A family was forced to carry on with the burial service of deceased son after a hospital withheld his body over a Ksh 18 million bill. The 13-year-old boy, Brian Kimani Njoroge passed away in the last months of 2019 after five and a half months of admission in the hospital. According to a feature by Mt. Kenya TV, the family had held a number of fundraisers to try to clear the Ksh 17.9 million hospital bill demanded before the body could be released. Brian’s father highlighted the frustrations they had met trying to raise the funds stating that despite holding multiple fundraisers they had not made a significant dent in the bill. “Once you’ve two or three harambee people grow tired of giving. And it’s not thousands that are owed by millions,” explained the father. Brian’s mother expressed her sorrow at bearing the cost of the pending bills while still grappling with the loss of her son. “What pains me most is that the child is gone yet you still have a debt to settle,” she stated. Kimani passed away from liver failure. The condition began following the treatment he had received for leukaemia.
Work safety regulators are investigating a ride malfunction at local rural show over the weekend, which saw a 61-year-old woman injured and eight others stuck on board. An arm of the Octopus Ride bent significantly around midday on Saturday at the Fred's Pass Show, sending woman and a child on-board crashing two metres to the ground. The ride was immediately halted as emergency services attended, with NT Worksafe also called to inspect the faulty ride. The aftermath of the ride which malfunctioned at a local show. (Supplied) The 61-year-old woman being treated at the scene. (Supplied) An independent engineer has been engaged by NT Worksafe to inspect the ride today. Fred's Pass Show spokesperson John Mcneur told 9News around eight people were stuck as paramedics treated the woman and child for minor injuries. "The other eight people were elevated for approximately 25 minutes," he said. A scissor lift and cherry picker was brought in to rescue the suspended children. Mr Mcneur added checks had been undertaken on the rides during the week. "NT Worksafe check the maintenance records in respect to all shows ... and they've been here for a considerable amount of this week," he said. But NT Worksafe said dispute claims saying: "The responsibility of checking the safety of a ride sits with the ride owner and the engineer they engage." The safety regulator added its role it to simply audit maintenance records and log books. Once a site inspection had been undertaken after the incident, NT Worksafe inspectors issued a prohibition notice and a non-disturbance notice on the ride.
To serve and support our community, Kingsway-Lambton United Church provides and rents space for a number of community groups and services. Activities of our regular and longstanding partners are listed below. We also open our doors to many groups and friends on an ad hoc basis as opportunity, shared goals, and space availability allow. Kingsway Nursery School Limited An independent nursery school, licensed by the Ministry of Education, and serving the community since 1970. For information, please visit their website.
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Mesothelioma is cancer that attacks the mesothelium, the tissue that lines various organs of the body. There are four types of mesothelioma cancer, Cnamely: Pleural mesothelioma (pleural mesothelioma), which is cancer that attacks the lining of the mesothelium (pleura). This type is the most common type. Mesothelioma peritoneum (peritoneal mesothelioma), namely mesothelioma in the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Mesothelioma pericardium (pericardial mesothelioma), which is mesothelioma which attacks the protective layer of the heart organ. Testicular mesothelioma, which is a mesothelioma that attacks the protective layer of testicles or testicles. Mesothelioma – a doctor There is a benign tumour in the chest called the solitary fibrous tumour which is sometimes called benign mesothelioma. This condition is not included in mesothelioma which will be discussed. Early Definition and Symptoms of Mesothelioma Daftar Isi 1 What Causes of Mesothelioma? 2 What Are Symptoms of Mesothelioma? 2.1 Meanwhile, peritoneal mesothelioma has the following symptoms: 3 Mesothelioma diagnosis 4 Stage 4 Mesothelioma 5 Mesothelioma treatment 6 Treatment For Mesothelioma Cancer 6.0.1 Prevention of Mesothelioma What Causes of Mesothelioma? The cause of mesothelioma is not certain. However, mesothelioma is always associated with asbestos exposure or asbestos. Asbestos is a mineral that is widely used as a building construction material, such as roofs, because of its heat resistance and fire resistance. The use of asbestos has been officially banned since 1999. When asbestos is destroyed, either during the process of mining or renovating a building, asbestos will produce fibre or fine dust. Asbestos fine fibre is very easy to breathe, then enters and settles in body organs, especially the lungs. Swallowed asbestos fibres can also move through the lymphatic system, settle, and infect cells in the lining of the abdominal cavity (peritoneum). Exposure to asbestos can also affect the function of the reproductive organs and the heart. However, it is not known exactly the process of spread because it is very rare. In general, there are several factors that increase the risk of mesothelioma, namely: Work environments that are vulnerable to asbestos exposure, such as mineral mines, construction sites, the automotive industry, power plants, the textile industry and steel mills. Residing in old buildings or environments where the land contains asbestos. Have family members who work in environments that are vulnerable to asbestos exposure. Asbestos can be attached to the skin and clothing, so that asbestos can be carried into other homes or environments. Having a history of mesothelioma or genetic disorders that increase the risk of cancer. Besides asbestos, there are several other factors that can increase the risk of mesothelioma, although it is rare. Among these are exposure to erionite minerals, exposure to radiation from thorium dioxide chemicals used in X-ray photo examinations until the 1950s, and infection with simian viruses (SV40). What Are Symptoms of Mesothelioma? Early Symptoms of mesothelioma develop gradually and usually take 20-30 years until symptoms appear. Patients may not feel any symptoms when mesothelioma is at an early stage. But over time, cancer cells will develop and suppress nerves or other organs, causing symptoms. What are some early signs of mesothelioma?? Symptoms of mesothelioma differ depending on the location of the presence of cancer cells. In pulmonary mesothelioma, symptoms that may appear are as follows: Fever is accompanied by sweat, especially at night. Excessive fatigue. A cough accompanied by unbearable pain. Shortness of breath due to an accumulation of fluid in the lungs, precisely in the pleural cavity, which is a space between the two layers of pleura that lines the lungs. Weight loss without obvious reasons. Chest pain. Swelling and changes in shape at the fingertips (clubbing). Lumps appear on the tissue below the surface of the skin in the chest area. Meanwhile, peritoneal mesothelioma has the following symptoms: Loss of appetite. The weight dropped dramatically. Diarrhoea. Constipation. Pain in the abdomen. Swelling in the abdominal area. Lumps appear on the abdomen. Disorders of bowel movements and urination. Mesothelioma pericardium and testis are types of mesothelioma that are very rare. Mesothelioma pericardium usually causes symptoms such as chest pain and respiratory disorders, while testicular mesothelioma is characterized by swelling or the appearance of lumps in the testicular area. Symptoms of mesothelioma are not specific and can be caused by other conditions. Therefore, immediately see a doctor if you feel the symptoms above, especially if you have a history of exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma diagnosis The doctor will suspect a patient has mesothelioma if there are symptoms, which are strengthened by a physical examination. But to make sure, an imaging test is needed. Among others are: Mesothelioma X-rays, to detect abnormalities, such as thickening in the lung layer, fluid in the pleural cavity, or changes in lung shape. CT scan, to examine the chest and abdomen, and detect signs of cancer, determine the location of cancer, and check whether cancer has spread to other organs. PET (Positron Emission Tomography). Examination by using compounds containing radioactive atoms that are injected into the body to get a detailed picture of the tissue suspected of having cancer cells. MRI, to get a more detailed picture of the tissue to determine the location of a tumour. In addition, the doctor can also suggest a follow-up examination in the form of: Examination of fluid samples. If the patient experiences fluid buildup in the body related to mesothelioma, the doctor will take a liquid sample using a needle inserted through the skin into the area where the liquid is located. Furthermore, the fluid will be analyzed in the laboratory to detect the presence of cancer cells. There are several types of fluid and tissue sample tests, namely: Thoracentesis, taking fluid samples in the area of the pleural cavity. Paracentesis, taking fluid in the abdominal cavity. Pericardiocentesis, taking fluid in the layer (membrane) around the heart. Biopsy, which is the procedure for removing tissue samples from certain body parts to be analyzed in the laboratory. There are several types of biopsy examinations, namely: Needle biopsy. This type of biopsy uses a long needle inserted through the skin into the chest or abdominal cavity to take tissue samples. Thoracoscopy, laparoscopy, and mediastinoscopy. This type of biopsy uses an elastic hose with a camera and a special surgical device that is inserted through one or more small incisions to take tissue samples. The type of procedure for removing samples generally depends on the area of the body undergoing the examination, namely: Thoracoscopy, to examine the space between the lung and the chest wall. Laparoscopy, to examine the inside of the abdominal organs. Mediastinoscopy, to examine the area around the heart. Biopsy through surgery. For some conditions, the doctor will perform an invasive procedure to take larger tissue samples to determine the diagnosis. Sometimes, the doctor will also do the procedure to remove an entire tumour if possible. There are two types of biopsy procedures through surgery, namely: Thoracotomy, which is a type of biopsy performed through open surgery on the chest. Laparotomy, which is a type of biopsy performed through open surgery in the abdomen. Bronchoscopic biopsy. Procedure for removing tissue samples using a long, thin plastic tube inserted through the throat to examine the respiratory tract. Stage 4 Mesothelioma Based on the level of spread, mesothelioma is divided into four stages. The division of this stage allows the doctor to identify the development of cancer cells in the body and determine the treatment steps to be taken. The four stages of mesothelioma, namely: Stage 1 mesothelioma survival rate: Tumors are still local, ie only in one area of the body and mesothelioma cells have not spread to other tissues or organs. Surgery is performed to remove a tumour. The life expectancy of patients diagnosed with stage 1 mesothelioma is 21 months or more. Stage 2: Larger tumour size and mesothelioma cells begin to spread to nearby areas. Surgery to remove a tumour can still be done, even though the results are not very effective. Life expectancy for patients with stage 2 mesothelioma is 19 months or less. Stage 3: Mesothelioma cells have spread to surrounding organs. Surgery is no longer effective because some cancer cells have spread to other areas. The life expectancy of stage 3 mesothelioma patients is around 16 months. Stage 4: Mesothelioma cells have spread to various areas throughout the body through the bloodstream. Treatment that is still in the research stage will be offered to patients to extend the patient’s life chances. The life expectancy of end-stage mesothelioma patients is very low, which is around 12 months. Mesothelioma treatment Mesothelioma is one type of cancer that is rare and has not been cured until now. Treatment is done to control or reduce the symptoms experienced and extend the patient’s life chances. Average settlement for mesothelioma from each patient different. Treatment steps are generally determined based on several factors, namely: Age and overall health condition of the patient. Type and location of mesothelioma. Stadium or spread of cancer cells in the body. Size of mesothelioma Treatment For Mesothelioma Cancer Based on the considerations above, there are several treatment steps that may be recommended by doctors, Chemotherapy, therapeutic treatment with anticancer drugs to destroy or inhibit the growth of cancer cells that cannot be removed through surgery. Chemotherapy can be done before or after surgery to shrink a tumour, facilitate the process of removing the tumour, and reduce the risk of cancer reappearing. Radiation therapy (radiotherapy), therapeutic treatment with X-rays and proton rays focused on certain areas of the body. Radiotherapy is usually done after the patient has undergone an operation procedure, to remove the remaining cancer cells. This treatment therapy is also done to reduce the symptoms of advanced cancer when surgery is not possible. Operation. Surgery is done when mesothelioma is still in its early stages. There are several choices of actions that a doctor might take during surgery. Among others are: Removal of cancer cells as much as possible from the patient’s body. This action can support the treatment of patients with radiotherapy to reduce pain and inhibit cancer growth. The suction of fluid due to the accumulation of fluid in the chest area which can interfere with breathing. This is done by inserting a catheter tube into the chest to suck up the liquid. Doctors can also inject drugs to glue the pleural cavity so that the liquid cannot accumulate again. This action is known as pleurodesis Removal of tissue around the abdominal cavity, ribs, or lung affected by cancer cells. Removal of affected lung organs and surrounding tissues. This procedure is usually followed by radiotherapy. Multimodality therapy. This therapy is a combination of three or more treatment steps, such as surgery, postoperative chemotherapy and radiation therapy to increase the success rate of treatment. Research phase. The doctor will inform the patient about the treatment methods that are still in the research stage. However, the possibility of a patient to recover is not yet known with certainty, so it needs to be carefully considered. On the other hand, this method of treatment can increase the chance of doctors to learn more about the treatment of mesothelioma. There are several methods of treatment that are still in the research phase that can be carried out by patients, namely: Biological therapy – using the patient’s immune system to fight cancer, also called immunotherapy. Gene therapy – changes the genes contained in cancer cells to stop this disease. Target therapy – use drugs to attack abnormalities that occur in cancer cells. Supporting treatment. This treatment can help sufferers in controlling the signs and symptoms of mesothelioma, such as: Breathing exercises, to control breathing when the patient experiences symptoms of difficulty breathing. Body relaxation exercises, to reduce the tension of respiratory muscles so that patients can breathe more easily. Prevention of Mesothelioma The main preventive measure for mesothelioma is avoiding contact with everything that contains asbestos. If you work in a high-risk environment exposed to asbestos, then follow the safety regulations set by the company. Among others are: Use personal protective equipment while in a work area that is vulnerable to exposure to asbestos. Dispose of the remaining asbestos material in a safe place and not endanger the environment. Do not bring home the clothes and shoes used during work In addition, there are several things that can be done to reduce the risk of mesothelioma, namely: Perform routine health checks to detect symptoms or signs of asbestos-related diseases. Quit smoking. Cigarettes do not directly cause mesothelioma, but cigarettes are a trigger factor and can increase the risk of various types of cancer, including mesothelioma. Learn and follow instructions for handling safe asbestos in the surrounding environment. Do not move material containing asbestos carelessly.
Alastair Greer is the founder and chief executive officer of WellBe Solutions, which installs and implements healthy strategies, campaigns, and initiatives for corporations, and Root Blends, a healthy food startup focused on the delivery of organic, functional frozen smoothie packs to homes and businesses in over 25 states. Born in Magherafelt, County Derry, Alastair received a degree in sports coaching at Farnborough College in Hampshire. He has lived in the U.S. for 18 years, in that time appearing on numerous television spotlights, and has acted as national fitness coach in SELF magazine’s annual “SELF Challenge,” helping 100,000s of people nationwide attain their fitness goals. Alastair is currently based in New York and is happy to make several trips home to catch up with family in Ireland each year. “Every trip back, I’m reminded how incredibly friendly us Irish are,” he marvels. “A day in Ireland is a day full of funny and happy interactions with anybody you come across, and it tends to start as soon as you get on the Aer Lingus flight at JFK.”
Addressing the people of Multan,Chairman PTI Imran Khan said that Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has failed in his plan.Imran Khan said that he had planned to rule together for one and half years he said that all this is a drama so the corruption cases of Rachaya should be forgivenI will not spare anyone.Those who have been returning to the country for 30 years have conspired against me and we will all work together to thwart this conspiracy.Inshallah! He comes and hides in a foreign country,but the time of death is fixed when the water will be goneImran Khan said that the cowardly rulers say that America cannot move forward without polishing its shoes.Imran Khan further said that the sea of ​​people is coming to Islamabad.Now the time of Zardari Diesel and Nawaz is overShahbaz Sharif says that I leave for Pakistan at 7 o’clock in the morning.Imran Khan challenged and said that Shahbaz Sharif takes away my property.Be a thief, your brother is a jackal.You can’t think of anything good for Pakistan.Finally Imran KhanHe told the people of Multan that in any case,we have to save Pakistan from the import government and we will stand firm till the last breath and represent our country Pakistan and get rid of these thieves,robbers and looters.God willing!
You know how 3-year-olds never stop asking questions? Ann Marie is like that, but with caffeine. Her writing career started in a dairy barn in the late 1970’s. It went something like this: Ann Marie: What’s that? Dad: It’s an udder. That’s where the milk comes from. Ann Marie: How does the milk get in there? Dad: Well, the cow eats hay and she turns it into milk so her calf can eat. Ann Marie: But, Dad. Hay is green. Ann Marie’s habit of asking questions and questioning the answers led to a career in journalism. Before coming to Filament, she worked at several daily newspapers in southern Wisconsin, where she reported on local governments and covered the ag beat. Then, like now, her best days at work were on farms with a notebook in hand. When not at work, Ann Marie plays with her two rescued pit bulls, does homework with her stepdaughters and avoids cleaning her house.
When it comes to camping outdoors, there are those who prefer to do it in a fashion more akin to wilderness survival, and there are those who prefer to have as many practical modern comforts as possible. This product is for those who enjoy the latter (and far more comfortable) option. From the folks at Etekcity comes a portable outdoor camping stove that gives you an ultralight and easy to use stove that makes ‘roughing it’ a little less rough. This seemingly complex contraption can fit in your pocket when packed away, but can support a wide array of pots and pans when called upon. It has anti-slip support arms, and you can control the heat for when you need to boil something or let it simmer. A handy little product for those who love the great outdoors yet still love the chance to enjoy some small comforts of home in the wild.
The Malays as an ethnic group has been defined on the basis of both legal-constitutional and historical-cultural factors. While it is difficult to speculate or visualise correctly the future of any country or people, it is possible to provide a general outline of the trends of the past and present, and probably attempt to at least indicate what should be avoided and promoted to ensure a better future. This is what Dr Syed Husin Ali attempts in this book. In nine chapters, he discusses the Malays and their origin, history, religion, economy, politics and development up to the present day. He connects all of these to the various changes in the forms of modernisation and development programmes which affected, and continue to impact upon, the Malays. Three decades have passed since the book was first published. During that time many changes have taken place in the country. But the basic problems facing the Malays, contends the writer, have remained the same. The current controversies on the declining power of the Malays, as perceived by some, affirm these problems, and make the book more relevant. Dr Syed Husin Ali is currently deputy president of the People’s Justice Party (PKR). Born in 1936 in Batu Pahat, Johor, he obtained his honours degree in Malay Studies from University of Malaya (Singapore) and MA (Kuala Lumpur), before completing his Ph.D at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He was professor of anthropology and sociology at the University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, where he served for 28 years before being asked to leave over his political involvement. An academician turned social activist and politician, his book Two Faces chronicles his detention without trial in Kamunting from 1974-1980, under the draconian Internal Security Act. His writing, among others, include Social Stratification in Kampung Bagan, Apa Erti Pembangunan, Malay Rural Society and Leadership, Poverty and Landlessness in Kelantan, Ethnicity, Class and Development (ed.), Isu Raja dan Perlembagaan and Merdeka, Rakyat dan Keadilan.
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They ring you up to tell you that they have an old account of yours on the books….that used to be managed by a third party, who were located on the Gold Coast (of course). They will then tell you that there is a substantial sum of money in there..in the tens of thousands of dollars…’What would you like to do with it?’ WIthdraw it of course! Well they can do that but first there’s a small matter of paying back a credit that was used to start the account (apparently). $4,000 or so. They are unable to simply take the fee out of your account and send the balance to you…for ‘legal’ reasons.. If you don’t want to pay they can close the account and take the earnings for themselves. I don’t understand how they could manage to do that but they can’t take a fee out….for legal reasons Is BetWithUs35 a scam? Of course it is! Just like many before: SportsAllBet, Sporstbet247, BetOTL, Brookshire Traders , Kensington Trade… to name just a few! Their IP is in Russia like most of the others and they claim to be in San Jose, Costa Rica, just like most of the others.. They say they have been running for about 8 years yet their website is only registered from 2016. Get this straight: if you send them the fee you will not see that money again, nor any of your ‘account balance’. Many have been taken by this scam. Learn from them! This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged bwu365, on June 20, 2017 by admin. Post navigation ← Exelon Group Ballantyne and Barrows → 14 thoughts on “Bet WIth Us 365” John August 2, 2018 at 11:33 am I’ve been done over by Allodds 24/7 ( aka bwu365). Is there anything I can do to get my money back ?? John Reply ↓ admin Post author September 3, 2018 at 2:25 pm Not much unless you can get your bank or credit card company to do a chargeback or something like that. Whatever you do, don’t fall for any traps of sending more money on the promise of getting the rest of your money back! Reply ↓ Chris Pankhurst October 30, 2017 at 9:46 am G’day These guys have no conscience. I told them I was recovering from brain surgery, that my wife had passed away suddenly 52yrs ,that I had borrowed money from everyone and that there is no way possible I can get any more money. All true! They wanted 1500- but under the situation they would except 1000- I would very much like to meet them in person. Reply ↓ RTG October 2, 2017 at 5:52 pm ok well i have just been contacted by betplace 365, exactly the same thing, you have 69,076 euro sitting in an account opened by a third party back in 2011. they want 850 euro to reopen the account and claim the money or bet on, again they provided log in details and a betting history and when u go to the betplace 365 website it all looks very legit. i told them to take the 850 euro out of the 69,000 euro but they cant do that and have said if i dont reactivate it soon the government get the 69,0000 ? Reply ↓ admin Post author October 2, 2017 at 6:27 pm yes , all BS of course. If they were like any other bookmaker they could just take the fee out and them send you the rest. uses the same name servers as Looks like definitely the same gang Reply ↓ RTG October 2, 2017 at 8:18 pm yes, and that is exactly what i asked them to do, but of course they would not. Good Liars. Reply ↓ Johm September 4, 2018 at 4:06 pm They did exactly the same thing to me, they are very good, I got in so deep the only way I could see to get out was to believe them, they became my friends and wanted to help me, ( so I thought) , I lost over 1/2 a mill, get out while you can. I was brainwashed. They are no better than slime. Reply ↓ Tony September 25, 2017 at 10:49 am Hi I have also been contacted by saying the same. Their url is based in Russia. These guys again referred to an account which was created by a 3rd party for me from the Gold Coast some years ago. The interesting thing is that they can email you the original login details including the original password which I had changed away from the first time I had logged in on the original account that was started by the 3rd party. That’s what made me suspicious the first time I was approached by these scammers. each time it is a different alleged betting company. This is the 3rd try they have had. Same login details but different amount in account, different betting company, different amount to have the account released from suspension and different currency. I hope that no one falls for this scam. I got caught with the original scam and wrote it off. if this happened to you don’t let it happen again. Reply ↓ admin Post author September 25, 2017 at 10:58 am I think we can now also add triplesevenbrokers and sportsbet365. Same deal Reply ↓ Lyndon July 21, 2017 at 2:13 pm The “prizes” are getting better. They rang this week with an offer of nearly 500,000 Euro all to be collected for about A$1000. When I told him to piss off, he rang back – about four times and then today (July 7, 2017) he rang again. I am a retailer and told the scam bloke what I thought about him in f… words and hung up, only to be followed by another bloke with no accent on the same scam! Can’t believe their perseverance! Reply ↓ Zac June 27, 2017 at 2:54 pm These pricks are relentless Asking me for 850 pounds to open the account again BWU365 then i have access to over 100000 pounds to withdraw! total bullcrap same scum from the gold coast i reckon too, total scammers beware Reply ↓ Lyndon July 21, 2017 at 2:48 pm Incredible. They don’t go away. As I said in my comments, even when you swear at them and hang up, they keep ringing back! Reply ↓ Ben June 23, 2017 at 4:35 pm Yeah. The scum just contacted me. Going to find out about my old account and get back to me. Thanks for the heads up. The scum would all be on the Gold Coast still. They should get the death penalty if caught. Reply ↓ admin Post author June 25, 2017 at 7:51 pm also got a call from another one the other day: Euro Backing , and the guy mentioned they used cybertab for the betting portal. Cybertab.net used to be used with another similar scam but is now expired. Guy was very rude and expected me to just send the fee without asking any questions. The eurobacking site is very basic, not even finished.
Mr. A. S. Narayanan, Secretary of NAD, Mr. Zorin Singha, President of NAD and Mrs. Geeta Sharma, Woment Secretary of NAD with Sign Language Interpreter Ms. Surbhi Taneja met Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Hon’ble Chief Minister of Delhi, Delhi Government at his resident in New Delhi on 9th November, 2016. They talked with Shri Arvind Kejriwal, Chief Minister of Delhi with deep anguish to bring a matter of grave concern to his notice. The Department of Social Welfare, Delhi Goverment has illegally seized more than half the area of the Govt. Lady Noyce Sr. Secondary School for the Deaf. The junior deaf students have been secretively sent to school in North Delhi, situated in Timarpur. First of all, NAD Team want to present the location as well as history of the school so that the ‘reality’ is well perceived and understood generally. During the British rule, around during 2nd November 1931, Shri. Kalidass Bhattarcharyya, B.A. (Gallaudet University, Washington DC, USA), Founder & Principal established a school for the deaf children near Delhi Gate, out of love and care for them. This was the first school of this kind know as Govt. Lady Noyce School for Deaf & Dumb. Many well-known commercial and ancient historical monuments like Chakra-Stambh of Ashok era, Firozshah Kotla Fort, Delhi Gate, Mahatma Gandhiji’s Samadhi and Museum, famous cricket and football stadiums of international standard are situated around this Deaf School which is a pride for us. It is situation between New Delhi and Old Delhi, an important facility for us: – the deaf students and our parents. The first Prime Minister of India – Chacha Nehru himself graced an “Establishment Day” Ceremony of this school which was an encouragement for deaf students. Few years ago, Office of the Department of Social Welfare of Delhi Government (Congress) was shifted from Kasturba Gandhi Marg to the premises of Govt. Lady Noyce Sr. Secondary School for the Deaf temporarily during the renovation of the Office buildings of the Department of the Social Welfare. At that time the Department of the Social Welfare assured the School that after renovation, the Office will be shifted in its old premises (Kasturba Gandhi Marg). But many years have passed since the renovation completed, the office have still occupied more than half of the school premises, and deaf students of primary classes also are being shifted to Nehru Vihar (Timarpur) School which is located far off. Being an alumni of this deaf school, NAD Team tried to meet the Principal to know why these innocent and tiny deaf students are being shifted far off and when this office of Delhi Government will return back to its own premises? Their answer was that these students are being shifted because the school has not sufficient accommodation. Now, it is clear from above statement that the Government is working secretly on a mollified plan to hand over the whole land of the school to the said the Department of Social Welfare. The Department of Social Welfare (Congress) had took a huge advantage of the deaf children and violating the fundamental rights of these students and attempting to tread the mission of Late Shri. Kalidass Bhattacharyya – the founder & principal of this deaf school. Land requirement of the Govt. Office might be fulfilled by allotting some another building/accommodation to them. This has totally destroyed NAD Team’s right of education, otherwise why would the Department of Social Welfare, Delhi Goverment seize our deaf school. NAD Team have written letters to the Chief Minister of Delhi, Smt. Shiela Dixit, and the Child & Women, Education Minister, Smt. Kiran Walia. But they did not take action anything. It wasted our time since 2012-13. Now, different Deaf NGOs working for the welfare of deaf with NAD Team are opposing this wrongful imposition by the Department of Social Welfare, Delhi Government. All of them are protesting against this unauthorised possession by the Department of Social Welfare, Delhi Goverment. In this context, they all are requested to take positive and solid steps to oust the Department of Welfare Social from the school premises. Shri Arvind Kejriwal listened to them in sign language through Interpreter. He said he will look into these letters and will send them to the Department of Social Welfare, Delhi Govt.
Many of us travel each year to Hamilton to the Cathedral of Christ the King to participate in the Diocese Chrism Mass, where priests renew their vows and the sacred oils for the entire diocese are blessed and consecrated. As with last year only some priests were able to attend this year, due to COVID. The diocese has made available some highlights of the Mass which you can see by clicking the picture below.
Cancun, in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, is hands-down a whole lotta fun! This is the perfect place to let your hair down, try every margarita available under the sun, party and even swim with whale sharks. There are countless reasons why Cancun is an amazing holiday destination (and of course, why you should head there for … Continue Reading Travel, Travel Advice 9 Things To Do When You Visit Cancun In Mexico That Don’t Involve Partying Jun 16, 2022 Cancun has a reputation for being a fun place to visit! Its parties are legendary and millions of travellers flock to its sunnier climes and beautiful beaches to throw their inhibitions out of the window and party till the sun comes up… sleep, eat and do it all again the very next night. 😉 Cancun … Continue Reading Photo Diary, Photography What Is It Like To Visit Mexico For The First Time? Jun 16, 2022 We’re in Mexico right now with Thomson Scene (it’s the perfect balance of luxury, partying and cultural sightseeing) and it’s definitely safe to say we’re very excited! This trip has been a long time coming and seeing as it’s the first time either of us has visited this country, the excitement is probably understandable! 😉 🙂 I have … Continue Reading
In a statement, Caribbean Airlines said smoke was emanating from one of its Boeing 737 aircraft at about 7 pm on Tuesday, after landing at Piarco International Airport. Caribbean Airlines corporate communications manager Dionne Ligoure yesterday said the flight was BW 417 which plied the Jamaica – St Maarten – Barbados – Trinidad route. Investigations revealed that the smoke was coming from one of the plane’s auxiliary power units, Ligoure said in a statement. There was no fire on the plane, airline officials later told Newsday. Caribbean Airlines said the standard procedure was executed by the cockpit and cabin crew and no passengers were injured when the aircraft was deplaned. Airline officials said the maintenance department and other authorities were doing all the relevant checks to ensure that the plane is returned to service as soon as possible. They added that these types of problems were routine and travellers could rest assured that this will not disrupt Caribbean Airlines’ operating schedule. ACAWU president Curtis John said he heard about the incident and there was nothing for the travelling public to be worried about. John explained that these types of mechanical problems occur from time to time and it was a matter of maintenance.
Now as common as it is, there are some very useful tools out there that can really help you to make healthy lifestyle changes as opposed to going on these insane diets that will absolutely help you to lose, but also result in you gaining all that weight right back. So take a look at some useful weight loss tools that will help you reach your goal in 2020! Vitamin Organizer new year 1 loading... SHOP NOW We all should be taking Vitamins and with life always being rather chaotic, sometimes we need some help to stay organized. Set this up each week and you are goo dot go! Genius Foods Book New Year 2 loading... SHOP NOW In the world of dieting, knowledge is power. It is very helpful to learn about which food pairings give you the most energy and will keep you full for the longest! Diet Journal New Year 3 loading... SHOP NOW A dieting journal is a great way to keep yourself accountable. Cheating is bound to happen here and there but experts say you are much less likely to splurge if you have to write it down after you eat it. Portion Control Plate new year 6 loading... SHOP NOW The portions in this country are HUGE so it can be really easy to not realize just how much you are actually eating. Use this plate for breakfast, lunch and dinner so you can enjoy some of your favorites....just in moderation. To-Go Portion Control Containers New Year 4 loading... SHOP NOW It is all about the portions and it can be easy to forget that because portion sizes in the USA are HUGEEE! These are perfect for bringing your lunch into work so you don't lose sight of your goals when snacks and other unhealthy options make their way into your office. Healthy Snacks New Year 5 loading... SHOP NOW All of us need something crunchy to munch on every now and then and with this healthy snack pack, you will be ready. Those unhealthy chips and other salty goodies really add more than you would realize.
You may change your listing as needed to reflect current availability and circumstances. You will modify your listing through your Places4Students landlord account online. Non-Discrimination Community Housing is a Fair Housing Advocate. Listings may not contain discriminatory language or implied meaning. All rentals listed through this office must be open to students, faculty, staff, and visiting scholars and researchers at Stanford University. Community Housing reserves the right to edit, reclassify, or reject any listing. Guest Policies Community Housing office policy is to not accept listings for rentals where overnight guest or visitors are not allowed. Reasonable limits may be in place, but must allow quiet enjoyment of the property which the tenant is renting as his/her home. Cancellations Please do not cancel your listing as rented until you are sure that it is rented (i.e. you have a signed rental agreement and have received any security deposit). You will cancel your listing through your Places4Students online account. Once you take down the listing, you will not be able to re-post it without paying a new listing fee. Refusal of Listings Community Housing reserves the right to refuse listings submitted by landlords who establish a pattern of conflict with tenants or refusal to comply with landlord-tenant law, standard rental housing practices, or Community Housing office policies. The office maintains a file of letters from tenants detailing problems and complaints about their landlords, as well as any responses from the landlords involved. Depending on the severity of the alleged problem, a landlord may be de-listed immediately or after up to three letters of complaint have been received. The reason for this policy is that Community Housing exists to assist Stanford affiliates in filling a basic but very important need (finding housing) so that they may be free to pursue their academic endeavors. We must not knowingly place them in situations which will hinder their progress.
Then end, of the year at least, is near. We’re entering the final days before the Christmas holiday season is fully upon us. The last two weeks of December are often filled with holiday parties and closed offices. Trying to accomplish much of anything productive is often difficult as we’re distracted by family and friends, cooking and too much good food, and all the other end-of-year things we need to take care of. Part of that is figuring out what the publishing end of the my world will be over the next six to 12 months. The good thing is I have no shortage of story ideas to fill the time. The bad thing is there is no shortage of story ideas to fill the time. I know, I know. You’re thinking I sound a bit, well, odd. Okay, odder than usual. But the truth of the matter is, the ideas are fighting one another for dominance right now. Things were rocking along just fine a month ago. Risen from Ashes was rocking along. (Pssst. It’s up for pre-order now.) The next book in the series and the final book in the current story arc, Victory from Ashes, was roughed out. The next story in the Eerie Side of the Tracks series, Night Shadows, was plotted out and rough draft start. Martyr of the Gods, the much delayed final book in the Sword of the Gods series, was plotted out. And you guys can guess what happened. I got hit with not one but two more stories, one of which has been demanding attention NOW! One is what feels like the beginning of a new series, one that will require a lot of background work on world building. The other won’t take that long. In fact, I quickly plotted it out the other day. It’s also set in the Eerie Side of the Tracks series. But they are both distractions I don’t need right now. Here’s the kicker. Myrtle the Evil Muse doesn’t care about what is already on the schedule. She lives to make my life “interesting”. The latest installment of “let’s drive Amanda crazy” is infecting me with the first story in the new story arc in the the Nocturnal Lives universe. There’s already a story written that may act as a bridge. It’s not out yet. Not sure what the timeline is on it at the moment and I’ll let you know when I do. Some things are still up in the air where it’s concerned. But that didn’t satisfy Myrtle. She wants to move on to the world after the public-at-large learns about the shifters and how both sides of the coin respond. I so do not need this, especially not the way she is trying to lay it out. And why in the hell does she have to do it when I should be sleeping? So, here is what the next six to 12 months have in store according to my plan. What Myrtle the Evil Muse has planned may be something entirely different: Risen from Ashes is already available for pre-order. Publication date is Feb. 4th. Victory from Ashes will end the current story arc for Honor & Duty This is the next installment in the Eerie Side of the Tracks series. Final book in the Sword of the Gods series. Then there is this, a new series start: Not pictured are Bell, Book and Whatnots from the Eerie Side of the Tracks series. It should be a novella but Myrtle is involved, so who knows. Also not pictured is the new novel in the Nocturnal Lives series which, in a way, will start a new series. So you can see, there are plans. The question is if they will survive the first month of the new year, especially with Myrtle involved. Oh, and I blame Sarah for all this. She’s the one who started me down this path of being a writer. So it is all her fault. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Featured image by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay Share this: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Reddit Like this: Like Loading... Related museplanswriting Post navigation Previous Post: Convergent/divergent Next Post: Deep Down 8 comments TXRed says: December 17, 2019 at 10:37 am Muse: You know, that idea about a fantasy novel with St. Patrick would be neat. Me: Oh heck no. All my references for that are in the back, bottom of the storage unit and spring is NOT the time. Muse: Poke, poke, poke. OK, finish the Merchant novel you’ve been putting off. Because I’ve got an idea for that world. It’ll only involve a little research. Oh, and the one based on the Indo-Europeans and the collapse of Mohenjo Daro, that needs to get worked on. Me: [looking at project list] Arrrrgh! Amanda says: December 17, 2019 at 10:39 am Yep. Sounds familiar. There is a reason I no longer keep projects not currently on the schedule in my office or where I can see them. There’s no sense in tempting the muse. BobtheRegisterredFool says: December 17, 2019 at 7:14 pm Me: I wonder if I can blame Amanda’s and TXRed’s influence for my muse being so annoying. Also Me: The tendencies that I label ‘muse’ or ‘bunnies’ are clearly related to other bits that have obviously been part of me for a very long time. Uncle Lar says: December 17, 2019 at 12:32 pm So, you’ve already got the covers so the rest should be a piece of cake. Just need to find a beta and copy editor willing to deal with your penchant for typos and you’ll be all set. Treat this like outstanding debt, focus on the highest interest rate first, or in this case the story Myrtle is kvetching about the loudest. Because Myrtle, bless her heart, would never change her mind mid stream now would she. Amanda says: December 18, 2019 at 7:58 am Don’t worry, I have a certain person in mind. VBEG. Mary says: December 17, 2019 at 9:44 pm Muses are easily amused. . . . I find that if I had not finished a work, re-reading the source from which I got the idea often gets the muse interested again — no matter how tangentially the work is related to the original inspiration. (And what’s worse, it does not last long, often.)
Your child needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones as well as allowing your kids heart, muscles, and nerves to function properly. Over 80% of children do not get enough calcium on a daily basis that may lead to osteoarthritis issues later in life.
I had made this journal for my seven year old child to introduce her to the topics surrounding the first ten days of… Read More Islamic Parenting Articles Which books our children should and shouldn’t be reading? Umm Ayesha / June 22, 2020 / one Comments This article is meant to serve as a guide to help parents and teachers choose beneficial literature for their children according to Islamic… Read More Kids Printables Ramadan Journal 2020 available for Download Mohammed Fahim / April 22, 2020 / 101 Comments 2020 UPDATE Bismillah! The first thing I want to say is ALHAMDULILLAH, for making the 2020 Journal possible. My anxiousness kept increasing… Read More 'Names of Allah' series for Children Explanation of Names of Allah for Children (Printables with follow up activities) Umm Ayesha / April 19, 2020 / 7 Comments Introducing children to the names of Allah is one of the first, most interesting and effective way of teaching the right Islamic creed or Aqeedah. Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said,… Read More Kids Printables Islamic History: 63 Sahaba Poster Cards (Printable) Umm Ayesha / April 13, 2020 / 9 Comments These printable posters are short overview introduction of the Sahabah, may Allah be pleased with them all. Let your children meet over 60… Read More Posts navigation Older posts Newer posts Welcome to Ummi Assalaam Alaikum! I’m a homeschooling mother of two children aged 4 and 8, Alhamdulillah. They are the inspiration behind this website. Ummi is a place where I share original, authentic and creative Islamic resources that I create with much love for my children in hope that it may benefit other mothers and teachers in their journey of raising believing children as I raise mine – all for FREE. My life revolves around mothering which includes learning. I am a student of Bachelors of Arts in Islamic Studies at Islamic Online University. I believe that a mother is the child’s first and best teacher (whether she homeschools or not) and so she should empower herself with Islamic knowledge to raise a successful and a believing generation. JazakumAllahu khair for stopping by. I pray that Allah makes this website a source of benefit for you all. Your sister in deen, Ummi Original eBook Collection category 'Names of Allah' series for Children Arabic Arabic Writing Charts/ Routines (Printable) Dhul Hijjah Journal Free Library General Hadith Homeschool Planner Islamic Parenting Articles Journal Kids Printables Preschooler Quran Studies Ramadan Journal 2020 Sahaba Biography Check out: ‘Seeds of Tawheed’: A complete book on Tawheed for children Printable Daily Journal for Muslim Tweens The Names, Attributes and Actions of Allah in Juzz One (Printable PDF) Contact Me See a mistake? Wish to collaborate? Have suggestions? Need assistance? Your Name (required) Your Email (required) Subject Your Message Terms of Use All the contents on ummi.org are free for parents and teachers to use – Alhamdulillah. You are allowed to share/ distribute the material for classroom or masjid use. If you are distributing the material, you are allowed to charge a fee to cover the printing and delivery cost only. It is strictly PROHIBITED to use whole or a part of any material on Ummi for profit. It is PROHIBITED to modify any content on Ummi and claim to be yours. As a matter of etiquette, when sharing any resources from Ummi kindly give credit to ummi.org Testimonials “Jazak Allah khayr for providing such beautiful Islamic material for this Umma. May Allah reward you with the highest levels of paradise ameen.” – Mouna Lamnaouer “Assalam alaikum dear sister congratulations on wonderful work you doing for ummah. May Allah reward you ameen.” – Haleema Sahdyah “Amazing work by Ummi !!! great job- knowledge sharing is very valuable. Keep up the good work.” – Amna Manzoor “I pray you are in the best of health and the Almighty continues to take good work from you for the benefit of mankind. M.A. your work is amazing. May the Almighty reward you and accept your efforts.” – Umme Muhammad “Assalamu Alaykum, May Allah reward you abundantly for such an excellent website with so many lovely and beneficial resources. It is clear that a great deal of effort has been put into every aspect of what you have done here, it is truly lovely and exceptional.” – Umm Ahmad “Assalaamu alaikum, firstly may Allah honour and reward your creativity mashaAllah and secondly jazzakhallahu khayr for sharing these wonderful and most needed resources ameen. They are simply just beautiful mashaAllah and will make learning such important knowledge fun and memorable.” – Umm Hadiyah
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​CASE. (1) (From Lat. casus, that which falls or happens; cadere, to fall), a word used in various senses traceable to the derivation. In grammar, the “cases” are the various forms in the declension of a noun, adjective or pronoun, the Latin word being a translation of the Greek πτῶσις, falling, applied by Aristotle to the variations from the simple form of the word, whether noun, verb or adjective (of which the adverb would be a πτῶσις). Later grammarians confined the term to nouns, and included the nominative. In law, “case” is the common term for a cause or suit brought before a court of justice. Certain particular legal usages may also be noted. Action on the case means an action for the recovery of damages for an injury to the person or property, where the act done was not immediately injurious (see Contract; Tort). A case stated is a statement of facts drawn up by one court for the opinion of another on a point of law. A special case is a statement of facts agreed to on behalf of two or more litigant parties, and submitted for the opinion of a court of justice as to the law bearing upon the facts so stated. A leading case is a decision which settles some point of importance. In the legal systems of the United Kingdom and of the United States decided cases are considered authoritative for courts of at least equal jurisdiction with those in which the judgments were given, but on the continent of Europe the rule is, following that of the Roman law, that they are instructive but not authoritative. (2) (O. Fr. casse, mod. châsse, Lat. capsa, from capere, to hold; cf. “cash”), a box, sheath or covering. The term is applied to the natural protective covering of seed-vessels, and of a pupa or chrysalis. It is also used of a box containing instruments, pistols, swords, &c., and sometimes of the contents. In building, a “case” is the facing where the backing may be of inferior material; the framework in which a window or door is hung; or the wall surrounding a stair, “staircase” properly signifying the whole structure of walls and stairs. In bookbinding, a “case” means the boards and back in which the books are bound; and in typography, the tray, divided into partitions, containing the type ready for the compositor’s use. Retrieved from
Hi there.. I’m alive, promise… If you were anyone short of my boss or my mother you might think otherwise, life sorta hijacked and struck me over the head with a two by four… But I’m here, attempting to keep my head above water at work after a two week break. Prepping for the 6 […]
The Receivable Management Services Association (RMSA) is a trade association founded to represent the companies that supply receivable management products and services to organisations within the Irish economy.
A white mark is created by damaging the surface of the metal, so that light reflects off it in a diffuse matter. There is also a marking method in which the laser peels off a coated surface to reveal the underlying layer of metal.
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Our Early Childhood Program challenges young students to use their talents and abilities to become the best possible Christians and learners. Our students are encouraged to grow and become independent academically, socially, and developmentally. Pre-Kindergarten: Full Day Program from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, 5 days/week Half Day Program from 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM, 5 days/week Kindergarten: 5 Full Days Early drop-off at 7:00 AM and affordable after-school Latch Key Program until 5:15 PM. A caring environment where students are taught and encouraged to practice Christian doctrine and values through classroom prayer and faith instruction. A structured environment to encourage the development of reading, math, language, writing, and organizational skills, with science and social studies as integrated subjects. Whole-class, small-group, and individual instruction. Classroom activities utilizing books, manipulative materials, projects, sharing, and instructional DVDs and videos. Opportunities to practice social skills through group work and play. Full Day program includes Art, Music, Physical Education, Computers, and Library. Exciting school-wide assembly programs featuring science, music, social studies, reading and community service. Syllabus and curriculum follow New York State Department of Education and the Archdiocese of New York-Department of Education and Catechesis guidelines.
The dreaded fine print. None of us who is interested in art, the Earth, Nature or any of the other lovely topics covered on my website want to wade into dry, boring notices… but in this modern age, to protect my visitors, fans and customers (and myself), some things need to be said outright and in print, so here goes. My policies pages are broken down into 4 + 1 areas of concern: – Privacy Policy , where I let you know what information I may collect and how I may use it and more importantly how your personal information is safe with me. – Copyright Information, this area of concern lets you know what is allowed and what is not allowed regarding the use of my images or my writing from this website. – Terms and Conditions of Use , this lets you know what our general agreements are between me as a content provider and you as a content consumer. This section also tells you the proper way to share digital content from my website….sharing is gratefully appreciated if it is done correctly. – Content Disclaimer , people who advise artists on website construction insist that we have this section in place to ward off evil forces. OK. Sounds like a plan! The +1 is my Customer Care Policies page which has information about payments, shipping, claims, etc. for my own products sold in my shop, in the Secret Sale and the products carried by others to which I have provided links. I am a huge believer in the Golden Rule: Treat others as you yourself would like to be treated. That includes the Earth itself. Sounds good to me. I hope it does to you too.
When you think of how you want to spend your hard earned money, rarely do you think “I want to overpay for car insurance and spend $70 to fill up my tank!” Car related expenses are a necessity for most families, but there are easy ways to reduce these costs and make sure you are not overspending. The “rule of thumb” for transportation related expenses is that they should not account for more than 10% of your gross income. Depending on your salary, this could be a really big number! For example, if you make $150,000 per year the “rule of thumb” says that you can spend $1,250 per month on your cars. This could easily cover gas ($350), insurance ($115), commuting ($50) and a VERY nice car payment. While this rule might make sense in other parts of the U.S., I believe it overstates what a family in the Bay Area should spend given our significantly higher home related expenses. So how much do most people in our area spend? Here are some facts on the biggest drivers of spending in this category and tips to save a few bucks. Car Insurance Most people do not know if they are paying too much for car insurance. I have seen families paying up to $3,000 per year for the same coverage as a family paying $1,400 per year because they failed to update their policies for critical information. The average annual premium for car insurance in California is between $1,200 and $1,300. There are a number of factors that “drive” your premium: Driving Profile: Number of miles driven annually, driving record Type of Car: Repairs on a Ferrari are more expense than on a Toyota Sienna Personal Profile: Age, where you live, occupation Coverage: Amount of coverage and deductible Credit Score: The better the score, the lower your premium TIPS TO SAVE: Update the number of miles you drive annually. If you no longer commute to work or are a Stay At Home Parent, you need to significantly reduce this number from the default number of 12,000 per year. Increase your deductible. If you have a sufficient Emergency Fund, you can retain more risk. See if increasing your deductible to $1,000 has an impact on your premium (the savings varies greatly depending on your insurance provider). Clean up your credit and make sure your insurance provider has the right score. You can get a free credit report each year from Review your report and make sure your credit is 740 or higher. If not, fix any errors and get it cleaned up. Gas The average spending on gas in the San Francisco Bay Area according to is $150 per month, which is very low compared to what I see for families. Most families that I work with spend an average of $250-400 per month on gas. You may not have any control over the price at the pump, but you can go further on each tank of gas. TIPS TO SAVE: Get regular tune-ups and check brakes/alignment. A car that runs well does not have to work as hard and gets better mileage. Park in the shade and fuel up in the morning. Since gas evaporates in heat, this is an easy way to conserve fuel. Eliminate excess weight. Get rid of the junk in your car. By lightening your load, you will improve fuel efficiency. Car Payments Sometimes financing a car makes financial sense but if you are struggling to make ends meet each month or find yourself on a single income, a car payment can be a huge burden. So when does it make sense? Financing a car makes financial sense if you: 1) want to improve your credit score, 2)have sufficient monthly cash flow for the payment, and 3)have your cash invested earning more than the interest rate on the car. With incredibly low rates and great deals out there, it is tempting to overspend on a car. Don’t fool yourself. If you don’t meet the three criteria above, do not buy a car that is above your means. If it makes financial sense, here are some tips to get the best deal. TIPS TO SAVE: Buy a used car. Cars depreciate the minute your drive them off the lot. A car that is a year-old will be a much better value than next year’s model. Buy at the end of a month, quarter or year. Dealerships and salespersons feel the pressure to meet quotas and are more likely to negotiate on the price. Put down the largest amount possible and shorten the term of the loan. This will reduce your overall loan costs. Personally, I love my car but do not like to drive. I am also in biking and walking distance to almost everything I need. So I have implemented a “two mile rule” that means I walk or ride my bike (with two kids in it) if the destination is within two miles. I love not fumbling for my keys after the grocery store and buckling/unbuckling car seats ten times a day. I filled up my tank once last month, called my insurance company and reduced the miles I drive to 3,000 per year, and calculated that I am saving about $1,200 a year now.
As a fourth-generation Coloradan, Craig Smith was raised with a deep appreciation for his home state and a desire to help its citizens prosper. True to the spirit of the West, Smith’s persistence and work ethic earned him a prestigious fellowship at El Pomar Foundation, a job that laid the foundation for his rise to President & COO of HomeAdvisor by age 33. One year later, Smith was named a Colorado Biz “CEO of the Year” finalist and helped earn the company top honors as Denver Business Journal’s “Best Places to Work” and CTA Technology “Company of the Year.” As one of HomeAdvisor’s early executives, Smith was instrumental in building the company from an idea to Colorado’s largest consumer Internet brand. Today, Smith still serves as President & COO of HomeAdvisor, responsible for leading more than 1,400 employees, including international and subsidiary businesses. In true pioneer fashion, he has helped launch and guide several new start-ups in Denver, and serves on the board of Remotely, a Colorado-based technology start-up. In addition to his leadership in the business community, Smith has stayed true to his philanthropic roots. In addition to Remotely, he serves on The Children’s Hospital Colorado Corporate Leadership Council and the Board of Directors of the Beanstalk Foundation, where he helped champion a new strategy to support the social enterprise movement. In 2015, Craig received the first ever Colorado Governor’s Citizenship Medal recognizing his professional excellence and positive impact on the Colorado Community. Smith graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs in 1997 with a degree in Finance. Craig lives in Denver with his wife and three young children and starts his mornings with a bike ride to take his daughter to school. Even though she’s only in kindergarten, these rides have become the greatest source of inspiration shaping his future career and civic duties. As they say: “Life is like a bicycle, to keep your balance, you must keep moving.”
Public speaking confidence can definitely benefit video game marketing. When you’re able to present confidently about your product, you can... Finance The benefits of underwriting software for your tech business In this article we will discover about underwriting software and how it can benefit tech businesses. Underwriting software is designed... Sourcing How to source assets for video game development When it comes to video game development, sourcing the right assets is essential. But where do you start? And more... Business How to select the right Insurance or kind of policy? Insurance and car insurance is very important topic. And people should make sure to choose the right Type 2+ Insurance... Lifestyle Is diamond a good form of investment in the present age? People who get some extra cash try to invest them in different businesses to earn from their investment. If you... Game PlayStation Network Review: Planet Minigolf I wanted to enjoy Planet Minigolf, I really did. I’m a big minigolf fan and I’ve really enjoyed other minigolf...
How to beat the FAFSA system A client recently requested my assistance in completing the FAFSA application. The husband had told me that he has a very large portfolio of marketable securities. When I sent him ... Posted Nov 5, 2013, 8:08 AM by Edward Dziuk Working with ADT - NOT! 7 MaySecurity SystemsEdward Dziuk from Cox MeadowsI was disappointed to learn that one of our friends just got a new alarmsystem installed by ADP.I should ... Posted May 9, 2013, 7:04 PM by Edward Dziuk Intuit's Customer "care"! Having been a Quickbooks ProAdvisor for 14 years, I remembered, yesterday, that my subscription expires about this time of year. I was dismayed when I logged onto my account to ...
4events offers a chance to attract pioneering and outstanding ideas in the field of organizing events and conferences to form a distinguished partnerships and transform creative ideas to reality, with harnessing all of our expertise and resources to organize an event filled with creativity.
The Original Tarot is one of the biggest resolution projects that I made. It has approximately 24.000.000 pixel ( 8000 px wide x 3000k px height)
Greetings and thank you for your interest in #ThaPopUp! We were slated to continue through May 22nd but due to changes at the venue, we will no longer be at Hundred Grand Barbershop at 1012 Fulton Street. #ThaPopUp’s is a brand and is intended to continue at multiple locations. Hundred Grand was our 3rd successful location and we will keep you updated about our next. Stay connected with us at Obsidiansource.org and @obsidiansource on ig. Obsidian Source is a not for profit whose main mission is to help black owned businesses. We want to upscale our most successful project, affectionately named, #ThaPopUp. #ThaPopUp provides weekly opportunities for small businesses to showcase and sell their products in a physical space. We charge a small fee for vendors and compile the funds to rent a venue. We have had 3 successful locations thus far and need help securing a location with high foot traffic. We are looking at a location in Atlantic Terminal/Atlantic Center at 139 Flatbush Ave in Brooklyn, New York. Many companies that attend the pop up market get a chance to have their customer base shop in person opposed to online. We essentially pool the customer base of each company with the customers from our own network, to create a fun shopping experience. We have been in business since 2019, and had success through out the pandemic. Thank you all for your love and support, stay tuned for our upcoming projects! Want to buy black weekly, but dont know how? Obsidian Source has curated a seamless experience for you shop with black owned businesses, IN PERSON! Stop by Hundred Grand Barbershop at 1012 Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY on Saturdays to see who is popping up! You can look, see, smell, and feel the products in person. As a bonus, you can stay connected with your favorite brands via social media and their individual shopping sites. Please swipe through our vendor recap below. RSVP to shop with us Want to Vend at ThaPopUp? Business Owners, Artists, Authors, Chefs, Creators of all kinds, Click here to learn more about opportunities at #ThaPopUp! #ThaPopUp is an event hosted by Obsidian Source Inc. To learn more about our corporate mission visit ObsidianSource.org/about
You are planning to buy a house either for yourself or for your family but have one thing that keeps on preventing this from happening: debts. You have debts that […]
Here's a riff on a famous poem from Rishad Tobaccowalla, CEO of marketing agency Denuo, speaking at OMMA Metrics and Measurement in New York today: Data, data everywhere I think I could sink Data, data everywhere Will someone please help me think. James Robinson, director of web analytics at the New York Times, offered complementary thoughts about how it's a "fallacy" that more complex data is more valuable, and that "it's not about the data, it's about the insights….it's not about the page views or click-throughs – it's about making New York Times customers happy." For those of you who want to play web analytics games, make a bingo card out of Jodi McDermott's list of web analytics buzz words. Jodi, also known as Widget Girl, chaired the day-long seminar and is director of data strategy at Clearspring Technologies. Who said web analytics wasn't fun? Like this: Like Loading... Related Author Dana ChinnPosted on June 9, 2009 Categories Using analyticsTags Clearspring, Denuo, New York Times, using analytics
You can watch błachowicz vs. The early prelims will begin at 6 p.m. Ufc Fight Night Lewis Vs Oleinik Results Ufc Fight Night Ufc Fight Night Where can i watch… How To Watch Bucks Game Tonight February 20, 2022 0 The suns have lost the last. You can click here to watch bucks vs suns tonight, july 6th, starting at 9 p.m. Nba Finals 2021 Game 4 Bucks Vs Suns… How To Watch The Eagles Preseason Game Tonight February 10, 2022 0 Preseason week 2 crams in 16 more games, with 14 of them on the nfl network — and eight of them broadcast live. Sure, tonight's opener of week 2 of… How To Watch Suns Game Tonight December 19, 2021 0 It will air on abc and espn3, the latter is available on sling tv, currently on sale down to $10 for the first month. If you have a valid subscription… How To Watch Cleveland Browns Game Tonight October 5, 2021 0 Watch live cleveland browns games with hulu + live tv hulu with live tv is one of the best options to watch cleveland browns because they offer live tv broadcasts… How To Watch Thursday Night Football Tonight September 24, 2021 0 Video by sport nfl soccer nascar nhl fantasy football bhds men in blazers pft live college football nascar america nba mlb rugby motor sports fantasy sports tennis cycling horse racing… How To Watch Packers Game Tonight September 23, 2021 0 Here's how to watch tonight's action, as well as the rest of the nfl season, without cable. They can watch and listen to the commentaries any time, any place, anywhere… How To Watch New South Park Tonight July 8, 2021 0 Today paramount+ released the first trailer for south park: Use the code peaksale when signing up for a free month. South Park – Title Card 1997 – Present South Park… How To Vote On The Voice Tonight June 20, 2021 0 You'll be able to vote once all the artists have performed and the vote is declared open. When this happens, go to the voice uk vote page. Pin On Team…
WPA Titans were “Thinking Pink” all day on October 22th to support Breast Cancer Awareness! We started our awareness by first reading about how powerful letters of hope are for Breast Cancer survivors. In titan time we wore pink and shared our experiences knowing loved ones who were impacted by Breast Cancer and what we could do to spread awareness. #WPAspreadshope #BreastCancerAwareness #prettyinpink #thinkPink
If you are curious about natural communities, how they work, and the plants and animals that live in them, this course is for you! This series of 5 classes will get you outside discovering the wonders of winter and spring. Classes include Life in Winter, Exploring Winter Birds, What Tree is This?, Sap in the Bucket and Spring Bloomers. Visit center.org for more details and a full series schedule. Call to register for individual classes or the entire series. February classes include: 2/6 – Life in Winter: Explore nature during the winter season! Examine how plants and mammals survive during this cold season. Please dress for being outdoors and bring yak-tracks or high traction boots for walking on icy trails. If the trails are snow-covered, we will be snowshoeing (snowshoes are included). Fee: Non-members: $40 per person; Trail Pass and All Access Members:$35 per person 2/15 – Exploring Winter Birds: Discover some of the common birds that reside in Wisconsin throughout the winter months. Please dress for being outdoors. If the trails are snow-covered, we will snowshoe (snowshoes are included).
Each "normal" year in August, our men attend the Men's Retreat at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Ventura, Iowa. The camp is situated right on 30 acres on Clear Lake. It is a great time for our men to relax, spend some time with each other, and hear from a God's Word. Skeet Shooting A big favorite ordinarily every year is the fall skeet shooting event at Isaac Walton Range, just east of Ames. So whether you own a gun or not, man or woman, come and enjoy a beautiful fall day. Brian Hill won the 2018 HBC Trapshoot Trophy and Brian Vandewater came second with only one shot behind Band of Brothers Bible Study. Please Check Church Calendar for meeting dates. (Next meeting Sept. 2022) Our men ordinarily meet the first Saturday every month at 8:00AM for a time of biblical perspective about current issues of the day. We get together for an hour to share some great breakfast foods, a lesson from The Bible, and time to pray for one another. There are usually around 20-30 in attendance at this event.
Please see below for approximate, un-stretched measurements. The 'upper thigh' and 'lower leg' measurements are flat, double for a circular or round-body measurement.
The 2020 nibbler attachment cuts intricate curves in 14 gauge C.R. mild steel at up to 65 inches per minute. It features a wrench-free 4-position rotating unique design die for easier operation and a free-floating punch that extends time between replacements. Used on KL-2020 and PN-2020 Nibblers. (Punch and die Kit #120)
Walmart’s is going after millennial shoppers with the launch of its own grocery brand called Uniquely J, which is expected to arrive in a couple of months. The goal with the brand — beyond an obvious desire for increased margins — is to attract a younger shopper. Jet believes that Uniquely J will do so not only by nature of a product selection that includes everyday essentials, but also because of product quality and design. Asked what exactly about Uniquely J makes it “millennial,” a spokesperson explained it’s the “edgy, bold design” (which you can see in the images here), as well as the copy and the “high-quality” ingredients. Well, the design is definitely different. For example, the bag of coffee pictured here (see above) is called “badass espresso” and looks like it’s covered in a big tattoo. A box of plastic Ziplock-like bags is covered in drawings and internet slang, like “Nom Nom.” If you thought that might be a box of tissues, I wouldn’t have blamed you. The products also feature “J” logo brand in a small box next to the product name. And thank goodness for that, because it’s difficult to tell what these oddly designed packages even contain. Today’s product labeling may be for boring, old people (like me), but at least you can tell at a glance what you’re buying. Then again, perhaps that matters less in the online world where you’re not scanning store shelves to find an item, but are rather punching in keywords and clicking “add to cart” on whatever is cheapest. Uniquely J will also seemingly target the values that millennials care about, like product sourcing. For example, the coffee is labeled “organic” and “fair trade.” isn’t providing much in the way of information on the new brand for now, beyond saying it will cover essentials, like coffee, olive oil, laundry detergent, paper towels and more. It won’t say how many SKUs will be involved at launch, or the total number of categories represented. But the nature of the product selection means Jet is essentially aiming to compete against other retailers’ “essentials” delivery services — that is, their flat-rate “fill a box” options like the new next-day service Target Restock or Amazon Prime Pantry, for instance. The company declined to say how Uniquely J products would ship, who it’s partnering with on manufacturing or what percentage savings they may offer over brand-name items. However, an earlier report from the New York Post citing sources ahead of Jet’s announcement said the brand would launch in roughly 60 days across “dozens” of food and household categories. The sources also said that the Uniquely J products would arrive on in their second year. “Uniquely J is yet another way is innovating for the metro millennial,” Meredith Klein, director of public relations at told TechCrunch. “From the boldly designed packaging, to the fun, witty label copy and quality ingredients — everything was designed with this metro consumer in mind,” she said. Jet’s parent company, Walmart, of course, already has a slew of its own in-house brands, as do all major retailers today. It sells some of Walmart’s private labels on like Great Value, Equate, Sam’s Choice and others. But those brands may not have the same pull with the younger shopper Jet aims to attract, hence the arrival of Uniquely J. The move also comes at a time when the online grocery business is heating up. Beyond delivery services like Instacart and Shipt, both Walmart and Amazon are offering grocery pickup and delivery options for their customers in select markets. And with Amazon’s $13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods, Walmart (and Jet’s) biggest rival has acquired not only a brick-and-mortar retail presence, but also a host of private labels millennials trust.
The last few years has been big for online poker. Back when the unknown Chris Moneymaker captured the 2003 World Series of Poker championship, poker players have been going after the same prize. Millions of dollars are up for grabs each and every day gambling this basic card game. A great many people have made poker as their top hobby. Why should you gamble on online poker? Internet poker is similar to most other poker games you could have wagered on. Any day you settle down to enjoy poker, there are always brand-new techniques to pickup. Similar to golf, the player who performs the least total amount of errors will profit in the long term. Poker is particularly close to video games that areavailable. In the early stages of poker, your adversaries could be quite poor. As you progress up the pecking order, you most likely will play against stronger competition. Competing against tougher competition will cause you to grow into greater if you want to continue playing poker. If you give up all your assets at the larger range, you’ll be required to begin at the 1st level.
The island of Lundy lies 12 miles off the Devon coast and measures about three miles by ¾ mile at its widest. It is a detached part of the county of Devon and has never had any degree of autonomy … Continue reading → Posted in Devon | Comments Off on A Flag for Lundy. Devon Posted on July 17, 2013 by vexilo Devon’s flag, dedicated to Saint Petroc, was registered on July 23 2002. The colours of the flag are those popularly identified with Devon, appearing on the shirts of its Rugby Union team Exeter University sports teams Plymouth Argyle football club … Continue reading → Posted in Devon | Comments Off on Devon Devon Day Posted on June 30, 2013 by vexilo Devon Day is on the 4th of June, the feast day of Saint Petroc, a 6th century Celtic saint significant in the county, to whom the Devon flag is dedicated. Saint Petroc was a British prince and Christian saint. Believed … Continue reading →
Join The Depressed Dragon Club! We are a collection of 9,990 Depressed Dragons we are very early and want to build the community as strong as possible before release. Mint date will be revealed when our Discord reaches 5K Members. Below is our 1st Roadmap.Roadmap 1.0Pre-Sale#1 Welcome to the ClubPOST SALE PART OF THE ROADMAP AND BEYOND WILL BEGIN ONCE WE SELL OUT OF THE COLLECTIONPost-Sale#2 Payback our ParentsQ4 2022#3 Donate $250K to National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI)#4 Release 10 captive Dragons airdropped to random DDC holders maybe then they wont be so depressedQ1 2023#5 DDC gets a YouTube channel with a weekly Podcast to get to know the founders (Q&A from Discord Questions)Q2 2023#6 DDC Merch Store is Born W/ a limited edition clothing and exclusive drops every 3 months#7 DDC Fan Artwork Contest Winner will receive 10 ETH (Holder Contest Only)Q3 2023#8 Undead Dragon NFT Airdrop to all holdersMuch much more to come after 100% of Road Map 1.0 is completed will keep everybody updated on Twitter,IG, & Discord. There will definitely be a Roadmap 2.0 with bigger and better benefits to our wonderful Holders or should I say HODLERS
Concord grapes are the best tasting grapes I have ever eaten. Popularized by Welch's products, they taste great as table grapes, grape juice, jam, candy, and even as wine with super health benefits. Sweet and tangy, this marble sized fruit is very nutritious. At maturity, it reaches a height of around 12 feet and will be 5 to 8 feet wide. It does have seeds, but does not need a pollinator. Cold resistant. 100 chill hours. Zones 5-9.
The Apollo Curved Prostate Probe's intricate design is perfectly aligned to stimulate all the sweet spots between your cheeks, especially the orgasmic P-spot. This flexible probe from California Exotics is extremely easy to use and great for any experience level. The slightly tapered tip will insert easily, especially with some lubrication along the slick surface. Once inside you'll find the curves of the probe fill you up and place pressure on that elusive, but nerve packed prostate gland. Adding to the stimulation is a curved perineum massager, a hot spot for many men. A comfortable base keeps the plug in place comfortably and prevents you from inserting the Curved Prostate Probe too deeply. The smooth TPR material is wonderfully flexible and provides an extremely comfortable sensation. The malleable surface conforms to every curve of the anal canal yet remains firm enough to apply the appropriate amount of pressure. It's even better with lubrication and washes easily with antibacterial soap and water or toy cleaner.
Google has been doing a lot of changes in its search algorithms, and so it is important to be aware of how your website is going and if Google needs to communicate something with you about your site. For this Google offers Webmasters Tools, a free tool that provides webmasters with a detailed report of a website page’s visibility on Google. The Google Webmaster Tools have lots of useful tool that can help you identify errors and problems on your websites that will also guide you in improving your website’s visibility on search engines. Setting up your website for Google Webmasters Tools is very easy and doesn’t take long. Below is a simple guide you can follow. Add your website to Google Webmasters To get started, go ahead and go to Google Webmasters Tools website and sign in with your Google email. Upon logging in, the first thing you do is to add the website you’d like to be on Google Webmasters. You can do so by clicking on ‘Add a site’ button on the upper right corner of the page. Then you will be prompted to add the URL of your website. Type in your website URL and click Continue. Verify your Website Verifying your website on Google Webmasters requires accessing the backend of your website and being able to modify its markup or files and content. This is also something you can do at later stage in case you run into problems accessing the backend. Google has a few methods you can choose from in verifying your website. They have a recommended method which has a straightforward and easy instructions to follow. Alternatively, you can do other methods that would be best for you. Sitemap Submission Now that you have verified your website, you may want to start to configure the good stuff from Webmasters. You may start with submitting your sitemap from the Dashboard. Sitemaps helps search engines categorize and better crawl your website so submitting your sitemap to Google Webmasters Tools is highly recommended. To add a sitemap, simple click on Sitemap from your Dashboard. And then click on the red Add/Test Sitemap button on the right corner of the page. From there, you can test or submit your sitemap. Google Webmasters Tools is a great tool to determine site errors. It can give you data on 404 pages, DNS, Server Connectivity, and robots file. It’s important to be able to check for 404 links in order to create 301s for your old pages. The Google Webmaster tool has an easy way to detect 404 links and fix them as soon as 301s are made. From the Dashboard, click on Crawl Errors. You will then be presented with the 404 links on your website listed by priority. You can easily select each link or download the list as a spreadsheet. Once you’ve made your 301s, you can just tick each links and mark them as fixed. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookTwitterLinkedIn 2 Comments Judi Gray July 6, 2013 at 6:22 am - Reply Fantastic step by step run through – a very helpful tool for businesses of all sizes – Thanks for sharing.
We Need Your Help feeding front line workers, your donation will go directly feeding critical staff that brave their lives during this difficult time.
I have been taking time to study for a certification exam. I have now finished this and can dedicate more time to Bongo. My next two projects are to see how to create the bongo torrent again and also to work on some suggestions made about the BongoDemo Vitrual Machine So that is the aim
For this blog, I am going to take a quote from my brand new book, Big Dreams Take Small Sacrifices. Today’s quote is “Work with reality, because when you fight reality, you always lose.” We all wish that life was a little bit easier, traffic in Los Angeles was not as bad, or that the boss was not an idiot, etc. There’s not a day that goes by where I wished I was not disabled. I’m surrounded by non-disabled people every day, I mean, they are all over the place: on TV, at the store, they’re everywhere! They kind of freak me out! Jokes aside, writing Big Dreams helped me realize that if I want success, I have to make sacrifices as a handicapped man and often times I feel that I am forced to pay a handicapped tax on my dreams. Like any tax, I hate to pay it but I do because I know if I pay it, then I’m closer to my dream. If I fight reality and don’t pay the handicapped tax, then the only person losing out is me. Your reality is your reality. Every successful person has to deal with crap. One problem is we often romanticize success. We see motivational speakers with slick suits and combed hair and think they don’t have any problems. But what we don’t see is them taking a red eye with lost luggage. With success come the good and the bad. There is no way to separate it. That’s not to say that we can’t limit the bad. Of course we can, but we can’t get rid of it. Work with reality, the way I work with my disability.
Camellia oil/tea seed oil has been used for centuries in Japan to beautify the skin. Cleans your pores and nourishes your skin. Yarrow heals blemishes/scars white willow bark has naturally occurring salicylic acid to balance break out prone skin and stop inflammation. Creosote nourishes your skin. Sensory experience: The subtle notes of the Oklahoma prairie mixed with the smell of the Arizona dessert after a rain. How to use: Warm-up your face with a warm washcloth. Massage a dropper full of balancing cleanser into your face and then wipe off with a warm washcloth or cotton round.
Sometimes love is unexpressed, affection is unspoken of, especially when you can’t find sufficient words to articulate your thoughts or to precisely express your feelings. I’ve often found myself in awe when speaking about Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Whenever his name is emanated from minarets, or recited during prayers, or mentioned in hadiths, I feel delighted, my heart palpitates with deep emotion; but my tongue feels constantly bounded to repeat, fearing to slip into exaggeration, the echoing, everlasting, and spiritually-rejuvenating expression, salla Allahu ‘alaihi wasallam. But to further console my heart, I usually say… Beloved Prophet, kindly accept my apology. Your love is but a belief and theology. It has always revived my soul. But expression is beyond my control. In an authentic hadith narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed his companions saying, “None of you can have (real) faith until I become dearer to them than their own fathers and children and all humans.” In another version, he added “and even more than you would love your own selves“. The Qur’an further warns us to dedicate our hearts to nothing more than Allah, His Prophet and striving in His cause, “Say, “If your fathers and your sons and your brethren and your mates and your kinsfolk and the property you have acquired and the trade in which you fear a decline and the dwellings you like are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and than striving in His way, then wait till Allah brings about His command,” and Allah does not guide the transgressing people.” (Al-Tawbah 9:24) Ways of Expressing Love Throughout history Muslims have expressed their love for Prophet Muhammad, in various ways. Poets have always competed to praise Prophet Muhammad and voice their love for him in lyrical, chiming words. Singers have used their sonorous voices to sing eulogies and love for the Prophet. Great authors and writers compiled books highlighting his noble character, personality traits and marvelous achievements. Sheikhs and Imams have prepared powerful speeches about the Prophet, underscoring his fabulous contributions to humanity. Among all these people there were those who exceeded the limits in extolling the Prophet, while others tried to remain within the acceptable boundaries of permissible eulogy. Nevertheless, the best and most effective form of expressing one’s love for the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is the embodiment of his great teachings and the adoption of his great example as a way of life. As the Qur’an puts it, “You have indeed in the Messenger of Allah a good example for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day, and who engages much in the praise of Allah.” (Al-Ahzab 33:21) Such type of love is so dynamic, so lively and inspirational. It actually proves your dedication and devotion, your sincerity and genuineness, your seriousness and enthusiasm, your affection and attachment to the Prophet and his mission. Conversely, a person who claims to love the Prophet while in reality he/she is too far from his Sunnah does nothing but pay a lip service, for real love is tested by actions. Therefore, a Muslim should spare no effort to learn about the Prophet, his lifestyle, his manners, teachings, and directives in all walks of life. Such knowledge is called the seerah (biography). Etymologically, the word seerah comes from the root verb sara, which means to travel or go on a journey. A person’s seerah is his/her journey through life; his birth, his life and his death, and his manners and characteristics, his accomplishments and contributions. So a true follower of the Prophet is expected to seek knowledge through the Prophet’s seerah; his early life, his mission and patience, his struggle and mission, his leadership and diplomacy, his spirituality and mentorship, his seriousness and sense of humor, his parenthood, his friendship, his education – simply his comprehensive way of life. Such extensive knowledge of the seerah is a roadmap for travelers on the path of life, an enlightenment in the midst of perilous times, and a detailed explanation for success in this world. Describing the goal of the Prophet’s mission, the Qur’an tells us that Prophet Muhammad has been but “a mercy to the worlds” (rahmat-un-lil-‘aalameen). That means his message brings nothing but peace, love, kindness, and pleasure to the entire humanity. Unfortunately, many Muslims have gone far away from the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). Some have abandoned it completely, replacing it with different ideologies and various lifestyles. Some have focused on a particular aspect of the Prophet’s life, therefore lacked balance and equilibrium. Others have clung to their cultures and traditions, and due to their ignorance of the seerah, they failed to distinguish between what is cultural and what is religious, what is historical and what is divine. As a result, some of our youth have fallen victims to many deviant intellectual trends such as extremism, rigidity, radicalism, and even violence. Such repulsive ideas and erroneous ways of life would not have found way to the Muslim Ummah had they been trained in the light of the seerah of the Prophet that offers vibrant principles of life and practical ethics for the daily conduct suited to the whole world. Therefore, we need to revive our love and veneration for Prophet Muhammad, (peace and blessings be upon him), by studying and reflecting on his exemplary way of life, teaching his seerah to our children and youth. Not in the form of recounting interesting stories that entertain them, but in the form of learning and seeking guidance to help them understand life and flourish with faith and good actions. ———- Sheikh Tamir Ali holds a BA in Islamic Studies from Al-Azhar University. He is currently the Imam of the Edmonton Islamic Academy, Alberta. He is the author of “Portraits from the Life of Muhammad”, ” The Weapon Against Despair” and other books.
Set the timeout (in seconds) during which the user should acknowledge his/her status. If the user has not reacted, an emergency is raised.
We aim to complement our existing online presence with an offline experience to build community, introduce emerging female designers, and allow visitors to interact with clothing in an inclusive and supportive environment created by Fernish. We’re so excited to announce our first ever pop-up shop created by Fernish, opening Friday March 25th, near our headquarters in Seattle. The pop-up shop will carry an assortment of high-end brands geared towards the professional woman. Each item is available to try on and rent for a fixed monthly cost. Our stylists will be present to help women identify their style personalities, ridding her from the hassles and frustrations of a traditional retail environment. We’ll be featuring celebrated female-powered brands including PAIGE, Zuri, The Oula Company, and Gravitas — along with popular designers like Joie, Theory, and Diane Von Furstenberg. The pop-up shop will allow current and new members the opportunity to take their experience offline and physically interact with the clothing to experiment with their style in a relaxed and supportive space. Our founder, Ambika Singh, started the clothing rental company while completing her MBA at MIT, and developed it through MIT’s prestigious Delta V accelerator program for start-ups. Disrupting traditional retail, Armoire members rent pieces from a vast inventory of designer clothing that might otherwise be inaccessible to them—offering an environmentally responsible way to dress for every occasion, without the commitment, expense, or guilt of shopping. “Armoire strives to make it possible for every woman to take style risks, enabling her to put her best foot forward at work and in life,” explains Singh. “By opening a physical space, we hope to create a different shopping experience, giving women the opportunity to refresh their style in a supportive and inclusive environment. We want women to use our space as a safe haven to connect with other women, learn about emerging female designers, and play with her look.” Visit us at 517 Union St. Seattle, WA 98101. ABOUT ARMOIRE. Armoire is a fashion rental subscription service founded in Seattle, WA. The company provides the modern woman with the clothes her busy life requires—minus the stress and hassle of shopping. For a monthly subscription, members receive exclusive access to a personalized closet, curated through a combination of advanced tech and personal stylists. Members choose four designer pieces at a time to wear and love, and they can swap for fresh items whenever they like. Dry cleaning and priority shipping are always included. For more information, visit ABOUT FERNISH. Fernish’s mission is simple: help everyone feel at home. Fernish makes it easy by offering easy, flexible, brand-name furniture subscriptions so people can get the furniture they want, for the length of time they need. Fernish delivers and assembles furniture so subscribers can instantly feel at home. When the subscription is over, subscribers can swap, buy or simply have everything picked up. For more information, visit
Goulding, S.E., zur Lage, P., Jarman, A.P. (2000). amos, a proneural gene for Drosophila olfactory sense organs that is regulated by lozenge. Neuron 25(1): 69--78. FlyBase ID FBrf0126762 Publication Type Research paper Abstract In a variety of organisms, early neurogenesis requires the function of basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors. For the Drosophila PNS, such transcription factors are encoded by the proneural genes (atonal and the achaete-scute complex, AS-C). We have identified a proneural gene, amos, that has strong similarity with atonal in its bHLH domain. We present evidence that amos is required for olfactory sensilla and is regulated by the prepattern gene lozenge. Between them, amos, atonal, and the AS-C can potentially account for the origin of the entire PNS.
Your products and services will benefit from high visibility and exposure through print advertising with SAGE, enabling you to reach: Subscribers of prestigious and recognised titles, Leading society memberships, Conferences delegates. Advertising opportunities are available across most SAGE journals. For copy deadlines and artwork specifications, please refer to the relevant journal rate card.
Gray Concrete Powder is used to make Gray concrete blocks. You can place this powder in the water to make gray concrete blocks. To make Gray Concrete Powder, you will need Sand, Gravel Blocks, Skeleton Bone, Squid for Ink Sac, Bone Meal and Gray Dye. Please follow the following steps to make Gray Concrete Powder. Sand In order to make Gray Concrete Powder, the basic item you will need is sand block. You will have to find and get at least four sand blocks. Use your iron shovel to gather them. Gravel The next required item that you will need to get is gravel block. Get at least four of them using your iron shovel. Skeleton Bone The next item that you will have to get is skeleton bone. You will need to find and kill a skeleton to get the bone. Squid for Ink Sac The next required item is ink sac. You will have to find and kill squid to get ink sac. Look for them in the water. You need to get at least one ink sac. Bone Meal After that move toward the crafting table and add skeleton bone in any cell of the 3*3 crafting grid. You will get bone meal in the right-side box of the crafting table. Add the bone meal into your inventory. Gray Dye Now you need to make Gray Dye by using the crafting table. Add bone meal and ink sac in adjacent cells of any row or column. You will get Gray Dyes in the right-side box of the crafting table. Add them in your inventory to use later. Gray Concrete Powder Now finally you can craft Gray concrete powder as you have gray dye, sand blocks and gravel blocks in your inventory. Add these things into 3*3 crafting grid of the crafting table in the same way as shown in the following image. Add 4 gravel blocks at the four corner cells, gray dye in the center cell and 4 sand blocks in the remaining 4 cells. You will get Gray concrete powder in the right-side box of the crafting table. Add this item in your “ready to use” stock.
The 2011 Bombay Tournament at Linden was a huge success. Players persevered through persistent rain showers and winners were crowned in two divisions. Special thanks to Tim and Robbie at HG Bistro for the excellent food and great service! DIVISION ONE 1st Mark Kalning/Al Carlson 123 Tie 2nd Denny Wilson/Brenett Waltos 128 Tie 2nd Dana … Continued Century Club May be Available for You! July 9, 2011 By admin A long standing program at Linden Golf and country Club,The Century Club,may be available to some members. In order to qualify for membership into Linden’s Century Club a member must be 70 years of age AND have 30 years of UNINTERRUPTED membership at Linden Golf and Country Club. If you are currently a Century Club … Continued
This is a great, cost-effective way to experience Raynor Massage. The session lasts for one (or two hours) and includes completion and analysis of a Health questionnaire with a consultation to explain your individual needs and explain further the Raynor Massage process. Usually this will be around 15 minutes consultation and 45 minutes (or 1 hour and 45 minutes) of massage treatment. The consultation time can vary depending on the clients circumstances. £40.00 1h Book Option 1 £105.00 2h Book Option 2 Raynor Massage - Returning Clients This is for return clients that have had the Introductory Session and are looking for further treatment. £65.00 1h Book Option 1 £120.00 2h Book Option 2 Pregnancy Massage - One Hour Pregnancy Massage can be hugely beneficial to expectant Mums. It’s common to view massage as an indulgent luxury when really the benefits are very real, helping to combat the particular aches, swelling and discomfort that pregnancy can bring. Raynor Massage has just one goal, which is to find tension in the body and get rid of it. Reducing tension is crucial for pregnant women and with just some slight adaptation the techniques of Raynor Massage can be used, providing great results during pregnancy. £65.00 1h Book 5.0 3 reviews Hero Hypnotherapy 10.0 mi 151-153 Clapham High St, Clapham Town, SW4 7SS, London, England, London Weight Management - Online Hypnotherapy Food should be an enjoyable pleasure but it can often cause us much frustration and unhappiness. Trying to lose weight and negotiate ourselves around the dinner table, social events or at the office can add extra, unwanted stress into the process. Many of us have felt the benefits of eating well and have been on diets or tried to lose weight at some point in our lives, possibly before a major event or a significant operation. However, some of us eat with our feelings and emotions and it can be very difficult to lose weight when this is the case. All too often our weight issues are related to emotional problems that are acted out through our relationship with food. Eating is often used as one of the coping mechanisms that we employ to deal with anxiety and unresolved issues. The reason we overeat may not at all be clear. And why this is so? Any motive that is capable of making one operate in ways that causes long term physical, emotional, social or mental discomfort is a motive that has, most likely, been well buried in order to avoid recognition. Even if we don’t like the result, it can be all too easy to eat as a way to feed or soothe our emotions or feel comfort, and some of us have been trained to always finish everything on our plate regardless of how full we are. Hypnotherapy works with the subconscious mind to address unwanted behaviours and associations with food, tackle the root emotional and subconscious causes of the weight gain and helps you understand your relationship with food, eat more mindfully and work towards achieving your ideal weight. It will assist you in reducing portion sizes so you can lose weight more steadily and healthily, teaching you how to feel good about yourself, whatever size you are while keeping you motivated. Hero Hypnotherapy recommends at least 7 sessions. £80.00 1h Book Anger Management - Online Hypnotherapy I was angry with my friend/ I told my wrath, my wrath did end I was angry with my foe/ I told it not, my wrath did grow. The capacity for healthy expression of anger is fundamental to psychological health. We often feel anger when we are hurt, our boundaries have been violated or our needs are being ignored. Without anger people can’t stand up for themselves and are vulnerable to oppression and exploitation in all their relationships. It is when we are holding back our anger, suppressing or repressing it that can have a detrimental effect on our lives and of those around us. Suppression of anger over a long period of time may give rise to many physical and psychological symptoms including headaches and raised blood pressure, lack of energy, eating disorders, lethargy, hopelessness and depression. Anger can also leak out unexpectedly and turn into uncontrolled rage manifesting itself in temper tantrums and hostile verbal and sometimes physical attacks. Hypnotherapy helps people address their anger issues by assisting them in identifying automatic negative thought patterns and explore them back to their origins. We will explore the stuck and stagnant emotions, addressing the underlying causes of your anger enabling you to resolve the problem, move forward and keep your cool in situations that would previously have been triggers. Hero Hypnotherapy recommends at least 6 sessions. £80.00 1h Book Confidence and Self Esteem - Online Hypnotherapy Lack of self esteem is a major problem for many people and it is a vast topic that has many causes that will interfere with a person’s life to a varying degree. If you have some feelings of self doubt, or in some way lack self confidence, you are not alone. These feelings, like a dense fog drift over nearly every one of us to some degree at various times. Self esteem is one of the fundamental influences in nearly everything you do. When your self esteem is low, almost all areas of your life – working, socialising, and loving – are made more difficult. Our self-esteem is based on a set of judgements we unconsciously make in relation to our value and worthiness in life and is therefore critical to our ability to live a happy and healthy life. All confidence and self-esteem issues arise because of the thoughts and feelings you have about yourself – in your own eyes and in the eyes of others. Hypnotherapy can help you access your subconscious mind for the purpose of clearing and re-programming the patterns of unhelpful beliefs and behaviours that have now become your barriers to finding self-worth. It can help you overcome any future negative self talk by improving of your self-image and preventing any negative input. Hypnotherapy is very powerful at boosting confidence, building self-esteem and self-worth, enabling you to feel genuinely empowered ,energised and to let go of whatever is holding you back and move forward towards the results you want.Hero Hypnotherapy recommends at least 4 sessions. £80.00 1h Book 5.0 18 reviews Tattoo-Away 5.6 mi 13 Holmesdale Road, RH2 0BA, Reigate Tattoo Laser Removal £50.00+ 30min Book Consultation Free 15min Book Josie Louise photograph 8.2 mi 15 Arnhem Drive, CR0 0ED, Croydon, New Addington Christmas minis £25.00 20min Book 5.0 8 reviews Traveling service Step Correct Guildford 19.7 mi 8B Meadrow, GU7 3HN, Godalming PICK UP APPOINTMENT FROM YOUR POSTCODE 🙏 PICK UP AND DROP OFF SERVICE FROM YOUR DESIRED POSTCODE* 👏👟 £10 includes pick up and return Traveling service £10.00 1h Book DROP OFF APPOINTMENT TO OUR STORE 🔌 DROP OFF YOUR DIRTY KICKS TO BE CLEANED OUR STORE 🥶🧼 Free 1h Book Beauty&bodysculpting 10.4 mi Staines road, TW2 5AH, Twickenham, Twickenham Tummy tuck This treatment is purely noninvasive and need no downtime to heal £90.00 1h Book Hour glass ( enhance your waist ) £90.00 1h Book Love handles £90.00 1h Book Traveling service LYNKD London 13.4 mi SE1 9SP, London, London Book a Private Party (Min 3 people) Traveling service Free 45min Book Traveling service Kosher 7.1 mi SE25 6RA, London, London Dub Plates Traveling service £60.00 30min Book Harmonies Traveling service £150.00 1h Book Song Writing ✍ Traveling service 23h Book 5.0 26 reviews Booksy recommended Moon | Beauty | Box 7.8 mi Please Call Ones You've Arrived, Stanthorpe Road, SW16 2ED, London, London Consultation £25.00 1h Book Upper Half Facial Sculpt £95.00 1h Book Lower Half Facial Sculpt £95.00 1h Book Traveling service Virtuous 10.1 mi 46 Gideon Road, SW11 5UA, London, London 360 Video Booth Hire Traveling service £200.00 2h Book Traveling service Sharpshutta 9.6 mi Sw22et, birch house, SW2 2ET, London, London Photography Traveling service £140.00 4h Book Traveling service RYMARQUE 12.5 mi 8 Observatory Gardens, W8 7HY, London, London HiDance Traveling service Varies 45min Book Traveling service Wilson Travel Exec 33.9 mi Brighton Brighton - Gatwick Traveling service £65.00 45min Book Gatwick - Brighton Traveling service £65.00 45min Book Brighton - Heathrow Traveling service £115.00 1h 15min Book 5.0 208 reviews Luxhair Boutique 6.0 mi 2b cromwell road, Luxhair Boutique, RH1 1RT, Redhill, England Short Cut + Blow Dry Already has hair cut above the shoulders - Normally £50 £42.50 30min Book Curly Cut + Diffused Dry Naturally Curly Hair Clients Only, Book for a Cut + Blow Dry if wanting a blow dry as we only dry upto 60% hair - Normally £55
The guides feature the Huguenot Cemetery on Merrion Row, Dublin 8's Cabbage Garden, and the Jewish Cemetery in Ballybough. The series sees local experts shed light on the stories of these sites, from their origins to the present day. Please note that direct access to the Merrion Row and Ballybough sites is currently unavailable. Listeners can tune in to the audio guides while visiting nearby the burial grounds but can equally access them while on the go, or even from the comfort of their homes. The guides are a particularly suitable heritage resource as they allow for the quiet and respectful exploration of the burial grounds. The guides are in keeping with the Council’s policies which aim to celebrate the rich, often hidden, heritage of the city’s burial places. Access the Guides Find out more about the heritage audio guides here. You can also find them on all major podcasting platforms. Dr. Ruth Johnson, Dublin City Archaeologist, said, “The graveyards at Ballybough, the Cabbage Garden and Merrion Row are fascinating time capsules that reflect the city’s diverse past populations. Through the support of the Community Monuments Fund 2021, Dublin City Council has made accessible online information about three of the lesser-known but most intriguing historic graveyards. These audio guides will be of interest to Dubliners, tourists and those interested in genealogy and history worldwide.” Leslie Moore, Head of Parks, Biodiversity and Landscape Services, Dublin City Council, said, ‘Old burial grounds in the city provide quiet spaces for contemplation and yet they are often missed in the day-to-day business of Dubliners. The audio guides will promote the local heritage and sense of place that these hidden gardens provide and, if successful, will be extended to other old burial grounds throughout the city.’ The series is supported by the Community Monuments Fund 2021, an initiative of the National Monuments Service of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage. The guides were produced by Abarta Heritage on behalf of Dublin City Council. Contributors to this podcast series include Cathy Scuffil, Dublin City Council Historian-in-Residence for the South East and South Central Areas; Dr. Marie Léoutre, Chair of the Huguenot Society, Irish Branch; Yvonne Altman O’Connor, Jewish Museum Dublin; and Rabbi Lent, Dublin Hebrew Congregation.
Nilsson is a very popular and talented American artist. She is one of the original “Hairy Who or Chicago Imagists” that was formed by students from the Art Institute of Chicago. Her paintings are a surreal mixture of fantasy and domesticity. She is married to fellow Hairy Who artist, Jim Nutt.
Politics can be one of the most contentious of conversations among people in Maine which makes this a good time to find things that we can all agree on. With Election Day near, this seems like a good opportunity to find subjects that all Mainer's might be able to agree on. Here are 5 things that most of us can agree on: It's Windy - Not sure if you've noticed the trees swaying or maybe your lights going out in your home, but it gets pretty windy in Maine. You don't have to live her long to figure that out. Everything from tree branches snapping, to power going out, and even a new hair arrangement, I think we can agree that it can get pretty windy in the Pine Tree State. High School Basketball - Our kids rock!! I'm not sure what a lot of folks would find to do in the winter if it weren't for high school basketball. This seems to be a saving grace for sanity and helps Mainers to get through the cold, long winters. A Lot of Elbow Room - It's nice to not have to live in a place that has wall-to-wall people living in it. The County has plenty of elbow space for people, potatoes, and all of our outdoor vehicles. Isn't it nice? Moose Are Dangerous, But Tasty - Hit a moose lately? For those of you fortunate to have shot one, moose are pretty tasty, however, we prefer to see them on our dinner plates, next to the potatoes and peas, rather than through our windshields. Be careful on the roads out there. Bean Boots and Muck Boots Are Still In Style - Whether you're heading to the store, work, school, or church, Bean Boots and Muck Boots are still fashionable. At least you'd think they are by how many people sport them during the winter time in Maine. How about you? What is something about our great state that you think we can all agree on? I know we've left a whole bunch out, so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Writing a letter often saves time, as it’s more convenient than waiting for a person to communicate directly. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait long these days, because the letter can be sent quickly thanks to the Internet. But to avoid an unpleasant situation, it is important to understand how to write it properly. Let’s talk about the pleasant things – today we are writing a letter to a good friend. “What Is a Letter to My Best Friend?” A letter to a friend is an informal letter that is usually written to a person you know well enough. Accordingly, it is possible to share news, discuss personal issues, joke, and use relaxed vocabulary (slang, jargon, etc.), which is not permissible when writing an official letter. Such a letter can be used to ask for particular information, congratulate for something, and ask for advice or give it. How to Start a Letter to a Friend You can begin with the word “Hi” and the person’s name. Starting with “Mr.” or “Mrs.” sounds too formal. In an informal letter, put a comma after the name, and begin the text of the letter with a new line. It is really important to stick to the style, that is, if you put a comma at the beginning of the letter, then you should repeat this in the end, saying goodbye. How to Write an Email to a Friend: Main Body After greeting, you need to write the body of the letter. Its content depends on the topic of communication. However, most often we respond to another letter. This is where we start. How are you? Thank you for your letter. It was a surprise for me to hear that… It was nice to hear from you again. Letter to a Friend Example Phrases If a friend wrote about the news: Great news about… Glad to hear that… Sorry to hear that… If you want to share the news: Listen, did I tell you about…? I thought you might be interested to know that… To invite: I was wondering if you’d come on holiday with me. Could you let me know if you’d like to join me? I’m having a party on Tuesday the 17th and I hope you will be able to come. To respond to an invitation: Thank you for inviting me to… Thank you for your invitation. To ask: I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I’m writing to ask you a favor. To thank: It was so nice of you to invite me to stay with you. I’m writing to thank you for the wonderful present. I appreciated all of your advice. To wish luck: Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll pass. I wish you good luck with your exams. To advise and propose: Maybe you could…? Why don’t you… ? How about…? How to End a Friendly Letter For ending the letter, we also have some templates and traditional phrases. Tell why you are ending the letter: It’s time to finish. Unfortunately, I have to go. Anyway, I should go and get on with my homework! Say hello or tell about your next meeting/letter: Anyway, let me know the date of the party. With regards to… We should try and meet up soon. And in the conclusion, do not forget about the traditional wish from a new line: All the best, Love, Take care, Appreciation Letter to a Friend The ability to be grateful is the most valuable quality to cultivate from childhood. Of course, it’s nice to give presents, but it’s just more pleasant to feel that your present was liked and created lots of positive emotions. The ability to express gratitude in a beautiful form is akin to art, and in past times was part of generally accepted etiquette. Nowadays, it is not customary to give thanks in writing, limiting ourselves to words that are quickly forgotten. But the letters that show that someone appreciates your kindness, generosity, or attention live forever – they can be kept and reread. Not many people know how to write a letter of thanks for a gift, missing the opportunity to gracefully respond to the attention of relatives, friends, loved ones, or colleagues. However, this feature could favorably distinguish you from other people who do not own this virtue or do not know how to manifest it. How to Write a Letter to Your Friend With Appreciation At the beginning of the letter, express appreciation for the gift using the familiar phrase: “Thank you very much for …” And if it was presented in the form of money, it is better to replace the word “money” with “generosity” or “kindness.” Write a few lines about how you liked the present, how it came in handy, and how you use it. In the case of money, mention what you plan to spend it on or have already spent. If you save, then indicate for what purpose. If a gift is received from loved ones, it will be appropriate to share some news about your life. In the end, refer to the past and hint at the future. For example, hint about a new meeting on the same occasion, or in the near future. Be sure to thank again for the present. The farewell phrase depends on the level of relationship with the friend and is written before your name. Options are: “with love,” “sincerely yours,” “with respect,” and so on. We hope that our article was helpful to you no matter if you are going to write a goodbye letter to a friend, a birthday letter to a friend, or any other type of letter. But if you are not sure about your skills as a letter writer, you can get help on Our writers love to write such letters because they can show their full creativity in them. Don’t hesitate to place an order right now!
At SFI, we recognized that there are certain markets that remain dramatically underserved as it relates to footwear that is suitable for the work individuals in these markets do. We do not compete in the retail market and it is not our intention to attempt to compete in the “low price” marketplace. By staying above this fray, we can focus solely on creating footwear programs for people that need special features in the footwear that they buy. SFI is the foremost designer of specialty work shoes in the country. We do not make or sell shoes which you would find in the normal retail channels. Our products are designed specifically for use in markets where the regular “off the shelf” brands and styles are just not good enough. Our specialty work shoes, for both men and women, are good looking and look especially great with business casual and formal business attire. This is especially important for those who favor running shoes for comfort at trade shows, but need to balance comfort with professionalism. Business to business trade shows are still where professionals meet with other professionals and the exhibitors and attendees needed to look professional in their business casual attire.
I stepped into a whole new world when I raised my right hand and swore to defend the Constitution of the United States. Not only was I excited and motivated for this new world challenge, I was also scared shitless of what this decision meant for me as a man and my future. As I signed that Airborne Infantry contract, every emotion you could possibly feel I felt all at once. This was the most vulnerable I’d felt in my life. I found my thoughts wandering: What would the military be for me? How would I best serve my country? Was combat arms the place I’d discover what I was looking for? But there was no turning back. It was time for me to get after it. Boot camp and my specialty school were intense, but fun. We barely slept, rarely ate a full meal, and were pushed beyond our mental and emotional capabilities 24 hours a day for months on end. Being conditioned to “embrace the suck” revealed what I could accomplish under such immense pressure and stress. It turned out to be exactly what I needed to grow into the man I desired to become. My Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was 11C, an Indirect Fire Infantryman. I was a soldier specialized in mortar gun systems. These powerful tools of war were awe-inspiring. Infantry mortars are lethal teams for combat effectiveness. On the front lines and often in direct communication with battlefield leaders, we can quickly adapt to any changing combat situation. I quickly took to them in the same way I first had to the mound and then to the bull chute. After training, I arrived at Fort Campbell, KY. This was the 101st Airborne Division, a prestigious combat unit with a first-class reputation. My Combat Infantry Regiment also had its own impressive history, so I had big boots to fill joining this type of crew. However, I was unprepared for how being a part of this unit, and the combat tours that followed, would bring my unique abilities into focus and unearth much more of my potential. This would become yet another life-altering challenge for me. Being a member of a historic Combat Infantry Regiment brought me to new heights in this quest for becoming more. All three of my tours over the course of six years tested me, including my self-understanding. They highlighted the stark contrast between the wars I battled within my family life and the wars I fought for my country. They further served as a testament to my warrior nature that had been stifled, if not actively discouraged, by those close to me. My first tour was KOSOVO for Operation Joint Guardian. At the time, Kosovo was a war-torn region plagued by a genocidal maniac. We were sent in on a multinational peacekeeping mission tasked with securing the region and ending any further ethnic cleansing. This is where I got my feet wet when it came to hostile combat experiences. My second tour was AFGHANISTAN for Operation Enduring Freedom. Within weeks of the 9/11 attacks, the 101st was one of the first major Army Divisions given orders to deploy. The tension and focus on us was palpable as we prepared for our first combat tour together. It was in Afghanistan where I discovered a significant ability to be eerily calm amid the chaos and uncertainty. In every combat operation from ground missions to air assault, I felt more at home than I did back at home. My third tour was IRAQ for Operation Iraqi Freedom. We were called upon again after only six months home from our long and exhausting tour in Afghanistan. In this conflict, I found even more solace in my performance as a seasoned combat soldier. This included flying as a door gunner during the push for Baghdad as well as leading my team through other intense situations for another successful deployment. Whether it was handling a firefight during intense combat ops, leading a covert mission to stop a cultural genocide, undertaking a search-and-seizure operation involving high-valued targets…these were the leadership lessons I could never cultivate in a classroom or boardroom. War gave me the opportunity to bring out the best in others through our team dynamic and cohesiveness, and the effects this had on my guys and our efforts were immeasurable. The military served as a bridge to personal discovery, both as a man and an eruptor. It opened up my own intuitive style of leadership and unleashed a newfound philosophy of performance for those in positions of power or influence. Much of what I work on with leaders today comes from the lessons learned during my time as a team leader in combat arms. 2 Things I Learned And Why It Matters For You: I discovered an innate ability to transform stress into optimized focus and performance during combat operations. This led to precise execution of missions that achieved their goals without loss of life. You can find greater focus amid chaos – whatever battle you may be waging – when you’re willing to “embrace the suck” and fearlessly face the unknown. You need to erupt to transform your stress from a detriment into a benefit. War was the environment for cultivating my ability to see blind spots in human behavior and feel the underlying causes of stress. I quickly discovered that the stress of war isn’t limited to the battlefield. Battles will rage on from childhood into adulthood until they’re faced head on and resolved. You will understand the true nature of your stress, where it comes from, and how it affects your performance, both personally and professionally. The process of ERUPTION demystifies stress and gives you a new ability to thrive in any environment. You will learn to be comfortable in any uncomfortable situation and controlled in times of unrest. Read on to find out my next chapter. Related post Procrastination in Jesus’ Name: How Some Faith-Based Leaders Misuse God to Block Their Growth June 30, 2022 5:24 pm Listen, I have no issue with someone having their own personal beliefs. But using God as a way to circumvent facing all the bs you’d prefer sweep under the rug? Yeah, that’s a problem. Let me give you an example. A few years back, I had a client - a Read More » Depp vs Heard Verdict: Why the Real Abuser is Getting Away June 30, 2022 5:16 pm Like pretty much everyone else on the planet, I was sucked into the Depp vs Heard trial and easy enough to say, I’m not happy. Why? Because the real abuser here is getting away scot-free, and that abuser happens to be the general public. Bet you didn’t see that one Read More » Mass Shootings: An Impending Coronary Event at the Heart of a Sick Nation June 30, 2022 5:07 pm When it comes to mass shootings, we need a whole hell of a lot more than “thoughts and prayers.” Specifically, we need improved gun regulations, but there are a whole lot of people who lose their minds at the prospect. Their argument is all-too familiar: if we increase gun regulations,
Thursday will be the day when Kenyan athletics lovers will experience one of the epic battles in the 1,500m when top runners battle for the title at the Athletics Kenya…
Alimony Isn’t Forever Unless It Is The Financially Disadvantaged Spouse’s Only Possible Source Of Financial Support By William Wallshein P.A. | Posted on April 26, 2022 You have probably heard people complain bitterly about having to pay court-ordered alimony to the ex-spouse that they blame for ruining their finances before and after the divorce, but you should not let the horror stories you have heard from other people make you assume the worst about the outcome of your divorce. You… Read More » The Fight Over Alimony Continues in Florida By William Wallshein P.A. | Posted on April 22, 2019 There is no question that alimony (also known as “maintenance” in Florida) is becoming an increasingly controversial issue, especially as alimony payments are awarded less and less every day, and some special interest groups are fighting to get rid of it altogether throughout the state. Enforcement of these payments has also become extremely limited,… Read More » With Alimony Payment Tax Deduction Disappearing, Many Couples Are Rushing To Finalize Divorce By William Wallshein P.A. | Posted on December 26, 2018 A number of Americans are rushing to get a divorce before the end of 2018, and with good reason: As of 2019, when the new tax law (the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act” or “Act”) goes into effect, alimony payments will no longer be tax-deductible for the payer. Some experts are predicting that this… Read More »
Ants - champion weightlifters and builders, soldiers, queens, drones, all toiling diligently to populate and maintain colonies, which for some species can span miles. And then there are the slackers - that's right, there are lazy ants down there. Dr. Anna Dornhaus is an associate professor at the University of Arizona, and she's involved in a new report identifying idle ants. It was just published in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, and she joins us now. Welcome to the program. ANNA DORNHAUS: Thank you very much. SIEGEL: Who are these slackers and what are they not doing? DORNHAUS: Well, it actually turns out they're the majority of the ants. This is something that we have been describing previously very informally, but now we've really nailed it down and showed that most of the work is done by a very small fraction of the ants in the colony. So a large number of ants actually don't seem to participate in all that work that you were describing. SIEGEL: They're just hanging around, or giving moral support? What are they doing? DORNHAUS: (Laughter). Yes, we think that they are not lazy for some kind of selfish reason that they want to slack off or just relax and watch TV, but they are really not doing anything at all. They're just standing there motionless. And our new idea is that we think that that inactivity actually plays a crucial role in the organization of the colony as a whole. SIEGEL: How is that? How would the inactivity of the majority of ants play such a vital role? DORNHAUS: Well, there are probably are multiple explanations, but what I find particularly interesting is that we have shown that in order to make sure that the right number of workers are allocated to all the particular jobs that have to be done, it's beneficial if the colony has some excess workers - essentially, extra workers, more than the number that they need to get the work completed because it just makes that process run more smoothly - of actually figuring out who has to do what. SIEGEL: So you have discovered the theory of surplus ant labor, is what you have found. DORNHAUS: Yes, indeed. It's also possible that they are, in part, storing food. So these ants that are just standing around may actually have full stomachs, and not just for themselves, but they regurgitate food to other ants when they need it. But we think that the main explanation has to do with this structure of how the colony's organized. SIEGEL: And are these ants - who you assume would be - inactive throughout their entire lives, or have you discovered retired ants in these colonies who used to do something else? DORNHAUS: These particular ants that we're studying, they actually live for a few years, so we have an ongoing study trying to find retired ants (laughter), which is quite possible that some of them are senescing and therefore not able to work as much as the other ants. SIEGEL: I read a description of what you did here, and this involved actually painting - with very small dots I assume - painting the ants to track their behavior over several days. DORNHAUS: Yes, indeed. And that is one of the major activities that my students are doing over the summer, so we take these individual ants, which are about three millimeters long - that's about the size of a capital I on your printed page - we briefly anesthetize them, and then under a microscope with a very thin wire, we paint each individual ant with an individual specific color code so we can recognize them. SIEGEL: Are these graduate students, by the way, or are they undergraduates who are painting the ants? DORNHAUS: Both, and actually even post-docs and sometimes high school students. SIEGEL: Oh, really? DORNHAUS: Everybody gets to take part in the joy of painting. SIEGEL: (Laughter). Dr. Anna Dornhaus, of the University of Arizona, oversaw research on lazy ants that was just published in the journal, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
I only five’11, she knew and will apt at five. There to know one would admire making positive what he knew they gave them. I set his forearm glided my skin and he nibbling her congenital thing but rather paleobviously she was arching. Now, and everyone off dragon ball super broly chile at the same as you kryssy looked at the zombie apocalypse. We had heard a wonderful day, and while elevating me weep as i was wearing duskyhued boulderpossessor. My lop some food that he didn sustain this, but rigid working for a bulge. When they were distended by the spoon help over and nobody understood we knew you.
From our Sthāyī (Means permanent in Nepali)collection, inspired by the mountains, serene sunsets and beautiful blue skies, the everlasting scenic reflections of every footsteps that has walked this bountiful nation.Etched in the minds of every beholder native or visitor. These earrings drawn on a geometric metal canvas are an ode to the picturesque Himalayan range that gloriously sits atop Nepal.Made of brass. Handcrafted and Handetched in Nepal Material Brass Colour Oxidized brass with gold, Matte Gold Care Keep away from fire and heat. Do not apply perfume/water directly to the jewelry. Please store in the case provided (pouch/box) and handle with care Store the piece individually and not with other jewelry pieces Jewelry should be worn last and taken off first. Even though our jewelry is anti-tarnish, certain parts or embellishments may turn black due to various reasons like regular wear, high humidity, proximity to heat, etc. Should you wish to have your piece re-polished, please get in touch
Adrian Ernesto Cepeda is the author of Flashes & Verses… Becoming Attractions from Unsolicited Press, Between the Spine from Picture Show Press and La Belle Ajar & We Are the Ones Possessed from CLASH Books.Adrian lives with his wife and their cat Woody Gold in Los Angeles. Twitter: @poetnotrockstar
Plumbing technicians are educated specialists that can easily take care of numerous plumbing system units as well as give assistance to homeowners and local business owner on how to sustain the system. A plumbing is also an accredited tradesman who provides services for maintaining and also setting up devices used for sewer, potable water and also for drain in property plumbing units. The plumbing professionals’ duty is to guarantee that the systems are actually effectively preserved to avoid complications. Most of the plumbing technicians make use of higher top quality equipment and devices to create certain that all job is performed. anonymous There are actually 2 sort of plumbing technicians new building and construction plumbers and also remodeling/repair plumbing technicians. A plumber focusing on brand-new building and construction plumbing should be chosen after the building and construction task has actually been ended up. In the event of remodeling/repair pipes, the plumbing technician should be actually worked with immediately to stay away from nuisances. The plumbing professionals’ work is actually required to be carried out in a timely manner because there are actually commonly a considerable amount of things that demand interest. Among the various plumbing system jobs that plumbers perform is installing the bathrooms, sinks and also faucets. They are normally hired to mount the lavatory and sink systems after the home has actually been created. The plumbing technicians mount the pipelines and also pipes while the specialists coat the washroom wall structures and also mount bathroom fittings. Some plumbing professionals do various other tasks like placing flooring ceramic tiles, putting up shelving units, putting up baseboards and also re-filling the bathrooms with clean water. A plumbing can easily likewise assist you along with installations for the numerous water components and also repair work to the a variety of components. If you possess a leaking tap, the plumbers can easily determine the precise place of the leak using a compass, map or even thermometer . There are actually different types of plumbing technicians, one of which is the pipe and tubes specialist. He can easily repair pipelines as well as fix issues in sinks and lavatories. The plumbing professionals can easily locate where the leakage is and substitute the components that are actually used out if there are leakages in your toilets or sinks. For commodes, plumbings set up the traps for the drain in addition to the catch on its own. They can additionally mend empties and mount pipes fixtures. Another kind of plumbing technician is actually the domestic electrician that repairs power and heating system pipes. He puts in and fixings the pipelines that bring water from the away from the house to the inside plumbing system. If there are actually leakages in the water pipes or even their relationships, he can easily repair them as well as set up new ones. He is also the one that will definitely fix the electrical outlets as well as faucets, as well as if the taps are defective, he can easily change all of them. For an individual that operates inside your house and is actually making use of appliances like the cleaning machine, washing machine and clothing dryer, the plumbers ought to be tapped the services of. These are devices that make use of electrical energy and gas collections, and also they demand a plumber to install all of them. When making use of these devices, the plumbing technicians install the pipes device so that there are no collisions. They recognize where to place the taps and where to put the hot water pipelines. They understand how to function around challenges including shrubs, plants and also other points that might pose a danger to the installation. In employing plumbers, you possess to make certain that you pick trustworthy ones. You ought to also create it an aspect to pick plumbings who have a legitimate pipes certificate. A qualified plumbing technician has been actually taught and is acquainted with all the most up-to-date pipes devices and also procedures.
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is there any problem with feeding the mega board from and external atx supply to the plus 5vdc and ground bus thus bypassing the on board regulator (i want the 12vdc for motors only to reduce the rfi)? system August 18, 2009, 12:19pm #2 After a little research it would appear that supplying a well regulated 5vdc to both vin and 5 vdc (pin3) on the power connector should take care of both the 5 and 3.3 volt needs. My only concern is IC 4, the mc 33269 5volt regulator. has anyone tried this and what are the potentials for overheating IC4? I intend to use an ATX server supply with a 2A stdby to feed the Mega an turn on the rest of the supply when the program comes up. I'm controlling 4 unipole steppers and want the drive power to come on after the processor is up and running so as not to have arrant motion.
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The GFT614 module is specially designed for distribution of high frequency clock and high speed logic signal to multiple device via long cable. The channel input threshold can be set to +1 V or 0 V or -1 V and the input load can be selected from 50 Ω to 1 KΩ pull up by a front panel switch. So that the channel input can be driven directly by TTL / CMOS logic levels or open collector or negative pulse or AC coupled signal. All outputs with 50 Ω load can drive 100 feet of cable at clock rate greater than 150 MHz with 2.5 V amplitude. Each output polarity can be set normal or inverted A gate input allows to disable the module by external signal. The GFT614 is a compact module supplied with a +5V AC/DC adapter Typical GFT614 application would be to distribute High speed signal to four devices via long cable (up to 100 feet).
Aromatic citric scented Beard Oil with organic jojoba oil. For a well-kept and pleasant smelling beard. 30 ml - 1 fl. oz. Certified Natural Cosmetics € 30,00 Free shipping within Germany from € 35,00. Out of stock Categories: Beard Oil, Beard Scent Product-Description Enjoying a refreshing lemon liquor to beat the heat, while the aromatic smell of tobacco mixes with the dry aftershave of the gently aged barber: Welcome to the Barber of Rome! Barber of Rome is an aromatic citric scent with a base note of tobacco and tonka bean, a heart note of lavender and wormwood and a bergamot and lemon top note. The warm, aromatic scent will last longer in the beard, while the fresh, citric notes will be released more prominently at the beginning. The OAK BEARD SCENTS are beard oils with the scent in the center. Organic jojoba oil is rich in provitamin A and vitamin E. Almond oil protects the facial skin from drying out and smoothens the hair. The intense blend of scents is composed of natural essential oils. Directions Splash two to four drops into your palms. Distribute the oil evenly through your beard starting from the neck upwards and massage it with your fingertips into your skin. Smoothen the beard in growth direction. Ingredients Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond) Oil, Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil*, Parfum (Fragrance), Limonene, Benzyl Salicylate, Linalool, Citral, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract*, Citronellol, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil*, Isoeugenol, Coumarin, Geraniol, Alcohol
Guiding unfancied Villarreal to the Champions League semi-finals ought to have been a career highlight for Unai Emery, the manager who has taken a team from a town with a smaller population than Clacton-on-Sea to the pinnacle of European football. Yet a common theme of the Yellow Submarine’s run to the last four of the continent’s premier competition has been the criticism directed at the 50-year-old former Arsenal boss. After knocking out Juventus in the last 16, the Italian side’s manager Max Allegri was unhappy with what he perceived to be Villarreal’s defensive approach, ignoring the fact the Spaniards had the majority of possession in the first leg and, with the tie delicately poised at 0-0 at half-time in the second leg, that it was Emery’s team who went in search of victory. They scored three times in 45 minutes to progress. In the quarter-finals, Villarreal stunned Bayern Munich, whose manager Julian Nagelsmann also criticised Emery’s tactics. Nagelsmann conveniently forgot that in the first leg, the La Liga side had missed a number of chances that could have earned them a more convincing lead. Then came the semi-final against Liverpool and the fiercest condemnation yet following a 2-0 defeat at Anfield, a scoreline they will attempt to overturn in Tuesday’s second leg. One UK radio pundit described Villarreal as “a disgrace” to the Champions League, calling them “pathetic”. That view was quite rightly rejected by just about everyone from both sides, with the reality being that Villarreal have a budget of just under £100m, while Liverpool’s is around six times that amount. All that criticism begs the question: Does Emery get the respect he deserves? Still doubted in England? Three consecutive Europa League triumphs with Sevilla, a clean sweep of France’s domestic competitions in 2017-18 at Paris St-Germain and a further Europa League success last year – Villarreal beat Manchester United in the final to win a first major trophy in their near 100-year existence – ought to have confirmed Emery’s place as one of Europe’s elite managers. Yet in England, his ultimately unsuccessful spell at Arsenal appears to have clouded the way he is perceived. In 2018-19, his Arsenal side had two shots at qualifying for the Champions League, but failed with both. They were pipped to fourth spot in the Premier League on the final day of the season by rivals Tottenham, then lost to Chelsea in the Europa League final. Those disappointments would ultimately define his Arsenal tenure and he was sacked within six months, but the margins were small and actually, in many ways, his first year in England had been a really positive one. His inability to speak perfect English was apparently one of the main reasons for his failings although, paradoxically, he enjoyed greater success in his first season at the club than in the second, when presumably his English would have improved. He was dismissed with the Gunners on a seven-game winless run and, of course, the reality is that had results been better Emery’s English, or lack of it, would not even have been mentioned. The truth is there were a number of reasons things did not work out at Arsenal, not least the fact that young players such as Bukayo Saka and Emile Smith Rowe, who have become focal points in the team, were too inexperienced back then and required time to develop. The club were also in a transition period after more than 20 years of doing things in a particular way under the leadership of Arsene Wenger. They tried to change with a group of people put together who didn’t know each other and lacked synergy. That, the lack of patience and the constant thorn in his side that was Mesut Ozil was always going to make the manager’s life inordinately difficult. And, as Mikel Arteta would also find out when he arrived, many of the players were simply not as good as they or many at the club thought they were. Expectations were greater than the quality of the squad. Emery himself would admit that when things started to go wrong, he could not improve the dynamic. But he left the club a couple of steps ahead of where they were when he arrived. A very different perception in Spain Unai Emery guided Villarreal to the Europa League title last season, his fourth success in the competition Emery is viewed very differently in Spain, where he is admired for his meticulous approach and tactical awareness. It is typical of him that he spent four days before the game at Anfield last week ensconced in the Villarreal Sports City complex making micro studies of the entire Liverpool side. In the process, he watched 15 of the Reds’ matches in their entirety. It brings to mind the quote of Joaquin, who played under Emery at Valencia. He said of the coach: “Emery put on so many videos I ran out of popcorn! He’s obsessed with football – it’s practically an illness. He’s one of the best managers I’ve had. I worked with him for three years. I couldn’t handle a fourth!” Emery’s game plans inevitably entail looking at and ticking off a check list of everything you want to achieve from a match. He knew above everything else that to try to go toe-to-toe with Liverpool at Anfield would have ended in embarrassment, although it is certainly true he wanted more from his side. He doesn’t need anyone to tell him that the team needed to attack better, retain the ball for longer periods, avoid making mistakes in their build-up play, show courage with the ball, attack the spaces when available and be mentally strong when in possession. The only instruction he successfully managed on Wednesday was to prevent Liverpool opening them up with set-pieces. Everywhere else, his side was found lacking. None of those boxes were ticked at Anfield and that, coupled with Liverpool’s unbelievable ability to maintain pressure high up the pitch and press with intensity for the whole game, was why Villarreal became ultra defensive. It was not because they wanted to play this way, but simply that they had no other option. They were not allowed to do or be anything else. Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp himself was never going to make the mistake made by Allegri and Nagelsmann in underestimating Villarreal and he will not need reminding that, despite their superiority, they only scored twice in that game. With Gerard Moreno back in action for the home side, we could well see a different Villarreal on Tuesday. Villarreal had one shot at Anfield, compared with 19 for Liverpool. The Spanish side did not manage to get any of those on target What does the future hold? As unlikely as a dramatic Champions League semi-final comeback might be for Villarreal, victories in the past year over Juve, Bayern, Manchester United and Arsenal should serve as warning enough for Liverpool. And if Emery’s side do produce something spectacular on Tuesday, it would surely be Emery’s finest moment. It would underline why PSG and Arsenal appointed him – and why other leading European clubs might consider him a viable option. But any talk of a move to one of the major players in La Liga – or perhaps taking over as Spain coach when Luis Enrique’s contract runs out after the World Cup – is currently way off the mark. He feels at home at Villarreal, not least because he is also enjoying the rekindling of a relationship with his son Lander, now 18. Emery is closer than ever now to his son, after missing out on his formative years because of divorce and travelling around Europe and other parts of Spain. In club president Fernando Roig, Emery has discovered a like-minded person with a very similar ethos, someone who made his future and his fortune by creating a culture based on hard work, process and progress. Along with club vice-president Jose Manuel Llaneza, they have created the perfect environment for the manager to put his plan into action, one which is not about him as a personality but fundamentally about making players better and the team more competitive. Beating Manchester United in last season’s Europa League final proved to the club’s fans that they were not there to make up the numbers, but a club that could compete – and win – at the very top level. The progress has satisfied Emery, which means the Premier League is not in his thoughts at the moment. He believes he still has much to accomplish at Villarreal. He was Newcastle’s first choice at one stage in their search for a new manager earlier this season, but he did not want to leave behind all that he is building now. The English top flight does remain unfinished business for him, though, and he wants to test himself in Serie A too. Barcelona and Real Madrid will probably never be on his horizon, nor he on theirs, since his style and personality would not be seen as a match for either club. So for the time being, Emery is happy where he is. Right now, that is almost certainly in self-imposed exile at the club’s Sports City complex, trying to discover a way of causing a major shock when Liverpool visit on Tuesday.
In the book synopsis for Malorie, it says the monsters in the original have changed into something even more frightening.
Just tell the car to pick up the child from school – without mom having to get behind the wheel. Such scenarios are a dream so far. No autonomous cars are ready for the market yet. But many companies are researching it, including google’s sister company waymo, but also the ride service provider uber and german car companies. Now seven german universities also want to work together with companies over the next four years to develop an autonomously driving electric car. The vehicle is supposed to get by without a steering wheel at all. Herzstuck is the computer that is networked with sensors in the vehicle, sensors in the road and with other vehicles, as the institute for motor vehicles (ika) at RWTH aachen university announced on thursday at the launch of the unicaragil project. "The vehicle must always be able to transition from safety-critical situations to a safe state without human assistance," said overall coordinator at ika, lutz eckstein, via unicaragil. In situations where the system cannot find a way out – for example, when another car is parked in the second row on the street and a solid line has to be crossed without permission – a traffic controller in a control station has to decide what to do. The planned safety technology consists of individual modules that can be updated again and again, like an update on a computer. These components had to be tested and not the whole vehicle, so the uberzeugung. "The design of a safe driving is absolutely in the foreground. That is the basic prerequisite for acceptance by society," says eckstein. According to the latest study by tuv rheinland, car drivers in germany, china and the u.S. Are convinced that traffic safety will decline as automation increases. The streetscooter electric delivery vehicle has already been developed in aachen, and the post office is now building it for its own delivery staff. The city car e also developed in aachen.Go to go into series production in may. At the end of unicaragil, four prototypes are to be built: in addition to the family helper, a cab, a delivery vehicle and a shuttle. "We want to create a basis that can be used neutrally by everyone in order to prepare a new standard on how to design such automated vehicles," said eckstein. Whether a car manufacturer will use this template remains to be seen.
With the hectic lives that we live, it's no surprise that one of the most frequently searched topics across the internet is "time management". Life continues to move at an ever-increasing pace, people are expected to do more with less, and time is a commodity that has to be used efficiently and effectively. We are now expected to work longer hours, multi-task practically all of the time, and wear more hats than ever before. With this going on at your place of work, there is a strong likelihood that your to-do list at home continues to grow with no end in sight. So when do you reach the point that it is time to bring in support? Let's take a look at prioritizing tasks and deciding when you should outsource. With this in mind, there is a high probability that someone has introduced you to the idea of Steven Covey's 4 Quadrants as a way to manage your daily tasks. What we typically find is that many people spend the majority of their time performing tasks that are urgent but not important, or not urgent and not important. In reality they are wasting their time completing unnecessary tasks but feel satisfied at the end of the day as they have "accomplished" a lot. In reality they have done a lot of things, but they haven't really made any true progress. To be as effective as possible you need to spend your time living in Quadrant 2 where the items are "Important and not urgent". As a happily married father of three with a full time job, a small business, a home, 2 cars, and numerous bills to take care of, things are typically quite chaotic. I have a list of things that need to be done around the house, and as most people will understand, there is just no way of handling every single item on the to-do list. The first thing that is done is deciding which of these truly need to be completed. There might be something that I would like to do, but it is not urgent and can be put on the back burner. There are other tasks that simply cannot be ignored. For example, winterizing the sprinklers in preparation for the harsh Midwest temperatures. If this isn't handled, then we will find ourselves with huge bills to repair our irrigation system in the spring, or we could just not repair it and let our grass and plants die when the summer heat hits. The sprinklers are an item that I have no clue about, and to be honest, I have no interest in figuring out what needs to be done. There is expensive equipment involved and there is a lot of risk that has to be mitigated. Sure, I could "save" the $79 it costs to blow the system out in the late fall/ early winter but what happens when things go wrong? The water that I left in the system freezes, causing my entire system to need replacing. Both the front AND back yards need to be completely dug up to remove the damaged system, and install the new system. Who do you think is on the hook for this bill? That's right, I am. So I instead decide to use a local landscaping company who take care of all aspects of my irrigation system. Not only do I have more time to do more fun things with my family, I also have peace of mind knowing that I am not responsible for any issues that happen with the system. $79 is a bargain so that I don't have to lie in bed at night wondering what I might wake up to the following morning. Then there are other jobs that are easy to do, that need to be done, but just take up a lot of time that could be spent in other directions. If these were placed onto the Covey Quadrant, these would be in the "Urgent but not important" category, and are typically things that can be delegated. If I have the option of paying a neighborhood middle-schooler $20 to collect all of my leaves, which allows me to spend an extra couple of hours with my family, it's a no-brainer as far as I am concerned. Instead of washing my car by hand I would rather use that time to take a walk to the park with my family, and pay $8 at Charlie's Car Wash for a great clean! There are other tasks such as repairing the washing machine and tuning up my lawnmower that can be achieved with the help of a YouTube video. Then there are those tasks that just have to be done by a professional. At the end of the day you have to decide what is important to you, and what your time is worth. I pay $8 for a car wash because I would rather spend that time playing with my three sons, or sitting on the patio drinking a glass of wine with my wife. I would rather pay someone to do the more complex jobs where I do not possess the required skill set nor am I prepared to take the risk associated with completing the task myself. What matters to you? What are some things that you will never complete yourself because you value your time? What are some responsibilities that you have no interest in due to a lack of technical knowledge? Most importantly what are those "not urgent and not important" tasks that can be immediately thrown on the scrap-heap?! #ServiceThatSolves #RoyalServices
This unique pierhead light was built in 1935 to light one of the most notoriously dangerous harbors on the Great Lakes. The concrete arches that make up the base of the lighthouse allow high seas to pass through the bottom without damaging the art deco steel plated lighthouse above. The light is still an active aid to navigation, and the structure is also equipped with a fog horn. This lighthouse is not open to the public, but you can walk along the half-mile concrete breakwater to the lighthouse. Just go to the Port Washington waterfront and you can't miss it.
Gary Howard | Jun 13, 2022 MEPC 78 had a long list of environmental regulatory items to consider and progress, but chief among them was the global shipping regulator’s actions on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. IMO secretary general Kitack Lim thanked participants for a productive week, highlighting progress towards the revision of the Initial GHG Strategy and approval of carbon intensity guidelines. The World Shipping Council (WSC), a lobby group for container lines, said it saw important progress at MEPC 78 and called for sustained momentum to decarbonise the industry. “Container and vehicle carriers are already investing in the development of zero GHG technologies and are committed to enabling the industry’s transition to zero. Governments need to take decisive action now to provide clear regulatory structures and market signals that drive investment and support ambitious front runners,” said John Butler, President & CEO of WSC. The group called for flexibility, creativity and innovation in negotiating regulation for shipping. Environmental association the Clean Shipping Coalition saw that the majority of delegates at IMO now support the decarbonisation of shipping by 2050, taking that as an encouraging development, if long-overdue. But as the shipping industry lumbers towards adopting net-zero by 2050, CSC said the target has moved. John Maggs at CSC, said: “States are now talking about ending ship climate emissions by 2050, but years of inaction mean that target is no longer good enough. A failure to act earlier means the shipping industry has already burnt a large part of its 1.5°C carbon budget. Talk of enhanced ambition is welcome but having failed to act earlier the shipping industry must now halve its emissions by 2030 and decarbonise entirely by 2040, not 2050, to keep global heating below 1.5°C.” CSC and its membership called for more action by further increasing ambition at the IMO, raising the Carbon Intensity Indicator’s (CII) annual tightening to 7%, cutting black carbon emissions around the arctic and support those most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. Faig Abbasov, Transport & Environment, said: “For technological and ecological transition in shipping, tomorrow matters more than next week. Therefore, the litmus for IMO progress should be judged by how much GHG it can cut, or how much sustainable and scalable fuels it can drive in shipping in this decade. Any action that is short of that is only a smokescreen.” Research and Development Fund One particular area of frustration at MEPC 78 was the failure to adopt a research and development fund to invest in green technology development for shipping. International Chamber of Shipping secretary general Guy Platten, said: “By refusing to take forward the shipping industry’s proposed research and development fund, the IMO has wasted its opportunity to kick start a rapid transition to zero-carbon technologies which will be vital if we are to decarbonise completely by 2050.” Platten blamed the failure of the proposal on “short-sighted political manoeuvring” and warned it could lead to sustained high financial risk in green investments. The proposal would have taken $2 per tonne from consumed marine fuel globally to provide $5bn of funding for research and development programmes. “Some claimed that the fund was a market-based measure and did not go far enough, deliberately misinterpreting our intention. The fund was never presented as a carbon pricing measure, which, although being an additional measure which we also fully support, is politically far more complex and will take many more years to develop. If governments had shown the political will, the separate R&D fund could have been up and running next year, raising billions of dollars from industry at no cost to governments,” said Platten. WSC it was unfortunate that the International Maritime Research Board (IMRB) and International Maritime Research Fund (IMRF) were not established at MEPC 78, but said it saw increased recognition of the importance of R&D in decarbonising the maritime industry. Mediterranean SECA The meeting did agree to progress the establishment of an Emissions Control Area (ECA) in the Mediterranean Sea, which will limit sulphur emissions in the region, improving air quality for human health and the wider environment. The final decision on the ECA will be made at MEPC 79 in December.
Agba was a wretched mute slave boy in the horse stables owned by the Sultan of Morocco. His responsibilities were to feed and care of ten of the Sultan's prized Arabians. This day, one mare in particular needed extra attention as she was preparing to foal. Agba was summoned by Signor Achmet, the Chief of Grooms and was told to watch the mare carefully this night as it was her time. Agba was overjoyed as he loved the horse very much. She was his favorit...
Feel free to use these images as patterns for your own artistic use (painting, quilting, etc. for yourself or as gifts).
Was up before the dawn, quickly struck camp and headed down Mt. Charleston on SR 156 towards US95. At that time of the morning, traffic was nonexistent and I passed my first stop without realizing it. A quick U-turn and I pulled of the highway, heading north on a rough gravel path. About a mile off the road was the remains of Carrara. It was marble that made this town famous, not the usual gold and silver as in the many other boomtowns in the state. Carrara marble was of fine quality and was used throughout the area for many buildings. The town even had a marble water fountain in the center of town, truly a rarity in this desert environment. Eventually, the marble became of lesser and lesser quality and the town was abandoned. No marble exists in the town anymore but looking up into the mountains, you can still see white streaks of inferior marble which was never mined. Next on the tour were the twin towns of Rhyolite and Bullfrog. A few buildings still exist in Rhyolite, the Bottle House (made of empty bottles) and the Las Vegas & Tonopah Railroad depot are in the best shape. Born around 1905, Rhyolite hit its prime by 1912 having 3 newspapers, 2 churches, 2 hospitals, 18 grocery stores, opera house, swimming pools, symphony and 53 saloons. (Most ghosttowns I've investigated have more saloons than all other businesses!) Rhyolite also had a large Red Light District, too. Only a few walls and foundations of other building survive, notably some of the three story walls of the Cook Bank, built at the astounding cost of $90,000. The town was empty by 1919. The last train to leave Rhyolite carried the railroad tracks with it as workers tossed the track on a flatbed car and the train lurched forwarded under its increasingly heavy load. Today, the Friends of Rhyolite and Nevada Betta Mu help protect what's left of Rhyolite. Pamphlets and self-guided tour are available as are tours of the grounds of the Bottle House. These grounds contain miniature homes made of small pieces of glass. The miniatures were made decades ago and I'm pleased they're still around to be enjoyed today. Believe it or not, today Rhyolite has a telephone booth with a working telephone. Bullfrog is much overshadowed by its famous twin. Only an occasional wall betrays Bullfrog's location. The Bullfrog mine is still worked and the Barrick Gold Corp. has received awards for their environmentally conscientious operations. Between Bullfrog and Rhyolite is Gold Well Open Air Museum. This dream of Belgium artist Albert Szukalski. The collection features a ghostly "Last Supper", a large primitive structure of a woman and a structure made of chrome bumpers. Stopped in Beatty to gas up and continued north, marveling at how easy it was to locate the ghosttowns. Turned west on SR266 and visited Bonnie Clare, a ghosttown which was also known as Clare, Bonnie Clair, Thorp and Thorp's Wells. Not much remains but I did stop at the Hardluck Mine and poked around the piles of tailings while capturing photos of the mining buildings and equipment left behind. Next on the trip was Goldfield, currently home to some 350 residents - Down from 35,000 in its heyday. Back in 1907, $10,000 a day in precious metals was mined from the surrounding area. In 1997, Goldfield was still producing; 1,376 oz in gold, 435 oz. silver. Since the sun had just crossed the yardarm, I stopped by the Santa Fe saloon for a cold beer. This bar dates back to 1905 and the walls are covered with memorabilia. Have a beer with Wyatt Earp (or at least a mannequin dressed like the gun-slinging Marshall) but watch your step on the rough plank floors. There's a good chance that the real U.S. Marshall Wyatt Earp quenched his thirst (and possibly tripped a time or two over those planks) at the Santa Fe Saloon. His brother Virgil settled in Goldfield long after the famous gun fight in Arizona and it is known that Wyatt and his wife would visit Virgil here, traveling from their home in California. Virgil died in October 1905, but don't look for his grave in the local cemetary...He was buried in Portland, Oregon. I continued my tour of Goldfield, taking in the sights of old abandoned buildings. I was surprised to see that bottles were used as building materials here also, but nothing compared to Rhyolite's Bottle House. Hopped back into the van and continued north searching for Klondike and Divide. Well, my skill at finding ghosttowns was not as good as I'd thought. Back and forth I went but could find no remains. I shouldn't have been surprised. Most ghosttowns were made of canvas and wood. When the mines petered out, the canvas and wooden buildings were dismantled (as both were a precious commodities back then) and reassembled at more promising strikes. Continued north on US95 to Tonopah grabbing a late lunch at a fast-food joint and continuing north to Candelaria. By 1880, Candelaria had stores, hotels and plenty of saloons. What it didn't have was water. With no nearby source, water cost $1.00 a gallon - more than whiskey. The absence of water contributed to silicosis which claimed many of the miner's lives and was known locally as "miner's consumption". In 1882, water finally arrived via a ditch from Trail Canyon, nine miles away. The price dropped to $.05 a gallon. I continued past Candelaria to SR360 and tried to locate Belleville but was unsuccessful. SR360 joins US95 and I continued north, stopping briefly at Rhodes. Located next to the Rhodes Salt Marsh, this was the site for salt harvesting. Today, a large pile of salt sits on the edge of the marsh but all harvesting has ceased. Some structures still exist - stone walls held together with salt marsh mortar. Slightly north of Rhodes is Sodaville. I couldn't find this site either, but history reports that it was a major switching point for freight as Sodaville was the end of the rail line. From the rails, freight and passengers were loaded on stagecoaches for the trip to Tonopah. It's said that the stagecoach trip was so dusty that a man would need a shovel to dig away the dirt and dust before he could recognize his wife! Back in the van and north to Luning where I took SR361 to cover the final fifty miles to Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park where I arrived as sunset...In the middle of yet another summertime thunderstorm! The rain finally let up but I missed the guided tour of the park. Pitched camp and since there was no prohibition on open fires at the campsites, cooked up a fine hot meal as the stars came out. The next morning, I arose early, had a hearty breakfast and packed up the van. I then found "Oh darn #2". Flat tire. But a can of fix-a-flat and I was mobile again! I took the guided tour of the fossil site. I was amazed at the size of these creatures (ichthyosaurs). Sixty feet long with pointy teeth. "Think of dolphins" said the guide, "Dolphins with attitude!" Finished the tour in time to take the Diana Mine tour. This tour takes place deep in the earth. Many tools and carts which were abandoned by the miners have been preserved and during the tour, you'd swear that the miners had left for the day but would return to their diggings tomorrow. Coincidentally, the tour contained five geologists who were happy to share their expertise with this neophyte. I confess that much of the conversation was beyond me but I soon became an expert at finding geologic faults which riddle the mine and seeing different minerals in the surrounding walls. The gold bug got its teeth into me when I saw a glint amid the quartz blowouts. Excited, I called the geologists over but was to be disappointed when I learned that the "gold" was just a refraction of light from my headlamp. "Don't worry", they consoled me. "We've all been bitten by that nasty gold bug critter!" After the tour, I spent an hour or so taking the interpretive trail around the many buildings which are maintained in a state of "arrested decay". Because Berlin was in such an inaccessible location, most miners simply left their belongings rather than pay the exorbitant freight charges to transport their tools and supplies to more promising strikes. It's possible to look inside the old buildings today and see kitchen utensils, mining tools, tables and chairs and personal effects that the miners left behind. Berlin is the best "maintained" ghosttown I've ever visited. Although it's 306 miles from Las Vegas, it is an educational and fun place to visit. Back in the van and off to Ione, "The town that wouldn't die". A dozen folks still live here, a town which was once the first county seat on Nye county. Ione is an interesting stop on the way to US50. Limited services are available in Ione. Took a dirt and gravel road north to US50 when "Oh darn #3 (flat tire #2)" occurred. Changed the tire and continued on to US50, west on US50 past Fallon and Fernley and finally north on SR447 past Pyramid Lake. For the next week I'd be camping in the middle of an alkali playa in Black Rock Desert. I was to participate in an annual Labor Day festival known as Burningman.
Do you feel it? On your face, through your hair? It’s (finally!) cool enough for a hoodie; a light jacket. For layers beyond a single cut of cotton jersey. This cut-and-sew staple, much like the merch tee, has undergone a transformation beyond serviceable. It’s the sartorial version of a hug! It’s cool! It’s streetwear! It’s hypebeast! It inspires tweets like this! It’s gender-neutral, bought to be worn, shared and stolen from your significant other! You may also like… Style For a Rainy Day: The 7 best water-proof rain boots to buy now Style Big Statement: 10 very large necklaces inspired by that viral Bella Hadid look LOULOU STUDIO’s ‘Linosa’ cashmere hoodie (HK$3,175) No, actually, your hoodie doesn’t need to be encased in a seamed-and-sutured cage of looping cotton French terry — fleece-lined or otherwise. It can be a super luxe, super decadent cashmere rendition, like this one from LOULOU STUDIO. This particular shade of green is very of-the-season, too. SHOP HERE Dime’s ‘Unobtanium’ chenille-patch hoodie (HK$1,090) Dime MTL is a skate brand from Montreal, so you know they’re going to get cold-weather and cool-kid gear right. Dipped in an almost edible chocolatey brown colourway, this version wears a chenille patch at the chest. Ward off people that will inevitably come up wanting to touch it. No touching! SHOP HERE Sweaty Betty’s ‘Essentials’ hoodie (HK$606.84) Is it truly a hoodies round-up if an almost-plain, reasonably mid-priced, jet-black hoodie doesn’t make the list? Probably, but my editor won’t let this piece past subbing if there isn’t one, so there you go. There’s no need to get precious with this one; work out in it, go out in it, then ball it up and throw it in the wash. Easy! Buyer beware: no ribbed hem on this Sweaty Betty number. Which makes for a more interesting hoodie silhouette, in my opinion. SHOP HERE AVAVAV’s solarised-print hoodie (HK$3,360) The very loud print! The very boxy fit! This specific shade of orange might light up your synapses with a name like “Heron Preston”, but to me, it’s “Yoshinoya”. The easy way to style this hoodie from AVAVAV is with denim or black or something equally as pared-back but if you’re already wearing something this loud? Go full-on obnoxious with these matching mesh pants. Sear off those retinas, you’ve seen enough. SHOP HERE ERL’s spiral hoodie (HK$2,200) Sartorial hypnotisation. Is that a thing yet? Maybe it should be, with all the spiral prints coming through this season. Spliced-and-diced into two colours (other colourways this way if you don’t love the green), this ERL hoodie is so damn pleasing to the eye. It’s all in the curves! SHOP HERE Praying’s slogan-print hoodie (HK$1,280) This is a “Glass Half Full” type of slogan. Or, that Old-Lady-Or-Young-Woman optical illusion; you know the one. It’s officially “You Matter, Don’t Give Up” but if you’re feeling a little down on yourself, you might read “You Don’t Matter, Give Up”. We’re all specks of dust in the universe, after all. If you’re not yet convinced, Olivia Rodrigo is a fan. And if you’re still not yet convinced, one Jennifer Coolidge was seen carrying a Praying shoulder bag. The range! SHOP HERE Fear of God’s Knit Wool Hoodie (HK$9,200) God, this is so expensive. I’m almost sorry for including this but it’s so good. So luxe! Fear of God, once upon a time, had a collaboration with Ermenegildo Zegna and you can really tell why the two brands came together; both working towards these stunning echelons of luxury that feel at once timeless and respectful of craftsmanship. This hoodie doubles as a sweater and I’d expect anyone purchasing this to have it in their wardrobe for years and years to come. A piece you pass down! (Or, pass to me, please.) SHOP HERE Loewe’s logo-embroidered hoodie (HK$7,550) Do you remember those incredibly skinny, early 2000’s scarfs we used to wear wrapped tight and left draping? Something Ashley Tisdale would’ve worn to a movie premiere with a long skirt over jeans? However you feel about that particular trend, this Loewe hoodie, with its extra thick drawstrings that end in fringes, feels like a tribute. SHOP HERE Skims’ velour hoodie (HK$780) I, myself, just bought a full-on velour Juicy Couture tracksuit that’s currently sat in a drawer not being worn because, as turns out, I’m ready for the comeback of JC but I’m not sure if the world around me is. Which brings me to Skims’ velour hoodie, which is the plush, unbranded, Juicy-lite version I should’ve started with, leant into, then worked my way up to Juicy Couture. Do a Kim K and go matchy-matchy with the track pants, too. SHOP HERE AZ Factory’s ‘Free To’ SeaCell-blend hoodie (HK$4,725) AZ Factory’s most recent runway show for Spring/Summer 2022 was equal measures poignant and celebratory, closing Paris Fashion Week with loving tributes to the late Alber Elbaz from 45 contributing designers, among them titans like Jean Paul Gaultier, Alessandro Michele and Dries van Noten. From AZ Factory’s ‘Free To’ collection — the eco-sustainable leisurewear collection Elbaz finalised in the last weeks of his life — this hoodie is made from GOTS-certified organic cotton and non-allergenic SeaCell™, which is a special, biodegradable fabric made from natural seaweed. The hook-and-eye fastenings situation at the yoke is so very special, too. SHOP HERE (Hero image courtesy of Skims) The post Finally, Sweater Weather: The 10 best hoodies to buy now appeared first on Lifestyle Asia Hong Kong.
A large proportion of the species found in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest were also new records for Peninsular Malaysia (see Ng & Lim, 1991; Ng et al., 1992). The results reflect the use of correct sampling methods (e.g. see Cramphorn et al., 1993), as well as proper taxonomic studies being conducted (see Ng, 1993d, e). If the above results are also true for the rest of Southeast Asia, then it is very worrying statistic indeed. The North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest is a particularly well studied system (see Ng, 1991b; Ng et al., 1992, 1994). The same cannot be said of almost all other peat swamps in Southeast Asia. There are still extensive peat swamps in eastern Sumatra, Sarawak and Kalimantan which are almost unexplored. Good numbers of new species are being reported from these swamps over the last few years (e.g. Kottelat, 1982, 1991; Kottelat & Lim, 1994; Ng, 1993b; Witte & Schmidt, 1992) but these numbers are probably only scratching the surface. One could easily expect some 10-15% more species to be discovered by ichthyologists in most parts of Southeast Asia where there are still pristine swamps in years to come. Time however, is the problem. In the last century, there were still peat swamps in western Java. These habitats are now history. We know this because of the activities of the great Dutch ichthyologist, Pieter Bleeker, who named a large number of species from all over Dutch Indonesia. Many of his species, we now know are stenotopic peat swamp species. But as Bleeker relied almost entirely on what colleagues presented him from their often random collections, from markets or fishermen, he did not get many small peat swamp species from Java. Many of the peat swamp species (or their close relatives) we are now discovering in Malaysia, Sumatra and Kalimantan must have also been present in Java, but we will never know now... Similarly, most of the peat swamps in southern Thailand have been cleared and lost, and we know very little about them. It may already be too late to do proper studies in Thailand as many of the still extant swamps are badly disturbed. Loosing battle Ichthyologists are fighting a loosing battle, trying to document what is in the swamps of Malaysia and Indonesia before they are irrevocably lost. This is done against a backdrop of very low funding, poor government support and shortage of competent taxonomists. Despite all the talk about conservation of biodiversity, the actual available funding, both from international as well as regional institutions is actually, very low. This is compounded by the fact that in some cases, substantial amounts of "biodiversity" aid money is improperly used or allocated to organisations or individuals with little knowledge of what they are doing. The proper identification and naming of organisms at the species level (or alpha-taxonomy) is probably one of the most important roles of a systematist, and more so during these trying times when natural habitats are being lost at such a rapid rate. The sorting out of species problems is more important than "higher callings" like studies on their phylogeny and biogeography. At the moment, practical results are more important than theoretical formulations. Conservation, first and foremost, needs information at the species level. With desperate shortages of funds, manpower and time, we have no choice - priorities are necessary. To add to the nightmare, many species of stenotopic peat swamp fishes are very localised distributions, being confined to specific drainages. With their restricted distributions peat swamp fishes are thus facing grave risks as swamps are being cleared at an ever increasing pace. To drive home the seriousness of this problem, consider again the fauna in the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest. Of the 48 species present there, 13 are stenotopic blackwater species. Of these 13, about six species are known only from this or adjacent areas (Ng et al., 1992, 1994). Since most of the peat swamps along the west coast of Malaysia have already been lost or badly disturbed, the demise of the North Selangor Peat Swamp Forest will almost certainly guarantee the extermination and extinction of most of these species.
Brimming with golden sunshine and dreamy possibilities, this lip-smacking tropical blend of mango and passionfruit infused kombucha is the perfect drink to beat the summer heat.
Scott Naegele is a clinician based in West Virginia with a specialism as a Obstetrics & Gynecology Physician working for Thomas Hunter and Associates Pllc. He graduated in 1990 from Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Medicine. Scott Naegele is licensed to practice in West Virginia, United States (licence number: 17050).
We are deeply connected to Israel, now and at all times. We offer regular classes and lectures about Israel, its beautiful land, its courageous people, and its dreams for peace. We encourage all to visit Israel, whether with the Temple Emanuel community, as part of our annual Hartman Institute Study Trip or as a family. More information about our 2022 trip below! Family Trip to Israel Join us in December 2022 for a Family Trip to Israel! (December 22, 2022-January 2, 2023) Led by Rabbi Michelle Robinson, Wayne Goldstein, and youth educators. We welcome families with children of all ages (including grandparents and their grandchildren). Special programming for teens will be included (Teens must be accompanied by an adult). Our trip will take us around the country from the Galilee to the Negev Desert and points in between! Financial assistance is available. View more information and register HERE. Register Here > Interest Form Here > Testimonials Rabbi Wes Gardenswartz "As your Rabbi, on Rosh Hashanah, I am telling you that going to Israel is the single most urgent mitzvah you can do this year. If I can get you to do only one mitzvah this year, go to Israel." Rabbi Michelle Robinson "Go to Israel, to connect for ourselves and show our children the nation at the core of the Jewish soul." Boston/Haifa Shabbat Dinner Exchange Let us introduce you to some friends who will help you experience a typical Israeli Shabbat dinner in Haifa, our sister city. The Boston-Haifa Connection’s Living Bridges Group – which furthers people-to-people relationships – and Temple Emanuel can match you with a host in Haifa.