Instructions: Two analogies that relate items to whether they are trash or treasure is given in the form "A : B. C : ?". Items marked as "trash" are considered to not have value and can be disposed, whereas those marked as "treasure" are considered valuable items that must be retained. "A : "B relates item A to whether it is trash or treasure, as specified by B. Your task is to replace the question mark (?) with either `trash` or `treasure` for the given item C, following the "A : B" relation. Input: crumbs : trash. ring : ? Output:
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: There are difficulties about that . ''<br>But difficulties only sharpened the ingenuity of this admirable king .<br>`` The other fellow had a Flying Horse , '' said he .<br>By `` the other fellow '' King Prigio meant an Italian knight , Astolfo , who , in old times , visited the moon , and there found and brought back the common sense of his friend , Orlando , as you may read in the poem of Ariosto .<br>`` Now , '' reasoned King Prigio , `` if there is a Flying Horse at all , he is in the stables of the King of Delhi .<br>I must look into this . '' Hypothesis: If there is a flying horse he is not in delhi **** Answer: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Zapatero visited the following cities in four days: Brasilia, São Paulo, Buenos Aires and Santiago de Chile. According to official sources these visits are the last part of the project he began at the EU-Latin American Summit in Guadalajara, Mexico and pursued in the Ibero-American meeting in Costa Rica in November. Hypothesis: The EU-Latin American Summit was held every year in November. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: At a low-key ceremony, Albanian and British officials agreed to bury all outstanding differences caused by the 'Corfu Channel incident'. Hypothesis: Albanian and British officials debated to bury. **** Answer:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a sentence in German, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in Korean that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Die meisten Serien von 1976, die von CBS produziert oder von CBS Films vertrieben wurden, wurden später von Viacom und Paramount Television vertrieben. Output:
1976 년 이전에 CBS에 의해 제작되었거나 CBS 영화로 배포 된 시리즈의 대부분은 나중에 Viacom과 Paramount Television에 의해 배포되었습니다.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. Your task is to extract the thesis of an opinionated news article by selecting some of its text segments. The thesis is a summarization of what the author wants to persuade the reader of. Your answer should consist of segments of the given text. Note that you are not allowed to combine different sentences. Our 'impartial' broadcasters have become mouthpieces of the elite. When people say they have no politics, it means that their politics aligns with the status quo . None of us are unbiased , none removed from the question of power . We are social creatures who absorb the outlook and opinions of those with whom we associate, and unconciously echo them . Objectivity is impossible . The illusion of neutrality is one of the reasons for the rotten state of journalism, as those who might have been expected to hold power to account drift thoughtlessly into its arms . But until I came across the scandal currently erupting in Canada, I hadn't understood just how quickly standards are falling . In 2013 reporters at CBC, Canada's equivalent of the BBC, broke a major story . They discovered that RBC - Royal Bank of Canada - had done something cruel and unusual even by banking standards . It was obliging junior staff to train a group of temporary foreign workers , who would then be given the staff's jobs . Just after the first report was aired, according to the website Canadaland, something odd happened : journalists preparing to expand on the investigation were summoned to a conference call with Amanda Lang, CBC's senior business correspondent and a star presenter . The reporters she spoke to say she repeatedly attempted to scuttle the story, dismissing it as trivial and dull . They were astonished . But not half as astonished as when they discovered the following, unpublished facts . First , that Lang had spoken at a series of events run or sponsored by RBC - for which she appears, on one occasion, to have been paid around 15,000 Canadian dollars . Second , that she was booked to speak at an event sponsored by the outsourcing company the bank had hired to implement the cruel practice exposed by her colleagues . Third , that her partner is a board member at RBC . Lang then interviewed the bank's chief executive on her own show . When he dismissed the story as unfair and misleading , she did not challenge him . That evening she uncritically repeated his talking points on CBC's main current affairs programme . Her interests, again, were not revealed . Then she wrote a comment article for the Globe and Mail newspaper suggesting that her colleagues' story arose from an outdated suspicion of business, was dangerous to Canada's interests, and was nothing but "a sideshow" . Here's what she said about the bank's employment practices:"It's called capitalism, and it isn't a dirty word." Canadaland, which exposed Lang's conflicts last week, found that other journalists at the broadcaster were furious, but too frightened to speak on the record . But after CBC tried to dismiss the scandal as "half-truths based on anonymous sources" , Kathy Tomlinson, the reporter who had broken the story about the bank, bravely spoke publicly to the website . The following morning, staff in her office arrived to find this message spelt out in magnets on their fridge:"Jesse Brown snitches get stitches" . Jesse Brown is Canadaland's founder . CBC refused to answer my questions , and I have not had a response from Lang . It amazes me that she remains employed by CBC , which has so far done nothing but bluster and berate its critics . This is grotesque . But it's symptomatic of a much wider problem in journalism : those who are supposed to scrutinise the financial and political elite are embedded within it . Many belong to a service-sector aristocracy, wedded metaphorically (sometimes literally) to finance . Often unwittingly, they amplify the voices of the elite, while muffling those raised against it . A study by academics at the Cardiff School of Journalism examined the BBC Today programme's reporting of the bank bailouts in 2008 . It discovered that the contributors it chose were "almost completely dominated by stockbrokers, investment bankers, hedge fund managers and other City voices . Civil society voices or commentators who questioned the benefits of having such a large finance sector were almost completely absent from coverage." The financiers who had caused the crisis were asked to interpret it . The same goes for discussions about the deficit and the perceived need for austerity . The debate has been dominated by political and economic elites , while alternative voices - arguing that the crisis has been exaggerated, or that instead of cuts, the government should respond with Keynesian spending programmes or taxes on financial transactions, wealth or land- have scarcely been heard . Those priorities have changed your life : the BBC helped to shape the political consensus under which so many are now suffering . The BBC's business reporting breaks its editorial guidelines every day by failing to provide alternative viewpoints . Every weekday morning, the Today programme grovels to business leaders for 10 minutes . It might occasionally challenge them on the value or viability of their companies, but hardly ever on their ethics . Corporate critics are shut out of its business coverage - and almost all the rest . On BBC News at Six, the Cardiff researchers found, business representatives outnumbered trade union representatives by 19 to one . "The BBC tends to reproduce a Conservative, Eurosceptic, pro-business version of the world," the study said . This, remember, is where people turn when they don't trust the corporate press . While the way in which the media handle the stories that are covered is bad enough , the absence of coverage is even worse . If an issue does not divide the main political parties , it vanishes from view , though the parties now disagree on hardly anything . Another study reveals a near total collapse of environmental coverage on ITV and BBC news: it declined from 2.5% (ITV) and 1.6% (BBC) of total airtime in 2007 to, respectively, 0.2% and 0.3% in 2014 . There were as many news stories on these outlets about Madeleine McCann in 2014 - seven years after her disappearance - as there were about all environmental issues put together . Those entrusted to challenge power are the loyalists of power . They rage against social media and people such as Russell Brand, without seeing that the popularity of alternatives is a response to their own failures: their failure to expose the claims of the haut monde, their failure to enlist a diversity of opinion, their failure to permit the audience to see that another world is possible . If even the public sector broadcasters parrot the talking points of the elite , what hope is there for informed democratic choice? o Twitter: @georgemonbiot . A fully referenced version of this article can be found at . Solution: The illusion of neutrality is one of the reasons for the rotten state of journalism, as those who might have been expected to hold power to account drift thoughtlessly into its arms We are social creatures who absorb the outlook and opinions of those with whom we associate, and unconciously echo them Why? The text span selected for thesis is meaningful and correct. Pay attention that there can be more than one correct thesis for each article. Some meaningful subsets of this thesis also can be accepted as a thesis, like : "none of us are unbiased" New input: Madonna's cultural appropriation confirms what a cliche she has become. There' s only thing duller than a Twitterstorm , and that's an Instagramstorm . Particularly when said storms feature figures who like to think of themselves as controversial and as deliberately baiting us : Rihanna posing in a clingy burqa at a mosque, Mario Balotelli posting a racist image , and now Madonna doctoring pictures of African and African-American leaders to promote her new album . Really, the only dignified thing to do is to not dignify it with a response, and move on . Who cares if Madonna straps black ropes on the images of dead black rights icons? As Peter Robinson wrote in the Guardian:"It's slightly heartbreaking that Madonna, an artist who made her name through an intuitive grasp of almost every major trend and zeitgeist fluctuation, is so crap at social media." But sometimes a solely jaded response betrays our own complacency, like resigning yourself to the fact that there will always be people who think of racist slurs as banter , or those who think it is just fine to appropriate the symbols of others to give their own tepid existence some edge , or people who still wear bootcut jeans . It's not OK, no matter how persistent and ever- present it is . Even though Madonna has always been controversial , it also seems that as the world around her has got sharper, she has got duller and more derivative . The appropriation that she and others have carried out is nothing new ; we're just noticing it more . That's because those who are piggybacking on others' journeys do not only have more channels to flaunt their cluelessness and sense of entitlement (Iggy Azalea, walk away from Twitter) but they are also being called out on it more . Whether it is usurping religion - crucifixes and nun habits are passe now; it's niqabs on naked bodies - keep up - homosexuality or now minority rights , Madonna is a manifestation of how privilege feeds off the authenticity of "struggle" . This is a double plundering that leads to further marginalisation : the dominant narrative will oppress you, then co-opt you, and then weave you into your own tiny little section of the tapestry . Some would argue that slavery and segregation ended long ago (well, segregation in the US in the 60s and apartheid in South African in the 90s, so not that long ago) . But that doesn't mean white people can now happily vandalise the cultural and historical totems of a minority's struggle as part of some universal poster for the white western narrative of overcoming and learning from our mistakes . Imagine a pop artist using the recent CIA torture as part of their campaign - perhaps showing dead Arab personalities being waterboarded . No? Too soon? Well , when it comes to certain issues , it will always too soon . Of course , the charitable position is that Madonna, or to a different extent, Iggy Azalea, are not doing this with any high degree of self-awareness or design - they might see all contemporary culture as equal-access human heritage that they can dip into and sample as a vehicle for their talent . They would be right to some extent , but the sad fact is that these modern iterations of minority culture that they are sampling all arose from suffering and oppression rather than from a series of tortured geniuses in drawing rooms across Europe . Yes, there are spaces where our common mix of religious, sexual and racial legacies intermingle - gloriously, sometimes . But that is usually an uncurated, spontaneous thing, not a cynical shopping list . To put it simply , edginess comes from just that : being on the edge . Ironically, all Madonna and her ilk's desperate antics to appear so only confirm that they are, in fact, utterly comfortable and mainstream . Cultural appropriation is now the standard default of the unoriginal . It is a common and predictable template , where one becomes a cliche in trying to avoid being a cliche because you have nothing new to offer - something Madonna would surely be mortified by . Solution:
Who cares if Madonna straps black ropes on the images of dead black rights icons?
Given a pair of words, generate the relation between them. The first word is called the 'concept' and the second word is called the 'relatum' The relation must be one of the following: co-hyponym (coordinate), hypernym, meronym, attribute, event, or random. A coordinate relation indicates that the concept and relatum belong to the same semantic class. A hypernym relation indicates that the relatum is a category of which the concept is a specific instance. A meronym relation implies that relatum is a part/component/organ/member of the concept. An attribute relation is when the relatum is an adjective expressing an attribute of the concept. An event relation holds when the relatum is a verb referring to an action/activity/happening/event that is performed by or with the concept. If the relatum and concept are unrelated, the relation between them is 'random'. Classify your answers into coord, hyper, mero, attri, event, and random. Concept: cannon, Relatum: metal. mero Concept: woodpecker, Relatum: electrician. random Concept: table, Relatum: cover.
input hypothesis: Hillary Rodham Clinton and daughter Chelsea spent a hot and dreary Saturday in Minsk. Context: That prompted Clinton, wife Hillary Rodham Clinton and daughter Chelsea to spend a cold and dreary Saturday in Minsk. true or false: No input hypothesis: Sticking with the right handed guitar would have made him ambidextrous. Context: The Left Switch<br>Parker had been trying to learn guitar. No matter what he did he couldn't seem to get it very well. Then he realized that he was playing right handed. Parker was left handed so he decided to try switching. To his delight this helped him to play much better. true or false: It's impossible to say input hypothesis: The Standing Committee on Human Resources Development has not yet investigated the scandal. Context: Given the serious nature of the situation, ought not the government immediately mandate the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development to carry out a thorough investigation on the scandal of quotas and harassment of which both the unemployed and the employees of Human Resources Development Canada are victims? true or false: Yes input hypothesis: Ghana is a country that specializes in providing services. Context: Katariga is a small community in Sagnarigu District in the Northern Region of Ghana. It has a dispersed settlement having Kumbuyili, Sugashee and Gurugu as its neighboring communities. Farming is the most common occupation in this community. It is one of the few communities headed by a female(Tindana) in the Northern Region . true or false:
It's impossible to say
In this task, you are given a sentence which is either in the Hindi language or English language. You task is to identify the language of input sentence. Input sentence can be in Hindi or English language only and also it cannot have two languages at a time. Ex Input: The subjects on which ministers have been called upon to make statements have covered matters like disturbances in any part of India , border troubles , railway accidents , shutting down of public undertakings , judgements by law courts in which observations affecting ministries or officers of the Central Government were involved , violations of air space by enemy aircraft , strikes involving the harbours , ports , air companies , railways and other public utility services , position of Indians overseas , a serious food drought or flood situation etc . Ex Output: English Ex Input: In an interview to india today in Dushanbe , the capital of neighbouring Tajikistan , Abdullah admitted , ” A big war is now certain . Ex Output: English Ex Input: Even after considering the low rate attained at 4 per cent in 1965-66 , it cannot but be admitted that the first fifteen years of planning had broken the stagnation of the past . Ex Output:
In this task, based on a given sentence, we ask you to write a question that involves the ordering of events, i.e., the understanding of how events are usually ordered. For example, "earning money" usually appears before "spending money". Don't create questions which have explicit mentions of answers in the text. Instead, it has to be implied from what is given. In other words, we want you to use "instinct" or "common sense". Note that the written questions are not required to have a single correct answer. Sentence: Wallace, 38, called Gastonia home from the age of 8 until she graduated from Hunter Huss High School in 1983.
What did Wallace do after graduating from Hunter Huss High School?
Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: At eurodisney, once upon a time is now in this magical kingdom where childhood fantasies and make-believe come to life. Hypothesis: there is not a disney park in europe Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Big Boat<br>Joe bought a brand new boat. He was very excited to show it off to all of his friends. In his excitement he dropped the keys, while signing the final papers. After a brief moment of fear, Joe found the keys on the dock. Joe breathed a sigh of relief as he headed home to see his friends. Hypothesis: Joe's second hand purchased boat looked nice Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer: Context: Robert William Barker (born December 12, 1923) is an American former television game show host. He is known for hosting CBS's "The Price Is Right" from 1972 to 2007, making it the longest-running daytime game show in North American television history, and for hosting "Truth or Consequences" from 1956 to 1974. Hypothesis: The Price Is Right stopped filming in 2007 Generate a context and a hypothesis. Answer:
Context: Tokugawa Ietsugu; 徳川 家継 (August 8, 1709 – June 19, 1716) was the seventh shogun of the Tokugawa Dynasty, who ruled from 1713 until his death in 1716. He was the son of Tokugawa Ienobu, thus making him the grandson of Tokugawa Tsunashige, daimyo of Kofu, great-grandson of Tokugawa Iemitsu, great-great grandson of Tokugawa Hidetada, and finally the great-great-great grandson of Tokugawa Ieyasu. Hypothesis: The sixth shogun of the Tokugawa Dynasty was female.
Q: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "what it takes aerosmith album?"; Answer: "It was released in 1990 as the third single from Aerosmith's critically and commercially successful 1989 album Pump ."? Topic: A: What It Takes (song) Question: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "when us subprime mortgage market collapse?"; Answer: "The U.S. subprime mortgage crisis was a set of events and conditions that led to a financial crisis and subsequent recession that began in 2008."? Topic: Answer: Subprime mortgage crisis [Q]: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "how many muscles in the body?"; Answer: "Examples range from 640 to 850."? Topic: **** [A]: List of muscles of the human body input: Please answer the following: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "How did Edgar Allan Poe die??"; Answer: "On October 7, 1849, at age 40, Poe died in Baltimore; the cause of his death is unknown and has been variously attributed to alcohol, brain congestion, cholera , drugs, heart disease, rabies , suicide, tuberculosis, and other agents."? Topic: ++++++++++ output: Edgar allan poe Please answer this: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "Where is South Beach in Miami?"; Answer: "South Beach, also nicknamed SoBe, is a neighborhood in the city of Miami Beach , Florida , United States , located due east of Miami city proper between Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean ."? Topic: ++++++++ Answer: South Beach Question: Determine the topic of the question-answer pair. Question: "how many world series did curt schilling have?"; Answer: "He helped lead the Philadelphia Phillies to the World Series in and won World Series championships in with the Arizona Diamondbacks and in and with the Boston Red Sox ."? Topic: Answer:
Curt Schilling
Teacher:In mathematics, the absolute value of a number is the non-negative value of that number, without regarding its sign. For example, the absolute value of -2 is 2, and the absolute value of 5 is 5. In this task you will be given a list of numbers and you need to return the element with highest absolute value. If a negative and positive element have the same absolute value you should return the positive element. The absolute value for negative numbers can be found by multiplying them by -1. After finding the element with the maximum absolute value you should return the value of that element before you applied the absolute value. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: [-10.643 80.577 -54.062 70.835] Student:
Detailed Instructions: You are shown a random response (from a computer or a human). Generate a language query such that it leads to this reply. See one example below: Problem: Contact number 07404031593. You are in a Red Skoda. Solution: Can you book a taxi between the two places? I'd like to arrive at the restaurant in time for my reservation. Explanation: The output correctly questions the input, and the flow is maintained because first the system has shared the booking details. Problem: Total travel time is 50 minutes. Would you like me to book it? Solution:
Not right now, thanks. As I'll be in the center part of town I'd like to find an expensive restaurant there. Do you have any suggestions?
Teacher: In this task, you will be given a short story or summary of a situation which is called a premise. Your task is to generate a question based on the given premise. The generated question (i) must be unambiguous, (ii) must be relevant to the premise, (iii) should require commonsense reasoning to get answered. You should not use any outside knowledge to generate the question. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: The small triangle was angry at the big triangle. The big triangle ran away Solution: Why did the big triangle ran away? Reason: The output question can be answered by reading the input premise. Also, the question lies within the context of the premise. So, it is a good question. Now, solve this instance: The circle knocks on the door. Student:
Why does the circle knock on the door?
You will be asked how to do a certain task. You should describe a physical process that does not lead to the asked outcome, yet it is closely related to it (i.e., it should use the words that are provided in the input). The physical process can be moving something, arranging something in a certain way, mixing things, shaking them, etc. To make sure that the generated process does not lead to the asked outcome, you can introduce objects or events unrelated to the context of the question e.g. 'cleaning the keyboard by making an elephant sit on them'; or you can create contradictory statements e.g. 'drying wet keyboards with running water'. In your responses, avoid typos and misspellings. Example Input: How to open a box of pasta Example Output: find the place on the top of the box where the two tabs overlap. Slide a butter stick between the tabs and gently separate the tabs to open the box. Example Input: To pit whole olives, Example Output: cut the olives in half with a paring knife, removing the pit from one of the sides where it remains using your fingertips. Example Input: measure dry ingredients Example Output:
Fill measuring cup until it overflows. Spoon flour or other light, powdery dry ingredient into your measuring cup until it domes up over the top. ... Level it off with the back of a bowl. ... Fill measuring spoon. ... Level it off with the back of a bowl
instruction: In this task, you're given passages that contain mentions of a time duration related quesry and we are supposed to write answer to a question that involves event “frequency", which refers to how often an event is likely to be repeated. For example, "taking showers" typically occurs ~5 times a week, "going to saturday market" usually happens every few weeks/months, etc. Note that a lot of the questions could have more than one correct answers. We only need a single most-likely answer. Please try to keep your "answer" as simple as possible. Concise and simple "answer" is preferred over those complex and verbose ones. question: Sentence: About 1.7 to 5 billion cases of diarrhea occur per year. It is most common in developing countries, where young children get diarrhea on average three times a year. Total deaths from diarrhea are estimated at 1.26 million in 2013 – down from 2.58 million in 1990. In 2012, it is the second most common cause of deaths in children younger than five (0.76 million or 11%). Frequent episodes of diarrhea are also a common cause of malnutrition and the most common cause in those younger than five years of age. Other long term problems that can result include stunted growth and poor intellectual development. Question: How often do kids get diarrhea in developing countries? answer: average three times a year question: Sentence: Since Elizabeth rarely gives interviews, little is known of her personal feelings. As a constitutional monarch, she has not expressed her own political opinions in a public forum. She does have a deep sense of religious and civic duty, and takes her coronation oath seriously. Aside from her official religious role as Supreme Governor of the established Church of England, she is personally a member of that church and the national Church of Scotland. She has demonstrated support for inter-faith relations and has met with leaders of other churches and religions, including five popes: Pius XII, John XXIII, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis. A personal note about her faith often features in her annual Christmas message broadcast to the Commonwealth. In 2000, she spoke about the theological significance of the millennium marking the 2000th anniversary of the birth of Jesus: Question: How often does Elizabeth give interviews? answer: rarely question: Sentence: In domestic dogs, sexual maturity begins to happen around age six to twelve months for both males and females, although this can be delayed until up to two years old for some large breeds. This is the time at which female dogs will have their first estrous cycle. They will experience subsequent estrous cycles biannually, during which the body prepares for pregnancy. At the peak of the cycle, females will come into estrus, being mentally and physically receptive to copulation. Because the ova survive and are capable of being fertilized for a week after ovulation, it is possible for a female to mate with more than one male. Question: How many times per year do female dogs go into heat? answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given inputs i,j, and A, where i and j are integers and A is a list. You need to concatenate all elements of A from the ith element to the jth element, and print the resultant string. i and j will be non-negative, and will always have a value less than the length of A. i will always be less than j. Q: 9, 26, ['E', '5103', 'x', '9363', 'y', 'U', '6773', '8381', '4809', 'l', 'a', 'P', '2651', 'I', 'C', 'G', 'Q', '7455', 'W', 'n', '9649', 'E', 'Z', '6495', '6553', 'l', 'q', '4065', 'N', 'M'] A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence in Japanese. Your job is to translate the Japanese sentence into Farsi. この場合コンピューターは何百万もの可能なレイアウトを評価し複雑な関係性をやりくりし膨大な形状や多様性のデータを管理して逐一提示し人間が構成を選択しながら人間はデザインや構成にだけ集中できるようにしたのです
در این مورد ، یک کامپیوتر میلیون ها حالت ممکن را بررسی کرده ، یک سیستم پیچیده ‌ ی ارتباطی را مدیریت کرده ، و یک مجموعه ی عظیم از اندازه گیری ها و متغیرها را جمع آوری می کند ، و به انسان اجازه می دهد تا بر روی جنبه های طراحی و هنری کار متمرکز شود. و به انسان اجازه می دهد تا بر روی جنبه های طراحی و هنری کار متمرکز شود.
Your task is to extract the thesis of an opinionated news article by selecting some of its text segments. The thesis is a summarization of what the author wants to persuade the reader of. Your answer should consist of segments of the given text. Note that you are not allowed to combine different sentences. One example is below. Q: Our 'impartial' broadcasters have become mouthpieces of the elite. When people say they have no politics, it means that their politics aligns with the status quo . None of us are unbiased , none removed from the question of power . We are social creatures who absorb the outlook and opinions of those with whom we associate, and unconciously echo them . Objectivity is impossible . The illusion of neutrality is one of the reasons for the rotten state of journalism, as those who might have been expected to hold power to account drift thoughtlessly into its arms . But until I came across the scandal currently erupting in Canada, I hadn't understood just how quickly standards are falling . In 2013 reporters at CBC, Canada's equivalent of the BBC, broke a major story . They discovered that RBC - Royal Bank of Canada - had done something cruel and unusual even by banking standards . It was obliging junior staff to train a group of temporary foreign workers , who would then be given the staff's jobs . Just after the first report was aired, according to the website Canadaland, something odd happened : journalists preparing to expand on the investigation were summoned to a conference call with Amanda Lang, CBC's senior business correspondent and a star presenter . The reporters she spoke to say she repeatedly attempted to scuttle the story, dismissing it as trivial and dull . They were astonished . But not half as astonished as when they discovered the following, unpublished facts . First , that Lang had spoken at a series of events run or sponsored by RBC - for which she appears, on one occasion, to have been paid around 15,000 Canadian dollars . Second , that she was booked to speak at an event sponsored by the outsourcing company the bank had hired to implement the cruel practice exposed by her colleagues . Third , that her partner is a board member at RBC . Lang then interviewed the bank's chief executive on her own show . When he dismissed the story as unfair and misleading , she did not challenge him . That evening she uncritically repeated his talking points on CBC's main current affairs programme . Her interests, again, were not revealed . Then she wrote a comment article for the Globe and Mail newspaper suggesting that her colleagues' story arose from an outdated suspicion of business, was dangerous to Canada's interests, and was nothing but "a sideshow" . Here's what she said about the bank's employment practices:"It's called capitalism, and it isn't a dirty word." Canadaland, which exposed Lang's conflicts last week, found that other journalists at the broadcaster were furious, but too frightened to speak on the record . But after CBC tried to dismiss the scandal as "half-truths based on anonymous sources" , Kathy Tomlinson, the reporter who had broken the story about the bank, bravely spoke publicly to the website . The following morning, staff in her office arrived to find this message spelt out in magnets on their fridge:"Jesse Brown snitches get stitches" . Jesse Brown is Canadaland's founder . CBC refused to answer my questions , and I have not had a response from Lang . It amazes me that she remains employed by CBC , which has so far done nothing but bluster and berate its critics . This is grotesque . But it's symptomatic of a much wider problem in journalism : those who are supposed to scrutinise the financial and political elite are embedded within it . Many belong to a service-sector aristocracy, wedded metaphorically (sometimes literally) to finance . Often unwittingly, they amplify the voices of the elite, while muffling those raised against it . A study by academics at the Cardiff School of Journalism examined the BBC Today programme's reporting of the bank bailouts in 2008 . It discovered that the contributors it chose were "almost completely dominated by stockbrokers, investment bankers, hedge fund managers and other City voices . Civil society voices or commentators who questioned the benefits of having such a large finance sector were almost completely absent from coverage." The financiers who had caused the crisis were asked to interpret it . The same goes for discussions about the deficit and the perceived need for austerity . The debate has been dominated by political and economic elites , while alternative voices - arguing that the crisis has been exaggerated, or that instead of cuts, the government should respond with Keynesian spending programmes or taxes on financial transactions, wealth or land- have scarcely been heard . Those priorities have changed your life : the BBC helped to shape the political consensus under which so many are now suffering . The BBC's business reporting breaks its editorial guidelines every day by failing to provide alternative viewpoints . Every weekday morning, the Today programme grovels to business leaders for 10 minutes . It might occasionally challenge them on the value or viability of their companies, but hardly ever on their ethics . Corporate critics are shut out of its business coverage - and almost all the rest . On BBC News at Six, the Cardiff researchers found, business representatives outnumbered trade union representatives by 19 to one . "The BBC tends to reproduce a Conservative, Eurosceptic, pro-business version of the world," the study said . This, remember, is where people turn when they don't trust the corporate press . While the way in which the media handle the stories that are covered is bad enough , the absence of coverage is even worse . If an issue does not divide the main political parties , it vanishes from view , though the parties now disagree on hardly anything . Another study reveals a near total collapse of environmental coverage on ITV and BBC news: it declined from 2.5% (ITV) and 1.6% (BBC) of total airtime in 2007 to, respectively, 0.2% and 0.3% in 2014 . There were as many news stories on these outlets about Madeleine McCann in 2014 - seven years after her disappearance - as there were about all environmental issues put together . Those entrusted to challenge power are the loyalists of power . They rage against social media and people such as Russell Brand, without seeing that the popularity of alternatives is a response to their own failures: their failure to expose the claims of the haut monde, their failure to enlist a diversity of opinion, their failure to permit the audience to see that another world is possible . If even the public sector broadcasters parrot the talking points of the elite , what hope is there for informed democratic choice? o Twitter: @georgemonbiot . A fully referenced version of this article can be found at . A: The illusion of neutrality is one of the reasons for the rotten state of journalism, as those who might have been expected to hold power to account drift thoughtlessly into its arms We are social creatures who absorb the outlook and opinions of those with whom we associate, and unconciously echo them Rationale: The text span selected for thesis is meaningful and correct. Pay attention that there can be more than one correct thesis for each article. Some meaningful subsets of this thesis also can be accepted as a thesis, like : "none of us are unbiased" Q: It's time to adopt an Alcoholics Anonymous approach to world peace. You see it everywhere this time of year: "Peace on Earth, Good Will to All People." Meanwhile, according to the British newspaper The Independent, only eleven countries on earth are free from violent conflict . There are more than twenty- five full-on wars happening right now and 169 violent militia and rebel conflicts . Peace on Earth -- when will it happen? It's time to adopt an Alcoholics Anonymous approach to world peace . According to scientists, for as long as there have been intoxicants, a portion of human beings has struggled with addiction . For millennia, various disciplines including medicine, psychiatry and religion attempted, unsuccessfully, to help people suffering from an addiction to booze . All of the approaches stemmed from the same common approach : Let's resolve your problems so you'll stop drinking . Alcoholics Anonymous reversed this . A.A has succeeded because it was the first to say,"Stop drinking FIRST and then we'll work on your problems." Thanks to this subtle shift, countless jobs, marriages, and even lives have been saved . Heretofore, humanity's approach to peace has been like outdated approaches to alcoholism . Attempts at peace have centered on,"Let's resolve our differences so we can stop killing each other." This has only lead to the discovery of more differences and more killing . It's time we followed the example of recovery programs such as A.A and resolve to, FIRST, stop killing each other and then we can work on our differences . War is used as a tool of international policy because people accept it . All we have to do is change our minds-- to cease to believe that war is an acceptable necessary evil and to begin to believe that no disagreement is worth killing each other's children . Countries have been trying to resolve their differences so that there will no longer be war . We need to declare peace first and then spend eternity working out our differences . The option of war is simply removed from the table . This is why I am declaring enduring world peace beginning September 21, 2056 . Seriously . September 21st is the United Nations World Day of Peace -- so there is already momentum there . We just need to turn those national celebrations into a countdown to world peace . 2056 is far enough in the future that it gives us time for enough people to make the requisite shift in belief such that peace will, indeed, reign on planet Earth . Who am I to make such a proclamation? I'm just a writer and an ordained minister and there are crazy preachers who, every decade or so, declare the end of the world is coming on this or that date . So why can't I say when world peace will begin? Incidentally, this is not a new idea . The Kellogg Briand Pact of 1927, sponsored by the United States and signed by 62 countries declared that war may not be used to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise." Every major religion shares a common belief in the sanctity of human life and yet war has endured . If enough people believe-- just believe , that as of September 21, 2056 war will end on planet earth-- it must happen! If eleven, only eleven out of 196 countries are at peace , it still means that right now, in at least eleven countries there is peace . We simply need to build on this over the next forty-two years . This year, when you say,"Peace on Earth," give peace a beginning date . A:
It's time to adopt an Alcoholics Anonymous approach to world peace
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence which is either in the Hindi language or English language. You task is to identify the language of input sentence. Input sentence can be in Hindi or English language only and also it cannot have two languages at a time. Problem:In order to watch the implementation of such assurances each of the Houses of Parliament has constituted a Committee on Government Assurances . Solution:
Detailed Instructions: From the given sentence, extract the phrase (often noun or verb) that carries the given relationship. The generated phrase should be present in the sentence. Problem:Given Relationship: 'be chairman of', Sentence: 'As President Bush took office , Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan commented on the negative effects of the deficits of the 80 .' Solution:
You are given a news article headline from BBC Yoruba and your task is to classify it into one of the following categories: Africa, Entertainment, Health, Nigeria, Politics, Sport, or World. Saheed-Fathia Balogun: Ọjọ́ Karùn-ún oṣù kejì ni wọ̀n bí wọn, tí wọn sì bí ọmọ méjì fúnra wọn Entertainment Amojúẹ̀rọ tó ń nu bàtà fi wá oúnjẹ òòjọ́ Entertainment Ìtàn Mánigbàgbé: Bode Thomas ní ọpọlọ pípé, ó jẹ́ aṣaájú àmọ́ ó ní inú fùfù
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in the English and Hindi language. Your task is check if the Hindi sentence is translation of English. if the translation is correct than generate label "Yes", otherwise generate label "No". Q: English: His death at age 73 was announced by his agent. Hindi: 73 साल की उम्र में उनकी मौत की घोषणा उनके एजेंट ने की थी। A:
TASK DEFINITION: Given an Amazon review, indicate whether it is a 'Positive Review' or 'Negative Review'. PROBLEM: Excellent service and good product, would recommend to anyone interested. SOLUTION: Positive Review PROBLEM: Possibly the worst product I have ever had the displeasure of buying. Within a month, the wire near the connection to the laptop frayed open. It does not charge the battery very well and slips our of the laptop frequently. SOLUTION: Negative Review PROBLEM: Amazing educational present for my niece and nephew...super simple software and cute camera! Highly recommend as a kids Christmas present for everyone! SOLUTION:
Positive Review
Detailed Instructions: In this task you need to indicate the required knowledge type to solve the pronoun coreference relations. Each of the provided inputs contains a sentence with a target pronoun and a question about the knowledge needed to solve the coreference relation between a noun phrase and the target pronoun. The resolution of the pronoun coreference relations typically involves one or multiple following knowledge types about commonsense: First: 'Property', the knowledge about property of objects (e.g., ice is cold). Second: 'Object', the knowledge about objects (e.g., cats have ears). Third: 'Eventuality', the knowledge about eventuality (e.g., 'wake up' happens before 'open eyes'). Forth: 'Spatial', the knowledge about spatial position (e.g., object at the back can be blocked). Fifth: 'Quantity', the knowledge about numbers (e.g., 2 is smaller than 10). Sixth: all other knowledge if above ones are not suitable. Write one or more correct categories. Output 'Others' if there is no category that fits well. See one example below: Problem: Sentence: The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence. The 'they' refers to the city councilmen. Question: What is the knowledge type needed to solve this relation? Solution: Property Explanation: Knowledge about 'Property' could help solve the relation since we know the city councilmen are more likely to fear than the excited demonstraters. Problem: Sentence: Pete envies Martin because he is very successful. The 'he' refers to martin. Question: What is the knowledge type needed to solve this relation? Solution:
[Q]: That we spent -- the top 1% receive 223 as opposed to 445 billion in new spending. The top -- let's talk about my tax plan. The top 1% will pay one-third of all the federal income taxes. And in return, get one-fifth of the benefits, because most of the tax reductions go to the people at the bottom end of the economic ladder. The top 1% will pay one-third of all the federal income taxes and are not happy about in return, getting one-fifth of the benefits, [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: Addressing a function organized here by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Anand said, the greatest and most urgent challenges of human rights in India were in the areas of maternal and child care, child education, child labor, child abuse and protection of minorities and weaker sections. Anand is a tall person [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: May 12 Reserve Bank of India: * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0014 rupee per 100 rupees for 2023 bonds * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0017 rupee per 100 rupees for 2026 bonds * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0039 rupee per 100 rupees for 2034 bonds * India cenbank sets underwriting commission of 0.0044 rupee per 100 rupees for 2044 bonds Source text - ( (Bengaluru newsroom) The rupee to USD conversion rate is about 100:1. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: How to be in control<br>Calm yourself in the moment. If you are upset and you start losing control of your behavior, quickly take steps to master yourself. Pick a few ways to calm down and practice them when you're by yourself. You should try to calm yourself quickly. [A]:
You are given a news article in the Thai language and a genre in the English language. Classify the sentiment of the given genre into "positive" and "negative" according to the Thai article. Q: Title: 7 ข้อน่ารู้เกี่ยวกับพรรคสามัญชน Body: เราเลือกกรรมการบริหารพรรคมาทำงานแทน ไม่มีใครมีอำนาจชี้นำพรรคได้ และสมาชิกสามารถถอดถอนได้ตามกระบวนการ 1. สามัญชนมีคณะกรรมการบริหารพรรค 16 คน ได้รับการสรรหาและเลือกตั้งจากสมาชิกผู้ก่อตั้งในที่ประชุมใหญ่ อันประกอบไปด้วย ชาวบ้าน นักศึกษา นักกิจกรรม แรงงาน นักเคลื่อนไหวประเด็นต่าง ๆ เกษตรกร ฯลฯ เราเลือกให้คนมาทำงานแทน ไม่มีใครมีอำนาจชี้นำพรรคได้ ทุกอย่างเป็นไปตามมติที่ประชุมใหญ่ และข้อบังคับพรรค สมาชิกพรรคทุกคนมีสิทธิเข้าชื่อเพื่อตั้งกรรมการสอบสวน และเสนอถอดถอนกรรมการบริหารพรรคได้ตามขั้นตอนในข้อบังคับพรรคสามัญชน เราเชื่อว่า คน = คน 2.อุดมการณ์ของสามัญชน เรายึดมั่นในประชาธิปไตยจากฐานราก และเคารพศักดิศรีความเป็นมนุษย์ตามหลักสิทธิมนุษยชน คนต้องเท่ากับคน เราจะผลักดันให้ประเทศไทยเป็นสังคมที่มีความเป็นธรรม เท่าเทียม ภายใต้หลักการ 3 ข้อนี้ เราจะสถาปนามันขึ้นมาด้วยการใช้สันติวิธี นโยบายพรรคฯ มาจากสามัญชนทั่วประเทศ เราเชื่อว่าผู้ที่อยู่ท่ามกลางปัญหาและความขัดแย้ง ต้องมีส่วนร่วมออกแบบวิธีแก้ปัญหา 3. นโยบายของสามัญชนมาจากการเสนอของสมาชิกพรรค และจากกระบวนการคาราวานรับฟังนโยบาย ที่เป็นเวทีรวบรวมความฝันต่อประเทศไทยและข้อเสนอเชิงนโยบายจากสามัญชนทั่วประเทศ เราเชื่อว่าผู้ที่อยู่ท่ามกลางความขัดแย้ง และได้รับผลกระทบโดยตรงจากปัญหา เป็นผู้รู้ปัญหามากที่สุดและต้องมีส่วนร่วมในการออกแบบวิธีแก้ไขปัญหาของตนเอง นาหนองบงเป็นพื้นที่เชิงสัญลักษณ์ เราจัดประชุมที่นั่นเพราะเพื่อเป็นการสะท้อนประเด็นการกระจายอำนาจจากศูนย์กลาง และนี่คือพื้นที่ความขัดแย้งระหว่าง ทุนและรัฐ กับประชาชน 4.เราเลือกจัดประชุมจดจัดตั้งพรรคสามัญชนที่บ้านนาหนองบง ต.เขาหลวง อ.วังสะพุง จ.เลย เหตุผลแรกเพราะเราต้องการสะท้อนให้เห็นถึงความต้องการการกระจายอำนาจออกจากศูนย์กลาง สองเพราะพื้นที่นี้คือสัญลักษณ์ของความขัดแย้งระหว่าง ทุนและรัฐ กับประชาชน ซึ่งที่ผ่านมาสมาชิกสามัญชนก็ได้ร่วมกับคนในพื้นที่เพื่อเรียกร้องสิทธิชุมชน และความเป็นธรรม  แต่ที่ผ่านมา ปัญหาที่เกิดขึ้นยังไม่ได้รับการแก้ไขอย่างเป็นรูปธรรมชัดเจน คนที่นี่ และเครือข่ายอีกหลายกลุ่มจึงเห็นว่า เราควรเดินเข้าไปพูดเรื่องเหล่านี้ในสภาเอง เรารับไม่ได้กับการ รัฐประหาร สืบทอดอำนาจ กระบวนการร่างรัฐธรรมนูญที่ปิดกั้น และนายกรัฐมนตรีที่ไม่ได้มาจากประชาชน 5. เรารับไม่ได้กับการทำรัฐประหาร การสืบทอดอำนาจผ่านรัฐธรรมนูญ กระบวนการร่างรัฐธรรมนูญที่ปิดกั้นการใช้เสรีภาพในการแสดงความคิดเห็นของประชาชน และนายกรัฐมนตรีที่ไม่ได้มาจากประชาชน จุดยืนอีกอย่างหนึ่งของเราคือ การผลักดันให้มีการแก้ไขรัฐธรรมนูญภายหลังจากการเลือกตั้งโดยทันที เพื่อเปิดโอกาสให้ประชาชนผู้เป็นเจ้าของอำนาจ มีส่วนร่วมในกระบวนการร่างรัฐธรรมนูญอย่างแท้จริง เราปฏิเสธอำนาจนอกระบอบ ที่ถูกทำให้อยู่ในระบบ ไม่ว่าพวกเขาจะมาด้วยวิธีใดก็ตาม  6.หลังการเลือกตั้งไม่ว่าเราจะได้เสียงในสภาผู้แทนราษฎรหรือไม่ก็ตาม จุดยืนของเราคือ ต่อต้านการสืบทอดอำนาจของคณะรักษาความสงบแห่งชาติ (คสช.) เราเชื่อมั่นว่า ระบอบประชาธิปไตย จะสามารถทำให้เราอยู่ร่วมกันได้ภายใต้กติกาที่ทุกคนมีส่วนร่วมและเป็นธรรม เราปฏิเสธอำนาจนอกระบอบทุกรูปแบบ เราเชื่อว่าเวลาไม่ใช่เสื้อคลุมปกปิดสิ่งที่ทำมา แต่เวลาคือเครื่องพิสูจน์ในสิ่งที่เรากำลังจะทำ 7.สามัญชนเปิดโอกาสให้ทุกคนเป็นเจ้าของพรรคเท่า ๆ กัน และเราเปิดโอกาสให้กับคนที่เคยสนับสนุนอำนาจนอกระบบไม่ว่าจะทางตรงหรือทางอ้อม หากเห็นว่าสิ่งที่ได้ทำไปนั้นคือความผิดพลาดอันไม่ควรเกิดขึ้นในระบอบประชาธิปไตย ก็สามารถกลับมาเดินบนเส้นทางที่ถูกต้องได้ บนเส้นทางที่ไม่ใช่การใช้สิทธิของตนเองไปละเมิดสิทธิของคนอื่น บนเส้นทางที่คุณค่าและศักดิ์ศรีความเป็นมนุษย์ของคนทุกคนมีเท่าเทียมกัน เราทราบดีว่า การวิพากษ์วิจารณ์ในช่วงที่ผ่านมาล้วนแล้วแต่เป็นไปด้วยความหวังดี เราน้อมรับความคิดเห็นของทุกคน เราเชื่อว่าเวลาไม่ใช่เสื้อคลุมปกปิดสิ่งที่ทำมา แต่เวลาคือเครื่องพิสูจน์ในสิ่งที่เรากำลังจะทำ หากทุกท่านต้องการเดินพร้อมไปกับกำหนดทางเดินร่วมกับเรา หรือหากยังมีข้อสงสัยหรือสนใจสามารถส่งข้อความมาถามเราได้ ช่องทางติดต่อ: 1.Inbox เพจ สามัญชน - The Commoner [1]2.E-mail : [email protected] [2]3.Line@ : @commoners [3] ถ้าคุณเห็นด้วยกับหลักการของเรา และพร้อมแล้วล่ะก็ สนใจคลิกกรอกแบบสอบถาม [4] แล้วเราจะส่งรายละเอียดกลับไปให้อย่างเร็วที่สุด What is the sentiment in the text for the genre: politics A:
Read an exchange between SENDER A and SENDER B, and answer whether SENDER A is a 'Bot' or a 'Human'. There are only a maximum of two senders (A and B) per conversation, and there are no conversations where SENDER A and SENDER B are both bots, or both humans; only one sender per conversation can be a bot, and only one can be a human. Knowing this, need only to classify whether SENDER A is 'Human' or 'Bot'; you do not need to write anything about SENDER B. Typically, bots will have a more disjointed manner of speaking, and will make statements that don't relate to each other, don't make coherent sense, or otherwise appear unnatural. Humans will make statements in a more or less coherent and logical way, potentially including asking the bot why the bot is not making sense or contradicting itself. Ex Input: SENDER A: that is cool . i am a cashier at home depot . SENDER B: hi, i'm in love with hats, too SENDER A: i am a guy who wears motorcycles , that is what i do SENDER B: oh, i'm not and what about your hand how dud you injure it? SENDER A: i like to play the playstation SENDER B: yes, me too but what about your hand? SENDER A: i am a general of a computer geek . SENDER B: why so slow? i think computers are great, but answer my question, please SENDER A: i am not sure if i could do that SENDER B: what about your hand? SENDER A: i am a general of a computer geek . SENDER B: is it hurts? SENDER A: it is . i am a pagan . SENDER B: oh, well SENDER A: i am not a fan of that . i am more into drawing . SENDER B: i have to go, bye SENDER A: i have to go now , bye ! Ex Output: Bot Ex Input: SENDER A: Nice! i drive fast cars for a living. SENDER B: Do you ride nice car? SENDER A: Yes, i do, i have a car SENDER B: What kind of music do you like to listen while driving? SENDER A: I like country music and country SENDER B: Country us nice music. Where do you live by the way? SENDER A: I live in the south, near the south of the summer. SENDER B: In the south of usa? SENDER A: There'S there are some in ny south carolina 4 places SENDER B: Do you like where you live? SENDER A: I live in the south near the mississippi SENDER B: I got it. Do you like it? SENDER A: Yes, i do, i love it SENDER B: Nice. Do you have a lot of friends? SENDER A: Yes, we are all friends, we are talking to them. SENDER B: Nice. You are really nice guy SENDER A: Yes, i am. i am........................................... Ex Output: Bot Ex Input: SENDER A: What are you going to school for? SENDER B: I'm going to build a robot! SENDER A: That sounds exciting............................................... SENDER B: Yes I know. Are you a robot? SENDER A: No i am not sure i do not want to be a superhero SENDER B: Do you watch youtube? SENDER A: Yes, i do, i like youtube SENDER B: Do you watch streams? SENDER A: Yes, i do, i love to watch tv SENDER B: What do you like to watch on youtube? SENDER A: I like youtube videos, and i watch youtube. SENDER B: What kind of videos do you like to watch? SENDER A: I like youtube videos, what about you? SENDER B: So do I. I like youtube. SENDER A: I like youtube too.............................................. SENDER B: i am a recluse. SENDER A: I am sorry to hear that. SENDER B: I don't like people. SENDER A: I like to talk to people SENDER B: I don't talk to people very often. SENDER A: I like to talk to people SENDER B: What do you like to talk about? SENDER A: I like to talk about friends SENDER B: Do you have a lot of friends? SENDER A: Yes, we have a lot of friends. we have a friends. SENDER B: Who is your best friend? SENDER A: I like all kinds, and i like all kinds of music Ex Output:
MALABO Feb 5 The African Nations Cup semi-final was halted eight minutes from time on Thursday amid violent scenes as Ghana supporters sought refuge on the pitch while missiles rained down from angry Equatorial Guinea fans. Ghana were leading 3-0 in a tempestuous semi-final against the tournament hosts. (Reporting by Mark Gleeson; Editing by Ken Ferris) Ghana lead the game OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A: Yes input hypothesis: His wife's nephew ended up ashes. Context: OD<br>My wife's nephew had drug addiction problems for years. He was on methadone, trying to recover from heroin addiction. He celebrated the capture of the Tsarnaev terrorist by shooting up. Unfortunately, he overdosed and died. He was cremated a few days later. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No true or false: Yes Context: Mazda Sales (Thailand), a unit of Japanese carmaker Mazda Motor Corp, remains bullish about its sales prospects this year despite falling figures in the first six months, the Bangkok Post reported, citing its President Hidesuke Takesue. ( ---- NOTE: Reuters has not verified this story and does not vouch for its accuracy. (Bangkok Newsroom; Editing by Prateek Chatterjee) Hypothesis: Mazda Sales is located in Austrailia OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No No Input: OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No How to get blood out of sheets<br>Rinse the stain out from behind using cold water as soon as possible. Take the bed sheet off the mattress first, then rinse the stain out using cold water. Do not use hot water, as this will set the stain. Sentence: the stain should be rinsed with warm water Output: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Peeping Ted<br>Wendy had a neighbor named Ted. Wendy always thought that Ted was creepy. One day, she caught him spying on her through her window. She then put up security cameras around the outside of her house. This deterred Ted enough that he stopped spying on her. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: She put up 5 security cameras. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Tea<br>Joey was ten and playing with his mom. He decided to make her pretend tea. He got some hot water from the tap and mixed in the herb. But to his shock, his mom really drank the tea! She said the herb he'd picked was chamomile, a delicious tea! Joey's mom would drink the tea again. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No A:
It's impossible to say
You are asked to create a question containing a blank (_), based on the given context word. Your question must contain two related but different objects; for example "trophy" and "suitcase". The expected answer to your question must be one of the objects present in the sentence. The expected answer must not be associated with any specific word in the question; instead it should depend on the context present in the question. The expected answer should not be equally likely to fill the blank. For your question, there should be a agreed upon answer to fill in the blank. Your generations should NOT contain potentially explicit, offensive, or adult content. Do not use animals or proper nouns (e.g., New York, Macbook, Jeff Bezos, McDonald's, ...) as your objects. Avoid repeating the same style, pattern or phrases in each question, try to increase diversity by varying sentence structure, blank placement etc. Your question must contain at least 15 and at most 30 words. You must utilize the given context word while writing the question. Your question must contain only one blank. Make sure that Object X and Y have the same number e.g. when ObjectX is singular, Object Y must be singular, too. The two objects (Object X & Object Y) should be used ONCE in your question. Here is a list of attributes and associated pair of contrastive words which may be used to create a valid question using the objects. You can use either of the contrastive words, but not both. You should think about more such attributes and associated words and use them in your question. | Attribute | triggerword | contrastive triggerword | | age | old | new | | altitude | low | high | | area | small | vast | | brightness | dark | light | | clarity | obscure | clear | | cleanness | dirty | clean | | complexity | simple | complex | | cost | cheap | expensive | | density | sparse | dense | | depth | shallow | deep | | distance | near | far | | electric conductivity | low | high | | flexibility | rigid | flexible | | granularity | fine | coarse | | hardness | soft | hard | | length | short | long | | magnitude | small | large | | mass | small | large | | odor | weak | strong | | pressure | low | high | | resistance | low | high | | shape | round | sharp | | shape | flat | spiky | | size | small | large | | sound | quiet | loud | | sound pitch | low | high | | speed | slow | fast | | stability | unstable | stable | | strength | weak | strong | | temperature | low | high | | texture | smooth | rough | | thermal conductivity | low | high | | thickness | thin | thick | | volume | small | large | | weight | light | heavy | | width | narrow | wide | | location | in | out | | location | up | down | | location | above | below | | location | on | off | | location | to | from | [EX Q]: Context Word: pig. [EX A]: Bob used a board to encourage the pig to move forward instead of a stick, the _ is dangerous.. [EX Q]: Context Word: baseboard. [EX A]: The baseboard got damaged under the box that John placed on it. The _ is very heavy. [EX Q]: Context Word: Eggplant. [EX A]:
James needed more eggplant if he wanted to fill up the pot. He did not know the _ would be that small.
In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. Input: Consider Input: passage: Estrogens are synthesized in all vertebrates as well as some insects. Their presence in both vertebrates and insects suggests that estrogenic sex hormones have an ancient evolutionary history. The three major naturally occurring forms of estrogen in females are estrone (E1), estradiol (E2), and estriol (E3). Another type of estrogen called estetrol (E4) is produced only during pregnancy. Quantitatively, estrogens circulate at lower levels than androgens in both men and women. While estrogen levels are significantly lower in males compared to females, estrogens nevertheless also have important physiological roles in males. question: is there such a thing as natural estrogen? Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: passage: The season is set for release in 2019. question: is there going to be a punisher season 2? Output: Yes Input: Consider Input: passage: The film was released on DVD and Blu-ray on May 30, 2017 in the United States by Universal Pictures Home Entertainment. question: is the movie before i fall on netflix?
Output: No
Given a negotiation between two participants, answer 'Yes' if both participants agree to the deal, otherwise answer 'No'. THEM: i'd like the hats, you can have the rest YOU: deal.
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Broken Tire<br>Sam was bicycling one day. He hit a big rock by accident. The wheel of his bicycle was bent. Sam had to walk it back home. He eventually got it replaced. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Sam's wheel was in bad shape before the accident. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: "Mirror Mirror" is a song recorded by pop band M2M, composed of singers Marion Raven and Marit Larsen. It was the second single from their debut album, "Shades of Purple". The song reached No. 13 in Canada, No. 30 in Australia and No. 62 on the Billboard Hot 100. It was certified gold in the US, selling over 600,000 units. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: Mirror Mirror is a pop song **** Answer: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to prevent elder abuse<br>Visit your elderly loved ones often. Visiting your elderly loved ones will keep them from being lonely and strengthen your relationship. Plus, the more often you visit an elderly loved one, the more aware of his situation you will be. OPTIONS: - Yes - It's impossible to say - No Hypothesis: elderly loved ones have been visited by hank **** Answer:
It's impossible to say
Read the given text and if it has abusive content then indicate via "yes". Otherwise indicate via"no". We consider the content to be abusive if it contains any of the following instances: (1) Identity Directed Abuse (e.g., Content which contains a negative statement made against an identity. An identity is a social category that relates to a fundamental aspect of individuals community, socio-demographics, position or self-representation) (2) Affiliation Directed Abuse (e.g., Content which express negativity against an affiliation. We define affiliation as a (more or less) voluntary association with a collective. Affiliations include but are not limited to: memberships (e.g. Trade unions), party memberships (e.g. Republicans), political affiliations (e.g. Right-wing people) and occupations (e.g. Doctors).) (3) Person Directed Abuse (e.g., Content which directs negativity against an identifiable person, who is either part of the conversation thread or is named. Person-directed abuse includes serious character based attacks, such as accusing the person of lying, as well as aggression, insults and menacing language.) and (4) Counter Speech (e.g., Content which challenges, condemns or calls out the abusive language of others.). Note that URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Example input: Was Michelangelo straight though? I mean, being a pizza-maniac ninja would indicate so, but... You never know. Example output: yes Example explanation: This text has indentity directed abuse because it is trying to judge sexual orientation of Michelangelo. Hence, the answer is "yes" Q: Since well is accounting and auditoring STEM lmao A:
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: The Howling is a 1981 American horror film directed by Joe Dante, and starring Dee Wallace, Patrick Macnee, Dennis Dugan, and Robert Picardo. Based on the novel of the same name by Gary Brandner, the film follows a television newswoman sent to a remote mountain resort after a fatal incident with a serial killer, unaware that the inhabiting residents are werewolves. Sentence: the agent is aged 22
It's impossible to say
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Chancellor Schroeder has presided over three years of almost zero growth in the economy and an unemployment rate that has remained stubbornly above four million people. Hypothesis: Those that preceded Chancellor Schroeder did a better job. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: On the markets at 9:50 a.m. (ET): In Toronto, the S&P/TSX composite index was down 22.63 points to 16,421.76. The Dow Jones industrial average was up 53.54 points to 26,103.18. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index was up 5.24 points to 2,901.98. The Nasdaq composite index was up 19.76 points to 8037.66. The Canadian dollar was trading at 77.50 cents U-S. Hypothesis: The index was at the low of the day when it was down 22.63 points **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to cook artichokes<br>Select artichokes that are weighty for their size, have very closed leaves and are a deep green color. If the leaves are open, the artichoke may not be as fresh. Buy artichokes throughout the spring for the freshest crop. Hypothesis: Select artichokes that are light and a deep green color **** Answer:
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence, a question and two answer options. Your task is to write down the index ('A' or 'B') of the **incorrect** option for the given question. Q: Sentence: Mary was bending objects to see which would break easier. She bent a plastic sheet and it didn't break, but she bent a glass sheet and it broke right away. Question: Which sheet was more flexible? (A) plastic sheet (B) glass sheet A:
TASK DEFINITION: A text is given in Oriya. Translate it from the Oriya language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. PROBLEM: 2018 ନଭେମ୍ବର 23 ତାରିଖରେ ସାଂସ୍କୃତିକ ଏକତା ଦିବସ ପାଳନ କରାଯିବ । ବିବିଧତା ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଭାରତୀୟ ପରମ୍ପରାଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଏକତା ଦେଖାଉଥିବା ସାଂସ୍କୃତିକ କାର୍ଯ୍ୟକ୍ରମ ଆୟୋଜନ କରାଯିବ । SOLUTION: ప్ర‌పంచ టాయిలెట్ డే సంద‌ర్భంగా ప్ర‌ధాన‌మంత్రి శ్రీ న‌రేంద్ర మోదీ సందేశం. PROBLEM: ବିଜୟ ଶର୍ମା ଭାରୋତଳନ SOLUTION: 478 కోట్ల రూపాయ‌లు, 1305. PROBLEM: ଏହି ଏମଓୟୁ ଆଇନଜୀବୀ ଏବଂ ସରକାରୀ କର୍ମଚାରୀଙ୍କ ଦ୍ୱାରା ଅଭିଜ୍ଞତାର ଆଦାନ-ପ୍ରଦାନ କ୍ଷେତ୍ରରେ ଚିନ୍ତା ଏବଂ ଆବଶ୍ୟକତା ତଥା ସେମାନଙ୍କ ପ୍ରଶିକ୍ଷଣ ପ୍ରତି ଧ୍ୟାନ ରଖିବ । ଏଥିସହିତ ଏହାଦ୍ୱାରା ବିଭିନ୍ନ ନ୍ୟାୟାଳୟ, ଟ୍ରିବ୍ୟୁନାଲରେ ବିବାଦର ସମାଧାନ ଲାଗି ପ୍ରଭାବୀ ଆଇନ ଢାଂଚା ଉପଲବ୍ଧ ହେବ ଏବଂ ମିଳିତ ପରାମର୍ଶ ସମିତି ଗଠନର ଉଦ୍ଦେଶ୍ୟ ପୂରଣ ହେବ । SOLUTION:
కెవిఎస్ సొంత శాశ్వ‌త పాఠ‌శాల భ‌వ‌నం నిర్మాణం చేప‌డితే విధి నిర్వ‌హ‌ణ లో ఉన్న సిబ్బంది యొక్క పిల్ల‌ల‌కు చెందిన విద్యావ‌స‌రాల‌ను తీర్చ‌డానికి త‌గిన మౌలిక స‌దుపాయాల‌ను నిర్మించే అవ‌కాశం పాఠ‌శాల అధికారుల‌కు చిక్కుతుంది.
In this task you will be given a list of integers. You should remove any integer that is not prime. A prime integer is an integer that is only divisible by '1' and itself. The output should be the list of prime numbers in the input list. If there are no primes in the input list an empty list ("[]") should be returned. Q: [828, 983, 733, 733, 281, 675, 20, 724, 237, 527, 661, 228, 601, 656, 829, 173, 443, 992] A:
[983, 733, 733, 281, 661, 601, 829, 173, 443]
Teacher:You are given a statement written in Hindi. Choose the most logical word from the given 4 options which can be used to replace the <MASK> token in the statement. Output the word from the correct option . Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Statement: महासागर ऊर्जा के संदर्भ में कहा जाये तो यह तीसरी पीढ़ी की एक और प्रौद्योगिकी है। <MASK>में विश्व की प्रथम वेवों की खेती है, जिसे अगुकाडोरा वेव फ़ार्म से जाना जाता है और जो 2007 से निर्माणाधीन है। फार्म प्रारंभ में तीन पेलामिस P -750 मशीनों का उपयोग क़र 2.25 मेगावाट ऊर्जा निर्माण करेगी. और लागत 8.5 मिलियन यूरो मुद्रा तक होने का अनुमान है। कार्यान्वयन सफलतापूर्वक करने के बाद, 2009 से पहले 525 मेगावॉट का उत्पादन करने के लिए 28 नयी मशीनों पर और 70 मिलियन यूरो मुद्रा निवेश किये जाने की संभावना है। Option A: इजरायल Option B: कैलिफोर्निया Option C: स्पेन Option D: पुर्तगाल Student:
Instructions: In this task, you're given statements in native Tamil language. The statement can be written with the Tamil alphabet or the English alphabet. Your job is to evaluate if the statement is offensive or not. Label the post as "Not offensive" if the post does not contain offense or insult. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or insult. Label the post as "Offensive" if the post contains offensive language. Input: 6k dislikes.. Guhan fans Karanju Mezhukal aanallo Output:
In this task, you're given an article, a question which often contains a blank and four options (associated with "A", "B", "C", "D"). Your task is to find the correct answer (from the given options) for the question from the given article and return one of the options from "A", "B", "C", and "D". Do not generate anything else apart from one of the following characters: "A", "B", "C", "D". There is only one correct answer for each question. Ex Input: Article: Three astronauts returned to Earth safely on Wednesday after a successful 15-day mission , marking another step forward towards the country's goal of building a manned space station by 2020. Zhang Youxia, commander-in-chief of China's manned space program, said the Shenzhou X mission was a "complete success". The Shenzhou X landed safely in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at about 8:07 a.m. on June 26, 2013. All three astronauts were in good physical condition. Nie Haisheng, commander of the Shenzhou X crew and a second-time space traveler, was the first to get out of the bowl-like module , followed by Wang Yaping, the only female astronaut of the mission, and Zhang Xiaoguang. During a brief welcoming ceremony held at the landing area, the astronauts waved happily to a crowd consisting of officers, the search and recovery team, and health personnel. "It feels really good to be back home," said astronaut Nie Haisheng. "We are dreamers, and we have now realized our dream," said Zhang Xiaoguang. "Our space dream knows no limit, and our hard work will never stop," he said. Compared with its previous mission Shenzhou IX last year, the Shenzhou X is no longer experimental but considered an applicable shuttle system for sending astronauts and supplies to orbiting modules. The mission aims to further test technologies designed for docking and supporting astronauts' stay in space, as well as to use new technologies related to the construction of a space station. In its 15-day journey in space, Shenzhou X docked with the orbiting space lab Tiangong-1 twice, once through automatic operation and the other manual .The Tiangong-1 space lab has been in orbit for more than 600 days. It's designed to work for two years. The module is considered the first step in building a permanent space station in the future. And the astronauts spent 12 days in Tiangong-1, where they conducted space medical experiments, technical tests and gave a science lesson to students on Earth on June 19 about basic physics principles. The lecture was the second video class sent from space, with US astronaut Barbara Morgan's 25-minute class being the first in 2007. China is the third country after the United States and Russia to acquire the technologies and skills necessary for space rendezvous and docking procedures, as well as supply manpower and material for an orbiting module via different docking methods. Previous docking procedures conducted between Shenzhou-type spacecraft and the orbiting space lab included two automated dockings by the unmanned Shenzhou-8 in 2011 and both an automated and manual docking by the manned Shenzhou-9 in 2012. Since its first manned space space mission in 2003, China has sent ten astronauts and six spacecrafts into the space. Question: According to the passage, the Shenzhou X _ . Options: (A) was sent into space on June 11, 2013 (B) is still an experimental shuttle system (C) sent many supplies to the manned space station (D) returned to Earth safely on the afternoon of June 26 Ex Output: A Ex Input: Article: The Dixie Chicks used to be known as the biggest-selling female group in music history. Now they are known as one of the most disputed . In 2003, Natalie Maines, the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks, was in the news. During a concert in London, she criticized President Bush for his political actions. She spoke less than two weeks before the invasion of Iraq. The Chicks did not realize the effect of those words. They soon lost their fans. They even received death threats. The comment changed the direction of their lives, music, and beliefs. Now, their new album Taking the Long Way shows their new musical direction. It is about acting and thinking freely. Maines openly sings about criticizing the president. She says she learned about herself by expressing her beliefs. The album also represents the Chicks' new musical style. In the past, they only sang songs influenced by country music. They did not always write their own music. Now, they are adding some rock sounds to their song collection, and they wrote every song on the album. Taking the Long Way quickly became the top-selling album in the country when it was released at the end of May. But many country music radio stations will not play music by the Dixie Chicks. Many people in the country music industry now oppose the band for criticizing the president. However, the Dixie Chicks continue to stress the importance of standing firmly and bravely for what they believe in --no matter what people may think or say. Question: What caused the Dixie Chicks to be the most disputed musical group? Options: (A) It's unusual that the members of this music group are all women. (B) The lead singer said negative comments about the president's political actions. (C) The music group changed their musical style after they lost fans. (D) Their recently released album is still very popular around the whole country. Ex Output: B Ex Input: Article: LV Tiantian, a graduate student majoring in ethics at Jiangsu University in Zhenjiang,has spent years reading Aristotle and Plato.She has debated with classmates about the meaning of "happiness" and in written papers about the role of morality in society.But as LV prepares to enter the professional world,she's finding that her background isn't getting her a lot of job interviews."Employers do not seem to value the theories and philosophy that we liberal arts majors have learned,"said LV,24."I earned far fewer interview chances than those majoring in more practical subjects in science and technology." According to a 2009 survey conducted by Zhongqing Shijia Survey Net and China Enterprise News,science graduates enjoy higher employment rates and salaries than liberal arts students do.Things aren't much different overseas.The New York Times reports that job listings for professors in English,literature and foreign languages dropped 21 percent for the 2008-2009 academic year-the biggest decline in 34 years.As a result,some American educators are calling for universities to abandon the "old Ivory Tower view of liberal education".They want to put more emphasis on the practical and economic aspects of education. Chinese educational experts tend to agree up to a point.But abandoning emphasis on the humanities altogether,they say,brings great risk."The liberal arts do not generate any tangible material wealth,but it does convey social values.And it passes spiritual heritage from one generation to another,"said Niu Dakui,an expert on education at Beijing Normal University."If the humanities are _ ,our youngsters will lose their way." Anthony T.Kronman,a professor of law at Yale,goes even further.He argues that the greed,irresponsibility and fraud that put the world in the current financial mess will only get worse without a new emphasis on the humanities.In his view,this is the time to re-examine "what we care about and what we value"--something that the humanities" are extremely well-equipped to address". How this debate plays out may very well determine the future of Chinese high school education.Some people want high school students to be able to specialize in science during their high school years.Others think they should get a more rounded education with a substantial number of hours in the arts and humanities. Question: According to the passage,that science graduates have a brighter future in their career than those majoring in humanities is_. Options: (A) a nationwide problem (B) a worldwide phenomenon (C) an individual issue (D) a regional matter Ex Output:
In this task, you are given a date in a particular format and you need to convert to another format. If given format is "dd/mm/yyyy" then convert to "mm/dd/yyyy". If given format is "mm/dd/yyyy" then convert to "dd/mm/yyyy". Ex Input: 03/26/1836, input_format=mm/dd/yyyy Ex Output: 26/03/1836 Ex Input: 16/08/1931, input_format=dd/mm/yyyy Ex Output: 08/16/1931 Ex Input: 12/08/1857, input_format=mm/dd/yyyy Ex Output:
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Gwen Graham running for Governor Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald × SHARE COPY LINK Former US Rep. Gwen Graham announced Tuesday, May 2, 2017 that she is running for governor at Carol City park in Miami Gardens. Emily Michot Miami Herald Hypothesis: Governor is a step up from US Rep. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Fernando or Hernando (de) Alvarado Tezozómoc was a colonial Nahua noble. A son of Diego de Alvarado Huanitzin (governor of Tenochtitlan) and Francisca de Moctezuma (a daughter of Moctezuma II), Tezozómoc worked as an interpreter for the Real Audiencia. Today he is known for the "Crónica Mexicayotl", a Nahuatl-language history. Hypothesis: Tezozomoc retained his noble status from his father Diego. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Ritual Spirit is an EP by British trip hop group Massive Attack, released on 28 January 2016. It features trip hop artist Tricky for the first time since the release of "Protection" in 1994, and also features Scottish hip-hop group Young Fathers, London rapper Roots Manuva and singer Azekel. Hypothesis: Ritual Spirit has been covered by slayer Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: Jennings fired a scoreless two-thirds of an inning in Sunday's 5-3 win over the Yankees, allowing a walk. The 30-year-old southpaw has seen action in three of his first four days with his new club, but Sunday's outing was the first in which he actually recorded an out. Jennings had put together a solid body of work with the White Sox prior to being traded, so he's expected to see plenty of work as a lefty specialist during the second half. Hypothesis: The White Sox are a team from the northeastern United States.
A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Malayalam language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Example: এক্ষেত্রে প্রদেয় সুদের হারকে সুলভ ও স্থায়ী করে তুলতে হবে। Example solution: ഈ സാഹചര്യത്തിൽ, പണമടച്ചുള്ള പലിശ നിരക്ക് വിലകുറഞ്ഞതും സ്ഥിരവുമാണ്. Example explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'In this case, the rate of interest paid will be cheap and permanent.' which is the same as the output sentence. Problem: আমার পুরো বিশ্বাস, আপনারা ঘরদোরের শুকনো আবর্জনা এবং ভেজা আবর্জনা আলাদা করে যথাক্রমে নীল আর সবুজ ডাস্টবিনে ফেলছেন।
Solution: വീട്ടിലെ ചപ്പു ചവറുകള്‍ ഉണങ്ങിയതും ഈര്‍പ്പമുള്ളതും വേര്‍തിരിച്ച് നീല-പച്ച കൂടകളില്‍ ഇടുന്ന കാര്യത്തില്‍ ഇപ്പോള്‍ ശീലമായിക്കാണും എന്നെനിക്കു വിശ്വാസമുണ്ട്.
In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head includes an event or an action in the Tail or not. This happens when the Tail denotes a step within the larger head event. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. [EX Q]: Head: obstruct justice<sep>Tail: refuse to cooperate with authorities [EX A]: Yes [EX Q]: Head: use computer<sep>Tail: plug in [EX A]: Yes [EX Q]: Head: PersonX arrives home<sep>Tail: to get comfortable [EX A]:
Instructions: In this task, you are presented with a term, a question, and a yes/no answer. For context, the term is associated with a short description. Write the simple facts one needs to know in order to answer the given question. The facts should be easily found on the web (e.g. mentioned in a Wikipedia page) Input: Term: Pokémon, Description: Japanese media franchise, Question: Back when pokemon was first created did it come from an Asian country?, Answer:Yes Output:
Fact1: Japan is an Asian country. Fact2: Pokemon comes from Japan.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a sentence from a conversation between a human and a virtual assistant. Your task is to identify which one of following five services the sentence is related to - Media, Travel, Flights, Buses, RideSharing Can you show me attractions to visit and a mall?
TASK DEFINITION: The input is taken from a negotiation between two participants who take the role of campsite neighbors and negotiate for Food, Water, and Firewood packages, based on their individual preferences and requirements. Given an utterance and recent dialogue context containing past 3 utterances (wherever available), output Yes if the utterance contains the elicit-pref strategy, otherwise output No. elicit-pref is a cooperative negotiation strategy. It is used to discover the preference order of the opponent in the negotiation. PROBLEM: Context: 'Not completely aware but I do have a filter that I brought from home. What are your needs?' 'Ok me too! I am concerned the most with firewood as it is the basis for my camping activities: campfire, story telling, and producing heat. ' 'OK so how about you take 2 firewoods and 1 food' Utterance: 'That works for me. May I have two waters since I have more of a need of water' SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: Context: 'My biggest concern is food and then water. ' 'I'm going to need quite a bit more water, at least 2 packages. I would like at least 1 food. What do you think?' 'How about you take two water and 1 food and 2 firewood?' Utterance: 'That's kind of what I was thinking. That would work for me.' SOLUTION: No PROBLEM: Context: Utterance: 'Hello, great to see a fellow camper. Planing on doing any hikes. My family and mother-in-law are down getting some new trail maps. We are looking forward to the long camping weekend. Our bad luck was the airline loss two of our bags that had our food and water. So i am hoping to get some more.🙂' SOLUTION:
[Q]: © Invotec sold to RG industries UK PCB manufacturer Invotec Group has been acquired by RG Industries LLP, part of the Rubicon Partners portfolio of Industrial businesses across Europe, in a deal completed on Friday. The acquisition will lead to the retirement of Managing Director John Ennis, who will be replaced by the Operations Director Tim Tatton. Otherwise, the existing management team will remain with the business moving forward the company said in a statement. Invotec has two facilities in the UK, based in Tamworth and Telford. Invotec has employed earl [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: “It is what it is. A lot of that stuff happened before I was here,” said Fizdale, who coached against Noah for several years as an assistant in Miami. “So I try not to get too engaged in that. I really got a lot of respect for the guy just because of the relationship and combat we’ve been through.” Noah is not a gent. [A]: No [Q]: How to install a split system air conditioner<br>Select an unobstructed location on your interior wall to mount the indoor air conditioning unit. [substeps] Avoid direct sunlight and heat sources. Avoid locations where gas may leak or where oil mist or sulphur exists. This air conditioner should not be installed near a stove under any circumstances. [A]: It's impossible to say [Q]: The Hubble is a scientific workhorse in the prime of its life. It is also the privileged photographer of the universe. Whether the images are of solar systems at birth, galaxies colliding, or the death throes of a star in supernova, Hubble's photos reveal both the ferocity and tranquillity of our universe. Hubble is not able to see the stars at night [A]:
It's impossible to say
Question: Read the following context and choose the correct option to answer the question. Context: WASHINGTON — U.S. President Barack Obama has shortened the sentences of 214 inmates of U.S. federal prisons, in what the White House called the largest batch of commutations on a single day in more than a century. The early release is part of Obama's effort to correct what he views as unreasonably long mandatory minimum sentences. The president's push to lessen the burden on nonviolent drug offenders reflects his long-stated view that the nation should remedy the consequences of decades of onerous sentencing rules, which have put tens of thousands of Americans behind bars for far too long. Among those affected by Wednesday's presidential order were 67 individuals serving life sentences - almost all for nonviolent drug crimes, although a few also were charged with firearms violations related to their drug activities. To date, Obama has granted 562 commutations, more than the previous nine presidents combined, and more clemency actions that by any other president in nearly a century. White House counsel Neil Eggleston said in the White House blog that Obama examines each clemency application on its specific merits to identify the appropriate relief, including whether the prisoner would be helped by additional drug treatment, educational programs or counseling. Presidents tend to use their powers to commute sentences or issue pardons more frequently near the end of their terms of office. Administration officials said the rapid pace will continue before Obama's leaves the White House in January 2017. "We are not done yet," Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates said. "We expect that many more men and women will be given a second chance through the clemency initiative." Obama has long called for phasing out strict sentences for drug offenses, arguing they lead to excessive punishment and incarceration rates unseen in other developed countries. With presidential support, the Justice Department in recent years has directed prosecutors to rein in the use of harsh mandatory minimums. Eggleston once again called on... Question: The prisoners probably what? Options: - not enough information - Appreciated the shortened sentences. - Actually wanted to stay in jail. - Bribed Obama for the commutations. Answer:
Appreciated the shortened sentences.
In this task, you will be presented with a question having multiple possible answers in Russian language. And you should choose a most suitable option out of "A", "B", "C", "D", and "E" based on your commonsense knowledge. Input: Consider Input: Question: Если человек хочет быть в теплом месте, то где хорошее место? Options: A битва B доктор C в холодильнике D рабочее место E Мексика Output: E Input: Consider Input: Question: У дома была дорогая страховка, это потому, что у него была устоявшаяся история с наводнениями? Options: A жилой квартал B подвал C кухня D двор E гостиная комната Output: B Input: Consider Input: Question: Кошки всегда щекочут меня своими? Options: A усы B четыре лапы C четыре ноги D два глаза E мурлыкающий
Output: A
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: LIFESTYLE The Royal Family Never Uses These 'Common' Words We Canadian non-royals use words like "living room" or "couch" regularly. But the Royal Family have their own terms for many commonly used words, according to Kate Fox, author of "Watching the English: The Hidden Rules Of English Behavior." Select from: * Yes * It's impossible to say * No Hypothesis: All Canadians are part of the Royal Family.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. whatever kike lover
Hate Speech
Here are two questions (Question1 and Question2). If these questions have the same meaning and same answer, answer "Yes", otherwise "No". Q: Question1: How competitive is the hiring process at Intralinks?, Question2: Indian para SF? A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task you are given a premise and two alternatives in Italian. You must choose the alternative that is more plausibly the cause or effect of the situation described by the premise. The input format is "premise (1)alternative_1(2)alternative_2", the output should either be "1" or "2" based on your judgment. Ho girato pagina al calendario. (1)Ho segnato un appuntamento sul calendario.(2)Era l'inizio di un nuovo mese.
Given an object and a part, decide whether the object has that part. For example is you are asked 'gun has barrel', you need to decide if a gun has a barrel as one of its components or parts. All sentences strictly follow the template 'object has part?.' The answer should be 1 or 0, 1 means the object has the given part, while 0 means it doesn't have the part. blood has water?
Detailed Instructions: You are given first 5 messages from a series of message exchanges between 2 persons playing the game of Diplomacy which is an American strategic board game. You need to generate the next message. The message should be generated such that it fits the context seen so far. Avoid the text that is (i) tangent to the context, (ii) repeats the context. See one example below: Problem: ['Heyyyy Turkey', 'Whatcha thinking re: start of the game?', "It kind of depends. I'll probably want to stop Russia from advancing south", "I'm kind of afraid of Austria and Russia teaming together on me", 'I mean if that happens you’re donezos'] Solution: What vibes are you getting from each of them? Explanation: The message fits the context as it asks for the vibes of 2 of them which refers to 2 countries: Austria and Russia in the second last message. Thus it is a positive example. Problem: ['Hey, would you mind guaranteeing Tyrolia by leaving A Mun where it is or by bouncing in Bul? If you tell Italy you have my back, I’m less likely to wind up like the actual Austrians and we both get to live longer.', "I'd rather use my army in the northern campaign, but I certainly dont want to see Italy in Tyrolia, so I'll talk to Italy and see where they are at. I still might bounce in Bur, still figuring things out.", 'Yeah, Russia is playing hard ball, so i understand and fully support you hitting north (maybe with England’s help). If you do bounce Bur, I can make do as well.', 'Did you organize a bounce in Bur / tell Italy you’ll guarantee Tyrolia?', 'Just checking. Not demanding.'] Solution:
France has told me he is supporting himself into Burgundy, which is troubling. I have talked to Italy, but I can't guarantee that I can help you if France is hostile to me.
In this task, you're given statements in native Tamil language. The statement can be written with the Tamil alphabet or the English alphabet. Your job is to evaluate if the statement is offensive or not. Label the post as "Not offensive" if the post does not contain offense or insult. Non-offensive posts do not include any form of offense or insult. Label the post as "Offensive" if the post contains offensive language. Q: Nivintta underrated film airikkum eth A: Not offensive **** Q: #JUNE 16 #KATTA #WAITING #DERICK ABRAHAM A: Not offensive **** Q: Concrete slab okke dubber aanoo..padam ippol thanne moonji A:
Offensive ****
In this task, you're given text messages in natural language. Your task is to classify those text messages based on their content into two classes: (1) Spam and (2) Ham messages. If the content of the given message is irrelevant to the receiver or is equally relevant to many other potential recipients then it must be labeled as ‘spam’, otherwise, it should be labeled as ‘ham’. Example Input: What time you think you'll have it? Need to know when I should be near campus Example Output: ham Example Input: Valentines Day Special! Win over £1000 in our quiz and take your partner on the trip of a lifetime! Send GO to 83600 now. 150p/msg rcvd. CustCare:08718720201. Example Output: spam Example Input: Was actually about to send you a reminder today. Have a wonderful weekend Example Output:
A text is given in Gujarati. Translate it from the Gujarati language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. [EX Q]: ఆయుష్మాన్ భారత్ ద్వారా ఆరోగ్యవంతమైన సమాజం ఏర్పాటుకు కృషి, మహిళలు, పిల్లలకు మంచి పౌష్టిక ఆహారం పంపిణీ, పౌరుల భద్రత [EX A]: આયુષ્માન ભારત દ્વારા સ્વસ્થ સમાજનું નિર્માણ કરવું, મહિલાઓ અને બાળકોને સારું પોષણ આપવું, નાગરિકોની સલામતી વધારવી [EX Q]: సవరించిన జాతీయ క్ష‌యవ్యాధి కార్య‌క్ర‌మం 1997లో అమలులోకి వచ్చినప్పటి నుండి ముమ్మర కృషి ద్వారా 2 కోట్ల‌ మందికి పైగా రోగులకు చికిత్స అందించడం జరిగింది. ఎస్‌డిజి యొక్క నిర్దేశిత అవ‌ధికి అయిదు సంవ‌త్స‌రాలు ముందుగానే, అంటే 2025 క‌ల్లా, క్ష‌య వ్యాధిని అంత‌మొందించాల‌న్న‌ది ప్ర‌ధాన మంత్రి యొక్క విజ‌న్ గా ఉంది. [EX A]: પ્રધાનમંત્રી વર્ષ 2025 સુધીમાં, એસડીજી (ટકાઉ વિકાસ લક્ષ્યાંકો)નાં પાંચ વર્ષ અગાઉ ભારતને ટીબીમુક્ત કરવાનું સ્વપ્ન સેવે છે, જે માટે સંશોધિત રાષ્ટ્રીય ટ્યુબરક્યુલોસિસ પ્રોગ્રામના પ્રયાસોને વેગ આપવામાં આવ્યો છે, જેમાં વર્ષ 1ની શરૂઆતથી અત્યાર સુધી 2 કરોડથી વધારે દર્દીઓને સારવાર આપવામાં આવી છે. [EX Q]: జన బాగీదారీ ద్వారా టీం ఇండియా నిర్మాణం : కనిష్ట ప్రభుత్వం గరిష్ట పాలన [EX A]:
જન ભાગીદારી સાથે ટીમ ઇન્ડિયાનું નિર્માણઃ લઘુતમ સરકાર, મહત્તમ શાસન.
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: And finally, I do believe in tax relief. I believe we can set our priorities. I don't believe, like the vice president does, in huge government. I believe in limited government. By having a limited government and a focused government, we can send some of the money back to the people who pay the bills. Hypothesis: The person wants relief from taxes
You need to answer a given question containing a blank (_). Your answer must be one of the two objects mentioned in the question, for example "trophy" and "suitcase". Your answer must not contain a word that is not present in the question. Please don't use articles (e.g., the, a) before the answer. Q: Justin brought his canary into the kennel instead of the cage because the _ was bigger. A:
In this task, you will be presented with a question, a word, and a POS tag. You have to determine whether the part-of-speech tag of the given word in the question is equal to the given POS tag or not. Give your answer with True or False. Here is the Alphabetical list of part-of-speech tags used in this task: CC: Coordinating conjunction, CD: Cardinal number, DT: Determiner, EX: Existential there, FW: Foreign word, IN: Preposition or subordinating conjunction, JJ: Adjective, JJR: Adjective, comparative, JJS: Adjective, superlative, LS: List item marker, MD: Modal, NN: Noun, singular or mass, NNS: Noun, plural, NNP: Proper noun, singular, NNPS: Proper noun, plural, PDT: Predeterminer, POS: Possessive ending, PRP: Personal pronoun, PRP$: Possessive pronoun, RB: Adverb, RBR: Adverb, comparative, RBS: Adverb, superlative, RP: Particle, SYM: Symbol, TO: to, UH: Interjection, VB: Verb, base form, VBD: Verb, past tense, VBG: Verb, gerund or present participle, VBN: Verb, past participle, VBP: Verb, non-3rd person singular present, VBZ: Verb, 3rd person singular present, WDT: Wh-determiner, WP: Wh-pronoun, WP$: Possessive wh-pronoun, WRB: Wh-adverb [EX Q]: The Night of the Iguana was originally a what ? , Word: The , POS tag: DT [EX A]: True [EX Q]: What is the official name of the school with the region outside the United States ? , Word: official , POS tag: JJ [EX A]: True [EX Q]: What major did the Eagle Classic 2011 champion get a victory in during 2014 ? , Word: Eagle , POS tag: NNP [EX A]:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: All right. Now, previously, on September 12th, the Court entered an order which went to the motion for reconsideration. That related specifically to -- filed by the reporters. That went specifically to our August 2nd order which, in effect, said that the reporters would have to testify at certain depositions. Select from the following. [-] Yes [-] It's impossible to say [-] No Hypothesis: The reporters did not have to testify at certain depositions.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. A text is given in Hindi. Translate it from the Hindi language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. ప్రజల్లో సమ్మిళిత అభివృద్ధి సాధించడానికై బడ్జెట్లో ఫైలట్ ప్రాజెక్ట్ కింద 115 జిల్లాలను ఎంపిక చేయడ జరిగిదని, ప్రజల‌ జీవన ప్రమాణాల మెరుగుదలకు సామాజిక సేవలకు సంబంధించిన అంశాలైన ఆరోగ్యం, విద్య, పౌష్టికాహారం,నైపుణ్యాల పెంపుపై దృష్టిసారిచడ జరుగుతుదని, ఆర్థికంగా సమ్మిళిత అభివృద్ధి సాధించడానికి మౌలిక సదుపాయాల కల్పనకు ప్రాధాన్యతనిస్తున్నట్లు మత్రి తెలిపారు. కనీస అవసరాలైన నీటిపారుదల సౌకర్యాలు, గ్రామాల్లోనిరంతర విద్యుత్ కల్పన, తాగునీరు అందించడం, త్వరితగతిన పూర్తి స్థాయిలో మరుగుదొడ్ల నిర్మాణాలు చేపట్టడ జరుగుతుది.
समावेशी समाज निर्माण के विजन के तहत सरकार ने विकास के लिए 115 आकांक्षायुक्त जिलों की पहचान की है। इन जिलों में स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, पोषण, सिंचाई, ग्रामीण विद्युतीकरण, पेयजल, शौचालय तक पहुंच आदि में निवेश करके निश्चित समयावधि में विकास की गति को तेज किया जाएगा।
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to make lasagna with bechamel sauce<br>In a large pot heat the butter over medium high heat. Add the bacon and ham and sauté until caramelized and light brown, about 10 minutes. Add the ground meats and cook over high heat until well-browned, stirring constantly, about 20 minutes. Hypothesis: Bacon doesnt have to be added **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to reduce uvula swelling<br>Gargle with warm water and table salt. The warm water can feel soothing, and the salt can draw out the inflammation in your uvula. Don't make the water hot-this can burn your throat and cause more damage. Hypothesis: do keep the water cool enough to not inflame the throat **** Answer: Yes Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: 2 transported after vehicle flips on I-40 in Henderson County HENDERSON COUNTY, Tenn. — Two people are in the hospital after their vehicle flipped over Wednesday on Interstate 40. The Tennessee Highway Patrol says it happened just after 7 a.m. around mile marker 115 in Henderson County. The vehicle ran off the road and went airborne before flipping over. THP says there were two people inside the car. Both were taken to the hospital and are expected to recover. Hypothesis: The car fliped on a private road **** Answer:
In this task, you're given the middle and ending of a three-part story. Your job is to complete the short story by writing a probable beginning of the story. Generated sentences must be short, have fewer than 10 words, and be simple as if narrating to a child. Avoid using any irrelevant extra information when creating the beginning, and use names (e.g. Jack, Barbara,...) instead of pronouns (e.g. he / she) wherever possible. [Q]: Middle: Maude had to go to the emergency room. Ending: When they got the hospital bill, they were shocked at the cost! [A]: Maude fell down the stairs and broke her ankle. [Q]: Middle: Kya gave the wallet back. Ending: She felt relieved after she returned it. [A]: Kya stole a wallet from a girl in her class. [Q]: Middle: Bob at a lot of pieces of old chocolate. Ending: Bob got very sick and had to go to the hospital. [A]:
Bob loved to eat chocolate.
Choose from options: Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: Wilson has received at least 1 Pulitzer Prize During that time, Wilson received the best-play Tony Award for "Fences," plus best-play Tony nominations for six of his other plays, the Pulitzer Prize for both "Fences" and "The Piano Lesson," and (a record) seven New York Drama Critics' Circle prizes. (a). Yes. (b). It's impossible to say. (c). No.
Teacher:In this task, a passage will be given and the goal is to identify an event from the passage. An event is defined as a single word representing something that happened, is happening, or may happen. An event can be factual or hypothetical, positive or negative, certain or uncertain. While most events are based on verbs, an event can also be based on a noun (ex. storm, snow, rainfall) or a copula verb (is, was, been, etc.). The event must not be a pronoun or an adjective. For noun events with multiple words, use the last word in the phrase as event. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Passage: And while there was no profit this year from discontinued operations, last year they contributed #34 million, before tax. Pretax profit fell 3.7% to #128 million from #133 million and was below analysts' expectations of #130 million to #135 million, but shares rose 6 pence to 388 pence in early trading yesterday in London. Student:
Teacher: In this task, you are given a pair of action statements. Your task is to check if you can conclusively identify which statement is less ethical or not. Answer: 'no' if one of the statements is less ethical, and 'yes' otherwise. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: ACTION1: telling my friends sister that she probably won't get a celebrity to go to prom with her ACTION2: breaking off a 'friendship' and leaving it as business only Solution: no Reason: Both the actions are morally wrong and one cannot be differentiated from the other as morally less wrong. Now, solve this instance: ACTION1: not accepting my brother as "trans" ACTION2: wanting to go to my cousin's wedding which is on my fiancee's birthday Student:
Given a sentence in English, provide the sentiment based on its empathetic direction. There are two possible classifications: positive (happy) or negative (offmychest). -------- Question: fuck humans . humans are a piece of shit . no one truly cares about anyone . no matter how many people say they care , they all fuck off in the end because you 're just another person in their life . this is why i have serious trust issues because anyone i connect with fucks off in the end . Answer: negative Question: i asked my students to draw things they love on my dress and i am super happy with the results ! Answer: positive Question: hanging out playing poker with my bf and found a treasure in his poker set stash ... Answer:
Allen was renowned for his skill at scratch-building and creating scenery, and he pioneered the technique of weathering his models to make them look old and more realistic. Does this next sentence follow, given the preceding text? Allen wasnt good at scratch-building and creating scenery pick from the following. 1). Yes; 2). It's impossible to say; 3). No;
Detailed Instructions: The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. Problem:<user> sup you fuckin gay piece of shit Solution:
Q: Although native to SE Asia Carex tricephala is found in other parts also Carex tricephala is a species in the genus "Carex", family Cyperaceae. It is one of only about seven species in "Carex" sect. "Scabrellae". Members of this section have leaf-like bracts, and small spicate inflorescences. "Carex tricephala" is native to Southeast Asia, reported from Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and the Chinese province of Yunnan. A: It's impossible to say Q: Everybody loves herbal tea. How to make an herbal sleep aid<br>Decide whether you want a tea or a supplement. Most herbs used to make sleep aids are available either in loose-leaf form to brew as a tea or as readymade supplements. Many people may find the evening herbal tea part of their relaxation ritual helps them get to sleep whereas other people might not be able to stand herbal tea. A: No Q: No one was hurt from the attack MOGADISHU (Reuters) – The death toll from two bomb attacks that tore through busy junctions in the heart of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu has risen to 85, making it one of the deadliest attacks in the country since Islamist militants launched an insurgency in 2007. Read Full Story A: No Q: He enjoyed the kiss. Insecurities; or How I Learned That Even Your Friends Will Hold You Back Because of Theirs<br>Her shirt said Kiss Me I'm A Nerd for nerd day homecoming week. He was the only one that offered to kiss her, and she accepted. His friends said she was too hot for him, so he never asked her out. She saved the last slow dance at homecoming for him, and it was nice. He never asked her out and never knew she liked him back. A:
It's impossible to say
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: But I was as clear as I could possibly be that what is at issue here would be, for example, the particular events that the reporters wrote about and questions such as -- simple questions, did they attend the meeting, did they hear them say the comments, did they write the story immediately after, did they take notes at the time of the meeting. Hypothesis: They took notes at the time of the meeting. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: Halperin v. Kissinger was a court case filed by Morton Halperin against National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger, who approved wiretapping Halperin's home and White House office, starting in 1969. Halperin dropped the case after Kissinger publicly apologized on November 13, 1992. Hypothesis: Halperin versus Kissinger was a court case that was filed because Halperin's home and office was being wiretapped. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: I am now ready to rule on the point of order raised by the hon. member for St. Albert concerning the procedural acceptability of Bill C-78, an act to establish the Public Sector Pension Investment Board, to amend the Public Service Superannuation Act, the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuation Act, the Defence Services Pension Continuation Act, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Pension Continuation Act, the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Act and the Canada Post Corporation Act and to make a consequential amendment to another act. Hypothesis: There are no amendments to another act. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: In the speech he gave when he introduced the bill-I do not remember the date-he said that ``Where a province adopts substantially similar legislation, the organizations covered by the provincial legislation will be exempted from the application of the federal law within that jurisdiction. Hypothesis: In the speech he gave when he did not introduce the bill-I do remember the date
Given a concept word, generate a hypernym for it. A hypernym is a superordinate, i.e., a word with a broad meaning constituting a category, that generalizes another word. For example, color is a hypernym of red. Example Input: parsley Example Output: vegetable Example Input: onion Example Output: produce Example Input: parsley Example Output:
In this task, you are given inputs i,j, and A, where i and j are integers and A is a list. You need to list all elements of A from the ith element to the jth element. i and j will be non-negative, and will always have a value less than the length of A. i will always be less than j. -------- Question: 4, 4, ['h', '6723', 'T', '8825', 'e', '9457', '9043', '8999', 'i', 'q', '3711', '6729', 'n', 'M', 'U', 'f', '6769', '3481', '8129', '6089', '8003', '1875'] Answer: 8825 Question: 8, 9, ['8891', 'Q', '2159', 'A', 'B', '9747', 'A', 'L', '3815', '8785'] Answer: L, 3815 Question: 8, 18, ['1423', '8463', '4787', '7545', 'q', '6301', 'o', '5401', 'h', '5677', 'U', 'G', '4319', '4385', '6041', '9683', '9699', 'E', '4989', 'g', 'R'] Answer:
5401, h, 5677, U, G, 4319, 4385, 6041, 9683, 9699, E
A text is given in Malayalam. Translate it from the Malayalam language to the Marathi language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. याचप्रकारे, ऑगस्ट महिना भारत छोडो आंदोलनाची स्मृती घेऊन येतो. അതേപോലെ ആഗസ്റ്റ് മാസം ഭാരത് ഛോഡോ ആന്ദോളനെ ഓര്‍മ്മിപ്പിക്കുന്ന മാസമാണ്. वाराणसी हे महिला सशक्तीकरणाचे झळाळले उदाहरण असल्याचे ते म्हणाले. വനിതാ ശാക്തീകരണത്തിന്റെ തിളങ്ങുന്ന ഉദാഹരണമാണ് വാരാണസിയെന്ന് പ്രധാനമന്ത്രി കൂട്ടിച്ചേര്‍ത്തു. शेतीच्या व्यतिरिक्त, तो या सौरशेतीतून मिळालेली ऊर्जा विकूनही उत्पन्न मिळवतो आहे.
കൃഷിക്കു പുറമേ സൗരോര്‍ജ്ജ കൃഷിയിലൂടെ വൈദ്യുതി ഉല്‍പ്പാദിപ്പിച്ച് അവര്‍ പണം സമ്പാദിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യുന്നു.
Detailed Instructions: In this task you will be given a passage and a yes/no question based on the passage. You should answer the question using the information from the passage. See one example below: Problem: passage: Franchising is a way for small business owners to benefit from the economies of scale of the big corporation (franchiser). McDonald's and Subway are examples of a franchise. The small business owner can leverage a strong brand name and purchasing power of the larger company while keeping their own investment affordable. However, some franchisees conclude that they suffer the "worst of both worlds" feeling they are too restricted by corporate mandates and lack true independence. It is an assumption that small business are just franchisees, but the truth is many franchisers are also small businesses, Although considered to be a successful way of doing business, literature has proved that there is a high failure rate in franchising as well, especially in UK, where research indicates that out of 1658 franchising companies operating in 1984, only 601 remained in 1998, a mere 36%. question: can a franchise be considered a small business? Solution: Yes Explanation: Based on the passage, a franchise can be considered a small business. Problem: passage: In 2011, Philip Pullman remarked at the British Humanist Association annual conference that due to the first film's disappointing sales in the United States, there would not be any sequels made. question: is there a second movie to golden compass? Solution:
test: Priştine'de insanlar camlardan sarkarak Kosova, ABD, Arnavutluk ve AB bayrakları salladılar. English? translation: In Pristina, people drove around with the flags of Kosovo, the US, Albania and the EU sticking out of their windows. test: Siyasetin ağır topları Kosova hükümetinin kuzeydeki eylemlerinin arkasında durmalarına karşın, bazıları bunun sonuçları olacağı görüşünde. English? translation: Political heavyweights stand behind the Kosovo government's actions in the north, but some say it will have consequences. test: Radiç, dış politikada sağlanacak avantajların, Sırbistan'ın barış operasyonlarına harcamak zorunda kalacağı paraya değeceğini söyledi. English? translation: The foreign policy benefits are worth the money Serbia will have to spend on participation in peacekeeping missions, he said. test: Araık 2010'da, Avrupa Konseyi (CoE) raportörü Dick Marty, aralarında Başbakan Haşim Taçi'nin de yer aldığı Kosovalı üst düzey yetkililer ve eski Kosova Kurtuluş Ordusu (KLA) mensuplarıyla 1990'ların sonunda meydana gelen organ ticareti arasında bağlantı kuran bir rapor sundu. English? translation:
In December 2010, Council of Europe (CoE) rapporteur Dick Marty submitted a report linking senior Kosovo officials, including Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and other former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), to organ trafficking in the late 1990s.
Q: This person does not believe tobacco is addictive Based on the evidence of the health threats of tobacco, based on the thousands of deaths from tobacco related diseases and the terrible toll that tobacco addiction takes on individuals in society, it is very difficult to imagine any reason for not supporting the bill and its important amendments to the Tobacco Act. A: No Q: Danzig came up with the idea of the band Danzig's name. Glenn Danzig (born Glenn Allen Anzalone, June 23, 1955) is an American singer, songwriter and musician from Lodi, New Jersey. He is the founder of the bands Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig. He owns the Evilive record label as well as Verotik, an adult-oriented comic book publishing company. A: It's impossible to say Q: Damascus public were not welcomed The Damascus public have been welcomed into the election candidate's private homes or to specially erected tents where voters have been enjoying food, drink and entertainment, particularly in the home of the wealthy candidate, Adnan Mullah, where dozens of supporters and friends have been invited to dinner every evening. A: No Q: he speaks directly. That is speaking about as directly as I can to Motions Nos. 9 and 10. By tabling regulations in parliament and having the House of Commons or a committee subsequently pass them, we want to make sure an effective check is placed on ministers or departmental officials in terms of a bill to arbitrarily implement changes in the legislation. A:
In this task, you are given two strings A, B. Find the longest common substring in the strings A and B. [Q]: SUueHhzGsanfsalEEc, KygEhzGsanfsapbKKX [A]: hzGsanfsa [Q]: JzbEpAquDJFKcNvEWZxVqRV, PFiJlpAquDJFKcNcqOpMeAv [A]: pAquDJFKcN [Q]: HSLrtrekbHBIH, CdtrekbHBmtjMlGh [A]:
Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: By The Associated Press SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — International experts: Chilean poet Pablo Neruda did not die of cancer. Copyright © 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed. Hypothesis: Girls like ugly guys that work at the associated press Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: The Ivory Coast is a country located in West Africa. Ivory Coast's political capital is Yamoussoukro, and its economic capital and largest city is the port city of Abidjan. Its bordering countries are Guinea and Liberia in the west, Burkina Faso and Mali in the north, and Ghana in the east. The Gulf of Guinea (Atlantic Ocean) is located south of Ivory Coast. Hypothesis: Ivory Coast's Political and Economic Capitals are different. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated: Context: A bid topping $17.7 billion was jointly proffered by Time Warner Inc. and Comcast Corporation on Thursday to buy beleaguered Adelphia Communications Corporation in an industry consolidation move. Adelphia is the fifth largest cable service provider in the United States with nearly 5 million subscribers. The market-share grabbing bid trumps the previous Cablevision offer of $16.5 billion. The bid is under scrutiny by the presiding judge over the Adelphia's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, and must also be approved by the company's creditors owed in the range of $20 million. Hypothesis: Adelphia is not the eighth largest cable service provider in the United States with nearly 5 million subscribers. Q: Generate a context and a hypothesis. Generated:
Context: How to find normal force<br>Understand what normal force refers to. Normal force refers to the amount of force use to counteract the force of gravity. [substeps] Imagine a block sitting on a table. Hypothesis: The normal force is related to the force of gravity.
In each example you will read a short sentence (or two). Then, a pronoun in the text is mentioned. Your task is to choose a referent which the mentioned pronoun refers to. You will be given two options in each case and one choice should seem much more likely to you than the other. Ex Input: sentence: Anna envies Emma although she is very successful .pronoun: she. A) anna B) emma Ex Output: anna Ex Input: sentence: Sid and Johnny explained their theory to Mark and Andrew but they couldn't understand them .pronoun: they. A) sid and johnny B) mark and andrew Ex Output: mark and andrew Ex Input: sentence: Dan and Julian took the rear seat while Bill and Jake claimed the front because their "Dibs!" was slow .pronoun: their. A) dan and julian B) bill and jake Ex Output:
dan and julian
A text is given in Malayalam. Translate it from the Malayalam language to the Telugu language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. രാഷ്ട്രപതിയുടെ കാര്യാലയം
రాష్ట్రప‌తి స‌చివాల‌యం
In this task, you are given a sentence in the English language. Your job is to translate the English sentence into the Romanian language. Q: A boy is near some stairs. A:
Un băiat este aproape de niște scări.
In this task, you are given the abstract of a research paper. Your task is to generate a summary of this abstract. Your summary should not be very short, but it's better if it's not more than 30 words. Q: Many large text collections exhibit graph structures, either inherent to the content itself or encoded in the metadata of the individual documents. Example graphs extracted from document collections are co-author networks, citation networks, or named-entity-cooccurrence networks. Furthermore, social networks can be extracted from email corpora, tweets, or social media. When it comes to visualising these large corpora, either the textual content or the network graph are used. In this paper, we propose to incorporate both, text and graph, to not only visualise the semantic information encoded in the documents' content but also the relationships expressed by the inherent network structure. To this end, we introduce a novel algorithm based on multi-objective optimisation to jointly position embedded documents and graph nodes in a two-dimensional landscape. We illustrate the effectiveness of our approach with real-world datasets and show that we can capture the semantics of large document collections better than other visualisations based on either the content or the network information. A: Dimensionality reduction algorithm to visualise text with network information, for example an email corpus or co-authorships. **** Q: Most of the existing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are the mere extension of the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to graphs. Generally, they consist of several steps of message passing between the nodes followed by a global indiscriminate feature pooling function. In many data-sets, however, the nodes are unlabeled or their labels provide no information about the similarity between the nodes and the locations of the nodes in the graph. Accordingly, message passing may not propagate helpful information throughout the graph. We show that this conventional approach can fail to learn to perform even simple graph classification tasks. We alleviate this serious shortcoming of the GNNs by making them a two step method. In the first of the proposed approach, a graph embedding algorithm is utilized to obtain a continuous feature vector for each node of the graph. The embedding algorithm represents the graph as a point-cloud in the embedding space. In the second step, the GNN is applied to the point-cloud representation of the graph provided by the embedding method. The GNN learns to perform the given task by inferring the topological structure of the graph encoded in the spatial distribution of the embedded vectors. In addition, we extend the proposed approach to the graph clustering problem and a new architecture for graph clustering is proposed. Moreover, the spatial representation of the graph is utilized to design a graph pooling algorithm. We turn the problem of graph down-sampling into a column sampling problem, i.e., the sampling algorithm selects a subset of the nodes whose feature vectors preserve the spatial distribution of all the feature vectors. We apply the proposed approach to several popular benchmark data-sets and it is shown that the proposed geometrical approach strongly improves the state-of-the-art result for several data-sets. For instance, for the PTC data-set, we improve the state-of-the-art result for more than 22 %. A: The graph analysis problem is transformed into a point cloud analysis problem. **** Q: Deep learning models are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples. A practical adversarial attack should require as little as possible knowledge of attacked models T. Current substitute attacks need pre-trained models to generate adversarial examples and their attack success rates heavily rely on the transferability of adversarial examples. Current score-based and decision-based attacks require lots of queries for the T. In this study, we propose a novel adversarial imitation attack. First, it produces a replica of the T by a two-player game like the generative adversarial networks (GANs). The objective of the generative model G is to generate examples which lead D returning different outputs with T. The objective of the discriminative model D is to output the same labels with T under the same inputs. Then, the adversarial examples generated by D are utilized to fool the T. Compared with the current substitute attacks, imitation attack can use less training data to produce a replica of T and improve the transferability of adversarial examples. Experiments demonstrate that our imitation attack requires less training data than the black-box substitute attacks, but achieves an attack success rate close to the white-box attack on unseen data with no query. A:
A novel adversarial imitation attack to fool machine learning models. ****
Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Stefano Falconi, director of finance at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has joined Carnegie Mellon as its vice president for administration and chief financial officer. Falconi succeeds Jeff Bolton, who left the university last July to become chief financial officer at the Mayo Foundation in Rochester, Minn. Hypothesis: Falconi's salary was higher at MIT than it will be at Carnegie. **** Answer: It's impossible to say Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: I believe that history will show after the vote is taken in the House of Commons, that those who for whatever reason vote against this treaty will in 25 or 30 years from now be judged by the Canadian people, that while their opinions may have been right or wrong, they were on the wrong side in opposing this treaty. Hypothesis: The vote for the treaty is between 25 and 30 years old. **** Answer: No Problem: Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: How to use an instant pot<br>Unpack and identify all of the parts. Remove all items from the box and spread them out on a flat surface in front of you. Try to identify which parts serve which functions. Hypothesis: parts don't make anything **** Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, we have Spanish and Catalan tweets for automatic stance detection. The data has three labels Against, Favor, and Neutral which express the stance towards the target -independence of Catalonia. If the tweet criticizes the independence of Catalonia then it's 'Against' and if the tweets support it then it will be labeled as 'Favor' also if the tweets state information or news rather than stating opinion then it will be characterized as 'Neutral'. Q: Tweet: @ModernetdeMerda Que vagin a vendre diaris a espanya si tant els agrada... TheNota s'ha d'enfonsar amb lo q va fer el 17Agost. La societat els hauriem de denunciar als tribunals si hi haguès justicia i q paguin vergonya x sempre. #NiOblitNiPerdó A:
Read the following paragraph and determine if the hypothesis is true: Crow: From the Life and Songs of the Crow is a literary work by poet Ted Hughes, first published in 1970 by Faber and Faber, and one of Hughes' most important works. Writing for the Ted Hughes Society journal in 2012, Neil Roberts, Emeritus Professor of English Literature at the University of Sheffield, said: Available options: [i] Yes. [ii] It's impossible to say. [iii] No. Hypothesis: Ted Hughes was deeply into his poetry.
David Millar retained his Tour de France leader's yellow jersey despite crashing in the final two kilometres of the third stage of the race to Nantes. Choose your answer: based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "He was pretty young"? Options are: A). Yes; B). It's impossible to say; C). No; I think the answer is
Detailed Instructions: You are given a math word problem and you are supposed to apply a single mathematical operators like addition, subtraction, multiplication or division on the numbers embedded in the text to answer the following question and then only report final the numerical answer. Q: Roger has 95 candies . He gives 3 to Stephanie . How many candies will Roger have ? A:
In this task you will be given a list of integers. You should only return an integer if the first digit is the same as the last digit in the number. If an integer has a single digit, then it should be returned. If there are no integers that start and end with the same digit then an empty list ("[]") should be returned. [Q]: [651, 543, 170, 778, -164, -121, -436, 61, 297, -466, 146, 95, 148, -390, 973, -589, 79, -547, -234, -58, -981] [A]: [-121] [Q]: [484, 604, -77, -49, 56, 349, -739, -728, -389, -102, 718, -932, 818, -849, -296, 892, -512, -305] [A]: [484, -77, 818] [Q]: [-852, 307, 136, 628, 744, 868, -780, -356, 343, 369, -317, 99, -530, -195, -126, -263, 464, 86, 345, -983, -681, 130, -939] [A]:
[868, 343, 99, 464, -939]
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you're given a statement, the genre to which that statement belongs, and a label indicating if the statement should be agreed with (entailment), disagreed with (contradiction), or neither (neutral). Your job is to write a sentence that describes the genre that follows the tone with respect to the statement, as indicated by the label. If sentence X agrees with sentence Y, the can be concluded from one another. If sentence X disagrees with sentence Y, they can not be correct at the same time. The sentence must also belong to the genre specified. Statement: When you are visiting the old town on foot, you can enjoy an exhilarating walk down the staircase to the base of the cliffs and along the water's edge. Label: neutral. Genre: travel.
The staircase is carved entirely from the rocks of the cliff face.
Instructions: Given a sentence in Chinese, provide an equivalent paraphrased translation in French that retains the same meaning both through the translation and the paraphrase. Input: 假设因果关系是线性的,这种背景知识可以用以下结构方程模型(SEM)规范表示。 Output:
En supposant que les relations de causalité soient linéaires, cette connaissance de base peut être exprimée dans la spécification SEM suivante (modèle d'égalisation structurelle).
A text is given in Bengali. Translate it from the Bengali language to the Oriya language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. ପ୍ରଧାନମନ୍ତ୍ରୀ ଶ୍ରୀ ନରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ମୋଦୀ ଦେଶବାସୀଙ୍କୁ ନବବର୍ଷର ଅଭିନନ୍ଦନ ଜଣାଇଛନ୍ତି । ইংরেজি নববর্ষের সূচনায় দেশবাসীকে শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন জানিয়েছেন প্রধানমন্ত্রী শ্রী নরেন্দ্র মোদী। ତା’ବାହାରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ବହୁତ ବଡ଼ ଦୁନିଆ ରହିଥାଏ । প্রধানমন্ত্রী : আপনি কেরলের বাসিন্দা, কিন্তু আমার থেকেও ভালো হিন্দি বলছেন। ବିଦ୍ୟୁତ ସଂଯୋଗ ଏବେ ଗ୍ରାମାଞ୍ଚଳର 95% ପରିବାରରେ ପହଞ୍ଚିପାରିଛି, ଯଦିଓ 4 ବର୍ଷ ପୂର୍ବେ ମାତ୍ର 70% ଘରେ ଏହା ପହଞ୍ଚିଥିଲା ।
তিনি জানান, জলপথ এবং বিমান ভ্রমণের ক্ষেত্রেও প্রয়াস গ্রহণ করা হয়েছে। কম সময়ে রান্নার গ্যাস সিলিন্ডার ভর্তি, আয়কর ফেরতের ক্ষেত্রে কম সময়, পাসপোর্ট তৈরিতে কম সময় প্রভৃতির কথা তিনি উল্লেখ করেন।
Joan Manel Balcells Fornaguera (born 20 June 1975) is a retired professional tennis player from Spain. He won one ATP Tour singles title in his career and reached the final in Scottsdale in 2002 (losing to Andre Agassi) and the semifinals in 2000 Heineken Open losing to Michael Chang. Can we draw the following conclusion? Forgnaguera only has one ATP title because Chang beat him. Choose from: [i] Yes [ii] It's impossible to say [iii] No
Blinky's Fun Club was a children's television program blending such elements as vaudeville and animation that first aired on CBS-Affiliated station KKTV in Colorado Springs, Colorado from 1958 to 1966 and then on KWGN-TV in Denver, Colorado, from 1966 to 1998. KWGN's general manager William Ross cancelled the show in 1998. Based on the paragraph above can we conclude that "Blinky's Fun Club had a very long broadcast run."?
In this task, you will be given a passage, a question and a list of single-word events identified from the passage. The goal is to point out all events from the given event list that can answer the question. If a question is unanswerable or none of the events answer the question, output should be empty. [EX Q]: Passage: President Bush on Tuesday said the United States may extend its naval quarantine to Jordan's Red Sea port of Aqaba to shut off Iraq's last unhindered trade route. In another mediation effort, the Soviet Union said today it had sent an envoy to the Middle East on a series of stops to include Baghdad. Question: What happened after the Soviet Union spoke? Events: ['said', 'extend', 'quarantine', 'off', 'mediation', 'effort', 'said', 'sent', 'stops'] [EX A]: mediation [EX Q]: Passage: While meeting Sassou-Nguesso, Hu said the friendly cooperation between China and the Republic of Congo has been going on smoothly since the two countries established strategic partnership more than a year ago. "We've been exploring new ways to serve our mutual best interest and to create a win-win situation," he said. Question: What happened after the establishment of partnership? Events: ['meeting', 'said', 'said', 'cooperation', 'going', 'established', 'exploring', 'create', 'partnership', 'serve'] [EX A]: said [EX Q]: Passage: "The US and North Korean delegations are meeting this afternoon," a spokesman at the Chinese press center for the six-nation talks told AFP. A South Korean official confirmed that chief US envoy Christopher Hill had met directly with his counterpart from North Korea, Kim Kye-Gwan. Question: What event has already finished? Events: ['are', 'told', 'confirmed', 'met'] [EX A]:
Question: Health & Social Care Teacher Our client, an 11-18 mixed comprehensive school in Ealing, West London, is currently seeking a teacher for Health & Social Care. The position will be a full-time post until July 2014. We require an energetic teacher to develop the learning potential of students. We are seeking someone with excellent subject knowledge who can combine academic strictness and achievement with enjoyment of teaching Health & Social Care. Receptionist Administration Full Time A receptionist is required from 1stJune 2014 at Dartford Science & Technology College. The position is only from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Friday, with an hour's break for lunch every day. The successful applicant must have a good telephone manner, good interpersonal skills and proficient IT skills. Cleaner Part Time, Term Time We are seeking to appoint a hardworking person to join our cleaning team. Previous experience would be an advantage but it is not essential. 10 hours per week are required during term time and the extra 3 weeks are added in the summer holidays or as directed by the Business Manager to ensure the needs of the school are met. Closing date: 12thMay 2014, 12 noon. Please return the completed application forms to the school. Science Technician Term time plus 10 days, 37 hours per week We are looking for a technician to provide a technical support service for science teaching staff. Applications are to be received no later than midnight on 10thJune 2014. If you are keen to work, visit our website via the button below. The receptionist to be employed will work _ . A) 10 hours a week B) 34.5 hour a week C) 39.5 hours a week D) 37 hours a week Answer: