Automedi is proud to join Business Declares and the fast growing network of businesses acknowledging the climate and ecological emergency, and are working diligently to mitigates the climate crisis and create adaptation mechanisms for the future. We started the company in 2020 and from day 1, we decided to build the organisation to lead the world in sustainability. Building the organisation on a vastly experienced team, that has delivered world leading innovation, tools and techniques, surpassing any other standard found in business or academia, we recognised there was no time and we had to go fast, even if we had to go alone. Since our inception, other organisations in public, private and third sectors have recognised the importance of climate action and how little is achieved just by talking. and with delighted to see that businesses are now taking steps not only to carry out the basics of ethical unsustainable business, but to work together, collaboratively, to develop new economies. Learning lessons from the past and consigning damaging socio-economics to historical legacy. Here, you’ll find out how we’re working to develop many of the tools of circularity and economic prosperity regardless of where in the world you are. Partners and customers can be confident that when they work with us, they get a transparent approach, that has no respect nor space for the damaging approaches that got the earth into this mess. to colleagues, friends and allies, Automedi is highly receptive to honest participation with SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals). Our sustainability charter is available on our website. Together with our sustainability reports and case studies. We are committed to delivering all our actions transparently, and where possible, in real time. This is a service that also comes with everything we do for our clients. We look forward to amplifying the voice of businesses across the UK, Europe and beyond. But make no mistake we must start now. We Don't Have Time ​ Ethar Alali – Founder & CEO April 2022 Energy Consumption Because our factories are distributed at the point of use, and not in one place, the amount of energy required per kg of plastics is much lower. Each automotive manufacturing appliance consumes only 0.92 kWh of power for every kg of plastics made. Compared to 22kWh for industrial appliances. Plastics Optimisation We engineer 3D printed products to offer the same mechanical performance as convention injection moulding & vacuum formed products from only 25% of the plastics. Meaning ever 1kg of captures plastics creates almost 4 times as many conventional recyclable items from the same amount of material. All at much lower energy. Transit Emissions Transit emissions are released when goods are transported around factories and estates or in cargo freight, across oceans, by air, road or rail. Automedi is located on site so requires no emissions for transit, but as a worst possible case, if a single Automedi machine is not heavily utilised but has been transported to the target site. We have included some figures for one machine amortised across a year. Economic Stability Automedi has been designed from the ground up to be used on-site. Its easy to use “vending machine” interface does not require training. Meaning communities and care facilities can start using it straight away. Whether in hospitals in the North of England, or disconnected communities in sub-Saharan Africa every community can participate in the health of the nation in very direct, economically prosperous ways. Carbon Reduction Automedi Recycles existing plastics into filament which is used in its 3D care printing network. The unique way Automedi deploys its circular economy (aka “helical economics”) moves towards less risky use-case as plastics age. Saving emissions from freight, high energy manufacturing, and disposal and also saves these emissions from future conventionally made items that would otherwise accumulate it next time. Automedi has the option of deploying with a first batch of recycled bioplastics, made from recycled food waste from agricultural supply chains. This seed material is then recycled within Automedi's circular economy as normal Sustainability Charter Automedi is committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our 2020 charter presents our commitments to civilisation, social good and the climate. Carbon Negation Each Automedi appliance offsets 1.9 tonnes of CO2 through the reductions in embodied carbon supply chain factors and a reduced energy consumption. ​ Carbon is saved through: ​ Preventing incineration Eradicating freight emissions Lower manufacturing emissions No separate heating or lighting emissions 1.9tonnes 5.1tonnes (average saving by cluster*) (per device equivalent) *average cluster size of 1 reclaimer and 2 nano machines In 2015, leaders from 193 countries around the world created a plan for a brand-new future. This plan was called the UN Global Compact on Sustainability and gave rise to 17 Sustainable Development Goals. ​ Download our sustainability charter to find out how Automedi is committed to creating a sustainable future Download Newsletter Join dozens of buyers and health organisations learning tips and tricks on sustainable practise by signing up to our monthly newsletter, featuring the best of the best Join Thanks for submitting! Get the Evidence Take a deep dive into the fundamentals of health-climate-economics which adds health-appropriate climate evaluation into traditional health-economic models and accounts for the lifecycle impact of interventions. Helping buy-better by accounting for systemic and cross-category risks from demand created by healthcare supply chains and services on itself. Download our Health-Climate-Economics paper Find out how to add climate criteria to your buying process for care products or commissioned services using our open-source health-climate-economic paper.
This pair of temporary tattoos from Tattly is designed by a real artist! Each tattoo lasts 2-4 days, and is made with safe, FDA-compliant vegetable-based inks.
Salem is perennially curious about the origins of shopworn shibboleths. Just the other day he was asking us if we knew how and why people so many people so readily assume cats love to play with balls of thread, twine, or yarn. He actually seemed a tad offended at the suggestion. We assured him we had no idea. If you do, please let us know in the Comments box below. Salem will be happy to have the mystery solved.
On Saturday 20 November 2021, Bishop Tom Deenihan celebrated the anniversary Mass for the anniversary of Frank Duff RIP in Saint Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Archdiocese of Dublin. Members of the Legion of Mary from throughout the country were in attendance and the Mass. During his homily, Bishop Deenihan said, “Frank Duff was, as you know, invited to attend part of the Second Vatican Council where he was accorded a standing ovation by the bishops of the world. Vatican II’s teaching on the Church, the lay apostolate, and the emphasis on the centrality of the vocation from baptism was in some way a confirmation of the work of Frank Duff and a vindication of the Legion of Mary. “That outward looking and missionary Church, typified by acts of outreach, charity and compassion is very much the model that Pope Francis has for the Church of today. Indeed, a recent article on the Legion of Mary in The Tablet said that the Legion of Mary, founded as it was one hundred years ago, prefigured many of the themes of Pope Francis’ pontificate. “The scope of the work extended from here to China, where the Legion was established and worked collaboratively with Columban missionaries. This was in keeping with Duff’s statement that the Legion was a priest’s organization, par excellence, and is, in fact, an extension of him.” Speaking on the importance of the work of the Legion today, Bishop Deenihan said, “It is, as I mentioned, one hundred years since the Legion was founded and forty one years since Frank Duff died. While these are short periods in human history and in our memories, much has also changed in these periods. “The sex workers of Dublin that the early Legion members assisted have now become the trafficked women from around the world who are sent to every Irish county, to be used and exploited. “The homeless we still have and those who have not come to know the joy and hope of the Gospel of Christ are still with us and are of all ages and are our colleagues, neighbours and relations.
An Expedition to the Arctic Refuge Derailed by Bad Weather Reminds Cairn Project Ambassador Emily Sullivan the Benefits of Slowing Down Photos and text by Emily Sullivan. “Flexibility is key in the Arctic.” Bush pilots Dirk and Danielle of Coyote Air, from Coldfoot, Alaska, say flexibility is key in this icy landscape. It certainly speaks to my experience while planning a trip in the far north this summer. I had mapped a 130-mile traverse of the central section of the Arctic Refuge, to be completed in one week. The route involved four days of hiking and three days of floating, and as the trip approached, I was anxious and excited for the challenges I would face. However, upon arrival to Coldfoot, I quickly found that my plans would be thwarted by unusually heavy rains in the Brooks Range. Not only could we not fly east for multiple days, the rivers in that direction were raging and unsafe for a solo float. In the spirit of flexibility, I chose to delay my trip, hoping that flooding would subside. Two weeks later, rivers had not gone down; in fact, they continued to rise. Dirk and Danielle offered to fly me west into Gates of the Arctic instead, as they already had other hikers to pick up in the Arrigetch Peaks area. Weather was better out west, and the Alatna river was high but safe. I struggled with the abandonment of my original plan: while I yearned to be easy and flexible, I felt disappointed. It can be hard, at times, to remember how small we are as humans and how insignificant our plans are against forces of nature. I knew that I was lucky to have the option to rearrange my trip, and very lucky that the flooding didn’t begin when I was already out in the Refuge alone. Still, I had been excited for the physical and navigational challenges of my original trip, as I would be traveling at a rapid pace through a trail-less area that sees very little visitation. The Arrigetch Peaks region didn’t quite allow me those challenges–it is a somewhat contained and commonly visited area for the region. A traverse could have been possible with more time or with partners, but I had only myself and only one week. So I let go of some of my personal expectations and tried to force myself to do two things I am not particularly good at: slow down and go with the flow. When the drone of Dirk’s plane finally faded into the clouds and left me in silence on the banks of the Alatna, I was immediately struck by how much time I had on my hands. I was fully and completely alone. I no longer had a mileage goal, and I had no epic route to complete in a certain amount of time. Instead, I had six days to spend however I pleased; a fact that at first felt more cumbersome than freeing. As days passed, I settled into myself, observing the change of seasons in the far north and slowing down to a degree that I had forgotten was possible. I meditated next to the most brilliant blue tarn I have ever laid eyes on, with granite spires towering above. I sat under a tarp in the rain and wind high on an alpine ridge, waiting out the weather, reading the words of an eastern philosopher, and laughing at the absurdity of my situation. I danced, alone–a ragged version of a ballet in the clouds. I let a lazy river choose my pace as I counted the raindrops merging with its surface. I spoke with birds and rocks and swayed with arctic poppies in the breeze. I wasn’t alone, as every little piece of the landscape became my friend. It occurred to me mid-trip, as I sat amid yellow-green marsh grasses, admiring their ability to bend with the breeze: perhaps being slow with the land is more important than I remembered. See, in recent years I have developed a bit of a fast-and-light mentality, pushing myself to go further faster in hopes of seeing as much as I possibly can. But as many of us move through the landscape with adrenaline and speed, do we forget to connect with the rocks and the birds and the blades of grass? My mind jumped to Mardy Murie, the grandmother of conservation and the original inspiration for my trip to the Arctic Refuge. She certainly wasn’t traveling fast and light over various passes day in and day out, covering 130 miles in a week. She and Olaus were base campers, staying in place while observing the land and its resident beings. Slowing down was cathartic. It was hard and lonely at first, but it eventually allowed me a new feeling of freedom. I experienced a contentment that was foreign but familiar–it permeated my being and made me smile. I soaked in the surrounding beauty until I felt so saturated I might burst. The quiet reminded of the reasons I originally became enamored with the outdoors and the far north. I spent time thinking, looking, listening, and appreciating the minutiae of the land. My time among the peaks was slow, warm, and filled with beauty. My time on the river allowed me a different type of freedom as I moved effortlessly through the landscape. The Alatna was calm and lazy and posed no threat to me as a solo boater as it allowed me a change of scenery. I paddled to stay warm when cold rain stung my face and fingers, or I sat in silence as it let up, watching mountains grow and shrink as I drifted around bend after bend. I camped for two nights at the confluence of the Alatna and Nahtuk Creek, drying gear and exploring my new surroundings. My bush pilot, Danielle, confided to me that this area was, to her, “the real Brooks Range.” It held a subtle beauty, less dramatic than the Arrigetch, but more similar to the quiet and humble peaks I am used to at home in the foothills of the Alaska Range. I felt a connection to this place, and as my trip wound down, my heart was torn by the simultaneous desire to stay forever and the desire to be amongst humans again. I still plan on returning to the Arctic Refuge to complete some version of my original trip, and I’m sure that I will still move fast and light on many of my backcountry trips. But for now, I am thankful for the reminder of how small I am, how insignificant my plans are. The reminder that farther and faster aren’t synonymous with better. The reminder that I still have an innate need to slow down and breathe; to take time to appreciate the beauty that I choose to immerse myself in; to remain flexible and optimistic, no matter how much a plan may be forced to change. This trip was a fundraiser for The Cairn Project, which is committed to getting teen and pre-teen girls into the outdoors through grants nationwide. The fundraiser was met with great success: in three weeks, donors raised ,000 towards The Cairn Project’s charitable programs! I’d like to extend a big thank you to all of my sponsors and supporters who made the trip possible. The companies who generously supported this trip are Alpacka Raft, Seek Outside, Werner Paddles, Kokatat USA, and Denali Mountain Works. Also, a huge thank you to Dirk and Danielle of Coyote Air–their kindness and flexibility will not be forgotten!
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With Layers of Learning geography you explore people, countries, languages, cultures, land forms, landmarks, and demographics all over the earth . . . in short, everything about the world as it is today. You research, question, create, and discover with hands-on activities from games to recipes to crafts and more. Try some now. Make Your Own Travel Brochure For Any Country Making your own travel brochures is a great way to have a place really stick in your mind. Explore the most interesting things you might see and include them all in your printable tri-fold brochure. Read More Make Your Own Indonesian Wayang Puppets Wayang shadow puppets have been used in Bali and Java for thousands of years to put on Wayang plays. Hang up a backlit bedsheet and use the printable puppets to create your own Wayang play as you learn about Southeast Asia. Read More Free Printable Russia Fact Book With Maps and More Learn all about Russia and show what you know in this free printable Russia Fact Book, from Layers of Learning Unit 3-10.
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Baking a cake if often relegated to the cake mix aisle of your local supermarket. While there is an impressive selection of pre-made cake mixes to choose from, the customer has little control over the final outcome of their cake. What’s more, baking a cake from scratch is a simple process that allows the baker to have much greater control over what goes into their cake in terms of quality ingredients. They also have much more control over the appearance and taste of the finished product. While making a cake from scratch can be tricky, the end result will make you never want to try boxed cake again. If you are making a cake for that special someone for their birthday, instead of getting low grade cocoa powder like that of a boxed cake mix, you can use quality cocoa. Or, instead of being forced into using cheap imitation extracts like those found in boxed mixes, you can take advantage of flavorful, quality extracts. Below is a simple, delectable cake recipe which is sure to be a hit with whoever you bake it for, even if it’s only for yourself. Homemade Cake Recipes – Chocolate Cake While there are many homemade cake recipes we feel that this classic chocolate cake recipe will be a good start. For this recipe you will need: 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup butter 2 eggs 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, melted and cooled 1 teaspoon vanilla Step 1 How to Bake a Cake Grease and flour two 9×1/2 inch cake pans, and set them aside. Combine the flour, baking soda and salt and set them aside as well. Step 2 Put the butter in a mixing bowl and mix it with an electric mixer (set on medium) for 30 seconds. Add the sugar and continue mixing until it’s well incorporated. Add the eggs one by one and wait until one is blended before adding another. Add the chocolate, vanilla, flour, baking soda and salt while continuing to mix. Add in 1 ¼ cups water and reduce the mixer speed to low. Mix until the batter is just combined. Do not over mix. Step 3 Pour the batter into the cake pans and bake for 35 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit. The cake is done when you can insert a knife or toothpick into it and it comes out clean. Remove the pans from the oven and let them sit for 10 minutes. Remove the cakes from the pans and let them cool until they can be handled without discomfort. If you are like most people, you probably prefer your cakes to be frosted. While this is not always the case, it would seem that a majority of people like to eat their cake in this fashion. While you can use pre-made frosting, it seems a little odd to make a cake from scratch and then buy frosting. Easy Cake Frosting For this recipe you will need: 2 cups sugar 1/2 cup cocoa 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup butter 1/8 cup Karo syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Preparing & Applying Cake Frosting Mix all ingredients together in a saucepan and raise temperature to a rapid boil. Boil the ingredients for roughly 1 minute and remove from heat to cool. Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract and stir it in thoroughly. Spread generously over the entire surface of the cake making sure not to leave any bare patches. How thickly you spread it is up to you. Also, for those that don’t like frosting but want to jazz up their cake in some other way, a light dusting of powdered sugar makes for an attractive finish. This method will not overpower the flavor of the cake itself like frosting often can.
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December 25, 2005 @ 11:32 pm • Filed under Around the House:Around the House:Holidays and Celebrations Or almost, anyway… The Hanukkah and Kwanzaa teams are not yet completely out of the woods, so for their sakes – and while I’m thinking about it – here are a few rules to wrap by if you’re keen to save a tree without having the presents look frumpy: 1. We are still waiting for the day when earth-friendly inclinations in this department are universally understood and admired. When in doubt, either go the safe route with new (recycled-content) paper; wrap the present in something else that is itself a present – a pretty new dish towel is the classic – or else don’t wrap it at all. The arts and crafts approach – using the funny papers, for instance – is as useful for saving money as it is for saving resources, so if you’re not careful it can just make you look cheap instead of green. 2. Homemade wrappings are only a good choice if you are good at these things and have plenty of time on your hands. My stepdaughter Celia makes such lovely collages out of bits of bark, twigs and old magazines we hate to open her presents, but if you’re not craftily inclined you end up with yet one more thing to do, and one more thing to feel inadequate about if you’re older than 10. 3. Reusing is more resource-protective than recycling, but it works best if you think of it before you’re sitting there surrounded by billowing waves of torn wrapping. Some tips: * Tape is the enemy of paper, so before you start cutting and folding, stick a whole row of small tape pieces to the edge of a plate. If it’s easy to use less, you will. * Consider reuse when buying paper. Mylar is difficult to crease, so if you don’t work at creasing it, it will come off the package looking as smooth as it did when it went on. Tissue paper wrinkles at the mere thought of being used, but tissue paper looks good wrinkled — if the wrinkling is thorough enough. Crush slightly-used paper into balls so it’s well and truly crinkly, like shirred fabric, then use multiple layers and multiple colors to give a festive effect. * If you are, as I am, a sucker for gorgeous paper that has no redeeming social value outside of being beautiful, you can still amass plenty of green points by reusing as much of it as possible. The trick is to have a cardboard wrapper tube ( or tubes) handy at present-opening time, so you can roll up the used paper before some helpful relative folds it tightly into neat, deeply creased piles. Most of the smooth paper it takes to wrap a large box will remain completely new-looking if you rescue it in time. We keep this going until the smooth pieces are so small all you can wrap is a candy bar – an excellent present, by the way, if it’s something from Michel Cluizel.
Every chemical reaction entails conversion between energy and mass. Windy Domain Image, source: Christopher S. Baird. You are watching: What does it mean to say that mass is conserved during a physical change? Mass is not conserved in chemical reactions. The an essential conservation law of the world is the preservation of mass-energy. This means that the complete mass and energy before a reaction in a closed system amounts to the total mass and power after the reaction. According to Einstein"s renowned equation, E = mc2, mass can be transformed into energy and energy have the right to be transformed right into mass. This is not some exotic process, however in fact happens every time over there is a reaction. Mass is as such never conserved since a little of it transforms into power (or a small energy turns right into mass) in every reaction. But mass+energy is constantly conserved. Energy cannot be created out of nothing. It deserve to only be produced by ruining the ideal amount the mass according to E = mc2. In between mass and energy, energy is the more basic property. In fact, contemporary physicists just consider mass one alternate type of energy. Because that this reason, they don"t usually speak to it the "Law of conservation of Mass/Energy" yet rather contact it the "Law of conservation of Energy" v the implication that this statement includes mass. In atom reactions (changes to the cell core of atoms), over there is enough energy released or soaked up that the change in mass is far-ranging and have to be accounted for. In contrast, chemical reactions (changes to only the electron in atoms) relax or absorb very little energy contrasted to nuclear reactions, therefore the adjust in mass of the mechanism is frequently so little that it deserve to be ignored. Together a reasonable approximation only, therefore, chemists regularly speak that the preservation of mass and also use it come balance equations. However strictly speaking, the adjust in fixed of the system during a chemistry reaction, though small, is never zero. If the change in fixed were precisely zero, there would certainly be no whereby for the power to come from. Chemists prefer to speak the "chemical potential energy" and also talk as if the energy released in a reaction comes from the potential energy. However "chemical potential energy" is simply an old-fashioned term for what us now recognize is mass. Fundamentally, when chemists say "potential energy" they typical "mass". There is no some bucket that potential energy in one atom indigenous which a reaction have the right to draw. There is just mass. The ns (or gain) of mass during all reactions, even if it is chemical or nuclear, is very well established and has been shown experimentally. Over there are 4 general varieties of basic reactions: The formation of bonds, which constantly releases energy and decreases mass.The revolution of currently bonds i m sorry is yes, really the excitation the the device to various states (always absorbs energy and increases mass) and de-excitation the the system to different states (always releases energy and decreases mass).The creation of corpuscle (always absorbs energy and increases mass) and annihilation of corpuscle (always releases energy and also decreases mass). See more: Who Are The 24 Elders In Revelations, Who Are The 24 Elders In Revelation 4 Note that once a chemical reaction absorbs energy, and therefore benefit mass, it"s not favor electrons are created. The extra massive is not led to by the figure of brand-new particles. Rather, the extra massive is organized in the device as a whole. Relying on the position and state of particles in a device relative to every other, the system gains or loses mass in addition to the separation, personal, instance masses of the particles. This concept is very comparable to the classical concept the potential energy, but we now understand that the energy is actually stored together mass. If you measure up with really sensitive equipment the sum of the mass of two million hydrogen atoms and one million oxygen atom that are separated from every other, then measure the massive of one million water molecules, friend will discover theses masses to be different.
Congratulations to Spinlock's Deckvest LITE which just won best life saving and safety equipment award at the METS show. The product is a lower spec than the popular full blown model but now all the crew can wear a nicely designed lifejacket without having to pay the cost of the full Deckvest.
This vintage dentist’s bowl originates from the 1940’s and was used to mix up amalgam for dental fillings etc. It’s extremely heavy and would be a very useful bowl if used for something other than display, perhaps a soap holder or something similar in a bathroom or would be an excellent pet bowl as it is so sturdy. It is in excellent condition with no chips or scratches and just a few marks which may have been there since it was made. It was made by the Amalgamated Dental Co Ltd and measures approx. 17cm round x 7.5cm tall.
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We would like to encourage you not to accept sexual harassment and other forms of sexualized discrimination and violence, but to take action against it with our support. Support Peoples' Experiences Tips for Taking Action Becoming Sure and Safe Back to the Main Page Support by the University The university can support you if you interested in pointers for self-organizing, networking, and continuing to cope with issues, need immediate protection against discrimination or violence, want advice, need accompaniment and support want to submit an anonymous report without feedback, are interested in tips for self-organization, networking & further coping, want help finding psychological support, want formal disciplinary steps to be taken, want to find out whether and how criminal proceedings can be initiated. Central contact persons who advise, accompany and, if necessary, refer you to other university members are: the central equal opportunities officer, Ombudspersons for members of the university. The central equal opportunities officer advises independently, confidentially, and partisan in a safe space. They accompany and show support, regardless of whether formal steps were or should be taken; anonymity (no mention of your name or other information) will be granted, if desired. The ombudsperson for members of the university acts according to the priciples of impartiality, confidentiality, multipartiality, and appreciation. You can submit messages anonymously via the ombudsbox (both analog and digital). In and around the university there are also a number of other contact persons who will support you in the case of sexualized discrimination and violence. You can find detailed information on who can support you here - both inside and outside the university. What Was Helpful for Other Affected People? Here we provide reports from two people who have been affected by stalking at a university in the past. A woman and a man each talk about helpful and hindering factors in uncovering and coping with stalking. The recordings were edited to ensure anonymity of people and places. First Account (in German) Second Account (in German) You can find the transcripts (in English) here. Tips for Taking Action Yourself In addition to the involvement of the university contacts, we would like to point out other potentially helpful options. These are intended as suggestions that can be implemented depending on the individual assessment of the situation. Course of Action: In a situation of crossing of physical boundaries, name them loudly and clearly ("You put your hand in my hair. This is unpleasant." "It was uncomfortable that you touched me!" "Stop touching me!") Potential Outcome: The people around become aware of what is happening. The person stops their actions. Course of Action: Direct physical resistance. Potential Outcome: The person stops their actions. Course of Action: Tell the person you will tell others about the harassment. Threaten a complaint. Potential Outcome: The cycle of secrecy necessary for persistent harassing / violent acts is broken. Course of Action: Talk to people you trust about your experiences. Potential Outcome: This can be relieving. It could also bring to light that other people share the experience. Course of Action: Document early and in detail (e.g. notes about when & where it happened, who was involved & what effects it had on you). Potential Outcome: You gain an overview of the extent of the actions. By documenting your discomfort, you trust your perception more strongly. You collect evidence. Course of Action: Keeping evidence such as emails, letters, SMS, etc. Potential Outcome: This is helpful in the event of a complaint or criminal proceedings. Course of Action: Find out how to file a criminal complaint (see below) and what to expect during criminal proceedings. Potential Outcome: You gain confidence in handling the situation and can assess whether you are ready for it and what you need for it. Course of Action: Think about which stabilizing factors and supporting institutions & people you can fall back on. Potential Outcome: You strengthen yourself through self-care. You have continuous support through the coping process. Course of Action: Continue to participate in social life, play sports, practice relaxation techniques. Potential Outcome: You continue to see yourself as integrated into a community. Becoming Sure and Safe If you are unsure how to assess what happened to you, find out here about red flags for sexualized discrimination and violence, read here in our senate guidelines (2013) what acts are considered sexualized discrimination and violence, or look at real life examples. If you would like to find out which legal options are available, please refer to this Brochure on Cyberstalking by the Landeskommission Berlin gegen Gewalt which offers detailed, easy-to-understand information about criminal charges & proceedings. Including: how does a complaint (Anzeige) work, how does a court case work, what are the expected results of criminal proceedings, what (financial) support is there? On the Website of Netzwerk Pro.Beweis you can find out about preservation of evidence in the event of (sexualized) violence regardless of a report to the police. The Pro.Beweis investigation centers document and secure traces of violence immediately after the crime and those affected can later decide whether they want to report it. Back to the Main Page Click here to get back to the main page. Examples for inappropriate actions, how to recognize and name sexualized discrimination and violence, information on consequences for the affected as well as regulations and guidelines are available at „What Is Sexualized Discrimination and Violence“. The university’s stance on sexualized discrimination and violence, information on a preventative academic culture, and consequences in cases of inappropriate actions can be found here: "How Do We Cooperate at This University". You can find information on common defensive reactions and their consequences, helpful actions, how to keep a supportive attitude in a conversation, as well as information on self-care as a supporter on the following page: "How Can I Support Affected Persons?". A list of recommendations for raising awareness as well as materials and resources are available at "How Can I Raise Awareness in My Surroundings?".
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Last night I dropped a message on Alysha‘s blog. I found her details on the listing available through the OLA class listing for both REA11 and NET12, so it looks like we are going to be classmates for this study period 🙂 She emailed me back again later in the evening, but I haven’t had a chance to reply yet, I’ll drop her a line after work tonight! 8:08 am, June 3, 2003 Registration Accepted! #curtin #enrolment #ola #study Well, it’s official, my registration with OLA has been accepted for study period 2, 2003. I will be studying the 2 units mentioned previously from June – August! 6:31 am, May 7, 2003 Who’s The Idiot? #cea #curtin #enrolment #lsn #ola #study Well, me apparently. Purely by chance, I found out that the postage charge for a local letter here has gone up to 50c per letter. I clicked that I mailed in my application for enrollment using a 45c stamp that I still had, apparently from before they changed the rate!!! I don’t know for sure if this means that my application hasn’t got there yet, so I emailed the guy who is supposed to be looking at my advanced standing (Matt), but he says that he hasn’t received it yet. Now I have emailed LSN/CEA/OLA@Curtin to find out if it made it to Curtin at all, but who ever knows with that place – I’ve worked there, and I know how easy it is for mail (etc!) to go missing and never be seen again. *Fingers Crossed!* 1:25 am, April 21, 2003 Welcome To The Hive #curtin #harvestroad #ola #smec #the hive OLA uses a product called “The Hive“, which is produced by a local, Perth company called HarvestRoad. The Hive manages the content and delivery of all online courses from OLA, so I will be interested to see how successfully it manages to do this. I know from experience that managing an online course isn’t particularly easy to do well. When I worked at Curtin Uni, I worked in one of the many divisions which were pursuing online education as a feasible option. The area that I worked in (SMEC) actually delivered all of their postgraduate degrees in an entirely online fashion. We actually ended up using straight, plain old HTML because we needed to get everything on CD-ROM as well as the ‘net, and it turned out to be easier that way. It was an interesting time and taught me some good stuff about working with the limitations of certain technology, dependant on your users. I’ll be sure to keep you all posted on my experiences within the Hive 🙂 (which is now called the HarvestRoad LCMS for those interested). 7:22 am, April 14, 2003 Thankyou Matthew Allen #curtin #enrolment #matthew allen #ola #study So far I have been dealing with Matthew Allen, the Coordinator for Internet Studies at Curtin Uni, who has been surprisingly helpful. One thing that has really blown me away has been his willingness to suggest that I enrol via Open Learning Australia, which appears to be a much better method of study for me (assuming that I can maintain my own discipline), given that I currently work full time. I have had to look again at what I wanted to do, because my previous enrolment attempt was unsuccessful. This is because all of the school-leavers get first option at the positions being offered, and they appear to have filled them all this year, so my application wasn’t even really considered. This left me with no enrolment, even though that’s what I had planned on doing. Enrolling through OLA allows me to start studying, without having to jump through the normal University hoops of enrolment. At OLA, I just sign up for the degree ($100), and then start studying units at my own pace. This brings me to the next cool thing with OLA – the study periods. OLA works on 4 study periods, rather than the normal Uni-year of only 2 semesters. This means that if (theoretically,) I could keep up the pace of 2 units per study period (which I don’t think I can), then I would be able to complete the remainder of my 3 year degree (minus advanced standing) in about 2 years! Apart from this, it just means that you are much closer to being able to study at your own pace, since you have more control over your start-times and the time of year that you study — I like it. I am in the final stages of completing my application for advanced standing, which will go along with my application for entry into the degree at Curtin, via OLA. Once that is done, I can hopefully get an idea of the number of units that I can “skip” when I start study, and know where to start with things. My official target is 9 units 🙂
People who regularly eat chilli peppers live longer a study says. Chilli eaters may have a “significantly reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer”, according to preliminary research. And to be […]
My name is Robert Plant & in 2003 I started to look at opportunities to start working for myself. I decided with a lot of research that there was a market for domestic and small commercial carpet and upholstery cleaning, The first thing I decided was if I was going to enter into this kind of work, I wanted to offer the best service I possibly could, I attended several courses with all the top companies in the market. We have very specialised equipment for the cleaning of carpets and upholstery, so your sofa is only out of action for 12 hours at the most, and carpets vary on a few hours to 6 to 8 depending on the fibres If you do not think I have done the most thorough clean possible then I will do it again for free or return your money.
NavVis IVION, formerly known as NavVis IndoorViewer, is a new reality capture platform designed for owners, operators and contractors. Developed by NavVis, a specialist in indoor mobile mapping systems and reality capture technology, the platform can be used to transform point clouds of buildings and assets into web-based ‘intelligent spaces’ which are accessible to all stakeholders through a standard browser. NavVis IVION consists of two flavours: ‘Core’ for AEC professionals and ‘Enterprise’ for factory planners and engineering departments. NavVis IVION Core provides tools to manage 3D scans more effectively with tools for creation, collaboration, and publication. Using a standard web browser, the software designed to simplify publishing and sharing of scan data. Users can simply send a link to publish and share scans or send a deep link to specific content or a location within the scan. No downloads, plug-ins or desktop software is required. A cloud processing add-on allows the processing of laser scan data captured by NavVis mobile mapping devices anywhere with an internet connection. According to NavVis, users can easily set up and start processing multiple datasets onsite, ready for when they’re back to the office. Building on the existing functionality of NavVis IndoorViewer, such as point cloud downloads and virtual measurements, NavVis IVION Core offers both a ‘refreshed look’ together with new features and improvements. Advertisement Advertisement These include multi-site functionality, updated user management, and site coordinate systems for ‘survey-grade’ geo-registration of data. “The new enhancements in NavVis IVION Core simplify management of data by allowing us to utilize multiple sites in one NavVis IVION instance,” says Aaron Hunt, Lead Technical Manager at TruePoint Laser Scanning. “We’re able to minimise software costs by maximizing the usage of an individual instance,” he continues. “The multi-site feature together with the intuitive web interface makes new project setup fast and easy. And the updated user management in NavVis IVION Core means administrators have more security control; it greatly simplifies the process of providing access.” Daniel Aaby Holt, Landinspektør at LE34, Denmark’s largest provider of surveying and land management services, added, “The new features released with NavVis IVION Core means our customers who manage multiple sites are now able to easily access them all through one single portal that displays an overview of each site. “We’ve also found that site coordinate system feature in NavVis IVION has enabled us to be even more precise in the geographical placement of sites and scans. “We’re able to provide our customers with a digital representation of their space allowing the customer to view, inspect and take measurements and this has proven to be extremely valuable during the Covid-19 pandemic as access to facilities and travels has been limited.”
Totally by accident, I discovered grilling lettuce. I had had grilled romaine in some hifalutin' restaurants in a treatment of Caesar salad, but it was always something that made you think "why did they grill this lettuce?" One day however, during an obsessive grill-a-thon, I found myself adding olive oil, salt and pepper … Continue reading Grilled Lettuce for the 4th— Celebrate America!
Point Reyes National Seashore has long been a draw for us. This beautiful and protected piece of coastline offers pristine hikes, expansive beaches, and up-close wildlife. Our recent trip introduced us to Abbotts Lagoon, an easy 2-mile walk to the ocean – see for yourself the beauty this amazing spot has to offer. Well, in addition to the park there are actually a couple of other things that pull us to the region. The funky and hip towns of Olema and Pt. Reyes along with the downright delicious fragrance of BBQ oysters wafting on the breezes. #IntoImagery, #Californiabirding Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged #IntoImagery Search Into-Imagery ‘Being There’ movies are a visual feast of subtle movement and natural real-time changes that transform your flat screen from the ‘big black void’ into an object of fine art in motion. The real estate and promotional videos created by Into Imagery are natural offshoots of our art-videos. Specializing in large, upscale homes with views, property and wonderful detail
LCG believes that it is imperative to have a thorough understanding of each client’s unique return and risk objectives in order to source the most appropriate investment managers for their portfolio. As such, we do not maintain an “approved” list of investment strategies because we believe this practice leads to one-size-fits-all portfolios. Investment manager searches are conducted using a customized process that emphasizes both quantitative and qualitative analytics. Importantly, the quantitative and qualitative attributes of an investment strategy must marry in order to warrant consideration. From a quantitative perspective, LCG’s proprietary systems allow our team to screen for investment managers using the risk and return metrics that are relevant to each specific client. In all cases, we focus on net-of-fee results, as we believe this is the way to determine a strategy’s true value-add over time. LCG’s robust, proprietary manager database serves as a powerful tool when comparing and contrasting investment strategies. The qualitative component of LCG’s manager search process is designed to confirm or debunk whether an investment manager’s historic success is repeatable and likely to succeed in the future. In our experience, there are no shortcuts to thorough analysis in this area, and LCG’s process emphasizes meeting with key investment professionals, often in their offices. For alternative investments, our suitability process is structured to identify undue business and operational risks that are often inherent in such strategies. Additionally, LCG recommends small/emerging and/or minority-/women-owned investment managers in both traditional and alternative asset classes. LCG believes that experience is critical to assessing any investment, which is why investment manager research at the firm is led by experienced professionals. Importantly, our due diligence process does not cease once an investment manager is hired. LCG’s monitoring process is ongoing and is integral to our manager due diligence efforts.
13 exhibitions, 1 ticket only. Selvatica, in the amazing Palazzo Groma Losa in Biella, surrounded by an Italian garden. To amaze, move and make people think. 13 exhibitions, 1 ticket only. Where: Palazzo Gromo Losa, Palazzo Ferrero, Palazzo La Marmora, Museo del Territorio Biellese e Spazio Cultura – Biella. Ticket price: whole 7,00 € / reduced: 5,00 € The ticket office is located in Palazzo Groma Losa, acquired in 2004 by the Cassa di Risparmio di Biella Foundation. It has been completely restaurated and is home to exhibitions, concerts, conferences and conventions. Selvatica – Art and Nature in Festival makes the visual arts dialogue with the natural wonders of our planet to amaze, move and make people think. A choral festival that involves the entire city of Biella and in particular the historic village of Piazzo, with the splendid buildings of Gromo Losa, Ferrero and La Marmora, united in a nascent Cultural Hub, and the Museo del Territorio Biellese. Selvatica is a network with other green subjects of Biella, first of all Candelo in Fiore and Oasi Zegna, creating a new powerful synergy and proposing integrated paths full of charm and content. Here you can consult the program of exhibitions, organized in different historical buildings of the city of Biella, an opportunity to learn about the architectural heritage of the city:
Pet Clin is a completely sanitized unit in which you will be able to wash, louse and dry your pet in only 10-12 minutes without having to worry about the hygiene as the unit automatically disinfects itself after each use. The perfect way to wash your pet: do it yourself, with the right temperature, an antiparasitic that protects your pet’s hair and a powerful dryer. Make your pet’s bath time another moment of fun, and avoid the fuss and hygiene problems of doing it in your own home.
The 187th semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints just concluded after two days of meetings, which were televised world-wide. And it was an inspirational event with beautiful music, including one session where the choir … Continue reading → Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Language Loss, Light of the World scultures, Marriage and the Family, Pathway | Leave a comment
From an Instagram LIVE interview with Steph Kagan on September 16th, 2020 Schedule a consultation with Steph right through your Premom...
For everyone who is starting an email account on the Zoho email service, this article will be enormously helpful. Zoho mail sign in is basically easy, but people do not have a lot of knowledge about them as Zoho is relatively new. This is the reason why users have difficulty initially and want to use a little assistance in getting into the Zoho account. The first thing that one ought to know about the Zoho email service is that you need to sign in first into a Zoho account. Once you have signed in to the account, only then can you log in to the Zoho account. So, in the next section, we will let you know all you need to know about the Zoho email account, including the Zoho login email, but before that will come to the sign-in process. How to use the Zoho Email Service? This is the section, where you will know all you need to know about the Zoho email service, sign in and login process. Without wasting any more time, let's discuss the Zoho mail login inbox; First, go to the Zoho email webpage and click on the register option, by doing this, a page will open which would require all your important information to complete Zoho registration. Finally, click on Submit to complete Zoho email account registration. Now, to ensure login first click on the login option and fill in your Zoho email address with the password. Click on the login button and perhaps get into the Zoho account immediately.
Many people today believe that water which is alkaline helps our bodies to metabolize nutrients as well as flush out any toxins than regular water from our home taps can do. They believe that this can lead to better health and performance. But what is water that is alkaline? Isn’t any water supposed to be good for you anyway? Why should you use it? Here are some fundamentals that you should know about this super drink. What Is Water That Is Alkaline? Essentially just like the name says, this particular type of water is less acidic than the tap water that you would usually use. This also means that it is heavy in alkaline compounds. Some of these include calcium, bicarbonate and magnesium. Most of the food that we eat today could actually contribute to making our systems really acidic over time and in acidic body conditions many diseases can thrive well. For example, there has been a relation of this with the possibility of cancers. Other poor health outcomes would include ones like heart problems, various imbalances of hormones and also even losing muscle and bone in extreme cases. The Basics of Water We know today that water is important in possibly every way. Our bodies are actually made up of it to a great extent. There is no single other substance that is so important to our physiology. This is also why in the recent past and at current so many world leaders are speaking about water and conserving it and why so many nations are taking active steps to prevent water pollution as much as possible. You can therefore buy alkaline water from reliable providers who can give you the world’s best tasting alkaline water. This could reduce your chances of ingesting various toxins through tap water that may be polluted. Tap water has a pH level that is different to the pH of natural water because many chemical elements have been added to it for the purpose of treating it. Alkaline water however has a pH that is above 7 on the scale. Acid in The Body Ideally without much help from us consciously, our bodies anyway do a very good job of maintaining the blood pH within a light range. This also means that a condition called chronic low-grade acidosis will not be showing up on your reports unless there has been exceptional factor. But what if those reports may not be always accurate? Proponents of alkaline water have now said that even if the pH levels of your blood may not be a cause of alarm on your blood work, it could be drawing on storages in your bone and in your muscles in order to maintain the pH level of the blood. This will definitely not be something that is healthy for you in the long run, if left ignored. Drinking water is something that we all should do regardless of what our health currently is like. With advances that are being made into the research for alkaline water it is highly possible that the product could be something of an essential somewhere soon down the line.
Gold always accounts for an expanding fiat currency supply, either through a bull market that can last years as gold reasserts its value, or through a snap overnight revaluation as we've seen many times before in history. How will it play out this time? In this video (taken from Michael Maloney's 55 minute Bonus Presentation from his 'Death Of The Dollar Update' speech), Mike explains the mechanics behind what he sees coming: short term deflation followed by big or even hyperinflation as central banks try to print their way out of the mess they have created. The result is the same as it has always been througout history, with gold delivering either a technical knockout or a complete decimation of currency. Be sure to watch the full presentation to get Mike's 'most likely' scenario, and to understand how not being in the market at the right time will mean missing out. You can find a link to the full presentation on the main page of the Hidden Secrets Of Money website.
The itinerary for the 2019 Interclub Bay Cruise has now been announced and a great line up of venues is on the cards. DAY 1: Saturday 21 September We are in for a busy first day of the Cruise at the Wynnum Manly Yacht Club (WMYC). Berthing commences in the WMYC Marina from 10am, activities on the WMYC verandah start from 1pm with the banner painting, followed by the sign-on starting at 2pm. The evening’s fun-filled activities kick off with the Commodore’s welcome at 4.30pm, followed by dinner, a movie for the kids, and musical entertainment on the WMYC verandah for the adults. WMYC Manly DAY 2: Sunday 22 September The day starts early with distribution of our daily newspaper, the Cruz Nooz, at 7am, with breakfast available at WMYC from 7-9am. At 10am we depart WMYC Marina with a leisurely cruise down to Karragarra Yacht Club for a quiet afternoon on the beach followed by a BBQ cooked by the incredibly talented MBTBC crew. On your way down, if Neptune is kind to us, call into Horseshoe Bay for a swim and a relax. After dinner, MBTBC will be hosting the world-famous trivia night with a Super Hero theme (start studying). Fantastic prizes to be won for the winning teams. Karragarra Yacht Club DAY 3: Monday 23 September Enjoy the short cruise around to RQYS Canaipa. Come and join the Canaipa Cup horse racing, followed by the famous roast meal and evening camp fire. RQYS Canaipa DAY 4: Tuesday 24 September Calling all Super Heroes! Tonight we will be celebrating everything Super Hero at the Annual ICBC Disco held at Tipplers Licensed Café. Please come and join us for sundowners overlooking the water in preparation for the Disco, to parade your creative costumes and Super Powers. Canapés will be provided to whet your appetites followed by a sit-down main course and dessert, not to mention dancing that will be the envy of any villain in the vicinity. Drinks will be available to purchase at the bar during the evening. Don’t forget the Sarge will be on the lookout for those who are misbehaving and issuing fines to any scoundrels that are identified! Tipplers Licensed Café DAY 5: Wednesday 25 September Yes, we are heading back to the world-renowned Sanctuary Cove Marina and Marine Village, the first time back here for a number of years. We have organised a movie session to be played at the Sanctuary Cove Movie Theatre, but the rest of the day and night is for Cruisers to enjoy everything Sanctuary Cove Marine Village has to offer. Sanctuary Cove has a special offers to Cruisers, we will get 6 cents a litre off any fuel. This is also the time to get your boats ready for the official sail past the next morning on the way to our Mystery destination. Sanctuary Cove DAY 6: Thursday 26 September Today we visit a Mystery Location. Where will this be? Many have tried to get the location out those in the know, but we will not let the secret out. It’s going to be a fun day of activities with Pete and a yummy dinner. DAY 7: Friday 27 September For our final night, we are heading back to a familiar favourite, Couran Cove Resort. After a day packed with activities head down to Sunset Beach for pre-dinner drinks and a BBQ FIESTA. Couran Cove DAY 8: Saturday 28 September It’s time to farewell friends old and new, pencil in future rendezvous, and plan to meet again at the reunion lunch in a couple of months time as this year’s Cruise draws to a close for another year. You can lift the hook and head for home or, for those lucky enough, continue on with their holiday itinerary until those pesky land-based obligations call.
Calling all outdoor chefs and BBQ pit masters! Our annual food festival is back! Taste of BIA is the perfect summer party to get your well-deserved kitchen cred and industry exposure. BIA member companies are invited to pitch a tailgate at this outdoor food festival and show off their best bite-size (or sip-size) concoctions. Spotlight your company at the hottest event of the summer! Thursday, July 14th 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm NTC Park, Liberty Station Culinary Creation Booth Cost: $500 Click here for more information on available sponsorships opportunities. Open to BIA members only. SPONSOR NOW! Cancellations 30 days or less before the event are nonrefundable. 2022 Partnership Program (P2) credits must be used by December 31, 2022. 2022-07-14T17:00:00-0700 2022-07-14T20:00:00-0700 Taste of BIA Sponsorship 2455 Cushing Rd, San Diego, CA, 92106, US
I have been developing the SoundFingerprinting open source project for the last ten years. One of the questions I often receive is “how does music recognition works?” For the library users, it is somewhat similar to a one-way hash function. You provide a file at the input, and after a certain number of conversions, you get “audio fingerprints” at the output. Looking at the actual values of these fingerprints, they are entirely opaque. 287121152, 1275791411, 539499396, 185209916, 319820588, 1244475492, 1751526233, 1862426472, 306596106, 204033582, 1242574602, 50341460, 773194334, 339627067, 2014447110, 738722113, 587801446, 320160293, 540288008, 1146191520, 461079818, 959409810, 889623606, 16778759, 285488401 Figure 1. 1.8 seconds of fingerprinted content The question begs: What information do these integers contain? My goal in this article is to dissect the algorithm’s two main steps: compression and hashing. Additionally, I will explain why audio and image search are so intertwined. Compression and Hashing Compression - from Latin comprimere press together From a higher level, all audio fingerprinting algorithms go through two transformation steps: lossy compression and hashing. We want to preserve as much relevant information as possible with the smallest footprint. Look at the following array: // ten entries of 1 int [] data = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1} We need at least 40 bytes to store it 10*sizeof(int). In practice, a data point $P$ has two fundamental properties that influence how fast you can find it in a database of similar points. That is the size and data format. \[SearchTime(P) \sim Size(P) + DataFormat(P)\] Let’s try to compress the array. The first step we can apply is a simple Huffman Encoding that allows representing the same amount of information more compactly: // the value of one repeats ten times. int val = 1, repeat = 10; Now it uses 8 bytes: 2*sizeof(int), a 5x reduction. Good step forward on the size side, but what about the format? The format is still clunky, so let’s encode it into one long: // tuple with 2 integer values (1, 10) gets encoded into one long long hash = (1L << 32) + 10; // value of hash is 4,294,967,306 After these steps, we have one variable that holds exactly the same amount information in a much more convenient format. Why is it convenient? it is compact, storing 1000 of similar sequences requires 5x less space it is sortable, you can search an entry within \(log(N)\) steps, where N is the number of stored entries. On a higher level, Audio Fingerprinting algorithms try to achieve a similar goal: Convert an audio signal to the most compact and convenient format for storing and searching. Notice that the above conversion is an instance of lossless compression. You can completely restore the initial sequence from the final value: int repeat = hash - (1L << 32); // 10, how many times to repeat int val = (hash - repeat) / (1L << 32); // 1, the value to repeat int [] data = Enumerable.Repeat(val, repeat).ToArray(); // initial data Audio Fingerprints do not require lossless encoding. You don’t need to reconstruct the original signal knowing the fingerprints. The only requirement is fingerprints with the same value should come from the same or similar sound. Since we don’t need to reconstruct initial data, we can apply a different last transformation step on the tuple (1, 10). // tuple (1, 10) getting hashed string hash = (repeat + val).ToString(); // "11" The hash value “11” ticks both boxes: it is even more compact = 2 bytes, 20x reduction from the original size. it is convenient to store as a simple string. Hashing has its own cost. You can’t reconstruct original tuple since you don’t know if "11" is 1 that repeats ten times, or is it 9 that repeats 2 times. Even more so, we have 10 other tuples that hash into the same value of “11”. These are called hash collisions. Audio Fingerprints are similar. Some of them are equal because they come from the same source, others because of a random hash collision. How to compress an audio signal There is a wide variety of file formats mp3, ogg, flac, all of them generating different byte representations. All fingerprinting algorithms decode the input file into a raw wav format first. SoundFingerprinting is no exception. Once we decode the audio file, we can focus on the following properties of the audio track: number of channels - mono, stereo or other sample rate - typically 44,1KHz bit depth - 8, 16 or 32 bits per sample If we have a one-minute audio file, sampled at 44,1 KHz with 32 bits per sample, we need 21,168,000 bytes to store it: 2*60*44100*32/8. It amounts to 20MB of storage for just 1 minute of audio content. The following compression steps minimize the size of the data 32x fold: stereo to mono - 2x reduction 44KHz to 5,5Khz - 8x reduction 32 to 16-bit depth - 2x reduction The same 1-minute file now has 661,500 bytes ~0.63MB. It is an example of lossy compression. We are essentially getting rid of the rich quality in favor of a more compact format. Perceptually, we can still hear the sounds and differentiate them. It is just not as sharp and clean for regular use. Below are some examples of the compressed formats1: Sound Channels Sample Rate Bit Depth Size Reduction Your browser does not support the audio element. 2 44.1KHz 16 Your browser does not support the audio element. 1 44.1KHz 16 2x Your browser does not support the audio element. 1 11KHz 16 8x Your browser does not support the audio element. 1 11KHz 8 16x Your browser does not support the audio element. 1 5.5KHz 8 32x Table 1. Let Me Call You Sweetheart in different audio formats What acoustic information we want to preserve? Even after all these compression steps, the audio signal does not show any improvement in format convenience for storing and searching goals. // one minute mono file encoded in 8 bit depth sampled at 5512Hz // is just an array of bytes of 165,360 length byte[] audio = {1,2,3,4,5,6...} It is still unclear how you can search for a 10-second snippet picked at any location from this audio signal. // search query byte[] query = {1,2,3,4,5,6...} // length of the array 10 * 5512 = 55,120 elements. Even if you correctly align the query snippet in the original file, element by element comparison will not work. It is enough to increase the “loudness” in the query snippet by any factor, say 1.25x, and all your array values in the query will increase by the same factor - 1.25x. As expected, Audio Fingerprinting algorithms should be resilient to sound intensity increase or decrease, as well as noise. All audio fingerprinting algorithms handle this challenge by treating the sound as a spectrum of frequencies. Sound is a pressure wave conveyed through some medium like air or water2. Two tones are similar if the wave that describes them is similar. The content of an audio signal array is just a discrete version of that wave. If we are sampling at 5512Hz, we describe each second of the sound with 5512 samples. To better understand how discretization works, see how it works for yourself. Figure 2. Sample a 1Hz wave at 10Hz rate The graph shows how 1 second of an audio signal is sampled in 10 points. Technically, we sampled the signal at 10Hz rate. The signal itself is just a pure tone since it is composed only of one function: \(sin(x)\). Notice how the sinusoid completed 1 full cycle in 1 second on the y-axis. It means that the sound wave vibrates with a frequency of 1Hz. The file that you would like to fingerprint can be sampled at any rate, SoundFingerprinting will downsample it to 5512Hz. We didn’t pick 5512Hz at random. Within a discretization rate of 5512Hz, according to Nyquist–Shannon theorem, we will be able to capture frequencies from 0 to 2756Hz. The theorem states that for a given sample rate \(f_{s}\) perfect reconstruction is guaranteed possible for a band limit \(B<f_{s}/2\). A healthy auditory system can capture frequencies between 20 to 22KHz. Why do we disregard such a big range [2756Hz, 22000Hz]? Mostly because we trade high frequencies for a smaller footprint, moreover, out of the available frequency range [0Hz, 2756Hz], SoundFingerprinting takes into account only the domain between [300Hz, 2000Hz] filtering the rest. Arguably, this range proved to work best for the task3. You can play with the pure tone generator to get an idea of which frequency components are filtered and which ones are left. Figure 3. Pure tone generator In case you are familiar with the exact nature of the fingerprinted sound, you can change this range to include more frequency components. One more reason to fingerprint only a fixed frequency range relates to musicology. Musicians often use A4 as a central note when tuning their instruments. The modern concert pitch for this note is 440Hz, which aligns well with the fingerprinted range. Note Frequency Hz A4 440 B4 493 C5 523 D5 587 E5 659 F5 698 G5 783 A5 880 Table 2. Notes tuned around A4 at 440Hz frequency From the auditory system perspective, different musical instruments can sound different even when playing the same note. It happens because of the harmonics that they emit alongside the pure tone. Harmonics are additional frequencies that lie at multiples of the fundamental frequency. An instrument that plays A4 generates 440Hz pure tone and harmonics at 880 Hz, 1320 Hz, 1760 Hz. Click to play an example of A4 that plays as pure tone (0-5 seconds), then with odd harmonics (5-10 seconds), then will all harmonics (10-15 seconds). </source> Your browser does not support the audio element. Figure 4. 440Hz sound as pure tone 0 to 5th second, with odd 5th to 10th second and all harmonics 10 to 15 second From the fingerprinting perspective, we are not very interested in high-end harmonics. They are undoubtedly important for our perception but not critical for pattern recognition tasks. That’s why we filter them. Similarly, low-end bass frequencies are usually capturing environmental noise. Check a typical airplane noise. </source> Your browser does not support the audio element. Figure 5. Airplane noise doesn't enter fingerprinted range Since we start fingerprinting above 300Hz, whatever is lower is filtered, not affecting generated fingerprints. Let’s take a look at a typical 15 seconds conversion between two people. White lines outline the frequency band, which is used by default by SoundFingerprinting library to build audio fingerprints. Figure 6. Spectrogram of a conversation. White horizontal lines outline the range used for fingerprinting [300Hz, 2000Hz]. The brighter is the area, the more acoustic information is present in the frequency ranges shown in the image. In other words, we are mostly interested in frequency peaks that contain the most relevant information we would like to preserve (shown in white). Figure 7. White areas contain most valuable acoustic information we want to preserve. All audio fingerprinting algorithms are hunting these peaks, with various techniques and approaches. Overview of image search Once we’ve identified what kind of information we would like to preserve, the main challenge is encoding it in an efficient format for storing and searching. If we look at the previous spectrogram examples, they can be treated as three-dimensional objects: x-axis - time in seconds y-axis - frequency in Hertz the amplitude of the frequency - the intensity of the color The most intuitive way to encode this information is simply in an image. At this stage, many people are getting confused. We are transitioning from an audio domain to a visual domain simply because there is no better way to encode a spectrogram than in an image. Similar spectrogram images bear similar sounds. Notice how image search algorithms try to solve a similar problem: identify features which best describe the image encode identified features in an easy to use format for storing and searching Most sophisticated image search algorithms are constrained by the requirement of being scale and rotation invariant. Let's take ORB1 as one of the feature extraction algorithms. ORB builds a set of keypoints from the image, which are preserved even if the image is scaled or rotated. 1. ORB - Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF, alternative to SIFT and SURF in computation cost, matching performance and mainly the patents. Figure 8. ORB keypoints preserved during rotation and scale This property is incredibly useful for various use-cases but, at no surprise, comes with computational costs. Fortunately, we do not need features that are immune to scaling or rotation. Spectrogram images have an advantageous attribute: their scale and orientation is stable. Extracting features from such images is much easier. The height of a spectrogram image equals to the frequency resolution. Y-axis is encoded in 32 log-spaced bins, which yield 32 pixels. The width is chosen empirically. Figure 9. 19 spectrograms cut from an audio file each 128x32 pixels in size Since x-axis in a spectrogram corresponds to the time domain, the width of an image is equal to the length of the cut in seconds. SoundFingerprinting uses 8192 audio samples per fingerprint, which corresponds to 1.48s. The spectrogram uses 64 samples overlap, meaning the intensity of one pixel corresponds to the frequency resolution of 11.6ms. It yields an image that is 128x32 pixels, where every pixel is between 0-255 range. These parameters may be quite confusing if you are reading them for the first time. Don’t worry, just keep in mind that the spectrogram image is essentially an interpretation of how sound frequencies change over time. We could have easily chosen a shorter timespan, say 4096 samples. In this case, the width of the image would have been 64 pixels. Choosing these values is a matter of parameter tuning. To summarize, the images we are trying to detect are of the same size and orientation. Features that make them unique are spectrogram peaks. So how do we encode them? Encoding Image Features Even though we have compressed relevant acoustic information of 1.48 seconds into the 128x32 image, it is still not an easy format to search. A vector of size 4096 is just too big for the task. // every image is 4096 bytes byte[][] images = To give a perspective, one descriptor in the ORB algorithm is a byte vector of length 32. It makes them quite easy to search in a vast database of descriptors. Since the focus is on frequency peaks, one easy way to reduce the dimensions of our image but keep the peaks is thresholding. The thresholding methods replace each pixel in an image with either: a black pixel if the image intensity \(I_{i,j}\) is less than some fixed constant T or a white pixel if the image intensity is greater than T. Thresholding gives the advantage of getting a very sparse representation of the same byte array, with intensity either 0 or 255, which can be easily encoded as booleans 0 or 1. Figure 10. Thresholded spectrogram images. Threshold T equals to 165, resulting intensity values encoded as 0 or 1 Query images that are having white contours in the same image coordinates can be treated as similar images, thus similar sound. One other approach is instead of thresholding the image, we can use Haar Wavelets to achieve a similar goal: identify frequency peaks. Haar Wavelets have been successfully used in image search for quite some time4. One naive approach when searching a spectrogram image in a database of stored fingerprints is to iterate over all them comparing one by one. It will take \(N^2\) comparisons, and soon will become unfeasible even for a database that contains few images. To give a perspective, 1000 hours of audio content will generate around 38 million fingerprint images. Thankfully, there has been significant progress in the Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in the last years5. Let us analyze locality-sensitive hashing. Hashing with Locality Sensitive Hashing The origin of the word “locality” is “localis” - from French localité or late Latin localitas, from localis ‘relating to a place’ Locality Sensitive Hashing is an algorithmic technique that tries to build a forgiving hash data structure. Its primary purpose is to ignore small differences between close points and hash them into the same bucket. All the points that are “related to the same place” should have an equal hash. Figure 11. Two images hashed in two points within distance R One of the most important choices we need to make when designing the LSH data structure is defining the distance metric. In other words, how sensitive our hash function should be to the proximity of the data points? In the SoundFingerprinting case we can take advantage of the two things: the 0,1 domain, our feature vector is a bit-vector the sparsity of the data Knowing these properties allows us to treat our images as sets. And for sets, we can use the Jaccard Coefficient as our distance metric. I've always found it difficult to explain how sets can be partitioned using locality sensitive hashing. Let me explain what kind of LSH techniques are used for geometric spaces first. Geometric vectors are much easier to visualize since we can use the Euclidian distance2 function to denote proximity between points. 2. Euclidean distance or Euclidean metric is the "ordinary" straight-line distance between two points. Ideally, we want to partition our points into different hash buckets such that only those points related to each other, hash into the same bin. Figure 12. p' and q' hash into the same bucket Unfortunately, this type of perfect partition is not attainable. Designing an ideal partition function will take longer than doing a simple element-by-element search through the entire dataset3. 3. Similarly how k-means clustering is a NP-hard problem. To solve this problem, researchers have introduced randomized partitioning. For each different randomized partition, the points will hash into different hash buckets, creating different hash indexes. Figure 13. Three different partitions create different indexes The number of randomized partitions governs the probability of getting a successful match \(p\) from a similar query point \(q\). Since we can’t have a perfect partitioning, LSH data structure will give us a probability of a successful match, with respect to how many partitions we take. The size of the dataset and the points’ dimensions govern the number of random projections. Generally speaking, the more partitions you take, the higher the probability of a successful match between points that are within close distance. A curious reader might ask why we haven't chosen Hamming distance4 as we are already operating with binary vectors? The reason is that the resulting images are very sparse6. Consider two completely zeroed spectrogram images (p,q) (that is, full or partial silence). The Hamming distance between the two will be zero, reflecting complete similarity. 4. Hamming distance between two bit-vectors measures number of positions with different bit values We should not treat silence as a similarity signal. It can produce too many false positives, as any recorded discussion is full of small pauses. That’s why choosing the Jaccard Coefficient is a better choice. Comparing to a Hamming distance, two spectrograms with complete silence will have a Jaccard Coefficient equal to 1, signaling total dissimilarity. Jaccard Coefficient as a distance metric Jaccard Index is a statistic used for indicating how common two sets are. It is defined as Intersection over Union of measured sets. \[J(Q,P) = \frac{|Q \cap P|}{|Q \cup P|}\] As an analogy, think about how a book store can treat a profile of their customer. A profile may contain a set of past purchased books out of all available titles: bool[] purchasedBooks. Every index of that bit-vector would map to a particular title. For example, purchasedBooks[2] would tell us if the customer bought the third title in the bookstore. To compare two different customer profiles, we could easily count how many values of 1 are in common between these profiles and divide it by the total number of purchased books. public double customerProfileP, string customerProfileQ) { bool[] q = // get customer profile bool[] p = // get customer profile var zipped = q.Zip(p); int intersection = zipped.Count(tuple => tuple.First && tuple.Second); int union = zipped.Count(tuple => tuple.First || tuple.Second); if(union == 0) return 0d; return (double)intersection / union; } The more values of 1 are equal, the more likely these customers have the same book preferences. Not surprisingly, this is how many recommendation engines work. Google used this metric to personalize visitor’s news feed. To turn the Jaccard Index into a distance metric we can use its complimentary. It is known as the Jaccard Coefficient. public double customerProfileP, string customerProfileQ) { return 1 - customerProfileQ); } So for two customer profiles with the same list of purchases, the Jaccard Coefficient will be 0, meaning they bought the exact same titles. A value of 1 means customers share zero common books. Now that we know how the Jaccard Coefficient can measure the similarity between sets let’s get back to spectrogram images. We’ve compressed our image into a 4096 bit-vector: bool[] frequencyPeaks. At any position in this vector, the value of 1 tells us if the original sound contained a frequency peak at that location. We are not interested in the actual amplitude of that particular peak. The mere presence of the frequency peak is enough for us to differentiate between the sounds. Not surprisingly, treating our images are sets, gives us the power to use the Jaccard Coefficient as a measure of similarity. The smaller the distance’s value, the more frequency peaks are shared between the query and the database sounds. Below images outline why the Jaccard metric is a better choice for identifying dissimilarities. Hamming considers unset bits as similar, which is not the case for thresholded images. Figure 14. Jaccard vs Hamming distance metric. When bit-vectors are sparse Jaccard Coefficient outlines dissimilarities better. Since we are not operating in geometric space, instead of making random projections we will apply random set permutations known as Min-Hashing as our LSH schema. Random permutations with Min Hashing To calculate the min hash of a bit-vector, we permute the vector and find the index of the first 1. The index itself is our hash value: \(h_i(P) = \textbf{index of first 1}\). Since one permutation is not enough to use as an effective partition schema, final hash function \(g(P)\) will be a concatenation of $k$ min-hashes7. \[g(P)=\langle\ Given the following bit-vector, click on the Hash button to find three min-hash values and final \(g(P)\), used in one of \(L\) hash tables. Every time you click on Permute a new \(g(P)\) hash-function will be generated. Bit Vector Permute How is this helpful? Actually, it can be shown that the probability of two min-hash functions to be equal is equal to Jaccard Coefficient8. \[Pr[h_i(P) = h_i(Q)] = J(P,Q)\] It is an incredibly powerful property. We can now estimate how many times points \(P\) and \(Q\) will partition into the same bin according to how similar those points are. Our distance function drives the probability of collision. Exactly what we need for locality-sensitive partition. Let’s see in practice how min-hash functions behave for two similar points. Points \(P\) and \(Q\) have a Jaccard Index equal to 2/3 (two out of three bits are equal). Click on the Simulate button, to hash these points 1000 times and count how many times hash values are equal. You can also change the binary vectors to see how theory and practice aligns accordingly. Point P Point Q Simulate After achieving locality-sensitive hashing for our images, we are almost done. The last step is using \(L\) hash functions, one for every hash table: \(g_L(P)\\) How many hash tables do we need? Finding optimal values is a matter of experimentation. SoundFingerprinting library uses 100 permutations to create 25 indexes. It means every hash value is a concatenation of 4 min hash functions. Every index is stored in a conventional hash-table. What prevents successful matches? “Why the songs do not match?” One of the most common questions I receive is, “Why the songs don’t match?” SoundFingerprinting hunts frequency peaks at certain locations in time. When a sound does not produce any matches, it means no frequency peaks matched with what you have in the database. The following four reasons cover the vast majority of use-cases why the query didn’t produce any matches. Aliasing Latin origin is alias - ‘at another time’ A common problem that frequently occurs with low-quality recording equipment is aliasing. When a high-frequency sound is recorded at a specific sample rate, all frequencies that are bigger than Nyquist Frequency have to be suppressed or filtered. Otherwise, high-frequency components will appear in the spectrogram as their low-frequency counterparts. For an intuitive explanation, let’s visualize this phenomenon in videos. It is called the wagon wheel effect, an illusion that the wheel rotates backward. When a video capturing device records at N frames per second, any object in the video which rotates with a frequency >= N/2, will exhibit this behavior. The exact problem is present when recording sound. If you don’t need to capture with high fidelity, your recording device still has to be able to filter high frequencies. How can we spot aliasing? The most common way to spot issues with your downsampler or recording device is with a chirp5 signal. 5. A chirp is a signal in which the frequency increases with time That’s how a spectrogram looks for a chirp signal. </source> Your browser does not support the audio element. Figure 14. Spectrogram of a chirp signal, 200-11025Hz Notice how the frequency of the sound increases with time. Now let’s downsample this signal to 5512Hz. In an ideal case, there shouldn’t be any signal after ~5th second, since it contains only frequencies bigger than 2756Hz after that. We will downsample without suppressing high-frequencies. </source> Your browser does not support the audio element. Figure 15. Chirp signal downsampled to 5512Hz. Since we are using a naive downsampler, notice how after 5th second, high frequencies are seen as their complementary. That’s how aliasing works for the sound. High frequencies suddenly appear “at another time.” Before trying to match sounds from the microphone, make sure your equipment does not alias the signal. Clipping Clipping is cutting short the amplitude of the signal at its maximum. Say your bit depth is a signed short 16 bit. It means that the largest value you can represent with this encoding is 32767. After you record your sound, the digital file gets through a set of processing steps before it is saved on the disk. If any of these transformations increase the original sound’s amplitude, you may end up clipping your signal. As an example, if you double the amplitude of a signal, you may overdrive some of the values beyond the limit (i.e. 32767). It will saturate the signal, and it will get clipped at the maximum value. How to detect clipping? It is not so difficult. Clipping creates an audio effect known as distortion. Listen to the next audio and notice how certain instruments (specifically those generating high-pitched sounds) create a distorted sound. </source> Your browser does not support the audio element. This type of distortion introduces frequency peaks in locations not present in the original signal, affecting the recognition rate. Tempo Change The tempo of the music is the speed of the underlying beat. It is measured in beats per minute. Remixed songs quite often change the beat to adhere to a particular style of music. Notice in the following examples how remixed version increased the tempo by 30 bpm. The initial tempo of the song is roughly 90 bpms. Listen to the remixed version, which runs at 120 bpm. To notice the change wait for the chorus. Geonis · Sia - Unstoppable(Wallmers & Geonis Remix)[free download] Tempo change shortens the distance between frequency peaks. The initial song will not be recognized when querying with a remixed version. The easiest solution is to fingerprint the same song with changed tempo. Frequency Range SoundFingerprinting uses a 300-2000Hz range for creating audio fingerprints. If your sound contains specific differences that are outside of this range, it will not be recognized. I received multiple times question about fingerprinting “birds singing.” I didn’t dive deep into its intricacies, though the first thing that I would look at is their frequency range. To make it work, you would need to make sure you are fingerprinting the right range It also applies to more specific use-cases when the initial sound contains high-pitched audio or deep bass. Final Thoughts Hope you enjoyed reading the explanation of Audio Fingerprinting. To support my efforts in developing SoundFingerprinting further, please star the project on GitHub. The core fingerprinting algorithm is MIT licensed, so you can use, change, and distribute it freely. If you are a business that needs scalable storage for the fingerprints, contact me at sergiu [at] emysound (dot) com. Subscribe to this blog, where I post articles about algorithms and more. References 1 - 6.050J/2.110J – Information, Entropy and Computation – Spring 2008 2 - Seeing circles, sines, and signals 3 - J. Haitsma, T. Kalker (2002). A Highly Robust Audio Fingerprinting System. Proc. International Conf. Music Information Retrieval. 4 - Jacobs, Finkelstein, A., Salesin, D. Fast Multiresolution Image Querying 5 - Piotr Indyk, Rajeev Motwani. Approximate nearest neighbors: towards removing the curse of dimensionality.
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Ardennes if you think classic Belgian racing when you hear these words then HED named them right. For us, these wheels evoke cobbles, the hard men of the spring classics, hard training, and serious racing. After 15 years of work staying on top of the aero wheel world, HED turned their attention to traditional wheels. It seemed like a strange direction to go, but HED got tired of looking at alloy wheels and thinking "these could be SO much better". They are, and HED actually surprised ourselves by how much better they are. But what makes 23mm better than the ubiquitous 19mm rim? Width. Picture a standard 23mm tire on the C2 rim. Tire and rim width are the same, the sidewalls are fairly straight, and the width of the rim spreads the tread contact patch out. With straighter sidewalls, and more rubber on the road, cornering is an entirely new experience. The sidewalls don't flop over in a hard corner, and more rubber on the road is, well... better. C2s should be run with lower pressure, since there is more air volume in the wider tire profile. The same tire on a 19mm rim looks more like the profile of a light bulb. The curved sidewalls flop over under hard cornering, there is less rubber on the road, and more air pressure is needed to prevent pinch flats. Nearly identical to the Ardennes SL, the LT switches the scandium C2 rim for a more economical aluminum one. Despite fitting into the middle of HED's Ardennes line up, HED believe this wheel still stacks up to any of their competitors' best offerings.
Peppery arugula and black olives give this pizza its bold, Mediterranean flair. Stick to the recipe or use your own favorite flavors from the fridge.
The router engine is configured through a list of options that are passed in to the NewRouter function. The opts ...Option argument implies that any number of options can be passed, or none at all. Sometimes, not all the options needed to configure the router are available at the time it is instantiated. The Options function allows the router to be configured at any time after it has been declared. The router engine's overview page provides a list of all options that can be configured, including those for: adding constraints, setting vehicle properties, and customizing the solver. In this tutorial, the Options function is showcased using vehicle's start and end locations. Example The following program uses the CLI Runner to obtain a solution and requires access to the Nextmv code repository on GitHub. To request access, please contact [email protected]. The code snippet used to configure a vehicle's start and end locations can be modified to pass the vehicle end locations using the Options function, as opposed to configuring this option as an argument for the NewRouter function:
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Mixing smooth and soulful vocals with stunning melodies, singer/songwriter Emma Shaheen is the latest secret of the UK’s independent music scene. At 27, the young artist has already managed to release a handful of singles and appear at gigs and festivals up and down the country, scoring support slots for Daniel Bedingfield and Corinne Bailey Rae. First heard with Leeds-based nu-jazz band Today’s Mathematics when she was just 17, Shaheen was featured on the band’s single “Butterfly”, played on Radio 1 and acclaimed by music guru Trevor Nelson. After Mathematics disbanded in 2005, she took her first steps as a solo artist with the single “Perfume”, produced by Homecut and released on First Word Records. With her new self-released EP, The Life Is, Emma Shaheen showcases her graceful singing and efficient songwriting. The record’s opener, hip hop infused “Life is beautiful”, received high praise on the BBC’s Raw Talent radio show and the song “Play On” is in line with Shaheen’s more acoustic compositions. Emma Shaheen - Play On She is currently working on a few new songs with younger brother Joel for her yet-untitled debut album. The siblings are planning to record this new material over the summer and Emma is already in talks with a major label so we can maybe hope for an album before the end of the year… Keep an ear out! Emma Shaheen - As I Lay Down To Sleep For more info and tunes, check out Emma’s official site or listen to her music on SoundCloud. You can buy The Life Is and new single “Falling For You” on Bandcamp.
Here we go again. Suge Knight's son Suge Knight Jr. is again making some wild claims concerning late rap icon Tupac Shakur. According to the former Death Row head's seed, 'Pac is not only alive but in the studio. On Saturday (Jan. 19), Knight posted on Instagram, "I got Pac back in the studio. New music coming." He doubled down in the comments adding, "This ain’t a joke. #NewDeathRow ??/?? Coming soon." He carried it even further on Sunday (Jan. 20), with a post requesting producers for the dead rapper's new project. "I need the hottest producer to work on a project for 'Pac," he posted. He also scoffed at people questioning his sanity and later put the asking price at $3 million for a feature from 'Pac. "First they call you crazy. Then they doubt you. And then they forget how they was treating you at first," he added. This isn't the first time Suge's son has come out of nowhere with questionable Tupac stories. Last October, he claimed 'Pac was alive and well, and living in Malaysia. "[Tupac] never left us. They’ll be after me soon smh. For y’all tho 💯," he captioned a photo. He later posted a video looking paranoid and alleged someone was following him for speaking the truth. "I'm not on drugs," he wrote in a follow-up post. Suge Knight has also made similar claims in the past. We'll believe it when we see it. And probably not even then.
An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is used by over 98 percent of Fortune 500 companies in their recruitment process. That is how widely used and accepted the technology is. They’ve been around for a few years now. However, applicant tracking systems have traditionally been more employer-focused, resulting in negative candidate experiences. Fortunately, times have changed, and most of today’s next-generation ATS solutions ‌provide enhanced experiences for both employers and candidates. Many of them have well-designed interfaces and automation capabilities that benefit all stakeholders in the talent acquisition process. Kanban boards, candidate tracking, job management, automation, resume parsing, unlimited groups, workflow management, career portal, visual workflows, activity tracking, and real-time notifications are all features that help to improve the job recruitment process. When a company wants to fill job positions quickly and efficiently, it needs a reliable applicant tracking system. The eight features listed below are among the most important to look for in an applicant tracking system in order to better manage the hiring process. 1) Kanban Boards Kanban boards. One of the most user-friendly features of the applicant tracking system is Kanban Boards. In Kanban’s view, it allows the recruiter to see the recruitment process. Columns are common on a Kanban board. These columns are labeled applied, shortlisted, applicant assessment, interview, on-hold, offer, and hired in ATS software. Candidates can be added to these columns based on their recruitment stages, such as applied, shortlisted, hired, and so on. Instead of repeatedly editing the candidate cards, you can simply drag and drop them from one column to the next. Overall, we can use Kanban boards to efficiently navigate various stages of the recruitment process and fill job positions. 2) Applicant Tracking The applicant tracking feature allows you to keep track of where each candidate is in the hiring process. With the real-time applicant tracking system, you can track candidates throughout the recruitment process. The system will allow you to keep track of the applicants’ multi-level screening stages. After clicking on the candidate’s name, you can view the candidate’s details in the ATS software. Skills, educational qualifications, years of experience, previous employers, salary expectations, resume, and we can use other attachments to quickly shortlist candidates. Candidate tracking simplifies and streamlines the hiring process for hiring managers. It also assists in the scheduling of interviews, stores specific standout details about the candidate that you noticed, and manages everything in one place. 3) Job Management Recruiters can manage job positions in one place thanks to the job management feature. You can enjoy a smooth recruitment process by creating and posting jobs, adding candidates, and filling them up quickly with this feature. You can use analytics to track your applications once you’ve posted your job openings and distributed them across multiple job boards. It will assist you in fine-tuning your job distribution strategy and maximizing efficiency. You can also add candidates by filling out critical details such as name, email address, phone number, and total experience on the job boards, besides creating job postings. 4) Automation To configure actions at every stage of the recruitment process, automation is required. With automation, you can deal with any scenario that arises during the hiring process. The feature enables you to create automated workflows based on triggers such as the addition of a new candidate, the completion of a new job, or the change of stage. As a result, it will notify you whenever an event or trigger occurs. The automated flow layout the steps of the entire hiring procedure. The resumes in the database are managed based on the required filters, thanks to the automation in place. It saves time for recruiters and helps them channel an efficient recruiting flow by reducing the grunt work they have to do. 5) Resume Parsing After receiving the candidates’ applications and resumes, you must evaluate the best ones in order to create a shortlist. That’s when the robust resume parsing feature of ATS software comes in handy! However, what if there are a lot of applications to process? Resume parsing is a useful feature that aids in the screening of candidate resumes. You can use this feature to analyze, extract, and store candidate resume data. You can quickly parse many resumes and filter out highly qualified candidates using resume parsing. Resume parser mapping allows you to standardize and align the parsed resume in the format of your choice. Allow the resume parser to import fields and structure the resumes instead of manually segregating them. 6) Unlimited Groups Create and add candidates to groups based on job titles and departments. You can manage the entire recruitment process efficiently by creating an unlimited number of groups. Create category-based groups by giving them a title, a name, a description, and members. The feature allows for the addition or import of candidates from various sources for easier and faster assessment. This feature is extremely useful for managing multiple job openings at the same time and keeping track of everything. It is also helpful for recruiters to learn more about current employees by identifying any gaps in their skill set. Applicant tracking system (ATS) Applicant Tracking Systems have made it easier for companies and businesses to recruit in recent years. Recruiters and HR professionals no longer have to sit and read through a stack of resumes to decide who to call for an interview. The ATS (Applicant Tracking System) processes resumes automatically. The software eliminates the few most likely candidates, allowing the recruiter to manually assess them before interviewing. An applicant tracking system (ATS) is software that automates the recruiting and hiring process for a company. Its purpose is to collect and sort thousands of resumes, but it is not limited to that. Large organizations that hire for multiple jobs at once and receive hundreds of resumes will find the system extremely useful. Register for the webinar to learn more about RecruitHire for Applicant Tracking System The post Major Features to Look for in an Applicant Tracking System appeared first on Agile CRM Blog.
Two ghosts’ is a new short movie style musical created by Sean Devany and his team as a part of their university studies. This 20 minutes movie has a constant level of professionalism through and showcases to the viewers the team’s creativity, knowledge and experience, which is the entire purpose of a university project in essence. Not only does it look like a surreal amount of time and money has gone into the filming and creation of this product but also it is clear that a lot of thought has gone through it too. Everything in this movie has been thought out meticulously and everything that has been included is there for a specific reason/purpose which is an indication of a carefully thought through the show. Uniquely this is a show that Is heavily based on real-life. Not only is set in and about real issues that many people face but also it seems to debate from the classical musical style tropes. The reason many people dislike musicals is the cheesiness of them but two ghosts almost entirely remove this idea. The songs are beautifully and smoothly woven into the story at logical points which is insanely clever to watch as a viewer. The show has the idea of dance kept close to its heart and shows this throughout. The opening scene of this movie was just like something you would see in a professional movie created by people with years of experience. It was beautifully crafted and helped set the scene and laid out the basic themes of the entire show but also the dancer in the box is introduced on this scene which is a key symbol for the rest of the scenes. This box reappears and is talked about multiple times throughout the rest of the film which helps make it easier to watch for the viewers as they have something tying together all the scenes. The first scene of dialogue in this show was somewhat disappointing as at times it was difficult to fully understand what was being discussed. There was obvious interfere overlaying the dialogue within the show but this was never really explained. It appeared that Julie (whom the story follows) was phasing in and out or was distracted but this was not particularly clear and did cause some confusion. The only other qualm I had with this short film was that during one scene there were cartoon/shadow dancers that became the focus of the scene and while this was a representation of dance and its beauty, I don’t think they were particularly necessary for this movie. They could have not been included and the viewers would have still thought about the elegance and beauty a dancer posses. As this was a musical film there were a few songs through all of which were really good. The opening song titled ’do you hear me?’ was equally beautiful as it was mysterious and dark which was excellent. The build-up and drawback of the music matched the emotions someone on Julie’s position would feel which again shows the creators of this movie was thought carefully about the songs in this musical. This song was performed as an almost monologue with the other characters on this scene blissfully unaware of what Julie is singing as they are frozen still and because of this the audience could really get into the mind of Julie to feel her emotions which were very clever. My personal favourite song in this movie musical was the second song which was titled ’dance in the night’ and was Julie’s expression of her repressed passion for dance. This song entwined slow elements as well as full musicality to show the build-up of excitement in Julie. This song was AN ANTHEM and I can see numerous theatre kids wanting to sing this is auditions etc. As this show is all about dance I did think this number could have utilised a little bit more dance elements but apart from this, the song was excellent staged and performed. The third song In this musical movie titled ’confrontation’ was a defiant / fight style song between Julie and her mother that was great. The two voices sang two different parts that worked excellently together and the emotions of the actors were clear to see which is fantastic for the audience to watch. A highlight for this film was the choice of locations they decided to use. While there are numerous fantastic backdrops and scenery used in this film there are two in particular that really blew me away. Firstly there is a scene in which Julie is In an isolated phone box in the middle of the countryside and while at first, I thought this was very unusual it all made sense what it was revealed what she was wearing. My personal favourite location was the dance/practice room used during a throwback scene. This scene was lighted in an eerie and dark manner that the audience isn’t particularly aware of until the mood of the scene changes and they it is painfully obvious. To have a recognisable location that appears to change (despite nothing but the mood actually changing) was a stroke of pure genius that fitted perfectly with the ideas and themes of the entire movie. The actual acting in this scene was also excellent which made what happened extremely emotional. Overall this is a very clever piece of both theatre which is unlike any musical I have ever seen before but I also also a clever film that has been meticulously thought put that makes it such an easy watch for the audience. I would rate this movie/musical 4 and a half stars but I would love to hear what everyone else thinks of it. Two ghosts can be seen on youtube by following the link
The event will feature a panel of powerful Jamaican women who are leaders in their respective fields. Panelists will also include past recipients of the JWOF “Powerful Women…Next Generation” scholarship program. Following the panel discussion, there will be a question and answer session. The moderator will be our own ‘Next-Gen’ Board Director, Dr. Monique Blake Roswell, Dean of Libraries, and Academic Success Centers at Broward College. Students and parents are encouraged to participate in this very informative event. JWOF will also begin accepting applications for its “Powerful Women…Next Generation” scholarship. The $5,000 ($1,250 yearly) scholarship is awarded annually to a first or second generation, Jamaican-American female graduate of a high school in Florida, to attend a post-secondary institution in the Fall of 2021.
A Chicago native, stand up comedian, former Div-I college athlete, with a Masters in Counseling/Psychology, Leo Flowers combines his education and experience into his Stand Up comedy & on his Suicide prevention podcast, "Before You Kill Yourself," which has over 100,000 downloads! It's insightful, heartwarming and intensely funny. He interviews other mental health experts, comedians and best-selling book authors as they destigmatize mental health and teach you how to thrive. Monique Marvez is a force of nature disguised as a hardworking almost famous comedian… Just as scientists can codify and quantify hurricanes, here’s Monique by the numbers: Has performed on 5 continents; frequently for the USO including Iraq during wartime. Amassed 4 incredibly diverse Showtime Specials in a decade including The Latin Divas of Comedy (nominated for an Alma Award), Snoop Dogg Presents The Bad Girls of Comedy, Funny Women of a Certain Age and her own 1 hour, Not Skinny: Not Blonde. Has spent 3 decades as a sought after headliner after debuting at the Montreal Comedy Festival in 1992 (and returning several other years). 2 incredibly successful drive time radio shows in large markets and a weekly talk show on LA’s venerable KFI and 1 Special on HBOMAX: HA Comedy Arts.
Highlands Pacific (ASX:HIG) has declared a maiden Mineral Resource at its Star Mountains exploration project in Papua New Guinea, confirming the region as one of the most exciting and prospective exploration areas in PNG.
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If you can't have your favorite characters come out legitimately, then the next best thing is to mod them in. Full image — Ashley Talks Comics! As usual for platform-fighter games, however, there is always the possibility of DLC characters or ones that are added for free after the initial launch, usually for various reasons. The fan campaigning for longtime favorite characters is reminiscent of the early , with fans trying to create entire move sets and explain why their character of choice should be included more than others.
I did a lot of quick work on almost all of the site’s pages before resurrecting it after the recent hack attack. Some coding got smooshed here and there and a bit of it was sloppy, even if you couldn’t see it on the page. The pages are still being improved and updated bit-by-bit and you might even notice that a section your browsing suddenly gets upgraded when you go to the next page. That’s just me shoveling new pages onto the server and freaking you out. PLEASE let me know if you run into any broken pages, broken images, broken links, horribly slow pages (especially the pages with a crapload of sprites) or anything like that by replying to this post. It’ll help if you let me know which browser you’re using and its version number (usually seen in the “About Browsername” option on the Help tab). I’ll be back in about a week with that Avengers-based update. Filed under: MugenBoss Updates, ScrollBoss Updates, Site News, Site Work, Updates by PrimeOp 2 Responses to “Ongoing behind-the-scenes fixing” Eddie MountainGoat, on May 1st, 2012 at 10:07 am Said: I know this isn’t the kind of bug you’re talking about, but it might’ve been a re-uploading oversight. The Ninja Baseball Batman page has Jose’s intro sprite twice, rather than his standing sprite. I know you have his standing sprite (I entered its address, into my browser!), but it isn’t on the page.
Joseph joined Windermere Insurance Group in January 2016 and is the Managing Director of Specialty Risks, focusing on high-risk and catastrophe exposed commercial and residential property. Prior to joining Windermere, Joseph was engaged as a wholesale broker for excess and surplus lines insurance here in the United States and as a broker within the Lloyd’s of London Market in the United Kingdom. Joseph graduated from Appalachian State University in 2007 with a BS in Business Administration and earned a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from UMass Amherst in 2016. He received his Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC) designation in 2011.
It appears Apple will live stream their iPad event today after all as the Apple Events channel has appeared on the Apple TV main menu. Today’s event kicks off at 10am PST / 11am MST / 12pm CT / 1pm EST for the US, with the International times for the keynote as follows: • London – 6:00 p.m. • Paris – 7:00 p.m. • Berlin – 7:00 p.m. • Tokyo – 2:00 a.m. (Wednesday) • Sydney – 4:00 a.m. (Wednesday) • Auckland – 6:00 a.m. (Wednesday) In addition to the Apple TV, the iPad event will be live streamed to iOS devices and Macs through the new October 2013 event section on its Apple Events web page. According to Apple, live streaming video requires Safari 4 or later on OS X v10.6 or later or Safari on iOS 4.2 or later. Streaming via Apple TV is supported on the second or third-generation Apple TV with software 5.0.2 or later. Apple is expected to announce the new iPad 5 and Retina iPad mini at the event, as well as potentially unveiling an updated Apple TV, together with updates to their MacBook Pro lineup. Stick around here at Apple TV Hacks (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) for more coverage on the new Apple TV.
A: At Achieve Health and Fitness we always take our potential clients through a comprehensive fitness assessment prior to developing a program for them. This includes filling out a health questionaire so that the client can make us aware of any pre-existing medical conditions that may influence program design. Next we perform a basic fitness assessment. The assessment includes body measurements, body composition testing, flexibility and range of motion testing to determine the clients level of flexibility and joint mobility and finally a Functional Movement Screen to determine how well a person can move through basic movement patterns that are the key to normal everyday function. All of the information collected is taken into consideration during the program design stage to make sure that the program we develop is not only effective but also safe for the person in question. Q: How important is nutrition in my fitness program A: If your fitness goals involve either gaining muscle or losing body fat, rest assured that a sound nutritional program will make or break your efforts. It has been said that nutrition accounts for about 80% of your success and based on our experience we feel that this is accurate. Achieve Health and Fitness, however, does not believe in the effectiveness of diets. Diets almost always fail due to the fact that they generally differ so much from an individuals normal eating behaviors that to follow them for any length of time is unrealistic. We prefer to educate our clientele in proper nutrition and assist them in not only making better choices but also controlling their portions as well. In this way, people are much more likely to achieve their goals! Q: What can I expect during my training session? A: This all depends on your goals and the results of your assessment. Generally speaking, our sessions have a general structure that we follow. We always begin with a warm up to elevate body temperature and prepare the body for what is to come. we then spend about 10 minutes on corrective exercise. These are exercises we use to balance your body's muscle systems and help improve posture. We then move on to Core Training. This involves exercises to strengthen the muscles on the midsection. These muscle support and protect the spine, so a strong core will reduce the likelyhood of injury. We then move on to resistance training. This is where we work your primary exercises such as your squats, bench press and rows. The final portion of the session is called metabolic training. This is essentially cardio. This portion is included to increase cardiovascular endurance and to elevate metabolism to increase fat burning. Q: What Makes Achieve Health and Fitness different from a chain gym? A: In most large gyms the game is numbers. As long as they get you to sign up and pay your monthly fees on a regular basis, they could care less if you come in and use the facility. As a matter of fact these large gyms are usually banking on the hope that you won't. The honesty of the situation is that you are more of a number than a person. At Achieve Health and Fitness we firmly believe in providing our clients with the greatest fitness experience possible and that starts and ends with great customer service. Unlike many chain gyms where after you sign on the dotted line you are on your own, we guide you through every step of your fitness journey. From teaching you how to safely perform exercises on your program to helping you make better choices on your nutrition and even to just bringing you a bottle of water if you look thirsty; our main goal at Achieve Health and Fitness to to make the hour or so you spend with us the best part of your day!
Daikin offers their heating and cooling systems with Inverter Technology? What does that mean? Inverter (variable speed) HVAC systems are an energy saving technology that helps to reduce wasted operation in HVAC systems. Temperature is adjusted by changing the motor speed rather than turning the motor on then turning it off. Your comfort is maintained and your system operates at an energy conserving level. A simple analogy is comparing how your car performs in stop and go traffic versus cruising at highway speed making small adjustments to road conditions. Inverter technology allows your furnace to cruise along efficiently. Temperature is adjusted by changing motor speed and maintaining your comfort while operating at an energy conserving level. Inverter technology not only saves you money on your energy bills but helps prevent temperature swings in your home. You will feel the difference. Daikin inverter systems are also engineered to achieve lower operating sound levels. Finally the increased efficiency of the inverter technology system will reduce wear and tear on your HVAC system and therefore contributes to longevity and durability. Check out Daikin here! Contact Us Today!
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I was lucky to assist Ricardo O´Nascimento (POPKALAB) with Laura Duncker in Leandro Cano´s 083 Collection. The collection was inspired by the idea of life and death. I helped with programming and interfacing the different types of sensors and mechanisms to give life to the pieces.
PAC Insurance Agency, Inc was incorporated in 1981. We made the decision to focus on automobile and homeowners insurance and have continued to specialize in this area. By focusing our efforts and caring about our customers we have become one of the largest personal lines insurance agencies in Alabama.
The NFL career of the Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback from the University of Florida was short-lived, and now, Tim Tebow is set to make the transition to Major League Baseball. It may, at first, sound like a farfetched story, but a number of people have spoken publicly on Tebow’s baseball ability. Chad Moeller, a former major league catcher who had been training Tebow states, “I truly believe Tim has the skill set and potential to achieve his goal of playing in the major leagues and based on what I have seen over the past two months, it could happen relatively quickly.” Gary Sheffield, former All-Star outfielder, took to Twitter to express his support However, unsurprisingly, not everyone on the internet was as kind. This interest in baseball does not come out of left field. Tebow had been drawing a lot of attention from major league scouts when he played baseball as a junior in high school. Former Angels scout Tom Kotchman stated, “We wanted to draft him, but he never sent back his information card. […] Who knows if it got to him, and if it did we just never got it back. Otherwise we were going to take him.” However, as we know, Tebow went on to pursue a professional career in football instead. The former Florida Gators quarterback and his team assure that this is no publicity stunt. Although he has not played baseball regularly for over a decade, he’s been hard at work training for the past several months in Scottsdale and Los Angeles. This would not be the first time a major league athlete made a career switch into baseball. Bo Jackson of the Kansas City Royals and Deion Sanders of the Atlanta Braves both made the switch from the NFL to the MLB. Michael Jordan also played one year for the Chicago White Sox minor league team. Still, critics seem to be unsure whether or not Tebow has the skill to make it in the big leagues.
See. Be Seen. And see some more. JeffJack puts you in a well-connected area of Chicago, with countless transportation, dining, shopping and entertainment possibilities. Neighborhood Urban Sleek & Rewarding Sophisticated, contemporary, environmentally conscious—JeffJack is a hip place to call home as you climb the career and social ladder. Floor Plans Urban Sleek & Rewarding The “AHS” are in the details—from our luxurious indoor pool, penthouse fitness spa, and state-of-the-art media room, to our plush rooftop greenspace, bespoke lobby and comfortable social room.
This is a great video on how to fillet a northern pike. Each of the 5 section is boneless and is easy to do! The bigger the pike the better.
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This cute girl is 18. She dreams of becoming a Model, and we say:”Why not?” Especially with a face and a body like this. Wow! Have you ever seen a cute face like that? Needless to say, we are pleased to welcome her in our studio for a photoshoot. We have a number of Teen magazines in mind for her. But first, she will have to go through the rigorous process of the audition. She strikes a pose, then a second, then a third… Yes we are impressed! What a natural she is. Each pose is sexier than the last. We feel like we are in the presence of a Super Star. This is gold! But, was she prepared to get fucked at her very first Audition?
A special evening with artists offering sounds that make the soul vibrate. Enchanted places in the lights of the sunset, frame a precious moment. Twice a year, music and nature lovers meet to create a unique show.
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Trojan's Outdoor Toddler Slat Tables are made from recycled plastic and are extremely durable. These look attractive on every playground - they'll put you in a good mood - they're fun to use! Tables pair perfectly with our matching Toddler Slat Benches, sold separately. Keep plastic out of the landfill, with our indestructible tables. They are impervious to the outdoor elements - no need to bring them inside! With rounded corners, sliver-free construction and non-slip surfaces (that wet wood often has), children are kept safe. Dimensions: Grey & Blue Table: 60"L x 19"W x 22"H (F170) Red, Green & Blue Table: 60"L x 19"W x 22"H (F175) Weight: 225lbs Please note that our Toddler Slat Tables are heavy (225lbs), so normal shipping rates do not apply. Contact us for a shipping rate to your location. Ships as a kit. Some assembly will be required. Allow 6-8 weeks for delivery.
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•This is on lack of a harmonised approach in handling Covid-19 measures, including charges for tests which vary by country. •Border delays also continue to affect movement of trucks with turn-around time remaining high. by MARTIN MWITA Business Writer Kenya 22 January 2021 - 04:00 EABC CEO Peter Mathuki speaks during a media forum in Nairobi, on January 21/COURTESY Lack of harmonised systems at the borders is fuelling illicit trade in the region, the East African Business Council (EABC) has warned. While cross border trade among the East African Community (EAC) member states has high potential, the different approaches in handling Covid-19 tests, clearance of goods and movement of persons is proving to be a barrier. This is affecting intra-EAC trade which is at a low of 13 per cent, compared to common markets such as the EU which is at 67 per cent. Traders and truck drivers are parting with $100 (Sh10,980) to get tested at Tanzania and Burundi borders, between $30-$50 (Sh3, 294-Sh 5, 490) in Uganda, up to $60 (Sh6,588) for Rwanda, while in Kenya, the charges vary and can go up to Sh10,000. Small traders who buy and sale merchandise across the borders, mainly markets and busy bordering towns, are also facing a hard time getting clearance. A huge number of traders are using panya routes ( illegal routes) to move goods across borders EABC CEO Peter Mathuki This, EABC says this has pushed a number of them to seek alternative routes with the porous borders giving room for illicit trade, dealing a major blow to revenue bodies in the region. “A huge number of traders are using panya routes ( illegal routes) to move goods across borders,” EABC CEO Peter Mathuki said yesterday, during an editors forum in Nairobi. Other cross-border challenges in the wake of Covid-19 includes delays in getting Covid-19 test results for truck drivers, non-implementation of the EAC agreed Covid-19 Standard Operating Procedure for truck drivers and inadequate laboratory facilities to test aflatoxin in cereals. Truckers are also subjected to manual cargo scanning and this coupled with intermittent cargo scanner breakdowns causing slow turn-around time in cargo clearance. There is also insufficient parking space on trunk routes along the Northern transport corridor(which runs from Mombasa to the hinterland) and punitive fines for truck drivers by way of implementing the EAC Vehicle Load Control Act, due to variations in axle measurement systems at different weigh bridges. Pre-Covid, truck turn-around time between Mombasa and Kampala was averaging seven days, which has now gone up to an average 14-20 days as a result of border delays. EABC chairman Nick Nesbitt emphasised the need for the EAC secretariat to fast-track a regional harmonised approach “to promptly facilitate interventions at EAC border points, to unclog trade blockages and facilitate faster clearance of goods.” Some of the common goods moved across-borders by small trades include alcoholic drinks, household goods, clothing, food stuff and fast moving retail goods mainly for small retail businesses. During the 48th Biannual Assembly of East African Revenue Authority Commissioners Generals (EARACGs) meeting, last Novermber, it was reported that revenue growth in the region ranged from -44.9 per cent to 2.1 per cent in the wake of Covid. During the meeting chaired by Kenya's KRA Commissioner-General James Mburu, the tax bosses committed to the EAC integration and curbing of revenue leaks. Meanwhile, the EAC economy is projected to rebound in 2021, but will largely depend on partner states commitment to macro-economic policy coordination and adoption of a regional coordinated approach in handling the pandemic. “Covid-19 disruptions in 2020 provided a learning curve, on the need to have sustainable EAC regional value chains integration for the development of finished products with a view of reducing industrial and trade risks arising out of external shocks,” Nesbitt, who is also the Kenya Private Sector Alliance chairman, said. According to the AfDB 'East Africa Economic Outlook 2020', the East Africa region is projected to recover to 3.7 per cent in the baseline scenario and 2.8 per cent in the worst-case scenario under the assumption that Covid-19 would be contained in the short-to-medium term.
All the seatbelts are equipped with belt tensioners. A mechanism in the seatbelt tensioner tightens the seatbelt in the event of a sufficiently violent collision. The seatbelt then provides more effective restraint for the occupants. Warning Never insert the tongue of the passenger's seatbelt into the buckle on the driver's side. Always insert the tongue of the seatbelt into the buckle on the correct side. Do not make any damages on seatbelts nor insert any foreign objects into a buckle. The seatbelts and buckles would then possibly not function as intended in the event of a collision. There is a risk of serous injury.
We reside in the rage of filters. Filters that were a leader in Snapchat, made preferred by Instagram, as well as currently extensively made use of on TikTok, identified social media sites interaction as well as the existence of numerous internet customers. The filters are truly countless. There are those that can make you laugh, there are those that can make you sob, as well as numerous others. On TikTok, the filter that makes you look glossy is presently incredibly popular. Below’s just how to include a radiance result to TikTok. Include a radiance result Prior to including a radiance result to your TikTok web content, initially see to it your application depends on day. Most likely to the suitable shop application on your tool, locate TikTok in the checklist as well as see if there is an upgradeable alternative. Otherwise, after that your application is most likely approximately day. Release the TikTok application currently by clicking the symbol on the desktop computer of your tool. After releasing the application, most likely to Plusicon as well as touch on it. You will certainly be required to a display to develop a brand-new video clip or photo. At the end of the display, left wing, you will certainly locate the impacts symbol. Click this. If you are out the Charm web page, after that go all out. After that begin scrolling down till you get to the “Bling”, the silver filter. Currently click it as well as the filter will certainly be used. You might discover an additional filter called “Bling” which is pink in shade. As opposed to shimmering rubies, this filter consists of hearts. Select the one you like as well as utilize it for your TikTok web content. Utilizing the application The trigger result can be located prior to TikTok. You do not require to mount a brand-new filter. No, this application offers you the stylish so you can conserve a picture to your phone and afterwards publish it to TikTok. Initially, Kirakir + The application is not complimentary. However it is most definitely not that pricey. Permits you to make use of the bling filter as well as different brand-new choices to make your images as well as video clips glimmer. After taking a picture or video clip with this application, tailor it to your taste as well as wait on your tool. After that simply open up the TikTok application as well as include the image/ video clip to your tool’s cam. The remarkable point regarding utilizing this application is that it is special. The shine result is offered on TikTok, however the distinction in between the TikTok filter as well as the offered choices on Kirakira + is most definitely obvious. Attempt it, as well as you will certainly see just how individuals group to you as well as ask just how you can obtain the beauty result on their web content. Various other adorable TikTok filters Yes, the shine result is rather cool as well as preferred. Nonetheless, there are different other filters as well as impacts presently offered at TikTok. Why is it vital to follow it on TikTok? Since this social application stays on par with the patterns. It’s simply the method it is. Anyhow, below is a little checklist of various other preferred filters to make use of. Magisto This is an outstanding filter that permits you to fairly select the design of your taped video clip. Permits you to highlight integral parts of your images, video clips, as well as include different songs impacts, also reduced video clips. BeeCut Once you obtain made use of to making use of BeeCut, you’re questioning just how you might make use of TikTokvideo. This useful device provides you a wide variety of various video clip impacts. While these impacts are greater than sensible, they are not all that BeeCut does. Permits you to include overlays, adjustment element proportion, reduced video clip as well as even more. Video Yes, the core of social applications like TikTok, Instagram as well as Snapchat is to maintain material succinct as well as succinct so others can see it. Nonetheless, you can develop endless video clip as well as still modify it. Unlike many video clip editors, VideoShow has no video clip size restriction. You can additionally utilize this program to divide, combine, modify, turn, replicate, obscure, as well as expand your video clip. Great deals of valuable devices in one location. Video clip shop If you are seeking simpleness, do not hesitate, Videoshop is below. This application is as easy as they can be. It offers you the chance to include songs, subtitles, various audio impacts as well as readjust the video clip rate. TikTok Shimmer Result There are 2 methods to include a radiance result to your TikTok video clips. A basic one consists of discovering a radiance result from a checklist of impacts. A a lot more intricate technique includes filling a different impacts application. Whichever course you select, you currently recognize just how to include a radiance result to your video clips. Which technique did you select? Exactly how do you like the brand-new shine result on your TikTok web content? Do you recognize an additional method to accomplish this result? Do not be an unfamiliar person! Click us in the remarks area listed below as well as do not hesitate to ask any kind of TikTok relevant concerns.
At the New York Life Mississippi General Office, we do more than work in the community, we're part of it. Many of our Agents have local roots - some even go back generations. That's important, because it gives them a vested interest in the people and businesses that make up the community. We believe there's no greater job than helping our friends and neighbors succeed. The Mississippi General Office is a supporter of the Methodist Children’s Homes of Mississippi. They help children and youth who have been neglected or abused, and are working toward preparing the next generation of servant leaders in Mississippi. They have been in existence and working toward these goals since 1896, and the organization was started as an orphanage. Information Source: The Mississippi General Office is a supporter of the Blair E. Batson Hospital for Children. The hospital is the only facility in the state of Mississippi that is devoted exclusively to the care and treatment of sick and injured children and adolescents. They are able to treat nearly 80,000 children annually from Mississippi's 82 counties. As part of their mission, they "promise to...imrpove the health of children" through world-class care, education of leaders, and promotion of discovery and innovation. Information Source: The Mississippi General Office is a supporter of and participant in the Madison County Chamber of Commerce Dragon Boat Regatta. This sport, though newer in popularity, is a 2000 year old tradition, and involves teams of 20 people paddling a 40-foot long boat to the beat of a drummer. It is designed to enhance work dynamic, motivation and self-confidence.
An empty room is a perfect place to let your imagination run wild when decorating. Having said that, the first item to fill the space would be a piece of furniture thus, it plays a very big role in interior designing. The right piece of furniture will help to make the most of your space and liven up the room. This is because furniture is the main focus of any room Interior designers use unique styles of furniture to add more creativity to a space. of. Having said that, below are few reasons why furniture is an important part of interior design. It is functional Furniture is the backbone when designing a room, and most designers decorate it by using the appropriate furniture. The perfect mix will give the room a well-balanced look. Interior designers take inspiration from various things when they’re decorating a space, so the furniture has to fit the whole theme of the room as well. 1. Creates a unique style Interior designers create a unique look that makes their work stand out. It is the color, size, design, and shape of the furniture and how they are placed that is important to look at. For example, some of them might use bone inlay furniture in Melbourne as it gives a clean and sleek look to their interior work. Furniture is very important in designing any kind of room although its setting and usage will solely depend on the taste of the designer. 2. Creates comfort Looking into today’s modern bedrooms their style, design, function, and form are designed based on the aesthetic value of the room furniture. The different types of beds either properly laid or low platform bed gives the designer the idea to either go modern or focus on comfort. Additionally, the bedroom furniture like a lamp, side table, and wardrobe will be used to give it a functional and homely aspect. 3. Caters to the client’s tastes Every individual has different tastes so the bedroom should be designed in such a way that it appeals to their personality. It is the responsibility of a designer to look through the eyes of the client and make their wants and needs a reality the designer must ensure the furniture doesn’t look cluttered and should complement the room and provide comfort and movement. 4. Allows to use space efficiently Proper positioning of the furniture allows the designer to use the space available efficiently and help organize other elements properly. This allows the interior designers to use the best of the space available and create unique designs. The designers need to ensure all the furniture required by the customers stylishly is in their design in the limited space available. Getting maximum productivity through efficient usage of space makes the interior designer’s work complete. Above are few reasons why furniture is important in interior designing. For further knowledge you can do more research or consult an interior designer to design your rooms.
Xolo, one of the popular Indian Smartphone devices brands has launched a new Smartphone XOLO Cube 5.0 in India on Friday i.e., on 19 June 2015. XOLO Cube 5.0 that has been launched by Xolo is priced at Rs. 7,999. … Continue reading →
September 2017 was something that may have never happened before and may never happen again. I surely cannot remember a run of swell like it. And as I talk to more surfers who are more experienced than I, the consensus is majorly the same. Whether this past month is a precursor for what’s to come […]
Whether it’s an important corporate meeting, an elaborate celebration or a friendly social gathering, the Anderson Conference Center offers spectacular venues augmented by skilled event-planning professionals to create an experience that will exceed your expectations.
Sit back, relax and take in the warmth of spring with Sen-chan! She's a Sakura Sencha Tea Dragon and she loves to spend her time taking things one moment at a time.
If we can hold true to the best inside us, that’s enough to minimize the damage from current events. Think about the good things you’ve done, the smiles you’ve given, and the kindness you received along the way. Remembering all that is like a pilot...
Please join the Practice Management Committee of the AACO for a webinar that will demystify the billing of the Sensorimotor Code and introduce the CMS revaluation of the 92060 code scheduled to happen June 2021. How will this effect practicing orthoptists? This FREE webinar is designed for orthoptists, physicians, practice administrators, billing/coding specialists and orthoptist students.
Why you should use our auto transport services? There are actually many factors contributing to your choice. Let’s have a closer look! Wide range of nationwide shipping services with Columbus Auto Transport! First of all, when choosing to cooperate with Columbus Auto Transport you choose to be free in selecting the type of shipping convenient for you. We offer transportation of all types of vehicle, including heavy vehicles and military. Students and snowbirds also can benefit from our services. From a wide range of auto shipping services, you can choose the one which matches your budget. Columbus Car Transport is a reliable auto shipping company that cherishes your vehicle while being transported. We provide nationwide shipping across 50 states in the country, including Alaska and Hawaii. As soon as you place an order of your shipping, we are in charge of everything regarding your transportation. We have a team of professional employees working for you: Stay calm and relax while a team of professional employees are working on your shipping. Our employees are well-trained to provide high-quality transportation services for you. As much as you prioritize the safety of your car, as much we are cautious about providing damage-free transportation. Full coverage insurance: Columbus Auto Transport fully insures your vehicle during the shipping. The insurance will remain in force from the beginning till the end. As an experienced auto shipper, we don’t have the highest rate of damaged vehicles. But as the law states, the full insurance is required anyway. Fast and friendly customer service: Shipping is a complicated process. There is so much to deal with. Sometimes it’s difficult to make the right decision, especially for people far from the industry. That’s why our live agents are always there to assist you with anything you. Get fast and efficient information on your shipping from our customer service.
The work is based on two of Rossini’s most moving dramatic arias and remains one of the most popular virtuosic works for clarinet to this day. This critical edition by celebrated clarinetist Charles Neidich takes a fresh approach to this work, blending the 19th Century bel canto traditions which emphasize the emotional context of the arias in the musical notation with a master’s perspective on modern clarinet technique. Detailed annotations and historical background equip the clarinetist with an in-depth musical and technical facility to authentically convey the characteristic elegance and drama of Rossini’s style. The edition also includes a new cadenza by Neidich, selected from four of his original cadenzas as the one that best embraces the essence of the original work and aria inspiration.
I am working on a prototype with a whole lot of complex interactions. I have come across an issue I cannot seem to resolve. I have a search field with a hint text on most of my pages. For some reason, every time I hit the back button (to go back to the previous page), the text in the search field on that page is filled. This only occurs when I click the back button.
We created something exclusively for you! We collaborated with calligrapher Molly Suber Thorpe for the release of a calligraphy tissue paper for your own gift wrapping, featuring Best Wishes or With Love and flourishing with Molly's unique calligraphy style. Printed black on white tissue paper. Product specifications: Tissue paper size 20 x 30" Roll of 10 sheets, tied with a ribbon bow Available styles: Best Wishes, With Love. Price $22.00 per roll The Best Wishes or With Love tissue paper is also available if you chose the Studio Carta Gift Wrapping option at checkout. We will gift wrap your purchase for you and tie a bow with our wide selection of ribbon.
At all times there were different ideals of women. At one time, the artists praised the magnificent female forms, and in another the exquisite beauty of slender grand ladies. The
Do you have at least some idea that urine from our body arrives in a range of varieties, and various tones connote various things? Your variety in urine can be credited to the food sources, meds, or certain food colors that you eat. However, now and again, there are sure medical conditions that might be causing the adjustment of your urine tone. A few circumstances like liver condition, kidney stones, or urinary contamination may be the explanation for it. In the event that you have seen any new changes in your urine, you ought to visit a urology hospital in Bangalore for conclusion and treatment. Urine is a fluid misuse of the body. Our body is for the most part comprised of water, salt, and synthetics. The shade of the urine is really relied on how weakened the urochrome color is. This urochrome color is created when the hemoglobin breaks. Likewise, the variety isn’t the main telling element of the urine; you ought to likewise focus on its consistency and recurrence. In the event that you are worried about your urine tone or any adjustment of it, you ought to counsel a urologist. The significance behind urine tone This blog will help you with respect to how sound your urine is. Assuming you observe that your urine is of strange variety, you shouldn’t stress. There are many causes with respect to why it might happen. We are giving you different variety classes of urine. Every individual’s fluid waste is marginally unique in relation to that of others. However, this guide will go about as a decent casing of reference. No variety or straightforward urine Assuming you see clear or straightforward urine, that implies that you are drinking a lot of water. Assuming you see this tone, attempt to scale back water. This will likewise save you from incessant restroom trips. Overcast or frothy urine Assuming that you see an adjustment of the consistency of urine, for example, it is looking shady or frothy, it could imply that you have a urinary lot contamination, an overabundance of specific minerals, an indication of ongoing sickness, or side effect of a kidney condition. The shady air pockets additionally could mean the side effect of Chron’s illness or diverticulitis. It could likewise imply that you are dried out. Another reason is that you are eating an excess of red meat, or you are on a ketogenic diet (high-fat and low-carb). Light yellow or gold urine Ordinarily, your urine ought to be pale and brilliant. It is better that you focus on the urine tone to note assuming there is any distinction. Golden urine Dazzling yellow urine or neon variety fluid is innocuous. It simply implies that you are consuming more nutrients that your body needs. You get some information about what sort of nutrients your body doesn’t require with the goal that you could scale back.
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Research suggests that Graviola has a number of health benefits, including being rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants keep cells healthy by hunting disease-causing free radicals in the body and destroying them. Studies have shown that Graviola has anti-inflammatory properties that may relieve pain. It is believed that Graviola may also support healthy blood sugar levels, and may lower high blood pressure.
Brendan is a senior associate in the Litigation department's Environmental & Planning team. He has advised a wide range of project promoters on consenting, CPO and litigation strategy, from consent stage to financing through to development. His litigation experience allows him to put environmental, planning and health and safety risks in context and develop solutions that satisfy the needs of promoters and investors. He has also advised stakeholders on submissions in relation to legislation that affects them.
Create & Cultivate is headed to Palm Springs for a one-day pop-up event at the Commune at the Ace Hotel (Fun Fact – the first ever Create & Cultivate was held here!) Guests will be treated to beauty treatments from R+Co, Supergoop!, Nature’s Bounty, and Olive & June as well as, curated pop-ups from Dolce Vita and BCBGenerations and Mini Cooper will have an insanely cool interactive Instagrammable moment!
Riley J. Hood is the chairman of the Constitution Party of Wisconsin. He was a write-in candidate for U.S. Senate in 2012 and received 70 votes. The following article was published on June 6, 2013. What Do They Call Themselves? “Excellent speech becometh not a fool: much less lying lips a prince.”… Read more ... Continue readingRiley J. Hood: What Do They Call Themselves? PSL: Defend birthright citizenship! By on January 17, 2011 6:22 PM Party for Socialism and Liberation editorial: On Jan. 5., anti-immigrant lawmakers from across the country held a press conference in Washington, D.C., announcing new legislation in 14 states aimed at undermining birthright citizenship. The same racist Arizona lawmakers who authored SB 1070 are introducing a bill that would issue a different type of birth certificate to the children of undocumented immigrants.… Read more ...
We constructed our forearm with maximal level of compatibillity with aftermarket accessories for MIL-STD 1913, operator's comfort, easy installation with no further modifications needed, well holding zero of attached optics and usability of iron sights. Our product is machined of high-strength alluminum alloy with several steel parts. Hard anodized black finish. Lower handguard offers three and upper handguard one MIL-STD 1913 rail. Side rails on lower handguard are shortened, to allow for easy access to the charging handle, while providing comfortable grip. Because of the construction and material used, heat is quickly led away and fast barrel cooling is achieved. Attached to the barrel with bolt-on sockets. This construction brings following advantages: Ensures alighment with the barrel Minimal dependence on rifle's dimensions and their tolerance Provides solid attachment to the rifle with no play, but at the same time with no unwanted tension that could deform the barrel. Minimizes barrel deformation by material's heat expansion while shooting. Upper handguard is fitted into the lower part and even if you disassemble the rifle for cleaning, when reassembled it retains the exact position and thus any optic mounted on it will hold zero. Field stripping the handguard is very simple - just by pushing the spring latch and removing the upper part. No tools needed. Army's testing facility VTÚM Slavičín in it's report considers this unique design the best one they've ever encountered. This product has been successfuly type-tested at VTÚVM Slavičín. For guneXpert made by gunsmith Antonín Zendl.> System Expert is compatible with SA VZ.58 Sporter rifle in 5,56x45 mm. Ideally suited for use with open red dot sights EOtech or Meopta. System Expert has the same height as our railed receiver cover, creating a functional platform for any optic system.
It’s been a busy week for fans of tiny, little gobies. The two largest genera, Trimma and Eviota, each had some new species added to their ranks, bringing their total number of taxa to 100 and 108 species,...
Bring in 2 clients who purchase a membership and receive 1/2 off your next membership of equal value. A.I.R. Policies WE ACCEPT CASH, CHECKS & ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS Admission for individuals is by full-day pass, and permits access to both the cave and the climbing walls. Equipment rental is likewise full-day, but is only necessary for climbing (not for caving). You pay one price up front and can climb ’till we close. You can even leave, get lunch, and come back; re-entrance is free for the rest of the day (for individuals only). All prices include tax where applicable. Also, all membership offers and punchcards pertain to admission cost only, and not to equipment rental. Punchcards never expire and are transferable. Memberships are non-transferable. ATTENTION GUESTS: HARNESS RENTAL FEE Any child under the age of 10 is required to be paired with a parent/adult in a 1:1 ratio in order to participate in our activities. Adults who are here to partner with young climbers will not be charged general admission unless they are climbing themselves, HOWEVER they will need to pay our harness rental fee ($2 plus tax) which is needed in being a partner to a young climber. A.I.R. AGE POLICY Any child under the age of 10 MUST be accompanied by an adult/guardian in a ONE TO ONE child to parent ratio at all times while in our facility (including waiting areas) as part of our safety requirements. If the proper ratio is not met, the child will be unable to participate. Please call us to clarify any questions regarding this policy. Share on ← → x × Previous Next BOOK NOW Site Map COVID-19 INFO Home About Us Features Photo Gallery Services Programs Group Bookings Pricing Contact Us Events Policies/Waiver Contact Us Phone 518-459-7625 Email Address 4C Vatrano Road Albany, NY 12205 Follow Us Facebook Instagram Yelp Operating Hours Sunday 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm Monday 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tuesday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Wednesday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Thursday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Friday 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday 12:00 pm – 9:00 pm Albany's Indoor Rockgym © 2019 – site designed by ArtDevDesign Summer 2022 Climbing Clinics/Outdoor Excursion Dates Announced! See our Programs Page for more info Earn a FREE gym membership! Become part of our work-exchange program; exchange a 4hr shift once a week working with our gym and awesome climbing community to earn a free, unlimited gym membership (class and outing benefits included).
Knuckle Pads are also referred to as Heloderma, Athlete’s Nodules, Running/Nike Nodules, Subcutaneous Fibroma, Keratosis Supracapitularis, Discrete Keratoderma, Tylositas Articuli and Garrod pads. Knuckle Pads are well-defined, round, plaque-like fibrous thickenings that develop on the extensor aspects of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the toes and fingers to include the thumbs. They may develop at… Read more »
The “TASTE OF OMAHA ”, Omaha’s Showcase of Great Foods and Entertainment, will be open Friday, from 5 PM to 11PM , Saturday, from 11 AM to 11 PM as well as Sunday, from 11 AM to 8 PM. The Festival is Free to attend and made possible thanks to the Community Sponsors and Partners, including Miller Lite, Hiland Dairy, Barefoot Winery, Nebraska Lottery, Rotella’s Bakery, Pinnacle Bank, Veridian Credit Union, Coca-Cola, Aloft, Host Water, Media Sponsors include, KFAB 1110-AM, KGOR 99.9 FM, The Kat 103.7 FM,Kiss 96.1 FM, and Omaha World-Herald. Between eating food bites and enjoying the music, you can browse the festival displays with one-of-a-kind crafts, jewelry, sunglasses and more. Taste the Barefoot wines, or simply relax in the Miller Lite Beer Gardens, all at one time and one place. There is also plenty of Family Entertainment in the Roberts Dairy Family Village, including amusement rides for the kids, balloons, face painting. Again this year, the KidZone Stage will offer continuous performances of comedy, magic, exotic animals and more entertainment for the children. The Festival will add to your culinary experience with Kitchen Craft cooking demonstrations demonstrations! MID- AMERICA EXPOSITIONS, INC. MIKE MANCUSO, EVENT DIRECTOR 7015 SPRING ST * OMAHA, NE 68106-3518 (402) 346-8003 FAX (402) 346-5412 Facebook Twitter Copyright © 2006-2020 - Mid-America Expositions, Inc. Email questions or comments to:
After discussing every single Baby-Sitters Club novel by Ann M. Martin, Jack Shepherd and Tanner Greenring are all grown up and ready to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of romance literature, with a new book every week.
Colette Cosner is a Seattle-based poet originally from Massachusetts. Her work can be found in Cathexis Northwest Press, Cascadia Rising Review, and Aurora: The Allegory Ridge Poetry Anthology.