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001-57510 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case of Klass and others was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (hereinafter called “the Commission“). The case originated in an application against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Commission on 11 June 1971 under Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter called “the Convention“) by five German citizens, namely Gerhard Klass, Peter Lubberger, Jürgen Nussbruch, Hans-Jürgen Pohl and Dieter Selb.
The Commission’s request, which referred to Articles 44 and 48, paragraph (a) (art. 44, art. 48-a), and to which was attached the report provided for in Article 31 (art. 31), was lodged with the registry of the Court on 15 July 1977, within the period of three months laid down in Articles 32 para. 1 and 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47). The purpose of the request is to obtain a decision from the Court as to whether or not the facts of the case disclose a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Articles 6 para. 1, 8 and 13 (art. 6-1, art. 8, art. 13) of the Convention.
On 28 July, the President of the Court drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of five of the seven judges called upon to sit as members of the Chamber; Mr. H. Mosler, the elected judge of German nationality, and Mr. G. Balladore Pallieri, the President of the Court, were ex officio members under Article 43 (art. 43) of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 3 (b) of the Rules of Court respectively. The five judges thus designated were Mr. J. Cremona, Mr. W. Ganshof van der Meersch, Mr. D. Evrigenis, Mr. G. Lagergren and Mr. F. Gölcüklü (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4 of the Rules of Court) (art. 43) . Mr. Balladore Pallieri assumed the office of president of the Chamber in accordance with Rule 21 para. 5.
The President of the Chamber ascertained, through the Registrar, the views of the Agent of the Government and the Delegates of the Commission regarding the procedure to be followed. By an Order of 12 August, the President decided that the Government should file a memorial within a time-limit expiring on 28 November and that the Delegates of the Commission should be entitled to file a memorial in reply within two months of receipt of the Government’s memorial.
At a meeting held in private on 18 November in Strasbourg, the Chamber decided under Rule 48 to relinquish jurisdiction forthwith in favour of the plenary Court, on the ground “that the case raise(d) serious questions affecting the interpretation of the Convention“.
The Government filed their memorial on 28 November. On 27 January 1978, a memorial by the Principal Delegate of the Commission was received at the registry; at the same time, the Secretary to the Commission advised the Registrar that the Delegates would reply to the Government’s memorial during the oral hearings.
After consulting, through the Registrar, the Agent of the Government and the Delegates of the Commission, the President directed by an Order of 24 February 1978 that the oral hearings should open on 10 March.
The Court held a preparatory meeting on 10 March, immediately before the opening of the hearings. At that meeting the Court, granting a request presented by the Government, decided that their Agent and counsel would be authorised to address the Court in German at the hearings, the Government undertaking, inter alia, responsibility for the interpretation into French or English of their oral arguments or statements (Rule 27 para. 2). In addition, the Court took note of the intention of the Commission’s Delegates to be assisted during the oral proceedings by one of the applicants, namely Mr. Pohl; the Court also authorised Mr. Pohl to speak in German (Rules 29 para. 1 in fine and 27 para. 3).
The oral hearings took place in public at the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 10 March. There appeared before the Court:
for the Government: Mrs. I. MAIER, Ministerialdirigentin at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Agent, Mr. H. G. MERK, Ministerialrat at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Mr. H. STÖCKER, Regierungsdirektor at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Mrs. H. SEIBERT, Regierungsdirektorin at the Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers;
for the Commission: Mr. G. SPERDUTI, Principal Delegate, Mr. C. A. NØRGAARD, Delegate, Mr. H.-J. POHL, Applicant, assisting the Delegates under Rule 29 para. 1, second sentence. The Court heard addresses by Mrs. Maier for the Government and by Mr. Sperduti, Mr. Nørgaard and Mr. Pohl for the Commission, as well as their replies to questions put by several members of the Court.
The applicants, who are German nationals, are Gerhard Klass, an Oberstaatsanwalt, Peter Lubberger, a lawyer, Jürgen Nussbruch, a judge, Hans-Jürgen Pohl and Dieter Selb, lawyers. Mr. Nussbruch lives in Heidelberg, the others in Mannheim. All five applicants claim that Article 10 para. 2 of the Basic Law (Grundgesetz) and a statute enacted in pursuance of that provision, namely the Act of 13 August 1968 on Restrictions on the Secrecy of the Mail, Post and Telecommunications (Gesetz zur Beschränkung des Brief-, Post- under Fernmeldegeheimnisses, hereinafter referred to as “the G 10“), are contrary to the Convention. They do not dispute that the State has the right to have recourse to the surveillance measures contemplated by the legislation; they challenge this legislation in that it permits those measures without obliging the authorities in every case to notify the persons concerned after the event, and in that it excludes any remedy before the courts against the ordering and execution of such measures. Their application is directed against the legislation as modified and interpreted by the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht).
Before lodging their application with the Commission, the applicants had in fact appealed to the Federal Constitutional Court. By judgment of 15 December 1970, that Court held that Article 1 para. 5, sub-paragraph 5 of the G 10 was void, being incompatible with the second sentence of Article 10 para. 2 of the Basic Law, in so far as it excluded notification of the person concerned about the measures of surveillance even when such notification could be given without jeopardising the purpose of the restriction. The Constitutional Court dismissed the remaining claims (Collected Decisions of the Constitutional Court, Vol. 30, pp. 1 et seq.). Since the operative provisions of the aforementioned judgment have the force of law, the competent authorities are bound to apply the G 10 in the form and subject to the interpretation decided by the Constitutional Court. Furthermore, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany were prompted by this judgment to propose amendments to the G 10, but the parliamentary proceedings have not yet been completed.
As regards the applicants’ right to apply to the Constitutional Court, that Court held, inter alia: “In order to be able to enter a constitutional application against an Act, the applicant must claim that the Act itself, and not merely an implementary measure, constitutes a direct and immediate violation of one of his fundamental rights ... These conditions are not fulfilled since, according to the applicants’ own submissions, it is only by an act on the part of the executive that their fundamental rights would be violated. However, because they are not apprised of the interference with their rights, the persons concerned cannot challenge any implementary measure. In such cases, they must be entitled to make a constitutional application against the Act itself, as in cases where a constitutional application against an implementary measure is impossible for other reasons ...“ (ibid, pp. 16-17).
Although, as a precautionary measure, the applicants claimed before both the Constitutional Court and the Commission that they were being subjected to surveillance measures, they did not know whether the G 10 had actually been applied to them. On this point, the Agent of the Government made the following declaration before the Court: “To remove all uncertainty as to the facts of the case and to give the Court a clear basis for its decision, the Federal Minister of the Interior, who has competence in the matter, has, with the G 10 Commission’s approval, authorised me to make the following statement: At no time have surveillance measures provided for by the Act enacted in pursuance of Article 10 of the Basic Law been ordered or implemented against the applicants. Neither as persons suspected of one or more of the offences specified in the Act nor as third parties within the meaning of Article 1, paragraph 2, sub-paragraph 2, of the G 10 have the applicants been subjected to such measures. There is also no question of the applicants’ having been indirectly involved in a surveillance measure directed against another person - at least, not in any fashion which would have permitted their identification. Finally, there is no question of the applicants’ having been subjected to surveillance by mistake - for example through confusion over a telephone number -, since in such cases the person concerned is notified of the surveillance measure.“ The contested legislation
After the end of the Second World War, the surveillance of mail, post and telecommunications in Germany was dealt with by the occupying powers. As regards the Federal Republic, neither the entry into force on 24 May 1949 of the Basic Law nor the foundation of the State of the Federal Republic on 20 September 1949 altered this situation which continued even after the termination of the occupation régime in 1955. Article 5 para. 2 of the Convention of 26 May 1952 on Relations between the Three Powers (France, the United States and the United Kingdom) and the Federal Republic - as amended by the Paris Protocol of 23 October 1954 - specified in fact that the Three Powers temporarily retained “the rights ... heretofore held or exercised by them, which relate to the protection of the security of armed forces stationed in the Federal Republic“. Under the same provision, these rights were to lapse “when the appropriate German authorities (had) obtained similar powers under German legislation enabling them to take effective action to protect the security of those forces, including the ability to deal with a serious disturbance of public security and order“.
The Government wished to substitute the domestic law for the rights exercised by the Three Powers and to place under legal control interferences with the right, guaranteed by Article 10 of the Basic Law, to respect for correspondence. Furthermore, the restrictions to which this right could be subject appeared to the Government to be inadequate for the effective protection of the constitutional order of the State. Thus, on 13 June 1967, the Government introduced two Bills as part of the Emergency Legislation. The first sought primarily to amend Article 10 para. 2 of the Basic Law; the second - based on Article 10 para. 2 so amended - was designed to limit the right to secrecy of the mail, post and telecommunications. The two Acts, having been adopted by the federal legislative assemblies, were enacted on 24 June and 13 August 1968 respectively. The Three Powers had come to the view on 27 May that these two texts met the requirements of Article 5 para. 2 of the above-mentioned Convention. Their statements declared: “The rights of the Three Powers heretofore held or exercised by them which relate to the protection of the security of armed forces stationed in the Federal Republic and which are temporarily retained pursuant to that provision will accordingly lapse as each of the above-mentioned texts, as laws, becomes effective.“
In its initial version, Article 10 of the Basic Law guaranteed the secrecy of mail, post and telecommunications with a proviso that restrictions could be ordered only pursuant to a statute. As amended by the Act of 24 June 1968, it now provides: “(1) Secrecy of the mail, post and telecommunications shall be inviolable. (2) Restrictions may be ordered only pursuant to a statute. Where such restrictions are intended to protect the free democratic constitutional order or the existence or security of the Federation or of a Land, the statute may provide that the person concerned shall not be notified of the restriction and that legal remedy through the courts shall be replaced by a system of scrutiny by agencies and auxiliary agencies appointed by the people’s elected representatives.“
The G 10, adopting the solution contemplated by the second sentence of paragraph 2 of the above-quoted Article 10, specifies (in Article 1 para. 1) the cases in which the competent authorities may impose the restrictions provided for in that paragraph, that is to say, may open and inspect mail and post, read telegraphic messages, listen to and record telephone conversations. Thus, Article 1 para. 1 empowers those authorities so to act in order to protect against “imminent dangers“ threatening the “free democratic constitutional order“, “the existence or the security of the Federation or of a Land“, “the security of the (allied) armed forces“ stationed on the territory of the Republic and the security of “the troops of one of the Three Powers stationed in the Land of Berlin“. According to Article 1 para. 2, these measures may be taken only where there are factual indications (tatsächliche Anhaltspunkte) for suspecting a person of planning, committing or having committed certain criminal acts punishable under the Criminal Code, such as offences against the peace or security of the State (sub-paragraph 1, no. 1), the democratic order (sub-paragraph 1, no. 2), external security (sub-paragraph 1, no. 3) and the security of the allied armed forces (sub-paragraph 1, no. 5). Paragraph 2 of Article 1 further states that the surveillance provided for in paragraph 1 is permissible only if the establishment of the facts by another method is without prospects of success or considerably more difficult (aussichtslos oder wesentlich erschwert). The surveillance may cover only “the suspect or such other persons who are, on the basis of clear facts (bestimmter Tatsachen), to be presumed to receive or forward communications intended for the suspect or emanating from him or whose telephone the suspect is to be presumed to use“ (sub-paragraph 2).
Article 1 para. 4 of the Act provides that an application for surveillance measures may be made only by the head, or his substitute, of one of the following services: the Agencies for the Protection of the Constitution of the Federation and the Länder (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz; Verfassungsschutzbehörden der Länder), the Army Security Office (Amt für Sicherheit der Bundeswehr) and the Federal Intelligence Service (Bundesnachrichtendienst). The measures are ordered, on written application giving reasons, either by the supreme Land authority in cases falling within its jurisdiction or by a Federal Minister empowered for the purpose by the Chancellor. The Chancellor has entrusted these functions to the Ministers of the Interior and of Defence each of whom, in the sphere falling within his competence, must personally take the decision as to the application of the measures (Article 1 para. 5, sub-paragraphs 1 and 2). Measures ordered must be immediately discontinued once the required conditions have ceased to exist or the measures themselves are no longer necessary (Article 1 para. 7, sub-paragraph 2). The measures remain in force for a maximum of three months and may be renewed only on fresh application (Article 1 para. 5, sub-paragraph 3).
Under the terms of Article 1 para. 5, sub-paragraph 5, the person concerned is not to be notified of the restrictions affecting him. However, since the Federal Constitutional Court’s judgment of 15 December 1970 (see paragraph 11 above), the competent authority has to inform the person concerned as soon as notification can be made without jeopardising the purpose of the restriction. To this end, the Minister concerned considers ex officio, immediately the measures have been discontinued or, if need be, at regular intervals thereafter, whether the person concerned should be notified. The Minister submits his decision for approval to the Commission set up under the G 10 for the purpose of supervising its application (hereinafter called “the G 10 Commission“). The G 10 Commission may direct the Minister to inform the person concerned that he has been subjected to surveillance measures.
Implementation of the measures ordered is supervised by an official qualified for judicial office (Article 1 para. 7, sub-paragraph 1). This official examines the information obtained in order to decide whether its use would be compatible with the Act and whether it is relevant to the purpose of the measure. He transmits to the competent authorities only information satisfying these conditions and destroys any other intelligence that may have been gathered. The information and documents so obtained may not be used for other ends and documents must be destroyed as soon as they are no longer needed to achieve the required purpose (Article 1 para. 7 sub-paragraphs 3 and 4).
The competent Minister must, at least once every six months, report to a Board consisting of five Members of Parliament on the application of the G 10; the Members of Parliament are appointed by the Bundestag in proportion to the parliamentary groupings, the opposition being represented on the Board (Article 1 para. 9, sub-paragraph 1, of the G 10 and Rule 12 of the Rules of Procedure of the Bundestag). In addition, the Minister is bound every month to provide the G 10 Commission with an account of the measures he has ordered (Article 1 para. 9). In practice and except in urgent cases, the Minister seeks the prior consent of this Commission. The Government, moreover, intend proposing to Parliament to amend the G 10 so as to make such prior consent obligatory. The G 10 Commission decides, ex officio or on application by a person believing himself to be under surveillance, on both the legality of and the necessity for the measures; if it declares any measures to be illegal or unnecessary, the Minister must terminate them immediately (Article 1 para. 9, sub-paragraph 2). Although not required by the Constitutional Court’s judgment of 15 December 1970, the Commission has, since that judgment, also been called upon when decisions are taken on whether the person concerned should be notified of the measures affecting him (see paragraph 19 above). The G 10 Commission consists of three members, namely, a Chairman, who must be qualified to hold judicial office, and two assessors. The Commission members are appointed for the current term of the Bundestag by the above-mentioned Board of five Members of Parliament after consultation with the Government; they are completely independent in the exercise of their functions and cannot be subject to instructions. The G 10 Commission draws up its own rules of procedure which must be approved by the Board; before taking this decision, the Board consults the Government. For the Länder, their legislatures lay down the parliamentary supervision to which the supreme authorities are subject in the matter. In fact, the Länder Parliaments have set up supervisory bodies which correspond to the federal bodies from the point of view of organisation and operation.
According to Article 1 para. 9, sub-paragraph 5, of the G 10: “... there shall be no legal remedy before the courts in respect of the ordering and implementation of restrictive measures.“ The official statement of reasons accompanying the Bill contains the following passage in this connection: “The surveillance of the post and telecommunications of a certain person can serve a useful purpose only if the person concerned does not become aware of it. For this reason, notification to this person is out of the question. For the same reason, it must be avoided that a person who intends to commit, or who has committed, the offences enumerated in the Act can, by using a legal remedy, inform himself whether he is under surveillance. Consequently, a legal remedy to impugn the ordering of restrictive measures had to be denied ... The Bill presented during the 4th legislative session ... provided for the ordering (of such measures) by an independent judge. The Federal Government abandoned this solution in the Bill amending Article 10 of the Basic Law, introduced as part of the Emergency Legislation, mainly because the Executive, which is responsible before the Bundestag, should retain the responsibility for such decisions in order to observe a clear separation of powers. The present Bill therefore grants the power of decision to a Federal Minister or the supreme authority of the Land. For the (above-)mentioned reasons ..., the person concerned is deprived of the opportunity of having the restrictive measures ordered examined by a court; on the other hand, the constitutional principle of government under the rule of law demands an independent control of interference by the Executive with the rights of citizens. Thus, the Bill, in pursuance of the Bill amending Article 10 of the Basic Law ..., prescribes the regular reporting to a Parliamentary Board and the supervision of the ordering of the restrictive measures by a Control Commission appointed by the Board ...“ (Bundestag document V/1880 of 13 June 1967, p. 8).
Although access to the courts to challenge the ordering and implementation of surveillance measures is excluded in this way, it is still open to a person believing himself to be under surveillance pursuant to the G 10 to seek a constitutional remedy: according to the information supplied by the Government, a person who has applied to the G 10 Commission without success retains the right to apply to the Constitutional Court. The latter may reject the application on the ground that the applicant is unable to adduce proof to substantiate a complaint, but it may also request the Government concerned to supply it with information or to produce documents to enable it to verify for itself the individual’s allegations. The authorities are bound to reply to such a request even if the information asked for is secret. It is then for the Constitutional Court to decide whether the information and documents so obtained can be used; it may decide by a two-thirds majority that their use is incompatible with State security and dismiss the application on that ground (Article 26 para. 2 of the Constitutional Court Act). The Agent of the Government admitted that this remedy might be employed only on rare occasions.
If the person concerned is notified, after the measures have been discontinued, that he has been subject to surveillance, several legal remedies against the interference with his rights become available to him. According to the information supplied by the Government, the individual may: in an action for a declaration, have reviewed by an administrative court declaration, the legality of the application to him of the G 10 and the conformity with the law of the surveillance measures ordered; bring an action for damages in a civil court if he has been prejudiced; bring an action for the destruction or, if appropriate, restitution of documents; finally, if none of these remedies is successful, apply to the Federal Constitutional Court for a ruling as to whether there has been a breach of the Basic Law.
Article 2 of the G 10 has also amended the Code of Criminal Procedure by inserting therein two Articles which authorise measures of surveillance of telephone and telegraphic communications. Under Article 100 (a), these measures may be taken under certain conditions, in particular, when there are clear facts on which to suspect someone of having committed or attempted to commit certain serious offences listed in that Article. Under Article 100 (b), such measures may be ordered only by a court and for a maximum of three months; they may be renewed. In urgent cases, the decision may be taken by the public prosecutor’s department but to remain in effect it must be confirmed by a court within three days. The persons concerned are informed of the measures taken in their respect as soon as notification can be made without jeopardising the purpose of the investigation (Article 101 para. 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure). These provisions are not, however, in issue in the present case. PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION
In their application lodged with the Commission on 11 June 1971, the applicants alleged that Article 10 para. 2 of the Basic Law and the G 10 - to the extent that these provisions, firstly, empower the authorities to monitor their correspondence and telephone communications without obliging the authorities to inform them subsequently of the measures taken against them and, secondly, exclude the possibility of challenging such measures before the ordinary courts - violate Articles 6, 8 and 13 (art. 6, art. 8, art. 13) of the Convention. On 18 December 1974, the Commission declared the application admissible. It found, as regards Article 25 (art. 25) of the Convention: “... only the victim of an alleged violation may bring an application. The applicants, however, state that they may be or may have been subject to secret surveillance, for example, in course of legal representation of clients who were themselves subject to surveillance, and that persons having been the subject of secret surveillance are not always subsequently informed of the measures taken against them. In view of this particularity of the case the applicants have to be considered as victims for the purpose of Article 25 (art. 25).“
Having been invited by the Government to consider the application inadmissible under Article 29 in conjunction with Articles 25 and 27 para. 2 (art. 29+25, art. 29+27-2) of the Convention, the Commission declared in its report of 9 March 1977 that it saw no reason to accede to this request. In this connection, the report stated: “The Commission is ... still of the opinion ... that the applicants must be considered as if they were victims. Some of the applicants are barristers and it is theoretically excluded that they are in fact subject to secret surveillance in consequence of contacts they may have with clients who are suspected of anti-constitutional activities. As it is the particularity of this case that persons subject to secret supervision by the authorities are not always subsequently informed of such measures taken against them, it is impossible for the applicants to show that any of their rights have been interfered with. In these circumstances the applicants must be considered to be entitled to lodge an application even if they cannot show that they are victims.“ The Commission then expressed the opinion:
by eleven votes to one with two abstentions, that the present case did not disclose any breach of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) of the Convention insofar as the applicants relied on the notion “civil rights“;
unanimously, that the present case did not disclose any breach of Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-1) in so far as the applicants relied on the notion “criminal charge“;
by twelve votes in favour with one abstention, that the present case did not disclose any breach of Article 8 (art. 8) or of Article 13 (art. 13). The report contains various separate opinions.
In her memorial of 28 November 1977, the Agent of the Government submitted in conclusion: “I ... invite the Court to find that the application was inadmissible; in the alternative, to find that the Federal Republic of Germany has not violated the Convention.“ She repeated these concluding submissions at the hearing on 10 March 1978.
For their part, the Delegates of the Commission made the following concluding submissions to the Court: “May it please the Court to say and judge
Whether, having regard to the circumstances of the case, the applicants could claim to be ‘victims’ of a violation of their rights guaranteed by the Convention by reason of the system of surveillance established by the so-called G 10 Act;
And, if so, whether the applicants are actually victims of a violation of their rights set forth in the Convention by the very existence of that Act, considering that it gives no guarantee to persons whose communications have been subjected to secret surveillance that they will be notified subsequently of the measures taken concerning them.“ | train | {
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001-58220 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the French Government (“the Government”) on 19 September 1997, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 § 1 and Article 47 of the Convention. It originated in an application (no. 24271/94) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under Article 25 by a French national, Mr Guy Couez, on 8 July 1993. The Government’s application referred to Article 48 of the Convention. The object of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 § 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and sought leave to present his own case. The President of the Chamber refused leave and requested the applicant to appoint to represent him an advocate authorised to practise in any of the Contracting States and resident in the territory of one of them (Rule 30 § 1). As the applicant did not designate a representative within the time allowed him by the President, the Court assumed that he did not wish to take part in the proceedings.
On 25 September 1997 the President of the Court, Mr R. Ryssdal, decided, under Rule 21 § 7 and in the interests of the proper administration of justice, that a single Chamber should be constituted to consider both the instant case and the case of Benkessiouer v. France. The Chamber to be constituted for that purpose included ex officio Mr L.-E. Pettiti, the elected judge of French nationality (Article 43 of the Convention), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 § 4 (b)). On the same day, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr F. Gölcüklü, Mr F. Matscher, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr N. Valticos, Mr R. Pekkanen, Mr J. Makarczyk and Mr V. Butkevych (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 § 5). Subsequently Mr Gölcüklü replaced Mr Bernhardt as President of the Chamber and Mr E. Levits, substitute judge, became a full member of the Chamber, and Mr K. Jungwiert, substitute judge, replaced Mr Matscher, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rules 22 § 1 and 24 § 1).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 § 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, Mr Y. Charpentier, the applicant and the Delegate of the Commission, Mr J.-C. Soyer, on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 § 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s claims under Article 50 of the Convention on 17 March 1998 and the Government’s memorial on 1 April 1998. On 20 April 1998 the Delegate of the Commission stated that he did not wish to submit observations on those documents.
On 24 February 1998 the Chamber decided to dispense with a hearing in the case, having satisfied itself that the conditions for this derogation from its usual procedure had been met (Rules 26 and 38).
Mr Couez was born in 1941 and lives at Saint-Quentin (département of Aisne). On 20 January 1989 he had a heart attack during the annual cross-country race held by the company of CRS (Compagnies républicaines de sécurité – mobile security police units) to which he belonged. After being on sick-leave from 20 to 23 January 1989 and from 25 January to 11 April 1989, he returned to work. On 8 February 1991 he applied for extended sick-leave and asked that his heart attack and the subsequent periods of sick-leave should be recognised as work-related so that he would be covered by the rules applicable to police officers injured in the execution of their duty.
On 3 May 1991 the inter-département medical board recommended that the application for extended sick-leave should be refused. On 14 May 1991 Mr Couez was notified of his authorities’ refusal to grant him the leave. In a letter of 27 December 1991 the Prefect of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region informed the applicant that the medical board had recommended that his sick-leave should not be regarded as having been work-related and that he should be declared permanently unfit for active police duties and be transferred to the administrative staff until his retirement at 60; he stated that if either Mr Couez or the Ministry of the Interior refused this transfer, the applicant would be retired on grounds of invalidity with immediate effect.
A. The proceedings to challenge the authorities’ refusal to regard the sick-leave as having been due to a work-related accident
On 20 January 1992 the applicant brought proceedings in the Amiens Administrative Court to challenge the Prefect’s decision of 27 December 1991 to inform him that the medical board had refused to regard sick-leave on 8 April 1990 as having been due to a work-related accident. On 5 February 1992 he also applied for a stay of execution of that decision. In the meantime, on 25 January 1992, Mr Couez had refused transfer to the administrative staff and on 3 February 1992 the Ministry of the Interior had declared him unfit for active police duties and had placed him on the ordinary sick list with retrospective effect from 8 August 1990.
In a judgment of 2 July 1992 the Amiens Administrative Court refused the application for a stay of execution of the decision of 27 December 1991. On 10 July 1992 Mr Couez was sent on compulsory unpaid leave of absence (disponibilité) with effect from 8 August 1991, the date on which he had exhausted his entitlement to ordinary sick-leave. On 4 September 1992, in a fresh decision, he was maintained in the same position.
On 5 August 1992 the Prefect informed the applicant that a Dr B. had been designated to examine him with a view to his being retired on grounds of invalidity.
On 24 March 1993 Mr Couez applied to the Amiens Administrative Court for an interim ruling by its President in the proceedings he had brought on 20 January 1992 (see paragraph 8 above). In an order of 25 March 1993 the President of the Administrative Court refused the application.
On 24 January 1994 Mr Couez was retired on grounds of invalidity.
On 31 May 1995 the Administrative Court made an interlocutory order for a medical report on the applicant. On 28 June 1996 it quashed the decisions of 10 July and 4 September 1992 in so far as they kept Mr Couez on compulsory unpaid leave of absence from 15 January 1992; it also set aside the decision of 24 January 1994 whereby he had been retired on grounds of invalidity (see paragraph 12 above); the court held that the applicant should have been retired on 25 January 1992, when he had refused the transfer proposal that had been made to him (see paragraph 8 above). On 25 July 1995 Mr Couez had appealed against the interlocutory order of 31 May 1995, and that appeal was still pending in the Nancy Administrative Court of Appeal on the date of delivery of the present judgment.
According to the Government, the applicant submitted twenty-seven pleadings between 20 January 1992 (the date of the application to the Amiens Administrative Court) and 28 June 1996 (when that court gave judgment).
B. The proceedings to challenge the decision requiring unpaid leave of absence to be taken
On 18 March 1992 Mr Couez had also brought proceedings in the Amiens Administrative Court to challenge the decision of 10 July 1992 whereby he had been sent on compulsory unpaid leave of absence (see paragraph 9 above). He subsequently withdrew these proceedings, and on 31 May 1995 the Administrative Court delivered a judgment formally taking notice of the withdrawal. On 31 July 1995 the applicant appealed against that judgment, and the appeal was still pending in the Nancy Administrative Court of Appeal on the date of delivery of the present judgment.
According to the Government, the applicant filed seven pleadings with the Amiens Administrative Court (between 18 March 1992 and 31 May 1995) and three in the Nancy Administrative Court of Appeal (between 31 July 1995 and 4 June 1996). | train | {
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001-99605 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 30141/04) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by two Austrian nationals, Mr Horst Michael Schalk and Mr Johan Franz Kopf (“the applicants”), on 5 August 2004.
The applicants were represented by Mr K. Mayer, a lawyer practising in Vienna. The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Tichy, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.
The applicants alleged in particular that they were discriminated against as, being a same-sex couple, they were denied the possibility to marry or to have their relationship otherwise recognised by law.
On 8 January 2007 the President of the First Section decided to give notice of the application to the Government. It was also decided to examine the merits of the application at the same time as its admissibility (Article 29 § 3 of the Convention).
The applicants and the Government each filed observations on the admissibility and merits of the application. The Government also filed further observations. In addition, third-party comments were received from the United Kingdom Government, which had been given leave by the President to intervene in the written procedure (Article 36 § 2 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 2 of the Rules of Court). A joint third-party comment was received from four non-governmental organisations which had also been given leave by the President to intervene, namely the International Federation for Human Rights (Fédération internationale des ligues des droits de l’Homme – FIDH), the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), the AIRE Centre and the European Region of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA-Europe). The four non-governmental organisations were also given leave by the President to intervene at the hearing.
A hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 February 2010 (Rule 59 § 3). There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Ms B. Ohms, Federal Chancellery, Deputy Agent, Ms G. Paschinger, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Mr M. Stormann, Federal Ministry of Justice, Advisers; (b) for the applicants Mr K. Mayer, Counsel, Mr H. Schalk, Applicant; (c) for the non-governmental organisations, third-party interveners Mr R. Wintemute, King’s College London, Counsel, Ms A. Jernow, International Commission of Jurists, Adviser. The Court heard addresses by Ms Ohms, Mr Mayer and Mr Wintemute.
The applicants were born in 1962 and 1960 respectively. They are a same-sex couple living in Vienna.
On 10 September 2002 the applicants requested the Office for Matters of Personal Status (Standesamt) to proceed with the formalities to enable them to contract marriage.
By a decision of 20 December 2002, the Vienna Municipal Office (Magistrat) refused the applicants’ request. Referring to Article 44 of the Civil Code (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch), it held that marriage could only be contracted between two persons of opposite sex. According to constant case-law, a marriage concluded by two persons of the same sex was null and void. Since the applicants were two men, they lacked the capacity to contract marriage.
The applicants lodged an appeal with the Vienna Regional Governor (Landeshauptmann), but to no avail. In his decision of 11 April 2003, the Governor confirmed the Municipal Office’s legal view. In addition, he referred to the Administrative Court’s case-law according to which it constituted an impediment to marriage if the two persons concerned were of the same sex. Moreover, Article 12 of the Convention reserved the right to contract marriage to persons of different sex.
In a constitutional complaint, the applicants alleged that the legal impossibility for them to marry constituted a violation of their right to respect for private and family life and of the principle of non-discrimination. They argued that the notion of marriage had evolved since the entry into force of the Civil Code in 1812. In particular, the procreation and education of children no longer formed an integral part of marriage. According to present-day perceptions, marriage was rather a permanent union encompassing all aspects of life. There was no objective justification for excluding same-sex couples from concluding marriage, all the more so since the European Court of Human Rights had acknowledged that differences based on sexual orientation required particularly weighty reasons by way of justification. Other European countries either allowed homosexual marriage or had otherwise amended their legislation in order to give equal status to same-sex partnerships.
Lastly, the applicants alleged a breach of their right to the peaceful enjoyment of their possessions. They argued that in the event that one partner in a homosexual couple died, the other was discriminated against since he would be in a much less favourable position under tax law than the surviving partner in a married couple.
On 12 December 2003 the Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) dismissed the applicants’ complaint. The relevant parts of its judgment read as follows: “The administrative proceedings that resulted in the impugned decision were exclusively concerned with the issue of the legitimacy of the marriage. Accordingly, the complainants’ sole applicable grievance is that Article 44 of the Civil Code only recognises and provides for marriage between ‘persons of opposite sex’. The allegation of a breach of the right of property is simply a further means of seeking to show that this state of affairs is unjustified. With regard to marriage, Article 12 of the [Convention], which ranks as constitutional law, provides: ‘Men and women of marriageable age have the right to marry and to found a family, according to the national laws governing the exercise of this right.’ Neither the principle of equality set forth in the Austrian Federal Constitution nor the European Convention on Human Rights (as evidenced by [the terms] ‘men and women’ in Article 12) require that the concept of marriage, as being geared to the fundamental possibility of parenthood, should be extended to relationships of a different kind. The essence of marriage is, moreover, not affected in any way by the fact that divorce (or separation) is possible and that it is a matter for the spouses whether in fact they are able or wish to have children. The European Court of Human Rights found in its Cossey [v. the United Kingdom] judgment of 27 September 1990 (no. 10843/84, [Series A no. 184], concerning the particular position of transsexual persons) that the restriction of marriage to this ‘traditional’ concept was objectively justified, observing: ‘... that attachment to the traditional concept of marriage provides sufficient reason for the continued adoption of biological criteria for determining a person’s sex for the purposes of marriage ...’ [The subsequent change in the case-law concerning the particular issue of transsexuals (Christine Goodwin v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 28957/95, ECHR 2002-VI) does not permit the conclusion that there should be any change in the assessment of the general question at issue here.] The fact that same-sex relationships fall within the concept of private life and as such enjoy the protection of Article 8 of the [Convention] – which also prohibits discrimination on non-objective grounds (Article 14 of the [Convention]) – does not give rise to an obligation to change the law of marriage. It is unnecessary in the instant case to examine whether, and in which areas, the law unjustifiably discriminates against same-sex relationships by providing for special rules for married couples. Nor is it the task of this court to advise the legislature on constitutional issues or even matters of legal policy. Instead, the complaint must be dismissed as ill-founded.”
The Constitutional Court’s judgment was served on the applicants’ counsel on 25 February 2004.
A. Austrian law
1. The Civil Code
Article 44 of the Civil Code (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch) provides: “The marriage contract shall form the basis for family relationships. Under the marriage contract two persons of opposite sex declare their lawful intention to live together in indissoluble matrimony, to beget and raise children and to support each other.” This provision has been unchanged since its entry into force on 1 January 1812.
2. The Registered Partnership Act
The purpose of the Registered Partnership Act (Eingetragene Partnerschaft-Gesetz) was to provide same-sex couples with a formal mechanism for recognising and giving legal effect to their relationships. In introducing the said Act, the legislator had particular regard to developments in other European States (see the explanatory report on the draft law – Erläuterungen zur Regierungsvorlage, 485 der Beilagen XXIV GP).
The Registered Partnership Act, Federal Law Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt) vol. I, no. 135/2009, came into force on 1 January 2010. Section 2 of the Act provides as follows: “A registered partnership may be formed only by two persons of the same sex (registered partners). They thereby commit themselves to a lasting relationship with mutual rights and obligations.”
The rules on the establishment of a registered partnership, its effects and its dissolution resemble the rules governing marriage.
Registered partnership involves cohabitation on a permanent basis and may be entered into between two persons of the same sex having legal capacity and having reached the age of majority (section 3). A registered partnership must not be established between close relatives or with a person who is already married or has established a still valid registered partnership with another person (section 5).
Like married couples, registered partners are expected to live together like spouses in every respect, to share a common home, to treat each other with respect and to provide mutual assistance (section 8(2) and (3)). As in the case of spouses, the partner who is in charge of the common household and has no income has legal authority to represent the other partner in everyday legal transactions (section 10). Registered partners have the same obligations regarding maintenance as spouses (section 12).
The grounds for dissolution of a registered partnership are the same as for dissolution of marriage or divorce. Dissolution of a registered partnership occurs in the event of the death of one partner (section 13). It may also be pronounced by a judicial decision on various other grounds, such as lack of intent to establish a registered partnership (section 14), fault of one or both partners, or breakdown of the partnership due to irreconcilable differences (section 15).
The Registered Partnership Act also contains a comprehensive range of amendments to existing legislation in order to provide registered partners with the same status as spouses in various other fields of law, such as inheritance law, labour, social and social insurance law, tax law, the law on administrative procedure, the law on data protection and public service, passport and registration issues, as well as legislation regarding foreigners.
However, some differences between marriage and registered partnership remain, apart from the fact that only two persons of the same sex can enter into a registered partnership. The following differences were the subject of some public debate prior to the adoption of the Registered Partnership Act: firstly, while marriage is contracted before the Office for Matters of Personal Status, registered partnerships are concluded before the district administrative authority; and secondly, the rules on the choice of name differ from those for married couples: for instance, the law uses the term “last name” where a registered couple chooses a common name, but the term “family name” is used in reference to a married couple’s common name. The most important differences, however, concern parental rights: unlike married couples, registered partners are not allowed to adopt a child; nor is the adoption of stepchildren permitted, that is to say, the adoption of one partner’s child by the other partner (section 8(4)). Artificial insemination is also excluded (section 2(1) of the Artificial Procreation Act – Fortpflanzungsmedizingesetz).
B. Comparative law
1. European Union law
Article 9 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, which was signed on 7 December 2000 and came into force on 1 December 2009, reads as follows: “The right to marry and to found a family shall be guaranteed in accordance with the national laws governing the exercise of these rights.”
The relevant parts of the Commentary of the Charter read as follows: “Modern trends and developments in the domestic laws in a number of countries toward greater openness and acceptance of same-sex couples notwithstanding, a few States still have public policies and/or regulations that explicitly forbid the notion that same-sex couples have the right to marry. At present there is very limited legal recognition of same-sex relationships in the sense that marriage is not available to same-sex couples. The domestic laws of the majority of States presuppose, in other words, that the intending spouses are of different sexes. Nevertheless, in a few countries, e.g. in the Netherlands and in Belgium, marriage between people of the same sex is legally recognised. Others, like the Nordic countries, have endorsed a registered partnership legislation, which implies, among other things, that most provisions concerning marriage, i.e. its legal consequences such as property distribution, rights of inheritance, etc., are also applicable to these unions. At the same time it is important to point out that the name ‘registered partnership’ has intentionally been chosen not to confuse it with marriage and it has been established as an alternative method of recognising personal relationships. This new institution is, consequently, as a rule only accessible to couples who cannot marry, and the same-sex partnership does not have the same status and the same benefits as marriage. In order to take into account the diversity of domestic regulations on marriage, Article 9 of the Charter refers to domestic legislation. As it appears from its formulation, the provision is broader in its scope than the corresponding Articles in other international instruments. Since there is no explicit reference to ‘men and women’ as the case is in other human rights instruments, it may be argued that there is no obstacle to recognise same-sex relationships in the context of marriage. There is, however, no explicit requirement that domestic laws should facilitate such marriages. International courts and committees have so far hesitated to extend the application of the right to marry to same-sex couples.”
A number of directives are also of interest in the present case. Council Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification determines the conditions for the exercise of the right to family reunification by third-country nationals residing lawfully in the territory of the member States. Article 4, entitled “Family members”, provides: “3. The member States may, by law or regulation, authorise the entry and residence, pursuant to this directive und subject to compliance with the conditions laid down in Chapter IV, of the unmarried partner, being a third-country national, with whom the sponsor is in a duly attested stable long-term relationship, or of a third-country national who is bound to the sponsor by a registered partnership in accordance with Article 5 § 2, ...” Directive 2004/38/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 April 2004 concerns the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the member States. Article 2 thereof contains the following definition: “For the purposes of this Directive: ...
’Family member’ means: (a) the spouse; (b) the partner with whom the Union citizen has contracted a registered partnership, on the basis of the legislation of a member State, if the legislation of the host member State treats registered partnerships as equivalent to marriage in accordance with the conditions laid down in the relevant legislation of the host member State; (c) the direct descendants who are under the age of 21 or are dependants and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b); (d) the dependant direct relative in the ascending line and those of the spouse or partner as defined in point (b); ...”
2. The state of relevant legislation in Council of Europe member States
Currently, six out of forty-seven member States grant same-sex couples equal access to marriage, namely Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.
In addition, the following thirteen member States do not grant same-sex couples access to marriage, but have passed some kind of legislation permitting same-sex couples to register their relationships: Andorra, Austria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. In sum, there are nineteen member States in which same-sex couples either have the possibility to marry or to enter into a registered partnership (see also the overview provided in Burden v. the United Kingdom [GC], no. 13378/05, § 26, ECHR 2008).
In two States, namely Ireland and Liechtenstein, reforms intending to give same-sex couples access to some form of registered partnership are pending or planned. In addition, Croatia has a Law on same-sex civil unions which recognises cohabiting same-sex couples for limited purposes, but does not offer them the possibility of registration.
According to the information available to the Court, the vast majority of the States concerned have introduced the relevant legislation in the last decade.
The legal consequences of registered partnerships vary from being almost equivalent to marriage to giving relatively limited rights. Among the legal consequences of registered partnerships, three main categories can be distinguished: material consequences, parental consequences and other consequences.
Material consequences cover the impact of registered partnerships on different kinds of tax, health insurance, social security payments and pensions. In most of the States concerned, registered partners obtain a status similar to marriage. This also applies to other material consequences, such as regulations on joint property and debt, the application of rules of alimony upon break-up, entitlement to compensation following the wrongful death of the partner and inheritance rights.
With regard to parental consequences, however, the possibilities for registered partners to undergo medically assisted insemination or to foster or adopt children vary greatly from one country to another.
Other consequences include the use of the partner’s surname, the impact on a foreign partner’s ability to obtain a residence permit and citizenship, refusal to testify, next of kin status for medical purposes, the right to succeed to the deceased partner’s tenancy, and lawful organ donation. | train | {
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001-141197 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 17103/10) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Turkish national, Mr Zekeriya Karaman (“the applicant”), on 22 March 2010.
The applicant was represented by Mr O. Isfen, a lawyer practising in Wetter, North Rhine-Westphalia. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H.-J. Behrens, Ministerialrat, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
The applicant alleged under Article 6 § 2 of the Convention that references to his participation in a criminal offence in a judgment rendered against separately prosecuted co-suspects violated his right to be presumed innocent.
On 18 October 2012 the application was communicated to the Government.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the admissibility and merits of the application. The Turkish Government, who had been informed of their right to intervene under Article 36 of the Convention, did not make use of this right.
A. Background to the case
The applicant was born in 1952 and lives in Istanbul. He is the founder of the Turkish TV station Kanal 7 and director of the management board of its operating company Yeni Dünya Iletisim A.S. Kanal 7’s programme contents are broadcast nationwide in Turkey and in Germany through the TV station Kanal 7 Int. The latter is operated by private limited-liability companies established under German law and, since 2001, by Euro 7 Fernseh- und Marketing GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) with the applicant as one of its shareholders. The applicant alternately occupied the position of managing director (Geschäftsführer) or authorised signatory (Prokurist) in such companies.
Since 1998 a specific programme slot in the channel’s broadcasting schedule had been allocated to the non-profit association Deniz Feneri Yardimlasma Dernegi, founded, inter alia, by the Kanal 7 head of human resources who was also a member of the association’s board of directors. During that programme, broadcast in Turkey and in Germany, the association reported on charitable aid projects being run by it and appealed for monetary donations. In 1999 a similar association was founded in Germany under the name of Deniz Feneri Dernegi e.V. (hereinafter “Deniz Feneri”) by G., one of the other shareholders and managing directors or, alternately, authorised signatories of Euro 7 Fernseh- und Marketing GmbH. G. was also appointed chairman of the association and remained in that position until 2006. In its donation appeals on television Deniz Feneri stressed that the funds donated would be used directly and exclusively for charitable purposes and for the funding of social projects.
In 2006 the Frankfurt am Main prosecution authorities (Staatsanwaltschaft) launched investigations against the applicant and several co-suspects, including G., on suspicion of having fraudulently used the majority of funds donated to the associations for commercial purposes and their own benefit.
On 11 March 2008 the preliminary criminal proceedings against the applicant were separated from the investigations against the co-suspects.
In the middle of 2008 criminal investigations based on the same allegations of fraud were also initiated against the applicant in Turkey.
B. The criminal proceedings against the co-suspects
By a judgment, the operative part of which together with a summary of its reasoning was pronounced orally on 17 September 2008 (file no. 5/26 Kls 6350 Js 203391/06 4/08), the Extended Economic Crimes Chamber (Große Strafkammer als Wirtschaftsstrafkammer) of the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court convicted two of the applicant’s co-suspects, G. and T., of aggravated fraud (Betrug in einem besonders schweren Fall) acting as members of a joint criminal enterprise with its leaders in Turkey. Another co-accused, E., was convicted of having aided and abetted the commission of the offence. G. and T. were sentenced to prison sentences of five years and ten months and two years and nine months respectively, while E. was given a suspended prison sentence of one year and ten months. The full judgment, with the complete reasoning, was subsequently delivered in writing between 17 September and the beginning of November 2008.
The Regional Court found it to be established that G. had created and maintained a complex structure for the purpose of concealing the fact that the majority of the donations obtained for charitable purposes as advertised by Deniz Feneri were in reality earmarked and used to finance the entrepreneurial activities of private companies in which G. and the applicant, among others, became shareholders. At G.’s request, T. had contributed to the fraudulent misrepresentation by, inter alia, fabricating minutes of virtual association meetings of Deniz Feneri in order to conceal the unauthorised use of donated funds from the tax authorities. E., for his part, also acting upon instructions from G., had omitted to record the actual use of the donations in the association’s official accounts and had documented them in separate unofficial accounts (Nebenbuchhaltung).
The court’s findings were primarily based on confessions made by T., E. and G. following a plea bargain reached between the court, the prosecution authorities and the defence and also on further evidence obtained in the course of the trial. Whereas G. maintained that he alone had decided how the donated funds would be used without having consulted any contact persons in Turkey, T. and E. testified that G. had been integrated into the hierarchy of a criminal organisation whose leaders were in Turkey and in which the applicant had played a leading role. According to T. and E.’s testimony, G. had to obtain the applicant’s prior approval with respect to all essential decisions relating to the use of donations obtained by the association. The court was therefore satisifed that G. had not been at the top of the criminal organisation’s hierarchy but had received orders from its leaders residing in Turkey.
The judgment’s reasoning is divided into six parts headed by Roman numerals. Part I provides information on the personal background of the accused. Part II contains a description of the circumstances of the case. Part III sets out the type of evidence on which the Regional Court based its establishment of the facts and the court’s assessment of the veracity and credibility of the relevant evidence. Parts IV and V contain the legal assessment of the offences committed by the accused and the determination of their relative guilt and the resulting sentence. Part VI stipulates that the accused are to bear the costs of the proceedings. The judgment refers on several occasions to the role that the heads of the criminal organisation in Turkey played in connection with the use of donated funds for non-charitable purposes. In that context the applicant’s full first and last names are mentioned numerous times in the judgment running to some thirty‑two pages. The most relevant passages of the judgment in parts II to V of its reasoning read as follows: “II. ... It was neither the association’s chairman nor the registered members of the association [Deniz Feneri] who decided on the use of funds obtained on behalf of the association but the accused G. in coordination with and upon the instructions of the separately prosecuted (gesondert Verfolgte) Zekeriya Karaman, ..., ... and ..., ... (pp. 8 to 9) ... The accused G. and the persons in charge of Kanal 7 in Turkey were ... aware that donations collected in the German association’s [Deniz Feneri] name would only partly be used for charitable purposes or social projects. At any rate, since the year 2002 it had been the intention of G. and the separately prosecuted persons behind the scenes (Hinterleute) to also use a large part of the collected funds for economic activities, in particular for the start-up financing of entrepreneurial projects of private-law companies in which G. or the separately prosecuted Zekeriya Karaman, ..., ... and ... became shareholders. (pp. 9 to 10) ... For this reason, the accused G. and the separately prosecuted Zekeriya Karaman instructed the co-accused E. to keep unofficial accounts (Nebenbuchhaltung). (p. 11) ... Every month the contents of the unofficial accounts in Germany were coordinated between G. and ..., ... or Zekeriya Karaman. (p. 12) ... According to the entries in the unofficial accounts a total amount of 4,504,000 euros was handed over to the separately prosecuted Zekeriya Karaman. (p. 15) ... The separately prosecuted Zekeriya Karaman, ..., ..., ... and ... decided on the use of the funds collected by means of donations. In his capacity as director of the management board of Yeni Dunya Iletisim A.S., Zekeriya Karaman was accorded a pre-eminent role in this respect. (p. 15) ... The accused T. was not aware of the exact amount of donated funds that had been used for non-charitable purposes. However he endorsed appeals for further donations while knowing that they were to a large extent going to be used for unauthorised purposes ... Following G.’s arrest in April 2007 he was the contact person of Zekeriya Karaman with respect to all matters related to Deniz Feneri in Germany. The latter provided him with a mobile phone and a prepaid card in view of suspected telephone surveillance. (p. 21) ...
The circumstances of the case (Sachverhalt) have been established (steht fest) on the basis of the confessions made by the accused and further evidence obtained in the course of the trial as set out in the record of the hearing. (p. 22). ... The Chamber did not follow G.’s submissions that he alone had decided on the unauthorised use of donated funds without consulting the persons behind the scenes in Turkey. The accused E. and the accused T. had stated in the course of their confessions during trial and during previous police questioning that G. had been integrated into a hierarchy and had to coordinate all essential decisions with the separately prosecuted Zekeriya Karaman, ... and ..., while Zekeriya Karaman, in his capacity as director of the management board of Yeni Dunya Iletisim A.S., played a pre-eminent role. (p. 23) Such integration into a structure controlled from Turkey, as described by the two co‑accused, is sufficiently proved by the implementation of an unofficial accounting system, a parallel structure to the television station and the association Deniz Feneri in Germany and Turkey for the collection of donations, the shareholding in the companies funded by donations, and the fact that cash withdrawals had been handed over at the premises of Kanal 7 in Turkey. By assuming sole responsibility for the donation appeals and the unauthorised use of the donated funds, the accused G. apparently tried to protect the persons behind him in Turkey from criminal prosecution in Germany and/or Turkey. (p. 23) ...
... The accused T. is guilty of fraud committed in his capacity as successive joint offender (in sukzessiver Mittäterschaft) pursuant to Articles 263 and 25 § 2 of the German Criminal Code. Not only did T. want to support the actions of others but he also wanted to participate in a joint operation (gemeinschaftliche Tätigkeit) together with G. and the persons behind the scenes in Turkey. (p. 25) ...
... Furthermore, it had to be considered in [G.’s] favour that he was not positioned at the top of the hierarchy which organised the fraud (Spitze der Organisation des Betrugs) but received instructions from the persons behind the scenes in Turkey. He could not decide alone on the unauthorised use of the donated funds but only develop ideas that ultimately had to be approved by the persons behind the scenes in Turkey. He was an executing organ rather than a decision maker (mehr ausführendes als bestimmendes Organ). (p. 28) ... [T.’s] confession was not limited to his own participation in the commission of the offence. He also revealed his knowledge regarding the background and in particular concerning the persons behind the scenes. His knowledge was limited since G. and the persons behind him deliberately granted him only a restricted insight. In the hierarchy he was placed far below G. and the responsible persons in Turkey. (p. 29) ... By keeping unofficial accounts [E.] made a significant contribution to the functioning of the overall system. The fact that he was not only requested by G. but also directly by the separately prosecuted Karaman to keep off the recorded accounts demonstrates the importance of such unofficial accounting. (p. 30) ... The persons behind the scenes in Turkey had previously attempted to prevent [E.] from testifying before the investigative authorities by establishing contact with his first counsel and members of his family.” (p. 31) 15. According to an article published by the German newspaper Frankfurter Rundschau on the Internet on 18 September 2008, the Acting President of the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court’s Extended Economic Crimes Chamber had stated, when delivering the judgment, that the donated funds had been used by the persons behind the scenes for a mixture of their own economic and political purposes even though part of the money had indeed been spent on aid projects. The same newspaper had reported in an article published on the Internet on 15 September 2008 that the prosecution authorities (Staatsanwaltschaft) had referred to the applicant as the “main perpetrator and leader (führender Kopf) of the whole organisation”. Similar quotations were published in several Turkish newspapers on 17 and 18 September 2008. For instance, according to an article published in the Turkish newspaper Hürriyet on 18 September 2008, the presiding judge had declared when delivering the judgment, that “strings were pulled at the level of Kanal 7. G. and T. acted in accordance with instructions they had received from Kanal 7, in particular from Zekyria Karaman, ..., ... and ... The main persons in charge were located in Turkey.” 16. The judgment was published on the Regional Court’s website on 25 November 2008. In the judgment’s Internet version the names of the accused and separately prosecuted were replaced by letters and the names of the companies involved by numbers. The introductory comments to the Internet publication included a paragraph stating that the judgment had become final and was binding only on the three convicted persons. It was specified that references and findings in the judgment with respect to the actions of other persons, in particular those separately prosecuted, were not binding in relation to those persons and that the latter still benefited from the presumption of innocence. The text of the judgment itself does not contain a similar specification. 17. The judgment became final on 13 November 2008.
C. The applicant’s constitutional complaint
By written submissions dated 16 December 2008 the applicant lodged a complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court. He argued that the references in the reasoning of the Regional Court’s judgment of 17 September 2008 to his role in the fraudulent use of the donated funds had violated the principle of the presumption of innocence, which constituted one aspect of the constitutionally guaranteed right to a fair trial taken in conjunction with the principle of the rule of law.
By a decision of 3 September 2009, served on the applicant on 25 September 2009, the Federal Constitutional Court dismissed the complaint as inadmissible (file no. 2 BvR 2540/08).
The Constitutional Court found that while defendants were not categorically prevented from challenging a judgment delivered in proceedings conducted against third persons, an applicant who had not been party to the proceedings did have to be able to claim that his or her legitimate interests were directly affected by the impugned decision and not only in an indirect de facto manner. The Constitutional Court reiterated its established case-law according to which, by virtue of the constitutionally guaranteed principle of the presumption of innocence, no measures effectively amounting to a penalty could be taken against an accused without his guilt having been established beforehand in the course of a fair trial. Furthermore, that finding of guilt had to become final before it could be held against the person concerned. However, in the context of criminal proceedings the presumption of innocence did not prevent the law-enforcement authorities from making an assessment as to whether and to what degree a person could be suspected of having committed a criminal offence.
Turning to the circumstances of the case at hand, the Constitutional Court pointed out that the presumption of innocence did not protect the applicant ab initio from any factual impact of statements made in a judgment rendered in criminal proceedings against third persons with respect to his own involvement in the commission of the offence. That judgment did not constitute a decision that required the determination of the applicant’s guilt or exposed him to disadvantages amounting to a conviction or sentence. Statements made in criminal proceedings against third persons did not have a binding effect on the courts or the prosecution authorities, whether with respect to preliminary proceedings pending against an applicant or in relation to any other court or administrative proceedings to which an applicant might possibly become a party in the future. The applicant could not be regarded as guilty on the basis of that judgment and was still protected by the principle of the presumption of innocence. The fact that the establishment of the facts by the Regional Court not only concerned the accused, who were convicted at the end of the proceedings, but also the applicant was an inevitable consequence of the fact that in complex criminal proceedings it was hardly ever possible to conduct and terminate the proceedings against all the accused simultaneously.
D. Subsequent developments
A request for legal assistance was sent to the Turkish authorities on 20 January 2009 with a view to obtaining the applicant’s examination in Turkey. No information was submitted to the Court as regards compliance with that request.
On 20 August 2009 the Frankfurt am Main prosecution authorities brought charges against the applicant and three co-accused in connection with the events in issue. It further appears that on 9 April 2012 the Ankara General Prosecutor’s Office brought similar charges against the applicant and that his trial in Turkey commenced on 16 January 2013. According to the Government’s submissions, the Frankfurt am Main Regional Court, by an order dated 19 August 2013, opened the main hearing in the proceedings against the applicant. These are apparently still pending. | train | {
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001-57571 | [] | PROCEDURE
The present case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) and by the Government of the Swiss Confederation (“the Government“) on 14 March and 22 April 1985 respectively, within the three-month period provided for in Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 (art. 32-1, art. 47) of the Convention. The case originated in an application (no. 9862/82) against Switzerland lodged with the Commission on 10 May 1982 by an Argentine national, Mr. Leandro Sanchez-Reisse, under Article 25 (art. 25). The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Switzerland recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46), while the Government’s application referred to Articles 45, 47 and 48 (art. 45, art. 47, art. 48). The purpose of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4).
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of the Rules of Court, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings pending before the Court and appointed the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30).
The Chamber of seven judges to be constituted included, as ex officio members, Mrs. D. Bindschedler-Robert, the elected judge of Swiss nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr. G. Wiarda, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 3 (b)). On 27 March 1985, the latter drew by lot, in the presence of the Registrar, the names of the five other members, namely Mr. D. Evrigenis, Mr. G. Lagergren, Mr. J. Pinheiro Farinha, Mr. C. Russo and Mr. R. Bernhardt (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 4) (art. 43).
In his capacity as President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 5), Mr. Wiarda consulted, through the Registrar, the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant’s representative as to the need for a written procedure (Rule 37 para. 1). On 6 May 1985, he directed that the said Agent and representative should have until 6 August 1985 to file memorials to which the Delegate could reply within two months of the date on which the Registrar had transmitted to him the last memorial received. The Government’s memorial was received at the registry on 5 August. In a letter dated 8 August, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse’s representative stated that he would submit his comments at the hearings. On 14 October, the Secretary to the Commission informed the Registrar that the same would apply as regards the Delegate’s observations.
After consulting, through the Registrar, the Agent of the Government, the Delegate of the Commission and the applicant’s representative, the President of the Court directed on 21 October 1985 that the oral proceedings should open on 24 January 1986.
As Mr. Wiarda and Mr. R. Ryssdal, who was elected President of the Court on 30 May 1985, were unable to attend, Mr. W. Ganshof van der Meersch, the Vice-President of the Court, acted as President (Rules 9 and 21 para. 5). Subsequently, Mr. Evrigenis was unable to take part in the consideration of the case and was replaced by Mr. B. Walsh, substitute judge (Rule 22 para. 1).
The hearings were held in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on the appointed day. Immediately before they opened, the Court had held a preparatory meeting. There appeared before the Court:
for the Government Mr. O. Jacot-Guillarmod, Head of the International Affairs Department of the Federal Justice Office, Agent, Mr. P. Schmid, Deputy Director of the Federal Police Office, Mr. B. Münger, Federal Justice Office, Counsel;
for the Commission Mr. J.-C. Soyer, Delegate;
for the applicant Mr. P. Gully-Hart, avocat, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr. Jacot-Guillarmod for the Government, by Mr. Soyer for the Commission and by Mr. Gully-Hart for the applicant, as well as their replies to its questions.
At the hearing the Agent of the Government handed to the Registrar the Government’s observations on the application of Article 50 (art. 50) of the Convention. On 18 February 1986, the President of the Chamber asked the applicant’s counsel to submit his own observations, which were received at the registry on 3 April. On 24 April, the Deputy Secretary to the Commission communicated to the Registrar the Delegate’s comments on those observations.
Mr. Leandro Sanchez-Reisse, an Argentine businessman born in Buenos Aires in 1946, had for some years been resident with his wife and their two children in the United States (Florida). He was arrested in Switzerland with a view to being extradited but objected to his extradition and applied for provisional release, as described below.
A. Extradition proceedings
1. The applicant’s arrest
On instructions from the Federal Police Office (“the Office“), the Vaud cantonal police arrested the applicant in Lausanne during the night of 12/13 March 1981 and immediately transferred him to Champ-Dollon prison in Geneva. The authorities of the Argentine Republic had sent radio-telegrams to the authorities of the Swiss Confederation on 10 and 11 March asking for help in identifying the five persons thought to be responsible for kidnapping a Uruguayan banker, K, in Buenos Aires on 19 February. The kidnappers had demanded a ransom and had required K’s wife and sister to go first to Paris, then to Zürich - where the money was placed by them in an account opened in their name with the Crédit Suisse - and then to Geneva.
2. Extradition requests from the Argentine authorities
(a) First request 11. In a radio-telegram dated 13 March 1981, Interpol Buenos Aires requested the provisional arrest of the suspects with a view to extradition. On 16 March, the Office accordingly issued a warrant for Mr. Sanchez-Reisse’s arrest, and this was served on him on 18 March 1981. 12. On 16 and 17 March, the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Bern confirmed Interpol’s request for the arrest of the five Argentine nationals. In “notes verbales“ dated 6 April, 29 April and 4 May, it produced various supporting documents. Together, these notes and documents constituted a formal extradition request. 13. In a letter of 13 May 1981, the Office forwarded the documents received to the Geneva authorities, for consideration at the hearing of the applicant. Copies were sent to the latter’s lawyer and to the Public Prosecutor of the Canton of Geneva (“the Public Prosecutor“). On 18 May, the Public Prosecutor suggested that the Office officially inform the Argentine authorities of offences of receiving stolen goods which Mr. Sanchez-Reisse was charged with having committed in Switzerland, but he pointed out that they had not given rise to any penalties in that country. He refused to institute proceedings in Geneva, and on 6 August the Indictments Chamber of the Canton decided that there were no grounds for opening an investigation there. 14. At the hearing held in the meantime, which was attended by his lawyer, the applicant had indicated his refusal to be extradited. In a letter of 19 June, the Office gave the lawyer until 17 August 1981 to state the reasons for his client’s objections. It extended this time-limit to 17 September and subsequently to 1 October. (b) Second request 15. In the meantime, on 26 May 1981, the Embassy of the Argentine Republic submitted letters rogatory to the Office concerning the kidnapping of an Argentine financier, C, in Buenos Aires on 8 May 1979, for which the same group of persons was thought to have been responsible. The letters rogatory were executed in Geneva on 18 June 1981. By “notes verbales“ dated 8, 10 and 13 July, the Embassy formally submitted a second request for the extradition of Mr. Sanchez-Reisse, among others. 16. On 11 August, the Office instructed the Geneva cantonal authorities to hold a second hearing on the applicant’s extradition, this time on the basis of the documents relating to the kidnapping of C. At the hearing the applicant continued to resist extradition.
3. The applicant’s objection to his extradition
On 25 September 1981, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse’s lawyer sent the Office a memorandum setting out the reasons for the applicant’s objection to being extradited (see paragraph 14 above). The reasons included the following: the documents submitted in support of the extradition request did not satisfy the formal requirements laid down in the Convention on the Extradition of Criminals between Switzerland and the Republic of Argentina (see paragraph 32 below), since they contained no description of the offences with which the applicant was charged; as regards the two kidnappings of which he was accused by the Argentine authorities, which were moreover of a political character, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse was innocent; if extradition was granted, it would be contrary to Articles 3 and 6 (art. 3, art. 6) of the European Convention on Human Rights, as it would expose the applicant to inhuman treatment and he would have no guarantee of a fair trial.
4. The Federal Court’s judgment
On 3 November 1982, the Federal Court (1st Public-Law Division) accepted Mr. Sanchez-Reisse’s objection and accordingly decided not to authorise his extradition. It was of the opinion that “the overall circumstances [gave it] serious reason to fear that the treatment which might be accorded to the objectors by the requesting State, either before judgment or during the enforcement of sentence, would violate the rules governing respect for human rights“. The Court further decided that the offences mentioned in the extradition request should, with one exception, be the subject of a prosecution and trial by the appropriate Geneva cantonal authorities, pursuant to Article IX, first paragraph, of the Convention on Extradition. Lastly, it directed that the applicant be kept in detention with a view to extradition until the Geneva authorities had ruled on his detention on remand in the criminal proceedings that were to be instituted.
5. The criminal proceedings instituted against the applicant in Switzerland
On the following day, the Public Prosecutor ordered that a criminal investigation be opened against Mr. Sanchez-Reisse and the investigating judge preferred charges of, inter alia, attempted extortion against him. As a result, the detention with a view to extradition was transformed into detention on remand.
On 9 December 1982, the Indictments Chamber of the Federal Court instructed the Zürich cantonal authorities to prosecute the applicant and bring him to trial. On 25 April 1983, the applicant admitted the charges of attempted extortion and blackmail in the K case (see paragraph 10 above). On 29 November 1983, the Supreme Court of the Canton of Zürich (1st Criminal Chamber) sentenced him on these charges to imprisonment for four years and nine months, subject to deduction of the 393 days he had spent in detention on remand.
Having been put under a regime of semi-liberty, the applicant absconded in November 1985. During his detention with a view to extradition, he had on three occasions applied for release.
B. Requests for provisional release
1. First request
On 9 November 1981, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse and his wife, who had been arrested at the same time and for the same reasons as he had, had requested the Office to order their provisional release. On 25 November, the Office accepted the request submitted by Mrs. Sanchez-Reisse on payment of a surety of 100,000 SF. In order to facilitate his wife’s release, the applicant had withdrawn his own request.
2. Second request
On 25 January 1982, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse made a fresh request to the Office, arguing: that for almost a year he had been detained with a view to his extradition, whereas he had objected to the latter measure; that he was not guilty of the offences with which he was charged by the Argentine authorities; that the evidence submitted by them was manifestly inadequate; and that his state of health had seriously worsened as a result of his detention.
On 2 February 1982, the Office informed the applicant’s lawyer that it had decided not to grant the request, which would consequently be passed to the Federal Court (see paragraph 34 below). It considered, in the light of information provided by the medical service of Champ-Dollon prison, that the medical supervision and psychiatric treatment being undergone by the applicant were compatible with his remaining in custody. It drafted a 19-page report for the Federal Court on the five Argentinians suspected of the kidnapping of K, together with an aide-mémoire.
On 15 February 1982, the Office forwarded the request for release to the Federal Court, together with the two documents referred to above, “so that a decision could be given by a court in accordance with Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) of the European Convention on Human Rights“. At the same time it expressed a negative opinion on the request since release did not seem to it to be “required by the circumstances“, within the meaning of section 25 of the Federal Act of 22 January 1892 on Extradition to Foreign States (see paragraph 34 below).
On 25 February 1982, the Federal Court rejected the request. Mr. Sanchez-Reisse was notified of the operative provisions of the decision on the following day and of the reasons therefor on 3 March. The Federal Court took several factors into consideration: the extradition request submitted by the Argentine authorities concerned not only the kidnapping of the Uruguayan banker K but also that of the Argentine financier C, and the possibility that the applicant had been involved in one of these cases could not be ruled out; there was a real risk that he might abscond since he resided in the United States and not in his country of origin; he had not shown that he was unfit to undergo detention and, furthermore, he could obtain the assistance of a doctor in case of need.
In the meantime, on 18 February, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse had written to the Presidents of the Geneva Courts and to the Public Prosecutor requesting immediate release. On 23 February, a President of the Geneva Indictments Chamber said that it was for the Federal Court to give a ruling on requests for release submitted by a person who was detained with a view to extradition. On 9 March 1982, the applicant’s lawyer replied that the proceedings in the Federal Court were entirely in writing and that the Court had taken a month to reach a decision. The requirements of Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) had not been complied with: in particular, the detainee had not appeared in person and a decision had not been rendered speedily. The lawyer therefore confirmed the request for release and asked the Cantonal Court to give an interpretation of the provision in question. In a letter dated 15 March 1982, the three presiding judges of the Geneva Indictments Chamber stated that it was not competent to deal with the applicant’s release as he had been detained with a view to extradition under a Federal arrest warrant.
3. Third request
On 21 May 1982, Mr. Sanchez-Reisse submitted a further request for release to the Office; he claimed that release was justified because of his deteriorating health and he supplied two medical certificates. Although the first of these, dated 18 March, stated that he could still be cared for by the prison authorities, the second, dated 18 May, reported progressive deterioration: “The lack of a frame of reference in [the applicant’s] current surroundings is conducive to the development of his paranoid ideas and problems in evaluating reality.“
The request was received by the Office on Monday, 24 May. It had just finished investigating the extradition request and therefore passed the complete file to the Federal Court on that same day. It did not enclose any opinion, but on 2 June 1982 the Court requested it to submit one within ten days.
The President of the 1st Public-Law Division also informed the applicant’s lawyer that the Office had been asked for information about the request for release.
On 6 July 1982, the Federal Court rejected the request, as the Office had recommended in an opinion of 9 June: the Court took the view that Mr. Sanchez-Reisse had provided no new material important enough to warrant making a decision different from that of 25 February 1982 (see paragraph 26 above). This decision was notified on 9 July.
The procedure for extradition between Switzerland and Argentina is governed in the first instance by a bilateral treaty and, subsidiarily, by municipal law. The Convention on the Extradition of Criminals between Switzerland and the Republic of Argentina, signed on 21 November 1906, has been binding on both countries since 1912. It lays down the formal and substantive conditions applying to extradition between the two countries but does not, either expressly or tacitly, deal with the methods to be used by the courts for supervising detention with a view to extradition. It is therefore Swiss law which applies on this point. At the time of the facts in question and until 31 December 1982, the instrument applicable was an Act of 1892.
1. The Federal Act of 22 January 1892 on Extradition to Foreign States
The Federal Act of 22 January 1892 on Extradition to Foreign States (“the 1892 Act“) instituted a sharing of powers in the field in question between the Federal Council (Central Government) (which, for obvious practical reasons, had delegated its powers to the Federal Police Office) and the Federal Court, the only judicial authority in Switzerland with jurisdiction in extradition matters. (a) The Federal Police Office
It was to the Office that requests for provisional arrest with a view to extradition and formal extradition requests were addressed. The Office corresponded directly with the accredited diplomatic missions in Bern - without necessarily going through the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs - and with the Secretariat General and the national central offices of Interpol. It decided whether there was a case for arresting the wanted person and, if so, served on that person a “warrant for arrest with a view to extradition“, which was immediately enforceable throughout Swiss territory. Once the person had been arrested, it was the Office which conducted the proceedings. It ordered that he be heard by the appropriate cantonal authorities on the extradition request, appointed counsel to represent him if necessary, corresponded with the lawyers involved and informed them of the time-limits to be observed, checked the detainee’s mail and granted or refused him the right to be visited, authorisation to make telephone calls, and so on. Above all, it was the Office itself which, in most cases, ruled on extradition requests and requests for provisional release. The former power (to rule on extradition requests) was conferred by section 22 of the 1892 Act and was exercisable where “the arrested individual [had] indicated his consent to his being handed over without delay and ... there [was] no legal impediment to his extradition, or ... he [had] opposed it only on grounds not based on [the 1892] Act, on the Treaty or a declaration of reciprocity ...“. The second power (to rule on requests for provisional release) was conferred by section 25, second paragraph, and was exercisable in all cases where the matter had not been referred to the Federal Court. The Office could grant release if this appeared to be required by the circumstances (section 25, first paragraph). Furthermore, whenever the Federal Court was to give a ruling, the Office carried out the requisite investigations. If the Court refused to authorise extradition, the Office was bound by that decision. On the other hand, if the Court authorised extradition, the Office could still, for important reasons of political expediency, refuse to extradite the person concerned. Lastly, it was for the Office to give instructions for the handing over of the person extradited, arrange the practical details and inform the foreign State of the action taken on its request. (b) The Federal Court
The Federal Court was involved in extradition proceedings in two sets of circumstances. If the arrested person protested against the extradition itself by raising an objection based on the Act, a treaty or a declaration of reciprocity (section 23), the Federal Court was competent to rule on the merits of the extradition (section 24), if necessary after ordering additional investigations (section 23, second paragraph) and the personal appearance of the detainee (section 23, third paragraph). In the latter event - which was very rare -, the hearing took place in public, unless there were serious reasons to the contrary (section 23, third paragraph), and the detainee could be assisted by a lawyer, assigned by the court if need be. Where the case had been referred to it (section 25, second paragraph), i.e. if an objection related to the extradition itself, the Federal Court was also responsible for ruling on any request for provisional release lodged by the person who was detained with a view to extradition. It could authorise his release if it appeared that the circumstances so required (section 25, first paragraph).
Exchange of letters in 1976-77 between the Federal Department of Justice and Police and the Federal Court
In a report to the Federal Assembly in 1968, the Swiss Government drew attention to a number of shortcomings in the 1892 Act from the point of view of the European Convention on Human Rights which it was contemplating ratifying: “Persons provisionally arrested on the orders of the Federal Department of Justice and Police, in compliance with the wishes of the requesting State, have no right of appeal to a court against the decision to arrest them. The Federal Act on Extradition to Foreign States is, however, being revised, and it is planned to take this opportunity to provide for an appeal to a court against arrests, in accordance with Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) of the Convention.“ (Federal Bulletin, 1968, vol. II, pp. 1102-1103)
The Confederation ratified the Convention on 28 November 1974. Although declared inadmissible by the Commission on 6 October 1976 (Decisions and Reports no. 6, pp. 141-155), the Lynas v. Switzerland application (no. 7317/75) revealed that the extradition law fell short of the requirements of Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4). The Government considered that, pending the entry into force of a new Federal Act on international mutual assistance in criminal matters, it should adopt a solution that would meet any difficulty encountered. Taking as its basis the fact that Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) was directly applicable in Switzerland, the Federal Department of Justice and Police took the initiative of exchanging views with the Federal Court. By an exchange of (unpublished) letters dated 27 December 1976, 28 January 1977, 29 April 1977 and 9 May 1977, the two institutions agreed to interpret sections 22 to 25 of the Act, in particular the second paragraph of section 25, in such a way as to establish the general and exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Court (1) to rule on any objection lodged against arrest with a view to extradition (from then on this legal remedy was expressly mentioned on the back of the arrest warrant, receipt of which had to be acknowledged in writing by the person concerned), and (2) to rule on any request for provisional release, even when, by reason of the absence of any objection to the request for extradition, the Federal Court had no jurisdiction over the merits of the matter.
The transitional arrangements introduced as a result of the exchange of letters were enshrined in the Federal Act of 20 March 1981 on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters (“the 1981 Act“), which came into force on 1 January 1983, that is after the conclusion of the proceedings at issue in the present case. The Indictments Chamber of the Federal Court rules not only on appeals against warrants for arrest with a view to extradition (section 48, second paragraph, taken in conjunction with section 47, first paragraph) but also on appeals against any decision by the Office refusing provisional release (section 50, fourth paragraph; judgment of 8 April 1983, Collection of Judgments of the Swiss Federal Court, vol. 109, part IV, p. 60). As regards extradition itself, the Office is now competent to rule at first instance (section 55, first paragraph). If, however, the person concerned claims that he “is being proceeded against because of a political offence“ or if “the investigation gives serious grounds for thinking that the offence is of a political character“, the decision rests with the Federal Court (section 55, second paragraph). The Office’s decision can be challenged in the Federal Court by way of an administrative-law appeal (section 55, third paragraph). PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION
Mr. Sanchez-Reisse lodged his application (no. 9862/82) with the Commission on 10 May 1982. He claimed that the procedure adopted by the Federal Court for considering his requests for release was in breach of Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) of the Convention.
The Commission declared the application admissible on 18 November 1983. In its report adopted on 13 December 1984 (Article 31) (art. 31), the Commission expressed the unanimous opinion that there had been a breach of Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4), since the requirements of procedure and speed laid down therein had not been complied with in the proceedings in question. The full text of the Commission’s opinion and of the separate opinion contained in the report is reproduced as an annex to the present judgment. FINAL SUBMISSIONS MADE TO THE COURT
At the hearing on 24 January 1986, the applicant’s lawyer and the Commission’s Delegate asked the Court to hold that there had been a breach of Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) of the Convention. The Agent of the Government reiterated the final submission in his memorial of 5 August 1985, in which he requested “the Court to rule that in the present case Article 5 para. 4 (art. 5-4) of the Convention was not violated, either as concerns the procedure applied or as concerns the requirement of ‘speedy decision’“. | train | {
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001-60939 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 36378/97) against the French Republic lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a French national, Mr Rémi Bertuzzi (“the applicant”), on 10 February 1997.
The applicant, who was granted legal aid, was represented before the Court by Ms C. Boye, of the Nancy Bar. The French Government (“the Government”) were represented by Mrs M. Dubrocard, Head of the Human Rights Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged, in particular, a violation of Article 6 §§ 1 and 3 of the Convention in that he had been unable to obtain legal representation under the legal-aid scheme to bring proceedings against a lawyer.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
It was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber which would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Second Section (Rule 52 § 1).
By a decision of 16 April 2002 the Chamber declared the application partly admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed written observations on the merits of the case (Rule 59 § 1).
The applicant, Mr Rémi Bertuzzi, was born in 1951 and lives in Saint-Laurent (département of Vosges).
He applied to the Metz tribunal de grande instance for legal aid to bring an action in damages against Mr T., a lawyer, for failing to represent him properly in court proceedings. He was granted full legal aid on 1 June 1995.
Three lawyers were assigned in turn by the president of the bar council to represent the applicant under the legal-aid scheme, but they applied for permission to withdraw from the case, owing to personal links with the lawyer the applicant wished to sue. The last of them withdrew from the case in late October or early November 1995.
On 23 November 1995 the applicant asked the president of the legal-aid office to assign a fourth lawyer. On 27 November 1995 he made a like request to the president of the bar council. The registry of the legal-aid office forwarded the applicant's letter to a lawyer who had been delegated by the bar council to the legal-aid office.
On 12 December 1995 that lawyer wrote to the president of the bar council in Metz to request the appointment of a fourth lawyer. The latter took no immediate action on the request, other than to seek information about the nature of the applicant's case, which he was given.
In the absence of a reply, the applicant wrote to the Minister of Justice on 14 June 1996. All he received in reply was a letter which arrived on 21 June 1996 informing him that his request had been transferred to the Director of the Civil Affairs Department. The applicant pointed this out in a letter to the minister dated 23 November 1996.
In March 1997 the applicant received a reply from the president of the bar council informing him that the grant of legal aid dated 1 June 1995 had lapsed. Consequently, he was advised to make a fresh application if he wished to pursue his claim against Mr T. The applicant did not reply to that letter. | train | {
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001-179422 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 30614/15) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Venezuelan and Colombian national, Mr Andrés López Elorza (“the applicant”), on 11 August 2015.
The applicant, who had initially been granted legal aid and on 10 March 2016 waived his right to receive the referred legal aid, was represented by Mr J.L. Mazón Costa, a lawyer practising in Murcia. The Spanish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr R.A. León Cavero, State Attorney.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that his extradition to the United States of America would expose him to a risk of treatment contrary to Article 3 of the Convention.
On 2 July 2015 the Court indicated under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court that the applicant should not be extradited to the United States until 1 August 2015 and requested the Government to provide the Court with more information as regards the applicant’s extradition. It was also decided to grant this case priority under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court. On 31 July 2015 the Court decided to prolong the referred interim measure for the duration of the proceedings before the Court.
On 12 November 2015 the above complaint was communicated to the Government and the remainder of the application was declared inadmissible pursuant to Rule 54 § 3 of the Rules of Court.
On 15 March 2016 the parties were informed that the examination of the case was suspended, pending the outcome of the proceedings in the case Harkins v. United Kingdom (dec.) [GC], no. 71537/14. On 10 July 2017 the Grand Chamber of the Court declared that case inadmissible.
The Chamber decided, after examining the request of the applicant, that there is no need to relinquish jurisdiction in favour of the Grand Chamber under Rule 72 of the Rules of Court.
The applicant was born in 1982 in Venezuela and is currently detained in Valdemoro Prison.
A. Extradition proceedings
The applicant has been living in Spain with his family since 2003.
In an indictment filed on 15 November 2005 in the United States (hereinafter, “the US”) District Court for the Eastern District of New York, the applicant was charged with one count of conspiracy to import one or more kilograms of heroin, a Schedule I controlled substance, into the United States in violation of Title 21, United States Code, sections 952(a), 960(a)(1), 960(b)(1)(A), and 963, and Title 18, United States Code, sections 3551 et seq. (Count Four); and one count of conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute one or more kilograms of heroin, a Schedule I controlled substance, in violation of Title 21, United States Code, sections 841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(A)(I), and 846, and Title 18, United States Code, sections 3551 et seq. (Count Five). Each of those offences carried a possible maximum term of life imprisonment.
By diplomatic note of 6 December 2013, the US authorities transmitted a request to the Spanish authorities for the applicant’s provisional arrest with a view to his extradition.
On 13 December 2013 the applicant was arrested in Lugo by the Spanish police. The Central Court of Investigation No. 4 (Juzgado Central de Instrucción) initiated extradition proceedings on the same day and ordered his provisional release. The extradition request was then allocated to the Criminal Section of the Audiencia Nacional.
On 31 March 2014 the Public Prosecutor’s Office agreed to the applicant’s extradition.
On 1 October 2014 the Audiencia Nacional granted the extradition request on condition that the US authorities provided a guarantee that any life sentence that was handed down would not be irreducible. The applicant lodged an appeal against that decision.
On 3 November 2014 the ruling was upheld by the Plenary of the Criminal Section of the Audiencia Nacional. The applicant subsequently lodged a plea of nullity (incidente de nulidad de actuaciones) against that decision. On 19 December 2014 the Plenary of the Criminal Section of the Audiencia Nacional ruled against the applicant, arguing that the object and purpose of annulment proceedings was not to serve as a second appeal instance against an extradition decision, but to correct possible violations of a fundamental right committed in a decision which was not subject to appeal.
On 3 December 2014 the U.S. Embassy issued a note verbale, which provided the following answer: “The United States notes that the bilateral extradition treaty between the United States and Spain does not provide a basis for conditioning extraditions on assurances relating to life sentences. While the United States is not, therefore, obligated to provide the assurance requested, in consideration of the request of the Spanish Court and given the intentions of the U.S. prosecutor, the United States is prepared in this particular case to inform the Government of Spain as follows: Should LOPEZ ELORZA be convicted of either of the charges in the indictment filed on 15 November 2005 for which extradition is sought, he will not be subject to an unalterable sentence of life imprisonment because, if a life sentence is imposed, he may seek review of his sentence on appeal and he may subsequently seek relief from his sentence in the form of a petition for a pardon or commutation to a lesser sentence ...”
On 19 January 2015 the note verbale was communicated to the interested parties. On 23 January 2015 the Public Prosecutor submitted a report stating that the guarantees provided by the United States were adequate and that consequently extradition should be granted.
On 24 February 2015 the Audiencia Nacional issued a decision (providencia) assessing the US guarantees, deeming them to be “sufficient”.
The applicant brought two súplica appeals against that decision, the first of which was lodged on 28 February 2015. The applicant argued that the decision of 24 February 2015 should be declared null and void since the matter should have been addressed through an auto, instead of a providencia. Secondly, the applicant contested the argument that the US Government had provided sufficient guarantees, stating that they were identical to the ones that had already been analysed by the Court in the case of Trabelsi v. Belgium (no. 140/10, ECHR 2014 (extracts)) and found to be in violation of Article 3 (inter alia). The second súplica appeal was lodged on 2 March 2015 and included three different requests. First, he requested that the decision on whether the US guarantees were sufficient be addressed and dealt with by the Plenary of the Audiencia Nacional. He also sought the recusal of three judges who were members of the bench which had initially issued the decision of 24 February 2015. Lastly, he lodged an application for the general recusal of all the judges of the Audiencia Nacional who “had been invited by the United States of America on holiday trips” which had been paid for by that country.
On 25 March 2015 the Audiencia Nacional issued a decision stating the following: “FIRST - We will examine in the first place the plea for a referral to the Plenary formation of this Court of the decision about the sufficiency of the assurances given by the U.S. Government concerning the possibility for two life sentences to be imposed on the extradited person. This Chamber, given that the President of this Court has duly empowered it to decide about this matter, considers that the referral is not necessary as the assurances given are correct and sufficient, and furthermore show compliance with the ECtHR case-law in the Trabelsi vs Belgium case referred to by the appellant .... Therefore, if the assurances given by the U.S. Government are the following: “Should LOPEZ ELORZA be convicted of either of the charges in the indictment filed on 15 November 2005, he will not be subject to an unalterable sentence of life imprisonment, he may seek review of his sentence on appeal and he may subsequently seek relief from his sentence in the form of a petition for a pardon or commutation to a lesser sentence;” we can conclude that the warranty expresses the actual existing legal means for the revision of a sentence of life imprisonment in a way that shows that this punishment is not irreducible during the whole life-span of the person, complying with what the ECtHR has requested in order to consider that there has been no violation of Article 3 of the Convention. That is why there is no need to refer a decision on this matter to the Plenary formation of this Court.”
Additionally, the Audiencia Nacional agreed on opening a procedure aimed at addressing the issue of the recusals requested by the applicant through a full report, at the same time ordering the suspension of the extradition proceedings until the recusal proceedings had been terminated.
On 12 May 2015 the Audiencia Nacional issued a decision (acuerdo gubernativo) dismissing the applicant’s request.
On 25 May 2015 the Audiencia Nacional ordered the applicant’s provisional detention (auto). The applicant lodged another súplica appeal against that decision and requested that the extradition proceedings be suspended on the grounds that no decision had been taken on the issues complained of in the first súplica appeal of 28 February 2015.
In a decision of 28 May 2015 the Audiencia Nacional rejected the applicant’s request to stay the extradition proceedings, finding that the complaints contained in the first súplica appeal had already been dealt with in the decision of 25 March 2015.
On 1 June 2015 the applicant lodged another súplica appeal against the decisions of 25 May 2015 and 28 May 2015, contesting the reasoning as regards his request to stay the extradition proceedings and emphasising that no decision had been taken on the issues complained of in the first súplica appeal of 28 February 2015.
On 3 June 2015 the Audiencia Nacional issued a new decision dismissing the súplica appeals lodged by the applicant and confirming the decision on the applicant’s imprisonment pending extradition to the United States. In particular, the decision stated the following: “The applicant considers that his súplica appeal lodged against the decision of 24 February 2015 has not been answered ... . This Court refers at this point to what was already established in its decision of 25 March 2015 ... . Nevertheless, in order to clarify any doubts that the applicant might have concerning whether or not he has received an answer to his súplica appeal, we [the Court] will resolve here the issued raised in that appeal. ... The guarantees provided have been considered sufficient for the Court. Consequently, regardless of the judgment mentioned by the applicant, we consider that they comply with the requirements established in the ECtHR’s judgment Hutchinson v. United Kingdom [(no. 57592/08, 3 February 2015)], as well as the judgment of 13 November 2014 [Bodein v. France, no. 40014/10, 13 November 2014)], lodged by a French citizen... Taking into consideration the above-mentioned reasoning, the Court Decides to dismiss the súplica appeals referred to in the present ruling, maintaining the order of imprisonment for Andrés López Elorza, in view of his extradition to the United States of America”.
On 19 June 2015 the applicant was detained for the purposes of being extradited to the United States.
On 22 June 2015 the applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court against the extradition decision. He asked for interim measures, requesting the Constitutional Court to order a stay of the extradition while the case was still pending. He contended, inter alia, that the assurances provided by the US authorities did not fulfil the criteria for assessing the reducibility of a life sentence and that the extradition would amount to a violation of his right not to be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
On 1 July 2015 the Constitutional Court issued a decision declaring the amparo appeal and the request for interim measures inadmissible. In particular, it found that the part of the amparo appeal concerning the validity of the assurances given by the US authorities and about a possible violation of the applicant’s right not to be subjected to inhuman or degrading treatment had been lodged too late as the alleged violations stemmed from the decision of 25 March 2015, thus the 30-day time‑limit established in section 44(2) of the Organic Law on the Constitutional Court No. 2/1919 had already passed when he had lodged his amparo appeal.
B. Proceedings before the Court
On 2 July 2015 the applicant lodged a request for interim measures with the Court under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. He requested the Court to indicate to the Spanish Government that his extradition should be stayed pending the outcome of proceedings before the Court. The request was granted on the same day on a temporary basis until 1 August 2015, and the Government were asked the following questions: “a.- Does the applicant risk under US criminal law, in respect of the charges, a maximum penalty that precludes early release and/or release on parole? b.- What are the concrete mechanisms and under what US legal basis is the applicant entitled to review his possible final life sentence? In this sense, are the appeal, pardon and other review mechanisms referred to in the note verbale of 3 December 2014 the ones described in the case of Trabelsi v. Belgium (application no. 140/10, 4 September 2014, § 27)?”
On 23 July 2015 the Government submitted their response and attached a document issued by the Office of International Affairs of the US Department of Justice called “supplemental information to Spain on Sentencing Issues in Relation to Andres Lopez Elorza, a/k/a ‘Andres Lopez Flores’ (hereinafter, “the US report”). The report stated the following: “By way of introduction, Lopez Elorza’s extradition is sought in order for him to stand trial on federal narcotics offenses in the Eastern District of New York. In essence, Lopez Elorza, a veterinarian, is charged with having been a member of a conspiracy between September 2004 and January 2005, the goal of which was to import heroin into the United States for subsequent distribution, in which Lopez Elorza’s role was to surgically implant packages of liquid heroin into the bodies of dogs that later were transported to the United States. The charges followed the search, in January 2005, of a farm Lopez Elorza operated in Medellin, Colombia, in which law enforcement authorities seized six puppies into which three kilograms of liquid heroin had been surgically implanted. The six puppies were bound for the United States, and the heroin they carried was surgically removed. After the search of his farm, Lopez Elorza fled Colombia.”
As regards the first question put to the Government, the US report argued that there were pretrial factors that could affect the applicant’s sentencing. In particular, the report noted the following: “Before any trial, Lopez Elorza could, with the advice of his lawyer, decide to give up the right to a trial and plead guilty to the charges in the indictment, with or without the agreement of the prosecution. See Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11(a). A timely admission of guilt is a factor which could reduce the sentence the judge decides to impose following a conviction. In the United States, the vast majority of criminal cases are resolved by guilty pleas. Lopez Elorza may seek to reach an agreement with the prosecution wherein he would plead guilty in exchange for certain favorable actions, such as an agreement to allow him to plead guilty to fewer than all the charges in the indictment (with the remainder of the charges to be dismissed at sentencing), or even to lesser charges, or in exchange for the government’s promise to affirmatively recommend to the court that a particular lesser sentence be imposed. The agreement may also include the parties’ recommendation as to the appropriate sentence that - depending upon the type of plea agreement that is negotiated - may or may not bind the judge regarding the sentence that will be imposed. Such agreements are within the discretion of the government to enter into, and the judge may also decline to approve an agreement she or he does not believe to be in the interests of justice. The agreement may include, inter alia, an agreement to cooperate with U.S. authorities. Thus, if Lopez Elorza were willing and able to provide substantial assistance to the United States in the investigation or prosecution of another person who had committed a crime, a plea agreement might include a promise by the government attorneys, in exchange for his guilty plea, to file a motion with the court asking that Lopez Elorza’s cooperation be taken into account and permitting the Court to impose a lower sentence that it might otherwise impose. Title 18, United States Code, Section 3553(e); United States Sentencing Guidelines, Section 5K1.1. In such cases, it is not atypical for a judge to impose a sentence that is significantly less than the Guidelines recommendation.”
It also observed that “[i]f, however, Lopez Elorza decides not to plead guilty and instead exercise his right to a trial, and if he is found guilty of one or more charges, his sentencing exposure will vary, depending on the nature of the charges on which he is found guilty. Moreover, the judge will have broad discretion to determine the appropriate sentence [...]”.
As regards the estimated sentence that the applicant could face, the US report stated firstly that, “In imposing a sentence in a federal criminal case, the judge must consult the U.S. Federal Sentencing Guidelines”. It added that the Guidelines were advisory since the judge had “the discretion to impose a sentence outside the applicable Guidelines range so long as the court states ‘with specificity,’ both at sentencing and in the written judgment and commitment order, its reason for doing so”. It additionally stated that, “[b]oth the defendant and the government have the statutory right to appeal any sentence imposed on the grounds that it is substantively or procedurally unreasonable under the circumstances of the case”. Moreover, the decision whether to sentence a person convicted of multiple counts concurrently or consecutively was at the discretion of the court. Section 3584 of Title 18 of the US Code, states, in part, that “[m]ultiple terms of imprisonment imposed at the same time run concurrently unless the court orders or the statute mandates that the terms are to run consecutively”. The report further stressed the following: “Prior to sentencing, a probation officer will prepare a presentence report that contains information about the defendant’s offense, his criminal history, other background information, and a calculation of the advisory sentencing range under the Sentencing Guidelines. The defendant has the right to object to the information and conclusion in the present report. Later, during the sentencing phase of the proceedings, defense counsel will be able to present to the judge various mitigating factors to consider that may result in the reduction of his sentence. Specifically, under Title 18, United States Code, Section 3553(a), in determining the particular sentence imposed on a defendant, the court shall consider: (1) the nature and circumstances of the offense and the history and characteristics of the defendant; (2) the need for the sentence imposed to promote respect for the law, punishment for the offense, deter the defendant or others from committing similar criminal conduct, and the need to protect the public; (3) the kinds of sentences available; (4) the applicable guideline range; (5) the need to provide the defendant with educational or vocational training, medical care, or other correctional treatment; (6) the need to avoid unwarranted sentence disparities; and (7) the need to provide restitution to the victims of the offense(s). In assisting the court in considering the above seven factors, defense counsel will be able to present to the court in detail any mitigating factors relating to these criteria. This would enable the defense to provide to the sentencing court information regarding Lopez Elorza’s background and circumstances, including: his family environment and relationships, the environment in which he was raised, his work history,... socioeconomic factors including educational opportunities or lack thereof, his physical and psychological well-being and any past or current treatment, prior criminal conduct, if any, and any resultant rehabilitative programs and periods of probation, incarceration, and parole, as well as Lopez Elorza’s longterm educational, vocational, and sociological goals”.
The report noted that there were many factors that contributed to the imposition of a sentence and that it was “impossible to address every conceivable permutation that could occur or every possible scenario that might arise”. However, the report indicated that according to the US Federal Sentencing Guidelines, the advisory sentencing range was “188 to 235 months incarceration, far less than the possible life sentence provided for under the statutes with which he was charged”.
Furthermore, the report stated that under section 3553(a) of Title 18 of the US Code, there was a “need to avoid unwarranted sentence disparities”. In that regard, the report stated that several of the applicant’s co-conspirators had already been sentenced in a related case before the same judge who had been assigned to the applicant’s case. One of the co-conspirators “faced a Guidelines range of 188 to 235 months and received a sentence of 72 months incarceration”, another “faced a Guidelines range of 78 to 87 months and received a sentence of 14 months incarceration” and a third had “faced a Guidelines range of 70 to 87 months and received a sentence of Time Served (approximately 12 months incarceration)”. The US report also noted that none of those defendants had entered into cooperation agreements with the government. Consequently, the sentences imposed on the applicant’s co-conspirators by the same judge who had been assigned to the applicant’s case “[could] be of value in assessing the sentence that will be imposed on him”.
The report concluded that while it was possible that any available maximum sentence could be imposed for an offence, under the circumstances present in this case, “the risk of López Elorza receiving such a sentence is low”.
As regards the second question, the US report stated that if the applicant was sentenced to a life term, he could benefit from a variety of mechanisms to seek to have the sentence invalidated or reduced or to obtain early release.
Concerning the applicant’s right to invalidate or reduce his sentence, the Government stated that the applicant would have the right under US law to lodge an appeal with the Court of Appeals, asking for a reversal of his conviction “based on an error in the proceedings”. The applicant would also be able to “ask the Court of Appeals to review the appropriateness of his sentence”. He could argue that a life sentence was “unreasonable” in the circumstances of his case. The report also stated that even after the applicant had exhausted his rights at trial and on appeal, he could under US law file “a motion in the trial court claiming that his life sentence was imposed ‘in violation of the Constitution or the laws of the United States’, or that the court was without jurisdiction to impose such sentence, or that the sentence was in excess of the maximum authorized by law, or is otherwise subject to collateral attack”.
Concerning the applicant’s right to obtain early release, the report specifically stated that “since 1987, there has been no federal parole system in the United States”. The applicant, however, could ask for early release if he provided substantial assistance after his conviction and the imposition of his sentence. In addition, US law also allowed for compassionate release under section 3582 of Title 18 of the US Code. The report specifically stressed that the Bureau of Prisons could reduce the applicant’s sentence if it found that there was “an extraordinary and compelling reason to do so; for example, if a medical condition arose with López Elorza that would warrant such a modification”. Finally, the applicant could also seek executive clemency in the form of commutation (reduction) of his sentence. The report noted that in cases similar to the applicant’s, commutation of life sentences was not “a rare occurrence”. It gave as an example that of 13 July 2015, when President Obama had commuted the life sentences of “fourteen persons who had been convicted of drug related offenses”.
On 31 July 2015 the interim measures under Rule 39 were extended and the Court requested that the Government stay the applicant’s extradition to the United States while the proceedings were pending before the Court. | train | {
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001-58017 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 25 January 1996 and by the French Government (“the Government“) on 6 February 1996, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 of the Convention (art. 32-1, art. 47). It originated in an application (no. 22209/93) against the French Republic lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a French national, Mr Frédéric Foucher, on 16 April 1993. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby France recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46); the Government’s application referred to Article 48 (art. 48). The object of the request and of the application was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 6 para. 3 of the Convention in conjunction with Article 6 para. 1 (art. 6-3+6-1).
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30).
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr L.-E. Pettiti, the elected judge of French nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Bernhardt, the Vice-President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 4 (b)). On 8 February 1996, in the presence of the Registrar, the President of the Court, Mr R. Ryssdal, drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr N. Valticos, Mr I. Foighel, Mr A.B. Baka, Mr L. Wildhaber, Mr D. Gotchev, Mr K. Jungwiert and Mr U. Lohmus (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 5) (art. 43). Subsequently Mr R. Pekkanen, substitute judge, replaced Mr Wildhaber, who was unable to take part in the further consideration of the case (Rules 22 paras. 1 and 2 and 24 para. 1).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6), Mr Bernhardt, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Government, the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the applicant’s memorial on 24 July and the Government’s memorial on 31 July 1996. On 8 August 1996 the Commission produced the file on the proceedings before it, as requested by the Registrar on the President’s instructions.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 25 November 1996. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J.-F. Dobelle, Deputy Director of Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Agent, Mrs C. Marchi-Uhel, magistrat, on secondment to the Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mrs N. Berthélémy-Dupuy, magistrat, on secondment to the Human Rights Office, European and International Affairs Department, Ministry of Justice, Mr F. Fèvre, magistrat, on secondment to the Department of Criminal Affairs and Pardons, Ministry of Justice, Mr D. Douveneau, Legal Affairs Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Counsel; (b) for the Commission Mr I. Békés Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr P. Masure, avocat at the Caen Court of Appeal, Counsel. The Court heard addresses by Mr Békés, Mr Masure and Mr Dobelle.
I. Circumstances of the case
Mr Frédéric Foucher, a French national who was born in 1972, lives in Argentan in the Orne département.
A. The proceedings in the Argentan Police Court
On 24 July 1991 the applicant and his father were summoned to appear before the Argentan Police Court under the direct committal procedure (Article 531 of the Code of Criminal Procedure - see paragraph 16 below). They were charged with having used insulting and threatening words and behaviour towards public-service employees - two national game and wildlife wardens - on 13 February 1991 in Fontenai-sur-Orne. This offence is classified as a fifth-class minor offence under Article R. 40-2 of the Criminal Code, punishable by a term of imprisonment of between ten days and a month and by a fine of between 2,500 and 5,000 French francs (FRF), or by one of these penalties only.
The applicant decided to conduct his own case and his mother went to the police court registry on 25 July 1991 to consult the case file and procure copies of the documents it contained. In a note that same day the Argentan public prosecutor stated that copies could not be issued to individuals except through a lawyer or an insurance company. On 26 July 1991 the applicant and his father went to the registry for the same purpose. In a second note, dated 26 July, the public prosecutor informed them that copies of official reports could not be issued to individuals.
At the police court hearing on 2 October 1991 the applicant and his father argued that the proceedings against them were unlawful. They relied on a breach of Article 6 of the Convention (art. 6) in that they had been denied access to the criminal file and had been refused copies of the documents from the file.
In a judgment of 2 October 1991 the police court upheld their submissions and set aside the proceedings against the applicant and his father on the ground that the rights of the defence had been infringed. It declared inadmissible applications by the National Field Sports Board and the two game wardens to join the proceedings as civil parties. It gave the following reasons: “... Article 6 (art. 6) of the European Convention on Human Rights provides that everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right, among other things, to be informed in detail of the accusation against him, to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence, and to defend himself in person. In the instant case the public prosecutor’s office in no way disputed the fact that the defendants were not allowed access to their case file when they requested it prior to the hearing. That the defendants attempted to secure such access is confirmed by two notes of 25 and 26 July 1991, although these documents refer only to the refusal to hand over copies. The defendants should have been allowed access to their case file in order to prepare their defence. The value of such access is sufficiently demonstrated by the use legal representatives make of it. No discrimination adversely affecting the rights of the defence can be justified by the fact that a defendant prefers to conduct his own defence. Furthermore, however detailed the inquiry into the facts carried out at the hearing is, the defendant cannot be deprived of the opportunity to see and actually to familiarise himself with the documents concerning him. It follows that the rights of the defence were infringed during the criminal proceedings against Mr Gérard Foucher and Mr Frédéric Foucher and that the proceedings must accordingly be set aside.“
B. The proceedings in the Caen Court of Appeal
On 30 October 1991 the public prosecutor’s office and the civil parties appealed against this judgment.
On 2 March 1992 a summons was served on the applicant at his home. He did not, however, appear at the hearing in the Caen Court of Appeal on 16 March 1992. According to him, his mother went to the registry of the Court of Appeal to obtain information on how to gain access to the case file, but met with the registrar’s refusal.
In a judgment of 16 March 1992, given after proceedings that were adversarial in the case of the applicant’s father and deemed to have been adversarial in the case of the applicant, the Court of Appeal reversed the judgment of 2 October 1991 and refused the application for the proceedings to be set aside for having violated the rights of the defence. It ruled as follows: “... Gérard Foucher [the applicant’s father] has pleaded that the proceedings should be set aside as they are in breach of the rights of the defence. He argued that he had not had access to the case file in order to prepare an effective defence and that this constituted a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights. However, although Article [6] (art. 6) of that Convention states that everyone charged with a criminal offence has the right, among other things, to be informed in detail of the nature and cause of the accusation against him, the right to have adequate time and facilities for the preparation of his defence and the right to defend himself in person, the Convention does not require that the case file be made available to the applicant himself. Moreover, Gérard Foucher was informed, by means of the summons in due form, of the offences with which he was charged and of the legal provisions relating thereto. Under these circumstances the objection that the proceedings were vitiated fails.“ Relying on the official report drawn up on 13 February 1991 by the two game wardens and on the statements made by another hunter, the Court of Appeal fined the applicant and his father FRF 3,000 each for insulting the game wardens.
C. The proceedings in the Court of Cassation
On 10 April 1992 the applicant lodged an appeal on points of law against the judgment of 16 March 1992. In his grounds of appeal, which he drafted himself, he cited Article 6 of the Convention (art. 6). His father did not appeal.
On 15 March 1993 the Court of Cassation (Criminal Division) dismissed the applicant’s appeal on the following ground, among others: “In holding that the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms did not require that the case file be made available to the defendant himself, and that he had been informed, by means of the summons in due form served on him, of the charges against him and the relevant legal provisions, the Court of Appeal did not breach the provisions of that Convention.“ | train | {
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"applicant": "Frédéric Foucher",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Frédéric Foucher |
001-147610 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 67522/09) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a stateless person, Mr Faruk Ereren (“the applicant”), on 14 December 2009.
The applicant, who had been granted legal aid, was represented by Mr P. Budde, a lawyer practising in Dortmund. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H.-J. Behrens, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
The applicant alleged, in particular, that the length of his pre-trial detention had been excessive.
On 5 September 2013 the complaint concerning the length of the applicant’s pre-trial detention was communicated to the Government and the remainder of the application was declared inadmissible.
The applicant was born in 1955 and lives in Hagen in Germany.
A. The preliminary investigations
The applicant was arrested on 8 April 2007. His identity papers proved to be forgeries. On 9 April 2007 the Hagen District Court (Landgericht) issued an arrest warrant against the applicant based on possession of forged documents.
On 11 April 2007 the General Public Prosecutor took over the investigation. On 23 May 2007 the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) quashed the arrest warrant and issued a fresh arrest warrant based, inter alia, on the suspicion of membership of a foreign terrorist organisation (the Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party-Front, DHKP-C).
On 21 June 2007 the Federal Court of Justice rejected the applicant’s appeal against the arrest warrant.
On 30 August, 30 October 2007 and 14 February 2008 the Federal Court of Justice upheld the arrest warrant and ordered that the applicant’s detention be continued.
On 27 May 2008 the Federal Court of Justice issued a new arrest warrant. According to the new warrant, the applicant was strongly suspected of having played a leading role in the activities of a foreign terrorist organisation, and of having committed two counts of murder and six counts of attempted murder. The applicant had, in particular, telephoned witness G.G. from Germany to instruct him to carry out a terrorist attack which took place in Istanbul on 1 April 1993 and in which two policemen were killed. The applicant was further suspected of having ordered several terrorist attacks carried out by detonating explosives in Turkey between January 2001 and July 2005.
On 17 June 2008 the Federal Court of Justice ordered the extension of the applicant’s detention.
On 24 June 2008 the General Public Prosecutor lodged a bill of indictment against the applicant comprising 286 pages plus a list of evidence covering another 81 pages, based on the same grounds as the arrest warrant dated 27 May 2008.
On 2 October 2008 the Federal Court of Justice ordered the applicant’s continued detention.
B. The first set of proceedings before the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal
On 21 November 2008 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal (Oberlandesgericht, no. III-2 STS 1/08), sitting as a first instance court for proceedings concerning State security, decided to open the trial against the applicant. The hearing started on 15 January 2009 and took place on 95 days.
On 28 April 2009 witness G.G. was heard by a court in Istanbul in the presence of all parties to the proceedings.
On 9 June 2009, after 16 days of court hearing, the Court of Appeal quashed the arrest warrant insofar as it had been based on the suspicion that the applicant had ordered the attack which had taken place in Istanbul on 1 April 1993 and ordered the applicant’s continued detention based on the remaining grounds of the arrest warrant. The Court of Appeal considered that witness G.G., relied upon by the prosecution, had not confirmed the testimony he had given to the Turkish authorities in 1993. Conversely, he had stated that he had been tortured by Turkish civil servants and had been forced to sign a prepared protocol. He did not know the applicant. Under these circumstances, no strong suspicion persisted that the applicant had ordered the above-mentioned criminal act.
The Court of Appeal considered that the applicant remained under strong suspicion of having committed the other crimes of which he was accused. There was, in particular, sufficient documentary and witness evidence supporting the allegation that the applicant, as a leading member of a terrorist organisation, was responsible for causing explosions and committing other criminal acts. The Court of Appeal inter alia referred to the minutes and decisions of the founding congress which established that the applicant had been elected as a member of the central committee of the DHKP-C in the beginning of 1999.
The Court of Appeal further considered that the applicant might abscond and that there was a risk of collusion. The court observed that the applicant, who had been residing illegally in Germany, had neither a fixed residence nor sufficient social ties to ensure his appearance before the court. There were thus no milder means available to secure his presence at the trial.
The Court of Appeal further considered that the proceedings were expedited as required in cases involving pre-trial detention. The Court of Appeal included a detailed account of the trial, explaining that on several occasions witnesses could not be questioned by the court because they exercised their right not to testify. The court had heard testimony from nine witnesses and was then hearing four further witnesses. In order to establish whether the applicant had committed the crimes of which he had been accused, testimony from Turkish witnesses was of paramount importance. Accordingly, the Court of Appeal had to make several enquiries by way of letters rogatory in Turkey.
On 4 August 2009 the Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) rejected the applicant’s complaint. The Federal Court of Justice confirmed that the applicant remained under strong suspicion of having ordered several explosions causing injuries and death. The court further confirmed that the danger of the applicant’s absconding, and of collusion, remained. The continuation of his detention was not disproportionate in view of the importance of the subject matter and of the considerable punishment to be expected in case of a criminal conviction. Furthermore, the length of the proceedings was due to their complexity, as had been set out in detail by the Court of Appeal.
On 6 October 2009 the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, no. 2 BvR 2133/09) refused to consider the applicant’s complaint against the decisions of 9 June and 4 August 2009, without giving further reasons.
On 17 February 2010 witness S.G. and one further witness were heard in Istanbul.
On 17 May 2010 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal extended the arrest warrant on the grounds that there was again a strong suspicion that the applicant had ordered the attack during which two policemen were killed in Istanbul in April 1993. This assessment was, in particular, based on testimony given by witness S.G., who had stated that G.G. had informed him in 1993 that the applicant had given him the order to carry out the attack against the policemen. The Court of Appeal considered that this statement was consistent and credible. Furthermore, there was corroborative evidence from witnesses who had confirmed that the applicant held a leading position in the terrorist organisation at the relevant time.
The Court of Appeal further found that there remained a strong suspicion that the applicant had committed the other crimes of which he was accused. Referring to its previous decisions, the Court of Appeal considered that the danger of the applicant’s absconding persisted. This danger had further been aggravated by the fact that another Chamber of the Court of Appeal had, in the meantime, allowed the applicant’s extradition to Turkey. According to an intelligence report dating from 2009, a leader of the terrorist organisation had ordered that the applicant be taken out of the country immediately if released from detention. It was furthermore known that the terrorist organisation had the necessary means to put this plan into action.
The Court of Appeal finally considered that the prolongation of the pre-trial detention was not disproportionate, having regard to the importance of the subject matter and to the seriousness of the penalty to be expected in case of a criminal conviction.
On 23 September 2010 witness S.G. was once again heard in Istanbul.
On 10 February 2011, on the sixty-eighth day of the hearing, the Court of Appeal closed the hearing of evidence and heard the prosecutor’s pleadings. Upon defence counsel’s request, the hearing of evidence was re‑opened and the Court of Appeal limited the charge to two counts of murder committed in April 1993, while discontinuing the proceedings concerning the other charges originally brought against the applicant.
On 27 September 2011 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal convicted the applicant of two counts of murder and sentenced him to life imprisonment. On the basis of the evidence presented during the hearing, the Court of Appeal found it established that the applicant had ordered the assassination of the policemen by telephone from Germany at the end of March 1993. The court primarily based the applicant’s conviction on testimony from witness S.G. The Court of Appeal further considered that this finding was in line with the command structure inside the terrorist organisation and was not called into question by G.G.’s allegations that he did not know the applicant. During his hearing before the Turkish court, G.G. had refused to make any more specific statements. Under these circumstances, the vague statement that the applicant did not have anything to do with the attack was not sufficient to call S.G.’s testimony into question.
The Court of Appeal finally considered that the length of detention and of the main hearing did not violate the applicant’s rights under Article 6 of the Convention. The specific circumstances of the instant case did not allow for an earlier termination of the proceedings. This was due to the extent and the complexity of the criminal charges. Apart from two counts of murder, of which he had been convicted, the applicant had been accused of holding a leading role in a foreign terrorist organisation and of having participated in causing a considerable number of explosions in Turkey. The case-files consisted of approximately 130 large volumes. As the applicant had been arrested by chance, the examination of the relevant facts could begin only after his arrest. The Turkish authorities had submitted a large number of documents such as expert opinions, sketches and records of witness testimony, which had to be translated and examined before the issue of the indictment on 24 June 2008. Due to the volume of the case-file and to the complexity of the subject matter, the main proceedings could not be opened before 21 November 2008. During the hearing, the progress of the taking of evidence had been determined by several requests by letters rogatory to the Turkish authorities. Members of the court and representatives of the parties travelled to Turkey four times in order to attend the hearing of witnesses before Turkish courts. Each taking of evidence by letters rogatory took considerably more than half a year. Following this, the taking of evidence was closed on 10 February 2011, but re-opened altogether three times at the request of the defence. The reading out of the applicant’s last word alone took four days.
C. The appeal proceedings
On 29 November 2012 the Federal Court of Justice quashed the judgment of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal and remitted the case to another Chamber of that court. The Federal Court of Justice considered that the assessment of the evidence by the Court of Appeal had been erroneous as that court had wrongly assumed that the testimony given by S.G. on the circumstances of his alleged conversation with G.G. was consistent and without contradictions.
The Federal Court of Justice further considered that it could not be ruled out that this error had been decisive for the Court of Appeal in reaching its verdict. There were further reasons to review critically S.G.’s testimony. Firstly, S.G. had not directly witnessed the applicant ordering the attack, but was merely a hearsay witness. Furthermore, the witness was not heard by the trial court, but by a Turkish court at the trial court’s request. Finally, S.G., who had been arrested in Turkey in 2002, had collaborated with the Turkish police and had thus benefited from a milder sentence and early release from prison.
D. The second set of proceedings before the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal
On 17 January 2013 the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal (no. III‑6 STS 3/12) ordered the applicant’s continued detention. The further detention was justified because the applicant was under strong suspicion of having committed a serious crime and because there was the risk that he might abscond. That court considered that the applicant remained under strong suspicion of having ordered the attacks carried out on the policemen on 1 April 1993. This was not called into question by the Federal Court of Justice’s decision to quash the judgment. The potential contradictions in the statements made by witness S.G. had to be examined in the new main proceedings. The Court of Appeal further considered that there were no milder means available to secure the applicant’s appearance before the court and that the length of his detention was not yet disproportionate. The fact that the Federal Court of Justice had quashed the judgment of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal did not lead to a violation of the obligation to expedite the proceedings, as there was no obvious procedural error. Furthermore, the Court of Appeal had respected the obligation to expedite the proceedings by preparing the requests for letters rogatory in order to begin the main hearing by the end of April or the beginning of May 2013.
On 19 March 2013 the Federal Court of Justice rejected the applicant’s complaint. That court confirmed that the applicant remained under strong suspicion of having ordered the attack in Istanbul. This suspicion was primarily based on testimony given by witness S.G. during the main hearing on 17 February and 23 September 2010 and statements made by witness G.G. during his interrogation by Turkish police on 2 May 1993. This was not called into question by the fact that the judgment of the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal had been quashed on the applicant’s appeal on points of law. The contradiction in S.G.’s testimony did not concern the core content of his statement, which remained unchanged.
The Federal Court of Justice further observed that witness G.G. had stated, during interrogations by the Turkish authorities on 2 May 1993, that the applicant had given him the order to carry out the attack on 1 April 1993. The court considered that it was not prevented from taking into account this statement by G.G.’s repeated claims that he had made this statement under torture, as his vague and general allegations were not confirmed.
The Federal Court of Justice finally considered that the length of detention (almost six years) was not disproportionate. The court gave a full account of the proceedings and concluded that the length of the proceedings was primarily determined by the complexity of the subject matter and by the very strong international dimension of the case. Conversely, there had not been any considerable delays imputable to the trial court.
On 15 May 2013 the Federal Constitutional Court (no. 2 BvR 790/13), relying on its Rules of Procedure, refused to accept the applicant’s constitutional complaint for adjudication.
On 6 May 2013 the fresh hearing of the applicant’s case started before the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal.
On 4 October 2013 the Court of Appeal ordered the applicant’s continued detention on the basis of the arrest warrant of 27 May 2008.
On 4 February 2014, following a new request lodged by the applicant on 20 January 2014, the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal quashed the arrest warrant and ordered the applicant’s release from detention. The applicant was released on that same day.
The Court of Appeal considered that the further execution of detention would be disproportionate. According to that court the applicant remained firmly suspected of having ordered the attack of 1 April 1993, in which two policemen were killed. This assessment was based on the testimony given by S.G. in the first set of proceedings as well as on further corroborative evidence. The Court of Appeal considered that to prolong the detention would be disproportionate. In cases involving pre-trial detention, the criminal courts were under a constitutional obligation to expedite the proceedings (Beschleunigungsgebot). This principle had to be applied even more strictly given the long duration of the applicant’s detention. The Court of Appeal considered that it could not foresee when it would hear witness testimony from S.G., who was the primary witness for the prosecution. In spite of several reminders, the requests for letters rogatory lodged with the Turkish authorities in April and September 2013 had not so far been disposed of. As it was unclear when the witness could be heard, the Court of Appeal considered that it was unable duly to expedite the proceedings as would have been necessary in view of the fact that detention had already lasted almost seven years. The Court of Appeal noted that the statements made by witness G.G. to the Turkish Authorities in 1993 could not be used because it could not be ruled out that they had been obtained by torture.
In August 2014, the criminal proceedings were still pending before the Düsseldorf Court of Appeal. | train | {
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001-60002 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 35019/97) against the Republic of Austria lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by an Austrian national, Helmut Ludescher (“the applicant”), on 16 January 1997.
The applicant was represented before the Court by Mr W.L. Weh, a lawyer practising in Bregenz (Austria). The Austrian Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Ambassador H. Winkler, Head of the International Law Department at the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged in particular that proceedings concerning a reforesting order were not concluded within a reasonable time.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Third Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
By a decision of 7 September 1999 the Court declared the application partly inadmissible. By a decision of the 23 January 2001 the Court declared the remainder of the applications admissible.
As from 1 November 2001 the application was reallocated to the First Section of the Court. Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1 of the Rules of Court.
Neither the applicant nor the Government filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1).
On 19 March 1991 the Feldkirch District Administrative Authority (Bezirkshauptmannschaft), referring to the relevant provisions of the Forestry Act (Forstgesetz), ordered the applicant to reforest a plot of land owned by him. In its decision, the authority specified that the applicant should plant 270 larches. In its reasoning, it noted that until October 1986 the northern part of the plot of land had been fully covered with larches and robinias and that the previous stock of trees was shown by the still existing stumps. Following the unlawful felling of the forest, the applicant had used the land as a sheep-run.
On 4 July 1991 Vorarlberg Regional Government (Landeshauptmann) dismissed the applicant’s appeal.
On 18 September 1991 the Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof), upon the applicant’s complaint dated 26 August 1991, opened proceedings and requested the Vorarlberg Regional Government to file observations within a period of eight weeks. These observations were received by the Administrative Court on 25 October 1991.
On 24 June 1996 the Administrative Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint. The decision was served on 17 July 1996. | train | {
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001-146353 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case originated in an application (no. 68919/10) against the Federal Republic of Germany lodged with the Court under Article 34 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a German national, Mr J. Peter (“the applicant”), on 24 November 2010.
The applicant was represented by Mr C. Lenz, a lawyer practising in Stuttgart. The German Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr H.-J. Behrens, Ministerialrat, of the Federal Ministry of Justice.
On 3 June 2013 the applicant’s complaint concerning the length of proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court and the lack of an effective remedy was communicated to the Government.
On the same day the President of the Section sitting in a single-judge formation declared the remainder of the application inadmissible.
The applicant is a German national who was born in 1948 and lives in Ulrichstein.
A. The circumstances of the case
1. Background to the case
On 1 August 2001 the Civil Partnership Act (Gesetz über die eingetragene Lebenspartnerschaft) entered into force and introduced civil unions for same-sex couples.
On 5 October 2001 the applicant entered into a civil partnership with Mr Peter, né V.
On 22 June 2002 Mr Peter, né V., died.
2. Proceedings at issue
In September 2002 the applicant applied for a survivor’s pension to the German Pension Fund (Bundesversicherungsanstalt für Angestellte), a public-law corporation.
On 19 November 2002 the German Pension Fund rejected the applicant’s claim and on 28 February 2003 it dismissed the administrative appeal lodged by the applicant against that decision.
On 19 March 2003 the applicant applied to the Fulda Social Court for judicial review. He argued that the term “widow or widower” in Article 46 §§ 1 and 2 of the Social Security Code, Book VI (Sozialgesetzbuch Nr. VI) should be construed as encompassing the surviving partner in a civil partnership.
On 26 November 2004 the Fulda Social Court dismissed the applicant’s claim. According to the court the surviving partner in a civil partnership could not be called a “widower” in the generally accepted sense of the term. Furthermore, the applicant’s civil partnership had not lasted longer than a year, which would have led to statutory exclusion from the benefit even for married couples.
During the appeal proceedings the respondent acknowledged the applicant’s claim to a survivor’s pension as of 1 January 2005, when the relevant amendments to the Civil Partnership Act became effective.
The remaining leapfrog appeal on points of law (Sprungrevision) was dismissed on 13 December 2005 by the Federal Social Court. The court pointed out that the respondent had partly acknowledged the applicant’s claim, so that the appeal concerned only the period from July 2002 until December 2004.
On 20 January 2006 the applicant lodged a constitutional complaint (no. 1 BvR 170/06) with the Federal Constitutional Court.
On 7 July 2009 the Federal Constitutional Court delivered its judgment in a case (no. 1 BvR 1164/07, hereinafter “the 2007 case”) which had been brought in 2007 concerning the pension rights of a surviving partner in a civil partnership. It found that denying a partner in a civil union the right to a survivor’s pension from the civil servants’ pension scheme, when the legislature had already amended Article 46 §§ 1 and 2 of the Social Security Code, Book VI, in respect of the general pension scheme, violated the principle of non-discrimination as set down in Article 3 of the Basic Law.
On 1 December 2009 the applicant pointed to the above-mentioned judgment and requested a decision to the same effect.
On 11 June 2010 a three-judge panel of the Federal Constitutional Court decided not to review the applicant’s constitutional complaint. In its reasoning the panel explained that the complaint did not raise a pressing constitutional question as the relevant provision of the social security legislation had meanwhile been amended. Even assuming that the legislative provision concerned had violated the Constitution, the Federal Constitutional Court could not have afforded redress as the legislature could not be required to amend a provision that had already become void.
On 13 July 2010 the applicant was served with a copy of the decision.
3. Subsequent developments
On 7 December 2011 the Government informed the Court that in response to the pilot judgment in Rumpf v. Germany (no. 46344/06, 2 September 2010) an Act on Protracted Court Proceedings and Criminal Investigations (Gesetz über den Rechtsschutz bei überlangen Gerichtsverfahren und strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren) had been published in the Federal Law Gazette and had entered into force on 3 December 2011.
In December 2011 the Court informed the applicant of the enactment of the new domestic remedy and drew his attention to the transitional provision of that Act. Referring to the Brusco v. Italy case ((dec.), no. 69789/01, ECHR 2001‑IX), the Court invited the applicant to inform it whether he intended to make use of the new remedy within the time-limit set by the transitional provision in question.
The applicant informed the Court that he intended to file a complaint under the new domestic provisions.
On 6 February 2012 the applicant filed a complaint under the new Act, claiming compensation in respect of pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. He complained that constitutional court proceedings that lasted four years, six months and one day were excessively long, even taking the position and function of the Federal Constitutional Court into account. He pointed out that his case could not be considered a particularly difficult one.
In the course of the proceedings the judge rapporteur for the constitutional complaint submitted a statement explaining that when he took office and became judge rapporteur for this complaint on 1 October 2007 it had already been agreed between his predecessor and judge B., who was judge rapporteur for the 2007 case (compare paragraph 16, above), that the handling of the applicant’s complaint should be postponed until the 2007 case had been determined. Subsequently, it became clear that the 2007 case did not pose a problem of retroactivity and therefore did not affect the outcome of the applicant’s constitutional complaint. The judge rapporteur conceded that the applicant’s submissions were sufficiently substantiated for his constitutional complaint to indeed have been dealt with earlier on the basis of the actual reasoning given. However, the judge maintained that it had been in the applicant’s best interest to wait for the court’s ruling in the 2007 case.
The applicant replied that the judge rapporteur’s statement demonstrated that his constitutional complaint had not been given any attention whatsoever in the first year after it was lodged. It would have been obvious even from a cursory examination of the constitutional complaints that his complaint concerned the retroactive application of a legislative amendment. Therefore, any proper comparison of his case with the 2007 case would have easily shown that the two cases were not interdependent.
On 1 October 2012 the complaints panel of the Federal Constitutional Court dismissed the applicant’s complaint under section 97a of the Federal Constitutional Court Act. Citing Gast and Popp v. Germany (no. 29357/95, ECHR 2000‑II), as well as Klein v. Germany (no. 33379/96, 27 July 2000), the Federal Constitutional Court noted that a chronic backlog of cases in the constitutional courts could not justify the excessive length of proceedings. However, when assessing whether the duration of proceedings was excessive, the Federal Constitutional Court had to consider its special function and position. Unlike the ordinary courts, the capacity and structure of a Constitutional Court were laid down in the Constitution and it served further purposes beyond the administration of individual justice. The scope for adaptation and for the acceleration of proceedings was therefore limited. Furthermore, decisions and judgments of the Federal Constitutional Court had binding inter omnes legal effect and for this reason had to be drafted with the utmost diligence. The court further explained that it was in the nature of constitutional court proceedings that chronological case management was of subordinate importance. Concerning the applicant’s case, the court noted that the actual duration of the proceedings – four and a half years – was unusually long, but not excessive. For the purposes of its examination the Federal Constitutional Court noted that three phases could be distinguished: (a) the phase of over one year between the lodging of the constitutional complaint and the decision to await the outcome of the 2007 case; (b) the phase of two years until a decision had been given in the 2007 case; and (c) the phase of eleven months until the constitutional complaint at issue had been determined. A new judge rapporteur had stepped in at the end of his predecessor’s term of office and his predecessor had had to finish cases of higher priority than that of the applicant. The court maintained that the twelve-month wait in accordance with section 97b §1 of the Federal Constitutional Court Act had not been excessive considering that the Federal Constitutional Court had opted to rule on a similar case concerning the pension rights of surviving partners in a civil union (the 2007 case) before the applicant’s case. The court pointed out that, although in hindsight the present case could have been decided without reference to the “pilot case”, the two cases shared sufficient similarities to justify the decision of the former judge rapporteur. Nothing indicated that the decision to postpone the applicant’s case pending a decision on the 2007 case had been based on arbitrary considerations. The court noted that the applicant had never claimed that the sum of money at issue was of extraordinary financial importance to him. In conclusion, the Federal Constitutional Court argued that after the decision in the 2007 case the applicant’s constitutional complaint had been determined in due time, without any delay.
B. Relevant domestic law and practice
The Act on Protracted Court Proceedings and Criminal Investigations (Gesetz über den Rechtsschutz bei überlangen Gerichtsverfahren und strafrechtlichen Ermittlungsverfahren, “the Remedy Act”) was published in the Federal Law Gazette – Part I, 2011, pp. 2302 et seq. – on 2 December 2011 and entered into force the next day.
1. Relevant features of the remedy
The Remedy Act introduced general provisions instituting a remedy against any kind of protracted court proceedings. Section 1 applied to criminal and civil proceedings – for details see Taron v. Germany (dec.), no. 53126/07, §§ 19 et seq., 29 May 2012, and Garcia Cancio v. Germany (dec.), no. 19488/09, §§ 27 et seq., 29 May 2012.
For proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court, section 2 of the Remedy Act amended the Federal Constitutional Court Act as follows: “Section 97a (1) Any person who, as the result of the unreasonable length of proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court, experiences a disadvantage as a participant in those proceedings or as a participant in proceedings suspended for the purpose of obtaining a decision from the Federal Constitutional Court shall be afforded reasonable compensation. The reasonableness of the length of proceedings shall be assessed in the light of the circumstances of the particular case, having due regard to the functions and the position of the Federal Constitutional Court. (2) A non-pecuniary disadvantage shall be presumed in cases where proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court have been of unreasonable length. Compensation may be claimed therefor save in particular cases where reparation by other means, such as the mere finding that the length of proceedings was unreasonable, is sufficient. Such compensation shall amount to €1,200 for every year of delay. If the sum thus calculated is not equitable, the Federal Constitutional Court shall assess a higher or lower sum. Section 97b (1) A decision on compensation and reparation shall be rendered if a complaint of undue delay has been lodged with the Federal Constitutional Court. A complaint of undue delay shall be admissible only if the complainant has previously objected to the length of the proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court (Verzögerungsrüge). A complaint of undue delay shall be lodged in writing and it shall set out the circumstances purported to establish the unreasonableness of the length of the proceedings. It shall be admissible twelve months at the earliest after the case has been lodged with the Federal Constitutional Court. A complaint of undue delay shall not require a reasoned notification. ... Section 97d (1) The rapporteur in the proceedings concerned shall submit an opinion within one month of receipt of the reasons for the complaint of undue delay. (2) The complaints panel shall decide by a majority. In the event of a tie the complaint of undue delay shall be dismissed. The complaints panel shall render its decision without an oral hearing. Reasons need not be given. (3) The decision is not subject to appeal.”
2. Transitional provisions
In a departure from the general transitional provision under section 23 of the Remedy Act (see for details Taron, § 27, and Garcia Cancio, § 36, both cited above), section 97e of the amended Federal Constitutional Court Act stipulated that, in the case of terminated proceedings whose length might still become or had already become the subject of a complaint before that court, it was not necessary to raise a complaint of undue delay (Verzögerungsrüge) prior to filing a complaint claiming compensation. That complaint had to be lodged with the Federal Constitutional Court by 3 June 2012 at the latest. | train | {
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001-58010 | [] | PROCEDURE
The case was referred to the Court by the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission“) on 18 September 1995, within the three-month period laid down by Article 32 para. 1 and Article 47 of the Convention (art. 32-1, art. 47). It originated in an application (no. 21335/93) against the Kingdom of Spain lodged with the Commission under Article 25 (art. 25) by a British national, Mr Christopher Ian Scott, on 2 September 1992. The Commission’s request referred to Articles 44 and 48 (art. 44, art. 48) and to the declaration whereby Spain recognised the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court (Article 46) (art. 46). The object of the request was to obtain a decision as to whether the facts of the case disclosed a breach by the respondent State of its obligations under Article 5 paras. 1 and 3 of the Convention (art. 5-1, art. 3).
In response to the enquiry made in accordance with Rule 33 para. 3 (d) of Rules of Court A, the applicant stated that he wished to take part in the proceedings and designated the lawyer who would represent him (Rule 30). The Government of the United Kingdom, having been informed by the Registrar of their right to intervene (Article 48 (b) of the Convention and Rule 33 para. 3 (b)) (art. 48-b), did not indicate any intention of so doing.
The Chamber to be constituted included ex officio Mr J.M. Morenilla, the elected judge of Spanish nationality (Article 43 of the Convention) (art. 43), and Mr R. Ryssdal, the President of the Court (Rule 21 para. 4 (b)). On 29 September 1995, in the presence of the Registrar, the President drew by lot the names of the other seven members, namely Mr Thór Vilhjálmsson, Mr A. Spielmann, Mr A.B. Baka, Mr G. Mifsud Bonnici, Mr D. Gotchev, Mr B. Repik and Mr K. Jungwiert (Article 43 in fine of the Convention and Rule 21 para. 5) (art. 43).
As President of the Chamber (Rule 21 para. 6), Mr Ryssdal, acting through the Registrar, consulted the Agent of the Spanish Government (“the Government“), the applicant’s lawyer and the Delegate of the Commission on the organisation of the proceedings (Rules 37 para. 1 and 38). Pursuant to the order made in consequence, the Registrar received the Government’s memorial on 3 April 1996 and the applicant’s memorial on 13 May 1996.
In accordance with the President’s decision, the hearing took place in public in the Human Rights Building, Strasbourg, on 28 August 1996. The Court had held a preparatory meeting beforehand. There appeared before the Court: (a) for the Government Mr J. Borrego Borrego, Head of the Legal Department for the European Commission and Court of Human Rights, Ministry of Justice, Agent; (b) for the Commission Mr J. Mucha, Delegate; (c) for the applicant Mr E. Fitzgerald QC, Counsel, Mr S. Jakobi, Solicitor. The Court heard addresses by Mr Mucha, Mr Fitzgerald and Mr Borrego Borrego.
Mr Scott is a British citizen born in 1958. He is currently detained in Her Majesty’s Prison, Leicester.
On 5 March 1990 a Finnish national, Ms T., made a statement to the police in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Canary Islands, in which she alleged that the applicant had raped her the night before. According to Ms T., the applicant had threatened and beaten her, forcing her to undress and to have sexual intercourse with him. Ms T. underwent a medical examination and on 9 March 1990 flew back to Finland.
In the evening of 5 March 1990, on the strength of Ms T.’s description, the applicant was located by the police; he attempted to flee but was finally arrested. He had a false passport and was suffering from serious alcoholic intoxication requiring medical attention. On 7 March 1990, assisted by a lawyer and an interpreter, he made a statement to the police in which he denied the rape allegations. When the records were consulted, it was found that the applicant had escaped from Sudbury Prison, West Midlands, on 22 December 1989 and that an international warrant for his arrest for the murder of his father had been issued against him on 31 January 1990 by a judge at Birmingham Crown Court. In the evening of 7 March 1990 the applicant was brought before the investigating judge (juez de instrucción).
On 8 March 1990, again assisted by a lawyer and an interpreter, the applicant denied the rape allegations before investigating judge no. 1 in Puerto de la Cruz. In a decision (auto de prisión) of the same date the judge held, on the basis of Articles 503 and 504 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Ley de Enjuiciamiento Criminal - see paragraphs 35 and 36 below), that there was sufficient reason to believe that the applicant was involved in the commission of an offence that would attract a substantial prison sentence (see paragraph 33 below). Having regard to the circumstances of the case and to the existence of an international arrest warrant (see paragraph 8 above), the investigating judge ordered Mr Scott’s detention pending trial.
On 23 March 1990 the relevant judicial authority in extradition matters, central investigating judge (juez central de instrucción) no. 4 of the Audiencia Nacional, Madrid, also ordered the applicant’s detention on the basis of the international arrest warrant and of an undertaking by the United Kingdom authorities to file a request for extradition (section 8 of the Extradition Act - see paragraph 38 below). In so doing, the central investigating judge referred to Articles 503 and 504 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraphs 35 and 36 below) and took into account the seriousness of the offence and the prison sentence it would attract under Spanish law (see paragraph 34 below). A formal request for extradition was filed on 27 April 1990. It was accompanied by extensive evidence incriminating the applicant.
On 25 June 1990 an international letter of request for judicial cooperation was sent to the relevant authority in Finland with a view to obtaining a further statement from the alleged victim of the rape and additional medical evidence.
On 26 November 1990 the public prosecutor (Ministerio Fiscal) recommended the applicant’s extradition. Guarantees were requested from the United Kingdom authorities to the effect that, should the extradition be granted and the applicant be convicted in England, the final sentence would not exceed thirty years’ imprisonment (the maximum term of imprisonment under Spanish legislation). On 2 January 1991 the British Embassy in Madrid wrote to the Audiencia Nacional that in the applicant’s case the sentence actually served upon conviction for murder was not likely to be more than ten years. A hearing was subsequently held in the Audiencia Nacional, in the course of which the applicant denied the murder allegations and resisted extradition.
By a decision (auto) of 22 February 1991 a section of the Criminal Division of the Audiencia Nacional accepted the guarantees given by the United Kingdom authorities and ordered that the applicant should be extradited to stand trial for the murder of his father. This extradition order was only to be executed after the applicant had served any outstanding time of the sentence that might eventually be imposed on him in Spain for the rape offence (see paragraph 41 below). Furthermore, the time spent by the applicant in prison pending extradition was to be deducted from the sentence that would eventually be passed on him by the English courts in the murder case (see paragraph 42 below).
The applicant lodged an appeal (recurso de súplica) with the full court of the Criminal Division of the Audiencia Nacional. In a decision of 28 May 1991 the appeal was dismissed. On 28 June 1991 the Cabinet (Consejo de Ministros) decided not to exercise its discretion not to execute the extradition order.
In the meantime, on 7 March 1991, the investigating judge in Puerto de la Cruz had decided to extend the applicant’s detention pending trial in the rape case under Article 504 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 36 below). In so doing, the investigating judge also took into account the fact that the applicant’s extradition was pending.
In May 1991 Mr Scott wrote to the Audiencia Nacional that he was willing to be extradited in order to get medical treatment in the United Kingdom, although it would appear that he later abandoned this idea. On 24 June 1991 the public prosecutor recommended that the applicant be kept in detention pending his trial for rape unless he could be temporarily handed over to the United Kingdom authorities.
On 6 March 1992 the British Embassy in Madrid wrote to the Audiencia Nacional indicating that, in the event of the applicant’s being temporarily handed over to the United Kingdom, his re-extradition to Spain could not be guaranteed.
On that same date, that is to say roughly two years after the applicant had first been detained (see paragraph 9 above), the investigating judge in Puerto de la Cruz ordered the applicant’s provisional release (libertad provisional) in connection with the rape case, as required by Article 504 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (see paragraph 36 below). He was, however, kept in detention under orders made in the extradition proceedings.
On 17 March 1992 the Audiencia Nacional, taking 23 March 1990 as the date of the beginning of the applicant’s detention for the extradition proceedings (see paragraph 10 above), decided to extend his detention under Article 504 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and section 10 (3) of the Extradition Act (see paragraphs 36, 37 and 40 below) for a period not exceeding two years, that is until 23 March 1994. The Audiencia Nacional had previously heard the public prosecutor and the applicant, the former having submitted that, given the impossibility of temporarily handing the applicant over to the United Kingdom authorities, his extradition should not take place “before he ha[d] discharged his criminal liabilities in Spain“, with reference to the rape case.
The applicant lodged an appeal (recurso de súplica) against this decision but on 18 June 1992 a full court of the Criminal Division of the Audiencia Nacional dismissed the appeal on the ground that he had been detained in the extradition case on 23 March 1990, independently of his earlier detention for a different matter, and that the risk of his absconding was considerable. In his submissions the public prosecutor had again referred to the case pending in Puerto de la Cruz.
Another application for release by the applicant on 7 September 1992 was rejected in similar terms by the Audiencia Nacional on 5 October 1992. Although the application had been addressed to the Audiencia Nacional, the applicant made ample reference to the proceedings before the Puerto de la Cruz investigating judge.
On 6 December 1992, following a further application by Mr Scott, the Audiencia Nacional requested the investigating judge in Puerto de la Cruz to supply information as to whether the applicant could be extradited. The Court’s case file does not contain any reply.
The applicant lodged an amparo appeal with the Constitutional Court (see paragraph 32 below) against the Audiencia Nacional’s decisions of 17 March 1992 and 18 June 1992 on his detention pending extradition. The appeal was rejected after summary proceedings in a decision (auto) of 6 May 1993. On the merits the Constitutional Court stated that the applicant had been detained in the extradition proceedings on 23 March 1990, so that the Audiencia Nacional’s decision of 17 March 1992 to extend detention for two more years as of that date was legally correct as the earlier period spent in prison by the applicant was unrelated to the new detention.
Meanwhile, in a decision (auto de procesamiento) of 2 February 1993, the investigating judge in Puerto de la Cruz had formally charged the applicant with, inter alia, rape and forgery of documents.
On 8 February 1993 the investigating judge renewed his request to have a further statement by the complainant through the channels of international judicial cooperation (see paragraph 11 above). The requested statement and two medical certificates, all in Finnish, were received in Puerto de la Cruz on 29 April 1993. A Spanish translation did not become available until two months later. The statement - which was taken at a court hearing in Tuusula, Finland, on 14 December 1992 - confirmed Ms T.’s original allegations (see paragraph 7 above). The medical certificates showed that Ms T. had received prolonged psychiatric treatment after her return from Tenerife. On 25 August 1993 the applicant’s detention was again ordered in the rape case. The applicant was subsequently committed for trial.
On 26 November 1993 the public prosecutor made his pre-trial submissions (conclusiones provisionales). On the basis of the medical evidence available, he sought a prison sentence of sixteen years in respect of the rape offence and a further prison sentence of four months and a fine of 100,000 pesetas for the offence of forgery of documents.
A hearing was held during which Ms T. and court-appointed medical experts gave evidence. In a judgment of 21 March 1994 the Audiencia Provincial of Santa Cruz de Tenerife acquitted the applicant on the rape charge on the ground that the only evidence incriminating him was Ms T.’s statements, which contained many inconsistencies. The Audiencia Provincial accepted the opinion of the experts present at the hearing that the medical evidence did not sustain the allegation of forcible sexual intercourse. With respect to the forgery offence the applicant was convicted and sentenced as charged.
On 16 March 1994, as the applicant’s detention was approaching the statutory maximum of four years (see paragraph 36 below), the Audiencia Nacional had issued an order releasing the applicant from detention in the extradition proceedings. However, on learning of the applicant’s acquittal in the rape trial and of his imminent release, the Audiencia Nacional immediately ordered the applicant’s continued detention pending extradition.
On 27 March 1994 the applicant was handed over to the United Kingdom authorities, pursuant to the international arrest warrant and the Audiencia Nacional’s decision of 22 February 1991 allowing extradition (see paragraph 13 above).
The applicant had spent a total of two years, six months and twenty-nine days under the different orders for detention pending trial on the rape charge and exactly four years in connection with the extradition proceedings.
On 9 November 1995, following a trial at Birmingham Crown Court, Mr Scott was convicted of the murder of his father. He was sentenced to life imprisonment. The trial judge recommended a “tariff period“ (see paragraph 43 below) of twelve years. | train | {
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001-61921 | [
The case originated in an application (no. 46245/99) against the Republic of Poland lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by Mr Henryk Kreuz (“the applicant”),who has dual Austrian and Polish citizenship, on 17 October 1997.
The Polish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agents, Mr K. Drzewicki and subsequently Mr. J. Wołąsiewicz of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The applicant alleged in particular that his case had not been heard within a reasonable time in breach of Article 6 § 1 of the Convention.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
The application was allocated to the Fourth Section of the Court (Rule 52 § 1 of the Rules of Court). Within that Section, the Chamber that would consider the case (Article 27 § 1 of the Convention) was constituted as provided in Rule 26 § 1.
On 1 November 2001 the Court changed the composition of its Sections (Rule 25 § 1). This case was assigned to the newly composed Fourth Section (Rule 52 § 1)
By a decision of 14 January 2003 the Court declared the application admissible.
The applicant has a dual Polish and Austrian citizenship. He was born in 1955 and resides permanently in Austria. At present he is living in Płock, Poland.
In 1989 the applicant entered into a contract with a limited liability company Unirol (hereinafter “Unirol Ltd.”) in Płock. Under the terms of the contract, Unirol Ltd. was to sell in Poland satellite dishes supplied by the applicant from Austria. On 25 March 1994 Unirol Ltd. filed an action with the Płock District Court (Sąd Rejonowy) against the applicant. It sought damages for breach of contract.
On 21 April 1994 the plaintiff modified its claim. On 21 June 1994 the District Court found that, in view of the value of the claim, it was no longer competent to deal with the subject matter and referred the case to the Płock Regional Court (Sąd Wojewódzki).
On 18 November 1994 the Regional Court exempted Unirol Ltd. from court fees.
On 16 December 1994 the court held the first hearing. At that hearing the applicant submitted a counterclaim, seeking payment of profits to which he was entitled under the terms of the contract. He also applied for an exemption from court fees but to no avail. The hearing was adjourned at the request of Unirol Ltd.
On 17 March 1995 the trial court held a hearing. The plaintiff was absent at that hearing. On 24 March 1995 the plaintiff’s representative informed the court that, due to his illness, he would not be able to appear before it until the end of June. On 14 July 1995 the court adjourned the hearing, as it appeared that Unirol Ltd. had not received the summons. The hearing listed for 4 September 1995 was adjourned due to the illness of Unirol Ltd.’s representative.
The court adjourned three further hearings listed for 12 January, 16 February and 10 May 1996 due to the absence of the plaintiff’s representative. On 2 August 1996 the court held a hearing but the plaintiff’s representative again failed to attend it. The court ordered him to appear at the next hearing on pain of staying the proceedings. The hearings listed for 18 October and 8 November 1996 were adjourned at the request of Unirol Ltd.
On 4 November 1996 the trial court dismissed the applicant’s challenge of the presiding judge. On 20 December 1996 the court held a hearing.
At the hearing held on 28 February 1997 the court closed the examination of the case and informed the parties that the judgment would be delivered on 5 March 1997. On 5 March 1997 the court decided that it would not deliver the final decision and resumed the proceedings.
The hearing listed for 23 May 1997 was cancelled because the judges dealing with the case had withdrawn.
At the hearing held on 14 November 1997 the court heard a witness. Further hearings were held on 8 May and 5 June 1998.
In the meantime, the court had lost part of the case-file. For that reason, the hearing listed for 10 July 1998 was cancelled. On 27 August 1998 the Regional Court ordered that the lost case-file be reconstituted.
On 9 June 1999 the court held a hearing and ordered the parties to specify their claims.
On 15 October 1999 the court held the next hearing and ordered that an expert opinion be obtained. On 12 April 2000 the expert submitted the relevant opinion to the court.
On 20 September 2000 Unirol Ltd. asked the court to appoint another expert. On 8 November 2000 the court held a hearing and heard evidence from the expert.
On 22 November 2000 the Płock Regional Court delivered a judgment. Both parties appealed. On 6 May 2002 Unirol Ltd. asked the Court of Appeal to secure the claim. On 17 May 2002 the Court of Appeal held a hearing.
On 12 June 2002 the Warsaw Court of Appeal gave judgment. On 13 December 2002 copies of the judgment were served on the parties. On 20 and 29 January 2003 respectively, the plaintiff and the applicant lodged their cassation appeals with the Supreme Court. On 27 June 2003 the Supreme Court dismissed both cassation appeals. | train | {
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"applicant": "Henryk Kreuz",
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} | Task: Annotate the document to anonymise the following person: Henryk Kreuz |
001-90969 | [
The case originated in an application (no. 18407/91) against the Republic of Turkey lodged with the European Commission of Human Rights (“the Commission”) under former Article 25 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (“the Convention”) by a Cypriot national, Mr Yiannis Kyriakou (“the applicant”), on 31 May 1991.
The applicant was represented by Mr E. Evripidou, a lawyer practising in Nicosia. The Turkish Government (“the Government”) were represented by their Agent, Mr Z.M. Necatigil.
The applicant alleged that the Turkish occupation of the northern part of Cyprus had deprived him of his home and properties.
The applicant died on 3 November 1994. No letters of administration having been granted for his estate, his lawful heirs are his wife, Mrs Andriana Yianni Kyriakou and his two sons, Andreas Ioannou and Kyriakos Ioannou. In September 1999 the applicant’s heirs informed the Court that they wished to pursue the application on behalf of the deceased.
The application was transmitted to the Court on 1 November 1998, when Protocol No. 11 to the Convention came into force (Article 5 § 2 of Protocol No. 11).
By a decision of 8 June 1999 the Court declared the application admissible.
The applicant and the Government each filed observations on the merits (Rule 59 § 1). In addition, third-party comments were received from the Government of Cyprus, which had exercised its right to intervene (Article 36 § 1 of the Convention and Rule 44 § 1 (b)).
The applicant was born in 1908.
The applicant grew up in Trypimeni, a village in the District of Famagusta. He alleged that he was the owner of the following immovable properties in the village: (a) registration no. 5147, plot no. 20, sheet/plan 13/40, house with two rooms and one kitchen, one veranda, oven, trees and yard; the applicant alleged that two extra rooms and one kitchen had been added later; area of the plot of land: 530 sq. m; area of the house: 230 sq. m; (b) registration no. 2597, plot no. 442, sheet/plan 13/40, field with olive trees; area: 13,713 sq. m.
In support of his claim of ownership, the applicant submitted copies of the original title deeds. It appears from these documents that the applicant owned five twelfths of the property described above under paragraph 9 (a) and half of the property described above under paragraph 9 (b). However, in his observations of September 1999, the applicant’s lawyer alleged that his client had had full ownership of the whole of the two plots. He submitted that from 1921 onwards only the applicant, his wife and his two children had been living in the house built on plot no. 20. This house had been the marital home from the time of his wedding and the applicant had had the absolute and unrestricted use and occupation of it. Moreover, from August 1928 the applicant had been cultivating and taking care of the whole of plot no. 442. He had been a farmer who earned his income from the production of the olive trees. In support of these statements, the applicant’s lawyer produced a certificate issued by the Trypimeni village committee on 25 September 1999. The reason why the applicant had not been registered as the owner of the whole share of the two plots was that the applicant’s mother, Mrs Maria Yianni, had been the owner of two twelfths of plot no. 20. She had given one twelfth of the plot to the applicant and one twelfth to his brother, Mr Elias Kyriakou, in the form of an unregistered gift. The applicant’s brother had also been the owner of the remaining five twelfths of plot no. 20 and of the remaining half of plot no. 442. In 1956 Mr Elias Kyriakou, who had emigrated to Australia and had no intention of coming back to Cyprus, had given all his shares to the applicant. However, no official transfer of ownership had been entered in the land register. In support of his version of the facts, the applicant’s lawyer produced an affidavit from the applicant’s son, Mr Andreas Ioannou.
In July 1974, as the Turkish troops were advancing, the applicant and his family had to leave Famagusta and flee to the area still controlled by the Cypriot Government. The applicant had lived until his death in a small house located in a housing scheme for displaced persons.
Since 1974 the applicant had been unable to return to his home and property in the northern part of Cyprus. He participated in various peaceful demonstrations and marches, but had been prevented from walking home by the Turkish troops. On 9 December 1990 the applicant took part once again in a car convoy organised by persons from three villages in Kyrenia and from Trypimeni wishing to return to their homes in the north peacefully. The participants in the convoy had informed the commander of the United Nations (UN) forces in Cyprus of their intention to return home. They drove to the “buffer zone” checkpoint on the main road linking Nicosia and Famagusta. There they stopped and asked the UN officer on duty to be allowed to return to their homes, properties and villages. They requested him to transmit their demand to the Turkish military authorities. The UN officer announced to the applicant and the other participants in the convoy that the Turkish military authorities had refused their request to drive through the checkpoint and enter the northern part of Cyprus. | train | {
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