Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: The Denver Post is in open revolt against its owner. Angry and frustrated journalists at the 125-year-old newspaper took the extraordinary step this weekend of publicly blasting its New York-based hedge-fund owner and making the case for its own survival in several articles that went online Friday and are scheduled to run in The Post’s Sunday opinion section. “News matters,” the main headline reads. “Colo. should demand the newspaper it deserves.” The bold tactic was born out of a dissatisfaction not uncommon in newsrooms across the country as newspapers grapple with the loss of revenue that has followed the decline of print. The move at The Post followed a prolonged, slow-burning rebellion at The Los Angeles Times, where journalists agitated against the paper’s owner, the media company Tronc. Newsroom complaints about Tronc’s leadership helped lead to the sale of the newspaper to a billionaire medical entrepreneur, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, who had been a major shareholder in Tronc. For many publications that do not attract a patron-like owner, however, the difficult times are likely to continue, and midsize newspapers have been hit especially hard. Hoping to avoid the slow trudge to irrelevance or bankruptcy, the Denver paper took the stuff of newsroom conversation and made it public in dramatic fashion. ||||| The photo on the left shows 142 members of The Denver Post’s newsroom staff in the newspaper’s lobby as it existed on May 15, 2013. The photo illustration on the right shows the toll that layoffs and constant turnover have taken on the staff in the five years since. On Monday, at least two dozen more journalists will be leaving The Post because of layoffs. At The Denver Post on Monday, more than two dozen reporters, editors, photographers, videographers, page designers, digital producers and opinion staff will walk out the door. Our marching orders are to cut a full 30 by the start of July. These heartbreaking instructions raise the question: Does this cut, which follows so many in recent years that our ranks have shriveled from more than 250 to fewer than 100 today, represent the beginning of the end for the Voice of the Rocky Mountain Empire? The cuts, backed by our owner, the New York City hedge fund Alden Global Capital, also are a mystery, if you look at them from the point of view of those of us intent on running a serious news operation befitting the city that bears our name. Media experts locally and nationally question why our future looks so bleak, as many newspapers still enjoy double-digit profits and our management reported solid profits as recently as last year. We call for action. Consider this editorial and this Sunday’s Perspective offerings a plea to Alden — owner of Digital First Media, one of the largest newspaper chains in the country — to rethink its business strategy across all its newspaper holdings. Consider this also a signal to our community and civic leaders that they ought to demand better. Denver deserves a newspaper owner who supports its newsroom. If Alden isn’t willing to do good journalism here, it should sell The Post to owners who will. A flagship local newspaper like The Post plays a critically important role in its city and state: It provides a public record of the good and the bad, serves as a watchdog against public and private corruption, offers a free marketplace of ideas and stands as a lighthouse reflective and protective of — and accountable to — a community’s values and goals. A news organization like ours ought to be seen, especially by our owner, as a necessary public institution vital to the very maintenance of our grand democratic experiment. Yes, for years now, large media chains have struggled to responsibly downsize newsrooms. But some have done so less responsibly than others. Here in Colorado, Alden has embarked on a cynical strategy of constantly reducing the amount and quality of its offerings, while steadily increasing its subscription rates. In doing so, the hedge fund managers — often tellingly referred to as “vulture capitalists” — have hidden behind a narrative that adequately staffed newsrooms and newspapers can no longer survive in the digital marketplace. Try to square that with a recent lawsuit filed by one of Digital First Media’s minority shareholders that claims Alden has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars of its newspaper profits into shaky investments completely unrelated to the business of gathering news. Coloradans feel the insanity of it in their bones. And what a sad history. In 2009, the large chain that owned the Rocky Mountain News closed that storied paper’s doors. In 2010, Alden bought the chain of papers that features The Denver Post. The hedge fund gained a talented team of journalists reporting from all over the state, the nation and some of the biggest hotspots in the world, a winner of numerous Pulitzer Prizes, including newsroom-wide awards for its coverage of the massacres at Columbine and, more recently, a theater in Aurora. Since Alden took control, the decline of local news has been as obvious as it’s been precipitous. The editor who oversaw coverage of the Aurora theater shooting, Gregory L. Moore, decamped in 2016, unable to endure the new fund’s directives any longer. This year began with The Post recovering from more bloodshed as it packed up to leave its namesake city, its journalists clinging to the hope that a newly launched initiative to charge for online content would improve its fortunes. Before journalists were even in their new headquarters, our publisher and former editorial board member, Mac Tully, resigned. Still more reductions came, and they did so as fast and as chilling as a high-desert storm. The cuts come despite constant adaptation and innovation within our organization that grew our online reach exponentially. This in a city that has seen more than 100,000 newcomers since Alden took control, and in a country where other cities Denver’s size and smaller enjoy larger newsrooms and papers. (The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s newsroom, for example, has upwards of 170 managers and staff.) This in a state and region thrumming with energy and enthusiasm for its future. This in a market filled with hyper-educated citizens ready and able to afford great journalism should it be offered them. The inevitable result is that the reduction in quality leads to a reduction of trust. So when errant politicians and public figures push back against even the most credible of reports, they find a fertile environment for doubt. Yes, other media chains and operations haven’t been spared the same market realities Alden faces. The transition from print to digital publication is a challenging one. Another factor: Critics on both sides of America’s ever-widening political divide heap blame for the loss of readership on claims — too many of them credible — that newsrooms have lost sight of their responsibility to be truly objective. Such criticisms help fuel spectacularly successful social media companies, which also reap profits from links to traditional newsroom offerings. Another regrettable result of the fracturing of newsrooms has been the rush by political interests to lavish investments in echo-chamber outlets that merely seek to report from biased perspectives, leaving the hollowed-out shells of newsrooms loyal to traditional journalistic values to find their voice in the maelstrom. Still we take the moment to acknowledge fundamental truths. When newsroom owners view profits as the only goal, quality, reliability and accountability suffer. Their very mission is compromised. The course correction that needs to come for the benefit of communities across the land depends on owners committed to serving their readers and viewers and users. We get it that things change. We get it that our feelings are raw and no doubt color our judgment. But we’ve been quiet too long. We believe without question that if community leaders and our readers care about our mission, and what our newsroom ought to be instead of this shadow of what it once was, it’s time for their voices to be heard. The smart money is that in a few years The Denver Post will be rotting bones. And a major city in an important political region will find itself without a newspaper. It’s time for those Coloradans who care most about their civic future to get involved and see to it that Denver gets the newsroom it deserves. To send a letter to the editor about this article, submit online or check out our guidelines for how to submit by email or mail. ||||| A:
"The smart money is that in a few years the Denver Post will be rotting bones." If you think the Post's newsroom staff was horrified to read such a prediction, you'd be wrong: Staffers wrote that line. It's found in a weekend editorial that calls for the 125-year-old paper to be saved amid what its journalists see as its long road to destruction, paved by the "vulture capitalist" owner it has had since 2010. That owner, New York City hedge fund Alden Global Capital (which owns Digital First Media, which owns the Post and others) has called for 30 positions to be eliminated by July, exacerbating its already "shriveled" ranks, which once numbered in excess of 250 and now is below the 100-mark. The Washington Post reports the order to further cut staff came in mid-March, though Digital First Media was said to have described itself as "solidly profitable" last year. The paper's editor-in-chief, Lee Ann Colacioppo, tells the Washington Post the explanation she was given for the cuts in the face of profitability is that the paper wasn't on budget. "We get it that things change," reads the editorial. "We get it that our feelings are raw and no doubt color our judgment. But we've been quiet too long. ... If Alden isn’t willing to do good journalism here, it should sell the Post to owners who will." The editorial was accompanied by a slate of columns, with the whole package conceived by editorial page editor Chuck Plunkett, who tells the New York Times he informed neither Digital First Media execs nor Colacioppo of the articles, which were posted online Friday and then ran in Sunday's edition.
Context: BAGNERES DE-LUCHON, France (AP) — Four-time champion Chris Froome is among several riders who have had their eyes treated for tear gas or pepper spray sprayed on the peloton when a farmer’s protest interrupted the 16th stage of the Tour de France. Police had to remove bales of hay blocking the road 30 kilometers into the 218-kilometer leg from Carcassonne to Bagneres De-Luchon. An Associated Press photographer at the scene says Froome and other riders had eye drops applied while stopped for several minutes. It isn’t immediately clear who used the chemicals. Hypothesis: Chris Froome was in the lead when he had to stop. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Because the government is acting in such a cavalier manner, because we cannot count on the members of this parliament who sit at the Liberal caucus table to defend the referendum act, and because we cannot count on them to defend the extraordinary vitality of the democracy of the National Assembly and its right to decide on the matter, I have no other choice but to move the following, pursuant to Standing Order 60: Sentence: The government was acting irresponsibly. Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to clean skateboard bearings<br>Gather the necessary materials. To make this job go faster and get you back on your board sooner, having the right tools at the ready is a must. The necessary items are listed below under things you'll need. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: You can't complete this job while on an airplane. **** Answer: It's impossible to say [Q]: Mr Wongs<br>Adam always ordered Chinese food on Friday. His favorite restaurant Chao Pao was closed for some reason. He settled with a place call Mr Wong's instead. He was worried after he couldn't understand the person on the phone. Adam, the vegetarian, ended up with fried duck for dinner. Adams food was cold OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say Problem: The widow of John Lennon, Yoko Ono, may take legal action against a new breakfast cereal called "Strawberry Fields," which she believes is too close in name to Lennon's song. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "As of 2019, Yoko Ono has been alive for more than 54 years."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Context: During the Clinton years, as you may recall, there was a fight over affirmative action. And there were many people, like myself, who opposed quotas, who felt there were places where it was overreaching. So we had a policy called "Mend it, don't end it. "We fixed it. Hypothesis: There were some quotas during Clinton years that were overreaching OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No
The consultation on the redevelopment of Wan Chai Sports Ground has been conducted, Secretary for Home Affairs Lau Kong-wah says. Speaking to the media after attending a radio programme today, Mr Lau said a concrete timetable has yet been made on Wan Chai Sports Ground's redevelopment as the plan is still at a preliminary stage. The Home Affairs Bureau will assess the plan's impact on the sports sector once a proposal from the Trade Development Council is released and stakeholders' views are collected, he added. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Wan Chai Sports Ground's redevelopment consultation has not yet started Available options: A. Yes. B. It's impossible to say. C. No.
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)? Context: How to check engine vacuum hoses<br>Check each hose for bulges and swelling. If a hose feels soft or spongy when you touch it, this can indicate damage caused by your car's oil. [substeps] A swollen hose that is cracked and hard is often caused by heat damage. Hypothesis: engine vacuum hoses were introduced to cars in the 1960's Pick your answer from: (1). Yes (2). It's impossible to say (3). No
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball Output: No Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". New input case for you: The National Security Act of 1947 created the position of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI). Independent from the departments of Defense, State, Justice, and other policy departments, the DCI heads the U.S.intelligence community and provides intelligence to federal entities. The sole element of the intelligence community independent from a cabinet agency is the CIA. As an independent agency, it collects, analyzes, and disseminates intelligence from all sources. The CIA's number one customer is the president of the United States, who also has the authority to direct it to conduct covert operations. Although covert actions represent a very small fraction of the Agency's entire budget, these operations have at times been controversial and over time have dominated the public's perception of the CIA. The DCI is confirmed by the Senate but is not technically a member of the president's cabinet. The director's power under federal law over the loose, confederated "intelligence community" is limited. He or she states the community's priorities and coordinates development of intelligence agency budget requests for submission to Congress. This responsibility gives many the false impression that the DCI has line authority over the heads of these agencies and has the power to shift resources within these budgets as the need arises. Neither is true. In fact, the DCI's real authority has been directly proportional to his personal closeness to the president, which has waxed and waned over the years, and to others in government, especially the secretary of defense. Intelligence agencies under the Department of Defense account for approximately 80 percent of all U.S. spending for intelligence, including some that supports a national customer base and some that supports specific Defense Department or military service needs. As they are housed in the Defense Department, these agencies are keenly attentive to the military's strategic and tactical requirements. <sep>True or False: The National Security Act of 1947 created a new position in the President's Cabinet.<sep>True Output:
Problem: Carex tricephala is a species in the genus "Carex", family Cyperaceae. It is one of only about seven species in "Carex" sect. "Scabrellae". Members of this section have leaf-like bracts, and small spicate inflorescences. "Carex tricephala" is native to Southeast Asia, reported from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the Chinese province of Yunnan. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Carex tricephala is a common plant."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: The suspect is not black. CTV London Hanover police are investigating a robbery of a pharmacy in town. Around 5:40 p.m. Monday, a lone male entered the Pharma Plus on 10th Street and demanded drugs. He fled with an unknown amount of narcotics. No one was hurt. Police are searching for the suspect. He is described as white, in his 20s, 5'10, thin build with blue eyes and wearing a dark jacket and dark ballcap. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Bachelor Party<br>Tim was getting married. His friends wanted to throw him a bachelor party. His fiance was completely against it. Tim did it behind her back anyway. His fiancee dumped him before the wedding. Tim cheated on his wife OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: we want to make sure an effective check is in place Context: That is speaking about as directly as I can to Motions Nos. 9 and 10. By tabling regulations in parliament and having the House of Commons or a committee subsequently pass them, we want to make sure an effective check is placed on ministers or departmental officials in terms of a bill to arbitrarily implement changes in the legislation. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: The Big River, an inland perennial river of the Goulburn Broken catchment, part of the Murray-Darling basin, is located in the lower South Eastern Highlands bioregion and Northern Country/North Central regions of the Australian state of Victoria. The headwaters of the Big River rise on the northern slopes of the Yarra Ranges and descend to flow into the Goulburn River within Lake Eildon. Hypothesis: Victoria is not a state in Australia OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Problem: Jeremias Wigger (born 10 March 1965) was a Swiss cross country skier who competed from 1988 to 1998. His best finish at the Winter Olympics was fourth in the 4 x 10 km at the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary and 13th in the 10 km + 15 km combined pursuit at the 1994 Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "He competed after 1989"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Definition: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Input: When did John do badly during his reign in Ireland?, Context: In 1185 John made his first visit to Ireland, accompanied by 300 knights and a team of administrators. Henry had tried to have John officially proclaimed King of Ireland, but Pope Lucius III would not agree. John's first period of rule in Ireland was not a success. Ireland had only recently been conquered by Anglo-Norman forces, and tensions were still rife between Henry II, the new settlers and the existing inhabitants. John infamously offended the local Irish rulers by making fun of their unfashionable long beards, failed to make allies amongst the Anglo-Norman settlers, began to lose ground militarily against the Irish and finally returned to England later in the year, blaming the viceroy, Hugh de Lacy, for the fiasco. Output:
first period of rule
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Example: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Output: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". New input case for you: They believe that the divisions of labour that these industrial societies produce lead to people relying on factories and other people to make their food , clothing , shelter , etc . ; thus , forcing them to be a member of the society . Output:
They argue that the division of labor techno-industrial societies require to function forces people into reliance on factories and the labor of other specialists to produce their food , clothing , shelter , and other necessities and that this dependence forces them to remain a part of this society , whether they like it or not .
NEW YORK (AP) – Naomi Osaka won the U.S. Open to become the first Grand Slam champion from Japan, beating Serena Williams 6-2, 6-4 after the American was penalized one game for a third code violation. Williams was given three code violations by chair umpire Carlos Ramos, the third leading to an automatic loss of a game in the second set. This is a developing story and will be updated. (© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.) osaka was the first Grand Slam champion from Japan A: Yes I think that we have to put more emphasis on early learning and pre-school. Now, here is how that connects with all the rest of what we've been talking about. If you have -- if you squander the surplus on a huge tax cut that goes mostly to those at the top, then you can't make education the top priority. If you squander the surplus on a huge tax cut then you can make education the top priority. A: No Tsunetane Oda (小田常胤 , Oda Tsunetane , March 10, 1892 – February 11, 1955) was a judoka who was influential in the development of Kosen judo. His correct name was Join Oda, but through a misinterpretation of the kanji 常胤 he is more commonly known as Tsunetane. He dropped out of high school A:
It's impossible to say
Choose from options: Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: The dog laid down on its stomach. Hot<br>It was so hot outside this morning. My dog came in panting very hard. She was so exhausted she had to lie down. She drank an entire bowl of water. Then she asked for some food. Pick your answer from: a). Yes b). It's impossible to say c). No
Continue writing the next sentence. A person puts a rubiks cube on a table. The person then solves the puzzle as the clock in front of him ticks away. the person
finishes and puts the cube down.
[Q]: Dog Next Door<br>The dog next door loved our dog. They met at the fence every day. They whined when they couldn't reach each other. One day he seemed to turn on her. His owners came over and apologized. His owners apologized for the behavior of their dog. [A]: Yes [Q]: Beach<br>This summer my wife and I went on a vacation to the beach. It was on Hilton Head and was sunny and nice the whole time. We had a great spot near the beach and walked it every morning. We stayed a week and it was the best vacation ever. We are planning on going back soon because it was so awesome. He went to the beach for vacation because the mountains were too expensive and it was the best vacation ever. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Manson (upper body) will be in the lineup Sunday against the Oilers, Derek Van Diest of the Edmonton Sun reports. Manson was part of the morning skate Sunday, so it seemed likely that he would be able to play barring a setback. The 26-year-old has managed 31 points in 73 games, and he is returning from his absence to face an Oilers team on the second night of a back-to-back. Considering that Edmonton has a 3.16 GAA, this seems like a nice matchup to return for. Manson will not play a 74th game [A]: No [Q]: Dufton is a village and civil parish in Cumbria, England. Historically part of Westmorland, it lies in the Eden Valley and below Great Dun Fell. It is mostly around 180m above sea level. At the 2001 census the parish had a population of 169, increasing to 204 at the 2011 Census. Dufton had a population of 204 in 2001, and a poulation of 169 in 2011. [A]:
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: How to settle debts if you cannot file bankruptcy Identify your types of debts. Not all debt is created equal. You might be able to negotiate a settlement with some creditors but not others. Pick from: (a). Before you go into negotiations, think about which pieces of your debt are most valuable. Identifying your debts can help you get the best deal possible in the bankruptcy court.; (b). For example, the following are common debts people neglect to pay : Unpaid child support or alimony. Your child support or alimony is set by a judge and can't be lowered other than by court order.; (c). Generally, you must pay just one debt at a time. You should identify some of the following types of debt : Personal or property: this includes money you borrowed, goods or investments you own or property that you may have purchased, or that might have been sold to others.; (d). You have the option of filing a settlement yourself, or taking legal action to settle the debt as soon as possible. However, to file a claim with any creditor you must first move to chapter 7 bankruptcy.;
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: Who was asian?, Context: Past faculty have also included Egyptologist James Henry Breasted, mathematician Alberto Calderón, Nobel prize winning economist and classical liberalism defender Friedrich Hayek, meteorologist Ted Fujita, chemists Glenn T. Seaborg, the developer of the actinide concept and Nobel Prize winner Yuan T. Lee, Nobel Prize winning novelist Saul Bellow, political philosopher and author Allan Bloom, cancer researchers Charles Brenton Huggins and Janet Rowley, astronomer Gerard Kuiper, one of the most important figures in the early development of the discipline of linguistics Edward Sapir, and the founder of McKinsey & Co., James O. McKinsey. A:
Yuan T. Lee
Most recently, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called North Korea an "outpost of tyranny" enraging Kim Jong-il , the leader of North Korea. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Risking a response, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called North Korea not so nice things"? Select from: a). Yes; b). It's impossible to say; c). No; I think the answer is
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". One example is below. Q: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball A: No Rationale: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". Q: In 1878, Martinez Campos was Governor-General of Cuba, and Maximo Gomez was Commander-in-Chief of the Cuban forces. Both parties were weary of the prolonged hostilities, and neither was able to compel the other to surrender. Spain, however, professed a willingness to yield an important part of the demands of her rebellious subjects. Martinez Campos and Gomez met at Zanjon and, on February 10, 1878, mutually agreed to what has been variously called a peace pact, a treaty, and a capitulation. The agreement was based on provisions for a redress of Cuban grievances through greater civil, political, and administrative privileges for the Cubans, with forgetfulness of the past and amnesty for all then under sentence for political offences. Delay in carrying these provisions into effect gave rise to an attempt to renew the struggle two years later, but the effort was a failure. Matters then quieted down for a number of years. The Cubans waited to see what would be done. The Spanish Governor-General still remained the supreme power and, aside from the abolition of slavery, the application of the Spanish Constitution and Spanish laws to Cuba, and Cuban representation in the Cortes, much of which was rather form than fact, the island gained little by the new conditions. Discontent and protest continued and, at last, broke again into open rebellion in 1895. <sep>Where Governor-General of Cuba and Commander-in-Chief of Cuban forces met to make a peace pact?<sep>In Zanjon A:
BALTIMORE _ These Maryland lotteries were drawn Monday: Estimated jackpot: $252 million 0-8-0 (zero, eight, zero) 6-5-8-4 (six, five, eight, four) Estimated jackpot: $163 million Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Maryland lotteries were drawn Monday night A: It's impossible to say Even though the charges were dropped on January 22, 2006, his Nobel Prize reception continues to provoke mixed feelings of pride and anger among Turks. On the other hand, as Pamuk intended, the criminal case brought international attention to freedom of speech in Turkey. In his Nobel speech, he defined literature as: ... what a person creates when he shuts himself up in a room, sits down at a table, and retires to a corner to express his thoughts - that is, the meaning of literature... When a writer shuts himself up in a room for years on end, with this gesture he suggests a single humanity, a world without a centre. they are talking about snakes only A: No How to locate hard to find parts<br>Check the manufacturer's website. Manufacturers don't have to continue to make parts for products they no longer sell, but some do. Others provide links on their websites to third-party sellers of replacement parts. Call the manufacturer directly and ask someone if they have the part A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Problem:Victims of domestic violence will have access to quality legal representation through a campaign undertaken by Idaho Supreme Court Chief Justice Linda Copple Trout and corporate leaders. "Thousands of times a year, Idahoans are victims of domestic violence. The victims are often women and their children and they frequently have few resources with which to pursue their legal rights," Trout said Tuesday. "This campaign helps fill that gap in legal services for women who need the help at a time when they are in crisis." The Idaho Partners for Justice Project has already secured pledges of more than $35,000 from law firms, attorneys, corporations and individuals. The goal is $100,000. The drive to pay for free legal services will continue for the next two months. The money goes to Idaho Legal Aid Services and the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program. Last year, more than 5,000 petitions were filed in Idaho for protection orders in domestic violence cases. More than 12,000 victims contacted shelters or crisis hotlines. Joining Trout in the announcement was Idaho Bar Association President Fred Hoopes of Idaho Falls and Ida-West Energy Co. Chief Executive Officer Randy Hill, members of the project's executive committee. Also on hand were some women who were victims of such violence, but benefited from free legal services. Last year's campaign generated enough money and resources to help more than 450 victims. The help ranged from representation in protection order hearings to legal assistance in divorce, visitation and child support cases. The donations are tax deductible. <sep>What kind of help did 450 victims receive last year?<sep>Rental assistance Solution:
How to heal from narcissistic abuse Don't blame yourself if things aren't working. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it is important not to beat yourself for the challenges that you face in your relationship. Your partner is dealing with a mental disorder that you have no control over. What you do have control over is who you are in a relationship with, and your expectations for how you should be treated. Do not dwell on how things have changed, or think that the changes have been brought on by something you have done. How to activate a gift card Order your gift cards online. Ordering them from the store is the best way to ensure their authenticity; however, other stores, like gift cards direct and gift card mall, carry cards from a variety of restaurants and stores. Wait for the gift cards to arrive in the mail. Most will have a sticker on the outside that has a message similar to, " activate this card. " read the sticker carefully to find out how to activate it. A woman is seated behind a wooden table. She quickly moves color blocks on a puzzle, trying to solve it. she solves the puzzle and shows it to the camera. How to make a cotton candy martini Consider filling a martini glass with a handful of cotton candy. The pineapple juice will already give this cocktail a sweet taste, but if you'd like something even sweeter, add a handful of cotton candy into the glass. Try to fill the glass up to the brim with cotton candy.
Don't worry, the cotton candy will dissolve the instant you add the liquid. Fill a cocktail shaker ¾ of the way with ice.
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. In this Nov. 17, 2017 photo, Johnny Bobbitt Jr., left, Kate McClure, right, and McClure's boyfriend Mark D'Amico pose at a CITGO station in Philadelphia. When McClure ran out of gas, Bobbitt, who is homeless,... (Associated Press) PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A New Jersey woman who was helped by a homeless man after she ran out of gas on an interstate in Philadelphia has raised more than $60,000 for the good Samaritan. Kate McClure, 27, started the campaign earlier this month after she said she ran out of gas on Interstate 95 and a homeless man, Johnny Bobbitt Jr., walked a few blocks and bought her some with his last $20. McClure said she didn't have any money to repay him at the time but returned to the road several times to give him cash, clothes and food. After a few visits, she started the fundraiser with the hopes of using the money toward housing and other expenses for the 34-year-old Bobbitt. "I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day," she wrote on the fundraising page. "Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him." Donations have poured in, and the fundraiser has shattered its goal of raising $10,000 for Bobbitt. About 2,000 people had given to the campaign by Wednesday evening. ||||| Update:First off, we would like to thank everyone who had a part of this amazing ride we've been on for the last few days. Your kind words, donations and help getting the word out meant the world to Mark, Johnny and myself. This would've never happened with out all of you!Now lets get down to some business. We've received a lot of comments and questions about what johnnys plans are for this money and how it will be used. Hopefully this will answer them while keeping his privacy and the privacy of the people he is helping also. The first thing on the list is a NEW Home which Johnny will own!! He will never have to worry about a roof over his head again!! Second will be the dream truck he's always wanted... a 1999 ford ranger (yes I'm serious). There will also be 2 trusts set up in his name, one essentially giving him the ability to collect a small "salary" each year and another retirement trust which will be wisely invested by a financial planner which he will have access to in a time frame he feels comfortable with so when the time comes he can live his retirement dream of owning a piece of land and a cabin in the country. A bank account will be set up for him with funds for every day needs that will get him through until he finds a job. And lastly, he will be donating to a few organizations and people who over the last couple of years have helped him get through this rough patch in his life. This is a well thought out plan that Johnny his lawyer and financial advisor came up with in order to give Johnny the means to acclimate back into a "normal" life and also to protect him and ensure he has a bright future. I hope this will answer all the questions we have been getting about his plans. Once again, we couldn't thank all of you enough for the kindness you have shown. Mark and I are beyond humbled and grateful that you took our little project and turned it into a world wide cause that thousands of people supported. The next update you receive will be from Johnny himself. He finally got his new computer and he is dying to thank all you personally!! You guys are amazing, keep checking in with us from time to time———————————————————Original story :This is Johnny.Driving into Philly one night, I made the mistake of thinking that I would be able to make it all the way down I- 95 with my gas light on. Needless to say, I was wrong. I never ran out of gas before, and my heart was beating out of my chest. I pulled over as far as I could, and got out of the car to head to the nearest gas station.That’s when I met Johnny. Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong. He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors. A few minutes later, he comes back with a red gas can.Johnny did not ask me for a dollar, and I couldn’t repay him at that moment because I didn’t have any cash, but I have been stopping by his spot for the past few weeks. I repaid him for the gas, gave him a jacket, gloves, a hat, and warm socks, and I give him a few dollars every time I see him.I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day. He is such a great guy, and talking to him each time I see him makes me want to help him more and more.One day I stopped to see him and had a few things in a bag to give him, one of which was a box of cereal bars so he could have something that he could carry around and eat. He was very appreciative as usual and the first thing he said was “do you want one?” Another time I dropped off 2 wawa gift cards and a case of water.. the first words that came out of his mouth were “I can’t wait to show the guys” (there are 2 others he hangs out with and they all take care of each other). If just those 2 statements alone do not give you a glimpse of the good heart this man has I’m not sure anything will.I am raising money for Johnny. With the money, I would like to get him first and last month’s rent at an apartment, a reliable vehicle, and 4-6 months worth of expenses. He is very interested in finding a job, and I believe that with a place to be able to clean up every night and get a good night’s rest, his life can get back to being normal.Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him.Please help this man get into a home. It is already getting so cold out in Philadelphia, and I can’t imagine what it will be like to be out there all winter. Any little bit will help. ||||| A:
A New Jersey woman who was helped by a homeless man after she ran out of gas on an interstate in Philadelphia has raised $116,000 for the good Samaritan. Kate McClure, 27, started a GoFundMe campaign earlier this month after she said she ran out of gas on Interstate 95. "That's when I met Johnny," she writes. "Johnny sits on the side of the road every day, holding a sign. He saw me pull over and knew something was wrong. He told me to get back in the car and lock the doors." The AP reports Johnny Bobbitt Jr. walked a few blocks and bought her some gas with his last $20. McClure said she didn't have any money to repay him at the time but returned to the road several times to give him cash, clothes, and food. After a few visits, she started the fundraiser with the hopes of using the money toward housing and other expenses for the 34-year-old Bobbitt. "I wish that I could do more for this selfless man, who went out of his way just to help me that day," she wrote on the fundraising page. "Truly believe that all Johnny needs is one little break. Hopefully with your help I can be the one to give it to him." Donations have poured in, and the fundraiser has shattered its goal of raising $10,000 for Bobbitt. About 4,000 people had given to the campaign by Thursday morning.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: Dr. Alex Cross is a psychiatrist and police lieutenant who lives in Detroit with his wife , Maria , their children , Damon and Janelle , and his grandmother , Nana Mama . Upon learning that Maria is pregnant with their third child , Cross considers accepting a job as an FBI profiler , but fears Maria's reaction , as it 'd require them to relocate to Washington , D.C. Meanwhile , a man called Picasso attends to an illegal underground Mixed Martial Arts fighting ring , where he flirts with businesswoman Fan Yau . After brutally beating his opponent , Picasso is invited to Fan Yau's house , where he sedates her while they 're having sex , tortures and kills her . Police Captain Richard Brookwell calls Cross and his partner , Tommy Kane , to the crime scene . On the way there , Cross tells Kane about Maria's pregnancy and the the FBI's offer , and Kane reveals that he is secretly dating their colleague , Monica Ashe . Cross deduces that Picasso is a professional assassin , and finds a sketch made behind by Picasso , revealing that his next target is businessman Erich Nunemarcher . Cross , Kane and Ashe go to Nunemarcher's office , but Nunemarcher ignores their claims . Picasso manages to enter the building , but is prevented from killing Nunemarcher by Cross , and escapes after being shot by Kane . Cross analyzes a drop of Picasso's blood and learns that he is a psychotic former member of the Special Forces and that his real target is billionaire CEO Leon Mercier . Cross informs Mercier that Picasso might be trying to kill him . <sep>How many couples are linked romantically in the story?<sep>2 couples: Alex & Maria, Damon & Janelle A:
Instructions: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Input: The number of protons within the atom's nucleus is called atomic number and is equal to the number of electrons in the neutral (non-ionized) atom. Each atomic number identifies a specific element, but not the isotope; an atom of a given element may have a wide range in its number of neutrons. The number of nucleons (both protons and neutrons) in the nucleus is the atom's mass number, and each isotope of a given element has a different mass number. Output:
is it possible for an element to have different types of atoms?
What happens next? How to roast rhubarb Slice the rhubarb. Wash 1 pound (453 g) of fresh rhubarb. Use a sharp knife to cut off and discard the ends. pick from the following. (1). Take 1 1/2 cups (394 ml) of the fresh rhubarb and set it aside to dry on a wire cooling rack. Rhubarb is frequently served as a bread item for curry dishes or as a topping for chicken over the course of a dinner.; (2). Slice the rhubarb into 1/2-inch (12-mm) pieces. Place the rhubarb in a large roasting dish.; (3). Let the rhubarb cool for 4 hours before storing. You can substitute a lime, zucchini, or radish for the rhubarb if you prefer.; (4). Use a potato peeler to cut the rhubarb into 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) chunks. The rhubarb should be soft so you don't bruise it.;
Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: More than $1 billion dollars worth of a digital currency known as "bitcoins" now circulate on the web – an amount that exceeds the value of the entire currency stock of small countries like Liberia (which uses “Liberian dollars”), Bhutan (which uses the “Ngultrum”), and 18 other countries. So what is a “bitcoin,” and why would anyone use it? Unlike traditional currency, bitcoins are not issued by a government or even a private company. Instead, the currency is run by computer code that distributes new bitcoins at a set rate to people who devote web servers to keep the code running. The bitcoins are then bought and sold for regular U.S. dollars online. 'They buy gold, they put it under the mattress, or they buy bitcoin.' - Tony Gallippi, the CEO “, Bitcoin is in high demand right now -- each bitcoin currently sells for more than $90 U.S. dollars -- which bitcoin insiders say is because of world events that have shaken confidence in government-issued currencies. “Because of what's going on in Cyprus and Europe, people are trying to pull their money out of banks there,” Tony Gallippi, the CEO “,” which enables businesses to easily accept bitcoins as payment, told In Cyprus, the government is considering taking a percentage of all citizens’ bank accounts to solve its fiscal woes. That has led Cypriots -- and other Europeans worried about the same thing happening to them -- to take their money out of banks. “So they buy gold, they put it under the mattress, or they buy bitcoin,” Gallippi said. Bitcoin demand has also increased, Gallippi says, because last week U.S. regulators issued the first official guidelines for private digital currencies. Prior to the regulations, the legal status of the currencies was in doubt. “Now people can see that it's not illegal, that it's not banned,” Gallippi said. Bitcoin is controversial because the currency can be exchanged anonymously online -- it is in a sense the digital equivalent of using hard cash -- and so some have criticized it for facilitating online drug markets. On the site known as "the Silk Road," for instance, users pay bitcoins for illegal drugs and other forbidden items. Bitcoin Targeted by Cyberattack Just as Bitcoin explodes beyond the $1 billion mark thanks to Europe’s debt crisis, the emerging virtual currency was dealt a setback this week after a key exchange was hit by a powerful cyber attack that caused delays. Read more at Fox Business. In a 2011 letter to the Attorney General, Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) argued for strict enforcement. “After purchasing bitcoins through an exchange, a user can create an account on Silk Road and start purchasing illegal drugs from individuals around the world and have them delivered to their homes within days,” the Senators wrote. “We urge you to take immediate action and shut down the Silk Road network.” But the Silk Road is still running, and a recent study estimates that $23 million dollars of illicit items are sold for bitcoins on the site every year. The regulatory guidelines issued last week by the government agency known as the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), however, will not stop that. The regulations say that digital currencies like bitcoin are to be treated essentially as foreign currencies. Companies that exchange digital bitcoins for real money will have to comply with the same regulations as traditional currency exchangers -- namely, they must verify the identity of anyone exchanging money for bitcoins and report large transactions to the government. Using bitcoins to purchase goods, however, is specifically exempted. “A user who obtains convertible virtual currency and uses it to purchase real or virtual goods or services is not… under FinCEN’s regulations,” the guidance reads. Some bitcoin defenders say the use of bitcoins to buy illegal items shouldn’t obscure the legal uses. “With any technology… Criminals are going to use it for something, and regular people are going to use it for something,” Gallippi said. “You can't ban cell phones just because criminals are using them to do drug deals. You can't ban e-mail just because people are using them to do phishing scams in Nigeria. You have to start just prosecuting people who are committing crimes -- you can't just completely wipe out the new technology.” Gallippi says one reason to use bitcoins for legal transactions is a lower risk of identity theft. “If you are buying something online and you have the choice of paying with a credit card or bitcoins – think about what you have to do to use a credit card. You have to fill out this whole long form, name, address, account number, sometimes more... coincidentally, that’s all the info a thief would need to steal to pretend to be you.” Between that, bitcoin’s anonymity, and worries about conventional currency, bitcoin demand is as high as ever, according to Alan Safahi, who runs “Zip Zap” – a company that facilitates cash deposits at stores like CVS and Wal-Mart for transfer to a site that can convert the money to bitcoins. “We’re processing millions of dollars a month. We’ve seen tremendous surge in activity,” he said. Contact the author at [email protected]. ||||| Hang around in the tech industry long enough and you or someone you know will be heard saying, “that’s so crazy it just might work.” Two years ago, if you’d have told me that an open-source, P2P currency would soon be a thriving, billion-dollar market, I would’ve told you that you were on a lonely bus headed to CrazyTown, U.S.A. But today, Bitcoin officially became a crazy idea that’s actually working. Today, all the Bitcoin in circulation — some 10.9 million of them — have collectively crossed the billion-dollar mark. As it is wont to do, the value of Bitcoin (and its exchange rate) has fluctuated wildly today. At one point, it hit a dollar value around $78, then pushed into the mid-nineties. As of this minute, it’s hovering around $90. Okay, it’s still a tiny fraction of Google’s market cap, but this is something — especially for a largely unregulated, decentralized virtual currency. (Say that three times fast.) The world’s most popular controversial crypto-currency, mind you. Bitcoin supporters will scoff and tell you that this is no news, and that Bitcoin has been alive and thriving for years. In fact, it first appeared back in 2009, and has been slowly gaining steam since. But Bitcoin has largely remained outside the realm of mainstream media attention, because no one has been quite sure what to make of it. Is it a passing fad, a hilarious geek-driven phenomenon, or the real deal? In fact, it has really been relegated to the realm of the uber geeky, or seen as the currency of anarchists or crazy digital libertarians. The black market marketplace known as Silk Road, which allows pretty much anyone to anonymously sell “alternative products” (i.e. large quantities of one’s drug of choice), uses Bitcoin for its currency. Something which hasn’t exactly helped Bitcoin’s “cross over” appeal. And geeks have had a point: Eventually, with the increasing popularity of P2P networks, virtual currency and digital marketplaces, it was only a matter of time before these entities would collide and a virtual currency of record would emerge. No government control?! Even better! Bitcoin crossing the $1 billion threshold may not seem like much, but if anything, it seems to be a sign to anyone listening that the crypto-currency is ready to be taken seriously. Of course, there are still a lot of concerns, as John Biggs laid out in 2011. But why has Bitcoin become a billion-dollar market? First off, startups are beginning to carry the torch. As Alex wrote yesterday, Expensify announced that it is now supporting Bitcoin “to give international contractors an alternative to PayPal and the high fees associated with the service.” Reddit has jumped on the bandwagon, too, along with WordPress and Namecheap, among others. Adam Draper, the founder of Menlo Park-based accelerator, Boost VC, recently announced that the team would be focusing on Bitcoin-focused startups for its summer class. As he laid out in a post today, one of the other big reasons Bitcoin is beginning to take off — besides, of course, that it allows secure digital transactions without transmitting personal information — is that investor confidence is growing. Bitcoin startups are beginning to raise, and Draper claims that their fund is far from being the only one that’s interested. What’s more, the government has finally realized that it needs to start taking virtual currency seriously and develop a strategy for dealing with these types of currencies. FinCEN recently put out a series of “Guidelines,” which will inform future regulation, but also works to establish trust and credibility for virtual currency, particularly Bitcoin. There’s also the climate of the global financial markets, particularly the panic in Cyprus, after the government froze its citizens’ bank accounts following its bailout. Many believe that the tenuous financial markets in Europe and beyond create an atmosphere that’s ripe for a digital panacea like Bitcoin. Of course, the other side of the Bitcoin argument is that the confluence of unsteady financial markets, and skyrocketing growth of virtual currency (plus hype), is creating a perfect storm that equates to Bitcoin just being one giant bubble waiting to pop. What’s more, as my colleague Greg Kumparak pointed out today, Bitcoin itself is still in a tenuous place, policy-wise. There’s a good chance that a decentralized, unregulated market is going to scare the pants off the government once it’s fully cognizant that Bitcoin is a billion-dollar market — and growing. “It’s the easiest ‘this funds terrorism’ scare argument the government will ever try to make, so a big battle within the next year or two is pretty much guaranteed,” he said. Whether one sees it as a phenomenon or a legitimate institution, Bitcoin is working on all cylinders to become the latter — and now has a real case for our undivided attention. Either way, feel free to marvel at how a virtual currency that appeared practically out of the ether (created by some phantom mathematician/economist) just pulled a billion-dollar market out of its hat. See you on Silk Road? ||||| Output:
There isn't any national treasury backing the bitcoin, nor does anyone have great stores of physical bitcoins lying around. Yet more than $1 billion worth of this invented currency is in circulation—more than the entire currency stock of 20 countries, Fox News reports. A single bitcoin is currently worth more than $90 US. What's the appeal? Well, some say it's because global currency markets are so unstable that bitcoins, which are distributed to people who donate web server space to the bitcoin system, seem more stable than cash. "Because of what's going on in Cyprus and Europe, people are trying to pull their money out of banks," says BitPay CEO Tony Gallippi. "So they buy gold, they put it under the mattress, or they buy bitcoin." But others have another theory. Because bitcoin can be traded anonymously, like a digital form of cash, they believe bitcoin is fueling online black markets and drug markets. Gallippi scoffs at that concern. "With any technology," he says, "criminals are going to use it for something." TechCrunch has more background on how the system works.
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to prevent household appliance fires Immediately fix appliances or lamps that sputter or spark in any way or give you a shock when operated. Keep appliances away from wet areas, especially in the kitchen, bathroom, basement, and garage. If an appliance has a three-prong plug, never force it into a two-prong outlet or extension cord. OUT: Also, be wary of torn/significantly beat up extension cords. Check your wiring on a regular basis. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to tutor mathematics Know the material. If you know algebra really well, but are not as strong in calculus, only tutor algebra. Your students are learning from you and they can't do that if you don't know the material inside and out. OUT: You also want to make sure you know the math standards that your student is expected to be proficient in. If you can't solve all of the problems your student presents you, you shouldn't be tutoring the subject. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to deal with a crush on someone of the same gender at a young age Don't panic. Many people get a crush on someone of the same gender and freak out. The first thing you should do is take a deep breath. OUT:
Remember that what you are feeling is totally normal. It is not wrong to have these feelings.
Teacher: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Solution: Russian Revolution Reason: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Now, solve this instance: Who were the letters sent to?, Context: One of the first incidents of the book being challenged was in Hanover, Virginia, in 1966: a parent protested that the use of rape as a plot device was immoral. Johnson cites examples of letters to local newspapers, which ranged from amusement to fury; those letters expressing the most outrage, however, complained about Mayella Ewell's attraction to Tom Robinson over the depictions of rape. Upon learning the school administrators were holding hearings to decide the book's appropriateness for the classroom, Harper Lee sent $10 to The Richmond News Leader suggesting it to be used toward the enrollment of "the Hanover County School Board in any first grade of its choice". The National Education Association in 1968 placed the novel second on a list of books receiving the most complaints from private organizations—after Little Black Sambo. Student:
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Input: Consider Input: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two-part stage play written by Jack Thorne based on an original new story by Thorne, J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Previews of the play began at the Palace Theatre, London on 7 June 2016, and it officially premiered on 30 July 2016. Output: is harry potter and the cursed child out yet? Input: Consider Input: The Constitution provides that justices ``shall hold their offices during good behavior'' (unless appointed during a Senate recess). The term ``good behavior'' is understood to mean justices may serve for the remainder of their lives, unless they are impeached and convicted by Congress, resign, or retire. Only one justice has been impeached by the House of Representatives (Samuel Chase, March 1804), but he was acquitted in the Senate (March 1805). Moves to impeach sitting justices have occurred more recently (for example, William O. Douglas was the subject of hearings twice, in 1953 and again in 1970; and Abe Fortas resigned while hearings were being organized in 1969), but they did not reach a vote in the House. No mechanism exists for removing a justice who is permanently incapacitated by illness or injury, but unable (or unwilling) to resign. Output: can a seating supreme court justice be removed? Input: Consider Input: The United States Virgin Islands (USVI; also called the American Virgin Islands), officially the Virgin Islands of the United States, is a group of islands in the Caribbean and an unincorporated and organized territory of the United States. The islands are geographically part of the Virgin Islands archipelago and are located in the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles.
Output: is the virgin island part of the us?
What happens next? How to flick a card Grip the deck with three fingers. Place your index finger and ring finger on opposite, long sides of the deck, and your middle finger on the short side between them. You're now holding the deck with the sides of your finger, between the first and second knuckles.
Keep your palm and pinky finger off of the deck. Place your thumb on top of the deck.
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Q: Landon builds a telescope for Jamie to see a one-time comet in the springtime. Jamie's father helps him get it finished in time and it is brought to her on the balcony where she gets a beautiful view of the comet. It is then that Landon asks her to marry him. Jamie tearfully accepts, and they get married in the church where her mother got married. They spend their last summer together filled with strong love. Jamie's leukemia ends up killing her when summer ends. A:
did jamie live in a walk to remember?
Q: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Starting in 1996, Alexa Internet has been donating their crawl data to the Internet Archive. Flowing in every day, these data are added to the Wayback Machine after an embargo period. ||||| PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) — The chief prosecutor in the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius on Thursday accused the Olympic athlete of egotistical behavior in his relationship with Reeva Steenkamp before he killed her, and described Pistorius' courtroom apology to his girlfriend's family as an insincere "spectacle" that ignored the feelings of her relatives. Oscar Pistorius leaves the high court in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, April 9, 2014. Pistorius is charged with murder for shooting dead his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentines Day in 2013.... (Associated Press) File: In this Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2013 file photo a mourner holds a program with a photo of Reeva Steenkamp at her funeral in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. A sobbing Oscar Pistorius refused to look at... (Associated Press) Oscar Pistorius arrives at the high court in Pretoria, South Africa, Thursday, April 10, 2014. Pistorius, charged with murder for the shooting death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp, on Valentines Day... (Associated Press) Oscar Pistorius arrives at the high court in Pretoria, South Africa, Thursday, April 10, 2014. Pistorius has resumed testifying at his murder trial and is being challenged by the chief prosecutor, who... (Associated Press) "Your life is just about you," prosecutor Gerrie Nel said on a second day of cross-examination of Pistorius, who fatally shot Steenkamp through a closed toilet cubicle of his home in the early hours of Feb. 14, 2013. Pistorius says he shot Steenkamp by accident, mistaking her for a dangerous intruder. The prosecution says he intentionally killed her after an argument. Nel asserted that Pistorius was sometimes mean to Steenkamp, pressing him about her objection to him playing a song by American rapper Kendrick Lamar on a car stereo. Pistorius referred to the song in a cellular telephone message to Steenkamp that acknowledged her objections and has been included as evidence in the trial. The prosecutor asked if the name of the song was "Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe," but Pistorius said he couldn't remember the specific song. Nel responded that Steenkamp would have been right to take offense. A phone message from Steenkamp to Pistorius that was shown in court includes the line: "You make me happy 90% of the time and I think we are amazing together but I am not some other bitch you may know trying to kill your vibe." Nel's tough questioning was designed to counter earlier testimony in which Pistorius said he loved Steenkamp, a 29-year-old model, and was trying to protect her when he shot her without realizing, according to his account, that she was in the toilet cubicle. Two contrasting images of the double-amputee runner have emerged in court: the defense-led image of Pistorius as a contrite man who had been worried about crime and made a terrible mistake on the night he killed Steenkamp, and the prosecution's depiction of him as an overbearing egotist who was obsessed with firearms. Nel referred to a shooting incident at Tashas restaurant in Johannesburg in which a shot went off after a friend of the runner passed him a loaded gun under the table. Pistorius, who faces a separate charge of firing a gun in a public place because of that episode as well as two other firearms charges, said he didn't have his finger on the trigger when the gun fired. This happened about a month before Pistorius killed Steenkamp. The prosecutor noted that a police expert had testified that the gun could not be fired without pulling the trigger, and sarcastically described the discharge as a "miracle." "We have you in possession of the gun, a shot went off, but you didn't discharge the gun," Nel said incredulously of the athlete's account. Turning to the relationship between Pistorious and Steenkamp, Nel said he had checked all of her text messages on her cellular telephone and that the phrase "I love you" appeared only twice in those missives. On both occasions, he said, they were written by Steenkamp to her mother. "Never to you and you never to her," Nel said, addressing Pistorius. "I never got the opportunity to tell Reeva that I loved her," Pistorius said in a soft voice. He did not look at Nel while replying to the prosecutor's questions, instead directing his gaze to Judge Thokozile Masipa on the dais. Masipa will deliver a verdict because there is no jury system in South Africa. Pistorius faces 25 years to life in prison if convicted on a premeditated murder charge. Nel also accused Pistorius of ignoring the concerns of Steenkamp's family by apologizing to them at the beginning of his testimony this week, rather than seeking to express his condolences in private. Steenkamp's mother, June, has attended court sessions this week. "Why would you create a spectacle in court, in the public domain, in the public eye," Nel said. "Why did you put them through this?" Pistorius said his lawyers had been in touch with representatives of Steenkamp's family, and that he had believed the family of his girlfriend was not ready to meet him. "I completely understand where they're coming from," he said. "It's not that I haven't thought about them." ||||| A:
It was another heated exchange in court today as Oscar Pistorius was again cross-examined by prosecutor Gerrie Nel, nicknamed the "bull terrier" for his fierce style. Nel tried to paint Pistorius as controlling—a text from Reeva Steenkamp said he "snapped at her" for chewing gum—selfish, and a negligent gun owner; Pistorius admitted he usually carried his gun with a bullet in the chamber. But the athlete had a chance to respond to some of Nel's more damning statements. A look at what went down today, per the AP and BBC: Interpreting a text from Steenkamp that read "I'm scared of u," Pistorius said, "She's scared of the feelings she had for me and the way I brushed her off." In response to other messages, he added, "I think she was feeling at the time upset and exaggerated on some of the things that she said." Why did the couple never say "I love you" in messages? Nel asked, pointing out that all of their messages only contained the phrase twice, in both instances from Steenkamp to her mother. "I never got the opportunity to tell Reeva I loved her," Pistorius said. "We were in the foundation phase of our relationship—still opening up to each other, still starting to trust each other." As to why he told a pal to take the fall for a gun incident at a restaurant, he said he feared the media would print lies, though he added, "I know my finger was not on the trigger ... I don't recall how it went off." (Nel sarcastically described the discharge as a "miracle.") The couple apparently fought over the Kendrick Lamar rap song "B****, Don't Kill My Vibe," which Steenkamp didn't want Pistorius to play. She seems to reference it in a text: "You make me happy 90% of the time and I think we are amazing together but I am not some other b**** you may know trying to kill your vibe."
Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: poster="" true During an interview with MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on Thursday, Rick Santorum couldn't name an accomplishment of Marco Rubio. Santorum endorsed Rubio on Wednesday. Santorum can't name any of Rubio's Senate accomplishments Rick Santorum had one job to do in his appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Thursday. He failed. The former Pennsylvania senator, who dropped his presidential bid Wednesday, told co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski he is supporting Marco Rubio’s presidential campaign because the Florida senator is someone “who can work together with people.” But Santorum struggled to name one accomplishment Rubio has had in the Senate. Story Continued Below “He’s been in the Senate for four years,” Scarborough noted. “Can you name his top accomplishment in the Senate — actually working in the Senate doing something that tilted your decision to Marco Rubio?” “If you look at being in the minority in the United States Senate in a year when nothing got — four years where nothing got done, I guess it’s hard to say there are accomplishments,” Santorum said. “I mean, tell me what happened during that four years that was an accomplishment for anybody? It was complete gridlock.” Scarborough shot back that Republicans have been in the majority for the past two years and asked what Rubio has accomplished there since being part of the majority. “Joe, look, the Republicans have been in the majority for one year and one month, of which, as you know, he was running for president primarily,” Santorum said. “The first four years he was in the minority, and nothing got done. And by the way, what happened this year under the Republicans?” Scarborough insisted he wasn’t defending Congress or being difficult in his questioning. “I’m just asking you to name one accomplishment that Marco Rubio —” Scarborough said as Santorum tried to interrupt. “But list one accomplishment. Just one. Just one that Marco achieved. Maybe a bill that he wrote. Maybe a moment in a committee.” Brzezinski then jumped in to make it easier on Santorum, offering a fill-in-the-blank question. “Jeb Bush ran Florida. Donald Trump built a company,” she began. “Marco Rubio... — finish the sentence.” “OK, Marco Rubio was, No. 1, the speaker of the Florida House, which is not something that’s a minor deal,” Santorum answered. “I mean, he was elected by his colleagues to be the speaker of the House. No. 2, yeah, he spent four years in the United States Senate being frustrated like everybody else that nothing got done, and then you can’t point to him and say well nothing got done and therefore he has no accomplishments.” That argument is “bogus,” Santorum said, slamming the “feckless Congress.” “It’s actually not a bogus argument,” Scarborough said. “All I’m asking is a simple question. I’ll ask it one more time, and don’t attack me because we’ve been friends for a very long time.” “No, no, no, let me ask the question one more time,” Scarborough said as Santorum tried to interrupt. “List one accomplishment that Marco Rubio has achieved in four years in the United States Senate. It doesn’t even have to be a passed bill.” “Well, I know he included something that went after the insurance companies in the most recent omnibus. I know that he fought for that to stop bailing out insurance companies,” Santorum said. “That’s one thing that I’m familiar with that I just saw recently, but — and again, he was on the campaign trail and accomplished that. The bottom line is there isn’t a whole lot of accomplishments, Joe, and I just don’t think it’s a fair question.” Since the 2010 elections, when Scarborough appeared to back Rubio’s opponent, Charlie Crist, relations have been frosty. Rubio has refused to go on the show, and Scarborough frequently bashes Rubio on air. A source familiar with Thursday’s appearance said Santorum would have been dissuaded from appearing had upper-level campaign staff known about it. “He took a s---,” one Rubio insider said of Santorum’s appearance. Rubio defended Santorum later Thursday, emphasizing that the former Pennsylvania senator had endorsed him only a day ago. “Rick just signed onto the campaign, so obviously he's working with us and, you know, we'll have to continue to work on telling our story,” Rubio said on Fox News. “And obviously Rick’s going to be a big part of doing that. I'm proud of what I've done in public service.” Eliza Collins and Marc Caputo contributed to this report. ||||| Story highlights Rubio, under sharp criticism from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, downplayed Rick Santorum's inability to name a single legislative accomplishment of his "The reality of it is the American Dream is still alive. It is still healthy. We need a president who helps us get there and that guy is Marco Rubio," Scott said Washington (CNN) Sen. Marco Rubio is defending his record in Congress after Rick Santorum, now a Rubio backer, struggled to name any legislative accomplishments by the Florida senator. Rubio, under sharp criticism from former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, downplayed Santorum's inability to name a single legislative accomplishment of his. "Let's be fair to Rick. I mean, he has spent the past year and a half running for president and his campaign, and he just endorsed us last night," Rubio told reporters in Manchester on Thursday. Rubio then vaguely said he had "real achievements," and repeated his arguments that he's shown "better judgment" on national security issues than his rivals. Earlier Thursday, Santorum, who ended his presidential campaign earlier this week after fairing poorly in the Iowa caucuses, said "it's hard" to name a significant accomplishment that Rubio has had in the Senate. He did say that Rubio has "tremendous potential and gifts." Read More ||||| Asked repeatedly to name a single one of Sen. Marco Rubio’s accomplishments while serving five years as a U.S. senator representing Florida, Rick Santorum – who just endorsed the GOP lawmaker after bowing out of the presidential race himself on Wednesday – struggled to come up with any during an appearance Thursday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Santorum floundered right off the bat when asked to list Rubio’s “top accomplishment” while in office. “Well, I mean, I would just say that this is a guy who’s been able to, No. 1, win a tough election in Florida and pull people together from a variety of different spots. This is a guy that I think can work together with people,” he said. “That’s the thing I like about him the most.” Yet host Joe Scarborough didn’t ask which personal quality of Rubio’s Santorum liked the most. He asked for just one standout accomplishment – so he pressed the former Pennsylvania senator again: “So he can win, but he’s been in the Senate for four years. Can you name his top accomplishment in the Senate, actually working in the Senate doing something that tilted your decision to Marco Rubio?” RELATED: Republican field narrows as Iowa caucus knocks out candidates Santorum danced around the question for a second time, concluding that “I guess it’s hard to say there are accomplishments” when a junior senator is working in a government “where nothing gets done.” “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski called the exchange with Santorum “disturbing.” Meanwhile, Scarborough brought up the fact that Republicans have been in the Senate majority for the past two years, and asked for a third time: “Can you name one thing that he’s passed in the last two years?” eventually pleading with Santorum to “like one accomplishment – just one, just one – that Marco achieved.” Santorum then blamed President Obama for Rubio’s lack of accomplishments in the Senate, saying “he spent four years in the United States Senate being frustrated like everybody else that nothing got done, and then you can’t point to him and say nothing got done and therefore he has no accomplishments. The problem is we have a president who doesn’t work with people.” Eventually, however, Santorum did offer an example of a Rubio achievement, albeit a vague one. “Well, I know he included something that went after the insurance companies in the most recent omnibus. He fought for that, to stop bailing out insurance companies. That’s one thing I’m familiar that I just saw recently, ” he said. “But – and again, he was on the campaign trail and accomplished that. The bottom line is there isn’t a lot of accomplishments, Joe, and I just don’t think it’s a fair question to say.” A Rubio aide asked by NBC to comment on Santorum’s struggle to come up with an accomplishment simply offered a list of examples of legislation Rubio passed and signed into law in recent years, including VA accountability reform and Obamacare bailout. The aide had not yet seen the interview. In his endorsement Wednesday, Santorum called Rubio a “born leader” who represents ”the new generation” during an appearance on the Fox News program “On the Record With Greta Van Susteren.” The former senator decided to suspend his campaign just days after the Iowa Caucus – the third Republican to do so this week. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who joined “Morning Joe” later in the hour, used Santorum’s interview to his advantage, saying flatly, “Rubio hasn’t accomplished one thing in his career.” The presidential candidate then listed off some of his own accomplishments, adding, “and Rick Santorum can’t name one thing Marco Rubio’s done. I will tell you one thing Marco Rubio’s done – he’s made it very clear on the issue of pro-life – Marco Rubio is not for an exception for rape, incest or the life of a mother. Now, you know, I think that’s the kind of position that New Hampshire voters would be really concerned about.” Donald Trump’s campaign manager was eager to jump on Santorum’s interview as well, retweeting the “Morning Joe” video early Thursday morning. ||||| Output:
Ouch. New non-candidate Rick Santorum may have endorsed Marco Rubio, but he's apparently not well versed on Rubio's work. While on MSNBC's Morning Joe Thursday, co-host Joe Scarborough asked Santorum to name Rubio's "top accomplishment" in the Senate, reports Politico. Santorum balked. "The first four years he was in the minority, and nothing got done," he said. Scarborough responded that Republicans have been in the majority for the past two years. "List one accomplishment. Just one. Just one that Marco achieved," he pressed. Santorum said Rubio was elected speaker of the House in Florida, "which is not something that's a minor deal," but Scarborough wouldn't back down. "List one accomplishment" in the Senate, he said. "It doesn't even have to be a passed bill." Santorum eventually said: "Well, I know he included something that went after the insurance companies in the most recent omnibus. He was on the campaign trail and accomplished that." Santorum added that Rubio "can work together with people" and has "tremendous potential and gifts," per CNN, and he called Scarborough's question unfair. Rubio himself didn't seem bothered publicly. “Rick just signed onto the campaign, so obviously he's working with us and, you know, we'll have to continue to work on telling our story,” he said on Fox News.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: During the transition, Bush had chosen John Ashcroft, a former senator from Missouri, as his attorney general. On his arrival at the Justice Department, Ashcroft told us, he faced a number of problems spotlighting the need for reform at the FBI. In February, Clarke briefed Attorney General Ashcroft on his directorate's issues. He reported that at the time, the attorney general acknowledged a "steep learning curve," and asked about the progress of the Cole investigation. Neither Ashcroft nor his predecessors received the President's Daily Brief. His office did receive the daily intelligence report for senior officials that, during the spring and summer of 2001, was carrying much of the same threat information. The FBI was struggling to build up its institutional capabilities to do more against terrorism, relying on a strategy called MAXCAP 05 that had been unveiled in the summer of 2000. The FBI's assistant director for counterterrorism, Dale Watson, told us that he felt the new Justice Department leadership was not supportive of the strategy. Watson had the sense that the Justice Department wanted the FBI to get back to the investigative basics: guns, drugs, and civil rights. The new administration did seek an 8 percent increase in overall FBI funding in its initial budget proposal for fiscal year 2002, including the largest proposed percentage increase in the FBI's counterterrorism program since fiscal year 1997. The additional funds included the FBI's support of the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah (a onetime increase), enhanced security at FBI facilities, and improvements to the FBI's WMD incident response capability. In May, the Justice Department began shaping plans for building a budget for fiscal year 2003, the process that would usually culminate in an administration proposal at the beginning of 2002. On May 9, the attorney general testified at a congressional hearing concerning federal efforts to combat terrorism. He said that "one of the nation's most fundamental responsibilities is to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks." The budget guidance issued the next day, however, highlighted gun crimes, narcotics trafficking, and civil rights as priorities. <sep>How did Ashcroft want to reform FBI?<sep>He wanted FBI to do more against terrorism A:
Teacher:In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Living things need non-living matter as well as energy. What do you think matter is used for? One thing is to build bodies. They also need it to carry out the processes of life. Any non-living matter that living things need is called a nutrient. Carbon and nitrogen are examples of nutrients. Unlike energy, matter is recycled in ecosystems. You can see how in Figure 3.11. Decomposers release nutrients when they break down dead organisms. The nutrients are taken up by plants through their roots. The nutrients pass to primary consumers when they eat the plants. The nutrients pass to higher level consumers when they eat lower level consumers. When living things die, the cycle repeats. <sep>What do living things need?<sep>Energy Student:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Solution: Russian Revolution Why? This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. New input: What do you think with?, Context: Motor systems are areas of the brain that are directly or indirectly involved in producing body movements, that is, in activating muscles. Except for the muscles that control the eye, which are driven by nuclei in the midbrain, all the voluntary muscles in the body are directly innervated by motor neurons in the spinal cord and hindbrain. Spinal motor neurons are controlled both by neural circuits intrinsic to the spinal cord, and by inputs that descend from the brain. The intrinsic spinal circuits implement many reflex responses, and contain pattern generators for rhythmic movements such as walking or swimming. The descending connections from the brain allow for more sophisticated control. Solution:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". I've been thinking about the mindwipe, now two days away. Who said that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it? I fear that may be true for me. Add this to the reasons I write now: to remember something, perhaps even to learn -- Emil Malaquez arrived after sundown, carrying a small package wrapped in what looked like real paper. His evening dress was formal, expensive, and slightly stained, as that of all forgetful artists should be. He was a jovial man with an easy laugh, and even uglier than Tasha had suggested. I liked him immediately. "Señor Malaquez?" "Please. Call me Emil. You must be Bernardo. Tasha's told me much about you." "All of it outrageous praise?" "All of it." "Ah, she is wonderfully perceptive." He raised an eyebrow, then guffawed. "Has she said as much about me?" "She thinks you are a genius. Do come in." "Thank you." <sep>Could it be said that Mr. Malaquez has a mutual respect for Bernardo?<sep>Yes, the invitation to "come in" suggests he at least likes him enough to continue their appointment, and their mutual friend Tasha seems to have spoken highly of Bernardo to Malaquez Output:
What most naturally follows? How to make an all purpose gluten free flour Pour 6 cups (720 g) of brown rice flour into a large bowl. Brown rice flour is a whole-grain flour, which is less processed than other types of flour. You can find rice flour in the baking aisle of most health food stores or large supermarkets.
If you are looking to save money, opt for white rice flour. You can find it for a low price at ethnic grocery stores.
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: Oscar-winning actress Joan Fontaine died Sunday, her longtime friend Noel Beutel said Monday. She was 96. Fontaine died "very peacefully" in her sleep of natural causes, Beutel said. She was in her Carmel, California, home. She is survived by her older sister, actress Olivia de Havilland -- with whom she had not spoken for decades. Fontaine was born Joan de Beauvoir de Havilland in 1916 in Tokyo, Japan, where her British father was a patent lawyer and teacher. She and her sister moved to Saratoga, California, with their mother in 1919 when her parents separated. Fontaine was a teenager when she began her acting career as Joan Burfield in the 1935 film "No More Ladies." She later adopted the stage name Fontaine -- the name of her mother's second husband. She wrote in her 1978 autobiography, "No Bed of Roses," that her mother, who was an actress, began encouraging the rivalry with her older sister at an early age. The feud extended to their careers when both sisters were nominated for best actress Oscars in 1942. Fontaine, who was nominated for Alfred Hitchcock's "Suspicion," beat her sister Olivia de Havilland, who was nominated for "Hold Back the Dawn." De Havilland won the first of her two Oscars in 1947 when she was given the best actress award for "To Each His Own." De Havilland and Fontaine remain the only sisters who have best-actress Academy Awards. The long-standing feud with de Havilland was at such a peak during one Oscar winners' reunion in 1979 that they had to be seated on opposite ends of the stage. "I was shocked and saddened to learn of the passing of my sister, Joan Fontaine ... and I appreciate the many kind expressions of sympathy that we have received," a statement released by Olivia de Havilland to CNN said. <sep>In what year did her acting career begin?<sep>1935 Output:
Teacher: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Solution: Russian Revolution Reason: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Now, solve this instance: What were Samurai used for?, Context: Emperor Meiji abolished the samurai's right to be the only armed force in favor of a more modern, western-style, conscripted army in 1873. Samurai became Shizoku (士族) who retained some of their salaries, but the right to wear a katana in public was eventually abolished along with the right to execute commoners who paid them disrespect. The samurai finally came to an end after hundreds of years of enjoyment of their status, their powers, and their ability to shape the government of Japan. However, the rule of the state by the military class was not yet over. In defining how a modern Japan should be, members of the Meiji government decided to follow the footsteps of the United Kingdom and Germany, basing the country on the concept of noblesse oblige. Samurai were not a political force under the new order. With the Meiji reforms in the late 19th century, the samurai class was abolished, and a western-style national army was established. The Imperial Japanese Armies were conscripted, but many samurai volunteered as soldiers, and many advanced to be trained as officers. Much of the Imperial Army officer class was of samurai origin, and were highly motivated, disciplined, and exceptionally trained. Student:
instruction: You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. question: In 1999, the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup was abolished and merged with the UEFA Cup. For the 2004--05 competition a group stage was added prior to the knockout phase. The 2009 re-branding included a merge with the UEFA Intertoto Cup, producing an enlarged competition format, with an expanded group stage and changed qualifying criteria. The winner of the UEFA Europa League qualifies for the UEFA Super Cup, and since the 2014--15 season the winner of the UEFA Europa League also qualifies for the next edition of the UEFA Champions League. The winner enters at the group stage. answer: do the winners of the europa league qualify for the champions league? question: On Isla Sorna, an island off the Pacific coast of Costa Rica, a young girl named Cathy Bowman wanders around during a family vacation, and survives an attack by a swarm of Compsognathus. Her parents file a lawsuit against the genetics company InGen, now headed by John Hammond's nephew, Peter Ludlow, who plans to use Isla Sorna to alleviate the financial losses imposed by the incident that occurred at Jurassic Park four years earlier. Mathematician Dr. Ian Malcolm meets Hammond at his mansion. Hammond explains that Isla Sorna, abandoned years earlier during a hurricane, is where InGen created their dinosaurs before moving them to Jurassic Park on Isla Nublar. Hammond hopes to stop InGen by sending a team to Isla Sorna to document the dinosaurs, thus causing public support against human interference on the island. Ian, who survived the Jurassic Park disaster, is reluctant. After learning that his girlfriend, paleontologist Dr. Sarah Harding, is part of the team and is already on Isla Sorna, Ian agrees to go to the island, but only to retrieve her. answer: is jurassic park 2 on the same island? question: The first player to get rid of their last card (``going out'') wins the hand and scores points for the cards held by the other players. Number cards count their face value, all action cards count 20, and Wild and Wild Draw Four cards count 50. If a Draw Two or Wild Draw Four card is played to go out, the next player in sequence must draw the appropriate number of cards before the score is tallied. answer:
can you go out with a wild card in uno?
Teacher: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Solution: Russian Revolution Reason: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Now, solve this instance: Which school did not refer to higher learning?, Context: In the medieval Islamic world, an elementary school was known as a maktab, which dates back to at least the 10th century. Like madaris (which referred to higher education), a maktab was often attached to an endowed mosque. In the 11th century, the famous Persian Islamic philosopher and teacher Ibn Sīnā (known as Avicenna in the West), in one of his books, wrote a chapter about the maktab entitled "The Role of the Teacher in the Training and Upbringing of Children," as a guide to teachers working at maktab schools. He wrote that children can learn better if taught in classes instead of individual tuition from private tutors, and he gave a number of reasons for why this is the case, citing the value of competition and emulation among pupils, as well as the usefulness of group discussions and debates. Ibn Sīnā described the curriculum of a maktab school in some detail, describing the curricula for two stages of education in a maktab school. Student:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. [Q]: What is Compass-M1 like, Context: Compass-M1 is an experimental satellite launched for signal testing and validation and for the frequency filing on 14 April 2007. The role of Compass-M1 for Compass is similar to the role of the GIOVE satellites for the Galileo system. The orbit of Compass-M1 is nearly circular, has an altitude of 21,150 km and an inclination of 55.5 degrees. [A]: GIOVE [Q]: Seattle is one of the what of the country?, Context: Of the city's population over the age of 25, 53.8% (vs. a national average of 27.4%) hold a bachelor's degree or higher, and 91.9% (vs. 84.5% nationally) have a high school diploma or equivalent. A 2008 United States Census Bureau survey showed that Seattle had the highest percentage of college and university graduates of any major U.S. city. The city was listed as the most literate of the country's 69 largest cities in 2005 and 2006, the second most literate in 2007 and the most literate in 2008 in studies conducted by Central Connecticut State University. [A]: 69 largest cities [Q]: The Qing struggled with that?, Context: Yet controlling the "Mandate of Heaven" was a daunting task. The vastness of China's territory meant that there were only enough banner troops to garrison key cities forming the backbone of a defense network that relied heavily on surrendered Ming soldiers. In addition, three surrendered Ming generals were singled out for their contributions to the establishment of the Qing dynasty, ennobled as feudal princes (藩王), and given governorships over vast territories in Southern China. The chief of these was Wu Sangui, who was given the provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou, while generals Shang Kexi and Geng Jingzhong were given Guangdong and Fujian provinces respectively. [A]:
controlling the "Mandate of Heaven"
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Officials say a man has been found dead inside a home that caught fire in South Los Angeles. It happened around 5:30 p.m. Thursday. Fire officials say firefighters saw heavy flames shooting out of the front of the single-story home when they arrived. A fire department spokeswoman says a man in his early 40s was found dead inside the house. It wasn't immediately clear how the man had died and his identity wasn't immediately released. Advertisement The Los Angeles Fire Department says the home did not have any smoke alarms. The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Can we draw the following conclusion? the agent is aged 20 OPTIONS: (A). Yes. (B). It's impossible to say. (C). No.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". -------- Question: A flood occurs when a river overflows its banks. This might happen because of heavy rains. Floodplains In very flat regions, flood water may spread out on the surface of the land. It then slows down and drops its sediment. If a river floods often, a floodplain develops. A floodplain is an area where a thick layer of rich soil is left behind as the floodwater recedes. Thats why floodplains are usually good places for growing plants. They are very flat areas and they have very rich soils. The Nile River valley is a great example of a floodplain. Each year, the Nile River rises over its banks. This floodwater carries a lot of sediment. This sediment has been eroded off areas of land from upstream. This sediment is dropped as the water slows down after spreading across the land. What is left behind is a very rich soil. Thats why crops can be raised in the middle of a sandy desert. Natural Levees A flooding river often forms natural levees along its banks. A levee is a raised strip of sediments deposited close to the waters edge. <sep>Where does the sediment in a flooding river come from, and where does it eventually come to rest?<sep>It comes from eroded rock and land and rests when the water receeds Answer: Yes Question: On to the Twentieth Century: The British extended their control over the peninsula by putting together the whole panoply of colonial administration — civil service, public works, judiciary force, police force, post office, education, and land regulation — with teams of British administrators, teachers, engineers, and doctors to go with it. At the same time, the tin industry, dominated by Chinese using labor-intensive methods in the 19th century, passed increasingly into Western hands, who employed the modern technology of gravel pumps and mining dredges. Petroleum had been found in northern Borneo, at Miri, and in Brunei, and the Anglo-Dutch Shell company used Singapore as its regional depot for its oil supplies and exports. But the major breakthrough for the Malay economy was the triumph of rubber, when Singapore's new garden director, Henry Ridle ("Rubber Ridley" to his friends, "Mad Ridley" to all doubting Thomases) had developed new planting and tapping methods and painstakingly spread his faith in rubber around the peninsula. World demand increased with the growth of the motor-car and electrical industries, and sky-rocketed during World War I. By 1920, Malaya was producing 53 percent of the world's rubber, which had overtaken tin as its main source of income. The Malay ruling class again took a back seat. Together with effective control of the rubber and tin industries, the British now firmly held the reins of government. The sultans were left in charge of local and religious affairs, content with their prestige, prosperity, and security. The census of 1931 served as an alarm signal for the Malay national consciousness. Bolstered by a new influx of immigrants to meet the rubber and tin booms of the 1920s, non-Malays now slightly outnumbered the indigenous population. The Great Depression of 1929 stepped up ethnic competition in the shrinking job market, and nationalism developed to safeguard Malay interests against the Chinese and Indians rather than the British imperial authority. Though hampered by the peninsula's division into the States and the Straits Settlements, relatively conservative Muslim intellectuals and community leaders came together at the Pan-Malayan Malay Congress in Kuala Lumpur in 1939. In Singapore the following year, they were joined by representatives from Sarawak and Brunei. Teachers and journalists urged the revival of the common Malay-Indonesian consciousness, split by the Anglo-Dutch dismemberment of the region in the 19th century. This spirit became a factor in the gathering clouds of war. <sep>What caused the Malay ruling class to take a back seat?<sep>The Ottomans Answer: No Question: Captured Moments by Will Shetterly I remember Papa's stopbox, a teal blue Tiempo Capturado that Mama brought home for his birthday. It was huge and inefficient, and she should never have spent so many pesos on a toy, but Papa would not let her return it. He used it to preserve baby tomatoes, cucumbers, and strawberries in translucent cubes that he stored in the pantry for spring-time meals in the middle of winter. Mama kept her mink jacket, a family hand-me-down, safe from time in a stopbox, and lent the capturador to my uncle for his stamp collection. Sometimes they would let us little ones to seal a treasured toy or a last piece of birthday cake until we begged them for its release, usually a few hours after enclosing it. When my father died, a year after my mother, my sisters and I cleaned out their apartment. We found our baby shoes protected in stopboxes. I took mine home, where they sat above my computer while I worked on my first play. One night when I did not believe love had ever existed for anyone, I used my own capturador, a sleek titanium Sanyo Tardar Ahora, to undo the stopbox. Bringing my face close to the shoes, I breathed deeply of air that my parents had trapped while closing up that symbol of their love for me. The instant would have been improved had my baby shoes been cleaned before they were encased. But as soon as I coughed, I laughed, and I did not try to kill myself that night. <sep>What did they find when they cleaned their parents' apartment?<sep>The stopbox Answer:
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: Albrecht Durer (/'dU@r@r, 'djU@r@r/; German: ['albRect 'dy:Ra]; 21 May 1471 - 6 April 1528) was a painter, printmaker and theorist of the German Renaissance. Born in Nuremberg, Durer established his reputation and influence across Europe when he was still in his twenties, due to his high-quality woodcut prints. He was in communication with the major Italian artists of his time, including Raphael, Giovanni Bellini and Leonardo da Vinci, and from 1512 he was patronized by emperor Maximilian I. His vast body of work includes engravings, his preferred technique in his later prints, altarpieces, portraits and self-portraits, watercolours and books. The woodcuts, such as the Apocalypse series (1498), retain a more Gothic flavour than the rest of his work. His well-known engravings include the Knight, Death, and the Devil (1513), Saint Jerome in his Study (1514) and Melencolia I (1514), which has been the subject of extensive analysis and interpretation. His watercolours also mark him as one of the first European landscape artists, while his ambitious woodcuts revolutionized the potential of that medium. Durer's introduction of classical motifs into Northern art, through his knowledge of Italian artists and German humanists, has secured his reputation as one of the most important figures of the Northern Renaissance. This is reinforced by his theoretical treatises, which involve principles of mathematics, perspective and ideal proportions. <sep>What was one of his revered woodcuts he made in his twenties?<sep>The Apocalypse Series Output:
Q: Andrew Osborn is an editor. MOSCOW Siberian authorities on Tuesday revised upwards the number of Russians who have died after drinking contaminated bath oil to 52 from 41, the Irkutsk region's health ministry told Reuters. A further 29 people are in hospital, some of whom are in a serious condition and may die, a spokeswoman for the ministry said. The poisoning in Irkutsk, a hard scrabble city around 2,600 miles (4,000 km) east of Moscow, is one of the worst such cases in recent years in a country where up to 12 million people use cheap surrogate spirits. (Reporting by Peter Hobson; Editing by Andrew Osborn) A: Yes Q: Cheap models do not have refrigerator How to choose an energy efficient refrigerator<br>Think about what you want in a new refrigerator. Do you require a built-in or freestanding refrigerator. No-frost of static type? Double door, ice and water dispenser? If you are looking for a cheap model, there are some things you should keep certain things in mind. A: It's impossible to say Q: remove wine from paper towels. How to remove red wine stain from grout<br>Use a paper towel to blot any excess liquid from a fresh spill. Don't reach for a cloth towel because the red wine will stain the towel. Use a paper towel soaked in dish soap and warm water to scrub the stain. A: No Q: The Falcon 9 rocket had only 30 flights before this one. Email the author. Check out a view of the Falcon 9 launch Monday from our camera at the Kennedy Space Center press site about three miles from pad 39A. The rocket blasted off at 7:15 a.m. EDT (1115 GMT) with a top secret spy satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office. Monday's mission marked the 33rd flight of a Falcon 9 rocket, and the fourth time one of the vehicle's first stages has landed at Cape Canaveral. Follow Stephen Clark on Twitter: @StephenClark1. A:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. -------- Question: What happened in the lower part of the country?, Context: Representatives of the Polish government officially took over the civilian administration of the southern part of East Prussia on 23 May 1945. Subsequently Polish expatriates from Polish lands annexed by the Soviet Union as well as Ukrainians and Lemkos from southern Poland, expelled in Operation Vistula in 1947, were settled in the southern part of East Prussia, now the Polish Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship. In 1950 the Olsztyn Voivodeship counted 689,000 inhabitants, 22.6% of them coming from areas annexed by the Soviet Union, 10% Ukrainians, and 18.5% of them pre-war inhabitants. The remaining pre-war population was treated as Germanized Poles and a policy of re-Polonization was pursued throughout the country Most of these "Autochthones" chose to emigrate to West Germany from the 1950s through 1970s (between 1970 and 1988 55,227 persons from Warmia and Masuria moved to Western Germany). Local toponyms were Polonised by the Polish Commission for the Determination of Place Names. Answer: Subsequently Polish expatriates from Polish lands annexed by the Soviet Union as well as Ukrainians and Lemkos from southern Poland, expelled in Operation Vistula in 1947, were settled in the southern part of East Prussia Question: Who is the Queen married to?, Context: Burke took a leading role in the debate regarding the constitutional limits to the executive authority of the king. He argued strongly against unrestrained royal power and for the role of political parties in maintaining a principled opposition capable of preventing abuses, either by the monarch, or by specific factions within the government. His most important publication in this regard was his Thoughts on the Cause of the Present Discontents of 23 April 1770. Burke identified the "discontents" as stemming from the "secret influence" of a neo-Tory group he labelled as, the "king's friends", whose system "comprehending the exterior and interior administrations, is commonly called, in the technical language of the Court, Double Cabinet". Britain needed a party with "an unshaken adherence to principle, and attachment to connexion, against every allurement of interest". Party divisions "whether operating for good or evil, are things inseparable from free government". Answer: king Question: What is a common entrance?, Context: A series of low-lying annexes (largely hidden) flank both ends. Also in the square are the glass-faced Planalto Palace housing the presidential offices, and the Palace of the Supreme Court. Farther east, on a triangle of land jutting into the lake, is the Palace of the Dawn (Palácio da Alvorada; the presidential residence). Between the federal and civic buildings on the Monumental Axis is the city's cathedral, considered by many to be Niemeyer's finest achievement (see photographs of the interior). The parabolically shaped structure is characterized by its 16 gracefully curving supports, which join in a circle 115 feet (35 meters) above the floor of the nave; stretched between the supports are translucent walls of tinted glass. The nave is entered via a subterranean passage rather than conventional doorways. Other notable buildings are Buriti Palace, Itamaraty Palace, the National Theater, and several foreign embassies that creatively embody features of their national architecture. The Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx designed landmark modernist gardens for some of the principal buildings. Answer:
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: Thelma and Puhleaaaze (And yes I FINALLY got my license after years of driving w an adult present and a learners permit) IM FREE Rollin w the homies A photo posted by Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) on Jul 1, 2016 at 9:53am PDT ||||| Focused crawls are collections of frequently-updated webcrawl data from narrow (as opposed to broad or wide) web crawls, often focused on a single domain or subdomain. ||||| Vice President Joe Biden has been the force behind It's On Us, a campaign dedicated to making everyone aware of sexual assault and the importance of consent, thus placing more accountability on everyone. The program was launched in 2014 by Biden and President Barack Obama -- shedding much-needed light on a cause that continues to plague college campuses everywhere, with reportedly 1 in 5 women and 1 and 16 men being sexually assaulted in college. Now Lady Gaga, who has been outspoken against sexual assault, is hitting the road with the VP to get his message out. The two will be speaking at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, on April 7, with hopes of adding more signatures to the list of 250,000 students who took the pledge (from over 500 colleges) of solidarity against violence. Gaga's alread made quite an impact on the cause with "Til It Happens to You" -- the song she cowrote and recorded for The Hunting Ground. And she's made quite an impression on our vice president, as he refers to her as "brave and sincere." We're certainly excited that It's On Us is opening so many eyes with the help of Lady Gaga -- a surviver of sexual assault herself. But, personally, I'm most enamored by the fact that there's a man who is willing to step up for a cause that is berated and downplayed by men. He's doing this as a husband and a father -- and a man who realizes that while this issue does impact women more frequently, it doesn't discriminate against men. He recognizes that women don't need restrictions, but they need support. Proud to stand by my friend @ladygaga tonight. Pure courage that inspires, challenges us all. #ItsOnUs. All of us. A photo posted by Vice President Joe Biden (@vp) on Feb 28, 2016 at 8:42pm PST More from The Stir: Joe Biden's Response to Prom Invite Is Almost as Shocking as the Invite As women fight to walk, talk, and look any way they please without being slut-shamed and, thus, ridiculously accused of "wanting it," it's necessary that we stop teaching women that they are doing something wrong and are the ones who must change -- instead of truly sitting young men down and educating them on the depth of consent. I don't know about your sex ed class, but my teacher kind of breezed by the whole "No Means No" section, and that's where we go wrong -- we assume common sense is common, when it's actually not. As I get older, I'm noticing through friends' stories and my own experiences that some men are genuinely ignorant to the different variations of "no." This is by no means an excuse, but it is a reason to sit down and educate everyone involved. That way, in future cases, we're certain (as a society) that we've done our due diligence to clearly layout the definition of "no," and offenders can be held 100 percent accountable for their actions -- and they don't get off on bullsh*t excuses, allowing men to make themselves the victims. More from The Stir: Best Joe Biden Quotes From the DNC People need to know that an intoxicated woman is a woman who said "no." A woman who stops you mid-makeout and says "no" means f*cking NO! And, dressing like a "slut" didn't cause you to penetrate her without her consent -- it's still a hard no. Coming from a male role model enforcing these ideas and broadcasting this knowledge, the message will hopefully be well received by other men -- in college and beyond. And with that, sexual assault can finally be a real conversation instead of the butt of many people's jokes. Image via Leigh Vogel/Getty; Frederick M. Brown/Getty ||||| Output:
Lady Gaga has a driver's license for the first time at 30 years old, People reports. The singer has been posting about the experience of getting her license on Instagram, noting in a post on Friday that "after years of driving w an adult present and a learners permit," she "FINALLY" got her license. The following day she posted a picture of herself prostrate on the ground next to a car in apparent thanks to the Lord, her DMV test administrator looking on: "And after I passed my driving test. PRAISE HIM," she wrote. Another snap, captioned "SCHOOLS OUT," shows her in a DMV classroom. (Here's what Gaga is up to with Joe Biden.)
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: What date did the micro-usb connector first enter in mobile device design?, Context: The cellular phone carrier group Open Mobile Terminal Platform (OMTP) in 2007 endorsed micro-USB as the standard connector for data and power on mobile devices In addition, on 22 October 2009 the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has also announced that it had embraced micro-USB as the Universal Charging Solution its "energy-efficient one-charger-fits-all new mobile phone solution," and added: "Based on the Micro-USB interface, UCS chargers also include a 4-star or higher efficiency rating—​​up to three times more energy-efficient than an unrated charger." A:
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Input: Consider Input: Several double-blind experiments suggest that people who say they have EHS ca n't detect if electromagnetic fields are present , and are just as likely to report feeling sick after a phony exposure as they are after real exposure , making scientists think it is the nocebo effect . Output: Since then , several double-blind experiments have shown that people who report electromagnetic hypersensitivity are unable to detect the presence of electromagnetic fields and are as likely to report ill health following a sham exposure as they are following exposure to genuine electromagnetic fields , suggesting the cause in these cases to be the nocebo effect . Input: Consider Input: Unsportsmanlike conduct ( or unsporting behaviour , or ungentlemanly conduct ) describes a kind of action by professional sportspeople . Output: Unsportsmanlike conduct ( also called unsporting behaviour or ungentlemanly conduct or bad sportsmanship or poor sportsmanship or anti fair-play ) is a foul or offense in many sports that violates the sport 's generally accepted rules of sportsmanship and participant conduct . Input: Consider Input: Rebel Yell shared the leadership with Ultimate Ninja and Continuity Champ .
Output: Somewhere along the line the leadership of the LNH became a triumvirate with Rebel Yell , Continuity Champ , and the Ultimate Ninja each taking a share of LNH power .
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: I understand those things could come up in the course of the deposition, and I'll rule on those as I can if I'm not instantly available. So whether I'm sitting at trial or not -- and likely it will be a day when I'm sitting in trial -- we'll deal with it. Hypothesis: The writer doesn't understand those things could come up in the course of deposition Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: I wonder how he expects us to put forward a strong position on these issues if we are not part of the World Trade Organization or if we were not in a position, with meetings like Seattle, where we can pull together different countries from around the world that have a similar position to ours. Hypothesis: they are talking about fish only Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: The main library at 101 E. Franklin St. changes its solo and group exhibitions monthly in the Gellman Room, the Second Floor Gallery, the Dooley Foyer and the Dooley Hall. Hypothesis: All exhibitions are solo exhibits. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: Bewitch (1945–1959) was a Thoroughbred race horse born in 1945 at Calumet Farm, Kentucky, United States in the same crop in which the stallion Bull Lea produced Citation and Coaltown. Each of them was eventually inaugurated into the Thoroughbred Hall of Fame. Bewitch was the only filly of the three. Hypothesis: Bewitch was treated kindly
IN: What happens next? How to clean a box fan Unplug the box fan. Wipe down the power cord with a damp cloth. Make sure to dry it. OUT: Set the fan itself on a waist level work area, like on a bench or kitchen table. Remove the outer covers of the fan. IN: What happens next? How to get a credit card Inquire at a bank or credit union. Larger banks and even some credit unions offer their own credit cards to customers. Consider starting at one of these institutions. OUT: They will be able to give you sound advice and explain important details like fees, credit limits, and interest rates. Bank credit cards are usually reserved for established customers. IN: What happens next? A young boy is seen wandering around a playground and climbing up a side while a man records himself at times. the man OUT:
continues to follow the boy around while he plays on the playground and all the various toys.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. -------- Question: What was formed in 1850 to help with policing?, Context: In the American Old West, policing was often of very poor quality.[citation needed] The Army often provided some policing alongside poorly resourced sheriffs and temporarily organized posses.[citation needed] Public organizations were supplemented by private contractors, notably the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, which was hired by individuals, businessmen, local governments and the federal government. At its height, the Pinkerton Agency's numbers exceeded those of the United States Army.[citation needed] Answer: Pinkerton National Detective Agency Question: Why can anyone create a church in America?, Context: The first amendment to the US Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" The two parts, known as the "establishment clause" and the "free exercise clause" respectively, form the textual basis for the Supreme Court's interpretations of the "separation of church and state" doctrine. Three central concepts were derived from the 1st Amendment which became America's doctrine for church-state separation: no coercion in religious matters, no expectation to support a religion against one's will, and religious liberty encompasses all religions. In sum, citizens are free to embrace or reject a faith, any support for religion - financial or physical - must be voluntary, and all religions are equal in the eyes of the law with no special preference or favoritism. Answer: first amendment Question: what is done to london on the travel site?, Context: London is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world and in 2015 was ranked as the most visited city in the world with over 65 million visits. It is also the top city in the world by visitor cross-border spending, estimated at US$20.23 billion in 2015 Tourism is one of London's prime industries, employing the equivalent of 350,000 full-time workers in 2003, and the city accounts for 54% of all inbound visitor spend in UK. As of 2016 London is rated as the world top ranked city destination by TripAdvisor users. Answer:
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: These " transfer " laws may have a " sunset clause " . A: This " transfer " legislation may have a " sunset clause " , a legislative provision that nullifies the transfer of power after a specified period , at which point the original division of power is restored . **** Q: From the Middle Jurassic of Argentina , it was one of the earliest large South American theropods . A: It was among the earliest large South American theropods , having been found in Middle Jurassic strata of the Can ̃ ado ́ n Asfalto Formation in the Can ̃ ado ́ n Asfalto Basin of Argentina . **** Q: In 1920 the orchestra hired Henry Hadley as " associate conductor " to perform concerts which included works by American composers . A:
In 1920 the orchestra hired Henry Hadley as " associate conductor " given specific responsibility for the " Americanization " of the orchestra : each of Hadley 's concerts featured at least one work by an American-born composer . ****
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. PROBLEM: After treatment, HSV will leave the body or hide somewhere?, Context: Persistent infections occur because the body is unable to clear the organism after the initial infection. Persistent infections are characterized by the continual presence of the infectious organism, often as latent infection with occasional recurrent relapses of active infection. There are some viruses that can maintain a persistent infection by infecting different cells of the body. Some viruses once acquired never leave the body. A typical example is the herpes virus, which tends to hide in nerves and become reactivated when specific circumstances arise. SOLUTION: hide PROBLEM: Which ship is older, the Tripoli, or the Enterprise?, Context: With the deactivation of USS Enterprise in December 2012, the U.S. fleet comprises 10 supercarriers. The House Armed Services Seapower subcommittee on 24 July 2007, recommended seven or maybe eight new carriers (one every four years). However, the debate has deepened over budgeting for the $12–14.5 billion (plus $12 billion for development and research) for the 100,000 ton Gerald R. Ford-class carrier (estimated service 2016) compared to the smaller $2 billion 45,000 ton America-class amphibious assault ships, which are able to deploy squadrons of F-35Bs. The first of this class, USS America, is now in active service with another, USS Tripoli, under construction and 9 more are planned. SOLUTION: Enterprise PROBLEM: How will using more natural light benefit us?, Context: Analysis of lighting quality particularly emphasizes use of natural lighting, but also considers spectral content if artificial light is to be used. Not only will greater reliance on natural light reduce energy consumption, but will favorably impact human health and performance. New studies have shown that the performance of students is influenced by the time and duration of daylight in their regular schedules. Designing school facilities to incorporate the right types of light at the right time of day for the right duration may improve student performance and well-being. Similarly, designing lighting systems that maximize the right amount of light at the appropriate time of day for the elderly may help relieve symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease. The human circadian system is entrained to a 24-hour light-dark pattern that mimics the earth’s natural light/dark pattern. When those patterns are disrupted, they disrupt the natural circadian cycle. Circadian disruption may lead to numerous health problems including breast cancer, seasonal affective disorder, delayed sleep phase syndrome, and other ailments. SOLUTION:
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Let me give you an example: This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site. The answer to this example can be: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram Here is why: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example. OK. solve this: The Munich Agreement was a settlement permitting Nazi Germany's annexation of portions of Czechoslovakia along the country's borders mainly inhabited by German speakers, for which a new territorial designation, the 'Sudetenland', was coined. The agreement was signed in Munich, Germany on the early hours of 30 September 1938 (but dated 29 September) after being negotiated among the major powers of Europe, excluding the Soviet Union. The purpose of the conference was to discuss the future of the Sudetenland in the face of demands made by Adolf Hitler. The agreement was signed by Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Italy, but not Czechoslovakia, which was not invited to the conference The Sudetenland was of immense strategic importance to Czechoslovakia, as most of its border defenses and banks were situated there, as well as heavy industrial districts. The Agreement was soon followed by dismemberment of the Czech state. Answer:
when was the munich pact signed what was its importance
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: LA STAMPA (Italy) Worldcrunch ROME- Workers restoring Rome's historic Palazzo Venezia have discovered what they are calling Benito Mussolini’s 12th and most secret bunker, reports La Stampa. There are no records or mentions of this bunker, which was abandoned and left incomplete. City superintendent Anna Imponente and architect Carlo Serafini made the discovery after they had seen a one-meter by one-meter wooden trap-door while inspecting work on restoring the caverns of the 15th century building. [via La Stampa Facebook] After they opened the door and walked along the short passage with flashlights, they came into a square that was divided by partitions into nine spaces. “When we saw the concrete, it was all clear,” says Serafini. "It’s the twelfth bunker of Rome -- Benito Mussolini’s last bunker." The discovery was made in 2011, but has only been revealed now. La Stampa reports that the bunker is clearly unfinished -- there are holes in the wall meant for a sewer system and electric wiring, and flooring had not yet been installed. On July 13 1943 the Commander of the Royal Air Force (RAF) asked permission from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill to eliminate Il Duce. The plan was to simultaneously bomb Palazzo Venezia (where his office was, and where he made his famous balcony speeches...see below) and Villa Torlonia (his state residence). But the plan was never green-lighted as Foreign Minister Anthony Eden doubted whether Mussolini could be killed, and feared the collateral damage on civilians and the Eternal City since Palazzo Venezia is in the heart of Rome. Indeed Mussolini may have had the means to survive such an attack. “The structure is solid and would probably hold up, although it depends on the firepower,” says Serafini. The architect notes that the bunker is more than 15 meters below ground, well-insulated and free of humidity. "The walls rest on the foundations of an old tower, and are almost two meters thick in some places," he explained. "It would have probably only been designed for Mussolini himself and one other person; more than likely his mistress, Claretta Petacci.” There are two escape routes from the bunker -- one goes directly to the gardens of San Marco (the church adjoining Palazzo Venezia) and the other, which is entirely a hypothesis, goes to the Altare della Patria (Monument to King Victor Emmanuel II) where there is another bunker. The bunker will become open to the public this autumn. Superintendent Imponente says that new lighting systems will be put in and an interactive touchscreen for tourists and an air siren to simulate a bombing raid. Otherwise, everything else will remain as it was found, La Stampa reports. The video is an exclusive tour of the bunker with Carlo Serafini (in Italian). ||||| The 860 square feet bunker, which was built about 50ft beneath Palazzo Venezia, his Rome headquarters, was only rediscovered in 2010, during routine maintenance work. Now there are plans to open it to the public, possibly in the autumn, to provide an insight into the paranoid last few months of Il Duce's regime. Mussolini ordered the construction of the bunker at the end of 1942 because he feared that the RAF was planning to launch an audacious raid on his headquarters in an attempt to kill him and knock Italy out of the war. His fears were well founded – the RAF had indeed drawn up a plan to launch a bombing raid on the palazzo, as well as his private residence in Rome, Villa Torlonia, using the 617 Squadron of Dambusters fame. Air Marshal Arthur "Bomber" Harris proposed using the squadron's Lancaster bombers to fly over Rome at "rooftop level" and simultaneously drop bombs on Il Duce's headquarters and his family home in an attempt to kill him. The squadron had used "bouncing bombs" to attack three dams on the Ruhr just three months before. "The plan was drawn up in July 1943, just after the Allied landings in Sicily," Christopher Duggan, an expert on Mussolini from Reading University, told The Daily Telegraph. "Harris asked permission to go ahead with it from Winston Churchill. Palazzo Venezia had been Mussolini's headquarters since 1929 and Villa Torlonia was where his family lived." But Churchill, along with Anthony Eden, his Foreign Secretary, thought that the plan had only a slim chance of success. They were also worried that the British bombers could inadvertently do tremendous damage to the ancient Roman ruins that lie just a few hundred yards from the palazzo – the Roman Forum, the Colosseum and the Palatine Hill, where emperors built their sumptuous palaces. The bunker was discovered three years ago when engineers carrying out structural work on the foundations of Palazzo Venezia noticed a small wooden trap door. It opened out to a narrow flight of brick stairs which in turn led to the bunker, divided into nine rooms by thick concrete walls. The structure was so deep that it had exposed some Roman remains, which are still visible today. "When we saw the reinforced concrete, we realised what it was," Carlo Serafini, an architect involved in the discovery, told La Stampa newspaper. "Mussolini never stayed there but without doubt he would have gone down to inspect the progress of the work. "The structure is still solid, it probably would have withstood a bombardment, although it would have depended on the force of the explosion. It was certainly well hidden." The rough concrete walls of the bunker and the fact that it has just a dirt floor show that it had not been completed by the time Mussolini was arrested on the orders of Victor Emanuel III, the King of Italy, and sent into internal exile in the Apennine mountains in the summer of 1943. He was rescued by German airborne troops and installed as the puppet leader of a rump Fascist state in northern Italy but in April 1945 he was caught by Italian partisans and strung up along with his lover in Milan's Piazzale Lotto. The authorities in Rome hope to clean up the bunker and open it to the public later this year. ||||| A:
You'll soon be able to visit a manifestation of Benito Mussolini's paranoia: his "most secret" bunker, unearthed beneath his Rome headquarters in 2011 and just revealed. During the restoration of the 15th-century Palazzo Venezia, architect Carlo Serafini came upon a trap door, reports La Stampa by way of Worldcrunch. Inside: the dictator's 12th bunker, an unfinished 860-square-foot space located 50 feet below the building. It's set to open to the public this fall, largely preserved as-is, just with the addition of an interactive touchscreen and air-raid-simulating siren. Flooring and the sewer and electrical systems were never installed, but the nine-room space's purpose is clear, says Serafini. "It would have probably only been designed for Mussolini himself and one other person; more than likely his mistress, Claretta Petacci." The Telegraph reports that the order for the bunker, which looks to have led to two escape routes, came in late 1942, spurred by Mussolini's fears that the Royal Air Force planned to bomb his HQ—a plan the RAF actually considered but ultimately passed on.
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: Frederick "Fred" Moore Vinson (January 22, 1890 – September 8, 1953) was an American Democratic politician who served the United States in all three branches of government. The most prominent member of the Vinson political family, he was the 53rd United States Secretary of the Treasury and the 13th Chief Justice of the United States. Hypothesis: Fred was born in 1958.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: What started over two million years ago, at the beginning of the Quaternary Period?, Context: South America became linked to North America through the Isthmus of Panama during the Pliocene, bringing a nearly complete end to South America's distinctive marsupial faunas. The formation of the Isthmus had major consequences on global temperatures, since warm equatorial ocean currents were cut off and an Atlantic cooling cycle began, with cold Arctic and Antarctic waters dropping temperatures in the now-isolated Atlantic Ocean. Africa's collision with Europe formed the Mediterranean Sea, cutting off the remnants of the Tethys Ocean. Sea level changes exposed the land-bridge between Alaska and Asia. Near the end of the Pliocene, about 2.58 million years ago (the start of the Quaternary Period), the current ice age began. The polar regions have since undergone repeated cycles of glaciation and thaw, repeating every 40,000–100,000 years. A:
the current ice age
IN: What happens next? How to put out a fire Cut off the oxygen of microwave or oven fires. If something flames up in the oven or the nuke machine, stay calm. Turn off the device, close the door, and watch it closely. OUT: Closing it off and eliminating the heat source should make small fires die down quickly. Get your fire extinguisher and watch it closely. IN: What happens next? Before she begins, she talks about her stomach and how to put your hands behind your neck the correct way. finally OUT: , she does about four crunches and shows that your head should be up and as well as your body before she finishes her crunches. IN: What happens next? How to clean soccer cleats Knock off excess dirt. After playing in your soccer cleats, take them off. Hit the cleats against each other, sole facing sole, to remove as much excess dirt, grass, and mud, as possible. OUT:
Dry clean excess dirt from the soles. Use a soft-bristled brush or a cleat specific cleaning tool to scrub the bottoms of the cleats.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. When Link is not in wolf form, how does he harm others?, Context: When Link enters the Twilight Realm, the void that corrupts parts of Hyrule, he transforms into a wolf.[h] He is eventually able to transform between his Hylian and wolf forms at will. As a wolf, Link loses the ability to use his sword, shield, or any secondary items; he instead attacks by biting, and defends primarily by dodging attacks. However, "Wolf Link" gains several key advantages in return—he moves faster than he does as a human (though riding Epona is still faster) and digs holes to create new passages and uncover buried items, and has improved senses, including the ability to follow scent trails.[i] He also carries Midna, a small imp-like creature who gives him hints, uses an energy field to attack enemies, helps him jump long distances, and eventually allows Link to "warp" to any of several preset locations throughout the overworld.[j] Using Link's wolf senses, the player can see and listen to the wandering spirits of those affected by the Twilight, as well as hunt for enemy ghosts named Poes.[k]
sword, shield, or any secondary items
question: Complete the next sentence: A girl with long blond hair, wearing a blue robe is doing a tutorial on how to use hot rollers in her hair. there answer: is another woman wearing white who is demonstrating how to section out her hair and start putting the rollers in the her one by one. question: Complete the next sentence: The man turns and walks away while the woman demonstrates the female perspective of the dance sequence by herself. the man answer: rejoins the woman and talks to the camera while demonstrating the sequence of steps from the male perspective. question: Complete the next sentence: How to treat flea bites on dogs Look for small red dots, flea dirt, and flea eggs on your dog's skin. One of the most conspicuous signs of fleas are what they leave on your dog. Take a close look at your dog's skin to see if they have any small, red, raised bite marks. answer:
Additionally, fleas often leave behind " flea dirt, " which will look like small, dark grains of sand, as well as small white eggs that resemble tiny grains of rice. If your dog has an allergic reaction to the bite, the red area may be larger.
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. [Q]: J1 League is the top grouping of the Japan Professional Football League ( 日本フ ゚ ロサッカーリーク ゙ , Nippon Puro Sakka ̄ Ri ̄ gu ) . [A]: The J1 League ( Japanese : J1リーク ゙ , Hepburn : J1 Ri ̄ gu ) or simply J1 is the top division of the Japan Professional Football League ( Japanese : 日本フ ゚ ロサッカーリーク ゙ , Hepburn : Nihon Puro Sakka ̄ Ri ̄ gu ) and the top professional association football J.League in Japan . [Q]: Istituto Nazionale di Statistica is the national statistical institute of Italy . [A]: The Italian National Institute of Statistics ( Italian : Istituto Nazionale di Statistica ; Istat ) is the main producer of official statistics in Italy . [Q]: She trained in several places to get better at wrestling before working for Total Nonstop Action Wrestling ( TNA ) in June 2002 . [A]:
She trained in several camps to improve her wrestling abilities before working for NWA : Total Nonstop Action ( NWA : TNA , later Total Nonstop Action Wrestling ) in June 2002 , where she gained national attention .
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Image copyright G Borgonie Image caption The researchers dated some of the deep water to between one and 2.5bn years old The world's oldest water, which is locked deep within the Earth's crust, is present at a far greater volume than was thought, scientists report. The liquid, some of which is billions of years old, is found many kilometres beneath the ground. Researchers estimate there is about 11m cubic kilometres (2.5m cu miles) of it - more water than all the world's rivers, swamps and lakes put together. The study was presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. It has also been published in the journal Nature. The team found that the water was reacting with the rock to release hydrogen: a potential food source. It means that great swathes of the deep crust could be harbouring life. 'Sleeping giant' Prof Barbara Sherwood Lollar, from the University of Toronto, in Canada, said: "This is a vast quantity of rock that we've sometimes overlooked both in terms of its ability to tell us about past processes - the rocks are so ancient they contain records of fluid and the atmosphere from the earliest parts of Earth's history. "But simultaneously, they also provide us with information about the chemistry that can support life. "And that's why we refer to it as 'the sleeping giant' that has been rumbling away but hasn't really been characterised until this point." The crust that forms the continents contains some of the oldest rocks on our planet. But as scientists probe ever deeper - through boreholes and mines - they're discovering water that is almost as ancient. The oldest water, discovered 2.4km down in a deep mine in Canada, has been dated to between one billion and 2.5bn years old. Deep surprises Prof Chris Ballentine, from the University of Oxford, UK, said: "The biggest surprise for me was how old this water is. Image copyright b.sherwood lollar "That water is down there is no surprise - water will percolate down into the rock porosity. "But for it to be preserved and kept there for so long is a surprise. "So when you think about what's down beneath your feet, it's more exciting than just some rock." As well as the new estimates for the volume of the ancient water, the researchers used data from 19 different mine sites, studied as part of the Deep Carbon Observatory programme, to assess how much hydrogen was being produced through the underground chemical reactions. Life's limits Prof Ballentine said: "Until our most recent work, the hydrogen production in the continental crust was calculated to be negligible: close to zero. "This was very wrong and our work shows the hydrogen production in the continental crust to be the equal to that produced in the oceanic crust. This doubles the estimate of hydrogen produced on Earth." Prof Sherwood Lollar said the hunt for life in the deep crust was now a priority. "It gives us a quantum change in our understanding of how much of the Earth's crust might indeed be habitable and have enough energy to sustain subsurface life. "We want to now follow this 'treasure map', to go to these sites to characterise just how broad this deep hydrosphere is, to characterise the extent of ages, and then to try to understand the differences in the kinds of life we might find in one fracture versus another. "And even more exciting is if we can understand the limit to life, understand where we don't see life in the subsurface, and understand what it is about some of these fractures that makes them inhospitable for life." Follow Rebecca on Twitter ||||| A team of scientists, led by the University of Toronto's Barbara Sherwood Lollar, has mapped the location of hydrogen-rich waters found trapped kilometres beneath Earth's surface in rock fractures in Canada, South Africa and Scandinavia. Common in Precambrian Shield rocks -- the oldest rocks on Earth -- the ancient waters have a chemistry similar to that found near deep sea vents, suggesting these waters can support microbes living in isolation from the surface. The study, to be published in Nature on December 18, includes data from 19 different mine sites that were explored by Sherwood Lollar, a geoscientist at U of T's Department of Earth Sciences, U of T senior research associate Georges Lacrampe-Couloume, and colleagues at Oxford and Princeton universities. The scientists also explain how two chemical reactions combine to produce substantial quantities of hydrogen, doubling estimates of global production from these processes which had previously been based only on hydrogen coming out of the ocean floor. "This represents a quantum change in our understanding of the total volume of Earth's crust that may be habitable," said Sherwood Lollar. "Until now, none of the estimates of global hydrogen production sustaining deep microbial populations had included a contribution from the ancient continents. Since Precambrian rocks make up more than 70 per cent of the surface of Earth's crust, Sherwood Lollar likens these terrains to a "sleeping giant," a huge area that has now been discovered to be a source of possible energy for life," she said. One process, known as radiolytic decomposition of water, involves water undergoing a breakdown into hydrogen when exposed to radiation. The other is a chemical reaction called serpentization, a mineral alteration reaction that is common in such ancient rocks. This study has important implications for the search for deep microbial life. Quantifying the global hydrogen budget is key to understanding the amount of Earth's biomass that is in the subsurface, as many deep ecosystems contain chemolithotrophic -- so-called "rock-eating" -- organisms that consume hydrogen. In the deep gold mines of South Africa, and under the sea, at hydrothermal vents where breaks in the fissure of Earth's surface that release geothermally heated waters -- hydrogen-rich fluids host complex microbial communities that are nurtured by the chemicals dissolved in the fluids. This study identifies a global network of sites with hydrogen-rich waters that will be targeted for exploration for deep life over the coming years. Further, because Mars -- like the Precambrian crust -- consists of billions-of-year-old rocks with hydrogen-producing potential, this finding has ramifications for astrobiology. "If the ancient rocks of Earth are producing this much hydrogen, it may be that similar processes are taking place on Mars," said Sherwood Lollar. Other key members of the research team are Chris Ballentine of Oxford University, Tulis Onstott at Princeton University and Georges Lacrampe-Couloume of the University of Toronto. The research was funded by the Canada Research Chairs program, the Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council, the Sloan Foundation Deep Carbon Observatory, the Canadian Space Agency and the National Science Foundation. ||||| Output:
Much like on Earth's surface, water and rock reside deep within its crust, and they date to the earliest parts of the planet's history—leaving researchers fascinated by the secrets they may hold. In a new study published in Nature, they explain that not only is there more water miles below Earth's surface than in all its rivers, swamps, and lakes put together, but it may actually contain life. After compiling data from 19 mine sites in Canada, South Africa, and Scandinavia, researchers discovered the 2.5 cubic miles of water was reacting with ancient rocks to release hydrogen gas, reports the BBC, a possible food source. In fact, the evidence they gathered "doubles the estimate of hydrogen produced on Earth." In some areas, they found hydrogen production "equal to that produced in the oceanic crust," a researcher says, suggesting complex microbial communities could be sheltered deep below, just as they are around hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor. "Until our most recent work, the hydrogen production in the continental crust was calculated to be negligible: close to zero," he adds. The research team next hopes to search for evidence of life and discover "the differences in the kinds of life we might find in one fracture versus another." The study may give hope to those searching for life on Mars, which also hosts billions-of-years-old rocks that may produce hydrogen, adds Science Daily. (Just found on the Red Planet: methane.)
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: How do Amish worship in song?, Context: Present-day Christian religious bodies known for conducting their worship services without musical accompaniment include some Presbyterian churches devoted to the regulative principle of worship, Old Regular Baptists, Primitive Baptists, Plymouth Brethren, Churches of Christ, the Old German Baptist Brethren, Doukhobors the Byzantine Rite and the Amish, Old Order Mennonites and Conservative Mennonites. Certain high church services and other musical events in liturgical churches (such as the Roman Catholic Mass and the Lutheran Divine Service) may be a cappella, a practice remaining from apostolic times. Many Mennonites also conduct some or all of their services without instruments. Sacred Harp, a type of folk music, is an a cappella style of religious singing with shape notes, usually sung at singing conventions. A:
without musical accompaniment
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Part 2. Example what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Answer: Russian Revolution Explanation: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Part 3. Exercise What numeral standard was used in the Super Bowl 4 logo?, Context: On June 4, 2014, the NFL announced that the practice of branding Super Bowl games with Roman numerals, a practice established at Super Bowl V, would be temporarily suspended, and that the game would be named using Arabic numerals as Super Bowl 50 as opposed to Super Bowl L. The use of Roman numerals will be reinstated for Super Bowl LI. Jaime Weston, the league's vice president of brand and creative, explained that a primary reason for the change was the difficulty of designing an aesthetically pleasing logo with the letter "L" using the standardized logo template introduced at Super Bowl XLV. The logo also deviates from the template by featuring large numerals, colored in gold, behind the Vince Lombardi Trophy, instead of underneath and in silver as in the standard logo. Answer:
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: The Glory of Melaka: In the early days, if you were not a pirate or a mosquito, Melaka was not much of a place to live. The land was infertile, just a swampy plain, the river small and sluggish. But it had a sheltered harbor, protected from the monsoons by neighboring Sumatra. Later, the strategic location and deep-water channel close to the coast brought in the bigger vessels of the trade-wind traffic crossing the Indian Ocean. The first to realize the larger commercial potential, as so often throughout the country's subsequent history, were the Chinese. In 1409, under a new directive from Emperor Chu Ti to pursue trade in the South Seas and the Indian Ocean, a Chinese fleet of 50 ships headed by Admiral Cheng Ho called in at Melaka. They made Parameswara an offer he could not refuse: port facilities and an annual financial tribute in exchange for Chinese protection against the marauding Thais. In 1411, Parameswara took the money to Beijing himself, and the emperor gratefully made him a vassal king. Twenty years later, the Chinese withdrew again from the South Seas trade. The new ruler of Melaka, Sri Maharajah, switched his allegiance to the Muslim trading fraternity by marrying into the Muslim faith, wedding the daughter of a sultan in Sumatra. Islam won its place in Malaya not by conquest — as had been the case in North Africa and Europe — but by trade, dynastic alliances, and peaceful preaching. Bengali peddlers had already brought the faith to the east coast. In Melaka and throughout the peninsula, Islam thrived as a strong, male-dominated religion of individuality, offering dynamic leadership and preaching brotherhood and self-reliance — all qualities ideally suited to the coastal trade. At the same time, Sufi mystics synthesized Islamic teaching with local Malay traditions of animistic magic and charisma, though Islam did not become the state religion until Muzaffar Shah became sultan of Melaka (1446–1459). But the key figure in the sultanate was Tun Perak, bendahara (prime minister) and military commander. He expanded Melaka's power along the west coast and down to Singapore and the neighboring Bintan islands. He also had orang laut pirates patrolling the seas to extort tribute from passing ships. After Ailied district chiefs had repelled assaults from Thai-controlled armies from Pahang, Tun Perak personally led a famous victory over a Thai fleet off Batu Pahat in 1456. <sep>Who was the first to exploit the commercial potential of the region and who was the admiral who took charge?<sep>The Chinese; Chengo Ho A: Yes **** Q: Registration fees for Illinois lawyers could jump as much as $49 a year if lawmakers adopt two separate measures to bolster pro-bono services and support for lawyers with drug and alcohol problems. The Illinois Supreme Court is pushing for legislation that would allow it to dedicate money raised through the fee hikes to legal services to the poor. The justices are floating a $42 increase to shore up financing for pro-bono work, as the normal funding mechanism for legal services has fallen short in recent years. Currently, support for non-profit legal aid groups comes from interest generated on the Lawyers' Trust Fund, which pools clients' money that attorneys hold for such matters as escrow funds. But low interest rates and a sagging economy mean there is less money being generated. After hours of discussion, the high court agreed that raising the registration fees would be the best way to address the declining revenues, Chief Justice Moses W. Harrison II said. The judges were reluctant to raise those fees but eventually decided that supporting probono services was important enough "and lawyers had a responsibility to contribute" to the cause, Harrison said. Last year, the high court raised the base fee for active attorneys to $180 from $140. Lawyers in their first three years of practice or who are inactive pay $90, and retired lawyers pay nothing. Legislation circulated by the high court's lobbyist specifies that the hike would apply to attorneys "paying full annual registration fees." In 2001, there were 57,392 active attorneys in Illinois and 74,311 on the full roll, according to the Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission. The hike would raise roughly $2.4 million. Last year, interest on the trust fund totaled $4.5 million, but service and handling fees consumed $538,000 of that amount. This year's returns are projected to be anywhere between $700,000 and $1 million short of that mark, said Ruth Ann Schmitt, the executive director of Lawyers Trust Fund of Illinois. Harrison said the fee hikes are designed only to counter the shortfall in interest income, not add to the total amount available. "Our legal services are already stretched to the breaking point," Schmitt said. "We have a tough time raising enough money to properly fund services that our clients need." Neither the Illinois State Bar Association nor The Chicago Bar Association has taken a stance on the proposed hikes. <sep>Why were judges initially reluctant to raise registration fees?<sep>Low interest rates and a sagging economy meant there was less money being generated A: Yes **** Q: Dr. Benjamin Stone is a hotshot young surgeon who longs to leave the drudgery of a Washington , D.C. emergency room and finally leaps at his chance at more money and less death as a plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills . On his last day , Ben's relationship with his co-workers is presumed to be anything but a warm one . None of his colleagues will join him for a drink and a cake in his honor has an iced portion of the phrase `` Good riddance , asshole '' sliced out . Ben's cross-country drive in a 1956 Porsche 356 Speedster is interrupted when he crashes in the rural hamlet of Grady , South Carolina . The crash damages the fence of local Judge Evans , who sentences him to community service at a nearby hospital . Ben offers to pay for the fence , but the stern judge increases his community service each time he talks back . Defeated , he reports to the hospital , where Nurse Packer humbles him by ordering him to clock in and out , as would a factory worker . Though upset , Ben quickly makes friends with Mayor Nick Nicholson , the town cafe's proprietor/head waitress , and Melvin , the local mechanic tasked with repairing Ben's car . Ben soon finds his clinic work to be much more laid-back than the emergency room . He has simple cases such as spots before the eyes , fishing hook impalings , and even reading mail for a young illiterate couple , whose baby he later delivers . The experience also humbles Ben when he mistreats a case of mitral valve regurgitation leading to late cyanosis in the child . <sep>Who has simple cases<sep>Ben A:
Yes ****
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". One look at Fred Rooney, and you just know he's the good guy. A trace of childish innocence in his face gives the lanky Bethlehem lawyer a Jimmy Stewart-like quality of quiet trust. In black jeans and button-down shirt, he's a kind of folk hero in the south Bethlehem melting pot where he's crafted a law practice catering to working-class families - mostly Latino - in the shadow of the hulkish remnants of Bethlehem Steel. A two-hour drive away, at City University of New York Law School in Queens, Rooney spends several days a week helping upstart lawyers develop storefront practices that, like his, provide legal representation to folks who can't afford a $250-an-hour legal counselor. Kristin Booth Glen, the law school's dean, took one look at Rooney and knew he was the right person to head the innovative Community Legal Resources Network. ''Fred's so low-key, he's Midwestern in effect,'' says Glen, a former New York Supreme Court judge. ''He captivates people, he inspires loyalty.'' For bringing legal representation to the poor and a host of other social causes, including finding medical care for seriously ill children in Latin America, the Moravian College Alumni Association has chosen Rooney for its prestigious Haupert Humanitarian Award. The award, given to only a select few alumni, will be presented at 7:30 tonight at a reception on Moravian's Priscilla Payne Hurd campus. Moravian, where he was an undergraduate in the early 1970s, inspired Rooney's deep sense of social justice. The son of a Bethlehem Steel executive in New York, he came to the Bethlehem campus from an affluent upbringing on Long Island. The young Rooney might have set his sights on Washington, D.C., like his uncle, former U.S. Rep. Fred Rooney of Bethlehem. After all, politics run in the Rooney family. His brother, state Rep. T.J. Rooney of Bethlehem, is a power in the state Legislature and the Democratic Party. But on a trip to Colombia when he was a junior at Moravian, the child of privilege saw human suffering, malnutrition and poverty the likes of which he had never imagined. ''I couldn't understand why we live this way and they live that way,'' Rooney recalled. ''It's been the guiding light of my life ever since.'' After graduating in CUNY Law School's first class in 1986, he took a job with Lehigh Valley Legal Services. <sep>Who said Fred Rooney inspires loyalty?<sep>Kristin Booth Glen
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: Adeel Alam ( born March 28 , 1986 ) is an American professional wrestler currently signed WWE and perform in SmackDown brand under in his ring name Mustafa Ali . A: Adeel Alam ( born March 28 , 1986 ) is an American professional wrestler currently working full-time for WWE , where he performs on their SmackDown brand under the ring name Ali ( shortened from his previous ring name Mustafa Ali ) . **** Q: Geochronology is the main tool used to get absolute age dates for all fossil assemblages , and for the history of the Earth and other bodies . A: The science of geochronology is the prime tool used in the discipline of chronostratigraphy , which attempts to derive absolute age dates for all fossil assemblages and determine the geologic history of the Earth and extraterrestrial bodies . **** Q: Sundbyberg Municipality is a municipality in Stockholm County in central Sweden . A:
Sundbyberg Municipality ( " Sundbybergs kommun " or " Sundbybergs stad " ) is a municipality in Stockholm County in east central Sweden , just north of the capital Stockholm . ****
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball Example solution: No Example explanation: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". Problem: How would the universe look without gravity? It would have no planets and no stars. Thats how it looked when it was young. When the universe was young, there was only gas and dust. From this gas and dust, everything we now see was made. How were stars and planets created from just gas and dust? The answer is gravity. The same gravity that holds you down on Earth. The same force that causes your pencil to roll off your desk. The same force that causes it to fall to the floor. The invisible force of gravity caused dust and gas particles to be pulled together. This force is what formed all the objects in our solar system. This force formed the smallest moons. It also formed our Sun. This force caused more than just our solar system to form. It caused all the other solar systems to form. It caused the formation of all the galaxies of the universe. <sep>Did the universe always have a sun?<sep>Yes
Solution: No
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: The Swiss Federal Council ( , , , ) is the group of seven people who are the federal government of Switzerland . A: The Federal Council ( , , , ) is the seven-member executive council that constitutes the federal government of the Swiss Confederation and serves as the collective head of state and of government of Switzerland . **** Q: The song was Jackson 's fifth # 1 single on the " Billboard " Hot 100 . A: The song became Jackson 's fifth number-one single on the " Billboard " Hot 100 , and the final of seven top five singles from the album , making her the only artist to achieve seven top five singles from one album . **** Q: NOW is a free weekly newspaper / magazine published in Toronto , Canada . A:
Now ( styled as NOW ) , also known as NOW Magazine , is a free alternative weekly newspaper and online publication in Toronto , Ontario , Canada . ****
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Who doesn't have strength in numbers?, Context: There are 119,500 males within the city and 117,400 females. The 20–24 age range is the most populous, with an estimated 32,300 people falling in this age range. Next largest is the 25–29 range with 24,700 people and then 30–34 years with 17,800. By population, Southampton is the largest monocentric city in the South East England region and the second largest on the South Coast after Plymouth. Student:
30–34 years
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Problem:As his car slid downtown on Tuesday morning the mind of Arnold Thorndike was occupied with such details of daily routine as the purchase of a railroad, the Japanese loan, the new wing to his art gallery, and an attack that morning, in his own newspaper, upon his pet trust. But his busy mind was not too occupied to return the salutes of the traffic policemen who cleared the way for him. Or, by some genius of memory, to recall the fact that it was on this morning young Spear was to be sentenced for theft. It was a charming morning. The spring was at full tide, and the air was sweet and clean. Mr. Thorndike considered whimsically that to send a man to jail with the memory of such a morning clinging to him was adding a year to his sentence. He regretted he had not given the probation officer a stronger letter. He remembered the young man now, and favorably. A shy, silent youth, deft in work, and at other times conscious and embarrassed. But that, on the part of a stenographer, in the presence of the Wisest Man in Wall Street, was not unnatural. On occasions, Mr. Thorndike had put even royalty— frayed, impecunious royalty, on the lookout for a loan—at its ease. The hood of the car was down, and the taste of the air, warmed by the sun, was grateful. It was at this time, a year before, that young Spear picked the spring flowers to take to his mother. A year from now where would young Spear be? It was characteristic of the great man to act quickly, so quickly that his friends declared he was a slave to impulse. It was these same impulses, leading so invariably to success, that made his enemies call him the Wisest Man. He leaned forward and touched the chauffeur's shoulder. "Stop at the Court of General Sessions," he commanded. What he proposed to do would take but a few minutes. A word, a personal word from him to the district attorney, or the judge, would be enough. <sep>How does Mr. Thorndike act upon his impulse?<sep>He didn't - he first thought things through Solution:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Example Input: What is the first low value sales item IBM abandoned, Context: IBM has constantly evolved since its inception. Over the past decade, it has steadily shifted its business mix by exiting commoditizing markets such as PCs, hard disk drives and DRAMs and focusing on higher-value, more profitable markets such as business intelligence, data analytics, business continuity, security, cloud computing, virtualization and green solutions, resulting in a higher quality revenue stream and higher profit margins. IBM's operating margin expanded from 16.8% in 2004 to 24.3% in 2013, and net profit margins expanded from 9.0% in 2004 to 16.5% in 2013. Example Output: PCs Example Input: The expansion of what further cemented Houston's emergence as a powerhouse commercial city?, Context: By 1860, Houston had emerged as a commercial and railroad hub for the export of cotton. Railroad spurs from the Texas inland converged in Houston, where they met rail lines to the ports of Galveston and Beaumont. During the American Civil War, Houston served as a headquarters for General John Bankhead Magruder, who used the city as an organization point for the Battle of Galveston. After the Civil War, Houston businessmen initiated efforts to widen the city's extensive system of bayous so the city could accept more commerce between downtown and the nearby port of Galveston. By 1890, Houston was the railroad center of Texas. Example Output: bayous Example Input: What was the Constitution barring?, Context: In October 2013, the New York Post reported that Schwarzenegger was exploring a future run for president. The former California governor would face a constitutional hurdle; Article II, Section I, Clause V nominally prevents individuals who are not natural-born citizens of the United States from assuming the office. He has reportedly been lobbying legislators about a possible constitutional change, or filing a legal challenge to the provision. Columbia University law professor Michael Dorf observed that Schwarzenegger's possible lawsuit could ultimately win him the right to run for the office, noting, "The law is very clear, but it’s not 100 percent clear that the courts would enforce that law rather than leave it to the political process." Example Output:
a future run for president
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: The area , which is named after the town of Hala 'ib , is created by the difference in the Egypt – Sudan border between the " political boundary " set in 1899 by the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium , which runs along the 22nd parallel north , and the " administrative boundary " set by the British in 1902 , which gave an area of land north of the line to Sudan . A:
The area , which takes its name from the town of Hala 'ib , is created by the difference in the Egypt – Sudan border between the " political boundary " set in 1899 by the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium , which runs along the 22nd parallel north , and the " administrative boundary " set by the British in 1902 , which gave administrative responsibility for an area of land north of the line to Sudan , which was an Anglo-Egyptian client at the time .
IN: What happens next? The woman puts the contact lens on her eye. The woman applies contact lens solution into her lens carrying case. The woman washes her hands. the woman OUT: removes the contact lens from her eye. IN: What happens next? How to get kids to take medicine Start positive. If you make something sound bad, the child will think the same thing. For the first dose of a new medicine, just say " here, take this medicine. OUT: " if the kid refuses, call the medicine " super drops " or " strong pills. " Tell young kids that their favorite character from a movie or book took medicine to become strong, smart, or fast. IN: What happens next? How to add a spouse to a deed Read your mortgage. If you have a mortgage on your property, it may have a " due on sale " clause. This clause gives your lender the right to demand payment in full of the balance you owe on the mortgage if you sell or transfer some portion of your ownership. OUT:
The reason: the property is the bank's security that if you don't pay your mortgage, the bank can seize your property. Obviously, if you sell or transfer some of your property, that gives the bank less security.
You will be given a passage, and your task is to generate a Yes/No question that is answerable based on the given passage. Example input: Powdered sugar, also called confectioners' sugar, icing sugar, and icing cake, is a finely ground sugar produced by milling granulated sugar into a powdered state. It usually contains a small amount of anti-caking agent to prevent clumping and improve flow. Although most often produced in a factory, powdered sugar can also be made by processing ordinary granulated sugar in a coffee grinder, or by crushing it by hand in a mortar and pestle. Example output: is confectionary sugar the same as powdered sugar? Example explanation: The question is a yes/no question, and it is answerable based on the given passage. Q: Devil May Cry 5 is an upcoming action-adventure hack and slash video game developed and published by Capcom. It is a continuation of the mainline series which began with Devil May Cry in 2001, to its most recent entry Devil May Cry 4, which was released in 2008. A:
is devil may cry 5 after devil may cry 2?
Definition: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Input: Countries that are located in a region opposite to the Western side of said region are given which descriptor?, Context: Within a population, it is common for different ages and/or sexes to have different patterns of timing and distance. Female chaffinches Fringilla coelebs in Eastern Fennoscandia migrate earlier in the autumn than males do. Output:
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. After a 12-hour search, a sanitation crew found a boy who had fallen into a sewer. Patrick Healy reports for the NBC4 News at 5 p.m. on Monday, April 02, 2018. (Published Monday, April 2, 2018) Images on a feed from a closed-circuit camera inside a sewer pipe offered a glimmer of hope early Monday for teams searching for a 13-year-old boy who fell into an underground pipe more than 12 hours earlier. The video from a camera floating inside the Los Angeles sewer system appeared to show hand prints. Sanitation crew members were immediately sent to the location near the 134 Freeway, about a mile from the site near Travel Town in Griffith Park where 13-year-old Jesse Hernandez fell into a drainage pipe during an Easter Sunday family celebration. "About 4 a.m. we were able to see on one of the video cameras some hand markings on the sewer itself, inside where it appears that he was trying to get out," said LA Sanitation Department Assistant Director Adel Hagekhalil. "Right away, our team focused on that location." The camera was one of two floating along a 6,400-foot section of pipe identified by the sanitation department as Jesse's most likely location. The wall markings it showed help narrow that search area and turn a night of desperation into a morning of elation. Cameras like this were used to help find Jesse Hernandez after he fell in the LA sewer system Sunday April 1, 2018. Photo credit: KNBC-TV Sanitation workers opened a maintenance hatch and saw Jesse about 11 feet down in the pipe in cold, dark and wet conditions. "The first thing they heard is, 'Help!'" Hagekhalil said. "They were thrilled." Workers lowered a hose to pull the boy to safety. He was hospitalized in serious condition, but talking with rescuers. "I've never seen so many big, burly men so happy," said fire Capt. Erik Scott. "They were holding back tears, hugging each other. It's a miracle." Hagekhalil said it's likely sewage was flowing at the time. The boy probably slipped all the way to the location where he was discovered and held on. The pipes are four feet in diameter with varying depths of water moving at approximately 15 mph. "There were markings upstream that showed he was trying to hold himself up as he was traveling down," Hagekhalil added. Video: Boy Describes Spending Nearly 12 Hours in Underground Sewer System A 13-year-old boy named Jesse Hernandez who was miraculously rescued describes the nearly 12 hours he spent in the city's underground sewer system. Kim Baldonado reports for the NBC4 News at 6 on Monday, April 2, 2018. (Published Monday, April 2, 2018) Hernandez was jumping on a wooden plank atop a concrete building Sunday when the plank gave out underneath him, according to the Los Angeles Police Department. The area, a decommissioned LA city sanitation facility, was fenced off, authorities said. Jesse then fell into a drainage pipe, which was full of low-flow running water and sewage. The pipe system feeds down to the Los Angeles River and due to water and gasses in the system, the environment would be difficult for one to breathe, officials said. ||||| During an Easter outing, Jesse and his cousins made their way to an abandoned concrete building near Zoo Drive on the north end of the park. The structure was built decades ago to vent hydrogen sulfide gas from the sewer pipes and introduce fresh air into the pipes, but was decommissioned by the city's Bureau of Sanitation in the 1980s. ||||| HUNTINGTON PARK (CBSLA) — A 13-year-old boy is safe at home after an Easter Sunday at the park with family turned into a nightmare when he fell into a sewer pipe, waiting nearly 13 hours to be rescued. Jesse Hernandez was found early Monday morning after L.A. sanitation workers and about 100 firefighters toiled tirelessly through the night searching for him in Griffith Park. He was found in a 4-foot sewage pipe in a maintenance hatch near the 134 Fwy., about three-quarters of a mile from where he disappeared. He was found as a “part of this systematic search,” Los Angeles Fire spokesman Capt. Erik Scott said Monday morning. Hernandez was attending his family’s Easter picnic Sunday when he and some of his cousins climbed a fence and gained access to an abandoned concrete building near the park’s Travel Town area. “I was playing, and I didn’t see that it was a little piece of wood, and I stepped on it, and I just fell down — the current took me,” Hernandez told CBS2 News at his home in Huntington Park Monday evening. Hernandez said he fell “pretty far” before he stopped himself from descending further into the pipe as it narrowed. He was hit with untreated sewage water for hours. Hernandez said he dropped a cell phone he was carrying at the time. “I was thinking, like, “I’m gonna die,'” said Hernandez. Using a specialized camera, rescue crews were able to see Hernandez’s hand prints on the side of the pipe. “Well, I stopped myself because the little tunnel started getting smaller, so I just stood up fast,” recalled Hernandez. “There was this big circle thing, and I just went up. Like, I just stood up there for the last 13 hours.” For Hernandez’s worried family, it seemed like a lot longer. “It felt more like 20 hours , just waiting, waiting, no answers,” Hernandez’s stepfather Arturo Ramirez told CBS2. “The more you wait, the more you think other stuff.” After he was rescued, the slightly scratched and bruised teen immediately asked for a cell phone to call his family to let them know he was safe. Hernandez was taken to the hospital and released a few hours later. |||||
The story of 13-year-old Jesse Hernandez might have had a far more tragic ending if not for handprints the boy left on a tunnel wall after he plummeted through a broken plank into the Los Angeles sewer system. After hours of searching Sunday, city workers put cameras tethered with 1,000-foot video cables on floating surfboard-like platforms equipped with lights to look for clues in the maze of pipes where Jesse disappeared, the Los Angeles Times reports. "About 4am we were able to see on one of the video cameras some hand markings on the sewer itself, inside where it appears that he was trying to get out," LA Sanitation Department Assistant Director Adel Hagekhalil tells NBC. "Right away, our team focused on that location." Hagelkhalil says workers headed to a hatch on a westbound lane of the 134 Freeway, planning to send another camera down to look for more evidence near the handprints—and when they opened the hatch, they spotted Jesse at the bottom of a 11-foot shaft. "The first thing they heard is, 'Help!'" Hagekhalil says. "They were thrilled." The cold, wet, and frightened boy was around two-thirds of a mile from where he had fallen into the system. Jesse said he was swept away by the current but managed to stop himself. He was hit with untreated sewage water throughout the almost 13 hours he waited for rescue. "I was thinking, like, 'I'm gonna die,'" he told CBS2 Monday night. He said the tunnels were dark and quiet. "You could just hear the water running through," he said. "You couldn't see anything."
How to be a good host when friends come to your house Welcome your friends. When they arrive smile, and say " hi ", then let them come in. Be polite and friendly, and make sure to ask them how they are. OPTIONS: - Try to remember that their birthdays are coming up so that this doesn't feel like a hurry. Do not feel bad for your friend; it's your birthday after all! Do not be creepy in front of your friends. - Introduce your friends to people in the household they don't yet know. Offer compliments on how they look and offer gratitude for any gifts that they bring with them. - Introduce your friends to other guests to make them feel welcome, and try to act happy when they check in. This shows your friends that their potential host will trust them, making them feel more like a part of the house. - You can also say " i missed this time with you! I'm so glad to see you. What's going on? How were things? " let your friends know if they're making trouble. Introduce your friends to people in the household they don't yet know. Offer compliments on how they look and offer gratitude for any gifts that they bring with them. question: Complete the next sentence: How to navigate dog classified ads Be on guard with free classifieds. Before you start skimming through classified ads, check whether it's free to post listings or if a fee is charged to do so. Expect to find puppy mills, backyard breeders, and scammers advertising dogs on free sites. OPTIONS: - Remember: their chief concern is making money, so obviously they're going to spend as little as possible and certainly take advantage of free advertising. This doesn't mean that sites that charge money to post listings are 100% free of untrustworthy sellers. - You should also be on the lookout for attention to detail that would indicate the dog has an official name. If the dog needs a name, be aware of this. - Sign up for fliers and promotional materials, and put them on dog classified ads. Try turning some of your fliers into puppy ads. - Keep an eye out for reviews of the ads so you know what sort of ad they are looking for. Don't be too petty about looking at subscription results and initial reviews. answer: Remember: their chief concern is making money, so obviously they're going to spend as little as possible and certainly take advantage of free advertising. This doesn't mean that sites that charge money to post listings are 100% free of untrustworthy sellers. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to prepare crabs Bring several liters (8 to 9 cups) of water to boil to cook two crabs. Season with two tablespoons of sea salt. Allot at least 1 liter (0.3 us gal) for each crab that you are cooking. OPTIONS: - When the crabs are ready, drain or clean them. Do not blanch them; blanching can kill them. - 2 crabs would mean at least 2 liters (0.5 us gal) of water, while 5 crabs would mean at least 5 liters (1.3 us gal) of water. Gently drop the crab (s) into the boiling water. - Place the crabs in the boiling water and cook, covered, for 4 to 5 minutes. Stir every 10 minutes to avoid burning or burning the crabs. - If you are cooking large number crabs, however, you will need to cut off the " corners " of each crab before cooking them first. Weigh the crabs with one pound (45.8 g) of medium-weight sea salt or 1 tbsp.. Next sentence: 2 crabs would mean at least 2 liters (0.5 us gal) of water, while 5 crabs would mean at least 5 liters (1.3 us gal) of water. Gently drop the crab (s) into the boiling water. context: How to tell if another woman is bisexual Notice whether she shows open appreciation for women. If the woman seems to generally appreciate women, including their sex appeal, there is a chance she is. Does she always notice other people's looks and comment on them in a sexualized way? As with every potential clue, it's possible she is just admiring another woman without having a sexual attraction to her. OPTIONS: - See if she doesn't compliment you. This can be as simple as noting that women look more attractive if they're admiring other women instead of men. - However, after noting this, it may be a more subconscious sign. A transsexual woman may display open appreciation for men's looks and partners' looks. - If a woman always shows open appreciation, she may not be bisexual. Men can tell a lot by looking around the room. - After all, women are constantly scrutinizing other women's appearances. However, if she repeatedly openly admires another woman's sex appeal, maybe she is open to more. **** next sentence for the context: After all, women are constantly scrutinizing other women's appearances. However, if she repeatedly openly admires another woman's sex appeal, maybe she is open to more. IN: What happens next? How to convince a teacher to let you retake a test Decide what it is that caused you to fail the test. Did you not study? Did you get in a fight with your parents? Understanding why you failed can help you prepare for a retake. Think about how much of this information you're willing to share with your teacher. OPTIONS: - Retaking your test does not mean that you are failing. Just that you are not in a great place to get advice and support as you work through your problems. - There's a lot going on, so if you're trying to convince your teachers that you've gotten better grades at school, your teachers may be holding you back. If you weren't intentionally performing poorly, you may need additional help. - Your teacher will understand if you are trying to convince her, and be able to help you plan your next class. If it is your teacher, you may struggle with retaking the test. - They may ask the reason for the retake, and you should be honest. If it's personal, you can make general allusions: " family problems, " or " a difficult personal period. OUT: They may ask the reason for the retake, and you should be honest. If it's personal, you can make general allusions: " family problems, " or " a difficult personal period. question: Complete the next sentence: She is now on another wall and is using a utensil to smooth out the paper. Then, she is shown cutting the grey wallpaper and brushing it. finally OPTIONS: - she is taking the brush again and applied the original paper on top before starting with the illustrated image of her smiling in the end. - , she moves to another flower piece and begins to cut off the excess paper ensuring it is measured correctly. - , she pulls the drawing out of the file. - , she is shown wearing a pink shirt and holds up the thread. answer:
, she moves to another flower piece and begins to cut off the excess paper ensuring it is measured correctly.
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: The Mahabharata stars the __, Context: The Kuru kingdom was the first state-level society of the Vedic period, corresponding to the beginning of the Iron Age in northwestern India, around 1200 – 800 BCE, as well as with the composition of the Atharvaveda (the first Indian text to mention iron, as śyāma ayas, literally "black metal"). The Kuru state organized the Vedic hymns into collections, and developed the orthodox srauta ritual to uphold the social order. When the Kuru kingdom declined, the center of Vedic culture shifted to their eastern neighbours, the Panchala kingdom. The archaeological Painted Grey Ware culture, which flourished in the Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh regions of northern India from about 1100 to 600 BCE, is believed to correspond to the Kuru and Panchala kingdoms. Student:
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Q: The main story is that Hyas was killed in a hunting accident , so the Hyades wept because of their grief . A: The main myth concerning them is envisioned to account for their collective name and to provide an etiology for their weepy raininess : Hyas was killed in a hunting accident and the Hyades wept from their grief . **** Q: Basalt columns can be seen in many places , along with coves caused by soft rock erosion . A: Basalt columns can be seen in many places , and the sea has eroded the soft rock of the shoreline and scooped out many picturesque coves and grottos , which are among the special features of the islands . **** Q: The flag of Somaliland is the national flag of Somaliland . A:
The flag of Somaliland is used in Somaliland , a self-declared republic that is internationally recognized as an autonomous region of Somalia . ****
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. How is time wasted?, Context: Seemingly, multitasking would cause a computer that is switching between several programs to run more slowly, in direct proportion to the number of programs it is running, but most programs spend much of their time waiting for slow input/output devices to complete their tasks. If a program is waiting for the user to click on the mouse or press a key on the keyboard, then it will not take a "time slice" until the event it is waiting for has occurred. This frees up time for other programs to execute so that many programs may be run simultaneously without unacceptable speed loss. A:
most programs spend much of their time waiting for slow input/output devices to complete their tasks
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Problem:What are the internal layer of pouches on an etioplast called?, Context: If angiosperm shoots are not exposed to the required light for chloroplast formation, proplastids may develop into an etioplast stage before becoming chloroplasts. An etioplast is a plastid that lacks chlorophyll, and has inner membrane invaginations that form a lattice of tubes in their stroma, called a prolamellar body. While etioplasts lack chlorophyll, they have a yellow chlorophyll precursor stocked. Within a few minutes of light exposure, the prolamellar body begins to reorganize into stacks of thylakoids, and chlorophyll starts to be produced. This process, where the etioplast becomes a chloroplast, takes several hours. Gymnosperms do not require light to form chloroplasts. Solution:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. A sophisticated worm designed to infiltrate industrial control systems could be used as a blueprint to sabotage machines that are critical to U.S. power plants, electrical grids and other infrastructure, experts are warning. The discovery of Stuxnet, which some analysts have called the "malware of the century" because of its ability to damage or possibly destroy sensitive control systems, has served as a wake-up call to industry officials. Even though the worm has not yet been found in control systems in the United States, it could be only a matter of time before similar threats show up here. "Quite honestly you've got a blueprint now," said Michael J. Assante, former chief security officer at the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, an industry body that sets standards to ensure the electricity supply. "A copycat may decide to emulate it, maybe to cause a pressure valve to open or close at the wrong time. You could cause damage, and the damage could be catastrophic." Joe Weiss, an industrial control system security specialist and managing partner at Applied Control Solutions in Cupertino, Calif., said "the really scary part" about Stuxnet is its ability to determine what "physical process it wants to blow up." Said Weiss: "What this is is essentially a cyber weapon." Researchers still do not know who created Stuxnet or why. The antivirus security firm Symantec analyzed the worm this summer and, by taking control of servers it had been connected to, determined that the malware had infected 45,000 computers around the world. Most of those infected - 30,000 - were in Iran. Those computers were not the targets, but the finding suggested that the target was nearby. Speculation has focused on Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, and this weekIranian officials said they suspect a foreign organization or nation designed the worm. The United States has a covert program to sabotage the systems that undergird Iran's nuclear facilities. Some experts have also suggested that other countries, including Israel, could be behind Stuxnet. Joel F. Brenner, former national counterintelligence executive and a former senior counsel at the National Security Agency, said he thinks it is unlikely that the United States created the worm. "We don't do anything on purpose that we can't really target and control," he said. Brenner, who has long warned of such a threat to the electric grids, also cautioned against assuming a nation state was behind it. A group at a "premier technical institute" in the United States, China, Israel or Russia, could have carried it off, he said. Siemens, a German-headquartered multinational company, has identified 15 cases of infections on customers' plants worldwide; the single largest concentration - five - was found in Germany. Each customer was able to detect the worm and remove it without harm to their operations, spokesman Alexander Machowetz said. Still, the possibility that Stuxnet could be used by copycats, even those who don't intend to do harm with it, is causing concern among experts. ||||| Iran has detained several "spies" it claims were behind cyber attacks on its nuclear programme. The intelligence minister, Heydar Moslehi, said western "spy services" were behind the complex computer virus that recently infected more than 30,000 computers in industrial sites, including those in the Bushehr nuclear power plant, appearing to confirm the suspicion of computer security experts that a foreign state was responsible. The announcement also suggests that the attack involving the Stuxnet worm virus, which computer experts believe may have been designed to spy on Iran's nuclear facilities rather than destroy them, has caused more alarm in the regime than has so far been acknowledged. In remarks carried on Iranian state television and the Mehr news service, Moslehi said Iran had discovered the "destructive activities of the arrogance [of the west] in cyberspace", adding that "different ways to confront them have been designed and implemented". "I assure all citizens that the intelligence apparatus currently has complete supervision on cyberspace and will not allow any leak or destruction of our country's nuclear activities. "Iran's intelligence department has found a solution for confronting [the worm] and it will be applied. Our domination of virtual networks has thwarted the activities of enemies in this regard." Moslehi gave no details of when the arrests had taken place or whether those detained were Iranians or foreign citizens. According to experts the Stuxnet worm, designed to be delivered through a removable drive like a USB stick, is one of the most complex pieces of malicious code ever deployed. It was written specifically to attack Siemens industrial control units of the kind used in the Iranian nuclear programme. Suspicion for responsibilty for the attack has inevitably focused on Israel and the US, although there is little evidence to support this. The announcement of the arrests, intended to reassure Iranians, follows comments last week by another senior Iranian official, Mahmoud Liaii, who said: "An electronic war has been launched against Iran." Iran has denied that the worm damaged the main control systems at Bushehr, rather infecting the laptops of some workers at the plant. However, the disclosure of the attack coincided with an announcement that the plant's inauguration has been delayed until at least next year because of continuing technical problems. It was confirmed earlier this week that Iran will start fuelling the Bushehr nuclear reactor with enriched uranium fuel over the next few days, months later than had been originally announced. The vice-president, Ali Akbar Salehi, maintained the delay had nothing to do with the computer worm and said the plant had not been affected in any way. "We hope to load the fuel into the Bushehr reactor by early October and the necessary groundwork for this is coming together, God willing, so it [the fuel] will be completely put in place in the heart [of the reactor] by November," he told the semi-official ISNA news agency. In recent years Iran has announced the arrest of nuclear spies on a periodic basis. Three years ago it announced it had broken up a spy ring that had handed nuclear intelligence to the UK. |||||
Iran sought to reassure its residents today that the nation's nuclear programs are safe from Stuxnet, which might be the scariest computer virus known to man. The intelligence chief said authorities had arrested "nuclear spies," though he didn't say who, how many, or where they're from, reports the Guardian. He did, however, blame western "spy services" for the highly sophisticated bug, which has infected 30,000 computers at industrial sites—including the Bushehr nuclear reactor. "Iran's intelligence department has found a solution for confronting [the worm] and it will be applied," he said. "Our domination of virtual networks has thwarted the activities of enemies in this regard." The announcement could be a sign that the worm has inflicted more damage than the regime has acknowledged, notes the Guardian. The bug also has been found in India, Pakistan, and Indonesia, but so far not in the US. Still, it could provide a "blueprint" for attacks on computers critical to US power plants and electrical grids. See the Washington Post for more on that.
Two men watch the two buffalos from a distance with weapons mounted aiming to shoot as a camera man stands behind them filming the incident. one of the buffalos is shot by an yellow tipped weapon while walking away. How to answer unemployment claim questions Complete any required documents before your interview. If you receive a notice for a phone interview, it may include additional paperwork that you need to fill out before the phone interview. The purpose is to ensure that the interview runs smoothly. Get your paperwork in as soon as possible. Don't wait until the last minute, especially if you have to rely on the mail to get your paperwork to the unemployment office. How to stream videos to your mobile device from windows Open windows media player. In order to stream your content to different devices on a local network you will need to first enable dlna. This stands for digital living network alliance and is a standard for streaming content over local media devices. Press and hold windows key and hit r. a small box will open in the lower left-hand side of your screen. How to study for the co op (cooperative entrance exam ) Know what high school you want to go to. Immaculate heart academy and academy of the holy angels have almost the same acceptance requirements. Iha does however consider your grades and coop where as aha focuses more on coop scores.
At aha, if you do really bad on the coop they will consider letting you retake it. Know the high school you want to go to and what score requirement they have.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Let me give you an example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball The answer to this example can be: No Here is why: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". OK. solve this: Hundreds of thousands of years before China was to become the world's longest-running civilization, the prologue was enacted by means of the flicker of a carefully tended fire. Peking Man, a forebear of Homo sapiens, achieved a mastery of fire. We might call it the first Chinese invention. Not that he devised flint and steel, matches, or any other way of creating fire. Peking Man simply learned how to capture flame, perhaps from a forest fire, and keep it alight. He thus enjoyed two revolutionary luxuries: light and heat. Technologically and sociologically, it was a phenomenal breakthrough: with fire, communities could live year 'round in one cave, in which cooking and even smelting could be pursued. And so, by 600,000 b.c., about 50 km (31 miles) southwest of present-day Beijing, the ancestors of mankind were ready to settle down. Several hundred thousand years later, when Marco Polo reached the capital of China, he was astonished by a further development in fire technology. The Chinese, he announced, used black stones dug out of mountains as fuel. Europeans did not yet have a word for "coal," nor had they discovered a use for it. The First Dynasty The confluence of mythology and history in China took place around 4,000 years ago during what is referred to as the Xia (Hsia) Dynasty. This was still the Stone Age, but the people are thought to have made silk from thread produced by the worms they cultivated on the leaves of their mulberry trees. And written language (which evolved as early as 4,500 to 5,000 years ago) was already in use, originally by oracles and then by official scribes — China's first scholars. During the second of the quasi-legendary dynasties, the Shang (from about the 16th to 11th centuries b.c.), the Chinese developed an interest in art. Careful geometric designs as well as dragon and bird motifs adorned bowls and implements. And with the arrival of the Bronze Age, the Chinese created bronze vessels of such beauty and originality that, until modern times, archaeologists refused to believe they were cast 3,000 years ago. The Shang Dynasty gave rise to the concept of one Chinese nation under one government. <sep>What did a mastery of fire achieve for Peking Man?<sep>Light and heat Answer:
How to make avocado juice Cut the avocado and scoop out the pulp. To cut your avocado easily : Take your knife and cut the avocado in half vertically. Twist the two sides apart, exposing the pit inside. OPTIONS: - Pull out the pit, then slice it into pieces. Add the avocado and juice to a small mixing bowl. - With a spoon or a knife, remove the pit. Grab a spoon and scoop out the all of the inside. - Place the avocado halves in a bowl, such as a mason jar. Use a knife or spoon to separate the avocado halves into thin pieces. - Take a paring knife and cut the avocado in half diagonally. Slice the avocado and scoop out the juice. With a spoon or a knife, remove the pit. Grab a spoon and scoop out the all of the inside. The man then skateboards down a busy street. The boarder has his hand on the ground as he skates. the boarder OPTIONS: - turns the board to face him. - leaves a building and hops off a bridge into the water of the swimming pool. - skateboard down a bridge. - takes a right turn. takes a right turn. How to get big loots in clash of clans Focus on an archer/barbarian combination. These two units will make up the bulk of your army. Barbarians draw the attention of defenders and take some damage, while archers hang back and destroy buildings from afar. OPTIONS: - They also train and identify barbarians who come forward and scale back their tactics so that they can get aggressive against heroes. To keep campaigns going, you'll need companions and utms. - This tactic is vital for an well-balanced army. Prepare for recruits (archers are primarily defensive units that respawn at each person in their army). - You're going to need around 90 archers and 60-80 barbarians Add goblins. Goblins are great for getting loot, as they automatically target resource buildings from the start. - Users must not send ramps to a building or the final position as well. Use gun placements to gain an air superiority ratio when you have to concentrate in swat. You're going to need around 90 archers and 60-80 barbarians Add goblins. Goblins are great for getting loot, as they automatically target resource buildings from the start. How to cope when your sibling gets cancer Talk to your support network. When things feel overwhelming, reach out to your friends or family. Find someone that you can lean on, and ask them, " is it alright if i call you or come over when i feel like i need some support? " Talk to your support network openly and honestly. OPTIONS: - Make sure they know you're only protecting them, not endangering them or " bringing them down. " your life is so difficult right now, and talking to them can make the situation worse. - Let your conversations with them be a safe space where you can work on your own feelings without judgement. If possible, try to lean on someone who isn't too close to your sibling. - Don't assume that they will be supportive. Instead, explain your needs, triggers, and concerns to them. - Ask questions about your friends' experiences, and encourage them to do the same. You could say, " i'm feeling really overwhelmed right now.
Let your conversations with them be a safe space where you can work on your own feelings without judgement. If possible, try to lean on someone who isn't too close to your sibling.
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Input: What determines worker wages?, Context: In a purely capitalist mode of production (i.e. where professional and labor organizations cannot limit the number of workers) the workers wages will not be controlled by these organizations, or by the employer, but rather by the market. Wages work in the same way as prices for any other good. Thus, wages can be considered as a function of market price of skill. And therefore, inequality is driven by this price. Under the law of supply and demand, the price of skill is determined by a race between the demand for the skilled worker and the supply of the skilled worker. "On the other hand, markets can also concentrate wealth, pass environmental costs on to society, and abuse workers and consumers." "Markets, by themselves, even when they are stable, often lead to high levels of inequality, outcomes that are widely viewed as unfair." Employers who offer a below market wage will find that their business is chronically understaffed. Their competitors will take advantage of the situation by offering a higher wage the best of their labor. For a businessman who has the profit motive as the prime interest, it is a losing proposition to offer below or above market wages to workers. Output:
the market
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Example Input: Fossils can be used to match up rock layers. As organisms change over time, they look different. Older fossils will look different than younger fossils. Some organisms only survived for a short time before going extinct. Knowing what organisms looked like at certain times also helps date rock layers. Some fossils are better than others for this use. The fossils that are very distinct at certain times of Earths history are called index fossils. Index fossils are commonly used to match rock layers. You can see how this works in Figure 2.30. If two rock layers have the same index fossils, then they're probably about the same age. <sep>What kind of fossils are used to date rock layers?<sep>Index fossils Example Output: Yes Example Input: "Femme" is an apt description of the depiction of Madame White Snake and all her incarnations. It refers to a woman who is dangerously attractive, and lures men to their downfall with her sexual attractiveness. In both incarnations of Madame White snake, the authors depict her as bewitchingly beautiful. Toyoo, her human lover in "Lust of the White Serpant" cannot shake the image of her beauty from his mind and dreams of her, and finds himself "disturbed and agitated" by her "ethereal beauty". In "Eternal Prisoner," Madame White Snake's bewitching beauty follows her lover Hsü into his dreams, and the next morning "he was so distracted that he could not concentrate on doing business." Both of these stories align negative connotations with her beauty, suggesting that her sexuality is the cause of their distraction. In addition to distracting sexuality, the irregular characterization of Madame White Snake might be another trait her character has in common with the archetypical noir femme fatale. In her essay analyzing the noir film from a feminist perspective, Christine Gledhill writes "Not only is the hero frequently not sure whether the woman is honest or a deceiver, but the heroine's characterisation is itself fractured so that it is not evident to the audience whether she fills the [femme fatale] stereotype or not". <sep>In this passage, "Femme" is referring to what kind of woman?<sep>Bewitching beauty Example Output: Yes Example Input: Sometimes a full Moon moves through Earths shadow. This is a lunar eclipse . During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon travels completely in Earths umbra. During a partial lunar eclipse, only a portion of the Moon enters Earths umbra. When the Moon passes through Earths penumbra, it is a penumbral eclipse. Since Earths shadow is large, a lunar eclipse lasts for hours. Anyone with a view of the Moon can see a lunar eclipse. So unlike a solar eclipse, it doesnt get dark on Earth. Instead it gets dark on the Moon. Partial lunar eclipses occur at least twice a year, but total lunar eclipses are less common. The Moon glows with a dull red coloring during a total lunar eclipse. <sep>How often does total lunar eclipse occur and what color is the moon?<sep>Bright red Example Output:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: A 5-year-old boy attacked by a mountain lion outside his home in Colorado on Friday night is in fair condition, officials said. The boy's mother told police he had been playing in the front yard with his older brother when she heard screaming and ran outside to find a mountain lion on him, the Pitkin Sheriff's Department said in a news release. The mother told police she was able to pull the boy away from the animal. The boy's father called 911 to tell dispatchers he was driving his injured son to the hospital just before 8 p.m. local time, authorities said. Mountain lion numbers have risen recently, according to Colorado Parks and Wildlife. Colorado Parks & Wildlife The boy, whose name has not been released, sustained injuries to his face, head and neck, police said. He has been transferred in fair condition to a hospital in Denver, according to officials with Aspen Valley Hospital. Pitkin County Undersheriff Ron Ryan told the Aspen Times that the boy was" conscious and alert." His mother, who sustained minor injuries to her hand and legs, was "treated and released in good condition," according to Aspen Valley Hospital spokeswoman Jenny Dyche. The attack occurred approximately 10 miles northwest of Aspen on Lower River Road in unincorporated Pitkin County. Sheriff's deputies and a U.S. Forest Service officer located a mountain lion in the same area where the mother said the attack took place and put the animal down, the sheriff's department said. Officials with Colorado Parks and Wildlife will examine the deceased lion and attempt to locate a second lion that was reported to be in the area earlier in the day, officials said. ||||| Story highlights Colorado 5-year-old attacked by mountain lion The boy is reported in fair condition (CNN) A 5-year-old boy is recovering in a Denver hospital after being attacked by a mountain lion, officials said. The attack happened Friday night about 10 miles northwest of Aspen, Colorado, according to the Pitkin County Sheriff's Office. A man called 911 dispatchers to report that his son had been attacked by a mountain lion and he was driving to the Aspen Valley Hospital, police said in a statement. The boy's mother told police that the boy was playing outside with his older brother when she heard screams. The mother ran out and "physically removed her son from the mountain lion," according to the statement. After initial treatment in Aspen, the boy was transferred to Children's Hospital in Denver. He's in fair condition with injuries to his face, head and neck. His mother was treated and released for minor injuries to her hand and legs. Read More ||||| A young boy was attacked Friday night by a mountain lion in the yard of his home below Woody Creek, a law enforcement official said. The boy’s condition was unknown, though Pitkin County Undersheriff Ron Ryan said that as of about 9:15 p.m., he remained at Aspen Valley Hospital with injuries to his head and neck. Emergency dispatchers received a call at about 8 p.m. from the boy’s father, who said he was driving his son to the hospital after the attack, Ryan said. Deputies met the father at the hospital and briefly saw the boy, who is between 3 and 5 years old, before he was taken into the emergency room, he said. Ryan did not know the extent of the injuries, though he said the boy was conscious and alert at the hospital. Deputies then drove to the family’s residence on Lower River Road downvalley of Woody Creek and located the mountain lion under some trees in the yard, he said. “Since it was still there, it was either injured or very ill, so they dispatched it,” Ryan said. The animal was shot by deputies or a U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officer who also was at the scene, he said. Numerous toys and bikes were near the area where the mountain lion was killed, he said. Further details of the attack were not available Friday night. ||||| A:
A Colorado mom whose 5-year-old son was being attacked by a mountain lion leapt into action Friday, fighting off the animal and potentially saving the boy's life, NBC News reports. The boy was playing with his older brother in their yard about 10 miles outside of Aspen when his mother heard screaming. She ran outside to see a mountain lion attacking her young son. According to a police statement quoted by CNN, the boy's mom "physically removed her son from the mountain lion." The boy was rushed to the hospital, where he is in fair condition with injuries to his head, face, and neck. His mom suffered minor injuries to her hands and legs. Pitkin County sheriff's deputies and a US Forest Service officer found the mountain lion under some trees in the family's yard and killed it, the Aspen Times reports. “Since it was still there, it was either injured or very ill, so they dispatched it,” Undersheriff Ron Ryan says. They were also looking for a second mountain lion spotted in the area on Friday. Experts say it's rare to even see a mountain lion in Colorado, let alone be attacked by one. Not even a dozen people have been killed by mountain lions over the past 100 years in North America.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. The State Department has released a list of gifts to federal employees, including President Obama, from foreign governments in 2009. (Diplomats have been playing with them for a full year.) So which foreign dignitary gave our president the cheapest gift? New York's Dan Amira has already listed the most expensive gifts Obama received, the winner being some campy desert landscape decorated with garish marble and gold crap from the King of Saudi Arabia. The tasteless State Department values this at $34,000. But what about the other end of the spectrum: Who was the cheapest gift-giver? That would be His Excellence Dr. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, whose gift, a "bottle of olive oil," is valued at $75. Olive oil! Any schmuck can buy that stuff at the supermarket. How will this revelation damage the American government's relationship with Palestinians? Trick question—there isn't any relationship. We do nothing for starving Palestinians. But maybe if they gave our president campy, garish desert landscapes, we would! Okay, we probably wouldn't. [Image via AP] ||||| international intrigue The Ten Most Expensive Gifts President Obama Was Given in 2009 ShareThis Counter Email For the sake of transparency and ethics, probably, the State Department has released a list of all the gifts federal employees received from foreign governments in 2009. (Why did it take a whole year? We don't know. Probably isn't State's biggest priority.) One federal employee who received lots of gifts was President Obama, because, obviously, he's a good guy to have in your corner. But if you think about it, this list has the potential to be as embarrassing as any WikiLeak. Not only does it reveal what each foreign dignitary gave Obama, but all the gifts are also given an estimated value, so all the world can see which countries are particularly generous gift givers, and which are exceptionally cheap. Here are the ten most expensive ones, a.k.a., the people who care the most. Make sure not to miss the surprise ending. Gift: "Large desert scene on a green veined marble base featuring miniature figurines of gold palm trees and camels; large gold medallion with the Royal seal in a green leather display box; large brass and glass clock by Jaeger-LeCoultre in a green leather display case." From: Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Estimated Value: $34,000 Gift: "39" x 49′" wooden framed and matted fine silk embroidery depicting a portrait study of the First Family." From: His Excellency Hu Jintao, President of the People’s Republic of China. Estimated Value: $20,000 Gift: "Black and gold pen with a wooden pen holder, made from the wood of the HMS Gannet in Chatham; book entitled ‘Churchill and America’ by Martin Gilbert; book entitled ‘Churchill: A Life’ by Martin Gilbert; book set entitled ‘Biography of Winston S. Churchill,’ by Martin Gilbert. From: The Right Honorable James Gordon Brown, M.P., Prime Minister, United Kingdom. Estimated Value: $16,510 Gift: "Book entitled ‘I Vetri di Archimede Seguso dal 1950 al 1959’; pair of blown glass candleholders and a glass fruit bowl. From: His Excellency Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. Estimated Value: $14,445 Gift: "Bronze statue of a girl releasing a flock of doves." From: His Excellency Shimon Peres, President of Israel. Estimated Value: $8,000 Gift: "Gilt framed and matted mosaic depicting St. Peter’s Square; decorative gold coin with the inscription ‘Benedict XVI Pont Max Anno IV’ with the profile of Pope Benedict the XVI; booklet entitled ‘Instruction Dignitas Personae On Certain Bioethical Questions’; book entitled ‘Encyclical Letter Caritas in Veritate of the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI’; silver keychain. From: His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Holy See. Estimated Value: $7,905 Gift: "Francesco Basile gold watch." From: His Excellency Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. Estimated Value: $6,400 Gift: "3′ tall handcarved ebony wooden sculpture." From: His Excellency Jakaya Kikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania. Estimated Value: $6,000 Gift: "Large crystal table with an image of the American Flag." From: His Excellency Silvio Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic. Estimated Value: $6,000 Gift: "3′ x 3′ framed portrait of the President and First Lady by Petit-Bois Ancener; 5′ x 5′ portrait of the President by Petit Bois Ancener." From: His Excellency Raymond A. Joseph, Ambassador of the Republic of Haiti. Estimated Value: $4,025 ||||| Output:
The State Department has released the list of gifts given by foreign governments to President Obama or federal workers in 2010, and it's already being gleefully picked apart. Read it in full here as a PDF, or check out the cheapest and most expensive here: Most expensive, $34,000: The honor goes to Abdullah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud, kind of Saudi Arabia, writes Dan Amira at New York magazine. The description: "Large desert scene on a green veined marble base featuring miniature figurines of gold palm trees and camels; large gold medallion with the Royal seal in a green leather display box; large brass and glass clock by Jaeger-LeCoultre in a green leather display case." Click to see Amira's roundup of the top 10 priciest gifts, with a surprise appearance by Haiti. Least expensive, $75: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas dug deep in his wallet to buy a bottle of olive oil, writes Jim Newell at Gawker. "Olive oil! Any schmuck can buy that stuff at the supermarket."
In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. One example: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Solution is here: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Explanation: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". Now, solve this: A teapot is a container used to mix tea leaves with boiling water to make tea . Solution:
A teapot is a vessel used for steeping tea leaves or a herbal mix in boiling or near-boiling water , and for serving the resulting infusion which is called tea .
IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: A large black dog is walking down the street. He is holding the leash of another dog in his mouth. the second dog OPTIONS: - walks up to the first dog. - allows the first to lead him wherever he goes. - follows the first to grab his leash. - does not even seem to like the dog. OUT: allows the first to lead him wherever he goes. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to prepare a proposal for a business idea Determine whether you have the time, energy and resources required to implement your business idea. Implementing your business idea will be a long and time-consuming process. You should consider what financial resources, ie. OPTIONS: - Credit cards, marketing plan offerings, scheduling plans and promotional materials can and cannot be purchased ahead of time so ensure that you make good use of your money wisely. Customer reviews are invaluable but prices must be realistic as financial review of your business proposal is based largely on what you personally think. - Cash and credit, that you can access to implement your business idea. Next consider whether you will need to make the implementation of your business idea a full-time job, a part-time endeavor, or whether others can implement the plan on your behalf. - Employee responsibilities, that the company needs, and the resources available to you. Make sure you are 100% confident about an idea. - Financial support and funding, can help you succeed. Understand that gaining capital and a customer base is a significant asset, so do not underestimate yourself. OUT: Cash and credit, that you can access to implement your business idea. Next consider whether you will need to make the implementation of your business idea a full-time job, a part-time endeavor, or whether others can implement the plan on your behalf. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to get a girlfriend as a nerd Act confident. You don't have to be confident but you do have to act confident. This will make people, girls included, take you seriously. OPTIONS: - This is because you have to feel good about who you are and do what makes you happy. Stand up straight and tall and look people in the eye. - If you smile and make eye contact, people will know how you feel. It'll make you more appealing and more exciting to them. - Also, as we discuss below, girls think confidence is super attractive. Why would she want to like you if you don't like yourself very much? However, don't be that guy that thinks he can do no wrong and that every word out of his mouth is a new book of the bible. - Put it on your face and show how great you are by how you react. Here are some examples : Speak clearly so people can understand you better. OUT:
Also, as we discuss below, girls think confidence is super attractive. Why would she want to like you if you don't like yourself very much? However, don't be that guy that thinks he can do no wrong and that every word out of his mouth is a new book of the bible.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Let me give you an example: Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball The answer to this example can be: No Here is why: Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". OK. solve this: In the rest of the world, China's supreme sage, Kongfuzi (K'ung Fu-tzu), is better known by the romanized name "Confucius." He was born in 551 b.c. in what is now Shandong Province in eastern China. So profound was his influence that eleven Chinese emperors made pilgrimages to the birthplace of the Great Teacher. You, too, can pay your respects at the vast temple raised on the site of his home in the small town of Qufu (Chufu), and at his tomb in the woods just to the north. The classics of Confucius, while seldom addressing spiritual and metaphysical matters, set standards for social and political conduct that still underlie many of the Chinese ways of doing and perceiving. Confucius laid great stress on the proper and harmonious relationships between ruler and subject, parent and child, teacher and student, the individual and the state. These relationships were deemed to be hierarchical and dictatorial. If the order was disturbed, dire consequences inevitably resulted. The son who disobeyed the father would bring disaster upon himself and his family, just as the emperor who defied the "mandate of heaven" or ignored the good of the empire brought ruin upon the nation. Over the centuries Confucius has suffered more changes of fortune than probably any other philosopher. Honored soon after his death as the greatest of scholars, he was later revered as semi-divine; you can still visit temples to Confucius in many Chinese cities. During the Cultural Revolution (1966–1976), however, he was denounced as a counter-revolutionary force. It was only after the death of Chairman Mao (1976) and the opening of China to the outside world under more progressive reformers that Confucius, too, was "rehabilitated." Unlike Confucius, about whose life many specific and even colorful details are known, the philosopher Laozi (Lao Tse or Lao-Tzu) is an enigma. Estimates of his date of birth vary by well over a century. One legend even says he taught the young Confucius. Laozi is immortalized by his book of thoughts on man, nature, and the universe, Daodejing ("The Way and Its Power"), which became the major text of China's greatest indigenous religion, Daoism (Taoism). With its emphasis on nature, intuition, the individual, paradox ("The knowledge which is not knowledge"), and the cosmic flow known as "The Way," Daoism became the religion of artists and philosophers. After the death of Confucius, the Zhou Dynasty entered a period of strife known as the "Warring States" period (475–221 b.c.). <sep>Who is considered the Great Teacher<sep>Confucius Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Problem:The highest point of a wave is the crest. The lowest point is the trough. The vertical distance between a crest and a trough is the height of the wave. Wave height is also called amplitude. The horizontal distance between two crests is the wavelength. Both amplitude and wavelength are measures of wave size. The size of an ocean wave depends on how fast, over how great a distance, and how long the wind blows. The greater each of these factors is, the bigger a wave will be. Some of the biggest waves occur with hurricanes. A hurricane is a storm that forms over the ocean. Its winds may blow more than 150 miles per hour! The winds also travel over long distances and may last for many days. <sep>What is the vertical distance between a crest and a trough?<sep>Wave height Solution:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. [Q]: What was the enrollment rate for girls in 1998, Context: Education is compulsory from the age of 7 to 13. The enrollment of boys is higher than that of girls. In 1998, the gross primary enrollment rate was 53.5%, with higher enrollment ratio for males (67.7%) compared to females (40%). [A]: 40% [Q]: how many seats does the theatre located on First Hill have?, Context: The 5th Avenue Theatre, built in 1926, stages Broadway-style musical shows featuring both local talent and international stars. Seattle has "around 100" theatrical production companies and over two dozen live theatre venues, many of them associated with fringe theatre; Seattle is probably second only to New York for number of equity theaters (28 Seattle theater companies have some sort of Actors' Equity contract). In addition, the 900-seat Romanesque Revival Town Hall on First Hill hosts numerous cultural events, especially lectures and recitals. [A]: 900 [Q]: What happened about 355 years after Thuringia became a landgraviate?, Context: Thuringia became a landgraviate in 1130 AD. After the extinction of the reigning Ludowingian line of counts and landgraves in 1247 and the War of the Thuringian Succession (1247–1264), the western half became independent under the name of "Hesse", never to become a part of Thuringia again. Most of the remaining Thuringia came under the rule of the Wettin dynasty of the nearby Margraviate of Meissen, the nucleus of the later Electorate and Kingdom of Saxony. With the division of the house of Wettin in 1485, Thuringia went to the senior Ernestine branch of the family, which subsequently subdivided the area into a number of smaller states, according to the Saxon tradition of dividing inheritance amongst male heirs. These were the "Saxon duchies", consisting, among others, of the states of Saxe-Weimar, Saxe-Eisenach, Saxe-Jena, Saxe-Meiningen, Saxe-Altenburg, Saxe-Coburg, and Saxe-Gotha; Thuringia became merely a geographical concept. [A]:
the division of the house of Wettin
Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to pay attention in class Remove your distractions. The most basic thing you can do to help you concentrate in class is to get away from the distractions that are keeping you from focusing. There are lots of things that might be taking your attention away from the lesson. OPTIONS: - Try to be more aware of what you're doing when you stop paying attention. Once you know what it is, you can find a way to get rid of it. - Sitting with friends might just be good enough, but if you stand near a part of the room where other students are, your attention will be diverted in that direction. You cannot complete a class all of the time without focusing. - If you are in a group talking about something, the only person you want to occupy yourself is the other students, and you can block out as many distractions as possible. Likewise, if you find yourself distracted by the assignment at the end of the class, try to redirect your attention elsewhere. - These distractions include : Not completing the assignment. Helping the teacher try to solve a problem. **** Answer: Try to be more aware of what you're doing when you stop paying attention. Once you know what it is, you can find a way to get rid of it. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to address envelopes with attn Write " attn " followed by the name of the recipient. The " attn " line should always appear at the very top of your delivery address, just before the name of the person you're sending it to. Use a colon after " attn " to make it clearly readable. OPTIONS: - Include the author's name followed by their full middle initial (if any). Unless it is his or her middle name, you may skip this step. - This line signifies to the mail carrier exactly for whom the letter is intended. For example, write " attn: john smith, " where " john smith " is replaced with your recipient's name. - Never put a period after the salutation. If the recipient reads your salutation, he or she will not know that you're mailing an envelope with attn. - Write the recipient's last name. The name of the recipient should always appear on the top left-hand side of the envelope, followed by their first and last name as well. **** Answer: This line signifies to the mail carrier exactly for whom the letter is intended. For example, write " attn: john smith, " where " john smith " is replaced with your recipient's name. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to fall asleep if you're autistic Be active during the day. This will help you feel tired by the end of the night. Take a walk, ride your bike, hike on a hiking trail, or explore the neighborhood. OPTIONS: - Even leaving the house can help you feel sleepier at night. Try running errands, hanging out with loved ones, visiting the library, or exploring local attractions. - At night, scan your sleeping area with a camera or use sound detectors. These will give you a better idea of what to wear in the morning and what to expect the next day. - Don't get too distracted by your loved ones or teachers. If you're an autistic child, it can help to sit down on the couch and read a book or listen to a lively television program. - It will also make you feel more relaxed and energized, giving you something new to think about the day ahead or taking the pressure off your brain. Outdoor activities are often considered bedtime activities, even when possible. **** Answer: Even leaving the house can help you feel sleepier at night. Try running errands, hanging out with loved ones, visiting the library, or exploring local attractions. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to deal with students with behavior issues Identify when a behavior poses a threat. Some behaviors are disruptive, but not dangerous. A student may, for example, talk during class or refuse to participate. OPTIONS: - Establish whether or not the behavior warrants a reprimand. For example, you may notice that your student frequently complains about work issues or doesn't respond well to projects. - These behaviors can be dealt with more gently than dangerous behaviors. Dangerous behaviors should be dealt with directly and immediately. - Other behaviors, however, may be disruptive to students with problematic personalities. You need to assess if a student can be emotional and will become angry if you interrupt. - This indicates that they feel embarrassed about a mistake as a student or want to avoid being exposed. However, it can also indicate that they are frustrated due to peer pressure. **** Answer:
These behaviors can be dealt with more gently than dangerous behaviors. Dangerous behaviors should be dealt with directly and immediately.
How to receive happiness<br>Eat a healthier diet. Studies show that people who eat a " normal " american diet of refined and junk food suffer from more depression, anxiety, mood swings, and hyperactivity. Try to eat healthier if you want to boost your mood and live a happier life. Eating a healthier diet causes more happiness A: Yes The guiding principles contained in the legislation are designed to ensure that the mediator-arbitrator recognizes the directions which have been provided to the employer by the Government of Canada in terms of financial performance and service standards, while at the same time balancing these issues with the importance of good labour relations within the workplace. The guiding principles contained in the legislation have existed for 50 years A: It's impossible to say Sept 4 (Reuters) - J.P. Morgan Asset Management, a unit of JPMorgan Chase & Co, said it appointed Pietro Grassano the new country head for France. Based in Paris, Grassano started in his new role on Sept. 1, J.P. Morgan Asset Management said in a statement. Grassano, who has been with the company since 2002, was previously the head of sales for Italy, covering wholesale and retail distribution. He has earlier worked at BNP Paribas Asset Management. Pietro Grassono has been to France. A:
Write the next sentence in the following story. How to maintain a vibrant romance Try your hand at a new recipe. Even if you don't cook often you can pick out an interesting recipe and surprise her with your new culinary skills. You guys out there should not underestimate what you could do with this idea.
Most recipes are written well enough so that even a novice can follow the directions. You will make her feel real special if you take the effort to actually " wine and dine " her.
IN: What happens next? How to be a heartbreaker Have fun. Simply put, people who look like they're having fun give the impression that they are more fun to be around. One of the quickest ways to attract attention is present yourself in a fun-loving, light-hearted way. OPTIONS: - Being a heartbreaker is even easier said than done. Take your group of friends out to an amusement park, or to a board game night. - This is easier to accomplish in some settings than it is in others, so choose your night-on-the-town spot carefully. For example, a club, party, or any event that involves dancing is a great avenue to showcase your fun side. - By going out of your way to be funny and flirty, you can build up a whole new sense of worth without seeming desperate or arrogant. Looking innocent or shy can open you up to people you don't know and create comfort zones for both you and that person you are looking for. - Give off a positive and friendly vibe. If someone watches you lift weights at the gym or says " it's fun doing that " the " ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha " will melt like butter on the stove. OUT: This is easier to accomplish in some settings than it is in others, so choose your night-on-the-town spot carefully. For example, a club, party, or any event that involves dancing is a great avenue to showcase your fun side. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to choose a water bed Consider waveless ratings. Probably the most essential aspect of choosing the best water bed for your needs is finding one with the right amount of movement. The wave effect is what sets the water bed apart from a traditional mattress. OPTIONS: - If the water bed is cramped and not comfortable you might want to roll with it instead. Consider whether the water bed is open. - However, too much movement can be uncomfortable or keep you up at night. The waveless rating indicates how quickly the mattress returns to stability after movement. - It is about the quality of the water bed, the convenience and amenities within it. See below : How much water has the water bed included in its worth? Ocean can help to help make the water bed more attractive, but ocean daytime can be uncomfortable at all with the continual wave effect. - Swivel bottoms are also important because the co-ordinates of mist (e) and flow temperatures help the water bed stay in tune to the direction in which the bed faces. Estrogen which also supports the movement of the bed's length declines rapidly. A: However, too much movement can be uncomfortable or keep you up at night. The waveless rating indicates how quickly the mattress returns to stability after movement. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to make a smoothie bowl Prepare your blender. If you don't have blender, feel free to substitute tools such as an immersion blender or a food processor. Prepare your fruit. OPTIONS: - If you're making smoothies, you'll need to be able to blend the fruits. First, learn where you need to place your fruit, and then account for that as well as any other details involved. - Frozen fruit will typically give your smoothie bowl a thicker texture. If using fresh fruit, you may need to add in some ice to achieve the proper " smoothie bowl " consistency. - If there are any berries as well as cucumbers, strawberries or grapes, you should slice them up and add them into your blender. You don't have to add the strawberries, either. - Check the rind of your berries. They may already be slightly ripe, so check the rind of the berries as well. OUT: Frozen fruit will typically give your smoothie bowl a thicker texture. If using fresh fruit, you may need to add in some ice to achieve the proper " smoothie bowl " consistency. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: A young girl is shown on a large gym floor doing flips and tricks with a baton and several judges watching her. She continues moving along the floor while along girl practices behind her. she OPTIONS: - continues to do several more cartwheels until the studio is full of people watching and her routine ends. - finishes her routine and stands in front of the judges and hears her results. - fails many times and ends by squeezing the baton in her hand and walking off the floor. - stops for a bit to speak to the judges and blue lights flash. **** Answer: finishes her routine and stands in front of the judges and hears her results. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? We see a series of opening screens. a person OPTIONS: - is sweeping a snow covered yard. - tries to hit a pinata over a net. - throws a frisbee as a dog catches them. - is waterboarding in a river. A: throws a frisbee as a dog catches them. The stylist removes the roller and add another. The stylist removes that one and adds a vertical one. the stylist OPTIONS: - uses a brush to rub the upper rim of the canvas. - speaks and the video ends. - places a rubber one on front her lips. - takes the one sided roller.
speaks and the video ends.