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cant flimflam the zimzam |
It's been 10 years. Zimmerman came later and cemented it all. |
Step 1: get really fucking drunk. |
>newfag thinks he can lewd or newd the kween |
Compelling and touching all at once. |
Are we talking 2003-2004 oldfags or 2005-2008 newfag oldfags? |
how do people drown, hurr durr |
One for your trips, satan. And it's ho. Hoes are work implements used in manual farming.
The other is a a useless meat bag with a vagina. |
Fuck that takes me back m8 |
I do. It was fun back then. Now its just grating. It really is wading through a mountain of shit now. Between the glow niggers and the shills underneath the spergs replying to every bait and slide thread they can.. this place is insufferable now. We use to do stuff. that was before the mods castrated the entire site by banning everything classified as "raids"
I guess we sorta do still, syria general called in a fucking russian air strick, but the magic is just gone. |
We weren't "left behind."
Those above us in intelligence were picked off first iver the last decade and a half. A common case was those in Chanology being threatened with extensive prison time, or to work for the feds. |
Only true oldfags will remeber her. |
everyone is an eternal newfag |
It is. Every now and then I see newfags claiming we weren’t racist back in the day. Little do they know that pre-2005 or 2006 the internet was filled to the brim with “nigger this” and “nigger that” even if a lot of us were into Le leftwing atheism big brain shit at the time. Old /b/ was packed with nigger threads loaded with juicy vintage nigger memes. Then there was niggermania... ah I’m getting nostalgic |
THEN LEAVE! And take your gay ass nostalgia and moldy memes with you old fuck. |
I not seeing the difference |
rip crackychan |
bring back snacks |
2004fag here. A couple of 6-12 months of no visiting 3-4 times since then but, usually try and lurk or call some people niggerfaggots at least once a week. |
>Not on /pol/
tan boards are nsfw and the mods need to learn this.
I have shoe but its buried on an old harddrive about 100 folders deep. Not gonna find them anytime soon. Just leave her alone, plenty of other thots out there. We all make mistakes, let her bury hers. |
Something Awful was racist as fuck, but the wokefags journalists who used to post on fyad claim it wasn't. It's always funny when one of those faggots gets their history dug up. |
The only true and original queen |
wait cracky died? |
Ok anon. You go ahead and teach 'em. |
how about you zoom the fuck on out of here |
There isn't much difference |
Eat more tide pods and play some Fortnite Zoomerfag |
I like it here. Im not the one bitching like you old fags are. Take your cutesty little faggot ass memes and shove em. |
no, she never died. I just remember threads constantly claiming she became an hero. |
>that thread where that anon described going to Mitchel Henderson's wake
I still kek about it sometimes. |
nostalgia thread |
If I'm here, I guess so. 4chan, I feel, has made me pretty liberal. |
no, we went to ebaumsworld and 9gag |
isnt she like super short? |
>earliest filename is 1270872136352
buncha newfag larpers ITT |
This whole thread reals of glows. Posting behind 5,000 proxies. |
Convert to paganism, cease your genetic line and do the taxes of European descendants for free and you will have atoned for the sins of your people and will be welcomed in Valhalla |
Hal Turner's pizza surprise
Rozen Maiden
Harrassing Tom Green
Flamewars with ytmnd
Pools closed due to AIDS |
what the fwickk did you just f-fwickking say about meo.o you wittle meanie (°ロ°) ! (°ロ°) !? i'll have you know i gwaduated top of m-my cwass in t-the navy seaws *:・゚*:・゚ and i've been invowved in numewous s-secwet waids on aw-quaeda〜 and i have over 300 confiwmed kiwws〜 i am t-twained i-in gowiwwa wawfare and i'm the top sniper in the entire us awmed f-fowces. you are nothing to me but just another tawget (≧◡≦) i w-will wipe you the fwickk out with pwecision the wikes of which h-has never been seen before on this eawth〜 mawk my fwickking wowds *:・゚*:・゚ you think you can get away with saying t-that poopoo to me over the intewnet? think a-again (*^.^*). ( ˘˘)(˘˘ ) *:・゚ fwickker (o^▽^o) as we speak i am c-contacting my secwet netwowk of spies acwoss t-the uwusa and youw ip is being twaced wight now so you better pwepare fow the-stowm uguu.., maggot xd t-the stowm that wipes out the pathetic wittle thing you call youw wife xD uw fwickking dead uguu.. ( > ▽ < ). *:・゚ kid uguu.., i can be anywhewe-.- anytimeo.o and i c-can kill you in over seven hundwed ways ( > ▽ < ). and t-that's just with my bare hands (o^▽^o) not onwy am i extensivewy twained in unawmed c-combat *:・゚*:・゚ but i have access to the entire awsenaw of t-the united states mawine cowps and i will use it to its full extent to wipe y-youw misewable boi pussy off the face of the continent *:・゚*:・゚ you wittle poopoo. if onwy you couwd have known what unhowy wetwibution youw wittle "cwevew" comment was about to bwing down upon you (*^.^*).., maybe you wouwd have hewd youw f-fwickking tongue *:・゚ but you couwdn't (*^.^*)... (o^▽^o) you didn't *:・゚ and now uw paying the pwice u-uguu. y-you goddamn idiot (o^▽^o) i will p-poopoo fuwy all over you and y-you will dwown in iit xd uw fwickking dead u-uguu kiddo-.- |
You’re on the right path. Just be sure to go full Trad Catholic, and attend the Latin Mass if you can. That’s where the heart of the Church still beats strong and it is what will remain when the pedo-communist Novus Ordo burns away. If you want solid instruction into the Church, seek out SSPX or FSSP priests. |
bruh i use to work in 60 mph winds. 6 feet of water is fucking nothing. Its the gene pool cleansing itself |
That's what June worked so hard for. She tried to emulate boxxy so much, that she was booted from places on gia, and fanboards for boxxy.
She was hated, until she found her own voice. BUT if you look at her oldest work, it's 180 from her latest work. I don't follow either recently. It's just nostalgia. I was shitposting on the couch before the wife decided to go to bed.
I probably have a decade of old chan shit on this PC that keeps getting transfered to the new desktop. |
Oldfags absolutely seething. I was on b back then too but it was shit. God these memes are so fucking childish and stupid.
Have fun watching touched by an angel old fuckers. |
You came here because you liked the culture, you were fascinated by it, you wanted to be a part of it. Then you want to shit all over it.
You are a woman. |
I feel like it may have been the case that a bunch of us went to college for a while and came back in 2016 |
08fag here
sharpie in pooper? |
Im surprised this thread hasnt been nuked yet. Not political at all. Im interested in politics retard not this faggy ass shit |
When is "back then"?
Do you think the current state of /pol/ is acceptable? |
I miss the old internet. People take things too serious now. Its not real life. |
Hmmm |
I've been following after you guys I think for the last 10 years. Collectively, you're like the older brother I wish I had. |
>I was on b back then
lol no you weren’t, you were playing with tonka trucks fgt. |
>jew comes on /pol/
>/pol/ redpills the jew out of the jew
wunderbar |
Is that a shop or is that real? I remember the original with greentext.. |
and this garbage shit is political?
you unironically thing the state of this site is better now than in 2007? |
Hail to the Queen! |
If you can navigate it and arent a retard, its fine. Honestly just wanted some yous since EVERYONE complains incessantly about how bad it is here but they never leave. Just keep coming back to bitch like females and never do anything about it.
I have fun here. I like it. You guys make me laugh my fuckin ass off every day. |
yeah. sometime around 2012 is when it really started to get all faggy and people got in their feelings about the smallest of things. It slowly became like that before 2012, but that's when I noticed it getting really bad. These days it's completely shit aside from a few small corners of surface web. |
Technically true. The ones that hate fun left for quadrupledividedbytwochan and the ones who wanted to be monitored more closely joined discords and nienfag.
Others likely just went into the darknet or gave up entirely.
Those that are still around are largely similar and not that concerned with anything being fixed. |
pretty much |
fuck you nigger |
>Playing with your dead moms pussy
Ftfy fag |
Yes it's true. Pic related is what happened. |
Mods have given up. I've made a few boxxy threads to see how far I could push it, and haven't had a ban in months. The infinity shut down and /lefty/ occupying here has made this place no man's land.
Don't post porn
Don't make threats or post a memeifestio
that's about the only rules I see enforced. |
>I'm almost ready to convert to Catholicism.
>going to hell
>on purpose
So much for the kike IQ myth.
Btw, you can be saved. That option exists.
But you won’t be. |
You can hide threads dipshit. |
I get my daily keks on this board. I love it. |
kike |
>Stop having fun! Go get baited by shill threads instead!
>How can white boys even compete?
>Why do you need an assault rifle 15?
faggot |
You were told wrong. This is the least 4chan board on all of 4chan. Most people here came from stormfront.org and eightchins. |
Still in love and forever will be. |
I wasnt paying attention, its a shoop. heres the original
I remember the greentext but cant find it.
Something about looking at the hand made shelves and how poor the family is, hard working dad old and near death. They just wanted a family photo but the furfag ruined it by refusing to come out of his cum covered costume. |
F |
whats the point in hiding threads when they make 11 of them at a time?
How about you stop being a cunt. We can talk without that. |
Larping redditor faggot. |
Lol i didnt say any of that but damn you old fags are easy af to get yous from. Lmaoo I love it. RESPEKT UR ELDARS lol. Fuck off faggot.
All you guys do is complain and get angry lmaooooo. Let the butthurt flow through you |
Boxxy is now the queen of pol
Also checkem |
You can hide more than one thread you whiny cunt.
Report them and apply for a janitor slot. |
Yeah i found it. Fucking furries. |
I came for the lulz. |
Boxy a shit. Always has been, always will be.
>queen of /b/
>never posted tits
/b/ was never good. |
Like i said, dont like it fucking leave. Reddit.com is waiting for you faggot.
Its part of the deal when you come here. Dont like it leave. Simple really. |
Are you just playing retarded?
its not "11 shit shill b8 glow" threads at a time.
they make 11 at a time and then immediately make another 11. It never fucking ends. The shills have 4chan passes and paid off the mods. hiding it does nothing because by the time you hid 1 there are 3 more. |
fuck off you roody-poo |
I’ve offered a solution to the problem several times and no one has responded.
People want this. This is how things will be. |
Sorta, there was a mass exodus from /b/ staring in the early 2010's. The content became stale, repetitive and 90% fag porn. Boards like /fit/ /r9k/ took a few and so did some of the other chans but /pol/ was hit the hardest because we have the most valuable resource of all, OC and Dank memes. Products of the rise of mainstream PC culture, BLM and the all around normalization of degeneracy. |
fuck off you roody-poo it was shit and it was perfect |
Youre the one bitching about postin "stale memes". Follow your own advice.
Heres a tutorial for you, it'll make crystals, I promise. |
Checkd n kekd |
Like we havent all seen that shit 1000000 times by now. Lol seriously these are some stale ass memes. Normies know about this shit. |
Boxxy was LITERALLY the dividing line between newfags and cancer. |
Missed it, by a few. I'm not picky. I've got a folder of many chan girls. We're just /b/oxxy because OP made a slide thread that we owned. Not just me, but many anons who were in the trench before the WW meme war.
I'm getting short on pictures that aren't nudes of Boxxy though. |
dont like it then go fagt |
yes. |
You gonna die soon. |
Im not the one bitching incessantly like you guys tho. Im fine here lol. Cheer up cunt! |
I hated the Zimmerman trail. 3-4 quality moments and a third of the board devoted to it.
Imagine if /pol/ had Trump fever but the candidate was actually mitt Romney running.
That was the Zimmerman trail.
It’s absolute peak was Jaffa calling, and nothing else fucking mattered. |
youve been bitching for 10 minutes now about stale memes, buhye! |
that's just the thing anon, the cancer were the only one's who ever tried to name the cancer |
Subsets and Splits