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a thoughtful , reverent portrait of what is essentially a subculture , with its own rules regarding love and family , governance and hierarchy . | 1 |
some movies can get by without being funny simply by structuring the scenes as if they were jokes : a setup , delivery and payoff . stealing harvard ca n't even do that much . each scene immediately succumbs to gravity and plummets to earth . | 0 |
a markedly inactive film , city is conversational bordering on confessional . | 0 |
children and adults enamored of all things pokemon wo n't be disappointed . | 0 |
a baffling mixed platter of gritty realism and magic realism with a hard-to-swallow premise . | 0 |
it 's lazy for a movie to avoid solving one problem by trying to distract us with the solution to another . | 0 |
mckay shows crushingly little curiosity about , or is ill-equipped to examine , the interior lives of the characters in his film , much less incorporate them into his narrative . | 0 |
i like it . there is a freedom to watching stunts that are this crude , this fast-paced and this insane . | 1 |
you 're better off staying home and watching the x-files . | 0 |
in an effort , i suspect , not to offend by appearing either too serious or too lighthearted , it offends by just being wishy-washy . | 0 |
makes a joke out of car chases for an hour and then gives us half an hour of car chases . | 0 |
os universos de chuck barris e charlie kaufman sM-co complementares . e igualmente fascinantes . | 1 |
schneider 's mugging is relentless and his constant need to suddenly transpose himself into another character undermines the story 's continuity and progression . | 0 |
minority report is exactly what the title indicates , a report . | 0 |
the film 's 45-minute running time stops shy of overkill , though viewers may be more exhausted than the athletes onscreen . | 1 |
one of those movies that make us pause and think of what we have given up to acquire the fast-paced contemporary society . | 1 |
white has n't developed characters so much as caricatures , one-dimensional buffoons that get him a few laughs but nothing else . | 0 |
there 's no question that epps scores once or twice , but it 's telling that his funniest moment comes when he falls about ten feet onto his head . | 0 |
an enormously entertaining movie , like nothing we 've ever seen before , and yet completely familiar . | 1 |
lucas has in fact come closer than anyone could desire to the cheap , graceless , hackneyed sci-fi serials of the '30s and '40s . | 0 |
bang ! zoom ! it 's actually pretty funny , but in all the wrong places . | 0 |
try as you might to resist , if you 've got a place in your heart for smokey robinson , this movie will worm its way there . | 1 |
the film is powerful , accessible and funny . you wo n't miss its messages , but you 'll be entertained as well . | 1 |
the movie addresses a hungry need for pg-rated , nonthreatening family movies , but it does n't go too much further . | 1 |
the movie is one of the best examples of artful large format filmmaking you are likely to see anytime soon . | 1 |
it deserves to be seen by anyone with even a passing interest in the events shaping the world beyond their own horizons . | 1 |
it 's as sorry a mess as its director 's diabolical debut , mad cows . | 0 |
a respectable venture on its own terms , lacking the broader vision that has seen certain trek films . . . cross over to a more mainstream audience . | 1 |
plodding , peevish and gimmicky . | 0 |
the most opaque , self-indulgent and just plain goofy an excuse for a movie as you can imagine . | 0 |
. . . plays like somebody spliced random moments of a chris rock routine into what is otherwise a cliche-riddled but self-serious spy thriller . | 0 |
the film makes strong arguments regarding the social status of america 's indigenous people , but really only exists to try to eke out an emotional tug of the heart , one which it fails to get . | 0 |
[ city ] reminds us how realistically nuanced a robert de niro performance can be when he is not more lucratively engaged in the shameless self-caricature of 'analyze this ' ( 1999 ) and 'analyze that , ' promised ( or threatened ) for later this year . | 1 |
the irony is that this film 's cast is uniformly superb ; their performances could have -- should have -- been allowed to stand on their own . | 0 |
too ordinary to restore [ harmon ] to prominence , despite some creepy scenes that evoke childish night terrors , and a praiseworthy attempt to generate suspense rather than gross out the audience . | 0 |
everybody loves a david and goliath story , and this one is told almost entirely from david 's point of view . | 0 |
i 'd be lying if i said my ribcage did n't ache by the end of kung pow . | 1 |
labute masterfully balances both traditional or modern stories together in a manner that one never overwhelms the other . something for everyone . | 1 |
maybe leblanc thought , `` hey , the movie about the baseball-playing monkey was worse . `` | 0 |
writer and director otar iosseliani 's pleasant tale about a factory worker who escapes for a holiday in venice reveals how we all need a playful respite from the grind to refresh our souls . | 1 |
a processed comedy chop suey . | 0 |
one of those rare films that come by once in a while with flawless amounts of acting , direction , story and pace . | 1 |
if legendary shlockmeister ed wood had ever made a movie about a vampire , it probably would look a lot like this alarming production , adapted from anne rice 's novel the vampire chronicles . | 0 |
began life as a computer game , then morphed into a movie -- a bad one , of course . | 0 |
an awful snooze . | 0 |
there is a kind of attentive concern that hoffman brings to his characters , as if he has been giving them private lessons , and now it is time for their first public recital . | 1 |
as saccharine as it is disposable . | 0 |
the story is predictable , the jokes are typical sandler fare , and the romance with ryder is puzzling . | 0 |
chaotic , self-indulgent and remarkably ugly to look at , it 's . . . like a series of pretentiously awful student films strung together into one feature-length horror . | 0 |
ofrece una buena oportunidad de cultura ( aunque sea condensada ) que bien vale la pena aprovechar . | 1 |
sheridan 's take on the author 's schoolboy memoir . . . is a rather toothless take on a hard young life . | 0 |
as a kind of colorful , dramatized pbs program , frida gets the job done . but , for that , why not watch a documentary ? | 0 |
the iditarod lasts for days - this just felt like it did . | 0 |
'they ' begins and ends with scenes so terrifying i 'm still stunned . and i 've decided to leave a light on every night from now on . | 1 |
the wwii drama is well plotted , visually striking and filled with enjoyably complex characters who are never what they first appear . | 1 |
hilarious , acidic brit comedy . | 1 |
admirably ambitious but self-indulgent . | 0 |
villeneuve spends too much time wallowing in bibi 's generic angst ( there are a lot of shots of her gazing out windows ) . | 0 |
a gripping , searing portrait of a lost soul trying to find her way through life . | 1 |
tackles the difficult subject of grief and loss with such life-embracing spirit that the theme does n't drag an audience down . | 1 |
[ t ] he script is n't up to the level of the direction , nor are the uneven performances by the cast members , who seem bound and determined to duplicate bela lugosi 's now-cliched vampire accent . | 0 |
stupid , infantile , redundant , sloppy , over-the-top , and amateurish . yep , it 's `` waking up in reno . `` go back to sleep . | 0 |
as exciting as all this exoticism might sound to the typical pax viewer , the rest of us will be lulled into a coma . | 0 |
the execution is so pedestrian that the most positive comment we can make is that rob schneider actually turns in a pretty convincing performance as a prissy teenage girl . | 0 |
for all its brooding quality , ash wednesday is suspenseful and ultimately unpredictable , with a sterling ensemble cast . | 1 |
a particularly joyless , and exceedingly dull , period coming-of-age tale . | 0 |
the niftiest trick perpetrated by the importance of being earnest is the alchemical transmogrification of wilde into austen -- and a hollywood-ized austen at that . | 0 |
they threw loads of money at an idea that should 've been so much more even if it was only made for teenage boys and wrestling fans . | 0 |
jeffs has created a breathtakingly assured and stylish work of spare dialogue and acute expressiveness . | 1 |
i believe silberling had the best intentions here , but he just does n't have the restraint to fully realize them . | 0 |
every dance becomes about seduction , where backstabbing and betrayals are celebrated , and sex is currency . | 1 |
the lightest , most breezy movie steven spielberg has made in more than a decade . and the positive change in tone here seems to have recharged him . | 1 |
. . . the good and different idea [ of middle-aged romance ] is not handled well and , except for the fine star performances , there is little else to recommend `` never again . `` | 0 |
a static and sugary little half-hour , after-school special about interfaith understanding , stretched out to 90 minutes . | 0 |
a negligible british comedy . | 0 |
hugely accomplished slice of hitchcockian suspense . | 1 |
the entire point of a shaggy dog story , of course , is that it goes nowhere , and this is classic nowheresville in every sense . | 0 |
if you are curious to see the darker side of what 's going on with young tv actors ( dawson leery did what ? ! ? ) , or see some interesting storytelling devices , you might want to check it out , but there 's nothing very attractive about this movie . | 0 |
the transporter is as lively and as fun as it is unapologetically dumb | 1 |
the exploitative , clumsily staged violence overshadows everything , including most of the actors . | 0 |
a soulless jumble of ineptly assembled cliches and pabulum that plays like a 95-minute commercial for nba properties . | 0 |
there 's more scatological action in 8 crazy nights than a proctologist is apt to encounter in an entire career . | 0 |
seriously , rent the disney version . | 0 |
matches neorealism 's impact by showing the humanity of a war-torn land filled with people who just want to live their lives . | 1 |
a rip-roaring comedy action fest that 'll put hairs on your chest . | 1 |
ninety minutes of viva castro ! can be as tiresome as 9 seconds of jesse helms ' anti- castro rhetoric , which are included | 0 |
the talented and clever robert rodriguez perhaps put a little too much heart into his first film and did n't reserve enough for his second . | 0 |
the movie 's major and most devastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it 's quite enough to lessen the overall impact the movie could have had . | 0 |
like mike is n't interested in recycling old cliches . it wants to tweak them with a taste of tangy new humor . | 1 |
[ plays ] in broad outline as pandering middle-age buddy-comedy . | 0 |
elling builds gradually until you feel fully embraced by this gentle comedy . | 1 |
divertingly ridiculous , headbangingly noisy . | 0 |
`` brown sugar `` admirably aspires to be more than another `` best man `` clone by weaving a theme throughout this funny film . | 1 |
while the glass slipper does n't quite fit , pumpkin is definitely a unique modern fairytale . | 1 |
manages to be wholesome and subversive at the same time . | 1 |
even if it made its original release date last fall , it would 've reeked of a been-there , done-that sameness . | 0 |
reign of fire looks as if it was made without much thought -- and is best watched that way . | 1 |
it 's hard to pity the 'plain ' girl who becomes a ravishing waif after applying a smear of lip-gloss . rather , pity anyone who sees this mishmash . | 0 |
what the director can & # 8217 ; t do is make either of val kilmer & # 8217 ; s two personas interesting or worth caring about . | 0 |
try as i may , i ca n't think of a single good reason to see this movie , even though everyone in my group extemporaneously shouted , 'thank you ! ' when leguizamo finally plugged an irritating character late in the movie . | 0 |
Subsets and Splits