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wow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think."
] |
If you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol"
] |
I am not a sports person and never got the appeal. I honestly would just go to a superbowl party for the food.
I used to at least watch the half time show. But now I just wait for Youtube to post it. | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol",
">\n\nIf you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh"
] |
Considering the Half time show gets more ratings than the actual games. | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol",
">\n\nIf you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh",
">\n\nI am not a sports person and never got the appeal. I honestly would just go to a superbowl party for the food. \nI used to at least watch the half time show. But now I just wait for Youtube to post it."
] |
I didn't know this was such a social epidemic? 🙄 | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol",
">\n\nIf you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh",
">\n\nI am not a sports person and never got the appeal. I honestly would just go to a superbowl party for the food. \nI used to at least watch the half time show. But now I just wait for Youtube to post it.",
">\n\nConsidering the Half time show gets more ratings than the actual games."
] |
These are ads that corporations spend sometimes millions on just the time slot alone. You are seeing some of the best writers come together to market you shit and I think that's fascinating. | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol",
">\n\nIf you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh",
">\n\nI am not a sports person and never got the appeal. I honestly would just go to a superbowl party for the food. \nI used to at least watch the half time show. But now I just wait for Youtube to post it.",
">\n\nConsidering the Half time show gets more ratings than the actual games.",
">\n\nI didn't know this was such a social epidemic? 🙄"
] |
It's not like they are actually buying the products being advertised | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol",
">\n\nIf you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh",
">\n\nI am not a sports person and never got the appeal. I honestly would just go to a superbowl party for the food. \nI used to at least watch the half time show. But now I just wait for Youtube to post it.",
">\n\nConsidering the Half time show gets more ratings than the actual games.",
">\n\nI didn't know this was such a social epidemic? 🙄",
">\n\nThese are ads that corporations spend sometimes millions on just the time slot alone. You are seeing some of the best writers come together to market you shit and I think that's fascinating."
] |
> | [
"The only people I’ve ever heard say they’re looking forward to the commercials are the ones at the super bowl party who don’t watch and/or like football\nEdit: phrasing",
">\n\nYeah seriously. Like you don’t have to like the sport but please don’t be that “HaHaH SpOrTSBaLL!” person lol\nA lot of people agreeing with OP here that are like that.",
">\n\nDude i cannot stand Sportsball people. I am an outlier in my community as I love football (go bills) and every. Single. Time. I say I'm watching a game someone always has to throw in the obnoxious \"go sportsball\". I'm like yeah well fuck that stupid Netflix show you're so into. What's the difference?\nI have a whole essay I'm working on about this and how that is shaming someone for what they are into.",
">\n\nIt’s the absolute worst. They think not liking a sport is a personality trait. Like you don’t see me going out of my way to blatantly mock something that you’re into. \nThere are definitely toxic sports fans (I mean Steelers nation can be wild) but I’d rather be around a loud fan than someone who hates football that makes it about themself.",
">\n\nYeah, exactly. \n\"Don't put me In a box\"...okay, but please don't put me I a box either unless Josh Allen and Stefon Diggs are also in there. Hahaha. \nOn a side note, I just recently learned about the Ebola Towel controversy. If you don't know what I'm talking about you have to look it up.",
">\n\nHahah I remember that!\nYeah it’s a weird trend for some franchises to disrespect the Terrible Towel without knowing the meaning behind it. I mean the profits of the towels go towards an organization that helps disabled kids. \nYou should read about the Terrible Towel Curse. People here swear by it lol",
">\n\nWe see ads a lot. At least these used to be entertaining.",
">\n\nYeah. The difference between regular commercials and Superbowl commercials is that SBC's are uber expensive, so companies make them extra memorable. Sometimes that means heartfelt and emotional, most of the time it means go for the laughs. And companies that can spend 5 million for a 30-second slot definitely have the budget for some good jokes.",
">\n\n^^^cookies\n^^^cream\n^^^be ^^^quiet, ^^^this ^^^is ^^^a ^^^library",
">\n\nOf all things to get depressed over, I’d be more concerned about that instead of folks finding a dumb commercial funny. It’s not like I’m going to now go buy whatever the commercial was marketing, it’s just funny to see sometimes. Not really that big of a deal.",
">\n\nThen the whole halftime show being such a production, often polarizing because of its countless angles to take and hear about:\nIt was the greatest thing I've seen!\nThey were terrible!\nWas anyone really paying attention?\nEt al...",
">\n\nThe commercials used to be extremely clever and we wouldn't get to see them until super bowl. We would hear hints, but that was it. Now any commercials that show during super bowl has already released online well before the game.",
">\n\n\nIm the therapist, hmmm, ohh, aha..200£ thanks",
">\n\nMaybe a therapist should tell them not to worry about what others are excited about and find some joy in their own life.",
">\n\nThey're always lame anyway. 95% of them are just celebrity cameos.",
">\n\nNow they are. They used to be really good.",
">\n\nI've been wondering if the quality has actually changed or if I'm just getting old.",
">\n\nThank the whiny leftist SJWs for that shit.",
">\n\nThey used to be entertaining and funny. When you're bombarded by ads the least they can do is make them entertaining.",
">\n\nHonestly they were never good, people just convinced each other they were good so theyd have something non-sports to talk about during the game. When you are comparing things to your average wednesday insurance commercial, even the weather channel comes off like Breaking Bad.",
">\n\nI bet you’re fun at parties. Especially Super Bowl parties.",
">\n\nImagine being so anti establishment that you actually get upset over people enjoying intentionally funny commercials. \nHumorous marketing is basically a company's way of saying \"yeah we know nobody likes commercials but we think it makes us a lot of money so let's at least have a little fun with it.\"",
">\n\nYeah no.. Marketing team doesnt care about having fun\nBut keep talking about that funny ad you saw to all your friends, dont forget to share online aswell",
">\n\nSounds like you don't work in marketing:)",
">\n\nActually I did study it for years and gave up this path\nYoure naive, they want you to have fun or be emotionnally impacted so you can remember the brand, but they dont care one bit about having fun creating something funny\nMaybe the ones who PRODUCE/film or do the acting have fun\nDo you think the guys who try to see what is the best way to use ur emotions for their benefits care about fun at all ?\nTry working in marketing yourself then, or if you do try working in a marketing team of a brand big enough to get super bowls ad, trust me the word fun is not used the way you think it is",
">\n\nLmao I do work in marketing, I make a ton of money and have a blast doing it. Sorry you tried to study and gave up ^-^ \nYou can always stop being so jaded and know-it-all like whenever you want",
">\n\nYour way of working is not the same as other teams, especially when we are talking about super bowl ads\nGlad you're having a blast focusing on psychology weak points of the people though, having morale is the reason i keep marketing in my CV and not job researches\nIam not trying to be know it all, but i get your point you're trying to rassure yourself that youre here to have fun and not manipulate people, keep making ton of money on weak people back\nAfter all why not have a bit of \"focused well thought and calculated in the details of every visual and audible way\" fun ?",
">\n\nLol TIL some people have such a crazy victim complex that they actually think commercials are out to get them",
">\n\nTo be fair, the superbowl ads used to be pretty good. Almost sit-com level quality. \nBut no, not anymore.",
">\n\nWhat else did Americans upset you with today?",
">\n\nThese people don't like football and can't even pretend to be watching the game . If it wasn't for the commercials, you would have to listen to them complain about you monopolizing the TV before the kids are in bed.",
">\n\nI think these people lie about how much they enjoy the commercials just so they don't sound like such a buzzkiller. Even if half the people in the room would rather be watching paint dry, it's easy for them to say \"Oh that one was funny\"",
">\n\nWhy do you care though?",
">\n\nIt was a marketing ploy that worked very well.",
">\n\nWell to be fair, because it is the most widely watched televised event of the year in the US, companies pull out all the stops to make sure their ad stands out. Superbowl ads cost over $5m just for the ad spot, so the production value has to be good. It is effectively watching companies try to create the most interesting/fun/engaging 30 second movie possible, and that can be pretty fun.",
">\n\nIdk there are some hilarious chip commercials and I don’t think that only thing overpriced about that is the time slot. Also funny chip commercials don’t get me to buy the chips.",
">\n\nSuper bowl ads used to be funny. Now they are just run of the mill ads most of the time. And this year we are so “blessed” with he gets us jesus ads from hobby lobby, but marijuana ads showing medical benefits have been turned away so they can shove alcohol ads down our throat.",
">\n\nAww lighten up, who cares what makes people excited or happy as long as it isn’t hurting anyone? You are being unnecessarily judgy here. I’m sure not everyone shares your exact opinion on the things that excite you and that’s okay",
">\n\nWhy do you care?",
">\n\nPeople that only watch the Super Bowl \"for the commercials\" are the same people that still think calling it \"sportsball\" is original and hilarious.",
">\n\nI cannot imagine how many ads I was forced to watch in the super bowl every year. I'm not much of a NFL fan at all, I only watch super bowls.",
">\n\nI still remember the 3 second ad for Miller High Life that was just a dude that yelled HIGH LIFE while stand amongst a lot of High life. It was many years ago but probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nAgree 100% It's absolutely insane how obnoxious American get around superbowl time. How can you look forward to fucking ads?!\nWhile we're talking about ads; leave it to the Americans to fill an entire street with ads ac call it a \"must see while in NYC!\"\nTimes Square is all ads rising all the way to the sky and you're telling me a have to check out that tourist trap? It's just ads! It just happens to be overwhelmingly much ads in a concentrated spot and you're telling me it's worth looking at? No thanks",
">\n\nUsually beats the heck outta the boring game. Also, is this sub the new official sh/t on America sub?",
">\n\nI feel like that is every sub.",
">\n\nLuckily for us, we don’t think about you.",
">\n\nEveryone pretends to like Football when they don't.They don't want to look like the odd duck. That's why the ads are so popular. It give them something to watch.",
">\n\nI make ads for a living. Can I make an ad for you? I feel like you need one.",
">\n\nHonestly, it’s just an older form of TikTok/Reddit/Instagram. Quick bites of content to entertain and sell things. \nIt’s no different than people talking about a funny meme they all saw.",
">\n\nHere's the thing, we have to consume SOMETHING. We need food, we need clothes, and we need appliances.\nThere's a shitton of people, a shitton of needs that have to be filled, and a lot of jobs that depend on making stuff. I get the whole \"companies are evil and manipulative\" thing, I really do, but sometimes you just gotta let that go and let yourself have some fun. Lordy.",
">\n\nThe commercials are the only part of the game I actually enjoy. The game itself is just a bunch of millionaires playing with a ball and I couldn't care less who actually wins. The commercials are funny (except for the car ads) and they are different than the normal ads we are forced to sit through the rest of the year. I really don't care what the ad is for just that it entertains me.",
">\n\nthe commercials are more entertaining than the game",
">\n\nPeople: Spends lots of money on DVRs so that they can fast forward through commercials because commercials suck.\nAlso People: Watch stupid superbowl ads and get excited about it.\nThough you have to admit the genius of the advertising industry for their being able to convince a large segment of the population that watching ads at some point is cool and fun.",
">\n\nWow, so many people butthurt that OP deigns to complain about commercials instead of cancer",
">\n\nHave you ever watched the Super Bowl?",
">\n\nIt's at least adding entertainment value to the part of TV broadcasts that everyone usually hates",
">\n\nIt's a way to keep those that don't care for football also engaged.",
">\n\nIf people’s joy depresses you, I don’t want to know what makes you happy",
">\n\nYou only see these ones for a little while, whereas everyday commercials are consistently shoved down your throat. I saw ads for a mobile game - Love Nikki - at least once a day, every single day for MONTHS",
">\n\nIf people enjoying something bothers you so much to the point it depresses you then I’m really glad I’m not you😂",
">\n\nno one says that dude",
">\n\nDo you want something more American than getting carried away with ads?",
">\n\nI don't understand Reddit's general disdain for ads",
">\n\nThey want something entertaining in an afternoon party spent ignoring a football game.",
">\n\nI always think of Bill Burr when he was talking about super bowl parties. Same exact feeling 😂 I stopped going to them a while ago",
">\n\nSuper Bowl commercials use to be exciting because you'd never see them again. Now they're all on YouTube ahead of time. You can even see commercials from the past.",
">\n\nWhen my father pressures me to go over his house for a Super Bowl Party when I hate football and sports in general, I need something to be entertained by, the commercials do that.",
">\n\nSo you’re depressed about people being entertained by things designed to be entertaining? Seems like a ‘you’ issue to me, tbh. Maybe you should watch a Zoloft ad, see if that helps cheer you up.",
">\n\nThere's no feeling worse than watching your team get blown out and then seeing those fucking Burger King ads.",
">\n\nNo different than enthusiasm for watching a three hour game with 11 actual minutes of action. The rest of the time are replays, commentary and other pre-recorded footage.",
">\n\nFootball has been destroyed by ads. The sport isn't designed for athleticism, its designed to have as many stops as possible for ads.",
">\n\nIt's those commercials that fund the spectacular event. It is part of the reason they can pay the players so much money to risk body and mind in an incredibly dangerous sport. The fact that they put in extra effort for these commercials shouldn't bother you that much. No one forces you to buy the product. I get this is UP but lately they have just been mad/spiteful ones",
">\n\nHow do you expect us to pay football players bajallions of dollars?",
">\n\nWe're gonna deluged anyway, might as well enjoy ourselves",
">\n\nDon't yuck my yum. I'm sure there is more embarrassing stuff I do.",
">\n\nWhat else are we supposed to watch? Football?",
">\n\n20 years ago, it was a different story. It was also the super bowl for marketing companies where they were going to show their best work. \nNow, it's almost 100% pure shit.",
">\n\n2009 career builder commercial where the Koala gets punched is probably the best commercial ever.",
">\n\nI can't deal with \"commercial\" people.",
">\n\nSuperbowl ads aren’t really funny anymore. The most recent funny ads I can remember were in superbowl 52. And no one’s excited because of the commercial aspect, just because they’re funny.",
">\n\nNever mind the ads, how about glorifying a sport that leads to brain damage and thinking it is a reasonable hobby to follow the statistics of grown men in tights playing with balls.",
">\n\nThey used to be a huge deal. The Pepsi Clear commercial? Companies used to come up with creative things that were a big deal, not so much anymore.",
">\n\nThey aren't that smart.",
">\n\nDon’t look at me. I don’t do commercials, I don’t do sports. I am entirely un-American.",
">\n\nDon't get it either.",
">\n\nTbf though I think if a company makes an advert as impactful and memorable as say \"bellys gonna get ya\" (Reebok), they've earned your support in the instance that you need to purchase something within the market they cater to. So for example, if I have a choice of Nike or Reebok for a similar price and similar style, I'll choose the Reebok because they earned with bellys gonna get ya.\nNot that it's a superbowl ad but it's one of the most memorable of all time. I'm also going to have a bias in favour of Cadbury due to the Phil Collins gorilla advert being really cool, and I'm marginally more likely to buy skittles than something similar to skittles because skittles have the taste the Rainbow series some of which are particularly good ads.\nBasically if an ad earns my respect on account of the quality of the ad, then the company has earned the sale in the scenario that they are an option to consider when buying a product.",
">\n\nDuring the what, now?",
">\n\nThese commercials are at least unique and less repetitive than the ads I see all the time.",
">\n\nWhen I was young, the commercials were funny and cool. Now they are just pushing agenda and product.",
">\n\nI don’t know anyone who gets excited for the commercials.",
">\n\nThey really haven’t even been as funny as they were in the mid-2000s\nAll of these cringy corporate jokes make me genuinely do whatever the opposite of laughing is",
">\n\nKinda ended for me when the bud bowl did.",
">\n\nI watch the super bowls cause of the ads lol. But I also mainly enjoy the group environment that football inspires. Like where else can I watch the most brain dead commercials selling me random nonsense around my best friends in our football gear while I eat finger foods. \nObviously I try not to ruin it for anyone by being obnoxious that I don’t like football but fuck yea it’s a solid time.",
">\n\nLetting other peoples happiness depress you is very weird",
">\n\nDont you dare disrespect my super bowl ads",
">\n\nHow come so many people have such a problem with people enjoying themselves? \nWhat is it about someone else's happiness that bothers you do much?\nAre you jealous you can't find enjoyment in life anymore, is that what it is",
">\n\nThis year was the first time I started watching regular season football and was really disappointed with the spam of gambling/Qatar vacation ads. What the hell is the NFL trying to push to their audience.",
">\n\nit's just another form of entertainment",
">\n\nI hate watching all sports",
">\n\nBut theyre less boring than the game",
">\n\nIve never heard anyone say they look forward to the ads other than other brands and \"news\" stations",
">\n\nAmericans are embarrassing for a lot worse than this.",
">\n\nIt’s just grandiose brain washing",
">\n\nIt costs seven million dollars for a 30 second ad spot. Yeah, it's a commercial, but it's the cream of the crop. The best these advertisers have to offer. Color me interested. \n(also, in order to watch all that other \"funny content\", you're probably gonna have to sit through an ad anyway. No escape!)",
">\n\nSuper bowl commercials were probably a different breed back in the 90's",
">\n\nHey OP - have you ever seen the “quit having fun” meme? Google it if you haven’t. I think it was made for you.",
">\n\nBut Breaking Bad ad",
">\n\nLol yeah",
">\n\nOne factor is that the Super Bowl is one of the most watched televised events of the year, which is why companies will pay shitloads of money to get their ads in. Not only that, but it's often used to show a commercial for the very first time, which just adds to the novelty of it.",
">\n\nI feel like Americans are the only ones that truly care about the Superbowl. Could be wrong tho. I still don't really know what it is exactly. Just some sports event.",
">\n\nFunny is funny tho regardless of who makes it and with so much amateurish unfunny online content at least during the Super Bowl there are some good laughs",
">\n\nMy dad has had a countdown to super bowl commercials since last year, really makes we want to commit patricide.",
">\n\nI care nothing about the super bowl, so the ads are literally the best part.",
">\n\nFootball sucks and is stupid. People who watch it are always grouchy and complaining. It’s kind of creepy how they know stats of individual players and say stuff like “Johnson is trash, get off the field I tell ya!!!!” While shaking their fists. \nFootball fans are the worst. Slightly less worse than that is the sport itself. It’s boring, it’s stupid, it pauses every 5 seconds and there’s a million commercial breaks. \nThe Super Bowl super sucks too. \nThe only people who genuinely enjoy football are the ones gambling I think.",
">\n\nwow i’m sure you’re a delight to be around, i’d love to have a guy like you be my friend lol",
">\n\nIf you’re a football fan same sarcasm back at you tbh",
">\n\nI am not a sports person and never got the appeal. I honestly would just go to a superbowl party for the food. \nI used to at least watch the half time show. But now I just wait for Youtube to post it.",
">\n\nConsidering the Half time show gets more ratings than the actual games.",
">\n\nI didn't know this was such a social epidemic? 🙄",
">\n\nThese are ads that corporations spend sometimes millions on just the time slot alone. You are seeing some of the best writers come together to market you shit and I think that's fascinating.",
">\n\nIt's not like they are actually buying the products being advertised"
] |
People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly | [] |
To me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.
I don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly"
] |
I love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me."
] |
Stating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯ | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB."
] |
More people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯"
] |
This sub is for unpopular opinions | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here."
] |
Let me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions"
] |
Proper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s"
] |
Tbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that."
] |
If the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin"
] |
No Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it."
] |
I can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal.
Unfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot."
] |
Still rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them? | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc."
] |
Is it the best show ever? No, it is not.
Is it the best show in the last 20 years? Yes, yes it is | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc.",
">\n\nStill rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them?"
] |
No it isn’t. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc.",
">\n\nStill rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them?",
">\n\nIs it the best show ever? No, it is not.\nIs it the best show in the last 20 years? Yes, yes it is"
] |
Time and place. Most art gets old. Ho hum. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc.",
">\n\nStill rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them?",
">\n\nIs it the best show ever? No, it is not.\nIs it the best show in the last 20 years? Yes, yes it is",
">\n\nNo it isn’t."
] |
I agree with the sentiment that The Wire is a great show, but it's subjective to say whether it's the best ever made. Different shows have different strengths and appeal to different audiences, making it hard to crown one as the ultimate champion. | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc.",
">\n\nStill rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them?",
">\n\nIs it the best show ever? No, it is not.\nIs it the best show in the last 20 years? Yes, yes it is",
">\n\nNo it isn’t.",
">\n\nTime and place. Most art gets old. Ho hum."
] |
Just hard to get through watching dollar store mark Wahlberg | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc.",
">\n\nStill rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them?",
">\n\nIs it the best show ever? No, it is not.\nIs it the best show in the last 20 years? Yes, yes it is",
">\n\nNo it isn’t.",
">\n\nTime and place. Most art gets old. Ho hum.",
">\n\nI agree with the sentiment that The Wire is a great show, but it's subjective to say whether it's the best ever made. Different shows have different strengths and appeal to different audiences, making it hard to crown one as the ultimate champion."
] |
> | [
"People like the wire because it does a good job of showing both sides of a conflict and why it's so hard to change things quickly",
">\n\nTo me, the reason why people love this show so much is because of its commentary on society and the flaws of the systems in place, which I personally don’t really care for.\nI don’t have a problem with that aspect of the show, it’s just the lack of entertainment value until the last few episodes for me.",
">\n\nI love The Wire, but I doubt many people think it's the GOAT anymore. I would think people today would point more toward Breaking Bad, though I'm possibly biased as myself and most of my friends were too young for The Wire when it aired, but just about right for BB.",
">\n\nStating the obvious ¯_(ツ)_/¯",
">\n\nMore people will have a different favourite show to this, easily a popular opinion you have here.",
">\n\nThis sub is for unpopular opinions",
">\n\nLet me guess the best show ever is better call saul? u/saulgoodman673 lol /s",
">\n\nProper shit show that. Couldn't make it past season 1, was 3/10 for me if that.",
">\n\nTbf it starts slow, I gave up the first time I tried watching it too. Season 2 and 3 are where it really starts goin",
">\n\nIf the first season is bad then It can't be classed as a top show for me. I enjoyed breaking bad but I can watch so many shows again and again, second time watching breaking bad I had to turn that off aswell. Was too slow and the writing isn't good enough, Brian Cranston makes it.",
">\n\nNo Sopranos is the best show ever made by a longshot.",
">\n\nI can definitely see an argument for it. There were so many episodes in that show that were so fucking phenomenal. \nUnfortunately though, the show definitely did have its fair share of bad episodes: In Camelot, Christopher, A Hit Is A Hit, etc.",
">\n\nStill rather watch that ep. than half the shite on telly. If you are dissapointed by the wire but liked Sopranos maybe try Osark or I am currently watching Yellowstone, both hit the spot if you haven't watched them?",
">\n\nIs it the best show ever? No, it is not.\nIs it the best show in the last 20 years? Yes, yes it is",
">\n\nNo it isn’t.",
">\n\nTime and place. Most art gets old. Ho hum.",
">\n\nI agree with the sentiment that The Wire is a great show, but it's subjective to say whether it's the best ever made. Different shows have different strengths and appeal to different audiences, making it hard to crown one as the ultimate champion.",
">\n\nJust hard to get through watching dollar store mark Wahlberg"
] |
Killing people is illegal | [] |
Killing people for daring to file a complaint against you is especially so | [
"Killing people is illegal"
] |
The killings caused uproar in Kenya where cases of extrajudicial killings are rife, with some organizations reporting 127 cases of police killings and 25 enforced disappearances in 2022 alone.
Rookie numbers! | [
"Killing people is illegal",
">\n\nKilling people for daring to file a complaint against you is especially so"
] |
In the US; they would have received a paid vacation and "additional training". | [
"Killing people is illegal",
">\n\nKilling people for daring to file a complaint against you is especially so",
">\n\nThe killings caused uproar in Kenya where cases of extrajudicial killings are rife, with some organizations reporting 127 cases of police killings and 25 enforced disappearances in 2022 alone.\nRookie numbers!"
] |
This title was wild to read for my dyslexic ass.
First thing I read was "Kanye sentences to court for triple death of police murder" | [
"Killing people is illegal",
">\n\nKilling people for daring to file a complaint against you is especially so",
">\n\nThe killings caused uproar in Kenya where cases of extrajudicial killings are rife, with some organizations reporting 127 cases of police killings and 25 enforced disappearances in 2022 alone.\nRookie numbers!",
">\n\nIn the US; they would have received a paid vacation and \"additional training\"."
] |
> | [
"Killing people is illegal",
">\n\nKilling people for daring to file a complaint against you is especially so",
">\n\nThe killings caused uproar in Kenya where cases of extrajudicial killings are rife, with some organizations reporting 127 cases of police killings and 25 enforced disappearances in 2022 alone.\nRookie numbers!",
">\n\nIn the US; they would have received a paid vacation and \"additional training\".",
">\n\nThis title was wild to read for my dyslexic ass. \nFirst thing I read was \"Kanye sentences to court for triple death of police murder\""
] |
Me: Bing, what does bussy mean
BingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family. | [] |
You got binged right in the bussy. | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family."
] |
This is interesting! I'm not a techie but haven't liked Bing from the very beginning. I did the tests comparing it to Google and always preferred Google. Also my search engine sometimes changes over to Bing and I realize immediately that it isn't Google because of what comes up.
OTOH I would be willing to try Bing again mainly because for the last 6 months or so I've noticed when I google, paid ads come up first and they are seldom what I want. And sometimes there are a gaggle of them and I have to scroll way down the page. | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family.",
">\n\nYou got binged right in the bussy."
] |
I use both because of the MS Rewards. I still prefer Google. Google gives me better answers for IT/Programming. Bing gives me better results for entertainment. I have notice the gap closing. Maybe because of my trying to clear MS rewards. I do think I'm starting to prefer Edge over Chrome. | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family.",
">\n\nYou got binged right in the bussy.",
">\n\nThis is interesting! I'm not a techie but haven't liked Bing from the very beginning. I did the tests comparing it to Google and always preferred Google. Also my search engine sometimes changes over to Bing and I realize immediately that it isn't Google because of what comes up. \nOTOH I would be willing to try Bing again mainly because for the last 6 months or so I've noticed when I google, paid ads come up first and they are seldom what I want. And sometimes there are a gaggle of them and I have to scroll way down the page."
] |
I seem to have it available right now. | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family.",
">\n\nYou got binged right in the bussy.",
">\n\nThis is interesting! I'm not a techie but haven't liked Bing from the very beginning. I did the tests comparing it to Google and always preferred Google. Also my search engine sometimes changes over to Bing and I realize immediately that it isn't Google because of what comes up. \nOTOH I would be willing to try Bing again mainly because for the last 6 months or so I've noticed when I google, paid ads come up first and they are seldom what I want. And sometimes there are a gaggle of them and I have to scroll way down the page.",
">\n\nI use both because of the MS Rewards. I still prefer Google. Google gives me better answers for IT/Programming. Bing gives me better results for entertainment. I have notice the gap closing. Maybe because of my trying to clear MS rewards. I do think I'm starting to prefer Edge over Chrome."
] |
Is it available for everyone to use now? | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family.",
">\n\nYou got binged right in the bussy.",
">\n\nThis is interesting! I'm not a techie but haven't liked Bing from the very beginning. I did the tests comparing it to Google and always preferred Google. Also my search engine sometimes changes over to Bing and I realize immediately that it isn't Google because of what comes up. \nOTOH I would be willing to try Bing again mainly because for the last 6 months or so I've noticed when I google, paid ads come up first and they are seldom what I want. And sometimes there are a gaggle of them and I have to scroll way down the page.",
">\n\nI use both because of the MS Rewards. I still prefer Google. Google gives me better answers for IT/Programming. Bing gives me better results for entertainment. I have notice the gap closing. Maybe because of my trying to clear MS rewards. I do think I'm starting to prefer Edge over Chrome.",
">\n\nI seem to have it available right now."
] |
I can’t wait to try this with porn, bing is my go to for porn atm. | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family.",
">\n\nYou got binged right in the bussy.",
">\n\nThis is interesting! I'm not a techie but haven't liked Bing from the very beginning. I did the tests comparing it to Google and always preferred Google. Also my search engine sometimes changes over to Bing and I realize immediately that it isn't Google because of what comes up. \nOTOH I would be willing to try Bing again mainly because for the last 6 months or so I've noticed when I google, paid ads come up first and they are seldom what I want. And sometimes there are a gaggle of them and I have to scroll way down the page.",
">\n\nI use both because of the MS Rewards. I still prefer Google. Google gives me better answers for IT/Programming. Bing gives me better results for entertainment. I have notice the gap closing. Maybe because of my trying to clear MS rewards. I do think I'm starting to prefer Edge over Chrome.",
">\n\nI seem to have it available right now.",
">\n\nIs it available for everyone to use now?"
] |
> | [
"Me: Bing, what does bussy mean\nBingAI: I’m sorry, Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that. Your account shows you’re too old to handle slang like that and maintain respect from your friends and family.",
">\n\nYou got binged right in the bussy.",
">\n\nThis is interesting! I'm not a techie but haven't liked Bing from the very beginning. I did the tests comparing it to Google and always preferred Google. Also my search engine sometimes changes over to Bing and I realize immediately that it isn't Google because of what comes up. \nOTOH I would be willing to try Bing again mainly because for the last 6 months or so I've noticed when I google, paid ads come up first and they are seldom what I want. And sometimes there are a gaggle of them and I have to scroll way down the page.",
">\n\nI use both because of the MS Rewards. I still prefer Google. Google gives me better answers for IT/Programming. Bing gives me better results for entertainment. I have notice the gap closing. Maybe because of my trying to clear MS rewards. I do think I'm starting to prefer Edge over Chrome.",
">\n\nI seem to have it available right now.",
">\n\nIs it available for everyone to use now?",
">\n\nI can’t wait to try this with porn, bing is my go to for porn atm."
] |
It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past. | [] |
This is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.
All we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.
Edit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past."
] |
You missed Bong John Silver's | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies"
] |
White widow castle | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's"
] |
Cannabist Buy | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle"
] |
Bed, Bud & Beyond | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy"
] |
Puffalow High Things | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond"
] |
In and edibles right next to puff bell | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things"
] |
I prefer High Guys | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell"
] |
Dank in the Box | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys"
] |
I went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the "Apple" crowd.
All their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.
The only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box"
] |
I go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store."
] |
People want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least."
] |
The place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very "here's your shit, see ya" and that's all I ever want from buying weed. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better."
] |
I'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional "am I actually in a strip club?" type of place but it's not common | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed."
] |
There was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common"
] |
At least you had some good mammaries from the place. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business"
] |
The retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”
Well... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.
I'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place."
] |
They walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.” | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt."
] |
All I can think of when I hear "Apple Store of Weed" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.
I guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”"
] |
Nothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off."
] |
I’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there."
] |
My perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata."
] |
They should use the bank style drive thru tubes | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person"
] |
They have those here in Colorado | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes"
] |
I hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado"
] |
Can’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh"
] |
As an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit"
] |
A dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP."
] |
You can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254? | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home"
] |
There was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?"
] |
Kirkland Signature Stash | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly."
] |
MedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail
Lester Black February 6, 2023
MedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.
The retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.
But now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.
The company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.
MedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.
MedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.
Priya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.
“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”
MedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.
Debt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.
“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.
Gelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”
“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”
One insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash"
] |
Honestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse."
] |
how's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do."
] |
There is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations."
] |
Some of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars."
] |
Not sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account."
] |
If it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection."
] |
Big city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the "tobacco" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate."
] |
Need to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper."
] |
Unusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck."
] |
We never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ? | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff."
] |
Yeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?"
] |
This was a trash company and will always be | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence."
] |
Medmen? More like mids, man. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be"
] |
Lmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the "apple experience" when it comes to weed.
I had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the "bruh cultuŕe" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis .. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man."
] |
My office number is one digit off of one of their locations.
I have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis .."
] |
The jokes you could play... | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed."
] |
Oh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play..."
] |
I need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please."
] |
Looks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable."
] |
King's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in"
] |
Who would have guessed that having ten times more space than you need would be a bad thing? | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in",
">\n\nKing's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers."
] |
I don’t get why so many of these type of weed stores have to model themselves after apple. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in",
">\n\nKing's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers.",
">\n\nWho would have guessed that having ten times more space than you need would be a bad thing?"
] |
When weed was legalized in Canada, I paid Motley Fool for advice on which marijuana businesses to invest in. I lost money. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in",
">\n\nKing's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers.",
">\n\nWho would have guessed that having ten times more space than you need would be a bad thing?",
">\n\nI don’t get why so many of these type of weed stores have to model themselves after apple."
] |
Motley fool is staffed by people that weren't good enough to work for actual wall Street (i.e. land good offers)
Aka serial bullshitters | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in",
">\n\nKing's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers.",
">\n\nWho would have guessed that having ten times more space than you need would be a bad thing?",
">\n\nI don’t get why so many of these type of weed stores have to model themselves after apple.",
">\n\nWhen weed was legalized in Canada, I paid Motley Fool for advice on which marijuana businesses to invest in. I lost money."
] |
I went to their spot in WeHo once. One time. There's plenty of better options around. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in",
">\n\nKing's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers.",
">\n\nWho would have guessed that having ten times more space than you need would be a bad thing?",
">\n\nI don’t get why so many of these type of weed stores have to model themselves after apple.",
">\n\nWhen weed was legalized in Canada, I paid Motley Fool for advice on which marijuana businesses to invest in. I lost money.",
">\n\nMotley fool is staffed by people that weren't good enough to work for actual wall Street (i.e. land good offers)\nAka serial bullshitters"
] |
I thought these stores were annoying in the way they operate. A bit clunky and end up standing around waiting for someone to help you, a regular line is much better. | [
"It's really amazing that weed dealers ever managed to make a profit without touchscreens and faux Nordic decor in the past.",
">\n\nThis is what happens when politicians and businesses try to get involved with things they can never fathom. We don't want Walmarts with pot, not McPuffnalds or Buzzazon corporate dealers and their current trend and overhead up pricing. We don't want to be bled dry yet again for the sake of stock holder demands.\nAll we ever wanted was to walk out of Dirtbag Mike's front door without getting raked across the coals by the court system.\nEdit add: Thought of another. Dunkin Doobies",
">\n\nYou missed Bong John Silver's",
">\n\nWhite widow castle",
">\n\nCannabist Buy",
">\n\nBed, Bud & Beyond",
">\n\nPuffalow High Things",
">\n\nIn and edibles right next to puff bell",
">\n\nI prefer High Guys",
">\n\nDank in the Box",
">\n\nI went to the location in downtown LA, and despite it being located in a grimy part of the city. it did feel like the store was trying way too hard to appeal to the \"Apple\" crowd. \nAll their items are on display cases like an Apple Store to them being seriously overpriced, compared to other shops.\nThe only difference that Medmen had was that you can reserve stuff online for pickup, but all that did was save a few minutes because you still had to complete your purchase in-store.",
">\n\nI go to the one in Tustin because it's close by and they give me a %15 Veteran discount, paired with the $5 I get back every other visit for my membership. Seems like a pretty good deal for me in OC at least.",
">\n\nPeople want weed, not a haute shopping experience. Make your business more like 7-11 and less like Saks and you might do better.",
">\n\nThe place I get it from is pretty nice but it's not like a fucking bougie ass Apple Store. It's nice enough to look at and not feel skeevy but fast service and very \"here's your shit, see ya\" and that's all I ever want from buying weed.",
">\n\nI'd say most dispensaries I've been to are also this way. I've run into the occasional \"am I actually in a strip club?\" type of place but it's not common",
">\n\nThere was one here in Denver owned by a strip club sharing the same parking lot. Really deflating that it went out of business",
">\n\nAt least you had some good mammaries from the place.",
">\n\n\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed”\n\nWell... if anything could make me laugh at their failure... that's it.\nI'm the Brad Pitt of men who aren't Brad Pitt.",
">\n\nThey walked by an Apple store, saw masses of people, and thought to themselves “wow, people really love that store layout.”",
">\n\nAll I can think of when I hear \"Apple Store of Weed\" is the same weed sold everywhere else for $18 wrapped up in a pretty package and pretentious attitude selling for $120.\nI guess they didn't realize you need a Jobsian Cult of clueless sycophants to pull that off.",
">\n\nNothing like going into a ritzy weed shop and paying a 75% markup just for the privilege of shopping there.",
">\n\nI’ve always heard it called the emerald triangle, even when I lived in arcata.",
">\n\nMy perfect store is if it had a drive thru or if I never had to interact with a person",
">\n\nThey should use the bank style drive thru tubes",
">\n\nThey have those here in Colorado",
">\n\nI hate shopping for weed in places like this tbh",
">\n\nCan’t remember the name of the business but I stopped at a dispensary like this in Illinois once. When you got in past the security guy you were immediately greeted by a salesperson with an iPad and you’d have to describe what you were looking for and then they’d recommend product. You could also browse around but it was ridiculous how limited the selection was given the square footage. Who comes up with this kinda shit",
">\n\nAs an Illinois resident our dispensaries are awful and so pricy, and it doesn’t have to be this way. Michigan’s a short drive away and at least when I was there last summer shit was CHEAP.",
">\n\nA dispensary in Bloomington-Normal wanted to charge me $264 for gummies that cost $40 from my dude back home",
">\n\nYou can't even buy more than 100mg of gummies in one container in IL. What the hell dispensary is charging even $40 for 100mg let alone $254?",
">\n\nThere was that too but I didn't want to type out a whole detailed rant. Just point out one absurdity quickly.",
">\n\nKirkland Signature Stash",
">\n\nMedMen, California's 'Apple Store of weed,' is about to fail \nLester Black February 6, 2023\nMedMen was the hottest cannabis store in California when the state’s recreational pot market opened in 2018.\nThe retail chain called itself the “Apple Store of weed” and national media outlets, from Esquire to Vanity Fair, hailed this California pot company as the upscale future of legal pot. Before long, MedMen had opened locations in seven states and even expanded to Manhattan.\nBut now MedMen’s empire is on the verge of financial failure.\nThe company has over $137 million more in debt than assets with only $15 million of cash on hand, according to a financial disclosure released last week. MedMen said in its disclosure that there was “substantial doubt” as to whether it can pay its bills for the next year.\nMedMen has more than 700 employees and is headquartered near Los Angeles, according to its annual filing last year. It has 23 stores across the country in six states (it withdrew from Florida last August), and three locations in the Bay Area, in San Jose, San Francisco and Emeryville. The company did not respond to SFGATE’s request for comment.\nMedMen went public on the Canadian stock exchange in 2018, raising $110 million at an evaluation of $1.65 billion. The stock was trading at more than $6 a share in 2018, but it’s now worth less than $0.04.\nPriya Sopori, a cannabis attorney based in Los Angeles, said MedMen’s value as a business has been “hotly disputed” for many years.\n“I think there was significant disagreement as to whether or not MedMen was worth what MedMen said it was worth,” Sopori told SFGATE. “In many ways I think we’re seeing the consequences of those valuations from years ago.”\nMedMen’s financial disclosure is only the latest warning sign that California’s cannabis economy is struggling, with many companies close to out of business. Expensive regulations and high taxes are combining with crashing wholesale prices to make it almost impossible to make a profit in the legal industry.\nDebt has become a particularly big problem for the state’s industry. California law allows distributors and retailers to buy cannabis on credit with an agreement to pay the supplier back in the future. But many retailers are not paying these debts, according to Brett Gelfand, the managing partner of CannaBiz Collects, a cannabis-focused debt collection agency.\n“We’re seeing the same debtors over and over again. Sometimes we have 20 different clients submitting their claims against the same debtor, so the debtor is drowning in debt,” Gelfand said. MedMen has expanded to six states and is listed on the Canadian stock exchange.\nGelfand estimated that 80% of his business comes from California and “the last 6 to 9 months are the busiest times ever we’ve seen” in the state. He said it can be almost impossible for companies to get fully repaid by retailers who have run up high levels of debt, whom he called “problem children.”\n“In California, with the problem children, getting paid in full has become uncommon, very rare,” Gelfand said. “They're probably going to go out of business, they have big egos, and they’re not going to pay their bills. Those are the debtors that are going to get weeded out this year, they’re going out of business all the time.”\nOne insider told Green Market Report that he estimated that half of California’s cannabis retailers will go out of business this year because of debt problems. Gelfand said he was actually optimistic about 2023, because now most of the bad operators have already gone under or others are teetering on the verge of a collapse.",
">\n\nHonestly since delivery I don't go in store anymore, I'm in NV though. I feel you gotta spend money on a) the product, b) the pricing, and c)the logistics. I don't really care how fancy the brick and mortar store is at that point. I do order from p13 because their deals are great, I went in once to register my stuff and I was kinda overwhelmed to be honest. I just do delivery from them now and haven't been physically inside a dispensary since. I order about twice a week, so it was great to cut out a drive. I've been to a lot dispensaries the last 9 years and that's what I'm basing my opinion on. I mainly want a good product for a good price, after that I might be turned off by a weird atmosphere or confusing layout. After that really slow and disorganized staff that know less about weed than I do.",
">\n\nhow's delivery? is there a minimal amount to buy? i assume you have to tip? i've only gone to brick and mortar locations.",
">\n\nThere is delivery in my State also. You don't have to tip the driver, but is nice to do. Most places the delivery is free, and minimum of 75 dollars.",
">\n\nSome of the places in Washington I go to look pretty nice but it’s always a bare bones operation. The store I go to is tribal owned and have 30% off something on the daily. There’s a happy medium between boutique and bodega that will still make money without draining your customers bank account.",
">\n\nNot sure where you’re at in WA, but speaking of tribal owned shops, the one in Marysville by the huge Walmart shopping center is legit. And they have a HUGE selection.",
">\n\nIf it’s like where I’m at, licenses were handed out to people with money. They are the best at taking more than they deserve. Regulation benefited only those that could benefit those that regulate.",
">\n\nBig city im close to tried something to combat that. Residents of the city get first dibs at licensing.. they got sued over it. And it was a slow roll out too, so while there were grow houses in the city, and medical dispensaries existed on the border of the suburbs... they slow rolled the licensing and as a result, the suburbs got built up with dispensaries. In my little town of less than 3 sq miles, bordering the city, we have 5 recreational dispensaries, 6 if you include the \"tobacco\" pipe shop that is now selling... while there is barely any in the city proper.",
">\n\nNeed to simplify their business model. Only supply one product, delivered is small plastic bags, and have a schedule of what street corners you will be at like a food truck....or literally operate a munchies truck.",
">\n\nUnusual to see a newer episode of Simpsons predicting stuff.",
">\n\nWe never needed “apple stores” we only need a legitimate place to buy, why are weed stores more equipped with so much technology and glitz ?",
">\n\nYeah, people used to buying their weed in a Taco Bell parking lot aren't looking for a lot opulence.",
">\n\nThis was a trash company and will always be",
">\n\nMedmen? More like mids, man.",
">\n\nLmao. Gotta find a niche and turns out nobody likes the \"apple experience\" when it comes to weed.\nI had an experience with a local dispensary in my hometown that looked like I walked into a high end spa or salon and I did not go back because it was so weird. Probably thought they would cater to the demographic that didn't do the \"bruh cultuŕe\" as a stoner. But as a Canadian, we tend to be more relaxed about cannabis ..",
">\n\nMy office number is one digit off of one of their locations. \nI have a 50/50 chance that anyone calling my office line is actual business, or Someone too stoned to hit the right number and call for their weed.",
">\n\nThe jokes you could play...",
">\n\nOh no, the market moved on without them. Now let big banks a car manufacturers fail please.",
">\n\nI need a store set up like a back ally. Two guys sleeping on the floor or a fake house set up with a creepy guy in a white beater sitting on a dilapidated couch watching Bad Boys. Would make me feel more comfortable.",
">\n\nLooks cringingly bad in there. Like you wouldnt bother cos you can see the extra costs being tagged on before you even walk in",
">\n\nKing's Crew in Long Beach is almost like an Apple store. Decor is more like a jewelry store that sublets a 711. There are tablets, but that's for the employees to make sure they are helping the right customers.",
">\n\nWho would have guessed that having ten times more space than you need would be a bad thing?",
">\n\nI don’t get why so many of these type of weed stores have to model themselves after apple.",
">\n\nWhen weed was legalized in Canada, I paid Motley Fool for advice on which marijuana businesses to invest in. I lost money.",
">\n\nMotley fool is staffed by people that weren't good enough to work for actual wall Street (i.e. land good offers)\nAka serial bullshitters",
">\n\nI went to their spot in WeHo once. One time. There's plenty of better options around."
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