@DavidSacks 🤣🤣 Although there could be more R&D in candy tbh. Feels like there hasn’t been much improvement in decades.
RT @Tesla: Vote for new Supercharger locations → https://t.co/bjNaL3DErN
RT @Tesla: Our most advanced paint system yet, allowing up to 13 layers for depth, dimension & a hand-painted look https://t.co/UXoZwC281m
@WholeMarsBlog Headline is misleading. Starlink can obviously offer far more robust positioning than GPS, as it will have ~1000X more satellites over time. Not all will have line of sight to users, but still >10X GPS & far stronger signal. Just not today’s problem.
@eigenrobot One of my favorite conspiracy theories is that the world is actually 80% men
@LifeboatHQ You’re right. Eventually, we all run out of time. https://t.co/GyXk9uZLIW
@teslaownersSV @BillyM2k Varies a lot. Tesla & SpaceX are in good positions, but many other companies are not. Recessions do have a silver lining in that companies that shouldn’t exist stop existing.
@RenataKonkoly @ThorstenBasch @spideycyp_155 @BillyM2k Those who want Putin removed are laboring under the misapprehension that whoever replaces him will be more amenable to peace or western philosophy, but I think this is unlikely – the Kremlin is not the Nice Guy Olympics
@ThorstenBasch @spideycyp_155 @BillyM2k Russia overrunning Ukraine would destabilize the entire region, perhaps the world
@spideycyp_155 @BillyM2k If Russia faced calamitous defeat in conventional warfare for something as strategically critical as Crimea, the probability of using nuclear weapons is high
@spideycyp_155 @BillyM2k Still very unlikely, but this is the closest we’ve been since Cuba in ‘62
@teslaownersSV @BillyM2k Just guessing, but probably until spring of ‘24
@BillyM2k It sure would be nice to have one year without a horrible global event
@AndrewPerpetua “Brutal for both sides” will be a common phrase in the months to come
@NewsfromScience Certainly warrants closer scrutiny
@MedvedevRussiaE @trussliz Btw, how’s it going in Bakhmut?
@PPathole @EvaFoxU @DavidSacks Compromise is overwhelmingly the most likely outcome – just a question of how much death & destruction happens before then
@gaborgurbacs @EvaFoxU @DavidSacks That should be the nature of the debate
@EvaFoxU @DavidSacks Most probable outcome by far is a horrible war of attrition that destroys Ukraine & severely damages Russia, with massive body count on both sides. And, in the end, the same outcome. So why?
Congrats to @SpaceX team on 48th launch this year! Falcon 9 now holds record for most launches of a single vehicle type in a year.
RT @SpaceX: Deployment of 54 Starlink satellites confirmed
@Teslarati @13ericralph31 SpaceX has more active satellites in orbit than rest of Earth combined, tracking to double rest of Earth soon
@jasondebolt The media reports with great fanfare my predictions that are late, but rarely those that come early
RT @Tesla: 10 years of Supercharging. 46 countries. 35k+ stalls. 20 billion miles charged. 🚘⚡️ https://t.co/m3H2Hry719
@Teslarati @JohnnaCrider1 Accelerating sustainable energy is our primary mission
@westcoastbill Will require truly exceptional execution, but it is possible
RT @Tesla: Q3 Earnings Call → https://t.co/shRnZSNR4C
RT @Tesla: Tesla Semi deliveries are scheduled to begin in December 2022 https://t.co/vCgifQ0HED
We even did a Starlink video call on one airplane aloft to Starlink on another, far away, airplane aloft and it worked perfectly with no lag!
@chazman @aelluswamy Several major architectural upgrades in 10.69.3, so it’s much more than a point release, but we’re sticking with 10.69 just cause haha
@cb_doge @alex_avoigt We’re working on it. Hope to release something next week.
@alex_avoigt No money from DoD, but several other countries, orgs & individuals are paying for ~11k/25k terminals (thanks!). SpaceX is losing ~$20M/month due to unpaid service & costs related to enhanced security measures for cyberwar defense, but we’ll keep doing it (sigh).
RT @SpaceX: SpaceX’s Rideshare program’s redesigned payload configuration offers more opportunities for smallsat providers to catch a ride…
@atrupar Smart? Maybe. Does dumb stuff? Definitely!
@larryronaldpar1 Should I make weapons? Ideally, not.
@teslaownersSV (Actually) Smart Summon is almost done
@SawyerMerritt @SpaceX To be precise, 25,300 terminals were sent to Ukraine, but, at present, only 10,630 are paying for service
@SawyerMerritt @SpaceX SpaceX has already withdrawn its request for funding
@starrski71 @RenataKonkoly @EvaFoxU @kadubai11 @spideycyp_155 Wrong analogy. America also had a humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan. No one in America sees that country as part of America. Crimea *is* seen as a crucial part of Russia by Russia, much as Hawaii is seen as a crucial part of America.
@RenataKonkoly @EvaFoxU @kadubai11 @spideycyp_155 Russia has been punched in the nose and forced to retreat many times by Ukraine. But what you don’t want to do is give Russia a choice of total, humiliating defeat or nukes – then the probability of them using nukes is high.
@kadubai11 @spideycyp_155 Obviously many disagree with this logic, but what do they think is their probability of being wrong about WW3. If they say 0%, they are utterly dangerous fools.
@kadubai11 @spideycyp_155 But, hey, look on the bright side! At least Russia doesn’t get Crimea in that scenario, so you can be comforted by that thought, while watching the mushroom clouds rise.
@kadubai11 @spideycyp_155 If Russia faces destruction of their army and utter defeat by NATO, they will use nukes, then NATO will respond with nukes and civilization is over
@spideycyp_155 Whether one likes it or not, Crimea is absolutely seen as a core part of Russia by Russia. Crimea is also of critical national security importance to Russia, as it is their southern navy base. From their standpoint losing Crimea is like USA losing Hawaii & Pearl Harbor.
@spideycyp_155 If Russia is faced with the choice of losing Crimea or using battlefield nukes, they will choose the latter. We’ve already sanctioned/cutoff Russia in every possible way, so what more do they have left to lose? If we nuke Russia back, they will nuke us and then we have WW3.
@rhensing @keith_dorschner @teslaownersSV Standard (non-performance) 3 & Y suspension in production now has improved comfort, without affecting handling
@DrKnowItAll16 @pirate3Guy @HSerunjogi Yeah, RV version is lower priority than standard version. You should still see high speeds during off hours. Is that happening? As we add more satellites & upgrade satellite technology, speeds in high user density locations should see significant increases.
@pirate3Guy @HSerunjogi That’s oddly low. Normally, much higher.
@DogecoinNorway @moxie @ID_AA_Carmack 🤣 that’s happened to me many times
@moxie @ID_AA_Carmack A much quieter leaf blower is possible
@teslaownersSV This is harder than it sounds, but ok
@ChrisG_NSF We are proceeding very carefully. If there is a RUD on the pad, Starship progress will be set back by ~6 months.
@Rainmaker1973 Game over when (not if) Earth gets hit by an object of that size
@HardcoreHistory We should bring back their outfits
Fancy a game of meme tennis? https://t.co/d9tqIlg7nB
Did you hear about the dyslexic KBG agent – it’s pot secret!
Venn diagram intersection of those two audiences is pretty small, I guess
Pitching my idea once again for a crossover of Das Boot & Boss Baby. “Das Baby” – Hijinks on the high seas! https://t.co/FieRmSthp2
@teslaownersSV @oldmordim Just a scratch, we can buff it out
The comments in this thread are a conspiracy theorist’s wet dream
@FutureJurvetson @SpaceX Definitely one of the strangest meetings I’ve ever experienced. @adeoressi was there too.
@KimDotcom @Twitter I’m trying my hardest to de-escalate this situation and obviously failing
@KimDotcom @Twitter Damned if you do, damned if you don’t, so … guess I’m just damned
@SawyerMerritt Starship & next-gen Starlink satellites are key, but much risk lies ahead before those are working at scale
@RaheemKassam The hilarious thing is you’re not wrong 🤣
The hell with it … even though Starlink is still losing money & other companies are getting billions of taxpayer $, we’ll just keep funding Ukraine govt for free
@Brian_J_Berger That dude is not just a “condition of anonymity” spineless coward, he’s also an ignorant fool. Starlink was directly requested by the Ukraine government, as it was the only thing that worked.
@spideycyp_155 @PPathole @ashleevance It has required a lot of our resources. Going into super lockdown mode slows down new development progress, as we have to resist attacks from a sophisticated adversary actively at war.
@ashleevance DoD provided about 3% of the Falcon 1 development cost. Appreciated, certainly, but should be seen in context.
@PPathole @ashleevance Of course. And their signal jamming systems are also getting better.
@ashleevance The amount SpaceX is requesting for a major battlefield advantage is less than the cost of one new GPS satellite. Ironically, GPS doesn’t work on battlefields, as the signal is easy to jam, but Starlink does.
@ajtourville Would be great if someday humanity stopped pointing nukes at itself that would destroy almost all life on Earth. In any given year, there is a chance above zero that they will be launched. We are now at the highest risk in 60 years. https://t.co/hSqNeYHNX1
RT @SpaceX: Deployment of Eutelsat HOTBIRD 13F confirmed https://t.co/R2t3PuOl8e
RT @SpaceX: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship https://t.co/R4X0ClHlXk
@ajtourville Russia has the ability to destroy USA & Europe utterly with nuclear missiles in less than 30 minutes & vice versa. A surprising number of people don’t know this. Of course, it would be MAD to use them, but it is also MAD to be in this situation at all.
@rschmied @spideycyp_155 @SawyerMerritt @SpaceX Internet fiber, phone lines, cell towers & other space-based comms in war areas have been destroyed. Starlink is all that’s left. For now. https://t.co/CdjbOWgziz
@FedorovMykhailo Thank you for clarifying this 💙🇺🇦💛
@StonksReddit @rschmied @spideycyp_155 @SawyerMerritt @SpaceX Starlink is the primary communications system of the Ukrainian army on the war front. If anyone else wants this job, please be my guest …
@rschmied @spideycyp_155 @SawyerMerritt @SpaceX Big difference between peace comms vs warfront comms. Starlink is only comms system still working at warfront – others all dead. Russia is actively trying to kill Starlink. To safeguard, SpaceX has diverted massive resources towards defense. Even so, Starlink may still die.
@stillgray Are there citizens of nations who are helping Ukraine on this list?
@ajtourville But surely no reasonable person would launch nuclear war? The problem with that logic is if we were dealing with reasonable people, we wouldn’t have war in the first place.
RT @SpaceX: Main parachutes have deployed https://t.co/VctlKDAraT
RT @SpaceX: Dragon separation confirmed! https://t.co/ruXyCerM07
@Rainmaker1973 People should never fear turbulence. Commercial airliner wings can handle insane amounts of bending.
@officejjsmart @MelnykAndrij We’re just following his recommendation 🤷‍♂️
@narutium @SawyerMerritt Falcon can probably get Starlink past breakeven, but Starship is needed to fund Mars
@spideycyp_155 @SawyerMerritt @SpaceX In addition to terminals, we have to create, launch, maintain & replenish satellites & ground stations & pay telcos for access to Internet via gateways. We’ve also had to defend against cyberattacks & jamming, which are getting harder. Burn is approaching ~$20M/month.
@SawyerMerritt Also, Starlink is still losing money! It is insanely difficult for a LEO communications constellation to avoid bankruptcy – that was the fate of every company that tried this before. When asked what the goal of Starlink was at a space conference, I said “not go bankrupt”.
@BogusThought @SawyerMerritt @rfdctr Maybe the 🐈 got their 👅
@spideycyp_155 @SawyerMerritt @rfdctr @SpaceX Very few in Iran so far
@SawyerMerritt Strange that nothing was leaked about our competitors in space launch & communications, Lockheed & Boeing, who get over $60B … Wouldn’t be surprised to find this particular individual working there when he retires from DoD. Corruption at its finest.
@SawyerMerritt @rfdctr SpaceX is not asking to recoup past expenses, but also cannot fund the existing system indefinitely *and* send several thousand more terminals that have data usage up to 100X greater than typical households. This is unreasonable.
@MuskUniversity Vital to the future of consciousness
@leehumerian Starlink requires nothing except ~50 Watt power source. With a small solar system plus battery or a generator, you will have connectivity anywhere.
@OwenSparks_ @spideycyp_155 @FedorovMykhailo @SpaceX True
@spideycyp_155 @FedorovMykhailo @SpaceX There are some active terminals
@spideycyp_155 @FedorovMykhailo @SpaceX Of course, this happens almost every day. They successfully destroyed Viasat in Ukraine several months ago. https://t.co/xrrAMqfsZY
@spideycyp_155 @FedorovMykhailo @SpaceX Starlink has faced relentless jamming attacks & SpaceX relentless cyberwar. So far, their success has been limited.
@FedorovMykhailo Starlink data usage growth in Ukraine https://t.co/c4IWNwKwLR
RT @SpaceX: Dennis and Akiko Tito are the first two crewmembers on Starship’s second commercial spaceflight around the Moon → https://t.co/…