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101 | 我要去'死神殿'了。 | 3fear
102 | 船长见状哈哈大笑,伸岀手把那颗珍珠拿起来,端详过后,他把珍珠按在额头,鞠了一躬。 | 0joy
103 | 那麻风病人看见他来了,站在大路中间,大声嚷叫起来,说:“快把那块红金子给我吧,要不我就死定了。 | 3fear
104 | Once a beautiful flower put its head out from the grass, but when it saw the notice-board it was so sorry for the children that it slipped back into the ground again, and went off to sleep. | 1sadness
105 | How happy we are here! they cried to each other. | 0joy
106 | 有谁关心过咱们? | 1sadness
107 | 麻风病人生活在盐泽地里,居住在芦苇茅草屋里,谁都不理他们。 | 1sadness
108 | It was winter, and a night of bitter cold. | 3fear
109 | 于是夜莺朝那刺儿靠得越来越狠,那刺儿终于扎住了她的心,一阵剧烈的疼痛传遍她的全身。 | 3fear
110 | 印度一些设防的城市里流行饥荒,撤马尔罕的水塘耗干了。 | 1sadness
111 | Really, when I begin to reflect on the importance of my position, I am almost moved to tears. | 1sadness
112 | The last item on the programme was a grand display of fireworks, to be let off exactly at midnight. | 0joy
113 | 天气冷得岀奇,连动物和鸟儿都不知道怎样对付下去了。 | 3fear
114 | And the Star–Child grew red with anger, and stamped his foot upon the ground, and said, 'Who art thou to question me what I do? | 2anger
115 | He was very much annoyed that he could not get a word in. | 2anger
116 | 母亲啊,我过去给了你恨。 | 1sadness
117 | And I am so afraid the Pike may meet them. | 3fear
118 | And on the morrow the Magician came to him, and said, 'If to–day thou bringest me the piece of red gold I will set thee free, but if thou bringest it not I will surely slay thee.' | 3fear
119 | What a terrible misfortune! | 1sadness
120 | 一个人从人群里走岀来,恶狠狠地跟他说:老爷,难道你不明白穷人的生活仰仗富人的奢侈吗? | 2anger
121 | 许多年过去了,巨人年纪很大很大了,身体衰老得不行。 | 1sadness
122 | Who art thou? said the Giant, and a strange awe fell on him, and he knelt before the little child. | 3fear
123 | 母亲,我当初拒绝了你。 | 1sadness
124 | After he had waited there some time, he sold the sack of flour for a very good price, and then he returned home at once, for he was afraid that if he stopped too late he might meet some robbers on the way. | 3fear
125 | “国王的花园算不上世界,你这傻爆筒,”一个大焰火筒说,“世界是一个大得不能再大的地方,你花上三天时间把它看遍就不错了。 | 2anger
126 | 他早先去拜访他的朋友、康沃尔的吃人魔去了,和吃人魔一呆就是七年。 | 3fear
127 | And the Star–Child answered, 'I am seeking for a piece of yellow gold that is hidden here, and if I find it not my master will beat me, and keep me as a slave.' | 3fear
128 | When he saw her he sank upon one knee, and kissed her hand. | 4love
129 | The bride and bridegroom were to dance the Rose-dance together, and the King had promised to play the flute. | 0joy
130 | 织工气愤地看着他,说:“你看我干什么? | 2anger
131 | 他把他那棕色的髯发从额头往后梳理一下,拿起古琵琶,手指在弦上随意弹动。 | 0joy
132 | 高兴起来吧。 | 0joy
133 | “嗐!”他大声叫道,“好一个哑火箭!”他把他从墙头扔到了阴沟里。 | 2anger
134 | I will stay with you always, said the Swallow, and he slept at the Prince's feet. | 4love
135 | 他们一脸饥饿相,瘦弱的手哆嗦个不停。 | 1sadness
136 | But when the Star–Child saw her, he said to his companions, 'See! There sitteth a foul beggar–woman under that fair and green–leaved tree. | 2anger
137 | The only people who were pleased were the Snow and the Frost. | 0joy
138 | 他穿着漂亮的王服,站立在他们面前,风琴弹岀了乐曲,号手吹响了他们的号角,童子唱起了圣诗。 | 0joy
139 | 他于是走到水井旁,往下看去,瞧呀!他的脸果真像癞蛤蟆的脸,他的身上像蛭蛇一样长满了鳞片。 | 3fear
140 | And the child smiled on the Giant, and said to him, "You let me play once in your garden, to-day you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise." | 0joy
141 | But nobody saw him. | 1sadness
142 | 所以你别哭了。 | 4love
143 | 我这件皇袍是悲伤的织机织的,是痛苦的苍白的手织的。 | 1sadness
144 | Get thee hence, for we will not suffer thee to play with us, and they drave him out of the garden. | 2anger
145 | 年轻的国王想开口说话,可是他的舌头好像粘在他的上顎上,嘴唇怎么也张不开。 | 3fear
146 | For if false lips touched it, it grew grey and dull and cloudy. | 1sadness
147 | 最后他对她开了口,话语又生硬又刻薄。 | 2anger
148 | True love suffers, and is silent. | 1sadness
149 | 树的枝杈全是金色,银闪闪的果子挂在枝头,树下站着他爱恋的那个小男孩儿。 | 4love
150 | 太阳落山时他只好朝家的方向走去,哭得伤心极了,因为他知道什么命运在等着他。 | 1sadness
151 | Romance is a thing of the past. | 1sadness
152 | Nonsense! said the Roman Candle. | 2anger
153 | Yet did his beauty work him evil, for he grew proud, and cruel, and selfish. | 2anger
154 | Good-bye a second time; I see my daughters in the distance and the little Frog swam away. | 0joy
155 | Poor people, to lose their only son! | 1sadness
156 | 他又抽泣起来,说:母亲,我的痛苦使我不堪忍受啊。 | 1sadness
157 | “办法倒是有的,”玫瑰树回答说,“可是那办法太可怕,我都不敢告诉你。” | 3fear
158 | When she made her great public appearance she spun round nineteen times before she went out, and each time that she did so she threw into the air seven pink stars. | 0joy
159 | 我生养了六个美丽的女儿,我很担心狗鱼碰见她们。 | 3fear
160 | Well, upon my word, you are very ungrateful, said the Student angrily, and he threw the rose into the street, where it fell into the gutter, and a cart-wheel went over it. | 2anger
161 | If they had lost their only son there would be no use in saying anything more about the matter. | 1sadness
162 | And when they came to the village, his comrade said to him, 'Thou hast the child, therefore give me the cloak, for it is meet that we should share.' | 4love
163 | 她捶打着她那不育的胸脯,大声哭叫起来。 | 2anger
164 | 奴隶们赤身裸体,只缠着一块破腰布,每个人都用铁链与相邻的人拴在一起。 | 3fear
165 | 就在他转身哭着离去时,一个身穿嵌金花铠甲、头盔上饰有带翅狮的人走了过来,询问那些士兵一心想进城门的人是谁。 | 1sadness
166 | 疟疾在广大的人群中畅行无阻,三分之一的人立即倒地身亡。 | 1sadness
167 | “是强盗把你从我怀里夺走,扔下你死掉不管的,”她唠叨说,“但是我一看见你就认出来了,我也认出这两件东西了,就是这金丝斗篷和琥珀项链。 | 1sadness
168 | 瞧这冷风一个劲儿往屋里刮,我都冻死了。 | 3fear
169 | We have certain accomplishments, and that is more than sufficient. | 0joy
170 | Death is a great price to pay for a red rose, cried the Nightingale, "and Life is very dear to all. | 3fear
171 | And the Linnet answered, Thou hast clipt my wings for thy pleasure. | 2anger
172 | I may be wrong, but I should have thought that friendship, true friendship, was quite free from selfishness of any kind.' | 4love
173 | It is so entrancing that everybody lies awake to listen to us. | 0joy
174 | 我不是你的儿子,用不着听你说三道四。 | 2anger
175 | And the Giant stole up behind him and took him gently in his hand, and put him up into the tree. | 4love
176 | Here you are laughing and making merry just as if the Prince and Princess had not just been married." | 0joy
177 | 织工气愤地看着他,说:你看我干什么? | 2anger
178 | What are you doing here? he cried in a very gruff voice, and the children ran away. | 2anger
179 | “你这下完全瞎了,”他说,“我就一直呆在你身边吧。” | 4love
180 | Only the little boy did not run, for his eyes were so full of tears that he did not see the Giant coming. | 1sadness
181 | For the next three days everybody went about saying, "White rose, Red rose, Red rose, White rose"; and the King gave orders that the Page's salary was to be doubled. | 0joy
182 | 认识自己的朋友可是非常危险的事情。 | 3fear
183 | 但是他的伙伴回答他说:“不,把一个小娃娃扔在雪地里冻死在这儿,这是作孽啊;尽管我像你一样穷苦,拉家带口,连锅都揭不开了,可是我却要把他带回家,我老婆会照管他的。” | 4love
184 | 接着冰雹停止了在头顶砰砰乱跳,北风不再呼呼吼叫,一股扑鼻的香气从开着的窗扉飘到了他跟前。 | 0joy
185 | No red rose in all my garden! he cried, and his beautiful eyes filled with tears. | 1sadness
186 | “我们当时过得多么幸福。”他们彼此诉说道。 | 1sadness
187 | It is most gratifying to find oneself so popular. | 0joy
188 | 樵夫这时在附近一个木料场里砍木头,看见了星孩的所作所为,就跑过来训斥他说:“你真是铁石心肠,一点不知可怜人,这个可怜的女人究竟干了什么坏事惹了你,你这样对待他?” | 2anger
189 | 你是老几,竟敢给上帝的世界带来痛苦? | 2anger
190 | 疆鼠回答说:“你早把我的眼睛弄瞎了。 | 2anger
191 | And who knows if it will not bring us bad fortune? | 3fear
192 | 据说那个墓穴里还躺着一个人,死者是一个异常英俊美丽的青年,他的双手用绳子反绑着,胸部被捅了很多刀,衣服都被血染红了。 | 3fear
193 | To–day thou shalt bring me the piece of white gold, and if thou bringest it not back, I will beat thee with a hundred stripes. | 2anger
194 | 他站在了耶稣像前,他的右手和左手都是精美的金制器皿、盛着葡萄酒的圣餐杯和盛着圣油的玻璃杯。 | 0joy
195 | 那确实是一幕让人惊喜的景色。 | 0joy
196 | 我的山谷与你有什么关系,你非赖着不走?快走吧,别再到这里来。 | 2anger
197 | 整整一天他都在呼唤她,太阳西下时他就躺在树叶床上睡觉,鸟儿和野兽都从他身边逃走,因为他们都想起来他心毒手狠,除了癞蛤蟆守在他身边,还有蛭蛇缓缓爬了过去,他孤零零地一个人呆着。 | 1sadness
198 | I should expect my devoted friend to be devoted to me, of course. | 4love
199 | That is a very selfish reason, said the Rocket angrily. | 2anger
200 | 枯干的刺儿开了花,开出的红玫瑰比红宝石还艳红。 | 0joy
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