193 values
12 values
2 values
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" ^c2| ^c3/2B/2 A3A| dB A3/2B/2 ^F2| E2 D2 a2-| aA G^F B2| ^c3/2e/2 ed ^cB| A3/2G/2 A2 D2| ^FA2<B2d| BA/2G/2 A4| BA/2G/2 V:2 A2| AE ^FG ^FE| ^FG DD D2| ^C2 A,2 d2-| d^F D^D ^FE| G2 ^F2 ^F2| D2 ^F2 A,2| DE DE ^F2| GD DE G^F| D2 V:3 E2| ^C3/2B,/2 A,^C DE| D2 A,2 B,2| G,2 ^F,2 ^F2-| ^FD2C B,2| ^C3/2E/2 ED ^CB,| A,3/2G,/2 A,2 ^F,2| ^F,E, D,2 DB,| G,2 ^F,G, B,A,| B,2 V:4 A,2| G,2 ^F,E, D,^C,| B,,G, ^F,2 G,2| A,2 D,2 z^F,| B,3A, G,2| E,2 B,,2 ^F,2| D,2 A,,2 z2| D,^C, B,,2 D,^F,| D,2 A,,4| D,2 V:5 A,,2| G,,2 ^F,,E,, D,,^C,,| B,,,G,, ^F,,2 G,,2| A,,2 D,,2 z^F,,| B,,3A,, G,,2| E,,2 B,,,2 D,2| G,,2 D,,2 D,,2-| D,,4 D,,2| B,,2 D,,4| G,,2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
In this audio clip, a Violin is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" G/2| A^F E2 D2| B,3D ^FA| B2 d2 ^cB/2A/2| B3B ^c^F| A3/2^G/2 ^F2 E2| A3E E^F| G3B A3/2E/2| G3E GA| B2 V:2 D/2-| D3/2D2^C2B,/2-| B,3/2A,2G,B,D/2-| D/2^F^F2^F^GA/2-| A/2^F2<^F2^GA/2-| A/2^FD2^C2B,/2-| B,/2D^FED^CB,/2-| B,/2^D2<E2EE/2-| E3/2E3B,E/2-| E/2GG2 V:3 B,/2-| B,3/2A,2A,G,^F,/2-| ^F,3/2D,3G,A,/2-| A,/2DD2B,2^C/2-| ^C3/2DE^FD^C/2-| ^C3/2A,2A,2A,/2-| A,/2^G,D^CB,A,B,/2-| B,/2A,2<G,2DC/2-| C3/2B,3G,B,/2-| B,/2^CD2 V:4 D,/2-| D,3/2D,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2D,D,/2-| D,3/2B,,2^F,^G,A,/2-| A,3/2B,3B,,A,,/2-| A,,3/2B,,2^C,D,E,/2-| E,3/2A,,3E,E,/2-| E,/2B,,B,,2G,2E,/2-| E,3/2E,2E,2E,/2-| E,3/2D,D, V:5 G,,/2-| G,,3/2^F,,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2G,,^F,,/2-| ^F,,/2D,,B,,,4^F,,/2-| ^F,,3/2B,,3B,,,A,,,/2-| A,,,3/2B,,,2^C,,D,,E,,/2-| E,,3/2A,,,3A,,G,,/2-| G,,/2^F,,E,,4A,,/2-| A,,3/2E,,2E,,2E,,/2-| E,,3/2D,,2
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Violin is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" B2| d2 cA B2-| BG Bd e2-| ed ^c3/2B/2 A2-| AA dB AB| ^F2 E2 D2-| DD ^FA B2-| Bg V:2 G2| B^F G^F AG| DD GA G2| AD EE ^FG| ^FE ^FG D^F| D2 ^C2 A,2-| A,A, DE ^F2| GG V:3 D2| D2 ED D2-| DB, DD ED| ^CB, A,^C D^C| DE D2 A,D| B,2 G,2 ^F,2-| ^F,^F, A,A, D2-| DG V:4 D,B,| A,G, ^F,2<D,2| D,G, ^F,E,2A,-| A,2 G,^F, E,D,| ^C,B,, G,^F,2G,-| G,A,2D,2D,-| D,2 ^C,B,, D,G,-| G, V:5 D,,2| G,,^F,, E,,D,, G,,2-| G,,G,, G,,^F,, E,,2| A,,3G,, ^F,,E,,| D,,^C,, B,,,G,, ^F,,2| G,,2 A,,2 D,,2-| D,,6| B,,2
What instrument is playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Violin is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Double Bass" a3AG3/2| ^F/2B3B^ce/2-| e/2ed^cBA3/2| G/2A3D^FA/2-| A/2B3dBA/2| G/2A4BA/2| G/2A^FE2D3/2-| D/2B,3D^FA/2-| A/2 V:2 d3^FD^D/2-| ^D/2DE2DE^A/2-| ^A/2B2^F2DE/2-| E/2D3A,DE/2-| E/2^F3GGE/2-| E/2^F^FEDDD/2-| D/2D2B,3-B,/2-| B,/2G,3B,D^F/2-| ^F/2^FE V:3 ^F3^F,G,C/2-| C/2zB,zA,zG,/2-| G,/2z^F,^CB,A,3/2| G,/2^F,3^F,A,A,/2-| A,/2D3B,A,3/2-| A,/2zA,G,^F,G,B,/2-| B,/2A,2^F,3-^F,/2-| ^F,/2G,3B,A,D/2-| D/2D^C V:4 z^F,2<B,2A,/2-| A,/2G,2^F,2E,3/2-| E,/2B,,2D2G,3/2-| G,/2D,2D,3-D,/2-| D,2- D,/2G,3B,/2-| B,/2D,4D,3/2-| D,/2D,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,2^F,D,/2-| D,/2B,,E, V:5 z^F,,2<B,,2A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2^F,,2E,,3/2-| E,,/2B,,,2D,2G,,3/2-| G,,/2D,,2D,,3-D,,/2-| D,,2- D,,/2G,,3B,,/2-| B,,/2D,,4G,,3/2-| G,,/2^F,,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,,2^F,,D,,/2-| D,,/2B,,,2
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
The music plays at a tempo of 60 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Double Bass" B3| d^c B/2A/2B3| B^c ^FA ^G^F-| ^FE2A3| EE ^F2<G2| BA3/2E/2G3| EG A2<B2| dc A2<B2| GB de3/2d/2^c-| ^c V:2 G ^F^F| ^F2<D2 D^C-| ^CD2^C2^C| D^F ED ^CB,| ^DE B,E DE-| EE3 B,E| G2<G2 AG| ^FA GD DD| AB3/2B/2A2 V:3 E DA,-| A,B,2^G,2A,-| A,A,2A,2^G,-| ^G,D ^CB, A,B,| A,2<G,2 DC-| CB,3 G,B,| ^CD2B, A,G,| A,2<D2 B,D-| DG ^FE2 V:4 E, D,^C,-| ^C,^F,2^G,2^C,-| ^C,B,,2^C, D,E,-| E,A,,3 E,E,| B,,E,4E,-| E,E,2E,2E,-| E,D, D,G, ^F,E,| ^F,G,4G,| ^F,E,2A,2 V:5 B,,,2B,,-| B,,^F,,2B,,3-| B,,A,,2B,,,2^C,,| D,,E,,2A,,3| A,,G,, ^F,,E,,3-| E,,A,,2E,2E,,-| E,,E,2D,3-| D,D,2G,,3-| G,,G,, ^F,,E,,2A,,-| A,,
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
In this recording, a Double Bass is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Double Bass" ^c2| ^c3/2B/2 A3A| dB A3/2B/2 ^F2| E2 D2 a2-| aA G^F B2| ^c3/2e/2 ed ^cB| A3/2G/2 A2 D2| ^FA2<B2d| BA/2G/2 A4| BA/2G/2 V:2 A2| AE ^FG ^FE| ^FG DD D2| ^C2 A,2 d2-| d^F D^D ^FE| G2 ^F2 ^F2| D2 ^F2 A,2| DE DE ^F2| GD DE G^F| D2 V:3 E2| ^C3/2B,/2 A,^C DE| D2 A,2 B,2| G,2 ^F,2 ^F2-| ^FD2C B,2| ^C3/2E/2 ED ^CB,| A,3/2G,/2 A,2 ^F,2| ^F,E, D,2 DB,| G,2 ^F,G, B,A,| B,2 V:4 A,2| G,2 ^F,E, D,^C,| B,,G, ^F,2 G,2| A,2 D,2 z^F,| B,3A, G,2| E,2 B,,2 ^F,2| D,2 A,,2 z2| D,^C, B,,2 D,^F,| D,2 A,,4| D,2 V:5 A,,2| G,,2 ^F,,E,, D,,^C,,| B,,,G,, ^F,,2 G,,2| A,,2 D,,2 z^F,,| B,,3A,, G,,2| E,,2 B,,,2 D,2| G,,2 D,,2 D,,2-| D,,4 D,,2| B,,2 D,,4| G,,2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
You can hear a Double Bass playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Double Bass" G/2| A^F E2 D2| B,3D ^FA| B2 d2 ^cB/2A/2| B3B ^c^F| A3/2^G/2 ^F2 E2| A3E E^F| G3B A3/2E/2| G3E GA| B2 V:2 D/2-| D3/2D2^C2B,/2-| B,3/2A,2G,B,D/2-| D/2^F^F2^F^GA/2-| A/2^F2<^F2^GA/2-| A/2^FD2^C2B,/2-| B,/2D^FED^CB,/2-| B,/2^D2<E2EE/2-| E3/2E3B,E/2-| E/2GG2 V:3 B,/2-| B,3/2A,2A,G,^F,/2-| ^F,3/2D,3G,A,/2-| A,/2DD2B,2^C/2-| ^C3/2DE^FD^C/2-| ^C3/2A,2A,2A,/2-| A,/2^G,D^CB,A,B,/2-| B,/2A,2<G,2DC/2-| C3/2B,3G,B,/2-| B,/2^CD2 V:4 D,/2-| D,3/2D,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2D,D,/2-| D,3/2B,,2^F,^G,A,/2-| A,3/2B,3B,,A,,/2-| A,,3/2B,,2^C,D,E,/2-| E,3/2A,,3E,E,/2-| E,/2B,,B,,2G,2E,/2-| E,3/2E,2E,2E,/2-| E,3/2D,D, V:5 G,,/2-| G,,3/2^F,,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2G,,^F,,/2-| ^F,,/2D,,B,,,4^F,,/2-| ^F,,3/2B,,3B,,,A,,,/2-| A,,,3/2B,,,2^C,,D,,E,,/2-| E,,3/2A,,,3A,,G,,/2-| G,,/2^F,,E,,4A,,/2-| A,,3/2E,,2E,,2E,,/2-| E,,3/2D,,2
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this recording, a Double Bass is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Double Bass" B2| d2 cA B2-| BG Bd e2-| ed ^c3/2B/2 A2-| AA dB AB| ^F2 E2 D2-| DD ^FA B2-| Bg V:2 G2| B^F G^F AG| DD GA G2| AD EE ^FG| ^FE ^FG D^F| D2 ^C2 A,2-| A,A, DE ^F2| GG V:3 D2| D2 ED D2-| DB, DD ED| ^CB, A,^C D^C| DE D2 A,D| B,2 G,2 ^F,2-| ^F,^F, A,A, D2-| DG V:4 D,B,| A,G, ^F,2<D,2| D,G, ^F,E,2A,-| A,2 G,^F, E,D,| ^C,B,, G,^F,2G,-| G,A,2D,2D,-| D,2 ^C,B,, D,G,-| G, V:5 D,,2| G,,^F,, E,,D,, G,,2-| G,,G,, G,,^F,, E,,2| A,,3G,, ^F,,E,,| D,,^C,, B,,,G,, ^F,,2| G,,2 A,,2 D,,2-| D,,6| B,,2
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
The tempo of this audio clip is 60 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" a3AG3/2| ^F/2B3B^ce/2-| e/2ed^cBA3/2| G/2A3D^FA/2-| A/2B3dBA/2| G/2A4BA/2| G/2A^FE2D3/2-| D/2B,3D^FA/2-| A/2 V:2 name="Violin" d3^FD^D/2-| ^D/2DE2DE^A/2-| ^A/2B2^F2DE/2-| E/2D3A,DE/2-| E/2^F3GGE/2-| E/2^F^FEDDD/2-| D/2D2B,3-B,/2-| B,/2G,3B,D^F/2-| ^F/2^FE V:3 name="Viola" ^F3^F,G,C/2-| C/2zB,zA,zG,/2-| G,/2z^F,^CB,A,3/2| G,/2^F,3^F,A,A,/2-| A,/2D3B,A,3/2-| A,/2zA,G,^F,G,B,/2-| B,/2A,2^F,3-^F,/2-| ^F,/2G,3B,A,D/2-| D/2D^C V:4 name="Cello" z^F,2<B,2A,/2-| A,/2G,2^F,2E,3/2-| E,/2B,,2D2G,3/2-| G,/2D,2D,3-D,/2-| D,2- D,/2G,3B,/2-| B,/2D,4D,3/2-| D,/2D,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,2^F,D,/2-| D,/2B,,E, V:5 name="Double Bass" z^F,,2<B,,2A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2^F,,2E,,3/2-| E,,/2B,,,2D,2G,,3/2-| G,,/2D,,2D,,3-D,,/2-| D,,2- D,,/2G,,3B,,/2-| B,,/2D,,4G,,3/2-| G,,/2^F,,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,,2^F,,D,,/2-| D,,/2B,,,2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
You can hear the following instruments in this audio: Violin, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" B3| d^c B/2A/2B3| B^c ^FA ^G^F-| ^FE2A3| EE ^F2<G2| BA3/2E/2G3| EG A2<B2| dc A2<B2| GB de3/2d/2^c-| ^c V:2 name="Violin" G ^F^F| ^F2<D2 D^C-| ^CD2^C2^C| D^F ED ^CB,| ^DE B,E DE-| EE3 B,E| G2<G2 AG| ^FA GD DD| AB3/2B/2A2 V:3 name="Viola" E DA,-| A,B,2^G,2A,-| A,A,2A,2^G,-| ^G,D ^CB, A,B,| A,2<G,2 DC-| CB,3 G,B,| ^CD2B, A,G,| A,2<D2 B,D-| DG ^FE2 V:4 name="Cello" E, D,^C,-| ^C,^F,2^G,2^C,-| ^C,B,,2^C, D,E,-| E,A,,3 E,E,| B,,E,4E,-| E,E,2E,2E,-| E,D, D,G, ^F,E,| ^F,G,4G,| ^F,E,2A,2 V:5 name="Double Bass" B,,,2B,,-| B,,^F,,2B,,3-| B,,A,,2B,,,2^C,,| D,,E,,2A,,3| A,,G,, ^F,,E,,3-| E,,A,,2E,2E,,-| E,,E,2D,3-| D,D,2G,,3-| G,,G,, ^F,,E,,2A,,-| A,,
Which instruments are present in this audio?
The instruments heard in this recording are: Violin, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" ^c2| ^c3/2B/2 A3A| dB A3/2B/2 ^F2| E2 D2 a2-| aA G^F B2| ^c3/2e/2 ed ^cB| A3/2G/2 A2 D2| ^FA2<B2d| BA/2G/2 A4| BA/2G/2 V:2 name="Violin" A2| AE ^FG ^FE| ^FG DD D2| ^C2 A,2 d2-| d^F D^D ^FE| G2 ^F2 ^F2| D2 ^F2 A,2| DE DE ^F2| GD DE G^F| D2 V:3 name="Viola" E2| ^C3/2B,/2 A,^C DE| D2 A,2 B,2| G,2 ^F,2 ^F2-| ^FD2C B,2| ^C3/2E/2 ED ^CB,| A,3/2G,/2 A,2 ^F,2| ^F,E, D,2 DB,| G,2 ^F,G, B,A,| B,2 V:4 name="Cello" A,2| G,2 ^F,E, D,^C,| B,,G, ^F,2 G,2| A,2 D,2 z^F,| B,3A, G,2| E,2 B,,2 ^F,2| D,2 A,,2 z2| D,^C, B,,2 D,^F,| D,2 A,,4| D,2 V:5 name="Double Bass" A,,2| G,,2 ^F,,E,, D,,^C,,| B,,,G,, ^F,,2 G,,2| A,,2 D,,2 z^F,,| B,,3A,, G,,2| E,,2 B,,,2 D,2| G,,2 D,,2 D,,2-| D,,4 D,,2| B,,2 D,,4| G,,2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
In this audio, you can hear a combination of: Violin, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" G/2| A^F E2 D2| B,3D ^FA| B2 d2 ^cB/2A/2| B3B ^c^F| A3/2^G/2 ^F2 E2| A3E E^F| G3B A3/2E/2| G3E GA| B2 V:2 name="Violin" D/2-| D3/2D2^C2B,/2-| B,3/2A,2G,B,D/2-| D/2^F^F2^F^GA/2-| A/2^F2<^F2^GA/2-| A/2^FD2^C2B,/2-| B,/2D^FED^CB,/2-| B,/2^D2<E2EE/2-| E3/2E3B,E/2-| E/2GG2 V:3 name="Viola" B,/2-| B,3/2A,2A,G,^F,/2-| ^F,3/2D,3G,A,/2-| A,/2DD2B,2^C/2-| ^C3/2DE^FD^C/2-| ^C3/2A,2A,2A,/2-| A,/2^G,D^CB,A,B,/2-| B,/2A,2<G,2DC/2-| C3/2B,3G,B,/2-| B,/2^CD2 V:4 name="Cello" D,/2-| D,3/2D,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2D,D,/2-| D,3/2B,,2^F,^G,A,/2-| A,3/2B,3B,,A,,/2-| A,,3/2B,,2^C,D,E,/2-| E,3/2A,,3E,E,/2-| E,/2B,,B,,2G,2E,/2-| E,3/2E,2E,2E,/2-| E,3/2D,D, V:5 name="Double Bass" G,,/2-| G,,3/2^F,,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2G,,^F,,/2-| ^F,,/2D,,B,,,4^F,,/2-| ^F,,3/2B,,3B,,,A,,,/2-| A,,,3/2B,,,2^C,,D,,E,,/2-| E,,3/2A,,,3A,,G,,/2-| G,,/2^F,,E,,4A,,/2-| A,,3/2E,,2E,,2E,,/2-| E,,3/2D,,2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
The instruments heard in this recording are: Violin, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" B2| d2 cA B2-| BG Bd e2-| ed ^c3/2B/2 A2-| AA dB AB| ^F2 E2 D2-| DD ^FA B2-| Bg V:2 name="Violin" G2| B^F G^F AG| DD GA G2| AD EE ^FG| ^FE ^FG D^F| D2 ^C2 A,2-| A,A, DE ^F2| GG V:3 name="Viola" D2| D2 ED D2-| DB, DD ED| ^CB, A,^C D^C| DE D2 A,D| B,2 G,2 ^F,2-| ^F,^F, A,A, D2-| DG V:4 name="Cello" D,B,| A,G, ^F,2<D,2| D,G, ^F,E,2A,-| A,2 G,^F, E,D,| ^C,B,, G,^F,2G,-| G,A,2D,2D,-| D,2 ^C,B,, D,G,-| G, V:5 name="Double Bass" D,,2| G,,^F,, E,,D,, G,,2-| G,,G,, G,,^F,, E,,2| A,,3G,, ^F,,E,,| D,,^C,, B,,,G,, ^F,,2| G,,2 A,,2 D,,2-| D,,6| B,,2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
In this audio clip, the following instruments are playing: Violin, Violin, Viola, Cello, and Double Bass.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Cello" a3AG3/2| ^F/2B3B^ce/2-| e/2ed^cBA3/2| G/2A3D^FA/2-| A/2B3dBA/2| G/2A4BA/2| G/2A^FE2D3/2-| D/2B,3D^FA/2-| A/2 V:2 d3^FD^D/2-| ^D/2DE2DE^A/2-| ^A/2B2^F2DE/2-| E/2D3A,DE/2-| E/2^F3GGE/2-| E/2^F^FEDDD/2-| D/2D2B,3-B,/2-| B,/2G,3B,D^F/2-| ^F/2^FE V:3 ^F3^F,G,C/2-| C/2zB,zA,zG,/2-| G,/2z^F,^CB,A,3/2| G,/2^F,3^F,A,A,/2-| A,/2D3B,A,3/2-| A,/2zA,G,^F,G,B,/2-| B,/2A,2^F,3-^F,/2-| ^F,/2G,3B,A,D/2-| D/2D^C V:4 z^F,2<B,2A,/2-| A,/2G,2^F,2E,3/2-| E,/2B,,2D2G,3/2-| G,/2D,2D,3-D,/2-| D,2- D,/2G,3B,/2-| B,/2D,4D,3/2-| D,/2D,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,2^F,D,/2-| D,/2B,,E, V:5 z^F,,2<B,,2A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2^F,,2E,,3/2-| E,,/2B,,,2D,2G,,3/2-| G,,/2D,,2D,,3-D,,/2-| D,,2- D,,/2G,,3B,,/2-| B,,/2D,,4G,,3/2-| G,,/2^F,,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,,2^F,,D,,/2-| D,,/2B,,,2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this recording, a Cello is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Cello" B3| d^c B/2A/2B3| B^c ^FA ^G^F-| ^FE2A3| EE ^F2<G2| BA3/2E/2G3| EG A2<B2| dc A2<B2| GB de3/2d/2^c-| ^c V:2 G ^F^F| ^F2<D2 D^C-| ^CD2^C2^C| D^F ED ^CB,| ^DE B,E DE-| EE3 B,E| G2<G2 AG| ^FA GD DD| AB3/2B/2A2 V:3 E DA,-| A,B,2^G,2A,-| A,A,2A,2^G,-| ^G,D ^CB, A,B,| A,2<G,2 DC-| CB,3 G,B,| ^CD2B, A,G,| A,2<D2 B,D-| DG ^FE2 V:4 E, D,^C,-| ^C,^F,2^G,2^C,-| ^C,B,,2^C, D,E,-| E,A,,3 E,E,| B,,E,4E,-| E,E,2E,2E,-| E,D, D,G, ^F,E,| ^F,G,4G,| ^F,E,2A,2 V:5 B,,,2B,,-| B,,^F,,2B,,3-| B,,A,,2B,,,2^C,,| D,,E,,2A,,3| A,,G,, ^F,,E,,3-| E,,A,,2E,2E,,-| E,,E,2D,3-| D,D,2G,,3-| G,,G,, ^F,,E,,2A,,-| A,,
Can you tell me the tempo of the track?
The speed of this track is 60 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Cello" ^c2| ^c3/2B/2 A3A| dB A3/2B/2 ^F2| E2 D2 a2-| aA G^F B2| ^c3/2e/2 ed ^cB| A3/2G/2 A2 D2| ^FA2<B2d| BA/2G/2 A4| BA/2G/2 V:2 A2| AE ^FG ^FE| ^FG DD D2| ^C2 A,2 d2-| d^F D^D ^FE| G2 ^F2 ^F2| D2 ^F2 A,2| DE DE ^F2| GD DE G^F| D2 V:3 E2| ^C3/2B,/2 A,^C DE| D2 A,2 B,2| G,2 ^F,2 ^F2-| ^FD2C B,2| ^C3/2E/2 ED ^CB,| A,3/2G,/2 A,2 ^F,2| ^F,E, D,2 DB,| G,2 ^F,G, B,A,| B,2 V:4 A,2| G,2 ^F,E, D,^C,| B,,G, ^F,2 G,2| A,2 D,2 z^F,| B,3A, G,2| E,2 B,,2 ^F,2| D,2 A,,2 z2| D,^C, B,,2 D,^F,| D,2 A,,4| D,2 V:5 A,,2| G,,2 ^F,,E,, D,,^C,,| B,,,G,, ^F,,2 G,,2| A,,2 D,,2 z^F,,| B,,3A,, G,,2| E,,2 B,,,2 D,2| G,,2 D,,2 D,,2-| D,,4 D,,2| B,,2 D,,4| G,,2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this recording, a Cello is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Cello" G/2| A^F E2 D2| B,3D ^FA| B2 d2 ^cB/2A/2| B3B ^c^F| A3/2^G/2 ^F2 E2| A3E E^F| G3B A3/2E/2| G3E GA| B2 V:2 D/2-| D3/2D2^C2B,/2-| B,3/2A,2G,B,D/2-| D/2^F^F2^F^GA/2-| A/2^F2<^F2^GA/2-| A/2^FD2^C2B,/2-| B,/2D^FED^CB,/2-| B,/2^D2<E2EE/2-| E3/2E3B,E/2-| E/2GG2 V:3 B,/2-| B,3/2A,2A,G,^F,/2-| ^F,3/2D,3G,A,/2-| A,/2DD2B,2^C/2-| ^C3/2DE^FD^C/2-| ^C3/2A,2A,2A,/2-| A,/2^G,D^CB,A,B,/2-| B,/2A,2<G,2DC/2-| C3/2B,3G,B,/2-| B,/2^CD2 V:4 D,/2-| D,3/2D,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2D,D,/2-| D,3/2B,,2^F,^G,A,/2-| A,3/2B,3B,,A,,/2-| A,,3/2B,,2^C,D,E,/2-| E,3/2A,,3E,E,/2-| E,/2B,,B,,2G,2E,/2-| E,3/2E,2E,2E,/2-| E,3/2D,D, V:5 G,,/2-| G,,3/2^F,,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2G,,^F,,/2-| ^F,,/2D,,B,,,4^F,,/2-| ^F,,3/2B,,3B,,,A,,,/2-| A,,,3/2B,,,2^C,,D,,E,,/2-| E,,3/2A,,,3A,,G,,/2-| G,,/2^F,,E,,4A,,/2-| A,,3/2E,,2E,,2E,,/2-| E,,3/2D,,2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this audio clip, a Cello is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Cello" B2| d2 cA B2-| BG Bd e2-| ed ^c3/2B/2 A2-| AA dB AB| ^F2 E2 D2-| DD ^FA B2-| Bg V:2 G2| B^F G^F AG| DD GA G2| AD EE ^FG| ^FE ^FG D^F| D2 ^C2 A,2-| A,A, DE ^F2| GG V:3 D2| D2 ED D2-| DB, DD ED| ^CB, A,^C D^C| DE D2 A,D| B,2 G,2 ^F,2-| ^F,^F, A,A, D2-| DG V:4 D,B,| A,G, ^F,2<D,2| D,G, ^F,E,2A,-| A,2 G,^F, E,D,| ^C,B,, G,^F,2G,-| G,A,2D,2D,-| D,2 ^C,B,, D,G,-| G, V:5 D,,2| G,,^F,, E,,D,, G,,2-| G,,G,, G,,^F,, E,,2| A,,3G,, ^F,,E,,| D,,^C,, B,,,G,, ^F,,2| G,,2 A,,2 D,,2-| D,,6| B,,2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
This track features a Cello.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" a3AG3/2| ^F/2B3B^ce/2-| e/2ed^cBA3/2| G/2A3D^FA/2-| A/2B3dBA/2| G/2A4BA/2| G/2A^FE2D3/2-| D/2B,3D^FA/2-| A/2 V:2 d3^FD^D/2-| ^D/2DE2DE^A/2-| ^A/2B2^F2DE/2-| E/2D3A,DE/2-| E/2^F3GGE/2-| E/2^F^FEDDD/2-| D/2D2B,3-B,/2-| B,/2G,3B,D^F/2-| ^F/2^FE V:3 ^F3^F,G,C/2-| C/2zB,zA,zG,/2-| G,/2z^F,^CB,A,3/2| G,/2^F,3^F,A,A,/2-| A,/2D3B,A,3/2-| A,/2zA,G,^F,G,B,/2-| B,/2A,2^F,3-^F,/2-| ^F,/2G,3B,A,D/2-| D/2D^C V:4 z^F,2<B,2A,/2-| A,/2G,2^F,2E,3/2-| E,/2B,,2D2G,3/2-| G,/2D,2D,3-D,/2-| D,2- D,/2G,3B,/2-| B,/2D,4D,3/2-| D,/2D,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,2^F,D,/2-| D,/2B,,E, V:5 z^F,,2<B,,2A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2^F,,2E,,3/2-| E,,/2B,,,2D,2G,,3/2-| G,,/2D,,2D,,3-D,,/2-| D,,2- D,,/2G,,3B,,/2-| B,,/2D,,4G,,3/2-| G,,/2^F,,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,,2^F,,D,,/2-| D,,/2B,,,2
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
The music plays at a tempo of 60 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" B3| d^c B/2A/2B3| B^c ^FA ^G^F-| ^FE2A3| EE ^F2<G2| BA3/2E/2G3| EG A2<B2| dc A2<B2| GB de3/2d/2^c-| ^c V:2 G ^F^F| ^F2<D2 D^C-| ^CD2^C2^C| D^F ED ^CB,| ^DE B,E DE-| EE3 B,E| G2<G2 AG| ^FA GD DD| AB3/2B/2A2 V:3 E DA,-| A,B,2^G,2A,-| A,A,2A,2^G,-| ^G,D ^CB, A,B,| A,2<G,2 DC-| CB,3 G,B,| ^CD2B, A,G,| A,2<D2 B,D-| DG ^FE2 V:4 E, D,^C,-| ^C,^F,2^G,2^C,-| ^C,B,,2^C, D,E,-| E,A,,3 E,E,| B,,E,4E,-| E,E,2E,2E,-| E,D, D,G, ^F,E,| ^F,G,4G,| ^F,E,2A,2 V:5 B,,,2B,,-| B,,^F,,2B,,3-| B,,A,,2B,,,2^C,,| D,,E,,2A,,3| A,,G,, ^F,,E,,3-| E,,A,,2E,2E,,-| E,,E,2D,3-| D,D,2G,,3-| G,,G,, ^F,,E,,2A,,-| A,,
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Violin.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" ^c2| ^c3/2B/2 A3A| dB A3/2B/2 ^F2| E2 D2 a2-| aA G^F B2| ^c3/2e/2 ed ^cB| A3/2G/2 A2 D2| ^FA2<B2d| BA/2G/2 A4| BA/2G/2 V:2 A2| AE ^FG ^FE| ^FG DD D2| ^C2 A,2 d2-| d^F D^D ^FE| G2 ^F2 ^F2| D2 ^F2 A,2| DE DE ^F2| GD DE G^F| D2 V:3 E2| ^C3/2B,/2 A,^C DE| D2 A,2 B,2| G,2 ^F,2 ^F2-| ^FD2C B,2| ^C3/2E/2 ED ^CB,| A,3/2G,/2 A,2 ^F,2| ^F,E, D,2 DB,| G,2 ^F,G, B,A,| B,2 V:4 A,2| G,2 ^F,E, D,^C,| B,,G, ^F,2 G,2| A,2 D,2 z^F,| B,3A, G,2| E,2 B,,2 ^F,2| D,2 A,,2 z2| D,^C, B,,2 D,^F,| D,2 A,,4| D,2 V:5 A,,2| G,,2 ^F,,E,, D,,^C,,| B,,,G,, ^F,,2 G,,2| A,,2 D,,2 z^F,,| B,,3A,, G,,2| E,,2 B,,,2 D,2| G,,2 D,,2 D,,2-| D,,4 D,,2| B,,2 D,,4| G,,2
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this audio clip, a Violin is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" G/2| A^F E2 D2| B,3D ^FA| B2 d2 ^cB/2A/2| B3B ^c^F| A3/2^G/2 ^F2 E2| A3E E^F| G3B A3/2E/2| G3E GA| B2 V:2 D/2-| D3/2D2^C2B,/2-| B,3/2A,2G,B,D/2-| D/2^F^F2^F^GA/2-| A/2^F2<^F2^GA/2-| A/2^FD2^C2B,/2-| B,/2D^FED^CB,/2-| B,/2^D2<E2EE/2-| E3/2E3B,E/2-| E/2GG2 V:3 B,/2-| B,3/2A,2A,G,^F,/2-| ^F,3/2D,3G,A,/2-| A,/2DD2B,2^C/2-| ^C3/2DE^FD^C/2-| ^C3/2A,2A,2A,/2-| A,/2^G,D^CB,A,B,/2-| B,/2A,2<G,2DC/2-| C3/2B,3G,B,/2-| B,/2^CD2 V:4 D,/2-| D,3/2D,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2D,D,/2-| D,3/2B,,2^F,^G,A,/2-| A,3/2B,3B,,A,,/2-| A,,3/2B,,2^C,D,E,/2-| E,3/2A,,3E,E,/2-| E,/2B,,B,,2G,2E,/2-| E,3/2E,2E,2E,/2-| E,3/2D,D, V:5 G,,/2-| G,,3/2^F,,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2G,,^F,,/2-| ^F,,/2D,,B,,,4^F,,/2-| ^F,,3/2B,,3B,,,A,,,/2-| A,,,3/2B,,,2^C,,D,,E,,/2-| E,,3/2A,,,3A,,G,,/2-| G,,/2^F,,E,,4A,,/2-| A,,3/2E,,2E,,2E,,/2-| E,,3/2D,,2
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
In this recording, a Violin is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Violin" B2| d2 cA B2-| BG Bd e2-| ed ^c3/2B/2 A2-| AA dB AB| ^F2 E2 D2-| DD ^FA B2-| Bg V:2 G2| B^F G^F AG| DD GA G2| AD EE ^FG| ^FE ^FG D^F| D2 ^C2 A,2-| A,A, DE ^F2| GG V:3 D2| D2 ED D2-| DB, DD ED| ^CB, A,^C D^C| DE D2 A,D| B,2 G,2 ^F,2-| ^F,^F, A,A, D2-| DG V:4 D,B,| A,G, ^F,2<D,2| D,G, ^F,E,2A,-| A,2 G,^F, E,D,| ^C,B,, G,^F,2G,-| G,A,2D,2D,-| D,2 ^C,B,, D,G,-| G, V:5 D,,2| G,,^F,, E,,D,, G,,2-| G,,G,, G,,^F,, E,,2| A,,3G,, ^F,,E,,| D,,^C,, B,,,G,, ^F,,2| G,,2 A,,2 D,,2-| D,,6| B,,2
Can you tell me the tempo of the track?
The music plays at a tempo of 60 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Viola" a3AG3/2| ^F/2B3B^ce/2-| e/2ed^cBA3/2| G/2A3D^FA/2-| A/2B3dBA/2| G/2A4BA/2| G/2A^FE2D3/2-| D/2B,3D^FA/2-| A/2 V:2 d3^FD^D/2-| ^D/2DE2DE^A/2-| ^A/2B2^F2DE/2-| E/2D3A,DE/2-| E/2^F3GGE/2-| E/2^F^FEDDD/2-| D/2D2B,3-B,/2-| B,/2G,3B,D^F/2-| ^F/2^FE V:3 ^F3^F,G,C/2-| C/2zB,zA,zG,/2-| G,/2z^F,^CB,A,3/2| G,/2^F,3^F,A,A,/2-| A,/2D3B,A,3/2-| A,/2zA,G,^F,G,B,/2-| B,/2A,2^F,3-^F,/2-| ^F,/2G,3B,A,D/2-| D/2D^C V:4 z^F,2<B,2A,/2-| A,/2G,2^F,2E,3/2-| E,/2B,,2D2G,3/2-| G,/2D,2D,3-D,/2-| D,2- D,/2G,3B,/2-| B,/2D,4D,3/2-| D,/2D,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,2^F,D,/2-| D,/2B,,E, V:5 z^F,,2<B,,2A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2^F,,2E,,3/2-| E,,/2B,,,2D,2G,,3/2-| G,,/2D,,2D,,3-D,,/2-| D,,2- D,,/2G,,3B,,/2-| B,,/2D,,4G,,3/2-| G,,/2^F,,2B,,3A,,/2-| A,,/2G,,2G,,2^F,,D,,/2-| D,,/2B,,,2
What instrument is playing in this audio clip?
This track features a Viola.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Viola" B3| d^c B/2A/2B3| B^c ^FA ^G^F-| ^FE2A3| EE ^F2<G2| BA3/2E/2G3| EG A2<B2| dc A2<B2| GB de3/2d/2^c-| ^c V:2 G ^F^F| ^F2<D2 D^C-| ^CD2^C2^C| D^F ED ^CB,| ^DE B,E DE-| EE3 B,E| G2<G2 AG| ^FA GD DD| AB3/2B/2A2 V:3 E DA,-| A,B,2^G,2A,-| A,A,2A,2^G,-| ^G,D ^CB, A,B,| A,2<G,2 DC-| CB,3 G,B,| ^CD2B, A,G,| A,2<D2 B,D-| DG ^FE2 V:4 E, D,^C,-| ^C,^F,2^G,2^C,-| ^C,B,,2^C, D,E,-| E,A,,3 E,E,| B,,E,4E,-| E,E,2E,2E,-| E,D, D,G, ^F,E,| ^F,G,4G,| ^F,E,2A,2 V:5 B,,,2B,,-| B,,^F,,2B,,3-| B,,A,,2B,,,2^C,,| D,,E,,2A,,3| A,,G,, ^F,,E,,3-| E,,A,,2E,2E,,-| E,,E,2D,3-| D,D,2G,,3-| G,,G,, ^F,,E,,2A,,-| A,,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
You can hear a Viola playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Viola" ^c2| ^c3/2B/2 A3A| dB A3/2B/2 ^F2| E2 D2 a2-| aA G^F B2| ^c3/2e/2 ed ^cB| A3/2G/2 A2 D2| ^FA2<B2d| BA/2G/2 A4| BA/2G/2 V:2 A2| AE ^FG ^FE| ^FG DD D2| ^C2 A,2 d2-| d^F D^D ^FE| G2 ^F2 ^F2| D2 ^F2 A,2| DE DE ^F2| GD DE G^F| D2 V:3 E2| ^C3/2B,/2 A,^C DE| D2 A,2 B,2| G,2 ^F,2 ^F2-| ^FD2C B,2| ^C3/2E/2 ED ^CB,| A,3/2G,/2 A,2 ^F,2| ^F,E, D,2 DB,| G,2 ^F,G, B,A,| B,2 V:4 A,2| G,2 ^F,E, D,^C,| B,,G, ^F,2 G,2| A,2 D,2 z^F,| B,3A, G,2| E,2 B,,2 ^F,2| D,2 A,,2 z2| D,^C, B,,2 D,^F,| D,2 A,,4| D,2 V:5 A,,2| G,,2 ^F,,E,, D,,^C,,| B,,,G,, ^F,,2 G,,2| A,,2 D,,2 z^F,,| B,,3A,, G,,2| E,,2 B,,,2 D,2| G,,2 D,,2 D,,2-| D,,4 D,,2| B,,2 D,,4| G,,2
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
You can hear a Viola playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Viola" G/2| A^F E2 D2| B,3D ^FA| B2 d2 ^cB/2A/2| B3B ^c^F| A3/2^G/2 ^F2 E2| A3E E^F| G3B A3/2E/2| G3E GA| B2 V:2 D/2-| D3/2D2^C2B,/2-| B,3/2A,2G,B,D/2-| D/2^F^F2^F^GA/2-| A/2^F2<^F2^GA/2-| A/2^FD2^C2B,/2-| B,/2D^FED^CB,/2-| B,/2^D2<E2EE/2-| E3/2E3B,E/2-| E/2GG2 V:3 B,/2-| B,3/2A,2A,G,^F,/2-| ^F,3/2D,3G,A,/2-| A,/2DD2B,2^C/2-| ^C3/2DE^FD^C/2-| ^C3/2A,2A,2A,/2-| A,/2^G,D^CB,A,B,/2-| B,/2A,2<G,2DC/2-| C3/2B,3G,B,/2-| B,/2^CD2 V:4 D,/2-| D,3/2D,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2D,D,/2-| D,3/2B,,2^F,^G,A,/2-| A,3/2B,3B,,A,,/2-| A,,3/2B,,2^C,D,E,/2-| E,3/2A,,3E,E,/2-| E,/2B,,B,,2G,2E,/2-| E,3/2E,2E,2E,/2-| E,3/2D,D, V:5 G,,/2-| G,,3/2^F,,2B,,2-B,,/2-| B,,/2A,,2<G,,2G,,^F,,/2-| ^F,,/2D,,B,,,4^F,,/2-| ^F,,3/2B,,3B,,,A,,,/2-| A,,,3/2B,,,2^C,,D,,E,,/2-| E,,3/2A,,,3A,,G,,/2-| G,,/2^F,,E,,4A,,/2-| A,,3/2E,,2E,,2E,,/2-| E,,3/2D,,2
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
The speed of this track is 60 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 3/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=60 K: none V:1 name="Viola" B2| d2 cA B2-| BG Bd e2-| ed ^c3/2B/2 A2-| AA dB AB| ^F2 E2 D2-| DD ^FA B2-| Bg V:2 G2| B^F G^F AG| DD GA G2| AD EE ^FG| ^FE ^FG D^F| D2 ^C2 A,2-| A,A, DE ^F2| GG V:3 D2| D2 ED D2-| DB, DD ED| ^CB, A,^C D^C| DE D2 A,D| B,2 G,2 ^F,2-| ^F,^F, A,A, D2-| DG V:4 D,B,| A,G, ^F,2<D,2| D,G, ^F,E,2A,-| A,2 G,^F, E,D,| ^C,B,, G,^F,2G,-| G,A,2D,2D,-| D,2 ^C,B,, D,G,-| G, V:5 D,,2| G,,^F,, E,,D,, G,,2-| G,,G,, G,,^F,, E,,2| A,,3G,, ^F,,E,,| D,,^C,, B,,,G,, ^F,,2| G,,2 A,,2 D,,2-| D,,6| B,,2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
This track features a Viola.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" z6z3/2| z/2A,3-A,/2 B,/2C3-C/2| D/2CB,CA,B,3-B,/2| C/2B,A,B,G,A,3-A,/2| ^G,/2E,6-E,3/2| z4 z/2C3-C/2-| C/2C4^A,3-A,/2-| ^A,4- A,/2A,3-A,/2-| A,/2 V:2 zceczcec/2-| c/2zceczeae/2-| e/2zdgdzdgd/2-| d/2zcfczcfc/2-| c/2zB^gBzBgz/2| z/2e3-e/2 f/2g3-g/2| a/2gfgef3-f/2| g/2fefde3-e/2| ^d/2 V:3 A,2z2A,2z3/2| z/2A,2z2F,2z3/2| z/2G,2z2E,2z3/2| z/2F,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2E,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2C,A,E,A,A,,B,,C,E,/2-| E,/2D,A,C,A,G,,A,,^A,,D,/2-| D,/2C,G,^A,,G,F,,2B,,3/2-| B,,/2E,,B,,
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
This track has a tempo of 80 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" ^G,8| A3-A/2B/2 c3-c/2d/2| cB cA B3-B/2c/2| BA BG A3-A/2^G/2| E6- E3/2z/2| c3-c/2d/2 e3-e/2f/2| ed ec d3-d/2e/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| V:2 e6- e3/2z/2| zc ec zc ec| zd gd zd gd| zc fc zc fc| zB ^gB zB gB| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac' c'2 b2| a2 V:3 E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,2| A,2 F,,2 A,2 G,,2| G,2 E,,2 G,2 F,,2| F,2 D,,2 F,2 E,,2| E,2 D,,2 D,2 C,,E,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,F, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D, A,,E,| A,C B,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
This track features a Violin.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" A4- A3/2z2z/2| E3-E/2^F/2 ^G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<^G2^F| E3-E/2^F/2 G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<G2^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| B4- B3/2z/2 (3ABA| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| V:2 ^GB Gz Be Bz| eA ez ^dA dz| ^GB Gz Gd Gz| Ge Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz Ad AE-| E6- E V:3 A,G, F,E,2z2D,-| D,z2C,2z2B,,-| B,,z2E,4B,,-| B,,3C,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3G,,4F,,-| F,,3E,, B,,C, A,,B,,| D,E, C,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
You can hear a Violin playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2zA/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- Ez/2e/2-| e3f/2g3-g/2a/2g/2-| g/2fgef3-f/2g/2f/2-| f/2efde3-e/2^d/2 V:2 E/2-| E6- E3/2E/2-| E6- E3/2A/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- E3/2c'/2-| c'3d'/2e'3-e'/2f'/2e'/2-| e'/2d'e'c'd'3-d'/2e'/2d'/2-| d'/2c'd'^ac'2b2 V:3 D,/2-| D,/2F,G,E,F,D,E,C,A,,/2-| A,,/2C,E,C,F,,E,A,E,G,,/2-| G,,/2D,G,D,E,,D,G,D,F,,/2-| F,,/2C,F,C,D,,C,F,C,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,^G,B,,D,,B,,G,B,,C,/2-| C,/2A,E,A,A,,E,C,E,D,/2-| D,/2A,C,A,G,,D,^A,,D,C,/2-| C,/2G,^A,,G,F,,A,B,,A,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
You can hear a Violin playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" e6- e3/2z/2| A,3-A,/2B,/2 C3-C/2D/2| CB, CA, B,3-B,/2C/2| B,A, B,G, A,3-A,/2^G,/2| E,6- E,3/2z/2| C3-C/2D/2 E3-E/2F/2| ED EC D3-D/2E/2| CB, CA, A,3-A,/2^G,/2| V:2 b8| a3-a/2b/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'b c'a b3-b/2c'/2| ba bg a3-a/2^g/2| e8| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac c2 B2| ^F^G GF F V:3 E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,C,| E,C, F,,E, A,E, G,,D,| G,D, E,,D, G,D, F,,C,| F,C, D,,C, F,C, E,,B,,| ^G,B,, D,,B,, G,B,, C,G,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,D, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
The sound in this audio is produced by a Violin.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" A,4- A,3/2z2z/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| A8-|A3-A/2 V:2 ^FF FE2^D2D-| DD2 V:3 A,,8| F,4 E,2 B,,2|
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
This track features a Violin.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" z6z3/2| z/2A,3-A,/2 B,/2C3-C/2| D/2CB,CA,B,3-B,/2| C/2B,A,B,G,A,3-A,/2| ^G,/2E,6-E,3/2| z4 z/2C3-C/2-| C/2C4^A,3-A,/2-| ^A,4- A,/2A,3-A,/2-| A,/2 V:2 name="Cello" zceczcec/2-| c/2zceczeae/2-| e/2zdgdzdgd/2-| d/2zcfczcfc/2-| c/2zB^gBzBgz/2| z/2e3-e/2 f/2g3-g/2| a/2gfgef3-f/2| g/2fefde3-e/2| ^d/2 V:3 name="Trumpet" A,2z2A,2z3/2| z/2A,2z2F,2z3/2| z/2G,2z2E,2z3/2| z/2F,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2E,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2C,A,E,A,A,,B,,C,E,/2-| E,/2D,A,C,A,G,,A,,^A,,D,/2-| D,/2C,G,^A,,G,F,,2B,,3/2-| B,,/2E,,B,,
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
The music plays at a tempo of 80 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" ^G,8| A3-A/2B/2 c3-c/2d/2| cB cA B3-B/2c/2| BA BG A3-A/2^G/2| E6- E3/2z/2| c3-c/2d/2 e3-e/2f/2| ed ec d3-d/2e/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| V:2 name="Cello" e6- e3/2z/2| zc ec zc ec| zd gd zd gd| zc fc zc fc| zB ^gB zB gB| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac' c'2 b2| a2 V:3 name="Trumpet" E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,2| A,2 F,,2 A,2 G,,2| G,2 E,,2 G,2 F,,2| F,2 D,,2 F,2 E,,2| E,2 D,,2 D,2 C,,E,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,F, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D, A,,E,| A,C B,
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
The instruments heard in this recording are: Violin, Cello, and Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" A4- A3/2z2z/2| E3-E/2^F/2 ^G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<^G2^F| E3-E/2^F/2 G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<G2^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| B4- B3/2z/2 (3ABA| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| V:2 name="Cello" ^GB Gz Be Bz| eA ez ^dA dz| ^GB Gz Gd Gz| Ge Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz Ad AE-| E6- E V:3 name="Trumpet" A,G, F,E,2z2D,-| D,z2C,2z2B,,-| B,,z2E,4B,,-| B,,3C,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3G,,4F,,-| F,,3E,, B,,C, A,,B,,| D,E, C,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
In this audio, you can hear a combination of: Violin, Cello, and Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2zA/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- Ez/2e/2-| e3f/2g3-g/2a/2g/2-| g/2fgef3-f/2g/2f/2-| f/2efde3-e/2^d/2 V:2 name="Cello" E/2-| E6- E3/2E/2-| E6- E3/2A/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- E3/2c'/2-| c'3d'/2e'3-e'/2f'/2e'/2-| e'/2d'e'c'd'3-d'/2e'/2d'/2-| d'/2c'd'^ac'2b2 V:3 name="Trumpet" D,/2-| D,/2F,G,E,F,D,E,C,A,,/2-| A,,/2C,E,C,F,,E,A,E,G,,/2-| G,,/2D,G,D,E,,D,G,D,F,,/2-| F,,/2C,F,C,D,,C,F,C,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,^G,B,,D,,B,,G,B,,C,/2-| C,/2A,E,A,A,,E,C,E,D,/2-| D,/2A,C,A,G,,D,^A,,D,C,/2-| C,/2G,^A,,G,F,,A,B,,A,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,
What beats per minute (BPM) is this audio clip playing at?
The tempo of this audio clip is 80 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" e6- e3/2z/2| A,3-A,/2B,/2 C3-C/2D/2| CB, CA, B,3-B,/2C/2| B,A, B,G, A,3-A,/2^G,/2| E,6- E,3/2z/2| C3-C/2D/2 E3-E/2F/2| ED EC D3-D/2E/2| CB, CA, A,3-A,/2^G,/2| V:2 name="Cello" b8| a3-a/2b/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'b c'a b3-b/2c'/2| ba bg a3-a/2^g/2| e8| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac c2 B2| ^F^G GF F V:3 name="Trumpet" E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,C,| E,C, F,,E, A,E, G,,D,| G,D, E,,D, G,D, F,,C,| F,C, D,,C, F,C, E,,B,,| ^G,B,, D,,B,, G,B,, C,G,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,D, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D,
What instrument is playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, the following instruments are playing: Violin, Cello, and Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Violin" A,4- A,3/2z2z/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| A8-|A3-A/2 V:2 name="Cello" ^FF FE2^D2D-| DD2 V:3 name="Trumpet" A,,8| F,4 E,2 B,,2|
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
In this audio, you can hear a combination of: Violin, Cello, and Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" z6z3/2| z/2A,3-A,/2 B,/2C3-C/2| D/2CB,CA,B,3-B,/2| C/2B,A,B,G,A,3-A,/2| ^G,/2E,6-E,3/2| z4 z/2C3-C/2-| C/2C4^A,3-A,/2-| ^A,4- A,/2A,3-A,/2-| A,/2 V:2 zceczcec/2-| c/2zceczeae/2-| e/2zdgdzdgd/2-| d/2zcfczcfc/2-| c/2zB^gBzBgz/2| z/2e3-e/2 f/2g3-g/2| a/2gfgef3-f/2| g/2fefde3-e/2| ^d/2 V:3 A,2z2A,2z3/2| z/2A,2z2F,2z3/2| z/2G,2z2E,2z3/2| z/2F,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2E,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2C,A,E,A,A,,B,,C,E,/2-| E,/2D,A,C,A,G,,A,,^A,,D,/2-| D,/2C,G,^A,,G,F,,2B,,3/2-| B,,/2E,,B,,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" ^G,8| A3-A/2B/2 c3-c/2d/2| cB cA B3-B/2c/2| BA BG A3-A/2^G/2| E6- E3/2z/2| c3-c/2d/2 e3-e/2f/2| ed ec d3-d/2e/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| V:2 e6- e3/2z/2| zc ec zc ec| zd gd zd gd| zc fc zc fc| zB ^gB zB gB| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac' c'2 b2| a2 V:3 E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,2| A,2 F,,2 A,2 G,,2| G,2 E,,2 G,2 F,,2| F,2 D,,2 F,2 E,,2| E,2 D,,2 D,2 C,,E,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,F, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D, A,,E,| A,C B,
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
The speed of this track is 80 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" A4- A3/2z2z/2| E3-E/2^F/2 ^G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<^G2^F| E3-E/2^F/2 G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<G2^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| B4- B3/2z/2 (3ABA| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| V:2 ^GB Gz Be Bz| eA ez ^dA dz| ^GB Gz Gd Gz| Ge Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz Ad AE-| E6- E V:3 A,G, F,E,2z2D,-| D,z2C,2z2B,,-| B,,z2E,4B,,-| B,,3C,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3G,,4F,,-| F,,3E,, B,,C, A,,B,,| D,E, C,
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
The BPM for this audio is 80.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2zA/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- Ez/2e/2-| e3f/2g3-g/2a/2g/2-| g/2fgef3-f/2g/2f/2-| f/2efde3-e/2^d/2 V:2 E/2-| E6- E3/2E/2-| E6- E3/2A/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- E3/2c'/2-| c'3d'/2e'3-e'/2f'/2e'/2-| e'/2d'e'c'd'3-d'/2e'/2d'/2-| d'/2c'd'^ac'2b2 V:3 D,/2-| D,/2F,G,E,F,D,E,C,A,,/2-| A,,/2C,E,C,F,,E,A,E,G,,/2-| G,,/2D,G,D,E,,D,G,D,F,,/2-| F,,/2C,F,C,D,,C,F,C,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,^G,B,,D,,B,,G,B,,C,/2-| C,/2A,E,A,A,,E,C,E,D,/2-| D,/2A,C,A,G,,D,^A,,D,C,/2-| C,/2G,^A,,G,F,,A,B,,A,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" e6- e3/2z/2| A,3-A,/2B,/2 C3-C/2D/2| CB, CA, B,3-B,/2C/2| B,A, B,G, A,3-A,/2^G,/2| E,6- E,3/2z/2| C3-C/2D/2 E3-E/2F/2| ED EC D3-D/2E/2| CB, CA, A,3-A,/2^G,/2| V:2 b8| a3-a/2b/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'b c'a b3-b/2c'/2| ba bg a3-a/2^g/2| e8| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac c2 B2| ^F^G GF F V:3 E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,C,| E,C, F,,E, A,E, G,,D,| G,D, E,,D, G,D, F,,C,| F,C, D,,C, F,C, E,,B,,| ^G,B,, D,,B,, G,B,, C,G,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,D, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" A,4- A,3/2z2z/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| A8-|A3-A/2 V:2 ^FF FE2^D2D-| DD2 V:3 A,,8| F,4 E,2 B,,2|
What instrument is playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Cello" z6z3/2| z/2A,3-A,/2 B,/2C3-C/2| D/2CB,CA,B,3-B,/2| C/2B,A,B,G,A,3-A,/2| ^G,/2E,6-E,3/2| z4 z/2C3-C/2-| C/2C4^A,3-A,/2-| ^A,4- A,/2A,3-A,/2-| A,/2 V:2 zceczcec/2-| c/2zceczeae/2-| e/2zdgdzdgd/2-| d/2zcfczcfc/2-| c/2zB^gBzBgz/2| z/2e3-e/2 f/2g3-g/2| a/2gfgef3-f/2| g/2fefde3-e/2| ^d/2 V:3 A,2z2A,2z3/2| z/2A,2z2F,2z3/2| z/2G,2z2E,2z3/2| z/2F,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2E,2z2D,2z3/2| z/2C,A,E,A,A,,B,,C,E,/2-| E,/2D,A,C,A,G,,A,,^A,,D,/2-| D,/2C,G,^A,,G,F,,2B,,3/2-| B,,/2E,,B,,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Cello is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Cello" ^G,8| A3-A/2B/2 c3-c/2d/2| cB cA B3-B/2c/2| BA BG A3-A/2^G/2| E6- E3/2z/2| c3-c/2d/2 e3-e/2f/2| ed ec d3-d/2e/2| cB cA A2 ^G2| V:2 e6- e3/2z/2| zc ec zc ec| zd gd zd gd| zc fc zc fc| zB ^gB zB gB| a3-a/2^a/2 c'3-c'/2d'/2| c'^a c'a ^a3-a/2c'/2| a^g ac' c'2 b2| a2 V:3 E,F, D,E, C,B,, A,,2| A,2 F,,2 A,2 G,,2| G,2 E,,2 G,2 F,,2| F,2 D,,2 F,2 E,,2| E,2 D,,2 D,2 C,,E,| C,E, ^A,,G, C,G, A,,G,| C,F, G,,F, ^A,,E, F,,E,| A,,^D, E,,D, E,D, A,,E,| A,C B,
Which instruments are present in this audio?
You can hear a Cello playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Cello" A4- A3/2z2z/2| E3-E/2^F/2 ^G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<^G2^F| E3-E/2^F/2 G2 (3^FGA| BA cB2<G2^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| E2 (3^DE^F G3^F| B4- B3/2z/2 (3ABA| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2| V:2 ^GB Gz Be Bz| eA ez ^dA dz| ^GB Gz Gd Gz| Ge Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz cd cz| Gd Gz Ad AE-| E6- E V:3 A,G, F,E,2z2D,-| D,z2C,2z2B,,-| B,,z2E,4B,,-| B,,3C,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3B,,4D,-| D,3G,,4F,,-| F,,3E,, B,,C, A,,B,,| D,E, C,
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
This track features a Cello.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=80 K: none V:1 name="Cello" z/2| z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 z/2zA/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- Ez/2e/2-| e3f/2g3-g/2a/2g/2-| g/2fgef3-f/2g/2f/2-| f/2efde3-e/2^d/2 V:2 E/2-| E6- E3/2E/2-| E6- E3/2A/2-| A3B/2c3-c/2d/2c/2-| c/2BcAB3-B/2c/2B/2-| B/2ABGA3-A/2^G/2E/2-| E6- E3/2c'/2-| c'3d'/2e'3-e'/2f'/2e'/2-| e'/2d'e'c'd'3-d'/2e'/2d'/2-| d'/2c'd'^ac'2b2 V:3 D,/2-| D,/2F,G,E,F,D,E,C,A,,/2-| A,,/2C,E,C,F,,E,A,E,G,,/2-| G,,/2D,G,D,E,,D,G,D,F,,/2-| F,,/2C,F,C,D,,C,F,C,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,^G,B,,D,,B,,G,B,,C,/2-| C,/2A,E,A,A,,E,C,E,D,/2-| D,/2A,C,A,G,,D,^A,,D,C,/2-| C,/2G,^A,,G,F,,A,B,,A,E,,/2-| E,,/2B,,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Cello is playing.