You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a question, and you have to write the part-of-speech tag for each word in the question. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb Who were the builders of the mosque in Herat with fire temples ? Solution: WP VBD DT NNS IN DT NN IN NNP IN NN NNS . Why? This is a good example. All of the POS tags are correct. New input: What is the year of the competition whose venue city fell to the British during the First Opium War ? Solution:
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Q: What is the current name of the original capital of the kingdom once ruled by Bimbisara?, Context: Magadha (Sanskrit: मगध) formed one of the sixteen Mahā-Janapadas (Sanskrit: "Great Countries") or kingdoms in ancient India. The core of the kingdom was the area of Bihar south of the Ganges; its first capital was Rajagriha (modern Rajgir) then Pataliputra (modern Patna). Magadha expanded to include most of Bihar and Bengal with the conquest of Licchavi and Anga respectively, followed by much of eastern Uttar Pradesh and Orissa. The ancient kingdom of Magadha is heavily mentioned in Jain and Buddhist texts. It is also mentioned in the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas. A state of Magadha, possibly a tribal kingdom, is recorded in Vedic texts much earlier in time than 600 BC. Magadha Empire had great rulers like Bimbisara and Ajatshatru. A: Rajgir **** Q: Einstein created a way of thinking called a?, Context: It was only the orbit of the planet Mercury that Newton's Law of Gravitation seemed not to fully explain. Some astrophysicists predicted the existence of another planet (Vulcan) that would explain the discrepancies; however, despite some early indications, no such planet could be found. When Albert Einstein formulated his theory of general relativity (GR) he turned his attention to the problem of Mercury's orbit and found that his theory added a correction, which could account for the discrepancy. This was the first time that Newton's Theory of Gravity had been shown to be less correct than an alternative. A: theory **** Q: Who received the second highest number of votes, Goodluck Jonathan or Muhammadu Buhari?, Context: Goodluck Jonathan served as Nigeria's president till 16 April 2011, when a new presidential election in Nigeria was conducted. Jonathan of the PDP was declared the winner on 19 April 2011, having won the election with a total of 22,495,187 of the 39,469,484 votes cast, to stand ahead of Muhammadu Buhari from the main opposition party, the Congress for Progressive Change (CPC), which won 12,214,853 of the total votes cast. The international media reported the elections as having run smoothly with relatively little violence or voter fraud, in contrast to previous elections. A:
Muhammadu Buhari ****
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that contain the given letter Problem:Sentence: 'a large brown bear walking across a leaf filled forest'. How many words contain the letter 'f' in the sentence. Solution:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into English. Weźmy na przykład astrologię - jak wielu racjonalistów jestem spod znaku Ryb. Output:
Astrology, for instance: like many rationalists, I'm a Pisces.
Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. [EX Q]: When showering it is a good idea to wash beyond your ears . [EX A]: When showering it is a good idea to cross behind your ears . [EX Q]: You are likely to find a picture in the html . [EX A]: You are likely to find a record in the hole . [EX Q]: You can use a dash page to express an idea . [EX A]:
You can use a paper page to express an idea.
Teacher:In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Comment: Hypocrisy Websters Dictionary Definition : Verb meaning Do as I say not as I did! Verb Wynn's Liberal Government legislative action to reform a system that they used to maximize their election coffers, provide unfettered access to Ministers and MPP's and allowed business direct access to decision makers for their donations. Well done, we trust you even more now Kathleen. In the end, this change will do nothing more than to make this process even more subversive and underground. This is a silly reform at it's best and only speaks to the Wynn's government need to appease the media and public on all perceived wrong doings. I am sure they will tout this in their election platform as a successful reform to the elections act. Student:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Wal-Mart has received a lot of negative publicity recently, including allegations that it used illegal workers and made employees work without pay during lunch breaks, as well as complaints that it generally underpays employees. Available choices: (a). Yes. (b). It's impossible to say. (c). No. Hypothesis: Wal-Mart has received a lot of publicity recently.
In this task, you are given a hateful post in Bengali that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group based on the protected characteristics such as race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: political or non-political depending on the topic. -------- Question: আমি মনে করি স্বাস্থ্যমন্ত্রী এর সাথে জড়িত ওনাকে ও আইনের আওতায় এনে কঠিন শাস্তি দেওয়া হোক Answer: political Question: বি চৌধুরীর নাম নিশানা ডুবিয়ে দিতে মা চৌধুরী যথেষ্ট । Answer: political Question: এবার থেকে তোর বাপ কে আম্পায়ার হিসেবে পাঠাইয়া দিশ। Answer:
instruction: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Panjabi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. question: Today India, like Italy and several other nations of the world, has succeeded in sending the satellites in many countries of the world at a very low cost to space. They are proving useful in extending the benefits of satellite technology to every doorstep. answer: ਮੈਨੂੰ ਵਿਸ਼ਵਾਸ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਬੀਤੇ ਦੋ ਦਿਨਾਂ ਦੌਰਾਨ Summit ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋਈ ਚਰਚਾਵਾਂ ਵਿੱਚੋਂ ਦੋਹਾਂ ਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਦਰਮਿਆਨ Technology Transfer, Joint Ventures ਅਤੇ Market Access ਨੂੰ ਵਧਾਉਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਹਾਇਤਾ ਮਿਲੇਗੀ। ਇਹ Summit ਸਾਡੇ ਸਾਂਝੇ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਦੀ ਚਰਚਾ ਵਿੱਚ ਮਹੱਤਵਪੂਰਨ ਭੂਮਿਕਾ ਨਿਭਾਵੇਗੀ। question: In this regard Prime Minister Hun Sen has honored us by his acceptance of my invitation and his gracious presence during the summit. answer: ਇਸ ਸਬੰਧ ਵਿੱਚ ਪ੍ਰਧਾਨ ਮੰਤਰੀ ਹੁਨ ਸੇਨ ਨੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਸੱਦੇ ਨੂੰ ਸਵੀਕਾਰ ਕਰਕੇ Summit ਵਿੱਚ ਹਾਜ਼ਰ ਹੋ ਕੇ ਸਾਡਾ ਸਨਮਾਨ ਵਧਾਇਆ ਹੈ। question: Sometimes I remember that when I was not in politics there was a big industrialist, he mostly used to lead Gandhian life, used to be in the selfless service mode, one of his family member was associated with Ram Krishna Mission and I also relations with that family because of my association with Ram Krishna Mission. So he once purchased an old decrepit closed mill. answer:
ਕਦੇ-ਕਦੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਯਾਦ ਹੈ, ਮੈਂ ਜਦੋਂ ਰਾਜਨੀਤੀ ਵਿੱਚ ਨਹੀਂ ਸੀ, ਤਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਬਹੁਤ ਬੜੇ ਉਦਯੋਗਕਾਰ, ਹੁਣ ਉਹ ਜ਼ਿਆਦਾਤਰ ਗਾਂਧੀਵਾਦੀ ਜੀਵਨ(Gandhian life) ਜਿਉਂਦੇ ਸਨ, ਸੇਵਾਭਾਵ ਵਿੱਚ ਰਹਿੰਦੇਂ ਸਨ, ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਪਰਿਵਾਰ ਦੇ ਇੱਕ ਆਦਮੀ ਰਾਮਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਨ ਮਿਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਜੁੜੇ ਹੋਏ ਸੀ, ਤਾਂ ਮੇਰਾ ਰਾਮਕ੍ਰਿਸ਼ਨ ਮਿਸ਼ਨ ਨਾਲ ਨਾਤਾ ਹੋਣ ਕਰਕੇ ਮੇਰਾ ਉਸ ਪਰਿਵਾਰ ਤੋਂ ਨਾਤਾ ਰਹਿੰਦਾ ਸੀ। ਤਾਂ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਇੱਕ ਬੰਦ ਪਈ ਹੋਈ, ਖੱਸਤਾ ਹਾਲਤ ਦੀ ਇੱਕ ਉਦਯੋਗਿਕ ਖਰੀਦ (industry purchase ) ਕੀਤੀ। ਹੁਣ ਉਹ ਬੰਦ ਕਿਉਂ ਹੋ ਗਈ ਸੀ, ਹੜਤਾਲ ਅਤੇ ਯੂਨਿਅਨਬਾਜੀ ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਹੋ ਗਈ। ਤਾਂ ਮੈਂ ਐਵੇਂ ਹੀ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਪੁੱਛਿਆ, ਮੈਂ ਕਿਹਾ ਐਵੇਂ ਜੋਖ਼ਮ (risk ) ਕਿਵੇਂ ਲਿਆ ਤੁਸੀਂ?
In this task, you are given a text from tweets. Your task is to classify given tweet text into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. [EX Q]: @dambinatrix I'll be out of town [EX A]: negative [EX Q]: @KarenMW Oh so she is not the one who is dying... oh no Omale must be leaving then! [EX A]: negative [EX Q]: another Saturday without MO. Glad Rachel is coming over! [EX A]:
input hypothesis: The Total Package Tour has a x Context: The Total Package Tour is a current co-headlining concert tour featuring American bands New Kids on the Block, Boyz II Men and American singer Paula Abdul. It began on May 12, 2017. in Columbus, Ohio and finished on July 16, 2017, in Hollywood, Florida This marks the first time in four years that both bands have toured together, and this will be Abdul's first tour in twenty-five years. true or false: No input hypothesis: There is no No Drug Show, only the YES Drug show. Context: In an interview on a television show called the No Drug Show, hosted by Larry Byrnes, the Church of Scientology blamed both the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States and the attack on Pearl Harbor on psychiatrists and the drugs they prescribe their patients. Scientology considers psychiatry to be barbaric and a violation of human rights. The video was posted on the video sharing website YouTube, but was later removed "due to a copyright claim by Axiom 10 Productions, Inc." Mark Bunker of XenuTV questioned why Axiom 10 would utilize the Digital Millenium Copyright Act to remove the video from YouTube, as it was promoting their ideology about psychiatrists. It was later re-added to another site called true or false: No input hypothesis: It is very expensive to maintain an online forum Context: How to start a forum<br>Figure out what your specific niche will be. [substeps] Since this will be your forum, it is best to pick something in which you are interested and knowledgeable. Since there are already so many forums out there, it is best to have a defined niche. true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: her writing hasnt appeared in The New York Times Context: Sarah Gerard is an American author and novelist. She recently worked for Bomb Magazine. She is the author of a novel, "Binary Star", published in 2015 by Two Dollar Radio. The novel received positive reviews. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, New York Magazine, The Paris Review Daily, and . Gerard also writes a monthly column for Penguin Random House online journal Hazlitt. true or false:
[Q]: Political leaders pledged that construction of the so-called Freedom Tower -- which will rise 1,776 feet into the air and be the world's tallest building -- will be finished on schedule by the end of 2008. The Freedom Tower will be the world's second tallest building. [A]: No [Q]: College<br>Miranda wanted to be a dentist. She applied for a college in her city. Miranda was accepted into college. She studied very hard. Miranda is a dentist now. She became a dentist at 2 years of age [A]: No [Q]: "I've been trying to keep 'Office actions' to a minimum (partly in reaction to some fairly heavy-handed WP:OFFICE stuff in the past), and it would be helpful to be able to say that any given action was taken by the community, not by the Foundation," said Godwin on Wikipedia's Administrators' noticeboard on May 2, the same day of the EFF's press release. 'Office actions' are changes directly authorized by the Foundation which are made to content on any of the Wikimedia projects. The edits are made by staff members working for the Foundation's head office located in San Francisco, California. Edits of this nature are generally "removals of questionable or illegal Wikimedia content following complaints," according to Wikipedia's policy on 'Office Actions.'. San Francisco, California has been in many different films. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: STATE TIMES NEWS SRINAGAR: Police arrested a drug peddler and recovered contraband substance from his possession in Budgam. Police during Naka at Adina Bridge Magam intercepted a Sumo vehicle bearing registration number JK01K-3772. On checking of the vehicle 260 gr3ams of contraband substance was recovered. Driver of the vehicle identified as Shabir Ahmad Wani, son of Mohammad Abdulla Wani, resident of Dalwich Khag was taken into custody. A case FIR number 77/2017 was registered against the accused driver and further investigation has been taken up. The investigation against Shabir was completed. [A]:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. It was a capital of the estate of the Bulgarian feudal lord, later Emperor Konstantin Asen in the middle of the 13th century. The Byzantine Empire took advantage of the decline in Skopje to regain influence in the area, but lost control of it once again in 1282 to King Stefan Uro* II Milutin of Serbia. Milutin's grandson, Stefan Du*an, made Skopje _his_ capital, from which he was proclaimed Tsar in 1346, subsequently making it the capital of the Serbian Empire. <sep>, Pronoun: his <sep>, A: Milutin <sep>, B: Stefan Du*an Output:
Q: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. If the conversation begins with a question, label it '1' otherwise '0'. Person1: I think the biggest environment problem in my country is air pollution . Person2: Yes , I agree . The air here is much more polluted than in my country . Of course , my country is more agricultural and has much less industry . Person1: We have reduced emission of air pollutants in recent years , but cars are still a major source of them . Factories have become cleaner as stricter environment pollution law have been introduced . Person2: The problem is now on a truly global scale . I don't believe that any single country can do anything about it . Person1: I think you're right . There needs to be an international response to this problem ? A:
And the budget plan that I've put out, according to the "Los Angeles Times" again, the way these things are typically measured as a percentage of the GDP, will bring government spending down to the lowest level in 50 years. So I want to proceed carefully to cover more people. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? The Los Angeles Times has been active for over 20 years. Options are: [A]. Yes; [B]. It's impossible to say; [C]. No;
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Q: Sometimes alarms sleep off when there is no emergency . A:
Sometimes alarms head off when there is no emergency .
Q: In this task, you are given an input list A. You need to find all the elements of the list that are alphabets in the same order as they appear in the list A. Do not change their case/capitalization. ['8019', 'r', 'N', '3267', '745', 'M', 'd', 'V', '561', '4817', 'S', '7895', 'Z', 'J', '3061', 'b', 'T', '1795', '2219', 'G', 'r', 'K', '309', 'J', 'h', '7105', '3127'] A:
r, N, M, d, V, S, Z, J, b, T, G, r, K, J, h
Teacher:Given a sequence of actions to navigate an agent in its environment, provide the correct command in a limited form of natural language that matches the sequence of actions when executed. Commands are lowercase and encapsulate the logic of the sequence of actions. Actions are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. opposite turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: I_RUN I_RUN I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK I_TURN_RIGHT I_LOOK Student:
run twice and look around right twice
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. Which might be why when I looked at the earliest accounts we have of that night, what struck me even more than what happened was what did not happen. Output:
Lo cual puede ser la razón por la cual cuando busque los primeros registros que tenemos de aquella noche, lo que me conmocionó, más que saber lo que había pasado, fue saber lo que no ocurrió.
SPECIAL TELEPHONE SYSTEMS LIMITED will be responsible for return shipping charges . This also Applies to defective items . All returns , for any reason , must be packaged with instruction booklets and all other supplied accessories when it was first delivered to you . Payment Method .... Western union & Money Gram & Bank Transfer Shipment ... FedEx & UPS Delivery Hours ... 2/3days delivery [email protected] Here is the view of our products available for sale in stock . A: What reason do I have for shipping an item back to you ? Get the Skinny on the Hotties Who Just Got Added to the World 's Hugest Celebrity Nudity Warehouse : Mr. Skin Premium Mr. Skin Premium members enjoy immediate access to THOUSANDS OF BIOS AND REVIEWS of more than 15,700 stars , 27,600 movies and TV shows , and 197,000 pics and clips . A: What would someone need to do before gaining access to these reviews ? I fought back and probably did more damage than they did . I already have tons of bruises and cuts and such because of self - abuse so it would n't prove anything . The cops probably would n't do shit anyways , I mean it 's fuckin Wilco cops ... and I ' m sure they would n't believe me . A: Why did I abuse myself ? She laid in bed all through the night and dilation did n't progress much . When she eventually got off bed to walk around , she was asked if she wanted epidural and she took it . So , straped onto the bed again . And again , her dilation did not progress . A:
Why is the woman receiving medical care ?
Detailed Instructions: Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Problem:Jabra directed me to these as a replacement for the lost pieces for my Wave. THESE ARE NOT what I need. Meh. Gonna be two more weeks before I get home to return them.I don't blame the merchant, blame Jabra for directing me to waste weeks buying, waiting for, and returning the wrong stuff. Swedish morons Solution:
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Emma's First Day of School<br>Emma's first day of school was yesterday. She was scared at first, but once she met everyone she opened up. Her teacher asked her to put her things in her cubby. Emma didn't do that and got in trouble. She came home crying on her first day because she got in trouble. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Emma went back home happy. **** Answer: No [Q]: The renewed attention to the war came as peace activists, camping near the president's ranch, awaited a performance Sunday evening by peace movement icon Joan Baez. The presidents ranch is owned by Joan Baez and is where she performs when there is a war OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: No Problem: Kittens<br>I found out my cat is pregnant. I had no idea why she was making all these funny noises. She would hide a lot under my bed. A friend told me this behavior was of a pregnant animal. I cannot wait to see the kittens. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "my cat hides under my bed a lot"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: Make a sauce while you have time While the beet is roasting, make the vinaigrette: In a bowl, whisk together the orange juice, balsamic vinegar, and extra-virgin olive oil. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes How to write a process essay<br>Assess your audience's skill level. Before you put pen to paper, take a few moments to consider who will be reading your essay. This will narrow down the type of language that you'll use and the information that you'll include. Its best to use the right information for an essay OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Horsburgh Castle, also known as Horsbrugh Castle or Horsbrugh Tower, is a ruined tower house castle by the River Tweed, on the A72 road from Peebles to Galashiels, near Glentress in the Scottish Borders area of Scotland. The ruins date from the 16th century and was built by the Horsburghs. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: The Horsburghs built the castle. **** Answer:
The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. it pretty much going that way here in america also only a matter of time before our women are raped and slaughtered in the name of islam
Hate Speech
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. PROBLEM: Head: clean house<sep>Tail: move things out of way SOLUTION: Yes PROBLEM: Head: hit bottle<sep>Tail: remove cork SOLUTION: Yes PROBLEM: Head: PersonX answers PersonY's letter<sep>Tail: happy SOLUTION:
Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. [Q]: An x is used for communicating through the postal system . [A]: An envelope is used for reading through the postal system . [Q]: A heart is for pumping blood through the chamber . [A]: A A is for ensuring blood through the water . [Q]: You can rest a hat to keep your head warm . [A]:
You can send a hat to keep your head warm .
Visiting Grandpa<br>Tyler visits his grandpa on Saturday. He meets grandpa at the nursing home. They drive to the park. Grandpa tells stories while they feed ducks. Tyler treats grandpa to ice cream before driving home. Can we draw the following conclusion? tyler and grandpa fed the ducks
Talbot will guard the goal in Tuesday's home game against the Wild, Oilers play-by-play announcer Jack Michaels reports. Talbot has been razor-sharp of late, posting a 6-0-1 record while maintaining an admirable 1.37 GAA and .950 save percentage over his last seven appearances. The 29-year-old netminder will look to keep rolling in a tough home matchup with a Wild team that is 15-5-5 on the road this season. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Talbot will play a home game."? Options: a). Yes. b). It's impossible to say. c). No. I think the answer is
In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. [EX Q]: what city possesses over 80 parks and garden?, Context: Miami's tropical weather allows for year-round outdoors activities. The city has numerous marinas, rivers, bays, canals, and the Atlantic Ocean, which make boating, sailing, and fishing popular outdoors activities. Biscayne Bay has numerous coral reefs which make snorkeling and scuba diving popular. There are over 80 parks and gardens in the city. The largest and most popular parks are Bayfront Park and Bicentennial Park (located in the heart of Downtown and the location of the American Airlines Arena and Bayside Marketplace), Tropical Park, Peacock Park, Morningside Park, Virginia Key, and Watson Island. [EX A]: Miami [EX Q]: What was the smallest denomination present in Warsaw?, Context: Throughout its existence, Warsaw has been a multi-cultural city. According to the 1901 census, out of 711,988 inhabitants 56.2% were Catholics, 35.7% Jews, 5% Greek orthodox Christians and 2.8% Protestants. Eight years later, in 1909, there were 281,754 Jews (36.9%), 18,189 Protestants (2.4%) and 2,818 Mariavites (0.4%). This led to construction of hundreds of places of religious worship in all parts of the town. Most of them were destroyed in the aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. After the war, the new communist authorities of Poland discouraged church construction and only a small number were rebuilt. [EX A]: Mariavites [EX Q]: Why is it difficult to define population?, Context: Population geneticists have debated whether the concept of population can provide a basis for a new conception of race. In order to do this, a working definition of population must be found. Surprisingly, there is no generally accepted concept of population that biologists use. Although the concept of population is central to ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation biology, most definitions of population rely on qualitative descriptions such as "a group of organisms of the same species occupying a particular space at a particular time" Waples and Gaggiotti identify two broad types of definitions for populations; those that fall into an ecological paradigm, and those that fall into an evolutionary paradigm. Examples of such definitions are: [EX A]:
most definitions of population rely on qualitative descriptions
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task you will be given a list of integers. For every element in the list, if the element is even you should divide by two, if the element is odd you should multiply by three then add one. The output should be a list of integers that is the result of applying that logic to the input list. Example: [7, 9, 2, 8] Output: [22, 28, 1, 4] The odd numbers, seven and nine, were multiplied by three and added one. The even numbers, two and eight, were divided by two. So this is a good example. New input case for you: [195, 157] Output:
[586, 472]
In this task, you will be presented with a question, and you have to write the part-of-speech tag for each word in the question. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb [EX Q]: What year was construction finished on the stadium for the team coached by Khakim Fuzailov ? [EX A]: WP NN VBD NN VBN IN DT NN IN DT NN VBN IN NNP NNP . [EX Q]: In what year did the arena in Bolzano open ? [EX A]: IN WP NN VBD DT NN IN NNP VB . [EX Q]: Who was the daughter of Walmart founder Sam Walton and Helen Walton ? [EX A]:
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. Q: לפני סוף העשור, 100 בנקים כשלו במדינת אוקלהומה. A: Before the end of the decade, 100 banks had failed in the state of Oklahoma. **** Q: אתם צריכים להיות מסוגלים לזכור מה עשיתם. A: You have to be able to remember what you've done. **** Q: וזו בעיה גדולה, זה ממשיך. A:
And this is a big problem. It's continuing. ****
In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. [Q]: Dubček waited for 20 years to revive Prague's spring, he used to say "Hope is last thing that dies." [A]: یک نفر هم بنویسد #بشمر۱۰۰۰ به یاد همه کسانی که در این سی‌وچهار سال «مجبور» به ترک میهن خود شده‌اند. [Q]: Nevertheless this post should be considered as "Surviving outside Syria" but it will be as part of our special coverage on Surviving in Syria to reveal the social media's contribution to the Syrian conflict. [A]: با اینکه این نوشتار باید بخشی از «زنده ماندن خارج از سوریه» باشد، ولی برای نشان دادن سهم رسانه‌های اجتماعی در مبارزات سوریه، در بخش «زنده ماندن در سوریه» قرار خواهد گرفت. [Q]: China Beat highlightes netizens' comments on Ni's revenge, which is a lot more effective than trying to petition the case. [A]:
چاینا بیت (highlighted) نظرات کاربران اینترنت درباره شیوه انتقام‌گیری نی که حتی از دادخواهی نیز موثرتر به نظر می‌رسد را منتشر کرد.
TASK DEFINITION: In this task, given a sentence in the English language, your task is to convert it into the Japanese language. PROBLEM: "I want the kind of meeting that holds him accountable for the words he's actually said.", Sheehan told Time magazine reporters. SOLUTION: 「私は、彼が実際に話した言葉に対して、彼に責任をとらせるような会合を望んでいる」とシーアンはタイム誌の記者に語った。 PROBLEM: "To understand what we are seeing will take more time, but the images and data will help develop a more complete understanding of how old the rings might be and how they are evolving," said Linda Spilker, Cassini deputy project scientist. SOLUTION: 「我々が目にしているものが何なのか理解するにはもっと時間がかかるが、映像とデータの助けにより、輪の年齢やどのように発生しているのかについて、完全な理解が構築できる」とカッシーニプロジェクトのリンダ・スピルカー副科学者は言う。 PROBLEM: The 2006 QANTAS New Zealand Television Awards were announced tonight (NZDT). SOLUTION:
Instructions: Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Input: When I purchased this cd I had already listened to some songs on it and I liked them very much, so I bought the cd thinking that those were going to be the only ones on the cd that were good BUT when I bought the cd I could not belive how good each and every song was on the cd. Now I am one that likes bands like Cradle of Filth, Children of Bodom, Blind Guardian, Dark Tranquility, Iced Earth, Helloween,Iron Maiden, and let me tell you this cd is one of the best Ive heard and if you like good metal with good melody in it then this is most deffinitely a must have in your collection cd!!!! Output:
TASK DEFINITION: Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. PROBLEM: A very good class would destroy you want to see a particular map . SOLUTION: A very good review would make you forget to rank a particular program . PROBLEM: You are nice to find a bank in a financial center . SOLUTION: You are likely to find a bank in a financial establishment . PROBLEM: You are likely to found a shark in outside . SOLUTION:
You are likely to find a shark in outside.
The Damascus public have been welcomed into the election candidate's private homes or to specially erected tents where voters have been enjoying food, drink and entertainment, particularly in the home of the wealthy candidate, Adnan Mullah, where dozens of supporters and friends have been invited to dinner every evening. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Adnan Mullah is a private man Pick your answer from: (I). Yes; (II). It's impossible to say; (III). No;
And education is my number one priority, because I think that it's the most important big major change that we can bring in our country. I agree with Governor Bush that we should have new accountability, testing of students. I think that we should require states to test all students, test schools and school districts, and I think that we should go further and require teacher testing for new teachers also. This person has a lot of of supporters. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Lost Cat<br>John got home from work one day to find his cat missing. He looked for him everywhere. Eventually he realized that his cat had escaped. He went outside and called for him. John's cat eventually came up running and they were reunited. John's cat is a tomcat OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say BOZEMAN, Mont. (AP) — Authorities say four people, including three children, were hospitalized after a gas explosion at a home in West Yellowstone. Shane Grube, chief of the Hebgen Basin Rural Fire District said firefighters were called to the mobile home Tuesday morning. He says the explosion caused a fireball that blew itself out. Two people suffered severe injuries and two were moderately injured. All of the victims were taken to a hospital in Rexburg, Idaho. The fire district is investigating with help from the state fire marshal’s office. No other details were released. An old man was hurt. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. according to that piranha mouth dyke i am a level <number> gook 🥴
Hate Speech
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. והאיש שעומד בקצה הבמה אינו מדונה.
And the person you see at the end of the stage is not Madonna.
Definition: In this task, you need to count the number of words in a sentence that contain the given letter Input: Sentence: 'a small chihuahua laying on top of a bed'. How many words contain the letter 'r' in the sentence. Output:
Q: Investing in medical savings account is good for healthy kids. Some of the healthy folks, healthy young kids say I'll never get sick, therefore I don't need health care right now. For those what I think we need to do is to develop an investment-type vehicle that would be an incentive for them to invest, like medical savings accounts with rollover capacity. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes We need the independence to make sure that the office will not interfere with the military structure whatsoever and that it will act as an ombudsman for people in the military structure, either family members in the military, the military personnel themselves or civilian members of the Canadian Armed Forces who are involved with the military. Independence is needed to insure that the military will complete it's project. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: Tom St. Clair is his friend. Context: She started , and he had an idea that she changed colour , although it was too dim to be sure .<br>`` Selwyn ! ''<br>she exclaimed , putting out her hands .<br>`` Why , Selwyn Grant !<br>Is it really you ?<br>Or are you such stuff as dreams are made of ?<br>I did not know you were here .<br>I did not know you were home . ''<br>He caught her hands and held them tightly , drawing her a little closer to him , forgetting that she was Tom St. Clair 's wife , remembering only that she was the woman to whom he had given all his love and life 's devotion , to the entire beggaring of his heart . OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: If the Master does go back across there to meet her I must tell him what I think about it . ''<br>Overhead in his room , Eric was walking about whistling .<br>Presently he came downstairs , thinking of the orchard , and the girl who would be waiting for him there .<br>As he crossed the little front entry he heard Mrs. Williamson 's voice calling to him .<br>`` Mr. Marshall , will you please come here a moment ? ''<br>He went out to the kitchen .<br>Mrs. Williamson looked at him deprecatingly .<br>There was a flush on her faded cheek and her voice trembled .<br>`` Mr. Marshall , I want to ask you a question . Hypothesis: Eric's second name is Marshall OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Yes Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No By Trend Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has arrived in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic as part of his two-day visit to Azerbaijan. The visit takes place at the official invitation of the authorities of the Nakhchivan Republic. Zarif on Thursday attended the Mid-Term Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), titled “Promoting international peace and security for sustainable development” in Baku. --- Follow us on Twitter @AzerNewsAz Sentence: Non-Aligned Movement is not aligned with anything Output: It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No After many arguments and entreaties he succeeded in persuading the king to give him two great oak trees for his very own .<br>` Now , ' said he to his sister , ' I will have the trees hollowed out , and then I will make rooms in them and furnish them so that I shall be able to live out in the forest . '<br>` Oh , Asmund ! '<br>exclaimed Signy , ` what a delightful idea !<br>Do let me come too , and live in one of your trees .<br>I will bring all my pretty things and ornaments , and the trees are so near home we shall be quite safe in them . ' Sentence: He intends on living in a tree. Output:
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. הנה דוגמה קטנה אבל מבהילה לאיך בדיוק אנחנו עושים את זה: הטבלה הזו מראה נתינה של חברות כאחוזים מהרווחים, לא הכנסות, במשך 30 השנים האחרונות.
Here's a small but startling example of exactly how we're doing that: this chart shows corporate giving as a percentage of profits, not revenues, over the last 30 years.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. Liz makes friends with Deirdre Barlow (Anne Kirkbride), whose daughter Tracy (Dawn Acton) is slightly younger than Steve and Andy. Liz and Jim split up after Jim punches Steve during an argument, moving into the flat above the pub. She begins a relationship with Des Barnes' (Philip Middlemiss) brother, Colin (Ian Embleton), but is not as invested in the relationship as _he_is. <sep>, Pronoun: he <sep>, A: Philip Middlemiss <sep>, B: Ian Embleton Output:
In this task, you are given a hateful post in Bengali that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group based on the protected characteristics such as race, religion, sex, and sexual orientation. You are expected to classify the post into two classes: political or non-political depending on the topic. One example: খানকির পুলা মালায়নদের মেরে সাফা করে ফেল Solution is here: political Explanation: Here it expresses hate against the government, hence tagged as political. Now, solve this: ভারতের উচিত এইসব অবৈধ রোহিঙ্গাদের খুঁজে দেশ থেকে দূর করে দেওয়া। দেখা যাচ্ছে এরা যেদেশে যাচ্ছে সেখানকার আইন শৃঙ্খলার অবনতি হচ্ছে। বাংলাদেশ মায়াম্মার আর ভারত এটা হাড়ে হাড়ে বুঝছে। Solution:
Petuvirus is a genus of viruses, in the family Caulimoviridae. Plants serve as natural hosts. There is currently only one species in this genus: the type species Petunia vein clearing virus. Diseases associated with this genus include: plants: chlorotic vein clearing, leaf malformation. Can we infer the following? petuvirus is a bacterium. Choices: I. Yes; II. It's impossible to say; III. No; The answer is:
Now, what happens is when you begin to get people covered like that -- for instance in diabetes, if you diagnose diabetes early, you could save $50 billion in the health care system of America by avoiding surgery and dialysis. It works. And I'm going to offer it to America. Some people with diabetes in America have surgery. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes San Francisco Giants' Nick Hundley, right, celebrates after making the game-winning hit against the San Diego Padres in the ninth inning of a baseball game Monday, April 30, 2018, in San Francisco. Hundley lined a two-run single off Padres closer Brad Hand with two outs in the ninth inning, lifting the Giants to a 6-5 win over San Diego. Ben Margot AP Photo The giants' invited hundley to play on their team because he was good. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Six people were killed and 10 injured on Tuesday in a gun battle between rival militiamen in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, witnesses and clan elders said. There were over two dozen injuries and deaths OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you're given the title of a five-sentence story, the first four sentences, and two options for the fifth sentence as a and b. Your job is to pick the sentence option that does not connect with the rest of the story, indicating your choice as 'a' or 'b'. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Title: Banana Pancakes. Sentence 1: Jack liked to cook his family breakfast. Sentence 2: He mashed some bananas into the pancake batter. Sentence 3: That step made them even more delicious! Sentence 4: He cooked it every Saturday morning. Choices: a. Finally, Jake turned on the weather, waiting for details. b. His family loved this tradition.
Q: In this task, you are given an input list A. You need to find all the elements of the list that are alphabets in the same order as they appear in the list A. Do not change their case/capitalization. ['1453', 'B', '4173', '771', '4311', '5825', '21', 'F', 'A', '397', '2103', 'e', '4253', '3911', 'N', '7003', '8519', '8083', '223', '8253', '5177', '6427', 'G', 'F'] A:
B, F, A, e, N, G, F
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Rolf Ekeus the Swedish diplomat who chairs the commission said that while Baghdad had been cooperative in helping his panel establish procedures for monitoring and verifying the weapons destruction it is unclear how the Iraqis will react once the system is in operation . Hypothesis: Rolf Ekeus has never visited Paris. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) is trying to reassure lawyers for the family of Jean Charles de Menezes that the inquiry is still on track. Hypothesis: The inquiry about Jean Charles de Menezes is still on track. Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: I've said it before, I say it again: I believe the president broke faith to the American people in the way that he took this nation to war. He said he would work through a real alliance. He said in Cincinnati we would plan carefully, we would take every precaution. Well, we didn't. And the result is our forces today are overextended. Hypothesis: Americans have met with bill Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Saturday innagurated Odisha’s largest and most modern 6MTPA integrated steel plant at Jindal Steel and Power Plant (JSPL) in Angul. During the inauguration Chairman Naveen Jindal and Savitri Jindal, Chairperson of O.P Jindal Group were present. However, the security arrangements had been tightened for the visit of the Chief Minister. Blast furnace is likely to be commissioned by next week. With the commissioning of the blast furnace, JSPL will become India’s fourth largest steelmaker after JSW, SAIL and Tata Steel. Hypothesis: The Jindal Steel and Power Plant is the largeset in India.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a text from tweets. Your task is to classify given tweet text into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. @sagefreehaven Currently I wait until the torrent finishes &gt;_&gt; Getting more hyped by the minute, though.
In this task, you are given a short passage that may convey stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. The passage is unrelated if it does not convey a stereotype or anti-stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into three classes: stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated. [EX Q]: Passage: The Iranian man left the room. Eleven comes before twelve. [EX A]: Unrelated [EX Q]: Passage: The people of vietnam have been enjoying cord. [EX A]: Unrelated [EX Q]: Passage: Ukrainian people are known for being artistic. [EX A]:
Read the following article and answer the question by choosing from the options. I have so many demons . I think I 'll start drawing my personifications . Just because it 's interesting . Plus I kinda want to see if I can properly capture what they look like in my head . What kind of demons may I be talking about ? Pick your answer from: (I). I am talking about imaginary demons . (II). I am talking about biblical demons . (III). I am talking about friendly demons . (IV). I am talking about demons in real life ....A:
Phillip Douglas Coke (born July 19, 1982) is an American professional baseball pitcher for the Orix Buffaloes of Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB). He previously played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers, Chicago Cubs, Toronto Blue Jays, and Pittsburgh Pirates. Phillip Douglas Coke has a p A: Yes How to have fun while you're walking your dog<br>Change up your route. Going somewhere new and different can make the walk more interesting for both you and your dog. Try driving out to a lake or walking to a park where you don't normally go. Dog owners can find walking their dogs to be routine. A: It's impossible to say Ash vs Evil Dead is an American horror comedy television series developed by Sam Raimi, Ivan Raimi, and Tom Spezialy for the Starz network. It is set in Raimi's "Evil Dead" universe, with Bruce Campbell reprising his role as Ash Williams, and acts as a sequel to the original trilogy. Ash vs Evil Dead was nominated for an emmy. A:
It's impossible to say
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: Yes. Two of them, my oldest is at the high school, the Dover High School, and then I have -- the next one is at the Weiglestown Elementary School. And my son is hearing-impaired, so he is charged with the education of Dover School District, meaning that they have to provide his education, but he actually attends classes at a hearing-impaired classroom. Hypothesis: Both schools can accommodate for special needs students.
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example: There are special coaching classes for Adivasi students Example solution: आदिवासी छात्रों के लिए विशेष कोचिंग क्लासेस हैं Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'There are special coaching classes for Adivasi students' which is the same as the output sentence. Problem: CSIR signs MoU with IORA: CSIR-CIMAP to host coordinating center on medicinal plants
Solution: सीएसआईआर ने आईओआरए के साथ सहमति ज्ञापन पर हस्ताक्षर किए : सीएसआईआर-सीआईएमएपी औषधीय वनस्पतियों पर समन्वय केंद्र चलाएंगे
Hurricane Trouble<br>Jenny drove outside a day after the hurricane. Each gas station was packed since everyone needed gas. Jenny tried to look for a gas station that wasn't packed. Since she looked for too long, her car ran out of gas. It shut down in the middle of the road. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Jenny was able to find someone to help her get gas Pick from: (I) Yes (II) It's impossible to say (III) No
Teacher:In this task, you are given a short passage that may convey stereotype, anti-stereotype, or is unrelated. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people. An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. The passage is unrelated if it does not convey a stereotype or anti-stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into three classes: stereotype, anti-stereotype, and unrelated. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Passage: Ecuador has the best beaches in South America. Some of the shop owners are very nice, however. Student:
In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Input: Consider Input: Comment: I know, right, she is such a bad person for what she has done. Output: Non-obscene Input: Consider Input: Comment: I'm more than tired of taylor swift and her ass Output: Obscene Input: Consider Input: Comment: sickening...
Output: Non-obscene
In this task, you are given a sentence containing a particular emotion. You must classify the sentence into one of the six emotions: 'joy', 'love', 'anger', 'fear', or 'surprise'. Q: i feel irritated and rejected without anyone doing anything or saying anything A:
Create a set of triples that describes the content in the following sentence. The Plough is a kid friendly pub located near the Café Rouge. Its price range is £20-25.
The Plough eatType pub The Plough priceRange £20-25 The Plough familyFriendly yes The Plough near Café Rouge
In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. [Q]: Aleppian artist Mohamad Alweis writes "Merry Christmas" with a snowflake made of mortar shells and missiles, subtly commenting on the 100 barrels that fell over Aleppo this past week: However, with darkness arises a flicker of hope and belief in a better tomorrow. [A]: انوار العیسی یک شیء تزیینی را به تصویر می‌کشد که در یک فریزر آویزان شده و آغشته به خون است که این خود گویای سرمای سختی است که سوری‌ها در آن کریسمس خود را می‌گذرانند. [Q]: At the same time, Western institutions have a number of reasons for fearing increasing Chinese investment and influence in Zambia, not least that it weakens their relative influence over the Government." [A]: بلاگر می‌گوید در ضمن نگرانی صندوق جهانی پول از توسعه روابط زامبیا با چین از این نیز ناشی می‌شود که غرب نفوذ خود را در زامبیا به تدریج به چین واگذار می‌کند [Q]: A memorial called the "Crying Eye" remembers the approximately 70,000 people that died due to armed conflict in Peru. [A]:
هیپاتیا داتر می‌نویسد که هفتاد هزار نفر قربانی جنگ داخلی در پرو و به خصوص در دهه هشتاد میلادی شدند.
In this task, you will be presented with a premise and a hypothesis sentence. Determine whether the hypothesis sentence entails (implies), contradicts (opposes), or is neutral with respect to the given premise sentence. Please answer with "Contradiction", "Neutral", or "Entailment". Let me give you an example: Premise: If you can dream it, you can achieve it — unless you're a goose trying to play a very human game of rugby. In the video above, one bold bird took a chance when it ran onto a rugby field mid-play. Things got dicey when it got into a tussle with another player, but it shook it off and kept right on running. After the play ended, the players escorted the feisty goose off the pitch. It was a risky move, but the crowd chanting its name was well worth it. Video credit: Storyful / Nathan Swarbrick @swazza1990 <sep> Hypothesis: The crowd believed they knew the name of the goose running on the field. The answer to this example can be: Entailment Here is why: This is a good example, the hypothesis sentence entails the given premise. Because the crowd was chanting its name, the crowd must have believed they knew the goose's name. OK. solve this: Premise: But we have several issues. One is that when we filed our motion to quash last week, quite honestly, we thought we did it in a timely fashion because we filed it only after we were served with the subpoena. Your Honor summarily dismissed that motion to quash, so, in effect, if my reporters were to be called upon to testify today by the plaintiffs, they're undressed. <sep> Hypothesis: The speaker has issues other than the motion to quash. Answer:
Can we draw the following hypothesis from the context? Context: We note with regret the death of Mr. George Edward Taylor, age 73 of McEwen, who will have visitation today from 10 until service time at 2 at the Luff-Bowen Funeral Home in McEwen. Reverend David Deavers will officiate the services. Burial will follow in the McEwen Cemetery. Hypothesis: Burial usually follows a visitation.
Problem: A biker is critically ill in hospital after colliding with a lamppost in Pete The incident happened at 1.50pm yesterday in Thorpe Road. The 23-year-old was riding a Lexmoto Arrow 125 when, for an unknown reason, he left the road and collided with a lamppost. He was taken to James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, where he remains in a critical condition. Any witnesses to the collision are asked to call Durham Police on 101, quoting incident number 288 of July 9. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "A biker is critically ill in hospital after colliding with a tall lamppost"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Problem: The discovery of the body of a warrior - thought to have died in battle more than 2,000 years ago - could help archaeologists to pinpoint the site of an ancient holy site. The young warrior, aged about 30, with his spear, a sword, his belt and scabbard, stunned archaeologists who found his stone coffin. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The ancient warrior lived a long life"? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Problem: O'Donnell Heights is a neighborhood named for a public housing development in the far southeastern part of the city of Baltimore, Maryland, United States. It is located south and east of Interstate 95, just west of the border with Baltimore County, and north of the St. Helena neighborhood. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "O'Donnell Heights is set to be demolished and replaced with newer housing."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Erik Skoglund (born 24 May 1991) is a Swedish professional boxer. He currently holds the WBA International light heavyweight title. As of December 2016, he is ranked #12 in the world at light heavyweight. He previously held the IBO International light heavyweight title, the IBF Inter-Continental Light Heavyweight title, and the EBU-EU light heavyweight title which he defended three times. Hypothesis: As of the fourth month of December 2016 Erik Skoglund ranked #12 in the world at light heavyweight. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Internet Provider Security (IPS) tags are used by domain registrar to administer a domain name registration service and related Domain Name System (DNS) services. An IPS tag is the label that applies to each registrar that registers domains in the country-code top level domain "uk" and is required to transfer domain names from one registrar to another. Hypothesis: This text talks about a country-code domain that contains the letter after T Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: The Real Estate Pros are focused on providing you with the best results and service in the industry. They listen carefully to understand your real estate goals and work hard to create solutions that make sense for you. They have extensive knowledge of the Rock Springs, WY area and can help you find the right home for you or the right buyer for your home. Related Hypothesis: The real estate pros work every day Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: How to spot hail damage<br>Search for damage on the metal. Check metal roof vents, flashing or metal valleys on the roof to see if there are any dents. Soft metal will show dents, and also indicate the size of the hail. Hypothesis: You should check the metal roof vents first.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: Whenever You Need Somebody is the debut studio album by British recording artist Rick Astley released on 16 November 1987 on RCA Records. It is his best-selling album and, according to his own official website, sold 15.2 million copies worldwide. The album is listed as the #136 best-selling album in Spain, and was the #7 best-selling album in the UK in 1987. Hypothesis: The album sold millions of copies in Canada.
Teacher:In this task, you are given a text from tweets. Your task is to classify given tweet text into two categories: 1) positive, and 2) negative based on its content. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: pra quem curte #papertoys : [Link] download for you! Student:
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a text, a pronoun from the text, and two candidate names. You should determine what the pronoun refers to and classify the answers into A, B, or Neither. A and B here are referring to option A and option B. Position of the pronoun in the text is showed within two "_"s. Input: However, Markbreit became confused by the similar design of both sides of the coin: one side had two helmets and the other side showed two players holding helmets. Thus, he incorrectly thought ``heads'' had landed. When Markbreit became confused, NBC Sports play-by-play announcer Dick Enberg ordered his producer to cut off the microphones surrounding midfield and pull away from the tight shot involving Markbreit, Kuechenburg and Redskins quarterback Joe Theismann. After a short discussion with _his_ head linesman, Dale Hamer, Markbreit corrected his mistake before the kickoff. <sep>, Pronoun: his <sep>, A: Markbreit <sep>, B: Joe Theismann Output:
Part 1. Definition In this task you will be given a list of integers. For every element in the list, if the element is even you should divide by two, if the element is odd you should multiply by three then add one. The output should be a list of integers that is the result of applying that logic to the input list. Part 2. Example [7, 9, 2, 8] Answer: [22, 28, 1, 4] Explanation: The odd numbers, seven and nine, were multiplied by three and added one. The even numbers, two and eight, were divided by two. So this is a good example. Part 3. Exercise [162, 140, 58, 88, 97, 167, 138] Answer:
[81, 70, 29, 44, 292, 502, 69]
How to purchase a gas station<br>Study the traffic flow. When you first get the idea to buy a gas station, you need to become familiar with the location. Drive around the neighborhood. study the traffic flow at the bus station OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No input hypothesis: Even though the storm surge was both stronger and earlier than expected, nothing was found through waterways northeast of the city. Context: Still, the storm surge was both stronger and earlier than expected, apparently coming through waterways southeast of the city, said Col. Richard Wagenaar, the Army Corps of Engineers' district chief in New Orleans. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: It's impossible to say Context: The Anubis Shrine was part of the grave gods of Tutankhamun (18th Dynasty, New Kingdom). The tomb (KV62) was discovered almost intact on 4 November 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in west Thebes by Howard Carter. Today the object, with the find number 261, is an exhibit at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, with the inventory number JE 61444. Hypothesis: Anubis was Tut's favorite god. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No It's impossible to say Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to call vietnam<br>Dial your country's exit code. When you want to call someone in vietnam and you're in a different country, the first thing you'll need to do is dial your country's exit code in order to get the call out of your country. These vary from country to country but many are 0-0 or 0-1-1. Sentence: Call to vietnam from Argetina always start with 0-0-1-1. Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Clayton Scrivner (born November 15, 1976 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) was the drummer for the Salt Lake City band The Rodeo Boys. Formerly he played drums in the Las Vegas band Chapter Eleven with Rodney E. Pardey. Also in Las Vegas, in the early 1990s, Scrivner played in Captain Go with his brother Lee Scrivner, and with Marty Crandall formerly of The Shins. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Scrivner is considering a change in genre. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Hello & Goodbye is the tenth and final studio album by the Christian pop group Jump5. The album includes a cover of the Beatles song "Hello Goodbye" which former Jump5 member Libby Hodges performs guest vocals on, a re-recorded version of "Throw Your Hands Up," and a recording of the Star Spangled Banner. It was in heavy rotation on Radio Disney. Jump5 recorded a song called Throw Your Hands Up. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to determine if the two sentences clearly agree/disagree with each other, or if this can't be determined. Indicate your answer as yes or no respectively. Q: Sentence 1: Its immense columns (the top of each one could accommodate 50 standing children) recreate the papyrus forests of the sacred island from which all life sprang (also representing the landscape of Lower Egypt), and they were highly decorated and brilliantly painted in their heyday. Sentence 2: There are papyrus forests on the ancient island. A:
You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. Example Input: כי נדמה לנו שכיוון שאנחנו קצת עייפים ממעשינו, עייפים מעט, אנחנו סובלים. Example Output: Because we think that because we are kind of tired of what we do, a little bit tired, we do suffer. Example Input: התרחבות עולמית? Example Output: Expanding globally? Example Input: נותר לנו רבות ללמוד על הגחליליות, אך נראה כי סיפורים רבים יוותרו סתומים, מכיוון שברחבי העולם, אוכלוסיית הגחליליות נעלמת בהבהוב. Example Output:
We still have a lot to learn about fireflies, but it looks like many stories will remain untold, because around the world, firefly populations are blinking out.
Party Down!<br>Jim's parents were going out of town for the weekend. He decided to throw a "small" party and invited several friends. On the night of the party, many more people showed up than expected. Jim couldn't control the crowds and the house got trashed. Jim's parents grounded him for six months. Based on that paragraph can we conclude that this sentence is true? Jim's parents grounded him for less than five months. Options: -Yes; -It's impossible to say; -No;
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into English. Ex Input: Pierwsza grupa słuchała tradycyjnych wykładów. Ex Output: The first is the population that studied in a lecture-based classroom. Ex Input: Rozpocznę od tego. Gdy mama jest smutna, wszyscy się smucą. Ex Output: And I'm going to start with this one: If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Ex Input: Mogliśmy pokazać neuromarketing, przedstawiliśmy, jak używa się rezonansu magnetycznego do obrazowania ośrodków pragnień w naszych mózgach, do użytku w reklamach telewizyjnych i marketingu filmowym. Ex Output:
They enabled us to tell the story about neuromarketing, as we got into telling the story in this film about how now they're using MRI's to target the desire centers of your brain for both commercials as well as movie marketing.
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: Salvadoran reporter Mauricio Pineda, a sound technician for the local Canal Doce television station, was shot to death today in Morazan Department in the eastern part of the country. Hypothesis: Salvadoran reporter Mauricio Pineda survived a shooting today.
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. Cando teñas dúbidas, "" non o soltes "".
When you feel doubt, don't let it go.
Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to win your ex boyfriend back (for teen girls )<br>Try to think of reasons why you broke up. Maybe you're too clingy? Maybe you're demanding? You should have a talk with him and discuss these problems. If you did something bad, just, it will help the friendship. Sentence: Teen girls like chocolate. Output: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Christmas gift<br>I saved some of my Halloween candy to give my sister for Christmas. It was very hard for me to restrain myself. Eventually, I could not hold back. I ate the candy, and filled the wrappers with toilet paper for bulk. My sister was excited at first, then cried when she saw what I did. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Halloween candy has a z **** Answer: No [Q]: Art Critic<br>Allen walked through the art gallery with a focused eye. Every now and then he would stop and criticize a painting. He would disparage every work as boring, dull, and unoriginal. Everyone at the gallery felt Allen was harsh and unkind. When he left, the gallery patrons were relieved. Allen walked quickly through the art gallery. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say Problem: SEOUL, July 25 South Korea's CLIO Cosmetics applied for preliminary exchange approval for an initial public offering (IPO), Korea Exchange said on Monday. The filing came after an investment arm of French luxury goods giant LVMH said on Friday it took a minority stake in the cosmetics firm, the latest bet by global investors on booming demand for Korean beauty products in major markets such as China. (Reporting by Hyunjoo Jin; Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips) Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Korean cosmetic products are gaining popularity in China."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: It needs approval from the canadian house of commons The land claims agreement must still be approved by the Canadian House of Commons , but has already passed through the House of Assembly of Newfoundland and Labrador. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: Frances has made a list of people to give money to. Video Frances and Patrick Connolly say they are 'overwhelmed' with their £115 win. "This is a massive sum of money and we want it to have a huge impact on the lives of other people we know and love as well as on our future too." Frances said the most important thing they have done since their win is make a list of people they want to give the money to. "It's going to be so much fun giving it away," she said. "The pleasure for me is going to be seeing people's faces." OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
In this task you will be given a list of integers. For every element in the list, if the element is even you should divide by two, if the element is odd you should multiply by three then add one. The output should be a list of integers that is the result of applying that logic to the input list. Q: [93, 6, 183, 72, 111, 25, 184, 186, 60] A:
[280, 3, 550, 36, 334, 76, 92, 93, 30]
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to report immigration marriage fraud<br>Contact the united states immigration and customs enforcement division. If your spouse got married to evade u.s. immigration law, he is guilty of marriage fraud and can be deported. [substeps] Call the hotline at 1-866-347-2423 to report suspected marriage fraud. OPT: a. Yes; b. It's impossible to say; c. No; Hypothesis: marriage fraud has a x
Russians in Hong Kong form one of the territory's smaller groups of expatriates and a minor portion of the worldwide Russian diaspora. Many Russians from China passed through Hong Kong in the 1950s through 1970s on their way to resettlement in Australia, Brazil, and Canada. Russians remained in Hong Kong during the diaspora. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say In an effort to boost Uganda's economy, the government has been investing in the agricultural sector by helping farmers afford the farm inputs they need with vouchers and money subsidies. However, the current system often proves to be obsolete, resulting in farmers losing money or using the money for personal purposes or renouncing altogether to the subsidy when faced with the confusing voucher application process. Evelyn Namara, Founder and CEO of Vouch Digital joins CNBC Africa for more. Advertisement Vouch Digital is headquartered in Uganda. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say The Throw<br>Jimmy was a good quarterback. He threw a 50 yard touchdown pass in the playoffs. Everyone talked about how amazing it was. He was so famous for that one throw. No one could remember what else he had done. The team he was on when he did this was a high school one OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
Detailed Instructions: This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. Problem:And just like them old stars Solution:
Y al igual que las antiguas estrellas
Instructions: In this task you will be given an answer to a question. You need to generate a question. The answer given should be a correct answer for the generated question. Input: Built by King Henry VIII on the site of a leper hospital dedicated to Saint James the Less, the palace was secondary in importance to the Palace of Whitehall for most Tudor and Stuart monarchs. The palace increased in importance during the reigns of the early Georgian monarchy, but was displaced by Buckingham Palace in the late-18th and early-19th centuries. After decades of being used increasingly for only formal occasions, the move was formalised by Queen Victoria in 1837. Today the palace houses a number of official offices, societies and collections and all ambassadors and high commissioners to the United Kingdom are still accredited to the Court of St James's. Output:
where did the royal family live before buckingham palace
Q: You are given a conversation between two people. 'Person1:' and 'Person2:' are used to separate their respective dialogues. If the conversation begins with a question, label it '1' otherwise '0'. Person1: Could I meet with you to discuss the project ? Person2: Good idea . We could meet on Monday or Tuesday . Which day would you prefer ? Person1: Tuesday would be good for me . Person2: OK . Do you think we should meet in the morning or in the afternoon ? Person1: I think the afternoon would be best . Person2: That will work out . I will e-mail the exact time tomorrow . I need you to bring your plans with you . Person1: Yes , I will bring my plans with me to the meeting . Person2: Should we invite the whole committee or should we just have the sub-committee there ? Person1: I feel that the whole committee needs to be there . Person2: Yes , I agree . We'll make sure that they get notified . Can you find the meeting place ? Person1: Yes , I know how to get there on my own . Person2: Great ! We will send you all the details later . Looking forward to meeting with you ! A:
Problem: A company investigation turned up metal in roughly 200 pills of the 70 million it passed through a metal detector, according to the FDA. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "the agent is aged more than 0."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: Trump told the widow on the phone she was fabricating a story. ADDS TRUMP'S RESPONSE TO REP. WILSON - In this Tuesday, Oct. 17, 2017, frame from video, Myeshia Johnson cries over the casket of her husband, Sgt. La David Johnson, who was killed in an ambush in Niger, upon his body's arrival in Miami. President Donald Trump told the widow that her husband "knew what he signed up for," according to Rep. Frederica Wilson, who said she heard part of the conversation on speakerphone. In a Wednesday morning tweet, Trump said Wilson's description of the call was "fabricated." (WPLG via AP) OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No Making the Team<br>Tanner loved playing baseball. He worked hard on his hitting abilities. Tanner wondered if he was good enough to make the highschool team. He attended tryouts. Tanner was the most excited boy in school when he made the team! Tanner never liked baseball. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: No input hypothesis: Volunteers are testing for contamination around a coral reef which doesn't affect the coral reef Context: Trained volunteers are collecting baseline data on water quality, and testing for selected suspected contaminants of the coral reef. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: No Context: Have your say A road traffic collision is causing delays near Sheffield city centre this afternoon. The collision happened in Bridgehouses at Kelham Island and is causing traffic to be backed up along Penistone Road. Transport operator Stagecoach Yorkshire said at 1.30pm there are delays to services which are being diverted along Hoyle Street, Meadow Street and Scotland Street between Shalesmoor and West Bar. Hypothesis: Sheffield does not have a centre. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Problem: When your counsel asks you the question, you may review the article, take a look at it, see if it refreshes your recollection. It's important that having refreshed your recollection, if it jogs something or re-creates a memory, that you testify in answer to Mr. Harvey's question. Do not look back and read from the article as you're testifying, please. All right? Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "answering to Mr. Harvey's question do not need to read from the article as you're testifying."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
This task is about translating a given English language sentence to Spanish. These so called "Counter-Terrorism Measures" of course had nothing to do with social protection and everything to do with preserving the establishment amongst the growing anti-American sentiment both domestically and internationally which is legitimately founded on the greed based corporate empire expansion that is exploiting the world.
Por supuesto, las llamadas "medidas anti-terroristas" no tienen nada que ver con protección social, y mucho que ver con preservar el sistema establecido en mitad del creciente sentimiento anti-americano tanto nacional como internacionalmente, que está legítimamente fundado en la expansión codiciosa del imperio corporativo que está explotando el mundo.
In this task, you are given an input list A. You need to find all the elements of the list that are alphabets in the same order as they appear in the list A. Do not change their case/capitalization. Example input: ['238', 'h', '92', 'U', '2799'] Example output: h, U Example explanation: Here, the alphabetical elements in the input list in order are 'h' and 'U'. Q: ['X', 'T', '2323', '6779', '2271', '2539', 't', '8611', '573', 'Q', '6621', '9667', '9965'] A:
X, T, t, Q
Detailed Instructions: You are given a statement written in Kannada. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . Problem:Statement: ದರ್ಬಂಗ ಅಂದಾಜು 3 ಲಕ್ಷ ಜನಸಂಖ್ಯೆವುಳ್ಳ ಒಂದು ಪಟ್ಟಣ. ದರ್ಬಂಗ ಹೆಸರನ್ನು ದರ್ (ದ್ವಾರ್) + ಬಂಗಾ ಎಂದು ಹೆಸರಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ, ಅದರರ್ಥ ಮುರಿದ+ಹೊರಬಾಗಿಲುಗಳು; ಊಹಿಸಿದೇನೆಂದರೆ ಕಿಲವಿನ (ಕಿಲಗಾಟ್'ನಲ್ಲಿ ಇರಬಹುದು) ಹೊರಬಾಗಿಲುಗಲು 1326 ADಯಲ್ಲಿ ಮುರಿಯಲ್ಪಟ್ಟಿತು (ಫಿರಂಗಿಗಳಿಂದ ಅಥವಾ ಆಣೆಗಳಿಂದ) ಯಾವಾಗ ತುಗ್ಲಕ್ ಸೇನಾಪಡೆಗಳು ಕೊನೆಯ ಸ್ವಯಂಆಡಳಿತದ ಉತ್ತರ ಭಾರತದ ಹಿಂದು ರಾಜ ಹರಿಸಿಂಗದೇವನನ್ನು (<MASK>ದಿಂದ ಕರ್ನಾಟ ಚಾಲುಕ್ಯ ರಾಜವಂಶದವನು) ಆಕ್ರಮಿಸಿದಾಗ, ಅವನು ಉತ್ತರ ಬಿಹಾರ್ ಹಾಗು ನೇಪಾಲದ ಬಹುಭಾಗದ ಮೇಲೆ ಆಡಳಿತ ನಡೆಸಿದನು. ಹರಿಸಿಂಗದೇವ ರಾಜಧಾನಿಯು ಹಿಮಾಲಯದ ತಪ್ಪಲಗುಡ್ಡಗಳ ಸಮೀಪದಲ್ಲಿ ನೆಲೆಯಾಗಿದೆ ಎಂದು ಚರಿತ್ರಕಾರರು ಊಹಿಸುತ್ತಾರೆ, ದರ್ಬಂಗದಲ್ಲಿರುವ ಹರಾಹಿ ಕುಂಟೆಯು ಹರಿಸಿಂಗದೇವನ ಮೇಲೆ ಹೆಸರಿಡಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಗಂಗಾಸಾಗರ್ ಕುಂಟೆಯು ಅದರ ಪೂರ್ವಿಕ ಗಂಗಾದೇವನ ಮೇಲೆ ಹೆಸರಿಡಲಾಗಿದೆ, ಅವನು ರಾಜವಂಶದ ಸ್ಥಾಪಕನಾದ ನಾನ್ಯದೇವನ, ಮಗನಾಗಿದ್ದನು; ನಾನ್ಯದೇವ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ್'ನ ಚಾಲುಕ್ಯ ರಾಜ ವಿಕ್ರಮಾದಿತ್ಯ-VIರ ಪಾಳೆಯಗಾರನಾಗಿದ್ದನು ಯಾರು 11ನೇ ಶತಮಾನದ ಅಂತ್ಯದಲ್ಲಿ ಉತ್ತರ ಭಾರತವನ್ನು ಅನುವಾಗಿ ದಾಳಿಮಾಡಿದನು. Option A: ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ Option B: ಬಿಹಾರ್ Option C: ಭಾರತ Option D: ಭಾರತವನ್ನು Solution:
In this task, you are given a sentence containing a particular emotion. You must classify the sentence into one of the six emotions: 'joy', 'love', 'anger', 'fear', or 'surprise'. Let me give you an example: i am ever feeling nostalgic about the fireplace i will know that it is still on the property The answer to this example can be: love Here is why: The word "nostalgic" could either indicate "love" or "sadness", but the fact that it is still on the property eliminates "love". OK. solve this: i had a hard time focusing on my life and walked around feeling dazed and confused Answer:
Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Example Input: I think AFX's take on "Run the Place Red" is incredibly fun -- it makes me want to jump and shimmy each time I hear it. Now, I'm not a huge fan of ragga, but ragga-jungle-drill 'n' bass? I think it's a genius combination, one that only the demented mind of Mr. James could discover. You can barely understand the vocals beneath the percussion -- they're more flavor than anything else. As for the two noise tracks, they're rather interesting the first time around (not to mention intense on the squeals), but I don't think they stand up to repeated listens. Mostly because I don't want to go deaf. Example Output: Positive Example Input: My 6-year old and 5-year old both really enjoy this game. Has lots to do with several different animals to prepare for the parade. You get to design a float and it just endless fun! Graphics and animation are very colorful and cute. It's a winner! Example Output: Positive Example Input: Celtic music has always been one of my favorite genres of music. After listening to Enam's first CD for years, I finally was able to listen to his second CD and was moved. His sophisticated touch to his songs have risen to another level and was taken by surprise. Compared to his first CD, his music has become more "emotional" and deep to the point that it reaches the heart. The varieties of instruments have not changed and the soundscape of his work is simply moving. Example Output:
Q: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Gujarati language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. 130 કરોડ દેશવાસીઓના હ્રદયમાં મહાત્મા ગાંધીના સપનાંઓને અનૂરૂપ, દેશની આઝાદીના દિવાનાઓના સપનાંને અનુરૂપ, આઝાદીના 5 વર્ષ અને ગાંધીના 150, આ પર્વને આપણી પ્રેરણાનો મહાન અવસર બનાવીને આપણે આગળ વધવાનું છે. A:
The CDS System is a very important and compelling task in our dream to reform the strategic pace of Hindustan in the world.
Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. This would have been a very short book if all of the racism and sexuality were to be removed. I read it for an Appalachian Literature class, and I felt this book was so racey that I couldn't enjoy reading it. The vulgarity in it is also not necessary, and I feel that it should not be called literature because of this. Negative very interesting book. was one of those you do not want to put down. it gave a different perspective of the happenings of the manson family. however, one must keep in mind it was recorded from what charles manson believed happened. great book. Positive The first time I tried to read Foundation, I was six years old, and it was simply too complex for my developing mind. Just a few months ago, however, I was cleaning out my attic and came across the same old book. To ascertain it's actual nature as interpreted by the adult mind, I read it again. I was amazed not only by the sheer brillance and ingenuity of the ideas contained within it, not only by the grandiose size of the subject matter, but mostly by the writing, which I regarded as absolutely horrid. The plot is clunky, the conversations roll off the tongue like sandpaper covered in peanut butter, and the descriptions could have been written better by some obscure species of mosquito. As a book, it could be improved by changing the title from "Foundation" to "How Not to Write a Book" or "Please Steal These Ideas and Rewrite Them in English." I highly reccomend it to people for use as a very expensive and ineffective paperweight.
[Q]: How to take care of moss roses<br>Find out if moss roses are right for you. Moss roses are well-known for their combination of beauty and durability. They suit most climates well, and amply reward their caretakers with amazing blooms. Moss roses are blue. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No [A]: It's impossible to say Problem: How to find normal force<br>Understand what normal force refers to. Normal force refers to the amount of force use to counteract the force of gravity. [substeps] Imagine a block sitting on a table. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "The normal force is related to the force of gravity."? OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes Q: Lead, tin, cadmium, and zinc are the most dangerous metals when making thermite. How to make thermite<br>Select your site carefully. Make sure there is nothing that can burn within four meter radius of the reaction. Check that metals with low melting points, such as lead, tin, cadmium, or zinc, aren't near your four meter radius. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: It's impossible to say Just when we thought Pharrell Williams couldn’t get any cooler, he becomes the first guy to star in Chanel ’s upcoming handbag campaign. Williams has already appeared in a short video by Karl Lagerfeld and even walked the Chanel runway, and now he’s modelling the Gabrielle bag from the fashion house’s spring collection. Set to join Kristen Stewart, Caroline de Maigret and Cara Delevingne in the campaign - with Lagerfeld taking on the role of photographer - Williams star turn is set to debut on Monday 3 April. Pharrell Williams had previous experience on the catwalk. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes input hypothesis: Anna was not always married Context: Brand<br>Anna had always eaten brand name cereal. When she married and had kids, though, her budget tightened. She decided to sample the store brands. To her surprise, they tasted great! Anna started buying nothing but store brands. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes input hypothesis: ruben is a pieces. Context: Ruben Schaken (] ; born 3 April 1982) is a Dutch professional footballer who last played as a right winger for ADO Den Haag in the Dutch Eredivisie. He also represented the Netherlands national team on seven occasions between 2012 and 2013, scoring two goals in the process. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false:
It's impossible to say
In this task you are expected to provide an SQL statement from an english description of what that SQL statement does. The description may include multiple steps but you should only ouput one SQL statement that accomplishes every step. An SQL query works by selecting data from a table where certain conditions apply. A table contains columns where every row in that table must have a value for each column. Every table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each row, usually an id. To choose which columns are returned you specify that after the "SELECT" statement. Next, you use a "FROM" statement to specify what tables you want to select the data from. When you specify a table you can rename it with the "AS" statement. You can reference that table by whatever name follows the "AS" statement. If you want to select data from multiple tables you need to use the "JOIN" statement. This will join the tables together by pairing a row in one table with every row in the other table (Cartesian Product). To limit the number of rows returned you should use the "ON" statement. This will only return rows where the condition specified after the statement is true, this is usually an equals operator with primary keys. You can also use the "WHERE" statement to specify that only rows with column values statisfying a certain condition, should be returned. The "GROUP BY" statement will group rows together that have equal column values for whatever columns follows the statement. The "HAVING" statement will return groups that statisfy whatever condition follows the statement. Any column(s) being returned from grouped rows must either be an aggregate function, (AVG, MAX, COUNT, SUM, ...) of a column, or the column(s) that the data was grouped by. To sort the returned data you can use the "ORDER BY" command which will order the data by whatever aggregate function or column follows the statement. The "DESC" statement will sort in descending order and the "ASC" statement will sort in ascending order. Finally, you can use the "LIMIT" statement to return a certain number of rows. When "*" is used in an SQL statement every column is returned. For example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE attribute = 1, will select every column from rows with the attribute column equal to 1. Q: Step 1: For each row in management table, find corresponding rows in department table and in head table. Step 2: find Name, born_state, Num_Employees of the results of step 1 ordered ascending by age A:
SELECT T1.Name , T2.born_state , T1.Num_Employees FROM department AS T1 JOIN head AS T2 JOIN management AS T3 ON T1.Department_ID = T3.department_ID AND T3.head_ID = T2.head_ID ORDER BY T2.age Asc
Generate a context and a hypothesis.
Context: That might not sound bad to the Minister of Finance or to the Minister of Health, Mr. Speaker, but if your mother or your aunt or one of your family had to spend the next nine, ten or twelve months of their lives not being able to pour a cup of tea for themselves or not being able to walk across the kitchen, you would have to say that there is something seriously wrong with the Canadian health care system. Hypothesis: There's nothing wrong with the Canadian health care system.
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into English. -------- Question: A medida que poño a luz, penso como se vería na vida real, en balance co que precisamos artisticamente e para a historia. Answer: As I place a light, I think about what it might look like in real life, but balance that out with what we need artistically and for the story. Question: A poucos metros diante de nós, había un lugar onde unha árbore caera da ribeira, as súas pólas estaban tocando a auga e era sombrío. Answer: And a few meters ahead of us, there was a place where a tree had fallen out of the bank, and its branches were touching the water, and it was shadowy. Question: Con isto, empezo a revelar o mecanismo neural oculto polo que nos comunicamos. Answer:
In this, I start to reveal the hidden neural mechanism by which we communicate.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a question and a context passage. You have to answer the question based on the given passage. Shell was lowering its involvement in?, Context: In April 2010, Shell announced its intention to divest from downstream business of all African countries except South Africa and Egypt to Vitol and "Helios". In several countries such as Tunisia, protests and strikes broke out. Shell denied rumours of the sellout. Shell continues however upstream activities/extracting crude oil in the oil-rich Niger Delta as well as downstream/commercial activities in South Africa. In June 2013, the company announced a strategic review of its operations in Nigeria, hinting that assets could be divested. In August 2014, the company disclosed it was in the process of finalizing the sale of its interests in four Nigerian oil fields.
African countries
TASK DEFINITION: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Hindi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. PROBLEM: ST:02 Contested Party SOLUTION: अनुसूचित जनजाति 02 PROBLEM: 11 April 2019 SOLUTION: 11 अप्रैल 2019 PROBLEM: PRINCIPAL SECRETARY SOLUTION:
प्रधान सचिव
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. wishing the happiest birthday to my favorite crackhead <user> love u bitch Output:
Instructions: You are given a sentence in Arabic. Your job is to translate the Arabic sentence into English. Input: و السبب وراء ذالك هو أنهما لم يستطيعا التكلم بينهما. Output:
And the reason is that they're not able to communicate.
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Problem:If you want to skim the Index then you should get some citations . Solution:
If you want to fight the enemy then you should get some horns .