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50/50 Ohm antenna kits now with RG188 Our 50/50 Ohm antenna kits contain now the RG188 PTFE cable as standard for the choke. With this cable you can feed antennas with up to 350 watts (2m) or 150 watts (70cm). If needed, we will deliver these kits again with RG174. The kits then will cost EUR 1,20 less.
Purpose: The curriculum is designed to permit the student to transfer into a baccalaureate degree program in Electrical Engineering (EE). All B.S.E.E. degree-granting colleges/universities require specific preparation in the sophomore year for EE majors. Transfer Information: Students are advised to work closely with the faculty and counseling staff for program and course scheduling. Electives should be chosen carefully to meet requirements of transfer institution. The responsibility for proper course selection rests with the student. Recommended Preparation: High school courses: 4 units of English, 2 units of algebra, 1 unit of geometry, 1 unit of trigonometry, and 1 unit of laboratory science (chemistry or physics). Completion Requirements: Grades of C and above are required in courses intended to be transferred for credit to a baccalaureate degree-granting college/university. 1 Although students who have graduated with a transfer-oriented A.A., A.S., or A.A. & S. degree or any baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited United States institution of higher education will have most of their general education considered as met, they must meet the math and science requirements specified for this program. Exceptions must be approved by the division dean responsible for the student's curriculum. 2 Students may substitute the SDV 101 Orientation section related to this program. 3 CSC 201 should be substituted for EGR 126 for transfer to GMU. 4 ENG 125 may be substituted with the advice of a counselor or academic advisor according to requirements of transfer institutions. 5 The CST elective may be selected from the following: CST 100, 110, 115, 126, 227 or 229. 6 EGR 265 may be substituted for EGR 240. 7 The social science elective may be selected from the social/behavioral sciences courses listed under General Education Electives. 8 Humanities/fine arts elective may be selected from the humanities/fine arts courses listed under General Education Electives. Electives should be selected with advice of a counselor or academic advisor to meet requirements of transfer institution. The following courses are not required for the Electrical Engineering Specialization; however, completion of them may be desirable for transfer as a junior in Engineering. Consult the requirements of your transfer institution. |9 ||EGR || ||Elective ||2-3 | | ||EGR ||265 ||Digital Elec. & Logic Design ||4 | | ||MTH ||285 ||Linear Algebra ||3 | | ||MTH ||291 || Differential Equations ||3 | |10 ||MTH ||292 ||Topics in Differential Equations ||3 | 9 EGR 206 (2 credits) required at Va. Tech and desirable elsewhere. EGR 266 is required for EE curriculum at most universities. 10 MTH 292 not recommended for students who plan to transfer to GMU.
Authorities say defendant stole Victorian fireplace mantles, Lionel trains in string of break-ins By Alex Bridges -- [email protected] WINCHESTER -- A West Virginia man burglarized several properties in Frederick County, one of which he struck twice, from 2010 through late last year, according to authorities. A grand jury indicted William Gene George Jr., 40, of 1693 Fils Crossroads, Martinsburg, on Thursday in Frederick County on three counts each of breaking and entering a building, one count of breaking and entering into a dwelling, and five counts of grand larceny. Indictments charge George with committing the offenses between Oct. 1, 2010, and Dec. 27 or 28, 2011. George posted bond for his release from the Northwestern Regional Adult Detention Center in mid January, a jail worker said Friday. George broke into a building affixed to realty owned by Charles William Orndoff Sr., sometime between Oct. 1, 2010, and March 31, 2011, according to an indictment. The defendant took from the building six Victorian fireplace mantles and seven mirrors with wooden frames, all valued at more than $200, the indictment states. Sometime between Dec. 1, 2010, and Aug. 23, 2011, George broke into a building connected to property owned by Elizabeth Ann Haymaker, according to another indictment. George took Lionel trains, figurines, photo albums, foot lockers, Christmas decorations, stamp collections and personal items valued at more than $200, the indictment states. The grand jury indicted George for breaking into a building connected to property owned by Kelly Bennett Ritter sometime between Dec. 4 and Dec. 6. George took from Ritter a Honda Fourtrax 4x4 four-wheeler, a Honda Rubicon TRX FA four-wheeler, a Coleman generator, a Stihl chainsaw and a set of chrome ramps, all valued at more than $200, according to the indictment. George broke into the home of Mildred Louise Taylor sometime on either Dec. 15 or 16, his indictment states. George took a tool box containing miscellaneous tools and an iron bench with a horse head all valued at more than $200 from Taylor's home, according to the indictment. Authorities claim in another indictment that George stole more items from Orndoff -- tools and equipment, chains, desk drawers, tires and wheels, all valued at more than $200 -- sometime on either Dec. 27 or 28.
View Full Version : 7600 or 7900 I'm buying a notebook soon and want to know which card is better for it. The 7600 has 512mb of graphics while the 7900gs has 256mb. I think the 7900 had higher bench marks but i not sure which is better for my notebook. The reasson i'm looking at these two and not something higher is because i got around $2000 to spend and i can get a notebook with one of these two in it for that price. Any ideas would help. Thanks 05-15-07, 02:04 PM The 7900gs is considerably better than the 7600 (unless you are referring to the 7600gt). Take a look at the info here: This helped me with purchasing my notebook video card. EDIT: Also, the Santa Rosa platform was just released and long with it the DX10 cards are coming. You may want to look into that as well. sorry i'm not entierly sure which one it is. I'm just going off the hp website that says "512MB NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) Go 7600". Don't know if that helps. Generally, the 7600 is too slow to make effective use of the larger amount of memory. It's like tis on a bull at that point. Get the 7900, as even the GS outpaces the best 7600 cards (GT). Very few games will make use of over 256MB at this point, if even that much. A 7950GT 256MB with similar clocks to my 7900GTO 512MB benches about the same, despite having half the memory. 7600 uses TurboCache if I'm not mistaken, which steals system ram. I decided that i'm going to go with a GeForce 7900GTX with 512mb in it. I'm going to put it with 2gb of ram. If i go with the t5600 1.83ghz proccesser insted of the t7200 2.0ghz proccesser i shouldn't notice much of a difference should i when gaming. I realize that the t7200 has and extra 2mb L2 cache but that shouldn't make much of a differece when gaming should it? vBulletin® v3.7.1, Copyright ©2000-2013, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd.
help in install NVIDIA Linux graphics driver with FC6 i try to get info about install NVIDIA Linux graphics driver with FC6 and at last i get it for this link i try to do that but i don't setup lan ip in FC for that i have error in install kernel-devel xorg-x11-server-sdk pkgconfig for that i want ask ? how i can tell ( yum ) to install the rpm form DVD ? Re: help in install NVIDIA Linux graphics driver with FC6 Plz any help |All times are GMT -5. The time now is 03:03 AM.| Powered by vBulletin® Version 3.7.1 Copyright ©2000 - 2013, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. Copyright ©1998 - 2013, nV News.
Two more arrests in personal ad robberies Posted: December 11, 2012 at 12:42 p.m. SPRINGDALE Police arrested two more men in connection with a series of robberies that started with online personal ads, according to a news release from the Springdale Police Department. A total of four men have now been arrested. William Brown, 28, and Melvin Cooper, 29, were the most recent arrests, according to the news release. Timothy Counts and Richard Rodriquez had previously been arrested in connection with the robberies. The investigation is ongoing, the news release stated.
2 gun bills head to Senate floor Harder look at private sales in one Posted: March 13, 2013 at 5:54 a.m. WASHINGTON — The Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday passed two measures designed to curb gun violence, and the bills are now headed to the Senate floor for a full vote. The committee postponed a vote on the most contentious measure — a proposed reinstatement of the assault-weapons ban — because its sponsor, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, was not present at the committee’s meeting. This story is only available from our archives. Front Section, Pages 1 on 03/13/2013
Hey gals.. I am going to put in the first topic.. of course it's "general" but I am curious what got you started in disc golfing? I'll start off -- I was introduced to disc golfing while I was a student teacher at Sidwell Friends Middle School back in 2001. Ever since that day - I've been in love with it. I always have fun with the students playing disc golf. It was harder for me to "pick" it up on my own - so it went on a short sabitical of 6 years.... Last October (2008), I saw someone at a Deaf Expo in Seattle who was "trotting around" with his disc golf bag on his back - Whoa! huh????!!! I had to stop him and find out what it was all about. That moment - I signed up and joined - hence "renewal" into disc golf! Been playing like crazy since then - ask my friends.. I have a "trunk load" of discs! I am still re-learning and loving every bit of it! Got go huck some disc! Keeping it on the fairway!
Benson State Park ($) Columbia River Gorge,OR [Google map & driving directions] NOTE: You can only access Benson State Recreation Area from EASTbound I-84. Number of holes: Natural, with toe boards Oregon State Parks day-use fee applies: $3 per car or annual permit Yes, on leash Oregon State Parks With the exception of hole #1, this is a very, very short course. See the course map. Please post corrections/additions to the course info in this thread. For simplicity's sake, subsequent messages may be deleted after the changes are incorporated into this post.
Are You A Member? If you pay slip shows a deduction to Benevolent Fund then you are a member and can benefit from the fund. If you are not a member then you could miss out on; - Death Benefits - Convalescent & Treatment Centres - Loans & Grants - Holiday Homes To become a member of the fund simply complete this form N.B. This does not apply to Lancashire Constabulary retired officers, who should complete this form instead.
The People vs. Larry Flynt a film by Milos Forman The People vs. Larry Flynt: The Shooting Script by Scott Alexander, by Larry Karaszewski. with an afterword by Milos Forman Newmarket Press, 192 pp., $15.95 (paper) An Unseemly Man: My Life as Pornographer, Pundit, and Social Outcast by Larry Flynt, with Kenneth Ross Dove Books, 265 pp., $22.95 The People vs. Larry Flynt, which opened on Christmas Day, is the story of a free-spirited entrepreneur who dares to flout every canon of piety and taste. Though his irreverence is ratified by an enormous commercial success, he is persecuted incessantly by hypocritical bluenoses, convicted of absurd charges, imprisoned for contempt, and paralyzed by a would-be assassin’s bullet. Confined to a wheelchair and in constant physical pain, he sinks into drugs, despair, and near-madness, but he never quits, and in the end his perseverance is rewarded by a unanimous Supreme Court victory in a suit brought against him by the most sanctimonious moralist of the day. Through it all, he is sustained by the great soul-love of his wife, a woman who has overcome poverty and abuse through indomitable spunk, but she dies tragically on the eve of his triumph, and his moment of vindication is made bittersweet by the memory of the more precious thing he has lost. Still, thanks to this man’s determination to stand on his rights when all around him, even his attorney, were ready to give him up, we live in a freer country today. Well, this is certainly one way to tell the story of Larry Flynt, the publisher of Hustler magazine and the victor in the famous Supreme Court case of Hustler v. Falwell. “It’s a Capra movie with porn!” is the reaction the movie’s screenwriters, Scott Alexander and Larry Karaszewski, say they got when they first pitched the idea to Columbia Pictures, and they were able to attract an exceptional team of filmmakers who evidently shared the sentiment, including the director Milos Forman, who had not made a movie since 1989, and the producers Oliver Stone, Janet Yang (who produced The Joy Luck Club), and Michael Hausman (who produced Silkwood). Larry Flynt is played by Woody Harrelson as a charismatic, “gotta be me” good ol’ boy who just happens to love the ladies, and who, no matter how much he is made to suffer for it, is incapable of inhibition or deceit. His wife, Althea, is played by the rock star Courtney Love—the personal choice for the part, Forman has let it be known, of Mr. and Mrs. Václav Havel. The emerging young actor Edward Norton is Alan Isaacman, Flynt’s straight-arrow attorney, and small parts are played by James Carville (against type) as Simon Leis, the Cincinnati prosecutor who got Flynt convicted, briefly, on pandering, obscenity, and organized crime charges, and Donna Hanover, the wife of Rudolph Giuliani, as Ruth Carter Stapleton, Jimmy Carter’s evangelical sister, who got Flynt converted, also briefly, to Christianity. The real Larry Flynt himself appears in the role of William Morrissey, a Cincinnati judge who once sentenced him to seven to twenty-five years in prison (he served six days). Falwell is convincingly impersonated by Richard Paul. Everyone is in top form, the screenplay has adapted Flynt’s story beautifully to the standard three-act biopic format (he’s up, he’s …
A New York Review Books Original No one has written more feelingly and more beautifully than Nescio about the madness and sadness, courage and vulnerability of youth: its big plans and vague longings, not to mention the binges, crashes, and marathon walks and talks. No one, for that matter, has written with such pristine clarity about the radiating canals of Amsterdam and the cloud-swept landscape of the Netherlands. Who was Nescio? Nescio—Latin for “I don’t know”—was the pen name of J.H.F. Grönloh, the highly successful director of the Holland–Bombay Trading Company and a father of four—someone who knew more than enough about respectable maturity. Only in his spare time and under the cover of a pseudonym, as if commemorating a lost self, did he let himself go, producing over the course of his lifetime a handful of utterly original stories that contain some of the most luminous pages in modern literature. This is the first English translation of Nescio’s stories. Nescio should have gotten here long ago. His work converged with many aspects of American literature and culture. The ragtag circle of artists at the center of his stories could have hung out with Sal Paradise and Dean Moriarty….Nescio’s absence from our literature is most surprising because of the crushing beauty of his work…. Amsterdam Stories is a book of landscape. It is about what words the mind hears when the eyes are truly open, seeing the world as a reason to create. —Josh Cook, The Millions A valuable introduction to a significant Dutch writer. In every respect the work of Nescio represents an exception to the calm, bourgeois realism of the early twentieth century… He was arguably the most non-conformist writer of his time…. In his stories Nescio created a number of extraordinary characters, who have become legendary in Dutch culture. —Theo Hermans, A Literary History of the Low Countries Though he published few stories, his position in Dutch literature is a very special one. —Cassell’s Encyclopedia of World Literature Nescio’s utter simplicity goes hand-in-hand with a great command of humour, irony, matter-of-factness, understatement and sentiment (never sentimentality or self-pity), all of which miraculously balance each other out. He is essentially a lyricist, a poet writing in prose. — Dutch Foundation for Literature
Obtaining Water and Sewer Approvals Glossary of Terms This glossary of terms includes water and sewer terminology as defined in Chapter 20, 23, and 31 of the Rules of the City of New York (RCNY). Overview of the Water and Sewer Approval and Permitting Processes COMING SOON! This is a guide to the water and sewer approval process for new developments, from start to finish. Descriptions of key steps and resulting documentation are provided to assist property owners or applicants who are new to DEP’s processes. Overview of Sewer Certification and Sewer Connection Permitting Process This two-page brochure is an introduction to the steps necessary to be taken when one proposes to connect to the City sewer. It explains how to obtain a sewer certification (DEP approval that the City sewer can accept the proposed discharge) and subsequent sewer connection permit (actual authorization to conduct the connection work) from DEP. Sewer Certification Frequently Asked Questions List of frequently asked questions about the sewer certification processes.
It's always fun to spot stage faves in odd places. Right now Halley Feiffer is the sole saving grace of "Medieval Play," but you can enjoy her comic chops for free in "Fashion Forward," the latest episode of the webseries "The Slope." Even better, it's five minutes instead of three hours, and Halley's costar is the ever-wonderful Marin Ireland. They play contemptuous "heads of acquisitions" at Beacon's Closet, a (real) Park Slope second-hand clothing store. Snarky young women who work in fashion retail are easy targets, but Feiffer and Ireland still manage to make the satire feel somewhat fresh.
- Last Updated: 4:04 AM, August 19, 2010 - Posted: 4:04 AM, August 19, 2010 Capital One is expanding from its original North Fork space of less than 50,000 square feet on the 4th floor to nearly 140,000 square feet in Vornado Realty Trust's 90 Park Ave. Neal Golden, Ross Pearlman and Lee Brodsky from Newmark Knight Frank took the bank to other buildings before the bank decided to expand and consolidate in the same "wallet." Brokers say area rents are in the $50s a square foot. The deal was made possible through a 44,556 square-foot sublease on the 6th floor from CV Starr enabled by the Cushman & Wakefield team of August DiRenzo, John Picco, Andrew Behymer and David Stockel. Tom Costanza and Glenn Weiss at Vornado Realty Trust handled the work in-house for the building.
- Last Updated: 3:49 AM, March 8, 2013 - Posted: 3:05 AM, March 8, 2013 “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” got a chest bump at the box office. Sales for the Broadway show — which features “Game of Thrones” star Emilia Clarke stepping naked into a bathtub — got a boost yesterday, thanks to gawking theatergoers. Ticket sales “popped a bit,” box-office sources said, after The Post reported that Clarke’s nude bubble bath with co-star Cory Michael Smith sparked a cellphone-camera shooting frenzy on Monday night. Ushers and security were instructed yesterday to be extra vigilant at each show to make sure nobody captures the British-born beauty in the buff. “People will be asked to leave if they’re caught taking pictures during any part of the show, but at that scene in particular,” production spokesman Rick Miramontez said. There are no plans to scrap or change the scene, he added. “It’s going on as planned,” Miramontez said. In the scene, Clarke, as Holly Golightly, comes onstage in a towel, doffs it and slips into the tub with Smith.
- Last Updated: 11:22 PM, November 2, 2012 - Posted: 11:07 PM, November 2, 2012 The before-and-after satellite images said it all: First, the mysterious cargo was there, and then — puff — it was gone, leaving behind just large black holes in the ground. In between, Israeli planes flying in the dark of the desert night dropped just enough bombs on the Yarmouk military compound in Sudan to destroy the cargo, described in news accounts as “volatile.” The planes reportedly came and went undetected by Sudanese air defenses. Jerusalem’s silence aside (officials there won’t confirm or deny Khartoum’s contention that the Israeli Defense Force was behind the Oct. 23 attack), the daring and plainly successful operation sent a strong message to Sudan and Iran, two of its most powerful enemies. Whoever wins Tuesday’s election better take note, too. Sudan denies that the shipping containers seen in that “before” image (published by George Clooney’s Satellite Sentinel Project) held Iranian arms. But the two rogue countries don’t hide their ties: On Wednesday, two Iranian warships left the Port of Sudan after a several-day visit, an obvious sign of a tightening military alliance. That alliance, according to Israeli and other sources, includes Iranian financial aid to cash-strapped Sudan and some upgrading of its military assets. In exchange, Iran gets to use Sudan’s ports to strengthen its clients in the region, such as Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian factions in Gaza and the West Bank, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the beleaguered Assad regime in Syria. International-law purists denounced the raid, but southern Israelis can sigh with relief: The IDF reportedly destroyed a sizable cargo destined for Gaza militants, including weapons that security officials call strategically significant. Among the ordnance were rockets that can reach beyond the Israeli towns right next to Gaza (which have been increasingly attacked in the last few weeks) and hit major population centers further north. Also, shore-to-sea missiles and shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft guns that could change the balance of power between the IDF and the Gaza factions. According to the Israeli military analyst Ron Ben Yishai, Iran has long used Sudan-controlled shipping routes to reach Gaza via Egyptian ports. But as Israeli intelligence discovered and destroyed the arms, the Iranians shifted to unloading their military wares at Yarmouk, smuggling them to Gaza through much longer (but safer) land routes. Now that option has also become perilous. Sudanese officials scoffed at the attack as a political stunt as next February’s Israeli election approaches. In fact, the strike is important in itself and for the messages it sends. To Sudan: Despite the distance, you won’t enjoy immunity as long as Iran uses your territory for arming Israel’s enemies. (That message may have gotten through: Al Hayat reports that Sudanese Foreign minister Ali Karti has warned colleagues that the alliance with Tehran puts Sudan at risk of being pulled into the Israel-Iran dispute and of having its “back exposed” in the Red Sea.) To Gaza’s Palestinian factions, which in recent weeks have escalated their attacks on civilians in southern Israel: Certain types of arms won’t be tolerated. To the whole region, a potent reminder: The Sudanese target was over 1,100 miles from Israel’s airport bases — some 200 miles farther than what Israeli planes must travel to hit Iran’s nuclear facilities. Yes, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s UN speech in September calmed fears that Israel planned an attack on Iran on the eve of next week’s US election. But Iran, whose leaders have never hidden their desire to eliminate the Jewish state, remains a menace. And its nuclear program proceeds despite occasional setbacks. So last week’s Sudan attack may also serve as a memo to all Americans who still believe that the tide of Mideast wars has receded. Above all, it was fresh proof that, however far off Israel’s enemies, Jerusalem intends to continue with its unique nonproliferation program. Twitter: @bennyavniFollow @NYPostOpinion
Learn how to increase sales by gaining your clients trust. Nancy Mosca, NYREI Power Team Broker will show you how to build stability into your business model by learning the DISC* method. Understanding your own personality "style" enables you to employ more versatile negotiation techniques and concentrate on results. Employers, HR professionals, team members and ultimately your client! Retain your client base and gain respectability by having the DISC tools added to your tool box. Date: April 10th & 11th Time: 6PM - 9PM Next Sessions: TBA. Class size is LIMITED Negoatiating with Style: $245 (Webinar Promotional Price $195) The assessments classify four aspects of behavior by testing a person's preferences in word associations DISC is an acronym for: Dominance – relating to control, power and assertiveness Inspiring – relating to social situations and communication Supportive – relating to patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness Cautious– relating to structure and organization Nancy keeps her skills current by remaining an active Associate Broker at Exit Kingdom Realty in Forest Hills. She truly believes everything is…Within Your Reach. Throughout her career Nancy has been involved in many organizations that would enrich her life as well as provide growth for her community. She was honored by the New York Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) with the 2009 "Excellence Award". Currently she serves on eight Long Island Board of Realtors (LIBOR) and Multiple Listing Service (MLS) Committees in addition to serving on six New York State Associate of Realtor Committees (NYSAR). Recently Nancy was elected to a 3 year term, 2012-2014 on the Board of Directors for New York State Association of Realtors. Manhattan Branch132 West 36th, 2nd Floor New York, NY 10018 *Use entrance at 139 West 35th St. on nights and weekends (Between 7th and Broadway, North Side of Macy's) Phone: (212) 967-7508 Topics of this page include : new york real estate school education institute course classes education courses brokers licensing class brokers study NYC NY manhattan long island Syosset queens flushing westchester education college license agent schools online appraiser mortgage training notary public title closing property commercial management certificate.
Contact: FEMA Region II News Desk WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency announced that federal disaster aid has been made available to the State of New York and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local recovery efforts in the area affected by Hurricane Sandy beginning on October 27, 2012, and continuing. The President's action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Richmond, Suffolk, and Queens counties. Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster. Federal funding is available to state and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for debris removal and emergency protective measures, including direct federal assistance, for Bronx, Kings, Nassau, New York, Richmond, Suffolk, and Queens counties. Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide. Michael F. Byrne has been named as the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations in the affected area. Byrne said damage surveys are continuing in other areas, and more counties and additional forms of assistance may be designated after the assessments are fully completed. Residents and business owners who sustained losses in the designated county can begin applying for assistance starting tomorrow by registering online at http://www.disasterassistance.gov , by web enabled mobile device at m.fema.gov or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA(3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (TTY) for the hearing and speech impaired. The toll-free telephone numbers will operate from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. EDT seven days a week until further notice. Follow FEMA online at blog.fema.gov , www.twitter.com/fema , www.facebook.com/fema , and www.youtube.com/fema . Also, follow Administrator Craig Fugate's activities at www.twitter.com/craigatfema . The social media links provided are for reference only. FEMA does not endorse any non-government websites, companies or applications. FEMA's mission is to support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain, and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate all hazards.
Most of the musicians who take part in the summer Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival were trained in New York, live in New York or appear often in New York. So it's not surprising that the city has not seen a group under the Santa Fe banner since 1981. On Wednesday, as part of a national tour, a quintet of musicians presented a program at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was an eccentric program, but there were pieces and performances to enjoy. The eccentricities included beginning with eight of Beethoven's folk-song arrangements, continuing with George Crumb's ''Vox Balaenae'' -a timid venture into avant-gardism that drove several of the Met's conservative audience-members from the premises - and ending with lesser efforts by Dvorak and Smetana instead of a conventional Germanic masterpiece. The playing, however, was uneccentrically and perhaps surprisingly fluent. A few days ago, shortly before the group's tour was to get under way, the violinist, Joseph Swensen, dropped out with an arm ailment and was replaced by Daniel Phillips. At the museum Mr. Phillips played in all three of the pieces in which a violin is required, and he did a job that, with one possible exception, betrayed no lack of familiarity with the music or his fellow musicians. Indeed, the best playing of the night was his, in Dvorak's Four Romantic Pieces for violin and piano (Op. 75). Deftly accompanied by Jeffrey Swann, Mr. Phillips delivered these sentimental swoonings with just the right combination of sweet tone, intimate vibrato and lyrical phrasing. In the Beethoven, the tenor Robert White was adeptly accompanied by all four instrumentalists - Mr. Phillips, Mr. Swann, the flutist Ransom Wilson and the cellist Marcy Rosen. These are cheerful, trivial settings of folk songs from Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Mr. White delivered them with his characteristic blend of personal charm, appealing mid-range warmth and swallowed constriction on top. The Crumb piece, ''Vox Balaenae (1971), which means ''Voice of the Whale,'' calls for the pianist, flutist and cellist to wear masks, operate in deep-sea deep-blue light and make 22 minutes of wispy, eerie sound-colors. They did so with the earnest gravity demanded of them, but for all the allure of the sounds, the sense seemed silly. The concluding Smetana Trio in G minor for violin, cello and piano was the one score in which the players sounded uncomfortable with the level of rhetoric demanded of them, and brusque even when the music wasn't overt in its sweaty exertions. Then again, perhaps they were merely reflecting what seems like Smetana's own discomfort with this kind of Germanic breast-beating. The composer was more at home in relaxed or nationalist idioms and these players sounded as if they would have been, too.
|Natural Disasters - Protecting the Public's Health (PAHO-OPS, 2000, 133 p.)| |Chapter 7. Epidemiologic Surveillance and Disease Control| Displacement of domesticated and wild animals increases the risk of transmission of zoonoses, and veterinary and animal health services may be needed to evaluate such health risks. Epidemiologic identification/characterization of zoonoses is critical in evaluating the risks of occurrence of these diseases in areas affected by natural disasters. It is also essential to establish surveillance mechanisms to prevent human cases or outbreaks. Dogs, cats, and other domestic animals frequently are taken by their owners to or near temporary shelters. Some of these animals are reservoirs of infections such as leptospirosis, rickettsioses, and bubonic plague, which can be transmitted through their excrement and urine or through ectoparasites, contaminating water and food. Wild animals are reservoirs of infections that can be fatal to man. In searching for food and safety in the aftermath of a natural disaster, wild animals will come closer to affected communities, increasing the chance of transmission of illnesses such as hemorrhagic fever syndrome from the Hantavirus, hemmorhagic arboviruses, equine encephalitis, rabies, and infections still unknown in humans.
What is whānau ora? Whānau ora is an inclusive approach to providing services and opportunities to families across New Zealand. It empowers families as a whole, rather than focusing separately on individual family members and their problems. Whānau ora is not a one size fits all approach. It is deliberately designed to be flexible to meet family needs. It requires Government and other agencies to work together with families rather than separately with individual family members. It will be available to all families in need across New Zealandi. What is the Minister of whānau ora saying? Minister Turia has said that “whānau ora is about whānau being empowered to develop a plan for our future; and to trust in our own solutions” ii. She believes that whānau ora represents a major transformation in the way services are designed and delivered, contracts arranged and the way providers work together. The outcomes that we seek are for whānau to be: - lving healthy lifestyles - self managing - participating fully in society - confidently participating in Te Ao Māori - economically secure and successfully involved in wealth creation - cohesive, resilient and nurturing. Is whānau ora a new model of health and wellbeing? There have been a number of similar or related models of whānau ora that have been developed over the last twenty five years. These models have provided the foundations for holistic health care from an indigenous perspective, and include the Royal Commission of Social Policy Ngā Pou Mana model, Professor Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā and Te Pae Mahutonga models and Dr Rose Pere Te Wheke modeliii. Whānau ora has evolved as an inclusive approach to providing services and opportunities to families across Aotearoa New Zealand. How does whānau ora fit with nursing practice? Nurse have quickly adapted Professor Mason Durie’s Te Whare Tapa Whā holistic model of health and wellbeing into their everyday nursing assessment and practice. Te Whare Tapa Whā has become familiar to nursing and health care in Aotearoa New Zealand. The model is based on the four dimensions of life: Taha Wairua (spiritual health), Taha Tinana (physical health, Taha Hinengaro (psychological health) and Taha Whānau (family health).iv If one dimension is unbalanced the individual or collective may subsequently become unwell. Leading nurse educator Dr Denise Wilson believes that ‘nurses have the potential to positively contribute to the development of whānau and individual members'. She emphasises that whānau ora requires nursing and nurses to revisit the way in which they work with Māori in order to keep whānau as the central concern in their practice. It requires being aware of the holistic health needs of the whānau and their capability and resources to optimise their health and wellbeing’v. What does whānau ora mean to nurses already working in primary health care? Tracey Morgan (Ngāti Raukawa) Tracey is currently the Hawkes Bay representative on Te Poari o Te Runanga o Aotearoa, New Zealand Nurses Organisation and an executive member of the College of Primary Health Care Nurses Committee. Tracey has been working in the community setting for five years, and thinks that while her job titles may have changed, her practice has always focused on whānau ora. Tracey believes the role of a whānau ora nurses is to use a holistic approach to embrace the whānau, focusing on more than the individual while maintaining the mana of the whānau involved. It is very rewarding to work with whānau, ensuring they receive the quality care they need and deserve. Unfortunately there are times when the smallest process can be missed and can cause havoc for whānau. For example, it’s not uncommon for families to have repeated trips to the general practitioner for the same health issue before being hospitalised, then discharged sometimes without a discharge summary or communication about follow up referrals or community services. This can make a substantial difference to health and wellbeing of whānau. Our task as frontline nurses is to ensure that our system structures are not barriers to providing effective health services. This is something that we must all work hard at, to ensure our whānau receive the best care available every day of the week. Whānau ora nurses play an essential role in ensuring that our whānau are well informed and comfortable with their care and that all avenues are covered to maintain good health outcomes. Working in the community is hard work; it is a lot different from working in a hospital setting. There is more autonomy, but fewer support systems to rely on. Tracey is passionate about educating our whānau so they have the strength to stand up to agencies, and advocate to ensure our whānau receive the care, education and appropriate services they need. i Te Puni Kōkiri. 2010. Frequently Asked Questions about Whānau ora. Wellington: Te Puni Kōkiri. ii BPAC NZ. 2011. Whānau ora: the theory and the practice. Issue 37. Dunedin: BPAC NZ. iii Palmer, Stephanie. Homai te Waiora ki ahau: a tool for the measurement of wellbeing among Māori-the evidence of construct validity. New Zealand Journal of Psychology. Vol 33. N0.2. 2004. iv Ministry of Health. 2011. Māori Health webpage http://www.maorihealth.govt.nz/moh.nsf/pagesma/445 v Wilson. D. Whānau Ora: Rethinking the way in which health services are delivered to Māori. Nursing praxis in New Zealand inc.25(3):2-3; 2009 Nov. NZNO analysis of the report of the Taskforce on Whānau centred initiatives - whanau ora (PDF) Brief overview of whānau ora development from policy to implementation in our regional communities (PDF) Websites and links Whānau ora policy documents Ministry of Health. 2002. He Korowai Oranga: the Māori Health Strategy. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health. 2002. Whakatātaka: the Māori Health Action Plan. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health. 2006. Whakatātaka Tuarua 2006-2011: the Māori Health Action Plan. Wellington: Ministry of Health. Ministry of Health. 2007. Whānau ora Health Impact Assessment. Wellington: Ministry of Health. http://www.moh.govt.nz/moh.nsf/indexmh/whanau-ora-hia-2007 Whānau ora frequently asked questions Whānau ora providers Whānau ora publications Whānau ora hui 2011 presentations Whānau ora in nursing practice Whānau ora press releases Scholarly papers on whānau ora
After playing a vital role in their desperate scramble to avoid relegation in the last two seasons, Wigan’s Irish midfielder is helping Roberto Martinez’s side attempt the great escape again with a series of battling performances at the heart of the side. McCarthy will also turn out for the Latics at Wembley this Saturday in the FA Cup semi-final with Millwall, a huge achievement for a side that continues to fight above all expectation with a squad that, with the likes of McCarthy, has been assembled sensibly on a small budget. 22 year old McCarthy was born in Glasgow and after numerous trials with childhood club Celtic, he was turned away after the club had already taken on a large quota of players. He then joined Hamilton Academical where he became the youngest player to turn out for the club in the 21st century. His full debut, against Airdree United in 2006 came a day short of his 16th birthday, his talent being spotted from a very young age. He continued to break club records with his goal in a Scottish Cup defeat against Livingston, aged just 16 years and 55 days, making him the youngest ever scorer in The Accies’ history. He earned a reputation for being an unheralded force in the side, allowing others to thrive as he went about his business quietly and intelligently in midfield. His performances helped Hamilton gain promotion to the Scottish Premier League in 2008 and he duly signed a three-year contract extension in the summer, going on to play 37 times in the club’s first year back at the top in 20 years. It was a successful year as the club finished a respectable 9th place and McCarthy, who scored 6 goals, was rewarded for his quality by winning the SPFA Young Player of the Season. Despite reported interest from Chelsea and Liverpool at the time, the Blues were said to have scouted the midfielder at least four times, it was Wigan Athletic who acquired his services for £1.25 million in the summer of 2009 with the promise of first team football appealing to the player ahead of approaches from Spurs and Wolves who made no such guarantees. Martinez initially eased McCarthy into the team, handing him 20 matches in his debut season, scoring his first goal in an FA Cup tie with Hull before marking his full Premier League debut with a goal against Wolves. An impressive start to the following season was stalled by a foot injury that ruled him out for three months, though he still managed to make 24 appearances, helping Wigan to stay up and managing to earn a five year contract extension the summer of 2011. He has grown into an integral member of Martinez’s squad since, making 33 appearances in total last season and then going on to make 31 so far this year. He has cemented his place in Wigan’s midfield alongside James McCarthur, who McCarthy also played alongside at Hamilton, pulling the strings in Martinez’s favoured 3-4-3 system. Despite being born, raised and receiving his education in Scotland, McCarthy was influenced to play for Ireland by his grandfather, and he has gone to represent them at all youth levels since receiving an invitation to play for the Republic at the age of sixteen. He has yet to score for Ireland but has eleven caps to his name, plus an inclusion to the country’s Euro 2012′s squad from which he later withdrew after his father was diagnosed with cancer. Strengths, style and weaknesses McCarthy can play in defensive midfield, but mainly operates as a centre-midfielder in a double-pivot with Scotsman McArthur in a 3-4-3, he has appeared 30 times there so far this term. Comfortable on the ball, he is also able to mix it in the engine room of Wigan’s side, attempting 87 tackles so far this season and winning 74% of them. He has also made 51 interceptions at an average of 2 per game, showing his effectiveness at patrolling the areas in front of his defence. His dogged attitude towards midfield play has also conceded a lot of fouls, impeding players with 49% of his attempted challenges for which he has picked up 8 yellow cards. However, his defensive contributions hasn’t managed to detriment McCarthy’s creative influence and he remains a very tidy player, averaging 59 passes per match at an accuracy of 87.9%. Despite his 28 chances created, he seldom manages to get forward, taking just 19 shots in this campaign and scoring just 2 goals. He has also managed just 1 assists from his 31 matches so far. His main work is carried out in the centre of the park, using his vision to feed the ball forward rather than leave his disciplined station in-front of the defence. With the pace and movement of Arouna Kone, Jean Beausejour, Franco Di Santo and Shaun Maloney in front of him, McCarthy is not short of options, able to avoid going long, as indicated by his avoidance of the long ball, attempting just 157 in contrast to his vast amount of short passes, over 1,300 in total. It shows that McCarthy is always on the lookout for a pass, constantly willing to keep the ball moving, in-keeping with the Martinez philosophy of ball-retention. Despite only being 22, McCarthy, having been exposed to professional football since the age of 15, has bags of experience to call upon, vital in Wigan’s annual fight for Premier League survival. It is this strong know-how, in tandem with his youthful endeavour in a midfield partnership with his 25 year old counter-part James McCarthur that is providing a solid back-bone to Wigan’s run to the latter stages of the FA Cup and has given them a great chance of avoiding Premier League relegation for an eighth successive year. Whilst there can be no doubting McCarthy’s ability or his worth to this Wigan side, there is a growing feeling that the club, who continue to operate on one of the smallest budgets in the Premier League, may not be able to hold on to their battling midfielder for much longer. Arsenal and Liverpool have both recently been linked with the Irishman who has done little to dispel speculation, saying “it is always nice to (receive links with other clubs) but I remain a Wigan player and we shall see what the end of the season brings”. Although McCarthy has said he’s happy at the club, he may have to leave to further his career and become a more permanent inclusion in the Irish team, Giovanni Trappatoni has only picked him eleven times in the last three years despite his emergence in the Premier League. With his career still in its relative infancy at just 22, McCarthy’s ambition may want to move to something higher than yearly battles with relegation. The possibility of an FA Cup success, together with yet another great escape, could provide him with the perfect chance to leave Wigan. There is no doubt however, that the Latics will demand a big fee for their energetic, dynamic midfielder who has been a revelation since his bargain move in 2009. Written by Adam Gray Follow Adam on Twitter @AdamGray1250 Please like O-Posts on Facebook You can follow O-Posts on Twitter @OPosts
Oakcrest School, an independent college preparatory school for girls, opened its doors to twenty-two students for the first time on September 15, 1976, in Washington, DC. The dream of a school with a unique mission had become a reality for the founding parents and educators who shared a common vision of education, which would serve not only their daughters, but also a need in society. The founders believed that the best education develops the whole person; it integrates academic excellence and personal character development. They also believed that a child’s education is the primary responsibility of his/her parents, who are supported by professional educators. From the beginning, Oakcrest was established as a college preparatory liberal arts middle and upper school for girls that focused on academic excellence, character development and active parent involvement. After the first year, the school moved to a relatively larger facility in Washington, D.C., and continued to add a grade each year to complete the upper school grades. For the next twenty-four years, the school established its programs and reputation, and continued to draw students from the DC, Maryland and Virginia areas, as well as international students. The greatest strength of Oakcrest School is its philosophy and mission. The educational philosophy of Oakcrest is inspired by the teachings of the Catholic Church and the spirituality of Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church founded by St. Josemaria Escriva. - The move in 2000 positioned Oakcrest to increase enrollment and expand its programs and facilities. In 2000 Oakcrest moved to McLean, Virginia. With this move, the school was positioned to increase enrollment and expand its programs and facilities. In 2003, the school added a 6th grade to complete the middle school and upper school configuration. Oakcrest has expanded its athletic, fine arts, and co-curricular offerings while continuing to offer a comprehensive college preparatory program. Today, Oakcrest provides an environment where girls make a difference – at school, at home and in the world at large. Oakcrest continues to fulfill its mission, by challenging students, each one individually and in partnership with her parents, to develop her intellect, character, faith and leadership potential. A girl’s years at Oakcrest will make a difference in her life and prepare her to make a difference in the lives of others in whatever she chooses to do.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012 OU community raises largest AUFD gift total in university history By Eric Reikowski, media relations assistant Members of the Oakland University community opened their hearts and their wallets over the holiday season, making generous gifts to the 2011 All-University Fund Drive (AUFD). A total of 539 faculty, staff and retirees contributed $654,420, far exceeding the campaign’s goal of $240,000. With OU President Dr. Gary Russi’s match included, the amount rose to $840,264. This represents the largest AUFD gift total in university history and is more than double the previous year’s mark. The campaign produced a number of highlights on the way to record-setting results. For the first time, Dr. Russi approved a match of $5,000 for every planned gift of $10,000 or more, which helped to generate $388,806 in planned gifts. “This new incentive was a great way to introduce the idea of planned giving to employees,” said Angie Schmucker, Oakland’s director of planned giving. “Dr. Russi’s match was a terrific motivator, too, for people who had been thinking of making a planned gift.” Additionally, a group of 36 faculty and staff came together in Oakland’s School of Nursing to purchase a bench and a tree in honor of their colleague, Dr. Diane Norris, who passed away last October. The memorial will be located near the Human Health Building set to open this spring on Oakland’s campus. “The AUFD allows people to contribute to things that are meaningful to them,” said Starr Cornell, director of alumni engagement and annual giving. “That, I believe, is the key to its success.” Nearly $64,572 was raised for 48 scholarship funds, an $18,500 increase over 2010 figures. Sixty-one donors made “leadership gifts” of $1,000 or more. In all, 202 different gift designations were selected as part of the fund drive, benefiting programs and departments across the university. The AUFD also raised a combined total of $8,727 for the United Way of Southeastern Michigan and Black United Fund of Michigan.
As the elected leader of the students of Fredonia, a campus which prides itself on its sustainability efforts and environmental advocacy, I must advocate for the conversion of the NRG plant to natural gas. There are two reasons for this. The first is that it would greatly improve the air quality in the community in which so many of the students that I represent happen to live. Not only is natural gas a safer and cleaner alternative to coal, but it is also much cheaper. In fact, it's estimated that this would help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 69 percent. Second, the impractical closure of the NRG plant would result in a more beleaguered tax base for our community, effectively raising the rent on many off-campus student renters. The choice is clear. Our community cannot afford a dormant NRG plant. Please contact your local officials, or visit powerupwny.org to sign a petition and make your voice heard. JORDAN W. NICHOLSON, president, Student Association Fredonia State University
The Great baby Migration After days of feasting upon the many dishes of the cook offs and the occasion careless loser your prepared for mighty tasks ahead as the Grand Master Iron Kobold’s personal fetch it now squad such as disposing of left overs and licking the Ancient Cauldron of Torgdom’s Tasty Rituals clean. While preparing the Grand Master Ironnesses gigantic spit and fire you are grasped suddenly by the the holders of the royal cutlery (Spatula and Dessert spoon respectively), carried to grand hall you find yourselves watched by a gathering of nearly every kobold in the warren as you are place before King Torg’s (all hail King Torg) chicken bone throne. Unravelling a large scroll as he steps from behind the massive forms of the holders of the royal cutlery (Knife and War Ladle) the Grand Master Iron Kobold tilts his chief’s hat before speaking. “Upon His Hungriness demand I have recommended you … and another extensive list of kobolds to venture forth..” A deep booming voice from the throne interrupts the Grand Master Iron Kobold. “The migration of babies has arrived once more, the wagons of the human travellers will only stay for a short while.. in the previous years four of the plumpest babies were taken. I shall be expecting at the very least the same from you lest you replace them..” Ending with an most impressive burp King Torg (all hail King Torg) resumes his snacking upon what you believe is a kobold leg. The chief assistants poke you motioning you to leave, ten hundred eyes watching you go.
CLEVELAND – One good thing for the Lakers is that the star player who isn't under contract for next season seems more patient and confident about working out the problems than the coach is. Dwight Howard acknowledged he was "sick of losing" after the Lakers' loss in Cleveland on Tuesday night, but he said the players "can't let this kill our spirits." The Lakers' Dwight Howard battles for position with Cleveland's Anderson Varejao. MARK DUNCAN, AP Howard also said: "There'll come a day when it'll all be done. Right now we're rabbits. Everybody has a gun." Lakers coach Mike D'Antoni was more visibly frustrated after enduring what he called "very uninspiring basketball" against Cleveland. The Lakers are 4-8 with him coaching from the bench. "I hate it," he said. "I'm down." D'Antoni didn't have clear answers for the Lakers' problems, summarizing: "Right now, we're all screwed up." D'Antoni flashed some anger when a reporter questioned the Lakers' defensive prep work, saying: "You're starting to (tick) me off. ... We work on defense all the time." D'Antoni also said, lightening the mood again: "It's my job to fix it, and that's what I'll do. Give me some time ... a couple or three years." 1-4 WITHOUT GASOL As a reflection of how quickly the Lakers' flooding fills every corner, the focus has shifted quickly from Pau Gasol being unnecessary and ill-fitting in Mike D'Antoni's spread-floor system to other problems without him. The Lakers are 1-4 since Gasol sat down because of tendinitis in both knees. He could return soon, though D'Antoni said it was largely up to Gasol: "He'll tell us when he's ready." The Lakers aren't practicing today and return to action Thursday in New York and Friday in Washington. Gasol has felt relief in his knees by resting since Dec. 2, but he doesn't want to come back and set himself back to where he was then. The Lakers also need to figure out how to use him when he returns, as Kobe Bryant said the need remains to use Gasol's skills in the post. "Gasol definitely should go in the post," Bryant said. "There's no question about it. I agree with that 100 percent. Gasol is one of the best — if not the best — post players in the game. When he gets back, we'll definitely use him. For sure." D'Antoni has mostly preferred Gasol to play outside the paint and face the basket unless Howard is on the bench and resting. But Bryant, who recently said Gasol needed to put "his big-boy pants" on and make sacrifices from his normal game, suggested the Lakers need to be a better half-court team even as they try to "do the Showtime thing and get up and down the floor." D'Antoni has recently shifted away from his pick-and-roll offense while Steve Nash heals. The Lakers have incorporated more post-ups for Howard or isolations and post-ups for Bryant. Contact the writer: [email protected]
The topic was foreign policy, but at times it was hard to tell. During their third and final presidential debate Monday, President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney veered frequently from foreign policy – where they often seemed to agree – to domestic policy where they continued their marathon dispute. President Barack Obama and Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney smile during the third presidential debate at Lynn University, Monday, in Boca Raton, Fla. RICK WILKING, AP Foreign policy experts at Southern California universities were surprised at how often the two candidates agreed on. "I didn't find any meat in this debate whatsoever," said James Gelvin, a Middle East historian at UCLA. Romney, who has been broadly critical of Obama's foreign policy, endorsed the administration's sanctions against Iran, the public denunciation of then-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, the 2014 withdrawal date from Afghanistan and the stepped-up use of drones to attack alleged terrorists. "Obama did what Obama did," Gelvin said. "His job was to present that America has imperfect options in the world" and must choose the least bad among them. One area where the disagreement was stark was Syria. When the Syrian revolt erupted last year, Obama called for Syrian President Bashar Assad to step down and backed diplomatic efforts to end the crisis, said Josh Lockman, a lecturer in international law at the USC Law School. He warned in the debate that if the U.S. armed the Syrian opposition – as Romney has proposed – those weapons "might be turned against us." Romney said he would only provide arms with cooperation with allies in the region. And offered a choice by the moderator, CBS newsman Bob Schieffer, to go one step farther – to impose a no-fly zone – Romney refused. "The key difference here is that Obama and Romney differ on the timing and ultimately on how the weapons will be delivered," said Josh Lockman, a lecturer in international law at the University of Southern California Law School. "Obama has urged a more cautious approach." Domestic issues were never far from the surface in a debate that was supposed to focus exclusively on foreign affairs. Romney said America's influence in the world is waning because its economy is not strong and because of pending military cuts. He suggested that his economic plan would make the nation stronger. Obama used a discussion of China policy to mention a trade case his administration brought that aided steelworkers in Ohio and Pennsylvania – both by no coincidence swing states. On China, Romney repeated his pledge to declare China a currency manipulator on "day one" of his administration. It's a pledge that Daniel Lynch, an associate professor of international relations at USC thinks Romney will break. If he were to carry it out, Lynch said, it would trigger a trade war, causing stock markets worldwide to plummet, pushing the U.S. into another recession and instantly alienating China's new leadership. "No president wants the stock market to tank on his first day in office," Lynch said. "He's not going to start a trade war." Over all, Lynch was disappointed that neither candidate dealt with the reality of China's economic rise. By 2025 it will be the largest economy on earth – taking a title that the United States has held since at least 1900. "How America will adjust to this is a really big elephant in the room that the candidates didn't talk about," Lynch said. "I think the U.S.-China relationship is so developed now" that there is little chance of a serious breach, Lynch said. One telling example: Five of the eight students in his graduate seminar on Chinese foreign policy are from China. They realize they're not getting the full truth at home, Lynch said, and "they want to see through the veil." Contact the writer: 714-796-5030 or [email protected]
« Return to Article Click to Print Duke's car club celebrates 50 years BY THERESA CISNEROS Dulce, Rene and Gabby - all from North Orange County - were among those who attended the Duke's car club's 50th anniversary celebration at the Knott's Berry Farm Hotel in Buena Park Saturday. THERESA CISNEROS, THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER Freedom Communications. All Rights Reserved.
DENVER – Viktor Fasth conquered his native Sweden the last two years and the Ducks were eager to get him to this continent and give themselves a backup goalie they could count on. Forget about being a reliable backup. Fasth might be set on taking over the NHL. Ducks Goalie Viktor Fasth dives on the puck against the Colorado Avalanche at the Pepsi Center on Wednesday in Denver. Fasth had 31 saves as the Ducks shut out the Avalanche 3-0. DOUG PENSINGER, GETTY IMAGES Fasth stopped 31 shots for his fourth victory in as many starts and collected his first shutout Wednesday night as the Ducks defeated the Colorado Avalanche, 3-0, at Pepsi Center. The Ducks (7-1-1) won their fourth in a row to start their six-game trip in style. Fasth, 30, became the first NHL goalie to win his first four games since Nolan Schaefer did it for San Jose in 2005. Fasth again gave credit to the "guys battling in front of me." "They make it much easier for me to play back there," he said. "I'm really enjoying playing for these guys. They're incredible in front of me." Sheldon Souray gave Fasth the only margin he would need by scoring in his third consecutive game. Saku Koivu also added a first-period goal and Francois Beauchemin celebrated his 500th career game by ripping in a one-timer in the second. Souray and Beauchemin have emerged as the Ducks' shutdown pair on defense while also combining for six goals and a plus-13 in the first nine games. "It's always a plus," Beauchemin said of the goals. "Shelly's got obviously one of the hardest shots in the league. We're playing well together." Fasth's strong work earned him consecutive starts for the first time. Jonas Hiller figures to play when the Ducks have two sets of games on back-to-back nights upcoming but the Swede looks as if he is not ready to give up the net. The decision on who to play is becoming harder for Ducks coach Bruce Boudreau. Or easier. "He's not making it neither," Boudreau said. "He's giving me confidence that I never knew I would have in him." Contact the writer: [email protected]
Everyone who lives in Orange County knows why we live here: our weather beats the crap out of everyone else's weather. While folks all across the Northern Hemisphere shoveled snow on Christmas Day, we went to the beach. Is it any wonder that our fair land now crawls with out-of-state license plates? Now that spring has arrived, the beach will get even more crowded, but some Orange Countians may still stay away. For the readers who don't find miles and miles of scantily clad hard bodies enticing enough to justify the parking problems, here's one more reason to get out and fight the traffic: the Vans Pro presented by Jack's Surfboards and O'Neill at Surf City. The beach-sports season has come to Orange County, and it kicks off with three Association of Surfing Professionals events. The Vans Pro is a Men's World Qualifying Series two-star contest, the O'Neill pro is a Women's WQS one-star contest, and the Lost Pro Men's Junior is a Grade One. Jack's Surfboards presents all three. The competition starts Wednesday at Huntington Beach Pier. For those who like to root for new local talent, Erica Hosseini of Newport Beach has entered the O'Neill, and she enjoys a high seed. Eye candy will abound this weekend—just like every other weekend at the H.B. pier, but the qualifying events provide the extra icing: pros try harder when they have a chance to move up to the big leagues. The Vans Pro surf contest at the Huntington Beach Pier, 315 Pacific Coast Hwy., Huntington Beach, (714) 536-3500; www.aspnorthamerica.org. Continues through Sun., March 26. Check website for event times. Free.
Do you enjoy nouveau Chinese cinema? They no longer just bootleg films in China. They've actually begun to produce respectable dramas that will surprise you with their content and subject matter. Here are a few Chinese movies to get you started: Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Two urban young men, Ma and Luo, are sent upriver during the Cultural Revolution for a little re-education. Peasant life is not too their liking, but they manage to steal a suitcase full of forbidden European literature, which helps pass the time. They also become enamored with a local girl who has a little more spunk than her contemporaries, and they begin reading their forbidden books to her. The boys teach her to read and she is soon aware that her mountain village is too small for her ambitions. The scenery and the photography are awe inspiring, and the frankness of the subject matter shows a new liberalness that adds dimension to the tale. Even the subtitles did a decent job of showing the complexities of the poor souls who were flattened by this so-called revolution. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress is long but not endless, and the director gets in a little dig about the social and environmental damage of the Three Gorges dam. 112 minutes. Mandarin. 2003. Zhou Yu's Train Zhou Yu is a porcelain artist who falls in love with a poet, Chen Ching. They have a commuter romance, and she spends a great deal of time on the train to and from their trysts. Although this would pale against an American or French love tale, it is fairly erotic for a Mainland Chinese film. (Yes, this is a modern Chinese film that actually has sex in it. How weird is that?) During her commute, Zhou makes the acquaintance of a young veterinarian and adds him to her tag team of lovers. You realize, however it is not the men, but the train ride that really turns her on. God, Amtrak does nothing for me. Anyway, life is good until she decides to try out the bus. A little confusing, a little too much clothing, but this is genuine progress and bodes well for the future of Chinese cinema. 2003. 90 minutes. Mandarin w/subtitles. Going to School with My Father on My Back If you think the title is long, wait till you see the film. This is the tale of a precocious village boy, Shiwa, whose brains and good luck afford him a decent education. He excels in chemistry at the local high school and wins a regional prize to the delight of his father and members of their village. The father, a widower, has a stroke and requires constant attention. Since his daughter has recently married, the fathers care falls on Shiwa. He tries to balance his familial duties with his desire to go to college, but it all seems hopeless. Going to School with My Father on My Back is a touching story that gives some insight into the strength of familial obligation that still exists within rural Chinese culture. This film manages to convey a strong emotional story without resorting to saccharine and swelling music. Chinese w/subtitles. 90 long minutes. Unrated. Weird Movies Home
Tony Greig. Photo Getty Former England captain and prominent cricket pundit Tony Greig has died at the age of 66, Australian media reported "In sad news, beloved Tony Greig, former England Cricket Captain has passed away today at the age of 66. To his family and friends we pass on our best wishes," broadcaster Channel Nine, which employed Greig as a cricket commentator, said on Greig, who played 58 tests for England, was diagnosed with lung cancer in October. The South Africa-born Greig made his test debut for England against Australia in Manchester in 1972 and amassed 3,599 runs for an average of 40.43 until his last match at the Oval against the same opponents in 1977. An imposing figure standing at 6ft-6in, Greig was also a successful bowler with 141 test wickets at an average of Greig's captaincy ended in controversy when he was stripped of the post for his role in helping late Australian businessman Kerry Packer set up World Series Cricket in the Greig, a long-time resident Down Under, became a summer fixture in Australian lounge-rooms as a commentator for Channel Nine's international cricket coverage, among a number of roles in the media.
Bookmark this page: www.oecd.org/dac/stats/regioncharts The charts and tables from the report “Development Aid at a Glance 2013 – Statistics by Region” are available for the following five regions (Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania) and the world. These aid statistics are presented in the form of numerous charts and tables, highlighting specific features and main trends in aid delivery to all recipient countries as a whole and to respective regions separately. This edition (updated in Feb. 2013) covers aid flows up until 2011. First section of each chapter presents an overview of aid to a specific region. Second section refers to aid donors (top bilateral and multilateral donors) and aid recipients (top recipients in recent years). Last section in each chapter focuses on the sector allocation of aid. It presents detailed data on aid to education, health and water supply and sanitation as well as more general information on other sectors. The chapters below are available in PDF format: I. The Developing World The publication complements the data published in the statistical tables on resource flows to developing countries and the Geographical Distribution of Financial Flows. . Aid Statistics, Donor Aid Charts Aid Statistics, Recipient Aid Charts
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Ras Laffan Industrial City, Courtesy of QATARGAS This sponsored supplement was produced by Focus Reports. Project Director: Christophe Bonami. Editorial Coordinator & Journalist: Nala Nouraoui. Editor: Eric Watkins. Report Publisher: Diana Viola. For exclusive interviews and more info, please log onto www.energy.focusreports.net or write to [email protected] Doha in summer. The mercury is flirting with 50 degrees Celsius, and sand dunes surround tall skyscrapers. When looking at the sparse vegetation of the peninsula, one can seriously wonder if Qatar is actually located on one of the Earth's richest locations in terms of natural resources. Qatar was blessed by the discovery of abundant natural gas resources after its independence in 1971, and quickly switched from a pearl-fishing economy to being the rising star of the Gulf, soon becoming one of the smallest, but richest countries on earth. Located between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Qatar has managed to create one of the region's most stable business environments, attracting the best partners. While some people will think the rise of this tiny state is presumptuous , Qatar boasts the world's highest GDP per capita and has achieved the fastest economic growth worldwide. Ras Laffan Industrial City, Courtesy of QATARGAS But one wonders if Qatar will manage to plan a sustainable and long-term growth without being infatuated by its admirable success in the field of energy. Qatar already is trying to mitigate the collateral risks of its booming natural gas industry by implementing new measures that are part of Qatar Vision 2030, a vast visionary program imagined by the Emir of Qatar, His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. Qatar Vision 2030 "envisages a vibrant and prosperous country in which there is economic and social justice for all, and in which nature and man are in harmony. We need to galvanize our collective energies and direct them toward these aspirations." said the country's ruler. The main pillars directly related to the energy industry are managed growth and uncontrolled expansion; the size and the quality of the expatriate labor force; the selected path of development; economic growth; social development; and environmental management. Those measures will require substantial change, and will shape the oil and gas industry of tomorrow in Qatar. H.E. Dr. Mohamed Bin Saleh Al-Sada, Minister of Energy & Industry of Qatar, Chairman and Acting Managing Director of Qatar Petroleum The new promised land The fast pace at which Qatar achieved its enviable performances and stood out as a world class LNG producer is astounding. But that fast pace is not a coincidence, according to His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Sada, Minister of Energy and Industry, Chairman and Acting Managing Director of Qatar Petroleum (QP). "Qatar's LNG journey to become the largest exporter of the product in the world in a short span of time is a saga of transformation of a powerful vision into reality," he said. Khalid bin Khalifa Al-Thani, CEO of QATARGAS According to the Minister, Qatar managed to utilize its bountiful hydrocarbon resources through sustainable investment in the energy sector and helped raise the global standards of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market. "Today, we can say with confidence that we have taken the LNG business to an entirely new level and it is up to others to emulate our model," Al-Sada said. In 2000, the energy sector contributed $11 billion to Qatar's GDP, while in 2010 it reached $100 billion, thanks to development of the country's world-class oil and gas industry. State-owned QP, which holds 51% of every joint venture in the country, has attracted the most prestigious international oil companies (IOCs) as partners, enabling the country to achieve the fastest success story in the history of natural gas production and become the world's leading exporter of natural gas with 77 million tonnes per annum (tpa) in 2011. Better, Faster, Harder, Stronger "In the Gulf, economic growth and change have always come from the oil and gas industry. It is the incubator, not only for the oil and gas economy but also for the national knowledge economy," said Paul Navratil, Energy, Utilities and Mining Leader for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Middle East. Knowledge has certainly been the driver of the world-class ambitions of the country, as the technology existing in Qatar is one of the most advanced in the world. ExxonMobil, the country's largest American investor, has a privileged role with Qatar Petroleum and the State of Qatar in the fast growth of the country, participating in 12 of Qatar's 14 LNG trains. Qatargas 2, the largest integrated LNG project of Qatar, in which ExxonMobil was the major shareholder, required $12 billion in financing, 52 lenders and some 50,000 contractors. Qatargas was established in 1984 and stands as a pioneer in the LNG industry in Qatar. It is now the largest LNG producing company on earth, supplying long-term customers worldwide. It is certainly a proud achievement for the charismatic QatarGas CEO Khalid bin Khalifa Al-Thani. For him, what matters most is that, "Qatargas becomes the world's premier LNG Company by 2015, when we will be known for our people, innovation, operating excellence, environmental responsibility and corporate social citizenship." Qatar also owes its prosperity to the contribution of RasGas, another successful national company. Established in 1993, RasGas has been supplying the local market with some 2 billion cubic feet per day of gas or about two-thirds of Qatar's domestic demand. That figure will soon rise on completion of the giant Barzan project, which will be devoted entirely to the domestic market. Gas-to-Liquids: the Pioneer and the Giant Driven by innovation. That's how officials of South Africa's cutting edge Suid Afrikaanse Steenkool en Olie (Sasol) like to describe their firm. That's especially true of Marjo Louw, the President of Sasol Qatar, which jointly owns ORYX GTL with Qatar Petroleum (QP). Based in Qatar's Ras Laffan Industrial City, ORYX GTL uses Sasol's innovative gas to liquids (GTL) technology to convert natural gas into liquid fuel products. Marjo Louw comments on the success of Sasol's operations: OGFJ: QP and Sasol launched ORYX GTL, which is Qatar's first-ever GTL project. What were your main challenges and successes in this project? Louw: We faced many challenges and we had to mobilize a large number of skilled personnel. The plant has now been running for five years and there are up to 40 nationalities working there. The safety record is absolutely world-class; for the last few months it has been operating with reportable case rates of 0.00, which is world-class. The final results show that everything has been well executed, and much of our success is directly due to our good cooperation and strong relations with QP. OGJF: Given the success of ORYX GTL, do you see it as a model that you can apply to other GTL facilities abroad? Louw: We believe it is our global GTL flagship and we have started developing a similar GTL plant in Nigeria with confidence. We are working on a similar project in Uzbekistan and we are looking at Canada and the USA. Our success in Qatar helps our company with our future vision and with implementing strategies. It acts as an ambassador of our vision and for what we can do elsewhere. OGJF: What's the future of GTL in Qatar, and how is Sasol contributing to it? Louw: The future for GTL is starting to shine. Sasol's technology was unique to Qatar and to the world. It was in some ways experimental, but the strong vision and strategic foresight of H.H. the Emir and H.E. Abdullah Bin Hamad Al Attiyah, former Minister of Energy and Industry, and currently supported by H.E. Dr. Al-Sada, Minister of Energy and Industry, established Qatar as the GTL capital of the world with ORYX GTL. After ORYX GTL's bright success, the reputation of this new Eldorado of GTL spread rapidly. Royal Dutch Shell, which already had launched a GTL project at Bintulu in Malaysia in 1993, decided to continue the GTL adventure with a giant step forward: the Pearl GTL project. Inaugurated in late 2011, Pearl GTL makes Shell the single largest foreign investor in Qatar, with up to $21 billion. "The significance of Qatar for us is the evolution from no operations in 2002 to making it one of the highest value countries for the Shell group a decade later, with roughly 10% of the overall value for the group," explains Qatar Shell Chairman Wael Sawan. Fast, not furious While many countries could be dazed by the abundance of resources, the outstanding production performances and the investment in cutting-edge technology, and feel the urge to utilize the resources as fast as possible, Qatar chose a more prudent approach. Indeed, the country decided in 2005 to establish a moratorium on the North Field, fearing that faster production could damage the reservoir. Qatar does hold the world's third-largest gas reserves, but it is determined to use them reasonably. It wants to use them at a pace that can be slowed down or put on hold, regardless of investments made by IOCs at the time of gas discovery. The big question facing companies that have already invested or those wanting to do so, is to know whether the moratorium will be lifted in 2014 or extended by the government, putting on hold all operations and future developments. The gas Eldorado is currently reduced to very few upstream developments, allowing room for potential niches such as enhanced oil recovery but leaving most companies disillusioned about the possibility of rapid development. Offshore platform, courtesy of TOTAL E&P QATAR Some choose to listen to the voice of wisdom to grin and bear it, such as Stéphane Michel, Managing Director of Total: "The message about Qatar is to think long-term and not to take this transition period as a slow-down, Qatar has the biggest gas field in the world and when you are a contractor, it is during those phases of transition that you build your future," said Michel. From gas to crops Khalifa Abdullah Al-Sowaidi, CEO of Qafco, Qatar's leading player in the fertilizer industry, tells Focus Reports about the opportunities for Qatar to diversify its economy. FOCUS REPORTS: Qafco was the first joint venture in Qatar and acted as a pioneer for joint ventures. Can you tell us about the success story of a company that started as an SME? Al-Sowaidi: After Qafco VI, our sixth urea plant, we will have 5.6 million tons of urea ready for export. That makes us the number one exporter in the world and will contribute to 12.5% of the world-traded urea. It also puts Qatar as the fourth country in terms of production of urea, after China, India, and Indonesia. It also makes Qafco the largest single fertilizer producer in the world. FOCUS REPORTS: How do you assess your strengths compared to those of your competitors? Al-Sowaidi: We are a large-scale company, operating a huge plant with less manpower. With proximity to the sea, Qafco being located just on the shore and having its dedicated jetties, we do not do double handling of our products. So, it makes the quality much higher than our competitors'. FOCUS REPORTS: How would you define Qafco's contribution in diversifying the economy of Qatar? Al-Sowaidi: We do a lot of work that involves many local companies like mechanical SME's. We contribute to the development of the downstream sector and we help increase export earnings. FOCUS REPORTS: How do you forecast the future of the fertilizer industry? Al-Sowaidi: The existence of mineral fertilizer today allows people worldwide to be able to eat. Today, more than 60% of the total food production depends on mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers have created all this food for the last century and that has saved the world from famine. A lot of people mistake us for a pesticide producer. But we do not harm the planet. We feed the planet. A knowledge-based economy Some oil and gas companies decide to make the best use of their time left by the moratorium to heavily invest in research and development (R&D). Carl Attalah, President of Chevron Qatar Ltd., says his firm is, "taking the long view on Qatar, staying in the course for potential future opportunities once the Moratorium is lifted." Nakilat flagship Mozah Courtesy of NAKILAT Chevron symbolizes the relationship companies are eager to have with the state of Qatar, helping the country shape its future through research on renewable energy. Chevron's current main activity is around energy efficiency and solar technology research. The company signed an agreement in 2009 to create the Center for Sustainable Energy Efficiency (CSEE) located at Qatar Science and Technology Park, the country's hub for research. "Our solar and energy efficiency projects are part of a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project, aligned with His Highness the Emir's vision 2030. The Solar Test Facility aims to test different commercially available photovoltaic technologies in the Qatar environment. This information will help us select the best technologies to use in this environment going forward," said Attalah. And Chevron is being visionary, too. Qatar has natural gas, but it also has another natural and unlimited resource: the sun. The CSEE at Qatar Science and Technology Park will aim at educating people on simple behavioral changes at home to cut CO2 emissions, and it will research components on efficient lighting technology. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health Finbarr Sexton, Energy Partner at Ernst & Young Qatar, shared his expertise on Qatar's oil and gas Industry and on Qatar's strategic position, especially with Asia and Japan, ensuring long-term growth. "With Qatar's reserves, Japan identified back in the 90s the potential that Qatar had in being a reliable supplier. It was easy to conclude 25-year contracts, knowing that it could easily be extended to a 200-year relationship. The security of supply is amongst the key attractions that Qatar holds in the eyes of Japan and South Korea," Sexton said. Keiichi Yoneyama, General Manager of Chubu Electric Power, said that Qatar and Japan were like a married couple, always together, for better or worse. Indeed, Qatar has been present when Japan most needed it. Qatar was among the first countries to support Japan after the devastating 2011 earthquake, donating $100 million on behalf of the government. As a sign of goodwill among bilateral trade relations, Qatargas 1 signed an agreement in June 2012 to deliver one million tpa of LNG, under a long-term contract with Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The agreement came as a response to Japan's need for LNG to compensate for the loss of the 50 or so nuclear plants put on hold after the Fukushima Daiichi tragedy in March 2011. Finbarr Sexton, Partner, Ernst & Young Qatar In the context of economic uncertainty in Europe and the self-sufficiency of North American markets due to shale gas, Asia appears as the partner of choice for the future of Qatar. Still, according to Sexton, there are a few concerns over competition with Australia, which "probably represents the biggest threat to the Qatari LNG industry, being much closer to the Far East markets than Qatar. So there are inherent challenges with Australia bringing on supply." Essa Bin Hillal Al Kuwari, President of Qatar General Electricity and Water Company (KAHRAMAA), gives his insight on energy efficiency and regional integration. OGFJ: What were the main difficulties inherent to Qatar's fast growth that you had to face? Al Kuwari: The booming growth of Qatar over the last five years was a challenge for us. All real estate or infrastructure projects need electricity and water. Not a single project can start without them. But we succeeded. OGFJ: What is KAHRAMAA doing at its operational level towards energy efficiency and reducing its impact on the environment? Al Kuwari: We are trying with all our stakeholders to be a pioneer in renewable energies, the most economic renewable source in Qatar being solar. There is another initiative to cover one of our mega reservoirs with photovoltaic panels to produce electricity. OGFJ: What are you doing at your level to educate people on how to consume more responsibly? Al Kuwari: We have launched a campaign called Tarsheed, aiming to reduce consumption of water and electricity. There are two goals: reducing the consumption of electricity by 20% per capita and water consumption by 35% per capita. OGFJ: What is the role that KAHRAMAA plays in the cooperation with Gulf Countries Council (GCC) countries? Al Kuwari: Interconnection in water and electricity is very important and it will lead to something even bigger in terms of regional integration. This is the beauty of it: we are now interconnected with the five GCC countries and Oman will come soon. Such interconnection has proved to be successful and all countries have enjoyed the benefits of it. There's time enough, but none to spare. If Qatar has built the backbone of its LNG industry with technology, investment and research, the country must ready itself to exploit its resources in the most sustainable way possible, taking into account human and environmental factors that are under the risk of being pushed aside in the face of such brisk growth. Qatar holds the first place for three different rankings. One is outstanding: holding the world's highest GDP per capita. Two rankings are less glorious: the highest pollution rate per capita and the second highest power consumption rate in the region. In terms of actual volume of CO2 emission, Qatar contributed about 0.23% of global CO2 emissions and ranked 47th among UN members. However, the ratio per capita appears very high, given its small population of only 200,000 Qatari nationals – out of 1.7 million inhabitants. The calculation also seems to be unfair as Qatar produces natural gas and transforms it into LNG, an industrial process that emits a lot of CO2. As natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel, its usage enables many countries to reduce their CO2 emissions, while production emissions are still registered in Qatar. Aware of the risks for the environment of such a fast-pace use of natural resources, The Qatari state and many companies are taking concrete measures to reduce their impact on the environment. Engineers at work, Courtesy of KAHRAMAA Although the border between environmental CSR and green-washing can sometimes seem unclear, the environment appears to be a true concern for companies such as Dolphin Energy, the Emirati project that produces and processes natural gas from Qatar's offshore North Field. Dolphin plotted a subsea pipeline route to the United Arab Emirates and Oman that avoided important turtle breeding grounds and protected marine habitats. Dolphin also initiated a flare reduction program to help reduce emissions. Qatar is determined to show the world it is not a careless polluter by actually positioning itself under the spotlight for environment-related events. Qatar is hosting COP 18, the UN conference on climate change in December 2012. That decision is considered quite ironic by green activists, who accuse Qatar of trying to buy its way to environmental respectability . But the act is symbolic of the efforts made by the government to improve the situation by taking action. The major priority will then be to raise awareness among the local population, especially regarding power consumption, as Florence Verzelen, General Manager of GDF SUEZ Qatar explains. "Energy efficiency is Qatar's major issue," said Verzelen. "Qatar has the second highest power consumption rate in the region, mainly because of cheap electricity. Reducing the consumption will require strong political will to change local habits". Now hiring: skilled, smart and fast-learning manpower "Having a qualified, motivated, high performing workforce is perhaps this industry's biggest challenge. It's a regional problem, which Qatar is experiencing, given the scarcity of national resource," said Peter Gordon, Senior Manager at PwC, about the human resources challenge. While technology and facilities can be implemented at a fast pace, human resources are a much slower issue that Qatar had left behind until Qatarization was included in Qatar Vision 2030, a measure aimed at reaching a target of 50% of Qatari nationals working in the energy sector. As companies might be craving for expertise to harmonize with the pace of the booming industry demanding know-how, the gestation period between advertising for a position to getting the right person can take up to a year, having an effect on day-to-day operations, compelling companies to implement long-term human resources planning ahead of time. As Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are facing the same needs, Qatar needs to imagine a strategy to raise awareness and empowerment among their local population, to train them as fast as possible to turn them into the next energy leaders of tomorrow. Oil and gas companies are contributing substantially to this initiative due to the approaching deadline of having half of their staff composed of nationals by 2030, and they are willing to take action to solve the human resources challenge. But organic changes in human resources should always come from the root: education. Qatar University and Texas A&M University have been very dynamic implementing measures and training sessions together with companies. We are the champions In 2022, Qatar will once again be under the spotlight, as it will be hosting the 2022 Football World Cup. Meanwhile, a colossal amount of work needs to be done to meet the deadlines and requirements for construction of stadiums, hotels, and railways. Qatar won the bid thanks to its commitment to organize a carbon neutral world cup. For Carl Atallah of Chevron, it will be a good opportunity to implement solar panels, but he explains that "The World Cup is a summer event, therefore, achieving a carbon neutral World Cup is a big challenge," bearing in mind that the temperatures might be up to 50 degrees, requiring air-conditioning in the stadiums. Essa Hilal Al-Kuwari of KAHRAAMA foresees the challenges but is ready to cope with them: " It is a huge and hot issue, if not the hottest. We don't foresee any problems on the generation and transmission side and we need to make sure that the distribution network will be able to support such a big event. We will be ready!" Not in the same basket Qatar seems always to want to take action at a speed that is often noted: investing abroad through the acquisition of football clubs, Italian luxury brands, historical buildings in London and Paris, or international bids for sports. But if the country is so eager to expand its presence abroad and strategically use its petrodollars, it is also because the State of Qatar realizes the need to diversify its economy away from reliance on the oil and gas industry. The rapidity with which Qatar is investing is just a symbol of its immediate willingness to continue its path to reach the leading position in global LNG production and to plan its long-term future, by attracting the right international partners and creating trade relationships with the most reliable markets. Prudently fast. Eager, but patient.
Nomination, Selection and Appointment of Mandate Holders APPOINTMENTS TO BE MADE AT HRC23 (27 MAY-14 JUNE 2013) President's letter of transmittal of the report to all delegations Report of Consultative Group with recommendations to the President of the Council [click for Secretariat’s NV] English [PDF] – French [PDF] [click for Secretariat’s NV: call for candidatures] English [Word - PDF] – French [Word - PDF] Deadline expired. Application process is now closed. Application forms posted as received within the deadline. Information contained therein is subject to further verification. APPOINTMENTS MADE AT THE 22nd SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS MADE AT 18TH TO 21ST SESSIONS OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL INFORMATION ABOUT APPOINTMENTS MADE AT THE 7TH TO 7TH SESSIONS IS TO BE FOUND ON THE HRC MEMBERS OF THE CONSULTATIVE GROUP (CURRENT AND FORMER) All candidatures and appointments made to date According to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, Annex, the following general criteria will be of paramount importance while nominating, selecting and appointing mandate-holders: (b) experience in the field of the mandate; (e) personal integrity; Due consideration should be given to gender balance and equitable geographic representation, as well as to an appropriate representation of different legal systems. Eligible candidates are highly qualified individuals who possess established competence, relevant expertise and extensive professional experience in the field of human rights (paras. 39-41). Technical and objective requirements In its decision 6/102 of 27 September 2007, the Council approved technical and objective requirements for candidates eligible for special procedures mandate-holders. 1. Qualifications: relevant educational qualifications or equivalent professional experience in the field of human rights; good communication skills in one of the official languages of the United Nations. 2. Relevant expertise: knowledge of international human rights instruments, norms and principles; as well as knowledge of institutional mandates related to the United Nations or other international or regional organizations’ work in the area of human rights; proven work experience in the field of human rights. 3. Established competence: nationally, regionally or internationally recognized competence related to human rights. 4. Flexibility/readiness and availability of time to perform effectively the functions of the mandate and to respond to its requirements, including attending Human Rights Council sessions. Who can nominate candidates? Paragraph 42 of Annex to Council resolution 5/1, provides that the following entities may nominate candidates: (b) Regional Groups operating within the United Nations human rights system, (c) international organizations or their offices, (d) non-governmental organizations, (e) other human rights bodies, and (f) individual nominations. Paragraph 22 (a) of Annex to Council resolution 16/21 of 25 March 2011 further provides that national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles may also nominate candidates. APPLICATION PROCEDURE, INCLUDING NEW FORM AND MOTIVATION LETTER Further to paragraph 22 (a) of Annex to Council resolution 16/21 of 25 March 2011 individual candidates and candidates nominated by entities shall submit an application for each specific mandate, together with personal data. A motivation letter, which should be no longer than 600 words, must also be submitted by candidates. INTERVIEWS OF SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES Further to paragraph 22 (c) of Annex to Council resolution 16/21 of 25 March 2011 the Consultative Group shall interview shortlisted candidates to ensure equal treatment of all candidates. The Consultative Group (composition of the Consultative Group), established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, submits to the President, ‘at least one month before the beginning of the session in which the Council would consider the selection of mandate holders, a list of candidates who possess the highest qualifications for the mandates in question and meet the general criteria and particular requirements'. List of candidates for the Special Procedures mandate holders On the basis of the recommendations of the Consultative Group and following broad consultations, in particular through the regional coordinators, the President of the Council will identify an appropriate candidate for each vacancy and presents to member States and observers a list of candidates. The President shall justify his/her decision if he/she decides not to follow the order of priority proposed by the Consultative Group (paragraph 22 (d) of Annex to Council resolution 16/21 of 25 March 2011). The appointment of the special procedures mandate-holders will be completed upon the subsequent approval of the Council. P.S. PUBLIC LIST OF CANDIDATES USED FOR PREVIOUS CYCLE OF APPOINTMENTS CEASED TO EXIST In accordance with the new application procedure the Office of the High Commissioner shall prepare a public list of candidates who will apply for each specific vacancy (paragraph 22 (b) of Annex to Council resolution 16/21). The public list of candidates dated 5 May 2011 posted on the Council Extranet, which was used for the previous cycle of appointments made at the seventeenth session of the Council will cease to exist with immediate effect. All candidates should therefore apply by using the new application procedure described above.
ULAANBAATAR (7 December 2012) – “The Mongolian economy has continued to show impressive double-digit growth despite the global economic and financial crisis, yet the poorest of the poor are not enjoying the benefits of such growth,” warned today the United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Magdalena Sepúlveda, at the end of her first fact-finding mission* to the country. “While some parts of the country are being transformed, poverty remains very high and is becoming entrenched not only in rural areas but also in urban centres as the income gap widens and inequality increases” Ms. Sepúlveda noted. “The fact that poverty levels remain high and there are increasing inequalities is a clear demonstration that the benefits of economic growth have not trickled down to the poor.” The rights expert expressed concern about the challenges faced by the groups most vulnerable and severely affected by poverty and social exclusion in Mongolia, such as women, children and youth, persons with disabilities, older persons, internal migrants, herders and nomadic communities, ethnic minorities, LGBT, persons living with HIV/AIDS and stateless persons. “I have found that, for the most part, Mongolia has established a robust legal framework, recognizing that everyone must enjoy the rights to education, health, housing, food, etc. However, the laws do not necessarily translate into the everyday reality for many Mongolians,” noted Ms. Sepúlveda, stressing that “there are severe implementation gaps in almost all social policies, ranging from domestic violence to trafficking.” The Special Rapporteur urged the Mongolian Government to devise and adopt a poverty reduction strategy based on human rights that includes time-bound benchmarks, effective implementation plans, monitoring and accountability mechanisms to ensure authorities comply with their mandates. “Mongolia must foresee the necessary budgetary implications and ensure sustainability in the long term and implement the strategy with strong cross-sectorial coordination through the leadership of a designated ministry,” she said. “The Government must immediately address the critical needs and pressing problems of the poorest and most marginalized in Mongolian society as a matter of priority,” the expert stressed. “The poorest sectors of society must be assured that their rights will be protected, adequate resources will be provided and that they will be able to access basic services.” “Those living in poverty in Mongolia can wait no longer,” she underscored. During her five-day mission, Ms. Sepúlveda met with, senior Government officials, donor agencies, international organizations, financial institutions, civil society and communities living in poverty both within the capital and surrounding ger districts, as well as Erden soum in the Tuv province of the country. The UN Special Rapporteur addressed some key findings and recommendations during a press conference today that will be further developed in the report to the Human Rights Council in June 2013. Magdalena Sepúlveda (Chile) was appointed the Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights in May 2008 by the United Nations Human Rights Council. She is independent from any government or organization. Learn more, visit: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Poverty/Pages/SRExtremePovertyIndex.aspx (*) Check the full end-of-mission statement by the Special Rapporteur: http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=12874&LangID=E UN Human Rights, Country Page – Mongolia: http://www.ohchr.org/en/countries/asiaregion/pages/mnindex.aspx For further information and media enquiries, please contact: In Geneva: Orlagh McCann (+ 41 22 917 9695 / [email protected]) In Ulaanbaatar: Erdenebulgan Davaa (+976 11 327 585 / [email protected]) or Orlagh McCann (+41 79 201 0122 / [email protected]) My voice, my right, my voice counts – Watch the Human Rights Day’s video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCnLOpUW7tY&feature=share&list=UU3L8u5qG07djPUwWo6VQVLA For media inquiries related to other UN independent experts: Xabier Celaya, UN Human Rights – Media Unit (+ 41 22 917 9383 / [email protected]) UN Human Rights, follow us on social media: Check the Universal Human Rights Index: http://uhri.ohchr.org/en
By Andrew Liszewski If you’ve been unfortunate enough to be stuck with entertaining duties this holiday season you’re probably going to be spending a good portion of the month of December in your kitchen. And besides of course being in the kitchen to hide from friends and family you’ll no doubt be doing some cooking too. So the least you can do is treat your inner geek by dumping that boring old sand-filled cooking timer and replacing it with this digital version instead. When not in use the timer displays a 24-hour clock but flip it over and it becomes a 100 minute countdown timer complete with falling digital pixels representing the progress. It can be stopped, started and set using a series of buttons located on each end and it runs on a single AAA battery. The Digital Sand Timer is available from Brookstone for $17.95.
This is a research study of an investigational device called the Responsive Neurostimulator (RNS) System. The RNS System is a brain stimulation device that is surgically implanted. It consists of a battery operated box and small wires that are placed in contact with the portion of the brain where the patient’s epileptic seizures originate. The RNS system detects seizure activity and delivers a pulse of electrical energy to disrupt the seizure. The purpose of the study is to determine the safety and effectiveness of the RNS system in treating seizures. Approximately 240 subjects will be enrolled in 28 centers in the United States. Approximately 10 subjects will be enrolled at OHSU. learn more about current research studies and clinical trial opportunities Comprehensive Epilepsy Center
1 Rope Ferry Road, Hanover New Hampshire 03755 603-650-1200 Toll Free: 877-367-1797 Fax 603-650-1202 Dartmouth Medical School is dedicated to advancing health through the dissemination and discovery of knowledge. It is committed to the education of health professionals in an environment of discovery, research that advances health, formulation of health policies in the interest of citizens, and service with the partners to maintain Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center as a local, regional, and national resource for health care of the highest quality. Other Education nearby: (Ludlow) Black River High School (Hanover) Dartmouth College (Hanover) Dartmouth Medical School (Middlebury) Middlebury College (New Hampton) Performance Plus 05/22 Coming to The Hanover area Taste of the Valley Plymouth NH March21 Experience all of your favorite local flavors. Several restaurants from the region will be there hoping to win your vote in the "Best in Show" competition. Seacoast Home and Garden Show Durham NH March23-24 The 19th annual show features more than 225 exhibitors showcasing the latest products and services for your home. Green Mountain Film Festival Montpelier VT March22-31 Culture reigns at the Green Mountain Film Festival, featuring powerful programming on a wide range of subjects, interesting and often unexpected guests, and a convivial atmosphere. Spring Plant Sale Westford NH April27 The Middlesex Conservation District will be holding its annual Spring Plant Sale at the 4H Fairgrounds. Vermont Maple Festival St Albans VT April26-28 Pancake breakfast and maple buffet, the annual “Sap Run” race, exhibits and sugarhouse tours, antiques, crafts, cooking demonstrations, youth talent, fiddlers’ shows, and a Grand Parade featuring teen “Maple Ambassadors.” Lethal Beauty: Samurai Weapons and Armor Manchester NH March17-May5 A display at the Currier Museum of Art shows the striking duality of deadly weaponry and artistic beauty from the Samurai culture of centuries past.
Wow! I can’t believe that we’re at the 10th Edition already! When I started down this path, I wasn’t sure where it would lead or what quality of submissions would be submitted. Admittedly submitting to blog carnivals is work, and some of our submitters are probably using services — but many are doing their best to ensure that their best work is being submitted. Every week I am able to present some of the best stuff that Internet Marketers have to offer without the hype. The tips, and techniques that are presented will help you make the most of your online adventure and help you grow your business, and indeed provide the direction you need to ensure that you are following a proven path. This week is no exception – here are the Editors Picks for the 10th Edition of the Internet Business Blog Carnival along with my trademarked podcast. I’ve added a little extra this week, and hope you enjoy my advice! Internet Business Blog Carnival Editors Picks - Alex M presents Product Sourcing Techniques: Industry Publications posted at We talk on making money on the Internet. - Anya Portnik presents 98 lead generation strategies to grow your business posted at Gavin Ingham. - Brian Terry presents How to Create High Profit Margin Products posted at Big Selling Website Design. - Carol Bentley presents Did you get your gift. . . posted at Carol Bentley. - Craig Andrews presents If You Have The Knowledge, Sell It posted at Craig S. Andrews.com. - Dan Nolan presents What Should I Sell on the Internet? | Niche Marketing Professional posted at Niche Marketing Professional, saying, “You can sell virtually anything on the Internet, but there are several things that tend to sell the best.” - Ed Rivis presents Traffic, the number one frustration. posted at Ed Rivis. - Kathleen Gage presents Many authors miss a great opportunity for selling their books posted at Street Smarts Marketing & Promotions, saying, “Most authors are on the lookout for effective ways to gain visibility for their books and spark the interest of potential readers/buyers. One method that is gaining popularity is for the author to offer a chapter from their book to the reader at no cost. The most effective way to do this is with an instant download from the author’s blog or website. Although a great way to gain exposure for a book, most authors will not realize much marketing success with this strategy for a couple of reasons.” - Life. Money. Development. presents The 7 Attributes of Leadership posted at Life. Money. Development., saying, “An excellent presentation of the attributes every leader should have.” - Michelle Waters presents Are You Giving Your Domain Away? posted at Michelle Waters Online Business Mentoring Blog. - Nate presents Build Your Own Ecommerce Website!: Internet Business Ideas That Actually Pay posted at Build Your Own Ecommerce Website!. - Nesher presents WordPress Blog Optimization with All-in-One SEO Pack Plugin posted at Blogging for Good in the Modern World, saying, “One of the most popular WordPress plugin will assist the blog owner to achieve high levels of Automatic Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This plugin is streamlined for the best practices for WordPress SEO.” - Praveen presents Internet Marketing Success – Sell Physical Products posted at My Simple Trading System. - Robert Phillips presents Stupid Business Owners posted at CYBERCA$HOLOGY. - Scott Barlow presents MouthCrowd.com – Good Idea? posted at UKpreneur.co.uk, saying, “Good idea? Could you see it taking off? What would you do to get this rolling?” - Startup Earth presents Startup Earth posted at Startup Earth. - Steve Faber presents - The Best Free Business Tools – To Make Your Life Easier and Your Business More Profitable posted at Home Based Business Success. - Susan Tatum presents 5 Reasons Conventional Technology Marketing Isn’t Working posted at TechnoBuzz. - Tash Hughes presents Having an about us page posted at Word Constructions. - Terry Dean presents 5 Keys to Successful Internet Business posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean. - Terry Dean presents Are You A Prolific Product Developer? posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean. - Terry Dean presents Traffic And Conversion posted at Integrity Business Blog by Terry Dean. - James Brausch presents A Day in the Life of a 98%er posted at Internet Business Blog. - James Brausch presents Pamper Yourself To Productivity posted at Internet Business Blog. - James Brausch presents The Painful Truth Behind Entrepreneurs posted at Internet Business Blog. - James Brausch presents Totally Useless Products posted at Internet Business Blog. - James Brausch presents Using Strangers For Online Work posted at Internet Business Blog. - David Rosenthal presents 1 Free Tool and 1 Cheap Tool to Make Money Online the Dave Rosenthal Way posted at Welcome Back Rosenthal, saying, “Things are actually getting easier if you look around” - David Rosenthal presents I Jumped Over 1 Million Websites in 14 days. The Case for Alexa posted at Welcome Back Rosenthal, saying, “This simple technique can increase your ability to charge a higher premium” - David Rosenthal presents Static Front Page with Updating Category Posts in WordPress posted at Welcome Back Rosenthal, saying, “Small changes in your look can give visitors an easy way to navigate” - David Rosenthal presents What I Said to a Guy Trying to Charge 30 Bucks a Month for Software | Welcome Back Rosenthal posted at Welcome Back Rosenthal, saying, “Pricing software in this day in age” If you have any comments, suggestions or advice – I would love to hear from you!
Ithaca Energy Inc. (TSX: IAE, LSE AIM: IAE) announces that the Company has agreed to take over operatorship and increase its working interest in the Carna discovery, located in the Southern Gas Basin of the UK North Sea. The transaction with Centrica North Sea Gas Limited ("Centrica") (the "Acquisition") increases the Company's working interest in the Carna discovery to a material level from 16% to 32%. The financial terms of the transaction remain confidential between the parties. The Carna discovery straddles blocks 43/21b and 43/22c and lies adjacent to the producing Garrow and Kilmar gas fields, which constitute the Tors facilities. The discovery was made in early 2009 when a gas column in excess of 1490 feet TVD (true vertical depth) and net pay of 127 feet TVD was encountered in well 43/21b-5Z. The well tested gas at a gross stabilised rate of 8.8 million cubic feet per day (MMcfpd) on a 48/64th choke from a vertical well penetrating the Carboniferous. The Company has agreed to a work programme with all of the Joint Venture partners to accelerate development studies of the Carna discovery and, if appropriate to submit a Field Development Plan for approval to the Department of Energy and Climate Change before the end of 2012. The effective date of the Acquisition is January 1, 2012. The transaction and transfer is conditional upon government and partner consents, as is customary. Joint Venture partners (and their respective interests) in the Carna discovery, post the transaction, are: Ithaca Energy (UK) Limited, operator (32%), Dyas UK Limited (24%), Centrica (40%), EWE Energie AG (4%). This article is for information and discussion purposes only and does not form a recommendation to invest or otherwise. The value of an investment may fall. The investments referred to in this article may not be suitable for all investors, and if in doubt, an investor should seek advice from a qualified investment adviser. More
Back in July, Random and Homeboy Sandman gave y’all bad ass kids a little sample of what goes on in the “Faculty Lounge,” via their collabo cut. This time around, Mega Ran adds two more teachers-turned-rappers Donwill and Sammus to heat up the “Faculty Lounge” remix. “Faculty Lounge is more of a call for help than a venting session,” Ran says. “As a teacher, I can recall many days of lamenting over the lack of resources, only to find that many other educators had the same or even worse circumstances in their own classrooms. We all know the hard times that teachers face, especially today.” Ran’s new album, Mega Ran in Language Arts Volume 3, will be out next month.
OBU Celebrates 30 Years Of Local Scholarship Program September 1, 2001 For three decades, Oklahoma Baptist University students from Shawnee and surrounding communities have benefited from the Howard T. and Leoti Riddle Scholarship. The university will celebrate the scholarship program's impact during its Convocation chapel Wednesday, Sept. 5. Riddle Scholarships are awarded to high school seniors from Pottawatomie, Lincoln and Seminole counties who have demonstrated financial need. The scholarships may be maintained up to four years. This year, 50 OBU students will be awarded almost $200,000. In the last 30 years, 2,937 scholarship awards have been made, totaling $2,056,914 in assistance. The support has come through two scholarship trusts. The first was established by the estate of Mrs. Riddle, who died in 1970. The second was through the estate of Mr. Riddle, who died in 1973. Started with a combined market value of approximately $650,000, the trusts now are valued at more than $6.2 million. Interest on the endowed funds is distributed for scholarship aid. "Through the years, we have been very fortunate to provide significant aid to residents of Pottawatomie, Seminole and Lincoln counties who have desired to attend OBU," said John A. Patterson, OBU vice president for development. "For that, we are most appreciative of the philanthropic foresight demonstrated by the Riddles. "Literally thousands of students have been impacted over the last 30 years based on the generosity of a couple who wanted to make a difference for the communities where they lived and worked. Their thoughtful gift has already impacted a generation and will continue to do so for future generations." Mr. Riddle finished an eighth-grade education in Prague. After studying at a business school, Riddle started a banking career in 1906 as a stenographer at the Prague National Bank. He and Leoti were married that same year. Riddle spent more than 65 years in the banking business in Prague, Shawnee and Seminole. He served as chairman of the board of the American National Bank and Trust Co. until his death. ANB was acquired by ARVEST Bank Group in 1998. The Riddle trusts are managed locally through ARVEST Trust Company. ARVEST operates banking institutions in Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma. The Sept. 5 chapel recognition will be part of the university's annual Convocation. OBU President Mark Brister will be the featured speaker at the 10 a.m. program in Raley Chapel's Potter Auditorium on the OBU campus. Following the service, OBU will host a Riddle Scholarship appreciation luncheon for ARVEST bank and trust officials, educational leaders from Pottawatomie, Seminole and Lincoln counties, local civic leaders, and several current and former Riddle Scholarship recipients.
Find better matches with our advanced matching system 72 / F / Straight / Single About personality traits Personality traits are based on answers to Match Questions as compared to the OkCupid population. The length of a bar represents how strong that trait is and how confident Staff Robot is in the analysis. For example, Alabamalady4u appears to be more organized than straight women her age. She might be…
Dear D.C., I don't care what you do so much as why you do it. Your professional title is not a substitute for a personality. Never been a fan of gaudy, flashy, tacky things and can't stand the overindulgent/self-important personalities that usually accompany them. True, nice things tend to be expensive, but all things expensive are not nice solely because they cost a lot. Good design and pleasing aesthetics are not simply functions of cost - rules to live and die by. Mostly a T-shirt and jeans guy, but I clean up well in a two button suit or a blazer on occasion - just don't expect rhinestones or animal skeletons to be on it. (Seriously, why is that still going on?)
I do not like to compartmentalize people. My ambition has always exceeded my talent in relatively all areas of life. I feed off of positive energy, and enjoy intensity. Mental stimulation is the foundation for both physical and emotional connections. Usually. Reading is my favorite. I have a great fondness for beer, both brewing and consuming. I promise I am not snobby about it though. I just really love bar-hopping and beer culture. I will always use the Oxford comma. My favorite tree is the Norwegian (Mountain) Spruce tree because it not only is used to make spruce beer, but it is the most disease resistant tree out there. Also, year after year the Norwegian Spruce is the Christmas tree of choice at Rockefeller Center in NY. It's a really neat tree. INFJ. Queer. I'm nerdy and stuff. Wicked tender.
After 5 years in Arizona, returned to the Northeast 4 years ago--a wealth of strong connections here: Connecticut native, alum of Yale and of Columbia. Vegetarian for about 25 years. Egalitarianism in all its flavors is a core value for me. I'm forthcoming and flexible, and really enjoy those who share those two strengths. I'm a casual dresser. Almost always. (occasional tuxes, obvious exception) I'd be thrilled at the rich possibility of starting a family with someone. I'd also be very happy to integrate into an existing one. At least for now—2013—I'm making that some kind of priority. We'll see how it goes . . . Here's a lovely endorsement. A friend of mine unexpectedly lost her ex-husband Marvin and was concerned about her young son; she asked if I'd be willing to be his guardian if need arose. Here's some of what she said: "I think highly of who you are in this world. I know of your great intellect, values, and capacity to love and nurture. I believe in who you are and what you stand for. It is for all of those reasons, I would want my son (and I think Marvin would also) to be raised by you or someone like you."
I have a denim graveyard. Ripped knees, worn through thighs (who me?) ....I can't bear to say goodbye. I could turn them into something really cool like my friend Kathryn did, but that would take a lot of work and more than one naughty word before I was done. If I ever finished it at all. So they just sit. Until it's party time. In the top drawer of my craft dresser I've accumulated this pile o' pockets. Random? Perhaps. But if you heat up a glue gun and run a bead just on the edges, they go from old pockets into HOT pockets. Perfect for sticking in colored pencils, money, or a baby bottle on the outside of a shower gift. Or go for the tried and true favorite: sugar. I didn't want to hurt any feelings, so the legs got put to work too.Wanna make one? Super simple. It took longer to upload these photos than it does to make one. Promise. I didn't have a long enough piece to go all the way around the box, so I sewed two strips together because I was feeling particularly domestic. You could skip that and use hot glue or even a safety pin. Whatever floats your kayak. If it looks like a gift headband, you did it right.
This well-known US family gospel group was formed in 1951 by Pops Staples (Roebuck Staples, 28 December 1914, Winona, Mississippi, USA, d. 19 December 2000, Dolton, Illinois, USA) and four of his children, Mavis Staples (b. 10 July 1939, Chicago, Illinois, USA), Cleotha Staples and Pervis Staples, who was later replaced by Yvonne Staples. The group fused an original presentation of sacred music, offsetting Mavis Staples striking voice against her fathers lighter tenor, rather than follow the accustomed jubilee or quartet formations, prevalent in the genre. Pops striking guitar work, reminiscent of delta-blues, added to their inherent individuality. Singles such as Uncloudy Day, Will The Circle Be Unbroken and Im Coming Home, proved especially popular, while an original song, This May Be The Last Time, provided the inspiration for the Rolling Stones hit The... Read the Full Biography of The Staple Singers Find products featuring The Staple Singers
Organizations & Opportunities Natural Family Planning Class, May 23 Memorial Day, May 26 Prayer Shawl Ministry, Jun 4 Men's Scripture Sharing, Jun 10 OLP Vacation Bible School, Jun 17 View all Church Events PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter and peace. The Ecumenical Prayer Shawl Ministry began in 1998 and has grown into an international cause, with shawls being knitted or crocheted, and given to those in need of consolation and healing. The website for additional information about the history and activities of the worldwide ministry is: www.shawlministry.com A Prayer Shawl ministry was formed at Our Lady of Peace Parish in February 2009. Since then, almost 200 shawls have been knitted or crocheted by our members and more than 170 blessed shawls have been distributed. Many of the shawls have been given, as an offering of consolation and prayer, to those within our own parish community who are coping with illness, grief, uncertainty, or in other times of need. Sister Martha has distributed shawls to the homebound of our parish or those living in nursing homes and all have been deeply touched by this tangible reminder that they are still a valued and prayed-for member of the Our Lady of Peace community. The ministry also has reached far beyond the boundaries of our parish, shawls having been sent all across the country to family members and friends who are facing a physical, emotional or spiritual crisis. WHO WE ARE/ WHAT WE DO: MISSION: As part of our Christian calling to serve God and others, the people of Our Lady of Peace Parish wish to provide prayerful comfort and support to those of our community in special need of healing and consolation. The mission of the Prayer Shawl Ministry of the parish is to prayerfully create knitted or crocheted shawls for those in physical, emotional or spiritual crisis. It is our hope that the gift of these blessed shawls from the parish community to those in need will provide not only physical warmth and comfort, but also embody our constant prayers for them as they seek God’s grace and healing. If you know of any need in your circle of friends or family, please contact the Parish Office or a Ministry member (Lisa Gallant at 262-3277 or Elaine Guilfoyle at 447-1863) and a shawl will be provided. Please know that no need is too small and the recipient need not be a member of our parish. ACTIVITIES: Members crochet or knit prayer shawls for distribution to members of the parish community and to those beyond our parish family known to be in need of prayerful support. Prayers for the eventual recipients are offered by the individual creators as the shawls are knitted or crocheted. Each month members of the ministry gather to work together as a community and pray for those to whom the shawls will be given.The shawls are blessed by Father Kavanagh or Deacon Fortkamp and readied for distribution with a sewn-on label that reminds the recipient that he or she will remain in the prayers of the people of Our Lady of Peace. MEETINGS: Members come together on the first Tuesday of each month to knit and crochet in the Gathering Space of the parish at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome! Many involved in this ministry come together on the first Tuesday of each month to knit or crochet in the Parish Gathering Space at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend these gatherings, but it is not required. Many of our "handworkers" prefer to work on their knitted or crocheted prayer shawls at home and according to their schedule. Interested parishioners may use the contact information below to learn more about suggested patterns and yarn weight and there is a bin in the rear of the church for the donation of completed shawls. Others who wish to support this ministry may do so through cash donations or the purchase of gift cards through our parish SCRIP program which are used for the purchase of yarn. |Lisa Gallant||614- [email protected]|
|Olson Bros. Marine Inc. has been a boat broker for 31 years. Most of our business and inventory is generated from satisfied and happy clientèle who place their boats or yachts in our private inventory giving our company the selling edge over the competition. | Our staff at "OLSON BROS. MARINE INC." enjoys an unparalleled reputation of having total knowledge of the market and the expertise to negotiate the fairest price for all concerned. YOUR NEXT PURCHASE OR SALE SHOULD BE A SMOOTH AND A HAPPY EXPERIENCE."THANK YOU FOR BROKERING YOUR BOAT WITH US." Olson Bros. Marine, Inc. 6819 Erie Road Derby NY 14047 Phone: (716) 947-5600 Fax: (716) 947-5650 Toll Free Phone: (877) 579-2650
When diversions are king, video games shall be amongst those running the pack. Making sure that everyone has the appropriate tattoos. Knowing the gang symbols. The terminology. Ruling the roost, if you will. This is Press Start!, the column where I spout off five things that happened in the world of gaming in a given week. My lists are dumb. Like yours, they are rife with personal preference, ideological tendencies, and since it’s me – juvenile bullshit. I encourage all aboard to share their own musings. #1: Apple App Store Gets App That ‘Cures Homosexuality’, For Like A Second. God damn, I have to give it to Apple. I knew from the multifarious apps found on Apple’s store were fucking powerful. I knew there were a lot of apps that could do a lot of things. Find a yummy restaurant for my belly! Find movie tickets. Play Angry Birds! Read a book! However, I wasn’t aware there was an app that could cure my raging hard-on for Chris Hemsworth in chainmail. That’s where Exodus International steps in! They released an app that claimed to cure gayness. It was a bit of an odd mood, since the fascist pigs at Apple have pulled some less polarizing applications. Wasn’t there one that cost like a zillion dollars? The Douche App? It did nothing aside from signify you could spend a lot of money? Anyways, a day and one enormous 152,433 online signature later, they pulled the son of a bitch. I’m actually okay with the existence of the app, if it wasn’t such an odd choice in lieu of what they have pulled. I am of the opinion that if a bunch of closed-minded assholes rubbing their genitals against a withering old tome want to try and make some money off their own ignorance, let them try. Besides, it doesn’t work. I downloaded the app – mind you, I didn’t actually use it. However, if it worked, how would they trick the sinners into using it?! It must have unactivated capabilities, right? What I did do was stick my iPhone in my crotch and had my friend call me repeatedly with the phone on vibrate while I stared at Chris Evans’ pecs in the Captain America trailer. Still felt the love. Don’t tell my girlfriend. #2: New Movie ‘The FP’ Where Dance-Dance Meets Post-Apocalypse Gang Wars. In the future, we will all be divided amongst post-apocalypse gangs. When diversions are king, our lives will be dedicated to maintaining our reps and our various crews. The flick ‘The FP’ which screened at SXSW last week perfectly captures our forthcoming sociocultural metamorphosis. Also, the movie is fucking madness. Gangs fight it out in fatal games of DDR, titties, and absurd montages. The trailer is what happens when you cross 1980′s bro movies with video game slop-culture. In a completely conscious, and planning manner. #3: Triforce Johnson Waits In Line For Nintendo 3DS. Gets Thrown Out. Returns. Isaiah-Triforce Johnson is either the man, or a fucking mental patient. For some reason, I feel like the two categories bleed together so simply swimmingly when it comes to geek culture. Triforce, who had the phrase legally added to his first fucking name, is a man with a plan. The plan in question is to be the first motherfucker in Manhattan to get a Nintendo 3DS. He’s taken to this plan by waiting in line inside the foyer of the Union Square Best Buy in the Big Apple. Earlier this week, Best Buy had security throw the dude out. But that doesn’t stop a motherfucker, does it? He returned, and has apparently smoothed the entire thing over. “There was a Chris Brown launch party the night I came out” he said, so “Best Buy needed that space for the line. It kinda looked bad, but it was just a misunderstanding.” Godspeed Triforce, you’re almost fucking there.
February 12th, 2010 by Caffeine Powered - The Cover to Nemesis #1 Has Been Revealed I can’t tell if Mark Millar is devolving into self-parody, or if he’s getting more and more amazing. - Guile Is Sonic Fucked I stumbled across this over at Split-Screen, a new video game blog I came across. The blog is dope too. - The Haircut Umbrella Screams “You’ll Need Therapy” Yeah, let’s see. Stick a cone around your neck like a dog who can’t stop licking his oozing wound, and then shave your head. Your future therapist thanks your parents. - Fear of a 12th Planet: Remote Viewing Over at Mishka Bloglin is my favorite weekly column, “Fear of a 12th Planet”, which focuses on out there shit, conspiracy theories, and other shit that my paranoid brain likes. This week? Remote viewing. True or not? Who cares. Interesting.
It's called the Climbing gourami. It lives in Africa, India and the Phillipines. They're primarily a freshwater fish. They can be seen gulping air at the surface of the water, which then goes through their gills or mouth when they dive beneath the surface. However, their most remarkable feat is that they can climb out of the water and walk short distances. They have gill plates that they use as support, and use their fins and tail to push themselves! Most scientists believe that life on earth evolved out of the water, so you could say that this fish is almost like a living missing link!
Language learning: Why | Which | How | When | General tips | Materials | Pronunciation | Vocabulary | Grammar | Writing systems | Chinese characters | FAQs | Phrases | Language jobs | Language learning experiences I have been learning languages on and off since the age of 11, way back in 1981. I speak five more or less fluently, can get by fairly well in five others, and have a basic knowledge of nine more. The table below shows the languages I've studied/am studying in more or less chronologial using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) to indicate my level in each one. It doesn't include languages I've only dabbled with. |British Sign Language||A1||-||A1||-| I have done exams in French (A Level, grade A), German (A level, grade B), and in Chinese and Japanese (BA Hons 2:1), but haven't done exams or proficiency tests in any other languages. The CEFR grades above are based on my own estimations. My native language is English. I speak it with a fairly neutral British English accent, though this tends to change depending on who I'm talking to. I enjoy trying to mimic different regional accents, which is possibly one of the reasons why I developed such an interest in languages. I grew up in Lancashire in the north west of England and used to have a bit of a Lancashire accent. Some of the characteristics of which include dropping initial Hs; short As (/a/ rather than /ɑː/), and substituting /f/ for /θ/ and /v/ for /ð/ in some words. So I pronounced bath /baf/, laugh /laf/ and heather /ˈɛvə/. I still do sometimes. The first foreign language I encountered was Welsh: my mother's family are originally from south Wales and my mother has tried to learn Welsh a number of times, without much success. So there were Welsh language materials around the house and I picked up a few words and phrases. At secondary school, Ripley St.Thomas, I learnt French, which was compulsory for the first three years and optional thereafter. I also learnt German, which I started in my second year, mainly because I thought it would be interesting, and partly because choosing it enabled me to drop metal work, one of my least favourite subjects. At the age of 16 I had to transfer to a different school, Ulverston Victoria High School, because I was the only person who wanted to continue studying languages. Ironically Ripley later became a specialist language college where you can study French, German, Spanish, Russian, Greek and Japanese. After finishing school in 1988, I resolved to learn two languages per year: I thought 6 months was enough time to acquire a reasonable knowledge of a language. I spent a year working in various places in England, France and the Channel Islands. During this time I became fairly fluent in French, picked up some Portuguese and tried to teach myself some Italian, Icelandic, Japanese and Welsh, without much success, due mainly to lack of motivation and self discipline. At first I tried to study a bit every day, but after a week or two I started having days off from studying, then days off became weeks off until I gave up altogether. Originally I was planning to continue my studies French and/or German at univeristy and possibly to study another language and a business-related subject as well. For reasons I can no longer recall, I decided on German and Swedish and was all set to study these at the University of Wales, Lampeter (Prifysgol Cymru, Llanbedr Pont Stefan). Then I thought that my chances of finding a good job after graduation might be improved if I chose a more unusual language. I considered Chinese, Japanese, Russian and Arabic and eventually decided on Chinese and Japanese, which I studied at the University of Leeds. During my second year I spent a semester studying Chinese in Taipei, another semester studying Japanese in Osaka, two months travelling in China and two months relaxing in Hong Kong. After graduating from university, I won a scholarship to study more Chinese for a year in Taipei, during which I became fluent in Mandarin and learnt some Classical Chinese, Cantonese, Taiwanese and Korean. When my Chinese course was coming to an end I was considering going to look for a job in Hong Kong or Singapore, but was offered the first job I applied for, as an Education Counsellor at the British Council, Taipei. In all I spent four years working for the British Council, during which time I was using my Mandarin all the time and learning more Taiwanese. Since returning to the UK in 1998, I've taught myself Welsh, Irish and Esperanto; more Spanish, Scottish Gaelic and Portuguese, and bits of Italian, Arabic, Latin, Turkish, Hungarian, Urdu, Russian, Manx, British Sign Language (BSL) and Hindi. Since 2005 I've been to Ireland every summer to study Irish for a week or two at Oideas Gael, an Irish language and cultural centre in Glencolumbcille in County Donegal. In 2007 I went to the Welsh language summer school at the University of Wales, Lampeter, and in 2008 I spent a week learning Welsh at Nant Gwrtheyrn on the Llŷn Peninsula in North Wales. In 2006 I discovered a useful site called Mixxer, where you can find native speakers of languages you're learning who want to learn your language, and then contact them via Skype. Since I added my profile to the site, and to a number of similar sites, I've chatted to people from all over the world. This is a great way to practice your languages and to meet people. In July 2008 I moved to Bangor in North Wales, partly so that I could use my Welsh more often, and to do an MA in Linguistics at Bangor University. In September 2009 I finished my MA after writing a dissertation on the revival of Manx, which spurred me to learn more of the language. While I was doing my MA I was a member of the Bangor Welsh Learners Choir, where all the songs and most conversations were in Welsh. This choir competes regularly in eisteddfodau (festivals of Welsh language and culture), and we won one of the learners' competitions at the National Eisteddfod in Bala in 2009, as well as wining competitions at local eisteddfodau on Anglesey. In September 2009 I started learning British Sign Language (BSL) using online resources and books. So far I've completed one online course and could have a basic conversation, though have yet to meet any BSL users. In May 2011 I started learning Hindi with an online version of the Rocket Hindi course, which I enjoyed and found interesting, but gave up on after a few months In October 2011 I was given free access to the online language courses at Language101.com in return for writing a review of the site. I decided to have another go at Russian, and to concentrate mainly on Russian during November and December 2011. In November 2012 I decided to start learning Russian again, after neglecting it for nearly a year. In December my brother married his Russian girlfriend and I found what little Russian I knew by then very useful when speaking to her relatives and friends at the wedding - my sister-in-law speaks English very well, but few of her relatives speak any English. I also started learning Breton in November 2012, having previously only dabbled with it briefly. This was partly because I hosted some Breton-speaking couchsurfers at that time, and because I was curious to know how Breton is similar and differs from Welsh. In February 2013 I set up a polyglot conversation group in Bangor, which gives people opportunities to speak and hear various languages, and to pick up odd bits and pieces of others. Languages spoken in the group include English, Welsh, Cornish, French, German, Dutch, Finnish, Icelandic, Portuguese and Spanish. At the moment I try to learn some Russian and Breton every day; listen to radio stations in Welsh, Breton, Russian, Irish and Scottish Gaelic regularly, and sometimes to radio stations in other languages, particularly Czech and French. I read novels in various languages, especially Welsh, Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic and French, and sing in a variety of languages in the Bangor Community Choir. I also go to a French conversation group and a polyglot conversation group, and generally find whatever other opportunities I can to use and improve my languages. Welsh, French, German, Italian, Icelandic, Japanese, Portuguese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Korean, Scottish Gaelic, Spanish, Esperanto, Hungarian, Turkish, Arabic, Czech, Irish (Gaelic), Latin, Manx (Gaelic), Russian, Urdu, British Sign Language (BSL), Hindi, Breton Hosted by Kualo
Canada and Ontario Seek Further Great Lakes Cleanup Success Toronto, Ontario – March 31, 2000. The Government of Canada today announced its intention to negotiate with Ontario on a new Canada-Ontario agreement to continue joint efforts to cleanup and protect the Great Lakes, the world's largest freshwater resource. "The Government of Canada remains strongly committed to the cleanup, protection and rehabilitation of the Great Lakes" said Environment Minister David Anderson. "A new agreement will enable us to refocus our efforts and work more closely with our partners to find effective solutions to improve the quality of the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem, and the health of Canadians." While the 1994 Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin ends March 31, 2000, the federal government remains strongly committed to the Great Lakes and has agreed to work cooperatively to coordinate federal and provincial activities to clean up, protect and conserve the Great Lakes, so as to ensure that progress continues uninterrupted. Moreover, the Government of Canada announced in Budget 2000 an additional $8 million annually to continue its part to clean up areas of concern in the Great Lakes Basin. This program will focus on 16 key areas including the Hamilton Harbor, Severn Sound, Detroit River (Canadian side), Niagara River (Canadian side) and Bay of Quinte. This significant investment provides the necessary federal leadership for enabling affected communities to see restoration plans move towards completion. "Communities, municipalities, industries, public interest groups and concerned individuals have worked together with us to implement the current and previous Canada-Ontario agreements to improve the Great Lakes Basin ecosystem and through their efforts, the Great Lakes are cleaner now than they have been in 50 years" stated Minister Anderson. "I am confident that we can maintain the momentum and through a renewed Canada-Ontario Agreement ensure continued progress towards our goal of a healthy, prosperous and sustainable Great Lakes Basin." Minister Anderson also noted the U.S. interest to continue with Great Lakes clean-up.
Krista Tippett, host: Gordon Hempton says that silence is an endangered species. He's an acoustic ecologist — a collector of sound all over the world. He defines real quiet as presence — not an absence of sound, but an absence of noise. The Earth as Gordon Hempton knows it is a "solar-powered jukebox." Quiet is a "think tank of the soul." We take in the world through his ears. Gordon Hempton: Not too long ago it was assumed that clean water's not important, that seeing the stars is not that important. But now it is. And now I think we're realizing quiet is important and we need silence. That silence is not a luxury, but it's essential. Ms. Tippett: "The Last Quiet Places." I'm Krista Tippett. This is On Being — from APM, American Public Media. Gordon Hempton lives in Joyce, Washington, near Olympic National Park, a place he calls "the listener's Yosemite." He's recorded inside Sitka spruce logs in the Pacific Northwest, thunder in the Kalahari Desert, dawn breaking across six continents. His work appears in movies, soundtracks, videogames, and museums. And Gordon Hempton may have invented "silence activism" — the other animating passion of his life. Ms. Tippett: Where did you grow up? I didn't see that anywhere. Mr. Hempton: As a child, I was a member of a military family, started out in Southern California, then went on to Hawaii, then back to California before going to Washington, D.C., Seattle, San Francisco, and then I can say about a dozen other places before I got out of high school. So by the time it was my chance to go to college, that's when I decided I'd fill the space in between by going to the Midwest, the University of Wisconsin. Ms. Tippett: So there wasn't really — there's not really a place where you — which felt like a center of gravity even with all that moving. Mr. Hempton: Oh, there definitely is, and that is Hawaii. Ms. Tippett: OK. Mr. Hempton: Yeah, the place of Hawaii, a place that I've recorded many times in my life, is the first experience I had was when I was six weeks old and then we moved away when I was four years old and I did not revisit the location until 1990 when all of a sudden I discovered that I had all these primal impressions of what it's like to be home in nature. The smells of Hawaii, the sounds of the surf, of all the places that I've recorded in Hawaii, and I've recorded all the islands in Hawaii for an exhibit on endangered species for the Smithsonian Institution because Hawaii, unfortunately, has the title of highest density of endangered species. But I found the sound that I enjoyed most was the sound of the silence in the volcano. The measurement of decibels actually goes into the minus point, but there still is a sense of presence, of where you are. Then once you get over the rim of the volcano, you begin to pick up what I called the mantra of the islands, and that's the distant beating of that drum called the Pacific Ocean. Ms. Tippett: Right. Was there a spiritual tradition or religious tradition in your childhood, in your upbringing? Mr. Hempton: Well, I was raised Episcopalian, and so that meant that every Sunday morning I woke up and had to take that dirty pair of shoes that I always wore to school and then put a fresh layer of shoe polish on them and then go to church. But I would have to say that sitting in church, I really had a hard time listening to the words, but I did enjoy listening to one thing, which is that everybody was coming together for a single purpose and I particularly enjoyed the singing. Ms. Tippett: Mm-hmm. Mr. Hempton: I really can't say that I'm religious today, although I am spiritual. I don't go to church that's inside of buildings, but I do go to church that's outside. My favorite church of all is what I call the "cathedral of the Hoh Rain Forest at Olympic National Park". It has the world's tallest trees, over 300 feet high, and it's there that the least amount of noise pollution intrudes of anywhere else in the United States. Ms. Tippett: And — we're going to go back there. We're going to spend some time there, I mean, in our conversation. Mr. Hempton: Oh, great. Ms. Tippett: I am also though very intrigued when I look at your story that you headed in this direction of becoming an acoustic ecologist, which, you know, on it's own, those two words I think are so intriguing and lovely. You started doing that when you were living in a city in Seattle. Is that right? Mr. Hempton: Mm-hmm. Well, I did. Actually, acoustic ecology didn't even exist as a field. I grew up thinking that I was a listener except on my way to graduate school one time, I simply pulled over making the long drive from Seattle, Washington, to Madison, Wisconsin, pulled over in a field to get some rest and a thunderstorm rolled over me. While I lay there and the thunder echoed through the valley and I could hear the crickets, I just simply took it all in. And it's then I realized that I had a whole wrong impression of what it meant to actually listen. I thought that listening meant focusing my attention on what was important even before I had heard it and screening out everything that was unimportant even before I had heard it. Ms. Tippett: Yeah. Mr. Hempton: In other words, I had been paying a lot of attention to people, but I really hadn't been paying a lot of attention to what is all around me. It was on that day that I really discovered what it means to be alive as another animal in a natural place. That changed my life. I had one question and that was how could I be 27 years old and have never truly listened before? I knew, for me, I was living life incredibly wrong, so I abandoned all my plans, I dropped out of graduate school, I moved to Seattle, took my day job as a bike messenger and only had one goal, and that was to become a better listener. (Sound bite of thunder/crickets) Ms. Tippett: So you know there's growth that comes from discovering something new and there's growth for human beings that comes from rediscovering something essential and elemental that we forgot. Mr. Hempton: Mm-hmm. Right. Ms. Tippett: And it feels to me, as I immerse in what you do, that that's, you know, that's huge, you know, the ways you talk about, that sound in fact connects everything, that our ears work all the time, which is why our alarm clocks work. Our bodies sleep, but our ears stay awake. And that, as you say, as human beings and as creatures like other creatures from the beginning of time, sound was a central way to make our way through the world. Mr. Hempton: Sound is incredibly important. I'm always floored when I hear over and over again from our modern culture how important vision is. OK, sound is kind of important, but, boy, vision is just … Ms. Tippett: We're very picture-centered, aren't we? Mr. Hempton: Well, of course, we're picture-centered because there's so much noise pollution in our modern world today that we become auditory. But I want to go back for a moment and let's just forget about the modern world and let's just look at evolution. Some animal species are actually blind. The ability to see is not essential for survival. There are blind animal species in the back of the caves, in the bottom of the oceans and stuff like this, but sound is so important that every higher vertebrate species has the ability to hear. And sight is such an affordable luxury that eyelids evolved. We can close our eyes. OK, that's enough of that. I'm just going to close my eyes and take a break. But not once in the fossil record do we have any evidence that a species evolved earlids. That would be far too dangerous. Animals must listen to survive. But here in our modern world, we've kind of forgotten that. But if we were to go to a quiet place, sit down in the Hoh Rain Forest, for example, and simply be alone in the silence of nature, that deep ability to listen occurs. And what do we hear? Yeah, what do we hear? Ms. Tippett: Let me ask you that question this way. Mr. Hempton: OK. Ms. Tippett: Walk into the Hoh Rain Forest for me with your ears. Walk us in there with you by sound. Mr. Hempton: OK. So I get out of my car, all right? We'll still hear the pinging of its engine. We'll hear other cars and other visitors and we'll hear the beep-beep of our modern world as people are locking their cars and the rustling of our artificial fabrics against our bodies. Some people will be chattering away on cell phones. But then the sound of my backpack goes over my shoulders and we head off down the trail. And no more than 100 yards along these tall tree-lined, ferned path with moss drapes that add sound-deadening to the experience, we'll hear the call-off twitter of a Winter Wren, this very high-pitched twittering sound that might be coming from 100 feet away. And then we'll hear further away the sound of the Hoh River that drains the Rain Forest echoing off the far side of the valley. And if we were taking this hike in the fall, we would hear the bugling of the Roosevelt elk. Up close, it's actually quite a guttural, adrenalin-filled assertion of what it means to be male and wild. But when you hear this experience from a couple of miles away, isn't that amazing? When you're in a quiet place, your listening horizon extends for miles in every direction. When you hear an elk call from miles away, it turns into a magic flute as the result of traveling through this place that has the same acoustics as a cathedral. I hear the presence of everything. Nothing shouts importance, and often I actually hike to One Square Inch of Silence with another person and we agree not to talk while we're there. And often the hike in is a chattery experience coming from urban lives, etc., but the hike out is hardly talking at all. And if we talk, we always whisper. Quiet is quieting. Ms. Tippett: One Square Inch of Silence, which Gordon Hempton just mentioned, is his project to preserve the natural soundscape in Olympic National Park's backcountry wilderness. I'm Krista Tippett, and this is On Being — conversation about meaning, religion, ethics, and ideas. Today with acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton. Ms. Tippett: You have said that silence, and you mean that silence you just described, is an endangered species. I mean, is it right? Mr. Hempton: Oh, boy! Silence is so endangered, we even need another word for it. Silence is on the verge of extinction. Places in nature that never have any noise pollution are already gone. The modern measure of silence is the noise-free interval. Now we might think the noise-free interval should be measured in hours for places that are very distant on the planet and even some places here that are isolated such as Olympic National Park off the northwest corner of Washington State. But if a place can have a noise-free interval of only 15 minutes or longer during daylight hours, it's added to the list that I've collected for 30 years called, The List of the Last Great Quiet Places. At last count, here in the United States, there were only 12. None of them are protected. Ms. Tippett: I want to talk about the language of silence and sound, natural silence. You sometimes use it when you talk about these very few places … Mr. Hempton: Natural silence, natural quiet. Ms. Tippett: … quiet places where natural silence reigns over many miles. And as you said a minute ago, you say it's not absence, it's not a vacuum or an emptiness. This kind of silence is presence and it includes sound, right? Mr. Hempton: Oh, yeah. It's not the absence of sound. I think a physicist will tell you that true silence does not exist, not on planet Earth with an atmosphere and oceans. When I speak of silence, I often use it synonymously with quiet. I mean silence from modern life, silence from all these sounds that have nothing to do with the natural acoustic system, which is busy communicating. Wildlife are as busy communicating as we are, but it's not just messages coming from wildlife. I can name some that have been really transformative in my personal life, but it's also the experience of place, what it means to be in a place. Ms. Tippett: You know, I kept thinking when I was reading you about a conversation I had with a physicist at one point who'd been really influenced by Goethe, who talked about some things that physicists talk about, but from the perspective of a poet and learning, remembering that light — that in fact we don't see light except in terms of what it falls on. I was thinking about the way you talk about silence is that it's always something that's defined by the quality of silence as relevant to the sounds that are around it and against it. Mr. Hempton: Oh, very much so. I'm in the process of going through and cataloguing 30 years of work, having circled the globe three times collecting these experiences of silences. I have two folders in particular beyond all those other folders that are labeled insects, birds, frogs, forests, deserts, stuff like that. Ms. Tippett: And sometimes you do wind, right, I mean, you do, sounds that we almost don't think of as sounds, grass waving. Mr. Hempton: Yeah. Oh, grass wind. Oh, that is absolutely gorgeous, grass wind and pine wind. You know, we can go back to the writing of John Muir, which he turned me on to the fact that the tone, the pitch, of the wind is a function of the length of the needle or the blade of grass. So the shorter the needle on the pine, the higher the pitch; the longer, the lower the pitch. There are all kinds of things like that, but the two folders where I collected, I have, oh, over 100 different recordings which are actually silent from places, and you cannot discern a sense of space, but you can discern a sense of tonal quality, that there is a fundamental frequency for each habitat. And then my quiet folder is a folder which is a step above that where you cannot distinguish any activity. You can't hear a bird, a cricket, you can't hear a ripple on a lake, you can't hear any of the wind going through the pines. But you do have a sense of space and each habitat also has a characteristic sense of space. These are the fundamental — to relate this to music, these are the fundamental tones that everything else is built up upon so that, when we listen to a place on planet Earth, we very quickly realize that Earth is a solar-powered jukebox. Ms. Tippett: Right. I love that. I love that sentence. Mr. Hempton: Yeah, it's a solar-powered jukebox. We can go to the equator, listen to the Amazon, where we have maximum sunlight, maximum solar energy. The solar panels, the leaves, are harvesting that and cycling it into the bioacoustic system. And, to my ears, that's a little too intense. That's a little bit too much action. Then we can jump up into Central America, and we can still feel and hear the intense solar energy, but it's beginning to wane. And we notice a really big difference when we start getting into the temperate latitudes, of which I particularly enjoy recording in because it's not just about the sound, but it's about something that I call the "poetics" of space. Ms. Tippett: So say some more about that. Mr. Hempton: Yeah. Silence is really wonderful, isn't it, Krista? Ms. Tippett: It is. Mr. Hempton: You know, even when we just let it exist — let it exist — it feeds our soul. Ms. Tippett: I remember having a conversation once with a rabbi who works with the spirituality of children. She was talking about really practical things parents can do to nurture their children's inner lives. One of them was, she said, just create silence. Create spaces and times of silence because she — we may have called it an endangered species. It's something you have to actively make happen in a modern family life, right? Mr. Hempton: I get so many comments when I give presentations and lectures of people that come up to me afterwards and they say, "You know, my child just doesn't listen." We're all born listeners and I always say, if there's one thing you want to do as an adult to become a better listener, take a preschooler, someone who hasn't gone to school and been taught how to listen by focusing attention, which is actually controlled impairment, but a preschooler who's still taking in the whole world. Hoist them onto your shoulders and go for a night walk. They'll tell you everything you need to know about becoming a better listener. And if you have the good fortune of going for a walk up a nature trail with a child, the younger they are, the more pointless it seems to go any further because the miracles are right here. Let's just sit down, don't worry about the exercise or the goals, the expectations that you brought into the experience, and let's just really be here. That is often the big challenge for adults when it comes to silence, because we're so busy being someplace else that when we're in a silent place, there are no distractions. We finally do get to meet ourselves and that can be frightening for a short while. It can be frightening. It's practically fear of the unknown [laugh]. Ms. Tippett: Well, I'm just thinking back to a couple of minutes ago where you were quiet, right. The truth is, there's something scary about it, and it is that thing of you don't know what's going to happen next and we're kind of trained to fill the void where we meet one. Mr. Hempton: Yeah. Anything can happen. It's like the blank page to a writer. I take a moment of silence every day in my life that I don't try to fill with thoughts, that I turn everything off and sometimes that even means going over to the master breaker switch on the wall and clicking that. I know that other people might have other ways of saying it, but that's what sounds right to me. There's no purpose, but there's a great deal of joy. I'm then able to go out into the day. Ms. Tippett: A few minutes ago, Gordon Hempton led us on a hike with his ears through the Hoh Rain Forest — the Winter Wren; the Roosevelt elk. Take that hike again — and I'd encourage you to listen if you can with headphones or earbuds. There's a whole other layer of experience you may have missed the first time. Also on our website, find a link to our podcast on iTunes. Become a subscriber and enjoy this show and all of our others. That's at onbeing.org. Coming up, Gordon Hempton on how birdsong has helped humanity survive, and how sound and silence affect the way we treat other people. I'm Krista Tippett. This program comes to you from APM, American Public Media. Ms. Tippett: I'm Krista Tippett, and this is On Being. Today, "The Last Quiet Places," with audio ecologist Gordon Hempton. He's a global explorer and collector of natural sound. He's recorded the soundscapes of prairies, shorelines, mountains, and forests around the world. In recent years, he's become a silence activist. He defines silence not as an absence but a presence. A quiet place, he says, is "the think tank of the soul." Ms. Tippett: I want to then kind of trace the silence back to the sound. Mr. Hempton: OK. Ms. Tippett: Because, um, you do distinguish, right, we talked about silence is not an absence of sound, it's an absence of noise and that there's a lot of noise that we create — people create. But what I want to ask you, though, too is, as creatures among other creatures, you know, what sounds of ours are part of the soundscape? You used this phrase, the natural acoustic system, right? I mean, surely much of what we do is also natural acoustics. Mr. Hempton: Oh, yes. Ms. Tippett: You know, and it interests me when I read — when I looked at this documentary about, you know, you love the sound of trains. Well, trains are inventions; they're mechanical objects. So, so, you know, why … Mr. Hempton: I get criticized about that from people who don't like trains, but you know what I say? I don't have to argue about the contradictions in my life. I just know that I love trains, particularly steam engines, OK? Ms. Tippett: And the whistles. Mr. Hempton: Yeah, and the whistles. It doesn't mean that I don't also love silence. Ms. Tippett: But tell me what the difference is. I'm saying, intuitively, I'm with you and I think a lot of people love the sound of trains, but what is the difference between a train and the sound of a car or the hum of an electric generator? Mr. Hempton: Oh, tremendous. Well, the difference is the message, OK? A train, first of all, steam trains, the engineer when he uses that horn, the whistle with the pull thing, he's applying his own artistic sense, his own signature, his sense of timing. He is performing, OK? Then as the train backs up, you hear the exertion, the force, it's going over the clicking of the rails, it tells you the age of the tracks. But most of all, when I listen to trains and their whistles from miles away, it's like a whale letting out a sonar beep and the whole topography of the surrounding landscape is revealed to me and the many layers of the echo that come towards me and I know exactly where I am. Ms. Tippett: There's that place again, that sense of place. Mr. Hempton: There's that place. You know, listening is not about sound. Don't listen. If you ever find yourself listening for a sound, that's diagnostically a controlled impairment, all right? Simply listen to the place. And when you listen to the place, you take it all in, which is exactly what we're meant to do. Ms. Tippett: So where does music figure in to your — this sensibility of yours? Mr. Hempton: Well, I hear music coming from everywhere, and what I call music is basically defined as this: While I'm listening to it, do I want to dance? And when it's over, do I find myself kind of like humming it? Has it affected it? Myself, have I internalized it? Am I now living out those dance steps just in the way I interact with people or carry myself down the path? I hear music coming from the land. Some of the most sublime symphonies have been hidden away in something as simple as a driftwood log, and I'd like to share with you the sound of the most musical beach in the world, to my ears. It's called Rialto Beach. We're about to enter into a giant driftwood log. It's a Sitka spruce log, the same material that's used in the crafting of violins, and it has a special property where that, when the wood fibers are excited by acoustic energy — in this case, it's the sound of the ocean itself — that the fibers actually vibrate. And inside, we get to listen to nature's largest violin. Ms. Tippett: So, obviously, there's music and there's music. I get that. But you know, when we … [laugh] that's a discussion we're not going to resolve here. Mr. Hempton: [Laugh] No, we aren't going there. Ms. Tippett: When we — when we human beings, when we put on music in the background of life, right, as a soundtrack to a place or a time or an experience, you know, maybe sometimes are we not just recreating what happens in nature where the birds are singing and the grass is blowing and there's that. Mr. Hempton: Oh, absolutely. I hear all the time in folk music in particular and I've been recording in Sri Lanka, for example. I spent a couple of weeks just recording the remote places there and the beautiful music that comes through the night, all the insects and frogs weaving deep textures. And then I listen to the folk music and I hear the same thing all over again. Our music is just a reflection of who we are, and who we are is what we hear. So I hear a lot of modern music as being the urban environment, the noise just being transformed. Ms. Tippett: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But, you know, I want to ask you this question positively too. I think my children challenge me also, you know, beyond my sense of what is good. I mean, you know, I see my son reciting rap music that's just not something I would ever know what to do with. And as he is working with it, I see it as poetry that goes all the way through his body. I just wonder if you — if your children or, you know, just, you know, your experiences as you grow older, if there are insights that are new to you as you continue to listen even to our culture. Mr. Hempton: Well, children of all ages and adults too make their choices based on their experience to a much less degree than what they're told. That's why it's more important than ever that we do take those backpacking trips into wilderness areas, that we do allow them to get to that — through that first one or two days of sheer boredom and then they make that adjustment. They feel their body coming into tune, that ringing of the ears ceases to exist. They meet in unexpected wildlife just right there on their shoulder practically, right? They notice things at night. They overcome how there are no streetlights and things really do get dark and spooky at night and how they wake up safely and that there is a grander experience in nature, but most of all, their thoughts will empty out too and they'll have that in their experience. So both my kids, they listen to rap music, and I don't restrict what they listen to or how they behave, but I do bring them along into the wilderness so they have that to compare it to. (Sound bite of nature sounds) Ms. Tippett: I'm Krista Tippett with On Being — conversation about meaning, religion, ethics, and ideas. Today with acoustic ecologist and silence activist Gordon Hempton. Ms. Tippett: You make some pretty stunning statements in your writing, just to take this a little bit farther, that research shows that in noisy areas people are less likely to help each other. Mr. Hempton: Yes. Ms. Tippett: And how do you explain that? Mr. Hempton: The explanation really goes all the way to silence. When we can speak in silence, you can hear not just my words, but you can hear my tone, what I mean even beyond the words. In fact, it's really not the words that are important. It's the tone. It's the overall message, the context. When we're in a noisy place in urban environments, we become isolated and we exhibit antisocial behavior because we are cut off from a level of intimacy with each other and we're less in touch. We're busy not listening to this, not seeing that, not doing that. We aren't opening up and being where we are. Ms. Tippett: I think this is really interesting, what you're pointing at again, that intimacy is also related to being able to listen even at a very primal level, right, not that — not even that we're in conversation, but that we can hear, that we are listening creatures and that that somehow is destroyed or interfered with in a very, very noisy environment. Mr. Hempton: Listening for all animal life, at least higher vertebrates, listening is our sense of security and, when we're in a relatively quiet place, we can hear that all the information is in. So quiet places generally tend to be secure places. Ms. Tippett: So they calm us, they calm our nervous systems. Mr. Hempton: They calm us. We know all the information is in, the information isn't being jammed. This happens in nature when a deer, for example, has to drink out of a creek and then the noise of the creek blocks its ability to make surveillance, so it tries to compensate quickly with glances with its eyes, and then it drinks and then it moves back into a quiet place so it can continue to be secure. Isn't it amazing that our concert halls, our churches, places like that, they're quiet places? They're places where we can feel secure, secure enough that we can open up and be receptive and truly listen. And when we're truly listening, we also have to anticipate that we might become changed by what we have heard. Ms. Tippett: This is such an important point you make as a professional listener, and it's something I know too, that real listening is about being vulnerable. Mr. Hempton: Yes. Ms. Tippett: Right, and but — I mean, I don't even know that I know how to explain it. I mean, how — how do you explain that? Mr. Hempton: Well, when you really listen, when you really keep your mind open and listening to another person — and by the way, I highly recommend that if a person wants to increase their ability to understand another person that they start out listening to nature because you're totally uninvested in the outcome of nature. You can just take it all in, all the expressions. And isn't it wonderful that, when a bird sings, that we do hear it as music? The bird doesn't sing for our benefit. So there's a lot of joy in that listening, and when we become better listeners to nature, we also become better listeners to each other so that, when another person is speaking with you, you don't have to search for what you want them to say. You can, you know, dare to risk what they really are trying to say and, you know, ask them too: Is this really what you're saying? And feel your own emotional response as they talk about risky subjects like how it is being a parent in the world that it is today. Ms. Tippett: So I actually think there's something building here in the culture at large. I don't know, there was an article in The New York Times by Pico Iyer, who's, uh … Mr. Hempton: Oh, yes. Ms. Tippett: You know, and did you see that? "The Joy of Quiet"? Mr. Hempton: Yes. Ms. Tippett: He's a journalist, a writer of books, an intellectual. And it — it was just the latest thing I've seen. It's not the only thing. But it was about people leading very modern lives, you know; he gave a bunch of examples. It ends with him running into — he goes to a monastery and runs into somebody who works at MTV who brings his kids to this quiet place. And he ends it by saying — Pico Iyer ends it by saying, "The child of tomorrow, I realized, may actually be ahead of us in terms of sensing not what's new, but what's essential." And he's talking about quiet, and quiet is the element of just like what you said, of discerning what is essential. Mr. Hempton: Mm-hmm. Yeah, and that's why it's so exciting to be alive today is because we are making these choices rather than living a life of assumptions where quiet is not important. Not too long ago, it was assumed that, oh, clean water is not important, you know, but now it is and we're cleaning that up; that, oh, you know, seeing the stars is not that important. And now I think we're realizing quiet is important and we need silence, that silence is not a luxury, but it's essential. It's essential to our quality of life and being able just to think straight. Ms. Tippett: This also makes me think about something that I trace, which is how our ancient spiritual traditions, you know, gain a new kind of relevance, parts of them do in this ultramodern world, because, also, I mean, Pico Iyer went to a monastery. I mean, you know, there are religious spaces are some of those last places that are reserved for quiet, and it's been very countercultural but may be less so again. I don't know. Mr. Hempton: Mm-hmm. Well, recently it's been discovered that cave paintings in France, for example, that show the staggered images of bison and other animals of the hunt, that those paintings occur in acoustically unique environments within the cave. And it's believed that, by listening and listening to their echoes, that it was possible to commune with the spiritual world. Ms. Tippett: Interesting. Mr. Hempton: But you have brought up something really important to me and that is about our ancient past. When I go to a quiet place, I get to challenge assumptions. And one of the major assumptions is that the human ear is tuned to hear the human voice. If that were true, that's an assumption that audiologists, scientists who study human hearing, have believed for a long time, that our ears evolved to hear the human voice. Ms. Tippett: Right. Mr. Hempton: But if, if — yeah, I know. But if that were true, we'd be the first species on planet Earth, OK, to have evolved so separate and protected from the rest of nature. So my natural curiosity was to look at the range of human hearing and these equal-loudness contours. And we have a very discreet bandwidth of supersensitive hearing and that's between 2.5 and 5 kilohertz in the resident frequencies of the auditory canal. Is there something in our ancestors' environment that matches our peak hearing human sensitivity? Because most of what I'm saying right now, except for the "s" sounds and the high-pitched sounds, falls well below that range. And, indeed, there's a perfect match: birdsong. Birdsong [laugh]. Ms. Tippett: Mm-hmm. Mr. Hempton: Why would it have any benefit to our ancestors to be able to hear faint birdsong? Why would our ears possibly have evolved so that we could walk in the direction of faint birdsong? Birdsong is the primary indicator of habitats prosperous to humans. Isn't that amazing? Now when you're in a quiet place, what is the listening horizon? If you ask a person that lives in a city, they might take a wild guess and say, "Oh, you can listen for a mile." Right they know it's a trick question, so they're going to pick something really big. You can listen for a mile. You ask somebody in the country? Oh, you can listen for three or four miles. And I've heard sounds 20 miles away. If you do the math, that is the size of 1,276 square miles. Do you know what it's like to listen to 1,276 square miles when the sun is rising? (Sound bite of birdsong) Ms. Tippett: Gordon Hempton is founder and vice president of The One Square Inch of Silence Foundation, based in Joyce, Washington. His books include, together with John Grossman, One Square Inch of Silence: One Man's Quest to Preserve Quiet. He's also produced more than 60 albums of natural soundscapes. And he has dug into his personal archives and compiled a collection of sound for us: Hawaiian beach caves, wild elk, grass wind. Find all that at onbeing.org. While you're there, subscribe to our podcast. It always includes audio extras — like my unedited interviews and bonus tracks. And this week, there's Gordon Hempton's guided soundscape meditation inside the Hoh Rain Forest in Olympic National Park. Look for links at onbeing.org. This program is produced by Chris Heagle, Nancy Rosenbaum, Dave McGuire, Susan Leem, and Stefni Bell. Anne Breckbill is our Web developer. Trent Gilliss is our senior editor. And I'm Krista Tippett. Ms. Tippett: Next time, slam poet Sarah Kay. She teaches teenagers to listen while finding their voices. Please join us. This is APM, American Public Media.
Fox & Obel 401 E Illinois St. Chicago, IL 60611 |Hours:||Sun-Sat: 6:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m.| Salads: $8 – $11 Hot Sandwiches: $9 – $12 Cold Sandwiches: $8 – $19 Small Plates: $6 – $9 Entrees: $10 – $15 Fox & Obel sits unassumingly on the corner of Illinois St and N McClurg Ct. It has a little patio seating area, and upon entering you’re greeted with a warmly-lit and welcoming market and behind it, a cafe and restaurant. The market half of Fox & Obel is small but features a dazzling array of high-quality artisan items, organic produce and packaged goods. You can find everything from grassfed Irish butter to fine coffees, chocolates and wines to fresh-caught fish. Bellies rumbling, we were much more interested with the restaurant and cafe portions of Fox & Obel. The ordering process wasn’t immediately clear, thanks in-part to the register being to the far side of the actual counter as well as a “wait” sign with nobody by it. We ordered and then went and took seats by the window. While we waited for our food to be brought to us I was able to get a good look around – some people were seated by a waiter and got menus while others were like us. The whole place is fairly clean and decorated in different shades of brown and wood colors – complimented by the colorful food and exposed brick walls. It didn’t take too long for the waiter to bring our lunches. I had ordered the combination salad with soup, and Adam had simply ordered a large soup. I chose the pear salad with candied walnuts and maytag bleu cheese along with the tomato, basil and pesto soup. Adam got a large order of the tomato soup, which came with bread. The salad featured an interesting contrast of flavors and textures – sweet and silky pear slices, sweet and crunchy walnuts, bitter greens and finally the tangy creaminess of the maytag blue cheese. Overall clean and crisp, the salad was addicting but I paced myself with sips from the tomato-basil-pesto soup, which was amazing all on its own. Adam’s bread was fairly plain on its own, but did an excellent job soaking up much of the soup. The filling soup had a luxurious texture, balanced flavors and had us craving more later. Our lunch was filling and affordable – making us very happy. Service was fairly neutral – not friendly but not terrible either. I noticed the wine list for dinner was reasonable, but you could also buy a wine from the market and drink it with your meal. What’s your favorite lunch? Where do you go for artisan specialties? Let us know in the comments! You can also find more pictures on our Fox & Obel Facebook Gallery, and while you are there Like us too! Verdict: High-Quality Groceries and a Delicious, Affordable Bistro For artisan items, high-quality groceries or an affordable meal, Fox & Obel is a great choice. The store is a bit confusingly laid out, especially around the registers, but it’s worth the mild inconvenience for high quality ingredients or a relaxed breakfast, lunch or even dinner.
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Then with one heated stone in each hand your therapist applies long flowing massage strokes which penetrate into your body tissue, opening up blood vessels and improving circulation. Upon completion of each sequence, the therapist lays a stone to rest at chakra points and other key trigger points. The heat from the stones relaxes your muscles and unblocks energy centers. Be sure to inform the therapist if the stones are too hot. Deep Tissue Massage full body - 60 minutes Deep tissue massage is a therapeutic massage designed to loosen muscles, increase blood flow and relieve stress. Your therapist will skilfully use her elbows and fingers to penetrate all layers of tissue. This therapy breaks down rigid muscle tissue and helps to relieve pain and restore movement. Your therapist uses slow, strong strokes that stimulate and revive deep muscle tissue. Please be aware that you may experience some mild discomfort as your tight muscles are kneaded and loosened. For a day or two following a deep tissue massage your muscles may be sore similar to what you experience after an intensive work out. However, the benefits far outweigh this mild discomfort as you will notice more flexibility in previously painful areas as well as a state of harmony and well-being. Note: Exfoliating body scrubs and bath are only available following a massage; therefore you may choose to enjoy a bath following your ayurveda massage. Still a favourite to many guests is Indonesia's famous mandi lulur and other type of exotic bath. Kumara's exfoliants are made of natural products. Lulur scrub - rice powder, turmeric and sandal wood Milk scrub - milk base exfoliant Coffee scrub - Coffee exfoliant Green tea scrub - green tea based exfoliant Choice of bath 17th century Javanese royal treatment. A traditional body massage followed by a body scrub with turmeric, sandal wood and rice powder, an exfoliation of yogurt to eliminate toxins, and a fragrant blossom bath! A true royal treatment! Queen Cleopatra's secret for beauty in longevity! Following a deep tissue massage, your body is treated with a milk base exfoliating scrub, followed by a milk body mask and a relaxing milk soak/bath with fresh flowers. A therapeutic blood circulation treatment begins with a relaxing body massage, followed by an exhilarating spice scrub, and ends with a warm, soothing bath of herbs and spices. At Kumara spa, we offer two distinctive and indulgent facial treatments using high-quality natural skin care products. Men may need to begin with a close shave (included). In both facials, our therapists gently cleanse, steam and exfoliate your skin; manual extraction follows if needed. Throughout, therapists incorporate soothing and uplifting face, neck and shoulder massage. As you relax under the mask of your choice, you also enjoy an arm massage. Finally, a bio-seaweed moisturizer is applied after toner to aid skin repair and maintain moisture levels. All our facials encourage the restoration of youthful vitality and natural radiance. For all skin types For all but sensitive skin In our manicure and pedicure treatments, your cuticles are trimmed after soaking in a warm flower bath, and your nails clipped and/or filed to shape. A hand and lower arm massage brings relaxation to the manicure, while a foot and lower leg massage enhances the pedicure. When polish is chosen, base, two coats of color and a top coat give a durable, elegant finish. An asian hand ritual created to revitalized and beautify your hands. A lemon grass cleanser is followed by a gentle scrub, a clay mask and a rosewater hand wrap. The result is remarkable! A vital treat for your hair and scalp that also lifts the spirit! Your scalp is massaged with a rich avocado cream to stimulate circulation and release tension. Steaming follows to hydrate and preserve suppleness. Your therapist slowly massages your shoulders and upper arms before finally applying natural hair tonic, washing and towel/blowdrying. This treatment will leave your hair radiant. Hibiscus Hair Shampoo Before the arrival of shampoo, Indonesians used this special recipe to keep their hair healthy. We invite you to enjoy this time-honoured tradition. Our treatment includes a scalp, neck and shoulder massage. Prices exclude tax and services
Converting from CVS to Subversion with cvs2svnby Brian W. Fitzpatrick, author of Version Control with Subversion For some people, the conversion from CVS to Subversion is as simple as exporting their CVS repository and importing their data into a new Subversion repository. But if you're a digital packrat like myself, you're going to want to take every last byte from your CVS repository when you move to Subversion. Thanks to cvs2svn, you can easily migrate all of your historical data out of your CVS repository. This article will walk you through the technical process of converting your CVS repository to Subversion--from deciding how much data to take with you, to prepping your data, to reviewing the most common options that you'll use in your conversion. Prepping Your CVS Repository for Conversion Before you start converting, you may need to do a little housekeeping on your CVS repository. First and foremost, make a copy of your CVS repository and work only with the copy--I can't stress this enough. A lot of the cleanup work we're going to do here can be done after you've converted, but I prefer to do the work before converting as it makes for a "cleaner" Subversion repository. First, arrange your CVS repository the way that you want it to be laid out in your Subversion repository. You may want to move some projects around or even delete some old cruft entirely. Remember that all of your projects will be placed under the trunk directory in your Subversion repository (there's a way to give each project its own trunk/tags/branches directory, but that's beyond the scope of this article). Now make certain that the executable bit is set on any files that should be executable (so that cvs2svn will set the svn:executable property on those files). Verify that binary (non-text) files have the -kb flag set. By default, cvs2svn will enable end-of-line (EOL) translation and keyword expansion on CVS files that do not have -kb set, so unless you're disabling EOL translation and automatic keyword detection (more on those later), you're going to want to get this in order. Deciding How Much Data to Take with You If you're reading this article, I'm assuming that you've already decided that you want to convert at least some of your historical data from CVS to Subversion. With cvs2svn, you can convert anywhere from just your main line of development (i.e. no tags or branches) to every revision in every line of development as well as all of the tags. If you're a minimalist, and you want historical data, but don't necessarily care about all the tags and branches in your CVS repository, you can use the --trunk-only switch. This saves disk space in your Subversion repository and results in a much faster conversion, but at the expense of losing some of your historical data. If you want some of your tags and branches converted, but not all, you can use the --exclude switch to instruct cvs2svn to exclude the tags and branches that you don't want. --exclude takes a regular expression, so if, for example, you have hundreds of uniform build tags that you don't want to convert, you can exclude them all with a simple regular expression. Of course, a full conversion requires no special options to cvs2svn--the default behavior is to convert trunk, tags, and all branches from CVS. How cvs2svn Works cvs2svn makes a series of eight separate passes over your CVS metadata, sorting and gathering disjointed sets of CVS revision groups into Subversion commits. The first pass grabs all the revision metadata from the repository, and the last pass pulls the data out of the RCS files in the CVS repository and loads them into a Subversion repository (or if you pass --dump-only, into a Subversion dumpfile). The middle passes do . . . well, they mostly do magic. One other thing to note is that cvs2svn will create a lot of large temporary files in your --tmpdir, so make sure that you have lots of space. The default value for --tmpdir is the current working directory. The output of cvs2svn is somewhat verbose, but believe it or not, you can get even more verbose output by using the -v option for what I like to call "pontifical" output. In the following example I use the -q option merely to save space. This is what the output of a successful cvs2svn run looks like: ./cvs2svn -q --dump-only main-cvsrepos----- pass 1 ----- Examining all CVS ',v' files... Done ----- pass 2 ----- Checking for blocked exclusions... Checking for forced tags with commits... Checking for tag/branch mismatches... Re-synchronizing CVS revision timestamps... Done ----- pass 3 ----- Sorting CVS revisions... Done ----- pass 4 ----- Copying CVS revision data from flat file to database... Finding last CVS revisions for all symbolic names... Done ----- pass 5 ----- Mapping CVS revisions to Subversion commits... Done ----- pass 6 ----- Sorting symbolic name source revisions... Done ----- pass 7 ----- Determining offsets for all symbolic names... Done. ----- pass 8 ----- Starting Subversion Dumpfile. Done. cvs2svn Statistics: ------------------ Total CVS Files: 29 Total CVS Revisions: 99 Total Unique Tags: 5 Total Unique Branches: 6 CVS Repos Size in KB: 23 Total SVN Commits: 50 First Revision Date: Fri Jun 18 00:46:07 1993 Last Revision Date: Tue Jun 10 15:19:48 2003 ------------------ Timings: ------------------ pass 1: 0 seconds pass 2: 0 seconds pass 3: 0 seconds pass 4: 0 seconds pass 5: 0 seconds pass 6: 0 seconds pass 7: 0 seconds pass 8: 4 seconds total: 6 seconds cvs2svn tells you what step it's currently working on, and once it's done, it gives you some interesting statistics about your CVS repository, the resulting Subversion repository, and the time it took to do the conversion. I'd discuss installation, but it's easiest to just download cvs2svn and run it out of the directory in which you unpacked it. You'll also need to have GNU sort installed in addition to the RCS 'co' utility or CVS itself (cvs2svn defaults to 'co' since it's dramatically faster than CVS for extracting data). A Few Examples To create a new Subversion repository by converting an existing CVS repository, run the script like this: cvs2svn -s NEW_SVNREPOS CVSREPOS To create a new Subversion repository containing only trunk commits, and omitting all branches and tags from the CVS repository, do cvs2svn --trunk-only -s NEW_SVNREPOS CVSREPOS To create a Subversion dumpfile (suitable for svnadmin load) from a CVS repository, run it like this: cvs2svn --dump-only --dumpfile DUMPFILE CVSREPOS As it works, cvs2svn will create many temporary files in the current directory. This is normal. If the entire conversion is successful, however, those tempfiles will be automatically removed. If the conversion is not successful, or if you specify the --skip-cleanup option, cvs2svn will leave the temporary files behind for possible debugging. If you need further guidance, first read the online documentation and the FAQ, and if you still need some help, drop by #cvs2svn on irc.freenode.net and you'll usually find a few cvs2svn developers to help you on your way. Good luck! Author's note: Thanks to C. Michael Pilato and Michael Brouwer for reading drafts of this article. Brian W. Fitzpatrick is a member of the Apache Software Foundation and currently works for Google. He has been involved with Subversion in one way or another since its inception in early 2000. Return to ONLamp.com
In the early sequences of the novel Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte, it is clear that there is one main character who demands the spotlight. Catherine is the central character who dictates the outcome of the novel through her behavior and personal choices. She begins as Catherine Earnshaw, a mere child. When she reaches adolescence she is connected to Heathcliff, her adopted brother and first love. But, she leaves Heathcliff in an effort to pursue a more elevated social standing. For that reason, she marries Edgar Linton, gaining her the title of Catherine Linton. Through the use of Catherine the author presents a theme of personal choice, and how one's personal choices or lack of choices can determine the fate of others. Catherine's personal choices create drama, which shapes the outcome for all the other characters connected to her. Bronte takes us through a full circle and generation of characters whose lives in some way or another relate to Catherine's choices. However, depending on Catherine to make a clear choice is foolish. She lacks the ability to do so. As a result of Catherine's indecissivness, the characters around her suffer. Their reliance on an individual who is so unsure of herself makes the novel more dramatic, and further captures the reader as he or she tries to predict the outcome. Bronte uses Catherine to show how an individual, given the power of choice, can influence the choices of others, and inturn affect the fate of those characters.<br><br> The most apparrant struggles in choices that Catherine faces are between households and lovers. Bronte uses parallel's in order to give the reader a sense of foreshadowing in the choices that Catherine might make. She does this through conflicting characters and enviornments. She presents diversity in Catherine's surrroundings, which ultimately leads to complications in Catherine's decision making. Catherine's earliest residence was Wuthering Heights where she lived with her brother Hindley, her father Mr. Earnshaw, and her adopted brother/ first love, Heathcliff. The Wuthering Heights property is representative of the turmoil and the disturbances of its inhabitants. It is set above the townside in a desolate part of the Yorkshire Moor countryside. "Wuthering Heights is the name of Mr. Heathcliff's dwelling. 'Wuthering' being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmosperic tumult to which its station is exposed, in stormy weather...one may guess the power of the north wind, blowing over the edge... by a range of gaunt thorns all stretching their limbs one way, as if craving alms of sun."(2) The Wuthering Heights estate has a disorderly enviorment, it experiences harsh winds, stormy weather, and it lacks sunshine as evidence of it's undergrowthed plant life. At Wuthering Heights Catherine, experiences childhood with Heathcliff, where she was exempt of any worries, and was allowed to exercise her imagination. Heathcliff is the adopted child of the Earnshaw family. As a child he was described as a "Dirty, ragged, black-haired child... a gift of God, though it's as dark almost as if it came from the devil." (30) Despite his rugged appearance Catherine was drawn to him. <br> As the children grew older, Catherine and Heathcliff grew closer. Hindley's jelousy of Heathcliff grew too, as a result of Catherine's preference to Heathcliff over himself. When Mr. Earnshaw dies, the children were left in dismay. However, Catherine and Heathcliff rely on eachother for support. Often times they would run off to the moors and fantasize about what their life would be like together. Catherine's choice to have such a close relationship with Heathcliff disturbs her brother Hindley, He sees Heathcliff as an outsider who has taken what he feels is naturally his. This sentiment is reflected through future events, which emerge from his animosity. Hindley recieves the Wuthering Heights property, and gains control of all that goes with it. As a result, he treats Heathcliff poorly and condemns him to be a servant to/at Wuthering Heights. Despite Hindley's cruelty's, the relationship between Catherine and Heathcliff never ceases. Heathcliff's standing at Wuthering Heights serves as a key influential factor for Catherine's decision making. This is shown when Catherine<br>is faced with a parallel enviornment that is very different from Wuthering Heights and Heathcliff, from which she has to form choices.<br><br> Although Catherine has an undying compassion for Heathcliff, a part of her desires a more civilized lifestyle. Through a disaray of events she is given an opportunity to fulfill this desire with the Thrushcross Grange. Thrushcross Grange, is the upper-class Linton family's residence. The enviornment here is much calmer and orderly. It is the opposite of Wuthering Heights.This is seen through it's physical aspects and location. The Grange is located near the park in the flatter, more modern part of the Yorkshire moors. It is a model home for the wealthy, and has a more inviting urbane appeal to it. This is in contrast to the gothic allure of Wuthering Heights. "The light came from thence...and we saw---ah! it was beautiful--spledid place carpeted with crimson.. and a pure white ceiling bordered by gold, a shower of glass-drops hangingin silver chains from the centre." (40)A turning point for both Heathcliff and Catherine occurs, when they decide to seek adventure outside the confinements of Wuthering Heights, and wander down to Thruscross Grange. They go down in hopes that they might spy on the Linton's party, but end up with more adventure than expected. As they watched the Linton family parade the dance floor,Catherine is unexpectedely bitten by a dog. The commotion causes everyone inside to come out, where they find Catherine in agitated pain. They take her inside, while Heathcliff is denied entrance, and is forced to leave Catherine behind. Heathcliff takes this as an insult, thus carries a negative sentiment towards the Grange and all those who relate to it. The differences in Catherine's surroundings also serve as barriers that she must over come when she makes decisions. Barriers that inevitably seperate the two households, and the characters around<br><br> Catherine is ordered to stay at the Grange for five weeks in order to recuperate. During her time at the Grange, she takes a liking to such a luxurious lifestyle, and becomes intrigued with both Isabella and Edgar Linton. Here she enjoys more refined forms of amusement, such as reading, and fine clothing. Catherine enjoys the company of the Linton children Edgar and Isabella, who are similar in age to her and Heathcliff, all in there teens. Catherine not only notices differences in the activities of the Linton family, but of the people too. For instance, Edgar Linton is more dignified than that of Heathcliff, and leads a much more structured lifestyle. He is more passive, and does not present any form of agression. These are qualities that she is fond of. As time progresses the Linton family influences Catherine into becoming a more sophisticated young woman. In addition to this, Edgar and Catherine's relationship further develops, and they become engaged. When Heathcliff gets word of Catherine's engagment, he feels betrayed. The one person that he cared the most about has chosen somone else over him. This injures his pride, and his sense of self-worth declines. These feelings are only intensified when Catherine and Edgar visit Wuthering Heights. Catherine, with no notion of how Heathcliff felt about the situation comments on his rough appearence, "Why, how very black and cross you look!and how ---how funny and grim! buth that's because I'm used to Edgar, and Isabella Linton. Well, Heathcliff, have you forgotten me?" (44) This remark leaves Heathcliff feeling shameful, and full of resentment. Before, his appearance was not of importance to Catherine. His rugedness to her was a part of his detached and captivating appeal. To say that she is now used to Edgar and Isabella Linton, is almost like saying that she prefers there appearance over his. It is a reflection of her strive to be in the ranks of high-society, yet still maintain a close relationship with both Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights. She has to decide between the two, but she wants to have both.Heathcliff over hears Catherine talking to Nelly, a servant at Wuthering Heights, and close mentor to Catherine. When she talks to Nelly she reveals her motives for wanting to marry Edgar, "That will do to explain my secret, as well as the other. I've no more business to marry Edgar Linton than I have to be in heaven;and if the wicked man in there, had not brought Heathcliff so low I shouldn't have thought of it. It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff, now;so he shall never know how I love him; and that not because he's handsome, Nelly, but because he's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire."(68) Heathcliff had only listened to the part up until she had said that it would degrade her to marry Heathcliff, and then he left. Her conversation with Nelly show's Catherine's indecissivness. It show's how even though she wishes to be considered and upper classman, she still desires to keep her connection with Heathcliff, which she knows is a stronger bond than she has with Edgar. However Heathcliff has allowed himself to be belittled by Hindley, and that has allowed her to see the reality of the situation, which is that she cannot achieve clout by marrying Heathcliff. She eventually decides to marry Edgar, despite her strong feelings towards Heathcliff.<br> Catherine's choices, in a sense, divide the two households, and the people she cares about.<br><br>In response to Catherine's choice, Heathcliff decides to leave Wuthering Heights and find a way to set himself above Hindley, Catherine, and Edgar. When he leaves,Catherine tries to find him, but she does not succeed, she becomes sick after being out all night. Catherine is reliant on Nelly for comfort. For this reason, she asks Nelly to come work for her at the Grange. Nelly consents to this, and leaves Wuthering Heights to take care of Catherine at the Grange. Heathcliff returns as a wealthy and established gentlemen, no one know's where he went or what he did to get his money, but they are stunned by his sudden alteration. "I was amazed, more than ever, to behold the transformation of Heathcliff. He had grown a tall, athletic, well-formed man; His countenance was much older in expression, and decision of feature than Mr. Linton's; it looked intelligent; and retained no marks of former degradation. A half-civilized ferocity lurked yet in the depressed brows, and eyes full of black fire, but it was subdued; and his manner was even dignified." (81) Catherine's origninal choice to marry Edgar is the basis for Heathcliff's transformation, and subsequently the cause for all events that follow. Once again Catherine puts her choices into question. This change in Heathcliff causes Catherine to re-think her origninal choice to marry Edgar, which further creates conflict. This turmoil is reflected through their actions and behavior that develops in response to her uncertainty. <br><br><br>Heathcliffs strive for acceptance from Catherine. Her decision to marry Edgar and live at the Grange has caused him to seek revenge and act out in similar ways. He pursues to take over Wuthering Heights, by encouraging Hindley to foolishly gamble away his inheritance. Hindley thus is at the mercy of Heathcliff. Hindley dies a few years later leaving Heathcliff with Wuthering Heights and Hindley's son, Harenton. While this is happening he makes continual visits to Catherine at the Thrushcross Grange in order to show Catherine how he has changed, and to make her realize what she has missed out on. His actions are all in an effort to gain the affection of Catherine. Heathcliff's presence at the Grange and with Catherine perturbes Edgar. He dislikes the amount of affection Heathcliff recieves from Catherine. This further creates tension between Heathcliff and Edgar. They both find eachother to be a threat. Eventually Edgar demands Catherine to make a choice about who she will be with. "'You must answer it;Will you give up Heathcliff hereafter, or will you give up me? I t is impossible for you to be my friend, and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.'" (101) Catherine does not know how to respond to Edgar's demand, she simply state's that she will not give him an anwser, and she will not be forced to make a decision between the two. Consequently, she goes into a self-absorbed fit of madness. She uses her sickness and weak mental state as an excuse to avoid the situation. Catherine's refusal to make a choice generates conflict for the other characters. <br><br> Heathcliff's rash behavior only intensifies as Edgar makes an efforts to keep him away from Catherine . Heathcliff wishes to be with Catherine. However, he still feels like an outsider, and seeks a way to reach her. In order to do this, he misleads Isabella Linton, Edgar's sister, into believing that he is interested in her. She is easily mislead by his act, and becomes infatuated with Heathcliff. She is naive enough to the point where she agrees to run away from the Grange to Wuthering Heights and marry him. Edgar is inferiorated at the idea of Isabella marrying Heathcliff, and threatens to cut off all ties she has to the Grange and himself. Isabella ignores Edgar's requests, and joins Heathcliff at Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff creates this drama in hopes to have taken control away from Edgar, so that he may be closer to Catherine. Catherine's inabliltiy to make a clear decision about what she wants causes Heathcliff to act out, Edgar to become envious, and Isabella to become seperated from her family.<br><br>Catherine's choice to leave Wuthering Heights has indirectly has caused Isabella to suffer. Heathcliff's injured pride from Catherine's choice makes him bitter. He cannot find happiness, therefore he takes out his frustration on Isabella. The contrast from Isabella's prim and proper lifestyle at the Grange to a more unstable life style at Wuthering Heights, leaves Isabella feeling lost. "You'll not be suprised, Ellen, at my feeling particularly cheerless, seated in worse than solitude, on that inhospitable hearth, and remembering that four miles distant lay my delightful home, containing the only people I loved on earth...--where must I turn for comfort?" (119) She suffers in the sense that she no longer has the comforts of the Grange, and is subject to Heathcliff's malcontent. She loses her sense of hope, and begins to realize that Heathcliff never loved her, he just used her to get to Catherine. Isabella finally leaves Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights, and gives birth to a son who she names Linton. <br><br>Catherine lacks the ability to see past her own selfishness and how it affects others well being. Another character who is dependent on Catherine, is Edgar. He turns out to be dissapointed by Catherine's choices. Edgar who is usually very passive, becomes envious of Catherine's fondness for Heathcliff. He expresses his disaproval of their relationship, which is unlike his personality. Normally he is very submissive, and accomadates Catherine's wishes. Edgar's alteration in personality indicates the conflict that Catherine has created by her inability to make a choice between Heathcliff and Edgar. Although Edgar has plainly stated that he does not wish Catherine to have a relationship with Heathcliff, Catherine continues to fraternize with Heathcliff behind Edgar's back. Edgar finds out what is happening, and forbids Heathcliff and any further associations with Heathcliff from entering his household. Her choice to continue a relationship with Heathcliff betrays Edgar's trust for Catherine. By betraying his trust, he holds her actions against her and carries a grudge against Heathcliff and anything that is connected to him. "'No'...'It is needless. My communication with Heathcliff's family shall be as sparing as his with mine. It shall not exist!'" (125)<br><br>Catherine's choices has divided households,the people closest to her, and the generations of family members that follow.<br>By bringing Nelly to the Grange, Catherine has arranged the position for Nelly's future. Nelly is also caught between households, as her loyalties are to both Catherine and Heathcliff. Nelly acts as a mediator between familys and households. However the stubborn attitudes of those around her complicate her efforts to create peace. "... I came to a <br>stone where the highway branches off... a rough sand-pillar, with the letters W.H. cut on its north side, on the east, G., and on the west, T.G. It serves as a guide-post to the Grange, Heights, and village." (92) This is representative of the different paths Nelly is caught between as time progresses.
Poems & Short Stories: 4,271 Forum Members: 70,634 Forum Posts: 1,033,546 And over 2 million unique readers monthly! Written when sailing in a Boat At EVENING. How rich the wave, in front, imprest With evening twilights summer hues, While, facing thus the crimson west, The boat her silent path pursues! And see how dark the backward stream! A little moment past, so smiling! And still, perhaps, with faithless gleam, Some other loiterer beguiling. Such views the youthful bard allure, But, heedless of the following gloom, He deems their colours shall endure 'Till peace go with him to the tomb. --And let him nurse his fond deceit, And what if he must die in sorrow! Who would not cherish dreams so sweet, Though grief and pain may come to-morrow? |Art of Worldly Wisdom Daily| In the 1600s, Balthasar Gracian, a jesuit priest wrote 300 aphorisms on living life called "The Art of Worldly Wisdom." Join our newsletter below and read them all, one at a time. Shakespeare wrote over 150 sonnets! Join our Sonnet-A-Day Newsletter and read them all, one at a time.
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Recent News Articles Semifinals for Breeders’ Cup contenders This weekend marks the start of the “semifinal” round leading to the Breeders’ Cup World Championships. Belmont Park has eight graded stakes spread over Saturday and Sunday and all of them point directly to the Breeders’ Cup races at Santa Anita on Nov. 2 and 3. Santa Anita opens this week and has seven graded stakes, all likely to produce Breeders’ Cup contenders. Since Oak Tree no longer is operating the fall meet, however, all the big Santa Anita stakes races have new names. What used to be the Oak Leaf is now the Chandelier, for example, and the old Lady’s Secret is the new Zenyatta. Deal with it. If that’s not enough excitement, Keeneland kicks off its fall meet Oct. 5. Most of the top U.S. contenders not at Belmont or Santa Anita will be in the Bluegrass. Stop by. Try the burgoo. Remington Park on Sunday has a quartet of open stakes races, headlined by the $400,000 Oklahoma Derby. Internationally, things heat up in Japan with Sunday’s Group 1 Sprinters Stakes at Nakayama. In Milan, Sunday brings the Group 1 Premio Vittorio Di Capua. And English racing refocuses back to Newmarket where Saturday’s card includes three Group 1 events, two of them for the juveniles and one for filly and mare milers. And one of those Newmarket races also kicks off the new Kentucky Derby points qualification system. At 1 mile. On the grass. In England. Go figure. Here’s how these vital races shape up: Only Affirmed and John Henry have won the Santa Anita Handicap and the Jockey Club Gold Cup in the same year. Ron the Greek will try to join that list when he lines up against nine others in Saturday’s $1 million renewal of the Grade I event. However, Ron the Greek, a 5-year-old son of Full Mandate, comes into the race off a second-place finish to Fort Larned in the Grade I Whitney at Saratoga. Not only is that rival back, but so are the third- and fourth-place horses from the Whitney, Flat Out and Hymn Book. Fast Falcon and Atigun, the third- and fourth-place finishers in the Travers, represent the 3-year-old crowd here. After the dead-heat winners in the Travers bombed last week in the Pennsylvania Derby, they might be hard to back. But Fast Falcon rallied nicely from far back into a slow pace at the Spa and trainer Nick Zito is way overdue to have some good luck with something. Anyone who runs well here should merit Breeders’ Cup consideration. Apropos of the Los Angeles setting, there’s no shortage of soap opera story lines surrounding Saturday’s $250,000, Grade I Awesome Again Stakes at Santa Anita — the former Goodwood. First, there’s trainer Bob Baffert’s decision to replace Chantal Sutherland aboard his stable star, Game On Dude. Sutherland turned in four wins while riding the 5-year-old Awesome Again gelding nine times — but also recorded dramatic second-place finishes in last year’s Breeders’ Cup Classic and the recent Grade I Pacific Classic. In place of Sutherland, Rafael Bejarano will be gunning Game On Dude from post position No. 1. Baffert was on the other side of the soap opera plot with another contender, Richard’s Kid. The 7-year-old son of Lemon Drop Kid was sold after winning the Grade III Cougar III Handicap at Del Mar and moved from Baffert’s barn to Doug O’Neill’s care. So some egos are on the line. Argentine import Suggestive Boy will be making his first main-track start for trainer Ron McAnally. Rail Trip was fourth in the Pacific Classic behind Dullahan, Game On Dude and Richard’s Kid — but seems better on the all-weather tracks. His 3-for-3 record on the Santa Anita main track was compiled before the surface was switched back to real dirt. Sunday’s $400,000 Oklahoma Derby at Remington Park got a field of 10, several of whom could move up. Among them is Daddy Nose Best, the winner of the Grade III El Camino Real Derby and the Grade III Sunland Derby. He then finished 10th in the Kentucky Derby, ninth in the Preakness and detoured to the grass for a fourth-place finish in the Grade III American Derby at Arlington. In his last outing, he was third in the off-the-grass National Museum of Racing Hall of Fame Stakes at Saratoga. Willy Beamin had been whipping fellow New York-bred until he upset the Grade I Foxwood King’s Bishop at the Spa in his last start, going 7 furlongs. He has won, however, at Sunday’s 9-furlong distance. Prospective won the Grade II Tampa Bay Derby in March and the Grade III Ohio Derby in July but finished eighth in the Grade II Jim Dandy last time out. Master Rick was third in this month’s Grade II Super Derby. Speightcity was second in the Grade III Withers way back when the snow flew in New York but then was off until chugging home eighth in the Grade I Travers last month. Reigning Breeders’ Cup and Eclipse Award champion Royal Delta will hook up with her long-time rival, It’s Tricky, for the fifth time as part of a seven-horse field for Saturday’s $400,000, Grade I Beldame at Belmont Park. Royal Delta has won two of those matchups; It’s Tricky, one. In their last meeting, It’s Tricky stumbled badly at the gate, ruining her chances, and Royal Delta got a wide trip into the lane. Royal Delta finished second and It’s Tricky third behind longshot Love and Pride. Barring any similar mishaps, this appears to be a two-horse race although the speedy Cash For Clunkers might need some catching if she rebounds from a poor showing in the Delaware Handicap two month ago — a race won by Royal Delta. The West Coast ladies have been battling amongst themselves for some time now and those wars continue in Saturday’s $250,000, Grade I Zenyatta, formerly the Lady’s Secret. At the top of the list we find the first four finishers from the Grade I Clement Hirsch at Del Mar — Include Me Out, Star Billing, Amani and Switch. Include Me Out, the likely favorite, would be riding a five-race winning skein were it not for a second behind Love Theway Youare in the Grade I Vanity at Hollywood Park. And Love Theway Youare also is in this field. The invaders include Joyful Victory, who was second in the Grade III Gardenia at Ellis Park last race, and Love and Pride, upset winner over It’s Tricky and Royal Delta in the Grade I Personal Ensign at Saratoga. Local gal Via Villagio returns to California after finishing second to Grace Hall in the Grade I Delaware Oaks and third in the Grade I Alabama at Saratoga. All in all, nine are entered for the 1 1/16-miles test. Jemima’s Pearl looks like the choice against seven rivals in Sunday’s $250,000 Remington Park Oaks off third-place showings in the Grade III Monmouth Oaks and the Grade II Fantasy during the Oaklawn meet. Those efforts sandwiched a 10th place showing in the Grade I Kentucky Oaks. None of the others have graded stakes experience, though it’s always wise to beware the locals. Speed. That’s the first word that pops to mind in looking at the past performances of the nine entrants for Saturday’s $400,000, Grade II Kelso Handicap at Belmont Park. With only a couple exceptions, these horses like the pedal to the metal and tend to run best when on the lead or pressing the pace. That’s liable to make the one-turn, main-track mile a barnburner and a tough one to handicap. There’s no shortage of familiar names: Shackleford, the 2011 Preakness winner who has been tough as nails since he was cut back to sprints; To Honor and Serve, a graded stakes winner at 1 mile and 11/8 miles; Tapizar and Jersey Town, fourth and fifth in last year’s Breeders’ Cup Dirt Mile; and Pacific Ocean and Golddigger’s Boy, the top two in the recent Grade III James Marvin at Saratoga. To Honor and Serve won his last start, the Grade I Woodword, coming from a pace-stalking position. But he had 9 furlongs behind a moderate early pace to accomplish that. Don’t blink or you’ll miss this heat. Ten speedballs, including a two-horse entry, are entered for Saturday’s $400,000, Grade I Vosburgh Invitational at Belmont Park. The firepower is impressive, including: Poseidon’s Warrior and Justin Phillip, the first- and second-place finishers from the Grade I A.G. Vanderbilt at Saratoga; last year’s Vanderbilt winner, Sean Avery; Grade II Jerome Stakes winner The Lumber Guy; Grade I King’s Bishop runner-up Fort Loudon; and last year’s Vosburgh show horse, Caixa Eletronica. While there’s a lot of speed here, the entry of Sean Avery and The Lumber Guy are the only horses who normally charge to the lead so tactics should play a role, especially around the sweeping Belmont Park turn. Nine are signed on for Sunday’s $200,000 Remington Park Sprint Cup, including three from the omnipresent Steve Asmussen string. One of the others, Jake Mo, finished second in the Grade III Southwest Stakes at Oaklawn, then fourth in the Grade II Rebel Stakes before a poor showing in the Arkansas Derby sidelined him for three months. He has a pair of third-place showings at Louisiana Downs since his return. Delaunay has won five of his last seven starts. Okie Ride and Apprehender are local talent. It has to be said: The two top weekend preps in this division are named for one of the sport’s all-time best turf writers and one of the all-time best turf runners. Only six signed on for Saturday’s $600,000, Grade I Joe Hirsch Turf Classic Invitational at Belmont, and the form says the others have Point of Entry and possibly Little Mike to beat. Point of Entry, a 4-year-old Phipps Stable homebred by the late, great Dynaformer, has won four straight. The last two were the Grade I Man O’ War at Belmont by 3 1/2 lengths and the Grade I Sword Dancer at Saratoga, by 4. The 1 1/2 miles is right up his alley. Little Mike has won six of his last eight starts, including the Grade I Arlington Million in his last outing. The 5-year-old Spanish Steps gelding, a confirmed front-runner, has never gone beyond the 1 1/4 miles he negotiated in the Million so trainer Dale Romans and jockey Ramon Dominguez will be trying to ration his speed on the front end. With no other “need to lead” types in the field, that might be doable. A wild card is world traveler Treasure Beach. The 4-year-old Aidan O’Brien charge hasn’t won since last year’s Secretariat at Arlington. But he made a very good late move in this year’s Million to finish a close sixth and the extra 2 furlongs won’t trouble last year’s Irish Derby winner a bit. The others are Finnegans Wake, Kindergarten Kid and Hailstone. Sunday at Santa Anita it’s the $150,000, Grade II John Henry Turf Championship, formerly the Clement L. Hirsch. A very contentious field of 10 will tackle 10 furlongs on the Arcadia green course. Bourbon Bay is back from a layoff that followed two graded stakes wins over the course this spring. Casino Host just won the Grade II Del Mar Handicap. Turbo Compressor accounted for the Colonial Turf Cup and the Grade I United Nations earlier this year. Filly & Mare Turf Saturday’s $600,000, Grade I Flower Bowl Invitational at Belmont has a decidedly international flavor, with the nine participants showing running lines from as far afield as Singapore. Trainer David Simcock brought I’m a Dreamer from England to Arlington last month and walked off with a win in the Grade I Beverly D. Dream Peace raced in France, then journeyed to Canada and Kranji in Singapore before finishing second to Winter Memories in her last start in the Grade I Diana at Saratoga, finishing in front of Zagora. The latter also started in France and has been a consistent graded stakes performer in America. And let’s not forget Nahrain, who finished a close second to Perfect Shirl as a 3-year-old in last year’s Breeders’ Cup Filly & Mare Turf. She finished a close third to Up at the Curragh in Ireland in her last previous start for trainer Roger Varian. And Halo Dolly is in from California for trainer Jerry Hollendorfer with wins in four of her last five starts, including the Grade II Yellow Ribbon at Del Mar in her last start. A few of the others are capable of springing an upset. Locally based City to City and invader Marketing Mix headline Saturday’s $250,000, Grade I Rodeo Drive Stakes, formerly the Yellow Ribbon, at Santa Anita. Marketing Mix has the better resume, coming off a head loss to I’m a Dreamer in the Grade I Beverly D. She does have graded stakes wins at Arlington, Churchill Downs and Woobine. She has won four of her last six starts for trainer Tom Proctor. City to City comes off a loss to Halo Dolly in the “new” Yellow Ribbon. Before that, she won the Grade II John C. Mabee at Del Mar. Also among the 12 in this 10-furlong turf contest are Vivo Per Lei, who finished third in the Yellow Ribbon as a 20-1 longshot, and Cambina and Camelia Rose, fourth and fifth in the same race. Let’s Go Cheyenne is a committed front-runner who has shown she will take some catching if no one goes with her. Another to watch is the Saturday’s $100,000 (Canadian) Flaming Page Stakes at Woodbine at 1 1/2 miles over the grass. Thirteen are entered for a cavalry charge down Santa Anita’s hillside turf course in Friday’s $100,000, Grade III Eddie D Staks, formerly the Morvich. The 7-2 morning-line favorite is Comma to the Top and Unbridled’s Note, starting from the No. 13 gate, is next-favorite at 4-1. Sunday’s $125,000 Remington Green at 1 1/16 miles over the Oklahoma grass drew a field of 10, many with stakes experience but none shouting, “I’m the one.” It should be a good betting race. He’s trained by Bob Baffert and co-owned by Jill Baffert and celebrity skier Bode Miller. He’s also undefeated in two starts. So Carving is likely to go favored in Saturday’s $250,000, Grade I FrontRunner (formerly the Norfolk) at Santa Anita. But this is a competitive heat, with several of the other 10 having shown ability. Know More has had only two starts but they were doozies — a victory in the Grade II Best Pal and a close second to the now-sidelined Baffert headliner Rolling Fog in the Grade I Del Mar Futurity. Dry Summer (no kidding!) comes off two straight wins, including the $100,000 Oak Tree Juvenile Turf at Del Mar. Power Broker was a tight second behind Dry Summer in the Oak Tree. This is the first U.S. race to offer points toward a position in the starting gate for the 2013 Kentucky Derby. The first four finishers earn consideration. Trainer Todd Pletcher’s string rode roughshod over the competition in 2-year-old races at Saratoga and he is poised to continue that streak in Sunday’s $200,000, Grade II Futurity at Belmont Park. But all of these guys have something yet to prove. Pletcher will saddle two of the seven entrants, Drum Roll and Overanalyze. The former finished fourth in the Grade II Saratoga Special and third in the Grade III Sapling earlier this month at Monmouth Park. The latter got home fourth in the Grade II Three Chimneys Hopeful at Saratoga. Special Jo was second in the Sapling. Handsome Jack was second in the Sanford. Other juvenile races to watch include Saturday’s $65,000 Birdonthewire at 6 furlongs at Calder, Saturday’s $200,000 New York Breeders’ Futurity for state-breds at 6 furlongs at Finger Lakes and Saturday’s $100,000 Fitz Dixon Jr. Memorial at 6 1/2 furlongs at Presque Isle Downs. Two stand out among the 11 2-year-old fillies entered in Saturday’s $250,000, Grade I Chandelier Stakes at Santa Anita — Executiveprivilege and Beholder. The race formerly was known as the Oak Leaf. Executive Privilege, a First Samurai filly trained by Baffert, is undefeated in four starts, including three stakes. But in her last outing, the Grade I Del Mar Debutante, she had all she could do to catch the pacesetting Beholder and win by a nose under the wire. That was at 7 furlongs and both are being asked to stretch out to 1 1/16 miles this time. That’s always a question mark and reason to look closely at the other nine. Renee’s Queen finished behind Executiveprivilege twice, then switched to the grass to break her maiden in the $100,000 Juvenile Fillies Turf at Del Mar. Salamera won her first two starts at Calder, then hauled up to Saratoga to finish second Grade II Adirondack in her last race. Miss Empire has run well behind the top two and Contessa’s Moment makes her first start for trainer Paul Aguirre after winning the restricted Iowa Sorority at Prairie Meadows, continuing a new tradition of Iowa horses moving to Southern California. The rest need to show a bit more. Back at Belmont, Pletcher has two more in Sunday’s $200,000, Grade II Matron, including the heavy, odds-on favorite, Kauai Katie. That Malibu Moon filly broke her maiden at first asking at the Spa, then jumped up to win the Grade II Adirondack by 2 3/4 lengths without much urging. Doubled comes off a win in the Sorority Stakes at Monmouth. Baby J was third in the Grade III Schuylerville at Saratoga. Sweet Shirley Mae was a respectable second to So Many Ways in the Grade I Spinaway at the Spa and Seasoned Warrior was fourth in that heat. Meanwhile, So Many Ways will not take her undefeated record to the Breeders’ Cup, owner Maggi Moss announced this week. The Sightseeing filly won at first asking at Parx Racing June 9, then skyrocketed up the class ladder, winning the Grade III Schuylerville and then the Grade I Spinaway at Saratoga. Moss said she considered the Breeders’ Cup for So Many ways but, “after great deliberation, I have weighed what is in her best interest versus my chance to compete at Santa Anita and decided it is simply pushing her too hard.” She is expected back at Gulfstream Park. Other weekend events for the young ladies: Saturday’s 6-furlong, $65,000 Cassidy Stakes at Calder, Saturday’s $100,000 Presque Isle Debutante at 6 furlongs and the $125,000 (Canadian) Victorian Queen for Ontario-sired misses on Saturday at Woodbine. Delaware Park on Saturday has the $75,000 Blue Hen Stakes at 1 mile and 70 yards — the race in which Grace Hall prepped for her second-place finish in last year’s Breeders’ Cup. Where else would Churchill Downs kick off its new Kentucky Derby qualifying program other than Newmarket in September? Well, whatever the intention, Saturday’s Group 2 Juddmonte Royal Lodge Stakes will award the first-ever points toward a position in the Churchill Downs starting gate to the top four finishers among the nine scheduled starters. The race has produced Breeders’ Cup starters but none for the Kentucky Derby. This year’s field is chock-full of well-bred colts hoping to follow in the hoofprints of Frankel, who ran away with the race in his stakes debut two years ago. The Newmarket meeting also includes the Kingdom of Bahrain Sun Chariot Stakes for fillies and mares going 1 mile on the lawn and the Cheveley Park Stakes for 2-year-old fillies. Sixteen are set to go in Sunday’s Group 1 Sprinters Stakes at Nakayama and the field has some powerhouses, indeed. Notable among them are defending champion Curren Chan and Hong Kong’s duo of Lucky Nine and Little Bridge. Captain Obvious is in from Singapore. Little Bridge is riding a three-race winning streak. That skein included the King’s Stand Stakes at Ascot and, as a result, a victory Sunday would give him the opportunity to earn the $1 million Global Sprint Challenge bonus should he return home to also take the Longines Hong Kong Sprint in December. Sunday is the Group 1 Premio Vittorio Di Capua at Milan, with 3-year-olds and up going one mile on the turf. News and notes: Trainer Peter Moody says Black Caviar will, indeed, return for fall racing in Australia. But he said the undefeated mare’s campaign — and its timing — remain undetermined. Consideration was given to retiring Black Caviar after her close victory in the Group 1 Diamond Jubilee Stakes at Royal Ascot that boosted her record to 22-0. Copyright 2012 by United Press International
New Pet Store First to Bring Eco-Friendly Dog Wash to Colorado New locally owned pet store, Paws & Tails will debut Colorado's only eco-friendly Anivac Animal Bathing System at its Grand Opening, Nov. 3, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. in the Arapahoe Lima Center, Englewood, Colo. Anivac’s bathing system uses 90% less water than traditional pet baths. Online PR News – 19-October-2012 –When the new locally owned pet store, Paws & Tails - A Premier Pet Place, opens this November, it will be the first retail location in Colorado to present the eco-friendly Anivac Animal Bathing System. The store opens Sat., Nov. 3, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. in the Arapahoe Lima Center, Englewood, Colo. The Grand Opening celebration includes events, gifts and prizes for dogs and owners, demonstrations of the Anivac system and interactions with representatives from some of the world’s best pet product brands. Anivac’s bathing system was developed and introduced in Canada. It uses 90% less water than traditional pet washes and allows bathing without a tub or stall. The vacuum-like device cleans the animal from the skin up, a different approach than other bathing systems, with the system’s nozzle sitting directly on the pet’s skin and cleaning the skin first, then releasing the dirt and cleaning solution up into the wand. This vacuuming action also pulls more water from the coat leaving the dog, and its owner, much drier and eliminating the need for forced-air drying. “I am thrilled that Paws & Tails will debut the Anivac Animal Bathing System in Colorado,” Dave Hachey, founder and owner of Ogena Solutions, the developers of the Anivac Bathing System. ”As a dog-friendly and eco-friendly state, it is the perfect location.” The 4,500sf store provides space for a wide range of premium pet food and safe toys, as well as a self-service bathing area featuring traditional and Anivac stations, a high-quality pet photography studio and a fully trained staff. ABOUT PAWS & TAILS Copyright 2013 Online PR Media | PO Box 5043 | La Quinta, CA 92248
Online Slot Machine The Big Heist is a fun and easy to play three reel online payline that you can play in denominations of $0.05, $0.25, $0.50, $1, and $5. The paytable for The Big Heist is displayed on the machine which makes it easy to see what all the winning combinations and payouts are. Big Heist also has a fun bonus feature called the Secret Safe Bonus. If you're able to crack the safe you will win the coins that are in the safe. Secret Safe Bonus Crack the safe and get big payouts when playing The Big Heist. If you get a safe dial symbol on the payline, you receive one click that is placed in the safe counter. In order to crack the safe, you must receive three safe dials on one spin or accumulate a total of 50 clicks in the safe counter. If you receive three safe dials on a spin, you will win ten times the amount of the secret safe bonus. The biggest secret safe bonuses come when you are playing with the maximum number If you exit the game- your safe counter will NOT be reset. When you re-open The Big Heist, you will have the same amount of clicks. However, the clicks in the safe-counter does not transfer from different game denominations. So if you have 25 clicks playing the $0.50 denomination and then change to the $1 denomination, your clicks don't carry over to the $1 machine. Playing The Big Heist is very easy. First you start out by adding credits to the machine by clicking on the chip denomination of your choice or by clicking on the coin slot on the machine. Clicking on the coin slot adds 1 coin every time that you click on it. The chip denominations that you have to choose from are $5, $25, or $100 and are located beneath the coin slot on the lower right hand side of the slot machine. just select the number of credits that you want to bet by clicking on the "Bet One" button. Each time you click it, it adds one to the amount you are betting. Then click the "Spin Reel" button You can also click "Play 3 Credits" to bet the max of 3 coins which will automatically spin the reels. The Big Heist is fun and easy slot game to play and you can play it at the Bodog Casino. You can try The Big Heist for free and when you are ready to play for real money, you'll get an instant 10% bonus credited to your account. Visit Bodog and play The Big Heist.
Well, I just had my first pint sample and it's definitely growing on me, though technically I did cheat. See, as I was scooping, I saw this great big puddle of salty swirl. I immediately scooped it up and gave my taste buds a nice caramel coating. The swirl is definitely salty, but salty like chips not salty like a salt lick. This trick helped cement the caramel flavor in my mind so that it carried through my entire serving, something that did not happen at the press release. Mmmm, this second scooping definitely went better, though I seem to be stuck with a bit of a salty chip aftertaste with a hint of caramel. Caramel? Check! Fudge Covered Potato Chips? Check! In case you haven't had a pint yet, here are the now infamous chip clusters up close and personal. In general, they are in a ball (bottom left), but opened up you can see they almost look like rice krispies. Now I love chips, all kinds, regular, baked, kettle, etc etc etc, but I just don't love these bits. Oh, they taste fine and are fairly crunchy, but to me they just can't match a chocolate covered pretzel... or even a chocolate covered waffle cone piece. Yes, it's tasty, and yes, it's unique, but no, it is not the end all, be all to me. To reiterate: Good job on this one. Our buddy John the flavor guru has made a nice edition to the Ben & Jerry's line up. It's a quality product that a lot of people should enjoy, but if I'm stuck on a desert island and I have to pick, I'm going with pretzels over chips --- though I am glad there is plenty of room on the cabinet shelf for both in my house. On second Second Scoop: Well, that pint didnt last long, but it's not like it's easy to share a pint with someone anyway. This is a fine flavor, but I definitely think the best bites are when you get plenty of caramel. Those are definitely my favorite scoops.
Google+ has made out to overtake major social networking sites suchlike Facebook across the past year and are rapidly turning an leading player in online communication. On a lot of features like to it from Facebook in addition to equally Twitter, Google checked as a few time in they’re seek to build up a social progra m that has quicker and easier than they’re two predecessors. Whenever you’ve been reflecting how to build up your Google+ following, appear no further. Here is a couple of simplistic tips to rapidly gain your clout and get into the faithful a lot of curious acquaintanceships and friends. Sounds simple, aright? Well, you’ll would like to rectify your research to let in people who is interested in the similar subjects and categories that you’re in regularise to gain greatest exposure as yourself and your site/business. Simply Login to your Google+ Account and Choosing the Circles tab and clicking on Find People button. You will be able to quick find out similar individuals to add together to your circles. You’ll be able to as well use existing email contacts to detect possible contacts; only import your e-mail list into Google Plus to assure everybody who presently are signed. You’ll be able to likewise ask for those who haven’t connected to sign up. Bringing back the Follow Favour You’ll accept most expected assured individuals add together you to their Google Plus circles as different reasons. Perhaps you’ve friends in mutual or maybe you’ve alike interest. Whatsoever the reason out, they’re all of the time an beneficial thought to bring back the favour from following them as well. Returning the Follow Favour This isn’t just well-mannered simply it will as well extend your poke amongst those therein individuals circles who could likewise to share similar interests with you. Those who don’t comeback the privilege could detect that the people who’ve followed it will continue to unfollow them in the future. Add Share Buttons in Your Website/Blog This is the best and the coolest way to increase the Google+ Follower’s that adding the Google+ Button in your site. Visitor’s who reach in your site will read your site and also wish to follow you on Google+.
As a long time season pass holder I decided to forfeit that option in 2007-08 because of a few recent unhappy years at Apex. I did buy a day pass yesterday and on my way to the lift line people told me not to ski the "quad" as it had been breaking down frequently over the last couple of days with waits on the lift (in the wind) of over 30 minutes. Sure enough, on arrival in the lift line - the chairlift stopped. Customers were left with the option to ski down to the only other lift that would get them back to the parking lot (with waits of over 30 minutes in line) or hike back up the mountain. I climbed - and went to look for my my money back for a ticket that I did not use. "Not our policy" was the response! I now know why it will never be my policy to spend another nickel at this sorry state of a ski resort. They are not user friendly and my advice would be to ski elsewhere - who needs this?
An effort to legalize gay marriage in Hawaii is likely on hold until next year after lawmakers failed to take action on the measure. Thursday was the deadline for the Hawaii State Legislature to schedule hearings for all bills referred to two committees. The Hawaii House Judiciary Committee decided against hearing a proposed marriage equality bill, HB1109. The committee chairman told reporters that there is insufficient support on the panel to advance the measure to the House, according to the Star Hawaii United for Marriage pledged to increase its resolve over the next year. “In Hawaii, respect for ohana is fundamental, and Hawaii United for Marriage is resolute in our mission to win marriage equality in our state,” the group said in a statement. “We commit today to expanding the conversation, strengthening our coalition and uniting the people of Hawaii behind the vision that all families – gay or straight – should receive equal treatment under the law. We look forward to continuing our mission to ensure passage of the bill.” “We thank President Obama, Hawaii's Congressional delegation, Governor Abercrombie, Mayor Caldwell, our allies in the Legislature, and the thousands of supporters who took action and spoke out for fairness.” “Today is not the end of our work; it is merely a continuation of the struggle that started 20 years ago when Hawaii took its first steps on a long journey toward equal treatment for same-sex couples, sparking a nationwide (and worldwide) push for marriage equality.”
I am trying to install OpenACS 4 and it ns_xml module of aolserver. I got the ns_xml code from its version 1.4 Now since i use ximian gnome the libxml has been changed. make had en error that it cant find the xml headers. I made a soft link to the gnome xml headers: <aolserver src>/include/libxml -> /usr/include/gnome-xml/ make still could not continue but hey it now gets the xml headers i made a small progress. But i still can finish it. Here the code: gcc -I../aolserver/include -D_REENTRANT=1 -DNDEBUG=1 -g -fPIC -Wall -Wno-unused -mcpu=i686 -DHAVE_CMMSG=1 -DUSE_FIONREAD=1 -DHAVE_COND_EINTR=1 -c -o ns_xml.o ns_xml.c ns_xml.c: In function `xml_node_command': ns_xml.c:1133: structure has no member named `children' ns_xml.c: In function `Ns_ModuleInit': ns_xml.c:1510: warning: implicit declaration of function `xmlMemSetup' ns_xml.c:1510: `xmlFreeFunc' undeclared (first use in this function) ns_xml.c:1510: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once ns_xml.c:1510: for each function it appears in.) ns_xml.c:1510: parse error before `ns_free' ns_xml.c:1519: warning: implicit declaration of function `xmlInitParser' make: *** [ns_xml.o] Error 1 I looked at the nsxml.c source saw where it is but cant solve it. Besides I maybe just using a broken nsxml.c Can someone help me?
11-12-2000, 07:19 PM Ok. So when calling glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS), GL_NV_fence is returned as a supported extension within the string. YET NO FUNCTIONS TO USE IT! glSetFenceNV? Forget it. I even checked using objdump to list dynamic syms in libGL.so and libGLcore.so. NOTHING. What's the deal? If any nvidia developers happen to read this, I've tried the email approach and got nothing. I'd appricate it if you'd tell me why the drivers for my $300 video card tell me I have an extension that I can't use. A simple "We fudged up, fixed in next release" will do just fine. Just let me know what has happened and what will be done about it. That's all I ask! It's not too much!
Alright, I think I've got it!!! I have a light vector that is from a light source to a vertex that has been tranformed to eye space. Now, if I multiply this vector by the inverse modelview matrix, I get the vector in object space right? Now here's what I'm thinking...The inverse of a matrix that has only been rigidly transformed (ie no scales or skews), is just the transpose of itself (I read it in a math book at least .) Now, is it the same if the matrix has been translated? Or does the translation somehow throw off the inverse calcs? The thing is, I have a bump-mapping algorithm that works well if a light position and three vertices are passed in. The trouble comes when I try to bump map only knowing a vertex, its normal, and a light position. I'd love to use the alg I already have (which requires three vertices), but my boss wants the alg to work if only one vertex can be known at any given time . I'd appreciate any help. [This message has been edited by yoale (edited 05-05-2003).]
Full Accoyo Boys Now Standing In New Mexico! Coming home just in time for Spring 2012 breeding season we welcome our 2 Full Accoyo Herdsires. Peruvian Accoyo Cannonball An Accoyo Express son, that has already sired 2 very RARE full Accoyo Patterned cria! Cannon throws tons of color into his cria! Full accoyo Tin's Orlando a Beige son of PRA Accoyo Armando He took 4th in his only show in a class of 14! The best part is these boys can be bred to any Royal Fawn, Caligula, Amedeaus girls as they have NONE of that breeding. Perfect outcross! Book your breedings today special introductory fee 300.00!! Female Cria Guarantee!!! Four Corners Alpacas is located in NW New Mexico 30 miles from the Colo border. We are in the Four Corners Region which makes us very close to AZ, Utah, & Colo. We specialize in breeding gray & black Peruvian accoyos. We offer Herdsire services, brokering services, boarding, local shipping. But most of all we offer superior customer service. We are committed to raising healthy friendly alpacas, with our hands on approach. The sun shines here in sunny New Mexico 350 days a year, the perfect recipe for strong healthy alpacas. My favorite thing to do is sit on the porch in the evening and watch the "pacas" in the field. We extend an invitation to anyone who has stress in their lives, to come set a spell and watch alpacas in the field at sunset; it will change your life forever. Give us a call or just drop by for a visit.
One of the reasons we say that the Hester Street Fair is like no other in New York is, first and foremost, because they call upon their neighbors to make something new happen every week! Their rotating roster of vintage, food, and work alongside their mainstays to give you a fresh selection from week to week – and this weekend, they’ve all pulled together to work with a theme we can all get behind: moms! In honor of all the women in our lives, the fair is hosting the Susan G. Komen Foundation's Bake for Hope sale , a nation wide bake sale that works from coast to coast to raise money for breast cancer research. Many of our vendors will be donating proceeds and creating products just for the big day. Some special things to look out for are DB Sweets’ special pink cupcakes (donated to the bake off), La Newyorkina’s ultra popular popsicles will come in Guava (with proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen Fund), and Pain D'Avignon is baking a special pecan Cranberry Chocolate bread just for mom. Check out some of the other new vendors the Fair’s got in store this weekend, and our photos from what we spotted there last week! --Come get a special edition Mother's Day card from adorable stationery-makers Pumpkin and Bunny --If you're looking for the perfect treat for mom, DB Sweets Custom Crafted Cakes will be making special buttercream-frosted cupcakes for Mother's Day. Even sweeter? They will be donating funds to Bake for Hope in support of a cure for breast cancer. --At HSF throughout the season, Maggie Feuchter will offer beautiful, one-of-a-kind ceramics beginning this weekend. --Attention all vintage hounds! D'Anne Dupree will be bringing her fantastic collection of pre-loved duds for the picking-through! --Local artist Peter Sutherland will be selling outdoors-inspired prints and t-shirts as part of his project Smoke Bath , an organization that showcases nature-themed art and donates its entire proceeds to the Fresh Air Fund make the weekend tastier with their Sicilian risotto croquettes in a number of special varieties, including broccoli/bescamel, shrimp/saffron, 3 cheeses, and a sweet rice ball stuffed with nutella. And stay tuned... HSF will soon be partnering with The New Museum to offer very special art events over the weekend. But for now, admission to the museum is free this Sunday for moms! hester street fair
Frame: Skin and red zylonite. Eye: 57. D.B.L.: 14. Temple: 135. (SKU: 10075650 | GID: 11036) Sorry, this product is back order.Want to keep an eye on this product? Sign up for the OC Stock Notifier! In collaboration with iconoclastic American designer Jeremy Scott, Linda Farrow Vintage continues its partnerships this Spring with an array of unparalleled eyewear.
[Date Prev][Date Next] memory leak problem. Good day. My problem is now with the openldap api. Even when I call ldap_init and immediately ldap_unbind, I get the following memory leaks with mtrace. I'm using openldap-2.0.23 and redhat-6.2. Memory not freed: Address Size Caller 0x080b8848 0x28 at /home/ldap/openldap/openldap-2.0.23/libraries/liblber/memory.c:277 0x080b8878 0x5 at /home/ldap/openldap/openldap-2.0.23/libraries/liblber/memory.c:227 0x080b8888 0xa at /home/ldap/openldap/openldap-2.0.23/libraries/liblber/memory.c:227 0x080b8898 0x1 at /home/ldap/openldap/openldap-2.0.23/libraries/liblber/memory.c:227 Why is this happening? Am I leaving out something else for freeing?.
[Date Prev][Date Next] Re: OpenLDAP in large environment --On Thursday, December 09, 2004 11:53 AM +0930 [email protected] Thanks for the RAM suggestion. I have already been through the pages you mentioned on your site and have shamelessly borrowed some of the configuration options mentioned :o) Did you have any problems with regards to interoperability with client programs and OpenLDAP 2.2.19?? (Courier-Imap seemed to be causing some issues although that software has been a problem child of late anyways so it might just be a courier problem). There are a variety of client programs that quite frankly have not kept up with the times as far as the LDAP protocol is concerned, and only understand V2 binds & username/password to connect, which in Stanford's environment, at least, presents a significant problem given our security requirements (no passwords being in the directory DB being one). I've not used courier IMAP (we use Cyrus-IMAPD and sendmail for our mail systems, with a look towards postfix in the near future to replace Did you have to do any management of the BDB backend using the BDB tools?? The most painful part of OpenLDAP 2.2 (having moved from 2.0) is having to manage the BDB side of things as well as the LDAP side of things. I have also found that openldap rpms bundle and complie its own BDB software into the ldap package and do not use the system librabries for bdb. In OpenLDAP 2.2.19 the BDB is 4.3 whereas the latest rpm version available is only bdb 4.2 so system utility files such as db_stat do not work (as they are 4.2 versions and the database is 4.3). Other than doing the initial proper configuration of BDB, no, I don't really have to do anything with the BDB side of things. I'll note that BDB 4.3.21 is not a release I'd recommend using, and there is no issue using BDB 4.2 with OpenLDAP 2.2.19. If you are wanting to use packages that others create, rather than do the compiling, etc, yourself, then I suggest going with a product like CDS from Symas corporation (http://www.symas.com) where you can get support along with it. I routinely build Stanford's OpenLDAP distribution (and the underlying software pieces), keeping them up to date, and applying patches that aren't necessarily in the releases, but this does consume a fair chunk of time for tracking everything as well as testing the new compiles, etc. Might have to move away from rpms. Here is a copy of our slapd.conf and DB_CONFIG just for your info. If you can see any glaring stuff ups or would like to offer any opinions please let me know. I doubt that you want 64 threads. The more threads you have, the worse your performance will get after a certain point. I've so far not seen any need to go past the default under linux (16), and on Solaris the max I use It is generally a good idea to enforce schema checking. This depends in part entirely on what you think the active set of entries in your cache will be. Probably reasonable for a start. # checkpoint 1024 5 Checkpointing is a plus, I suggest enabling it. ;) I run with loglevel 256. I found that on linux, using asynchronous syslog, there was no noticeable difference between loglevel 256 and loglevel 0. See "man syslog.conf", and the "-" symbol. I've never used the above setting, so can't comment there. set_cachesize 0 52428800 0 a 50MB cache is probably small for a database the size of which you are talking, but your indices don't look very complex. I would suggest getting an idea of how long slapadd takes at various DB Cache sizes. If you get to a point where it doesn't make a difference, you've found the size of your current DB. You then want to allocate over that for growth. ;) # Automatically remove log files that are no longer needed. # Just use these settings when doing slapadd... # set_flags DB_TXN_NOSYNC # set_flags DB_TXN_NOT_DURABLE This is probably getting off topic for the list though, so if you want to follow up directly, that is fine. Principal Software Developer GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html
El Paso Water Utilities-Public Svc Board A special interest's lobbying activity may go up or down over time, depending on how much attention the federal government is giving their issues. Particularly active clients often retain multiple lobbying firms, each with a team of lobbyists, to press their case for them. Total Lobbying Expenditures: $144,000 Subtotal for Parent El Paso Water Utilities-Public Svc Board: $144,000 |Firms Hired||Total Reported by Filer||Reported Contract Expenses (included in Total Reported by Filer)| |El Paso Water Utilities-Public Svc Board||$144,000||-| |Murray, Scheer, et al||-||$144,000| NOTE: All lobbying expenditures on this page come from the Senate Office of Public Records. Data for the most recent year was downloaded on April 29, 2013. Feel free to distribute or cite this material, but please credit the Center for Responsive Politics. For permission to reprint for commercial uses, such as textbooks, contact the Center.
Female Donors Spent Big Backing Women Vote! Super PAC In August That's significant, considering that only a handful of major political donors are female, according to Center for Responsive Politics research. When it comes to super PACs, hardly any women have contributed that much. The group's independent expenditures are fairly evenly split between ads opposing Republican candidates (former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, now running for that state's Senate seat, was the biggest target) and those supporting nine female Democratic congressional candidates. But in August, Barbara Stiefel, a Florida philanthropist who had previously donated $1 million to Priorities USA, the super PAC backing President Barack Obama, wrote a $250,000 check to Women Vote! Laura Ricketts, a co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, gave $200,000; if that name sounds familiar, it's because her father, Joe Ricketts, the founder of TD Ameritrade, made headlines earlier this year when it was reported that his own outside spending group, the Ending Spending Fund, was considering launching a major campaign against Obama. New York City philanthropist Shelley Rubin also gave $150,000 last month, and two other women -- Mitzi Henderson and Barbara Fish Lee -- gave $100,000 apiece.
Portraits of the songwriting process in elementary classrooms Abstract (Summary)Title from document title page. Document formatted into pages; contains viii, 159 p. : ill. (some col.), music. Includes fifteen songs in the mp3 format. Vita. Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 135-142). School:West Virginia University School Location:USA - West Virginia Source Type:Master's Thesis Date of Publication:
1) We check-in all patients at 7:30am. We have a very strict surgical schedule that must be followed so it is very important that you arrive on time. If you are late we may need to re-schedule your appointment. 2) Plan to be here 20-30 minutes in the morning. 3) When you arrive please leave your pet in the car and come inside first to complete the required paperwork and pay for services. We accept cash, debit or credit card. 4) You will be asked for your Eligibility Verification and applicable vaccination records (see below). 5) When your paperwork is completed we will ask you to bring your pet in. 6) Our veterinarian will perform a pre-operative physical examination to make sure that your pet is a good candidate for surgery. If your pet is too fractious to handle, a physical exam will be performed under anesthesia. If your pet is showing signs of illness or if there are any concerns (such as a heart murmur, severe upper respiratory infection, obesity, food in stomach) we may refuse surgery if we feel surgery is a health risk. 7) Please note that in the rare event of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies at the clinic there may be a longer wait at check-in or your petís surgery may need to be rescheduled. 2) You must pay for services at check-in. We accept cash, credit or debit card (no personal check). 3) Cats must be in a clean pet carrier commercially manufactured for the purpose of transporting felines with a secured door. We DO NOT ACCEPT animals in cardboard boxes, plastic totes, laundry baskets, or other non-standard or homemade devices. 4) Do not put multiple cats in one carrier. Your pet needs to be able to lie down comfortably in the carrier after surgery. Your pet may be agitated or aggressive when they go home due to the after-effects of anesthesia. Cats that routinely get along well may not be tolerant of each other in the immediate post-operative period. 5) If you have multiple cats in one carrier when you arrive, you will be asked to transfer your cat(s) to one of our cardboard carriers to go home ($5.00 each). 6) If your pet has current vaccination records please bring them. If your pet has a current rabies vaccine, we need to see proof (actual rabies certificate).
The costs of conflict between companies and communities, workers, or other local stakeholders can be significant, though they may be overlooked or not identified as such. These costs can potentially fall in a range of categories: Lost Productivity can occur from a forced shutdown or partial disruption of operations; subcontractor and supplier costs from delays; foregone opportunities for future expansion; opportunity cost of staff time required to managing the dispute; delays in deliveries/supplies; and greater regulatory scrutiny. Capital Losses can result if a conflict damages property or otherwise decreases property value or forces a sale. The conflict may also make it harder to retain existing lenders, raise new equity capital, or maintain share value. Reputational Risks may result in higher expenditures on public relations to counter negative information; market share losses through impacts on brand; and declining investor confidence. Personnel Costs may take the form of hiring specialized staff dedicated to conflict management; low morale, absenteeism and stress-related effects; work stoppages or slowdown; higher cost compensation packages for new hires and retention. Redress Costs include court-ordered payments and fines; court administrative costs, and legal fees. Security Costs may increase due to contracting for additional security services, installing monitoring and security fences, and enhancing training programs. Insurance-Related Costs may increase due to higher premium charges, higher deductibles, or reduced coverage.
We propose a method for analyzing both theoretically and experimentally the behavior of the phase of the waves diffracted by gratings. The method is applied to the study of resonance phenomena. It is used for determining the optogeometrical parameters of a metallic grating. We show that the experimental setup, which is insensitive to mechanical drifts or thermal fluctuations, can be used for sensing purposes. © 2001 Optical Society of America [Optical Society of America ] Nathalie Destouches, Hugues Giovannini, and Michel Lequime, "Interferometric Measurement of the Phase of Diffracted Waves Near the Plasmon Resonances of Metallic Gratings," Appl. Opt. 40, 5575-5582 (2001)
The generation of programmable multiwavelength pulses based on the self-frequency shift of a Raman soliton is demonstrated. The approach produces tunable multiwavelength picosecond pulses. Only select multiwavelength signals with a tuning range of approximately 50 nm are generated with a repetition rate of 9.95 GHz at each wavelength channel. A bit error rate (BER) of better than 1 × 10−9 was successfully obtained for all the measured multiwavelength Raman soliton pulses. Furthermore, it was found that the signal has an excellent relative intensity noise (RIN) of better than −135.5 dBc/Hz. The BER and RIN measurements show that the frequency-shifted Raman soliton pulses are promising for use in measurement systems, optical gating, signal processing, and wavelength routing optical packet networks with the ability to provide 1:1 communication and 1:N multicasting. © 2004 Optical Society of America Masao Kato, Kazuo Fujiura, and Takashi Kurihara, "Programmable Select Multiwavelength Gigahertz Raman Soliton Pulse Generation," Appl. Opt. 43, 5481-5488 (2004)
We report and correct a couple of notation errors in our article. The superscript denoting the n-th guess solution in our iterative scheme is missing in two equations in the final published paper. © 2013 OSA Original Manuscript: February 26, 2013 Published: February 28, 2013 Kedar Khare, P. T. Samsheer Ali, and Joby Joseph, "Single shot high resolution digital holography: Erratum," Opt. Express 21, 5634-5634 (2013) |Alert me when this paper is cited| OSA is able to provide readers links to articles that cite this paper by participating in CrossRef's Cited-By Linking service. CrossRef includes content from more than 3000 publishers and societies. In addition to listing OSA journal articles that cite this paper, citing articles from other participating publishers will also be listed.
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There are currently 0 users online. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 11:16 I have left AA 3 times and each time I have gone back to destructive drinking. This last time I was very clear that the confusion I was experiencing was from AA and the problems that the steppers and all their drama were causing me in my life was the reason I wanted as far away from AA and my so called stepper friends as possible. The logical place to go was the bar as the alcohol temporarily relieved my stress and anxiety and there were many people at the bar I could talk with to process through all my problems. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 11:22 I had several stints with AA - the longest lasting over 4 years. My problem was that AA builds up the idea that you are either in meetings or out drinking yourself to death. They don't promote any alternative. My problem was I could no longer stand the same people saying the same things over and over again - it became torture. Over the years I have met many people who went back to drinking. When you knew them from AA they automatically assume you are still going and become slightly apologetic, so it is never long before the reason for leaving surfaces. 9 out of 10 (roughly...lol) said it was for the complete boredom and nothing happening. And the vast majority of these didn't have glaring character defects - they just drank too much. God damn it, get me a whiskey Bill W, Deathbed Fri, 04/20/2012 - 11:42 I guess I could never "blame" AA for going back out and drinking. Just because a person might be bored with AA doesn't mean they have to go back to drinking. I also don't automatically conclude that someone "went back out" if I don't see them around the halls anymore. I don't think it is up to AA to "promote" alternatives and anyone looking for one has the same ability as I do to look on the net. AA isn't unhappy with you; if you are unhappy with AA, find something else. Rational Recovery has a zero tolerance/no relapse policy. Don't expect to be welcomed back. Not sure about SMART, but I do know that AA will welcome anyone back that wants to come and try again. And if you don't want to, that is fine, too. No one says that just because you leave, the only choice is to drink. Maybe people have gotten what they needed and moved on with life. Remember Christopher Stevens when you vote. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:33 When I said "alternatives" I didn't mean alternative programs. I just meant that in AA's eyes you are either going to meetings or drinking. They have invented the "dry-drunk" scenario to cover the fact that people had been seen leaving AA and not drinking. Have you ever noticed that someone who leaves and drinks seems more respectable than someone who leaves and doesn't drink, ie a dry-drunk? Strange situation for a non-drinking organisation. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:41 What people tend to mean on this forum about AA and alternative are other options. Don't read more into something just because you want to start something. It isn't necessary. I have also never been told that if you aren't in a meeting, you are drinking. You could be going to a meeting somewhere else. It's been my experience that if you've gone back out, people know it. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 19:22 Or that you were never a "real" alcoholic, if you leave. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 11:53 Getting ‘bored’ with AA isn’t usually the main problem with it, as you would know if you have ever bothered to read and try to understand the testimony of many people here. Clara, I’m getting a bit confused about you wrt AA. A couple of weeks ago you said that you no longer go to meetings (and therefore are not actually a member of AA) except for those occasions when your husband asks you to go and ‘support’ him. But you seem to be talking now as if you still are a member. But good for you for keeping yourself sober and law-abiding without meetings - probably the best way to do it. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:01 I still consider myself to be part of the herd. I have a large support group of friends in MB that are members, and my husband and I still do our morning readings, which include meditations from many sources. I was referring to Ben's post where he indicated that many left because they were bored. I know other people that feel that they just outgrew the need for it. I have never bought into the notion that when and if people left, the only other choice was to drink. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:25 So you agree that attendance at AA isn't necessary for sobriety - that's good. And you consider that there's such thing as AA membership by proxy? If you hang out with and talk to AA members, you can still consider yourself a member? So presumably anyone else who leaves AA, like you have, can still consider themselves to be members? Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:35 HS, you like to project onto me when I never said things like this. You know very well that I still go to meetings, just not with the regularity I had in the past. I would still be going to those meetings if I were in MB. I consider these people to be my friends as well as fellows. I don't consider myself to have "left." We also go to meetings when we travel, as indicated by recent visits to Ruidoso and Florida. Having said this, if I had moved to EP with very little time in grade, so to speak, it might well be a problem for me. If you are in AA, I think meetings are an important part of it, especially in new sobriety. But boredom hasn't entered into it for me. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 13:26 . .. not projecting anything. I don't know anything about you 'very well' because the story sems to change so often (as with your referring to yourself as an 'Irish alkie' once, which you then denied). So you *would* still be going to meetings if you lived in a different place and the meetings were more to your liking? "I would" is not the same as "I do" (as Hamlet once said, but expressed much better). Sounds like an excuse not to put in the work to me. I have no idea where EP is or what it stands for, but I did see some of your posts objecting to the class of people who attend meetings there. Why don't you set up your own AA group in the area for alcoholics only? Then you could attend more regularly and become a proper active member again, and help your fellow alcoholics in that way. (Because you certainly aren't helping anyone by spending all your time posting here.) Fri, 04/20/2012 - 13:36 I wish you could find that because it would not be usual way for me to describe myself. I referred to an Irish great-grandmother in a few posts. It would also be irregular for me to use the term "alkie." They often say that where you got sober stays a special place to you. MB is that way for me. I do not object to the clas of people attending the meetings here. I object to the lack of singleness of purpose. EP stands for EL Paso. It is on the Mexican border. "Proper active member" is subjective. Why would you care? Who is anyone to dictate who should be here or not? What is your purpose? Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:04 Just driven back from wales with a group of people who had all been through AA and left because they thought it was sick, useless shit. We had many years between us and none had relapsed since leaving. We have all had one on one help that was was not 12 step based and are all pretty down to earth. It was great to see and be part of. We had all been to a great wedding at the coast where there had been a full on party with loads of musicians from the 70's and had a great time. I even enjoyed the church bit, Probably because it half in welsh and I could not understand it so spent the time looking at the beautiful surroundings. I always think that AA and the depressed characters that hang out there drags you down. Many program themselves to fail . There are so many other ways that are much more positive and yet many just assume AA is the answer and don't bother to look for alternatives. This is not really surprising considering the brainwashing bullshit that you get subjected to as a newcomer. I remember taking all the relapse talk stuff seriously, and that makes it hard to leave after you have been told the same old rubbish over and over about not going to meetings. Leaving that behind was the best thing my friends and myself have done. I do blame AA and the way it has retarded recovery for the fact that so few manage to change. There is is the potential for so much harm by those nutters with thir made up religon and stupid dogma for the unwary. I am not surprised that some go on a binge after being driven mad by step 4 etc to escape that crap. I never have to hear chapter 5 or those stupid little slogans again. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 13:09 And that is exactly the point, mfc. It’s not just that AA fails to offer any credible program for stopping drinking, but it piles a whole lot of shit and unnecessary stress on people that makes relapse so much, much more likely. It’s downright destructive, self-defeating and unhealthy. I would go so far as to say that it is exactly the worst environment for people who want – or need – to get sober. For example, how was giving my partner a load of grief for not praying to a god he didn’t believe in, and threatening that if he didn’t convert to the 12-step religion he would inevitably fail, supposed to help in any way? It is almost criminally irresponsible when a person’s very life is at stake. The main problem with this whole movement, I suppose, (or one of the many serious problems) is that it does not encourage people to just give themselves a big pat on the back for getting themselves off the booze and encourage them to get on with living their lives without drinking. Seems to me that AA members are continuously being dragged back and down into the mindset they were in when they were still drinking and in active addiction, and made to feel constantly guilty about things that are in the past (whether that person necessarily has much to feel guilty about or not). No-one is just congratulated for making the effort to stop and encouraged to move on. Back to the main post: I have sometimes said, not entirely in jest, that some of the shit that goes on in AA would be enough to drive the most abstemious person to drink. It is completely understandable that, if people have been convinced that it’s either the crap that goes on in AA or drinking again (and this is an idea that AA actively promotes), drinking again – with all the danger and problems that goes with it – might just seem like the better alternative at times. (Glad you had a good time in Wales, btw! I love the place, and spent much of my childhood there. Sadly when my dad died a couple of years ago the house had to be sold, but I still have a couple of siblings living in the area and it still feels like ‘home’.) Fri, 04/20/2012 - 13:31 HS, it was pretty clear to me that there were religious overtones to AA. I do know atheists in the program that fare well, but I don't get why people go there, see that for themselves since the steps are on the wall... yet they stay. Why not just go and find something more for your liking? And there are plenty of people that drinking didn't destroy their lives and leave them with 30 million amends to make. If you don't have any, you don't have any. My amends were to my family for not being the type of daughter I should have been. They worried about me and knew more about my life than I thought they did. While it might not be considered "harm," I wish it hadn't impacted them as it did. The key was to do better and not to repeat that. I felt positive and empowered about AA. Our focus was gratitude. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 14:00 The reason why people stay, Clara is because they have been led to believe that AA and the 12 step program is supposed to be about helping them to stop drinking, rather than its being a religious program that recruits from alcoholics and addicts. If the real agenda of AA was more generally known, I'm sure far fewer people would approach it expecting help. But AA goes on to deliberately conflate commitment to the 12-step religion with a person's commitment to stopping drinking and then go on to try to convince people that if they do not conform, they will inevitably fail. Which is, IMO,a wholly cynical and unjustifiable thing to do to people who have just made massive strides in helping themselves. You clearly believe that the only thing that is stopping you from drinking again, from driving drunk, from shitting on your family, etc. is your adherence to the 12 step faith. If that is what it takes for you, that's fine. But please have the honesty to admit that you are one of a tiny minority that AA has 'worked for' (so far), and it is a matter of faith, not fact. If you are really concerned about helping alcoholics, and in the face of all the evidence, you would be trying to steer them away from AA and towards something more effective and less likely to end in failure. But it seems to me that the AA members (or ex-members, like you and becket) who post on here are really not all that concerned about alcoholics or the problem of alcoholism in any serious way at all. This is a serious matter - it is much too serious for it to be dominated any longer by a wacky religious movement like AA. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 14:13 You assume alot, HS. I don't drink because I am a changed person through AA. From what what I gather from your posts, your partner was in the fellowship. So what is your dog in the fight? I don't consider myself an ex-AA at all, and if I had experience with the alternatives, perhaps I would steer someone there. If someone isn't happy in AA, I don't have a problem at all if they check into something else. Where you get your sobriety is a matter of what works for you. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:06 As I know now that I can remain abstinent without being in a religious cult or any program for that matter. Abstinence is the goal not religious conversion. I would not have had any problem with staying abstinent and being a part of AA if I could find one person over the years who could show me in their everyday life what they were preaching at AA meetings. I met more confused and messed up people in AA to last me three lifetimes. Black and white thinking is real and AA does a very good job creating an environment where it flourishes. If you do not go to AA you will drink simple message that gets heard constantly from anyone going into that cult. Add that to the sexual and financial predators that I personally experienced and "hell yes, I'll have a beer." Plus I had a huge desire to spend time with some "normies" just to see if they had any integrity which I was looking for and not finding in AA. Persephone In Exile Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:27 Well, goals are good to have. Much better, IMO, than day to day living. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:52 Just for you PIE - The best history lesson I've ever seen. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 13:25 Thanks, Ben! This guy is a riot! Much more entertaining than David Starkey. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:40 at first AA was fun, like watching a sideshow circus with real freaks, then it became uninteresting , just a revolving door of unhappy people. When the group think starts to take over and you start spouting slogans you notice your beginning to become one of them and you split .. One of us, one of us.. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:57 Dunno, Dorak. Ive seen people whose lives have been transformed for the better. If the people had been so unhappy, I wouldn't have been able to stay. I saw progress and change, which is what I wanted for myself. Eventually, it felt more like going and hanging out with friends. But if you are done with it, that's fine, too. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 13:21 for the 5 percent of people it works for it can really make a difference, for the rest of us it's a very frustrating program. Yes I am terminally unique. Becoming a religious nut in order to quit drinking wasn't the solution. Sat, 01/05/2013 - 06:57 Fri, 04/20/2012 - 14:08 msafrany you have just described a simple program Fri, 04/20/2012 - 14:40 Of course people relapse to escape the cult. Of course they do. They are only given 2 options: stay in the cult forever and ever, or drink and die. Nobody ever tells them they can just not drink. So they they do the only other thing they know which is to drink. And it's understandable, after watching all those people trapped in character defects, often probably only induced by AA, for years and years and on to decades. Sick people getting sicker and more entrenched in it. Hearing the same stories repeated all the time. Being told there is no other way day in and day out. Like HS said, the crazy making from most of those people is enough to make anybody drink. Yes, msfrany, great description, it's enough to keep you off kilter all the time, isn't it? Troll free AA critical forumhttp://www.expaa.org/ "The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it." ~ Neil deGrasse Tyson Fri, 04/20/2012 - 19:36 i am so happy to have found this wonderful site. just a bunch of cool people who make it real. Fri, 04/20/2012 - 21:03 I have always been told that if I do not drink, I won't get drunk. I know alot of people in the fellowship that have beent here for decades and love it. They are not forced to be there or frightened NOT to be there. There must be some spooky AA meetings out there because I don't feel this way nor do countless others I know. We were there by choice because we were getting something positive from it. And contrary to what HS tries to sell, you are an AA if you say you are. It isn't determined by how many meetings you may or may not go to... Sat, 04/21/2012 - 12:47 clara you have convinced me that I should try AA again, you have made it sound wonderful, not spooky like i remember. now you can stop posting comments. how's that working for you? Sat, 04/21/2012 - 13:59 I am not trying to convince you of anything. I just find it ironic that while AA should be open to all, the Antis on the OPF say... they don't believe that of OPF. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 13:02 have always been told that if I do not drink, I won't get drunk. You actually need other people to tell you this. You seem mighty thick for someone who claims to hold a post graduate degree. They are not forced to be there or frightened NOT to be there. Psychic now are you? There must be some spooky AA meetings out there because I don't feel this way nor do countless others I know. Countless others? Fuck, you must go to a lot of meetings to know so many! We were there by choice because we were getting something positive from it. We? Or is it more like just you? And contrary to what HS tries to sell, you are an AA if you say you are. Yet you claim to NOT be in, or speak for, your beloved death worship cult. Which is it now clarietta? It isn't determined by how many meetings you may or may not go to... So if I go to none, I am still in aa, if I say I am? What a nonsensical statement troll. Go ahead, enjoy yourselves - it's getting late, much later than you think. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 14:03 Who says that I go to none? Anything to post, huh? Sat, 04/21/2012 - 15:21 Is here, real A.A groups don't like her any more than we do, for the same reasons, constitutionaly incapable of keeping her billshit straight. Besides the A.A she belongs to only exists in her head. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 15:39 Not true, Brett, but you keep on coming back. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 15:51 Ya got no other social life no friends, nothing, sad really but thats where A.A recoveryism takes ya. Get out in the real world & get a job. Sat, 01/05/2013 - 06:58 Sat, 04/21/2012 - 15:14 Of course they would complain! It's called rationalization. Why not just tell the truth and say they wanted to drink again? Sat, 04/21/2012 - 16:15 OMG Clara, is that really what it comes down to for you? Those depressed or having a problem with the program were actually just wanting to drink again? Sat, 04/21/2012 - 17:19 Not really, but what a better way than to blame everything on AA? AA MADE me drink. No, it didn't. If you have a problem with the program, don't want it or however you want to phrase it, you can just leave and go find something else. But nothing says that not liking AA and then going to drink has to be related. If recovery is what you want, you will find something else. I do know people that have done this. When they were asked about more in depth, they would agree they had been thinking of drinking for a while before they actually did. Scapegoating AA was just easy. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 17:47 It’s kinda hard to "just leave" the program Clara, when your constantly told that it would be death in one form or another if you did. I guess that you cannot comprehend what the repetitious slogans like, "work it or die", or "jails, institutions, or death", or this is the "only way", can do to a person. It’s fear. It would be understandable if there were only a handful of people in ones life saying this. It would be easier to break away. But it's practically all members in all the meetings. And of course, the docs and counselors all have the same attitude and aren't shy about saying it. I'm not even talking about being offered something else. I imagine that if my doctor told me that AA had a 5% success rate and so did quitting on my own, perhaps with loving family support, than I would have broke away a lot sooner. Especially with his support. He actually told me that I'd be found dead on the bottom of the stairs unless I went to meetings. AA was spoken about as if it were infallible and nothing else could help. If I had been told the truth those chapters of my life would have probably ended differently. Try and look at it from that pov, perhaps and maybe you will understand why people feel that they have to stay when they think it’s against their best interest. Truth about AA: http://orange-papers.org/menu1.html Expose AA: http://www.expaa.org/ Sat, 04/21/2012 - 18:10 I am thoroughly shocked and bewildered at the level of vulnerability and gullibility I'm finding on this forum. I'm not criticizing you, avogadno - your responses to what you were being told sound completely reasonable. I just never took anything so seriously (except childrearing, which I did by myself). “The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.” ― Christopher Hitchens, Letters to a Young Contrarian Sat, 04/21/2012 - 18:51 I'm curious how you can be "shocked and bewildered" by "completely reasonable" responses. Can you explain? "Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid." Sat, 04/21/2012 - 19:03 Becket, my guess is that most addicts are vulnerable and gullible. I feel stupid because for 5 years I never googled for alternative methods. I did search for some, but I never 'hit' anything but 12 step stuff. I had also isolated myself, drugging it up for many years. I didn't know shit about the computer. I sought out a doctor, and not only one. I'm not criticizing you either, but maybe you were "self centered". At least in the sense that you trusted yourself. I didn't. Initially, I was the last one I trusted to make a decisions about my well being. I was a cloud of confusion, my reality either being high or being in a state of panic to a state that I wasn't really rational or aware. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 23:48 In all fairness, I never went to rehab and I don't really know what they say there. I find fault with them for sending people to AA as a one size fits all situation because I believe AA's position on alcohol and wanting to work with one thing. I think it also adds to the confusion people have. Contrary to the argument that some on the board makes, it has nothing to do with image. I also went to my first AA meeting three weeks after stopping the drink and I wasn't white knuckling it. I viewed it all more as an assist to live sober than to quit drinking and to meet like minded people. And I've met some doozies that would be "deadly serious." While I understand that it surely can be that way, I made a move to some meetings that approached the situation with more levity. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 18:43 Well, that's fine, it just sounded like the things I heard early on in this whole mess. This idea that a refusal to go along with 12 step ideas and practices (like self-identification) somehow meant that one was "in denial" or some other such nonsense. They do also give a very strong sense that it's with us or against us, that if you're not all in then you're "back out" while telling people they have a disease they cannot control. It's a contradictory message, but it's also a harmful one. I find it a very bad thing to tell people they must take full responsibility while also filling their heads with ideas that they are biologically incapable of controlling themselves. How many people have relapsed due to this thinking on what would've been a minor slip that turns into a binge, if for no other reason than they felt they might as well go for it as they'd already had that "first drink"? I've talked to more alcoholics who've said this who finally moved on to not drinking at all--once they cleared their heads of this pass/fail form of black and white thinking. Yes, msafrany, I've read on many, many websites that every person who attends AA is unemployed and unemployable. Every single one of these poor bastards is overloading their livers and kidneys with every kind of medication from Prozac to Paxil to Protriptyline and, of course the young drunks are on Pediacare. They're each issued a snub nose .38 as soon as they come in the door in case they wig out and have to dispose of themselves or others. God has beaten them to a bloody pulp, even the ones who don't believe in God. Well by God, maybe now those bastards believe in Him. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 15:58 those young returnhab kids were mostly on seroquel, a fun drug if you like walking in cement. A chemical lobotomy followed by lots and lots of meetings.. Sat, 04/21/2012 - 16:12 LOL...there was so much seroquel at the rehab I was at (and not just for the kiddos) it was ridiculous. It wasn't hard to see why, either, as the pens were "Seroquel", as were the clipboards we were given to write on, and clocks on the wall (I'm not joking). That was the main division at rehab, not by what we were there for, but by who was willing to be drugged up on seroquel. The ones who were kept saying, "I love this stuff, it makes me not have to think." Sat, 04/21/2012 - 16:27 me too. hated that drug. I knew people who actually wanted to get high on seoquel, of course I knew others in returnhab that drank the hand sanitizer.
Originally Posted by razorwire77 You can tell he's completely healthy (maybe for the first time) in a Bronco uniform. I can't get over his game speed. I mean there's 4.3/4.4 speed in a controlled shorts and t-shirt environment that doesn't translate into game situations and then there are guys that have elite game speed too. Demaryius is a freak because he has elite WR game speed at 230 pounds. I remember that boomhuaher dude telling me he wasn't a 4.3 guy he was a 4.6 or 4.8.