193 values
12 values
2 values
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this audio clip, a Trombone is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3 V:2 D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3 V:3 G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
The tempo of this audio clip is 96 BPM.
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Trombone.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=100 K: none V:1 name="Clarinet" z4z3/2| z3/2DGGGGG/2A/2B/2| A/2GG/2 A/2BBBBB/2c/2d/2| c/2BB/2 c/2ddddd3/2-| d3/2gdBzgdB/2-| B/2zdde/2 d/2cBA3/2-| A3/2dde/2 d/2cBA3/2| B<A B/2A/2B/2A/2 B/2A/2B/2A/2 B/2A3/2-| A3/2AB/2^c/2d/2 e<c d/2d3/2-| d3/2AAB/2 c/2dBA3/2-| A3/2G/2 B/2A3 V:2 z4z3/2| z4 z3/2B,,B,,3/2-| B,,/2zD,G,G,G,G,G,/2A,/2B,/2| A,/2G,G,/2 A,/2B,B,B,B,B,3/2-| B,3/2DB,G,zDB,G,/2-| G,/2zB,B,C/2 B,/2A,G,^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2B,B,C/2 B,/2A,G,^F,3/2| G,<^F, G,/2^F,/2G,/2^F,/2 G,/2^F,/2G,/2^F,/2 G,/2^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2^F,G,G,/2 ^F,<E, E,/2^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2A,^F,G,/2 A,/2B,G,^F,D,/2-| D,/2D,2^F,A,D, V:3 z4z3/2| z4 z3/2G,,G,,3/2-| G,,/2z4zG,,G,,3/2-| G,,/2z3G,,B,,D,G,D,/2-| D,/2B,,G,,G,D,B,,G,,G,D,/2-| D,/2B,,G,,G,G,,^F,,G,,D,D,/2| E,/2^F,D,G,,G,^F,G,D,3/2| G,,<D, G,,/2D,D,,^F,,A,,D,A,,/2-| A,,/2^F,,D,,G,,E,,A,,A,,D,,3/2-| D,,3/2D,,D,2zG,,D,D,/2| E,/2^F,G,D,D,,/2 E,,/2^F,,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
This track features a Clarinet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Clarinet" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3AAB/2 c/2dB/2-| B/2A3G/2 B/2 V:2 D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3A, ^F,G,/2A,/2| B,G, ^F,D, D,2 V:3 G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2 D,,D,2z| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, G,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this recording, a Clarinet is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Clarinet" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3 V:2 D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3 V:3 G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
You can hear a Clarinet playing in this audio.
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
You can hear a Clarinet playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=100 K: none V:1 name="Clarinet" z4z3/2| z3/2DGGGGG/2A/2B/2| A/2GG/2 A/2BBBBB/2c/2d/2| c/2BB/2 c/2ddddd3/2-| d3/2gdBzgdB/2-| B/2zdde/2 d/2cBA3/2-| A3/2dde/2 d/2cBA3/2| B<A B/2A/2B/2A/2 B/2A/2B/2A/2 B/2A3/2-| A3/2AB/2^c/2d/2 e<c d/2d3/2-| d3/2AAB/2 c/2dBA3/2-| A3/2G/2 B/2A3 V:2 name="Trombone" z4z3/2| z4 z3/2B,,B,,3/2-| B,,/2zD,G,G,G,G,G,/2A,/2B,/2| A,/2G,G,/2 A,/2B,B,B,B,B,3/2-| B,3/2DB,G,zDB,G,/2-| G,/2zB,B,C/2 B,/2A,G,^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2B,B,C/2 B,/2A,G,^F,3/2| G,<^F, G,/2^F,/2G,/2^F,/2 G,/2^F,/2G,/2^F,/2 G,/2^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2^F,G,G,/2 ^F,<E, E,/2^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2A,^F,G,/2 A,/2B,G,^F,D,/2-| D,/2D,2^F,A,D, V:3 name="Tuba" z4z3/2| z4 z3/2G,,G,,3/2-| G,,/2z4zG,,G,,3/2-| G,,/2z3G,,B,,D,G,D,/2-| D,/2B,,G,,G,D,B,,G,,G,D,/2-| D,/2B,,G,,G,G,,^F,,G,,D,D,/2| E,/2^F,D,G,,G,^F,G,D,3/2| G,,<D, G,,/2D,D,,^F,,A,,D,A,,/2-| A,,/2^F,,D,,G,,E,,A,,A,,D,,3/2-| D,,3/2D,,D,2zG,,D,D,/2| E,/2^F,G,D,D,,/2 E,,/2^F,,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, the following instruments are playing: Clarinet, Trombone, and Tuba.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Clarinet" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3AAB/2 c/2dB/2-| B/2A3G/2 B/2 V:2 name="Trombone" D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3A, ^F,G,/2A,/2| B,G, ^F,D, D,2 V:3 name="Tuba" G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2 D,,D,2z| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, G,
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
The BPM for this audio is 96.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Clarinet" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3 V:2 name="Trombone" D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3 V:3 name="Tuba" G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
The instruments heard in this recording are: Clarinet, Trombone, and Tuba.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=100 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" z4z3/2| z3/2DGGGGG/2A/2B/2| A/2GG/2 A/2BBBBB/2c/2d/2| c/2BB/2 c/2ddddd3/2-| d3/2gdBzgdB/2-| B/2zdde/2 d/2cBA3/2-| A3/2dde/2 d/2cBA3/2| B<A B/2A/2B/2A/2 B/2A/2B/2A/2 B/2A3/2-| A3/2AB/2^c/2d/2 e<c d/2d3/2-| d3/2AAB/2 c/2dBA3/2-| A3/2G/2 B/2A3 V:2 z4z3/2| z4 z3/2B,,B,,3/2-| B,,/2zD,G,G,G,G,G,/2A,/2B,/2| A,/2G,G,/2 A,/2B,B,B,B,B,3/2-| B,3/2DB,G,zDB,G,/2-| G,/2zB,B,C/2 B,/2A,G,^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2B,B,C/2 B,/2A,G,^F,3/2| G,<^F, G,/2^F,/2G,/2^F,/2 G,/2^F,/2G,/2^F,/2 G,/2^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2^F,G,G,/2 ^F,<E, E,/2^F,3/2-| ^F,3/2A,^F,G,/2 A,/2B,G,^F,D,/2-| D,/2D,2^F,A,D, V:3 z4z3/2| z4 z3/2G,,G,,3/2-| G,,/2z4zG,,G,,3/2-| G,,/2z3G,,B,,D,G,D,/2-| D,/2B,,G,,G,D,B,,G,,G,D,/2-| D,/2B,,G,,G,G,,^F,,G,,D,D,/2| E,/2^F,D,G,,G,^F,G,D,3/2| G,,<D, G,,/2D,D,,^F,,A,,D,A,,/2-| A,,/2^F,,D,,G,,E,,A,,A,,D,,3/2-| D,,3/2D,,D,2zG,,D,D,/2| E,/2^F,G,D,D,,/2 E,,/2^F,,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Tuba.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3AAB/2 c/2dB/2-| B/2A3G/2 B/2 V:2 D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3A, ^F,G,/2A,/2| B,G, ^F,D, D,2 V:3 G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2 D,,D,2z| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, G,
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this recording, a Tuba is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=96 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" B/2A3G/2| B/2A2zdde/2 ^f/2ge/2-| e/2d3c/2 e/2d3c/2| e/2d3dee3/2d/2c/2| e/2dd3/2c/2B/2 d/2cc3/2B/2A/2| c/2BB3/2A/2G/2 B/2ADDA/2-| A/2BGGA/2 B/2cAAB/2| c/2dBBc/2 d<e c<d| B/2cB/2 A/2dcB3/2 A<A| G/2G3 V:2 D,2 ^F,A,| D,D,/2G,/2 ^F,^F,/2G,/2 A,^F, B,2-| B,C/2A,/2 B,3A,/2C/2 B,2-| B,A,/2C/2 B,3B, CC-| C/2B,/2A,/2C/2 B,B,3/2A,/2G,/2B,/2 A,A,-| A,/2G,/2^F,/2A,/2 G,D,2<G,2^F,/2E,/2| ^F,/2G,/2A,/2^F,/2 D,3G, A,^F,| ^F,G,/2A,/2 B,G, G,A,/2B,<CA,/2| B,3/2G,/2 ^F,G, A,^F, G,E,| ^F,3/2G,/2 G,3 V:3 G,D, D,,/2E,,/2^F,,| G,,D, D,/2E,/2^F, D,G,, G,E,| C,G,, G,E, C,G, G,,E,,| C,,G,, G,,/2A,,/2B,, G,,C, G,,E,,| ^F,,G,, B,,D, G,A,, B,,/2C,/2D,| D,,2<G,,2 B,,D, D,,D,,| ^F,,G,, B,,B,, E,A,, D,D,| C,B,, D,G, G,,C, C,,G,,| B,,A,, G,,^F,, D,,G,, C,D,| D,,2<G,,2
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
This track features a Tuba.
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this recording, a Tuba is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG _E2-| _E3c AF _E2| D_E D2 C_B, z2| z2 _B4- _BG| A_B C4- CE| G_B A4- AF| D V:2 z2 Dz Fz| z4 Cz Fz| z4 _B,z _Ez| z4 _Ez cz| z4 _Bz Dz| z4 Dz Gz| z4 Gz Cz| z4 Cz F V:3 z2 _B,z Dz| z4 F,z Cz| z4 _B,z _B,z| z4 Cz Az| z4 F2 _B,z| z4 _B,z Dz| z4 Cz _B,z| z4 A,z C V:4 z2 F,z _B,z| z4 F,z A,z| z4 F,z _E,z| z4 A,z _Ez| z4 Dz F,z| z4 G,z _B,z| z4 _B,z G,z| z4 F,z A, V:5 _B,,6| _B,,z A,,6| A,,z G,,6| G,,z F,,6| F,,z _B,,6| A,,z G,,6| F,z E,6| E,z F,6| E,
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" C _B,4- _B,D| FA G4- GE| C_B, A,C EF F2-| F3G _Bd z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2F/2z/2 F6| z2 D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG V:2 _B, zA, z4| zC z_B, z4| zC zF zE zD| z_B zC2_B,2z| zC2F2_E2z| zD zF z4| zC zF z4| z_B, z_E V:3 _B, zF, z4| zC zG, z4| zC zC zC z_B,| zG zE4z| z_B,2A,2C2z| z_B, zD z4| zF, zC z4| z_B, z_B, V:4 F, z_B,, z4| zG, zC, z4| z_B, zA, zF, zF,| zD zA,2G,2z| zF,6z| zF, z_B, z4| zF, zA, z4| zF, z_E, V:5 D,6D,| zE,6E,| zF,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6-F,,-| F,,_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" _E4-E| cA F_E2D ED-| DC _B,z4_B-| _B4 GA _BC-| C4 EG _BA-| A4 FD C_B,-| _B,4 DF AG-| G4 EC _B,A,| CE F V:2 _E zc z2| z3_B zD z2| z3D zG z2| z3G zC z2| z3C zF z2| z3_B, zA, z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3C zF z V:3 C zA z2| z3F2_B, z2| z3_B, zD z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3A, zC z2| z3_B, zF, z2| z3C zG, z2| z3C zC z V:4 A, z_E z2| z3D zF, z2| z3G, z_B, z2| z3_B, zG, z2| z3F, zA, z2| z3F, z_B,, z2| z3G, zC, z2| z3_B, zA, z V:5 G,, zF,,3-| F,,3F,, z_B,,3-| _B,,3A,, zG,,3-| G,,3F, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,3-| F,3E, zD,3-| D,3D, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,,3-| F,,3
What beats per minute (BPM) is this audio clip playing at?
The BPM for this audio is 76.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" F4-F G_B| dz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 F/2z/2F3-| F3z4_A| zF z4 zD| zF z4 zF| zG, z6| z_e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF V:2 E zD z_B zC-| C_B,2z2C2F-| Fz4c z_A| z4 zF z_A| z4 z_A zD| z3_E2D CC-| C4- CG zC-| C4- Cc zD| V:3 C z_B, zG zE-| E3z2_B,2A,-| A,z2_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2_E,2D, C,G,-| G,4- G,_E zG,-| G,4- G,F zC| V:4 F, zF, zD zA,-| A,G,2z2F,3-| F,3_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2z2G, z_E,-| _E,4- _E,C z_E,-| _E,4- _E,D z_A,| V:5 F,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| zC,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
In this recording, a Trumpet is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" _ED Bc| (3d/2c/2B/2c3/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc-| c4- cz3| z_e zF z4| zF z_B z4| z_B zc2d z2| z4 CD _EA,/2G,/2| z/2 (3A,_B,_A, (3_B,C_B, (3CDCD/2_E/2D/2| z/2_E/2 V:2 Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 G2 z4| _B,z A,z G,z F,z| Gz V:3 B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 _E2 z4| _E,z _E,z _E,z _E,z| Cz V:4 F,z G,z| _A,z G,2 G,2 z2| Cz _Ez4z| Gz Cz4z| Dz Dz4z| _B,z _E2 Fz3| G,2 _B,2 z4| _B,,z C,z D,z C,z| _E,z V:5 _A,,4-| _A,,2 _A,,z G,,z F,,z| C,z B,,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z A,,4-| A,,2 F,,z _B,,4-| _B,,2 _A,,z G,,4-| G,,2 _B,,z _E,4-| _E,2 D,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
The tempo of this audio clip is 76 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" c3 D_E CD| F_B GF _EA _BD-| DC2z4D-| D4 _EF GC-| C4 D_E F_B,-| _B,_B G_E4-_E| cA F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A, V:2 F z_E zD z_B| z_B z_B, z3_B,| zA, z4 zD| zF z4 zC| zF z4 z_B,| z_E z4 z_E| zc z4 zd| z_A z4 zG| z V:3 C zC z_B, zF| z_E zG, z3F,| zF, z4 z_B,| zD z4 zF,| zC z4 z_B,| z_B, z4 zC| zA z4 z_B| zF z4 z_E| z V:4 F, zA, zF, z_B,| z_B, z_B,, z3C| zC z4 zF,| z_B, z4 zF,| zA, z4 zF,| z_E, z4 zA,| z_E z4 zF,| zD, z4 z_B,,| z V:5 A,,6F,,| z_B,, zD, zG, z_E,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6G,,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
Can you tell me the tempo of the track?
The tempo of this audio clip is 76 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" G,4-G, A,_A,| _B,_B, A,_B, G,2<_A,2| _B,_B4-_B DG| EF _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2-| [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,6z| z3_A zF z2| z3D zF z2| z3F zG, V:2 c z4 z_B-| _BA4z2_B,| zF zE zF z_B| zF4z2F| z_B z4 zc| z_A z4 zF| z_A z4 z_A| zD z3_E2D| V:3 G z4 zC-| CD2_E2z2_B,| z_B, z_B, z_B, zG,| z_E,2F,2z2D| zF z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2_E,2D,| V:4 C, z4 z_B,-| _B,F,4z2D,| zF, zG, zF, zG,| z_B,,2A,,2z2_B,,| zD, z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2z2G,| V:5 _E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| z
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
The BPM for this audio is 76.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" _e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF _ED Bc (3d/2c/2_B/2c-| c/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc3-| c3z4_e| zF z4 zF| z_B z4 z_B| zc2d V:2 C C6| Gz C6| cz Dz Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| V:3 C, G,6| _Ez G,6| Fz Cz B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| V:4 _E,6C| z_E,6D| z_A, zF, zG, z_A,| zG,2G,2z2C| z_E z4 zG| zC z4 zD| zD z4 z_B,| z_E2F z3 V:5 C,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z_A,,6_A,,| zG,, zF,, zC, zB,,| zC,6_B,,| zA,,6F,,| z_B,,6_A,,| zG,,6_B,,| z
What instrument is playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" CD_E (3A,G,A, (3_B,A,_B,C/2| (3_B,CD (3CD_E D/2z/2_E/2c2-c/2-| c/2D_ECDF_BGF/2-| F/2_EA_BD2C2z/2| z3z/2D4-D/2-| D/2_EFGC4-C/2-| C/2D_EF_B,2_BG_E/2-| _E4- _E/2c V:2 G2G2z3z/2| z/2_B,zA,zG,zF,z/2| z/2GzFz_EzDz/2| z/2_Bz_Bz_B,z2z/2| z/2_B,zA,z4z/2| z/2DzFz4z/2| z/2CzFz4z/2| z/2_B,z_Ez4z/2| z/2 V:3 G2_E2z3z/2| z/2_E,z_E,z_E,z_E,z/2| z/2CzCzCz_B,z/2| z/2Fz_EzG,z2z/2| z/2F,zF,z4z/2| z/2_B,zDz4z/2| z/2F,zCz4z/2| z/2_B,z_B,z4z/2| z/2 V:4 G,2_B,2z3z/2| z/2_B,,zC,zD,zC,z/2| z/2_E,zF,zA,zF,z/2| z/2_B,z_B,z_B,,z2z/2| z/2CzCz4z/2| z/2F,z_B,z4z/2| z/2F,zA,z4z/2| z/2F,z_E,z4z/2| z/2 V:5 _E,6D,z/2| z/2C,6_B,,z/2| z/2A,,6F,,z/2| z/2_B,,zD,zG,z_E,z/2| z/2F,,6F,,z/2| z/2_B,,6_B,,z/2| z/2A,,6A,,z/2| z/2G,,6G,,z/2| z/2
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
This track features a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" A F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A,G,-| G,4 A,A, _B,_B,| A,_B, G,2<A,2 _B,_B-| _B4 DG EF| _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2- [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,-|_B,6- _B, V:2 _E zc z4| zd z_A z4| zG zc z4| z_B2A4z| z_B,2F2E2F-| F_B2F4z| zF z_B4 V:3 C zA z4| z_B zF z4| z_E zG z4| zC2D2_E2z| zF,2_B,2_B,2_B,-| _B,G,2_E,2F,2z| zF,6 V:4 A, z_E z4| zF, zD, z4| z_B,, zC, z4| z_B,2F,4z| zD,2F,2G,2F,-| F,G,2_B,,2A,,2z| z_B,, zD,4 V:5 F,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z_E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,4_B,,3-|_B,,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG _E2-| _E3c AF _E2| D_E D2 C_B, z2| z2 _B4- _BG| A_B C4- CE| G_B A4- AF| D V:2 z2 Dz Fz| z4 Cz Fz| z4 _B,z _Ez| z4 _Ez cz| z4 _Bz Dz| z4 Dz Gz| z4 Gz Cz| z4 Cz F V:3 z2 _B,z Dz| z4 F,z Cz| z4 _B,z _B,z| z4 Cz Az| z4 F2 _B,z| z4 _B,z Dz| z4 Cz _B,z| z4 A,z C V:4 z2 F,z _B,z| z4 F,z A,z| z4 F,z _E,z| z4 A,z _Ez| z4 Dz F,z| z4 G,z _B,z| z4 _B,z G,z| z4 F,z A, V:5 _B,,6| _B,,z A,,6| A,,z G,,6| G,,z F,,6| F,,z _B,,6| A,,z G,,6| F,z E,6| E,z F,6| E,
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
This track features a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" C _B,4- _B,D| FA G4- GE| C_B, A,C EF F2-| F3G _Bd z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2F/2z/2 F6| z2 D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG V:2 _B, zA, z4| zC z_B, z4| zC zF zE zD| z_B zC2_B,2z| zC2F2_E2z| zD zF z4| zC zF z4| z_B, z_E V:3 _B, zF, z4| zC zG, z4| zC zC zC z_B,| zG zE4z| z_B,2A,2C2z| z_B, zD z4| zF, zC z4| z_B, z_B, V:4 F, z_B,, z4| zG, zC, z4| z_B, zA, zF, zF,| zD zA,2G,2z| zF,6z| zF, z_B, z4| zF, zA, z4| zF, z_E, V:5 D,6D,| zE,6E,| zF,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6-F,,-| F,,_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this recording, a Trumpet is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" _E4-E| cA F_E2D ED-| DC _B,z4_B-| _B4 GA _BC-| C4 EG _BA-| A4 FD C_B,-| _B,4 DF AG-| G4 EC _B,A,| CE F V:2 _E zc z2| z3_B zD z2| z3D zG z2| z3G zC z2| z3C zF z2| z3_B, zA, z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3C zF z V:3 C zA z2| z3F2_B, z2| z3_B, zD z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3A, zC z2| z3_B, zF, z2| z3C zG, z2| z3C zC z V:4 A, z_E z2| z3D zF, z2| z3G, z_B, z2| z3_B, zG, z2| z3F, zA, z2| z3F, z_B,, z2| z3G, zC, z2| z3_B, zA, z V:5 G,, zF,,3-| F,,3F,, z_B,,3-| _B,,3A,, zG,,3-| G,,3F, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,3-| F,3E, zD,3-| D,3D, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,,3-| F,,3
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this recording, a Trumpet is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" F4-F G_B| dz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 F/2z/2F3-| F3z4_A| zF z4 zD| zF z4 zF| zG, z6| z_e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF V:2 E zD z_B zC-| C_B,2z2C2F-| Fz4c z_A| z4 zF z_A| z4 z_A zD| z3_E2D CC-| C4- CG zC-| C4- Cc zD| V:3 C z_B, zG zE-| E3z2_B,2A,-| A,z2_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2_E,2D, C,G,-| G,4- G,_E zG,-| G,4- G,F zC| V:4 F, zF, zD zA,-| A,G,2z2F,3-| F,3_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2z2G, z_E,-| _E,4- _E,C z_E,-| _E,4- _E,D z_A,| V:5 F,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| zC,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" _ED Bc| (3d/2c/2B/2c3/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc-| c4- cz3| z_e zF z4| zF z_B z4| z_B zc2d z2| z4 CD _EA,/2G,/2| z/2 (3A,_B,_A, (3_B,C_B, (3CDCD/2_E/2D/2| z/2_E/2 V:2 Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 G2 z4| _B,z A,z G,z F,z| Gz V:3 B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 _E2 z4| _E,z _E,z _E,z _E,z| Cz V:4 F,z G,z| _A,z G,2 G,2 z2| Cz _Ez4z| Gz Cz4z| Dz Dz4z| _B,z _E2 Fz3| G,2 _B,2 z4| _B,,z C,z D,z C,z| _E,z V:5 _A,,4-| _A,,2 _A,,z G,,z F,,z| C,z B,,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z A,,4-| A,,2 F,,z _B,,4-| _B,,2 _A,,z G,,4-| G,,2 _B,,z _E,4-| _E,2 D,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
In this audio clip, a Trumpet is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" c3 D_E CD| F_B GF _EA _BD-| DC2z4D-| D4 _EF GC-| C4 D_E F_B,-| _B,_B G_E4-_E| cA F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A, V:2 F z_E zD z_B| z_B z_B, z3_B,| zA, z4 zD| zF z4 zC| zF z4 z_B,| z_E z4 z_E| zc z4 zd| z_A z4 zG| z V:3 C zC z_B, zF| z_E zG, z3F,| zF, z4 z_B,| zD z4 zF,| zC z4 z_B,| z_B, z4 zC| zA z4 z_B| zF z4 z_E| z V:4 F, zA, zF, z_B,| z_B, z_B,, z3C| zC z4 zF,| z_B, z4 zF,| zA, z4 zF,| z_E, z4 zA,| z_E z4 zF,| zD, z4 z_B,,| z V:5 A,,6F,,| z_B,, zD, zG, z_E,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6G,,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
What beats per minute (BPM) is this audio clip playing at?
This track has a tempo of 76 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" G,4-G, A,_A,| _B,_B, A,_B, G,2<_A,2| _B,_B4-_B DG| EF _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2-| [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,6z| z3_A zF z2| z3D zF z2| z3F zG, V:2 c z4 z_B-| _BA4z2_B,| zF zE zF z_B| zF4z2F| z_B z4 zc| z_A z4 zF| z_A z4 z_A| zD z3_E2D| V:3 G z4 zC-| CD2_E2z2_B,| z_B, z_B, z_B, zG,| z_E,2F,2z2D| zF z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2_E,2D,| V:4 C, z4 z_B,-| _B,F,4z2D,| zF, zG, zF, zG,| z_B,,2A,,2z2_B,,| zD, z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2z2G,| V:5 _E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| z
List the instruments that are featured in this recording.
In this recording, a Trumpet is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" _e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF _ED Bc (3d/2c/2_B/2c-| c/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc3-| c3z4_e| zF z4 zF| z_B z4 z_B| zc2d V:2 C C6| Gz C6| cz Dz Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| V:3 C, G,6| _Ez G,6| Fz Cz B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| V:4 _E,6C| z_E,6D| z_A, zF, zG, z_A,| zG,2G,2z2C| z_E z4 zG| zC z4 zD| zD z4 z_B,| z_E2F z3 V:5 C,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z_A,,6_A,,| zG,, zF,, zC, zB,,| zC,6_B,,| zA,,6F,,| z_B,,6_A,,| zG,,6_B,,| z
Which instruments are present in this audio?
This track features a Trumpet.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" CD_E (3A,G,A, (3_B,A,_B,C/2| (3_B,CD (3CD_E D/2z/2_E/2c2-c/2-| c/2D_ECDF_BGF/2-| F/2_EA_BD2C2z/2| z3z/2D4-D/2-| D/2_EFGC4-C/2-| C/2D_EF_B,2_BG_E/2-| _E4- _E/2c V:2 G2G2z3z/2| z/2_B,zA,zG,zF,z/2| z/2GzFz_EzDz/2| z/2_Bz_Bz_B,z2z/2| z/2_B,zA,z4z/2| z/2DzFz4z/2| z/2CzFz4z/2| z/2_B,z_Ez4z/2| z/2 V:3 G2_E2z3z/2| z/2_E,z_E,z_E,z_E,z/2| z/2CzCzCz_B,z/2| z/2Fz_EzG,z2z/2| z/2F,zF,z4z/2| z/2_B,zDz4z/2| z/2F,zCz4z/2| z/2_B,z_B,z4z/2| z/2 V:4 G,2_B,2z3z/2| z/2_B,,zC,zD,zC,z/2| z/2_E,zF,zA,zF,z/2| z/2_B,z_B,z_B,,z2z/2| z/2CzCz4z/2| z/2F,z_B,z4z/2| z/2F,zA,z4z/2| z/2F,z_E,z4z/2| z/2 V:5 _E,6D,z/2| z/2C,6_B,,z/2| z/2A,,6F,,z/2| z/2_B,,zD,zG,z_E,z/2| z/2F,,6F,,z/2| z/2_B,,6_B,,z/2| z/2A,,6A,,z/2| z/2G,,6G,,z/2| z/2
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
You can hear a Trumpet playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trumpet" A F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A,G,-| G,4 A,A, _B,_B,| A,_B, G,2<A,2 _B,_B-| _B4 DG EF| _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2- [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,-|_B,6- _B, V:2 _E zc z4| zd z_A z4| zG zc z4| z_B2A4z| z_B,2F2E2F-| F_B2F4z| zF z_B4 V:3 C zA z4| z_B zF z4| z_E zG z4| zC2D2_E2z| zF,2_B,2_B,2_B,-| _B,G,2_E,2F,2z| zF,6 V:4 A, z_E z4| zF, zD, z4| z_B,, zC, z4| z_B,2F,4z| zD,2F,2G,2F,-| F,G,2_B,,2A,,2z| z_B,, zD,4 V:5 F,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z_E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,4_B,,3-|_B,,
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
You can hear a Trumpet playing in this audio.
Which instruments are present in this audio?
You can hear a Trumpet playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG _E2-| _E3c AF _E2| D_E D2 C_B, z2| z2 _B4- _BG| A_B C4- CE| G_B A4- AF| D V:2 z2 Dz Fz| z4 Cz Fz| z4 _B,z _Ez| z4 _Ez cz| z4 _Bz Dz| z4 Dz Gz| z4 Gz Cz| z4 Cz F V:3 z2 _B,z Dz| z4 F,z Cz| z4 _B,z _B,z| z4 Cz Az| z4 F2 _B,z| z4 _B,z Dz| z4 Cz _B,z| z4 A,z C V:4 z2 F,z _B,z| z4 F,z A,z| z4 F,z _E,z| z4 A,z _Ez| z4 Dz F,z| z4 G,z _B,z| z4 _B,z G,z| z4 F,z A, V:5 _B,,6| _B,,z A,,6| A,,z G,,6| G,,z F,,6| F,,z _B,,6| A,,z G,,6| F,z E,6| E,z F,6| E,
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
The speed of this track is 76 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" C _B,4- _B,D| FA G4- GE| C_B, A,C EF F2-| F3G _Bd z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2F/2z/2 F6| z2 D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG V:2 _B, zA, z4| zC z_B, z4| zC zF zE zD| z_B zC2_B,2z| zC2F2_E2z| zD zF z4| zC zF z4| z_B, z_E V:3 _B, zF, z4| zC zG, z4| zC zC zC z_B,| zG zE4z| z_B,2A,2C2z| z_B, zD z4| zF, zC z4| z_B, z_B, V:4 F, z_B,, z4| zG, zC, z4| z_B, zA, zF, zF,| zD zA,2G,2z| zF,6z| zF, z_B, z4| zF, zA, z4| zF, z_E, V:5 D,6D,| zE,6E,| zF,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6-F,,-| F,,_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Trombone is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" _E4-E| cA F_E2D ED-| DC _B,z4_B-| _B4 GA _BC-| C4 EG _BA-| A4 FD C_B,-| _B,4 DF AG-| G4 EC _B,A,| CE F V:2 _E zc z2| z3_B zD z2| z3D zG z2| z3G zC z2| z3C zF z2| z3_B, zA, z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3C zF z V:3 C zA z2| z3F2_B, z2| z3_B, zD z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3A, zC z2| z3_B, zF, z2| z3C zG, z2| z3C zC z V:4 A, z_E z2| z3D zF, z2| z3G, z_B, z2| z3_B, zG, z2| z3F, zA, z2| z3F, z_B,, z2| z3G, zC, z2| z3_B, zA, z V:5 G,, zF,,3-| F,,3F,, z_B,,3-| _B,,3A,, zG,,3-| G,,3F, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,3-| F,3E, zD,3-| D,3D, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,,3-| F,,3
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this recording, a Trombone is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" F4-F G_B| dz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 F/2z/2F3-| F3z4_A| zF z4 zD| zF z4 zF| zG, z6| z_e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF V:2 E zD z_B zC-| C_B,2z2C2F-| Fz4c z_A| z4 zF z_A| z4 z_A zD| z3_E2D CC-| C4- CG zC-| C4- Cc zD| V:3 C z_B, zG zE-| E3z2_B,2A,-| A,z2_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2_E,2D, C,G,-| G,4- G,_E zG,-| G,4- G,F zC| V:4 F, zF, zD zA,-| A,G,2z2F,3-| F,3_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2z2G, z_E,-| _E,4- _E,C z_E,-| _E,4- _E,D z_A,| V:5 F,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| zC,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
Which instruments are present in this audio?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Trombone.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" _ED Bc| (3d/2c/2B/2c3/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc-| c4- cz3| z_e zF z4| zF z_B z4| z_B zc2d z2| z4 CD _EA,/2G,/2| z/2 (3A,_B,_A, (3_B,C_B, (3CDCD/2_E/2D/2| z/2_E/2 V:2 Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 G2 z4| _B,z A,z G,z F,z| Gz V:3 B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 _E2 z4| _E,z _E,z _E,z _E,z| Cz V:4 F,z G,z| _A,z G,2 G,2 z2| Cz _Ez4z| Gz Cz4z| Dz Dz4z| _B,z _E2 Fz3| G,2 _B,2 z4| _B,,z C,z D,z C,z| _E,z V:5 _A,,4-| _A,,2 _A,,z G,,z F,,z| C,z B,,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z A,,4-| A,,2 F,,z _B,,4-| _B,,2 _A,,z G,,4-| G,,2 _B,,z _E,4-| _E,2 D,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this audio clip, a Trombone is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" c3 D_E CD| F_B GF _EA _BD-| DC2z4D-| D4 _EF GC-| C4 D_E F_B,-| _B,_B G_E4-_E| cA F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A, V:2 F z_E zD z_B| z_B z_B, z3_B,| zA, z4 zD| zF z4 zC| zF z4 z_B,| z_E z4 z_E| zc z4 zd| z_A z4 zG| z V:3 C zC z_B, zF| z_E zG, z3F,| zF, z4 z_B,| zD z4 zF,| zC z4 z_B,| z_B, z4 zC| zA z4 z_B| zF z4 z_E| z V:4 F, zA, zF, z_B,| z_B, z_B,, z3C| zC z4 zF,| z_B, z4 zF,| zA, z4 zF,| z_E, z4 zA,| z_E z4 zF,| zD, z4 z_B,,| z V:5 A,,6F,,| z_B,, zD, zG, z_E,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6G,,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this audio clip, a Trombone is playing.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" G,4-G, A,_A,| _B,_B, A,_B, G,2<_A,2| _B,_B4-_B DG| EF _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2-| [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,6z| z3_A zF z2| z3D zF z2| z3F zG, V:2 c z4 z_B-| _BA4z2_B,| zF zE zF z_B| zF4z2F| z_B z4 zc| z_A z4 zF| z_A z4 z_A| zD z3_E2D| V:3 G z4 zC-| CD2_E2z2_B,| z_B, z_B, z_B, zG,| z_E,2F,2z2D| zF z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2_E,2D,| V:4 C, z4 z_B,-| _B,F,4z2D,| zF, zG, zF, zG,| z_B,,2A,,2z2_B,,| zD, z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2z2G,| V:5 _E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| z
What is the tempo of this audio clip?
This track has a tempo of 76 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" _e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF _ED Bc (3d/2c/2_B/2c-| c/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc3-| c3z4_e| zF z4 zF| z_B z4 z_B| zc2d V:2 C C6| Gz C6| cz Dz Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| V:3 C, G,6| _Ez G,6| Fz Cz B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| V:4 _E,6C| z_E,6D| z_A, zF, zG, z_A,| zG,2G,2z2C| z_E z4 zG| zC z4 zD| zD z4 z_B,| z_E2F z3 V:5 C,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z_A,,6_A,,| zG,, zF,, zC, zB,,| zC,6_B,,| zA,,6F,,| z_B,,6_A,,| zG,,6_B,,| z
What instruments are playing in this audio clip?
In this recording, a Trombone is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" CD_E (3A,G,A, (3_B,A,_B,C/2| (3_B,CD (3CD_E D/2z/2_E/2c2-c/2-| c/2D_ECDF_BGF/2-| F/2_EA_BD2C2z/2| z3z/2D4-D/2-| D/2_EFGC4-C/2-| C/2D_EF_B,2_BG_E/2-| _E4- _E/2c V:2 G2G2z3z/2| z/2_B,zA,zG,zF,z/2| z/2GzFz_EzDz/2| z/2_Bz_Bz_B,z2z/2| z/2_B,zA,z4z/2| z/2DzFz4z/2| z/2CzFz4z/2| z/2_B,z_Ez4z/2| z/2 V:3 G2_E2z3z/2| z/2_E,z_E,z_E,z_E,z/2| z/2CzCzCz_B,z/2| z/2Fz_EzG,z2z/2| z/2F,zF,z4z/2| z/2_B,zDz4z/2| z/2F,zCz4z/2| z/2_B,z_B,z4z/2| z/2 V:4 G,2_B,2z3z/2| z/2_B,,zC,zD,zC,z/2| z/2_E,zF,zA,zF,z/2| z/2_B,z_B,z_B,,z2z/2| z/2CzCz4z/2| z/2F,z_B,z4z/2| z/2F,zA,z4z/2| z/2F,z_E,z4z/2| z/2 V:5 _E,6D,z/2| z/2C,6_B,,z/2| z/2A,,6F,,z/2| z/2_B,,zD,zG,z_E,z/2| z/2F,,6F,,z/2| z/2_B,,6_B,,z/2| z/2A,,6A,,z/2| z/2G,,6G,,z/2| z/2
Can you tell me the tempo of the track?
The music plays at a tempo of 76 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Trombone" A F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A,G,-| G,4 A,A, _B,_B,| A,_B, G,2<A,2 _B,_B-| _B4 DG EF| _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2- [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,-|_B,6- _B, V:2 _E zc z4| zd z_A z4| zG zc z4| z_B2A4z| z_B,2F2E2F-| F_B2F4z| zF z_B4 V:3 C zA z4| z_B zF z4| z_E zG z4| zC2D2_E2z| zF,2_B,2_B,2_B,-| _B,G,2_E,2F,2z| zF,6 V:4 A, z_E z4| zF, zD, z4| z_B,, zC, z4| z_B,2F,4z| zD,2F,2G,2F,-| F,G,2_B,,2A,,2z| z_B,, zD,4 V:5 F,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z_E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,4_B,,3-|_B,,
Which instruments are present in this audio?
In this audio clip, a Trombone is playing.
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
In this recording, a Trombone is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG _E2-| _E3c AF _E2| D_E D2 C_B, z2| z2 _B4- _BG| A_B C4- CE| G_B A4- AF| D V:2 z2 Dz Fz| z4 Cz Fz| z4 _B,z _Ez| z4 _Ez cz| z4 _Bz Dz| z4 Dz Gz| z4 Gz Cz| z4 Cz F V:3 z2 _B,z Dz| z4 F,z Cz| z4 _B,z _B,z| z4 Cz Az| z4 F2 _B,z| z4 _B,z Dz| z4 Cz _B,z| z4 A,z C V:4 z2 F,z _B,z| z4 F,z A,z| z4 F,z _E,z| z4 A,z _Ez| z4 Dz F,z| z4 G,z _B,z| z4 _B,z G,z| z4 F,z A, V:5 _B,,6| _B,,z A,,6| A,,z G,,6| G,,z F,,6| F,,z _B,,6| A,,z G,,6| F,z E,6| E,z F,6| E,
Can you name the instruments playing in this track?
The sound in this audio is produced by a Tuba.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" C _B,4- _B,D| FA G4- GE| C_B, A,C EF F2-| F3G _Bd z/2z/2z/2z/2| z/2z/2F/2z/2 F6| z2 D4- D_E| FG C4- CD| _EF _B,2 _BG V:2 _B, zA, z4| zC z_B, z4| zC zF zE zD| z_B zC2_B,2z| zC2F2_E2z| zD zF z4| zC zF z4| z_B, z_E V:3 _B, zF, z4| zC zG, z4| zC zC zC z_B,| zG zE4z| z_B,2A,2C2z| z_B, zD z4| zF, zC z4| z_B, z_B, V:4 F, z_B,, z4| zG, zC, z4| z_B, zA, zF, zF,| zD zA,2G,2z| zF,6z| zF, z_B, z4| zF, zA, z4| zF, z_E, V:5 D,6D,| zE,6E,| zF,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6-F,,-| F,,_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6
Which instruments are present in this audio?
This track features a Tuba.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" _E4-E| cA F_E2D ED-| DC _B,z4_B-| _B4 GA _BC-| C4 EG _BA-| A4 FD C_B,-| _B,4 DF AG-| G4 EC _B,A,| CE F V:2 _E zc z2| z3_B zD z2| z3D zG z2| z3G zC z2| z3C zF z2| z3_B, zA, z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3C zF z V:3 C zA z2| z3F2_B, z2| z3_B, zD z2| z3C z_B, z2| z3A, zC z2| z3_B, zF, z2| z3C zG, z2| z3C zC z V:4 A, z_E z2| z3D zF, z2| z3G, z_B, z2| z3_B, zG, z2| z3F, zA, z2| z3F, z_B,, z2| z3G, zC, z2| z3_B, zA, z V:5 G,, zF,,3-| F,,3F,, z_B,,3-| _B,,3A,, zG,,3-| G,,3F, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,3-| F,3E, zD,3-| D,3D, zE,3-| E,3E, zF,,3-| F,,3
Can you tell me the tempo of the track?
The music plays at a tempo of 76 BPM.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" F4-F G_B| dz/2z/2 z/2z/2z/2z/2 F/2z/2F3-| F3z4_A| zF z4 zD| zF z4 zF| zG, z6| z_e4-_e dc| d/2B/2c4-c _B_A| GF V:2 E zD z_B zC-| C_B,2z2C2F-| Fz4c z_A| z4 zF z_A| z4 z_A zD| z3_E2D CC-| C4- CG zC-| C4- Cc zD| V:3 C z_B, zG zE-| E3z2_B,2A,-| A,z2_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2_E,2D, C,G,-| G,4- G,_E zG,-| G,4- G,F zC| V:4 F, zF, zD zA,-| A,G,2z2F,3-| F,3_A,4-_A,| F,D, C,B,,4-_B,,| C,D, _E,F, G,_A, B,D-| DF,2z2G, z_E,-| _E,4- _E,C z_E,-| _E,4- _E,D z_A,| V:5 F,,6A,,| z_B,, zG,, zC, zC,| zF,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| zC,6C,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
Which instruments are present in this audio?
You can hear a Tuba playing in this audio.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" _ED Bc| (3d/2c/2B/2c3/2d/2>d/2d2-d/2 cc-| c4- cz3| z_e zF z4| zF z_B z4| z_B zc2d z2| z4 CD _EA,/2G,/2| z/2 (3A,_B,_A, (3_B,C_B, (3CDCD/2_E/2D/2| z/2_E/2 V:2 Fz _Ez| Dz G4 z2| Gz cz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 G2 z4| _B,z A,z G,z F,z| Gz V:3 B,z Cz| Dz D,2 F,2 z2| _Ez Gz3 _E2-| _E3D C_E D2-| D3_B, CD _EF| G_A _B_A/2G/2 _A2 _A2| G2 _E2 z4| _E,z _E,z _E,z _E,z| Cz V:4 F,z G,z| _A,z G,2 G,2 z2| Cz _Ez4z| Gz Cz4z| Dz Dz4z| _B,z _E2 Fz3| G,2 _B,2 z4| _B,,z C,z D,z C,z| _E,z V:5 _A,,4-| _A,,2 _A,,z G,,z F,,z| C,z B,,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z A,,4-| A,,2 F,,z _B,,4-| _B,,2 _A,,z G,,4-| G,,2 _B,,z _E,4-| _E,2 D,z C,4-| C,2 _B,,z
Identify the tempo in this audio track.
This track has a tempo of 76 beats per minute.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" c3 D_E CD| F_B GF _EA _BD-| DC2z4D-| D4 _EF GC-| C4 D_E F_B,-| _B,_B G_E4-_E| cA F_E2D _ED| FD _B,_A,2G, A, V:2 F z_E zD z_B| z_B z_B, z3_B,| zA, z4 zD| zF z4 zC| zF z4 z_B,| z_E z4 z_E| zc z4 zd| z_A z4 zG| z V:3 C zC z_B, zF| z_E zG, z3F,| zF, z4 z_B,| zD z4 zF,| zC z4 z_B,| z_B, z4 zC| zA z4 z_B| zF z4 z_E| z V:4 F, zA, zF, z_B,| z_B, z_B,, z3C| zC z4 zF,| z_B, z4 zF,| zA, z4 zF,| z_E, z4 zA,| z_E z4 zF,| zD, z4 z_B,,| z V:5 A,,6F,,| z_B,, zD, zG, z_E,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| zA,,6A,,| zG,,6G,,| zF,,6F,,| z_B,,6_B,,| z
Can you identify the instrument in this track?
In this recording, a Tuba is the main instrument.
Transcribe this music clip using ABC notation. Follow this template: ``` M: 4/4 L: 1/16 Q:1/4=120 K: none V:1 name="Instrument 1" (notes here) (Add more voices if present) ``` Key points for ABC notation: - Notes: A-G (lowercase for higher octaves) - Accidentals: ^ (sharp), _ (flat) - Note length: Numbers after note (C2 = twice as long as C) - Dotted notes: . after note (C.) - Rests: z with optional duration (z2 = half rest) - Chords: [CEG] - Ties: - - Bar lines: | - Broken rhythms: > or < between notes (C>D = dotted-C eighth + D sixteenth) Important: - The key should always be set to "none" as this is a short clip and it's hard to identify a key. - Always explicitly show accidentals as the key is set to none. - Include a separate voice (V:) for each distinct instrument you can identify. - List the instrument names using one of the 128 General MIDI instrument names.
X: 1 M: 4/4 L: 1/8 Q:1/4=76 K: none V:1 name="Tuba" G,4-G, A,_A,| _B,_B, A,_B, G,2<_A,2| _B,_B4-_B DG| EF _B_E D (3_B,/2C/2D/2 C2-| [C_B,-]/2_B,/2_B,6z| z3_A zF z2| z3D zF z2| z3F zG, V:2 c z4 z_B-| _BA4z2_B,| zF zE zF z_B| zF4z2F| z_B z4 zc| z_A z4 zF| z_A z4 z_A| zD z3_E2D| V:3 G z4 zC-| CD2_E2z2_B,| z_B, z_B, z_B, zG,| z_E,2F,2z2D| zF z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2_E,2D,| V:4 C, z4 z_B,-| _B,F,4z2D,| zF, zG, zF, zG,| z_B,,2A,,2z2_B,,| zD, z3_A,3-| _A,2 F,D, C,B,,3-| B,,2 C,D, _E,F, G,_A,| B,D2F,2z2G,| V:5 _E,6C,| zF,6F,| zG,6C,-| C,D,2_E,2F, zF,,| z_B,,6_E,-| _E,D,6F,| zG,,6_A,,| zB,,6G,,| z