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001-80932 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 15187/03) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Palestinian nationals, Mr Jawad Botmeh and Ms Samar Alami (“the applicants”), on 11 May 2003.
The applicants were represented by Ms G. Peirce, a lawyer practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr J. Grainger, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicants alleged that the procedure at first instance and before the Court of Appeal, allowing non-disclosure of certain relevant evidence, was inconsistent with the Court's case-law and incompatible with Article 6 of the Convention.
On 31 May 2005 the Court decided to communicate the complaint under Article 6 to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicants were born in 1967 and 1965 respectively and, prior to their sentences of imprisonment, lived in Rugby.
On 26 July 1994 a car-bomb exploded outside the Israeli Embassy in London and the following morning a second bomb went off outside the headquarters of a Jewish organisation, also in London.
The applicants and two others (subsequently acquitted) were arrested and charged with having participated in the conspiracy to make, place, and detonate these bombs. Ms Alami was a chemical engineer who admitted possessing other explosive devices and relevant literature. Mr Botmeh was an engineer who was alleged to have procured the two cars in which the bombs were delivered, and a large amount of TATP explosive (of a different type to that used in the two bombs) was found in a lock-up rented by him. The Crown's case was that both were members of, or sympathisers with, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) but, being dissatisfied with official policy, had become part of a breakaway English group. In evidence before the jury at trial, both appellants denied any involvement in the bombings but admitted having carried out experiments with TATP and model aircraft. The sole purpose, they said, was to develop and test techniques which could be used not in this country, but in the Occupied Territories. Both condemned the bombings, regarding them as short-sighted. They alleged that a Palestinian known to them as “Reeda”, whom they were unable further to identify, had supplied the TATP found in the lock-up and accompanied Mr Botmeh to buy cars at auction. “Reeda” was not mentioned by either applicant in the course of the police interviews, and his name came up for the first time during Mr Botmeh's evidence-in-chief. The Crown, pursuant to its duty to review disclosure during the trial, unsuccessfully tried to find evidence confirming his existence.
Although the trial judge, following ex parte proceedings, ruled that certain documents should not be disclosed to the defence on grounds of public interest immunity, some intelligence information was disclosed before the trial, including material indicating that the bombs had been planted by an Iranian-backed terrorist organisation. This possibility was mentioned by the judge in his summing-up to the jury, as follows: “Unless the bombs were the work of Iranian backed Hezbollah, who were named at one time by the media, although there was no evidence that they ever claimed responsibility or were, in fact, involved, we have to look elsewhere and ask whether these defendants were part of some breakaway group or faction and whether what they have said about their views and attitudes is, in fact, true. ... The question is, for you, did these three defendants, and almost certainly one or more people unknown to us, form their own English group rejecting the PLO, Fatta, PFLP non-violent policy and decide to paint the name of Palestine on the mountain again? Or was it an Islamic fundamentalist group with which these applicants have no connection seeking to damage Israel and, at the same time, to discredit the PLO? These are the things that we have to think about. ...”
On 11 December 1996 both applicants were convicted and on 16 December 1996 they were sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment and recommended for deportation. They lodged appeals against conviction and sentence.
On 4 November 1997, eleven months after the conclusion of the trial, the applicant's solicitors drew the attention of the Crown Prosecution Service to a press article quoting a former intelligence officer, David Shayler, who declared that the United Kingdom's intelligence agency, MI5, had been warned by a reliable source prior to the embassy bombing that such an attack was imminent, but that the information had not been passed to the police. They requested the details of the warning and an interview with the “reliable source”.
On 6 April 1998 the Crown Prosecution Service replied, indicating that an ex parte application was to be made to the Court of Appeal, on notice, in relation to the information relevant to the disclosure request which had been made.
On 8 May 1998 the Home Secretary signed a public interest immunity certificate in respect of a bundle of documents, confirming that these documents “concerned the part played by the Security Service in events prior to the prosecution of the defendants” and that they “pass the threshold test for disclosure in the criminal proceedings against the applicants” (in other words, that they were relevant to the issues raised on appeal).
In March 1999, before granting leave to appeal, a division of the Court of Appeal (which did not include any of the judges who were later to preside over the substantive appeal) held an ex parte hearing to consider the material which the Crown sought to withhold pursuant to the Secretary of State's certificate, and which the Crown conceded had not been placed before the trial judge prior to, or during, the trial.
The same division of the Court of Appeal subsequently considered the applicants' oral application for leave to appeal, where it was submitted that the ex parte hearing which had already taken place was incompatible with Article 6 of the Convention. On 3 May 1999, the Court of Appeal granted leave to appeal against conviction on grounds relating to the lack of full disclosure.
On 23 September 1999 the defence served a further formal request for disclosure. In a letter dated 31 March 2000 the prosecution replied to the defence request, setting out the approach it had adopted to the disclosure of unused material and confirming its intention to make a further ex parte application to the Court of Appeal following inter partes submissions on the procedure to be followed. The letter indicated that the category into which the material appended to the Secretary of State's certificate was said to fall was “agent material”.
The substantive appeal was first listed for hearing on 24 October 2000. It began with inter partes submissions on the procedure to be followed. On behalf of the applicants it was submitted that it would be inconsistent with Article 6 of the Convention for the Court of Appeal to sit ex parte to consider material which had not been placed before the trial judge and then uphold a claim for public interest immunity and dismiss the appeal. The Court of Appeal invited the applicants' counsel to examine the material in question, subject to an undertaking not to disclose its contents to the applicants. After taking the advice of his professional association, counsel informed that court that no such undertaking could be given.
The Court of Appeal then concluded that it should view the material ex parte and rule on the claim for public interest immunity. Having done so, on 26 October 2000 it ordered the following summary of the undisclosed evidence to be released to the applicants and their representatives, but declined to order any further disclosure of the material in question: “Some months prior to the bombing of the Israeli Embassy in London on 26/7/94, the Security Service and MPSB [Metropolitan Police Special Branch] had received information from an agent source that a terrorist organisation, unconnected to these appellants, was seeking information about the location and defences of the Israeli Embassy in London for a possible bombing attack. The Security Service and MPSB information was that such information regarding the Embassy was not provided to the terrorist organisation. Related intelligence received after the bombing attack indicated that the terrorist organisation had not, in fact, carried out the bombing. In relation to the Security Service the document containing the information was disseminated within the Security Service. However the particular document, for reasons of human error, was not placed on files subsequently shown to Counsel during the disclosure exercise. Other documents from the same source were placed before Counsel. Two of these other documents, both later in time than the original, were very similar. One of those documents contained a short reference to the information referred to above. Through oversight, of the two documents, the one not referring to the information was placed before [the trial judge] during the disclosure hearing. Following publicity in 1997 ensuing from the allegations of Mr Shayler, the Security Service papers were reviewed. The particular document was located on a file not seen by Counsel. The Security Service took immediate steps to bring the document to the attention of the CPS [Crown Prosecution Service] and Counsel. Regarding the SIS (MI6), with regard to the document received by the Security Service, a copy was passed by the Security Service to SIS. This was handled by the desk officer dealing with the terrorist group in question. This was not the same officer who was handling the CPS request for disclosure. The information was filed by the desk officer in a file containing information from the same source. The information did not emerge in the disclosure exercise carried out by SIS through human error. In relation to MPSB, the document recording the information was placed on a file germane to the main thrust of the information received, but it was not placed on a file connected to the Israeli Embassy or one which would have fallen within the Crown's disclosure strategy. There was a cross-reference to the document in a file received for disclosure which would have led to the document if noted, but the unusual physical position of the cross-reference on the file was such that it was over-looked during the disclosure exercise.”
The hearing of the appeal was adjourned for reasons unconnected with the present application, and resumed almost a year later, on 16 October 2001, when the applicants repeated their submission that the present case was indistinguishable from Rowe and Davis v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 28901/95, ECHR 2000-II (see paragraphs 37-38 below), and that, in order to comply with Article 6 of the Convention, the Court of Appeal was required either to quash the conviction or order full disclosure of all relevant evidence not seen by the trial judge. In its judgment of 1 November 2001 ([2001] EWCA Crim 2226), the Court of Appeal rejected the argument that it could never be appropriate for it to conduct an ex parte hearing to determine a claim for public interest immunity in respect of material which had not been placed before the trial judge. It explained its approach in the disclosure proceedings as follows: “We turn next to the ex parte hearing which we held at the first stage of this appeal and its consequences. We considered the matter in relation to which the prosecution claimed public interest immunity before us in the context of all the matter before the trial judge, both disclosed on his order and undisclosed. We specifically bore in mind the grounds of appeal and the terms of the letter of 31st March 2000, from the CPS to the appellants' solicitors setting out their disclosure strategy in response to the solicitors' request for disclosure. We also specifically considered whether there was disclosable material relating to any warning by the Israeli ambassador or any involvement in the bombing by Mossad or in relation to bombings in Argentina in 1992 and 1994. Our approach was to consider whether there was a public interest in the non-disclosure of particular matter and, if there was, whether this was outweighed because it might, if disclosed, have helped the defence on issues raised by them at trial.... Because a year had elapsed between the first and second stages of this appeal we again, at the second stage, and in accordance with the same considerations, looked at the matter in relation to which public interest immunity was claimed. We also took into account the further submissions made on behalf of the appellants during the second stage of the appeal. We are unpersuaded that the Crown's system and strategy in relation to disclosure ... is flawed. In particular the suggestion that they adopted too narrow an approach is unsubstantiated. Having considered all the matter placed before us in this way, we were and are entirely satisfied about five things. First, prosecuting counsel have had access to everything they want to see and have examined all relevant and potentially material matter ... and they have continued to keep the need for disclosure under review. Secondly, the trial judge was correct to rule as he did in relation to the disclosure and non-disclosure of the matter before him. Thirdly, no one has attempted to conceal from this court any relevant or potentially material matter. Fourthly, public interest immunity has been rightly claimed in relation to the matter which we have seen, because it affects national security at the highest level and would, if disclosed, present a clear and immediate threat to life. Fifthly, apart from the two matters to which we shall refer, there is nothing of significance before this court which was not before the trial judge. Having ordered disclosure of these matters to the appellants, in a suitable form, and having heard submissions in relation to them, we are satisfied that no injustice was done to the appellants by not having access to that matter at trial. We say this, first, because the matter added nothing of significance to what was disclosed at trial and, secondly, because, for whatever reason, no attempt was made by the defence at trial to exploit, by adducing it in any form before the jury, the similar material in relation to the embassy which had been disclosed at trial. This included information, on the day before the bombing, that Hizbollah was planning attacks in London and Geneva and, after the bombing, that it had been carried out by Hizbollah using non‑Muslim mercenaries. Information was also disclosed that three named Iranians were involved in the bombing under the direction of the IRGC Chief in Europe and in relation to terrorist activity in Argentina in 1992 and 1994. At trial, no attempt was made to place this, or other disclosed material pointing to the possible involvement of other groups, before the jury. Whether this was because the principal issue at trial was whether Reeda existed and this information was inconsistent with the appellants' claim that Reeda was a Palestinian, or for some other reason, we do not know. We do not accept [counsel for the applicants'] submission that its vagueness or contradictory nature precluded its use if, otherwise, it was thought to help the defence. Expert evidence was called for the defence that the bombers could have come from many different places, though responsibility was not attributed to any particular group or organisation. There was also expert evidence that the organisation with which Alami was connected did not believe in violence outside Israel. The judge's summing-up rehearsed these matters in what [counsel for the applicants] called 'commendable detail' No complaint of any kind is directed to the summing-up. The jury could not have failed to realise that there were many possible candidates for carrying out bombings of this kind. The two matters which we ordered should be disclosed during the course of this appeal were, first, further information, prior to the bombings, suggesting that a terrorist organisation unconnected with the appellants may have been contemplating an attack on the Israeli Embassy and, secondly, an explanation as to the circumstances in which a document was not shown to counsel and a later document was not shown to the trial judge. As to the information, for the reasons already given, this would have had no impact on the trial. As to the explanation about the documents, which we accept, this disposed of any possible sinister implication: we do not take the view that deliberate malpractice is a necessary or proper inference from repeated human error, particularly in the light of the explanation given to us in the ex parte proceedings. Further, having seen the later document which the judge did not see, we are satisfied that it, like the similar, but not identical, document which he did see, was not a document which ought to have been, or should now be, disclosed: its terms, so far as they are material, are properly reflected in the information which we ordered to be disclosed. [Counsel for the applicants'] final submissions proceeded on the assumption that this court had seen material, not disclosed, tending to suggest that another English-based group unconnected with the appellants may have been involved in these bombings. All we say about that assumption is that, if it were correct, this court's obligations, at common law and under Article 6, would have required us to order its disclosure. We should also emphasise that assessment of the accuracy or reliability of the information disclosed is no part of this court's function.” The Court of Appeal therefore concluded that there had been no breach of the applicants' Article 6 rights and no reason to regard their convictions as unsafe.
The applicants petitioned the House of Lords for leave to appeal against the judgment of the Court of Appeal, but were refused leave on 14 November 2002.
B. Relevant domestic law and practice
At common law, the prosecution has a duty to disclose any material which has or might have some bearing on the offence charged. This duty extends to any earlier written or oral statement of a prosecution witness which is inconsistent with evidence given by that witness at the trial and statements of any witnesses potentially favourable to the defence.
In December 1981 the Attorney-General issued guidelines, which did not have force of law, concerning exceptions to the common-law duty to disclose to the defence evidence of potential assistance to it ((1982) 74 Crim App 302 – “the Guidelines”)). According to the Guidelines, the duty to disclose was subject to a discretionary power for prosecuting counsel to withhold relevant evidence if it fell within one of the categories set out in paragraph 6. One of these categories (6(iv)) was “sensitive” material which, because of its sensitivity, it would not be in the public interest to disclose. “Sensitive material” was defined as follows: “... (a) it deals with matters of national security; or it is by, or discloses the identity of, a member of the Security Services who would be of no further use to those services once his identity became known; (b) it is by, or discloses the identity of, an informant and there are reasons for fearing that the disclosure of his identity would put him or his family in danger; (c) it is by, or discloses the identity of, a witness who might be in danger of assault or intimidation if his identity became known; (d) it contains details which, if they became known, might facilitate the commission of other offences or alert someone not in custody that he is a suspect; or it discloses some unusual form of surveillance or method of detecting crime; (e) it is supplied only on condition that the contents will not be disclosed, at least until a subpoena has been served upon the supplier – e.g. a bank official; (f) it relates to other offences by, or serious allegations against, someone who is not an accused, or discloses previous convictions or other matters prejudicial to him; (g) it contains details of private delicacy to the maker and/or might create risk of domestic strife.”
In R. v. Ward ([1993] 1 WLR 619), the Court of Appeal stressed that the court and not the prosecution was to decide whether or not relevant evidence should be retained on grounds of public interest immunity. It explained that “... a judge is balancing on the one hand the desirability of preserving the public interest in the absence of disclosure against, on the other hand, the interests of justice. Where the interests of justice arise in a criminal case touching and concerning liberty or conceivably on occasion life, the weight to be attached to the interests of justice is plainly very great indeed”.
In R. v. Davis, Johnson and Rowe ([1993] 1 WLR 613), the Court of Appeal held that it was not necessary in every case for the prosecution to give notice to the defence when it wished to claim public interest immunity, and outlined three different procedures to be adopted. The first procedure, which had generally to be followed, was for the prosecution to give notice to the defence that they were applying for a ruling by the court and indicate to the defence at least the category of the material which they held. The defence would then have the opportunity to make representations to the court. Secondly, however, where the disclosure of the category of the material in question would in effect reveal that which the prosecution contended should not be revealed, the prosecution should still notify the defence that an application to the court was to be made, but the category of the material need not be disclosed and the application should be ex parte. The third procedure would apply in an exceptional case where to reveal even the fact that an ex parte application was to be made would in effect be to reveal the nature of the evidence in question. In such cases the prosecution should apply to the court ex parte without notice to the defence.
The Court of Appeal observed that although ex parte applications limited the rights of the defence, in some cases the only alternative would be to require the prosecution to choose between following an inter partes procedure or declining to prosecute, and in rare but serious cases the abandonment of a prosecution in order to protect sensitive evidence would be contrary to the public interest. It referred to the important role performed by the trial judge in monitoring the views of the prosecution as to the proper balance to be struck and remarked that, even in cases in which the sensitivity of the information required an ex parte hearing, the defence had “as much protection as can be given without pre-empting the issue”. Finally, it emphasised that it was for the trial judge to continue to monitor the position as the trial progressed. Issues might emerge during the trial which affected the balance and required disclosure “in the interests of securing fairness to the defendant”. For this reason it was important for the same judge who heard any disclosure application also to conduct the trial.
The leading case on disclosure at the time of the applicants' trials was the judgment of the Court of Appeal in R. v. Keane ([1994] 1 WLR 746). The Lord Chief Justice, giving the judgment of the court, held that the prosecution should put before the judge only those documents which it regarded as material but wished to withhold on grounds of public interest immunity. “Material” evidence was defined as evidence which could be seen, “on a sensible appraisal by the prosecution: (1) to be relevant or possibly relevant to an issue in the case; (2) to raise or possibly raise a new issue whose existence is not apparent from the evidence which the prosecution proposes to use; (3) to hold out a real (as opposed to fanciful) prospect of providing a lead on evidence which goes to (1) or (2)”.
Once the judge was seized of the material, he or she had to perform the balancing exercise between the public interest in non-disclosure and the importance of the documents to the issues of interest, or likely to be of interest, to the accused. If the disputed material might prove the defendant's innocence or avoid a miscarriage of justice, the balance came down firmly in favour of disclosing it. Where, on the other hand, the material in question would not be of assistance to the accused, but would in fact assist the prosecution, the balance was likely to be in favour of non-disclosure.
In the case of R. v. Turner ([1995] 1 WLR 264), the Court of Appeal returned to the balancing exercise, stating, inter alia: “Since R. v. Ward ... there has been an increasing tendency for defendants to seek disclosure of informants' names and roles, alleging that those details are essential to the defence. Defences that the accused has been set up, and allegations of duress, which used at one time to be rare, have multiplied. We wish to alert judges to the need to scrutinise applications for disclosure of details about informants with very great care. They will need to be astute to see that assertions of a need to know such details, because they are essential to the running of the defence, are justified. If they are not so justified, then the judge will need to adopt a robust approach in declining to order disclosure. Clearly, there is a distinction between cases in which the circumstances raise no reasonable possibility that information about the informant will bear upon the issues and cases where it will. Again, there will be cases where the informant is an informant and no more; other cases where he may have participated in the events constituting, surrounding, or following the crime. Even when the informant has participated, the judge will need to consider whether his role so impinges on an issue of interest to the defence, present or potential, as to make disclosure necessary ...”
The requirements of disclosure have since been set out in a statutory scheme. Under the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996, which came into force in England and Wales immediately upon gaining Royal Assent on 4 July 1996, the prosecution must make “primary disclosure” of all previously undisclosed evidence which, in the prosecutor's view, might undermine the case for the prosecution. The defendant must then give a defence statement to the prosecution and the court, setting out in general terms the nature of the defence and the matters on which the defence takes issue with the prosecution. The prosecution must then make a “secondary disclosure” of all previously undisclosed material “which might reasonably be expected to assist the accused's defence as disclosed by the defence statement”. Disclosure by the prosecution may be subject to challenge by the accused and review by the trial court. | train | {
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001-92102 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 1182/05) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Ingo Hub (“the applicant”), on 4 January 2005.
The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
On 22 April 2008 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible and decided to communicate the complaint concerning the length of the proceedings to the Government. It also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 3).
1. Background to the case
The applicant was born in 1964 and lives in Berlin.
The applicant is the father of a son (S.), born on 30 July 1990. In 1997 the applicant and the child’s mother (K.) separated. S. remained with his mother. In 1998 the applicant and S.’s mother were divorced.
On 21 January 1998 the Pankow District Court awarded K. sole custody of S. and decided that the applicant would be entitled to personal contact with his son every other weekend. In September 1998, however, the applicant ceased to have contact with his son.
2. Proceedings before the District Court
On 7 October 1998 the applicant requested the Pankow District Court to impose a coercive fine on the mother to enforce his access rights. The District Court registered his request under file number 11 F 4813/98.
Between 9 November 1998 and 10 March 1999 the parties and the Youth Office submitted observations.
On 17 May 1999 the applicant withdrew his request and stated that he now wished the court to mediate between the parents with a view to reaching an agreement on the applicant’s contact rights according to section 52a of the Non-Contentious Proceedings Act (Gesetz über die Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit – see “Relevant Domestic Law” below). The District Court pursued the applicant’s modified request under the same file number (11 F 4813/98).
On 13 August 1999 the District Court heard S., who declared that he wished to see his father only occasionally under the supervision of a third person.
At a hearing held on 23 August 1999 the parents agreed on supervised contact for the applicant.
On 18 October 1999 the District Court held a further hearing at which the parties declared that the court currently did not need to take any action.
On 22 February 2000 the applicant applied for the appointment of a guardian ad litem and a contact supervisor (Umgangsbegleitperson) arguing that the mediation proceedings had failed.
On 10 March 2000 the District Court appointed a guardian ad litem and set down the case for hearing on 5 April 2000. However, that hearing was postponed to 15 May 2000 as agreed with the parties.
On 5 June 2000 a further hearing was held, and on 14 June 2000 the District Court ordered supervised contact for a period between late June and mid-December.
On 6 September 2000 the guardian ad litem informed the court that no contact had taken place.
On 28 September 2000 the District Court asked the contact supervisor to comment on the failure to have contact established between the applicant and his son. In October and November 2000 the District Court reminded the contact supervisor of its request of 28 September 2000 and unsuccessfully attempted to contact the latter by phone.
On 26 November 2000 the applicant asked the court to continue the proceedings.
On 11 December 2000 the District Court sent a further reminder to the contact supervisor and requested the parties to comment on the question as to whether the mediation proceedings should be continued.
On 5 January 2001 the applicant asked the District Court to continue the mediation procedure.
On 20 March 2001 the District Court decided to continue the proceedings after the parties had agreed on a one-off supervised contact.
On 6 July 2001 the contact centre informed the District Court that the contact supervisor had been replaced with another person, and on 11 July 2001 the District Court appointed that person as contact supervisor.
On 14 August 2001 the District Court received the contact supervisor’s report, according to which S. refused to see his father.
On 22 September 2001 the applicant asked the District Court to declare that the mediation proceedings had failed and to commission an expert report.
On 22 November 2001 the District Court heard S. again, who firmly declared that his father no longer existed for him.
On 27 November 2001 the District Court commissioned a psychological expert report on the question of contact. That expert informed the court on 25 February 2002 that he could be biased. Accordingly, the mother’s representative challenged the expert for bias on 26 March. On 10 April 2002 the District Court ordered the expert to stop his examinations, and on 6 June 2002 the mother withdrew her challenge of bias. On 13 June 2002 the District Court ordered the expert to continue his examinations.
On 11 September 2002 the District Court requested the expert to consider further questions raised by the applicant.
On 19 November 2002 the expert informed the court that K. had refused to attend a meeting with the expert until mid-January 2003. Subsequently, the District Court asked K. to ensure that a meeting was held by the end of 2002. On 2 January 2003 the District Court asked all persons involved in the proceedings to support the expert in the preparation of his report. On 16 January 2003 the expert informed the District Court that for the time being K. was unwilling to meet the expert. On 23 January 2003 the District Court ordered K. to cooperate with the expert within two months and announced that further measures would be taken in the event of non-compliance.
On 2 April 2003 the expert informed the court that a meeting had been held with K. on 13 March 2003, that the applicant and his son had called each other and that the applicant considered withdrawing his application.
On 30 April 2003, at the applicant’s request of 11 April 2003, the District Court ordered the expert to swiftly continue his examination. On 30 June 2003 the expert gave his report in which he suggested a suspension of the applicant’s contact with S. for a period of two years.
On 21 October 2003 the District Court heard S., who insisted that he did not wish to see his father any longer.
At an oral hearing held on 22 October 2003 the applicant announced that he would withdraw his application. However, on 19 November 2003 the applicant insisted on a court decision.
On 10 December 2003 the District Court, relying on the expert’s report, suspended the applicant’s rights to access for two years.
3. Appellate proceedings and constitutional complaint
On 30 December 2003 the applicant appealed to the Berlin Court of Appeal, and on 18 January 2004 he submitted his statement of grounds of appeal, which the court received on 2 February 2004.
On 13 May 2004 the Berlin Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the District Court, arguing that S. had suffered from the persistent conflict between his parents about the applicant’s contact rights and from the respective proceedings, which had been pending now for more than five years and which had led to lasting psychological damage to the child. In order to protect himself, the boy refused to expose himself to this conflict, by refusing to see his father.
On 30 June 2004 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court, which the Federal Constitutional Court refused to admit on 14 July 2004.
On 19 July 2004 the decision was served on the applicant. | train | {
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001-86729 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 19055/05) against Romania and the United Kingdom lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Romanian national, Mr Andrei Deak (“the applicant”), on 24 May 2005.
The applicant was represented by Ms Diana-Elena Dragomir, a lawyer practising in Bucharest. The Romanian Government were represented by their Agent at the time, Ms Ruxandra Pasoi, and the United Kingdom’s Government were represented by their Agent, Ms Emily Willmott.
The applicant alleged, in particular, a breach of his rights guaranteed by Article 6 and Article 8 of the Convention.
On 16 March 2007 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the respondent Governments. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant, Mr Andrei Deak, is a Romanian national who was born in 1956 and lives in Bucharest.
The applicant married C.D. (hereinafter referred to as “the mother”), also a Romanian national, in January 1998. In July 1998 their son C.A. (hereinafter referred to as “the child”) was born.
In November 2000 they divorced and according to the divorce agreement between them, endorsed by a final court judgment, the mother was to have custody of the child, while the applicant obtained a right of access of 82 days per year and was to pay a monthly allowance.
In September 2002 the mother travelled to England to commence studying for a Master degree in Business and Administration and left the child in Romania with her parents.
In November 2002 the mother married a British national. She later returned to Romania and on 23 December 2002, without informing the applicant, took the child with her to London.
The applicant found out about the child’s removal from Romania to the United Kingdom in January 2003.
On 6 February 2003 he instituted proceedings in London before the High Court of Justice, Family Division (“the High Court”), under the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (“the Hague Convention”). The child and the mother were located by the British authorities; however, their place of residence was not disclosed to the applicant.
A directions hearing was held on 27 February 2003 before the High Court at which the parties were requested to file observations on the question whether the removal of the child from Romania was wrongful under Romanian law within the meaning of Article 3 of the Hague Convention. The judge in charge of the case also directed that the matter be set down for final hearing on 11 April 2003.
On 11 April 2003 the parties received permission to file further evidence.
By the time of the next hearing, on 9 May 2003, the High Court was presented by the applicant with documentary evidence emanating from the Ministry of Justice, the Romanian President’s Office, the Child Protection Authority and the Ombudsman, according to which the child’s removal was wrongful under Romanian law. However, the court was not convinced and, in accordance with Article 15 of the Hague Convention, requested a Romanian court decision on the matter.
On 11 June 2003 the applicant instituted civil proceedings before the Bucharest Third District Court (“District Court”) seeking a ruling that the child’s removal from Romania had been illegal.
On 16 July 2003 the applicant introduced a new application before the same court seeking a ruling that the child’s removal was contrary to Article 3 of the Hague Convention because he also had custody rights over the child.
On 1 September 2003 the District Court held the first hearing in respect of the applicant’s first action; however, as a result of the mother’s request for an adjournment, the proceedings were adjourned until 8 December 2003.
On 29 September 2003 the Romanian Ministry of Justice wrote to the High Court in London, informing it that the Romanian courts had exclusive competence in issuing decisions in accordance with Article 15 of the Hague Convention.
On 30 September 2003 the District Court in Bucharest held the first hearing in respect of the second action and adjourned the case on the grounds that the applicant had failed to sign the application and that the mother had failed to sign her request for an adjournment.
On 2 October 2003 the High Court in London resumed its examination of the case. The judge in charge of the case indicated that since his decision of May 2003 a number of documents from Romania had become available which seemed to indicate that the child’s removal from Romania by his mother was wrongful, and that, had these documents been available earlier, he would not have sought a declaration under Article 15 of the Hague Convention. Nevertheless, in view of the fact that the proceedings in Romania had commenced, and in view of the letter from the Romanian Ministry of Justice of 29 September 2003 it was decided to adjourn the proceedings to a date after 8 December 2003 (the date on which the District Court in Bucharest was to hear the case). The judge expressed concern about the time that had elapsed in the proceedings and indicated that if the 8 December hearing in Romania was not conclusive he would discharge the order he had made in May and proceed to adjudication.
On 31 October 2003 the mother submitted her observations concerning the applicant’s actions in the Romanian proceedings and introduced a counter-action seeking, inter alia, a ruling that the applicant did not have a right of custody over the child and that he did not have the right to decide on the child’s place of domicile.
On 8 December 2003 the District Court in Bucharest adjourned the hearing at the applicant’s request so that he could examine the mother’s observations and the counter-action lodged by her. On the same date the two actions lodged by the applicant and the mother’s counter-action were joined.
On 19 December 2003 the judge at the High Court in London, having learned that the final determination of the case before the Romanian court had yet again been put back, made an order that the final hearing in London should take place “as a matter of urgency” in January 2004.
On 5 January 2004 the District Court in Bucharest adopted a final ruling in the case and declared inadmissible the applicant’s actions without entering into the merits of the case. It decided not to examine the mother’s counter-action. Both parties appealed against the judgment.
On 14 January 2004 the proceedings in London were adjourned at the request of the parties to 1 March 2004 to allow time for receipt of the written reasons from the Romanian court.
On 20 January 2004 the District Court in Bucharest delivered its judgment and on 3 and 5 February the parties appealed against it.
On 6 February 2004 the case file was transmitted by the District Court to the Bucharest Court of Appeal and the latter fixed 6 April as the date of the hearing in the case.
On 23 February 2004 the applicant requested the Bucharest Court of Appeal to speed up the proceedings in view of the proceedings pending in London. His request was granted and the date of the hearing was set for 16 March 2004.
On 1 March 2004 the applicant applied for an adjournment in the High Court proceedings in London pending determination of the case by the Bucharest Court of Appeal. His request was granted and the judge in charge of the case ordered that the final hearing should take place as soon as possible after receipt of an authorised translation of the decision of the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
On 15 March 2004 the mother filed her observations with the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
On 16 March 2004 the applicant’s representative requested an adjournment from the Bucharest Court of Appeal in order to study the mother’s observations.
On 11 May 2004 the Bucharest Court of Appeal held a hearing in the case and heard submissions from the parties. The pronouncement of the judgment was adjourned to 25 May 2004.
On 25 May 2004 the Fourth Section of the Bucharest Court of Appeal quashed the judgment of the first-instance court in part. It examined the applicant’s action on the merits and dismissed it as ill-founded, finding that the applicant did not have custody rights over the child and that the child’s removal from Romania was legal under domestic law and not wrongful within the meaning of Article 3 of the Hague Convention. The judgment of the Court of Appeal was communicated to the parties on 19 July 2004.
On 3 August 2004 the applicant lodged an appeal on points of law with the Court of Cassation (Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie) against the judgment of the Bucharest Court of Appeal.
On 16 August 2004 the case file was sent by the Bucharest Court of Appeal to the Court of Cassation of Romania.
On three occasions between November 2004 and March 2005 the applicant lodged requests with the Court of Cassation asking it for a speedier examination of his case on grounds of the urgency of the matter.
It appears that during that period the Romanian Code of Civil Procedure was undergoing changes and that it was not clear which court was competent under the new rules to examine the applicant’s appeal on points of law. On 16 March 2005 the Court of Cassation declined jurisdiction in favour of the Bucharest Court of Appeal and on 28 March the case file was sent back to that court.
The Bucharest Court of Appeal scheduled the first hearing in the case for 16 June 2005.
On 13 May 2005 the applicant requested that the proceedings be speeded up in view of an upcoming hearing in the London proceedings. On 19 May the applicant’s request was upheld and the hearing was rescheduled for 26 May 2005.
On 26 May 2005 the Third Section of the Bucharest Court of Appeal held a hearing; however, it decided to adjourn the proceedings to 9 June 2005.
On 9 June 2005 the Court of Appeal resumed the examination of the case and dismissed the applicant’s appeal on points of law. It found, inter alia, that, under Romanian family law, after divorce the parents of a child do not have equal rights in respect of their child. In particular, the parent who has custody of the child does not need the consent of the other parent in respect of measures concerning the child except for matters relating to adoption and/or losing or re-obtaining Romanian nationality. The parent who does not enjoy custody cannot veto a decision of the other parent concerning the child’s domicile. Accordingly, the removal of the child from Romania by the mother was lawful under Romanian law.
In July 2005, after the Romanian proceedings had ended and the final Romanian judgment had become available in English, the High Court in London resumed its proceedings and listed the case for a final hearing on 3 and 4 August 2005.
On 1 August 2005 the judge in charge of the case at the High Court in London acceded to the applicant’s application for an expert opinion on the law of Romania. The expert was to file his report by 16 September 2005.
Both parties agreed to instruct Dr Mihai to draft a report on Romanian family law and on 14 September 2005 the High Court confirmed the joint instructions to the expert and the time for lodging of the expert report was extended to 7 October 2005 with the final hearing listed for 14 October 2005.
On 28 September 2005 the High Court in London extended the time-limit for the expert report to 11 October and relisted the case for 31 October 2005.
The expert’s report was ready on 11 October 2005; however, the parties wished to put more questions to him. Therefore, on 31 October 2005, on an application from the applicant, the court adjourned the proceedings to 8 December 2005 and made further procedural directions in relation to any further questions to be put to the expert.
On 8 December 2005 the final hearing was listed before the High Court in London for 28 February and 1 March 2006.
On 28 February and 1 March 2006 the High Court held the final hearings in the case and gave judgment on 28 March 2006. The court found in favour of the applicant, choosing to rely on the expert opinion and to disregard the decisions of the Romanian courts. It found that the applicant had custody rights within the meaning of Article 5 of the Hague Convention and that therefore the child’s removal from Romania had been wrongful under Article 3 of the same Convention. The court also rejected an objection based on Article 13(b) of the Hague Convention raised by the mother and issued an order for the return of the child to Romania.
On 7 April 2006 the mother sought leave to appeal. This was granted on 10 April 2006 and the case was fixed for hearing in the Court of Appeal on 25 May 2006.
On 25 May 2006 the Court of Appeal heard and dismissed the mother’s appeal while varying the order for the peremptory return of the child until the end of the school term.
The mother appealed to the House of Lords. Her appeal was heard between 9 and 11 October 2006 and on 16 November 2006 the House of Lords gave judgment allowing the appeal. The House of Lords reversed the judgment of the High Court, finding that the applicant did not have custody rights within the meaning of Article 5 of the Hague Convention and that therefore the child’s removal from Romania was not wrongful under Article 3 of the same Convention. The House of Lords criticised the decision of the High Court to seek a further expert opinion after having obtained a final decision on the matter from the Romanian courts and expressed regret about the length of the proceedings.
Lord Hope of Craighead observed, inter alia, that: “Article 15 of the Convention contemplates that the court may need to be provided with a determination from the authorities of the state of the child’s habitual residence that the removal was wrongful. So a judge is not to be criticised if he decides to use this procedure because he cannot responsibly resolve the issue on the information provided by the applicant. Nevertheless if he decides on this course delay will be inevitable. Great care must therefore be taken, in the child’s best interests, to keep this to the absolute minimum. The misfortunes that have beset this case show that, once the court has received the response, it should strive to treat the information which it receives as determinative. In this case the response that was received from Romania was sufficient to show that the child’s removal was not wrongful within the meaning of article 3. On 9 June 2005 the final Court of Appeal of Bucharest, upholding the court of first appeal, stated in the clearest terms that, under the law as it then stood in Romania, termination of marriage through divorce brings joint custody to an end, that cases where the agreement of the parties is required about a measure which the parent with custody proposes are limited, and that none of the rights that the father had been granted on divorce gave him a right of veto or to decide the child’s place of residence. It is wholly understandable that the father should feel aggrieved by what has happened in this case. The effect on his ability to exercise his rights of access is plain to see. But the phrase “rights of custody” has been given a particular definition by the Convention. It is only if there has been a breach of rights of custody as so defined that the removal can be described as wrongful for its purposes. The information provided by the Romanian court shows that, as the law stood at the time of the child’s removal, the father had no such rights.”
Baroness Hale of Richmond commented, inter alia, that: “...the Bucharest Court of Appeal concluded that the removal of the child in December 2002 had not been wrongful... How then should the courts of the requested state respond to such a determination? Most certainly not as they did in this case. Having received a determination, binding between the parties, in the final court of the requesting state, the English High Court proceeded in effect to allow the father to challenge that ruling by adducing fresh expert evidence. The fact that the expert was jointly instructed does not cure the vice.”
Lord Carswell stated that: “It was quite wrong to permit the father to adduce further expert evidence from Dr Mihai which challenged not only the conclusion but the statement of the content of the father’s rights set out in the judgment of the Romanian court. The English court should have considered the terms of the judgment itself, without any subsequently obtained expert evidence. If it had done so it could only have come to the same conclusion as the Romanian court, even without applying any presumption in its favour.”
Lord Brown commented as follows: “This is an extraordinary case. It is, we are told, unique in the length of time which elapsed before the judge’s order for the child’s summary return to Romania (over three years after the commencement of Hague Convention proceedings); and unique too in being the only case in which a United Kingdom court has rejected a foreign court’s article 15 determination that the child’s removal was not in the event wrongful within the meaning of article 3... In circumstances like these it seems to me almost inconceivable that the court requesting the article 15 determination would then not simply accept it. Certainly there would need to be some compelling reason to reject it such as a flagrant breach of the rules of natural justice in the foreign judicial process or a manifest misdirection as to the autonomous meaning of the Convention term “rights of custody”. There is nothing of that sort here. On the contrary, the judge - neither Johnson J (who had requested the determination) nor Hogg J (who later ordered the child’s return to Romania) - on 1 August 2005, acting merely on the father’s request, ordered that an expert in Romanian law be jointly instructed by both parties to cover exactly the same ground as the Romanian Appeal Courts had themselves just covered...”
Throughout the entire proceedings in the United Kingdom the applicant was allowed to meet his child on a number of occasions in special contact centres for periods not exceeding two hours. According to him, however, over the last four years he has only been able to spend about thirty hours with his son.
It does not appear that the applicant ever applied to the United Kingdom courts in order to obtain a judgment from them giving him access to the child. However, on an unspecified date in 2007 he applied to the High Court in London for the recognition of the Romanian judgment of November 2000 (see paragraph 7 above). The Court is not aware of the outcome of those proceedings.
The relevant provisions of the Romanian Family Code read as follows: Article 43
The divorced parent who was entrusted with the child shall exercise the parental rights...
The divorced parent, who was not entrusted with the child, keeps the right to have personal ties with the child, as well as to observe his or her bringing up, education, studies and professional instruction.
The relevant provisions of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction provide: Article 3 “The removal or the retention of a child is to be considered wrongful where – a) it is in breach of rights of custody attributed to a person, an institution or any other body, either jointly or alone, under the law of the State in which the child was habitually resident immediately before the removal or retention; and b) at the time of removal or retention those rights were actually exercised, either jointly or alone, or would have been so exercised but for the removal or retention. The rights of custody mentioned in sub-paragraph a above, may arise in particular by operation of law or by reason of a judicial or administrative decision, or by reason of an agreement having legal effect under the law of that State.” Article 5 “For the purposes of this Convention – a) ’rights of custody’ shall include rights relating to the care of the person of the child and, in particular, the right to determine the child’s place of residence; b) ’rights of access’ shall include the right to take a child for a limited period of time to a place other than the child’s habitual residence.” Article 7 “Central Authorities shall co-operate with each other and promote co-operation amongst the competent authorities in their respective States to secure the prompt return of children and to achieve the other objects of this Convention. In particular, either directly or through any intermediary, they shall take all appropriate measures - a) to discover the whereabouts of a child who has been wrongfully removed or retained; b) to prevent further harm to the child or prejudice to interested parties by taking or causing to be taken provisional measures; c) to secure the voluntary return of the child or to bring about an amicable resolution of the issues; d) to exchange, where desirable, information relating to the social background of the child; e) to provide information of a general character as to the law of their State in connection with the application of the Convention; f) to initiate or facilitate the institution of judicial or administrative proceedings with a view to obtaining the return of the child and, in a proper case, to make arrangements for organizing or securing the effective exercise of rights of access; g) where the circumstances so require, to provide or facilitate the provision of legal aid and advice, including the participation of legal counsel and advisers; h) to provide such administrative arrangements as may be necessary and appropriate to secure the safe return of the child; i) to keep other each other informed with respect to the operation of this Convention and, as far as possible, to eliminate any obstacles to its application.” Article 8 “Any person, institution or other body claiming that a child has been removed or retained in breach of custody rights may apply either to the Central Authority of the child’s habitual residence or to the Central Authority of any other Contracting State for assistance in securing the return of the child...” Article 10 “The Central Authority of the State where the child is shall take or cause to be taken all appropriate measures in order to obtain the voluntary return of the child.” Article 11 “The judicial or administrative authorities of Contracting States shall act expeditiously in proceedings for the return of children. If the judicial or administrative authority concerned has not reached a decision within six weeks from the date of commencement of the proceedings, the applicant or the Central Authority of the requested State, on its own initiative or if asked by the Central Authority of the requesting State, shall have the right to request a statement of the reasons for the delay. If a reply is received by the Central Authority of the requested State, that Authority shall transmit the reply to the Central Authority of the requesting State, or to the applicant, as the case may be.” Article 13 “Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding Article, the judicial or administrative authority of the requested State is not bound to order the return of the child if the person, institution or other body which opposes its return establishes that – a) the person, institution or other body having the care of the person of the child was not actually exercising the custody rights at the time of removal or retention, or had consented to or subsequently acquiesced in the removal of retention; or b) there is a grave risk that his or her return would expose the child to physical or psychological harm or otherwise place the child in an intolerable situation. The judicial or administrative authority may also refuse to order the return of the child if it finds that the child objects to being returned and has attained an age and degree of maturity at which it is appropriate to take account of its views. In considering the circumstances referred to in this Article, the judicial and administrative authorities shall take into account the information relating to the social background of the child provided by the Central Authority or other competent authority of the child’s habitual residence.” Article 15 “The judicial or administrative authorities of a Contracting State may, prior to the making of an order for the return of the child, request that the applicant obtain from the authorities of the State of the habitual residence of the child a decision or other determination that the removal or retention was wrongful within the meaning of Article 3 of the Convention, where such a decision or determination may be obtained in that State. The Central Authorities of the Contracting States shall so far as practicable assist applicants to obtain such a decision or determination.” Article 21 “An application to make arrangements for organizing or securing the effective exercise of rights of access may be presented to the Central Authorities of the Contracting States in the same way as an application for the return of a child. The Central Authorities are bound by the obligations of co-operation which are set forth in Article 7 to promote the peaceful enjoyment of access rights and the fulfilment of any conditions to which the exercise of those rights may be subject. The Central Authorities shall take steps to remove, as far as possible, all obstacles to the exercise of such rights. The Central Authorities, either directly or through intermediaries, may initiate or assist in the institution of proceedings with a view to organizing or protecting these rights and securing respect for the conditions to which the exercise of these rights may be subject.” | train | {
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"applicant": "Andrei Deak",
"articles": [
"countries": "ROU;GBR",
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"year": 2008
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Andrei Deak |
001-76999 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 12350/04) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two British nationals, Mary and Alan Wainwright (“the applicants”), on 2 April 2004.
The applicants, who had been granted legal aid, were represented by Mr D. Reston, a lawyer practising in York, and Mr I. Christie, a barrister practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr D. Walton, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicants complained that they had been strip-searched when seeking to visit a relative in prison, relying on Articles 3 and 8 of the Convention, and that they had had no effective remedy as required by Article 13 of the Convention.
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 13 December 2005, the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The applicant, but not the Government, filed further observations (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine). The Government made comments on just satisfaction.
The first applicant, Mrs Mary Wainwright, is a United Kingdom national, who was born in 1953 and lives in Leeds. The second applicant, her son Mr Alan Wainwright, is a United Kingdom national, who was born in 1975 and lives in Leeds. He has cerebral palsy and severe arrested social and intellectual development. He was defined as a “patient” within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983 and as such lacked the capacity to bring or defend legal proceedings. His application to the Court was made through the first applicant, who acted as his “litigation friend” throughout the domestic proceedings.
In August 1996, Patrick O’Neill (the first applicant’s son and the second applicant’s half-brother) was arrested on suspicion of murder and detained on remand at HMP Armley, Leeds. Following a report by a senior prison officer raising suspicions that Mr O’Neill was involved in the supply and use of drugs within the prison, on 23 December 1996 the governor ordered, inter alia, that all Mr O’Neill’s visitors be strip-searched before visits.
Unaware of the governor’s orders, on 2 January 1997 the applicants attended Armley Prison to visit Mr O’Neill. Until then, neither of them had previously been to a prison. On presentation of their visiting orders, the applicants were requested to join the queue of visitors lined up by a security barrier. As requested, they removed their coats and placed them with their bags on a conveyor belt to be X-rayed. They were then frisked and searched by metal detector. Whilst waiting with other visitors in a corridor to go inside, a number of prison officers approached them and told the applicants to follow them. They were taken across the courtyard from the south gatehouse by four or five prison officers. The second applicant asked his mother what was happening. As they approached the north gatehouse, one of the officers stated that they had reason to believe that the applicants were carrying contraband. When the first applicant asked what this meant, she was told that he was referring to drugs.
At the north gatehouse, the applicants were taken through another security barrier and up some stairs to the first floor. They were informed that they would be strip-searched and that if they refused they would be denied their visit to Mr O’Neill. The second applicant was beginning to be distressed and the first applicant tried to calm him down. They were then taken to separate rooms for the searches.
A. The search of the first applicant
The first applicant was taken by two female officers into a small room which had windows overlooking the road in front of the prison and the administration block beyond it. It was dark outside and the lights in the room were on. There were lights on in the building, which led the first applicant to believe that people were still working in the administration block. Although there were roller blinds on the windows, they were not pulled down. The first applicant was told to take off her jumper and vest. One of the officers searched them whilst the other officer walked around her, examining her naked upper body. She was then instructed to remove her shoes, socks and trousers, which she did. At this point, a third female officer entered the room. This officer asked where the consent forms were, and was told by one of the officers where to find them. In answer to a question from the first applicant, the third officer confirmed that the form was for the second applicant. The first applicant explained that it would be no use to him because of his learning difficulties, particularly with reading and understanding, and that someone else needed to be there to explain to him what was happening. The third officer then left and the search of the first applicant continued. By this time she was crying. She was standing naked apart from her underwear. On her request, she was returned her vest and allowed to put it back on. She was told to pull down her underwear which she did and then told to spread her legs. She was then told to take one leg out of her underwear so her legs could be spread wider. She was told to bend forward and her sexual organs and anus were visually examined. The officer inspecting her body then asked the first applicant to pull her vest up again, asking for it to be raised higher and higher until it was above her breasts. The first applicant asked why that was necessary since they had already inspected her top half. The officer ignored her and continued walking around her body. She was then told to put her clothes back on.
By the end of the search, the first applicant was shaking and visibly distressed. She believed that anyone outside the prison looking at the windows in the room where she was being strip-searched could have seen her in a state of undress. She was worried that if she protested too much she would not be allowed in to visit Mr O’Neill. She was also worried about what was happening to the second applicant. Although none of the officers touched her, she felt threatened by their actions and considered that she had no alternative but to comply with their instructions.
After she had been told to put her clothes back on, one of the officers approached the first applicant and asked her to sign the form to consent to a strip-search (F2141). Attached to the consent form is a summary of the procedure to be carried out. The first applicant told the officers that she might as well sign it as there was by that stage nothing else the officers could do to her and she then did so without reading it.
B. The search of the second applicant
The second applicant was taken to a separate room by two male officers. At first he refused to go into the room but was told that he would not get to see his brother if he did not agree. Once in the room, one of the officers put on a pair of rubber gloves. This frightened the second applicant who feared that there would be a search of his rectum. As requested, he removed the clothes from the upper half of his body and they were searched. He was subjected to a finger search, which included poking a finger into his armpits. The prison officers then told the second applicant to remove the clothes from the lower half of his body. At first he refused to remove his boxer shorts. He was by this stage crying and shaking. He reluctantly removed his boxer shorts and was told to spread his legs. Because of his physical disability, he had to balance with one hand on the wall to do so. One of the prison officers looked all around his naked body, lifted up his penis and pulled back the foreskin. He was then allowed to get dressed.
After this, one prison officer left the room and returned with a consent form. When presented with it, the second applicant explained that he could not read and that he wanted his mother to read it to him. The officers ignored this request and said that if he did not sign the form he would not be allowed in to visit his brother. He signed the form.
The applicants were led back to the prison to proceed with their visit. During the visit, the first applicant told Mr O’Neill what had happened. The first applicant went into the toilet where she cried and vomited about four times. The second applicant felt shaken and nervous and was upset. The applicants did not stay for the full length of their visit.
C. Effects of the searches
Regarding the first applicant, on returning home, she removed her clothes and bathed because she felt upset, angry and dirty. Because of her experience, she did not visit Mr O’Neill for a further four months. In October 1998, in the context of the civil proceedings, she was examined by Dr Sims, Professor of Psychiatry. At that time (approximately twenty-one months after the incident), the first applicant stated that she still thought about the strip-search about once a week, continued to get upset about it, remained angry about what had happened and had difficulty sleeping. Dr Sims considered that the severe upset that she had experienced in the prison made her existing depression (for which she was receiving medication at the time of the visit) worse, but that, apart from recurrent intrusive recollections of her time at the prison and psychological distress at anything that resembled her experience, she did not show other symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He concluded that, as a result of her aversive experience in the prison, the first applicant would be more vulnerable to future traumatic events and more prone to depressive reaction.
As for the second applicant, on his return home from the visit, he went to his bedroom crying. For about five weeks after the incident, he would not see his girlfriend, baby son, friends or anyone else and spent large amounts of his time in his bedroom. He was also examined by Dr Sims in October 1998. At this time, he stated that he was still feeling bad about the incident, had difficulty sleeping, and had nightmares about going into the room at the prison and of being strip-searched. He thought about being in prison almost continuously and broke out in a sweat and felt frightened when he recalled the incident. During a subsequent visit, he saw some of the same officers who had strip-searched him and became very frightened. In addition, he became afraid to leave the house alone and therefore stayed at home, only going out with his mother, the first applicant. He lost interest in his previous activities, showed irritability and hypervigilance.
Dr Sims concluded that the second applicant was suffering from PTSD (scoring 15 on the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) scale, where 10 would indicate presence of PTSD) and had a depressive illness. He found that both illnesses had been substantially caused by his strip-search experience. He found that the second applicant had experienced the strip-search as a threat to his physical integrity, believing that he was going to experience anal penetration, to which he had responded with fear and a feeling of hopelessness. His symptoms were severely impairing his ability for social functioning. Dr Sims concluded that even after recovery the second applicant would remain vulnerable to further symptoms with lesser provocation than previously.
In April 2000, the second applicant was further examined by Dr Sims. He concluded that he was still suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (which in fact was more severe, measuring 18 on the DSM scale) and depressive illness. He predicted some improvement, with appropriate treatment, within one to two years.
D. Civil proceedings
On 23 April 2001 the County Court upheld the applicants’ civil claims against the Home Office, holding that the searches constituted a trespass to the person which could not be justified by Rule 86 § 1 of the Prison Rules (see Relevant domestic law and practice below) for two reasons. Firstly, the trial judge held that the strip-searches were an invasion of their privacy exceeding what was necessary and proportionate to deal with the drug smuggling problem. Although he accepted that there were serious drug problems at the prison at the time of their visit and that there were reasonable grounds for believing that Patrick O’Neill had been obtaining illicit drugs (he referred to the report by a senior prison officer that his speech had been slurred and mannerisms incoherent), he held that the prison officers should not have searched the applicants as it would have been sufficient to have searched Mr O’Neill after they left. Secondly, the prison authorities had not adhered to their own rules. The judge rejected the applicants’ submission that Article 3 was relevant, holding that although strip-searches were unpleasant they did not amount to inhuman or degrading treatment. The trial judge accepted the diagnosis of the second applicant as suffering from PTSD, but did not think that his symptoms had lasted as long as the psychiatrist thought, and that the second applicant had substantially recovered from the effects of the strip-search by March 1998, when he made a parasuicide attempt. He awarded the first applicant a total of 2,600 pounds sterling (GBP) (comprising GBP 1,600 basic damages and GBP 1,000 aggravated damages) and the second applicant a total of GBP 4,500 (comprising GBP 3,500 basic damages and GBP 1,000 aggravated damages), the Home Office having conceded battery following the trial judge’s factual findings.
On 20 December 2001 the Court of Appeal allowed the Home Office’s appeal. The court disagreed that trespass to the person could be extended to fit these circumstances and found that no wrongful act (save for the battery against the second applicant) had been committed. Lord Chief Justice Woolf noted that there were numerous ways in which drugs could be smuggled into prison and that the most vigorous regime of searching prisoners would not in itself suffice. He found therefore that a search of Mr O’Neill would have been inadequate. He rejected the applicants’ arguments that the Human Rights Act 1998, which did not have retrospective effect, could affect the outcome of the appeal. While agreeing that the Act had no retrospective effect, Lord Justice Buxton commented that if the events had occurred after the coming into effect of the Act, the applicants would have had a strong case for relief due to the manner of the search and the public authority’s lack of regard for Article 8. The court set aside the first-instance judgment and substituted an award of a total of GBP 3,750 to the second applicant for battery.
On 16 October 2003 the House of Lords upheld the judgment of the Court of Appeal and dismissed the applicants’ appeal. Holding that the Human Rights Act 1998 was not applicable as the events took place before its entry into force on 2 October 2000, the House of Lords nevertheless went on to consider whether, if the Act had been in force, breaches of the Convention could be made out. Lord Hoffmann, delivering the leading judgment, found that there was no infringement of Article 3 as the conduct had not been sufficiently humiliating to constitute degrading treatment. “50. In the present case, the judge found that the prison officers acted in good faith and that there had been no more than ‘sloppiness’ in the failures to comply with the rules. The prison officers did not wish to humiliate the claimants; the evidence of Mrs Wainwright was that they carried out the search in a matter-of-fact way and were speaking to each other about unrelated matters. The Wainwrights were upset about having to be searched but made no complaint about the manner of the search; Mrs Wainwright did not ask for the blind to be drawn over the window or to be allowed to take off her clothes in any particular order and both of them afterwards signed the consent form without reading it but also without protest. The only inexplicable act was the search of Alan’s penis, which the prison officers were unable to explain because they could not remember having done it. But this has been fully compensated.”
As for Article 8: “51. Article 8 is more difficult. Buxton LJ thought, at [2002] QB 1334, 1352, para. 62, that the Wainwrights would have had a strong case for relief under section 7 if the 1998 Act had been in force. Speaking for myself, I am not so sure. Although Article 8 guarantees a right of privacy, I do not think that it treats that right as having been invaded and requiring a remedy in damages, irrespective of whether the defendant acted intentionally, negligently or accidentally. It is one thing to wander carelessly into the wrong hotel bedroom and another to hide in the wardrobe to take photographs. Article 8 may justify a monetary remedy for an intentional invasion of privacy by a public authority, even if no damage is suffered other than distress for which damages are not ordinarily recoverable. It does not follow that a merely negligent act should, contrary to general principle, give rise to a claim for damages for distress because it affects privacy rather than some other interest like bodily safety: compare Hicks v Chief Constable of the South Yorkshire Police [1992] 2 All ER 65.”
Dealing with the applicants’ submission that, in order for the United Kingdom to conform to its international obligations under the Convention, the House of Lords should find that there was (and in theory always had been) a tort of invasion of privacy under which the searches of the applicants were actionable and damages for emotional distress recoverable, Lord Hoffmann stated: “32. Nor is there anything in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights which suggests that the adoption of some high level principle of privacy is necessary to comply with Article 8 of the Convention. The European Court is concerned only with whether English law provides an adequate remedy in a specific case in which it considers that there has been an invasion of privacy contrary to Article 8 § 1 and not justifiable under Article 8 § 2. So in Earl Spencer v United Kingdom 25 EHRR CD 105 it was satisfied that the action for breach of confidence provided an adequate remedy for the Spencers’ complaint and looked no further into the rest of the armoury of remedies available to the victims of other invasions of privacy. Likewise, in Peck v United Kingdom (2003) 36 EHRR 41 the court expressed some impatience, at paragraph 103, at being given a tour d’horizon of the remedies provided and to be provided by English law to deal with every imaginable kind of invasion of privacy. It was concerned with whether Mr Peck (who had been filmed in embarrassing circumstances by a CCTV camera) had an adequate remedy when the film was widely published by the media. It came to the conclusion that he did not.
Counsel for the Wainwrights relied upon Peck’s case as demonstrating the need for a general tort of invasion of privacy. But in my opinion it shows no more than the need, in English law, for a system of control of the use of film from CCTV cameras which shows greater sensitivity to the feelings of people who happen to have been caught by the lens. For the reasons so cogently explained by Sir Robert Megarry in Malone v Metropolitan Police Comr [1979] Ch 344, this is an area which requires a detailed approach which can be achieved only by legislation rather than the broad brush of common law principle.
Furthermore, the coming into force of the Human Rights Act 1998 weakens the argument for saying that a general tort of invasion of privacy is needed to fill gaps in the existing remedies. Sections 6 and 7 of the Act are in themselves substantial gap fillers; if it is indeed the case that a person’s rights under Article 8 have been infringed by a public authority, he will have a statutory remedy. The creation of a general tort will, as Buxton LJ pointed out in the Court of Appeal, at [2002] QB 1334, 1360, para. 92, pre-empt the controversial question of the extent, if any, to which the Convention requires the State to provide remedies for invasions of privacy by persons who are not public authorities.
For these reasons I would reject the invitation to declare that since at the latest 1950 there has been a previously unknown tort of invasion of privacy.” | train | {
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001-79042 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 60682/00) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Ms Anna Young (“the applicant”), on 4 July 2000.
The applicant, who was granted legal aid, was represented by Mr Christian Fisher Khan, a firm of solicitors practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, Mr C.A. Whomersley and, subsequently, Mr J. Grainger, both of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant’s admissible complaints concerned the compliance with Article 6 of prison adjudication proceedings against her.
By a decision of 11 October 2005, a Chamber of the Fourth Section of the Court declared the application partly admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed further written observations (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine).
The applicant was born in 1965 and lives in London. In or around late 1999 the applicant breached an earlier probation order (concerning a charge of deception) and was sentenced to six months’ imprisonment. It was her first time in prison.
Her term of imprisonment began in November 1999. She was accorded an unconditional release date of 23 January 2000.
A. The applicant’s disability
The applicant suffered from cerebral palsy, a disorder of the central nervous system which can inhibit voluntary muscle control. She used a wheelchair and could only walk a few steps with assistance. She did not have voluntary control of her bladder meaning that on occasion she either could not urinate for several hours or she urinated uncontrollably and required medication to restrain this. The condition did not affect her intelligence but rather her ability to process information so that she required explanations in plain language and sufficient time for full comprehension.
A short medical report from a general practitioner dated 15 August 2000 noted that the applicant was a patient of the relevant practice and that her condition could have affected her ability to produce a urine sample on demand as voluntary control of the nervous system is always affected by cerebral palsy. While he suggested obtaining a neurologist’s report on these matters, the applicant stated that she could not afford to obtain one.
The prison psychotherapist’s report of 31 January 2000 noted that the applicant had been referred in December 1999 given her distress and difficulties in coping with her imprisonment. It noted as follows: “Largely confined to a wheelchair, [the applicant] manifests obvious physical symptoms of cerebral palsy as well as somewhat less obvious mental ones. [The applicant] possesses an excellent vocabulary and a reasonably well-developed capacity to think logically that places her well in the highest range of mental functioning for those who have the condition from which she suffers. Thus it seems that she often strikes those who meet her as an individual with a normal range of mental functioning but a difficult personality. In fact, [the applicant] experiences problems dealing with any sort of symbolism in language: she is openly vocal about her distaste for what she calls slang. Any explanation given to her needs to be couched in concrete terms devoid of metaphor or simile. Often it may be advisable or necessary to write down an explanation so that she may study it at her leisure in order to take it in fully and remember it. When this procedure is followed, she proves well able to make use of information or advice. From [the applicant’s] standpoint, these features of her mental functioning often make it difficult for her to think things through completely and thus to envision what the consequences of her actions may be. From the view point of those who deal with her, it often may seem that she is being difficult or uncooperative when it is in reality the case that she simply has not fully grasped the nuances of the subject at hand. [The applicant’s] life circumstances seem to have been troubled and unhappy. She has felt it necessary to fight ferociously to consolidate and maintain her independence. Thus the stay in [prison] appears to have been a sobering experience for her. It seems rather graphically to have brought home to her the consequences of some of her own actions – actions for which she previously had been unable to envisage consequences. It is difficult for [the applicant] to trust anyone completely, as she feels herself to have been badly let down by key figures in her life (including her mother, foster carers et al). Yet, in a relationship which [the applicant] experiences as one of confidence and caring, she is able to show herself as a warm, even endearing individual.”
The applicant was detained in the medical wing of the prison since the normal prison cells were not wheelchair accessible.
B. Mandatory drug testing (“MDT”)
At about 11.20am on 6 January 2000 a female prison officer asked the applicant to leave her education classes. They were then met by two other female prison officers. One of them asked the applicant if she had heard about MDT. The applicant replied that she had not and she was informed that it was mandatory drug testing. One of the officers requested the applicant to provide a urine sample immediately. The applicant alleged that she said that she would not be able to produce a sample: the Government did not accept this.
She was taken to the MDT unit, given a container and asked to provide a specimen. While the applicant claimed that she said again that she could not provide a urine sample, the Government maintained that she simply refused to provide a sample. She claimed that she began to explain why she could not provide a sample but that her explanation was brushed aside. She was offered a cup of water, which she declined. She maintained that this was because she knew that the water would not assist because the problem was not whether her bladder was full or not but whether she had the motor control to provide a specimen on demand and because she was concerned as to whether the water was fresh.
The applicant was taken to her cell by the officers and she was told that she could provide her sample there. A female officer remained in the cell with her and the applicant felt distressed by this. She claimed that, at about midday, she reiterated that she could not urinate. She submitted that the prison officer appeared irritated and informed her that she was going to put that down as a refusal which could result in additional days’ detention. The Government claimed that she refused once again to provide a sample.
She claimed that the officers who dealt with her were brusque and business-like. None of the officers asked her about her condition or whether she would need assistance in providing the urine sample and she was not offered the possibility of speaking confidentially with a medical officer or a structured manner of providing the sample over several hours. She admitted, however, that she did not explain to them that she could not urinate as a result of her disability. She alleged that she did inform the officers that she was menstruating (the Government disputed this) but, in any event, she accepted that she did not use her menstruation as an excuse for not providing a urine sample.
C. The adjudication proceedings
On 7 January 2000, at approximately 7.00-7.30 a.m., a male officer came into the applicant’s cell and read an “official-sounding” paper about “a refusal”. The applicant was asked to sign it but refused to do so. She maintained that this was because she had just woken up and did not understand what was happening. The paperwork was left in her cell. This paperwork appears to have been a notice of report, which informed the applicant that she had been placed on report for the alleged offence of disobeying a lawful order to provide a urine sample.
Later that day, she was sent to see the Governor when it was explained to her that she was being “put on report”. There were two officers in the room at the same time. Her account was that, feeling intimidated and not understanding the jargon they were using, she asked if she could have someone with her. The Governor refused, stating that this would only be allowed for someone with severe learning difficulties. The Governor did not ask her if there were any medical reasons why she should be assisted. The Government disputed the applicant’s account of this meeting.
The matter was adjourned to the following week, to allow the relevant prison officer to attend to give evidence. In the meantime, the applicant was seen by a medical officer who certified her as fit to take part in the hearing. She did not inform the medical officer either that her disability had prevented her from providing a urine sample, explaining that this was because the medical officer never asked.
On 11 January 2000 the applicant appeared again before the Governor. The Government submitted the record of the adjudication hearing which was filled out by the Governor at the hearing. Question 7 on Part 2 of the form enquires: “Do you want any additional help at this hearing? (If yes, explain the possibilities of assistance by a legal friend or legal representative)”. The Governor had ticked the box saying “No”. The applicant claimed that her request for legal representation was refused.
The applicant submitted that she was not asked any questions about her disability or whether she had problems urinating. The allegation of a refusal to give a sample was put to her. She claimed that she tried to explain as best she could and that the Governor indicated that most people could provide a sample when asked and he noted that she had refused water. She accepted that she did not inform the Governor during the adjudication hearing that her disability had prevented her from providing a urine sample. The Governor found the charge of disobeying a lawful order to have been proven and sentenced the applicant to 14 additional days’ detention. She was informed that she could appeal.
With the assistance of the prison chaplain, she obtained and completed on 12 January 2000 a complaint form. She noted in the form that she had not represented herself as well as she wished and would have benefited from a prepared statement. She indicated that she had bladder problems, exacerbated by the stress of her imprisonment and she disclosed that she had been menstruating. She indicated her willingness to provide a urine sample and requested to be allowed the time for which Rule 46A(7) of the Prison Rules 1964 had provided. In an attached statement, she made it clear that she had not refused to provide the sample but simply could not due to her disability. She indicated that she had recently gone more than 24 hours without urinating. She further requested some assistance in order to comply with the prison rules as they had been drafted with able-bodied persons in mind and did not make allowances for those with disabilities. She expressed extreme distress at having to discuss her bodily functions and requested that the 14 additional days’ be withdrawn.
On 14 January 2000 the Governor replied that he had spoken to the prison chaplain, read the applicant’s submissions and discussed the case with the prison service area manager, the latter of whom had read the papers. The area manager agreed that the charge had been proven and that the award of additional days could be reduced to 3 additional days (with no association with other prisoners for 3 nights and 7 days’ stoppages in pay). She was also to provide a urine sample under the MDT arrangements.
The applicant sought legal advice. Her legal representatives could not contact her by telephone and were offered a visit after her initial release date. Accordingly, they made written representations by letter dated 19 January 2000 to the Governor and to the prison service area manager outlining the applicant’s condition, how that had prevented her providing the sample and her distress and embarrassment. They sought the withdrawal of the 14 additional days’ award, in default of which proceedings under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 would be pursued.
The applicant was released on 26 January 2000. In his letter of 27 January 2000 to the applicant’s representatives (confirming a telephone conversation of 20 January 2000) the area manager stated that, while information was received by the Governor after the adjudication causing him to vary the sentence, that information did not cause the Governor or the writer to consider that the finding of guilt was flawed or should be quashed. He was further satisfied that the adjudication was conducted in a fair and proper manner. He noted that the applicant had not explained her difficulties to the officers involved in the test process, nor availed herself of the opportunity subsequently to talk through the issues with the Governor. That letter indicated that a medical officer had informed the Governor that she had been fit to appear and had made no comment to the Governor that she was unable to comply with an order to provide a sample.
On 11 July 2000 the applicant’s representatives complained to the Home Secretary about the prison adjudication matter. They received an acknowledgement dated 8 August 2000. | train | {
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001-58827 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court, by Mr Hans Peter Löffler (“the applicant”), an Austrian national, on 3 November 1998, within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It originated in an application (no. 30546/96) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 by the applicant. The applicant is represented by Mr R. Gabl, a lawyer practising in Linz (Austria). The Government of Austria are represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant’s request to the Court referred to Article 48 as amended by Protocol No. 9, which Austria had ratified. The object of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention as regards the length of the criminal proceedings against the applicant.
On 14 January 1999 the Panel of the Grand Chamber decided, pursuant to Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention and Rules 100 § 1 and 24 § 6 of the Rules of Court, that the application would be examined by one of the Sections. It was, thereupon, assigned to the Third Section. Within that Section, the Chamber was constituted in accordance with Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
In accordance with Rule 59 § 3 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Chamber invited the parties to submit a memorial on the issues of the case. The applicant submitted a memorial on 16 April 1999, and the Government on 17 May 1999.
After consulting the Agent of the Government and applicant’s lawyer the Chamber decided not to hold a hearing.
On 11 April 1986 preliminary investigations on the suspicion of murder were instituted against the applicant. On 31 March 1987 a Court of Assizes (Geschworenengericht) at the Linz Regional Court (Landesgericht) convicted the applicant of murder and sentenced him to eighteen years' imprisonment. On 15 September 1987 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) dismissed the applicant's plea of nullity and appeal against sentence.
On 6 September 1990 the applicant requested the re-opening of the criminal proceedings against him. On 11 December 1991 the Linz Regional Court dismissed the applicant's request. On 15 June 1992 the Linz Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) granted the applicant's appeal and reopened the criminal proceedings against him. At the same time the applicant was released.
On 23 August 1993 the Linz Public Prosecutor's Office filed a bill of indictment charging the applicant with murder. On 7 October 1993 the Linz Court of Appeal accepted the applicant's objections to the indictment.
On 30 May 1994 the Public Prosecutor's Office filed a new bill of indictment against the applicant. On 9 September 1994 the Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's objections to it.
On 6 February 1995 the Supreme Court dismissed a request by the Linz Regional Court to transfer jurisdiction in the case to a court in Vienna.
On 3 April 1995 the applicant filed a request under Section 91 of the Courts Organisation Act (Gerichtsorganisationsgesetz) with the Linz Court of Appeal. He complained about the inactivity of the Regional Court and requested the Court of Appeal to order the Regional Court to fix a date for the trial. On 24 May 1995 the Court of Appeal refused this request. The Court of Appeal found that the Regional Court had to wait for further expert opinions concerning a DNA test of hair and skin parts which had been found on the victim and the applicant’s clothes.
On 30 October 1995 the DNA test results were transmitted to the court.
On 12 February 1996 the Presiding Judge of the Assize Court fixed the date of the applicant's trial for 19 August 1996.
The applicant's trial commenced on 19 August 1996 and finished on 29 August 1996. On 29 August 1996 the Assize Court acquitted the applicant. | train | {
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"applicant": "Hans Peter Löffler",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2000
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Hans Peter Löffler |
001-60898 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 44647/98) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a national of the United Kingdom, Mr Geoffrey Dennis Peck (“the applicant”), on 22 April 1996.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr P. Leach, a solicitor lecturing in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms R. Mandal, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant complained about the disclosure to the media of closed-circuit television footage, which resulted in images of himself being published and broadcast widely, and about the lack of an effective domestic remedy in that respect. He relied on Articles 8 and 13 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). It was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 15 May 2001 the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The Government, but not the applicant, filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine).
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Fourth Section.
The applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Essex.
A. Closed-circuit television (CCTV) and the relevant footage
In February 1994 Brentwood Borough Council (“the Council”) approved guidelines for the operation and management of CCTV. The CCTV tape recordings would be retained initially for ninety days, this period to be reviewed from time to time and reduced to a minimum, and the tapes would be erased on completion of the storage period. In the section headed “privacy to neighbouring properties”, it was noted that the CCTV system should ensure adequate provision for the avoidance of unwarranted intrusion in areas surrounding those under surveillance. In the event of it becoming apparent that privacy was being violated, it was foreseen that the Council would take such steps as to ensure that “either an electronic (digital) screening or physical screening is taking place”. In April 1994 the Council installed a CCTV surveillance system in Brentwood. It was fully operational by July 1994. The Council's monitoring operator had a direct visual and audio link to the police so that if it was considered that an incident warranting police intervention was taking place, the images being captured could be switched through to the police.
In August 1995 the applicant was suffering from depression as a result of personal and family circumstances. On 20 August 1995 at 11.30 p.m. he walked alone down the high street towards a central junction in the centre of Brentwood with a kitchen knife in his hand and he attempted to commit suicide by cutting his wrists. He stopped at the junction and leaned over a railing facing the traffic with the knife in his hand. He was unaware that a CCTV camera, mounted on the traffic island in front of the junction, filmed his movements. The CCTV footage later disclosed did not show the applicant cutting his wrists, the operator being solely alerted to an individual in possession of a knife at the junction.
The police were notified by the CCTV operator and arrived. They took the knife from the applicant, gave him medical assistance and brought him to the police station. He was detained under the Mental Health Act 1983. His custody record refers to the self-inflicted injuries to his wrists on arrival and notes that he was examined and treated by a doctor, after which he was released without charge and taken home by police officers.
B. Release and publication of the footage
On 14 September 1995 the CCTV working party of the Council agreed to authorise the release of regular press features on the CCTV system. The Council also decided to cooperate with third parties in the preparation of factual programmes concerning their CCTV system.
The Council's first press feature, the CCTV News, was released on 9 October 1995 and included two photographs taken from the CCTV footage of the applicant to accompany an article entitled “Defused – The partnership between CCTV and the police prevents a potentially dangerous situation”. The applicant's face was not specifically masked. The article noted that an individual had been spotted with a knife in his hand, that he was clearly unhappy but not looking for trouble, that the police had been alerted, that the individual had been disarmed and brought to the police station where he was questioned and given assistance for his problems. The article included the name of a Council employee in the event that readers wished to obtain copies of the pictures.
On 12 October 1995 the Brentwood Weekly News used a photograph of the incident involving the applicant on its front page to accompany an article on the use and benefits of the CCTV system. The applicant's face was not specifically masked.
On 13 October 1995 an article entitled “Gotcha” appeared in the Yellow Advertiser, a local newspaper with a circulation of approximately 24,000. The article was accompanied by a photograph of the applicant taken from the CCTV footage. The newspaper article referred to the applicant having been intercepted with a knife and a potentially dangerous situation being defused as a result of the CCTV system. It was noted that the applicant had been released without charge.
As a result Anglia Television sought, and the Council provided, footage of the incident involving the applicant. On 17 October 1995 extracts from that footage were included in its news programme about the CCTV system, a local broadcast to an average audience of 350,000. The applicant's face had been masked at the Council's oral request. However, that masking was later considered inadequate by the Independent Television Commission (see below), the applicant's distinctive hairstyle and moustache making him easily recognisable to anyone who knew him.
On 18 October 1995 the Chairman of the Council informed the Council Technical Services Committee that cooperation had been, and would continue to be, given in the preparation of factual documentary programmes concerning the CCTV system. He referred to the feature on CCTV which had been broadcast by Anglia Television on the previous day.
In late October or November 1995 the applicant became aware that he had been filmed on CCTV and that footage had been released because a neighbour told his partner that the former had seen him on television. He did not take any action then as he was still suffering from severe depression.
On 16 February 1996 a second article entitled “Eyes in the sky triumph” was published in the Yellow Advertiser outlining the benefits of CCTV in the fight against crime and was accompanied by the same photograph as had been previously used by that newspaper. It appears that a number of people recognised the applicant. A letter of 25 April 1996 from the Yellow Advertiser opined that the applicant was not identifiable. The Press Complaints Commission did not decide whether or not the applicant was identifiable from the photograph (see below).
At or about that time the Council agreed to furnish CCTV footage of, inter alios, the applicant to the producers of “Crime Beat”, a series on BBC national television with an average of 9.2 million viewers. The Council imposed orally a number of conditions on the producers including that no one should be identifiable in the footage and that all faces should be masked. The BBC were also to consult with the police to ensure that they had “no objection to recordings being shown because of sub judice issues”.
Around 9 to 11 March 1996 the applicant was told by friends that they had seen him on 9 March 1996 in trailers for an episode of “Crime Beat” which was to be broadcast soon. On 11 March 1996 he complained to the Council about the forthcoming programme, at which stage the Council became aware of his identity. The Council contacted the producers who confirmed that his image had been masked. That evening the CCTV footage was shown on “Crime Beat”. The applicant's image was masked in the main programme itself but the Broadcasting Standards Commission (see below) later found that masking inadequate. Many of the applicant's friends and family who saw the programme recognised the applicant.
In response to the applicant's request for a copy of the Council's licence agreement with the producers of “Crime Beat”, by letter dated 21 February 1997, the Council provided an unsigned and undated agreement which did not appear to relate to the applicant but which contained a requirement to mask all faces in any copies of the relevant video. By letter dated 31 October 1997 the Council confirmed that it could not locate a signed copy of the agreement with the producers but it included an earlier draft of that agreement which had been signed by the producers, which related to the footage of the applicant but which did not include any masking requirement.
The applicant made a number of media appearances thereafter to speak out against the publication of the footage and photographs. On 28 March 1996 he participated in a national radio programme (BBC Radio 4). On 31 March 1996 he spoke to a journalist who published an article in a national newspaper and this was the first time the applicant's name appeared in the media. Other newspaper articles included photographs of the applicant or quotes given by him. He also appeared on national television: on 13 April 1996 on Channel 4's “Right to Reply”, on 25 July 1996 on Channel 5's “Espresso” and on 5 August 1997 on BBC 1's “You Decide”. He also had his photograph published in the Yellow Advertiser on 25 October 1996.
C. The Broadcasting Standards Commission (BSC)
On 25 April 1996 the applicant lodged a complaint with the BSC in relation to, inter alia, the “Crime Beat” programme alleging an unwarranted infringement of his privacy and that he had received unjust and unfair treatment. On 13 June 1997 the BSC upheld both of his complaints.
The BSC noted that the BBC had already accepted that it had meant to mask the applicant's image and that this had not been done in the trailer due to an oversight. The BSC also considered the masking during the programme inadequate as the applicant had been recognised by viewers who had not seen the trailer. It was accepted that the BBC had not intended that the applicant would be identifiable. However, the BSC found that the effect was to reveal to the applicant's family, friends and neighbours an episode which he did not wish to reveal, and that the outcome had been distressing and amounted to an unwarranted infringement of his privacy. The BSC added that the fact that the applicant later chose to speak publicly about this incident did not alter the infringement established. The BBC was directed to broadcast a summary of the adjudication of the BSC with the episode of “Crime Beat” on 12 June 1997 and a summary of the adjudication was also published in The Daily Telegraph on 12 June 1997.
D. The Independent Television Commission (ITC)
On 1 May 1996 the applicant complained to the ITC in respect of the broadcast by Anglia Television. The latter had already apologised to the applicant and conceded that it had breached the privacy requirements of section 2(2) and (5) of the ITC Code (sections concerning coverage of events in public and scenes of suffering and distress). The ITC noted that the implication was that a man carrying a knife was likely to be intent on a criminal act. It found that the applicant's identity was not adequately obscured and that he was readily identifiable and easily recognisable by those who knew him. It found that section 2(2) and (5) of the Code had been breached and the decision of the ITC was published in its Programme Complaints and Interventions Report of June 1996. Given the admission and apology by Anglia Television, no further action was taken by the ITC.
E. The Press Complaints Commission (PCC)
On 17 May 1996 the applicant complained to the PCC in respect of the articles published in the Yellow Advertiser. The PCC rejected the applicant's complaint without a hearing and the decision was communicated to the applicant by letter dated 2 August 1996. The PCC considered that, whether or not the applicant was identifiable from the photographs, the events in question took place in a town high street, open to public view. It did not consider that the juxtaposition of the photographs and the articles implied that the applicant had committed a crime and it had been made clear that he was released without charge, the second article indicating that the applicant was ill at the relevant time.
F. The judicial review proceedings
On 23 May 1996 the applicant applied to the High Court for leave to apply for judicial review of the Council's disclosure of the CCTV material arguing, inter alia, that that disclosure had no basis in law. On 26 June 1996 a single judge of the High Court refused leave. On 18 October 1996 the High Court granted leave on a renewed request and leave to amend the application to include a complaint that the disclosure was irrational, even if lawful.
By judgment dated 25 November 1997 the High Court rejected the application for judicial review. It found that the purpose of section 163 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (“the 1994 Act”) was to empower a local authority to provide CCTV equipment in order to promote the prevention of crime or the welfare of victims of crime: “By publicising information about the successful operation of the CCTV, the Council was providing information about its effectiveness and thereby reinforcing the deterrent effect of its operation. The making available to the media of footage from the CCTV film to show the effectiveness of the system can properly be said ... to be incidental to and to facilitate the discharge of the Council's function under section 163 [of the 1994 Act] because it thereby increased, or tended to increase, the preventative effect of the equipment which [the Council was] providing for the purposes of the prevention of crime.”
It concluded that the Council had the power to distribute the CCTV footage to the media by virtue of section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972 in the discharge of their functions under section 163 of the 1994 Act.
As to the “rationality” of the Council's decision to disclose, the applicant submitted that the Council acted irrationally in disclosing the footage with the aim of crime prevention when he had not been, in fact, involved in any criminal activity. He argued that by failing to consult the police to see if he had been charged with a criminal offence and to impose sufficient restrictions as regards disclosure of his identity, the Council had facilitated an unwarranted invasion of his privacy which was contrary to the spirit, if not the letter, of the Council's guidelines.
The High Court judge had some sympathy with that submission but did not consider it correct in law. He went on: “I have some sympathy with the applicant who has suffered an invasion of his privacy, as is borne out by the findings of the Independent Television Commission and the Broadcasting Standards Commission. However, if I am right in deciding that the Council does have power to distribute the film footage from its CCTV system, there may on occasion be undesirable invasions of privacy. Unless and until there is a general right of privacy recognised by English law (and the indications are that there may soon be so by incorporation of the European Convention on Human Rights into our law), reliance must be placed on effective guidance being issued by Codes of practice or otherwise, in order to try and avoid such undesirable invasions of a person's privacy. The evidence is that the CCTV cameras in public places play an important role in both crime prevention and crime detection. In this case, the film footage showed a man walking in the High Street carrying a large knife in his hand. It did not show him attempting to commit suicide. It was plainly a potentially dangerous situation which the Council's monitoring employee quite properly put to the police, as a result of which the man was arrested. ... It was not unreasonable for the Council to conclude that the footage was a useful example of how a potentially dangerous situation can be avoided. ... In those circumstances, it seems to me that the decision of the Council to distribute the film footage to the media could not be said to be irrational or unreasonable, bearing in mind that the film did not show an attempted suicide and that, at the time, they did not know the applicant's identity. They therefore had no reason to consult the police as to whether an offence had been committed. They did not sell the take-outs from the CCTV footage for commercial gain and, more importantly, they had imposed on the television companies a requirement that an individual's face should be masked. It is true that that was a verbal rather than a written requirement, but I am not persuaded that what happened was likely to have been different if it had been a written requirement. In the event, the fault lay with the television companies. Anglia TV failed to mask the applicant's identity adequately. The BBC failed to mask the applicant's identity at all in the trailers. As soon as the Council were notified about that by the applicant, two days before the programme went out, which was the first time they were aware of the applicant's identity, they immediately contacted the BBC and received assurances that his image had been masked in the programme. In the event, unknown to the Council, it had not been adequately masked in the programme. I am sure that lessons can be learnt from this unfortunate incident, and it may be that, with the benefit of hindsight, the Council will want to see if they can tighten up their guidelines to seek to avoid a similar incident in the future. I am, however, equally sure that, in the circumstances that I have described, the Council cannot be said to have acted irrationally in the sense that they had taken leave of their senses or had acted in a manner in which no reasonable local authority could sensibly have acted.”
An application to the High Court for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal was rejected. The subsequent leave application to a single judge of the Court of Appeal was rejected on 21 January 1998 because “... the [High Court] Judge was plainly correct in his interpretation of the relevant statutory provisions and the Council was neither acting outside its statutory authority nor irrationally in making the film and photographs available to the media. The injury, of which complaint is made, arises from a failure on the part of the media to sufficiently disguise the applicant when making the film and photographs visible to the public. That is and has been the subject of complaint against the media involved but is not capable of supporting a claim for a declaration against Brentwood Borough Council”.
Following an oral hearing before the full Court of Appeal, the applicant's leave application was dismissed on 19 February 1998. | train | {
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001-86298 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 31283/04) against the Kingdom of Norway lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Marcus Orr (“the applicant”), on 16 August 2004.
The applicant was represented by Ms S. Zanker, a lawyer practising in London. The Norwegian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs F. Platou Amble, Attorney, Attorney General’s Office (Civil Matters).
The applicant alleged a violation of Article 6 § 2 of the Convention on account of the national court’s decision, despite his acquittal on criminal charges, to order him to pay compensation to the victim.
On 19 October 2006 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
On 7 August 2001, the applicant co-piloted a British Airways flight from Newcastle to Gardermoen Airport outside Oslo. There were three other crew members on board, including Ms C. (1st Cabin Crew). All four crew members were to stay overnight at an airport hotel before flying back to the United Kingdom the next day.
On 1 November 2002 the Eidsvoll District Court (tingrett) convicted the applicant of having raped C and sentenced him to 2 years’ and 6 months’ imprisonment and ordered him to pay her NOK 75,000 for non-pecuniary damage and NOK 160,000 for pecuniary damage.
On an appeal by the applicant, the Eidsivating High Court (lagmannsrett), sitting with a jury, held a fresh hearing in the case. The jury answered the questions relating to the charges in the negative (no reasons are given by a jury).The professional judges decided to pass judgment on the basis of the jury’s verdict and acquitted the applicant by a judgment of 20 March 2003.
Ms C. maintained the claim that the applicant was civilly liable to pay compensation under the Damage Compensation Act 1969. The High Court, consisting of the professional judges, considered the claim the next day. By two votes to one the High Court concluded, in the same judgment, that the applicant was liable and ordered him to pay NOK 74,000 in compensation for pecuniary damage and NOK 25,000 for non-pecuniary damage.
The High Court’s judgment included the following account and reasoning: “The High Court jury was asked one main question, which concerned forcible coitus. The jury answered the question in the negative. Thereafter the jury was asked one main question as to whether the accused was guilty of obtaining, by gross negligence, sexual relation by violence or threatening behaviour. There was additionally put a supplementary question as to whether the sexual relation mentioned in the main question constituted coitus. The jury answered the main question in the negative. The court bases the judgment on the jury’s verdict. [The applicant] is therefore acquitted of the indictment raised against him. The victim’s assistant counsel stated, after the jury’s verdict had been made known, that the compensation claim for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage would be maintained. The victim has claimed an amount up to NOK 74,000 in compensation for pecuniary damage and up to 75,000 NOK for non-pecuniary damage. The accused has pleaded that he should be released from the claim. Despite the fact that [the applicant] has been acquitted of having, with intent or gross negligence, raped [Ms C.], under Norwegian law, she has not thereby lost her possibility to claim compensation under the civil law on tort for the harmful act that she claims has taken place. Because other and weaker requirements of proof apply for establishing that an act has occurred under the civil law on tort than when there is question of imposing criminal liability for the same act, an award of compensation for pecuniary/non-pecuniary damage would not in itself amount to setting aside the acquittal. The compensation issue shall be determined under the Damage Compensation Act 1969. If the victim has been exposed to an infringement or misconduct as described inter alia in Article 192 of the Penal Code, compensation for pecuniary damage resulting from the infringement or misconduct may be awarded under sections 3-1 and 3-3 of the Damage Compensation Act. In section 3-5 it is further stipulated that a person who with intent or gross negligence has “... committed infringement or an act of misconduct as mentioned in section 3-3” may be ordered to pay to the victim such a lump sum as the court deems would constitute reasonable compensation for the pain and suffering and other non-pecuniary caused thereby. Because [Ms C.] alleges that the applicant has been guilty of an aggravated act against her in respect of which he has been acquitted of criminal liability, it is required in the assessment of the evidence that on the balance of probabilities it is clearly probable [klar sannsynlighetsovervekt] that the act has taken place. This means that considerably more than ordinary probability is required, albeit not the same strength of evidence being required as for establishing that the perpetrator is guilty in a criminal case. [The applicant] and [Ms C.] spent the night from 7 to 8 August 2001 at SAS Radisson Hotel at Gardermoen. [...] On the basis of [Ms C.]’s evidence and the requirement of clear of probability on the balance of probabilities in order to fulfil the requirement of proof, the High Court finds it established for its decision on compensation that the applicant called her at her hotel room during the night with the pretext that he needed to borrow or to get some drinks as he himself had ‘gone dry’. [Ms C] was lying asleep when the telephone rang and was irritated about the disturbance, but she replied that he could come and get something from her mini-bar. Immediately thereafter he knocked on the door. [Ms C.] who was not wearing night clothes did not have the time to get dressed, but covered herself with her quilt, opened the door and let the applicant into the room. She could see that he was intoxicated. He went to the mini-bar and fetched something to drink, but instead of leaving he sat down on her bed and started talking. After a short time he began pulling her quilt in order to remove it. She asked him to leave, but he did not follow her suggestion. At a certain point in time he managed to get the quilt off her, but she managed to get up and put it around her again. [The applicant] continued to pull the quilt and drew her towards himself and also got himself undressed. In the end they were both in the bed. The High Court unanimously finds that on the balance of probabilities it is clearly probable that [the applicant] during this night had sexual intercourse with [Ms C.] and that this intercourse was not consensual on her part. As to the question whether the remaining conditions for making an award of compensation have been fulfilled, the High Court is divided in a majority and a minority. The majority [...] finds on the evidence that on the balance of probabilities it was clearly probable that [the applicant] understood that [Ms C.] did not want sexual relations with him, but nonetheless forced coitus upon her by exercising such a level of violence [vold] that the act could be accomplished. There was no question of serious use of violence [alvorlig voldsbruk], only of overpowering by holding [Ms C.]’s arms. Even though the victim had different alternatives for escaping the situation, which she for different reasons did not find that she could use, this does not alter the basic character of the act which was wilful violation by the use of violence [vold]. Against the background of the majority’s finding that it has been established that on the balance of probabilities it was clearly probable that [the applicant], by the use of violence [vold] has gained [tiltvunget seg] sexual intercourse with [Ms C.], the conditions for making an award of compensation have been fulfilled. [...] The minority, ..., has found that the conditions for ordering the accused to pay compensation have not been fulfilled. The minority does not find it has been made sufficiently probable that [the applicant] understood that the sexual intercourse was not consensual on [Ms C.]’s part or displayed gross negligence in this respect.”
On 12 May 2004, on the basis of the High Court’s judgment, the applicant’s appeal within the company against his dismissal from his job as a pilot for British Airways was refused.
The applicant appealed to the Supreme Court against the High Court’s procedure, assessment of evidence and application of the law. The appeal on the latter point was on the ground that, contrary to Article 6 § 2 of the Convention, the High Court had failed in its judgment to make it sufficiently clear that the order to pay compensation did not affect his acquittal of the charges. By a decision of 9 October 2003 the Appeals Selection Committee of the Supreme Court granted leave to appeal with respect to this ground of appeal, while refusing such leave for the remainder.
In support of his appeal against the High Court’s application of the law, the applicant argued, inter alia the following. For a judgment awarding compensation to be rendered after an acquittal, there was a requirement under the European Court’s case law relating to Article 6 § 2 of the Convention that the reasoning stated in the judgement be worded in such a way as not to cast doubt on the correctness of the acquittal. This entailed firstly that the judgment must make a clear distinction between the acquittal on the criminal charge and the decision on compensation. It ought to be made clear that the subject-matter for the two issues, respectively criminal and civil liability, are different and that the award of compensation did not weaken the acquittal. In this case, the High Court had failed to create the necessary distance between the two issues, since the reasoning in the judgment went on immediately thereafter to deal with the subject of compensation. Moreover, no express reservation had been stated with regard to the acquittal. Furthermore, the applicant argued, it was necessary to avoid the use of formulations that might serve to raise doubts about the acquittal. In several places, the High Court had used such formulations, including the expressions “guilty”, “the use of force” and “sexual intercourse by force”. This came so close to establishing that the conditions for criminal sexual assault had been fulfilled that the presumption of innocence must be deemed to have been violated. Extra care ought to be exercised when formulating the reasoning in a judgment where the questions of criminal liability and civil liability to pay compensation are decided in the same case. In this connection the applicant relied on the Court’s judgment of 11 February 2003 in Y. v. Norway (no. 56568/00, ECHR 2003‑II). The applicant, again referring to the aforementioned Y v. Norway judgment and also to Article 13 of the Convention, submitted that, if the Supreme Court were to find a breach of the Convention in the present case, it would have to quash the lower court’s judgment. Where a decision suffered from such defects, due process required that there be an entirely fresh assessment of the evidence. If there was no basis for setting the impugned judgment aside, then at the very least a declaratory judgment ought to be rendered, stating a violation of the Convention.
On 24 February 2004 the Supreme Court unanimously rejected the applicant’s appeal against the High Court’s judgment on compensation, finding no breach of Article 6 § 2 of the Convention. The first voting judge, Ms Justice Stabel, gave the following reasons: (23) I have concluded that the reasons given by the High Court do not contravene the presumption of innocence in Article 6 § 2 of the Convention [...] and accordingly that the appeal will not succeed. [...] (25) With regard to the details of the provision applied in our case, it is in my view appropriate to base our assessment on the judgment rendered by the Supreme Court on 27 November 2003 in Case No. 2003/227. This judgment was rendered after the guiding judgments by the European Court of 11 February 2003 in Y. v. Norway [cited above] and Ringvold v. Norway [no. 34964/97, ECHR 2003‑II]. Reference is made to the thorough discussion of the decisions – and past case-law of the European Court – contained therein. Therein it is stated that Article 6 § 2 protects any person suspected of a criminal offence against any affirmations being made in court decisions on other statements by public authorities that he is guilty of a criminal offence, without his having been convicted in a criminal case. (26) It is accordingly clear – and undisputed – that it is not contrary to the presumption of innocence for a person who has been acquitted of a criminal charge to be ordered to pay compensation in a civil case, even if in terms of content the material facts upon which the claim for compensation is based correspond to the conditions for criminal liability. However, where a person who has been acquitted of a criminal charge is ordered to pay compensation, it is a requirement that the grounds on which the compensation order is based must not be formulated in such a way as to cast doubts over the correctness of the acquittal. Moreover, provided that the compensation order is not formulated in this way, Article 6 § 2 of the Convention [...] does not constitute an obstacle to the person acquitted of the criminal charge being ordered to pay compensation in the same case for the act to which the indictment related. (27) According to Article 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, ... a legal claim that the victim or other injured parties have against the accused may be adjudicated in the criminal case, provided that the claim derives from the same act as the criminal case. The possibility to review the claim for compensation in the criminal case has clear advantages from the point of view of procedural economy and saves the victim from the financial and emotional burden of undergoing two trials. The evidentiary requirements in civil actions are less stringent than those that apply in criminal cases. An unavoidable consequence of this is that a person who has been acquitted of a criminal charge may be ordered to pay compensation in the same case, based on the finding that he committed the act in respect of which s/he had been acquitted. In order to enable this without creating doubts about the acquittal, strict requirements should apply to the reasoning contained in the judgment awarding compensation. (28) The ground for the appeal is that the reasons given in the High Court’s judgment on this point violated the presumption of innocence. In its judgment of 27 November 2003, the Supreme Court found that an appeal lodged on this basis must be regarded as an appeal on the ground of procedural error. This too is my finding. (29) Under Article 144(4) of the Code of Civil Procedure, the reasoning in a judgment in a civil case must ‘state precisely and exhaustively the facts on which the Court bases its decision ...’. In our case the basis for compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage is sections 3-3 and 3-5(1)(b)of the Damage Compensation Act 1969. It is a condition in both of these provisions that the tortfeasor has inflicted on the victim a violation of the type provided for in Article 192 of the Criminal Code. The court must therefore make it clear that it has found proven a fact which from an objective point of view constitutes a breach of this provision. The subjective conditions for liability also coincide to some extent, namely that compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage requires intent or gross negligence and that Article 192 (4) of the Criminal Code also makes sexual assault by gross negligence a criminal offence. (30) Given the manner the conditions for compensation have been formulated, it is not possible to avoid coming close to a criminal- law assessment. In order to do this, without casting doubt on the acquittal, the court must in my view take as a starting point what inter alia distinguishes the legal consequences, i.e. the requirement of proof that the conditions have been fulfilled. The finding that, in objective terms, a breach of Article 192 has occurred cannot be avoided. The same applies to the subjective conditions for compensation. What must be avoided is casting doubt over the correctness of the acquittal, in view of the strict evidentiary requirements that apply in criminal cases. (31) The High Court opens the section of the judgment in which the compensation issue is decided by stating that notwithstanding the acquittal of [the applicant], under Norwegian law [Ms C.] has not forfeited her right to claim compensation for pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage under the rules on civil compensation for the tortuous act which she says has taken place. The Court continues: ‘Because other and weaker requirements of proof apply for establishing that an act has occurred under the civil law on tort than when there is question of imposing criminal liability for the same act, an award of compensation for pecuniary/non-pecuniary damage would not in itself amount to setting aside the acquittal.’ (32) The defence has argued that the interjection ‘in itself’ constitutes a reservation that opens the way for the conclusion that doubt is cast on the judgment. I do not agree with this, nor that the High Court, when providing in a subsequent paragraph a further description of the evidentiary requirements, refers to [Ms C.]’s claim that [the applicant] was ‘guilty’ of an aggravated act towards her for which he has been acquitted in terms of criminal law. The expression ‘guilty’, which in fact was a quote from [Ms C.]’s submissions, must be viewed with reference to the evidentiary requirements applicable in compensation cases of this nature and to the other conditions. (33) After having outlined the chain of events that it has found established, the High Court concluded that ‘it is clear on the balance of probabilities that on this night [the applicant] had sexual intercourse with [Ms C.] and that this intercourse was not voluntary on her part’. This cannot in my view be regarded as an attack on the acquittal. Nor does it go any further than what is necessary in order to establish that the conditions for compensation are present. The same applies when the majority of the High Court states that on the balance of probabilities it was clearly probable that [the applicant] realised that [Ms C.] did not want sexual intercourse with him and that ‘[the applicant] by the use of violence has gained sexual intercourse with [Ms C.].’ (34) To sum up, I note that the High Court provided a clear account of the differences between the evidentiary requirements for punishment and those applicable to compensation. Moreover, the assessment of the conditions for compensation took place on an independent basis without any reference to the indictment or the written list of questions put to the jury. Furthermore, as I have already noted, I do not find that expressions of a typically criminal- law character were used. Factors of this nature were found to be decisive when the Supreme Court ruled on 27 November 2003 that the presumption of innocence had been violated in that case, see paragraphs 36 and 38 of the decision. In our case, I am accordingly of the view that the High Court marked the necessary distance to the criminal case and that it did not cast doubt on the acquittal in other ways. (35) I have concluded on this basis that the appeal must be rejected.” The four other judges agreed with the first voting judge “in the main and the conclusion”.
The applicant has submitted a letter of 20 October 2004 from the Compensation Office for Victims of Violent Crime (Kontoret for voldsoffererstatning). It states that by a decision of 24 May 2004 the Office had granted Ms C. NOK 182,313 in compensation, “having found it shown on the balance of probabilities it was clearly probable that she had been inflicted personal injury as a result of a criminal act.” It further notified the applicant that the Office might seek restitution of NOK 124,000 from him. | train | {
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001-58367 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by Mr Ernst Lughofer and Mrs Anna Lughofer (“the applicants”), Austrian nationals, on 22 October 1998, within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It originated in an application (no. 22811/93) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 by the applicants. The applicants are represented by Mr E. Proksch, a lawyer practising in Vienna (Austria). The Government of Austria are represented by their Agent, Mr F. Cede, Ambassador, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The applicants’ application to the Court referred to Article 48 as amended by Protocol No. 90, which Austria had ratified. The object of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
Following the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention on 1 November 1998 and in accordance with Article 5 § 4 thereof read in conjunction with Rule 100 § 1 and Rule 24 § 6 of the Rules of Court, a Panel of the Grand Chamber decided on 14 January 1999 that the case should be dealt with by a Chamber constituted within one of the Sections of the Court.
In accordance with Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Court, Mr L. Wildhaber, assigned the case to the Third Section. The Chamber ultimately constituted within the Section included Mr. J.-P. Costa, Mr P. Kūris, Mrs F. Tulkens, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mr K. Jungwiert, Mrs H.S. Greve and Mr K. Traja.
On 12 March 1999 the President of the Chamber invited the parties to submit a memorial on the issues of the case. By letter of 29 April 1999 the applicants informed the Court that they did not wish to submit a memorial; on 17 May 1999 the Government conceded that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention in the circumstances of the case.
After consulting the Agent of the Government and applicants’ lawyer the Chamber decided not to hold a hearing in the case.
The applicants' farm was the object of land consolidation proceedings (Zusammenlegungsverfahren) instituted by the Gmunden District Agricultural Authority (Agrarbezirksbehörde) on 22 February 1973.
On 21 August 1984 the District Authority held a hearing at which the farmers concerned could express their wishes (Wunschverhandlung) and on 22 August 1985 the District Authority ordered the provisional transfer of the properties concerned, inter alia, land owned by the applicants. In July 1989 the District Authority issued a consolidation plan (Zusammenlegungsplan). The applicants appealed, claiming that they had not received adequate land in exchange for their parcels AK 2 and AK 8. On 5 July 1990 the Upper Austria Regional Land Reform Board (Landesagrarsenat) dismissed the applicants' appeal after an oral hearing held in private, but in the presence of the parties and their lawyer.
On 25 September 1990 the applicants filed a complaint with the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) against the above decision. They also asked the Court to hold an oral hearing.
On 15 December 1992 the Administrative Court dismissed the complaint, rejecting at the same time, in accordance with Section 39 (2) no. 6 of the Administrative Court Act, the applicants' request for an oral hearing. | train | {
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"applicant": "Ernst Lughofer",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Ernst Lughofer |
001-77942 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 30003/02) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Milenko Stojakovic (“the applicant”), on 7 August 2002.
The applicant was represented by Mr M. Poduschka, a lawyer practising in Perg. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained, in particular, under Article 6 of the Convention about the lack of a public oral hearing before a tribunal.
The application was allocated to the First Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1).
By a decision of 5 July 2005, the Court declared the application partly admissible.
The applicant, but not the Government, filed further written observations (Rule 59 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1944 and lives in Linz.
Since 1984 the applicant was the head of the Federal Bacteriological Serological Research Institute (Bundesstaatiche bakteriologisch-serologische Untersuchungsanstalt) in Linz. According to the activity profile submitted by the Government the tasks of the Institute involved • carrying out of various examinations, namely examinations upon official request under the relevant Health Acts and bacteriological examinations of water quality; • research, collection and transfer of data; assistance to the installation and maintenance of a notification system concerning certain infectious diseases; maintenance of a specific network on epidemiological diseases integrating EU and other international networks; • participation in international scientific projects and studies; • provision of general information and advice, such as advice concerning prevention and transfer of infectious diseases and use of antibiotics; • assistance by giving of expert advice in the elaboration of quality standards for microbiological laboratories, of national recommendations in the field of hygiene, medical microbiology and preventive medicine and of epidemic legislation; • representation of the competent Ministry's department in national and international expert groups.
The applicant, as head of the Institute, was responsible for all tasks entrusted to it. Under section 3 of the Civil Servants Act (Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz) he was further responsible for certain matters concerning the regulation of its service, namely the arrangement of vacation and grant of special leave, and had the authority to issue decisions (Bescheide) in this regard.
On 22 November 1999 the Disciplinary Commission at the Ministry for Work, Health and Social Affairs (Disziplinarkommission beim Bundesministerium für Arbeit, Gesundheit und Soziales) found the applicant guilty of having violated his professional duties under the Non-Discrimination Act (Bundes-Gleichbehandlungsgesetz) and sentenced him to a fine of approximately 2,400 euros (EUR). It found that the applicant inter alia had made statements about some of his employees amounting to sexual harassment. On 15 June 2000 the Senior Disciplinary Board at the Ministry for Public Service and Sport (Disziplinaroberkommission beim Bundesministerium für öffentliche Leistung und Sport) partly dismissed the applicant's appeal. It reduced the fine to approximately EUR 1,600. On 4 September 2003 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant's complaint.
In the meantime, on 31 March 2000, the Federal Minister for Work, Health and Social Affairs recalled the applicant from his post with immediate effect (Abberufung mit sofortiger Wirkung) and transferred him to a post with a lower grade, namely a referee post at the Ministry for Work, Health and Social Affairs in Vienna.
Referring to the applicant's behaviour which was the subject of the pending disciplinary proceedings, the Federal Minister found that the applicant had violated his professional duties, and could no longer be trusted to perform the managerial duties as head of the Institute. She referred to section 38 of the Civil Servants Act according to which a transfer can be ordered ex officio in case of important official interest. At the same time she informed the applicant that the payment of the extra duty allowance (Verwendungszulage) granted to him as head of the Institute was to be discontinued from 1 May 2000.
On 17 April 2000 the applicant filed an appeal and submitted that the disciplinary proceedings were still pending.
On 21 June 2000 the applicant, assisted by his counsel, filed further submissions. He submitted that the Federal Minister had not made sufficient findings as to the background in which his statements had been made and had placed them in the wrong context. He further contested that he had made one of the statements and requested to hear a witness in the context of a hearing. He finally argued that the Senior Disciplinary Board had partly granted his appeal and that the disciplinary proceedings were still pending. There were, therefore, no reasons for his transfer.
On 9 October 2000 the Appeals Commission (Berufungs-kommission) at the Ministry for Public Service and Sport dismissed the applicant's appeal without holding a hearing. It noted that the authority deciding on the transfer did not necessarily need to wait for the outcome of pending disciplinary proceedings but could assess itself whether a civil servant had violated his professional duties and whether such a violation requested a transfer. The applicant's arguments concerned mainly the question of his guilt, which was the subject of the disciplinary proceedings. Its task was to ascertain whether the applicant's transfer was objectively necessary. It nevertheless examined and dismissed the applicant's arguments as to the alleged justifying context in which the statements had been made. It further acknowledged that it was in fact not clear whether the applicant had made one of the statements at issue. However, having regard to all other statements it confirmed the Federal Minister's finding that the applicant could no longer be trusted to perform the tasks of a head of the Institute. In particular that the applicant's unqualified behaviour had deepened the already existent conflicts and tensions at work and there was, therefore, an important official interest which made his transfer to another post necessary.
On 6 December 2000 the applicant filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). He complained that the fact that the Appeals Commission had taken its decision after a private meeting was in violation of his right to court proceedings under Article 6 of the Convention. Furthermore he alleged that the Appeals Commission had decided arbitrarily as it had not duly taken account of his arguments made in the disciplinary proceedings according to which the proceedings against him had to be seen in the context of the Ministry's restructuring programme and were aimed at obliging him to take early retirement.
On 26 November 2001 the Constitutional Court dismissed the applicant's complaint. Referring to its case-law it found that rights and obligations which resulted from an employment as a civil servant could not be considered as “civil rights” within the meaning of Article 6 of the Convention. It followed that Article 6 was not applicable to the applicant's case. It further found that there was no indication of arbitrariness in the proceedings at issue.
This decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 13 February 2002. | train | {
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"applicant": "Milenko Stojakovic",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Milenko Stojakovic |
001-102808 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 34236/06) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Montenegrin national, Mr Milovan Popović (“the applicant”), on 11 August 2006.
The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
On 21 April 2008 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The Federal Republic of Germany having accepted the provisional application of the provisions of Protocol no. 14 governing the power of three judge Committees to rule on cases in which there is a well-established case-law, it was decided to assign the application to a Committee after consultation of both parties, who did not object. On 2 March 2010 the Committee, having deliberated, decided to refer the application to a Chamber.
The Government of Montenegro, having been informed of their right to intervene in the proceedings (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention and Rule 44 of the Rules of Court), have not indicated that they wished to exercise that right.
The applicant was born in 1954 and lives in Hamburg.
A. The proceedings before the Hamburg Regional Court
On 13 November 1996 K., a dentist, brought an action in the Hamburg Regional Court against the applicant. He claimed the payment of medical fees amounting to DEM 20,708 (some EUR 10,587) for the applicant's dental treatment.
On 6 March 1997 the Regional Court held a hearing with the parties, represented by counsel. On 3 July 1997 it heard the submissions of the parties and a witness, the applicant's fiancée.
On 31 July 1997 the Regional Court decided to consult a medical expert, M., on the question of whether K. had carried out the applicant's dental treatment correctly.
On 14 May 1998 M., having examined the applicant on 19 December 1997, submitted his report to the Regional Court, which had asked him on three occasions to finalize the report and had finally fixed a deadline for its submission. He found that there had not been any malpractice in the applicant's dental treatment.
On 24 September 1998 the Regional Court dismissed the objection the applicant had made to expert M. on 15 June 1998. The applicant's appeal against this decision to the Hamburg Court of Appeal was to no avail.
On 12 February 1999 the Hamburg Regional Court asked expert M. to supplement his report and granted the applicant legal aid.
On 24 September 1999 the applicant requested the court to fix a deadline for submission of the additional expert report on pain of a fine in the event of non-compliance.
On 29 February 2000 expert M., having been asked by the Regional Court on 24 June 1999, 30 August 1999, 17 September 1999 and 14 January 2000 to submit his additional report without undue delay, informed the court that he had examined the applicant on 22 October 1999 but that, in the light of the present state of the art, it was impossible to answer the court's questions.
On 20 July 2000, having consulted the parties, the Hamburg Regional Court decided to obtain another expert opinion on the question of whether K. had carried out the applicant's dental treatment correctly. By a decision of 14 December 2000, it appointed S. as expert.
On 11 June 2001 expert S. submitted his report to the court. Having examined the applicant on 27 February 2001, he found that there had been malpractice in some aspects of the applicant's dental treatment by K.
On 15 January 2002 the Regional Court informed the applicant, on his request, that despite its heavy workload, it intended to continue the proceedings soon.
On 6 June 2002 the Regional Court held a hearing in which it discussed the results of the expert reports submitted by M. and S. with the parties. The applicant rejected the court's proposal to conclude a friendly settlement.
On 27 June 2002 the Regional Court, having regard to the diverging conclusions of the two experts it had consulted, decided to obtain a decisive expert opinion (Obergutachten) on the question of whether the applicant's dental treatment had been carried out correctly.
On 25 October 2002 the Hamburg Regional Court decided to appoint W. as expert. The latter fixed the date for the applicant's examination for 9 December 2003.
On 1 December 2003, in compliance with an expulsion order made by the Hamburg Aliens Office, the applicant left Germany. His attempt to obtain a postponement of his expulsion for ten days in order to allow him to be examined by expert W. had been to no avail.
On 9 September 2004 the Regional Court fixed the deadline for the applicant to present himself for an examination by the expert at 30 November 2004.
On 1 December 2004 the Regional Court decided that expert W. should give her opinion on the basis of the case file. It noted that it was unclear when the applicant, who still resided abroad, would obtain a residence permit and could thus be examined in person by the expert.
On 27 July 2005 expert W., having been asked by the Regional Court to finalize her report without delay, submitted her report to the Regional Court. She found that on the basis of the case file, the applicant's medical treatment by K. had been carried out correctly. She considered the information in the file to be exhaustive and stated that an examination of the applicant in person would not have yielded additional information.
On 1 August 2005 the applicant obtained permission to re-enter Germany. He took up residence in Hamburg on 3 August 2005.
On 27 October 2005 the Hamburg Regional Court, having held a hearing on 29 September 2005, allowed K.'s action and ordered the applicant to pay him medical fees amounting to EUR 10,587.93 plus interest at a rate of four per cent starting from 22 November 1996. The applicant was further ordered to bear the costs of the proceedings. The Regional Court found (in a judgment running to seven pages) that in view of the expert report submitted, in particular, by W., it had not been shown that the applicant's medical treatment had not been carried out correctly.
B. The proceedings before the Hamburg Court of Appeal
On 10 May 2006, in a reasoned decision, the Hamburg Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's request for legal aid as his appeal had no prospects of success.
By decision of 19 June 2006 the Hamburg Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal as it had no prospects of success.
The applicant subsequently paid the court costs due in their entirety. He did not, however, pay the plaintiff the medical fees plus interest as ordered by the Regional Court's judgment and did not reimburse the plaintiff any of the latter's costs of the proceedings (EUR 2,846.95) for lack of any income or revenues. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Milovan Popović |
001-59983 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 38536/97) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Josef Schreder (“the applicant”), on 9 January 1997.
The applicant was represented before the Court by Mr W. Dellacher, a lawyer practising in Klagenfurt. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that civil proceedings concerning him lasted unreasonably long.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 21 November 2000 the Court declared the application partly admissible.
As of 1 November 2001 the application was allocated to the First Section of the Court. Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
The applicant was a shareholder in a limited liability company, but assigned his shares to another shareholder in 1985. Subsequently, the company went bankrupt.
On 8 April 1986 a bank which had extended credit to the company filed an action against the applicant with the Innsbruck Regional Court (Landesgericht) requesting repayment because of his joint and several liability for the credit.
On 29 April 1986 the first hearing was held and on 14 July 1986 the second. On 1 August 1986 the file was transmitted to the Lienz District Court (Bezirksgericht) to hear two witnesses and the applicant. On 18 November 1986 the Lienz District Court returned the file to the Innsbruck District Court. On 25 November 1986 the file was transmitted to the Salzburg District Court to hear witnesses. The file was returned on 12 May 1987 and 10 September 1987 was set down as date for the next hearing. It was postponed upon the applicant’s request and was eventually held on 6 October 1987. On 18 November 1987 the court appointed a banking expert. On 11 February 1988 the file was again transmitted to the Lienz District Court for the hearing of a further witness. It was returned on 3 March and sent to the expert on 22 April 1988. The expert delivered his opinion on 23 September 1988. The applicant’s request for an extension of the time‑limit to comment on the expert opinion was granted and the time‑limit set at 14 November 1988. On 19 January 1989 another hearing was held.
On 20 February 1989 the Regional Court granted the bank’s claim having regard to the submissions of the parties, witnesses and the expert, to documentary evidence and to the case files of the bankruptcy proceedings.
On 29 March 1989 the applicant appealed against this decision. On 25 August 1989 the Innsbruck Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) quashed the decision and referred the case back to the Regional Court.
A hearing which was scheduled by the Innsbruck Regional Court for 22 March 1990 had to be postponed as the claimant had failed to submit necessary documents and a witness could not be summoned. It was held on 29 August 1990. Subsequently, the applicant requested legal aid and on 24 September 1990 requested an extension by four weeks of the time-limit for submitting his declaration of means. On 3 December 1990, after the applicant had been granted legal aid, the expert was ordered to supplement his opinion. The expert complied with this order on 11 October 1991. After a hearing was held on 7 May 1992, the expert was again ordered to supplement his opinion. On 14 September 1993 the expert informed the court that both parties had failed to submit documents required. On 29 September 1993 a further hearing was held at which the court dismissed the applicant’s motion for bias concerning the expert. The next hearing was held on 25 April 1994 and on 9 May 1994 the file was again transmitted to the expert. On 30 January 1995 the expert submitted his supplemented opinion. On 15 March 1995 a further hearing was held.
On 12 February 1996 the Innsbruck Regional Court again granted the bank’s claim. On 3 April 1996 the applicant appealed against the decision.
On 12 July 1996 the Innsbruck Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal.
On 30 January 1997 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) dismissed the applicant’s appeal. The decision was served on 18 February 1997. | train | {
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001-80316 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 2881/04) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mrs Franziska Prischl (“the applicant”), on 20 January 2004.
The applicant was represented by Mr E. Fritsche, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On 5 January 2006 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time.
The applicant was born in 1930 and lives in Gerasdorf.
The application concerns land consolidation proceedings involving land belonging to some 500 owners, including the applicant's husband.
In 1986 a valuation schedule (Bewertungsplan) was issued, which became final in October of that year. None of the plots of land belonging to the applicant's husband was considered to be of special value. By decision of 13 November 1986 the provisional transfer of land (vorläufige Übernahme) was ordered.
In 1990 the Regional Land Reform Board (Landesargarsenat) issued a consolidation plan (Zusammenlegungsplan) for the Gerasdorf community. The applicant's husband did not appeal, while a number of other parties did. Some of these appeals were successful and the case was remitted to the Regional Land Reform Board.
The applicant's husband died in 1993 and, by court decision of 15 November 1994, the applicant became his principal heir.
On 20 June 1995 the Regional Land Reform Board amended the consolidation plan making changes, inter alia, as regards one of the applicant's compensatory parcels. The applicant appealed on 21 August 1995, claiming that some of the plots of land which had belonged to her late husband and had been allocated to another party, were of special value since they could be used for gravel production and that her late husband had not been duly compensated. The applicant was represented by counsel in these and the subsequent proceedings.
On 6 December 1995 the Supreme Land Reform Board (Oberster Agrarsenat) decided to suspend the appeal proceedings pending further amendments of the consolidation plan.
The applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). On 13 March 1996 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the complaint and transferred the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) which received the file on 7 May 1996. On 7 November 1996 the Supreme Land Reform Board submitted its comments.
On 26 May 1998 the Administrative Court quashed the Supreme Land Reform Board's decision and ordered it to continue the proceedings.
The Supreme Land Reform Board resumed the proceedings and carried out a visit on the spot on 30 September 1998. Subsequently, it took an expert opinion concerning the value of the plots of land given up by the applicant's late husband and those received in compensation. On 2 December 1998 the Supreme Land Reform Board, after having held a hearing dismissed the applicant's appeal. It found that the compensation in land she had received fulfilled the requirements of the Regional Agricultural Act. A change in value of land could only be taken into account before the valuation schedule became final. This was not the applicant's case, since the licences allowing gravel production had only been issued between 1995 and 1997.
On 12 February 1999 the applicant filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court. On 8 June 1999 the latter declined to deal with the applicant's case for lack of prospects of success and transferred the case to the Administrative Court. In 1999 six other complaints also relating to the Gerasdorf land consolidation proceedings were lodged with the Administrative Court. The proceedings in all these cases were joined.
On 3 July 2003 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant's complaint. It referred to its case-law relating to Section 18 § 4 of the Regional Agricultural Act (Flurverfassungs-Landesgesetz) according to which a change in value of land could only be taken into account until the validation schedule became final. In support of this view it quoted a number of its judgments given between September 1986 and October 1997.
The judgment was served on the applicant's counsel on 22 July 2003. | train | {
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001-57891 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court on 9 September 1993 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and on 11 October 1993 by the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark (“the Government“), within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 15890/89) against Denmark lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a Danish national, Mr Jens Olaf Jersild, on 25 July 1989. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Denmark recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48). The object of the request and of the Government’s application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent him (Rule 30).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr I. Foighel, the elected judge of Danish nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). However, on 20 September 1993 Mr Foighel withdrew from the case pursuant to Rule 24 para. 2. On 24 September 1993, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr R. Macdonald, Mrs E. Palm, Mr R. Pekkanen, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici, Mr J. Makarczyk and Mr D. Gotchev (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). By letter of 29 October the Agent of the Government notified the Registrar of the appointment of Mr K. Waaben as an ad hoc judge; in a letter of 16 November the Agent informed the Registrar that Mr Waaben had withdrawn and that they had therefore appointed Mr A. Philip to replace him (Article 43 of the Convention and Rule 23) (art. 43).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 18 February 1994 and the applicant’s memorial on 20 February. In a letter of 7 March the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate did not wish to reply in writing.
On 23 February 1994 the President, having consulted the Chamber, had granted leave to Human Rights Watch, a New York based non-governmental human rights organisation, to submit observations on specific aspects of the case (Rule 37 para. 2). The latter’s comments were filed on 23 March. On 23 February the Chamber had authorised (Rule 41 para. 1) the applicant to show the video-recording of the television programme in issue in his case to the judges taking part in the proceedings. A showing was held shortly before the hearing on 20 April.
On 23 February the Chamber had also decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of a Grand Chamber (Rule 51). The President and the Vice-President, Mr R. Bernhardt, as well as the other members of the Chamber being ex officio members of the Grand Chamber, the names of the additional nine judges were drawn by lot by the President in the presence of the Registrar on 24 February (Rule 51 para. 2 (a) to (c)), namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr C. Russo, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr N. Valticos, Mr S.K. Martens, Mr A.N. Loizou, Mr J.M. Morenilla, Mr L. Wildhaber and Mr B. Repik.
On various dates between 22 March and 15 April 1994 the Commission produced a number of documents and two video-cassettes, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions, and the applicant submitted further details on his claims under Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 20 April 1994. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court:
for the Government Mr T. Lehmann, Ambassador, Legal Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mr M.B. Elmer, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Chief Legal Adviser, Ministry of Justice, Ms J. Rechnagel, Minister Counsellor, Ministry of Justice, Mr J. Lundum, Head of Section, Ministry of Justice, Advisers;
for the Commission Mr C.L. Rozakis, Delegate;
for the applicant Mr K. Boyle, Barrister, Professor of Law at the University of Essex, Mr T. Trier, advokat, Lecturer of Law at the University of Copenhagen, Counsel, Mrs L. Johannessen, lawyer, Adviser. The Court heard addresses by Mr Rozakis, Mr Lehmann, Mr Elmer, Mr Boyle and Mr Trier, and also replies to a question put by the President.
Mr Jens Olaf Jersild, a Danish national, is a journalist and lives in Copenhagen. He was at the time of the events giving rise to the present case, and still is, employed by Danmarks Radio (Danish Broadcasting Corporation, which broadcasts not only radio but also television programmes), assigned to its Sunday News Magazine (Søndagsavisen). The latter is known as a serious television programme intended for a well-informed audience, dealing with a wide range of social and political issues, including xenophobia, immigration and refugees.
A. The Greenjackets item
On 31 May 1985 the newspaper Information published an article describing the racist attitudes of members of a group of young people, calling themselves “the Greenjackets“ (“grønjakkerne“), at Østerbro in Copenhagen. In the light of this article, the editors of the Sunday News Magazine decided to produce a documentary on the Greenjackets. Subsequently the applicant contacted representatives of the group, inviting three of them together with Mr Per Axholt, a social worker employed at the local youth centre, to take part in a television interview. During the interview, which was conducted by the applicant, the three Greenjackets made abusive and derogatory remarks about immigrants and ethnic groups in Denmark. It lasted between five and six hours, of which between two and two and a half hours were video-recorded. Danmarks Radio paid the interviewees fees in accordance with its usual practice.
The applicant subsequently edited and cut the film of the interview down to a few minutes. On 21 July 1985 this was broadcast by Danmarks Radio as a part of the Sunday News Magazine. The programme consisted of a variety of items, for instance on the martial law in South Africa, on the debate on profit-sharing in Denmark and on the late German writer Heinrich Böll. The transcript of the Greenjackets item reads as follows [(I): TV presenter; (A): the applicant; (G): one or other of the Greenjackets]: (I) “In recent years, a great deal has been said about racism in Denmark. The papers are currently publishing stories about distrust and resentment directed against minorities. Who are the people who hate the minorities? Where do they come from? What is their mentality like? Mr Jens Olaf Jersild has visited a group of extremist youths at Østerbro in Copenhagen. (A) The flag on the wall is the flag of the Southern States from the American Civil War, but today it is also the symbol of racism, the symbol of the American movement, the Ku Klux Klan, and it shows what Lille Steen, Henrik and Nisse are. Are you a racist? (G) Yes, that’s what I regard myself as. It’s good being a racist. We believe Denmark is for the Danes. (A) Henrik, Lille Steen and all the others are members of a group of young people who live in Studsgårdsgade, called STUDSEN, in Østerbro in Copenhagen. It is public housing, a lot of the inhabitants are unemployed and on social security; the crime rate is high. Some of the young people in this neighbourhood have already been involved in criminal activities and have already been convicted. (G) It was an ordinary armed robbery at a petrol station. (A) What did you do? (G) Nothing. I just ran into a petrol station with a ... gun and made them give me some money. Then I ran out again. That’s all. (A) What about you, what happened? (G) I don’t wish to discuss that further. (A) But, was it violence? (G) Yes. (A) You have just come out of ... you have been arrested, what were you arrested for? (G) Street violence. (A) What happened? (G) I had a little fight with the police together with some friends. (A) Does that happen often? (G) Yes, out here it does. (A) All in all, there are 20-25 young people from STUDSEN in the same group. They meet not far away from the public housing area near some old houses which are to be torn down. They meet here to reaffirm among other things their racism, their hatred of immigrants and their support for the Ku Klux Klan. (G) The Ku Klux Klan, that’s something that comes from the States in the old days during - you know - the civil war and things like that, because the Northern States wanted that the niggers should be free human beings, man, they are not human beings, they are animals, right, it’s completely wrong, man, the things that happened. People should be allowed to keep slaves, I think so anyway. (A) Because blacks are not human beings? (G) No, you can also see that from their body structure, man, big flat noses, with cauliflower ears etc., man. Broad heads and very broad bodies, man, hairy, you are looking at a gorilla and compare it with an ape, man, then it is the same [behaviour], man, it’s the same movements, long arms, man, long fingers etc., long feet. (A) A lot of people are saying something different. There are a lot of people who say, but ... (G) Just take a picture of a gorilla, man, and then look at a nigger, it’s the same body structure and everything, man, flat forehead and all kinds of things. (A) There are many blacks, for example in the USA, who have important jobs. (G) Of course, there is always someone who wants to show off, as if they are better than the white man, but in the long run, it’s the white man who is better. (A) What does Ku Klux Klan mean to you? (G) It means a great deal, because I think what they do is right. A nigger is not a human being, it’s an animal, that goes for all the other foreign workers as well, Turks, Yugoslavs and whatever they are called. (A) Henrik is 19 years old and on welfare. He lives in a rented room in Studsgårdsgade. Henrik is one of the strongest supporters of the Klan, and he hates the foreign workers, ‘Perkere’ [a very derogatory word in Danish for immigrant workers]. (G) They come up here, man, and sponge on our society. But we, we have enough problems in getting our social benefits, man, they just get it. Fuck, we can argue with those idiots up there at the social benefit office to get our money, man, they just get it, man, they are the first on the housing list, they get better flats than us, man, and some of our friends who have children, man, they are living in the worst slum, man, they can’t even get a shower in their flat, man, then those ‘Perkere’-families, man, go up there with seven kids, man, and they just get an expensive flat, right there and then. They get everything paid, and things like that, that can’t be right, man, Denmark is for the Danes, right? It is the fact that they are ‘Perkere’, that’s what we don’t like, right, and we don’t like their mentality - I mean they can damn well, I mean ... what’s it called ... I mean if they feel like speaking Russian in their homes, right, then it’s okay, but what we don’t like is when they walk around in those Zimbabwe-clothes and then speak this hula-hula language in the street, and if you ask them something or if you get into one of their taxis then they say: I don’t know where it is, you give directions right. (A) Is it not so that perhaps you are a bit envious that some of the ‘Perkere’ as you call them have their own shops, and cars, they can make ends ... (G) It’s drugs they are selling, man, half of the prison population in ‘Vestre’ are in there because of drugs, man, half of those in Vestre prison anyway, they are the people who are serving time for dealing drugs or something similar. They are in there, all the ‘Perkere’, because of drugs, right. [That] must be enough, what’s it called, there should not be drugs here in this country, but if it really has to be smuggled in, I think we should do it ourselves, I mean, I think it’s unfair that those foreigners come up here to ... what’s it called ... make Denmark more drug dependent and things like that. We have painted their doors and hoped that they would get fed up with it, so that they would soon leave, and jumped on their cars and thrown paint in their faces when they were lying in bed sleeping. (A) What was it you did with that paint - why paint? (G) Because it was white paint, I think that suited them well, that was the intended effect. (A) You threw paint through the windows of an immigrant family? (G) Yes. (A) What happened? (G) He just got it in his face, that’s all. Well, I think he woke up, and then he came out and shouted something in his hula-hula language. (A) Did he report it to the police? (G) I don’t know if he did, I mean, he won’t get anywhere by doing that. (A) Why not? (G) I don’t know, it’s just kid’s stuff, like other people throwing water in people’s faces, he got paint in his. They can’t make anything out of that. --- (A) Per Axholt, known as ‘Pax’ [(P)], is employed in the youth centre in Studsgårdsgade. He has worked there for several years, but many give up a lot sooner because of the tough environment. Per Axholt feels that the reasons why the young people are persecuting the immigrants is that they are themselves powerless and disappointed. What do you think they would say that they want, if you asked them? (P) Just what you and I want. Some control over their lives, work which may be considered decent and which they like, a reasonable economic situation, a reasonably functioning family, a wife or a husband and some children, a reasonable middle-class life such as you and I have. (A) They do many things which are sure to prevent them from getting it. (P) That is correct. (A) Why do you think they do this? (P) Because they have nothing better to do. They have been told over a long period that the means by which to achieve success is money. They won’t be able to get money legitimately, so often they try to obtain it through criminal activity. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not, and that’s why we see a lot of young people in that situation go to prison, because it doesn’t work. --- (A) How old were you when you started your criminal activities? (G) I don’t know, about 14 I guess. (A) What did you do? (G) The first time, I can’t remember, I don’t know, burglary. (A) Do you have what one might call a criminal career? (G) I don’t know if you can call it that. (A) You committed your first crime when you were 14. (G) Well, you can put it that way, I mean, if that is a criminal career. If you have been involved in crime since the age of 15 onwards, then I guess you can say I’ve had a criminal career. (A) Will you tell me about some of the things you have done? (G) No, not really. It’s been the same over and over again. There has been pinching of videos, where the ‘Perkere’ have been our customers, so they have money. If people want to be out here and have a nice time and be racists and drink beer, and have fun, then it’s quite obvious you don’t want to sit in the slammer. (A) But is the threat of imprisonment something that really deters people from doing something illegal? (G) No, it’s not prison, that doesn’t frighten people. (A) Is that why you hear stories about people from out here fighting with knives etc., night after night. Is the reason for this the fact that they are not afraid of the police getting hold of them? (G) Yes, nothing really comes of it, I mean, there are no bad consequences, so probably that’s why. For instance fights and stabbings and smashing up things ... If you really get into the joint it would be such a ridiculously small sentence, so it would be, I mean ... usually we are released the next day. Last time we caused some trouble over at the pub, they let us out the next morning. Nothing really comes of it. It doesn’t discourage us, but there were five of us, who just came out and then we had a celebration for the last guy, who came out yesterday, they probably don’t want to go in again for some time so they probably won’t commit big crimes again. (A) You would like to move back to Studsgårdsgade where you grew up, but we know for sure that it’s an environment with a high crime rate. Would you like your child to grow up like you? (G) No, and I don’t think she will. Firstly, because she is a girl, statistics show that the risk is not that high, I mean they probably don’t do it, but you don’t have to be a criminal because you live in an environment with a high crime rate. I just wouldn’t accept it, if she was mugging old women and stealing their handbags. (A) What if she was among those beating up the immigrants etc. What then? (G) That would be okay. I wouldn’t have anything against that. --- (I) We will have to see if the mentality of this family changes in the next generation. Finally, we would like to say that groups of young people like this one in STUDSEN at Østerbro, have been formed elsewhere in Copenhagen.“
B. Proceedings in the City Court of Copenhagen
Following the programme no complaints were made to the Radio Council, which had competence in such matters, or to Danmarks Radio but the Bishop of Ålborg complained to the Minister of Justice. After undertaking investigations the Public Prosecutor instituted criminal proceedings in the City Court of Copenhagen (Københavns Byret) against the three youths interviewed by the applicant, charging them with a violation of Article 266 (b) of the Penal Code (straffeloven) (see paragraph 19 below) for having made the statements cited below: “... the Northern States wanted that the niggers should be free human beings, man, they are not human beings, they are animals.“ “Just take a picture of a gorilla, man, and then look at a nigger, it’s the same body structure and everything, man, flat forehead and all kinds of things.“ “A nigger is not a human being, it’s an animal, that goes for all the other foreign workers as well, Turks, Yugoslavs and whatever they are called.“ “It is the fact that they are ‘Perkere’, that’s what we don’t like, right, and we don’t like their mentality ... what we don’t like is when they walk around in those Zimbabwe-clothes and then speak this hula-hula language in the street ...“ “It’s drugs they are selling, man, half of the prison population in ‘Vestre’ are in there because of drugs ... they are the people who are serving time for dealing drugs ...“ “They are in there, all the ‘Perkere’, because of drugs ...“ The applicant was charged, under Article 266 (b) in conjunction with Article 23 (see paragraph 19 below), with aiding and abetting the three youths; the same charge was brought against the head of the news section of Danmarks Radio, Mr Lasse Jensen.
In the City Court counsel for the applicant and Mr Jensen called for their acquittal. He argued that the conduct of the applicant and Mr Jensen could in no way be compared to that of the other three defendants, with whose views they did not sympathise. They sought merely to provide a realistic picture of a social problem; in fact the programme only provoked resentment and aroused pity in respect of the three other defendants, who had exposed themselves to ridicule on their own terms. Accordingly, it was by no means the intention of Danmarks Radio to persuade others to subscribe to the same views as the Greenjackets, rather the contrary. Under the relevant law a distinction had to be drawn between the persons who made the statements and the programme editors, the latter enjoying a special freedom of expression. Having at that time a broadcasting monopoly, Danmarks Radio was under a duty to impart all opinions of public interest in a manner that reflected the speaker’s way of expressing himself. The public also had an interest in being informed of notoriously bad social attitudes, even those which were unpleasant. The programme was broadcast in the context of a public debate which had resulted in press comments, for instance in Information, and was simply an honest report on the realities of the youths in question. Counsel, referring inter alia to the above-mentioned article in Information, also pointed to the fact that no consistent prosecution policy had been followed in cases of this nature.
On 24 April 1987 the City Court convicted the three youths, one of them for having stated that “niggers“ and “foreign workers“ were “animals“, and two of them for their assertions in relation to drugs and “Perkere“. The applicant was convicted of aiding and abetting them, as was Mr Jensen, in his capacity as programme controller; they were sentenced to pay day-fines (dagsbøder) totalling 1,000 and 2,000 Danish kroner, respectively, or alternatively to five days’ imprisonment (hæfte). As regards the applicant, the City Court found that, following the article in Information of 31 May 1985, he had visited the Greenjackets and after a conversation with Mr Axholt, amongst others, agreed that the three youths should participate in a television programme. The object of the programme had been to demonstrate the attitude of the Greenjackets to the racism at Østerbro, previously mentioned in the article in Information, and to show their social background. Accordingly, so the City Court held, the applicant had himself taken the initiative of making the television programme and, further, he had been well aware in advance that discriminatory statements of a racist nature were likely to be made during the interview. The interview had lasted several hours, during which beer, partly paid for by Danmarks Radio, was consumed. In this connection the applicant had encouraged the Greenjackets to express their racist views, which, in so far as they were broadcast on television, in itself constituted a breach of Article 266 (b) of the Penal Code. The statements were broadcast without any counterbalancing comments, after the recordings had been edited by the applicant. He was accordingly guilty of aiding and abetting the violation of Article 266 (b).
C. Proceedings in the High Court of Eastern Denmark
The applicant and Mr Jensen, but not the three Greenjackets, appealed against the City Court’s judgment to the High Court of Eastern Denmark (Østre Landsret). They essentially reiterated the submissions made before the City Court and, in addition, the applicant explained that, although he had suspected that the Greenjackets’ statements were punishable, he had refrained from omitting these from the programme, considering it crucial to show their actual attitude. He assumed that they were aware that they might incur criminal liability by making the statements and had therefore not warned them of this fact.
By judgment of 16 June 1988 the High Court, by five votes to one, dismissed the appeal. The dissenting member was of the view that, although the statements by the Greenjackets constituted offences under Article 266 (b) of the Penal Code, the applicant and Mr Jensen had not transgressed the bounds of the freedom of speech to be enjoyed by television and other media, since the object of the programme was to inform about and animate public discussion on the particular racist attitudes and social background of the youth group in question.
D. Proceedings in the Supreme Court
With leave the applicant and Mr Jensen appealed from the High Court judgment to the Supreme Court (Højesteret), which by four votes to one dismissed the appeal in a judgment of 13 February 1989. The majority held: “The defendants have caused the publication of the racist statements made by a narrow circle of persons and thereby made those persons liable to punishment and have thus, as held by the City Court and the High Court, violated Article 266 (b) in conjunction with Article 23 of the Penal Code. [We] do not find that an acquittal of the defendants could be justified on the ground of freedom of expression in matters of public interest as opposed to the interest in the protection against racial discrimination. [We] therefore vote in favour of confirming the judgment [appealed from].“ Justice Pontoppidan stated in his dissent: “The object of the programme was to contribute to information on an issue - the attitude towards foreigners - which was the subject of extensive and sometimes emotional public debate. The programme must be presumed to have given a clear picture of the Greenjackets’ views, of which the public was thus given an opportunity to be informed and form its own opinion. In view of the nature of these views, any counterbalancing during or immediately before or after would not have served a useful purpose. Although it concerned a relatively small group of people holding extreme views, the programme had a fair degree of news and information value. The fact that the defendants took the initiative to disseminate such views is not of paramount importance for the assessment of their conduct. In these circumstances and irrespective of the fact that the statements rightly have been found to be in violation of Article 266 (b), I question the advisability of finding the defendants guilty of aiding and abetting the violation of this provision. I therefore vote in favour of the defendants’ acquittal.“
When the Supreme Court has rendered judgment in a case raising important issues of principle it is customary that a member of the majority publishes a detailed and authoritative statement of the reasons for the judgment. In keeping with this custom, Justice Hermann on 20 January 1990 published such a statement in the Weekly Law Journal (Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, 1989, p. 399). As regards the conviction of the applicant and Mr Jensen, the majority had attached importance to the fact that they had caused the racist statements to be made public. The applicant’s item had not been a direct report on a meeting. He had himself contacted the three youths and caused them to make assertions such as those previously made in Information, which he knew of and probably expected them to repeat. He had himself cut the recording of the interview, lasting several hours, down to a few minutes containing the crude comments. The statements, which would hardly have been punishable under Article 266 (b) of the Penal Code had they not been made to a wide circle (“videre kreds“) of people, became clearly punishable as they were broadcast on television on the applicant’s initiative and with Mr Jensen’s approval. It was therefore beyond doubt that they had aided and abetted the dissemination of the statements. Acquitting the applicant and Mr Jensen could only be justified by reasons clearly outweighing the wrongfulness of their actions. In this connection, the interest in protecting those grossly insulted by the statements had to be weighed up against that of informing the public of the statements. Whilst it is desirable to allow the press the best possible conditions for reporting on society, press freedom cannot be unlimited since freedom of expression is coupled with responsibilities. In striking a balance between the various interests involved, the majority had regard to the fact that the statements, which were brought to a wide circle of people, consisted of series of inarticulate, defamatory remarks and insults spoken by members of an insignificant group whose opinions could hardly be of interest to many people. Their news or information value was not such as to justify their dissemination and therefore did not warrant acquitting the defendants. This did not mean that extremist views could not be reported in the press, but such reports must be carried out in a more balanced and comprehensive manner than was the case in the television programme in question. Direct reports from meetings which were a matter of public interest should also be permitted. The minority, on the other hand, considered that the right to information overrode the interests protected by Article 266 (b) of the Penal Code. Finally, Justice Hermann noted that the compatibility of the impugned measures with Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention was not raised during the trial. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Jens Olaf Jersild |
001-177349 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 21272/12) against the Kingdom of Norway lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Norwegian national, Ms C. Langum Becker, on 13 March 2012. The applicant was born in 1980 and lives in Oslo. She is represented before the Court by Mr V. Strømme, a lawyer practising in Oslo.
The Norwegian Government (“the Government”) were represented by Mr C. Reusch of the Attorney General’s Office (Civil Matters) as their Agent.
The applicant alleged that she had been compelled to give evidence that would have enabled one or more journalistic sources to be identified, in violation of her right under Article 10 of the Convention to receive and impart information.
On 23 October 2013 notice of the application was given to the Government.
The applicant is a journalist for, a Norwegian Internet-based version of the newspaper Dagens Næringsliv (“DN”), published by the company DN Nye Medier AS.
On 23 June 2010 Mr X was indicted for market manipulation and insider trading under the 1997 Act on the Trade of Financial Assets (verdipapirhandelloven). He was accused of having requested Mr Y, an attorney, to draft a letter concerning the Norwegian Oil Company (“DNO”), a limited liability company quoted on the stock exchange. The letter, addressed to a trustee company representing the interests of bond holders in DNO (“the bond trustee company”), gave the impression that it had been written on behalf of a number of bond holders who were seriously concerned about the company’s liquidity, finances and future. In fact, it had been written only on Mr X’s behalf. He had owned only one bond, which he had acquired the same day as he had asked attorney Y to draft the letter.
Mr X had sent a copy of the above-mentioned letter by fax to the applicant on Friday 24 August 2007, and in this connection he had a telephone conversation with her. The following day, on Saturday 25 August 2007, the applicant wrote an article entitled “Fears of DNO collapse” (“Frykter at DNO rakner”), in which she expressed strong concerns about the content of Attorney Y’s letter, a central feature in the article.
The price of DNO stock fell by 4.1% on Monday 27 August 2007, the first trading day after the content of the letter had become known in the press. On the same day, a new article on the topic was published in DN. Other media also reported on the first article, including an online newspaper (Hegnar online) which on 28 August 2007 reported that an analyst had stated that he would not be surprised if the letter had been sent by a person with a short-position or who wanted cheap stocks. The Oslo stock exchange (Oslo børs) suspected market manipulation and, having looked into the matter, forwarded the case to the Financial Supervisory Authority (Kredittilsynet) with suspicions that Mr X had infringed the Act on the Trade of Financial Assets. During subsequent questioning by the Financial Supervisory Authority, Mr X confirmed that he had initiated the letter and been the source of the article in DN.
The applicant was questioned by the police on 19 June 2008. They informed her that Mr X had told the police that he had given her the letter. She was handed a signed statement from Mr X in which he confirmed this. The applicant was willing to say that she had received the letter on which the article was based by fax on Friday 24 August 2007, at 5.35 p.m. She also stated that the article had been published on at 3 a.m. on 25 August 2007. The applicant further explained that she had considered the information in the letter as price-sensitive. She had no particular thoughts as to how many persons were behind the letter, beyond the fact that it had been signed on behalf of several bond holders. The applicant refused to give additional information, referring to the journalistic principles on protection of sources.
A. Order on the applicant to testify
During the criminal case against Mr X in February 2011 before the Oslo City Court (tingrett), the applicant was summoned as a witness. She refused to answer questions about possible contacts between her and Mr X and other sources, if any, related to the publication by on 25 August 2007. Relying on Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Article 10 of the Convention, she argued that she was under no obligation to give evidence on those points.
The prosecutor requested that the court impose on the applicant an order to testify. In the court records (“rettsboken”), his arguments in favour of issuing such an order are restated as having included the following: “The prosecutor rose to speak and argued that the witness had an obligation to give testimony about her contact with the defendant in connection with the letter to [the bond trustee company] of 24 August 2007 and asked the court to make a decision on the matter. The prosecutor further justified the obligation of the witness to make a statement and argued that undoubtedly in this case it was desirable to hear her explanation, even if the prosecuting authority found the case adequately disclosed (fullgodt opplyst) without her statement. The press was sometimes abused by investors to take actions liable to affect the share price. The element of abuse should suggest that in a case like this the press would also have an interest in making a statement in order to avoid being abused in this way. Whether or not consent had been given by the source to the witness making her statement had no bearing on the obligation to give evidence. ...”
From the same records, it appears that Mr X, through his counsel and co‑counsel, had submitted that he had described his contact with the applicant and that she could contribute nothing further of interest.
By a decision of 15 February 2011, the City Court held that the applicant had a duty to give evidence about her contacts with Mr X in relation to the letter of 24 August 2007 from Attorney Y to the bond trustee company. As to the scope of that duty, the City Court held: “The obligation to make a statement is, however, limited to the contact with the defendant as a source and not her communication with possible other unknown sources with whom she has been in contact and who may be protected by the protection of sources.”
The prosecutor then stated, according to the hearing protocol, “that he would not ask for postponement of the case as the prosecuting authority considers the case to be sufficiently disclosed (“tilstrekkelig opplyst”) even without the statement of the witness [the applicant]”. It was then clarified that the applicant’s appeal against the order would not be forwarded to the High Court until after the City Court’s judgment in the case against Mr X had been delivered.
B. Mr X’s conviction at first instance
On 3 March 2011 the City Court convicted Mr X in accordance with the indictment and sentenced him to one year and six months’ imprisonment, of which nine months were suspended for a probationary period of two years.
The judgment contains the following passage: “One of the witnesses pleaded, as a journalist, the protection of sources under Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and was not willing to explain about her potential contact with the accused. The court held that the witness had an obligation to explain about her contact with the accused since he, as the source of the article, was known and the court ruled accordingly. An appeal was immediately made against the decision. No motion for extension was made (pending a final decision) as according to the prosecutor the case was sufficiently disclosed (tilstrekkelig opplyst) even without the statement by [the applicant] and this was used as a basis by the court.”
On 28 March 2011 Mr X appealed to the Borgarting High Court (lagmannsrett) against the City Court’s assessment of the evidence and application of the law in relation to the issue of guilt, its procedure and the sentence (see paragraphs 34-36 below).
C. Applicant’s appeal against the order to testify
The applicant appealed to the Borgarting High Court against the City Court’s order of 15 February 2011. It rejected the appeal by a decision of 28 April 2011, finding it generally decisive whether the source was known. In this case, it had been established beyond reasonable doubt that Mr X had been the applicant’s source.
An appeal by the applicant to the Supreme Court was rejected by three votes to two on 30 September 2011 (Norsk Retstidende – Rt. 2011 page 1266). The appeal had been directed at the High Court’s assessment of evidence as well as its application of the law. The disagreement in the Supreme Court concerned primarily the interpretation of the first paragraph of Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, according to which, inter alia, journalists may refuse to answer questions as to who is the source of information confided to them for use in their work (see paragraph 37 below). The two factions of the Supreme Court disagreed, in particular, as to whether this provision was applicable if the source had stepped forward or the identity of the source had otherwise been established.
1. The majority
The majority observed that it did not appear from the wording of Article 125 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure that it was relevant whether the source had disclosed his or her role or that this role had in other ways become known. However, the wording could not be given decisive weight. It emerged from the preparatory work that the legislature had not, with the chosen formulation, taken a stance on the issue at stake in the present case. There was therefore greater reason to assess whether the rationale underpinning the main rule, namely the right not to answer questions concerning the identity of the source, could also be given significant weight when the person, who had been the source of the information, had given evidence concerning his or her role and had confirmed being the source. It was difficult to see that this should be the case.
If the imposition of an obligation on the press to give evidence were limited to cases where the source had come forward, the person who was considering giving information to the press would know that it was up to him or her to determine whether the person who received the information would have an obligation to give evidence. There was thus no cogent reason why such a conditional obligation to give evidence should lead to increased scepticism towards providing information to the press. The same would, to a great extent, be true if the obligation to give evidence also applied when the identity of the source had become known in some other way. While the possibility that the identity of the source might be disclosed could well constitute a deterrent, it would hardly make much difference if information already known was also confirmed by the recipient of the information.
An obligation on the press to give evidence in such cases was not thought likely to weaken the public’s general trust that the press would protect its sources. The situation under review did not concern the disclosure of sources but rather whether the person’s role had become known by other means.
The majority further disagreed with the applicant’s view that there was no reason to treat a situation, where the informant had identified himself or herself as the source, differently from those cases where the source had consented to being identified. A person who so consented could do so, trusting that the recipient of the information would respect the protection of sources as long as the identity of the source was unknown. Once an informant had confirmed that he was the source, this fact would become known. Should the recipient of the information then refuse to give evidence, this would normally appear futile. In such a situation, an exemption from the obligation to give evidence would in reality not constitute a protection against having to disclose the source, but rather a right to avoid contributing to the elucidation of a criminal case.
Interpreting Article 125 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure in the light of certain statements made in the preparatory work (Ot.prp. nr. 55 (1997-1998), pp. 17 and 18) as followed up in the Supreme Court’s case‑law (Rt. 1995 page 1166 and 2003 page 28), the majority held that this provision did not apply when the source had come forward and had confirmed his or her role. The same ought probably to apply when the identity of the source had been established beyond reasonable doubt by other means. If the state of the evidence was such that confirmation by the journalist of the identity of the source could not be said to assist in identifying the source, it seemed unquestionable to maintain the obligation to testify.
As to whether a more wide-reaching protection of journalistic sources followed from Article 10 of the Convention, the majority had regard to the Strasbourg Court’s case-law, including Goodwin v. the United Kingdom (27 March 1996, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996‑II), Financial Times Ltd and Others v. the United Kingdom (no. 821/03, 15 December 2009) and the Chamber judgment in Sanoma Uitgevers B.V. v. the Netherlands (no. 38224/03, 31 March 2009 – noting that the Grand Chamber had decided the latter case on a different ground). They observed that in the two British cases, a violation had been found under the necessity test even though strong countervailing arguments had been present. The majority further noted that there was no decision where the Court had examined the situation where the source had come forward and where in this sense there was no source to protect (“ingen kilde å beskytte”). The principal justification for source protection, as elaborated by the Court in its case-law, was based on the consequences that the disclosure of a source’s identity might have for the free flow of information. However, these considerations did not apply where the source had confirmed his or her participation.
Against this background, one could safely assume that no violation of the Convention would arise where a source had come forward and the obligation of the witness to give evidence had been expressly limited so as not to include questions that might lead to other sources being revealed. Also, the charge in this case had been based on the fact that the journalist had allowed herself to be used by the source in his efforts to manipulate the bonds market in a criminal manner. It was a serious criminal case, where it seemed likely that the applicant’s evidence might significantly assist in elucidating the concrete circumstances of the defendant’s contact with her.
2. The minority
The minority observed that, should the applicant be ordered to testify concerning her possible contact with Mr X about Attorney Y’s letter of 24 August 2007 to the trustee company, she would have to confirm or deny that Mr X was the source for her article on on 25 August 2007. By making a statement on this matter, she might also inadvertently reveal other potential sources. The legal question at hand was whether a journalist might rely on source protection if the source, without the journalist having revealed it, could be identified with more or less certainty by other evidence.
The wording of Article 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure was absolute and granted members of the press, broadcasting and other media the right to “refuse to answer questions concerning who is ... the source”. The provision made no exception for cases where the identity could be established with more or less certainty in some other way.
The protection of sources by journalists was, according to the European Court’s case-law, “one of the basic conditions for press freedom” (Goodwin, cited above, § 39). The purpose was not to protect the source, but rather the public interest in free communication of news and opinions (Rt. 2010 page 1381). If journalists were allowed to protect their sources, they would obtain information enabling them to uncover matters in society that were worthy of criticism more easily than they would otherwise. The fact that it was for the journalist to decide to what extent he or she would rely on such protection reflected that it was not the source who was protected. If the journalist was willing to reveal the source, the source could not prevent it.
If it were a precondition for the protection of journalistic sources that no other proof of the source had been presented, such protection would be undermined. This would enable a source to be tracked down, even if a requirement for waiver of source protection was that the source be identified with a criminal standard of proof. If the hearing of evidence on the identity of a source were to be allowed, the media’s working conditions would become considerably more constricted and society’s interest in free communication of information and opinions would suffer.
If consent to source disclosure by a potential source should have the effect of removing source protection, the actual source might easily be identified and source protection would be undermined. In the present case Mr X had stated that he was the source. A situation where someone claimed to be the source ought to be considered in the same way as where the source consented to disclosure of his or her identity. A person might incorrectly claim to be the source so that the actual source might be identified by a process of elimination. And even if it were true that this person was the source, it would erode the journalist’s right to source protection should the person who was the source be able to cancel the journalist’s right. In addition, journalists often had several sources. If a journalist could be ordered to describe his or her contact with a person who claimed to be the source, his or her contact with other sources might also be revealed.
Equally, a combination of someone claiming to be the source and other evidence confirming this, should not lead to source protection being removed. Effective source protection was necessary in order to ensure free communication of information and opinions. It should not be permissible for press journalists to confirm or deny that a person claiming to be the source was in fact the source, even where there was weighty evidence to this effect. As mentioned above, it was not the source, but society’s interest in free communication of news and opinions, which was to be protected.
The prosecutor had argued that Mr X had used the applicant as a tool to commit serious crimes, and this would have constituted a relevant argument, had the case been one concerning a possible individual exception to the right to non-disclosure of sources made under the third paragraph of Article 125. However, the prosecutor had not relied on that paragraph of the provision, and the source’s motive could not render the principle of source protection as such inapplicable. Within the ambit of Article 10 of the Convention, freedom of speech did not protect only information and views that were positively received, but also those which offended, shocked or disturbed the State or parts of the population. Therefore, the fundamental right of journalists to protect their sources could not be dependent on the sources’ motives.
D. Appeal proceedings in the criminal case against Mr X
Mr X’s appeal against the City Court’s judgment of 3 March 2011 (see paragraph 17 above) was examined by the High Court, which summoned and heard the applicant as a witness on 13 January 2012. She answered certain questions but affirmed that she still would not reply to questions about her contacts with Mr X. The court records contain the following passage: “When heard as a witness [the applicant] stated that she had received Attorney [Y]’s letter by fax on 24 August 2007 at 5.35 p.m. She does not wish to answer questions about who she had received the letter from or on her possible contact with Mr [X] during the period before or after this point in time. The presiding judge pointed out to the witness that after a legally enforceable decision by the Supreme Court she was obliged to give evidence about her contacts with Mr [X]. The presiding judge underlined that an omission to reply to such questions could constitute a ground for the imposition of a fine for an offence against the good order of court proceedings [“rettergangsbot”]. It was emphasised that the duty to reply lay on the witness personally and that a possible fine would be imposed on her personally.”
On account of her refusal to comply, the High Court, by a decision of 25 January 2012, ordered the applicant to pay a fine of 30,000 Norwegian kroner (NOK), approximately 3,700 euro (EUR) for an offence against the good order of court proceedings, failing which she would be liable to ten days’ imprisonment. The applicant did not appeal against that decision.
By a judgment of the same date, the High Court convicted Mr X on the charges and sentenced him to one year and six months’ imprisonment.
A. Domestic law
The relevant articles of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 22 May 1981 (straffeprosessloven) read as follows: “Article 108. Unless otherwise provided by statute, every person summoned to attend as a witness is bound to do so and to give evidence before the court. Article 125. The editor of a printed publication may refuse to answer questions as to who is the author of an article or report in the publication or the source of any information contained in it. The same applies to questions as to who is the source of other information that has been confided to the editor for use in his work. Other persons who have acquired knowledge of the author or the source through their work for the publishers, editors, press agency or printers in question have the same right as the editor. When important social interests indicate that the information should be given and it is of substantial significance for the clarification of the case, the court may, however, on an overall evaluation, order the witness to reveal the name. If the author or source has revealed matters that it was socially important to disclose, the witness may be ordered to reveal the name only when this is found to be particularly necessary. When an answer is given, the court may decide that it shall only be given to the court and the parties at a sitting in camera and under an order to observe a duty of secrecy. The provisions of this section apply correspondingly to any director or employee of any broadcasting agency.” There is extensive Supreme Court case-law concerning the main rule in Article 125 § 1 about the protection of journalists’ sources and the exception clause in Article 125 § 3 (see, for instance, paragraph 24 above). The Supreme Court interprets the provision in the light of Article 10 of the Convention.
Section 205 § 1 of the Act Relating to the Courts of Justice of 13 August 1915 (domstolloven) reads: “Where a witness refuses to give evidence or give affirmation and provides no grounds or provides only those grounds that are dismissed by a legally enforceable ruling, said witness may be penalised by fines and ordered to compensate, in whole or in part, for the costs incurred. A party may also be penalised by fines in cases concerning attachment or garnishment of earnings, where he/she wilfully fails to provide the enforcement authority with the information said party is obligated to provide pursuant to the Enforcement Act, §§ 7-12.”
B. International material
In 2011 the UN Human Rights Committee adopted General Comment no. 34 concerning Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR/C/GC/34), which reads, inter alia, (footnote omitted): “States parties should recognize and respect that element of the right of freedom of expression that embraces the limited journalistic privilege not to disclose information sources.”
On 8 September 2015 the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression submitted a report to the UN General Assembly (A/70/361), which stated, inter alia (footnotes omitted): “C. Nature and scope of protection
Some authorities refer to a journalistic ‘privilege’ not to disclose a source’s identity, but both reporter and source enjoy rights that may be limited only according to article 19 (3). Revealing or coercing the revelation of the identity of a source creates disincentives for disclosure, dries up further sources to report a story accurately and damages an important tool of accountability. In the light of the importance attached to source confidentiality, any restrictions must be genuinely exceptional and subject to the highest standards, implemented by judicial authorities only. Such situations should be limited to investigations of the most serious crimes or the protection of the life of other individuals.
National laws should ensure that protections apply strictly, with extremely limited exceptions. Under Belgian law, journalists and editorial staff may be compelled by a judge to disclose information sources only if they are of a nature to prevent crimes that pose a serious threat to the physical integrity of one or more persons, and upon a finding of the following two cumulative conditions: (a) the information is of crucial importance for preventing such crimes; and (b) the information cannot be obtained by any other means. The same conditions apply to investigative measures, such as searches, seizures and telephone tapping, with respect to journalistic sources.”
Other international instruments concerning the protection of journalistic sources include the Resolution on Journalistic Freedoms and Human Rights, adopted at the 4th European Ministerial Conference on Mass Media Policy (Prague, 7-8 December 1994), and Recommendation No. R (2000) 7 on the right of journalists not to disclose their sources of information, adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 8 March 2000. Relevant parts of the Recommendation, with the explanatory report, are quoted in Voskuil v. the Netherlands, no. 64752/01, §§ 43-44, 22 November 2007, inter alia: “Principle 3 (Limits to the right of non-disclosure) a. The right of journalists not to disclose information identifying a source must not be subject to other restrictions than those mentioned in Article 10, paragraph 2 of the Convention. In determining whether a legitimate interest in a disclosure falling within the scope of Article 10, paragraph 2 of the Convention outweighs the public interest in not disclosing information identifying a source, competent authorities of member States shall pay particular regard to the importance of the right of non-disclosure and the pre-eminence given to it in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights, and may only order a disclosure if, subject to paragraph b, there exists an overriding requirement in the public interest and if circumstances are of a sufficiently vital and serious nature. b. The disclosure of information identifying a source should not be deemed necessary unless it can be convincingly established that: i. reasonable alternative measures to the disclosure do not exist or have been exhausted by the persons or public authorities that seek the disclosure, and ii. the legitimate interest in the disclosure clearly outweighs the public interest in the non-disclosure, bearing in mind that:
an overriding requirement of the need for disclosure is proved,
the circumstances are of a sufficiently vital and serious nature,
the necessity of the disclosure is identified as responding to a pressing social need, and
member States enjoy a certain margin of appreciation in assessing this need, but this margin goes hand in hand with the supervision by the European Court of Human Rights. c. The above requirements should be applied at all stages of any proceedings where the right of non-disclosure might be invoked.” In the present case, the following paragraphs of the explanatory report are also of relevance: “d. Information identifying a source
In order to protect the identity of a source adequately, it is necessary to protect all kinds of information which are likely to lead to the identification of a source. The potential to identify a source therefore determines the type of protected information and the range of such protection. As far as its disclosure may lead to an identification of a source, the following information shall be protected by this Recommendation: i. the name of a source and his or her address, telephone and telefax number, employer’s name and other personal data as well as the voice of the source and pictures showing a source; ii. ’the factual circumstances of acquiring this information’, for example the time and place of a meeting with a source, the means of correspondence used or the particularities agreed between a source and a journalist; ...” | train | {
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001-61246 | [
The case originated in two applications (nos. 39647/98 and 40461/98) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two United Kingdom nationals, Mr Martin John Edwards (“the first applicant”), on 6 September 1996 and Mr Michael Lewis (“the second applicant”) on 16 May 1997.
The applicants were represented by Mr P. Maynard, a lawyer practising in Tonbridge and, at the hearing on 10 September 2002, by Mr B. Emmerson QC and Mr J. Hall, counsel. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H. Llewellyn, Foreign and Commonwealth Office and, at the hearing, by Mr D. Perry, counsel.
The applicants alleged that they had been denied fair trials, contrary to Article 6 of the Convention, as a result of the incitement of offences by agents provocateurs and the procedure concerning the non-disclosure of evidence followed by the domestic courts.
The applications were transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
They were allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
Having consulted the parties, the President of the Chamber decided that in the interests of the proper administration of justice, the proceedings in both applications should be conducted simultaneously (Rule 43 § 2).
By a decision of 10 September 2002, following a hearing on admissibility and the merits (Rule 54 § 4), the Court declared the applications admissible.
On 1 July 2003 the Court decided to join the two applications (Rule 43 § 1).
A. Martin John Edwards
The first applicant was born in 1946 and lives in Woking.
On 9 August 1994, following a surveillance and undercover operation, he was arrested in a van in the company of an undercover police officer known only as “Graham”. In the van was a briefcase containing 4.83 kilograms of 50% pure heroin. On 7 April 1995 the applicant was convicted in Snaresbrook Crown Court of possessing a Class A drug with intent to supply and was sentenced to nine years' imprisonment.
The first applicant's defence was that at the time of his arrest he believed he was taking part in a transaction to sell stolen jewellery. He alleged that his participation had been organised by a man named Geoffrey Lerway, whom he had met the previous year while both were detained on remand in Brixton Prison. According to the applicant, the week before his arrest Lerway had introduced him to a man called Jim Humphries and a man presented to him only as “Martin”. The day before the arrest, the applicant was contacted by Lerway and asked if he would be interested in going to Birmingham in connection with a jewellery deal in which Lerway was acting as intermediary to Martin. He would be given a cut of the purchase price. The applicant agreed that Lerway would pick him up from his home the next day.
The following morning he was told that the plans had changed as Martin was now coming to London. The first applicant agreed to accompany Lerway to a public house where, at approximately 12.45 p.m., a red Jaguar car and a white van drew up. The driver of the Jaguar was introduced to the applicant as “Jeff”; he was accompanied by a man and a woman, subsequently called “Terry” and “Carol”. The driver of the van was introduced as “Graham”. Jeff gave Lerway a briefcase containing GBP 125,000. They all then left in convoy for the Clive Hotel, Primrose Hill, where they were to meet Martin.
At the hotel, Lerway decided to stay with the money in the car and asked the applicant to see if Martin had arrived. The applicant therefore went into the hotel where he met Jim Humphries, who told him that the arrangements had changed again as Martin was now in Euston. Humphries and Lerway asked the applicant to take a taxi to Euston and ask Martin to return with him to the Clive Hotel. The applicant followed these instructions and found Martin, who told him he had to leave immediately for another meeting. Martin, having spoken to Humphries or Lerway by mobile phone, gave the applicant the key to a room in the nearby Ibis Hotel, and explained that the “goods” were in a briefcase in the room.
According to the applicant, Graham came from Primrose Hill in his van and met the applicant outside the Ibis. Graham then suggested that the applicant should accompany him up to the room and offered to give him a lift back to Primrose Hill afterwards. In the hotel room, Graham forced the lock on the case while the applicant was in the bathroom and when he came out Graham was ready to go. They returned to the van where the briefcase was opened and within moments the applicant had been arrested.
Of all the participants in the above transaction, only the applicant was arrested and charged. The applicant suspects that the other participants were undercover police officers or informers acting on police instructions, but their identities and status have never been revealed to him. In this regard he considers it relevant that at the time of the alleged dealings, Lerway was on bail to the Middlesex Crown Court in respect of a large scale conspiracy to supply cannabis. One of the conspirators was a former Flying Squad Detective. It was known to the applicant that Lerway had acted as a participating police informer in that case and it was further known that the police officers involved in the applicant's case had also investigated the conspiracy for which Lerway was on bail. The applicant believes that sentencing in Lerway's trial was deliberately postponed until 12 April 1995, some five days after the conclusion of the applicant's own trial, as a disincentive for Lerway to come forward and give evidence concerning the true nature of the transaction.
Prior to the commencement of the applicant's trial the prosecution gave notice to the defence that an application to withhold material evidence had been made ex parte in advance of the trial under the procedure approved in R. v. Davis, Johnson and Rowe (see paragraph 34 below). Judge Owen Stable QC, who considered the material in the absence of the defence, concluded that it would not assist the defence and that there were genuine public interest grounds for withholding it. This ruling was subsequently reconsidered by the trial judge, who had the benefit of a document prepared by the defence, outlining the issues in the case, as well as of the oral submissions of defence counsel. In the course of the present proceedings before the European Court, the Government revealed for the first time that the material placed before the trial judge included information indicating that the applicant had been involved in the supply of heroin before the start of the undercover operation. The subject matter of the public interest immunity evidence was not disclosed to the applicant during the domestic proceedings, either at first instance or on appeal. He denies any prior involvement in drug dealing. The trial judge, who directed himself in accordance with the approach set out by the Court of Appeal in R. v. Keane (see paragraph 36 below), decided that the evidence in question would not assist the defence and found genuine public interest grounds in favour of non-disclosure.
Following the ruling on disclosure, the defence made an application to the trial judge under section 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (“PACE”: see paragraph 29 below) to exclude the evidence of Graham, on the basis that the applicant had been entrapped into committing the offence. These submissions were rejected. The judge held that in the course of the ex parte application he had heard nothing and seen no material which would have assisted the defence in their argument that evidence should be excluded under section 78 on grounds of entrapment. He continued that, if he had seen or heard any such material, he would have ordered disclosure.
Apart from the applicant, Graham was the only participant in the offence to give evidence at the trial. He testified that the applicant had made a number of incriminating statements to him when they were alone together in the van and hotel room. Although Graham claimed to have made a full note of the alleged conversations, these notes were never shown to the applicant and the applicant was not questioned in connection with their content by the investigating police officers. According to the applicant it was, however, difficult for the defence to undermine Graham's credibility because his full name and other identifying details were not disclosed.
Following his conviction the applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal on the ground, inter alia, that the judge had been wrong to refuse to order disclosure. Dismissing the appeal on 18 July 1996 the Court of Appeal, having itself examined the undisclosed evidence, observed that “each one of us reached the clearest possible view that nothing in the documents withheld could possibly have assisted the defence at trial; indeed quite the reverse”.
B. Michael Lewis
Prior to the events in question, the applicant was of good character. He had been employed as accounts director in a firm which had gone into liquidation a year earlier, and at the time of his arrest in July 1995 he was unemployed and in considerable debt.
The applicant's version of events, which he maintained from the time of his first interview with the police, was that he had been introduced to a man named “Terry” by an acquaintance, Colin Phelps, since Terry appeared interested in purchasing from the applicant some bankrupt stock. At a meeting in July 1995 Terry had started talking about counterfeit currency and had pressed the applicant to obtain some as part of the transaction. Although the applicant had never hitherto been involved with counterfeit currency, he did have a contact, “John”, who was able to supply forged bank notes.
Terry went on to introduce the applicant to two men called “Jag” and “Jazz”. At a third meeting on 14 July 1995, Jag turned up with “Chris”, who was subsequently revealed to be an undercover police officer, and an order for a large amount of currency was placed. It appears from the transcript of covert tape recordings made during this meeting that, while the applicant was not unwilling to become involved, he was actively encouraged to do so by Jag and Chris, who pressurised him to a certain degree to supply more notes of a higher denomination than had at first been agreed. On 25 July 1995 the applicant met Chris and another undercover officer, “Ian”, in a public house car park. He showed them some counterfeit notes, and was immediately arrested by uniformed officers. More counterfeit notes were found when his house was searched.
The applicant maintained that he had been entrapped by undercover police officers and/or participating informers into committing the offences. On 11 November 1996 he applied to the Crown Court judge for an order that the indictment should be stayed on the grounds that, as a result of the covert activities of undercover police officers and/or participating informers, (a) it was not possible for him to have a fair trial and (b) the moral integrity of the criminal proceedings had been impugned. He also requested the judge to order the prosecution to provide more information and documents, including information relating to the question whether Colin Phelps, “Terry” or “Tel”, “Jazz” or “Jag” were participating informers or undercover police officers.
Prior to making his ruling on the defence application, the judge heard, ex parte, an application by the prosecution to withhold certain material evidence on grounds of public interest immunity. The judge refused to grant a stay or to order further disclosure, indicating that most of the information sought was subject to public interest immunity. He also ruled that, while it was clear that “Chris” was coaxing the applicant, there was no evidence of pressure being applied.
A second submission was then made on the applicant's behalf to exclude the evidence of undercover police officers under section 78 of PACE. However, before evidence was called from the officers in question – “Chris” and “Ian” – the defence counsel sought guidance from the judge as to the areas of cross examination which would or would not be allowed, given that certain issues relating to the investigation were covered by public interest immunity. It became apparent that most of the areas of cross examination necessary to develop the submission were not to be allowed. Accordingly, the submission was withdrawn and the applicant entered guilty pleas to the indictment on 12 November 1996.
On 20 November 1996 he was sentenced to a total of four and a half years' imprisonment.
On 28 November 1996 counsel advised that the applicant had no prospects of success in appealing against conviction, since he would have to demonstrate that the convictions were unsafe before an appeal could succeed. This would be impossible given that, on his own account, he had been motivated by money to enter into the deal to sell counterfeit currency. Counsel also expressed the view that: “Had there been anything within the [public interest immunity] material which could have assisted the Defendant in developing his case to exclude the evidence under s.78 PACE I am confident the Judge would have released it. In those circumstances, I advise that there are no grounds of appeal against conviction.” | train | {
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"applicant": "Martin John Edwards",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Martin John Edwards |
001-59452 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 37715/97) against the United Kingdom lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Irish national, Mrs Mary Theresa Shanaghan (“the applicant”), on 3 October 1996.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr P. Mageean and Mr D. Korff, lawyers practising in the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr C. Whomersley of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that her son Patrick Shanaghan was killed by an unknown gunman in circumstances disclosing collusion by members of the security forces and that there was an inadequate investigation into his death. She invoked Articles 2, 13 and 14 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
Having consulted the parties, the President of the Chamber decided that in the interests of the proper administration of justice, the proceedings in the present case should be conducted simultaneously with those in the cases of Hugh Jordan v. the United Kingdom, no. 24746/94, McKerr v. the United Kingdom, no. 28883/95 and Kelly and Others v. the United Kingdom, no. 30054/96 (see judgments of the same date).
Third-party comments were received from the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission on 23 March 2000, which had been given leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 61 § 3).
A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building on 4 April 2000. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr C. Whomersley, Agent, Mr R. Weatherup, QC, Mr P. Sales, Mr J. Eadie, Mr N. Lavender, Counsel, Mr O. Paulin, Ms S. Mcclelland, Ms K. Pearson, Mr D. Mcilroy, Ms S. Broderick, Ms L. Mcalpine, Ms J. Donnelly, Mr T. Taylor, Advisers; (b) for the applicants Mr D. Korff, Ms F. Doherty, Counsel, Mr P. Mageean, Solicitor. The Court heard addresses by Mr Weatherup and Mr Korff.
By a decision of 4 April 2000, the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
The facts of the case, in particular concerning the circumstances surrounding the death of Patrick Shanaghan on 12 August 1991, are in dispute between the parties.
A. Events prior to 12 August 1991
Patrick Shanaghan was a thirty-year-old Catholic and active member of Sinn Fein when he was killed.
The Royal Ulster Constabulary (the RUC) suspected him of being an IRA member and that he was involved in terrorism. Between 15 April 1985 and 19 May 1991 he was arrested and detained pursuant to investigations into acts of terrorism in Northern Ireland. Six of the ten arrests resulted in detention for four or more days. He was never charged with any crime.
Patrick Shanaghan gave several written statements to his solicitors alleging physical assaults by RUC officers while in custody, including being punched in the back, punched under the chin with a clenched fist, stabbed in the throat with extended fingers, slapped in the face, having his arms wrenched back and forth repeatedly, being forced to keep a crouched position for hours, having his head struck against a wall, and being hit and kicked in the testicles. The applicant alleged that on several occasions RUC detectives threatened to kill her son during interrogations, for example, by telling him that “Loyalists in Castlederg know you now and they'll get you”.
During his detention in Castlereagh from 9 to 15 April 1986, it was recorded that Patrick Shanaghan complained to a doctor that he had been ill-treated – this referred to the pulling of his hair and the forcing back of his fingers. The doctor reported this to the custody sergeant, who invited Patrick Shanaghan to make a written statement. Patrick Shanaghan declined to reply. He also declined to reply when the custody sergeant asked him if he would be willing to attend a police disciplinary hearing.
On 4 April 1989, Patrick Shanaghan instituted proceedings against the Chief Constable of the RUC for alleged assault, battery, trespass to the person, unlawful arrest and unlawful imprisonment in respect of his detention from 9 to 15 April 1986. These were discontinued by him on 3 September 1990.
The applicant also claimed that there was an attempt on Patrick Shanaghan's life, on 17 February 1989, but that he managed to escape. The RUC were called but no charges were brought against a suspect for the murder attempt. When Patrick Shanaghan was arrested a year later, in February 1990, he publicly stated that RUC officers repeatedly mentioned this murder attempt during interrogation and one officer claimed, “We won't miss next time”.
The RUC warned Patrick Shanaghan twice that he was under potential threat from loyalist paramilitary groups. On 10 December 1990, a RUC detective informed him that security force documentation containing information about him, including a photographic montage, had accidentally fallen out of the back of an army vehicle. He was advised to take measures for his personal safety as there was a risk that the material had come into the hands of loyalist paramilitaries. A letter dated 11 January 1991 was sent to the RUC by Patrick Shanaghan's solicitors who requested, as a matter of urgency in order to assess the risk to his life, information relating to the documentation, including the type of information lost, dates when the information was first recorded, the exact date and under what circumstances it went missing, copies of photographs and addresses included in the files, and information in relation to the social movement and employment of persons involved in handling the files. On 29 July 1994, over three and a half years later, the RUC responded to this letter by stating that the police investigation was concluded and that the document had been accidentally lost by the Army. On 27 April 1991, Sergeant Norden of the RUC called at Mr Shanaghan's home and informed him that he had received information to suggest that he was being targeted by loyalists.
The Government gave further details about the loss of the photographs. They stated that on 10 December 1990 during the journey of an army patrol vehicle from Rockwood Base to Hump Vehicle Checkpoint near Strabane in County Tyrone, the rear doors of the vehicle fell open and a helmet, armoured vest and combat suit belonging to one of the drivers fell from the vehicle. The jacket of the combat suit contained three terrorist recognition photographic montages comprising a total of 38 photographs, including some of Patrick Shanaghan. Upon arrival, it was discovered that the said equipment was missing and a search carried out of the route, which resulted in the recovery of the helmet. The officer responsible for the missing equipment was cautioned and interviewed by the Special Investigation Branch about the loss of the photographic montages. He was subsequently reported and disciplinary proceedings instituted against him. The officer attended a disciplinary interview with his Brigade Commander. No formal disciplinary sanction was recorded as imposed, although the Government stated that it was possible that he received a formal rebuke which would not have been recorded. The RUC informed Patrick Shanaghan promptly of the loss of the photographs. There was no evidence who, if anyone, recovered the photographs or that they played any later role in events.
Patrick Shanaghan was stopped and questioned by RUC and UDR officers on a daily basis. The Shanaghan family home, which the applicant shared with her son, was searched sixteen times between 1985 and 1991. No illegal material was ever found. According to the applicant, sometimes the RUC would not even enter certain rooms indicating that the search was not a concerted effort to locate and seize illegal material but was carried out solely to harass the family.
B. The killing of Patrick Shanaghan
At about 8.30 a.m. on 12 August 1991, Patrick Shanaghan was driving his van to his job when he was shot dead by a masked gunman. About twenty shots had been fired into the van as it passed down the Learmore Road in the direction of Castlederg. The UFF (Ulster Freedom Fighters – a loyalist organisation) later claimed responsibility for the murder in the local press.
RUC officers arrived at the scene shortly after the shooting was reported. A scene of crimes officer attended the scene and recovered bullet casings and glass samples. The scene was photographed, including the tyre impressions. These items were analysed by a member of the Northern Ireland Forensic Science Laboratory. The applicant alleged that the behaviour of the police at the scene was not consonant with any concern for her son's life or proper police procedures, claiming that no ambulance was called to the scene and that the police prevented a priest approaching to give the last rites. The Government stated that no ambulance was called as it was apparent that an ambulance could not have assisted Patrick Shanaghan. When the priest arrived, he was initially asked to go to Incident Control Point before approaching the car, to enable the officers to make the necessary arrangements for the preservation of the evidence at the scene.
At 2.30 p.m. on the same day, a post mortem examination disclosed that Patrick Shanaghan had died from a bullet wound to the chest.
The police attempted to identify potential eye-witnesses by speaking to all those present at the scene, conducting house to house enquiries, setting up vehicle check points and making press appeals for witnesses to come forward. They also interviewed the police officers who had been attending a road traffic accident to which personnel had been diverted shortly before the shooting occurred. The Government stated that there had been nothing suspicious in the conduct of the police in this respect. Three cars had been tasked to attend the road traffic accident at the village of Killen, it being normal practice for more than one vehicle to respond due to the risk of attacks on the security forces by the Provisional IRA.
Shortly after the shooting, the RUC discovered a car which they believed had been used by the people involved in the shooting. However, a forensic and fingerprint examination disclosed no evidence to connect it with any person suspected of the murder. Enquiries showed that the car had been recently bought for cash by unknown persons from a private vendor.
As later revealed in the inquest, the investigating police officer believed that he knew the identity of the persons involved in the killing but had no evidence to prove it. Several suspects had been arrested and interviewed but no evidence of admission had been obtained from them.
On 26 January 1995, the applicant accepted the sum of 25,520 pounds sterling from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme in respect of the death of her son.
C. The inquest
An inquest into the killing was opened on 26 March 1996, over four and a half years after the murder. The RUC file had been transmitted to the Coroner on 14 January 1994. The delay in their inquiries resulted, according to the Government, from the extent of other criminal activities requiring police attention in the Castlederg area at that time. The inquest was further delayed to February 1996 pending the completion of further inquiries required by the Coroner.
No explanation was given to the Shanaghan family to account for the delay. During this period, the family had not known whether any murder investigation had been conducted by the police and were not provided with any indication as to the nature of the RUC's findings, if any, as to how the applicant's son had died.
The inquest was heard over six days, between 26 March and 20 June 1996. It was presided over by the Coroner who sat with a jury and was assisted by a lawyer. The RUC were represented by counsel and a solicitor.
During the inquest, the solicitor acting for the family of Patrick Shanaghan sought to introduce evidence in support of allegations that the RUC had prior knowledge that he was to be murdered, that the RUC had made threats against him and that the police investigation had been inadequate. This consisted of evidence from a forensic science consultant who criticised the RUC for not taking a plaster-cast of car tyre impressions found at the scene of the crime, and the oral testimony of D.C. who claimed to have been told by Patrick Shanaghan of threats to his life made by RUC officers and who had heard such threats made by officers when he himself was in custody. When the Coroner accepted that the evidence should be admitted, the RUC Chief Constable applied for judicial review of those decisions. On 18 June 1996, the High Court quashed the Coroner's decision, holding that: “... it is now well-settled in the jurisprudence on this topic that a Coroner's function is not, and one may say emphatically not, to conduct a wide-ranging inquiry into the broad circumstances in which a deceased has met his death. It is now clearly established by the decisions to which I have referred that the word “how” should receive the connotation “by what means” and it seems to me ... that it cannot be the case that the evidence in relation to the calibre of the police investigation - the quality of the police investigation – touches upon the means by which Mr. Shanaghan was killed. Rather it is directly relevant to the possible criticism of the standard of the police investigation and that ... goes well beyond the scope of the inquiry of the Coroner. By the same token I consider that the evidence ... from Mr [D.C.] ... is not germane to the question which the Coroner and the jury must decide and that is by what means the deceased met his death. Evidence has already been given without apparent challenge that the deceased was the target of loyalist terrorists before he was murdered. That evidence has not been disputed and is no way controversial and in those circumstances it appears to me that the only issue which Mr [D.C.]'s evidence could shed light upon is whether these threats were uttered by police officers. That, for the reasons I have already referred to, is not a matter for the Coroner's inquest to enquire into ...”
The Coroner refused to admit in evidence statements made by Patrick Shanaghan to his solicitors. The applicant stated that her original statement was edited by the RUC to exclude references to police collusion when it appeared in a Coroner's deposition.
On 20 June 1996, the Coroner's Inquest issued the verdict that Patrick Shanaghan had died on 12 August 1991 on Learmore Road in Castlederg from a bullet wound to the chest.
D. Police complaints procedure
On 14 July 1996, the applicant made a complaint about the conduct of the RUC at the scene of the shooting in denying Dr Stewart access to the body and in failing to call an ambulance. This complaint was investigated by an assistant chief constable, under the supervision of the Independent Commission for Police Complaints (the ICPC), as a result of which the Inspector concerned was given advice which was recorded in the Divisional Discipline Book.
A Superintendent of the Complaints and Discipline Section of the RUC made attempts to investigate the allegations made by D.C. that, during an interview with police, RUC officers had made threats against Patrick Shanaghan (see paragraph 31 above). By letter of 2 October 1996, D.C.'s solicitors replied that their client would not make a statement concerning Patrick Shanaghan as none had been sought at the time of the incident. Attempts were made to take statements from three other witnesses mentioned at the inquest, only one of whom agreed. The RUC officers who had interviewed D.C. on 14 and 15 May 1991 were themselves interviewed.
On 26 June 1997, a copy of the unofficial inquiry report was sent by the applicant's daughter to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (see below, concerning the unofficial inquiry). She complained of the failure to make a plaster cast of the tyre tracks at the scene and that Constable D. had said that he had been sent to the scene of the shooting at 8 a.m. before it had taken place. As a result, the RUC conducted further enquiries under the supervision of the ICPC and the RUC subsequently reported to the Director of Public Prosecutions (the DPP).
On 16 July 1997, the ICPC wrote to the applicant's daughter and son-in-law informing them that the ICPC was satisfied by the police investigation which had taken place.
On 30 November 1998, the ICPC wrote to the applicant's daughter to inform her that Constable D. would be spoken to about the error which he had made as to the time at which he was detailed to the scene but that no other disciplinary proceedings would be taken in respect of the matters complained of on 26 June 1997. They stated that they were satisfied with the action taken.
In January 1999, having considered the results of the RUC's further enquiries in the light of the unofficial enquiry, the DPP decided that there should be no prosecution in relation to the shooting.
E. Unofficial inquiry
A community inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the murder was organised by family and friends after the conclusion of the inquest in the hope that the whole truth about the murder could be revealed. The inquiry, conducted by the Castlederg-Aghyaran Justice Group and chaired by a retired United States Judge, Andrew Somers, heard thirteen witnesses over the period from 17 to 19 September 1996. The witnesses included family, local residents and friends of the deceased. Evidence was given alleging that police officers had frequently stopped Patrick Shanaghan in the street and issued threats, that the police warned people to keep away from him or they would end up being shot, that police officers made comments to persons in custody before the incident that Patrick Shanaghan would be targeted and, after the incident, claimed that they had had him killed. Two witnesses claimed that they had seen Patrick Shanaghan still moving after the shooting had occurred. The Judge concluded that the applicant had been murdered by the British Government and, more specifically, with the collusion of the RUC.
F. Civil proceedings
On 22 July 1994, the applicant issued a writ against the Chief Constable of the RUC and, by amendment of 15 September 1994, against the Ministry of Defence also. The writ was served on 17 July 1995. In the proceedings, the applicant claimed damages for loss and damage sustained by her and the estate of her son by reason, inter alia, of negligence, breach of confidence and misfeasance in public office relating to the storing, handling and use of information. On 19 July 1995, the defendants gave notice of intention to defend the proceedings. No further steps have been taken. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Mary Theresa Shanaghan |
001-171507 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 59727/13) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Somali national Mr Liban Mohamud Ahmed.
The applicant was represented by Mr Z. Yazdani of Deighton Pierce Glynn Solicitors, Mr R. Husain QC of Matrix Chambers, and Ms L. Dubinsky of Doughty Street Chambers. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms A. McLeod.
On 15 October 2014 the application was communicated to the Government.
The applicant was born in 1977 and lives in London.
A. The applicant’s immigration history
The applicant left Somalia with his family for the Netherlands in 1992 when he was fifteen years old. After claiming asylum, it would appear that the family were given a period of leave to remain in the Netherlands. During this period the applicant married and had a son, born in 1994. The applicant’s family travelled to the United Kingdom in 1998. The applicant initially remained in the Netherlands but on 11 December 1999 he arrived in the United Kingdom, where he claimed asylum. In doing so, he provided the immigration authorities with a false name and a false immigration history in order to avoid being sent back to the Netherlands. Although the asylum application was unsuccessful the applicant was granted exceptional leave to remain until 2004.
The applicant received ten criminal convictions over the period from 16 November 2001 to 4 August 2005. In December 2007 he was convicted of a public order offence and of failing to surrender. He was sentenced to four and a half months’ imprisonment.
On 29 January 2008 the applicant was served with notice that the Secretary of State intended to make a deportation order against him. The same letter refused an application for indefinite leave to remain in the United Kingdom. The applicant lodged an appeal against the decision to deport him on 1 February 2008. That appeal was dismissed on 30 June 2008 and his appeal rights were exhausted on 8 July 2008.
B. The applicant’s immigration detention
On 8 February 2008, when the applicant had served half of his final custodial sentence and was eligible for release from prison, he was detained under paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 3 to the Immigration Act 1971 pending the making of a deportation order against him. The Secretary of State signed the deportation order on 29 October 2008 and he was thereafter detained under paragraph 2(2) of Schedule 3 to the Immigration Act 1971 pending his removal from the United Kingdom.
On 2 June 2009 removal directions were set for 17 June 2009. However, they were cancelled on 16 June 2009 when the applicant made an application to this Court (application no. 26023/09), which granted an interim measure under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court.
The applicant’s detention was reviewed monthly and the review forms set out the reasons for maintaining detention. The form from July 2009 includes the following statement in reference to the Rule 39 measure: “Whilst this means that enforced removal is not possible, [the applicant] could reduce the length of time he spends in detention by withdrawing voluntarily”. A similar point features in some, if not all, of the later forms. The form for February 2010 notes that “Rule 39 ECHR is a barrier to removal but I note that FRS [Facilitated Return Scheme] is an option that should be explored to the full to expedite his removal from the UK”. Likewise, the form for July 2010 states that “[t]he length of detention is a direct result of his appeals against deportation and, although it is now 29 months, he has the real option of return to Somalia with the Facilitated Returns Scheme. This option should be further explained to the subject”. Furthermore, the form from December 2010 indicated that the applicant “could minimise his time in detention by withdrawing [the application to the ECHR] and taking up FRS which is offered each month” and that he could “end his detention by volunteering to return (with or without FRS) at any time”.
Applications for bail were refused on 9 November 2009, 21 April 2010 and 14 July 2010 as the Immigration Judges were not satisfied that the applicant would answer to any conditions set. On 9 November 2009 the Immigration Judge further noted that although the applicant had been in detention for a lengthy period, “the most recent period of detention is on account of delays with his own application to the European Court of Human Rights”.
The applicant made further representations against removal on 10 June 2010. Those representations were treated as an application for revocation of the deportation order, but on 17 November 2010 the Secretary of State refused to revoke the order. However, following an appeal by the applicant, the Secretary of State withdrew the refusal decision on 12 July 2011.
On 19 November 2010 the applicant filed a claim for judicial review, contending that his ongoing detention was unlawful. Permission was granted on 17 June 2011 but a further application for bail was refused. On 13 July 2011, some two weeks after the Court ruled in Sufi and Elmi v. the United Kingdom (nos. 8319/07 and 11449/07, 28 June 2011), the applicant was granted bail.
A hearing took place on 7 October 2011. Pursuant to the principles set down by the High Court in R. v. Durham Prison Governor ex parte Hardial Singh [1984] 1 WLR 704 (see section on domestic law below), the Secretary of State cannot lawfully detain a person pending removal for longer than a reasonable period and, if it becomes apparent that the deportation cannot be effected within a reasonable period, the detention will become unlawful even if the reasonable period has not yet expired. The applicant claimed that his detention was in breach of the principles (a) on or after 16 June 2009 when the Court granted an interim measure under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court; (b) on or immediately after 16 June 2010 when he applied to revoke the deportation order; or (c) at all points after the revocation refusal on 17 November 2010.
In a judgment dated 14 November 2011 the Administrative Court dismissed the claim. It noted that in deciding whether or not there was a realistic prospect that deportation would take place within a reasonable time, the risk of absconding or re-offending were “of paramount importance” but neither risk could be regarded as a “trump card”. Moreover, the fact that the period of detention occurred while the applicant was pursuing an appeal or comparable judicial process would also be a highly relevant factor, especially if there was a risk of absconding or reoffending.
The court noted that the applicant in the present case had six convictions for absconding and the Immigration Judges had consistently concluded that he was a significant abscond risk. It agreed with the Immigration Judges and also concluded that the risk was plainly substantial on the evidence available. Equally, the court took into account the fact that the applicant had family in the country at the times he absconded and therefore, contrary to his assertions, their presence did not remove the risk of absconding. Likewise, the Secretary of State’s detention reviews had characterised the risk of the applicant reoffending as “high”. The court further noted that the applicant’s offences became less serious and more intermittent as time went on. However, the fact remained that while he was free he was committing offences of such seriousness as to require him to be imprisoned, including robbery and public order offences. The court also considered whether alternatives to detention could be used such as electronic tagging, monitoring by telephone and regular reporting. However, given the applicant’s history of absconding, it concluded that the alternatives would not have been sufficient and there was an absence of adequate assurances from the applicant.
At the time the Administrative Court noted that the interim measure under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, was awaiting a lead judgment on returns to Mogadishu (Sufi and Elmi, cited above) and it was clear that there would be no resolution of the applicant’s claim - and the interim measure would therefore not be lifted - before that judgment was handed down. However, the Administrative Court observed that at the time the interim measure was indicated, there was uncertainty about when that judgment could be expected. Moreover, while the applicants in Sufi and Elmi would have had a reasonable to good prospect of success, a positive outcome had not been inevitable. Consequently, the Administrative Court did not accept that there was not, at the time the interim measure was indicated, a realistic prospect of removing the applicant within a reasonable time.
Furthermore, the court did not accept that by the time of the applicant’s application for a revocation order, a reasonable period had already expired or that there was no realistic prospect of deportation within a reasonable time. In addition, it observed that the Secretary of State had been entitled to take two weeks to consider the applicant’s personal situation in light of the judgment in Sufi and Elmi. It therefore did not consider his continued detention up to 13 July 2011 to be unlawful.
The applicant was granted permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal. On appeal, he restated his arguments concerning the Hardial Singh principles which had been advanced in the court below. In addition, he submitted that the detention was vitiated by two public law errors that bore directly on the decision to detain: first, following the indication of the interim measure the Secretary of State had failed to take any reasonable steps to acquaint herself with when it might be lifted; and secondly, that the detention was maintained on the unlawful basis that the applicant could reduce the length of time in detention by withdrawing his application to the Court and returning voluntarily to Somalia. Finally, the applicant argued that his detention was in breach of Article 5 of the Convention.
In its judgment of 20 October 2012, the Court of Appeal conducted an extensive review of the circumstances of the case, in particular the fact that the applicant’s appeal against deportation as well as three separate bail applications had been rejected by immigration judges, as well as the broader context in relation to the on-going litigation concerning removals to Somalia both before the domestic courts and tribunals as well as before this Court (see §§ 28 to 32). It took into consideration the fact that the Rule 39 measure applied in the applicant’s case did not involve any specific assessment of risk towards him by this Court, since at the material time this Court had adopted a fact-insensitive approach towards Rule 39 measures in respect of removals to Somalia, and noted the consequence that from October 2008 this Court had adjourned 116 applications concerning removal to Somalia. It also took account of correspondence between the Government and the registry of this Court from which it was clear that from April 2009 the Court would be granting a fact-insensitive Rule 39 measure to any applicant with removal directions to Mogadishu as well as the separate correspondence between the Government and this Court concerning the progress of Sufi and Elmi, cited above and the linked domestic case law.
With regard to the Hardial Singh ground, the Court of Appeal stated that there could be a realistic prospect of success without it being possible to specify or predict the date by which, or the period in which, removal can reasonably be expected to occur. It accepted that at the time of receipt of the Rule 39 measure in the applicant’s case, although it was not possible to say when the proceedings before the Court would be concluded, there was nonetheless a reasonable prospect of their being concluded and of removal being effected within a reasonable time. Likewise, the Court of Appeal saw no reason to differ from the overall conclusion of the lower court on the lawfulness of the applicant’s detention at the time of the application for revocation of the deportation order or after the judgment in Sufi and Elmi was handed down. Lord Justice Elias dissented on one point only: acknowledging that “there is no one right answer to the question what is a reasonable period”, he believed that the period of two weeks which elapsed following the judgment in Sufi and Elmi before the applicant was released from detention was not reasonable in all the circumstances.
With regard to the second ground of appeal, the court accepted that if the applicant were able to show that the decisions to maintain his detention were vitiated by public law he would succeed in establishing that the detention was unlawful and would have a claim of false imprisonment. However, the Court of Appeal found that although some of the passages in the review forms were not very happily expressed, they did not involve any legal error. Moreover, as the same conclusion was reached regardless of whether or not reference was made to the question of voluntary return, it appeared that the applicant’s refusal of this offer played no material part in the assessment of whether detention should be maintained.
Finally, the court found that Article 5 § 1(f) of the Convention added nothing of substance in the present case. In reaching this conclusion, it rejected the applicant’s assertion that Mikolenko v. Estonia, no. 10664/05, 8 October 2009 was authority for the proposition that the lack of a realistic prospect of deportation within a defined period rendered detention under Article 5 § 1(f) unlawful.
The Supreme Court refused the applicant leave to appeal on 26 March 2013. | train | {
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001-80444 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 17912/05) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Kurt Bösch (“the applicant”), on 10 May 2005.
The applicant was represented by Mr W.L. Weh, a lawyer practising in Bregenz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador Mr F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained, in particular, about a breach of Article 6 of the Convention on account of unreasonably lengthy proceedings in which no oral hearing before a tribunal was held.
On 10 April 2006 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant is the owner of a farm in Frastranz. On 21 April 1999 he asked the Mayor (Bürgermeister) of Frastanz to grant him a permit for the building of roofing between two buildings in order to create a tool shed on his farm.
On 12 July 1999 the Mayor, acting as building authority of first instance, dismissed this request as the project was contrary to the relevant area zoning plan (Flächenwidmungsplan). On 22 July 1999 the applicant appealed and submitted in particular that permits had been granted for the building of the other two buildings. He had constructed the roofing at issue at the same time and then sought a building permit for it as in the other cases. He further requested, should it be necessary, that the Municipal Council grant him an exemption permit under Section 22 of the Regional Planning Act (Raumplanungsgesetz). Under this provision a land owner may be exempted under certain conditions from the application of the relevant area zoning plan.
The Municipal Council (Gemeindeamt) remitted the case back to the Mayor. Having held a hearing on 15 March 2000, the Mayor, on 13 September 2000, again dismissed the applicant's request for a building permit. He referred to the relevant area zoning plan (Flächenwidmungsplan) and further noted that the local council (Gemeindevorstand) had not granted an exemption permit. The Mayor finally observed that for the construction of the two other buildings there had been proceedings for re-designation of the concerned land. The applicant had then promised to demolish the already existing roofing which had been built without the authorities' consent and the relating demolition order had not been challenged by the applicant.
By a decision of 15 January 2001 the local council dismissed the applicant's request for an exemption permit. It noted that the building project concerned 60 square metres while the relevant provisions of the Vorarlberg Regional Planning Act (Raumplanungsgesetz) provided such an exemption only for a small-sized project of around 25 square meters.
On 16 January and 11 July 2001 respectively the Municipal Council (Gemeindeamt) dismissed the applicant's appeals of 27 September 2000 against the above decisions.
The Feldkirch District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshaupt-mannschaft) confirmed these decisions on 28 March and 8 October 2001 respectively.
On 15 May 2001 the applicant filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) concerning the refusal of the building permit and requested the court to examine the lawfulness of the underlying area zoning plan. He further requested the Constitutional Court to hold an oral hearing.
On 20 June 2001 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant's complaint as it had no prospect of success.
The applicant subsequently filed two complaints with the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof). In the first complaint, of 24 September 2001, he submitted that the refusal to grant him a building permit had been unlawful as the actual designation of the land concerned was not clear and the underlying area zoning plan was unlawful. In the latter regard, he requested the Administrative Court to institute proceedings for examination of the lawfulness of the area zoning plan with the Constitutional Court after having established the relevant facts. He further submitted that the relevant authorities should have waited for the outcome of the proceedings concerning his request for an exemption permit. In his second complaint, of 20 November 2001, the applicant submitted that an exemption should have been granted as his project was small-sized within the meaning of the Regional Planning Act. In both complaints the applicant asked the Administrative Court to hold a hearing.
On 21 October 2004 the Administrative Court dismissed both complaints, which it had joined. The Administrative Court found, in accordance with Section 39(2) of the Administrative Court Act (Verwaltungsgerichtshofgesetz), that there was no need for a hearing as the applicant's complaints concerned only legal questions of no particular complexity. The question of the lawfulness of the area zoning plan had been considered by the Constitutional Court, which had no doubts as to the lawfulness either. This decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 11 November 2004.
In the meantime, on 29 June 2000, the Municipal Council dismissed the applicant's request for re-designation of the land concerned. The applicant did not pursue these proceedings any further. | train | {
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"applicant": "Kurt Bösch",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2007
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Kurt Bösch |
001-158031 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 40378/10) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Ms Fazia Ali (“the applicant”), on 15 July 2010.
The applicant was born in 1980 and lives in Birmingham. She is represented before the Court by Mr M. McIlvaney of the Community Law Partnership, a solicitor practising in Birmingham.
The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms R. Tomlinson of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
On 7 November 2012 the application was communicated to the Government.
The applicant, a parent of two young children, is a homeless person in priority need of accommodation within the meaning of Part VII of the Housing Act 1996 (“the 1996 Act”).
Birmingham City Council (“the Council”) is a local housing authority within the meaning of the 1996 Act and is required, under Part VII of that Act, to perform statutory functions in relation to homeless persons in its area.
The applicant applied as a homeless person to Birmingham City Council for assistance in October 2006. By letter dated 7 November 2006 the Council determined that the applicant was homeless, eligible for assistance, in priority need and not intentionally homeless. The authority therefore accepted that it owed the applicant the “main housing duty” to provide accommodation to her and her family. On 8 November 2006 the authority made the applicant an offer of accommodation which she refused because she was unhappy with the location. The authority told the applicant that in its view the accommodation was suitable but following a review of that decision, which was determined in the applicant’s favour, they agreed to make her another offer.
On 14 March 2007 a Housing Officer informed the applicant by telephone that another offer was being made, that a viewing had been arranged and that a letter would follow. The authority claims that on that same day a written offer of accommodation at 16 Bromford Lane, Birmingham was sent to the applicant. That letter contained a statement to the effect that if the applicant refused the offer without good cause the authority would consider that it had discharged its duty to her under Part VII of the 1996 Act. However, the applicant denied receiving the letter; instead, she claimed that she had to telephone the housing office to obtain the address and arrange the viewing appointment. She viewed the property on 19 March 2007 but declined the offer as she was not happy with the condition of the communal area.
By letter dated 21 March 2007 the Council notified the applicant that, by reason of her rejection of its offer, pursuant to section 193 of the Housing Act its duty to her under Part VII of the 1996 Act had been discharged. By letter dated 29 March 2007 the applicant notified the Council that she had not received an offer in writing and requested that the Council review its decision.
While the applicant’s case was pending before the review panel, a further offer of accommodation was made to her pursuant to a different scheme, namely the scheme for the provision of housing accommodation under Part VI of the 1996 Act. She did not accept this offer.
On 1 May 2007 a Homelessness Review Officer employed by the Council conducted a telephone interview with the applicant to establish her reasons for refusing the offer of accommodation at 16 Bromford Lane. The Officer claimed that in the course of this conversation the applicant accepted that she had in fact received the offer letter but refused the offer of accommodation because there was no lift and the entrance to the property was dirty, which could put her youngest son’s health at risk. However, the applicant claims that at the time she had thought she was being questioned about the subsequent offer of accommodation, in respect of which she did not deny having received a letter.
By letter dated 2 May 2007 the Homelessness Review Officer upheld the decision that the applicant’s refusal of the offer of accommodation had discharged the Council’s main housing duty to her under section 193(2) of the 1996 Act. In particular, the Officer found that the applicant had been sent an offer letter from the Council which complied with the mandatory requirements of section 193 of the 1996 Act prior to her refusal and there was no reason to believe that she had not received it. In any case, she noted that the applicant had not refused the accommodation because she had not received a written offer but because she did not consider the accommodation to be suitable for her family’s needs.
The applicant appealed to Birmingham County Court under section 204 of the 1996 Act, which allowed for an appeal on a point of law only. The jurisdiction exercised by the County Court under section 204 was that of judicial review. In her grounds of appeal the applicant claimed that the Council, in reaching its decision, had taken into account irrelevant considerations and/or acted under a fundamental mistake of fact; that the Council had acted unlawfully as it had failed to make adequate inquiries to enable it to reach a lawful decision; that its decision was one which no rational Council would have made; that it had fettered its discretion; and that it had acted in breach of natural justice.
The appeal was heard on 29 August 2007, on which date the judge noted that the only ground of appeal argued before him was that the letter of offer had failed to arrive. The applicant submitted that the County Court should hear evidence on the matter so that it could determine it for itself. However, although the judge accepted that the Homelessness Review Officer was not an independent or impartial tribunal, he found that the decision whether or not the letter had been received was properly and fairly to be made by her and he declined to hear evidence on the point. Although it was not specifically stated in the correspondence between the Council and the applicant, the judge appeared to consider whether or not the Council had discharged its duty under section 193(7) (see paragraph 25 below).
The applicant subsequently appealed to the Court of Appeal and then to the Supreme Court. At each level, the grounds of appeal were that the decision taken by the Council’s Homelessness Review Officer had constituted a determination of the applicant’s civil rights for the purposes of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention; that the Officer had not been an independent or impartial tribunal as required by Article 6 § 1; that the decision of the Officer had turned on the resolution of a simple question of disputed primary fact, involving no application of specialist knowledge; that pursuant to Tsfayo v. the United Kingdom, no. 60860/00, 14 November 2006, Article 6 § 1 required that the applicant be able to appeal that simple factual determination; and, alternatively, that the restriction of all statutory appeals to points of law, no matter what the nature of the decision, was incompatible with Article 6 § 1.
Both the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court decision on the applicant’s appeal followed the decision of the House of Lords in Runa Begum v. London Borough of Tower Hamlets [2003] UKHL 5. In Runa Begum the House of Lords found that judicial review of a Homelessness Review Officer’s decision that a claimant had been unreasonable in rejecting the accommodation offered to her provided “sufficiency of review” for the purposes of Article 6 § 1. The House of Lords stressed that although the Officer had been called upon to resolve some disputed factual issues, these findings of fact were “only staging posts on the way to the much broader judgments” concerning local conditions and the availability of alternative accommodation, which the Officer had the specialist knowledge and experience to make. Although the Officer could not be regarded as independent, since she was employed by the Council which had made the offer of accommodation which the claimant had rejected, statutory regulations provided substantial safeguards to ensure that the review would be independently and fairly conducted, free from improper external influences. Any significant departure from the procedural rules would have afforded a ground of appeal.
The applicant submitted that the present case could be distinguished from that of Runa Begum because it concerned the simple question of a finding of primary fact rather than an evaluative judgment, such as a qualitative assessment of “suitability”.
A. The judgment of the Court of Appeal
On 7 November 2008 the Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal. In doing so, it proceeded on the assumption that the case involved the determination of the applicant’s civil rights for the purposes of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. In relation to the question whether the decision of the Homelessness Review Officer had turned on the resolution of a simple question of primary fact, or whether it required the application of specialist knowledge, Thomas LJ stated that: “i) It is far from easy to draw the distinction advanced in practice. A finding of suitability is itself a finding based on conclusions of primary fact ... ii) There would be considerable complexity in administering a scheme with these distinctions. A scheme which enabled certain factual issues to be subject to a full right of appeal and others which would not be so subject would be too uncertain and too complex ... iii) ... [I]f the extent of the review by the court was determined by the answer to the questions of whether a finding of fact was a primary finding, or whether that finding required expertise or whether that finding was determinative, the room for argument and uncertainty would be considerable ... .... v) The additional review which would be provided by the suggested full right of appeal on fact would not in practice be very wide ... vi) The full right of appeal sought from a review officer on fact might have to be significantly different from an appeal from a court ... the procedure adopted by the reviewing officer in reaching findings of fact is informal and there are no transcripts of evidence. .... viii) There would therefore clearly be significant implications for not only the statutory scheme but for the court and tribunal system, if this court were to hold that a full right of appeal was required on findings of primary fact or on issues of primary fact where the finding was determinative ... The statutory scheme for housing and the statutory scheme for the method of appeals in respect of courts and tribunals are determined by Parliament; funds are provided for their finance by Parliament ... ix) The present scope of the appeal provides a real measure of protection for homeless appellants. It is clear from the careful judgments of Judge MacDuff QC and Judge McKenna that both considered that the housing authority had fairly treated both appellants in cases where the determinative issue was a question of fact. This conclusion reinforces the view I have expressed that the review by the County Court in cases of this kind was sufficient and that there is no reason to attempt to find that it is outside the scope of the decision in Runa Begum. It demonstrates, as Lord Bingham observed at paragraph 11, that the scheme properly operated should ensure fair treatment. I consider that it does whether the decision turns on a simple issue of primary fact or a conclusion of fact based on primary facts (such as a conclusion on suitability).”
Thomas LJ therefore concluded that the decision of the House of Lords in Runa Begum applied to all County Court appeals under section 204 of the 1996 Act, no matter whether the decision turned on a simple issue of primary fact or not. He further held that the decision in Tsfayo, which concerned the housing benefit scheme, did not affect appeals brought in homelessness cases: “34. ... In the first place the Strasbourg Court relied on the decision in Runa Begum in reaching its conclusion and said nothing that cast doubt on the correctness of the decision. Secondly, the decisions in Runa Begum and Tsfayo each turned on a careful examination of the whole of the statutory scheme relevant to the particular case. Thirdly, it is apparent from the details of the scheme considered in Tsfayo that whereas in the case of prospective benefit, central government reimbursed the local authority 95% of what it was required to pay, it only reimbursed 50% of backdated awards (see paragraph 19 of the decision); this fact had been heavily relied upon in argument (see paragraph 37 of the decision) for the powerful contention that the hearing had taken place before a tribunal consisting of members of an authority which would be required to pay 50% of the benefit if it made an award in the applicant’s favour; the HBRB was not independent of the parties. Finally when the housing benefits scheme was looked upon as a whole, it was readily apparent that a conclusion could be reached, in contradistinction to the scheme under Part VII of the Housing Act, that the particular scheme was not compliant with Article 6.1.”
B. The judgment of the Supreme Court
On 17 February 2010 the Supreme Court dismissed the applicant’s appeal, finding that the determination by the Council, that its duty to secure accommodation for the applicant had ceased, was not a determination of her civil rights within the meaning of Article 6. Lord Hope of Craighead with whom Baroness Hale and Lord Brown agreed, stated that: “... I would be prepared now to hold that cases where the award of services or benefits in kind is not an individual right of which the applicant can consider himself the holder, but is dependent upon a series of evaluative judgments by the provider as to whether the statutory criteria are satisfied and how the need for it ought to be met, do not engage article 6(1). In my opinion they do not give rise to ‘civil rights’ within the autonomous meaning that is given to that expression for the purposes of that article.”
In supporting that conclusion Lord Hope looked to what the relevant provisions within Part VII of the 1996 Act were intended to achieve. He observed that: “... It provides a right to assistance if the relevant conditions are satisfied. But this is not a pecuniary right, nor is the benefit that is to be provided defined by the application of specific rules laid down by the statute. Even where the full homelessness duty arises under section 193, the content of the statutory duty lacks precise definition. There is no private law analogy. The duty is expressed in broad terms – to secure that ‘accommodation is available’ – which leaves much to the discretionary administrative judgment of the authority.”
He continued, following a review of the jurisprudence of the Court, by noting that: “43. There are however ... a number of straws in the wind since Runa Begum that suggest that a distinction can indeed be made between the class of social security and welfare benefits that are of the kind exemplified by Salesi v Italy whose substance the domestic law defines precisely and those benefits which are, in their essence, dependent upon the exercise of judgment by the relevant authority ...”
Later in his judgment, Lord Hope, for completeness, set out some observations on whether the scheme of decision-making was Article 6‑compliant. He commented that the possibility, foreshadowed in argument, of separating simple, formal questions of “gateway” facts, such as the letter issue, from the expert assessment of suitability would needlessly complicate a scheme which was designed to be simple to administer.
The court went on to observe that the fact that a County Court did not have a full fact-finding jurisdiction when hearing an appeal under section 204 of the 1996 Act did not mean that the applicant was deprived of what was required to satisfy the guarantees of Article 6 of the Convention. In this connection, Lord Hope said this: “54. ... For ease of administration the review is entrusted to a single officer who is equipped to deal with issues as to the suitability of the accommodation that has been declined. An answer to the question whether or not the letters were received was incidental to a more searching and judgmental inquiry into the accommodation’s suitability. ... These cases are quite different from Tsfayo, where no broad questions requiring professional knowledge or experience had to be addressed once the question whether there was good cause had been answered. In these circumstances I would hold that the ratio of the decision in Runa Begum should be applied and that the absence of a full fact-finding jurisdiction in the court to which an appeal lies under section 204 does not deprive it of what it needs to satisfy the requirements of article 6(1).”
Unlike the County Court, the Supreme Court appeared to consider whether or not the Council had discharged its duty to the applicant under section 193(5); however, it appeared to accept that a formal letter of offer was required by that subsection. | train | {
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001-173091 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 73607/13) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Ulrich Sommer (“the applicant”), on 25 November 2013.
The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, Mr H.-J. Behrens and Mrs K. Behr, of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
Relying on Article 8 of the Convention, the applicant alleged that the public prosecution office had collected and stored information about his professional bank account in a manner which was disproportionate.
On 3 February 2016 the application was communicated to the Government.
Written submissions were received from the German Federal Bar Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer), which had been granted leave by the Vice‑President to intervene as third party (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2 of the Rules of Court).
The applicant was born in 1952 and lives in Cologne. He works as a criminal defence lawyer.
In 2009 the applicant defended a client in criminal proceedings. After the proceedings had concluded, and when the client had already been imprisoned, the client’s fiancée transferred the applicant’s legal fees (1,500 euros (EUR)) from her private bank account to the applicant’s professional account. The subject of the bank transfer read: “Prof Dr Sommer fees (client’s last name)”.
In 2010 and 2011 the Bochum public prosecution office conducted investigations into several individuals suspected of having committed fraud on a commercial basis as members of a gang. One of the suspects was the aforementioned applicant’s former client, who again retained the applicant as his defence lawyer. During these investigations, the bank accounts of several people, including the applicant’s client and the client’s fiancée, were inspected. The inspection revealed that the client’s fiancée had received money (EUR 7,400) which was suspected to have stemmed from illegal activities, and had transferred EUR 1,500 for legal fees to the applicant’s bank account.
On the basis of the bank transfer of fees from the fiancée to the applicant in relation to the first set of criminal proceedings, the Bochum public prosecution office also contacted the applicant’s bank. On 1 March 2011 the public prosecutor asked for a list of all transactions concerning the applicant’s bank account from 1 January 2009 until that day. He asked the bank not to reveal the request to the applicant. He based his request for information on Articles 161a, 51 and 70 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (hereinafter “the CCP”), in conjunction with Article 95 of that Code (see paragraphs 23‑25 below).
On 1 April 2011 the public prosecutor requested further information and asked the following questions: “(a) Which other bank accounts, investment accounts or safe deposit boxes at your bank belong to the person in question? (b) What rights of disposal (Verfügungsberechtigungen) does the person in question have? (c) Who else has a right of disposal? (d) Do other accounts exist of which the person in question is the beneficiary? (e) If so, what are the current balances on these accounts? (f) If bank accounts have been closed by the person in question, please submit information about the date of closure and the balance at the time of closure, and where the money was transferred after closure. (g) Which addresses of the person in question are known to you? (h) Are you aware of any money transfers to or other transactions with foreign countries? If so, please specify the bank, account and amount of each transfer or transaction. (i) Please submit a list of all transactions for all existing or closed accounts from 1 January 2009 onwards. (j) Are there any credit cards connected to any of the accounts?”
The bank complied with both requests for information and submitted the information to the public prosecution office. In both instances, the public prosecutor did not order the bank to submit the information, but pointed to the obligations of witnesses set out in the CCP and the possible consequences of non‑compliance (see paragraph 23 below).
The information received was analysed by the police and the public prosecutor, and a list of fifty-three transactions deemed to be relevant was included in the investigation file as evidence. Therefore, everyone who had access to the case file, such as the lawyers of the co‑accused, also had access to the applicant’s banking information, including the names of his clients who had transferred fees.
On 31 January 2012, after several unsuccessful requests, the applicant, as the lawyer of the accused, was granted access to the investigation file. From the case file he learned, for the first time, of the investigative measures concerning his own bank account.
On 24 April 2012 the applicant asked the Chief Public Prosecutor to hand over to him all data received from the bank and destroy all related data at the public prosecution office. In his request the applicant emphasised his role as a criminal defence lawyer, which was known to the acting public prosecutor, and the consequences for his clients, whose names were accessible through the banking information. He further argued that the investigative measures lacked a legal basis.
On 2 May 2012 the Bochum Chief Public Prosecutor refused the applicant’s request. He stated that there was a suspicion that the money transferred from the client’s fiancée stemmed from illegal activities. Consequently, it was legitimate for the public prosecutor to investigate whether further money transfers had taken place between the applicant and his client or the client’s fiancée. Therefore, since the investigative measures were legitimate, the information received had to be kept in the investigation file. The Chief Public Prosecutor further pointed out that there was no legal basis for returning the data or taking the documents out of the investigation file. The Chief Public Prosecutor cited Article 161 of the CCP (see paragraph 22 below) as a legal basis for the information requests, since the bank in question was a bank under public law and therefore considered to be an authority.
Subsequently, the file was transferred to the Bochum Regional Court (“the Regional Court”), because the criminal proceedings against the applicant’s client had started. The applicant therefore asked the Regional Court to return the data.
On 19 July 2012 the Regional Court refused the applicant’s application. The court found that the investigation was lawful, that the bank had provided the information voluntarily, that the documents could therefore only be returned to the bank and not to the applicant, and that the prohibition of seizure under Article 97 of the CCP (see paragraph 28 below) was not applicable, since the information had not been in the applicant’s possession. Nonetheless, in order to safeguard the client‑lawyer privilege, it also decided to separate the documents in question from the general court file and only grant access to them if reasons proving sufficient interest were provided.
The applicant appealed against the decision. He challenged in particular the findings that the bank had acted voluntarily and that there had been sufficient suspicion for such an extensive analysis of his banking transactions. He further reiterated that, owing to his position as a lawyer, there were several safeguards in place concerning the seizure of documents (see paragraphs 26-29 below), and these should not have been circumvented because his and his clients’ personal information was stored at and by the bank, and not at his office.
On 13 September 2012 the Hamm Court of Appeal confirmed the decision of the Regional Court. It found that the decision was proportionate and that the safeguards were not applicable, in particular since the bank could not be considered a person assisting the applicant or a person involved in the professional activities of the applicant under Article 53a of the CCP (see paragraph 27 below).
On 19 September 2013 the Federal Constitutional Court refused to admit the applicant’s constitutional complaint, without providing reasons (case no. 2 BvR 2268/12). | train | {
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001-96998 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 20087/06) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Michael Stechauner (“the applicant”), on 3 May 2006.
The applicant was represented by Mr M. Lechner, a lawyer practising in Lochau. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
The applicant alleged that the proceedings concerning his doctor’s fees had not been dealt with within a reasonable time and that the Regional Appeals Commission which dealt with his case had not been impartial or independent.
On 2 May 2008 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 3).
The applicant lives in Großau.
The applicant is a practitioner of general medicine. He has an individual contract (Einzelvertrag) with the Lower Austrian Health Insurance Board (Niederösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse). The applicant has also obtained special diplomas in the areas of echocardiology and sonography and performs these types of examination on his patients.
One part of the individual contract between the applicant and the Lower Austrian Health Insurance Board is the Remuneration Regulation (Honorarordnung) which states that certain types of examinations will only be reimbursed if they are performed by a specialist doctor.
The Lower Austrian Health Insurance Board refused to reimburse echocardiologic and sonographic examinations as the applicant was not a specialist doctor but a general practitioner.
On 2 February 1998 the applicant claimed payment for echocardiologic and sonographic services amounting to 1,900.31 euros (EUR) for the third quarter of 1997 before the Joint Arbitration Committee (Paritätische Schiedskommission); on 23 April 1998 he submitted another claim for payment amounting to EUR 1,896.65 for the fourth quarter of 1997; at an unknown date this claim for payment was increased to EUR 1,944.57. On 6 July 1998 the applicant submitted a claim for payment of EUR 1,184.81 for the first quarter of 1998.
The Joint Arbitration Committee held hearings on 1 April 1998 and 16 September 1998.
As the Joint Arbitration Committee did not reach a decision because of a tie, the applicant filed an application for transfer of jurisdiction (Devolutionsantrag) to the Regional Appeals Commission (Landesberufungskommission) on 2 July 1998 and 7 October 1998, respectively.
Meanwhile, on 6 October 1998 the applicant had claimed payment for echocardiologic and sonographic services amounting to EUR 1,169.75 for the second quarter of 1998. At a later date this claim was reduced to EUR 1,098.63.
On 25 November 1998 the Regional Appeals Commission refused to grant the applicant’s claims concerning the third and fourth quarters of 1997 and the first quarter of 1998.
On 12 April 1999 the applicant complained to the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) which, on 27 November 2000, set aside the decision of the Regional Appeals Commission of 25 November 1998. It found that the applicant’s right to have his case heard by an impartial tribunal had been violated as one of the assessors nominated by the Lower Austrian Medical Association had negotiated the disputed clause of the Remuneration Regulation. Consequently, the Regional Appeals Commission did not appear independent and impartial.
As regards the claim for the second quarter of 1998, the applicant had filed an application for transfer of jurisdiction to the Regional Appeals Commission on 6 April 1999 owing to a tie in the Joint Arbitration Committee. As at that time the applicant’s complaint against the decision of 25 November 1998 was pending before the Constitutional Court, the Regional Appeals Commission decided to stay the proceedings until the Constitutional Court had given its decision. On an unknown date the Regional Appeals Commission decided to join the proceedings in respect of all the applicant’s claims, that is to say; those for the third and fourth quarter of 1997 and for the first and second quarters of 1998.
After the Constitutional Court had set aside the Regional Appeals Commission’s decision of 25 November 1998, the newly composed Regional Appeals Commission again rejected the applicant’s claims on 19 September 2001.
The applicant complained to the Constitutional Court that there had not been a public hearing. The Constitutional Court set aside the contested decision for the lack of a public hearing in a decision of 25 November 2002.
On 26 November 2003 the Regional Appeals Commission held a public hearing. On 20 December 2004 the Regional Appeals Commission rejected the applicant’s claims, holding that it was up to the parties to the general agreement to limit direct reimbursement of certain services to specialist doctors. Such limitations served the planning and administration of affordable healthcare services and were objectively justified.
On 29 December 2004 the applicant complained to the Constitutional Court, alleging a breach of the principle of equal treatment and lack of independence and impartiality of the Regional Appeals Commission.
On 27 September 2005 the Constitutional Court found no violation of the right to a fair hearing and upheld the contested decision. It held that the assessors of the Regional Appeals Commission were independent in exercising their duties and that no circumstances giving rise to doubts about their impartiality or independence had arisen in the present case. In particular, none of the assessors of the Regional Appeals Commission had been involved in the conclusion of the general agreement or of the individual contract at issue in the proceedings. The mere fact that the assessors were members of Regional Medical Associations or Regional Health Insurance Boards which had provisions of the same content in their general agreements was not sufficient to cast doubt on their impartiality. This decision was served on counsel on 29 November 2005. | train | {
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001-59121 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 35605/97) against the United Kingdom lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Max Myer Kingsley (“the applicant”), on 23 December 1996.
The applicant was represented by Mr N. Valner, a lawyer practising in London, and by Professor C. Greenwood QC and Ms J. Stratford, Counsel. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr C.A. Whomersley, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London.
The applicant alleged that the proceedings before the Gaming Board Panel were in violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 14 September 1999, the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other’s observations.
Between 1984 and 1992 the applicant was the sole managing director of London Clubs Limited (“LCL”), a company which owned and controlled six of the twenty casinos licensed to operate in London. LCL was a subsidiary company of London Clubs International plc (“LCI”) of which the applicant was also managing director. Both companies will hereafter be collectively referred to as London Clubs.
In June 1991 a raid took place at the various premises of LCL. The raid was carried out by the police in the presence of officials of the Gaming Board for Great Britain (“the Gaming Board”), a statutory body which inspects and monitors the gaming industry. A large quantity of documents were seized. In March 1992 the Gaming Board lodged objections with the clerk to the Licensing Magistrates, with regard to LCL’s annual application for renewal of the licences it held in respect of each of its casinos. The Gaming Board also made cancellation applications in respect of the existing licences held by LCL. A meeting was held between the Gaming Board and the non-executive directors of LCL and their legal advisors on 26 March 1992. As a result of this meeting, the applicant and the other executive directors (with the exception of the finance director) resigned with effect from 30 April 1992, on the understanding that such resignation was involuntary and constituted dismissal by London Clubs. Subsequently an agreement was reached between the Gaming Board and London Clubs, whereby LCL would apply for new licences for the casinos, via re-constituted operating companies, to which application the Gaming Board would not object. If the applications were successful and new licences were granted by the Licensing Magistrates, LCL would undertake to surrender its existing licences, thereby avoiding the necessity for the applications for cancellation or renewal to be heard. The Gaming Board issued LCL with certificates of consent, which LCL were statutorily obliged to obtain from the Gaming Board as a pre-requisite to making an application to the Licensing Magistrates for new licences. Objections to the issuing of new licences were made by a rival casino owner. However these objections were rejected and new licences were granted in October 1992, after a three day hearing before the Licensing Magistrates. The Gaming Board was represented at the hearing and expressed to the Licensing Magistrates its support for the application of LCL, explaining the grounds on which the Gaming Board itself had granted LCL certificates of consent in the following terms: “In determining that it should issue certificates of consent the Board took into consideration, amongst other relevant factors, the degree to which LCI had addressed the Board’s grave concerns at the matters of complaint referred to above, and in particular had in mind the following: Those executive directors of LCI and of [LCL] who in the Board’s view carried the principal responsibility for the matters of complaint ... [the applicant was named along with nine others] have left the company and relinquished their management shares: (.....) The Board and Police viewed the matters raised in their cancellation applications extremely seriously. However they are satisfied that the practices that were unacceptable have now been eradicated and that those individuals responsible for encouraging or tolerating them have been removed.”
In November 1992 the Chairman of the Gaming Board, Lady Littler, addressed the British Casino Association at their annual luncheon. Her speech referred to London Clubs and commented: “We [the Gaming Board] satisfied ourselves that the practices we and the Police had regarded as unacceptable had ceased, that persons regarded by the Board and Police as not fit and proper had been removed ... .”
As a result of this speech, the applicant’s legal advisors entered into correspondence with the Gaming Board’s solicitors, on the basis that the speech was defamatory. The Gaming Board alleged that the “persons” referred to were minority shareholders and no reference to the applicant was intended. The applicant did not accept this explanation, however defamation proceedings were not commenced.
By a letter of 22 December 1992, the applicant’s legal advisors received written notice that the Gaming Board was considering whether the applicant personally was a fit and proper person to hold the Board’s certificate of approval, as required by Section 19 of the Gaming Act 1968, in order to hold a management position in the gaming industry. By a letter dated 23 April 1993, the Gaming Board informed the applicant formally that it was “minded to revoke” the applicant’s Section 19 certificates and that the applicant would be given the opportunity to state his case against revocation either in writing or orally at an interview before the Gaming Board (“a Section 19 hearing”). The letter detailed the matters which the Gaming Board wished to discuss with the applicant and also referred to the particulars of the Gaming Board’s complaints in the application for cancellation of LCL’s licences (the hearing of which had, in fact, never taken place). The complaints, numbered B1 to B9, claimed, inter alia, that there had been breaches of Section 16 of the Gaming Act 1968, in that cheques had been accepted without any expectation that they would be met promptly (B1); that the applicant had been involved in granting cheque cashing facilities to members without proper investigation of their creditworthiness (B2); that cheques had been accepted which exceeded the authors’ cheque cashing facility (B3); that third party cheques had been accepted in a way which would permit circumvention of 1984 Guidelines of the British Casino Association (B4); that Japanese players had been assisted in breaching Japanese exchange control regulations (B5); that gifts or hospitality had been made to substantial players in breach of further 1984 Guidelines (B7); and that the method for computing the “cash drop” in casinos produced inaccuracies, and was open to abuse (B9). Examples were given.
The applicant’s legal advisors objected to the Gaming Board presiding over the Section 19 hearing, suggesting that an independent tribunal be set up as an alternative. The applicant’s principal objection was based on the fact that the Gaming Board had already publicly expressed the view (at the hearing before the Licensing Magistrates) that the applicant was not a fit and proper person to remain as an executive director of London Clubs. As such, the applicant contended, the Gaming Board could not be considered an impartial tribunal appropriate to consider the issue of whether the applicant’s Section 19 certificates should be revoked.
The Gaming Board rejected the request for an independent tribunal and a Section 19 hearing commenced on 11 April 1994 before a panel of three, all members of the Gaming Board (“the Panel”). The hearing was conducted in private and lasted for seven and a half days. The applicant was represented by senior counsel. The Gaming Board’s solicitors, a senior Gaming Board official and a representative of the Gaming Board’s accountants also attended the hearing. By a letter dated 28 May 1994, the applicant was informed that the Gaming Board did not consider the applicant to be a fit and proper person to continue to hold the Board’s certificates of approval and that, accordingly, the Board would revoke his Section 19 certificates within 21 days of receipt of the letter. This letter detailed the matters which had concerned the Gaming Board and the complaints that it deemed were established against the applicant.
The effect of the revocation of the Section 19 certificates was that the applicant was unable to obtain employment in any sector of the gaming industry in the United Kingdom or in any jurisdiction which had a relationship with the United Kingdom gaming authorities.
By an application dated 23 August 1994, the applicant sought leave to apply for judicial review of the decision of the Gaming Board to revoke his Section 19 certificates. The decision was challenged on the grounds that the Panel was biased, or had the appearance of bias, and that its findings were vitiated by errors of law and were irrational.
In the course of the judicial review proceedings a document entitled “Confidential Annex to Minutes of the 281st Board Meeting of the Gaming Board for Great Britain,” dated 21 January 1993, was exhibited to an affidavit sworn by the Chairman of the Gaming Board. This document recorded that the Gaming Board had taken a decision at its meeting on 21 January 1993 that it had: “sufficient evidence before it to conclude that [the applicant] ... was not a fit and proper person to be a director of a casino company.”
All the members of the Panel who presided over the Section 19 hearing were present at the Board meeting and were parties to this decision, which was made prior to the hearing itself.
The application for judicial review was dismissed on 11 January 1996 by Mr Justice Jowitt after a hearing lasting over 16 days. He delivered three separate judgments in respect of the applicant’s appeal. The first judgment dealt with the scope of the phrase “a fit and proper person” in Schedule 5 of the Gaming Act 1968. The second judgment considered the applicant’s claim that he had a “legitimate expectation” that the Gaming Board would be precluded from taking account of any breaches of its guidelines unless the breaches were unlawful. The third judgment which dealt with “Wednesbury” challenges and allegations of bias runs to 165 pages. The judgment of Jowitt J. stated that the ambit of judicial review was such that he was not concerned to review findings of fact as on an appeal, but rather to assess whether the findings of the Panel disclosed illegality, irrationality (referred to as “Wednesbury unreasonableness”) or procedural impropriety.
On pages 28 to 93 of the third judgment, Jowitt J. dealt with the applicant’s “Wednesbury” challenges to the findings in respect of the various complaints made of him.
By way of example, it was accepted that cheques drawn by one player, a Mr S, on a Spanish and a Swiss bank were not cleared within 21 days after payment into a British bank, as would be the normal course of events. Rather, the average time for clearance was 179 days. The Board found that this practice breached Section 16 of the 1968 Act, which prohibits credit betting save when a cheque is exchanged for tokens. The applicant alleged that the cheques he accepted were not shams, as none of the Spanish cheques was ever dishonoured. The judge found that the Board’s conclusion - that what took place amounted to an agreement between Mr S and LCL, such that Section 16 was breached - was a conclusion it was entitled to reach.
57 pages of the third judgment were devoted to the issue of bias. Jowitt J. described the test of bias under English law in the following terms (pp. 93-96 of the judgment): “[Counsel for the applicant] submits that the decision to revoke the applicant’s Section 19 certificates of approval should be quashed because the Panel was biased. The grounds on which leave to move for judicial review were granted asserted firstly that the Board could not and did not approach its decision with objectivity and impartiality. Secondly, it was asserted that whether or not there was actual bias the applicant reasonably believed there was and that the Board should have had regard to the appearance of bias which had been created by its actions ... There was no disagreement between the parties as to the approach the court should adopt when bias is alleged. It is a two stage test. The applicant has first to show from the evidence that there is an appearance of bias. R. v. Inner West London Coroner Ex parte Dallaglio [1994] 4 All ER 139. [Counsel for the Gaming Board] properly and realistically accepts that in the light of the available evidence the applicant has surmounted this hurdle. Having done so, he has to go on to show that on a proper examination by the court of the evidence before it there is demonstrated a real danger of injustice having occurred as a result of bias ... [The analysis in that case of] the decision of the House of Lords in R. v. Gough [1993] AC 646 ... illuminates my task in relation to this second stage. ‘(1) Any court seized of a challenge on the ground of apparent bias must ascertain the relevant circumstances and consider all the evidence for itself so as to reach its own conclusion on the facts. ... (3) In reaching its conclusion the court ‘personifies the reasonable man’. (4) The question on which the court must reach its own factual conclusion is this: is there a real danger of injustice having occurred as a result of bias? By ‘real’ is meant not without substance. A real danger clearly involves more than a minimal risk, less than a probability. One could, I think, as well speak of a real risk or a real possibility. (5) Injustice will have occurred as a result of bias if ‘the decision-maker unfairly regarded with disfavour the case of a party to the issue under consideration by him’. I take ‘unfairly regarded with disfavour’ to mean ‘was pre-disposed or prejudiced against one party’s case for reasons unconnected with the merits of the issue’. (6) A decision-maker may have unfairly regarded with disfavour one party’s case either consciously or unconsciously. Where, as here, the applicants expressly disavow any suggestion of actual bias, it seems to me that the court must necessarily be asking itself whether there is a real danger that the decision-maker was unconsciously biased. (7) ... the court is [not] concerned strictly with the appearance of bias but rather with establishing the possibility that there was actual although unconscious bias. … (9) It is not necessary for the applicant to demonstrate a real possibility that the ... decision would have been different but for the bias; what must be established is the real danger of bias having affected the decision in the sense of having caused the decision-maker, albeit unconsciously, to weigh the competing contentions, and so decide the merits, unfairly’.”
Jowitt J. then applied the test of bias which he had set out to the facts of the case, and concluded that, on the evidence before him, he could not say that the applicant had established that there was a real danger of injustice having occurred as a result of bias. He concluded that there was no unconscious bias on the part of any of the Panel members.
Jowitt J. stated, further, that if, contrary to his finding, there was unconscious bias on the part of the Panel, the “doctrine of necessity” fell to be considered. He said: “When a body is charged by statute with the power or duty, which cannot be delegated, to make a decision in circumstances in which a question of bias arises because: (i) in pursuance of that statutory power or duty an initial view has been formed upon a matter affecting the interests of someone in respect of whom the body in the exercise of its statutory power or duty has thereafter to make a decision, or final decision, after receiving and considering representations which he is entitled to make or (ii) in the exercise of a statutory power or duty to make a decision a conflict arises between the interests of another or others which have to be taken into account and the body’s own interests: the decision will not be liable to be impugned on account of bias provided that: (i) if only some of those charged with the power or duty to decide are potentially affected by bias such of them as can lawfully withdraw from the decision making do so and (ii) those of the decision makers who are potentially affected by bias but cannot lawfully withdraw use their best endeavours to avoid the effect of bias and, consistently with the purpose for which its decision has to be made the body takes what reasonable steps are open to it to minimise the risk of bias affecting them …” Jowitt J. indicated that if, contrary to his finding, there was unconscious bias on the part of the Panel, the doctrine of necessity would apply, and the decision of the Panel would stand. Counsel for the applicant submitted before Jowitt J. that the Board had failed to take the reasonable step of appointing an independent panel to hear evidence and report to the Panel. Jowitt J. rejected the submission, on the grounds that no useful reference could have been made to an independent tribunal which did not involve an impermissible delegation.
In respect of all other allegations brought by the applicant, Jowitt J. concluded that the applicant had failed to establish that the Panel’s decision was irrational or unreasonable or to make out any sufficient ground for judicial review. Jowitt J. noted that, by trying to frame his allegations in the context of Wednesbury unreasonableness, the applicant was in fact making an impermissible attempt to re-argue the case as though on appeal in order to re-examine the factual merits of the case.
The Court of Appeal, after an oral hearing on 4 July 1996, refused an application for leave to appeal from Jowitt J.'s decision. Morritt L.J. (with whom Hobhouse L.J. agreed) held, on the “doctrine of necessity,” as follows: “I am prepared to assume in favour of [the applicant] that he would have an arguable case sufficient to justify leave to appeal, that there was a real risk that the decision of the Tribunal had been actuated by bias even though they were not in fact biased against him. That would leave the question of how the doctrine of necessity would be applied to the facts of the case. [Counsel for the applicant] did not seek to suggest that the propositions of law which Jowitt J enunciated, and which I have quoted, were not accurately formulated by him, but he sought to challenge the final conclusion, to which I have just referred, that there could have been a useful reference to an independent Tribunal which did not involve an impermissible delegation. The question of bias, therefore, depends on the very limited point on whether it is arguable that Jowitt J was wrong in that respect. I am bound to say that, on that limited point, I think he was manifestly right. The decision for the Board was, at the end of the day, whether or not Mr Kingsley was a fit and proper person. That could not be delegated to an independent panel and if they were actuated by bias, apparent or real, then the decision would still have to be made by them. Therefore, on the doctrine of necessity, which is accepted, there could have been no meaningful independent panel and the decision would stand because the decision has to be made by the Board and could not be delegated to the independent tribunal. It seems to me that there is no arguable point, susceptible on this part of the case, which would justify giving leave to appeal.” | train | {
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"applicant": "Max Myer Kingsley",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Max Myer Kingsley |
001-161738 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 55287/10) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr John Edward Seton (“the applicant”), on 13 September 2010.
The applicant was born in 1983 and is currently detained at HMP Whitemoor. He is represented before the Court by Mr G. Bloxsome, a lawyer practising in Croydon with Blackfords LLP. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr J. Grainger of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The present case concerns the applicant’s trial and conviction before a judge and jury at the Central Criminal Court for the murder of a Mr Jon Bartlett. A co-defendant, Mr Lee Osborne, was tried and acquitted of assisting an offender.
The facts of the case may be summarised as follows.
A. The murder
Mr Bartlett was shot dead at about 7.40 pm on 31 March 2006. According to witnesses the gunman was wearing a baseball cap and drove off in a silver Vauxhall Vectra. In the early hours of 1 April 2006 a silver Vauxhall Vectra was set alight a short distance from the scene of the shooting.
Shortly after the murder the applicant fled to the Netherlands. He was subsequently extradited from the Netherlands to the United Kingdom to stand trial for Mr Bartlett’s murder.
B. The applicant’s defence
On 1 April 2008 the applicant formally served a Defence Statement in which he alleged that Mr Bartlett had been murdered by Mr Pearman, a man who had previously been convicted of serious drug and firearms offences and who was at that time serving a prison sentence for murder.
The applicant’s case was that he had been involved in a drug deal with Mr Pearman and Mr Bartlett. On the morning of 31 March 2006 Mr Pearman and Mr Bartlett had asked him to provide a car so they could collect a shipment of drugs. Later that day he purchased the Vectra in the presence of Mr Osborne and Mr Pearman, but Mr Pearman had driven off in it.
The applicant met Mr Pearman again at 7.30 p.m. to give him his share of money for the drugs. Mr Pearman was driving the Vectra. The applicant left the meeting with Mr Osborne, who was driving a white van.
After this meeting the applicant went to his parents’ home. During the night he went to a petrol station and while he was there he called a friend whose mother lived near the road where the burning Vectra was discovered.
C. Mr Pearman’s evidence
On 4 July 2008 the police interviewed Mr Pearman about the applicant’s allegations. He answered “no comment” to the questions asked. That evening he telephoned his son and told him he had never heard of the applicant and knew nothing of the murder. On 17 July 2008 he telephoned his wife and again denied any involvement in the murder. Both of these conversations were recorded as Mr Pearman, a category A prisoner, would have known.
D. The trial
The applicant’s trial for the murder of Mr Bartlett started on 11 August 2008. At the trial it was accepted by the applicant that the real issue for the jury was whether he or Mr Pearman was the murderer. Mr Pearman was asked to make a statement or give evidence at the trial but refused to do so. This was made known to the court through a statement from an officer at the prison where he was being detained.
1. The admission of Mr Pearman’s telephone calls
To disprove the applicant’s defence the prosecution sought to adduce the recordings of Mr Pearman’s telephone calls pursuant to section 114(1)(d) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (see paragraph 40 below). The defence objected to their admission in evidence but the judge ruled that they should be admitted. In his ruling, the judge stated that Mr Pearman had indicated, in the clearest terms, that he was not prepared to make a statement to the police or give evidence at the trial.
In determining whether the recordings should be admitted, the judge considered the matters listed in section 114(2) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (see paragraph 40 below).
First, he stated that he was satisfied the evidence had extremely strong probative value as Mr Pearman “appeared to be expressing genuine outrage at being implicated in a murder in which he was in no way involved”.
Secondly, he indicated that Mr Pearman could not be called because he refused to give evidence, but noted that all the enquiries carried out by the police to date had confirmed his lack of involvement in the killing.
Thirdly, he said that he was satisfied the evidence in question was “extremely important”.
Fourthly, the judge referred to the submissions of counsel for the applicant and for his co-defendant, who submitted that Mr Pearman would have known that his calls were being recorded by the prison authorities, and argued that his statements were self-serving. The judge said that these were all valid comments which the jury should consider in assessing the weight to be attached to Mr Pearman’s denials, but were not, in his view, grounds for excluding evidence.
Fifthly, he pointed out that as the conversations were taped the evidence was clearly reliable.
Sixthly, the trial judge said that the defence had already cross‑examined the officer in the case as to Mr Pearman’s previous convictions and the details of the murder for which he was serving his sentence of life imprisonment. Moreover, he had already noted that the jury should consider the fact that Mr Pearman’s comments were self-serving and that he would have known that his telephone conversations were being recorded.
Finally, he said that he did not consider that there would be any real prejudice to the applicant from the tapes being played.
2. The rest of the evidence
At trial, in addition to playing the tapes, the prosecution led evidence that the applicant and victim were known to each other and were both involved in drug dealing on a substantial scale. Items connected to drug dealing were recovered from Mr Bartlett’s home, one of which was a list of debts. The applicant’s name appeared on this list and he was shown as owing the victim GBP 24,000.
The prosecution also relied on the applicant’s previous arrest when he was found to be in possession of a firearm. In his evidence the applicant admitted that when arrested on that occasion he had been dealing in drugs, but denied possession of the firearm.
Mr Bartlett’s mobile telephone records were also introduced to show that he had been in contact with the applicant on the day of the murder. The last telephone call between them was recorded at 7.22 p.m., shortly before the murder. There had also been significant telephone contact between the applicant and Mr Bartlett in the ten days prior to the murder.
The seller of the silver Vectra gave evidence that on the afternoon of the murder he had been contacted by the applicant, who had arranged to meet at his house at 6 p.m. The seller’s mother testified that one of the two men who collected the car was named John and was wearing a baseball cap. The men came for the car in a white van that had been hired by the father of Mr Osborne that day from AVA, a hire company, and passed to Mr Osborne at 6 p.m. that evening. The van had distinctive orange writing on the side.
Witnesses also saw a white van in the vicinity of the shooting at the relevant time. The van had orange writing on the side, and was similar, if not identical, to the van that had been hired from AVA on the same date.
Mobile telephone cell site evidence was led by the prosecution with the intention of showing that the applicant’s mobile telephone was in the vicinity of the murder at the relevant time, although it was switched off between 7.28 p.m. and 7.50 p.m. Cell site evidence also demonstrated that the applicant and his co-accused were in the vicinity of the road where the Vectra was found between 8.01 p.m. and 8.17 p.m.
Residents of the streets near the shooting gave evidence. One stated that she had heard two bangs and a man running to a car and driving off very quickly. Another, Ms Rita Willott, gave a description of the gunman as being between twenty and thirty years’ old, of average build and height and wearing a baseball cap. She saw a car matching the Vectra’s description leaving the scene. Ms Willott’s evidence was not challenged and was read to the jury. A third eye-witness, a ten-year old boy, also gave evidence that the gunman had been in his mid-thirties and had been wearing a baseball cap. A fourth eye-witness, Mr Gordon Raggett, also gave a description matching the applicant. A fifth witness, Ms Kate Botwright, gave evidence that she had seen both the car and the van near the shooting. The driver of the car was in his late teens or early twenties, had short brown hair and wore a baseball cap. Several other witnesses gave descriptions to the effect that the man driving the Vectra was white and was wearing a baseball cap.
CCTV footage from a petrol station showed the applicant arriving in the white AVA van, wearing a baseball cap and making telephone calls to an associate at 1.47 a.m. The number dialled by the applicant was in the vicinity of the cell site covering the road where the Vectra was found and the inference sought by the prosecution was that the applicant was in discussions about the destruction of the car.
A police superintendent also gave evidence of the enquiries into Mr Pearman. The police had found no connection between Mr Pearman and either Mr Bartlett or the applicant (there was, for instance, no reference to Mr Pearman in Mr Bartlett’s telephones) and it was the superintendent’s conclusion that there was absolutely no evidence that he had been involved in Mr Bartlett’s murder.
A photograph of Mr Pearman was also adduced in evidence. The prosecution’s case was that Mr Pearman, a man in his fifties, did not match the description of the gunman given by the eye-witnesses.
Mr Pearman’s previous convictions for drug offences, firearm offences, and murder committed on 2 May 2006 were also adduced.
3. The summing up and verdict
On Mr Pearman’s telephone calls, the trial judge directed the jury as follows: “It is for you to decide what weight, if any, you attach to this evidence; but it does have certain limitations which I must draw to your attention: (a) you had not had the opportunity of seeing and hearing the witnesses in the witness box and sometimes when you do see and hear a witness you get a much clearer idea of whether his evidence is honest and accurate; (b) their evidence has not been tested under cross‑examination and you have not had the opportunity of seeing how their evidence survived this form of challenge; (c) in the case of Pearman these were self-serving statements, that is he was saying he was not involved in the murder of Jon Bartlett. In addition calls made by high risk category A prisoners, such as Pearman, from prison would be known by him to be recorded and he was speaking in those calls to members of his own family.”
On Mr Pearman’s previous convictions, the trial judge directed the jury: “You have heard this evidence because it may help you to resolve two issues in the case, namely: (a) whether the convictions show that on 31st May 2006 he had a tendency to be a drug dealer, carry a firearm and commit murder, and whether this makes it more likely that he was the gunman in this case; and (b) whether he was being truthful and reliable in denying his involvement in the present case in his telephone calls to his son and wife. A person of bad character may be less likely to tell the truth, but it does not follow that he is incapable of doing so. You may use the evidence of his bad character for the particular purposes I have just indicated, if you find it helpful to do so. It is for you to decide the extent to which the evidence of bad character helps you, if at all. The prosecution submit that the only reason Seton chose to name Pearman as the murderer in his defence statement on 1st April 2008 was because he knew he had an extremely bad character for drugs offences, firearm offences and murder, and therefore was an ideal person for him to blame for the murder in this case. The defendant Seton says he named him because he believed Pearman killed Jon Bartlett.”
In the course of their deliberations, the jury asked and were allowed to hear the tapes of Mr Pearman’s telephone calls again. On 26 August 2008, by a majority, the jury convicted the applicant of murder. He was sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of thirty years. He appealed against conviction to the Court of Appeal.
4. The appeal
The application for leave to appeal was initially considered and rejected by a single judge in February 2009. The application was renewed before the full court on 14 November 2009 and leave to appeal was granted. In doing so, the court found it to be arguable that the trial judge did not make sufficient investigations with regard to the production of Mr Pearman. The court also observed: “It seems to us that it is a long standing principle that unless there are compelling reasons to the contrary, the best available evidence should be put before the jury. In this instance, rather than the jury hearing from Mr Pearman himself, they heard the recording of his two conversations. It is also of note that shortly after the jury had retired they asked if they might hear the recordings again and, after some discussion, the recordings were played to them. It is perhaps pertinent to observe that had Pearman himself given evidence, what would have happened if there had been a request by the jury to be reminded of his evidence is that the judge would have summarised it to them from his notebook. Playing the recordings a second time to the jury, that, submits Miss Wass [counsel for the applicant], is something that elevates the importance of the hearsay evidence there contained. There is no doubt that the recordings were important evidence in the context of the case as a whole (at least so far as we are thus persuaded) and we have come to the conclusion that permission to appeal should be granted on all grounds advanced and the hearing will proceed in due course accordingly.”
On 4 March 2010 the full court heard the case and dismissed the appeal, reserving its judgment. The judgment was delivered on 12 March 2010. In relation to the tapes of Mr Pearman’s telephone calls, the court observed: “It is contended on behalf of the Appellant [the present applicant] that the tapes of the calls should not have been admitted without calling, or trying to call, Pearman to give evidence. ... The difficulty with this submission is the judge’s finding of fact that Pearman would not give evidence. It is true that he could have been compelled to come to Court. However, on the basis of the judge’s finding, the grounds for which have not been impugned, that would have been a fruitless exercise. Moreover, he would have had to be warned of the right to exercise the privilege against self-incrimination. The prospect of any sensible evidence being given by him was, on any realistic view, nil. All that the defence could have obtained was the advantage of having him brought up before the jury, who would presumably have seen his obduracy. The judge considered this evidence to be important and to have strong probative value. We do not know whether the jury shared this view. The defence were able to say, as they did, that the statements were self-serving, made by a serious criminal who knew that they were being recorded. What is central to this appeal is that the judge addressed the matters required to be addressed by section 114(2) [of the Criminal Justice Act 2003]. The allegation against Pearman had been made late, and given that on the Appellant’s case he had known of Pearman’s responsibility for the murder within days of its being committed, it is to be inferred that it was deliberately made late so as to make it more difficult for the Crown to investigate it. As it was, because of the lateness of the allegation, the telephone records for telephones used in the murder for which Pearman had been convicted only went back to 23 April 2006. In Z this Court said: ‘25. The Court of Appeal will not readily interfere with a trial judge’s decision to admit evidence under section 114(1)(d) [of the Criminal Justice Act 2003]. It will do so, in general, only if his decision is marred by legal error, or by a failure to take relevant matters into account or it is such that the judge could not sensibly have made.’ The judge’s decision was not marred by legal error; he took all relevant matters into account; and the decision to admit the recordings in evidence was not one that no judge could sensibly have made. ... For these reasons, we reject this ground of appeal.”
The Court of Appeal then added: “The safety of the conviction However, we would in any event have upheld the safety of the conviction. The evidence against the Appellant may have been circumstantial, but it was overwhelming. In summary: (i) The only evidence of Pearman’s involvement was that of the Appellant. (ii) Seton and Bartlett were involved in drugs together; there was evidence that Seton was in debt to Bartlett and that Bartlett was pressing for payment. Seton had a motive to kill Bartlett. (iii) There was no good reason for the allegation of Pearman’s involvement to have been made so late. (iv) It is difficult to see why the Appellant fled the country if he was innocent. (v) The police uncovered no evidence of any link between Pearman and either the Appellant or Bartlett, despite exhaustive enquiries. Miss Wass contends that those enquiries were imperfect. The fact remains that there was no such evidence. (vi) The Appellant himself accepted that he made no direct calls to Pearman; contact was, he said, made via Bartlett. If all three were involved in a drugs deal, it is curious indeed that the Appellant did not have Pearman’s telephone number and could not and did not telephone him direct. (vii) There was no evidence of Bartlett’s telephones having been used to telephone any telephone number associated with Pearman. (viii) Pearman was born in 1952. He was 54 at the date of Bartlett’s murder. The evidence of Rita Willott (described by the judge as an extremely important witness) was not challenged and was read at the trial. She said that the man who fired the gun was aged between 20 and 30, of average build and height, and he was wearing a baseball cap. Jack Doyle, a boy aged 10, said that the gunman was wearing a baseball cap and was in his mid-30s. Gordon Raggett described the gunman as white, in his 20s, athletic and about 5 feet 10 inches, of slim build. All these descriptions fitted the Appellant and not Pearman. Against these, one witness described the gunman as not appearing to be young. Miss Wass suggested that the evidence of the age of the gunman should be discounted because of the uncertainties of ascribing an age to a man wearing a baseball cap. However, the weight of the evidence points clearly to a young man such as the Appellant rather than Pearman. If the Appellant seriously wished to challenge Miss Willott’s evidence, she should have been required to give evidence orally and should have been cross examined. (ix) Similarly, Kate Botwright described the driver of the Vectra car, seen by her together with the AVA van, as in his late teens or early 20s, with short brown hair and wearing a baseball cap. Her account of what she saw was inconsistent with the Appellant’s. (x) The evidence relating to the purchase of the Vectra and the hire of the AVA van on the day of the murder supports the prosecution case. (xi) The cell phone evidence showed Seton to be in the vicinity of the murder when it was committed; the timing of his last telephone connection with Bartlett, just before the murder, and the switching off of his telephone at the time of the murder, and his call to a telephone in the vicinity of the location where the Vectra was set on fire, all powerfully supported his guilt. (xii) Lastly, evidence was given that on a previous occasion Seton had had a connection with a firearm. Thus, quite apart from the evidence of Pearman’s telephone calls, we had no doubt as to the safety of the conviction of the Appellant.”
On 6 March 2010 the applicant was informed that the Court of Appeal had refused to certify questions of general public importance for the consideration of the Supreme Court. | train | {
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001-60933 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 34964/97) against the Kingdom of Norway lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Norwegian national, Mr Ivar Ringvold (“the applicant”), on 5 December 1996.
The applicant was represented by Mr S. Næss, a lawyer practising in Lillestrøm. The Norwegian Government (“the Government”) were represented by Mr F. Elgesem, who acted as Agent until he left the Attorney-General’s Office (Civil Matters) in June 2002. Thereafter, they were represented by Mr H. Harborg of that Office.
The applicant alleged a violation of Article 6 § 2 of the Convention on account of the national court’s decision, despite his acquittal on criminal charges, to order him to pay compensation to the victim.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 11 September 2001 the Chamber decided that, in the interests of the proper administration of justice, the proceedings in the present case should be conducted simultaneously with those in O. v. Norway, Hammern v. Norway and Y. v. Norway (applications nos. 29327/95, 30287/96 and 56568/00 – Rule 43 § 2).
On 11 September 2001 the Chamber also declared the application admissible.
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1), but this case remained with the Chamber constituted within the former Third Section.
A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 17 September 2002 (Rule 59 § 2). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr H. Harborg, Attorney-General’s Office (Civil Matters), Agent, Mr F. Elgesem, Advokat, Counsel/Adviser, Mr K. Kallerud, Senior Public Prosecutor, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, Ms E. Holmedal, Attorney-General’s Office (Civil Matters), Ms T. Steen, Attorney-General’s Office, Advisers; (b) for the applicant Mr S. Næss, Advokat, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr S.J. Klomsæt (counsel for Mr Y., who pleaded the common issues relevant to both his case and that of Mr Ringvold), Mr Næss, Mr Elgesem and Mr Harborg.
The applicant was born in 1965 and lives in Oslo.
On 24 June 1993 the applicant was charged under Articles 192 and 195 of the Criminal Code (straffeloven) with the sexual abuse of a minor, G., born in December 1979, during the period from 1986 to 1990. Under these provisions he was charged with having, on one or several occasions, threatened to hit G. if she cried out, and/or having held her tight, whereupon he had introduced his penis into or pointed it towards her sex and/or made her masturbate him. At the time, G.’s father was cohabiting with the applicant’s mother. The alleged offences were said to have occurred in the applicant’s home when the child visited her father.
Criminal proceedings were instituted before the Eidsivating High Court (lagmannsrett) which heard the case between 16 and 18 February 1994, including G.’s compensation claim of (up to) 110,000 Norwegian kroner (NOK) for non-pecuniary damage, made under section 3-5 of the Damage Compensation Act 1969 (skadeerstatningsloven), and joined to the trial in accordance with Article 3 of the 1981 Code of Criminal Procedure (straffeprosessloven). By a judgment of 18 February 1994, the High Court, noting that the jury had answered the questions concerning criminal guilt in the negative, acquitted the applicant of the charges. Moreover, it decided to reject G.’s compensation claim.
G. subsequently appealed to the Supreme Court (Høyesterett) under the rules of the 1915 Code of Civil Procedure (tvistemålsloven) against the refusal to award compensation. The Supreme Court then ordered the taking of oral evidence by the Oslo City Court (byrett). Evidence was taken between 26 and 30 June 1995, 18 and 20 October 1995, 20 November 1995 and 3 January 1996, during which time more than twenty witnesses were heard.
In the appeal proceedings before the Supreme Court, G.’s lawyer requested that documents produced in the context of the criminal case be submitted as evidence to the Supreme Court. These included records of the judicial examination of G., medical certificates, letters and witness statements given to the police in connection with the criminal proceedings. The applicant’s lawyer, relying on Article 6 § 2 of the Convention, objected to this request.
By a decision of 29 May 1996, the Supreme Court authorised the documents from the criminal case to be joined to the case file in the compensation proceedings. Its decision included the following reasons: “In their pleadings, the lawyers for the parties have dealt extensively with the issue under Article 6 § 2 of the Convention. The only question for the Supreme Court to determine is whether the submission of the criminal-case documents in the civil case would as such violate this Convention provision. The question as to the significance of this provision for the decision on the compensation claim falls to be considered in connection with the decision on the merits of the appeal. The use of documents from the criminal case as evidence in this case does not in my view fall foul of the requirement in Article 6 § 2 ... The submission of the documents does not as such imply that the acquittal in the criminal case is open to doubt. The statement in the Sekanina case, which the lawyer for the defendant has referred to, must be read in its context. The ruling cannot be perceived as a general procedural bar against the production of the case documents from criminal proceedings in a later case. Furthermore, I should like to add that, although this is not decisive for my view on the issue under Article 6 § 2, both parties were given the usual opportunity to supply evidence in connection with the taking of evidence by the Supreme Court. In my view, the request for submission of the criminal-case documents in question must therefore be granted.”
The Supreme Court examined the case under the rules of civil procedure. After hearing the parties and a large number of witnesses, the Supreme Court, in a judgment of 5 June 1996, ordered the applicant to pay NOK 75,000 to G. in compensation for non-pecuniary damage, under section 3-5(1)(b) of the Damage Compensation Act.
The first voting judge, Mrs Justice Gjølstad, stated on behalf of a unanimous court, inter alia: “In so far as the appeal concerns the merits, two general questions arise, namely the relationship to the acquittal in the criminal case (see Article 6 § 2 of the Convention) and the requirement of proof in such cases. Under Chapter 29 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, civil compensation claims may ... be made in criminal proceedings by the prosecution or by the injured party. This arrangement is intended to make it easier for the injured party to have a civil compensation claim examined, but it does not preclude the possibility of making such a claim in separate civil proceedings instead. Contrary to what followed from the old Code of Criminal Procedure, it is not a condition for the examination of civil compensation claims that the accused person should have been convicted in respect of the charge. Thus, it is in principle possible to either reject or uphold a civil compensation claim, irrespective of the decision concerning criminal liability. This has its background in the fact that the injured party, who does not enjoy rights as a party in the criminal case, should not forfeit his or her compensation claim as a result of an acquittal in the criminal case. Although it will hardly be a frequent occurrence that the decision on the civil compensation claim goes in a different direction from that on criminal liability, this may happen for various reasons. Amongst others, the requirement of evidence for the criminal and the civil consequences of an action ... is different. By Article 6 § 2 of the Convention, a person who is charged with a criminal offence is to be deemed innocent until proved guilty. The presumption of innocence applies even after an acquittal (see in this connection the Sekanina case and the decision reported in Norsk Retstidende 1994, p. 721, dealing with the significance of the presumption of innocence in a case concerning the right of the accused to compensation after an acquittal). However, in my opinion it must be clear that the said provision cannot constitute an obstacle for a person injured by an act to claim compensation from the alleged perpetrator, even though the latter has been acquitted of a criminal offence, and that the court in such a case can rely on a finding that the defendant has in fact committed the act in relation to which he has been acquitted. Even assuming that the Convention provision applies to the treatment of such claims, it has not been infringed as long as no disagreement or doubt has been expressed with regard to the decision on criminal liability. I cannot see that the arrangement under Norwegian criminal procedural law, whereby it is possible to have civil compensation claims determined after an acquittal, gives rise to any particular problems in relation to Article 6 § 2 [of the Convention]. Moreover, in the case at hand, it is above all the High Court’s decision concerning compensation which has been brought before the Supreme Court under the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure.”
As regards the requirement of evidence, Mrs Justice Gjølstad noted that under the law on compensation the test was normally the balance of probabilities. However, bearing in mind the burden which an allegation of reprehensible conduct might have for the defendant and the serious consequences it might have for his or her reputation, the requirement as to the strength of the evidence had to be stricter than that which applied to the test of the balance of probabilities. Nevertheless, the requirement could not be as strict as that which applied for establishing criminal liability. In a case of the kind under consideration, the test had to be whether on the balance of probabilities it was clearly probable that the alleged abuse had been committed.
In dealing with the particular facts of the appeal concerning compensation, the Supreme Court had regard to the video recording of the judicial examination of the alleged victim in the criminal proceedings before the High Court. The Supreme Court did not share the High Court’s view that the evidentiary value of the video recording was diminished by certain misgivings concerning the lack of synchronisation of sound and picture when shown to the High Court. Those shortcomings had been remedied before the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court also had regard to evidence taken by it from this person, which deviated slightly from the judicial examination before the High Court. It further had regard to the statements of an expert witness and the statements of a therapist who had treated the alleged victim. Considering the evidence as a whole, Justice Gjølstad found that the evidence satisfied the standard of proof, establishing that sexual abuse had occurred and that, on the balance of probabilities, it was clear that the applicant was the abuser. Accordingly, there was a basis for awarding the victim compensation under section 3-5(1)(b) of the Damage Compensation Act. However, Justice Gjølstad emphasised that this decision was taken independently of the decision in the criminal case and that it did not undermine the acquittal. Finally, as regards the amount of compensation, she observed, inter alia, that she based her assessment on her finding that several infringements had occurred and that, even though their extent was not possible to ascertain with precision, there had been serious violations involving a certain use of force or threats, as a result of which G. had sustained damage. | train | {
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001-113129 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 40060/08) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Ms Maria Buckland (“the applicant”), on 12 August 2008.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by the Community Law Partnership, a firm of solicitors based in Birmingham. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms A. Sornarajah, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that the Court of Appeal’s decision to dismiss her appeal and uphold the judgment making a possession order constituted an unjustified breach of her right to respect for her home and her family life and discriminated against her, in violation of Article 8 taken alone and in conjunction with Article 14.
On 3 May 2011 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1959 and lives in Cardiff.
The applicant is a gypsy. In 1999 she moved to the Cae Garw caravan site in Port Talbot, Wales, with her two children. The site was owned by Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council.
On 12 June 2000 Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council entered into a licence agreement with the Gypsy Council which provided that the latter would manage the site.
On 29 March 2004 the applicant entered into a licence agreement with the Gypsy Council to occupy pitch 16 on the site. It was a condition of the licence that: “The Licensee or his/her resident family ... must not create a nuisance on the sites or to neighbouring properties. The Licensee shall be held responsible if any ... person living with ... her contravenes any of these Site Rules or Conditions.”
On 30 December 2004 the Gypsy Council issued a notice of termination of licence to the applicant which expired on 6 February 2005. The notice referred to a clause of her licence agreement which provided: “The Gypsy Council or the Licensee may terminate this licence by giving the other not less than 28 days written notice to expire on a Sunday in any week.”
No further reasons justifying the termination were given.
Notices to quit were also given to her parents, who occupied a different pitch on the site.
On 18 January 2005 amendments to section 4 of the Caravan Sites Act 1968 (“the 1968 Act”) entered into force which introduced the possibility for possession orders to be suspended by a court on the application of the occupier for up to twelve months at a time (see paragraph 36 below).
On 2 August 2005 the Gypsy Council issued a claim for possession against the applicant and five members of her extended family, including her parents, in Neath Port Talbot County Court. In its particulars of claim, the Gypsy Council alleged that all six defendants were guilty of causing very substantial nuisance to the site to the detriment of other occupiers.
The applicant’s parents did not apply for suspension or postponement of the orders. On 1 June 2006, possession orders were made against them by consent.
An oral hearing took place between 24 and 26 July 2006 in Swansea County Court and 28 July 2006 in Neath County Court in respect of the claim for possession against the applicant. In a witness statement lodged prior to the hearing, the applicant indicated that she intended to leave the site when her parents left.
On 25 July 2006 Judge Bidder QC gave a judgment on the preliminary issue of whether the applicant could challenge the making of a possession order in her case. He considered himself bound by the decision of the House of Lords in Kay and Price (see paragraph 42 below), which had examined the effect of this Court’s judgment in Connors v. the United Kingdom, no. 66746/01, 27 May 2004. Thus, he concluded, the only options open to the applicant were to challenge the domestic law itself or to commence judicial review proceedings based on conventional grounds. He concluded: “58. ... I do not consider it to be arguable that the decision of the claimants to seek possession against her was unreasonable or that their decision to invoke their domestic law rights could be castigated as unreasonable ...
Moreover, the fact that parliament has amended the applicable domestic legislation to afford the gypsy occupier the opportunity to contend that any possession order should be suspended for 12 months at a time distinguishes that case from Connors, and given that that amendment was considered in Kay and Price I find it impossible to say ... that there is a seriously arguable point raised that the law which enables the court to make the possession order is incompatible with article 8 ...”
He invited submissions from the applicant as to the possible temporary suspension of any possession order. He added: “71. I should say that on the issue of suspension of the ... order against the [applicant] of possession I would invite the parties to consider the date of 4th November 2006 being the date on which the [applicant’s] parents are required to leave and on which she indicates that she would leave anyway ...”
On 28 July 2006, following the applicant’s submissions that any possession order against her should be suspended, the judge handed down his judgment on the remaining issues. Having reviewed the allegations made against the applicant by the claimant, the judge concluded: “27. ... I am not satisfied that Maria Buckland has herself been guilty of any offensive behaviour on site, or of any breach of licence, apart from the relatively minor failure to pay the water charges.”
He was, however, satisfied that her son, who resided part of the time with her, had been involved in an incident on site in which he threatened someone with a gun, although it was not clear whether the gun had been real or merely an imitation; and had dumped garden refuse on the site.
Turning to consider whether the applicant’s personal circumstances, and those of her son, justified a suspension of the possession order which he would be making in her case the judge noted: “32. In relation to Maria Buckland, while I am obliged to make a possession order, I find her only breach of site conditions has been recent and is a very modest failure to pay water charges. She has indicated in a recent statement that she intends to move from the site when [her parents] leave, that is on or before 4pm on 24th November. I do consider it appropriate to suspend enforcement of the possession order against her until the same time and date. However, I am clear that the behaviour of [her son] on this site and his attitude towards the Farrows [the family of the site manager] is such that I have to impose conditions on her continued possession, as sought in the draft order – [her son] lives half his time with his father, and I have no doubt that if he cannot live with his mother, he will be able to live with his father ...”
He made an order for possession against the applicant, which he suspended until 24 November 2006 upon the condition that her son leave the site and that she discharge the GBP 95 arrears of water charges at the rate of GBP 5 per week.
On 18 April 2007 the applicant, who was still resident at the site, was granted permission to appeal the possession order to the Court of Appeal. A stay of execution of the order of 28 July 2006 was also ordered.
In November 2007 a bill which would amend the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (“the 1983 Act”) was introduced to Parliament. The effect of the proposed amendment was to allow a defendant in possession proceedings such as the applicant to challenge before the County Court the reasonableness of making a possession order.
On 12 December 2007 the applicant’s appeal was dismissed. Considering the impact of the amendment to the 1968 Act to allow suspension of a possession order on whether the applicant could succeed in a conventional public law challenge to the decision to seek a possession order, Lord Justice Dyson noted: “42. The significance of the amendment is that a claimant’s decision to seek possession does not involve summary eviction without judicial scrutiny of the justification of the claim to possession. By issuing proceedings, the claimant submits to the jurisdiction of the court, which has power to investigate all the circumstances of the case, including the claimant’s complaints about the defendant’s behaviour.”
He continued: “43. ... It may be that, for the reasons given by Lord Brown [in Kay], a public law defence could have been raised successfully in Connors. I would suggest that this is not so much because the family had been in occupation for a great length of time, but rather because it was unreasonable and grossly unfair for the local authority to seek a possession order and obtain the eviction of the occupier merely on the basis of a termination of the licence ‘without the need to make good any underlying reason for taking such precipitate action’. The real difference between the present case and Connors is not that the appellant had been in occupation for a shorter period than was the family in Connors ... On any view, the site was her home and had been for a substantial period of time. The fact that she had not been in occupation for as long as the family in Connors is not, in my judgment, of much significance. The real difference between the two cases is that in Connors, once the licence had been terminated, the authority was entitled to an order for possession whose enforcement could not be suspended by the court.”
He concluded that since the amendment to the 1968 Act, it was difficult to conceive of a case in which a public law defence would succeed. Referring also to the fact that Judge Bidder had made a finding of misconduct on the site by the applicant’s son, for whose behaviour she was responsible under the terms of the licence, Dyson LJ considered that the judge was right to hold that the public law defence was not seriously arguable.
Dyson LJ further noted that the factual situation of Connors was not materially different from the present case in that in both cases the defendant had occupied a site as a home for a number of years. Further, in both cases the claimant had validly and properly terminated the defendant’s licence to occupy so that the defendant had become a trespasser; the claimant was entitled to an order for possession as the owner of the land; and no further justification was required to seek an order for possession. However, it was agreed by the parties that it was not necessary to decide whether the present case could be distinguished from Connors as the distinction was only relevant for any appeal before the House of Lords.
Finally, in respect of the applicant’s argument that the amendment to section 4 of the 1968 Act did not remedy the incompatibility with Article 8, Dyson LJ emphasised that, in principle, a wide margin of appreciation was left to the national authorities in such matters. However, he accepted that the vulnerable position of gypsies as a minority meant that “some special consideration should be given to their needs and different lifestyle both in the relevant regulatory framework and in reaching decisions in particular cases” (citing Connors, § 83). He found that the main reason for the narrowing of the margin of appreciation in Connors itself was that the complete absence of any procedural safeguards was a serious interference with the applicant’s Article 8 rights in that case, which called for particularly weighty reasons of public interest in justification. However, the precise scope of these safeguards was in his view, a matter for the national authorities to determine. He considered that provided that a reasonable degree of protection was afforded by the domestic law, the Strasbourg Court would not interfere, even if a greater degree of protection could have been afforded. He accordingly rejected the applicant’s submissions, noting: “60. The objectionable feature of the legal regime in place before the amendment was that the court was bound not merely to make an order for possession, but to order the eviction of an occupant such as the appellant provided that the 4 weeks’ notice was given. Absent a public law challenge, the occupant had no opportunity to challenge the reasons given by the local authority for seeking possession and the court had no jurisdiction to take the reasons into account in deciding whether to order the occupant’s eviction. The local authority’s reasons were irrelevant as were the occupant’s personal circumstances. Nor did the court have power to suspend an order for possession even in circumstances of extreme hardship which indicated that eviction would not be justified under article 8(2). In short, there was no opportunity for the court to make any assessment of the justification for eviction in order to determine whether the interference with an occupier’s rights under article 8(1) was justified on an application of article 8(2). Provided that the relevant formal requirements had been satisfied, the role of the court was purely mechanistic.
The amendment has introduced procedural protections which ensure that the role of the court is no longer a mechanistic one even when a local authority seeks to evict a licensee from a caravan site. Summary eviction has been replaced by judicial examination. Section 4(1) now provides that the enforcement of a possession order may be suspended for such period up to 12 months ‘as the court thinks reasonable’. The court has a wide discretion under subsection (2) to impose conditions when making an order for suspension. By subsection (3), the court may extend the suspension of the possession order for up to 12 months at a time. Subsection (4) requires the court to have regard to ‘all the circumstances’ in deciding whether to exercise its power to suspend. The court is, therefore, required to conduct an examination of all the circumstances of the case ...”
He concluded: “63. In my judgment, the decision to provide the procedural safeguards introduced by the amendment of section 4 of the 1968 Act was within the margin of appreciation available to the United Kingdom. More generous safeguards could have been introduced (and they will be when the 1983 Act is amended). But the amendment goes far enough to meet the real thrust of the criticisms made in Connors.”
As to the applicant’s argument that the legislation discriminated against gypsies, Dyson LJ found that although the discrimination point was one of the features of the Court’s reasoning in Connors, it was not the main reason for the decision. Even if that was wrong, Dyson LJ considered that by addressing the lack of procedural safeguards for gypsies of local authority sites, the amendment had also gone a long way to meeting the discrimination point. While discrimination would not be cured completely until the 1983 Act was amended, it had been much mitigated. Thus to the extent that the discrimination persisted, the decision not to eliminate it altogether fell within the margin of appreciation accorded to the contracting States.
On 18 February 2008 the House of Lords refused the applicant’s request for permission to appeal.
In May 2008 the applicant left Cae Garw caravan site for alternative accommodation on land owned by her brother. She claims that her departure was the result of the refusal of leave to appeal and in the face of further threats of eviction The land owned by her brother has no planning permission for residential use and its occupants, which include the applicant’s brother, his six children and the applicants’ parents, share minimal facilities, namely one toilet and one sink with cold running water in a shed with no lighting. | train | {
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"applicant": "Maria Buckland",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Maria Buckland |
001-57843 | [
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 21 February 1992, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 14327/88) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by Mr Dennis Sibson, a British citizen, on 17 October 1988. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 11 (art. 11) of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent him (Rule 30).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Sir John Freeland, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 27 February 1992, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr J. Cremona, Mr F. Matscher, Mrs E. Palm, Mr A.N. Loizou, Mr J.M. Morenilla, Mr F. Bigi and Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43). Subsequently, Mr C. Russo, substitute judge, replaced Mr Cremona, whose term of office had expired and whose successor at the Court had taken up his duties before the hearing (Rules 2 para. 3 and 22 para. 1).
Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5) and, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the United Kingdom Government (“the Government“), the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant’s lawyers on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the orders made in consequence, the Registrar received on the dates indicated: (a) from the Government, a memorial (15 and 22 June 1992) and observations on the applicant’s claims under Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention (20 October); (b) from the applicant, a memorial (22 June), a letter supplementing that memorial (11 August) and a statement of costs claimed under Article 50 (art. 50) (21 September). In a letter of 18 August the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing. On 26 August the Commission filed a document which the Registrar had sought from it on the President’s instructions.
As directed by the President, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 26 October 1992. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court:
for the Government Mrs A. Glover, Legal Counsellor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr J. Eadie, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Ms A.-M. Lawlor, Administrator, Department of Employment, Mr P. Kilgarriff, Legal Adviser, Department of Employment, Advisers;
for the Commission Mr B. Marxer, Delegate;
for the applicant Mr J. Bowers, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr M. Beattie, Solicitor. The Court heard addresses by Mr Eadie for the Government, Mr Marxer for the Commission and Mr Bowers for the applicant, as well as a reply to a question put by the President. Both the Government and the applicant filed a written reply to a question put by the Court.
The Registrar received, on 9 November 1992, further observations from the Government on the applicant’s claims under Article 50 (art. 50) and, on 20 January 1993, the applicant’s comments on those observations.
A. Events leading up to the termination of the applicant’s employment
Mr Sibson, who was born in 1929, was employed by Courtaulds Northern Spinning Ltd, formerly Courtaulds Northern Textiles Ltd, (“CNS“) from November 1973 as a heavy goods vehicle driver. He was based at its depot at Greengate, Lancashire, together with between forty and fifty other drivers. His services gave complete satisfaction at all times.
Until the events giving rise to the present case, the applicant was a member of the Transport and General Workers Union (“TGWU“); from 1981 to 1984 he was its branch secretary. In 1985 all the other non-managerial employees at Greengate save one belonged to that union. At that time, however, that depot was not a “closed shop“ (see paragraph 17 below). Indeed, the later of two statements of his terms of employment furnished to the applicant specified that he had the right to be a member of no trade union and that he would be informed if this right came to be modified by the conclusion of a closed shop agreement.
In March 1985 a fellow driver, Mr D., allegedly accused Mr Sibson of having “milked the funds“ of the union whilst he was branch secretary. The applicant subsequently lodged with the local TGWU branch a complaint to the effect that Mr D. had “disseminated false statements tending to depreciate“ him as one of its officers, but it was dismissed by the branch adjudication panel on 20 July 1985. Mr Sibson was so dissatisfied with that decision that he resigned from TGWU by letter of 24 July and joined the United Road Transport Union instead. Some of his fellow drivers immediately ostracised him and others obstructed him in the performance of his work.
Between July and October 1985 CNS attempted in vain to resolve the dispute. After a period of “uneasy peace“, a substantial majority of the TGWU members at Greengate voted, on 12 October, in favour of (a) a closed shop agreement with CNS and (b) industrial action if Mr Sibson continued in employment at that depot after 25 October. At a meeting on 21 October between Mr Dear, the personnel manager of CNS, and the branch committee of the union it was agreed that the strike threat would be lifted if the applicant either rejoined TGWU or was employed on driving work not based at Greengate. On 22 October the applicant told Mr Dear that he would rejoin the union only if he received an apology from Mr D. and that he would not accept the alternative proposed by Mr Dear, namely a move to Chadderton, a depot about 1½ miles away from Greengate. In a letter of the same date to the applicant, Mr Dear summarised the discussions to date; stated that CNS were contractually entitled to transfer the applicant to Chadderton, where his earnings would be similar to those at Greengate; denied that the move would be a demotion; and expressed the hope that the applicant would give serious thought to his position because “[his] dismissal [was] a possibility“.
Further meetings were then held, with the participation of a senior official of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service. The applicant declined to accept as an apology a certain statement to be signed by Mr D. As regards a transfer to Chadderton, the applicant expressed concern about conditions there, in particular his fear - which Mr Dear assured him was groundless - of losing his current lorry and allowances for nights spent away from home; he also said that he could not face the aggravation from other drivers which he was sure would continue at that depot. At a final meeting on 8 November 1985 the applicant declined to accept either of the alternatives then put before him - working at Greengate after rejoining TGWU or moving to Chadderton - and suggested that the management should dismiss him. Mr Dear refused to do that, and added that if the applicant reported to Greengate for work, he would be sent home without pay. Mr Sibson, citing his solicitor’s advice that that would constitute constructive dismissal (see paragraph 19 below), then said that he would resign with immediate effect, which he did by letter of the same date. He did not take up Mr Dear’s further offer, dated 14 November, of employment at Chadderton with the same opportunity for earnings and expenses as previously.
B. Domestic proceedings taken by the applicant
Mr Sibson then lodged with the Industrial Tribunal a complaint of unfair dismissal (see paragraph 18 below) against CNS and TGWU. In the grounds for his application he stated that he had “been ‘constructively dismissed’ for refusing to accept ‘action short of dismissal’“ (see paragraph 20 below). His representative in these proceedings was not legally qualified, legal aid not being available for this purpose. CNS and TGWU contended that a closed shop agreement was in existence (which would have made any dismissal fair; see paragraph 18 below). CNS also denied that there had been either constructive dismissal or action short of dismissal. Mr Dear admitted in cross-examination the absence of any operational reason for moving the applicant to Chadderton, the sole purpose being to avoid a strike; had a strike not been threatened, CNS would have retained him at Greengate and not put any pressure on him to rejoin TGWU. By decision of 21 July 1986, the Industrial Tribunal unanimously accepted the complaint of unfair dismissal; it did not deal with the merits of the allegation of action short of dismissal. It found that Mr Sibson was entitled to refuse to rejoin TGWU because there was no closed shop agreement in force; that the request that he move to Chadderton was not reasonable since it was not made for genuine operational reasons but solely to avoid a strike; that CNS had no right to suspend the applicant without pay; that he was therefore entitled to treat himself as dismissed; and that the dismissal was unfair because its only motive was his exercise of his express right not to belong to a union. The tribunal reserved the question of remedies for further consideration, the applicant having opted for re-engagement (see paragraph 18 below).
On 16 January 1987 the Employment Appeal Tribunal, by a majority, dismissed an appeal by CNS on points of law. It found that the Industrial Tribunal had not erred in law, misdirected itself or reached an unreasonable conclusion.
On 25 March 1988 the Court of Appeal unanimously upheld an appeal by CNS on a point of law, confined to the question whether Mr Sibson had been constructively dismissed. It found that there was an implied term in his contract that his employer could - for any reason - direct him to work at any place within reasonable daily reach of his home; the Industrial Tribunal had erred in law in holding that this right could be exercised only if the direction were reasonable and that this condition would not be satisfied unless the direction was made for genuine operational reasons. Lord Justice Slade stated, as regards this implied “mobility term“: “I cannot see how Mr Sibson could reasonably have objected to a term giving the contract this limited degree of flexibility when he entered the employment in 1973. If the evidence had disclosed any special circumstances which as at that time made it a matter of importance to him that he should be based at ... Greengate ... rather than at (say) Chadderton, the Industrial Tribunal would no doubt have said so.“ The Court of Appeal concluded that CNS had acted within its contractual rights in requiring the applicant to transfer to a nearby depot and that he could not be regarded as having been constructively dismissed. No question of unfair dismissal therefore arose.
On 15 April 1988 Mr Sibson applied for legal aid to appeal to the House of Lords. On 30 June legal aid was granted for the purpose of obtaining counsel’s opinion on the merits of an appeal. On 8 August counsel advised that there were no reasonable prospects of success and that leave to appeal would not be given. Further legal aid was therefore refused on 19 August. | train | {
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001-79427 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 19124/02) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Ms Gisela Kirsten (“the applicant”), on 1 May 2002.
The applicant was represented by Mr K.H. Christoph, a lawyer practising in Berlin. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialrätin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
On 2 May 2005 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time.
The applicant was born in 1944 and lives in Berlin.
From 1960 to 1979 she worked as a ballet dancer for the Erich-Weinert-Ensemble (EWE), a national company of the German Democratic Republic (GDR). In 1979 she terminated her career on stage and worked for the company as a set and costume designer.
The EWE paid the applicant her wages as a costume and set designer and, in addition, a monthly allowance in the amount of 588 GDR marks (hereafter „the allowance“). The allowance was paid by virtue of the regulation of the Minister of Culture (Anordnung über die Gewährung einer berufsbezogenen Zuwendung an Ballettmitglieder in staatlichen Einrichtungen der DDR) of 1 September 1976. Pursuant to this regulation former members of ballets in the GDR were paid an allowance at the end of their career on stage. The allowance accrued after reaching the age of 35 and having worked for at least 15 years as a dancer. It was paid, irrespective of other earnings, by the former employer. Once the former dancer received an old-age or invalidity pension the allowance was regularly paid by the National Insurance of the GDR (Staatliche Versicherung der DDR).
After the reunification of the GDR and the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) the EWE which formerly belonged to the National People's Army (Nationale Volksarmee) of the GDR was incorporated into the organisation of the Federal Ministry of Defence of the FRG. The Ministry took over the contracts with the company's staff and continued to pay the applicant her wages and the allowance. The allowance and the retirement pensions were moreover converted and paid in German Marks (DEM).
On 1 January 1992 the Ministry discontinued all allowance payments to former ballet dancers with reference to Article 9 § 2 in conjunction with Appendix II, Chapter VIII, Section H, paragraph III Nr. 6 of the German Unification Treaty.
In December 1992 the applicant brought an action with the Berlin Social Court claiming the payment of the allowance.
On 24 August 1994 the Federal Social Court ruled in a leading judgment that the social courts had no jurisdiction over disputes concerning the allowance. It found that those disputes belonged to the realm of civil – and more specifically – labour law, inter alia because the granting and the amount of the allowance were so closely linked to the contract of employment and in particular to the respective wages.
On 13 January 1995 the Berlin Social Court referred the applicant's case to the Frankfurt/Oder Labour Court.
On 15 May 1996 the Frankfurt/Oder Labour Court ordered the Ministry of Defence to pay the applicant DEM 28,224 and the monthly allowance as of January 1996. It pointed out that the wording of the pertinent provision of the German Unification Treaty was ambiguous. The provision could be interpreted as setting 31 December 1991 as the final date to qualify for the allowance or as terminating permanently the allowance payments from that date onwards. However, in view of the principle of the protection of legitimate expectations (Vertrauensschutz) the allowance payments could not be permanently discontinued without an explicit and a precise regulation in the German Unification Treaty. Therefore the provision had to be construed as setting 31 December 1991 as the final date to qualify for the allowance.
On 13 May 1998 the Brandenburg Regional Labour Court quashed the decision of the Frankfurt/Oder Labour Court and rejected the applicant's action. It admitted that the wording of the pertinent provision was ambiguous. Referring to the leading judgment on the allowance of the Federal Labour Court dated 24 March 1998, it construed the provision as terminating the allowance payments as of 31 December 1991. It argued that the allowance had been paid out of public funds and was an atypical benefit granted by the GDR. Therefore it would have been necessary to rule explicitly that the allowance was to be transferred into the united German legal system. The judgement was served on the applicant on 15 October 1998. The applicant subsequently lodged an appeal on points of law.
On 8 November 1998 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint of approximately fifty pages with the Federal Constitutional Court. She inter alia complained that the length of the proceedings - which were still pending before the Federal Labour Court - violated Article 6 of the Convention.
On 26 January 1999 the Federal Labour Court rejected the applicant's request for leave to appeal on points of law.
In March 1999 the applicant submitted another fifty pages of observations to the Federal Constitutional Court.
On 2 July 2002 the Federal Constitutional Court delivered a leading decision on the ballet dancers' allowance. It referred to its leading judgment of 28 April 1999, pursuant to which the pension rights acquired in the GDR fell within the scope of Article 14 of the German Basic Law protecting the right to property provided that the German Unification Treaty recognised them as legal claims within the united German legal system. The impugned allowance did accordingly not fall within the scope of Article 14 of the German Basic Law as Article 9 of the German Unification Treaty prescribed that it would not be transferred into the social and labour legislation of the FRG. Furthermore, there had never been a legitimate expectation that the allowance would be transferred into the united German legal system, as in the legal system of the GDR, the allowance had already amounted to a preferential treatment.
On 4 July 2002 the Federal Constitutional Court refused to admit the applicant's constitutional complaint with reference to its leading decision of 2 July 2002. The decision was served on the applicant's lawyer on 3 August 2002. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gisela Kirsten |
001-61309 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 52792/99) against the Kingdom of Denmark lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Bulgarian national, Mrs Sofiika Vasileva (“the applicant”), on 10 August 1999.
The applicant was represented before the Court by Mrs Hanne Gullitz, a lawyer practising in Århus. The Danish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Hans Klingenberg of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Co-Agent Ms Nina Holst-Christensen of the Ministry of Justice.
The case concerns the detention of the applicant from 9.30 p.m. on 11 August until 11 a.m. on 12 August 1995. The applicant invokes Article 5 § 1 of the Convention.
The application was allocated to the Second Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 30 April 2002 the Court declared the application partly admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine).
On 11 August 1995 on a public bus in the city of Århus the applicant, born in 1928, had a dispute with a ticket inspector, who accused her of having travelled without a valid ticket. When he was about to issue a penalty fare she refused to disclose her identity and the police were consequently called. They requested that the applicant give her name and address, and since she refused, she was arrested at 9.30 p.m. in accordance with section 755, subsection 1, cf. section 750 of the Administration of Justice Act (Retsplejeloven) and brought to the police station.
From the police reports it appears that the police estimated that the applicant was approximately sixty years old. Having been deprived of her personal belongings, she was put in a waiting room at 9.45 p.m. and after a visit to the toilet at 11.00 p.m. she was moved to a detention cell. On 12 August 1995 at 10.45 a.m. the applicant revealed her identity and she was released at 11.00 a.m.
Immediately after her release, the applicant collapsed and was hospitalised for three days diagnosed with high blood pressure.
The charge with the offence of refusing to reveal her identity was not followed up by an indictment. The outcome of the applicant's dispute with the bus company is unknown.
On 16 August 1995 the applicant complained about the detention to the Chief Constable of Århus (Politimesteren i Århus). In a letter of 14 September 1995 the Chief Constable provided his comments on the course of event, stating inter alia that the applicant had not been in possession of any papers which could have revealed her identity, that she appeared hysterical and refused to reveal her identity and that in the light thereof for security reasons she was placed in a detention cell. Furthermore, the Chief Constable noted that during the detention the applicant was regularly attended to and called upon through the intercommunication system but that each approach was met with screaming and continuing refusal to reveal her identity,
On 14 June 1996 the applicant claimed compensation for having been detained. The Chief Constable decided on the matter on 18 July 1996, and in so far as relevant his letter of the same day to the applicant reads as follows: “In connection with your previous complaint ... you received a ... letter of 14 September 1995 from Chief Superintendent HJH. [My] reply to your complaint... will not differ essentially from the content of [that letter]. However, in view of your relatively advanced age I find reason to regret that you were not, as promised, attended to by a doctor in connection with your stay in the detention cell. In general, I find the fact that you were taken to the police station, that you were placed in the detention cell, and that the length of your stay in the detention cell from 11.00 p.m. until your release the following day at 11.00 a.m., totalling 12 hours can be ascribed substantially to your conduct and unwillingness to assist in replying to the question on which the police needed clarification. This decision can be appealed against to the Ministry of Justice... The claim for compensation made by you as regards the deprivation of liberty will be decided by the Regional State Prosecutor, who has received a copy of this letter”.
The applicant did not appeal to the Ministry of Justice against the Chief Constable's decision, but on 31 July 1996 she complained against the decision to the Regional State Prosecutor in Viborg (Statsadvokaten i Viborg), who refused to grant her compensation on 6 February 1997.
In accordance with section 1018 e of the Administration of Justice Act on 5 and 12 March 1997 the applicant appealed to the Prosecutor General, who upheld the decision on 25 November 1997.
Thereafter, pursuant to section 1018 a of the Administration of Justice Act the applicant brought her claim for compensation before the City Court of Århus (Retten i Århus). The prosecution maintained that the applicant's behaviour necessitated the arrest and the length of the detention. A court session was held on 26 June 1998, in which the applicant, represented by counsel, explained inter alia that she had refused to give her name to the ticket inspector partly because she was angry, partly because he already knew her. She alleged that the police did not question her or talk to her during the arrest, during the transportation to the police station, or after the arrival to the station. She had handed over various belongings among those, she believed, various letters from public authorities bearing her name. Four police officers were heard as witnesses on 17 September 1998. The two police officers who made the arrest explained inter alia that the applicant twice had refused to give her name and address on their request, once after they had warned her that she would be arrested did she not state the data required. It had been difficult to get in touch with the applicant, who screamed and appeared hysterical. At the police station she was brought before the officer on duty and again she refused to reveal her identity. She had not been in possession of any identification. The officer who had been on duty on 11 August 1995 explained among other things that after repeated attempts to obtain the applicant's name and date of birth, he gave up and the applicant was thereafter placed in a waiting room, whereto he went at least once without success to ask her to disclose her personal data before he was off duty at 11 p.m. The officer who had been on duty on 12 August 1995 as from 6.30 a.m. stated inter alia that several times during the morning he send a colleague down to try to get the requested data from the applicant, but they only succeeded around 10.45 a.m., whereupon she was released. A note of 9 July 1996 from the Chief of Police in Århus was submitted, of which it appeared that the applicant's case had been thoroughly talked over with the group of duty officers. It had been discussed in particular that the applicant had not been attended to by a doctor in connection with her placement in the detention cell, that she had been detained for many hours, and that no documentation existed to substantiate which steps had been taken during the evening, the night and the early morning hours in order to gain knowledge of the applicant's identity. The duty officers were ordered, in the future, to appoint at the commencement of every duty period one among them to be responsible for the detainees.
By judgment of 25 September 1998 the City Court decided as follows: “As the [applicant] did not disclose her name and address to the two [named] police officers, she infringed section 750 of the Administration of Justice Act, which authorises the imposition of a fine. Thus, pursuant to section 755, subsection 1 of the Administration of Justice Act the [applicant] could be arrested. Also, when brought to the police station immediately after the arrest [the applicant] refused to reveal her name and address and consequently, she was put in a waiting room. It is unknown, which efforts were taken to identify [the applicant] in the period between 11.00 p.m. and 06.30 a.m. during which, the sixty-seven year old [applicant] was placed in the detention cell at least for some time, and during which according to the information available she was denied medical treatment. Having regard to the fact that [the applicant] was detained for breaching section 750 of the Administration of Justice Act, the police officers on duty were under an obligation continuously to make attempts to establish her identity, and to secure that the detention did not exceed a period proportionate to the cause of the detention cf. the principles set out in section 760, subsection 1 and section 755, subsection 4 of the Administration of Justice Act. Under these circumstances, the court finds that there was no reason to extend the detention until the following day 11.00 a.m. Accordingly, [the applicant] is entitled to compensation in the amount of DKK 2,200 pursuant to section 1018 a, subsection 1 of the Administration of Justice Act.”
The prosecution appealed against the judgment to the High Court of Western Denmark (Vestre Landsret), before which the applicant amended slightly her statement given before the City Court in that she admitted that the police had asked her before and after the arrest to provide them with her personal data, but that she had refused because she had been angry. Two of the police officers who were heard as witnesses before the City Court repeated their testimonies.
On 11 February 1999 the High Court gave judgment against the applicant stating as follows: “Having breached section 750 of the Administration of Justice Act [the applicant] could be arrested pursuant to section 755, subsection 1 of the Administration of Justice Act. During the arrest, and the subsequent detention [the applicant] was requested continuously to reveal her name and address, which she refused. Furthermore, she did not possess any identity papers, which could have enabled the police to determine her name and address. Finally, [the applicant] was released as soon as she revealed her name and address. Under these circumstances, there is no basis for granting [the applicant] compensation pursuant to section 1018 a, subsection 1 of the administration of Justice Act. Moreover, as no circumstances has been established, which could provide a basis for granting compensation pursuant to section 1018 a, subsection 2, [the court finds for the prosecution.]”
The applicant's request of 24 February 1999 for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (Højesteret) was refused by the Leave to Appeal Board (Procesbevillingsnævnet) on 25 May 1999. | train | {
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001-98034 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 34821/06) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Werner Gabriel (“the applicant”).
The applicant was represented by Ms Baumgartner-Gabriel, a lawyer practising in Graz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained, in particular, that there was no public hearing in the disciplinary proceedings against him before the Administrative Court.
On 1 December 2007 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time.
The applicant was born in 1939 and lives in Graz.
The applicant was, at the time of the events, a civil servant in a public employment relationship with the Styria Regional Government (Landesregierung). He worked at the Department for Legal Affairs (Traffic Department).
On 17 May 1993 the Department for Legal Affairs (Human Resources) laid disciplinary information against the applicant.
The Disciplinary Commission at the Office of the Regional Styria Government (Disziplinarkommission des Amtes der Landesregierung) decided, on 21 June 1993, to institute the main disciplinary proceedings on account of seventeen specific charges dating from December 1990 to April 1993 and suspended the applicant from his duties (Einleitungs- und Suspendierungsbeschluss).
On 21 September 1994 the Disciplinary Commission decided to hold a hearing (Verhandlungsbeschluss) in the disciplinary matter against the applicant, charging him on twenty-four counts. However, in the summons for the hearing the Disciplinary Commission informed the applicant on 2 October 2005 that only counts 1 to 14 would be subject matter of the hearing.
A hearing was held in presence of the applicant and his counsel on 7 December 1995 following which the Disciplinary Commission held the applicant liable in respect of ten counts of misbehaviour. It imposed a disciplinary penalty of immediate retirement with a deduction of 20% of his pension benefits. On the remaining four counts the Disciplinary Commission found no reason to take further action.
On 7 November 1996 the Senior Disciplinary Board at the Office of the Styria Regional Government (Disziplinaroberkommission des Amtes der Landesregierung) on the basis of the result of an oral hearing upheld this decision with regard to six counts, but found no reason for criticism as regards the remaining four counts. As a result the disciplinary penalty was reduced by setting the deduction of the applicant's pension benefits at 15%.
The applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court on 9 January 1997. The applicant also requested the Constitutional Court to hold a public hearing.
The Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant's complaint for lack of prospect of success on 9 June 1998 and, on 24 June 1998, remitted the case to the Administrative Court at the applicant's request.
On 23 September 1998 the applicant supplemented his complaint as requested by the Administrative Court and requested again a public hearing to be held. In his complaint he argued that the Senior Disciplinary Board had not been properly composed and that there were inconsistencies as to the number of charges in the decision to institute proceedings, the decision to hold a hearing and for which he was eventually held liable. Further, the authorities had not properly gathered the evidence and had erred in its assessment.
On 15 December 1999 (served on the applicant's counsel on 24 January 2000) the Administrative Court, without a hearing, dismissed the applicant's complaint as unfounded. | train | {
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"applicant": "Werner Gabriel",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2010
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Werner Gabriel |
001-109575 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 35141/06) against the Kingdom of Sweden lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Swedish national, Ms Eleonor Levin (“the applicant”), on 21 August 2006.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Ms B. Wallman, a lawyer practising in Örebro. The Swedish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr B. Sjöberg, of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged a breach of Article 8 of the Convention in relation to the contact restrictions following the taking into public care of her three children.
On 20 January 2009 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible and decided to communicate the complaint concerning the contact restrictions to the Government. It also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
On 1 February 2011 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1 of the Rules of Court) and the above application was assigned to the newly composed Fifth Section.
The applicant was born in 1967 and lives in Norway.
A. Background and taking into public care
The applicant is the mother of three children, T. born in October 1999, S. born in March 2001 and D. born in November 2002. In March 2003, the applicant separated from the children’s father, B., and she was eventually granted sole custody of the children, while B. was granted contact rights. The applicant married J. in November 2004.
The applicant and her children have been known to the social services since 2002 when a first investigation into their home environment was carried out. During March and April 2005, the personnel at the children’s day care centre felt that the applicant was distracted and stressed and the children were hungry and dirty when they arrived at day care in the mornings and were behaving in a wild and hyperactive manner. In view of this, they reported the situation to the social services in Skellefteå. In March the applicant herself contacted the Child and Youth Psychiatric Clinic (Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin; hereafter “BUP”) for help, as she considered the situation to be chaotic and she needed help for her son, S., who she claimed destroyed everything at home. BUP reported the family’s situation to the social services.
On 3 May 2005 the applicant contacted BUP in a state of despair and, in response, a social emergency unit (social beredskap) went to the applicant’s home, accompanied by police and a chief physician from the adult psychiatric clinic. The authorities found the interior of the home completely destitute; there was hardly any furniture and there was no electricity or running water. The applicant was in a confused state and blamed the mess in the house on S. The social emergency unit decided immediately to place the children, together with the applicant, in a temporary family home (jourfamiljehem)0. On the following day, the applicant was committed to compulsory psychiatric care in accordance with the Act on Compulsory Psychiatric Care (Lagen om psykiatrisk tvångsvård, 1991:1128). The applicant claimed that she was not ill but agreed to the placement of the children in the temporary family home. A week later, she was released from psychiatric care and returned to her home.
During the summer of 2005 the applicant had frequent contact with the social services. However, she felt misunderstood and harassed by the authorities and wanted to bring her two daughters, T. and D., home. As the social services insisted that the situation was not stable enough for the girls to return to the applicant, she withdrew her consent to their voluntary placement. Hence, the Social Council (socialnämnden) in Skellefteå decided to take T. and D. into public care immediately on a provisional basis, pursuant to section 6 of the Act with Special Provisions on the Care of Young Persons (Lagen med särskilda bestämmelser om vård av unga, 1990:52; hereafter “the 1990 Act”). The council considered that the measure was necessary in order to protect the children. It also noted that there had been chaos every time the applicant had met with the children during the summer or when she had appeared, often unannounced, at their day care centre, leaving them upset and sad.
The applicant, who was represented by legal counsel, opposed the measure but, on 31 August 2005, the County Administrative Court (länsrätten) of Västerbotten confirmed the decision of the Social Council.
On 19 September 2005 the Social Council applied to the County Administrative Court for a permanent care order in respect of all three children, in accordance with section 2 of the 1990 Act. The council maintained that the applicant had shown a serious lack of ability to care for her children. It submitted a comprehensive investigation report into the family’s situation in support of its request according to which all three children had worn nappies when they arrived at the temporary family home, although T. only at night, and they had been dirty and had an endless appetite. Moreover, T. had no limits towards adults and wanted to control everything and everyone around her. S. had nightmares and had been afraid of sudden movements. He acted in a very stressed and anxious manner when his mother was present. D. had been late in her speech and motor development. The applicant had not been able to set limits for her children and the situation when they met had always become out of control.
The applicant disputed the measure and claimed that she was capable of caring for her children, who suffered from being separated from her.
By judgment of 19 October 2005, after having held an oral hearing, the County Administrative Court granted a permanent care order in respect of each of the three children. It found that, on the basis of all the material in the case, it had been shown that the applicant lacked the ability to care for her children, which had already somewhat impaired their health and development, and that there was a serious risk of further damage unless they were given proper care. Since the applicant did not agree to voluntary care, it was necessary to take the children into public care on a permanent basis.
The applicant appealed against the judgment to the Administrative Court of Appeal (kammarrätten) in Sundsvall. She had realised that it was not S., but her husband J., who had been responsible for all the destruction in their home. J. had admitted this and they had divorced. However, she did not consider that the children had suffered from this error, although she felt sorry for S. and would have liked to talk to him about it.
The Social Council contested the appeal. In its view, the children’s behaviour showed that their development had already been harmed and, moreover, the applicant had no insight into her problems and had difficulties in interacting with her children.
On 9 January 2006 the Administrative Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s judgment in full. In its opinion it was evident that the children had not received proper care at home. Moreover, the applicant had shown signs of mental ill-health and had behaved in an unbalanced manner. Thus there had been a real risk of damage to the children’s health and development. Furthermore, although the court acknowledged that the situation had improved in that the house had been renovated and the applicant had divorced J., it found that the situation was far from being stable, having regard to the serious flaws which had existed, the uncertainty as to whether they still existed and the children’s need for care.
The applicant appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten) which, on 23 February 2006, refused leave to appeal.
B. Contact restrictions
Following the granting of the public care order in August 2005, the applicant had contact rights to visit T. for one hour, once every other week, and spoke with her on the telephone once a week. She met S. once every third week in the presence of the social services and she had contact rights to visit D. for one hour every week. In May 2006 the applicant moved to live with her sister in Göteborg, located approximately 1,100 km from Skellefteå, and as a result she travelled to Skellefteå to see her children roughly once a month.
In October 2005, the children were placed in three different family homes, all within approximately 50 km of Skellefteå, as one family was not able to provide the care and support that each child needed. However, it was arranged for the children to meet each other approximately once a month to ensure continued good contact between them.
In November 2006 the applicant, through her legal counsel, requested the Social Council to allow her more time with her children as she felt that the children were being deprived of contact with her.
On 11 December 2006 the Social Council decided to restrict the applicant’s contact rights to all three children. It first noted that the children’s father, B., had also requested contact rights to the children and that his contact rights had to be taken into account when deciding on the frequency of the applicant’s contact rights, balanced against the best interests of the children. Thus, according to the decision, each parent should meet with the children once every three months in a neutral environment where the family home parents and the social worker responsible for the file should be present. This meant that the applicant would meet her children once every six months.
The decision was based on an investigation carried out by the Social Council, in consultation with BUP, into the children’s situation. It was finalised on 1 December 2006 and concluded, inter alia, the following. All three children had suffered severe harm to their health and development because of the deficiencies in the applicant’s ability to care for them. They were vulnerable and sensitive to change. However, since the permanent care order, T. had slowly become more calm and balanced and had started to learn how to play. She and the applicant had been alone during their meetings and had done various things such as going to the playground, the swimming pool or a restaurant. T. had been very tired after the meetings and she had slept badly and wet her bed. After telephone conversations with the applicant, T. had also been anxious and sad. As regards S., he had become calmer and more relaxed since placed in the family home. He still had difficulties sleeping and suffered from stomach pains and vomiting before and after contact with the applicant, despite the meetings having been very structured and held in the presence of the family home father. S. showed clear signs of fear of his mother and he had expressed a fear that she would come and fetch him. Turning to D., it was observed that she had met with the applicant and that they had usually been alone, playing together. After contact with the applicant, D. used to be worried about things the applicant had told her and she regressed somewhat in her development for a few days after each meeting, wetting her bed and having difficulty sleeping. The Social Council concluded in its investigation report that the children had a right to contact with their mother but that their best interests required that the contact be limited in order to ensure their secure and positive development.
The applicant appealed to the County Administrative Court and requested that she be granted contact rights to her children much more often than only twice a year. She could see no reason for such restricted contact and found it to be contrary to the best interests of the children as they would forget their mother. They had lived with her until May 2005 and they had had a close and warm relationship. She agreed that the children should also see and get to know their father but considered that this should not limit her contact with them. Moreover, she referred to a custody report, dated 28 February 2005, which had been carried out in connection with the custody proceedings following the divorce from B. In the summary of the report it was stated, inter alia, that nothing had appeared to call into question the applicant’s ability as a parent to care for her three children and that personnel at the children’s day care centre had stated that the children seemed to receive the care they needed from the applicant.
The Social Council contested the appeal. It submitted that the children were currently in the process of developing and learning things that they had not had the opportunity to learn before and it was important that this process should not be interrupted, which was the effect of their contact with the applicant. Consultation had taken place with BUP, which agreed with the Social Council that contact restrictions were necessary in order to ensure a positive development for the children. Moreover, it noted that the last meeting between the applicant and her children, on 23 January 2007, had passed without incident, partly because eight adults had been present to ensure the children’s well-being.
On 2 April 2007 the County Administrative Court rejected the appeal. It noted that a supplementary custody report, dated 25 August 2005, stated that it was clear that there were major flaws in the applicant’s ability to care for her children. Thus, having regard to the fact that the children had been feeling ill and anxious in connection with and after their contacts with the applicant, and that they needed time to develop in peace in their family homes, the Social Council had been justified in restricting the applicant’s contact rights to her children to twice a year.
The applicant lodged an appeal with the Administrative Court of Appeal, maintaining her claims and adding that she wished to see her children at least once a month in order to ensure that they would not forget her. She felt that the family home parents had a negative attitude towards her and that this influenced the children.
On 11 October 2007, after having held an oral hearing, the Administrative Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s judgment in full. It noted that BUP had been consulted by the Social Council before its decision.
Upon further appeal by the applicant, the Supreme Administrative Court refused leave to appeal on 10 December 2007.
Every three months, the Social Council reconsidered the contact restrictions and decided to maintain the restrictions in place. It would appear that the applicant did not appeal against these until the council’s decision of 11 August 2008 which she appealed against to the County Administrative Court, requesting that her contact rights to her children be increased to one visit per month to begin with and, after three months, to spend one weekend a month with them alone. She stated, inter alia, that she had moved to Norway, found a job and was in a steady relationship with a new man, and thus, felt very well.
In its decision, the Social Council had observed that despite the applicant’s visits having been planned and very structured, the children had still had negative reactions before and after each meeting in the form of anxiety, stomach aches, bedwetting, becoming insecure and regressing in their development. It further noted that during the visit in December 2007, the applicant’s mother had also been present which had been a positive addition. She had expressed a wish to see her grandchildren once a year, to which the council agreed. It also noted that the applicant had sent postcards and letters to the children which they appreciated. As concerned the visits, the council observed that they were always very well planned and structured with the support of the family homes and that the applicant and the children played together, ate and talked. The family homes also showed photos and films from the children’s meetings and their activities.
On 14 November 2008 the court, after having held an oral hearing, decided to increase the applicant’s contact with her children to four times per year, for four hours each time. It noted that the limited contact had been in place for roughly two years and had contributed to the children developing positively during this time. Although it agreed with the Social Council that continued limitations on the applicant’s contact with her children were necessary due to the children’s needs, it noted that the applicant had not interfered in an inappropriate manner in the care of her children. Moreover, the last two times they had met had generally gone well. Therefore, the court found that with the support of the Social Council and the family homes during the meetings, these could be increased to four times per year for the applicant. In its view, this would provide the children with a good contact with their mother while not jeopardising their continued development.
The applicant appealed to the Administrative Court of Appeal, maintaining that she wanted contact rights with her children during one weekend per month, without the presence of others, in order to ensure that she and the children would establish a good contact.
The Social Council contested the appeal and maintained the reasons set forth in its decision.
The Administrative Court of Appeal requested the Social Council to obtain the children’s point of view on increased contact with their mother. Consequently, the council met with the children individually but in the presence of their family home parents where they spoke about various things, including how they felt about seeing their mother more often. T. said that she did not want to meet her mother more than twice a year and that she did not want to be alone with her or stay with her. According to T., the meetings were very tiresome, demanding, she had a headache and could not concentrate in school before and after the meetings. She started crying and had a stomach ache during the conversation for which reason they had to cut it short. Following the conversation, she wet her bed at night, cried a lot and said that she was afraid. As for S., he did not want to talk about his mother. He reacted in a negative, frightened manner and almost started crying. He later said that he only wanted to see her once a year and that he did not want to be alone with her. It was noted that he was very anxious and afraid to meet his mother and had strong physical reactions both before and after the meetings, including stuttering, becoming aggressive and being afraid of physical contact. Turning to D. she said that she became tired when meeting her mother and siblings but that it was nice to dress up and eat good food. It was noted that D. was the most positive about the meetings with the applicant but that she did not want to meet with her alone. Moreover, the negative reactions that she had had during earlier meetings had improved somewhat.
In February 2009 the applicant voluntarily underwent a neuropsychological examination during two days at Stavanger University Hospital, upon request by the Social Council. The council wanted to know if the applicant suffered from a disorder or mental illness and, if so, what support she would need. The examination concluded that the applicant fulfilled the criteria for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that was mainly inattentive in nature. It recommended supplementary examinations and made a number of proposals for supportive measures, including establishing fixed structures and routines in her daily life. It was also stressed that this specific impairment of her capabilities could hardly be sufficient to “disqualify her as a parent”.
On 7 May 2009 the Administrative Court of Appeal upheld the lower court’s judgment in full. It concluded that it would not be in the best interest of the children to increase the applicant’s contact rights further than decided by the lower court, in particular due to the negative reactions of T. and S. before, during and after the meetings. | train | {
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001-98606 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 32435/06) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Hermann Kammerer (“the applicant”), on 30 July 2006.
The applicant was represented by Mr W. Rainer, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged, invoking Article 6 of the Convention, that his right to be heard had been infringed.
On 18 September 2008 the Court decided to give notice of the application to the Government. Under the provision of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Axams.
On 30 June 2004 the Innsbruck District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft, DAA) issued a provisional penal order (Strafverfügung) against the applicant, imposing a fine under the Motor Vehicles Act (Kraftfahrzeuggesetz) for non-compliance with the obligations of registered owners to have their cars inspected on a regular basis for security reasons.
On 6 July 2004 the applicant lodged an objection to this decision.
On 12 July 2004 the DAA issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) confirming its previous decision and imposing a fine of 72 euros (EUR), with twenty-four hours' imprisonment in case of default, on the applicant.
Assisted by counsel, the applicant appealed on 28 July 2004 to the Tirol Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat, IAP) alleging that he was not responsible for the regular car inspection since the car was permanently used by another person. Furthermore he argued that the car had been parked at the same spot for more than five weeks and was not in active use at the relevant time. He also requested that an oral hearing be held in which he and the actual user of the car could be heard as witnesses.
On 31 January 2005 the IAP scheduled an oral hearing for 22 February 2005.
A summons was served on the applicant's counsel on 3 February 2005, containing the standard text that the accused does not have to appear before the IAP personally but is free to send a representative instead.
On the morning of 22 February 2005 the replacement of the applicant's counsel informed the IAP that the applicant had been informed about the hearing only a few days before and that he could not attend the hearing since he was ill, neither could the requested witness appear as she was on holiday. He requested an adjournment of the hearing, but the IAP refused.
On 22 February 2005 the hearing took place in the absence of the applicant but in the presence of his counsel, who again requested that the hearing be adjourned to hear the applicant and the witness. The IAP dismissed the applicant's appeal and only amended a citation of the DAA's decision. It found that even though the car was used by somebody else the applicant, as the registered owner has to check that the car undergoes regular inspections. Therefore, the IAP did not consider it necessary to question the witness. As regards the request for an adjournment of the hearing, the IAP found that the applicant's interests had been taken care of by his counsel and that his presence had therefore not been necessary, all the more so as the facts were clear and it was only questions of law which had to be decided.
On 4 May 2005 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court in which he complained, inter alia, that the IAP had convicted him in absentia.
On 13 June 2005 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant's case since it did not involve a question of fundamental rights.
At the request of the applicant the Constitutional Court transmitted the case on 29 July 2005 to the Administrative Court.
On 15 September 2005 the applicant modified his complaint lodged with the Administrative Court.
On 27 January 2006 the Administrative Court refused to deal with the applicant's complaint under section 33a of the Administrative Court Act since the amount of the penalty did not exceed EUR 750 and no important legal issue was at stake | train | {
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001-168377 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 56971/10) against the Swiss Confederation lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a national of both Switzerland and Egypt, Mr Saleh El Ghatet (“the first applicant”), and an Egyptian national, Mr Mohamed Saleh El Ghatet (“the second applicant”), on 28 September 2010.
The applicants were represented by Mr T. Hassan, a lawyer practising in Zurich. The Swiss Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr F. Schürmann, of the Federal Office of Justice.
The applicants alleged that the Swiss authorities’ refusal of their request for family reunification constituted a breach of their right to respect for family life as provided in Article 8 of the Convention.
On 18 January 2011 the application was communicated to the Government.
The first applicant was born in 1952 and lives in Hausen (Canton of Aargau). The second applicant, who was born in 1990, is the son of the first applicant. He lives in Egypt.
A. The background to the case
The first applicant entered Switzerland in 1997, where he applied for asylum in the same year. At that time, the second applicant remained in Egypt, where he was cared for by his mother. The first applicant’s asylum application was rejected by the competent authorities.
In March 1999 the first applicant married a Swiss national and obtained a residence permit. In 2000 a daughter was born to the couple.
In 2002 the second applicant visited his father in Switzerland for three months based on a tourist visa valid for that period.
In July 2003 the second applicant re-entered Switzerland for purposes of family reunification with his father.
In February 2004 the first applicant was granted a permanent residence permit. In August 2004 he obtained Swiss nationality and has since held nationality of both Switzerland and Egypt.
After encountering difficulties in school and with his step-mother, the second applicant returned to Egypt in January 2005, where he was cared for by his mother and his paternal grandmother.
In 2006 the first applicant separated from his spouse. The latter continued to live in Switzerland with the couple’s daughter.
B. The proceedings at issue
On 1 March 2006 the first applicant lodged a request for family reunification with the second applicant, who was 15 and a half years old at the time and for whom he had custody according to Egyptian law.
On 15 February 2007 the Migration Office of the Canton of Aargau refused that request.
On 12 March 2007 the applicant lodged an appeal against that decision with the Legal Unit of the Migration Office of the Canton of Aargau.
On 6 June 2007 that authority dismissed the appeal.
On 26 June 2007 the applicant lodged an appeal against that decision with the Court of Appeal in Foreigners’ Law (Rekursgericht im Ausländerrecht) of the Canton of Aargau.
On 7 September 2007 that court granted the applicant’s appeal. In a very detailed decision it noted that the requirements for family reunification under Article 17 § 2 third sentence of the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals (Bundesgesetz über Aufenthalt und Niederlassung der Ausländer, ANAG) were not met (see relevant domestic law and practice paragraphs 31‑33 below). Largely basing its reasoning on Article 8 of the Convention, it considered, however, that the applicants’ interests in respect for their family life prevailed over those of the public. It ordered the Migration Office of the Canton of Aargau to arrange for a residence permit for the second applicant.
Subsequently, the Migration Office of the Canton of Aargau declared that it would grant a permanent residence permit to the second applicant for purposes of family reunification and, on 28 January 2008, transferred the file to the Federal Office of Migration to seek the required consent. On 4 March 2008 the latter refused to give its consent, finding that the requirements for family reunification were not met and that the decision of the court of the Canton of Aargau was in contradiction to the case-law of the Federal Supreme Court.
On 4 April 2008 the first applicant lodged an appeal against that decision with the Federal Administrative Court, both in his own name and in that of his son.
On 30 July 2009 the applicants informed the authorities that the situation of the second applicant had changed. His mother had moved to Kuwait with her new spouse and he was now cared for exclusively by his paternal grandmother.
On 2 February 2010 the Federal Administrative Court dismissed the appeal. It noted, first, that the requirements for family reunification under Article 17 § 2 third sentence of the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals were not met (see relevant domestic law and practice paragraphs 31-33 below). It found, second, that the applicants could not rely on Article 8 of the Convention, as the second applicant had reached the age of adulthood and was not dependant on the first applicant (see relevant domestic law and practice paragraph 33 below).
On 8 March 2010 the applicants lodged an appeal against that decision with the Federal Supreme Court.
On 5 July 2010 the Federal Supreme Court dismissed that appeal. It considered, in particular, that the relationship between the two applicants was not paramount (“vorrangig”), even though the first applicant had the right of custody for the second applicant according to Egyptian law. It noted that the first applicant had not applied for family reunification immediately after his arrival in Switzerland, that the second applicant was cared for by his mother and his grandmother in Egypt until he turned 18 years, that the second applicant had lived almost all of his life in Egypt and had more important social and personal ties to his country of origin, which would be negatively affected if he moved to Switzerland, and that he had returned to Egypt after having stayed with his father in Switzerland for one and a half years. It observed that the first applicant had, thus, at that time, preferred that the second applicant lived with his mother and that the second applicant would face even more severe challenges to integration now than he had during his first stay in Switzerland, given his age. While noting that the first applicant had a close relationship to his daughter in Switzerland and that he could, thus, not be expected to relocate to Egypt to live there with the second applicant, the court noted that the applicants had not submitted sufficient reasons to justify the second applicant’s reunion with his father in Switzerland.
Moreover, the Federal Supreme Court considered that the circumstances of the present case differed from those of Tuquabo-Tekle and Others v. the Netherlands, no. 60665/00, 1 December 2005. The latter concerned a situation where only one parent, the child’s mother, was still alive. The mother had tried to bring her child to the Netherlands as soon as possible after her arrival. Moreover, the child’s grandmother who cared for her in Ethiopia had taken the child out of school against the mother’s will and planned a forced marriage.
On 7 October 2010 the Court refused to apply Rule 39 of the Rules of the Court. | train | {
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001-153922 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 44547/10) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Graham Jason Piper (“the applicant”), on 20 July 2010.
The applicant was represented by Mr C. Convey, a barrister practising in London, instructed by Lound Mulrenan Jefferies Solicitors. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms Y. Ahmed, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
On 26 August 2011 the application was communicated to the Government.
The applicant was born in 1948 and lives in Essex. The facts of the case, as submitted by the parties, can be summarised as follows.
A. The applicant’s arrest and trial
The applicant was arrested in the Netherlands on 31 January 1999. On 3 February 1999, following transfer to the United Kingdom, he was charged with the attempted importation of 163 kilograms (compressed weight) of cocaine with a potential street value of GBP 11 million.
Prior to trial, in order to seize and preserve the applicant’s assets for future confiscation in the event of a conviction, the prosecution applied for and obtained a restraint order and the appointment of a receiver under section 26 of the Drug Trafficking Act 1994 (“the 1994 Act”). The receiver sought to sell the applicant’s horses immediately and this was successfully challenged by the applicant. In its judgment dated 23 July 1999 the Court of Appeal confirmed that the purpose of the 1994 Act was to preserve the value of assets for the purpose of future confiscation proceedings.
Also prior to trial, the applicant sought to challenge the admissibility of telephone interception evidence obtained in the Netherlands. He ultimately pursued an appeal to the House of Lords, which delivered its judgment against the applicant on 24 March 2000.
The trial subsequently commenced in the Crown Court in June 2000. However, after the jury had already retired to consider their verdict a prejudicial document was discovered within the jury bundle. The fault for this lay with the prosecution, a matter admitted at the time. Consequently, on 31 August 2000 the jury were discharged.
A retrial commenced on 6 April 2001. At the start of the retrial the applicant’s counsel pursued an unsuccessful application to stay the proceedings on grounds of hardship suffered as a result of the prosecution’s negligence in causing the first trial to be abandoned.
On 5 June 2001 the applicant was found guilty of the offences charged. On 6 June 2001 he was sentenced to fourteen years’ imprisonment. He lodged an appeal against sentence, which was unsuccessful. In 2004 he lodged an out-of-time appeal against conviction. He was released from prison in February 2006 and, on 17 November 2006, he abandoned his appeal (see further paragraph 29 below).
B. The confiscation proceedings
The 1994 Act provides for the making of a confiscation order in the event of a conviction for drug trafficking offences. Accordingly, prior to the sentencing hearing, the prosecution served notice under section 2 of the Act of its intention to seek a confiscation order and a statement under section 11 of the Act containing the prosecution’s assessment of whether the applicant had benefited from drug trafficking and the value of his proceeds of drug trafficking.
At the sentencing hearing on 6 June 2001, the judge ordered the defence to serve a written response to the prosecution’s statement within six weeks. The defence failed to serve its response within the six-week period. At the prosecution’s request, a further procedural hearing took place on 9 October 2001. At this hearing, the judge was informed that the delay in serving the defence response had been caused by the applicant moving prisons and wishing to instruct new solicitors. The prosecution drew the judge’s attention to section 3 of the 1994 Act, which provided a six-month deadline in respect of the confiscation proceedings. Prosecution counsel indicated that an extension of the deadline might be required. Defence counsel confirmed that the applicant wished to apply for a transfer to new solicitors and agreed that an extension would probably be required as it was unlikely that a fresh legal team would be ready by 6 December 2001 when the current deadline was due to expire. The judge granted a short adjournment of 28 days to resolve the matter of transferring representation.
On 6 November 2001 the court granted a defence application for the transfer of legal aid. The new defence representative sought an adjournment of three weeks to allow new counsel to receive the papers and take instructions from the applicant. The prosecution did not oppose the application but reminded the judge that under section 3 of the 1994 Act, the judge needed to find “exceptional circumstances” before the timetable could be extended beyond the six-month deadline. Defence counsel was unable to address the judge on the point of “exceptional circumstances” owing to his lack of familiarity with the case. Accordingly, the matter was adjourned to 4 December 2001 to review progress.
On 4 December 2001 defence counsel indicated to the judge that, owing to the complexities of the case, he would not have a defence response prepared before Easter 2002. He also indicated that a contested hearing, which the parties now appeared to consider necessary, would require a two-week time estimate. The judge was again referred to section 3 of the 1994 Act and it was decided with the agreement of all parties to postpone the confiscation timetable to the end of May 2002 pursuant to the court’s powers under that section. The judge suggested a provisional date of 20 May 2002 for the substantive confiscation hearing.
At a hearing on 25 January 2002, the defence gave notice that it wished to challenge the validity of the postponement of the confiscation hearing on the basis that the Crown Court had no jurisdiction because procedural requirements had not been properly followed by the judge at the hearing on 4 December 2001. The judge set a timetable for the service of skeleton arguments on the jurisdiction point and fixed 14 March 2002 for legal argument on the matter.
In early March, as a result of informal discussions between junior counsel for both sides regarding a case pending before the Court of Appeal on the jurisdiction point, the 14 March 2002 date was vacated. In the event, the pending appeal case was subsequently conceded by the prosecution so no oral argument took place in that case. A review hearing in the applicant’s case was scheduled for 22 March 2002.
Prior to the hearing on 22 March 2002 it became apparent that the parties had misunderstood each other in agreeing to vacate the 14 March 2002 date. Counsel for the defence had understood that if the appeal in the other case was decided in the appellant’s favour, the prosecution in the applicant’s case would terminate the confiscation proceedings against him. Counsel for the prosecution denied that such an undertaking was ever made. Counsel for the defence indicated his intention to argue abuse of process on the basis that an undertaking had been given and was then reneged upon.
On 22 March 2002, the prosecution indicated its intention to proceed with the confiscation hearing on 20 May 2002, as planned. The defence requested that legal argument on jurisdiction and abuse of process be postponed to suit the diary of leading counsel. The judge noted that it was “a supreme irony frankly ... that this case was adjourned solely for Mr Piper’s benefit and he now has the temerity to say that there is no jurisdiction to try him.” He also commented that since the prosecution had produced its statement under section 11 of the 1994 Act before the sentencing hearing on 6 June 2001, Mr Piper had done absolutely nothing. The judge indicated his preference for retention of the May date for the substantive hearing with any legal argument to take place beforehand, suggesting that alternative leading counsel could be found. Defence counsel proposed instead that the May date be set down for legal argument and after that, unless the confiscation proceedings had fallen away, the defence would serve their response by the end of May. The judge reluctantly put back the substantive confiscation proceedings until 13 June 2002, noting that he was “very loath to have further slippage than is absolutely necessary”.
On 22, 23 and 27 May 2002 two defence applications submitted by newly instructed leading counsel were heard. The first was to stay the confiscation proceedings on grounds of abuse of process; the second was for an order declaring that there was no jurisdiction to continue the confiscation proceedings on account of the judge having failed to observe the proper procedural requirements when he postponed the confiscation hearing on 4 December 2001.
In his ruling of 27 May 2002 the judge found, in relation to the jurisdiction point that the original adjournment was to afford the defence more time, that no defence response had been forthcoming to the prosecution statement and that further delay had been caused by the applicant wishing to instruct new solicitors. He indicated that he had listed the case on 4 December 2001, two days before the six-month time-limit expired, and that on that date he had postponed the listing to 31 May 2002 in compliance with section 3 of the 1994 Act. He further found that no prejudice had been caused to the applicant as a result of the postponement. Accordingly, he concluded that the court had jurisdiction to deal with the confiscation proceedings. On the issue of abuse of process, the judge ruled that there had been a misunderstanding between counsel as to whether any undertaking had been given and that no abuse therefore arose. Following the ruling, the confiscation proceedings were adjourned and fixed for September 2002 to allow the defence to prepare their case.
Further argument then took place in relation to the jurisdiction point following a Court of Appeal judgment on 27 June 2002 in which a confiscation order was quashed following a finding that a Crown Court judge had not complied with the requirements of section 3 of the 1994 Act. The applicant asked the judge to reconsider his ruling of 27 May 2002. The judge considered the applicant’s case to be distinguishable on the facts. However, on the request of the defence and following advice from both parties that an interlocutory appeal could be completed quickly and that the September 2002 confiscation hearing would not need to be vacated, he certified the point as fit for appeal to the Court of Appeal.
The applicant duly lodged an appeal on the jurisdiction point. For unknown reasons, matters proceeded more slowly than the parties had expected and the September confiscation hearing did not go ahead. A further judgment in a similar appeal was handed down by the Court of Appeal on 16 December 2002 (R v Knights (Richard Michael) and others [2002] EWCA Crim 2954). An appeal against that judgment was lodged with the House of Lords.
The applicant’s case was adjourned further in December 2002 and February 2003 on application by him under section 3 of the 1994 Act, the “exceptional circumstances” being the pending House of Lords appeals. The parties were requested to keep the court updated. The applicant was subsequently informed by letter from the Court of Appeal dated 24 March 2003 that a question had been certified for the House of Lords in the case of Knights and others and that all similar appeals, including his own, would be held in abeyance until that appeal had been decided by the House of Lords.
As a result of this, and disclosure issues in relation to the receiver, the matter was further postponed in September 2003 until 9 January 2004 by which time the House of Lords had not issued a judgment in Knights and others. The judge allowed a one-week adjournment to obtain an update from the judicial office of the House of Lords. He was reminded by the applicant that he would again need to formally postpone the confiscation hearing. The judge proposed a further six-month postponement, on the proviso that he be provided with more up to date information in a week’s time and that if the proceedings could be listed and dealt with before the six-month period had expired, the parties should arrange this. Both counsel agreed.
Further hearings took place in June and July 2004. However, the House of Lords had still not issued a judgment. Further postponements were ordered.
On 27 September 2004 the judge was informed that the applicant had lodged an out-of-time appeal with the Court of Appeal against his conviction. Accordingly, there was little point in fixing a date for a substantive hearing in the confiscation proceedings. The applicant suggested a postponement to June of 2005. The judge agreed to the postponement on condition that the parties kept him informed of any progress in the meantime.
On 21 July 2005 the House of Lords handed down their judgments in two jurisdiction appeals (R v Knights and others [2005] UKHL 50; and R v Soneji and another [2005] UKHL 49). It upheld the confiscation orders, stating that any prejudice caused to the defendants by delay was outweighed by the public interest in not allowing convicted offenders to escape confiscation for bona fide errors in the judicial process.
On 28 July 2005 a procedural hearing was held in the Crown Court in the applicant’s case. The applicant’s counsel acknowledged that the House of Lords judgment effectively ruled out the prospect of a successful appeal on jurisdiction. The applicant requested a further adjournment to allow the parties to discuss matters further and agree amongst themselves a convenient date in September for the next hearing. The judge agreed to an adjournment. It is unclear whether a hearing took place in September or whether further adjournments were agreed in light of the applicant’s pending appeal against conviction.
In the meantime, from October to December 2005, separate hearings were held in the Court of Appeal relating to the applicant’s appeal against conviction. On 1 February 2006, the applicant was released from prison, having served half of his sentence. On 17 November 2006, apparently following adverse outcomes on various issues relating to his appeal, the applicant abandoned his appeal against conviction.
On 8 December 2006 at a review hearing in the confiscation proceedings, the applicant informed the court that he had a large number of witnesses and a great deal of work was yet to be done. The applicant’s counsel gave notice of a potential abuse argument arising from the deaths of two of his witnesses. The judge fixed a timetable for further proceedings, including the lodging of an amended “section 11 statement” by the prosecution and reply by the applicant. The matter was listed for a hearing in late January 2007. The prosecution served the amended statement in January 2007. At the hearing on 25 January 2007 it was agreed to seek suitable dates in April 2007.
At a directions hearing on 16 April 2007 the applicant’s counsel again raised issues relating to the volume of work and requested until the end of May to respond to the prosecution’s “section 11 statement”. The judge extended the deadline to 1 June 2007 and ordered that the prosecution serve any further response within four weeks. A procedural hearing was agreed for 6 July 2007. The judge further extended the deadline for the confiscation hearing on the grounds of “exceptional circumstances”, stating that this was “a wholly exceptional case”.
At the procedural hearing on 6 July 2007 the applicant proposed November 2007 for the substantive confiscation hearing and assured the judge that the hearing would not last longer than a week. The judge was scheduled to start a complex trial on 12 November 2007 to last until Christmas. He therefore listed the applicant’s case for 6 November 2007. On 1 November 2007 the parties appeared before the judge. The applicant’s counsel informed the judge that, contrary to previous advice to the court, one week would be insufficient for the substantive hearing as he now wished to call more witnesses than had originally been indicated. The judge’s other commitments precluded a rescheduled hearing taking place before Christmas and counsel could not agree on dates after Christmas. The judge decided to keep the hearing fixed for 6 November 2007 to clarify the situation as to dates. The matter was further adjourned at hearings that took place in November 2007 and December 2007. The substantive hearing was listed for 20 July 2008, with a time estimate of two weeks, but in fact lasted four days from 22 to 24 July 2008.
The judge delivered his ruling on the confiscation on 19 December 2008. He identified the total amount of the applicant’s benefit from criminal conduct as GBP 1,840,563. He found the principal realisable asset to be a farm, which was valued at GBP 690,000. A confiscation order was made, with a three-year term of imprisonment to be served consecutive to the main sentence in default of payment. In his judgment, the judge also addressed the question of delay, noting that the delay incurred resulted partly from the applicant’s desire to challenge the jurisdiction of the court, partly from his appeal to the Court of Appeal and partly from his decision to change his legal representatives.
On 11 February 2009 the applicant requested the judge to vary the confiscation order and reopen his findings on the delay issue on the basis of the judgment of this Court in Bullen and Soneji v. the United Kingdom, no. 3383/06, 8 January 2009. The judge declined, noting that it was now for the applicant to seek other remedies.
C. Proceedings before the Court of Appeal
The applicant applied, out of time,0 to the Court of Appeal for leave to appeal the confiscation order. He argued, first, that the judge had erred in including the current value of the farm within the benefit figure of the proceeds of drug trafficking; and, secondly, that the delay in the disposal of the confiscation proceedings had breached his right to a fair trial and to a trial within a reasonable time under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
An oral hearing took place before the full court to decide upon both leave to appeal and the merits on 17 March 2010. The Court of Appeal granted leave to appeal but dismissed the appeal itself, upholding the confiscation order and finding no violation of Article 6 § 1. As regards the delay complaint, the court considered the whole period from the applicant’s arrest in January 1999 to the making of the confiscation order in December 2008. It indicated that the delay: “3. ... raises a prima facie case of a significant breach of Article 6. Unless there is a satisfactory explanation for it, it is a chronology which is way, way below the standards which are expected and achieved in the courts of this country. ...
... We start with the proposition that the passage of such a length of time as we have described calls for the most careful investigation and detailed justification. It is simply on the face of it well beyond acceptable.”
The court found that the period from the applicant’s arrest in January 1999 to the conclusion of his first trial on 31 August 2000 was wholly unexceptional and reasonable. As to the period between the discharge of the jury in the first trial to the conclusion of the second trial in June 2001, a period of ten months, the court accepted that the abandonment of the first trial was the fault of the prosecution, noting: “11. ... The trial had to start all over again. It was not concluded by conviction at the end of the second trial until 5th June 2001. There is thus a period of 10 months from 31st August 2000 until 5th June 2001 which was an unnecessary delay attributable to the error, although in good faith, made on behalf of the prosecution by some junior clerk. That period is therefore potentially available to be considered as the responsibility of the State.”
The court then examined the delay from the end of the second trial in June 2001 until July 2005, when the House of Lords’ judgment in the jurisdiction appeals was handed down. It observed that at the outset of this period, the confiscation proceedings were moving in good time. The court considered that there would have been a hearing of the confiscation question in about the spring or early summer of 2002, if that probable timetable had not been overtaken by the applicant’s challenge to the court’s jurisdiction, of which the court noted;. “14. ... He was entitled to do so. The issue was raised before the trial judge in the early part of 2002 ... The controversy as to the correct construction of the confiscation legislation was not resolved until the decision of the House of Lords in R v Bullen and Soneji ... In fact the question raised and decided went further than simply the confiscation legislation. It bore on a broader question of when technical failure to abide exactly by prescribed procedure has the effect of nullifying the subsequent actions of courts which is, of course, a very large general question.” The Court of Appeal considered that it was in the applicant’s interests to await the eventual authoritative ruling of the House of Lords. It therefore concluded that the delay that arose in this respect could not be criticised.
In the period from July 2005 until the applicant abandoned his appeal against conviction in November 2006, the court considered that the delay was the result of the appeal lodged “long out of time”, noting: “17. ... Whilst an appeal against conviction was outstanding there could not of course sensibly be a confiscation hearing because if the defendant’s conviction disappeared so would any prospect of confiscation.” The court observed that the applicant had engaged a third counsel for the appeal, and pursued it on grounds that had never been supported by those who had conducted his trial. It further noted that the various grounds advanced by the applicant fell away one by one over that period, but one of them remained and was not finally laid to rest until November 2006. The court concluded: “19. ... The simple fact is that the appeal on this ground, as on the others, had always been without any proper basis or merit. It is this additional period to which we referred prospectively earlier on as an example of the defendant taking the course that he is quite entitled to do – leaving no legal stone unturned – but adding to the passage of time as a result. We are satisfied that nothing in that period can be called unreasonable delay attributable to the act or omission of the State.”
As regards the period between November 2006 and December 2008, when the confiscation order was eventually made, the Court of Appeal noted that the parties had returned promptly to the Crown Court for the resumption of the confiscation issue within a fortnight of the abandonment of the appeal against conviction. It was apparent at the hearing of 8 December 2006 that the prosecution was pressing for a short timetable. The applicant’s representatives, on the other hand, wanted a longer timetable and were seeking additional time on the grounds that they had an enormous volume of work and would be calling a large number of witnesses, and might even be mounting an abuse argument on the grounds that some potential witnesses had died. Hearings were adjourned owing to the applicant’s applications. Although the Court of Appeal did not blame the applicant for his conduct, the court made it clear that any additional passage of time as a result of that conduct was not attributable to any act of the State. It observed in particular that: “20. ... At one such hearing, in January 2007, the defendant through his lawyers indicated that there would be no less than 49 witnesses necessary to be examined at the confiscation hearing ... [that] was eventually set down for November, taking into account the potentially large number of witnesses and time that would be needed. At that stage the estimate, which according to English practice will have been an estimate contributed to by both parties, was five days. That is a very long time for a confiscation hearing but if the time has to be found it has to be found. However, that date had to be broken on the application of the defendant because they assured the judge that they had so many witnesses to call that in fact 14 days would be needed, that is three court weeks, to hear the confiscation question. In the end, the defendant called five (not 49) witnesses and one of those was himself.”
The court commented on the time taken by the Crown Court judge to deliver his ruling (some four and a half months after the conclusion of the confiscation hearing) as follows: “22. ... We do not doubt that that will be attributable to the demands made on the judges at the Central Criminal Court, but it is too long and that period, or at least part of it, is no doubt the responsibility of the State. Judgments of this kind ought to be delivered within, at the very least, two or three months.”
Looking at the passage of time as a whole, the court concluded that there had not been in the applicant’s case unreasonable delay attributable to the acts of the State. The court also considered the impact of the passage of time upon the applicant, and acknowledged that he and his wife lived throughout this time with the uncertainty of whether they would lose his family home. However, given that his assets remained the same throughout the whole period and that he continued to enjoy his home which might have otherwise been taken from him earlier, the court had very little doubt about where the balance of advantage lay. It concluded: “25. The reality of this case is that this was a defendant of resourceful approach who deployed every possible legal stratagem to delay the confiscation process. He cannot now be heard to say that as a result of his having succeeded in delaying it, it has become unfair for the confiscation order to proceed. If there had been unreasonable delay attributable to the State, in the absence of any possible damage to the defendant beyond the very limited uncertainty that we have mentioned we are quite satisfied that this could not possibly have been a case in which the appropriate remedy would have been a stay of the confiscation process for abuse of process. There would simply have been nothing remotely unfair about the defendant eventually having to disgorge the confiscation which was the consequence of his offending. The appropriate remedy would, hypothetically, as it seems to us, have been a declaration. But that does not in the end arise. It follows that the substantive ground ... in relation to Article 6 fails.”
Since the lodging of his application to this Court, a further judgment has been handed down by the High Court on 7 December 2011, substantially reducing the amount of assets payable under the confiscation order (CPS v Piper [2011] EWHC 3570 (Admin)). | train | {
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"applicant": "Graham Jason Piper",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Graham Jason Piper |
001-57984 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court on 8 December 1994 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and on 23 December 1994 by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (“the Government“), within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 23389/94) against the United Kingdom lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) on 25 January 1994 by a British citizen, Mr Prem Singh. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Article 48 (art. 48). The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30).
The President of the Court decided that in the interests of the proper administration of justice this case and the case of Hussain v. the United Kingdom (no. 55/1994/502/584) should be heard by the same Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6) and that a joint hearing should be held. The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Sir John Freeland, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 27 January 1995, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr R. Macdonald, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr N. Valticos, Mrs E. Palm, Mr F. Bigi and Mr P. Jambrek (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 13 April 1995 and the applicant’s memorial on 3 May. The Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the Delegate would submit his observations at the hearing.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 27 September 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr I. Christie, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr D. Pannick QC, Mr M. Shaw, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr H. Carter, Mr H. Bayne, Mr R. Harrington, Home Office, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mr N. Bratza, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr E. Fitzgerald QC, Mr J. Cooper, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr R. King, Solicitor. The Court heard addresses by Mr Bratza, Mr Fitzgerald and Mr Pannick.
Mr Prem Singh was born in 1957 and is currently resident in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
On 19 February 1973, the applicant - then aged 15 - was convicted at Leeds Crown Court of the murder of a 72-year-old woman. He had broken into her home, strangled her, cut her throat and had sexual intercourse with her at around the time of her death. Mr Singh received a mandatory sentence of detention “during Her Majesty’s pleasure“ pursuant to section 53 (1) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 (as amended) (see paragraph 29 below). Its effect was to render the applicant “liable to be detained in such a place and under such conditions as the Secretary of State [for the Home Department] may direct“.
In October 1990, having served the punitive part of his sentence (“tariff“ - see paragraph 33 below), Mr Singh was released on licence.
On 11 March 1991 the applicant was arrested and interviewed at Southmead police station, Bristol, in connection with a number of alleged offences involving deception, and one of using threatening behaviour. He denied the allegations.
On 12 March 1991 the Parole Board considered Mr Singh’s case, and on 21 March 1991 his life licence was revoked by the Secretary of State on its recommendation. On 21 March 1991 the applicant received a formal notice of the reasons for this decision, which he was entitled to by virtue of section 62 (3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (see paragraph 43 below). It informed him that the Secretary of State had revoked his licence in the light of: “(i) Reports indicating that you had lied to and misledyour supervising officers and avoided telling them of avariety of significant events following your release onlicence. (ii) Your arrest and subsequent appearances beforeBristol Magistrates on several criminal charges includingfraud and using threatening behaviour, set against thecircumstances surrounding the offence for which you weregiven a life sentence in 1973, make it impossible for theSecretary of State to be satisfied that your continuedpresence in the community did not constitute a risk tothe public.“
On 27 August 1991, having complained to the Avon Probation Service about its recommendation, Mr Singh received a more detailed explanation of his recall in a letter from the chief probation officer. The reason given for his recall was not the alleged offences (which were a matter for the court), but rather his failure to provide accurate information about his circumstances to his supervising probation officer. The letter cited specifically his failure to inform her about the purchase of a motor vehicle; getting a job and giving false information to his employers about his age and character; having a relationship and not telling his girlfriend all about his background; and falling into arrears with his rent.
Mr Singh denied the accuracy of most of these allegations, and asked the Parole Board to review the merits of the revocation of his licence. Under section 62 (4) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (now section 39 (4) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 - see paragraph 43 below), the Parole Board was empowered at this stage to take a binding decision for Mr Singh’s immediate release.
The Parole Board considered the applicant’s case on 27 August and 19 December 1991. It had before it a number of reports from the probation service and the police, none of which was disclosed to the applicant. On 19 December 1991 the Board decided against recommending Mr Singh’s immediate release. He was not told the reasons for this decision.
On 2 March 1992 the criminal charges against Mr Singh (see paragraph 9 above) were dismissed because the prosecution had presented the indictment out of time. Mr Singh asked for his case to be reconsidered in the light of this development, and the Secretary of State accordingly referred it back to the Parole Board, under the procedure set out in section 61 (1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (see paragraph 34 below). On 30 July 1992 the Board again declined to recommend Mr Singh’s release.
The applicant then sought judicial review (see paragraph 47 below) of the two decisions of the Parole Board of 19 December 1991 and 30 July 1992. On 20 April 1993 the Divisional Court quashed the Parole Board’s decision of 19 December 1991 on the ground that there had been a breach of natural justice because of the Board’s failure to disclose to Mr Singh all the reports before it. The court held that the applicant was entitled to a fresh consideration by the Parole Board under the terms of section 39 (4) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991, at which the Board would be empowered to order (not merely to recommend) his release (see paragraph 43 below). Lord Justice Evans found, inter alia, that: “[Mr Singh’s] status is that of a person whose continueddetention can only be justified if the test ofdangerousness, meaning an unacceptable risk of physicaldanger to the life or limb of the public, is satisfied“(R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, exparte Prem Singh, unreported, transcript pp. 26F-27B) He further commented that the disclosed facts “scarcely seem able to support a positive answer to [this question]“.
As a result of the Divisional Court’s decision, Mr Singh received a complete file of the documents which were before the Parole Board. This included a number of detailed probation reports alleging deception of his supervising officers by Mr Singh, and also several hundred pages of witness statements obtained by the police in connection with the criminal charges which had been dismissed (see paragraphs 9 and 14 above).
With the help of his solicitor, Mr Singh made written representations to the Parole Board. He denied the allegations contained in the letter from the chief probation officer that he had deceived his supervising probation officer (see paragraph 11 above) and supported his case with witness statements from his girlfriend and landlady.
On 18 June 1993 the Parole Board considered Mr Singh’s case. He was not permitted to be present at the review and had no opportunity to give oral evidence or to question those who had made allegations against him. The Board decided not to recommend release, and gave the following reasons: “The Panel accepted that Mr Singh’s representationsanswered some matters which were of concern to hisprobation officer. However, there was a lack of opennessin his dealings with the Probation Service. The Panelalso considered that the conduct which led to thecriminal charges indicated a serious kind ofdeceptiveness. His behaviour under supervision led thePanel to conclude that the nature of his personality andbehaviour had not changed significantly since theoriginal offence at the age of 15. His failure to complywith the discipline of licence supervision, bearing inmind the original offence, gives rise to considerableconcern.“
Mr Singh applied for judicial review of this decision, but he withdrew his application on or about 7 March 1994 because he had been offered an early review of his case by the Parole Board.
In June 1994 the Parole Board reconsidered Mr Singh’s case in accordance with section 35 (2) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (see paragraph 35 below). Mr Singh entered detailed representations and the file before the Board was disclosed to him; it contained recent reports from probation officers, from a psychologist working with Mr Singh and from the Local Review Committee (see paragraph 46 below). All the reports which made a specific recommendation were in favour of the applicant’s release as soon as possible via a pre-release hostel.
As the applicant was informed on 21 July 1994 the Parole Board unanimously recommended his release subject to six months in a pre-release employment scheme. The reasons given were as follows: “On the evidence presented to [the panel], theyconsidered Prem Singh no longer constituted a danger tolife or limb of committing further life threateningoffences to justify his continued detention since hisrecall in March 1991.“
The applicant was also informed on 21 July 1994 that the Secretary of State was “not prepared to accept this recommendation and [did not agree] to [the applicant’s] release“. The Secretary of State so decided in exercise of his statutory powers (see paragraph 43 below).
By a communication of 8 September 1994 the applicant was given the reasons for the Secretary of State’s decision. These were that Mr Singh had misled the probation service after his release in October 1990 and had appeared before the magistrates on several criminal charges, although these had subsequently been dismissed on technical grounds. Thus, he had been recalled to prison “following serious breaches of the trust placed in [him] as a life licensee“. The Secretary of State was unable to assess accurately whether he was still a threat to the public, because he had spent the three and a quarter years since his recall in a closed prison. He considered that Mr Singh’s relationship with the probation service needed to be tested in the “more challenging environment of an open prison“. For these reasons, he believed that Mr Singh should be transferred to an open prison for further testing. His next formal review by the Parole Board would begin in October 1995.
Mr Singh applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State’s decision. On 16 March 1995 the Divisional Court quashed the Secretary of State’s decision and ordered him to reconsider it. The court found, inter alia, that the correct test to be applied was whether Mr Singh constituted a danger to the “life or limb“ of the public, and that the reasoning process of the Secretary of State had been flawed because he had not properly explained how the findings he had made related to the test of dangerousness (R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Prem Singh (no. 2), unreported).
In September 1995 Mr Singh joined a pre-release employment scheme. His provisional date for release is 18 March 1996. | train | {
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001-60695 | [
The case originated in two applications (nos. 43208/98 and 44875/98) against the United Kingdom lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two United Kingdom nationals, Mr Terence Perkins and Ms R. (“the applicants”), on 13 July 1998 and 15 September 1998, respectively.
The applicants were represented by Mr S. Grosz, a solicitor practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr C. Whomersley, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicants alleged that an investigation into their sexuality and their discharge from the Royal Navy on the basis of their homosexuality as a result of the absolute policy against the presence of homosexuals in the armed forces that existed at the time violated their rights under Article 8, alone and in conjunction with Article 14 of the Convention.
The applications were transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The applications were allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
On 23 February 1999 the Chamber decided to join the proceedings in the applications (Rule 43 § 1). Following a request from the second applicant, the President of the Third Section decided that her identity should be kept confidential.
The applications were declared admissible by the Court on 5 September 2000.
The Chamber decided that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine).
The applicants’ claims for just satisfaction pursuant to Article 41 of the Convention were received on 6 November 2000 and on 16 January 2001 the Government’s observations on those claims were received. Thereafter there was a further exchange of comments between the parties in correspondence.
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Fourth Section.
The applicants were born in 1969 and 1972 and live in London and Surrey respectively.
A. The first applicant
On 11 February 1991 the first applicant joined the Royal Navy as a medical assistant and worked in a Royal Navy hospital. He signed on for 22 years of service. Between 1992 and 1995 he passed several professional examinations, described as being “for advancement and sub-specialisation”. His naval character was assessed as being “very good” for every year that he served in the Royal Navy and he was granted a good conduct badge on 11 February 1995. On his ‘Efficiency Record’ he was noted to have “made an excellent initial impression” and to be “very capable” during 1992; in 1993 it was noted that he “needs to show more initiative”; and in 1994 it was recorded that he was “still quiet but improving”, had “good computer skills” and was a “good worker”. His efficiency assessments between 1992 and 1995 rated him as “satisfactory” on four occasions and as “superior” on two occasions.
On 1 August 1995 the first applicant was interviewed by the Special Investigations Branch (“SIB”) of the Royal Navy, as a result of the receipt of information by the naval authorities that he was homosexual.
The first applicant confirmed at the outset that the interview took place with his consent and that he was homosexual. Thereafter, the interview continued for about a further 10 minutes. During that time the first applicant was questioned about his sexual practices with, and about the age of, his current partner. He was asked whether his partner was a civilian and about the identities of his former partners in the service (a number of questions were raised in this respect). The interviewers then explained to the first applicant that the purpose of the interview was to see if any ‘offences’ had been committed and they continued questioning him. He was asked, inter alia, whether he had committed sexual acts with anyone under 18 years of age, how long he had known that he was homosexual, how many relationships he had had, whether he had been induced to become a practising homosexual since he joined the navy and about his sexual practices with his past and current partners. The first applicant was further asked whether he was HIV positive and if he knew whether his current partner was HIV positive.
After the interview the first applicant was informed that he would be discharged pursuant to the Ministry of Defence’s policy against homosexuals serving in the armed forces. The discharge took effect on 24 October 1995. At the time of his discharge the first applicant held the position of leading medical assistant.
On 24 January 1996 the first applicant applied for leave to take judicial review proceedings on the basis that the blanket policy against homosexuals serving in the armed forces was “irrational”, that it was in breach of Articles 8 and 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights and that it was contrary to the EU Council Directive on the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment for Men and Women as regards Access to Employment, Vocational Training and Promotion and Working Conditions 76/207/EEC (“the Equal Treatment Directive”).
His application was stayed pending the outcome of the case of R. v. Ministry of Defence, ex parte Smith and Others ([1996] 2 WLR 305) which raised similar issues and was determined on 19 March 1996, when the House of Lords dismissed petitions for leave to appeal.
The first applicant renewed his application for leave to take judicial review proceedings following the decision, on 30 April 1996, of the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) that transsexuals were protected from discrimination on grounds of their transsexuality under European Community law (P. v. S. and Cornwall County Council [1996] Industrial Relations Law Reports 347).
On 3 July 1996 the applicant was granted leave to take judicial review proceedings.
On 7 March 1997, at the substantive judicial review application, the first applicant argued that a reference to the ECJ pursuant to former Article 177 of the Treaty of Rome should be made. In its judgment of 13 March 1997 the High Court stayed the first applicant’s judicial review application and referred questions to the ECJ on the Equal Treatment Directive. The High Court questioned whether Article 2.1 of that directive (prohibiting discrimination “on grounds of sex”) applied to discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and, if so, whether the policy of the Ministry of Defence against homosexuals was capable in law of justification under Article 2.2 of that directive (R. v. the Secretary of State for Defence, ex parte Perkins, judgment of 13 March 1997).
On 17 February 1998 the ECJ found that Article 119 of the Treaty of Rome and the Equal Pay Directive (EU Council Directive 75/117/EEC, also prohibiting discrimination “on grounds of sex”) did not apply to discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation (Grant v. South West Trains Ltd [1998] ICR 449).
On 2 March 1998, in the light of the decision in Grant, the Administrator of the ECJ wrote to the High Court enquiring whether the High Court wished to withdraw its reference to the ECJ in the first applicant’s case. On 13 July 1998, following a hearing between the parties, the High Court ordered the withdrawal of its reference in the first applicant’s case. Leave to appeal that decision was refused by the High Court. On 15 July 1998, two Queen’s Counsel advised the first applicant against an appeal to the Court of Appeal on the grounds that such an appeal did not have any prospects of success.
B. The second applicant
On 30 July 1990 the second applicant joined the Royal Navy. She signed on for 22 years of service. Following basic training, she trained as a radio operator. In May 1991 she passed a course described as “specialist courses of civilian value” in basic ships fire fighting. In June 1992 she passed a professional qualifying examination for wren radio operator first class, described as a “highest service examination”. Her naval character was assessed as being “very good” for each year in which she served in the Royal Navy and her efficiency was noted to be “satisfactory”.
In or around September 1993, the second applicant, who was working on a submarine base in Scotland and was suffering from a great deal of emotional distress relating to her father’s illness, confided in a colleague that she had had a brief lesbian relationship with a civilian whilst on leave. The second applicant discussed this with no one else. That colleague reported the second applicant to the naval authorities.
On 10 September 1993 the second applicant was woken up and interrogated by an officer from the SIB for two hours. The interview focussed on matters of an intimate sexual nature. A thorough and intimate search of the second applicant’s personal belongings was then conducted. The second applicant was asked whether she had any electrical items. She understood the question to refer to particular items of a sexual nature, which understanding was not contradicted by the investigating officer. A number of the second applicant’s personal belongings, including personal letters, a video, a poster and a film, were confiscated. It is the second applicant’s belief that her personal letters were read by the officers investigating her case.
On 13 September 1993 she was sent home to inform her parents that she was being investigated with a view to being discharged and, on her return to base, she was moved to a different room so as not to share with the colleague who had informed on her. She was also moved out of direct working contact with that colleague. On 31 October 1993 she was informed that she was going to be discharged and that she had 48 hours to pack her belongings and leave the base. The second applicant was then interviewed by an official of the Ministry of Defence in London in order to assess whether or not she would be a security risk once she had left the armed forces. The second applicant also stated that she was obliged to read the statements of those persons who had been interviewed in connection with her and to sign those statements in order to indicate that she had read them.
The second applicant’s discharge came into effect on 26 November 1993. Her character on her ‘Certificate of Discharge’ was recorded to be “exemplary”. Her certificate of qualifications which she received on discharge pointed out that the second applicant had: “...displayed an above average level of intelligence and an ability to absorb and use new information quickly. She is of good appearance, has a sociable nature and works well as a member of a team. She has shown the potential to be considered for officer training and the drive required to learn and work under her own volition. She is a competent and reliable Communications rating with good keyboard skills and an understanding of Mainframe Computer Operations. [The second applicant] has potential and drive which should make her a sought after asset by a future employer.”
Given the second applicant’s distress relating to her discharge and to her father’s illness she did not immediately issue any domestic proceedings. The second applicant stated that, in any event, national law in relation to discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation was such that at that time she did not have any realistic prospect of succeeding in any such proceedings.
However, in view of, inter alia, the above-cited judgment of the ECJ on 30 April 1996 in the Cornwall County Council case and the reference under former Article 177 to the ECJ by the High Court in the first applicant’s case in March 1997, the second applicant lodged, on 27 January 1998, an application in the Industrial Tribunal alleging unfair dismissal (although this complaint was later withdrawn) and sexual discrimination contrary to the provisions of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 and the Equal Treatment Directive. She also requested the Industrial Tribunal to stay her case pending the outcome of the afore-mentioned Article 177 reference in the first applicant’s case.
On 26 March 1998 the Chairman of the Industrial Tribunal, nevertheless, considered the second applicant’s case and found that, in the light of the subsequent above-cited decision of the ECJ on 17 February 1998 in the Grant case, the second applicant’s case did not appear to be very strong. He also decided, having regard to the judgment in the Grant case and because the second applicant could have lodged her proceedings earlier, that he would not extend time to allow the second applicant’s claim to proceed.
Since the Article 177 reference in the first applicant’s case had not yet been determined, the second applicant appealed that decision to the Employment Appeal Tribunal on 22 May 1998. However, following the withdrawal by the High Court of that Article 177 reference on 13 July 1998, the second applicant requested the withdrawal of her own appeal. On 23 July 1998 the Employment Appeal Tribunal dismissed her appeal on the basis that it had been withdrawn. | train | {
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"applicant": "Terence Perkins",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Terence Perkins |
001-61133 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 60553/00) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Helmut Malek (“the applicant”), on 30 June 2000.
The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
On 21 March 2002 the First Section decided to communicate the complaint concerning the length of the proceedings to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
A. The circumstances of the case
The applicant was born in 1963 and lives in Krems (Austria). He is a practising lawyer by profession.
On 18 June 1993 a colleague, Mr P., laid a disciplinary information against the applicant alleging that he had infringed the profession’s honour and reputation in the context of administrative criminal proceedings relating to traffic offences. He was suspected of having misbehaved towards intervening police officers during a traffic control by threatening them with job-related troubles in case they charged him with traffic offences. Subsequently, on 10 September 1993 the Disciplinary Council of the Lower Austrian Bar Chamber (Disziplinarrat der Niederösterreichischen Rechtsanwaltskammer), upon request of the Bar Chamber’s Prosecutor (Kammeranwalt), appointed an Investigating Commissioner (Untersuchungskommissär).
On 16 September 1993 the Investigating Commissioner informed the applicant that disciplinary proceedings against him were opened and requested him to file observations as regards the charges against him.
On 4 October 1993 the applicant complied with this request.
On 13 June 1994 the Investigating Commissioner submitted a report to the Disciplinary Council.
On 7 October 1994 the Disciplinary Council discontinued the proceedings against the applicant. The Bar Chamber’s Prosecutor filed an appeal against this decision.
On 15 December 1994 the applicant submitted his observations on the appeal.
On 20 February 1995 the Appeals Board (Oberste Berufungs- und Disziplinarkommission) allowed the Bar Chamber’s Prosecutor’s appeal and remitted the case to the Disciplinary Council.
In August 1995, after the case had been taken over by another Investigating Commissioner, the latter agreed with the Vienna Federal Police Directorate (Bundespolizeidirektion) to question the police officers involved in the traffic control at issue by way of letters rogatory. On 3 November 1995 he filed letters rogatory with the Donaustadt District Court (Bezirksgericht) which were subsequently transferred to the Josefstadt District Court.
On 13 December 1995 the two police officers were questioned by the Josefstadt District Court.
On 8 February 1996 the Investigating Commissioner submitted his report to the Disciplinary Council.
On 3 June 1996 the Disciplinary Council, upon the Investigating Commissioner’s report, decided to open the main proceedings. This decision was served on the applicant on 31 July 1996.
On 30 August 1996 the applicant filed his observations.
On 20 September 1996 the Disciplinary Council fixed a hearing for 14 October 1996 and summoned the applicant, his spouse and the two police officers. As the applicant’s spouse and one police officers submitted that they could not appear at that date, the hearing was cancelled.
On 24 February 1997 the Constitutional Court, in proceedings unrelated to the present one’s, issued a decision concerning the composition of the Disciplinary Council. On 15 May 1997, after an internal discussion of the consequences of the Constitutional Court’s decision for the proceedings at issue, Mr F was appointed as new chairman of the Disciplinary Council.
On 17 September 1997 the Disciplinary Council fixed a hearing for 6 October 1997. The applicant’s spouse and the two police officers submitted that they could not appear at that date.
On 19 September 1997 the applicant filed observations and challenged the chairman and another member of the Disciplinary Council for bias.
On 23 September 1997 a new chairman was appointed.
On 6 October 1997 the Disciplinary Council held a hearing. The applicant requested to summon his spouse for the next hearing. The Disciplinary Council adjourned the case and decided to obtain the file concerning the administrative criminal proceedings against the applicant.
On 9 February 1998 the Disciplinary Council requested the Vienna Federal Police Directorate to submit the file concerning the administrative criminal proceedings against the applicant.
On 5 August 1998, since the file at issue had meanwhile been transmitted to an other administrative authority, the Disciplinary Council filed a new request to submit the file.
On 6 August 1998 the Disciplinary Council fixed a hearing for 14 September 1998. The applicant again challenged a member of the Disciplinary Council for bias.
On 14 September 1998 the Disciplinary Council held a hearing. The only witness heard was one of the two police officers, the other witnesses and the applicant submitted that they were not able to appear.
On 14 October 1998 the Disciplinary Council fixed another hearing for 9 November 1998. The applicant again challenged two members of the Disciplinary Council for bias and submitted that he was prevented from appearing.
On 9 November 1998 the Disciplinary Council held a hearing and convicted the applicant under section 10 § 2 of the Lawyers Act. It found that he had misbehaved towards intervening police officers during a traffic control by threatening them with job-related troubles in case they charged him with traffic offences. The applicant had thereby infringed the profession’s honour and reputation. The Disciplinary Council ordered him to pay an additional fine of ATS 10,000 as he had already been ordered to pay ATS 25,000 in four other sets of disciplinary proceedings.
On 15 December 1998 the applicant filed an appeal against this decision and on 11 January 1999 the Bar Chamber’s Prosecutor submitted his observations in reply.
On 14 June 1999 the Appeals Board dismissed the applicant’s appeal.
On 30 September 1999 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). He complained, inter alia, about the length of the proceedings and claimed that the disciplinary authorities had failed to take the excessive length of the proceedings into account as a mitigating circumstance.
On 29 February 2000 the Constitutional Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint. This decision was served on the applicant on 6 April 2000.
B. Relevant domestic law
Section 10 § 2 of the Lawyers Act (Rechtsanwaltsordung) provides that a practising lawyer is obliged to preserve the honour and reputation of the profession by his honest and sincere conduct.
Section 16 § 1 of the Disciplinary Act (Disziplinarstatut), in the version applicable at the material time, provided for the following disciplinary penalties: a written reprimand, a fine of up to ATS 500,000, a prohibition on practising as a lawyer for a period not exceeding one year and being struck off the bar roll. | train | {
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"applicant": "Helmut Malek",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Helmut Malek |
001-115213 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 38314/06) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Herbert Gassner (“the applicant”), on 21 August 2006.
The applicant was represented by Mr K. Dörnhöfer, a lawyer practising in Eisenstadt. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of European and International Affairs.
On 12 November 2009 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Eisenstadt.
The applicant is a judge at the Eisenstadt Regional Court. In July 1997 he made a study visit to the Commission of the European Union in Brussels. The Federal Ministry of Justice paid his travel expenses and granted the applicant two weeks’ special leave, in addition to which he took two weeks of his annual leave.
On 9 July 1997 the Federal Minister of Justice informed the applicant on his return that it would not reimburse any of the additional expenses he had claimed in the meantime on 20 June 1997.
On 5 September 1997 the applicant formally requested the reimbursement of further costs, incurred during the study visit, in particular the costs for his accommodation in the amount of Austrian schillings 17,699.75 (ATS - 1,284.11 euros (EUR)), and submitted additional records.
On 20 March 1998 the Federal Minister dismissed the applicant’s request on the grounds that the trip had not been an official journey – this having been made clear by the fact that the applicant had taken some annual leave during that period.
On 3 June 1998 the applicant filed a complaint with the Administrative Court. He submitted that the Federal Minister had interpreted the relevant law incorrectly and that if he had properly assessed the evidence he would have concluded that the study visit to Brussels had to be treated as an official journey.
On 30 January 2002 the Administrative Court quashed the Federal Minister’s decision finding that the President of the Vienna Court of Appeal had been the authority competent to decide on the request for reimbursement at first instance, rather than the Federal Minister.
Thereupon, the matter was transferred to the President of the Vienna Court of Appeal who requested the applicant and the Federal Minister to submit explanations regarding the study visit.
On 17 September 2002 the applicant lodged a complaint (Säumnisbeschwerde) with the Administrative Court against the alleged failure of the President of the Court of Appeal to decide on his request within the statutory six-month time-limit.
On 23 October 2002 the Administrative Court rejected the complaint because the applicant had not made a prior request under Section 73 of the General Administrative Procedure Act for jurisdiction to be transferred to the Federal Minister of Justice as the authority responsible for hearing appeals.
On 29 November 2002 the President of the Vienna Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s request for reimbursement of the costs of his accommodation in Brussels on the grounds that the applicant had not been given instructions for an official journey and had not performed any official duties during his stay in Brussels. Therefore he was not entitled to reimbursement of his costs.
On an unspecified date the applicant appealed against that decision to the Federal Minister of Justice.
On 4 February 2003 the Federal Minister dismissed the applicant’s appeal, confirming the findings in the first-instance decision.
On 14 April 2003 the applicant filed a complaint with the Administrative Court against the Federal Minister’s decision. He submitted that while acknowledging that his trip had been in the interest of his official duties (dienstliches Interesse), the Minister had incorrectly assumed that the applicant’s study visit was not to be treated as an official journey. The applicant did not ask for a hearing before the Administrative Court.
On 24 February 2006 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint, finding that the Minister had correctly assessed the evidence before him and had correctly concluded that the applicant’s study trip had not been treated as an official journey. | train | {
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001-146399 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 29878/09) against the Kingdom of Sweden lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by eighteen Swedish nationals, Ms Karin Andersson, Mr Per Bernhardtson, Ms Gunilla Bring, Mr Ulf Bäcklund, Mr Berndt Eriksson, Ms Carina Granberg, Ms Agneta Holmström, Mr Gustaf Härestål, Mr Björn Höjer, Ms Inga-Britt Höjer, Mr Christer Johansson, Mr Curt Lindgren, Mr Håkan Olsson, Mr Roger Olsson, Mr Göran Osterman, Mr Lars Sjöstedt, Mr Christer Skoog and Mr Olle Stenlund (“the applicants”), on 4 June 2009.
The applicants were represented by Mr J. Ebbesson, a professor of environmental law, and Mr B. Rosengren, a lawyer, both practising in Stockholm. The Swedish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr A. Rönquist, of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicants alleged, in particular, that they had been denied effective access to court in relation to decisions taken on the construction of a railway, in violation of their rights under Articles 6 and 8 of the Convention.
On 21 May 2012 the application was communicated to the Government.
The applicants own property close to Umeå, in the vicinity of a Natura 2000 area, the European network of nature protection areas established under the EU Habitats Directive of 1992 (see further below at paragraph 33). Most of them live there (permanently or on a part-time basis).
A. Proceedings on permissibility of railway project
On 15 October 1999, the National Rail Administration (Banverket; hereinafter “the NRA”) applied to the Government for permission, under the Environmental Code (Miljöbalken), to construct a 10 km long railway section in a river area in the north of Sweden (constituting the final section of a railway called “Botniabanan”, the total length of which is 190 km). The NRA presented some alternative railway stretches, all located in a specified “corridor”, but recommended the one named “alternative east”. The proposed railway construction concerned certain areas which were or were going to be part of Natura 2000.
It appears that six of the present applicants own houses or land within the mentioned “corridor”: Ms Carina Granberg, Ms Agneta Holmström, Mr Gustaf Härestål, Mr Björn Höjer, Ms Inga-Britt Höjer, and Mr Christer Skoog. Ownership of Mr Skoog’s property was transferred to Ms Granberg on 7 January 2011. The properties of the other twelve applicants – houses and land in their ownership or owned houses located on non-freehold sites – are situated outside the “corridor”. The distance from their properties to the “corridor” or the specific stretch of the railway fixed in later proceedings vary; the houses appear to be situated 300 – 2500 metres away whereas the closest piece of land is located about 50 metres from the “corridor”.
On 12 June 2003 the Government, after having heard the European Commission, granted the application and allowed the construction of the railway in the proposed “corridor” under the condition, inter alia, that the NRA adopt a railway plan before 1 July 2009 and also a specific plan for the realisation of the necessary environmental compensation measures in the Natura 2000 areas. The plan on compensation measures had to be presented to the Government before the railway plan was adopted. The Government stated, inter alia, that the activity could be permitted, despite its harmful effect on the environment in a Natura 2000 area, if there were no alternative solutions and the railway had to be constructed for reasons of public interest.
A number of individual property owners, including three of the applicants in the present case – Ms Bring, Mr Bäcklund and Mr Osterman – petitioned the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten) for a judicial review of the case and requested that the Government’s decision be quashed. The property owners claimed that the decision contradicted Swedish law as well as applicable European Union law, including the Habitats Directive. It was argued, firstly, that the decision contravened the general rule in the Environmental Code on the site to be chosen for activities and installations that may affect human health or the environment. This aspect allegedly had a direct and clear bearing on their civil rights. Secondly, they asserted that the Government’s decision violated Swedish regulations on nature conservation by failing to consider relevant alternative sites for the railway.
On 1 December 2004 the Supreme Administrative Court dismissed the petitions for a judicial review because it was not possible to determine who should be considered an interested party at that stage of the railway planning. The exact route of the railway would not be established until the railway plan had been drawn up. Until then, it could not be assessed with any certainty who would be affected to the extent that they were entitled to bring an action or what account should be taken of their interests. Further stating that the parties affected to a sufficient extent by the future railway would be able to obtain a judicial review of the later decision to adopt the railway plan, the court refused the petitioners locus standi.
One judge dissented, finding that the issue of locus standi in respect of each petitioner should be further investigated by the court in order to ensure that the individual interests were taken into account, having regard to the binding character of the Government’s decision in the later railway planning proceedings.
B. Proceedings on permits for construction of railway and bridges
In 2003 and 2004 the NRA applied to the County Administrative Board (länsstyrelsen) in the County of Västerbotten for a permit to construct the railway in the specific Natura 2000 area and to the Environmental Court (miljödomstolen) in Umeå for permits to build two bridges.
The County Administrative Board granted a construction permit for the railway by a decision of 14 October 2004, which was subsequently appealed against to the Environmental Court.
The Environmental Court decided to examine the cases jointly. By judgments of 24 May 2005 and 13 June 2005, considering itself bound by the Government’s decision of 12 June 2003 on the permissibility of the railway project, the court decided to grant all the permits requested by the NRA.
On 15 June 2006 the Environmental Court of Appeal (Miljööverdomstolen) in Stockholm quashed the Environmental Court’s judgments and referred the cases back to the latter instance. The appellate court found that the Government’s decision had not contained a detailed examination of measures necessary to compensate for environmental harm caused by the railway project, and that these issues had to be settled as part of the determination of the construction permit requests.
On 26 April 2007 the Environmental Court decided anew to grant the permits requested by the NRA. The court considered itself bound by the Government’s decision as to the permissibility of the railway project and thus limited its examination to the environmental compensation measures, as indicated by the decision of the Environmental Court of Appeal.
Two applicants – Ms Granberg and Mr Skoog – appealed against the Environmental Court’s judgment in so far as it concerned the permit for the railway construction. All applicants except Mr Osterman appealed against the part which concerned the permit to construct the bridges.
By a judgment of 6 December 2007 the Environmental Court of Appeal affirmed the binding nature of the Government’s permissibility decision and approved the construction of the railway and the bridges with certain added conditions.
On 9 May 2008 the Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen) refused leave to appeal and, thus, the Environmental Court of Appeal’s judgment became final.
C. Proceedings on adoption of railway plan
On 21 June 2005 the NRA adopted a railway plan for the area in question.
Twelve applicants – all but Ms Holmström, Mr Härestål, Mr Höjer, Ms Höjer, Mr Sjöstedt and Mr Stenlund – appealed to the Government against the railway plan. They essentially complained of the specific stretch of the railway, invoking, inter alia, nuisance such as noise and vibrations affecting the enjoyment of their property.
By a decision of 28 June 2007 the Government referred to its decision on permissibility of 12 June 2003. It found that the specific stretch chosen in the railway plan was situated within the permitted “corridor” and thus rejected the appeals.
All of the applicants and several other petitioners turned to the Supreme Administrative Court and requested that it, by way of a judicial review, order the quashing of the Government’s decision. They claimed, inter alia, that, although their civil rights were affected by the planned railway, they had not had these rights considered and determined by a court, in violation of the Convention. As to the chosen location of the railway, they also asserted that the Government’s decision was contrary to provisions of the Environmental Code and the EU Habitats Directive.
On 10 December 2008 the Supreme Administrative Court, after having held a hearing in the case, rejected the petition, finding that the railway plan was in line with the Government’s decision of 12 June 2003 on the permissibility of the railway project and that the proceedings for the adoption of the plan did not demonstrate any failings. The court considered that the question of permissibility of a railway project was within the power of the Government, which had to take into account public interests such as environmental, industrial, economic and regional policy. The Government’s permissibility decision was binding for the subsequent proceedings in that courts and other decision-making bodies could not examine issues that had been determined by that decision. Thus, in the proceedings concerning the construction permits requested by the NRA, the various instances could decide on conditions and other details but not on the general permissibility as defined in the Government’s decision. Similarly, in the third stage of the decision process – the adoption of the railway plan – it was for the authorities and courts to decide only on the precise location of the railway, within the area designated by the Government’s decision. The Government had not been obliged to review its decision of 12 June 2003 on the permissibility of the railway project and the designation of the “corridor” in which the railway could be located. These issues could not be examined in the third stage of the decision process. The Supreme Administrative Court further stated that, if private interests were affected by the location of a railway project, judicial review could be obtained by petitioning the court in proceedings against the Government’s permissibility decision. The fact that the court, on 1 December 2004, had concluded that no individual petitioner could be considered to have locus standi in relation to the permissibility decision did not compel it to include in its current examination of the adoption of the railway plan the issues of permissibility of the project or its general location.
One judge dissented, considering that the Supreme Administrative Court’s judgment contravened its decision of 1 December 2004. She noted, inter alia, that the adoption of a railway plan – as opposed to the construction permits – had direct consequences for the individual as it entailed a right for the railway company, under certain conditions, to expropriate land. Consequently, the court, in the instant case, should have examined all the objections presented by the appellants, including the claim that there were better alternative locations for the railway. According to the dissenting judge, a full judicial review had also been foreseen by the court in its earlier decision.
D. Compensation and others measures taken
It appears from the parties’ observations in the case that at least ten of the applicants (including seven with houses or land situated outside the “corridor”) have received some form of compensation as a consequence of the railway construction, either for land requisitioned or for reduced residential value or market value. In one case, the change to noise-reducing windows was partly paid by the NRA. It is not clear whether the other applicants requested compensation. In the vicinity of some properties, whose owners have not received compensation, noise barriers have been erected in order to keep the noise from the railway below the applicable target values. | train | {
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001-60016 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 50110/99) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Herbert Maurer (“the applicant”), on 29 April 1999.
The applicant was represented before the Court by Mr F. Amler, a lawyer practising in St. Pölten. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged that criminal proceedings against him lasted unreasonably long.
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 21 November 2000 the Court declared the application admissible.
As of 1 November 2001 the application was allocated to the First Section of the Court. Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case was constituted as provided for in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
On 3 June 1994 an action in defamation (üble Nachrede) was brought against the applicant. He was suspected of having abused another person in the course of an altercation. Trial hearings were held on 8 November 1994, 8 May 1995 and 3 October 1995 before the Herzogenburg District Court (Bezirksgericht). On the latter date the applicant was convicted of defamation and sentenced to a fine.
On 4 March 1996, following the applicant’s appeal, the St. Pölten Regional Court quashed the sentence because of errors of procedure and law, and referred the case back to the District Court. It found, inter alia, that the District Court had relied on evidence that had been precluded.
On 17 February 1997, after hearings on that date and 10 January 1997, the District Court convicted the applicant again, qualifying the incriminated behaviour this time as an insult (Beleidigung).
On 8 January 1998, following the applicant’s appeal, the St. Pölten Regional Court quashed the sentence again and referred the case back to the District Court. The Court of Appeal found that the District Court had failed to take evidence concerning the applicant’s intentions.
On 18 May 1998 the District Court again convicted the applicant of insult. On 25 January 1999 the St. Pölten Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal. The decision was served on 27 April 1999. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Herbert Maurer |
001-76894 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 42435/02) against the Kingdom of Sweden lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Anthony White (“the applicant”), on 29 November 2002.
The applicant was represented by Mr E. Kalman, a lawyer practising in Stockholm. The Swedish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms I. Kalmerborn, Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
On 11 January 2005 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible and decided to communicate the complaint concerning the right to respect for private and family life to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant lives in Beira, Mozambique.
On 29 and 30 September and 1 October 1996, the two main evening newspapers in Sweden, Expressen and Aftonbladet, published a series of articles in which various criminal offences were ascribed to the applicant, including an assertion that he had murdered Olof Palme, the Swedish Prime Minister, in 1986. As part of the publication of this information, the newspapers also reported statements of individuals who rejected the allegations made against the applicant. Moreover, on 1 October, Expressen published an interview with the applicant, in which he denied any involvement in the alleged offences.
On 23 September 1998 the applicant brought a private prosecution against the newspapers through their legally responsible editors (ansvariga utgivare). He claimed that the editors were responsible for gross defamation, or alternatively defamation of a normal degree, under chapter 7, section 4, subsection 14 of the Freedom of the Press Act (Tryckfrihets-förordningen), and chapter 5, section 2 (or section 1) of the Criminal Code (Brottsbalken). He also joined an action for damages to the private prosecution and sought compensation for mental suffering and pecuniary damage.
The District Court (tingsrätten) of Stockholm held an oral preparation of the case on 1 February 1999 and an oral hearing on 27-28 January and 1‑3 February 2000. It heard several witnesses. In accordance with the normal procedure in cases concerning criminal liability under the Freedom of the Press Act, the court sat with three professional judges and a jury of nine members.
The District Court put to the jury 66 questions relating to the articles published in Expressen and 76 questions relating to the articles published in Aftonbladet. Each question referred to one or more statements or pictures published in the various articles, and the jury had to answer whether the publication of the statements or pictures constituted gross defamation or defamation of a normal degree. The jury answered all but six questions in the negative. In accordance with the applicable rules, the jury’s finding of “no guilt” was final. As regards the remaining six questions, however, the jury found that certain published statements or pictures amounted to defamation of a normal degree. The court then had to make a re-assessment of liability. The contravening statements or pictures were the following:
The heading on the front page stating “He is pointed out as PALME’S MURDERER” [“Han pekas ut som PALMES MÖRDARE”] together with a picture of the applicant. [Expressen, 30 September 1996]
The text on page 6 reporting a statement made by an unnamed source within the South African intelligence service: “He is the type of person that you do not cheat unpunished. He kills without a second’s hesitation.” [“Han är den typen av person som man inte lurar ostraffat. Han dödar utan en sekunds tvekan.”] [Aftonbladet, 29 September 1996]
The text on page 6: “In addition to Long reach, Williamson and White had several companies together, some with links to the Mafia. Among others, the GMR Group in the Seychelles which was used for laundering money from illegal activities. When Long reach was wound up, White is supposed to have started a sawmill in Beira in Mozambique. A perfect cover for other activities. Weapons and drugs are two products that have been mentioned.” [“Vid sidan av Long reach hade Williamson och White flera andra företag ihop, en del med kopplingar till maffian. Bland annat GMR Group på Seychellerna som användes för att tvätta pengar från illegal verksamhet. När Long reach avvecklades ska White ha startat ett sågverk i Beira i Mocambique. En perfekt täckmantel för annan verksamhet. Vapen och droger är två produkter som nämnts.”] [Aftonbladet, 29 September 1996]
The text on page 6: “White has been dealing with most things. – He is one of southern Africa’s biggest poachers, tells a source. It is to a large degree his fault that the elephants in Mozambique are all but extinct. Together with Williamson, Anthony White appropriated the ivory.” [“White har sysslat med det mesta. – Han är en av södra Afrikas största tjuvskyttar, berättar en källa. Det är till stor del hans skuld att elefanterna i Mocambique är så gott som utrotade. Anthony White tog tillsammans med Williamson hand om elfenbenen.”] [Aftonbladet, 29 September 1996]
The subheading on page 6 “... but earns more on smuggling and poaching” [“... men tjänar mest på smuggling och tjuvjakt”] together with the ensuing text stating “But according to several statements, the main part of his income derives from smuggling and poaching.” [“Men enligt flera uppgifter kommer största delen av hans inkomster från smuggling och tjuvjakt.”] [Aftonbladet, 30 September 1996]
The caption on page 7 “TODAY – SMUGGLER IN MOZAMBIQUE” [“I DAG – SMUGGLARE I MOCAMBIQUE”] under a picture of the applicant. [Aftonbladet, 30 September 1996]
By a judgment of 24 February 2000, the District Court acquitted the editors in all respects and rejected the applicant’s claims for damages. It found that all six passages in issue depicted the applicant as a criminal or a person with a reprehensible lifestyle. However, given, inter alia, the great general interest in these statements in Sweden, the court found that it had been justifiable to publish the relevant statements and pictures. It further considered that the newspapers had had a reasonable basis for the published information. In the latter respect, the court had regard to how and from whom the information had been obtained and to the fact that, due to the nature of the information in question and the constraints of a fast news service, the possibility of checking the veracity of the statements had been limited.
The applicant appealed to the Svea Court of Appeal (Svea hovrätt). The appellate court held an oral hearing and heard essentially the same witnesses as the District Court.
On 21 February 2002 the Court of Appeal upheld the District Court’s judgment. It gave the following reasoning: “The Court of Appeal finds, like the District Court, that the relevant information in Expressen and Aftonbladet depicts Anthony White as a criminal and as having a reprehensible lifestyle. The information has been liable to expose him to the contempt of others and consequently, as such, constitutes defamation. The question then is whether there are grounds for excluding liability. Pursuant to chapter 7, section 4, subsection 14 of the Freedom of the Press Act, and chapter 5, section 1, subsection 2 of the Criminal Code, liability for defamation by means of printed matter is excluded if two conditions are met: 1) it would be justifiable to communicate the information, and 2) the information should be correct or the communicator should have had a reasonable basis for the assertion. If the information is correct it may as a rule be communicated even if it is deprecatory, if this is justifiable with reference to the public news interest. However, there is no general right always to speak the truth if the statements are offensive. A balance has to be struck between the protection against offensive statements and the demands of freedom of speech. In certain situations the interest of protecting someone against offensive statements has to yield to the public interest. Expressen has claimed that, on account of the public interest – the murder of the country’s prime minister –, it was justifiable to name and show a photograph of Anthony White in the newspaper. Aftonbladet, for its part, has asserted that, in the circumstances, it was justifiable to describe Anthony White’s personality and conduct. The question of who killed Olof Palme attracted at the relevant time and still attracts considerable public interest. As regards the question of whether in the circumstances it was justifiable to communicate the information, the Court of Appeal agrees with the District Court’s assessment that it was obviously legitimate to write about the so-called “South Africa trail” and to present information in this regard. However, the question is whether it was justified to identify the plaintiff by name and picture in the manner employed and to publish statements to the effect that he was supposed to be guilty of large scale, serious criminality. [The responsible editors] have asserted that the publications in question were not remarkable in view of the fact that it was commonly known who Anthony White was and of which crimes he was guilty. It emerges from the information that has come to hand in the case that, within certain groups in southern Africa and Europe, it was known that Anthony White had engaged in the alleged activities. It has also been shown that books have been published in which Anthony White has been named and his service as an elite soldier in the army unit Selous Scouts, which has a dubious reputation, has been described. The information in the case reveals that Anthony White has been much better known than he has wished to admit in southern Africa and among representatives of various organisations for the protection of animals and the conservation of nature in southern Africa as well as in Europe. Anthony White does not therefore appear as an ordinary private person with regard to whom there is a particular interest of protection. In view of the above, and for the reasons given by the District Court in this respect, the Court of Appeal finds that it was justifiable in the circumstances to publish Anthony White’s name and picture in Expressen and to publish information about the person Anthony White in Aftonbladet. In so finding, the Court of Appeal has also taken into account that Anthony White had declined to comment on information presented by the journalists of Aftonbladet. With respect to the question of whether the information is correct, it is word against word. Anthony White has asserted that he is innocent of all the accusations, that the information given about him was based on pure invention, that it is unverified or given by untrustworthy persons and that it was based on third or fourth generation hearsay, while [the responsible editors] appear still to assert that it cannot be excluded that Anthony White could be the person who murdered Olof Palme. The Court of Appeal concludes, however, that [the responsible editors], who have the burden of proof for their claims, have not shown that the disseminated information was correct. As regards the question of whether there has been a reasonable basis for the assertions, the Court of Appeal takes account of the following considerations. In defence of the publications in question, [the responsible editors] have asserted, among other things, that Anthony White’s name and picture have been published in international news media and on Swedish television. In response to what has been stated in this respect, the Court of Appeal would point out that each newspaper is responsible for its own publication. Consequently, the fact that the name and picture of the plaintiff had already been published by other news services has not relieved Expressen and Aftonbladet of the obligation to make their own assessment of the credibility of the information. The fact that the information had already been published by other media shows, however, that these news services might have considered that there was a reasonable basis for the information. In their defence, [the responsible editors] have also pointed out that, despite time constraints, they had careful checks made which gave an unequivocal picture of Anthony White. It has been established that the main basis for the assertions in issue in the case was the statements made by [the former senior official of the South African security police] Dirk Coetzee and that the newspapers checked that information mainly by having the journalists who wrote the articles contact journalist colleagues, public servants [and] representatives of various organisations for the protection of animals and the conservation of nature. However, with a few exceptions, the persons contacted have not been named. The contents of the testimony given by [the six journalist witnesses] before the Court of Appeal show that each of them separately has had high ambitions to find out the degree of truth of Dirk Coetzee’s statements and to check with reliable sources who the person Anthony White was. What has come to hand in the case reveals that the witnesses, each one through their own work, have received concordant information. Checks have been made with several informants in different countries and in different capacities. ... Having regard to the above, in particular the checks made, and to the fact that the informant Dirk Coetzee also here [before the Court of Appeal] has given the impression of being a credible person, the Court of Appeal considers that the communication of the identifying information does not appear unjustified. In the Court of Appeal’s view, there has been a reasonable basis for the assertion and the reproduction of the picture in Expressen. The Court of Appeal further considers that Aftonbladet, in the circumstances, must be considered to have performed the checks that were called for. Having regard to this and the reasons given with respect to the publication in Expressen, the Court of Appeal finds that there was also a reasonable basis for the assertions in Aftonbladet.”
On 29 May 2002 the Supreme Court (Högsta domstolen) refused the applicant leave to appeal. | train | {
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"applicant": "Anthony White",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Anthony White |
001-179218 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 19657/12) against the Kingdom of Denmark lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Danish nationals, Ms Mette Frisk (the first applicant), and Mr Steen Jensen, (the second applicant) on 27 March 2012.
The applicants were born in 1977 and 1961, and live in Copenhagen and Åbyhøj respectively. They are represented before the Court by Mr Tyge Trier, a lawyer practising in Copenhagen.
The Danish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their former Agent, Mr Jonas Bering Liisberg, succeeded subsequently by their present Agent, Mr Tobias Elling Rehfelt, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their Co-agent, Mrs Nina Holst‑Christensen, from the Ministry of Justice.
The applicants alleged a violation of their right to freedom of expression as guaranteed by Article 10 of the Convention.
On 26 June 2014 the application was communicated to the Government.
The applicants are journalists. At the relevant time they were employed by one of the two national television stations in Denmark, Danmarks Radio, hereafter “DR”. The first applicant produced a television programme, described as a documentary, called “When the doctor knows best”, which was broadcast at 8 p.m. on 24 September 2008, and seen by 534,000 viewers. The second applicant was the first applicant’s superior and responsible for the content of the programme.
The television programme concerned the treatment of pleural mesothelioma cancer, notably at Copenhagen University Hospital (Rigshospitalet), where Consultant S was in charge of treatment. It focused on two types of chemotherapy medication, Alimta, produced by L, and Vinorelbine, produced by F. Copenhagen University Hospital and S used Vinorelbine as first-line treatment in combination with Cisplatin or Carboplatin, depending on whether the treatment was related to an operation (operable patients) or to prolonging life and relieving pain and symptoms (inoperable patients).
Three experts participated in the programme: a medical doctor from Karolinska Hospital in Sweden, a professor from Switzerland and a medical doctor from Grosshandorf Hospital in Germany. They all used Alimta as first-line treatment, most often in combination with Cisplatin or Carboplatin. The programme followed four patients and their relatives, who told their stories, and a narrator spoke as a voice-over throughout the programme.
In preparation for the programme, the first applicant had carried out research on the subject which included, inter alia, the following.
On 20 September 2004 the European Union had approved the marketing of Alimta in combination with Cisplatin for treatment of patients with inoperable pleural mesothelioma cancer. The background for the approval was, among others, research which had been carried out examining the effect of treatment with Alimta in combination with Cisplatin as compared to treatment with Cisplatin alone (a phase III trial, see paragraph 14 below) as first-line therapy.
In July 2007 the Minister for Internal Affairs and Health replied to various questions posed by Members of Parliament as to the treatment of pleural mesothelioma cancer in Denmark. The Minister replied, inter alia, that there was no proof that an Alimta-based treatment was more efficient than other chemotherapy-based treatments, including that offered in Denmark; that the combination of Vinorelbine and Cisplatin, which was used at Copenhagen University Hospital, resulted in a one-year survival rate of 50% and a median lifetime of 12 months, which was exactly the survival rate from using the combination of Alimta and Cisplatin, but that there had been no direct comparison of the two treatments; and that there was no internationally accepted standard chemotherapy for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma cancer, but that several single and combined treatments were used.
On 11 June 2008 Copenhagen University Hospital produced a memorandum about pleural mesothelioma cancer and its treatment, which was sent to DR. It stressed that international studies, including of Vinorelbine and Alimta, had not shown that any two-combination regime was superior to other two‑combination regimes. That information was confirmed by the professor from Switzerland in an email of 25 June 2008 and by the medical doctor from Grosshandorf Hospital in Germany in an email of 27 June 2008. The memorandum also referred to a fund aimed at developing research on pleural mesothelioma cancer, in the amount of 90,000 Danish kroner (DKK), equal to approximately 12,000 Euros (EUR), received by S from company F, which produces Vinorelbine. The money had been used to pay nurses and students and for data collection. It emerged that there had been no financial profit for the doctors involved.
Having received the above-mentioned memorandum, the first applicant again contacted the professor from Switzerland and the medical doctor at Grosshandorf Hospital in Germany. In essence, they confirmed in subsequent emails of 2 and 21 July 2008 that since there had been no direct comparative clinical studies, there was no scientific evidence that one two‑combination regime was superior to another two-combination regime.
Medical research studies involving human subjects are called clinical trials. They are divided into different stages, called phases. Generally, it can be said that the earliest phase trials may look at whether a drug is safe or at its side-effects. A later phase II trial aims to find out whether the treatment works well enough, for which types of cancer the treatment works, more about side effects and how to manage them and more about the best dose to use. A later phase III trial aims to test whether a new treatment is better than existing treatments (standard treatment). These trials may compare a completely new treatment with the standard treatment or with different doses or ways of giving a standard treatment.
A. The proceedings before the courts
Subsequent to the broadcast on 24 September 2008 of the television programme, on 27 October 2008 Copenhagen University Hospital and S instituted defamation proceedings before the Copenhagen City Court (Københavns Byret) against the Director of DR and the two applicants, maintaining that the latter, in the programme in question, had made direct and indirect accusations, covered by Article 267 of the Penal Code (Straffeloven), against Copenhagen University Hospital and S, of malpractice regarding certain patients suffering from pleural mesothelioma cancer, allegedly resulting in the patients’ unnecessary death and shortening of life, in the interest of S’s professional prestige and private finances.
Before the City Court, the applicants, S, and Medical Director H for Copenhagen University Hospital gave evidence.
The first applicant stated, inter alia: “... that she had not criticised Copenhagen University Hospital for improper treatment causing death. Her message was only to point out that the substance of Alimta had been better documented than the substance of Vinorelbine. She had collected statements from patients and experts, but could not state herself whether Alimta was a better product than Vinorelbine ... The experts had not stated whether Alimta in combination with another product was better than Vinorelbine in combination with another product. However, all experts had emphasised that Alimta had been evaluated in a phase III trial, for which reason it was a more thoroughly tested product. ... her questions had been answered during her conversations with professor M on 19 October 2007 and S on 22 October 2007. Subsequently no one had been willing to answer her questions. That was the only real conversation she had had with S. The next time she had called him, he had put down the receiver. When it had not been possible for her to get any response to her many points of criticism, she had contacted H ... she had wanted statements from both H and S as the programme would be unbalanced if they were not heard ... Some found that Alimta had been better documented than Vinorelbine. She was not aware of any trial demonstrating that a combination with Alimta was better than a combination with another medicinal product ...”. S stated, inter alia, the following: “Alimta has been used for second-line therapy in Denmark since 2004, and since 2007 as first-line therapy. Patients had been given the impression in the media that Alimta was a miracle cure. Therefore Copenhagen University Hospital had introduced it as an option. Today, Alimta is used in combination with Carboplatin as the standard therapy for inoperable patients ... Sometimes in autumn 2008, the standard therapy for operable patients had been changed to Cisplatin in combination with Alimta. If some patients were offered Alimta everybody had to be offered Alimta ... After the programme had been broadcast ... patients started mistrusting the Vinorelbine therapy. Afterwards it was not possible to perform the trial [phase II] on this drug. Nor would it be possible to obtain funding for the trial. Therefore no trial had been performed of Vinorelbine ... he had provided the information included in professor M’s memorandum of 23 September 2008 ...he had talked to [the first applicant] several times and had spent a lot of time and energy on explaining cancer therapy... he had also lost confidence in [the first applicant]...” H stated, among other things: “ ...The approval of Alimta by the Danish Medicines Agency for the treatment of mesothelioma only means that a marketing authorisation has been granted for the drug, which means that advertisement of the product is permitted. Vinorelbine has also been approved by the Danish Medicines Agency, but for a wide range of oncological therapies ... in 2003 when Alimta was tested [phase III] the bar had been set quite low. The study compared Alimta with a clearly inferior treatment that would not actually be offered to anybody. It would have been more relevant to study Alimta in combination with Cisplatin versus Vinorelbine with Cisplatin .... S has made a phase II trial of the standard therapy [Vinorelbine] ... Subsequently the standard therapy regimen has been expanded to include Alimta, which is not a better product than Vinorelbine, but eight times more expensive ... if two drugs are equally effective, but one of them is eight times more expensive than the other, patients will be offered therapy using the cheaper drug. ... The standard therapies now offered by Copenhagen University Hospital are Vinorelbine in combination with Cisplatin for inoperable patients and Alimta in combination with Cisplatin for operable patients ... the shift to Alimta as the standard therapy at Copenhagen University Hospital did not reflect that Alimta was medically better. The [applicants’] programme had had a large impact as patients were asking not to be treated with Vinorelbine. Copenhagen University Hospital had therefore had to change medical products because patients had the clear impression that Vinorelbine was not as good as Alimta ... It is quite usual for Copenhagen University Hospital to surrender material to the press and to answer questions, but the questions of [the first applicant] were never-ending. Copenhagen University Hospital has spent about a man-year, or about DKK 400,000, responding to inquiries from [the first applicant], and huge efforts had been made to accommodate her requests ... the programme had created distrust towards both Copenhagen University Hospital and S and had created uncertainty in both patients and relatives. He had received 50 to 100 “hate mails” himself ...”
By a judgment of 9 April 2010, the Copenhagen City Court found against the applicants (and the Director of DR) and sentenced them each to 10 day-fines of 1,000 Danish Kroner (DKK). The allegations were declared null and void. The reasoning was as follows: “... Based on the evidence, the City Court accepts as a fact that in 2004, following a phase III trial, EMEA approved Alimta in combination with Cisplatin for treating patients suffering from inoperable malignant pleural mesothelioma and that subsequently the same was approved by the Danish Medicines Agency. The court also accept as a fact that Vinorelbine is a drug dating back more than 20 years whose effect had been documented by clinical experience and approved by the Danish Medicines Agency for a wide range of oncological therapies. Finally, the court also accepts as a fact that it has not been documented that Alimta therapy in combination with a platin medicinal product is more effective than Vinorelbine therapy in combination with a platin medicinal product. As regards the term “experimental drug” the court accepts as a fact that a drug administered to patients in a trial is referred to as an experimental drug, no matter whether the same drug is the standard therapy offered outside the trial setting. No matter that [the applicants] are deemed to have been aware of the above circumstances following their comprehensive research of the matter, it was said in the programme that, for dying patients, [S and Copenhagen University Hospital] had prescribed a “non-approved chemotherapy regimen” not approved for the diagnosis or which was not “the correct chemotherapy”, and that [S and Copenhagen University Hospital] used an “experimental drug”, the “worst-case scenario being that patients would die earlier than if they had been treated with an approved substance”, or that it would have “fatal consequences”. Moreover, the phrase “the only drug with a known effect” was used. Since no account was given in the programme of the above-mentioned trials and approval process and the terminology applied for that process, the court finds that it would seem to a non-professional viewer that Alimta was the only effective drug for mesothelioma, particularly because the programme linked the treatment of two patients with Vinorelbine to their death, whereas the prospect of several more years to live was held out to the one patient who had been given Alimta therapy in Germany. Moreover, the programme also linked S’s use of Vinorelbine to his personal esteem and his “personal research account”, although [the applicants] had been made aware of the research grant management procedure though Professor M’s memorandum of 23 September 2008 before the broadcast. Since no account was given either of the procedure for managing research grants, the court also finds in this respect that it would seem to a non-professional viewer that S had a personal financial interest in starting Vinorelbine treatment rather than Alimta. The [applicants] are therefore considered to have violated Article 267 of the Penal Code. According to the information on [the applicants’] knowledge after their comprehensive research of the matter, the court finds no basis for exempting them from punishment or remitting the penalty under Article 269 of the Penal Code, compare also Article 10 of the Convention. ... [The applicants] are furthermore jointly and severally liable for paying legal costs of DKK 62,250.”
On appeal, on 10 June 2011 the judgment was upheld by the High Court of Eastern Denmark (Østre Landsret) with the following reasoning: “In the introduction to the programme ‘When the doctor knows best’ a narrator states, among other things: ‘A Danish doctor is entering a medical congress to show his research results. For years he has gone his own way, he has treated dying patients with chemotherapy that is not approved.’ Later during the programme, it is stated at which hospitals one can receive treatment for pleural mesothelioma cancer, that these hospitals co-operate with Copenhagen University Hospital, and a reference is made to a named Consultant, S, head of the Scandinavian Centre for treatment of pleural mesothelioma cancer. During the various interviews, a narrator states, inter alia:
‘The doctor does not give his patients the only approved medication. Instead, he uses a test medication. In the worst scenario, that may result in the patients dying earlier than if they had been given the approved substance.’
‘There is only one approved chemotherapy against pleural mesothelioma cancer, but that is not offered to SP [one of the patients followed in the programme]. The doctors chose to treat her with a substance that is not approved for the diagnosis, and whose effect on pleural mesothelioma cancer is not substantiated.’
‘However, that chemotherapy turned out to have huge consequences for her [SP].’
‘S can freely choose the medication that he thinks is best. There is only one treatment which, in comparative studies, has proved to have an effect on pleural mesothelioma cancer. Accordingly, that is the only medication which is approved as treatment. That medication is called Alimta. However, S chose not to use that medication on his patients.’
‘Thus, it has not been proved whether Vinorelbine works. According to the calculations made by DR, close to 300 patients in Denmark have been given test medication. In the worst scenario, that may result in patients dying earlier than if they had been given the approved medication.’ -’For her [SP] the lack of effect of treatment by Vinorelbine turns out to have had fatal consequences.’
‘The family K ask themselves why S goes his own way. They suspect that he has other interests than those of the patients. That suspicion grows, when they talk to SK’s personal doctor.’
‘It turns out, however, that S may also have had other reasons for choosing Vinorelbine. Because he has used this medication in medical tests on the patients. In a phase when they are fighting for their lives.’ -’The question remains: why does S carry out tests with Vinorelbine? Could it have something to do with the prestige which is implicit in having research articles published?’
‘We do not know whether it is prestige that impels S.’
‘Thus, S will not acknowledge what leading experts agree on; [namely] that Alimta is the only medication whose effect is substantiated.’
‘Here it turns out that S has received more than DKK 800,000 over the last five and a half years from the company F. That is the company behind the test medication Vinorelbine. The money has been paid into S’s personal research account. DKK 90,000 is earmarked for the tests. S withheld that information.’ The programme ends by informing us, among other things, that two of the patients who were interviewed have passed away. The narrator says, inter alia: ‘TJ, who was part of S’s tests with Vinorelbine, died on 4 January 2008.’ With these statements, [the applicants] not only passed on assertions by patients, relatives and experts, but also took a stand, so that the programme undisputedly gave the viewers the impression that malpractice has occurred at Copenhagen University Hospital, in that S has deliberately used medication (Vinorelbine), which is not approved for treatment of pleural mesothelioma cancer, and whose effect has not been substantiated, that the medication in question was part of a test, and that the test medication has resulted in patients dying or having their lives shortened. The way that the programme is built up with its beginning and ending, the viewers get the clear impression that the reasons behind this choice of medication [Vinorelbine] were S’s professional prestige and personal finances. Against this background, in the programme, the applicants, as producer of the programme and as chief sub-editor, have made an allegation against Copenhagen University Hospital and S of malpractice and of nourishing irrelevant considerations to the detriment of the lives and health of patients. Such an accusation is likely to disparage [Copenhagen University Hospital and S] in the eyes of their fellow citizens as set out in Article 267 of the Penal Code. It must have been clear to them [the applicants] that they were making such an allegation by way of their presentation of the programme. The applicants have not attempted to establish the truth of the allegation, but have submitted that the allegation shall be unpunishable by virtue of Article 269 (1) of the Penal Code as they acted in lawful protection of an obvious public interest or the interest of others or, in the alternative, that punishment should be remitted under Article 269 (2) of the Penal Code because they were justified in regarding the allegations as true. These provisions must, in connection with Article 267 of the Penal Code, be understood in the light of Article 10 of the Convention on the protection of freedom of expression. A very considerable public interest is related to journalistic discussion about risk to life and health, or suspicion thereof, as regards public hospital treatment. When balancing considerations of freedom of expression with considerations of the protection of the name and reputation of persons and companies, the former is accorded tremendous weight on the scale. That entails acknowledgement of a very far-reaching freedom of expression for the press, and accordingly the press must be permitted, as the public control- and information organ (‘public watchdog’), a certain amount of exaggeration and provocation in connection with their discussion of these questions, when factually there are reasons for expressing criticism. On the basis of the information in the case, including the research material that the applicants possessed before the broadcast of the programme, in particular the emails from [the medical doctor from Grosshandorf Hospital in Germany and the professor from Switzerland], the replies by the Minister for Internal Affairs and Health to various questions [posed by Members of Parliament], and the memorandum of 11 June 2008 produced by Copenhagen University Hospital [about pleural mesothelioma cancer], it can be established that Vinorelbine in combination with Cisplatin or Carboplatin was standard treatment at Copenhagen University Hospital, that the European Union on 20 September 2004 approved the marketing of Alimta in connection with Cisplatin for treatment of inoperable patients with pleural mesothelioma cancer, that there was no substantiation or basis for believing that an Alimta-based treatment was more efficient than the treatment offered by Copenhagen University Hospital, that some patients at Copenhagen University Hospital, who were already about to receive Vinorelbine as standard treatment, were chosen and offered the same medicine as part of a test [it is not known for what], and that S did not make any private financial profit from these tests. Against this background, including the fact that the word ‘approved’ was not explained during the programme, namely the difference between medication approved for treatment and [medication] approved for marketing, and by consistently using the word “test medication”, even though only one patient in the programme participated in tests, [the applicants] made allegations which were based on an incorrect factual basis, of which they must have been aware via the research material. The aim of the programme – to make a critical assessment of the treatment of patients with pleural mesothelioma cancer offered by Copenhagen University Hospital and the responsible consultant – is a legitimate part of the press’s role as ‘public watchdog’, but it cannot justify an allegation, which is built on a factually incorrect basis, and thus a wrong premise. [The applicants], who did not limit themselves to referring to or disseminating statements by experts, patients and relatives, did not have any basis for making such serious allegations against Copenhagen University Hospital and S. The allegations cannot be justified on the grounds that Copenhagen University Hospital and S refused to participate in the programme. Against this background, and since in relation to Article 10 there is no interest to protect when there is no factual basis for the accusations, the allegations are not unpunishable under Article 269 (1), nor is there any basis for remitting the punishment under Article 269 (2) [of the Penal Code]. It is an aggravating factor that the wrongful accusations were disseminated on national television during primetime and on DR’s homepage, by means of which the accusations had a significant spread. Accordingly, [the High Court] agrees [with the Copenhagen City Court’s judgment] that [the applicants] be fined under Article 267, and that the allegations be declared null and void by virtue of Article 273 (1). The High Court thus dismisses the appeal and upholds the judgment of the Copenhagen City Court. The applicants shall be jointly and severally liable for paying legal costs of the High Court appeal to Copenhagen University Hospital and S, in the amount of DKK 90,000, which constitutes the legal fee inclusive of VAT. In fixing the amount, the High Court took into account the scope and duration of the case.”
On 27 October 2011 the Appeals Permission Board (Procesbevillingsnævnet) refused the applicants’ request for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (Højesteret).
B. Complaints lodged with the Patient Insurance Association
Subsequent to the broadcast on 24 September 2008 of the television programme, four complaints were lodged with the Patient Insurance Association (Patientforsikringen) relating to the issues raised by the programme. A press release published on the Associations’ website on 9 March read as follows: “As of today, the Patient Insurance Association has received four complaints relating to the treatment of mesothelioma patients with combinatorial drugs other than Carboplatin and Alimta. That treatment was questioned by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) in a documentary programme in September 2008. The Patient Insurance Association has received four complaints relating to the criticism raised. This means that the persons claiming compensation are either patients or their dependants, one of the reasons being their belief that the combinatorial drugs administered to treat the disease were incorrect ones. All four complaints have been refused, one of the reasons being that the independent medical oncologists who assessed the cases found that it was in compliance with optimum medical standards to treat patients with the selected combination therapy. Two of the cases have been appealed against to the National Agency for Patients’ Rights and Complaints (Patientskadeankenævnet). The National Agency for Patients’ Rights and Complaints upheld the decision of the Patient Insurance Association, finding, inter alia:’... [patients] were offered Carboplatin and Vinorelbine, which must be considered to be as active as other combinations with a favourable profile of adverse reactions’. The other appeal does not concern the issue of combination therapy.” | train | {
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001-58146 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 5 December 1996, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 20458/92) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Commission under Article 25 by an Austrian national, Mr Antun Petrovic, on 3 August 1992. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 14 taken together with Article 8 of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 35 §3 (d) of Rules of Court B, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 31). The lawyer was given leave by the President to use the German language (Rule 28 § 3).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 § 4 (b)). On 20 January 1997, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court, Mr R. Ryssdal, drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr B. Walsh, Mr R. Macdonald, Sir John Freeland, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr B. Repik and Mr J. Casadevall (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 5). Subsequently, Mr A. Spielmann, substitute judge, replaced Mr Macdonald, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rules 22 § 1 and 24 § 1).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Austrian Government (“the Government”), the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 39 § 1 and 40). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s memorial and the Government’s memorial on 20 and 21 August 1997 respectively. On 19 September 1997 the Commission produced various documents from the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 23 October 1997. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr W. Okresek, Director of the Constitutional Service, Federal Chancellery, Agent, Mr R. Sauer, Federal Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs, Mrs E. Bertagnoli, International Law Department, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mr B. Marxer, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr A. Laimer, of the Vienna Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Marxer, Mr Laimer and Mr Okresek.
I. the circumstances of the case
Mr Antun Petrovic, an Austrian national, was born in 1950 and lives in Vienna.
At the material time, he was a student and worked part time. His wife, who had already finished her university studies and was a civil servant in a federal ministry, gave birth on 27 February 1989. She carried on working while the applicant took parental leave to look after the child.
On 25 April 1989 Mr Petrovic claimed a parental leave allowance (Karenzurlaubsgeld).
On 26 May 1989 his claim was turned down by the local employment office (Arbeitsamt) on the ground that section 26(1) of the Unemployment Benefit Act 1977 (see paragraph 14 below) provided that only mothers could claim such an allowance when a child was born.
On 14 June 1989 the applicant appealed against that decision to the Vienna Regional Employment Office (Landesarbeitsamt). He contended that that provision of the Unemployment Benefit Act, under which men were not entitled to a parental leave allowance, was discriminatory and, therefore, unconstitutional.
On 4 July 1989 the Regional Employment Office dismissed the applicant’s appeal for the same reasons as the local employment office (see paragraph 9 above).
On 18 August 1989 Mr Petrovic lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). He again argued that section 26(1) of the Unemployment Benefit Act was unconstitutional, as it was inconsistent with the principle of equality and Article 8 of the Convention.
On 12 December 1991, after considering the complaint in private, the Constitutional Court declined to accept it for adjudication on the ground that it did not have sufficient prospects of success. Referring to its case-law, the Constitutional Court held that section 26(1) did not infringe the applicant’s constitutional rights and was not contrary to Article 8 or Article 12 of the Convention. It added that even if regard was had to recent statutory amendments (section 26 of the Unemployment Benefit Act had been amended by a federal law of 12 December 1989 – see paragraph 15 below), the applicant’s complaint was unfounded, seeing that the legislature had a certain amount of time in which to adapt new rules to changes in society (Anpassung gesetzlicher Vorschriften an geänderte Verhältnisse). | train | {
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001-165757 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 24062/13) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Marc Brauer (“the applicant”), on 23 March 2013.
The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms K. Behr, of the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that he was not granted a reinstatement of the proceedings after he overstepped the time‑limit to lodge an appeal on points of law concerning a criminal court’s order to confine him to a psychiatric hospital.
On 26 May 2015 the complaint concerning the refusal to grant a reinstatement was communicated to the Government and the remainder of the application was declared inadmissible pursuant to Rule 54 § 3 of the Rules of Court.
The applicant was born in 1978 and lives in Rheine.
On 26 June 2012 the applicant was arrested on the spot for having damaged with a hammer a number of vehicles parked in the Bocholt courthouse’s car park, and resisting a court’s clerk. As a preliminary measure he was confined to a psychiatric hospital. The court appointed defence counsel to the applicant, who had a previous history of psychiatric treatment going back as far as 1999.
On Tuesday 18 December 2012, the Münster Regional Court delivered its judgment and ordered the applicant’s confinement to a psychiatric hospital. It held that the applicant could not be held criminally responsible and was mentally ill. According to the court’s psychiatric expert, he was psychotic and aggressive, did not show any awareness of his illness and it was likely that he would commit further, even more serious crimes.
When the judgment was delivered in the presence of the applicant, his court‑appointed defence counsel and the applicant’s custodian (gesetzlicher Betreuer), the applicant became agitated. He told the court‑appointed lawyer that he wished for a change in representation and declared that he wanted to appeal against the decision himself. He was informed that this was not possible on the spot. The presiding judge instructed him about the time and form for lodging an appeal on points of law. He was then returned to the forensic hospital where, when in contact with others, he showed no more signs of agitation.
On Friday 21 December 2012 the applicant received a letter from the court‑appointed lawyer, dated 19 December 2012, who advised him as follows: “... You already announced immediately after the hearing that you wanted to appeal against the court’s decision and also to mandate new defence counsel. We respect your wish for new counsel and hereby terminate the mandate. Regarding the remedy you wished for, we give the following advice: You may appeal on points of law against the decision of the Münster Regional Court (Bocholt Chamber) within one week after the judgment was delivered, thus until 27 December 2012 at the latest. Appeal on points of law may be lodged either with the record of the registry or in writing. Since you are not at liberty, the special provision of Article 299 of the CCP applies to you. This means that you can make statements relating to appellate remedies to the record of the registry of the District Court in whose district the institution is located. Thus, the Rheine District Court would be competent. According to Article 299 § 2 of the CCP, in order to meet the time-limit it suffices if the record is taken within the time-limit. In your own interest you should take care that the appeal is lodged in time. For the sake of completeness we refer to Article 345 of the CCP which prescribes that the specific grounds of the appeal shall be submitted to the court whose judgment is being contested no later than one month after expiry of the time‑limit for seeking the appellate remedy. If the judgment has not been served by the expiry of that time‑limit, the time‑limit shall start to run upon the service thereof. In your case this may only be done in the form of a notice signed by defence counsel or by an attorney, or to be recorded by the court registry.”
Still, on 21 December 2012 the applicant typed and signed an appeal letter to the Rheine District Court and asked the clinic’s staff to post it. This was done on the following day (Saturday 22 December).
On Friday 28 December 2012 the applicant’s appeal letter reached the Rheine District Court, and was forwarded to the Münster Regional Court where it was received on 3 January 2013.
On 8 January 2013 the Regional Court informed the applicant that his appeal was belated. It underlined that the applicant had been instructed after the judgment’s delivery that an appeal could only be recorded by the registry of the District Court but could not be lodged in writing.
On 14 January 2013 the court‑appointed lawyer, who had resumed his activity for the applicant, requested a reinstatement of the proceedings in accordance with Article 44 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Wiedereinsetzung in den vorherigen Stand - see paragraph 19 below) and lodged an appeal on points of law. He explained that the applicant had misunderstood his counsel’s instruction on how to lodge an appeal. The applicant had believed that he was able to choose whether he wanted to lodge the appeal in writing or have it recorded by the registry either at the Rheine District Court or the Münster Regional Court. He could also have expected the appeal, posted on 22 December, to reach the Rheine District Court by 27 December 2012.
On 11 March 2013 the Federal Prosecutor General observed, inter alia, that: “He [defence counsel] referred to Article 299 of the Code of Criminal Procedure by using wording which was not per se wrong but potentially misleading because it could be understood that the appeal on points of law might be lodged either (by the applicant himself) with the record of the Rheine District Court’s registry or in writing with the same court.” However, according to the Federal Prosecutor General, the oral instruction on the day of the hearing was sufficient.
On 9 April 2013 the court-appointed lawyer submitted that: “... already at the time of trial the applicant was confined to a psychiatric clinic because of his mental illness. It may be that the oral instructions on the right to appeal given after the delivery of the judgment were correct and complete. However, when judgment was passed which ordered his confinement to a psychiatric hospital, the applicant was not in his right mind. Communication between the applicant and his defence counsel was impossible. The applicant was obviously in an exceptional mental state. In such a situation, taking into account the applicant’s psychiatric illness, it must be assumed that he had not understood the oral instructions on the right to appeal which were given immediately after the delivery of the judgment.”
On 24 April 2013 the Federal Court of Justice rejected the applicant’s request for reinstatement and consequently dismissed his appeal on points of law as inadmissible because it had been lodged out of time. It held that it was not necessary to examine whether, with regard to the Christmas holidays, the applicant should have expected his letter to be delivered only on 28 December 2012. Rather, it found decisive that the applicant had been expressly instructed on the day of the judgment’s delivery that an appeal could only be lodged with the Rheine District Court to the record of the registry, but not in writing. An accused who misunderstood the oral instruction and therefore lodged an appeal out of time was himself responsible for this. The Federal Court of Justice distinguished the applicant’s case from case‑law which made exceptions for a foreigner who was not defended by counsel. Moreover, the applicant’s defence counsel had given him instructions on the form and time‑limit for an appeal. According to the Federal Court of Justice, the content of this letter was not misleading but reflected correctly the applicable law. There was nothing to show that the applicant might not have understood the oral instructions by the presiding judge for mental health reasons. He misunderstood the subsequent written instructions of his defence counsel in the same way.
The applicant filed a constitutional complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court. He stated, inter alia, that another lawyer had advised him that his court‑appointed defence counsel had been under an obligation to file the appeal on points of law.
On 29 June 2013 the Federal Constitutional Court declined to consider the applicant’s constitutional complaint for adjudication, without providing reasons (no. 2 BvR 1243/13). | train | {
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"applicant": "Marc Brauer",
"articles": [
"countries": "DEU",
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"year": 2016
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Marc Brauer |
001-77265 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 12555/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Pierre Müller (“the applicant”), on 3 April 2003.
The applicant was represented by Mr Herbert Pochieser, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Ferdinand Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
On 15 September 2005 the Court decided to communicate the complaint concerning the length of the proceedings to the Government. Applying Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time.
I. The circumstances of the case
The applicant was born in 1968 and lives in Vienna. He is the managing director (Geschäftsführer) of the M company.
On 24 January 1994 an officer of the Vienna Employment Office (Landesarbeitsamt) found Mr S, a Polish national, working on the construction site of the M company without employment or work permit.
Having obtained the applicant's submissions on 11 August 1994, the Vienna municipality (Magistrat), on 10 August 1995, issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) against the applicant in which it convicted him under ss. 28 and 3 of the Employment of Aliens Act (Ausländerbeschäftigungs-gesetz) of illegal employment of a foreigner and sentenced him to a fine of 10,000 ATS (approximately 700 EUR).
On 28 May 1996 the Vienna Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat, IAP), having held two public hearings, confirmed this decision. It did not follow the applicant's argument that he was not guilty as he had not known about the illegal employment of Mr S and had ordered a subordinate to observe the legality of the M company's employment policy. The IAP noted that the applicant had failed to set up an effective supervising system and had not shown how and when he had exercised control whether his orders were respected. It concluded that the applicant had not convincingly shown that no fault lay with him within the meaning of section 5 § 1 of the Code of Administrative Offences (Verwaltungsstrafgesetz).
The applicant filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) on 22 July 1996. On the same day he lodged a further complaint against another penal order of the IAP concerning also illegal employment of foreigners. The Constitutional Court joined these proceedings and, on 24 September 1996, granted the applicant's requests for suspensive effect.
At the same time, proceedings concerning complaints lodged by another managing director of the M company and the M company itself were pending before the Constitutional Court which involved the review of the constitutionality of a specific provision of the Employment of Aliens Act.
On 15 October 1998 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant's complaint for lack of prospect of success. It referred to its decision of 2 October 1997 in which it had found that the Independent Administrative Panels in principle qualified as “tribunals” but that the IAP in this case lacked “independence” as the deciding judge was a former civil servant of the federal authority which had issued the impugned decision and was likely to return after his term of office to the federal authority which had issued the impugned decision. The Constitutional Court noted that in the present case there was no concrete indication of lack of independence of the deciding member of the Vienna IAP. Upon the applicant's request, it transferred the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof).
On 26 March 1999 the applicant submitted his amended complaint and submitted that the IAP's decision was unlawful on account of its content and the breach of procedural rules. The Administrative Court instituted preliminary proceedings on 6 April 1999. On the same date it granted suspensive effect to the applicant's complaint. On 17 May 1999 the Administrative Court obtained the IAP's submissions. On 3 September 2002 it dismissed the applicant's complaint. On the same day it also confirmed the applicant's conviction concerning illegal employment of three other Polish nationals. These decisions were served on the applicant's counsel on 3 October 2002. | train | {
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001-57954 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court on 9 September 1994 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“), within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 of the Convention (art. 32-1, art. 47). It originated in an application (no. 19178/91) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a British citizen, Mr John Bryan, on 29 October 1991. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Sir John Freeland, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 24 September 1994, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr R. Bernhardt, Mr F. Matscher, Mr I. Foighel, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr J. Makarczyk, Mr D. Gotchev and Mr U. Lohmus (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr Ryssdal, through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the United Kingdom Government (“the Government“), the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s memorial on 28 February 1995 and the Government’s memorial on 7 March 1995. The Secretary to the Commission later informed him that the Delegate would submit her observations at the hearing.
On 2 May 1995 the Commission produced to the Court the documents in the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 23 May 1995. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr I. Christie, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr D. Pannick, QC, Mr D. Anderson, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr D. Russell, Ms E. Dixon, Ms L.M. Aspinall, Department of the Environment, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mrs J. Liddy, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr E. Owen, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr R.M. Napier, Solicitor, Mr E. Schofield, Adviser. The Court heard addresses by Mrs Liddy, Mr Owen and Mr Pannick as well as replies to its questions.
The applicant, Mr John Bryan, is a farmer and a contractor. He was born in 1931 and resides in Warrington, Cheshire.
On 4 December 1989 an enforcement notice was issued and served on Mr Bryan by the Vale Royal Borough Council requiring the demolition of two brick buildings on land which the applicant had bought in 1987. The enforcement notice recited that there appeared to the Council to be a breach of planning control in that the two brick buildings had been erected without the necessary planning permission. The notice required the applicant to demolish the buildings and remove the building materials within three months. In doing so, the authorities acted in accordance with section 172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, which consolidated earlier legislation (“TCPA“ - see paragraph 18 below).
The applicant appealed to the Secretary of State for the Environment under section 174 (2) (a), (b), (g) and (h) TCPA (see paragraph 19 below).
In accordance with the relevant legislation (see paragraph 20 below), an inspector was appointed to conduct an inquiry and determine the appeal. He was a Principal Housing and Planning Inspector, a civil servant and a member of the salaried staff of the Department of the Environment. He had been appointed by the Secretary of State after approval of the Lord Chancellor. In his decision letter of 1 October 1990 the inspector rejected the appeal under grounds (a), (b), and (g) but allowed it under ground (h) to the extent that the compliance period should be extended from three to six months. He held, inter alia, as follows: “The appeal on ground (b) ... (12) What I need to decide in respect of this ground of appeal is whether, as a matter of fact and degree, the buildings could, from their appearance and layout, be considered to have been designed for the purposes of agriculture. I conclude, from examination of photographs taken during construction and from noting the alterations made since, that the Council were right to be concerned that the appeal buildings had the appearance of large detached houses. The size, layout, and original external appearance of the buildings and their detailing did little to change that view. (13) In my opinion, as originally constructed, the buildings would have led any reasonable person to have concluded that he or she was looking at the start of a small new detached housing estate. Indeed, that appeared to be the widely held view of many local people, supported by the local Member of Parliament, who were concerned to see what was being built on the edge of the village. The more recent construction of an, as yet, uncompleted but similar building close to the two appeal buildings serves to compound the effect. (14) But it is the original appearance of the two appeal buildings and particularly the first assessment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food which convinces me that the buildings were not requisite or reasonably necessary for the purposes of agriculture. Numerous features of the buildings were more suited to houses than barns. The original openings in building No. 1 were said to be doorways for a veal calf unit. But this building did not incorporate internal drainage considered necessary for such stock. The doorways appeared to have been more likely to have been useful as window openings, none reached ground level as built; one was almost waist high above outside ground level measured from the lower edge of the unbonded brickwork added later. Other features in both buildings include the extensive use of Georgian-style windows and other windows made for domestic use. I understand that Mr Bryan’s contacts allowed him to buy these windows cheaply. But whatever their source, they contribute to an impression that the buildings look more like houses than barns. There are other features which add to that view. The use of domestic-style eaves and gable barge boarding. The residential look of the ‘porch’ to No. 1 building. And the [Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food’s] view about the uneconomic layout of both buildings as originally built all add to the impression that these buildings were not designed for agricultural purposes, albeit they have since been modified and adapted for such a use. (15) You said that the buildings looked like many local old barns. But it is my view that, as originally built, the appeal buildings would have looked much more like houses. They did not look as if they had been designed for the purposes of agriculture. My opinion is not altered by my finding them now being used for storing hay. The appeal on ground (b) fails. The appeal on ground (a) (16) The appeal buildings lie in part of the green belt ... They also lie within the Higher Whitley Conservation Area but outside the village policy area for Higher Whitley shown on the draft Vale Royal Borough Local Plan. In my opinion, the decision turns on the following main issues. Whether, if the development is inappropriate to the green belt, there are any special circumstances to justify the granting of planning permission; secondly, whether the appeal buildings enhance or preserve the character or appearance of the conservation area. I shall also consider the effect of the development on the countryside surrounding the village. (17) ... (18) The appeal buildings have neither enhanced nor preserved the appearance of this part of the conservation area, rather the reverse. Much of the pleasant nature of the area is derived from the grouping of the older housing around the centre and from its rural and agricultural setting. The two appeal buildings look like part of a small estate of detached houses with access roads and suitable garden areas. The third building, not subject of this appeal, exacerbates this impression. (19) These objections amount to sound and clear-cut reasons why planning permission should be withheld. The fact that other buildings or buildings of a broadly similar nature, if considered to be designed for agricultural purposes, could be built under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1988, does not affect my decision. The appeal on ground (a) fails. The appeal on ground (g) (20) You said that demolition of the buildings and the removal of the materials was an excessive requirement. I do not agree. Harm to the purpose of the green belt has been caused. The appearance and character of the conservation area has not been either enhanced or preserved. Encroachment on the countryside has occurred. Making the buildings look more like those which might have been permitted development as you suggested could mitigate a little of the harm I have identified. But this is not just a matter of cosmetics. The main objections would remain. In my opinion, the proper and necessary course of action is that required by the notice. That includes removal of materials. Such a requirement would not preclude their re-use on site for any possible future permitted development. The appeal on ground (g) fails. The appeal on ground (h) (21) ... Mr Bryan wanted more time in order to erect a replacement or replacements before demolition. I see no need to insist on a period which would make undue difficulty for him. I will increase the period to 6 months ... (22) I have taken account of all the other matters raised, including the possibility of your client putting up a large steel-clad building under permitted development rights, but find they do not affect my decision.“
The applicant appealed against this decision under section 289 TCPA (see paragraph 24 below). In his Notice of Motion, the applicant first alleged that the inspector had “erred in law in applying the wrong test in deciding whether the buildings were permitted development under the provisions of the ... General Development Order“ and “in considering that the said buildings were not requisite or reasonably necessary for the purposes of agriculture when there was no evidence upon which any reasonable inspector could so find“. The subsequent grounds of appeal dealt expressly with grounds (a) and (g) of the appeal to the Secretary of State (see paragraph 9 above).
The appeal was dismissed by the High Court on 8 March 1991, the judge, Mr Lionel Read, QC, finding inter alia as follows: “A principal argument on behalf of the applicant at the inquiry under [ground] (b) was that the erection of the two buildings was permitted development under the General Development Order ... ... The applicant does not challenge the inspector’s decision under ground (b). Nevertheless paragraphs 14 and 15 of the decision letter, where he is still dealing with that ground, are relevant to the court’s consideration of his decision on grounds (a) and (g) ... ... In my judgment ... it cannot be said that the inspector failed to take into account the fact that the applicant might, within his General Development Order rights, erect buildings of a broadly similar nature. He addressed that very consideration in terms at paragraph 19 of his decision letter. Because the applicant had those rights and wanted more time to erect a replacement or replacements, the inspector extended the applicant’s time for complying with the enforcement notice under ground (h). Whether the existence of these General Development Order rights provided sufficient reason for the inspector to grant planning permission for the buildings in fact erected, whether or not conditioned as suggested by the applicant, was a matter for judgment - the inspector’s judgment. Whether another decision-maker would have reached the same conclusion as did this inspector is not to the point. Nor is the view of this court, which does not sit on appeal from the judgment of inspectors, relevant. I am unable to say that there was anything irrational in the inspector’s decision. In particular, the question whether the alterations proposed to a building were, as he evidently thought, a ‘matter of cosmetics’ and would not meet the main objections was entirely a matter of planning judgment for him. It is to be remembered that, in order to stay within his General Development Order rights, the applicant must erect replacement buildings which, by their appearance and layout, could be considered as designed for the purposes of agriculture. If they are, their effect on the green belt, the countryside and the conservation area is irrelevant to the exercise of that right. That does not, however, in my judgment mean that the inspector acted irrationally in concluding that the buildings in fact erected without permission under the General Development Order were objectionable and should be demolished. In the result, I find no error of law and I dismiss the application.“
At the hearing held before the European Commission of Human Rights on 14 October 1993, the applicant’s representatives stated that, although they had not represented the applicant before the High Court, they surmised that the challenge to the inspector’s ground (b) reasoning had been raised in the Notice of Motion and then abandoned at the hearing because of the limited jurisdiction of the High Court. In confirmation of this, the applicant furnished the Court with a statement by the barrister who had represented him in the High Court.
Leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal was refused. The Court of Appeal, on 11 June 1991, also refused leave to appeal. | train | {
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001-86980 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 2010/06) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by Irish nationals, Ms Mary Kehoe (“the applicant“) and her four children on 12 January 2006.
The applicant was represented by Ms Whitfield, a lawyer practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms K. McCleery of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London.
The applicant alleged that there had been unreasonable delay in enforcing the financial obligations of her ex-partner in respect of child support and that she had had no access to court in this regard, invoking Articles 6 and 13 of the Convention.
By a decision of 26 June 2007, the Court declared the application partly admissible as regarded the applicant’s complaint of lack of access to court, inadmissible as regarded her children.
The applicant and the Government each filed further written observations (Rule 59 § 1). The applicant replied in writing to the Government’s observations. The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine).
The applicant married Mr K in 1983. They had four children. The marriage broke down and the applicant applied for divorce. Mr K left the marital home at the beginning of 1994. The children remained with the applicant who, in December 1993, had applied to the Child Support Agency (“the CSA”) to obtain financial support from their father for bringing up the children. There had been an oral agreement that he pay GBP 150 maintenance per week towards the support of the children. According to the applicant, some payments had been voluntarily made but they had rapidly ceased. She only had a limited income from a part-time evening job and child benefit and even when she obtained full-time secretarial employment in 1994 she was struggling financially.
The CSA did not send a Maintenance Enquiry Form (MEF) to Mr K until 25 May 1995, which resulted in the applicant losing the opportunity to receive maintenance for the period prior to that date.
On 13 July 1995 Mr K returned the MEF accepting paternity. Insufficient information was given to allow a full maintenance assessment to be made. An interim maintenance assessment (IMA) was issued with effect from 5 October 1995.
Mr K’s liability changed many times after that date, inter alia as his employment changed and it proved difficult to obtain information.
According to the summary in the later High Court judgment, the key features were as follows:
By March 1996 arrears of GBP 4,244 had accumulated.
The CSA negotiated an agreement with Mr K that he would pay under the IMA, GBP 124.33 per week plus GBP 25.67 towards arrears.
On 21 June 1996 a liability order was applied for because he had breached the agreement. The order was discontinued when regular payments were resumed.
On 1 February 1999 the Secretary of State issued an apology to the applicant for the inconvenience caused by the delay in issuing the MEF and paid her GBP 10,381.14, comprising the amount of child support she might have received up to that point if the MEF had been sent at the proper time, namely GBP 8,632.04 (inclusive of interest), and GBP 1,749.10 ex gratia compensation.
On 1 September 1999, the CSA issued a further apology about the service which she had received and made an additional “consolatory“ compensation payment of GBP 110.
In December 1999 and April 2000, the CSA paid the arrears not yet received plus interest for the delay.
On 15 December 2000 a second application for a liability order was granted for GBP 6,329.24, covering arrears from May 1995 to 11 September 2000. Payments were not made and bailiffs were instructed to levy distress, but were unsuccessful.
On 31 January 2001 the liability order was registered as a county court debt. Consideration was given to a committal order but the policy was to use this only as a last resort.
On 9 October 2001 a deduction of earnings order (EO) was issued for GBP 608.80 per month, increased to GBP 889.06 on 21 February 2002. Following this Mr K again stopped paying. EOs on the company of which he was a director proved unsuccessful. In an interview with the CSA Mr K alleged that he had stopped paying as two of the qualifying children had been living with him for five years and a third had moved in recently, while the fourth had gone to live with the mother in Spain. The CSA was aware of the changed circumstances of the children and had taken this into account in assessments. Having established that the applicant was permanently resident in Spain the case was closed on 13 January 2003 with effect from 30 September 2002. Arrears remained due however and the CSA continued to seek to enforce them.
On 8 November 2002 a committal hearing was held. Mr K admitted owing GBP 6,329.24 for the period 25 May 1995 to 11 September 2000 and GBP 13,859.12 for the period 12 September 2000 until 4 September 2002. He agreed to pay the former sum by 8 July 2003 and the latter sum at GBP 500 per month from November 2002.
Payment was not made in November 2002. He was contacted on 10 December 2002 and told that unless payment was made by 13 December 2002 committal proceedings would be restored. A payment of GBP 1,500 was made on 30 December 2002.
The applicant brought proceedings under the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA), seeking a declaration that the provisions of the Child Support Act 1991 were incompatible with Article 6 § 1 of the Convention as they denied a parent with care of children access to court in connection with disputes as to whether the absent parent had paid or ought to pay sums due under a maintenance assessment or as to the manner in which the obligations under the maintenance assessment should be enforced and seeking damages under section 7 of the HRA based on the CSA’s undue delay after 2 October 2000 in taking steps to enforce the child maintenance assessments obtained in this case. She maintained that she had expended much energy and suffered much stress in attempting to get the CSA to obtain payments for her and had been repeatedly told that the dispute was between the CSA and Mr K and did not involve herself; she believed that she would not have received a fraction of the money eventually paid if she had not continually pressurised the CSA and complained of their inaction and inability to obtain maintenance for her.
On 16 May 2003, Mr Justice Wall found that the applicant had a civil right to seek maintenance for her children from their father, such right being an autonomous substantive right, plainly recognised in English law and provided for by domestic legislation. The exclusion of the claimant from the enforcement process imposed a procedural bar on the prosecution/enforcement of the claim which engaged Article 6. He found that the court was given jurisdiction by the HRA such that if the CSA had acted in any way incompatible with the claimant’s Article 6 rights she could bring an action for damages under section 7, while any decision by the CSA not to enforce or any failure to enforce timeously or effectively would be subject to challenge by judicial review. On this basis the scheme under the 1991 Act was HRA compliant and she was not entitled to a declaration of incompatibility. He issued directions with a view to an eventual trial as to whether there had been undue delay and to determine any damages. This part of the order was stayed pending appeal to the Court of Appeal.
On 5 March 2004, the Court of Appeal upheld the Secretary of State’s appeal and dismissed the applicant’s cross-appeal. It held, as summarised in the head note: “that the Child Support Act 1991 introduced a new child support system, its self- contained nature being a critical feature of its effect in domestic law; that the scheme was built firmly on the central premise that the assessment, collection and enforcement of maintenance orders should be in the hands of the Child Support Agency and consequentially it redefined the rights and obligations of parents and those caring for children; that there was no justification for departing from the general principle that Article 6 was concerned only with disputes recognisable as such under domestic law and founded on the existence of an underlying right; that under the scheme the applicant had no legal right in domestic law to a child maintenance payment of any particular amount or at all; and that, accordingly, she was unable to assert that she had an arguable civil right under Article 6 which entitled her to a determination by a court.”
The Court of Appeal further held that the judge had erred in finding that she had a right to damages to supplement her limited right of judicial review; damages could only be awarded where the Act was incompatible with Article 6, and the Act did not become incompatible because of a lack of entitlement to damages for its incompatibility.
On 14 July 2005, the House of Lords, by a majority of four to one, rejected the applicant’s appeal.
Lord Bingham of Cornhill stated in rejecting the appeal: “[6] That a caring parent in the position of Mrs [K.] was given no right of recovering or enforcing a claim to child maintenance against an absent or non-resident parent was not a lacuna or inadvertent omission in the 1991 Act: it was the essence of the new scheme, a deliberate departure from the regime which had previously obtained. The merits of that scheme are not for the House in its judicial capacity to evaluate. But plainly the scheme did not lack a coherent rationale. The state has an interest, most directly in cases where public funds are disbursed, but also more generally that children should be adequately supported. It might well be thought that a single professional agency, with the resources of the state behind it and an array of powers at its command, would be more consistent in assessing and more effective and economical in enforcing payment than individual parents acting in a random and uncoordinated way. It might also be thought that the interposition of an independent, neutral, official body would reduce the acrimony which had all too frequently characterised applications for child maintenance by caring against absent or non-resident parents in the past which, however understandable in the aftermath of a fractured relationship, rarely enured to the benefit of the children. For better or worse, the process was deliberately changed. [7] The 1991 Act cannot in my opinion be interpreted as conferring any right on a parent in the position of Mrs [K]. She is of course the person to whom child maintenance will be paid, directly or indirectly and subject to any deduction of benefit, as the person who incurs the expense of bringing up the children. But the right which she had enjoyed under the former legislation was removed, and the right to recover the maintenance has been vested in the CSA...“
Baroness Hale of Richmond, dissenting, found that prior to the 1991 Act a father had, at common law, a duty to maintain his legitimate minor children which had always been unenforceable in the courts. However it had been expanded and reinforced by two kinds of statutory obligation: a private law obligation to make the payments ordered by a court under various statutes (e.g. matrimonial and family proceedings) and a public law obligation to reimburse the State for benefits paid for the children. The new scheme which transferred the task of assessing and collecting maintenance from the courts did not however remove these obligations or the corresponding right of the child to benefit from them. The obligation of a parent to maintain his children and the right of the children to have the benefit of the parental obligation to maintain them were not wholly contained in the 1991 Act. The 1991 Act left all previous law intact save precluding courts from using their powers in cases where the CSA was supposed to do it for them. Accordingly the children’s civil right to parental support survived the 1991 Act which acted not only as a limit to the extent of the obligation but also as a limit to its enforcement. Article 6 was therefore engaged.
In assessing whether the limitations on enforcement of those rights was compatible with the Convention, Baroness Hale noted that there was undoubtedly a legitimate aim. Although the non-enforceability by the custodial parent in non-benefit cases was not a necessary feature of comparable child support schemes elsewhere in the common law world, the matter had been debated. That possibility was rejected as the Government did not want to create one law for the rich and one for the poor. There were also cases where the parent with care was sometimes in receipt of benefits and at other times not. She concluded that this was just the sort of policy choice in a socio-economic field which the courts were usually prepared to leave to the judgment of Parliament, which was best able to make the decision as to which scheme would most effectively secure the recognition and enforcement of the children’s rights generally. It would be difficult to hold that the scheme as a whole was incompatible with the children’s rights to a speedy determination and enforcement of their claims. That said, she considered that the public authority charged by Parliament with securing those rights was under a duty to act compliantly with Article 6. She would therefore have allowed the appeal and restored Mr Justice Wall’s order.
Meanwhile, all money owed to the applicant was paid by 27 April 2005 and her case was closed. | train | {
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001-58526 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by an Austrian national, Erich Kiefer (“the applicant”) on 30 December 1998 pursuant to former Article 48 § 1 (e) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”). It originated in an application (no. 27353/95) against Switzerland lodged by the applicant with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention, on 13 April 1995.
The applicant is represented by Mr B. Gachnang, a lawyer practising in Lucerne in Switzerland. The Swiss Government are represented by their Agent, Mr Ph. Boillat.
The case concerns the duration of the proceedings instituted by the applicant and whether they were terminated within a “reasonable time” as required by Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
On 31 March 1999 a Panel of the Grand Chamber decided, in accordance with Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 taken together with Rules 100 § 1 and 24 §6 of the Rules of Court, that the case should be dealt with by a Chamber constituted within one of the Sections of the Court. Subsequently, the President of the Court assigned the case to the Second Section. The Chamber constituted within the Section included ex officio Mr L. Wildhaber, the judge elected in respect of Switzerland (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 26 § 1 (a) of the Rules of Court), and Mr M. Fischbach, Mr B. Conforti, Mr G. Bonello, Mrs V. Strážnická, Mr P. Lorenzen and Mrs M. Tsatsa-Nikolovska (Rule 26 § 1 (b)).
On 29 April 1999 the President invited the parties to submit memorials in the case (Rule 59 § 3). The applicant was further invited to submit his claim for just satisfaction under Article 41 of the Convention (Rule 60 § 1). The applicant filed his reply on 31 May 1999. The Government replied on 29 June 1999. The Austrian Government were invited on 7 February 2000 to state whether they wished to intervene in accordance with Article 36 of the Convention and Rule 61 of the Rules of Court. By letter of 25 February 2000 they replied that they did not wish to do so.
The applicant is an Austrian citizen, born in 1946 and resident in Graz in Austria. He resided in Switzerland from 1979-1984, working as a lorry driver and paying contributions to the Swiss social security insurance.
In 1983 the applicant suffered an injury and became partly disabled. On 7 November 1985 he requested pension benefits from the Swiss Invalidity Insurance (Invalidenversicherung). As a result, the Invalidity Insurance Commission (Invalidenversicherungs-Kommission) was called upon to examine the case and the Swiss Compensation Office (Schweizerische Ausgleichskasse) to decide it. Based on ten medical reports issued between 1983 and 1987, the Compensation Office dismissed the applicant's request on 23 December 1987, as he was only partly hindered in exercising his profession as a lorry driver.
On 28 January 1988 the applicant filed an appeal against this decision with the Federal Appeals Commission for Old Age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance (Eidgenössische Rekurskommission für die Alters-, Hinterlassenen- und Invalidenversicherung), which, on 25 October 1988, considered that the previous decision was contradictory in respect of the applicant's ability to work. It upheld the applicant's appeal and referred the case back to the Compensation Office for renewed examination.
Proceedings were resumed before the Compensation Office which obtained various medical opinions and other information. In 1989, various reports were filed by Austrian experts. Thus, on 20 January 1989 Dr. R., an internist, submitted a medical report. On 14 February 1989 Dr. W. replied to a medical questionnaire. The orthopaedist Dr. P. presented a report on 23 February 1989. A neurologist, Professor O., submitted a report on 26 May 1989. A second report was prepared by Dr. R. on 31 August 1989. The psychologist Dr. T. filed a report on 5 September 1989. A second report was filed by Dr. W. on 19 September 1989. Dr. P. submitted a second report on 16 October 1989. The radiologist Dr. G. transmitted his report on 31 October 1989. Finally, Dr. W. submitted his third report on 14 December 1989. On 7 February 1990 the Austrian orthopaedist Dr. L.-K. submitted another report. Meanwhile, in a letter dated 11 December 1989 the applicant requested the Austrian authorities to undertake a most thorough examination of his case by means of a further medical expert.
Based on these various reports, Dr. M.-L., a Swiss specialist in labour medicine, submitted a report on 27 April 1990 in which he concluded that the applicant was not hindered in exercising his former profession as a lorry driver. Dr. S., a doctor employed by the Swiss Compensation Office, submitted a report on 16 June 1990 in which he agreed with Dr. M.-L.'s conclusions, while determining the applicant's ability to work as a lorry driver at 80 %, and at 100 % for other professions.
The Invalidity Insurance Commission considered in its proposal of 19 July 1990 that the applicant had not sufficiently demonstrated his invalidity. The applicant was given the opportunity to reply thereto.
Dr. S., who had meanwhile filed two further reports on 29 May and 16 June 1990, requested in a report of 4 November 1990 a further examination of the applicant which took place in Zurich on 23 May 1991. The Swiss orthopaedist Dr. Sta. filed a report on 28 November 1991 in which he concluded that the applicant was unable to work as a lorry driver, though he could be expected to work up to 50 % in certain other professions. Meanwhile, the Austrian orthopaedist Dr. L.-K. submitted a second report on 27 June 1991. In 1992 Dr. S., employed by the Compensation Office, submitted three reports: In his report of 25 January 1992, he disagreed with the conclusion that the applicant could not be expected to work at all. A report of 11 June 1992, complemented a previous report. Finally, in his report of 9 July 1992, he replied to a further question put to him by the Invalidity Insurance Commission.
Further information was submitted by the Austrian pension authorities on 29 April and 4 September 1992, in particular that the applicant had not paid certain social security contributions in Austria in 1984 and 1985.
On 30 October 1992 the applicant was issued a preliminary decision (Vorbescheid) according to which he had not been insured when the injury had occurred for which reason a formal condition for granting an invalidity pension had not been met. The applicant was granted a time-limit of 30 days to reply. Following the applicant's request for a prolongation of one month, his submissions in reply were filed on 4 January 1993.
On 7 April 1993 the Compensation Office dismissed the applicant's request for pension benefits as he had not been insured at the time concerned. On 10 May 1993 he filed an appeal against this decision which was dismissed by the Federal Appeals Commission for Old Age, Survivors and Invalidity Insurance on 21 February 1994.
On 5 April 1994 the applicant filed an administrative law appeal in which he stated, inter alia: “It is surprising that the authorities required nearly 10 years to determine that (the applicant) had lacked the quality of an insured person on 7 April 1984. At least the Federal Appeals Commission determined in § 4 of its decision that there was an invalidity. Now we are faced with the situation that an invalid person has been held off for nearly ten years and has been called to submit to examinations, although he is apparently not even insured. The decision of 23 December 1987 refused to grant a pension on the grounds that there was no invalidity, without even dealing with the allegedly missing insurance quality. The conduct of the authorities, and in particular the result of this conduct, breaches good faith and must be described as arbitrary. ... The fact that the applicant has been refused status as an insured person ten years after it was allegedly found missing amounts to a breach of good faith, it is arbitrary and breaches the principle of equality emanating from Section 4 of the Federal Constitution.”
The administrative law appeal was dismissed on 18 November 1994 by the Federal Insurance Court (Eidgenössisches Versicherungsgericht), the decision being served on 25 November 1994. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION
The applicant applied to the Commission on 13 April 1995, complaining under Article 6 § 1 about the length of social security proceedings.
The Commission declared the application admissible on 16 April 1998. In its report of 21 October 1998 (former Article 31), it expressed the unanimous opinion that there had been a violation of Article 6 § 1. | train | {
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001-99863 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 38663/06) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Ms Nadine Mladoschovitz and Ms Jeanine Mladoschovitz (“the applicants”), both represented by their mother Elke Mladoschovitz, on 14 September 2006.
The applicants were represented by Mr R. Gabl, a lawyer practising in Linz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
The applicants alleged a violation of Article 6 of the Convention in proceedings concerning the enforcement of their claims for maintenance against their father.
On 23 October 2008 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 1).
The applicants were born in 1998 and 2002 respectively and live in Linz.
The applicants have a maintenance claim against their father Mr W (“the debtor”). Apparently the debtor fell into arrears with maintenance payments (Unterhaltsrückstand) amounting to the sum of EUR 3,006. The applicants applied for enforcement of their payment orders to the competent District Court (Bezirksgericht) in Enns. The enforcement order (Exekutionsbewilligung) provided for the sale of the debtor's movable property (Fahrnisexekution) and granted the applicants a lien on outstanding claims which the debtor held against his own debtors (Forderungsexekution).
On 21 July 2006 the debtor lodged an action under Section 35 of the Enforcement Act (Oppositionsklage) to have the claim underlying the enforcement order dismissed and also applied to postpone enforcement (Aufschiebung der Exekution) until a decision on his action had been reached. In support of his case to have the enforcement order set aside, the debtor stated that during the period of time in which he had not made maintenance payments, the applicants had been living with him and he had paid all their living expenses.
In support of his application to postpone enforcement regarding the sale of movable property, the debtor claimed he would risk losing his property rights over the objects seized for enforcement. He also argued that if a lien against outstanding claims from his own debtors was enforced, the recovery of the money from the applicants, who did not have any funds, would be nearly impossible if the enforcement order was, in fact, set aside.
On 27 July 2006 the District Court, without hearing the applicants, allowed the postponement of enforcement by granting the applicants a lien on outstanding claims if a deposit of EUR 3,500 was lodged with the court but the postponement of the sale of the debtor's movable property was not granted. On 2 August 2006 the debtor appealed, claiming that the deposit was too high. The applicants were not notified of the appeal.
The Steyr Regional Court (Landesgericht) quashed the decision, ordering both kinds of enforcement to be postponed until the decision on the action under Section 35 of the Enforcement Act was rendered and re-setting the deposit at EUR 1,000. The applicants were not heard in the proceedings. It held that an appeal on points of law to the Supreme Court was not admissible. The applicants, having lost the case on postponement of the enforcement, were obliged to reimburse legal costs amounting to EUR 305.40 to the debtor. | train | {
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001-79889 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 1638/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Bulgarian national, Mr Juri Maslov (“the applicant”), on 20 December 2002.
The applicant was represented by Mr M. Deuretsbacher, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Bulgarian Government did not make use of their right to intervene (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention).
The applicant alleged, in particular, that the residence prohibition against him violated his right to respect for his private and family life.
The application was allocated to the First Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 2 June 2005 the Court declared the application partly admissible.
The applicant was born in 1984 and currently lives in Bulgaria.
In November 1990 the applicant lawfully entered Austria together with his parents and two siblings. Subsequently, he was legally resident in Austria. His parents were lawfully employed and have meanwhile acquired Austrian nationality. The applicant attended school in Austria.
In late 1998 criminal proceedings were instituted against the applicant. He was, inter alia, suspected of having broken into cars, shops and vending machines, of having stolen empties from a stock ground, of having forced another boy to steal 1,000 Austrian schillings from the latter’s mother, of having beaten this boy and thereby having bruised him, and of having used a motor vehicle without the owner’s authorisation.
On 7 September 1999 the Vienna Juvenile Court (Jugendgerichtshof) convicted the applicant of some 22 counts of partially completed and partially attempted aggravated gang burglary (gewerbsmäßiger Bandendiebstahl), of extortion (Erpressung), of partially completed and partially attempted assault (Körperverletzung), and of the unauthorised use of a vehicle (unbefugter Gebrauch eines Fahrzeugs) committed between November 1988 and June 1999. He was sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment, 13 of which were suspended on probation. Moreover, he was instructed to start drug therapy.
On 11 February 2000 the applicant was arrested and further criminal proceedings were opened against him relating to a series of burglaries committed between June 1999 and January 2000. The applicant and his accomplices were suspected of having broken into shops or restaurants, where they stole cash and goods. On 11 February 2000 the Vienna Juvenile Court remanded him in custody.
On 25 May 2000 the Vienna Juvenile Court convicted the applicant of 18 counts of partially completed and partially attempted aggravated burglary and sentenced him to 15 months’ imprisonment. When fixing the sentence the court noted the applicant’s confession as a mitigating circumstance, the number of offences committed as well as the rapid relapse into crime after the last conviction as aggravating circumstances. It also observed that the applicant, though still living with his parents had completely elapsed their educational influence, had repeatedly been absent from home, and had dropped out of school. It also noted that the applicant had failed to comply with the instruction to undergo drug withdrawal treatment. Consequently, the suspension of the prison term imposed by the judgment of 7 September 1999 was revoked.
Following the Vienna Juvenile Court’s judgment, the applicant served his prison term until 24 May 2002. He did not benefit from early release.
Meanwhile, on 3 January 2001 the Vienna Federal Police Authority (Bundespolizeidirektion), relying on Section 36 § 1 of the 1997 Aliens Act (Fremdengesetz 1997), imposed a ten years’ residence prohibition on the applicant. Having regard to the applicant’s convictions, it found that his further stay in Austria was contrary to the public interest. Considering the applicant’s relapse into crime after his first conviction, the public interest in the prevention of disorder and crime outweighed the applicant’s interest in staying in Austria.
The applicant, assisted by counsel, appealed. He submitted that the residence prohibition violated his rights under Article 8 of the Convention as he was a minor who had come to Austria at the age of six, his entire family lived in Austria and he had no relatives in Bulgaria. He also referred to Section 38 § 1 (4) of the 1997 Aliens Act, pursuant to which a residence prohibition may not be issued against an alien who has been lawfully residing in Austria from an early age.
By decision of 19 July 2001 the Vienna Public Security Authority (Sicherheitsdirektion) dismissed the appeal. It confirmed the Federal Police Authority’s finding.
On 17 August 2001 the applicant filed complaints both with the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) and the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichthof). He stressed that he had come to Austria at the age of six, had attended school in Austria and was not able to speak Bulgarian. He had no relatives and other social contacts in Bulgaria. Moreover, he drew attention to the fact that he was still a minor.
On 18 September 2001 the Administrative Court dismissed the complaint and found that the residence prohibition was justified under Article 8 § 2 of the Convention. It considered that the applicant had come to Austria only at the age of six, whereas – according to its constant case-law – Section 38 § 1 (4) only excluded a residence prohibition for aliens who had been legally resident from the age of three at the latest. Considering the gravity and the number of offences committed by the applicant, the fact that the first conviction was rapidly followed by a second one and the severity of the penalties imposed, it found that the residence prohibition did not constitute a disproportionate interference with the applicant’s rights under Article 8, despite his lengthy residence and family ties in Austria.
On 25 November 2002 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the complaint for lack of prospects of success.
On 18 August 2003 the Vienna Federal Police Authority requested the applicant to leave Austria.
On 14 October 2003 the Vienna Federal Police Authority ordered the applicant’s detention with a view to his expulsion. He was arrested on 27 November 2003.
On 22 December 2003 the applicant was deported to Sofia. | train | {
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001-70765 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 58453/00) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Polish national, Mr Jaroslaw Niedzwiecki (“the applicant”), on 27 October 1999.
The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr K. Stoltenberg, Ministerialdirigent, and, subsequently, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialrätin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that the refusal of child benefits between July and December 1995 amounted to discrimination in the exercise of his right to respect for family life.
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 17 June 2003 the Court declared the application partly admissible.
On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Fourth Section (Rule 52 § 1).
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1961. At the time the application was lodged he lived in Erlenbach in Germany. He currently resides in Swidnica in Poland.
1. The applicant’s situation in Germany
The applicant immigrated to Germany in February 1987. His request for asylum was rejected. His expulsion was, however, suspended under the agreement of the Home Secretaries of the Länder not to expel Polish nationals (“Ostblockbeschlüsse” der Innenminister der Länder). In November 1989 the applicant obtained a provisional residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). In January 1991, following an amendment of the Aliens Act, he was issued with a limited residence title for exceptional purposes (Aufenthaltsbefugnis). This residence title was renewed every two years, the last time in January 1995 until January 1997. In April 1997 the applicant obtained an unlimited residence permit (Aufenthaltsberechtigung).
In July 1995 the applicant’s daughter was born.
2. The child benefit proceedings before the Labour Office
On 28 July 1995 the applicant applied to the Aschaffenburg Labour Office (Arbeitsamt) for child benefits according to Section 1 of the Federal Child Benefits Act (Bundeskindergeldgesetz, see relevant domestic law below).
On 18 August 1995 the Labour Office dismissed the applicant’s request under Section 1 § 3 of the Child Benefits Act. It noted that the applicant only had a limited residence title for exceptional purposes, and no unlimited residence permit or provisional residence permit, as required under Section 1 § 3.
On 12 October 1995 the Federal Labour Office (Bundesanstalt für Arbeit) rejected his objection.
3. The proceedings before the Social Court
The applicant lodged an action with the Würzburg Social Court (Sozialgericht), claiming that he had been residing in Germany since 1987 and that he should, therefore, have the right to child benefits.
On 21 April 1997 the Social Court dismissed the applicant’s action regarding child benefits between July 1995 and April 1997. It confirmed that only aliens with an unlimited residence permit or with a provisional residence permit were entitled to the payment of child benefits under Section 1 § 3 of the Child Benefits Act, as in force until 31 December 1995. According to the Social Court, the legislature had only intended to grant child benefits to aliens who were likely to stay in Germany on a permanent basis. Aliens with only a limited residence title for exceptional purposes were, however, not likely to stay. The court further pointed out that this distinction did not violate the German Basic Law. In the present case, the legislature had remained within its wide margin of appreciation in social law matters.
4. The appeal proceedings
On 23 April 1998 the Bavarian Social Court of Appeal (Landessozialgericht) dismissed the applicant’s appeal to the extent that his claims under the Child Benefits Act until 31 December 1995 were concerned. The Court of Appeal confirmed the lower court’s reasoning, noting that the applicant did not have a stable residence permit in 1995, as his limited residence title for exceptional purposes had had to be renewed every two years. Likewise, referring to the wide margin of appreciation of the legislature, it took the view that Section 1 § 3 of the Federal Child Benefits Act was compatible with the Basic Law. In this respect, it considered that until December 1995 families had benefited from child benefits and tax deductions (Kinderfreibetrag) as a system of compensation (dualer Familienlastenausgleich). The applicant and his wife had paid taxes in 1995 but had not obtained child benefits. In the court’s view, this taxation, not the refusal of child benefits, might have violated the Basic Law; however, it was not for the social courts to decide on that matter.
On 18 March 1999 the Federal Social Court (Bundessozialgericht) dismissed the applicant’s appeal on points of law.
The applicant lodged a constitutional complaint combined with a request for an interim measure. He claimed that the relevant provision of the Federal Child Benefits Act was discriminatory and racist, and violated his right to respect for his family life. In addition, he alleged that the refusal of his request for child benefits infringed the principle of social justice (Sozialstaatsprinzip) laid down in Article 20 § 4 of the Basic Law.
On 21 October 1999 the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) refused to entertain his complaint and rejected his request for an interim measure.
5. The proceedings concerning claims after 1 January 1996
On 3 July 2001 the Würzburg Social Court decided that it was not competent to deal with the applicant’s claims regarding child benefits for the period after 1 January 1996 and transferred the proceedings to the Nuremberg Tax Court (Finanzgericht). The proceedings before the Tax Court are still pending. | train | {
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"applicant": "Jaroslaw Niedzwiecki",
"articles": [
"countries": "DEU",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2005
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Jaroslaw Niedzwiecki |
001-79312 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 30547/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Johann Ferihumer (“the applicant”), on 13 September 2003.
The applicant was represented by Mr B. Wageneder, a lawyer practising in Ried. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr F. Trauttmansdorff.
The applicant alleged that he had been violated in his right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the Convention.
By a decision of 14 February 2006, the Court declared the application admissible.
Neither the applicant nor the Government filed further written observations (Rule 59 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1945 and lives in Waizenkirchen.
At the time of the events, he was the father of a pupil of a secondary school in Grieskirchen (Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium) and vice-chairman and recording clerk (Schriftführer) of the parents' association (Elternverein) at this school.
In protest against the government's cuts in the education budget, the teachers of this school decided, together with the teaching staff of two other schools, to reduce and shorten school trips for the school year 2001/2002. The pupils and some parents, including the applicant, did not agree with these measures.
The applicant called for a vote by the School Committee (Schulgemeinschaftsausschuss) of the Grieskirchen secondary school on the question whether the class his son was attending, should go on a one week trip to Tuscany or Prague. The School Committee which is composed of three representatives of the teachers, three parents and three pupils and the director of the school, represents parents and pupils in certain school matters.
The meeting at which the School Committee should have to vote on the question, after having been once postponed because one of the teachers' representatives could not participate, was finally fixed for 22 January 2002.
On 22 January 2002, before the meeting of the School Committee, the chair of the parents' association on behalf of the parents, the pupils' spokesperson on behalf of the pupils and two representatives of the teachers signed a compromise which provided for only a one-day school excursion per class during the school year 2001/2002 and for compensatory school trips in the autumn of 2003.
On this day the applicant stated before a journalist of the “Oberösterreicher Rundschau”, a local newspaper for Upper Austria, that this conflict (between the teachers, parents and pupils concerning the boycott measures) was carried out to the detriment of the pupils and that the teachers were applying pressure on the pupils and parents to an intolerable extent and that this amounted in fact to an abuse of their authority.
On 24 January 2002 the “Oberösterreicher Rundschau” published an article which stated inter alia: “ 'This conflict is carried out to the detriment of the pupils' blusters professor Johannes Ferihumer, representative of the parents and former teacher at the secondary school. 'Not only this: the teachers apply pressure on pupils and parents to an intolerable extent. This amounts in fact to an abuse of their authority. Who is surprised that the school speaker was at the end of her tether.' ”
The majority of teachers of the Grieskirchen secondary school brought proceedings against the applicant for insult and damage to their reputation before the Peuersbach District Court.
The Peuersbach District Court heard the applicant, the teachers, the spokesperson of the pupils, the chair of the parents' association and several other witnesses.
By judgment of 9 October 2002, it ordered the applicant to refrain from repeating the statement that the teachers were applying pressure on the pupils and parents to an intolerable extent and that this amounted in fact to an abuse of their authority. It noted that the statement was an insult and a defamation within the meaning of Article 1330 of the Civil Code. The applicant had to accept the most unfavourable interpretation of this statement which meant that the teachers had used unlawful and unobjective means in order to make parents and pupils agree to the boycott measures. The applicant had, however, failed to submit any evidence to prove this reproach. The court noted that it was true that, in the course of time the atmosphere between the pupils and teachers at the Grieskirchen secondary school had been strained. The spokesperson of the pupils had complained that the teachers did not take her seriously and avoided any discussion about the boycott measures with her. She had, therefore, resigned from her function as spokesperson. The court further observed that the conflicting interests of teachers, parents and pupils in regard to the boycott measures naturally caused tensions. There was, however, no indication that the teachers had used unlawful and unobjective means, such as, for example, the use of their authority to assign marks, in order to make the parents and pupils agree to the compromise. It was, on the contrary, because of the teachers' unbending attitude concerning the boycott measures that pupils and parents had finally resigned and agreed to the compromise.
The court dismissed the teachers' further request for an injunction as regards the applicant's statement that the conflict was detrimental to the pupils.
The applicant appealed against this decision. He submitted inter alia that he had alluded to the subtle measures the teachers had employed in order to reach a compromise, such as their threat to boycott the meeting of the School Committee and their tactics to undermine the authority of the pupils' spokesperson. This was contrary to their official duties and, therefore, unlawful. He further referred their successful tactics to delay the meeting of the School Committee, the testimony of some pupils who had stated that they had felt under pressure and the fact that, in the context of the discussions concerning the boycott measures, both the pupils' spokesperson and the chair of the parents' association had resigned from their functions. The statement at issue was a value judgment with sufficient factual basis and was protected by his right to freedom of expression under Article 10 of the Convention. From the context of the situation in which the statements had been made, it was clear that he had referred to the pressure which had led to the signing of a compromise. Neither the concerned pupils, nor the parents had understood his criticism to the effect that the teachers had applied psychical or verbal violence or had applied pressure by their authority to assign marks. Furthermore, the teachers had themselves attracted the attention of the public by their boycott measures which had provoked criticism and resistance.
On 5 February 2003 the Wels Regional Court dismissed the appeal. It noted that the statement at issue constituted a statement of fact susceptible of proof. The applicant had failed to prove that the statement was true. The injunction at issue did, therefore, not violate the applicant's right to freedom of expression. The court further ordered the applicant to pay the costs of the proceedings. This decision was served on the applicant's counsel on 13 March 2003. | train | {
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001-153909 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 38030/12) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Pakistani national, Ms Farida Kathoon Khan (“the applicant”), on 19 June 2012.
The applicant was represented by Ms E. Gabsa, a lawyer practising in Gießen. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H. J. Behrens, from the Federal Ministry of Justice.
The applicant alleged that her envisaged expulsion to Pakistan would breach Articles 8 and 6 of the Convention.
On 25 November 2013 the President of the Fifth Section, to which the case was allocated, decided to give notice of the application to the Government.
The applicant was born in 1963 in Pakistan and currently lives in sheltered accommodation (betreutes Wohnen) in Haina (Land of Hesse, Germany).
In 1990 the applicant married in Pakistan and converted to her husband’s faith, that of the Ahmadiyya.
The applicant and her husband moved to Germany in 1991. The husband was granted refugee status but the applicant’s own application for asylum was refused. As the spouse of a refugee, she received a temporary residence permit on 16 June 1994.
On 11 February 1995 the applicant gave birth to her son. In 1998 the applicant and her husband separated. The son stayed with the applicant. From then on the applicant worked as a cleaner in different companies. On 7 September 2001 she was awarded a permanent residence permit.
In March 2004 the applicant became unemployed due to behavioural issues that appeared to be caused by psychological problems. In July 2004 she and her spouse divorced. In 2005 the domestic family court transferred custody rights over her son to her husband and her son was living with him from then on.
On 31 May 2004 the applicant killed a neighbour by strangling her and pushing her down a staircase. Subsequently, she was detained and held in pre-trial detention. Following an attempt to harm herself, a domestic court ordered her committal to a psychiatric hospital.
On 13 July 2005 the Gießen Regional Court established that the applicant had committed manslaughter in a state of mental incapacity. At the time of the act she had been in a state of acute psychosis. A medical expert noted that she suffered from symptoms of schizophrenia and had diminished intelligence. She did not acknowledge her own psychological condition. The domestic court therefore concluded that she remained a danger for the general public and a continuous stay in a psychiatric hospital had to be ordered. The applicant was also appointed a legal guardian.
On 4 June 2009 the administrative authority Waldeck-Frankenthal ordered the applicant’s expulsion. Relying on Section 55 § 2 of the Act on the Residence, Economic Activity and Integration of Foreigners in the Federal Territory (hereafter “the Residence Act”, Aufenthaltsgesetz, see paragraph 25 below), the authority referred to the offence which had led to the applicant’s committal to the psychiatric hospital and her mental condition in general. The authority concluded that she posed a danger to public safety. In such a case her personal circumstances, namely her long stay in Germany and her residence status, were secondary. She was neither economically integrated nor sufficiently able to communicate in German, which was an obstacle to her therapy. She only had limited contacts with her former husband and her son and she was still familiar with the Pakistani culture. Adequate medical care was available in Pakistan and the applicant’s family there could assist her.
In November 2009 the applicant was granted privileges in the hospital, for example she was granted days of leave, which had not led to any complaints. She also started working full‑time in the laundry department of the clinic. This was possible due to her improved mental health. In proceedings concerning a provisional stay on the expulsion, the authorities committed themselves not to execute the expulsion decision before a court ruling on the merits.
On 1 March 2011 the Kassel Administrative Court refused the applicant’s action against the expulsion order. It upheld the decision that the applicant could be deported, on the grounds of the serious offence committed by her, lack of awareness of her own condition and given that a high probability of reoffending therefore existed. Moreover, she was not integrated into German society, especially due to her lack of German language skills. Article 8 of the Convention was not applicable as the applicant had no significant family relationships. The domestic court noted that, in principle, in Pakistan basic medical care for psychiatric patients existed in big cities like Lahore and that the applicant could afford treatment, including medication, as she would be receiving a small pension in the amount of around 250 euros (EUR). The domestic court recognised that family members in Pakistan had explicitly ruled out that they would take her in, when asked by the German Embassy. However, the domestic court thought it conceivable that the applicant’s relatives would help her with organising the required treatment if she were to provide them with small sums in euros in return. Furthermore, the applicant did not hold a visible position within the Ahmadiyya religion, so there would be no specific danger for her in that regard.
On 23 May 2011 the Hessian Administrative Court of Appeal dismissed the application for leave to appeal. It noted that the administrative court had taken into account all relevant facts of the case.
The applicant complained in vain of the breach of her right to be heard (Gehörsrüge). She argued that her submissions on her improved state of health, the death of her sister in Pakistan and the expected living conditions there had not been given proper consideration. Moreover, she claimed that she had close contact with her son who visited her on a regular basis.
On 24 November 2011 the Marburg Regional Court lifted the hospital treatment order on the recommendation of a medical report and released the applicant on probation, ordering a five-year probation period. It ordered the applicant to remain in regular contact with the medical personnel of the clinic and to continue to take the prescribed medication. The domestic court held that, due to the treatment, the danger of the applicant’s re-offending had diminished to such an extent that a residual risk had to be tolerated.
The medical report in question further indicated that, after having overcome some initial difficulties, she was reachable, while deficits in her cognitive performance remained. The language barrier caused problems during some therapy sessions and due to cognitive deficiencies difficulties remained, even with the assistance of an interpreter. She continued to work in the laundry, took her medication regularly and ultimately showed balanced behaviour. Her son visited her on a regular basis and wished to be more involved in her care. Such involvement, however, would have to be limited due to his situation as a young adult beginning his studies. She was compliant with all requirements and embraced the stable environment in which she was settled. Her prognosis could be considered positive.
The applicant was transferred to sheltered accommodation close to the clinic, where the required structure would be ensured.
On 13 December 2011 the applicant’s constitutional complaint against the deportation order was not admitted for review by the Federal Constitutional Court.
The applicant was notified on 19 September 2013 that a petition to the parliament of the Land of Hesse in this matter had not been successful.
So far, no date for the applicant’s removal to Pakistan has been set. | train | {
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"applicant": "Farida Kathoon Khan",
"articles": [
"countries": "DEU",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2015
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Farida Kathoon Khan |
001-61925 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 74976/01) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a United Kingdom national, Mr Nigel Eastaway (“the applicant”), on 3 August 2001.
The applicant was represented by Ms K. Mottee, a lawyer practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr D. Walton, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that there had been a violation of his right to a hearing within a reasonable time.
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 18 November 2003, the Court declared the application admissible.
The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other’s observations.
The applicant was born in 1943 and lives in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire.
A. The commencement of the disqualification proceedings and the strike-out application
The Blackspur group of companies (collectively, “Blackspur”), was formed by the applicant and others in September 1987 and at various times the applicant acted as director. Blackspur went into receivership in July 1990 with an estimated deficit of GBP 34 million.
On 1 July 1992, on the last day of the applicable two year limitation period, the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (“the Secretary of State”) issued proceedings against the applicant and four others (“the Blackspur proceedings”) under section 6 of the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (“the CDDA”: see below).
The Secretary of State’s evidence was not complete at the time he commenced proceedings, and he applied for an extension of time for the serving of evidence (see below). The defendants refused to consent to an extension being granted and instead, on 13 October 1992, three of the defendants (but not, at this stage, the applicant) applied to strike out the proceedings.
The Secretary of State’s evidence was completed and served on the applicant on 14 December 1992. On 13 May 1993 the applicant applied to strike out the proceedings. The Secretary of State’s application for permission to file the evidence out of time, and the cross-application to strike out the proceedings by the applicant and other defendants, were heard by the Registrar on 20 May 1993, when they were adjourned to 29 July 1993. On 27 January 1994 the Registrar granted the Secretary of State’s application for an extension of time and dismissed the strike-out application. Two of the applicant’s co-defendants appealed to the High Court. On 12 April 1995 the applicant also lodged an appeal.
B. Criminal proceedings
Related criminal charges had been brought against the applicant and three other defendants in the Blackspur proceedings on 1 July 1992. In May 1993 the applicant and other defendants had applied to stay the disqualification proceedings pending the conclusion of the criminal proceedings. The criminal trial took place between March and June 1994, during which period the disqualification proceedings were adjourned generally, with liberty to restore. At the conclusion of the criminal trial, the applicant and one other defendant were acquitted, and two defendants were convicted. On appeal, the two convictions were quashed in February 1995.
By a letter dated 16 September 1994 the applicant invited the Secretary of State to reconsider whether, in the light of the acquittals in the criminal trial, it was in the public interest to carry on with the disqualification proceedings. On 15 December 1994 the Treasury Solicitor replied that the Secretary of State had decided that it remained expedient in the public interest to continue.
C. The strike-out and disqualification proceedings resumed
Once the criminal trial had been concluded, the appeal to the High Court brought by the first defendant to the disqualification proceeding, Mr Davies, against the Registrar’s decision of 27 January 1994, could proceed and was dismissed on 2 May 1995. In November 1995 Mr Davies was granted leave to appeal out of time to the Court of Appeal, and his substantive appeal was dismissed by that court on 24 May 1996. The Court of Appeal found that the reasons for the Secretary of State’s failure to complete his evidence before the proceedings were commenced had been “far from satisfactory”, but considered nonetheless that the case should proceed since it was in the public interest to determine the “particularly serious” allegations of false accounting and trading while insolvent made against the defendants. In addition, the court observed that the delay by the Secretary of State had not affected the timing of the hearing or prejudiced the applicant, and that, once the proceedings had commenced, “the respondents’ main concern was to delay the proceedings until after the conclusion of the criminal trial, not to hurry them on”.
On 1 July 1996 the Registrar directed that the defendants should serve their evidence in response to that of the Secretary of State by 29 November 1996.
On 18 November 1996 the applicant wrote to the Secretary of State offering to settle the case by giving an undertaking not to act as a company director in the future. The Secretary of State refused to settle the case on that basis, insisting instead on a “Carecraft” settlement. This procedure, named after the case of Re Carecraft Construction Co. Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 172, allows the parties to proceedings under the CDDA to submit to the court an agreement that a disqualification order should be made for a specified period on the basis of undisputed (but not necessarily agreed) facts.
On 9 December 1996 the Registrar ordered that if the defendants had not served their evidence by 17 January 1997, they would be debarred from adducing any evidence.
The defendants served their evidence on 17 January 1997. On 20 January 1997 the Registrar directed that the Secretary of State should serve his evidence in reply by 17 March 1997. On 14 April 1997 the Registrar granted the Secretary of State a time-extension for the serving of evidence in reply until 30 June 1997, and this evidence was in fact served on 10 July 1997. At a further directions hearing on 4 August 1997 the defendants were given permission to adduce additional evidence in rejoinder by 1 December 1997. The defendants failed to comply with this order and on 8 December 1997 they were granted an extension of time until 9 February 1998.
On 30 January 1998 the applicant asked the Secretary of State to reconsider the continuance of the disqualification proceedings against him. On 6 February 1998 the Secretary of State informed the applicant that he intended to continue. On 9 February 1998 there was a further directions hearing, when the applicant was ordered to serve further evidence by 9 March 1998.
On 17 February 1998 the applicant’s solicitors informed the Secretary of State’s solicitor that the applicant was willing to negotiate a “Carecraft” settlement. On 5 March 1998 the Secretary of State replied that he would accept a settlement based on a disqualification period of five years.
In the light of these negotiations, at a directions hearing on 23 March 1998, the time-limit for the applicant’s further evidence was extended indefinitely.
On 17 June 1998 the Secretary of State’s solicitor sent a draft “Carecraft” statement. On 30 July 1998 the parties met to discuss it, and a revised statement was prepared. On 4 October 1998 the applicant broke off the settlement negotiations
On 8 December 1998 the matter was set down for trial on 4 October 1999.
On 23 April 1999 the applicant’s solicitors again wrote to the Secretary of State asking him to discontinue the proceedings, on the ground that they had already exceeded the “reasonable time” provision in Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. On 30 June 1999 the Secretary of State informed the applicant that he had decided not to discontinue them.
Meanwhile, on 10 June 1999 the applicant contacted the Secretary of State to resume negotiations on the “Carecraft” settlement.
On 29 July 1999 there was a pre-trial review in the disqualification proceedings, at which the court gave detailed trial directions. The trial was set down to begin on 4 October 1999.
D. Judicial review
On 18 August 1999 the applicant applied for judicial review of the legality of the Secretary of State’s decision of 30 June 1999, not to discontinue the proceedings on grounds of delay.
On 13 September 1999 the applicant agreed that he would sign the “Carecraft” statement if he failed in the judicial review proceedings. The disqualification proceedings were adjourned.
On 15 September 1999 the application for leave to apply for judicial review was refused. On 27 January 2000, following an oral hearing, leave was again refused.
On 2 February 2000, the applicant renewed his judicial review application before the Court of Appeal. It was refused by the Court of Appeal on 15 March 2000, following an oral hearing. In the course of a considered judgment, Lord Justice Buxton described the application as “misconceived”, because the arguments on delay could, and should, have been made in the course of the disqualification proceedings and not in separate proceedings for judicial review. On 23 March 2000 Buxton LJ refused leave to appeal to the House of Lords.
The applicant appealed to the House of Lords, which granted leave on 11 July 2000. The House heard the applicant’s appeal on 18 October 2000, and on 2 November 2000 delivered judgment dismissing it on the grounds that the House had no jurisdiction to hear an appeal from the decision of the Court of Appeal refusing leave to apply for judicial review (R v. Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, ex parte Eastaway [2000] 1 WLR 2222).
On 6 November 2000 the Secretary of State wrote to the applicant indicating that he wished to fix a hearing at which the “Carecraft” order could be made.
E. Proceedings under the Human Rights Act
The Human Rights Act 1998 came into force on 2 October 2000, and on 10 November 2000 the applicant issued an application in the Companies Court to strike out or dismiss the disqualification proceedings on the ground of violation of the reasonable time provision in Article 6 § 1.
The application was heard by the Vice-Chancellor on 7 February 2001, and judgment was delivered dismissing it on 15 February 2001, because the Vice-Chancellor did not find a violation of Article 6 § 1 (Re Blackspur Group plc and Others; Secretary of State for Trade and Industry v. Eastaway and Others [2001] 1 BCLC 653). The Vice-Chancellor held, inter alia: “It is true that the events in question occurred over ten years ago. It is also true that eight and a half years have now elapsed since the proceedings were commenced. In those circumstances it is necessary to look critically at the events of the intervening period to determine whether more than a reasonable time has elapsed so as to constitute an infringement of Mr Eastaway’s Convention rights. In my view most of the time elapsed is to be attributed either to the requirements of justice down to the conclusion of the criminal proceedings in June 1994 or to the conduct of Mr Eastaway. Such conduct includes the attempt to strike out the proceedings concluded in May 1996; Mr Davies’ unsuccessful attempt, with which Mr Eastaway was associated, from October 1996 to November 1997 to have the proceedings stayed; the negotiations for a summary disposal under the Carecraft procedure from February to October 1998; the renewed attempts for that purpose between June and September 1999 and Mr Eastaway’s unsuccessful attempts between August 1999 and November 2000 to obtain a judicial review of the decision of the Secretary of State to continue. In the judgments of the Court of Appeal given in November 1997 in Re Blackspur Group [1998] 1 WLR 422, 427H and 433B it was recorded that Mr Davies did not suggest then that a fair trial was impossible. Mr Eastaway does not now suggest that the delay has been such that a fair trial is impossible. A very large proportion of the undoubtedly long time which has elapsed since these proceedings were commenced is due to the various actions taken by Mr Eastaway. Those actions were taken not to obtain but to avoid a fair and public hearing by an independent or impartial tribunal either within a reasonable time or at all. In my view there has been no breach of Mr Eastaway’s Convention rights under Article 6 and for the Secretary of State now to proceed with these proceedings would not be incompatible with them.”
The Vice-Chancellor refused leave to appeal, so the applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal, which also refused leave. The applicant renewed his application at an oral hearing on 6 April 2001, at which the Court of Appeal again refused leave to appeal, on the basis that there had been no violation of Article 6 § 1.
F. Further proceedings
On 8 March 2001 the applicant issued a further action for a declaration that the continuation of the disqualification proceedings would be contrary to Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The Secretary of State applied to have these proceedings struck out, on the grounds that they raised identical issues to the application dismissed by the Vice-Chancellor the previous month.
The applicant responded with three further applications. In the first, dated 9 April 2001, he sought to be released from his undertaking of 13 September 1999; in the second, on 18 April 2001, he sought a stay or dismissal of the proceedings on the grounds that the Secretary of State should now accept a far more limited undertaking from him in place of the agreed “Carecraft” statement; in the third application, issued 24 April 2001, he applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State’s refusal to accept his newly proffered undertakings.
On 23 May 2001 Patten J struck out the applicant’s new action and dismissed his further three applications. Patten J’s decision was upheld by the Court of Appeal on 13 September 2001.
Meanwhile, on 31 May 2001 the applicant signed an undertaking which provided for an agreed period of disqualification of four and a half years, commencing on 25 June 2001. The undertaking was accepted and the proceedings against the applicant were terminated on 4 June 2001. | train | {
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001-116121 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 1497/10) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Samuel Betteridge (“the applicant”), on 23 December 2009.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Chivers Solicitors, a firm of lawyers based in Bingley. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms A. Sornarajah, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that he did not have a speedy review of the lawfulness of his detention, in violation of Article 5 § 4 of the Convention, and that he had no effective remedy in respect of the violation of his rights as the domestic courts refused to grant a declaration and mandatory relief.
On 14 December 2010 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1954. At the time of the lodging of his application he was detained at HM Prison Whatton, Nottingham.
In 2005 the applicant was convicted of rape. He was originally sentenced to life imprisonment with a tariff (i.e. minimum term to be served before eligibility for release arose) of five years. Upon appeal, this was reduced to a sentence of imprisonment for public protection (“IPP” – see paragraphs 22-23 below), which is also an indeterminate sentence, with a tariff of three and a half years, less 98 days spent on remand.
A few months prior to tariff expiry, the Secretary of State referred the applicant’s case to the Parole Board, pursuant to section 239(2) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (see paragraph 27 below), to consider whether the applicant’s security category should be downgraded to allow him to go into open prison conditions. On 15 September 2008 the Parole Board notified the applicant of its decision in the following terms: “9. The panel, which included a psychologist and a psychiatrist among their number, noted the recommendations for open conditions made by report writers, but they also noted the identification of remaining areas of treatment need ... They feared that there had been an underestimate of risk ... and an insufficient attention to the sadistic elements of the offences in other assessments. They would therefore counsel against the formulaic approach in this case, which appears at least partly to be responsible for the conclusion that once RSOTP [a sexual offenders treatment programme] has been completed no further work is required and would recommend that further individual assessment should be undertaken, which takes account of their specified comments.
In reaching their conclusion the panel also noted from your answers (while making due allowance for oral hearing conditions and obvious intellectual limitations) that you appear to have no more than a superficial understanding of the reasons why you committed the index offences or of the risk management strategies, which will be necessary on release to manage the sexual attitudes and responses which you still but partially acknowledge.
... [The panel] therefore make no recommendation to the Secretary of State on the occasion of this review; that is because, balancing your interests in sentence progression against the interests of public safety, they were not satisfied that sufficient evidence exists that your risk of sexual and/or violent offending has yet reduced to a level such that that risk can be safely managed out of closed conditions.”
On 13 October 2008 the Secretary of State referred the applicant’s case to the Parole Board in anticipation of the expiry of his tariff under section 28 of the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997 (see paragraph 26 below).
The applicant’s tariff expired on 18 December 2008, by which time no Parole Board review had taken place.
On 20 February 2009 the Parole Board agreed to hold an oral hearing in the applicant’s case. As a result of the number of cases awaiting oral hearing, the earliest available hearing date was in May. However, in the event the Parole Board was unable to provide a panel for the hearing and it did not take place in May as planned. The hearing was eventually rescheduled for September 2009. The applicant challenged, by way of judicial review proceedings against the Parole Board, the delay in fixing a Parole Board hearing
In the context of the judicial review proceedings before the High Court, the Parole Board accepted that because of the inability to have the hearing in May and the delay until September, there had been a breach of Article 5 § 4 of the Convention in that the hearing had not taken place speedily. The Secretary of State, however, did not accept that there had been a breach, having regard in particular to the fact that the pre-tariff advisory opinion of the Parole Board had effectively made it clear there was no chance of release upon expiry of the tariff (see paragraph 7 above).
On 23 June 2009 the High Court handed down its judgment in the judicial review proceedings. The judge outlined the background to the applicant’s claim, as follows: “4. ... [W]hen the tariff comes to an end the prisoner in question has the right to a hearing before the Parole Board, and if the Parole Board directs his release then the Secretary of State must release him on licence. The Act does not require the Secretary of State to refer the case to the Board unless the prisoner applies for that to happen, but the reality is that the Secretary of State routinely does refer post-tariff lifers to the Parole Board. The reason behind that is that it is common ground that Article 5(4) of the European Convention on Human Rights requires there to be a speedy hearing an independent judicial body, and the Parole Board it is accepted is the equivalent for the purposes of the Convention, to determine whether the continued detention is lawful. In fact it is the practice of the Secretary of State, in cases where the tariff exceeds 3 years, to provide a dossier to notify the Parole Board 6 months before the end of the tariff. The purpose behind that being the obvious one, to enable the Board to put in train steps to ensure that there is a hearing as soon as reasonably possible after the tariff is served.
Unfortunately, on the facts of this case, for reasons which are not made clear and which are perhaps not material, the dossier was not lodged until 2 months before the tariff came to an end. That meant that it joined the queue of those cases which were in the Parole Board, and in which hearings had to be held, at a later stage than it otherwise would have done. This meant that the hearing was delayed further than otherwise it need have been.”
The judge then considered the terms of the Parole Board recommendation of September 2008 and considered that it followed “inevitably” from it that the panel, if asked, would not conceivably have directed the applicant’s release.
Referring to Lord Hope’s comments in Secretary of State for Justice v. James [2009] UKHL 22 as to the requirements of Article 5 § 4 (see paragraph 29 below), the judge continued: “22. ... The reality is that Article 5(4) requires a speedy hearing to determine the lawfulness of the detention. It may well be that in a given case the hearing will, and will inevitably, decide that the detention is lawful. That does not mean that the hearing itself can be deferred beyond a period that can be properly regarded as speedy ... ‘Speedy’ does not indicate a particular period, and I accept entirely that it is fact sensitive. What may be required in a particular case may not be required in another, depending upon the circumstances. But, one has to see in an individual case what has been the cause of the delay. In this case the cause has been the lack of man power in the Parole Board which has meant that it has been unable to provide the necessary panel, which in the case of a lifer and in deciding questions of possible release because it is said that the individual is no longer dangerous, has to be a panel headed by a judicial member. That is hardly surprising having regard to the importance of ensuring not only that those who should be released are released, but that those who should not be are not released ...”
The judge observed that the delay problem was being addressed in that steps were being taken to seek further manpower to enable the Parole Board to meet its obligations under Article 5 § 4. He continued: “23. ... It will take time for the position to be improved: that is inevitable. And it may well be that it could be said that steps ought perhaps to have been taken at an earlier stage ... Nevertheless, that is historical, and as I say there is now a recognition, and I should record that both the Secretary of State and the Parole Board are working together, aware of the problems, and steps are being taken. It is not for me to dictate what steps should be taken. All I can do is to observe that the system clearly, as it existed historically, gave rise to the difficulties which this case illustrates, namely that it was all too possible that hearings were not able to be carried out speedily and so in compliance with Article 5(4) ...
He concluded that the September 2008 advisory opinion in the applicant’s case could not address the question whether the post-tariff detention was lawful. However, it did mean that any breach would not require payment of damages, because it was plain that in any case the Parole Board would not have ordered the applicant’s release. As to the appropriate remedy, the judge explained that what was being said by the applicant was that his Article 5 § 4 rights had been breached and that he was entitled to a declaration at least that that was the case. Although the applicant had originally sought a mandatory order requiring that his case be heard in September, that remedy was no longer pursued. The judge agreed with the decision not to pursue the claim for such an order, observing that it would be inappropriate for an individual, seeking judicial review, to “jump the queue” at the expense of those who did not seek judicial review. As to the applicant’s submission that an order for a Parole Board hearing should be made for, if not September, then at least the next available date, the judge was not prepared, for the reasons already indicated, to make any mandatory order. He continued: “28. I am satisfied, as I have said, that the Parole Board was correct to accept that there is here, a breach of Article 5(4), because, and only because, in the circumstances of this case the reason why it was not heard at an earlier date was because of the lack of necessary manpower having regard to the pressures upon the Board. But, I am equally satisfied that there is no conceivable claim for damages which will follow, because the inevitable result of a hearing which complied with Article 5(4) would have been that the claimant was not entitled to release. The very best he could have hoped for was a decision that he ought to be placed in open conditions with a view to possible release at the next review hearing, provided of course he satisfied whatever conditions were considered to be necessary.”
At the hearing, the applicant’s legal representative accepted that it was “not of the greatest importance” whether a declaration was granted or not, because the terms of the judgment could show what the situation was, and the judge accepted that view. He decided: “29. ... In all the circumstances I do not think that it is necessary for me to make any formal declaration in the circumstances of this case. I have already recorded that there was a breach, but it is a breach that will not provide, for this particular claimant, any great advantage. It does make the point, and it is a point that needs to be made, that there is an independent requirement under 5(4) for a speedy period. However, there is no question but that steps are now being taken by the Board in conjunction with the Ministry to ensure that the breaches that have occurred, and certainly were capable of occurring, will no longer occur.”
Finally, as to future cases, the judge noted: “30. It is obvious that the measures put in place to alleviate the problem will not have immediate effect. The evidence before me, from a number of solicitors who have experience in dealing with these cases, makes it clear that the delays continue and the backlog has not improved, and indeed that latter point is made clear by evidence produced by the Secretary of State and by the Parole Board. But, as I say, one has to recognise that the changes can not be expected to take place overnight. I do not doubt that the authorities will now appreciate the need to get on top of this problem and to ensure that the hearings that are required are provided, and that the requirements of Article 5(4) are met. While, as I say, in the circumstances of this case, it does not particularly avail the claimant because he will not have achieved release, there may well be cases where that is not the case, and I am glad to see that one of the measures put in place is a more flexible approach by the Board to consideration of cases which do need priority. Obviously, if it has been made clear, perhaps in a pre-tariff hearing, that a particular prisoner, once he has served his tariff, is a real candidate for immediate release, then the sooner that particular individual has a hearing the better.
In the light of what is being done, it is not now appropriate for any prisoner to take proceedings against the Parole Board alleging breaches of Article 5(4) unless there are very special circumstances, something has gone badly wrong despite the new arrangements in that prisoner’s particular case. It will not be helpful, either to the prisoner or to the court, if claims are brought which in reality, because of the existing situation, are not likely to achieve any sensible redress and merely add to costs. Of course, one has sympathy with those who may stay in prison longer than they perhaps, on one view, ought to. That is a thoroughly unsatisfactory state of affairs. But, equally, the court cannot do the impossible. We cannot make orders which are only going to create difficulties for others and are not in any way desirable, because, as I have already said, it is not helpful that prisoner A gets relief which may advance him in the queue but which inevitably means that prisoner B has a longer wait. As I repeat, absent special circumstances, claims of this nature should now be discouraged. But, this has at least brought home to the court, and enabled the court to make the point, that the situation that existed was unsatisfactory, potentially contrary to law, and the court welcomes the steps that are clearly being taken now to ensure that that situation does not continue.”
The applicant was advised by his counsel that no appeal would be successful as the Court of Appeal would be bound to conclude that it could not prioritise any individual case when the evidence demonstrated that there was a systemic lack of resources.
The Parole Board review in the applicant’s case did not take place in September 2009.
A Parole Board review subsequently took place on 13 January 2010. The Parole Board recommended that the applicant be moved to open conditions. The Secretary of State accepted the recommendation. | train | {
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001-68077 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 56529/00) against the Kingdom of Sweden lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Swedish national, Mr Eie Enhorn (“the applicant”), on 3 April 2000.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mrs E. Hagstrom, a lawyer practising in Stockholm. The Swedish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs E. Jagander, of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged that he had been deprived of his liberty in breach of Article 5 of the Convention.
The application was initially allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court).
By a decision of 10 December 2002, the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The Government, but not the applicant, filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
The applicant was born in 1947 and is homosexual. In 1994 it was discovered that he was infected with the HIV virus and that he had transmitted the virus to a 19-year-old man with whom he had first had sexual contact in 1990.
In this context, on 1 September 1994 a county medical officer (smittskyddsläkaren) issued the following instructions to the applicant pursuant to the 1988 Infectious Diseases Act (smittskyddslagen – “the 1988 Act”). “[The applicant] is not allowed to have sexual intercourse without first informing his partner about his HIV infection. He is required to use a condom. He is to abstain from consuming such an amount of alcohol that his judgment would thereby be impaired and others put at risk of being infected with HIV. If the applicant is to have a physical examination, an operation, a vaccination or a blood test or is bleeding for any reason, he must tell the relevant medical staff about his infection. He must also tell his dentist [about it]. Moreover, the applicant is prohibited from giving blood and donating organs or sperm. Finally, he is to visit his consulting physician again and to keep appointments fixed by the county medical officer.” It appears to be in dispute whether the instructions were included in the applicant's medical record as prescribed by section 16 of the 1988 Act. It is not in dispute, however, that the applicant was informed of the instructions, which were issued to him on 1 September 1994, both orally and in writing.
The applicant kept three appointments with the county medical officer in September 1994 and one in November 1994. He also received two home visits by the county medical officer. He failed to appear as summoned five times during October and November 1994.
On 2 February 1995 the county medical officer petitioned the County Administrative Court (länsrätten) for a court order that the applicant be kept in compulsory isolation in a hospital for up to three months pursuant to section 38 of the 1988 Act. The court's record of the applicant's statement reads, inter alia, as follows: “After learning about his HIV infection he had hardly had any sexual relationships. Henceforward he would only have sexual relations with other HIV infected persons. The applicant did not wish to visit the county medical officer or a psychiatrist, but finding his communication with his consulting physician satisfactory he intended to pay the latter monthly visits.” The county medical officer stated, among other things: “[The applicant] may not be sexually active at present, but experience has shown that when the opportunity arises he is likely to have sexual relations, preferably with younger men and without thinking of the consequences. [The applicant] refuses to face his situation, does not want to change his conduct and distorts reality in such a way that he is never to blame for anything. In order for [the applicant's] behaviour to change it is necessary for him to consult a psychiatrist. Having regard to his [resistance thereto], the risk of him spreading the disease is obvious.”
A statement of 16 February 1995 was submitted to the County Administrative Court by a deputy chief physician and specialist in psychiatry, S.A., who had met the applicant twice in a psychiatric ward at an infection clinic. He found, inter alia: “Having learnt that he was HIV-positive, the applicant reacted with a high level of anxiety, which he attempted to alleviate with alcohol. He has maintained that he drinks three strong beers at night in order to be able to sleep. He has had periods of extensive [alcohol] abuse as a consequence of learning that he was infected with HIV but also when he lost his job. [The applicant's] lack of social contact and his feeling of being an outsider, in combination with possible alcohol abuse, could increase the risk of destructive sexual relations.”
In a judgment of 16 February 1995, finding that the applicant had failed to comply with the measures prescribed by the county medical officer, aimed at preventing him from spreading the HIV infection, the County Administrative Court ordered that the applicant should be kept in compulsory isolation for up to three months pursuant to section 38 of the 1988 Act. The order took effect immediately, but the applicant failed to report to the hospital; the police accordingly took him there on 16 March 1995.
It appears that the order and others subsequently issued by the County Administrative Court were upheld on appeal by the Administrative Court of Appeal (kammarrätten), so that the applicant's compulsory confinement was repeatedly prolonged by periods of six months at a time.
While being isolated the applicant had the opportunity to go outdoors every day together with members of the hospital staff, but not on his own. Also, he was able to accompany staff members on different activities outside the hospital grounds. The applicant absconded from the hospital several times, first on 25 April 1995. The police, whom he had contacted voluntarily, returned him to the hospital on 11 June 1995. On 27 September 1995 he ran away again and was at large until the police found him on 28 May 1996. The applicant absconded for a third time on 6 November 1996 but returned of his own accord on 16 November 1996. He ran away for the fourth time on 26 February 1997 and was not returned until 26 February 1999. During the period from 26 February until 2 March 1999 the applicant was detained in his room.
On 14 April 1999 the county medical officer petitioned the County Administrative Court anew for an extension of the applicant's compulsory isolation. According to the record of a hearing held in camera on 20 April 1999, the applicant explained, among other things, the following: “... before 1994 he had had ten to twelve sexual relations per year. His partners were partly old acquaintances, partly new ones, whom he met in parks and so on. The boy, who was 15 years old when they met, took the initiative both emotionally and sexually. Today [the applicant] realises that he infected the boy, which he finds very regrettable. A relative with psychiatric problems, with whom [the applicant] had had a longer sexual relationship, was likewise the initiator. While he was on the run from [26 February] 1997 until [26 February] 1999, he had had no sexual relations. He had taken precautions against spreading the disease and, having had to visit physicians twice during his period at large, on both occasions he had informed them about his HIV infection. Mostly he had kept to himself. From October 1997 until June 1998 and from August 1998 until February 1999, he had lived at a farm hostel and, during the periods in between, when the hostel was full, he had camped. He had spent his time shopping, cooking, watching TV, spending money on lottery games and drinking beer. He had drunk approximately six strong beers a week and never got drunk. He dreamt of living on his own in a flat, supporting himself on sickness benefit. He had lost all sexual desire and would in future have to decline all sexual relations. If he were to be exempted from compulsory isolation he would follow the instructions issued by the county medical officer.”
The owner of the farm hostel gave evidence on the applicant's behalf. The record of his statement reads, inter alia, as follows: “[The applicant], under a pseudonym, had stayed at his farm hostel from October 1997 until June 1998 and from August 1998 until January 1999. [The owner] had talked briefly with him almost every day during those periods. [The applicant] had not bothered anybody and had not formed any personal relationships. He used to go shopping once a day, usually for beer, and [the witness] would estimate that he had drunk between four and six cans of beer every day ... [The applicant] had gone to Stockholm or Norrköping on a few occasions in order to deal with money matters ... However, in Norrköping he had primarily gone to the liquor store ... [The witness] could hardly imagine that [the applicant] had had any sexual relations while living at the hostel ...”
Also on the applicant's behalf, an opinion was submitted by a chief physician, P.H., on 16 April 1999 regarding the applicant's alcohol consumption. Having examined various laboratory tests performed since 31 July 1995 in order to check the applicant's liver, he found no divergent results. The most recent laboratory test, carried out on 18 March 1999, indicated that the applicant had a healthy liver. It was noted that subsequent to his return the applicant had been in contact with a chief physician and specialist in psychiatry, C.G., who was not connected to the hospital.
A statement was submitted to the court by a consulting psychiatric chief physician, P.N., connected to the special care facility at the hospital to which the applicant had been admitted. After the applicant's involuntary return, P.N. had attempted to establish contact with him three times, but in vain. He claimed that on the latest occasion, in March 1999, the applicant had made a lunge at him. In P.N.'s view, the applicant had not made any positive progress since 10 October 1996, the date of P.N.'s most recent official opinion regarding the applicant's condition, in which he had, inter alia, made the following assessment: “The applicant suffers from a paranoid personality disorder and from alcohol abuse. He is considered to be completely devoid of any sense of being ill and also lacks awareness. The combination of a sexual leaning towards younger men and a possible alcohol-related neuro-psychological functional impairment with, from time to time, a probably paranoid personality disorder, close to psychosis, and previous dangerous behaviour from the infection-spreading viewpoint, is deemed unfavourable. The chances of eliminating or limiting the continuous risk of the infection being spread by means of a prolonged placement in isolation in accordance with the Act are deemed – all facts considered – to have not yet completely vanished.”
Also submitted was a statement of 8 April 1999 by B.S., a psychologist at the special care facility at the hospital who had met the applicant once. B.S. found that the applicant was intellectually above average and that he appeared immature and fragile and showed signs of being suspicious and distrustful.
The statement of the county medical officer, who gave evidence before the court, is recorded, inter alia, as follows: “During the last two years when he was on the run, [the applicant] sought medical treatment twice and it has been established that both times he said that he had the HIV virus [as opposed to the period when he absconded between September 1995 and May 1996, during which he failed three times to inform medical staff about his condition]. Moreover, [the applicant] has [finally] accepted that he infected the young man with whom he had a long-lasting relationship from the beginning of the 1990s, thus admitting that it was not the other way around. Also, he has agreed to sign a treatment plan and to consult two physicians of his own choice ... These circumstances suggest the beginning of an improvement in [the applicant's] attitude towards treatment. Nevertheless, it has not been established that [the applicant] has materially changed his attitude regarding the risk that he may spread the disease. He continues to show himself unable to accept the aid and support measures he is entitled to receive; he has refused to consult the psychiatrist P.N. and the psychologist B.S. Moreover, having been in touch with the physicians whom [the applicant] has [recently] contacted voluntarily [P.H. and C.G.], the county medical officer considers that these consultations were partly economically motivated [on account of the fact that the applicant needed medical certificates in order to continue to receive sickness benefit], partly motivated by his wish to be declared mentally healthy, but [not motivated] by any willingness to commence treatment. During [the applicant's] contact with the doctors in question, they did not discuss the risk of spreading the disease at all. A treatment plan was not formally signed [by the applicant]. In conclusion, in the county medical officer's opinion, [if released the applicant] will not voluntarily comply with the instructions given or limit the spreading of the disease.” As regards the laboratory tests concerning the applicant's liver, the county medical officer found these to be of doubtful value, since they had been performed in connection with the compulsory isolation of the applicant at the hospital, but never in connection with a period of intoxication.
On 23 April 1999 the County Administrative Court delivered its judgment, finding against the applicant for the following reasons: “[The applicant] is HIV-positive and thus carries the HIV infection. He has been subjected to compulsory isolation since February 1995 and has during this period absconded from the hospital on several occasions – on the latest occasion for more than two years. During these two years he did not have any contact with the county medical officer or the consulting physician. Periodically he has used a false name and has been living a very secluded life, obviously owing to the risk of being discovered. A life at liberty makes great demands upon the person carrying the infection. During the time preceding his compulsory isolation, [the applicant] was not able to follow the practical instructions issued. Subsequently, he has consistently declined the help offered by the consulting physician and the psychiatrist at the special care facility at the hospital and has instead responded with aversion and mistrust – and by escaping. [The Court] finds that it has been difficult for [the applicant] to accept the information regarding the HIV infection and that he needs help in dealing with this critical situation. It appears from the evidence that [the applicant] still shows aversion to the treatment offered and that he is considered likely to abscond. [The Court] has not been convinced that [the applicant] is not misusing alcohol and finds that, especially in connection with alcohol consumption, [the applicant] is likely to be unable to control his sexual behaviour. Against this background, [the Court] finds that there is good reason to suppose that, if he remains free, [the applicant] will not comply with the practical instructions issued and that this entails a risk of the infection spreading.”
On 12 June 1999 the applicant again absconded, leaving his whereabouts unknown. In the meantime, he had appealed against the above judgment to the Administrative Court of Appeal, before which he relied on an opinion of 14 May 1999 by the aforementioned chief physician and specialist in psychiatry, C.G., which stated, inter alia, the following: “The opinions [by other psychiatrists and one psychologist] resulting from previous examinations were fairly unanimous in their conclusion that [the applicant] was a man with a paranoid personality disorder, who misused alcohol. 'Misuse' in psychiatric terms is defined as a maladaptive use of substances ... This diagnosis is to be distinguished from alcohol dependency, which means a compulsive use of alcohol with abstinence and social complications, and is more difficult to master. The diagnosis 'paranoid personality disorder' is defined as a pervading suspiciousness and lack of trust in other people, whose motives are consistently perceived as malicious. It follows from the definition of 'paranoid personality disorder' itself that this is manifest in the patient's personality from the time he or she becomes an adult. Owing to the fact that the person in question perceives the disorder as part of his or her own self, the motivation for change is usually insufficient. It is not correct to talk in terms of lack of awareness of a disease, since it is not considered that a disease is involved but rather a variation in personality, although the latter may well cause complications in relations with other individuals and society. When such complications occur, an individual with a personality disorder may display different symptoms such as depression, anxiety, etc. In [my] interview with [the applicant], the latter was fairly open and talkative. When he talked about experiences from his time at school, he displayed different emotions. He also showed empathy as far as other people from those years were concerned. He was also partly able to shoulder responsibility for his own mistakes, without blaming others. However, he was very rigid in his interpretation of what had occurred in his adult life and particularly the events of recent years after he had been informed that he had the HIV virus in September 1994. His attitude towards the county medical officer and the staff at the infection ward, whom he believed had kept harassing him unjustly, was almost hateful. [The applicant] felt that he had been subjected to persecution between 1994 and 1995. This could possibly be interpreted as a symptom of delusion. From 1996, he had not experienced feelings of persecution, inter alia since he had secured his own liberty. With regard to sexual relations, [the applicant] has stated that he preferred sexual contact with boys around the age of 17. He was not interested in pre-pubescent boys. He had been celibate since 1996 and had no longer any particular sexual desires or fantasies. He was fully aware that he was carrying the HIV virus and was careful to stress that he was not afraid to die. His attitude towards medication against the HIV infection was negative. The reasons for this were that such medication could have side effects and perhaps, above all, because it would entail limitations on his freedom since he would be subjected to various check-ups. [The applicant] spontaneously expressed a wish to have further talks on a voluntary basis. When asked whether such talks could be part of a treatment plan in cooperation with the county medical officer and the staff at the infection ward, he answered 'no', the reason being that he would feel ashamed of himself if he were to give up this fight.” In conclusion, C.G., found that the applicant fulfilled the criteria for a paranoid personality disorder, and that, judging from previous information, the applicant suffered from misuse of alcohol but not from alcohol dependency. According to C.G. the applicant could be described in everyday terms as an odd person, but not as mentally ill. With regard to the risk that the applicant might pass on the HIV infection to other persons, C.G. believed that neither he nor anyone else could do anything but guess. The weightiest indications in this regard, however, ought to be deduced from the applicant's behaviour during the years he had spent at large.
In a judgment of 18 June 1999, the Administrative Court of Appeal found against the applicant. Leave to appeal against the judgment was refused by the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten) on 5 October 1999.
Several applications for an extension of the applicant's compulsory isolation were submitted by the county medical officer after June 1999 and granted, until on 12 December 2001 an application was turned down by the County Administrative Court, which referred to the fact that the applicant's whereabouts were unknown and that therefore no information was available regarding his behaviour, state of health and so on.
It appears that since 2002 the applicant's whereabouts have been known, but that the competent county medical officer has made the assessment that there are no grounds for the applicant's further involuntary placement in isolation. | train | {
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001-59075 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 29544/95) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Helmut Entleitner (“the applicant”), on 27 September 1995.
The applicant was represented by Mr Erich Prokskch, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Franz Cede, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention that, in proceedings concerning a share of an agricultural association, the agricultural authorities lacked independence and impartiality and that he did not have any public hearing.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted in accordance with Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 12 October 1999 the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The applicant is a farmer living in Piesendorf, Salzburg.
On 12 June 1991 the applicant applied to the Salzburg District Agricultural Authority (Agrarbezirksbehörde, the “District Authority“) for declarations (1) that the share in an agricultural association (Agrargemeinschaft) represented by a certain parcel of land (“the share“) belonged to him, and (2) that grazing rights in that parcel (“the grazing rights“) also belonged to him. On 24 June 1991 the District Authority found that the applicant had not made out his claims, and it declared that the share and the grazing rights belonged to a third person. The applicant appealed to the Regional Land Reform Board (Landesagrarsenat, the “Regional Board“).
The Regional Board dismissed the applicant's appeal on 8 May 1992. After an oral hearing, it found, so far as relevant, that the share had passed with a transfer of the land to a third party in 1949 (as rectified in 1952). The question of the grazing rights had to be determined by reference to the ownership of the land on 29 April 1868, as that was the last time they were officially mentioned. In the absence of any express alienation of the grazing rights since then, the grazing rights passed with the land - that is, the applicant did not own them.
The Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) declined to deal with the applicant's constitutional complaint on 14 October 1992. It remitted the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof).
On 14 March 1995 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint rejecting at the same time, in accordance with section 39(2) no. 6 of the Administrative Court Act (Verwaltungsgerichtshofgesetz), the applicant’s request for an oral hearing. The judgment was served on the applicant’s representative on 31 March 1995. | train | {
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001-105129 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 38058/09) against the Kingdom of Denmark lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Somali national, Mrs Sahro Osman (“the applicant”), on 19 July 2009.
The applicant was represented by the Aire Centre, an NGO situated in London. The Danish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Thomas Winkler, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their Co-Agent, Mrs Nina Holst-Christensen, from the Ministry of Justice.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that the Danish authorities’ refusal to reinstate her residence permit in Denmark was in breach of Articles 3 and 8 of the Convention.
On 25 November 2009 the acting President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
On 1 February 2011 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1 of the Rules of Court) and the above application was assigned to the newly composed First Section.
The applicant was born in Somalia on 1 November 1987 as the youngest of five siblings. Currently she lives in Esbjerg.
From 1991 to 1995 the applicant lived with her family in Kenya.
In April 1994 the applicant’s father and a sister were granted asylum in Denmark.
Having been granted a residence permit in November 1994, on 11 February 1995 the applicant, who at the relevant time was seven years old, her mother and three siblings joined them. A few years later, the applicant’s parents divorced. The parents maintained joint custody of the applicant, who lived with her mother. From 1995 until August 2002, the applicant attended various schools, some of which expelled her due to disciplinary problems.
The applicant also had difficulties with her parents, who disapproved of certain aspects of her behaviour. Consequently, in May 2003, when the applicant was fifteen years old, her father decided to take her to Kenya to take care of her paternal grandmother, who was living at the Hagadera refugee camp in north‑eastern Kenya. It appears that the applicant’s mother did not want her to go but reluctantly agreed on the understanding that it would be a short trip. It also appears that the applicant believed that she was going on a short trip to visit her grandmother.
When the applicant’s father returned to Denmark, he was summoned for an interview with the Immigration Service on 10 November 2003 because the latter had been informed that he, who had been recognised as a refugee, had visited his country of origin. On 17 December 2003 the Immigration Service (Udlændingeservice) took the stand that the applicant’s father’s residence permit had not lapsed. In that connection, the applicant’s father was advised on the regulation regarding lapse of residence permits.
On 9 August 2005, three months before the applicant turned eighteen years old, she contacted the Danish Embassy in Nairobi with a view to returning to live with her mother and siblings in Denmark. Her father had joined her in Nairobi to help her submit the application for family reunification. He also remarried in Nairobi at the relevant time. An interview was conducted with the help of an English/Somali interpreter although it was stated that the applicant spoke Danish. The applicant explained that she had taken care of her grandmother, who had fallen seriously ill, until some of the grandmother’s children had arrived from Somalia to take over the care of their mother.
In a letter of 24 November 2005 to the Immigration Service the applicant’s mother stated, inter alia, that at the relevant time it had been decided temporarily to send the applicant to Kenya where the family had a network so that she could attend school and that the applicant had been living with her father’s friends.
On 21 December 2006 the Immigration Service found that the applicant’s residence permit had lapsed pursuant to section 17 of the Aliens Act because she had been absent from Denmark for more than twelve consecutive months; because she had not contacted the Immigration Service until August 2005; and because there was no information indicating that she could not have contacted the authorities in due time. They also considered that the applicant was not entitled to a new residence permit under section 9, subsection 1 (ii), of the Aliens Act, in force at the relevant time, since the applicant was 17 years old and the said provision only extended a right to family reunification to children below the age of 15. Finally, it found that no special circumstances existed to grant her a residence permit under section 9 c, subsection 1, of the Aliens Act. It noted in that connection that the applicant had not seen her mother for four years; that it had been the latter’s voluntary decision to send the applicant to Kenya; that she could still enjoy family life with her mother to the same extent as before; that she had stayed with the grandmother; and that except for the grandmother’s age, there was no information that the applicant could not continue to live with her or the grandmother’s children.
On 11 April 2007 the applicant appealed against the decision and maintained that it had not been her decision to leave the country; that from the refugee camp where she lived with her grandmother she was not able herself to go to Nairobi; and that during her stay outside Denmark she had not stayed in her country of origin.
According to the applicant, in June 2007 she re-entered Denmark clandestinely to live with her mother. It is disputed whether the Danish authorities were aware of this.
On 13 July 2007 the Immigration Service received a questionnaire from the applicant dated 12 July 2007 used for requests for exemption from the authorities revoking a residence permit despite a stay outside Denmark for a certain period. It was partly filled out and stated, inter alia, that it had been the applicant’s parents’ decision that she should leave Denmark at the relevant time; that the applicant spoke Danish, but could not read or write the language; that she spoke the language of the country in which she was currently residing, but that she could not read or write that language either; and that she was very afraid and could not reside in her country of origin as there was unrest. The applicant did not specify that she had actually returned to Denmark, but her signature was dated as set out above in Esbjerg, Denmark. It was also stated that her sister had assisted her in answering the questionnaire.
On 1 October 2007 the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs (Ministeriet for flygtninge, indvandrere og integration) upheld the decision by the Migration Service of 21 December 2006. It stated among other things: “... The Ministry emphasises that there is no information available of any circumstances that would lead to [the applicant’s] residence permit being deemed not to have lapsed ... [the applicant’s] parents did not apply for retention of [her] residence permit before she left, and neither she nor her parents contacted the immigration authorities during her stay abroad, and it has not been substantiated that illness or other unforeseen events prevented such contact. Thus, the Ministry finds that the illness of [the applicant’s] grandmother did not prevent [the applicant] or her parents from contacting the immigration authorities. Although the distance from Hagadera to Nairobi is significant [485 km] and it can be assumed that [the applicant] did not have the means to travel to Nairobi, the Ministry finds that these circumstances did not prevent [the applicant’s] parents from contacting the immigration authorities before [the applicant’s] departure, which was planned. The fact that [the applicant] stayed in Kenya and not in Somalia does not change the fact that [she] has resided abroad for more than twelve consecutive months. It is stated for the record that it was not [the applicant’s] decision to leave Denmark and stay away so long. The ministry finds that this will not lead to a different outcome of the case as [the applicant’s] parents had custody over her at the time of her departure ... they could thus lawfully make decisions about [her] personal circumstances...”
Upon request from the applicant, who was represented by counsel, on 11 December 2007 the Immigration Service brought the case concerning section 17 and section 9, subsection 1 (ii), of the Aliens Act before the City Court of Copenhagen (Københavns Byret), before which the case was decided on the documents submitted, without any parties being summoned. On 25 April 2008 it found against the applicant. It added that section 9, subsection 1 (ii), of the Aliens Act had been amended, limiting the right to family re-unification to children under 15 years instead of under 18 years in order to discourage the practice of some parents of sending their children on “re-upbringing trips” for extended periods of time to be “re-educated” in a manner their parents consider more consistent with their ethnic origins. It was preferable in the legislator’s view for foreign minors living in Denmark to arrive as early as possible and spend as many of their formative years as possible in Denmark. It found that such decision did not contravene Article 8 of the Convention as invoked by the applicant.
The decision was appealed against to the High Court of Eastern Denmark (Østre Landsret), henceforth the High Court, before which the applicant’s representative in his written submissions stated that the applicant remained in Kenya. On 30 October 2008 the High Court upheld the City Court’s decision. By way of introduction, it stated that according to section 52 of the Aliens Act, it could not review a final administrative decision of refusal of a residence permit under section 9c, subsection 1, of the Aliens Act. As to section 9, subsection 1 (ii) it confirmed that the applicant failed to fulfil the conditions. It took into account that the applicant’s parents had sent her voluntarily to Kenya to live with family for an indefinite period; that the applicant was seventeen years and nine months old, when in August 2005 she applied to re-enter Denmark; that her father visited her during her stay in Kenya; and that her mother would also be able to visit the applicant in Kenya to enjoy family life there.
Leave to appeal to the Supreme Court (Højesteret) was refused on 19 January 2008.
By letter of 27 January 2010 the Ministry of Refugee, Immigration and Integration Affairs advised the applicant of her duty to leave Denmark pursuant to section 30 of the Alien’s Act and the possibility of submitting an application for asylum under section 7 of the Aliens Act. The applicant was also advised that an application should be submitted in person to the Immigration Service or the police.
So far the applicant has not applied for asylum. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Sahro Osman |
001-59565 | [
The case originated in an application (no. 33394/96) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a United Kingdom national, Ms Adele Ursula Price (“the applicant”), on 23 July 1996.
The applicant, who was granted legal aid, was represented before the Court by Mr P. Bloom, a lawyer practising in Spilsby, Lincolnshire. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms H. Fieldsend, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that her committal to prison and her treatment in detention violated Article 3 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). It was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 12 September 2000 the Chamber declared the application admissible [Note by the Registry. The Court's decision is obtainable from the Registry].
The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other's observations.
The applicant is four-limb deficient as a result of phocomelia due to thalidomide. She also suffers from problems with her kidneys. On 20 January 1995, in the course of civil proceedings in Lincoln County Court for recovery of a judgment debt, she refused to answer questions put to her concerning her financial position and was committed to prison for seven days for contempt of court. In the applicant's recollection, the judge ordered that she should be taken directly to Wakefield Prison. Before leaving the court the applicant asked a court officer if she could take the battery charger for her wheelchair with her. She alleges that the officer told her that this would be considered a luxury item and that she would not, therefore, be able to bring it.
Because the applicant's case had been heard during the afternoon of 20 January 1995, it was not possible to take her to prison until the next day and she spent that night in a cell in Lincoln Police Station. This cell, which contained a wooden bed and a mattress, was not specially adapted for a disabled person. The applicant alleges that she was forced to sleep in her wheelchair since the bed was hard and would have caused pain in her hips, that the emergency buttons and light switches were out of her reach, and that she was unable to use the toilet since it was higher than her wheelchair and therefore inaccessible.
The custody record states that on arrival, at 7.20 p.m., the applicant informed the custody officer that she suffered from kidney trouble and a recurring ear infection but that she did not require any medication or to see a doctor at that time. At 7.50 p.m. she declined a meal and a hot drink. At 8.50 p.m. the applicant said she was cold so the officer wrapped her in two blankets. When she was checked on again at 9.15 p.m. the applicant was still complaining of being cold. At 9.35 p.m., since she was still cold and had a headache caused by the cold, another blanket was wrapped around her. She was offered a hot drink which she refused. The applicant was asleep at 10 p.m., but by 10.50 p.m. she was awake again, complaining about the cold, and again refused a hot drink. At 11.15 p.m. she asked to see a doctor, who arrived at 11.50 p.m. The doctor's note of his examination of the applicant at 12.35 a.m. states: “Patient complained of feeling cold, headache and queasy (no food since admission – offered but refused). Talking quite sensibly, not obviously hypothermia, seated in wheelchair. Tells me unable to lie flat and sleeps on sofa, sitting up, at home. On Erythromycin for ear infection. On examination ears NAD Nystigmus J36. Unfortunately the facilities available in the cells for this type of disabled person (sic). Really requires a room temp in the high 70's as not moving/not able to move around. Insulated with 'space blanket' and extra blankets. Offered/given Paracetamol and [bn] stemetil as no co-proxamol available.”
According to the custody record, the applicant slept until 7 a.m., when she was moved to another cell and offered food and drink, which she refused. At 8.30 a.m. she was taken to New Hall Women's Prison, Wakefield, where she was detained until the afternoon of 23 January 1995.
The applicant was not placed in a normal cell in New Hall, but was instead detained in the prison's health care centre. Her cell had a wider door for wheelchair access, handles for the disabled in the toilet recess and a hydraulic hospital bed. On arrival at the prison the applicant completed a medical questionnaire. She stated that she had health worries but that they were “under control – takes it as it comes”. Staff Nurse Broadhead, who countersigned the questionnaire, wrote: “Admitted into hospital mainly for mobility problems. Inmate has thalidomide and uses an electric wheelchair which would be difficult to use in the main prison due to steps e.g. to dining room. Has not brought chair charger with her as she says police wouldn't let her. She suffers from urological problems and has intermittent renal failure ... Is able to feed herself if food is cut up, is able to use cup. Manages on and off the toilet to P.U. [pass urine] but will need assistance with B.O. [opening bowels] in order to clean herself. Usually sleeps on a couch at home and her dog helps her up during the night. Will need assistance here during the night to get off bed to use the toilet. Will try to use the hospital bed with backrest out. Contacted Dr Rhodes re help for night nurse. Memo done to Night Orderly Officer and Security re assistance at night and need to unlock ... She is allergic to many antibiotics ... Needs frequent changes of clothes due to urinary problems. Has settled into unit and eaten dinner. PS: Cannot be lifted in normal fashion as she has a persistently dislocated shoulder due to an old injury.”
The applicant was examined by Dr Kidd, whose notes stated: “New reception. Thalidomide victim with numerous deformities including absent arms upper/lower with dislocating L shoulder and no use in R upper limb. Both lower limbs are absent with small feet. Bladder – is unable to empty completely and gets frequent retentions (when she needs catheterisation) and infection ... Bowels – ... unable to manually clean herself. At home she is relatively independent tho' has numerous services including electric wheelchair – which may need recharging over W/E [weekend]. In hospital has difficulty with bed – too high sink – unable to reach mobility – battery running down fluid intake – likes to take juice and there is none diet – vegetarian general hygiene – needs help ... Needs: fluid intake batteries recharged adequate temperature ...”
A “continuous medical record” on the applicant was kept during her detention. The first entry, dated 21 January 1995, stated: “I asked duty Governor, Mr Ellis, to give permission for a battery charger for Adele's wheelchair to be brought in if we could arrange it. He agreed to this and whilst here we pointed out the numerous problems staff may encounter with this inmate i.e. (1) Needs lifting in and out of bed and she says this is usually done by one person standing behind her with arms around her midriff then lifting her either onto the bed or onto her wheelchair. (2) She has, at home, a device worked by compression that gets her in and out of the bath. If she doesn't have a daily bath she risks developing sores, especially where her foot lies across her 'leg'. (3) Because of recurrent urinary infections she should take two litres of fluid daily but usually has juice and doesn't like water, therefore will probably reduce her fluid intake. After some consideration Mr Ellis decided that if we could find Adele a suitable place in outside hospital he would licence her to go, but we do not have any medical condition to admit her to hospital with. Dr Kidd will review Adele tomorrow, as he thinks there is a likelihood she will develop a UTI [urinary tract infection].”
The nurses who cared for the applicant during her detention kept a contemporaneous record, which stated for the night of 21 January 1995: “Impossible to toilet during the night. Have been into Adele's cell twice. Took over 1/2 hour to toilet her then could not get her back on the bed. Given analgesia and she is getting a great deal of pain through lying on a solid mattress. Very difficult to care for her with one nurse.”
The applicant alleged that on the evening of 21 January 1995 she was lifted onto the toilet by a female prison officer, but was then left sitting on the toilet for over three hours until she agreed to allow a male nursing officer to clean her and help her off the toilet. The Government submitted that on 21 January 1995 there was only one female nurse on duty, Nurse Lister, and that she enlisted the help of two male members of staff, Senior Officer Tingle and Officer Bowman, and that the two male members of staff assisted Nurse Lister in sitting the applicant up and then left the room while the applicant moved her bowels. Nurse Lister then cleaned the applicant and laid her back down. It is unclear from the Government's submissions whether Senior Officer Tingle and Officer Bowman were nursing staff or whether they were prison officers without nursing qualifications. The applicant further claimed that later that evening, a female nurse who was assisting her onto the toilet removed her bedclothes in the presence of two male prison nursing officers, thereby exposing her, naked from the chest down, to the male officers. The Government denied that these incidents occurred. They pointed out that prior to her release the applicant made a complaint to the prison governor concerning the lack of adequate facilities, but containing no mention of the above events.
An agency nurse was employed to care for the applicant during the night of 22 to 23 January 1995. The entries in the nursing record for 22 January stated: “Says she finds bed uncomfortable and there is a risk of her developing bed sores, but she is not completely immobile and is able to shift her weight about the bed. No problems with diet but fluid intake diminished due to her not liking water. There is a need for us to separate Adele's little whims from her genuine problems. Bowels opened, says she's in retention and has not PU'd [passed urine] since 01.00 hours, refusing to drink water, refuses to get ready for bed until 8 p.m. Night – 21.50 asked to be put to bed. When asked why she was not in bed says day staff said agency nurse was going to wash her and put her to bed. 23.10 asked to be moved as she was having pains in 'legs'. Coproximol given and sat up. Settled and slept later. Has not PU. Has been drinking.”
The remission provisions in sections 45 and 33 of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 meant that the applicant had only to serve half the sentence imposed, namely, three and a half days. Prior to her release, on 23 January 1995, the applicant was examined by Dr Kidd who found she needed catheterising due to urine retention. The medical record stated: “For release this afternoon as soon as transport arrangements can be made. ... To have bath and bladder emptied via catheter before leaving. When asked if she had any specific medical complaints – she only asked for a bath and to be catheterised. She had some complaints about her sleeping arrangements. Said that Gv. Mr Ellis had said that she could sleep on a chair and have her cell door open all night. Given that she is due for release today she said her Governor's application was immaterial. ...”
The applicant was collected from prison by a friend. She claimed to have suffered health problems for ten weeks as a result of her treatment in detention, but has not provided direct medical evidence in support of this claim.
On 30 January 1995 the applicant consulted solicitors with a view to bringing an action in negligence against the Home Office. She was granted legal aid, limited to obtaining evidence and seeking counsel's opinion as to merits and quantum. In his opinion dated 6 March 1996, her counsel referred to the difficulties which the applicant was likely to face in proving that she had suffered the ill-treatment which she alleged, and referred to a judgment of the High Court (Knight and Others v. Home Office and Another [1990] 3 All England Law Reports 237) which held that, given the lack of resources, the standard of care required of a prison hospital was lower than that which would be required in an equivalent outside institution. Counsel advised that, in the light of this case-law and the difficulties of proof which she faced, the applicant had a limited prospect of success in her claim and that, even if successful, damages were not likely to exceed 3,000 pounds sterling. In the light of this advice, the applicant's legal aid certificate was discharged on 13 May 1996. | train | {
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001-58114 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 28 October 1996 and by the Government of the Republic of Austria (“the Government”) on 25 November 1996, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 21835/93) against Austria lodged with the Commission under Article 25 by an Austrian national, Mr Johannes Werner, on 16 March 1993. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Austria recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46); the Government's application referred to Article 48. The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
The applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 31 of Rules of Court B). The lawyer was given leave by the President to use the German language (Rule 28 § 3).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr F. Matscher, the elected judge of Austrian nationality (Article 43 of the Convention), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 4 (b)). On 29 October 1996 the President decided that in the interests of the proper administration of justice this case and the case of Szücs v. Austria should be heard by the same Chamber (Rule 21 § 7). On the same day, in the presence of the Registrar, he drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr N. Valticos, Mrs E. Palm, Mr L. Wildhaber and Mr B. Repik (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 5).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 6), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 39 § 1 and 40). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s and the applicant’s memorials on 2 April 1997. On 24 January 1997 the Commission had produced various documents relating to the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing in this case and in the Szücs case took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 June 1997. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr F. Cede, Ambassador, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mrs I. Gartner, public prosecutor, Department of Criminal Affairs and Pardons, Federal Ministry of Justice, Mrs I. Siess, Constitutional Service, Federal Chancellery, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mr A. Weitzel, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr G. Bürstmayr, of the Munich Bar, Counsel; (d) for Mr Szücs Mr T. Schreiner, of the Eisenstadt Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Weitzel, Mr Bürstmayr, Mr Schreiner, Mr Cede and Mrs Gartner.
I. circumstances of the case
Mr Johannes Werner, an Austrian national born in 1963, lives in Vienna.
A. Detention pending trial
On 15 May 1991 the police arrested a Mr and Mrs Hauser (see paragraph 25 below), who were suspected of fraudulently using a credit card which did not belong to them when making purchases in various shops in Vienna to the value of about 200,000 Austrian schillings (ATS). On 17 May they were detained pending trial.
On 1 July 1991 the police also arrested the applicant, who was suspected of having aided and abetted Mr and Mrs Hauser by forging the signature on the credit card. On 3 July he was detained pending trial.
On 8 July 1991 Mr and Mrs Hauser were released, and on 19 July the applicant was released.
B. Discontinuance of the proceedings
On 24 February 1992 the investigating judge at the Vienna Regional Court (Landesgericht) decided to discontinue the proceedings in the light of a graphologist’s finding that it was unlikely that the signatures on the payment slips for the purchases made with the stolen credit card were in Mr Werner’s hand and of the fact that the witnesses called by the public prosecutor did not have sufficiently clear memories.
C. The claim for compensation for detention
In the meantime, on 4 February 1992, the public prosecutor’s office (Staatsanwaltschaft) had asked the Regional Court to declare that the applicant and Mr and Mrs Hauser were not entitled to compensation for their detention under section 2 (1) (b) of the Compensation (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1969 (Strafrechtliches Entschädigungsgesetz, “the 1969 Act” – see paragraph 19 below), on the ground that the suspicion concerning them had not been dispelled.
On 21 April 1992 the investigating judge interviewed the applicant and Mr and Mrs Hauser and told them of the application made by the public prosecutor’s office.
The applicant and Mr and Mrs Hauser sought compensation from the State for the pecuniary damage sustained on account of their detention.
On 3 June 1992 the Review Division (Ratskammer) of the Vienna Regional Court, sitting in private, refused their compensation claims on the ground that, contrary to the requirements of section 2 (1) (b) of the 1969 Act, the suspicion concerning them had not been dispelled. No representative of the public prosecutor’s office attended the deliberations.
On 15 June 1992 Mr Werner and Mr and Mrs Hauser appealed against that decision to the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht). They asked the Court of Appeal to take further evidence and, in particular, to hear witnesses.
On 2 September 1992 the principal public prosecutor’s office (Oberstaatsanwaltschaft) submitted written observations. It asked the Court of Appeal to dismiss the appeal and not to take further evidence as the witnesses’ statements were not capable of exculpating the appellants. These observations were not communicated to the applicant or to Mr and Mrs Hauser.
On 29 October 1992 the Vienna Court of Appeal, sitting in private, dismissed the appeal. It ruled as follows: “In the first place, the appellants’ argument that suspicion does not have to be wholly dispelled for compensation to be payable under section 2 (1) (b) of the Compensation (Criminal Proceedings) Act is contradicted by the settled case-law of the Austrian courts. It has been consistently held that suspicion must be dispelled sufficiently to establish that the detained person is not punishable, and cannot be prosecuted, on account of the conduct in respect of which his detention was ordered. Where that remains only doubtful, suspicion is not dispelled within the meaning of section 2 (1) (b) of the Act. The appellants’ assertion that this case-law reverses the burden of proof is incorrect, since cogent evidence must be adduced before it can be accepted that suspicion has been dispelled. In this connection, there is no justification for giving the appellants, as they demanded, the opportunity to prove their innocence by taking further evidence, since the evidence they propose to adduce cannot be considered likely to lead to such a result. Seeing that the suspicion concerning the appellants is based mainly on the witness statements of 16 March 1991 and that, in addition, it is not possible to determine when the other offences were committed, conclusive results cannot be expected if fresh evidence is taken in the form of the appellant Johannes Werner’s time-sheets and itineraries for 18 and 19 March, together with his tachograph discs, because the offences could have been committed during the rest stops on those journeys, or before or after them, especially as there are gaps in the time-sheets submitted by Mr Werner. The witnesses it was proposed to call have already been interviewed by the police and have already been confronted with the appellants. The main reason why the prosecution was abandoned was that with the passing of time those witnesses’ memories had begun to falter. However, if their memories were so defective that they could no longer be considered adequate to establish guilt, neither can they in the present proceedings form an adequate basis for awarding compensation. The appellants did not dispute that the police inquiries had given rise to real suspicion concerning them. That suspicion was not subsequently dispelled, but on account of some remaining doubt was simply not sufficient to support a finding of guilt. The conditions which must be met under section 2 (1) (b) of the Compensation (Criminal Proceedings) Act in order to be able to claim compensation have accordingly not been satisfied and the appellants’ claims must therefore fail.” No representative of the principal public prosecutor’s office attended the deliberations. | train | {
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001-60017 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 49455/99) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mrs Maria Gollner (“the applicant”), on 28 June 1999.
The applicant was represented before the Court by Mr M. Urbanek, a lawyer practising in St. Pölten. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that civil proceedings concerning her lasted unreasonably long.
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court).Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 21 November 2000 the Court declared the application partly admissible.
As of 1 November 2001 the application was allocated to the First Section of the Court. Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case was constituted as provided for in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
On 23 October 1992 the applicant filed a maintenance application with the Herzogenburg District Court (Bezirksgericht) against her husband. At the same time she requested legal aid, which was granted on 28 October 1992. On 18 November 1992 a hearing was held. On 22 December 1992 the proceedings were discontinued following an agreement between the parties. They were resumed on 2 December 1993 and on 16 February 1994 a hearing was held. A further hearing which was scheduled for 3 May 1994 had to be cancelled due to the judge’s illness. On 7 November 1994 the applicant requested to be placed under the care of a guardian as far as the maintenance proceedings were concerned. This motion was granted by the St. Pölten Regional Court (Landesgericht) on 27 February 1995.
On 9 November 1994 a hearing was held and an expert was appointed to assess the income of the applicant’s husband. On 7 December 1994 the expert asked to be discharged. On 9 January 1995 the court appointed a new expert who submitted his opinion on 27 January 1995. Following two requests by the applicant for extensions of the time-limit for filing observations on the expert’s opinion, that time-limit was fixed at 28 April 1995. On 8 August 1995 a further hearing was held. On 7 September 1995 the court requested the expert to supplement his opinion which he did on 23 October 1995. Following two requests by the applicant for extensions of the time-limit, she submitted her comments on the supplemented expert opinion on 10 January 1996. On 21 March 1996 a further hearing was held. On 2 April 1996 the applicant lodged an application for the preservation of evidence (Beweissicherungsantrag). A hearing which had been scheduled for 15 April was cancelled upon the applicant’s request. It was held on 27 June 1996, when the taking of evidence was closed.
On 14 August 1996 the District Court gave judgment, partly dismissing the applicant’s claim. Following her appeal, the St. Pölten Regional Court quashed the decision for procedural errors on 13 December 1996 and referred the case back to the District Court. On 25 February 1997 the applicant appealed against the St. Pölten Regional Court’s decision. On 24 November 1997 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) confirmed the decision of the St. Pölten Regional Court, by which it had quashed the District Court’s decision of 14 August 1996.
Meanwhile, on 24 February 1997, the applicant lodged requests for provisional maintenance (vorläufiger Unterhalt) and for the preservation of evidence with the District Court. On 18 March 1997 the District Court dismissed the applicant’s motions. On 28 March 1997 the applicant appealed against this decision and filed a motion challenging the judge for bias.
On 13 February 1998 the bias motion was dismissed by the St. Pölten Regional Court. It noted that the complaint concerned alleged procedural errors and the length of the proceedings, which matters had no bearing on a challenge for bias. On 24 March 1998 the applicant’s appeal was dismissed by the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht).
On 30 April 1998 the St. Pölten Regional Court dismissed the appeal concerning a motion for the preservation of evidence, but quashed the District Court’s refusal of the motions for provisional maintenance and referred the case back.
On 22 June and 17 September 1998 the District Court held hearings. On 24 September 1998 it partly dismissed the applicant’s maintenance claim.
On 23 October 1998 the applicant appealed against this decision and requested, pursuant to section 91 of the Courts Act (Gerichtsorganisations-gesetz), that a time-limit be fixed for the decision on the motions for provisional maintenance.
On 29 October 1998 the motions for provisional maintenance were partly dismissed by the District Court. On 23 November 1998 the applicant appealed against this decision.
On 3 March 1999 the St. Pölten Regional Court quashed the District Court’s judgment of 24 September 1998 for procedural errors and referred the case back. The appeal concerning the motions for provisional maintenance was partly dismissed. On 15 April 1999 the applicant therefore lodged a further appeal and requested that it be given suspensive effect to preserve the status quo before the Regional Court’s decision. On 27 April 1999 the District Court granted this request. On 22 June 1999 the applicant requested, pursuant to section 91 of the Courts Act, that a time‑limit be fixed for the decision on her further appeal. On 23 June 1999 the St Pölten Regional Court dismissed the further appeal against its decision of 3 March 1999 concerning the motions for provisional maintenance.
In the main proceedings a hearing scheduled for 17 August 1999 was postponed upon the applicant’s request. It was held on 30 September 1999. A further hearing scheduled for 1 December 1999 was cancelled due to the judge’s illness. Further hearings were held on 3 May 2000 and 15 June 2000.
On 25 August 2000 the Herzogenburg District Court rejected the applicant’s maintenance claim.
On 11 January 2001 the St. Pölten Regional Court, upon the applicant’s appeal, partly granted her maintenance claim. The judgment was served on 13 February 2001. | train | {
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"applicant": "Maria Gollner",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2002
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Maria Gollner |
001-58459 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 2 November 1998 within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (23867/94) against Austria lodged with the Commission under former Article 25 by Mr Josef Prinz, an Austrian national, on 28 March 1994. The President gave him leave to present his own case and to use German in his communications with the Court. The Government of Austria are represented by their Agent, Mr F. Cede, Ambassador, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Commission’s request referred to former Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Austria had recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (former Article 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach of Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (c).
On 14 January 1999 the Panel of the Grand Chamber decided, pursuant to Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention and Rules 100 § 1 and 24 § 6 of the Rules of Court, that the application would be examined by one of the Sections. It was, thereupon, assigned to the Third Section.
The Chamber constituted with the Section included ex officio Mr W. Fuhrmann, the judge elected in respect of Austria (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 26 § 1 (a) of the Rules of Court) and Mr J.-P. Costa, Vice-President of the Section (Rules 12 and 26 § 1 (a)). The other members designated by the latter to complete the Chamber were Mr P. Kūris, Mrs F. Tulkens, Mr K. Jungwiert, Mrs H.S. Greve and Mr K. Traja.
In accordance with Rule 59 § 3, the President of the Chamber invited the parties to submit memorials on the issues in the application. The Registrar received the applicant’s and Government’s memorials on 18 June 1999 and on 23 August respectively.
After consulting the Agent of the Government and the applicant, the Chamber decided not to hold a hearing in the case.
On 4 October 1993 the Krems Regional Court (Landesgericht), sitting with two professional and two lay judges (Schöffengericht), having held an oral hearing in the presence of the Public Prosecutor, the applicant and his official defence counsel, ordered that the applicant be detained in an institution for mentally ill offenders (Anstalt für geistig abnorme Rechtsbrecher), pursuant to section 21 § 1 of the Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch). The Regional Court found that the applicant had intimidated numerous persons by threats of murder, but that he could not be held responsible because he was suffering from a mental illness. The applicant had, in several letters addressed to judicial authorities and lawyers, respectively, stated his intention to murder particular judges and lawyers, mentioning also either his “list of death“ or details of the threatened offence.
In its decision, the Regional Court noted that the applicant had twelve previous convictions, inter alia, of intimidation, coercion, bodily injury and property offences. The offences at issue in the pending proceedings had started in the context of civil proceedings, which had been instituted by the Austrian Auditor-General's Department (Finanzprokuratur), claiming compensation for damages of Austrian schillings (ATS) 2,000 caused by the applicant in the context of a burglary. In a judgment of October 1991, the St. Pölten District Court (Bezirksgericht) had decided against the applicant. The applicant had filed counter-claims for compensation in respect of an illness suffered while serving a prison sentence and had threatened terrorist attacks. Following the institution of criminal proceedings against him concerning this threat, the applicant addressed written threats of murder to various persons involved in these criminal proceedings, in particular to judges and lawyers.
Furthermore, having heard two psychiatric experts, the Regional Court considered that the applicant suffered from a mental illness, namely paranoia querulans. He had a system of fixed ideas and a missionary devotion to the implementation of his plans. His mental disturbances, combined with the further symptoms of aggressiveness, his cruelty and recklessness, entailed a high risk for third persons. The Regional Court regarded a faculty opinion on these matters as unnecessary, taking into account that the two experts largely concurred in their opinions and that there were no contradictions or shortcomings, within the meaning of the relevant provision of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung).
Moreover, the Regional Court considered that it had not been required to hear the judges and other victims concerned, as requested by the applicant. In this respect, the Regional Court observed that the question of whether these persons had in fact been intimidated was irrelevant for legal reasons, the offence of intimidation being committed in case of threats of such a nature as to intimidate third persons in general, if the offender intended to intimidate. The Regional Court, having regard to the details stated in the applicant's various letters, found that his threats of murder were of such a nature as to intimidate third persons in general, and he had in fact intended to intimidate the persons concerned. Considering his mental illness, there was also a risk of further offences of the same kind.
The written judgment was served upon the applicant's official defence counsel on 29 October 1993.
The applicant, assisted by his official defence counsel, filed a plea of nullity (Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde) with the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof), challenging the dismissal of his requests for the taking of further evidence as well as the part of the legal reasoning and the findings as to his dangerousness in future. He further lodged an appeal (Berufung). Defence counsel did not file any grounds of appeal, and did not request that the applicant be permitted to attend the Supreme Court hearing.
On 15 February 1994 the applicant personally filed submissions with the Supreme Court. According to the applicant, he also requested the Supreme Court for leave to attend the hearing of his plea of nullity and appeal, but this request was to no avail.
On 2 March 1994 the Supreme Court held the hearing on the plea of nullity and the appeal in the absence of the applicant, who was represented by his official defence counsel. The Supreme Court rejected the plea of nullity as well as the appeal.
The Supreme Court, in its judgment, found that the rejection by the trial court of the applicant's requests for the taking of evidence did not impair the rights of the defence. In particular, the Supreme Court confirmed the reasoning of the trial court that the applicant had failed to show any contradictions or shortcomings in the expert opinions which would be the only reason to justify a faculty opinion. Moreover, the question of whether the victims had in fact been intimidated had been irrelevant. The Supreme Court also confirmed the legal qualification of the offences committed by the applicant.
Finally, the Supreme Court proceeded of its own motion to an examination of the applicant’s appeal. While noting that the applicant had not submitted any grounds of appeal, it examined the arguments challenging the trial court’s findings as to his dangerousness in the future, which he had submitted in his plea of nullity. In this respect, the Supreme Court considered that the prognosis was reliably founded on the expert psychiatric opinions and was confirmed by the general impression conveyed by the applicant's criminal acts.
The decision was received at the registry of the Krems District and Regional Court on 17 March 1994. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Josef Prinz |
001-61174 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 39482/98) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a United Kingdom national, Mr James Dowsett (“the applicant”), on 20 September 1994.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Ms A. Bromley, a solicitor practising in Nottingham, and Mr A. Masters, a barrister practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr C. Whomersley, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that he had been deprived of a fair trial by virtue of the prosecution’s failure to disclose all material evidence in their possession.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court).
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 14 May 2002, the Chamber declared the application admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine).
The applicant was born in 1946 and is currently detained in HM Prison Kingston, Portsmouth.
A. The Crown Court trial
On 22 March 1989 at Norwich Crown Court the applicant was convicted of the murder of Christopher Nugent and sentenced to life imprisonment.
Mr Nugent had been the applicant’s business partner. He was shot and killed at their business premises on 15 December 1987 by Stephen Gray, who left the scene of the crime in a car driven by Gary Runham.
Runham and Gray were arrested in January 1988 and the applicant was arrested in February 1988. He was charged with murder jointly with Runham, Gray and two other men who had allegedly provided money to pay for the killing of Christopher Nugent.
The Crown’s case was that the applicant had paid Runham and Gray 20,000 pounds sterling (GBP) to kill Nugent, because Nugent knew too much about the applicant’s involvement in mortgage fraud.
The applicant’s defence was that he had hired Runham and Gray to break one of Nugent’s limbs in order to put him out of action for a few weeks while the applicant effected his own transfer to another branch of the firm. He alleged that he had paid Runham and Gray GBP 7,500 for the assault, but that after Gray had killed Nugent, Gray blackmailed the applicant into paying him more money. The applicant claimed that he would have had no motive for killing Nugent, since the latter was himself involved in the fraudulent activities being perpetrated through the business. The applicant submitted, however, that his representatives felt unable to pursue this line of argument satisfactorily because of lack of evidence of Nugent’s dishonesty; the jury were asked to accept the applicant’s word alone on this issue.
Runham and Gray pleaded guilty to murder. Gray gave evidence for the prosecution against the applicant concerning the alleged murder conspiracy. The two alleged co-conspirators, who according to the prosecution had, together with the applicant, paid for Nugent to be murdered, were acquitted.
B. The post-trial disclosure
Following his conviction, the applicant complained to the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) about Suffolk Constabulary’s refusal to disclose material evidence. After investigation, in a letter of 30 October 1992 to the applicant, the PCA reported that it could not support any allegation of perversion of the course of justice but had found various instances of negligence.
According to the applicant, in July 1993 he was informed that there were seventeen boxes of hitherto undisclosed material. The applicant contended that some of this evidence would have supported his defence that he had had no need to murder Nugent to ensure his silence since it showed that the latter was also deeply involved in the fraudulent activities perpetrated through the business. The applicant claimed that some of the material from the seventeen boxes was disclosed to him in the week prior to his appeal hearing, while other material from the boxes remained undisclosed.
According to the Government, the evidence which was not disclosed at first instance, but which was disclosed prior to the applicant’s appeal, fell into two categories. The first type of evidence derived from the Holmes computer system used by the police officers conducting the murder inquiry to store and cross-reference all the information obtained in the course of the inquiry. The computer data included documents known as “messages” which recorded information when first received by an officer, and documents known as “actions” which recorded the steps to be taken by an officer in response to a message and the result of any such further inquiry. At the time of the trial, the prosecution took the view that the computer system was being used as a tool for the police investigation and that the data contained in it was not subject to disclosure under the Attorney-General’s Guidelines (see “Relevant domestic law and practice” below), although any witness statements or exhibits obtained in response to a message or action should be, and were, disclosed as “unused material”.
The Government submitted that, following the applicant’s conviction, and in the light of developments in the common-law duty of disclosure (see below), the prosecution reviewed their position and decided that the data stored on the computer system did amount to disclosable material. Prior to the applicant’s appeal, therefore, the prosecution disclosed the messages and actions held by the police. Some 4,000 actions had been disclosed, one of which was referred to by the applicant in support of his appeal.
In the Government’s submission, the second category of evidence undisclosed at first instance related to the parallel investigation into mortgage fraud by a number of people, including the applicant and Nugent. At an early stage, the prosecution decided to keep the murder and fraud investigations separate and that there was no duty under the Attorney-General’s Guidelines to disclose the material gathered in the fraud inquiry to the defendant charged with murder. Following the applicant’s conviction and the development of the common law, the prosecution reconsidered their decision and, prior to the applicant’s appeal, made full disclosure of the material obtained in the fraud inquiry.
C. The undisclosed material
Prior to the hearing before the Court of Appeal, the prosecution served on the applicant a schedule indicating what material was still being withheld following the review of the prosecution’s duty of disclosure. In respect of some of the items in the schedule, the reason given for non-disclosure was “legal and professional privilege”; in respect of other items it was “public interest immunity”; and in respect of certain other items, for example document no. 580, no reason was given to explain the decision to include the document in the list of withheld evidence. Counsel for the defence was in contact with the prosecution concerning possible further disclosure. A letter dated 23 March 1994 from the Branch Crown Prosecutor indicated that a number of documents, including document no. 580, were on the list of withheld material.
Document no. 580 subsequently came into the applicant’s possession. It is a letter, dated 12 April 1988, from a firm of solicitors acting for Gray addressed to Detective Chief Inspector Baldry of the Suffolk Constabulary, and reads as follows: “... Further to our several discussions concerning Mr Gray, you will of course be aware that I did visit him in Leicester Prison on 26 March. He has requested a transfer either to Brixton Prison or Wormwood Scrubs if this is at all possible and I should be grateful if you would let me know whether there is any possibility of Mr Gray receiving a transfer. Secondly I now understand that apparently Mr Gray understands that you would be willing to support him receiving a straight term of life imprisonment and an application for early parole. Obviously I have explained to Mr Gray the position concerning sentencing but perhaps you would set out your position so far as possible concerning these matters. Thirdly I understand that Mr Gray’s wife is to be produced at fortnightly intervals to Leicester Prison for visits and perhaps again you could clarify the position. I look forward to hearing from you ...”
D. The appeal
The hearing of the applicant’s appeal took place on 28 and 29 March 1994. Non-disclosure of evidence at trial, particularly evidence discovered in the parallel mortgage fraud investigation, was one of the applicant’s grounds of appeal to the Court of Appeal, but no mention was made of document no. 580 or of the other documents which continued to be withheld by the prosecution. The applicant also relied on the fact that the trial judge had omitted to direct the jury that a person may lie for reasons unconnected with his guilt in relation to the offence with which he is charged (a “Lucas” direction), and that the fact that, during interviews with the police the applicant had denied all knowledge of any plot to harm Nugent, did not mean that he had been involved in his murder.
Dismissing his appeal on 29 March 1994, the Court of Appeal remarked that in the course of his summing-up the judge had not suggested that the applicant’s lies could amount to corroboration of the other evidence, and had reminded the jury of defence counsel’s submissions in relation to the applicant’s lies. Although the summing-up should have included a “Lucas” direction, no miscarriage of justice had occurred. On the question of non-disclosure the court observed: “... As the trial was conducted, Nugent’s dishonesty was made perfectly plain to the jury. The appellant himself had admitted being dishonest, and had said in the course of his evidence that Nugent was party to all the dishonest resorts to which he had lent himself in making false representations and forging documents. Accordingly it was fully before the jury that Mr Nugent was dishonest. ... We have been taken through various parts of the evidence ... and we are quite satisfied that ... Mr Nugent’s involvement in the deep dishonesty of this business was fully canvassed before the jury. ... Accordingly, although ... the stricter regime of prosecution disclosure which now prevails might well have required further disclosure than was actually made, we do not consider that this ground is one which has any substance in regard to the outcome of the case. ...” The Court of Appeal concluded: “There was overwhelming evidence that the appellant initiated a plot against the victim Nugent. There was likewise strong evidence that he had indicated what he wanted was to get rid of Nugent. The money actually paid, and indeed even the sum mentioned by the appellant was in our view out of proportion to a plot simply to ‘duff up’ the victim. Moreover, on analysis such a plot made no sense. Each member of this Court is of the clear opinion, despite the blemishes in an otherwise impeccable summing-up, that no miscarriage of justice has actually occurred. ...”
E. The alleged significance of document no. 580
The applicant believed that an inducement was promised to Gray by the prosecuting authorities in exchange for his testifying against him. In addition to the above letter, which the applicant claimed supported his hypothesis, he referred to the fact that his tariff of imprisonment (that is, the period to be served before review by the Parole Board) under the life sentence had been set at twenty-five years, but was subsequently reduced to twenty-one years. Runham, who had provided the murder weapon and drove the get-away car, received a tariff of sixteen years. Gray, who had shot and killed Nugent, had his tariff set at eleven years and was released in 1999. In April 1999 the Home Office wrote to Runham, refusing to reduce his tariff: “The Secretary of State holds Stephen Gray to be as culpable as you are, even though he fired the murder weapon and you did not. When the tariff was set for Stephen Gray, the then Secretary of State took into account that he had, like you, pleaded guilty to murder but had in addition been ‘... a very important witness for the prosecution’. ...”
The Government denied that any inducement was offered to Gray. Under cover of a letter dated 27 June 2001, they sent to the Court undated statements from three senior officers in the Suffolk Constabulary who had been involved in the murder investigation. (a) The statement of Chief Superintendent Green reads: “I have seen a copy of the letter dated 12 April 1988 from Ennions, Solicitors ... to my then colleague, Mr Baldry. I can confirm that this letter is genuine and was recorded as Document D-580 during the course of the investigation into the murder of Mr Nugent. I have no recollection of this letter after thirteen years and I cannot remember ever discussing it with Mr Baldry. At no time was I ever involved in any debate regarding the issue of Mr Gray receiving a ‘straight term of life imprisonment and an application for early parole’. I can confirm that I did not offer Mr Gray any form of inducement to give evidence against Mr Dowsett or other defendants. To the best of my recollection, Gray’s motives were that he was simply attempting to ‘clear his plate’ by telling the whole truth about the circumstances of the case, whilst at the same time ensuring that Dowsett and others faced their share of the responsibility for the crime. I do recall that Mr Gray hoped that his honesty at the trial would one day assist him to make a successful application for parole. I would like to emphasise that I spent six days with Mr Gray at Winchester Prison during the preparation of his statement and can categorically state that all one hundred and one pages of the document were written with Mr Gray’s consent and without any form of inducement.” (b) The statement of Detective Chief Inspector Baldry, now retired, reads: “This murder happened in 1987 and is not now fresh in my memory. However I do remember clearly that I gave no indications to interviewing officers or to Gray himself that in return for his support we would aid an application for a shorter sentence. Gray was a very dangerous murderer who I considered enjoyed carrying out his ‘murder’ contract with Mr Dowsett. This matter was so grave that no such undertaking could honestly have been given. I do remember that Gray at one time was on hunger strike in prison and that we helped his wife to visit him in prison. How this help was given I do not remember - it may have been in the role of carrying messages to and from.” (c) Detective Chief Inspector Abrahams, also now retired, said in his statement: “Concerning the letter Document D-580 I can categorically state that I did not personally offer Gray any inducement or arrangement relating to his sentence. Nor did I have any discussions with his legal representative with regard to his sentence. Equally, I did not instruct any of my subordinate officers including the interview team questioning Gray so to do. As far as I am aware Gray throughout his detention and taped questioning was dealt with in accord with the Police and Criminal Evidence Act. I have been unaware of this letter until now but I am sure Chief Inspector Mike Baldry (now retired) may be of some help to you. I would point out that Gray was arrested at Mildenhall Police Station on 23 January 1988 after which the murder management team was joined by Mr Christopher Yule of the Crown Prosecution Service, Ipswich, who advised on all legal aspects of the case. He was later joined by Mr (now Sir and a High Court Judge) David Penry-Davey QC and Mr David Lamming of Counsel, who advised on what was to be a complex case not only involving murder, conspiracy to murder but also large scale mortgage fraud. I am not aware that any representations were made to the trial judge concerning any reduction in Gray’s tariff. If this had been the case then the application would have had to be made through prosecuting counsel. For your information I include below some relevant dates and points that you may already be aware of in relation to the murder, but I think they are worth emphasising: 15 December 1987: Christopher Nugent found murdered at his business premises that he owned with his partner Dowsett. 23 January 1988: Gray gave himself up at Mildenhall Police Station and admits the offence naming Dowsett, Runham and others as part of a murder conspiracy. 26 January 1988: Gary Runham arrested for the murder. He admits the offence naming Dowsett, Gray and others. Runham did the groundwork in planning Nugent’s murder and propositioned Gray at a later stage to do the actual killing. 1 February 1988: Dowsett and others arrested for the murder. 17 February 1988: I was withdrawn from the everyday management of the inquiry and returned to Force Headquarters. DCI Baldry took over this role. December 1988: Gray and Runham appear at Crown Court, plead guilty to the murder and are sentenced to life imprisonment. January 1989: Gray agrees to become a witness for the prosecution and Detective Inspector Green (now Chief Superintendent) obtains a witness statement. 30 January 1989: Trial of Dowsett and others commences. ... Gray appeared as a prosecution witness. Runham did not. The jury unanimously found Dowsett guilty of murder and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. Prosecution witness O’Dowd gave evidence to the fact that Dowsett admitted the murder to him and stated that Dowsett had said that ‘if Abrahams gets too close then he’ll get the same’ (or words to that effect). 16 December 1990 Dowsett made a formal complaint against me, other officers and Mr Yule [Crown Prosecution Service] that we perverted the course of justice in relation to his trial. The matter was investigated by an outside Police Force and was found by the DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] and the PCA to be totally unsubstantiated. Dowsett latter appealed against his conviction to the Court of Appeal but the Judges were unanimous in their judgment to disallow his application. The above is to the best of my recollection. I do not know what tariffs were set by the Judge in his sentencing of all three defendants but I assume credit was given for Gray and Runham’s guilty pleas.” | train | {
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001-101331 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 36650/05) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Mr Franz Bachmayer, Sr. and Mr Franz Bachmayer, Jr. (“the applicants”), on 12 October 2005.
The applicants were represented by Mr E. Proksch, a lawyer practising in Wien. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
On 28 August 2008 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 1).
The applicants, Franz Bachmayer, Sr. and Franz Bachmayer, Jr. were born in 1939 and 1968 respectively and live in Stuhlfelden.
The applicants have an inalienable and indefinite right to the use of wood (Einforstungsrecht) from certain plots of land now owned by the Republic of Austria and managed by the Austrian Federal Forestry Administration (Österreichische Bundesforste). In 1870 and 1876 the applicant's predecessors were granted the right to exchange their right to the use of the wood for ownership of the land.
On 6 September 1978 the first applicant and Jakob Bachmayer, the second applicant's legal predecessor, requested this exchange.
On 27 June 1985 the Salzburg Office of the Regional Governor in its capacity as Agricultural Authority (Amt der Landesregierung als Agrarbehörde) dismissed the request (“count 1”, divided into “lit.a”, “lit.b” and “lit.c” with regard to different rights). However, in the same decision the authority granted a request by the Austrian Federal Forests to pay compensation in exchange for the right to use the wood (“count 2”). The first applicant and Jakob Bachmayer appealed against this decision to the Regional Land Reform Board (Landesagrarsenat – hereafter “the Regional Board”). Subsequently, on 30 April 1986, they filed a request for transfer of jurisdiction (Devolutionsantrag).
On 2 July 1986 the Supreme Land Reform Board (Oberster Agrarsenat – Supreme Board) dismissed the request for transfer of jurisdiction, because the questions at issue were of a high complexity and several expert opinions were required.
A further request for transfer of jurisdiction by the first applicant and Jakob Bachmayer was dismissed by the Supreme Land Reform Board on 27 February 1991. They filed a complaint against this decision with the Administrative Court, which was dismissed on 8 October 1991.
Meanwhile, on 16 January 1991, the second applicant and Mr Jakob Bachmayer concluded a contract on the transfer of the rights of the latter to the second applicant.
On 15 April 1992, after having held oral hearings in 1991 and 1992 the Regional Board, in a partial decision, dismissed the appeal against the Office of the Regional Governor of 27 June 1985 as regards “count 2” of the decision and also determined a new amount of compensation. As regards “count 1” several hearings were held between 1992 and 17 November 1995. On the latter date the Regional Board dismissed the applicants' appeal against “count 1 lit.c”.
On 21 February 1996 the applicants again requested a transfer of jurisdiction concerning their appeal against “count 1 lit.a” and “lit.b”.
On 5 June 1996 the Supreme Land Reform Board granted the transfer of jurisdiction, and subsequently appointed an expert, inspected the location and gave the applicants and the Austrian Federal Forestry Administration the possibility to submit comments on the expert opinion.
On 1 April 1998 the Supreme Land Reform Board granted the appeal and amended the decision of 27 June 1985. It determined the size of the land the applicants would receive in exchange for their right to the use of the wood and determined the compensation payments to be made by the applicants.
On 4 June 1998 the Austrian Federal Forestry Administration lodged a complaint with the Administrative Court against that decision.
The Administrative Court, on 21 February 2002, quashed the decision of the Supreme Land Reform Board. It held, inter alia, that the calculation of the compensation was erroneous, because the additional benefit that could be derived from using the land for hunting had not been taken into account.
On 4 December 2002 the Supreme Land Reform Board held a hearing and decided again on the appeal, modifying its previous decision.
The Austrian Federal Forestry Administration lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court on 31 January 2003.
On 13 October 2004 the Constitutional Court instituted proceedings for review of the constitutionality of one of the legal provisions the decision of the Supreme Land Reform Board was based on.
On 10 March 2005 the Constitutional Court held that the legal provision under review was not in accordance with the Federal Constitution and therefore, on the same date and without having held an oral hearing, quashed the decision of the impugned authority of 4 December 2002.
On 7 November 2005 the Supreme Land Reform Board, quashed the Office of the Regional Governor's decision of 27 June 1985 and remitted the case back to that authority. The applicants filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court against that decision.
On 6 June 2006 the Constitutional court declined to deal with the applicants' complaint for lack of prospects of success and, upon their request, transferred the case to the Administrative Court. The case is still pending before that court. | train | {
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001-110483 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 21539/07) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a business firm registered in Austria, company Franz Steininger (“the applicant company”), on 3 May 2007.
The applicant was represented by Mr J. Hofer and Mr T. Huemer, lawyers practising in Wels. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) are represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that no tribunal within the meaning of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention had decided on the imposition of surcharges for unpaid contributions to the Austrian Agricultural Marketing Association.
On 23 October 2008 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant company, which has its seat of business in Ernstbrunn (Austria), carries out cattle and pig slaughter, and is therefore liable to agricultural marketing charges, calculated on the basis of the number of animals slaughtered, to be paid to Agrarmarkt Austria (AMA) under the Agricultural Market Act (Agrarmarktgesetz).
On 30 May 2006 the AMA issued a payment order against the applicant company, ordering it to pay outstanding contributions for the period of December 2005 and January 2006 in the amount of 11.730,05 euros (EUR) and, in addition, imposing a surcharge for failure to pay, amounting to 60% of the unpaid contributions. The applicant company appealed against the order. It argued in particular that the above system was contrary to the rules of the European Union on state aid. It also asked for oral hearings to be held on the appeal and also asked that the proceedings for enforcing the payment order be suspended.
The Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water (Bundesminister für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft), acting as the appeal authority, dismissed the applicant company’s appeal on 17 July 2006 without holding a hearing.
As regards the applicant’s argument that the AMA contributions were levied for financing activities, the AMA quality programme, which was not in accordance with EU law, the Federal Minister found that after the decision of the European Commission of 30 June 2004 (C(2004)2037), the applicant company was in a position to know precisely which charges it had to pay. In that decision the European Commission had expressed that it had no objection to the AMA Quality programmes and quality mark registered as state aid NN 34A/2000 (“Qualitätsprogramme und das AMA-Biozeichen und das AMA-Gütezeichen”), because that state aid was in accordance with the Common Market provided for in the Treaty establishing the European Community. The Federal Minister referred further to the Administrative Court’s decision of 20 March 2006, no. 2005/17/230, according to which also the levying of AMA contributions was in accordance with the relevant provisions of EU law (se §§ 24-27 below). The Federal Minister further held that it had not been necessary to hold a hearing because a hearing was only held if a decision was taken by a panel on an appeal against the decision of a tax office or a regional directorate of finance, which was not the case here.
On 25 July 2006 AMA dismissed the request for suspension of the enforcement.
Thereupon the applicant company lodged complaints with the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court against the Federal Minister’s decision. Before the Constitutional Court the applicant company complained, inter alia, that the surcharge imposed violated its constitutional right to property. Before the Administrative Court the applicant company complained that the appeal authority was not a court within the meaning of the case-law of the European Court of Justice which prevented it from having the lawfulness of the decision by the European Commission of 30 June 2004 reviewed by the European Court of Justice in proceedings under Article 234 of the Treaty of the European Union. As regards the imposition of the surcharge the applicant company complained that the findings of fact were insufficient. In particular the authority had failed to establish whether the objective and subjective elements of the offence (objektiven und subjektiven Tatbildvoraussetzungen) had been met. Relying on Article 6 of the Convention it complained further that no public hearing had been held and that no impartial tribunal established by law decided on the criminal charge against it (“es ist kein unparteiisches, auf Gesetz beruhendes Gericht über den erhobenen strafrechtlichen Vorwurf eingeschritten”). As the authorities imposing the surcharges had failed to hold an oral hearing, the applicant company asked the Administrative Court for a public hearing.
On 25 September 2006 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant company’s complaint under Article 144 of the Federal Constitution for lack of prospect of success.
The Administrative Court dismissed the applicant company’s complaint on 30 January 2007 and held as follows: “The present case does not differ in the questions of relevance to the decision from the one decided by the Administrative Court on 20 March 2006, no. 2005/17/230. Pursuant to Section 43(2) of the Administrative Court Act reference is made to it. For the reasons set out in that decision the breach of law complained of by the applicant company also does not exist in view of the present complaint, for which reason it can be dismissed without further proceedings in camera. For the reasons set out in the decision referred to also Article 6 of the Convention is of no relevance here.” | train | {
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001-107034 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 22833/07) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Herbert Tuma (“the applicant”), on 22 May 2007.
The applicant was represented by Mr K. Bernhauser, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
On 24 March 2009 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1947 and lives in Hirtenberg.
The applicant was arrested on 11 October 2001 on suspicion of fraud. He was in pre-trial detention until 18 October 2001.
In the course of the preliminary investigations, the investigating judge requested the Economic Crime Department (Wirtschaftspolizei) of the Vienna Federal Police Directorate (Bundespolizeidirektion) to carry out certain investigations.
On 14 October and 21 November 2001 the applicant was questioned by the investigating judge. Further questioning scheduled for 18 December 2001 and 14 January 2002 was cancelled as the applicant informed the investigating judge that he was sick. The applicant was questioned again on 5 March 2002.
During the summer of 2002 further interrogations of the applicant took place through the Vienna Public Prosecutor’s Office.
On 22 January 2003 the Public Prosecutor requested the investigating judge to close the investigations.
It appears that the investigating judge chose to continue the investigations. The applicant was questioned again on 15 December 2003 and in March 2004 several witnesses were questioned, following which the public prosecutor repeatedly urged the investigating judge to obtain the investigation results from the Economic Crimes Department of the Vienna Federal Police Directorate and to conclude the preliminary investigations.
On 29 June 2005 the investigating judge decided nevertheless to obtain an expert opinion on various transactions in respect of which the applicant was suspected of embezzlement. The expert’s opinion was submitted on 14 November 2005 and transmitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the applicant on 6 February 2006.
On 15 March 2006 the Vienna Public Prosecutor issued the bill of indictment charging the applicant with embezzlement.
The applicant lodged objections against the indictment on 12 April 2006. By decision of 11 May 2006 the Court of Appeal rejected the objections and upheld the indictment.
The trial was scheduled to commence on 10 August 2006. As the applicant was in hospital, the trial had to be postponed.
The Vienna Regional Criminal Court, sitting with two professional and two lay judges, then held the first hearing on 2 November 2006. During this hearing the expert was ordered to supplement his opinion, taking into consideration further documents. The applicant’s son transmitted further documents to the expert on 14 February 2007.
The court held another hearing on 26 April 2007. On that date it acquitted the applicant. The judgment was served on the applicant’s counsel on 28 June 2007. | train | {
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001-58212 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court as two separate cases (Sheffield v. the United Kingdom and Horsham v. the United Kingdom) by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) on 4 March 1997, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”). The case of Sheffield v. the United Kingdom originated in an application (no. 22985/93) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 by Miss Kristina Sheffield, a British national, on 4 August 1993. The case of Horsham v. the United Kingdom originated in an application (no. 23390/94) lodged against the same Contracting State on the same date by Miss Rachel Horsham, also a British national. The Commission’s requests referred to Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46). The object of the requests was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the cases disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 8, 12, 13 and 14 of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicants stated that they wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent them (Rule 30).
On 19 March 1997 the then President of the Court, Mr R. Ryssdal, decided, under Rule 21 § 7 and in the interests of the proper administration of justice, that a single Chamber should be constituted to consider both cases simultaneously, without prejudice to the joinder of the cases at a later stage.
The Chamber to be constituted for that purpose (Rule 21 § 7) included ex officio Sir John Freeland, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the then Vice‑President of the Court (Rule 21 § 4 (b)). On 19 March 1997, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely, Mr J. De Meyer, Mr N. Valticos, Mrs E. Palm, Mr A.N. Loizou, Mr J. Makarczyk, Mr K. Jungwiert and Mr T. Pantiru (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 5).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the United Kingdom Government (“the Government”), the applicants’ lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 § 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s and the applicants’ memorials on 22 October and 24 October 1997 respectively.
On 28 May 1997 the President of the Chamber had granted Liberty, a non-governmental organisation based in London, leave to submit written observations on the case (Rule 37 § 2). These were received on 27 October 1997 and communicated to the applicants, the Agent of the Government and the Delegate of the Commission for comments. The applicants submitted their comments on Liberty’s observations by letter received at the registry on 30 January 1998.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the joint hearing of both cases took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 24 February 1998. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Ms S. McCrory, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr D. Pannick QC, Mr R. Singh, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr J. Talbot, Ms C. Lloyd, Ms R. Sandby-Thomas, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mrs G.H. Thune, Delegate; (c) for the applicants Mr P. Duffy QC, Mr A. McFarlane, Barrister-at-Law, Mr T. Eicke, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel, Mr H. Brandman, Solicitor. The Court heard addresses by Mrs Thune, Mr Duffy, Mr McFarlane and Mr Pannick.
Following deliberations on 2 March 1998 the Chamber decided to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of a Grand Chamber (Rule 51 § 1).
The Grand Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court, together with the other members and the four substitutes of the original Chamber, the latter being Mr P. van Dijk, Mr V. Butkevych, Mr J. Casadevall and Mr A. Spielmann (Rule 51 § 2 (a) and (b)). On 2 March 1998 the Vice-President, in the presence of the Registrar, drew by lot the names of the eight additional judges needed to complete the Grand Chamber, namely Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mr F. Matscher, Mr B. Walsh, Mr J.M. Morenilla, Mr L. Wildhaber, Mr P. Kūris, Mr E. Levits and Mr M. Voicu (Rule 51 § 2 (c)). Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha subsequently replaced Mr Walsh following the latter’s death (Rule 24 § 1 in conjunction with Rule 51 § 6). At a later stage, Mr Levits was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case and was not replaced.
Having taken note of the opinions of the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicants, the Grand Chamber decided on 25 April 1998 that it was not necessary to hold a further hearing following the relinquishment of jurisdiction by the original Chamber (Rule 40 in conjunction with Rule 51 § 6).
On 25 April 1998 the Grand Chamber ordered the joinder of the two cases (Rule 39 § 3 in fine).
I. the circumstances of the case
A. The first applicant, Miss Sheffield
The first applicant, Miss Kristina Sheffield, is a British citizen born in 1946 and currently resident in London. At birth the applicant was registered as being of the male sex. Prior to her gender reassignment treatment (see paragraph 13 below) she was married. She has one daughter from that marriage, which is now dissolved.
In 1986 the first applicant began treatment at a gender identity clinic in London and, on a date unspecified, successfully underwent sex reassignment surgery and treatment. She changed her name by deed poll to her present name. The change of name was recorded on her passport and driving licence.
Miss Sheffield refers to the difficulties which she has encountered as a result of her decision to undergo gender reassignment surgery and her subsequent change of sex.
She states that she was informed by her consultant psychiatrist and her surgeon that she was required to obtain a divorce as a precondition to surgery being carried out. Following the divorce, the applicant’s former spouse applied to the court to have her contact with her daughter terminated. The applicant states that the judge granted the application on the basis that contact with a transsexual would not be in the child’s interests. The applicant has not seen her daughter since then, a period of some twelve years.
Although her new name has been entered on her passport and driving licence, her birth certificate and various records including social- security and police records continue to record her original name and gender. As to her passport, she maintains that if there is a need for further enquiries about the bearer, this will inevitably lead to her former name and gender being disclosed. She cites by way of example her experience when applying for a visa to the United States embassy in London.
On 7 and 16 April 1992 Miss Sheffield attended court to stand surety in the sum of 2,000 pounds for a friend. On both occasions she was required, to her great embarrassment, to disclose to the court her previous name. She has also been dissuaded from acting as an alibi witness for a friend who was tried on criminal charges in March 1994 for fear of adding an element of sensationalism to the proceedings through the disclosure to the court of her original gender as inscribed on her birth certificate.
In June 1992 Miss Sheffield was arrested for breach of firearms regulations. The charges were dropped when it was established that the pistol was a replica. Following comments of police officers indicating that they were aware that the applicant had undergone a sex-change operation, the applicant sought to discover whether these personal details were held on police computer files. She discovered that the official request for information made under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1984 required her to state her sex and other names. She did not pursue the enquiry.
On 20 December 1992 the applicant entered into an insurance contract in respect of her car. The form which she was required to fill in as the basis of the contract required her to state her sex. Since she continues under United Kingdom law to be regarded as male she was obliged to give her sex as male. She also notes that she is obliged under the Perjury Act 1911 to disclose her former sexual identity in certain contexts under pain of criminal sanction.
The applicant maintains that her decision to undergo gender reassignment surgery has resulted in her being subjected to discrimination at work or in relation to obtaining work. She is a pilot by profession. She states that she was dismissed by her employers in 1986 as a direct consequence of her gender reassignment and has found it impossible to obtain employment in the respondent State in her chosen profession. She attributes this in large part to the legal position of transsexuals in that State.
B. The second applicant, Miss Horsham
The second applicant, Miss Rachel Horsham, is a British citizen born in 1946. She has been living in the Netherlands since 1974 and acquired Netherlands citizenship by naturalisation in September 1993. The second applicant was registered at birth as being of the male sex. She states that from an early age she began to experience difficulties in relating to herself as male and when she was twenty-one she fully understood that she was a transsexual. She left the United Kingdom in 1971 as she was concerned about the consequences of being identified as a transsexual. Thereafter she led her life abroad as a female.
From 1990, Miss Horsham received psychotherapy and hormonal treatment and finally underwent gender reassignment surgery on 21 May 1992 at the Free University Hospital, Amsterdam.
On 26 June1992, following earlier refusals, she applied to the British consulate in Amsterdam seeking a change of photograph and the inscription of her new name in her passport. She was informed that this could only be carried out in accordance with an order from the Netherlands courts. On 24 August 1992 Miss Horsham obtained an order from the Amsterdam Regional Court that she be issued a birth certificate by the Registrar of Births in The Hague recording her new name and the fact that she was of the female sex. The birth certificate was issued on 12 November 1992. In the meantime, on 11 September 1992 and on production of the court order, the British consulate issued a new passport to the applicant recording her new name and her sex as female.
On 15 November 1992 the second applicant requested that her original birth certificate in the United Kingdom be amended to record her sex as female. By letter dated 20 November 1992, the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys (OPCS) replied that there was no provision under United Kingdom law for any new information to be inscribed on her original birth certificate.
Miss Horsham states that she is forced to live in exile because of the legal situation in the United Kingdom. She has a male partner whom she plans to marry. She states that they would like to lead their married life in the United Kingdom but has been informed by the OPCS by letter dated 4 November 1993 that as a matter of English law, if she were to be held to be domiciled in the United Kingdom, she would be precluded from contracting a valid marriage whether that marriage “took place in the Netherlands or elsewhere”. ii. Relevant domestic law and practice
A. Names
Under English law, a person is entitled to adopt such first names or surname as he or she wishes. Such names are valid for purposes of identification and may be used in passports, driving licences, medical and insurance cards, etc. The new names are also entered on the electoral roll.
B. Marriage and definition of gender in domestic law
Under English law, marriage is defined as the voluntary union between a man and a woman. In the case of Corbett v. Corbett ([1971] Probate Reports 83), Mr Justice Ormrod ruled that sex for that purpose is to be determined by the application of chromosomal, gonadal and genital tests where these are congruent and without regard to any surgical intervention. This use of biological criteria to determine sex was approved by the Court of Appeal in R. v. Tan ([1983] Queen’s Bench Reports 1053) and given more general application, the court holding that a person born male had been correctly convicted under a statute penalising men who live on the earnings of prostitution, notwithstanding the fact that the accused had undergone gender reassignment therapy. Under section 11(b) of the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 any marriage where the parties are not respectively male and female is void. The test applied as to the sex of the partners to a marriage is that laid down in the above-mentioned case of Corbett v. Corbett. According to that same decision a marriage between a male-to-female transsexual and a man might also be avoided on the basis that the transsexual was incapable of consummating the marriage in the context of ordinary and complete sexual intercourse (obiter per Mr Justice Ormrod).
C. Birth certificates
Registration of births is governed by the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 (“the 1953 Act”). Section 1(1) of that Act requires that the birth of every child be registered by the Registrar of Births and Deaths for the area in which the child is born. An entry is regarded as a record of the facts at the time of birth. A birth certificate accordingly constitutes a document revealing not current identity but historical facts.
The sex of the child must be entered on the birth certificate. The criteria for determining the sex of a child at birth are not defined in the Act. The practice of the Registrar is to use exclusively the biological criteria (chromosomal, gonadal and genital) as laid down by Mr Justice Ormrod in the above-mentioned case of Corbett v. Corbett.
The 1953 Act provides for the correction by the Registrar of clerical errors or factual errors. The official position is that an amendment may only be made if the error occurred when the birth was registered. The fact that it may become evident later in a person’s life that his or her “psychological” sex is in conflict with the biological criteria is not considered to imply that the initial entry at birth was a factual error. Only in cases where the apparent and genital sex of a child was wrongly identified or where the biological criteria were not congruent can a change in the initial entry be made. It is necessary for that purpose to adduce medical evidence that the initial entry was incorrect. No error is accepted to exist in the birth entry of a person who undergoes medical and surgical treatment to enable that person to assume the role of the opposite sex.
The Government point out that the use of a birth certificate for identification purposes is discouraged by the Registrar General, and for a number of years birth certificates have contained a warning that they are not evidence of the identity of the person presenting it. However, it is a matter for individuals whether to follow this recommendation.
D. Social security, employment and pensions
A transsexual continues to be recorded for social security, national insurance and employment purposes as being of the sex recorded at birth. A male-to-female transsexual will accordingly only be entitled to a State pension at the State retirement age of 65 and not the age of 60 which is applicable to women.
E. Other relevant materials
In its judgment of 30 April 1996, in the case of P. v. S. and Cornwall County Council, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) held that discrimination arising from gender reassignment constituted discrimination on grounds of sex and accordingly Article 5 § 1 of Council Directive 76/207/EEC of 9 February 1976 on the implementation of the principle of equal treatment for men and women as regards access to employment, vocational training and promotion and working conditions precluded dismissal of a transsexual for a reason related to a gender reassignment. The ECJ held, rejecting the argument of the United Kingdom Government that the employer would also have dismissed P. if P. had previously been a woman and had undergone an operation to become a man, that “... Where a person is dismissed on the ground that he or she intends to undergo or has undergone gender reassignment, he or she is treated unfavourably by comparison with persons of the sex to which he or she was deemed to belong before undergoing gender reassignment. To tolerate such discrimination would be tantamount, as regards such a person, to a failure to respect the dignity and freedom to which he or she is entitled and which the Court has a duty to safeguard.” (paragraphs 21–22)
The ruling of the ECJ was applied by the Employment Appeal Tribunal in a decision handed down on 27 June 1997 (Chessington World of Adventures Ltd v. Reed [1997] 1 Industrial Law Reports).
F. Liberty’s observations
In their written observations on the legal recognition of transsexuals in comparative law (see paragraph 6 above), Liberty suggested that over the last decade there has been an unmistakably clear trend in the member States of the Council of Europe towards giving full legal recognition to gender reassignment. According to the study carried out by Liberty, the majority of member States now make provision for such recognition. For example, out of thirty-seven countries analysed, only four (including the United Kingdom) do not permit a change to be made to a person’s birth certificate in one form or another to reflect the re-assigned sex of that person. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION
Miss Sheffield applied to the Commission on 4 August 1993. She alleged that the refusal of the respondent State to give legal recognition to her status as a woman following gender reassignment surgery gave rise to violations of Articles 8, 12 and 14 of the Convention and that she had no effective remedy in respect of her complaints, in breach of Article 13. She also complained that she was coerced by underhand methods into divorcing and is prevented from having contact with her daughter. The Commission declared the application (no. 22985/93) admissible on 19 January 1996 with the exception of her complaint regarding her divorce and contact with her daughter which had been declared inadmissible on 4 September 1995 for failure to comply with the six-month time-limit under the Convention. In its report of 21 January 1997 (Article 31), it expressed the opinion that there had been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention (fifteen votes to one); that the applicant’s complaint under Article 12 of the Convention did not give rise to any separate issue (nine votes to seven); that the applicant’s complaint under Article 14 of the Convention did not give rise to any separate issue (unanimously); and that there had been no violation of Article 13 of the Convention (unanimously).
In her application to the Commission lodged on 4 August 1993, Miss Horsham alleged that the refusal of the respondent State to give legal recognition to her status as a woman following gender reassignment surgery gave rise to violations of Articles 3, 8, 12, 13 and 14 of the Convention as well as of Article 3 of Protocol No. 4 in relation to alleged constructive expulsion from the respondent State. The Commission declared the application (no. 23390/94) admissible on 19 January 1996 with the exception of her complaints under Article 3 of the Convention and Article 3 of Protocol No. 4 which had been declared inadmissible on 4 September 1995. In its report of 21 January 1997 (Article 31), it expressed the opinion that there had been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention (fifteen votes to one); that her complaint under Article 12 of the Convention did not give rise to any separate issue (ten votes to six); that the applicant’s complaint under Article 14 of the Convention did not give rise to any separate issue (unanimously); and that there had been no violation of Article 13 of the Convention (unanimously).
The full text of the Commission’s opinions in the two cases and of the dissenting opinions contained in the reports is reproduced as an annex to this judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS TO THE COURT
The applicants in their joint memorial requested the Court to decide and declare that the facts of the case disclose a breach of their rights under Article 8 of the Convention and/or Article 14 in conjunction with Article 8, and to award them just satisfaction under Article 50. The Government requested the Court in their memorial to decide and declare that the facts disclose no breach of the applicants’ rights. | train | {
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001-57446 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was brought before the Court on 18 July 1986 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“), within the period of three months laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). The case originated in two applications (nos. 9659/82 and 9658/82) lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the first in 1981 by James and Sarah Boyle and the second in 1982 by Brian and John Rice. All four applicants are British citizens. Brian and John Rice, who at the outset were designated by the initials X and Y, subsequently consented to the disclosure of their identities.
The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The purpose of the request and the application was to obtain a decision as to whether or not the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 8 and 13 (art. 8, art. 13) of the Convention.
In response to the inquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, both sets of applicants stated that they wished to participate in the proceedings pending before the Court and designated the lawyers who would represent them (Rule 30).
The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Sir Vincent Evans, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 § 3 (b)). On 26 September 1986, the President of the Court drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr. F. Gölcüklü, Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha, Mr. A.M. Donner, Mr. J. De Meyer and Mr. N. Valticos (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 4) (art. 43). Subsequently, Mr. J. Gersing, substitute judge, replaced Mr. Donner, who was prevented from taking part in the consideration of the case (Rules 22 § 1 and 24 § 1).
Mr. Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 5). He ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government of the United Kingdom (“the Government“), the Delegate of the Commission and the lawyers for the applicants regarding the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 § 1). Thereafter, in accordance with the Orders and directions of the President of the Chamber, the following documents were lodged at the registry:
on 15 December 1986, the memorial of the applicants;
on 30 January 1987, the memorial of the Government;
on 4 May 1987, an account of costs and expenses rendered by the applicants’ solicitors;
on 25 June 1987, the further comments of the Government on the application of Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention. On 3 March 1987, the Delegate of the Commission had notified the Registrar that he did not wish to present any comments in writing.
On 6 March 1987, after consulting, through the Registrar, the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the lawyers for the applicants, the President directed that the oral proceedings should open on 18 May 1987 (Rule 38). Shortly thereafter, Mr. Ryssdal, being prevented from taking further part in the consideration of the case, was replaced as President of the Chamber by Mr. Cremona, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 § 5).
The hearing was held in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. Immediately prior to its opening, the Court had held a preparatory meeting. There appeared before the Court:
for the Government Mr. M. Wood, Legal Counsellor, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr. M. Baker, Barrister-at-Law, Mr. A. Grotrian, Advocate, Counsel, Mrs. M. Macdonald, Scottish Office, Mr. D. Dalgetty, Scottish Office, Advisers;
for the Commission Sir Basil Hall, Delegate;
for the applicants Mr. A. Lester, Q.C., Mr. D. Pannick, Barrister-at-Law, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr. Baker for the Government, by Sir Basil Hall for the Commission and by Mr. Lester for the applicants, as well as their replies to its questions. The same day, the Government lodged at the registry various documents the production of which the Registrar had previously, on 7 May 1987, requested on the instructions of the President of the Chamber.
Following deliberations held on 20 May 1987, the Chamber, by unanimous decision, relinquished jurisdiction in favour of the plenary Court (Rule 50). Having taken note of the agreement of the Agent of the Government and the concurring opinion of the Delegate of the Commission and of the applicants, the Court decided on 23 September 1987, that the consideration of the case should continue without resumption of the oral proceedings (Rule 26).
A. James and Sarah Boyle
The applicants, James and Sarah Boyle, are British citizens born in 1944 and 1950 respectively. In 1967, the first applicant was sentenced in Scotland to life imprisonment for murder. He received a number of subsequent prison sentences in 1968 and 1973 for prison breaking, attempted murder of a prison officer and assault on prison staff. The second applicant is the first applicant’s wife and a doctor by profession.
In March 1973, Mr. Boyle was removed from Peterhead Prison to a Special Unit in Barlinnie Prison. This Unit had been set up on an experimental basis to treat selected long-term prisoners and prisoners with violent propensities (see paragraph 32 below). The Unit had a maximum of eight prisoners and was characterised by a more liberal regime. Mr. Boyle played a prominent role in facilitating the success of the Special Unit. In particular, he discovered that he had special abilities in working with people and in sculpture, writing and other areas of artistic activity. While in the Special Unit, Mr. Boyle was allowed, amongst other things, to write and receive uncensored mail, to have daily access to visitors and to use a telephone. He was thereby able to meet his wife, talk to her on the telephone and correspond with her without being subject to the normal restrictions. He also had the opportunity to go out of the prison without escort.
In September 1980, Mr. Boyle was advised by the Parole Board that he was to be released on licence in November 1982 and that he was to be transferred to Saughton Prison, Edinburgh, to undergo a pre-release programme. He was informed that he would serve his time there on the same terms and conditions as other prisoners. It was considered that, although the regime there was on traditional lines, Saughton Prison would be more beneficial to Mr. Boyle during the period leading to his eventual release than other alternatives, for example Penninghame Open Prison (see paragraph 31 below). The factors governing the choice included the desirability of his occupying a single cell rather than being in a dormitory; the availability of suitable day-time work for him and of facilities for continuing his studies and his artistic work; and access to suitable educational and vocational opportunities for his pre-release training. Mr. Boyle himself had in fact stated in written submissions in December 1979 that, if he could not remain at Barlinnie for his pre-release programme, he would prefer training from Edinburgh rather than Penninghame. In November 1981, he was transferred to a Training for Freedom Hostel within the prison (see paragraph 33 below). He was released on 1 November 1982. As from October 1980 until his release, he was in the lowest security category (Category D).
The applicants’ complaints to the Commission in so far as relevant to the present proceedings all related to the period between September 1980 and November 1981 when Mr. Boyle was subject to the ordinary prison regime at Saughton Prison. The facts surrounding those grievances are briefly set out in the following paragraphs.
During the relevant period the normal rules regarding the sending and payment of correspondence were applied to Mr. Boyle (see paragraphs 22 and 23 below). The postage of only one three-page letter per week was paid for out of public funds. He was able to pay for other letters out of his prison earnings of £1.60 per week but not out of his general financial resources. In a letter of 31 July 1981 from his solicitors to the Secretary of State for Scotland, a complaint was made that because he found it necessary to spend 80 pence per week out of his earnings to supplement his (mainly) vegetarian diet by buying oatmeal cakes as the prison service provided only white bread, the number of letters he was able to send was restricted. A full vegetarian diet was available at Saughton Prison and no complaint was made by Mr. Boyle to the Governor or to the Secretary of State as to its adequacy.
Mr. Boyle’s incoming and outgoing mail was controlled by the prison authorities in accordance with the normal practice followed at the prison (see paragraph 24 below). The applicants also asserted before the Commission that on occasions the prison censorship officer read out aloud in front of other inmates letters from Mrs. Boyle, laughing or making comments about their contents. However, Mr. Boyle did not make any complaint to the Governor of the Prison or the Secretary of State regarding the manner in which his mail was read, in particular about its being read aloud, although the fact of his mail being screened was the subject of complaint in his solicitors’ letter of 31 July 1981.
In July 1981, a letter to a friend of his, Mr. Peter McDougall, was stopped by the Prison Governor on the ground that Mr. McDougall was a “media personality“. Mr. Boyle petitioned the Secretary of State regarding this matter, but his petition was rejected on the basis that there was a general prohibition of the passing on by a prisoner of material intended for publication or for use on wireless or television (see paragraph 25 below). The Government have subsequently acknowledged that in fact this rule was applied in error, since, although the letter in question was addressed to a person connected with the public media, it was a personal one which Mr. Boyle should have been allowed to send.
Mr. Boyle was entitled to receive visits in accordance with the normal rules applied in Saughton Prison (see paragraph 26 below). Consequently, as pointed out in his solicitors’ letter of 31 July 1981, he was permitted only one hour’s visiting time a month under close supervision in a crowded visiting hall. He used this time to meet his wife, with the result that he was not able to see the other members of his family. He was able to benefit from the special escorted leave scheme and visited his home on two occasions, albeit under the constant supervision of an officer in accordance with the scheme (see paragraph 28 below). As from November 1980, he was given a special licence to do unescorted community work outside the prison, initially for two days and subsequently for five days a week.
The solicitors for Mr. and Mrs. Boyle also raised with the Secretary of State a general objection that Mr. Boyle’s treatment at Saughton Prison was markedly less favourable than his treatment at Barlinnie Special Unit and also in comparison with other Category D prisoners elsewhere under the penal system. By reply dated 28 August 1981, the Secretary of State rejected this and the other complaints made in the solicitors’ letter of 31 July 1981. Mr. Boyle also complained through his Member of Parliament to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (the Ombudsman - see paragraph 39 below) about various aspects of his treatment at Saughton Prison. In a letter of 17 September 1981, the Ombudsman stated that he could not uphold Mr. Boyle’s complaints. He stated, inter alia: “From the details that Mr. Boyle has given, his correspondence, special escorted leave, and visits appear to have been dealt with correctly in accordance with current rules, however dissatisfied he may be with those rules. I think it is fair to say that much of Mr. Boyle’s complaint reflects his disagreement with those rules and with their application to him at this stage of his sentence. The rules are of course a matter for Parliament and in the absence of evidence of maladministration I am precluded by the Parliamentary Commissioner Act from questioning the Department’s discretion in applying them.“
B. Brian and John Rice
The applicants, Brian and John Rice, are British citizens born in 1947 and 1920 respectively. Brian Rice was sentenced to life imprisonment for murder in 1967. He served his sentence in Peterhead and Perth Prisons until August 1979. From August 1979 onwards, he was detained as a Category D prisoner (that is, the lowest security category) at Saughton Prison. He was moved to the Training for Freedom Hostel within the prison (see paragraph 33 below) on 11 September 1981 and was released on licence on 1 June 1982. He had requested to serve the latter part of his sentence in Edinburgh rather than, for example, in Penninghame Open Prison (see paragraph 31 below) because he wanted, prior to his release, to have the benefit of further education courses which were not available from Penninghame. John Rice is the first-named applicant’s father and lives at Dundee, some sixty miles from Edinburgh. At the relevant time he was seriously ill - having been in bad health for some years - and unable to walk or travel.
During his period in Saughton Prison, Brian Rice enjoyed the normal entitlement to visits applicable at the prison. He petitioned the Secretary of State for Scotland on 8 May 1981 requesting a home visit to his father. The petition indicated that his father had been “ill for a considerable period“, but not that he was dangerously ill, which would have made him eligible for compassionate leave (see paragraph 27 below). His request was therefore refused on 27 May 1981. The decision recommended him to make the effort to get a member of staff to take him out of prison under the special escorted leave scheme (see paragraph 28 below). It appears, however, that he experienced difficulty in finding a prison officer to accompany him on special escorted leave. Although Brian Rice was not able to visit his father during the relevant period, he was permitted to attend, without an escort, a college to follow an educational course two days a week and also a centre where he was doing community work. He had previously been granted a home visit in August 1980 and prior to the commencement of the Training for Freedom programme he spent five days on home leave in September 1981. In a letter dated 23 July 1981 in reply to a letter of 18 June from Mr. Rice’s Member of Parliament, the Under Secretary of State at the Scottish Office explained the reasons for the refusal of compassionate leave: “... Each application is considered on its merits and on the basis of medical and social work reports. Mr. Rice’s application for a special visit was considered in the usual way but it was decided that it did not meet the required conditions. Mr. Rice was advised that if his father’s condition deteriorated he should make a further request. It is necessary, to prevent abuse of the arrangements, to maintain a strict and entirely consistent approach to applications for compassionate visits from all prisoners and the fact that a prisoner is being released for educational or other purposes does not affect consideration of the merits of his application or remove the need for the normal criteria to be met. ... Mr. Rice is expected to transfer to the formal Training for Freedom (TFF) in September. Prior to that he will have a five-day home leave and while on TFF he will have weekends which he may spend at home. I feel that it would be quite wrong, before that stage is reached, to make a special exception in Mr. Rice’s case and circumvent the rules in relation to either a compassionate visit or a special escorted leave.“
On 28 July 1981, the solicitors acting for Brian Rice wrote to the Secretary of State complaining about
the alleged stopping by the prison authorities of a number of letters addressed to themselves, his Member of Parliament, his former counsel and his family;
his limited prison visiting entitlement, which, as regards maintenance of family contacts, was said to discriminate against him in comparison with other prisoners who were in Category D but detained in open conditions; and
the refusal to grant compassionate leave. The reply of 2 September 1981 sent on behalf of the Secretary of State rejected all the various complaints raised. In particular, it was pointed out that all his mail had been posted. | train | {
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"applicant": "Sarah Boyle",
"articles": [
"countries": "GBR",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Sarah Boyle |
001-57491 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court on 8 March 1988 by the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (“the Government“) and on 14 March 1988 by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“), within the three-month period laid down in Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention“). It originated in an application (no. 10454/83) against the United Kingdom lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by Mr Graham Gaskin, a British citizen, on 17 February 1983.
The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request and of the Government’s application was to obtain a decision as to whether or not the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 8 (art. 8) and, as far as the request was concerned, Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention.
In response to the inquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3(d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to participate in the proceedings pending before the Court and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30).
The Chamber to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Sir Vincent Evans, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3(b)). On 25 March 1988, the President of the Court drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr J. Pinheiro Farinha, Mr. B. Walsh, Mr C. Russo, Mr R. Bernhardt and Mr N. Valticos (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43).
Mr Ryssdal assumed the office of President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5). He ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the lawyer for the applicant regarding the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 para. 1). Thereafter, in accordance with the Orders and directions of the President of the Chamber, the memorial of the Government was lodged at the registry on 30 August 1988 and the memorial of the applicant on 1 September 1988. Further memorials relating to the application of Article 50 (art. 50) were lodged at the registry, on 27 April and 24 May 1989 by the applicant and on 16 June by the Government.
After consulting, through the Registrar, those who would be appearing before the Court, the President directed on 6 December 1988 that the oral proceedings should open on 28 March 1989 (Rule 38).
On 23 February 1989, the Chamber decided to relinquish jurisdiction in favour of the plenary Court (Rule 50).
The hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. Immediately prior to its opening, the Court had held a preparatory meeting. There appeared before the Court:
for the Government Mr I.D. Hendry, Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr N. Bratza, Q.C., Counsel, Mr E.R. Moutrie, Solicitor, Department of Health and Social Security, Mrs A. Whittle, Department of Health and Social Security, Mr R. Langham, Department of Health and Social Security, Miss T. Fuller, City Solicitor’s Department, Liverpool City Council, Mr A. James, Liverpool City Council, Advisers;
for the Commission Mrs G.H. Thune, Delegate;
for the applicant Mr R. Makin, Solicitor of the Supreme Court, Counsel.
The Court heard addresses by Mr Bratza for the Government, by Mrs Thune for the Commission and by Mr Makin for the applicant, as well as their replies to its questions.
The applicant is a British citizen and was born on 2 December 1959. Following the death of his mother, he was received into care by the Liverpool City Council under section 1 of the Children Act 1948 (“the 1948 Act“) on 1 September 1960. Save for five periods varying between one week and five months when he was discharged to the care of his father, the applicant remained in voluntary care until 18 June 1974. On that date the applicant appeared before the Liverpool Juvenile Court and pleaded guilty to a number of offences including burglary and theft. The court made a care order in respect of him under section 7 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969. The applicant ceased to be in the care of the Liverpool City Council on attaining the age of majority (18) on 2 December 1977. During the major part of the period while he was in care the applicant was boarded out with various foster parents, subject to the provisions of the Boarding-Out of Children Regulations 1955 (“the 1955 Regulations“). Under the terms of those regulations the local authority was under a duty to keep certain confidential records concerning the applicant and his care (see paragraph 13 below).
The applicant contends that he was ill-treated in care, and since his majority has wished to obtain details of where he was kept and by whom and in what conditions in order to be able to help him to overcome his problems and learn about his past.
On 9 October 1978, the applicant was permitted by a social worker in the employment of the Liverpool City Council to see the case records relating to him kept by the Social Services Department of the Council in accordance with its statutory duty. He removed those records without the Council’s consent, retaining them in his possession until he returned them to the Social Services Department on 12 October 1978.
It is the practice of the local authorities to keep a case record in respect of every child in care. In respect of children boarded out they were and are under a statutory duty to keep case records by virtue of the 1955 Regulations, which were made under section 14 of the 1948 Act. Regulation 10 of the 1955 Regulations, so far as relevant, provides that: “10.-(1) A local authority shall compile a case record in respect of - (a) every child boarded out by them; (b) ... (c) ... and the said records shall be kept up-to-date. (2) ... (3) Every case record compiled under this Regulation or a microfilm recording thereof shall be preserved for at least three years after the child to whom it relates has attained the age of eighteen years or has died before attaining that age, and such microfilm recording or, where there is none, such case record shall be open to inspection at all reasonable times by any person duly authorised in that behalf by the Secretary of State.“
In 1979 the applicant, wishing to bring proceedings against the local authority for damages for negligence, made an application under section 31 of the Administration of Justice Act 1970 (“the 1970 Act“) for discovery of the local authority’s case records made during his period in care. Section 31 of the 1970 Act provides, inter alia, that the High Court shall have power to order such disclosure to a person who is likely to be a party to legal proceedings for personal injuries.
The application was heard by the High Court on 22 February 1980. The local authority objected to the grant of discovery of the records on the ground that disclosure and production would be contrary to the public interest. The principal contributors to those case records were medical practitioners, school teachers, police and probation officers, social workers, health visitors, foster parents and residential school staff. Their contributions to the case records were treated in the strictest confidence and it was in the interest of the effective conduct of the care system that such records should be as full and frank as possible. If discovery were ordered, the public interest in the proper operation of the child-care service would be jeopardised since the contributors to the records would be reluctant to be frank in their reports in the future.
The applicant contended that the case records held by the local authority should be made available to him on the general principles of discovery, for the purpose of his proposed proceedings for personal injuries against the local authority. He further argued that it was also in the public interest that some measure of review of the standard of care provided by a local authority to a child in care be available.
The judge did not read the records in question, but balanced the public interest in maintaining an efficient child-care system with the applicant’s private interest in receiving access to his case records for the purpose of the proposed litigation. After referring to the case of Re D (infants) [1970] 1 Weekly Law Reports (“WLR“) 599, in which Lord Denning, Master of the Rolls, held that case records compiled pursuant to Regulation 10 of the 1955 Regulations were regarded as private and confidential, he concluded: “I am left in no doubt that it is necessary for the proper functioning of the child care service that the confidentiality of the relevant documents should be preserved. This is a very important service to which the interests - also very important - of the individual must, in my judgment, bow. I have no doubt that the public interest will be better served by refusing discovery and this I do.“
The applicant appealed from this decision to the Court of Appeal. On 27 June 1980 the Court of Appeal unanimously dismissed the appeal. In the Court of Appeal’s view, the High Court, in its judgment, had correctly balanced the competing interests. It added that the inspection of a document is a course which it is proper for a court to take in certain cases, for example where grave doubt arises and the court cannot properly decide upon which side the balance of public and private interests falls without itself inspecting the documents. However, this was not a case in which such doubt arose as would make it proper for the court itself to inspect the documents. The High Court’s decision was accordingly affirmed and leave to appeal to the House of Lords was refused (Gaskin v. Liverpool City Council [1980] 1 WLR 1549).
On 21 October 1980, Liverpool City Council set up the Child Care Records Sub-Committee (“the Sub-Committee“) to make recommendations on access to personal social services files and to investigate the allegations relating to the applicant.
On 17 June 1982, the Sub-Committee recommended making available case records to ex-clients of the social services, subject to certain safeguards and restrictions relating in particular to medical and police information. As to the applicant, the Sub-Committee viewed with concern the number of placements which he had while in care, and which they recognised could be detrimental to a young person’s development, but found no evidence to suggest that “the officers carried out their duties in other than a caring manner“. The applicant was to be allowed access to, and to make photocopies of, his case records, subject however to the exclusion of medical and police information.
On 30 June 1982, the Sub-Committee’s recommendations, subject to an amendment which would require the consent of members of the medical profession and police services to be sought to the disclosure of information which they had contributed, were embodied in a resolution of the Social Services Committee. However, Mr Lea, a dissenting member of the Sub-Committee, brought an action challenging the resolution and obtained an interlocutory court order preventing the City Council from implementing it until the trial of the action or until further order.
On 26 January 1983, Liverpool City Council passed a further resolution. As regards future records this reiterated the general terms of the resolution of 30 June 1982 and added certain further restrictions to protect information given in confidence and to provide for the non-disclosure of the whole or part of the personal record in particular cases, but as regards information obtained and compiled before 1 March 1983 it was resolved that this should be disclosed only with the consent of the suppliers thereof. Pursuant to this policy the resolution went on to instruct the Council’s officers to contact the various suppliers of information to the Gaskin file immediately with a view to disclosure. The local authority’s officers were, however, ordered not to implement this resolution pending the outcome of the legal action brought by Mr Lea. This action was discontinued on 13 May 1983 and on 29 June the local authority confirmed a further resolution to the effect that the resolution of 26 January would be implemented as from 1 September 1983.
On 24 August 1983 the Department of Health and Social Security issued Circular LAC (Local Authority Circular) (83) 14 to local authorities and health authorities pursuant to section 7 of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970 setting out the principles governing the disclosure of information in social services case records to persons who were the subject of the records. The general policy laid down in paragraph 3 of the circular was that persons receiving personal social services should, subject to adequate safeguards, be able to discover what is said about them in social services records and with certain exceptions should be allowed to have access thereto. Paragraph 5 set out under five headings the reasons for withholding information. These included the protection of third parties who contributed information in confidence, protecting sources of information, and protecting social service department staff’s confidential judgments. Paragraphs 6 to 9 set out in more specific terms the policy governing client access to case records. Paragraph 7 in particular defined the considerations to be weighed on the other side of the balance whenever an application was made for access, the most relevant for the purposes of the present case being that “information shall not be disclosed to the client if derived in confidence from a third party without the consent of the third party“. However, it was then provided in paragraph 9 that since existing records had been compiled on the basis that their contents would never be disclosed, material entered in the records prior to the introduction of the new policy should in no event be disclosed without the permission of the contributor of the information.
On 31 August 1983, the High Court granted the Attorney General leave to apply for judicial review of the resolution of 26 January 1983 as amended by that of 29 June 1983 on the ground that it went beyond what were considered to be the proper limits and, in particular, omitted certain important safeguards which were contained in Circular LAC (83) 14. Pending the trial of the action an injunction was granted restraining the local authority from implementing the resolution of 26 January 1983.
On 9 November 1983, Liverpool City Council confirmed a further resolution of its Social Services Committee of 18 October 1983 setting out certain additional grounds on which information should be withheld. The resolution provided that the information in the applicant’s file should be made available to him if the contributors to the file (or as regards some information the Director of Social Services) consented and that the various contributors of the information contained in the file should be contacted for their permission before the release of that information. Following the passing of this resolution, which was in line with Government Circular LAC (83) 14 (see paragraph 23 above), the Attorney General withdrew his application for judicial review.
The applicant’s case record consisted of some 352 documents contributed by 46 persons. On 23 May 1986 copies of 65 documents supplied by 19 persons were sent to the applicant’s solicitors. These were documents whose authors had consented to disclosure to the applicant. The size of each contribution disclosed varied from one letter to numerous letters and reports.
Those contributors who refused to waive confidentiality, although not asked to give reasons, stated, inter alia, that third-party interests could be harmed; that the contribution would be of no value if taken out of context; that professional confidence was involved; that it was not the practice to disclose reports to clients; and that too great a period of time had elapsed for a letter or report still to be in the contributor’s recollection. Furthermore, in June 1986, one contributor refused his consent to disclosure on the ground that it would be detrimental to the applicant’s interests.
In a letter of 15 July 1986, the Director of Social Services of Liverpool City Council wrote to the applicant’s solicitors in the following terms: “I refer to your letter dated 11 June 1986. I would wish to be as helpful as possible to you, but at the end of the day suspect that we may have genuine differences of opinion. At least I take that to be the implication of the questions you asked. I do not think therefore, that we can take this correspondence further in a profitable way because, as I have said, it is, in the last analysis, for the provider of information, retrospectively collected, to release or refuse to release, in their absolute discretion, the information supplied from the ‘confidential’ embargo originally accorded to it. The reasons for releasing or not releasing are irrelevant whether they are good, bad or indifferent. I regret I do not feel able to help you further.“
On 1 April 1989 the Access to Personal Files (Social Services) Regulations 1989 came into force. These regulations, made under the Access to Personal Files Act 1987 and further explained in Local Authority Circular LAC (89) 2, impose upon social services departments a duty to give to any individual access to personal information held concerning him, except for personal health information which originated from a health professional and subject to the exceptions in Regulation 9. This latter provision exempts from the obligation of disclosure, inter alia, any information from which the identity of another individual (other than a social service employee), who has not consented to the disclosure of the information, would be likely to be disclosed or deduced by the individual who is the subject of the information or any other person who is likely to obtain access to it. According to the Government, the effect of Regulation 9 (3) is that, in future, case records will be compiled on the basis that the information contained therein is liable to be disclosed, except in so far as disclosure would be likely to reveal the identity of the informant or another third party. However, by virtue of section 2 (4) of the Access to Personal Files Act 1987, the 1989 Regulations apply only to information recorded after the Regulations came into force, that is, after 1 April 1989. As in the case of Circular LAC (83) 14, which governed the adoption of the resolution mentioned in paragraph 25 above and the subsequent partial release of documents to Mr Gaskin, the Access to Personal Files (Social Services) Regulations 1989 do not have retrospective effect. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION
The applicant applied to the Commission (application no. 10454/83) on 17 February 1983. He claimed that the refusal of access to all his case records held by the Liverpool City Council was in breach of his right to respect for his private and family life under Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention and his right to receive information under Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention. He also invoked Articles 3 and 13 (art. 3, art. 13) of the Convention and Article 2 of Protocol No. 1 (P1-2).
On 23 January 1986, the Commission declared admissible the applicant’s complaint concerning the continuing refusal of Liverpool City Council to give him access to his case records but declared the remainder of the application inadmissible. In its report of 13 November 1987 (Article 31) (art. 31), the Commission concluded, by six votes to six, with a casting vote by the acting President, that there had been a violation of Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention by the procedures and decisions which resulted in the refusal to allow the applicant access to the file. It further concluded, by eleven votes to none with one abstention, that there had been no violation of Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention. The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the partly dissenting opinions contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to the present judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE COURT BY THE GOVERNMENT
At the public hearing on 28 March 1989, the Government maintained the concluding submissions set out in their memorial, whereby they requested the Court to decide and declare: “(i) that the facts disclose no breach of the applicant’s rights guaranteed by Article 8 (art. 8) of the Convention; (ii) that the facts disclose no breach of the applicant’s rights guaranteed by Article 10 (art. 10) of the Convention.“ | train | {
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001-59721 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 37555/97) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Irish national, Mr Gerard Patrick O’Hara (“the applicant”), on 20 May 1997.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by his counsel. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent.
The applicant alleged principally that he had not been arrested on a reasonable suspicion that he had committed an offence, that he had not been brought promptly before a judge or other judicial officer and that he did not have an enforceable right to compensation in respect of these matters. He relied on Article 5 §§ 1, 3 and 5 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 14 March 2000, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible [Note by the Registry. The Court’s decision is obtainable from the Registry].
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 12 June 2001 (Rule 59 § 2). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr H. Llewellyn, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr S. Freeland, Counsel, Mr O. Paulin, Mr S. Braviner, Mrs M. Madden, Advisers; (b) for the applicant Mr B. MacDonald, Counsel, Mr D. Mullan, of the Londonderry Bar, Solicitor. The Court heard addresses by Mr MacDonald and Mr Freeland.
The applicant was, and still is, a prominent member of Sinn Fein. He has been arrested by the police on a number of occasions and has issued proceedings relating to his allegations, inter alia, of arbitrary arrest, assault and ill-treatment arising out of six incidents. In proceedings lodged for incidents in 1988 and on 19 March 1993, he received an award of damages (amount unspecified). In or about January 1994 he was awarded damages of 2,500 pounds sterling (GBP) for an incident in Guildhall Square on 16 March 1993 when the judge found that he had been wrongfully arrested by police officers who had purported to arrest the applicant for obstruction in failing to give his name when in fact they were fully aware of his identity. This case concerns his arrest in 1985 in relation to the murder of Mr Kurt Konig.
Kurt Konig was a German citizen working for the caterers of canteens in police stations in Londonderry. He was murdered on 21 November 1985. The Provisional IRA claimed responsibility for his death.
The Government submitted that Special Branch received intelligence that the applicant and three other persons were involved in the murder. The intelligence derived from four informants who had proved reliable in the past and had provided information leading to seizures of explosives or firearms and to prosecutions. None of the informants had a criminal record. The information given by these four informants was consistent, in that all gave the same names as being involved, and independent, in that none was aware of the existence of the others and each gave the information at separate meetings with police officers.
Detective Superintendent R. of the Royal Ulster Constabulary (“the RUC”) was briefed by Special Branch concerning this intelligence that the applicant was a member of the Provisional IRA and had been implicated in the murder.
Detective Superintendent R. briefed Inspector B. who in turn briefed Detective Constable S.
On 28 December 1985, at about 6 or 6.15 a.m., Detective Constable S. visited the applicant’s house and conducted a search. At the conclusion of the search, at 8.05 a.m., S. arrested the applicant. He told the applicant that he was arresting him under section 12(1)(b) of the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act 1984 (“the 1984 Act”) which empowered a police constable to arrest, without a warrant, a person whom he had reasonable grounds for suspecting of being concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism.
The applicant was taken to Castlereagh Detention Centre where he was questioned about his possible membership of the IRA, his suspected involvement in Kurt Konig’s murder and also his possible involvement in the murder of two soldiers on 1 April 1982. He was interviewed on thirty-four occasions. He did not respond to any questions. According to the Government, the first interview occurred on 28 December 1985 at 11.50 a.m., at the start of which he was told that the police were enquiring into his involvement with the Provisional IRA and related matters. Police notes provided by the Government record that during the next interview, from 2.05 to 4 p.m., the interrogating officers told the applicant that they were making enquiries in relation to his membership of the IRA and the murder of Kurt Konig.
On 29 December 1985 the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland extended the applicant’s period of detention beyond the initial 48-hour period, by five days. The applicant was released without charge on 3 January 1986 at 9 p.m., after six days and thirteen hours in custody.
By a writ issued on 20 August 1986 against the Chief Constable of the RUC, the applicant instituted a civil action for damages before the High Court in Northern Ireland in respect of, inter alia, assault, seizure of documents, false imprisonment and unlawful arrest.
Before the High Court, the submissions of the applicant’s counsel concentrated, as the trial judge found, on the issues of assault and confiscation of documents. He did however raise the argument, in the context of the lawfulness of the arrest, that Detective Constable S. did not have sufficient grounds for suspicion that the applicant had committed an offence to justify the arrest. The evidence before the court from Detective Constable S. was to the effect that he attended a briefing at 5.30 a.m. on 28 December 1985 in which he was told that he was to carry out a search to find evidence and arrest persons, including the applicant, suspected of involvement in the murder of Kurt Konig. He had been told by his superior officer, Inspector B., at that briefing that the applicant was involved in the murder and stated that these were the reasonable grounds for suspecting the applicant. He did not state that Inspector B. had told him the grounds for his own suspicion, nor was he asked about that matter by counsel for either party. It was common ground that the murder was a terrorist offence. The superior officer was not called as a witness in the proceedings.
On 14 November 1990 Judge McCollum found that there had been an unlawful taking of the applicant’s notes by a police officer and awarded Mr O’Hara GBP 100 in damages. He rejected the applicant’s claims of assault and ill-treatment, finding that he had not satisfied him on the balance of probabilities that his version of events was right and that of the police officers wrong. As regards the allegations of wrongful arrest, the judge noted: “... while [the applicant’s counsel] submitted that the officer who arrested the [applicant] was required, in order to render the arrest lawful, in addition to holding the suspicion grounding the arrest of the [applicant], [to] have reasonable grounds for that suspicion, based on his own knowledge of facts giving rise to that suspicion. He accepted that both Mr Justice Carswell and the Lord Chief Justice had previously rejected the same submission in similar cases. While he reserved his position on this issue he made no new submissions and produced no new arguments to me which would cause me to depart from the reasoning in their decisions, and in the circumstances I am satisfied in this case on the evidence of Detective Constable [S.] that as a result of the information he had been given he had reasonable grounds for suspecting that the [applicant] had been concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. Cross-examination of the detective constable did not probe the details which had been disclosed to Detective Constable [S.] in the course of the briefing during which he was supplied with this information. I find on the evidence that the detective constable had a suspicion that the [applicant] was involved in the murder of Kurt Konig and that this suspicion was reasonably based on information given to him by a superior officers at the briefing that morning. Either party could have elicited details of the briefing, not as truth of the matters disclosed, but as relevant on the issue of the reasonableness of the suspicion held by the arresting officer. Proof of the lawfulness of the arrest lies on the defendant. I would not wish to lay down the proposition that reasonable suspicion could in all circumstances be based on the opinion of another officer expressed without any supporting allegations of fact. But it does seem to me that a briefing officially given by a superior officer would give reasonable grounds for suspicion of the matters stated therein. The fact that I have such scanty evidence of the matters disclosed to Detective Constable [S.] means that I am only just satisfied of the legality of the arrest, but I am fortified in my view by the lack of detailed challenge in cross-examination as to the nature of the information given to him. The main issue between the parties is as to whether the [applicant] was assaulted and mistreated during the period of his detention ...”
On 24 October 1990, the applicant gave notice of appeal to the Court of Appeal in Northern Ireland concerning the claim of unlawful arrest and false imprisonment.
On 6 May 1994 the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal, upholding the decision of the High Court that reasonable suspicion could be derived from information provided by a superior officer and that the arrest was lawful. “Notwithstanding his concern that more detail of the briefing had not been given, the learned trial judge was able to conclude: ‘(1) that the arresting officer ... did have a suspicion that the [applicant] was involved in a terrorist murder and it was implicit that that suspicion was genuinely held by him; and (2) that the official briefing which he had attended given by [his superior officer] gave him reasonable grounds for that suspicion.’ These were factual findings and clearly contained in our view all the essential proofs that the respondent was required to adduce to constitute lawful arrest under section 12(1)(b) of the Act. [Applicant’s counsel] submitted that this was not the case. The source of the suspicion and the reasonable grounds for it must be before the court, namely evidence from the briefing officer, Inspector [B.], as to the grounds on which he suspected the [applicant] of being involved in the commission, preparation and instigation of acts of terrorism. It would be unjust, he contended, if section 12 could give Inspector [B.] protection from liability for false imprisonment if the Inspector himself had not reasonable grounds for the suspicion. The first part of this submission flies in the face of the authorities as we have said. The second part, so far as this case is concerned, seems to be hypothetical in that the regularity or the bona fides of the ‘official briefing’ were not questioned. No factual foundation for such a case was made out ... We consider that the decision of the learned trial judge was correct. The information given at the briefing to the arresting officer was admissible and although, in his words, ‘scanty’ it was sufficient to constitute the required state of mind of an arresting officer under section 12(1)(b) of the Act.”
An appeal to the House of Lords against the decision of the Court of Appeal was dismissed on 12 December 1996. In his judgment, with which the other judges agreed, Lord Hope of Craighead held that it was not necessary for an arresting officer to possess all the information which had led to the decision to arrest, but that the arresting officer must have equipped himself with sufficient information so that he had reasonable cause to suspect before exercising the power of arrest. The information acted upon by the arresting officer need not be based on his own observations, as he is entitled to form a suspicion based on what he has been told; his reasonable suspicion may be based on information which has been given to him anonymously, or it may be based on information which turns out later to be wrong. While the evidence about the matters disclosed at the briefing was indeed scanty, he found that the trial judge was entitled to weigh up the evidence in the light of the surrounding circumstances and, having regard to the source of that information, and to draw inferences as to what a reasonable man, in the position of the independent observer, would make of it.
Lord Steyn stated, inter alia, concerning the general principles: “Certain general propositions about the powers of constables under a section such as section 12(1) can now be summarised. (1) In order to have a reasonable suspicion the constable need not have evidence amounting to a prima facie case. Ex hypothesis one is considering a preliminary stage of the investigation and information from an informer or a tip-off from a member of the public may be enough: Hussien v. Chong Fook Kam [1970] A.C. 942, 949. (2) Hearsay information may therefore afford a constable reasonable grounds to arrest. Such information may come from other officers ... (3) The information which causes the constable to be suspicious of the individual must be in existence to the knowledge of the police officer at the time he makes the arrest. (4) The executive ‘discretion’ to arrest or not ... vests in the constable, who is engaged on the decision to arrest or not, and not in his superior officers. Given the independent responsibility and accountability of a constable under a provision such as section 12(1) of the Act of 1984 it seems to follow that the mere fact that an arresting officer has been instructed by a superior officer to effect the arrest is not capable of amounting to reasonable grounds for the necessary suspicion within the meaning of section 12(1). It is accepted, and rightly accepted, that a mere request to arrest without any further information by an equal ranking officer, or a junior officer, is incapable of amounting to reasonable grounds for the necessary suspicion. How can the badge of superior officers and the fact that he gave an order make a difference? ... In practice it follows that a constable must be given some basis for a request to arrest someone under a provision such as section 12(1), e.g. a report from an informer.” | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Gerard Patrick O’Hara |
001-91897 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 20271/05) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Anton Alfons Vaas (“the applicant”), on 2 June 2005.
The applicant was represented by Mr R. Battenstein, a lawyer practising in Düsseldorf. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
On 29 January 2008 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible and decided to communicate the complaint concerning the length of the proceedings to the Government. It also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 3).
The applicant was born in 1935 and lives in Nettetal.
1. Background to the case
From 1952 until May 1991 the applicant worked as a lorry driver. On 10 May 1991 he was diagnosed with a back disease (intervertebral disc degeneration) and gave up his profession as a lorry driver.
2. Administrative proceedings
On 11 February 1993 the applicant filed an application with the Vehicle Operators Insurance Association (Berufsgenossenschaft für Fahrzeughaltungen) for a declaration that he was suffering from a work-related back disease, which would have entitled him to special pension benefits.
On 4 January 1996 the Insurance Association found that the applicant’s illness had not been work-related.
On 23 January 1996 the applicant lodged an administrative appeal which the Insurance Association, following further internal enquiries, rejected on 4 September 1996.
3. Proceedings before the Düsseldorf Social Court
On 2 October 1996 the applicant brought an action before the Düsseldorf Social Court for an industrial injury pension on the grounds of occupational disease.
On 15 January 1998 the Social Court set down the case for hearing on 11 February 1998.
On 11 February 1998 it rejected the applicant’s claim on the grounds that it had not been established that his disease was work-related.
On 13 March 1998 the judgment was served on the applicant’s counsel.
4. Proceedings before North-Rhine Westphalia Social Court of Appeal
On 26 March 1998 the applicant lodged an appeal with the North-Rhine-Westphalia Social Court of Appeal without submitting the statement of grounds of appeal. Following two reminders in April and July 1998 the court received the applicant’s statement of grounds of appeal on 10 November 1998.
On 17 November 1998 the Social Court of Appeal held an oral hearing during which it decided to make further investigations.
Between 23 November 1998 and 23 March 1999 the Social Court of Appeal consulted the applicant’s disability files which it had received from the Düsseldorf Pension Office, the report of the defendant’s technical supervisory services and various medical statements and certificates from the applicant’s doctors.
On 26 March 1999 the Social Court of Appeal commissioned a report by an orthopaedic expert, S., which was submitted on 20 May 1999 and stated that the applicant’s disease had not been caused by his work as a lorry driver.
On 14 July 1999 the applicant applied under section 109 of the Social Courts Act (see paragraph 44 below) for a fresh medical report by another expert. He also put additional questions to the expert S. which were answered on 23 July 1999.
On 25 August 1999 the Social Court of Appeal commissioned a report by B.-A., an expert specialised in occupational medicine.
On 17 September 1999 the Court of Appeal ordered the applicant to pay a further advance to cover the costs of additional examinations which B.-A. considered necessary. On 14 October 1999 the applicant advanced those costs.
On 15 December 1999 the applicant cancelled his appointment with B.-A. scheduled that day.
On 22 March 2000 B.-A. submitted a report finding that the applicant’s disease had to be considered as being work-related.
On 5 July 2000 the Social Court of Appeal invited S. to lodge supplementary observations on the findings of B.-A.’s report, which he did on 2 August 2000.
Following the applicant’s request for a supplementary report by
B.-A. in accordance with section 109 of the Social Court Code, the Court of Appeal ordered B.-A. on 13 September 2000 to submit supplementary comments.
Between 13 November 2000 and 13 February 2001 the court reminded B.-A. three times to give his comments and set him a time‑limit of 15 March 2001. On 15 February 2001 B.-A. submitted his comments.
On 26 April 2001 S. was asked for his observations on B.-A.’s supplementary comments. These he gave on 22 May 2001.
On 9 July 2001 the Social Court of Appeal set the appeal down for hearing on 18 September 2001. At the hearing the court ordered the taking of further evidence.
On 8 October 2001 the defendant submitted an expert report prepared by its own technical supervisory service challenging B.-A.’s conclusions.
On 18 October 2001 the Court of Appeal commissioned the preparation of a further report by a consultant surgeon, B., who submitted his report on 19 November 2001.
On 22 January 2002 the applicant requested inter alia the preparation of a further expert report under section 109 of the Social Courts Act.
On 27 February 2002 the Social Court of Appeal commissioned ex officio a medical report by an orthopaedic expert, V.
In March and April 2002 the Social Court of Appeal reminded V. of its request for a report. In reply, V. informed the court that the applicant had cancelled his appointment for examination scheduled on 26 April 2002 and that it had had to be postponed to 20 June 2002. On 3 September 2002 the Social Court of Appeal received V.’s report dated 12 August 2002.
Between 27 September 2002 and 20 February 2003 the applicant requested the court seven times to extend the time-limits for the submission of his comments on V.’s expert report.
On 5 May 2003 the applicant submitted his comments and a private orthopaedic expert’s report on which B. commented on 9 June 2003.
On 26 August 2003 the applicant informed the court that he intended to commission another private expert report.
On 22 September 2003 the Social Court of Appeal held an oral hearing at which the applicant’s counsel requested a two-week adjournment to allow him to comment on the future conduct of the proceedings.
On 27 October 2003 the applicant appointed a new legal representative who asked the court for access to the case files on 2 December 2003.
On 12 December 2003 the Social Court of Appeal postponed the hearing scheduled for 16 December 2003 because the applicant’s counsel had failed to return the case files.
On 23 March 2004, after a hearing, the Social Court of Appeal rejected the applicant’s appeal. Considering that the relevant questions had been sufficiently examined by the experts B., S., and V., it did not find it necessary to seek a further expert opinion, as had been requested by the applicant.
On 12 May 2004 the judgment was served on the applicant’s counsel.
5. Proceedings before the Federal Social Court
On 8 June 2004 the applicant lodged a request for leave to appeal on points of law with the Federal Social Court which was rejected on 7 September 2004. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 15 September 2004.
6. Proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court
On 14 October 2004 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint. On 19 November 2004 the Federal Constitutional Court (no. 1 BvR 2324/04) refused to admit the applicant’s complaint. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 3 December 2004.
7. Supervisory review proceedings
On an unspecified date the applicant requested the Insurance Association to revoke its decisions of 4 January 1996 and 4 September 1996 in accordance with section 44 of the Social Code no. X (Sozialgesetzbuch X) (see paragraph 45 below). On an unknown date the Insurance Association rejected his request. | train | {
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"applicant": "Anton Alfons Vaas",
"articles": [
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Anton Alfons Vaas |
001-146701 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 15319/09) against the Kingdom of Norway lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Norwegian national, Mr Hroar Anton Hansen (“the applicant”), on 19 March 2009.
The applicant was represented by Mr A.C. Ryssdal, a lawyer practising in Oslo. The Norwegian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr M. Emberland, Attorney, Attorney General’s Office (Civil Affairs).
The applicant complained that the reasons stated by the Borgarting High Court in refusing to admit his appeal had been inadequate and thus entailed breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
On 31 August 2011 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant lives at Nesoddtangen, Norway.
In 1989 Mrs B., who was then the applicant’s wife, bought a property named Ekheim from him for 6,400,000 Norwegian kroner (NOK), currently corresponding to approximately 760,000 euros (EUR). The couple drew up marital agreements (“ektepakt”) in 1990 and 1995.
On 3 November 1995 Mrs B. and the applicant concluded an agreement stipulating that they each owned 50% of the Ekheim estate, regardless of what was stated or might follow from formal entitlements (hereinafter referred to as the joint ownership agreement).
Subsequently, after their divorce, the applicant lodged an action against Mrs B. with Fredrikstad City Court (tingrett), seeking a ruling to the effect that the marital agreements were invalid and that the joint ownership agreement was valid. By a judgment of 4 April 2001, the City Court found against the applicant and in favour of the respondent, concluding that the marital agreements were valid and that the joint ownership agreement was invalid. The applicant did not appeal against this judgment, which gained legal force.
In 2005 Mrs B. sold the Ekheim estate to Ekheim Invest AS, a limited liability company, for NOK 15,000,000 (approximately EUR 1,1780,000).
On 28 June 2007 the applicant instituted civil proceedings before the City Court against Ekheim Invest claiming that he had title to 50% of the Ekheim estate and seeking, firstly, an order that the latter convey 50% of the property to him and, secondly, that he held a pre-emption right with respect to the remaining 50%.
According to the summary of the applicant’s submissions made by the City Court in its judgment referred to below, the applicant argued in the main as follows: (a) The question was how to interpret the former spouses’ joint ownership agreement of 3 November 1995. In the case that had previously been decided by the City Court on 4 April 2001, the subject-matter of the dispute had been whether the marital agreements from 1990 and 1995 were valid. The subject-matter in the present case was different. Two spouses having completely separate property had the opportunity to conclude a mutual agreement involving an obligation of performance for each party. According to legal doctrine, such a contract was not dependent on any condition as to form. (b) The contract had been a reality in the present case. Ekheim Invest had purchased the half of the Ekheim estate that had been in Mrs B.’s ownership, not the half owned by the applicant, because Mrs B. had had no right to sell the other half. Consequently, Ekheim Invest ought to transfer by deed of conveyance half of the Ekheim estate back to the applicant. (c) The applicant further submitted that in its 2001 judgment the City Court had not reviewed the validity of the joint ownership agreement. In any event, the legal force of that judgment extended only to the relationship between Mrs B. and the applicant, not between Ekheim Invest and the applicant. The applicant referred to legal doctrine, according to which a judgment as a main rule only had legal force in the relationship between the parties to the proceedings. Moreover, the parties’ arguments ought to be taken as a starting point in the assessment of whether any new factual circumstances had arisen. (d) The applicant’s argument was that in the period since 2001 the estate had increased so greatly in value that the City Court now had to assess the ownership issue independently of the conclusion reached in the 2001 judgment. At that time the mortgages on the property had clearly exceeded its value and it had therefore been unproblematic to hold that, in light of an on-going bankruptcy at the time, the applicant would not have been in a better position in the absence of the marriage settlement agreements. It would be unreasonable if Mrs B. or her successors should be able to profit from the tremendous increase in the property’s value.
By a judgment of 21 January 2008, the City Court found in favour of the respondent Ekheim Invest, on the ground that the applicant did not have title to the property in question as the respondent company had derived its rights from Mrs B. and the City Court had ruled in her favour in its 2001 judgment. It rejected the applicant’s argument based on legal doctrine that the 2001 judgment only had legal force between the parties by referring to another passage in the legal manual in question from which it appeared that the point only applied to disputes between a private party and public authorities. The action brought by the applicant had no public-law aspects and the City Court did not consider that the legal doctrine referred to had any bearing on the present case.
The applicant appealed against the City Court’s judgment of 21 January 2008 to the Borgarting High Court (lagmannsrett). He argued in particular that the City Court had confused his pleadings and references to legal doctrine made at the oral hearing and had shortened the overall duration of the hearing from the three days initially scheduled to five hours. One hour into the hearing the City Court had truncated the hearing of the applicant’s witnesses, including the presentation of documentary evidence regarding the disputed agreements. The City Court’s hearing record had also been marred by formal mistakes.
On 4 April 2008 the High Court warned the applicant that it envisaged refusing admission of his appeal and gave him until 21 April 2008 to comment. After an extension of this time-limit to 5 May 2008 the applicant on the latter date requested that his appeal be admitted for examination or, in the alternative, that the High Court quash the City Court’s judgment and refer the case back to the City Court for fresh examination. On 5 and 11 June 2008 he filed additional submissions.
In a unanimous decision (beslutning) of 12 June 2008 the High Court concluded that it refused to admit the appeal (“Anken nektes fremmet”), giving the following reasons: “The High Court finds it clear that the appeal will not succeed, and that its admission should therefore be refused pursuant to Article 29-13(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure.”
The applicant appealed against the High Court’s decision to the Supreme Court, arguing notably that the refusal of admission of the appeal lacked reasons.
On 19 September 2008 the Appeals Leave Committee of the Supreme Court (Høyesteretts ankeutvalg), pointing out that its jurisdiction was confined to reviewing the High Court procedure (Article 29-13 (5) of the Code of Civil Procedure), unanimously found it clear that the appeal would not succeed and therefore rejected the appeal under Article 30-9 (2).
A. Provisions regarding the filtering of civil appeals to the High Court
The 2005 Code of Civil Procedure (Tvisteloven) entered into force on 1 January 2008 and replaced the 1915 Code of Civil Procedure (tvistemålsloven).
Under Article 29-12 of the 2005 Code of Civil Procedure, the High Court could at the preparatory stage (a) dismiss (avvise) an appeal on the ground that is suffered from errors that ought to lead to dismissal; (b) discontinue the proceedings in whole or in part on the ground of lack of jurisdiction or that the matter is already res judicata; (c) quash the appealed decision on grounds of errors that ought unconditionally to be given effect.
The conditions for the High Court granting leave to appeal and for refusing the admission of an appeal (“Krav til samtykke. Nektelse”) were set out in Article 29-13.
Under paragraph 1 of this provision an appeal against a City Court judgment could not be admitted without the leave to appeal being granted by the High Court if the value of the subject-matter was less than NOK 125,000 (approximately EUR 15,000). The provision, which further set out certain criteria for a grant of leave to appeal, did not come into play in the instant case, where the appeal related to pecuniary interests (approximately EUR 1,780,000) exceeding by far that minimum threshold.
The ground on which the High Court had refused admission of the appeal in the present case was based on a filtering provision introduced by the 2005 Code concerning civil appeals to the High Court. Paragraph 2 of Article 29-13 read: “The admission of an appeal against a judgment may be refused if the High Court finds it clear that the appeal will not succeed. A refusal may be limited to certain claims or appeal grounds.”
Unless an appeal had been decided under Articles 29-12 or 29-13, the proceedings were to continue, according to Article 29-14. The preparation of the proceedings was to concentrate on matters that should be reviewed according to the appeal and were disputed.
Article 19-6 set out the requirements regarding the contents of judgments and decisions of the national courts. Paragraph 4 of this article provided that judgments (dommer) and certain procedural decisions (kjennelser) should include a presentation of the case, a statement of the parties’ arguments and claims and the court’s reasoning. The type of decision (beslutning) at issue in the present case was not mentioned.
B. Preparatory works
From the preparatory works to the 2005 Code of Civil Procedure it can be seen that the aim of introducing a merits filtering mechanism before the High Court, in addition to the already existing leave to appeal requirements for disputes concerning pecuniary interests below the minimum level described above, was to promote the interests of procedural economy. The committee submitting draft statutory provisions recognised that there was a need to stop clearly unmeritorious appeals to the High Court in order to avoid additional considerable costs being incurred by the parties and by the judiciary (Rett på sak Lov om tvisteløsning – (tvisteloven), Norges Offentlige Utredninger (“NOU” Official Norwegian Report) 2001:32, at pp. 775-779)).
In supporting the proposal, the Ministry of Justice observed that, whilst the right to appellate review of a decision on the merits was an important safeguard, an unlimited and extensive right in this respect could be counterproductive to the rule of law (Ot.prp. nr. 51 (2004-2005), p. 296).
It was also noted that the Supreme Court had for decades made use of a similar provision for refusing the admission of appeals under former Article 373 (3) no. 1 of the 1912 Code of Civil Procedure (see NOU 2001:32, p. 779). This was in the context of a leave-to-appeal procedure.
The substantive effect of a refusal of admission of an appeal was that the judgment appealed against gained legal force; the force of res judicata depended on the judgment, not the refusal of admission of the appeal (NOU 2001:32, p. 401).
The High Court’s role in appeal proceedings in a civil case was not to examine the case afresh but to review the first-instance court’s decision that formed the subject of the appeal (NOU 2001:32, p. 781). After carrying out an examination of the merits of the case, normally on the basis of the case file as it stood, the High Court could refuse admission of the appeal provided that it found it “clear” that the appeal had no prospects of success. “Clear” implied a high degree of certainty that the outcome would remain unaltered after an ordinary appeal hearing (ibid., p. 778). It was not a condition for refusing admission of the appeal that the High Court agreed with the City Court’s reasoning or was of the view that its reasoning would stand after the High Court’s review of the case. It was sufficient that the High Court found it clear that the outcome would be upheld, possibly on a different reasoning than that given by the City Court (Ot.prp. nr. 51 (2004‑2005), p. 475). It was moreover a condition in Article 29-13 (5) that the three judges taking part in the decision to refuse admission of the appeal unanimously found that the appeal would not succeed (ibid., p. 476).
C. Views of the UN Human Rights Committee of 17 July 2008 regarding Communication No. 1542/2007
A provision corresponding to Article 29-13 (2) of the Code of Civil Procedure may be found in Article 321 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Straffeprossessloven), according to which the High Court may refuse the admission of an appeal in a criminal case if it finds it clear that the appeal will not succeed.
On 17 July 2008, the United Nations Human Rights Committee communicated its “Views” on a communication (no. 1542/2007) lodged by Mr Abdel Kereem Hassan Aboushanif under the Protocol to the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights concerning the lack of reasoning in a decision by a Norwegian High Court refusing the admission of an appeal in criminal proceedings. It stated: “The Committee recalls its jurisprudence, according to which, while States parties are free to set the modalities of appeal, under article 14, paragraph 5, they are under an obligation to review substantially the conviction and sentence. ... In the present case, the judgment of the [High] Court ... does not provide any substantive reason at all as to why the court determined that it was clear that the appeal would not succeed, which puts into question the existence of a substantial review of the author’s conviction and sentence. The Committee considers that, in the circumstances of the case, the lack of a duly reasoned judgment, even if in brief form, providing a justification for the court’s decision that the appeal would be unsuccessful, impairs the effective exercise of the right to have one’s conviction reviewed as required by article 14, paragraph 5, of the Covenant.”
D. Ensuing developments in the Supreme Court’s case-law as well as legislative change
Following the Human Rights Committee’s “Views” in Mr Aboushanif’s case, the Norwegian Supreme Court, sitting in a Grand Chamber of eleven judges, delivered three decisions on 9 December 2008 (Norsk Retstidende – “Rt.” – 2008 at pp. 1764, 1783 and 1786) in criminal proceedings. It concluded that from Article 14 § 5 of the Covenant it followed that every High Court decision refusing admission of an appeal under Article 321 § 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure ought to be reasoned. It further held that this requirement ought to be considered part of Norwegian national law (section 3 of the Norwegian Human Rights Act).
The Supreme Court emphasised two main considerations for why High Court decisions refusing admission of an appeal ought to contain reasons. Firstly, it stressed that reasons must be provided in order to ensure the efficiency of the High Court’s review. Omitting to provide reasons “impair[ed] the effective exercise of the right to have one’s conviction reviewed”. The requirement of reasons was a necessary safeguard for ensuring a substantial review. By requiring the court to explain why the appeal would not succeed, one could ensure that the decision was reached on the basis of a thorough and sound assessment.
Secondly, the lack of reasons made it impossible to verify whether there had been a substantial review of the appeal. The Supreme Court held that this was relevant for the appellant – the reason for the refusal should enable the appellant to verify that the issues raised in the appeal had been properly assessed. In addition, it was relevant for the superior review body, where such existed. Where the law provided that the decision of the appellate instance could be appealed against to a superior body, the decision of the appellate body ought to be reasoned in such a manner as to enable review of the decision.
As to the extent to which reasoning was required, the Supreme Court observed that as a starting point, the reasoning should include what was needed to show that a substantial review had taken place. Usually, such reasoning could be done summarily, in a brief and succinct form, and be linked to the submissions in the appeal. The reasoning should show that the alleged errors in the first-instance court’s decision had been understood and why the appeal clearly would not succeed. This meant that it would be insufficient, as had been done previously, to state the grounds for appeal and paraphrase the statutory requirement for refusing admission of an appeal. In this connection the reasoning should be formulated with a view to enabling the Supreme Court to review the High Court procedure, including whether a substantial review had been carried out as required by Article 14 (5) of the Covenant. The extent of the reasoning required would vary considerably, depending on the nature of the particular case, ranging from a couple of sentences to more extensive reasoning of a legal or factual character.
On 18 September 2009, the Supreme Court, sitting in a Grand Chamber formation in civil proceedings (Rt. 2009 p. 1118), by nine votes to two, quashed a High Court decision refusing admission of an appeal on the basis of Article 29-13 (2) of the Code of Civil Procedure. The Supreme Court was divided, with respect to the reasons for quashing the High Court’s decision.
A majority of seven members considered the subject matter in relation to Article 88 of the Constitution, according which the Supreme Court was to adjudicate in final instance and limitations thereon ought to be prescribed by law. The majority observed that this provision left the legislator great latitude in organising the national system of judicial remedies as it deemed appropriate. Whilst a system giving the High Court the final say on questions of law would be at odds with this provision, one that limited the right to appeal against the assessment of evidence would not. However, a filtering system for appeals would not as such be incompatible with Article 88. Nor did it follow that the High Court’s refusal to admit an appeal ought to be reasoned or that the Supreme Court ought to have competence to review the City Court and or the High Court’s application of the law. There were also other mechanisms that could ensure the Supreme Court the necessary control.
The majority noted that, according to Article 29-13 (5) of the Code, a decision of the High Court to refuse the admission of an appeal could be appealed to the Supreme Court in so far as the High Court procedure was concerned. The Supreme Court’s competence to review the High Court procedure encompassed questions of whether a breach had occurred of expressly stated rules of procedure. The Supreme Court was empowered to fully examine the application of the law and the assessment of the evidence in relation to questions of procedure and, if necessary, determine whether an error of procedure had materialised (see NOU 2001:32 p. 777, Rt. 2008 p. 1317; Rt. 2009 p. 222 and Rt. 2009 p. 411). The Supreme Court could also review whether the High Court procedure, seen as a whole, including its exercise of discretionary powers in this respect, had been justifiable (“forsvarlig”), cf. Article 1-1 (1), setting out the Code’s general purpose to guarantee a fair hearing, and Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. This also covered whether in the light of the points of law raised in the case was justifiable for the High Court to refuse admission of the appeal (Rt. 2002 p. 1032). The Supreme Court could in addition review whether the state of the evidence before the High Court suggested that the subject matter could be adequately dealt with on the basis of the written case-file in a simplified procedure. The majority further emphasised that, in assessing whether in view of the points of law raised in the case was justifiable for the High Court to refuse admission of the appeal, regard could be had to whether the case raised issues of constitutional law or questions regarding Norway’s international legal obligations or whether the High Court should have admitted the appeal in the interest of legal unity, clarification or development of the law, with a possibility for lodging an ordinary appeal to the Supreme Court. This ought to be sufficient to satisfy Article 88 of the Constitution.
Since the Supreme Court in any event could base its review of the High Court procedure on the same material as had been before the latter, no constitutional obligation to give reasons for a High Court refusal to admit an appeal could be justified by the interests of the Supreme Court procedure.
The majority’s conclusion relied on systemic considerations and what they considered as clear presumptions on the part of the legislator. Bearing in mind the connection to Article 321 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and the developments that had taken place with regard to the issue of reasoning for refusals of admission of an appeal in criminal cases, it followed that a general requirement for stating reasons also applied to refusals of admission of an appeal under Article 29-13 (2) of the Code of Civil Procedure. The relevant High Court should therefore have given reasons for its impugned decision in that case.
In the light of the foregoing, the Supreme Court’s majority found it unnecessary to consider the alternative plea that the decision had to be quashed in view of the requirements of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 14 of the Covenant that national decisions be reasoned.
Two concurring judges emphasised that the procedure for refusing admission of an appeal entitled a full review of the first-instance decision on the merits and that the High Court’s omission to give reasons for its decision to refuse admission of an appeal entailed a violation of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. The decision therefore had to be quashed.
Two dissenting members disagreed with the majority view that the obligation to state reasons for a refusal of admission of an appeal in criminal cases also extended to civil cases. Nor did they find that a requirement to this effect could be deduced from Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
As a result of the above-mentioned developments, there is currently a general obligation for Norwegian high courts to state reasons (see paragraph 35 above) for a decision refusing admission of an appeal under Article 29-13 (2) of the Code of Civil Procedure.
On 11 June 2010 the Ministry of Justice proposed to Parliament (Prop. 141L (2009-2010)) certain amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure, including a provision requiring High Courts to state reasons for decisions refusing admission of an appeal. Without stating any view on compliance with Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, the Ministry pointed out that the Supreme Court ruling of 18 September 2009 reflected applicable law and that the relevant provisions in the respective codes should be amended accordingly and in a similar manner. For High Courts the financial and administrative consequences of the proposed changes should be manageable.
With effect from 10 December 2010, Article 29-13 (5) was amended to include a requirement that a refusal of admission of an appeal under Article 29-13 (2) had to be reasoned (“begrunnet”). | train | {
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001-115012 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 47017/09) against the Kingdom of Norway lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Pakistani nationals, Ms Fozia and Mr Johangir Abbas Butt (“the applicants”), on 14 August 2009.
The applicants were represented by Mr A. Humlen, a lawyer practising in Oslo. The Norwegian Government (“the Government”) were represented by Mr M. Emberland, Attorney at the Office of the Attorney General (Civil Affairs), as their Agent.
The applicants alleged that their deportation from Norway to Pakistan would entail a violation of their rights under Article 8 of the Convention.
On 7 June 2010 the application was communicated to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The first and second applicants, who are sister and brother, were born in Pakistan in 1985 and 1986 respectively and live in Oslo.
A. Factual background to the present application
In 1989 the applicants arrived in Norway with their mother and were in view of the children’s particular situation granted a residence permit on 28 February 1992 on the ground of strong humanitarian considerations (section 8(2) of the former 1988 Immigration Act, see paragraph 45 below).
During the summer of 1992 the mother returned with the children to Pakistan, where the children first lived with their grandparents and then with their father and his wife. There they stayed until the turn of the year 1995‑1996, when the mother resettled in Norway with the children. In the meantime, on 2 August 1995 the Directorate of Immigration had granted them a settlement permit, while being ignorant about their stay in Pakistan from 1992.
In 1996 the applicants’ father applied for family reunification. His application, which was refused, prompted an investigation by the immigration authorities which revealed that for most of the period from 1992 to early 1996 the applicants and their mother had lived in Pakistan. The authorities further observed that the applicants had strong attachment to Pakistan since they had lived and gone to school in that country from 1992 to early 1996 and because their father still lived there. On 23 January 1999 the Directorate of Immigration decided to withdraw the applicants’ and their mothers’ settlement permit, on the ground that the permit had been granted on the basis of false information provided by the mother about her and the children’s residence in Norway. It was also decided to refuse them further residence in Norway.
On 23 August 1999 the Ministry of Justice upheld the Directorate’s decision. Several successive requests for reconsideration were rejected. In May 2001 the children were apprehended with a view to being deported to Pakistan. However, the police decided not to do so, based on their information that they had no contact with the mother or with the family in Pakistan. The police considered that it would be inappropriate to expel them without their mother who had disappeared around the turn of the year 2000‑2001. The applicants had no contacts with their mother until she was hospitalised in Norway in 2004. During this period they lived with an uncle and aunt in Oslo.
On 24 November 2003 the second applicant was convicted for unprovoked aggravated physical assault, having hit another person with his fist causing a fracture to the victim’s nose and a two centimetres scar on his eyelid that had to be stitched. For this and certain other offences (withdrawal of 4,600 Norwegian Krone (NOK) from cash points by using another person’s credit card; driving a stolen moped and the possession of 0.2 gram of hashish) he was sentenced to seventy-five days’ imprisonment.
In the light of these offences, the Immigration Appeals Board decided on 31 May 2005 to expel him indefinitely, with reference to section 29(1)(c) of the 1988 Immigration Act, as he had been convicted for an offence that was punishable by more than three months’ imprisonment.
In June 2005 the applicants sought to challenge the validity of the decision of 23 August 1999 and, as regards the second applicant, that of 31 May 2005. By a judgment of 13 October 2005 the Oslo City Court upheld their action.
In September 2005 the mother was expelled to Pakistan, in compliance with the immigration authorities’ decision (see paragraph 8 above). She died in August 2007.
On 13 October 2006 the Borgarting High Court found against the applicants. It was observed that when the settlement permit was revoked in 1999, the applicants had in reality resided unlawfully in Norway for three years. At that time they had close relatives in Pakistan, including their father, with whom they had lived for periods a few years before. Nor did the High Court find that the decision of 13 October 2005 regarding the second applicant was disproportionate.
On 16 January 2007 the Appeals Leave Committee of the Supreme Court refused the applicants leave to appeal.
On 7 January 2008 the applicants lodged a previous application (no. 565/08) under the Convention, complaining that their deportation to Pakistan would constitute a violation of Articles 3 and 8 of the Convention. They also requested an interim measure to stay their deportation under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. On 8 January 2008 the request was refused. The applicants did not pursue their application. On 6 February 2008, a Committee of three judges decided to strike it out of the Court’s list of cases (Article 37 § 1 of the Convention).
B. The proceedings giving rise to the present application
1. The Immigration Appeals Board’s decisions of 31 August 2007
In the meantime, on 31 August 2007 the Immigration Appeals Board, in two separate decisions, rejected the applicants’ requests for modification of the decision of 23 August 1999 revoking their settlement (and residence) permit and, as regards the second applicant, the Board’s decision of 31 May 2005 to expel him indefinitely from Norway. The Board observed that such modification was not warranted either by strong humanitarian considerations or a strong attachment to Norway (section 8 (2) of the former 1988 Immigration Act).
As regards the first applicant the Board had regard to the fact that she had not had a residence permit since 23 August 1999 and that any links established after this date ought to carry little weight. Furthermore, all of the first applicant’s closest family lived in Pakistan and her brother, the second applicant, had been ordered to leave Norway indefinitely.
As regards the second applicant the Board quoted from its decision of 31 May 2005 and maintained its previous view: “As to the [second applicant’s] attachment to Norway, the Board has attached particular weight to the fact that during the period from 1992 to 1995, when he had a residence permit in Norway, he had essentially lived in Pakistan. By the Ministry of Justice’s decision of 23 August 1999 his settlement permit was finally revoked. He does not have a residence permit and is obliged to leave the country. In practice, links that are established during unlawful residence carry little weight. Reference is also made to the fact that [the second applicant’s] mother and sister do not hold a residence permit and are obliged to leave the country. In addition, the applicant has close family in his home country. He therefore ought to be seen as having relatively strong attachment to his home country. The Board cannot see that the [second applicant’s] current situation has been significantly changed since the situation considered in the decision of 31 May 2005.”
In respect of both applicants the Board also referred to the reasoning and conclusions in earlier decisions and judgments and emphasised that its conclusions in the present decisions ought to be viewed in the context of those.
2. Judicial appeals against the Board’s decision of 31 August 2007
In September 2007 the applicants challenged that decision before the courts. In this connection they both requested an interlocutory injunction to stop their deportation. These requests were rejected by the City Court on 5 October 2007 and the High Court on 15 November 2007. (a) The City Court
By a judgment of 4 February 2008, the Oslo City Court quashed the Immigration Appeals Board’s decision of 31 August 2007, disagreeing with the Board’s assessment that the applicants lacked special attachment to Norway.
The City Court observed that the applicants, respectively twenty-one and twenty-two years old, had lived in Norway for sixteen and a half years during major parts of their childhood and the entirety of their adolescence. The question was what weight should be attached to their residence in Norway since they had been obliged to leave the country in 1999.
It had not been possible for the applicants to obtain the necessary travel documents before they reached the age of majority in 2003 and 2004, respectively. In such a situation the unlawful character of their sojourn had to be disregarded. There was little reason to emphasise their mother’s lack of cooperation in leaving the country. Nor could the applicants be said to have escaped implementation of the deportation, either before May 2001 or thereafter, as it had been decided on 3 May 2001 not to implement the deportation. With the exception of May 2001, no active steps had been taken to implement the decision to expel the applicants and no attempts had been made to this effect pending the judicial proceedings, until the autumn of 2007. Therefore, the applicants’ residence in Norway since 1999 ought to carry a not insignificant weight in the assessment of whether they had special attachment to Norway.
The City Court further observed that in Norway the applicants had close relatives – uncles and aunts – and had lived with these since 2001. The applicants had gone to school in Norway, had friends and acquaintances there and were mastering the Norwegian language, both oral and written. Whilst the Immigration Appeals Board had found that the applicants had relatively strong links to Pakistan, the City Court found that these had almost ceased. They had not had contact with their father since 1996 and did not wish to have any contact with him. Their mother had died and it was uncertain whether they had other relatives in the country. They were able to speak Urdu and to understand the language in oral form but could not read or write it.
In view of the applicants’ longstanding residence in and attachment to Norway and their little or no connection to Pakistan, the City Court considered that they had special ties to Norway. Accordingly, the Immigration Appeals Board’s decisions of 31 August 2007 were to be quashed. In making a new assessment the Board ought to take as a premise that the applicants had strong attachment to Norway and that it was empowered under the Immigration Act to grant them a residence permit. (b) The High Court
The State appealed to the Borgarting High Court, which overturned the City Court’s ruling by a judgment of 14 November 2008 and upheld the Immigration Appeals Board’s refusal of 31 August 2007 as being lawful.
The High Court found it clear that the refusal to grant residence permits constituted an interference with the applicants’ rights under paragraph 1 of Article 8 of the Convention. In considering whether the interference was justified under paragraph 2, the central question was whether the measure was “necessary in a democratic society”. The High Court had regard to the consideration that where family life has been created at a time when the persons involved were aware that the immigration status of one of them was such that the persistence of that family life within the host State would from the outset be precarious the removal of the non-national family member would be incompatible with Article 8 only in exceptional circumstances (Rodrigues da Silva and Hoogkamer v. the Netherlands, no. 50435/99, §§ 38 and 39, ECHR 2006‑I) and Darren Omoregie and Others v. Norway, no. 265/07, § 57, 31 July 2008).
In balancing the competing interests the High Court considered it important when the applicants had become aware that their sojourn in Norway was unauthorised. It was clear that at the latest when they had been apprehended in early May 2001 they had understood that they did not possess a residence permit. Their explanation that they had been unaware until then of their residence status was reliable. At that time they had been sixteen and fifteen years, respectively.
The applicants had further stated that their mother had gone under ground at around the turn of the year 2000-2001, and that she had stayed in hiding until the summer of 2005, without theirs having any contact with her or being aware of her whereabouts. However, in 2003 the police had found her handbag with her passport at her brother’s home. The High Court found it hardly probable that the applicants had no contacts with their mother and had no knowledge of her whereabouts from 2001 until the summer of 2005. The authorities’ omission to implement “the refusal of residence” (“oppholdsnektelsen”) ought to be seen in the light of the fact that the police had been unable to get hold of their mother.
Nonetheless, there was reason to assume that during the years after 2001 the police did not in practice expect the applicants to leave the country on their own and that they would not be deported without their mother. In any event, the applicants could reasonably perceive the situation in this manner. Shortly after their arrest in May 2001 the applicants had been released because their mother could not be found and it was deemed unfortunate to deport them without her. It had further been clear that the applicants had not possessed Pakistani passports and that the police had done nothing to arrange for them to obtain such passports. Until passing the age of majority in 2003 and 2004, respectively, the applicants had been dependent on the assistance of the Norwegian authorities to obtain passports.
The reason why the applicants had not been deported together with their mother when she was expelled on 3 September 2005 was that the main hearing in the applicants’ case had been scheduled for 19 September 2005 and that the immigration authorities had found it correct to give them the opportunity to attend the hearing.
Since the applicants could reasonably perceive the authorities to mean that they were not expected to travel to Pakistan on their own, it was difficult to ascribe any responsibility to the applicants for not having taken any steps to leave the country while the mother had gone into hiding from the police. However, after reaching the age of majority, the applicants’ choice to stay in Norway had been something for which they ought to bear the risk and responsibility.
There were generally speaking strong immigration policy considerations in favour of identifying children with the conduct of their parents. If it were to be otherwise, there would be a great risk that parents exploited the situation of their children to secure a residence permit for themselves and for the children. However, in the present case there had been no such risk as the applicants had reached the age of majority and their mother was dead.
The applicants had developed a strong personal and social attachment to Norway. They had received the essential part of their education and upbringing there, they mastered the language to the full and their education had been adapted to the Norwegian job market. The applicants had until 2005 lived with their uncle and aunt (their mother’s brother and sister) with family in Oslo. They were therefore presumed to have close emotional links to this part of the family. This was also where they had their friends and social network. The first applicant had completed high school and education as a lawyer’s secretary and was currently working in a media monitoring bureau. The second applicant had been pursuing high school as a private candidate.
As regards the applicants’ links to Pakistan, these had since their mother’s death in 2007 first and foremost related to their father. They had not seen him after they had returned to Norway in 1996 at the age of eleven and ten, respectively. An uncle (a brother of their late mother) living in the same area of Lahore as the father had met the applicants when visiting his siblings in Oslo the year before. Moreover, the deceased mother had left a house in a well-off area of Lahore, in the vicinity of where the uncle lived. The father occupied parts of the house and let out the remainder. According to Pakistani inheritance rules, the applicants and the father were entitled to three quarter and one quarter, respectively, of the house. Moreover, the applicants had stated that they were unable to write in Urdu and were speaking a “childish” Urdu. They both mastered English well, which was an official language in Pakistan. Thus, in the High Court’s view, the applicants still had certain links to their country of origin, though they might encounter social and professional difficulties upon return.
It also observed that in the experience of the Immigration Appeals Board, it was rare that one was confronted with cases where the duration of the unlawful stay had been nearly as long as in the present case. One could therefore question whether general immigration policy considerations, which normally carried weight in cases of unlawful residence, would be sufficiently weighty to regard the refusal of residence as being “necessary in a democratic society”.
The High Court, nonetheless, with doubt, arrived at the conclusion that the refusal of residence had not been unlawful as being contrary to Article 8 of the Convention. It attached decisive weight to the fact that the applicants’ strong attachment to Norway had been established during unlawful residence, that they still had links to their home place in Pakistan and that they as adults had relatively good possibilities for settling in Pakistan. The special circumstances pointed to above regarding the background to the applicants’ continuing residence in Norway for so many years could not be regarded as “exceptional circumstances” in the sense that this criterion had been applied by the European Court in its case-law. No new circumstances had occurred between the two decisions of 31 May 2005 and 31 August 2007 (see paragraphs 11 and 17 above) that could warrant a different conclusion than that reached by the High Court in its judgment of 13 October 2006 (see paragraph 14 above). (c) The Supreme Court
On 25 February 2009 the Appeals Leave Committee of the Supreme Court refused the applicants leave to appeal finding that such leave was not warranted by the importance of the decision for other cases or by other considerations. (d) Other developments
On 27 December 2007 an article published by the newspaper Dagbladet, which included an interview with the applicants, stated that they lived at an undisclosed address.
On 4 January 2008 the police arrested the applicants at an apartment in Y Street, belonging to their maternal uncle and aunt in Oslo. The City Court ordered the applicants’ detention for a period of two weeks. Before the City Court the first applicant said that she had all the time lived at the apartment of her maternal uncle in X Street. She had occasionally gone to the flat in Y Street where her aunt lived in order to fetch things. According to information contained in the City Court’s order of the same date to detain the second applicant for two weeks, he had first cohabited with a girlfriend in a studio outside Oslo from May to October 2006. Before and after, he had lived at his uncle and aunt’s apartment in X Street.
During his ensuing detention, the police sought to have him detained on account of a separate matter, namely on suspicion of threats committed against his girlfriend. An indictment was issued on 7 January 2008. The second applicant denied the accusations in the main. The police dropped the charges concerning threats on 23 January 2008. No further information has been submitted in respect of these criminal proceedings.
According to the applicants during the summer of 2009 they took refuge in Holmlia Church, Oslo.
On 29 June 2010 the Immigration Appeals Board decided to stay the implementation of the applicants’ deportation to Pakistan. | train | {
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001-60660 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 40072/98) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Helmut Kucera (“the applicant”), on 5 August 1997.
Initially, the applicant was represented by Mr K. Muzik, a lawyer practising in Vienna (Austria). The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complains under Article 6 § 3 (c) of the Convention that he had not been able to attend the oral hearing on his appeal against sentence before the Vienna Court of Appeal.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 20 March 2001 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible.
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Third Section. Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 14 March 2002 the Court declared the applicant’s remaining complaint admissible.
Neither the applicant nor the Government filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1957 and is presently detained at the Krems Stein prison.
On 20 January 1994 the Vienna Public Prosecutor filed a bill of indictment against the applicant charging him with two counts of rape under aggravated circumstances, i.e. having caused serious injuries. The Public Prosecutor submitted that on 16 June 1993 the applicant had raped A.H., had beaten and strangled her, had forced her to swallow drugs and had threatened her with death. On 5 September 1993 he had raped E.P., had beaten and strangled her, had forced her to swallow drugs, had burned her skin with cigarettes and had cut her vagina with a knife causing a deep laceration as well as opening the abdominal cavity.
On 12 April 1994 the Court of Assizes (Geschworenengericht) of the Vienna Regional Court (Landesgericht) convicted the applicant of both offences of aggravated rape and sentenced him to 14 years’ imprisonment. In assessing the penalty, the court considered as mitigating circumstances the applicant’s partial confession regarding the rape of E.P. and, to some extent, that he had acted under the influence of alcohol and drugs. As aggravating circumstances, the court considered the applicant’s criminal record, the fact that he had committed two rapes and the extreme brutality which the applicant had shown when committing the offences.
On 27 June 1994 the applicant filed a plea of nullity (Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde) and an appeal against sentence (Berufung). In his plea of nullity the applicant complained, inter alia, that the Court of Assizes had failed to hear the requested witnesses from Poland.
On 18 August 1994 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) confirmed the Court of Assize’s judgment as regards the rape of E.P. and quashed the judgment as regards the other charge of rape and the sentence. It found that there had been sufficient information to identify the witnesses from Poland and that the Court of Assizes should have attempted to take this evidence. It remitted the case to that court.
On 19 September 1995 the new trial commenced before the Court of Assizes sitting with another jury and on 14 June 1996 the Court of Assizes convicted the applicant of raping A.H. and sentenced him to 14 years’ imprisonment. When fixing the sentence the court considered as mitigating circumstances the applicant’s confession regarding some of the facts concerning the charge of having raped E.P. and, to a certain extent, his intoxication. As aggravating circumstances it considered the applicant’s criminal record, that he had committed two rapes and his extreme brutality when committing the offences.
On 29 August 1996 the applicant filed a plea of nullity and an appeal against sentence. In his appeal against sentence the applicant submitted that the Court of Assizes had failed to give sufficient weight to the mitigating circumstances, namely his neglected education, his difficult childhood and his intoxication. The applicant did not request to attend the hearings before the Supreme Court or the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht).
On 8 October 1996 the Supreme Court, sitting in private, rejected as inadmissible the applicant’s plea of nullity.
On 4 December 1996 the Vienna Court of Appeal fixed the hearing date for the applicant’s appeal against the sentence for 18 December 1996. The applicant received a notification which stated that he, being detained, could only appear through his counsel and would not be brought to the court as the conditions of Section 296 § 3 [Section 294 § 5] of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung) were not fulfilled.
On 18 December 1996 the Vienna Court of Appeal, after having held a hearing in the absence of the applicant but in the presence of his defence counsel, dismissed the appeal against the sentence. As regards the weighing of mitigating and aggravating circumstances by the Court of Assizes, the Court of Appeal found that the applicant’s partial confession was merely a contribution to the establishment of the truth (Beitrag zur Wahrheitsfindung) and did not qualify as a mitigating circumstance. Further, there were additional aggravating circumstances such as the particular cruelty which the applicant had used when committing the offences, as well as their concurrent nature (Zusammentreffen strafbarer Handlungen). As regards the circumstances invoked by the applicant, the Court of Appeal found that they could not be taken into consideration as mitigating circumstances. A neglected education and difficult childhood could not be considered as the applicant was now an adult and it could not explain his excessive use of brutality. Also no weight could be given to his intoxication because he should have known about the effects of alcohol on his person, and the experts had stated that it had no bearing on him committing the offences. Furthermore, the applicant’s offences were not a consequence of a mental defect but of frustration and increased aggression and he had not shown any consciousness of his guilt. Thus, there was no reason to reduce the sentence. | train | {
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"applicant": "Helmut Kucera",
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"countries": "AUT",
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"year": 2002
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Helmut Kucera |
001-61701 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 38544/97) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Mr Ludwig Weh and Mrs Evi Weh (“the applicants”), on 8 August 1997.
The applicants were represented by the first applicant, a lawyer practising in Bregenz. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicants alleged, inter alia, that the first applicant's right to remain silent and not to incriminate himself had been breached in criminal proceedings against him.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 30 January 2001 the Court decided to communicate to the respondent Government both applicants' complaint about the lack of a prosecuting authority before the Vorarlberg Independent Administrative Panel and the first applicant's complaint concerning the alleged violation of his right to remain silent and not to incriminate himself and declared the remainder of the application inadmissible. The Government filed observations on the admissibility and merits. On 7 September 2001 the President of the Third Section refused the applicants' request to include their observations in reply of 8 and 9 August and 3 September 2001, filed outside the time-limit, in the case file (Rule 38 § 1).
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed First Section (Rule 52 § 1).
By a decision of 4 July 2002 the Court declared the application partly admissible, namely as regards the first applicant's (hereafter “the applicant”) complaint that his right to remain silent and not to incriminate himself had been breached in criminal proceedings against him.
The applicant filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
The applicant, Mr W. Weh, was born in 1952 and lives in Bregenz.
On 21 March 1995 the Bregenz District Authority (Bezirkshaupt-mannschaft) served an anonymous order (Anonymverfügung) upon the applicant in the sum of 800 Austrian schillings (ATS). It stated that on 5 March 1995 the driver of the car, registered in the applicant's name, had exceeded the city area speed limit of 50 km/h by 21 km/h.
The applicant did not comply with the anonymous order. Consequently, the order became invalid (see paragraph 31, below).
Subsequently, the Bregenz District Authority opened criminal proceedings for exceeding the speed limit against unknown offenders and, on 27 April 1995, it ordered the applicant as the registered car owner, under section 103 § 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act (Kraftfahrgesetz), to disclose who had been driving his car. The applicant answered that “C.K.[first and family name in full]”, living in “USA/University of Texas” was the person who had used the car.
On 25 July 1995 the Bregenz District Authority issued a provisional penal order (Strafverfügung) in which it sentenced the applicant under sections 103 § 2 and 134 of the Motor Vehicles Act to pay a fine of ATS 900 (with 54 hours' imprisonment in default). It noted that he had submitted inaccurate information.
The applicant filed an objection (Einspruch) against this decision. On 22 August 1995 the Bregenz District Authority requested the applicant to submit his defence either in writing or to appear at an oral hearing. The applicant did not react to this request.
On 18 September 1995 the Bregenz District Authority issued a penal order (Straferkenntnis) confirming its previous decision and sentenced the applicant to a fine of ATS 900 (with 24 hours' imprisonment in default). In addition it ordered him to pay ATS 90 by way of contribution to the costs of the proceedings. The District Authority found that the information supplied by the applicant had been inaccurate.
The applicant appealed to the Vorarlberg Independent Administrative Panel (Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat).
On 15 April 1996 the Vorarlberg Independent Administrative Panel dismissed the applicant's appeal and ordered him to pay ATS 180 by way of contribution to the costs of the appeal proceedings. Prior to giving its decision, the Panel held a hearing in the presence of the applicant who stated that he considered the information submitted by him to be sufficiently accurate.
The Panel dismissed the applicant's defence, noting that section 103 § 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act required the registered car owner to disclose the name and address of the driver. Further, it referred to the Administrative Court's case-law according to which not only the failure to give any information at all but also the disclosure of inaccurate information amounted to a failure to comply with section 103 § 2. Finally, the Panel observed that the University of Texas had 14 different locations in Texas. Therefore the information provided by the first applicant had indeed been inaccurate.
On 3 June 1996 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof). He raised various issues regarding the tribunal quality of the Independent Administrative Panel and the fairness of the proceedings. However, given that the relevant sentence of section 103 § 2 of the Motor Vehicles Act has the rank of constitutional law (see paragraph 25, below), he did not raise the issue of his right to remain silent and not to incriminate himself.
On 26 November 1996 the Constitutional Court refused to deal with the applicant's complaint for lack of prospects of success.
On 27 June 1997 the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) refused to deal with the applicant's complaint pursuant to section 33a of the Administrative Court Act (Verwaltungsgerichtshofgesetz) since the amount of the penalty did not exceed ATS 10,000, and no important legal problem was at stake.
The applicant was not prosecuted for exceeding the speed limit. | train | {
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001-60917 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 36757/97) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a national of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Elvis Jakupovic (“the applicant”), on 8 April 1997.
The applicant was represented by Mr F. Schwarzinger, a lawyer practising in Wels (Austria). The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department of the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained under Article 8 of the Convention that a residence prohibition imposed on him by the Austrian authorities violated his right to respect for his private and family life.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 15 November 2001 the Court declared the application partly admissible.
Neither the applicant nor the Government filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine).
The applicant was born in 1979 and lived at the time of the events in Vöcklabruck (Austria). He presently lives in Banova Jaruga (Croatia).
In February 1991 the applicant arrived in Austria together with his brother, born in 1985, and joined his mother who had already been living and working there. Subsequently his mother remarried. The applicant's family now consists of his mother, his stepfather, his brother and two half sisters, born in 1993 and 1995.
On 14 January 1994 the Police Authorities filed a criminal complaint against the applicant on suspicion of burglary. On 14 March 1994 the Wels Regional Court (Landesgericht) provisionally discontinued the criminal proceedings and ordered the applicant to compensate the victims for the damage caused. On 11 May 1995 the Vöcklabruck District Administrative Authority issued a prohibition to possess arms (Waffenverbot) under the Weapons Act (Waffengesetz) against the applicant as he had, in April 1995, attacked several persons with an electroshock device. On 31 May 1995 the applicant was remanded in custody on suspicion of having committed some fifty burglaries.
On 28 August 1995 the Wels Regional Court convicted the applicant of burglary and sentenced him to five months' imprisonment, suspended for a probationary period of three years. On the same day the applicant was released from detention on remand.
On 28 September 1995 the Vöcklabruck District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) issued a ten year residence prohibition against the applicant. Having regard to the above events and in particular the applicant's conviction, it found that his further stay in Austria was contrary to the public interest. These considerations were not outweighed by his family links in Austria. On 16 October 1995 the applicant, assisted by counsel, appealed against this decision. Relying on Article 8 of the Convention he submitted, inter alia, that the District Administrative Authority had failed to take sufficiently into account his private and family situation.
On 18 December 1995 the applicant was again remanded in custody on suspicion of having committed further burglaries in December 1995. On 26 February 1996 the Wels Regional Court again convicted the applicant of burglary and sentenced him to a further term of imprisonment of ten weeks, suspended for a probationary period of three years. On the same day the applicant was released from detention on remand.
On 2 May 1996 the Upper Austria Public Security Authority (Sicherheitsdirektion) dismissed the applicant's appeal against the District Administrative Authority's decision of 28 September 1995. As regards the applicant's family situation, the authority noted that the applicant's mother, his brother and two half sisters were living in Austria. However, having regard to the applicant's serious criminal behaviour the issue of a residence prohibition was nevertheless necessary in the public interest.
On 21 June 1996 the applicant filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) against the residence prohibition. On 30 September 1996 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the matter for lack of prospects of success and remitted the case to the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof).
On 9 December 1996 the applicant supplemented his complaint to the Administrative Court which dismissed it on 19 February 1997. It found that the authorities had correctly found that the residence prohibition was necessary in the public interest and did not constitute a disproportionate interference with the applicant's family situation.
On 4 April 1997 the applicant was taken into detention with a view to his expulsion and, on 9 April 1997, he was deported to Sarajewo. | train | {
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"applicant": "Elvis Jakupovic",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
"legal_branch": "CHAMBER",
"year": 2003
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Elvis Jakupovic |
001-68158 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 18297/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Austrian national, Mr Franz Ladner (“the applicant”), on 3 June 2003.
The applicant was represented by Mr H. Graupner, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
On 22 September 2003 the Court decided to communicate the applicant’s complaint that the maintenance in force of Article 209 of the Criminal Code and his conviction under this provision discriminated him in the enjoyment of his private life to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant was born in 1964 and lives in Vienna.
On 14 February 2001 the Vienna Regional Criminal Court (Landesgericht für Strafsachen) ordered the applicant’s detention on remand on suspicion of having committed homosexual acts with adolescents contrary to Article 209 of the Criminal Code. The applicant was released on 27 February 2001.
Also on 14 February 2001 the investigating judge ordered a search of the applicant’s premises, as he was also suspected of owning child pornographic material. A number of video-tapes were seized but the suspicion was not confirmed and the subsequent proceedings were conducted for charges under Article 209 alone.
On 24 September 2001 the Regional Court decided to discontinue the proceedings on the condition of payment of a penalty of 20,000 Austrian schillings. The Public Prosecutor’s Office appealed against this decision.
On 11 December 2001 the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) quashed the Regional Court’s decision and referred the case back to it.
On 15 January 2002 the Regional Court convicted the applicant under Article 209 of the Criminal Code and sentenced him to three months’ imprisonment suspended on probation. It found that, between 1994 and 2001, the applicant had performed homosexual acts with four different adolescents.
On 3 December 2002 the Vienna Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant’s appeal on points of law. It referred to the Constitutional Court’s judgment of 21 June 2002 which had found that Article 209 of the Criminal Code was unconstitutional. However, the amendment of the law, which had repealed Article 209 did not apply to proceedings, in which the first instance court’s judgment had already been given before its entry into force on 14 August 2002. The decision was served on the applicant on 4 July 2003.
The applicant’s petition for a pardon was of no avail.
On 3 April 2003 the Federal Minister of Justice replied to questions put by members of Parliament concerning the granting of a pardon in cases of convictions under Article 209. In these questions the applicant’s case was referred to by the file number and the date of the final decision. The Minister stated, without mentioning the applicant’s name, that he had denied a pardon in this case, as the conduct of the person concerned would also qualify as an offence under the newly introduced Article 207b, as in one case that person had taken advantage of the adolescent’s predicament, i.e. the fact that the latter had, following a conflict with his parents, temporarily lived in that person’s apartment. | train | {
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001-69167 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 5263/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Thomas Wolfmeyer (“the applicant”), on 30 January 2003.
The applicant was represented by Mr H. Graupner, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
On 22 September 2003 the Court decided to communicate the application to the Government. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant was born in 1968 and lives in Bludenz.
In May 2000 the Feldkirch Regional Court (Landesgericht) opened criminal proceedings against the applicant on suspicion of having committed homosexual acts with adolescents contrary to Article 209 of the Criminal Code.
On 23 November 2000 the Regional Court, after having held a trial, convicted the applicant under Article 209 of the Criminal Code and sentenced him to six months' imprisonment suspended on probation. It found that, in 1997, he had performed homosexual acts with two adolescents.
Upon the applicant's appeal, the Innsbruck Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) requested the Constitutional Court (Verfassungs-gerichtshof) to review the constitutionality of Article 209.
On 29 November 2001 the Constitutional Court dismissed this request (see paragraph 22 below).
On 20 December 2001 the Innsbruck Court of Appeal filed a new request for review of the constitutionality of Article 209.
On 21 June 2002 the Constitutional Court gave a judgment holding that Article 209 of the Criminal Code was unconstitutional (see paragraph 23 below).
The amendment repealing Article 209 entered into force on 14 August 2002. While, according to the transitional provisions, Article 209 remained applicable in all cases in which the judgment at first instance had already been given before the entry into force of the amendment, it could no longer be applied in the applicant's case since it had been the case in point (Anlaßfall) before the Constitutional Court.
On 17 July 2002 the Innsbruck Court of Appeal, noting that the Constitutional Court had repealed Article 209 as unconstitutional, acquitted the applicant. This decision was served on him on 12 August 2002.
On 20 September 2002 the Feldkirch Regional Court dismissed the applicant's request for reimbursement of his defence costs holding that under Article 393a (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordnung) no right to compensation existed if the accused was not punishable on grounds which occurred after the indictment was filed.
On 12 November 2002 the Innsbruck Court of Appeal partly granted the applicant's appeal, awarding him reimbursement of a total amount of 1,839.38 euros (EUR) for costs and expenses. It found that the Regional Court had wrongly applied Article 393a (3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The applicant's case had been the case in point before the Constitutional Court leading to the repeal of Article 209 of the Criminal Code. His case had to be treated as if Article 209 had never existed. Consequently, it could not be said that he was acquitted on grounds which occurred after the indictment.
The court found that the applicant's defence costs including the costs relating to the proceedings before the Constitutional Court, in which the applicant, as an interested party (mitbeteiligte Partei), had made detailed submissions, had been necessarily incurred. However, the law provided that only a maximum amount of EUR 1,091 was to be reimbursed as contribution to the defence costs. In addition EUR 748,38 were awarded for cash expenses. | train | {
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"applicant": "Thomas Wolfmeyer",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
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"year": 2005
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Thomas Wolfmeyer |
001-100506 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 8400/07) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr Simeon Szypusz (“the applicant”), on 19 February 2007.
The applicant was represented by Mr R. Kovalevsky Q.C., a barrister practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms E. Willmott, of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant, relying on Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, alleged that he had not had a fair trial as there were insufficient guarantees to exclude legitimate doubt regarding the independence and impartiality of the tribunal which tried him on criminal charges.
On 26 May 2009 the President of the Chamber decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1985 and is currently detained in HMP Lowdham Grange, Nottingham.
On 30 May 2004, at around lunch time, an argument broke out between the applicant and D.M. in a residential street. The applicant had been trying to park a car he was driving and had collided with a parked car which belonged to D.M. Within about half an hour of the dispute, a third man, D.G., arrived at the scene equipped with a loaded shotgun and shot D.M. in the back of the head. D.M. survived but suffered permanent brain damage.
The Crown case was that D.G. had been summoned to the scene by the applicant and another co-accused, M.H., using a mobile telephone belonging to M.H. The applicant was charged with attempted murder and making threats to kill. The applicant denied the charges, alleging that he had left the scene at an early stage and gone to a neighbouring house. He disputed allegations that he had played any part in summoning D.G.
The Crown's evidence regarding the alleged phone calls came from a number of sources. They pointed to the fact that the applicant was the party involved in the original dispute and that, according to witnesses, he had made threats of violence and of death. An important part of the Crown case involved video recordings from closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras near the scene. From a combination of video recordings and mobile telephone records for M.H.'s telephone, the Crown contended that the applicant could be seen making certain calls. There was also eye witness evidence of him making at least one of the critical calls. In total, the Crown case was that six relevant calls were made from M.H.'s mobile telephone to D.G. or one of his associates.
The applicant's case at trial was that he had made no calls on M.H.'s mobile telephone. He accepted that eye witness evidence and CCTV recordings demonstrated that he had used a telephone at certain points. However, he said that he was a drug dealer using his own telephone and that the calls were made for his own criminal purposes and were nothing to do with the summoning of D.G. As regards one part of the CCTV footage, the applicant denied the Crown contention that it showed him making a call at a relevant time.
A compilation of the CCTV footage was shown a number of times during the trial. It was played on specialist digital equipment, which was more sophisticated than an ordinary video recorder, specially installed for the trial. It had a number of facilities, including a better capacity to freeze frames, to step forwards and backwards from frame to frame and to coordinate views of different cameras at any particular moment. The machine was operated by a detective constable, Officer M, who had been specially instructed how to use it. Officer M was a member of the investigating team of police officers which had conducted the inquiry into the applicant's case. He was, formally speaking, a witness in the case in the sense that he had made two single paragraph statements recording taking possession of some of the CCTV tapes and had made an uncontroversial statement relating to the taking of a mouth swab sample for DNA analysis from one of the other accused in the applicant's case. Over the period of the trial, which lasted around a month, he had made his services available not only at the trial itself but also to the Crown and the defendants outside the court.
There was some early discussion about the possibility that the jury would wish to view the recordings after they retired. Leading counsel for the applicant directed the judge's attention to short notes in Archbold's Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice, an authoritative text on Crown Court practice and procedure, on the replaying of various different kinds of recording which may figure in trials. The matter was left that there was no reason why the recordings could not be taken into the jury room and played there by the jury if required.
At the conclusion of his summing-up, the judge told the jury that should they wish to view the recordings again, they only had to ask. The following dialogue took place: “Judge: 'Ladies and gentlemen, it may be that you will want to see the videos again. Have arrangements been made for the jury to see them in their room?' Counsel for the prosecution: '...It is impossible, as I understand it, in fact, to take this into the jury's room. There are, therefore, either two options: either to watch a VHS video on the normal equipment in their room, or alternatively, there is the higher quality–' Judge: 'The jury must watch what has been shown in court.' Counsel for the prosecution: 'In that case, I am afraid the position must be that as and when the jury require it, they will have to come back and see it in court.' Judge: 'There you are. Any time you want to see the video, you can pass a note ...'”
The jury subsequently retired. On the second day of their deliberations, they indicated their wish to start reviewing the video evidence in the afternoon. Counsel were advised of the jury's request and the court convened with junior counsel for the applicant among those attending. The following discussion ensued: “Counsel for the prosecution: '... the only issue that arises as a result of the CCTV request is who exactly is present in court when they view the material. It is a matter that we have discussed between counsel, and of course, subject to your Lordship's view, I think the general view is that if they are able to watch it on their own, it would be much more constructive – if counsel and your Lordship were not present. In other words, if this was an extension of their jury room–' Judge: 'And then we would have – what – just the officer working the machine?' Counsel for the prosecution: My Lord, that is the only outstanding issue, and I am afraid I have not had an opportunity to speak to [Officer M] – who, as your Lordship knows, is the man in charge of the machinery – as to whether it would be possible for the jury to be shown very briefly how to operate the machinery, or whether that is unrealistic.' Judge: 'I should imagine that it is unrealistic–' Counsel for the prosecution: 'In which case I understand–' Judge: 'I mean, you have to go backwards and forwards, and you have to catch particular frames, and I think you will probably need [Officer M] –' Counsel for the prosecution: 'My Lord, I am inclined to agree, in which case it would be my suggestion, on behalf of the Crown, that he remains, and at their instruction operates the machinery–' Judge: 'And does nothing else but to operate the machinery–' Counsel for the prosecution: 'Indeed – and, of course, makes no communication to them or to anyone else –' Counsel for M.H.: 'Except where they will want to go backwards or forwards –' Counsel for the prosecution: 'Except, of course, to talk to them about operating the machinery.' Judge: 'Does anyone have any objections to the court being cleared, along with the defendants and the public gallery, and simply leaving [Officer M] there – and in that case, I do not think I need ask the jury what they want to see.' Counsel for the prosecution: 'My Lord, no.' Judge: 'That is probably much better.' Counsel for the prosecution: 'Indeed. Thank you very much.' Judge: 'Thank you. Does everybody agree?' Counsel for the prosecution: 'My Lord, yes.' Counsel for D.G.: 'My Lord, yes.' Counsel for M.H.: 'My Lord, yes.'
No assent was recorded from junior counsel for the applicant but no objections were raised to the course of action proposed.
The judge instructed the jury to return and directed them as follows: “Ladies and gentlemen, having discussed this matter with counsel, what we are going to do is this: we are going to leave [Officer M] in this court with you, and he will play any part of the video that you have seen, and he will play it as you think fit. Remember that there is more than one camera that operates – that sometimes you are viewing camera no. 1, and I think at other times camera no. 2. [Officer M] cannot do anything other than operate the video machine, and there is to be no other communication with him – or any communication from him – than simply asking him to play you what you want to see – and I think it is probably better, because he was in court – and apart from discussing among yourselves, perhaps, what you want to see, any other discussion is in your jury room ...”
The jury was left alone in the court room with Officer M at 2.05 p.m. to begin reviewing the video evidence.
As soon as leading counsel for the applicant, who had been engaged elsewhere during the earlier discussions with counsel regarding the viewing of the video recordings as the applicant's trial had overrun, was informed of the course of action adopted, a request was made to reconvene the court at 3.30 p.m. The judge agreed to reconvene at 4 p.m. as he did not wish to interrupt the jury's viewing of the video evidence. The jury spent almost two hours viewing the video recordings in the presence of Officer M.
When the court reconvened, leading counsel for the applicant directed the judge's attention to various authorities, including Archbold's Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice, and the following discussion took place: “Counsel for the applicant: 'The court has, for all purposes, during this afternoon, whilst the jury have been reviewing the material, really been an extension of the jury room –' ... Counsel for the applicant: 'And what has happened, in reality, is that an individual – he happens to be a police officer – an individual has, in fact, been within that jury room –' Judge: 'There was instructions –' Counsel for the applicant: 'I know that, but the difficulty with that is that the person who would normally be supervising “the sanctity”, if I can put it that way, of the jury – because, of course, normally there is no problem; they are in their jury retiring room, and there is no individual who can come near them –' Judge: 'No –' Counsel for the applicant: 'Because the jury bailiff acts in accordance with their oath, as one expects, to prevent that – by my understanding is that this afternoon there has been no such person present.' Judge: 'But are you saying that if one of the jury bailiffs had been present, that would be all right? That would have caused other problems.' Counsel for the applicant: 'My Lord, I am trying to see a way through it. This is a very unusual circumstance. Judge: 'The unusual circumstance is this ...: we cannot put the equipment in the jury room'. Counsel for the applicant: 'Yes, I understand that'. Judge: 'And that is the first problem ... The second problem is that the jury could not work the equipment.' ... Counsel for the applicant: '...we understand that [Officer M] was able, in fact, to instruct another officer how to use this machine in pretty short order.' Judge: 'Perhaps, but that is how it was presented to me –' ... Counsel for the applicant: 'I am merely looking at the peculiar situation that arises here, and the simple fact of the matter, if we boil it down to first principles, is quite simply this: throughout this afternoon, there has, in fact, been an outsider in the jury retiring room. Your Lordship, of course, has given directions, and so be it. In fact, we cannot inquire – certainly from the jury – as to whether that was followed, because we have no right –' Judge: 'No, I agree –' Counsel for the applicant: 'And the problem is this: that those who sit behind the dock are essentially put on trust in relation to the police officer's lack of communication, and as soon as one recognises that, that, essentially, cannot be right, because there is no reason why they should, as it were, feel that they can trust the police officer to that extent ...'
Counsel for the applicant then suggested that the police officer could continue to operate the equipment but that the presence of a jury bailiff in the jury room would ensure that there was no communication between the parties in light of the oath sworn by the jury bailiff to prevent any communication with the jury. The following exchange took place: “Counsel for the applicant: 'If the jury bailiff's oath is that they are to stop any approach by any outsider to the jury, then any communication as to which section of tape the jury wish to see should, in fact, go through that conduit, and that can be in the same room, but the jury bailiff can ensure that there is no communication directly between the parties.' Judge: '... You are suggesting that the police officer could operate the machinery – that is obviously the most convenient way to do it, even if there could possibly be other ways ... – but the jury bailiff has to be present?' Counsel for the applicant: 'Yes, because the jury bailiff, consistent with his or her oath, is duty bound to stop all communication, and essentially, that communication can only be complained of if it came from the officer. I am not saying for one instant – for one instant – that I have reason to believe that that has happened.' Judge: 'No.' Counsel for the applicant: 'I am merely looking at it from a point of principle ... The system ... has a safeguard within it, and normally that is the jury bailiff, who essentially guards the sanctity of the jury once they have retired.”
The judge observed that there was a need to protect the privacy of the jury while preserving the integrity of the situation. However, he pointed out that “the die had been cast” and that: “... either the procedure in the circumstances of this particular case is acceptable, or it is not. I am not sure I would want to change it now. I mean, counsel can consider all of this overnight –”
He later continued: “... I think I ought to state for the record – and I will – precisely what has happened, so that there can be no doubt about it. I will give counsel a chance to consider this matter ... it may be that it is just not sensible to do anything different, and if something has gone wrong, it has gone wrong – but I will give counsel a chance to consider the matter overnight, and if they want to suggest to me anything – alternative procedures – not very different than what we are doing – but any modified procedures, tomorrow I will listen to them.”
It was then suggested by counsel for M.H. that either the jury themselves be instructed how to use the equipment or that the video be played in open court in the presence of the judge. The following morning, a solution was agreed which would allow the jury to operate the equipment themselves, with information provided to assist them in locating the part of the recordings that they wished to view. The judge subsequently advised the jury as follows: “We have reconsidered the procedure for your viewing [the CCTV] footage, and in order to give you complete freedom for discussion amongst yourselves as you view that footage, we propose to give you the opportunity to do so in the absence of any other person. What we propose is this: that you should be shown in a moment or two in open court, with everybody present, how that equipment works, and you will then be left to it, and you will decide exactly who is to operate it, and what you wish to see. Can I remind you that the tape is a composite tape containing footage from three cameras. You will be given a sheet of paper – this one – containing an index of counter times, which show where footage from each camera begins, and what each camera is focused on ... If you have any problems in working the equipment, let me know, and I will reconsider the position ...”
The jury subsequently viewed the video recordings alone for about an hour. They continued their deliberations for the rest of the day and into the following morning.
On 25 February 2005, the jury found the applicant guilty of attempted murder and making threats to kill. He was sentenced to 25 years in prison for attempted murder and three years, to be served concurrently, for making threats to kill. His co-accused, M.H., was found not guilty.
The applicant appealed, arguing that the approach taken to the viewing of the video recordings amounted to a fundamental infringement of the integrity of the jury's deliberations.
On 20 June 2006, the Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal. The court summarised the matter before it as follows: “[Counsel for the applicant] contends now, as foreshadowed in his submissions to the judge on his return to court, that the course taken amounted, however unwittingly, to a fundamental infringement of the integrity of the jury's deliberations. He takes his stand on the point of principle. He contends that when somebody has retired, in effect, with the jury for a substantial period the conviction is, for that reason alone, unsafe. He adds, of course, that in this particular case it was a policeman who was in that position.”
Discussing the role of Officer M, the court noted that: “The officer in question was a serving police officer. He was a member of the investigating team of police officers which had conducted the enquiry into this case. That was a team which had assembled the evidence, taken the statements, and no doubt planned the investigation. He was, formally speaking, a witness in the case, in the sense that he had made two single paragraph statements recording taking possession of some of the close circuit television tapes and he had also made an entirely uncontroversial statement relating to the taking of a mouth swab sample for DNA analysis from one of the other accused ... There was no hint of question about the formal statements that he had made. He had not been called as a witness. His credibility was not in any sense in issue. He was a member of the investigating team, but this was not a case in which there was any challenge to the credibility or propriety of any of the police officers. This was not that kind of a case. There was no challenge whatever to the manner of investigation. The issue at the trial was what the evidence, which the police were accepted properly to have gathered, did or did not prove.”
During the proceedings, the Court of Appeal had been invited to receive a witness statement from Officer M which had not been seen by the applicant or his lawyers. However, it concluded on this matter (at paragraph 28) that: “...we do not think that we should be invited to receive partial evidence of what occurred. We are certainly satisfied that no further enquiry, for example of jurors, would in a case of this kind be proper”.
The court examined the trial transcript and, despite the absence of any recorded assent from the applicant's junior counsel to the jury's viewing of the CCTV footage in the presence of Officer M, stated that it had absolutely no doubt that assent to the presence of Officer M while the jury viewed the CCTV footage was given by all counsel concerned, referring to the various, non-verbal manners of expressing assent in such situations.
The court agreed that a fair trial required that a jury should not be improperly influenced during its deliberations. The Court observed that this was not a case where any bias, or apparent bias, was in question. The question was whether the conviction was safe, and in particular whether the unusual course taken meant that there was an unacceptable risk that the jury may have come under improper extraneous influence after the close of evidence in the case. The court accepted that this would include an inquiry into whether there was such appearance of that possibility that a fair minded, independent observer would conclude that there was a real danger or a real possibility of the jury's decision being compromised by external influence.
The court found (at paragraphs 44-45): “In the modern era our system proceeds upon the basis that jurors can be trusted to heed the very careful injunctions which are given to them throughout the trial process, to try the case upon the evidence heard in court alone and to be scrupulous in not discussing the case with anybody outside their number. Such directions are conventionally given by judges at the outset of the trial. They will have been foreshadowed before that by the instruction given to jurors on attending court. They are always repeated at later stages of the trial and they are invariably endorsed at time of separation, if that necessity arises. Quite apart from that, some jurors need transport for various reasons; sometimes, but not always, of security. Drivers who are not operating under a bailiff's oath, hotel staff where appropriate, and many others have dealings with jurors who are in retirement. Once again, the system proceeds on the basis that the jurors treat their task conscientiously and can be trusted to obey the oath that they have taken and not to allow any possibility of extraneous influence to compromise the integrity of their discussions as a group of 12. The experience of trial judges up and down the country demonstrates that in all but a tiny handful of cases that trust is well placed. Jurors approach what is a difficult and often anxious task with a remarkable sense of duty. Now to accept the risk which thus arises of influence from someone unknown and unconnected with the case is not, of course, the same as positively to permit a 13th person to be present with the jury after it has retired and whilst it is reviewing part of the evidence in the case. If, therefore, there were in this case an unacceptable risk of compromise to the integrity of the jury's discussions, the modern practice as to the separation of juries during retirement would not necessarily save it. What the modern practice does, however, is to demonstrate the recognition of the fact that the safeguard of the integrity of the jury system lies in the respect that jurors have for the serious oath that they have taken, reinforced by the directions and warnings that they are given by trial judges, rather than in requiring formal rules attempting to insulate them from contact with the outside world.”
The court noted that the approach adopted in the present case occurred with the authority of the judge and with the consent of all parties, although it emphasised that no question arose as to the applicant's right to a fair trial being waived. Such a right could only be waived after a full investigation of the facts, in particular as to whether the applicant was fully apprised of the options available. However, the court considered that the agreement of the judge and counsel to the approach adopted was relevant when assessing whether a fair minded observer would have been of the view that there was, as a result of the decision, an unacceptable risk of the jury's discussions being compromised.
The court further referred to the “careful direction” given to the jury that there was to be no communication between them and the officer operating the equipment except for the purposes of finding the correct place on the video. The court noted (at paragraph 50): “He directed them, as we have recorded, that they were to preserve their own discussions of what they had seen until they were in private. That direction came on top of, we are quite sure, conventional directions to the jury of the kind which we have already mentioned that is to say as to the necessity to try the case on the evidence, and, on many occasions, to be scrupulous to avoid discussing the case with anybody outside their number. For the reasons which we have explained, the modern practice is to trust jurors to obey injunctions of this kind.”
The court noted that the suggestion mooted before the trial judge of having a jury bailiff present demonstrated that there could be no absolute prohibition on contact with the jury. It further observed that there was no indication that the jury had been in any way inhibited by the presence of the police officer: they spent considerable time viewing the recordings. In any event, they continued to view the recordings alone the following morning and clearly gave further consideration to them.
Finally, the court considered it significant that the jury had convicted the applicant of attempted murder but acquitted of attempted murder his co‑accused, M.H., who was also directly affected by the CCTV evidence. The significance was that: “... the jury arrived, after prolonged deliberation, at discriminating verdicts.”
The court concluded (at paragraph 55): “We are satisfied that on the facts of this case, whether or not what occurred should have happened – and we will come to that in a moment – the hypothetical informed and fair minded observer would be aware of all the factors to which we have called attention and he would, we are satisfied, on the facts of this case not believe that there was a real danger, or a real possibility, that the jury's deliberations had been improperly influenced by an external individual.”
As to the approach adopted to the viewing of the video evidence as a matter of principle, the court stated (at paragraphs 56-57) that: “We add this. Although in this case we are satisfied that no harm was done, we firmly suggest that this is a course which is not followed in future with or without the consent of the parties. We are alive to two considerations which troubled those who were concerned in this case and we understand how it came about that they resulted in the judge doing what he did with the consent of all the parties. We do not, however, think that anybody needed to be concerned that a jury would betray its thinking by identifying a piece of recording that it wanted to see again. Jurors commonly ask questions on all manner of topics. Some of them call for the jury to be reminded of a particular area of evidence. We do not believe that anybody who has any experience of jury trials supposes that anything can be read into the questions which a jury asks. Such a question may come from all jurors or from one. It may come because the evidence is regarded by someone as of great importance or it may come because the jury collectively thinks it is irrelevant but wants to be sure. The second concern, however, namely that the jury ought to be able to view real evidence of this kind, and discuss it as it views it, is of much greater significance. The breadth of close circuit television coverage in places public and private is nowadays so extensive that juries are more and more presented with evidence of this kind. They also have recorded evidence very often in cases of recorded surveillance. There are other examples, of course, as well. It seems to us that it should be regarded as the plain duty of any party, Crown or defence, which is proposing to rely on such recorded evidence to ensure that there is provided equipment not only to play the recording in court, but also such as the jury can use in its retiring room during its retirement. They must, we are quite satisfied, as jurors be entitled to review precisely the same material as has been put in evidence in court. The judge in this case, we are satisfied, was absolutely right not to permit them to be given a substitute poorer quality VHS recording. If the necessary equipment can be provided in any particular court by agreement as to compatibility of machinery between parties and the court, then so much the better. The ultimate responsibility, however, for the presentation of evidence lies not with the court, but with the parties seeking to adduce it. It is not desirable that equipment should be provided which can only be used in open court, because although it may turn out to be possible to proceed as was done here on the second day of viewing, that will often not be possible, and in many courts the courtroom will by then be in use in the next trial. If in the last resort it really is the case that the recorded material simply is incapable of being played on any machinery which the jury can take into the retiring room -- and we take leave to doubt that that will ever be so with a little forethought -- then we think that the normal course should be followed and in that exceptional case any replaying for the jury during retirement ought to take place in open court.”
On 22 August 2008, the applicant was denied leave to appeal to the House of Lords. | train | {
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001-164313 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in two applications (nos. 41516/10 and 75702/13) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two British nationals, Mr Charles Bernard O’Neill and Mr William Hugh Lauchlan (“the applicants”), on 15 July 2010 and 28 November 2013 respectively.
The first applicant was born in 1962 and is currently detained in HMP Glenochil in Scotland. He was represented by McClure Collins Solicitors, a firm of solicitors practising in Glasgow. The second applicant was born in 1976 and is currently detained in HMP Edinburgh in Scotland. He was represented by Fitzpatrick and Co, a firm of solicitors practising in Glasgow. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr P. McKell of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicants’ complaints concerning the length of their criminal proceedings were communicated to the Government on 13 November 2012 and 17 December 2012 respectively.
A. The initial investigation
On 16 February 1998 R.M. reported his ex-wife, A.M, missing.
On 24 February 1998 police carried out an initial forensic investigation of an apartment which A.M. and her son had shared with the applicants in June 1997, the date she had last been seen.
An Interim Missing Persons report was prepared by police and submitted to the Procurator Fiscal on 1 May 1998, with later reports following on 31 August 1998 and 8 September 1998.
On 30 June 1998 police obtained a search warrant in respect of the apartment A.M. had shared with the applicants. However, a full forensic examination of the property does not appear to have disclosed any relevant evidence.
On 18 August 1998 the applicants were sentenced to periods of imprisonment of eight years’ and six years’ respectively following their conviction for various sexual offences. The complainer in relation to some of those offences was A.M.’s son. Following conviction, both applicants were placed on the Sexual Offenders’ Register.
By September 1998 A.M.’s disappearance was being referred to by the Procurator Fiscal at Kilmarnock as “suspicious” and Crown Counsel described the police inquiry into her disappearance as a “murder inquiry”. On 14 September 1998 the police sought authorisation for the release of the applicants from HMP Peterhead into their custody so that they could be interviewed with regard to the disappearance and suspected murder of A.M.
On 17 September 1998, while serving their sentence at HMP Peterhead, the applicants were detained by the police under section 14 of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 and removed to Queen Street Police Office in Aberdeen. On the same day the applicants were interviewed separately by police officers for over five hours. During these interviews they were directly accused of the murder of A.M. Both applicants asked police officers if they were going to be charged with the murder, but received indications to the contrary. Following the interviews, neither applicant was arrested or charged with any offence owing to insufficient evidence. They were therefore returned to prison to continue serving their respective sentences.
By November 1998 no progress had been made in finding A.M. and the police inquiry was scaled down. A full Missing Person Report was submitted to the National Missing Persons Bureau at New Scotland Yard (London). The case was continued as a live enquiry and periodic reviews were conducted by police.
The applicants were released from custody on licence on 22 May 2003 and 18 January 2002 respectively. They both travelled to Spain without notification, thereby breaching the terms of their parole licence in contravention of the Sex Offenders Act 1997. The Scottish Executive subsequently revoked their licences.
In April 2004 the applicants were arrested in Spain in connection with the apparent abduction of a fourteen year old boy. They were returned to the United Kingdom, where they were recalled to prison to serve the unexpired portion of their licence periods.
On 10 November 2004 both applicants appeared on indictment in respect of offences contrary to the Sex Offenders Act 1997. They pled guilty and on 4 April 2005 they were sentenced to a further three years’ imprisonment, which was reduced on appeal to eighteen months.
B. The charges
Between 1 and 4 April 2005 a decision was made by the Procurator Fiscal, following consultation with Crown Counsel, to place both applicants on petition in relation to the murder of A.M. The Crown’s position was that A.M. had threatened to report the applicants to the police after discovering that they were sexually abusing her son. The applicants’ had subsequently killed her and disposed of her body.
On 5 April 2005 the applicants were charged with the murder of A.M. and with concealing and disposing of her body in an attempt to pervert the course of justice. They appeared on petition at Kilmarnock Sheriff Court were they were committed for further examination and remanded in custody.
The police continued to pursue their investigation and enquiries.
On 6 June 2005 the Crown Office provisionally fixed a preliminary hearing date for 12 September 2005. That hearing date was set aside as the first applicant lodged a “devolution minute” (see paragraphs 51-52 below) relating to a potential violation of the reasonable time guarantee contained within Article 6 § 1 of the Convention. On 14 October 2005 the Sheriff Court held that the devolution minute had been raised prematurely as no indictment had been served. On 7 December 2005 the High Court dismissed the first applicant’s appeal against that decision and refused him leave to appeal to the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
Meanwhile, a Proof of Life report was produced on 18 November 2005 (supplemented on 5 January 2006), which concluded that A.M. had been dead since approximately June 1997.
In late 2005 Crown Counsel had concerns regarding the sufficiency of evidence against the second applicant. Although the evidence against the first applicant was stronger, the understanding that the applicants had acted together would have made a trial against the first applicant only very difficult. Therefore, on 19 December 2005 the Crown decided to take “no proceedings meantime” (see paragraph 49 below) with regard to the 2005 petition.
Following reviews of the case in February and March 2006, Crown Counsel instructed that no new additional material had come to light which would justify reconsideration of that decision. However, the decision would remain under periodic review.
Pursuant to sections 65(1)(a) and (1A) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995, a trial had to take place within twelve months of the accused’s first appearance on petition in respect of the offence, although this period could be extended either within the twelve-month period or retrospectively (see paragraph 48 below). The twelve-month period for bringing proceedings expired on 4 April 2006 and the Lord Advocate did not seek an extension of time. On 26 April 2006 the applicants were informed that there would be “no proceedings meantime”.
By November 2006 both applicants had served the custodial element of their earlier criminal sentences and were released from prison. They both travelled to live in Spain for a period before returning to the United Kingdom in November 2007.
The police continued to conduct periodic reviews of the decision to take “no proceedings meantime” in respect of the 2005 petition. Furthermore, Central Scotland Police formed “Operation Aspen”, the objective of which was to look for evidence both of further sexual offending by the applicants, and of their involvement in the disappearance of A.M.
As a result of Operation Aspen, new evidence came to light concerning the circumstances of A.M.’s disappearance and the applicants’ sexual offending. Consequently, on 9 September 2008 Crown Counsel concluded that there had been a material change in the prospects of securing a conviction against both applicants on the murder charges contained in the earlier 2005 petition.
C. The indictment
On 10 September 2008 the applicants were served with an indictment which contained the same charges as the 2005 petition. It also contained a number of additional charges relating to various sexual offences.
The second applicant lodged a devolution minute on 15 September 2008 in which he argued that certain missing evidence would have a prejudicial impact on the fairness of his trial.
The following day the first applicant lodged a devolution minute, arguing that he could not receive a fair trial within the meaning of Article 6 owing to the significant delay which had occurred in his case.
On 10 October 2008 a preliminary hearing was held at the High Court in Glasgow where further preliminary notices and devolution minutes were served on behalf of both applicants. The Crown also made an application under section 65(3)(a) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 for a retrospective extension of the twelve-month time-limit contained within section 65(1) of that Act (see paragraph 48 below).
Between 4 November 2008 and 20 February 2009 there were a number of preliminary hearings in respect of the Crown’s application for an extension. Following the hearing on 20 February 2009 the application was granted. The High Court found that the Crown had acted properly in investigating and reviewing the evidence between 1997 and 2008; that the expiry of the section 65 time-limit had come about through a positive decision rather than through inadvertence; and that new evidence had since come to light so as to allow the Crown to proceed against both applicants. Although the applicants were granted permission to appeal, their appeal was refused on 5 June 2009.
At a preliminary hearing on 29 June 2009 the High Court allowed motions by the applicants to separate the murder charges from the sexual offences charges. The first applicant also argued that the murder charge against him should be dismissed for reason of delay. However, the court refused to dismiss the charge, finding, inter alia, that proceedings had begun on 5 April 2005; that the “reasonable time” permitted by Article 6 had not been exceeded; that the fairness of the upcoming trial had not been jeopardised; and that there was no other compelling reason why it would be unfair to proceed to trial.
The first applicant appealed against the decision not to dismiss the charge against him. The Lord Advocate brought a cross-appeal against the decision to separate the charges.
Both appeals were dismissed on 26 November 2009. In dismissing the first applicant’s appeal, the Appeal Court accepted that the police had interrogated him “robustly” in 1998, but agreed with the High Court that he was not “charged” until 5 April 2005. The court considered that the Crown had acted without fault since that time, and, in the particular circumstances of the case, it could not be said that the matter would not be determined within a reasonable time.
The Appeal Court and the Supreme Court refused the first applicant leave to appeal on 26 November 2009 and 22 February 2010 respectively.
Further preliminary hearings took place between January 2010 and May 2010 in respect of various petitions and minutes lodged by the applicants.
D. The applicants’ trials
1. Sexual offences
The applicants’ trial for the sexual offences took place between 19 April 2010 and 13 May 2010. On 12 May 2010 the applicants were convicted on numerous counts and sentenced to periods of imprisonment ranging from eight to ten years to run concurrently. Both applicants unsuccessfully sought to appeal against conviction and sentence.
2. Murder
The murder trial began at the High Court in Glasgow on 17 May 2010 with the Crown leading evidence from over fifty witnesses.
On 4 June 2010 the second applicant addressed the Court on his devolution minute dated 15 September 2008 (see paragraph 27 above). The High Court dismissed the minute as the arguments advanced by the second applicant related to unreasonable delay and not to missing evidence (which was the argument raised in the original minute). The second applicant did not appeal the decision.
On 10 June 2010 a jury convicted the applicants of murder and attempting to pervert the course of justice. They were sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, with a tariff of thirty years for the first applicant and twenty-six years for the second applicant. They were also sentenced to concurrent sentences of eight years imprisonment for attempting to pervert the course of justice.
E. The appeal against conviction and sentence
The applicants appealed against conviction and sentence. The first applicant lodged a Note of Appeal on 2 September 2010, containing numerous grounds and sub-grounds on a wide range of issues regarding all the charges. The sifting judges granted him leave to appeal against his sentence for murder, but not against his conviction. The second applicant lodged a Note of Appeal on 27 August 2010. On 3 February 2011 leave to appeal was refused by the judge at first sift. On 4 July 2011, following the second sift, leave to appeal against conviction was granted though restricted to two grounds relating to alleged errors by the trial judge. The second applicant was also granted leave to appeal against sentence.
The applicants subsequently applied under section 107(8) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 (“the 1995 Act”) for leave to reinstate grounds which the sifting judges had found to be unarguable, including those relating to the length of proceedings.
An oral hearing took place on 8 November 2011. On 8 February 2012 the Appeal Court granted the first applicant leave to appeal against his conviction on one ground only, which alleged an error by the trial judge. The second applicant was refused leave to appeal on the grounds raised.
The applicants sought leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the Appeal Court’s refusal to grant leave to appeal on the additional grounds.
On 19 April 2012 the Appeal Court granted both applicants leave to appeal on the issue of undue delay. The court also granted the first applicant permission to appeal against his conviction on another ground alleging apparent bias on the part of the trial judge.
A hearing took place on 29 and 30 April 2013 before the Supreme Court, which gave judgment on 13 June 2013. The main issue before the Supreme Court was whether the applicants could be said to have been “charged” on 17 September 1998 or whether the appropriate “starting point” for the purposes of Article 6 § 1 was 5 April 2005. The court assessed the evidence in light of the relevant case-law of the domestic courts and of this Court. In doing so, it distinguished the applicants’ case from that of Ambrose v. Harris [2011] UKSC 43, in which the Supreme Court accepted that an appellant, who was complaining that there had been a breach of his right to legal advice under Article 6 § 1, had been “charged” following his caution by police in connection with the alleged offence. The Supreme Court observed that as the “fair trial” guarantee under Article 6 was distinct from the “reasonable-time” guarantee it had to be approached separately. Therefore, the fact that the applicants had been subjected to questioning on 17 September 1998 that might have affected their right to a fair trial did not mean that this was the relevant “starting point” for determining whether proceedings had been conducted within a “reasonable time”. The court concluded that the correct “starting point” in the applicants’ proceedings was 5 April 2005 and the case was remitted to the Appeal Court.
The Appeal Court dismissed the first applicant’s appeal against conviction and sentence on 27 March 2014, and the second applicant’s appeal on 19 June 2014. | train | {
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001-92855 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 25929/05) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Karl Strobel (“the applicant”), on 22 June 2005.
The applicant was represented by Mr F. Zimmermann, a lawyer practising in Klagenfurt. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
On 6 November 2007 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 3).
The German Government did not make use of their right to intervene (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention).
The applicant is a university professor of ancient history and archeology who was appointed at Klagenfurt University in 1998. Under the terms of appointment he was entitled to reimbursement of the removal costs and to a household allowance. In April 2001 the sum of 5,699.21 euros (EUR) was paid to the applicant.
On 6 July 2001 the applicant claimed reimbursement of the remaining removal costs in the sum of EUR 4,684.40 and payment of the household allowance in the sum of EUR 5,443.70, plus 4.5% interest since August 1999.
The Dean of Klagenfurt University dismissed the applicant’s claim on 16 January 2002.
The applicant appealed on 29 January 2002 to the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture (“the Ministry”).
The Ministry did not decide within the statutory six-month time-limit laid down in section 73 § 1 of the General Administrative Proceedings Act. In August 2002 the applicant brought court proceedings relating to the claims at issue. A conditional settlement was reached but was revoked by the applicant in January 2003. The applicant’s action was dismissed in February 2003.
Meanwhile, on 18 November 2002, the applicant complained to the Administrative Court under Article 132 of the Federal Constitution about the administration’s failure to determine his claim. On 29 November 2002 the Administrative Court ordered the Ministry of Education to issue a decision within three months.
On 3 March 2003 the Ministry dismissed the applicant’s appeal.
The applicant lodged a complaint with the Administrative Court on 16 April 2003. The Ministry filed observations in reply on 24 June 2003.
On 24 February 2006 the Administrative Court quashed the Ministry’s decision as being unlawful.
By decision of 25 July 2006 the Ministry referred the case back to the Dean of Klagenfurt University for a new decision. Meanwhile on 8 May 2006 the applicant supplemented his claims, apparently requesting reimbursement of costs incurred for travelling between Klagenfurt and his former place of residence.
On 16 October 2006 the applicant was summoned to a hearing and two days later the sum of EUR 4,000 was paid to the applicant with a view to reaching a settlement.
The hearing took place on 20 November 2006. According to the minutes the hearing served the purpose of establishing the plausibility of the applicant’s claims as submitted on 6 July 2001 and supplemented on 8 May 2006 and to determine their amount with the participation of the applicant. It is then noted that, in the light of the explanations given, the costs and interest claimed seemed plausible. At the close of the hearing the parties concluded a friendly settlement with the following terms: “(a) Klagenfurt University thus declares its willingness to transfer, in addition to the payment already made of EUR 4,000 and the regulated transport costs in the amount of EUR 5,699.21, the lump-sum of EUR 10,000 within 14 days to the account of Professor Strobel. (b) Professor Strobel, for his part, withdraws all requests in connection with the proceedings at issue. As a result, the demands and claims asserted in the present proceedings are completely settled and complied with.” | train | {
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001-107286 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 29090/06) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a stateless person, Mr Günther Paul Litwin (“the applicant”), on 14 May 2004.
The applicant was represented by Mr T. Schmidt, a lawyer practising in Giessen. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that he had been denied access to the appeal courts, contrary to Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
On 29 March 2010 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
The applicant was born in 1958 and lives in Fulda.
On 23 February 2000 the applicant was arrested on suspicion of having committed robberies. He was detained pending trial. The trial, at which he was represented by counsel, began on 19 October 2000. At the end of the fifth day of the trial, and after evidence had been heard, the court set the next trial hearing for 17 November 2000 at 9 a.m. According to the court transcript, the trial only started at 10 a.m. on that date.
On 17 November 2000 between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. negotiations took place inside the court building, the content of which are in dispute between the parties.
According to the applicant’s submissions, the court, having previously indicated that the potential penalty that the applicant faced could amount to fourteen years’ imprisonment, promised a maximum penalty of nine‑and‑a‑half years’ imprisonment in exchange for the applicant’s waiver of his right to appeal, as well as a waiver of the applicant’s and his wife’s claims over confiscated assets and an agreement that he would not call for further evidence.
According to the Government, the public prosecutor did not take part in the agreement reached. The court, following a proposal made by the applicant’s counsel, promised a penalty of less than ten years’ imprisonment in exchange for the applicant’s waiver of claims over confiscated assets.
According to the court transcript of the hearing on 17 November 2000, which makes no mention of the agreement, further documents were then read out, the presiding judge gave legal advice as to the qualification of the alleged offences and both the applicant and his wife, who was present in the courtroom, declared that they waived any rights to the assets confiscated by the prosecution service.
At the end of the hearing, the Fulda Regional Court convicted the applicant of aggravated extortion, aggravated robbery and attempted aggravated robbery (two counts of each offence) and dangerous bodily injury (one count) and sentenced him to nine-and-a-half years’ imprisonment. The court, stating that the applicant had not entered a plea, based its findings on DNA expert evidence pointing to a high probability that the applicant had been the person that had caused marks found at the crime scenes and on further circumstantial evidence derived, in particular, from witness testimony. The court considered the fact that the applicant had eventually waived his right to the confiscated assets and had thus delivered a major proportion of his criminal profits as a mitigating factor.
After delivery of the judgment, the court verbally informed the applicant of his right to lodge an appeal on points of law. In the applicant’s presence, counsel for both the defence and the prosecution waived their rights to appeal.
The applicant subsequently appointed new counsel. On 12 April 2001 the applicant’s new counsel applied for restitution of the status quo ante and lodged an appeal on points of law, arguing that the waiver of the right to appeal had been invalid because it had not complied with the requirements of the Federal Court of Justice’s case-law. As the applicant had not been aware of the invalidity of his waiver, he could not be held responsible for having failed to comply with the statutory time-limit of one week for lodging an appeal on points of law. In a written statement attached to the application, the applicant submitted that his previous counsel had informed him that he would have to expect the imposition of a prison sentence of at least fourteen years if he did not accept the court’s proposal and that he was only informed about the invalidity of the waiver during a first conversation with his new counsel which took place on 10 April 2001.
In pleadings dated 10 May 2001 counsel specified the grounds of appeal on points of law. He complained that the negotiated agreement had not been recorded in the court transcript, as required by the case-law of the Fourth Chamber of the Federal Court of Justice (see paragraph 19 below). In his view, this constituted a breach of the principle of a public hearing. He also argued that the actual waiver of the right to appeal had been declared before delivery of the judgment – namely when negotiating the agreement – and had been invalid for this reason as well.
On 11 June 2001 the Second Chamber of the Federal Court of Justice (file no. 2 StR 223/01) dismissed the applicant’s request for restitution of the status quo ante and rejected his appeal on points of law as inadmissible. Relying on its own settled case-law, the court observed that a waiver of the right to appeal could not be revoked, rescinded or withdrawn. The Court of Justice did not find it necessary to establish whether the waiver had been part of a negotiated agreement, as this fact did not call into question the validity of the waiver as such. The waiver had to be measured by different standards: notably, whether the accused had retained the freedom to either accept a judgment against him or lodge an appeal had to be verified. This freedom had to be preserved, even if the judgment had been based on an objectionable agreement and the waiver had constituted honouring such an agreement. Notwithstanding any procedural defect in the alleged agreement, the accused may have pursued his interests in an autonomous and appropriate way. The only decisive factor was whether the accused had been unduly influenced when waiving his right to appeal. In the present case, there was no indication that there had been such undue influence. The applicant’s submissions neither disclosed an error or misunderstanding on the applicant’s part, nor any deceit or false information given by the court, nor any impairment of the interests of the defence.
The court further considered that, as a result of the valid waiver of the right to appeal, the Fulda Regional Court’s judgment had become legally binding on 17 November 2000 and that the appeal on points of law thus had to be rejected as inadmissible. It followed that the applicant could not be granted restitution of the status quo ante. If a person had knowingly waived a right to appeal, he had not been “prevented from observing a time-limit” within the meaning of Article 44 § 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 5 July 2001.
On 3 August 2001 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint, claiming that he had been unduly influenced when waiving his right to appeal in exchange for a maximum penalty of nine-and-a-half years’ imprisonment. Furthermore, the Federal Court of Justice had failed to consider the fact that his wife, who had not been involved in the trial, had also been asked to waive any rights she had to the confiscated assets. This procedural method had been arbitrary, had not been in accordance with the statutory provisions governing the confiscation of assets in criminal proceedings and had also constituted a violation of the right to an effective remedy. On 20 November 2003 the Federal Constitutional Court (file no. 2 BvR 1339/01), relying on the relevant provisions of its rules of procedure, refused to admit the constitutional complaint for examination without giving further reasons. This decision was served on the applicant’s counsel on 4 December 2003. | train | {
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"applicant": "Günther Paul Litwin",
"articles": [
"countries": "DEU",
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"year": 2011
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Günther Paul Litwin |
001-72584 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 47473/99) against the Kingdom of Sweden lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Swedish national, Mr Bengt Hellborg (“the applicant”), on 27 February 1999.
The applicant was represented by Mr. Bo C. J. Söderquist, a lawyer practising in Lund. The Swedish Government (“the Government”) were represented by Mrs I. Kalmerborn, as Agent, of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged that his right to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions under Article 1 of Protocol No. 1 had been violated as he was not permitted to build a second house on his property. Under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention he complained about the length of the related proceedings before the administrative authorities and courts and also about the refusal of the Supreme Administrative Court to hold an oral hearing on one occasion.
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 1 November 2004 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1).
By a decision of 30 November 2004, the Court declared the application partly admissible.
The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other’s observations.
The applicant was born in 1940 and lives in Akarp. He is the owner of a property known as “Humanisten 1” located in the city of Lund, in the south of Sweden. On the property there is a one-family house, which was built in 1934.
The applicant inherited the property from his father, who died in 1991. The area where the property is located was regulated by a city plan (stadsplan) which, in accordance with the provisional regulations under the new Planning and Building Act of 1987 (Plan- och Bygglagen, - hereinafter “the 1987 Act”), became valid as a detailed development plan (detaljplan). In order to facilitate the implementation of the detailed development plan, a more specific “property plan” (fastighetsplan) was adopted with respect to Humanisten 1.
A. Application for tentative approval of a building permit and then for a building permit
The applicant’s late father had applied on 13 June 1989 to the Building Committee (byggnadsnämnden) of Lund for tentative approval (förhandsbesked) of a plan to divide Humanisten 1 and build a new one-family house. The purpose of such an approval, issued under Chapter 8, section 34 of the 1987 Act, was to give a property owner who was planning a building project for which the grant of a building permit was uncertain the possibility to obtain an advance assessment of whether the planned measures may be permitted at all, thereby avoiding unnecessary project work and costs. In assessing an application for a building permit made within two years after the grant of tentative approval, the Building Committee was bound by the determinations made in that approval. According to the detailed development plan in force, only one main building was allowed on the existing property plot (the applicant’s plot corresponded to his property). The request for tentative approval was motivated by the father’s wish to build a house suited to his age, as he had difficulties in walking up and down the stairs of his current home.
In February 1990 the Building Committee decided to postpone its reply to the request until a new detailed development plan for the area had acquired legal force, but only until 13 June 1991. Subsequently, on 12 June 1991 the City Building Director (Stadsbyggnadsdirektören) adopted a new detailed development plan for Humanisten 1 by which a division of the property was prohibited. Accordingly, the Building Committee, on 14 August 1991, informed the applicant that he could not expect to be granted a building permit for a new one-family house and therefore did not give tentative approval for the project.
As the new owner of the property, the applicant appealed against both decisions to the County Administrative Board (länsstyrelsen, - hereinafter “the Board”) of the County of Malmöhus, claiming that the City Building Director had not been competent to adopt a new detailed development plan since the plan was contentious. He claimed that the refusal to grant tentative approval was also based on false assumptions. On 12 March 1992 the Board, which agreed with the applicant, quashed the City Building Director’s decision to adopt the plan and, on 16 March 1992, quashed the Building Committee’s decision and remitted the matter to the Committee for a new examination.
On 15 April 1992 the Building Committee granted the applicant a tentative approval, referring to his father’s initial application (of June 1989) for a tentative approval of a plan to divide the plot – Humanisten 1 – and to build a new one-family house. The decision moreover referred to the County Administrative Board’s decision (of 12 March 1992) to quash the detailed development plan and the earlier refusal of a tentative approval. Without expressing any conditions or reservations, the decision stated that the applicant could expect a building permit for a new one-family house and that this applied provided that an application for a building permit was submitted to the Building Committee within two years from the date of the decision. Finally, it stated that the tentative approval did not imply a right for the applicant to start the construction. The Building Committee referred the matter to the Land Survey (lantmäteri) of Lund to prepare the question of the division of the plot (tomtdelning).
On 9 October 1992 the applicant applied for a building permit. After the matter had been considered by the relevant road network and energy authorities, the applicant submitted new plans on 16 November 1992. It appears that those proceedings were at a standstill until January 1997 (see section 4 below).
B. Repeal of the property plan and ensuing proceedings brought by neighbours leading to quashing of the repeal
At the beginning of March 1993 the Land Survey recommended that the property plan for Humanisten 1 be repealed in order to facilitate a division of the property enabling the applicant to construct a new house on the resulting new plot. The Land Survey observed that the Building Committee had, with binding effect, made the assessment that the addition of a new one-family house would be consistent with the detailed development plan. A new property plan would not be required; repeal of the existing property plan would be sufficient and the division of the property would be consistent with the detailed development plan and be suitable for its purpose. Several of the applicant’s neighbours opposed the measure with reference to the special character of the neighbourhood. On 17 March 1993 the Building Committee followed the Land Survey’s suggestion and repealed the property plan for Humanisten 1.
The owners of two neighbouring properties appealed against the decision to the Board, claiming that the neighbourhood was worthy of preservation due to its special character and that new buildings would spoil the area. The Board visited the area before deciding on 24 September 1993 to reject the appeal.
The neighbours appealed to the Government, invoking the same grounds as before the Board. The applicant also submitted his observations. On 14 November 1996 the Government quashed the Board’s decision to repeal the property plan with, inter alia, the following reasoning: “The Government find that the decision to repeal the property plan for Humanisten 1 ought to be considered in its context, namely to make possible a division of the property with the intention of constructing one more family house. The Government observe that the entire block has long been occupied by buildings in accordance with the city plan and plot divisions. The block has 10 plots, the sizes of which vary between approximately 750 m² and 1100 m². .... The Government find that the concentration which will be the result if Humanisten 1, today 810 m², were to be divided into two properties and a new building were to be constructed, involves a not inconsiderable change to the complainants’ immediate surroundings. Nor can such a change be considered to comply with the shape that the block has been given through the city plan and the plot divisions. .... The Government thus find that the suitability of the intended change of the property and the development conditions within the block ought to be examined through a new detailed development plan for the area in which the size and situation of the buildings can also be regulated to a sufficient extent. In view of this and everything else which has emerged in the case, the Government find that the decision to repeal the property plan should be quashed.”
The applicant applied to the Supreme Administrative Court (Regeringsrätten) for judicial review under the 1988 Act on the Judicial Review of Certain Administrative Decisions (Lagen om rättsprövning av vissa förvaltningsbeslut - hereinafter “the 1988 Act”), submitting that, since the Building Committee’s tentative approval was binding on the examination of an application for a building permit, it effectively precluded an examination on the merits in the present case. Moreover, as the Building Committee had previously considered the suitability of dividing the property when it granted the tentative approval, it was not legally correct of the Government to consider the suitability yet again. The Government’s conclusion that the case should be reviewed through a new detailed development plan therefore lacked a legal basis. The applicant further requested that an oral hearing be held in the case. In a decision of 17 March 1998 the Supreme Administrative Court refused the applicant’s request on the ground that the case could be examined and decided without holding an oral hearing. The applicant was given one month to submit additional written observations.
On 4 September 1998 the Supreme Administrative Court, unanimously, found that the Government’s decision was not unlawful and confirmed it. The court held: “According to section 1 of the [1988 Act] the Supreme Administrative Court must examine if the Government’s decision in the case is contrary to any legal rule in the manner claimed by the applicant or as otherwise clearly appears from the circumstances of the case. .... According to Chapter 1, section 6, of the [1987 Act] land may only be used for development if it is, from a public interest point of view, suitable for its purpose. The conditions on which an examination of suitability should be carried out through the adoption of a detailed development plan - and not solely in a matter concerning a building permit or a tentative approval - are specified in Chapter 5, section 1, paragraph 1, of the [1987 Act]. Thus, according to point 2 of the aforementioned provision, a detailed development plan becomes relevant when a new single building is to be constructed, the use of which will have significant influence on its surroundings. The Government’s assessment that the suitability of the intended change of the property and the development conditions within the block Humanisten ought to be reviewed through a new detailed development plan for the area, is within the scope of jurisdiction of the authorities in planning matters. Hence, the Supreme Administrative Court finds that the decision to quash the lower instances’ decisions regarding the property plan does not conflict with any legal rule in the manner claimed by the applicant. Nor does the examination show that the decision, in any other manner, is contrary to any legal rule. It should therefore be upheld.”
A request by the applicant for re-opening of the case was refused by the Supreme Administrative Court on 10 April 2002.
C. The adoption of a new detailed development plan and related proceedings
In the meantime, the Building Committee, in June 1995, adopted an amended detailed development plan which effectively prohibited a division of the applicant’s property, and the construction of another building on it. Upon appeal, the Board quashed the decision on the ground that it should have been decided by the Municipal Council (kommunfullmäktige) of Lund. After renewed examination by the Municipal Council, it adopted the detailed development plan on 27 February 1997. The applicant appealed against the decision to the Board, which on 18 January 1999 upheld the Council’s decision. It found that the public interest in protecting the cultural heritage of the neighbourhood outweighed the applicant’s private interest. The applicant made a further appeal to the Government, which was rejected on 23 June 2004.
D. Further contestation by neighbours of the tentative approval and rejection of the applicant’s request for a building permit
1. First administrative rejection of the request for a building permit
On 13 February 1997, after the Office of the Town Architects had given its opinion and the applicant had commented, the Building Committee decided to reject his request of 9 October 1992 for a building permit. On 20 February 1997, the applicant appealed against the above decision to the County Administrative Board. On 10 February 1999, after having granted the applicant several postponements from 15 May 1998 to 25 January 1999, the Board quashed the Committee’s rejection and referred the matter back for a new consideration.
2. Resumption of proceedings concerning tentative approval
On 23 March 1999 the Office of the Town Architects served the Building Committee’s decision of 15 April 1992 to grant the applicant tentative approval on the applicant’s neighbours, several of whom brought proceedings in April 1999 to have the measure quashed. They claimed that, although they were affected by the decision, the Committee had failed to hear them in the case or inform them about the decision. In a decision of 31 March 2000, the Board first found that the neighbours were entitled to appeal against the tentative approval and was satisfied that they had done so within the required time-limit. Although they ought to have been aware of the tentative approval in connection with the property plan issue, the decision had been formally served or notified to them only in March 1999. The Board quashed the Building Committee’s 15 April 1992 decision on the grounds that the tentative approval was contrary to the existing property plan and detailed development plan and the neighbours should have been given the opportunity to express their views on the matter before it was decided.
3. Judicial appeals against the above decisions
On 3 March 1999 the Building Committee appealed against the Board’s above-mentioned decision of 10 February 1999 to the County Administrative Court (länsrätten) of the County of Skåne. The applicant obtained extensions of time-limits for filing his written submissions in April and May 1999, and in September he asked the court to give priority to the case.
Following the Board’s above-mentioned decision of 31 March 2000 on the tentative approval, the applicant appealed against this decision to the County Administrative Court. The latter granted him four extensions between 5 May and 23 August 2000 of the time-limits for specifying his appeal grounds.
The County Administrative Court examined both of the above appeals concurrently and on 11 October 2000 it delivered two judgments, one on each appeal. In the first judgment the County Administrative Court rejected the applicant’s appeal and upheld the Board’s reasoning. In the second judgment it held that, since it had confirmed the Board’s decision, there no longer existed a tentative approval which was binding on the Building Committee. Consequently, the Committee’s appeal against the Board’s decision of 10 February 1999 should be granted and the matter referred back to the Board for further consideration.
In November 2000 the applicant appealed against both judgments to the Administrative Court of Appeal (kammarrätten) in Gothenburg. In the appeal concerning the tentative approval, the Administrative Court of Appeal granted him seven extensions until 8 May 2001 for the submission of his appeal grounds. As to his appeal concerning the building permit, the applicant was granted two such extensions, also until 8 May 2001. In two separate decisions of 17 December 2001, the Administrative Court of Appeal refused the applicant leave to appeal in each case.
In February and March 2002 the applicant appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court. The latter granted him numerous extensions until 29 August 2003 of the time-limits for filing written submissions on the appeal concerning the building permit. On 7 January 2004 the Supreme Administrative Court ordered him to complete his submissions. Concurrently with the above, he was also granted a number of extensions for the filing of his appeal submissions, until 17 December 2003 in the case concerning the tentative approval. On that date the Supreme Administrative Court ordered him to complete his observations. In respect of both appeals, reminders were served on him in February and March 2004. On 15 September 2004 the Supreme Administrative Court refused the applicant leave to appeal in both cases.
E. Compensation proceedings brought by the applicant
1. Request for a declaratory judgment establishing liability
In separate proceedings in 1997, the applicant requested the District Court (tingsrätten) of Lund to declare that the Municipality of Lund was liable to pay him compensation for both actual and potential damage caused by the Municipality’s refusal to grant his request for a building permit despite having granted him an unconditional tentative approval which was binding. The Municipality denied responsibility.
By judgment of 13 October 1998 the District Court declared that the Municipality was liable to compensate the applicant for both actual and potential damage caused by its refusal to grant the applicant a building permit. The Municipality was further liable to pay his legal costs. The District Court took note of the Municipality’s argument that the tentative approval was conditional upon an amendment to the property plan, and that the applicant was aware of the need to modify the property plan and ought to have understood that the positive tentative approval did not mean that he would be able to build without an amendment to the property plan. In the view of the District Court the fact that a claimant was aware that an amendment to the property plan was needed in order to grant a building permit did not dispense the Building Committee from specifically reviewing and justifying its position as to whether the desired measure was authorised by existing plans. What the applicant may have known about existing plans was therefore of no significance in this context. Since the applicable plans did not allow the grant of a building permit and since an amendment to the plan could not be a condition attached to a tentative approval, such approval should not have been granted. Nor was such knowledge significant for the assessment of his application for a building permit, refused on 13 February 1997. On the whole, the refusal was erroneous. The District Court found that the Building Committee had disregarded a clear and unambiguous provision in the 1987 Act, i.e. Chapter 8 section 34, which stated that a tentative approval was binding if an application for a building permit was made within two years from the date on which the tentative approval was granted. Moreover, the District Court found it remarkable that the Building Committee had taken almost four and a half years to reject the request for a building permit since the average time to process such a request was six to eight weeks, according to testimony given by the city architect. Thus, the court considered that the Building Committee’s handling of the case had involved such fault and neglect in its exercise of public authority that the Municipality was liable to pay compensation.
The Municipality appealed to the Court of Appeal (hovrätten) of Skåne and Blekinge, which on 25 October 2000 upheld the lower court’s judgment in full. As no further appeal was lodged, the Court of Appeal’s judgment acquired legal force on 23 November 2000.
2. Request for compensation
In 2001 the applicant, invoking the above declaratory judgment, instituted civil proceedings against the Municipality requesting compensation in an amount of SEK 3,000,000 for the damage he had suffered due to the refusal to grant him the building permit. He claimed that this damage corresponded to the market value of the part of his property upon which he would have built the house. The Municipality contested the request.
In a judgment of 4 March 2003, the District Court of Lund noted that the proceedings relating to the building permit were still pending and that it was improbable that he would be granted such a permit. However, even if he were to be granted a permit, the decision would most likely be quashed on appeal. Thus, it rejected the applicant’s claim on the ground that he had not shown that he had suffered any actual damage as a consequence of the Municipality’s fault and neglect. The applicant appealed against the judgment to the Court of Appeal.
By a judgment of 19 December 2003, the Court of Appeal upheld the District Court’s judgment of 4 March 2003, sharing the latter’s view that the applicant had failed to show that a building permit granted by the Municipality would have stood after the review by higher instances. The Municipality could reasonably argue that the question of damage could not therefore be assessed only on the basis of the fact that the Municipality was formally obliged to grant the applicant a building permit. It found that the applicant had not been able to demonstrate that the consideration of his application for a tentative approval by the Municipality of Lund, while blameworthy, had led to his being denied a definite right to divide and build a new house on his property. Nor had he demonstrated that the Municipality’s handling of his case had caused the damage for which he had claimed compensation.
The applicant appealed against the judgment to the Supreme Court, which on 23 May 2005 refused the applicant leave to appeal. | train | {
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001-68605 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 54645/00) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Franz Osinger (“the applicant”), on 30 November 1999.
The applicant was represented by Mr J. Kattner, a lawyer practising in Amstetten. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained that there was no public hearing in the succession proceedings, in breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court).
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Third Section (Rule 52 § 1). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
By a decision of 26 June 2003, the Court declared the application partly admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber having decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine), the parties replied in writing to each other's observations.
The applicant was born in 1937 and lives in Mank/Austria.
A., the applicant's brother, died on 1 December 1988. He had been a farmer and the owner of a farm. On 23 December 1998 the competent court was informed about A.'s death and, subsequently, appointed a notary public as court commissioner (Gerichtskommissär).
On 22 and 23 February 1989 the applicant and eight other persons entitled to the estate of A. appeared before the notary public in Ybbs and made conditional declarations of acceptance of succession (bedingte Erbserklärung).
On 23 February, 28 March and in April 1989 three experts submitted opinions on the value of the farm.
On 28 July 1989 the applicant's sister M. argued that the farm was a hereditary one (Erbhof) within the meaning of the Agricultural Succession Act 1958 (Anerbengesetz) and filed an application to be appointed as its principal heir (Anerbin).
On 22 September 1989 an expert submitted his opinion and concluded that the farm should not be considered hereditary.
On 2 October 1989 the applicant requested to be appointed as principal heir.
On 28 December 1989 the Ybbs District Court (Bezirksgericht) found that the farm did not qualify as a hereditary one because it could not provide a living for five adults as required under the applicable law. Further, it found the declarations of acceptance to be valid and appointed all nine statutory heirs as heirs to A.'s estate (Einantwortungsurkunde) but dismissed the requests by the applicant and M. to be appointed principal heirs. On 9 January 1990 the applicant appealed.
On 21 February 1990 the St. Pölten Regional Court (Landesgericht) quashed the District Court's decision and remitted the case to it. It found that the issue whether the farm qualified as hereditary within the meaning of the Agricultural Succession Act 1958 had not been sufficiently determined. The other heirs appealed.
On 18 October 1990 the Supreme Court dismissed the appeals and upheld the Regional Court's finding.
On 31 December 1990 the District Court transmitted the file to the public notary for supplementary investigations. On 28 February 1991 an expert submitted an additional opinion.
On 8 April 1991 the District Court decided to request an additional expert opinion, which it obtained on 12 September 1991.
On 17 October 1991 the District Court, having heard an agricultural expert, found that the farm qualified as a hereditary one under the Agricultural Succession Act 1958. Five parties appealed.
On 4 March 1992 the Regional Court dismissed the appeals and, on 27 Mai 1992, the Supreme Court dismissed an appeal on points of law and confirmed that the Agricultural Succession Act 1958 was applicable.
Subsequently the District Court held hearings on 7 September and 9 November 1992. It heard several agricultural experts in order to clarify whether M. or the applicant qualified as principal heir. On 13 January and 11 March 1993 the court obtained further expert opinions.
From April to June 1993 forest pest control measures were carried out in the forest belonging to the farm. As the parties of the hereditary proceedings did not reach an agreement, an estate curator (Verlassenschaftskurator) was appointed and the succession proceedings were suspended.
On 8 September 1993 the District Court dismissed the applicant's request to be appointed as principal heir. It found that he did not qualify as such because he already owned part of another hereditary farm, and appointed M. as principal heir. The applicant appealed and submitted a new private expert opinion.
On 29 December 1993 the Regional Court allowed his appeal and remitted the case to the District Court. It found that there was not sufficient evidence to conclude that the applicant did not meet the requirements as principal heir.
On 7 March 1994 the District Court transferred the file to the public notary for supplementary investigations. On 27 April 1994 additional expert opinions were submitted. On 13 May 1994 the applicant commented thereupon.
From September to November 1994 new forest pest control measures were carried out in the forest belonging to the farm. Again an estate curator was appointed and the succession proceedings were suspended. On 17 November 1994 the District Court ordered the public notary to submit his final submissions.
On 2 February 1995 the District Court, having heard additional experts, again dismissed the applicant's request and appointed M. as principal heir. The applicant appealed.
On 12 July 1995 the Regional Court quashed the decision and remitted the case to the District Court. On 10 August 1995 the file was transmitted to the notary public.
On 5 February 1996 the District Court held a further hearing. Thereafter, it obtained further expert reports and the applicant commented repeatedly on these reports and repeatedly requested further opinions.
On 12 August 1997 the applicant submitted a private expert opinion and requested to discuss it at an oral hearing. The court-appointed expert commented on the private expert opinion.
On 13 July 1998 the court held another hearing in which the applicant asked to hear further experts.
On 21 October 1998 the District Court dismissed the applicant's request to be appointed as principal heir and appointed M. instead. It refused to hear further experts.
On 19 March 1999 the Regional Court dismissed the applicant's appeal. It confirmed the District Court's refusal to hear further experts finding that the court-appointed expert had commented in detail on the private expert opinion submitted by the applicant and that the latter could not impugn the plausibility of the opinion of the court-appointed expert.
On 10 June 1999 the Supreme Court dismissed the applicant's appeal on points of law. This decision was served on the applicant's lawyer on 14 July 1999. | train | {
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"applicant": "Franz Osinger",
"articles": [
"countries": "AUT",
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"year": 2005
} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Franz Osinger |
001-58407 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in two applications against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”). The first applicant, Mr Duncan Lustig-Prean, is a British national born in 1959 and resident in London. He was represented before the Commission and, subsequently, before the Court by Mr S. Grosz, a solicitor practising in London. His application was introduced on 23 April 1996 and was registered on 7 May 1996 under file no. 31417/96. The second applicant, Mr John Beckett, is a British national born in 1970 and resident in Sheffield. He was represented before the Commission and, subsequently, before the Court by Ms H. Larter, a solicitor practising in Sheffield. His application was introduced on 11 July 1996 and was registered on 22 July 1996 under file no. 32377/96.
Both applicants complained that the investigations into their homosexuality and their discharge from the Royal Navy on the sole ground that they are homosexual constituted violations of Article 8 of the Covention taken alone and in conjunction with Article 14.
On 20 May 1997 the Commission (Plenary) decided to give notice of the applications to the United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) and invited them to submit observations on the admissibility and merits of the applications. In addition, the applications were joined to two similar applications (nos. 33985/96 and 33986/96, Smith v. the United Kingdom and Grady v. the United Kingdom). The Government, represented by Mr M. Eaton and, subsequently, by Mr C. Whomersley, both Agents, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, submitted their observations on 17 October 1997, to which the applicants replied on 20 November and 8 December 1997, respectively.
On 17 January 1998 the Commission decided to adjourn the applications pending the outcome of a reference to the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) pursuant to Article 177 of the Treaty of Rome by the English High Court on the question of the applicability of the Council Directive on the Implementation of the Principle of Equal Treatment for Men and Women as regards Access to Employment, Vocational Training and Promotion and Working Conditions 76/207/EEC (“the Equal Treatment Directive”) to a difference of treatment based on sexual orientation.
On 23 January 1998 the Commission granted Mr Beckett legal aid.
On 13 July 1998 the High Court delivered its judgment withdrawing its reference of the above question given the decision of the ECJ in the case of R. v. Secretary of State for Defence, ex parte Perkins (13 July 1998).
Following the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 on 1 November 1998 and in accordance with the provisions of Article 5 § 2 thereof, the applications fall to be examined by the Court. In accordance with Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Court, Mr L. Wildhaber, assigned the case to the Third Section. The Chamber constituted within the Section included ex officio Sir Nicolas Bratza, the judge elected in respect of the United Kingdom (Article 27 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 26 § 1 (a)), and Mr J.-P. Costa, Acting President of the Section and President of the Chamber (Rules 12 and 26 § 1 (a)). The other members designated by the latter to complete the Chamber were Mr L. Loucaides, Mr P. Kūris, Mr W. Fuhrmann, Mrs H.S. Greve and Mr K. Traja (Rule 26 § 1 (b)).
On 23 February 1998 the Chamber declared the applications admissible and, while it retained the joinder of the present applications, it decided to disjoin them from the above-mentioned Smith and Grady cases. It was also decided to hold a hearing on the merits of the case.
On 4 May 1999 the President of the Chamber decided to grant Mr Lustig-Prean legal aid.
The hearing in this case and in the case of Smith and Grady v. the United Kingdom took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 18 May 1999. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr C. Whomersley, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr J. Eadie, Counsel, Mr J. Betteley, Ms J. Pfieffer, Advisers; (b) for the applicants Mr D. Pannick QC, Mr J. Bowers QC, Counsel, Mr S. Grosz, Ms H. Larter, Solicitors, Mr A. Mason, Adviser. The Court heard addresses by Mr Pannick and Mr Eadie.
I. The Circumstances of the case
A. The first applicant
Mr Lustig-Prean (the first applicant) joined the Royal Navy Reserve as a radio operator and in 1982 commenced a career in the Royal Navy. On 27 April 1983 he became a midshipman in the executive branch of the navy. His evaluation of November 1989 noted that he was an officer with “great potential” and the “sort of person that the Royal Navy needs to attract and retain”. His evaluation of December 1993 concluded that the applicant “is a balanced, enlightened and knowledgeable man who enjoys my complete trust in all matters. He is an outstanding prospect for early promotion to commander.” In 1994 the applicant attained the rank of lieutenant-commander.
For about thirty months prior to June 1994 the applicant had been involved in a steady relationship with a civilian partner. In early June 1994 the applicant was informed that the Royal Navy Special Investigations Branch (“the service police”) had been given his name anonymously in connection with an allegation of homosexuality and was investigating the matter. The applicant admitted to his commanding officer that he was homosexual.
The applicant was interviewed on 13 June 1994 by personnel from the service police about his sexual orientation for approximately twenty minutes. At the beginning of the interview, the applicant was cautioned that he did not have to answer questions and that any responses could be used in evidence later. He was also informed that he could obtain legal advice. The applicant confirmed his awareness of those rights and agreed to be interviewed without legal advice. He then confirmed that he was homosexual, acknowledging that he had been a practising homosexual since his teenage years. He was then asked, inter alia, whether he had had homosexual contact with service personnel (at least four questions on this subject), what type of sexual relations he had had with a particular person, when and where this had occurred, about his current relationship and whether his parents knew of his homosexuality. The applicant was asked repeatedly about who had tipped him off that he was the subject of an investigation by the service police and he was told that the question was put because the service police had “a lot of background knowledge about certain things” and there was somebody “providing information to us”. The applicant indicated that he was anxious to assist the service police to make sure that the issue was kept as “private and discreet as possible”. He was then informed that a search was normally completed but the search did not take place since, in anticipation, the applicant had already cleared his cabin of any incriminating evidence.
The applicant was again interviewed on 14 June 1994 for approximately ten minutes. It was explained to the applicant that the purpose of the interview was to ask him about an allegation, contained in an anonymous letter sent to the applicant’s commanding officer some time previously, that the applicant had had a relationship with a serviceman. The interviewer then explained that he was “attempting to keep the need to visit Newcastle and to investigate this matter to a minimum”, as the applicant wished. The applicant was then asked whether he had had the relationship as alleged in the letter. The anonymous letter was read. The writer claimed that he had recently had a relationship with the applicant, that the writer was HIV-positive and that he believed that the applicant was involved with a member of the armed forces. The applicant’s comments were requested, in particular, as to who would have written the letter. The interviewer also enquired of the applicant “purely as a matter of interest, although it’s a personal thing” whether the applicant was HIV-positive. In this context, it was indicated a number of times to the applicant that the purpose of the second interview was to avoid further investigations. He was also told that it would “come back” on the applicant’s interviewer if the latter did not properly follow up on the anonymous letter.
In a final evaluation dated 14 June 1994 the applicant’s commander noted that the applicant left the ship “with a well-deserved reputation for outstanding professional ability and admirable personal qualities”. He concluded that the applicant’s “loyal, dependable and always dignified service” would be “sorely missed”.
On 16 December 1994 the Admiralty Board informed the applicant that it had decided to terminate his commission and to discharge him, administratively, from the navy with effect from 17 January 1995. The ground for his discharge was his sexual orientation. The applicant’s commission was removed and most of the bonus which he had received with that promotion was recouped by the naval authorities (£4,875 out of £6,000). His term of service would otherwise have terminated in 2009, with the possibility of renewal.
B. The second applicant
On 20 February 1989 Mr Beckett (the second applicant) joined the Royal Navy, enlisting for twenty-two years’ service. In 1991 he became a substantive weapons engineering mechanic. The applicant’s report dated 27 November 1992 noted that he displayed potential in a number of areas essential to good leadership, that he had the ability to become an above-average leading hand and that if he applied his new skills wisely he could, with experience, be considered as a potential officer candidate.
In May 1993 the applicant had been refused time off to deal with a personal matter (he wished to collect his Aids test results) and consequently he spoke with the chaplain, to whom he admitted his sexual orientation. On 10 May 1993 the applicant was asked by his lieutenant-commander to repeat what he had told the chaplain and he again admitted his homosexuality to that officer. He was then called for interview by the service police. He was cautioned in the same terms as the first applicant and told that he would not be questioned on the above admissions prior to a search of his locker. His consent to the search was requested and given. The interview, which had lasted approximately five minutes, was suspended pending the search. During the search, slides (of himself, his partner and some of his service friends) and personal postcards were seized.
The applicant’s interview with the service police then resumed and lasted approximately one hour. The applicant immediately confirmed his homosexuality, later clarifying that he first had “niggling doubts” about his sexual orientation approximately two and a half years previously. He was then questioned about a previous relationship with a woman; he was asked the woman’s name and where she was from, when he had that relationship, why it ended, whether they had a sexual relationship, whether he enjoyed their relationship and whether “she was enough for you”. Details were sought as to how and what he did when he realised he was homosexual and, in this respect, he was asked what sort of feelings he had for a man, whether he had been “touched up” or “abused” as a child and whether he had bought pornographic magazines. The applicant was then questioned about his first and current homosexual relationship which began in December 1992 and, in this regard, he was asked about his first night with his partner, who was “butch” and who was “bitch” in the relationship and what being “butch” meant in sexual terms. Detailed questions were put as to how they had sex and whether they used condoms, lubrication and other sex aids, whether they ever had sex in a public place and how they intended to develop the relationship. He was also asked about gay bars he frequented, whether he had ever joined contact magazines, whether his parents knew about his homosexuality and whether he agreed that his secret life could be used as a basis to blackmail him and render him a weak link in the service. The personal slides and postcards which had been taken from his locker were examined and the applicant was questioned in detail about their contents.
The service police report completed after the applicant’s interview included several internal documents where it was noted that the applicant, in openly declaring his homosexuality and his relationship with a civilian, had effectively disposed “of any immediate potential security concern”. For that reason, it was considered in the report that “no cause was identified for conducting a security interview with Beckett”. That report also accepted that a case for fraudulent entry into the armed forces would be inappropriate given the date when the applicant had discovered his homosexuality. An officer, who advised the Admiralty Board on the applicant’s discharge, noted that the applicant’s reporting officers had commented on his “affability, intelligence, dedication and ambition” and pointed out that, had it not been for the applicant’s homosexuality, “his Royal Navy career would have blossomed”.
Prior to his discharge, the applicant completed his duties and remained in communal sleeping accommodation with no reported difficulties. On 28 July 1993 the applicant’s administrative discharge was approved on the basis of his homosexuality. The applicant then complained about the decision to discharge him to the Admiralty Board and on 6 December 1994 the Admiralty Board dismissed the applicant’s complaint.
C. The applicants’ judicial review proceedings (R. v. Ministry of Defence, ex parte Smith and Others 2 Weeky Law Reports 305)
Along with Ms Smith and Mr Grady (see paragraph 3 above), the applicants obtained leave to apply for judicial review of the decisions to discharge them from the armed forces. The applicants argued that the policy of the Ministry of Defence against homosexuals in the armed forces was “irrational”, that it was in breach of the Convention and that it was contrary to the Equal Treatment Directive. The Ministry of Defence maintained that the policy was necessary mainly to maintain morale and unit effectiveness, in view of the loco parentis role of the services as regards minor recruits and in light of the requirement of communal living in the armed forces.
On 7 June 1995 the High Court dismissed the application for judicial review, Lord Justice Simon Brown giving the main judgment of the court. He noted that the cases illustrated the hardships resulting from the absolute policy against homosexuals in the armed forces and that all four of the applicants had exemplary service records, some with reports written in glowing terms. Moreover, he found that in none of the cases before him was it suggested that the applicants’ sexual orientation had in any way affected their ability to carry out their work or had any ill-effect on discipline. There was no reason to doubt that, but for their discharge on the sole ground of sexual orientation, they would have continued to perform their service duties entirely efficiently and with the continued support of their colleagues. All were devastated by their discharge. Simon Brown LJ reviewed the background to the “age old” policy, the relevance of the Parliamentary Select Committee’s report of 1991, the position in other armed forces around the world, the arguments of the Ministry of Defence (noting that the security argument was no longer of substantial concern to the Government) together with the applicants’ arguments against the policy. He considered that the balance of argument clearly lay with the applicants, describing the applicants’ submissions in favour of a conduct-based code as “powerful”. In his view, the tide of history was against the Ministry of Defence. He further observed that it was improbable, whatever the High Court would say, that the policy could survive for much longer and added, “I doubt whether most of those present in court throughout the proceedings now believe otherwise.”
However, having considered arguments as to the test to be applied in the context of these judicial review proceedings, Simon Brown LJ concluded that the conventional Wednesbury principles, adapted to a human rights context, should be applied. Accordingly, where fundamental human rights were being restricted, the Minister of Defence needed to show that there was an important competing interest to justify the restriction. The primary decision was for him and the secondary judgment of the court amounted to asking whether a reasonable Minister, on the material before him, could have reasonably made that primary judgment. He later clarified that it was only if the purported justification “outrageously defies logic or accepted moral standards” that the court could strike down the Minister’s decision. He noted that within the limited scope of that review, the court had to be scrupulous to ensure that no recognised ground of challenge was in truth available to an applicant before rejecting the application. When the most fundamental human rights are threatened, the court would not, for example, be inclined to overlook some minor flaw in the decision-making process, or to adopt a particularly benevolent view of the Minister’s evidence, or to exercise its discretion to withhold relief. However, he emphasised that, even where the most fundamental human rights were being restricted, “the threshold of unreasonableness is not lowered”. It was clear that the Secretary of State had cited an important competing public interest. But the central question was whether it was reasonable for the Secretary of State to take the view that allowing homosexuals into the forces would imperil that interest. He pointed out that, although he might have considered the Minister wrong, “…[the courts] owe a duty ... to remain within their constitutional bounds and not trespass beyond them. Only if it were plain beyond sensible argument that no conceivable damage could be done to the armed services as a fighting unit would it be appropriate for this Court now to remove the issue entirely from the hands of both the military and of the government. If the Convention … were part of our law and we were accordingly entitled to ask whether the policy answers a pressing social need and whether the restriction on human rights involved can be shown proportionate to the benefits then clearly the primary judgment … would be for us and not others: the constitutional balance would shift. But that is not the position. In exercising merely a secondary judgment, this Court is bound to act with some reticence. Our approach must reflect, not overlook, where responsibility ultimately lies for the defence of the realm and recognise too that Parliament is exercising a continuing supervision over this area of prerogative power.” Accordingly, while the Minister’s suggested justification for the ban may have seemed “unconvincing”, the Minister’s stand could not properly be said to be unlawful. It followed that the applications had to be rejected “albeit with hesitation and regret”. A brief analysis of the Convention’s case-law led the judge to comment that he strongly suspected that, as far as the United Kingdom’s obligations were concerned, the days of the policy were numbered.
Simon Brown LJ also found that the Equal Treatment Directive was not applicable to discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and that the domestic courts could not rule on Convention matters. He also observed that the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Israel, Germany, France, Norway, Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands permitted homosexuals to serve in their armed forces and that the evidence indicated that the only countries operating a blanket ban were Turkey and Luxembourg (and, possibly, Portugal and Greece).
In August 1995 a consultation paper was circulated by the Ministry of Defence to “management” levels in the armed forces relating to the Ministry of Defence’s policy against homosexuals in those forces. The covering letter circulating this paper pointed out that the “Minister for the Armed Forces has decided that evidence is to be gathered within the Ministry of Defence in support of the current policy on homosexuality”. It was indicated that the case was likely to progress to the European courts and that the applicants in the judicial review proceedings had argued that the Ministry of Defence’s position was “bereft of factual evidence” but that this was not surprising since evidence was difficult to amass given that homosexuals were not permitted to serve. Since “this should not be allowed to weaken the arguments for maintaining the policy”, the addressees of the letter were invited to comment on the consultation paper and “to provide any additional evidence in support of the current policy by September 1995”. The consultation paper attached referred, inter alia, to two incidents which were considered damaging to unit cohesion. The first involved a homosexual who had had a relationship with a sergeant’s mess waiter and the other involved an Australian on secondment whose behaviour was described as “so disruptive” that his attachment was terminated.
On 3 November 1995 the Court of Appeal dismissed the applicants’ appeal. The Master of the Rolls, Sir Thomas Bingham, delivered the main judgment (with which the two other judges of the Court of Appeal agreed).
As to the court’s approach to the issue of “irrationality”, he considered that the following submission was an accurate distillation of the relevant jurisprudence on the subject: “the court may not interfere with the exercise of an administrative discretion on substantive grounds save where the court is satisfied that the decision is unreasonable in the sense that it is beyond the range of responses open to a reasonable decision- maker. But in judging whether the decision-maker has exceeded this margin of appreciation the human rights context is important. The more substantial the interference with human rights, the more the court will require by way of justification before it is satisfied that the decision is reasonable in the sense outlined above.” He went on to quote from, inter alia, the judgment of Lord Bridge in R. v. Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex parte Brind [1991] 1 Appeal Cases 696, where it was pointed out that: “the primary judgment as to whether the particular competing public interest justifies the particular restriction imposed falls to be made by the Secretary of State to whom Parliament has entrusted the discretion. But we are entitled to exercise a secondary judgment by asking whether a reasonable Secretary of State, on the material before him, could reasonably make that primary judgment.” Moreover, he considered that the greater the policy content of the decision and the more remote the subject matter of a decision from ordinary judicial experience, the more hesitant the court had to be in holding a decision to be irrational.
Prior to applying this test of irrationality, the Master of the Rolls noted that the case concerned innate qualities of a very personal kind, that the decisions of which the applicants complained had had a profound effect on their careers and prospects and that the applicants’ rights as human beings were very much in issue. While the domestic court was not the primary decision-maker and while it was not the role of the courts to regulate the conditions of service in the armed forces, “it has the constitutional role and duty of ensuring that the rights of citizens are not abused by the unlawful exercise of executive power. While the court must properly defer to the expertise of responsible decision-makers, it must not shrink from its fundamental duty to ‘do right to all manner of people’ …”.
He then reviewed, by reference to the test of irrationality outlined above, the submissions of the parties in favour of and against the policy, commenting that the applicants’ arguments were “of very considerable cogency” which called to be considered in depth with particular reference to past experience in the United Kingdom, to the developing experience of other countries and to the potential effectiveness of a detailed prescriptive code in place of the present blanket ban. However, he concluded that the policy could not be considered “irrational” at the time the applicants were discharged from the armed forces, finding that the threshold of irrationality was “a high one” and that it had not been crossed in this case.
On the Convention, the Master of the Rolls noted as follows: “It is, inevitably, common ground that the United Kingdom’s obligation, binding in international law, to respect and ensure compliance with [Article 8 of the Convention] is not one that is enforceable by domestic courts. The relevance of the Convention in the present context is as background to the complaint of irrationality. The fact that a decision-maker failed to take account of Convention obligations when exercising an administrative discretion is not of itself a ground for impugning the exercise of that discretion.” He observed that to dismiss a person from his or her employment on the grounds of a private sexual preference, and to interrogate him or her about private sexual behaviour, would not appear to show respect for that person’s private and family life and that there might be room for argument as to whether the policy answered a “pressing social need” and, in particular, was proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued. However, he held that these were not questions to which answers could be properly or usefully proffered by the Court of Appeal, but rather were questions for the European Court of Human Rights to which court the applicants might have to pursue their claim. He further accepted that the Equal Treatment Directive did not apply to complaints in relation to sexual orientation.
Henry LJ of the Court of Appeal agreed with the judgment of the Master of the Rolls and, in particular, with the latter’s approach to the irrationality test and with his view on the inability of the court to resolve Convention issues. He questioned the utility of a debate as to the likely fate of the “longstanding” policy of the Ministry of Defence before the European Court of Human Rights with which the primary adjudicating role on the Convention lay. The Court of Appeal did not entertain “hypothetical questions”. In Henry LJ’s view, the only relevance of the Convention was as “background to the complaint of irrationality”, which point had been already made by the Master of the Rolls. It was important to highlight this point since Parliament had not given the domestic courts primary jurisdiction over human rights issues contained in the Convention and because the evidence and submissions before the Court of Appeal related to that court’s secondary jurisdiction and not to its primary jurisdiction.
Thorpe LJ of the Court of Appeal agreed with both preceding judgments and, in particular, with the views expressed on the rationality test to be applied and on its application in the particular case. The applicants’ arguments that their rights under Article 8 had been breached were “persuasive” but the evidence and arguments that would ultimately determine that issue were not before the Court of Appeal. He also found that the applicants’ challenge to the arguments in support of the policy was “completely persuasive” and added that what impressed him most in relation to the merits was the complete absence of illustration and substantiation by specific examples, not only in the Secretary of State’s evidence filed in the High Court, but also in the case presented to the Parliamentary Select Committee in 1991. The policy was, in his view, “ripe for review and for consideration of its replacement by a strict conduct code”. However, the applicants’ attack on the Secretary of State’s rationality fell “a long way short of success”.
On 19 March 1996 the Appeals Committee of the House of Lords refused leave to appeal to the House of Lords.
D. The applicants’ Industrial Tribunal proceedings
In December 1995 Mr Lustig-Prean issued proceedings in the Industrial Tribunal claiming unfair dismissal and sexual discrimination contrary to the Sexual Discrimination Act 1975. Those proceedings were adjourned pending the above-described application for leave to appeal to the House of Lords. Further to the rejection of the application, he requested the withdrawal of his Industrial Tribunal proceedings and those proceedings were dismissed by the Industrial Tribunal on 25 April 1996.
In December 1997 Mr Beckett also issued proceedings in the Industrial Tribunal claiming sexual discrimination contrary to the 1975 Act. In the light of subsequent decisions of the ECJ and of the domestic courts, the second applicant subsequently requested the withdrawal of those proceedings which were, on 27 August 1998, dismissed by the Industrial Tribunal. | train | {
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Duncan Lustig-Prean |
001-90820 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 247/07) against the Kingdom of Denmark lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Danish national, Ms Anne-Marie Christensen (“the applicant”), on 13 December 2006.
The applicant was represented by Mr Tyge Trier, a lawyer practising in Copenhagen. The Danish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs Nina Holst-Christensen of the Ministry of Justice.
The applicant complained about the length of civil proceedings and lack of an effective remedy under Articles 6 and 13 of the Convention.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the admissibility and the merits.
The applicant was born in 1944 and lives in Lyngby.
During the period from 1988 to 1992 the applicant received treatment at the Urological Unit of the County Hospital in Glostrup (Amtssygehuset i Glostrup).
In May 1992, the applicant underwent two cystoscopic examinations at the County Hospital in Gentofte (Amtssygehuset i Gentofte).
In October 1992 she underwent a diagnostic laparoscopic examination at the County Hospital in Glostrup.
1. Administrative proceedings
Alleging malpractice on the part of the consultant who performed the cystoscopic examinations, on 30 June 1993 the applicant’s insurance company, acting on her behalf, filed a grievance with the National Patients’ Complaints Board (Sundhedsvæsenets Patientklagenævn). The latter found against her by decision of 28 September 1995.
On 9 September 1997, alleging malpractice on the part of the consultant who performed the diagnostic laparoscopic examination, the applicant requested that the Patient Insurance Association (Patientforsikringen) grant her compensation. The latter refused her request on 28 January 1998 finding that her troubles were caused by the disorder for which she sought treatment, rather than the examination and treatment received in that connection. On appeal, on 20 January 2000 the Patient Injury Appeals Board (Patientskadeankenævnet), upheld the Patient Insurance Association’s decision.
2. Proceedings before the courts
On 29 June 1995, alleging malpractice, the applicant instituted civil proceedings before the High Court of Eastern Denmark (Østre Landsret - hereafter the High Court) against the medical consultant who performed the two cystoscopic examinations in May 1992.
On 7 September 1995 the applicant changed the defendant from the medical consultant to Copenhagen County (Københavns Amt), being responsible for the County Hospital in Gentofte. She amended the writ accordingly and requested that Copenhagen County be ordered to acknowledge its liability in damages for the injuries allegedly incurred in connection with the examinations carried out at Gentofte County Hospital.
During the proceedings before the High Court, which ended on 13 November 2002, the applicant changed counsel at least five times. Moreover, during the proceedings a significant amount of time was spent on the drafting and discussion of various questions to be submitted to the Medico‑Legal Council (Retslægerådet) for an expert opinion.
From September 1995 to March 1996 pleadings were exchanged.
From March 1996 to April 1997 the applicant was granted seven extensions of time limit to prepare her questions to the Medico-Legal Council and because she had changed lawyer.
From 10 April to 8 August 1997 the questions were discussed and approved by the High Court, and on the latter date they were forwarded to the Medico-Legal Council.
Having requested and received additional medical material, on 22 December 1997 the Medico-Legal Council issued its opinion.
In January and February 1998, it was established that one of the expert members of the Medico-Legal Council had to be disqualified due to conflict of interest. The Medico-Legal Council thus had to reconsider the questions. Beforehand, however, the parties wanted to prepare supplementary questions to be annexed. The case was accordingly adjourned five times and, at a hearing on 11 December 1998, the High Court fixed a time limit for 20 January 1999 for the applicant to finish her draft questions and a time limit for 24 February 1999 for the parties to agree on the final version of those questions.
On 19 March 1999 a hearing was scheduled for 18 June 1999, at which the questions were discussed. At a hearing in September a specific exhibit was procured and at a hearing on 19 November 1999 the draft questions were discussed anew. The proceedings were adjourned until 27 December 1999 pending the final approval of the questions.
On 24 January 2000 the High Court issued an order on the wording of the questions. The applicant disagreed with the wording and requested leave to appeal against the order. The proceedings were thus adjourned until 5 May 2000, when her request was refused by the Leave to Appeal Board (Procesbevillingsnævnet). Beforehand, however, on 16 March 2000 the High Court re-submitted the matter, including the original questions, to the Medico-Legal Council.
The Medico-Legal Council issued their opinion on 4 August 2000.
In the meantime, on 4 July 2000 the applicant requested that the Patients’ Injury Appeals Board’s decision of 20 January 2000 be joined to the proceedings pending before the High Court. Her request was granted and the Patients’ Injury Appeals Board submitted its writ of defense on 3 October 2000.
On 25 October 2000 the proceedings were adjourned for two months because the applicant wanted to change lawyer.
On 22 December 2000 the applicant’s third lawyer was granted an adjournment of the proceedings.
On 9 April 2001 the applicant’s fourth lawyer requested that nine further questions be submitted to the Medico-Legal Council. The defendant requested that three further questions be submitted. Although allowing the questions, the High Court fixed a short deadline of 9 May 2001 for the final version of the questions and stated that it expected that thereafter there would be no further referrals to the Medico-Legal Council.
On 9 May 2001, the applicant requested a further adjournment of the proceedings in order to prepare the supplementary questions. The defendant objected and the High Court decided on the wording of the questions and re‑submitted the matter to the Medico‑Legal Council on 14 May 2001.
The Medico-Legal Council issued its opinion on 4 October 2001.
Thereafter the applicant was granted approximately one month to consider the further procedure.
On 12 December 2001, the High Court summoned the parties for a scheduling hearing to take place on 21 December 2001.
Although on 20 December 2001 a fifth lawyer informed the High Court that he was now representing the applicant, the scheduling hearing was held as planned, and the trial was scheduled to take place on 9 and 11 September 2002.
The applicant’s fifth lawyer objected to the scheduling and brought the issue before the Leave to Appeal Board without success.
On 21 February 2002 the applicant’s fifth lawyer informed the High Court that she was resigning from the case.
On 20 March 2002, the applicant’s sixth lawyer submitted a pleading to the High Court requesting that further witnesses be heard.
On 26 March 2002, the High Court convened the parties to a hearing on 3 April 2002. The High Court invited the applicant to appear personally at this hearing, due to the many changes of counsel. On 2 April 2002, however, the applicant’s fifth counsel, who was briefly involved in the proceedings again, requested postponement of the scheduled hearing, which was granted, and instead the hearing took place on 30 April 2002. During this hearing, a deadline of 30 May 2002 was fixed for the applicant’s production of a notice of evidence for the trial.
On 28 May 2002 the applicant’s sixth counsel submitted a pleading containing a notice of evidence for the trial as well as new exhibits. During the subsequent months the final pleadings were submitted.
On 9 and 11 November 2002 the trial was held, during which the applicant and six witnesses were heard, and various medical records and statements were submitted.
By judgment of 13 November 2002 the High Court found against the applicant. She was ordered to pay the opponent parties’ costs amounting to a total of 100,000 Danish kroner (DKK), equal to approximately 13,500 Euros (EUR).
On 8 January 2003, a new (seventh) lawyer representing the applicant submitted an appeal to the Supreme Court (Højesteret).
The defence writs were received in February 2003.
Thereafter the proceedings were adjourned pending yet another (eighth) change of the applicant’s counsel and to submit a reply to the defence writs. The latter was received on 22 April 2003 with a request for further evidence, including a supplementary opinion from the Medico‑Legal Council.
From May to June 2003 pleadings were exchanged in this respect and on 18 June 2003 the Supreme Court granted the applicant fourteen days to submit her draft supplementary questions to the Medico‑Legal Council. On the applicant’s request, the time limit was extended until 1 September 2003. On that day the applicant submitted seventeen draft questions to be submitted to the Medico‑Legal Council
Between September and December 2003 the parties discussed the questions and the applicant was reminded several times to prepare the necessary documentary basis for obtaining an opinion from the Medico‑Legal Council.
On 14 January 2004 the Supreme Court approved nine of the applicant’s seventeen draft questions. The applicant requested an adjournment of the proceedings, inter alia, because she wanted to obtain supplementary evidence before the case was submitted to the Medico‑Legal Council. Having heard the parties, the Supreme Court refused her request.
On 29 April 2004, the applicant forwarded only five of the said questions to the Medico‑Legal Council.
On 25 June 2004 the applicant was granted free legal aid in the Supreme Court proceedings by the Directorate of Civil Law (Civilretsdirektoratet).
On 8 July 2004 the Medico‑Legal Council issued their opinion as to the five forwarded questions.
On the defendants’ request in July 2004 the Supreme Court summoned the parties for a scheduling hearing on 7 September 2004, to which the applicant objected, notably because four of the nine approved questions, apparently by mistake, had not been received by the Medico‑Legal Council and thus had not been replied to. The questions were therefore submitted on 28 July 2004.
The scheduling hearing on 7 September 2004 was maintained despite the applicant’s objection and the trial was scheduled to take place on 20 June 2005.
On 6 October 2004 the Medico-Legal Council issued their opinion as to the last four questions. At the relevant time the Medico-Legal Council had answered more than sixty questions.
On 17 March 2005 the applicant requested a re‑scheduling of the trial because a memorandum from a Swedish hospital, which she wanted to use as evidence, would not be available by June 2005. Her request was refused by the Supreme Court on 5 April 2005.
On 5 June 2005 the applicant submitted a new request for a re‑scheduling of the trial, which was refused by the Supreme Court on 9 June 2005.
On 13 June 2005 the applicant submitted yet another request for a re‑scheduling of the trial alleging that evidence had gone missing. Moreover, the following day the applicant’s counsel resigned from the case. Thus, on 15 June 2005 the Supreme Court had to cancel the trial planned for 20 June 2005 and adjourn the case.
On 11 July 2005 the Supreme Court convened the parties to a hearing on 23 August 2005. In the meantime, on 4 August 2005 the applicant’s ninth counsel stated that he was unable to appear for the hearing. By letter of the same day the Supreme Court maintained the date of the hearing, during which the Supreme Court ordered that the applicant’s requests for evidence should be submitted before 13 September 2005 and that the appeal trial should take place on 6 June 2006.
On 13 September 2005 the applicant requested renewed interviews of three medical consultants and permission to put newly elaborated questions to the Medico-Legal Council, and to initiate an inquiry into the applicant’s current state of health. Having heard the defendants, who objected, the applicant’s request was refused by the Supreme Court on 26 October 2005.
The applicant’s renewed request in this respect, of 19 April 2006, was refused by the Supreme Court on 11 May 2006.
The trial was held as scheduled on 6 June 2006, and by judgment of 15 June 2006 the Supreme Court upheld the High Court’s judgment. Since the applicant had been granted legal aid in the proceedings before the Supreme Court, the Treasury was ordered to pay the opponent parties’ costs, altogether in the amount of DKK 200,000, equal to approximately EUR 26,900. The applicant’s lawyer’s fee was fixed by the Supreme Court at DKK 150,000, equal to approximately EUR 20,300, which was also to be paid by the Treasury in so far as it was not covered by private legal insurance. The same applied to the fee for one of the applicant’s previous lawyers before the Supreme Court, which had been set at DKK 60,000, equal to approximately EUR 8,100. | train | {
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001-59166 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 28895/95) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr. Adolf Holzinger (“the applicant”), on 28 June 1995.
The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged in particular that civil proceedings instituted by him in 1987 had been unfair and lasted unreasonably long.
On 27 November 1996 the Commission decided to communicate to the respondent Government the applicant’s complaint about the length of the proceedings and declared the remainder of the application inadmissible.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 12 October 1999 the Chamber declared the remainder of the application admissible.
On 8 February 2000 the Chamber decided to request the parties to submit further observations, which the Government did on 27 March 2000 and the applicant on 19 May 2000.
After having consulted the Agent of the Government and the applicant, the Chamber decided not to hold a hearing.
On 8 July 1987 the applicant brought proceedings (17 C 1018/87) in the Salzburg District Court (Bezirksgericht) against a former lawyer for the sum of AS 11,294.05. The lawyer opposed the proceedings, and a hearing was held on 25 January 1988. The court decided to adjourn the proceedings until other proceedings (20 SW 2/87) had been determined. The latter ended on 15 March 1988, and on 12 April 1988 the applicant requested the continuation of the second proceedings (17 C 1018/87), increasing the amount claimed. On 26 April 1988 the applicant filed an extensive request for the taking of evidence and, at the same time, reduced his claim. On 23 June 1988 the District Court invited the defendant to comment on the applicant’s submissions, which he did on 23 November 1988. Meanwhile, on 8 August 1988, the applicant requested the District Court to join the present proceedings with other proceedings (3 Cg 216/88) pending before the same court. On 6 October 1988 the District Court dismissed this request. From November 1988 the applicant was represented by a lawyer but continued to make applications to the court on his own behalf.
On 1 November 1988 and again on 4 November 1989 the judge dealing with the applicant’s case was replaced.
A second hearing took place on 1 December 1989. The court adjourned the case pending the outcome of further parallel proceedings (3 Cg 216/88) against the same defendant. The final decision in the latter proceedings entered into force on 4 November 1993, and on 15 November 1993 the applicant requested the resumption of the previous proceedings. He also increased the amount claimed.
On 12 December 1994 a hearing was held in the case. The applicant limited the amount claimed to AS 24,339.80 and submitted further documentation. The court adjourned the hearing for the files in all parallel proceedings to be obtained.
On 16 January 1995 the defendant died. On 18 April 1995 the case was adjourned (unterbrochen) pursuant to Article 155 of the Code of Civil Procedure (Zivilprozessordnung). On 4 May 1995 the applicant applied for the proceedings to be continued, and on 29 June 1995 the applicant purported to withdraw his action as he (wrongly) thought that it was statute-barred. On 19 March 1997 the applicant applied for the proceedings to be “re-opened” on the ground that his belief that the action was statute-barred derived from misleading information given by the defendant’s insurer. On 11 April 1997 the applicant revoked his withdrawal, and again applied for the proceedings to be continued.
The Salzburg District Court rejected the applications for continuation, and declined to re-open the proceedings as no final decision had been taken. The applicant appealed.
On 23 July 1997 the Salzburg Regional Court (Landesgericht) allowed the applicant’s appeal in part, and remitted the case to the District Court which, on 20 July 1998, gave judgment in the applicant’s favour as to AS 15,157.80 and against him as to AS 9,182. The applicant was awarded his costs. The applicant’s appeal against the part of the judgment against him was dismissed by the Salzburg Regional Court on 20 January 1999. The latter judgment was received by the applicant’s representative on 4 February 1999. | train | {
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"applicant": "Adolf Holzinger",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Adolf Holzinger |
001-59204 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by Mrs Gertrude Beer (“the applicant”), an Austrian national, on 17 June 1999, within the three-month period laid down by former Articles 32 § 1 and 47 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It originated in an application (no. 30428/96) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 by the applicant. The Government of Austria are represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant’s request to the Court referred to Article 48 as amended by Protocol No. 9, which Austria had ratified. The object of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
On 7 July 1999 the Panel of the Grand Chamber decided, pursuant to Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention and Rules 100 § 1 and 24 § 6 of the Rules of Court, that the application would be examined by one of the Sections. It was, thereupon, assigned to the Third Section. Within that Section, the Chamber was constituted in accordance with Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
In accordance with Rule 59 § 3 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Chamber invited the parties to submit a memorial on the issues of the case. The applicant submitted such a memorial on 2 September 1999, the Government on 29 October 1999.
After consulting the Agent of the Government and the applicant, the Chamber decided not to hold a hearing in the case.
On 2 December 1994 the applicant filed an action with the Vienna Labour and Social Court (Arbeits- und Sozialgericht) against her employer, the General Accident Insurance Company (Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt). She requested the Court to order her employer to annul her transfer from one department of the hospital where she was working as a nurse to another department.
On 15 May 1995 the Social and Labour Court granted the applicant's action by a judgment in default (Versäumungsurteil) and ordered the defendant to reimburse the applicant's costs, i.e. 33,658 Austrian Schillings (ATS).
On 31 May 1995 the General Accident Insurance Company filed an appeal against the costs order (Kostenrekurs). It submitted that the costs had not been calculated correctly under the Act on Lawyers' Fees (Rechtsanwaltstarifgesetz) and requested their reduction. This appeal was not transmitted to the applicant.
On 19 July 1995 the Vienna Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht), sitting in camera, granted the appeal, recalculated the costs to be reimbursed and reduced them to ATS 14,754. | train | {
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001-108610 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in three applications (nos. 66069/09 and 130/10 and 3896/10) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
The first applicant, Mr Douglas Gary Vinter, is a British national who was born in 1969 and is currently detained at HMP Frankland. He is represented before the Court by Mr S. Creighton, a lawyer practising in London with Bhatt Murphy Solicitors, assisted by Mr P. Weatherby, counsel, and Professor D. van Zyl Smit.
The second applicant, Mr Jeremy Neville Bamber, is a British national who was born in 1961 and is currently detained at HMP Full Sutton. He is represented before the Court by Mr B. Woods, a lawyer practising in Leeds with Cousins Tyrer Solicitors, assisted by Mr R. Horwell QC and Mr L. Hindmarsh, counsel.
The third applicant, Mr Peter Howard Moore, is a British national who was born in 1946 and is currently detained at HMP Wakefield. He is represented before the Court by Chivers Solicitors, Bingley, assisted by Mr M. McKone, counsel.
The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms L. Dauban of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicants alleged that the whole life orders which had been imposed on them violated Articles 3, 5 § 4, 6 and 7 of the Convention.
On 1 February 2011, the Court decided to give notice of the applications to the Government. It also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the applications at the same time (Article 29 § 1).
A. Introduction
Since the abolition of the death penalty in England and Wales, the sentence for murder has been a mandatory sentence of life imprisonment. When such a sentence is imposed, it is the current practice, in the majority of cases, for the trial judge to set a minimum term of imprisonment which must be served before the prisoner is eligible for release on licence. Exceptionally, however, “a whole life order” may be imposed by the trial judge instead of a minimum term. This has the effect that the prisoner cannot be released other than at the discretion of the Secretary of State. (The power of the Secretary of State to release a prisoner is provided for in section 30(1) of the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997.) The Secretary of State will only exercise his discretion on compassionate grounds when the prisoner is terminally ill or seriously incapacitated (see Prison Service Order 4700 set out at paragraph 36 below).
Prior to the entry into force of the 2003 Act, it was the practice for the mandatory life sentence to be passed by the trial judge but for the Secretary of State, after receiving recommendations from the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice, to decide the minimum term of imprisonment which the prisoner would have to serve before he would be eligible for early release on licence. This was also referred to as the “tariff” part of the sentence and was taken to represent the minimum period which the prisoner was required to serve to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence. It was open to the Secretary of State to impose a whole life tariff on a prisoner. In such a case, it was the practice of the Secretary of State to review a whole life tariff after twenty-five years’ imprisonment to determine whether it was still justified, particularly with reference to cases where the prisoner had made exceptional progress in prison (see Hindley at paragraph 39 below). With the entry into force of the 2003 Act (and, in particular, section 276 and schedule 22 to the Act), all prisoners whose tariffs were set by the Secretary of State have been able to apply to the High Court for review of that tariff. Upon such an application the High Court may set a minimum term of imprisonment or make a whole life order.
This case concerns three applicants who, having been convicted of murder in separate criminal proceedings in England and Wales, are currently serving mandatory sentences of life imprisonment. All three applicants have been given whole life orders: in the first applicant’s case this order was made by the trial judge under the current practice; in the case of the second and third applicants, who were convicted and sentenced prior to the entry into force of the 2003 Act, the orders were made by the High Court. All three applicants maintain that these whole life orders, as they apply to their cases, are incompatible inter alia with Articles 3 and 5 § 4 of the Convention. The facts of the applications, as submitted by the parties, may be summarised as follows.
B. Mr Vinter
On 20 May 1996, the first applicant was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of a work colleague, with a minimum term of 10 years. He was released on licence on 4 August 2005.
He began living with a woman who was to become the victim of his second murder offence. The couple married on 27 June 2006. On 31 December 2006 the first applicant was involved in a fight in a public house and charged with affray (using or threatening unlawful violence). His licence was revoked and he was recalled to prison. In July 2007, having pleaded guilty to the charge of affray, he was sentenced to 6 months’ imprisonment. He was released on licence again in December 2007 and returned to live with his wife and her four children. The couple became estranged and the first applicant left the marital home.
On 5 February 2008, the first applicant followed his wife to a public house. He had been drinking and had taken cocaine. The couple argued and the wife’s daughter, who was present, telephoned the police to alert them to the dispute. The first applicant ordered his wife to get into a car. When the daughter tried to get into the car to protect her mother, the first applicant forcibly removed her. He then drove off with his wife. When the police telephoned her to ascertain if she was safe, the first applicant forced his wife to tell them that she was fine. The first applicant also telephoned the police to tell them that his wife was safe and well. Some hours later he gave himself up to the police, telling them that he had killed her. A post-mortem examination revealed that the deceased had a broken nose, deep and extensive bruising to her neck (which was consistent with attempted strangulation), and four stab wounds to the chest. Two knives were found at the scene, one of which had a broken blade.
The first applicant pleaded guilty to murder and instructed his counsel not to make any submissions in mitigation lest it add to the grief of the victim’s family. The trial judge considered that the first applicant fell into that small category of people who should be deprived permanently of their liberty. He passed the mandatory life sentence and made a whole life order.
The Court of Appeal dismissed his appeal on 25 June 2009. It considered the general principles for determining the minimum term of a mandatory life sentence (as set out in schedule 21 to the 2003 Act: see relevant domestic law and practice below). It found that, given the circumstances of the offence, there was no reason whatever to depart from the normal principle enshrined in schedule 21 to the 2003 Act that, where murder was committed by someone who was already a convicted murderer, a whole life order was appropriate for punishment and deterrence.
C. Mr Bamber
On 7 August 1985, the second applicant’s parents, his adoptive sister and her two young children were shot and killed. The second applicant was subsequently charged and, on 28 October 1986, convicted of the murders. The prosecution’s case was that the murders were premeditated and planned and had been committed for financial gain. It was also alleged that the second applicant had arranged the crime scene so as to mislead the police by making it appear as if his adoptive sister had killed the family and then herself.
The trial judge recommended to the Secretary of State that the second applicant serve twenty-five years’ imprisonment “as a minimum” (his underlining). On the trial judge’s letter to the Secretary of State, the Lord Chief Justice added the comment “for my part I would never release him”. In 1988, the Secretary of State imposed a whole life tariff. The practice at the time was not to inform the prisoner of this decision. By letter dated 15 December 1994, the applicant was informed that the Secretary of State had concluded that the requirements of retribution and deterrence could only be satisfied by the second applicant remaining in prison for the whole of his life.
In 2008, following the entry into force of section 276 and schedule 22 to the 2003 Act, the second applicant applied to the High Court for review of the whole life tariff. Having regard to schedule 21 to the Act, the High Court concluded that, given the number of murders involved and the presence of premeditation by the second applicant, the offence plainly fell within that category of cases where the appropriate starting point was a whole life order. Having further regard to statements submitted by the victims’ next-of-kin and submissions by the second applicant, including reports as to the behaviour and progress he had made in prison, the High Court found that there was no reason to depart from the views of the Lord Chief Justice and the Secretary of State. It therefore imposed a whole life order.
The second applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal, which dismissed the appeal on 14 May 2009. The court found that, when the Secretary of State had set a whole life tariff in 1988, he had been provided with two different judicial recommendations: one from the trial judge recommending a minimum term of twenty-five years and one from the Lord Chief Justice recommending that the second applicant should never be released. The Secretary of State had been entitled to choose between those recommendations or to adopt neither of them. The Court of Appeal also found that the whole life order imposed by the High Court was not only correct but, for the purposes of punishment and retribution, fully justified.
Relying on its previous judgment in R v. Bieber (see paragraph 40 below), it found that no issue arose under Article 3 of the Convention as the whole life order was not an irreducible life sentence as that term had been used in Kafkaris v. Cyprus [GC], no. 21906/04, ECHR 2008‑... Finally, following its ruling in R v. Pitchfork (see paragraph 41 below) it found that the review procedure created by the 2003 Act was compatible with Article 7 of the Convention as, properly construed, the relevant statutory provisions meant a prisoner could not be disadvantaged by the outcome of the review: the term to be served could be reduced, or maintained, but it could not be increased or extended.
The second applicant applied to the Court of Appeal to certify that its judgment concerned a point of law of general public importance which ought to be considered by the House of Lords. That application was refused on 23 June 2009.
D. Mr Moore
On 29 November 1996 the third applicant was convicted after trial in the Crown Court at Chester of four counts of murder. The victims were homosexual men and the applicant, himself a homosexual, was alleged to have committed the murders for his own sexual gratification. Each victim was stabbed many times with a large combat knife which the third applicant had bought for that purpose. The first victim was attacked in his home on 23 September 1995. Soon after, on the weekend of 7 October 1995, the third applicant met his second victim in a bar and arranged to take him home for sex; he instead took him to a forest, stabbed him to death and left the body there. The third victim was stabbed in the caravan where he lived on 30 November 1995. Finally, shortly before Christmas 1995, the third applicant went to a beach which was well-known for homosexual trysts. He met the fourth victim on the beach and stabbed him there.
Blood from the first and third victims was found on the third applicant’s jacket and on the knife. Property from the first, second and fourth victims was found in his possession. He made extensive admissions about all four murders to the police. The police had been unaware of the second victim until the third applicant mentioned him to them. The body was recovered from the forest with his assistance. At trial, the applicant’s defence was that the murders had been committed by someone else, though he admitted to having been present at all the murders save for that of the second victim.
After the third applicant was convicted, the trial judge passed the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment and recommended to the Secretary of State for the Home Department that, in his view, the applicant should never be released. Upon review, the Lord Chief Justice reported that he thought the minimum period before eligibility for release should be set at thirty years. On 27 September 2002, the Secretary of State decided to set a whole life tariff.
In 2008, pursuant to section 276 and schedule 22 to the Criminal Justice Act 2003, the third applicant applied to the High Court for review of the whole life tariff set by the Secretary of State. In its judgment of 12 June 2008 the High Court rejected the third applicant’s submission that it should accept the Lord Chief Justice’s recommendation of a minimum term of thirty years. It found that, while weight should be accorded to that recommendation, the Lord Chief Justice did not have regard to the principles set out in schedule 21 as the High Court was required to do. It also rejected the submission that an issue arose under Article 6 given that a whole life tariff had been set by the Secretary of State. The High Court found that the procedure for applying to the High Court under section 276 and schedule 22 of the Act provided the necessary independent review as to whether a prisoner should be released. The court also found that a whole life order would be compatible with Articles 3 and 5 of the Convention. Having regard to the general principles for determining the minimum term of a mandatory life sentence (as set out in schedule 21 to the Act), no issue of arbitrariness arose and whether such a sentence was disproportionate depended on the facts of each case.
The High Court found that, since the case involved the murder of two or more persons, sexual or sadistic conduct and a substantial degree of premeditation, under schedule 21 the starting point was a whole life order. There were no mitigating features and even the Lord Chief Justice, in recommending a minimum term of thirty years, had shared the trial judge’s view that it might never be safe to release the third applicant. There were no reasons, therefore, to mitigate the starting point of a whole life order. The High Court added that, even if the starting point were a minimum term of thirty years, the aggravating features of the murders were such as to make a whole life order appropriate.
On 26 February 2009, the Court of Appeal dismissed the third applicant’s appeal, finding that the High Court was not only entitled, but clearly right, to conclude that a whole life order was appropriate.
It appears that the third applicant, in order to allow him to appeal to the House of Lords, then applied to the Court of Appeal to certify that its judgment concerned a point of law of general public importance which ought to be considered by the House of Lords. On 14 August 2009, he was informed by the Court of Appeal’s Criminal Appeal Office that, because the Court of Appeal had refused his application for permission to appeal against sentence (as opposed to granting permission to appeal against sentence and then dismissing the appeal), an application to certify a point of law for the House of Lords could not be made. | train | {
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001-84709 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 13229/03) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Iraqi national, Mr Shayan Baram Saadi (“the applicant”), on 18 April 2003.
The applicant was represented by Messrs Wilson and Co., solicitors practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr J. Grainger, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that he had been detained in breach of Article 5 § 1 and Article 14 of the Convention, and that he had not been given adequate reasons for the detention, contrary to Article 5 § 2.
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 27 September 2005 it was declared admissible by a Chamber of that Section composed of Josep Casadevall, Nicolas Bratza, Matti Pellonpää, Rait Maruste, Kristaq Traja, Ljiljana Mijović and Ján Šikuta, judges, and Françoise Elens-Passos, Deputy Section Registrar. On 11 July 2006 a Chamber composed of the same judges, together with Lawrence Early, Section Registrar, delivered a judgment in which it held, by four votes to three, that there had been no violation of Article 5 § 1 and, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 5 § 2. The Chamber further held, unanimously, that it was not necessary to consider Article 14 separately, that the finding of a violation of Article 5 § 2 was sufficient just satisfaction for non-pecuniary damage, and that the respondent State should pay the applicant 1,500 euros, plus any tax that might be chargeable, for costs and expenses.
On 11 December 2006, pursuant to a request by the applicant, a panel of the Grand Chamber decided to refer the case to the Grand Chamber in accordance with Article 43 of the Convention.
The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24.
The applicant and the Government each filed their observations on the merits. In addition, third-party comments were received jointly from the AIRE Centre, the European Council on Refugees and Exiles and Liberty, and from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, which had been given leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2).
A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 16 May 2007 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J. Grainger, Agent, Mr D. Pannick QC, Mr M. Fordham QC, Counsel, Ms N. Samuel, Mr S. Barrett, Advisers. (b) for the applicant Mr R. Scannell, Mr D. Seddon, Counsel, Mr M. Hanley, Ms S. Ghelani, Advisers. The Court heard addresses by Mr Scannell and Mr Pannick, as well as their answers to questions put by Judges Costa and Spielmann.
The applicant, an Iraqi Kurd, was born in 1976 and now lives and works as a doctor in London.
A. The applicant’s temporary admission to the United Kingdom
In December 2000 the applicant fled the Kurdish Autonomous Region of Iraq when, in the course of his duties as a hospital doctor, he treated and facilitated the escape of three fellow members of the Iraqi Workers’ Communist Party who had been injured in an attack. He arrived at Heathrow Airport on 30 December 2000 and immediately claimed asylum.
The immigration officer contacted the Oakington Reception Centre (“Oakington”, see paragraphs 23-25 below) but there was no immediate room there, so the applicant was granted “temporary admission” (see paragraphs 20-21 below) to stay at a hotel of his choice and return to the airport the following morning. On 31 December 2000 he reported as required and was again granted temporary admission until the following day. When the applicant again reported as required, he was, for the third time, granted temporary admission until 10 a.m. the following day, 2 January 2001.
B. Detention at Oakington and the asylum proceedings
On this last occasion, when the applicant reported as required, he was detained and transferred to Oakington.
When being taken into detention, the applicant was handed a standard form, “Reasons for Detention and Bail Rights”, indicating that detention was used only where there was no reasonable alternative, and setting out a list of reasons, such as risk of absconding, with boxes to be ticked by the immigration officer where appropriate. The form did not include an option indicating the possibility of detention for fast-track processing at Oakington.
On 4 January 2001 the applicant met at Oakington with a lawyer from the Refugee Legal Centre, who contacted the Home Office to enquire why the applicant was being detained and to request his release. On 5 January 2001, when the applicant had been detained for seventy-six hours, the lawyer was informed over the telephone by an immigration officer that the applicant was being detained because he was an Iraqi who fulfilled the Oakington criteria. The lawyer then wrote to the Home Office requesting the applicant’s release on the grounds that it was unlawful. When refused, the applicant applied for judicial review of the decision to detain him, claiming it was contrary to domestic law and Article 5 §§ 1 and 2 of the Convention.
The applicant’s asylum claim was initially refused on 8 January. The following day he was released from Oakington and again granted temporary admission pending the determination of his appeal. On 14 January 2003 his appeal was allowed and he was granted asylum.
C. The judicial review proceedings
In the proceedings for judicial review of the decision to detain the applicant, Collins J on 7 September 2001 (R. (on the application of Saadi and others) v. Secretary of State for the Home Department [2001] EWHC Admin 670) found that the Secretary of State had such a power to detain under the Immigration Act 1971 (see paragraph 19 below). However, relying on the Court’s judgment in Amuur v. France (25 June 1996, § 43, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1996-III), and what he considered to be a “sensible reading” of Article 5 § 1 (f), he found that it was not permissible under the Convention to detain, solely for purposes of administrative efficiency, an asylum-seeker who had followed the proper procedures and presented no risk of absconding. Even if the detention did fall within Article 5 § 1 (f), it was disproportionate to detain asylum-seekers for the purpose of quickly processing their claims, since it had not been demonstrated that stringent conditions of residence, falling short of twenty-four hour detention, might not suffice. He also found (as did the Court of Appeal and House of Lords) that the applicant had not been given adequate reasons for his detention.
On 19 October 2001 the Court of Appeal unanimously overturned this judgment ([2001] EWCA Civ 1512). Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers, Master of the Rolls, who gave the lead judgment, first considered whether the policy of detaining asylum-seekers for fast-track processing at Oakington was irrational, such as to render it unlawful under domestic law. He observed that over recent years applications for asylum to the United Kingdom and other countries had been escalating. In the United Kingdom the average monthly number of applications from July to September 1999 was nearly 7,000: 60% higher than the previous year. Coping with huge numbers of asylum-seekers posed heavy administrative problems, and it was in the interests of all asylum-seekers to have their status determined as quickly as possible. He continued: “We share the doubts expressed by Collins J as to whether detention is really necessary to ensure effective and speedy processing of asylum applications. But in expressing these doubts we ... are indulging in assumption and speculation. It is not in doubt that, if asylum applications are to be processed within the space of seven days, the applicants are necessarily going to have to be subjected to severe restraints on their liberty. In one way or another they will be required to be present in a centre at all times when they may be needed for interviews, which it is impossible to schedule to a pre-determined timetable. Would applicants voluntarily submit to such a regime, if not detained? Many no doubt would, but it is impossible to condemn as irrational the policy of subjecting those asylum-seekers whose applications appear susceptible to rapid resolution to a short period of detention designed to ensure that the regime operates without dislocation. This is not a conclusion that we have reached easily. Asylum-seekers are detained at Oakington only if it seems likely that their applications can be resolved within a week. But they must also be persons who are not expected to attempt to abscond or otherwise misbehave. At first blush it seems extreme to detain those who are unlikely to run away simply to make it easier to process their claims. But the statistics that we have set out at the start of our judgment cannot be ignored. As [the Home Office minister] observed in debate in the House of Lords on 2 November 1999, faced with applications for asylum at the rate of nearly 7,000 per month, ‘no responsible government can simply shrug their shoulders and do nothing’ ... A short period of detention is not an unreasonable price to pay in order to ensure the speedy resolution of the claims of a substantial proportion of this influx. In the circumstances such detention can properly be described as a measure of last resort. ...” The Court of Appeal next considered whether the detention fell within the first limb of Article 5 § 1 (f), and held that the right to liberty in Article 5 § 1 (f) was intended to preserve the sovereign power of member States to decide whether to allow aliens to enter their territories on any terms whatsoever and that detention of an alien would be covered by the sub-paragraph unless and until entry was authorised, subject to the proviso, derived from Chahal v. the United Kingdom (15 November 1996, Reports 1996-V) that the asylum or deportation procedure should not be prolonged unreasonably.
On 31 October 2002 the House of Lords unanimously dismissed the applicant’s appeal ([2002] UKHL 41). Having taken note of evidence that the applications of approximately 13,000 asylum-seekers a year were processed at Oakington, which entailed scheduling up to 150 interviews a day, Lord Slynn of Hadley, with whom the other Law Lords agreed, held as follows: “In international law the principle has long been established that sovereign States can regulate the entry of aliens into their territory. ... This principle still applies subject to any treaty obligation of a State or rule of the State’s domestic law which may apply to the exercise of that control. The starting point is thus in my view that the United Kingdom has the right to control the entry and continued presence of aliens in its territory. Article 5 (1) (f) seems to be based on that assumption. The question is therefore whether the provisions of para. 1 (f) so control the exercise of that right that detention for the reasons and in the manner provided for in relation to Oakington are in contravention of the Article so as to make the detention unlawful. ... In my view it is clear that detention to achieve a quick process of decision-making for asylum-seekers is not of itself necessarily and in all cases unlawful. What is said, however is that detention to achieve speedy process ‘for administrative convenience’ is not within para. 1 (f). There must be some other factor which justifies the exercise of the power to detain such as the likelihood of the applicant absconding, committing a crime or acting in ways not conducive to the public good. ... It is ... to be remembered that the power to detain is to ‘prevent’ unauthorised entry. In my opinion until the State has ‘authorised’ entry the entry is unauthorised. The State has power to detain without violating Article 5 until the application has been considered and the entry ‘authorised’. ... There remains the issue whether, even if detention to achieve speedy asylum decision-making does fall within Article 5 (1) (f), ‘detention was unlawful on grounds of being a disproportionate response to the reasonable requirements of immigration control’. ... The need for highly structured and tightly managed arrangements, which would be disrupted by late[ness] or non-attendance of the applicant for interview, is apparent. On the other side applicants not living at Oakington, but living where they chose, would inevitably suffer considerable inconvenience if they had to be available at short notice and continuously in order to answer questions. ... It is regrettable that anyone should be deprived of his liberty other than pursuant to the order of a court but there are situations where such a course is justified. In a situation like the present with huge numbers and difficult decisions involved, with the risk of long delays to applicants seeking to come, a balancing exercise has to be performed. Getting a speedy decision is in the interests not only of the applicants but of those increasingly in the queue. Accepting as I do that the arrangements made at Oakington provide reasonable conditions, both for individuals and families and that the period taken is not in any sense excessive, I consider that the balance is in favour of recognising that detention under the Oakington procedure is proportionate and reasonable. Far from being arbitrary, it seems to me that the Secretary of State has done all that he could be expected to do to palliate the deprivation of liberty of the many applicants for asylum here.” | train | {
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001-67472 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 23414/02) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a United Kingdom national, Mr Clayton Wood (“the applicant”), on 6 June 2002.
The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr John Grainger of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, London.
The applicant complains that the covert recording of his conversations by the police infringed Articles 8 and 13 of the Convention.
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 20 January 2004, the Court declared the application partly admissible, partly inadmissible.
The applicant and Government each filed observations on just satisfaction (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 3 in fine).
A. The investigation
Between 4 July 1998 and 1 April 1999 a series of robberies and burglaries took place in the Coventry area. As a result of their investigations, the police considered that there were some nine persons involved in the commission of these offences, including the applicant and his three co-defendants. The police had difficulty obtaining evidence against those who they thought were responsible, and therefore decided to seek authority from the Chief Constable for the West Midlands to carry out a covert operation (“Operation Brassica”). The operation was to be carried out by arresting the suspects in groups, on suspicion of having committed different offences, and detaining them together in a police cell which had been specially fitted with covert audio equipment. It was hoped that the suspects would discuss the reasons for their arrest and that their ensuing conversation would be incriminating. On 17 May 1999 the Chief Constable gave authority for Operation Brassica to take place.
The applicant and two others were arrested on 20 May 1999. Their conversations whilst in police detention were recorded on 21 and 22 May 1999. Further covert recordings took place on 16 and 17 June 1999. The tapes formed the basis of the prosecution against the applicant.
B. The trial
The trial judge held a “voir dire” on the admissibility of the tapes. Counsel for the applicant argued that the methods of obtaining the evidence violated Articles 5, 6 and 8 of the Convention, and that they should therefore be excluded under section 78 or section 76 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (PACE). The tapes were ruled admissible on 13 March 2000. During the course of his ruling, the trial judge rejected the defendants' argument that the circumstances of obtaining the evidence were oppressive and the tapes should therefore be excluded under section 76 of PACE. In considering section 78 of the Act, the trial judge said: “I find that no mala fides exist in this case and that the Chief Constable acted throughout in good faith. Although I find the decision of the Chief Constable was not in accordance with a strict interpretation of the guidelines [Home Office Guidelines on the Use of Police Surveillance Equipment], it does not mean that his authority to use a bugging device or devices is no longer of importance. Of course it is. It is a very important factor which I have to take into account in deciding to exercise my discretion under section 78 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act.”
He went on to consider the points raised under the Convention, saying: “There is no doubt that when the defendants were arrested the main plan was that the covert operation would be put into effect, and to do this all the defendants involved should be in the cells at the same time. However, the matter has to be taken in stages and then considered jointly. Firstly, did the police have power to arrest and was the arrest lawful? The evidence before me was that the police had information that the accused had committed some or other of the crimes which they were investigating. They not only had the right but the duty, in my judgment, to arrest and investigate the further evidence ... As I have indicated already, the police clearly hoped that the covert bugging operation would bear fruit and if it did not the relevant defendant would have to be released. They were not arresting to create evidence but in the hope that evidence would be forthcoming. The wording of Article 5(1)(c) does not readily read with the English system and was clearly designed for taking an accused before a magistrate for investigation. But it obviously is intended to be adjusted to the specific system of member states. I find that there is no breach of Article 5.” [6G-7D]
On the question of Article 6, the trial judge said: “It has to be borne in mind but requires no specific findings from me at this stage.” [7E]
In considering Article 8, he said: “A man in a police cell is entitled to privacy just as much as a man sitting at his fireside in his own home. In fact it may be argued that his right should be greater. He is after all innocent until proved guilty and he is in a vulnerable situation. Any bugging of his cell to intrude on his private conversation with another person would, prima facie, amount to an invasion of his privacy and as such a breach of Article 8.1. However, it can perhaps be argued that whilst he is in a cell he not only does not have to say anything but if in fact he is free of guilt there is nothing that he can say. If, on the other hand, he is guilty then he does not deserve the same right of privacy as anyone else. The weight of his loss of privacy is another matter which I may take into account. ... the main point which I have to decide is as to whether or not the intrusion to privacy was 'in accordance with the law'. There is no statute which provides for lawful bugging of police cells nor to prohibit such an action. There are however numerous cases where it has been considered and adopted. In fairness, if bugging is done it should not be done haphazardly and certainly does not bestow on police officers unfettered power. It is to this end that, in 1984, the Home Office issued the Guidelines for the Use of Police Surveillance Equipment. As I have already said, these are merely guidelines, they are certainly not statutes. The actions of the police and the decision of the Chief Constable have to be considered together with all the other matters which have to be taken into consideration. On the basis of all those matters, I have to consider in which way I should exercise my discretion under section 78.” [7G-9A]
Applicant's counsel suggested five safeguards that should have been afforded to the accused if the bugging was to be lawful. The trial judge said: “I have considered each one of these matters and have rejected them all. If they were to be required in each case, no covert listening would ever be realistic or possible. As I have indicated already, such evidence can in serious cases such as this be very important and is, in my judgment, not objectionable. [9F] In the exercise of my discretion under section 78, I will allow the tapes to be used in evidence.”
None of the defendants gave evidence at trial.
The applicant together with three others was convicted on 20 July 2000 of various robbery and firearms offences. He was sentenced to a total of 8 years' imprisonment.
C. The appeal
The applicant and his three co-defendants appealed to the Court of Appeal, submitting, inter alia, that the tapes should not have been admitted in evidence.
Lord Woolf CJ gave the judgment of the Court of Appeal on 13 February 2002, dismissing the appeal. As regards the admissibility of the tapes in evidence, the Court of Appeal considered the alleged violations of the Convention. It decided that there had been a violation of Article 8 because the surveillance was not conducted according to law. Lord Woolf CJ said: “This is because of the lack of any legal structure to which the public have access authorising the infringement. If there had been such authorisation there would have been no breach.” [§ 65] He went on to say: “The non-compliance with Article 8 does not, however, mean that the tape-recordings cannot be relied upon as evidence. ... It is the responsibility of the Government to provide remedies against this violation of Article 8. However, the remedy does not have to be the exclusion of the evidence. The remedy can be the finding, which we have now made, that there has been a breach of Article 8 or it can be an award of compensation. The European Court of Human Rights recognises that to insist on the exclusion of evidence could in itself result in a greater injustice to the public than the infringement of Article 8 creates for the appellants. The infringement is, however, a matter which the trial judge was required to take into account when exercising his discretion under section 78 of PACE.” [§§ 66-67]
As regards Article 5 of the Convention, the Court of Appeal rejected the applicant's argument on the basis that the arrests were for a lawful purpose as well as to enable the surveillance to take place, and the appellants were not therefore unlawfully deprived of their liberty. Lord Woolf CJ said: “The fact that the police were operating in accordance with a strategy designed to obtain additional evidence by covert recording does not turn lawful arrests into unlawful arrests.” [§ 68]
The argument that the admission of the tapes in evidence prevented the defendants from receiving a fair trial was also rejected. Lord Woolf CJ said: “51. The complaints of the appellants with regard to the decision of the judge are not to the relevance of the contents of the tape. They were clearly highly relevant. Instead it is argued that the way the evidence was obtained was contrary to PACE. The submission is not so much based on a contravention of the language of PACE. The allegation is that the surveillance took place contrary to the spirit of the relevant Codes of Practice ...
... On the evidence there were proper grounds for the arrests and ignoring the fact that the police were working to an overall plan, there was nothing improper about the purpose for which the arrests took place.
.... As already indicated it was not suggested that the Chief Constable gave his authority other than in good faith. In addition whether or not the Guidelines applied to what happened in the police cells, the police considered that they were appropriately applying the Guidelines and entitled to act as they did. ...
Here the trial judge came to the conclusion that the Guidelines had not been complied with ... because of the requirement in the Guidelines for normal methods of investigation to have been tried and failed or be unlikely to succeed if tried ...
In coming to this conclusion, the trial judge may have been unduly rigorous in his approach because the object of the exercise was not to obtain evidence against one or other of the suspects in relation to a particular offence but to obtain the evidence which would enable the police to bring to justice those who were involved in the conspiracy to carry out numerous robberies in the Coventry area. Viewed in this way, it was Sergeant Fairfield's evidence that 'other policing means had failed.' ... ...
We are far from satisfied that when the Guidelines were formulated, they were intended to apply to surveillance of the sort that took place here of those in custody in police cells. However, even if the Guidelines were not intended to apply to suspects already in custody, as there was no alternative guidance published, we consider that it was reasonable for the Chief Constable to apply the Guidelines by analogy, unless they conflicted with PACE. ... This was a situation where the police were responding reasonably and proportionately to a very serious threat to the safety of the public and law and order and so were entitled to seek evidence not only of individual wrongdoing but of a conspiracy to commit armed robbery. ...
More difficult is the issue whether the surveillance in cells is inappropriate treatment of those in police custody who are intended to be protected by the safeguards contained in PACE and the Codes. ... the surveillance is not directly in conflict with any provision of PACE or the Codes ...
We have no doubt that it is highly desirable that a statutory code should be established for the surveillance of the sort that occurred here ... but our conclusion is that it is not contrary to the spirit of PACE or the Codes for there to be covert taping of what is said in the cells.”
Lord Woolf CJ went on to adopt the conclusions reached in other cases that there was no unfairness in admitting such taped evidence where there was no suggestion that the confessions were oppressively obtained or other than wholly reliable. As regarded the complaints under the Convention, he observed: “Article 6 for the purposes of the present case does not add anything to section 78. If there was no unfairness caused by the tapes being relied upon in evidence then there is no breach of Article 6.” [§ 69]
The Court of Appeal certified a question for consideration by the House of Lords concerning use of evidence obtained by an arrest for the purpose of eavesdropping on the defendant.
On 30 May 2002, leave to appeal to the House of Lords was refused. | train | {
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001-88541 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in two applications (nos. 19955/05 and 15085/06) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two British nationals, Mark William Grayson and John Barnham, on 20 May 2005 and 10 April 2006 respectively
The first applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr Q. Whitaker, a lawyer practising in London and the second applicant was represented by Levys Solicitors of Manchester. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ms K. McCleery, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Each applicant alleged that, in confiscation proceedings following his conviction for drugs offences, the fact that the legal burden of proof was on him to show that he did not have realisable assets equivalent to the benefit figure offended the basic principles of a fair procedure, in breach of Article 6 of the Convention and Article 1 of Protocol No. 1.
Each applicant and the Government filed written observations.
Under Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, the Chamber decided to examine the merits of each application at the same time as its admissibility. It also decided to join the applications (Rule 42 § 1).
A. The first applicant (Mr Grayson)
On 23 January 2002 the applicant and a co-defendant were convicted with intent to supply over 28 kilograms of pure heroin, which was seized by the police at the time of arrest. The heroin was assessed to have a wholesale value in excess of GBP 1.2 million and a street value in excess of GBP 4 million. The following day the applicant was sentenced to 22 years’ imprisonment.
On 1 July 2002, after considering written and oral submissions from the applicant and the prosecution, the judge made a confiscation order under the Drug Trafficking Act 1994 (“the 1994 Act”: see paragraphs 20-22 below). He held that the applicant had benefited from drug trafficking. In assessing the amount of the benefit the judge took into account, inter alia, the following sums: GBP 18,000 cash found on the applicant at the time of his arrest; GBP 13,000 that the applicant had paid to his brother when a business partnership between them came to an end; GBP 21,000 that he had spent, in cash, on buying two cars; a further GBP 8,000 which he had spent on another two cars; and GBP 620,445 which was the judge’s assessment of the cost to the applicant of purchasing the heroin which had led to the conviction. As regards this last sum, the judge, having heard all the evidence at trial, was satisfied that the applicant had been the principal participant in the offence and must have contributed to a large extent to the purchase of the drugs. However, to be fair to the applicant he took as his share one half of the wholesale value. The judge was further satisfied that so large a consignment would not have represented the applicant’s first venture into drug trafficking and that he had financed the purchase with the proceeds of previous drug dealing. The applicant failed to rebut this assumption. The final item of expenditure taken into account by the judge was GBP 70,000 which an associate of the applicant, who claimed to have an income of approximately GBP 40,000 a year, had paid in respect of the applicant’s legal fees. The judge found that it was the applicant’s money; that it was the proceeds of drug trafficking; and that it demonstrated that the applicant had money elsewhere he was not prepared to reveal.
Next, the judge examined property received by the applicant during the six-year statutory period. The largest element emerged from an analysis of 17 bank accounts which the applicant had held at one time or another. The banking records demonstrated unexplained credits to the applicant’s account in the two trading years ending April 1998 and April 2000 which exceeded the turnover of his business as recorded in the accounts by approximately GBP 153,000. During the intervening year, ending April 1999, the bank statements showed deposits at GBP 83,000 below the business trading turnover. The judge therefore considered whether it was appropriate to take the three years together but decided that this would not be correct. If the applicant had delayed banking some of his 1999 profits until the following year, one would have expected to have seen a pattern of very heavy deposits in the first part of 2000, but this was not the case. He concluded that the applicant had benefited to the amount of GBP 1,230,748.69.
Under the statutory scheme, once the judge had assessed the amount of benefit which the applicant had received from drug trafficking, the burden passed to the applicant to show on the balance of probabilities that his realisable assets were less than the amount of his benefit (see paragraph 23 below). The police, having investigated the applicant’s background, had found realisable assets of GBP 236,000, including the cash found on the applicant at the time of his arrest, a car and some business stock. The judge observed: “The fact that the police have traced a certain amount of property is not of itself a reason to find it is the only property available to the [applicant]. Also credibility is a real issue. I have given myself a Lucas direction [that before reliance can be placed on the fact of a person’s lying, it must be shown to be deliberate; it must relate to a material issue; the motive must be a realisation of guilt and a wish to conceal the truth rather than some other reason: R v Lucas [1981] QB 720]. This Defendant is cunning, devious and intelligent. He was increasingly unbelievable and offensive to common sense. Giving evidence he sought to mislead at every turn, wary that the truth would reveal assets he didn’t want to and that he had hidden assets prior to conviction. He has lied persistently and blatantly and his credibility is nil. He has only himself to blame if I do not accept his evidence. I am convinced that he has tried to mislead me. I do not accept that there were no other assets, so I have reached the conclusion that the appropriate order be the wholesale value of the drugs, that being £1,236,748. He has not satisfied me that his assets are less than his benefit ...” He set an additional ten years’ imprisonment to be served by the applicant if he had not paid within twelve months.
The applicant appealed to the Court of Appeal on the grounds, inter alia, that the trial judge should have adjourned to allow him to submit additional accountancy evidence and that it had been contrary to Article 6 of the Convention for the judge to hold that it was for the applicant to establish, on the balance of probabilities, that his realisable property was less than his benefit. Although he had been represented throughout the trial and confiscation proceedings, he was unrepresented for the appeal and put his arguments before the court in a series of letters written from prison.
On 18 May 2005 the Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal, although it reduced the default sentence of imprisonment from ten years, the statutory maximum, to eight years. The court held that the additional accountancy evidence which the applicant sought to have admitted did not rebut the prosecution case but in fact, to a large extent, supported it. The Court added that although the accountancy report raised a suggestion of possible double-counting by the prosecution when it came to an analysis of realisable property, that was “irrelevant, since the judge’s order did not depend upon any calculation of realisable property. It depended upon his finding that the applicant had utterly failed to demonstrate that he had not got assets equivalent to his benefit.” The Court of Appeal referred to Phillips v. the United Kingdom, no. 41087/98, ECHR 2001-VII, and observed that: “In that case the court held that the reverse onus of proof in relation to the statutory assumption at the calculation of the benefit stage is fully Convention compliant. If reverse onus is Convention compliant at the stage at which primary liability is calculated, it is plain that it is equally compliant to require of the defendant evidence to demonstrate that the order for confiscation should be less than the amount of benefit, on the grounds that he does not have enough realisable property to meet it. The level of assets available to a defendant is normally peculiarly a matter within his own knowledge. In those circumstances, this was, we are satisfied, a large confiscation order. It was, however, one which it was plainly proper for the judge to make. The judge followed the scheme of the Act in arriving at his conclusions, and in the context of a man who was caught when engaged in importing heroin which had cost well over £1 million with the prospect of a profit of approximately three times that amount, the conclusion that there were large items of unexplained expenditure and hidden assets is, in the circumstances, hardly surprising.”
B. The second applicant (Mr Barnham)
On 16 July 2001 the second applicant was convicted of two conspiracy charges involving plans to import large consignments of cannabis into the United Kingdom. Neither importation had been successful and the whereabouts of the drugs were unknown. In the course of the trial the jury heard evidence from an undercover police officer, “Murray”, who, posing as a money launderer, had made contact with the applicant. Murray’s evidence was that the applicant had told him that his organisation was expected to receive payment of GBP 12 million, of which his personal share would be GBP 2 million, which he asked Murray to help him “launder”.
The applicant was sentenced to eleven years’ imprisonment, the judge describing him as the lead organiser in a sophisticated, established and internationally based drug trafficking business.
The confiscation proceedings commenced in January 2002, when the first hearing took place to determine the statutory benefit to the applicant from his drug trafficking operations. The applicant was legally represented. He did not give evidence but conceded through his counsel that he had benefited from drug trafficking within the meaning of the 1994 Act. On 8 February 2002, the trial judge ruled that the total benefit to the applicant was GBP 1,525,615. This sum included GBP 27,000 that the applicant had given to Murray to establish his trust; various amounts totalling GBP 59,000 which the applicant had mentioned to Murray during their conversations; a car worth GBP 11,615; GBP 65,000 which the applicant had spent on renovating his house; GBP 23,000 which the applicant had told Murray he had invested in cannabis importation; GBP 500,000 with which the applicant had purchased the consignment of cannabis which formed the basis of the first count of which he had been convicted; GBP 600,000 with which the applicant had purchased another consignment of cannabis which he had mentioned to Murray; a further GBP 240,000 which related to the cost of purchasing yet another consignment of cannabis which the applicant had discussed with Murray. The applicant did not appeal against that ruling.
In April 2002, the judge resumed the proceedings to assess the applicant’s realisable assets. The applicant and his wife gave evidence, to the effect that their only asset was their house in Spain, which they owned jointly. The applicant claimed to have been entirely unsuccessful in his attempts at drug dealing and to have earned a living by singing in bars. Since his conviction his wife was living with their son in England and supporting herself with a cleaning job. The defence submitted that there was no evidence capable of supporting a finding of assumed “hidden” assets and such would lead to a risk of injustice. Of the total benefit figure, it was submitted that 94.4% was expenditure and the remaining 5.6% received had been dissipated over the years of the applicant’s imprisonment in Spain and Portugal and in the United Kingdom. His car, worth GBP 11,615, had also been confiscated by the Portuguese authorities.
On 12 April 2002, the judge made his ruling. He explained that: “In reaching my determination I have to apply the scheme laid down by the 1994 Act, subject to ensuring from the evidence before me that in applying any reverse burden of proof there is no ascertained real or serious risk of injustice resulting from this. Essentially I have to weigh whether the evidence relied on by the defendant is both clear and cogent. In my judgment, it is not, because it fails to explain truthfully what the applicant did in relation to his drug trafficking activities.” The judge found that the applicant and his wife had lied about their activities and their sources of income. The applicant had not explained what had happened to the various consignments of cannabis he had had under his control. The judge continued: “In any event, as I do not find Mr and Mrs Barnham are truthful witnesses on material facts I am unable to accept their evidence that no cash assets exist from Mr Barnham’s substantial international drug trafficking. He has failed to explain truthfully what he did and what he did with what he earned from what he did. That has been his choice and if it leaves as it does, this Court with no clear and cogent evidence to persuade it that the benefit is not fully realisable, the responsibility for that is Mr Barnham’s and Mr Barnham’s alone. It was his choice whether he told the truth in his evidence and no-one else’s. [Counsel for the defence] relies on the lack of assets discovered by the West Yorkshire police ... It is, in my view, not surprising, particularly operating in foreign jurisdictions, that investigators find difficulty in tracing cash assets derived from drug trafficking. It is because of this, indeed, that the scheme of the 1994 Act is what it is. Whilst I accept [defence counsel’s] other submission, that the vast majority of the benefit I assessed, it was on the basis of expenditure on the drugs, that does not explain what happened in the end to those drugs upon which that sum was expended. Unless, which I do not, I was to find that Mr Barnham lived as he did in Spain for all those years, never ever successfully importing cannabis from Morocco to anywhere at all.” He made a confiscation order equal to the amount which he had assessed as the benefit, namely GBP 1,525,615, with five years, three months’ imprisonment if the applicant had not paid within 18 months.
The applicant appealed against the judge’s ruling regarding his realisable assets, asserting that Article 6 § 1 of the Convention applied also when the judge came to assess realisable property, and that it required the prosecution at least to make out a prima facie case of realisable assets before the burden of proof shifted to the defendant. It was asserted by the applicant’s counsel that there was a difference between cases where the prosecution had proved benefit at the first stage by evidence and cases where the benefit had been calculated through the use of assumptions. In the second type of case, the assumptions continued to have effect when calculating realisable assets.
In its judgment of 28 April 2005, the Court of Appeal rejected this argument, holding as follows: “In our judgment the correct approach for the court to take when dealing with confiscation proceedings at the second stage is the same whether the benefit has been proved by evidence in addition to the statutory assumptions. Once the prosecution has established the benefit there is no requirement on it to provide a prima facie case. At the second stage the burden of proof shifts to a defendant to establish, if he can, his realisable assets to the satisfaction of the court. By the second stage a defendant will know exactly how the court has determined benefit attributable to him and must prove by evidence what his realisable assets are. It is for him to show why the confiscation order should not be ‘the value of (his) proceeds of drug trafficking’. If he proves that he has no, or appreciably less, realisable assets than the amount of the benefit determined by the court the order will be made in a lesser sum. Provided the judge keeps well in mind the principle that the risk of serious injustice to the defendant must be avoided and does not just pay lip service to that principle the order will be in the amount assessed as either the amount of benefit or such other sum as the defendant shows represents his realisable assets. To hold that the prosecution must, in some way, show a prima facie case that the defendant has hidden assets in our judgment would defeat the object of the legislation. It is designed to enable the court to confiscate a criminal’s ill-gotten gains. The expression ‘hidden assets’ is indicative of the fact that the prosecution can have no means of knowing how and where a defendant may have dealt with or disposed of the proceeds of his criminal activities.” The Court of Appeal found, however, that the judge had made an error of calculation and reduced the order to GBP 1,460,615.
On 6 October 2005, the Court of Appeal refused to certify a point of law of general public importance for appeal to the House of Lords concerning Article 6 of the Convention. | train | {
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"applicant": "Mark William Grayson",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Mark William Grayson |
001-93616 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 8453/04) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr Detlef Bayer (“the applicant”), on 1 March 2004.
The applicant was represented by Mr D. Herrmann, a lawyer practising in Karlsruhe. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mrs A. Wittling-Vogel, Ministerialdirigentin, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
On 11 February 2008 the President of the Fifth Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to rule on the admissibility and merits of the application at the same time (Article 29 § 3).
The applicant was born in 1949 and lives in Linsengericht.
He joined the civil service in 1967 and was appointed a civil servant in 1969. In 1976 the applicant was appointed a bailiff and civil servant for life. In 1984 he was promoted to chief bailiff.
In 1985 a new supervisor (Dienstvorgesetzte) was appointed for him, with whom he had numerous professional disputes. The applicant unsuccessfully challenged a great number of his supervisor's instructions in court. Despite this being pointed out to him, he continued to ignore his supervisor's guidance and to act contrary to the latter's instructions.
On 28 November 1986 preliminary disciplinary investigations were opened against the applicant. On 17 July 1987 a final (preliminary) report was drawn up. On 3 August 1987 the applicant was informed that the preliminary investigations had been closed. However, the preliminary investigations had to be re-started and expanded as numerous further misdemeanours possibly committed by the applicant had been discovered.
On 9 May 1990 the President of the Frankfurt Court of Appeal opened formal disciplinary investigations against the applicant on suspicion of a large number of misdemeanours committed from 1987 to 1990. The allegations included false recording of enforcement proceedings, imposition of excessive costs and hindering audits of his professional conduct.
On 3 November 1990 the applicant challenged the President of the Frankfurt Court of Appeal for bias. As no decision was reached, the applicant complained to the Hessen Ministry of Justice, which, on 28 February 1991, informed him that he had no right to lodge complaints of bias in the framework of disciplinary investigations.
In the meantime, the disciplinary proceedings were stayed on 29 November 1990 in accordance with Article 14 § 1 of the Hessen Disciplinary Code (see paragraph 30 below) (“the Code”) with respect to the then ongoing criminal proceedings concerning the same facts. Moreover, the applicant was temporarily removed from office. His basic remuneration remained unaffected.
On 20 September 1991 the applicant again challenged the President of the Frankfurt Court of Appeal for bias; on 8 October 1991 the latter rejected the challenge as being unfounded, and on 7 November 1991 the Hessen Ministry of Justice, again informed the applicant that he had no right to challenge members of the investigating authority for bias.
On 12 December 1991 the applicant was acquitted of the criminal charges and the criminal proceedings were thus terminated.
On 3 May 1995 the disciplinary investigations were resumed.
The formal disciplinary investigations were closed and a first formal report was drawn up on 20 October 1995. However, as the hearing of further witnesses was necessary, the investigation was continued. According to a note dated 27 September 1996 the delays in the investigation were due to the complexity of the case and to the processing of priority disciplinary matters. On 5 February 1997 the final report was drawn up.
On 25 August 1997 the President of the Court of Appeal ordered the head of the investigation to compile the charges.
On 17 October 1997 the prosecutor in charge of the preparation of the charges withdrew due to overwork and illness and had to be replaced by another prosecutor.
On 27 September 1999 the charges were finalised. They were received by the Disciplinary Chamber of the Frankfurt Administrative Court on 12 January 2000. The applicant was accused of having hindered the audit of his professional conduct on three occasions, having falsified and then charged for disbursements and fees without any legal basis on 541 occasions and having acted against his supervisor's instructions on multiple occasions.
On 20 March 2000 the applicant requested that the court hear further witnesses.
On 6 July and 23 November 2000 oral hearings were held. On the latter date the proceedings were stayed and the charges were sent back to the investigating authority to correct errors.
From 19 February to 6 March 2001 eight witnesses were reheard by the investigating authority. On 21 March 2001 the applicant was scheduled to be heard but failed to attend.
On 1 June 2001 the revised charges of 11 May 2001 were submitted to the Administrative Court along with 48 volumes of files.
On 5 July 2001 the applicant repeated his request of 20 March 2000 as no decision had been taken on his request to hear further witnesses.
On 30 October 2001 the Frankfurt Administrative Court held an oral hearing and decided to remove the applicant from office in accordance with the provisions of the Hessen Civil Service Act and the Disciplinary Code as he had been found responsible for 519 misdemeanours between 27 November 1987 and 3 November 1990.
On 11 December 2001 the applicant appealed to the Kassel Administrative Court of Appeal.
On 1 July 2003 the Kassel Administrative Court of Appeal dismissed the applicant's appeal. It found that Article 6 of the Convention was not applicable to disciplinary proceedings and that, in contrast to criminal proceedings, unreasonable delays could not result in the discontinuation of the proceedings or in the reduction of the penalty. The court further found that there had been no reason to formally decide on the applicant's requests of 20 March 2000 and 5 July 2001 to hear witnesses as the requests were wholly unsubstantiated.
On 7 August 2003 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court regarding the length of the proceedings and the interpretation and application of procedural rules and substantial provisions of disciplinary law.
On 10 September 2003 the Federal Constitutional Court refused to admit the applicant's constitutional complaint without giving reasons. | train | {
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001-58825 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court, in accordance with the provisions applicable prior to the entry into force of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”), by the Austrian Government (“the Government”) on 5 July 1999 (Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 and former Articles 47 and 48 of the Convention). It originated in an application (no. 28501/95) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention by the applicant, a German national, Dimiter Pobornikoff (“the applicant”), on 21 July 1994. The applicant was represented by Mr H. Baumgärtl, a lawyer practising in Munich (Germany). The Government were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Agent of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, having been informed by the Registrar of their right to intervene (former Article 48 (b) of the Convention and former Rule 35 § 3 (b)), indicated that they did not intend to do so.
The Government’s application referred to former Articles 44 and 48 and to the declaration whereby Austria had recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (former Article 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach of Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 (c).
On 20 September 1999 the Panel of the Grand Chamber decided, pursuant to Article 5 § 4 of Protocol No. 11 to the Convention and Rules 100 § 1 and 24 § 6 of the Rules of Court, that the applications would be examined by one of the Sections. It was, thereupon, assigned to the Third Section. Within that Section, the Chamber was constituted in accordance with Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
In accordance with Rule 59 § 3 of the Rules of Court, the President of the Chamber invited the parties to submit a memorial on the issues in the case. The Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 9 December 1999 and the applicant’s memorial on 7 April 2000.
After consulting the Agent of the Government and the applicant, the Chamber decided not to hold a hearing in the case.
On 8 March 1993 the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Feldkirch Regional Court (Landesgericht) filed an indictment charging the applicant with murder. It was alleged that the applicant, in December 1991, had killed his wife and had then buried her decapitated corpse in a field where it had been discovered in May 1992. It was further alleged that he had had a mistress, and had run into financial difficulties as he had rented and furnished an apartment for her and had maintained her, whereas his wife, who had opposed a divorce, had owned the spouses' house and a collection of jewellery of considerable value. In these and the trial proceedings the applicant was represented by official counsel, Mr. A.
On 1 October 1993 the Feldkirch Regional Court, sitting as a Court of Assizes (Geschworenengericht), gave judgment. The jury found the applicant guilty of murder. The court, sitting with the jury, sentenced him to life imprisonment. It considered as aggravating circumstances that the applicant had acted for particularly base motives and had acted cruelly. It found that there were no mitigating circumstances.
On 2 November 1993 the applicant, still represented by Mr. A., filed a plea of nullity (Nichtigkeitsbeschwerde) and an appeal (Berufung). In his plea of nullity he complained about the composition of the court, the court's failure to put alternative questions to the jury and about the lack of reasons for the jury's verdict. He also submitted that there was no factual basis for finding him guilty. In his appeal he complained in particular that the Regional Court's judgment did not give sufficient reasons for the sentence. As to the aggravating circumstances, it was not clear which motives had been established and deemed particularly base. Nor did the judgment mention any facts which would allow the conclusion that he had acted in a cruel manner. As to possible mitigating circumstances, the applicant complained that the Regional Court had failed to take his advanced age and lack of prior convictions into account. The applicant did not request to attend the hearing before the Supreme Court.
On 21 December 1993 the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) fixed the hearing date for the applicant's plea of nullity and his appeal for 27 January 1994. The applicant received a notification, which stated that his counsel would be summoned to the hearing. As to the hearing of the plea of nullity, the notification informed him that he, being detained, could only appear through his counsel. As to the hearing of the appeal, he would not be brought to the court as the conditions of S. 296 § 3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Strafprozeßordung) were not fulfilled. At an unspecified date in the middle of January 1994, the applicant was informed by the Vienna Bar Association that for the purpose of his representation at the hearing before the Supreme Court a new official defence counsel, Mr K., had been appointed as Mr A. would be unable to attend.
On 27 January 1994 the Supreme Court, after having held a hearing in the absence of the applicant but in the presence of his new official defence counsel, Mr. K., rejected his plea of nullity as well as his appeal. As regards the appeal, the Court found that the applicant had rightly claimed as a mitigating circumstance that he had no prior convictions. Furthermore, cruelty had not been factually established as an aggravating circumstance. However, there was evidential support for the conclusion that the applicant had acted for particularly base motives. Attaching particular weight to this aggravating circumstance, the Supreme Court found that - notwithstanding the aforementioned deficiencies - the sentence of life imprisonment was commensurate with the applicant's guilt. | train | {
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001-138919 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 19165/08) against Ireland lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Irish national, Mr Kenneth Donohoe (“the applicant”), on 8 April 2008.
The applicant was represented by Ms C. Almond, a lawyer practising in Dublin. The Irish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr P. White, of the Department of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant complained under Article 6 of the Convention that his trial was unfair because of the non-disclosure of the sources of the evidence of a Chief Superintendent without adequate counterbalancing measures.
On 4 January 2012 the application was communicated to the Government.
Written submissions were received from the Irish Human Rights Commission, which had been granted leave by the President to intervene as a third party (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2 of the Rules of Court, as in force at the material time).
The applicant was born in 1978 and has a permanent address in Dublin.
A. Background facts
The criminal proceedings against the applicant to which this application relates arose, inter alia, from his association with the following events.
On 10 October 2002, an off-duty Garda (police) detective attached to the Special Detective Unit - who lived in a housing estate near Dublin called Corke Abbey - noticed suspicious activity and contacted a local Garda station. From shortly after 11 pm, he watched the movements of three cars (a blue Nissan Almera, a dark Nissan Micra and a yellow Transit van) and he noticed the occupants of the three cars acting in what appeared to be a coordinated manner. At one stage, five men got out of the Nissan Micra and three of them got into the back of the yellow Transit van, where there was already a driver and a man in the passenger seat. The other two got back into the Nissan Micra and it was driven off. A taxi arrived and its sole passenger got out and joined the other group. These six men were gathered together at the side of the Transit van. An unmarked Garda vehicle manned by two Gardaí arrived in response to the off-duty detective’s call and approached the van. One of the men walked away from the group while four of them got into the back of the van and one into the driver’s seat.
The Nissan Almera remained on the estate parked near the Transit van. One Garda spoke to the driver of the Transit van who gave a false name (referred to below as PB). While speaking with him, the Gardaí noted a black balaclava and the handset of a portable radio on the floor of the van. The other Garda opened the back door of the van and saw the other four men, sitting on the floor, as well as a number of items (which the trial court later regarded as “ significant pieces of evidence” see § 11 below): a lump/sledge hammer; two pickaxe handles; a torch; eight plastic bags of cable ties; black balaclavas with single or double openings; two identical navy ties resembling those worn by members of An Garda Síochána; woollen gloves; rolls of masking tape; a sky blue shirt marked ‘security’; a yellow fluorescent jacket with the word “GARDA” labelled on it; black woollen gloves and plastic industrial gloves; a number of remote controlled radios and election posters in respect of a man named O’Snodaigh. Two of the men in the back of the van were dressed in clothing that gave the appearance of, and made them look like members of An Garda Síochána including, yellow fluorescent jackets on which was printed or marked “GARDA”.
When the Nissan Almera was later examined by the police they found it contained false registration plates which corresponded to its tax and insurance discs, these, in fact, being those of an identical car that had previously been stolen; the genuine registration plates for the Nisssan Almera; a ‘Long Kesh’ baseball cap; a quantity of ties and a plastic bag which contained a stun gun and a canister of CS gas; a blue flashing light and beacon which would give the appearance of belonging to an official police car; and a roll of black binding tape. The owner of the car was later identified as being MB.
The five men of the original eight who remained in the estate, and who were in the Ford Transit van, were arrested and charged with being members of an illegal organisation. During police investigations, the Nissan Micra car which had left Corke Abbey after dropping off three of the five men who had been in it, was later traced back to a Ms K., the partner of the applicant (see paragraph 22 below). On 24 October 2002 a lawful search of the applicant’s home took place. Papers were found which contained the phone number of the owner of the Nissan Almera (MB) and the phone number of the man in the driver’s seat of the Transit van (PB). The trial court later found established that, at the very least, the applicant was acquainted with one of the men arrested on 10 October 2002 and with the owner of the Nissan Almera car (see paragraph 22 below).
On 24 October 2002 the applicant was arrested under section 30 of the Offences against the State Act 1939, as amended (“the 1939 Act”). He was brought to the police station where he was questioned about membership, contrary to section 21 of the 1939 Act, of an unlawful organisation (the Irish Republican Army, “IRA”). The applicant did not make a statement and was released from custody.
On 30 October 2002 he was arrested on suspicion that, on 10 October 2002, he was a member of the IRA contrary to section 21 of the 1939 Act. He and a co-accused (NB) were interviewed at length by police officers. Numerous questions were put to them concerning the events in Corke Abbey and the evidence gathered by the police. Section 2 of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act 1998 (“the 1998 Act”) was invoked by the interviewing officers and each accused was informed of the consequences of a failure to answer the questions. Neither answered any question. The trial court later noted that the two accused accepted that they had had full access to legal advice and found that each had availed himself of the opportunity to consult a solicitor before and during several police interviews. Those interviews were also recorded on video.
The applicant was brought before the Special Criminal Court (“SCC”) and charged with membership on 10 October 2002 of an unlawful organisation, the IRA, contrary to section 21 of the 1939 Act.
B. The SCC
In October 2004 the applicant and NB were tried before the SCC. The trial lasted 8 days. 54 prosecution witnesses were heard. The accused did not give any evidence at trial nor was any other evidence tendered on his behalf.
On 18 November 2004 the SCC delivered its judgment convicting the applicant and his co-accused. In so doing, it identified four strands of evidence tendered by the prosecution: (i) the sworn testimony of Chief Superintendent PK that it was his belief that, independently of any matter discovered at the time of the Corke Abbey events or any matters following those events, the applicant was a member of the IRA; (ii) evidence that associated each of the accused with the activities at Corke Abbey which the prosecution contended were of a type usually associated with the IRA and which it claimed supported or corroborated PK’s evidence; (iii) evidence that, following a search of their homes, documentation was found which was said to be of a type one might expect to find in the possession of an active member of an organisation like the IRA; and (iv) inferences, it argued, that could properly be drawn, pursuant to statute, arising from the failure of the applicant to answer questions material to the investigation of the offence in question.
The trial court considered the first strand, which comprised the evidence of a Chief Superintendent who testified that he believed that, on 10 October 2002, the applicant was a member of the IRA. He stated that his belief was based on confidential information available to him, of an oral and written nature, from police and civilian sources. This information was independent of any matters discovered when five persons were arrested for unlawful activity at Corke Abbey and also independent of any matters discovered following those events. When asked to identify his sources, he claimed privilege stating that disclosure would endanger lives and State security.
The applicant made an application for an inquiry into PK’s sources arguing that his trial would be unfair if he did not know these sources and the evidence against him (Rowe and Davis v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 28901/95, ECHR 2000-II). The prosecution, which had no access to the confidential source material, opposed the applicant’s request on the basis of the principle of informer privilege. Reviewing this Court’s case-law (inter alia, Edwards and Lewis v. the United Kingdom [GC], nos. 39647/98 and 40461/98, ECHR 2004-X), the SCC found that, while it was unthinkable that information that would threaten lives or State security would be disclosed, the admission of PK’s evidence without any inquiry into its basis would unfairly balance the trial in favour of the prosecution. The accused, it held, was entitled to some enquiry into the basis of PK’s belief in order to reconcile an order for privilege with defence rights. The SCC, therefore, directed the Chief Superintendent to produce all relevant documentation which, he asserted, informed him that the accused were members of the IRA. In compliance with the direction, files relating to both the applicant and his co-accused and covering a lengthy period prior to 10 October 2002 were produced to the trial court, but not disclosed to the prosecution or to the defence. The Court conducted a review of those files considering this to be the most appropriate solution in the interests of justice. Its competence to do so had been considered and confirmed previously by the Supreme Court and, as such, it was authorised by domestic law (DPP v Ward [1999] 1 I.R. 60).
Following the review of PK’s files, the SCC was satisfied that PK had “adequate and reliable information” on which he could legitimately form the opinion that each accused was a member of the IRA. It found that there was nothing in the files that would assist the defence in proving the innocence of their clients. Later, in weighing PK’s evidence, the SCC confirmed that it had excluded any information to which it had become privy during its review of the files he had produced to the court. The SCC also noted that the demeanour of PK was such that the court was persuaded that he was an “honest and reliable” witness. He had 25 years’ service as a police officer most of which was devoted to combating subversion and, as the head of the Special Detective Unit (concerned with the State security and monitoring subversive organisations), PK was the person best placed to learn of the activities of the accused. It was difficult to imagine anyone better informed on the subject in the country. The SCC was persuaded beyond any doubt by the belief evidence of PK that the accused were members of the IRA as charged. Moreover, the trial court was satisfied that PK had formed that belief ever before the ‘Corke Abbey’ events of 10 October 2002 or any matters discovered following the arrest of five persons on that occasion. The SCC totally rejected a suggestion put to the Chief Superintendent PK, in cross-examination that his evidence was a fiction.
However, the trial court held that the demands of justice required that it should not convict solely on the basis of PK’s evidence so the SCC went on to examine whether there was evidence which supported and corroborated the belief of PK.
The second strand of the prosecution case to which the trial court had regard was evidence which, it was satisfied, established that each of the accused was associated with the other and with the activities at Corke Abbey, activities which, according to the prosecution, were of a type associated with the IRA. Police officers gave detailed evidence about the events and the suspicious activities in Corke Abbey on the night of 10 October 2002 and about the items that had been found following a search of the vehicles involved (see paragraphs 7, 8 and 9 above).
Packaging from a Rayovac torch and a receipt dated 10 October 2002 were later found in the Nissan Micra when it was searched. The SCC was satisfied beyond any doubt that this packaging and receipt matched the torch found in the Transit van. It was further satisfied that the dark green Nissan Micra observed by the police at Corke Abbey was the property of Ms K, the partner of the applicant, and that he, the applicant, had had control of the motor vehicle on the evening in question. His partner had testified that she had given the keys of her Nissan Micra to the applicant around 8pm on 10 October 2002; that neither he nor the car was back when she returned home later that night; and that when she awoke the next morning both he and the car were back at the house they shared. The trial court had no doubt that the applicant was either one of the male drivers of the Nissan Micra at Corke Abbey or that he was aware of and acquiesced in the use to which it was being put. It was also satisfied, having heard abundant evidence which included sightings of the applicant and his co-accused together in the middle of the night when the applicant’s home was being searched, that they were ‘well known’ to each other.
The SCC considered that the above evidence showed that both accused were aware of, or acquiesced in, unlawful activities in Corke Abbey. However, it was of the view that those activities could equally be ascribed to persons engaged in organised crime as opposed to those engaged in subversive crime.
The third strand of the prosecution case concerned documentation found upon a search of the applicant’s home on 24 October 2002. On the one hand, there was a piece of paper containing the drawing of a key and a telephone number which the court accepted was that of MB, the owner of the Nissan Almera with the false number plates. They also found a piece of paper with the telephone number of PB whom the Court had no doubt was the person found to be driving the Ford Transit van on the night of the 10 October 2002. During an earlier search of the co-accused’s home, police had found documents which contained notes of the actions and movements of a number of elected politicians from different political parties plus documents recording the names and addresses of persons involved in serious crime and documents noting the names of persons linked to the Irish National Liberation Army (“INLA”), another unlawful organisation (paragraph 39 below). A thumb print on black tape found in the Almera was accepted as being that of the co-accused. The trial court accepted that the documentation established that the applicant was, at the very least, acquainted with the driver of the Transit van (PB) and the owner of the Nissan Almera (MB). However, it was not, of itself, supportive of Chief Superintendent PK’s evidence that the applicant was a member of the IRA.
The fourth strand of the prosecution case against the applicant and his co-accused was that, in the course of a number of interviews by police officers following their arrest during which the provisions of s.2 of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act, 1998 were invoked and explained to them, each man failed to answer a variety of questions which, the court maintained, were very material to the investigation of the offences with which each was charged. It was accepted by the defence that each accused was afforded all the rights and privileges to which they were legally entitled during their detention and, in particular, that each of them had full access to legal advice. The court noted that each availed of the opportunity to consult a solicitor before and in the course of several police interviews. The video-recordings of the interviews were shown to the trial court. It noted that, not only did each remain totally silent during the course of interview, but each appeared to take no ostensible interest whatsoever in what was going on. They sat bolt upright showing remarkable self-control throughout, in that their only movement was an occasional blink of the eyes but they made no effort to engage with the interviewers. It was clear to the court that each was deliberately and offensively ignoring all that was being asked of them. The court was satisfied that not only were the relevant statutory provisions invoked and adequately explained to each accused but each was given an opportunity to protest in the event that he had not understood that explanation, an opportunity which was ignored. Each question material to the charge was met with a stony silence. For example, each accused was asked to affirm or deny that he was a member of the IRA. Each was asked whether he knew the men arrested at Corke Abbey on the night of 10 October 2002, it being clear that each knew one or more of them. Each was asked to explain why they kept the documentation found when their houses were searched and each was asked whether they had any involvement with the aforesaid events. The applicant, in particular, was specifically asked about his use of his partner’s car on the night of 10 October 2002 and to explain how it had been seen at Corke Abbey on that night, it being the evidence of his partner that he had been in possession of the car.
The trial court had no doubt as to the materiality of a vast number of the questions put to each accused and it was clear that each had made no effort whatsoever to answer them. In those circumstances, the court had ‘no doubt’ that, as provided for by section 2 of the 1998 Act, it was entitled to and did, in fact, draw the inference from the failure of each accused to answer those questions that each had a guilty conscience insofar as the allegation of membership of an unlawful organisation was concerned. The court was satisfied that their silence amounted to corroboration of the belief evidence given by Chief Superintendent PK. As the court did not doubt the evidence of PK that he believed each was a member of the IRA and as the court was satisfied that the failure of each to answer material questions during police interviews was corroborative of that evidence, it was persuaded beyond all reasonable doubt that each of the accused was guilty of charged.
For the sake of completeness, the trial court added, that while it had indicated in delivering its judgment that it was not convinced that, standing alone, either the activities at Corke Abbey with which each of the accused was associated or the documentation found upon a search of their homes necessarily indicated activities or membership of an unlawful organisation, it was the opinion of the court that “when viewed in conjunction with the belief evidence of Chief Superintendent PK and the fact that each accused failed to answer questions while being interviewed by members of the Garda Siochana, those two pieces of evidence, i.e. the activities which took place at Corke Abbey ... and the documentation which was found on the premises of each accused is supportive to the allegation that each of them is a member of the IRA”.
The applicant was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment.
C. Appeal to the Court of Criminal Appeal (“CCA”)
The applicant sought leave to appeal against his conviction to the CCA claiming that the trial court had erred in law. In particular, he objected to any review by the trial judges, as adjudicators of guilt or innocence, of material underlying the belief of Chief Superintendent PK on the grounds that to do so was unlawful and contrary to the case-law of this Court.
On 28 November 2006 the CCA, having conducted an extensive review of the domestic jurisprudence and the case-law of this Court, gave judgment refusing leave to appeal. It was satisfied that a restriction on the ability to cross-examine the Chief Superintendent, arising from his claim of privilege in respect of the underlying sources of information upon which his belief was based because of a threat to life or to the on-going security of the State, did not ipso facto constitute a breach of Article 38 of the Constitution or of Article 6 of the Convention. The Supreme Court in DPP v. Kelly ([2006] IESC 20) had found this limitation necessary and properly counterbalanced by matters not dissimilar to those arising in the present case. The belief of Chief Superintendent PK was simply admitted as being evidence, no more and no less, and this was already well established in the prior jurisprudence. Such a witness could be cross-examined but he was entitled to claim privilege in respect of underlying facts or sources which led to his belief that disclosure of same could cause a credible threat to life or to state security. By ruling that it would not convict without evidence that supported or corroborated that belief, the trial court had clearly recognised the disadvantage to the defence which flowed from the claim of privilege and it had correctly sought evidence corroborative of PK’s belief. The exercise of the trial court’s discretion to review the files furnished by the Chief Superintendent PK did not infringe the right to a fair trial. It found no evidence that would have assisted the accused and the material examined constituted a good basis for the belief of the Chief Superintendent. The trial court had confirmed that, if it had found otherwise, this would have led to a different outcome.
The CCA rejected the submission that the SCC, which decided on guilt or innocence, should not have carried out this review having regard to this Court’s case-law. It was not at all clear from the Convention case-law that any of the judgments relied upon by counsel in this case dealt with the issue of a claim to privilege based on a threat to life or to the on-going security of the State. In the applicant’s case, the CCA held that there was no reason to conclude that anything found in the material examined by the trial court was influential on that court in making its judgment, let alone inspiring anything determinative of the guilt of either accused. A statement to the contrary was explicitly made by the trial court and was to be found in the judgment itself. Nor could any of this material, had it been disclosed to the defence, have been considered to be in any way of assistance in establishing the innocence of the accused. A statement that no such exculpatory material existed was also found in the trial court’s judgment.
The CCA also considered that the events at Corke Abbey and an association with those events, the vehicles and the contents of the vehicles, the materials found during searches as well as the meetings between both accused at the time when the applicant’s house was being searched, were all matters which came within the ambit of the phrase ‘movements, actions, activities, or associations on the part of an accused person’ found in section 3(1)(b)(i) of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act, 1972, as amended (“the 1972 Act”). The facts upon which the trial court relied were all proven beyond reasonable doubt and, indeed, the trial court had noted that there had been no serious challenge to the prosecution evidence of the facts, connections and associations so found. The trial court was fully entitled to have found that the applicant was associated with the events at Corke Abbey and its conclusion, in the circumstances, was a safe and valid one. Insofar as the appellants had complained about the trial court’s comment on the demeanour of each accused during police interviews, the CCA considered that their objection, against a background of a total failure to answer any question at all, was rather surreal. The evidence established a complete and utter failure to answer any question at all and the trial court made a finding on that failure. That court’s entitlement to draw inferences arose, precisely, from that failure. In the circumstances, the inferences were correctly and validly drawn. The commentary as to demeanour did not alter that in any way nor did it suggest that the right to silence did not apply.
The CCA confirmed the trial court’s conclusion that, while the association with events at Corke Abbey or the documents found on searches, for example, might not, in isolation, be indicative of membership of an illegal organisation, these matters, accepted as having been proven, when taken together with the inferences validly drawn, were supportive of the opinion of Chief Superintendent PK. When considered with his evidence, all the matters taken together were sufficient to establish beyond reasonable doubt that both appellants were members of the IRA on the date in question. The trial court was entitled to look at the established facts, when taken together, and also when taken in conjunction with the inferences which it had properly drawn to see whether these supported or corroborated the belief evidence of the Chief Superintendent. The trial court’s finding that the foregoing facts and inferences, when taken together with the belief evidence of the Chief Superintendent, established beyond reasonable doubt the charges against the accused was a correct finding and conclusion.
D. Section 29 of the Courts of Justice Act 1924 (“the 1924 Act”)
The applicant then brought an application to the CCA under section 29 of the 1924 Act, pursuant to which he requested the court to certify that its previous decision involved a point of law of exceptional public importance and that it was desirable in the public interest that an appeal should be taken to the Supreme Court. The question proposed by the applicant for the Supreme Court’s consideration was whether the receipt and examination of material concerning the applicant to which neither he nor his advisors had access was consistent with the State’s obligation to provide a fair trial pursuant to Article 6 of the Convention and Article 38 of the Constitution. On 26 October 2007 the CCA delivered its (second) judgment and refused the application for a section 29 certificate.
The CCA reviewed the case law of this Court upon which the applicant had relied. It summarised this Court’s findings in the above-cited case of Rowe and Davis v. the United Kingdom (in which it had found a violation of Article 6) to the effect that: (a) the entitlement to disclosure is not an absolute right and that, in any criminal proceedings, there may be competing interests, such as national security or the need to protect witnesses at risk of reprisal, which must be weighed against the rights of the accused; (b) in cases where evidence is withheld from the defence in the above circumstances it is not the role of this Court to decide whether or not such non-disclosure was strictly necessary. Instead this Court’s role is to ascertain whether the decision-making procedure or process which was applied did comply, as far as possible, with the requirements of adversarial proceedings; (c) in the Rowe cases there was a failure by the prosecution to lay the evidence in question before the trial judge to permit him to rule on the question of disclosure and this deprived the applicant of a fair trial; and (d) the particular facts in that case differentiated it from the case of Edwards v. the United Kingdom (16 December 1992, Series A no. 247 B). Referring to Jasper v. the United Kingdom ([GC], no. 27052/95, 16 February 2000), in which these principles were repeated, the CCA noted that this Court had recognised that the trial judge held a supervisory role in determining the balance between the competing rights of the defence and of public interest immunity. It found that the fact that the need for disclosure was at all times under assessment by the trial judge provided a further important safeguard.
The CCA concluded that the approach taken by the trial court in the applicant’s case was clearly within the ambit of the case-law of the Strasbourg Court which required that the withholding of any such documentation had to remain at all times in the supervisory control of judges themselves. The CCA rejected the submission that the trial court’s approach involved a review of material which was determinative of guilt. Rather, the judges were considering whether PK’s evidence should be admitted without cross-examination as to its source in circumstances where privilege, based on the safety of the life of others, had been invoked. In weighing up the value of that belief evidence, the trial judges had had no regard at all to the documentary source material. There was no requirement to disclose documents which did not damage the prosecution or assist the defence and it was clear from the SCC’s review that there were no such documents: if the SCC had found documents of assistance to the applicant, its answer would have been different. Moreover, the undisclosed documents were demonstrably not determinative as the applicant had suggested and the trial court had explicitly stated this to be so in its judgment. Finally, the CCA noted that the applicant had not sought to have the appeal court examine or consider the Chief Superintendent’s documentation in order to ascertain whether the trial judges had misdirected themselves in respect of the documents or the material contained therein. | train | {
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001-58021 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 11 December 1995, within the three‑month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 of the Convention (art. 32-1, art. 47). It originated in three applications (nos. 21627/93, 21826/93 and 21974/93) against the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) on 14 December 1992 by three British nationals, Mr Colin Laskey, Mr Roland Jaggard and Mr Anthony Brown. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby the United Kingdom recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8).
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the late Mr Laskey’s father and the two other applicants stated that they wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyers who would represent them (Rule 30).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Sir John Freeland, the elected judge of British nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 4 (b)). On 8 February 1996, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court, Mr R. Ryssdal, drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr L.-E. Pettiti, Mr C. Russo, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr M.A. Lopes Rocha, Mr L. Wildhaber, Mr P. Kuris and Mr E. Levits (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 5) (art. 43).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the United Kingdom Government (“the Government“), the applicants’ lawyers and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the orders made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s and the applicants’ memorials on 2 and 15 July 1996 respectively.
On 17 July 1996, the President granted leave to Rights International, a New York-based non-governmental human rights organisation, to submit written comments on specified aspects of the case (Rule 37 para. 2). The comments were received on 16 August 1996.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 21 October 1996. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr I. Christie, Assistant Legal Adviser, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Agent, Mr D. Pannick QC, Mr M. Shaw, Counsel, Mr S. Bramley, Ms B. Moxon, Advisers; (b) for the Commission Mr G. Ress, Delegate; (c) for the applicants Lord Lester of Herne Hill QC, Ms A. Worrall QC, Counsel, Mr D. Jonas, Mr A. Hamilton, Mr I. Geffen, Solicitors, Mr J. Wadham, Adviser. The Court heard addresses by Mr Ress, Lord Lester of Herne Hill, Ms Worrall and Mr Pannick.
I. The circumstances of the case
Mr Laskey, Mr Jaggard and Mr Brown, all British citizens, were born in 1943, 1947 and 1935 respectively. Mr Laskey died on 14 May 1996.
In 1987, in the course of routine investigations into other matters, the police came into possession of a number of video films which were made during sado-masochistic encounters involving the applicants and as many as forty-four other homosexual men. As a result the applicants, with several other men, were charged with a series of offences, including assault and wounding, relating to sado-masochistic activities that had taken place over a ten-year period. One of the charges involved a defendant who was not yet 21 years old - the age of consent to male homosexual practices at the time. Although the instances of assault were very numerous, the prosecution limited the counts to a small number of exemplary charges. The acts consisted in the main of maltreatment of the genitalia (with, for example, hot wax, sandpaper, fish hooks and needles) and ritualistic beatings either with the assailant’s bare hands or a variety of implements, including stinging nettles, spiked belts and a cat-o’-nine tails. There were instances of branding and infliction of injuries which resulted in the flow of blood and which left scarring. These activities were consensual and were conducted in private for no apparent purpose other than the achievement of sexual gratification. The infliction of pain was subject to certain rules including the provision of a code word to be used by any “victim“ to stop an “assault“, and did not lead to any instances of infection, permanent injury or the need for medical attention.
The activities took place at a number of locations, including rooms equipped as torture chambers. Video cameras were used to record events and the tapes copied and distributed amongst members of the group. The prosecution was largely based on the contents of those videotapes. There was no suggestion that the tapes had been sold or used other than by members of the group.
The applicants pleaded guilty to the assault charges after the trial judge ruled that they could not rely on the consent of the “victims“ as an answer to the prosecution case.
On 19 December 1990, the defendants were convicted and sentenced to terms of imprisonment. On passing sentence, the trial judge commented: “... the unlawful conduct now before the court would be dealt with equally in the prosecution of heterosexuals or bisexuals if carried out by them. The homosexuality of the defendants is only the background against which the case must be viewed.“ Mr Laskey was sentenced to imprisonment for four years and six months. This included a sentence of four years’ imprisonment for aiding and abetting keeping a disorderly house (see paragraph 31 below) and a consecutive term of six months’ imprisonment for possession of an indecent photograph of a child. Under section 47 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 (“the 1861 Act“ - see paragraph 27 below), Mr Laskey also received concurrent sentences of twelve months’ imprisonment in respect of various counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and aiding and abetting assault occasioning actual bodily harm.
Mr Jaggard was sentenced to imprisonment for three years. He received two years’ imprisonment for aiding and abetting unlawful wounding - contrary to section 20 of the 1861 Act (see paragraph 25 below) -, and a further twelve months’ imprisonment for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, aiding and abetting the same offence, and unlawful wounding.
Mr Brown was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and nine months. He received twelve months’ imprisonment for aiding and abetting assault occasioning actual bodily harm, a further nine months’ imprisonment for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and a further twelve months’ imprisonment for further assaults occasioning actual bodily harm.
The applicants appealed against conviction and sentence.
On 19 February 1992, the Court of Appeal, Criminal Division, dismissed the appeals against conviction. Since, however, the court found that the applicants did not appreciate that their actions in inflicting injuries were criminal, reduced sentences were imposed.
Mr Laskey’s sentence was thus reduced to eighteen months’ imprisonment as regards the charge of aiding and abetting keeping a disorderly house. This sentence was to run concurrently with another three months’ sentence in respect of the various counts of assault and consecutively with six months’ imprisonment for the possession of an indecent photograph of a child, totalling two years’ imprisonment.
Mr Jaggard’s and Mr Brown’s sentences were reduced to six months’ and three months’ imprisonment respectively.
The applicants appealed to the House of Lords on the following certified point of law of public importance: “Where A wounds or assaults B occasioning him actual bodily harm in the course of a sado-masochistic encounter, does the prosecution have to prove lack of consent on the part of B before they can establish A’s guilt under section 20 or section 47 of the 1861 Act?“
On 11 March 1993, the appeal, known as the case of R. v. Brown ([1993] 2 All England Law Reports 75), was dismissed by a majority of the House of Lords, two of the five law lords dissenting.
Lord Templeman, in the majority, held after reviewing the case-law that: “... the authorities dealing with the intentional infliction of bodily harm do not establish that consent is a defence to a charge under the Act of 1861. They establish that consent is a defence to the infliction of bodily harm in the course of some lawful activities. The question is whether the defence should be extended to the infliction of bodily harm in the course of sado-masochistic encounters ... Counsel for the appellants argued that consent should provide a defence ... because it was said every person has a right to deal with his own body as he chooses. I do not consider that this slogan provides a sufficient guide to the policy decision which must now be taken. It is an offence for a person to abuse his own body and mind by taking drugs. Although the law is often broken, the criminal law restrains a practice which is regarded as dangerous and injurious to individuals and which if allowed and extended is harmful to society generally. In any event the appellants in this case did not mutilate their own bodies. They inflicted harm on willing victims ... In principle there is a difference between violence which is incidental and violence which is inflicted for the indulgence of cruelty. The violence of sado-masochistic encounters involves the indulgence of cruelty by sadists and the degradation of victims. Such violence is injurious to the participants and unpredictably dangerous. I am not prepared to invent a defence of consent for sado-masochistic encounters which breed and glorify cruelty ... Society is entitled and bound to protect itself against a cult of violence. Pleasure derived from the infliction of pain is an evil thing. Cruelty is uncivilised.“
Lord Jauncey of Tullichettle found that: “In my view the line falls properly to be drawn between assault at common law and the offence of assault occasioning actual bodily harm created by section 47 of the 1861 Act, with the result that consent of the victim is no answer to anyone charged with the latter offence ... unless the circumstances fall within one of the well known exceptions such as organised sporting contests or games, parental chastisement or reasonable surgery ... the infliction of actual or more serious bodily harm is an unlawful activity to which consent is no answer. ... Notwithstanding the views which I have come to, I think it right to say something about the submissions that consent to the activity of the appellants would not be injurious to the public interest. Considerable emphasis was placed by the appellants on the well-ordered and secret manner in which their activities were conducted and upon the fact that these activities had resulted in no injuries which required medical attention. There was, it was said, no question of proselytising by the appellants. This latter submission sits ill with the following passage in the judgment of the Lord Chief Justice: ‘They [Laskey and Cadman] recruited new participants; they jointly organised proceedings at the house where much of this activity took place; where much of the pain inflicting equipment was stored. Cadman was a voyeur rather than a sado-masochist, but both he and Laskey through their operations at the Horwich premises were responsible in part for the corruption of a youth “K“ who is now it seems settled into a normal heterosexual relationship.’ Be that as it may, in considering the public interest it would be wrong to look only at the activities of the appellants alone, there being no suggestion that they and their associates are the only practitioners of homosexual sado-masochism in England and Wales. This House must therefore consider the possibility that these activities are practised by others and by others who are not so controlled or responsible as the appellants are claiming to be. Without going into details of all the rather curious activities in which the appellants engaged it would appear to be good luck rather than good judgment which has prevented serious injury from occurring. Wounds can easily become septic if not properly treated, the free flow of blood from a person who is HIV-positive or who has AIDS can infect another and an inflicter who is carried away by sexual excitement or by drink or drugs could very easily inflict pain and injury beyond the level to which the receiver had consented. Your Lordships have no information as to whether such situations have occurred in relation to other sado‑masochistic practitioners. It was no doubt these dangers which caused Lady Mallalieu to restrict her propositions in relation to the public interest to the actual rather than the potential result of the activity. In my view such a restriction is quite unjustified. When considering the public interest potential for harm is just as relevant as actual harm. As Mathew J. said in Coney 8 Queen’s Bench 534, 547: ‘There is however abundant authority for saying that no consent can render that innocent which is in fact dangerous.’ Furthermore, the possibility of proselytisation and corruption of young men is a real danger even in the case of these appellants and the taking of video recordings of such activities suggests that secrecy may not be as strict as the appellants claimed to your Lordships.“
Lord Mustill and Lord Slynn of Hadley dissented. The first considered that the case should not be treated as falling within the criminal law of violence but rather within the criminal law of private sexual relations. He gave weight to the arguments of the appellants concerning Article 8 of the Convention (art. 8), finding that the decisions of the European authorities clearly favoured the right of the appellants to conduct their private life undisturbed by the criminal law. He considered after an examination of the relevant case-law that it was appropriate for the House of Lords to tackle afresh the question whether public interest required penalising the infliction of this degree of harm in private on a consenting recipient, where the purpose was not profit but gratification of sexual desire. He found no convincing argument on grounds of health (alleged risk of infections or spread of AIDS), the alleged risk of the activities getting out of hand or any possible risk of corruption of youth which might require the offences under the 1861 Act to be interpreted as applying to this conduct.
Lord Slynn of Hadley found that as the law stood adults were able to consent to acts done in private which did not result in serious bodily harm. He agreed that it was in the end a matter of policy in an area where social and moral factors were extremely important and where attitudes could change. It was however for the legislature to decide whether such conduct should be brought within the criminal law and not for the courts in the interests of “paternalism“ to introduce into existing statutory crimes relating to offences against the person concepts which did not properly fit there.
The proceedings were given widespread press coverage. All the applicants lost their jobs and Mr Jaggard required extensive psychiatric treatment. | train | {
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001-76412 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 58757/00) against the Swiss Confederation lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Swiss national, Mr Andreas Jäggi (“the applicant”), on 27 June 2000.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr B. Mégevand, a lawyer practising in Geneva. The Swiss Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr P. Boillat, former Deputy Director of the Federal Office of Justice in charge of the Human Rights and Council of Europe Section.
On 26 October 2004 the President of the Third Section decided to communicate to the Government the complaints concerning the right to respect for private life. Under the provisions of Article 29 § 3 of the Convention, it was decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility.
The applicant was born in 1939 and lives in Geneva.
On 14 July 1939, before the applicant’s birth, the State-appointed guardian brought an action against A.H., the applicant’s putative biological father, seeking a declaration of paternity and payment of a contribution towards his maintenance. A.H. admitted that he had had sexual relations with the applicant’s mother but denied paternity.
On 26 July 1939, after the applicant’s birth, his mother declared on registering the birth that the father was A.H., with whom she had had sexual relations during the period of conception.
On 30 January 1948 the Geneva Court of First Instance dismissed the action for a declaration of paternity. In the absence of an appeal, the judgment became final.
In 1958 the applicant, who had been placed with a foster family, met his mother, who informed him that his father was A.H. According to the applicant, he had regular contact with his father and received presents from him and a monthly payment of 10 Swiss francs ((CHF) – 6.40 euros (EUR)) until he reached the age of majority. A.H. and his family denied those allegations. Only A.H.’s legitimate son admitted that he had received a telephone call from the applicant after A.H.’s death.
Furthermore, A.H. always refused to undergo tests to establish his paternity. In 1976, shortly after his death, a blood-type analysis carried out at the applicant’s request did not rule out his being the latter’s father.
In 1997 the applicant contacted the Geneva University Institute of Forensic Medicine to have a private paternity test carried out, but his request was refused.
On 3 December 1997 the applicant successfully applied to renew the lease for A.H.’s tomb until 2016 for the sum of CHF 2,600 (EUR 1,657).
On 6 May 1999 the applicant applied to the Canton of Geneva Court of First Instance for revision of the judgment of 30 January 1948. In the course of the proceedings he also requested a DNA test on the mortal remains of A.H.
On 25 June 1999 the Court of First Instance refused the request for a DNA test.
On 2 September 1999 the Canton of Geneva Court of Justice rejected the applicant’s application on the ground that it was impossible to obtain a declaration of paternity without also amending the register of births, deaths and marriages.
The Court of Justice argued that the applicant was not entitled to such an amendment of the register as a result of the 1976 revision of the Civil Code abolishing the exceptio plurium constupratorum, a defence which the putative biological father could use in a paternity suit. However, in his application to the Court of First Instance the applicant had sought revision of the 1948 judgment, in which the exceptio plurium had been relied on to the benefit of A.H.
The Court of Justice noted that before 1978 (when the revised Civil Code had come into force), an illegitimate child who was under ten years of age on 1 January 1978 had had the option of converting a maintenance claim into a civil action (paternity suit) where the exceptio plurium had been raised. However, this was no longer permitted under the revised Civil Code.
The Court of Justice accordingly held that, even supposing that the applicant had been awarded maintenance in 1948, he was no longer entitled to have the register of births, deaths and marriages amended, firstly because the law had changed, and secondly because he had been born more than ten years before the end of the transition period between the old and new laws.
His request for evidence to be taken by means of a DNA test was therefore refused.
On 22 December 1999 the Federal Court adopted a judgment, served on 18 May 2000, in which it rejected the applicant’s application on the following grounds: “The right to know one’s parentage cannot be absolute in scope but must be weighed against the interests relating to protection of the personal freedom of others – in the instant case, the right of the deceased, deriving from human dignity, to protect his remains from interferences contrary to morality and custom, and the right of the close relatives to respect for the deceased and the inviolability of his corpse. ... The right to know one’s parents is generally linked to the right to be raised by them. The applicant, who is 60 years old, has been able to develop his personality and pursue a large portion of his existence without suffering any medically attested damage to his physical or mental health as a result of his uncertainty as to his parentage, despite the vicissitudes of his childhood and adolescence. On the other hand, while the reasons of family devotion opposing the exhumation of the mortal remains of the late [A.H.] are understandable, the respondents have not advanced any religious or philosophical grounds in support of their position; in particular, they have not argued that they would have renewed the lease on their relative’s tomb had the applicant not done so. However, in weighing up the conflicting interests, the refusal of the application for an expert examination may be upheld since, in the absence of any consequences of a civil-law nature, the applicant has not established that he has suffered sufficiently serious damage to his psychological well-being, as protected by the right to personal freedom, to justify the evidentiary measure requested. The measure appears excessive in view of the principle of proportionality, having regard to the applicant’s particular circumstances, from which it cannot be concluded that his personality or mental stability might be seriously threatened by the uncertainty that may still persist as regards his parentage, in spite of all the information in his possession suggesting that [A.H.] very probably is his father. The Court of Justice was therefore entitled to restrict the applicant’s personal freedom by taking into consideration that of the respondents, in view of the lack of public interest in having this parental tie established and the disproportionate nature of the steps required to establish it.”
Lastly, the Federal Court observed that there were no consequences of a civil-law nature that could justify implementing the measure sought. | train | {
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001-87156 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 1638/03) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Bulgarian national, Mr Juri Maslov (“the applicant”), on 20 December 2002.
The applicant was represented by Mr M. Deuretsbacher, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador F. Trauttmansdorff, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Under Article 8 of the Convention, the applicant alleged, in particular, that the imposition of an exclusion order on him and his expulsion to Bulgaria violated his right to respect for private and family life.
The application was allocated to the First Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). On 2 June 2005 it was declared partly admissible by a Chamber of that Section, composed of Christos Rozakis, Snejana Botoucharova, Anatoli Kovler, Elisabeth Steiner, Khanlar Hajiyev, Dean Spielmann, Sverre Erik Jebens, judges, and of Søren Nielsen, Section Registrar. On 22 March 2007 a Chamber of that Section, composed of Christos Rozakis, Loukis Loucaides, Nina Vajić, Elisabeth Steiner, Khanlar Hajiyev, Dean Spielmann, Sverre Erik Jebens, judges, and Søren Nielsen, Section Registrar, delivered a judgment in which it held, by four votes to three, that there had been a violation of Article 8 of the Convention and that the respondent Government should pay the applicant 5,759.96 euros in respect of costs and expenses.
On 24 September 2007, pursuant to a request by the respondent Government, the panel of the Grand Chamber decided to refer the case to the Grand Chamber in accordance with Article 43 of the Convention.
The composition of the Grand Chamber was determined according to the provisions of Article 27 §§ 2 and 3 of the Convention and Rule 24.
The applicant and the Government each filed a memorial. The Bulgarian Government did not make use of their right to intervene (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention).
A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 6 February 2008 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr F. Trauttmansdorff, Agent, Ms B. Ohms, Adviser, Mr C. Schmalzl, Adviser; (b) for the applicant Mr M. Deuretsbacher, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Deuretsbacher and Mr Trauttmansdorff, as well as their answers to questions put by a number of judges.
Subsequently, András Sajó, substitute judge, replaced Riza Türmen, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rule 24 § 1).
The applicant was born in October 1984 and currently lives in Bulgaria.
In November 1990, at the age of six, the applicant lawfully entered Austria together with his parents and two siblings. Subsequently, he was legally resident in Austria. His parents, who were lawfully employed, acquired Austrian nationality. The applicant attended school in Austria.
In late 1998 criminal proceedings were instituted against the applicant. He was suspected of, inter alia, having broken into cars, shops and vending machines; having stolen empties from a stock ground; having forced another boy to steal 1,000 Austrian schillings from the latter’s mother; having pushed, kicked and bruised this boy; and of having used a motor vehicle without the owner’s authorisation.
On 8 March 1999 the applicant was granted an unlimited settlement permit (Niederlassungsbewilligung).
On 7 September 1999 the Vienna Juvenile Court (Jugendgerichtshof) convicted the applicant on twenty-two counts of aggravated gang burglary and attempted aggravated gang burglary (gewerbsmäßiger Bandendiebstahl), forming a gang (Bandenbildung), extortion (Erpressung), assault (Körperverletzung), and unauthorised use of a vehicle (unbefugter Gebrauch eines Fahrzeugs), offences committed between November 1998 and June 1999. He was sentenced to eighteen months’ imprisonment, thirteen of which were suspended on probation. The sentence was accompanied by an order to undergo drug therapy.
On 11 February 2000 the applicant was arrested and further criminal proceedings were opened against him relating to a series of burglaries committed between June 1999 and January 2000. The applicant and his accomplices were suspected of having broken into shops or restaurants, where they stole cash and goods. On 11 February 2000 the Vienna Juvenile Court remanded him in custody.
On 25 May 2000 the Vienna Juvenile Court convicted the applicant on eighteen counts of aggravated burglary and attempted aggravated burglary, and sentenced him to fifteen months’ imprisonment. When fixing the sentence the court noted the applicant’s confession as a mitigating circumstance, and the number of offences committed and the rapid relapse into crime after the last conviction as aggravating circumstances. It also observed that the applicant, though still living with his parents, had completely escaped their educational influence, had repeatedly been absent from home and had dropped out of school. It further noted that the applicant had failed to comply with the order to undergo drug therapy. Consequently, the suspension of the prison term imposed by the judgment of 7 September 1999 was revoked. Following the Vienna Juvenile Court’s judgment, the applicant served his prison term.
On 3 January 2001 the Vienna Federal Police Authority (Bundespolizeidirektion), relying on section 36(1) and 2(1) of the Aliens Act 1997 (Fremdengesetz), imposed a ten-year exclusion order on the applicant. Having regard to the applicant’s convictions, it found that it was contrary to the public interest to allow him to stay in Austria any longer. Considering the applicant’s relapse into crime after his first conviction, the public interest in the prevention of disorder and crime outweighed the applicant’s interest in staying in Austria.
The applicant, assisted by counsel, appealed. He submitted that the exclusion order violated his rights under Article 8 of the Convention as he was a minor who had come to Austria at the age of six, his entire family lived in Austria and he had no relatives in Bulgaria. He also referred to section 38(1)(4) of the Aliens Act 1997, pursuant to which an exclusion order could not be issued against an alien who had been lawfully residing in Austria from an early age.
By a decision of 19 July 2001, the Vienna Public Security Authority (Sicherheitsdirektion) dismissed the appeal. It confirmed the Federal Police Authority’s finding.
On 17 August 2001 the applicant lodged complaints both with the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) and the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichthof). He stressed that he had come to Austria at the age of six, had attended school in Austria and could not speak Bulgarian. He had no relatives or other social contacts in Bulgaria. He also stressed the fact that he was still a minor.
On 18 September 2001 the Administrative Court dismissed the complaint and found that the exclusion order was justified under Article 8 § 2 of the Convention. It observed that the applicant had come to Austria only at the age of six, whereas – according to its constant case-law – section 38(1)(4) of the Aliens Act 1997 prohibited an exclusion order only in respect of aliens who had been legally resident from the age of three or younger. Considering the gravity and number of offences committed by the applicant, the fact that the first conviction had rapidly been followed by a second one and the severity of the penalties imposed, it found that the exclusion order did not constitute a disproportionate interference with the applicant’s rights under Article 8, despite his lengthy residence and family ties in Austria.
By a decision of 19 September 2001, the Constitutional Court suspended the effects of the exclusion order pending its decision.
The applicant was released from prison on 24 May 2002 not having benefited from early release. According to the information given by counsel at the hearing, the applicant finished school during his prison term and helped in his father’s transport business after his release.
On 25 November 2002 the Constitutional Court declined to deal with the applicant’s complaint for lack of prospects of success.
In December 2002 a number of unsuccessful attempts were made to serve an order on the applicant to leave Austria.
On 18 August 2003 the Vienna Federal Police Authority issued a fresh order requiring the applicant to leave Austria.
On 14 October 2003 the order was served on the applicant at his parents’ address and subsequently the Vienna Federal Police Authority ordered his detention with a view to his expulsion. He was arrested on 27 November 2003.
On 22 December 2003 the applicant was deported to Sofia. According to information given by counsel at the hearing, the applicant did not commit any further offences in Bulgaria and has found employment there.
At the hearing, the Government informed the Court that the exclusion order will expire on 3 January 2011, that is ten years after its issue (see paragraph 17 above). | train | {
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001-59607 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 40787/98) against the United Kingdom lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a British national, Mr John Hirst (“the applicant”), on 1 February 1998.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Hickman and Rose, solicitors practising in London. The United Kingdom Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Huw Llewellyn of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The applicant alleged that there had been undue delay between the reviews by the Parole Board of his continued detention as a prisoner serving a sentence of discretionary life imprisonment. He invoked Article 5 § 4 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11). The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 21 March 2000, the Chamber declared the application partly admissible.
Neither party filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). The Chamber decided, after consulting the parties, that no hearing on the merits was required (Rule 59 § 2 in fine).
On 11 February 1980, the applicant pleaded guilty to manslaughter on the ground of diminished responsibility in respect of the death of his 62‑year-old landlady whom he had battered with an axe. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The court acted on medical evidence that the applicant had a gross personality disorder to such a degree that he was amoral. The consultant psychiatrist said in his report at the trial that: “... although [the applicant’s] instability might get less over the years as he matured, should he be sent to prison, his eventual release should be approached with great caution.”
The applicant was initially sent to a Category A prison due to concerns about his dangerousness and risk of escape. He was involved in work to address his offending and other problems. He successfully completed an Anger Management and Skills Courts in the Hull Special Unit in or about 1989 and his conduct was noted as significantly improving from that point. In 1993, he was transferred to a Category B prison.
The applicant’s tariff period of 15 years expired on 25 June 1994 (this was the minimum period fixed by the Secretary of State concerning the requirements of retribution and deterrence). The Parole Board in that month agreed to the transfer of the applicant from a Category B to Category C prison. The Secretary of State deferred a decision until after the Discretionary Lifer Panel (DLP) of the Parole Board had conducted a hearing on the matter under the new provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 (“the 1991 Act”).
On 13 December 1994, after a hearing held pursuant to section 34 of the 1991 Act, the DLP decided it would not be safe to release the applicant but recommended transfer to Category D (open prison), or Category C with a review after 12 months instead of the usual two year period. On 15 March 1995, the Secretary of State decided to transfer the applicant to Category C with a review after 12 months.
In November 1995, the applicant failed to obtain leave to apply for judicial review of the decision of the DLP and the decision of the Secretary of State. In April 1996, the Court of Appeal refused leave to apply for judicial review.
Following a positive drugs test, the applicant agreed to follow and successfully completed in July 1996 a drugs awareness course.
On 9 October 1996, the applicant’s case came before another DLP. Reports noted that he had made considerable progress over the preceding six years but would need phased re-introduction into society. A psychiatric report dated 24 June 1996 stated that the applicant had much greater control over his behaviour, that personal and maturational developments had taken place and that he was not the same person that he was when he entered prison. It was concluded that the applicant, who had shown a reclusiveness and narrowness of interests, needed however to test and increase his social interaction in order to be able to cope with living outside prison. A psychiatric report issued about the same time stated that the applicant’s personality, described as psychopathic, had shown some capacity for change and that, although he was not considered a serious risk to the public, any release on licence would have to be carefully planned, as problems were likely to arise following a long period of institutionalisation and a lack of family support. The DLP did not recommend release but transfer to a Category D prison. In paragraph 5 of the decision letter the DLP said: “The panel were satisfied that what was advanced at the hearing as ‘exceptional circumstances’, namely a good release plan, the fact that [the applicant is] four years beyond tariff, the fact that [the applicant has] completed a pre-release course in Category C, the fact that [the applicant had] previously been recommended for Category D status and the prospect of employment, did not amount to exceptional circumstances and that [the applicant’s] release without progress through open conditions posed an unacceptable risk.”
On 20 November 1996, the Secretary of State rejected the recommendation of transfer to an open prison, but directed an early review of the applicant’s case, namely after 18 months had expired from 9 October 1996. The Secretary of State was not persuaded that the applicant’s behavioural problems had been satisfactorily addressed while in closed conditions, nor that the benefits of open conditions were sufficiently worthwhile at that stage when balanced against the scale of the outstanding offence, related work needed in the applicant’s case and his potential risk to the public.
The applicant applied for leave to apply for judicial review of both decisions, alleging inter alia that the DLP had wrongly applied an “exceptional circumstances” test. Leave was refused on 11 April 1997.
On 21 October 1997, the applicant re-applied for leave for judicial review. Mr Justice Potts refused leave against the DLP’s recommendation. He found that the DLP had correctly applied the statutory test concerning a risk to the public. He granted leave to apply in respect of the decision of the Secretary of State. Mr Justice Potts stated: “... a prisoner who has spent a long period in custody should be tested in open conditions before being released into the community: satisfactory completion of such testing is an indication that a prisoner is able to cope with the stresses of life outside prison and is therefore a cogent factor to take into account against all the other available material in deciding whether or not a prisoner can safely be released. Such an approach is undoubtedly sensible … I think it is arguable that the Secretary of State’s decision not to recategorise this applicant as a Category D prisoner was irrational and one that no reasonable Home Secretary could reasonably have reached.”
In the light of this grant of leave, at the end of the hearing, the Secretary of State indicated that he would reconsider his decision of 20 November 1997.
On 13 March 1998, the Secretary of State informed the applicant that he had reconsidered the case but decided not to change his conclusion that the applicant should not be transferred to open conditions.
On 15 July 1998, the DLP again considered the applicant’s case. Reports continued to note his progress, including the expression of genuine remorse for his offending. It was considered in a case officer report dated 31 October 1997 that he had taken advantage of treatment programmes and that all offending work had been completed. He had a “settled and fulfilling release plan” which involved him continuing the legal studies that he had commenced in prison and receiving support from a circle of friends that he had built up through contacts outside prison. Conversely, a psychiatric report dated 18 December 1997 considered inter alia that the applicant might benefit from further work on developing methods of dealing with interpersonal difficulties and increasing relationship skills.
By letter dated 16 July 1998, the DLP declined to recommend release but did recommend transfer to a Category D (open) prison. “3. In reaching the decision that you are not yet suitable for release, the panel took into account the nature of the index offence, your violent disruptive early prison career (while recognising also the absence of any violence since 1989), the fact that you are still seen as having a psychopathic personality … and the remaining areas of concern identified by [Mrs B, a higher psychologist]… These areas of concern are egocentricity, a disregard for the points of view of other people and a limited ability to solve interpersonal frustrations and problems. The panel also considered that the sexual ambivalence referred to by [Dr G] merited further investigation, particularly in light of evidence that emerged at the panel hearing that you had been sexually abused in your youth. The panel also accepted [Mrs B’s] evidence that a personality assessment was necessary to identify the manner in which the outstanding offence-related work should be carried out; and that the reasons underlying the index offence still require further investigation. In all these circumstances, the panel considered that you still presented too great a risk to the public to justify your release.
Moreover, you have been in custody for 19 years and although your release plan is being developed, it is not complete. At present you would have no fixed accommodation. Based on these factors and the impression the panel formed of you at the hearing, the panel considered that you would be unable to cope in the community, were you to be released directly or via a pre-release employment scheme.
The panel did recommend that you be transferred to open conditions. In coming to this conclusion, the panel took into account the length of time you have spent in custody, the opinion of the majority of the report writers and witnesses that the risk you present to the public could be safely managed in open conditions and the fact that the assessment and further work referred to above can be done in open conditions. The panel also took into account that [Mrs B] could not say within what period the assessment could be carried out, and the danger of counter-productive stagnation and frustration on your part should you have to spend a further protracted period in category ‘C’ conditions.
To allow time for assessment and the necessary offence-related work and for your gradual reintegration into the community, the panel considered that your next review should begin in 2 years time.”
By letter dated 7 October 1998, the Secretary of State rejected the DLP’s recommendation. He stated that he accepted the psychologist’s view that further work needed to be done in respect of the applicant’s attitude to his original offence, his egocentricity, his intolerance of others, his inability to deal adequately with problems and his lack of responsibility for his actions. He agreed that a full personality assessment was required of the applicant who was still seen as having a psychopathic personality. The Secretary of State did not agree that these matters could be safely addressed in open prison conditions. He noted that the applicant had failed to attend further courses in anger management, social skills and communications, as arranged after the Secretary of State’s decision of 20 November 1996. He also had regard to an intervening incident which had occurred on 31 July 1998 when the applicant was being escorted to court by a female officer. After she had refused to allow him to smoke in the vehicle, he had slammed the van door against her, causing her to fall and hurt her arm. He had sworn at her, threatening to kill her, adding that he had already killed one woman. The applicant was found guilty under the Prison Rules of assault and using threatening, abusive or insulting words. The Secretary of State considered that this disclosed impulsive violent behaviour towards a woman over a trivial incident, which had clear similarities with his original offence. He remained an unacceptable risk and was advised that until he co-operated with staff in addressing the areas of concern, the Secretary of State saw no justification in allowing him to progress further towards release. It was however agreed that his next review should take place in July 2000.
On 2 February 2000, the applicant’s renewed application for leave to judicially review the DLP’s decision of October 1996, which had been dormant since 21 October 1997, was listed for hearing before the Court of Appeal. The applicant’s request to amend his grounds of application to add complaints about a lack of independence was refused. The Court of Appeal rejected his application for leave to apply for judicial review. | train | {
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001-58978 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 35115/97) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Mr Oliver Riepan (“the applicant”), on 23 December 1996.
The applicant had been granted legal aid. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged that in criminal proceedings against him, relating to charges of threatening behaviour, he did not have a public hearing as the trial was held in the prison where he was detained.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
5. The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court
(Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1. 6. By a decision of 15 June 2000 the Chamber declared the application partly admissible [Note by the Registry. The Court's decision is obtainable from the Registry.]. 7. The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). 8. A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 29 August 2000 (Rule 59 § 2). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr W. Okresek, Head of the Constitutional Law Section at the Federal Chancellery, Agent, Mrs E. Schindler, Federal Ministry of Justice, Adviser; (b) for the applicant Mr H. Blum, of the Linz Bar, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Blum, Mr Okresek and Mrs Schindler.
The applicant is serving an eighteen-year prison term following his conviction for murder and burglary in 1987. He was first detained at Karlau Prison, from which he escaped in 1991 but was rearrested within a day. In September 1994 he was transferred to Stein Prison and on 8 May 1995 to Garsten Prison, as the prison administration feared that he and a number of other inmates were devising an escape plan.
On 8 May 1995, when prison personnel at Garsten carried out the necessary reception formalities, the applicant refused to cooperate and demanded to be returned to Stein Prison, threatening that otherwise he and other inmates would set fire to Garsten Prison. On the following day, in the course of an interview with a senior prison officer, he again insisted on being returned to Stein Prison and threatened the prison officer that otherwise someone would pay the officer “a private visit”. A few days later he threatened a prison warder saying “that he should not turn his back on him”. On account of these incidents, criminal proceedings on charges of threatening behaviour (gefährliche Drohung) were instituted against the applicant.
The Steyr Regional Court (Landesgericht) decided to hold the hearing at Garsten Prison, which is situated about 5 km from Steyr. It set down 29 January 1996 as the date for the trial. The summons indicating the date and place of the hearing was served on the applicant as well as on his official defence counsel a month before the hearing.
At the material time information about hearings held at the Steyr Regional Court was given as follows. The public prosecutor's office at the Regional Court issued a hearing list (Verhandlungsspiegel) in the middle of each week for the following week, containing, inter alia, the date and place of all hearings in criminal proceedings. This information would also include the number of the court hearing room and would, if appropriate, indicate that the hearing was to be held at the scene of the crime or the name of the prison at which it was to take place. The Government were unable to provide the list for the week of 29 January 1996, as these lists are not kept, but asserted that it would, in accordance with the usual practice, have indicated Garsten Prison as the place of the hearing in the applicant's case. The hearing list was distributed by the public prosecutor's office to the media, namely to the most important national and regional newspapers, as well as to the national broadcasting station. Furthermore, a copy was given to the Regional Court's registry and information desk. Thus, interested persons could obtain information about forthcoming hearings either by calling the court's registry or by presenting themselves at the court's entrance.
On 29 January 1996 the Steyr Regional Court, sitting with a single judge, held a hearing in the closed area (Gesperre) of Garsten Prison. The hearing room measured about 25 sq. m. It was furnished with a table and seats for the judge, the secretary, the public prosecutor, the applicant and his defence counsel. There is disagreement between the parties as to whether there were further seats available for witnesses and potential spectators.
The hearing, which according to the minutes was public, was opened at 8.30 a.m. It lasted thirty-five minutes. The applicant, assisted by counsel, pleaded not guilty. The court heard the four prison officers to whom the applicant had allegedly addressed threats as witnesses. Neither the applicant nor his counsel complained about a lack of publicity at that time. Following the hearing, the Regional Court convicted the applicant of threatening behaviour, finding that he had on three occasions threatened prison personnel with arson or assault, and sentenced him to ten months' imprisonment.
Thereupon, the applicant filed an appeal on points of law and fact, as well as against sentence (Berufung wegen Nichtigkeit, Schuld und Strafe). He complained, in particular, as a ground of nullity, that the hearing on 29 January 1996 had not been public since it took place in the closed area of Garsten Prison, to which only people with special permits, other than prison personnel, had access. He also claimed that the room in which the hearing was held was too small to accommodate any spectators and alleged that not even the witnesses had been able to stay in the room simultaneously. Moreover, he challenged the Regional Court's assessment of the evidence and its establishment of the facts. Finally, he complained that the sentence was too severe.
On 5 July 1996 the Linz Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht) held a public hearing in the court building in the presence of the applicant and his counsel. The appellate court is about 50 km from Garsten Prison. The hearing lasted three-quarters of an hour. The court heard the applicant as regards the alleged lack of publicity of the hearing on 29 January 1996. It also heard him on the various counts of threatening behaviour, questioning him as regards the statements made by the witnesses at the trial. It did not rehear the witnesses and the defence made no request to this effect.
The Court of Appeal dismissed the case. As to the complaint that the hearing on 29 January 1996 had not been public, the court noted that, according to information submitted by the Steyr Regional Court, the hearing was public in the sense that any interested person would have been allowed to attend. Had the prison governor been concerned that interested persons should not be granted access to the closed area, he would have been obliged to prohibit the conduct of the trial in that part of the prison. In any case, no such persons wishing to attend the trial had been present at the beginning of the hearing, and the judge had not been informed of any potential spectators.
As to the applicant's appeal on points of fact, the Court of Appeal stated that it had no doubts regarding the Regional Court's evaluation of the evidence and its establishment of the facts. The appellate court also confirmed the Regional Court's legal view that the applicant had, by threatening prison personnel with arson or assault, committed the offence of threatening behaviour. Finally, it found that the sentence was commensurate with the applicant's guilt. | train | {
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"applicant": "Oliver Riepan",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Oliver Riepan |
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