The Carbon Dioxide product shall provide carbon dioxide volume density with a horizontal resolution of 100 km.
The observatory shall guide/track at any rate up to 1.1 times the sidereal rate and with an error contained within the overall image blur specification in [REQ-0-SRD-0070].
For MGSE fulfilling the requirement 6.2.2a condition automatism, alert and warning shall be defined by risk analysis and implemented to avoid reaching the hazard or unsafe conditions.
The capability shall be provided to perform all editing operations on the on-board monitoring function even when it is in a disabled state.
The AGWS in the NGAO wavefront control mode shall measure the Field-dependent segment phase piston to an accuracy of ? 10 nm/arcmin.
Firing tests shall not be performed until a successful rehearsal has been completed.
The SAB shall contain conclusion about the performance of the structure.
The spacecraft time reference sampling accuracy shall be declared when specifying the spacecraft architecture.
The space segment shall provide on-board autonomy management functions taking into account specific mission constraints and characteristics such as: 1. acceptable mission outage; 2. expected ground station coverage; 3. maximum unexpected ground segment non-availability period.
The file copy subservice capability to enable the periodic reporting of the file copy status shall be declared when specifying that subservice.
The Functional Requirements Specifications (FRS) report provides the detailed description of the functionalities required for the first version of the CCTNS. The key guiding principle behind the functional design of CCTNS V1.0 is to focus on the critical functionality that provides value to the police personnel at the cutting edge which in turn can improve the outcomes in the areas of Investigation of Crime and Detection of Criminals.
The capability shall be provided to perform all routine maintenance activities for spacecraft units by using nominal modes and mode transitions without impact on the performance of the modes and mode transitions.
The spacecraft system shall accommodate all necessary equipments and sub- systems, including mass and volume margins as defined in [AD13] and compatible with launch windows as defined in [RD1].
It shall be possible to insert and append commands to the MTL, without the necessity of first stopping it.
The DR should be performed together with the final customer.
Final NDI shall be performed on the over-wrap of the COSPE as a minimum.
The operations nomenclature shall be univocally defined not later than phase B of the program in cooperation with the engineering development and kept under configuration control.
In case of fatigue life demonstration, required for the hardware, the service life may be extended without additional test or inspection, if there is available data including at least actual pressure, loads, and environments from the past period of service life, and the evaluation exhibits that the cumulative damage does not reach the specified service life.
The Gateway shall maintain an internal habitable environment at pressures between 65 kPa (9.5 psia) to 102 kPa (14.9 psia); with the exception of airlocks.
The supplier shall ensure that all critical parts are qualified before being used in the manufacture of qualification or flight products.
The on-board fault management function shall autonomously establish a fully operational configuration such that mission operations can continue, including the generation of the mission products.
An idle frame shall be terminated in any case when 64 PRBS words have been sent over the same lane.
At the conclusion of the tests, a compatibility test report, containing a formal statement on the compatibility of the spacecraft and the ground network, shall be issued by the engineering department responsible.
The Core2Core Subsystem shall maintain information regarding the status of services offered by interfacing Core Systems.
The functional monitoring subservice shall reject any instruction to enable a functional monitoring definition if: 1. that instruction refers to a functional monitoring definition identifier that is not in the FMON list.
For mechanical dimensioning, ECSS-E-ST-32 clause 4.5 ‘Design’ shall apply.
If another temperature is selected, the burn-in duration shall be adjusted in conformance with MIL-STD-883 method 1015.
Means to detect the radiation level normalization (e.g. dosimeters) shall be provided.
Redundancy Management shall [SRS201] be able to accommodate power up of all 5 channels and maintain all 5 NEs active, assuming no failures.
Full advantage shall be taken of the latest developments in computing architectures in the development of the system.
The accuracy of the BSC measured parameters (Isc, Voc, Itest and Vtest) shall be provided to the customer.
The shielding gases for welding should be in conformance with Table 7-2.
The test equipment shall be as follows: 1. Signal source, 2. Power amplifier, 3. Radiating loop having the following specifications: (a) Diameter: 12 cm (b) Number of turns: 20 (c) Wire: N°12 AWG, insulated copper (d) Magnetic flux density:9,5×107 pT/A of applied current at a distance of 5 cm from the plane of the loop. 4. Loop sensor having the following specifications: (a) Diameter:4 cm (b) Number of turns:51 (c) Wire:7-41 Litz wire (7 strands, N°41 AWG) (d) Shielding:electrostatic (e) Correction Factor:manufacturer’s data for factors to convert measurement receiver readings to decibels above one picotesla (dBpT) 5. Measurement receiver, 6. Calibration fixture: coaxial transmission line with 50W characteristic impedance, coaxial connections on both ends, and space for a current probe around the centre, 7. Current probe, 8. LISN.
The acceptance limits of degradation shall be allocated by the customer as part of the overall degradation budget including e.g. accumulation effects.
A complete set of Level 0 and Level 1 products shall be generated for each EarthCARE instrument
The layout of equipment shall provide for ergonomics that optimize comfort and movement of operators.
Resource provisioning, delegation and reservation policies are in place
Radiation tolerance shall be mentioned if applicable.
The bioburden reduction agent shall be hydrogen peroxide vapour.
A debugging facility should be provided that supports: 1. execution of OBCPs on a step-by-step basis; 2. execution of OBCPs on a statement-by-statement basis; 3. “step over”, “step into” and “step out of” statements; 4. forcing of a given execution path within an OBCP; 5. setting and visualisation of values for internal and external data; 6. stimulation of events; 7. simulation of the execution of an activity invoked by an OBCP, including the simulation of execution responses; 8. simulation of any interaction with the execution environment that can be experienced during the real execution of the OBCP; NOTE For example, control operations such as suspend and resume). 9. creation of breakpoints from which the subsequent execution of an OBCP can be resumed. NOTE Storing of a breakpoint includes storing of all relevant context data.
For each valid instruction to distribute a physical device command, the device access subservice shall: 1. transmit the command data to the physical device by using the protocol-specific data and the applicable protocol; 2. check the result of the transmission; 3. if the command transmission check is not successful, generate a failed execution notification that includes: (a) the instruction index within the request; (b) the transmission return code; (c) if available, the auxiliary data associated to that transmission return code that details the failure reason.
The factors specified in clauses 4.1.4, 4.1.5 and 4.3 shall be applied for: 1. Structural elements of satellites including payloads, equipment and experiments. 2. The expendable launch vehicles structural elements. 3. Man-rated spacecraft structures including payloads, equipments and experiments.
In response to the read-modify-write request the initiator shall construct the read-modify-write command including the Header CRC and Data CRC and send it across the SpaceWire network to the target (RMW Command).
Microsectioning and evaluation in conformance with 9.6.2c.10 and 9.6.2c.11 shall be performed on the following: 1. At least 4 PTH from the PCB that have been subjected to rework simulation; 2. All technology features under qualification.
For each event that can be detected by the event reporting subservice, the event definition used to report on the occurrences of that event, the related event severity level, the event definition identifier and, if any, auxiliary data shall be declared when specifying that subservice.
After separation from the launch vehicle, AOCS shall bring the spacecraft into a safe attitude for power generation and payload thermal control within a time compatible with internal power resources
The set of scheduled activities identified by the "select all activities scheduled from position tag to position tag" filtering mechanism shall be all activities that are scheduled between and including the specified "from position tag" and "to position tag".
The AR-Pl shall provide evidence that models are used within their validity range.
For analysis and testing, a customer-agreed worst-case environment shall be used, in the form of either: 1. a worst-case model of radiation belt electron fluxes in conjunction with an orbit generator, or 2. a worst-case spectrum for the orbit in question
The Land Surface Temperature product shall provide land surface temperatures with a measurement precision of 7.0 kelvin.
All mechanised weld data shall be available for review.
The trade-off report shall present every different alternative design solutions proposed by the organization in charge of the development of the system or product, the proposals from the customer and supplier if any, and emphasize the technical description that is correlated to the criteria of evaluation.
The logistics support plan shall identify the available or shared resources that can be deployed in support of the mission and those that are procured for the mission.
The observatory shall not be susceptible to terrestrial electromagnetic radiation at any frequency that significantly interferes with its normal operation.
On-train functions for equipment physically connected to the Cab radio shall be registered or deregistered automatically based on a USSD message (see section 11) sent by the Cab radio. (M)
When a component is available in a qualified version according to quality level specified in Table 7 1 it shall be selected.
The algorithm shall produce an OLR product that has a horizontal cell size of 25 km at nadir.
On completion of the WAT, the wafers (issued from the same batch) shall be guaranteed and delivered after dicing in die form as specified in the procurement specification.
The reflectance shall be measured over a range from 280 nm to 2 500 nm.
Re-registration consists of a registration procedure followed by a deregistration procedure. (I)
The SKA1_Low shall comprise of stations each containing 256 antennas.
Rationale for all the changes shall be reported.
The engineering plan for the ground segment (GSEP) shall be developed in accordance with the requirements on “System engineering plan” of ECSS-E-ST-10. NOTE The GSEP describes the approaches, techniques, tools, organization, planning and scheduling of the technical effort to accomplish the ground segment objectives.
A technical requirement shall not call for more than one technical requirement in an applicable referred document.
The on-board autonomy management functions shall be capable of performing all operations to store mission products for an autonomy duration of <AUT_DUR_DATA>.
The NCR shall contain the individual close-out statement by PA personnel for all actions determined by the NRB.
The TAC shall contain a description of the purpose, objective, applicability, content and the reason prompting its preparation
The supplier shall perform an analysis of outages in order to supply input data for availability analysis.
For each subservice type whose realization is implicitly required, each service of the related service type shall provide at least one subservice of that subservice type.
EarthCARE shall be designed for a in-orbit ommissioning phase duration of 6 months.
The application software shall [SRS285] have the capability to reset a permanently failed channel to its initial recovery state.
The TMT Observatory shall monitor subsystems performance to detect abrupt or gradual changes in performance to enable timely corrective actions.
If the entry in the routing table referenced by the leading data character of a packet has not been configured to contain a valid port number, the packet shall be discarded.
For each telecommand packet transporting a request to enable functional monitoring definitions, the application data field shall have the structure specified in Figure 8-131.
NIRES-R shall not increase the background by more than 15% over natural sky (see Appendix D) + telescope background (assume 7% emissivity at 273 K).
The supplier shall trim any protrusion with a scalpel blade.
The ETCS trainborne equipment shall supervise the end of movement authority, if this information is available on-board.
The GMT site infrastructure shall include roads which connect to the LCO access road, and to connect all facility locations on the site.
The supplier may use the template given in Figure A-1.
The CDMS shall be compliant with the Packet Telecommand Standard, ESA PSS-04-107 (AD6-7)
The time-based scheduling subservice shall provide the capability to reset the time-based schedule.
NFIRAOS Subsystem shall have 2 deformable mirrors conjugate to 0 km and 11.2 km.
In case the distance between the two clearances is less than two times the copper thickness, the remaining metal shall be removed. NOTE This remaining metal is named “thin web”. This is illustrated in Figure 10-2.
Parameters of capacitors from family-group code 01-99 shall be derated as per Table 6-9.
The supplier shall initiate a review of the PID, the SMT summary table and the relevant applicable documents at least every two years for agreement by the Approval Authority.
In case the software detailed design is baselined before the start of the coding, the part of the CDR addressing the software detailed design, the interfaces design and the software budget shall be held in a separate joint review anticipating the CDR, in a detailed design review (DDR).
The effects of antenna support structures on the main RF wave propagation path shall be quantified and the impact on performance assessed.
The GSE design, functioning and procedures shall ensure that the fluids delivered to the spacecraft, including the effects of dissolved gas, are conforming to the required levels of: 1. Contamination 2. Pressure 3. Temperature 4. Cleanliness.
Validation tasks defined in clauses 5.6.3 and 5.6.4 including associated methods, techniques, and tools for performing the tasks, shall be selected and the regression test strategy specified.
The signal measurement method that should be used is the shunt method.
The Facilities shall provide space for Storage of mobile equipment and electrical equipment.
The OBCP management subservice shall reject any instruction to set the observability level of an OBCP if any of the following conditions occurs: 1. that instruction refers to an OBCP identifier that is not loaded in the OBCP engine; 2. that instruction refers to an observability level that is invalid; 3. that instruction refers to an OBCP that is not active.
The GMT shall have an effective collecting area of no less than 358 square meters, including all baffling.
The mounting process and the type of package used for the tests shall be described in the specifications included in the PID of the user.
To extend the shelf-life of a material that has exceeded its shelf-life, the following activities shall be performed: 1. Re-certify the material for the first time by using the relevant tests in conformance with clause 4.1.6; 2. If the first re-certification is successful, extend the shelf-life equal to half the initial shelf-life; 3. Re-certify the material for the second time on a case-by-case basis depending on product, application, storage and user experience; 4. If the second re-certification is successful, extend the shelf-life to half of the first extension.
Slews shall nominally not use the Reaction Control Subsystem (RCS).
For test purposes, the capability should be provided to operate redundant on-board equipment in an “off-line” manner (i.e. in parallel with, but without any disturbance to, the prime equipment).
The system will do periodic backups through a live internet connection.
For each assembly method and mounting configuration five devices shall be assembled.
The magnetic field shall be positive when orientated from the centre of the EUT towards the magnetometer.