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Hinduism: The Vedas are the oldest text thought to be produced from what was a very long spanning oral tradition. This oral tradition is thought to span back to as far back as 2,000 BC. In terms of the oldest manuscript available, this was produced in about 1200-1300 AD. Zoroastrianism: Dates back to about 1,000 BC. Their text the Avesta has a master copy which apparently was lost known as the Sassanian archetype and this text itself dates to around 224 AD. The oldest surving manuscript dates to 1323 AD. Judaism: Dates back to around 900-700 BC. The oldest complete Old testatment text is the Lennigrad codex which dates to around 1300 AD. The oldest complete book (Isaiah) is from 100 BC. The oldest text dates to 580-650BC in the form of two silver scrolls that contain Numbers 6:24-26. Christianity: P52 thought to have been written between 125-175 ad.  Seven lines from the Gospel of John 18:31–33, in Greek, and the back (verso) contains parts of seven lines from verses 37–38. Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest complete new testatment which dates back to 350 AD. Islam: Dates to around 600 AD. Birmingham Quran Manuscript which was written somewhere between 568 AD and 645AD. The manuscript contains text from suras (chapters) 18 – 20 and is written in Arabic Hijazi script. Codex Mashhad appears to be the oldest complete Quran (contains almost off of the Quran but missing a small %) which dates to 660-772AD. Buddhism: Dates back to about 500-600 BC. The oldest manuscripts the Gandhāran Buddhist texts date around 100BC to 300 AD. Sumer religion: Kesh Temple Hymn which is composed of several tablets which date back to 2,600-2,000 BC. Another set of tablets for this group also extends back to 2,000 BC called instructions of Shuruppag. This predates the Epic of Gilgamesh tablets which we have are from about 1500-1800BC. Egyptian religion: Dates to about 2400-2300 BC. There is the Pyramid text and the Coffin text which both date to this period. These more or less only describe the rituals for burying the pharaoh and touch on some afterlife stuff. Hope you enjoyed! If you have anything cool to add feel free as I always appreciate color on stuff like this.
I'm 37. My life has largely been, and to a lesser extent continue to be, a nightmare. I was raised by two pedophiles, trafficked as child, CSAd through puberty, isolated, abused, neglected, etc. I have spent most of my life alone, seeking connection. Three years ago, I had what I describe as a religious experience. I was driving on the highway and things just changed. All of a sudden I felt good, confident. A few days later, I was completely different person and the adventure of my life began. The change was so profound, I went from being an atheist to believing in a "higher power". Since then, I have been on what I can only describe as a fantastical journey into the soul. A long series of events has occurred, the statistical likelihood of which seems impossible, which have taken me on a path of self discovery and healing. One after the other, I would meet people or encounter signs, phrases, whatever that would teach me the major lesson that would move me to the next person/sign...that would take me to the next and next and so forth. It has not been easy, I have had to confront all the wounds of my life directly. But there has been no wasted time. I cannot help but see the divine in this. 8 months ago, I was diagnosed with an incurable disease (had symptoms). This was when I accepted Jesus. A month later, the symptoms cleared up and doctors can no longer find any trace of it. They cannot explain this. I studied philosophy and could accept people believing in religion, but I always found the miracles - particularly the medical ones - to be just tales. Now that I've experienced it, I cannot look away. If God wanted me to believe, there would've been no more powerful influence to me. Similarly, a person I lost 20 years ago returned to my life only through a freak situation (right place right time, we ran into each other - and I wouldn't have been there were it not for another series of events that took a year to come to fruition). This was like pouring gasoline on the fire, they rehashed my most core wounds buried deep and long forgotten. If God wanted me to address my own behaviors, there was no more catalystic person on the planet who could spur this introspection...and here they were. In many forms of media, a religious journey some experience is described as a person having to complete the "unfinished work" of life before moving into the beyond. The TV show LOST is perhaps one example. The distinct disparity in my life between before and after, the timing of it all, the perfect thing coming at the right time for me to move to the next step, all seems too good to be random. I wonder if I died in an accident on that highway. And that this is my journey to heal my soul before advancing to the beyond. Thoughts?
I need a few people to interview but there is a lack of religious diversity in my group of peers, plus I would love to get to know more religions I haven't seen in my area. Here are the questions: What is the persons religion? How long has this person been practicing this religion? Was this the religion in which the person was raised? IF not, what caused them to be attracted to this religion? What does this person consider the MOST important doctrines or teachings of this religions? Does this person attend a place of worship and if so, how often? How important is religion or faith to this person currently? What is a common misconception about this religion, if there is one? What does this person believe happens after you die? You can DM the answers or answer below! I will most likely have follow up questions too. Thank you in advanced!
Hinduism Today is a quarterly magazine that was established many years ago to advance Hindu Solidarity. (and to combat ethnocentricity that lies within Hinduism itself) Many Hindus, (and yes, here on this forum) feel that their version of Sanatana Dharma is the most important one, or sometimes the only one. With newcomers, this does pose a challenge, as they can erringly think that one person's response is that of the entirety of Hinduism, which is blatantly false. I'll give an example of this ... the other night I was speaking to a person at the temple I attend regularly, and mentioned that our city has 12 temples. She was quite shocked, and said, "What? I thought there were only two." She's lived in this city some 20 years, and still didn't see the diversity just within this city, let alone the entire planet. It's not that surprising as in the past, the various sects were isolated geographically. But I also don't think it's accurate, or that healthy for some sort of brotherhood. On this very forum, we have a section called 'criticism of other sects'. Personally, I'd like to see another section titled 'admiration of other sects'. Over some 40 years, Hinduism Today has published 100s of articles, about all things Hindu, and is the only Hindu publication of it's kind, as it doesn't restrict itself to articles about one sect like many other Hindu publications do. So here's the main link to it, the latest issue just came out, and the entire body of work, many years of journalism, is free to browse. [/](/) Hopefully somebody will benefit from this.
I believe or think that death is going to be a peaceful abyss. And that's terrifying for some.. depressing for some. It is to me. But when it's the only guaranteed thing in life you kinda have to just accept it.. on the other hand some see positives in it no more suffering as you are ridden of emotions and memories. The only reason why religion exists in the first place is to help us cope to give us "answers" to the unanswered. I'd prefer to be with my loved ones but if a peaceful abyss is what I get then so be it. I'm agnostic but some days I don't think there's anything after death. I know there's most likely nothing after death but I sometimes hope and wish I see family again but. I don't think we have reason. I think we are meant to be in a abyss. This life is just a bump in the road of nothing.
I'm someone who is deeply interested in religions and also believe in God. I love sharing this with others in the hope that they pray to and have a close relationship with the Creator. However, at times, especially when talking to agnostic people (who make up the majority of the younger adult generation), it can maybe feel a bit preachy, which I don't like. I'm not intrinsically better than anyone else or worth more just because I believe in and pray to God. But my love for and belief in God leads me to share with others about my prayer life and my ideas about the Creator. Has anyone else faced something like this? Edit: thank you for your responses. This has been very insightful :)
This started on YouTube, because I mentioned I am an atheist that used to be Christian. Someone asked me why I didn't believe anymore, and I said I simply didn't feel connected anymore. MY. CHOICE. And now they are trying to convert me back? Like, my religious beliefs are none of your business. Why do people do this? It's kind of toxic to be honest. ​ [Long blur is me. I know they said they aren't forcing me. But why try to bring me back to something I do not believe in anymore?](/g8n4nwf21zbd1.jpg?width=630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d69382c8d3ffeb32cc29f1c25e7e7170181bba7) I hold respect towards all religions, but it's people like these that make me upset.
It’s a bit strange, in theory I think I would be “good” at being religious. For one thing I love helping others. I volunteer touring children in my free time. I am also trying to live a more modest lifestyle, clothing wise and consumption wise. I hate modern society’s obsession with consumerism. I try to only buy what I need. I try to keep a daily routine. I don’t really like hedonistic activities like drinking are partying (though if that’s what you like I will fully support it!) So I have tried to dabble with religion. Many religious people get a deep spiritual connection from their religion, as well as a community and purpose in life. But I just….can’t. I can’t force myself to believe it. It feels silly. It feels like I’m playing pretend. None of it is authentic for me. I’m an atheist and I think I always will be one. Anyone else feel this way?
Jewish men and women throughout history have taken the Nazirite vow, but what most don't know is that there are 3 types of Nazirite vow, one of which is the Samson Nazirite or Nazarite like Samson. In general, a regular Nazirite cannot do various things such as: Consuming grape or grape-derived products, cutting their hair\*, and coming in contact with the dead. However, the rules differ for this classification of Nazirite, as Samson was unlike other Nazirites. \*A regular lifelong Nazirite is permitted to "thin" their hair to make it more comfortable. A Samson Nazarite is not. The Mishnah teaches that if a Jew says: "*I am like Shimon, the son of Manoach, the husband of Dalilah, like the one who uprooted the doors of Azah (Gaza), or like the one whose eyes were gouged out by the Plishtim (Philistines)*" then he/she becomes a Nazir Shimshon. Once a Jew utters this specific Nazirite vow, he/she is a Nazirite for life, as even a Temple sacrifice would not have broken Samson's vow. Even in the even the Temple was still standing, the Samson Nazirite would bring no sacrifices if they went against their vow, as Samson never did. No matter what, this specific variation of the vow can never be broken, and the Jew is required to follow all parts of the vow for life. Samson was noted for his impulsiveness, anger, and relationships with Philistine women. However, some rabbis note that his nazariteship actually restrained the full extent of his personality and that his specific form of nazariteship permitted him to become impure without the same reprucussions as a normal Nazirite.
It's awful and we all need to be doing something about it. It's so discouraging, and I'm not even Jewish myself. There's so much more we can be doing to promote peace and understanding towards people of all ethnicities and faiths. So for the Jewish people out there, take this as a show of support I guess! And for my fellow non-Jewish people, we need to do more to be aware of Jewish culture, religion, history - and the lies told about them, so that we recognize them when we see them and can shut them down and avoid spreading them ourselves.
I (f26) have had a Rocky relationship with my MIL since the very beginning. She's critical of everything we do, our lifestyle, gives unsolicited comments, just mean and hurtful towards me and if husband calls her out GENTLY, she plays the victim, and says, "oh, I can't say anything to your wife, I am just saying what's right and if she doesn't like it, I can't do anything about it." She has many narcissistic traits: she thinks highly of herself, believes she can do no wrong, dictates how others should live, claims to be selfless while tracking favors, and complains no one supports her. She craves attention, goes to extremes to be the center of it, always has to be the best, and constantly invalidates others while exaggerating her achievements. Honestly, I don't care about any of this; my only concern is her treatment of me and SO. A typical conversation with her: When my husband brings up something that was hurtful or even minor, my MIL would start to get defensive, then blame the situation on us, tells him she can't do anything if i offended because it's coming from a place of maternal care and that she is right. She'd then begin crying about how much she's done for hubby (gave birth and raised him like almost every other parent) and now after all her hardship for him, she's entitled to have her desires met by us. She calls SO ungrateful, all while crying, which feels incredibly manipulative and draining. There's no accountability, no relfection, no listening, no self-awareness, nothing. Just how everyone is against her and she's the victim. As long as we do what she wants, then we are "nice and good kids," but if we do something that doesn't align with her views, then she goes ballistic and throws a tantrum. We went no contact in January when she called me a home wrecker, that i broke her happy family, I control her son, I ruined his life, etc. Husband told her, you need help to see things clearly and to stop thinking everyone is plotting against you. When you are ready to seek help, let me know and I will get you the help! Since NC, life has been so much better and less stressful. I can't explain the peace of mind and not having to talk to her or hear her condescending comments. It is important to mention that we live in the same house. Hubby and FIL own the house. We are moving out in 2026. Husband I live in the basement suite MIL and SIL live upstairs. We occasionally run into her and I just look the other way and dont engage. She doesnt make an effort either. It is very awkward to say the least. But all that is fine the problem is FIL comes to this city once a year from work. Since we don't talk to MIL or go upstairs, we'll miss seeing and spending time with FIL because she's always with him. This stresses my husband. He doesn't want to lose his relationship with his dad or stress FIL with the estrangement for few weeks he's here. SO wants talk to MIL once, before FIL comes. SO & SIL believe that's just how MIL is, she is old (65ish) and can't change and we should just accept that. I agree with parts of it, how she values society over family and is easily influenced by others and is traditional. But it was her choice to be mean to me, she knew what she was doing when she called me names and blamed me for controlling and taking her son away. She can change if she wants to. She is an adult capable of making her own decisions. She always gets away with everything, and never knew any consequences until now. But I genuinely do not want to give her another chance to be in my life unless we address what happened and why she said what she said about me. Without that, it's just giving her another chance to make me feel like shit and walk allover me. I will support SO in his choice and whatever relationship he wants with his mom. For me, I know better than to engage with a narcissist and the worst is when you give in and try to reconcile. Just the thought of her stress me out. I believe if SO does make the first move and show her he wants her in his life, it will just fuel her ego. She will continue her toxic ways, knowing her son will come back to her no matter what and that she is invincible. I am afraid it will just reinforce her delusion of always being right, and my husband realized it, not knowing he's just seeking peace. I personally do not want to engage with her. MIL will need to learn that her tantrums and emotional manipulation will get her nothing. I can not change her or make her see the damage she's caused, but I can protect myself from her. I strongly believe the best way to deal with a narcissist is silent treatment or no/low contact for our sanity. Hubby was fine with it, too, until FILs trip, and we have multiple family gatherings happening right upstairs. I am just worried about the stress this will cause to our marriage and life. I am already getting nightmares. SO deserves better, and I don't want him stuck in between trying to keep peace. Am I being too pessimistic? How should SO approach her and what should he expect, and when should he walk away if she acts out. What should I do to better support SO without compromising my self-respect and keeping distance from MIL. TLDR: Hubby wants to break NC with mean MIL, and I am worried about how it will go. Help me, ladies! Thank you for reading! Any advice is appreciated.
My MIL stared at my stomach and said "Did you lose the pregnancy weight yet?" I told her I avoid the scale as it's not a priority. She then said "well I lost the weight after all my kids in 3 months." I said "that's great!" And walked away. My baby is 5 months. She was definitely implying I haven't lost the weight and should. A few days later she asked to visit because "I'm the grandma!" My husband told her he would let her know when she can come but hasn't yet confronted her about her comment. My son has a medical condition and has appointments 4 days a week. I'm exhausted. The fact this lady cares more about me losing weight then she does to even ask how I am is beyond me. Am I a jerk for telling my husband I don't want her visiting anymore ?
This happened a couple months ago, but I thought someone here may enjoy this. So once a month, I have an after work obligation. We don’t live near family, have no friends in the area and my husband and I both work full time. On these days, we ask my MIL to come watch our kid. I truly appreciate it as she drives pretty far to do so. For some context, she does bother me a bit for various reasons, but she treats me well and is a good grandparent. Anyways… So we would leave her a spare key when she came over so she could bring my kid home and hangout there. This was fine until one day, we came home and she had taken our key and had TWO SPARES MADE!!!!! She said she took our key to get one for herself and it was so cheap she decided to get ANOTHER! Then, I guess she was outside and started talking to our neighbor and telling her this story. Our neighbor is awesome and we hangout with her and her husband sometimes. My neighbor jokes that we should give her a spare key because I lock myself out often. I guess she told my MIL this too. My MIL is telling us the story and had the audacity to say it was weird of my neighbor to ask for a key and she changed the subject. I’m thinking it’s weird you MADE YOURSELF NOT ONE, BUT TWO KEYS! Without our permission!!!! At least the neighbor asked 😂 I’m still so disturbed by this level of overbearing! There is literally no reason she needs her own key to MY house! But, atp all I can do is laugh lol
This is a throwaway, as it contains sensitive information that I do not want to be associated with my main account. My MIL is a typical self-absorbed narcissist. She had more kids than she wanted to take care of and left it up to her oldest kids (who were still too young to be taking care of children) in charge of everyone. My SO actually thought that their mom worked nights because she was gone every night. It turns out that she worked days and was actually just sleeping around every night. SO and their siblings were even left overnight while the mom went to her boyfriend’s house in another town for the weekend. It wrecked my SO to learn the truth about MIL. They are still struggling with it because they grew up with the narrative that they were raised by a hardworking single mom but it turns out that she was a little more fun-loving and free-wheeling than SO realized/understood. There were also other things, like medical neglect (not seeking treatment for treatable issues), favoring the children of her current man over her own (buying them lavish Christmas gifts and giving her own child one CD), and even punching SO on a couple of occasions! Despite all of the neglect, most of my MIL’s children maintain positive relationships with her. The behavior is brushed off as “mom being mom” or it is justified by the fact that she was a single mom (by choice. She divorced SO’s dad in order to sleep around). MIL is so manipulative and must have a degree in gaslighting . This or that didn’t even happen. She will even totally rewrite the narrative. I once said that it was hard for SO to see step-siblings getting expensive gifts while SO got a t-shirt, and her reply was, “Oh yes, we always made sure to treat all of the kids equally.” 🤬🤯 SO lost their job a couple of months ago and MIL convinced them to move our family to her city. She wanted to help us out with our kids and support SO during this difficult time. I was very much against this decision, but SO was so eager for their mom to care that they moved us to MIL’s city. SO’s siblings also harped for us to move closer to them (they all live near MIL) so that we could be a FaMiLy. Believe it or not, MIL is not helpful. She is so uninvolved, it doesn’t even feel as though we live near her. She won’t come over to see the kids, she blows off plans that she made with us, she doesn’t attend school functions, and she makes secret plans with the other siblings that no one tells us about. It really seems like these people wanted us to move here so that they could ignore us to our faces. One of my SIL has ignored/skipped every birthday party invitation that I have sent her, but accuses my SO of hating their family if we don’t attend an event. My SO recently confronted their mom and all she did was accuse them of manipulation. My SO’s mental health is really in a bad place right now. Things took a turn for the very worse (ideations) after the conversation with MIL. To make matters worse, my SIL was sending my SO hateful texts while they were thinking about ending themselves. Thankfully, SO is still here. After that night, SO decided to cut contact with their family for the sake of their mental health. After their siblings found out about their desire for a break, they decided that they were “here for SO” and we need to have a family gathering. SIL has not apologized at all, and I think that is literally the minimum that she should do. But SO now wants to try with their family. I don’t want to be a bad guy or say no, but I am genuinely worried for my SO and children’s mental health. (I am afraid that MIL will try to guilt trip our children by telling them how much she loves/misses them and wishes that she could see them more. She could. She just won’t, but she doesn’t want to look bad.) What in the world am I supposed to do here?!
My husband grew up really close with his mom. He used to be a bit of a mama’s boy, but he changed once he met me. I admit at the beginning. It was difficult to be in a relationship with a Mama’s boy, but after much growth and learning/ and realizing he changed some of his ways and became a man I wanted him to be. Now a problem is with his mother constantly telling me how I need to treat her son like a king. Nothing wrong with treating your man like a “king” or whatever. But I don’t want to be told by his mother what to do and it’s annoying me a lot. She came over and stayed with us for 2 weeks from her state, and she immediately started complaining to me how her son is not eating good meal,how my cooking isn’t good enough. I admit I’m not very good with cooking I didn’t really grow up cooking but I’m learning and with time I will improve. Btw (My husband said how he actually loves my cooking a lot) and he often asks me to cook for him because of how good it tastes. During her visit She continued making comments how it doesn’t have enough seasoning and said “my poor son it’s like he’s living in prison.” She said “my poor son” many times during her trip just because she seen him work around the house. Like doing his own laundry, cleaning etc I clean and cook too but we don’t have a role we both do whatever we want. No job is assigned for just me because I’m a female or just him because he’s a man. The other day I slept till 11 am because I was on my period (bad cramps) and my husband woke up early and made breakfast for himself she freaked out. She said her son never ever cooks for himself growing up he was treated as a king and I should continue treating him like a king. She acted like making his own breakfast was such a crime. She said women should wake up early to cook for their husband. And that my period was just an excuse to be lazy…. My period happened to be very heavy that day and all I wanted to do was lie down ( I had no work that day) my husband made me food and went to work. He brought the food to my room because I was just sleeping all day cramping and he wanted me to eat, I didn’t ask him to do these things. that rralky triggered her how he was carrying for me and i could hear her talking bad about me on the phone next door.
To summarize, my FMIL snapped on me when I walked into a room she was in after I said I did not want any drama at our wedding. I said this after she spent 15 minutes talking about how two friends of hers, who are both invited, have been feuding since December. FH called her the next day to try to clear the air. FMIL proceeded to tell FH that I am going to freak out if things don’t go my way, I’m mean (for saying I didn’t want drama at our wedding), I’m controlling, and disrespectful. FH has been the only one to communicate all wedding decisions (for fear this would happen). I told FH that I wanted to go NC until the wedding because I can’t handle the hatred she all of a sudden has towards me, FH is very supportive of this. Yesterday, one month after the last incident, FMIL sends me a text saying “I apologize that what I said caused you to be upset”. I replied stating “you told FH I was mean, controlling, and disrespectful….” No response back. I wanted to make sure she knew exactly why I’m hurt and limiting her ability to continue to be hurtful. I also want her to understand that FH and I don’t keep things from eachother. I feel like this is a backhanded apology, it feels like she’s apologizing for me being too sensitive. *wedding is in 3 weeks
So MIL has been calling every day this week I've made multiple posts u can go read them. I had a mental breakdown yesterday and my dad brother and DH were there to support me took me to the beach which is my safe place. Then MIL responds to a threads. It seems so performative like she made it public so people could see that "she's supportive" She's never asked me once how I've been doing this pregnancy despite us living with them. i thought it had inserted the pic ?? she said “me and fil are here for you if u three need anything “ She's made a fuss about not spending money on babies room She doesn't want us moving out which is weird because she doesn't like me FIL is an alcoholic so wtf is he going to do to help MOL doesn't cook and if she does it's nasty and inedible So what could they possibly help with ?? I'm seeing through the BS because ALL OF A SUDDEN she wants to be like "were there for u" never once has she asked my husband how I'm doing . She will ask about how HES doing . Even if she was being genuine she literally doesn't do shit to help.
I've heard so many stories of MIL's hating their daughter in laws because they're obsessed with their sons and get jealous. Does anyone have the opposite? Like, my partner is my MIL least favorite child, so she treats me pretty bad, whereas the partner to her favorite son is treated great. Also I don't even feel like I'm a person to her, I'm just her sons partner, like an accessory. Even my partners Grandma and Aunt follow me on Instagram and only like my photos with my partner in them, it makes me feel like they don't see me as my own person.
I don't know if this is the right place to post but here goes.My ex mil is currently taking care of my children son aged 15 and daughter aged 13.Me and my children cannot live together currently as our house has horrific damp and toxic mould problems and is going to take extensive work to fix.So the easiest thing to do as my parents are deceased and I'm fairly isolated is for my children to stay with their grandmother as they know her they usually stay weekends have done since they were born.I cannot stay there as there isn't room.My ex partners home is a bedsit is to small for them to stay with him unfortunately.My issue is she has become increasingly hostile and seems to be going out of her way to create an atmosphere.She phones to bark orders at me such as the children need this,get this or do this and is very cold.I haven't always got along with her.Her son was not a good partner was mentally and emotionally abusive and of course she sided with him and excused his behaviour.But we've been separated for a long time and things have been better since then.I thought myself and my ex mil were getting along better but obviously not.This attitude change has only happened since having the children.She is more than happy to have them and I pay for their food and the electric and gas that they use.But she is making it increasly different and like I said has become hostile,cold and is created an atmosphere out of no where to the point where I'm in tears after every phonecall.Ive tried to ask if I've done anything to upset her or if she has an issue with me she tells me no there's no problem but continues to be like this.Im also in ill health I've just had kidney surgery that was my tenth surgery in 10 years and I have a heart problem.She used to be friendly but since having my children she's become cold and hostile and I'm in tears after every phonecall.So apart asking outright what I have done to upset her which I have done I genuinely don't know what else to do.I feel like I'm going out of my mind. Edit Since I've had a reply insinuating that I'm not parenting my children ill be clear.My home is toxic we cannot breath in there I personally have a heart problem it's making worse.Anyone familiar with the UK housing situation knows that private landlords don't always do repairs and will string things out as long as they can.This damp and mould is in every single room the roof and the rendering is causing the issue this is from a professional inspection.I have had to involve environmental health and the council as anyone familiar with the UK housing situation will tell you private landlords can be a law unto themselves and won't always do repairs and will string things out.My children need to be in a safe environment while this is ongoing. I am there as much as I can be even though she really doesn't want me there she wants the children there but not me.I pay for their food and contribute to her gas and electric bill.This hasn't been going on for months and months or years.It's literally the last 3 weeks or so.Ive just had kidney surgery like I said my tenth surgery and have not long had a radical open hysterectomy last November for cervical cancer.I don't drink or do drugs I have to much respect for what remaining health I have left and for my children for that.I don't have a support system my parents are dead I'm isolated and I'm really on the edge at the moment.But I've had to add this as apparently I'm not parenting my children.I have been stupidly grateful throughout my entire time of knowing her.Even when she's been overly controlling and supportive of her sons abuse of myself.This is her suggestion not mine.Im trying to be there every day she does not want me there.I am currently on a friend's sofa as I can't magic another house out of no where.I can't afford a hotel until environment health do a formal inspection and decide to rehouse us.I really don't feel I deserve emotional abuse and gaslighting when I'm doing everything I can and repeatedly asking her what the issue is like an adult.What more can I do. put them back into a harmful environment because believe you me she would be the first to call child services if I did that.
/r/JUSTNOMIL/s/AtOQbhUalq To anyone interested I responded with a 😂 to her Snapchat, and she responded with a 🤷🏼‍♀️ so I said "You've never wanted to even be alone with her until recently. Which leads me to believe there is an outside influence pushing that on you. And I've already made it clear how I feel about that." JustNoMoms response: It was just a meme and I knew that you would not let me take her alone from the start after everything that happened with MIL I didn't post it to start anything or upset you. My response It's just a meme that you posted on Snapchat because it's relevant to our situation. It's just a trust thing. She's my whole world, I don't trust anyone alone with her. I don't even want to leave her when I'm in the hospital getting my surgery (c section next month). And I definitely have already made it clear how I feel about your boyfriend being around her too, without her dad or I being present especially. I don't have any personal problems with the guy for me. But he's not anything to my daughter. He's not her grandpa and he's just a stranger to her. Even if he is your fiance, it doesn't mean an automatic in to have a relationship with her. And if she's with you, she's with him. JustNoMoms response: Do you not trust your own mother? Is that what this is (Obviously, the guilt trip) My response: There's two people I whole heartedly trust with my child and it's her father and I. You made it clear when I was pregnant that you didn't respect my parenting choices and told me all the things you would do behind my back, jokes or not, I took that serious. You also can't chase her around, and she's quick, God forbid she runs in the road. Also your boyfriend, you can trust him whole heartedly with your life, but that does not mean that I'm going to do the same. And you don't even respect my opinion on that and dismissed all my feelings about it when I voiced how I felt. Our relationship hasn't been the same in a long time, since you told me years ago that I didn't need my mother anymore, I took that very serious, and our distance over the years isn't because of me by any means.  And I know you were joking when you said something about kidnapping her (she said "can I kidnap you one day to go out for ice cream? I made a whole post about that too, it's my proud mom moment post), but she has brought it up a couple times now and it scared her. She keeps talking about "I can't go with Grandma if I don't have my parents" "don't try to take me away grandma" because we've explained to her what kidnapping is even before you said that. And she's 3 and doesn't understand that that's just you joking around.  And we're already stressed about the hospital situation, and now she is even stressed about it too because she thinks you're just going to take her. Plus, the new baby, she already feels she's going to be replaced, now she thinks she's never going to see us again. JustNoMoms response I put that up because your sister has been making sure to visit Grampy considering how he’s been doing for the past few days. It was not targeted towards you and I apologize if it came off that way. And my last response That still doesn't make any sense to me, but I'll take your word for it. Also, I can't really go sit at a hospital 9 months pregnant without being extremely uncomfortable the whole time. I know Gramps is your sole focus, but mine is keeping myself healthy and comfortable while I'm growing a whole life right now and only a month from my due date pretty much. She also posted ANOTHER quote photo on Snapchat this morning that says "A mother is someone who can never be replaced. She was the first one to love you, she loves you still, and she will always love you" My fiance thinks it might be about her own mom, who passed in 2021, but I just don't think so considering the timing. Me calling her out on telling me I didn't need her anymore has been a long time coming. It happened in 2018, I was 24. My fiance went deaf, I was fired and our car was totaled all within a few months. I went to her place to get the title for my car and had a breakdown, and cried and told her it felt like we weren't as close as we used to be. She was dating a terrible man who ended up robbing her for $5,000 at the end of their 5 year relationship. She pushed me so far away that we had basically no relationship at all. And now she says she "had someone in her head" and "did the same thing to my sister" but she definitely never told my sister "you're 24, you don't need your mom anymore" that's exactly what she said to me, while I was bawling my eyes out directly in front of her face. And it broke me. My sister was 17 and she was still there for her the entire time. She always has been for her. She's just always treated me differently because I'm "just like my dad" who she hates. (Just thought I'd give some back story on why me saying that to her finally after all these years was such a big deal. And I also think that's why she posted that quote today.)
So I am in class 9th .... My school takes up my 7 hrs of life daily and what I get in return is that I can write a patr lekhan to my friend/principle which was used at my grandmother's time and I do some easy formulas of cbse what when it comes to Olympiads, tough sort of maths I do nothing I get no sports life due to school.... School drinks 10000 rs every month and In return I get nothing.. I hve realised school is a waste of time Now what I hve thought is that I will do private cbse then I won't hve to go to school I will hve 24 hrs in my life and that 10000 rs every month I can do a lot of things with that money and time .... Should I leave school and opt for private or should I just suffer in school writing patr lekhan instead of emails, understanding ai the things that would actually help me are not taught in school.....
Well iam studying 2 to 3 hours daily for 12th boards . While my frnds are studying for like 6-7 hours daily for boards and they are telling me that iam not studying enough to get 80%. Like dude 6-7 hours everyday. And boards are like 7 months away. Isn't 2 to 3 hours enough . Obviously ill increase my study hours once board is near like 2-3 months. But they are telling me i gotta study for 7 hours daily from today onwards. And 12 hours daily once boards are close. Mf what, are they crazy or am i just stupid to understand. None of us are preparing for jee or neet We belong to PCB stream. Kon sahi hai yaha? Kya mujhe bhi 7 ghante padhne chaiye abhi se Btw mujhe ghanta farak nahi padta boards se bas 75-80% ajaye kafi hai. So should i study 10 hours daily from today onwards?😭
So one of my very closest friends has chose Commerce stream in 11th grade Now, the main thing is that He's not sure if to **choose math's or not** For context, he's a fairly smart Guy with all-round knowledge about a lot of things but Throughout the Year, Math's wasn't at his best interest and he never focused on it that much So in Board exams, He scored like **47/80 in maths;** However he got 90+ in 3 subjects, so its not like he doesnt study well or doesnt have work ethic but pure saal maths utna dhyan nhi diya + board exams ke liye maths ke kuch topic revise nhi kiye I told him ki Bande ke paas work ethic he toh maths shouldn't be a problem if he works hard for i **But then, Generally speaking What advice would yall give?** \***TLDR**- Friend is confused weather choose math's or not for commerce stream, He has good study/work ethic, Is Smart and all but Didnt pay much attention/study/work hard for math's in Particular Should he Take Maths
I go to a pretty well ranked private school in India but I feel that there are only a few teachers who give their all to teaching and they are actually passionate about teaching. Others are just really there to pass their time and their disinterest in giving their best to teaching us shows that they are not too passionate about teaching. I think that teachers have the biggest responsibility of all professions so there must be a barrier of entry to become a teacher. Do you guys feel the same. I had a podcast sometime ago with the Advisor to The Indian Education Ministry. He told me that it is not because they are not paid well but because it is a profession of last resort for many. [Reference to podcast clip](/Ocrq5CWNzDI)
So I got filled in mathematics and chemistry. I will be taking mathematics compartment exam on 15th July today 13th July around 10:30 AM. I am here by telling that I get fucking waste my all months. I don’t know how but every day I wake up. I say I will start studying, but I never start study. I know I a piece of shit, I know, but now I I am making this fast, so I just wanted to say I will not regret. I will study this one and a half day my full. I just post this post to me in future. I know the last time I give Maths exam on 10 March 2024. I was regretting cause every question that I see in exam was seen by me, but I don’t give importance to them and to study that much now I will do exact opposite and see what will happen? I know it’s just like gambling, but let’s see. I will now shut this phone up and I will be update you guys after two days after giving my exam. Thank you. For reading this match for stranger guy like me.🙏
Hello everyone, my friend gave 12th boards and got comp in 2 subjects. Math and Chemistry. So he decided to give comp for chemistry. Oh and also he is doing dummy school from a different city. So when he asked for admit card on 12th July, he got shocked to see math instead of Chemistry. He asked me what to do... My dad is already angry on my result what will happen to me if I told him I got a wrong comp paper. Now according to teacher, he said that you can only give comp for the lowest marks you have received on compartment subjects. Is that true? And well I know there is other way to solve this, can you tell what should he do in these 2 days? He is totally f"*ked but I feel very sad for him knowing his parents, he probably gonna get expelled from his house. I tried my best to support him emotionally and told him just do pyq's of math and everyone passed compartment easily don't worry... Goodluck my friend.
My comeback story - scored 85 percent in class 10th. Parents were disappointed as I not scored 90 percent.Took science stream with maths. Decided not to Take any tutions as everything was available on internet . Used to be proper backbencher in class 11th .Talked a lot during classes . Teachers were always angry and irritated of me. Failed in physics I Remember i scored 15 marks out of 50 . My parents were shattered . teachers always complained .At last I studied hard for 2 months scored 58 percent in class 11 .Then comes class 12 all my teachers and parents were irritated of me . However my approach did not change .Always sat at the back and used to have fun with classmates . I made all in one Copy of all subjects .One day physics teacher noticed me And said I will hardly pass class 12th seeing my behaviour and grades . So it became my motivation to prove her wrong .My parents were repeatedly asking to me join tutions as science stream is very hard .However I said my phone is enough .They were irritated due to my overconfident behaviour . However YouTube and telegram supported me a lot in my tough time . And finally I scored 91 percent at the end . Teachers were shut and parents finally smiled .At the end it was a happy story :)
i have my boards improvement exam in maths on 15th and i have studied for it i need 50/80 marks for passing the 75% criteria in jee, i gave a mock test (this year official question paper set 1 as a mock test) and i scored 52-55 marks without revision(could've scored better if i revised before mock, also i checked my paper through the official marking scheme) currently i am revising for the exam (i have studied the most i could) but the fear of exam is killing me need some advice to get atleast more than 50-55 out of 80 currently i am revising and i am planning to go over this year question paper solutions and understand the questions after i am done with revision will this be enough for >50 ?? |Chapters|Status| |:-|:-| || |Relation & Function|Done whats important| |Inverse trigonometric Functions|not done as the weightage is not that high| |Matrices|Done Complete| |Determinants|Done Complete| |Continuity & Differentibility|Studied Complete but only remember Basics and differentiability (will revise and try to complete)| |Application of derivatives|Most concepts complete and questions practiced but i get stuck on case study based questions| |Integrals|maa ch\*di pari h, attempt kaise krna h pta h but formulas yaad ni hore (specially itf wale)| |Applications of Integrals|Concepts done but formoola me dikkat| |Differential Equations|upar upar se padha h but solve krlunga| |Vector|Done complete| |3d Geometry|Done but needs revision| |Linear programming|Done Complete| |Probability|Most concepts complete and questions ban rhe h| What should be my strategy for the next 3 days need serious help (agar 50 se upar nahi aaya toh relatives dimag kha jayenge)
So in the beginning of 10th class, my dad said he would give me 30k Budget if I would score 94% + In board exams and I scored 94.4% So I have a budget of 30k ₹. My brother too got this deal 4 years back when he was in class 10 and had bought a ps4 (which I use more than him.) Unfortunately he couldn't reach that mark in 12th and couldn't secure the deal. So now that I have the budget, what should I buy? I took Commerce so don't give a bullshit answer like Allen coaching etc. Suggest anything other than phone, Tablet or any smart device. Main priorities are Cycle or a Playstation 5(When the price reduces to 30k after many years). Pls suggest more..
So basically, aaj hamari copy showing thi, har subject mein mere acche aye. Ab thode hamare school ki bhi sun lo, hamare school ki aadat hai ki Maths aur Science mein Buri Checking ho, meaning even if tumhara poora answer sahi hai, tab bhi tumhara kata jayega (with no explanation) I got 42/50 in Maths, was expecting 45+. Why? Well, because I didn't do many ques the way my Teacher told us to in our copies And for science, ooh, don't even get me started. I was expecting 49/50 but I got 36. When I looked at my copy, I found at many ques were cut off without even being checked, and there was one physics question where marks were Given on the WRONG ANSWERS, but me, who wrote the right answer lost marks! Also, many of the quez were even left unchecked!, Then it was the last period with like 3-5 mins left, and then I showed the zheet to my teacher (he didn't check our sheets), he gave me 6 Marks ON THE SPOT, MEANING IT WAS THE CHECKERS FAULT, WITH 7 MORE MARKS TO BE ADDED! Moral of the story : Yeah dudes don't give a fuck about school marks, just practice hard for boards.
Jag tittar på en kryddburk i mataffären. Det står ”packad i fjälkinge, skåne” Jag skiter fullständigt i var ni packar kryddan. Vilseledande! Det står ingenstans på kryddburken som hjälper mig ta reda på ursprunget för innehållet. Så jag tittar vidare i hela skafferiet och kylen. Börjar googla. Livsmedelsverkets hemsida har långa paragrafer om vad som gäller men helt meningslös info för det hjälper mig ingenvart att ta reda på vart en produkt är odlad eller kommer från. Jag googlar och googlar. Finns det INGEN lista över vad olika siffor på matvaror kan betyda/visa var produkten kommer ifrån? Eller app som kan scanna serienummer och visa exakt vart produkten är odlad? Jag pratar inte om kött för där finns det regler och lagar så detta ska inte diskuteras i denna tråd. Nu pratar vi om andra matvaror som inte har någon ursprungsförteckning. Det är med tanke på matfusk och klimatet helt sjukt att detta inte är standard. Att sveriges matvarukedjor inte stället högre krav. FRÅGA: Hur gör jag för att ta reda på vart varorna är producerade?
[SERIÖS] De flesta vet nog vid det här laget att Trump blev beskjuten och träffad. Han verkar dock inte vara allvarligt skadad. Vi ser den politiska polariseringen öka även i Sverige och många debatter vi har är så pass infekterade att vi inte kunnat hantera frågan i sig. T.ex. invandringsfrågan. Min spontana reaktion: Varför satsar man inte mer på att minska polariseringen? Finns det ett enda politiskt initativ för detta? Finns det en krona som satsas på detta? Även fast det finns etablerad litteratur och konfliktlösningsmetoder händer ingenting. Med hjälp av internet skulle man kunna samla in information, få hjälp av experter, psykologer, sociologer, konfliktlösningsmetoder och dylikt för att förstå vad polariseringen bottnar och hur man minska polariseringen samt applicera det på global skala med hjälp av internet. Jag har inga problem att världen spenderar 20 000 000 000 000 (20 biljoner kr) per år på militären. Det jag har problem med är när man inte spenderar en liknande del på att minska inhemska konflikter likt det jag beskrev. För jag kan berätta att inhemska konflikter som spårar ur är minst lika farliga som utländska hot. Hur stor politisk polarisering hade vi haft om våra regeringar satsade en bråkdel av detta på konfliktlösning? Varför gör man inget?
Jag ska till Åbofrån Stockholm och stanna där några dagar och sen hem igen. Kommer kanske ske många gånger att jag åker till Åbo, rör sig alltså inte enbart om en gång så blir dyrt när det är så många gånger. För är rejält dyrt med reguljärbiljett. Men jag behöver ingen hytt. Borde det inte ett sånt alternativ finnas som är billigare? Jag hittar inget. Finns det fler än Viking Line och Tallink som åker dit? Annars så undrar jag om det här funkar fortfarande? /billig-kryssning-till-abo/
Var precis ute och joggade efter regnet här nere i skåne (har regnat hela dagen). Regnet har givetvis lockat ut alla mördarsniglar på gatorna. Jag börjar springa och några meter in hör ett "POP" och tittar ner. Jag har då trampat på en mördarsnigel med all fart, så pass att den helt enkelt exploderat. Det var ett blodblad, eller snarare gegg-bad. Spyfärdig, äcklad, samt paranoia att det kommer hända igen blev plötsligt en ny verklighet. Jag försökte sätta på spotify att komma på andra tankar. Men de var ju så många där. Varje steg blev nu en strategi att inte råka mörda fler mördarsniglar. Jag fortsätter. Efter en stund kommer jag till en park där det lyckligtvis var mindre sniglar. Som ett mirakel glömmer jag vad jag gjort lite tidigare och springer runt hela parken. På vägen hem, nästan vid porten, hör jag det igen. POP. Denna gång värre och mer gegga än förra gången. Nu ville jag spy, på riktigt. Nä men det var så äckligt. Så nu till min fråga, bidrar mördarsniglar till något positivt alls? Har aldrig hört mördarsniglar i någon positiv kontext, verkligen aldrig. Antigen äter de upp trädgården eller så är de i vägen när man är ute och går/springer efter regnet. Jag hatar mördarsniglar.
**Du kan stänga av ljudet på dina vitvaror!** Det är nog få som anser att det är akut att ta hand om tvätten, ta ut det som står i micron eller att tömma diskmaskinen. Trots detta har de självupptagna apparaterna i våra liv fått för sig att de ska pipa eller till och med spela en trudelutt när de är klara. Men du kan stänga av ljudet, eller åtminstone korta ner det. Googla exempelvis "disable beep Bosch washing machine" (gärna med modellnummer om du har) så hittar du instruktion om hur du tar bort ljudet. Jag har exempelvis numera bara ett pip när micron är klar istället för att den piper tills man stänger av den. Inspirerad av tråden om touch på spis kände jag att jag behövde dela med mig av denna viktiga information. Lycka till att minska stressen i din vardag!
Tänk typ en affär med samma affärside som systembolaget, dom vill främja folkhälsan och har inget vinstintresse. Affären skulle bara sälja nyttig mat, grönsaker och baljväxter subventioneras så dom blir typ gratis. Ingen ska kunna använda ursäkten att bra mat är dyrt utan det ska vara så billigt att alla har tillgång till det. Allt kött är lokalt producerat och antibiotikafritt osv Halvfabrikat, godis, läsk och dylikt säljs inte alls, utan i kassan så får ligger det istället frukt som barnen kan tjata till sig. Fördelen med en sådan här affär är att man hade kunnat gå ditt med vetskapen om att man bara köper bra saker samt att man inte riskerar att spontantköpa godis och dylikt. Det hade kostat skattepengar men det skulle man sannolikt tjäna in på den ökade folkhälsan som följer av att folk skulle äta bättre och ha färre metabola sjukdomar. EDIT: DET ÄR INTE KOMMUNISM >.<
/volontar/ Just nu söker de fler volontärer speciellt till utbildningsdagarna där barn kommer och lär sig om fåglar, insekter, natur i 3 dagar och sen börjar mässan i 3 dagar för allmänheten. Du kommer gå en utbildning dag den 20 augusti, få en keps och T-shirt eller långärmad gratis. Lunch och fika är inkluderat under dagarna du ställer upp. Det tar bara omkring 25 minuter från Hyllie och 35 minuter från Malmö C. Ställ upp och du kanske träffar nya vänner och får lite erfarenhet.
Tack för all pepp! Jag är också glad att jag inspirerat många att ta tag i beroendet. Jag hoppas att ni alla lyckas sluta! Jag mår väldigt bra. Det här gick lättare än jag någonsin kunnat tro. Jag har inte sprayat näsan med något annat än saltat vatten de senaste 4,5 dygnen. Jag var täppt första dygnet samt kortare stunder följande dagar och då har saltat vatten hjälpt. I övrigt har jag haft normal andningsfunktion genom båda näsborrarna nästan hela tiden. Jag har sovit alla nätter. Jag inser att jag inte skadat näsan varaktigt. Återigen, tack för alla heja-rop! Till er som är beroende säger jag: Just do it!
I called 2 of his neighbours. Their English is not good, but one of the neighbours told me he think he is dead. I don't know how to process this. I've talked to him everyday for 8 years. ~~I lost contact with a relative in Linkoping for a week.~~ ~~We use to talk every day so this is very strange.~~ ~~All my calls goes to voicemail and no one else can reach him either.~~ ~~He didn't mention any vacations or if he had any plans. All his activities online (reddit, social media, games, discord, email) suddenly stopped a week ago.~~ ~~He lives alone and has no relatives living in the country.~~ ~~I already contacted (/en/contacting-the-police/) yesterday and they haven't called me back.~~ ~~I also send a request on (/kontakt/kontaktkort-organisatoriska/verksamhetsstod-och-service/kontakt-linkoping/lindeskform-kontakt-linkoping/) but they won't start helping till monday.~~ ~~I am very anxious and very concerned. Is there anything more I can do?~~
Jag har under en tid haft rejäla problem med sura upstötningar. Och har haft en sådan djävulsk värk i bröstkorgen att jag höll på att smälla av. Förra torsdagen kräktes jag "kaffesump" och ringer naturligtvis 1177. Fick bra bemötande etc. Visar sig att jag har en retning alt magsår. Är på omeprazol nu och ska göra en uppföljning nästa vecka. Har verkligen inte vart snäll mot min kropp, cigg, kaffe, alkohol you name it. Nu till min fråga, tar det lång tid att läka? Har gjort tväromvändning i mitt liv senaste veckan gällande kost, rökning och annat. Har typ en sådan ångest att det ska förvärras och kan inte sluta tänka på det.
Hi all. Brand new to the magical world of peptides. Starting a course of BP 157 + TB 500 next week to deal with a knee injury. Then I'm debating tirz vs ipa/mod grf (cjc no dac). I'm also looking for athletic performance and a little bit of weight loss (could probably lose 10, maybe up to 15, but honestly would be fine with even 5-10 fat loss). My diet is pretty clean and I track macros - biggest issue is definitely just eating too much, not necessarily what I'm eating. 34F, 5'6, 144ish depending on the day. I'm concerned with maintaining muscle mass/strength - currently lift 2-3x a week but participate in cardio for my sport 5-6 days a week. Super important to maintain strength to weight ratio. So initially I was thinking ipa for muscle growth/athletic performance, which everyone says to stack with modgrf/cjc. I think I looked into Tesamorelin as well but decided that the potential prolactin wasn't worth it. But then there is the hunger pangs. History of eating disorders over here (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating) and feeling iffy about my ability to withstand major relapses right now. Not sure I can handle the increased hunger that seems to come with Ipa/cjc. (Edit) To clarify, I don't struggle with self-harming in the way that I did in my late teens early twenties when purging and restriction were real issues, but my hunger cues feel disregulated after my last few training cycles and I have a lot of "food noise" as is right now, so I'm cautious about anything that would turn that up. (/Edit) I'd just go straight for the Tirz but I'm so worried about losing muscle. I see a few anecdotal reports of people gaining muscle on it - and from what I understand the main culprit in people losing muscle on it is people who just don't lift, don't eat enough protein, and suddenly start eating way less and the body just atrophies a bit. As far as I can understand right now, there's nothing inherent in the mechanism that dramatically turns up catabolism...?? It's just a side effect of the decreased appetite? So in theory, I could go on Tirz, keep training, eat enough protein, and not lose muscle. ?? I've also read that stacking Tirz with Ipa/cjc tends to be counterproductive in terms of appetite reduction... But could Tirz help temper the hunger pangs? It doesn't seem to me like it would limit the effectiveness of ipa/cjc? My current inclination is to try dosing Tirz at the lowest possible dose and just train and eat protein and cross my fingers and hope for the best... Would love perspective from anyone who's tried something similar!
I'm brand new to the world of peptides and I need to know...if you're doing a stack of peptides, do you just dose them all individually, following the recommended dosages? Background: I order 3 separate peptide for the GLOW stack (including MG per vial): GHK-CU 50mg, TB500 10mg, BCP-157 10mg. I've found some dosage charts for each one and intend to follow the recommended dosage. But, my concern is doing multiple injections per day. Is it better to combine these all in to 1 vial and make a dosage? For the love of God, someone please point me to something concrete on the dosages, etc. Tysm!
Just finished up two weeks of SS-31, titrated up to 4mg/day and only saw minor increases in energy. Originally I was going to do two more weeks at 4mg/day but I don't feel like it's worth the price. I've been dealing with fatigue for a few years since getting hit with COVID and ended up getting ME/CF. A few rounds of ozone IV therapy with a clinic stopped me from sleeping 18 hours a day, but I still haven't returned to baseline. Test levels (total, free, and bio) were all low, tried clomid and anstrozole for a few months but after not having any change in fatigue they were discontinued. Libido has always been high despite the low test levels, so now I have a 3 month old. I'm. Fucking. Tired. Granted I only get 5-6 hrs of sleep a night, but I'm more tired than I should be given the amount of Redbull, Coffee, and Adderall I consume each day. I have been considering trying N-acetyl semax nasal and see if that can help with some of the mental fatigue. I'm at a cross roads here, do I run another round of SS-31 and hope for more significant changes? Do I run KP-10 or HCG and see if that helps resolve the fatigue? Skip right to MOTS-C?
I have a pretty bad neck injury caused by a chiropractor back in February. It is healing and improving, but I still struggle with a burning sensation that travels upwards when it's aggravated and a constant "clogged" ear feeling. I started my first BPC-157 injection into my neck yesterday and will continue this treatment for the rest of the month. I've been advised to continue for three months and, if that doesn't work, to explore PRP with stem cells. I'm also seeing a chiropractor who has helped fix the damage done by the other one on occasion, doing some traction, decompression, and curve correction. The local place where I got the peptide recommended also taking collagen and mentioned they have it in powder form. I had some genetic testing done that shows I'm 80% more prone to osteoporosis than the general population, so I'm pretty scared and want to do everything I can to avoid getting that in my neck. For reference, I'm a 36-year-old female and have other health issues I'm battling as well. ### Questions: 1. **Collagen Recommendations:** What collagen brands are the best? Should I get powdered collagen from my peptide provider, or are there better options available? 2. **Diet and Supplements:** Are there any specific supplements or other peptides I should consider to support bone health and recovery from my neck injury? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
I have been taking sermorelin for about 4 months now and am not sure if I'm going to stay on it long term. My doctor put me on it after I expressed difficulty in staying asleep (frequent waking up). I will say that I seem to sleep more consistently through the night, although I still wake up naturally after about 5-6 hours of sleep and could probably benefit from staying asleep longer. I have a really hard time taking sermorelin on an empty stomach before bed (the general guidance I've heard was to take it about 2 hours after eating and about an hour before bed, meaning there's ideally a 3 hour window between eating and bedtime). I do a lot of endurance exercise and am typically eating around 3500+ calories day, and find it really hard to fall asleep if I'm not eating within an hour or 90 mins of bed. Has anybody taken sermorelin at other times of the day for other reasons? I'm wondering if it's that big of a dael to take it on an empty stomach and at nighttime or if it's OK to shift it around. There are definitely windows of 4-5 hours in the daytime I can go without eating, so I'm debating whether it's better to take it before bed (with food) or at another time of day on an empty stomach.
I was prescribed pharmaceutical grade BPC 157 and TB500 for healing some musculoskeletal issues. After three days of taking roughly 250 micrograms and gradually ramping up the dosage, on the third day after injecting subcutaneously I had what I could describe as the worst experience of my life. My anxiety level shot through the roof and I could not keep still at all. My brain felt like it was flooding with endorphins and began experiencing amphetamine like effects with mild hallucinations. It felt like someone was grabbing my chest and squeezing it. I could not even close my eyes because I would then begin hallucinating and then the anxiety would skyrocket even further. I did not sleep at all that night. It's three days later now and I'm still suffering immensely from anxiety and chest tightness. According to the doctor who prescribed that he has not seen these symptoms before. I now feel without help because my local doctor does not feel safe prescribing me anything cos they don't know about BPC-157. I went to the hospital to monitor my heart and it's okay. I feel like I'm trapped in a nightmare and I just need help. the hospital gave me Propranolol which is meant to help with the physical effects of anxiety but who knows how I'll react to this. Has anyone experienced anything similar and knows how to counteract this?
I use compounded Semaglutide for inflammation and controlling my sugars when they start getting high. My body is responsive so I usually used 5 units per week, sometimes 10. This means I have a TON of compounded semaglutide left. Is there any reason I can’t still use it? The most recent vial I purchased I used TWO doses and it’s just been sitting there. I just want to make sure nothing crazy will happen. I have heard that it can less effective, but I don’t think that’s a big deal since I use such a low dose. Thank you!
Hey all I’m currently on CJC1295/impamorline. I weight about 175 and building muscle. I have a lot of stubborn gut and thigh weight and tesa doesn’t really work for me and I don’t like the water retention. I did experiment with triz 12units but honestly it made me feel like shit the second day. I haven’t been able to lose fat with my clean diet and workouts. What’s the lowest dose of triz I can incorporate with my cjc1295/imp mix that would be effective? If you have any other recommendations. Let me know. Thanks!
Hi all - I am hoping to cause a sort of immune system reset. My immune system has been in a state of **chronic hyperinflammation** for years at this point, and I recently got to the root cause of the issue, which was **mold exposure** in my place of living. I found out that I have a gene (the HLA gene) polymorphism that makes people incapable of clearing out certain mold toxins, causing accumulation in the body and ongoing innate immune activation as the adaptive immune system fails to identify the toxins. Some call this CIRS (chronic inflammatory response syndrome), or mold illness, wet building syndrome, etc. Essentially, my immune system is over-activated in certain way and suppressed in other ways. One example: I have extremely high TGFb1 (over 25k pg/mL), an inflammatory mediator that causes tissue fibrosis. I am treating the route cause, but want to use peptides to potentially complement my protocol. I am getting this idea of an "immune reset" from some interesting work that is going on right now by companies like Kyverna Therapeutics that are giving CAR T cell therapies to wipe out patients B cells (which are responsible for antibody production), and are seeing **curation** of autoimmune conditions like lupus. Obviously, I am not going to do a CAR T cell therapy, but I wanted to see if anyone had any ideas for creating an "immune reset" peptide protocol. Right now I am getting ready to do **Thymosin Alpha 1, Thymalin, and KPV.** Are there any approaches that anyone could share with me? Any thoughts are appreciated
Has anyone tried them all or at least 2 of them and can compare the effects? I'm trying to decide on which would be the single best choice if I'm fighting something off, but the information and the confusion is big on this topic. Some claim TA1 is the best for acute infections, but it can make you really tired (something I don't like as I'm already low energy guy). Some say Thymalin is best for long term and overall immunity, and some online stores say that Thymogen is the best and outperforms TA1 without making you tired. So where do we stand? Cheers!
Just wanted to shout out this episode. As someone who has gone from a teenager to an adult since this aired, when I first watched it I was like oh this is silly, drinking would be loads of fun! And when I was in my late teens / early 20s I thought nothing of it. But I've got to a point in my late 20s where I've realized that it was a pretty accurate portrayal of how miserable it is especially when you don't drink and you're around people that do, and has definitely made me appreciate people who don't drink more. Will see in 40 years if I finally take Pierce's side on things.
[Study Room F, pixelated](/keyr2jdew3cd1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=61061e86a3033ae35e483fa68a47fd7e4cc712c4) Hey, fellow Greendalians, and Happy Friday to ya! So for the past year and a half, I have been working on a video game idea with RPG Maker MV (game engine elitists can exit thru the gift shop and smooch my stink wrinkle), and the beginning portion of the game is going to take place at a Community College very much like our favorite, Greendale. Got much more detail work to do here but wanted to share a little Study Room F love with you all. (The bulk of the game will take place inside a large puzzle-filled corn maze, but will start at college.) Open to input, ideas, suggestions, personal insults or limericks. Go Greendale, Go Greendale, GO!!!!
Love the show and have been watching and rewatching a couple of times recently. I'm super sure everyone's discussed the Annie/Jeff thing over here at least a billion times so I'm not gonna bother being disdainful about it (not a fan of #JENNIE or whatever the hell the ship name is, btw). I'm most peeved by the steady decline in how much Jeff and Britta hang out in the later seasons. Romantic interests aside, their friendship was one of the most interesting, touching, sincere and 'real' out of all pairings in community. Mostly because of them being similar in age and also, similar in brokenness. I feel like I miss when they used to have duo adventures together. I really did cherish when Britta picked him up after Jeff's ego-burst-Hulk mode and the Jeff father reunion thing but still... needed more of them in the last few seasons, for sure. Even with a lovely Frankie added in because I really think the three of them have a sense of mature humanity to them that I don't fully feel with Abed and Annie (obviously because they're much younger characters). Edit; how could I forget the goldmine that was meowmeowbeanz and the killer robot episode (s6e5) where he asks for her help
Okay, so this is a small game my partner and I play on shows we have seen multiple times. We did it with the office, and Brooklyn nine-nine, but they just don’t really “get” community so it’s more of my show than anything. We are non-smokers that don’t judge smokers, so it’s always fun to see what could give it away. So, based on hints provided - or just outright evidence, who do you think is a smoker within the show? We see Britta smoking in the pilot. So she makes the list. You can’t convince me that Pierce doesn’t AT LEAST smoke cigars. I saw the suggestion that Troy joins Britta in smoking that little joint at the dinner party in timeline 3(I think) a couple days ago, so I like to think he may have smoked once or twice. Star-burns, of course. Leonard? Maybe in the 70’s? Jeff may have been one of those stylish smokers who does it for appearances. Let’s hear your takes!
I'd naturally think green, but looking back, it seems like their main color is blue (possibly blue and white?). Some examples throughout the seasons: * The Human Being is white with a blue logo * The flag is blue with a pink seal/emblem * In Buddy's dream, Annie and Britta are wearing blue and white cheerleading uniforms * All of the big "GREENDALE COMMUNITY COLLEGE" signs in college font are blue * Greendale's football uniforms are blue with white font * Interestingly, Greendale's debate uniforms are red and black In fact, it looks like City College, rather than *Green*dale, is the one that uses green as its color. The goat mascot and the flag are green. City College's debate team wears green as well.
Istg ive been trying to find it for days, its the whistle tune that plays at the start of a new scene, usually a happy one, i feel like often outdoors? I've scoured all of the Ludwig Goransson songs, tried just watching episodes and waiting for it. I think im just missing it over and over? I found one two second clip from the first scene in s2e3, but I can't shazam it and google doesn't have it anywhere. its such an iconic community tune to me. here[ its the first tune in this youtube video](/watch?v=1rM3U5bGTzs). Anyone know the name?
So I just started bingeing Community, I'm up to S01E04.Reading the fandom page, I noticed that some lines were missing, namely Duncan's "lend me a fiver" line after he lets Annie join the lab, and he says "and we're off" instead of "Houston we have an idiot" after Senor Chang storms out. I'm not sure what's going on. What version am I watching, can someone explain this difference? I read that the pilot is shortened on some platforms, but it was fine for me. Are there any other instances of this? Now that the show's off Netflix, how should I watch the show for the full experience? Thank you.
Rewatched S05E03 - "Basic Intergluteal Numismatics where Duncan mentions "I use an old, British form of Facebook called Mugscroll." Found an old Reddit thread pointing out that it exists and then was disappointede that it no longer exists but then found it on the wayback machine: [/web/20140424140137//](/web/20140424140137//) so wanted to quickly post that in case anybody hits this emotional roller coaster
Which side? Pillowtown (Abed Nadir: Pierce Hawthorne, Leonard Rodriguez, Alex 'Star-Burns' Osbourne) Blanketsburg (Troy Barnes: Shirley 'Big Cheddar' Bennet, Garrett Lambert, Ben Chang & his Changlorious Basterds) Or, with the Independents? Jeff Winger (Giver of Ferris Buellerian speeches) Britta Perry (Capturer of the war's sublime indignities) Annie Edison (Offeror of sanctuary in the storage room) Subway (Keeper of the brand... until the corpo-humanoid didn't) In 2012, Greendale Community College was the site of the largest and longest pillow fight in community college history. It shaped and scarred the landscape of their campus and forever changed the lives of those involved. /ugavjuytzdad1.jpg?width=2175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7e03e8dd0cd8cd9be5170d7d5e4d99fb0e0241
**Dan Harmon**: "That's Jared \[Fogle\]. He was flown in from some place where he was talking about sandwiches across the country." \[More than a half of minute of silence on the commentary track, as the show's regular audio track plays at regular volume\] **Dan Harmon**: "If you're wondering why there was just 18 seconds of silence in your commentary, it's called libel." The episode aired on April 10th, 2014. The Jared Fogle allegations had been swirling since 2007, but [broke publicly in 2015 with the arrest of the director of the Jared Foundation](/wiki/Jared_Fogle). So is this what Dan was referring to? I have to assume so, but has he ever clarified it (like on *Harmontown*)?
I saw another users post and recalled this nightmare from when I lived in a Victorian house in Halifax, NS (built in 1900) Pic 1: I had fallen asleep on the couch with my two dogs and cat and the massive medallion light fixture in the middle of the room fell from the ceiling. Hands down the loudest most terrifying thing… scared tf out of me and the animals who were all okay thankfully. Pic 2: The crack in the ceiling leading to the medallion, comprising the structure Pic 3: The view the next morning, moved the tv away which had shards of glass imbedded in it Pic 4: My custom display case coffee table filled with my favourite things absolutely destroyed lmao Pic 5: The table a few weeks before it went RIP Pic 6: The damned medallion in question
Let me tell you a story. I started my day by driving four hours to another airport due to high flight prices out of my own, then proceeded to receive my 20th CONSECUTIVE TSA pat down through security when I got there (I am male). I don’t know why I keep getting pat down, I have tried every possible pant/short option but always alarm out the TSA body scanner in a certain uncomfortable area. I sat at my gate for 4 hours before boarding because the party I was traveling with likes to have a lot of cushion (justifiably). Later, on my first flight, the outlets did not work and the WiFi was not turned on, so I could not work on my flight as planned or have entertainment. Once landed, I did not properly check if I left anything, and left my entire other carry on suitcase in the overhead compartment. I usually only fly with a backpack and check my other bag, and evidently I got too comfortable with that luxury. I get off my flight, and horray, my next flight is delayed three hours and changes gates four times, now boarding at 11:30 PM (MST). Three hours go by in the airport and it hits me, where the hell is my other bag?? I can’t believe I didn’t notice before. I realize I never took it off the last plane so I sprinted to the last gate, no luck, contacted United lost and found, no luck, went to United help desk, no luck. Defeated, I boarded my last flight without my suitcase and what do you know, it has no outlets, and my phone is at 3% while I fill out the “Lost item” form from United. I am now changing the time zone to Pacific Time, two hours behind MST, because I flew to the west coast. My flight lands at 1:30 AM (PT), and still no luck on my bag, so we go to pick up our rental car. Every rental agency is shut at this hour of the night, so all rental agencies transferred service to one agency’s booth, Avis. We stand in line for an hour and a half to get our car. At 3:10 AM (PT), we finally pick up the car just to have a 2 hour drive to our Airbnb. We arrive at 5:30 (PT) with the light of dawn creeping in, and try to get some sleep after being up for over 24 hours. It is the next day, and still no word on my bag, but I am hoping and praying it is found so I can overnight ship it to myself in time for the black tie wedding which is now tomorrow. I had a fully tailored suit inside of this suitcase, and all my clothes for the following week. I do not have high hopes. I am starting my contingency plan and going shopping for the next week, money I very much did not want to spend.
I work from home and had an intensely busy week last week, so I hadn’t been outside since last Wednesday. I went out yesterday and this is what greeted me. The kicker? I was leaving my house *to get a colonoscopy.* I’m sure you can all understand why I just didn’t have the bandwidth to handle it then. Neighbors who were walking by me with their dogs when I first saw the damage told me my car has been like that for days! I have a glass guy coming this afternoon. It will be $395 to repair, before tip.
This is not the Bomb Pop I remember. I am 40 years old. Have not had a Bomb Pop in over 25 years. Had been outside working in the Garage and mowing the lawn. Got a hankering for a popsicle. A Bomb Pop specifically. So I run down to the corner grocery and bought a pack. Bring them home and make my way to the back porch to enjoy the juicy goodness of the ol’ red, white, and blue that I remember. Was so excited to enjoy my frozen summertime treat of yesteryear. As I remember them, their was clear separation of the colors. Each color had its own distinctive flavor (cherry, lime, and blue raspberry?). They were quite girthy and flavorful. I was so instantly disappointed unwrapping and consuming this petite, flavorless turd pop that tasted of a hint of lemon and sugar throughout. Nothing about it was the same as I remembered. Size, flavor, texture, coloring, nothing. As you can tell from the photo, Mildred was not impressed either. I know, first world problems. As a 90’s kid, I just add this to the pile of things that just aren’t as cool as they once were.
Today is my birthday and I just tested positive for COVID. Two years ago, I came down with COVID on my birthday and I was sick for six weeks. I have had COVID two of my last three birthdays and been ill four of my last five birthdays. I just got over a six week long cold that turned into multiple infections two months ago. It’s my 21st and I was planning to have my first drink ever tonight. I can’t go to work to say goodbye to my best mentor ever (her last day is today) or get free ice cream. I also can’t contact any of my family/get birthday messages because they have no service for the next week while they are on a trip. In good news, I already bought my birthday cake early and ate it early after getting the positive test. I also can now celebrate my birthday twice this year.
Stung by a mean, mean Yellowjacket four days ago (first pic is about an hour after). By day three, the second photo is what I was working with. Hard to see, but the inner areas of my arm have long stretches toward my wrist and up my tricep of a light red as well. The skin was HOT to the touch (like barely cooled cup of coffee hot) and so itchy, hard, and painful that I was shocked. Hit up the urgent care today; the doctor took one look and says, well, that there is cellulitis. I’m now on a whole bunch of antibiotics with instructions to immediately report to the ER if the redness doesn’t begin to recede within 24 hours. And I’m still in constant, itching pain, my arm is stiff and swollen and I haven’t slept in two days because of it. So, yea. Well. This sucks.
My mom's cat had a seizure while I was holding her, and she bit *through* my thumb. Vet urged me to go to the hospital immediately for tetanus/rabies shots. I had to get twice as many shots than was intended, because the dosage was incorrect on the first ones. I ended up getting one in each arm, one in each thigh. My limbs were practically useless for the week following💀 My IV got messy, so the tape wouldn't stay on. Which just made me bleed more(I ended up having to physically hold my hand over it for it not to come out)😂
Happened last Friday night. But I've lived here for almost 3 years and we've never had anything like this happen. Also our car was the only one with slashed tires. Unfortunately we got nothing on our camera. But fortunately we got it fixed by 8 AM and for only $110 for both tires. I think it may have been random because we don't have issues with any neighbors and my kids hang out with all the other kids that live here. Thank goodness for AAA with the quickness! Got it fixed all within an hour of realizing it happened. Also the complex I live in has a lot of drugs/dealers around so it honestly could've been anyone.
2010 accord with 105k miles went up in flames yesterday We have had the car for 10 years. Never had any issues with it besides the axles snapping recently and having them replaced along with a new battery last month. Car did this strange thing last week when I went over the speed bump like the alternator was going out but idk if that has any connection with this. I figured it was something toward the rear like a fuel like leaked on the exhaust manifold but they said the fire started toward the front, my family member saw dripping fire from the radiator area Fire extinguisher didn’t do a thing, then fire dept came and were able to extinguish it after a bit. Fire marshal unavailable till tomorrow for investigation
Seriously this is gross Do not read unless your psycho.. I just got home from a 2 day vacation.. I had left a bag of cans right by the door for me to take out.. Of course I forgot and when I seen the bag it looked like it was covered in dust.. look up close and there are millions of these bugs… Of course I checked the whole house after and they are everywhere.. I don’t mind spiders or the tiny crap you can’t see living on you right now but this sh!t is next level terrifying..I think these are dust mite. They live in your pillows and beds… They can eat through packaging… The average life cycle is 65–100 days I’ve completed emptied 2 cans of bed bug killer and I keep finding more.. tempted to burn the house down and restart.. Any tips would be appreciated
Today, it's now been 18 YEARS! since the released of Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series by LittleKuriboh. It was the one that officially started the trend of internet abridged parody series based on famous anime, especially with it leading to the creation of Dragon Ball Z Abridged just a couple of years later. Also, YGOTAS is pretty much currently the only thing (outside of merchandising and new deck support in the OCG/TCG) that keeping the main Yu-Gi-Oh! crew of Yugi, Yami Yugi/Atem, Joey, Kaiba, etc. alive nowadays. But are some of your favorite moments from YGOTAS? [YGOTAS Episode 1 - Pilot - LittleKuriboh](/watch?v=-32NGYLqwAQ) P.S. It was originally uploaded on July 14, 2006 but the one that's currently running on LittleKuriboh's channel was a reupload from April 29, 2009.
Hi, I'm a new player and I've been getting into this game recently. I started with Ghoti because one of my friends said it was one of her favourite archetypes and loved it, but I heard about runick Ghoti and god is it complicated but it's even more fun. Anyway, the thing I was wondering about was the antisynergy Ghoti of the deep beyond and runick fountain kinda have where deep beyond will banish the fountain in a way that hugin doesn't seem to be able to protect it from. I'm just looking for a card that would be able to stop the fountain from being non-targeted banished. I don't really know how a card like that would be phrased to look it up on one of the card finders and I'm assuming probably not given the lists I've seen online didn't really have anything like that but ya know worth a shot. Thank you 🙏
Hello, I just started to play the card game again and one friend gifted me a skystriker Deck to my birthday. Its a solid deck with most of the common cards, but i want to extend it. At first i want to buy a display and in future i will buy cards on card markets. Do you have recommendations which display would fit to the Deck? Or which cards would be worth a look? Or do you have recommendations for Sky Striker combi decks (like sky striker tenpai and other). Links to decks would be appreciated :) Thanks in advance
We get a lot of reports for posts breaking "Rule 2: No low effort content". Many of those reports are on posts which do not break the rule. This may be partially due to "low effort content" being too vague a phrase. I have updated the rule's name to the following. **"Rule 2: Posts must discuss a topic. Write at least a few sentences. Exceptions for news and art."** When you click into the rule, you get the following description. This has not been changed. Many people probably just read the rule name though, not the more detailed description. > Posts must discuss a topic. Put in the effort to write at least a few sentences talking about it. You can't just bring something up for others to discuss without discussing the topic first yourself. > The exception is when you share content which is worthwhile in its own right, such as news or art. > Examples which are NOT allowed, without additional discussion: > * What do you think about X? > * What's your favourite X? > * Duel Screenshots > * Anime/Manga Screenshots People often report posts for breaking this rule, even when the post does actively discuss a topic. This is especially common for posts talking about the anime. I presume this is because many of you are not interested in the anime, you're just here for the card game. **Just because you are annoyed by a post, does not mean it breaks the rules.** Before reporting a post, please consider whether it actually breaks a rule.
For context: I was a pretty serious Yugioh player 5 years ago, played Dinos at locals, invested a few hundred bucks, but could never bring myself to pay $100+ per card at that point, so locals was about where I topped out. I haven't played since then, but do use simulators every once in a while and vaguely keep up with the game, always reading new card reveals here or watching the occasional YouTube video, but my job doesn't let me invest the time in the game I'd want to. My two nephews have gotten into Yugioh through watching the anime, and their dad bought them one Albaz and one Fire King structure deck they found at Walmart. They've found out I used to play, and now want me to help them, with the goal of eventually going to a locals to play. I'm obviously going to get them 2 more of each of these decks so they can build them out, but I'd like to spend some money getting them some additional singles outside of the decks so they could at least hold their own against other rogue players at locals. What would I be looking to get here? I've seen some stuff that I guess Fire Kings are meta now, but with a pretty pricey engine, right? And I know there's something with Tri-Brigade or Dogmatika with Albaz, but I just don't know the nuances. So please help me: what should I order? Or are there budget decklists or videos you'd push me towards? TLDR: nephews are playing Yugioh now, I want to "cool uncle" my way into helping them build decks they can hold their own with. Bonus question: Dinos still any good? Is the Xeno stuff still crazy expensive?
We got a pendulum ritual monster 5 years after arc v ended so konami seemingly didn't throw away the idea of new pendulum hybrid monsters So it seems there is a possibility to make a pendulum link but there alot of things that make me think we won't ever get because 1) how would the card frame even look ? It seems hard to make a card that has arrows AND a pendulum effect box without making cluttered 2) how would the ruling even work , like if you put it in a pendulum zone, can you pendulum summon from the extra deck to those zone like judgement arrows from the anime ? 3) how would even decide the conditions of the pendulum summon , like with xyz pendulum monsters konami just says " if you can pendulum summon monsters with the same level as the monster's rank , you can summon them" but how would that work with links ? So you just treat their link markers as level so you can pendulum summon a link 4 if you can pend summon a level 4 ?
This game lacks something like the equivalent of the [Magic: The Gathering Comprehensive Rules](/2021/downloads/MagicCompRules%2020210419.pdf), though I am not familiar with MTG the rulebook seems to tackle complex cards interactions in a general manner, unlike the QAs that Konami provides when explaining some specific cards interactions, all gather in a single pdf file I know that in the OCG they have released the "Perfect Rule Book" but though [ygorganization has translated some past versions of it](/perfectrulebook/), I don't really know if it's exhaustive enough and some OCG interactions differ from the TCG The r/Yugioh101 subreddit has [some wonderful resources](/r/Yugioh101/wiki/judge_resources/), but they lead to multiple websites/documents scattered all over the internet, so a single easy to use file with references to official sources would be wonderful! So that's why I want to attempt this quest, I know it's a very big work, but the next format looks awful so instead of playing I might spend some of my free time doing this side project. Also with someone from the community wants to lend a hand or give some tips they are welcomed to do so! I've already started gathering some rulings just to see how I would structure such document, starting from the aforementioned sources and [/](/) I am using a single file, since it gives decent freedom for formatting and interactivity (for example foldable sections for showing/hiding examples) Here is what I did at the moment: /laaners/ygo_rulings For starters, a very big problem is how to divide the various sections to make them as clear as possible, any suggestions?
Still a work in progress since the new cards announced are untested, and there are 4 more to go. But this deck has done pretty well on EDO today, not always winning but holding its own. What else can be subtracted or added? Took some inspiration from some other comments and thread from the last days. For the TCG, and won’t be playable for a while besides on simulators. 3x BEWD 2x BE Alternative White Dragon 1x BE Jet Dragon 1x BE Abyss Dragon 1x Dragon Spirit of White 1x Deep Eyes White Dragon 2x White Stone of Legend 1x White Stone of Ancients 3x Sage of Eyes of Blue 2x Maiden of White (new) 1x BE Chaos MAX Dragon 1x Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon 1x Dictator of D 3x Ash Blossom = 23 Monsters 3x Saga of the Blue-Eyed Dragon 3x Prayers with Eyes of Blue 2x Ultimate Fusion 1x Dragon Ravine 3x Melody of Awakening Dragon 2x Return of the Dragon Lords 1x Dragon Shrine 1x Chaos Form 2x Bingo Machine Go!! 1x Monster Reborn 3x Trade In 1x Super Polymerization = 23 Spells 1x Infinite Impermanence 1x True Light = 2 Traps 2x BE Spirit Dragon 2x BE Ultimate Spirit Dragon 1x Stardust Spark dDagon 1x Crimson Dragon 1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity 1x BE Twin Burst Dragon 1x BE Ultimate Dragon 1x Dragon Master Magia, if not Neo Ultimate Dragon 1x BE Tyrant Burst Dragon 1x Number 97 Draglubion 1x Number 100 Numeron Dragon 1x Divine Arsenal AA- Zeus Sky Thunder 1x Dragunity Knight Romulus Extra Deck: 1x Nibiru 1x Gameciel 1x Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit 1x Effect vieler 1x Starving venom fusion dragon 1x Garura 1x Mudragon 1x Change of heart 1x Lightening storm 1x Triple tactic talent 1x Mystical space typhoon 1x Forbidden droplet 1x There can only be one 1x Royal decree 1x Skill drain
I was really happy for Yubel when the support was announced but now...i want similar thing for others monsters that i like. So wich Monsters or "mini archetype" like yubel need the same treatment as her for you ? For me i want the same thing for Relinquished or maybe Jinzo, those monsters are incredible, unique and kinda appreciate. I really like the last anime cards support konami makes. Gimmick puppet are kinda good, same for the blue eyes SD or even the tâchons card. Of course the yubel ones are very strong.
Hello all, another installation of how depressed can you get at how long it's been since your favorite archetype has received support. I wanted to give [an update ](/spreadsheets/d/1vKotF0JdAr0UrzzMM56NArMfpaaSARMzdQgygMn42Fk/edit?gid=122036326#gid=122036326)now that we have all of INFO and most of ROTA (minus a few guaranteed unknown archetypes in the live stream in a week). * There are now tabs for types and archetypes, with potential plans for other stuff like super-types in the future * Carryovers from last time - the waiting room for release for Allure Queen (16 years) and Performage (8 years) has been joined by Clear (14 years) and will likely continue until the spring reprint set that's been occupied by Maze sets the past few years. * New additions include the archetypes Azamina, Mimighoul, and Primoredial as well as upgraded status to Morganite as a series and Metalmorph as a full-fledged archetype. * Long-standing removals from Konami-induced sentences include Battlewasp (5 years), Shark (3 years), and Six Samurai (5 years). **Impending Updates (pending TCG release dates, not including ROTA/core sets or the Blue-Eyes structure)** **Archetypes/Series:** * A-to-Z - X-Cross Cannon, Y-Dragon Yearhead, Z-Zillion Tank, XYZ-Hyper Dragon Cannon, Union Controller, Union Activation, A-to-Z Energy Load * Albaz Dragon - Alba System Dogmatika * Allure Queen - Golden Allure Queen, Allure Palace, Allure Dance * Ancient Gear - Ancient Gear Statue * Blue-Eyes - Chronicle Sorceress * Clear - Clear Phantom, Clear Rage Golem, Clear Cube, Clear Vicious Knight, Clear Wall * Dark Magician - Chronicle Sorceress * Dogmatika - Alba System Dogmatika * Earthbound Immortal - Earthbound Immortal Red Nova * Exodia - Break the Seal * Fire King - Fire King Consort Ulcanix * Galaxy-Eyes - Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal, Dragluxion, Tachyon Spiral of Destruction, Seventh Tachyon, Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy * Gimmick Puppet - Gimmick Puppet Fiendish Knight * Junk - Junk Mail * Infernity - Infernity Queen * Kuriboh - Detonating Kuriboh * Magician - Performage Trapeze High Magician, Performapal Sky Magician Girl * Magistus - Magistus Chorozo * Marincess - Trickstar Aqua Angel * Millennium - Grief Tablet * Number - Seventh Tachyon * Number C - Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy * Performage - Performage Fire Dancer, Performage Water Dancer, Performage Wind Drainer, Performage Cup Tricker, Performage Trapeze Witch, Performage Shadow Maker, Performage Trapeze High Magician * Performapal - Performapal Sky Magician Girl * Rank-Up-Magic - Rank-Up-Magic Magical Force * Red Dragon Archfiend - Earthbound Immortal Red Nova, Soul Fist * Rescue Squad - Rescue Hedgehog * Shark - Cutter Shark * Sky Striker - Sky Striker Ace - Camellia, Combination Maneuver - Engage Zero, Surgical Striker - S.P.E.C.T.R.A. * Stardust - Junk Mail * Tachyon - Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Primal, Tachyon Cloudragon, Dragluxion, Tachyon Spiral of Destruction, Seventh Tachyon, Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy * Trickstar - Trickstar Hoodie, Trickstar Aqua Angel, Trickstar Band Drummatis, Trickstar Colchica, Trickstar Noble Angel, Trickstar Diffusion **Types:** * Fiend - The Duke of Demise, Spirit Illusion, Spirit Shield, Cursed Fire King Doom Burst * Insect - Splitting Planarian * Plant - Giant Kra-Corn * Spellcaster - Magistus Chorozo * Thunder - OToNaRi Thunder * Zombie - The Duke of Demise, Spirit Illusion, Spirit Shield **Attributes:** * DARK - Infernity Queen * FIRE - Flametongue the Blazing Magical Blade, Fire King Consort Ulcanix * LIGHT - Galaxy War Drake * WATER - Ocean of Regeneration, Cutter Shark Finally, as always, let me know if there's anything incorrect or that I can add to the growing file.
1. **Open AI** has developed a scale to assess how close we are to AGI.\[1\] 2. AI Music Companies **Suno** and **Udio** Hire Elite Law Firm for Copyright Battle With Major Labels.\[2\] 3. **Amazon** launched an AI shopping assistant — just in time for Prime Day.\[3\] 4. AI Surpasses Clinical Tests in Predicting Alzheimer’s.\[4\] Sources: \[1\] [~/article/2516736/open-ai-has-developed-a-scale-to-assess-how-close-we-are-to-agi.html~](/article/2516736/open-ai-has-developed-a-scale-to-assess-how-close-we-are-to-agi.html) \[2\] [~/pro/ai-music-companies-hire-law-firm-defend-label-lawsuits/~](/pro/ai-music-companies-hire-law-firm-defend-label-lawsuits/) \[3\] [~/amazon-ai-powered-shopping-assistant-rufus-prime-day-1851589822~](/amazon-ai-powered-shopping-assistant-rufus-prime-day-1851589822) \[4\] [~/ai-surpasses-clinical-tests-in-predicting-1274918/~](/ai-surpasses-clinical-tests-in-predicting-1274918/)
1. Watch a robot navigate the **Google DeepMind** offices using **Gemini**.\[1\] 2. The sperm whale ‘phonetic alphabet’ revealed by AI.\[2\] 3. The first Miss AI has been crowned — and she’s a Moroccan lifestyle influencer.\[3\] 4. **Google DeepMind** Introduces a Parameter-Efficient Expert Retrieval Mechanism that Leverages the Product Key Technique for Sparse Retrieval from a Million Tiny Experts.\[4\] Sources: \[1\] [~/2024/07/11/watch-a-robot-navigate-the-google-deepmind-offices-using-gemini/~](/2024/07/11/watch-a-robot-navigate-the-google-deepmind-offices-using-gemini/) \[2\] [~/future/article/20240709-the-sperm-whale-phonetic-alphabet-revealed-by-ai~](/future/article/20240709-the-sperm-whale-phonetic-alphabet-revealed-by-ai) \[3\] [~/2024/07/11/style/miss-ai-pageant-winner-kenza-layli/index.html~](/2024/07/11/style/miss-ai-pageant-winner-kenza-layli/index.html) \[4\] [~/2024/07/11/google-deepmind-introduces-a-parameter-efficient-expert-retrieval-mechanism-that-leverages-the-product-key-technique-for-sparse-retrieval-from-a-million-tiny-experts/~](/2024/07/11/google-deepmind-introduces-a-parameter-efficient-expert-retrieval-mechanism-that-leverages-the-product-key-technique-for-sparse-retrieval-from-a-million-tiny-experts/)
1. **Microsoft** and **Apple** drop **OpenAI** seats amid antitrust scrutiny.\[1\] 2. **AMD** Acquires Europe’s Largest Private AI Lab, **Silo AI**, for $665 Million.\[2\] 3. **NVIDIA** Introduces **RankRAG**: A Novel RAG Framework that Instruction-Tunes a Single LLM for the Dual Purposes of Top-k Context Ranking and Answer Generation in RAG.\[3\] 4. **Beeble AI** raises $4.75M to launch a virtual production platform for indie filmmakers.\[4\] Sources: \[1\] [~/content/ecfa69df-5d1c-4177-9b14-a3a73072db12~](/content/ecfa69df-5d1c-4177-9b14-a3a73072db12) \[2\] [~/amd-acquires-europes-largest-private-ai-lab-silo-ai-for-665-million/~](/amd-acquires-europes-largest-private-ai-lab-silo-ai-for-665-million/) \[3\] [~/2024/07/09/nvidia-introduces-rankrag-a-novel-rag-framework-that-instruction-tunes-a-single-llm-for-the-dual-purposes-of-top-k-context-ranking-and-answer-generation-in-rag/~](/2024/07/09/nvidia-introduces-rankrag-a-novel-rag-framework-that-instruction-tunes-a-single-llm-for-the-dual-purposes-of-top-k-context-ranking-and-answer-generation-in-rag/) \[4\] [~/2024/07/10/beeble-ai-raises-4-75m-to-launch-a-virtual-production-platform-for-indie-filmmakers/~](/2024/07/10/beeble-ai-raises-4-75m-to-launch-a-virtual-production-platform-for-indie-filmmakers/)
1. **FBI**, cyber-cops zap \~1K Russian AI disinfo Twitter bots.\[1\] 2. **China** is leading the world in adopting generative AI, a new survey shows, the latest sign the country is making strides in the technology that gained global attention after U.S.-based OpenAI’s ChatGPT launched in late 2022.\[2\] 3. **Tesla Optimus** Humanoid Robot Draws Crowds at World AI Conference.\[3\] 4. **Anthropic’s Claude** adds a prompt playground to quickly improve your AI apps.\[4\] 5. With funding from **Jeff Bezos** and others, Pittsburgh startup **Skild** AI company raises $300 million to build robot brains.\[5\] Sources: \[1\] [~/2024/07/09/russian\_ai\_bot\_farm/~](/2024/07/09/russian_ai_bot_farm/) \[2\] [~/technology/artificial-intelligence/china-leads-world-adoption-generative-ai-survey-shows-2024-07-09/~](/technology/artificial-intelligence/china-leads-world-adoption-generative-ai-survey-shows-2024-07-09/) \[3\] [~/robotics/tesla-optimus-humanoid-robot-draws-crowds-at-world-ai-conference~](/robotics/tesla-optimus-humanoid-robot-draws-crowds-at-world-ai-conference) \[4\] [~/news/anthropics-claude-adds-prompt-playground-001118955.html~](/news/anthropics-claude-adds-prompt-playground-001118955.html) \[5\] [~/business/tech-news/2024/07/09/pittsburgh-ai-robotics-skild-ai-bezos/stories/202407090100~](/business/tech-news/2024/07/09/pittsburgh-ai-robotics-skild-ai-bezos/stories/202407090100)
1. **MIT** researchers introduce generative AI for databases. This new tool offers an easier way for people to analyze complex tabular data.\[1\] 2. Ex-**Meta** scientists debut gigantic AI protein design model.\[2\] 3. **OpenAI** Startup Fund backs AI healthcare venture with Arianna Huffington.\[3\] 4. **Microsoft** Won’t Follow **OpenAI** in Blocking China’s Access to AI Models.\[4\] Sources: \[1\] [~/2024/mit-researchers-introduce-generative-ai-databases-0708~](/2024/mit-researchers-introduce-generative-ai-databases-0708) \[2\] [~/articles/d41586-024-02214-x~](/articles/d41586-024-02214-x) \[3\] [~/2024/07/08/openai-startup-fund-backs-ai-healthcare-venture-with-arianna-huffington/~](/2024/07/08/openai-startup-fund-backs-ai-healthcare-venture-with-arianna-huffington/) \[4\] [~/artificial-intelligence-2/2024/report-microsoft-wont-follow-openai-in-blocking-chinas-access-to-ai-models/~](/artificial-intelligence-2/2024/report-microsoft-wont-follow-openai-in-blocking-chinas-access-to-ai-models/)
Hey everyone, I am working on a practical LLM-based app and struggled with getting clean JSON output. I know I'm not alone in this. To solve this I found- The Instructor library. It is solid for getting structured data from any LLM. I put together a cookbook showing how to use it: [/PortkeyInstructor](/PortkeyInstructor) (The way I use it, to add interoperability and observability with 100+ LLMs) Here's the link to Instructor docs- [/](/) Let me know your thoughts on this
1. **Google** claims new AI training tech is 13 times faster and 10 times more power efficient — **DeepMind’s** new JEST optimizes training data for impressive gains.\[1\] 2. **Nintendo** becomes the biggest company in the games industry⁠—and maybe the world⁠—to say ‘no, thank you’ to using generative AI.\[2\] 3. **Waymo** robotaxi pulled over by Phoenix police after driving into the wrong lane.\[3\] 4. A study published in the June issue of **IEEE** Transactions on Software Engineering evaluated the code produced by **OpenAI’s ChatGPT** in terms of functionality, complexity and security.\[4\] Sources: \[1\] [/tech-industry/artificial-intelligence/google-claims-new-ai-training-tech-is-13-times-faster-and-10-times-more-power-efficient-deepminds-new-jest-optimizes-training-data-for-massive-gains](/tech-industry/artificial-intelligence/google-claims-new-ai-training-tech-is-13-times-faster-and-10-times-more-power-efficient-deepminds-new-jest-optimizes-training-data-for-massive-gains) \[2\] [/gaming-industry/nintendo-becomes-the-biggest-company-in-the-games-industryand-maybe-the-worldto-say-no-thank-you-to-using-generative-ai/](/gaming-industry/nintendo-becomes-the-biggest-company-in-the-games-industryand-maybe-the-worldto-say-no-thank-you-to-using-generative-ai/) \[3\] [/2024/07/06/waymo-robotaxi-pulled-over-by-phoenix-police-after-driving-into-the-wrong-lane/](/2024/07/06/waymo-robotaxi-pulled-over-by-phoenix-police-after-driving-into-the-wrong-lane/) \[4\] [/chatgpt-for-coding](/chatgpt-for-coding)
So for the github project of [kijai](/kijai)/[**ComfyUI-LivePortraitKJ**](/kijai/ComfyUI-LivePortraitKJ) to work you need visual Studio 2017 or later with build x86/264 for 2017 or later, python 3.10, pip, comfyui and all the requirements there in. To just run the project since the read out reads like you get it and compile it locally. In short it makes the process of facial motion capture to a 2D image easier when you just have a PNG. The long version it takes the process that the rigger does of cutting up the image and making parts that can move away by an algorithm that needs the AI only for the generated parts of the 2D image when you move. The way the others did it before this one is require AI as they already drew the parts moving and made sure how it moves is correct. The other method already existing requires a 3D model not a 2D image. What it still leaves out i see used a lot is all the extras i see streamers use. Same thing with the extras games use in how they use the rigged models though with AI gen txt2video, img2video and video to video this will be a better method to do it since it is closest to img2video but still not with how it works. The image below shows how it works. In short you have an image a video. As inputs and get a video as output though you also can do it in the way of webcam input. It just will take more processing to do webcam input as it will be more like streaming data instead of taking the data from a file and merging it with the color from another. /upwgcda484bd1.png?width=2558&format=png&auto=webp&s=edfb232a5a29d92db555cd354588bb0b99b11523
1. The US startup **Solos** Smartglasses has announced the forthcoming launch of a new range of camera-equipped glasses featuring **ChatGPT**, in the same vein as Meta’s Ray-Bans.\[1\] 2. **Brazil** blocks Meta from using social media posts to train AI.\[2\] 3. **Memory3**: A Novel Architecture for LLMs that Introduces an Explicit Memory Mechanism to Improve Efficiency and Performance.\[3\] 4. **SoftBank** stock hits its first record high in 24 years — Arm and AI helped it get there.\[4\] Sources: \[1\] [/tech/tech-news/2024/07/06/these-smart-glasses-come-loaded-with-ai](/tech/tech-news/2024/07/06/these-smart-glasses-come-loaded-with-ai) \[2\] [/news/articles/c7291l3nvwvo](/news/articles/c7291l3nvwvo) \[3\] [/2024/07/05/memory3-a-novel-architecture-for-llms-that-introduces-an-explicit-memory-mechanism-to-improve-efficiency-and-performance/](/2024/07/05/memory3-a-novel-architecture-for-llms-that-introduces-an-explicit-memory-mechanism-to-improve-efficiency-and-performance/) \[4\] [/2024/07/04/softbank-shares-hit-record-high-after-24-years-on-arm-and-ai-boost.html](/2024/07/04/softbank-shares-hit-record-high-after-24-years-on-arm-and-ai-boost.html)
Hi AI community! I've made a video (at least to the best of my abilities lol) for beginners about the origins of neural networks and how to build the simplest network from scratch. Without frameworks or libraries (not even numpy on this one), just using math and python, with the objective to get people involved with this fascinating topic! I tried to use as many animations and Python Manim Community edition as possible in the making of the video to help visualizing concepts :) The video can be seen here [Building the Simplest AI Neural Network From Scratch with just Math and Python - Origins of AI Ep.1 (](/watch?v=ilp3ZHTKPNg) It covers: * The origins of neural networks * The theory behind the Perceptron * Weights, bias, what's all that? * How to implement the Perceptron * How to make a simple Linear Regression * Using the simplest cost function - The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) * Differential calculus (calculating derivatives) * Minimizing the Cost * Making a simple linear regression /69m549nbfpad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b4b5b5b9e3582ca8d5f1bf72e0ea88b30db23d7 I tried to go at a very slow pace because as I mentioned, the video was done with beginners in mind! This is the first out of a series of videos I am intending to make. (Depending of course if people like them!) I hope this can bring value to someone! Thanks!
Hello all, I will be spending some time in Norway this August. I am looking for some help planning my time in the fjords. currently, the itinerary is as follow: **8/17**- Arrive in Bergen from Oslo. Explore the city a bit. **8/18**- Take Sognefjord Cruise with fjordtours; this also allows us to see Flam [/en/norway/tours/sognefjord-in-a-nutshell?&date=2024-08-18&reason=travelPlanExpired](/en/norway/tours/sognefjord-in-a-nutshell?&date=2024-08-18&reason=travelPlanExpired) **8/19**- Kayak from Gudvangen on the Nærøyfjord also with fjordcruises- **should we rent a car to get here from Bergen?** [/en/norway/things-to-do/outdoor-activities/water-activities/kayaking/sea-kayak-gudvangen](/en/norway/things-to-do/outdoor-activities/water-activities/kayaking/sea-kayak-gudvangen) **8/20- hike???** **8/21- ???** We're not sure what to do the last two days. We love nature and being outside, and we like hiking. I'm not sure if we're strong or fit enough for the Trolltunga hike, as it can take 10 hours. Does anyone have other recommendations, like of specific hikes or outdoor activities? Would you recommend to stay in Bergen for the 5 nights or travel around more? Last, should we rent a car? I'm already thinking we should, since Bergen is a few hours from Gudvangen. Thank you all in advance.
NLS Norwegian Language School Location: Oslo Offers beginner to advanced Norwegian courses designed for non-native speakers. Open to all, including US citizens. Cost: Starts at NOK 2899 per week (without accommodation). Alfaskolen Location: Oslo Provides summer courses for all levels, suitable for English speakers. Open to all, including US citizens. Cost: Starts at approximately NOK 3000 per week (without accommodation). University of Oslo (UiO) International Summer School (ISS) Location: Oslo Intensive Norwegian courses with comprehensive packages including tuition, accommodation, meals, and activities. Open to all, including US citizens. Cost: NOK 23,000 for six weeks (includes accommodation and meals). Influent Language Immersion Programs Location: Oslo Home tuition programs with full-board accommodation, tailored for non-native speakers. Open to all, including US citizens. Cost: Approximately EUR 1200 per week (includes accommodation). Sources: NLS Norwegian Language School: [source]() Alfaskolen: [source]() UiO International Summer School: [source](/english/studies/summerschool/courses/norwegian-courses.html) Influent: [source]()
I visited Norway late in June and I was stunned by absolutely every bit of your beautiful country. As a tourist from India, Norway has left a lasting impression on me. Norway literally has EVERYTHING, from the elegant city of Bergen to the lakes of Telemark to the lush green forests and snow clad mountains in Beitostolen. Contrary to popular belief, the locals were really friendly, with some even seemingly extroverted, at times, even going out of the way to offer help. It also really astounded me how much time you guys devote to working out. The week I spent in Norway flew by very smoothly with me having to face no problems whatsoever (well apart from the countless road construction activities and random tunnel closures). All in all, I had a wonderful time there and hope to visit Norway again in the near future! PS I wanted this to be really detailed but in the end only turned out to be a collection of my spontaneous thoughts
Hello, I come from Lisbon Portugal and am currently roadtripping through Norway. In Portugal i widely use simple rubbing alcohol for everything. disinfect wound, grease remover, etc I run out of my supply and wanted to restock but wasn't able to find it anywhere in Finland and now i also don't see it in Norway. Where to get i small bottle (200 ml max) of rubbing alcohol? Do you northerners use it at all? I hate to buy overpriced specialized products like just hand sanitized, windshield cleaner, wound disinfectant,... I just want to use my ethyl for everything 😂 Many thanks for your answers.
Hello everybody! My husband and I honeymooned in Norway a few years ago. He is an avid angler and enjoyed eating all of the seafood your lovely home could offer! While we were there, I seem to recall he ate something called "Bergen soup" or Bergen fish soup? It almost seemed to us like different areas of Norway had their own regional variations of this fish soup. I remember it had multiple kinds of seafood and was a creamy base, although not thick like a chowder. Anyways, he LOVED it and he still brings it up from time to time. I was hoping to make this soup or find some recipes, but my google searches don't seem to recognize Bergen Soup as a thing. Any suggestions where to look? Or what to search instead?
Hallo helpful Norwegians! My SO and I have been dreaming of our upcoming honeymoon road trip in end Aug. We studied reddit posts for suggestions and worked in all the useful advice (eg, avoid time in Oslo, focus on seeing the fjords in the west). We are big on the outdoors, and like to take our time to sit and enjoy the scenery. We’d also prefer to minimize driving, no more than ~4 hours a day if possible. We can extend the trip, just need to fly out of Oslo. I know the itinerary is quite long so really appreciate your time and advice on this, thank you! Day 1 - Land in stavanger Day 2 - Hike pulpit rock - Back to Stavanger to sleep == Are there other interesting spots we can add near pulpit rock? Day 3 - Drive to Odda - Låtefossen Waterfall == Are there interesting spots between Stavanger and Odda? Day 4 - Hike Trolltunga == We read comments saying to avoid touristy spots like these, and there are many other similar hikes that are shorter and less crowded.. What do you think? Day 5 - Drive to Eidfjord - Voringsfossen hike - Look for other hikes / activities Day 6 - Drive to Hardangerfjord, then Bergen - Hardangerfjord - Kossdalssvingane hike if time permits Day 7 - Drive to Sognefjord - Hike / kayak == We want to be at Olden after Bergen, but given that Bergen to Olden is around 5 hours drive, we thought to break it up and add Sognefjord in between. Are there other spots we should go to between Bergen & Olden? == Alternatively, would it be better to fly from Bergen to Alesund then go to Geiranger from Alesund instead? Day 8 - Drive to Olden & Loen - hike the area? Day 9 + 10 - Drive to Geiranger - Stay 2 days - Hike / kayak Day 11 - Drive to Alesund == Any points of interest between Geiranger & Alesund? Day 12- Fly from Alesund to Oslo, then home == We decided not to drive to Oslo as we read that we are better off spending the time in the costal area instead. Would like to hear what you think! If there are spots where you think we should try to spend more days at, please let us know as well!
Hi guys, I am an absolute beginner at sea fishing. Is this gear good for shore fishing only in Lofoten? Gear list: Daiwa 20 Fuego LT 4000-C 2 x 100m Shimano Kairiki PE 0,25mm / 21,0kg Geflochtene Schnur Geflechtschnur Sänger IRON CLAW Travel Pro 240 20-60g 1 Stk SAVAGE GEAR Deep Walker 2.0 17,5cm 39g Mackerel Ayu PHP 3 Stk QUANTUM 4street Spin Rig 100cm 0,25mm 3Stk. 1 Stk RHINO Freddi Flutter XXL 19cm 30g Pink Flush 1 Stk ABU GARCIA Sölv Pill 9,5cm 22g Chili Red 1 Stk RHINO Salmon Doctor XL 15,6cm 41g Beluga 1 Stk RHINO Salmon Doctor L 13,2cm 31g Crystal Frog 1 Stk SAVAGE GEAR Deep Walker 2.0 17,5cm 39g Sardine PHP
I am soon to be fully fledged radiologist. My partner is an IT professional and we have young kids. As far as my credentials go, they would be recognised, as I have checked robustly. We all have EU citizenship and my partner has family living there. I have enough time to start learning Norwegian properly by the time I finish training. I am however questioning if my motivation to move counties is perhaps too idealistic? 1. Norway makes me feel alive. I cannot describe this better. As opposed to other places I visit on holiday, my free time visiting my partner’s family in Norway, resets me (yes, even with small children). The older I get, the more I realise that slowing down and enjoying the moment out in nature is priceless. 2. I work in the NHS. I enjoy my work, I find pride in what I do. I have no problem working hard but I am increasingly getting disillusioned with the gaslighting and toxic work culture. I might be paid better in the UK as a consultant, but certain things I cannot ignore for the sake of money. 3. I do not want my kids growing up in the UK. The environment is getting more unsafe. It has become more expensive and tbh my last visit to Norway the prices didn’t shock me like before. My kids are young and I just feel that they are growing up in a materialistic country with no infrastructure and an increasing class divide. The weather might be mildly better in the UK but that’s about it. 4. We both have no affinity for countries that are capitalistic. We might become very rich in these countries but we are after quality of life and enjoying our young family. I know some of you have moved to Norway from other contries. I am wondering if I am wearing rose tinted glasses a bit too much here? I moved to the UK in my early 20s, single and way more immature than I am now and at the time all I saw was positives. I was very underwhelmed. Are your kids happy? Would a southern European fit in? (I am on the introverted side and used to 5 hours of daylight in the winter) are people usually accepting of other Europeans. I promise that I would give 100% effort in learning norsk. Thank you
Hello everyone! I'm a EU citizen and I'm planning on moving to Norway (Nordland) in a year-year and a half time. My partner is Norwegian and we currently have a long distance relationship so a lot of money already goes on trips. We would of course find a place to rent together so that expense would be split and I would start looking for a job straight away. I will have a degree by the time I'm there but I don't think it'd be useful at all (art degree). I wanted to know how much money you'd advise to have before moving to Norway, saving's a bit hard so I'm trying to look at things in perspective and know in advance. Thank you so much for your replies!
I visited Norway a month ago, and honestly the trip to your beautiful, mountainous, "affordable" country saved me from an outright mental health crisis. Sailing through the fjords, with the Hjorundfjord, Naeroyfjord, and Trollfjord as some standouts, was exactly what I needed. I remember I was so unhappy with life that I thought I was going to snap. Well, I'm feeling a lot better, and I'm trying to hold onto that. Don't want to feel the way I used to back before late April. Hurtigurten was a bit boring but I wanted a unique itinerary and route that I couldn't really find anywhere else, which hurtigurten has. My mom kept criticizing me for spending too much money during the trip (yes I did), but I mostly have zero regrets (I did learn bus tours are not really for me) Here's a pic flying out of Bergen, one of the most scenic views I've ever had out of a passenger plane (only Wellington, New Zealand can match)
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