bernhard Nocht Institute, Hamburg, P. Deloron, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Université Paris V, and D. Arnot, University of Edinburgh. Inside the infected erythrocyte, P. falciparum expresses PfEMP1, a virulence factor that is transported to, and presented on, the surface of the host cell. PfEMP1 forms family of adhesins that confers upon infected erythrocytes the capacity to auto-agglutinate, to adhere to non-infected red blood cells or to sequester in the vascular beds of divers tissues. These adhesion phenomena are directly linked to many of the pathological consequences of P. falciparum infection. PfEMP1 is encoded by the var (variable) genes, present in about 60 copies (depending on the parasite strain); however, only one variant is presented on the erythrocyte surface at any given time, thus giving different parasite isolates their particular receptor specificity for agglutination or sequestration. PfEMP1 molecules are organised in a modular fashion, with the extra-cellular region composed mainly of DBL (Duffy-Binding Like) and CIDR (Cysteine-rich Interdomain region) domains belonging to different classes. We are studying the structural and functional properties of different variants of PfEMP1. Pregnancy-associated malaria arises from the sequestration of infected erythrocytes in the placenta. P. falciparum isolates implicated in this form of malaria express PfEMP1 variants that show a binding specificity to chondroitin sulphate A (CSA) present on certain proteoglycans localised in the placenta. This specificity is due, in large part, to a sub-group of the domain DBL class γ. We are studying a PfEMP1 variant isolated from a placental parasite isolate with the objective of characterising the structure of its DBLγ domain, and to study its interaction with CSA and specific antibodies. We have expressed this domain in the baculovirus/insect cell system, demonstrated that the recombinant protein is recognised by the serum of women who have had placental malaria and have shown that it binds CSA and CSA-bearing proteolglycans. Figure 1. The structure of the ectoplasmic region of Apical Membrane Antigen 1 from Plasmodium vivax. Keywords: structural biology, X-ray crystallography, antigenic recognition, antibody structure, Plasmodium antigens |More informations on our web site| |Publications 2004 of the unit on Pasteur's references database| |Office staff||Researchers||Scientific trainees||Other personnel| |FRAYSSE Jocelyne [email protected]||BENTLEY Graham, chef de laboratoire I.P. ([email protected]) FAURE Grazyna, chargé de recherche I.P ([email protected]) LEMA Fernando, chargé de recherche I.P ([email protected]) SAUL Frederick, chargé de recherche I.P ([email protected]) |BADAUT Cyril, postdoctorant CHESNE-SECK Marie-Laure, postdoctorant IGONET Sébastien, doctoral student |BOULOT Ginette, IE2, CNRS ([email protected]) LARRET Laurent, technicien supérior ([email protected]) SOUCHON Hélène, IE2 CNRS ([email protected]) VULLIEZ-LE NORMAND Brigitte, ingénieur I.P. ([email protected])
|Let's get ready!! You can make this decoration by either using sugarpaste or marzipan. You also have the option of piping or modelling your own roses or to use fresh roses. Plus you will need the following: Your favorite cake covered with marzipan or sugarpaste. How to cover a cake! How to make the Hearts.
If you finished your December UFO, please share a link to it here. This will be our final UFO report. Tomorrow morning, the first clue for the Back to Square One Mystery will be posted. Later in the morning I will post a link box for the December Color Palette Challenge links. Some time tomorrow afternoon, I will make the Comfort & Joy post. Too much going on in one day but that’s how things happen sometimes.
Oct. 15, 2007 Complete Release in PDF Format Download Free Acrobat Reader Game Day Quick Facts The Teams: Holy Cross (4-2, 1-0 PL) vs. Lehigh (3-3, 0-1 PL) Date: October 20, 2007 Time: 1:00 p.m. Place: Goodman Stadium (16,000), Bethlehem, Pa. Television: Service Electric Cable; Mike Zambelli, play-by-play; Mike Yadush, color Holy Cross Radio: WTAG 580 AM, Worcester; Bob Fouracre, play-by-play; Tom Kelleher, color; www.sportsjuice.com, internet Lehigh Radio: WEEX 1230 AM, Easton, Pa.; WTKZ 1320 AM, Allentown, Pa.; Matt Kerr, play-by-play; Kody Fedorcha, color Series Record: Lehigh leads, 12-9-1 Last Meeting: Lehigh 28, Holy Cross 14; October 28, 2006; Worcester, Mass. The Series With Lehigh This will be the 23rd meeting between the Crusaders and the Mountain Hawks on the gridiron, with Lehigh leading the all-time series 12-9-1. After a 3-3 tie in the first meeting between the schools on Nov. 8, 1924, Holy Cross won the next seven meetings. Since then, the Mountain Hawks have won 12 out of 14 games, including seven straight from 1998-2004. For contests played in Bethlehem, the teams have split the previous 10 games. The Crusaders came out victorious on their last trip to Goodman Stadium, posting a 13-10 victory on Oct. 8, 2005. Series Quick Facts Randolph Leads Crusader Offense Overall: Lehigh leads, 12-9-1 In Bethlehem: Tied, 5-5 At Goodman Stadium: Lehigh leads, 5-4 Current Win Streak: Lehigh, 1 game Tom Gilmore vs. Lehigh: 1-2 Andy Coen vs. Holy Cross: 1-0 Junior quarterback Dominic Randolph (Amelia, Ohio) continues to be an excellent leader for the Holy Cross offense this season. In six games played this year, Randolph has competed 158 of 265 attempts for 1,869 yards and 17 touchdowns with just five interceptions. In last week's victory over Dartmouth, he completed 24 of 35 passes for 298 yards and two touchdowns, while rushing for 15 yards and another score. The previous wee at Brown, he connected on 29 of 37 attempts for 404 yards and six touchdowns, setting new career highs for passing yards and touchdown passes. Two of his scoring passes against Brown came in the fourth quarter, after Brown had come back to tie the score at 34-34. Previously against Georgetown, Randolph completed 22 of 33 attempts for 302 yards and two touchdowns, while rushing five times for 22 yards and another score. He also had a big game against Harvard, hitting on 29 of 55 passes for 339 yards and four touchdowns, including a game-winning 40-yard scoring pass to senior wide receiver Thomas Harrison (Wilmington, N.C.) with 19 seconds left in the fourth quarter. In the season opener at Massachusetts, Randolph completed 32 of a school-record 62 attempts for 296 yards and two scores without an interception, in addition to rushing for a touchdown. Last season, Randolph earned third team All-Northeast Region honors after completing 184 of 299 attempts for 2,237 yards and 19 touchdowns with only six interceptions, despite missing two games due to injury. Over the course of his collegiate career, he has now hit on 342 of 564 passes for 4,106 yards and 36 scores. Despite playing in just 15 career games, Randolph already ranks fifth all-time at Holy Cross in career touchdown passes, sixth in career completions, sixth in career passing yards and eighth in career pass attempts, with his career completion percentage (.606) is the second-best in school history. Gough Steps Up In The Secondary Senior cornerback Casey Gough (Hinsdale, Ill.) is once again among the top defensive backs and kickoff returners in the Patriot League this season. Through six games played so far this year, he has posted 35 total tackles with five tackles for loss, an interception and three pass breakups, while returning eight kickoffs for 208 yards. In 11 games during the 2006 season, Gough totaled 54 tackles, eight tackles for loss, three interceptions, seven pass breakups and two forced fumbles. He was also the Crusaders' top kickoff returner, averaging 21.1 yards on 30 returns. Following the conclusion of the 2006 campaign, Gough was named first team All-Patriot League, while earning second team All-Northeast Region honors. He was previously named second team All-Patriot League in 2005, after posting a team-best three interceptions, 45 tackles, three tackles for loss and six pass breakups. Over the course of his Holy Cross career, Gough has now totaled 182 tackles, eight interceptions and 24 pass breakups. He has also totaled 1,578 yards and a touchdown on 62 career kickoff returns, to rank second all-time at Holy Cross in career kickoff return yards and career kickoff return average (25.5 yards per return). Holy Cross In The Patriot League Holy Cross began its 22nd season of play in the Patriot League when it defeated Georgetown 55-0 on Sept. 22. The Crusaders now own an all-time mark of 14-8 in their opening Patriot League contest of the season, with victories in each of the last three years. Holy Cross also stands 8-2 in conference openers over the last nine seasons, with the only losses during that span coming against Lehigh (38-20 in 2003) and Fordham (42-35 in 2004). From 1998 through 2002, the Crusaders won five straight conference openers. Holy Cross owns an all-time record of 61-55 (.526) in Patriot League action, winning five titles (1986, 1987, 1989, 1990 and 1991). Maher Makes Big Catches Senior wide receiver Ryan Maher (Boca Raton, Fla.) continues to show why he is one of the top wide outs in the nation. Through six games played this year, Maher has totaled a team-best 41 receptions for 450 yards and six touchdowns. During last week's victory over Dartmouth, he had seven receptions for 71 yards and a score. In the previous game at Brown, Maher caught six passes for 110 yards and a career-high three touchdowns. Earlier this year in the victory over Georgetown, he posted five receptions for 83 yards and a score. Maher also had nine catches for 75 yards and a touchdown against Harvard, while making 11 receptions for 85 yards at Massachusetts. Last year, he led the team and Patriot League in receiving with 69 catches for 797 yards and six touchdowns. Maher also concluded the 2006 campaign ranked ninth in the country in receptions and 32nd in receiving yards. At the end of the 2006 season, he was named to the All-Patriot League first team and the New England Football Writers All-Star team, in addition to being a second team All-Northeast Region selection. Maher has currently caught a pass in 17 consecutive games, while posting three of more receptions in 14 straight contests. Over the course of his collegiate career, he has now totaled 114 catches for 1,385 yards and 12 touchdowns. Crusaders Show Outstanding Depth At Wide Receiver In addition to senior Ryan Maher, Holy Cross has shown that it has a number of other weapons in the passing game, as seven different wide receivers already have receptions this season. Senior wide receiver Thomas Harrison currently ranks second on the team in receiving with 33 catches for 439 yards and three touchdowns. Junior wide out Brett McDermott (Mansfield, Mass.) has added 31 receptions for 396 yards and two scores, while junior wide receiver Jon Brock (Acworth, Ga.) has brought in 21 receptions for 279 yards and two touchdowns. In addition, senior wide out Justin Maher (Milford, Conn.) has three receptions for 35 yards and a touchdown, freshman wide out Josh Jenkins (Maywood, Ill.) has caught five passes for 46 yards and sophomore wide receiver Mike Frawley (Glen Mills, Pa.) had two catches for eight yards. Last season, eight different Holy Cross wide receivers caught at least one pass. The Last Meeting With The Mountain Hawks - Lehigh 28, Holy Cross 14 Dominic Randolph threw for 309 yards and a pair of touchdowns, but it was not enough as Holy Cross was defeated 28-14 by Lehigh in a driving rain storm at Fitton Field on October 28, 2006. Lehigh's Marques Thompson rushed 30 times for 141 yards on the day, and received the Dr. Edward N. Anderson Award as the most outstanding player of the Family Weekend game. The Mountain Hawks jumped out to an early 7-0 lead, when Matt McGowan rushed two yards for a touchdown to cap a 16-play, 69-yard drive. Lehigh then increased its lead to 14-0 before the end of the first quarter, when Julian Austin recovered a fumble and returned it 21 yards for a score. The Crusaders made the score 14-7 early in the second quarter, when Randolph threw a 53-yard touchdown pass to Thomas Harrison. But later in the quarter, McGowan scored two more touchdowns, on runs of three yards and one yard, to put the Mountain Hawks up 28-7. With just 36 seconds remaining in the second quarter, the game was delayed for approximately 45 minutes, due to lightning in the area. In the second half, Holy Cross scored the only other points of the game at the 5:16-mark of the fourth quarter, on a 19-yard touchdown pass from Randolph to Ryan Maher. Maher finished the game with eight catches for 102 yards and a touchdown, while Harrison added six receptions for 91 yards and a score. Defensively, Dan Adams led Holy Cross with 14 total tackles, while Casey Gough added seven tackles. Daynin Blake had a team-high seven tackles for Lehigh. Gass & Kielt Head Up Ground Game The Crusader offense has displayed a solid rushing attack in 2007, running for 147.3 yards per game with 11 rushing touchdown. Junior tailback Terrance Gass (Sicklerville, N.J.) currently leads the team in rushing with 282 yards and two touchdowns on 57 carries this season, in addition to catching 11 passes for 128 yards and two scores. Gass' top game so far this season came at Brown, when he totaled 109 yards from scrimmage and two touchdowns. Some of his other top performances this year have been against Dartmouth (12 carries for 76 yards and a score), Harvard (88 yards from scrimmage) and UMass (81 yards from scrimmage and a touchdown). Sophomore tailback Mike Kielt (Southbury, Conn.) is also enjoying a strong season with 245 yards and four scores on 43 carries, to go along with 12 receptions for 125 yards. In the Georgetown game, Kielt led the team with 13 carries for 70 yards and two scores, in addition to catching two passes for 29 yards. His other top games in 2007 have been against Dartmouth (92 yards from scrimmage with a touchdown) and Brown (91 yards from scrimmage). Partain Gets His Kicks Junior placekicker Matt Partain (Libertyville, Ill.) is enjoying an outstanding season for the Crusaders. Through six games played, he has hit eight of nine field goal attempts and connected on all 27 of his extra point tries, to lead the team in scoring with 51 points. In last week's victory over Dartmouth, Partain scored 11 points (five extra points and two field goals), including a 49-yard field goal on the final play of the first half. That kick set a record for the longest field goal in Holy Cross history, breaking the mark of 48 yards set by Billy Young against Lafayette in 1986. Earlier this season, Partain kicked a 40-yard field goal against Yale, and a 37-yarder at Brown. He also scored 12 points in both the Georgetown and Brown games, hitting two field goals and six extra points against both the Hoyas and the Bears. Prior to this season, Partain had not attempted any field goals or extra points during his collegiate career, although he did handle kickoff duties for Holy Cross in both 2005 and 2006. Offensive Line Continues Strong Play The Holy Cross offensive line has been a key reason why the Crusaders rank among the top teams in the nation in both total offense and scoring. The line has paved the way for Holy Cross to run for 147.3 yards per game, while also providing pass protection which has allowed the Crusaders to throw for 324.2 yards per contest. In addition, Holy Cross has allowed just 10 sacks in six games this year, while attempting 276 passes. Junior Chris Smith (Buffalo, N.Y.) is the starting center for Holy Cross, flanked by junior Chris Poole (Scituate, Mass.) and sophomore Aaron Jones (Springfield, Ohio) at the guard spots, and senior Dan Nolan (Pittsfield, Mass.) and junior Mason Olson (Stockton, Calif.) at the tackle positions. Defending The Home Turf Holy Cross has enjoyed great success at Fitton Field over the years. The Crusaders, who played their first game at Fitton Field in 1903, have posted an all-time home mark of 348-164-27 (.671). Fitton Field is the second-oldest stadium still used for Division I college football, behind only Franklin Field at the University of Pennsylvania (opened in 1895). Holy Cross' best decade at home occurred from 1980-1989, when the Crusaders recorded a 41-12-1 mark. In the current decade, the Crusaders have posted a record of 20-22 at home, with a 3-1 mark so far in 2007. Last year Holy Cross went 3-2 at Fitton Field, to post its first winning record at home since the 2001 team went 3-2. Tradition Of Excellence The 2007 campaign marks the 112th season of Holy Cross football. The Crusaders enter this week's game with an overall record of 573-460-54, good for a .552 winning percentage. Prior to the start of the 2007 season, Holy Cross' 569 all-time victories ranked as the 15th most among all Division I-AA schools. Holy Cross has had 31 first team All-America selections, sent 69 players on to professional football, won five Lambert Cups, claimed five Patriot League championships, and was named the Division I-AA Team of the Year in 1987. The Crusaders also played in the 1946 Orange Bowl, losing to host Miami on the game's final play. Holy Cross In The NCAA Statistics Seven Crusaders are currently ranked among the NCAA Division I-AA leaders in various statistical categories, through games of Oct. 13. As a team, Holy Cross stands fifth in total offense and fourth in passing yards. The rankings: Category Rank Player/Team Avg. Completions 3 Dominic Randolph 26.3 Total Offense 4 Dominic Randolph 326.8 5 Holy Cross 471.5 Passing Yards 4 Holy Cross 324.2 5 Dominic Randolph 311.5 Points Responsible For 6 Dominic Randolph 20.0 Fewest Penalty Yards 6 Holy Cross 37.3 Fewest Penalties 11 Holy Cross 5.0 Receptions 12 Ryan Maher 6.8 31 Thomas Harrison 5.5 42 Brett McDermott 5.2 Scoring 12 Holy Cross 37.0 30 Matt Partain 8.5 Third Down Conversions 16 Holy Cross 44.7 Field Goals 21 Matt Partain 1.3 Kickoff Returns 26 Casey Gough 26.0 Pass Efficiency 30 Dominic Randolph 136.3 Turnover Margin 30 Holy Cross +0.5 Punt Returns 34 Josh Jenkins 9.0 Receiving Yards 38 Ryan Maher 75.0 44 Thomas Harrison 73.2 Head Coach Tom Gilmore Tom Gilmore is in his fourth season as head coach at the College of the Holy Cross. Gilmore enters this week's game with an overall record of 20-19, including a 17-11 mark since the beginning of the 2005 season. Last year he led Holy Cross to an overall record of 7-4, including a five-game winning streak (the longest by the Crusaders since the 1991 season). In 2005, Gilmore guided Holy Cross to an overall record of 6-5, with tailback Steve Silva earning first team All-America honors. On Oct. 8, 2005, Gilmore led the Crusaders to their first victory over a ranked team since 2000, with a 13-10 win at No. 10 Lehigh. Prior to his time at Holy Cross, Gilmore served as an assistant coach at Lehigh (2000-2003), Dartmouth (1992-1999), Pennsylvania (1986, 1990-1991) and Columbia (1987-1989). An Academic All-American at Pennsylvania, Gilmore graduated in 1986 with a bachelor's degree in computer mathematics. He was the Ivy League Player of the Year as a senior and helped lead the Quakers to four consecutive Ivy League titles. Crusaders Among League Leaders Several Holy Cross players are currently ranked at or near the top of the Patriot League standings in a number of statistical categories, through games of Oct. 13. Junior quarterback Dominic Randolph currently leads the league in passing yards (311.5 yards/game), total offense (326.8 yards/game) and in pass efficiency (136.3 rating). Senior wide out Ryan Maher leads in the league in receptions (6.8 catches/game), stands second in receiving yards (75.0 yards/game) and ranks third in scoring (6.0 points/game). Senior wide receiver Thomas Harrison ranks third in the conference in both receiving yards (73.2 yards/game) and receptions (5.5 catches/game), while junior wide receiver Brett McDermott is fourth in the conference in both receptions (5.2 catches/game) and receiving yards (66.0 yards/game). In addition, junior placekicker Matt Partain ranks first in extra points (100.0 percent), first in field goals (1.3 made/game) and second in scoring (8.5 points/game), senior cornerback Casey Gough stands third in kickoff returns (26.0 yards/return), freshman wide out Josh Jenkins (Maywood, Ill.) is second in punt returns (9.0 yards/return) and junior tailback Terrance Gass ranks fourth in rushing (47.0 yards/game). As a team, Holy Cross leads the league in total offense (471.5 yards/game), scoring offense (37.0 points/game), passing offense (324.2 yards/game), turnover margin (+0.5 turnovers/game) and pass efficiency (135.7 rating); while standing second in punt returns (10.2 yards/return); and ranking third in total defense (387.0 yards/game). Crusaders Win Turnover Battle In six games played so far this season, Holy Cross forced its opponents to commit 10 turnovers, while giving the ball away seven times. The Crusaders have recovered eight fumbles on the year, in addition to posting two interceptions. Senior wide receiver Ryan Maher leads the team with a pair of fumble recoveries, both of which came while playing on the punt coverage team. Six other players have one fumble recovery each, while senior cornerback Casey Gough and junior strong safety Daryl Brown (Stone Mountain, Ga.) both have an interception. On the offensive side of the ball, the Crusaders have thrown five interceptions and lost just two fumbles. Holy Cross has not turned the ball over at all in its last two games. Defense Shuts Out Georgetown The Holy Cross defense turned in one of its top performances in recent history in the 55-0 shutout victory over Georgetown on Sept. 22. The shutout was the third by the Crusaders during Tom Gilmore's tenure as head coach, to go along with a 24-0 win at Dartmouth on Oct. 16, 2004, and the 27-0 victory at Marist on Sept. 23, 2006. In addition, Holy Cross held Georgetown to just 65 yards of total offense and only two first downs. The 65 total yards are the fewest by a Crusader opponent since Columbia had only 65 yards on Nov. 1, 1980, while the two first downs are the lowest-ever known total by an opponent. Since the beginning of the 2004 season, the Crusaders have now held their opposition to under 300 yards of total offense nine times. With the victory over Georgetown, Holy Cross became the first Patriot League team to record a shutout this season. Through the first six contests of the 2007 campaign, the Crusaders are holding their opponents to 26.3 points, 18.7 first downs and 387.0 yards per game. Crusaders Have Three Captains The Holy Cross football team has three captains for the 2007 season. Senior cornerback Casey Gough, senior free safety Obi Green (The Colony, Texas) and junior quarterback Dominic Randolph were named the team's captains by head coach Tom Gilmore following the conclusion of spring practice. Gough, who was also one of four captains during the 2006 campaign, becomes only the 10th player in school history to serve as a team captain for more than one season. Previous two-year captains were George Connor (1905-1906), Raymond Lynch (1916-1917), Thomas Lamb (1969-1970), Craig Cerratani (1977-1978), Ed Kutschke (1985-1986), John Aloisi (1998-1999), David Puloka (1999-2000), Brian Hall (2001-2002) and Steve Silva (2004-2005). Crusaders Bring In Preseason Honors Several Holy Cross players earned preseason accolades heading into the 2007 campaign. Senior Casey Gough was named the No. 3 cornerback in the nation by The Sports Network, and also earned preseason All-America honors from both The Sports Network (second team) and College Sporting News (third team). Junior Dominic Randolph was listed as the No. 13 quarterback in the country by The Sports Network, and also received preseason Patriot League Offensive Player of the Year honors from Street & Smith's 2007 College Football Yearbook. In addition, several players were selected preseason All-Patriot League by Phil Steele's 2007 College Football Preview. Gough was joined on the first team by senior wide receiver Ryan Maher, while Randolph was chosen to the second team along with senior wide receiver Thomas Harrison, junior running back Mike Kielt, senior offensive lineman Dan Nolan, senior defensive lineman Adam Sadowski (Tucson, Ariz.) and junior offensive lineman Chris Smith. Scouting The Mountain Hawks Lehigh enters this week's game with an overall record of 3-3 on the season, including an 0-1 mark in the Patriot League. The Mountain Hawks have lost their last two games, falling at Fordham (28-18) and at Yale (23-7), but do stand 2-1 at home this year. Senior quarterback Sedale Threatt has completed 106 of 210 passes for 1,345 yards and seven touchdowns with eight interceptions this season, in addition to rushing for 158 yards and two scores on 55 carries. Freshman tailback Kwesi Kankam leads the team in rushing with 205 yards and three touchdowns on 67 carries, while junior wide out Mike Fitzgerald has a team-best 25 catches for 297 yards. Defensively, the Mountain Hawks are led by junior linebacker Tim Diamond with 61 tackles, three tackles for loss and two fumble recoveries. Andy Coen is in his second season as Lehigh's head coach, and owns a career record of 9-8. Prior to taking over as head coach for the Mountain Hawks, Coen spent 10 years as offensive coordinator at both Lehigh and Penn. Crusaders On The Radio All of Holy Cross' games in 2007 will air on WTAG 580 AM, the true sports leader for the city of Worcester. Holy Cross Hall of Famer Bob Fouracre is in his 38th season calling the play-by-play for Holy Cross football, and his 22nd year covering the Crusaders on the radio. Former Holy Cross standout Tom Kelleher, who earned first team All-New England honors while leading the undefeated 1987 team in rushing, is in his eighth year as the color commentator. All of the Crusaders' games will also be available free of charge over the internet at `www.sportsjuice.com'. In addition, WCHC 88.1 FM, the Holy Cross student station, will carry a number of games this year. Holy Cross On Television The Crusaders are scheduled to have five games shown on live television during the 2007 season. Here is a look at Holy Cross' television schedule for the 2007 campaign: Date Opponent Television Outlet Sept. 15 Harvard WCTR-TV3 Sept. 29 Yale CN8 Oct. 13 Dartmouth WCTR-TV3 Oct. 20 Lehigh Service Electric Nov. 10 Lafayette CSTV / Lafayette Sports Network The Holy Cross Football Show Every Tuesday during the season, head coach Tom Gilmore will be joined by Bob Fouracre for the Holy Cross Football Show. The show airs live from 1:00-1:30 p.m. exclusively on the internet, with archives of all the shows available to those who can not listen in live. The show is carried free of charge at `www.sportsjuice.com'. Live video streaming of all 2007 Holy Cross home football games will be available over the internet through Crusader All-Access.The package, done in association with College Sports Television Online, is available for a $9.95 monthly subscription. For details on how to sign up for Crusader All-Access, click here. The Crusaders posted a 3-1 mark against Ivy League foes this season, and now stand 8-4 against the Ivy League under Tom Gilmore ... Senior tight end Ryan McGuire (Woburn, Mass.) has four catches for 32 yards this season, including a 12-yard touchdown reception in the victory over Georgetown ... Sophomore tailback Nick Cole (Tucson, Ariz.) led the team in rushing against Georgetown with 89 yards on 15 carries ... Holy Cross was picked as the No. 25 team in the nation by Street & Smith's 2007 College Football Yearbook, in addition to being selected as the preseason favorite in the Patriot League. The Crusaders were also ranked 25th in the country by Phil Steele's 2007 College Football Preview, which named Holy Cross and Lehigh co-favorites in the conference. Holy Cross was the only Patriot League team ranked in the Top 25 by either publication ... Holy Cross was picked to finish fourth in the 2007 Patriot League preseason poll of head coaches and sports information directors, behind Lafayette, Lehigh and Colgate ... For the first time since joining the Patriot League in 1986, Holy Cross played all of its non-conference games against opponents from New England (Brown, Dartmouth, Harvard, Massachusetts and Yale) ... Holy Cross' victory over Harvard was its first since 2000, and its first over the Crimson at Fitton Field since 1992 ... The Crusaders won their home opener for the second time in the last three years with the victory over the Crimson, improving their all-time mark in home openers to 76-28-7. In season openers, the Crusaders are 66-37-9 all-time, following the loss at Massachusetts.
The switch from magnetic stripe cards to EMV in the U.S. appears unlikely to create a surge in demand for EMV-capable terminals, but the changeover still offers opportunity for the acquiring industry. ISOs and agents can seize the changeover as a time to engage with their customers and offer value-added services, especially those related to device updates, staff training and customer loyalty offers, sources say. Those services can, in turn, improve ISOs’ bottom lines. That comes as welcome news because the switch is not expected to boost terminal sales or leasing, at least in the short term. Merchants will probably wait to upgrade their equipment until the 2015 liability shift draws closer. Even after the increase in demand arrives, it’s unlikely to generate vastly increased profits for ISOs and agents from selling and leasing the devices. Still, terminal makers do expect some increased demand from the changeover: Ingenico SA saw an increase in terminal sales in Canada during that country’s switch to EMV, says David Chaudhari, who serves as managing director of Ingenico Canada. “But it wasn’t astronomical. It wasn’t a doubling,” he says. “I think that will probably be true in the U.S. because, like Canada, the U.S. has been placing EMV-capable devices, so it will require [only] a software switch.” Demand should increase as the liability shift approaches. “I don’t think you typically see a spike,” said Todd Ablowitz, president of Double Diamond Group LLC, a Denver-based payments consulting firm. “You see a curve of opportunity. The beginning is slow, and the end is slow. 2016 to 2018 would be the middle.” Henry Helgeson, co-CEO of Merchant Warehouse, a Boston-based ISO, believes demand will pick up once merchants start to use the cards to make purchases in their role as consumers. “In the medium-term, I think this is really going to take off,” he says. “ In the short term, it’s going to be small, incremental sales. It’s about demand generation at this point rather than demand capture.” Terminal makers expect the strongest demand for new terminals to come from two sources. The first force for demand will be merchants whose terminals are due for an upgrade in the next three to five years but who would have preferred to wait; they can no longer do so because of the liability shift. The second source of demand will arise from merchants without customer-facing equipment. “In the EMV world, the consumer has to insert their own card,” notes Erik Vlugt, Verifone Systems Inc. vice president of marketing, North America. A significant number of merchants, including those with small stores or in hotels and resaurants, will have big changes. “All those segments where you’re used to a card handover are going to be churning.” Thierry Denis, president of Ingenico North America, also expects the pay-at-the-table segment to become important, especially as consumers grow accustomed to EMV and used to keeping their cards throughout transactions. Even with the increase in demand for terminals, however, it’s unlikely that demand will translate directly into increased profits for ISOs. “The days of making money on the terminals are long behind us,” Helgeson said. “There may be some short-term gains for ISOs that want to make money on this, but it’s really going to be about gaining market share.” To gain that market share, and to make the most of the switch to EMV, ISOs should ensure they’re learning as much as they can now., That way, when EMV gins to proliferates they can teach their customers about the complexities of EMV compliance and about other possible revenue sources related to the spread of the new technology. Chaudhari encourages ISOs to do what those in Canada did and get involved early. “Understand what it means and what your options are,” he said. An early start will give ISOs and agents time to understand EMV compliance requirements, such as software updates to the terminals, and to gain a competitive edge by offering services that insulate merchants from dealing directly with those requirements. Programs that offer merchants automatic updates to their equipmentalso can benefit ISOs and their customers, observers agree. An expanded version of this article is scheduled for the May-June print issue of ISO&Agent and on ISOandAgent.com.
Payson Community Kids, also affectionately known as Marcy’s Kids for its late founder, Marcy Rogers, is now at a new location — for the time being. It began operating out of the fellowship hall at First Southern Baptist Church of Payson Dec. 2. Located at the northeast corner of West Bonita and South Colcord Streets, the facility will provide a warm place for the program during the construction of the new PCK building on South Tonto. The program is providing services to 90 youngsters, ranging in age from 6 to 18. While help is always essential, right now the most pressing need is for gifts and volunteers for the Christmas party planned for 1 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 18 at the Senior Center, 512 W. Main St., Payson. The children in the program are from homes where the family income falls below the poverty level. The hope is to provide gifts not only for the youngsters in the program, but also for their younger siblings. Hats, gloves, coats and clothing are most welcome. This year there is also a plan to provide Christmas stockings for each of the children, so a stocking drive is underway. To help with the gifts or to volunteer, call Suzy at (928) 978-3256, or drop stockings at the PCK center, 409 S. Tonto St. Financial donations may be mailed to Payson Community Kids, P.O. Box 1856, Payson, AZ 85547. The goal of the PCK program is to meet all the needs of the children, including providing food, clothing, medical/dental care as needed, school supplies, plus positive reinforcement for good behavior, honesty and courage. There is an after-school program from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursdays. It provides a snack upon arrival and a warm meal before departure — often this is the only meal a child may have in the evening. As part of the after-school program, participants are provided with instruction in art and music, help with homework and job skills for the older youngsters. The young people also provide community service projects such as adopting area streets to keep clean, reaching out to the elderly and assisting neighbors who may need help with projects around their homes. For instance, the day before Thanksgiving last month, the children decorated 180 cookies for the homebound seniors of Payson in the Meals on Wheels program. Just as donations of gifts and funds are needed to keep the program operating, there is also a need for the contribution of time. Volunteers are needed on the building committee, for food preparation, organization and cleaning, plus donation distributions, tutoring, crafts and general assistance with the after-school program. Those volunteers who will work directly with children must pass an Arizona background check. To learn more, call (928) 478-7160 or (928) 978-3256 or e-mail paysoncommunity [email protected].
If you have not yet visited Key Ingredients: America by Food, the traveling exhibition co-presented by the Smithsonian Institution and the Arizona Humanities Council at Payson Public Library, 328 N. McLane Road, you still have the opportunity to see it before it closes Aug. 7. It is free and well worth your time. Len and I went last week and thoroughly enjoyed the varied displays of America’s food history. From early people’s preservation methods to the first TV dinners; restaurant menus from days gone by; vintage cookbooks; contemporary food production and much, much more — the whole exhibit is beautifully presented. Not only is Key Ingredients interesting, but additional displays contributed by Library Director Terry Morris and other staff and Library Friends members enhance the presentation. How fortunate we are to have a Smithsonian exhibit right here in Payson. Speaking of food, we had the first tomato from our mini-container garden last week and was it ever delicious! There’s just nothing better than vine-ripened, homegrown tomatoes, or, for that matter, homegrown anything. Yes, we are blessed to have supermarkets full of every kind of produce, but I’ll take homegrown first any time. Here it is, August already, how did it get here so fast? August is Happiness Happens Month — time to spread joy, pay a compliment or give a gift for no reason. Go on; see how much happiness you can spread today. Pine/Strawberry Thrift Store The Pine/Strawberry Thrift Store will have jewelry, lamps and items from the linen room at 50 percent off the marked prices Aug. 3 through Aug. 6. T-shirts will be priced at three for $1. The week of Aug. 10 through Aug. 13 it will feature Christmas in August. The store is located at 3916 N. Highway 87 in Pine at the Pine Community Center and is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday to Saturday. Payson Senior Center and Thrift Store If you need a fix for your sweet tooth, plan on lunch at the Senior Center tomorrow, Aug. 3, when SimonMed will contribute the Cake of the Month. The Country Gospel Misfits will present live music for your entertainment. The menu for the day is lime baked chicken with rice, buttered carrots, broccoli and beverage, all for a $3 donation for those over 60, $5 for younger. There is no tax or tip. Please make advance reservations by calling (928) 474-4876. After all that food, you can attend Stretchercize class at 9:30 a.m., Thursday or Zumba at 5:30 p.m., Thursday at the Center. The Old Time Music Makers will meet at 9 a.m., Monday, Aug. 8. On Tuesdays, Ann James and Friends entertain with live music at 10:30 a.m. in the Center Dining Room. Both programs are free and open to the public. A benefit specialist is available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Thursday at the Center to provide assistance with Medicare, Social Security and other senior issues. There will be a posture screening by Payson Care Center at 11:15 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 11. Bingo is scheduled for 10 a.m., Monday, Aug. 15 in the Center Dining Room. To pick up a full schedule of August events, stop in the Center Lobby at 514 W. Main St. The Senior Thrift Store will be open until 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5 for First Friday events. Men’s and women’s garments are on sale at 10 for $1. Shoes are 50 cents a pair unless otherwise marked. The store recently has been rearranged and re-organized to make shopping easier and more pleasant. Store hours are from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Donations are accepted daily, preferably between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Pick-up of large items such as furniture in good, re-saleable condition, may be arranged by calling (928) 474-3205. Tax receipts for donations will be given upon request. Rim Country Regional Senior Circle Jeanine Affeldt — “Good Grief Jeanine” — will speak on “Healing Conversations — What to Say When You Don’t Know What to Say” at 11 a.m., Wednesday, Aug. 10 at the Senior Circle Lunch and Learn, 215 N. Beeline Highway. A members Ice Cream Social is planned for Wednesday, Aug. 17. For information, call (928) 472-9290. Think about it: If you see someone without a smile today, give them one of yours.
Welcome to PBBans |Welcome to PBBans, like most online communities you must register to view or post in our community, but don't worry this is a simple free process that requires minimal information for you to signup. Be apart of PBBans by signing in or creating an account. Retrieve Alias From All Games Gepost sep 13, 2010 - 12:27 I ran this alias "LT.Rake" since he became a regular in our server and because there had been numerous concerns from my Clan members about his exceptional skill level. The search was done under BFBC2 and only came back with a BF2142 linked alias http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php?srchtype=GUID&srchdata=1f69e515&game_id=36&showLG=yes&showAT=yes&safeview=yes I decided to run the search "game-for-game" and once I got to "Armericas Army" (AI) this poped-up http://www.pbbans.com/mpi/results.php I did a litttle more research and it is the same person. Why didn't it show-up when I did an alias search? Why are the games not linked to the data base? Why is it linked to the BF2142 GUID and not to the BFBC2 GUID if it's still the same person??? Can we please see every game that an alias, GUID, and/or IP is linked to... I need to make an informed decision to protect innocent players and to keep the bad guys out - please help. Gepost sep 13, 2010 - 01:08 1 Gebruiker(s) lezen dit topic 0 gebruikers, 1 gasten, 0 anonieme gebruikers
Come to January Social Munch to learn about Twitter Speak, specifically how to use best practices including hashtags, @'s, etc. so that you are efficient & effective: SocialMunch is a one-hour mini-lesson on a specific timely topic followed by personalized coaching. These sessions are specifically designed to help you learn ways to use your social media toolbox to engage with others and promote your business but still have time to actually do your business. SocialMunch is offered regularly by robinTime and CADEAUX du MONDE at robinTime, 683 West Main Rd in Middletown, RI. Fee: $20.00 It is also available by special arrangement on your site or on different days specifically for your group. Monthly classes are listed online at www.robinTime.com. Call Katie Dyer at 401.935.8591 to ask questions or schedule a private class.
I went on their hardcore time (sunday at 5 pm) 10 bucks entry, and 60 for a case of stingers or 80 for a case of marberlizers, When you go on their hardcore time its pretty cheap, if not, prepare to sell your soul for paint. they only had 1 indoor feild with was pretty good (I went during the winter), i'm used to playing on sand, some on the bunkers were covered in paint...you could literaly write messages on the bunker it was so covered in paint Overall is a great place to go...on sundays. I give it a 7 cause its kind of a rip off 6 days of the week Last edited on Friday, March 14th, 2008 at 2:32 pm PST
LUCY MANNING: There will be no 'no go' areas said the French government but last night Grigny in northern Paris was one area no one, not even the police wanted to go to. A crowd of 200 hooded youths lured police into the housing estate and attacked them; shots were fired from pellet guns, ten officers were injured, two seriously, one after being shot in the neck. This was the most serious rioting since the violence began, youths taking on the police in running battles. PHILIPPE BAUDON, Paris Police. It's very, very dangerous, and many, many policemen are injured. LUCY MANNING: Do you have control? Are the police - the police are in control? PHILIPPE BAUDON: The police are under control, but it's very, very difficult. LUCY MANNING: The streets were littered with teargas canisters. Their orders are to regain order on the streets but in Paris as in Marseilles, St. Etienne, Toulouse and Lille, the rioters still have the upper hand. By day, the deprivation on this estate is obvious; the mainly immigrant community have little prospects; the youths stand on street corner showing each other the mobile phone pictures they took of last night's riots. There is no fighting here on the streets now but there is discussion, there is arguments, and they are angry. They are angry that they don't feel French; they are angry at the government and at the police who they say are provoking them. MALE ON STREET: Maybe I have a paper French but I don't think I am a French people because they think we are not French. I am French. I have the paper French. But when you go to the post, the police station, you are not French. MALE (Translated): Sarkozy did a really terrible job. He really messed it up. He treats us like we are dirt on the car tires. I am not a tire. LUCY MANNING: And so Mr. Sarkozy, the interior minister, his name a dirty word in these parts, met community leaders and admitted France had got its integration policies wrong. NICHOLAS SARKOZY (Translated): At the same time we need to ask hard questions about immigration and integration. We can see that the French integration model is not working and needs to be seriously revisited. LUCY MANNING: In the Arab cafes the talk is of how to make things right. Stephane Ouraoui met the with the prime minister Dominic de Villepin last week taking the view from the banlieue to the politicians. STEPHANE OURAOUI: These people don't have nothing. And now the, they want something, and they want to obtain exactly same right and same condition as the French in other parts of the country. LUCY MANNING: They are trying to achieve it through violence? STEPHANE OURAOUI: This one is not clear from them, but they don't know another way to speak. SPOKESMAN (Translated): Everything that is to do with the integration and discrimination has been set aside and all of the republic's values: liberty, fraternity and equality don't exist anymore. LUCY MANNING: Despite Muslim leaders announcing a fatwa forbidding Muslims from joining the riots, nothing has stopped the burning or stopped the burning from spreading. They say they want change. The question tonight is whether the government's new proposals for improving the deprived areas will finally halt these riots. RAY SUAREZ: And to Ray Suarez. RAY SUAREZ: Late today, French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin gave cities and towns the authority to impose curfews. To discuss the government's response and the origins of the rioting, we turn to: Alexis Debat, a contributing editor to the National Interest and a consultant for ABC News. He was a French defense ministry official and social worker before moving to the U.S. And Alec Hargreaves, author of "Immigration, Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary France." He is a French professor at Florida State University. Alexis Debat, 12 nights of unrest, what are we to make of this now? Why? Why is this happening? ALEXIS DEBAT: Well, what started as isolated clashes quickly became a political opportunity for these people to put their situation at the forefront of the political debate to make headlines with their own situations. But now with the foreign media even giving extraordinary coverage of these events, it is becoming almost a historical opportunity, a historical event, a turning point that everybody wants to be a part in, everybody that is in this situation. RAY SUAREZ: Professor Hargreaves, do you agree with that analysis? ALEC HARGREAVES: I do think that what we are seeing now is something on an unprecedented scale. It should be said that the last events of the last 10 days haven't come from nowhere. For example since the beginning of this year, 28,000 automobiles have been torched in French cities; 7,000 or so of them in the last 10 days. These problems are rooted in deep-seated social inequalities, problems of discrimination and it should be said, political neglect. And I think it is true that we may be seeing now an opportunity at last for politicians in France to confront, and hopefully, make progress on some of these very difficult issues. RAY SUAREZ: Professor, it was said to have started with the accidental deaths of two teenagers who were being chased by the police. But it's kept on going for a week and a half since then. What is fueling the fire? ALEC HARGREAVES: One of the things which I think has fueled this particular escalation has been the handling of the situation by the Interior Minister Dominique de Villepin. He made some very - it has to be said --inflammatory remarks; he talked about youths involved in violence being scum and the French word that he was used was - "raki" - and that really incensed a lot of these young people, and I think helped to galvanize the events which we have seen. And it has to be said that right now that Sarkozy, who made his name as being a tough and effective interior minister, is proving to be anything other than effective because the situation is very far from under control now. RAY SUAREZ: And to be clear, it was the interior minister who used the term, "raki" - we saw and we saw him in the tape report that preceded our conversation and he said, Alexis Debat, we have to ask hard questions about the French integration model. What was he talking about? ALEXIS DEBAT: Oh, indeed. He was talking about the fact that no French government in the past twenty, thirty years has been able to create the conditions of economic growth and social integration in these poor immigrant neighborhoods to the point that the second generation immigrants were torching the cars now, feel like second class citizens. So it is not just an adjustment that is needed, but a true cultural revolution to make sure that these people are not excluded from the mainstream French community to kind of plug that racial divide between the white French and the immigrant French. RAY SUAREZ: But we saw them in the taped report saying that they are told that they're not French, that they don't feel French. We are talking not about people who came to the country of France as youngsters, but people who are often the grandchildren of immigrants. Why do they feel that way? What is it about French society? ALEC HARGREAVES: I think the critical point was made by the young man who was interviewed in that the piece from France who said I have French papers but when I go to the police station they treat me as if I'm not French. It is as if they are excluded and treated as not belonging in French society that gives them that feeling. What they want is an opportunity to participate in French society. And if that is denied to them, these particularly young folks that we are seeing at the moment, these are just teenagers -- they believe at the moment that when they look at their older brothers and when they look at what's happened to their fathers, that there seems to be no way ahead for them in French society. And that's why they are now targeting these, for example, institutional symbols such as the police and also of course automobiles which are symbols of what they are excluded from. They want to participate; they want to be French, but they are being told that they are not French. RAY SUAREZ: Go ahead, Alexis. ALEXIS DEBAT: The point the professor is making is excellent. I would like to add that it is mainly an issue of employment. Today a French Muslim has one-eighth to one-tenth the chance of a non-Muslim French national with a non-Muslim name to get a job. I mean, there is a pervasive, very dark racism in French society that associates the second generation Muslims, these second generation immigrants with trouble. And we're talking about a generational change that is going to be needed. Some very tough questions are going to have to be addressed. And I'm afraid that the people who are going to address them are the same people who are not able to address them in the past 20 years. And that's what these riots are about. They're about the lack of trust in the French government by these people -- the lack of trust in the French elite to make a difference. Today there is no organization or institution to channel this anger because those political parties have been totally discredited. RAY SUAREZ: Well, Professor, you have noted the confrontational style of the French interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy. Has this crisis exposed splits inside the French leadership on how to approach the problem, what to do? ALEC HARGREAVES: Well, very interestingly this particular French government which took office in June of this year has the first-ever minister of North African immigrant origin - Azouz Begag; he is responsible for equal opportunities, which is, if you like the French way of talking about anti-discrimination policy. And the early stages of the disturbances which we have seen during the last 10 days, Mr. Begag was openly critical of Nicolas Sarkozy. Officially what he criticized was the language used by the interior minister not strictly speaking his policies. But it's quite clear that someone like Begag would favor a much more conciliatory approach down from the confrontational approach we've seen from the interior minister, Sarkozy. RAY SUAREZ: What about the prime minister, Alexis, and the president? ALEXIS DEBAT: Well, what you are seeing is also a very interesting political background to all of this, is that you have two people, two men, three, actually. You have President Chirac whose protégé is Prime Minister de Villepin on the one side, and on the other side you have Interior Minister Sarkozy. And it is widely believed that either de Villepin or Chirac but most probably de Villepin and Sarkozy will be the contenders in the 2007 presidential elections. And in the piece that preceded this discussion, you saw that Interior Minister Sarkozy was talking about integration and that's a way for him to move back to the center where the battle is going to be in 2007 and the center right now is occupied by Prime Minister de Villepin. There are some very fundamental political issues here. RAY SUAREZ: Well, is there a point at which the sympathy in the rest of France, or what sympathy there may be in the rest of France for the plight of people stuck in these poor suburbs evaporates and a government crackdown becomes more likely, a really hard core crackdown? ALEXIS DEBAT: I think we are reaching that point now. I think you are starting to see demonstrations, silent demonstrations against the violence, you're starting to see people coming out -- community leaders coming out against the violence. A lot of Islamic leaders, by the way, a lot of - you mentioned fatwas, but a lot of - even Salafi leaders are coming out and saying we have to stop the violence. And one of the most interesting phenomenons about these riots is that for the most part, the neighborhoods where the Salafi influence is - RAY SUAREZ: And that is - Salafism -- what is that? ALEXIS DEBAT: Salafism -- where radical Islam is the most influential are the neighborhoods that are the most quietest now and it has to do with the fact that these neighborhoods, this rebellion is being channeled through religion. And as bad as it is, it is a more constructed, more democratic way, if you will, of expressing anger than just burning cars. RAY SUAREZ: Professor, there have been look-a-like outbreaks in Brussels and in Britain. Is there a risk of wider European backlash? ALEC HARGREAVES: Well, it is certainly true that some of the problems which we see in France, fairly closely replicated in other countries, Great Britain, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany. I think if you look at the situation in Britain, we have actually seen very similar events to what is happening in France right now. We saw very similar events in Britain in the 1980s and indeed there were some quite serious riots in Britain as recently as a few weeks ago. I'm not sure, while the potential exists for similar things in these other countries, I'm not sure that we are likely to see anything on the scale that we have seen in France, and I think that one of the reasons for this, is that certainly in countries such as Britain and the Netherlands there has been a much greater political will over the last ten, twenty years to try to do something about the problems of discrimination. That's something which has been signally absent in France until very recently. Dominique de Villepin tonight on French television did talk about making greater efforts to fight discrimination. But it was all rather vague. The point that he hammered home the most tonight was about restoring order. And the other measures about which he spoke in his TV interview were really far less substantive. RAY SUAREZ: Professor Hargreaves, Alexis Debat, gentlemen thank you both.
Just announced! You can watch the critically-acclaimed Reportero starting January 1, 2013 on the PBS app for iPhone and iPad! Reportero follows a veteran reporter and his colleagues at Zeta, a Tijuana-based independent newsweekly, as they stubbornly ply their trade in one of the deadliest places in the world for members of the media. In Mexico, more than 40 journalists have been slain or have vanished since December 2006, when President Felipe Calderón came to power and launched a government offensive against the country’s powerful drug cartels and organized crime. As the drug war intensifies and the risks to journalists become greater, will the free press be silenced? An Official Selection of the 2012 Full Frame Documentary Film Festival. A co-production of Quiet Pictures, ITVS, and Latino Public Broadcasting with funding provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. A co-presentation with Latino Public Broadcasting. A number of POV films are available for streaming. Watch more POV films » Read more posts like this one...
- Mark Corallo Former director of public affairs, Justice Department - James Goodale First Amendment attorney - Seymour Hersh Writer, The New Yorker - John Hinderaker Blogger, Power Line - Eric Lichtblau Reporter, The New York Times - Walter Pincus Reporter, The Washington Post - Brian Ross Chief investigative correspondent, ABC News - Bill Sammon Reporter, The Washington Examiner - David Szady Former assistant director of counter-intelligence, FBI Attorney General Gonzales has now hinted that maybe journalists should be prosecuted under the Espionage Act. ... [Did] that come up when you were in the Justice Department? I never heard that before. However, I'm never going to foreclose any option that the government has, because you wouldn't want a reporter to be able to hide behind that so-called First Amendment shield and actually be a foreign agent. However, I think that this is where we've all got to take a deep breath. From the attorney general on down at the Justice Department, and from the editor of The New York Times on down in the media, everybody needs to take a deep breath and step back and think about their roles, and think about what's good for America. I don't think it's good to be clapping journalists in jail. I also don't think it's good for newspapers to be deciding what national security secrets should be kept secret and what shouldn't. So there's got to be some balance. We have the AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] case and the application of the Espionage Act in the AIPAC case. Is that a bad precedent for the press? ... ... This case is very unique. It troubles me for many points. First of all, ... the Bush administration is trying to stop leaks in a way that has not been done before as far as I know. ... The Bush administration is taking the position that what we have now in this country, as far as they're concerned, is an Official Secrets Act, whereby they can penalize any leak of classified information. That has not been what has happened in this country for 50 years. We've had leaks of classified information forever and ever. There are reporters who live on leaked information, who could not survive without leaked information. Now what the Bush administration is saying is, "We're going to stop all leaks, and we're going to punish them under the Espionage Act." ... Do you think the Espionage Act is constitutional? The Espionage Act applies to espionage. ... Isn't it strange we've got an act called the Espionage Act? What does that mean? That means ... I gave you this classified document; you're working for the Nazis; that's espionage. That's what that act was written about. It was not written about publication. In fact, when the act was brought up on the Congress floor, somebody said it ought to apply to publication. And Sen. [Henry Fountain] Ashurst [D-Ariz.] … said, "No, under the First Amendment, you can't have it." They took it out. It was never meant to apply to publication. It was never meant to apply, in my humble opinion, even to leaking. It applies to -- guess what? -- espionage. … So this is the first time that this relic of a law, a 1917 law, had been used to apply to leakees -- namely, the lobbyists -- because they receive the information. If it can be applied to them as leakees, then the government has jumped over a hurdle, which people have always thought was there in the Espionage Act, to reach reporters as leakees. ... It's the Espionage Act, not the Leak Act. They've turned it into the Leak Act, for leakees. ... Is there any precedent for this? I don't believe there's any precedent for this. ... The law has been sitting there for 90 years, and no one wanted to use it really. But the Bush administration really wants to use this old relic. ... Doesn't it make sense to protect our [classified intelligence] from people publishing information about it? Every issue relating to national security, there is a "makes sense" argument from the government's point of view. But the "makes sense" argument has to be consistent with the First Amendment. ... Has the [AIPAC case] been a victory for the Bush administration? The Bush administration, in my humble view, has waged a war against the press, and using the Espionage Act is part of its program to wage that war. ... The attorney general, Mr. [Alberto] Gonzales, said in an interview with network television that he was looking at the Espionage Act to use it against The New York Times and, indeed, against other newspapers. ... When he says there are laws on the books, well people who know know there are not many laws there other than the Espionage Act. So, he effectively is saying the Espionage Act can be used. ... Therefore, to have a decision that helps him take that move is very useful. ... We have never had an Official Secrets Act in this country. ... We don't have it because of the First Amendment. We also don't have it because Congress has never been able to pass it. The last time it was up for passage, President Clinton vetoed it, so I would like to assert that what the Bush administration is doing, knowing that they can't get the law through Congress, is going through the back door. ... They're taking an old act that's got loosey-goosey language, and they're ... getting the law passed in court. [Prosecution using the Espionage Act is] the first step in creating total executive control over our activities, ... a unitary executive who has total control over the information. When you hear the attorney general [Alberto Gonzales] say -- and I don't think any attorney general has ever said it in public before -- that they could use the Espionage Act [to prosecute reporters], you don't think that's a change? I don't think they'd dare do it. Even [John] Ashcroft, at his worst days. I was told by a couple of people on Sept. 12, 2001, the day after 9/11, two different people called me, one from the military and one from a federal agency, saying these guys are going to ruin the Constitution. They'd gone to a meeting --"You can't believe…." Obviously he was talking about the wiretaps, the NSA stuff. And so I know. But I say that underneath all of this bluster and talk and threats, anybody knows that if they make a serious move on the First Amendment, they do so at their political peril, because there's a real core in this country -- it may not be articulated very often, but there's a real core -- that if anybody ever really steps on our neck too hard, they're going to suffer; we won't. I do believe that. The leaked story that most clearly violated the Espionage Act was the one relating to the NSA's international terrorist surveillance program, because there is a specific section of the U.S. criminal code -- section 793 -- that makes it a crime to disclose information about U.S. communications intelligence or information learned through communications intelligence. Section 793 applies squarely to that leak and the publication of that leak by The New York Times. There are some other stories where I think you can easily make the argument that it was a crime to leak the story, and arguably a crime to publish the story under section 798 of the criminal code. But there you have some broader language that would need to be interpreted and applied to the facts. ... You say there's no Official Secrets Act, but in fact there is. There's an Espionage Act, and it says public information and possessed information that's classified. It just hasn't been enforced. Yeah, an Espionage Act that certainly has never been used in that way to go after reporters before. There may be people in the government who would like to interpret the Espionage Act as our version of Britain's State Secrets Act, but it's certainly never been interpreted that way before. But they're threatening now. I think it's Rep. Peter King [R-N.Y.], who's the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, has said it publicly, right? Yeah. I think we've seen ... quite a pushback in the last week or so after our SWIFT banking story ran, with numerous leaders in the media field [and] national security experts saying, hang on a minute here, did the story really disclose anything that the terrorists were not already well aware of? There have now been a whole slew of stories making the point -- the same way that we debated internally for weeks and weeks -- that there is an almost limitless supply of information from 2001 through the point of our story about the fact that the government is aggressively tracking the finances of Al Qaeda, ... so much so, in fact, that Al Qaeda had started in 2001, 2002 to move money out of the traditional banks. The idea that our story ... gave the enemy some tangible information that they didn't know, I think people are starting now to realize that argument may ring a little hollow. ... This administration, in the context of classification and secrecy -- in part because they've got this terrorism fear thing which they've been working up to and working the public on -- they've become much stronger about secrets. I think the step they've taken, which is to start employing the Espionage Act and the threat of the Espionage Act, puts them in a whole different category. The Espionage Act was passed in 1917. It's got a provision in it that says that anybody who is not entitled to receive national defense information -- doesn't describe what that is -- … who receives it and then transmits it to anybody, us, that's unauthorized. Or publish it? Well, publish, talks about it, anything -- is in violation of the act. What this administration has done is gone back to the famous Pentagon Papers case and used the opinions of several [Supreme Court] judges, including Potter Stewart, who said prior restraint was wrong; stopping the Times or trying to stop the Post from publishing before they publish was wrong; [that] what the Nixon administration should have done is use the Espionage Act after they publish. This administration has resurrected that. A friend of mine who worked in the Justice Department on these cases for years said there always was a gentleman's agreement it would never be used against the press. In fact, there is a debate going back to 1950, when it was renewed, that it wouldn't be used against the press. This administration ... hasn't yet, but it is using it against two civilians, non-government people, who are lobbyists for a pro-Israeli group and have indicted them for violation of the Espionage Act. That case is pending. ... And as I understand it, in that motion, one of the former advocates for the Justice Department has filed an affidavit. Is that correct? Viet Dinh, who was [in] the Office of Legal Counsel in the Justice Department, [who] helped write the Patriot Act, has actually filed a very strong memorandum on behalf of the defendants saying, "This goes too far," and that the act is too vague and it should be held unconstitutional. We interviewed [former Justice Department Director of Public Affairs] Mark Corallo the other day. ... He said, "Somebody was asleep at the switch at the Justice Department." He doesn't understand why they did this. He's at a loss. What I'm surprised he doesn't know is that the indictment in the AIPAC case, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the indictment in that case was brought by Paul McNulty, who is the deputy attorney general today. And there is a representative of the attorney general who's part of the trial team for the prosecution. This is a case that they know full well all about and are pursuing it and have made clear in their filings, and the judge has made in his opinions, that this could very easily not just apply to civilian lobbyists, but apply to journalists, apply to think tank people, apply to any kind of academic doing research in the world of national security. ... One of the counts against these lobbyists is that they received, orally, classified information. Well, the whole question is, how are you going to tell when somebody tells you something that it's classified? If it's a classified document, it's got classification on it. Previous cases had that. But in this case, the first oral case, first case with civilians, how is the recipient supposed to know it's classified, other than the fact they were told by the Pentagon official who told them the information that this is classified? Sounds like it might put a crimp in your style if this becomes the law. Well, some people feel that way. I have a different view of things. Most of the times that I have confidential sources or get classified information, it's from people that I've known a long time who trust me and I trust them. ... But what I hear you saying is that the AIPAC case -- with the Espionage Act as the reason for it -- would make it illegal for you to meet with your old friends, the people you're talking about, that were acquaintances or the people who trust you, and take possession of the information. And print it, too, yeah. Right. That's not going to affect how you do business? No. (Laughs.) We've been doing this for years, and you just keep doing it. I've been involved in this for years. I was subpoenaed in the Valerie Plame case and Wen Ho Lee case, and I haven't lost sources. Sources still talk to me, and I still protect them. That's a part of the business. Congressman [Peter] King [R-N.Y.], [state] Sen. [Jake] Corman [R-Pa.] and the attorney general of the United States [Alberto Gonzales] think it's even more serious, that people should be prosecuted for espionage. Just a bunch of smoke? Well, they are politicians, and I think that doesn't solve the problem. It's foolish talk, frankly. Other societies, you can't report this kind of material, period, right? We're different. We have a First Amendment. It's one of the strengths of this country. The reply is the Constitution is not a suicide pact. And no one says it is. There's no story we would do here that would put in danger lives. When we've done stories, the argument was, well, you make it impossible, if you reveal this, for the CIA ever to make any more secret deals. Well, it's not my job to protect the clandestine operations of the CIA when they make deals that would violate the country's own laws when they're making the deals. Foreign intelligence operations and law enforcement agencies are sometimes reluctant to tell U.S. agencies what they know because it may be revealed, get leaked. So it does affect the CIA's ability, for instance, to share information. The CIA objected to our story about the secret prisons they're operating in Europe, and their position was, essentially, "How are we ever going to be able to make any more secret-prison deals if you do this story?" Didn't put any lives at stake. It really didn't. ... [With the subsequent story being published on this program concerning the monitoring of financial transactions of terrorists, there have been calls to look into charging The New York Times with violating the Espionage Act. What's your take on that?] ... In the end, from a political perspective, there's limited utility in really making a federal case against the media where you're trying to prosecute them and take them into court and everything like that. The old saying, you never want to pick a fight with a guy who buys his ink by the barrel. You're basically allowing The New York Times and the mainstream media to become martyrs and victims of the overreaching, evil Bush administration, Big Brother. I don't think it would necessarily serve the president's interest to do that. It's probably appropriate for the president to rail against The New York Times, for Republicans to rail against The New York Times when they make these disclosures, but when it comes to actually hauling them into court and prosecuting them, I think the Republicans would risk overreaching and would risk a backlash. ... The Espionage Act -- you investigate under that statute as well, right, when there's a leak? Is the Espionage Act your main legal jurisdiction? How does the Espionage Act apply to reporters? Well, remember now, the reporter is not the subject of the investigation; the reporter is the individual who received the information. ... You could look at it this way. Reporters are in the intelligence-gathering business. They're gathering intelligence. It's an intelligence operation. Unfortunately, in these cases when the FBI's involved, it's classified information. Now, when that information is taken by a reporter and it's made public, that information is common knowledge now for those who can use it against the United States or use it to neutralize things that the United States may be doing. But isn't it a crime under the Espionage Act to have possession of information that you are not authorized to have? Reporters are worried that you might tell me, as an example, something that was classified and I might get prosecuted for knowing it. Well, I can't ever recall a reporter being prosecuted. So you don't think that will ever happen? No. I mean, it could, depend[ing] upon what the reporter did with the information. ... You could make a case that putting it in a paper is giving it to a country that would disadvantage the United States. But you get into the whole issues in the media, and I think that those are clear. And back to the seriousness of whether or not you're going to interview or whatever, keep in mind, we're not looking at the reporter as the subject. ...
Back up falls into two distinct categories: backing up files, so your personal information is protected, and backing up the system, so your PC is protected. Most new back-up utilities cover both, and this is the case with Paragon Backup & Recovery 11. Paragon has made a system backup utility for many years but the last couple of versions have included file backup and scheduling, too. The control screen of Paragon Backup & Recovery 11 looks more like Paragon's Paragon Hard Disk Manager 11 Pro, of which it's a cut-down version. This can look a little daunting at first, but the main tabbed panel is pretty straightforward, offering views of the selected drive, scheduled backups, archives already created and the help system. Help text could use proofing by a native English speaker, as in places it obscures as much as explains, but it does cover all of Paragon Backup & Recovery 11's many facets, so it's worth persevering with. To simplify backup creation, which can be quite a complex process, Paragon has embedded in Backup & Recovery 11 a comprehensive set of Wizards, which pop up automatically for many of day-to-day tasks. Setting up a backup is simply a question of selecting what to back up (whole partition, media, documents, email), where to back them up (local, network or online drive) and when to do it (manually or scheduled). Although backups are combined and compressed into a single backup archive, you can examine the folder tree within it and recover individual files easily; you don't have to recover the whole archive. Backing up a 30GB system partition with Paragon Backup & Recovery 11 took 35 minutes, around twice as long as Acronis True Image, the market leader. During this process, the progress bar flicked up from 3 minutes or so to 6 hours plus part way through, so wasn't much use as a measure. The backup was performed from within Windows, though and can be performed in the background, which is more convenient than having to use a separate Linux environment in idle time. Key new features of version 11 are support for Solid State Drives (SSDs), increasing found in portable PCs of various shades and in some gaming machines, and the ability to work with drives of over 2TB, which is likely to be more important in machines working with a lot of media, particularly video.Backup & Recovery 11 uses the WinPE 3.0 recovery environment, based on the Windows 7 kernel, so when running from the program's recovery disk, you have a very similar interface to Windows' own. More related articles: This isn't just about aesthetics, as it also means the program is generally better at working with the hardware it's likely to find in a modern PC. Paragon includes its Adaptive Restore 3.0 utility in this version, so it should be better at restoring a Windows system to a different machine from the one the backup was made on. There's quite a web of qualification to this process, though, as you have to have a retail version of Windows, where the licence permits reinstallation from one machine to another, and to be able to show Adaptive Restore where it can find the necessary hardware drivers for the new installation.
If there's one thing to be said for Guild Wars 2, it's among the prettiest of MMOs of recent years. It is bright, colourful, and full of bold artistic style, and lots of new takes on wellworn ideas. And, thankfully, there's more to the game than just good looks. Full access to the game has now opened, after a successful pre-release phase, and we've taken three characters for a quick spin through the game's many starting areas. For each race, there's a different prelude and area, and, impressively, a lot of the choices you make during the game's detailed and expressive character generation have immediate impact. GW2 takes a leaf out of the Mass Effect book, and gives each character some interesting background choices; humans, for instance, grow up either on the streets, as a commoner, or among the nobility. This effects early plot-lines and quests and NPC interactions, and other choices impact your voice and even some details of your appearance. Speaking of appearance, there's a tonne of options here for folks who love handcrafting every aspect of their character's look, even down to the colour of their starting clothing. The first part of the game is a simple noobie area, instanced off from the rest of the world, and each ends with you effectively getting knocked out, waking up somewhere else to start your proper questing. These starter areas give you an opportunity to master early skills, which are carefully metered out; this is a good thing, as even a lowbie like my level three Warrior pretty much starts with three attack options, a healing buff, and special attack with a long cool-down. The starter portions are brief, but there's a lot to learn. There's a lot of pop-ups and tool-tips available, but given these starters are very combat heavy, it's easy to rush through. Thankfully, the game has a solid UI. Once in the game proper, there's scads of choice, between exploring each questing area, and following your character's main plot. The combat us fast and flashy, and - if you're a spell-caster - quite colourful. Even early spells are remarkably epic, too, with crashing giant dragon's teeth, fiery phoenixes and all manner of leapy, bloody weapon attacks. Basic attacks, such as a basic Warrior swing, can be chained to increase effectiveness, and also set to auto-attack, letting you focus on timing other abilities. It borrows from Age of Conan, a bit, with attacks hitting who or whatever is in their path. While some kills need Skill Points to advance, which can be gathered by communing with sites around the world, weapon skills are end through use, and by each weapon. So you'll have some skills for a single-handed sword, different ones with a greatsword, and so on. My Warrior, for instance, is only an hour or so into the game but I've got him a Greatsword, and it plays very differently to other weapons. We'll have a full review, and a discussion between John and I on what we're liking about the game, next week, but for now we're feeling like Guild Wars could be a breath of fresh air for gamers looking for a deep, rich MMO that isn't made by Blizzard. In the meantime, we'll get a gallery of the character creation process up tomorrow.
PCC Roasted Winter Vegetables For roasted vegetables - 1 organic yam Add to list - 1 organic sweet potato Add to list - 1 organic red potato Add to list - 1 red onion Add to list - 1 red bell pepper Add to list - 1 parsnip Add to list - 2 carrots Add to list - 2 celery ribs Add to list - Olive oil Add to list - Salt Add to list - Pepper Add to list Cut the vegetables into 1 1/2 inch squares and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Roast in a 400° F oven until browned and tender. To make dressing, roast whole garlic cloves in 1/3 cup olive oil until soft. Place roasted garlic cloves, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, thyme, salt pepper and parsley in a food processor and blend until smooth. Toss with roasted vegetables. PCC Deli recipes were created initially for large-scale, commercial use. We've done our best to scale them down for the home kitchen, converting measurements, etc. but we can't promise they're perfect. If you discover a better method or measurement while making the dish, please feel free to share your feedback in the Comments section below the recipe. Thanks and happy cooking!
Industry research, white papers, case studies, support documents, and more to help you discover how PCLender can help maximize your mortgage lending efficiency. The Future of Mortgage Banking This white paper's central focus is the analysis of the advantages community banks have over non-depository mortgage lenders. The paper clearly identifies the key factors and processes that will enable community banks to increase market share, including: additional capital from increased deposits, superior accountability for servicing and originations, familiarity with the rigors of regulation and compliance, and others. Download the white paper and find out how your community bank can regain mortgage loan market share. The Future of Mortgage Lending This white paper discusses how credit unions can capitalize on the present opportunity and expand mortgage lending operations, offering practical recommendations regarding the integration of mortgage technology products and systems that provide increased operational efficiencies. Additionally, the white paper addresses key findings from the case studies of credit unions, Patrion Mortgage and Hawaii State Federal Credit Union, showing how they have grown their respective market share, and established themselves as leaders in the mortgage lending field. Eliminating Complexity: Integrating Systems to build a successful Mortgage Operation The typical mortgage lending technology infrastructure includes an unsynchronized assembly of technical solutions, business processes, and vendors/providers. The failure to create an integrated process and technology strategy can cause numerous failures resulting in increased errors, and increased costs. This white paper outlines the key mortgage lending technology solutions mortgage lenders should implement in order to automate and integrate the mortgage workflow and simply compliance. End-to-End SaaS Processing and Compliance Spell Success for Academy Mortgage This case study features Academy Mortgage, a retail mortgage banker, who in 2008 implemented the PCLender LOS platform. Since then, Academy Mortgage has grown from 25 offices to over 100 offices, a direct correlation attributed to PCLender's end-to-end functionality. The research illustrates key contributions to their success, including customizable automated workflow, imaging and investor delivery, complete compliance management, and enterprise level reports, including loan level reconciliation and integrated Crystal Reports. Mortgage Lending Compliance Requirements Summary Mortgage lending compliance rules and regulations are regularly updated and modified. It is difficult and cumbersome, yet extremely important, for all sizes and types of mortgage lenders to stay compliant, while avoiding potential regulatory compliance pitfalls that result in decreased profitability. This resource matrix outlines all known compliance issues in the mortgage industry, the associated legislation and forms for each, and how the PCLender LOS mortgage lending software seamlessly integrates compliance support in every stage of the lending process. Even if you are not a PCLender customer, this is a very useful document to print and keep handy. American Bankers Association The American Bankers Association brings together banks of all sizes and charters into one association. FannieMae Lender Resources This site contains information and tools to help FannieMae customers transact business. Federal Reserve Board-ARM's This site explains how ARMs work and discusses some of the issues that borrowers may face. FHA Mortgage Limits This site allows lenders to look up the FHA mortgage limits for your area or several areas, and then list them by state, county, or Metropolitan Statistical Area. Freddie Mac Lender Resources This site provides mortgage lenders with resources for single-family loans, including forms and guides, mortgage products, training and education and more. Ginnie Mae guarantees investors the timely payment of principal and interest on MBS backed by federally insured or guaranteed loans. Home Mortgage Disclosure Act This site provides lenders with information about the regulation and interpretation of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) HUD - Information for Lenders In this section of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development website information is provided for mortgage lenders regarding mortgage origination, mortgage servicing, approvals and renewals, and other related information and resources. Independent Community Bankers of American (ICAB) Through ICBA educational courses, certification options and continuing education programs, community bankers are better able to serve their customers and stay profitable. Mortgage Bankers Association The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) is the national association representing the real estate finance industry. Veterans Affairs (VA) Loan Guaranty Services This section of the US Department of Veterans Affairs website explains VA loan guaranty services, mortgage options for veterans, and provides up-to-date VA news, resources and information.
Would someone please tell me if it is possible to use Back in Time to backup directories under root, such as /etc, /usr, /var, and how I could do this? According to the website How-To Geek , in its article of April, 2012, entitled, How to Back Up Your System with Back in Time “Back In Time installs two shortcuts – “Back In Time” and “Back In Time (root). The root version runs with root permissions, which are required to access and back up certain system files.” (This article is specifically referencing the use of Back in Time Some years ago, I started to investigate Back in Time , and at that stage when it was installled on PCLOS , (from memory) there appeared two entries in the main menu (Back in Time and Back (root) ). Back in Time , on my current system however, does not display the Back in Time (root) option/entry. Has this been removed from the application in the repository? I have used Deja Dup successfully, to backup (daily) /home, /etc, /usr and /var (I have excluded some recommended files/folders – e.g. tmp folders), but I prefer the Back in Time Any advice will be much appreciated.
Sneak Peek at the Zonbu PC A $99 PC with up to 100GB of storage, a small footprint, and the ability to play your multimedia files? That's pretty hard to believe, but the Zonbu PC pulls it off. This system, meant to be purchased as a second PC for the home, comes with a 1.2GHz Via C7 ULV processor, integrated graphics, 512MB of DDR2 memory, and a customized Linux OS based on Gentoo. The OS is loaded onto a 4GB CompactFlash card. Interestingly enough, the system has no hard drive. Rather, the company offers online storage: You can either rent out 25GB of space for $12.95 a month or 100GB for $19.95 a month on the Amazon S3 online service. You can also access the files you save online from another PC and upload files from other systems using a Windows importer provided by Zonbu. Zonbu seems to be following the buying model set by cellular network providers. You can purchase the system for $99, but only if you sign up for two years' worth of online storage service (either 25GB or 100GB). The Zonbu will cost you $199 if you sign up for one year's worth of online storage. If you opt not to purchase an online storage subscription, the system actually costs $249. The first Zonbu systems will ship in September, and the company plans to update the system every six months. But enough! Check out our slideshow and let the pictures do the talking. Stay tuned for our hands-on preview of the Zonbu PC. blog comments powered by Disqus
Powerful, deep bass audio performance. Simple, sleek design. Comes with free alarm clock app. - Cons Bass is strong—but the system vibrates and moves around on deep bass tracks at high volumes. Flimsy, slow remote control. Packed with more power than its modest frame seems capable of, the Sony RDP-X500IP speaker dock delivers excellent overall sonic performance, but some crucial design flaws hold it back.
The Creative Labs Nomad MuVo is a USB plug-in device in which you can carry filesand if they're MP3 or WMA files, you can listen to them, too. The MuVo is simple to use: Just slide out the USB component, plug it into your PC, and it shows up as a separate drive to which you can then drag files. But we did find the controls a bit tricky to use. Review Date October 01, 2002 A Simple Pleasure
Subject: General Tech | February 14, 2012 - 12:14 PM | Jeremy Hellstrom Tagged: amd, Mark Papermaster, fad, Financial Analyst Day, Rory Read If you haven't had a chance to read through The Tech Report's breakdown of AMD's Financial Analyst Day and the speech that the new CEO Rory Read gave. Rory replaced long time CEO Dirk Meyer at the helm of AMD after the large shake up AMD underwent late in 2011 and this was one of his first chances to describe his vision for AMD and the market in 2012. He spend a fair amount of time on low power processors and ultramobile form factors, describing his vision of AMD outflanking Intel at that market segment. With a history of lower pricing and recent low power processor families, he sees Brazos as a much better alternative than Intel's Ultrabook and especially the anemic Atom line. He also discussed ARM, not only as a possible future competitor for what used to be be AMD and Intel's exclusive turf as well as possible future competition for AMD's planned SoC products. Read on for more. "AMD has a new management team and a new direction. They recently shared their vision for the company's future, and we were there, listening and then chatting with new CTO Mark Papermaster. Read on for our report." Here is some more Tech News from around the web: - Google Wallet falls open after casual hack @ The Register - RIM extends its free Playbook offer @ The Inquirer - Ultrabook prices to drop 20-30% in early March to April @ DigiTimes - AMD to release six Trinity chips by October @ The Inquirer - Intel, Nvidia to showcase latest technologies at MWC 2012 @ DigiTimes - HP previews ProLiant Gen8 servers @ The Register - Two interesting demos at AMD FAD 2012 @ SemiAccurate - GK104 pops up in the wild @ SemiAccurate - Toddy Smartcloth Screen Cleaner @ TechwareLabs - Trendnet TPL-307E2K Powerline Adapter kit @ Rbmods - VMware's Virtual GPU Driver Is Running Fast @ Phoronix - easyCover Nikon D90 Camera Case @ TechwareLabs - 7.8GHz AMD LN2 Overclocking at GIGABYTE Extreme OC Workshop @ Tweaktown - Win a Steelseries Kana Mouse plus a Qck Mouse Pad @ Funky Kit - Win two 8GB Kits of G.Skill Low Profile Extreme DDR3 ARES Memory! @ Kitguru Subject: General Tech | February 6, 2012 - 12:36 PM | Jeremy Hellstrom Tagged: amd, piledriver, Seoul, Abu Dhabi, fad One of the many interesting bits of information AMD disseminated at this years FAD started some conjecture about possible problems with Piledriver. It seems that somewhere along the line AMD dropped a module on the Seou chip bringing its core count down from 10 to 8. Once the hue and cry died down a bit a theory propounded by SemiAccurate offered a sensible theory for the change. It seems likely that AMD initially developed this family of chips with the belief that DDR4 would have made it to market by now, perhaps in compensation for the delay in adopting DDR3. Unfortunately DDR4 is nowhere to be seen outside of testing laboratories which has had an effect on AMD's development plans. Without new memory there is no extra memory bandwidth which will in turn starve the extra cores on the chip and likely slow the performance of all of the cores. Instead AMD opted to trim out the extra cores and as a benefit they get to utilize their existing sockets as opposed to introducing another one. "A lot of people are in a tizzy because AMD (NYSE:AMD) has changed the upcoming Seoul CPU from 10 to 8 cores. The general responses ranges from AMD incompetence to apocalypse, but all it really signals is a lack of technical understanding on their behalf. The slide in question was the server roadmap we wrote up here. It introduces Piledriver cored Abu Dhabi and Seoul chips, successors to the Bulldozer based Interlagos and Valencia respectively. The base part has 4 modules/8 cores, and the bigger variant is two of those in a package. The big controversy is that they were supposed to be 5 module/10 core parts." Here is some more Tech News from around the web: - Micron appoints a new CEO @ The Inquirer - DIY Windows 8 Tablet @ Hack a Day - The TR Podcast 105: Eye candy and SSD scaling - Scott Luminor Sound and Light Wireless System (i-DXS 10 L Luminor) @ Tweaktown - Timeline: Eight Years of Facebook Features, Feats and Flops @ TechReviewSource - Win two fully-loaded Intel Ivy Bridge powered PCs @ Kitguru Subject: Editorial, Graphics Cards, Processors | February 2, 2012 - 12:31 PM | Ryan Shrout Tagged: reports, gpu, fad, cpu, APU, analyst, amd Consider this fair warning: tomorrow here at PC Perspective you will learn the future of AMD. Sound over dramatic? We don't think so. After a pretty interesting year in 2011 for the company and AMD has said on several occasions that this year's Financial Analyst Day was going to reveal a lot about what the future holds for them on the GPU, CPU and APU front. Hopefully we will learn what AMD plans to do after the cancelation of the second-generation of ultra lower power APUs, how important discrete graphics will be going forward and what life there is for the processor architecture after Bulldozer. We will be in Sunnyvale at the AMD campus covering the event and we will be holding a live blog at the same time...right here. The event starts at 9am PST on February 2nd, aso be sure you set your calendars and bookmark this page for all the news!!
ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime Review: Thinner, Faster High Price: $632.33 View 10 sellers Introduction, Design and Ergonomics The original ASUS Eee Pad Transformer was a bit of an upset in the tablet market. Before its launch, there was no particular reason to believe that ASUS would be able to provide a better product than any of the many other PC manufacturers entering the Android tablet fray. Sure, I like most of the ASUS products that I’ve been able to review, and I believe they have some good engineers. But they also had no experience beyond a few Windows tablets and convertible tablets. Yet they were successful. At the time I called the Transformer "the best Android tablet on the market today” and gave it with a Gold Award. Consumers apparently agreed, as it flew off shelves with such speed that ASUS has decided to debut a follow-up only half a year after the original hit the market. There’s a lot going on with this new product. Outside, it’s entirely re-designed to provide a more luxurious, thinner, lighter experience - and there’s even a new display. Inside, a new Nvidia Tegra 3 processor lurks, ready to pounce on apps with four (er...five) cores. Almost everything has changed. Such quick action by ASUS is bold, but also brings risk. Is the Prime as good now as the original was a few months ago? Let’s start by looking at the specifications. If you check out our original Transformer review and compare its specifications to this new device, you’ll see that nearly every point has been improved or enhanced. More cores are included as part of the processor, the battery is bigger, and the display is (supposedly) better. Let’s start by looking at what isn’t covered in the specifications, however - the cool new exterior design. Unfortunately we weren’t provided with the dock for review, so we’ll simply have to focus on the tablet. The original Transformer was a handsome tablet, and arguably the best looking Android product besides the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. Yet it was also a bit chunky, at least compared to the iPad 2 and just-mentioned Galaxy Tab. With the Prime, ASUS wants to be in competition with the very best the tablet world has to offer. To do that, they’ve reduced thickness to just .3 inches, putting it on par with the high-end tablet competition. Such a dramatic change in size is noticeable the instant you picked up the device. It feels sleeker and more refined than both the original and most other tablets on the market. This is helped along by a new “metallic swirl design” on the rear panel, available in either Amethyst Gray or Champagne Gold. By making the rear panel from metal instead of plastic, the luxury of the entire experience is enhanced. After all, your fingers will be touching the rear panel 99% of the time you use this device. Despite its thin profile, the Prime is able to offer a nice selection of buttons and ports in convenient locations. Both the volume rocker and the power button are located on opposite sides of one corner, which ensures they’re out of the way of your hands when holding the tablet in either portrait or landscape orientation. A micro SDcard slot is included for expandable memory and both mini-HDMI and headphone jacks enhance entertainment. USB is not included without the optional dock, but most competitors don’t offer it, either. Besides dropping in size, the Prime has also dropped in weight. It’s now just 1.3 pounds, down from the 1.5 pounds of the original. That may not sound like much, but tablets are often held during use, so every ounce counts. Using the Prime for over a half-hour wasn’t difficult, though longer periods of time could be tiring if you have nothing to rest the Prime on. Smaller tablets like the Kindle Fire have a definite advantage in this area, and there’s not much ASUS can do to erase it. Bigger tablets are simply heavier.
Turn Mourning into Dancing! A Policy Statement on Healing Domestic Violence and Study Guide (approved by the 213th General Assembly ) The 213th General Assembly (2001) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in reliance upon God under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and in exercise of its responsibility to witness to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in every dimension of life, has approved this policy statement “Turn Mourning Into Dancing! A Policy Statement on Healing Domestic Violence.” It is presented for the guidance and edification of the whole Christian Church and the society to which its ministers; and will determine procedures and program for the Ministries Divisions and staff of the General Assembly. This policy statement is recommended for consideration and study by other governing bodies (sessions, presbyteries, and synods). It is commended to the free Christian conscience of all congregations and the members of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)for prayerful study, dialogue, and action.
McDonald's to Offer Free Wi-Fi Internet Access Beginning in mid-January, McDonald's restaurants will become one of the nation's largest providers of free Wi-Fi Internet access, thanks to a new deal with AT&T. Free Internet access will be available at 11,000 of the company's 13,000 U.S. locations, making McDonald's an even friendlier spot for Road Warriors in need of connectivity. "Free" means what it says and no purchase is required, McDonald's told the Dallas Morning News . Presently, AT&T charges $2.95 for two-hours of Internet access, although the company's wired and wireless customers get free Wi-Fi at McDonald's, Starbucks, and other locations. I've been using McDonald's hotspots for several years now, free as an AT&T customer. It is very convenient to have Internet access at such easy to find locations. Fellow business users will be interested to know the wireless coverage generally extends out into the parking lot, making it even easier to use. The Morning News quotes AT&T saying its public Wi-Fi access points have already been used more than 51 million times during 2009, more than double the number of connections during all of 2008. Terms of the deal between AT&T and McDonald's were not disclosed. My take: This is happy news for anyone who needs mobile Internet access and doesn't want to pay for it, but especially for business users who depend on Internet connectivity in the field. On more than one occasion, I've landed in a McDonald's parking lot just to use their Wi-Fi. Often with an icy Coke and a hot order of the world's best fries from the drive-thru, which I'm willing to bet is just what Mickey D's hoped I'd do. It is also good news for iPhone users who need a faster-than-3G connection. I've done that a few times too, when I had a large download queued-up. More free Wi-Fi is wonderful news. Thanks to McDonald's and AT&T for making it available, beginning in mid-January. In the meantime, remember that Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo are offering free Internet at some locations, for limited periods of time.
AT&T users slam U-verse outage A problem caused by a software upgrade has caused a widespread outage on AT&T’s U-verse broadband service this week, leading to a torrent of attacks against the carrier on social media. AT&T said on Wednesday that the outage had affected less than 1 percent of its subscribers, but customers in areas spread across the Southeast and Southwest had lost service. U-verse is AT&T’s set of data and TV services for homes and small businesses, which runs over fiber to neighborhood nodes. At the end of last year’s third quarter, the carrier reported it had 7.4 million U-verse subscribers. The U-verse Facebook page and Twitter stream were filled with criticism of AT&T, presumably from subscribers who found a way to get online without home broadband. Late Wednesday, many commenters said they had been without service for three days. A status update on U-verse’s Facebook page on Monday in honor of the Martin Luther King holiday became a sounding board for complaints about the failure, drawing more than 100 comments about loss of service. “Yeah MLK day is great and everything but how about fixing my cable and Internet that has been out for the past two days? Maybe with a little sense of urgency since I’m paying you every month without ever being late,” one commenter wrote on Tuesday. Others on the Facebook page and on Twitter complained about poor customer service and long waits on hold on the phone. Many demanded an estimate as to when service would be restored, which AT&T had not given by late Wednesday. “We know we have a U-verse issue affecting less than 1 percent of our U-verse subscribers, but that is too many,” AT&T said in a statement on Wednesday. “We are working hard to fix this and making progress — the issue is related to servers. We still are working to determine when service will be completely restored. We sincerely apologize for this.” A later statement shed more light on the problem but didn’t say when service would be restored. “The issue impacting some U-verse subscribers has been tracked back to a software upgrade,” AT&T said. “We continue to work to determine when service will be completely restored. Our continued apologies for the inconvenience.” Meanwhile, the service’s @Uverse Twitter account was keeping up a steady stream of replies to customers’ complaints, issuing brief but profuse apologies. “Hi Chris, we are so, so sorry for the inconvenience this service issue has caused, and we’ll be in touch with updates,” one of @Uverse’s tweets read.
RIM downplays BlackBerry 10 delays - — 10 July, 2012 20:20 Research in Motion's first BlackBerry 10 phones will miss the December/January shopping season, but according to the company's executives, it's not the end of the world. RIM CEO Thorsten Heins told CIO that there is a lot of noise coming toward the end of the year, presumably referring to the next iPhone, new Android phones and devices running Windows Phone 8. BlackBerry 10 will get more attention by launching in the first quarter of 2013, he said. I'm not happy about this, but the point is, there's a lot of noise out there anyway, Heins said. You have to ask yourself, is it good to launch within a lot of noise? Frank Boulben, RIM's new marketing chief, had a similar message for Reuters. The short delay is not detrimental if the quality is there when we launch early next year, he said. "We will have much more attention and focus and ability to leverage our carriers. It's a fair point, but RIM's optimism didn't do much to soothe shareholders. As Slashgear reported, investors at RIM's annual shareholders meeting showed their dissatisfaction by withholding 14.8 percent of their votes for Heins, and 19.1 percent of votes for Vice Chairman Mike Lazaridis, who was formerly the company's co-CEO. A report in the New York Times speculates that BlackBerry 10 delays could lead to lawsuits from shareholders, who've been told repeatedly that everything's okay. Of course, RIM is not okay. A chart from Asymco shows that RIM's year-over-year smartphone shipments went negative around the end of 2011. As of last quarter, RIM's global smartphone market share was down to 6.7 percent according to a chart from Statista, compared to 20.1 percent at the company's peak two years ago. Although RIM's market share is growing in developing regions, its share of the U.S. market is in a nosedive. BlackBerry 10 has some interesting features, such as a smart keyboard with predictive text and a camera that lets users rewind to the moments right before a shot. But the company's absence from the market translates to a critical loss of third-party app support. RIM may be right to delay BlackBerry 10 and ensure that it's perfect, but at this point even the company's best efforts might not be enough.
A social host ordinance that police say will help them address problems with under-age drinking — by holding adults who provide alcohol responsible — was approved by the Redlands City Council last week. The ordinance was proposed by Redlands’ Common Vision Coalition, created last year by Mario Saucedo, a north Redlands activist, and Josiah Bruny, leader of Music Changing Lives, which runs a program for young artists at the Redlands Community Center. It was supported at Tuesday’s council meeting by Heidi Mayer, executive director of Youth Hope, a Redlands organization that last year served 379 individuals, many of them homeless, between the ages of 14 and 24. “The kids come with alcohol on their breath, they come drunk,” Mayer said. “Obviously, alcohol is very easy for them to get their hands on.” The ordinance is a good step toward preventing teens from “drinking and becoming alcoholics,” she said. Virginia Gautier, executive director of the San Bernardino County chapter of MADD, also spoke in support of the measure. “MADD has seen so much pain and suffering by parents who have lost a teenager due to a choice they made to attend a party where alcohol was provided by a parent,” she said. Councilman Paul Foster said that through his work at Kaiser Permanente, which runs an addiction medicine program, he has learned that people who abuse drugs usually started with alcohol. “I have never seen anything short of cancer being more destructive in a family,” Foster said. During an April town hall meeting, Redlands Police Chief Mark Garcia said his department responded to about 1,900 calls about parties last year. Not all involved under-age drinking but the sheer number of calls indicates that problems at parties are an issue in the city. Fire Chief Jeff Frazier said at that same event that the number of calls related to drinking tends to go up when the school year begins at the University of Redlands and young people who are away from home for the first time face social pressure to engage in drinking. “We can relate many, many stories … of incidents where individuals drinking, both adults and young people, resulted in terrible injuries,” Frazier said. The ordinance includes substantial fines for violations, ranging from $750 for a first offense to $2,500 for a third offense within one year. Offenders also can be held financially responsible for the costs of responding to an incident. Those costs can include the salaries and benefits of the emergency responders and even the expense of using city property in the process of responding to the incident.
Information Central (c) Larry Larsen The Amazon's Fishing Season The very best locations providing the top action often change from one year to the next, or even one month to the next, depending on weather (rains). That's why it is important to keep in touch with the fishing tour operators that offer trips to South America. The movement and behavior of the fish varies in different habitats and water types. Much of the knowledge of such is based on actual experience fishing for the peacock in a vast assortment of locations and habitat. Very few biological studies on the species have been conducted, and it is fair to say that the fishery database is years behind all North American game fish. Sport fishing in South America is a relatively new concept, one that is however, taking giant leaps forward each year. Temperatures vary little in the tropics, so seasons are generally based on rainfall. There are two so-called "seasons" in Brazil's Amazonia Region: the wet season and the dry season (or fishing season). The two seasons affect all fisheries in the rainforest, but the timing of those seasons vary depending on where the watershed is precisely located. Some areas may be in the midst of their rainy season while others are enjoying dry times. The nature of the runoff, the length of its tributaries, the distance from the Equator and the surrounding land masses all influence the cycling of the seasons and add to the complexity of determining the best time for fishing. The wet season usually starts with occasional afternoon showers for a few weeks and then heavy downpours occur most days for at least a couple of months before they subside. The rivers and lakes rise and overflow from the torrential rains into the surrounding floodplain. Inundated areas attract feeding baitfish. High water is bad news for peacock bass fishermen, so knowing the water levels prior to the trip can make a big difference in enjoying a productive adventure or wisely canceling an undoubtedly unsuccessful trip. During high water, peacock bass move into the flooded forest or "iguapos" to feed on the forage fish and to live. Most waters fluctuate substantially over the year. Larger tributaries may rise 50 feet and spread out 50 miles or more during the maximum rainfall. In the wet seasons, water levels can rise 10 or 12 feet in a week on some tributaries blowing away any fishing opportunity. An increase of 3 or 4 feet in a day or two during the dry season might do the same. The Dry Season The best possible conditions usually occur in the dry seasons, since the water is low and stable. This is when there is less rain, and when most fish are in places where you can catch them. In a river or in a lake, it is important to have stable water levels. These conditions occur at different times throughout South America. For example, in the southernmost regions of Brazil's Amazonas, this dry season is in the months of May through October, generally. In the central part of Brazil's Amazon region, the dry fishing season is around the months of September through mid-December. In Northern Brazil and southern Venezuela, this season occurs from mid-November to mid-April, generally. For a map of the Amazon Region, click here. Fishing seasons in man-made reservoirs located in these regions may vary because of power-pool drawdowns, but the wet season, dry season pattern will be roughly the same. At the end of the wet season, it normally takes a few months of dry weather for the water levels to fall to productive heights. As the water levels drop, first in the headwaters and then downstream, peacock bass forage are forced out of the jungles and into the lagoons and rivers. The peacock follow and are then accessible to the sportfisherman. The dry season typically means waters within their banks and peacock bass in habitat that can be fished. An angler typically has 3 or 4 months of fishable water levels but El Nino and/or other factors can affect that. Even in the dry season, an occasional shower in the "rain" forest may soak you while on the water. Remember it rains in the rainforest. Daily downpours may occur up to half the year. Late rains during the beginning of the dry season or "off-year" rains in the middle of the dry season can cause problems. Peacocks may scatter into the flooded jungle timber and again become difficult to catch. In a "normal" dry season, larger peacocks may take up residence in deeper water away from the shallow shoreline. They often will move into the thin water to feed. Mid-size to smaller peacocks will generally cavort around the shallows and submerged structures near deep water in the dry season.
Here it is folks. The smoking gun delivered on a silver platter (pun intended) at the CFTC meeting on PM position limits. This argument is settled. They admitted manipulation. This is a must watch. Reference the guy in the 2nd vid, Christie (I think is the name), 'snake-oil' salesman comes to mind. Paper hedging paper... China Russia etc buying metals and taking physical delivery.... risk is there will come a time of failure to deliver.. "Stop the ponzimonium.. this is a ponzi scheme". PONZIMONIUM (great word for our times) I mean wow... If the paper trade is 100x bigger than the physical market, isnt it now logical that any metals purchased from the LBMA (if you actually want gold) everyone will be wanting physical delivery??? Is this the first time the fractional reserve accounting of the LBMA has been formally recognized for "unallocated accounts" as being an "unsecured creditor"?? Iam in shock!!.. But hey i shouldnt be surprised as i learn the true criminal nature of these types of events/ fraud every day.. Oh well i suppose its OK its been happening for decades.. Yeah theres never been a problem in the past.. HaHa The message from anyone in the biz now will be at fever pitch... "TAKE PHYSICAL DELIVERY... GET OUT OF PAPER NOW" Is the mechanism entailed in this manipulation similar to the naked shorting of financial stocks that occurred in 2008? Also, do you know if the SEC ever banned naked short selling ? Thanks for your time...Jeff A resource for planning for & reacting to the unexpected (storms, natural disasters and other shocks) Members to support one another in investing endeavors Preparing those people on Ise Lodge (Kettering) Northants, interested in the future post fossil fuel. A meeting place for all who are interested in building or sharing a resilient lifestyle up here in the North. A group to form alliances for survival
Get flash to fully experience Pearltrees These infrared photographs taken by France-based photographer David Keochkerian look like bizarre, saturated landscapes created from a Dr. Seuss illustration. Seasons seem reversed, with white trees appearing in spring, and bushes are transformed into something that looks like fragile blades of bubblegum. You can see much more on Facebook , and Keochkerian tells me some images are available as limited edition prints if you contact him directly. If you liked this, also check out the work of Richard Mosse . Article by Lily I'm a French full time student and a part-time blogger. I like Pondly because it allows me to share what I find on the Internet, for everyone to see. This is kind of flying all over the internet right now, but I couldn’t resist sharing. Artist Rashad Alakbarov from Azerbaijan uses suspended translucent objects and other found materials to create light and shadow paintings on walls. The jaw-dropping light painting above, made with an array of colored airplanes is currently on view at the Fly to Baku exhibition at De Pury Gallery in London through January 29th. (via art wednesday , fasels suppe ) De Cagna Location: Belfortstraat Luminarie De Cagna is an Italian family business founded in 1930. Back then on festive occasions the company illuminated buildings and squares with oil and carbide lamps. This was quickly switched to electric lights, and since 2006 only LEDs are used for new projects. La obra del artista neoyorkino Dev Harlan es un vuelo astral de geometría sagrada, el juguete metamórfico de una divinidad abstracta que se proyecta en el tiempo en una esfera de colores. Dev Harlan es un joven artista neoyorkino que lleva ya unos años jugando con medios físicos y virtuales, combinando luz, escultura y proyección. Su más reciente obra “Parmenides 1″ es probablemente la más lograda en su carrera; ya había construido pirámides multicromáticas con pantallas geométricas, vulvas aéreas de neón y discoballs holográficas pintando de geometría sagrada salas de museo. This is the latest edition of our most popular feature, in which we demonstrate that the truth is stranger than Photoshop. Here are more photos that will make every poster in the comment section scream "FAKE!" but are absolutely real. In case you missed the previous episodes, here's Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , the gritty reboot that doesn't acknowledge the previous editions , Part 6 and Part 7 . And now ... #21.
Get flash to fully experience Pearltrees I was in a meeting with a prospective PhD candidate today and the conversation inevitably led to learning. <img src="http://timeopinions.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/a108006197.jpg?w=480&h=320&crop=1" alt="Floundering" title="Floundering"/> Call it the “learning paradox”: the more you struggle and even fail while you’re trying to master new information, the better you’re likely to recall and apply that information later. Best Teacher I Ever Had by David Owen Extracted from Reader's Digest (Asian Edition), April 1991, pp. 47-48. Mr. By Stephanie Simon August 19, 2012 by NovaNews Layering the curriculum is a simple way to differentiate instruction, encourage higher-level thinking, prepare students for adult-world decision making and hold them accountable for learning. We’ve all known them — that elite group of teachers we deem the great ones. Hello and welcome! The peeragogy project was kicked off around the time of Howard Rheingold’s January 23, 2012 Regents Lecture at UC Berkeley on Social Media and Peer Learning: From Mediated Pedagogy to Peeragogy . We have put together a handbook about peer learning: you’re reading it — maybe on our website , or in your hammock with the beverage of your choice and our print on demand paperback. About Me Steve Wheeler How can you tell if a student really understands something? E ffective thinking-centered instruction aims to achieve two educational objectives: To cultivate the active use of knowledge, and To help students become self-regulated learners. Toward that end, this section of The Thinking Classroom highlights four thinking-centered approaches for infusing high-level thinking instruction into your regular curriculum. The Ways of Teaching Thinking region features a preview and description of each of the approaches. Why These Four Approaches? by Maria Popova The importance of “the umwelt,” or why failure and uncertainty are essential for science and life. cc licensed image shared by flikr user HikingArtist.com Just been reading a white paper from Cisco about the Flipped Classroom -- linked here for download FlippedClassroomWhitepaper_D8_V5 . ICT in Education How Do You Learn? Teaching & learning resources
Get flash to fully experience Pearltrees post written by: Marc Email H ere are 120 things you can do starting today to help you think faster, improve memory, comprehend information better and unleash your brain’s full potential. Solve puzzles and brainteasers . Cultivate ambidexterity. There are tons of free textures and background images online. Some good and some not so good. It can be a bit overwhelming looking for textures so I went through some of the free textures and included the ones I think work well for elearning courses. Cartes mentales - Mind Mapping
German Shepherd Dog > Another DM Clear result for the breed :) (8 replies) Another DM Clear result for the breed :) by clc29 on 07 June 2012 - 00:08 |I'm doing the Happy Dance....Happy Dance....Happy Dance .| I just got Cisco's OFA Prelim elbow and DNA DM results back and they are NORMAL and CLEAR. He's 16 months old. I haven't done his hips yet. Thinking about doing a Pennhip now and and OFA rating when he turns two. However finding a good PennHip vet in Albuquerque has been a bit of a challenge. by beetree on 07 June 2012 - 00:28 |Congrats, clc29, because you can bet your bottom dollar, I'd be asking for that information if I were looking for a pup. | by clc29 on 07 June 2012 - 01:48 |Thanks Bee.....I'm so excited and relieved.| We lost our last GSD to DM and I don't know if I could stand going through that again. by GSDPACK on 07 June 2012 - 02:15 |clapping my hands ..| by clc29 on 07 June 2012 - 12:51 |Thanks Martina.........PM me the next time your in chat so I don't miss you.| Now if I can find a good pennHip Dr. we'll be good to go. by Nellie on 07 June 2012 - 12:54 |Realy pleased for you & Cisco, Congratulation| by clc29 on 07 June 2012 - 14:44 |Thanks Nellie :)| by Nans gsd on 07 June 2012 - 17:16 |Kudo's to you for testing; and I agree with you, I NEVER want to go thru the tradgedy of DM again. Could not bare it. Nan| by CMills on 08 June 2012 - 00:41 |Great news! Congrats, and good luck with the hips!|
Ok, so i am not completely sure how it all works in the Blogosphere (?), but like i said at the beginning of this blog, sometimes i just ain't done talking! Two things i've come across today and would like to share: 1. Tinkerbell & the Lost Treasure ~ Thanks Mel for hooking me up with this link! If you only realized how terribly addicted most of my family is to Disney and all it's treasures! I'm sure this coupon link will get good mileage!! (Good for $10 off the Blu-ray, until October 31, 2009. Good in Can/USA) 2. H1N1 Flu- Preparedness Gov't Canada ~ A great website set up by the Government of Canada, on H1N1 flu symptoms and what we can do to be prepared. The site does give vaccine info, but does not focus on that side of the issue. Just a good, need to know, find-it website! Excited to be off for the evening to a book party soon! Hopefully i can contain myself---I LOVE BOOKS!!!
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The Peel Data Centre (PDC) is a network of Region of Peel resources managed by the Corporate Services Department that was created to give residents and organizations in the Region of Peel greater access to socio-economic and planning data on Peel and the GTA. Need More Info? Please contact us if you would like to provide feedback on our site or if you need more information. - Local: 905-791-7800, ext. 4231 - Toll Free: 1-888-919-7800, ext. 4231
Quick Index Board Index Home FAQ Site Map |Well, could the next sentence explain... Written by JanELT (10/9/2008 1:05 a.m.) in consequence of the missive, Ch4: Is he incomparable because he's beloved, or vice versa?, penned by Tom P2 The next sentence says: "She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning." Therefore, the object of her affection did not change over the years. However, the reasons for her fixation changed. Or perhaps she grew to understand their relationship better. Yet at the same time she realized the futility of hanging on to a non-existent wisp of hope. As for the spreadsheet, might a graph plotted over time suffice? Groupread is maintained by Myretta with WebBBS 3.21.
Bacchus returned to the PC's through a dream and quested them to deliver a lost item to the stone seers. Their bodies encased in an ambrosia gel to preserve them, the characters found themselves in new bodies in new world where everyone lived a digital life as well as real, and the line between reality and the virtual were crossed from birth. The party soon discovered their powers worked differently in this world, and have yet discovered how to feed. The Order of Hermes, quasi peace Updated 07-09-2009 at 04:00 PM by ronpyatt Determined to find their origins, the party used all their supernatural talent to delve the mysteries of their newly discovered artifacts. They discovered clues and used that knowledge to point them to a place deep in the Congo, a place long forgotten. Using a final piece to an ancient gate, a horn to beckon forth a cage beyond the mists, and a key to shatter the bars that held him, the party freed the god Bacchus. For the party's actions favors were granted, and questions The party scuffled with more ghouls and priests as they sought out and found the place that hid artifacts of old. Among the many items found a few strange treasures of obvious power hinted at their Angelic origins. Loosing track of their vampire companion, the blood magus quickly discovered his beloved vampire had been imprisoned and placed upon a bleeding rack by an ancient of ash, vampire kin, in order to feed their ancestors. Combining their Angelic strength and I thought I'd post this before I forget. Just an idea I had for a game where every PC had some relation to necromancy, necrotic, or undead. Not sure what system would work well for it, but one that would allow the PC's to come from a world based upon the unliving, the rotting, and be nearly completely devoid of actual life. I don't know where I'm going with this, but I'll bring it up to my group for discussion. Upon waking the blood magus proclaimed his desire to go to the Vatican to seek out items that were stolen long ago. Eager to go shopping after their killing spree, the Angelics happily offered to transport everyone to Milan. The party pulled their collected strength to attempt a teleport to half way round the world. The resulting pain was debilitating. They resolved to recover their strength via Prada and the unveiling of indecencies, despite the store managers objections.
Something I like about Mass Effect 2 (and this is a list which must be appended frequently) is that I have a personal assistant. In a continuing effort to physically twist off any game element that does not support their lean new thesis, there is a character in the game who will tell you if you have new mail. This is not something that you must wonder about, or check fruitlessly - a woman just tells you. With her mouth. And then you know. In 2005, when gentle brontosaurs still roamed, we engaged in an ill-conceived “Hump Day Challenge” against Bungie that resulted in our utter dissolution. Does beating someone at a game which you, yourself invented represent authentic valor? It’s an open question. Beat us they did, though, and even in the year of our lord 2010 we could still feel the sting of their lash, the red heat of their brand. Five years hence, when the shame of it hung like an anvil about the neck, when the disapproving looks from greengrocers could no longer be borne, the gauntlet was thrown. The game? Table Tennis, which we didn’t invent. Based purely on our match-day performance, though, you might think we had. We augured through their roster, boring them out, collecting useful compounds and expelling the rest as a greasy exhaust. Let me offer an excerpt from my own game: I drew my racket across him in the Diving Swallow Style, and the gash in his belly yawned, dumping five pounds of steaming chitlins on the floor. “Get your intestines and get out of here, ” I said, gesturing at his intestines and then the door. Five games in, we had won four of them - which meant we had won the challenge. The last two opponents were visibly shaken, and with reason - theirs was a wholly justified breed of horror. Even victory would bring them no solace. They were like two escape pods, their boosters firing at the absolute threshold of their performance to escape the shredding wake of a stellar shockwave. Spoiler warning: they did not escape. Six games to one. Penny Arcade. So let all who claim some skill upon the four-quarter table come forth! Let those who dream of victory be known to us; such dreams are our meat, the cries of the vanquished are as sweet wine. Squirm from your burrows you wretches, you villains, you less than human things! Gaze upon the bright spires and splendid arcs of holy Arcadia!
Monday, 09.28.2009 / 7:21 PM / News Pittsburgh Penguins The Pittsburgh Penguins have signed forward Ryan Bayda to a one-year contract, it was announced by Executive Vice President and General Manager Ray Shero. Financial terms were not disclosed. Bayda, who attended the Penguins’ 2009 training camp on a professional tryout, earned a two-way contract from the club. The 5-11, 195-pound winger played parts of five seasons with Carolina after the Hurricanes drafted him with the 80th overall pick (third round) in the 2000 NHL Entry Draft. Bayda, 28, has tallied 40 points (16G-24A) in 179 career games. Last season, he posted 12 points (5G-7A) in 70 games and four points (2G-2A) in 15 post-season contests, which included four games against the Penguins in the Eastern Conference Finals. The Saskatoon, Canada native played three collegiate seasons at the University of North Dakota.
Helio Castroneves Team Penske Richmond Preview June 26, 2008 Photo courtesy IMS Photo. - Last year in Richmond, Castroneves started sixth (qualifying was rained out and the starting grid was based on Championship point standings) and was running in the top-five for most of the race before a mid-race black flag penalty for a blend line infraction caused him to fall a lap down, leaving him with an 11th-place finish. - At Richmond, Castroneves has six starts, including four from the front row; two pole positions (2004 and 2006) and one win (2005). - Last weekend, Castroneves started second and led a race-high 92 laps before a tire puncture forced him to the pits late in the race. As a result, he dropped back in the field and finished 14th. Iowa marked the second consecutive race he’s led the most laps; he led a race-high 85 laps three weeks ago in Texas. - In the eight IndyCar Series events completed thus far, Castroneves has earned seven top-five finishes, completed 99.9% of laps run in competition, started in the top-five seven times, and led nearly 20% of all laps run. Castroneves is currently in second place in the Championship point standings with 265 points, 48 points behind Series leader Scott Dixon. - In 2007’s seventeen races, Castroneves finished in the top-three five times and the top-ten 11 times. In addition, Castroneves led laps in nine races, including leading most laps three times (St. Petersburg, Milwaukee and Mid-Ohio). - Castroneves earned seven poles last season, an IndyCar Series record. In addition, Castroneves is the IndyCar Series leader in career pole positions with 23; more than double that of any active driver. - Castroneves has finished in the top-five in 57 of the 103 (55%) races he’s run since joining the IndyCar Series full-time in 2002 including Miami, St. Petersburg, Japan, Kansas, Indianapolis, Milwaukee and Texas in 2008; he’s finished in the top-ten in 79 out of 103 races (77%). Penske Racing on Short Ovals: - Team Penske has earned 25 of its 135 Indy car race wins (19%) on tracks that are a distance of one mile or shorter, including two of the last three races in Richmond (Castroneves in 2005 and Hornish Jr. in 2006). In addition, the Team has led a total of 404 of 750 laps (54%) at the track over the past three seasons. - Team Penske has won five of the last eleven, and eight of the last 24 IndyCar Series events on short ovals. Did You Know? - Helio Castroneves has earned three of his 18 career wins (18%) and 9 of his 30 career poles (30%) on tracks that are one mile or shorter. Castroneves on the Suntrust Indy Challenge: “Richmond is one of my favorite tracks on the IndyCar Series circuit. It’s one of the smallest circuits we run at, which means we’re able to turn laps in about 15 seconds. Because of the speeds and the track size, it feels like you’re constantly turning. As a result, Richmond is very physically demanding. When you add in the increased car count this season, I think we will see some really exciting action on the track. With more cars in the field, it’ll be tougher to move through traffic, which adds another challenge to this circuit. "Team Penske has been historically strong on short ovals, so hopefully we’ll be able to compete for the win.”
Luxury award-winning boutique five-star hotel in Oamaru, New Zealand A Luxury award-winning boutique style hotel, Pen-y-bryn Lodge offers unrivaled visitor accommodation, fine dining and hospitality, thus earning the Lodge its growing international reputation. As a 5-star honeymoon destination, relaxing retreat, romantic getaway, wedding location or for no occasion at all, Pen-y-bryn Lodge provides guests the unparalleled service and comfort of famed South Island hospitality. Guests come from far and wide to experience this historic estate and take in the sights and experiences of North Otago, one of New Zealand's most historic and scenic "undiscovered gems". Many of our guests had never heard of Oamaru before they arrived, but leave wishing they could stay longer. The charm and beauty of Oamaru of course play a big role in this, but perhaps it has to do also with the gourmet delights on offer both at Pen-y-bryn and around town. At Pen-y-bryn, guests gather in the evenings, warmed by blazing log fires to savour first-class table d'hôte cuisine. Attention to detail in the use of the freshest local organic produce teamed with New Zealand wines from a connoisseur wine cellar create an exceptional dining experience. Choose from a wide variety of outdoor activities or simply indulge and relax at the Lodge, playing billiards on the antique slate table in the magnificently paneled billiard room, or curl up with a good book in the library. Your owner/hosts, James Glucksman and James Boussy, delight in giving their warmest hospitality on a personalised level. Pen-y-bryn is located on the southern boundary of Historic Oamaru on the East Coast of the South Island, one hour north of Dunedin, half way (3 hours) between Christchurch and Queenstown, and just 2 hours drive from Mt Cook. Pen-y-bryn is proud to be a long-standing member of the exclusive Lodges of New Zealand, a grouping of New Zealand's top lodges across the country. We are also proud members of the Green Collection, 5 Star Accommodation, and Boutique Hotels & Lodges, all of which offer exclusive accommodation to discerning travellers. And finally, if you'd like to be advised of special events that take place periodically at Pen-y-bryn, from concerts to celebrity chef dinners, book launches and wine tastings, sign up for our e-newsletter below. We will never send you spam, nor will we ever sell your email address to anyone. - Boutique Accommodation - Fine Cuisine - Boutique Country House - Bed & Breakfast - Heritage Retreats - Exclusive Luxury Accommodation
Well, given that the previous New York posts have proven to be very popular, and that it was such a great trip – here is the last in the series of New York posts! Central Park was one of the highlights of our New York trip. We were lucky with both our hotel and weather (cold but no rain!) so set out on a walking tour of Manhattan and the park. Continue reading It’s always around this time of year that we all grab for our party outfits, whether it’s a nice top and jeans, our favourite black trousers or a sequinned dress. Continue reading Today is the first day of my two week holiday and although I haven’t ventured out of the house (small luxury in this weather), I’ve taken the opportunity to go through all my emails and messages! My favourite New York purchase had its first outing today! My Virgo constellation necklace from Catbird. On our recent trip to New York we spent almost a whole day pottering around Williamsburg, Brooklyn and I’m so glad we did! Last month I finally went to New York – a trip I have been wanting to take for years! I am known amongst my friends and family for my love of jewellery – particularly anything unusual so I was delighted when I received this little package. Looking around on the internet recently, there are plenty of good finds away from the high street – which we all know will try our patience with the Christmas rush!
Of Bullets and Ballots: Portrait of El Salvador The distinctive thwack, thwack of a Huey helicopter drew me to the hotel window. Here it is again, I thought, 10 years later, on the other side of the world. The fuselage doors were drawn back just as they used to be in Vietnam when those battle taxis flew GIs into hot landing zones. The sights and sounds of El Salvador stir uncomfortable memories for journalists who reported the war in Vietnam: the occasional glimpse of American military advisers (called "trainers" in this war), the reports of "body counts," which turn out on investigation to be grossly inflated, and the talk of land reform. Yet the contrasts between El Salvador and Vietnam are more striking than the similarities. For one thing, El Salvador is close to home; the flight from Miami takes only two and a half hours. The size of the contested area and the scale of the war are far smaller than in Vietnam, and there has been no invasion from a neighboring country. Interviews with guerrilla leaders here are arranged with ease and relative impunity. Only the U.S. personnel, who stay in rear-base areas away from the fighting, are off limits to reporters. In some sections of the country, government troops openly tolerate the presence of guerrillas. In others, the army confronts the insurgents in major actions. The guerrillas have established permanent bases and production zones, one within 25 miles of the capital. (The Viet Cong were unable to reach that very significant stage until quite late in the war.) The morale of Duarte's fighting forces, drawn largely from the same underprivileged social class as the guerrillas' rank and file, may not sustain a grinding, protracted war. But violence has moved away from the capital city, San Salvador, and the war gets little attention in the newspapers. The discos are thriving, nightclubs have reopened, and the city's restaurants are doing big business. To those who recall the lessons of history, the apparent normality is ominous: Revolutionaries have always preferred to win their wars in the countryside and encircle the cities gradually in order to keep their infrastructures intact. As in Vietnam, the government has attempted land reform, breaking up some of the huge coffee plantations into peasant-owned cooperatives. But the left rejects these efforts as too little, too late, and the displaced oligarchs demand the return of their land Coffee production, the nation's major source of income, has plummeted almost 20 percent, and the rich are fleeing in great numbers to Florida and California, taking their capital with them. War-related causes and the world recession have cut the country's annual income from $1.2 billion to $600 million. In a country of about five million people, the toll of war has been devastating. There are no exact figures, but some estimate that 20,000 to 30,000 noncombatants have been killed for political reasons during the past two years, the proportional equivalent of 1.2 million in the U.S. Many of these were among the society's most valuable human resources—peasant leaders, doctors, politicians, organizers, social activists and priests. Whoever wins the election, whichever side wins the war, they will inherit a nation plainly on the brink of economic and cultural collapse. President Duarte struggles to build a democracy that both left and right oppose Only on Sundays does José Napoleón Duarte live in the El Salvador of his dreams. Shut away in a home studio, crammed with the paints, jars and brushes of the serious amateur artist, the President crouches over an easel, painting sun-drenched buildings and idyllic landscapes. Here there are no rampaging guerrillas or stiff-necked generals, only the consoling beauty of his country. "I relax from the pressures when I paint," Duarte says, touching up a still-life bowl of lilies. "Instead of thinking of all the problems, I have to think which color to use." Every working day the horror returns. After kissing his wife, Inés, Duarte leaves for the presidential palace in an armored jeep with motorcycle outriders and three carloads of bodyguards. Gesturing at the inch-thick windows, Duarte, still a self-confessed innocent in matters of security, guilelessly describes the weapons the glass can repel—and the ones it cannot. Two machine guns and two headsets rest on the front seat between Duarte and his driver, an army captain. "If we have to fire from inside the vehicle," he says chattily, "the noise would blow your ears out, so we must wear these." When he joined the government two years ago, he was by far the country's most popular politician. The son of a Salvadoran tailor and a dressmaker, he was educated in the U.S., working his way through Notre Dame by washing dishes. He returned home in 1960, founded the Christian Democratic Party and campaigned for economic reforms. His three terms as Mayor of San Salvador were a notable success—the capital's street lighting and central market were Duarte projects—and his popularity grew so great that in 1972 Duarte won the presidential election. At that, to protect the oligarchy which had controlled the country since the Spanish Conquest, the army took over; Duarte was kidnapped, threatened with death and beaten so badly he required plastic surgery on his face. "It was like a film," he recalls. "I saw my life going by—my family, my kids, one by one. Later I entered a peaceful condition, ready to die. I knew then that my life had been worthwhile." When the repressive military regime was toppled by young officers in 1979, the U.S. began pressing for Duarte to be added to the new junta. His commitment to reform had made him a national hero, but since he entered the government, his reputation has been tarnished by association with the still-repressive military. In his sparsely furnished, flag-decked office, Duarte discusses El Salvador's situation with the unfailing optimism of a man made from, and for, hard times. There are many in the country who believe that Duarte is a president in name only, that he is virtually the puppet of the country's generals. "This is a government formed by two groups," as Duarte puts it. "We have to get together to make all the main decisions. It is not a matter of fighting each other for power." Yet the President's inability to control acts of terror by security forces clearly galls him. A member of his own party recently reported to Duarte that his home had been pillaged by National Guardsmen. The man and his wife were tied up and their three teenage daughters raped. Duarte could do nothing. Duarte claims respect for law and justice is being slowly restored, citing the indictment last month of five National Guardsmen for the 1980 rape-murder of four American missionaries. The National Guard, the all-volunteer branch of the army that polices the countryside with brass-knuckle brutality, is notoriously close-mouthed. "The investigation was slow and difficult," Duarte says, "but the direct pressure to find out who did it came from us." No matter how successful the election may be for his party, Duarte has no illusion that it will end the fighting. "The left wants to negotiate power, not an end to the war," he says. "They have been presenting alternatives, but it is the same thing all the time. They want unconditional surrender." Duarte believes the U.S. permitted democracy to fail in his country by refusing to intervene in 1972; he now thinks freedom will prevail only if American military and economic aid continue to fuel what he calls "a battle of ideologies" in El Salvador. There is no mistaking the urgency in his voice when he makes his pitch for U.S. dollars and military equipment. "We have spent everything we have," Duarte says. "We need help." Duarte, 56, has considered quitting. "Sometimes I get so low, so down, and I say to myself I might as well go," he says. But he stays on in the conviction that he serves his country. "There are no other politicians of his stature," says a friendly diplomat. "He stepped into the breach and has kept this government afloat for two years." Such sentiments sustain him through 14-hour workdays until he can return to the sanctuary of his villa, where he and his wife have raised their six children and where they intend to stay, come what may. Duarte is not sure how his dreams for El Salvador will come to pass, but he seems certain that, against all odds, they will. "Don't ask me what I'm going to do here or there," he says. "One thing I'm sure of—this will be a democracy." The right wing's candidate, 'Major Bob' D'Aubuisson, says that Duarte is close to the Communists The caravan of six jeeps filled with armed men clatters into the center of Cada Sucia, a dusty, tumbledown town of 2,000 close to El Salvador's border with Guatemala, and an uncommon stillness settles over the marketplace. Peasants crowd close as a tautly muscled figure in a white T-shirt and blue slacks takes his stand on a flatbed truck. Roberto D'Aubuisson, 39, a former army major, reputed master of a clandestine terror ring and the front-runner of the Salvadoran right wing in the upcoming election, is taking his campaign to the people. The candidate carries a Browning 9-mm automatic in his waistband. Behind him stands a bodyguard with a German automatic rifle in his hand and a pistol and hand grenade at his waist. The show of arms is no guarantee of safety; on a campaign swing just two weeks ago, D'Aubuisson was slightly wounded by a would-be assassin's bullet. Still, the scene evokes an image of power and capability calculated to enlist his countrymen's abiding admiration for machismo. In a 40-minute harangue, D'Aubuisson speaks with passion and confidence. He vows to turn back the Communist "invasion" of his beloved homeland and repeats the promise of his party, ARENA (Alianza Republicana Nacionalista), that El Salvador will be the burial ground of the "Reds." He smears President Duarte's party as "the right wing of the Communist Party," and, declaring that he alone can bring peace, he leaves the crowd cheering and excited. His popularity is perplexing in Cada Sucia, a town beset with stinking open sewers, miserable housing, disease, illiteracy, unemployment and slave wages. D'Aubuisson offers no prescription for change. The oligarchs and extremist military leaders who back him actually want land reforms reversed and the old order reinstalled. Yet even here D'Aubuisson is enjoying a surge of popularity. Nationwide polls give him a shot at taking up to 20 seats in the 60-member constituent assembly, and in some reckonings he could emerge as the leader of a right-wing majority coalition. One leftist professor calls D'Aubuisson "a most dangerous man, a perfect fascist, a man with a simple vision and tremendous faith in the cleansing power of fire, bullets and death." A strong factor in D'Aubuisson's showing is his sexual magnetism. At rallies women rush to kiss the pale cheeks that mark him as having much Spanish blood in his ancestry. "You hear them say, 'This is a man with balls,' " says a center-left politician. Most of El Salvador is anti-Communist, but D'Aubuisson is rabidly so. Born to a middle-class family, he went through El Salvador's military academy, trained with the U.S. and Taiwanese armies and rose to intelligence chief of the National Guard. D'Aubuisson was dismissed from the military soon after the new junta took power in October 1979. Twice accused of attempting coups d'état against the current government, he has never been brought to trial. Despite American aid to El Salvador, he has little affection for the U.S. On one occasion when the American Embassy in San Salvador was sprayed with machine-gun fire, the U.S. chargé d'affaires claimed the attack "had all the hallmarks of a D'Aubuisson operation." No suspects were ever arrested. Sipping coffee and chain-smoking Marlboros in his spacious suburban villa, D'Aubuisson responds to criticism by invoking "the Communist threat," which he traces not only to the guerrillas but to Duarte's Christian Democratic Party as well. "No one seemed to want to take the lead in eradicating this influence from the civil-political sections," he says. "I went out to do that." It is widely believed that his methods have included assassination and torture. He was held after the 1980 murder of Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero—and, though he was never prosecuted, former U.S. Ambassador Robert White calls D'Aubuisson a "pathological killer" and flatly accuses him of ordering Arnulfo's murder. Asked if he considered the Archbishop a justifiable target, D'Aubuisson shrugs: "It is possible." D'Aubuisson has always denied any connection with the right-wing death squads, which have been blamed for much of the country's political violence, but he unhesitatingly—chillingly—justifies them: "If the military are blocked from doing their jobs for political reasons, they will seek other ways." Though running for election as a civilian politician, D'Aubuisson projects the image of a frustrated field general. If elected, he promises, he will put down the insurrection within six months, even if that means using napalm on his densely populated country, which is about the size of Massachusetts. Because of death threats, his wife and four children live in another Latin American country and change houses frequently. "I feel like a bird without a nest," says his wife, Yolanda, 36. "I fear for him, for me, for our children..." Some observers think his election would further polarize the country, ultimately helping the guerrillas. "He stands for the extermination of everybody," says Julio Adolfo Rey Prendes, a leading Christian Democrat. His election "would increase the civil war, increase the bloodshed 10 times more." The view is partisan, but it is one to which D'Aubuisson himself would not greatly object.