Just wanted to rant for a bit. Surgeon being a little bitch about the nurse leaving the OR for a minute, goes to the corridor and starts making a scene and proceeds to rant about how that never happened in this hospital blah blah blah. This not to mention when they open their fucking mouths to spout their dumbass political or societal takes and you just have to sit and listen to them going on and on and on about kids these days or what society has come to or whatever. Fucking idiots. Wasn't anything directed at me personally but how do you all deal with hating many of your coworkers and wishing they would just cut people up in silence? Am I alone in this? Edit: I'm loving the responses so far, won't directly reply to all but keep them coming
Question for those docs that work both in Anaes/ITU/ED We were doing a journal club on the recent preoxi trial (NIV vs O2 mask for pre-oxygenatiom in critically unwell) here in the U.K. We were surprised that the usually practice seemed to involve the use of NRB/BVMs, and there was no mention of a mapleson C (waters) circuit, which seemed to be the usual practice for our group in this patient cohort. So we don’t find it as ‘practice changing’ as all the FOAMed crew did… My question is, does America not use water’s circuits? And if so, why?
Hi everybody. I was wondering whether there is any data around a practice that is often performed at my hospital. Personally I'm not a fan but I have quite a few colleagues that routinely put the ventilator in apnea at a (sevoflurane) end tidal of 0,2-0,3 MAC to get the patient to breathe at the end of the case. It seems to me that is quicker to just keep ventilating and removing the gas from the patient. He/she will wake up and start to breathe eventually. Aside from that it is just better to not have a significant hypercapnia with all its adverse effects. I use apnea in certain cases but really don't like this as a habit. Is there any data on whether this practice leads to quicker extubation? I'm having a hard time finding studies about it. I usually end up with results around sleep apnea (or maybe there is no data). What's your experience?
Do you find that bite blocks are necessary in regards to the concern of negative pressure pulmonary edema (NPPE)? While I understand why they are used, I do not find them necessary since you could easily deflate the cuff and allow a patient to breathe around the deflated cuff in the unlikely event that you get into that situation. Deflating the cuff would allow you time to sedate the patient again (if necessary), avoid NPPE, and generate less waste. However, maybe I am thinking about this wrong? Just curious other people’s thoughts and opinions?
Been doing an ENT surgery block. I did a list a few weeks ago with airway laser and we didn’t use laser ETTs, just regular PVC cuffed ETT and a wet throat pack. This week same list but attending insists on laser ETT which was very difficult to place and caused some airway trauma, the patient was coughing loads on the tube on wake up. I asked the attending and they don’t do the list very frequently but said they “always” use one. I’ve had a google but can’t figure out when you would or wouldn’t use one.
Hello, i am a PACU nurse and curious your thoughts on IM ephedrine for nausea refractory to zofran, and phenergan. I have a been in PACU for 3 years and it’s not the first time I’ve seen this as a standing order. To me it works fairly well when nothing else (including extra hydration) does. Our order is 25mg. I found super old studies to support it. A lot of my coworkers are not comfortable using it because of “cardiac effects”. Most of our patients are healthy as we are an ASC. The most I’ve seen it do to patients is bump up their HR a bit. How can I explain this is a safe use of ephedrine? Besides telling them to look up the studies.
I am a trainee in a small EU country. Our local working conditions are quite unique - our union is bad and the only government hospital in the country employs roughly 95% of anaesthetists in the country (private practice is a tiny industry and this gives them a monopoly as employers). Currently, the department is forcing new anaesthesiologists (ie. those who have finished their training) to work roughly 55 hours per week and and work a 24h shift once every 5 days (either ICU or Obstetrics or General). The salary is not bad, but nothing compared to the US. Roughly 5-6k net per month. To me, these are unacceptable working conditions after working so hard from the age of 18 until 31. I will eventually want to start a family and work life balance is important to me. I want to be able to enjoy my life, invest in my relationships with my wife and children, and enjoy my hobbies. I am thinking of finishing my training here (our exit exam is the EDAIC),and then trying to move to a different country to practice. I speak English at a native level and Spanish at a B1 level and love the country, so it is an attractive option. I am open to any countries, but especially Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland and the UK. I have a few years left in my training and am fine with putting in the effort to learn a language to the necessary level. Romance languages would be easier to learn for me. So, to European/UK anaesthesiologists: - What are your working conditions like as anaesthesiologists? - How many hours do you have to work per week? - How many nights do you have to do per month? - How many weekends do you have to work? - How much vacation leave do you get? Is it easy to take vacation leave or a massive hassle? - Do you have options to work 35, 40 or 45h per week? - What is your salary? Are you financially comfortable where you're living? - Are there foreign anaesthetists working in your country and do you know if it is an easy/difficult process to become employed? Would I need to take more exams?
Hello all. I find myself nearing the end of my anaesthesia + critical care training and facing into the prospect within the next few years of having a permanent job etc but may have some time between now and then to do some good work and volunteer with an organisation or charity What are your experiences with volunteering? Where did you go? Was it easy to get the time off to do it and how much time could you afford to give to it? Would you do it again and what would you recommend to a colleague considering doing something similar? Thanks in advance
Hello, I am a senior in high school currently enrolled in a CNA program and I am looking towards transitioning into becoming an Anesthesia technician along with my patient care experience once I am in university I'm attending school in the state of Pennsylvania and I was wondering how does someone become an anesthesia tech? I'm well aware that Technicians and Technologists are not the same and one needs an associate's degree but I cant find exact information on how to become a technician I can't find any programs and most job postings in my area only say "1 year healthcare experience and BLS cert", Does that mean I can just apply as a PCT with those certs? (I plan on becoming a pct with my CNA license ) I'd appreciate any clarification and help from anyone Thank you!
ive loving the ICU as an anesthesia resident but am curious if doing a fellowship will be a waste in the long run. One of my non ICU attendings did say that its fun because it's a young man's game. But once you have kids/wife and start to get older, people just do full time OR. The reason why I like ICU is because it's some time away from the OR but still getting to practice anesthesia. I like the team rounding aspect and understanding the deep intense physiology of ICU patients. The big question is it worth the opportunity cost of 1 year attending salary? For those who do ICU, do u end up making less than full time OR? Are you limited to academic settings? or is it possible to do academic ICU but PP anesthesia? Is it truly a young man's game and not for those who want a chiller lifestyle?
I am the only member of my family who has deconstructed from the faith and left the Republican Party. While I haven’t actually announced these things, pretty sure they are aware I am no longer religious, but they definitely don’t know I no longer associate with the Republican Party. I was hoping to start having conversations with my family about how they can be a Jesus follower, but worship a man with zero morals. I was really hoping these conversations could ease their way in soon. I was at dinner tonight with many conservative family members when one got a phone call Trump was shot, from a friend in Pennsylvania close by to the rally. This was before it was even on the news. My heart instantly sank. I knew regardless of whether he was dead or alive, this would be seen as a holy war. It was. “Biden’s team did this!”. “I have no doubt the left will close down social media to make sure nobody hears about this”. “This is evil. The devil doesn’t want Trump to win”. And my personal favorite, “these types of crimes never occurred when I was growing up”. (Let’s totally forget JFK, RFK, MLK jr, and countless others assasinated in the same decade). I feel absolutely hopeless. I believe this is going to make the paranoid right lean into their beliefs even harder. I already knew this would be a close election, but I think we’re fucked now. Hate to be a pessimist, but I will still absolutely try to have conversations with my friends and family who are on the fence about this election.
I get so annoyed when Christians say they claim they had something when it could of just been something else. We are supposed to have a close relationship eith God however I had none. I find it hard to believe when people who say they hear God speaking to them all the time which I find cringy as well. I can never understand why God doesn't make it easier for us to have an easier way to have a supernatural experience with him and that he only choose a random few that can ever get it. So much for a dialogue relationship with him!
i’m struggling to decide what to do with my christian parents. i’ve had a good relationship with them over the course of my life but they do NOT respect me being gay because of their religion. however, they’ve never been outright violent or hateful to me, but i still feel like it’s impossible to continue a relationship with them, because there is a whole part of my life that i just can’t share with them. i would love some advice from other queer people who maybe chose (or DIDN’T choose) to go no contact with religious parents, even if the relationship wasn’t absolutely toxic.
I feel like i can‘t post stuff about my belief‘s anywhere or telling it to people without being judged. I‘m a Theistic Satanist and i cannot live my life without hearing: "Turn back to jesus“ "Father forgive them for they do not know what they do“ "I never knew u" I don‘t even believe in the christian Satan to begin with but its just so annoying, i know its mostly not their fault how they act cause they are so influenced to believe that their religion is the only right one and that every other religion is automatically evil. Its like i can‘t be happy without anyone telling me how bad or "evil“ i am. Can anyone relate?
I just need to get this off if my chest. I feel so angry because I lost my relationship bc of 2 years in he became an intense Christian. He learned he couldn’t be married to an unbeleiver. The crazy part is he put the burden of the scenario on me and didn’t wanna break up because he loved me and wanted me to try god. So basically I had to technically break up with him and I feel like he just didn’t wanna look like the bad guy. He just labeled it as if anyone were to ask “neither one of us is breaking up with the other, we don’t want this to happen” I’m not trying to make him sound evil it was just so unfair that with that ultimatum he couldn’t just breakup with me since I felt like the relationship was now getting stripped from me bc I had something I couldn’t fulfill. Fast forward a few months I get a long handwritten note from him. It’s heartfelt, he apologized for many things that went wrong , told me he would wait around for my until I officially get married. But you know what he didn’t follow that up with “you don’t need to be religious and I’m sorry I was wrong” why tell someone you’d wait around for them if it wasn’t followed up by that?? I’m so mad, confused and hurt and I don’t know what to think. Any encouraging words or any outside opinions are needed. Thank you
Visiting my parents and it seems like every other thing is demonic or dangerous or criminal to my mom. Was trying to play music in the car and my dad was teasing me to not play Taylor Swift, which is fine we joke about her since he is a Antonoff fan. Then mom chimes in and is like “she’s demonic” “don’t play anything demonic” ….. if you don’t like her music, if you don’t like her as a person or for whatever reason that’s fine— I won’t play her and I won’t complain! But saying random people or music or whatever is “demonic” when you will listen to and not deride *other* secular music or people is so utterly ridiculous. I think in the last six hours she has mentioned “demons” quite literally 6+ times.
Not that you necessarily agree with their views, but you can respect or appreciate them. I have two. C.S. LEWIS. A Christian humanist who didn't sacrifice rationality for his faith. His quote in The Screwtape Letters that the best way to convince people that Christianity is wrong is to look at other Christians blew my mind in its honesty (which is rare as hens teeth among Christian apologists) when I was at the beginning of my prodigal son phase. BOB DYLAN. During his "born again" phase Dylan made two incredibly raw and emotional albums: Slow Train Coming and Saved. I've always thought that if anything could convince me to be a Christian, it would be these. The best songs have a depth, honesty and innocence that I've never from any other Christian. They're still some of my favorite Dylan LP's. /watch?v=TifIuXBAv_o
I hear so many trying to defend Exodus, and I understand they are indoctrinated to the point that they can't have a coherent thought of their own. They use the story to defend but, the Pharoah who is commonly believed to be Rameses II supposedly drowned with his army, but we know he actually died of old age. (The bible gives no name of the pharoah) There are no Egyptian recordings of plagues or a mass migration. There isn't any evidence of an Egyptian army at the bottom of the Red Sea either. How do they defend it?
(Do not read if you are triggered by SH and s*icide subjects). I was born to a single mother in a year I won't specify because I want my age private but my mother was Catholic for some time and the church she went to was really nice, open minded suprisingly, and cool but one day she met my step father and became Baptist.. Now after a year or so ago I realized I'm LGBTQ+ then I wanted to explore other faiths.. I'm now either Pansexual or Omnisexual but I prefer guys over women.. I've tried like explaining the truth about gay people and how well we can't fucking change our sexuality like our jewelry or something to her but she dismisses it and makes stupid Christian excuses. The unacceptance has broughten me to feel like I need to commit suicide to just go somewhere better wherever that be I guess. I don't know how to continue explaining this. I felt like crying writing this to be honest. Thank you for reading this.. have a good day!
This didn't happen in this sub. I moderate other subs as well, and this happened elsewhere. One sub I moderate gets frequent christian 'visitors' who are there to do nothing other than openly proselytize or pretend not to be proselytizing while they proselytize. It depends on if they read the rules or not. Anyway, they often come into modmail after their comments are removed. It's exhausting, honestly. These people are everywhere and just won't freaking stop. This time, though... it was this. "Gay sex is dangerous." Then "but it's a fact." First of all... all sex is dangerous. People have accidents, STDs are a thing, feels get involved and people hurt each other as a secondary side effect... But can we just get real for a minute? Pregnancy damages the human body. It has long-term consequences. [/womens-health/pregnancys-lasting-toll](/womens-health/pregnancys-lasting-toll) Women die from pregnancy complications. Women die from birth complications. Here's a hilarious statistic: >STI risk was found to be elevated among heterosexual-WSW (women who have sex with women) and bisexual women, whether they report same-sex partners or not, whereas gay-identified WSW were less likely to report an STI compared to heterosexual women with opposite sex relationships only. Among males, heterosexual-identified MSM (men who have sex with me) did not have a greater likelihood of reporting an STI diagnosis; rather, STI **risk was concentrated among gay and bisexual identified men who reported both male and female sexual partners.** STI risk behaviors mediated the STI disparities among both males and females, and **victimization partially mediated STI disparities among female participants.** These results suggest that relying solely on behavior-based categories, such as MSM and WSW, may mischaracterize STI disparities by sexual orientation. What this is saying is that gay people who stick to gay people are less likely to get STIs. (Sexually Transmitted Infections; formerly "STDs"). Now, I'm not LGBTQ, I'm just an ally. But my anger here isn't ***just*** about the lies about "gay sex is dangerous," it's that not ONLY are they out there spreading this nonsense (it's not any more dangerous than straight sex; and arguably less, given that no gay sex \[barring trans\] produces pregnancies, which are definitely dangerous and sometimes deadly). It isn't ONLY about them trying to attack and emotionally abuse members of the subs I moderate. That's bad enough, but in places where spirituality is discussed, this "god says" bullshit is extra infuriating. I know that most people in this sub aren't spiritual, and many of you cannot understand my frustration with this... I just really wanted to discuss the attempt to HIJACK spiritual experiences and attribute it FORCIBLY to THEIR evil god... and THEN they add on this vile, hateful, malicious SPEW about "gay sex bad." This person was trying to respond to a post about how the person didn't believe that the loving beings in the afterlife care what sexual orientation you are--all are loved. Not ONLY are they trying to hijack a beautiful phenomena and insert their FUCKING monster into it, and their FUCKING "hell" into it... but they're trying to use it for their hateful anti-LGBTQ agenda. Then they say that they are persecuted. Literally NOWHERE is safe FROM them. Literally NOWHERE is a sanctuary FROM them... but THEY are the persecuted ones. THEY are the poor, poor minority. They are the poor, poor, POOR set-upon TruthBringers who are there to lovingly spew hatred at people and to try to control our bodies WITHOUT PERMISSION. I'm tired, you guys. I'm tired. Today... I am feeling rather worn down and exhausted. Why must they ruin everything with their lies and their hate and their intrusions and their inability to LIVE AND LET LIVE? Why?! Why can't they just leave people alone? (No, I'm not really asking. I'm venting pain and frustration). Just leave people alone. Stop lying and trying to destroy people's lives. God damn.
This is my first Glock. I’ve had a lot of fun finding out my likes and dislikes. Just finished my build for home and personal defense. Goal was to keep the internals OEM where it counts so as not to compromise the Glock reliability. Red dot and trigger swap were game changers for me. How’d I do? Glock 19 Gen 5 MOS —Streamlight TLR-7X —Forward Controls OPF-G MOS Plate —Aimpoint Acro P2 Red Dot Sight —-Acro P2 Aluminum Battery Cap Kit —-TangoDown Aimpoint Acro P2 Lens Guard —Ameriglo GL-429 XL, Black —Glock Performance Trigger OEM —-Glock + Connector OEM —Extended Magazine Release OEM —Extended Slide Stop Lever OEM —SLR Magwell —Great Lakes Custom Works Chopped Beavertail Backstrap -Talon Grips, Rubber
For only 30 bucks more than standard OEM steel sights, I ordered a set of Phosphorescent sights for my Gen 1 "Classic" in the correct rear sight height I don't care about the gimmicky glow in the dark stuff, I just think they look cool and give the gun a retro 80s look. The glow in the dark element is a plastic insert, not paint so to me the Ball in Bucket sight picture pops more during 2 eyes open shooting At 20 yards, shooting slow, shooting fast, one hand hold and two......I was able to hit easily except for a couple ganks getting too quick with head shots . The backstory to these is that some countries banned Tritium so these were the only option for a "night sight" . They have to be charged with a light , so unless you hit em with a flashlight before using them or happened to go from light to dark, they're basically just white outline sights that have glow in the dark capability .
Was walking at home with my G19.5 in hand on my way to clean it when I tripped and accidentally pulled the trigger. Round hit my marble floors, somehow didn’t even crack the tile, but the round disintegrated and ricocheted in a million directions, some of the shrapnel entering my foot. Had to get some shrapnel extracted from my foot. Some pliers, an X-ray, antibiotics and a tetanus shot later, I’m thankfully fine, but with a huge lesson learned. Posting this to not only hold myself accountable but also to let my mistake serve you all as a reminder that you should never cut corners when it comes to firearm safety. 🙏
So I got my Holosun SCS zeroed last week and it’s perfect, zeroed at 15 yards. It’s like a literal cheat code. Unbelievable. The thing I don’t understand is when I line up my iron sights it looks like the dot is off to the right of my irons. Now when I first got my g19, before put the SCS on, I was shooting with the irons and hitting my target. I was just shooting a 12 inch AR500 steel though so maybe I wasn’t that precise just hitting within 12 inches? I’m just not understanding it all. Like I said dot is dialed in and irons are accurate enough so why are they not perfectly centered with each other?
I’m torn between the two options, ideally I’d want the 45 size and love the look of the Apollo customs cerakote but the 47 I saw had upgraded sights and is MOS. The 47 also has an upgraded trigger. Not sure what trigger but it’s way smoother. They’re both $600 and come with everything, but the 45 is brand new. I know I could always get a different slide later on with either option and have a 45 length slide with an optics cut, but I’m unsure which I should go with to start the build. (It’s mainly gonna be a range toy, I carry a 43x mos) which would you go with and your reasoning? ( picture of the same 45 in question but I didn’t get a pic of the 47)
Interesting first Glock buy for sure. This was a late night purchase. Thought I was going to regret it but I like it even more in person. Can't really find much on it. Glock 19 "Thrasher'. Bought it from family firearms. I believe it's a Shark Coast custom? Anyone who knows more please let me know...anyways apparently Glocks set up nicely for me cuz I was shooting great on the range. She handled her first 200 rounds without hiccup. This will be the new EDC it looks like. Now looking at a full size 9mm. Maybe 45 or 47?
*Constructive Criticism* is welcomed! Glock 19 Gen 3 left target. Glock 23 Gen 3 right target. 7-10 Yards. I’m not the best shooter out there nor do i claim to be, I’m just continuing to put in the reps and train as much as i can. Preferably once a week, but I’ve been going once every two weeks. I have trouble anticipating recoil and my trigger management, that’s my only problem. My grip is fine and i will get better as i continue to put in more time at the range. If your groupings look like mine, what I’ve found that has been very helpful is shooting 2-3 rounds at 7-10 yards instead of dumping the entire mag and bringing my target back in to see if I’m shooting low left(right handed shooter) and where my shots are going and I’ll repeat this process until groupings are nice/tight in the center. I like the smaller targets as it really allows me to dial in on the bullseye. Keep training that’s the only way you’re going to see progress. Thanks and have a Blessed day! 🫡
Hi all, I recently asked for recommendations on red dot sights for people with astigmatism and got some great suggestions. However, I realized that not everyone might know what astigmatism does and how it affects vision when using a red dot, with or without glasses or contacts. I came across this helpful picture by Vortex that shows how a red dot might appear for people with astigmatism. Mine is the second from the left on the top row. I hope this gives those without astigmatism some insight so they can share helpful suggestions with their friends and family.
Hey gents, new Acro P2 owner here. I’ve been having issues with my dot fading. It’s only my second day owning this optic and I have noticed that the dot fades out randomly if I leave the gun untouched for a period of time. At first I thought it was the battery, but I have realized that whenever I press down on the battery cap with my thumb, the dot returns to its original brightness setting. This feels abnormal for a dot and I’ve never experienced this before. It’s not a problem on my Micro T2, which I have attached to my AR. Any advice or clarity would be appreciated.
So I just picked up less then an hour ago my first Glock, also my first semi auto handgun (only revolvers for me up until now). I bought some snap caps to practice with and while I was racking the slide one of the snap caps did not come out and caused a little jam. I held the slide back, engaged the clip release, the clip easily dropped out, and the stuck snap cap then came out with ease. The only issue is I heard a very distinct noise, similar to a piece of metal hitting my floors and bouncing a few times. I checked everywhere and couldn’t find anything. Checked the gun and all seems fine, it continued to rack the snaps no problem, mag release fine, slide lock fine. Now I’m afraid to shoot it as I feel something might have fell out of the gun. Anyone have any idea what or why I could have heard that dropping/bouncing metal noise in regards to my scenario above?
Cheat Engine v7.5 has eliminated Windows 7. I installed the program but it won't launch, giving some API kernel errors messages. If you want to keep using Cheat Engine on Windows 7, you need to use v7.4. The next thing is, is the devs stick some douchebag scamware/adware in the installer, but I have the trash-free installer right here: /file_premium/p7qp1ow81reziem/Cheat_Engine_v7.4.7z/file The devs really want to put useless garbage software with Cheat Engine so even the clean installer won't run without some extra parameters. You'll need to download the trash-free installer above, and make a shortcut, and in shortcut target, you have to put /VERYSILENT /ZBDIST Finally, run the shortcut and it will silently install Cheat Engine v7.4 without all the risky garbage. Windows 7, as incredible as it is, is still old and insecure and we don't need greedy cucks trying to stuff our systems with their sponsored rubbish. Cheers and happy cheating everyone!
Hello! Recently struck by some nostalgia, I decided to clear up one of my HDDs for a Windows 7 QEMU VM to mess around and remember how it used to be. Passed through my GTX 970, installed and updated the VM fully, set up some apps. But my PC is pretty old so the VM isn't really suitable for the everyday use. So I decided, hey, I've installed it on its own disk, so I can just boot into it directly and avoid any performance overhead. And so I did. It works, but it also started recognizing my RTX 4060, which broke everything, since there are no 40 series drivers for Win7. It just runs in the basic VGA mode. I've tried disabling RTX 4060 in Device Manager, didn't change anything. Tried opening the Nvidia Control Panel, but for some reason it just doesn't anymore (I assume because it doesn't recognize RTX 4060 and crashes). It just clung onto RTX 4060 and doesn't let go. There's no output from GTX 970 when I plug HDMI into it. Is there a way around this other than removing RTX 4060? I really don't feel like rearranging the innards of my PC just to run Win7 faster. Thanks.
Hello, so my mom recieved a dead as a doorknob laptop and she was going to throw it away, but i saved it from its trash fate. I was able to get it unlocked and everything set up. Except it won't connect to the internet. Ive tried wireless connection, ive tried ethernet, nothing, nada, zilch. On wireless, it doesnt even give me the space to put in the wifi password. And when the laptop tries to find the problem, it either says there is no problem or that i need to restart my router, which, neither is true. Does anyone have any ways to get this to work? Its a samsung laptop from 2011 i think. Pics included if it helps. (Surveillance Van is the name of my wifi btw)
So I have this laptop here (/us-en/document/c08228870) and it came with Windows 11 Home in S mode. I've loaded Windows 10 Ameliorated Edition on it and it works fine, but I've never liked using custom ISO's..... So, Anyone think I'll have issues with my copy of Windows 7 Pro 64bit that I own? (Its the system builder copy from back in the day, but I can register it again) The biggest thing is the AMD Ryzen™ 3 3250U.... Drivers exist? I'll more than likely use snappy driver installer origin but I don't wanna do this and find out there is no driver support. So has anyone load 7 on a similar chipset?
FF XIV (the online MMO one) recently got one of it's bi-annual major patches (Dawntrail), and the new exe contains a bunch of strings/calls that are native to the user32 and kernel32 .dlls on Win 10+, and has indirectly cut off Win 7 players for the meantime. I have done a ton of experimenting trying to get it going again. I know the game works because I got the official benchmark (graphics test on a fixed general gameplay 3d video) to run fine (although the character creator did not work, and it skipped this and goes straight to the test with a default character). The full game can be gotten to the main menu by editing the main ffxiv_dx11.exe- but it will fail to connect to the servers as it checks your exe upon trying, and having edited the exe causes the signature to be invalid. The main known issues (another few, or maybe none, may emerge after conquering these) stopping Win7 users from getting into the game are GetOverlappedResultEx and SetProcessDpiAwarenessContext (these are the 2 things that you can edit to reach the main menu, before said signature check fail). What we essentially need to deal with these, is a working 'extended kernel', as they are called. So far I have found 3 that are released/in ongoing development: /vxiiduu/VxKex - This one is simple, but doesn't get the job done, which is fine because the developer has always stated it's program-focussed and not game-focussed. And it's still early in development/lightweight by my amateur eye. Latest version apparently has a bug with GetOverlappedResultEx too. /Blaukovitch/API-MS-WIN_XP - This one is complicated, and I'm not exactly sure what to do with it. /kernel-extenders/nt61 - Same as above, and generally I'd rather not mess with more dlls and random potentially critical file edits than what I actually need. Also neither this one nor the one above may even end up working, for all the effort I might put in to getting my head around these. Hence I am posting here in hope of someone with more know how- and who may be willing to download the free trial and/or 1.1 benchmark if they don't even have the game, in order to beat this. There are currently no Win 7 players in XIV right now and thus whoever can get the right twizzle of dlls/settings to support those 2 stringa (within ffxiv_dx11.exe) on Win 7 would be the very first. edit: forgot to mention, we are using/you will need a dxgi.dll and d3d11.dll (both 64bit) from this dxvk release /details/dxvk-1.7.1 (others may work too) to overcome/eliminate a game launch crash issue, which progressed us to the current issue with the 2 strings/calls.
To whom this may concern: I am asking for a bit of help. Is there a forced stop based on date on Windows 7 installation files?? Have had twice or more, on three different computers, that I could not 'install on this computer's hardware', but I know for a fact that the hardware is supported. Drive is less than 2TB. Break down to one RAM stick. Tried different ISOs ( of also, assumably legit) of W7. The one ISO I used for so long came from copy of a disk I got on Ebay \~15 years ago. And others I downloaded on open directories. One computer is a Q6600 (most recently tried). Another is a Xeon Sandy Bridge chip. And another is a i7-3770K. What am I doing wrong? I even tried one with SP1 on it. I even unhooked all drives except the destination drive. Oh and I am using YUMI to boot installers of W7 and I was playing with XP black edition and a couple others. I've about had it and sticking to Linux! But I have games that only work on W7, so help me out please. OH and important note, I recently cloned a drive that had a previous install of Win7 on it. And that works. And I may just stick to that and not try a fresh install anymore. But what am I doing wrong?? TAKE 7-10 OF INSTALLING WINDOWS 7!!! And take 3-5 for XP black edition.
Our tech department is non existent so this falls to me and we really need this second pc working again it’s a Dell optiplex 9020 running windows 7 professional. This bad boy won’t even pick up Ethernet cable, figure it needs a system update , I’m more familiar with 10, which creation tool do I need to download to my usb drive to update this turd? I’ve gone through all the suggestions for fixing the internet issues other than new hardware or updating. Figured update before asking the boss to buy parts. If you need any other info please ask.
So I have a external 500gb hdd that I want to run windows 7 from, for the nostalgia, I don’t want to use a VM, I want it to run on an actual hardware, now, I know that installing windows to a external hard drive is not possible normally, so I took out the hdd and plugged it to my older laptop and installed windows 7 on it, and when I try put the hdd back in to the sata to usb case and try to boot it up on my newer laptop that is from 2018, it doesn’t boot, gives me a blue screen either the error code 0x0000007B, I thought the laptop was too new and tried on my older laptop that is from 2006-08, and it didn’t work either, I tried booting up windows 10 from an external hdd, it boots without any problems, please help, I also have community made drivers for windows 7 for my ThinkPad T480, even though is unsupported, there is people on the internet who succeed running windows 7 on the same laptop, I’m just having problems booting the windows from the hdd! My specs are: i5-8350u 8gb ram Intel UHD 620 500gb ssd nvme (that I don’t what to install since I already have macOS and windows 10 installed in) Thanks in advance! And have a great day/afternoon/evening whoever is reading this! :) (NOTE!!!! This was posted by me to the Microsoft forum for help, might be posted on different subreddits to seek more help!)
I had recently install VMware to run VMs and for experiment on my Windows 7 laptop. About a day later, I start noticing that my OS is freezing or corrupted, sometimes the taskbar or the desktop freeze (doesn’t show not responding). I also tried to go to Mouse Tester to test if there’s anything wrong with my mouse, and when I click left mouse, it also click Middle Mouse. But when I open X-Mouse (a program for changing and disabling mouse buttons), it doesn’t show that I’m clicking Middle mouse when i left click, it just really weird. Also my browser is acting up, I can’t click search suggestions and search bar, I really doesn’t know what’s going on. Can anyone tell me what this is?
So I planning to buy a new laptop Asus tuf A15 Ryzen 5 | 16GB | 512GB | RTX 4050 I want to install windows 7 on it and I know it may be hard to find drivers for newer laptops but can the rtx 4050 even work on it or is it out of support completely And same for Ryzen 5 If that laptop is not gonna work at all Is there other laptops I can find, that is not too old or too new Between 2015-2019 as the windows 10 was released I know I can run newer AMD Ryzen but I'm worried about my wifi card, usb card and more My current laptop Acer es 15 has windows 7 It works but I have no wifi driver that is functioning, one usb port is not working and more I want to use windows 7, not windows 10 or 11
Even though its not literally zero, I mean tbh Japan's migration numbers and foreign born population are negligible compared to other G7 countries. to put this into perspective, Canada and UK are importing Commonwealth people by the millions each year while Japan has only about 2.5-3mll foreigners in total. However, when you look at Japan's legal skill and student migration requirements they seems like among the most straightforward and least expensive in the developed world, there are no high salary restrictions or dependent family member prohibitions like the UK and one can go all the way to citizenship even without going through PR/ILR, in all other G7 countries you cant skip PR and go straight to citizenship. So on paper, Japan is a very friendly country for skilled migration yet not many people end up moving there which means its not an attractive destination for migration. unless you like really love japan or an English teacher. Is this because most people who chose to migrate legally are from the upper middle class or very rich in their home countries and they don't even have Japan in their radar as a potential destination? is japan that unpopular among people who chose to move to a developed country? In your opinion, what are the reasons for this phenomena and how will this affect Japan's plans of having 10% of the workforce made out of foreign born residents by 2050? I personally know in my region (South Asia) Japan and since very recently, Germany have started heavily advertising their countries as potential destinations for work and settling but there seem to be no interest at all from the people. on the other hand, every one is crazy about going to Canada and England, and to lesser extent Aus & NZ even with stricter and expensive visas, people still lines up for mickey mouse degrees in droves to go to England somehow 🤷🏻.
My friend was here visiting me and purchased something from Hands tax-free. He was allowed to pay with a credit card, then go to the tax-free counter and claim his tax refund, which they gave him cash for (not the point, but this seems like this shouldn't be allowed, because buying on credit means the person may not have the money, so this is essentially a free cash advance...) Anyway, when handing him the ¥1000, the cashier took the banknote out of the register, and then flicked it twice, striking it with her index finger. The crispness was audible. She then handed it to her colleague, and the colleague flicked the bill too, before finally handing it to my friend. Why?
Hello, I'm an international high school student looking to get a volunteering position in a clinical setting. I've never written an email in Japanese or am familiar with Japanese email writing etiquette, and I'm not exactly sure how I should structure or sign off the email. Regarding my actual Japanese skills, honestly I'm not too confident, but I'll be applying to areas that work with children, since I've done a lot of educational volunteering at my school and another facility. I figured I might as well give it a go, since it's better than not doing anything
Hello! For as long as I can remember, my local Japanese community has danced bon odori to this song. But I cannot for the life of me track down this song online or even find the artist! No one locally knows, we only know it as "furusato ondo". However if you look that up, completely different songs appear. It seems to be a pretty common name, just meaning hometown and all. My Japanese isn't good enough to pick up all the words and my googling ways comes to a dead end. So this evening and obon dance practice, I recorded the audio while I was practicing! The quality isn't very good, sorry about that. But I will so grateful if anyone can help me figure this out! Here is the video, again sorry it is not very good. It's just recording face down on a chair lol.
I was thinking today about the western world's viewpoint on the spirit world vs the Japanese viewpoint. My question is: How do Japanese view the West's spiritual landscape when dealing with demon possession and angelic beings like Archangels? Do they find these practices to be normal, fall in line with their own spiritual beliefs, totally conflicting, etc etc? Is there an equivalent of US faith healers in Japan? Demon possession? And how deeply does Shinto fall into the Japanese mindset of good and evil spirits inhabiting people and objects? Thanks for your time!
Lots of Chinese paintings of emperors have them have lots of facial hair except Qing emperors, which have little to none. I know that Japan is not China, but I was under the impression that Japan has been heavily influenced by China. So why do shogun and just other Japanese paintings of men barely or have any facial hair? Were they actually following the style of the Qing at the time? The reason I am doubtful is because I think I’ve heard that even the Japanese thought of the Manchu Qing as barbarians, so I’d think they’d wanna not follow that, unless I’m wrong.
I know these aren’t the best anecdotes I have, but I have noticed whenever I see a picture of an East Asian man with beard on the internet, they are usually Japanese. Also some famous old/middle aged Japanese men or historical figures. [Toshiro Mifune](/originals/36/12/cb/3612cba6890c48b73b091b1c16f6ade7.jpg) [Nagaoka Gaishi](/wiki/Nagaoka_Gaishi#/media/File:Gaishi_Nagaoka_2.jpg) [Hayao Miyazaki](/-XZAfHZM39UwaGJIFWKAE8fS0ak=/v3/t/assets/156932_v9_ba.jpg) [Steven Aoki ](/content/3x2/2000/1645798308-D699536C-AA3E-47DF-B737-7465EB8A3283-2.jpg)
About 7 years ago I taught in Northern part of the country, I worked at a juku teaching english. One of my students (my favorite student) gifted me a goodbye present on my last day there. it was a hanko that was written in kanji. My first name is Tim in english. He told me that phonetically the name was similar and translated " Dream Emperor" Some years later I had the stamp stolen from me by one of my American students. I was hoping someone might help me with this translation. I believe the bottom symbol was 帝
So, long story short, in two weeks, I'm due to welcome/host three Japanese people (business partners) to introduce them to a potential project I'd like them to become a part of (which includes touring the office, meeting my crew/project staff/people they'd be working with), discuss the project and their involvement, etc... They'd be staying in an hotel actually. However, I do need to welcome them into my home at least two separate days (not overnight, just a visit, as the software involved in this project is not in the office and I'm not going to introduce it to them yet because it's not mine and I'm under NDA to avoid mass disclosure), which means I'm posed with what seems like an innocuous question: If they are visiting my house (for around 2 hours per day, 4 hours total), what should I tell them at the door? This is Colombia, where taking your shoes off is seen as unhygienic and rude, and moreover, both me and my girlfriend are from Spain and France, respectively, and it's also a big no no there. The floors get swept and wiped regularly, and are all hard, smooth ceramic tile (except glass stairwell). We don't have a genkan or getabako, just a thick doormat and the entryway which is the same floor as the rest of the lower level. So, bearing this in mind, would any Japanese find it bad taste if their host asked them to keep their shoes on when they entered the house? Also an extra unrelated PS: apparently, gift giving is a big no no unless gifts bear the company name. Would customized, company [branded storage water bottles](/nationalpost/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Screenshot-2023-08-16-at-12.32.31-PM-e1692203574205.png) count as a company gift?
I'm planning to move to Japan in the near future for work. Currently debating whether to get a sleeve or not. (ends at the wrist, coverable by dress shirt) I already have other tattoos, but they are more or less hidden when wearing a t-shirt. What is daily life like for those who have visible tattoos? Do you get a lot of comments/judgements? I know that you cant go into onsen, but renting a private one seems to be a better option. Anything I should know before getting the sleeve? thanks in advance.
Hey guys, I’m kinda just getting back into vgc after like 2 years and I figured I would create a server to hopefully bring some people together to battle and have fun team building with. I’m in Canada so est time zone if that matters. Right now there’s just me but I’m hoping to create a lil community where we can talk, battle and hopefully do one of those fun gym systems you find on the huge servers. I was wondering if I could snag anyone from here to join and maybe invite their friends and give it a chance? Here’s the invite link if anyone is willing: /ZzXdWcJcHR
This is a place for you to ask any quick question you might have that relates to VGC, which is the official double battle format. For questions about Single battles, monotype battles, other metagames, or even more opinions on VGC, please visit r/Stunfisk. ​ If your question is longer or more involved, feel free to make it its own thread! ​ Please be courteous and respectful both to askers and answerers. ​ This post will be archived 3 days from the time of its posting, and replaced with another post.
🚨**BIG ANNOUNCEMENT**🚨 It is with great pleasure that I may announce our new collaborative event with spearpillar and pokefolk /invite/AUEP6dCJE3 Special thanks to sirsmoke, kai and my deputy tournament organiser parentheticalVGC as well as others for getting this set up! We bring you the **“Grand Grassroots Circuit”** **The 2024-2025 Grand Grassroots Circuit Season will span from September 2024 - April 2025** Each Region will host 6 Regional Events & 1 International Event per season. We heard the feedback VGC players have been giving in regards to the new TPCI Worlds format for the 2024-2025 Season. Our event strives to act as an alternative circuit for VGC Players to the New TPCI circuit that caters to the following: 1. **Low Registration Fees** - Regional Level Events can run upwards of $70 just to register for the event. Our events are $10 for our “Regional” level events, and $15 for our International (Price/currency used is adjusted depending on host region). **EVERY EVENT HAS A PRIZE POOL BASED OFF OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS IN THE EVENT!** 2. **No Travel Costs/Compete from the comfort of your own home!** - Travel fees are likely what will incur players the largest amount of expenses during a Worlds Qualifying run. You may even see players unable to attend the World Championship itself due to the cost of travel. 3. **Qualify based off Minimum Point Bar** - **ALL** players who hit or exceed 40 Grassroot Points will qualify for our invitational event, the Grand Grassoots Cup! 4. **Best Finish Limits** - Only the 4 best finishes from our “Regional” events and 1 from our “international” events count towards your qualification. *This hopefully eliminates the issue of availability, as those who may have the ability to attend multiple international events in the official TPCI circuit have a significant advantage compared to their peers who cannot.* 5. **Multiple Event Times** - Due to the collaborative nature of this event, you will have 3 separate event hosts, from 3 separate regions which you may compete within! **Points transfer between all the regions so feel free to play in the events that are more friendly to your timezone!** 6. Up-to-date rulesets : We will always be using the most up-to-date vgc format/rules that are used in the official circuit! 7. **Highest Level of professionalism** - Just because this is a grassroots hosted event doesn’t mean we aren’t serious about the structure, operations, and professionalism of the event. We have created an Inclusion Policy & Standards of Conduct Modeled after TPCI’s own policies on these matters. Additionally, we have created a Guide/FAQ and a Tournament Rulebook to help you as players understand how the circuit works! Grand Grassroots Circuit Will also be partnering with @ryanpbherbet from Devoncorp to bring you another Official Webpage for our event! Website link: /grand-grassroots-circuit All tournament info will posted below in the tournament announcement section and a seperate section for Grand Grassroots circuit will appear below 🙂 Any questions shoot me a message!
So bluntly, I like my poison types and really want to mess around with a mono poison team in doubles. Mostly for fun, but I want to actually have a chance at winning games. With psychic being a main weakness and very prominent this gen w/ Indeedee + Armarouge’s expanding force hitting like a truck, what pokemon can best counter this group? I have a Prankster Grafaiai built to specifically counter weather teams like H-Lillykoal (Steal Chlorophyll w/ doodle and it’s “our” weather boost. Great w/ a speed invested Iron Moth running Heat Wave!) But it’s kinda useless in Psychic Domain, so I have to leave it benched against Psychic Terrain abusers. Outside of countering Armarouge, any other advice is very welcome!
Been looking for a way to make Scovillain. It gets access to moves like Rage Powder, Helping Hand, Spicy Extract for support as well as Leaf Storm, Overheat, etc for coverage. I’ve been pairing it well with Clear Amulet Koraidon for +2 Atk from Spicy Extract as well as Chlorophyll for speed. Focus Sash is an obvious must because it can’t take hits from anything. Scovillain also gets completely outclassed by pokemon like Ogerpon, Amoonguss, etc. Maybe running Moody stall could work better? Leech Seed, Substitute, Protect, etc? Any thoughts on how to make this lil guy somewhat useful?
I’ve been practicing with vgc for a couple months, and every single time I start to feel like I’m making progress and something is clicking, I go on a soul crushing losing streak. It happens like clockwork. I started today with a 7-1 record after getting off last night feeling awesome. I started my day by watching my replays from yesterday and taking notes feeling confident and excited to play some pokemon. I ended the day 8-8 and had to get off because I was so upset. This happens literally every single time I start to do well. I hit a wall that knocks me down lower than I was before. I get that losing streaks happen to everyone, but I consistently always go on losing streaks that completely undo any progress I’ve made and it just crushes me because I’ve put in a ton of time and work and I’m *still in the same place.* I’ve been practicing with the goal of going to tournaments and not embarrassing myself, but this constant reinforcement that I’m not good enough is getting to me so much. And it’s not that I don’t enjoy playing VGC, because I really do! I’ve written novels about it in texts to my friends that don’t even know what VGC is, and if I’m winning (or at least not losing 3+ in a row) I’m having a blast. But these huge losing streaks and complete lack of improvement or advancement make me want to stop trying. I get that it takes time to improve and you’re going to lose a lot when you start, but losing this much just *isn’t fun.* I can’t enjoy the process of learning when I’m faced with constant reminders that I’m not any better than I was before. Imagine going to the gym almost every day and altering your diet so you can eat enough protein and get stronger, but you can never lift weight heavier than you did at the start. It’s really bumming me out because I love pokemon and it’s not a case of VGC not being my thing, I just cannot stomach losing all the time. I feel like I’m destined to never be able to get good despite putting way more time and effort into this than any other hobby I’ve had.
lately i feel like ive hit a stone wall in teambuilding. it feels like whenever i come up with an idea, and come up with an idea, and immediately come up with a bajillion reasons why that idea sucks and scrap it, or i feel good enough about it to test it, only to realize what i came up with is complete and utter garbage. i feel like i have no confidence in my teambuilding skill anymore and with how little room for error there is in reg g, its been really demoralizing, especially as a content creator. advice?
I've just started playing Pokemon recently, and even more recently on showdown, and I was curious what people's opinions are on the differences between higher and lower ranked players. For example, as a former mid GC player I can look at a replay for a rocket league and get a good idea of their strengths and weaknesses and place them pretty well. I've just gotten stable above 1350 elo on showdown VGC bo1, and I was wondering what the main difference between a 1400 player and a 1600 player is. Or on cart I guess it would be a top 10000 player vs top 500.
Wigglytuff Battle Guild is back for its 10th season, this time doing a **multi-gen VGC season** with a **$600 (and rising)** prize pool split across 5 divisions! This means that players will be playing games in USUM, SS, and SV throughout the season! This will be a 9 week season (3 weeks total of each gen) with 3 weeks of playoffs. In addition to this, our side division will be Regulation G this season. If you'd like to apply, use the link below. All of our SV formats will be tera-type preview. There will be other specific rules for each format will be available on the doc when the season starts, but feel free to ask if you have any questions. Tentative schedule (subject to change until SV drafting begins): July 7th: Apps go live August 8th: Apps close August 10th: Coach reveals and SV drafting begins August 19th: Week 1 \[SV\] and SS drafting begins August 26th: Week 2 \[SS\] and USUM drafting begins September 2nd: Week 3 \[USUM\] September 9th-October 14th: Regular season continues, rotating between SV, SS, and USUM weekly. October 21th-November 11th: Playoffs (Each week is a Bo3 with all 3 gens vs your opponent) If you have any questions, or would like to donate to the prize pool reach out to Hopeless5089 or Robinary on Discord. [/wbg](/wbg) [/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4gzcs9FUJS\_0UmnJ1rGtb6yk3-BhVxs5fU4n8vTPV6dgv6A/viewform](/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc4gzcs9FUJS_0UmnJ1rGtb6yk3-BhVxs5fU4n8vTPV6dgv6A/viewform)
So I wanted to make something for people to keep on coming back to. So this us what I decided on, and these are the most common cores for restricted Pokemon. CSR+Clefairy CSR+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) CIR+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) CIR+Raging Bolt/Iron Hands(basically a electric) Miraidon+Tailwind (Whimsicott/Talonflame/Tornadus) Miraidon+Dark type (Chi-Yu/Chien-Pao/Incineroar) Koraidon+Flutter Mane+Raging Bolt Koraidon+Dark Type (Chi-Yu/Chien-Pao/Incineroar) Kyogre+Grass (Amoonguss/Rillaboom/Tsareena/Wo-Chien/Whimsicott) Kyogre+Double Genie (Scarf Landorus+Support Tornadus) Groudon+Flutter Mane+Raging Bolt Groudon+Grass (Amoonguss/Rillaboom/Liligant-H) Terapagos+Fake Out (Rillaboom/Incineroar/Iron Hands) Terapagos+Grass (Rillaboom/Amoonguss) Lunala+Ursaluna-Bloodmoon Lunala+Dark (Grimmsnarl/Incineroar) Zamazenta-C+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) Zamazenta-C+Dark (Incineroar/Chien-Pao/Moltres-G) Zacian-C+Chien-Pao Zacian-C+FWG (urshifu-incineroar+rillaboom) Kyurem-White+Ninetales-A Kyurem-White+Tailwind (Tornadus/Whimsicott) NDW+Torkoal+Ursaluna+Indeedee-F+Liligant-H+Gallade NDW+Trick Room NDM+Chien-Pao (idk) NDM+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) Rayquaza+Chien-Pao Rayquaza+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) Ho-Oh+Raging Bolt+Ting-Lu Ho-Oh+FWG (urshifu+ncineroar+illaboom) Zekrom+Pelipper Zekrom+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) Reshiram+Torkoal Reshiram+Tailwind (Tornadus+Whimsicott) Kyurem-Black+Chien-Pao Kyurem-Black+FWG (urshifu+incineroar+rillaboom) Dialga and Dialga-O+Ursaluna Dialga and Dialga-O+Psyspam Palkia and Palkia-O+Psyspam Palkia and Palkia-O+Tailroom That's it! Anything not meta relevant I'm not too sure on, but yeah. Hope you enjoy!
Im running out of space so i wanted to move some space from one drive to another, i shrunk one and got about a little over 10 gigs which is more than enough for now. Prob is, it wont let me extend the drive. I tried disk management and that didnt work then i tried using minitool partition and it gave me a duplication of partition error. Im kinda confused and if someone could help me out on what exact steps i need to take to make it work out? Here are the minitool ss: [/a/JrTHNvT](/a/JrTHNvT)
So, I just got an SSD installed. The tech (that do my laptop) also install a new Windows 11 OS on the SSD (I know that instead of installing a new OS, the tech should have just clone my HDD). So now, both my HDD and SSD have Windows OS. I'm planning to migrate everything to SSD and use HDD only to store bigger files. But, I think the Windows 11 OS that the tech install on the SSD is a crack :/. There's a KMS Auto Lite file (with extension .kuyhAa) on my laptop, I'm assuming the tech use it to install Windows OS. But, when I tried to search it online, it kinda shows me a sketchy web :/. And the windows is still not activated, it said an error code: 0xC004F074. I look it up on microsoft website, it said that : You might see this error if you entered a product key for the Enterprise edition of Windows to activate Windows 11 Home or Windows 11 Pro. Try entering a product key that matches the edition of Windows on your device. Or, you might see this error if you're trying to activate your work device but aren't connected to your workplace's network. If you're connected to your work network and still see this error, you might need to change the network settings. Contact your organization's support person for more info. If your organization doesn't have a support person, you might need to enter your product key again My question is : 1) What is KMS Auto Lite (.kuyhAa)? Is it safe? 2) Is my Windows crack? 3) How to check whether the Windows is "ori" or "crack"? (I just want confirm) 4) If it is a crack, then how to install the "ori" one? 5) Is installing a new Windows 11 OS free?
TL;DR My PSU blew up, but I can't see any signs of damage on it or on the inside without disassembling it. Everything directly connected to the wall socket also died, circuit for another socket in the adjacent room tripped but not the circuit for the wall socket that had the PC plugged in. What could have happened? How to prevent? Is this covered by Seasonic warranty? So I was just playing and my PC suddenly shut down. I think my monitor went down at the same time, and I noticed the plug going into the wall socket was slightly loose (my PC is directly plugged into the socket, monitor into an extension cord). I was about to push it back in but a bright spark and a pop occurred just before I could touch the plug and put it back in. The extension cord and my PSU (Seasonic Focus GX 750) no longer turn on, but my monitor still works. I smelled the burning spell you'd expect to smell, but I could not find any smoke anywhere and the smell disappeared really quickly. Also the circuit breaker for a socket in an adjacent room tripped as well but just that one and not the one where my PSU was I took my PSU out of the PC and tried the tester provided to see if it would work and confirmed that it died. However, I don't see any burn marks on the PSU and even with a flashlight I don't see anything on the inside that indicates it blew up. The spark also I think came from the socket where the PSU was plugged in to, not the PSU itself. Not 100% sure since it was bright enough to confuse me for a second. What could have happened here? Did the socket just have a power surge? If so, why would the circuit breaker for a different wall socket trip and not the one where my PSU was plugged in? What can I do to prevent this? I'm definitely getting a surge protector or something to protect my PSU in the future so it's not directly connected to the socket, but is there anything I could have done to prevent this? Also, how can I tell if this is eligible for a warranty replacement since I got this PSU in 2021? I can't seem to determine where the damage is, and I'm not 100% with the language on the website whether the warranty would cover these sorts of accidents. Also, I wanna know if I should be worried with regards to the rest of my components and how I can tell at this moment if anything else in the PC got fried. I don't see any damage right now, and I'm probably gonna try a warranty replacement so I can't test them directly right now. Any way I can do even just a cursory check? Or is the fact that there's no visible signs of damage at least a good sign (or at most, a lack of warning signs)?
Hi, I'll try to make this concise and if anyone can provide help please ask for any additional information that you might need. When I connect my PC with an ethernet cable to the port - it doesn't detect it all. Yes the cable and the port work, I already tested it on my laptop. When I try to look for my Ethernet drive on my Device Manager, it is no where to be found (I'll add a picture), including when I choose "show hidden devices". Pictures: /a/mEqWouI In the past, this PC was stationed in a room without an Ethernet port, and therfore had a usb plugged into it which allowed it to connect to Wifi. Now I have a port, (and the wifi here isn't stable), therefore I want it to connect to it. Hope, it's the right subreddit for this, and thanks in advance!
I put together a new PC in februari. It worked well until halfway through may when the SSD drive suddenly died. It was replaced under warranty and worked fine until today when windows suddenly started giving me warnings that my drive needed to be repaired. Checkdisk did it's magic a few times, but later in the day the drive suddenly gave up the ghost. The PC refused to boot and when I got some installation media the Windows setup couldn't find the drive either. Now the drive failing once I can accept as bad luck or coincidence. But the same model drive failing two times in a row makes me raise an eyebrow. As far as I know there's not been any kind of power surge or lightning strike. But I'm getting a little suspicious. The drive model is listed below: Lexar NM790 2 TB - SSDM.2 - 2 TB - NVMe 1.4 - PCI Express 4.0 x 4
Today i scanned my laptop with Malwarebytes's free version and it shows some files as Spyware and advised to quarantine them. All of the files look like this. Spyware.Extension, C:\\USERS\\SOUMI\\APPDATA\\LOCAL\\MICROSOFT\\EDGE\\USER DATA\\Default\\EXTENSIONS\\gbnahglfafmhaehbdmjedfhdmimjcbed, I'm a novice, but it looks like edge browser's extension file. I use this followings extension in Edge browser. Bitwarden Password Manager Dark Reader I don't care about cookies KellyC Show YouTube Dislikes Microsoft Editor Qwer PDF Shortcuts for Google™ products Temp Mail uBlock Origin Video DownloadHelper i thought these are some widely used and safe extensions. Was it real threat or a false flag? Edit: i got the malware it was an auto buy extension for Amazon. i paused it , that's why i forgot to mention it on the post. thank you everyone, especially u/octopoid .
Hi everyone! So, for the past almost 2 years now, I’ve been dealing with a very… particular MacBook Air (2019 model). Here’s the saga: Summer 2022 (I don’t remember the exact timing): I notice that one of the USB-C ports on my MacBook no longer works. Some time before this, I have a “Battery Service Recommended” notice. August 1, 2022: I notice that my MacBook is no longer responding to anything being plugged in to either port. I use it for the rest of the day, and the battery dies while I’m sleeping. I’m preparing to move within the next month, and the dead MacBook quickly gets super low on my list of priorities. (To sum it up, I become homeless for a few months and it takes a long while to rebuild everything back up) 2022-2024: Occasionally, I’ll try to plug the MacBook in with random USB-C cords/adapters I have on many. It never responds to anything. May 25, 2024: I recently have gotten an old iMac (circa 2011) out of storage. I find a random USB-A to USB-C cord from a work computer, and decide to try connecting the MacBook to the iMac. It never shows up as an external device or anything, but I get a “Thunderbolt Accessory Using Too Much Power Warning”. I take this as a sign of life, and decide to plug it in using that USB-C cord (which, due to the warning, and a lightning bolt symbol on it, leads me to believe it’s a Thunderbolt cord - it’s not) and the 10.5W wall adapter I use to charge my phone. I leave it and go do something else for a few hours. Then, I come back, and press the power button. To my shock, it boots up just fine, with 20% battery or so. May 25-July 7, 2024: I use the MacBook daily just fine - although there’s a few “quirks”. It doesn’t gain charge if I use while it’s plugged-in. If I plug it in and put it to sleep, it charges just fine. And, it only charges with that one cord/adapter combo that revived it. I try a couple different cords/adapters, and they don’t register as “charging”. I plugged in a USB drive, using a USB-A to USB-C adapter to get files off it. I do this successfully a couple times, but on the third attempt the next day, I smell an electrical-burning smell, and get a “USB Accessory Using Too Much Power” warning. I unplug the drive and adapter, and trace the smell to the (brand-new, but it was the cheap Walmart brand) adapter, which no longer works. The USB-C port it was plugged into doesn’t respond for a while, probably the rest of the day. Sometimes, but not very often, the MacBook will only charge if I turn the cord upside down, and put it in the other way. July 7, 2024: I have the MacBook plugged in, and I’m lying down in bed. Forgetting that it’s plugged in, I grab it and go to sit up at the same time. The cord breaks, with the metal connector bit like half-in the port still (luckily, it wasn’t stuck at all, I just pulled it out). The cord obviously no longer works. I try another cord/adapter I have, but that doesn’t work. The battery runs out that night. Today, July 13: I try plugging the MacBook in via a 65W Dell adapter/cord (the kind with the huge brick in the middle), it displays the “low battery” icon, but also shows the icon indicating that it’s not plugged in. The trackpad also clicks, which I’ve just learned indicates power. I leave it for a while, and when I try to make it respond or click again, it won’t. I unplug that, and get another cord/adapter combo - the original 30W adapter the MacBook came with, and a USB-C cord that came with an iPad. This lets me display the “low battery, but still not plugged-in” icon, and click the trackpad, again. A few minutes, the sound that happens when it starts charging plays… and plays every minute or so for 10 minutes. It doesn’t do it again for another 10 minutes, and then does it twice, about 30 seconds apart. It’s been a few minutes since then. I have a 60W adapter/cord combo coming in the mail in a few days, and if that fails, I’m gonna try to find another USB-A to USB-C cable, and use that plugged into the wall adapter I’ve been using with the MacBook. I have absolutely no idea what happened to “kill” the MacBook the first time, I have no idea what happened or what I did to “revive” it in May, and I have no idea what to do to revive it again now. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please let me know! They’d be much appreciated! :)
Hello, I have been trying to format an SD card for my camera (had some stuff from modding a Wii that I wanted gone), so I put my SD card into my computer, and I get that error. If I put it in my camera I am perfectly able to record videos on it, but I can't access it from Windows or format it from within the camera. If I put another drive (which is already being used for something else) into my computer, it works perfectly fine. Which rules out the reader or USB port being busted. (This drive was being read perfectly fine earlier today too so it can't be an issue with a file system or something like that) Thank you! EDIT: Was able to make it readable but now is only 46kb in size (its a 4gb card)
Hello everyone I have been having a problem of bsod errors I went to shut down my pc today and got the bsod error "IRQL\_NOT\_LESS\_OR\_EQUAL" and I am having a hard time understanding the MINIDUMPS so I have made a google drive link to see if one of you could help me in understanding this issue I am having. Link to minidump: [/file/2veqm9uq0dt0eyp/071324-7484-01.7z/file](/file/2veqm9uq0dt0eyp/071324-7484-01.7z/file) If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated! PS: I think it may be something to do with "VALORANT" becuase that is the most recant thing I have installed.
I built my computer over a year ago, and had no trouble for about 6 months with expo enabled, booted basically instantly and restarted without trouble. Then randomly, it would not restart. Everything would shut down except the lights and fans and I would have to use the power button to shut it off and turn it back on. Annoying, but manageable. Eventually it would not start up on the first try, the lights and fans would come on, but no post. I’d often have to give it 2-3 tries before it booted up, often taking minutes to finally boot up, but sometimes near instantly. Once it did, it worked perfectly fine. Despite many tests, I found zero performance degradation over months, it even performed better than what would be expected. But eventually it kept taking more and more tries, 5-10 even (though sometimes it worked first try or second try) and now it won’t boot up at all. It just turns on the fans and RGB lights, and solid red and yellow debug lights. I tried with only one stick in the A2 slot and reset CMOS, and it booted up fine, restarted and swapped in the other stick into A2 (still only single stick), and it booted up fine. Put in both sticks, and it posted and went into bios where I enabled EXPO, at which point it started booting up with a yellow solid light, but then turned itself off. Ever since I have not been able to get it to post. I have tried every ram configuration you can think of, and even with no ram still the same red and yellow error. I have reset CMOS countless times with every method you can think of. Flashed bios 3 times with the latest version, all of which seemed successful. Even tried different power outlets. Nothing. Still the same issue with fans and RGB and red and yellow debug lights every time. Any help would be appreciated, I fear I may have to just RMA the board but that is a massive hassle. This is such an elusive and bizarre issue that I really have no clue what could be going on, it seems strange considering it had worked for so long and had no other symptoms. Specs as follows: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D MSI Nvidia GeForce RTX 3080Ti G.Skill Trident Z5 Neo 2x16GB 6000MT/s CL30-38-38-96 Samsung 980 Pro 2TB MSI MAG X670E Tomahawk WiFi CORSAIR RM1000x Fully Modular ATX Power Supply 80 PLUS Gold
After some research, I finally pulled the trigger on my biggest purchase yet, the complete series of Hawaii Five-0. This set is exclusive to Amazon Germany of all places. The US only got seasons 1-3 on blu ray, spread out over less discs per season than this set which also includes a bonus disc with special features in addition to the special features in each season. I was worried it would be region locked, but the complete series set is unlocked and I’m currently watching it on the basic Bluray player at my parents. I can’t wait to get home and check it out on my ub820 and oled tv. 240 episodes over 10 seasons. 42 minutes an episode. I’ve got my next few months of watching all set.
Hey everyone, so I'm still new to learning all about Blu-ray and 4k UHD so I have a few questions. Firstly, I picked up the new 4k+Blu-ray steelbook of "Killer Klowns From Outer Space" and on the back I read where I circled in red. The part where it says "HD Restoration From 4K Scan..." does that mean that it's better than the 4K UHD or no? My second question I had was about the term "4K Blu-ray" I know that there's Standard, Blu-ray, and then 4K Ultra HD, but what does "4K Blu-ray" mean? Is it just to say that the movie in question has both 4K and Blu-ray or is it one or the other? Lastly, which gaming console is best for watching 4K Ultra HD disc's, Playstation or Xbox, and why?
I've seen almost all of Lynch's films, 'Dune' and ''Wild at Heart' being the last 2 I haven't and I'm a big fan of everything of his I have seen. Just wondering, if anybody knows of this boxset of his films as I've not been able to find anything about it really, if it is worth buying for £46 since that's much cheaper than buying each of these separately as a blu ray? Or is there a clear difference in quality between this and the more recently released versions of these and if so, am I better off waiting until I can get the newer releases/remasters? Not my picture, just one I found
I was born in 93. Lately I’ve been going back and checking out a bunch of horror films from the 80s that were just a bit before my time. I’ve always been a fan of super old films like the Universal Monsters and up through the 50s and 60s with films like Night of the Living Dead. But the 80s is definitely a horror blind spot for me. This film was recommended by a great YouTuber, Planet CHH. Blind bought the BluRay and enjoyed literally every minute of this film. Absolutely on my yearly October rotation!
Or both? Just curious! I personally have to enjoy a movie to purchase it. There are lots of movies out there I like. Also, oddly enough, they all don't merit being purchased for me. I suppose this is why my collection of movies isn't as big as it could be. Although the majority of movies for me I would prefer to own on Blu-Ray, there are some titles out there that don't really seem to be worth it, movies that either are more down to earth and don't have any kind of special effects or things like that, or have a poor quality transfer, to which is basically not much of an improvement over the DVD. This is just my personal opinion. One such movie, would be Boondock Saints. I feel it hasn't really had any kind of significant BD release with great visuals. Any release it seems so far as only been a slight improvement over the DVD release, from what I've read. I guess in this case, I'd rather just purchase the DVD since it's cheaper. Most movies in my collection are Blu-Ray, though. I use []() a lot for such things. If there is a movie I enjoy quite a bit, and it has "stunning visuals," that would definitely merit a BD purchase for me.
So about a month ago, I got a new 50"LG 4K TV. Its nothing special, cost around 400 dollars. The picture works great for what we need. I also recently picked up a new Panasonic BD90P Blu-Ray player which replaced my short lived Sony BX-18 BD player I got from the thrift store about 6 months ago. The combo of the two has been great so far. I had considered upgrading to a 4K Blu-Ray player for an occasional 4K Blu-Ray purchase. But honestly, I don't really think I need to now. I tried one out recently as well, the Panasonic DP-UB150-K. Wasn't impressed. The player would skip discs, and image quality has been really inconsistent. Returned it. It seems my TV is doing a pretty good job by itself sort of "upscaling," the 1080 Blu-Ray, if thats what its doing. Ironically, streaming in 4K doesn't look anywhere near as good as BD. I'm pretty happy with my "upgraded," equipment. I previously had a 1080p Vizio TV from 2016, and the Sony BD player was from 2012. The image quality seems much sharper, and a bit more life-like. Colors are good too. Watched Force Awakens recently and it looked incredible. Anyone have any suggestions? Personally, even if I did partake in a 4K player, I really don't feel like spending hundreds on a better quality one. I also don't know if my TV would be good enough to be able to handle the HDR properly, compared to a more higher end TV. I know it has HDR10 though, I believe.
I’ve seen very few reviews of these, so wanted to provide a quick comparison and thoughts after viewing the first disc of both sets. The Warner release was imported from the UK and is region A/B/C or possibly region free (I’ve watched it on a region A player). The Shout release is region A only. Straight away, the Shout release is head and shoulders above the Warner disc. I’m confident Shout is indeed a new scan. The Warner release is perfectly decent, but the TL;DR is that the Shout image is cleaner, better balanced, has a bit more detail, almost no black crush (more prevalent on the Warner disc), a smoother grain field, a higher bitrate (guesstimating 20mbps for Warner vs 35mbps for Shout), and most importantly the Shout image is rock solid stable while the Warner disc has hints of telecine wobble and LOTS of annnoying flickering. I picked up the Warner set for $22 new, while the Shout set was just over double that. If you are a super casual fan, the Warner set is a bargain at $22, but if you care at all about PQ and/or are a big fan of these films, based solely on the differences with the first disc, I’d advise you spend the extra coin on the Shout set. I’m hoping 2-7 are similarly improved over the Warner discs. I’ll post an update when I take a look at parts 2 and 3 in the next week or two.
Hello hope everyone is having a good weekend. I was hoping for some help with this petition. It is so they can make physical releases for past Cartoon Network shows that didn’t get physical and/or digital releases. As well as possibly getting shows to have upgrades to bluray and/or 4k quality. I know I am not the only one to have had Cartoon Network be a part of my childhood. An it would really mean a lot if you could sign it and share with people you know or believe they feel the same. Thank you for reading have a good weekend thank you! /p/demand-warner-bros-release-full-cartoon-network-series-in-physical-media
So I recently purchased some movies, one a 4K set and the other a BD. I noticed a very faint bit of what I suppose is manufacturing residue on the case of the 4K while inspecting its condition, but I couldn’t find anything on any of the discs in the set. So I watched it. However- researching this now, I found multiple posts of people saying they always clean discs (and cases) before first play, and now I’m worried I made a potentially big mistake. Have I possibly ‘baked in’ invisible residue on the disc by playing it and perhaps on the player’s laser as well? Is this going to make problems more likely down the line? I guess I worry about this particular set specifically because it was limited, with no plan for a re-print it seems. Thanks!
So here’s what happened. A couple weeks ago I watched the movie Jeremiah Johnson for the first time. It reminded me of Death Hunt which I had watched a couple months prior at a friends house. Out of curiosity I googled “Death Hunt Blu-ray” figuring it would be about $10. To my surprise, the cheapest copy I could find was $80-$90 used and $100-$120 sealed. I was shocked by how expensive this movie was. As I browsed on Google images, I found a US copy in Spain, of all places, that was sealed. I wasn’t sure if it was real or not because the seller only wanted €6.95. After vetting the website and the seller, I placed an order and for $22 (after conversation rates) and the movie showed up today.
I've gotten conflicting answers to this in my research so I figured I would reach out on here for advice/info. To keep it brief, my mother was born in the Scotland in the 60s to married American parents who were teaching at a uni there. She says she had to "choose her citizenship" between the USA and the UK when she turned 18 and she went with the USA as she was living there. My question is, is she entitled to British citizenship? I'm just confused because I've never heard of anybody choosing which citizenship to keep at 18!
Hey guys! I made a post a few months ago that I was trying for a EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit, and today I received it! I just wanted to share some insights to help other people in a similar situation :) My girlfriend and I are both Belgian nationals. She has EU pre-settlement status. We have been in a relationship for over 5 years (so pre-Brexit) but have never lived together. I applied for a EU Settlement Scheme Family Permit in May 2024 and it got approved in July 2024. Once I enter the UK I will immediately apply for the EU presettlement scheme :). Some insights: - We didn't live together for 2 years prior, even though this is technically a requirement. We made sure to specify the reason why we didn't live together. In this case it was because I was still studying in Belgium and my gf was working in the UK. So if you haven't lived together yet DEFINITELY include an explanation. - Normally they also ask you for official documentation proving that you lived together + an official translation. We did not do this: we just made a very elaborate powerpoint with a timeline of our relationship, a text about the last 5 years of our relationship and biggest milestones, some English Whatsapp texts, Airbnb/hotel reservations + insurance with both our names on it, many pictures of us together and with our families and also always made sure to include recognizable backgrounds in the pictures to prove that we visited each other very frequently (example: the Big Ben, a red telephone booth, vacation pictures etc.), and a bank statement with the transactions we did over the years to prove that we are financially connectd to each other as well. We also included 3 witness statements by our parents and a mutual friend + a picture with them and a statement about our relationship and basically them saying we were in a durable relationship. So even though we didn't live together for 2 years we made sure to include as much evidence as possible that we were in a durable relationship :)
Hello all, I am due to apply for citizenship in the UK. I plan to move back to India.I was wondering what life would be like for me to become a British citizen and live in India and UK issues. 1) I am aware I won’t be able to vote in India 2) I am aware I can’t buy agricultural land So what are the implications from the British end 1) taxes on Indian income? 2) any other issues I may face ? Reason for becoming British citizenship is purely for educational opportunity for my unborn children. For me personally, the British passport is travel friendly. And my sister lives here Soni anticipate I will visit every couple of years.
We finally got ours accepted today! I’m so happy since it was really stressing me out and we prepared so much documents for it in case. We made the application on the 2nd of June Did our Biometrics on the 14th of June Received our reply on the 10th July A few notes: It took us longer to do the appointment because it wasn’t easier getting the letter from my work about my finances, so my advice is to get this beforehand if you can! I had to pay the extra to do a flexi appointment because all of their days were booked up for the week, not sure how it is elsewhere but don’t leave it too long to book If you’re under Shared Housing then you don’t need a letter from the HA for permission for your partner to stay, only you need to write and sign it. 6 months of salary and payslips counts up to the month of your application date! Since I got mine later on the month I had to ask the bank for an early June bank statement, it was really easy to get. Tho they ask for proof of living together for 2 years you don’t need this under this visa unless extending. Proof of residence is enough so you’re marriage certificate will do, I included as many bills as I could have us and our council tax for the year just in case and wrote a cover letter.
Just wanted to thank this sub! I have been on this sub and SkilledWorkerVisaUK sub for nearly over a month and all your tips and advice have been really helpful in applying for Visas. Three of us (husband and two children) got Approved for skilled worker dependent visas so I thought I'd let you know the timeline for anyone in a similar situation applying for visas. Wishing you all the best of luck! Main Applicant also approved beforehand: Service: Standard Outside UK Application Date: May 28 Bio 31 May Approved Email 4 June Dependents: Service: Standard Outside UK Application Date: 25 June Bio: 27 June Approval decision letter email: 10 July Processed in under 2 weeks from Bio Average processing on gov uk website 3 weeks Same arrival in UK date for all 4 applications.
Hey guys! I’m currently working on getting my name entered into the Irish Foreign Births Registration. I’ve currently submitted all my documents, and I’m waiting to hear back. My plan is to move to England afterwards and take advantage of the CTA (common travel agreement) between the UK and Ireland. My question is do I need to have an Irish Passport at the time of moving over permanently, or can I enter on my American passport and show proof of my Irish citizenship through an FBR certificate, or will I be detained at immigration? I know once I have an Irish passport, it won’t be a problem, but I’d like to possibly move before an Irish passport could be issued. Does anyone know if this would this be an option or no? From what I understand, I shouldn’t need a visa or anything, but living long term in the UK through the CTA, is there anything special I need to do?
Hey guys. This post is out of utter desperation for some good advice. My husband and I came to the UK in September 2023 on my student visa. He was here on dependant visa as this was before the recent rule changes. Since then my husband has been able to secure a job in the Care Sector and he will be getting his sponsorship next month. Now since the recent rule changes state that Care Workers cannot have their dependents what am I supposed to do after I finish my studies in September. I know that I can apply for PSW however, if I were to be honest that is just too much money and very less duration. What after it ends? I am certain I am not going to find a sponsored job here anyways. What are my options? I know there is not much I can do but any and all advice will be highly appreciated.
Hi all, I’ve been living in the UK for years, I’m full time employed and have settled status. I’m now in a position where I can afford to save for the whole process but is it worth it? I’m Bulgarian, so I already hold an EU passport, which is quite powerful although not as much as a UK one. I know you can stay abroad for as long as you like and can vote in all elections with citizenship, but is there anything else that I’m missing? I’m hoping to stay for a good while and build a life, I’m not too fussed about voting. Also, if they do require proof of living here for 5 years what would they consider as proof? I’m aware of them requiring 2 people testifying for you, one of which has to work a very particular job. What can I do if I don’t know anyone like that? Any help is appreciated! Edit: I completely forgot to add this, but I have completed GCSEs in English Language and literature, and a completed A-Level in English Language. I haven’t been able to receive an answer or have someone to pick up the phone so I’m resorting to asking on here, would I still need to complete the Englush speaking, writing etc test alongside the Life in the UK test? I have been living here since year 10
Hi, I (American) just married my spouse (UK citizen) this week. (It was great!) I’m filling out my application for my marriage visa and realised that I may have made a tremendous mistake. My fiancé visa expires significantly sooner than I’d remembered, on 25 July. We married on 2 July, and it’s possible that we won’t receive our marriage certificate until a month after the ceremony. Obviously my highest priority is avoiding overstaying, with a second highest priority being avoiding spending all of my money. What are my best options? Do I need to return to the US and apply from there? Would it be possible to leave the UK and return as a tourist, not on my fiance visa, or is that not recommended? Secondly, on my application, it asks my reason for extension. Would this be my: - first extension as a partner after initial entry as a fiancé; - first application as a partner from within the UK; - you are applying for any other reason I feel extremely stupid. Thank you all for your time and advice!
There isn’t much information to help clarity this for me so I’m hoping to get some assistance from this group. (Saw the group while trying to google answers so I thought I would try). How accurate is the information in the image? My wife and I have our daughter and wondering if we can hold off on any visa application for her. We are close to ILR (6 months) and wondering if we can just wait it out then apply for her citizenship. FYI: we wouldn’t apply for any naturalization or passport from our country. Just wait the 6 months then apply for uk citizenship for her. Can this work? Any suggestion on how to proceed with this would be great! I wouldn’t want our daughter to be here illegally.
\[\[Bristlebud Farmer\]\] I think this is a relatively solid piece to spec on, given the new ability (forage) in bloomburrow, as well as general food support shown so far. As of now they are super cheap. Plus it's a card from The Big Score. Not sure what reprints are going to look like in the future for these cards, but for now it's safe to assume we have at least a year before they get reprinted (my source is my gut). Anyway, just went in for 8, which is not a lot at all, but I do want to build a standard deck with them if I can and potentially trade the others. Especially when cards like \[\[Curious Forager\]\] exist, giving green a lot of recursion and ways to use the excess food.
I sold a serialized card on Tcg player for around 500 dollars (tcg low). ive sold several serialized cards and I always provide scans and sell the cards graded to avoid any issues. This was a graded cgc 10. The buyer wrote "After receiving the card I get it’s in a sealed cgc package but you can clearly see the marks on the top of the card and in your picture it doesn’t show those marks because of you using a black background… I do believe a partial refund or something to be worked out because you can clearly see the mark and it draws your eyes immediately to that defect in the card" I actually use a black background because it shows all of the defects lol. Ive sold over 7 figures in cards and never had someone complain about a graded card like this. Yes, I have bought from auction houses and had issues but I would never complain because its my job to inspect the photos. In this buyer's case I have offered him a full refund and to return the card. he is insisting on a partial refund which seems like hes trying to scam me. He gave me negative feedback and the issue is now escalated. Can Tcg player force me to give a partial refund? Update- buyer just messaged “I’m just gonna keep the card I’ll explain to them my issue I do not have to return the card it’s to my discretion… good luck god bless and hopefully you learn from the cheeky tricks used to sell cards” Cheeky tricks posting scans of a graded card lol. Most of the listings don’t even have pictures and I use a V600 scanner which works really well for scanning cards
Hi all! So far I have over 100 sales with a 100% approval rating. I'm sure I'll upset someone eventually lol. Now that I am Tier 4 I know I have access to custom shipping options and pricing tools. As far as shipping goes it seems most set to 4.99 and then free over 5.00? What do some of you other folks do now that your Tier 4. I briefly reviewed the pricing tools yesterday. I currently have anything that is below .25 listed at .25. If I change shipping to free over 5, should I adjust the cost of my cheaper cards down to market value? Thanks for any advice. Also yes I use painters tape and put a free foil land and token in every order lol. I'm no heathen.
Saw Helga and thought it was a cool card with some great value potential. Had a casual look through some tags on scryfall that I thought would produce some good includes in a commander deck. [[Chakram Retriever]] stood out to me as a potentially really good auto include in the deck with the only downside being it's 5 mana. It seemed to be the only repeatable untap effect I could find in bant colours. It's only been printed once in battle bond and that plus the unique effect is why I think it could rise in price. However it is currently sitting at ~$1.30 and I don't think it would go up too much more than that. I'm not really a speccer but I enjoy the sub and thought this was worth posting.
I'm just getting into MTG since childhood and I'm currently trying to balance collecting valuable cards and building decks to play with. My specific problem is that I pulled an Ancient Brass Dragon worth about $20 - which isn’t a lot compared to other cards out there, I know, but still the most valuable card i have right now - and I'm wondering if this is too valuable to play with, even double sleeved, or if I should save setting cards aside for something more valuable? What's you guys' card value limit when deck building?
Hey all, this is an update to my original post about opening an LGS: [/r/mtgfinance/comments/154f9xo/the\_actual\_cost\_of\_starting\_an\_lgs\_in\_2023\_how\_to/?sort=new](/r/mtgfinance/comments/154f9xo/the_actual_cost_of_starting_an_lgs_in_2023_how_to/?sort=new) I am pleased to report that in May we turned our first profit - about $1000. This grew to about $2000 last month, from approx $18000 in sales, thanks to the success of MH3 and Op7. After 2.5 years of hard work, the game shop is finally on its feet, becoming an important "third place" for the community, and looking like a stable, income-producing asset. I'm posting this update to recap some of the ups and downs from the year since my original post, and hopefully share (and receive) some insights to fellow LGS owners. Major Highs: A) Discord ended up being HUGE for us. We now have 175 members in our channel, and we're constantly using it as a sounding board for new events, to link up the community, and to push promos. Every time new customers come in, we try to get them to join the discord. I put a big QR code on the wall and try to get people to scan in all the time to keep it growing. B) One Piece TCG has been instrumental in the last year, although it has calmed down considerably, it remains an important revenue stream. Product is still difficult to attain, with only two suppliers to my knowledge, and one of which cut my entire allocation of OP7 down to a single case of double packs (how sad), but the other coming through with extra booster cases here and there to make up for it. C) A critical mass of Magic players is actually keeping the store going and growing. I think this has a lot to do with me and my fiance's preference for MTG, and the general tastes of our local customers. We have leaned into this and stock a huge array of magic, with 20-25 different boosters on offer at any given time, and around 20 different commander decks. Consistently the most popular products are commander oriented boosters. D) I built a cube for the store and cube draft popped off, it was more popular than I expected! E) PREORDERS! I used to not like doing preorders because allocations can be wacky and price swings before release cause friction on both sides. However, after looking at my closest competitor's TCG profile, I saw they were raking it on preorder sales of pokemon, One Piece and MTG. I just started running preorder listings on ebay and it has been very successful. F) Number one accessory has been dragon shield matte 100 ct. I stock around 20 types now. G) Recently added Quiver products and they are doing pretty well - the big cases as well as the combo pack of deck box + sleeves. Completely turned my initial order in about 60 days. H) Planning on adding products from Games Workshop and Asmodee, have linked up with them, as community is starting to express more interest in tabletop/minis gaming. I) MH3 prerelease was our biggest event yet with every seat in the house taken (20), we had to even do a makeshift table for the final four people, they were glad to get in. J) I am at a peaceful state of affairs with my local competition, it seems like we have wisely carved out our own communities -- one store is the Yugioh store, one is the One Piece store, one is the Sports store, and we are the Magic store. Major Lows: A) Landlord continually raising rent is a big concern, he raised it about 10% on us this year. This, coupled with a lack of good commercial real estate in the area, is a big weak point. Plan for this, and lock in long term rental rates when it makes sense for your business. I probably should have gone for a 2-year lease to start instead of 1-year. B) Can't seem to fire a standard draft or 60 card MTG event to save my life. Players just aren't into it, they would rather play competitive or casual commander. Thinking about amping up the prize support for draft so we can actually fire a pod for FNM. C) Singles sales are still manual and I don't have a digital catalog of singles anywhere, listing only high dollar singles manually on mercari and ebay. I just ring up singles sales as generic cards at a standardized profit margin of 20%. I refuse to use BinderPOS even though signs keep pointing to it, at my current sales level, it's not worth the $100/month and percentage on all sales that they take. I have settled on not digitizing my singles catalog anytime in the near future. Until there is a sane and cost-effective way to sync singles inventory across Shopify, Ebay and TCG, I have given up. D) Membership program was a bit of a bust (5% off all products and $3 off all events for $7.99 month). I thought this would be an interesting differentiator for players who spend a lot on cards, and a few did bite, but it has primarily not been successful. However, I think if I promoted it as a free signup when a customer is making a larger order (Eg, if you become a member now you'll save $20 on this order, so it's essentially free) is a possibility, and plan to revisit this in the future. Gotta make it simple and clear as to the benefits. E) In-store loyalty program also was not good, it's too time consuming to make sure the points are tabulated on every sale by adding the customer to the POS at checkout, so I have nixed this for in-store and kept it for online only. F) We have an open sell layout and I was really concerned this would lead to high theft, but we haven't had an issue with that - we HAVE had an issue with counterfeit bills being passed at the store, so I have a three-way bill checker now and we're scanning $20's and up. G) Be careful stocking high dollar singles from the web. I recently had a mana crypt go missing and I'm just wiped out of that $180 because PO marked it delivered. Try to scoop these kinds of cards locally. H) I spent a huge amount of time and a decent amount of money to make a really fun to browse "TCG Oddities" area, with weird games like Legend of the 5 Rings, Avatar Weiss Shwarz, Wyvern and tons of other stuff. Does not turn at all but people do enjoy browsing it which I suppose has some value. Growth Opportunities 1) While the store has been packed Thursday - Saturday, it is very quiet other days. I am considering running heavy sales or high prize tournaments on Wednesday and Sunday to get more players in. Monday/Tuesday just does not seem worth having the lights on. 2) Moving to a bigger location. At just 500 sqft, we are very limited in terms of the games we can support play for, with magic taking up most of the space all the time. 3) Adding an additional location. There is a lot of open territory (primarily due to the real estate issue I mentioned) with zero game stores south of us for 20 miles or anywhere on miami beach (all competitors are west or north of us, and we are almost against the ocean eastward) 4) Franchising - why not? If I can take the heavy lift off of other entrepreneurs of setting up distributor accounts, building a website and figuring out branding, I think it could be an interesting way to expand our brand and footprint and increase revenue, and leverage the other intangible benefits of partnership. 5) Online - Growing online sales with improved SEO, more marketplaces connected to Shopify, and influencer marketing, seems like the main frontier for growing sales overall. A recent Rudy video says the average life of a game store is 1-2 years - so proud to have pushed past this and demonstrated that we have staying power. Very keen to hear feedback from other store owners and questions from prospective owners! Thanks for reading!
Hi! I’m persistently in a midlife crisis and I thought buying colorful cardboard would cure deep wounds and remind me of a simpler life I used to have in the 90s. I have zero interest in modern magic but it was still fun to open them. TL;DR - collector booster boxes purchased: ravnica remastered, theros beyond death, assassins creed, dominaria United, unfinity - most fun to open: ravnica remastered - best card quality: assassins creed (by far) - total paid: $1115, total card value according to tcg (excluding anything under $1): $1035. Overall feelings: - I didn’t hit any monster cards like serialized or anything. Highest value card was a borderless nyxbloom ancient at $33. Overall, I think I fell into the “unlucky” camp. No textured foils on AC, no serialized, no galaxy foil shocks. I enjoyed the experience. - ravnica remastered was a lot of fun to open. Got 8 shock lands in various formats. - assassins creed had by far the best card quality. It was thick card stock and the edges and corners were perfect across the entire set. What did I learn as a modern age noob? - buy and keep sealed rarer products. Everyone is hating on AC and supply runs are super low - something’s gotta give. - I will look to buy more universes beyond sealed product to both open and save. I think the lotr set in particular will be fun to open for decades. These sets also have guaranteed card uniqueness going forward — they can be reprinted in proxy but not directly. Value details: - ravnica remastered: value $301, paid $260 ( perceived average luck based on YouTube opening) - unfinity: value $159, paid $170 (average luck) - dominaria United: value $56, paid $180 (below average) - assassins creed: value $240, paid $260 (below average) - theros beyond death: value $280, paid $230 (above average) I think AC is a sleeper (but what do I know). I know nothing about playability, but watching singles prices, low print run of CB I think it’s hugely hated on. The card quality is way nicer than the others. I will look to buy more ravnica remastered as well. Edit: I used TCGplayer to value the cards. Obviously selling them costs something and takes time. I enjoyed opening the packs. Any of my feelings expressed are ill-informed since I only opened up 5 boxes. Just wanted to share.
Copy paste from my email. Dear Seller, As of July 17, 2024, we are increasing the minimum that you will receive on orders under $5.00 from $1.22 to $1.27. We believe that implementing this adjustment will enhance your ability to both sustain and grow the level of service you provide to your customers. We are committed to consistently monitoring and assessing shipping costs to ensure that TCGplayer shipping settings are aligned to support your business. Best, Team TCGplayer That was fast lol.
Just for fun, here are the base cards in every set that have the highest foil multiplier from their normal version to their foil version ($5 minimum value) based on market prices. Note this does not take into account alt-arts, etched, borderless, etc versions, just the base version of the card. Because a LOT of these have such high multipliers due to Direct sellers, this data is probably not very useful to non-direct sellers because the non-direct seller foil price is lower.   Set|Card                                        |Rarity|Normal|Foil|Multiplier ---|---|---|---|---|--- ULG|Phyrexian Plaguelord|R| $0.39 | $39.99 |10154% UDS|Bubbling Beebles|C| $0.13 | $8.97 |6800% MMQ|Kyren Sniper|C| $0.11 | $18.74 |16936% NEM|Seal of Cleansing|C| $0.39 | $33.34 |8449% PCY|Spore Frog|C| $0.46 | $35.04 |7517% INV|Fertile Ground|C| $0.18 | $59.55 |32983% PLS|Quirion Dryad|R| $0.37 | $30.97 |8270% 7ED|Vizzerdrix|R| $0.11 | $77.99 |70800% APC|Aether Mutation|U| $0.24 | $19.50 |8025% ODY|Crashing Centaur|U| $0.14 | $10.46 |7371% TOR|Krosan Restorer|C| $0.12 | $9.42 |7750% JUD|Worldgorger Dragon|R| $1.34 | $106.24 |7828% ONS|Nameless One|U| $0.19 | $28.91 |15116% LGN|Shifting Sliver|U| $0.71 | $42.24 |5849% SCG|Reward the Faithful|U| $0.13 | $8.71 |6600% 8ED|Grizzly Bears|C| $0.08 | $8.83 |10938% MRD|Dross Scorpion|C| $0.26 | $23.18 |8815% DST|Coretapper|U| $0.39 | $16.00 |4003% 5DN|Battered Golem|C| $0.33 | $13.84 |4094% CHK|Iname, Death Aspect|R| $0.37 | $22.30 |5927% UNH|Persecute Artist|U| $0.28 | $62.18 |22107% BOK|Ribbons of the Reikai|C| $0.19 | $6.88 |3521% SOK|Ayumi, the Last Visitor|R| $0.52 | $19.80 |3708% 9ED|Fellwar Stone|U| $1.08 | $212.67 |19592% RAV|Dimir House Guard|C| $0.24 | $26.00 |10733% GPT|Ulasht, the Hate Seed|R| $0.22 | $10.53 |4686% DIS|Simic Sky Swallower|R| $0.41 | $27.99 |6727% CSP|Ronom Unicorn|C| $0.10 | $9.27 |9170% TSP|Basal Sliver|C| $0.59 | $36.07 |6014% PLC|Dead // Gone|C| $0.46 | $27.09 |5789% FUT|Vedalken Aethermage|C| $0.28 | $31.62 |11193% 10E|Fear|C| $0.05 | $6.43 |12760% LRW|Judge of Currents|C| $0.16 | $11.33 |6981% MOR|Stream of Unconsciousness|C| $0.21 | $15.22 |7148% SHM|Twilight Shepherd|R| $0.88 | $80.99 |9103% EVE|Aerie Ouphes|C| $0.18 | $8.10 |4400% ALA|Naya Charm|U| $0.33 | $21.16 |6312% CON|Exotic Orchard|R| $1.76 | $64.04 |3539% ARB|Behemoth Sledge|U| $0.25 | $5.97 |2288% M10|Merfolk Sovereign|R| $0.31 | $9.19 |2865% ZEN|Plains|C| $0.15 | $13.49 |8893% WWK|Sejiri Steppe|C| $0.13 | $8.53 |6462% ROE|Hand of Emrakul|C| $0.26 | $22.21 |8442% M11|Aether Adept|C| $0.10 | $7.98 |7880% SOM|Copperhorn Scout|C| $0.17 | $12.73 |7388% MBS|Viridian Corrupter|U| $0.27 | $17.47 |6370% NPH|Porcelain Legionnaire|C| $0.12 | $12.82 |10583% M12|Autumn's Veil|U| $0.32 | $12.55 |3822% ISD|Village Bell-Ringer|C| $0.15 | $11.06 |7273% DKA|Stromkirk Captain|U| $0.19 | $13.68 |7100% AVR|Forest|C| $0.23 | $27.00 |11639% M13|Tormented Soul|C| $0.14 | $5.88 |4100% RTR|Tablet of the Guilds|U| $0.20 | $10.20 |5000% GTC|Gift of Orzhova|U| $0.09 | $5.36 |5856% DGM|Crypt Incursion|C| $0.20 | $6.83 |3315% MMA|Cold-Eyed Selkie|R| $0.38 | $10.79 |2740% M14|Blur Sliver|C| $0.12 | $5.30 |4317% THS|Voyaging Satyr|C| $0.11 | $5.41 |4818% BNG|Vanguard of Brimaz|U| $0.07 | $7.88 |11157% JOU|Underworld Coinsmith|U| $0.16 | $8.25 |5056% CNS|Brago's Representative|C| $0.19 | $7.47 |3832% M15|Void Snare|C| $0.16 | $8.03 |4919% KTK|Savage Punch|C| $0.08 | $7.75 |9588% FRF|Soulflayer|R| $0.27 | $6.30 |2233% DTK|Ancestral Statue|C| $0.19 | $7.69 |3947% MM2|Mirror Entity|R| $1.01 | $19.91 |1871% ORI|Magmatic Insight|U| $0.34 | $17.88 |5159% BFZ|Tunneling Geopede|U| $0.30 | $18.98 |6227% OGW|Warping Wail|U| $0.47 | $13.62 |2798% SOI|Indulgent Aristocrat|U| $0.12 | $11.13 |9175% EMA|Unexpectedly Absent|R| $0.34 | $6.18 |1718% EMN|Blood Mist|U| $0.18 | $7.31 |3961% CN2|Voyaging Satyr|C| $0.15 | $16.23 |10720% KLD|Decoction Module|U| $0.43 | $9.52 |2114% AER|Trophy Mage|U| $0.43 | $12.81 |2879% MM3|Hellrider|R| $1.07 | $5.48 |412% AKH|Slither Blade|C| $0.16 | $7.44 |4550% HOU|Desert of the Indomitable|C| $0.20 | $9.29 |4545% XLN|Raging Swordtooth|U| $0.13 | $7.02 |5300% IMA|Emeria Angel|R| $0.34 | $5.75 |1591% UST|Knight of the Kitchen Sink|U| $0.38 | $60.00 |15690% RIX|Dusk Legion Zealot|C| $0.19 | $9.32 |4805% A25|Flash|R| $0.57 | $14.95 |2523% DOM|Dauntless Bodyguard|U| $0.22 | $8.20 |3627% BBD|Oreskos Explorer|U| $0.14 | $7.34 |5143% M19|Rupture Spire|U| $0.11 | $8.54 |7664% GRN|Goblin Cratermaker|U| $0.18 | $8.02 |4356% UMA|Thespian's Stage|R| $1.12 | $10.35 |824% RNA|Thought Collapse|C| $0.11 | $9.76 |8773% WAR|Eternal Skylord|U| $0.13 | $9.07 |6877% MH1|Valiant Changeling|U| $0.11 | $6.07 |5418% M20|Thought Distortion|U| $0.08 | $5.31 |6538% ELD|Oko, Thief of Crowns|M| $7.68 | $22.19 |189% THB|Dryad of the Ilysian Grove|R| $7.94 | $13.74 |73% IKO|Titanoth Rex|U| $0.38 | $5.73 |1408% M21|Thieves' Guild Enforcer|R| $0.30 | $5.12 |1607% 2XM|Champion of Lambholt|R| $0.53 | $7.12 |1243% ZNR|Bala Ged Recovery // Bala Ged Sanctuary|U| $4.40 | $5.38 |22% CMR|Thorn of the Black Rose|C| $0.13 | $5.00 |3746% KHM|Saw It Coming|U| $0.20 | $7.34 |3570% TSR|Dead // Gone|C| $0.13 | $13.60 |10362% STX|Crackle with Power|M| $3.57 | $7.61 |113% MH2|Priest of Fell Rites|R| $0.35 | $5.88 |1580% AFR|Tiamat|M| $7.83 | $9.54 |22% MID|Florian, Voldaren Scion|R| $0.25 | $5.25 |2000% VOW|Path of Peril|R| $4.28 | $7.39 |73% NEO|Colossal Skyturtle|U| $0.26 | $5.68 |2085% SNC|Cabaretti Courtyard|C| $0.29 | $8.15 |2710% CLB|Inspiring Leader|U| $0.16 | $6.26 |3813% 2X2|Elenda, the Dusk Rose|M| $5.09 | $9.03 |77% DMU|Adarkar Wastes|R| $3.00 | $5.02 |67% UNF|Comet, Stellar Pup|M| $12.69 | $12.84 |1% BRO|Mishra, Claimed by Gix|M| $5.62 | $8.32 |48% DMR|Millikin|U| $0.15 | $5.98 |3887% ONE|Conduit of Worlds|R| $5.92 | $7.43 |26% MOM|Kami of Whispered Hopes|U| $1.81 | $5.40 |198% MAT|Nissa, Resurgent Animist|M| $26.85 | $28.48 |6% LTR|Aragorn, the Uniter|M| $3.29 | $5.62 |71% CMM|Skyline Despot|U| $0.78 | $5.68 |628% WOE|Eriette of the Charmed Apple|M| $1.94 | $6.11 |215% LCI|Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar|U| $0.67 | $5.81 |767% RVR|Hallowed Fountain|R| $15.00 | $42.62 |184% MKM|Rakdos, Patron of Chaos|M| $6.10 | $7.31 |20% PIP|Idolized|R| $1.84 | $10.80 |487% OTJ|Annie Joins Up|R| $2.65 | $5.40 |104% MH3|Emrakul, the World Anew|M| $16.24 | $30.17 |86%
I'm blinging out a commander deck and chose to go with the newer Expeditions for fetches and Ancient Tomb rather than the older ones, as I like the border more (and the art in the case of AT), and the foils are 3 - 5 times cheaper in some cases than the older ones. I noticed newer expeditions have foil and non foil variants, so I'm assuming they're more common, but how much more common are they, and will they increase in value as substantially? I'm no where near as invested in the investing aspect as I am in playing, but I was just curious if these would see any major gains going forward. Sorry if this is a weird question lol