stringlengths 26
| response
stringlengths 0
Detailed Instructions: You are given a list of integers and an integer target, return a list of a pair of numbers in any order such that they add up to target. If there is no such pair of numbers, then return an empty list
Q: [12, 25, 42, 28, 41, 20, 2, 22, 27, 33, 24, 9, 35, 47, 32, 39, 45, 36, 14, 31], target=53
A: | [25, 28] |
Given two noun phrases (arguments) and relationship between them, form a sentence that expresses theses arguments with the given relationship.
Q: Relationship: 'speak', Argument/Subject 1: 'australian', Argument/Subject 2: 'english'
A: | The owner spoke English with a Australian accent . |
You need to answer the question 'Are the given steps in order?', given a set of steps describing a process. Your answer must be either Yes or No. If the answer is No, that means the steps are out of order and do not make sense in the order they are in. If the answer is Yes, that means the steps are in order and make sense in the order that they are in. A set of steps are not in order if the steps reference information that is introduced in a later step
Example: ['The seeds are dispersed by wind, animals, etc', 'The seeds reach the ground', 'Grow into new trees', 'The process repeats itself over and over', 'A tree produces seeds', 'These new trees produce seeds']
Example solution: No
Example explanation: These steps are not in order. The first step in this sequence is 'The seeds are dispersed by wind, animals, etc' but the step introducing the seed 'A tree produces seeds' is after the steps referencing the seeds. Therefore, the answer is No
Problem: ['You breathe oxygen into your body through the nose or mouth', 'The oxygen travels to the lungs through the windpipe', 'The air sacs in the lungs send the oxygen into the blood stream', 'The carbon dioxide in the blood stream is transferred to the air sacs', 'The lungs expel through the nose or mouth back into the environment.']
| Solution: Yes |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you are given a passage in Bulgarian as the input content. You are expected to generate a suitable title for the passage which accurately summarizes the contents of the passage. The input is provided in the form of a long passage comprising of multiple sentences. The output should be restricted to a maximum of 20 words which describe the passage and its contents. The output can include words from the passage.
Problem:Content:Държавният глава на Руската федерация Владимир Путин определи като „обстоятелствени и резултатни“ преговорите, които проведе във вторник в Москва с иранския си колега Хасан Роухани, предава информационната агенция TACC. Двамата президенти осбъдиха широк кръг от теми, засягащи актуалните международни събития и се фокусираха върху перспективите за разширяване на търговско-икономическите и инвестиционни връзки между Москва и Техеран, преди всичко в сферата на енергетиката и развитието на транспортната инфраструктура.След срещата между Русия и Иран бяха подписани общо 16 съвместни документи за сътрудничество в различни сфери, включително по линия на „Газпром“. „Отношенията между Русия и Ирак имат наистина приятелски, уважителен характер“, подчерта Путин.На свой ред Роухани с удовлетворение отбеляза, че „ние се намираме на нов етап в отношенията“. Една от основните теми на преговорите между двамата лидери бе и тази за борбата срещу тероризма във всичките му форми и проявления. „Особено внимание бе отделено на въпроса за създаването на широка международна коалиция за борба с тероризма, която ще действа на база международното право и преди всичко Устава на ООН, ще уважава суверенитета на държавите, пряко засегнати от терористичните атаки, без двойни стандарти“, се казва в изявление, публикувано след срещата между Путин и Роухани.
In this task you are expected to fix an SQL query based on feedback. You will be given an SQL statement and an English description with what is wrong about that SQL statement. You must correct the SQL statement based off of the feedback. An SQL query works by selecting data from a table where certain conditions apply. A table contains columns where every row in that table must have a value for each column. Every table has a primary key that uniquely identifies each row, usually an id. To choose which columns are returned you specify that after the "SELECT" statement. Next, you use a "FROM" statement to specify what tables you want to select the data from. When you specify a table you can rename it with the "AS" statement. You can reference that table by whatever name follows the "AS" statement. If you want to select data from multiple tables you need to use the "JOIN" statement. This will join the tables together by pairing a row in one table with every row in the other table (Cartesian Product). To limit the number of rows returned you should use the "ON" statement. This will only return rows where the condition specified after the statement is true, this is usually an equals operator with primary keys. You can also use the "WHERE" statement to specify that only rows with column values statisfying a certain condition, should be returned. The "GROUP BY" statement will group rows together that have equal column values for whatever columns follows the statement. The "HAVING" statement will return groups that statisfy whatever condition follows the statement. Any column(s) being returned from grouped rows must either be an aggregate function, (AVG, MAX, COUNT, SUM, ...) of a column, or the column(s) that the data was grouped by. To sort the returned data you can use the "ORDER BY" command which will order the data by whatever aggregate function or column follows the statement. The "DESC" statement will sort in descending order and the "ASC" statement will sort in ascending order. Finally, you can use the "LIMIT" statement to return a certain number of rows. When "*" is used in an SQL statement every column is returned. For example, SELECT * FROM table WHERE attribute = 1, will select every column from rows with the attribute column equal to 1.
One example: SQL: SELECT avg ( Area ) , max ( Capacity ) FROM stadium
Feedback: Swap the average of "Area" with the average of "Capacity"
Solution is here: SELECT avg(capacity) , max(capacity) FROM stadium
Explanation: The SQL statement was adjusted to find the average of the capacity. This is a good example.
Now, solve this: SQL: SELECT T2.player_name FROM Player_Attributes AS T1 JOIN Player AS T2 ON T1.player_fifa_api_id = T2.player_fifa_api_id WHERE T1.overall_rating < 90 INTERSECT SELECT T2.player_name FROM Player_Attributes AS T1 JOIN Player AS T2 ON T1.player_fifa_api_id = T2.player_fifa_api_id WHERE T1.overall_rating < 85
Feedback: Satisfy overall rating less than 90 and greater than 85 in step 2 , preferred foot equals left in step 3.
Solution: | SELECT DISTINCT T1.player_name FROM Player AS T1 JOIN Player_Attributes AS T2 ON T1.player_api_id = T2.player_api_id WHERE T2.preferred_foot = "left" AND T2.overall_rating >= 85 AND T2.overall_rating <= 90 |
In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is sad or not. Label the instances as "Sad" or "Not sad" based on your judgment. You can get help from hashtags and emojis, but you should not judge only based on them, and should pay attention to tweet's text as well.
One example is below.
Q: You could have over a hundred million followers and still not a genuine person who understands you or wants to #cantshakethis #sadness
A: Sad
Rationale: The tweet author is sad because they think no one understands them.
Q: Can we go back 2 weeks and start again ?? This is seriously dreadful
A: | Sad |
You are given a statement in Croatian, a question word and four choices in Croation. If the question word is "cause", you should choose the option that is most likely to be the cause of the statement. If the question word is "effect", you should pick the choice that is most likely to be a consequence of the statement. Write the exact text of the choice, not the number.
Example: Statement: Posluživanje u restoranu bilo je sporo.
Question: cause
Choice 1: Pozorno je pratio nastavu.
Choice 2: Bilo je mnogo praznih stolova.
Choice 3: Bio sam na koncertu.
Choice 4: Restoran je bio pretrpan.
Example solution: Restoran je bio pretrpan.
Example explanation: The most likely cause of the slow service is the restaurant being crowded, which is the fourth choice.
Problem: Statement: Računalo je bilo skupo popraviti.
Question: effect
Choice 1: Odnio sam ga na popravak.
Choice 2: Pobjegli su iz zatvora.
Choice 3: Kupio sam novo.
Choice 4: Kći je podrignula za kuhinjskim stolom.
| Solution: Kupio sam novo. |
Instructions: In this task, you are given a pair of action statements. Your task is to check if you can conclusively identify which statement is less ethical or not. Answer: 'no' if one of the statements is less ethical, and 'yes' otherwise.
Input: ACTION1: not telling a friend she's getting fired from work ACTION2: pushing my mother to get her own apartment so I can move on with my life, knowing it causes her stress
Output: | no |
In this task, based on the given sentence and the question, you are asked to generate an incorrect answer. The incorrect answer has to be a text span from the given sentence. Note that, the correct answer to the given question will require understanding of coreference resolution. Coreference resolution is the task of clustering mentions in text that refer to the same underlying real world entities. For example let's take a sentence 'I voted for Obama because he was most aligned with my values, she said.' Here in this example 'I', 'my', and 'she' belong to the same cluster and 'Obama' and 'he' belong to the same cluster. Now let's discuss another example , original sentence: 'I voted for Trump because he was most aligned with my values',John said. Now here is the same sentence with resolved coreferences: 'John voted for Trump because Trump was most aligned with John's values',John said.
One example: Sentence: The foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens. I shall have to guard them. Question: What do I have to guard?
Solution is here: foxes
Explanation: The given sentence clearly states that the foxes are getting in at night and attacking the chickens and these chickens need to guarded. Therefore, the answer is chickens. This is a positive example as the answer foxes is incorrect and incomplete.
Now, solve this: Sentence: The father carried the sleeping boy in his arms. Question: Whose arms?
Solution: | boy |
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in German that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase.
Problem:페레즈는 또한 Telemundo에서 연습하여 Telemundo Internacional의 엔터테인먼트 부문을 설립하고 제작했습니다.
Solution: | Pérez internierte auch bei Telemundo, wo sie ein Unterhaltungssegment für Telemundo Internacional produzierte und verankerte. |
You will be given a sentence containing a pronoun/person name and an emotion. From these implicit parameters, the main goal is to find the gender of the person (male / female).
Example input: Alonzo feels angry.
Example output: male
Example explanation: The gender of the person is correct and detected mainly based on the name Alonzo.
Q: The situation makes Tia feel scared.
A: | female |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given an input list A comprising of numbers and alphabets. You need to extract and sort the unique alphabets in the list. The alphabets in the input list will only be in lowercase. Return -1 if there is no alphabet in the input list.
Q: ['n', '6805', 'w', '5269', '4791', '2663', '4581', 'q', 'f', '1513', '583', 'p', '7135', 'n', '4597', '6873', '5555', '7887', '1739', 'r', 'k', '5513', '167', '2141']
A: | f, k, n, p, q, r, w |
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in the Japanese and Central Khmer language. Your task is check if the Khamer sentence is translation of Japanese. if the translation is correct than generate label "Yes", otherwise generate label "No".
Q: Japanese: フィジーRetailers協会によると、嵐はフィジーの企業に100万ドル相当以上の損害をもたらした。
Khamer: យោងទៅតាមសមាគមអាជីវករហ្វីជី ព្យុះបានធ្វើអោយខូចខាតរាប់លានដុល្លារដល់អាជីវកម្មនៃប្រទេសហ្វីជី។
A: | Yes |
Given a category and a set of five words, find the word from the set that does not belong (i.e. is the least relevant) with the other words in the category. Words are separated by commas.
Example input: Category: construction
Words: excavator, crane, pelican, hoist, upraise
Example output: pelican
Example explanation: A pelican is not related to construction because it is a type of bird.
Q: Category: secretary duty
Words: schedule, errands, file, schedule appointments, hardware
A: | hardware |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is sad or not. Label the instances as "Sad" or "Not sad" based on your judgment. You can get help from hashtags and emojis, but you should not judge only based on them, and should pay attention to tweet's text as well.
Q: its horribly gloomy out rn and im flourishing
A: | Sad |
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in the Japanese and Filipino language. Your task is check if the Filipino sentence is translation of Japanese. if the translation is correct than generate label "Yes", otherwise generate label "No".
Q: Japanese: もしあなたがその全ての情報をカットアンドペーストしたいならば、実際にウィキペデイア上に載せてくださいね!
Filipino: Gumawa siya ng pag-amin korte ng hukuman at isinumpa na "gagawin niyang muli ito" pag nagkaroon siya ng pagkakataon.
A: | No |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a sentence, and you should determine whether it is overruling or non-overruling. In law, an overruling sentence is a statement that nullifies a previous case decision as a precedent by a constitutionally valid statute or a decision by the same or higher ranking court which establishes a different rule on the point of law involved. Classify your answers into overruling or non-overruling
Q: see ultreras, 296 kan. at 853.
A: | non-overruling |
The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the elicit-pref strategy, otherwise output No. elicit-pref is a cooperative negotiation strategy. It is used to discover the preference order of the opponent in the negotiation.
One example is below.
Q: Context: 'What do you think if in the camp we get together and have a meeting between your family and mine? We can have a small party to get to know each other better.' 'Sounds great!' 'Ok, my proposal is to give you all the firewood you need, on the condition that you give me all the water I need. And regarding food we can negotiate.'
Utterance: 'That sounds good. What do you propose on the food?'
A: No
Rationale: The primary utterance does not try to elicit information on the preference order of the participant. So this is correct.
Q: Context: 'I'm doing well! Just want to have some open communication on the packages for our camping trip! I'm very excited for it!' 'I'm also looking forward to it. I'm planning on going back-country camping with a lot of hiking, so my top two priorities are firewood and water.' 'Understood! My top two priorities are food and water! Am hoping we can reach a compromise on the items so that we're both happy!'
Utterance: 'That sounds great, I'm the most flexible on food. How many of the extra packages of food do you want?'
A: | No |
You are given a piece of text. Your task is to classify the text based on whether a religion or a person/group of people are receiving hate based on religion. If there is a hate based on religion in the text, answer with 'religious hate', otherwise, answer with 'not religious hate'.
Example input: Religions have stupid theories about God and shits.
Example output: religious hate
Example explanation: The above text talks negatively about religions and opinion of a person who does not believe in religion, hence serves as a good example for the task.
Q: kill the gays
A: | not religious hate |
In this task, you are given a set of paper reviews in English and Spanish language. Based on given reviews, your job is to generate decision, i.e., "accept" or "reject" for the given paper. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Ex Input:
Review_1: El artículo presenta un plan de investigación que propone combinar los constructos teóricos de competencias para la gestión de tecnología (con el modelo BTM) y la precepción de éxito profesional (con un modelo propuesto que combina varios factores de diversas fuentes). La capacidad de gestión de TI es un elemento clave para los profesionales del área y no solo sus competencias tecnológicas. Parece relevante estudiar como impactan estas competencias en el éxito profesional, o, al menos, en la precepción subjetiva de dicho éxito. El estudio contiene referencias a fuentes relevantes, aunque se sugiere reducir el número y priorizar para el caso de los artículos en revistas o congresos. Si bien el tema es relevantes existen algunos riesgos en la definición de los constructos que no son analizados. ¿Cuáles son los límites entre la percepción de éxito profesional y personal? ¿Se puede hacer un estudio de la percepción del éxito profesional solo considerando el modelo BTM y dejando fuera las competencias tecnológicas? ¿El estudio aplica a todos los profesionales de TI o solo a los que gestionan proyectos tecnológicos como CIOs? La principal debilidad de la investigación es que se identifica como un método experimental, cuando en realidad la encuesta no tiene el grado de control sobre el objeto de estudio para clasificarse de esta manera. También se habla de estudio de causalidad, pero la encuesta solo permitiría un estudio de co-relación. Sobre la encuesta se explica cuáles son los factores evaluados y la escala Lickert. Sin embargo, faltan ejemplos de preguntas concretas y explicar como van a ser respondidas por los sujetos. Por ejemplo: ¿Es viable que una persona evalúe su compromiso o liderazgo? Aunque se esté evaluando la relación en términos generales y no propios, convendría realizar primero una validación del modelo y luego de la propia encuesta con un grupo de expertos o gestores de profesionales de TI. Review_2: El artículo muestra el diseño de una investigación sobre el impacto de las competencias TI en la percepción del éxito profesional, pero no es lo que señala en su título. Se observa una sección correspondiente a una extensa revisión de trabajos previos y definiciones, en comparación con la sección que muestra el diseño de la investigación, la cual es bastante breve. En mi opinión era conveniente haber presentado el artículo como una revisión sistemática sobre la literatura existente del tema con el objeto de encontrar brechas y/o similitudes en el diseño de la investigación, o haber puesto más énfasis en esto último. Si bien el tema puede ser novedoso, el artículo no lo demuestra, ya que solo es la presentación de un diseño de investigación. En la sección de conclusiones, no se muestran conclusiones concretas a partir del trabajo realizado, solo se plantean posibles escenarios de un trabajo futuro. Con respecto a la forma, el artículo se encuentra bien estructurado, pero se observan detalles a corregir: - abuso de “TI” - en algunos párrafos se señalan trabajos previos sin ser referenciados - la figura del modelo es muy básica (no es un aporte) - párrafos no alineados (justificados) - la figura 1 debió ser una tabla - error en la correlación de figuras Review_3: Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar la incidencia de las competencias de negocio TI en la percepción del éxito profesional. Se presenta el problema, el modelo de análisis, la hipótesis y la metodología de investigación. Es un tema interesante, pero la autora indica que la investigación se encuentra en la fase de recolección de datos y que faltan unos 7 meses para obtener los resultados finales. Sin embargo, el análisis teórico realizado es bastante importante. La Figura 3 es muy simple. Sugiero que el modelo propuesto aporte mayor información. Para ello, puede unir en una sola figura las Figuras 3, 4 y 2. Utiliza referencias numéricas y referencias en formato APA (debe usar solamente referencias numéricas y de manera correcta). Hay 2 páginas con número de página 3. En página 5 aparece la Figura 4, en página 6 aparece la Figura 2 ¿? ¿Existe la Figura 3? En Referencia [11] no indica el nombre de la conferencia, Referencia [15] no tiene fecha, la Referencia [30] ¿es un libro?, la Referencia [34] tiene su título escrito totalmente en mayúsculas, Referencia [45] dice solamente “Quinta”, Referencia [46] dice “Segunda”. En Conclusiones, cambiar “tesis q del” por “tesis del”. Cambiar “se mostrara” por “se mostrará”. Las Referencias [8] y [46] no son utilizadas en el texto. El nombre del autor e institución debería ser anónimo (según normas del congreso). En página 5, debe revisar que el texto esté justificado a la derecha. En página 8, cambiar “se capaces” por “ser capaces”.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Review_1: Los autores presentan una aproximación para resolver problemas de programación de proyectos con recursos limitados (RCPSP) a través de un algoritmo de colonia artificial de abejas (ABC). La idea parece relevante para el problema enfrentado. Sin embargo es importante hacer las siguientes mejoras al documento: - Establecer claramente que la aplicación de ABC en RCPSP es algo que no se ha realizado antes. De no ser así, agregar un análisis comparativo de la solución propuesta frente a otras similares. - El enlace [Link] está roto. Reemplazar por un enlace que no lo esté. - En las tablas no es claro qué es el Makespan. Es la duración del schedule "canónico" para ese problema? Es la duración del schedule teórico óptimo? Es la duración del schedule del mejor algoritmo para es problema? Es la duración obtenida por el algoritmo ABC-RCPSP? Explicar esto con precisión - Sería recomendable tener una descripción cuantitativa breve del desempeño del algoritmo en términos de tiempo vs tamaño del problema. Review_2: El trabajo presentado a Infonor - Chile, cumple con las expectativas siguientes: 1. Realiza una acertada discusión bibliográfica 2. Incorpora un algoritmo híbrido de búsqueda novedosa 3. Los resultados obtenidos con scheduling con restricciones usando el algoritmo (recursos limitados) muestra resultados alentadores.
Ex Output:
Ex Input:
Review_1: Review_2: El tema del artículo es novedoso y necesario en la literatura de modelamiento de procesos El trabajo en general presenta un desarrollo pobre en lo teórico. Para llevar a efecto la comparación entre las técnicas de modelamiento de procesos se debe construir una metodología que muestre efectivamente las ventajas de un método por sobre el otro. La comparación efectuada entre los métodos debe ser presentada para un caso general, dado que en ninguna parte la metodología explica que se va a aplicar a una situación particular. La metodología del artículo no explicita adecuadamente la forma en la cual se desarrolló la comparación, sólo expone los criterios de decisión utilizados en su construcción, lo cual no permite evaluar adecuadamente los resultados obtenidos. No se expone con claridad la pregunta de investigación y los objetivos del estudio efectuado. Review_3: Justificación: Es un trabajo que no tiene mucha novedad, es un tema que se ha estudiado bastante, sobre todo los modelos gráficos. Estos conceptos están incorporados en las herramientas CASE, aun cuando en el documento no se presenta en profundidad. Tal vez un mayor aporte hubiese sido investigar los métodos formales y ampliar el análisis comparativo de métodos.
Ex Output:
| accept
Sometimes users of dialogue systems ask vague questions/queries from the system. In this case, the system asks them a clarifying question to be able to answer it correctly. In this task, you are given a question/query in natural language and your task is to ask a good clarifying question to understand the given question/query more precisely.
Example input: Tell me about defender
Example output: are you referring to the arcade game called defender
Example explanation: The answer to this question(confirmation) can properly clarify the meaning of the user's question, so this is a good clarifying question.
Q: tell me about memory
A: | are you interested in computer memory |
Instructions: In this task you're given two statements in Hindi. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Output either the word 'cause' or 'effect'.
Input: बॉडी बिल्डर ने वजन उठाया।
उसकी मांसपेशियों में थकान हो गई।
Output: | effect |
Turn the given fact into a question by a simple rearrangement of words. This typically involves replacing some part of the given fact with a WH word. For example, replacing the subject of the provided fact with the word "what" can form a valid question. Don't be creative! You just need to rearrange the words to turn the fact into a question - easy! Don't just randomly remove a word from the given fact to form a question. Remember that your question must evaluate scientific understanding. Pick a word or a phrase in the given fact to be the correct answer, then make the rest of the question. You can also form a question without any WH words. For example, "A radio converts electricity into?"
Example input: Fact: pesticides can harm animals.
Example output: What can harm animals?
Example explanation: It's a good question because it is formed by simply replacing the word "pesticides" with "what".
Q: Fact: If an animal perspires than that animals bodily water decreases.
A: | What happens when an animal perspires? |
Instructions: This task is about classifying the similarity of two sentences. The sentences can be classified as (a) SIMILAR - similar to each other, and (b) DISSIMILAR - not similar to each other. Sentences that have the same RDF relationship in terms of [subject, predicate, object] are similar to each other. The input is a list of two sentences and the output is either SIMILAR or DISSIMILAR.
Input: ['The Twenty Two is not family-friendly and serves English food.', 'The Twenty Two has English food and is not family-friendly.']
Output: | SIMILAR |
Detailed Instructions: You are given first 5 messages from a series of message exchanges between 2 persons playing the game of Diplomacy which is an American strategic board game. You need to generate the next message. The message should be generated such that it fits the context seen so far. Avoid the text that is (i) tangent to the context, (ii) repeats the context.
Q: ["Hello there! What's your general plan for this game? My inclination when I play Austria is to piss off as few people as possible, so I don't plan on making any overtly aggressive moves this turn.", "I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes just yet, either. Specifically, I'm happy to keep Bohemia and Tyrolia de-militarized for at least a couple seasons to our mutual benefit?", 'Sounds good to me.', 'I appreciate you sticking to your word. Italy tells me you two are close allies and might be willing to consider me a third central power. I wanted to hear your thoughts on this?', 'Absolutely true, I think the three of us could do great things together.']
A: | I'm starting to agree |
In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you need to subtract every value in the list with the index it is at. The index of an elements shows its numerical order in the list(for example, in the list [7,10,4,5], the index of 7 is 1 and the index of 4 is 3) You should start the index at 1, so the first element in the list will be subtracted by one. For every element in the list you need to find "element - index" where the index of the beginning element is 1 and increments by 1 for each element. Put your result list in brackets.
Example: [9,-6,-10,4,-8]
Example solution: [8,-8,-13,0,-13]
Example explanation: Every element in the output list is equal to the element in the input list subtracted by its index. 9 - 1 = 8, -6 - 2 = -8, -10 - 3 = -13, 4-4 = 0, -8 -5 = -13. This is a good example.
Problem: [0, 1, -13, -18, -2, -20, -15, -20]
| Solution: [-1, -1, -16, -22, -7, -26, -22, -28] |
Given a text paragraph and a fact, generate 'True' if the fact can be inferred/concluded from the paragraph, otherwise generate 'False'. The input passage contains as set of logical statements so the fact can be marked either 'True' or 'False' if the relavant info regarding the fact is present in the given passage. If the Fact can't be marked True or False from the given paragraph, mark it as False. Don't use knowledge outside the given paragraph to check the fact.
Paragraph: If something likes the bald eagle and it likes the squirrel then the squirrel chases the bald eagle. If something likes the bald eagle then the bald eagle chases the squirrel. If something needs the bald eagle then the bald eagle chases the squirrel. The bald eagle is rough. The squirrel likes the bald eagle. Question: The bald eagle is not rough. | False |
Instructions: In this task, you are given an item and you need to check whether it is edible or not, return 1 if it is edible, else return 2.
Input: Carrot
Output: | 1 |
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given a list of integers. You should remove any integer that is not prime. A prime integer is an integer that is only divisible by '1' and itself. The output should be the list of prime numbers in the input list. If there are no primes in the input list an empty list ("[]") should be returned.
Q: [73, 127, 122, 500, 29, 337, 553]
A: | [73, 127, 29, 337] |
Detailed Instructions: The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the self-need strategy, otherwise output No. self-need is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used to create a personal need for an item in the negotiation, such as by pointing out that the participant sweats a lot to show preference towards water packages.
Q: Context: 'Yeah, I think I'm okay with firewood, but I'd really like more food and water.' 'That fine then. If you want you can have most of the water and I can have most of the firewood. Sounds good?' 'That seems fine. How do you want to split the food? I grew up poor so I'm always afraid of starving 😮'
Utterance: 'Oh, yea I get that. I have a family so I need some food too. But just to clarify, are the original plan was to get 3 firewood for me and 3 waters for u right? '
A: | No |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we ask you to write an implausible answer to a question that involves “event duration", based on a given sentence. Here, event duration is defined as the understanding of how long events typically last. For example, “brushing teeth”, usually takes a few minutes. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones.
See one example below:
Problem: Sentence: Jack played basketball after school, after which he was very tired.
Question: How long did Jack play basketball?
Solution: 22 hours.
Explanation: Typically we play basketball for a couple of hours. So any answer beyond that range is unlikely.
Problem: Sentence: If you have ever heard, "Eat a good breakfast", thats why.
Question: How long does it take to eat breakfast?
Solution: | it takes about 20 centuries on average. |
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task.
In this task, you are given a string of characters. You need to remove duplicate characters from the string if any, and return the resulting string.
Solution: abCdDgGhi
Why? The input string has 3 duplicate characters and the resulting output string has no duplicate characters.
New input: YWHyyWnPwmhBFJTLgavox
Solution: | YWHynPwmhBFJTLgavox |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a text from tweets and a boolean question whether this tweet has positive sentiment or negative sentiment. Your task is to generate answer "yes" when the tweet has that particular sentiment, otherwise generate answer "no".
Q: Tweet: @RobirobC Sounds just a little drastic Question: is it a negative tweet?
A: | no |
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You should categorize the question into matching, summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense groups. Matching is a question entailed or paraphrased by exactly one sentence in a dialogue. The answer can be extracted from the same sentence. Questions that cannot be answered by the surface meaning of a single sentence belong to the reasoning category. We further define summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense subcategories. Answering summary questions requires the whole picture of dialogue, such as the topic of dialogue and the relation between speakers. We require logical reasoning to answer logical questions. in arithmetic questions Inferring the answer requires arithmetic knowledge. To answer commonsense questions, besides the textual information in the dialogue, we also require additional commonsense knowledge that cannot be obtained from the dialogue. Note that a question can be in more than one group. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man".
W: How many people has the boss chosen for the business trip to France? M: Well, as far as I know, whether there'll be such a trip is yet to be decided., Question: What does the man mean? (A) He is afraid he won't be chosen for the trip. (B) It's not certain whether the trip will take place. (C) Such a trip is necessary for the company. | matching |
In this task, you will be presented with a question in Dutch language, and you have to write the named entities from the question if present. B denotes the first item of a phrase and an I any non-initial word. Here is the list of terms used: person names (PER), organizations (ORG), locations (LOC) and miscellaneous names (MISC). There can be instances with no named entities, then return 'None'.
Q: Daarom weten we dat we ons doel kunnen halen ' , zegt een zelfverzekerde VT4-baas Carlo Gepts .
A: | VT4-baas: B-MISC, Carlo: B-PER, Gepts: I-PER |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You should categorize the question into matching, summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense groups. Matching is a question entailed or paraphrased by exactly one sentence in a dialogue. The answer can be extracted from the same sentence. Questions that cannot be answered by the surface meaning of a single sentence belong to the reasoning category. We further define summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense subcategories. Answering summary questions requires the whole picture of dialogue, such as the topic of dialogue and the relation between speakers. We require logical reasoning to answer logical questions. in arithmetic questions Inferring the answer requires arithmetic knowledge. To answer commonsense questions, besides the textual information in the dialogue, we also require additional commonsense knowledge that cannot be obtained from the dialogue. Note that a question can be in more than one group. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man".
Q: W: It's nice of you to come here to pick me up, Mr. Smith. M: Don't mention it. How was the flight?, Question: Where does the conversation most probably take place? (A) At a train station. (B) At an airport. (C) At a travel agency.
A: | commonsense |
The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the elicit-pref strategy, otherwise output No. elicit-pref is a cooperative negotiation strategy. It is used to discover the preference order of the opponent in the negotiation.
[Q]: Context: 'I really need 3 firewood because I am always cold.' 'If I gave you 3 firewood, would you give me 3 water? I can do without the wood, but the water is really important to stay hydrated.' 'I can give you 2 water, but I have to have 1 to help me when I am cooking.'
Utterance: 'What about the food? How much food do you need for camping?'
[A]: Yes
[Q]: Context: 'I am doing very well. Have you planned your camping trip?' 'A bit and you? I'm looking forward to figuring out a deal that helps us both!' 'That's great. 🙂 We are planning to prepare food over a fire.'
Utterance: 'Nice! What are your highest priority items?'
[A]: Yes
[Q]: Context: 'I have a lot of people here.I need food.' 'I also need food, but am willing to share and give you extra firewood so you can cook more food. I am not able to hunt or fish and the extra food will help if I am not able to get around. ' 'I can share water for firewood.'
Utterance: 'Optimally, I would like 3 food and 2 water which would leave you with 0 food, 1 water and 3 firewood. I think it will be easier if you also tell me your optimal wants then we can go from there.'
[A]: | Yes
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a hotel review and the corresponding polarity of review (i.e., Negative or Positive) identify if the polarity is correct. Write 'true' if it's correct, 'false' otherwise.
Review: I recently stayed at the Amalfi Hotel in Chicago. Although I visit this fun city quite often, I was somewhat disappointed with the service and noise in a hotel that is called "luxury boutique". To begin with, our "Experience Designer" was somewhat put-offish and cool. She did not really have a grasp of all the wonderful things to do in Chicago. Although she did look up some attractions, it seems like she may have recently arrived from LA. As far as the room, it was indeed luxury and had nice lighting and decoration. However, the noise from the adjoining room was unbelievable and kept us up all night. Most likely, the walls are very thin, and construction is not the greatest. Who wants to hear the neighbors, especially when they are honeymooners or whatever! So we probably will not stay there again. The location is great, the cocktails fine, the luxury is there, but other than that, it is the pits. Weary Traveler, San Francisco
Polarity: Negative
| true |
Ques:"Ramapo High School (New Jersey)", given a list of categories: company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, what category does the title belong to?
Ans:Educational Institution
Ques:"Maspro Denkoh", given a list of categories: company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, what category does the title belong to?
Ques:"Agdistis gibberipennis", given a list of categories: company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, what category does the title belong to?
Ques:"Richard J. Baldwin", given a list of categories: company, educational institution, artist, athlete, office holder, mean of transportation, building, natural place, village, animal, plant, album, film or written work, what category does the title belong to?
Ans: | Office Holder
----- |
Creating a multiple-choice question from the given context and a 'group' which indicate the focus of the question. The question must come first, separated by <sep> from the candidate answers. The answer to the question does not have to exist in the context.
Example Input: context: A person is trying to bounce a rubber ball. They drop a first ball onto foam, a second ball onto brick, a third ball onto grass, and a fourth ball onto snow.<sep>group: bouncing
Example Output: question: Which ball bounces the highest?<sep>A: foam<sep>B: brick<sep>C: grass<sep>D: snow
Example Input: context: A person drops an egg, a coin, a bottle, and a glass from a balcony.<sep>group: breaking
Example Output: question: Which object is the least likely to break?<sep>A: egg<sep>B: coin<sep>C: bottle<sep>D: glass
Example Input: context: A person is trying to bounce a rubber ball. They drop a first ball onto asphalt, a second ball onto leaves, a third ball onto steel, and a fourth ball onto rubber.<sep>group: bouncing
Example Output: | question: Which ball bounces the least?<sep>A: asphalt<sep>B: leaves<sep>C: steel<sep>D: rubber
You are given a Catalan sentence with a blank, and you need to predict the missing word.
Example: Una setantena de treballadors de Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas a Manresa , gairebé la totalitat de la plantilla , s' han _____ aquest migdia pels carrers de la ciutat .
Example solution: manifestat
Example explanation: This is original sentence 'Una setantena de treballadors de Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas a Manresa , gairebé la totalitat de la plantilla , s' han manifestat aquest migdia pels carrers de la ciutat .'. So, we have correctly predicted the missing word to be 'manifestat'
Problem: Al marge de reunir -se amb els representants de la Plataforma , el secretari general d' ERC ha dictat aquest vespre una conferència a Tortosa ____ on ha exposat la seva visió de quin ha de ser el futur de les Terres de l' Ebre .
| Solution: , |
Instructions: In this task, you're given two articles in the Thai language and the possible genre they belong to in the English language. Determine if the two articles share a positive sentiment on the given genre. Indicate your answer with Y for yes if they do and N for no if they don't. Genres available include: politics,human_rights,quality_of_life,international,social,environment,economics,culture,labor,national_security,ict,education
Input: Article1:
Title: นักข่าวพลเมือง: “ดา ตอร์ปิโด” ชวนช็อปปิ้งก่อนปีใหม่
Body: เมื่อวันเสาร์ที่ 19 ธันวาคม 52 ที่ผ่านมาทางกลุ่ม “พลังรวมใจ” พร้อมด้วยดีเจอ้น ประชาชื่น ดีเจจากวิทยุชุมชนคนแท็กซี่ FM 107.75 และคุณกำพล นักวิชาการอิสระ ได้เดินทางไปเที่ยวงานประจำปีของกรมราชทัณฑ์ ซึ่งเป็นงานที่นำเอาสินค้าของผู้ต้องขังมาจัดแสดงและจำหน่าย เพื่อรายได้ส่วนหนึ่งจะปันผลให้กับผู้ต้องขัง
คนที่ชวนพวกเรามาเที่ยวงานนี้ก็ไม่ใช่ใครอื่น คุณดารณี ชาญเชิงศิลปะกุล หรือพี่ดา ตอร์ปิโด ของเรานี่เอง พี่ดาบอกพวกเราว่า ในส่วนของทัณฑสถานหญิงกลาง คลองเปรมนั้น เป็นฝีมือของพวกเพื่อนพี่ดาเอง ซึ่งพวกเขาน่าสงสารมาก บางคนก็ไม่มีญาติพี่น้องมาเยี่ยมหรือดูแลเลย หากเราไปอุดหนุนสินค้าของพวกเขาได้บ้างตามกำลัง ก็จะทำให้พวกเขายังพอมีเงินปันผลไว้พอใช้จ่ายส่วนตัวบ้าง
พอพวกเราก้าวเท้าเข้าสู่บรรยากาศของงาน ก็รู้สึกว่าเรือนจำนี้ไม่ได้น่ากลัวเลย ผู้คนคึกคัก เดินซื้อของกันหน้าชื่นตาบาน จากภาพเดิมๆที่เราเคยเข้ามาครั้งมาเยี่ยมพี่ดา บรรยากาศเรือนจำมันดูน่ากลัว แต่ทั้งหมดก็เพราะเราคิดไปเองทั้งนั้น บรรดาเจ้าหน้าที่เรือนจำต่างยิ้มต้อนรับนักช็อปปิ้งทั้งหลายด้วยไมตรีจิต (แหม! ถ้ายิ้มแบบนี้กับผู้ต้องขังบ้างก็คงจะดีนะคะ พี่ดาจะได้ไม่ต้องโดนตะคอกหรือปฏิบัติตามอารมณ์จากเจ้าหน้าที่บ่อยๆ)
ภายในงานจะมีสินค้ามาขายหลากหลายชนิด เอาแบบว่าสาธยายกันไม่หมดเลยค่ะ ตั้งแต่ ตู้ โต๊ะ ตั่ง เตียง เสื้อผ้า กระเป๋า รองเท้าสาน ขนมนมเนย ฯลฯ ซึ่งทั้งหมดมาจากฝีมือผู้ต้องขังล้วนๆค่ะ นี่ถ้ารัฐบาลจะกรุณาพวกเขาสักนิด นำสินค้าของพวกเขาไปขายยังตลาดต่างประเทศบ้างก็น่าจะดีนะคะ เพื่อจะได้ปรับสภาพภายในเรือนจำที่ย่ำแย่ให้ได้มาตรฐานกันบ้าง เพราะเท่าที่ฟังจากที่พี่ดาเล่า แม้แต่น้ำดื่มก็ยังมีเศษผง มีลูกไรน้ำเล็กๆ ลอยไปลอยมา แย่จริงๆ ค่ะ
กลับเข้าเรื่องดีกว่าค่ะ สำหรับท่านใดที่ไปซื้อหาสินค้าแล้วกลัวว่าจะขนกลับบ้านไม่ได้ ก็ไม่ต้องห่วงนะคะ ทางเรือนจำมีรถส่งสินค้าให้ค่ะ ซึ่งวันนั้นดิฉันก็ซื้อไปหลายชิ้นค่ะ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นต่างหู สร้อยข้อมือ (ขอบอกว่าสวยและถูกมากค่ะ) ส่วนดีเจอ้น ก็ไม่น้อยหน้าซื้อเก้าอี้เอนนอนค่ะ สนนราคาก็ไม่แพงเลยตัวละ 1,800 เองค่ะ รีบๆ กันหน่อยนะคะ งานนี้มีถึงวันที่ 28 ธันวาคม 2552 นี้เท่านั้น ที่เรือนจำคลองเปรมค่ะ ทางจะไปเดอะมอล์ลงามวงศ์วานนะคะ
ไปเที่ยวกันแล้วก็อย่าลืมส่ง สคส ถึงดา เพื่ออวยพรปีใหม่และส่งกำลังใจให้คุณดา ตอร์ปิโดด้วยนะคะ ส่งมาที่ตู้ ปณ 58 ปณศ (พ) พระโขนง กรุงเทพ 10110 หรือส่งเป็น E-Card มาที่ [email protected] แล้วมาร่วมกันลุ้นให้คุณดา เป็นผู้ต้องขังที่มีคนส่ง สคส ให้มากที่สุดในโลกนะคะ
Article 2:
Title: ส.ส. ประชาธิปัตย์ แนะ นปช.หยุดใส่เสื้อแดงรำลึก 19 กันยา ชี้เป็นสัญลักษณ์แห่งความรุนแรง
Body: 12 ก.ย. 53 - ที่พรรคประชาธิปัตย์ นายสาธิต ปิตุเตชะ ส.ส.ระยอง พรรคประชาธิปัตย์ กล่าวถึงกรณี การจัดกิจกรรมรำลึกการทำรัฐประหาร 14 - 19 ก.ย.ว่า เป็นสิ่งที่สามารถทำได้ แต่อยากขอร้องอย่าใส่เสื้อสีแดง เพราะเป็นสัญลักษณ์ของความรุนแรง ที่อาจทำให้คนภายนอกเข้าใจผิด และยังสร้างผลกระทบด้านความเชื่อมั่นกับคนทั้งในและต่างประเทศด้วย
อย่างไรก็ตาม นายสาธิต กล่าวต่อว่า การจัดกิจกรรมดังกล่าวอยากให้นำเสนอเนื้อหาข้อเท็จจริง ไม่ใช่สรุปเพียงฝ่ายเดียว อย่างกรณีคนเสียชีวิต 90 คน โดยอ้างเป็นฝี่มือของรัฐบาลทั้งหมด โดยไม่แยกแยะว่าศพไหนตายเพราะเหตุใด หรือโดยกองกำลังชุดดำสังหาร เช่นกรณีของ พล.อ.ร่มเกล้า ธุวธรรม ที่ถูกยิงเสียชีวิตที่บริเวณสี่แยกคอกวัว
ทั้งนี้ นายสาธิต กล่าวอีกว่า อยากให้ศูนย์อำนวยการแก้ไขสถานการณ์ฉุกเฉิน (ศอฉ.) ตรวจสอบพฤติกรรมการเคลื่อนไหวอย่างใกล้ชิด หากกระทำฝ่าฝืนกฎหมาย หรือปราศรัยอันเป็นเท็จ ต้องดำเนินการจับกุมทัน โดยเฉพาะการขับขี่รถจักรยานยนต์ ก่อให้เกิดความวุ่นวายกีดขวางการจราจร ซึ่งเป็นการฝ่าฝืนข้อห้าม 1 ใน 4 ของศอฉ. ให้ดำเนินการทันที ซึ่งตนจะคิดตามดูการปฏิบัติงานของเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ หากใครละเลยก็จะนำเรื่องเข้ากรรมาธิการตำรวจฯ เพื่อดำเนินการต่อไป
"สาธิต" วอน นปช.หยุดใส่เสื้อแดงรำลึก 19 กันยา หวั่นจุดชวนความรุนแรง (แนวหน้า, 12-9-2553)
Do both the articles share the same sentiment for the genre: education?
Output: | yes |
You will be given a context and a verb separated with a newline character, and you have to answer if the given verb is static or not. We say a verb is static if it is about an event that doesn't change or it happens regularly. The output should be "Yes" if the verb is static and "No" otherwise.
Q: NAIROBI, Kenya ( AP ) _ Suspected bombs exploded outside the U.S. embassies in the Kenyan and Tanzanian capitals Friday, killing dozens of people, witnesses (said).
Verb: said
A: | No |
In this task, you are given an input list A. You need to extract and sort the unique digits used in the list in ascending order. Return -1 if there is no digit in the list.
Example: ['q', '31', 'a', 'd', '53', '85', 'p', '77']
Example solution: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8
Example explanation: Here, the numbers in the list are '31', '53', '85' and '77', and the unique digits used in the list are '1, 3, 5, 7, 8' in ascending order.
Problem: ['a', 'm', '265', 'b', '67', 'k', '123', '51', 't', 'f', 'r', '447']
| Solution: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 |
In this task you will be given an arithmetic operation in Italian and you have to find its answer. The operations 'addition' and 'subtraction' have been replaced with their italian translations i.e you need to perform addition when you see 'aggiunta' and subtraction in case of 'sottrazione'.
Example: 10 sottrazione 7
Example solution: 3
Example explanation: Here, 'sottrazione' represents the subtraction operation. So, the answer is 3 (10-7=3).
Problem: 2372 sottrazione 6127 sottrazione 3106 aggiunta 907 aggiunta 334 aggiunta 1588 aggiunta 3743 aggiunta 4826 sottrazione 212
| Solution: 4325 |
Given a sentence in Italian, generate a new Italian sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true.
Q: Un biglietto passeggeri è richiesto per accedere a forme illimitate di parcheggio.
A: | Un rotolo di passeggero è richiesto per accedere a forme organizzate di trasporto. |
In this task you are given a list of triplets of the form [subject, predicate, object] and the output should be a question based on the triplets but with the subject and/or object replaced with blanks (represented using two or more consecutive underscores). Triplet values encompassed in [*] are special tokens that can be replaced with synonyms. The objective is to construct a question in a manner that (a) captures the facts specified in at least one of the triplets, and (b) ideally contains a limited number of blanks such that it is a well-formed question that is easy to answer. A blank can represent a single word or a phrase.
Example: [['Northwestern College', 'NICKNAME', 'Red Raiders'], ['Northwestern College', 'LOCATION', 'Orange City, Iowa']]
Example solution: The team whose nickname is red raiders is located in the _______
Example explanation: This sentence uses the triplets by correctly using the (subject, predicate, object) semantics for both the triplets provided, and is a good question since red raiders can be associated by a human to Northwestern college which is located in Iowa.
Problem: [['The Vaults', 'food', 'French'], ['The Vaults', 'priceRange', 'moderate'], ['The Vaults', 'familyFriendly', 'no']]
| Solution: _____ is a French eatery with a moderate price range. It is not kid friendly. |
Adverse drug reactions are appreciably harmful or unpleasant reactions resulting from an intervention related to the use of medical products, which predicts hazard from future administration and warrants prevention or specific treatment, or alteration of the dosage regimen, or withdrawal of the product. Given medical case reports extracted from MEDLINE, the task is to classify whether the case report mentions the presence of any adverse drug reaction. Classify your answers into non-adverse drug event and adverse drug event.
Q: Case study on drug-related adverse effects of hepatitis C therapy.
A: | non-adverse drug event |
Given a part of privacy policy text, identify the type of personal information which is collected, used, tracked or retained. The type of information should be present inside the given policy text, answer as 'Not Specified' otherwise
Example: The site collects your cookies or tracking elements for a basic service or feature. Collection happens in an unspecified way, and your data is aggregated or anonymized.
Example solution: Cookies and tracking elements
Example explanation: The type of user information collected is clearly stated in the given policy text as 'cookies or tracking elements'
Problem: The site collects your health information for an unspecified purpose. Collection happens in an unspecified way. You can opt in for data collection.
| Solution: Health |
In this task you will be given an arithmetic operation and you have to find its answer. The operators '+' and '-' have been replaced with new symbols. Specifically, '+' has been replaced with the symbol '@' and '-' with the symbol '#'. You need to perform the operations in the given equation return the answer
Example: 6 @ 17
Example solution: 23
Example explanation: Here, '@' represents the addition operation. So, the answer is 23 (6+17=23).
Problem: 8364 @ 6846 # 7929 @ 1758 # 8874 @ 390 @ 4422 # 4381 # 6184
| Solution: -5588 |
In this task, you are provided with an article of the legal acts. Your task is to classify it into three categories (Regulation, Decision and Directive) based on its content: 1) Regulation is a binding legislative act that must be applied in its entirety on a set date across all the member states (European Union countries). 2) Decision is binding on those to whom it is addressed (e.g. an European Union country or an individual company) and is directly applicable. 3) Directive is a legislative act that sets out a goal that all must achieve. However, it is up to the individual countries to devise their own laws on how to reach these goals.
One example is below.
Q: 1. The date 30 July 1962 shall be substituted for 1 July 1962 in: (a) Articles 23 and 29 of Council Regulation No 19 on the progressive establishment of a common organisation of the market in cereals;(b) Articles 17 and 23 of Council Regulation No 20 on the progressive establishment of a common organisation of the market in pigmeat;(c) Articles 13, 14 and 20 of Council Regulation No 21 on the progressive establishment of a common organisation of the market in eggs;(d) Articles 14 and 20 of Council Regulation No 22 on the progressive establishment of a common organisation of the market in poultrymeat;(e) Article 2 (3) and Article 16 of Council Regulation No 23 on the progressive establishment of a common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables;(f) Article 8 of Council Regulation No 25 on the financing of the common agricultural policy;(g) Article 5 of Council Regulation No 26 on the application of certain rules of competition to the production of, and trade in, agricultural products;(h) Article 11 of the Council Decision on minimum prices.2. The date 29 July 1962 shall be substituted for 30 June 1962 in Article 9 (2) (a) of Council Regulation No 23.3. For the purpose of applying Council Regulations Nos 19 to 22, however, the first year of implementation of the system of levies shall be deemed to end on 30 June 1962.4. As from 1 July 1962 the governments of the Member States shall take all such steps as may be necessary on the internal market to give effect to the provisions of Council Regulation No 19 on the common organisation of the market in cereals from 30 July 1962. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 July 1962.This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.
A: Regulation
Rationale: The legal act is said to be enforced on a set date in all the Member States which makes it a Regulation and the article itself addresses this legal act as Regulation and hence it's a regulation
Q: Directive 75/130/EEC is hereby amended as follows: 1. Article 1 (1) shall be replaced by the following:'1. For the purposes of this Directive: - 'combined road/rail carriage' shall mean road transport of goods between Member States where the lorry, trailer, semi-trailer (with or without tractor unit), swap body and container of 20 feet or more are transported by rail between the nearest suitable rail loading station to the point of loading and the nearest suitable rail unloading station to the point of unloading;- 'swap body' shall mean the part of a road vehicle on which it is intended that the load shall be placed and which may be detached from the vehicle and re-incorporated therein.'2. Article 4 (1) shall be replaced by the following:'1. When a frontier is crossed by road before the rail journey, the Member States may require the operator to prove that the rail authorities, or any body authorized by them, have made a reservation for the transport by rail of the tractor unit, lorry, trailer, semi-trailer or the swap bodies thereof and the container of 20 feet or more.'3. Article 7 shall be replaced by the following:'Article 7The Commission shall report to the Council every two years on the implementation of this Directive, with a view to developing this system for the benefit of all combined road/rail carriage within the Community.'4. The following new Article 8 shall be inserted:'Article 8In the case of containers of 20 feet or more and swap bodies which have no supports, this Directive shall be valid until 31 December 1981.'5. Article 8 shall become Article 9. The Member States shall take the additional measures in order to comply with this Directive before 1 July 1979. They shall inform the Commission thereof. This Directive is addressed to the Member States.
A: | Directive |
This task is to translate a news commentary given in Arabic language into Czech language. Translate the input statement into the output language while preserving the numberical values, special characters and context of the commentary done.
One example is below.
Q: الذهب بعشرة آلاف دولار؟
A: Zlato za 10\xa0000 dolarů?
Rationale: The translation has retained the exact meaning and is accurate.
Q: والخبر السار هنا هو أن كلاً من أميركا والصين كانت تتخذ خطوات إيجابية، في أعقاب الزيارة التي قام بها الرئيس هو جين تاو مؤخراً إلى واشنطن، في اتجاه حل الخلافات بين البلدين فيما يتصل بتوازن الحساب الجاري الثنائي. وهذا يبشر بخير فيما يتصل بنشوء حوار أكثر عقلانية وإيجابية بين الطرفين الصيني والأميركي فيما يتصل باختلال التوازن العالمي، وهو ما من شأنه أن يفيد الاقتصاد العالمي بكل تأكيد.
A: | Dobrou zprávou je, že po nedávné návštěvě prezidenta Chu Ťin-tchaa ve Washingtonu Amerika i Čína uskutečňují pozitivní kroky k vyřešení svých sporů nad bilaterální bilancí běžného účtu. To je dobrým znamením pro racionálnější a konstruktivnější čínsko-americký dialog o globálních nevyváženostech, který by určitě prospěl celé globální ekonomice. |
In this task, you will be presented with a question about part-of-speech tag of a word in the question. You should write an implausible POS tag to the question. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb
Example: What is the part-of-speech tag of the word "the" in the following question: Who were the builders of the mosque in Herat with fire temples ?
Example solution: IN
Example explanation: This is a good example. POS tag of the is DT and IN is incorrect.
Problem: What is the part-of-speech tag of the word "to" in the following question: What was the mascot of the club where a member born in 1984 used to play for ?
| Solution: VBN |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a passage that represents a legal contract or clause between multiple parties. Your job is to write questions that ask the basic details corresponding to the legal contracts or clauses. Avoid questions that can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph, and which might have multiple answers. The answer to each question should be unambiguous.
1. By execution of this Supplier/Subcontractor Contract (Contract), _______________ (Supplier) agrees and acknowledges that: (i) all images and/or trademarks, including, but not limited to PLAYBOY, (the Playboy Properties) applied at the request of _______________ (Purchaser) to merchandise covered by this Contract are owned by Playboy Enterprises International, Inc. (Playboy), and when used upon merchandise means that such merchandise is sponsored, approved, recommended or sold by Playboy or its licensees; (ii) Supplier will not sell, ship or otherwise dispose of any such merchandise except upon the order of Purchaser or Playboy; (iii) Supplier will never make, cause others to make or assist others in making, any claim whatsoever to any or all of the Playboy Properties or any trademark, copyright, designation, name, phrase, design or symbol similar thereto in connection with the manufacture, advertising, promotion, sale or distribution of merchandise; and (iv) Supplier will defend, indemnify and hold harmless Purchaser and Playboy and the distributors and dealers and the officers and employees of each of the foregoing against all liability whatsoever which may be incurred by them or any of them as a result of any alleged defects in material or workmanship in the merchandise covered by this Contract.
2. Supplier agrees that no production or manufacture of any merchandise covered by this Contract will commence until this Contract has been signed, dated and returned by Supplier to Purchaser. Supplier further agrees that it will not produce, cause to be produced or assist in the production of more units than are specified by Purchaser nor will Supplier produce, cause to be produced or assist in the production of any product or item not specifically requested by Purchaser using any or all of the Playboy Properties or any trademark, copyright, designations, names, phrases, designs or symbols similar to any or all of the Playboy Properties during or at any time after the completion of merchandise requested by this Contract.
3. Supplier will, upon request from Purchaser or Playboy, deliver to Purchaser or will destroy in the presence of Purchaser or its representative(s), all molds, designs or any other elements used in reproducing any or all of the Playboy Properties.
4. Playboy is an intended third-party beneficiary of this Contract.
5. This Contract, when attached to a purchase order, shall consist of the entire agreement between the parties and shall supersede any conflicting or contrary terms and conditions of any purchase order or other order form whether supplied by Purchaser or Supplier.
6. This Contract may not be modified or terminated except in writing, and no claimed modification, termination or waiver shall be binding unless also signed by an authorized representative of Playboy.
Source: PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INC, 10-Q/A, 2/20/2009
SUPPLIER PURCHASER (Name of Company - Please Print) By: By: Title: Title: Date: Date: SUPPLIER INFORMATION PLAYBOY Name: Name: PLAYBOY.COM, INC. Address: Address: 730 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10019 Contact: Contact: Telephone: Telephone: 212-261-5000 Facsimile: Facsimile: 212-957-2950
Source: PLAYBOY ENTERPRISES INC, 10-Q/A, 2/20/2009
A: | Highlight the parts (if any) of this contract related to Third Party Beneficiary that should be reviewed by a lawyer. Details: Is there a non-contracting party who is a beneficiary to some or all of the clauses in the contract and therefore can enforce its rights against a contracting party? |
Instructions: In this task, you're given a dialogue between a customer and a flight booking agent with a gap in the conversation. Your job is to find the answer of the previous dialogue. Avoid using irrelevant extra information while creating the answer. The answer should be relevant to the question before the blank. If you fill the blank with a question, it should have an answer from the agent in the given dialogue. Fill the gap marked with underline.
Input: customer: Hello, I am Jason Scott.
agent: Hello, how can I assist you?
agent: Sure Scott, can I know the travel dates please?
customer: My depart is on 10/30 and return on 11/01.
agent: May I know your take off airport code please?
customer: My source is HOU.
agent: Ok, wait a moment please.
customer: OK.
agent: There is a flight with connection 1 and price 200, can I book it?
customer: OK, proceed with booking.
agent: Your ticket has been booked with flight number 1000.
customer: Thank you for the help.
agent: Thank you for approaching us.
Output: | customer: I want to visit DC - IAD, can you help me with direct flight? |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given two lists A,B. Find the longest common subsequence in the lists A and B.
Q: [5041, 9743, 'A', 'K', 9599, 'b', 'i', 'n', 'd', '6635', '4925', '5817', '8357', '4261', '6821', '7837', '5711', 'L', 'n', '1303', '9157', 'y', '2655', 'a', 'm', 'Q', 'U', 9793, 39, 8081, 'w', 4241, 'L', 39, 5319, 2837, 'D', 8109, 2819, 'x', 3065], ['a', 8511, 'z', 8739, 7675, 2715, 'N', 'J', 'l', 'n', 'd', '6635', '4925', '5817', '8357', '4261', '6821', '7837', '5711', 'L', 'n', '1303', '9157', 'y', '2655', 'a', 'm', 'l', 9759, 4747]
A: | n, d, 6635, 4925, 5817, 8357, 4261, 6821, 7837, 5711, L, n, 1303, 9157, y, 2655, a, m |
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into Galician.
Q: בכדי לגדל עור, אנו מתחילים על ידי לקיחת התאים מבעל חיים, באמצעות דגימת רקמות פשוטה.
A: | Para cultivar coiro, comezamos extraendo as células...... dun animal a través dunha simple biopsia. |
Detailed Instructions: You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply division mathematical operator on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer.
Problem:Context: White t - shirts can be purchased in packages. If mom buys 66 white t - shirts where each package has 3 white t - shirts.
Question: How many packages will she have?
Solution: | 22 |
Instructions: Two analogies that relate objects to the associated rooms is given in the form "A : B. C : ?". "A : B" relates object A to room B. Your task is to replace the question mark (?) with the appropriate room for the given object C, following the "A : B" relation.
Input: closet : bedroom. microwave : ?
Output: | kitchen |
Given a sentence in the Japanese, provide an equivalent translation in Lao that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is.
Q: レポートによれば、ミズーリ州セントルイスの40マイル外で起きた、2台のスクールバス、トレーラー、SUVを巻き込んだ事故で、2人が死亡、50人が負傷した。
A: | ອູບັດຕິເຫດເກີດຂື້ນກັບລົດຮັບສົ່ງນັກຮຽນສອງຄັນ ລົດໄຖແບບລາກ ແລະ ລົດໃຫຍ່ ໄດ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ມີຜູ້ເສຍຊີວິດສອງຄົນ ແລະ ບາດເຈັບອີກຫ້າສິບກວ່າຄົນ ຈຸດເກີດເຫດຫ່າງຈາກ ຖະໜົນ ຫລຸຍ 40ໄມລ໌ ມິສູຣີ ອີງຕາມການລາຍງານ. |
In this task, you will be shown a conversation and a question. You should categorize the question into matching, summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense groups. Matching is a question entailed or paraphrased by exactly one sentence in a dialogue. The answer can be extracted from the same sentence. Questions that cannot be answered by the surface meaning of a single sentence belong to the reasoning category. We further define summary, logic, arithmetic and, commonsense subcategories. Answering summary questions requires the whole picture of dialogue, such as the topic of dialogue and the relation between speakers. We require logical reasoning to answer logical questions. in arithmetic questions Inferring the answer requires arithmetic knowledge. To answer commonsense questions, besides the textual information in the dialogue, we also require additional commonsense knowledge that cannot be obtained from the dialogue. Note that a question can be in more than one group. "W" and "M" in the conversations stand for "woman" and "man".
One example is below.
Q: W: The movie next Tuesday has been cancelled due to lack of interest. M: What do you mean? W: Well, by last night only a few tickets has been sold., Question: What can we conclude about the movie? (A) They want to buy the tickets for the movie. (B) The tickets for the movie were sold. (C) The movie will not be shown.
A: commonsense
Rationale: This is a good example. To answer this question we require commonsense knowledge that cannot be obtained from the dialogue. So, this is a commonsense question.
Q: W: What did you say? M: I said that it's a fine day today. Why don't we go for a walk? W: Can you wait a few minutes? I have to finish the letter. M: Will it take long? W: No, about ten minutes, I think. Why don't you go first and I'll meet you in the park? M: OK. I'll wait for you near the garden., Question: Where does the man ask the woman to see him? (A) Near the garden. (B) In the garden. (C) Outside the park.
A: | logic |
In this task, you are given a premise sentence. Your task is to write a new sentence by substituting the subject and object (i.e., the input's subject should be output's object and vice versa.). The generated sentence must be fluent and shouldn't change the voice (i.e., passive or active) of the input.
Q: The scientists in front of the professors advised the doctors .
A: | The doctors advised the scientists . |
Q: In this task, you need to output 'Yes' if the given number is a prime number otherwise output 'No'. A 'prime number' is a a whole number above 1 that can not be made by multiplying other whole numbers.
A: | No |
A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Example input: तो राष्ट्रपति जी ने आपकी इतनी तारीफ की, यानी भारतीय समुदाय के लिए वो गर्व अनुभव करते थे, और ये जब मैं सुनता था मुझे इतना आनंद आ रहा था, पूरी मेरे हिन्दुस्तान से आने की पूरी थकान उतर गई।
Example output: ତେଣୁ ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ରପତି ତୁମକୁ ବହୁତ ପ୍ରଶଂସା କଲେ, ଯାହା ହେଉଛି ଭାରତୀୟ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ, ଏବଂ ଯେତେବେଳେ ମୁଁ ମୋ କଥା ଶୁଣୁଥିଲି, ମୋର ହିନ୍ଦୁଲାଠାରୁ ଆସିବାର ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ମୋଟା ଆସିଲା |
Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'So President praised you so much, that is, those proud of the Indian community experienced, and when I listened to me, I was so happy, the whole fatigue of coming from my Hindustan came.' which is the same as the output sentence.
Q: मतलब अमेरिका, कनाडा और मैक्सिको, उसकी total जनसंख्या से ज्यादा लोगों को beneit मिलेगा।
A: | ଭାରତୀୟ ପୁଲିସ ସେବା 2017 ବ୍ୟାଚର ପ୍ରାୟ 100 ଜଣ ଶିକ୍ଷାନବିସ ଅଧିକାରୀମାନେ ଆଜି (ସୋମବାର) ନୂଆଦିଲ୍ଲୀଠାରେ ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଶ୍ରୀ ନରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ମୋଦୀଙ୍କ ସହ ସାକ୍ଷାତ କରିଛନ୍ତି । |
Given a sequence of actions to navigate an agent in its environment, provide the correct command in a limited form of natural language that matches the sequence of actions when executed. Commands are lowercase and encapsulate the logic of the sequence of actions. Actions are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. opposite turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output.
One example: I_TURN_LEFT I_JUMP
Solution is here: jump left
Explanation: If the agent turned to the left and jumped, then the agent jumped to the left.
Solution: | jump opposite right twice and run around left twice |
You are given a list of integers and an integer target, return a list of a pair of numbers in any order such that they add up to target. If there is no such pair of numbers, then return an empty list
Example Input: [20, 5, 36, 24, 16, 27, 7, 18, 49, 11, 41, 29, 39, 37, 2, 6, 43, 40, 8, 3], target=38
Example Output: [20, 18]
Example Input: [36, 45, 2, 14, 44, 41, 4, 18, 15, 17, 46, 30, 29, 6, 11, 48, 40, 43, 25, 27], target=56
Example Output: [41, 15]
Example Input: [46, 35, 1, 11, 45, 23, 26, 22, 37, 43, 18, 40, 4, 36, 39, 20, 16, 28, 5, 2], target=58
Example Output: | [35, 23]
In this task you need to indicate the plausibility of reasoning for the pronoun coreference relations. Each of the provided inputs contains a sentence with a target pronoun and a sentence that justifies which noun phrase the pronoun refers to. Correct reasons do not need to use all the knowledge from the sentence. The resolution of the pronoun coreference relations typically involve one or multiple following knowledge types about commonsense: First: 'Property', the knowledge about property of objects (e.g., ice is cold). Second: 'Object', the knowledge about objects (e.g., cats have ears). Third: 'Eventuality', the knowledge about eventuality (e.g., 'wake up' happens before 'open eyes'). Forth: 'Spatial', the knowledge about spatial position (e.g., object at the back can be blocked). Fifth: 'Quantity', the knowledge about numbers (e.g., 2 is smaller than 10). Sixth: all other knowledge if above ones are not suitable. You should answer 'Correct' if the reasoning made sense, otherwise, you should answer 'Wrong'.
Example: Sentence: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence.
Reason: The 'they' refers to the city councilmen because city councilmen are administrative so they are more likely to fear.
Question: Is the above reasoning correct or wrong?
Example solution: Correct.
Example explanation: This is a correct reason since the pronoun in the sentence is descibed as ones who fear violence and the city councilmen are attached with this property.
Problem: Sentence: Ann asked Mary what time the library closes, but she had forgotten.
Reason: The 'she' refers to mary because she had forgotten Ann asked Mary what time the library closes.
Question: Is the above reasoning correct or wrong?
| Solution: Correct |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be presented with a premise sentence and a hypothesis sentence in Persian. Determine whether the hypothesis sentence entails, contradicts, or is neutral with respect to the given premise sentence. Classify your answers into "Contradiction", "Neutral", or "Entailment".
Q: Premise: و او او خیلی دوستانه بود و من از مدیر، همانطور که بررسی کرده بودیم، پرسیدم این خانم یک بالرینا است؟ و او گفت نه او پرخور است <sep> Hypothesis: مدیر به من گفت كه او بانوی بالرینا است كه معرفی کرده بودم.
A: | Contradiction |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a list of numbers. The list of numbers is separated with comma and inside brackets. You need to remove the maximum(the number with the largest value) and minimum(the number with the smallest value) element from the list and return the list in the same order as input. Your answer should be a list of numbers separated by comma, inside brackets.
See one example below:
Problem: [1,45,23,67,83]
Solution: [45,23,67]
Explanation: 1 is the minimum element and it is removed and 83 is the maximum element and it is also removed from the result.
Problem: [475, 33, 286, 351, 181, 408, 370, 144, 293, 297, 301, 305, 482, 363, 18, 469, 497, 368, 474, 397]
Solution: | [475, 33, 286, 351, 181, 408, 370, 144, 293, 297, 301, 305, 482, 363, 469, 368, 474, 397] |
The input is a sentence with a missed word and an emotion. Your task is to fill in the blank with a word that matches the emotion and rewrite the completed sentence. The emotion is one of ['fear', 'joy', 'anger', 'sadness'].
Example input: SENTENCE: Alphonso feels <blank>.
EMOTION: sadness
Example output: Alphonso feels sad
Example explanation: The answer is correct. The pattern '<blank>' is replaced with the appropriate word 'sad' which correspoinds to the emotion 'sadness'
Q: SENTENCE: The situation makes Alphonse feel <blank>.
A: | The situation makes Alphonse feel terrified. |
In this task, you are given inputs i,j, and A, where i and j are integers and A is a list. You need to return the sum of all the numerical elements in the list A between the positions i and j (including positions i and j). Return 0 if no numerical element is present in the list between the given ranges. i and j will be non-negative, and will always have a value less than the length of A. i will always be less than j.
Example input: 3, 7, ['A', '23', '7413', '6933', '3369', '807', 'M', '456']
Example output: 18522
Example explanation: Here, the numbers from 3rd to 7th position are '7413', '6933', '3369', and '807', hence their sum (7413+6933+3369+807) is 18522.
Q: 3, 10, ['e', '5373', '2449', 'A', 'd', '7959', '7525', 's', '7281', 'h', 'Q', 'y', 'N', 'L', '1741', '4707', '5705', '3027', '9491', 'F']
A: | 25214 |
In this task you are given a tweet and you must identify whether the tweet contains any offense or any form of (untargeted) profanity. Label the post as NOT if the post does not contain offense or profanity. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or profanity. label the post as OFFENSIVE if the post contains offensive language or a targeted (veiled or direct) offense. Twitter user mentions were substituted by @USER and URLs have been substitute by URL.
Example: @USER Someone should've taken "this piece of shit to a volcano."
Example solution: OFFENSIVE
Example explanation: tweet contains offensive language.
Problem: @USER Liberals will liberal!
| Solution: NOT |
You will be asked how to do a certain task. You should describe a physical process that does not lead to the asked outcome, yet it is closely related to it (i.e., it should use the words that are provided in the input). The physical process can be moving something, arranging something in a certain way, mixing things, shaking them, etc. To make sure that the generated process does not lead to the asked outcome, you can introduce objects or events unrelated to the context of the question e.g. 'cleaning the keyboard by making an elephant sit on them'; or you can create contradictory statements e.g. 'drying wet keyboards with running water'. In your responses, avoid typos and misspellings.
Example: How do you remove keys from a computer keyboard for cleaning?
Example solution: Place the tip of your finger under the corner of a key and gently twist to pop it off.
Example explanation: The answer is related to the question, but certainly doesn't lead to the asked outcome( A sharp narrow object should be used instead of finger.), so this is a correct answer.
Problem: What can I use to clean microwave easily?
| Solution: To clean a microwave you really only need three items, Vinegar, Lemon juice,and a small cup small cup. Mix about 10 parts vinegar with one part lemon juice and fill a small cup half full with vinegar then added two spoonfuls of lemon juice. Give the mixture a slight stir. Place your cup into the microwave and cook for 2 minutes.After the microwave is done leave the mixture inside for about 5 more minutes before opening the door, after 5 minutes clean with a damp cloth. |
In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every even number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no even numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list.
Example: [[7, -3, -3, 11], [-6, -6, -5, 2], [-8, 4, -3]]
Example solution: [0, 72, -32]
Example explanation: The first inner list has no even integers, so the first number in the output is 0. The second list has -6, -6, 2 for even integers so the second output is 72. The third list has -8, 4 as even numbers so the third output is -32. This is a good example.
Problem: [[-1, -5, -24], [37, 50, -36], [-31, -5], [-29, 6], [-14, 36, 22, -44], [-10, 0, 18, 13, 8], [10, 11, -9, -1, 28], [-37, 31, 39, -42, 0], [48, -27, 23, -4, -3], [-24, -2, 3], [-2, -9, 22, 45], [-13, 30], [39, 2]]
| Solution: [-24, -1800, 0, 6, 487872, 0, 280, 0, -192, 48, -44, 30, 2] |
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a date in "dd/mm/yyyy" format. You need to check if the date is valid or not. Return 1 if it is valid, else return 0. A date is valid if the components day("dd"), month("mm") and year("yyyy") are all valid individually. A day(dd) is valid if it: a) lies between 1 and 31 for the months of January, March, May, July, August, October, December, b) lies between 1 and 28 for February on non-leap years and between 1-29 on leap years, c) lies between 1-30 for all other months. A month(mm) is valid if it lies in the range from 1 to 12 as there are 12 months in a year. A year is always valid if it is expressed in the form of "yyyy".
| 1 |
Read the given query and classify it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' query depending on how well the query is formed, 'Bad' being the expected output for a not so well formed query and 'Good' being the expected output for a well formed query. A query may be wrong based on common sense or general facts, but if it is well formed, you should answer with Good.
Q: How do green anacondas eat ?
A: | Bad |
In medical studies, treatments are tested within a group of study participants. You will be given a sentence of a study report in which your task is to list the phrases that give information about the participants of the study. You should list the phrases in the same order that they appear in the text, separated by commas. If no information about the participants is mentioned, just output "not found". Relevant information about participants include: gender, medical conditions, location, number of people participating. Do not contain participant mentions without relevant information.
One example: A PPARA Polymorphism Influences the Cardiovascular Benefit of Fenofibrate in Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From ACCORD Lipid.
Solution is here: Type 2 Diabetes
Explanation: The only piece of text relevant to participants is "Type 2 Diabetes" which is a medical condition.
Now, solve this: Results suggest that rapid anesthesia with higher dose is better than slow anesthesia with lower dose for blood sampling in Beluga .
Solution: | Beluga |
In this task, you are given commands (in terms of logical operations) to select relevant rows from the given table. Your job is to generate a natural language interpretation of the given command.
Here are the definitions of logical operators:
1. count: returns the number of rows in the view
2. only: returns whether there is exactly one row in the view
3. hop: returns the value under the header column of the row
4. and: returns the boolean operation result of two arguments
5. max/min/avg/sum: returns the max/min/average/sum of the values under the header column
6. nth max/nth min: returns the n-th max/n-th min of the values under the header column
7. argmax/argmin: returns the row with the max/min value in header column
8. nth argmax/nth argmin: returns the row with the n-th max/min value in header column
9. eq/not eq: returns if the two arguments are equal
10. round eq: returns if the two arguments are roughly equal under certain tolerance
11. greater/less: returns if argument 1 is greater/less than argument 2
12. diff: returns the difference between two arguments
13. filter eq/not eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is equal/not equal to argument 3
14. filter greater/less: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less than argument 3
15. filter greater eq /less eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less or equal than argument 3
16. filter all: returns the view itself for the case of describing the whole table
17. all eq/not eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3
18. all greater/less: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3
19. all greater eq/less eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3
20. most eq/not eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3
21. most greater/less: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3
22. most greater eq/less eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3
One example: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; attendance ; 3 } ; competition } ; danish superliga 2005 - 06 } = true
Solution is here: select the row whose attendance record of all rows is 3rd maximum. the competition record of this row is danish superliga 2005-06.
Explanation: Here, the generated sentence interprets given logical form correctly that 3rd maximum should be selected from given table rows.
Now, solve this: all_eq { filter_eq { all_rows ; first elected ; 19 } ; party ; democratic } = true
Solution: | select the rows whose first elected record fuzzily matches to 19 . for the party records of these rows , all of them fuzzily match to democratic . |
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case.
In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. You should write an incorrect option. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted.
Example: Drapeau’s cohorts, the cohort would be a “victim” of making the bomb. Further, firebombs are inherently dangerous. There is no peaceful purpose for making a bomb. Felony offenses that involve explosives qualify as “violent crimes” for purposes of enhancing the sentences of career offenders. See 18 U.S.C. § 924(e)(2)(B)(ii) (defining a “violent felony” as: “any crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year ... that ... involves use of explosives”). Courts have found possession of a'bomb to be a crime of violence based on the lack of a nonviolent purpose for a bomb and the fact that, by its very nature, there is a substantial risk that the bomb would be used against the person or property of another. See United States v. Newman, 125 F.3d 863 (10th Cir.1997) (unpublished) (<HOLDING>); United States v. Dodge, 846 F.Supp. 181,, Holding statements: (A) holding that possession of a pipe bomb is a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 3142f1 (B) holding that bank robbery by force and violence or intimidation under 18 usc 2113a is a crime of violence (C) holding that sexual assault of a child qualified as crime of violence under 18 usc 16 (D) holding for the purposes of 18 usc 924e that being a felon in possession of a firearm is not a violent felony as defined in 18 usc 924e2b (E) holding that a court must only look to the statutory definition not the underlying circumstances of the crime to determine whether a given offense is by its nature a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 16
Output: holding that bank robbery by force and violence or intimidation under 18 usc 2113a is a crime of violence
It's a good example. Based on the given prompt, holding that possession of a pipe bomb is a crime of violence for purposes of 18 usc 3142f1 is correct.
New input case for you: we cannot say that this record conclusively shows that appellant is entitled to no relief, sufficient to deny the motion without a hearing. See, e.g., Ventura, 820 So.2d at 1026 (Appellant affirmed at plea hearing that he personally understood the terms of his plea agreement and was informed of the consequences of his plea; the appellant was nonetheless entitled to a hearing on the merits of his motion to withdraw based on allegations of trial counsel misadvice and coercion.); Kemner v. State, 770 So.2d 276 (Fla. 4th DCA 2000) (Transcript of hearing did not conclusively rebut appellant’s allegation that his plea was induced by his counsel’s misadvice that he would receive a life sentence if he went to trial and was convicted.); Holmes v. State, 726 So.2d 1228 (Fla. 4th DCA 1999) (<HOLDING>); Stott v. State, 701 So.2d 917 (Fla. 4th DCA
Holding statements: (A) holding that appellant was entitled to evidentiary hearing based on allegation his trial counsel told him he would most likely face a life sentence if he went to trial when the maximum sentence for the charge he plead guilty to was eleven years (B) holding that appellant forfeited his complaint regarding his sentence because he did not object at trial (C) holding that the trial court did not abuse its discretion by refusing to accept the defendants guilty pleas to two counts of the indictment and stating that even if the trial court erred the error had not prejudiced the defendant because he was found guilty by the jury of the charges to which he intended to plead and the evidence of the other crimes would have been admissible in the trial for the first degree murder charge (D) holding that the defendant was entitled to counsel when the offense for which he was tried could result in the imposition of a jail sentence (E) holding no coercion where counsel told movant his conviction was likely because movant stated he understood full range of punishment and no one threatened him to plead guilty
Output: | holding that appellant forfeited his complaint regarding his sentence because he did not object at trial |
1. Who knew such lunacy could be so inspiring?
2. Boy, is it stupid. Boy, is it funny.
3. It should have been a lot funnier.
4. Shakespeare might well have loved the ironic way that that character trait plays out.
5. The more self-righteous it gets -- the more pious it is about offending people -- the less it works as a theatrical parody.
6. Let's just say that, when the parody looks indistinguishable from the parodied, something's gone awry.
7. Fleming saves most of his energy for the blowout final production numbers, which play like demented outtakes from High School Musical.
8. The real tragedy here is that someone might actually pay to see this dull mess of a movie.
9. The movie is an ideal showcase for the talents of Coogan.
10. When the father of one of the stars says, 'I'm simultaneously horrified and fascinated,' you'll know just what he means.
Write a one sentence summary of the reviews above. | The script's biting premise and Steve Coogan's endearing, off-the-handle performance make Hamlet 2 an hysterical -- if slightly painful -- ride. |
Detailed Instructions: We would like you to assess the QUALITY of each of the following argument (discussing Death Penalty) and determine if the argument is Valid or Invalid. A valid argument is clearly interpretable and either expresses an argument, or a premise or a conclusion that can be used in an argument for the topic of death penalty. An invalid argument is a phrase that cannot be interpreted as an argument or not on the topic of death penalty.
Q: It wouldn't shock me if someone committed murder JUST to get those things.
A: | Valid |
In medical studies, treatments are tested within a group of study participants. To determine if a new treatment works, various outcomes are measured in the people who take part in the study. You will be given a sentence of a study report in which your task is to list the phrases that give information about the outcomes of the study. You should list the phrases in the same order that they appear in the text, separated by commas. If no information about the outcome is mentioned, just answer with: "not found".
Outcomes contain: outcomes measured in patients: like blood sugar,
outcomes regarding the intervention: like effectiveness, costs
the score on a medical test or questionnaire,
positive or negative events in the patient groups: like quitting smoking, or adverse reactions.
Do not mention numbers or results, interpretations of outcomes, outcome mentions without relevant information.
One example is below.
Q: Effects of 12 weeks' treatment with a proton pump inhibitor on insulin secretion, glucose metabolism and markers of cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes
A: insulin secretion, glucose metabolism and markers of cardiovascular risk
Rationale: The study is measuring effects of a treatment on several outcomes, which are: insulin secretion, glucose metabolism and markers of cardiovascular risk.
Q: To consider the impact on primary care patient outcomes of using both a screener to determine elevated anxiety levels among patients with previously undetected anxiety and a physician intervention to inform physicians of their patients ' conditions .
A: | not found |
Two analogies that relate actions with their consequences are given in the form "A : B. C : ?". The phrase "A : B" relates action A to consequence B. Your task is to replace the question mark (?) with the appropriate consquence of the given action C, following the "A : B" relation. Your answer should be a single verb, without further explanation.
One example is below.
Q: throw : fly. aspire : ?
A: attain
Rationale: Fly is a causation of throw. Hence, the inferred analogy being causation, attain is the causation of aspire.
Q: hit : shatter. pursue : ?
A: | catch |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a paragraph and question in Chinese. The answer to the given question is a span from the given passage. Your task is to generate the starting index of answer span for the given question from the passage.
Problem: passage : 阿部定吉(、1505年(永正2年) - 1549年(天文18年)),战国时代武将,通称大藏。父亲为阿部定时。阿部四郎兵卫定次是其弟。阿部定吉是仕奉德川家康的祖父·松平清康、父亲·松平广忠的家臣。1535年,松平家的七代当主松平清康,遭到阿部定吉之子阿部正丰暗杀,后阿部定吉成为松平广忠的家臣。请参阅守山崩条目。清康叔父·樱井松平信定,乘清康之死,和清康之弟·藏人信孝在合战中占据了冈崎城。信定认为松平广忠的存在是个危险要素,于是准备加害于他。于是广忠逃到伊势国依附于吉良持广。持广死后,广忠逃到骏河国依附于今川义元以寻求新的靠山,并且从今川氏成功借到了兵马。广忠和清康之弟2人·信孝(与信定不和)、康孝还得到大久保忠俊的协力,夺回了冈崎城。清康死后,广忠在外足足漂流了5年。此后,表面上和广忠合作的信孝,觊觎着康孝的遗留领地。广忠和阿部定吉商议后,趁信孝前往骏河今川义元处时,攻下信孝的三木城,把他放逐了。其他方面,大久保忠俊也暂时离开了广忠。虽然自己本身没有罪,但是对杀害了清康的自己儿子的罪却深深地自责着。阿部定吉没有立继承人,使血统断绝了。此后,同族阿部正胜一脉势力开始强盛,江户时代多人就任老中。 , question : 阿部定吉表面上和广忠合作,其真实目的是什么?
Solution: | 352 |
The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants in Spanish, and we ask you to translate those to English language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations.
Example: ¿hay algún restaurante " italian " cerca con opiniones de 3 estrellas?
Example solution: are there any " italian " restaurants nearby with 3 star reviews ?
Example explanation: The translation correctly preserves " italian " entity and is accurate
Problem: busque "big woodys"
| Solution: search for " big woodys " |
In this task, you are given a country name and you need to return the capital city of the given country
Q: Grenada
A: | Saint George's |
Instructions: In this task, you're given a dialogue between a customer and a flight booking agent with a gap in the conversation. Your job is to find the answer of the previous dialogue. Avoid using irrelevant extra information while creating the answer. The answer should be relevant to the question before the blank. If you fill the blank with a question, it should have an answer from the agent in the given dialogue. Fill the gap marked with underline.
Input: customer: Hi.
agent: Hello, how can I assist you?
customer: Please help me in booking flight ticket from EWR to IAD.
agent: Sure, I can help you with that. May I know your travel dates please?
customer: My trip dates are Jan 04 to Jan 06.
agent: Do you need break in between your journey?
customer: I need a connecting flight.
agent: Please let me know if you have any other specifications.
customer: My depart should be in afternoon.
agent: May I know your good name please?
customer: Jessica Evans.
agent: Delta airlines is providing a direct flight with ticket fare of 600, shall I proceed for booking?
customer: You can proceed.
customer: Thank you.
agent: Thank you for choosing us.
Output: | agent: I have successfully booked you an economy class ticket in flight-1008, have a safe journey. |
A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Example: तो राष्ट्रपति जी ने आपकी इतनी तारीफ की, यानी भारतीय समुदाय के लिए वो गर्व अनुभव करते थे, और ये जब मैं सुनता था मुझे इतना आनंद आ रहा था, पूरी मेरे हिन्दुस्तान से आने की पूरी थकान उतर गई।
Example solution: ତେଣୁ ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ରପତି ତୁମକୁ ବହୁତ ପ୍ରଶଂସା କଲେ, ଯାହା ହେଉଛି ଭାରତୀୟ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ, ଏବଂ ଯେତେବେଳେ ମୁଁ ମୋ କଥା ଶୁଣୁଥିଲି, ମୋର ହିନ୍ଦୁଲାଠାରୁ ଆସିବାର ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ମୋଟା ଆସିଲା |
Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'So President praised you so much, that is, those proud of the Indian community experienced, and when I listened to me, I was so happy, the whole fatigue of coming from my Hindustan came.' which is the same as the output sentence.
Problem: इस बैठक में मुख्य सचिव, दिल्ली, विशेष आयुक्त, दिल्ली पुलिस, कमिश्नर, एमसीडी, दिल्ली के विभिन्न जिलों के डीएम और गुरुग्राम, नोएडा, फरीदाबाद और गाजियाबाद के डीएम शामिल हुए।
| Solution: ଶେଷରେ ପୁଣିଥରେ ଆପଣ ସମସ୍ତଙ୍କୁ ଦୀପାବଳିର ଅନେକ ଅନେକ ଶୁଭକାମନା । ଆପଣ ଏତେ ଅଧିକ ସଂଖ୍ୟାରେ ପ୍ରାତଃ କାଳରୁ ଆସିଛନ୍ତି ଏଥିପାଇଁ ମୁଁ ଆପଣଙ୍କୁ ହୃଦୟର ସହିତ ଅନେକ ଅନେକ ଧନ୍ୟବାଦ ଜ୍ଞାପନ କରୁଛି । |
You are given a statement written in Tamil. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option .
Example input: Statement: எம்.சி.பி வங்கி, 2008 இல், மலேசியாவின் மலாய் வங்கி நிறுவனத்துடன் ஒரு கூட்டணியைத் தொடங்கியது. <MASK> இப்போது எம்சிபி வங்கியில் 20 சதவீத பங்கைக் கொண்டுள்ளது. 2009 ஆம் ஆண்டில், எம்சிபி வங்கியின் தலைவர் மியான் முகம்மது மன்சா, பாக்கித்தானுக்கு தொடர்ந்து வெளிநாட்டு முதலீட்டைக் கொண்டுவருவதில் தனது முயற்சிகள் வெற்றிகரமாக இருந்தன என்றும், மே வங்கியுடனான ஒப்பந்தத்தைத் தொடர்ந்து மலேசியாவிலிருந்து தனது வங்கி ஏற்கனவே 970 மில்லியன் அமெரிக்க டாலர் முதலீட்டை நாட்டிற்கு கொண்டு வந்துள்ளது என்றும் கூறினார். இங்கிலாந்து பைனான்சியல் டைம்ஸ் செய்தித்தாளுடன் சிறப்பு மதிய உணவுக்கு அவர் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டார். 2010 இல் ஃபோர்ப்ஸ் என்ற உலகளாவிய ஊடக நிறுவனத்தின் பட்டியல்களின்படி, அவர் உலகின் 937 வது பணக்காரரும், பாக்கித்தானின் முதல் பணக்காரரும் ஆவார்.
Option A: பாக்கித்தானில்
Option B: மேபேங்க்
Option C: இந்தியாவுக்குச்
Option D: மலேசியாவிலிருந்து
Example output: மேபேங்க்
Example explanation: The statement talks about the May Bank and it's related activities, the most suitable replacement of the <MASK> token would be மேபேங்க் based on the local context. The other options are countries .
Q: Statement: இந்தப் படையெடுப்பு அயூப்பிய அரசை அழித்துவிட்டது. அயூப்பிய அரசு அது வரை <MASK>, எகிப்து, அரேபியத் தீபகற்பத்தின் பெரும்பகுதியை ஆட்சி செய்த சக்திவாய்ந்த வம்சம் ஆகும். கடைசி அயூப்பிய அரசர் அன்-நசிர் யூசுஃப், 1260ல் ஹுலாகுவினால் கொல்லப்பட்டார். இஸ்லாமிய அதிகார மையமான பாக்தாத் அழித்துவிட, டமாஸ்கஸ் பலவீனமடைந்துவிட, இஸ்லாமிய அதிகார மையம் மம்லுக் சுல்தான்களின் தலைநகரமான கெய்ரோவிற்கு மாற்றப்பட்டது.
Option A: லெவண்ட்
Option B: டமாஸ்கஸ்
Option C: காக்கேசியாவுக்கு
Option D: ஷிராஸை
A: | லெவண்ட் |
The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants, and we ask you to translate those to the Finnish language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations.
Example input: are there any " italian " restaurants nearby with 10 star reviews ?
Example output: löytyykö läheltäni yhtään " italian " ravintolaa joka on saanut vähintään 10 tähden arvioita?
Example explanation: The translation correctly preserves " italian " entity and is accurate
Q: show me the highest rated restaurant please .
A: | näytä minulle korkeimman luokituksen omaava ravintola. |
Q: Indicate all the pronouns (they, them, you, he, his, her, you, it, etc.) present in the given sentence. If there are multiple such pronouns in a sentence, then list them in the order of their first appearance in the given sentence. If a pronoun appears multiple times in a sentence, list it only once.
adam can't leave work here until bob arrives to replace him. if bob had left home for work on time, he would be gone by this time.
A: | him, he, this |
Given a short bio of a person, find the minimal text span containing the date of birth of the person. The output must be the minimal text span that contains the birth date, month and year as long as they are present. For instance, given a bio like 'I was born on 27th of Decemeber 1990, and graduated high school on 23rd October 2008.' the output should be '27th of December 1990'.
Example input: Basinger was born in Athens, Georgia, on December 8, 1953
Example output: December 8, 1953
Example explanation: The output is correct as it is a valid text span, is of minimal length and is the correct date of birth.
Q: Uma Karuna Thurman was born on April 29, 1970, in Boston, Massachusetts
A: | April 29, 1970 |
In this task, you are given a list of integers you need to calculate and return the range of the integers which is the difference between maximum and minimum element in the list.
Q: [201, 413, 361, 111, 411, 416, 101, 478, 73, 128, 281, 56, 239, 33, 130, 64, 206, 288, 301, 138]
A: | 445 |
In this task, you are given a country name and you need to return the national dish of the given country. Some countries have multiple national dishes, in which case any one of those dishes will be considered a valid output.
Example input: Afghanistan
Example output: Kabuli Palaw
Example explanation: Kabuli Palaw is the national dish name of the Afghanistan.
Q: Eritrea
A: | Zigini with injera, Gored gored, raw meat |
You are given an array of integers, check if it is monotonic or not. If the array is monotonic, then return 1, else return 2. An array is monotonic if it is either monotonically increasing or monotonocally decreasing. An array is monotonically increasing/decreasing if its elements increase/decrease as we move from left to right
Example: [1,2,2,3]
Example solution: 1
Example explanation: The array is monotonic as 1 < 2 <= 2 < 3
Problem: [188, 187, 186, 185, 184, 183, 182, 181, 180, 179, 178, 177, 176, 175, 174, 173, 172, 171, 170, 169, 168, 167, 166, 165, 164, 163, 162, 161, 160, 159, 158, 157, 156, 155, 154, 153, 152, 151, 150, 149, 148, 147, 146, 145, 144, 143, 142, 141, 140, 139, 138, 137, 136, 135, 134, 133, 132, 131, 130, 129, 128, 127, 126, 125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 117, 116, 115, 114, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 89, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78, 77, 76, 75, 74, 73, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68, 67, 66, 65, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24]
| Solution: 1 |
Detailed Instructions: This task is to translate a news commentary given in Italian language into Zhuang language. Translate the input statement into the output language while preserving the numberical values, special characters and proper nouns and context of the commentary done.
Q: Ma le porte della leadership della prossima nuova economia – l’economia a basso consumo di CO2 – sono aperte. L’America soffre per le conseguenze dell’impegno profuso da una generazione di rendere lo stato illegittimo come attore economico.
A: | 战略不确定性时刻就出现在这里。“美国制造”数字经济在私人部门表现出强劲动力。但未来新经济的领袖——低碳经济——是开放的。美国正在承受长达一代人时间的判定国家为非法经济行为人的努力带来的后果。欧洲陷入了它的“扩张性财政紧缩”的矛盾承诺的泥淖。 |
You are given a statement written in Tamil. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option .
Example input: Statement: எம்.சி.பி வங்கி, 2008 இல், மலேசியாவின் மலாய் வங்கி நிறுவனத்துடன் ஒரு கூட்டணியைத் தொடங்கியது. <MASK> இப்போது எம்சிபி வங்கியில் 20 சதவீத பங்கைக் கொண்டுள்ளது. 2009 ஆம் ஆண்டில், எம்சிபி வங்கியின் தலைவர் மியான் முகம்மது மன்சா, பாக்கித்தானுக்கு தொடர்ந்து வெளிநாட்டு முதலீட்டைக் கொண்டுவருவதில் தனது முயற்சிகள் வெற்றிகரமாக இருந்தன என்றும், மே வங்கியுடனான ஒப்பந்தத்தைத் தொடர்ந்து மலேசியாவிலிருந்து தனது வங்கி ஏற்கனவே 970 மில்லியன் அமெரிக்க டாலர் முதலீட்டை நாட்டிற்கு கொண்டு வந்துள்ளது என்றும் கூறினார். இங்கிலாந்து பைனான்சியல் டைம்ஸ் செய்தித்தாளுடன் சிறப்பு மதிய உணவுக்கு அவர் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டார். 2010 இல் ஃபோர்ப்ஸ் என்ற உலகளாவிய ஊடக நிறுவனத்தின் பட்டியல்களின்படி, அவர் உலகின் 937 வது பணக்காரரும், பாக்கித்தானின் முதல் பணக்காரரும் ஆவார்.
Option A: பாக்கித்தானில்
Option B: மேபேங்க்
Option C: இந்தியாவுக்குச்
Option D: மலேசியாவிலிருந்து
Example output: மேபேங்க்
Example explanation: The statement talks about the May Bank and it's related activities, the most suitable replacement of the <MASK> token would be மேபேங்க் based on the local context. The other options are countries .
Q: Statement: சாரல்நாடன் நுவரெலியா மாவட்டம், <MASK>, சிங்காரவத்தை தோட்டத்தில் கருப்பையா, வீரம்மா ஆகியோருக்கு 1944 மே 9 இல் பிறந்தார். இவரது இயற்பெயர் நல்லையா. தந்தை தோட்டக் கணக்கப்பிள்ளையாகப் பணியாற்றியவர். அப்கொட் தோட்டப் பாடசாலையில் ஆரம்பக் கல்வியையும், அட்டன் ஹைலன்ட்ஸ் கல்லூரியில் தனது இடைநிலைக் கல்வியையும் கற்றார். கண்டி அசோக வித்தியாலயத்தில் ஆசிரியராகப் பணியாற்ற ஆரம்பித்து, பின்னர் ஆசிரியத் தொழிலை விட்டு பல்வேறு தொழில்களும் மேற்கொண்டு இறுதியில் தேயிலைத் தொழிற்சாலை ஒன்றில் "டீ மேக்கர்" என்ற பதவியில் பணியாற்றி ஓய்வு பெற்றார்.
Option A: ஹாவேரி
Option B: சாமிமலை
Option C: கண்டி
Option D: அட்டன்
A: | சாமிமலை |
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a set of paper reviews in English and Spanish language. Based on given reviews, your job is to generate decision, i.e., "accept" or "reject" for the given paper. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link].
Q: Review_1: De forma: • Se recomienda cambiar la palabra “catastros” del título • Problemas de ortografía. Ejemplo: agiles (primer párrafo de la introducción), ingles (sección criterios de inclusión y exclusión) • Se recomienda siempre redactar en tercera persona para textos en español. • Las páginas 6 y 8 del artículo están en blanco. De fondo: • El artículo es claro en su estructura y de fácil lectura. • Se muestra de forma inicial el proceso seguido para el mapeo sistemático y luego de forma ordenada se muestran los resultados al ejecutar cada paso. • Se recomienda cambiar la figura 2 al idioma español, para los casos en que sea posible. • Se aborda un tema interesante y relevante para la comunidad científica y empresarial, y el alcance logrado está acorde con el tipo de productos solicitados para el evento INFONOR. Review_2: El documento presenta un estudio del estado de situación de las técnicas y métodos que el corpus de la investigación ofrece para el tratamiento de requisitos en entornos ágiles. La temática es totalmente actual y coincido con los autores es que hay poco realizado aún y es un campo de explotación. Hay sin embargo, dos comentarios que me gustaría trasladar a los revisores. El primero es que no queda claro porque no han hecho una revisión sistemática de la literatura de manera más formal. La justificación que ofrecen no me parece convincente. Por otro lado, me gustaría que hubiesen desarrollado algo más los trabajos futuros. Tras un buen trabajo no me queda claro qué han aprendido para ponerlo en práctica en su futura investigación.
A: | accept |
In this task, you are given the name of an Indian food dish. You need to classify the dish as "sweet" or "spicy".
One example: Keerai poriyal
Solution is here: spicy
Explanation: Keerai poriyal is spicy in flavor
Now, solve this: Rasabali
Solution: | sweet |
A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence.
Example: तो राष्ट्रपति जी ने आपकी इतनी तारीफ की, यानी भारतीय समुदाय के लिए वो गर्व अनुभव करते थे, और ये जब मैं सुनता था मुझे इतना आनंद आ रहा था, पूरी मेरे हिन्दुस्तान से आने की पूरी थकान उतर गई।
Example solution: ତେଣୁ ରାଷ୍ଟ୍ରପତି ତୁମକୁ ବହୁତ ପ୍ରଶଂସା କଲେ, ଯାହା ହେଉଛି ଭାରତୀୟ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ ସାମାଜିକ, ଏବଂ ଯେତେବେଳେ ମୁଁ ମୋ କଥା ଶୁଣୁଥିଲି, ମୋର ହିନ୍ଦୁଲାଠାରୁ ଆସିବାର ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ମୋଟା ଆସିଲା |
Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'So President praised you so much, that is, those proud of the Indian community experienced, and when I listened to me, I was so happy, the whole fatigue of coming from my Hindustan came.' which is the same as the output sentence.
Problem: हमनें भी कोशिश की है कि 2022 आजादी के 75 साल हमें ये पांच साल, चार साल जो भी समय मिला है। दौड़ने की हिम्मत आ जाए, काम करने की हिम्मत आ जाए।
| Solution: ଆମେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଏକ ବିରାଟ ଅଭିଯାନ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରିଛୁ ଯାହାଦ୍ୱାରା କି ଏହା ନିଶ୍ଚିତ କରାଯାଇ ପାରିବ ଯେ କୃଷକମାନେ ସେମାନଙ୍କ କୃଷିଜାତ ଅଦରକାରୀ ପଦାର୍ଥକୁ ନପୋଡି ଯେପରି ମୂଲ୍ୟବାନ ପୋଷକରେ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତିତ କରିବେ । |
Subsets and Splits