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301 | 狮子伏击商队,吃掉骆驼。 | 3fear
302 | 凶恶的强盗下山抢走小孩,把他们卖给摩尔人。 | 3fear
303 | In the farthest corner of the garden was a tree quite covered with lovely white blossoms. | 0joy
304 | And when he came quite close his face grew red with anger, and he said, "Who hath dared to wound thee?" | 2anger
305 | “你说的是实话,”樵夫回答说,“可是我在树林里发现你时对你动了恻隐之心。” | 4love
306 | 只有那个小男孩儿没有跑掉,因为他的眼睛里满是泪水,没有看见巨人走了过来。 | 1sadness
307 | 随后他开始感到全身上下一阵奇怪的刺痛。 | 3fear
308 | Now I am going to explode, he cried. | 3fear
309 | 这欧洲北部的天气真是吓人。 | 3fear
310 | But nobody heard him, not even the two little boys, for they were sound asleep. | 1sadness
311 | Then the Spring came, and all over the country there were little blossoms and little birds. | 0joy
312 | What a delightful voice you have! cried the Frog. | 0joy
313 | The world is certainly very beautiful, cried a little Squib. | 0joy
314 | But when he saw her who was waiting there, he laughed scornfully and said, 'Why, where is my mother? | 2anger
315 | 'Nonsense!' growled the Wolf. | 2anger
316 | 'Well, really,' answered the Miller, 'as I have given you my wheelbarrow, I don't think that it is much to ask you for a few flowers. | 2anger
317 | Romance is dead, Romance is dead, Romance is dead, she murmured. | 1sadness
318 | What a silly question! cried the Water-rat. | 2anger
319 | You are blind now, he said, "so I will stay with you always." | 4love
320 | 多么可怕的灾难! | 3fear
321 | And when he passed through the villages the children mocked him, and threw stones at him, and the carlots would not suffer him even to sleep in the byres lest he might bring mildew on the stored corn, so foul was he to look at, and their hired men drave him away, and there was none who had pity on him. | 2anger
322 | 魔术师于是朝他扑来,打了他一顿,在他面前放了一个空木盘,说:“吃吧。”然后又放了一个空杯子,说:“喝吧。”把他又扔进了地牢里。” | 3fear
323 | If they were real crackers they could not be lovelier. | 0joy
324 | 年轻的国王大叫一声醒来,瞧!他在他自己的寝宫里,透过窗户他看见一轮蜜黄色明月悬在暗淡的天空。 | 3fear
325 | 但是他们不让进,还用他们的长矛刺他。 | 2anger
326 | 星孩一看她走了,心下欢喜,赶紧去找他可以一起玩耍的小伙伴去了。 | 0joy
327 | It was a magnificent ceremony, and the bride and bridegroom walked hand in hand under a canopy of purple velvet embroidered with little pearls. | 0joy
328 | 今天你去给我把那块白金拿来,要是你拿不来,那我准会让你挨上一百鞭子。 | 2anger
329 | I shall never get over it. | 1sadness
330 | 你母亲没有住在这个城里。 | 1sadness
331 | 可是星孩说:不,只怪我对我母亲冷酷无情,这种灾难就是对我的惩罚。 | 1sadness
332 | 帆船船长立即拿起一张彩色弓,射中了其中一个人的喉咙。 | 3fear
333 | The bride and bridegroom, for instance, love each other very dearly. | 4love
334 | 请你给我爰吧。 | 4love
335 | 我永远都对付不了这种事。 | 3fear
336 | He had dreamy violet eyes, and his hair was like fine gold. | 0joy
337 | 这样,那女人站了起来,向森林走去,哭得伤心极了。 | 1sadness
338 | 他看见一幕美不胜收的景致。 | 0joy
339 | I don't think much of that, said the Duck, "as I cannot see what use it is to any one. | 2anger
340 | At last he lost his way, and wandered off on the moor, which was a very dangerous place, as it was full of deep holes, and there poor little Hans was drowned. | 3fear
341 | 他瘫倒在草地上哭了起来,跟自己说:“这肯定是我罪孽深重造成的苦果啊。 | 1sadness
342 | “瞰!怎么会呢,”火箭大声嚷道。 | 2anger
343 | 他过去从来没有如此急切地,或说如此狂喜地感受到诸多美丽的东西的魔力和真谛。 | 0joy
344 | 不过是一个大学生罢了。 | 2anger
345 | 疟疾身后升起一股冷雾,一条条水蛇在她身旁乱跑。 | 3fear
346 | It was a very wild night, and the wind was blowing and roaring round the house so terribly that at first he thought it was merely the storm. | 3fear
347 | 'I tell you that it is all the fault of the Government, and if you don’t believe me I shall eat you.' The Wolf had a thoroughly practical mind, and was never at a loss for a good argument. | 2anger
348 | “快使劲靠哪,小夜莺,”玫瑰树喊叫说,“要不然玫瑰花儿还没变红天就亮了。” | 3fear
349 | 秋天给每一座花园带来了金色的果实,但是巨人的花园却得不到秋天的垂青。 | 1sadness
350 | 星孩脸色通红,十分生气,在地上跺着脚,说:“你是谁,敢对我发问? | 2anger
351 | 花园里唯一感到高兴的人是雪和霜。 | 0joy
352 | 红雀儿回答说:“你图一时快活,把我的翅膀剪掉了。 | 2anger
353 | Wherefore art thou so cruel to all who need pity?' | 2anger
354 | “用劲顶啊,小夜莺,”玫瑰树叫喊说,“要不然天亮时这朵玫瑰花儿还培育不成呢。” | 3fear
355 | The poor tree was still quite covered with frost and snow, and the North Wind was blowing and roaring above it. | 1sadness
356 | I have no sympathy myself with industry of any kind, least of all with such industries as you seem to recommend. | 2anger
357 | As he received no salary at all this was not of much use to him, but it was considered a great honour, and was duly published in the Court Gazette. | 0joy
358 | 他还很幼小,没法儿爬上树的枝杈,正围着那棵树转啊转啊,哭得伤心极了。 | 1sadness
359 | Of course I should not dream of doing so if I were not your friend. | 4love
360 | I knew I should create a great sensation, gasped the Rocket, and he went out. | 0joy
361 | The Prince and Princess sat at the top of the Great Hall and drank out of a cup of clear crystal. | 0joy
362 | Often did the old priest send for him, and seek to teach him the love of living things, saying to him: 'The fly is thy brother. | 4love
363 | 我们种下玉米,我们的餐桌上却没有吃的。 | 1sadness
364 | 他一回来就看见孩子们在花园里玩耍。 | 0joy
365 | This is a delightful spot, he said, "we must ask the Hail on a visit." | 0joy
366 | He could not play about any more, so he sat in a huge armchair, and watched the children at their games, and admired his garden. | 0joy
367 | It certainly was a marvellous sight. | 0joy
368 | 他抽搐了一阵儿,接着就一动不动了。 | 3fear
369 | 有一次,一朵美丽的花儿从草地上探出头来,可是一看见那块告示牌,不禁为那些孩子感到十分难过,它把头又缩回地下去,呼呼睡起大觉来。 | 1sadness
370 | 傍晚时分他坐了下来,伤心地哭泣;正哭着,那只小兔子又来到他跟前。 | 1sadness
371 | Here is the basket, and mind you fill it quite full.' | 3fear
372 | 我吃了很多苦才找到了你啊。” | 1sadness
373 | 他发沉的眼睑垂了下来,一种少有的消沉一下子支配了他。 | 1sadness
374 | “唉呀!”星孩叹声气说,“我口袋里只有一块金子,可要是我不把它交给我的主人,他准会打我的,我是他的奴隶哪。” | 1sadness
375 | “喔,天哪,你竟这般负情。”大学生气愤地说;他把那朵红玫瑰扔向大街,花儿正好掉进臭水沟,一辆马车的轮子从上面辗了过去。 | 2anger
376 | It was the farthest corner of the garden, and in it was standing a little boy. | 1sadness
377 | How happy we were there, they said to each other. | 1sadness
378 | 'What a silly boy you are'! cried the Miller, 'I really don't know what is the use of sending you to school. | 2anger
379 | Therefore get thee hence, and let me see thy foul face no more.' | 2anger
380 | 埃及设防的城市里也流行饥荒,蝗虫是从大荒漠里出来的。 | 1sadness
381 | And the Giant's heart melted as he looked out. | 0joy
382 | So cold was it that even the animals and the birds did not know what to make of it. | 3fear
383 | “啊呀,老公啊!”她嘟哝说,“难道我们自家的孩子还不够多,你非要捡一个弃儿往咱炉边挤吗? | 2anger
384 | Only true lovers could drink out of this cup. | 4love
385 | 星孩脸色通红,十分生气,在地上跺着脚,说:“你是谁,敢对我发问? | 2anger
386 | The little Squirrels, who lived inside the tall fir–tree, kept rubbing each other’s noses to keep themselves warm, and the Rabbits curled themselves up in their holes, and did not venture even to look out of doors. | 3fear
387 | 这乐曲在他耳际萦绕,妙不可言,他原以为一定是国王的乐师演奏着曲子走过。 | 0joy
388 | So the Magician fell upon him, and beat him, and set before him an empty trencher, and said, 'Eat,' and an empty cup, and said, 'Drink,' and flung him again into the dungeon. | 2anger
389 | 这确实令人心碎害怕! | 3fear
390 | 我们为活着干活儿,他们给我们可怜的工资逼我们去死。 | 1sadness
391 | Suppose, for instance, anything happened to me to-night, what a misfortune that would be for every one! | 1sadness
392 | She was a Russian Princess, and had driven all the way from Finland in a sledge drawn by six reindeer. | 0joy
393 | 他一时忘了自己的忧愁,返身跑到那儿,看见一只小兔子掉进了猎人设下的陷阱。 | 1sadness
394 | 实际上是你应该多想想我。 | 4love
395 | 难道你是我们老板派来监视我们的探子吗? | 2anger
396 | 那个老神父也经常找他去,尽心尽力教他热爱有生命的东西,并对他说:蝇子是你的兄弟。 | 4love
397 | “别说了,还是你首先对我大发善心的呀兔子说完,转眼就跑走了。 | 0joy
398 | “我不明白为什么春天这么晚了还不来,”自私的巨人心下思忖,坐在窗前看着他那冰天雪地的花园,“但愿这气候变化变化才好。” | 1sadness
399 | All day long they played, and in the evening they came to the Giant to bid him good-bye. | 0joy
400 | Spring has forgotten this garden, they cried, "so we will live here all the year round." | 1sadness
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