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it 's the type of film about growing up that we do n't see often enough these days : realistic , urgent , and not sugarcoated in the least . | 1 |
if the very concept makes you nervous . . . you 'll have an idea of the film 's creepy , scary effectiveness . | 1 |
meant to reduce blake 's philosophy into a tragic coming-of-age saga punctuated by bursts of animator todd mcfarlane 's superhero dystopia . | 1 |
ultimately engages less for its story of actorly existential despair than for its boundary-hopping formal innovations and glimpse into another kind of chinese 'cultural revolution . ' | 1 |
trite , banal , cliched , mostly inoffensive . | 0 |
there are touching moments in etoiles , but for the most part this is a dull , dour documentary on what ought to be a joyful or at least fascinating subject . | 0 |
by presenting an impossible romance in an impossible world , pumpkin dares us to say why either is impossible -- which forces us to confront what 's possible and what we might do to make it so . | 1 |
'interesante y disfrutable trabajo gracias a que prescinde del clM-asico elemento estadounidense patriotero y manipulador . ' | 1 |
effectively feeds our senses with the chilling sights and sounds from within the camp to create a completely numbing experience . | 1 |
charlotte sometimes is a brilliant movie . it is about irrational , unexplainable life and it seems so real because it does not attempt to filter out the complexity . | 1 |
the auteur 's ear for the way fears and slights are telegraphed in the most blithe exchanges gives the film its lingering tug . | 1 |
shot like a postcard and overacted with all the boozy self-indulgence that brings out the worst in otherwise talented actors . . . | 0 |
too bland and fustily tasteful to be truly prurient . | 0 |
despite the authenticity of the trappings , the film is overblown in its plotting , hackneyed in its dialogue and anachronistic in its style . | 0 |
even on its own ludicrous terms , the sum of all fears generates little narrative momentum , and invites unflattering comparisons to other installments in the ryan series . | 0 |
once again , the intelligence of gay audiences has been grossly underestimated , and a meaty plot and well-developed characters have been sacrificed for skin and flash that barely fizzle . | 0 |
must-see viewing for anyone involved in the high-tech industry . others may find it migraine-inducing , despite moore 's attempts at whimsy and spoon feeding . | 0 |
'pocas ideas interesantes , un final pseudo mM-mstico que no corresponde al tono general del filme y que deja una sensaciM-sn de inconformidad que hace pensar mM-as de una vez si vale la pena ir a la taquilla y reclamar el precio del boleto . ' | 0 |
the gags that fly at such a furiously funny pace that the only rip off that we were aware of was the one we felt when the movie ended so damned soon . | 1 |
tadpole may be one of the most appealing movies ever made about an otherwise appalling , and downright creepy , subject -- a teenage boy in love with his stepmother . | 1 |
nearly every attempt at humor here is doa . | 0 |
in its chicken heart , crush goes to absurd lengths to duck the very issues it raises . | 0 |
the mystery of enigma is how a rich historical subject , combined with so much first-rate talent . . . could have yielded such a flat , plodding picture . | 0 |
crush could be the worst film a man has made about women since valley of the dolls . | 0 |
to say this was done better in wilder 's some like it hot is like saying the sun rises in the east . | 0 |
gooding offers a desperately ingratiating performance . | 0 |
at times funny and at other times candidly revealing , it 's an intriguing look at two performers who put themselves out there because they love what they do . | 1 |
horrible | 0 |
as allen 's execution date closes in , the documentary gives an especially poignant portrait of her friendship with the never flagging legal investigator david presson . | 1 |
a brilliant gag at the expense of those who paid for it and those who pay to see it . | 1 |
it 's frustrating to see these guys -- who are obviously pretty clever -- waste their talent on parodies of things they probably thought were funniest when they were high . | 0 |
. . . hokey art house pretension . | 0 |
the makers have forsaken the entertaining elements of the original and , instead , rehash old jokes and leave any life at the doorstep . i like frank the pug , though . | 0 |
there 's some good material in their story about a retail clerk wanting more out of life , but the movie too often spins its wheels with familiar situations and repetitive scenes . | 0 |
a semi-autobiographical film that 's so sloppily written and cast that you can not believe anyone more central to the creation of bugsy than the caterer had anything to do with it . | 0 |
somewhere inside the mess that is world traveler , there is a mediocre movie trying to get out . | 0 |
too long , and larded with exposition , this somber cop drama ultimately feels as flat as the scruffy sands of its titular community . | 0 |
if the man from elysian fields is doomed by its smallness , it is also elevated by it -- the kind of movie that you enjoy more because you 're one of the lucky few who sought it out . | 1 |
there are moments of hilarity to be had . | 1 |
the film has a kind of hard , cold effect . | 1 |
there 's surely something wrong with a comedy where the only belly laughs come from the selection of outtakes tacked onto the end credits . | 0 |
this is wild surreal stuff , but brilliant and the camera just kind of sits there and lets you look at this and its like you 're going from one room to the next and none of them have any relation to the other . | 1 |
writer/director walter hill is in his hypermasculine element here , once again able to inject some real vitality and even art into a pulpy concept that , in many other hands would be completely forgettable . | 1 |
anyone not into high-tech splatterfests is advised to take the warning literally , and log on to something more user-friendly . | 0 |
the package in which this fascinating -- and timely -- content comes wrapped is disappointingly generic . | 0 |
just one more collection of penis , breast and flatulence gags in search of a story . or a profit . or some damn thing . | 0 |
all that ( powerpuff girls ) charm is present in the movie , but it 's spread too thin . | 0 |
somehow we 're meant to buy that this doting mother would shun her kids , travel to one of the most dangerous parts of the world , don fatigues and become g . i . jane . | 0 |
what better message than 'love thyself ' could young women of any size receive ? | 1 |
when it really counts . . . bloody sunday connects on a visceral level that transcends language . | 1 |
payne constructs a hilarious ode to middle america and middle age with this unlikely odyssey , featuring a pathetic , endearing hero who is all too human . | 1 |
payami tries to raise some serious issues about iran 's electoral process , but the result is a film that 's about as subtle as a party political broadcast . | 0 |
cage makes an unusual but pleasantly haunting debut behind the camera . | 1 |
. . . in the pile of useless actioners from mtv schmucks who do n't know how to tell a story for more than four minutes . | 0 |
this road movie gives you emotional whiplash , and you 'll be glad you went along for the ride . | 1 |
smart , sassy interpretation of the oscar wilde play . | 1 |
this is the type of movie best enjoyed by frat boys and college kids while sucking on the bong and downing one alcoholic beverage after another . | 0 |
even better than the first one ! | 1 |
circuit queens wo n't learn a thing , they 'll be too busy cursing the film 's strategically placed white sheets . | 0 |
the campy results make mel brooks ' borscht belt schtick look sophisticated . | 0 |
with a tone as variable as the cinematography , schaeffer 's film never settles into the light-footed enchantment the material needs , and the characters ' quirks and foibles never jell into charm . | 0 |
as unseemly as its title suggests . | 1 |
Subsets and Splits