question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: @McCartneyLauren all my work days have been that long lately. My days off involve sleeping all day just so I can recover from the week. input question: OPTIONS: - negative - positive. Generate a tweet that has the following sentiment: positive Generated tweet: @friendsofclari she'll be better in no time with the love and attention from both of you Write a negative tweet. Possible types: OPTIONS: - negative - positive A: @dolts007 that's beautiful! why don'y my photos ever look that good??!! input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: my bottle opener broke. IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is positive. OUT: @buckhollywood BASEBALL! watch some sports man! IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is positive. OUT:
@TizzySizzleberg Yep Nothing new kids sadly, lol!!
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Given a simple high-school level math question, you are required to solve it and provide the final answer. The final answer is always a single number. These questions can range from a variety of topics like simple arithmetic, solving equations, converting a quantity from one unit to another, finding remainders/GCD/LCM, finding probabilities etc. Each question has only one correct answer. This answer can be a positive or negative integer, a fraction or a decimal number. If the answer is a negative number use the hyphen (e.g. -42) symbol for the minus sign. For decimal numbers, do not add extra zeros after the decimal point. For fractional numbers, separate the numerator and denominator using a forward slash (e.g. 3/25). Let y = -74 - -79. Solve 0 = -y*q - 13 + 3 for q. Solution: -2 Why? Solving the two equations, we find that the value of q is -2. The solution can be obtained by simply solving the equations one after another using substitution. New input: Two letters picked without replacement from {m: 2, n: 2, j: 1, i: 1, l: 2}. Give prob of sequence im. Solution:
instruction: Given a sequence of actions to navigate an agent in its environment, provide the correct command in a limited form of natural language that matches the sequence of actions when executed. Commands are lowercase and encapsulate the logic of the sequence of actions. Actions are individual steps that serve as the building blocks for a command. There are only six actions: 'I_LOOK', 'I_WALK', 'I_RUN', 'I_JUMP', 'I_TURN_LEFT', and 'I_TURN_RIGHT'. These actions respectively align with the commands 'look', 'walk', 'run', 'jump', 'turn left', and 'turn right'. For commands, 'left' and 'right' are used to denote the direction of an action. opposite turns the agent backward in the specified direction. The word 'around' makes the agent execute an action while turning around in the specified direction. The word 'and' means to execute the next scope of the command following the previous scope of the command. The word 'after' signifies to execute the previous scope of the command following the next scope of the command. The words 'twice' and 'thrice' trigger repetition of a command that they scope over two times or three times, respectively. Actions and commands do not have quotations in the input and output. question: I_TURN_LEFT I_TURN_LEFT I_LOOK I_TURN_LEFT I_TURN_LEFT I_RUN I_TURN_LEFT I_TURN_LEFT I_RUN answer: run opposite left twice after look opposite left question: I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP I_TURN_RIGHT I_JUMP answer: jump around right after jump opposite right thrice question: I_JUMP I_JUMP I_TURN_LEFT I_WALK I_TURN_LEFT I_WALK I_TURN_LEFT I_WALK I_TURN_LEFT I_WALK answer:
walk around left after jump twice
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. You are given a news article headline from BBC Yoruba and your task is to classify it into one of the following categories: Africa, Entertainment, Health, Nigeria, Politics, Sport, or World. Example: 2019 Election update: Buhari borí; ó di ààrẹ Nàìjíríà tuntun Output: Politics The headline talks about the new president of Nigeria. So, it belongs to Politics category. New input case for you: Àwọn olùgbé Maiduguri ìṣoro ni àpọ̀jù iná mọ̀nàmọ́nà ń da àwọn láàmú Output:
You are given a movie review in the French language. You need to predict its sentiment. Output a 0 for negative sentiment and a 1 for positive sentiment. Input: Consider Input: Une folie savoureuse *** Deuxième film réalisé par Glenn Ficarra et John Requa, Crasy, stupid, love (2011) se classe dans la catégorie des comédies romantiques américaines inévitables. *** Emplie de promesses, la bande annonce invite à la découverte. A raison, puisque les surprises rencontrées en chemin parviennent à combler les espérances. Finement tissé, le scénario ne se laisse pas tenter par des clichés faciles, ou trop évidents. Parsemé de rebondissements, le fil conducteur entraîne le spectateur vers une chute explosive, rappelant avec délice les dénouements mouvementés des pièces de théâtre comiques. L’humour côtoie l’amour dans un échange juste, efficace, rafraîchissant. Soutenu par un solide fond respectant les codes du genre, le casting réussi participe à la bonne marche du projet. Le duo entre le charismatique Ryan Gosling (Jacob), endossant le rôle du célibataire séducteur incroyablement sexy, et le sympathique Steeve Carell (Cal Weaver), dans la peau de l’attachant père de famille à la conquête de sa virilité envolée, fonctionne à merveille. *** Interprété par Marisa Tomei, le personnage de Kate excessivement surjoué ternit cependant l’éclat de la performance générale des comédiens. En outre, après l’éclatement de la vérité dans une scène formidable d’étranges retrouvailles, l’étirement des dernières minutes surprend, tandis qu’un manque d’approfondissement lors de certains passages reste à déplorer. *** Sans être transcendant, le divertissement offre toutefois un véritable feu d’artifice revigorant. Output: 1 Input: Consider Input: Bien plus que de la nostalgie, j'ai une admiration sans borne devant l'oeuvre de Jim Henson. Des Muppets aux Fraggle Rocks, il su donner à des bouts de chiffon et des balles de ping-pong, une vie sans pareil. Dark Crystal représente pour moi le sommet de son oeuvre, celle dans laquelle il a mis tout son savoir faire et toute sa poésie. Avec Frank Oz (marionettiste avant de devenir le réalisateur qu'on connaît), il délivre un monde réinventé, un conte aux mille merveilles, d'une beauté irréelle, au message ambitieux, anti-manichéen au possible. Un chef d'oeuvre ! Output: 1 Input: Consider Input: Vu à la télé (j'allais peu au ciné' à l'époque de sa sortie), j'ai adoré ce film émouvant. Notamment pour l'évolution des points de vue de certains personnages, et des contre-réactions d'autres. Cela a été une très belle surprise pour nous, le jour de sa télédiffusion.
Output: 1
TASK DEFINITION: Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Spanish that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. PROBLEM: 이것은 영국 런던에서 근무한 지방 정부 기관의 여러 지도자들의 목록입니다. SOLUTION: Esta es una lista de los diversos jefes de las organizaciones gubernamentales locales que han servido en Londres, Inglaterra. PROBLEM: 포함 된 12 개의 이야기 중 6 개는 저자의 첫 번째 소장품 인 "저녁 뉴스"에 이미 실 렸습니다. SOLUTION: De las doce historias incluidas, seis fueron publicadas previamente en la primera colección del autor, `` The Evening News ''. PROBLEM: 이 시리즈의 다섯 호가 인쇄되었지만 프로젝트는 중단되지 않고 완료되었습니다. SOLUTION:
Aunque se imprimieron cinco números de la serie, el proyecto se terminó sin que ninguno de ellos se cancele.
Teacher:In this task, you will be given a short story or summary of a situation which is called a premise. Your task is to generate a question based on the given premise. The generated question (i) must be unambiguous, (ii) must be relevant to the premise, (iii) should require commonsense reasoning to get answered. You should not use any outside knowledge to generate the question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: A little triangle starts flirting with a big triangle. A circle approaches and pushes the little triangle. Student:
Why does the circle do this?
In this task you should classify the given text as 'violence' if there is inhumanity associated with it. Otherwise, classify it as 'not violence'. Mentioning killing people, or hurting them in any way is considered violent. Racist ass white ass people
not violence
In this task, you are given a paragraph and question in Chinese. The answer to the given question is a span from the given passage. Your task is to generate the starting index of answer span for the given question from the passage. [Q]: passage : 白俄罗斯传统服饰最初受基辅罗斯时期服饰风格的影响,随后主要受波兰、立陶宛、拉脱维亚、俄罗斯等其他欧洲国家的影响。除了受罗塞尼亚文化的影响,白俄罗斯的烹饪技术接近立陶宛,但他给人的感觉是没有邻国丰富,也没有邻国那样引人瞩目。不过,这可能是由于普遍缺乏国家认同,仍然继续拉回一个民族发展,也使许多人丧失了传统的饮食,在过去100年,俄罗斯化使白俄罗斯许多传统文化消失。卢卡申科总统提出法律生效电台和电视台向市民介绍了白俄罗斯的百分比每日人才,但没有说明是否要在性能和白俄文。上述电台和电视台是国有,大部分国家控制的国民。白俄罗斯政府每年赞助不少文化节:这些事件展现白演员才华,无论是在音乐、艺术、诗歌、戏剧或舞蹈。在这些节日,各奖项命名为授予苏联英雄、白俄罗斯、优秀音乐艺术。一些国家假日,如独立日和胜利日,吸引人潮如烟花汇演包括各种军事游行。最钟爱的节日,或在明斯克举行。白俄罗斯四个世界遗产遗址: , question : 最钟爱的节日,或在哪里举行? [A]: 379 [Q]: passage : 东林寺是位于中国江西省九江市庐山西北麓的一座著名佛寺,始建于384年(东晋太元九年),为东林慧远所创。慧远在此创立净土宗。当时名仕谢灵运,钦敬慧远,替他在东林寺中开东西两池,遍种白莲。绍兴六年岳飞曾在东林寺中为母守孝。东林寺正对香炉峰,四周群山环抱,门前为虎溪桥。东林寺在历史上曾经数次被毁。如1645年毁于左良玉军队,1853年再毁于太平军。文化大革命期间又遭到破坏,挪作他用。直到1978年,方被列为江西省文物保护单位,并得到重修。由东林寺投资兴建、高48米的东林寺阿弥陀佛大铜像——东林大佛坐落于庐山脚下,于2000年经国家宗教局批准建造,2012年底完工,是目前最高的阿弥陀佛铜像。 , question : 东林寺位于哪里? [A]: 6 [Q]: passage : CVCGo(原名:CVC中文广播电台,已经停止广播服务。转型为原创视频拍摄)是CV传播机构(总部设在英国)的组成部分,隶属于设在澳大利亚的亚太媒体中心。CV是一个全球性、非营利的媒体组织,通过多种媒体向全世界许多地区传播信息,自90年代初成立以来,很快就成长为一个主要的国际性媒体,并用6种语言--普通话、英语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、印地语,以及印度尼西亚等语言,针对不同文化背景的听众播出广播节目。2001年12月22日,CVC以“国际之声广播电台”为名,首次通过普通话、英语和印度尼西亚语进行短波广播,其中发射基地设在澳大利亚的普通话节目主要面向中国大陆听众。2005年7、8月间更名为“CVC中文广播电台”。2008年7月10日,位于新加坡的播音室开幕。2010年2月1日,CVC中文广播电台结束短波广播,并向网络多媒体平台转型,更名为CVCGo。CVCGo目前在澳大利亚和新加坡设有两个媒体制作中心,通过多种风格的原创视频短片和多种富媒体形式,依托社交网络和手机等多种方式,在互联网和手机网络上面向全世界华人,全方位、立体化的传播我们“相系 明天”的理念。短波广播:每个星期六和日,北京时间(UTC+8)06:00-06:30,15525千赫播出《快乐早点-张雪莉主持》、《心灵早餐-流星主持》。联系方式:(手机短信:1314-7586686)2011年3月27日,CVC宣布停止短波15525千赫的广播,标志着CVC中文电台正式停播。 , question : 2001年12月22日,CVC以什么为名,首次通过普通话、英语和印度尼西亚语进行短波广播? [A]:
Given a pair of words, deduce the type of relationship between them. The various types of relations are: 'HYPER', 'COORD' and 'RANDOM'. Let's denote the first word by X and the second word by Y. A COORD relationship holds when X and Y belong to the same semantic class. A HYPER relationship applies when X is a specific instance of Y. If niether COORD nor HYPER are applicable then the relationship is RANDOM. Example Input: X: unknown, Y: wear Example Output: RANDOM Example Input: X: divide, Y: watercraft Example Output: RANDOM Example Input: X: phone, Y: washer Example Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task you're given two statements in Gujarati. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Output either the word 'cause' or 'effect' . હું નોકરી ઇન્ટરવ્યૂ botched. ઇન્ટરવ્યુ લેનારાએ મુશ્કેલ પ્રશ્નો પૂછ્યા. Output:
Languages typically provide more than one grammatical construction to express certain types of messages. Your task is to generate a senetence with the same meaning as given sentence, but with different grammatical construction. Let me give you an example: Bob took the woman from work a cake The answer to this example can be: Bob took a cake to the woman from work Here is why: Input and output sentences have same meaning but different grammatical construction. OK. solve this: Maria pitched a man the idea Answer:
Maria pitched the idea to a man
Given a sentence in Korean, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Spanish that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Laetitia Pujol는 남자로 그림자 존재했습니다; 칼 파켓 (Karl Paquette)은 그의 강한 멜랑콜러 더블이었습니다. Mathieu Ganio는 The Woman을 묘사했습니다.
Laetitia Pujol fue una presencia sombría como El hombre, Karl Paquette fue su doble fuerte y melancólico, y Mathieu Ganio interpretó a La mujer.
TASK DEFINITION: In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is sad or not. Label the instances as "Sad" or "Not sad" based on your judgment. You can get help from hashtags and emojis, but you should not judge only based on them, and should pay attention to tweet's text as well. PROBLEM: @HAIMtheband So sad!! I want this but I live in Italy! Not fair SOLUTION: Sad PROBLEM: My soul is weary of fighting the battles in this world. #BlackInAmerica #WeAreNotSafe SOLUTION: Sad PROBLEM: 3 weeks into the course and have had the kitchen sink thrown at me, I m still pulling knives and forks out of my ears SOLUTION:
You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to only use subtraction on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report the final numerical answer. Q: Context: 2 birds were sitting on the fence. 5 more birds and 4 more storks came to join them. Question: How many more birds than storks are sitting on the fence? A:
In this task, we ask you to write an answer to a question that involves event "frequency", which refers to how often an event is likely to be repeated. For example, "taking showers" typically occurs ~5 times a week, "going to Saturday market" usually happens every few weeks/months, etc. Note that a lot of the questions could have more than one correct answer. We only need a single most-likely answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones. [EX Q]: Sentence: He argued that the importance of the French Revolution was to continue the process of modernizing and centralizing the French state which had begun under King Louis XIV. Question: How often does he make this argument? [EX A]: once a week. [EX Q]: Sentence: Portuguese explorers then embarked upon Macau (now Macao), the Congo, and various other parts of Africa, including the Sudan. Question: How often did Portugal send out expeditions? [EX A]: every 10 years. [EX Q]: Sentence: Whatever their origins, their culture evolved under the pressure and influence of foreign forces. Question: How often do they evolve? [EX A]:
instruction: In this task, you're given the beginning and the middle of a three-part story. Your job is to complete the short story by writing a probable ending. Generated sentences must be short, have fewer than 10 words, and be simple as if narrating to a child. Avoid using any irrelevant extra information when creating the ending, and use names instead of pronouns (e.g. he / she) wherever possible. question: Beginning: Patrick was really depressed. Middle: He started going to therapy to talk it out. answer: Now he is able to work out his problems. question: Beginning: Sade loved to have fun. Middle: Sade wanted to try a dangerous stunt. answer: Sade was rushed to the emergency room to get stitches. question: Beginning: Chuck was driving down the road. Middle: The path was blocked by a tree and he had to go home. answer:
He didn't really need to go that way anyway.
Detailed Instructions: Two analogies that relate actions to the tools used to perform the action is given in the form "A : B. C : ?". "A : B" relates action A to tool B. Your task is to replace the question mark (?) with the appropriate tool for the given action C, following the "A : B" relation. Q: crack : nutcracker. dig : ? A:
Definition: You will be given a sentence that describes a restaurant. You will also be given a few categories of information regarding that sentence. Your task is to fill each of the categories with the appropriate information from the sentenece. Input: Sentence: xname is the best place because although it provides nice ambiance, xname is expensive with satisfying staff. xname is in Manhattan. It is a New American restaurant with good food. ; Categories: service, recommend, price Output:
service[acceptable], recommend[yes], price[expensive]
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are supposed to identify the category of a high-school level math question. There are five possible categories (1) algebra (2) arithmetic (3) measurement (4) numbers, and (5) probability. Use the following guidelines: (1) 'algebra' questions will typically contain letter variables and will ask you to find the value of a variable (2) 'arithmetic' questions will ask the sum, difference, multiplication, division, power, square root or value of expressions involving brackets (3) 'measurement' questions are questions that ask to convert a quantity from some unit to some other unit (4) 'numbers' questions will be about bases, remainders, divisors, GCD, LCM etc. (5) 'probability' questions will ask about the probability of the occurrence of something. A question must belong to only one category. Three letters picked without replacement from {q: 6, i: 2, x: 4, p: 1, b: 3}. What is prob of sequence xxx?
Teacher: You are given the conttent of a table in the input (row by row). Generate an unambiguous question based on the information present in the table, such that: 1) It's answer is unique and is in the given table, 2) Its answer is a contiguous text span from the table. Avoid creating questions that can be answered correctly without reading/understanding the table Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Table: ['Pick', 'Player', 'Team', 'Position', 'School'].['1', 'Ben McDonald', 'Baltimore Orioles', 'RHP', 'Louisiana State University']. ['2', 'Tyler Houston', 'Atlanta Braves', 'C', 'Valley HS (Las Vegas, NV)']. ['3', 'Roger Salkeld', 'Seattle Mariners', 'RHP', 'Saugus (CA) HS']. ['4', 'Jeff Jackson', 'Philadelphia Phillies', 'OF', 'Simeon HS (Chicago, IL)']. ['5', 'Donald Harris', 'Texas Rangers', 'OF', 'Texas Tech University']. ['6', 'Paul Coleman', 'Saint Louis Cardinals', 'OF', 'Frankston (TX) HS']. ['7', 'Frank Thomas', 'Chicago White Sox', '1B', 'Auburn University']. ['8', 'Earl Cunningham', 'Chicago Cubs', 'OF', 'Lancaster (SC) HS']. ['9', 'Kyle Abbott', 'California Angels', 'LHP', 'Long Beach State University']. ['10', 'Charles Johnson', 'Montreal Expos', 'C', 'Westwood HS (Fort Pierce, FL)']. ['11', 'Calvin Murray', 'Cleveland Indians', '3B', 'W.T. White High School (Dallas, TX)']. ['12', 'Jeff Juden', 'Houston Astros', 'RHP', 'Salem (MA) HS']. ['13', 'Brent Mayne', 'Kansas City Royals', 'C', 'Cal State Fullerton']. ['14', 'Steve Hosey', 'San Francisco Giants', 'OF', 'Fresno State University']. ['15', 'Kiki Jones', 'Los Angeles Dodgers', 'RHP', 'Hillsborough HS (Tampa, FL)']. ['16', 'Greg Blosser', 'Boston Red Sox', 'OF', 'Sarasota (FL) HS']. ['17', 'Cal Eldred', 'Milwaukee Brewers', 'RHP', 'University of Iowa']. ['18', 'Willie Greene', 'Pittsburgh Pirates', 'SS', 'Jones County HS (Gray, GA)']. ['19', 'Eddie Zosky', 'Toronto Blue Jays', 'SS', 'Fresno State University']. ['20', 'Scott Bryant', 'Cincinnati Reds', 'OF', 'University of Texas']. ['21', 'Greg Gohr', 'Detroit Tigers', 'RHP', 'Santa Clara University']. ['22', 'Tom Goodwin', 'Los Angeles Dodgers', 'OF', 'Fresno State University']. ['23', 'Mo Vaughn', 'Boston Red Sox', '1B', 'Seton Hall University']. ['24', 'Alan Zinter', 'New York Mets', 'C', 'University of Arizona']. ['25', 'Chuck Knoblauch', 'Minnesota Twins', '2B', 'Texas A&M University']. ['26', 'Scott Burrell', 'Seattle Mariners', 'RHP', 'Hamden (CT) HS'] Solution: What team is Player Paul Coleman from? Reason: The question is based on the information given in the table and can be answered from the given table. Now, solve this instance: Table: ['Club', 'Winners', 'Runner-ups', 'Winning Years', 'Runner-up Years']. ['FK Austria Wien', '6', '2', '1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 2003, 2004', '1986, 1994']. ['SK Rapid Wien', '4', '1', '1986, 1987, 1988, 2008', '1995, 1996']. ['SK Sturm Graz', '3', '2', '1996, 1998, 1999', '1997, 2002']. ['SV Austria Salzburg', '3', '0', '1994, 1995, 1997', '-']. ['Grazer AK', '2', '1', '2000, 2002', '2004']. ['VfB Admira Wacker Modling', '1', '1', '1989', '1992']. ['FC Karnten', '1', '1', '2001', '2003']. ['FC Swarovski Tirol / FC Tirol Innsbruck', '0*', '6', '-', '1987, 1989, 1990, 1993, 2000, 2001']. ['Kremser SC', '0', '1', '-', '1988']. ['SV Stockerau', '0', '1', '-', '1991']. ['SV Ried', '0', '1', '-', '1998']. ['LASK Linz', '0', '1', '-', '1999']. ['SV Horn', '0', '1', '-', '2008'] Student:
what are all the club names?
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. You are given a list of integers. A list is shown by comma-separated numbers between two brackets. For example, [7,3,6] is a list. The number in location one is 7, the number in location two is 3, and the number in location three is 6. You should answer with a list such that every element at each location is equal to the product of elements at every other location in the input array. For example, if a list has four numbers, the answer you give should be created like this: First element of your list = product of second, third, and fourth elements in the given list. Second element of your list = product of First, third and fourth elements in the given list, etc. [1,2,3,4,5] Solution: [120, 60, 40, 30, 24] Why? The given list contains five elements, so the answer should contain five elements too. The first element of the answer equals the product of first, second, third, fourth and fifth elements from the given list. That is: 2x3x4x5 = 120. The second element is the product of the first, third, fourth and fifth elements from the given list. That is: 1x3x4x5=60. The other elements are also calculated like this. New input: [4, 10, 12, 2, 13, 5, 1, 8] Solution:
[124800, 49920, 41600, 249600, 38400, 99840, 499200, 62400]
Teacher:In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head is used for the Tail or not. The usage describes everyday affordances or uses of objects and includes both typical and atypical uses. For example, a popcorn bucket can typically be used to hold popcorn, but it could also serve as a hat in atypical situations. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Head: creditinals<sep>Tail: be earned or obtained Student:
Teacher: In this task you will be given a claim and a perspective. You should determine whether that perspective supports or undermines the claim. If the perspective could possibly convince someone with different view, it is supporting, otherwise it is undermining. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: claim: Music containing lyrics that glorify violent and criminal lifestyles should be banned. perspective: hip hop artists have a right to free speech Solution: undermine Reason: Musicians having a right to free speech clearly undermines the claim for putting constraints on their lyrics. Now, solve this instance: claim: The use of child performers should be banned. perspective: A child performer's formal education is limited by their work. Student:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a paragraph about cooking, and a set of conversational question answers about the paragraph, generate a relevant question to the topic of the paragraph. The paragraph has the prefix 'CONTEXT:'. Each conversation question has a prefix `Q:` followed by the answer prefix `A:`. CONTEXT: Are you absolutely certain that the "grittiness" is caused by the cheese not melting, and not because the sauce is curdling? If you cook it too long or too fast, that is what will happen.If you must use the Kraft stuff (personally, I think it has no flavour compared to real Reggiano), try melting the cheese on low heat in a very small amount of cream first, before you add it to the main sauce pan. If it's still gritty, either it's curdling or you need to use a better cheese. <sep> Q: How can I make cheap, smooth homemade Alfredo sauce? A: try melting the cheese on low heat in a very small amount of cream first, before you add it to the main sauce pan
Is that with the pre-shredded cheese?
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Bulgarian language. Your task is to convert it to Greek language. 5. 1 Фармакодинамични свойства 5. 1 Φαρμακοδυναμικές ιδιότητες 1, 3 ml 1. 3 ml Препоръчваната начална доза ABILIFY е 15 mg, приложена веднъж дневно, независимо от храненето, като монотерапия или комбинирана терапия (вж. точка 5. 1).
Η συνιστώμενη δόση έναρξης του ABILIFY είναι 15 mg χορηγούμενα με πρόγραμμα λήψης μιας φοράς την ημέρα ανεξαρτήτως γευμάτων ως μονοθεραπεία ή θεραπεία συνδυασμού (βλέπε παράγραφο 5. 1).
Teacher:In this task, you are given commands (in terms of logical operations) to select relevant rows from the given table. Your job is to generate a natural language interpretation of the given command. Here are the definitions of logical operators: 1. count: returns the number of rows in the view 2. only: returns whether there is exactly one row in the view 3. hop: returns the value under the header column of the row 4. and: returns the boolean operation result of two arguments 5. max/min/avg/sum: returns the max/min/average/sum of the values under the header column 6. nth max/nth min: returns the n-th max/n-th min of the values under the header column 7. argmax/argmin: returns the row with the max/min value in header column 8. nth argmax/nth argmin: returns the row with the n-th max/min value in header column 9. eq/not eq: returns if the two arguments are equal 10. round eq: returns if the two arguments are roughly equal under certain tolerance 11. greater/less: returns if argument 1 is greater/less than argument 2 12. diff: returns the difference between two arguments 13. filter eq/not eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is equal/not equal to argument 3 14. filter greater/less: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less than argument 3 15. filter greater eq /less eq: returns the subview whose values under the header column is greater/less or equal than argument 3 16. filter all: returns the view itself for the case of describing the whole table 17. all eq/not eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3 18. all greater/less: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3 19. all greater eq/less eq: returns whether all the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3 20. most eq/not eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are equal/not equal to argument 3 21. most greater/less: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less than argument 3 22. most greater eq/less eq: returns whether most of the values under the header column are greater/less or equal to argument 3 Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: eq { hop { nth_argmax { all_rows ; votes ; 2 } ; election } ; 2002 } = true Student:
select the row whose votes record of all rows is 2nd maximum . the election record of this row is 2002 .
In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2. Your job is to write a single word that describes the genre that the two sentences belong to, such as face-to-face, government, letters, 9/11, slate, telephone, travel, verbatim, oup, fiction. [EX Q]: Sentence 1: Kawaguchi-ko is the most popular, probably because of the excursion boats that ply the route along the north shore, where with luck and good weather you get a perfect mirror-image reflection of Mt. Sentence 2: The boats around the shore cause a reflection. [EX A]: travel [EX Q]: Sentence 1: In good times this brought trade, ideas, and prosperity; in bad times invasion, oppression, and disease. Sentence 2: They were able to enjoy good times, and never faced oppression and disease. [EX A]: travel [EX Q]: Sentence 1: Always I hear that name. Sentence 2: I have heard that name many times. [EX A]:
Detailed Instructions: Given an object and a part, decide whether the object has that part. For example is you are asked 'gun has barrel', you need to decide if a gun has a barrel as one of its components or parts. All sentences strictly follow the template 'object has part?.' The answer should be 1 or 0, 1 means the object has the given part, while 0 means it doesn't have the part. See one example below: Problem: apple has bone? Solution: 0 Explanation: Apples don't have bones, so the output of 0 is correct. Problem: house has pain? Solution:
This task is to find the number of 'For' loops present in the given cpp program. [EX Q]: int f(int,int); int main() { int n,i,a,b[100]; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { scanf("%d",&a); b[i]=f(a,2); } for(i=0;i<n;i++) { printf("%d\n",b[i]); } return 0; } int f(int x,int y) { int j,sum=1; if(x<y) sum=0; else { for(j=y;j<x;j++) { if(x%j==0) sum=sum+f(x/j,j); } } return sum; } [EX A]: 3 [EX Q]: int times; void fenjie(int m,int k) { int i; { for(i=k;i<=sqrt(m);i++) { if(m%i==0) { fenjie(m/i,i); } } } times++; } int main() { int n,i; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) { int m; times=0; scanf("%d",&m); fenjie(m,2); printf("%d\n",times); } } [EX A]: 2 [EX Q]: int sum=0,used[32770]={0};//????sum???????????used?i???i???????? void f(int n)//??f??n???????? { for(int i=2;i<=n;i++) { if(n%i==0&&used[i]==0) { if(i!=2) { for(int j=2;j<=i-1;j++) used[j]=1; } if(n/i==1)//?????????? { sum++; break; } else { f(n/i); } memset(used,0,sizeof(used));//?used??????? } } } int main() { int m,a[100]; cin>>m; for(int i=1;i<=m;i++) { cin>>a[i]; if(a[i]==1) cout<<1<<endl; else { f(a[i]); cout<<sum<<endl; sum=0;//?? memset(used,0,sizeof(used)); } } return 0; } [EX A]:
Detailed Instructions: Indicate a text span in the passage about which an inquisitive question is asked. (note, don't answer the question). Q: Sentence: Kaufman & Broad , a home building company , declined to identify the institutional investors .<sep>Question: Why did Kaufman & Broad decline to identify its institutional investors? A:
declined to identify the institutional investors
Teacher: In this task, you're given statements in native Kannada language. The statement can be written with the Kannada alphabet or the English alphabet. Your job is to evaluate if the statement is offensive or not. Label the post as "Not offensive" if the post does not contain offense or insult. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or insult. Label the post as "Offensive" if the post contains offensive language. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: ಯಾರಿಗೂ ಯಾರು ಗೂತೀಲಾ ಸರ್ ಆದರೇ ನಮ್ಮ ಧುಢೀಮೇ ನಮಗೆ ಸರ್ Solution: Not offensive Reason: This statement "ಯಾರಿಗೂ ಯಾರು ಗೂತೀಲಾ ಸರ್ ಆದರೇ ನಮ್ಮ ಧುಢೀಮೇ ನಮಗೆ ಸರ್" is a question from a person to another about a person "Guteela". Now, solve this instance: Chiki chiki chikappa nidhe madidh saku helappa🥰🥰🥰 Student:
Teacher:In this task, you're given the beginning and the ending of a three-part story. Your job is to complete the short story by writing a middle sentence that seamlessly connects the first and last sentence. Generated sentences must be short, have fewer than 10 words, and be simple as if narrating to a child. Avoid using any irrelevant extra information when creating the middle sentence, and use names (e.g. Jack, Barbara,...) instead of pronouns (e.g. he / she) wherever possible. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Beginning: Jane studied hard for her test. Ending: She was greatly relieved. Student:
Jane passed her test.
You are given a statement written in Telugu. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . One example is below. Q: Statement: ఇది మండల కేంద్రమైన నాతవరం నుండి 8 కి. మీ. దూరం లోను, సమీప పట్టణమైన <MASK> నుండి 26 కి. మీ. దూరంలోనూ ఉంది. 2011 భారత జనగణన గణాంకాల ప్రకారం ఈ గ్రామం 198 ఇళ్లతో, 651 జనాభాతో 246 హెక్టార్లలో విస్తరించి ఉంది. గ్రామంలో మగవారి సంఖ్య 323, ఆడవారి సంఖ్య 328. షెడ్యూల్డ్ కులాల సంఖ్య 16 కాగా షెడ్యూల్డ్ తెగల సంఖ్య 69. గ్రామం యొక్క జనగణన లొకేషన్ కోడ్ 585743.పిన్ కోడ్: 531115. Option A: నాతవరం Option B: కొనియాల్ Option C: తుని Option D: నర్సీపట్నం A: తుని Rationale: The most suitable word from the given options to replace the <MASK> token is తుని, as the town Tuni matches all the demographic data mentioned in the statement while the other towns don't . Q: Statement: గ్రామంలో ప్రభుత్వ ప్రాథమిక పాఠశాల ఒకటి, ప్రభుత్వ ప్రాథమికోన్నత పాఠశాల ఒకటి ఉంది.బాలబడి, మాధ్యమిక పాఠశాల‌లు <MASK> ఉన్నాయి.సమీప జూనియర్ కళాశాల మైద్పల్లిలోను, ప్రభుత్వ ఆర్ట్స్ / సైన్స్ డిగ్రీ కళాశాల మెట్ పల్లిలోనూ ఉన్నాయి. సమీప వైద్య కళాశాల కరీంనగర్లోను, పాలీటెక్నిక్‌ పొలసలోను, మేనేజిమెంటు కళాశాల ఆర్మూర్లోనూ ఉన్నాయి. సమీప వృత్తి విద్యా శిక్షణ పాఠశాల, అనియత విద్యా కేంద్రం మెట్ పల్లిలోను, దివ్యాంగుల ప్రత్యేక పాఠశాల కరీంనగర్ లోనూ ఉన్నాయి. Option A: వూటపల్లి Option B: ఇబ్రహీంపట్నం Option C: వర్షకొండలో Option D: కరీంనగర్ A:
Definition: Predict the next word given an incomplete English Sentence. Input: the baroness returned to the hotel with as much caution as Output:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you are given a statement spoken by a politician in natural language. Your task is to generate the subject of the discussion for the given statement. The subject generated is not necessarily a part of the given input. Your answer should contain one or more words. I unsealed my records at Marquette University. Output:
instruction: In this task you are given a tweet. You must judge whether the author of the tweet is happy or not. Label the instances as "Happy" or "Not happy" based on your judgment. question: @p_dortch7 I make sacrifices to make you happy answer: Not happy question: Comforting #inspiring. #faith #Housefires #GoodFather Thank you. Beautiful #song #itswhoiam #itswhoyouare #youtperfectinallofyourways answer: Happy question: Great way to end the day(night?morning?) #😄 answer:
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a short text as a title. Your task is to generate a poem as output that is related to the given title and should feel like written by kids. The output should be a run-on sentence (two or more complete sentences connected without any punctuation). The poem should not be too long or too complex, because it should feel like it is written by younger person without high level of literature education. PROBLEM: My boy SOLUTION: my boy love roy he like to play in the clay PROBLEM: The Love Poem SOLUTION: it's hard to love the tall boy when your the short girl for every time you try to look your true love in the eye you see his ear PROBLEM: Never stay home alone SOLUTION:
never stay haome alone when the moon bright
Detailed Instructions: Given a premise and two alternatives in Marathi, choose the alternative that is a more plausible cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The premise is the 'विधान' field and the alternatives are the 'पर्याय A' and 'पर्याय B' fields The output should either be "पर्याय A" or "पर्याय B" based on your judgment. Problem:विधान: घड्याळाने टिक करणे थांबविले. पर्याय A: मी तयार होण्यासाठी अतिरिक्त वेळ घेतला. पर्याय B: घड्याळाने चुकीची वेळ दर्शविली. Solution:
पर्याय B
Teacher:In this task, you will be given a sentence. You need to reconize the name of the disorder or disease. Disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Recently , the R496H mutation of ARSA was proposed to be a cause of MLD ( Draghia et al . , 1997 ) . Student:
Q: The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the other-need strategy, otherwise output No. other-need is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used when the participants discuss a need for someone else rather than themselves. For instance, describing the need for firewood to keep the kids warm. Context: 'Hello! What camping supplies are you looking for the most?' 'Hello! I would like more packages of food the most. What are you looking for?' 'I would need water the most as I forgot to bring enough. I can give you all my food for all of you water, if you'd like?' Utterance: 'That would be amazing! So I could take all 3 packages of the food and you could have all 3 packages of the water. Now, we just need to split the firewood. Could I take 2 of the firewood leaving you with 1? I think I would need more for cooking the food. ' A:
Teacher: In this task, you will be given a single sentence or a set of sentences. You have to recognize the name of the disorder or disease. Disease is a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury. Although there might be several correct answers, you need to write one of them. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: I had been suffering from cardiovascular disorder. Solution: cardiovascular disorder Reason: Here, the person mentions this disorder which is related to heart issues. Now, solve this instance: Thus , two control groups were generated : group C1 , which included age - and sex - comparable lithium - treated bipolar normocalcemic patients , and group C2 , which included bipolar normocalcemic patients treated with anticonvulsant mood stabilizers . Student:
In this task you are given a premise and two alternatives in Swahili. You must choose the alternative that is more plausibly the cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The input format is "premise (1)alternative_1(2)alternative_2", the output should either be "1" or "2" based on your judgment. Let me give you an example: Kifaa kilikuwa kimefungwa kwenye mfuko vibofu. (1)Kikuwa nyepesi kuvunjika.(2)Kilikuwa kidogo. The answer to this example can be: 1 Here is why: The first alternative makes more sense because you put object is bubble wrap if they are delicate. OK. solve this: Nimepoteza uvumilivu wangu. (1)Rafiki yangu alinifanya nimsubiri.(2)Rafiki yangu alifika kwa wakati. Answer:
instruction: In this task, based on the given input, we ask you to write a question about when an event happened. Your question should be answerable with common knowledge on when events usually take place. For example, "going to school" usually happens during the day (not at 2 A.M). Don't create questions which have explicit mentions of answers in the text. Instead, it has to be implied from what is given. In other words, we want you to use "instinct" or "common sense". The written questions are not required to have a single correct answer. question: Sentence: He tried to halt the Dayaks' piracy and head-hunting while defending their more "morally acceptable" customs. answer: What time of day does he usually speak? question: Sentence: Allan crouched over his desk once more, pen in hand and mind blank. answer: What time did Allan crouch over his desk? question: Sentence: In a matter of 48 hours, Alexander II planned to release his plan for the duma to the Russian people. answer:
When did Alexander II create his plan?
Q: In this task, you are given a news article. Your task is to classify the article to one out of the four topics 'World', 'Sports', 'Business', 'Sci/Tech' if the article's main topic is relevant to the world, sports, business, and science/technology, correspondingly. If you are not sure about the topic, choose the closest option. Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Giants gain on Dodgers SAN FRANCISCO - Barry Bonds praised his teammates for their clutch play while he has been busy walking all season, then watched them go out and do most of the work Tuesday night. A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task you are given a premise and two alternatives in Swahili. You must choose the alternative that is more plausibly the cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The input format is "premise (1)alternative_1(2)alternative_2", the output should either be "1" or "2" based on your judgment. Q: Mwanamme alijisikia kulazimika kuhudhuria tukio. (1)Alimkatalia rafiki yake kwenda.(2)Alimuahidi rafiki yake kuwa atakwenda. A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a paragraph, a question, and a candidate incorrect answer to the question. Your goal is to judge whether the provided answer is a valid incorrect answer to a given question. An incorrect answer should not truthfully answer the given question. A good incorrect answer should be closely related to the content of the paragraph and/or the question so that the readers are forced to read the whole paragraph to infer its [in]correctness. Additionally, an incorrect answer should be of the same semantic type as the given correct answer (e.g., both can be names of locations). If you think the given incorrect answer is good(and incorrect), indicate it by responding "Yes". Otherwise, respond "No". There are only two types of responses possible:"Yes" and "No". Problem:Paragraph- Sent 1: In Japan of the Tokugawa Ieyasu period , a young ninja named Jin Wu wantonly kills samurai and other government officials , leaving his clan to face the blame . Sent 2: When they start hunting him down , Jin Wu and his wife Akane sail to China both to escape their wrathful kinsmen , and for Jin Wu to complete revenge by finding the last man he holds responsible for his father 's death . Sent 3: That man , Fukuda , leads a peaceful life as a mirror maker under the name of Uncle Foo . Sent 4: He has a young prot g e , however : Jay , a smug martial artist who constantly tries to prove himself by taking up every opportunity to fight . Sent 5: Jay also constantly teases his lecherous servant Chee and takes few things very seriously . Sent 6: However , as he sees his surrogate father attacked , Jay immediately rushes to his aid , but during several clashes he has to find out that he and the ninja are evenly matched . Sent 7: Eventually , it is revealed that Jin Wu s father was not killed by his clan members ; he had died as a hero in a rebellion instead . Sent 8: Ashamed of his own cowardice in escaping to China years before following that attempted uprising , Foo makes peace with Jin . Sent 9: But before their final encounter , Foo took poison to restore his honor by his own death , and he asks Jin to kill him in order to spare him the last agony , which promptly leads to a misunderstanding between Jay and Jin . Sent 10: The two battle each other to the top of Jay s family temple and finally settle their differences just in time to face a spiritual boxer , whose son Jay has insulted in the course of the movie . Question: What was the profession of Jay's surrogate father? Incorrect Answer: mirror maker. Solution:
Detailed Instructions: You are given data in tabular format and you need to generate a passage with content in plain text format based on the information present in the table. Q: Table: ['Name', 'Gender', 'Age', 'From', 'Occupation', 'Prize Money (USD)', 'Status']. ['Trisha', 'Female', '28', 'Santa Monica, CA', 'Artist', '$26,000', 'Winner']. ['London', 'Male', '46', 'Mt. Holly, NJ', 'US Coast Guard (Retired)', '$0', 'Lost']. ['Adria', 'Female', '25', 'Seattle, WA', 'Bartender', '$0', '7th Captured (by Ricky Ortiz)']. ['Lucas', 'Male', '32', 'Carlsbad, CA', 'Student', '$0', '6th Captured (by Kim)']. ['Andrew', 'Male', '21', 'Redondo Beach, CA', 'Student / Lifeguard', '$0', '5th Captured (by Kim)']. ['Tracy', 'Female', '30', 'Mililani, HI', 'Student', '$0', '4th Captured (by Grant)']. ['Lynda', 'Female', '59', 'Los Angeles, CA', 'General Contractor', '$0', '3rd Captured (by Icey)']. ['Darin', 'Male', '46', 'Fontana, CA', 'Sports Official', '$0', '2nd Captured (by Wong)']. ['Evan', 'Male', '29', 'Long Island, NY', 'Teacher', '$2,000', 'Opted Out']. ['Ameenah', 'Female', '34', 'Atlanta, GA', 'Drummer', '$0', '1st Captured (by Grant)'] A:
Passage: The person named Trisha, finished at position Winner and won $26,000 prize money. Trisha is a 28 years old Female from Santa Monica, CA. Trisha works as a Artist. The person named London, finished at position Lost and won $0 prize money. London is a 46 years old Male from Mt. Holly, NJ. London works as a US Coast Guard (Retired). The person named Adria, finished at position 7th Captured (by Ricky Ortiz) and won $0 prize money. Adria is a 25 years old Female from Seattle, WA. Adria works as a Bartender. The person named Lucas, finished at position 6th Captured (by Kim) and won $0 prize money. Lucas is a 32 years old Male from Carlsbad, CA. Lucas works as a Student. The person named Andrew, finished at position 5th Captured (by Kim) and won $0 prize money. Andrew is a 21 years old Male from Redondo Beach, CA. Andrew works as a Student / Lifeguard. The person named Tracy, finished at position 4th Captured (by Grant) and won $0 prize money. Tracy is a 30 years old Female from Mililani, HI. Tracy works as a Student. The person named Lynda, finished at position 3rd Captured (by Icey) and won $0 prize money. Lynda is a 59 years old Female from Los Angeles, CA. Lynda works as a General Contractor. The person named Darin, finished at position 2nd Captured (by Wong) and won $0 prize money. Darin is a 46 years old Male from Fontana, CA. Darin works as a Sports Official. The person named Evan, finished at position Opted Out and won $2,000 prize money. Evan is a 29 years old Male from Long Island, NY. Evan works as a Teacher. The person named Ameenah, finished at position 1st Captured (by Grant) and won $0 prize money. Ameenah is a 34 years old Female from Atlanta, GA. Ameenah works as a Drummer.
Detailed Instructions: The task is to generate text based off of an event. For the given event, there will be a person who does the action in the event (usually PersonX). Your task is to write that persons intent behind doing the event, i.e. why did the person do that action. Q: PersonX gives PersonY what for ___ A:
persony to have something
Detailed Instructions: You are given a country name and you need to return the currency of the given country. Problem:Papua New Guinea Solution:
Papua New Guinea Kina
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Given a text passage as input consisting of dialogues of negotiations between a seller and a buyer about the sale of an item, the task is to classify the text into one of the labels from the two possible outputs - 'accepted'/'rejected'. Select [accepted] if by the end of the conversation the buyer seems likely to buy the item from the seller. A sale is likely made when the buyer and seller agree upon a common price or when a deal is made between them. Select [rejected] if the buyer did not seem interested in buying the item from the seller at the end of the conversation. This happens when the buyer and seller do not agree on the price or other aspects of the item being sold by the seller. Buyer: Hi,I am interested in your board! Seller: Hi, do you have any questions? Buyer: Do you know what wood it is made out of? Seller: I do not know specifically but the brand is a gravity skateboard. Buyer: The wheels seem nice on it, but they could be a beter quality. Would you accept 100 for the board? Seller: No, that offer is too low. The board is pretty much brand new as it's been ridden only 4 or 5 times. The bone bearings are brand new. Buyer: If I picked it up at your location would you accpet 120? Seller: Make it 150 and we got a deal. Buyer: I could do 145, if you can gurantee the painting on the front of the board is not scratched up. Seller: Deal Buyer: Great! Solution: accepted Why? The answer 'accepted' is the correct answer because here the buyer and seller agree on a price and make a deal at the end of the conversation. New input: Buyer: Wow, this all looks really nice! Seller: Hey there! I am glad you think so. I did too, but now we no longer need these so hopefully you can find some good use. Buyer: Wow, great! That must be you are going to give me a great deal! Seller: For sure I can offer you all these chairs at a great low price of 950.00 Buyer: Wow, thats steep still! I can pay cash right now for 450 Seller: I understand, these are high quality business chairs. Production is guaranteed! I will not only offer you them at 950 I can throw in an additional 2 more chairs. Buyer: Thats great, but I do not need any more. How about 500 for whats listed? Seller: I think at this point if I would go any lower it would most likely be 800.00 which is a steal in all honesty. Buyer: That is still a lot. I think we cannot agree. It's been a pleasure though. Seller: I agree. You have a nice day! Seller: Solution:
You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into Hebrew. [Q]: به نحوی موفق شده بود از فیلتر هرزنامه ‌ ام بگذرد. [A]: והוא חדר את מסנן הספאם שלי. [Q]: در نیوزلند ، دکتر لیان پارکین و تیمش یک سنت قدیمی را آزمایش کردند. [A]: בניו זילנד, דר 'ליאן פארקין וצוותה בחנו מסורת ישנה בעיר שלה. [Q]: چون آپارتمان شما آن بیرون به حیات خود در قالب نمای ساختمان ادامه می ‎ دهند. [A]:
העץ של הדירה שלך ממשיך לבחוץ ונהיה החזית.
In this task, you are given a sentence. You must find the primary subject in the supplied sentence. The output must be a sub-sequence in the sentence. at the same time the strands are rotated individually in the direction of their original twist. the strands In the Royal Navy cordage is described by reference to the circumference of the rope measured in inches and to the material from which it is made-for example, 4½-inch manila. cordage Direction of the lay and description.
the lay
(Q). Given this review: "Its good and it worked pretty good too" Would you recommend this app to a friend? Not at all, No, Maybe, Yes, or Definitely? (A). Yes (Q). Given this review: "Hallo" Would you recommend this app to a friend? Not at all, No, Maybe, Yes, or Definitely? (A). Definitely (Q). Given this review: "Awesome.... crazy about it." Would you recommend this app to a friend? Not at all, No, Maybe, Yes, or Definitely? (A).
A text is given in Marathi. Translate it from the Marathi language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. -------- Question: कोणते राज्य सर्वात जास्त पर्यटनाला चालना देते? Answer: ପ୍ରକୃତି କୋଳରେ ରହିବା ନିମନ୍ତେ ଇଚ୍ଛା କରୁଥିବା ଲୋକଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ତ ଉତ୍ତରାଖଣ୍ଡ; Question: उत्तर प्रदेशचे राज्यपाल श्रीयुत राम नाईक जी, मुख्यमंत्री श्रीयुत योगी आदित्यनाथ जी, उपमुख्यमंत्री श्रीयुत केशव प्रसाद मौर्य, केंद्रीय मंत्रिमंडळातील माझ्या सहकारी भगिनी अनुप्रिया जी, राज्य सरकार मधील मंत्री श्रीयुत सिद्धार्थ नाथ, श्रीयुत गर्बबाल सिंह जी, श्रीयुत आशुतोष टंडन, श्रीयुत राजेश अग्रवाल आणि भारतीय जनता पार्टीचे प्रदेशाध्यक्ष आणि माझे जुने सहकारी, संसदेतील माझे सहकारी डॉक्टर महेन्द्र नाथ पांडे, खासदार श्री वीरेंद्र सिंह, खासदार बंधू छोटे लाल आणि येथे मोठ्या संख्येने उपस्थित झालेल्या माझे प्रिय बंधू आणि भगिनींनो, Answer: ଭାଇ ଓ ଭଉଣୀମାନେ, ପୂର୍ବାଂଚଳ ଏକ୍ସପ୍ରେସୱେ ପୂରା ଉତ୍ତରପ୍ରଦେଶ, ବିଶେଷତଃ ପୂର୍ବ ଉତ୍ତରପ୍ରଦେଶର ଆଶା ଏବଂ ଆକାଂକ୍ଷାକୁ ନୂତନ ଶିଖରରେ ପହଂଚାଇବାକୁ ଯାଉଛି । ପୂର୍ବାଂଚଳ ଏକ୍ସପ୍ରେସୱେରେ 23ହଜାର କୋଟି ଟଙ୍କାରୁ ଅଧିକ ଖର୍ଚ୍ଚ କରାଯିବ । ଲକ୍ଷ୍ନୌଠାରୁ ଘାଜିପୁର ମଧ୍ୟରେ 340 କି. Question: बंधू आणि भगिनींनो, मागील तीन महिन्यात आम्ही बजेट मध्ये इतकी वाढ केली आहे , कामात इतका वेग आणला आहे कि आधी जितके रोड बनले होते, एक दिवसात आज त्याचे डबल रोड बनविण्याच्या दिशेने आम्ही यशस्वी झालो आणि गावांच्या जीवनात बदल घडवून आणण्यासाठी हे रोड चे काम चालू आहे. Answer:
ତିନି ବର୍ଷର ସ୍ୱଳ୍ପ ସମୟ ମଧ୍ୟରେ କିପରି ଭାବରେ ଏକ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରର ସମ୍ପୂର୍ଣ୍ଣ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ ଘଟେ ଭାରତରେ ତା’ର ଏକ ସ୍ପଷ୍ଟ ଉଦାହରଣ ହେଉଛି ଇସ୍ପାତ କ୍ଷେତ୍ର । ଏହି କ୍ଷେତ୍ରର ବିକାଶ ପାଇଁ ଏହି ଶିଳ୍ପ ତଥା ଭାରତ ସରକାର ସମାନ ପରିମାଣର ପ୍ରୟାସ କରୁଛନ୍ତି ।
Given a premise as input, generate a hypothesis as output that follows the premise based on the following rules: (i) The hypothesis should be derived from the premise. (ii) The hypothesis must not contain any information that is not in the premise. (iii) The hypothesis should not contradict or have a suggestion that is negative to the premise. Q: The four organizations that appreciate Sherry haven't dared Derek to talk about Lori. A:
There are exactly four organizations that appreciate Sherry.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a short story consisting of exactly 5 sentences where the second sentence is missing. You are given a candidate for the second sentence and you need to identify if the given sentence connects the first sentence with the rest of the story. Indicate your answer by "Yes" if it connects, otherwise "No". Do not generate anything else apart from "Yes" or "No". The given sentence is incorrect if it changes the subsequent storyline, so that at least one of the three subsequent sentences form a consistent story. See one example below: Problem: Sentence 1: The cashier was counting the dollar bills at her desk. Sentence 3: Everyone panicked and started to scream. Sentence 4: The men threatened the people to remain quiet. Sentence 5: The cashier handed them the cash so they would go away. Given Sentence 2: Two men rushed into the store and held their guns up. Solution: Yes Explanation: People panic when somebody holds their guns up. Sentence 2 correctly connects Sentence 1 with rest of the story. So, the answer is 'Yes'. Problem: Sentence 1: Kelly and her friends decided to go for a drive. Sentence 3: They were having a lot of fun, however something happened Sentence 4: They got a flat tire Sentence 5: Thankfully though, someone came to help Given Sentence 2: He decided that he would build an adobe she'd like his grandpa did. Solution:
Part 1. Definition Given a sentence in Dutch, generate a new Dutch sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Part 2. Example Je kunt een mandje gebruiken om de prullenbak te vervangen. Answer: Je kunt een mand gebruiken om afval weg te gooien. Explanation: This is a good change in the input, because it is semantically similar to the input as both are talking about using a basket to through trash/garbage and the output sentence follows the commonsense knowledge. Part 3. Exercise Als je geld wilt dealen dan moet je een mat hebben. Answer:
Als je geld wilt behouden, moet je een gezin hebben.
Part 1. Definition The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the vouch-fair strategy, otherwise output No. vouch-fair is a selfish negotiation strategy. It is used to call out fairness for personal benefit, either when acknowledging a fair deal or when the opponent offers a deal that benefits them. This can be through an explicit call out or can be implied. Part 2. Example Context: 'Yeah, I'm going to the desert so I'm hoping to have enough water. I'm good on food and I hunt for a lot of it anyways.' 'I've never been a good hunter. I wish I had those abilities.' 'I would part with all the food if I could get all the firewood.' Utterance: 'That seems fair. How about water. How would that be split? I'm very concerned.' Answer: Yes Explanation: This is correct since the participant points out that the proposed deal seems fair. Part 3. Exercise Context: 'Hello! How are you today?' Utterance: 'Good how are you' Answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task your given two statements in Tamil. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character. அந்த பெண்மணி அந்த மனிதனை வெளியேறச் சொன்னாள் அவன் அவளை அவமானப்படுத்தினான்
instruction: In this task, you will be presented with a question in Persian. Based on the knowledge you need to answer the question, classify the question into "math_and_logic", "literature", or "common_knowledge". question: آخرین فرمانده سپاه اسلامی در حیات پیامبر (ص) چه کسی بود؟ answer: common_knowledge question: در ادامه رشته اعداد زیر چه عددی باید نوشت؟ ۳ ،۶ ،۱۸ ،۷۲ answer: math_and_logic question: به کدامیک از کلیدهای زیر کلیدهای تابعی اطلاق می گردد؟ answer:
instruction: Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. The story has one of the three following scenarios: the first is when the individual's belief matches reality, the second is when the individual's belief does not match reality, and the third is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. Note that there are distractor sentences in each story that are unrelated to the question and are designed to confuse the reader. question: Emily entered the staircase. Jayden entered the staircase. The grapes is in the blue_box. Emily moved the grapes to the red_envelope. Where will Jayden look for the grapes? answer: red_envelope question: Benjamin entered the sunroom. Mia entered the sunroom. The tomato is in the red_cupboard. Mia exited the sunroom. Benjamin moved the tomato to the red_crate. Benjamin exited the sunroom. Mia entered the sunroom. Where will Mia look for the tomato? answer: red_crate question: Jacob entered the study. Jack entered the study. Phone rang. The spinach is in the green_envelope. Jack exited the study. Jacob moved the spinach to the green_treasure_chest. Phone rang. Where is the spinach really? answer:
Instructions: Given a paragraph, generate a claim that is supported by the given paragraph. 1) The claim must contain information from within the paragraph. 2) A sentence within the paragraph can be used as a claim. 3) The claim should not have contradictions within the paragraph. 4) The claim should be at most one sentence long. Input: The health director for Ridgefield, Connecticut, says there is no way that he and his staff of two can identify and isolate all the people who have interacted with an infected patient, not at the rate cases are multiplying across the town. “Tracing exposures of exposures of exposures. It’s just impossible,” Briggs said. “The cases are to the point where we can’t possibly trace everybody back now.” Known as contact tracing, this vital but labor-intensive process is becoming increasingly difficult for stretched health departments in towns and cities across the United States, which has more than 160,000 cases, more than any country in the world. A massive testing campaign, coupled with intensive contact tracing, is credited with helping South Korea slow the spread of coronavirus, whereas the United States has been criticized for a slow response. Epidemiologists say such investigations can mean the difference between nipping an outbreak early and effectively losing control, as has happened in hot spots where contact tracing has given way to lockdowns as the primary tool to prevent spread. Some states outside of the major population centers have taken that advice to heart, as the virus continues its march across the United States. Health officials in those areas acknowledge, however, that it is a race against the clock and that they, too, will be unable to carry out such widespread tracing if the case numbers climb beyond a certain point. Wyoming, for one, has five staff in its state’s infectious diseases unit working to identify all contacts with a person who has tested positive, and then asking or ordering them to self-quarantine, and monitoring their health. “Our numbers are small enough,” said Kim Deti, a spokeswoman for Wyoming’s health department, which has reported 109 cases so far and no deaths. “We’ll maintain it as long as we can.” West Virginia is tapping its national guard to assist in a similar effort at expansive contact tracing, and coupling that with a stay-at-home order and other distancing steps. On Sunday, the state reported 145 cases and its first coronavirus death. “It’s incredibly important that at the same time as you are doing that rapid contact investigation and tracing and outbreak management, that we do the preventive measures in partnership with that everywhere,” state health officer Cathy Slemp said at a news conference last week. Alabama, which has confirmed nearly 1,000 cases, is attempting to investigate contacts for all of them, a spokeswoman for its health department said, noting that contact tracing has been an “effective tool in reducing the spread” for tuberculosis and other communicable diseases in the state. New York City, which accounts for a quarter of all cases nationwide, is an example of how the lack of testing in January and February handicapped so-called “disease detectives” from identifying initial infections and containing the spread. The city is now limiting its detectives to contact tracing for outbreaks involving health care workers and clusters in assisted living facilities and nursing homes, its health commissioner, Oxiris Barbot, said during a news conference earlier this month. Louisiana, an emerging hot spot with 5,237 cases and 239 deaths, has similarly narrowed its contact tracing in the New Orleans area, the epicenter of the state’s outbreak, to focus on vulnerable populations and high-risk groups. Theresa Sokol, an assistant state epidemiologist in Louisiana, said that by the time the initial patients in the New Orleans area were identified the virus had already taken hold in the community. As cases mounted, she said, social distancing became a more effective tool than contact tracing. But outside New Orleans there is reason to believe that digging deeply into all cases can yield results, especially when combined with the governor’s statewide stay-at-home order, Sokol said: “I believe that there is still time.” Like other municipalities in the New York area, Ridgefield closed its schools and non-essential businesses. But the virus has continued to spread broadly beyond the cluster at the Benchmark Senior Living at Ridgefield Crossings facility, which has been linked to six of the town’s seven deaths. The town hired an additional employee to process the deluge of coronavirus-related data, but keeping up is a challenge. “It’s overwhelming for a small health department,” First Selectman Rudy Marconi said. Looking ahead, experts see aggressive testing and contact tracing as key to handling subsequent waves of the virus. Kenneth Castro, a professor of global health, epidemiology, and infectious diseases at Emory University, said local, state and federal governments should start recruiting an “army” of people to handle contact investigations. “Identify and contain is better than having society shutdown. It’s a balancing act,” said Castro, who oversaw the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s tuberculosis effort for two decades through 2013. “We won’t be able to maintain physical distancing forever.” (This story has been refiled to correct spelling of “stretched” in paragraph four.) Output:
'It's just impossible': tracing contacts takes backseat as virus spreads.
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. Given a sentence in Vietnamese, generate a new Vietnamese sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Example: Anh đang muốn lấy một cái mũ trong một cái hộp. Output: Anh không sao cả khi nhìn thấy một cái mũ trong một cái hộp. This is a good change in the input. The created sentence is semantically similar to the input as both are talking about a hat in a box and the changes in the sentence follows the commonsense knowledge. New input case for you: Nếu bạn bị đau tim thì bạn nên yêu cầu thuốc lá. Output:
Nếu anh muốn lên cơn đau tim thì anh nên mua thuốc lá.
In this task, you are given a text of news article and corresponding headline of an article. Your task is to give label "match" if headline is correct for article, otherwise give label "no". -------- Question: Article: Taiwan has said it plans to slash its armed forces by up to 20 percent from 215,000 over the next five years, in the latest sign of warming ties with former rival China. Headline: Lancaster Barnstormers to host third annual job fair Answer: no Question: Article: Bray Wanderers have announced plans to revolutionise the structure of the club by becoming an entirely community owned club. Headline: Bray Wanderers announce plans to become community owned club Answer: match Question: Article: In case you missed the news yesterday, via ESPN, the Cavs are shopping shooting guard Dion Waiters. Headline: Robert Levinson, who disappeared in Iran in 2007, was working for the CIA Answer:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you're given a sentence and question. Based on the information provided in a given sentence, you should identify the shortest continuous text span from the sentence that serves as an answer to the given question. Answer the question using coreference resolution. Coreference resolution is the task of clustering mentions in text that refer to the same underlying real world entities. For example let's take a sentence 'I voted for Obama because he was most aligned with my values, she said.' Here in this example 'I', 'my', and 'she' belong to the same cluster and 'Obama' and 'he' belong to the same cluster. Now let's discuss another example , original sentence: 'I voted for Trump because he was most aligned with my values',John said. Now here is the same sentence with resolved coreferences: 'John voted for Trump because Trump was most aligned with John's values',John said. Sentence: Sam pulled up a chair to the piano, but it was broken, so he had to sing instead. Question: What was broken? Solution: piano Why? The given sentence clearly states that Sam pulled up a chair to the piano, but piano was broken, so he had to sing instead. Therefore, the answer is piano. This is a positive example as the answer is correct and complete. New input: Sentence: John promised Bill to leave, so an hour later he left. Question: Who left? Solution:
You are given a background paragraph that describes one or more causal or qualitative relationships such as a relationship in economics or a scientific law and a story that makes use of the concepts or the relationship described in the provided paragraph. You need to come up with a question about the story that requires an understanding of the relationship described in the background paragraph. The generated question should not be answerable without both the background and story. Write a question about the story that requires a relationship in the background paragraph to answer. Check whether your question requires both the background paragraph and the story to answer. If your question can be answered by only one of these, try to rewrite your question so that it requires both. Note that "flipping" a word in the question can give rise to a new question where the answer will be different from the original question. Often, "flipping" a word gives rise to flipping the direction of the relationship, for example, from "increase" to "decrease." [EX Q]: Background Paragraph: Huge amounts of chemicals, such as fertilizers and pesticides, are applied to farm fields (see Figure below ). Some of the chemicals are picked up by rainwater. Runoff then carries the chemicals to nearby rivers or lakes. Dissolved fertilizer causes too much growth of water plants and algae. This can lead to dead zones where nothing can live in lakes and at the mouths of rivers. Some of the chemicals can infiltrate into groundwater. The contaminated water comes up in water wells. If people drink the polluted water, they may get sick. Story: Jimbo and Jedd are both farmers who have lakes and water wells downstream from their farms. Jimbo's products have been in high demand recently, so he has started to use very high amounts of fertilizers on his farms. Jedd has recently decreased the amount of fertilizer he uses because his products aren't wanted as much by the people in his town. [EX A]: Who will be less likely to cause dead zones in their respective lakes? [EX Q]: Background Paragraph: Plants called epiphytes grow on other plants. They obtain moisture from the air and make food by photosynthesis. Most epiphytes are ferns or orchids that live in tropical or temperate rainforests (see Figure below ). Host trees provide support, allowing epiphyte plants to obtain air and sunlight high above the forest floor. Being elevated above the ground lets epiphytes get out of the shadows on the forest floor so they can get enough sunlight for photosynthesis. Being elevated may also reduce the risk of being eaten by herbivores and increase the chance of pollination by wind. Story: Hawk and Brunt were two colleagues studying about plants. Later on, Hawk got specialized in normal plants, while Brunt decided to learn more about epiphytes. [EX A]: Which colleague studied less about ferns? [EX Q]: Background Paragraph: Machines make work easier by increasing the amount of force that is applied, increasing the distance over which the force is applied, or changing the direction in which the force is applied. Contrary to popular belief, machines do not increase the amount of work that is done. They just change how the work is done. So if a machine increases the force applied, it must apply the force over a shorter distance. Similarly, if a machine increases the distance over which the force is applied, it must apply less force. Story: John wanted to invent a machine. To that end, he devised an experiment in which he used three components, comp A, comp B, and comp C. Comp A was a machine that applied force over a shorter distance. Comp B was also a machine, but it applied force over a longer distance. Comp C was not a machine. [EX A]:
Which component would increase the force applied, comp A or comp B?
Teacher:In this task your given a passage in Catalan. you must ask a question in Catalan, that is relevant to the passage. A question that is constructed should be precise and based on factual information from the passage. A constructed question should be: (a) unambiguous (b) be directly answerable from the passage (c) have a unique answer (d) have an answer that is a continuous span of text from the passage. Try to avoid formulating questions that (a) can be answered without referring to the passage, or (b) use exactly the same words or questions given in the passage. Try to make the question fluent in the language used. You have to create exactly one question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Des d'aquest moment, l'oficina federal de Saxònia-Anhalt va impulsar una campanya per l'excavació del lloc que va obtenir molt bons resultats. Es va esbrinar que no es tractava de cap sepultura sinó d'un dipòsit on s'havien abandonat les peces dintre d'una cista (vas metàl·lic amb tapa que s'usava per a guardar objectes preciosos), sense cap ordre. Aquest tipus de dipòsit és força freqüent entre els humans de l'edat del bronze i se'n coneixen força exemplars. Es creu que poden ser ofrenes als déus. Student:
Qui va impulsar una campanya per l'excavació del lloc?
In this task you will be given a process, and a question. The process contains a sequence of steps that happen in order. The question asks about the effect of a certain event on another event. If the first event has a positive effect on the second event, answer with "for", if it has a negative effect, answer with "against". If there's no causal relationship between the two, answer with "none". [EX Q]: Process: -Sunlight passes through the glass into the greenhouse -The plants and floor absorb the the sunlight -The absorbed sunlight is converted to heat -The heat cannot escape the glass -The heat is trapped in the greenhouse -The hot air rises -The colder air at the top is pushed to the bottom -The colder air is then warmed by the floor and the plants. Question: What is the effect of a person is trying to lose weight on more cold air rises.? [EX A]: none [EX Q]: Process: -A large rocky area is formed -The rocky area has a higher elevation than the surrounding areas -Water from precipitation falls in the area -The water forms a stream -The stream flows towards lower elevation -The stream becomes a river -The river continues to flow along the same path for a long time -The river erodes the rocky area that it touches -The eroded area cuts deeply into the rock. Question: What is the effect of there is more precipitation in the area on less or smaller valleys being formed.? [EX A]: against [EX Q]: Process: -Water in the clouds becomes very cold -The cold water forms ice crystals -The ice crystals grow by absorbing surrounding water droplets -Form snowflakes -The snowflakes fall to the ground. Question: What is the effect of lung is unable to produce oxygen on less snow.? [EX A]:
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, you're given statements in native Tamil language. The statement can be written with the Tamil alphabet or the English alphabet. Your job is to evaluate if the statement is offensive or not. Label the post as "Not offensive" if the post does not contain offense or insult. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or insult. Label the post as "Offensive" if the post contains offensive language. Example: Handsome hunk keri vaa thalaivaa Output: Not offensive The prediction of offensiveness is based on the following sentence "Handsome hunk keri vaa thalaivaa". It evaluates the understanding that the adjective "Handsome" is not offensive to any gender or thing or place in the sentence. New input case for you: ചാക്കോച്ചൻ ഏത് കഥാപാത്രം ചെയ്താലും അത് വേറെ ലെവൽ ആകും Output:
Not offensive
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown an English sentence. You need to classify the sentence as either a representation of an adjunct island or as an incorrect representation. A correct representation should be denoted as 'good' while everything else should be denoted as 'bad'. A correct representation of an adjunct island will be a grammatically correct instance of a sentence using an adjunct island. An incorrect representation will be everything else. Q: Who have most students distracted Marla before impressing? A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a short passage that conveys a stereotype or an anti-stereotype. A stereotype is an over-generalized belief about a particular group of people(based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, abilities, etc.). An anti-stereotype is an idea that goes against a common stereotype. You are expected to classify the passage into two classes: stereotype or anti-stereotype. Problem:Passage: He was proud of apprehending the adult criminal. Solution:
Given a paragraph, generate a claim that is supported by the given paragraph. 1) The claim must contain information from within the paragraph. 2) A sentence within the paragraph can be used as a claim. 3) The claim should not have contradictions within the paragraph. 4) The claim should be at most one sentence long. [EX Q]: But that was before being told by doctors in August that he had a degenerative spinal condition that could have left him paralyzed. Hurley returned to work full time Wednesday, less than two weeks after having surgery to replace two disks in his neck with artificial ones. He expects to make a full recovery, but says as health scares go, this was terrifying. “I started worrying and having a lot of anxiety about my health and my ability to get back to being myself,” he said. “You start playing worst-case scenarios in your head.” Hurley said doctors told him the condition was part hereditary and part a result of years of the wear and tear associated with being a life-long athlete. He said he was hoping to deal with the discomfort and tingling he was feeling through physical therapy or maybe an injection, but doctors quickly told him that he needed immediate surgery and that any hard fall or bump could leave him paralyzed. He had the surgery on Sept. 6, with the doctor using an incision in his throat to get to his spine. He said he was told that for experts, it’s a relatively routine procedure. The 46-year-old coach said he felt better immediately, but still has some restrictions for the next month, such as being prohibited from flying or lifting anything heavier than 10 pounds. Hurley, known for his animated coaching style, said he’s kept recruits informed and is very confident the situation won’t have any long-term effects on his ability to do his job the way he always has done it. But, he said the first major health issue has changed his perspective on life. “How important my faith is to me was reinforced; how important my family is to me was reinforced,” he said. “And just how important I am to my players, to not just succeed and excel in their careers. My true sense and purpose as a coach came into much clearer focus for me.” His players gave him a warm welcome back on Wednesday. He said that meant a lot to him, but didn’t make him go any easier on them. “Any of like that feeling sorry for me or good will toward the coach returning from injury went out the door when I got on guys for their lack of defensive prowess,” he said. “Yeah, all that love is gone.” UConn opens its season Nov. 8 against Sacred Heart. [EX A]: UConn men’s coach Hurley back at work after spinal surgery. [EX Q]: The council, which covers the city’s business center, was “reviewing (its) weed management methods and investigating other technologies”, a spokeswoman told Reuters in an email, a day after a strike by workers at a nearby council pressured it into trialing an alternative weedkiller. The City of Sydney council currently used Roundup “as a last resort ... when non-pesticide methods such as hand-weeding and mulching have been ineffective”, and began testing alternative products in late 2018, the spokeswoman added. Bayer says Roundup is safe and backed by several regulatory bodies, despite research that found its main ingredient glyphosate was probably carcinogenic. The German company has been hit by massive compensation payouts in the United States this year, over claims its product caused cancer, which have seen its shareprice to plummet. The prospect of Sydney council rethinking its ties to Roundup, a flagship product of U.S. agribusiness giant Monsanto Co until a buyout from Bayer last year, shows the pressure that grassroots campaigns and lawsuits are putting on governments about the product even as regulators declare it safe. “Because there’s a lot of emotion around it, local agencies may be moved to make a decision that’s made based on placating the general public rather than the available science,” said Ian Musgrave, a molecular pharmacologist and toxicologist at University of Adelaide. “We should be making decisions on safety based on actual science, not based on our fear or dismay of megacorporations.” Earlier this week, Blacktown City Council in Sydney’s west agreed to trial an alternative to Roundup after a worker strike over the product left 40,000 garbage bins unemptied. Another four councils around Sydney previously quit using Roundup over possible links to cancer. Last month, an Australian gardener filed the country’s first lawsuit against Bayer, accusing Monsanto of causing him harm from exposure to glyphosate via decades of using Roundup. A Bayer spokesman said the company “encourages constructive dialogue with our stakeholders to build a broader trust in science”. The company had published “extensive research which supports our products’ safety” and was “committed to ensuring our customers continue to have access to these critical products as part of their sustainable agricultural activities”. [EX A]: Sydney's city council reviews use of Bayer's Roundup weed killer amid cancer fears. [EX Q]: The Casper Star-Tribune reported Monday ( ) that a press release by the Wyoming Health Department said while the rates for other sexual transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and syphilis have risen, gonorrhea has affected young people the most. The department says there were 44 reported gonorrhea cases in Wyoming in 2012. The number of gonorrhea cases rose to 279 in 2016. Communicable Disease Surveillance Program Manager Courtney Smith says two-thirds of the gonorrhea cases and half of chlamydia cases were reported by people between 15 and 24 years old. Smith says that Natrona County has the highest gonorrhea infection rate in the state in 2016. It’s followed by Laramie and Fremont counties. ___ Information from: Casper (Wyo.) Star-Tribune, [EX A]:
Wyoming health officials report rise in STDs.
You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into Portugese. Let me give you an example: A Miña esperanza é que a beleza e propósito deste universo microscópico poida inspirar enfoques novos e creativos na investigación do cancro. The answer to this example can be: No final, espero que a beleza e propósito deste universo microscópico inspire novas e criativas abordagens no futuro da pesquisa do cancro. Here is why: The Galician sentence is correctly translated into Portugese, because the meaning is preserved. OK. solve this: Cunha pantalla podería informar á xente dun xeito divertido e entretido. Answer:
Com um ecrã pode informar pessoas ou guiá-las de uma forma divertida.
Definition: In this task you are given a sentence. You must judge whether the object of the main clause is singular(like: apple) or plural(like: apartments). Label the instances as "Singular" or "Plural" based on your judgment. Input: He'd sensed her discomfort and offered her a chance to compose herself away from prying eyes. Output:
Languages typically provide more than one grammatical construction to express certain types of messages. Your task is to generate a senetence with the same meaning as given sentence, but with different grammatical construction. Bob supplied her the report
Bob supplied the report to her
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Urdu language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge. Question: اگر آپ پیتے ہو تو جسم کا کون سا حصہ زیادہ تر کام کرتا ہے؟ Options: A منہ B نگلنا C حلق D گلاس E گلاس کا استعمال کریں Output:
input question: Process: - A star burns in space - Eventually it burns all its hydrogen - Becomes a red giant - Once the red giant burns itself out - The core of the star collapses - The gasses will start to disperse - Only the core is left - A white dwarf has been formed. suppose there is less hydrogen happens, how will it affect it burns longer. Which of the following is the supposed perturbation? - directly impacting a step of the process - indirectly impacting a step of the process - not impacting any step of the process??? output answer: directly impacting a step of the process Process: - The sun gives off radiation - The radiation is aborbed by the Earth - Some of the radiation goes back into space - Some is trapped by the atmosphere - If too much heat is trapped - Global warming occurs. suppose Less radiation will be absorbed by the earth happens, how will it affect a GREATER greenhouse effect. Which of the following is the supposed perturbation? - directly impacting a step of the process - indirectly impacting a step of the process - not impacting any step of the process ---- Answer: directly impacting a step of the process Q: Process: - You breathe in - Air goes through all the little branches in your lungs to fill up the air sacs, or alveoli - Oxygen goes through the walls of the alveoli and into the capillaries - The oxygen goes into the bloodstream - Oxygen is left and carbon dioxide is picked up - You breathe it out through your lungs - suppose no eggs are available happens, how will it affect less carbon dioxide is breathed out. Which of the following is the supposed perturbation? - directly impacting a step of the process - indirectly impacting a step of the process - not impacting any step of the process A: not impacting any step of the process Question: Process: - Cold water taken in through a hose to the bottom - Heating element heats water - Pump forces water up in pipes connected to spinning paddles - The forced water makes paddles spin like a sprinkler - Water comes out of small holes in paddles - Water is collected and used again until dishes are clean - Water is drained through a filter - Filter collects particles of food - Water was so hot that it evaporates for dry dishes. suppose the paddle is broken happens, how will it affect the water paddle is obstructed. Which of the following is the supposed perturbation? - directly impacting a step of the process - indirectly impacting a step of the process - not impacting any step of the process Answer: indirectly impacting a step of the process [Q]: Process: - Animals and plants die in soft soil or mud - Sediment builds up over the remains - The remains decompose, leaving only trace amounts - The remaining parts over the years are replaced with mineral - A fossil is formed - suppose plants die in soft mud more often happens, how will it affect MORE fossils forming. Which of the following is the supposed perturbation? - directly impacting a step of the process - indirectly impacting a step of the process - not impacting any step of the process **** [A]: indirectly impacting a step of the process Problem: Given the question: Process: - Water gets into cracks in rocks - The water freezes into ice - The cracks expand - Over time the rocks split - The rocks are now in smaller pieces. suppose the rock is located in a temperate climate that experiencs less freezing weather happens, how will it affect the rock will split sooner. Which of the following is the supposed perturbation? - directly impacting a step of the process - indirectly impacting a step of the process - not impacting any step of the process ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The answer is:
indirectly impacting a step of the process
Question: On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being least favorable and 5 being most favorable), how would you rate this review? "Boring but useful app Whenever we have use any app than we want update this app but this is so useful" Answer:
Q: We would like you to classify each of the following sets of argument pairs (discussing Gay Marriage) into either SIMILAR or NOT SIMILAR. A pair of arguments is considered SIMILAR if the arguments are about the same FACET (making the same argument), and is considered NOT SIMILAR if they do not have the same FACET. A FACET is a low level issue that often reoccurs in many arguments in support of the author's stance or in attacking the other author's position. Sent1: I agree that people should have, and they do have, the religious liberty to believe whatever they want and to frown on same-sex marriage if they want to. Sent2: I guess because many (not all) same-sex couples plan when they have children, they do not need the encouragement of marriage that opposite sex couples do. A:
Not similar
In this task, you will be presented with a question in Dutch language, and you have to write the location names from the question if present. B denotes the first item of a phrase and an I any non-initial word. Identifier used for the location name - LOC. . There can be instances with no location name entity, then return 'None'. Example: Jean Alavoine ( Fra ) Example solution: Fra: B-LOC Example explanation: In the given sentence, Fra is identified as the location, which is correct. Problem: Ook dat ligt wetenschappelijk anders dan kankerverenigingen en huidartsen voorstellen .
Solution: None
Teacher:In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether, as a result of the Head, PersonX wants what is mentioned in the Tail or not. In this task, wanting is a postcondition desire on the part of PersonX, respectively. As a result of PersonX giving PersonY gifts, PersonX may also desire to hug PersonY. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Head: PersonX goes perfectly<sep>Tail: satifaction Student:
Instructions: In this task, you are given inputs i,j, and A, where i and j are integers and A is a list. You need to list all elements of A from the ith element to the jth element. i and j will be non-negative, and will always have a value less than the length of A. i will always be less than j. Input: 1, 4, ['8957', 'a', '3311', '7855', 'c', '53', 'e', '7213', '2305', 'O', 'r', '5771', 'q'] Output:
8957, a, 3311, 7855
You are given an open-domain question from an open movie database. Your task is to provide an answer to that question. Try to only include the answer. Do not put it in a sentence. -------- Question: what movies was Donald Miller the writer of? Answer: Blue Like Jazz Question: how popular of a movie is Girl on a Bicycle? Answer: unknown Question: who is the director of The Raven? Answer:
Ulli Lommel
In this task your given two statements in Vietnamese. You must judge whether the second sentence is the cause or effect of the first one. Label the instances as "cause" or "effect" based on your judgment. The sentences are separated by a newline character. Chúng tôi đi tàu lượn siêu tốc. Trông nó rất vui.
Detailed Instructions: The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants in German, and we ask you to translate those to English language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations. Problem:für welches restaurant bewertet "jeff weisnear"? Solution:
what restaurant does " jeff weisnear " review for ?
Q: Given a 'poster' sentence and a corresponding 'response' (often, from Facebook or Reddit)classify the sentiment of the given response into four categories: 1) Positive, 2) Negative, 3) Neutral, and 4) Mixed if it contains both positive and negative. Poster: John, Danny and me, applauding ourselves. Responser: 3 of the Worlds' best !! A:
Instructions: In this task, you're given a passage that represents a legal contract or clause between multiple parties, followed by a question that needs to be answered. Based on the paragraph, you must write the index where the answer starts. If multiple answers seem to exist, write the index of the answer that is the most plausible. If multiple indices must be used to answer the question, the output should be a common separated list of indices. Input: Exhibit 2.01 Strategic Alliance Agreement This agreement is made and entered into this 30th day of November, 2017 by and between Bravatek Solutions, Inc., a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Colorado, (Bravatek), with an address at 2028 E. Ben White Blvd., Unit #240-2835, Austin, Texas, 78741, and Sibannac, Inc. (COMPANY), a corporation organized under the laws of Nevada, with an address at 2122 E Highland Avenue, Suite 425, Phoenix, Arizona 85016. Whereas, Bravatek is a corporation, which has technical expertise in security-related software, tools and systems/services (including telecom services) to support, deploy and test its current and potential customers' most critical initiatives. Whereas, COMPANY a corporation engaged in the business of providing a novel, patented Air Cylinder Wheel, to replace the need for conventional rubber tires on a large range of vehicles used in the mining, military, construction and industries, delivering cost savings and reducing adverse environmental impact. Whereas, the parties desire to enter into a business relationship which will designate Bravatek as the project based business partnership channel for governmental and non-governmental departments / agencies / units for the purpose of promoting COMPANY's relevant capabilities, products and/or service solutions. Now therefore, the parties mutually agree to enter into a strategic alliance under the following terms and conditions: 1) Duties of Bravatek Bravatek agrees to serve as a non-exclusive project sales lead finder for COMPANY. In this capacity, Bravatek will use its best efforts to provide the following services to COMPANY. a. Promote, market and introduce the Products to prospective clients in the government space nationwide. b. Provide a quarterly Pipeline or project information leads report to COMPANY on a monthly basis which contains a 3-month rolling forecast of potential sales. c. Follow-up on on-going project leads that COMPANY is actively engaged with or believes is appropriate. d. Provide COMPANY with any promotional materials, technical papers, white papers, proposals, etc. prior to publication or delivery to prospective clients. 1 2) Duties of COMPANY COMPANY agrees to use its best efforts to promote and support project lead finding and after-sales support of Bravatek by: a. Listing Bravatek in all appropriate sales and marketing materials as a non-exclusive alliance partner (with focus of government customers) b. Provide timely responses to both technical and administrative questions posed by Bravatek. c. Promote Bravatek's product and service offerings whenever possible. d. Aid Bravatek in the writing of any technical/marketing/sales documents when requested and participate in mutually-agreed upon sales calls. e. Provide Bravatek with co-branded marketing material that can be emailed or handed to prospective clients. 3) Obligations of the Parties Bravatek and COMPANY agree to jointly: a. Develop and implement a joint Product Solution and Application Strategy whereby targeted markets/potential client- types/applications are mutually agreed upon; b. Support each other in all agreed-upon technical, marketing and promotional efforts; c. Develop a joint strategy for developing new product/services/capabilities to mutually benefit both parties; d. Utilize each other as Preferred Vendors for services whenever possible upon mutual agreement. 4) Compensation When custom Products are designed, developed and to be delivered to Bravatek-identified perspective clients, the parties shall agree to a proposed sales price for use during the project in writing prior to the commencement of each project. 2 For any Product or Solution sold to any perspective clients introduced by Bravatek registered with COMPANY via email to COMPANY's CEO and delivered through Bravatek or a COMPANY-designated distribution affiliate(s) or sales channel(s), Bravatek will receive a lead-finder fee, to be mutually discussed and finally decided by COMPANY at the range of minimum of 10% to maximum of 20% of project revenue, with an exact fee to be depending upon the overall project sales margin and cost of development and delivery of each project, payable NET 30 days after each client payment on delivered products received at COMPANY's bank account. 5) Confidentiality Confidential information shall mean any and all technical and non-technical information, documents and materials related to client projects of party and products, services and business of each of the parties. COMPANY and Bravatek agree to maintain in strict confidence and not to disclose or disseminate, or to use for any purposes other than performance of the projects, the Confidential Information disclosed. The obligation of non-disclosure shall not apply to the following: a. Information at or after such time that is publicly available through no fault of either party b. Information at or after such time that is disclosed to either party by a third party entitled to disclose such information c. Information which is required by law to be disclosed to federal, state or local authorities. 6) Term of Confidentiality For a period of five (5) years after termination of this Agreement, the parties shall treat as confidential all information and take every reasonable precaution and use all reasonable efforts to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of the same. The parties agree to take all steps reasonably necessary and appropriate to ensure that their employees, agents, and/or assistants treat all information as confidential and to ensure that such employees, agents, and/or assistants are familiar with and abide by the terms of this Agreement. 7) Term The term of this Agreement is twelve (12) months from the date hereof, and will be automatically renewed for one (1) additional twelve month period unless either party shall notify the other in writing of its intention not to renew. Such notice must be given ninety (90) days prior to expiration of the original term. This Agreement may also be terminated by either party upon ninety (90) days written notice. 3 8) Notices Any notices required under this Agreement shall be delivered to: Bravatek Technologies, Inc. 2028 E. Ben White Blvd., Unit #240-2835 Austin, Texas 78741 Sibannac, Inc. 2122 E Highland Avenue, STE 425 Phoenix, AZ 85016 9) Governing Law This Agreement is entered into in the State of Texas and shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of Texas. 10) Indemnification COMPANY shall indemnify Bravatek, its directors, officers and employees, for any and all damages, costs, expenses, and other liabilities, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred in connection with any third-party claim, action or proceeding arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of COMPANY or breach of COMPANY of any of its obligations under this Agreement. Bravatek shall indemnify COMPANY, its directors, officers and employees, for any and all damages, costs, expenses, and other liabilities, including reasonable attorney's fees and court costs, incurred in connection with any third-party claim, action or proceeding arising from the negligence or intentional misconduct of Bravatek or breach of Bravatek of any of its obligations under this Agreement. 11) Modifications No changes or modifications of this Agreement or any of its terms shall be deemed effective unless in writing and executed by the parties hereto. 12) Assignment This Agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the prior written consent of the other party. 4 13) Entire Agreement This Agreement represents the complete and entire understanding between the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, regarding this subject matter. This Agreement shall not be considered accepted, approved or otherwise effective until signed by the appropriate parties. Bravatek Technologies, Inc. Sibannac, Inc. By: /s/ Thomas A.Cellucci By: /s/ David Mersky Name: Thomas A. Cellucci Name: David Mersky Title: Chairman & CEO Chief Executive Officer Date: November 30, 2017 Date: November 30, 2017 5 Question: Highlight the parts (if any) of this contract related to Minimum Commitment that should be reviewed by a lawyer. Details: Is there a minimum order size or minimum amount or units per-time period that one party must buy from the counterparty under the contract? Output:
TASK DEFINITION: The provided file includes inquiries about restaurants in Polish, and we ask you to translate those to English language. Please bear in mind the following guidelines while doing the translation: 1) We are looking for the most naturally written and formal form of each sentence in your language. We are *NOT* looking for colloquial forms of the sentence. We are looking for formal form which is how you would type your queries in a text-based virtual assistant. 2) The words between quotation marks *SHOULD NOT* be translated. We expect you to keep those values intact and include the quotation marks around them as well. 3) The fully capitalized words like DATE_0, or DURATION_0 *SHOULD NOT* be translated. Please keep them as they are in the translations. 4) Please do not localize measurement units like miles to kilometers during your translation. miles should be translated to its equivalent in your language. 6) Note the input is all lowercased except for fully capitalized special placeholders (e.g. NUMBER, DATE, TIME). Please do the same in your translations. PROBLEM: jak nazywa się " italian " restauracja na " main street "? SOLUTION: what 's the name of the " italian " restaurant on " main street " ? PROBLEM: znajdź restauracje " thai ". SOLUTION: find " thai " restaurants . PROBLEM: wyszukaj wszystkie restauracje " vegan " z 1 gwiazdką/gwiazdkami w okolicy. SOLUTION:
search for all 1 star , " vegan " restaurants in the area .
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a sentence in Hindi(hi), give the translation of the sentence in English(en) as output और इसलिए सिर्फ शरीर नहीं, मन और संस्कार भारत की एकता के लिए भारत को नई उचाईयों पर पहुचाने के लिये
And so, not just our body, but our mind and value system get integrated with ushering unity in India to take India to loftier heights
In this task, you are given a public comment from online platforms. You are expected to classify the comment into two classes: obscene and non-obscene. A comment is obscene if it is considered offensive to the public sense of decency, for example because it too obviously relates to sex or contains language regarded as taboo in polite usage. Example: Comment: Damn! Another cloudy day, and it's all Obama's doing! Example solution: Obscene Example explanation: This is obscenity because it hints on sexual content that is offensive to the public sense of decency. Problem: Comment: With that vote the Springs just became a liiiiittle less of a shite hole. How dRe they spend money on education? Hahah!
Solution: Obscene
Given a sentence in Spanish, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Chinese that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. South Arm Township se encuentra en el sur del condado de Charlevoix y limita al sur y al oeste con el condado de Antrim.
Detailed Instructions: This task is about classifying the sentiment of tweets in the Arabic language as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. A positive (negative) sentiment indicates that the expressed opinion in the sentence is positive (negative). The input is a sentence is a sentence in Arabic and the output is the classified sentiment. Q: يمتاز الاردن بتنوع السياحه فيه فتنقسم السياحه الى سياحه علاجيه سياحه دينيه سياحه معارض سياحه اثار A:
Detailed Instructions: This task is to translate a news commentary given in Dutch language into Portuguese language. Translate the input statement into the output language while preserving the numberical values, special characters and proper nouns and context of the commentary done. Q: De maatregelen moeten verder gaan dan de alomvattende sociale nood en de vooruitgang bevorderen in sectoren die voor banen en inkomens zorgen. A:
As medidas devem ir além das necessidades sociais, a nível global, para reforçar o progresso nos sectores produtivos de criação de emprego e nos sectores geradores de rendimento.
Detailed Instructions: You will be given a sentence that describes a restaurant. You will also be given a few categories of information regarding that sentence. Your task is to fill each of the categories with the appropriate information from the sentenece. Q: Sentence: The xname is a mid ranged coffee shop with low customer ratings and is located near the xnear. ; Categories: eattype, price, cuisine A:
eattype[coffee shop], price[moderate], cuisine[Italian]
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Portugese. Example: Media łączyły się z nami. Output: Os "" media "" interligavam-se connosco. The Polish sentence is correctly translated into Portugese, because the meaning is preserved. New input case for you: Zagarniacie go i pakujecie do kartonowych pudełek. Output:
Recolhemo-lo, pomo-lo em caixas de cartão,
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you will be shown a short story with a beginning, two potential middles, and an ending. Your job is to choose the middle statement that makes the story coherent / plausible by writing "1" or "2" in the output. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes most sense. Problem:Beginning: Michael loved to go hiking in the woods on weekends. Middle 1: Michael chose to stay home this weekend. Middle 2: Michael chose to go hiking this weekend. Ending: Michael was disappointed in himself. Solution:
You are given a statement written in Gujarati. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . Q: Statement: ગવા ડુંગરા (તા. ફતેપુરા) <MASK> દેશના પશ્ચિમ ભાગમાં આવેલા ગુજરાત રાજ્યના મધ્યપૂર્વ ભાગમાં આવેલા દાહોદ જિલ્લામાં આવેલા કુલ ૮ (આઠ) તાલુકાઓ પૈકીના એક એવા ફતેપુરા તાલુકામાં આવેલું એક ગામ છે. ગવા ડુંગરા ગામના લોકોનો મુખ્ય વ્યવસાય ખેતી, ખેતમજૂરી તેમ જ પશુપાલન છે. આ ગામમાં મુખ્યત્વે મકાઈ, ઘઉં, ડાંગર, મગ, અડદ, અન્ય કઠોળ તેમ જ શાકભાજીના પાકની ખેતી કરવામાં આવે છે. આ ગામમાં પ્રાથમિક શાળા, પંચાયતઘર, આંગણવાડી તેમ જ દૂધની ડેરી જેવી સવલતો પ્રાપ્ય થયેલી છે. Option A: રાજગઢ Option B: પંચાયતઘર Option C: આંગણવાડી Option D: ભારત A:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given two articles in the Thai language and the possible genre they belong to in the English language. Determine if the two articles share a positive sentiment on the given genre. Indicate your answer with Y for yes if they do and N for no if they don't. Genres available include: politics,human_rights,quality_of_life,international,social,environment,economics,culture,labor,national_security,ict,education Problem:Article1: Title: จับหนุ่มเสื้อแดงหลังร่วมงานศพอภิวันท์ ระบุมีภาพชุมนุมต้านรัฐประหาร Body: เวลาประมาณ 22.30น. 19 ตุลาคม 2557  ประชาไทได้รับรายงานว่า เจ้าหน้าที่ทหารได้ทำการจับกุมชายเสื้อแดงที่วัดบางไผ่ หลังจากที่เข้าร่วมงาน พอ.ดร.อภินันท์  ทราบชื่อภายหลังว่า นายหนึ่ง เกตุสกุล อายุ 28ปี อยู่แขวง บางบัว เขต บางเขน กรุงเทพฯ  โดยเบื้องต้นได้ถูกนำตัวมาสอบสวนที่ สน. พญาไท. ซึ่งคาดว่าจะเป็นพื้นที่เกิดเหตุ  เจ้าหน้าที่ทหารได้อนุญาตให้ นส.ศศินันท์ ธรรมนิฐินันท์ ทนายความจากศูนย์ทนายความเพื่อสิทธิมนุษยชน ได้เข้าพบผู้ต้องหาและร่วมฟังการสอบสวนผู้ต้องหา หลังเสร็จสิ้นการสอบสวน ศศินันท์ ธรรมนิฐินันท์ ทนายความจากศูนย์ทนายความเพื่อสิทธิมนุษยชน ได้กล่าวกับประชาไทว่า นายหนึ่งได้ถูกจับกุมขณะกำลังเดินทางกลับจากงานฌาปณกิจ พ.อ. ดร.อภินันท์ วิริยะชัย อดีต สส.พรรคเพื่อไทย และแกนนำคนเสื้อแดง  เหตุเกิดในช่วงเวลาประมาณ 20.00 ขณะที่นายหนึ่งกำลังขึ้นท้ายรถกระบะเพื่อเดินทางกลับบ้านทหารนอกเครื่องแบบจำนวน 4 นาย ได้ดึงแขนนายหนึ่งลงจากรถพาไปคุยแล้วควบคุมตัวมาสอบสวนยัง สน.พญาไท โดยเบื้องต้นทางทหารแจ้งว่า นายหนึ่งเป็นบุคคลที่ถูกบันทึกอยู่ในภาพเหตุการณ์ การชุมนุมต่อต้านรัฐประหาร ที่บริเวณอนุสาวรีย์ชัย เมื่อวันที่ 28 พฤษภาคม 2557 โดยในเหตุการณ์นั้นได้มีการทำลายรถทหาร หลังการสอบสวนเบื้องต้นแล้วเสร็จ ทหารได้นำตัวนายหนึ่งออกจาก สน.พญาไทไปควบคุมตัวไว้โดยไม่ได้แจ้งสถานที่ควบคุมต่อญาติและทนายฯ แต่แจ้งว่าจะนำตัวมายัง สน.พญาไท เวลาประมาณ 09.00น. ของวันที่20 เพื่อทำเรื่องส่งตัวตัวไปขอฝากขังยังศาลทหาร กระทรวงกลาโหม Article 2: Title: ม็อบเรียกร้อง "เจิมศักดิ์-ประทิน-นิรันดร์" ลาออก Body: ณ บริเวณตรงข้ามรัฐสภา ด้านกำแพงสวนสัตว์ดุสิต มีประชาชนประมาณ 30 คน อ้างตัวว่าเป็น "แนวร่วมสมานฉันท์แห่งชาติ" ได้ปราศรัยโจมตีนพ. นิรันดร์ พิทักษ์วัชระ, นายเจิมศักดิ์ ปิ่นทอง และพล. ต. อ. ประทิน สันติประภพ รวมทั้งนักวิชาการที่ร่วมลงรายชื่อเรียกร้องให้นายกรัฐมนตรีขอโทษประชาชน อีกทั้งยังมีการติดป้ายผ้าแสดงข้อความโจมตี โดยมีผู้ให้ความสนใจประปราย กลุ่มผู้ชุมนุมยังได้แจกเอกสารโจมตี โดยระบุว่าบุคคลเหล่านี้มีส่วนในการสร้างสถานการณ์ให้รุนแรงขึ้นโดยหวังผลประโยชน์ทางการเมือง อีกทั้งยังระบุว่าบุคคลเหล่านี้ไม่เคยออกมาเรียกร้องให้ผู้บริสุทธิ์ที่เสียชีวิตเลย นอกจากกลุ่มนี้ ยังมีกลุ่มประชาชนที่เรียกตัวเองว่า "กลุ่มสามัคคีไทยรักชาติ" เข้ายื่นจดหมายต่อนายสุชน ชาลีเครือ ประธานวุฒิสภา เรียกร้องให้นายเจิมศักดิ์ และพล. ต. อ. ประทินลาออก โดยระบุเหตุผลว่านายเจิมศักดิ์ใช้หน้าที่ สว. ในการต่อต้านรัฐบาลในทุกเรื่องอย่างไม่ถูกกาลเทศะ โดยเฉพาะในการออกเอกสาร "ความจริงที่ตากใบ" โดยไม่เสนอข้อเท็จจริงของทุกฝ่ายในเหตุการณ์ ส่วนพล. ต. อ. ประทินนั้นมีพฤติกรรมไม่เหมาะสมในการใช้อารมณ์กับคนที่ไม่เห็นด้วยกับตนเอง โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งการออกมาปกป้องนายเจิมศักดิ์ในการชี้แจงเอกสาร "ความจริงที่ตากใบ" จนทำให้เกิดเหตุชกต่อยกับสว. ด้วยกันเอง ภาณุวัฒน์ อภิวัฒนชัย ประชาไทรายงาน Do both the articles share the same sentiment for the genre: environment? Solution:
Indicate with `Yes` if the given question involves the provided reasoning `Category`. Indicate with `No`, otherwise. We define five categories of temporal reasoning. First: "event duration" which is defined as the understanding of how long events last. For example, "brushing teeth", usually takes few minutes. Second: "transient v. stationary" events. This category is based on the understanding of whether an event will change over time or not. For example, the sentence "he was born in the U.S." contains a stationary event since it will last forever; however, "he is hungry" contains a transient event since it will remain true for a short period of time. Third: "event ordering" which is the understanding of how events are usually ordered in nature. For example, "earning money" usually comes before "spending money". The fourth one is "absolute timepoint". This category deals with the understanding of when events usually happen. For example, "going to school" usually happens during the day (not at 2 A.M). The last category is "frequency" which refers to how often an event is likely to be repeated. For example, "taking showers" typically occurs ~5 times a week, "going to Saturday market" usually happens every few weeks/months, etc. [Q]: Sentence: The Vice President's task force was just getting under way when the 9/11 attack occurred. Question: How long did it take to clean up after the 9/11 attack? Category: Event Duration. [A]: Yes. [Q]: Sentence: In typography, Durer depicts the geometric construction of the Latin alphabet, relying on Italian precedent. Question: How often does Durer depict the construction ? Category: Frequency. [A]: Yes. [Q]: Sentence: The Portuguese Crown, delighted with its first important discovery, immediately embarked on a program of colonization. Question: What year did the Portuguese first attempt colonization of the new territory? Category: Absolute Timepoint. [A]: