In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. rally to restore sanity On the Bus With Arianna and the Sanity Restorers In the short history of Citi Field, no one has made 10,000 people more excited than Arianna Huffington. A month ago, in a moment of nationally televised “irrational exuberance,” she told Jon Stewart she’d drive anyone in New York to the Rally for Sanity in Washington, D.C., for free. “I thought it was going to be a few dozen people,” she says now. Overnight, thousands of people signed up. At 4:45 a.m. on Saturday morning, several hundred people are already huddled in the Citi Field parking lot. For the next hour and a half, thousands more will join them. Some are wearing Halloween costumes, more are carrying signs. They’re more diverse than expected — not all of them are young, not all of them are white, and not all of them, despite where they’re headed, appear to be sane. One man carries a giant, papier-mâché head on a stick. Another has traveled here from D.C., only to take the Arianna bus back to DC. One retired couple, Tim and Alice Samuelson, flew to New York from Alaska on Friday night and are flying back on Sunday. By and large, sanity reigns. Janet Moglia is going to her first rally since demonstrating against the Vietnam War. Chaelieghla Davis, a recent Sarah Lawrence grad, is just happy to be around like-minded people. “It’s kind of disheartening to live in this world sometimes. And it’s nice to meet some moderates,” she says. Huffington says that the final price tag for 220 buses, security staff, and the use of Citi Field and RFK Stadium in D.C. will be somewhere around $500,000. (It would have been more if a friend of Huffington’s hadn’t offered his company’s event planning services pro bono.) The Huffington Post will pay more than half of the total, and sponsors will cover the rest. A car service Prius (of course) dropped Huffington off sometime after 6 a.m. Unlike the crowd, half of whom appeared to have come straight from a drunken Halloween party on the Lower East Side, she is remarkably put together. Her makeup is expert, her hair is manicured, and her outfit suggests a woman who knows that she’s going to be in a thousand pictures over the next 24 hours. Chipper, she works the line like she’s running for office all over again. People are circling for pictures, autographs, and hugs. She goes down the line, shaking hands, asking people where they’re from, and nodding her head as they tell her what’s wrong with America. When she sees a group of young women wearing burkas, she walks straight to them and extends a hand. She grabs a megaphone: “It’s so cold. But it’s going to be warm on the buses. There are refreshments and yogurts and nuts.” Someone gives her a bracelet that spells “SANITY BUS” in lettered beads. It’s one of those pieces of jewelry that you made in summer camp when you were eight. Huffington wears it for the rest of the morning. Now the crowd is chanting. “Ar-ee-ahna! Ar-ee-ahna! Ar-ee-ahna!” She stands, hands clasped, smiling into the crowd. After she makes sure the 300 people who showed up without RSVPing have a way to get to D.C., Huffington boards her bus to a round of applause. It’s filled with friends, staffers, personal guests, and media. When I visit her in the front row, she talks to me for a half-hour. The rally is great not because it’s political, but because “it’s about settling the debate about how we’re conducting the debate.” Which is why she thinks it will “have zero impact on the election.” Then why did Obama go on The Daily Show? It doesn’t matter, because his performance was poor. “It pointed out his Achilles’ heels,” the switch from “Yes We Can” to “Yes We Can, But.” As I get up, she asks her staff to take a picture of us — she wants to tweet about our chat. Then she’s back to her BlackBerry, reading direct messages from Cory Booker and e-mailing back and forth with Barbara Walters. Everyone wants to know about the 10,000 hitchhikers she picked up on her way to D.C. ||||| It wasn't the 1963 March on Washington. Or Woodstock. Or even, thank God, a gathering of Glenn Beck fans . It was a frequently haphazard stage production featuring two comedians, a few musicians and, at various points, Father Guido Sarduccci and R2D2. It was not the beginning of a new political movement or a show of strength for an existing unified cause. Yet in the end, it was just what America needed. On a flawless autumn afternoon at the nation's capitol, a crowd that "Daily Show" host Jon Stewart fancifully referred to as "10 million" strong came together to declare their allegiance to one nation under reason, good manners, respectful disagreement. What they -- and we the viewers at home -- got was an odd mix of Comedy Central fake news shenanigans and deeply passionate rhetoric. It didn't always work perfectly, but then, the American dream rarely does. Ever since the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear was announced in September, plenty of people have been mulling what the heck such an event would entail and what it could hope to accomplish. Along the way, many have wondered if Stewart, Colbert and the whole caboodle have essentially jumped the shark. The answer is no, they haven't. But they have passed the rubicon. They are in a place now where these two jokesters, who've already been powerfully influential in articulating the exasperated sentiment of the courteously silent majority for years, are now officially the faces of Standing for Something. Something That Isn't Totally Bananas. The show/rally/event itself was an uneven affair, with Comedy Central devoting the first 40 minutes to the quasi warm-up performance by The Roots and John Legend. Sure, everybody loves a sousaphone jam, but as the televised event crept toward the one-hour mark, watches were glanced at, sandwiches were made. And when "Mythbusters" hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman led world's largest/least-interesting-to-watch-at-home version of the wave, it seemed the thing was spinning its own wheels -- and hard. But then, when they coaxed the crowd into a rousing, synchronized jump, the point of the day began to reveal itself. When we move together, you see, we can literally create a groundswell. Or at least the quantifiable impact of a minor car crash. A day built around the taking down of notches is not necessarily going to be a day with a high wow factor, and indeed, Jon Stewart's low-key, almost professorial official introduction was no "Are you ready to rock?" Thank heaven, then, for Stephen Colbert. Emerging from a "Fear Bunker" in a tube fit for a trapped miner and chanting, "Chi-le! Chi-le!" Colbert, clad in a patriotic Evil Knievel-esque ensemble, instantly provided the clowny yin and/or yang to Stewart's earnestness. And when he threatened to restore fear to the crowd with the only thing more terrifying than a shoe-brandishing terrorist -- a swarm of peanut-butter-covered bees – it was the long-awaited first belly laugh of the day. The most spectacularly memorable bit of the event came far too early, but it was still one for the books. It would have been enough had it ended with Stewart bringing out Yusuf, the artist formerly known as Cat Stevens, to lead a lilting rendition of "Peace Train." But the ante upped when Colbert had the audacity to cut him off to trot out Ozzy Osbourne to thoroughly bring it with everyone's favorite ringtone for their designated lunatic, "Crazy Train." But then something truly amazing happened. Stewart cut the action off again, and somewhere in the distance, the sound of "People all over the world …" was heard. It was the O'Jays, a little vocally worse for the wear but bedazzled and funky as ever, to finish off the greatest train-song medley trifecta in recorded history. "Love Train" was a punchline, yes. But if you didn't feel a lump in your throat watching thousands of Americans on the Mall soulfully command us to join hands, then I feel sorry, sorry for you. That sweet, funny moment was what the day was about. My fellow Americans, if we don't have love, we've got zip. There were other highlights, like famed tantrum throwers Steven Slater and "Real Housewives'" Teresa Giudice in prerecorded messages pleading for good behavior. Stewart and Colbert presented their respective awards for reasonableness and fear-mongering – including Colbert's hilariously disgusted shout-out to the news organizations that banned their employees from attending. "Oh no! People might think NPR is liberal!" he crowed, before handing the prize to a 7-year-old little girl for exhibiting more bravery than the stalwart of the airwaves. It's no mean feat to pull together a semi-sincere event and a three-hour live telecast, and the Rally was not without its numerous slow moments. Tim Meadows's P. K. Winsome routine was agonizing, most of "The Daily Show's" news team's bantered bits with the crowd felt wildly flat, Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow were uninspired, and if we never hear another Stewart-Colbert duet about the "greatest, strongest country in the world," it will be far too soon. But when Stewart and Colbert took their podiums for a mock debate, the message began to come back into focus. Stewart astutely pointed out that we can't condemn all Muslims when "There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world," but the point really resonated when he trotted out beloved basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to bring it home. Is Roger Murdock a terrorist? Then shut up, haters. Colbert then mock countered by unleashing a giant, Colbert-shaped "Fearzilla" to unveil a brilliantly terrible montage of mainstream media fearmongering. Suffice to say, the phrase "in YOUR town" featured heavily. Lessons learned from the Rally: Both your flip-flops and your television remote are trying to keeeeeeeell you. Close to the end, Stewart, ever the more gravitas-endowed, came out alone to do the hardest work of the day – to tell the crowd and the viewers what the hell they were all doing here. Well, sort of. "I'm happy you guys are here," he said, "even if none of us are quite sure why we're here." And he announced, encouragingly enough to be convincing, that "We live in hard times, not end times." It was a welcome reminder of the distinction. What this crazy, not entirely well-thought out, quasi-free-for-all was about, it turns out, was we, the people. The proud, generous, spirited, non-yelling and non-bullying real Americans who know that "If we amplify everything we hear nothing." Having 4Troops perform the national anthem and Tony Bennet belt out "America, the Beautiful" was not irony. Even Father Guido's rambling benediction that ended with a "Thank you, and we really mean it," was sincere. Because the ultimate metaphor for who we are, in the competent words of Stewart, is our nightmarishly daily, eminently Yankee commute. The NRA members and the Obama voters. The soccer moms and the immigrants. And somehow we all generally merge into one harmonious lane. It's true that as Stewart explained, "Sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the promised land. It's just New Jersey." But when we practice compassion and community, when we remember that the loudmouths are not a true picture of who we are, we can heal a nation, fly to the moon, and even get to work on time. Was Saturday the beginning of a new dawn in the American character? Did it cure hysteria, paranoia and rampant jerkwaddery? Only time will tell, but don't hold your breath. Maybe it was nothing more than a comedic stunt. Maybe it was just a helpful reminder to, as one genius sign in the crowd implored, "Make awkward sexual advances, not war." But when Mavis Staples and the entire ensemble gathered for the finale to promise "I'll Take You There," it seemed, at least for a minute, something more. It was a message to the world that we are not the sum of our loudest, angriest parts. That most of our hearts, broken and aching and cynical and flawed though they often are, are in the right place. Oh, mercy. Mercy indeed. And though the rally may be over, the Peace Crazy Love Train is still at the station. The only question left is: Are you on board? |||||
Adrianne Jeffries and Chadwick Matlin both rode the free Huffington Post buses to yesterday’s Rally to Restore Sanity, but they had vastly different experiences. Jeffries woke up at 3:50am with one thought on her mind: “This sucks.” She shlepped to “the far side of Queens,” where the buses were supposed to board by 5:30am, and it soon became clear that there would be no free coffee, donuts, or gift bags: “The Huffington Post was not prepared to give us anything beyond a bus ride. And even that seemed far from certain,” she writes on Salon—but she quickly got caught up in the "giddy" crowd. Her bus was supposed to leave at 6am, but Jeffries didn’t even board until 7:15; it then crawled through traffic for hours before finally reaching DC—an hour late, after Jon Stewart was already on stage—and by the time she navigated the overcrowded Metro the rest of the way to the National Mall, there was no way to get close to the stage. Even so, it was hard not to be in a good mood among the “good-natured” crowd, she writes. By contrast, Matlin had a relatively cushy ride, aboard the same bus as Huffington herself. Click here for more of his tale, and here for more from Jeffries.
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Video A group of community activists who used fake road signs and markings to deter drug dealers from their east London estate said their actions have been successful. Jonathan Moberly of the Weavers Community Action Group told Politics Live presenter Jo Coburn said the "fairly amusing" signs worked and there was no dealing this Sunday after the signs went up. READ: 'Drug dealers only' parking space highlights London crime Hypothesis: Community activists have an east London estate **** Answer: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: BATTLE CREEK, MI -- The Sears store in Battle Creek is on a list of the company's store's to close in February, according to USA Today. The Sears store at 5575 B Drive North at Lakeview Square is among 40 Sears and Kmart locations across the nation announced by Sears Holdings in the latest closures. The company already is in the process of closing more than 180 stores in an announcement made earlier this year. Four Michigan Sears locations included in next big round of store closures Hypothesis: Stores are closing only in February. **** Answer: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Warm, compelling, and intimate, are just a few words that have been used to describe Maud Hixson's vocals. After becoming a fiscal year 2017 recipient of an Artist Initiative grant from the Minnesota State Board, she's taking the stage with the Wolverine Big Band for a night of live music. Hypothesis: With an intimate and compelling warmth, Maud Hixson's voice can be heard on stage with the Wolverine Big Band. **** Answer:
input hypothesis: Sonar was developed on a Unix system Context: How to record audio in sonar<br>Open sonar. Select " new ", either by clicking the " new " button on the top left corner, as shown in view a or by selecting " file==]new " as in view b. Type in a name. Now select the template you want your new project to be based on. true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Charles realized that he needs to gather their disaster supplies Context: Linda Johnson, who lives with her husband, Charles, and two cats in a rented one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco's Mission District, said Katrina has made her realize she needs to gather together, in one accessible place, her scattered disaster supplies. true or false: No input hypothesis: Reagan was shot in an attempted murder. Context: Reagan was seriously wounded by a bullet fired by John Hinckley Jr. in an attempted assassination, but made a remarkably speedy recovery. true or false: Yes input hypothesis: They failed to sign David Moyes from Tottenham. Context: Gareth Bale's future at Real Madrid is up in the air after a difficult, injury-hit campaign that has seen him score just nine times. Manchester United are said to be interested in bringing him to Old Trafford, four years after David Moyes failed to sign him from Tottenham. However, Bale is also supposedly open to joining Chelsea given the financial muscle the Londoners possess. true or false:
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: Editor’s note: the video included in this story is difficult to watch and may not be suitable for all viewers. Denver Police are now investigating incidents involving multiple cheerleaders and the cheer coach at East High School, 9Wants to Know has learned. The cheer coach, assistant cheer coach, high school principal, assistant principal and Denver Public Schools deputy general counsel have all been placed on leave. During the first week of cheer camp for East High School in June, Ally Wakefield, an incoming freshman was surrounded by new teammates, and forced, by the recently hired cheer coach, into an extended split position. In videos obtained by 9Wants to Know, eight cheerleaders are shown repeatedly being pushed down into the forced splits, while their arms are held up by fellow teammates, making each cheerleader unable to move herself out of the position. All cry out in pain. Ally Wakefield asked her coach, 9 times in less than 24 seconds to “please, stop.” All the while, coach Ozell Williams is shown holding down each girl’s shoulders, and pushing them down further. Sign up for the 9NEWSLETTER Thank You for signing up for the 9NEWSLETTER Something went wrong. This email will be delivered to your inbox once a day in the morning. Please make sure to check your email inbox for an email to confirm the signup process. Please try again later. Submit This video is difficult to watch and may not be suitable for all viewers. Editor’s note: 9Wants to Know is not publishing all of the videos due to privacy concerns. 9NEWS is identifying those minors who agreed to on-the-record interviews while accompanied by their parents. You may recognize that coach in the video. He has become a known figure for his backflips down the field during Broncos and CU football games. This year would have been his first year coaching for the East High School cheer team, but he was placed on leave during the first week of school. RELATED: East High coach let go from previous job over forced splits The videos, shot on a cell phone by two of the cheer team members, were sent anonymously to 9Wants to Know in August. However, school administrators have had access to at least one video since June. “I have attached a video of the forced splits she and her other team members were forced to do at cheerleading camp and practices; unless they had a doctor's note. This is how Ally injured her leg,” Wakefield said in the June 15 email addressed to East High School Athletic Director, Lisa Porter. “My husband and I would like to know what the administration is going to do about my daughter's injury and how it happened,” the email continued, in part. That’s a question Kirsten Wakefield and other parents are still asking. “I don’t understand why that’s allowed,” said Cheri Nickolay, whose daughter, Anna, quit the cheer team. Anna does not appear in any of the videos obtained by 9Wants to Know, but says that she was also forced into the splits in the same manner, as were additional teammates. She showed her mother a video of her teammate. “That made me sick to my stomach,” Nickolay said. “I don’t know how you could justify that.” “If I was to be personally present and witness to an approach to get a young girl to do the splits in that fashion, I would have stopped it,” said Cameron MacDonald, associate professor of physical therapy at Regis University. “I know from myself as a physical therapist that is not the approach I would take.” Parents have, for months, launched complaints towards the school administrators and the coach himself. On August 22, 9NEWS requested numerous records related to those complaints and the cheer team from East High School. On August 23, Denver police launched their investigation. Denver police released the following statement on the incident Thursday: On August 23, 2017, the Denver Police Department received anonymous information regarding the incidents involving a cheerleader coach at East High School, and Denver Police child abuse detectives immediately began an investigation. This is an open case, therefore no additional details or videos will be provided at this time. Denver Public Schools Superintendent Tom Boasberg issued the following statement about the investigation: Earlier today, I became aware of an exercise used at cheer practices this summer at East High School. We immediately began taking steps to investigate this issue, and our Department of Safety is supporting Denver Police in this effort. In order to conduct a fair and thorough investigation, we have placed East Principal Andy Mendelsberg, East Assistant Principal Lisa Porter, East Cheer Coach Ozell Williams, East Assistant Cheer Coach Mariah Cladis and DPS Deputy General Counsel Michael Hickman on leave. This is standard practice in an investigation of this type. It does not imply or prejudge in any way the actions of the individuals or what the investigation might determine. Please know that we will share the results of the investigation as soon as possible. I want to reiterate in no uncertain terms our commitment to the safety of our students. We absolutely prohibit any practices that place our students’ physical and mental health in jeopardy. We do not and will not allow any situation in which a student is forced to perform an activity or exercise beyond the point at which they express their desire to stop. While this investigation is ongoing, we are entirely focused on ensuring our students and staff at East are receiving the supports they need. A senior leader at the school, East Assistant Principal Jason Maclin, will serve as interim principal during this time and we are providing additional counseling for our students and families. With regards to certain videos, I cannot state strongly enough – as the superintendent of the school district and as the father of two high school-aged daughters -- that the images and actions depicted are extremely distressing and absolutely contrary to our core values as a public school community. This is an ongoing investigation and will be updated as more information is made available. Copyright 2017 KUSA ||||| DENVER (AP) — Cheerleading coaches and school administrators in a Colorado district were placed on leave and police opened an investigation amid a series of videos showing high school cheerleaders screaming in pain while being pushed into splits during practice. The videos show eight cheerleaders at Denver's East High School repeatedly being pushed into splits while their arms are held up by teammates, KUSA-TV reported Thursday ( ). In one video, a girl repeatedly asks her coach to "please stop." The station says the videos were shot on the phones of two team members and were sent anonymously to the station. Denver Public Schools superintendent Tom Boasberg called the videos "extremely distressing." "We absolutely prohibit any practices that place our students' physical and mental health in jeopardy," Boasberg said in a written statement. "We do not and will not allow any situation in which a student is forced to perform an activity or exercise beyond the point at which they express their desire to stop." The East High School principal, an assistant principal, the cheer coach, an assistant cheer coach and a district lawyer were placed on leave during the investigation, Boasberg said. The Denver Police Department said child-abuse detectives were investigating. Jim Lord, director of the Cheerleading Coaches and Administration Association, told the station the videos show practices that are outdated and damaging. Lord said forcing athletes into painful stretching used to happen decades ago. But he said coaches are now required to learn safe stretching practices. ||||| A:
Cheerleading coaches and school administrators in a Colorado district were placed on leave and police opened an investigation amid a series of videos showing high school cheerleaders screaming in pain while being pushed into splits during practice, the AP reports. The videos show eight cheerleaders at Denver's East High School repeatedly being pushed into splits while their arms are held up by teammates, KUSA-TV reported Thursday. In one video, a girl repeatedly asks her coach to "please stop." The station says the videos were shot on the phones of two team members and were sent anonymously to the station. Denver Public Schools superintendent Tom Boasberg called the videos "extremely distressing." "We absolutely prohibit any practices that place our students' physical and mental health in jeopardy," Boasberg said in a written statement. "We do not and will not allow any situation in which a student is forced to perform an activity or exercise beyond the point at which they express their desire to stop." The East High School principal, an assistant principal, the cheer coach, an assistant cheer coach, and a district lawyer were placed on leave during the investigation, Boasberg said. The Denver Police Department said child-abuse detectives are investigating. Jim Lord, director of the Cheerleading Coaches and Administration Association, said forcing athletes into painful stretching used to happen decades ago, but coaches are now required to learn safe stretching practices.
In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Example input: This list contains the top 25 accounts with the most followers on the social photo-sharing platform Instagram. As of May 2018, the most followed user is Instagram's own account, with over 235 million followers. Selena Gomez is the most followed individual, with over 137 million followers. Ten accounts have exceeded 100 million followers on the site. Example output: who has the maximum number of followers on instagram Example explanation: The answer is talking about the Instagram accounts that have the most followers. The question asking about the maximum number of followers. So this is a good example. Q: Emery boards are generally less abrasive than the metal nail files, and hence, emery boards may take longer to file down nails than metal nail files. However, nail files may play a role in disease transmission if they are used on more than one person without adequate sterilization. Emery boards are usually less expensive than metal nail files, therefore emery boards can be economically disposed of after use on a single person. The nail can be smoothed and shaped accurately by taking light, even strokes in one direction across the top of the nail. Twenty to thirty easy strokes can typically shorten excessively long fingernails, while five to ten strokes are sufficient for shaping the nails. A:
what is the difference between emery board and nail file
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context (see options)? Context: The memorandum noted the United Nations estimated that 2.5 million to 3.5 million people died of AIDS last year. Hypothesis: The United nations calculated that around 3 million people died of AIDS last year. Options are: A). Yes B). It's impossible to say C). No
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Washington Scientists have identified a hormone that significantly extends the lifespan of mice, a discovery that could mark a crucial step toward developing drugs that boost longevity in people. Sentence: Scientists discovered something that gave little rodents a longer life span
question: Complete the next sentence: A woman is in a kitchen, holding a cookie dough ball. She eats it, then shows a table covered in ingredients. she answer: shows step by step how to mix, place, and bake the balls. question: Complete the next sentence: A doctor talks to the camera. Some patients are shown in the office. He washes his hands in a sink. some text answer: then appears on the screen. question: Complete the next sentence: How to make a process document Identify the process. Almost anything can be broken up into a process and turned into a process document. Some examples include : Making pasta learning to drive writing a letter performing a drum roll Figure out what resources your readers will need. answer:
Think about all of the resources that your readers will need in order to complete the process you want to describe. Understanding the resources involved will come in handy when deciding how to describe each of the steps.
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: The outside of a penny was made of?, Context: In 1982, the US Mint began minting pennies coated in copper but made primarily of zinc. With the new zinc pennies, there is the potential for zinc toxicosis, which can be fatal. One reported case of chronic ingestion of 425 pennies (over 1 kg of zinc) resulted in death due to gastrointestinal bacterial and fungal sepsis, whereas another patient, who ingested 12 grams of zinc, only showed lethargy and ataxia (gross lack of coordination of muscle movements). Several other cases have been reported of humans suffering zinc intoxication by the ingestion of zinc coins. A: copper **** Q: Which of the following is not a common shape for helicoids: large sheets, circular, or tube-like bridges?, Context: In the helical thylakoid model, grana consist of a stack of flattened circular granal thylakoids that resemble pancakes. Each granum can contain anywhere from two to a hundred thylakoids, though grana with 10–20 thylakoids are most common. Wrapped around the grana are helicoid stromal thylakoids, also known as frets or lamellar thylakoids. The helices ascend at an angle of 20–25°, connecting to each granal thylakoid at a bridge-like slit junction. The helicoids may extend as large sheets that link multiple grana, or narrow to tube-like bridges between grana. While different parts of the thylakoid system contain different membrane proteins, the thylakoid membranes are continuous and the thylakoid space they enclose form a single continuous labyrinth. A: circular **** Q: Would you have jail time on infractions or on misdemeanors?, Context: Some states distinguish between two levels: felonies and misdemeanors (minor crimes). Generally, most felony convictions result in lengthy prison sentences as well as subsequent probation, large fines, and orders to pay restitution directly to victims; while misdemeanors may lead to a year or less in jail and a substantial fine. To simplify the prosecution of traffic violations and other relatively minor crimes, some states have added a third level, infractions. These may result in fines and sometimes the loss of one's driver's license, but no jail time. A:
misdemeanors ****
question: Complete the next sentence: How to install a vinyl fence Prepare the ground for the fence. It's important to clear and smooth the area in which the vinyl fence will be installed to make the process as easy as possible. Remove any bushes, plants, trees or stationary objects that are in the way of your planned fence. OPTIONS: - Also make sure to clear the spots or crevices in the ground where you will most likely need to relocate the gate between your house and the neighbor's house. Dirt and other debris can seriously distress the fence's integrity. - Call the local utility diggers hotline to have all underground lines marked before you do any digging. In the united states or canada, dial 811 or check with your local utility company. - Use wire stripper to remove the slats from each end of the fence. Use as little soil as possible to crease the slats as they are driven into the ground. - Use a sanding block to smooth the entire space. Remove any fencing or obstacles with a mechanical tiller or spotter. answer: Call the local utility diggers hotline to have all underground lines marked before you do any digging. In the united states or canada, dial 811 or check with your local utility company. Problem: Write the next sentence for: Wraps are shown on a plate. A man spreads food out onto a wrap. He rolls the wrap up and cuts it. he OPTIONS: - puts a triangle on top the wrapped portion. - lays a bow on it. - takes a bite of the wrap and gives a thumbs up. - then wraps the wrap back up showing the other side.. Next sentence: takes a bite of the wrap and gives a thumbs up. context: How to represent yourself at court (uk ) Understand the law: it is absolutely crucial that you understand the law relevant to your offence. In order to defend yourself or mitigate on your own behalf you have to understand what it is that you are being charged with. Do your research: find out the relevant ingredients, defences and sentences. OPTIONS: - If you are already at court and unclear speak to the duty solicitor or legal clerk (see below. ) Entering the court : You will be shown by a member of court staff where to stand. - Take your copies to the court once you are charged with the crime. Meet in a court, preferably in your room or trial hall. - The key to you acting in a civil or criminal court is to know the facts as soon as you discover them. The prosecution could and would cast you on the jury or in judgement. - You might know that when you talk to the judge and hear evidence stating he or she has tampered with the sentence you are swearing you are being represented by a police officer or an accountant. Just ask in a tone of voice you think the judge would understand. **** next sentence for the context: If you are already at court and unclear speak to the duty solicitor or legal clerk (see below. ) Entering the court : You will be shown by a member of court staff where to stand. IN: What happens next? She puts the baby powder soaked toothbrush onto the shoe and starts to rub it there. Then she grabs the blowdryer and blowdrys the shoe and scrubs them again. then she OPTIONS: - gets squeeze scotch tape and irons the shoe and adds it to the cake mix to coat it. - pours bleach into the small bowl that has baby powder in it and she puts the toothbrush in the bowl and rubs it on the shoe again. - takes a handle to bend the shoe and grab and then in the end rips them on the other shoe. - shows the other shoe a curling razor that is attached to a long handle and she rubs the drying powder into the leg of the baby. OUT: pours bleach into the small bowl that has baby powder in it and she puts the toothbrush in the bowl and rubs it on the shoe again. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? A man holds the back paws of a cat and clips its nails sitting on the floor. the man OPTIONS: - finishes and walks around the cat catting it's paws. - finishes one paw then wrestles with the cat. - cuts the claws from a cat before clipping its claws with a dressscutting tool. - continues to clip the nose up and down a cat's back. A: finishes one paw then wrestles with the cat. context: Then they rise up again and continue sailing till they have to duck down again to avoid another bridge. they OPTIONS: - surpass a tree and continue to sail further only to stop dramatically. - pass by other people on kayaks as they sail along. - make it to their original position again before another bridge falls onto the water. - launch at the water but get separated and they have to again paddle across and come back and continue sailing on the water. **** next sentence for the context:
pass by other people on kayaks as they sail along.
IN: What happens next? The man picks up his fallen hat in the ring. The man runs around dodging the charging bull. The man drops his hat in the ring. the man OPTIONS: - is in the ring again jumping and swinging his mallet. - gets back on his horse. - jumps on the wall to avoid the bull. - retrieves his hat from the bull. OUT: jumps on the wall to avoid the bull. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? The commissioner of australia is being interviewed about the event. The princess of jaipur is also talking about the polo event. the captain of the australian polo team OPTIONS: - shoots the ball and posts himself on the field. - talks about the event too. - is also being interviewed about the event. - is being interviewed about the event. A: talks about the event too. IN: Write the next sentence in this paragraph: How to cheer up a friend Listen to your friend. Listening is one of the most important things you can do for someone who is hurting. Active listening shows that you care about your friend and he or she is being heard. OPTIONS: - This shows your friend you really are listening to what he or she has to say. When your friend is talking, your initial reaction may be to shock, or even anger. - Join them when they have a minute to talk. This will keep you involved and make the situation less stressful. - Allow your friend to summarize and write down what is happening on his or her mind. Sharing your thoughts is the best way to show you care for someone. - Often, intently listening is more valuable than any other gesture. When you're really listening make sure that there are no other distractions. OUT: Often, intently listening is more valuable than any other gesture. When you're really listening make sure that there are no other distractions. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: A man is shown applying tact to the back of a piece of tile. After, he beings to apply it down on the floor until it is covered. another box OPTIONS: - appears with flags on it. - is was shown and. - is shown and the three men then explain the technique. - is then opened and the process is continued. **** Answer: is then opened and the process is continued. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to win a game of clue without technically cheating Keep good notes on the clues you collect. As you play clue, you will gather clues that will help you to determine the suspect, weapon, and location of the murder. To keep track of the clues you collect, you should keep good notes and include the initials of the players who have each of the clues you collect. OPTIONS: - You can write down clues about the individual, weapon, and location as you work to devise a strategy to buy the perfect clue. Seek help from a trained detective or pi. - Doing so will help you to get closer to the truth and win the game. Make sure that you check off clues on your detective's notes sheet or write them on your notepad as you collect them. - The entries on the clues should all be side by side and be separated with a number or letter combination. If you suspect someone of murder, they can report the statement to the police. - Pay attention to when the clues get blurry, or when a clue is confusing. Don't forget to keep notes of times and locations where the clues aren't working properly. A: Doing so will help you to get closer to the truth and win the game. Make sure that you check off clues on your detective's notes sheet or write them on your notepad as you collect them. How to prepare for the lsat Identify when you want to take the test. The lsat is offered four times a year-june, september, december, and february. Most law schools recommend that you take your lsat no later than december. OPTIONS: - Classes provided by law schools can save you time and effort, and are designed to give you practice time, especially when you've never taken a test. You should also consider if you wish to take the test at a different college. - The constitution states that classes will be taken during these times. Many law schools will provide these dates whenever the school allows them. - Plan your class membership if you're involved in other legal commitments, and do not take it once you enter a business class. Many law schools offer registration dates only-some law schools don't renew when students are always taking their exams for the academic awards. - For example, if you want to attend law school in fall 2018, you should take the exam no later than december 2017. You can find the upcoming test schedule at the law school admission council (lsac) website.
For example, if you want to attend law school in fall 2018, you should take the exam no later than december 2017. You can find the upcoming test schedule at the law school admission council (lsac) website.
Teacher:In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Tuesday, September 11, 2001, dawned temperate and nearly cloudless in the eastern United States. Millions of men and women readied themselves for work. Some made their way to the Twin Towers, the signature structures of the World Trade Center complex in New York City. Others went to Arlington, Virginia, to the Pentagon. Across the Potomac River, the United States Congress was back in session. At the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue, people began to line up for a White House tour. In Sarasota, Florida, President George W. Bush went for an early morning run. For those heading to an airport, weather conditions could not have been better for a safe and pleasant journey. Among the travelers were Mohamed Atta and Abdul Aziz al Omari, who arrived at the airport in Portland, Maine. Boston: American 11 and United 175. Atta and Omari boarded a 6:00 A.M. flight from Portland to Boston's Logan International Airport. When he checked in for his flight to Boston, Atta was selected by a computerized prescreening system known as CAPPS (Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System), created to identify passengers who should be subject to special security measures. Under security rules in place at the time, the only consequence of Atta's selection by CAPPS was that his checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that he had boarded the aircraft. This did not hinder Atta's plans. Atta and Omari arrived in Boston at 6:45. Seven minutes later, Atta apparently took a call from Marwan al Shehhi, a longtime colleague who was at another terminal at Logan Airport. They spoke for three minutes. It would be their final conversation. <sep>What was a slight issue that affected the terrorists on the day?<sep>Atta was selected by a computerized prescreening system known as CAPPS, meaning his checked bags were held off the plane until it was confirmed that he had boarded the aircraft. But it did not affect their plans Student:
Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to reheat chinese food Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a large pan or wok. Make sure that the pan/wok is big enough to fit all of your stir-fry. If it is too small, the food won't reheat properly and turn out soggy.. Next sentence: For best results, use a flavorless cooking oil, such as vegetable or canola. Avoid coconut or olive oil, as they may affect the final flavor too much. Problem: Write the next sentence for: He then opens a can of coke and drinks from it. Then he begins chopping tomatoes and lettuce to make a sandwich. he. Next sentence: slices some ham and makes two toasts in a toaster. Problem: Write the next sentence for: A woman is riding on an elliptical machine. She uses the pedals and handle bars to steer as she goes. she. Next sentence: continues riding before an ad for the trainer appears. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to mitigate the risks of climate change on your property insurance Shop around before you buy landlords insurance. The type of policies, coverage and prices can vary widely so make sure you get several quotes. Putting in the time to do some research before committing yourself to an insurance policy will mean that you get the best protection for your money.. Next sentence:
Make sure you get the right insurance for your property. There are many different landlords insurance policies available.
Context: The 2014 Monaco GP2 Series round was a pair of motor races held on May 23 and 24, 2014 at the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo as part of the GP2 Series. It was the third round of the 2014 GP2 Series season, and was part of the support programme for the 2014 Monaco Grand Prix. Hypothesis: The GP2 series was not very interesting OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Context: In this regard, the Bloc Quebecois would have preferred that the Export Development Corporation draw more on the very simple and probably more effective operational framework of the World Bank or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, since they require, for each sensitive project in a sensitive area, an impact study, public hearings and most importantly process transparency. Hypothesis: Bloc Quebecois is respected by his/her peers. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Context: FROM two tiny rooms high up and far back in St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, with its neo-Georgian archways, straight-backed pews and simple, graceful detail, the legacy of slavery in Manhattan looks down. The stone church, on Henry Street near Montgomery Street on the Lower East Side, was built for a patrician white congregation. But although it was completed in 1828, a year after slavery was legally abolished in New York State, behind the balcony and on either side of the organ are two cramped rooms, built so that black churchgoers could worship there without being seen by white parishioners. Hypothesis: The writer is black OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No
It's impossible to say
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". The grant also will help victims go through court proceedings after losing a job or being evicted because of an abuser's actions, Xanthopoulos said. "It's going to help the victims, but it's also going to help their children," he said. More than 270 domestic violence assaults in Madison County were reported last year, according to Tennessee Bureau of Investigation statistics. In Jackson, more than 730 domestic violence assaults were reported last year, according to records. "Domestic violence is certainly on the increase and we need to do something to curve that. I see this as helping that," Madison County Sheriff David Woolfork said of the grant. Domestic violence accounted for five of 12 murders in 2001 in Jackson, police have said. And the increase in calls prompted Jackson Police Chief Rick Staples in March to form a focus group to determine if police officers need to make changes in their response to domestic calls. <sep>Which counties had an increase in domestic assault cases?<sep>Only Jackson
instruction: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". question: (CNN) -- A federal court jury in Florida convicted seven people of participating in a global child pornography trafficking enterprise, according to the Department of Justice. Jurors convicted the seven Wednesday of multiple counts of child exploitation, pornography and obstruction of justice. Members of the organization used Internet news groups to swap and share "illegal images and videos depicting prepubescent children, including toddlers, engaged in various sexual and sadistic acts," prosecutors said. An indictment filed in the case detailed interactions between group members as they swapped and commented on images. "My thanks to you and all the others that together make this the greatest group of pedos to ever gather in one place," Freeman wrote in response to one posting, according to the indictment. And a posting from Castleman, cited in the indictment, read, "Thanks to all for the wonderful material that has been posted." An Australian constable who infiltrated the group in August 2006 was among 50 witnesses testifying at trial. He told the jury that the group traded more than 400,000 images and videos of child sexual abuse before being dismantled by law enforcement, according to the Justice Department statement. Each defendant faces a sentence of 20 years to life in prison, fines and the possibility of supervised release for the rest of their lives, authorities said. The seven will be sentenced April 14. During the six-day trial, evidence showed the seven participated in what prosecutors called a "well-organized criminal enterprise whose purpose was to proliferate child sex abuse images to its membership during a two-year period." "This was a wide-scale, high-volume, international trafficking enterprise that used sophisticated computer encryption technology and file-sharing techniques," Matthew Friedrich, acting assistant attorney general, said in the statement. The seven defendants were James Freeman of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida; Gary Lakey of Anderson, Indiana; Marvin Lambert of Indianapolis, Indiana; Neville McGarity of Medina, Texas; Warren Mumpower of Spokane, Washington; Daniel Castleman of Lubbock, Texas; and Ronald White of Burlington, North Carolina, according to the Department of Justice. <sep>Who told the jury that the group traded more than 400,000 images and videos of child sexual abuse?<sep>The Australian constable answer: Yes question: The Vice President stated that he called the President to discuss the rules of engagement for the CAP. He recalled feeling that it did no good to establish the CAP unless the pilots had instructions on whether they were authorized to shoot if the plane would not divert. He said the President signed off on that concept. The President said he remembered such a conversation, and that it reminded him of when he had been an interceptor pilot. The President emphasized to us that he had authorized the shootdown of hijacked aircraft. The Vice President's military aide told us he believed the Vice President spoke to the President just after entering the conference room, but he did not hear what they said. Rice, who entered the room shortly after the Vice President and sat next to him, remembered hearing him inform the President, "Sir, the CAPs are up. Sir, they're going to want to know what to do." Then she recalled hearing him say, "Yes sir." She believed this conversation occurred a few minutes, perhaps five, after they entered the conference room. We believe this call would have taken place sometime before 10:10 to 10:15. Among the sources that reflect other important events of that morning, there is no documentary evidence for this call, but the relevant sources are incomplete. Others nearby who were taking notes, such as the Vice President's chief of staff, Scooter Libby, who sat next to him, and Mrs. Cheney, did not note a call between the President and Vice President immediately after the Vice President entered the conference room. At 10:02, the communicators in the shelter began receiving reports from the Secret Service of an inbound aircraft-presumably hijacked-heading toward Washington. That aircraft was United 93. The Secret Service was getting this information directly from the FAA. The FAA may have been tracking the progress of United 93 on a display that showed its projected path to Washington, not its actual radar return. Thus, the Secret Service was relying on projections and was not aware the plane was already down in Pennsylvania. <sep>Who did Rice recall hearing say "Yes,sir" to the President?<sep>The assistant answer: No question: There are more than 30 attorneys in Butler County that volunteer for an organization offering free legal services for low income or elderly households. Legal Services of Southern Missouri (LSSM) serves 43 counties in this area and is dedicated to ensuring all people, regardless of their income, equal access to legal advice and counsel. Out of the 43 counties in the LSSM service region, Butler County has the fifth highest number of cases served in 2001 and the third largest number of attorney panel members. "The Butler County attorneys have really stepped up to the plate to help us represent the poor population in this county," said LSSM Director of Development Sharon Alexander. "We had approximately 400 cases in Butler County last year." LSSM is funded by the Legal Services Corporation (LSC)- a private, not-for-profit organization. Created by Congress, LSSM also receives funding from the Missouri Lawyer Trust Account Foundation and local area agencies on aging. But LSSM credits the attorneys that volunteer their time and skills to representing the underprivileged and elderly for the success of the organization. Currently, LSSM utilizes the services of 243 private attorneys who provide a minimum of 20 hours of pro bono or two pro bono cases per year. "Fundamentally, what we're trying to do is provide equal access to justice, for all people - regardless of their economic standing," said LSSM Board Member and volunteer attorney, Fred Hall. "If a husband knocks his wife down, breaks her jaw or arm - abuses her terribly - he will be picked up and put in jail. But he's entitled to have a public defender ... Don't you think she's entitled to have a lawyer to get a temporary restraining order from this guy?" LSSM operates like a law firm, but does not charge fees to their clients. Due to federal guidelines, LSSM does not accept cases concerning criminal, post-criminal, or municipal court matters. Rather, the attorneys provide pro bono counsel in matters such as protecting victims of spouse or child abuse, protecting individuals and families from loss of housing through illegal eviction or assisting the elderly in disputing Medicaid claim denials. "One example of a case we recently handled was over in Springfield," Alexander said. "There was an elderly woman who had some plumbing work done to her home and the work was not up to standards and the cost was above what it should have been ... we were able to help her through our pro bono program. One local Springfield attorney volunteered to handle the case." <sep>What county is being discussed in this passage?<sep>Illinois answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". If you have a mass of 50 kg on Earth, what is your weight in newtons? An object with more mass is pulled by gravity with greater force. Mass and weight are closely related. However, the weight of an object can change if the force of gravity changes. On Earth, the force of gravity is the same everywhere. So how does the force of gravity change? It doesnt if you stay on Earth. What if we travel to another planet or moon in our solar system? Look at the photo of astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. taken by fellow astronaut Neil Armstrong in the Figure. They were the first humans to walk on the moon. An astronaut weighs less on the moon than he would on Earth. This is because the moons gravity is weaker than Earths. The astronauts mass, on the other hand, did not change. He still contained the same amount of matter on the moon as he did on Earth. If the astronaut weighed 175 pounds on Earth, he would have weighed only 29 pounds on the moon. If his mass on Earth was 80 kg, what would his mass have been on the moon? [Figure 3] <sep>When does the force of gravity change<sep>It never changes
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: This man is shown playing one drum in the beginning of the video and he says a few words. then a man OPTIONS: -talks to him across a large distances while recording and while playing on the drums.. -sits next to him and starts to play his guitar and the other man slowly joins to start playing the drums.. -appears in the other video and ninth duet and he says a few words along with him and the singer singing along.. -is by the microphone in front of a group of people and he restarts playing them..
sits next to him and starts to play his guitar and the other man slowly joins to start playing the drums.
question: Complete the next sentence: There are people standing in a large indoor court, on two different sides, with balls in the middle of the court. suddenly people OPTIONS: - appear in a circular motion, lifting the ropes and dropping the balls. - start running towards the balls and they begin to play dodge ball and pick them up and throw them at one another until one of the teams has only 1 person left standing. - begin reappearing in different clips playing bowling. - begin jumping and doing a series of flips and tricks. answer: start running towards the balls and they begin to play dodge ball and pick them up and throw them at one another until one of the teams has only 1 person left standing. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to give newborn kittens away Keep the newborn kittens with the mother. If your cat has just given birth, she'll take care of the kittens. Provide plenty of food and a safe place so that she can look after her kittens. OPTIONS: - The mother will also teach the kittens to toilet and socialize. Since they won't be eating solid foods, she'll nurse them in the early weeks. - Keep the kittens at least 10-12 feet from the mother during the entire pregnancy. This is enough time for parents to notice the baby kittens for the first time, but not too much time for parents to see the kittens with their eyes open. - Allow the mother to keep the kittens in her home at all times, ensuring that the mother does not move them from her home. If kittens are not nursing, the mother may have trouble feeding and caring for them. - Know that some kittens are very fragile, and you will need to be quick when transporting a kitten away from other cats. Make sure the mother cat is warm.. Next sentence: The mother will also teach the kittens to toilet and socialize. Since they won't be eating solid foods, she'll nurse them in the early weeks. context: How to settle debts if you cannot file bankruptcy Identify your types of debts. Not all debt is created equal. You might be able to negotiate a settlement with some creditors but not others. OPTIONS: - Before you go into negotiations, think about which pieces of your debt are most valuable. Identifying your debts can help you get the best deal possible in the bankruptcy court. - For example, the following are common debts people neglect to pay : Unpaid child support or alimony. Your child support or alimony is set by a judge and can't be lowered other than by court order. - Generally, you must pay just one debt at a time. You should identify some of the following types of debt : Personal or property: this includes money you borrowed, goods or investments you own or property that you may have purchased, or that might have been sold to others. - You have the option of filing a settlement yourself, or taking legal action to settle the debt as soon as possible. However, to file a claim with any creditor you must first move to chapter 7 bankruptcy. **** next sentence for the context: For example, the following are common debts people neglect to pay : Unpaid child support or alimony. Your child support or alimony is set by a judge and can't be lowered other than by court order. IN: What happens next? How to develop a professional portfolio Decide how you wish to present your portfolio. The most popular method is to use a 3-ring binder. Don't forget to set yourself up with clear plastic protective inserts for your materials and dividers so that you can categorize your materials. OPTIONS: - Collect the materials you wish to include in your portfolio. Begin creating your portfolio with a brief explanation of your career goals. - Use a pencil to mark portion of each page. You can also photocopy your images if you'd like. - Also, consider your silhouette and personality when choosing an appropriate binder. Pick your intended format for your portfolio. - Even with a sense of pride in what you collect, a professional portfolio is probably not worth your time. It could be enough to showcase your work but not to make a huge difference in your industry. OUT: Collect the materials you wish to include in your portfolio. Begin creating your portfolio with a brief explanation of your career goals. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? The wall breaks and the man flies down the hill into a tree. The man stands up next to the kayak and talks. the girl OPTIONS: - walks off sequence while the camera follows. - gets into the kayak. - in red gets angry, and lays down in the water. - approaches the tree pointing and shaking it in the end. A: gets into the kayak. context: How to befriend a professor Say " hello " to the professor after the first class. Make a point of approaching the professor after the class to say a quick " hello " and introduce yourself. Let the professor know you are excited about their class and look forward to learning from them. OPTIONS: - Be polite when you do approach the professor. You don't want to start a conversation with a professor by running up to them on the assembly line. - People will know you well if you instantly approach them and introduce yourself. When the professor asks the name of you, say hello and ask them if they know you. - Show her your academic achievements and be proud of them. Make room on your desk for your " class notes " by putting them in the margins. - Mention your name and try to chat with the professor about your educational interests or background. For example, you may say, " hi, my name is selena gomez. **** next sentence for the context:
Mention your name and try to chat with the professor about your educational interests or background. For example, you may say, " hi, my name is selena gomez.
Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: they are talking about fish only I wonder how he expects us to put forward a strong position on these issues if we are not part of the World Trade Organization or if we were not in a position, with meetings like Seattle, where we can pull together different countries from around the world that have a similar position to ours.
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: Alexander II (Russian: Aleksandr II Nikolaevich, tr. Aleksandr II Nikolaevich; IPA: [aljI'ksandr fta'roj njIka'lajIvjItc]; 29 April [O.S. 17 April] 1818 in Moscow - 13 March [O.S. 1 March] 1881 in Saint Petersburg) was the Emperor of Russia from 2 March 1855 until his assassination in 1881. He was also the King of Poland and the Grand Duke of Finland. Alexander was the most successful Russian reformer since Peter the Great. His most important achievement was the emancipation of serfs in 1861, for which he became known as Alexander the Liberator (Russian: Aleksandr Osvoboditel', tr. Aleksandr Osvoboditel; IPA: [aljI'ksandr asv@ba'djitjIlj]). The tsar was responsible for numerous other reforms including reorganizing the judicial system, setting up elected local judges, abolishing capital punishment, promoting local self-government through the zemstvo system, imposing universal military service, ending some of the privileges of the nobility, and promoting the universities. Despite these reforms, during his reign, his brutal secret police, known as the Third Section, sent thousands of dissidents into exile in Siberia. In foreign policy, Alexander sold Alaska to the United States in 1867, fearing the remote colony would fall into British hands if there was another war. He sought peace, moved away from bellicose France when Napoleon III fell in 1871, and in 1872 joined with Germany and Austria in the League of the Three Emperors that stabilized the European situation. Despite his otherwise pacifistic foreign policy, he fought a brief war with Turkey in 1877-78, pursued further expansion into Siberia and the Caucasus, and conquered Turkestan. Although disappointed by the results of the Congress of Berlin in 1878, Alexander abided by that agreement. Among his greatest domestic challenges was an uprising in Poland in 1863, to which he responded by stripping that land of its separate Constitution and incorporating it directly into Russia. Alexander was proposing additional parliamentary reforms to counter the rise of nascent revolutionary and anarchistic movements when he was assassinated in 1881. <sep>Why is Alexander II called Aleksandr Osvoboditel?<sep>For his emancipation of serfs A: Yes **** Q: A day at the beach. When Sam woke in the morning, he was super excited! Today was the day! It was Sunday, the day that Sam's mom and dad had promised to take Sam to the beach. Sam's grandma had given a pail and shovel to Sam to use in the sand. At breakfast Sam was so excited he was wiggling in his seat! Mom told Sam that they would leave when the big hand on the clock was pointing to the 10, and the little had was pointing to the 12. Mom asked Sam if he would like to help make sandwiches for the trip, and Sam said that he wanted to help. Dad said, "let's make a game of it, we need to make a sandwich for each of us. There are three of us, so we need three sandwiches. Let's count as we make the sandwiches!" Sam counted as mom made the sandwiches, one for dad, one for mom and one for Sam. Then mom started to make another sandwich! "Mom!" said Sam, "we have three sandwiches and that makes one sandwich for each of us." Sam's mom laughed, "You're right Sam!" Sam's mom said she was being silly. <sep>What were Sam's words as mom made the Sandwich?<sep>You're right Sam! A: No **** Q: On Monday, departing Gov. Roy Barnes will spend his first day as a private citizen by starting his new job as a full-time, pro-bono (unpaid) lawyer at the Atlanta Legal Aid Society. The decision by Barnes, the most improbable casualty of Election Day 2002, to go to work for legal aid was almost as unexpected as his November defeat. As a legal services attorney, Barnes will help women escape domestic violence, Mauricio Vivero is vice president seniors fight predatory lending scams and parents obtain child support for their kids. of Legal In doing so, he will take his place on the front line of the U.S. legal community's Services Corporation, the uphill and underpublicized struggle to achieve equal access to justice for millions of Washington-Americans too poor to afford legal representation. based nonprofit corporation chartered by The inaccessibility of the U.S. civil justice system is hardly a new development, but it Congress in took Barnes' decision to put the national media spotlight on our country's ongoing 1974 to promote equal access to access-to-justice crisis. civil justice. The 2000 U.S. census reports that more than 43 million Americans qualify for free federally funded legal assistance, yet fewer than 20 percent of eligible clients (annual income: $11,075 or less) are able to obtain legal help when they need it, according to the American Bar Association. In Georgia, there is just one legal aid lawyer for every 10,500 eligible poor people. Barnes understood this problem long before he became governor. While in private practice, he handled many pro-bono cases and was a frequent volunteer in the Cobb County office of the federally funded Atlanta Legal Aid Society. Most memorably, he secured a $115 million judgment in 1993 against Fleet Finance for victimizing 18,000 homeowners -- many of them senior citizens -- with its widespread predatory lending mortgage practices. His long-standing commitment to the underserved is certainly admirable, but it should not be viewed as a rare and laudable act of civic virtue. To be admitted to practice law, every attorney must take a professional oath to promote justice -- and every state's ethical rules include language indicating lawyers' responsibility to be guardians of fair play for those living in poverty. In Georgia, many law firms, corporations and private attorneys are working pro bono to serve the neediest clients. Yet only 23 percent of the state's 23,598 active lawyers reported meeting the Georgia State Bar's goal of 50 hours of pro-bono service in 2002. The need for volunteers is most severe outside the five-county Atlanta metropolitan area, where 70 percent of the state's poor people are served by only 24 percent of the state's lawyers. National pro-bono participation is even worse. Only 23 percent of the roughly 1 million attorneys in America volunteer even one hour of pro-bono service annually, according to the ABA. <sep>Why should Barnes' frequent volunteering with the Atlanta Legal Aid Society not be viewed as rare?<sep>Because to be admitted to practice law, every attorney must take a professional oath to promote justice -- and every state's ethical rules include language indicating lawyers' responsibility to be guardians of fair play for those living in poverty A:
Yes ****
This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence: A close up of various objects in shown in a circle of dirt and leads into a person holding a bag. the person
then opens the bag and points to the objects in dirt and lights a match.
The American Wrestling Association (AWA) was an American professional wrestling promotion based in Minneapolis, Minnesota that ran from 1960 to 1991. It was owned and founded by Verne Gagne and Wally Karbo. The territory was originally part of the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), becoming an independent territory in the late 1950s. AWA had a few popular wrestlers working for them. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Elephants like to eat bananas. Context: Definitely do not lift the ban on ivory, it will drive the species to near extinction again. Elephant numbers should be controlled but what has ivory got to do with it? It is a barbaric trade and should be banned permanently. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: A joint survey by two conservation groups, World Conservation Union and the World Wildlife Fund, says the black rhino population has risen to over 3,600. That is an increase of 500 animals over the last two years. Hypothesis: 2 years earlier, the black rhino numbered 500. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Barron is this year's winner of the William E. Colby Award, a $5,000 honour given for a fiction or nonfiction book about the military, intelligence operations or foreign policy. Barron, a judge for the First Circuit Court of Appeals, was cited for "Waging War: The Clash Between Presidents and Congress, 1776 to ISIS." Sentence: Barron's book is called "Waging War: The Clash Between Presidents and Congress, 1776 to ISIS." Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: And recognizing that, I called together a group of our fellow citizens to study the issue. It was a committee chaired by the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, a Democrat. And they came up with a variety of ideas for people to look at. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: The citizens had to study the issue **** Answer: Yes Cosmonaut Valery Polyakov set the record for the longest continuous amount of time spent in space, a staggering 438 days, between 1994 and 1995. He orbited the Earth 7000 times, witnessing 7000 sunrises and 7000 sunsets. Polyakov spent a year and year and over two months in space. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Context: That the subcommittee on Corrections and Conditional Release Act be granted authority to travel to Edmonton, Regina and Winnipeg during the week of April 19, 1999, to Kingston and Toronto during the week of May 10, 1999 and to Montreal and region during the week of May 24, 1999 and that the necessary staff accompany it. Hypothesis: The subcommittee on Corrections and Conditional Release Act members all wore blue jackets. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No © Invotec sold to RG industries UK PCB manufacturer Invotec Group has been acquired by RG Industries LLP, part of the Rubicon Partners portfolio of Industrial businesses across Europe, in a deal completed on Friday. The acquisition will lead to the retirement of Managing Director John Ennis, who will be replaced by the Operations Director Tim Tatton. Otherwise, the existing management team will remain with the business moving forward the company said in a statement. Invotec has two facilities in the UK, based in Tamworth and Telford. Sentence: Invotec sold to RG industries US PCB Output: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: French police are warning people to stay away from the main train station in Marseille after reports of a knife attack Sunday. Marseille police say an operation is "under way". French television is reporting that at least one person has been stabbed and the attacker shot and killed. The Saint Charles train station has been evacuated. "Copyright 2017 Associated Press. All Rights Reserved" OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: The attacker stabbed at least one person. **** Answer: Yes [Q]: Grilled Cheese<br>Josh was homesick. All he wanted was his mom's grilled cheese. He finally decided to try to make it himself. He bought all the ingredients and tried his best. The result was a perfect grilled cheese just like his mom's. He longed for a grill cheese sandwich. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes Problem: How to help your child when a pet dies<br>Tell your child right away. Sometimes people avoid telling children about the death of a pet right away because the conversation can be so difficult. When a pet dies, it is best to tell your child soon after it happens rather than avoiding or putting off the conversation. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Children are more capable of handling death if you tell them the truth and tell them right away."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Context: The VITA Malt Sion Hill Netball Championship took place yesterday afternoon, when New Era Pepper Stars defeated Third World Man's Shop 25-17 in at the Hard Court of the Sion Hill Playing Field. In the second match, Yanja Young Strugglers beat Sion Hill 66-45. The Championship will continue tomorrow. Share This Article: Facebook Twitter Google LinkedIn Email Tumblr Print Related Hypothesis: New Era Pepper Stars have athletes OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: How to have fun while you're walking your dog<br>Change up your route. Going somewhere new and different can make the walk more interesting for both you and your dog. Try driving out to a lake or walking to a park where you don't normally go. Hypothesis: Dogs do not want to go new places.
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Eating Out<br>Dan had a really rough day at work today. Dan went home and started cooking a steak. However, Dan accidentally burned the steak. Dan threw away the steak, and got dressed. Dan decided he would go to a local restaurant to eat dinner. pick from the following. a). Yes b). It's impossible to say c). No Hypothesis: Dan ate the burned steak.
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Green Day, who arrived at the venue in the vintage green convertible from their gritty "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" video, won best rock video and video of the year for the clip and two of their leading eight nominations. Sentence: Green Day lead singer won best dressed rock singer in Germany. Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Scary Dream<br>Tom woke up in a cold sweat. He was shaking and scared. He realized he had just had a scary dream. Tom was too afraid to fall back asleep. Instead he stayed up all night. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: This is about a happy dream. **** Answer: No [Q]: But Columbine spoke to a larger issue. It's really a matter of culture. It's a culture that somewhere along the line we've begun to disrespect life. Where a child can walk in and have their heart turned dark as a result of being on the Internet and walk in and decide to take somebody else's life? as a whole the world respects life more than in columbine. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: No Problem: Authors Anonymous is a 2014 comedy American film directed and produced by Ellie Kanner. It stars Kaley Cuoco, Chris Klein, Tricia Helfer, Jonathan Banks, Jonathan Bennett, Teri Polo and Dennis Farina in his final film role. The film was released on March 18, 2014 through video on demand prior to its limited release on April 18, 2014 by Screen Media Films and Starz Digital. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Chris Klein retired from acting in late 2014."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: This doctor has a polysyllabic name Dr. Lakshminarayana Subramaniam (born 23 July 1947) is an acclaimed Indian violinist, composer and conductor, trained in the classical Carnatic music tradition and Western classical music, and renowned for his virtuoso playing techniques and compositions in orchestral fusion. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: Senator Jader Barbalho has a couple corruption charges. The PMDB is also the party led by Senator Jader Barbalho, the recently elected Senate President heaped with serious corruption charges. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. PROBLEM: How did the empire of ND football begin?, Context: Notre Dame rose to national prominence in the early 1900s for its Fighting Irish football team, especially under the guidance of the legendary coach Knute Rockne. The university's athletic teams are members of the NCAA Division I and are known collectively as the Fighting Irish. The football team, an Independent, has accumulated eleven consensus national championships, seven Heisman Trophy winners, 62 members in the College Football Hall of Fame and 13 members in the Pro Football Hall of Fame and is considered one of the most famed and successful college football teams in history. Other ND teams, chiefly in the Atlantic Coast Conference, have accumulated 16 national championships. The Notre Dame Victory March is often regarded as the most famous and recognizable collegiate fight song. SOLUTION: the guidance of the legendary coach Knute Rockne PROBLEM: Who, between Mary and Aquinas, was NOT Doctor Angelicus in 1567?, Context: Popular opinion remained firmly behind the celebration of Mary's conception. In 1439, the Council of Basel, which is not reckoned an ecumenical council, stated that belief in the immaculate conception of Mary is in accord with the Catholic faith. By the end of the 15th century the belief was widely professed and taught in many theological faculties, but such was the influence of the Dominicans, and the weight of the arguments of Thomas Aquinas (who had been canonised in 1323 and declared "Doctor Angelicus" of the Church in 1567) that the Council of Trent (1545–63)—which might have been expected to affirm the doctrine—instead declined to take a position. SOLUTION: Mary PROBLEM: Where are the major settlements mainly?, Context: The major settlements in the ceremonial county are concentrated on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65: Preston, Blackburn, Accrington, Burnley, Nelson and Colne. South of Preston are the towns of Leyland and Chorley; the three formed part of the Central Lancashire New Town designated in 1970. The north of the county is predominantly rural and sparsely populated, except for the towns of Lancaster and Morecambe which form a large conurbation of almost 100,000 people. Lancashire is home to a significant Asian population, numbering over 70,000 and 6% of the county's population, and concentrated largely in the former cotton mill towns in the south east. SOLUTION:
on the Fylde coast (the Blackpool Urban Area), and a belt of towns running west-east along the M65
Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: we have to keep them in the shadows And thirdly, we need an earned-legalization program for people who have been here for a long time, stayed out of trouble, got a job, paid their taxes, and their kids are American. We got to start moving them toward full citizenship, out of the shadows. SCHIEFFER: Do you want to respond, Mr. President?
Instructions: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: Tweet with a location You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via third-party applications. You always have the option to delete your Tweet location history. Learn more ||||| Speaking at a Fairfax, Virginia campaign rally, Ohio Governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said he won a previous election because women “left their kitchens” to vote for him. “How did I get elected?” Kasich asked, referring to his first run for the Ohio state legislature. “I didn’t have anybody for me, we just got an army of people and many women, who left their kitchens to go out and go door-to-door and to put yard signs up for me.” “All the way back, when– you know things were different,” he continued, “Now you call homes and everybody’s out working.” Later when taking questions, Kasich got some pushback from a female rallygoer. “Your comment earlier about the women who came out of the kitchen to support you, I’ll come to support you, but I won’t be coming out of the kitchen,” she said. “I got you,” Kasich responded. It’s worth noting that the version of the video being circulated by some reporters does not contain his complete comments, cutting off before Kasich says that “things were different” and explaining that he was speaking about an earlier time (Kasich was first elected in 1976). Watch above, via NBC News. [Image via screengrab] —— >>Follow Alex Griswold (@HashtagGriswold) on Twitter Have a tip we should know? [email protected] ||||| Output:
Fresh off of defunding Planned Parenthood in Ohio, Gov. John Kasich raised eyebrows again Monday in Fairfax, Va., Mediaite reports. Speaking at a campaign rally at George Mason University, the presidential candidate took on the subject of how he first got elected during his early days in politics, cluing the crowd in to the secret behind his success. "How did I get elected? I didn't have anybody for me," he said. "We just got an army of people … and many women who left their kitchens to go out and go door to door and to put yard signs up for me." That "kitchens" comment caught the attention of at least one audience member, who later during the rally stood up and said to Kasich, "Your comment earlier about the women who came out of the kitchen to support you: I'll come to support you, but I won't be coming out of the kitchen," to which Kasich replied, "I got you." Anna Merlan at Jezebel isn't so sure he actually did get it, recalling how he seemingly dismissed a female student at an October town hall by telling her he didn't have any Taylor Swift tickets. But Mediaite and Mother Jones say the video circulating of Monday's supposed misstep doesn't tell the whole story; Kasich's full quote, which appears here, mentioned that campaign happened "all the way back, when—you know, things were different. Now you call homes and everybody's out working." (Merlan pinpoints that election race as either taking place in 1978 or 1982, during which time "we assure you women were working outside of the kitchen.") Per NBC News, Kasich's spokesman responded Monday, "John Kasich's campaigns have always been homegrown affairs. They've literally been run out of his friends' kitchens, and many of his early campaign teams were made up of stay-at-home moms. ... That's real grassroots campaigning ... . To try and twist his comments into anything else is just desperate politics."
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: Street<br>Potter went to work for a construction company. This was his first construction job. They worked that day on making a new street. He worked hard. He went home when it was done. Sentence: Potter contains an o
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: I don't think we agree on that. I would certainly also be judicious in evaluating any potential use of American troops overseas. I think we have to be very reticent about that. But look, Jim, the world is changing so rapidly. The way I see it, the world is getting much closer together. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: The speaker does not think that the world is changing quickly. **** Answer: No [Q]: Francisco ""Pinula"" López Contreras (born 17 September 1934) is a Guatemalan former football player and coach. He played the majority of his playing career at C.S.D. Comunicaciones of Guatemala City and was also a member of the Guatemala national team, playing in two World Cup qualifying campaigns. Francisco ""Pinula"" López Contreras is over three thousand years old. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: No Problem: On Thursday, February 11, Ed Roberson will read at the University of Chicago. Roberson is the recipient of the 2015 Ron Offen prize and the subject of a special section in the upcoming issue of CR. He will read from his ten books of poetry and present unpublished work. Event co-sponsored by the Ron Offen Poetry Prize Fund and the Program in Poetry & Poetics Thursday, February 11, 6 PM Logan Center for the Arts Seminar Terrace, Room 801 University of Chicago 915 E. 60th St. Free admission Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "He will read only published work."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: From Madison it takes less than 5 and a half hours to drive to. The three drive-ins nearest to Madison, all less than an hour's drive, are: Big Sky Twin Drive-In Theatres in Wisconsin Dells, Highway 18 Outdoor Theatre, near Jefferson, and Sky-Vu Drive-In, near Monroe. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Berry Picking<br>Sue went to a local farm to pick berries. When she got there they handed her a basket to fill. She went outside and headed over to the berry bushes. She happily picked a full basket of them. At the end of the day she realized the berries dyed her hands red. Sue had picked alot of berries. She realized her hands were dyed red happily. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: A fire in Orillia is being treated as suspicious. Orillia Fire Services go the call to a construction site on Monarch Drive just after midnight this morning, to find an excavator on fire. While firefighters worked on dousing the heavy equipment, police brought in forensic officers to figure out how the fire started. The OPP is asking anyone who saw anything out of the norm in the area around midnight to give them a call. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Orillia fire services got called to a construction site. **** Answer:
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: "Pretty Good Year" is a single by the American singer-songwriter Tori Amos, taken from her second album "Under the Pink". It was released as the second single from the album in Europe in March 1994, and the fourth single from the album in Australia in November 1994. It was not released as a single in North America. Hypothesis: Tori Amos did not release this song in the US
Problem: Police have provided Local 6 with an update on the condition of two people who were shot in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The shooting happened just before 6 p.m. on Wednesday in the 1000 block of Jefferson Street at Benton Street, and both people who were shot were taken to a local hospital. On Thursday, Cape Girardeau Sgt. Adam Gluek told Local 6 that both victims are still in the hospital. He said they are in serious, but stable condition. Gluek says the suspect in the shooting has not yet been arrested. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The person who did the shooting has not yet been arrested "? A: Yes Problem: Parks Canada announced that surf conditions in P.E.I. National Park are currently considered dangerous and visitors are asked not to enter the water, according to a news release. "Rip currents may be formed along the shores due to high winds and resulting surf conditions," reads the release. "To ensure visitor safety, entering the water is not recommended in these conditions and visitors are asked to follow surf guard instructions." Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Parks Canada does not care about visitor safety."? A: No Problem: The Secret<br>Abby knew her husband was hiding something. She confronted him about the secret he was keeping. He refused to tell her. The next day, she found a gift on her pillow when she woke up. He had surprised her with a diamond ring! Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The diamond ring was expensive"? A:
It's impossible to say
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No From AFP. Any opinions expressed are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News. It’s a radio talent contest with a mission: showcasing the skills of Mosul’s youth after years of jihadist rule and a months-long battle for the city. Sentence: The opinions are not a direct reflection of the Iraq Business News. Output: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Mattress Pad<br>We bought a foam mattress pad in February. It was 8 inches thick. It was comfortable but it made our bed very high. Yesterday we decided to get rid of it. We were still able to get a good night's rest. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Foam mattress pads are used mostly by males **** Answer: It's impossible to say [Q]: Okay. What I've seen of actually Darwin in the textbook, in my opinion, is actually quite slim. It follows state standards, of course. And, actually, to me, it gives more of a historical context of Darwin than anything as far as what I have read. And I did look at that section, and I looked basically through the book. And it appears to be historical mainly in context of Darwin's time frame and what he did for science. The textbook gives a historical context of Darwin. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes Problem: DAYTON, Ohio. A cargo plane bound for Montreal with a small quantity of hazardous chemicals crashed and exploded shortly after takeoff. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "the plane did not takeoff"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: It is located in the European Union Flat Fell is a hill located on the edge of the English Lake District, standing at 272m. It is included in Alfred Wainwright's "Outlying Fells of Lakeland" book, sharing a chapter with Dent. Wainwright's clockwise route to the two summits starts at Wath Brow. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: The big bounce isn't about the weather × The big bounce, temperatures jump Wednesday and the warmest spell of 2017 is on the way BIG BOUNCE What a terrific Wednesday and how about the jump from the chill in the morning to the warmth in the afternoon! Temperatures jumped over 30-degrees since from early Wednesday morning AM. The biggest rise – in Bloomington (+35°) and Terre Haute (+32°) Dry air and the higher April sun angle add tot he warm up. Wednesday was the 4th straight day above normal. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: How to get rid of cystic acne scars<br>Research and take precautions with home remedies. There are a lot of home remedies that can reduce the look of your cystic acne scars. But, just because something claims to be natural doesn't mean it's safe. Hypothesis: Cystic acne scars are not that hard to alleviate
It's impossible to say
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. What did field of study did Feynman help pioneer?, Context: Richard Phillips Feynman (/ˈfaɪnmən/; May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988) was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. He developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which later became known as Feynman diagrams. During his lifetime, Feynman became one of the best-known scientists in the world. In a 1999 poll of 130 leading physicists worldwide by the British journal Physics World he was ranked as one of the ten greatest physicists of all time.
the development of quantum electrodynamics
Write the next sentence in the following story. A man and a woman are standing by a piano. the man and the woman Available choices: a. are playing while other is playing the piano.; b. are playing the piano.; c. stands at the piano and play.; d. play the piano together.;. The answer should be
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: ORLANDO, Florida (41NBC/WMGT) – It’s Day 2 of Bill Shanks’ reports from the Braves spring training facility in Florida. Today, Bill focuses on Atlanta’s pitching. They’ve got several veteran starters ready to take the mound in the likes of R.A. Dickey, Bartolo Colon, and Jaime Garcia. Those additions will hopefully bridge the gap until younger players down on the farm are ready for Big League action. Plus, Bill goes into detail on a few arms in the bullpen worth keeping an eye on. Options: [a]. Yes; [b]. It's impossible to say; [c]. No; Hypothesis: Bill considers future pitchers as well
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: How to care for bulbs Water the bulbs. You should water bulbs after planting them. This will help the plant develop roots and also set the soil around the bulb, eliminating air pockets. Choose your answer from: A). Don't water shallowly as the bulb may be planted pretty deep and the water needs to soak the roots thoroughly. Add about one inch of water every week after the plant starts flowering if the rainfall is not adequate in your area.; B). It's not necessary to water the bulbs during the winter if you live in a cold area or have established roots in colder areas. If you live in a hot climate and have established roots in your soil, you can still water each bulb.; C). Do not water your bulbs during winter as they do not receive enough sun. Place your bulbs in an area with full sun.; D). Ideal days for watering include april through july. Avoid misting by lightly misting the bulbs once per week.;
input hypothesis: Garegin II is not known as "His Holiness." Context: YEREVAN, JANUARY 10, ARMENPRESS. His Holiness Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians, departed for the United States on January 9, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin told Armenpress. His Holiness Garegin II will have meetings with the philanthropists of the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin to discuss numerous programs being implemented by the Mother See. true or false: No input hypothesis: Context would be a risky move on our part. Context: We're not going to side door, you know, a bias argument by going into context. Context is a dangerous thing as it relates to what we're doing here. So, no, it's -- we presume that the statement was likely given to the reporter upon a question being asked by the reporter, although it could have been volunteered. That's of no moment. true or false: Yes input hypothesis: Venezuelan citizens are detained in Guantanamo Bay Context: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he is prepared to receive detainees held by the US military at the Guantanamo Bay camp in Cuba. US President Barack Obama has ordered the closure of the controversial camp, in which around 240 inmates are held, by next year. Mr Chavez made his offer at a summit of South American and Arab countries. It is highly unlikely the Pentagon will take him up on it, however, given the poor state of US ties with Venezuela. true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Tullamore has a population of more than fifty. Context: Located just three miles from Tullamore and only 45 minutes from the K Club, venue of the 2006 Ryder Cup, is Esker Hills, a genuine hidden gem and one of Irish golf's best kept secrets. true or false:
It's impossible to say
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to windmill dunk<br>Jump in the air. Like all dunks, a windmill requires you to jump high. Start a windmill dunk by approaching the basket while dribbling, then jump toward it as high as you can. Sentence: dunks are common in basketball games Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to protect your identity<br>Sign up for only a few credit cards so that it is easy to monitor them, and never just destroy a card you don't plan on using again. Make sure you actually close out the account. Make sure that all online purchases are made through a reputable site that is safe and secure if you want to protect your personal finances. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: The more credit cards I have the better off I am. **** Answer: No [Q]: British mountaineer Alison Hargreaves becomes the first woman to climb Mount Everest alone and without oxygen tanks. A British mountaineer became the first woman to ascend Everest alone and without oxygen tanks. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes Problem: Once again this year, the scheduling of leaf pickup is poorly organized. Surely, the city has enough historical data and internal management resources available to realize the first of two pickups is a complete waste of taxpayer money and staff time? The swamp maples that adorn our street are still over 99 per cent of complete foliage, yet a crew wandered aimlessly sucking up air. Are predetermined snow removal dates the next thing citizens can expect? Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "It's not questions if snow removal dates are expected by citizens"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: Nobody has ever did what they did again. In 1962, Armstrong was transferred to astronaut status. He served as command pilot for the Gemini 8 mission, launched March 16, 1966, and along with David Scott, performed the first successful docking of two vehicles in space by mating his Gemini 8 with an uninhabited Agena rocket. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Q: Larkin at Sixty has been read by amy Larkin at Sixty (1982) is a collection of original essays and poems published to celebrate the sixtieth birthday of the English poet Philip Larkin. It was edited and introduced by Anthony Thwaite and published by Larkin's publishers, Faber and Faber. A poetic dramatisation of the launch of the book was written by Russell Davies. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Literary career During the war Camus joined the French Resistance cell Combat, which published an underground newspaper of the same name. This group worked against the Nazis, and in it Camus assumed the nom de guerre Beauchard. Camus became the paper's editor in 1943. He first met Sartre at the dress rehearsal of Sartre's play, The Flies, in June 1943. When the Ailies liberated Paris in August 1944, Camus witnessed and reported the last of the fighting. Soon after the event on 6 August 1945, he was one of the few French editors to publicly express opposition and disgust to the United States' dropping the atomic bomb in Hiroshima. He resigned from Combat in 1947 when it became a commercial paper. After the war, Camus began frequenting the Cafe de Flore on the Boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris with Sartre and others. He also toured the United States to lecture about French thought. Although he leaned left, politically, his strong criticisms of Communist doctrine did not win him any friends in the Communist parties and eventually alienated Sartre. In 1949, his tuberculosis returned, whereupon he lived in seclusion for two years. In 1951, he published The Rebel, a philosophical analysis of rebellion and revolution which expressed his rejection of communism. Upsetting many of his colleagues and contemporaries in France, the book brought about the final split with Sartre. The dour reception depressed Camus; he began to translate plays. Camus's first significant contribution to philosophy was his idea of the absurd. He saw it as the result of our desire for clarity and meaning within a world and condition that offers neither, which he expressed in The Myth of Sisyphus and incorporated into many of his other works, such as The Stranger and The Plague. Despite his split from his "study partner", Sartre, Camus was still categorized as an Existentialist. He specifically rejected that label in his essay "Enigma" and elsewhere. <sep>What label does Camus reject?<sep>Rebellion
Definition: In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Input: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Transcript of Tiger Woods interview with the Golf Channel released on Sunday. The reporter is Kelly Tilghman. U.S. | Sports | People Q: Tiger, you've been a master of control your entire life, how did things get so out of control? Woods: Going against your core values, losing sight of it. I quit meditating, I quit being a Buddhist, and my life changed upside down. I felt entitled, which I had never felt before. Consequently, I hurt so many people by my own reckless attitude and behavior. Q: Were there moments you thought you should stop, but didn't? Woods: Yeah, I tried to stop and I couldn't stop. It was just, it was horrific. Q: For a man who's so disciplined physically and psychologically, why couldn't you say no? Woods: I don't know, now I know. It's part of what I learned in treatment, being there for 45 days you learn a lot. You strip away the denial, the rationalization and you come to the truth and the truth is very painful at times and to stare at yourself and look at the person you've become you become disgusted. Q: The Masters is a demanding stage on its own, let alone for a return of this magnitude, how do you know you're mentally prepared for this? Woods: I'm excited to get back and play. I miss the game. I miss playing, I miss competing. I wasn't ready to play in Tavistock or play in Bay Hill, I expressed that to Joe as well as Arnold. I want to play in these events but I just wasn't ready. I started too late with my preparation. Hank and I are starting to work now and start to get it going. Q: How do you know you'll be ready for the Masters? Woods: I'm starting to get my feel back. I know how to play the golf course and that helps a lot. I just got to play it. Q: How will your therapy affect your 2010 schedule? I'm assuming you'll have more in-patient therapy ahead. Woods: Yeah, I will have more treatment, more therapy sessions. As far as my schedule going forward, I don't know what I'm going to do, Kelly. Last year I didn't know because of my knee; it was still uncertain, and this year, with all the things that I've done I don't know what I'll be doing either. That to me is a little bit bothersome, too, in a sense that I don't like not knowing what to do, but what I know I have to do is become a better person and that begins with going to more treatment. Q: You went from becoming recognized as the greatest golfer in the world to becoming a punch line. How did that make you feel? Woods: It was hurtful, but then again you know what, I did it. I'm the one who did those things and looking back on it now with a more clear head, I get it. I can understand why people will say these things because you know what, it was disgusting behavior. As a person, it's hard to believe that was me, looking back on it now. Q: America was concerned when the world's greatest golfer was lying on the ground with no shoes at 2:30 in the morning, bleeding, what happened that night? Woods: It's all in the police report, they investigated it and they have it on public record; there's a lot of stuff between Elin and I that will remain private and that's about it. Q: How did you crash the car? Woods: I wasn't going very fast, but unfortunately, I hit a few things. Q: It's been reported that members of your team, your inner circle were involved in your misdoings, is it true? Woods: That is not true; it was all me. I'm the one who did it, I'm the one who acted the way I acted, no one knew what was going on. I'm sure if more people would have known in my inner circle they would've, they would've stopped it ... or tried to put a stop to it, but I kept it all to myself. Q: What is the state of your marriage with Elin right now? Woods: We're working on it and it's a process that will remain private between her and I. Q: If your father were here today and looked back on these last four months, what would he say to you? Woods: He'd be very disappointed in me. We'd have numerous long talks. That's one of the things I miss, I miss his guidance, wish I could have had his guidance through all this to have him help straighten me up. I know he would've done it. Q: What do you think he would say? Woods: Can't say it on air but he would've been very direct. Basically said, you need to get your life headed in the right direction again. Q: For the 12-year-olds and the parents out there who looked at you as a role model, what do you have to say to them to make them believe in you again? Woods: It's going to be over time. It's going to be my actions over time. I'm trying to become a better person each and every day. The proof in the pudding is over time and that's what I'm trying to do. I will continue to do that. Q: How will you explain this to your children, one day when they're old enough to understand? Woods: I will have that sit-down talk and it won't be just one time, I know that. It will be numerous times and I take full ownership of it, I did it. No one else did; it was just me and that's a responsibility that I will have. I will talk to my kids, for however long they want to talk about it. That is a conversation that will need to be had. Q: Based on all that has transpired, what do you want your legacy to be when all is said and done? Woods: Just like I wanted before. I felt that golf was a vehicle for me to help a lot of people. My dad had always said something that I never really quite understood until these times. In order to help other people, you first have to learn how to help yourself. Going into a treatment center for 45 days, I learned a lot. I learned how to help myself and that's the way I can help others down the road. Q: I noticed you're wearing a bracelet, can we see it? Woods: Yeah. Q: What does it mean? Woods: It's Buddhist, it's for protection and strength and I certainly need that. Q: When did you start wearing it? Woods: Before I went into treatment. Q: Will you be wearing it during the Masters? Woods: Absolutely. Q: For the rest of your life? Woods: Absolutely. Q: Tiger, thank you. Woods: Thanks, Kel. (Transcript courtesy the Golf Channel) ||||| Tiger Woods took questions from reporters for the first time in four months Sunday, saying "I've done some pretty bad things in my life" and that he doesn't know what kind of reception he'll get when he returns to competitive golf at the Masters. "I'm a little nervous about that to be honest with you," Woods told ESPN's Tom Rinaldi, who asked him what he expects when he returns to golf on April 8 following an auto accident which led to an indefinite leave from professional golf and an admission of multiple affairs. "It would be nice to hear a couple claps here and there." Woods conducted two interviews Sunday afternoon at Isleworth, the golf club near his home in Windermere, Fla. In addition to ESPN, Woods spoke with the Golf Channel. The interview was offered to ESPN with no restrictions on questions, but with a five-minute time limitation, plus an agreement to hold it for airing on television beginning at 7:30 p.m. ET. Woods hasn't been questioned by reporters since he was involved in a one-car crash outside his Florida home in the early-morning hours of Nov. 27. He declined to answer questions about the specifics of the accident. "Well, it's all in the police report," he said. "Beyond that everything's between [wife] Elin and myself and that's private." “ I was living a life of a lie, I really was. And I was doing a lot of things ... that hurt a lot of people. And stripping away denial and rationalization you start coming to the truth of who you really are and that can be very ugly. But then again, when you face it and you start conquering it and you start living up to it, the strength that I feel now ... I've never felt that type of strength. ” -- Tiger Woods in interview with ESPN's Tom Rinaldi He also wouldn't get into specifics about his infidelity, though he did tell Rinaldi that "just one is enough ... and obviously that wasn't the case." After his auto accident, Woods admitted to infidelity and said Dec. 11 he would take an "indefinite break" from golf. Woods spoke publicly for the first time Feb. 19, when he confessed to cheating on his wife. But he didn't take any questions after his 13-plus-minute statement. "I hurt a lot of people, not just my wife," he told Rinaldi on Sunday. "My friends, my colleagues, the public, kids who looked up to me. There were a lot of people that thought I was a different person and my actions were not according to that. That's why I had to apologize. I was so sorry for what I had done." He was in a Mississippi clinic from Dec. 31 until Feb. 11, then went to an Arizona clinic for a week of family counseling after his Feb. 19 statement. He didn't say what he was in treatment for, but did say "It was really tough to look at yourself in a light you never want to look at yourself, that's pretty brutal." Woods denied that any of his associates were involved in his off-the-course affairs. "It was all me," he told the Golf Channel. "I'm the one who did it. I'm the one who acted the way I acted. No one knew what was going on when it was going on. "I'm sure if more people would have known in my inner circle, they would have stopped it or tried to put a stop to it. But I kept it all to myself," he said. Woods told ESPN's Rinaldi that he didn't seek addiction treatment sooner because "I didn't know I was that bad." He said he married Elin in 2004 "because I loved her" and that his wife was "shocked," "hurt," and "angry" when he told her of his actions. He called telling his wife and his mother among his lowest points. "I hurt them the most," he said. "Those are the two people in my life who I'm closest to and to say the things that I've done, truthfully to them [was] very painful." In his interview with the Golf Channel, Woods talked about his father, Earl, who died in 2006. "He'd be very disappointed in me," Woods said. "We'd have numerous long talks and that's one of the things I miss," Woods said. "I wish I could have had his guidance through all this, to have him help straighten me up. I know he would have done it." He also told the Golf Channel that he will eventually talk to his children about what has transpired in his life. Asked how well the world knows him, Woods told ESPN's Rinaldi: "A lot better now. I was living a life of a lie, I really was. And I was doing a lot of things, like I said, that hurt a lot of people. And stripping away denial and rationalization you start coming to the truth of who you really are and that can be very ugly. "But then again, when you face it and you start conquering it and you start living up to it, the strength that I feel now," he said, "... I've never felt that type of strength." Woods returned to practice when he got home from Arizona. Swing coach Hank Haney joined him last week. Woods announced on March 16 that he would return at the Masters, a tournament he has won four times (most recently in 2005). For his return to public life, Woods enlisted the help of former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer, who had recently worked with Mark McGwire on his return to organized baseball -- and his acknowledgement that he had used steroids. Fleischer acknowledged in an e-mail to The Associated Press that he had been working for Woods and had decided to withdraw. Woods, who will have been idle for 144 days, said he is ready to return to golf. "I'm excited to get back and play, I'm excited to get to see the guys again," he said. "I really miss a lot of my friends out there. I miss competing. But still, I still have a lot more treatment to do, and just because I'm playing, doesn't mean I'm [going to] stop going to treatment." Woods last played on the PGA Tour in the Tour Championship on Sept. 28, 2009, where he finished second. Woods won the Australian Masters in Melbourne on Nov. 15 for his 82nd worldwide victory. Jim Furyk, who won the rain-delayed Transitions Championship on Sunday, was given a transcript of Woods' comments as he walked in to address the media. Woods' interview was shown at about the time he was finishing off his win (which came 90 minutes after the scheduled finish of the Transitions event). "I wish him well," Furyk said. "... I think it's good for him to get his face out there and have people see him. They are going to make their judgments, but I think it allows him to kind of move on and get focused for the next thing." CBS was offered a chance to interview Woods, but declined because of the five-minute time limit restriction. CBS Sports spokeswoman LeslieAnne Wade told The Associated Press that CBS would be interested in an extended interview with Woods "without any restrictions." Information from The Associated Press was used in this report. ||||| Output:
Giving interviews for the first time since the November car crash that kicked off a snowballing sex scandal, Tiger Woods talked with ESPN and the Golf Channel yesterday. Some highlights: On facing his wife and mother: "They both have been brutal. They've both been very tough." The car crash: "It's all in the police report. Beyond that, everything's between Elin and myself." Why he got married: "Because I loved her. I loved Elin with everything I have." The current state of his marriage: "We're working on it." The bracelet he says he'll be wearing the rest of his life: "It's Buddhist, it's for protection and strength, and I certainly need that." The bottom line: "I've done some pretty bad things in my life. But now I'm getting back to my old roots. "
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. On a day when Brian Grazer, Michael DeLuca, Mark Johnson, Cean Chaffin and others discussed passion projects, "Battleship" director Peter Berg says his "underperforming" film was too big and impersonal "Battleship," the high-concept but underperforming action film released by Universal earlier this year, made a surprise appearance in discussions about risky movies and passion projects at the Produced By Conference on Sunday morning. Peter Berg, the director of that film, was taking part in a discussion entitled "Passion Projects: Making Films Everyone Says Will Never Get Made" when he addressed the elephant in the room: that his last film, based on the board game, was the kind of movie generally seen as the antithesis of a passion project. "I have a movie in theaters right now which has obviously underperformed in many ways," he said. "When [a movie] doesn't work, it's an … interesting opportunity to look at what went wrong and how it went wrong." Also read: Christopher Nolan Says Digital Is All About Money, Not Quality With "Battleship," he said, the scale of the movie simply overwhelmed everything else. "It was a movie that I tried as hard as I could to get inside of. But the concept is so big and powerful, and the money is so big and so powerful, that the movie is going to run away with itself." In the end, he said, he failed to find a personal connection that would make him passionate about the movie. "I want to get inside the movie's world and feel like I know it better than anyone, and I couldn't do that … It was an interesting eye-opener." His comments about "Battleship" came on a morning when a couple of the biggest panels at the Producers Guild's Produced By Conference dealt with the problems of getting risky movies made in an increasingly conservative studio system. Also read: Lionsgate Vice Chairman Michael Burns: 'We Don't Want to Be The New Major' Grazer shared his story about launching "Splash" in the face of a competing mermaid movie that would have starred Warren Beatty and Jessica Lange, and about reviving "American Gangster," which Universal killed after already spending $28 million. The studio told him to never mention the words "American Gangster" again, he said – but he ignored them and immediately repackaged the Denzel Washington film with a new director, Ridley Scott, and co-star, Russell Crowe, in place of original players Antoine Fuqua and Benicio del Toro. Also read: Shonda Rhimes, Bill Lawrence, Nigel Lythgoe: Our Worst Pitches Led to Hit Shows Grazer and Berg also talked about their experiences together making "Friday Night Lights," and about the night Berg tried to get the studio excited about making the film by flying a batch of executives to Odessa, Texas for a Friday night high-school football game. None of them wanted to go, he said – but they reluctantly agreed while stipulating that they'd leave at halftime. Instead, they stayed until the end and fell in love with the world of high-school football. Then, on the way home, the engines failed and the power went out on their airplane. "I was like, 'Fuck!'" said Berg. "I knew I had the green light, and instead we were going to crash." But the power came back on, they made it home "and by the time we got off that plane, we had had the communal experience that ignited the particular passion necessary to get that movie made." Earlier on the same soundstage on the Sony lot, another group of producers spent an hour talking about their own passion projects, and about the future of film production in an era where, as moderator Michael Shamberg pointed out, the annual chart of top-grossers is dominated by sequels and nearly 70 percent of box-office revenue comes from international. "The audience is causing the change," said Ceán Chaffin, director David Fincher's producing partner. "The audience that we want [for serious dramas] is harder and harder to find." "We have to be more inventive and resourceful than we ever had to in the past," added Mark Johnson, who began his career with "Diner" 30 years ago. The session was titled "Game Changers: Where Movies Should Be Going," but most of the producers admitted that they don't really know where movies should be going – they just know that it's difficult to make quality films and difficult to find an audience. "The most elusive thing is always good," said Doug Wick, producer of "Gladiator" and the upcoming Baz Luhrmann version of "The Great Gatsby." "Making something that turns out good is the hardest part." The panel, which also included "Moneyball" producer Michael DeLuca, talked about dream projects that took years to get off the ground. For DeLuca, it was "Moneyball": "It took eight years," he said of the film, which would have died if Sony's Amy Pascal hadn't been a big supporter. "I've sworn off dream projects since then." Johnson, though, admitted he has a dream project he's currently hoping to get off the ground: a script from "Breaking Bad" creator Vince Gilligan called "Two Face." "I still think it's the best script I've ever come across," said Johnson, one of the producers on "Breaking Bad." "It's a comedy about racism, and it’s a very hard sell, but I'm convinced it's going to get made." In a discussion of future projects, Chaffin said that she and Fincher (who was watching from the back of the soundstage) are considering a movie that would partially be shot in 3D. "We think 3D should be applied very specifically," she said. "We're actually thinking of mixing 3D and 2D in one film." Again and again, the conversation circled back to dealing with studios in an uncertain era in which even the old standbys are no longer safe bets. "If you just get a mediocre director and a superhero, it's not a particularly good equation for a studio anymore," said Wick. And when a film doesn't work, the producers agreed that the results can be devastating. Johnson talked about going into a months-long depression after the commercial failure of Alfonso Cuaron's "A Little Princess," which he said was "the closest thing to a perfect movie I've ever made." And Chaffin said she and Fincher were badly shaken by the commercial failure of "Fight Club," which Fox executives hated and which couldn't find its market until it was released on home video. "'Fight Club' was devastating," Chaffin said. "All of us who worked on the film thought we had something great." Throughout the session, Sony's Pascal received so much praise from the panelists that eventually Shamberg stepped in. "Everybody here loves Amy," he said, "but we also like the others." "All except one," said Chaffin, who declined to specify the one. ||||| And you thought "John Carter" was a bust. After four weeks of release, "Battleship" has grossed just $59.8 million in North America, nearly $7 million less than "John Carter" had earned after its fourth weekend earlier this year. That puts the Peter Berg film on the unfortunate track of grossing less domestically than the derided "Carter," an ignominy that director sees as a learning experience. "I have a movie in theaters right now which has obviously underperformed in many ways," Berg said at the Produced By conference on Sunday. "When [a movie] doesn't work, it's an ... interesting opportunity to look at what went wrong and how it went wrong." Produced By, which is hosted by the Producers Guild of America, is an event where some of the biggest players in Hollywood get together to discuss the temperature of the industry. Per TheWrap, Berg was speaking at a panel titled "Passion Projects: Making Films Everyone Says Will Never Get Made." "It was a movie that I tried as hard as I could to get inside of," Berg said. "But the concept is so big and powerful, and the money is so big and so powerful, that the movie is going to run away with itself." Berg, who called working on "Battleship" an "eye-opener," has a close connection to the film. HIs father was a naval historian and he made sure to use real military veterans in key roles. "I wanted to do a Navy film and I'm thinking, right now, in our business, there are these huge movies that are getting made -- I wanted to make one of these big 'super movies,'" he told Moviefone earlier this year about his decision to direct "Battleship." "I thought, 'What if I create an adventure story around something as simple as 'Battleship'?'" If only it ended up being that simple. "Battleship," which is actually closing in on $300 million in total ticket sales worldwide despite indifference in America, is out in theaters now. [via TheWrap] Also on HuffPost: |||||
It's not often that directors publicly admit that a movie was a mess, but that's what Peter Berg did yesterday at a Producers Guild conference. Speaking at a panel called "Passion Projects: Making Films Everyone Says Will Never Get Made," Berg took a moment to acknowledge Battleship's grisly box-office take. "I have a movie in theaters right now which has obviously underperformed in many ways," he said, according to the Wrap. "When [a movie] doesn't work it's … an interesting opportunity to look at what went wrong." Berg said he hadn't been able to make the movie personal enough. "It was a movie that I tried as hard as I could to get inside of. But the concept is so big and powerful, and the money is so big and so powerful, that the movie is going to run away with itself. … It was an interesting eye-opener." Battleship sunk badly at the box office, grossing just $59.8 million domestically—which, the Huffington Post points out, is $7 million less than John Carter.
Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to treat ricin poisoning Seek treatment immediately. Once you have been poisoned with ricin, you'll need to seek treatment immediately. The quicker you get treatment, the better your chances of living. **** Answer: If untreated, ricin may begin to shut down your respiratory and other important systems. In the us, call (800) 222-1222 to speak with poison control immediately. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: The taller man once again demonstrates how he throws the shot put and then really throws it very far. the shorter man **** Answer: takes a turn again and uses the same technique the taller man just demonstrated and throws the first one in bounds and then the second one very out of bounds. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: Woman s sitting in front of a camera and putting pink lipsticks on her lips. the girl **** Answer: grabs a cigarrette and start smoking and is trying to make circles with the smoke. Question: Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence for the following: How to be accepted into the national honor society Maintain your gpa. Your cumulative gpa is one of the criteria used to see if you make national honor society standards. If you want to be in nhs, work on maintaining a high gpa. **** Answer:
Members of national honor society must have a gpa of 3.5 or higher on the 4.0 scale. On a 5.0 scale, this would be at least a 4.375 and 5.25 on a 6.0 scale.
What is the most logical next event? Woman wearing a red shirt is holdgina ball and is trying to throw the ball to someone when somebody throw her a ball and now she gots two and throw them. Man is holding a red ball and is walking in a wooden court and throw the ball. people
are playing dodgeball in a roofedwooden gym.
How does the next paragraph end? A man in a black hoodie stands in a red room behind a bar and explains how to make a mixed drink. He goes through the ingredients and the glassware to make the drink. he
fills the glass with ice and now makes the drink explaining the measurements.
Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: The bulldozer was painted yellow. Heemeyer equipped an old bulldozer with three television cameras and monitors so he could see to steer.
It's impossible to say
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: According to police, three of the accused work for Prime Focus Technologies, a Mumbai-based company that processes the series for Indian streaming website Hotstar. The fourth is a former employee. The leaking of the episode on August 4, titled "The Spoils of War," was separate from a recent hack on HBO. That hack included the theft of proprietary information, such as programming. Sentence: Prime Focus Technologies is in Mumbai.
Multi-select problem: How does the next paragraph end? She is demonstrating how to clean the faucet and bowl of the sink by pouring fluid around all the edges. She uses a scraper to spread the fluid evenly. the woman Options: a). wipes down the sink to make it clean.; b). continues banging down the faucet and laughing to the camera.; c). is standing at the sink measuring and separating buckets of liquid.; d). uses a dryer to dry the floor using a folded towel to wipe off any dirty water.;
This is a test of commonsense with single/multi-choices. Complete the next sentence: The lady tries to start the mower again. Another lady comes to help and falls over. The first lady finally gets the mowers started. the lady (I) throws her arm in the air and mows the lawn.; (II) in dark blue runs up the stairs to start the mower again.; (III) gets an electric mower out and uses it to start the mower again.; (IV) gets out of the water, takes a wet cloth and cleans up the water on her shirt.; The answer is:
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: Eric , a young boy , is excited about his birthday after reading a book and believes that a train will come for him , despite his sister Jill's disbelief . A few hours later , the train station's control tower wakes up and in the roundhouse , Tillie , a young little blue switcher engine , along with her best bird friend , Chip , wakes up four other trains : Georgia , a kind all-purpose engine , Farnsworth , a stuck-up passenger engine , Jebediah , a worn-out old engine , and Pete , a gruff , burly freight engine . After the tower assigns Farnsworth and Pete their jobs , Tillie tries to help with the milk train assigned to Jebediah , but the tower insists that she is too small for the job . Georgia is assigned to pull the birthday train . A clown named Rollo leads the toys into the train , including Stretch , a basketball player ; Missy , a ballerina ; a Handy Pandy , a panda ; Perky , an elephant ; and Grumpella , a stuffed bird . During her journey , Georgia breaks down and is taken back to the roundhouse by Doc . Left behind , Rollo eventually takes Doc's advice of flagging down one of the other engines returning from their daily runs over the mountain . Farnsworth and Pete turn down their offers to pull the train . Meanwhile , Tillie asks the tower to rescue the stranded train , but he insists that Tillie will never do the job . Jebediah turns down his offer to pull the train because of his age , and returns to the roundhouse . Chip and Tillie sneak past the sleeping tower and pulls the birthday train up a mountain . <sep>Why did Jebediah turn down their offer to pull the train? What does Eric believe?<sep>She is too small for the job A:
Write the next sentence in the following story. A woman is seen walking up to a door and smiling to the camera while hanging up her coat. She puts an apron on and pours paint into a bucket while speaking to the camera. she
is shown painting various furniture as well as showing it off in the end.
Is the Prime Minister aware that his Minister of Human Resources Development is not even capable of meeting with Quebec's education sector, including students, because the latter are demanding that the Government of Quebec be present at these meetings, and that the federal government has no other choice now but to rethink its decision? Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? The students are demanding that the news media come. Select from: (1). Yes; (2). It's impossible to say; (3). No;
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Gamers Need Love Too<br>Bill's older brother told him he'd never get a date. He spent too much time playing video games. One day he was at the video game store. A pretty girl came up beside him, asking his advice on a game. They hit it off so he asked her out and she said yes. Hypothesis: They played video games on their date. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: NSW flooding: Photos reveal devastation in Lismore and Murwillumbah Updated Major floods have hit the New South Wales far north coast, with tens of thousands of people evacuating Murwillumbah and Lismore, the main areas hit. Photos have revealed the devastation as waters continue to rise in the wake of ex-cyclone Debbie, with flooding also wreaking havoc further north in Queensland. Lismore area Murwillumbah area Topics: floods, disasters-and-accidents, weather, emergency-planning, emergency-incidents, lismore-2480, nsw, australia, north-lismore-2480, murwillumbah-2484 First posted Hypothesis: The excerpt is about flooding in America. **** Answer: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: It's certainly the case that we are asserting, in light of the changed circumstances, that the opportunity to build upon works within the public domain is a fundamental First Amendment interest, and that the First Amendment values, vital speech interest at stake of this case, is that the public domain be permitted as a source for cultivating work about our culture without unnecessary legal restriction. Hypothesis: First Amendment doesn't exist **** Answer:
Q: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. What was Charles V nationality?, Context: Martin Luther (/ˈluːθər/ or /ˈluːðər/; German: [ˈmaɐ̯tiːn ˈlʊtɐ] ( listen); 10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, former monk and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Late Medieval Catholic Church. He strongly disputed the claim that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money. He proposed an academic discussion of the power and usefulness of indulgences in his Ninety-Five Theses of 1517. His refusal to retract all of his writings at the demand of Pope Leo X in 1520 and the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms in 1521 resulted in his excommunication by the Pope and condemnation as an outlaw by the Emperor. A:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. Solution: Russian Revolution Why? This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. New input: What college believes their publication has been around the longest?, Context: As at most other universities, Notre Dame's students run a number of news media outlets. The nine student-run outlets include three newspapers, both a radio and television station, and several magazines and journals. Begun as a one-page journal in September 1876, the Scholastic magazine is issued twice monthly and claims to be the oldest continuous collegiate publication in the United States. The other magazine, The Juggler, is released twice a year and focuses on student literature and artwork. The Dome yearbook is published annually. The newspapers have varying publication interests, with The Observer published daily and mainly reporting university and other news, and staffed by students from both Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College. Unlike Scholastic and The Dome, The Observer is an independent publication and does not have a faculty advisor or any editorial oversight from the University. In 1987, when some students believed that The Observer began to show a conservative bias, a liberal newspaper, Common Sense was published. Likewise, in 2003, when other students believed that the paper showed a liberal bias, the conservative paper Irish Rover went into production. Neither paper is published as often as The Observer; however, all three are distributed to all students. Finally, in Spring 2008 an undergraduate journal for political science research, Beyond Politics, made its debut. Solution:
Notre Dame
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: Billy and Sally are brother and sister. Billy is seven and Sally is eight. Their mother, Deborah, likes to have Billy and Sally dress up in costumes and play a game where they are answering the telephone. Usually when they play the game, Billy answers the telephone in a loud voice, and Sally answers the telephone in a quiet voice. On Tuesdays, Billy answers in a quiet voice, and Sally answers in a loud voice. On Fridays, Billy answers in a loud voice and Sally in a quiet voice. Billy has blonde hair. Sally has brown hair. Deborah has blonde hair, and Billy and Sally's father, Bob, has brown hair. He tells them to eat lettuce every time that he sees them, so that they grow big and strong like he is. Deborah likes to add some sugar with the lettuce so that Billy and Sally know what it is like to have sweet tastes in their life. One day, a Wednesday, Billy throws some lettuce into Sally's hair. Deborah laughs an grabs some straw from their farm and puts it in Billy's hair. Billy and Sally live on a farm. They have a goat, named Joey, and a duck, named Quack. They sometimes play a game with the goat where they chase him around the farm. Other times, they play a game with Quack where they wave at Quack and laugh. They have a fun life growing up on the farm. <sep>What game do the children like to play with the duck?<sep>Chase him around the farm Output:
Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to study for biology Have a positive attitude towards biology. Biology can be complicated, but it is also very interesting if you take a step back to think about what you're studying. Having the right attitude can make it more fun to study. A: It will still be difficult, but if you're interested in what you're learning, it won't feel like such a burden. It can be helpful to connect biological concepts to real-world situations. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to support kidney function Hydrate wisely. Because the kidneys help flush out waste products and drugs, some people might think that over hydrating can benefit their kidney function. But there are no studies that support this and instead recommend drinking four to six glasses a day. A: This amount should be sufficient to support your kidneys' function. Stick to water, which is the best option to keep you hydrated without added sugar, caffeine, or other substances to your diet. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? How to mop ceramic tile Sweep or vacuum your tile floor to remove any loose dirt, pet hair or other debris. Dilute your household cleaner according to the directions using a bucket and warm water. Submerge your mop into the bucket of soapy water until it is saturated. A: Wring the mop well to remove excess water. If the bucket you're using has a wringer on it, this is the preferred method of extracting the excess water. Problem: What happens next in this paragraph? A young man is standing on stage and eventually several other boys join in wearing kilts. they A:
stand in front of one drum and perform a routine using only drums.
input hypothesis: Refusal to answer questions is grounds for suspicion Context: (3) The refusal by a traveller to answer any question asked by a preclearance officer does not in and of itself constitute reasonable grounds for the officer to suspect that a search of the traveller is necessary for the purposes of this Act or that an offence has been committed under section 33 or 34.". OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: No input hypothesis: There aren't ants in the desert Context: The Sahara Desert ant ("Cataglyphis bicolor") is a desert-dwelling ant of the genus "Cataglyphis". It inhabits the Sahara Desert and is one of the most heat tolerant animals known to date. However, there are at least four other species of "Cataglyphis" living in the Sahara desert, for example "C. bombycina", "C. savignyi", "C. mauritanicus" and "C. fortis". OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: No input hypothesis: Lesnar and Carwin helped UFC win an award. Context: UFC 116: Lesnar vs. Carwin was a mixed martial arts event held by the Ultimate Fighting Championship on July 3, 2010 at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The show was voted as the Best Major Show in the 2010 Wrestling Observer Newsletter Awards, the first time a UFC show won the award. This was the third-best selling pay-per-view in UFC history behind UFC 194. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes input hypothesis: Six members of the crew were not Italian. Context: An American-owned tugboat from Italy along with its 16 member crew was hijacked around 11 am EST on Saturday in the Gulf of Aden. The Italian Ambassador, Pierandrea Magistrati, confirmed that "there is a boat that has been hijacked, I believe by Somali pirates." Additionally, Shona Lowe, a spokeswoman at NATO's Northwood maritime command center reported that the Italian-flagged tugboat was hijacked this morning off of Somalia's northern coast. Lowe also confirmed that Italian government officials along with the company that owned the tugboat were trying to secure the release of the crew, ten of which were Italians. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
Q: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. A sporangium (pl., sporangia) (modern Latin, from Greek σπόρος (sporos)' spore' + αγγείον (angeion)' vessel') is an enclosure in which spores are formed. It can be composed of a single cell or can be multicellular. All plants, fungi, and many other lineages form sporangia at some point in their life cycle. Sporangia can produce spores by mitosis, but in nearly all land plants and many fungi, sporangia are the site of meiosis and produce genetically distinct haploid spores. A:
where are sporangia found and what is their function
In this task, you are given a text of many news articles seperated by special token "|||||". Your task is to summarize them. Q: Lana Del Rey 'Video Games' on 'Letterman' Lana Del Rey was widely criticized as being awkward and pitchy in her appearance on Saturday Night Live last month, and she clearly took that advice to heart before returning to American television last night on Late Show with David Letterman. Her body language is still fairly stiff, but this time around, her performance was staged in a way that made her stillness seem deliberate and sort of unnerving. She comes off as understandably self-conscious in her singing, but delivers a much more controlled and dramatic performance than on SNL. Part of what makes this live take of "Video Game" work in comparison to the SNL version is the arrangement, which starts off as stark as can be with simple piano accompaniment, gradually adding layers of strings as it moves along. It's filmed so that each new change registers on the camera, which takes a bit of pressure off Del Rey needing to be the most dynamic presence on stage. This performance might not change the minds of the young singer's many detractors, but it's proof that her act is still a work in progress and that she's taking her public evolution very seriously. Related • Lana Del Rey Talks 'Saturday Night Live' Performance • Lana Del Rey Tries to Live Up to Her Glamorous Image at New York Show ||||| YouTube Lana del Rey gave a simple, straightforward rendition of "Video Games" on David Letterman Thursday night. Save the white dress, there was no trace of the uneven performance she gave on SNL a few weeks ago -- the artist instead hemmed close to the version that shot her to internet fame. Letterman was taken with Del Rey, or did a good job of acting like it, asking her if she could come back tomorrow. "My pleasure," Del Rey replied softly. "How about Monday?" he added. What do you think of Del Rey's performance this time? ||||| A:
Lana Del Rey didn't exactly get rave reviews for her Saturday Night Live performance, but she seems to have made a fan of David Letterman. After she sang a simpler version of her "Video Games" hit last night, Letterman jokingly asked if she could come back tonight, notes the Huffington Post. "My pleasure," she replied. "How about Monday?" he then added. Nice job, writes Natalia Buia at andPOP: "It goes to show Lana really does have the chops to pull such a melodramatic song off and that her flop on SNL was only caused by nerves." Adds Matthew Perpetua at Rolling Stone, “She comes off as understandably self-conscious in her singing, but delivers a much more controlled and dramatic performance than on SNL."
Problem: How does the next paragraph end? A graphic shows the number 4 followed by clips from a hockey game. A graphic shows the number 3 followed by clips from a hockey game. a graphic OPTIONS: - shows the numbers white and black overlaid with a picture of cape trapius. - appears of a blue wavy line reaching across the board and then disappearing into the table. - shows man four times trying to hit a ball in ball. - shows the number 2 followed by clips from a hockey game. A: shows the number 2 followed by clips from a hockey game. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to make a garland with scrap fabrics Sort through your fabric stash. Coordinate the scraps by their color. Determine how much yardage you have. OPTIONS: - Together they will make up a lot of your garland. Do you have enough scrap fabric in your home to accommodate polyworcestershire yarn (and make sure to adjust the yardage of these scraps you have)? Use green yarn for a bold color theme. - Start from small and work your way up to larger pieces. As your garland size increases, you'll gradually increase the yardage. - You will be able to make approximately 30 inches (76 cm) of garland per yard (91 cm) of fabric you have on hand. Choose 2 to 4 coordinating fabrics to use for your garland. - If you have a lot of scraps, sort into different colors. If you have too many scraps, you'll have to sort through all of your scraps to determine what things to keep. A: You will be able to make approximately 30 inches (76 cm) of garland per yard (91 cm) of fabric you have on hand. Choose 2 to 4 coordinating fabrics to use for your garland. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to treat temporomandibular joint (tmj) headaches See a doctor first. If you commonly experience headaches connected to certain symptoms, then you are probably suffering from a tmj-related headache. For instance, you may hear popping or clicking sounds when you open or close your mouth. OPTIONS: - You may feel dizzy or have trouble keeping food down your throat. If these are situations in which you typically experience headaches, then consult your doctor. - You might try to open your mouth too far, which can cause pain. If this occurs, then you are doing it because something is going on with your joint. - This will indicate that your tmj headache is caused by something other than an obstruction in the left ear. Use prescription pain relieving medications. - You may also have pain in your face. Your jaw may be stiff, and consequently, you may have trouble opening or closing your mouth. A: You may also have pain in your face. Your jaw may be stiff, and consequently, you may have trouble opening or closing your mouth. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to dry apricots Buy or pick your apricots when they are fully ripe. Under-ripe fruit can become sour when dried. If they grow locally in your area, wait for the end of the season " canning specials " when you can get ripe fruit that you can use immediately, instead of keeping it around to eat raw. OPTIONS: - Another option is to sell apricots fresh to buy them as they harden. Eating them right before drying could yield wholemeal goods and some discount. - Make dry apricots as quickly as possible. This will make your fruit less flavorful, and it will also help to thicken the fruits faster, thereby keeping them in good condition. - Look for big sales at your local supermarket. They will be ripe in late summer, or sometime between july and september, depending upon the year. - Repeat these steps if your apricots are still very ripe, to be sure. Mix the dry apricots with fresh water in a large prep bowl. A:
Look for big sales at your local supermarket. They will be ripe in late summer, or sometime between july and september, depending upon the year.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". My father was named James Page Jackson because he was born on the old Jackson plantation in Lancaster county, Virginia. He named one of his daughters Lancaster for a middle name in memory of his old home. Clarice Lancaster Jackson was her full name. A man named Galloway bought my father and brought him to Arkansas. Some called him by the name of Galloway, but my father always had all his children keep the name Jackson. There were fourteen of us, but only ten lived to grow up. He belonged to Mr. Galloway at the time of my birth, but even at that, I did not take the name Galloway as it would seem like I should. My father was a good carpenter; he was a fine cook, too; learned that back in Virginia. I'll tell you something interesting. The first cook stove ever brought to this town was one my father had his master to bring. He was cook at the Anthony House. You know about that, don't you? It was the first real fine hotel in Little Rock. When father went there to be head cook, all they had to cook on was big fireplaces and the big old Dutch ovens. Father just kept on telling about the stoves they had in Virginia, and at last they sent and got him one; it had to come by boat and took a long time. My father was proud that he was the one who set the first table ever spread in the Anthony House. <sep>Why was a cook stove brought to Arkansas?<sep>He wanted to move there Output:
Following the assassination attempt in 1981, Reagan said he felt God had spared him for a purpose, and he intended to devote the rest of his life in dedication to his God and to that purpose. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Reagan was assassinated in the 1970s OPTIONS: (A). Yes; (B). It's impossible to say; (C). No;
Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to make choices without regrets Make sure you are calm. It's never a good idea to make a major decision when you are upset or stressed. Your emotions can cause you to make a choice that you regret.. Next sentence: So take a moment to make sure that you are calm and making a logical, rational decision. For example, you shouldn't try to choose how to cut your hair when you just found out your partner is cheating on you. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to dress goth with a school uniform Check out the rules. Before you do anything, check with your school to verify exactly how strict your dress code is! If you are not allowed to have any form of accessory, then there isn't much you can do. Goth your hair.. Next sentence: For hair, there are many options. One option would be to tease it up a bit. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to wrap a sprained ankle Pick your bandage. For most people, the best choice of wrapping for a compression wrap is a cloth elastic bandage, sometimes colloquially known as an " ace bandage, " after a common brand of elastic bandage. Any brand of elastic bandage will work.. Next sentence: However, wider bandages (between one-and-half and three inches wide) are usually easier to use. Cloth elastic bandages are comfortable, since they're made of stretchy cloth. Problem: Write the next sentence for: How to deal with a friend who has changed Discuss your problems with a mutual friend. You might find that you're not the only one having issues with a particular person. Sharing your problems can make both of you feel better.. Next sentence:
Together, you might be able to determine the best course of action. You don't want to be accused of gossiping or talking behind your friend's back, so seek the advice of just one mutual friend.
Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: A groip of dancers are on stage doing a routine for the audience. the car show
shows the inside of some pretty neat cars with beautiful exteriors.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to treat ascarids in dogs Look at your dog's belly. Many dogs, especially if they are older, do not show outward signs of an ascarid infection. If you have a puppy, though, you will probably notice if he has ascarids. OPTIONS: - Therefore, you may notice that he displays a visible greenish discharge coming from the infected site. Always carefully examine your dog's belly. - This will cause a foul-smelling odor, so err on the side of caution when trying to treat ascarids in puppies. Another distinguishing symptom is a discolored belly. - You might be able to get an asarcoma drug (nrt) to help your puppy, but there are rare amounts of nrt available over the counter. These drugs can come in either liquid or filled syringes, though you can generally find them on the drug side of the packaging. - A classic symptom of an ascarid infection is a pot belly. The harmful activity of the ascarids in the intestines causes the pot-bellied appearance. A: A classic symptom of an ascarid infection is a pot belly. The harmful activity of the ascarids in the intestines causes the pot-bellied appearance. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? Once the camera pans out, the man's robe drops and the guy reveals that he is wearing a diaper. suddenly OPTIONS: - , the man proceeds to speak to the camera and places the cloth on the man's naked back. - , a man comes running inside banging on a trashcan while the camera captures him from several angles and the guy also appears in the toilet. - he goes into pain and both the man and the woman rush to clean it up. - , the camera switches and two sumo workers appear and begin running towards each other as the doritos logo follows after it. A: , the camera switches and two sumo workers appear and begin running towards each other as the doritos logo follows after it. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? A silver car is parked in the street. a man power OPTIONS: - ski is shown, as well as cars parked outside. - lifter is shoeing his 4 wheel drive vehicle. - washes a silver car. - washes the car in the street. A: washes the car in the street. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to beat level 39 on candy crush Focus on unlocking the licorice candies located in the bottom row. The licorice candies must be unlocked before you can bring any ingredients to the bottom. Licorice candies can be unlocked by matching the candy under the blocker with two other candies of the same color, or by using a special candy effect, or combination. OPTIONS: - Following the above steps, you'll be able to unlock the licorice candies in the bottom row. To unlock all candies, simply select the candy that is no match. - Level it up by trying to level it up. Make different candies of different color on the same level. - Look for opportunities to make one or more striped horizontal candies. Striped horizontal candies can be moved to the bottom row and detonated to wipe out all other locked candies in the bottom row. - You'll only be able to obtain candy through the level with the candy directly under the blocker. It's not possible to change the location of the licorice candies. A:
Look for opportunities to make one or more striped horizontal candies. Striped horizontal candies can be moved to the bottom row and detonated to wipe out all other locked candies in the bottom row.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to fake sick at school Try faking a cold or flu. Everyone recognizes the symptoms of these two common illnesses, so they are probably the easiest to pull off. Since they are so contagious, it's very likely you'll be sent home. A: You'll need pretend to cough, sneeze, sniffle and so on. Faking a fever will probably seal the deal for you. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to buy and sell safely online After receiving payment via any method, you must authenticate the sending party to ensure that they authorize the transaction and they are whom they claim to be. Ask for name, telephone, and address. Use an online telephone directory such as and view their name and address. A: This information should match what you were provided with. Call them, whether the information matches or not, this allows you to confirm the order. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to transfer files between google drive and microsoft onedrive using backup box Use a tool named backup box, which is a website built entirely to help people transfer files between different services. Quickly create an account by entering your preferred email and password. Authorize your google drive account by clicking the' new connector' option from the connectors dropdown menu. A: ( it should say " start here! "). Follow the instructions to grant backup box access to the account you are connecting to. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? A person is seen sitting down in a chair with a dog walking into frame. the person A:
then begins petting the dog while he makes a funny face.
Teacher:In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Who was an advisor for the North Koreans?, Context: On 30 September, Zhou Enlai warned the United States that China was prepared to intervene in Korea if the United States crossed the 38th parallel. Zhou attempted to advise North Korean commanders on how to conduct a general withdrawal by using the same tactics which had allowed Chinese communist forces to successfully escape Chiang Kai-shek's Encirclement Campaigns in the 1930s, but by some accounts North Korean commanders did not utilize these tactics effectively. Historian Bruce Cumings argues, however, the KPA's rapid withdrawal was strategic, with troops melting into the mountains from where they could launch guerrilla raids on the UN forces spread out on the coasts. Student:
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: Bad Service<br>Tom moved into a new apartment. He liked everything except for one thing. His cell phone provider service was terrible. There was only one corner where he could make calls. Tom still liked the rest of the apartment enough to make up for it. Hypothesis: Tom can call from anywhere in his home.
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: How to work as a cook Attend a two-or four-year culinary program. Culinary arts degrees can be obtained at most local community or technical schools, as well as accredited private institutions. These programs provide instruction on the preparation of various dishes using different types of kitchen equipment, safety guidelines, and kitchen management. Pick from: (A). Additionally, the requirements vary from community setting to small school setting to a training school on a variety of dishes. When a course begins, the students will move up one range of average skills levels from classroom cook to cooking in a subject they already knows.. (B). Make an international statement with dishes that you enjoy. You'll need to show your appreciation for the various dishes you're unable to manage on your own.. (C). After you are hired, you will have 2 years of experience in the kitchen. If you decide to become a more advanced cook, you will learn about how to cook in a restaurant with more experience.. (D). While these degrees are not required for most positions, many restaurants look kindly on prep and line cook candidates who have both restaurant experience and a culinary arts degree. Rise to a prep or line cook from lower-level positions..
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: The center of an atom is held together by powerful forces. This gives them a huge amount of stored energy. This type of energy is called nuclear energy. This energy can be released and used to do work. This happens in nuclear power plants where they split apart the nucleus of an atom. This splitting apart is called nuclear fission. Another type of nuclear energy happens in the Sun. Here the atoms nuclei are not split apart. Instead, the nuclei of the atoms are fused, or joined together. This process is called nuclear fusion. Some of the suns energy travels to Earth. This energy from nuclear fusion warms the planet and provides the energy for photosynthesis. <sep>What happens to atoms during nuclear fusion?<sep>Neutrons break apart A:
input hypothesis: She was born 28 November 2006 Context: Cecilia Wairimu (born 28 November 1980), better known by her stage name Amani, is a Kenyan singer and songwriter. Her contributions to the Kenyan music industry have earned her several coveted accolades, including the Best Female category at the 2009 MTV Africa Music Awards, Pearl of Africa Music Awards, Kisima Awards and Chaguo La Teeniez Awards. She released her debut album in 2006. true or false: No input hypothesis: Every day, an average of 34 people die on the railway system. Context: The terror attacks, it was clear, had blasted a hole in the dam holding back Mumbai's reservoir of woes. While the protesters seemed to be reacting to a tragedy that had left at least 164 people dead and 308 injured, they were really venting the frustrations of having to cope with life in a city with an infrastructure so stretched that simply getting to work and back is an ordeal. At peak hour, the commuter trains - which carry six million people each day - are packed with up to 5,000 commuters, even though they're built for 1,800. Every day, an average of 11 people die on the railway system, either because they fall off the trains or because they're hit by passing locomotives as they cross the tracks. true or false: No input hypothesis: People in the middle class love ranch dressing. Context: Overbrook Park is a neighborhood in the West Philadelphia section of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. It was founded in the 1940s on the site of a former farm known as Supio's farm, offering new housing for returning GIs and their families. Overbrook Park remains a stable, safe middle-class neighborhood. true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Gianluca Vialli, Martin Keown and Jurgen Klinsmann are not unanimous in their opinion of who will win. Context: BBC experts Gianluca Vialli, Martin Keown and Jurgen Klinsmann discuss whether Italy or Spain will be victorious in the final of Euro 2012. The two countries, who played out a 1-1 draw in the group stage of the tournament, will go head to head in Kiev's Olympic Stadium on Sunday evening for the right to lift the Henri Delaunay trophy. Watch coverage of the match on BBC One, BBC One HD and the BBC Sport website from 1900 BST. Available to UK users only true or false:
It's impossible to say
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true (see options at the end): PARADISE — Monica Stewart-Garrity, from Feather River Hospital, will discuss available procedures at the new Outpatient Surgery Center during a monthly meeting of Retired Public Employees Association, Paradise Chapter, on Tuesday. The group will meet at 11 a.m. at Cozy Diner, 6371 Skyway. All retired public employees receiving a CalPERS pension may attend. For information, call Roger Klaves, 877-1355. Sentence: The group will meet before 1:35 P.M. Options: *Yes *It's impossible to say *No
But more importantly, with respect to the question of no record, I helped write -- I did write, I was one of the original authors of the early childhood health care and the expansion of health care that we did in the middle of the 1990s. And I'm very proud of that. Childhood health was very poor in the 1990s. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: most of the community' members went with their kids to the meeting. Context: Essentially there were a lot of people in the community who were standing and speaking at this meeting because they wanted to warn the school board that they were not in favor of any legal action coming against the community, against the school board. They were afraid for their tax dollars. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: Scout Raskin (born April 26, 1982) is an American actress. She is perhaps best known for her role as Susie Q in the John Waters film "Cry-Baby". She works as an animation producer in Los Angeles. In 2017, she started Party Goats LA, which provides goats for film/tv, events, and goat yoga. Hypothesis: Scout Raskin was born in the 20th century. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Yes Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Public Wedding is a 1937 American comedy film directed by Nick Grinde and written by Roy Chanslor and Houston Branch. The film stars Jane Wyman (in her first starring role), William Hopper, Dick Purcell, Marie Wilson, Berton Churchill and Archie Robbins. The film was released by Warner Bros. on July 10, 1937. Sentence: Jane Wyman had auditioned for another part along side William Hopper Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: In an instance like this one where there is even a political staffer being quoted in the newspaper as saying the process for doling out cash in Shawinigan was outside the standard practices of the Department of Human Resources Development, one has to wonder if an appropriate watchdog body's time is not due. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: There is nothing fishy going on in Shawinigan. **** Answer: No Hair<br>A man wanted a new hairstyle. He decided to do some research online. He found what he wanted. He printed a picture out for the hairdresser. He got his new haircut. The hairdresser did a bad job OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Multi-choice problem: Continue writing the next sentence in this paragraph: How to get scratches out of a stainless steel sink Use a scratch remover for deeper scratches. Fine scratches can usually be rubbed out with a cleaning product or an abrasive pad. However, very deep scratches that are obvious to see require scratch removes. Options are: + While each kind of scratch remover works a little differently, you typically can find one that accurately suits the water quality of your plumbing or water amenity system. Sodium hydroxide oviga is another proven repair solver.. + Try using an abrasive pad to rub the scratch with. Ask your dealer to recommend an abrasive pad.. + Use a spot control or milder cleaner if you don't have scratch removers for deep scratches. Most home repair companies will offer scratch removers, but they aren't worth pursuing.. + You can find scratch removers for stainless steel sinks online or at local hardware stores. Check your sink's manufacturer's instructions if you still have them..
You can find scratch removers for stainless steel sinks online or at local hardware stores. Check your sink's manufacturer's instructions if you still have them.
[Q]: NACOGDOCHES, Texas (AP) — The football game between Tarleton State and Stephen F. Austin was cancelled on Saturday due to ongoing lightning strikes. After attempting to wait out the weather, officials decided to cancel the game as lighting strikes continued in the area. According to Luke Bolanos, SFA’s sports information director, the game will not be made up. Lighting can cause a sports event to be cancelled OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: Yes Problem: And this is a town that everybody agrees, law enforcement, Border Patrol, residents on both sides, is a staging area of illegal drugs and illegal aliens. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Residents do not agree with law enforcement about drug incidences in this town."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Q: On June 29, 1995, the Space Shuttle Atlantis made history when it docked with the European Mir space station On June 29, 1995, the Space Shuttle Atlantis made history when it docked with the Russian Mir space station, as shown in this photograph. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No How to start free running<br>You need to start off slow and small. During your first few months it is recommended that you condition your body every day and practice small techniques repetitively to build muscle coordination and confidence. Performing some form of calisthenics & a bit of weight training goes a long way. free running is a slow sport OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Coconut jam is edible Context: Coconut jam (Malay: "kaya" ; Indonesian: "seri kaya, srikaya" ; Tagalog: "matamís sa báo, matamís na báo, "or" kalamay-hatì" ; Hokkien: 咖吔 "ka-ia") is a food spread or fruit curd made from a base of coconut milk, eggs and sugar. It is wildly popular in Southeast Asia, mainly in the Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore, and in Palembang in Indonesia. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes input hypothesis: If you're interested in fishing then you certainly do not want to buy a boat. Context: How to buy a boat<br>Determine what type of boat you want. What do you plan on using your boat for? Do you plan on fishing, sailing, cruising, tubing, or water skiing? The type of boat you buy will depend on your answer to those questions. [substeps] If you plan on using your boat primarily for fishing, look for a fishing boat. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Timothy likes to play sports. He spends his time after school playing basketball and baseball. Sometimes Timothy pretends he is a famous baseball pitcher for his favorite team with his friends. He plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. Timothy also plays pretend when he is alone. He has an imaginary friend named Sean. Sean is an elephant who watches television with Timothy. Mandy likes playing baseball but she also likes to paint. Mandy's favorite class at school is art. She likes making pictures of flowers. Her teacher says she is a good artist. She painted a picture of a tree for her teacher. There were red and yellow leaves on it. It had apples on it. When Andrew goes home after baseball, he likes to eat a snack. He eats carrots and bananas. If he is a good boy his mom, Mrs. Smith, sometimes gives him milk and cookies. Afterwards, Andrew finishes his homework. <sep>Who does Timothy play with?<sep>Basketball and baseball Solution: No Why? Based on the passage Timothy plays with his friends Mandy and Andrew. So, the given answer is incorrect and the output should be "No". New input: Appended to the last book, however, is a self-contained essay on aesthetics, which Durer worked on between 1512 and 1528, and it is here that we learn of his theories concerning 'ideal beauty'. Durer rejected Alberti's concept of an objective beauty, proposing a relativist notion of beauty based on variety. Nonetheless, Durer still believed that truth was hidden within nature, and that there were rules which ordered beauty, even though he found it difficult to define the criteria for such a code. In 1512/13 his three criteria were function ('Nutz'), naive approval ('Wohlgefallen') and the happy medium ('Mittelmass'). However, unlike Alberti and Leonardo, Durer was most troubled by understanding not just the abstract notions of beauty but also as to how an artist can create beautiful images. Between 1512 and the final draft in 1528, Durer's belief developed from an understanding of human creativity as spontaneous or inspired to a concept of 'selective inward synthesis'. In other words, that an artist builds on a wealth of visual experiences in order to imagine beautiful things. Durer's belief in the abilities of a single artist over inspiration prompted him to assert that "one man may sketch something with his pen on half a sheet of paper in one day, or may cut it into a tiny piece of wood with his little iron, and it turns out to be better and more artistic than another's work at which its author labours with the utmost diligence for a whole year." <sep>Which artist, in addition to Alberti, did Durer disagree with?<sep>Leonardo Solution:
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: How to overcome exam tension<br>Get enough sleep to keep you energized for your exam. Not sleeping right can affect your mood, leading to an excess of stress. In the weeks leading up to the exam, make sleep a priority. Hypothesis: It is possible to sleep.
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Input: What do Pygmies and dogs have in common?, Context: Many Pygmies belong from birth to Bantus in a relationship many refer to as slavery. The Congolese Human Rights Observatory says that the Pygmies are treated as property the same way "pets" are. On December 30, 2010, the Congolese parliament adopted a law for the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples. This law is the first of its kind in Africa, and its adoption is a historic development for indigenous peoples on the continent. Output:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. One example is below. Q: what is the first event mentioned?, Context: The Russian Revolution is the series of revolutions in Russia in 1917, which destroyed the Tsarist autocracy and led to the creation of the Soviet Union. Following the abdication of Nicholas II of Russia, the Russian Provisional Government was established. In October 1917, a red faction revolution occurred in which the Red Guard, armed groups of workers and deserting soldiers directed by the Bolshevik Party, seized control of Saint Petersburg (then known as Petrograd) and began an immediate armed takeover of cities and villages throughout the former Russian Empire. A: Russian Revolution Rationale: This is a good example, and the Russian Revolution is the first event mentioned. Q: What accounts for the increasing rapidity with which the body's immune system attacks pathogens?, Context: In humans, this response is activated by complement binding to antibodies that have attached to these microbes or the binding of complement proteins to carbohydrates on the surfaces of microbes. This recognition signal triggers a rapid killing response. The speed of the response is a result of signal amplification that occurs following sequential proteolytic activation of complement molecules, which are also proteases. After complement proteins initially bind to the microbe, they activate their protease activity, which in turn activates other complement proteases, and so on. This produces a catalytic cascade that amplifies the initial signal by controlled positive feedback. The cascade results in the production of peptides that attract immune cells, increase vascular permeability, and opsonize (coat) the surface of a pathogen, marking it for destruction. This deposition of complement can also kill cells directly by disrupting their plasma membrane. A:
a catalytic cascade
Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Input: As Philip marched south, his opponents blocked him near Chaeronea, Boeotia. During the ensuing Battle of Chaeronea, Philip commanded the right wing and Alexander the left, accompanied by a group of Philip's trusted generals. According to the ancient sources, the two sides fought bitterly for some time. Philip deliberately commanded his troops to retreat, counting on the untested Athenian hoplites to follow, thus breaking their line. Alexander was the first to break the Theban lines, followed by Philip's generals. Having damaged the enemy's cohesion, Philip ordered his troops to press forward and quickly routed them. With the Athenians lost, the Thebans were surrounded. Left to fight alone, they were defeated. After the victory at Chaeronea, Philip and Alexander marched unopposed into the Peloponnese, welcomed by all cities; however, when they reached Sparta, they were refused, but did not resort to war. At Corinth, Philip established a "Hellenic Alliance" (modeled on the old anti-Persian alliance of the Greco-Persian Wars), which included most Greek city-states except Sparta. Philip was then named Hegemon (often translated as "Supreme Commander") of this league (known by modern scholars as the League of Corinth), and announced his plans to attack the Persian Empire. <sep>What were the two groups that Philip and Alexander fought against?<sep>Boeotians Output:
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: How to contact a dog breeder<br>Decide on a particular breed of dog. Before you reach out to a breeder, you will want to choose a particular breed of dog to purchase. A reputable breeder will only raise one particular type of breed of dog, so identifying your preferences will automatically narrow down your contact choices. Sentence: You should pick your dog breed after contacting the breeder.
This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence: A group of people get off of a yellow school bus with life rafts around their neck and enter a foliage filled area leading to a body of water. a man on a motorized boat
talks to the camera while sitting on the edge of the inside of a boat in front of the boat steering wheel.
This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence: Two wires are seen laid across and table with a person putting a box on top. the person
wraps the box with wires and tying a bow on top.
How does the next paragraph end? The person is wakeboarding on the water with costume on. the mascot
is waving as he surf the water.
Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to read a book you don't like Start reading as soon as you can. Few people can read a book in a single sitting. Starting to read in advance will help you pace your reading. A: This will allow you to limit the stress forcing yourself to read will have on you. If you start early you can give yourself breaks when you need them. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to protect your credit Get a credit freeze to lock down your credit. A credit freeze, or security freeze, prevents creditors from seeing your credit report. This will also prevent identity thieves from accessing your account and stealing your credit. A: The credit freeze does not prevent an identity thief from making changes to your existing accounts, but it does prevent them from opening new ones under your name. With the freeze, you still have access to your account and can get a free annual credit report. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? How to turn photos into a movie with magix movie edit pro 2016 Put them in a particular order, in their own folder. There are a variety of ways, but the safest is to put its numbered position at the front of the file name. For example; 1 children playing , 2 all the grownups, etc. A: If you find a photo that has to go in between established numbers, simply put the same number of the one you want ahead of it. For example , 1a more children playing , 2a grands, etc. Problem: How does the next paragraph end? A scene is shown of a person in rapid river water in a kayak. He is unable to keep control as he is pushed backward by the rapids. he A:
battles hard to stay upright in the water as he trains for kayaking.
Write the next sentence in this paragraph: This man is riding the bike in the beginning of the video. then he Choose from: --is going to scuba dive when he is done diving.; --is shown unboxing bicycle parts and putting everything together.; --opened the bike door and what comes out not is the bike.; --starts working on restoring the bike after the second race.;
is shown unboxing bicycle parts and putting everything together.
Write the next sentence in the following story. She adds pasta to the water. We see the pasta box up close. We see the lady set the timer. she
takes the pasta out of the pot.
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: The fact is that there have been markets shut to us that we haven't stood up and fought for. I'm going to fight for a fair trade playing field for the American worker. And I will fight for the American worker just as hard as I fight for my own job. That's what the American worker wants. And if we do that, we can have an impact. Hypothesis: We have fought to have every market open to us. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: If any legal action is due to enforcement, dispute, breach, or default, the successful party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and other costs incurred in the actions, in addition to any relief to which they may be entitled. Hypothesis: The losing party can't be forced to pay Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Stations of the Cross is a Johnny Thunders album recorded over two sets at The Mudd Club in New York on September 30, 1982. Film director Lech Kowalski had originally planned to record a live Johnny Thunders performance for his movie, "Stations of the Cross." The spoken dialogue was recorded at the Carlton Arms Hotel, New York City, in Room 29, on August 25, 1982. Hypothesis: Although the director of the movie "Stations of the Cross" had hoped to record a live musical performance for the film, he resorted to using pre-recorded music. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: But as we respect someone's rights, and as we profess tolerance, we shouldn't change -- or have to change -- our basic views on the sanctity of marriage. I believe in the sanctity of marriage. I think it's very important that we protect marriage as an institution, between a man and a woman. Hypothesis: The sanctity of marriage also includes common-law unions.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: Surely, you have noticed the tall poles along the roadside. Do you know what is on top of those poles? Thats right, wires that carry electric current. These wires carry electric current to your home. But what is electric current? Electric current is actually the flow of electrons. You may recall, an electron is the outer-most particle in an atom. They have a negative charge. Electricity is the continuous flow of these particles. Electrons are able to move through wires. Their speed can even be measured. The SI unit for electric current (or speed) is the ampere (A). Ampere is often shortened to amp. Electric current may flow in just one direction, or it may keep reversing direction. Direct current (DC) flows in only one direction. Direct current is what is used in devices like flashlights. Alternating current (AC) flows in two directions. This is the type of current that flows into your home through wires. <sep>What are two types of electric current?<sep>Led Zeppelin and Metallica A:
Teacher: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: The Inheritance Cycle is a series of fantasy books written by Christopher Paolini. Solution: The Inheritance Cycle is a tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels written by American author Christopher Paolini. Reason: The output sentence elaborates on the input sentence without changing its general meaning e.g. "tetralogy of young adult high fantasy novels". Now, solve this instance: Mulberry leaves , particularly those of the White Mulberry , " Morus alba " , are important as food of the silkworm , the cocoon of which is used to make silk . Student:
Mulberry leaves , particularly those of the white mulberry , are ecologically important as the sole food source of the silkworm ( " Bombyx mori " , named after the mulberry genus " Morus " ) , the cocoon of which is used to make silk .
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: As Fiat shows off its robot-controlled inventory stacks in glossy advertisements and IBM switches off the lights in its automated warehouse in Greenock, it is clear that this Cinderella operation has a new set of high-tech glad rags. Hypothesis: Fiat is controlled by robots. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Why wouldn't it? If the equity argument under the Necessary and Proper Clause justifies extension of the copyright for those whose copyright will expire tomorrow if it's not extended, in order to put them on parity with those getting copyrights for new works, why doesn't it apply to the copyright, the holder of the copyright that expired yesterday? Hypothesis: This person is an expert in copyright Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Tenements (of the Anointed Flesh) is the fourth and final studio album by British industrial black metal band The Axis of Perdition. It was released on May 2, 2011, on Code666 Records. Dan "Storm" Mullins could not play drums on this album due to a broken arm so drums were programmed. Hypothesis: The beat of the drums were put in the computer due to Dan "Storm" Mullions' paralyzed arm. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: How to change a page to landscape on microsoft word on pc or mac<br>Open the document in microsoft word. You can do this by double-clicking the document on your computer. [substeps] Alternatively, open microsoft word first (under all apps in the start menu on windows, or in the applications folder on macos), then open the document. Hypothesis: Opening a document on Microsoft word is simple.
input hypothesis: More than 130 flights were cancelled in total. Context: Around 130 flights were cancelled during a strike held on 19 January, and others were cancelled in the days that followed. When the flight assistants announced a further 24-hour for 23 January, the Italian Guarantee Authority (Commissione di Garanzia) which regulates strikes in essential public services (under the terms of laws no. 194/1990 and no. 83/2000) (IT0004266F) accused the unions of breaching the legal provision that 10 days must elapse between one strike and the next. true or false: Yes input hypothesis: California lottery has the largest payout in the country Context: SACRAMENTO (AP) _ These California lotteries were drawn Sunday: 4-9-8 (four, nine, eight) Advertisement 7-8-9 (seven, eight, nine) 6-5-1-0 (six, five, one, zero) 1st:5 California Classic-2nd:2 Lucky Star-3rd:10 Solid Gold, Race Time: 1:42.80 (1st: 5 California Classic, 2nd: 2 Lucky Star, 3rd: 10 Solid Gold; Race Time: one: 42.80) Estimated jackpot: $123,000 01-02-21-25-32 (one, two, twenty-one, twenty-five, thirty-two) Estimated jackpot: $295,000 Estimated jackpot: $40 million Estimated jackpot: $40 million true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: The gala has existed for 20 years Context: West Feliciana Schools superintendent Hollis Milton, left, visits with U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy during the recent National Association of School Superintendents. Milton is the 2018 Louisiana Superintendent of the Year. He was in Washington, D.C., for a gala held by the National Association of School Superintendents. true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: there is no Iraqi alliance. Context: The United Iraqi Alliance, endorsed by Iraq's top Shiite clerics, captured more than two-thirds of the 3.3 million votes counted so far, the election commission said. true or false:
How does the next paragraph end? Several people are seen wandering around an indoor field with one pole volting over a bar. the same shot
is shown again in slow motion as well as several other attempts the boy makes.
Instructions: In this task, we ask you to elaborate the sentence without changing its general meaning. You can do so by explaining further the input sentence, using more precise wording, adding qualifiers and auxiliary information etc. Input: The Vatican Library is the library of the Holy See . Output:
The Vatican Apostolic Library , more commonly known as the Vatican Library or informally as the Vat , is the library of the Holy See , located in Vatican City .
In this task, you will be presented with a context passage, a question about that paragraph, and a possible answer to that question. The task is to check the validity of the answer. Answer with "Yes" or "No". Q: Dr. Alex Cross is a psychiatrist and police lieutenant who lives in Detroit with his wife , Maria , their children , Damon and Janelle , and his grandmother , Nana Mama . Upon learning that Maria is pregnant with their third child , Cross considers accepting a job as an FBI profiler , but fears Maria's reaction , as it 'd require them to relocate to Washington , D.C. Meanwhile , a man called Picasso attends to an illegal underground Mixed Martial Arts fighting ring , where he flirts with businesswoman Fan Yau . After brutally beating his opponent , Picasso is invited to Fan Yau's house , where he sedates her while they 're having sex , tortures and kills her . Police Captain Richard Brookwell calls Cross and his partner , Tommy Kane , to the crime scene . On the way there , Cross tells Kane about Maria's pregnancy and the the FBI's offer , and Kane reveals that he is secretly dating their colleague , Monica Ashe . Cross deduces that Picasso is a professional assassin , and finds a sketch made behind by Picasso , revealing that his next target is businessman Erich Nunemarcher . Cross , Kane and Ashe go to Nunemarcher's office , but Nunemarcher ignores their claims . Picasso manages to enter the building , but is prevented from killing Nunemarcher by Cross , and escapes after being shot by Kane . Cross analyzes a drop of Picasso's blood and learns that he is a psychotic former member of the Special Forces and that his real target is billionaire CEO Leon Mercier . Cross informs Mercier that Picasso might be trying to kill him . <sep>How many couples are linked romantically in the story?<sep>2 couples: Alex & Maria, Damon & Janelle A:
Instructions: In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Input: What needs consistency?, Context: The simplest valve gears give events of fixed length during the engine cycle and often make the engine rotate in only one direction. Most however have a reversing mechanism which additionally can provide means for saving steam as speed and momentum are gained by gradually "shortening the cutoff" or rather, shortening the admission event; this in turn proportionately lengthens the expansion period. However, as one and the same valve usually controls both steam flows, a short cutoff at admission adversely affects the exhaust and compression periods which should ideally always be kept fairly constant; if the exhaust event is too brief, the totality of the exhaust steam cannot evacuate the cylinder, choking it and giving excessive compression ("kick back").[citation needed] Output:
exhaust and compression periods