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Using the argument that our temporary forms have imperfections he finds unpleasant |
so i can enjoy my diaper fetish |
The absolute state of /pol. A literal piss and shit thread. |
Op is a faggot but what makes you so sure the next form will be any better? Maybe we possessed these bodies to escape something. |
your preconceived individual idea of what perfection should be as to how human bodies work is irrelevant. we are made as we are, and shitting and pissing is apart of the universes recycling system for all organisms.
basically, you're a faggot OP |
If you made sure to only eat stuff that your body want, then you wouldn't need to piss or shit.
The body got to get rid of all junk that it can't process/don't need. |
Didn't work. |
Inching up /pol/ |
Go dilate, shill. The Dow was up more than 300 points today after you trannies said it would collapse. |
That's a lovely triple top you've got there |
Lol nice scale...Obama's utter collapse isn't even visible. |
It's actually the regression to the mean of two major back to back bubbles that are reinflating: Tech and Real Estate. It's a double bubble. |
Nice chart faggot. Did you draw that in your spec ed class? |
Treasury is trying to bolster their cash reserves, seems they're planning on dumping a metric fuckton of bonds soon. Except there's no liquidity in the market.
>imblying stonks are an accurate indication of a healthy economy |
I mean we all know the gold standard is returning, so what is the fed waiting for? |
Do you not understand what a business cycle is? |
There is already propaganda out tonight about instability because of Argentina and Hong Kong. This isn't the same as the usual game. |
so when is the crash going to happen? |
"Soon" is probably the best answer anyone can give you at the moment.
Could be anywhere from a few months (if/when the Treasury dumps and the fed starts QE4) to a few years by my best estimation, but I wouldn't put it anywhere past that desu senpai. |
I was told this is where all the oldfags of 4chins "/b/" went. Is this true? |
they started banning you and deleting your threads if you posted any Swastikas or pro-Hitler stuff around the 2016 election. I had always done it to just troll people, and /b/ was like ... post anything but CP ... but that shit changed a lot.
It got really weird.
I honestly used to be very proud of my Jewish heritage and since basically being exiled to /pol/ I'm almost ready to convert to Catholicism. I don't want hardly any porn any more, I lost a bunch of weight.
So yeah, lots of here .. or were here .. |
No, that was /baph/ which got shut down. |
It was and then they left. I missed the memo twice due to taking couple mild hiatuses. Once when they came to /pol/ and once when they left /pol/. I do not believe 8chawn is the second old fag exodus.
To my /b/rothers, wherever you've fled to, know that not all of us made it. A few few people did not get the memo. Ive been stuck in this shit hole for the last 10 years. I hope things are better there, please share my message with the others. There is no safe way to communicate with me or the others where to go. I hope things there are how there were here so many years ago. 4chan is a lost cause. Its nothing but shills and spergs who make and fall for bait and slide threads respectively. You are forgiven but you are not forgotten. Please keep the new location safe and secure. With any migration casualties are expected and at this point I accept being left behind. Stay safe /b/rothers and remember 1&2 this time.
p.s. I told you fuckers to respect 1&2, but you wouldn't listen. |
All of us ran off to 7chan /i/
After Ian fucked everything up, we split up. Some of us went to 12chan, some went to 420chan (kirtaner is a fag. Fyi)
The remnants of old /b/ that came back and lingered fucked around in /n/ and here. I've been here since 2004. I jumped ship to 7chan, and moved to 420chan, eventually I came back, then I went to lulzsect, came back again and then I left with the exodus in 2014. Now I'm back here. |
Yes. Because of that, this is now a /B/oxxy thread. |
yiff in hell furfaggot |
fuck off and an hero |
No we’re all SomethingAwful refugees |
Queen |
/b/rushie |
>If only you knew |
>your fathers face |
Nothing but us newfags here, bro. |
nigga, I was here when you pooped in diapers |
I was unironically 12 when I browsed /b/
Can’t ban me now Mods ;) |
>how bad things are |
B to pol to biz to fit |
i was in 6th grade sleeping over at the kids house that got me to smoke my first cigarette. the morning after we stole some ciggs off his neighbors porch we smoke them when his mom left for work then he showed me /b/ the first pornographic thing i saw was a gif of a girl shitting out a pink double ended dildo. ive been hooked ever since. im 21 now. |
probably but the /qa/ revisionists will try to tell you otherwise |
Been here for 13 years (I'm 27 y/o). Mostly go on /g/, but I've been lurking here due to recent events |
You are on the right way anon |
k fine |
Worse than reddit and normalfags combined. |
desu i feel like a shitload of people were way underageb&
I was in high school |
eat shit faggot /pol/ is new.
you need to go back. |
This ... I regular 420 and lain. |
Continue the unkikeing, and you WILL be one of the chosen ( the good version) Basically chosen not to die...You can be an accountant or....An accountant you guys are good at that. NO BANK SHIT THO. |
t. 05fag |
I miss old /b/. People who say it was never good weren't around. |
She is /b/ Let it go anon..we are /pol/ now |
it's true desu |
After two years, I left for uni. Five years later, I have graduated and decided to come back to 4chan, but /b/ is full of traps and therefore G A Y so yes, here I am |
Some of them got jobs and girlfriends |
Come at me faggots |
/b/ was literal normalfag central, good thing it died |
>assuming we didnt bring the GFs here and redpil them before we marry them. |
Like 7-8 years ago I would only visit /b/, and /fit/ on occasion. /b/ is such shit now, it's just the same thing over and over and over. At least here it isn't a non-stop stream of porn, and some people are generally interested in politics. |
Their gonna need a no-ship and an accurate star chart so not to crash on the rocks to find it. It will remain safe |
Get rid of your memeflag.
When did you view /b/? |
05fag reporting. My buddy and I discovered /b/ during hurricane Katrina. Good times laughing at the dead bodies lulz
>pic related |
A cosmo/pol/itan. |
good. |
Why would anyone go through all that effort just to get a high quality flushing? |
Shoe on head? |
Is this one of them glow nigger meet ups |
The real queen. |
Simpler times anon |
Here is just a non stop stream of the the same faceberg posts. And the same twitter posts. And the same news articles from six months ago. And a endless stream of occupy democrats posts. With two threads that are worth reading.
At least here you can see who's shitposting (like me) and that OP is obviously making bait threads. |
How about you post Peter the king of /b/ instead, you bitch. |
nah. have some vintage shoe, though |
We /b/oxxy here. Go get into the AIDS infested pool with the stingrays, if you don't like it. Mongolian rape baby. |
call da amberlamps |
>(you) |
Watch what you say, you're being backtracked! |
lol by who, the morgue? |
oh shit nigger, I forgot about the party van |
how the fuck do people drown in shit like this. nigga just swim or float lol |
>backtracked |
This is boxxy? |
nice repeating in ter gers
I can't believe that filter still exists |
God speed |
No nigga, that's shoe.
This is boxxy. I have vintage of both. Shoe tried modeling before she went double down on youjew. |
2007. we're here forever, aren't we? |
She's not boxxy anymore, that's Catie, she's a cunt, Boxxy is queen, not Catie. |
420chan is alright, but sometimes its desperately slow. Also slayer |
yous trollin |
get use to it fag. instead of running maybe you should fight your demons.This place is a curse and there is only one way to break this curse |
You jave nudes of boxxy or shoe?? Can i have them plsss |
this thread needs more desu |
Her feet game is sourly lacking. |
L3337 HAX0R |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q7cqT3BiOI |
since 2006, I'm rarely even here. I generally agree politically but you all fucking suck. |
I was here early 2005 and alot of the early raids/jokes of the time but besides that, I wasn't really active on the site until the zimmerman trial. |
h8 u2 bb |
lmao, post more of shoe. I didnt know that hoe tried modeling. Sucks shes a coal burner |
I dont miss these days in the least. Things are much better now. |
Not on /pol/
We /b/oxxy today, anon
There's a wiki for that. Not my thing. |
Subsets and Splits