Because it consists of billions of bidirectional interactions per day, Twitter can be thought of as a collective, cybernetic super-intelligence
@AliZafarsays @MrBeast True, Twitter has amazing content in Japan – roughly half of all adults online – but it’s almost never seen outside of Japan
RT @DavidSacks: The entitled elite is not mad that they have to pay $8/month. They’re mad that anyone can pay $8/month.
RT @SpaceX: Deployment of Eutelsat HOTBIRD 13G confirmed https://t.co/gq1HiV6HLE
Twitter is simply the most interesting place on the Internet. That’s why you’re reading this tweet right now.
Being attacked by both right & left simultaneously is a good sign
@cafreiman @micsolana Capital allocation should be done by those best at doing so
@TesLatino @Tesla Still a fair bit of polish to be done on 69.3. It’s a major release posing as a minor release.
@Rubiu5 If verified accounts violate terms of service, eg spam/scam/impersonation, they’ll be suspended, but Twitter will keep their money! We will definitely add cool stuff like what you’re suggesting to Twitter Blue.
@bennyjohnson Absolutely agreed that the Twitter safety board should have people from all viewpoints
@micsolana The community notes feature is awesome. Our goal is to make Twitter the most accurate source of information on Earth, without regard to political affiliation.
@yoyoel @JGreenblattADL @YaelEisenstat @rashadrobinson @JGo4Justice @normanlschen @DerrickNAACP @TheBushCenter @SindyBenavides Twitter's content moderation council will include representatives with widely divergent views, which will certainly include the civil rights community and groups who face hate-fueled violence
@yoyoel @JGreenblattADL @YaelEisenstat @rashadrobinson @JGo4Justice @normanlschen @DerrickNAACP @TheBushCenter @SindyBenavides Twitter will not allow anyone who was de-platformed for violating Twitter rules back on platform until we have a clear process for doing so, which will take at least a few more weeks
@yoyoel Talked to civil society leaders @JGreenblattADL, @YaelEisenstat, @rashadrobinson, @JGo4Justice, @normanlschen, @DerrickNAACP, @TheBushCenter Ken Hersch & @SindyBenavides about how Twitter will continue to combat hate & harassment & enforce its election integrity policies
@TomFitton @Twitter @yoyoel It’s the user’s own setting that did this
Totally stole idea of charging for insults & arguments from Monty Python tbh https://t.co/oFKRyp3BS7
To all complainers, please continue complaining, but it will cost $8
@Erdayastronaut @SpaceForceDoD @SLDelta45 @SpaceX Falcon Heavy is a testament to the awesomeness of humanity
RT @Stuck4ger: Wow that was amazing, @SpaceX #FalconHeavy https://t.co/Y0ozNxUtun
There will be a secondary tag below the name for someone who is a public figure, which is already the case for politicians
@saylor Yes, this will destroy the bots. If a paid Blue account engages in spam/scam, that account will be suspended. Essentially, this raises the cost of crime on Twitter by several orders of magnitude.
@Gfilche Absolutely essential. Creators need to make a living!
This will also give Twitter a revenue stream to reward content creators
And paywall bypass for publishers willing to work with us
You will also get: - Priority in replies, mentions & search, which is essential to defeat spam/scam - Ability to post long video & audio - Half as many ads
Price adjusted by country proportionate to purchasing power parity
Twitter’s current lords & peasants system for who has or doesn’t have a blue checkmark is bullshit. Power to the people! Blue for $8/month.
RT @SpaceX: Falcon Heavy launches USSF-44 to orbit, and its two side boosters return to Earth – SpaceX's 50th mission of 2022 https://t.co/…
@StephenKing I will explain the rationale in longer form before this is implemented. It is the only way to defeat the bots & trolls.
@StephenKing We need to pay the bills somehow! Twitter cannot rely entirely on advertisers. How about $8?
@yoyoel I recommend following @yoyoel for the most accurate understanding of what’s happening with trust & safety at Twitter
@DaneCook I hate sarcasm so much you can’t believe it
RT @Tesla: Happy Halloween 🎃 🎥 transformerskids on Instagram https://t.co/dm8NlTTzg4
@erichjrusch @Twitter @Jason @DavidSacks Definitely
@RNRakowitz @wfamarketers @SEP @GerryDAngelo @philsmithisba @Diageo_News @bjankow @kieley_taylor @barone9323 @ajb_sf @meghaley6 Twitter’s commitment to brand safety is unchanged
RT @SpaceX: Falcon Heavy rolling up the ramp ahead of tomorrow’s targeted launch of the USSF-44 mission; weather is 90% favorable for lifto…
If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me if Trump is coming back on this platform, Twitter would be minting money!
@paulg The Guardian used to have balance (moderately left) and integrity, but now it is a far left wing propaganda machine. I hope they get back to where they were one day.
@BillyM2k Oh no, all our diabolical plans have been revealed!!
@MrBeast What could we do to make it better than TikTok?
@Liz_Wheeler We’ve all made some questionable tweets, me more than most, but I want to be clear that I support Yoel. My sense is that he has high integrity, and we are all entitled to our political beliefs.
Wachtell & Twitter board deliberately hid this evidence from the court. Stay tuned, more to come … https://t.co/CifaNvtRtt
@TonyadeVitti All news has bias, some more than others
This is fake – I did *not* tweet out a link to The New York Times! https://t.co/d6V6m5ATW2
@Abdelhakdyne @jimmykimmel I’ve now been through so many hero to villain cycles I’ve lost count
@johnkrausphotos @sriramk The whole verification process is being revamped right now
RT @Tesla: 20k Model Y built at Giga Texas to date! https://t.co/8Rl5ZqgqQq
@itsALLrisky @spideycyp_155 @WholeMarsBlog Tweeps will be twits going forward, as the latter has vastly more gravitas
@TonyadeVitti @spideycyp_155 @WholeMarsBlog Pretty much
@spideycyp_155 @WholeMarsBlog There seem to be 10 people “managing” for every one person coding
@WholeMarsBlog My title is Chief Twit right there in the bio. No idea who the CEO is.
So demanding to allow a mere 30 days to learn this priceless information!
Just received this email from Twitter. This is an actual, real email that was autogenerated 🤣🤣 https://t.co/7DQp4sNINX
@TomFitton @Twitter @JustTheNews I will look into this. Twitter should be even-handed, favoring neither side.
@WholeMarsBlog @karpathy Andrej will always be welcome at Tesla
Finally, the truth that carbs are amazing can be said on this platform! #FreeSpeech
Fresh baked bread & pastries are some of the great joys of life
@amasad Good point. Being able to select which version of Twitter you want is probably better, much as it would be for a movie maturity rating. The rating of the tweet itself could be self-selected, then modified by user feedback.
@Rainmaker1973 Sorry about that. Fixing as fast as possible!
Ligma Johnson had it coming 🍆 💦 https://t.co/CgjrOV5eM2
@MikhailaFuller @jordanbpeterson Anyone suspended for minor & dubious reasons will be freed from Twitter jail
RT @Tesla: Solar + Powerwall ensures you never lose power, even if the grid goes down 🎥 @jeremyjudkins_ https://t.co/rZXpyTtnmb
@RpsAgainstTrump Ye’s account was restored by Twitter before the acquisition. They did not consult with or inform me.
Twitter will be forming a content moderation council with widely diverse viewpoints. No major content decisions or account reinstatements will happen before that council convenes.
Falcon rockets to orbit as seen from LA https://t.co/r8L2SbLC3p
RT @SpaceX: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Of Course I Still Love You droneship https://t.co/bIFlERy14S
RT @SpaceX: Watch Falcon 9 launch 53 Starlink satellites → https://t.co/8tB1syjlld https://t.co/94NWd45BqP
RT @WalterIsaacson: At Twitter headquarters’ coffee bar, ⁦@elonmusk⁩ https://t.co/vy5Cw7zttf
Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in! https://t.co/D68z4K2wq7
@ARodTV Definitely closer to citizen journalism – local news orgs are under-appreciated & should get way more prominence on Twitter
A beautiful thing about Twitter is how it empowers citizen journalism – people are able to disseminate news without an establishment bias
@teslaownersSV I’m a big fan of citizen journalism!
“According to unnamed sources close to the matter who wish to remain anonymous” 🤣🤣
“The New York Times has emerged as a new, chaotic actor in global politics. The paper’s interventions in some of the world’s most combustible conflicts have sometimes been a boon, but their messaging has also caused problems.”
@VitalikButerin @balajis @zengjiajun_eth Had to do a double-take. This is the first non-fake Vitalik tweet I’ve seen in a while.
@garyblack00 @SawyerMerritt One man’s hedge is another man’s shrub
@elon_wisdom Too much respect for authority inhibits innovation
@SwipeWright Twitter should be as broadly inclusive as possible, serving as a fair forum for lively, even if occasionally rancorous, debate between widely divergent beliefs.
RT @SpaceX: Starlink is now available in Jamaica → https://t.co/slZbTmHdml
@RenataKonkoly @spideycyp_155 @SquawkCNBC @Kasparov63 I only play crazy 9’s
@MarcusHouse @LordofEa @kerrikgray @chicago_glenn @Tesla @teslaownersSV @dvorahfr @TonyadeVitti @SpaceX @SirineAti That’s the plan, unless it is damaged in testing. What really matters is that ship & booster production line is spooling up. Also, each new ship & booster has incremental design improvements.
@ChananBos @SquawkCNBC @Kasparov63 Yeah, I’m back to spare bedroom /couch surfing at friend’s houses in Silicon Valley, which I did for about a decade. Frankly, I like it this way, as I get to see my friends, who I love, more often.
@spideycyp_155 @SquawkCNBC @Kasparov63 I did as a child, but found it to be too simple to be useful in real life: a mere 8 by 8 grid, no fog of war, no technology tree, no random map or spawn position, only 2 players, both sides exact same pieces, etc. Polytopia addresses these limitations.
@SquawkCNBC @Kasparov63 And I don’t even own a house, let alone a “mansion”, you douche
@SquawkCNBC @Kasparov63 While it’s true that Kasparov is almost as good at playing chess as my iPhone, he is otherwise an idiot
@gunsnrosesgirl3 @DolphinDroneDom How exciting to be alive at the same time as the largest animal ever! Wild that Blue whales are bigger than the biggest dinosaur.
@FedorovMykhailo @Teslarati @Writer_01001101 You’re most welcome
@Teslarati @Writer_01001101 Before DoD even came back with an answer, I told @FedorovMykhailo that SpaceX would not turn off Starlink even if DoD refused to provide funding
RT @SpaceX: Falcon Heavy in the hangar at Launch Complex 39A https://t.co/Ul1Ti8e8qH
@LordofEa @kerrikgray @chicago_glenn @Tesla @teslaownersSV @dvorahfr @TonyadeVitti @SpaceX @SirineAti Absolutely!
Maybe it was a social media algorithm, not even people
Think about who might have decided “The Current Thing” before accepting it
Who decides “The Current Thing?” Real question. I don’t know.
RT @historyinmemes: How the borders have changed over time https://t.co/Rs8RmTpRw1
@MuskUniversity This needs to change. Manufacturing is awesome!
@DavidSacks @TheAtlantic @davidfrum @EliotACohen Hear! Hear!
@ruthbenghiat Why are you perpetuating propaganda concocted by the oil & gas industry to distract you from the 6 trillion dollars per *year* of subsidies those companies receive? https://t.co/XZxDJAPE9a
@stillgray @DavidSacks Switzerland & Belgium have great chocolate, but I do also love eccentric British & Irish artisanal sweet shops
@teslaownersSV Next week. It’s actually a major release, so a lot more internal testing is needed before going to public beta.
RT @SpaceX: Launch and catch tower stacking Starship at Starbase https://t.co/KOpX8tZMHh