BlackBox Component Builder Guided Tour October 2021 This text is a quick introduction to the BlackBox Component Builder. Read it and follow the small hands-on examples to get a feeling for the way how BlackBox works. Overview over the BlackBox Component Builder The BlackBox Component Builder is an integrated development environment optimized for component-based software development. It consists of development tools, a library of reusable components, a framework that simplifies the development of robust custom components and applications, and a run-time environment for components. In BlackBox, the development of applications and their components is done in Component Pascal. This language is a descendant of Pascal, Modula-2, and Oberon. It provides modern features such as objects, full type safety, components (in the form of modules), dynamic linking of components, and garbage collection. The entire BlackBox Component Builder is written in Component Pascal: all library components, all development tools including the Component Pascal compiler, and even the low-level run-time system with it's garbage collector. In spite of it's power, Component Pascal is a small language that is easy to learn and easy to teach. The component library that comes with BlackBox contains components for user interface elements such as command buttons or checkboxes; various components that provide word processing functionality (Text subsystem); various components that provide layout management functionality for graphical user interfaces (Form subsystem); database access components (Sql subsystem); communication components (Comm subsystem); and a number of development tool components such as compiler, interface browser, debugger, and so on (Dev subsystem). Component interactions are governed by the BlackBox Component Builder's Frameworks. These consist of a number of complementary programming interfaces. These interfaces are much simpler and safer, and platform-independent moreover, than basic APIs, such as the Windows APIs. For interactive applications, they define a quite unique compound document architecture. This architecture enables rapid application development (RAD), including the rapid development of new user interface components. The framework design strongly emphasizes robust component interaction. This is important for large-scale software projects that involve components from different sources and evolution of the software over long periods of time. To combine the productivity of a RAD environment with a high degree of architectural robustness was a major design goal for the BlackBox Component Builder. It was attempted to create an environment that is light-weight and flexible, yet doesn't sacrifice robustness and long-term maintainability of software produced with it. This was made possible by an architecture that decomposes the system into components with well-defined interfaces. Software is evolved incrementally, by adding, updating, or removing entire components. The BlackBox run-time environment supports dynamic linking and loading (and unloading) of components. In this way, a system can be extended at run-time, without recompiling, relinking, or restarting existing code. Component objects (i.e., instances of classes contained in components) are automatically removed when they are not referenced anymore. This garbage collection service is a crucial safety feature of the run-time system, since it allows to prevent errors like memory leaks and dangling pointers, which are almost impossible to avoid in a heavily component-oriented system like BlackBox. Views Now let's have a look at some standard BlackBox components. Views are the most interesting objects implemented by BlackBox components; they can be embedded into documents or other views. Views can be edited and resized in place. This tour text contains several embedded views. Here is a first one: a picture view without editing capabilities. A picture view as an example of a component object embedded in a compound document. Other examples of views are controls such as command buttons, checkboxes, alarm indicators, oil level meters, and so on. More complex views can implement full-fledged editors such as spreadsheets or graphics editors. The most complex views in BlackBox are container views, i.e., views that may contain other views. Text views are an important example of BlackBox container views. You are now looking at such a text view. Further below, there is an embedded text view containing a small program. The following sections demonstrate how simple programs can be written and tested, and how a graphical user interface can be constructed. Software development The source code below is a fully editable text, showing the complete implementation of a small Component Pascal module. To compile the module, focus the embedded view by clicking into it (e.g., click on the keyword PROCEDURE), and then execute Compile from menu Dev. As a result, the module is compiled into fast native machine which is written to disk (the file Obx/Code/Hello0). MODULE ObxHello0; IMPORT StdLog; PROCEDURE Do*; BEGIN StdLog.String("Hello World"); StdLog.Ln END Do; END ObxHello0. ObxHello0 is a minimal "hello world" program in Component Pascal. It writes a single line to the system log text. Execute OpenLog from menu Info to display the system log, if it is not open already. Exported items in Component Pascal modules are marked by a trailing asterisk; there are no separate header files, definition modules, or the like. Consistency of interfaces and implementations is fully checked by the compiler; version integrity is checked by the dynamic linker. Module ObxHello0 exports a single command Do. Commands are exported Component Pascal procedures that can be called by the user; i.e., they can be executed directly from the user interface. There is no need for a central "main" procedure or top-level module. A command can be added to a menu, attached to a button, or executed directly from within a text. Select the string "ObxHello0.Do" below, and then execute command Execute in menu Dev: ObxHello0.Do When the compiler finds syntax errors, it flags them directly in the text. For example, the following module version erroneously imports the (nonexisting) module StdLok, instead of StdLog. Try to compile the module – the compiler inserts special embedded objects (error markers) flagging the errors that it found. The compiler also writes a report to the system log. MODULE ObxHello0; IMPORT StdLok; PROCEDURE Do*; BEGIN StdLog.String("Hello World"); StdLog.Ln END Do; END ObxHello0. By clicking on an error marker, a short error message is displayed in the status bar. Correct the mistake (replace the "k" in IMPORT StdLok by a "g"), and compile again. The marker disappears, and the module is compiled successfully. The set of currently loaded modules can be inspected by clicking on the LoadedModules command in the Info menu. The interfaces of modules (loaded or not) can be displayed using the interface browser: select a module name and then execute ClientInterface from menu Info. For example, you may find out the interface of the following module: Math A module remains loaded until it is explicitly unloaded, or until the BlackBox Component Builder is restarted. To explicitly unload a module, select the module name and execute UnloadModuleList from menu Dev. For example, unload ObxHello0, modify the string "Hello world", recompile ObxHello0, and execute ObxHello0.Do again. Note that your changes do not affect the running system until after you have unloaded the old module. Such an explicit unloading is a very useful mechanism to allow major changes in multiple modules, while still using and working with the previous version. For simple top-level modules, (modules that are not imported by other modules), the command CompileAndUnload provides a convenient shortcut. Linking programs to form documents Besides the text and development subsystems, the BlackBox Component Builder also comes with a form subsystem, which includes a visual user interface designer. Forms can be data entry masks or dialog boxes. The following module defines a simple record variable to be used for a data entry form. MODULE ObxAddress1; IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews; VAR adr*: RECORD name*: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; city*: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; country*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; customer*: INTEGER; update*: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE OpenText*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: Views.View; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create a new text editor object *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to this object *) f.WriteString(adr.name); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(adr.city); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(adr.country); f.WriteTab; f.WriteInt(adr.customer); f.WriteTab; f.WriteBool(adr.update); f.WriteLn; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a visual component for the text object *) Views.OpenView(v) (* open the visual component in its own window *) END OpenText; END ObxAddress1. After compiling the module, a dialog box can be created for the items exported by ObxAddress1 using command NewForm... from menu Controls. Just enter the name ObxAddress1 into the Link field, and then click on the OK button. The type information extracted by the compiler is available to the BlackBox Component Builder at run-time, and is used to automatically create a data-entry form for the record declaration above. The form has a simple default layout. This default layout may be edited, and then opened as a dialog using the Open as Aux Dialog command in menu Controls. The text entry fields and the checkbox of the form are directly linked to the fields name, city, country, customer and update of the record ObxAddress1.adr. The button is linked to the command OpenText, i.e., to the procedure exported by module ObxAddress1. Clicking the button causes procedure OpenText to be called. As a result, a new text is created; a textual report based on the variable adr is written to this text; a new text view is created; and the view is opened in a window, displaying the report. Text entry fields, checkboxes, and other so-called controls may have properties that could be inspected and modified by a suitable control property inspector. Instead of first writing a module and then creating an initial layout, as we have done above, the form can be constructed first, and the corresponding module written later. A BlackBox Component Builder dialog does not necessarily correspond to exactly one record variable. The individual controls of a dialog box may be linked to records in different modules, and a dialog box may also contain other views which are not controls, such as pictures. A form can be saved from within the visual editor; thereafter it can be attached to a menu entry, or another dialog's button. Dialog boxes are saved in the standard document format, in a platform-independent way. This approach eliminates the need for an intermediate source code generator and allows to later modify the dialog boxes without having to recompile anything. And more ... After this first impression, you may want to consult your documentation for an in-depth coverage of the BlackBox Component Builder. Select the Contents item in the Help menu for an overview over the documentation. From there, the complete on-line documentation can be reached via hyperlinks. How should you start to get acquainted with BlackBox? We suggest that you start with the introduction texts A Brief History of Pascal and Roadmap. The documentation consists of four major parts: •A user manual that describes the user interface and most important commands of the BlackBox Component Builder •A tutorial that first introduces the general BlackBox design patterns (chapters 1 to 3). Graphical user interfaces, forms, and controls are discussed in chapter4. The text subsystem is explained in chapter5. The remaining chapter6 deals with view programming. •Overview by Example is a rich source of examples, ordered by category and difficulty. •The programmer's reference consists of one documentation file per module. Each subsystem has a Sys-Map text which contains links to the individual texts.
Table of Contents ↑ 6 View Construction Views are the central abstraction in the BlackBox Component Builder. Everything revolves around views: most commands operate on views, windows display views, views can be internalized and externalized, views perform interaction with the user, and views may be embedded into other views. 6.1 Introduction This view programming tutorial consists of four sections, each of which introduces a special aspect of view programming. The section "message handling" (chapters 6.2 to 6.5) explains how the behavior of a view is defined through the view's message handlers, i.e., how the answering of preferences, controller messages and properties influences the view's relation to its environment and the view's reaction on user input. The second section explains the aspect of the model-view separation which allows multi view editing (6.6). The next section shows how the undo/redo facility of the BlackBox Component Framework can be used if the content of a view is changed with the help of operation objects (6.7). In the last section the special structure of all extensible BlackBox Component Framework modules is explained, namely the separation of the interface and the implementation of a view (6.8). Directory objects are the key to this design pattern. 6.2 Message handling In this section, we present a sequence of increasingly more versatile implementations of a view object which displays a rectangular colored area. In particular, this view will handle Preferences, Controller messages and Properties. Every view is a subtype of the abstract type Views.View. The concrete extension must at least implement the abstract procedure Views.Restore that draws the view's contents. The first example of our view simply draws a red rectangle. This version is about the simplest possible view implementation. Its major components are the declaration of a Views.View extension, the implementation of a Views.Restore procedure which draws the contents of the view, and a command procedure which allocates and initializes the view: MODULE ObxViews0; IMPORT Views, Ports; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews0. To execute this program, invoke the following command: "ObxViews0.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" The result of this command is shown in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1: Result of "ObxViews0.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" This simple program is completely functional already. The procedure ObxViews0.Deposit puts a newly allocated view into a system queue. The command StdCmds.Open in the command string above removes a view from this queue, and opens it in a new window. Note that whole sequences of commands must be enclosed between quotes, while for single commands the quotes may be omitted. Instead of opening the view in a window, it could be pasted into the focus container (e.g., a text or a form): "ObxViews0.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" >< set the caret here before executing the command Like StdCmds.Open, the command StdCmds.PasteView removes a view from the queue, but pastes it to the focus view. The above command sequence could also be used in a menu, for example. Every document which contains an ObxViews0 view can be saved in a file, and this file can be opened again through the standard Open... menu entry. Our simple red rectangle will be displayed correctly in the newly opened document, provided the code file of the module ObxViews0 is available. A view which has been opened in its own window can also be saved in a file. When opened again, the document then consists of this single view only. Every view performs its output operations and mouse/keyboard polling via a Views.Frame object. In the above example, ObxViews0.View.Restore uses its frame parameter f to draw a rectangle. A frame can be regarded as a mapper object, in this case for both input and output simultaneously (here we need not be interested in the rider and carrier for this mapper, which are both defined in module Ports). A frame embodies coordinate transformations and clipping facilities. If the view is displayed on the screen, the frame is a mapper on a screen port. If the view is printed, the frame is a mapper on a printer port. From the view's perspective, this difference is not relevant. Thus no special code is necessary to support printing. The view may be copied and pasted into containers such as text views or form views. Additionally, the size of the view can be changed by selecting it and then manipulating the resize handles. All this functionality is offered by the BlackBox Component Framework and requires no further coding. If this default behavior is not convenient, it can be modified. In the following we will show how this is done. 6.3 Preference messages You might have noticed that the size of a newly opened view is rather arbitrary. However, before opening the view, the framework sends the view a message with a proposed size. The view may adapt this proposal to its own needs. To do that, the message of type Properties.SizePref must be answered in the view's HandlePropMsg procedure. Before a view is displayed for the first time, the proposed size for the width and the height of the view is Views.undefined. The following version of our sample view draws a rectangle with a width of 2 cm and a height of 1 cm. Changes compared to the previous version are written in bold face. MODULE ObxViews1; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews1. "ObxViews1.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" Every newly generated view now assumes the desired predefined size. This is only possible because the view and its container cooperate, in this case via the Properties.SizePref message. A container is expected to send this message whenever it wants to change a view's size, and then adhere to the returned data. However, for the understanding of the BlackBox Component Framework it is essential to know that while a well-behaved container should follow this protocol, it is not required to do so. That's why such a message is called a preference. It describes merely a view's preference, so that the surrounding container can make allowances for the special needs of the view. But it is always the container which has the last word in such negotiations. For example, the container will not let embedded views become larger than itself. The standard document, text, and form containers are well-behaved in that they support all preferences defined in module Properties. Special containers, e.g. texts, may define additional preferences specific to their type of contents. It is important to note that a view can ignore all preferences it doesn't know or doesn't care about. The Properties.SizePref allows us to restrict the possible values for the width and the height of a view. For example, we can enforce a minimal and a maximal size, or fix the height or width of the view, or specify a constraint between its width and height. The procedures Properties.ProportionalConstraint and Properties.GridConstraint are useful standard implementations to specify constraints. The next version of our view implementation specifies that the rectangle is always twice as wide as it is high. In addition, minimal and maximal values for the height (and thus also for the width) are specified. If the view is resized using the resize handles, the constraints are not violated. Try it out! MODULE ObxViews2; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews2. "ObxViews2.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" We will look at two other preferences in this tutorial. The first one is Properties.ResizePref. TYPE ResizePref = RECORD (Properties.Preference) fixed, horFitToPage, verFitToPage, horFitToWin, verFitToWin: BOOLEAN (* OUT *) END; The receiver of this message may indicate that it doesn't wish to be resized, by setting fixed to TRUE. As a consequence, the view will not display resize handles when it is selected, i.e., it cannot be resized interactively. However, the Properties.SizePref message is still sent to the view, as the initial size still needs to be determined. If a view is a root view, i.e., the outermost view in a document or window (e.g., if opened with StdCmds.Open), then the size of the window, the size of the view, or both might be changed. However, sometimes it is convenient if the view size is automatically adapted whenever the window is resized, e.g., for help texts which should use as much screen estate as possible. For other views, it may be preferable that their size is not determined by the window, but rather by their contents, or by the page setup of the document in which they are embedded. A view can indicate such preferences by setting the horFitToWin, verFitToWin, horFitToPage, and verFitToPage flags in the Properties.SizePref message. These flags have no effect if the view is not a root view, i.e., if it is embedded deeper inside a document. An automatic adaptation of the view size to the actual window size can be achieved by setting the fields horFitToWin and verFitToWin. The size of the view is then bound to the window, i.e., the user can change it directly by resizing the window. Note that if the size of the view is bound to the size of the window (either by setting horFitToWin or verFitToWin), then no Properties.SizePref messages are sent to the view, i.e., the constraints specified through Properties.SizePref are no longer enforced. Additionally, the view does not display resize handles, regardless of the fixed flag. By setting the fields horFitToPage or verFitToPage, the width or the height of the view can be bound to the actual printer page size. The width of a text view is usually bound to the width of the page size, and can be changed via the page setup mechanism of the underlying operating system. The following example enforces that the size of a root view is bound to the size of the window: MODULE ObxViews3; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews3. "ObxViews3.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" The next preference we look at is Properties.FocusPref. TYPE FocusPref = RECORD (Properties.Preference) atLocation: BOOLEAN; (* IN *) x, y: INTEGER; (* IN *) hotFocus, setFocus, selectOnFocus: BOOLEAN (* OUT *) END; When an attempt is made to activate an embedded view, by clicking in it, then the Properties.FocusPref message is sent to the view. If this message is not answered the view is selected as a whole (a so-called singleton). This is the behavior of the views implemented in the examples above. To see this, place the caret on the next line and click on the commander below, then on the pasted view: "ObxViews3.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" >< set the caret here before executing the command This behavior is adequate if a view is passive. However, if the view contains editable contents, or if there are menu commands that operate on the view, the user should be able to focus the view. The focus is where keyboard input is sent to, where the current selection or caret are displayed (if there are any such marks), and where upon some menu commands operate. In fact, menus can be made to appear whenever a view is focused, and disappear as soon as the view loses focus (more on this below). A root view is always focused when its document window is focus (i.e., is the top window). If an embedded view wants to become focus, it must answer the Properties.FocusPref message. The view can choose whether it wants to become focus permanently or if it wants only be focus as long as the mouse button is pressed. The latter is called a hot focus. A typical example of a hot focus is a command button. If a view wants to be a hot focus, it must set the flag hotFocus. The focus is then released immediately after the mouse is released. If a view wants to become focus permanently, then the flag setFocus must be set instead. setFocus should be set for all genuine editors, such that context-sensitive menu commands can be attached to the view. In addition to the setFocus flag, a view may set the selectOnFocus flag to indicate that upon focusing by keyboard, the view's contents should be selected. Text entry fields are prime examples for this behavior: the contents of a newly focused text entry field is selected, if the user focused it not by clicking in it, but by using the tabulator key. If the user clicks in an unfocused view, then the atLocation flag is set by the framework before sending the message. The receiving view may decide whether to become focused depending on where the user clicked. The mouse position is passed to the view in the focus preference's x and y fields. Text rulers are examples of views which become focused depending on the mouse location. If you click in the icons or in the area below the scale of a ruler, the ruler is not focused. Otherwise it is focused. Try this out with the ruler below. If you don't see a ruler, execute the Show Marks command in the Text menu. A view is not necessarily focused through a mouse click. In forms for example, the views can be selected using the tabulator key. There, the views do not become focused through a mouse click, and the atLocation field is accordingly set to FALSE by the framework. The next version of our example will answer the FocusPref message and set the setFocus flag. This is done by adding the following statements to the previous example's HandlePropMsg procedure: | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE If an embedded view is focused, the frame of the view is marked with a suitable focus border mark, and view-specific menus may appear while others disappear. 6.4 Controller messages Other messages that may be interpreted by HandlePropMsg will be discussed later. Next we will see how a view can react on user input, e.g., on mouse clicks in the view or on commands called through a menu. For simple views this behavior is implemented in the procedure Views.HandleCtrlMsg. It is also possible to define a separate object, a so-called controller, that implements the interactive behavior of a view. Programming of controller objects is not described in this document, since controllers are only recommended for the most complex views. TheViews.HandleCtrlMsg handler answers the controller messages sent to the view. A controller message is a message that is sent along exactly one path in a view hierarchy, the focus path. Every view on the focus path decides for itself whether it is the terminal of this path, i.e., whether it is the current focus, or whether the message should be forwarded to one of its embedded views. It is important to note that all controller messages which are not relevant for a particular view type can simply be ignored. In order to be able to perform edit operations on the focus view, the framework must allow to somehow perform these operations. Mouse clicks and key strokes can always be issued. However, how the menus should look like may be decided by the view itself. For that purpose, the message Controllers.PollOpsMsg is sent to the view. Depending on its current state (e.g., its current selection) and depending on the contents of the clipboard, the focus view can inform the framework of which editing operations it currently supports. The valid operations are elements of the {Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy, Controllers.paste, Controllers.pasteView} set. TYPE PollOpsMsg = RECORD (Controllers.Message) type: Stores.TypeName; (* OUT *) pasteType: Stores.TypeName; (* IN *) singleton: Views.View; (* OUT *) selectable: BOOLEAN; (* OUT *) valid: SET (* OUT *) END; The set of valid edit operations is returned in the valid field, where valid IN {Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy, Controllers.paste}. According to the set of valid operations, the corresponding menu entries in the Edit menu are enabled or disabled, e.g., Cut, Copy, Paste and PasteObject.... The field pasteType contains the concrete type of the view from which a copy would be pasted, if a paste operation occurred. Depending on this field, the view could decide whether it wants to support the paste operation or not. PollOpsMsg is sent when the user clicks in the menu bar. Its sole purpose is to enable or disable menu items, i.e., to provide user feedback. If a view supports a selection of its contents, then selectable must be set to TRUE. As a consequence, the menu entry SelectAll will be enabled. The flag should be set regardless of whether a selection currently exists or not. In the type field a type name may be passed. This name denotes a context for the focus view. This context is used to determine which menus are relevant for the focus view. As a convention, a view assigns the type name of its interface base type to type, e.g. "ObxViews4.View". A menu which indicates to be active on "ObxViews4.View" will be displayed if such a view is focus. The type name is used because it is easy to make unique, so that name collisions are avoided. The framework doesn't interpret the name. The singleton field is only meaningful for container views. It denotes a container's currently selected view, if the selection consists of exactly one embedded view. The following example view can become focus, supports the paste operation, and informs the framework that its contents is selectable. As a consequence, the menu entries Paste and Select All in the Edit menu are enabled. Additionally, it defines the context "Obx.Tutorial". Therefore the following menu appears whenever the view is focused; provided that the menu has been installed. Note that the name of the context, in this case "Obx.Tutorial", by convention starts with the subsystem or a module name followed by a dot, in this case "Obx.". This is highly recommended, in order to make context names globally unique. Often, the name is simply the name of a view type, e.g., "TextViews.View". A menu can either be defined in the global menu text System/Rsrc/Menus, or more appropriately in its own subsystem's menu text, in this case in Obx/Rsrc/Menus . The global menu text then only needs an INCLUDE "Obx" statement to make the Obx menus known. MENU "New" ("Obx.Tutorial") "Beep" "" "Dialog.Beep" "" END MODULE ObxViews4; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.paste}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "Obx.Tutorial" ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews4. "ObxViews4.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" >< set the caret here before executing the command Next we discuss how a view can react on actual edit messages. In particular, these are the Controllers.EditMsg for edit operations such as cut, copy, or paste, and the Controllers.TrackMsg for mouse clicks. Whenever a key is pressed in a view or when a cut, copy or paste operation is invoked, a Controllers.EditMsg is sent to the focus view. The cut, copy and paste operations can only be generated through the environment (menu) if they have been announced with the Controllers.PollOpsMsg. TYPE EditMsg = RECORD (Controllers.RequestMessage) op: INTEGER; (* IN *) modifiers: SET; (* IN *) char: CHAR; (* IN *) view: Views.View; (* IN for paste, OUT for cut and copy *) w, h: INTEGER; (* IN for paste, OUT for cut and copy *) isSingle: BOOLEAN; (* IN for paste, OUT for cut and copy *) clipboard: BOOLEAN (* IN *) END; The op field specifies which kind of operation has to be performed. If op = Controllers.cut then a copy of the focus view has to be generated. The contents of the new view is a copy of the focus view's selection. The new view is assigned to the view field. In addition, the selection is deleted in the focus view. There is one special case: if the selection consists of exactly one view (a singleton), then a copy of the singleton should be copied to the view field, not a copy of the singleton's container. In this case, isSingle must be set to TRUE. Except for the deletion of the selection, the same operations have to be performed if op = Controllers.copy. If a key is pressed, then the op field has the value Controllers.pasteChar. The character to be pasted is stored in the char field. The modifiers set indicates control key has been pressed. In the latter case, the char field has to be interpreted as a control character. The paste operation is the inverse of the copy operation: a copy of the contents of the view stored in the view field has to be copied into the focus view's contents. This operation is indicated by op = Controllers.paste. The view must know the type of the view whose contents is to be pasted and must decide how to insert the pasted view's contents into its own view. For example, a text field view should support copying from a text view only. If isSingle is TRUE, or if the contents of view cannot be pasted because it has an unknown or incompatible type, a copy of view must be pasted. Of course, this is only possible in general containers, which allow the embedding of other views. When pasting a complete view, the desired width and height of the pasted view are given in the fields w and h. These values can be treated as hints by the receiving view. If they are not suitable, others can be used. Whenever the mouse button is pressed in the focus view, a Controllers.TrackMsg is sent to the view. The coordinates are specified in the x and y fields (of the base type Controllers.CursorMessage). The modifiers set indicates whether modifier keys have been pressed, or whether a double click has been performed. The platform independent modifiers are Controllers.doubleClick, Controllers.extend, Controllers.modify, Controllers.popup, and Controllers.pick. For the mapping of platform specific keys see platform specific modifiers. If the view wants to show a feedback while tracking the mouse, it needs to poll the mouse position in a loop, by calling the Input procedure of the passed frame. Input also returns information on whether the mouse has been released. Any feedback should directly be drawn into the frame in which the mouse button was pressed. After the feedback loop, a possible modification of the view's contents need to be broadcast to all the frames that display the same view. Remember that the same document, and consequently all its embedded views, may be displayed in several windows (see Chapter 2). If an embedded view is visible in three windows, there exist three frames displaying the same view. Procedure Views.Update causes a restore of the view once in each of its visible frames. As an example, we extend our view with a cross-hair marker that can be moved around. The coordinates of this marker are stored as additional fields in the view object. Note that if a view contains instance variables, it should implement the CopyFromSimpleView, Internalize and Externalize procedures in order to work properly. We refer to the next section of this view tutorial, which describes the purpose of these messages. In our example view, the marker can be moved around with the mouse, or through the cursor keys. When a cursor key is pressed, the focus view is informed by sending it an EditMsg with op = pasteChar. From time to time a Controllers.PollCursorMsg is sent to the focus view. The view may set the form of the cursor depending on the coordinates of the mouse. The cursor field can be assigned a cursor out of {Ports.arrowCursor, Ports.textCursor, Ports.graphicsCursor, Ports.tableCursor, Ports.bitmapCursor}. The particular form of the cursor depends on the underlying operating system. In our example view, we set the cursor to a graphics cursor. MODULE ObxViews5; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) x, y: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.red); f.DrawLine(v.x, t, v.x, b, 0, Ports.white); f.DrawLine(l, v.y, r, v.y, 0, Ports.white) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.paste}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "Obx.Tutorial" | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* cursor keys *) IF msg.char = 1DX THEN INC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1CX THEN DEC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1EX THEN DEC(v.y, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1FX THEN INC(v.y, Ports.mm) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO v.x := msg.x; v.y := msg.y; v.context.GetSize(w, h); v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF (x # v.x) OR (y # v.y) THEN v.x := x; v.y := y; v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h) END UNTIL ~isDown; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.graphicsCursor ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.x := 0; v.y := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews5. "ObxViews5.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" There exist many other controller messages which may be sent to a view, but which are beyond the scope of this tutorial. There are messages for the generic scrolling mechanism of the BlackBox Component Framework (Controllers.PollSectionMsg, Controllers.ScrollMsg, Controllers.PageMsg), messages which implement drag & drop (Controllers.PollDropMsg, Controllers.DropMsg, Controllers.TransferMessage) and messages which control the selection (Controllers.SelectMsg). For these and other controller messages we refer to the documentation of the Controllers module. 6.5 Properties We want to close this section with a final extension of our view: the color of the view should be changeable through the Attributes menu. The general mechanism to get and set attributes of a view from its environment are properties. A view may know about attributes such as font, color, size, but it may also know about arbitrary other attributes. Properties are set with the Properties.SetMsg and inspected with the Properties.PollMsg. Properties in one of these messages are stored in a linked list. If a view gets a Properties.SetMsg it should traverse its property list and adjust those properties it knows about. A Properties.PollMsg is sent to the view to get its properties. The view should return all properties it knows about. Properties can be inserted into a message's property list with the Properties.Insert procedure. Every property describes up to 32 attributes. The known set defines which attributes are known to the view. The view may also specify which attributes are read-only in the readOnly set. The valid set finally defines which attributes currently have a defined value. For example, if in a text several characters with different sizes are selected, then the attribute size is known to the view, but currently does not have a valid value. The selection is not homogeneous, and thus there is no single valid value. TYPE Property = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD next-: Properties.Property; known, readOnly, valid: SET; (* valid and readOnly are subsets of known *) (p: Property) IntersectWith (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN), NEW, ABSTRACT END; A special property is Properties.StdProp. This property encompasses font attributes as well as color, and it is known to the BlackBox environment. The supported attributes are Properties.color, Properties.typeface, Properties.size, Properties.style, Properites.weight. The fields in the property record hold the corresponding values. TYPE StdProp = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) color: Dialog.Color; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; size: INTEGER; style: RECORD val, mask: SET END; weight: INTEGER END; The last version of our view only support the color attribute of the standard property. If it receives a Properties.PollMsg message, it returns a Properties.StdProp object where only the color field is set, and where only the color attribute is defined as known and valid. On a Properties.SetMsg, the property list must be searched for a standard property whose color field is valid. When the color has been changed, the view must be updated in all its frames. MODULE ObxViews6; IMPORT Views, Ports, Properties, Controllers; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) x, y: INTEGER; c: Ports.Color END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, v.c); f.DrawLine(v.x, t, v.x, b, 0, Ports.white); f.DrawLine(l, v.y, r, v.y, 0, Ports.white) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); CONST min = 5 * Ports.mm; max = 50 * Ports.mm; VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; prop: Properties.Property; BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 20 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 10 * Ports.mm ELSE Properties.ProportionalConstraint(2, 1, msg.fixedW, msg.fixedH, msg.w, msg.h); IF msg.h < min THEN msg.h := min; msg.w := 2 * min ELSIF msg.h > max THEN msg.h := max; msg.w := 2 * max END END | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := v.c; stdProp.valid := {Properties.color}; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; Properties.Insert(msg.prop, stdProp) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO prop := msg.prop; WHILE prop # NIL DO WITH prop: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN prop.valid THEN v.c := prop.color.val END ELSE END; prop := prop.next END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR x, y, w, h: INTEGER; m: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.valid := {Controllers.paste}; msg.selectable := TRUE; msg.type := "Obx.Tutorial" | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN IF msg.char = 1DX THEN INC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1CX THEN DEC(v.x, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1EX THEN DEC(v.y, Ports.mm) ELSIF msg.char = 1FX THEN INC(v.y, Ports.mm) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO v.x := msg.x; v.y := msg.y; v.context.GetSize(w, h); v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, m, isDown); IF (x # v.x) OR (y # v.y) THEN v.x := x; v.y := y; v.Restore(f, 0, 0, w, h) END UNTIL ~isDown; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := Ports.graphicsCursor ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.x := 0; v.y := 0; v.c := Ports.black; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews6. "ObxViews6.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" >< set the caret here before executing the command 6.6 Model-View separation In this section, we present a sequence of five increasingly more versatile versions of a view object which displays a string that may be typed in by the user. This string represents the view-specific data which it displays. We will see that multi-view editing is possible if this string is represented by a separate model object. Let us start with a first version of this view, where the string is stored in the view itself. Every view displays its own string. A string's length is limited to 255 characters, but no error handling is performed in the following demonstration programs. MODULE ObxViews10; IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* accept typing *) v.s[v.i] := msg.char; INC(v.i); v.s[v.i] := 0X; (* append character to string *) Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.s := ""; v.i := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews10. "ObxViews10.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" As described in the last section, a character typed in is sent to the view in the form of a controller message record (Controllers.Message), to be handled by the view's HandleCtrlMsg procedure. This procedure is called with a Controllers.EditMsg as actual parameter when a character was typed in, and it reacts by inserting the character contained in the message into its field s. Afterwards, it causes the view to be restored; i.e., wherever the view is visible on the display it is redrawn in its new state, displaying the string that has become one character longer. In the above example, a view contains a variable state (the view's string field s). This state should be saved when the window's contents are saved to disk. For this purpose, a view provides two procedures, called Internalize and Externalize, whose uses are shown in the next iteration of our example program: MODULE ObxViews11; (* Same as ObxViews10, but the view's string can be stored and copied *) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(v.i); rd.ReadString(v.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(v.i); wr.WriteString(v.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromSimpleView (source: Views.View); BEGIN WITH source: View DO v.i := source.i; v.s := source.s END END CopyFromSimpleView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN (* accept typing *) v.s[v.i] := msg.char; INC(v.i); v.s[v.i] := 0X; (* append character to string *) Views.SetDirty(v); (* mark view's document as dirty *) Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN NEW(v); v.s := ""; v.i := 0; Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews11. A few comments about View.Internalize and View.Externalize are in order here: First, the two procedures have a reader, respectively a writer, as variable parameters. These file mappers are set up by BlackBox itself; a view simply uses them. Second, View.Internalize must read exactly the same (amount of) data that View.Externalize has written. Third, a user interface typically defines some visual distinction for documents that contain modified views, i.e., for "dirty" documents. Or it may require that when the user closes a dirty document, he or she should be asked whether to save it or not. In order to make this possible, a view must tell when its contents has been modified. This is done by the Views.BeginModification /Views.EndModification calls. In addition to View.Internalize and View.Externalize, the above view implementation also implements a CopyFromSimpleView procedure. Such a procedure should copy the view's contents, given a source view of the same type. CopyFromSimpleView should usually have the same effect as if the source's contents were externalized on a temporary file, and then internalized again by the destination view. There can be exceptions, though. For example, a text copies even temporary embedded views such as error markers, but it doesn't externalize them. A view that contains (mutable) state should implement CopyFromSimpleView, so that it can be printed. The reason that this is necessary is that the framework makes a shallow copy of a view that is being printed, in order to avoid the original view to be changed by pagination, scrolling, or similar modifications that may be performed during printing. Basically, ObxViews11 has shown most of what is involved in implementing a simple view class. Such simple views are often sufficient; thus it is important that they are easy to implement. However, there are cases where a more advanced view design is in order. In particular, if a window normally can only display a small part of a view's contents, multi-view editing should be supported. Multi-view editing means that there may be several views showing the same data. The typical application of this feature is to have two or more windows displaying the same document, each of these windows showing a different part of it in its own view. Thus, if a view's data has been changed, it and all the other affected views must be notified of the change, such that they can update the display accordingly. The following sample program, which is the same as the previous one except that it supports multi-view editing, is roughly twice as long. This indicates that the design and implementation of such views is quite a bit more involved than that of simple views. It is a major design decision whether this additional complexity is warranted by its increased convenience. MODULE ObxViews12; (* Same as ObxViews11, but uses a separate model for the string *) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model END; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(m.i); rd.ReadString(m.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(m.i); wr.WriteString(m.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Model DO m.i := source.i; m.s := source.s END END CopyFrom; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(st); v.model := st(Model) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN v.model := model(Model) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.model.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR m: Model; umsg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN m := v.model; m.s[m.i] := msg.char; INC(m.i); m.s[m.i] := 0X; (* append character to string *) Views.SetDirty(v); (* mark view's document as dirty *) Models.Broadcast(m, umsg) (* update all views on this model *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; m: Model; BEGIN NEW(m); m.i := 0; m.s := ""; NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews12. "ObxViews12.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" Multi-view editing is realized by factoring out the view's data into a separate data structure, called a model. This model is shared between all its views, i.e., each such view contains a pointer to the model: Figure 6.2: Two Views on one Model A model is, like a view, an extension of a Stores.Store, which is the base type for all persistent objects. Stores define the Internalize and Externalize procedures we've already met for a view. In ObxViews12, the model stores the string and its length, while the view stores the whole model! For this purpose, a Stores.Writer provides a WriteStore and a Stores.Reader provides a ReadStore procedure. Stores may form arbitrary graphs. For example, one or several views may refer to the same model, both models and views are store extensions. A graph of stores that may be saved in a file is called a document. In order to recognize the boundary of a document upon externalization, stores are bound to a domain. All stores of a document refer to the same domain object (Stores.Domain). Domains are also used as containers for operations, i.e., commands performed on some store which can be undone and redone (see next chapter). The operation history is associated with a domain. Furthermore, domains define the set of objects which get notified in a broadcast (either Views.Broadcast, Views.Domaincast or Models.Broadcast). For more information on stores and domains, see the on-line documentation of module Stores. Now that the model is separated from the view, copying is done by the model, not by the view anymore. View.ThisModel returns the model of the view. Its default implementation returns NIL, which should be overridden in views that contain models. This procedure is used by the framework to find all views that display a given model, in order to implement model broadcasts, as described in the next paragraph. Views with a model implement the procedure View.CopyFromModelView instead of View.CopyFromSimpleView. Like Internalize and Externalize, CopyFromSimpleView and CopyFromModelView are exported as implement-only procedures, i.e., they can only be implemented, but not called. They are called internally in module Views, in its CopyOf and CopyWithNewModel functions. When a model changes, all views displaying it must be updated. For this purpose, a model broadcast is generated: A model broadcast notifies all views which display a particular model about a model modification that has happened. This gives each view the opportunity to restore its contents on the screen. A model broadcast is generated in the View.HandleCtrlMsg procedure by calling Models.Broadcast. The message is received by every view which contains the correct model, via its View.HandleModelMsg procedure. This indirection becomes important if different types of views display the same model, e.g., a tabular view and a graphical view on a spreadsheet model; and if instead of restoring the whole view as has been done in our examples only the necessary parts of the views are restored. These necessary parts may be completely different for different types of views. A very sophisticated model may be able to contain ("embed") arbitrary views as part of its contents. For example, a text view may display a text model which contains not only characters (its intrinsic contents), but also graphical or other views flowing along in the text stream. The combination of multi-view editing and hierarchical view embedding can lead to the following situation, where two text views show the same text model, which in turn contains a graphics view. Each text view lives in its own window and thus has its own frame. The graphics view is unique however, since it is embedded in the text model, which is shared by both views. Nevertheless the graphics can be visible in both text views simultaneously, and thus there can be two frames for this one view: Figure 6-3: Two Frames on one View As a consequence, one and the same view may be visible in several places on the screen simultaneously. In this case, this means that when the view has changed, several places must be updated: the view must restore the necessary area once for every frame on this view. As a consequence, a notification mechanism must exist which lets the view update each of its frames. This is done in a similar way as the notification mechanism for model changes: with a view broadcast. Fortunately, there is a standard update mechanism in the framework which automatically handles this second broadcast level (see below). We now can summarize the typical events that occur when a user interacts with a view: Controller message handling: 1) Some controller message is sent to the focus view. 2) The focus view interprets the message and changes its model accordingly. 3) The model broadcasts a model message, describing the change that has been performed. Model message handling: 4) Every view on this model receives the model message. 5) It determines how its display should change because of this model modification. 6) It broadcasts a view message, describing how its display should change. View message handling: 7) The view receives the view notification message once for every frame on this view. 8) Every time, the view redraws the frame contents according to the view message. This mechanism is fundamental to the BlackBox Component Framework. If you have understood it, you have mastered the most complicated part of a view implementation. Interpreting the various controller messages, which are defined in module Controllers, is more a matter of diligence than of understanding difficult new concepts. Moreover, you only need to interpret the controller messages in which you are interested, because messages that are not relevant can simply be ignored. Usually, steps 6, 7, and 8 are handled automatically by the framework: the view merely calls Views.Update if a whole view should be updated, or Views.UpdateIn if some rectangular part of the view should be updated. Calls of these update procedures cause a lazy update, i.e., the framework adds up the region to be updated, but does not immediately cause any redrawing. Instead, the command first runs to completion, so that all data structures of the modified views are consistent again. Only the display of the views is still the same as before the command. But then the framework restores all views that have been marked for update. This means that for every frame that displays a view, the view's Restore method is called with this frame as argument. If the view is displayed in two (or more) frames in different windows, it is restored two (or more) times; once for every frame. When the framework starts restoring frames of a window, it temporarily redirects the drawing operations of a port into a background pixelmap buffer. When all frames of this window that need updating have been restored, the framework copies the pixelmap buffer to the screen pixelmap, and turns off the redirection of drawing operations. The effect of this buffering mechanism and of the lazy update mechanism is that minimal flickering occurs. The lazy update mechanism means that even for complex editing operations, a given screen region is only restored once. This can reduce flickering, since flickering can occur when the same area is drawn several times in rapid succession. The buffering mechanism reduces flickering if drawing occurs in layers, from "bottom" to "top" (because this also means drawing several time in rapid succession). For example, you may first draw the background in one color, and then the a filled rectangle on top of it in another color. Thanks to the buffering mechanism, the user never sees the situation after the background is drawn, but before the rectangle is drawn. The lazy update mechanism also has another advantage: it completely decouples the modification of a model from its drawing. Without this mechanism, it can become rather difficult to correctly perform screen updates for complex editing operations. For example, consider moving a selection of graphics objects in a graphics editor. The selected objects first must be deleted at their old position, this may mean that other objects that have been obscured by the selection now need to be drawn (but not the selected objects themselves!). Then the objects' positions are changed, and then they are redrawn at their new positions (if the source and target positions overlap, drawing has now happened twice). Drawing may have to be done several times, if there are several windows displaying the same data. But of course the change of object positions must only occur once. It is much less tricky to simply call Views.UpdateIn for all rectangles that (may) need updating, and to let the framework call the necessary Restore methods later! Normally, the lazy update mechanism is sufficient. Thus a view programmer needs to use explicit view messages only if no complete restore in all frames of a view is desired. This is the case only for marks like selection, focus, or carets, or for rubberbanding or similar feedback effects during mouse tracking. Such marks can sometimes be handled more efficiently because they are involutory: applied twice, they have no effect. Thus marks are often switched on and off through custom view messages during a command, not through the delaying lazy update mechanism. But except for such light-weight marks, you should always use the lazy update mechanism described above. Note that there exists a method Ports.Frame.MarkRect explicitly for drawing such marks. 6.7 Operations Now that we have seen the crucial ingredients of a view implementation, a less central feature can be presented. The next program is a variation of the above one, in which a controller message is not interpreted directly. Instead, an operation object is created and then executed. An operation provides a do / undo / redo capability, as shown in the program below. The operation we define in this example is the PasteCharOp. The operation's Do procedure performs the desired modification, and must be involutory, i.e. when called twice, its effect must have been neutralized again. We use the flag PasteCharOp.do to specify whether the character PasteCharOp.char has to be inserted into or removed from the model PasteCharOp.m. In any case, the Do procedure has to update all views on the model PasteCharOp.m with a model broadcast. The procedure NewPasteCharOp generates a new operation and the procedure Models.Do executes this operation, i.e., the operation's Do procedure is called and the operation is recorded for a later undo. The name of the operation as specified in the Models.Do command will appear in the Edit menu after the Undo or Redo entry respectively. MODULE ObxViews13; (* Same as ObxViews12, but generate undoable operations for character insertion *) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE Model = POINTER TO RECORD (Models.Model) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; View = POINTER TO RECORD (Views.View) model: Model END; PasteCharOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: Model; char: CHAR; do: BOOLEAN END; (* PasteCharOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PasteCharOp) Do; VAR m: Model; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; IF op.do THEN (* do operation's transformation *) m.s[m.i] := op.char; INC(m.i) (* insert character into string *) ELSE (* undo operation's transformation *) DEC(m.i) (* remove character from string *) END; m.s[m.i] := 0X; op.do := ~op.do; (* toggle between "do" and "undo" *) Models.Broadcast(m, msg) (* update all views on this model *) END Do; PROCEDURE NewPasteCharOp (m: Model; char: CHAR): PasteCharOp; VAR op: PasteCharOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.char := char; op.do := TRUE; RETURN op END NewPasteCharOp; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(m.i); rd.ReadString(m.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(m.i); wr.WriteString(m.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Model DO m.i := source.i; m.s := source.s END END CopyFrom; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(st); v.model := st(Model) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: View) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN v.model := model(Model) END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: View) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, v.model.s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: View) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); VAR op: Stores.Operation; BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN op := NewPasteCharOp(v.model, msg.char); (* generate operation *) Models.Do(v.model, "Typing", op) (* execute operation *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:View) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 * d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; m: Model; BEGIN NEW(m); m.i := 0; m.s := ""; NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; END ObxViews13. "ObxViews13.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" Further examples which use the undo/redo mechanism through operations can be found e.g. in ObxOmosi or ObxLines. 6.8 Separation of interface and implementation As a last version of our sample view, we modify the previous variant by exporting the Model and View types, and by separating interface and implementation of these two types. In order to do the latter, so-called directory objects are introduced, which generate (hidden) default implementations of abstract data types. A user now might implement its own version of the abstract type and offer it through its own directory object, however he can not inherit from the default implementation and thus avoids the fragile base class problem. Real BlackBox subsystems would additionally split the module into two modules, one for the model and one for the view. A third module with commands might be introduced, if the number and complexity of commands warrant it (e.g., TextModels, TextViews, and TextCmds). Even more complicated views would further split views into views and controllers, each in its own module. MODULE ObxViews14; (* Same as ObxViews13, but interfaces and implementations separated, and operation directly in Insert procedure *) IMPORT Fonts, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties; CONST d = 20 * Ports.point; TYPE Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Model) END; ModelDirectory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdModel = POINTER TO RECORD (Model) i: INTEGER; (* position of next free slot in string *) s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR (* string *) END; StdModelDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (ModelDirectory) END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) model: Model END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; PasteCharOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: StdModel; char: CHAR; do: BOOLEAN END; VAR mdir-: ModelDirectory; dir-: Directory; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Insert* (char: CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Remove*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetString* (OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW, ABSTRACT; (* ModelDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: ModelDirectory) New* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* PasteCharOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PasteCharOp) Do; VAR m: StdModel; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; IF op.do THEN (* do operation's transformation *) m.s[m.i] := op.char; INC(m.i); ELSE (* undo operation's transformation *) DEC(m.i) (* remove character from string *) END; m.s[m.i] := 0X; op.do := ~op.do; (* toggle between "do" and "undo" *) Models.Broadcast(m, msg) (* update all views on this model *) END Do; (* StdModel *) PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(m.i); rd.ReadString(m.s) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(m.i); wr.WriteString(m.s) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: StdModel DO m.i := source.i; m.s := source.s END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Insert (char: CHAR); VAR op: PasteCharOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.char := char; op.do := TRUE; Models.Do(m, "insertion", op) END Insert; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) Remove; VAR msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN DEC(m.i); m.s[m.i] := 0X; Models.Broadcast(m, msg) (* update all views on this model *) END Remove; PROCEDURE (m: StdModel) GetString (OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN s := m.s$ END GetString; (* StdModelDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdModelDirectory) New (): Model; VAR m: StdModel; BEGIN NEW(m); m.s := ""; m.i := 0; RETURN m END New; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (m: Model): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; st: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(st); IF st IS Model THEN v.model := st(Model) ELSE (* concrete model implementation couldn't be loaded-> an alien store was created *) rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent) (* internalization of v is cancelled *) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(v.model) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: StdView DO v.model := model(Model) END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN v.model.GetString(s); f.DrawString(d, d, Ports.black, s, Fonts.dir.Default()) END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ThisModel (): Models.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.model END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) (* restore v in any frame that displays it *) END HandleModelMsg; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN v.model.Insert(msg.char) (* undoable insertion *) END ELSE (* ignore other messages *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; PROCEDURE (v:StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 10 * d; msg.h := 2 *d END | msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New* (m: Model): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); NEW(v); v.model := m; Stores.Join(v, m); RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: View; BEGIN v := dir.New(mdir.New()); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; PROCEDURE SetModelDir* (d: ModelDirectory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); mdir := d END SetModelDir; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR md: StdModelDirectory; d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(md); mdir := md; NEW(d); dir := d END Init; BEGIN Init END ObxViews14. "ObxViews14.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" A simple example of a BlackBox module which follows this design is DevMarkers. The marker views are simple views without a model, therefore only a directory object to generate new views is offered. The second directory object DevMarkers.stdDir keeps the standard implementation provided by this module. It might be used to install back the default implementation or to reuse the default implementation (as an instance) in another component. The separation of a type's definition from its implementation is recommended in the design of new BlackBox subsystems. However, simple view types which won't become publicly available or which are not meant to be extended can certainly dispense with this additional effort. Note that the subsystem wizard (menu item Tools->Create Subsystem...) helps to generate templates for the different kinds of view. In particular, it is possible to generate separate model and view modules. The tool uses the template texts stored in Dev/Rsrc/New. You may want to study the files Models5, Views5, and Cmds5 in this directory. Table of Contents ↑
Appendix A: A Brief History of Pascal Algol The language Component Pascal is the culmination of several decades of research. It is the youngest member of the Algol family of languages. Algol, defined in 1960, was the first high-level language with a readable, structured, and systematically defined syntax. While successful as a notation for mathematical algorithms, it lacked important data types, such as pointers or characters. Pascal In the late sixties, several proposals for an evolutionary successor to Algol were developed. The most successful one was Pascal, defined in 1970 by Prof. Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zrich, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Besides cleaning up or leaving out some of Algol's more obscure features, Pascal added the capability to define new data types out of simpler existing ones. Pascal also supported dynamic data structures; i.e., data structures which can grow and shrink while a program is running. Pascal received a big boost when ETH released a Pascal compiler that produced a simple intermediate code for a virtual machine (P-code), instead of true native code for a particular machine. This simplified porting Pascal to other processor architectures considerably, because only a new P-code interpreter needed be written for this purpose, not a whole new compiler. One of these projects had been undertaken at the University of California, San Diego. Remarkably, this implementation (UCSD Pascal) didn't require a large and expensive mainframe computer, it ran on the then new Apple II personal computers. This gave Pascal a second important boost. The third one came when Borland released TurboPascal, a fast and inexpensive compiler, and integrated development environment for the IBM PC. Later, Borland revived its version of Pascal when it introduced the rapid application development environment Delphi. Pascal has greatly influenced the design and evolution of many other languages, from Ada to Visual Basic. Modula-2 In the mid-seventies, inspired by a sabbatical at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center PARC, Wirth started a project to develop a new workstation computer. This workstation should be completely programmable in a high-level language, thus the language had to provide direct access to the underlying hardware. Furthermore, it had to support team programming and modern software engineering principles, such as abstract data types. These requirements led to the programming language Modula-2 (1979). Modula-2 retained the successful features of Pascal, and added a module system as well as a controlled way to circumvent the language's type system when doing low-level programming; e.g., when implementing device drivers. Modules could be added to the operating system at run-time. In fact, the whole operating system consisted of a collection of modules, without a distinguished kernel or similar artefact. Modules could be compiled and loaded separately, with complete type and version checking of their interfaces. Modula-2 has made inroads in particular into safety-critical areas, such as traffic control systems. Simula, Smalltalk, and Cedar Wirth's interest remained with desktop computers, however, and again an important impulse came from Xerox PARC. PARC was the place where the workstation, the laser printer, the local area network, the bitmap display, and many other enabling technologies have been invented. Also, PARC adopted and made popular several older and barely known technologies, like the mouse, interactive graphics, and object-oriented programming. The latter concept, if not the term, was first applied to a high-level language in Simula (1966), another member of the Algol language family. As its name suggests, Simula used object-orientation primarily for simulation purposes. Xerox PARC's Smalltalk language (1983), however, used it for about anything. The Smalltalk project broke new ground also in user interface design: the graphical user interface (GUI) as we know it today was developed for the Smalltalk system. At PARC, these ideas influenced other projects, e.g., the Cedar language, a Pascal-style language. Like Smalltalk and later Oberon, Cedar was not only the name of a language but also of an operating system. The Cedar operating system was impressive and powerful, but also complex and unstable. Oberon The Oberon project was initiated in 1985 at ETH by Wirth and his colleague Jrg Gutknecht. It was an attempt to distill the essence of Cedar into a comprehensive, but still comprehensible, workstation operating system. The resulting system became very small and efficient, working well with only 2 MB of RAM and 10 MB of disk space. An important reason for the small size of the Oberon system was its component-oriented design: instead of integrating all desirable features into one monolithic software colossus, the less frequently used software components (modules) could be implemented as extensions of the core system. Such components were only loaded when they were actually needed, and they could be shared by all applications. Wirth realized that component-oriented programming required some features of object-oriented programming, such as information hiding, late binding, and polymorphism. Information hiding was the great strength of Modula-2. Late binding was supported by Modula-2 in the form of procedure variables. However, polymorphism was lacking. For this reason, Wirth added type extension: a record type could be declared as an extension of another record type. An extended type could be used wherever one of its base types might be used. But component-oriented programming is more than object-oriented programming. In a component-based system, a component may share its data structures with arbitrary other components, about which it doesn't know anything. These components usually don't know about each other's existence either. Such mutual ignorance makes the management of dynamic data structures, in particular the correct deallocation of unused memory, a fundamentally more difficult problem than in closed software systems. Consequently, it must be left to the language implementation to find out when memory is not used anymore, in order to safely reclaim it for later use. A system service which performs such an automatic storage reclamation is called a garbage collector. Garbage collection prevents two of the most evasive and downright dangerous programming errors: memory leaks (not giving free unused memory) and dangling pointers (releasing memory too early). Dangling pointers let one component destroy data structures that belong to other components. Such a violation of type safety must be prevented, because component-based systems may contain many third-party components of unknown quality (e.g., downloaded from the Internet). While Algol-family languages always had a reputation of being safe, complete type safety (and thus garbage collection) still was a quantum leap forward. It also was the reason why complete compatibility with Modula-2 was not possible. The resulting revision of Modula-2 was called the same way as the system: Oberon. Oberon's module system, like the one of Modula-2, provided information hiding for entire collections of types, not only for individual objects. This allowed to define and guarantee invariants spanning several cooperating objects. In other words: it allowed developers to invent higher-level safety mechanisms, by building on the basic module safety and type safety provided by a good Oberon implementation. Orthodox object-oriented programming languages such as Smalltalk had neglected both typing (by not supporting types) and information hiding (by restricting it to objects and classes), which was a major step backwards as far as software engineering is concerned. Oberon reconciled the worlds of object-oriented and modular programming. As a final requirement of component-oriented programming, it had to be possible to dynamically load new components. In Oberon, the unit of loading was the same as the unit of compilation: a module. Component Pascal In 1992, a cooperation with Prof. H. P. Mssenbck led to a few additions to the original Oberon language ("Oberon-2"). It became the de-facto standard of the language. In 1997, the ETH spin-off Oberon microsystems, Inc. (with Wirth on its board of directors) made some small extensions to Oberon-2 and called it Component Pascal, to better express its focus (component-oriented programming) and its origin (Pascal). It is the industrial-strength version of Oberon, so to say. The main thrust of the enhancements compared to Oberon-2 was to give the designer of a framework (i.e., of module interfaces that define abstract classes for a particular problem domain) more control over the framework's custom safety properties. The benefit is that it becomes easier to ascertain the integrity of a large component-based system, which is particularly important during iterative design cycles when the framework is being developed, and later when the system architecture must be refactored to enable further evolution and maintenance. BlackBox Oberon microsystems developed the BlackBox Component Framework starting in 1992 (originally it was called Oberon/F). This component-oriented framework is written in Component Pascal, and simplifies the development of graphical user interface components. It comes bundled with several BlackBox extension components, including a word processor, a visual designer, an SQL database access facility, an integrated development environment, and the Component Pascal run-time system. The complete package is an advanced yet light-weight rapid application development (RAD) tool for components, called BlackBox Component Builder. It is light-weight because it is completely built out of Component Pascal modules – including the kernel with the garbage collector, and the Component Pascal compiler itself.
Appendix B: Differences between Pascal and Component Pascal Eliminated Features • Subrange types Use a standard integer type instead. • Enumeration types Use integer constants instead. • Arbitrary array ranges Arrays are always defined over the integer range 0..length-1. Example A = ARRAY 16 OF INTEGER (* legal indices are in the range 0..15 *) • No general sets Type SET denotes the integer set which may include the elements 0..31. • No explicit DISPOSE Memory is reclaimed automatically by the garbage collector. Instead of calling DISPOSE, simply set the variable to NIL. • No variant records Use record extension instead. • No packed structures Use SHORTCHAR or BYTE types for byte-sized values. • No GOTO • No PRED and SUCC standard functions Use DEC or INC on integer values instead. • No built-in input/output facilities No file types. I/O is provided by library routines. Changed Features • Standard procedure ENTIER instead of ROUND • Syntax for REAL constants 3.0E+4 but not 3.0e+4 • Syntax for pointer type declarations P = POINTER TO R instead of P = ^R • Syntax for case statement "|" instead of ";" as case separator. ELSE clause. Example CASE i * 3 - 1 OF 0: StdLog.String("zero") | 1..9: StdLog.String("one to nine") | 10, 20: StdLog.String("ten or twenty") ELSE StdLog.String("something else") END • Procedure name must be repeated Example PROCEDURE DrawDot (x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN END DrawDot; • Case is significant Small letters are distinguished from capital letters. Example "proc" is not the same as "Proc". • String syntax String literals are either enclosed between " or between '. There cannot be both single and double quotes in one string. String literals of length one are assignment-compatible to character variables. Examples "That's great" 'Write "hello world" to the screen' ch := "x" ch := 'x' • Comments Comments are enclosed between (* and *) and may be nested. • Set brackets Set constants are given between { and } instead of [ and ]. Example {0..2, 4, j..2 * k} • Function syntax Use keyword PROCEDURE for functions also, instead of FUNCTION. Procedures with a return value always have a (possibly empty) parameter list in their declarations and in calls to them. The function result is returned explicitly by a RETURN statement, instead of an assignment to the function name. Example PROCEDURE Fun (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN 5 END Fun; instead of FUNCTION Fun: INTEGER; BEGIN Fun := 5 END; n := Fun() instead of n := Fun • Declarations The sequence of declarations is { ConstDecl | TypeDecl | VarDecl} {ProcDecl | ForwardDecl} instead of [ConstDecl] [TypeDecl] [VarDecl] {ProcDecl}. Forward declarations are necessary if a procedure is used before it is defined. Example PROCEDURE ^ Proc; instead of PROCEDURE Proc; FORWARD; • Procedure types Procedures may not only be passed to parameters, but also to procedure-typed variables. Example TYPE P = PROCEDURE (x, y: INTEGER); VAR v: P; v := DrawDot; (* assign *) v(3, 5); (* call DrawDot(3, 5) *) • Explicit END instead of compound statement BEGIN can only occur before a statement sequence, but not in it. IF, WHILE, and LOOP are always terminated by END. • WITH statement A WITH statement is a regional type guard, it does not imply a hidden variable and does not open a new scope. See language reference for more details. • ELSIF IF statements can have several branches. Example IF name = "top" THEN StdLog.Int(0) ELSIF name = "bottom" THEN StdLog.Int(1) ELSIF name = " charm" THEN StdLog.Int(2) ELSIF name = "beauty" THEN StdLog.Int(3) ELSE StdLog.String("strange") END • BY instead of only DOWNTO in FOR FOR loops may use any constant value as increment or decrement. Example FOR i := 15 TO 0 BY -1 DO StdLog.Int(i, 0) END • Boolean expressions use short-circuit evaluation A Boolean expression terminates as soon as its result can be determined. Example The following expression does not cause a run-time error when p = NIL: IF (p # NIL) & (p.name = "quark") THEN • Constant expressions In constant declarations, not only literals, but also constant expressions are allowed. Example CONST zero = ORD("0"); one = zero + 1; • Different operators # is used instead of <> for inequality test. & is used instead of AND for logical conjunctions. ~ is used instead of NOT for logical negation. • Explicit conversion to included type with SHORT Type inclusion for numeric types allows to assign values of an included type to an including type. To assign in the other direction, the standard procedure SHORT must be used. Example int := shortint; shortint := SHORT(int) New Features • Hexadecimal numbers and characters Example 100H (* decimal 256 *) 0DX (* carriage return *) • Additional numeric types LONGINT, SHORTINT, BYTE, SHORTREAL have been added. • Symmetric set difference Sets can be subtracted. • New standard procedures The new standard procedures INC, DEC, INCL, EXCL, SIZE, ASH, HALT, ASSERT, LEN, LSH, MAX, MIN, BITS, CAP, ENTIER, LONG and SHORT have been added. • LOOP with EXIT There is a new loop statement with an explicit exit statement. See language report for more details. • ARRAY OF CHAR can be compared Character arrays can be compared with the =, #, <, >, <=, and >= operators. • Open arrays, multidimensional arrays Arrays without predefined sizes can be defined, possibly with several dimensions. Examples VAR a: POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; NEW(a, 16) PROCEDURE ScalarProduct (a, b: ARRAY OF REAL; VAR c: ARRAY OF REAL); TYPE Matrix = ARRAY OF ARRAY OF REAL; PROCEDURE VectorProduct (a, b: ARRAY OF REAL; VAR c: Matrix); • Pointer dereferencing is optional The dereferencing operator ^ can be omitted. Example root.next.value := 5 instead of root^.next^.value := 5 • Modules Modules are the units of compilation, of information hiding, and of loading. Information hiding is one of the main features of object-oriented programming. Various levels of information hiding are possible: complete hiding, read-only / implement-only export, full export. See language report for more details. • Type extension Record types (pointer types) can be extended, thus providing for polymorphism. Polymorphism is one of the main features of object-oriented programming. • Methods Procedures can be bound to record types (pointer types), thus providing late binding. Late binding is one of the main features of object-oriented programming. Such procedures are also called methods. • String operator The string (sequence of characters) that is contained in an array of character can be selected by using the $-selector. • Record attributes Records are non-extensible by default, but may be marked as EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT, or LIMITED. • Method attributes Methods are non-extensible by default, but may be marked as EXTENSIBLE, ABSTRACT, or EMTPY. Newly introduced methods must be marked as NEW.
Tutorial: Component-based Software Development with BlackBox Table of Contents Part I: Design Patterns An introduction to the design patterns that are used throughout BlackBox. To know these patterns makes it easier to understand and remember the more detailed design decisions in the various BlackBox modules. 1 UserInteraction 1.1 User-friendliness 1.2 Event loops 1.3 Access by multiple users 1.4 Language-specific parameters 2 CompoundDocuments 2.1 Persistence 2.2 Display independence 2.3 Multi-view editing 2.4 Change propagation 2.5 Nested views 2.6 Delayed updates 2.7 Container modes 2.8 Event handling 2.9 Controls 3 BlackBoxDesignPractices 3.1 Language support 3.2 Modules and subsystems 3.3 Bottleneck interfaces 3.4 Object creation Part II: Library Demonstration how the most important library components can be used: control, form, and text components. 4 Forms 4.1 Preliminaries 4.2 Phone book example 4.3 Interactors 4.4 Guards 4.5 Notifiers 4.6 Standard controls 4.7 Complex controls and interactors 4.8 Input validation 4.9 Accessing controls explicitly 4.10 Summary 5 Texts 5.1 Writing text 5.2 The Model-View-Controller pattern applied to texts 5.3 Reading text 5.4 Modifying text 5.5 Text scripts 5.6 Summary Part III: View Construction How new views can be developed, by giving a series of examples that gradually become more sophisticated. 6 ViewConstruction 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Message handling 6.3 Preference messages 6.4 Controller messages 6.5 Properties 6.6 Model-View separation 6.7 Operations 6.8 Separation of interface and implementation Appendix A: ABriefHistoryofPascal Appendix B: DifferencesbetweenPascalandComponentPascal
FigCmds DEFINITION FigCmds; IMPORT Dialog; CONST mm = 0; inch = 1; point = 2; fill = 3; hairline = 4; VAR TPropDlg: RECORD thickness, type: INTEGER; initiated: BOOLEAN END; arrowPropDlg: RECORD type: INTEGER; initiated: BOOLEAN END; gridDlg: RECORD grid, gridDrawingFactor, unitType: INTEGER END; PROCEDURE SplitPoints; PROCEDURE SplitPointsGuard(VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE JoinPoints; PROCEDURE JoinPointsGuard(VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SendToBack; PROCEDURE SendToBackGuard(VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE BringToFront; PROCEDURE BringToFrontGuard(VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE AddAnchor; PROCEDURE AddAnchorGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE RemoveAnchor; PROCEDURE RemoveAnchorGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SelectAnchors; PROCEDURE SelectAnchorsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE TogglePointhiding; PROCEDURE TogglePointhidingGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ToggleGridhiding; PROCEDURE ToggleGridhidingGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ToggleGrid; PROCEDURE ToggleGridGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE InitGridDialog; PROCEDURE SetGrid; PROCEDURE SetGridGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE GridNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE ForceToGrid; PROCEDURE ForceToGridGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE FocusGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SelectionGuard (nofPoints: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ArrowDlgGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE ThicknessDlgGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE InitTPropDialog; PROCEDURE SetTProp; PROCEDURE InitArrowPropDialog; PROCEDURE SetArrowProp; PROCEDURE UpDownGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE UpDownNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER); PROCEDURE OpenExtensionDocu; PROCEDURE OpenExtensionDocuGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END FigCmds. FigCmds provides basic commands for Fig. CONST mm, inch, point Used in gridDlg.unitType and TPropDlg.type. CONST fill, hairline Used in TPropDlg.type. VAR TPropDlg: RECORD Used together with the /Fig/Rsrc/Thickns dialog. thickness: INTEGER The current "thickness" in universal units. type: INTEGER The current type. initiated: BOOLEAN TRUE if TPropDlg is initiated to meaningful values, FALSE otherwise. VAR arrowPropDlg: RECORD Used together with the /Fig/Rsrc/Lines dialog. type: INTEGER Hold the current type of line: FigModels.noArrow, FigModels.beginArrow, FigModels.endArrow or FigModels.doubleArrow. See the documentation for FigModels for more information about those constants. initiated: BOOLEAN TRUE if arrowPropDlg is initiated to meaningful values, FALSE otherwise. VAR gridDlg: RECORD Used together with the /Fig/Rsrc/Grid dialog. grid: INTEGER This variable holds the current grid size in universal units. gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER This variable hold the current grid drawing factor. A grid drawing factor of 5 will cause a line to be drawn for every 5th "grid unit" unitType: INTEGER The current unit type. PROCEDURE SplitPoints Guard: FigCmds.SplitPointsGuard Splits a selected point by creating a new point for each of the point's dependent points and figures.The selected point is kept if it's a FigModels.ConstrainedPoint, otherwise it's deleted from the drawing. PROCEDURE SplitPointsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables the command if the focus view doesn't have exactly one selected point. PROCEDURE JoinPoints Guard: FigCmds.JoinPointsGuard Joins all the selected points into one, restructuring their dependent points and figures in the process. PROCEDURE JoinPointsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables the command if the focus view doesn't have at least two selected points. A FigModels.ConstrainedPoint is only allowed as the join target (last selected point), and then only if it isn't depending on any other selected point. PROCEDURE SendToBack Guard: FigCmds.SendToBackGuard Moves the selected figures to the back, behind all other figures. PROCEDURE SendToBackGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables the command if the focus view doesn't have any selected figures. PROCEDURE BringToFront Guard: FigCmds.BringToFrontGuard Moves the selected figures to the front, in front of all other figures. PROCEDURE BringToFrontGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables the command if the focus view doesn't have any selected figures. PROCEDURE AddAnchor Guard: FigCmds.AddAnchorGuard Adds an anchorpoint to a figure or a constrained point. PROCEDURE AddAnchorGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) The command is abled in these situations: - If no figure is selected, one constrained point is selected, and the constrained point is expandable and hasn't reached it's upper limit of anchorpoints. - If one figure is selected, one or two points are selected, and the figure has to be expandable and hasn't reached it's upper limit of anchorpoints. The points have to be anchorpoints to the figure. If only one point is selected then it has to be a "end-anchorpoint" and the figure mustn't be cyclic. If two points are selected they have to be adjacent anchorpoints. PROCEDURE RemoveAnchor Guard: FigCmds.RemoveAnchorGuard Removes the selected anchorpoint from a figure or constrained point. PROCEDURE RemoveAnchorGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) The command is abled in these situations: - If no figure is selected, and two points are selected. The last selected point is the constrained point from which the anchorpoint is removed, and it has to be expandable and has more anchorpoints than it's lower limit. - If one figure and one point is selected, and the figure is expandable and has more anchorpoints than it's lower limit. PROCEDURE SelectAnchors; Guard: FigCmds.SelectAnchorsGuard Selects all the anchorpoints connected to a figure or constrained point. PROCEDURE SelectAnchorsGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); Disables the command if no objects are selected. PROCEDURE TogglePointhiding Guard: FigCmds.TogglePointhidingGuard. Toggles whether or not points are shown in the focus view. PROCEDURE TogglePointhidingGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if no FigViews.View has the focus. PROCEDURE ToggleGridhiding Guard: FigCmds.ToggleGridhidingGuard. Toggles whether or not the grid is shown in the focus view. PROCEDURE ToggleGridhidingGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if no FigViews.View has the focus. PROCEDURE ToggleGrid Guard: FigCmds.ToggleGridGuard. Toggles whether the grid is enabled or disabled in the focus view. PROCEDURE ToggleGridGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if no FigViews.View has the focus. PROCEDURE InitGridDialog Initializes the variables gridDlg.grid and gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor to match the focus FigViews.View. PROCEDURE SetGrid Guard: FigCmds.SetGridGuard. Sets the size of the grid based on the variables gridDlg.grid and gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor. This command is used together with InitGridDialog in the Fig/Rsrc/Grid dialog. PROCEDURE SetGridGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if no FigViews.View has the focus. PROCEDURE GridNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER) Used in the /Fig/Rsrc/Grid dialog to prevent the updown controls to go below 1. PROCEDURE ForceToGrid Guard: FigCmds.ForceToGridGuard. Forces all selected points to the grid. PROCEDURE ForceToGridGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if no FigViews.View has the focus, no points are selected or if the grid is disabled. PROCEDURE Deposit Deposits a FigView in the view queue. PROCEDURE FocusGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the menu item if no FigViews.View has focus. PROCEDURE SelectionGuard (nofPoints: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the menu item if less than nofPoints points are selected. PROCEDURE ArrowDlgGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); Checks whether arrowPropDlg is initiated or not. PROCEDURE ThicknessDlgGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); Checks whether TPropDlg is initiated or not. PROCEDURE InitTPropDialog This initializes the variable TPropDlg. PROCEDURE SetTProp Emits a FigModels.TProp based on TPropDlg. PROCEDURE InitArrowPropDialog This initializes the variable arrowPropDlg. PROCEDURE SetArrowProp Emits a FigModels.ArrowProp based on arrowPropDlg. PROCEDURE UpDownGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Disables the updown control in the /Fig/Rsrc/Thickns dialog if TPropDlg.type is fill or hairline. PROCEDURE UpDownNotifier (op, from, to: INTEGER) Prevents the updown control in the /Fig/Rsrc/Thickns dialog to go below 1. PROCEDURE OpenExtensionDocu Guard: OpenExtensionDocuGuard Opens the documentation of the latest figure or constrained Point. PROCEDURE OpenExtensionDocuGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) Guard for OpenExtensionDocu Disables the command if no figure or constrained point is selected.
FigModels DEFINITION FigModels; IMPORT Stores, Models, Properties, Ports; CONST expandable = 0; cyclic = 1; minAnchors = 2; maxAnchors = 3; thickness = 0; undefined = -1; noArrow = 1; beginArrow = 2; endArrow = 3; doubleArrow = 4; type = 0; TYPE Model = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Models.Model) base-: ModelBase; (m: Model) Points (): PointList, NEW; (m: Model) Figures (): FigureList, NEW; (m: Model) InsertCopy (source: Model; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList, OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList), NEW; (m: Model) InsertObject (o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER), NEW; (m: Model) NewFreePoint (x, y: INTEGER): FreePoint, NEW; (m: Model) RemoveObject (o: Object), NEW; (m: Model) AddAnchor (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; OUT pnt: Point), NEW; (m: Model) RemoveAnchor (o: Object; p: Point), NEW; (m: Model) JoinPossible (plist: PointList; target: Point), NEW; (m: Model) JoinPoints (plist: PointList; target: Point): BOOLEAN, NEW; (m: Model) SplitPoint (p: Point), NEW; (m: Model) MovePoints (plist: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW; (m: Model) MovePoint (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW; (m: Model) MoveToGrid (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER), NEW (m: Model) BringToFront (flist: FigureList), NEW; (m: Model) SendToBack (flist: FigureList), NEW; (m: Model) CollectProperties (flist: FigureList; plist: PointList; OUT prop: Properties.Property), NEW; (m: Model) EmitProperties (flist: FigureList; plist: PointList; prop: Properties.Property), NEW; (m: Model) GetBoundingBox (plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; (m: Model) IncludedFigures (flist: FigureList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): FigureList, NEW; (m: Model) IntersectingFigures (flist: FigureList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): FigureList, NEW; (m: Model) TheseFigures (flist: FigureList; x, y: INTEGER): FigureList, NEW; (m: Model) ThesePoints (plist: PointList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): PointLisr, NEW; (m: Model) ChooseFigures (flist: FigureList; c: FigureChooser): FigureList, NEW; (m: Model) ChoosePoints (plist: PointList; c: PointChooser): PointList, NEW; (m: Model) ThisFigureList (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList, NEW; (m: Model) ThisPointList (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList, NEW END; ModelBase = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) model-: Model; (m: ModelBase) InitFrom- (source: ModelBase), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) InitModel- (model: Model), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) NewPointBase- (): PointBase, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) NewFigureBase- (): FigureBase, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) Points- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) Figures- (): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) InsertCopy- (source: ModelBase; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList, OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) InsertObject- (o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) RemoveObject- (o: Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) AddAnchor- (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; p: Point), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) RemoveAnchor- (o: Object; p: Point), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) ChangeAnchor- (o: Object; p: Point; pos: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) MovePoints- (points: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) MovePoint- (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) MoveToGrid- (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) BringToFront- (flist: FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) SendToBack- (flist: FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) ThisFigureList- (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: ModelBase) ThisPointList- (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Object = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) END; Point = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Object) base-: PointBase; (p: Point) Model (): Model, NEW; (p: Point) X (): INTEGER, NEW; (p: Point) Y (): INTEGER, NEW; (p: Point) DependingFigures (): FigureList, NEW; (p: Point) DependingPoints (): PointList, NEW END; PointBase = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) ext-: Point; (p: PointBase) Model- (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: PointBase) X- (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: PointBase) Y- (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: PointBase) Anchors- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: PointBase) DependingFigures- (): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: PointBase) DependingPoints- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT END; FreePoint = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Point) END; ConstrainedPoint = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Point) (c: ConstrainedPoint) Action (), NEW, EMPTY; (c: ConstrainedPoint) Anchors (): PointList, NEW; (c: ConstrainedPoint) Calculate (VAR x, y: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; (c: ConstrainedPoint) PollProp (OUT p: Properties.Property), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (c: ConstrainedPoint) SetProp (p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY END; Figure = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Object) base-: FigureBase; (fig: Figure) Model (): Model, NEW; (fig: Figure) Anchors (): PointList, NEW; (fig: Figure) Action, NEW, EMPTY; (fig: Figure) GetBoundingBox (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (fig: Figure) Draw (f: Ports.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (fig: Figure) Covers (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (fig: Figure) PollProp (OUT p: Properties.Property), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; (fig: Figure) SetProp (p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY END; FigureBase = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) ext-: Figure; (f: FigureBase) Model- (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: FigureBase) Anchors- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT END; AlienFigure = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Figure) store-: Stores.Alien; (fig: AlienFigure) CopyDataFrom- (source: AlienFigure), NEW, EMPTY END; AlienPoint = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (ConstrainedPoint) store-: Stores.Alien (p: AlienPoint) CopyDataFrom- (source: AlienPoint), NEW, EMPTY END; PointList = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (p: PointList) This (): Point, NEW, ABSTRACT; (p: PointList) Next (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT END; FigureList = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (f: FigureList) This (): Figure, NEW, ABSTRACT; (f: FigureList) Next (): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT END; PointChooser = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (c: PointChooser) Choose (p: Point): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT END; FigureChooser = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (c: FigureChooser) Choose (f: Figure): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (): Model, NEW; (d: Directory) NewModelBase- (): ModelBase, NEW, ABSTRACT END; StdProp = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) minAnchors, maxAnchors: INTEGER; expandable, cyclic: BOOLEAN END; TProp = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) thickness: INTEGER END; ArrowProp = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) type: INTEGER END; UpdateMsg = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg) l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; InsertMsg = RECORD (UpdateMsg) insert: BOOLEAN; figure: Figure; point: Point END; AnchorMsg = RECORD (UpdateMsg) add: BOOLEAN; figure: Figure; comppnt: ConstrainedPoint; anchor: Point; pos: INTEGER END; ChangeAnchorMsg = RECORD (UpdateMsg) newPoint, oldPoint: Point; figure: Figure; compPoint: ConstrainedPoint; pos: INTEGER END; VAR dir-: Directory; stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE WritePoint (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; p: Point); PROCEDURE WriteFigure (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; f: Figure); PROCEDURE ReadPoint (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT point: Point); PROCEDURE ReadFigure (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT figure: Figure); PROCEDURE CloneOf (source: Model): Model; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END FigModels. FigModels are models which contain Points, functioning as anchors to Figures and ConstrainedPoints. CONST expandable Used in StdProp.valid, StdProp.known and StdProp.readOnly. A figure or constrained point with this option set is expandable, which means anchorpoints can be added to and removed from the figure/constrained point. CONST cyclic Used in StdProp.valid, StdProp.known and StdProp.readOnly. A figure or constrained point with this option set has a cyclic appearance. Example: a polygon is cyclic. CONST minAnchors Used in StdProp.valid, StdProp.known and StdProp.readOnly. A figure or constrained point with this option set has a minimum number of anchorpoints. CONST maxAnchors Used in StdProp.valid, StdProp.known and StdProp.readOnly. A figure or constrained point with this option set has a maximum number of anchorpoints. CONST thickness Used in TProp.valid, TProp.known and TProp.readOnly. CONST undefined Used in different situations: - If StdProp.maxAnchorpoints is set to this value, then the figure or constrained point can be expanded indefinitely with new anchorpoints. - In InsertObject: If the object is a Figure, then the x and y parameters have to be set to this value. A constrained point can have this value as it's coordinates. Then the points Calculate procedure must set the coordinates to real values. - In Calculate: If a constrained point's coodinates have this value, they have to be initialized to "real" values. CONST noArrow Used in ArrowProp.type to indicate that the figure has no arrow heads. CONST beginArrow Used in ArrowProp.type to indicate that the figure has one arrow head, pointing at it's first anchorpoint. CONST endArrow Used in ArrowProp.type to indicate that the figure has one arrow head, pointing at it's last anchorpoint. CONST doubleArrow Used in ArrowProp.type to indicate that the figure has two arrow heads, pointing at it's first and last anchorpoint. CONST type Used in ArrowProp.valid, ArrowProp.known and ArrowProp.readOnly. TYPE Model LIMITED The model represents the client's interface of a drawing. The model is connected to a ModelBase that can be implemented by a third party. The model is represented graphically by a FigViews.View. base-: ModelBase The ModelBase that is connected to the model. PROCEDURE (m: Model) Points (): PointList NEW Returns a list of all the points in the model. PROCEDURE (m: Model) Figures (): FigureList NEW Returns a list of all the figures in the model. PROCEDURE (m: Model) InsertCopy (source: Model; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList, OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList) NEW Copies the points and figures in plist and flist into m. plist and flist must belong to source. The points added to m are returned in newPoints, and the figures added to m are returned in newFigures (these points and figures belong to m). Constrained points that have all their anchorpoints in plist will be copied as ConstrainedPoints, otherwise they'll be transformed into FreePoints. Figures in flist will have their anchorpoints copied also, these points don't have to be in plist from the beginning. Pre For all points in plist: plist.This().Model() = source 20 For all figures in flist: flist.This().Model() = source 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) InsertObject (o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER) NEW Inserts o into m. anchors is the list of anchorpoints, if o is a Figure or a ConstrainedPoint. x and y are the coordinates if o is a ConstrainedPoint. Pre f # NIL 20 anchors # NIL 21 anchors.This().Model() = m 22 PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewFreePoint (x, y: INTEGER): FreePoint NEW Inserts a FreePoint in m at x, y. The newly inserted point is returned. PROCEDURE (m: Model) RemoveObject (o: Object) NEW Removes o from m. Pre f # NIL 20 f.Model() = m 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) AddAnchor (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; OUT pnt: Point) NEW Adds a new FreePoint as an anchorpoint to o. pos indicates the point's place in o's list of anchorpoints. The newly inserted point is returned in pnt. Pre p # NIL 20 f # NIL 21 p.Model() = m 22 f.Model() = m 23 pos >= 0 24 PROCEDURE (m: Model) RemoveAnchor (o: Object; p: Point) NEW Removes the point p from o's list of anchorpoints. p isn't removed from m. Pre p # NIL 20 f # NIL 21 p.Model() = m 22 f.Model() = m 23 PROCEDURE (m: Model) JoinPossible (plist: PointList; target: Point): BOOLEAN NEW Returns TRUE if the points in plist can be joined into target, otherwise FALSE is returned. The criteria for a join is the following: - target may not be included in plist. - No constrained points in plist. - If target is a constrained point then target may not depend on any of the points in plist. Pre m # NIL 20 plist # NIL 21 target # NIL 22 plist.This().Model() = m 23 target.Model() = m 24 PROCEDURE (m: Model) JoinPoints (plist: PointList; target: Point) NEW Joins the points in plist into target if JoinPossible(m, plist, target) = TRUE. All figures and points connected to the points in plist will become connected to target instead, and the points in plist will be removed from m. Pre m # NIL 20 plist # NIL 21 target # NIL 22 plist.This().Model() = m 23 target.Model() = m 24 PROCEDURE (m: Model) SplitPoint (p: Point) NEW Splits p into new FreePoints. One FreePoint for each figure or constrained point connected to p will be created, and then the figures and constrained points will become connected to the new FreePoints instead. If p is a ConstrainedPoint then it will become deselected, otherwise it will be removed from m. Pre m # NIL 20 p # NIL 21 p.Model() = m 22 PROCEDURE (m: Model) MovePoints (plist: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW Moves all points in plist according the vector dx, dy. Pre plist.This().Model() = m 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) MovePoint (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW Moves p according to the vector dx, dy. Pre p # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) MoveToGrid (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER) NEW Moves the points in plist so they lay on the grid (in universal units). Pre grid > 0 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) BringToFront (flist: FigureList) NEW Moves all figures in flist in front of all other figures. The order of the flist figures will be kept as they are in m. This ordering might be different from the ordering in flist. Pre flist # NIL 20 flist.This().Model() = m 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) SendToBack (flist: FigureList) NEW Moves all figures in flist behind all other figures. The order of the flist figures will be kept as they are in m. This ordering might be different from the ordering in flist. Pre flist # NIL 20 flist.This().Model() = m 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) CollectProperties (flist: FigureList; plist: PointList; OUT prop: Properties.Property) NEW Collects the properties for the figures in flist and for the constrained points in plist. The properties are returned in prop. PROCEDURE (m: Model) EmitProperties (flist: FigureList; plist: PointList; prop: Properties.Property) NEW Emits prop to all figures in flist and to all constrained points in plist. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetBoundingBox (plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW Get the box that contains all points in plist and all figures in flist. The bounding box is returned in l, t, r, b. Pre (plist # NIL) OR (flist # NIL) 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) IncludedFigures (flist: FigureList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): FigureList NEW Returns a list of the figures in flist that are within the box defined by l, t, r, b. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) IntersectingFigures (flist: FigureList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): FigureList NEW Returns a list of the figures in flist which bounding box touches the box defined by l, t, r, b. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) TheseFigures (flist: FigureList; x, y: INTEGER): FigureList NEW Returns the figures from flist that covers x, y. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) ThesePoints (plist: PointList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): PointList NEW Returns the points from plist that lays within l, t, r, b. Pre m # NIL 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) ChooseFigures (flist: FigureList; c: FigureChooser): FigureList NEW Returns a list of the figures in flist for which c.Choose = TRUE. Pre c # NIL 20 flist.This().Model() = m 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) ChoosePoints (plist: PointList; c: PointChooser): PointList NEW Returns a list of the points in plist for which c.Choose = TRUE. Pre c # NIL 20 plist.This().Model() = m 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) ThisFigureList (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList NEW Returns a list containing the figures in figs, in the same order. The figures in figs must all belong to m. PROCEDURE (m: Model) ThisPointList (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList NEW Returns a list containing the points in pnts, in the same order. The points in pnts must all belong to m. TYPE ModelBase ABSTRACT model-: Model The Model connected to this ModelBase. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InitFrom- (source: ModelBase) NEW, ABSTRACT Initializes m based on source. source can often be ignored. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InitModel- (model: Model) NEW, ABSTRACT Initializes the model of all figures and points to model. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) NewPointBase- (): PointBase NEW, ABSTRACT Returns an empty PointBase. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) NewFigureBase- (): FigureBase NEW, ABSTRACT Returns an empty FigureBase. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) Points- (): PointList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list containing all points in m. The first point in the list is the point that was inserted first in m, and the last in the list is the point inserted last. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) Figures- (): FigureList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list containing all figures in the ModelBase. The first figure in the list is the figure that was inserted first in m, and the last in the list is the figure inserted last. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InsertCopy- (source: ModelBase; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList, OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList) NEW, ABSTRACT Copies the points and figures in plist and flist into m. The points added to m are returned in newPoints, and the figures added to m are returned in newFigures (these points and figures belong to m). Constrained points that have all their anchorpoints in plist will be copied as ConstrainedPoints, otherwise they'll be transformed into FreePoints. Figures in flist will have their anchorpoints copied also, these points don't have to be in plist from the beginning. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InsertObject- (o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Inserts o into m. anchors is the list of anchorpoints, if o is a Figure or a ConstrainedPoint. x and y are the coordinates if o is a Point. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) RemoveObject- (o: Object) NEW, ABSTRACT Removes o from m. PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) AddAnchor- (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; p: Point) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) RemoveAnchor- (o: Object; p: Point) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ChangeAnchor- (o: Object; p: Point; pos: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) MovePoints- (points: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) MovePoint- (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) MoveToGrid- (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) BringToFront- (flist: FigureList) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) SendToBack- (flist: FigureList) NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ThisFigureList- (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList NEW, ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ThisPointList- (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList NEW, ABSTRACT TYPE Point ABSTRACT The base type for FreePoints and ConstrainedPoints. base-: PointBase All points are connected to a PointBase that contains basic information about the point. PROCEDURE (p: Point) Model (): Model NEW Returns the model the point belongs to. PROCEDURE (p: Point) X (): INTEGER NEW Returns the point's x-coordinate. PROCEDURE (p: Point) Y (): INTEGER NEW REturns the point's y-coordinate. PROCEDURE (p: Point) IsSelected (): BOOLEAN NEW Returns TRUE if the point is selected, FALSE if it isn't. PROCEDURE (p: Point) SelectionTime (): INTEGER NEW Returns a timestamp of the point's last selection. PROCEDURE (p: Point) DependingFigures (): PointList NEW Returns a list of all the constrained points that depend on this point. PROCEDURE (p: Point) DependingPoints (): FigureList NEW Returns a list of all the figures that depend on this point. TYPE PointBase ABSTRACT All points are connected to a PointBase containing basic information about the point. The PointBase is extended by the model provider. ext-: Point The point connected to this base. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) Model- (): Model NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the model the point belongs to. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) X- (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the point's x-coordinate. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) Y- (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the point's y-coordinate. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) IsSelected- (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE if the point is selected, FALSE if it isn't. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) SelectionTime- (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a timestamp of the point's last selection. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) Anchors- (): PointList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list containing the anchorpoints of the point. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) DependingFigures- (): PointList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list of all the constrained points that depend on this point. PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) DependingPoints- (): FigureList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list of all the figures that depend on this point. TYPE FreePoint LIMITED A basic extension of Point. A FreePoint can be used as an anchorpoint to a ConstrainedPoint or a Figure. FreePoints don't have any anchorpoints. TYPE ConstrainedPoint ABSTRACT Functions as a base type for ConstrainedPoint extensions. PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) Action- NEW, EMPTY ConstrainedPoints can be given an action, and the function of this procedure may vary. It may for instance open a dialog for changing the point's attributes. PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) Anchors (): PointList NEW Returns a list containing the anchorpoints of c. PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) Calculate (VAR x, y: INTEGER) NEW, EMPTY Calculates a new position for c. x, y is the wanted position, but the final position depends on the points freedom of movement. A call to this procedure doesn't change the position of the point. PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) PollProp- (OUT p: Properties.Property) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Returns all properties that c knows about. Returns NIL by default. PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) SetProp- (p: Properties.Property) NEW, EMPTY c scans p and sets its attributes according to know properties. TYPE Figure ABSTRACT The base type for all Figure extensions. base-: FigureBase All figures are connected to a FigureBase that contains basic information about the figure. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Model (): Model NEW Returns the model the figure belongs to. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Anchors (): PointList NEW Returns a list containing the anchorpoints of fig. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) IsSelected (): BOOLEAN NEW Returns TRUE if the figure is selected, FALSE if it isn't. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) SelectionTime ():INTEGER NEW Returns a timestamp of the figures's last selection. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Action- NEW, EMPTY Figures can be given an action, and the function of this procedure may vary. It may for instance open a dialog for changing the figure's attributes. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) GetBoundingBox- (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT This procedure calculates the bounding box of fig, and returns it in l, t, r, b. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Draw- (f: Ports.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT This procedure draws fig to the frame f. l, t, r, b is the clipping area. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Covers- (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN NEW, EXTENSIBLE Returns TRUE if fig covers the coordinates x, y. Default implementation returns TRUE if x, y is within the bounding box of the figure. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) PollProp- (OUT p: Properties.Property) NEW, EXTENSIBLE Returns all properties that fig knows about. Returns NIL by default. PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) SetProp- (p: Properties.Property) NEW, EMPTY fig scans p and sets its attributes according to know properties. TYPE FigureBase ABSTRACT All figures are connected to a FigureBase containing basic information about the figure. The FigureBase is extended by the model provider. ext-: Figure The figure connected to this base. PROCEDURE (f: FigureBase) Model- (): Model NEW, ABSTRACT The model the figure belongs to. PROCEDURE (f: FigureBase) IsSelected- (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE if the figure is selected, FALSE if it isn't. PROCEDURE (f: FigureBase) SelectionTime- (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a timestamp of the figure's last selection. PROCEDURE (f: FigureBase) Anchors- (): PointList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list containing the anchorpoints of the figure. TYPE AlienPoint ABSTRACT Unknown ConstrainedPoint extensions are made into an AlienPoint. Extended by the model provider. store- Stores.Alien The alien store enclosed by the AlienPoint extension. TYPE AlienFigure ABSTRACT Unknown Figure extensions are made into an AlienFigure. Extended by the model provider. store- Stores.Alien The alien store enclosed by the AlienFigure extension. TYPE PointList ABSTRACT A list of points. Extended by the model provider. PROCEDURE (p: PointList) This (): Point NEW, ABSTRACT The point at the current node. PROCEDURE (p: PointList) Next (): PointList NEW, ABSTRACT The next node in the list. TYPE FigureList ABSTRACT A list of figures. Extended by the model provider. PROCEDURE (f: FigureList) This (): Figure NEW, ABSTRACT The figure at the current node. PROCEDURE (f: FigureList) Next (): FigureList NEW, ABSTRACT The next node in the list. TYPE PointChooser ABSTRACT The PointChooser provides a way to find points that satisfies certain criteria. PROCEDURE (c: PointChooser) Choose (p: Point): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE if p satisfies some criteria defined by c, otherwise FALSE is returned. Pre p # NIL 20 TYPE FigureChooser ABSTRACT The FigureChooser provides a way to find figures that satisfies certain criteria. PROCEDURE (c: FigureChooser) Choose (f: Figure): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE if f satisfies some criteria defined by c, otherwise FALSE is returned. Pre f # NIL 20 TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for models. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Model NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new model. TYPE StdProp Properties for figures that are needed by the editor. minAnchorpoints: INTEGER The minimum amount of anchorpoints the figure need. maxAnchorpoints: INTEGER The maximum amount of anchorpoints the figure can have. expandable: BOOLEAN TRUE if the figure is expandable (anchorpoints can be added or removed). cyclic: BOOLEAN TRUE if the figure is cyclic. TYPE TProp Properties for thickness. thickness: INTEGER The thickness in unversal units. 0 = hairline, Ports.fill = figure is filled. TYPE ArrowProp Properties for arrow-type figures. type: INTEGER The type of arrow. Can be set to noArrow, beginArrow, endArrow or doubleArrow. TYPE UpdateMsg Message notifying about changes in the model. l, t, r, b: INTEGER The area that needs to be restored. TYPE InsertMsg Message notifying about point or figure additions or removals. insert: BOOLEAN TRUE if a point or figure was added, FALSE if a point or figure was removed. figure: Figure The figure added or removed. point: Point The point added or removed. TYPE SelectMsg Message notifying about point or figure selections/deselections. select: BOOLEAN TRUE if a point or figure was selected, FALSE if a point or figure was deselected. figure: Figure The figure selected or deselected. point: Point The point selected or deselected. TYPE AnchorMsg Message notifying that an anchorpoint has been added to or removed from a figure. add: BOOLEAN TRUE if an anchorpoint was added, FALSE if an anchorpoint was removed. figure: Figure The figure involved in the addition or removal. comppnt: ConstrainedPoint The constrained point involved in the addition or removal. anchor: Point The point added or removed. index: INTEGER The point's index in the figure's list of anchorpoints. TYPE ChangeAnchorMsg Message notifying that an anchorpoint of a figure or constrained point was changed. newPoint: Point The new anchorpoint. oldPoint: Point The old anchorpoint. figure: Figure The figure involved. compPoint: ConstrainedPoint The constrained point involved. index: INTEGER The anchorpoint's index in the figure's or constrained point's list of anchorpoints. VAR dir-: Directory Holds directory object for models. VAR stdDir-: Directory Holds standard implementation of directory object for models. PROCEDURE WritePoint (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; p: Point); Writes to wr the point p (including its base object). Pre p # NIL 20 PROCEDURE WriteFigure (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; f: Figure); Writes to wr the figure f (including its base object). Pre f # NIL 20 PROCEDURE ReadPoint (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT point: Point); Reads using rd the point point (including its base object) or an alien, if the required extension is not available. PROCEDURE ReadFigure (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT figure: Figure); Reads using rd the figure figure (including its base object) or an alien, if the required extension is not available. PROCEDURE CloneOf (source: Model): Model; Allocates a new model of the same type as source. Pre source # NIL 20 PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); Sets the variable dir to d. Pre d # NIL 20
Map to the Fig Subsystem User'sGuide FigModelsdocu Models FigViewsdocu Views FigCmdsdocu Command package FigBasic docu Basic figures FigPointsdocu Points Original version of Brahe editor: Joakim Bjrklund - Niclas Forsen - Gabor Magyar - Peter Mitts Changes and additions: Joakim Bjrklund - Wolfgang Weck Refactoring for BlackBox 2.0 as Fig subsystem Ivan Denisov
Fig Graphical Editor Simple, extensible graphical editor implemented as a BlackBox view. It works by inserting free points into the drawing, and then connecting figures or constrained points to these. Points connected to figures or constrained points are called anchorpoints. Both free points and constrained points can become anchorpoints. So, we have the following basic entities: FreePoint: The simplest building block. This point has total freedom, and can be moved around. ConstrainedPoint: Constrained points must be connected to anchorpoints (either free or constrained), and may have some freedom. The position of a constrained point is computed based on its anchorpoints. Figure: Some sort of geometrical shape, such as a line or circle. Figures must be connected to anchorpoints (free or contrained). The editor can be extended with new constrained points and figures, and a few basic figures and constrained points are included. Some basic functionalities are supported: - Deleting points and figures. - Joining and spliting of points. - Adding and removing anchorpoints. - Changing of properties via the Attributes menu. - Changing the order of displaying figures. - A grid. General info and basic operations Free points are displayed as crosses. Constrained points are displayed as boxes, with a small dot in the middle. Figures are obviously displayed differently, depending on their type. Selected points are drawn with a thicker line. Selected figures have a thin outline based on their bounding box drawn around them. To select a point or a figure, just click on it. By holding down the mouse button while draging, you can select all points or figures within a rectangular area. By holding down the Extend key you can keep the old selection. Clicking on an empty spot deselects everything. In order to delete whatever is selected at the moment, press Backspace or Delete. Points that have depending points and depending figures that aren't selected, won't be deleted. Figures and constrained points are activated by holding down the Alt (Windows)/Command (Mac) key and clicking on the figure or point, or by doubleclicking on the figure or point. If several figures or points occupy the same place, then this operation work on the top figure or point. Move selected points by positioning the cursor arrow on top of one of the selected points and drag it. While the mouse button is down a shadow of the free points will be seen so you can position the points. When you're satisfied with their position, just release the button and the point will be moved. All selected points will be moved at the same time, and figures connected to the moved points will be redrawn accordingly. By holding down the Modifier key while moving points, a copy of the selection will be created at the new position. Figures' anchorpoints are also copied in addition to the selected points and figures. Constrained points are copied as constrained points only if all of their anchorpoints are selected, otherwise they're transformed into free points. The selected points can also be moved using the cursor keys, and the points are then moved in a very fine grained maner. If the Modifier key is hold down when using the cursor keys, the points are moved on the grid. Note that it's not possible to copy points while moving with the cursor keys. Points and figures can be cut, copied and pasted (using the Edit menu). Cut will delete everything possible from the selection. Figures' anchorpoints are also copied in addition to the selected points and figures. Constrained points are copied as constrained points only if all of their anchorpoints are selected, otherwise they're transformed into free points. To paste a previously cut/copied selection, first select a point to position the upper left corner of the selection, and the execute the paste command. Inserting free points To create a new free point just hold down the Modify key and click on an empty spot in the editor window, or doubleclick on an empty spot. If you also hold down the Extend key, the old selection will be kept. Doubleclicking doesn't always work, and in that case you must insert a free point the "hard" way. Inserting figures In order to insert a new figure, you just select at least the minimum number of points needed and choose the wanted figure from the Brahe Extensions menu. The last selected points will be used. The unused points remain selected. Inserting constrained points Constrained points reposition themselves in order to always be in their correct position in relation to their anchorpoints. In order to insert a new constrained point, you just select at least the minimum number of points needed and execute the command from the Brahe Extensions menu. The last selected points will be used. The unused points remain selected. Joining and splitting points Splitting Anchorpoints that are used for several figures and/or constrained points can be splitted. Select "Split Points" from the menu when you have one point selected. This operation creates new free points so that each and every one of the selected point's dependent points and figures have a copy of their own afterwards. The splitted point is deleted after the splitting, or just deselected if it's a constrained point. Joining Anchorpoints can be joined into one single point. Select "Join Points" from the Brahe menu when you have one or several points selected. This automatically adjusts all dependent points and figures to their new anchorpoint. The last selected point becomes the join target to which all figures and constrained points become connected. Constrained point are only allowed to join if they are the join target, and then only if they don't depend on any of the other selected points. Adding and removing anchorpoints Figures and constrained points defined as BraheModels.expandable can have their anchorpoints removed or have new anchorpoints added. Adding Figure: Select the two anchorpoints between which you want to insert a new anchorpoint, then select the figure. The anchorpoints have to be connected directly to each other, and it must be possible to determine a single figure from those two anchorpoints, for this command to work. Then just choose "Add Anchor" from the Brahe menu to add a new anchorpoint to the figure. Figure not defined as BraheModels.cyclic can have a new anchorpoint added to either end by selecting just the single endpoint + the figure, and choosing "Add Anchor" from the Brahe menu. Constrained Point:Select the constrained point, and the choose "Add Anchor" from the Brahe menu. Removing Figure: Select the anchorpoint that you want to remove, then select then figure. Then just choose "Remove Anchor" from the Brahe menu. Constrained points acting as anchorpoints can't be removed in this way. Constrained Point: Select the anchorpoint, and then select the constrained point. Then choose "Remove Anchor" from the Braeh menu. Changing the order of figures In order to move figures to a position on top of all other figures, select the figures, and then select "Bring To Front" from the menu. If you instead select "Send To Back" the figures' new position will be behind all other figures. The order of the selected figures are kept. Hiding and showing points By choosing "Hide Points/Show Points" from the Brahe menu you can toggle the points' visibility. Selected points are always shown. No points, except selected ones, are printed. Points are shown as default. Hiding and showing the grid By choosing "Hide Grid/Show Grid" from the Brahe menu you can toggle the grid's visibility. An invisible grid is still enabled. The grid is shown as default. Enabling and disabling the grid By choosing "Enable Grid/Disable Grid" from the Brahe menu you can toggle the grid on and off. If the grid is enabled, all point insertions and moves are forced along the grid lines. The grid is enabled as default. Force to Grid By choosing "Force To Grid" from the Brahe menu, you can force all selected points to the nearest grid line. The grid has to be enabled for this command to work. Set Grid Size... By choosing "Set Grid Size..." you can change the grid through a dialog. Grid Drawing Factor determines how often a grid line should be drawn. A Grid Drawing factor of 2 will shown every second grid line, while a Grid Drawing Factor of 10 will shown every tenth grid line. The unit size can also be changed (mm, 1/16th inch or point). The default values are: Unit size: Ports.mm Grid: 3 * Unit size Grid Drawing Factor: 3
FigViews DEFINITION FigViews; IMPORT Views, FigModels; CONST initialGrid = 108000; initialGridDrawingFactor = 3; points = 1; figures = 2; both = 3; TYPE View = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) (v: View) ThisModel (): FigModels.Model, EXTENSIBLE; (v: View) GetGrid (OUT grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SetGrid (grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) GridOn (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) ShowingGrid (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) ShowingPoints (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) ToggleGrid, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) ToggleGridhiding, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) TogglePointhiding, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) RoundToGrid (VAR x, y: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SelectAll, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) DeselectAll, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SelectObject (o: FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) DeselectObject (o: FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SelectedPoints (): FigModels.PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SelectedFigures (): FigModels.FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SelectPoints (plist: FigModels.PointList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SelectFigures (flist: FigModels.FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) PopPoints (n: INTEGER; VAR plist: FigModels.PointList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) PopFigures (n: INTEGER; VAR flist: FigModels.FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) GetSelections (n, type: INTEGER; OUT sel: ARRAY OF FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) IsSelected (o: FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) LatestSelectedObject (type: INTEGER): FigModels.Object, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) NofSelectedObjects (type: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (m: FigModels.Model): View, NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR dir-: Directory; stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE Focus (): View; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END FigViews. FigView.View is the standard view for models as defined in FigModels. CONST initialGrid = 108000; The grid size for new views, in universal units (108000 = 3 * Ports.mm). CONST initialGridDrawingFactor = 3; The grid drawing factor for new views. CONST points = 1; Used in v.GetSelections, v.LatestSelectedObject and v.NofSelectedObjects as a value for the type parameter. Only points are considered. CONST figures = 2; Used in v.GetSelections, v.LatestSelectedObject and v.NofSelectedObjects as a value for the type parameter. Only figures are considered. CONST both = 3; Used in v.GetSelections, v.LatestSelectedObject and v.NofSelectedObjects as a value for the type parameter. Both points and figures are considered. TYPE View ABSTRACT View for FigModels.Models. PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): FigModels.Model; EXTENSIBLE Returns the view's model. Returns NIL by default if not extended. PROCEDURE (v: View) GetGrid (OUT grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the grid and gridDrawingFactor of the view. grid is in universal units. PROCEDURE (v: View) SetGrid (grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets the view's grid and gridDrawingFactor. grid is in universal units. Pre grid > 0 20 gridDrawingFactor > 0 21 PROCEDURE (v: View) GridOn (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE is the grid is enabled. PROCEDURE (v: View) ShowingGrid (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE is the grid is shown. PROCEDURE (v: View) ShowingPoints (): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE if non-selected points are shown. PROCEDURE (v: View) ToggleGrid NEW, ABSTRACT Toggles the grid on and off. PROCEDURE (v: View) ToggleGridhiding NEW, ABSTRACT Toggles the grid showing on and off. PROCEDURE (v: View) TogglePointhiding NEW, ABSTRACT Toggle the point showing on and off. PROCEDURE (v: View) RoundToGrid (VAR x, y: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Rounds x and y to nearest "grid point". PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectAll NEW, ABSTRACT Selects all points and figures from the model. PROCEDURE (v: View) DeselectAll NEW, ABSTRACT Deselects all points and figures. PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectObject (o: FigModels.Object) NEW, ABSTRACT Selects the object o. Pre o # NIL 20 o IS FigModels.Point o(FigModels.Point).Model() = v.ThisModel() 21 o IS FigModels.Figure o(FigModels.Figure).Model() = v.ThisModel() 22 PROCEDURE (v: View) DeselectObject (o: FigModels.Object) NEW, ABSTRACT Deselects the object o. Pre o # NIL 20 o IS FigModels.Point o(FigModels.Point).Model() = v.ThisModel() 21 o IS FigModels.Figure o(FigModels.Figure).Model() = v.ThisModel() 22 PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectedPoints (): FigModels.PointList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list of all selected points. PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectedFigures (): FigModels.FigureList NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a list of all selected figures. PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectPoints (plist: FigModels.PointList) NEW, ABSTRACT Selects all points in plist. PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectFigures (flist: FigModels.FigureList) NEW, ABSTRACT Selects all figures in flist. PROCEDURE (v: View) PopPoints (n: INTEGER; OUT plist: FigModels.PointList) NEW, ABSTRACT plist contains a list of the n last selected points. The points returned in plist are deselected. PRE n > 0 20 n <= v.NofSelectedObjects(points) 21 PROCEDURE (v: View) PopFigures (n: INTEGER; OUT flist: FigModels.FigureList) NEW, ABSTRACT flist contains a list of the n last selected figures. The figures returned in flist are deselected. PRE n > 0 20 n <= v.NofSelectedObjects(figures) 21 PROCEDURE (v: View) GetSelections (n, type: INTEGER; OUT sel: ARRAY OF FigModels.Object) NEW, ABSTRACT Returns in sel the n latest selected objects of type. PRE n > 0 20 LEN(sel) >= n 21 PROCEDURE (v: View) IsSelected (o: FigModels.Object) NEW, ABSTRACT Returns TRUE if o is selected, otherwise FALSE. Pre o # NIL 20 o IS FigModels.Point o(FigModels.Point).Model() = v.ThisModel() 21 o IS FigModels.Figure o(FigModels.Figure).Model() = v.ThisModel() 22 PROCEDURE (v: View) LatestSelectedObject (type: INTEGER): FigModels.Object NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the latest selected object of type. PROCEDURE (v: View) NofSelectedObjects (type: INTEGER): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the amount of selected objects of type. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for views. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (m: FigModels.Model): View NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a new view with m as its model. Pre m # NIL 20 VAR dir-: Directory Holds directory object for views. VAR stdDir-: Directory Holds standard implementation of directory object for views. PROCEDURE Focus (): View Returns the View with the focus, or NIL if there is none. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Sets the variable dir to d. Pre d # NIL 20
MODULE FigBasic; IMPORT Ports, Stores, Math, Properties, Models, Dialog, Fonts, FigModels, FigViews; CONST string* = 0; vpos* = 1; hpos* = 2; below* = 0; center* = 1; above* = 2; currentVersion = 2; minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 2; TYPE (* Caption *) Caption* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) string: Dialog.String; fnt: Fonts.Font; col: Ports.Color; l, t, r, b, baseline, vpos, hpos: INTEGER END; CaptionProp* = POINTER TO RECORD(Properties.Property) string*: Dialog.String; vpos*, hpos*: INTEGER END; SetCaptionPropOp = POINTER TO RECORD(Stores.Operation) caption: Caption; old, prop: Properties.Property END; (* Circle *) Circle* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER END; SetCirclePropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) c: Circle; prop, old: Properties.Property END; (* Line *) Line* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; type: INTEGER; thickness: INTEGER END; SetLinePropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) line: Line; old, prop: Properties.Property END; (* Oval *) Oval* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER END; SetOvalPropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) o: Oval; prop, old: Properties.Property END; (* OpenBezier *) OpenBezier* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; type: INTEGER; thickness: INTEGER END; SetOpenBezierPropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) fig: OpenBezier; old, prop: Properties.Property END; (* ClosedBezier *) ClosedBezier* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER END; SetClosedBezierPropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) f: ClosedBezier; prop, old: Properties.Property END; (* Polygon *) Polygon* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER END; SetPolygonPropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) p: Polygon; prop, old: Properties.Property END; (* Rectangle *) Rectangle* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.Figure) color: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER END; SetPropOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) r: Rectangle; prop, old: Properties.Property END; VAR dlgCaption*: RECORD string*: Dialog.String; pos*: INTEGER END; (* Caption *) PROCEDURE UpdateBox (c: Caption); VAR asc, dsc, h, w: INTEGER; str: Dialog.String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(c.string, str); c.fnt.GetBounds(asc, dsc, w); h := asc + dsc; w := c.fnt.StringWidth(str); IF c.vpos = center THEN c.b := h DIV 2 ELSIF c.vpos = above THEN c.b := 0 ELSE c.b := h END; c.t := c.b - h; c.baseline := c.b - dsc; IF c.hpos = center THEN c.r := w DIV 2 ELSIF c.hpos = above THEN c.r := w ELSE c.r := 0 END; c.l := c.r - w END UpdateBox; PROCEDURE (p: CaptionProp) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: CaptionProp DO valid := p.valid * q.valid; IF p.string # q.string THEN EXCL(valid, string) END; IF p.vpos # q.vpos THEN EXCL(valid, vpos) END; IF p.hpos # q.hpos THEN EXCL(valid, hpos) END; equal := valid = p.valid; p.valid := valid END END IntersectWith; PROCEDURE GetCaptionProperties (c: Caption; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; prop: CaptionProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.valid := {Properties.typeface, Properties.size, Properties.style, Properties.weight, Properties.color}; stdProp.known := stdProp.valid; stdProp.typeface := c.fnt.typeface; stdProp.size := c.fnt.size; stdProp.style.val := c.fnt.style; stdProp.style.mask := {Fonts.italic, Fonts.underline, Fonts.strikeout}; stdProp.weight := c.fnt.weight; stdProp.color.val := c.col; p := stdProp; NEW(prop); prop.string := c.string; prop.vpos := c.vpos; prop.hpos := c.hpos; prop.valid := {string, vpos, hpos}; prop.known := p.valid; Properties.Insert(p, prop) END GetCaptionProperties; PROCEDURE SetCaptionProperties (c: Caption; p: Properties.Property); VAR size, weight: INTEGER; style: SET; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.typeface IN p.valid THEN typeface := p.typeface ELSE typeface := c.fnt.typeface END; IF Properties.size IN p.valid THEN size := p.size ELSE size := c.fnt.size END; IF Properties.style IN p.valid THEN style := c.fnt.style - p.style.mask + (p.style.mask * p.style.val) ELSE style := c.fnt.style END; IF Properties.weight IN p.valid THEN weight := p.weight ELSE weight := c.fnt.weight END; IF (typeface # c.fnt.typeface) OR (size # c.fnt.size) OR (style # c.fnt.style) OR (weight # c.fnt.weight) THEN c.fnt := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, weight) END; IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN c.col := p.color.val END | p: CaptionProp DO IF string IN p.valid THEN c.string := p.string END; IF vpos IN p.valid THEN c.vpos := p.vpos END; IF hpos IN p.valid THEN c.hpos := p.hpos END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetCaptionProperties; (* SetPropOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SetCaptionPropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetCaptionProperties(op.caption, p); UpdateBox(op.caption); Models.Broadcast(op.caption.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version, size, weight: INTEGER; style: SET; typeface: Fonts.Typeface; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadString(c.string); rd.ReadString(typeface); rd.ReadInt(size); rd.ReadSet(style); rd.ReadInt(weight); c.fnt := Fonts.dir.This(typeface, size, style, weight); rd.ReadInt(c.col); rd.ReadInt(c.vpos); rd.ReadInt(c.hpos); UpdateBox(c) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR f: Fonts.Font; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteString(c.string); f := c.fnt; wr.WriteString(f.typeface); wr.WriteInt(f.size); wr.WriteSet(f.style); wr.WriteInt(f.weight); wr.WriteInt(c.col); wr.WriteInt(c.vpos); wr.WriteInt(c.hpos) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Caption DO c.string := source.string; c.fnt := source.fnt; c.col := source.col; c.l := source.l; c.t := source.t; c.r := source.r; c.b := source.b; c.baseline := source.baseline; c.vpos := source.vpos; c.hpos := source.hpos END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR fnt: Fonts.Font; str: Dialog.String; BEGIN fnt := c.fnt; Dialog.MapString(c.string, str); f.DrawString(c.l + c.Anchors().This().X(), c.baseline + c.Anchors().This().Y(), c.col, str, fnt) END Draw; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN l := c.Anchors().This().X() + c.l; t := c.Anchors().This().Y() + c.t; r := c.Anchors().This().X() + c.r; b := c.Anchors().This().Y() + c.b END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetCaptionProperties(c, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetCaptionPropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetCaptionProperties(c, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.caption := c; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(c.Model(), "Set Properties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (c: Caption) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: Dialog.String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Captions.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewCaption* (string: Dialog.String; fnt: Fonts.Font; col: Ports.Color; vpos, hpos: INTEGER): Caption; VAR c: Caption; BEGIN NEW(c); c.string := string; c.fnt := fnt; c.col := col; c.vpos := vpos; c.hpos := hpos; UpdateBox(c); RETURN c END NewCaption; PROCEDURE InsertCaption*; VAR m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; v: FigViews.View; c: Caption; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) # 0 THEN v.PopPoints(1, p); c := NewCaption("Caption", Fonts.dir.Default(), Ports.defaultColor, center, center); m.InsertObject(c, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(c) END END END InsertCaption; (* Property Editor *) PROCEDURE InitCaptionDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN dlgCaption.string := ""; dlgCaption.pos := -1; Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS CaptionProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN WITH p: CaptionProp DO IF string IN p.valid THEN dlgCaption.string := p.string END; IF (vpos IN p.valid) & (hpos IN p.valid) THEN dlgCaption.pos := p.vpos + 4 * p.hpos END END END; Dialog.Update(dlgCaption) END InitCaptionDialog; PROCEDURE SetCaption*; VAR p: CaptionProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.string := dlgCaption.string; p.vpos := dlgCaption.pos MOD 4; p.hpos := dlgCaption.pos DIV 4; p.known := {string, vpos, hpos}; p.valid := p.known; IF dlgCaption.string = "" THEN EXCL(p.valid, string) END; IF ((p.vpos # below) & (p.vpos # center) & (p.vpos # above)) OR ((p.hpos # below) & (p.hpos # center) & (p.hpos # above)) THEN EXCL(p.valid, vpos); EXCL(p.valid, hpos) END; IF p.valid # {} THEN Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END END SetCaption; (* Circle *) PROCEDURE (c: Circle) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Circle DO c.color := source.color; c.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(c.color); wr.WriteInt(c.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(c.color); IF version > 0 THEN rd.ReadInt(c.thickness) ELSE c.thickness := 0 END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) Covers* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR radius, radius2, x0, x1, y0, y1, t: INTEGER; BEGIN x0 := c.Anchors().Next().This().X(); y0 := c.Anchors().Next().This().Y(); x1 := c.Anchors().This().X(); y1 := c.Anchors().This().Y(); radius := SHORT(ENTIER(Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(x0 - x1, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y1, 2)))); x0 := c.Anchors().Next().This().X(); y0 := c.Anchors().Next().This().Y(); x1 := x; y1 := y; radius2 := SHORT(ENTIER(Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(x0 - x1, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y1, 2)))); IF c.thickness = Ports.fill THEN RETURN radius2 <= radius + Ports. mm ELSE t := c.thickness DIV 2; radius := radius - t; RETURN (radius2 <= radius + t + Ports.mm) & (radius2 >= radius - t - Ports.mm) END END Covers; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR radius, x0, x1, y0, y1: INTEGER; BEGIN x0 := c.Anchors().Next().This().X(); y0 := c.Anchors().Next().This().Y(); x1 := c.Anchors().This().X(); y1 := c.Anchors().This().Y(); radius := SHORT(ENTIER(Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(x0 - x1, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y1, 2)))); f.DrawOval(x0 - radius, y0 - radius, x0 + radius, y0 + radius, c.thickness, c.color) END Draw; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR radius, tmp: INTEGER; BEGIN radius := SHORT(ENTIER(Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(c.Anchors().Next().This().X() - c.Anchors().This().X(), 2) + Math.IntPower(c.Anchors().Next().This().Y() - c.Anchors().This().Y(), 2)))); l := c.Anchors().Next().This().X() - radius; t := c.Anchors().Next().This().Y() - radius; r := c.Anchors().Next().This().X() + radius; b := c.Anchors().Next().This().Y() + radius; IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN tmp := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, tmp); INC(r, tmp) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN tmp := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, tmp); INC(b, tmp) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE GetCircleProperties (c: Circle; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; TProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := c.color; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; stdProp.valid := stdProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(TProp); TProp.thickness := c.thickness; TProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; TProp.valid := TProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, TProp) END GetCircleProperties; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetCircleProperties(c, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetCircleProperties (c: Circle; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN c.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN c.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetCircleProperties; PROCEDURE (op: SetCirclePropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetCircleProperties(op.c, p); Models.Broadcast(op.c.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetCirclePropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetCircleProperties(c, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.c := c; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(c.Model(), "SetProperties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (c: Circle) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Thickness.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewCircle* (col: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER): Circle; VAR c: Circle; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(c); c.color := col; c.thickness := thickness; RETURN c END NewCircle; PROCEDURE InsertCircle*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; c: Circle; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF (v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) >= 2) THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); c := NewCircle(Ports.defaultColor, 0); m.InsertObject(c, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(c) END END END InsertCircle; (* Line *) PROCEDURE GetLineProperties (line: Line; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; braheProp: FigModels.StdProp; prop:FigModels.ArrowProp; TProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := line.color; stdProp.valid := {Properties.color}; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(braheProp); braheProp.maxAnchors := FigModels.undefined; braheProp.minAnchors := 2; braheProp.expandable := TRUE; braheProp.cyclic := FALSE; braheProp.valid := {FigModels.expandable, FigModels.cyclic, FigModels.minAnchors, FigModels.maxAnchors}; braheProp.known := braheProp.valid; Properties.Insert(p, braheProp); NEW(prop); prop.type := line.type; prop.valid := {FigModels.type}; prop.known := prop.valid; Properties.Insert(p, prop); NEW(TProp); TProp.thickness := line.thickness; TProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; TProp.valid := TProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, TProp) END GetLineProperties; PROCEDURE SetLineProperties (line: Line; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN line.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.ArrowProp DO IF FigModels.type IN p.valid THEN line.type := p.type END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN line.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetLineProperties; (* SetPropOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SetLinePropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetLineProperties(op.line, p); Models.Broadcast(op.line.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (line: Line) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Line DO line.color := source.color; line.type := source.type; line.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (line: Line) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(line.color); wr.WriteInt(line.type); wr.WriteInt(line.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (line: Line) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(line.color); IF version = 0 THEN line.type := FigModels.noArrow; line.thickness := 0 ELSIF version = 1 THEN rd.ReadInt(line.type); line.thickness := 0 ELSIF version > 1 THEN rd.ReadInt(line.type); rd.ReadInt(line.thickness) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (line: Line) Covers* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR r2: REAL; p: FigModels.PointList; a, b: FigModels.Point; PROCEDURE IsClose (x0, y0: INTEGER; a, b: FigModels.Point; r2: REAL): BOOLEAN; VAR x, y, dx, dy, ax, ay, bx, by, f, d: REAL; BEGIN ax := a.X(); ay := a.Y(); bx := b.X(); by := b.Y(); dx := bx - ax; dy := by - ay; IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN f := (dx * (x0 - ax) + dy * (y0 - ay)) / (dx * dx + dy * dy); x := ax + dx * f; y := ay + dy * f ELSE x := ax; y := ay END; d := Math.IntPower(x0 - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y, 2); IF d < r2 THEN IF bx # x THEN RETURN (x - ax) / (bx - x) >= 0 ELSIF by # y THEN RETURN (y - ay) / (by - y) >= 0 ELSE RETURN TRUE END ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsClose; BEGIN r2 := Math.IntPower(line.thickness DIV 2 + 2 * Ports.mm, 2); p := line.Anchors(); a := p.This(); p := p.Next(); b := p.This(); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~IsClose(x, y, a, b, r2) DO a := b; p := p.Next(); IF p # NIL THEN b := p.This() END END; RETURN p # NIL END Covers; PROCEDURE (line: Line) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR p: FigModels.PointList; arrLen, i, n, newX, newY, dx, dy: INTEGER; arrAngle, angle: REAL; A: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Ports.Point; PROCEDURE Sign (x: INTEGER ) : INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < 0 THEN RETURN - 1 ELSE RETURN 1 END END Sign; PROCEDURE GetPoint (x, y, dx, dy_: INTEGER; angle: REAL; len: INTEGER; VAR aX, aY: INTEGER); BEGIN aX := SHORT(x - ENTIER(Math.Cos(angle) * len) * Sign(dx)); aY := SHORT(y - ENTIER(Math.Sin(angle) * len) * Sign(dx)) END GetPoint; PROCEDURE DrawArrow (f: Ports.Frame; x1, y1, x2, y2, len: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color); VAR angle: REAL; dx, dy: INTEGER; ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2: INTEGER; A: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; BEGIN dx := x2 - x1; dy := y2 - y1; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.ArcTan (dy / dx) ELSE angle := Sign (dy) * (Math.Pi() / 2) END; GetPoint (x2, y2, dx, dy, angle - arrAngle / 2, len, ax1, ay1); GetPoint (x2, y2, dx, dy, angle + arrAngle / 2, len, ax2, ay2); A[0].x := ax1; A[0].y := ay1; A[1].x := x2; A[1].y := y2; A[2].x := ax2; A[2].y := ay2; f.DrawPath(A, 3, Ports.fill, col, Ports.closedPoly) END DrawArrow; BEGIN arrLen := line.thickness * 2; arrAngle := Math.Pi() / 3; IF arrLen < Ports.mm * 4 THEN arrLen := Ports.mm * 4 END; p := line.Anchors(); i := 0; n := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(n); p := p.Next() END; p := line.Anchors(); NEW(A, n); WHILE p # NIL DO A[i].x := p.This().X(); A[i].y :=p.This().Y(); p := p.Next(); INC(i) END; IF (line.type = FigModels.beginArrow) OR (line.type = FigModels.doubleArrow) THEN DrawArrow(f, A[1].x, A[1].y, A[0].x, A[0].y, arrLen, line.color); dx := A[0].x - A[1].x; dy := A[0].y - A[1].y; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.ArcTan (dy / dx) ELSE angle := Sign (dy) * (Math.Pi() / 2) END; GetPoint(A[0].x, A[0].y, dx, dy, angle, arrLen - Ports.mm * 2, newX, newY); A[0].x := newX; A[0].y := newY END; IF (line.type = FigModels.endArrow) OR (line.type = FigModels.doubleArrow) THEN DrawArrow(f, A[n - 2].x, A[n - 2].y, A[n - 1].x, A[n - 1].y, arrLen, line.color); dx := A[n - 1].x - A[n - 2].x; dy := A[n - 1].y - A[n - 2].y; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.ArcTan (dy / dx) ELSE angle := Sign (dy) * (Math.Pi() / 2) END; GetPoint(A[n - 1].x, A[n - 1].y, dx, dy, angle, arrLen - Ports.mm * 2, newX, newY); A[n - 1].x := newX; A[n - 1].y := newY END; f.DrawPath(A, i, line.thickness, line.color, Ports.openPoly) END Draw; PROCEDURE (line: Line) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN plist := line.Anchors(); IF plist # NIL THEN l := plist.This().X(); r := plist.This().X(); t := plist.This().Y(); b := plist.This().Y(); plist := plist.Next(); WHILE plist # NIL DO l := MIN(l, plist.This().X()); r := MAX(r, plist.This().X()); t := MIN(t, plist.This().Y()); b := MAX(b, plist.This().Y()); plist := plist.Next() END END; IF line.thickness > 0 THEN x := line.thickness DIV 2; DEC(l, x); DEC(t, x); INC(r, x); INC(b, x) END; IF line.type # FigModels.noArrow THEN x := line.thickness DIV 2; IF x < Ports.mm * 2 THEN x := Ports.mm *2 END; DEC(l, x); DEC(t, x); INC(r, x); INC(b, x) END; IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, x); INC(r, x) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, x); INC(b, x) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE (line: Line) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetLineProperties(line, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE (line: Line) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetLinePropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetLineProperties(line, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.line := line; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(line.Model(), "Set Properties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (line: Line) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: Dialog.String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Line.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewLine* (col: Ports.Color; type, thickness: INTEGER): Line; VAR l: Line; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(l); l.color := col; l.type := type; l.thickness := thickness; RETURN l END NewLine; PROCEDURE InsertLine*; VAR nrofsel: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; l: Line; BEGIN v:=FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); nrofsel := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); IF nrofsel >= 2 THEN v.PopPoints(nrofsel, p); l := NewLine(Ports.defaultColor, FigModels.noArrow, 0); m.InsertObject(l, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(l) END END END InsertLine; (* Oval *) PROCEDURE (o: Oval) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Oval DO o.color := source.color; o.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(o.color); wr.WriteInt(o.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(o.color); rd.ReadInt(o.thickness) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE GetBounds (o: Oval; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR h: INTEGER; p: FigModels.Point; BEGIN p := o.Anchors().This(); l := p.X(); t := p.Y(); p := o.Anchors().Next().This(); r := p.X(); b := p.Y(); IF l > r THEN h := l; l := r; r := h END; IF t > b THEN h := t; t := b; b := h END END GetBounds; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) Covers* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR l, t, r, b, d: INTEGER; BEGIN GetBounds(o, l, t, r, b); x := x - (l + r) DIV 2; y := y - (t + b) DIV 2; IF o.thickness # Ports.fill THEN d := o.thickness + 2 * Ports.mm; RETURN (Math.IntPower(2 * x / (r - l - 2 * d), 2) + Math.IntPower(2 * y / (b - t - d), 2) >= 1) & (Math.IntPower(2 * x / (r - l + 2 * Ports.mm), 2) + Math.IntPower(2 * y / (b - t + 2 * Ports.mm), 2) <= 1) ELSE RETURN (Math.IntPower(2 * x / (r - l + 2 * Ports.mm), 2) + Math.IntPower(2 * y / (b - t + 2 * Ports.mm), 2) <= 1) END END Covers; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; BEGIN GetBounds(o, x0, y0, x1, y1); f.DrawOval(x0, y0, x1, y1, o.thickness, o.color) END Draw; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR h: INTEGER; BEGIN GetBounds(o, l, t, r, b); IF r - l < Ports.mm * 3 THEN h := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, h); INC(r, h) END; IF b - t < Ports.mm * 3 THEN h := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, h); INC(b, h) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE GetOvalProperties (o: Oval; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; tProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := o.color; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; stdProp.valid := stdProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(tProp); tProp.thickness := o.thickness; tProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; tProp.valid := tProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, tProp) END GetOvalProperties; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetOvalProperties(o, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetOvalProperties (o: Oval; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN o.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN o.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetOvalProperties; PROCEDURE (op: SetOvalPropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetOvalProperties(op.o, p); Models.Broadcast(op.o.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetOvalPropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetOvalProperties(o, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.o := o; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(o.Model(), "Set Properties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (o: Oval) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Thickness.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewOval* (col: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER): Oval; VAR o: Oval; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(o); o.color := col; o.thickness := thickness; RETURN o END NewOval; PROCEDURE InsertOval*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; o: Oval; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) >= 2 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); o := NewOval(Ports.defaultColor, 0); m.InsertObject(o, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(o) END END END InsertOval; (* OpenBezier *) PROCEDURE GetOpenBezierProperties (fig: OpenBezier; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; prop: FigModels.ArrowProp; TProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := fig.color; stdProp.valid := {Properties.color}; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(prop); prop.type := fig.type; prop.valid := {FigModels.type}; prop.known := prop.valid; Properties.Insert(p, prop); NEW(TProp); TProp.thickness := fig.thickness; TProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; TProp.valid := TProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, TProp) END GetOpenBezierProperties; PROCEDURE SetOpenBezierProperties (fig: OpenBezier; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN fig.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.ArrowProp DO IF FigModels.type IN p.valid THEN fig.type := p.type END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN fig.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetOpenBezierProperties; (* SetOpenBezierPropOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SetOpenBezierPropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetOpenBezierProperties(op.fig, p); Models.Broadcast(op.fig.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: OpenBezier DO fig.color := source.color; fig.type := source.type; fig.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(fig.color); wr.WriteInt(fig.type); wr.WriteInt(fig.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(fig.color); rd.ReadInt(fig.type); rd.ReadInt(fig.thickness) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR p: FigModels.PointList; arrLen, i, n, newX, newY, dx, dy: INTEGER; arrAngle, angle: REAL; A: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Ports.Point; PROCEDURE Sign (x: INTEGER ) : INTEGER; BEGIN IF x < 0 THEN RETURN - 1 ELSE RETURN 1 END END Sign; PROCEDURE GetPoint (x, y, dx, dy_: INTEGER; angle: REAL; len: INTEGER; VAR aX, aY: INTEGER); BEGIN aX := SHORT(x - ENTIER(Math.Cos(angle) * len) * Sign(dx)); aY := SHORT(y - ENTIER(Math.Sin(angle) * len) * Sign(dx)) END GetPoint; PROCEDURE DrawArrow (f: Ports.Frame; x1, y1, x2, y2, len: INTEGER; col: Ports.Color); VAR angle: REAL; dx, dy: INTEGER; ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2: INTEGER; A: ARRAY 3 OF Ports.Point; BEGIN dx := x2 - x1; dy := y2 - y1; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.ArcTan ( dy / dx ) ELSE angle := Sign (dy) * (Math.Pi() / 2) END; GetPoint ( x2, y2, dx, dy, angle - arrAngle / 2, len, ax1, ay1); GetPoint ( x2, y2, dx, dy, angle + arrAngle / 2, len, ax2, ay2); A[0].x := ax1; A[0].y := ay1; A[1].x := x2; A[1].y := y2; A[2].x := ax2; A[2].y := ay2; f.DrawPath(A, 3, Ports.fill, col, Ports.closedPoly) END DrawArrow; BEGIN arrLen := fig.thickness * 2; arrAngle := Math.Pi() / 3; IF arrLen < Ports.mm * 4 THEN arrLen := Ports.mm * 4 END; p := fig.Anchors(); i := 0; n := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(n); p := p.Next() END; p := fig.Anchors(); NEW(A, n); WHILE p # NIL DO A[i].x := p.This().X(); A[i].y :=p.This().Y(); p := p.Next(); INC(i) END; IF (fig.type = FigModels.beginArrow) OR (fig.type = FigModels.doubleArrow) THEN DrawArrow(f, A[1].x, A[1].y, A[0].x, A[0].y, arrLen, fig.color); dx := A[0].x - A[1].x; dy := A[0].y - A[1].y; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.ArcTan ( dy / dx ) ELSE angle := Sign (dy) * (Math.Pi() / 2) END; GetPoint(A[0].x, A[0].y, dx, dy, angle, arrLen - Ports.mm * 2, newX, newY); A[0].x := newX; A[0].y := newY END; IF (fig.type = FigModels.endArrow) OR (fig.type = FigModels.doubleArrow) THEN DrawArrow(f, A[n - 2].x, A[n - 2].y, A[n - 1].x, A[n - 1].y, arrLen, fig.color); dx := A[n - 1].x - A[n - 2].x; dy := A[n - 1].y - A[n - 2].y; IF dx # 0 THEN angle := Math.ArcTan ( dy / dx ) ELSE angle := Sign (dy) * (Math.Pi() / 2) END; GetPoint(A[n - 1].x, A[n - 1].y, dx, dy, angle, arrLen - Ports.mm * 2, newX, newY); A[n - 1].x := newX; A[n - 1].y := newY END; f.DrawPath(A, i, fig.thickness, fig.color, Ports.openBezier) END Draw; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN plist := fig.Anchors(); IF plist # NIL THEN l := plist.This().X(); r := plist.This().X(); t := plist.This().Y(); b := plist.This().Y(); plist := plist.Next(); WHILE plist # NIL DO l := MIN(l, plist.This().X()); r := MAX(r, plist.This().X()); t := MIN(t, plist.This().Y()); b := MAX(b, plist.This().Y()); plist := plist.Next() END END; IF fig.thickness > 0 THEN x := fig.thickness DIV 2; DEC(l, x); DEC(t, x); INC(r, x); INC(b, x) END; IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, x); INC(r, x) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, x); INC(b, x) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetOpenBezierProperties(fig, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetOpenBezierPropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetOpenBezierProperties(fig, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.fig := fig; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(fig.Model(), "Set Properties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (fig: OpenBezier) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: Dialog.String; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Bezier.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewOpenBezier* (col: Ports.Color; type, thickness: INTEGER): OpenBezier; VAR f: OpenBezier; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(f); f.color := col; f.type := type; f.thickness := thickness; RETURN f END NewOpenBezier; PROCEDURE InsertOpenBezier*; VAR nrofsel: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; f: OpenBezier; BEGIN v:=FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); nrofsel := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); IF nrofsel >= 2 THEN v.PopPoints(nrofsel, p); f := NewOpenBezier(Ports.defaultColor, FigModels.noArrow, 0); m.InsertObject(f, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(f) END END END InsertOpenBezier; PROCEDURE InsertOpenBezierGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; n: INTEGER; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN n := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) END; par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (n < 4) OR (n MOD 3 # 1) END InsertOpenBezierGuard; (* ClosedBezier *) PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: ClosedBezier DO fig.color := source.color; fig.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(fig.color); wr.WriteInt(fig.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(fig.color); rd.ReadInt(fig.thickness) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR p: FigModels.PointList; A: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Ports.Point; i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN p := fig.Anchors(); i := 0; n := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(n); p := p.Next() END; p := fig.Anchors(); NEW(A, n); WHILE p # NIL DO A[i].x := p.This().X(); A[i].y :=p.This().Y(); p := p.Next(); INC(i) END; f.DrawPath(A, i, fig.thickness, fig.color, Ports.closedBezier) END Draw; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN plist := fig.Anchors(); IF plist # NIL THEN l := plist.This().X(); r := plist.This().X(); t := plist.This().Y(); b := plist.This().Y(); plist := plist.Next(); WHILE plist # NIL DO l := MIN(l, plist.This().X()); r := MAX(r, plist.This().X()); t := MIN(t, plist.This().Y()); b := MAX(b, plist.This().Y()); plist := plist.Next() END END; IF fig.thickness > 0 THEN x := fig.thickness DIV 2; DEC(l, x); DEC(t, x); INC(r, x); INC(b, x) END; IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, x); INC(r, x) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, x); INC(b, x) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE GetProperties (fig: ClosedBezier; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; TProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := fig.color; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; stdProp.valid := stdProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(TProp); TProp.thickness := fig.thickness; TProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; TProp.valid := TProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, TProp) END GetProperties; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetProperties(fig, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetProperties (fig: ClosedBezier; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN fig.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN fig.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetProperties; PROCEDURE (op: SetClosedBezierPropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetProperties(op.f, p); Models.Broadcast(op.f.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetClosedBezierPropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetProperties(fig, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.f := fig; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(fig.Model(), "SetProperties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (fig: ClosedBezier) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Thickness.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewClosedBezier* (col: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER): ClosedBezier; VAR f: ClosedBezier; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(f); f.color := col; f.thickness := thickness; RETURN f END NewClosedBezier; PROCEDURE InsertClosedBezier*; VAR nrofsel: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; f: ClosedBezier; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); nrofsel := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); IF nrofsel >= 3 THEN v.PopPoints(nrofsel, p); f := NewClosedBezier(Ports.defaultColor, 0); m.InsertObject(f, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(f) END END END InsertClosedBezier; PROCEDURE InsertClosedBezierGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; n: INTEGER; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN n := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) END; par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (n < 3) OR (n MOD 3 # 0) END InsertClosedBezierGuard; (* Polygon *) PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Polygon DO fig.color := source.color; fig.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(fig.color); wr.WriteInt(fig.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(fig.color); IF version > 0 THEN rd.ReadInt(fig.thickness) ELSE fig.thickness := 0 END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) Covers * (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR r2: REAL; p: FigModels.PointList; a, b: FigModels.Point; l, t, r, bot: INTEGER; PROCEDURE IsClose (x0, y0: INTEGER; a, b: FigModels.Point; r2: REAL): BOOLEAN; VAR x, y, dx, dy, f, d: REAL; BEGIN dx := b.X() - a.X(); dy := b.Y() - a.Y(); IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN f := (dx * (x0 - a.X()) + dy * (y0 - a.Y())) / (dx * dx + dy * dy); x := a.X() + dx * f; y := a.Y() + dy * f ELSE x := a.X(); y := a.Y() END; d := Math.IntPower(x0 - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y, 2); IF d < r2 THEN IF b.X() # x THEN RETURN (x - a.X()) / (b.X() - x) >= 0 ELSIF b.Y() # y THEN RETURN (y - a.Y()) / (b.Y() - y) >= 0 ELSE RETURN TRUE END ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsClose; BEGIN IF fig.thickness # Ports.fill THEN r2 := Math.IntPower(fig.thickness DIV 2 + 2 * Ports.mm, 2); p := fig.Anchors(); a := p.This(); p := p.Next(); b := p.This(); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~IsClose(x, y, a, b, r2) DO a := b; p := p.Next(); IF p # NIL THEN b := p.This() END END; IF p # NIL THEN RETURN p # NIL ELSE a := fig.Anchors().This(); RETURN IsClose(x, y, a, b, r2) END ELSE fig.Model().GetBoundingBox(fig.Anchors(), NIL, l, t, r, bot); RETURN (l <= x) & (x <= r) & (t <= y) & (y <= bot) END END Covers; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR p: FigModels.PointList; A: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Ports.Point; i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN p := fig.Anchors(); i := 0; n := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(n); p := p.Next() END; p := fig.Anchors(); NEW(A, n); WHILE p # NIL DO A[i].x := p.This().X(); A[i].y :=p.This().Y(); p := p.Next(); INC(i) END; f.DrawPath(A, i, fig.thickness, fig.color, Ports.closedPoly) END Draw; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR x: INTEGER; plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN plist := fig.Anchors(); IF plist # NIL THEN l := plist.This().X(); r := plist.This().X(); t := plist.This().Y(); b := plist.This().Y(); plist := plist.Next(); WHILE plist # NIL DO l := MIN(l, plist.This().X()); r := MAX(r, plist.This().X()); t := MIN(t, plist.This().Y()); b := MAX(b, plist.This().Y()); plist := plist.Next() END END; IF fig.thickness > 0 THEN x := fig.thickness DIV 2; DEC(l, x); DEC(t, x); INC(r, x); INC(b, x) END; IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, x); INC(r, x) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, x); INC(b, x) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE GetPolygonProperties (fig: Polygon; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; braheProp: FigModels.StdProp; TProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := fig.color; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; stdProp.valid := stdProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(braheProp); braheProp.maxAnchors := FigModels.undefined; braheProp.minAnchors := 3; braheProp.expandable := TRUE; braheProp.cyclic := TRUE; braheProp.valid := {FigModels.expandable, FigModels.cyclic, FigModels.minAnchors, FigModels.maxAnchors}; braheProp.known := braheProp.valid; Properties.Insert(p, braheProp); NEW(TProp); TProp.thickness := fig.thickness; TProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; TProp.valid := TProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, TProp) END GetPolygonProperties; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetPolygonProperties(fig, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetPolygonProperties (fig: Polygon; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN fig.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN fig.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetPolygonProperties; PROCEDURE (op: SetPolygonPropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetPolygonProperties(op.p, p); Models.Broadcast(op.p.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetPolygonPropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetPolygonProperties(fig, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.p := fig; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(fig.Model(), "SetProperties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (fig: Polygon) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Thickness.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewPolygon* (col: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER): Polygon; VAR p: Polygon; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(p); p.color := col; p.thickness := thickness; RETURN p END NewPolygon; PROCEDURE InsertPolygon*; VAR nrofsel: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; fig: Polygon; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); nrofsel := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); IF nrofsel >= 3 THEN v.PopPoints(nrofsel, p); fig := NewPolygon(Ports.defaultColor, 0); m.InsertObject(fig, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(fig) END END END InsertPolygon; (* Rectangle *) PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: Rectangle DO rect.color := source.color; rect.thickness := source.thickness END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(rect.color); wr.WriteInt(rect.thickness) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(rect.color); IF version > 0 THEN rd.ReadInt(rect.thickness) ELSE rect.thickness := 0 END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE GetRectangleBounds (rect: Rectangle; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR h: INTEGER; p: FigModels.Point; BEGIN p := rect.Anchors().This(); l := p.X(); t := p.Y(); p := rect.Anchors().Next().This(); r := p.X(); b := p.Y(); IF l > r THEN h := l; l := r; r := h END; IF t > b THEN h := t; t := b; b := h END END GetRectangleBounds; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) Covers* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR l, t, r, b, th, d: INTEGER; BEGIN GetRectangleBounds(rect, l, t, r, b); d := Ports.mm * 2; IF rect.thickness # Ports.fill THEN th := rect.thickness; RETURN ((l-d <= x) & (l+d+th >= x) OR (r-d-th <= x) & (r+d >= x)) & (t-d <= y) & (b+d >= y) OR ((t-d <= y) & (t+d+th >= y) OR (b-d-th <= y) & (b+d >= y)) & (l-d <= x) & (r+d >= x) ELSE RETURN (l - d <= x) & (r + d >= x) & (t - d <= y) & (b + d >= y) END END Covers; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l_, t_, r_, b_: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; BEGIN GetRectangleBounds(rect, x0, y0, x1, y1); f.DrawRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, rect.thickness, rect.color) END Draw; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR tmp: INTEGER; BEGIN GetRectangleBounds(rect, l, t, r, b); IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN tmp := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, tmp); INC(r, tmp) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN tmp := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, tmp); INC(b, tmp) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE GetRectangleProperties (r: Rectangle; OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR stdProp: Properties.StdProp; tProp: FigModels.TProp; BEGIN NEW(stdProp); stdProp.color.val := r.color; stdProp.known := {Properties.color}; stdProp.valid := stdProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, stdProp); NEW(tProp); tProp.thickness := r.thickness; tProp.known := {FigModels.thickness}; tProp.valid := tProp.known; Properties.Insert(p, tProp) END GetRectangleProperties; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); BEGIN GetRectangleProperties(rect, p) END PollProp; PROCEDURE SetRectangleProperties (r: Rectangle; p: Properties.Property); BEGIN WHILE p # NIL DO WITH p: Properties.StdProp DO IF Properties.color IN p.valid THEN r.color := p.color.val END | p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN r.thickness := p.thickness END ELSE END; p := p.next END END SetRectangleProperties; PROCEDURE (op: SetPropOp) Do; VAR p: Properties.Property; msg: Models.UpdateMsg; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; SetRectangleProperties(op.r, p); Models.Broadcast(op.r.Model(), msg) END Do; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property); VAR equal: BOOLEAN; op: SetPropOp; prop, old: Properties.Property; BEGIN GetRectangleProperties(rect, old); prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, old, equal); IF ~equal THEN NEW(op); op.r := rect; op.prop := Properties.CopyOf(p); op.old := old; Models.Do(rect.Model(), "Set Properties", op) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (rect: Rectangle) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Thickness.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE NewRectangle* (col: Ports.Color; thickness: INTEGER): Rectangle; VAR r: Rectangle; BEGIN IF thickness # Ports.fill THEN ASSERT(thickness >= 0, 20) END; NEW(r); r.color := col; r.thickness := thickness; RETURN r END NewRectangle; PROCEDURE InsertRectangle*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; r: Rectangle; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) >= 2 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); r := NewRectangle(Ports.defaultColor, 0); m.InsertObject(r, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(r) END END END InsertRectangle; END FigBasic.
MODULE FigCmds; IMPORT Services, Ports, Properties, Stores, Models, Views, Dialog, StdCmds, FigModels, FigViews; CONST mm* = 0; inch* = 1; point* = 2; fill* = 3; hairline* = 4; VAR gridDlg*: RECORD grid*, gridDrawingFactor*: INTEGER; unitType*: INTEGER END; TPropDlg*: RECORD thickness*: INTEGER; type*: INTEGER; initiated*: BOOLEAN END; arrowPropDlg*: RECORD type*: INTEGER; initiated*: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE SelectAnchors*; VAR i, nofSel: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; s: Stores.Store; sel: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FigModels.Object; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN nofSel := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.both); IF nofSel # 0 THEN NEW(sel, nofSel); v.GetSelections(nofSel, FigViews.both, sel); i := 0; WHILE i # nofSel DO s := sel[i]; WITH s: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint DO v.SelectPoints(s.Anchors()) | s: FigModels.Figure DO v.SelectPoints(s.Anchors()) ELSE END; INC(i) END END END END SelectAnchors; PROCEDURE SelectAnchorsGuard*(VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN par.disabled := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.both) = 0 ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END END SelectAnchorsGuard; PROCEDURE PollFigureProp (f: FigModels.Figure; OUT prop: FigModels.StdProp); VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN f.PollProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS FigModels.StdProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN prop := p(FigModels.StdProp) ELSE prop := NIL END END PollFigureProp; PROCEDURE PollPointProp (c: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; OUT prop: FigModels.StdProp); VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN c.PollProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS FigModels.StdProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN prop := p(FigModels.StdProp) ELSE prop := NIL END END PollPointProp; PROCEDURE CanBeExtended (anchors: FigModels.PointList; prop: FigModels.StdProp): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ListLength (l: FigModels.PointList): INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; WHILE l # NIL DO INC(n); l := l.Next() END; RETURN n END ListLength; BEGIN RETURN (prop # NIL) & (FigModels.expandable IN prop.valid) & prop.expandable & (FigModels.maxAnchors IN prop.valid) & ((prop.maxAnchors = FigModels.undefined) OR (prop.maxAnchors > ListLength(anchors))) END CanBeExtended; PROCEDURE GetAddAnchorPar (OUT model: FigModels.Model; OUT view: FigViews.View; OUT fig: FigModels.Figure; OUT pnt: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; OUT pos: INTEGER); VAR nofP, nofF: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; prop: FigModels.StdProp; plist, q: FigModels.PointList; p1, p2, q1, q2: FigModels.Point; f: FigModels.Figure; p: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; BEGIN model := NIL; fig := NIL; pnt := NIL; v := FigViews.Focus(); view := v; IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); nofP := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); nofF := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.figures); IF (nofF = 0) & (nofP = 1) THEN p1 := v.SelectedPoints().This(); IF p1 IS FigModels.ConstrainedPoint THEN p := p1(FigModels.ConstrainedPoint); PollPointProp(p, prop); IF CanBeExtended(p.Anchors(), prop) THEN model := m; pnt := p; pos := 0 END END ELSIF (nofF = 1) & ((nofP = 1) OR (nofP = 2)) THEN f := v.SelectedFigures().This(); PollFigureProp(f, prop); IF CanBeExtended(f.Anchors(), prop) THEN IF (nofP = 1) & (FigModels.cyclic IN prop.valid) & ~prop.cyclic THEN plist := v.SelectedPoints(); p1 := plist.This(); plist := f.Anchors(); IF plist.This() = p1 THEN model := m; fig := f; pos := 0 ELSE q := plist.Next(); pos := 1; WHILE q # NIL DO INC(pos); plist := q; q := plist.Next() END; IF plist.This() = p1 THEN model := m; fig := f END END ELSIF nofP = 2 THEN plist := v.SelectedPoints(); p1 := plist.This(); p2 := plist.Next().This(); plist := f.Anchors(); q := plist.Next(); IF q # NIL THEN q1 := plist.This(); q2 := q.This(); pos := 1; WHILE (q # NIL) & ((q1 # p1) OR (q2 # p2)) & ((q1 # p2) OR (q2 # p1)) DO plist := q; q := plist.Next(); q1 := q2; IF q # NIL THEN q2 := q.This() END; INC(pos) END; IF q # NIL THEN model := m; fig := f ELSIF (FigModels.cyclic IN prop.valid) & prop.cyclic & ((q1 = p1) & (f.Anchors().This() = p2) OR (q1 = p2) & (f.Anchors().This() = p1)) THEN model := m; fig := f; pos := 0 END END END END END END END GetAddAnchorPar; PROCEDURE AddAnchorGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR pos: INTEGER; m: FigModels.Model; f: FigModels.Figure; p: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; v: FigViews.View; BEGIN GetAddAnchorPar(m, v, f, p, pos); par.disabled := m = NIL; IF f # NIL THEN par.label := "Add Anchor to Figure" ELSIF p # NIL THEN par.label := "Add Anchor to Point" ELSE par.label := "Add Anchor" END END AddAnchorGuard; PROCEDURE AddAnchor*; VAR pos: INTEGER; m: FigModels.Model; v: FigViews.View; f: FigModels.Figure; new: FigModels.Point; p: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; BEGIN GetAddAnchorPar(m, v, f, p, pos); IF f # NIL THEN m.AddAnchor(f, pos, new); v.DeselectAll; v.SelectObject(new); v.SelectObject(f) ELSIF p # NIL THEN m.AddAnchor(p, pos, new); m.MovePoint(p, 0, 0); v.DeselectAll; v.SelectObject(new) END END AddAnchor; PROCEDURE CanBeReduced (anchors: FigModels.PointList; prop: FigModels.StdProp): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ListLength (l: FigModels.PointList): INTEGER; VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; WHILE l # NIL DO INC(n); l := l.Next() END; RETURN n END ListLength; BEGIN RETURN (prop # NIL) & (FigModels.expandable IN prop.valid) & prop.expandable & (FigModels.minAnchors IN prop.valid) & ((prop.minAnchors = FigModels.undefined) OR (prop.minAnchors < ListLength(anchors))) END CanBeReduced; PROCEDURE GetRemoveAnchorPar (OUT model: FigModels.Model; OUT view: FigViews.View; OUT fig: FigModels.Figure; OUT pnt: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; OUT this: FigModels.Point); VAR nofP, nofF: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; prop: FigModels.StdProp; plist: FigModels.PointList; p1, p2: FigModels.Point; f: FigModels.Figure; p: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; BEGIN model := NIL; fig := NIL; pnt := NIL; v := FigViews.Focus(); view := v; IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); nofP := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); nofF := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.figures); IF (nofF = 0) & (nofP = 2) THEN plist := v.SelectedPoints(); p1 := plist.This(); p2 := plist.Next().This(); IF p1 IS FigModels.ConstrainedPoint THEN p := p1(FigModels.ConstrainedPoint); PollPointProp(p, prop); IF CanBeReduced(p.Anchors(), prop) THEN plist := p.Anchors(); WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This() # p2) DO plist := plist.Next() END; IF plist # NIL THEN model := m; pnt := p; this := p2 END END END ELSIF (nofF = 1) & (nofP = 1) THEN f := v.SelectedFigures().This(); PollFigureProp(f, prop); IF CanBeReduced(f.Anchors(), prop) THEN p1 := v.SelectedPoints().This(); plist := f.Anchors(); WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This() # p1) DO plist := plist.Next() END; IF plist # NIL THEN model := m; fig := f; this := p1 END END END END END GetRemoveAnchorPar; PROCEDURE RemoveAnchorGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR m: FigModels.Model; f: FigModels.Figure; this: FigModels.Point; p: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; v: FigViews.View; BEGIN GetRemoveAnchorPar(m, v, f, p, this); par.disabled := m = NIL; IF f # NIL THEN par.label := "Remove Anchor from Figure" ELSIF p # NIL THEN par.label := "Remove Anchor from Point" ELSE par.label := "Remove Anchor" END END RemoveAnchorGuard; PROCEDURE RemoveAnchor*; VAR m: FigModels.Model; v: FigViews.View; f: FigModels.Figure; this: FigModels.Point; p: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint; s: Stores.Operation; BEGIN GetRemoveAnchorPar(m, v, f, p, this); IF f # NIL THEN Models.BeginScript(m, "Remove Anchor from Figure", s); m.RemoveAnchor(f, this); IF this IS FigModels.FreePoint THEN m.RemoveObject(this) END; Models.EndScript(m, s) ELSIF p # NIL THEN Models.BeginScript(m, "Remove Anchor from Point", s); m.RemoveAnchor(p, this); m.MovePoint(p, 0, 0); IF this IS FigModels.FreePoint THEN m.RemoveObject(this) END; Models.EndScript(m, s) END END RemoveAnchor; PROCEDURE SplitPoints*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); m.SplitPoint(v.SelectedPoints().This()) END END SplitPoints; PROCEDURE SplitPointsGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) # 1) END SplitPointsGuard; PROCEDURE JoinPoints*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); m.JoinPoints(v.SelectedPoints().Next(), v.SelectedPoints().This()) END END JoinPoints; PROCEDURE JoinPointsGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel() END; par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) < 2) OR ~(m.JoinPossible(v.SelectedPoints().Next(), v.SelectedPoints().This())) END JoinPointsGuard; PROCEDURE SendToBack*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); m.SendToBack(v.SelectedFigures()) END END SendToBack; PROCEDURE SendToBackGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (v.SelectedFigures() = NIL) END SendToBackGuard; PROCEDURE BringToFront*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); m.BringToFront(v.SelectedFigures()) END END BringToFront; PROCEDURE BringToFrontGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (v.SelectedFigures() = NIL) END BringToFrontGuard; PROCEDURE SetGrid*; VAR v: FigViews.View; unit: INTEGER; BEGIN IF gridDlg.unitType = mm THEN unit := Ports.mm ELSIF gridDlg.unitType = inch THEN unit := Ports.inch DIV 16 ELSIF gridDlg.unitType = point THEN unit := Ports.point ELSE END; v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN v.SetGrid(gridDlg.grid * unit, gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor) END END SetGrid; PROCEDURE SetGridGuard*(VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) END SetGridGuard; PROCEDURE ToggleGrid*; VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN v.ToggleGrid END END ToggleGrid; PROCEDURE ToggleGridGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN IF v.GridOn() THEN par.label := "Disable Grid" ELSE par.label := "Enable Grid" END END; par.disabled := (v = NIL) END ToggleGridGuard; PROCEDURE TogglePointhiding*; VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN v.TogglePointhiding END END TogglePointhiding; PROCEDURE TogglePointhidingGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN IF v.ShowingPoints() THEN par.label := "Hide Points" ELSE par.label := "Show Points" END END; par.disabled := (v = NIL) END TogglePointhidingGuard; PROCEDURE ToggleGridhiding*; VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN v.ToggleGridhiding END END ToggleGridhiding; PROCEDURE ToggleGridhidingGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN IF v.ShowingGrid() THEN par.label := "Hide Grid" ELSE par.label := "Show Grid" END END; par.disabled := (v = NIL) END ToggleGridhidingGuard; PROCEDURE ForceToGrid*; VAR m: FigModels.Model; v: FigViews.View; grid, factor: INTEGER; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m:= v.ThisModel(); v.GetGrid(grid, factor); m.MoveToGrid(v.SelectedPoints(), grid) END END ForceToGrid; PROCEDURE ForceToGridGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR ~(v.GridOn()) OR (v.SelectedPoints() = NIL) END ForceToGridGuard; PROCEDURE InitGridDialog*; VAR v: FigViews.View; unit: INTEGER; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF gridDlg.unitType = mm THEN unit := Ports.mm ELSIF gridDlg.unitType = inch THEN unit := Ports.inch DIV 16 ELSIF gridDlg.unitType = point THEN unit := Ports.point ELSE END; IF v # NIL THEN v.GetGrid(gridDlg.grid, gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor); gridDlg.grid := gridDlg.grid DIV unit END END InitGridDialog; PROCEDURE GetExtensionType (OUT typename: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT isAlien, isFree: BOOLEAN); VAR i, j: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; object: FigModels.Object; BEGIN typename := ""; v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN object := v.LatestSelectedObject(FigViews.both); IF object # NIL THEN WITH object: FigModels.AlienFigure DO isAlien := TRUE; isFree := FALSE; typename := "Alien Figure" | object: FigModels.AlienPoint DO isAlien := TRUE; isFree := FALSE; typename := "Alien Point" | object: FigModels.ConstrainedPoint DO isAlien := FALSE; isFree := FALSE; Services.GetTypeName(object, typename) | object: FigModels.FreePoint DO isAlien := FALSE; isFree := TRUE; typename := "Free Point" | object: FigModels.Figure DO isAlien := FALSE; isFree := FALSE; Services.GetTypeName(object, typename) END; END; IF ~isAlien & ~isFree & (typename # "") THEN i := 0; j := 5; WHILE typename[j] # "." DO typename[i] := typename[j]; INC(i); INC(j) END; typename[i] := 0X END END END GetExtensionType; PROCEDURE OpenExtensionDocu*; VAR isAlien, isFree: BOOLEAN; t: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN GetExtensionType(t, isAlien, isFree); IF ~isAlien & ~isFree THEN StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Fig/Docu/' + t, t + ' Docu') END END OpenExtensionDocu; PROCEDURE OpenExtensionDocuGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR isAlien, isFree: BOOLEAN; t: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN GetExtensionType(t, isAlien, isFree); IF t # "" THEN par.label := t + " Docu" ELSE par.label := "... Docu" END; par.disabled := (t = "") OR isAlien OR isFree END OpenExtensionDocuGuard; PROCEDURE Deposit*; VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.stdDir.New(FigModels.dir.New()); Views.Deposit(v) END Deposit; PROCEDURE SelectionGuard* (nofPoints: INTEGER; VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) OR (v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) < nofPoints) END SelectionGuard; PROCEDURE FocusGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR v: FigViews.View; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); par.disabled := (v = NIL) END FocusGuard; PROCEDURE UpDownGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := (TPropDlg.type = fill) OR (TPropDlg.type = hairline) OR ~TPropDlg.initiated END UpDownGuard; PROCEDURE GridNotifier* (op, from_, to_: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN IF gridDlg.grid < 1 THEN gridDlg.grid := 1 END; IF gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor < 1 THEN gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor := 1 END; Dialog.Update(gridDlg) END END GridNotifier; PROCEDURE UpDownNotifier* (op, from_, to_: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN IF TPropDlg.thickness < 1 THEN TPropDlg.thickness := 1 END; Dialog.Update(TPropDlg) END END UpDownNotifier; PROCEDURE InitTPropDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN TPropDlg.thickness := 0; TPropDlg.type := mm; TPropDlg.initiated := FALSE; Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS FigModels.TProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN WITH p: FigModels.TProp DO IF FigModels.thickness IN p.valid THEN IF p.thickness = Ports.fill THEN TPropDlg.thickness := 1; TPropDlg.type := fill ELSIF p.thickness = 0 THEN TPropDlg.thickness := 1; TPropDlg.type := hairline ELSIF p.thickness MOD Ports.mm = 0 THEN TPropDlg.thickness := p.thickness DIV Ports.mm; TPropDlg.type := mm ELSIF p.thickness MOD (Ports.inch DIV 16) = 0 THEN TPropDlg.thickness := p.thickness DIV (Ports.inch DIV 16); TPropDlg.type := inch ELSIF p.thickness MOD Ports.point = 0 THEN TPropDlg.thickness := p.thickness DIV Ports.point; TPropDlg.type := point END; TPropDlg.initiated := TRUE END END END; Dialog.Update(TPropDlg) END InitTPropDialog; PROCEDURE SetTProp*; VAR p: FigModels.TProp; unit: INTEGER; BEGIN IF TPropDlg.type = mm THEN unit := Ports.mm ELSIF TPropDlg.type = inch THEN unit := Ports.inch DIV 16 ELSIF TPropDlg.type = point THEN unit := Ports.point ELSE END; NEW(p); IF TPropDlg.type = fill THEN p.thickness := Ports.fill ELSIF TPropDlg.type = hairline THEN p.thickness := 0 ELSE p.thickness := TPropDlg.thickness * unit END; p.known := {FigModels.thickness}; p.valid := p.known; IF p.valid # {} THEN Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END END SetTProp; PROCEDURE ThicknessDlgGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := ~TPropDlg.initiated END ThicknessDlgGuard; PROCEDURE InitArrowPropDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN arrowPropDlg.type := 0; arrowPropDlg.initiated := FALSE; Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS FigModels.ArrowProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN WITH p: FigModels.ArrowProp DO IF FigModels.type IN p.valid THEN arrowPropDlg.type := p.type; arrowPropDlg.initiated := TRUE END ELSE END END; Dialog.Update(arrowPropDlg) END InitArrowPropDialog; PROCEDURE SetArrowProp*; VAR p: FigModels.ArrowProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.type := arrowPropDlg.type; p.known := {FigModels.type}; p.valid := p.known; IF arrowPropDlg.type = 0 THEN EXCL(p.valid, FigModels.type) END; IF p.valid # {} THEN Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END END SetArrowProp; PROCEDURE ArrowDlgGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := ~arrowPropDlg.initiated END ArrowDlgGuard; BEGIN gridDlg.grid := FigViews.initialGrid; gridDlg.gridDrawingFactor := FigViews.initialGridDrawingFactor; gridDlg.unitType := mm; TPropDlg.type := hairline; TPropDlg.initiated := FALSE; arrowPropDlg.type := FigModels.noArrow; arrowPropDlg.initiated := FALSE END FigCmds.
MODULE FigModels; IMPORT Dialog, Ports, Stores, Models, Properties; CONST undefined* = -1; last = -1; ok = 1; toBeMoved = 2; currentStdVersion = 3; minStdVersion = 3; maxStdVersion = 3; currentPBVersion = 1; minPBVersion = 1; maxPBVersion = 1; (* StdProp *) expandable* = 0; cyclic* = 1; minAnchors* = 2; maxAnchors* = 3; (* TProp *) thickness* = 0; (* ArrowProp *) noArrow* = 1; beginArrow* = 2; endArrow* = 3; doubleArrow* = 4; type* = 0; currentFWVersion = 4; minFWVersion = 4; maxFWVersion = 4; TYPE Model* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Models.Model) base-: ModelBase END; ModelBase* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) model-: Model END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; PointBase* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) ext-: Point END; Object* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) END; Point* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Object) base-: PointBase END; FreePoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Point) END; ConstrainedPoint* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Point) END; AlienPoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (ConstrainedPoint) store-: Stores.Alien END; PointList* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; (* StdPointList = POINTER TO RECORD (PointList) p: Point; next: StdPointList END; *) FigureBase* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Stores.Store) ext-: Figure END; Figure* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Object) base-: FigureBase END; AlienFigure* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (Figure) store-: Stores.Alien END; FigureList* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; (* StdFigureList = POINTER TO RECORD (FigureList) f: Figure; next: StdFigureList END; *) PointChooser* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; FigureChooser* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdProp* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) minAnchors*, maxAnchors*: INTEGER; expandable*, cyclic*: BOOLEAN END; TProp* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) thickness*: INTEGER END; ArrowProp* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) type*: INTEGER END; UpdateMsg* = EXTENSIBLE RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg) l*, t*, r*, b*: INTEGER END; InsertMsg* = RECORD (UpdateMsg) insert*: BOOLEAN; figure*: Figure; point*: Point END; AnchorMsg* = RECORD (UpdateMsg) add*: BOOLEAN; figure*: Figure; comppnt*: ConstrainedPoint; anchor*: Point; pos*: INTEGER END; ChangeAnchorMsg* = RECORD (UpdateMsg) newPoint*: Point; oldPoint*: Point; figure*: Figure; compPoint*: ConstrainedPoint; pos*: INTEGER END; ThesePointsChooser = POINTER TO RECORD (PointChooser) l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; TheseFiguresChooser = POINTER TO RECORD (FigureChooser) x, y: INTEGER END; IntersectingFiguresChooser = POINTER TO RECORD (FigureChooser) l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; IncludedFiguresChooser = POINTER TO RECORD (FigureChooser) l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; TYPE StdPointBase = POINTER TO RECORD (PointBase) m: Model; x, y: INTEGER; anchors: StdPointList; dependingPoints: StdPointList; dependingFigures: StdFigureList; id: INTEGER END; StdPointList = POINTER TO RECORD (PointList) p: Point; next: StdPointList; id: INTEGER END; StdFigureBase = POINTER TO RECORD (FigureBase) m: Model; anchors: StdPointList; id: INTEGER END; StdFigureList = POINTER TO RECORD (FigureList) f: Figure; next: StdFigureList; id: INTEGER END; StdModelBase = POINTER TO RECORD (ModelBase) points: StdPointList; figures: StdFigureList END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; MoveList = POINTER TO RECORD p: Point; x, y: INTEGER; next: MoveList END; PointOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) insert: BOOLEAN; model: StdModelBase; point: Point; pos: INTEGER END; FigureOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) insert: BOOLEAN; model: StdModelBase; figure: Figure; pos: INTEGER END; FigureAnchorOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) add: BOOLEAN; depID, anchorID: INTEGER; model: StdModelBase; anchor: Point; fig: Figure END; PointAnchorOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) add: BOOLEAN; depID, anchorID: INTEGER; model: StdModelBase; anchor: Point; deppnt: ConstrainedPoint END; MoveOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) m: StdModelBase; first: BOOLEAN; list: MoveList END; SwapOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: StdModelBase; flist: StdFigureList; do, front: BOOLEAN END; LinkOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) model: StdModelBase; target: Point; source: Point; sourceList: StdPointList; figure: Figure; point: ConstrainedPoint END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; alienFigures: StdFigureList; alienPoints: StdPointList; (* FigureList *) PROCEDURE (f: FigureList) This* (): Figure, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: FigureList) Next* (): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* PointList *) PROCEDURE (p: PointList) This* (): Point, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PointList) Next* (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* StdFigureList PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureList) This (): Figure; BEGIN RETURN f.f END This; PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureList) Next (): FigureList; BEGIN RETURN f.next END Next; *) (* StdPointList PROCEDURE (p: StdPointList) This (): Point; BEGIN RETURN p.p END This; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointList) Next (): PointList; BEGIN RETURN p.next END Next; *) (* PointBase *) PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) Model- (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) X- (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) Y- (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) Anchors- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) DependingPoints- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (p: PointBase) DependingFigures- (): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* FigureBase *) PROCEDURE (f: FigureBase) Model- ():Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: FigureBase) Anchors- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* Point *) PROCEDURE (p: Point) Model* (): Model, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.base.Model() END Model; PROCEDURE (p: Point) X* (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.base.X() END X; PROCEDURE (p: Point) Y* (): INTEGER, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.base.Y() END Y; PROCEDURE (p: Point) DependingPoints* (): PointList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.base.DependingPoints() END DependingPoints; PROCEDURE (p: Point) DependingFigures* (): FigureList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN p.base.DependingFigures() END DependingFigures; (* Figure *) PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Model* (): Model, NEW; BEGIN RETURN fig.base.Model() END Model; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Anchors* (): PointList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN fig.base.Anchors() END Anchors; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Action*, NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR plist : PointList; p: Point; x: INTEGER; BEGIN plist := fig.Anchors(); IF plist # NIL THEN p := plist.This(); l := p.X(); r := p.X(); t := p.Y(); b := p.Y(); plist := plist.Next(); WHILE plist # NIL DO p := plist.This(); l := MIN(l, p.X()); r := MAX(r, p.X()); t := MIN(t, p.Y()); b := MAX(b, p.Y()); plist := plist.Next() END END; IF (r - l) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (r - l)) DIV 2; DEC(l, x); INC(r, x) END; IF (b - t) < Ports.mm * 3 THEN x := (Ports.mm * 3 - (b - t)) DIV 2; DEC(t, x); INC(b, x) END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) Covers* (x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN, NEW, EXTENSIBLE; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN fig.GetBoundingBox(l, t, r, b); RETURN (l <= x) & (x <= r) & (t <= y) & (y <= b) END Covers; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN p := NIL END PollProp; PROCEDURE (fig: Figure) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; (* FreePoint *) (* ConstrainedPoint *) PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) Anchors* (): PointList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN c.base.Anchors() END Anchors; PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property), NEW, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN p := NIL END PollProp; PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) SetProp* (p: Properties.Property), NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) Action*, NEW, EMPTY; PROCEDURE (c: ConstrainedPoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER), NEW, EMPTY; (* PointChooser *) PROCEDURE (c: PointChooser) Choose* (p: Point): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* FigureChooser *) PROCEDURE (c: FigureChooser) Choose* (f: Figure): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewModelBase- (): ModelBase, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Model, NEW; VAR m: Model; base: ModelBase; BEGIN NEW(m); base := d.NewModelBase(); m.base := base; base.model := m; Stores.Join(m, m.base); RETURN m END New; (* ModelBase *) PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InitFrom- (source: ModelBase), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) Points- (): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) Figures- (): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InsertObject- (o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) RemoveObject- (o: Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) NewPointBase- (): PointBase, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) NewFigureBase- (): FigureBase, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) AddAnchor- (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; p: Point), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) RemoveAnchor- (o: Object; p: Point), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ChangeAnchor- (o: Object; p: Point; pos: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) BringToFront- (flist: FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) SendToBack- (flist: FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ThisPointList- (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ThisFigureList- (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) MovePoint- (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) MovePoints- (plist: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) MoveToGrid- (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) InsertCopy- (source: ModelBase; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) WriteData- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) ReadData- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) CopyDataFrom- (source: Stores.Store), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentFWVersion); wr.WriteStore(m.model); m.WriteData(wr) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minFWVersion, maxFWVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS Model THEN m.model := s(Model); m.ReadData(rd) ELSE rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: ModelBase) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); END CopyFrom; (* Model *) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Points* (): PointList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN m.base.Points() END Points; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Figures* (): FigureList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN m.base.Figures() END Figures; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); VAR s: Stores.Store; BEGIN WITH source: Model DO s := Stores.CopyOf(source.base); m.base := s(ModelBase); s(ModelBase).model := m; m.base.CopyDataFrom(source.base) END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentFWVersion); wr.WriteStore(m.base) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR s: Stores.Store; version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minFWVersion, maxFWVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN alienFigures := NIL; alienPoints := NIL; rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS ModelBase THEN m.base := s(ModelBase) ELSE rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (m: Model) MovePoint* (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN m.base.MovePoint(p, dx, dy) END MovePoint; PROCEDURE (m: Model) MovePoints* (plist: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN m.base.MovePoints(plist, dx, dy) END MovePoints; PROCEDURE (m: Model) MoveToGrid* (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER), NEW; BEGIN m.base.MoveToGrid(plist, grid) END MoveToGrid; PROCEDURE (m: Model) InsertCopy* (source: Model; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList ), NEW; VAR script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN Models.BeginScript(m, "Copy", script); m.base.InsertCopy(source.base, plist, flist, newPoints, newFigures); Models.EndScript(m, script) END InsertCopy; PROCEDURE (m: Model) BringToFront* (flist: FigureList), NEW; BEGIN m.base.BringToFront(flist) END BringToFront; PROCEDURE (m: Model) SendToBack* (flist: FigureList), NEW; BEGIN m.base.SendToBack(flist) END SendToBack; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ThisPointList* (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN m.base.ThisPointList(pnts) END ThisPointList; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ThisFigureList* (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList, NEW; BEGIN RETURN m.base.ThisFigureList(figs) END ThisFigureList; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ChoosePoints* (plist: PointList; c: PointChooser): PointList, NEW; VAR tmplist: PointList; a, b: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Point; n, id: INTEGER; p: Point; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); IF plist # NIL THEN ASSERT(plist.This().Model() = m, 21) END; tmplist := plist; n := 0; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmplist := tmplist.Next(); INC(n) END; IF n > 0 THEN NEW(a, n); id := 0; tmplist := plist; WHILE plist # NIL DO p := plist.This(); IF c.Choose(p) THEN a[id] := p; INC(id) END; plist := plist.Next() END; IF id > 0 THEN NEW(b, id); FOR n := 0 TO id - 1 DO b[n] := a[n] END; RETURN m.ThisPointList(b) ELSE RETURN NIL END ELSE RETURN NIL END END ChoosePoints; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ChooseFigures* (flist: FigureList; c: FigureChooser): FigureList, NEW; VAR tmplist: FigureList; a, b: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Figure; n, id: INTEGER; f: Figure; BEGIN ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); IF flist # NIL THEN ASSERT(flist.This().Model() = m, 21) END; tmplist := flist; n := 0; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmplist := tmplist.Next(); INC(n) END; IF n > 0 THEN NEW(a, n); id := 0; tmplist := flist; WHILE flist # NIL DO f := flist.This(); IF c.Choose(f) THEN a[id] := f; INC(id) END; flist := flist.Next() END; IF id > 0 THEN NEW(b, id); FOR n := 0 TO id - 1 DO b[n] := a[n] END; RETURN m.ThisFigureList(b) ELSE RETURN NIL END ELSE RETURN NIL END END ChooseFigures; PROCEDURE (m: Model) InsertObject* (o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER), NEW; VAR figbase: FigureBase; pntbase: PointBase; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); ASSERT(anchors # NIL, 21); ASSERT(anchors.This().Model() = m, 22); ASSERT((o IS ConstrainedPoint) OR (o IS Figure), 23); IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN ASSERT((x >= 0) OR (x = undefined), 24); ASSERT((y >= 0) OR (y = undefined), 25); Models.BeginScript(m, "Insert Point", script); pntbase := m.base.NewPointBase(); o(Point).base := pntbase; pntbase.ext := o(Point); Stores.Join(o, pntbase); Stores.Join(m, o); m.base.InsertObject(o, anchors, x, y); Models.EndScript(m, script) ELSIF o IS Figure THEN ASSERT((x = undefined) & (y = undefined), 26); Models.BeginScript(m, "Insert Figure", script); figbase := m.base.NewFigureBase(); o(Figure).base := figbase; figbase.ext := o(Figure); Stores.Join(o, figbase); Stores.Join(m, o); m.base.InsertObject(o, anchors, undefined, undefined); Models.EndScript(m, script) END END InsertObject; PROCEDURE (m: Model) RemoveObject* (o: Object), NEW; VAR script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); ASSERT((o IS Point) OR (o IS Figure), 21); IF o IS Point THEN ASSERT(o(Point).Model() = m, 22); Models.BeginScript(m, "Remove Point", script); m.base.RemoveObject(o(Point)); Models.EndScript(m, script) ELSIF o IS Figure THEN ASSERT(o(Figure).Model() = m, 23); Models.BeginScript(m,"Remove Figure", script); m.base.RemoveObject(o(Figure)); Models.EndScript(m, script) END END RemoveObject; PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewFreePoint* (x, y: INTEGER): FreePoint, NEW; VAR base: PointBase; pnt: FreePoint; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(x >= 0, 21); ASSERT(y >= 0, 22); Models.BeginScript(m, "New Free Point", script); base := m.base.NewPointBase(); NEW(pnt); pnt.base := base; base.ext := pnt; Stores.Join(pnt, base); Stores.Join(m, pnt); m.base.InsertObject(pnt, NIL, x, y); Models.EndScript(m, script); RETURN pnt END NewFreePoint; PROCEDURE PollProp (o: Object; OUT prop: StdProp); VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN IF o IS Figure THEN o(Figure).PollProp(p) ELSIF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN o(ConstrainedPoint).PollProp(p) END; WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS StdProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN prop := p(StdProp) ELSE prop := NIL END END PollProp; PROCEDURE CountAnchors (o: Object): INTEGER; VAR plist: PointList; n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN plist := o(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors() ELSIF o IS Figure THEN plist := o(Figure).Anchors() END; n := 0; WHILE plist # NIL DO INC(n); plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN n END CountAnchors; PROCEDURE (m: Model) AddAnchor* (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; OUT pnt: Point), NEW; VAR x, y, n, id: INTEGER; p0, p1: PointList; prop: StdProp; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); ASSERT(pos >= 0, 21); ASSERT((o IS ConstrainedPoint) OR (o IS Figure), 22); IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN ASSERT(o(ConstrainedPoint).Model() = m, 24); p0 := o(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors(); p1 := o(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors() ELSIF o IS Figure THEN ASSERT(o(Figure).Model() = m, 25); p0 := o(Figure).Anchors(); p1 := o(Figure).Anchors() END; n := CountAnchors(o); PollProp(o, prop); IF prop # NIL THEN IF (expandable IN prop.valid) & prop.expandable THEN IF (maxAnchors IN prop.valid) & ((prop.maxAnchors = undefined) OR (n < prop.maxAnchors)) THEN IF pos = 0 THEN WHILE p0.Next() # NIL DO p0 := p0.Next() END; IF ((cyclic IN prop.valid) & prop.cyclic) OR (n = 1) THEN x := (p0.This().X() + p1.This().X()) DIV 2; y := (p0.This().Y() + p1.This().Y()) DIV 2 ELSE x := p1.This().X() + (p1.This().X() - p1.Next().This().X()); y := p1.This().Y() + (p1.This().Y() - p1.Next().This().Y()) END ELSIF pos >= n THEN IF p0.Next() # NIL THEN WHILE (p0.Next().Next() # NIL) DO p0 := p0.Next() END; IF (cyclic IN prop.valid) & prop.cyclic THEN x := (p0.Next().This().X() + p1.This().X()) DIV 2; y := (p0.Next().This().Y() + p1.This().Y()) DIV 2 ELSE x := p0.Next().This().X() + (p0.Next().This().X() - p0.This().X()); y := p0.Next().This().Y() + (p0.Next().This().Y() - p0.This().Y()) END ELSE x := p0.This().X() + Ports.mm * 10; y := p0.This().Y() + Ports.mm * 10 END ELSE id := 1; WHILE id # pos DO p0 := p0.Next(); INC(id) END; x := (p0.This().X() + p0.Next().This().X()) DIV 2; y := (p0.This().Y() + p0.Next().This().Y()) DIV 2 END; Models.BeginScript(m, "Add Anchorpoint", script); pnt := m.NewFreePoint(x, y); m.base.AddAnchor(o, pos, pnt); Models.EndScript(m, script) END END END END AddAnchor; PROCEDURE (m: Model) RemoveAnchor* (o: Object; p: Point), NEW; VAR n: INTEGER; prop: StdProp; plist: PointList; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); ASSERT(p # NIL, 21); ASSERT(p.Model() = m, 22); ASSERT((o IS ConstrainedPoint) OR (o IS Figure), 23); IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN ASSERT(o(ConstrainedPoint).Model() = m, 24); plist := o(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors() ELSIF o IS Figure THEN ASSERT(o(Figure).Model() = m, 25); plist := o(Figure).Anchors() END; n := CountAnchors(o); PollProp(o, prop); WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This() # p) DO plist := plist.Next() END; IF (prop # NIL) & (expandable IN prop.valid) & prop.expandable & (plist # NIL) & (minAnchors IN prop.valid) & (n > prop.minAnchors) THEN m.base.RemoveAnchor(o, p) END END RemoveAnchor; PROCEDURE (m: Model) CollectProperties* (flist: FigureList; plist: PointList; OUT prop: Properties.Property), NEW; VAR equal: BOOLEAN; p: Properties.Property; figs: FigureList; pnts: PointList; BEGIN figs := flist; pnts := plist; IF figs # NIL THEN figs.This().PollProp(prop); figs := figs.Next(); WHILE figs # NIL DO figs.This().PollProp(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, p, equal); figs := figs.Next() END END; IF pnts # NIL THEN IF flist = NIL THEN IF pnts.This() IS ConstrainedPoint THEN pnts.This()(ConstrainedPoint).PollProp(prop) END; pnts := pnts.Next() END; WHILE pnts # NIL DO IF pnts.This() IS ConstrainedPoint THEN pnts.This()(ConstrainedPoint).PollProp(p); Properties.Intersect(prop, p, equal) END; pnts := pnts.Next() END END END CollectProperties; PROCEDURE (m: Model) EmitProperties* (flist: FigureList; plist: PointList; prop: Properties.Property), NEW; VAR s: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); Models.BeginScript(m, "Set Properties", s); WHILE flist # NIL DO flist.This().SetProp(prop); flist := flist.Next() END; WHILE plist # NIL DO IF plist.This() IS ConstrainedPoint THEN plist.This()(ConstrainedPoint).SetProp(prop) END; plist := plist.Next() END; Models.EndScript(m, s) END EmitProperties; PROCEDURE (m: Model) GetBoundingBox* (plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW; VAR fl, ft, fr, fb: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT((plist # NIL) OR (flist # NIL), 20); IF plist # NIL THEN l := plist.This().X(); r := plist.This().X(); t := plist.This().Y(); b := plist.This().Y(); plist := plist.Next(); WHILE plist # NIL DO l := MIN(l, plist.This().X()); r := MAX(r, plist.This().X()); t := MIN(t, plist.This().Y()); b := MAX(b, plist.This().Y()); plist := plist.Next() END ELSE flist.This().GetBoundingBox(l, t, r, b); flist := flist.Next() END; WHILE flist # NIL DO flist.This().GetBoundingBox(fl, ft, fr, fb); l := MIN(l, fl); r := MAX(r, fr); t := MIN(t, ft); b := MAX(b, fb); flist := flist.Next() END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE (m: Model) IncludedFigures* (flist: FigureList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): FigureList, NEW; VAR c: IncludedFiguresChooser; BEGIN NEW(c); c.l := l; c.t := t; c.r := r; c.b := b; RETURN m.ChooseFigures(flist, c) END IncludedFigures; PROCEDURE (m: Model) IntersectingFigures* (flist: FigureList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): FigureList, NEW; VAR c: IntersectingFiguresChooser; BEGIN NEW(c); c.l := l; c.t := t; c.r := r; c.b := b; RETURN m.ChooseFigures(flist, c) END IntersectingFigures; PROCEDURE (m: Model) TheseFigures* (flist: FigureList; x, y: INTEGER): FigureList, NEW; VAR c: TheseFiguresChooser; BEGIN NEW(c); c.x := x; c.y := y; RETURN m.ChooseFigures(flist, c) END TheseFigures; PROCEDURE (m: Model) ThesePoints* (plist: PointList; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): PointList, NEW; VAR c: ThesePointsChooser; BEGIN NEW(c); c.l := l; c.t := t; c.r := r; c.b := b; RETURN m.ChoosePoints(plist, c) END ThesePoints; PROCEDURE (m: Model) JoinPossible* ( plist: PointList; target: Point): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR jnp: BOOLEAN; (* Join NotPossble *) tmplist: PointList; PROCEDURE InList (p: Point; plist: PointList): BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This() # p) DO plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN plist = NIL END InList; PROCEDURE DependingOnSelected (p: Point): BOOLEAN; VAR q: PointList; BEGIN IF (p IS ConstrainedPoint) THEN q := p(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors(); WHILE (q # NIL) & InList(q.This(), plist) & ~DependingOnSelected(q.This()) DO q := q.Next() END; RETURN q # NIL ELSE RETURN FALSE END END DependingOnSelected; BEGIN ASSERT(plist # NIL, 21); ASSERT(target # NIL, 22); ASSERT(plist.This().Model() = m, 23); ASSERT(target.Model() = m, 24); jnp := FALSE; tmplist := plist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO IF tmplist.This() IS ConstrainedPoint THEN jnp := TRUE END; tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; IF (target IS ConstrainedPoint) & ~(jnp) THEN jnp := DependingOnSelected(target) END; tmplist := plist; WHILE plist # NIL DO IF plist.This() = target THEN jnp := TRUE END; plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN ~jnp END JoinPossible; PROCEDURE (m: Model) JoinPoints* (plist: PointList; target: Point), NEW; VAR tmppnt: Point; tmplist, tmplist2, deppnts: PointList; depfigs: FigureList; script: Stores.Operation; id: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(plist # NIL, 21); ASSERT(target # NIL, 22); ASSERT(plist.This().Model() = m, 23); ASSERT(target.Model() = m, 24); IF m.JoinPossible(plist, target) THEN Models.BeginScript(m, "Join Points", script); tmplist := plist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO m.MovePoint(tmplist.This(), target.X() - tmplist.This().X(), target.Y() - tmplist.This().Y()); depfigs := tmplist.This().DependingFigures(); WHILE depfigs # NIL DO tmplist2 := depfigs.This().Anchors(); id := 1; WHILE tmplist2.This() # tmplist.This() DO tmplist2 := tmplist2.Next(); INC(id) END; m.base.ChangeAnchor(depfigs.This(), target, id); depfigs := depfigs.Next() END; deppnts := tmplist.This().DependingPoints(); WHILE deppnts # NIL DO tmplist2 := deppnts.This()(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors(); id := 1; WHILE tmplist2.This() # tmplist.This() DO tmplist2 := tmplist2.Next(); INC(id) END; m.base.ChangeAnchor(deppnts.This()(ConstrainedPoint), target, id); deppnts := deppnts.Next() END; tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; tmplist := plist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmppnt := tmplist.This(); tmplist := tmplist.Next(); m.base.RemoveObject(tmppnt) END; Models.EndScript(m, script) END END JoinPoints; PROCEDURE (m: Model) SplitPoint* (p: Point), NEW; VAR depfigs: FigureList; deppnts, tmplist: PointList; newpnt: Point; offset, id: INTEGER; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(p # NIL, 21); ASSERT(p.Model() = m, 22); Models.BeginScript(m, "Split points", script); offset := Ports.mm * 3; depfigs := p.DependingFigures(); WHILE (depfigs # NIL) DO tmplist := depfigs.This().Anchors(); id := 1; WHILE tmplist.This() # p DO tmplist := tmplist.Next(); INC(id) END; newpnt := m.NewFreePoint(p.X(), p.Y()); m.base.ChangeAnchor(depfigs.This(), newpnt, id); m.MovePoint(newpnt, offset, 0); offset := offset + Ports.mm * 3; depfigs := depfigs.Next() END; deppnts := p.DependingPoints(); WHILE (deppnts # NIL) DO tmplist := deppnts.This()(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors(); id := 1; WHILE tmplist.This() # p DO tmplist := tmplist.Next(); INC(id) END; newpnt := m.NewFreePoint(p.X(), p.Y()); m.base.ChangeAnchor(deppnts.This()(ConstrainedPoint), newpnt, id); m.MovePoint(newpnt, offset, 0);offset := offset + Ports.mm * 3; deppnts := deppnts.Next() END; IF ~(p IS ConstrainedPoint) THEN m.base.RemoveObject(p) END; Models.EndScript(m, script) END SplitPoint; (* StdProp *) PROCEDURE (p: StdProp) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: StdProp DO p.known := p.known + q.known; valid := p.valid * q.valid; IF p.expandable # q.expandable THEN EXCL(valid, expandable) END; IF p.cyclic # q.cyclic THEN EXCL(valid, cyclic) END; IF p.minAnchors # q.minAnchors THEN EXCL(valid, minAnchors) END; IF p.maxAnchors # q.maxAnchors THEN EXCL(valid, maxAnchors) END; equal := p.valid = valid; p.valid := valid END END IntersectWith; (* TProp *) PROCEDURE (p: TProp) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: TProp DO p.known := p.known + q.known; valid := p.valid * q.valid; IF p.thickness # q.thickness THEN EXCL(valid, thickness) END; equal := p.valid = valid; p.valid := valid END END IntersectWith; (* ArrowProp *) PROCEDURE (p: ArrowProp) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: ArrowProp DO valid := p.valid * q.valid; IF p.type # q.type THEN EXCL(valid, type) END; equal := valid = p.valid; p.valid := valid END END IntersectWith; (* ThesePointsChooser *) PROCEDURE (c: ThesePointsChooser) Choose (p: Point): BOOLEAN; VAR x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(p # NIL, 20); x := p.X(); y := p.Y(); RETURN (c.l <= x) & (x <= c.r) & (c.t <= y) & (y <= c.b) END Choose; (* TheseFiguresChooser *) PROCEDURE (c: TheseFiguresChooser) Choose (f: Figure): BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); RETURN f.Covers(c.x, c.y) END Choose; (* IntersectingFiguresChooser *) PROCEDURE (c: IntersectingFiguresChooser) Choose (f: Figure): BOOLEAN; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); f.GetBoundingBox(l, t, r, b); RETURN (c.r >= l) & (r >= c.l) & (c.b >= t) & (b >= c.t) END Choose; (* IncludedFiguresChooser *) PROCEDURE (c: IncludedFiguresChooser) Choose (f: Figure): BOOLEAN; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); f.GetBoundingBox(l, t, r, b); RETURN (c.l <= l) & (c.r >= r) & (c.t <= t) & (c.b >= b) END Choose; (* AlienFigure *) PROCEDURE (fig: AlienFigure) ExternalizeAs- (VAR s1: Stores.Store); BEGIN s1 := fig.store END ExternalizeAs; PROCEDURE (fig: AlienFigure) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: AlienFigure DO fig.store := source.store ELSE END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (fig: AlienFigure) Draw* (f: Ports.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR left, top, right, bottom: INTEGER; alienColor: Ports.Color; BEGIN fig.Model().GetBoundingBox(fig.Anchors(), NIL, left, top, right, bottom); IF Ports.background # Ports.grey50 THEN alienColor := Ports.grey50 ELSE alienColor := Ports.grey25 END; f.DrawRect(left, top, right, bottom, Ports.fill, alienColor); f.DrawRect(left, top, right, bottom, 0, Ports.black); f.DrawLine(left, top, right, bottom, 0, Ports.black); f.DrawLine(left, bottom, right, top, 0, Ports.black) END Draw; PROCEDURE (fig: AlienFigure) GetBoundingBox* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN fig.Model().GetBoundingBox(fig.Anchors(), NIL, l, t, r, b) END GetBoundingBox; (* AlienPoint *) PROCEDURE (p: AlienPoint) ExternalizeAs- (VAR s1: Stores.Store); BEGIN s1 := p.store END ExternalizeAs; PROCEDURE (p: AlienPoint) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: AlienPoint DO p.store := source.store END END CopyFrom; (* Proper procedures *) PROCEDURE WritePoint* (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; p: Point); BEGIN ASSERT(p # NIL, 20); wr.WriteStore(p); wr.WriteStore(p.base) END WritePoint; PROCEDURE WriteFigure* (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; f: Figure); BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); wr.WriteStore(f); wr.WriteStore(f(Figure).base) END WriteFigure; PROCEDURE ReadPoint* (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT point: Point); VAR s: Stores.Store; p: StdPointList; alienPnt: AlienPoint; BEGIN rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS Point THEN point := s(Point) ELSE p := alienPoints; WHILE (p # NIL) & (p.p(AlienPoint).store # s) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN alienPnt := p.p(AlienPoint) ELSE NEW(alienPnt); alienPnt.store := s(Stores.Alien); Stores.Join(alienPnt, s); NEW(p); p.p := alienPnt; p.next := alienPoints; alienPoints := p END; point := alienPnt END; rd.ReadStore(s); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN point.base := s(PointBase); s(PointBase).ext := point END END ReadPoint; PROCEDURE ReadFigure* (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; OUT figure: Figure); VAR s: Stores.Store; f: StdFigureList; alienFig: AlienFigure; BEGIN rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS Figure THEN figure := s(Figure) ELSE f := alienFigures; WHILE (f # NIL) & (f.f(AlienFigure).store # s) DO f := f.next END; IF f # NIL THEN alienFig := f.f(AlienFigure) ELSE NEW(alienFig); alienFig.store := s(Stores.Alien); Stores.Join(alienFig, s); NEW(f); f.f := alienFig; f.next := alienFigures; alienFigures := f END; figure := alienFig END; rd.ReadStore(s); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN figure.base := s(FigureBase); s(FigureBase).ext := figure END END ReadFigure; PROCEDURE CloneOf*(source: Model): Model; VAR m: Model; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN ASSERT(source # NIL, 20); NEW(m); s := Stores.CopyOf(source.base); m.base := s(ModelBase); s(ModelBase).model := m; Stores.Join(m, s); m.base.InitFrom(source.base); RETURN m END CloneOf; PROCEDURE SetDir*(d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT (d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; (* StdModel *) (* Misc. procedures *) PROCEDURE GiveFigureID (f: StdFigureList); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; WHILE (f # NIL) DO f.id := i; f.f.base(StdFigureBase).id := i; INC(i); f := f.next END END GiveFigureID; PROCEDURE GivePointID (p: StdPointList); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; WHILE (p # NIL) DO p.id := i; p.p.base(StdPointBase).id := i; INC(i); p := p.next END END GivePointID; PROCEDURE AlienDependencies (pnt: Point): BOOLEAN; VAR points: PointList; BEGIN IF ~(pnt IS AlienPoint) THEN points := pnt.DependingPoints(); WHILE (points # NIL) & ~(points.This() IS AlienPoint) & ~AlienDependencies(points.This()) DO points := points.Next() END; RETURN points # NIL ELSE RETURN FALSE END END AlienDependencies; PROCEDURE ReadPointList (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; m: StdModelBase; OUT list: StdPointList); VAR i: INTEGER; p: StdPointList; o: Point; (* alien: StdAlienPoint; *) BEGIN rd.ReadInt(i); p := NIL; list := NIL; WHILE i # 0 DO ReadPoint(rd, o); IF p # NIL THEN NEW(p.next); p := p.next ELSE NEW(list); p := list END; p.p := o; DEC(i) END END ReadPointList; PROCEDURE ReadFigureList (VAR rd: Stores.Reader; m: StdModelBase; OUT list: StdFigureList); VAR i: INTEGER; p: StdFigureList; o: Figure; (* alien: StdAlienFigure; *) BEGIN rd.ReadInt(i); p := NIL; list := NIL; WHILE i # 0 DO ReadFigure(rd, o); IF p # NIL THEN NEW(p.next); p := p.next ELSE NEW(list); p := list END; p.f := o; DEC(i) END END ReadFigureList; PROCEDURE WritePointList (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; m: StdModelBase; list: StdPointList); VAR i: INTEGER; p: StdPointList; BEGIN p := list; i := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(i); p := p.next END; wr.WriteInt(i); p := list; WHILE p # NIL DO WritePoint(wr, p.p); p := p.next END END WritePointList; PROCEDURE WriteFigureList (VAR wr: Stores.Writer; m: StdModelBase; list: StdFigureList); VAR i: INTEGER; p: StdFigureList; BEGIN p := list; i := 0; WHILE p # NIL DO INC(i); p := p.next END; wr.WriteInt(i); p := list; WHILE p # NIL DO WriteFigure(wr, p.f); p := p.next END END WriteFigureList; (* PointOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PointOp) Do; VAR m: StdModelBase; pnt, plist, prev, tmppnt: StdPointList; msg: InsertMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; GivePointID(m.points); NEW(pnt); pnt.p := op.point; IF op.insert THEN plist := m.points; IF plist = NIL THEN pnt.next := NIL; m.points := pnt ELSE IF op.pos = 1 THEN pnt.next := m.points; m.points := pnt ELSE WHILE plist.id < op.pos - 1 DO plist := plist.next END; pnt.next := plist.next; plist.next := pnt END END; IF pnt.p IS ConstrainedPoint THEN plist := pnt.p.base(StdPointBase).anchors; WHILE plist # NIL DO NEW(tmppnt); tmppnt.p := pnt.p; tmppnt.next := plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := tmppnt; plist := plist.next END END ELSE prev := NIL; plist := m.points; WHILE plist.id # op.pos DO prev := plist; plist := plist.next END; IF prev # NIL THEN prev.next := plist.next ELSE m.points := plist.next END; IF pnt.p IS ConstrainedPoint THEN plist := pnt.p.base(StdPointBase).anchors; WHILE plist # NIL DO tmppnt := plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; prev := NIL; WHILE tmppnt.p # op.point DO prev := tmppnt; tmppnt := tmppnt.next END; IF prev # NIL THEN prev.next := tmppnt.next ELSE plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := tmppnt.next END; plist := plist.next END END END; msg.l := op.point.X(); msg.t := op.point.Y(); msg.r := op.point.X(); msg.b := op.point.Y(); msg.point := op.point; msg.figure := NIL; msg.insert := op.insert; op.insert := ~op.insert; Models.Broadcast(m.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE NewPointOp (model: StdModelBase; point: Point; id: INTEGER; insert: BOOLEAN): PointOp; VAR op: PointOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.point := point; op.model := model; op.insert := insert; op.pos := id; RETURN op END NewPointOp; (* FigureOp *) PROCEDURE (op: FigureOp) Do; VAR m: StdModelBase; fig, flist, prev, tmpfig, tmplist: StdFigureList; plist: StdPointList; msg: InsertMsg; BEGIN m := op.model; GiveFigureID(m.figures); NEW(fig); fig.f := op.figure; IF op.insert THEN flist := m.figures; IF flist = NIL THEN fig.next := NIL; m.figures := fig ELSE IF op.pos = 1 THEN fig.next := m.figures; m.figures := fig ELSE WHILE flist.id < op.pos - 1 DO flist := flist.next END; fig.next := flist.next; flist.next := fig END END; plist := fig.f.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; WHILE plist # NIL DO NEW(tmpfig); tmpfig.f := fig.f; tmpfig.next := plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := tmpfig; plist := plist.next END ELSE fig := NIL; prev := NIL; flist := m.figures; WHILE flist.id # op.pos DO prev := flist; flist := flist.next END; IF prev # NIL THEN prev.next := flist.next ELSE m.figures := flist.next END; plist := op.figure.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; WHILE plist # NIL DO tmpfig := plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; prev := NIL; WHILE tmpfig.f # op.figure DO prev := tmpfig; tmpfig := tmpfig.next END; IF prev # NIL THEN prev.next := tmpfig.next ELSE plist.p.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := tmpfig.next END; plist := plist.next END END; NEW(tmplist); tmplist.f := op.figure; tmplist.next := NIL; m.model.GetBoundingBox(NIL, tmplist, msg.l, msg.t, msg.r, msg.b); msg.insert := op.insert; msg.figure := op.figure; msg.point := NIL; op.insert := ~op.insert; Models.Broadcast(m.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE NewFigureOp (m: StdModelBase; f: Figure; id: INTEGER; insert: BOOLEAN): FigureOp; VAR op: FigureOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.figure := f; op.pos := id; op.insert := insert; RETURN op END NewFigureOp; (* FigureAnchorOp *) PROCEDURE (op: FigureAnchorOp) Do; VAR m: StdModelBase; msg: AnchorMsg; tmppnt, plist, prevpnt: StdPointList; tmpfig, flist, prevfig, tmplist: StdFigureList; l, t, r, b, ll, tt, rr, bb: INTEGER; BEGIN m := op.model; NEW(tmplist); tmplist.f := op.fig; tmplist.next := NIL; m.model.GetBoundingBox(NIL, tmplist, l, t, r, b); IF op.add THEN NEW(tmppnt); tmppnt.p := op.anchor; GivePointID(op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors); plist := op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; IF plist = NIL THEN tmppnt.next := NIL; op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors := tmppnt ELSE IF op.anchorID = 1 THEN tmppnt.next := op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors := tmppnt ELSE WHILE plist.id < op.anchorID -1 DO plist := plist.next END; tmppnt.next := plist.next; plist.next := tmppnt END END; NEW(tmpfig); tmpfig.f := op.fig; GiveFigureID(op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures); flist := op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; IF flist = NIL THEN tmpfig.next := NIL; op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := tmpfig ELSE IF op.depID = 1 THEN tmpfig.next := op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := tmpfig ELSE WHILE flist.id < op.depID -1 DO flist := flist.next END; tmpfig.next := flist.next; flist.next := tmpfig END END ELSE GivePointID(op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors); plist := op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; prevpnt := NIL; WHILE plist.id # op.anchorID DO prevpnt := plist; plist := plist.next END; IF prevpnt # NIL THEN prevpnt.next := plist.next ELSE op.fig.base(StdFigureBase).anchors := plist.next END; GiveFigureID(op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures); flist := op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; prevfig := NIL; WHILE flist.id # op.depID DO prevfig := flist; flist := flist.next END; IF prevfig # NIL THEN prevfig.next := flist.next ELSE op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := flist.next END END; m.model.GetBoundingBox(NIL, tmplist, ll, tt, rr, bb); msg.l := MIN(l, ll); msg.t := MIN(t, tt); msg.r := MAX(r, rr); msg.b := MAX(b, bb); msg.add := op.add; msg.anchor := op.anchor; msg.figure := op.fig; msg.comppnt := NIL; msg.pos := op.anchorID; op.add := ~op.add; Models.Broadcast(m.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE NewFigureAnchorOp (m: StdModelBase; anchor: Point; f: Figure; anchorID, depID: INTEGER; add: BOOLEAN): FigureAnchorOp; VAR op: FigureAnchorOp; plist: StdPointList; flist: StdFigureList; BEGIN NEW(op); op.add := add; op.model := m; op.anchor := anchor; op.fig := f; IF anchorID = last THEN GivePointID(f.base(StdFigureBase).anchors); plist := f.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; IF plist = NIL THEN op.anchorID := 1 ELSE WHILE plist.next # NIL DO plist := plist.next END; op.anchorID := plist.id + 1 END ELSE op.anchorID := anchorID END; IF depID = last THEN GiveFigureID(anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures); flist := anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; IF flist = NIL THEN op.depID := 1 ELSE WHILE flist.next # NIL DO flist := flist.next END; op.depID := flist.id + 1 END ELSE op.depID := depID END; RETURN op END NewFigureAnchorOp; (* PointAnchorOp *) PROCEDURE (op: PointAnchorOp) Do; VAR m: StdModelBase; msg: AnchorMsg; tmppnt, plist, prevpnt, tmplist: StdPointList; l, t, r, b, ll, tt, rr, bb: INTEGER; BEGIN m := op.model; NEW(tmplist); tmplist.p := op.deppnt; tmplist.next := NIL; m.model.GetBoundingBox(tmplist, NIL, l, t, r, b); IF op.add THEN NEW(tmppnt); tmppnt.p := op.anchor; GivePointID(op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors); plist := op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors; IF plist = NIL THEN tmppnt.next := NIL; op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors := tmppnt ELSE IF op.anchorID = 1 THEN tmppnt.next := op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors; op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors := tmppnt ELSE WHILE plist.id < op.anchorID -1 DO plist := plist.next END; tmppnt.next := plist.next; plist.next := tmppnt END END; NEW(tmppnt); tmppnt.p := op.deppnt; GivePointID(op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints); plist := op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; IF plist = NIL THEN tmppnt.next := NIL; op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := tmppnt ELSE IF op.depID = 1 THEN tmppnt.next := op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := tmppnt ELSE WHILE plist.id < op.depID -1 DO plist := plist.next END; tmppnt.next := plist.next; plist.next := tmppnt END END ELSE GivePointID(op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors); plist := op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors; prevpnt := NIL; WHILE plist.id # op.anchorID DO prevpnt := plist; plist := plist.next END; IF prevpnt # NIL THEN prevpnt.next := plist.next ELSE op.deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors := plist.next END; GivePointID(op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints); plist := op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; prevpnt := NIL; WHILE plist.id # op.depID DO prevpnt := plist; plist := plist.next END; IF prevpnt # NIL THEN prevpnt.next := plist.next ELSE op.anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := plist.next END END; m.model.GetBoundingBox(tmplist, NIL, ll, tt, rr, bb); msg.l := MIN(l, ll); msg.t := MIN(t, tt); msg.r := MAX(r, rr); msg.b := MAX(b, bb); msg.add := op.add; msg.anchor := op.anchor; msg.comppnt := op.deppnt; msg.figure := NIL; msg.pos := op.anchorID; op.add := ~op.add; Models.Broadcast(m.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE NewPointAnchorOp (m: StdModelBase; anchor: Point; deppnt: ConstrainedPoint; anchorID, depID: INTEGER; add: BOOLEAN): PointAnchorOp; VAR op: PointAnchorOp; plist: StdPointList; flist: StdFigureList; BEGIN NEW(op); op.add := add; op.model := m; op.anchor := anchor; op.deppnt := deppnt; IF anchorID = last THEN GivePointID(deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors); plist := deppnt.base(StdPointBase).anchors; IF plist = NIL THEN op.anchorID := 1 ELSE WHILE plist.next # NIL DO plist := plist.next END; op.anchorID := plist.id + 1 END ELSE op.anchorID := anchorID END; IF depID = last THEN GiveFigureID(anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures); flist := anchor.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; IF flist = NIL THEN op.depID := 1 ELSE WHILE flist.next # NIL DO flist := flist.next END; op.depID := flist.id + 1 END ELSE op.depID := depID END; RETURN op END NewPointAnchorOp; (* MoveOp *) PROCEDURE (op: MoveOp) Do; VAR tmp: INTEGER; list: MoveList; msg: UpdateMsg; l, t, r, b, ll, tt, rr, bb: INTEGER; BEGIN op.m.model.GetBoundingBox(op.m.points, op.m.figures, l, t, r, b); IF op.first THEN op.first := FALSE ELSE list := op.list; WHILE list # NIL DO tmp := list.x; list.x := list.p.base(StdPointBase).x; list.p.base(StdPointBase).x := tmp; tmp := list.y; list.y := list.p.base(StdPointBase).y; list.p.base(StdPointBase).y := tmp; list := list.next END END; op.m.model.GetBoundingBox(op.m.points, op.m.figures, ll, tt, rr, bb); msg.l := MIN(l, ll); msg.t := MIN(t, tt); msg.r := MAX(r, rr); msg.b := MAX(b, bb); Models.Broadcast(op.m.model, msg) END Do; (* SwapOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SwapOp) Do; VAR msg: UpdateMsg; p, prev, tmp, oplist: StdFigureList; BEGIN IF op.do THEN oplist := op.flist; prev := NIL; p := op.model.figures; WHILE oplist # NIL DO WHILE p.f # oplist.f DO prev := p; p := p.next END; IF prev = NIL THEN op.model.figures := p.next ELSE prev.next := p.next END; p := p.next; oplist := oplist.next END; oplist := op.flist; p := NIL; WHILE oplist # NIL DO NEW(tmp); tmp.f := oplist.f; tmp.next := NIL; IF p = NIL THEN p := tmp; prev := tmp ELSE prev.next := tmp; prev := tmp END; oplist := oplist.next END; IF op.front THEN prev := op.model.figures; IF prev # NIL THEN WHILE prev.next # NIL DO prev := prev.next END; prev.next := p ELSE op.model.figures := p END ELSE tmp.next := op.model.figures; op.model.figures := p END ELSE IF op.front THEN oplist := op.flist; p := op.model.figures; prev := NIL; WHILE oplist.f # p.f DO prev := p; p := p.next END; IF prev = NIL THEN op.model.figures := NIL ELSE prev.next := NIL END ELSE oplist := op.flist; prev := NIL; p := op.model.figures; WHILE oplist # NIL DO prev := oplist; oplist := oplist.next END; WHILE p.f # prev.f DO p := p.next END; op.model.figures := p.next END; oplist := op.flist; WHILE oplist # NIL DO GiveFigureID(op.model.figures); NEW(tmp); tmp.f := oplist.f; p := op.model.figures; IF p = NIL THEN tmp.next := NIL; op.model.figures := tmp ELSE IF oplist.id = 1 THEN tmp.next := op.model.figures; op.model.figures := tmp ELSE WHILE p.id < oplist.id - 1 DO p := p.next END; tmp.next := p.next; p.next := tmp END END; oplist := oplist.next END END; op.model.model.GetBoundingBox(NIL, op.flist, msg.l, msg.t, msg.r, msg.b); op.do := ~op.do; Models.Broadcast(op.model.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE NewSwapOp (m: StdModelBase; flist: StdFigureList; do, front: BOOLEAN): SwapOp; VAR op: SwapOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.flist := flist; op.do := do; op.front := front; RETURN op END NewSwapOp; (* LinkOp *) PROCEDURE (op: LinkOp) Do; VAR msg: ChangeAnchorMsg; tmppnt: Point; anchors, pntlist, tmppntlist, tmppntlist2: StdPointList; finished: BOOLEAN; figlist, tmpfiglist, tmpfiglist2: StdFigureList; l, t, r, b, ll, tt, rr, bb: INTEGER; BEGIN op.model.model.GetBoundingBox(op.model.points, op.model.figures, l, t, r, b); IF op.figure # NIL THEN anchors := op.figure.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; finished := FALSE; WHILE (anchors # NIL) & (~finished) DO IF anchors = op.sourceList THEN anchors.p := op.target; NEW(figlist); figlist.f := op.figure; figlist.next := op.target.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; op.target.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := figlist; tmpfiglist := op.source.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; tmpfiglist2 := NIL; WHILE tmpfiglist.f # op.figure DO tmpfiglist2 := tmpfiglist; tmpfiglist := tmpfiglist.next END; IF tmpfiglist2 = NIL THEN op.source.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures := tmpfiglist.next ELSE tmpfiglist2.next := tmpfiglist.next END; finished := TRUE ELSE anchors := anchors.next END END ELSE anchors := op.point.base(StdPointBase).anchors; finished := FALSE; WHILE (anchors # NIL) & (~finished) DO IF anchors = op.sourceList THEN anchors.p := op.target; NEW(pntlist); pntlist.p := op.point; pntlist.next := op.target.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; op.target.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := pntlist; tmppntlist := op.source.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; tmppntlist2 := NIL; WHILE tmppntlist.p(ConstrainedPoint) # op.point DO tmppntlist2 := tmppntlist; tmppntlist := tmppntlist.next END; IF tmppntlist2 = NIL THEN op.source.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints := tmppntlist.next ELSE tmppntlist2.next := tmppntlist.next END; op.point(ConstrainedPoint).Calculate( op.point.base(StdPointBase).x, op.point.base(StdPointBase).y); finished := TRUE ELSE anchors := anchors.next END END END; op.model.model.GetBoundingBox(op.model.points, op.model.figures, ll, tt, rr, bb); msg.l := MIN(l, ll); msg.t := MIN(t, tt); msg.r := MAX(r, rr); msg.b := MAX(b, bb); msg.newPoint := op.target; msg.oldPoint := op.source; msg.figure := op.figure; msg.compPoint := op.point; msg.pos := op.sourceList.id; tmppnt := op.target; op.target := op.source; op.source := tmppnt; Models.Broadcast(op.model.model, msg) END Do; PROCEDURE NewLinkOp (m: StdModelBase; target, source: Point; sourceList: StdPointList; f: Figure; p: ConstrainedPoint): LinkOp; VAR op: LinkOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.model := m; op.target := target; op.source := source; op.sourceList := sourceList; op.figure := f;op.point := p; RETURN op END NewLinkOp; (* StdFigureList *) PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureList) This (): Figure; BEGIN RETURN f.f END This; PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureList) Next (): FigureList; BEGIN RETURN f.next END Next; (* StdPointList *) PROCEDURE (p: StdPointList) This (): Point; BEGIN RETURN p.p END This; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointList) Next (): PointList; BEGIN RETURN p.next END Next; (* StdPointBase *) PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) Model (): Model; BEGIN RETURN p.m END Model; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) X (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN p.x END X; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) Y (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN p.y END Y; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) Anchors (): PointList; BEGIN RETURN p.anchors END Anchors; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) DependingPoints (): PointList; BEGIN RETURN p.dependingPoints END DependingPoints; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) DependingFigures (): FigureList; BEGIN RETURN p.dependingFigures END DependingFigures; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentPBVersion); wr.WriteInt(p.x); wr.WriteInt(p.y); wr.WriteStore(p.m); WritePointList(wr, NIL, p.dependingPoints); WriteFigureList(wr, NIL, p.dependingFigures); WritePointList(wr, NIL, p.anchors) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minPBVersion, maxPBVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(p.x); rd.ReadInt(p.y); rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS Model THEN p.m := s(Model) END; ReadPointList(rd, NIL, p.dependingPoints); ReadFigureList(rd, NIL, p.dependingFigures); ReadPointList(rd, NIL, p.anchors) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: StdPointBase) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: StdPointBase DO p.x := source.x; p.y := source.y END END CopyFrom; (* StdFigureBase *) PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureBase) Model (): Model; BEGIN RETURN f.m END Model; PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureBase) Anchors (): PointList; BEGIN RETURN f.anchors END Anchors; PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureBase) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteStore(f.m); WritePointList(wr, NIL, f.anchors) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureBase) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS Model THEN f.m := s(Model) END; ReadPointList(rd, NIL, f.anchors) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (f: StdFigureBase) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: StdFigureBase DO ELSE END END CopyFrom; (* StdModelBase *) PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) InitFrom (source: ModelBase); BEGIN m.points := NIL; m.figures := NIL END InitFrom; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) InsertCopyFrom (source: ModelBase; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList ), NEW; VAR stores: ARRAY 5000 OF Stores.Store; index: INTEGER; tmppnts, anchors, oldAnchors: PointList; tmpfigs: FigureList; lastinsertedpnt, newAnchors, prevpnt, tmpstdpnts, newPlist, allPoints,stdpntlist, tmpplist: StdPointList; prevfig, tmpstdfigs, allFigures, stdfiglist, tmpflist: StdFigureList; point: Point; figure: Figure; belongsTo: BOOLEAN; base: ModelBase; PROCEDURE PointInList (pnt: Point; plist: PointList): BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This() # pnt) DO plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN plist # NIL END PointInList; PROCEDURE SetPointID (pnt: Point; plist: StdPointList; id: INTEGER); VAR tmp: StdPointList; BEGIN tmp := plist; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (tmp.p # pnt) DO tmp := tmp.next END; IF tmp # NIL THEN tmp.id := id END END SetPointID; PROCEDURE SetFigureID (fig: Figure; flist: StdFigureList; id: INTEGER); VAR tmp: StdFigureList; BEGIN tmp := flist; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (tmp.f # fig) DO tmp := tmp.next END; IF tmp # NIL THEN tmp.id := id END END SetFigureID; PROCEDURE FindPointID (pnt: Point; plist: StdPointList): INTEGER; VAR tmp: StdPointList; BEGIN tmp := plist; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (tmp.p # pnt) DO tmp := tmp.next END; RETURN tmp.id END FindPointID; PROCEDURE PointAnchorsAreInList (cpnt: ConstrainedPoint): BOOLEAN; VAR plist: PointList; BEGIN plist := cpnt.Anchors(); WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This().base(StdPointBase).id # 0) DO plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN plist = NIL END PointAnchorsAreInList; PROCEDURE PointAnchorsAreInList2 (cpnt: ConstrainedPoint): BOOLEAN; VAR plist: PointList; BEGIN plist := cpnt.Anchors(); WHILE (plist # NIL) & (FindPointID(plist.This(), allPoints) # 0) DO plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN plist = NIL END PointAnchorsAreInList2; PROCEDURE ClonePoint (pnt: Point): Point; VAR pnt2, anchors, lastinserted, tmppnts, p: StdPointList; comppnt: ConstrainedPoint; baspnt: FreePoint; point: Point; BEGIN IF pnt.base(StdPointBase).id = 1 THEN IF (pnt IS ConstrainedPoint) & PointAnchorsAreInList(pnt(ConstrainedPoint)) THEN pnt.base(StdPointBase).id := index; INC(index); comppnt := Stores.CopyOf(pnt)(ConstrainedPoint); tmppnts := pnt(ConstrainedPoint).base(StdPointBase).anchors; anchors := NIL; WHILE tmppnts # NIL DO point := ClonePoint(tmppnts.This()); NEW(pnt2); pnt2.p := point; pnt2.next := NIL; IF anchors = NIL THEN anchors := pnt2; lastinserted := pnt2 ELSE lastinserted.next := pnt2; lastinserted := pnt2 END; tmppnts := tmppnts.next END; m.model.InsertObject(comppnt, anchors, pnt.X(), pnt.Y()); comppnt.base(StdPointBase).id := pnt.base(StdPointBase).id; stores[comppnt.base(StdPointBase).id] := comppnt; NEW(p); p.p := comppnt; p.next := NIL; IF newPoints = NIL THEN newPoints := p; prevpnt := p ELSE prevpnt.next := p; prevpnt := p END; RETURN comppnt ELSE pnt.base(StdPointBase).id := index; INC(index); baspnt := m.model.NewFreePoint(pnt.X(), pnt.Y()); baspnt.base(StdPointBase).id := pnt.base(StdPointBase).id; stores[baspnt.base(StdPointBase).id] := baspnt; NEW(p); p.p := baspnt; p.next := NIL; IF newPoints = NIL THEN newPoints := p; prevpnt := p ELSE prevpnt.next := p; prevpnt := p END; RETURN baspnt END ELSE RETURN stores[pnt.base(StdPointBase).id](Point) END END ClonePoint; PROCEDURE ClonePoint2 (pnt: Point): Point; VAR pnt2, anchors, lastinserted, tmppnts: StdPointList; points: PointList; comppnt: ConstrainedPoint; baspnt: FreePoint; point: Point; id: INTEGER; BEGIN id := FindPointID(pnt, allPoints); IF id = 1 THEN IF (pnt IS ConstrainedPoint) & PointAnchorsAreInList2(pnt(ConstrainedPoint)) THEN SetPointID(pnt, allPoints, index); INC(index); comppnt := Stores.CopyOf(pnt)(ConstrainedPoint); points := pnt(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors(); anchors := NIL; WHILE points # NIL DO point := ClonePoint2(points.This()); NEW(pnt2); pnt2.p := point; pnt2.next := NIL; IF anchors = NIL THEN anchors := pnt2; lastinserted := pnt2 ELSE lastinserted.next := pnt2; lastinserted := pnt2 END; points := points.Next() END; m.model.InsertObject(comppnt, anchors, pnt.X(), pnt.Y()); stores[FindPointID(pnt, allPoints)] := comppnt; NEW(tmppnts); tmppnts.p := comppnt; tmppnts.next := NIL; IF newPoints = NIL THEN newPoints := tmppnts; prevpnt := tmppnts ELSE prevpnt.next := tmppnts; prevpnt := tmppnts END; RETURN comppnt ELSE SetPointID(pnt, allPoints, index); INC(index); baspnt := m.model.NewFreePoint(pnt.X(), pnt.Y()); stores[FindPointID(pnt, allPoints)] := baspnt; NEW(tmppnts); tmppnts.p := baspnt; tmppnts.next := NIL; IF newPoints = NIL THEN newPoints := tmppnts; prevpnt := tmppnts ELSE prevpnt.next := tmppnts; prevpnt := tmppnts END; RETURN baspnt END ELSE RETURN stores[FindPointID(pnt, allPoints)](Point) END END ClonePoint2; BEGIN belongsTo := TRUE; tmppnts := plist; WHILE (tmppnts # NIL) & belongsTo DO belongsTo := tmppnts.This().Model().base = source; tmppnts := tmppnts.Next() END; ASSERT(belongsTo, 20); belongsTo := TRUE; tmpfigs := flist; WHILE (tmpfigs # NIL) & belongsTo DO belongsTo := tmpfigs.This().Model().base = source; tmpfigs := tmpfigs.Next() END; ASSERT(belongsTo, 21); newPoints := NIL; newFigures := NIL; prevfig := NIL; prevpnt := NIL; index := 2; base := source; WITH base: StdModelBase DO (* Initialize the id of all points and figures in source to 0. *) tmpstdpnts := base.points; WHILE tmpstdpnts # NIL DO tmpstdpnts.p.base(StdPointBase).id := 0; tmpstdpnts := tmpstdpnts.next END; tmpstdfigs := base.figures; WHILE tmpstdfigs # NIL DO tmpstdfigs.f.base(StdFigureBase).id := 0; tmpstdfigs := tmpstdfigs.next END; (* Include anchorpoints for figures in flist, if they're not in plist. *) IF plist # NIL THEN newPlist := plist(StdPointList) ELSE newPlist := NIL END; IF flist # NIL THEN tmpstdfigs := flist(StdFigureList) ELSE tmpstdfigs := NIL END; WHILE tmpstdfigs # NIL DO anchors := tmpstdfigs.This().Anchors(); WHILE anchors # NIL DO IF ~PointInList(anchors.This(), newPlist) THEN NEW(stdpntlist); stdpntlist.p := anchors.This(); stdpntlist.next := newPlist; newPlist := stdpntlist END; anchors := anchors.Next() END; tmpstdfigs :=tmpstdfigs.next END; (* Set the id of all points and figures to be copied to 1. *) IF flist # NIL THEN tmpstdfigs := flist(StdFigureList) ELSE tmpstdfigs := NIL END; WHILE tmpstdfigs # NIL DO tmpstdfigs.f.base(StdFigureBase).id := 1; tmpstdfigs := tmpstdfigs.next END; tmpstdpnts := newPlist; WHILE tmpstdpnts # NIL DO tmpstdpnts.p.base(StdPointBase).id := 1; tmpstdpnts := tmpstdpnts.next END; (* Copy the points in newPList. *) tmpstdpnts := newPlist; WHILE tmpstdpnts # NIL DO point := ClonePoint(tmpstdpnts.p); tmpstdpnts := tmpstdpnts.next END; (* Copy the figures in flist. *) tmpstdfigs := base.figures; WHILE tmpstdfigs # NIL DO IF (tmpstdfigs.f.base(StdFigureBase).id = 1) THEN figure := Stores.CopyOf(tmpstdfigs.f)(Figure); newAnchors := NIL; oldAnchors := tmpstdfigs.f.base(StdFigureBase).anchors; (* Copy their anchorpoints. *) WHILE oldAnchors # NIL DO point := ClonePoint(oldAnchors.This()); NEW(stdpntlist); stdpntlist.p := point; stdpntlist.next := NIL; IF newAnchors = NIL THEN newAnchors := stdpntlist; lastinsertedpnt := stdpntlist ELSE lastinsertedpnt.next := stdpntlist; lastinsertedpnt := stdpntlist END; oldAnchors := oldAnchors.Next() END; m.model.InsertObject(figure, newAnchors, undefined, undefined); figure.base(StdFigureBase).id := 0; NEW(stdfiglist); stdfiglist.f := figure; stdfiglist.next := NIL; IF newFigures = NIL THEN newFigures := stdfiglist; prevfig := stdfiglist ELSE prevfig.next := stdfiglist; prevfig := stdfiglist END END; tmpstdfigs := tmpstdfigs.next END | base: ModelBase DO (* Copy all points in source to a StdPointList. *) tmppnts := source.model.Points(); allPoints := NIL; WHILE tmppnts # NIL DO NEW(stdpntlist); stdpntlist.id := 0; stdpntlist.p := tmppnts.This(); stdpntlist.next := NIL; IF allPoints = NIL THEN allPoints := stdpntlist; tmpplist := stdpntlist ELSE tmpplist.next := stdpntlist; tmpplist := tmpplist.next END; tmppnts := tmppnts.Next() END; (* Copy all figures in source to a StdFigureList. *) tmpfigs := source.model.Figures(); allFigures := NIL; WHILE tmpfigs # NIL DO NEW(stdfiglist); stdfiglist.id := 0; stdfiglist.f := tmpfigs.This(); stdfiglist.next := NIL; IF allFigures = NIL THEN allFigures := stdfiglist; tmpflist := stdfiglist ELSE tmpflist.next := stdfiglist; tmpflist := tmpflist.next END; tmpfigs := tmpfigs.Next() END; (* Include anchorpoints for figures in flist, if they're not in plist. *) IF plist # NIL THEN newPlist := plist(StdPointList) ELSE newPlist := NIL END; tmpfigs := flist; WHILE tmpfigs # NIL DO anchors := tmpfigs.This().Anchors(); WHILE anchors # NIL DO IF ~PointInList(anchors.This(), newPlist) THEN NEW(stdpntlist); stdpntlist.p := anchors.This(); stdpntlist.next := newPlist; newPlist := stdpntlist END; anchors := anchors.Next() END; tmpfigs :=tmpfigs.Next() END; (* Set the id of all points and figures to be copied to 1. *) tmpfigs := flist; WHILE tmpfigs # NIL DO SetFigureID(tmpfigs.This(), allFigures, 1); tmpfigs := tmpfigs.Next() END; tmppnts := newPlist; WHILE tmppnts # NIL DO SetPointID(tmppnts.This(), allPoints, 1); tmppnts := tmppnts.Next() END; (* Copy the points in plist. *) tmppnts := newPlist; WHILE tmppnts # NIL DO point := ClonePoint2(tmppnts.This()); tmppnts := tmppnts.Next() END; (* Copy the figures in flist. *) tmpstdfigs := allFigures; WHILE tmpstdfigs # NIL DO IF (tmpstdfigs.id = 1) THEN figure := Stores.CopyOf(tmpstdfigs.f)(Figure); newAnchors := NIL; oldAnchors := tmpstdfigs.f.Anchors(); (* Copy their anchorpoints. *) WHILE oldAnchors # NIL DO point := ClonePoint2(oldAnchors.This()); NEW(stdpntlist); stdpntlist.p := point; stdpntlist.next := NIL; IF newAnchors = NIL THEN newAnchors := stdpntlist; lastinsertedpnt := stdpntlist ELSE lastinsertedpnt.next := stdpntlist; lastinsertedpnt := stdpntlist END; oldAnchors := oldAnchors.Next() END; m.model.InsertObject(figure, newAnchors, undefined, undefined); tmpstdfigs.id := 0; NEW(stdfiglist); stdfiglist.f := figure; stdfiglist.next := NIL; IF newFigures = NIL THEN newFigures := stdfiglist; prevfig := stdfiglist ELSE prevfig.next := stdfiglist; prevfig := stdfiglist END END; tmpstdfigs := tmpstdfigs.next END ELSE END END InsertCopyFrom; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) InsertCopy (source: ModelBase; plist: PointList; flist: FigureList; OUT newPoints: PointList; OUT newFigures: FigureList); BEGIN m.InsertCopyFrom(source, plist, flist, newPoints, newFigures) END InsertCopy; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) CopyDataFrom (source: Stores.Store); VAR tmpfigs: FigureList; tmppnts: PointList; BEGIN WITH source: StdModelBase DO m.InsertCopyFrom(source, source.points, source.figures, tmppnts, tmpfigs) | source: ModelBase DO m.InsertCopyFrom(source, source.model.Points(), source.model.Figures(), tmppnts, tmpfigs) ELSE END END CopyDataFrom; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) WriteData (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentStdVersion); WritePointList(wr, m, m.points); WriteFigureList(wr, m, m.figures) END WriteData; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) ReadData (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minStdVersion, maxStdVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN (* alienFigures := NIL; alienPoints := NIL; *) ReadPointList(rd, m, m.points); ReadFigureList(rd, m, m.figures) END END ReadData; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) Points (): PointList; BEGIN RETURN m.points END Points; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) Figures (): FigureList; BEGIN RETURN m.figures END Figures; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) InsertObject ( o: Object; anchors: PointList; x, y: INTEGER ); VAR plist, tmplist, newlist, prev: StdPointList; flist: StdFigureList; i: INTEGER; BEGIN newlist := NIL; prev := NIL; WHILE anchors # NIL DO NEW(tmplist); tmplist.p := anchors.This(); tmplist.next := NIL; IF newlist = NIL THEN newlist := tmplist; prev := tmplist ELSE prev.next := tmplist; prev := tmplist END; anchors := anchors.Next() END; IF o IS Figure THEN o(Figure).base(StdFigureBase).m := m.model; GiveFigureID(m.figures); flist := m.figures; IF flist = NIL THEN i := 1 ELSE WHILE flist.next # NIL DO flist := flist.next END; i := flist.id + 1 END; o(Figure).base(StdFigureBase).anchors := newlist; Models.Do(m.model, "Insert Figure", NewFigureOp(m, o(Figure), i, TRUE)) ELSIF o IS Point THEN o(Point).base(StdPointBase).m := m.model; o(Point).base(StdPointBase).x := x; o(Point).base(StdPointBase).y := y; GivePointID(m.points); plist := m.points; IF plist = NIL THEN i := 1 ELSE WHILE plist.next # NIL DO plist := plist.next END; i := plist.id + 1 END; o(Point).base(StdPointBase).anchors := newlist; Models.Do(m.model, "Insert Point", NewPointOp(m, o(Point), i, TRUE)); IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN o(ConstrainedPoint).Calculate( o(Point).base(StdPointBase).x, o(Point).base(StdPointBase).y ) END END END InsertObject; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) RemoveObject (o: Object); VAR plist: StdPointList; flist: StdFigureList; BEGIN IF o IS Figure THEN flist := m.figures; GiveFigureID(flist); WHILE flist.f # o(Figure) DO flist := flist.next END; Models.Do(m.model, "Remove Figure", NewFigureOp(m, o(Figure), flist.id, FALSE)) ELSIF o IS Point THEN IF (o(Point).DependingPoints() = NIL) & (o(Point).DependingFigures() = NIL) THEN plist := m.points; GivePointID(plist); WHILE plist.p # o(Point) DO plist := plist.next END; Models.Do(m.model, "Remove Point", NewPointOp(m, o(Point), plist.id, FALSE)) END END END RemoveObject; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) MovePoints (plist: PointList; dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; tmplist: PointList; deptbm, last: StdPointList; op: MoveOp; lastmove: MoveList; PROCEDURE IsInList (p: Point; plist: PointList): BOOLEAN; BEGIN WHILE (plist # NIL) & (plist.This() # p) DO plist := plist.Next() END; RETURN plist # NIL END IsInList; PROCEDURE Handle (p: Point); VAR anchors, deppnts: PointList; pnts: StdPointList; movelist: MoveList; isinlist: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF p.base(StdPointBase).id # ok THEN IF p IS ConstrainedPoint THEN anchors := p(ConstrainedPoint).Anchors(); WHILE anchors # NIL DO Handle(anchors.This()); anchors := anchors.Next() END END; IF p.base(StdPointBase).id = toBeMoved THEN p.base(StdPointBase).id := ok; IF ~(p IS AlienPoint) & ~AlienDependencies(p) THEN NEW(movelist); movelist.next := NIL; movelist.p := p; IF op.list = NIL THEN op.list := movelist ELSE lastmove.next := movelist END; lastmove := movelist; isinlist := IsInList(p, plist); IF (p IS ConstrainedPoint) & isinlist THEN movelist.x := p.X(); movelist.y := p.Y(); p.base(StdPointBase).x := p.X() + dx; p.base(StdPointBase).y := p.Y() + dy; p(ConstrainedPoint).Calculate(p.base(StdPointBase).x, p.base(StdPointBase).y) ELSIF (p IS ConstrainedPoint) & ~isinlist THEN movelist.x := p.X(); movelist.y := p.Y(); p(ConstrainedPoint).Calculate(p.base(StdPointBase).x, p.base(StdPointBase).y) ELSE movelist.x := p.X(); movelist.y := p.Y(); p.base(StdPointBase).x := p.X() + dx; p.base(StdPointBase).y := p.Y() + dy END; deppnts := p.DependingPoints(); WHILE deppnts # NIL DO IF deppnts.This().base(StdPointBase).id # toBeMoved THEN NEW(pnts); pnts.p := deppnts.This(); pnts.next := NIL; IF deptbm = NIL THEN deptbm := pnts ELSE last.next := pnts END; last := pnts; pnts.p.base(StdPointBase).id := toBeMoved END; deppnts := deppnts.Next() END END ELSE p.base(StdPointBase).id := ok END END END Handle; BEGIN IF plist # NIL THEN ASSERT(plist.This().Model() = m.model, 20); m.model.GetBoundingBox(plist, NIL, l, t, r, b); IF l + dx < 0 THEN dx := - l END; IF t + dy < 0 THEN dy := - t END; deptbm := NIL; last := NIL; lastmove := NIL; NEW(op); op.m := m; op.first := TRUE; tmplist := m.model.Points(); WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmplist.This().base(StdPointBase).id := 0; tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; tmplist := plist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmplist.This().base(StdPointBase).id := toBeMoved; tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; tmplist := plist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO Handle(tmplist.This()); tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; tmplist := deptbm; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO Handle(tmplist.This()); tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; IF op.list # NIL THEN Models.Do(m.model, " Move", op) END END END MovePoints; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) MovePoint (p: Point; dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR plist: StdPointList; BEGIN ASSERT(p # NIL, 20); NEW(plist); plist.p := p; plist.next := NIL; m.model.MovePoints(plist, dx, dy) END MovePoint; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) MoveToGrid (plist: PointList; grid: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0: INTEGER; s: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(grid > 0, 20); Models.BeginScript(m.model, "Move To Grid", s); WHILE plist # NIL DO IF ~(plist.This() IS ConstrainedPoint) THEN x0 := plist.This().X() + grid DIV 2; x0 := x0 - x0 MOD grid; y0 := plist.This().Y() + grid DIV 2; y0 := y0 - y0 MOD grid; m.model.MovePoint(plist.This(), x0 - plist.This().X(), y0 - plist.This().Y()) END; plist := plist.Next() END; Models.EndScript(m.model, s) END MoveToGrid; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) BringToFront (flist: FigureList); VAR figlist, oplist, node, prev: StdFigureList; tmplist: FigureList; i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; oplist := NIL; prev := NIL; figlist := m.figures; WHILE figlist # NIL DO figlist.f.base(StdFigureBase).id := 0; figlist.id := i; INC(i); figlist := figlist.next END; tmplist := flist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmplist.This().base(StdFigureBase).id := 1; tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; figlist := m.figures; WHILE figlist # NIL DO IF figlist.f.base(StdFigureBase).id = 1 THEN NEW(node); IF oplist = NIL THEN oplist := node ELSE prev.next := node END; prev := node; node.f := figlist.f; node.id := figlist.id; node.next := NIL END; figlist := figlist.next END; Models.Do(m.model, "Bring To Front", NewSwapOp(m, oplist, TRUE, TRUE)) END BringToFront; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) SendToBack (flist: FigureList); VAR figlist, oplist, node, prev: StdFigureList; tmplist: FigureList; i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 1; oplist := NIL; prev := NIL; figlist := m.figures; WHILE figlist # NIL DO figlist.f.base(StdFigureBase).id := 0; figlist.id := i; INC(i); figlist := figlist.next END; tmplist := flist; WHILE tmplist # NIL DO tmplist.This().base(StdFigureBase).id := 1; tmplist := tmplist.Next() END; figlist := m.figures; WHILE figlist # NIL DO IF figlist.f.base(StdFigureBase).id = 1 THEN NEW(node); IF oplist = NIL THEN oplist := node ELSE prev.next := node END; prev := node; node.f := figlist.f; node.id := figlist.id; node.next := NIL END; figlist := figlist.next END; Models.Do(m.model, "Send To Back", NewSwapOp(m, oplist, TRUE, FALSE)) END SendToBack; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) ChangeAnchor (o: Object; p: Point; pos: INTEGER); VAR anchors: StdPointList; BEGIN IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN anchors := o(ConstrainedPoint).base(StdPointBase).anchors ELSIF o IS Figure THEN anchors := o(Figure).base(StdFigureBase).anchors END; GivePointID(anchors); WHILE (anchors # NIL) & (anchors.id # pos) DO anchors := anchors.next END; IF anchors # NIL THEN IF o IS Figure THEN Models.Do(m.model, "Change of Anchorpoint", NewLinkOp(m, p, anchors.p, anchors, o(Figure), NIL)) ELSIF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN Models.Do(m.model, "Change of Anchorpoint", NewLinkOp(m, p, anchors.p, anchors, NIL, o(ConstrainedPoint))) END END END ChangeAnchor; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) AddAnchor (o: Object; pos: INTEGER; p: Point); BEGIN WITH o : ConstrainedPoint DO Models.Do(m.model, "Add Anchorpoint", NewPointAnchorOp(m, p, o, pos + 1, last, TRUE)) | o : Figure DO Models.Do(m.model, "Add Anchorpoint", NewFigureAnchorOp(m, p, o, pos + 1, last, TRUE)) ELSE END END AddAnchor; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) RemoveAnchor (o: Object; p: Point); VAR plist1, plist2: StdPointList; flist: StdFigureList; tmpaID, tmpdID: INTEGER; BEGIN tmpaID := 0; tmpdID := 0; IF o IS Figure THEN plist1 := o(Figure).base(StdFigureBase).anchors; flist := p.base(StdPointBase).dependingFigures; GivePointID(plist1); GiveFigureID(flist); WHILE (flist # NIL) & (flist.f # o(Figure)) DO flist := flist.next END; IF flist # NIL THEN tmpdID := flist.id END ELSIF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN plist1 := o(ConstrainedPoint).base(StdPointBase).anchors; plist2 := p.base(StdPointBase).dependingPoints; GivePointID(plist1); GivePointID(plist2); WHILE (plist2 # NIL) & (plist2.p # o(ConstrainedPoint)) DO plist2 := plist2.next END; IF plist2 # NIL THEN tmpdID := plist2.id END END; WHILE (plist1 # NIL) & (plist1.p # p) DO plist1 := plist1.next END; IF plist1 # NIL THEN tmpaID := plist1.id END; IF (tmpaID # 0) & (tmpdID # 0) THEN IF o IS ConstrainedPoint THEN Models.Do(m.model, "Remove Anchorpoint", NewPointAnchorOp(m, p, o(ConstrainedPoint), tmpaID, tmpdID, FALSE)) ELSIF o IS Figure THEN Models.Do(m.model, "Remove Anchorpoint", NewFigureAnchorOp(m, p, o(Figure), tmpaID, tmpdID, FALSE)) END END END RemoveAnchor; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) NewPointBase (): PointBase; VAR base: StdPointBase; BEGIN NEW(base); base.m := NIL; base.x := 0; base.y := 0; base.id := 0; base.anchors := NIL; base.dependingPoints := NIL; base.dependingFigures := NIL; RETURN base END NewPointBase; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) NewFigureBase (): FigureBase; VAR base: StdFigureBase; BEGIN NEW(base); base.m := NIL; base.anchors := NIL; base.id := 0; RETURN base END NewFigureBase; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) ThisPointList (pnts: ARRAY OF Point): PointList; VAR n, i : INTEGER; plist, tmp: StdPointList; allBelongs: BOOLEAN; BEGIN n := LEN(pnts); i := 0; allBelongs := TRUE; plist := NIL; WHILE i < n DO IF pnts[i].Model() # m.model THEN allBelongs := FALSE; i := n ELSE INC(i) END END; IF allBelongs THEN i := n - 1; WHILE i >= 0 DO NEW(tmp); tmp.p := pnts[i]; tmp.next := plist; plist := tmp; DEC(i) END END; RETURN plist END ThisPointList; PROCEDURE (m: StdModelBase) ThisFigureList (figs: ARRAY OF Figure): FigureList; VAR n, i : INTEGER; flist, tmp: StdFigureList; allBelongs: BOOLEAN; BEGIN n := LEN(figs); i := 0; allBelongs := TRUE; flist := NIL; WHILE i < n DO IF figs[i].Model() # m.model THEN allBelongs := FALSE; i := n ELSE INC(i) END END; IF allBelongs THEN i := n - 1; WHILE i >= 0 DO NEW(tmp); tmp.f := figs[i]; tmp.next := flist; flist := tmp; DEC(i) END END; RETURN flist END ThisFigureList; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewModelBase (): ModelBase; VAR m: StdModelBase; BEGIN NEW(m); m.points := NIL; m.figures := NIL; RETURN m END NewModelBase; PROCEDURE Init*; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); SetDir(d) END Init; BEGIN Init END FigModels.
MODULE FigPoints; IMPORT Stores, Math, Properties, Models, Dialog, FigModels, FigViews; CONST currentVersion = 1; minVersion = 0; maxVersion = 1; fixed* = 0; proportion* = 1; TYPE LinePoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) fixed: BOOLEAN; proportion: REAL END; LinePointDlg* = RECORD fixed*: BOOLEAN; percent*: INTEGER END; LinePointProportionProp* = POINTER TO RECORD (Properties.Property) fixed*: BOOLEAN; proportion*: REAL END; SetLinePointProportionOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) point: LinePoint; old, prop: LinePointProportionProp END; CirclePoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) END; CenterPoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) END; CornerPoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) xi, yi: INTEGER END; ParallelPoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) END; RectanglePoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) END; ProjectionPoint* = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD (FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) END; VAR dlg*: LinePointDlg; PROCEDURE Adjust (anchors: FigModels.PointList; fixed: BOOLEAN; proportion: REAL; VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, f : REAL; a: FigModels.Point; BEGIN a := anchors.This(); x1 := a.X(); y1 := a.Y(); a := anchors.Next().This(); x0 := a.X(); y0 := a.Y(); IF (x0 # x1) OR (y0 # y1) THEN IF ((x = FigModels.undefined) & (y = FigModels.undefined)) OR fixed THEN f := proportion ELSIF x = FigModels.undefined THEN x := SHORT(ENTIER((x1 - x0) / (y1 - y0) * (y - y0) + x0)) ELSIF y = FigModels.undefined THEN y := SHORT(ENTIER((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) * (x - x0) + y0)) ELSE f := ((x1 - x0) * (x - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y - y0)) / ((x1 - x0) * (x1 - x0) + (y1 - y0) * (y1 - y0)) END; x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 + (x1 - x0) * f + 0.5)); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 + (y1 - y0) * f + 0.5)) ELSIF fixed THEN x := a.X(); y := a.Y() END END Adjust; (* SetProportionOp *) PROCEDURE (op: SetLinePointProportionOp) Do; VAR p: LinePointProportionProp; point: LinePoint; BEGIN p := op.prop; op.prop := op.old; op.old := p; point := op.point; IF fixed IN p.valid THEN point.fixed := p.fixed END; IF proportion IN p.valid THEN point.proportion := p.proportion END END Do; PROCEDURE SetProportionProp (p: LinePoint; old, prop: LinePointProportionProp); VAR x0, x1, y0, y1: INTEGER; op: SetLinePointProportionOp; s: Stores.Operation; m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN ASSERT((old # NIL) & (prop # NIL), 20); NEW(op); op.point := p; op.old := old; op.prop := prop; m := p.Model(); Models.BeginScript(m, "Set Properties", s); Models.Do(m, "Set Properties", op); x0 := p.X(); y0 := p.Y(); x1 := x0; y1 := y0; Adjust(p.Anchors(), TRUE, p.proportion, x1, y1); m.MovePoint(p, x1 - x0, y1 - y0); Models.EndScript(m, s) END SetProportionProp; PROCEDURE GetProportionProp (p: LinePoint; OUT prop: LinePointProportionProp); VAR x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; d: REAL; q: FigModels.PointList; a: FigModels.Point; BEGIN NEW(prop); prop.known := {fixed, proportion}; prop.valid := {fixed}; prop.fixed := p.fixed; IF p.fixed THEN prop.proportion := p.proportion; INCL(prop.valid, proportion) ELSE x := p.X(); y := p.Y(); q := p.Anchors(); a := q.This(); x1 := a.X(); y1 := a.Y(); a := q.Next().This(); x0 := a.X(); y0 := a.Y(); d := Math.IntPower(x1 - x0, 2) + Math.IntPower(y1 - y0, 2); IF d # 0 THEN prop.proportion := Math.Sqrt((Math.IntPower(x - x0, 2) + Math.IntPower(y - y0, 2)) / d); IF (x < x0) # (x1 < x0) THEN prop.proportion := -1 * prop.proportion END; INCL(prop.valid, proportion) END END END GetProportionProp; (* ProportionProp *) PROCEDURE (p: LinePointProportionProp) IntersectWith* (q: Properties.Property; OUT equal: BOOLEAN); VAR valid: SET; BEGIN WITH q: LinePointProportionProp DO p.known := p.known + q.known; valid := p.valid * q.valid; IF p.fixed # q.fixed THEN EXCL(valid, fixed) END; IF p.proportion # q.proportion THEN EXCL(valid, proportion) END; equal := p.valid = valid; p.valid := valid END END IntersectWith; (* Point *) PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) Action*; VAR res: INTEGER; cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString("#Fig:Linepoint.Prop", cmd); Dialog.Call(cmd, "", res) END Action; PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) PollProp* (OUT prop: Properties.Property); VAR pprop: LinePointProportionProp; BEGIN GetProportionProp(p, pprop); prop := pprop END PollProp; PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) SetProp* (prop: Properties.Property); VAR old: LinePointProportionProp; BEGIN WHILE (prop # NIL) & ~(prop IS LinePointProportionProp) DO prop := prop.next END; IF prop # NIL THEN GetProportionProp(p, old); SetProportionProp(p, old, prop(LinePointProportionProp)) END END SetProp; PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: LinePoint DO p.fixed := source.fixed; p.proportion := source.proportion END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteBool(p.fixed); wr.WriteReal(p.proportion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadBool(p.fixed); rd.ReadReal(p.proportion) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: LinePoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN Adjust(p.Anchors(), p.fixed, p.proportion, x, y) END Calculate; PROCEDURE NewLinePoint* (fixed: BOOLEAN; proportion: REAL): LinePoint; VAR p: LinePoint; BEGIN NEW(p); p.fixed := fixed; p.proportion := proportion; RETURN p END NewLinePoint; PROCEDURE InsertLinePoint*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: LinePoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); pnt := NewLinePoint(FALSE, 0.5); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertLinePoint; PROCEDURE InsertLinePointMiddle*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: LinePoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); pnt := NewLinePoint(TRUE, 0.5); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertLinePointMiddle; PROCEDURE InsertLinePointCont*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: LinePoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); pnt := NewLinePoint(TRUE, 2); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertLinePointCont; (* LinePoint Dialog *) PROCEDURE InitLinePointDialog*; VAR p: Properties.Property; BEGIN Properties.CollectProp(p); WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS LinePointProportionProp) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN WITH p: LinePointProportionProp DO IF fixed IN p.valid THEN dlg.fixed := p.fixed ELSE dlg.fixed := FALSE END; IF proportion IN p.valid THEN dlg.percent := SHORT(ENTIER(p.proportion * 100 + 0.5)) ELSE dlg.percent := 0 END END ELSE dlg.fixed := FALSE; dlg.percent := 0 END; Dialog.Update(dlg) END InitLinePointDialog; PROCEDURE SetLinePoint*; VAR p: LinePointProportionProp; BEGIN NEW(p); p.known := {fixed, proportion}; p.valid := p.known; p.fixed := dlg.fixed; p.proportion := dlg.percent / 100; Properties.EmitProp(NIL, p) END SetLinePoint; (* CirclePoint *) PROCEDURE (p: CirclePoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: CirclePoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; theta: REAL; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN IF version = 0 THEN rd.ReadReal(theta) ELSE END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: CirclePoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR radius, length, length2, theta: REAL; x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER; BEGIN x0 := p.Anchors().Next().This().X(); y0 := p.Anchors().Next().This().Y(); x1 := p.Anchors().This().X(); y1 := p.Anchors().This().Y(); radius := Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(x0 - x1, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y1, 2)); IF (x = FigModels.undefined) & (y = FigModels.undefined) THEN theta := 0.0; x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 + radius * Math.Cos(theta))); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 - radius * Math.Sin(theta))) ELSE length := Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(x0 - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y, 2)); length2 := Math.Sqrt(Math.IntPower(x0 - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(y0 - y0, 2)); IF length # 0 THEN theta := Math.ArcCos(length2 / length) ELSE theta := 0.0 END; IF (x >= x0) & (y >= y0) THEN x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 + radius * Math.Cos(theta))); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 + radius * Math.Sin(theta))) ELSIF (x < x0) & (y < y0) THEN x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 - radius * Math.Cos(theta))); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 - radius * Math.Sin(theta))) ELSIF (x < x0) & (y >= y0) THEN x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 - radius * Math.Cos(theta))); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 + radius * Math.Sin(theta))) ELSE x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 + radius * Math.Cos(theta))); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 - radius * Math.Sin(theta))) END END END Calculate; PROCEDURE NewCirclePoint* (): CirclePoint; VAR p: CirclePoint; BEGIN NEW(p); RETURN p END NewCirclePoint; PROCEDURE InsertCirclePoint*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: CirclePoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); pnt := NewCirclePoint(); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertCirclePoint; (* CenterPoint *) PROCEDURE (p: CenterPoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: CenterPoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version) END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: CenterPoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0: REAL; n: INTEGER; q: FigModels.PointList; pnt: FigModels.Point; BEGIN q := p.Anchors(); x0 := 0; y0 := 0; n := 0; WHILE q # NIL DO pnt := q.This(); x0 := x0 + pnt.X(); y0 := y0 + pnt.Y(); INC(n); q := q.Next() END; x := SHORT(ENTIER(x0 / n + 0.5)); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y0 / n + 0.5)) END Calculate; PROCEDURE (pnt: CenterPoint) PollProp* (OUT p: Properties.Property); VAR prop: FigModels.StdProp; BEGIN NEW(prop); prop.known := {FigModels.expandable, FigModels.cyclic, FigModels.minAnchors, FigModels.maxAnchors}; prop.valid := prop.known; prop.expandable := TRUE; prop.cyclic := TRUE; prop.minAnchors := 2; prop.maxAnchors := FigModels.undefined; p := prop END PollProp; PROCEDURE NewCenterPoint* (): CenterPoint; VAR p: CenterPoint; BEGIN NEW(p); RETURN p END NewCenterPoint; PROCEDURE InsertCenterPoint*; VAR n: INTEGER; v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: CenterPoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); n := v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points); IF n > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(n, p); pnt := NewCenterPoint(); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertCenterPoint; (* CornerPoint *) PROCEDURE (p: CornerPoint) CopyFrom- (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN WITH source: CornerPoint DO p.xi := source.xi; p.yi := source.yi END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (p: CornerPoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteInt(p.xi); wr.WriteInt(p.yi) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: CornerPoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadInt(p.xi); rd.ReadInt(p.yi) END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: CornerPoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR d1, d2: REAL; anc: ARRAY 2 OF FigModels.Point; BEGIN anc[0] := p.Anchors().This(); anc[1] := p.Anchors().Next().This(); d1 := Math.IntPower(anc[0].X() - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(anc[1].Y() - y, 2); d2 := Math.IntPower(anc[1].X() - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(anc[0].Y() - y, 2); IF d1 < d2 THEN p.xi := 0; p.yi := 1 ELSIF d1 > d2 THEN p.xi := 1; p.yi := 0 END; x := anc[p.xi].X(); y := anc[p.yi].Y() END Calculate; PROCEDURE NewCornerPoint* (): CornerPoint; VAR p: CornerPoint; BEGIN NEW(p); p.xi := 0; p.yi := 1; RETURN p END NewCornerPoint; PROCEDURE InsertCornerPoint*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: CornerPoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); pnt := NewCornerPoint(); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertCornerPoint; (* ParallelPoint *) PROCEDURE (p: ParallelPoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: ParallelPoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: ParallelPoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN x := p.Anchors().Next().Next().This().X() - p.Anchors().Next().This().X() + p.Anchors().This().X(); y := p.Anchors().Next().Next().This().Y() - p.Anchors().Next().This().Y() + p.Anchors().This().Y(); END Calculate; PROCEDURE NewParallelPoint* (): ParallelPoint; VAR p: ParallelPoint; BEGIN NEW(p); RETURN p END NewParallelPoint; PROCEDURE InsertParallelPoint*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: ParallelPoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 2 THEN v.PopPoints(3, p); pnt := NewParallelPoint(); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertParallelPoint; (* RectanglePoint *) PROCEDURE (p: RectanglePoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: RectanglePoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: RectanglePoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR p1, p2: FigModels.Point; l, t, r, b, d: INTEGER; BEGIN p1 := p.Anchors().This(); p2 := p.Anchors().Next().This(); l := MIN(p1.X(), p2.X()); r := MAX(p1.X(), p2.X()); t := MIN(p1.Y(), p2.Y()); b := MAX(p1.Y(), p2.Y()); IF x = FigModels.undefined THEN x := (l + r) DIV 2 END; IF y = FigModels.undefined THEN y := (t + b) DIV 2 END; x := MAX(l, MIN(r, x)); y := MAX(t, MIN(b, y)); d := MIN(MIN(x - l, r - x), MIN(y - t, b - y)); IF d # 0 THEN IF d = x - l THEN x := l ELSIF d = r - x THEN x := r ELSIF d = y - t THEN y := t ELSE y := b END END END Calculate; PROCEDURE NewRectanglePoint* (): RectanglePoint; VAR p: RectanglePoint; BEGIN NEW(p); RETURN p END NewRectanglePoint; PROCEDURE InsertRectanglePoint*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: RectanglePoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 1 THEN v.PopPoints(2, p); pnt := NewRectanglePoint(); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertRectanglePoint; (* ProjectionPoint *) PROCEDURE (p: ProjectionPoint) Externalize- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (p: ProjectionPoint) Internalize- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (p: ProjectionPoint) Calculate* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, f, l: REAL; q: FigModels.PointList; a: FigModels.Point; BEGIN q := p.Anchors(); a := q.This(); x0 := a.X(); y0 := a.Y(); (* point *) q := q.Next(); a := q.This(); x1 := a.X(); y1 := a.Y(); (* projection line *) q := q.Next(); a := q.This(); x2 := a.X(); y2 := a.Y(); (* projection line *) l := ((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)); IF l # 0 THEN f := ((x1 - x2) * (x0 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y0 - y2)) / l ELSE f := 0 END; x := SHORT(ENTIER(x2 + (x1 - x2) * f)); y := SHORT(ENTIER(y2 + (y1 - y2) * f)) END Calculate; PROCEDURE NewProjectionPoint* (): ProjectionPoint; VAR p: ProjectionPoint; BEGIN NEW(p); RETURN p END NewProjectionPoint; PROCEDURE InsertProjectionPoint*; VAR v: FigViews.View; m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.PointList; pnt: ProjectionPoint; BEGIN v := FigViews.Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN m := v.ThisModel(); IF v.NofSelectedObjects(FigViews.points) > 2 THEN v.PopPoints(3, p); pnt := NewProjectionPoint(); m.InsertObject(pnt, p, FigModels.undefined, FigModels.undefined); v.SelectObject(pnt) END END END InsertProjectionPoint; END FigPoints.
MODULE FigViews; IMPORT Stores, Ports, Math, Views, Controllers, Properties, Models, FigModels; CONST initialGrid* = 3 * Ports.mm; initialGridDrawingFactor* = 3; pntSize = 4 * Ports.point; windowsAltKey = 28; macCommandKey = 27; rightDeleteKey = 07X; leftDeleteKey = 08X; arrowLeft = 1CX; arrowRight = 1DX; arrowUp = 1EX; arrowDown = 1FX; tab = 9X; minVersion = 3; maxVersion = 3; currentVersion = 3; points* = 1; figures* = 2; both* = 3; TYPE ObjectList = POINTER TO RECORD this: FigModels.Object; next: ObjectList END; View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Views.View) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) m: FigModels.Model; selectedObjects: ObjectList; nofSelectedPoints: INTEGER; nofSelectedFigures: INTEGER; showPoints: BOOLEAN; showGrid: BOOLEAN; grid: INTEGER; gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER; gridOn: BOOLEAN END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; (* Misc. *) PROCEDURE AlienDependencies (pnt: FigModels.Point): BOOLEAN; VAR points: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN IF ~(pnt IS FigModels.AlienPoint) THEN points := pnt.DependingPoints(); WHILE (points # NIL) & ~(points.This() IS FigModels.AlienPoint) & ~AlienDependencies(points.This()) DO points := points.Next() END; RETURN points # NIL ELSE RETURN FALSE END END AlienDependencies; PROCEDURE Focus* (): View; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN RETURN v(View) ELSE RETURN NIL END END Focus; (* View *) PROCEDURE (v: View) RoundToGrid* (VAR x, y: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetGrid* (grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) GetGrid* (OUT grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) GridOn* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) ShowingGrid* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) ShowingPoints* (): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) ToggleGrid*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) TogglePointhiding*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) ToggleGridhiding*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectObject* (o: FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) DeselectObject* (o: FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectAll*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) DeselectAll*, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) NofSelectedObjects* (type: INTEGER): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) LatestSelectedObject* (type: INTEGER): FigModels.Object, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) GetSelections* (n, type: INTEGER; OUT sel: ARRAY OF FigModels.Object), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) IsSelected* (o: FigModels.Object): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) PopPoints* (n: INTEGER; OUT plist: FigModels.PointList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) PopFigures* (n: INTEGER; OUT flist: FigModels.FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectedPoints* (): FigModels.PointList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectedFigures* (): FigModels.FigureList, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectPoints* (plist: FigModels.PointList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SelectFigures* (flist: FigModels.FigureList), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel* (): FigModels.Model, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN NIL END ThisModel; (* Directory *) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (m: FigModels.Model): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SelectObject (o: FigModels.Object); VAR olist: ObjectList; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); IF o IS FigModels.Point THEN ASSERT(o(FigModels.Point).Model() = v.ThisModel(), 21) ELSIF o IS FigModels.Figure THEN ASSERT(o(FigModels.Figure).Model() = v.ThisModel(), 22) END; NEW(olist); olist.this := o; olist.next := v.selectedObjects; v.selectedObjects := olist; IF o IS FigModels.Point THEN INC(v.nofSelectedPoints) ELSIF o IS FigModels.Figure THEN INC(v.nofSelectedFigures) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END SelectObject; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) DeselectObject (o: FigModels.Object); VAR tmp, prev: ObjectList; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); IF o IS FigModels.Point THEN ASSERT(o(FigModels.Point).Model() = v.ThisModel(), 21) ELSIF o IS FigModels.Figure THEN ASSERT(o(FigModels.Figure).Model() = v.ThisModel(), 22) END; tmp := v.selectedObjects; prev := NIL; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (tmp.this # o) DO prev := tmp; tmp := tmp.next END; IF tmp # NIL THEN IF prev = NIL THEN v.selectedObjects := tmp.next ELSE prev.next := tmp.next END; IF o IS FigModels.Point THEN DEC(v.nofSelectedPoints) ELSIF o IS FigModels.Figure THEN DEC(v.nofSelectedFigures) END END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END DeselectObject; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SelectAll; VAR plist: FigModels.PointList; p: FigModels.Point; flist: FigModels.FigureList; f: FigModels.Figure; BEGIN v.selectedObjects := NIL; v.nofSelectedPoints := 0; v.nofSelectedFigures := 0; plist := v.m.Points(); WHILE plist # NIL DO p := plist.This(); v.SelectObject(p); plist := plist.Next() END; flist := v.m.Figures(); WHILE flist # NIL DO f := flist.This(); v.SelectObject(f); flist := flist.Next() END END SelectAll; PROCEDURE GetBoundingBox (obj: ObjectList; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR fl, ft, fr, fb, x, y: INTEGER; p: FigModels.Point; BEGIN ASSERT(obj # NIL, 20); IF obj.this IS FigModels.Point THEN p := obj.this(FigModels.Point); x := p.X(); y := p.Y(); l := x - pntSize; r := x + pntSize; t :=y - pntSize; b := y + pntSize ELSE obj.this(FigModels.Figure).GetBoundingBox(fl, ft, fr, fb); l := MIN(l, fl); r := MAX(r, fr); t := MIN(t, ft); b := MAX(b, fb) END; obj := obj.next; WHILE obj # NIL DO IF obj.this IS FigModels.Point THEN p := obj.this(FigModels.Point); x := p.X(); y := p.Y(); l := MIN(l, x - pntSize); r := MAX(r, x + pntSize); t := MIN(t, y - pntSize); b := MAX(b, y + pntSize) ELSE obj.this(FigModels.Figure).GetBoundingBox(fl, ft, fr, fb); l := MIN(l, fl); r := MAX(r, fr); t := MIN(t, ft); b := MAX(b, fb) END; obj := obj.next END END GetBoundingBox; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) DeselectAll; VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN IF v.selectedObjects # NIL THEN GetBoundingBox(v.selectedObjects, l, t, r, b); v.selectedObjects := NIL; v.nofSelectedPoints := 0; v.nofSelectedFigures := 0; Views.UpdateIn(v, l - Ports.mm, t - Ports.mm, r + Ports.mm, b + Ports.mm, Views.keepFrames) END END DeselectAll; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) NofSelectedObjects (type: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN IF type = points THEN RETURN v.nofSelectedPoints ELSIF type = figures THEN RETURN v.nofSelectedFigures ELSIF type = both THEN RETURN v.nofSelectedPoints + v.nofSelectedFigures ELSE RETURN 0 END END NofSelectedObjects; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) LatestSelectedObject (type: INTEGER): FigModels.Object; VAR tmplist: ObjectList; BEGIN tmplist := v.selectedObjects; IF (type = points) & (tmplist # NIL) THEN WHILE (tmplist # NIL) & ~(tmplist.this IS FigModels.Point) DO tmplist := tmplist.next END; IF tmplist = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSE RETURN tmplist.this END ELSIF (type = figures) & (tmplist # NIL) THEN WHILE (tmplist # NIL) & ~(tmplist.this IS FigModels.Figure) DO tmplist := tmplist.next END; IF tmplist = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSE RETURN tmplist.this END ELSIF (type = both) & (tmplist # NIL) THEN RETURN v.selectedObjects.this ELSE RETURN NIL END END LatestSelectedObject; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetSelections (n, type: INTEGER; OUT sel: ARRAY OF FigModels.Object); VAR tmp: ObjectList; index: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(n > 0, 20); ASSERT(LEN(sel) >= n, 21); tmp := v.selectedObjects; index := 0; IF type = points THEN WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO IF tmp.this IS FigModels.Point THEN sel[index] := tmp.this(FigModels.Point); INC(index); DEC(n) END; tmp := tmp.next END ELSIF type = figures THEN WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO IF tmp.this IS FigModels.Point THEN sel[index] := tmp.this(FigModels.Point); INC(index); DEC(n) END; tmp := tmp.next END ELSIF type = both THEN WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO sel[index] := tmp.this; INC(index); DEC(n); tmp := tmp.next END ELSE END END GetSelections; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) IsSelected (o: FigModels.Object): BOOLEAN; VAR tmplist: ObjectList; BEGIN ASSERT(o # NIL, 20); IF o IS FigModels.Point THEN ASSERT(o(FigModels.Point).Model() = v.ThisModel(), 21) ELSIF o IS FigModels.Figure THEN ASSERT(o(FigModels.Figure).Model() = v.ThisModel(), 22) END; tmplist := v.selectedObjects; WHILE (tmplist # NIL) & (tmplist.this # o) DO tmplist := tmplist.next END; RETURN tmplist # NIL END IsSelected; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) PopPoints (n: INTEGER; OUT plist: FigModels.PointList); VAR a: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FigModels.Point; tmp: ObjectList; index: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(n > 0, 20); ASSERT(n <= v.NofSelectedObjects(points), 21); NEW(a, n); tmp := v.selectedObjects; index := 0; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO IF tmp.this IS FigModels.Point THEN a[index] := tmp.this(FigModels.Point); v.DeselectObject(tmp.this); INC(index); DEC(n) END; tmp := tmp.next END; plist := v.m.ThisPointList(a); Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END PopPoints; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) PopFigures (n: INTEGER; OUT flist: FigModels.FigureList); VAR a: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FigModels.Figure; tmp: ObjectList; index: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(n > 0, 20); ASSERT(n <= v.NofSelectedObjects(figures), 21); NEW(a, n); tmp := v.selectedObjects; index := 0; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO IF tmp.this IS FigModels.Figure THEN a[index] := tmp.this(FigModels.Figure); v.DeselectObject(tmp.this); INC(index); DEC(n) END; tmp := tmp.next END; flist := v.m.ThisFigureList(a); Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END PopFigures; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SelectedPoints (): FigModels.PointList; VAR a: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FigModels.Point; tmp: ObjectList; index, n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := v.nofSelectedPoints; tmp := v.selectedObjects; index := 0; IF n > 0 THEN NEW(a, n) END; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO IF tmp.this IS FigModels.Point THEN a[index] := tmp.this(FigModels.Point); INC(index); DEC(n) END; tmp := tmp.next END; IF v.nofSelectedPoints > 0 THEN RETURN v.m.ThisPointList(a) ELSE RETURN NIL END END SelectedPoints; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SelectedFigures (): FigModels.FigureList; VAR a: POINTER TO ARRAY OF FigModels.Figure; tmp: ObjectList; index, n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := v.nofSelectedFigures; tmp := v.selectedObjects; index := 0; IF n > 0 THEN NEW(a, n) END; WHILE (tmp # NIL) & (n > 0) DO IF tmp.this IS FigModels.Figure THEN a[index] := tmp.this(FigModels.Figure); INC(index); DEC(n) END; tmp := tmp.next END; IF v.nofSelectedFigures > 0 THEN RETURN v.m.ThisFigureList(a) ELSE RETURN NIL END END SelectedFigures; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SelectPoints (plist: FigModels.PointList); BEGIN WHILE plist # NIL DO v.SelectObject(plist.This()); plist := plist.Next() END END SelectPoints; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SelectFigures (flist: FigModels.FigureList); BEGIN WHILE flist # NIL DO v.SelectObject(flist.This()); flist := flist.Next() END END SelectFigures; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) RoundToGrid (VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN x := x + v.grid DIV 2; y := y + v.grid DIV 2; x := x - x MOD v.grid; y := y - y MOD v.grid END RoundToGrid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SetGrid (grid: INTEGER; gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER); BEGIN ASSERT(grid > 0, 20); ASSERT(gridDrawingFactor > 0, 21); v.grid := grid; v.gridDrawingFactor := gridDrawingFactor; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END SetGrid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetGrid (OUT grid, gridDrawingFactor: INTEGER); BEGIN grid := v.grid; gridDrawingFactor := v.gridDrawingFactor END GetGrid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GridOn (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN v.gridOn END GridOn; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ShowingGrid (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN v.showGrid END ShowingGrid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ShowingPoints (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN v.showPoints END ShowingPoints; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) InitModel (m: Models.Model), NEW; BEGIN WITH m: FigModels.Model DO v.m := m; Stores.Join(v, m); v.selectedObjects := NIL; v.nofSelectedPoints := 0; v.nofSelectedFigures := 0; v.showPoints := TRUE; v.showGrid := TRUE; v.grid := initialGrid; v.gridDrawingFactor := initialGridDrawingFactor; v.gridOn := TRUE END END InitModel; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ThisModel (): FigModels.Model; BEGIN RETURN v.m END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromModelView (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: StdView DO v.m := model(FigModels.Model); v.showPoints := source.showPoints; v.showGrid := source.showGrid; v.grid := source.grid; v.gridDrawingFactor := source.gridDrawingFactor; v.gridOn := source.gridOn END END CopyFromModelView; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR version: INTEGER; s: Stores.Store; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxVersion, version); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadStore(s); IF s IS FigModels.Model THEN v.InitModel(s(FigModels.Model)); rd.ReadBool(v.showPoints); rd.ReadBool(v.showGrid); rd.ReadInt(v.grid); rd.ReadInt(v.gridDrawingFactor); rd.ReadBool(v.gridOn) ELSE rd.TurnIntoAlien(Stores.alienComponent) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(currentVersion); wr.WriteStore(v.m); wr.WriteBool(v.showPoints); wr.WriteBool(v.showGrid); wr.WriteInt(v.grid); wr.WriteInt(v.gridDrawingFactor); wr.WriteBool(v.gridOn) END Externalize; PROCEDURE DrawPoint (f: Ports.Frame; p: FigModels.Point; x, y, s, color: INTEGER); VAR bsize, csize, b: INTEGER; alienColor: Ports.Color; BEGIN bsize := (pntSize DIV f.unit) * f.unit; csize := (pntSize DIV f.unit) * f.unit; b := f.dot; IF Ports.background # Ports.grey50 THEN alienColor := Ports.grey50 ELSE alienColor := Ports.grey25 END; IF p IS FigModels.AlienPoint THEN f.DrawRect(x - (csize + b), y - (csize + b), x + (csize + b), y + (csize + b), Ports.fill, alienColor); f.DrawRect(x - csize, y - csize, x + csize, y + csize, s, Ports.black); f.DrawLine(x - f.dot, y - f.dot, x + f.dot, y + f.dot, 0, color) ELSIF p IS FigModels.ConstrainedPoint THEN f.DrawRect(x - (csize + b), y - (csize + b), x + (csize + b), y + (csize + b), Ports.fill, Ports.background); f.DrawRect(x - csize, y - csize, x + csize, y + csize, s, color); f.DrawRect(x - f.dot, y - f.dot, x + f.dot, y + f.dot, 0, color) ELSE f.DrawLine(x - bsize, y - bsize, x + bsize, y + bsize, s + f.dot * 2, Ports.background); f.DrawLine(x - bsize, y + bsize, x + bsize, y - bsize, s + f.dot * 2, Ports.background); f.DrawLine(x - bsize, y - bsize, x + bsize, y + bsize, s, color); f.DrawLine(x - bsize, y + bsize, x + bsize, y - bsize, s, color) END END DrawPoint; PROCEDURE Draw (v: StdView; f: Ports.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; showPoints: BOOLEAN); VAR m: FigModels.Model; plist: FigModels.PointList; p: FigModels.Point; bl, bt, br, bb: INTEGER; figs: FigModels.FigureList; BEGIN m := v.ThisModel(); figs := m.Figures(); WHILE figs # NIL DO figs.This().Draw(f, l, t, r, b); figs := figs.Next() END; figs := v.SelectedFigures(); WHILE figs # NIL DO figs.This().GetBoundingBox(bl, bt, br, bb); f.MarkRect(bl - 2 * f.dot, bt - 2 * f.dot, br + 2 * f.dot, bb + 2 * f.dot, 2 * f.unit, Ports.hilite, Ports.show); figs := figs.Next() END; IF showPoints THEN plist := m.Points(); WHILE plist # NIL DO p := plist.This(); DrawPoint(f, p, p.X(), p.Y(), 0, Ports.black); plist := plist.Next() END END; plist := v.SelectedPoints(); WHILE plist # NIL DO p := plist.This(); DrawPoint(f, p, p.X(), p.Y(), f.dot * 2, Ports.black); plist := plist.Next() END END Draw; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR k, x, y, w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~Views.IsPrinterFrame(f) THEN IF v.showGrid THEN k := v.grid * v.gridDrawingFactor; v.context.GetSize(w, h); x := l - (l MOD k); WHILE x <= w DO f.MarkRect(x, 0, x + f.unit, h, 0, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); INC(x, k) END; y := t - (t MOD k); WHILE y <= h DO f.MarkRect(0, y, w, y + f.unit, 0, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); INC(y, k) END END; Draw(v, f, l, t, r, b, v.showPoints) ELSE Draw(v, f, l, t, r, b, FALSE) END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ToggleGrid; BEGIN v.gridOn := ~v.gridOn; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END ToggleGrid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) TogglePointhiding; BEGIN v.showPoints := ~v.showPoints; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END TogglePointhiding; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) ToggleGridhiding; BEGIN v.showGrid := ~v.showGrid; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) END ToggleGridhiding; (* Model Messages *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleModelMsg (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: FigModels.InsertMsg DO IF ~msg.insert & (msg.figure = NIL) THEN v.DeselectObject(msg.point) ELSIF ~msg.insert & (msg.point = NIL) THEN v.DeselectObject(msg.figure) END; Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: FigModels.AnchorMsg DO Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: FigModels.ChangeAnchorMsg DO Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: FigModels.UpdateMsg DO Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) | msg: Models.UpdateMsg DO Views.Update(v, Views.keepFrames) ELSE END END HandleModelMsg; (* Control Messages *) (* SelectMessage Handling *) (* EditMessage Handling *) PROCEDURE DeleteSelection (v: StdView); VAR m: FigModels.Model; flist: FigModels.FigureList; plist: FigModels.PointList; s: Stores.Operation; PROCEDURE DeletePoint (p: FigModels.Point); VAR plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN plist := p.DependingPoints(); WHILE plist # NIL DO DeletePoint(plist.This()); plist := plist.Next() END; IF (p.DependingPoints() = NIL) & (p.DependingFigures() = NIL) & v.IsSelected(p) THEN m.RemoveObject(p) END END DeletePoint; BEGIN m := v.m; Models.BeginScript(m, "Delete", s); flist := v.SelectedFigures(); WHILE flist # NIL DO m.RemoveObject(flist.This()); flist := flist.Next() END; plist := v.SelectedPoints(); WHILE plist # NIL DO DeletePoint(plist.This()); plist := plist.Next() END; Models.EndScript(m, s) END DeleteSelection; PROCEDURE CopyToNewView (v: StdView; OUT w, h: INTEGER; OUT new: Views.View); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; copy: FigModels.Model; flist: FigModels.FigureList; plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN copy := FigModels.CloneOf(v.m)(FigModels.Model); copy.InsertCopy(v.m, v.SelectedPoints(), v.SelectedFigures(), plist, flist); IF (copy.Points() # NIL) OR (copy.Figures() # NIL) THEN copy.GetBoundingBox(copy.Points(), copy.Figures(), l, t, r, b); copy.MovePoints(copy.Points(), -l, -t); w := r - l; h := b - t; new := Views.CopyWithNewModel(v, copy) END END CopyToNewView; PROCEDURE Paste (into: StdView; insert: View); VAR m0, m: FigModels.Model; p: FigModels.Point; flist: FigModels.FigureList; plist: FigModels.PointList; s: Stores.Operation; BEGIN m0 := into.m; m := insert.ThisModel(); p := into.SelectedPoints().This(); Models.BeginScript(m0, "Paste", s); m0.InsertCopy(m, m.Points(), m.Figures(), plist, flist); m0.MovePoints(plist, p.X(), p.Y()); Models.EndScript(m0, s); into.DeselectAll; into.SelectPoints(plist); into.SelectFigures(flist) END Paste; PROCEDURE MoveByKey (v: StdView; key: CHAR; dist: INTEGER); VAR m: FigModels.Model; BEGIN m := v.m; CASE key OF arrowLeft: m.MovePoints(v.SelectedPoints(), -dist, 0) | arrowRight: m.MovePoints(v.SelectedPoints(), dist, 0) | arrowUp: m.MovePoints(v.SelectedPoints(), 0, -dist) | arrowDown: m.MovePoints(v.SelectedPoints(), 0, dist) END END MoveByKey; PROCEDURE Edit (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.EditMsg); VAR plist: FigModels.PointList; BEGIN IF msg.op = Controllers.pasteChar THEN IF (msg.char = rightDeleteKey) OR (msg.char = leftDeleteKey) THEN DeleteSelection(v) ELSIF (msg.char >= arrowLeft) & (msg.char <= arrowDown) THEN IF Controllers.modify IN msg.modifiers THEN MoveByKey(v, msg.char, v.grid) ELSE MoveByKey(v, msg.char, f.dot) END ELSIF (msg.char = tab) & (v.NofSelectedObjects(points) # 0) THEN v.PopPoints(1, plist) END ELSIF (msg.op = Controllers.paste) & (msg.view IS View) THEN Paste(v , msg.view(View)) ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.copy THEN CopyToNewView (v, msg.w, msg.h, msg.view) ELSIF msg.op = Controllers.cut THEN CopyToNewView (v, msg.w, msg.h, msg.view); DeleteSelection(v) END END Edit; (* TrackMessage & PollCursorMessage Handling *) PROCEDURE CheckHits (v: StdView; x, y: INTEGER; OUT p: FigModels.Point; OUT f: FigModels.Figure); VAR d, dist: REAL; pnt, min: FigModels.Point; plist: FigModels.PointList; flist, q: FigModels.FigureList; BEGIN plist := v.m.Points(); min := NIL; dist := 2 * Math.IntPower(MAX(INTEGER), 2); WHILE plist # NIL DO pnt := plist.This(); d := Math.IntPower(pnt.X() - x, 2) + Math.IntPower(pnt.Y() - y, 2); IF d <= dist THEN min := pnt; dist := d END; plist := plist.Next() END; IF (min # NIL) & ((v.gridOn & (2 * ABS(min.X() - x) <= v.grid) & (2 * ABS(min.Y() - y) <= v.grid)) OR (dist <= Math.IntPower(pntSize, 2))) THEN p := min ELSE p := NIL END; flist := v.m.TheseFigures(v.m.Figures(), x, y); IF flist # NIL THEN q := flist.Next(); WHILE q # NIL DO flist := q; q := flist.Next() END; f := flist.This() ELSE f := NIL END END CheckHits; PROCEDURE ThisCursor (v: StdView; x, y: INTEGER; frame: Views.Frame): INTEGER; VAR modifiers: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; p: FigModels.Point; f: FigModels.Figure; BEGIN CheckHits(v, x, y, p, f); frame.Input(x, y, modifiers, isDown); IF (p # NIL) OR ((f # NIL) & ~(Controllers.modify IN modifiers)) THEN RETURN Ports.arrowCursor ELSE RETURN Ports.graphicsCursor END END ThisCursor; PROCEDURE InvertRect (f: Views.Frame; x0, y0, x1, y1: INTEGER); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN IF x0 <= x1 THEN l := x0; r := x1 ELSE l := x1; r := x0 END; IF y0 <= y1 THEN t := y0; b := y1 ELSE t := y1; b := y0 END; f.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.dim75, TRUE) END InvertRect; PROCEDURE TrackOnBackground (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x0, y0: INTEGER; modifiers: SET); VAR x, y, x1, y1: INTEGER; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN f.SetCursor(Ports.graphicsCursor); x1 := x0; y1 := y0; InvertRect(f, x0, y0, x1, y1); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); modifiers := modifiers + mod; IF (x # x1) OR (y # y1) THEN InvertRect(f, x0, y0, x1, y1); x1 := x; y1 := y; InvertRect(f, x0, y0, x1, y1) END UNTIL ~isDown OR ({Controllers.modify, Controllers.doubleClick} * modifiers # {}); InvertRect(f, x0, y0, x1, y1); IF isDown THEN REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); modifiers := modifiers + mod UNTIL ~isDown; IF ~(Controllers.extend IN modifiers) THEN v.DeselectAll END; IF {Controllers.modify, Controllers.doubleClick} * modifiers # {} THEN IF v.gridOn THEN v.RoundToGrid(x, y) END; IF (x >= f.l) & (x <= f.r) & (y >= f.t) & (y <= f.b) THEN v.SelectObject(v.m.NewFreePoint(x, y)) END END ELSE IF ~(Controllers.extend IN modifiers) THEN v.DeselectAll END; IF x0 > x THEN x := x0; x0 := x1 END; IF y0 > y THEN y := y0; y0 := y1 END; v.SelectPoints(v.m.ThesePoints(v.m.Points(), x0, y0, x, y)); v.SelectFigures(v.m.IncludedFigures(v.m.Figures(), x0, y0, x, y)) END END TrackOnBackground; PROCEDURE TrackMove (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x0, y0: INTEGER; modifiers: SET); VAR x, y, dx, dy, l, t, r, b, res, col: INTEGER; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; m: FigModels.Model; plist: FigModels.PointList; p: FigModels.Point; flist: FigModels.FigureList; BEGIN f.SetCursor(Ports.graphicsCursor); f.SaveRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, res); v.m.GetBoundingBox(v.SelectedPoints(), NIL, l, t, r, b); IF Ports.background # Ports.grey25 THEN col := Ports.grey25 ELSE col := Ports.grey50 END; IF v.gridOn THEN v.RoundToGrid(x0, y0) END; dx := 0; dy := 0; REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); modifiers := modifiers + mod; IF v.gridOn THEN v.RoundToGrid(x, y) END; IF (dx # MAX(-l, x - x0)) OR (dy # MAX(-t, y - y0)) THEN dx := MAX(-l, x - x0); dy := MAX(-t, y - y0); f.RestoreRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.keepBuffer); plist := v.SelectedPoints(); WHILE plist # NIL DO p := plist.This(); IF ~(p IS FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) THEN DrawPoint(f, p, p.X() + dx, p.Y() + dy, f.dot * 2, col) END; plist := plist.Next() END END UNTIL ~isDown; f.RestoreRect(f.l, f.t, f.r, f.b, Ports.disposeBuffer); IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN IF Controllers.modify IN modifiers THEN m := FigModels.CloneOf(v.m)(FigModels.Model); m.InsertCopy(v.m, v.SelectedPoints(), v.SelectedFigures(), plist, flist); m.MovePoints(m.Points(), dx, dy); v.m.InsertCopy(m, m.Points(), m.Figures(), plist, flist); v.DeselectAll(); v.SelectPoints(plist); v.SelectFigures(flist) ELSE v.m.MovePoints(v.SelectedPoints(), dx, dy) END END END TrackMove; PROCEDURE TrackOnPoint (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x0, y0: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; p: FigModels.Point); VAR x, y: INTEGER; mod: SET; isDown, isSelected: BOOLEAN; BEGIN f.SetCursor(Ports.arrowCursor); isSelected := v.IsSelected(p); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); modifiers := modifiers + mod UNTIL ~isDown OR ((x # x0) OR (y # y0)) & isSelected; IF isDown THEN TrackMove(v, f, x0, y0, modifiers) ELSIF (p IS FigModels.ConstrainedPoint) & ({macCommandKey, windowsAltKey, Controllers.doubleClick} * modifiers # {}) THEN p(FigModels.ConstrainedPoint).Action ELSIF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN IF v.IsSelected(p) THEN v.DeselectObject(p) ELSE v.SelectObject(p) END ELSE v.DeselectAll; v.SelectObject(p) END END TrackOnPoint; PROCEDURE TrackOnFigure (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; x0, y0: INTEGER; modifiers: SET; fig: FigModels.Figure); VAR x, y: INTEGER; mod: SET; isDown: BOOLEAN; BEGIN f.SetCursor(Ports.arrowCursor); REPEAT f.Input(x, y, mod, isDown); modifiers := modifiers + mod UNTIL ~isDown OR (Controllers.modify IN modifiers) OR (Math.IntPower(x - x0, 2) + Math.IntPower(y - y0, 2) > Math.IntPower(pntSize, 2)); IF isDown THEN TrackOnBackground (v, f, x0, y0, modifiers) ELSIF {macCommandKey, windowsAltKey, Controllers.doubleClick} * modifiers # {} THEN fig.Action ELSIF Controllers.extend IN modifiers THEN IF v.IsSelected(fig) THEN v.DeselectObject(fig) ELSE v.SelectObject(fig) END ELSE v.DeselectAll; v.SelectObject(fig) END END TrackOnFigure; PROCEDURE Track (v: StdView; f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.TrackMsg); VAR pnt: FigModels.Point; fig: FigModels.Figure; BEGIN CheckHits(v, msg.x, msg.y, pnt, fig); IF pnt # NIL THEN TrackOnPoint(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, pnt) ELSIF fig # NIL THEN TrackOnFigure(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers, fig) ELSE TrackOnBackground(v, f, msg.x, msg.y, msg.modifiers) END END Track; (* ControllersMessage Handling *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Controllers.Message; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: Controllers.PollOpsMsg DO msg.type := "FigViews.View"; msg.selectable := TRUE; IF (v.SelectedPoints() = NIL) & (v.SelectedFigures() = NIL) THEN msg.valid :={} ELSIF v.NofSelectedObjects(points) = 1 THEN msg.valid := {Controllers.paste, Controllers.copy, Controllers.cut} ELSE msg.valid := {Controllers.copy, Controllers.cut} END | msg: Properties.CollectMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.poll) | msg: Properties.EmitMsg DO Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg.set) | msg: Controllers.SelectMsg DO IF msg.set THEN v.SelectAll ELSE v.DeselectAll END | msg: Controllers.EditMsg DO Edit(v, f, msg) | msg: Controllers.TrackMsg DO Track(v, f, msg) | msg: Controllers.PollCursorMsg DO msg.cursor := ThisCursor(v, msg.x, msg.y, f) ELSE (* unknown message type, ignore *) END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* Property Messages *) PROCEDURE SetBoundsPref (v: StdView; VAR msg: Properties.BoundsPref); VAR l, t: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (v.m.Points() # NIL) OR (v.m.Figures() # NIL) THEN v.m.GetBoundingBox(v.m.Points(), v.m.Figures(), l, t, msg.h, msg.w) ELSE msg.w := 0; msg.h := 0 END END SetBoundsPref; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg (VAR msg: Properties.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Properties.FocusPref DO msg.setFocus := TRUE | msg: Properties.SizePref DO IF (msg.w = Views.undefined) OR (msg.h = Views.undefined) THEN msg.w := 60 * Ports.mm; msg.h := 40 * Ports.mm END | msg: Properties.BoundsPref DO SetBoundsPref(v, msg) | msg: Properties.ResizePref DO msg.horFitToWin := TRUE; msg.verFitToWin := TRUE | msg: Properties.PollMsg DO v.m.CollectProperties(v.SelectedFigures(), v.SelectedPoints(), msg.prop) | msg: Properties.SetMsg DO v.m.EmitProperties(v.SelectedFigures(), v.SelectedPoints(), msg.prop) ELSE END END HandlePropMsg; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (m: FigModels.Model): View; VAR v: StdView; BEGIN ASSERT(m # NIL, 20); NEW(v); v.InitModel(m); RETURN v END New; PROCEDURE SetDir*(d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT (d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); stdDir := d; dir := d END Init; BEGIN Init END FigViews.
MENU "#Fig:Figures" ("FigViews.View") "#Fig:Line" "" "FigBasic.InsertLine" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Rectangle" "" "FigBasic.InsertRectangle" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Circle" "" "FigBasic.InsertCircle" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Oval" "" "FigBasic.InsertOval" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Polygon" "" "FigBasic.InsertPolygon" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(3)" "#Fig:Open Bezier" "" "FigBasic.InsertOpenBezier" "FigBasic.InsertOpenBezierGuard" "#Fig:Closed Bezier" "" "FigBasic.InsertClosedBezier" "FigBasic.InsertClosedBezierGuard" "#Fig:Caption" "" "FigBasic.InsertCaption" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(1)" SEPARATOR "#Fig:Point on Line" "" "FigPoints.InsertLinePoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Continuation" "" "FigPoints.InsertLinePointCont" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Point on Rectangle" "" "FigPoints.InsertRectanglePoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Point in Corner" "" "FigPoints.InsertCornerPoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Point on Circle" "" "FigPoints.InsertCirclePoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" "#Fig:Projection" "" "FigPoints.InsertProjectionPoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(3)" "#Fig:Parallel" "" "FigPoints.InsertParallelPoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(3)" "#Fig:Center Point" "" "FigPoints.InsertCenterPoint" "FigCmds.SelectionGuard(2)" SEPARATOR "#Fig:Split Points" "" "FigCmds.SplitPoints" "FigCmds.SplitPointsGuard" "#Fig:Join Points" "" "FigCmds.JoinPoints" "FigCmds.JoinPointsGuard" "#Fig:Send To Back" "" "FigCmds.SendToBack" "FigCmds.SendToBackGuard" "#Fig:Bring To Front" "" "FigCmds.BringToFront" "FigCmds.BringToFrontGuard" "#Fig:Add Anchor" "" "FigCmds.AddAnchor" "FigCmds.AddAnchorGuard" "#Fig:Remove Anchor" "" "FigCmds.RemoveAnchor" "FigCmds.RemoveAnchorGuard" "#Fig:Select All Anchors" "" "FigCmds.SelectAnchors" "FigCmds.SelectAnchorsGuard" SEPARATOR "#Fig:Hide Points" "" "FigCmds.TogglePointhiding" "FigCmds.TogglePointhidingGuard" "#Fig:Hide Grid" "" "FigCmds.ToggleGridhiding" "FigCmds.ToggleGridhidingGuard" "#Fig:Grid On" "" "FigCmds.ToggleGrid" "FigCmds.ToggleGridGuard" "#Fig:Force To Grid" "" "FigCmds.ForceToGrid" "FigCmds.ForceToGridGuard" "#Fig:Set Grid Size..." "" "FigCmds.InitGridDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Fig/Rsrc/Grid', 'Grid Size')" "FigCmds.SetGridGuard" END
STRINGS Captions.Prop FigBasic.InitCaptionDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Fig/Rsrc/Captions', 'Captions') Line.Prop FigCmds.InitArrowPropDialog; FigCmds.InitTPropDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Fig/Rsrc/Lines', 'Lines') Thickness.Prop FigCmds.InitTPropDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Fig/Rsrc/Thickns', 'Thickness') Bezier.Prop FigCmds.InitArrowPropDialog; FigCmds.InitTPropDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Fig/Rsrc/Lines', 'Bezier') Linepoint.Prop FigPoints.InitLinePointDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Fig/Rsrc/Linepoint', 'Linepoint')
FormCmds DEFINITION FormCmds; IMPORT Dialog; VAR grid: RECORD resolution: INTEGER; metricSystem: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE AlignLeft; PROCEDURE AlignRight; PROCEDURE AlignTop; PROCEDURE AlignBottom; PROCEDURE AlignToRow; PROCEDURE AlignToColumn; PROCEDURE InitGridDialog; PROCEDURE SetGrid; PROCEDURE SelectOffGridViews; PROCEDURE ForceToGrid; PROCEDURE SetAsFirst; PROCEDURE SetAsLast; PROCEDURE SortViews; PROCEDURE InsertAround; PROCEDURE FocusGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SelectionGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); PROCEDURE SingletonGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END FormCmds. Command package for form views. Its main purpose is to support layout editing, through various alignment and grid control commands. A possible menu using the above commands: MENU "Layout" ("FormViews.View") "Align &Left" "" "FormCmds.AlignLeft" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "Align &Right" "" "FormCmds.AlignRight" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "Align &Top" "" "FormCmds.AlignTop" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "Align &Bottom" "" "FormCmds.AlignBottom" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "Align To Ro&w" "" "FormCmds.AlignToRow" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "Align To &Column" "" "FormCmds.AlignToColumn" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "Set &Grid..." "" "FormCmds.InitGridDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Form/Rsrc/Cmds', 'Set Grid')" "FormCmds.FocusGuard" "&Select Off-Grid Views" "" "FormCmds.SelectOffGridViews" "" "&Force To Grid" "" "FormCmds.ForceToGrid" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "Set F&irst/Back" "" "FormCmds.SetAsFirst" "FormCmds.SingletonGuard" "Set L&ast/Front" "" "FormCmds.SetAsLast" "FormCmds.SingletonGuard" "Sort &Views" "" "FormCmds.SortViews" "FormCmds.FocusGuard" SEPARATOR "Insert Group Box" "" "FormCmds.InsertAround" "FormCmds.FocusGuard" END VAR grid: RECORD Interactor for the grid dialog box (Form/Rsrc/Cmds). resolution: INTEGER resolution > 0 If metricSystem, then resolution specifies how many grid positions exist for one millimeter. If ~metricSystem, then resolution specifies how many grid positions exist for 1/16 inch. A higher value means that higher precision is possible. metricSystem: BOOLEAN Determines whether the metric system (millimeters) is used or not (1/16 inches). PROCEDURE AlignLeft Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Move all selected views such that their left sides are aligned to the leftmost view in the selection. PROCEDURE AlignRight Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Move all selected views such that their right sides are aligned to the rightmost view in the selection. PROCEDURE AlignTop Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Move all selected views such that their top sides are aligned to the topmost view in the selection. PROCEDURE AlignBottom Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Move all selected views such that their bottom sides are aligned to the bottommost view in the selection. PROCEDURE AlignToRow Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Move all selected views such that their vertical centers become aligned horizontally. PROCEDURE AlignToColumn Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Move all selected views such that their horizontal centers become aligned vertically. PROCEDURE InitGridDialog Guard: FormCmds.FocusGuard Sets up grid.resolution and grid.metricSystem according to the values of the focus controller. PROCEDURE SetGrid Guard: FormCmds.FocusGuard Sets the focus view's grid and gridFactor to the values determined by grid.resolution and grid.metricSystem. PROCEDURE SelectOffGridViews Guard: FormCmds.FocusGuard Selects all views in the focus form whose top-left corners don't lie on the grid. PROCEDURE ForceToGrid Guard: FormCmds.FocusGuard Moves all views in the focus form such that their top-left corners come to lie on the grid. PROCEDURE SetAsFirst Guard: FormCmds.SingletonGuard Sets the selected view to the first position ("bottom"). PROCEDURE SetAsLast Guard: FormCmds.SingletonGuard Sets the selected view to the last position ("top"). PROCEDURE SortViews Guard: FormCmds.FocusGuard Sorts the back-to-front order of all views in a form such that they are geometrically sorted, i.e., a view whose upper edge is further up, or at the same hight but further to the left, is considered to come before ("lower") than the other one. PROCEDURE InsertAround Guard: FormCmds.SelectionGuard Inserts a group box around the currently selected views. PROCEDURE FocusGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if the current front focus isn't a form view. PROCEDURE SelectionGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if the current front focus isn't a form view, or if it doesn't contain a selection. PROCEDURE SingletonGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par) This guard disables the current menu item if the current front focus isn't a form view, or if it doesn't contain a singleton.
FormControllers DEFINITION FormControllers; IMPORT Views, Controllers, Containers, FormModels, FormViews; CONST noSelection = Containers.noSelection; noFocus = Containers.noFocus; TYPE Controller = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Controller) form-: FormModels.Model; view-: FormViews.View; (c: Controller) ThisView (): FormViews.View, EXTENSIBLE; (c: Controller) Select (view: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) Deselect (view: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) IsSelected (view: Views.View): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) GetSelection (): List, NEW, ABSTRACT; (c: Controller) SetSelection (l: List), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Controllers.Directory) (d: Directory) New (): Controller, EXTENSIBLE; (d: Directory) NewController (opts: SET): Controller, ABSTRACT END; List = POINTER TO RECORD next: List; view: Views.View END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE Focus (): Controller; PROCEDURE Insert (c: Controller; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE Install; END FormControllers. FormControllers are standard controllers for FormViews. Note that forms can only be used in a non-modal way, i.e., a program doesn't wait until the user is finished with the form. In other words: the user is in control, not the computer. TYPE Controller (Containers.Controller) ABSTRACT Standard controllers for form views. form-: FormModels.Model form # NIL The controller's model. view-: FormViews.View view # NIL & view.ThisModel() = form The controller's view. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisView (): FormViews.View EXTENSIBLE Covariant narrowing of function result. PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Select (view: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT Adds a view to the current selection, if it isn't selected already. Pre view in c.form 20 ~(noSel IN c.opts) 21 Post c.IsSelected(view) c.ThisFocus() = NIL PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Deselect (view: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT Removes a view from the current selection, if it is selected. Pre view in c.form 20 Post ~c.IsSelected(view) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) IsSelected (view: Views.View): BOOLEAN NEW, ABSTRACT Determines whether the given view is currently selected or not. NIL is not considered selected. Pre view = NIL OR view in c.form 20 PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetSelection (): List NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the list of selected subviews. Post all views of the result list are in c.form PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetSelection (l: List) NEW, ABSTRACT Removes the existing selection, and selects the subviews of l. Pre all views of l are in c.form 20 TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for form view controllers. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Controller EXTENSIBLE Covariant extension of Controllers.Directory.New. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController (opts: SET): Controller ABSTRACT Covariant extension of Controllers.Directory.NewController. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL & stdDir # NIL Controller directories. PROCEDURE Focus (): Controller Returns the focus controller, if the focus currently is a form view, otherwise it returns NIL. PROCEDURE Insert (c: Controller; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) Inserts view into c's view at the position (l, t, r, b). If necessary, the position is slightly corrected (rounded) such that view's top-left corner comes to lie on the grid. The size of view is not changed, however. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Set directory d. Pre d # NIL 20 Post dir = d PROCEDURE Install Used internally.
Form Subsystem Developer Manual See TutorialFormSubsystem
FormGen DEFINITION FormGen; IMPORT Dialog; VAR new: RECORD link: Dialog.String END; PROCEDURE Create; PROCEDURE Empty; PROCEDURE CreateGuard (VAR par: Dialog.Par); END FormGen. FormGen is a generator for a form layout. It takes the name of an interactor variable (any exported record) as input and creates a default layout for the fields of the interactor. The following list describes the mapping from field types to controls. BYTE, SHORTINT, INTEGER Field SHORTREAL, REAL Field ARRAY OF CHAR Field BOOLEAN CheckBox Dates.Date DateField Dates.Time TimeField Dialog.Color ColorField Dialog.Currency Field Dialog.List ListBox Dialog.Selection SelectionBox Dialog.Combo ComboBox Alternatively, a dialog for all interactors of a module can be generated, by entering the module name into the dialog box field. In this case, a group box is generated for every exported record variable, and a command button for every exported parameterless procedure. A possible menu using the above commands: MENU "Form" "&New Form..." "" "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Form/Rsrc/Gen', 'New Form')" "" END VAR new Interactor for the form generator dialog. link: Dialog.String The name of the interactor for which a default layout should be generated. The name must be an identifier qualified with the module name, e.g., "FormGen.new", or only a module name, e.g., "FormGen". PROCEDURE Create Guard: CreateGuard Create a default layout for the interactor specified in link. PROCEDURE Empty Create an empty form layout. PROCEDURE CreateGuard Guard for Create.
FormModels DEFINITION FormModels; IMPORT Ports, Models, Views, Containers; CONST minView Size = 4 * Ports.point; maxViewSize = 1000 * Ports.mm; TYPE Model = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Model) (m: Model) Insert (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) Delete (v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) Resize (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) PutAbove (v, pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) Move (v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) Copy (VAR v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) ViewAt (x, y: INTEGER): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (m: Model) NofViews (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT END; Context = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Context) (c: Context) ThisModel (): Model, ABSTRACT; (c: Context) GetRect (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Reader = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; (r: Reader) Set (pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (r: Reader) ReadView (OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Writer = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (w: Writer) Set (pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (w: Writer) WriteView (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT END; UpdateMsg = RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg) l, t, r, b: INTEGER END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; PROCEDURE New (): Model; PROCEDURE CloneOf (source: Model): Model; PROCEDURE Copy (source: Model): Model; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); END FormModels. FormModels are container models which contain views. They have no further intrinsic contents. Form models can be used to arrange rectangular views in arbitrary layouts. Their main use is as data entry forms and as dialog box layouts. CONST minViewSize This is the minimal width and height of a view which is embedded in a form model. CONST maxViewSize This is the maximal width and height of a view which is embedded in a form model. TYPE Model (Containers.Model) ABSTRACT Form models are container models (-> Containers), which may contain rectangular views and nothing else. PROCEDURE (m: Model) Insert (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Insert view v with bounding box (l, t, r, b). Pre v # NIL 20 v.context = NIL 22 l <= r 23 t <= b 24 Post v in m v.context # NIL & v.context.ThisModel() = m PROCEDURE (m: Model) Delete (v: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Remove v from m. Pre v in m 20 Post ~(v in m) PROCEDURE (m: Model) Resize (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Redefine bounding box of v. Pre v in m 20 l <= r 21 t <= b 22 PROCEDURE (m: Model) PutAbove (v, pos: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Change the vertical order of view v, such that it comes to lie directly above p if pos # NIL, otherwise it is put to the bottom of the view list. Pre v in m 20 pos = NIL OR pos in m 21 PROCEDURE (m: Model) Move (v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Move view v by (dx, dy), without changing its size. Pre v in m 20 PROCEDURE (m: Model) Copy (VAR v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Create a copy of v and put it at v's bounding box shifted by (dx, dy). Parameter v returns the copy. Pre v # NIL 20 v.context # NIL 21 v.context.ThisModel() = m 22 Post v # NIL & v # v' PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a reader connected to m. An old reader may be passed as input parameter, if it isn't in use anymore. Post result # NIL PROCEDURE (m: Model) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer NEW, ABSTRACT Returns a writer connected to m. An old writer may be passed as input parameter, if it isn't in use anymore. Post result # NIL PROCEDURE (m: Model) ViewAt (x, y: INTEGER): Views.View NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the topmost view in m which encloses position (x, y). Post result # NIL where (l, t, r, b) is the bounding box of v: (l <= x <= r) & (t <= y <= b) result = NIL no view at (x, y) PROCEDURE (m: Model) NofViews (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the number of views currently in m. Post result >= 0 TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for the allocation of concrete form models. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (): Model NEW, ABSTRACT Create and return a new concrete form model. Post result # NIL TYPE Context (Models.Context) NEW, ABSTRACT Context of a view in a form. PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel (): Model ABSTRACT Returns the form which contains the context. Covariant narrowing of result type. PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetRect (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the bounding box of the context's view. Post l < r & t < b TYPE Reader ABSTRACT Input rider on a form model. view: Views.View Most recently read view. l, t, r, b: INTEGER view # NIL => l < r & t < b Bounding box of most recently read view. PROCEDURE (r: Reader) Set (pos: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT Set position of reader r to the view above pos (i.e., the next view to be read will be the one directly above pos) or to the bottom if pos = NIL. Pre pos in Base(r) OR pos = NIL 20 PROCEDURE (r: Reader) ReadView (OUT v: Views.View) NEW, ABSTRACT Reads the next view, in ascending order. If there is none, v is set to NIL. The reader's view and l, t, r, b fields will be set accordingly (l, t, r, b are undefined if view is NIL). Post v = r.view TYPE Writer ABSTRACT Output rider on a form. PROCEDURE (w: Writer) Set (pos: Views.View) Interface Set position of writer w to the view above pos (i.e., the next view to be written will be inserted directly above pos) or to the bottom if pos = NIL. Pre pos in Base(r) OR pos = NIL 20 PROCEDURE (w: Writer) WriteView (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT Insert view v at the current position in w's form. Pre v # NIL 20 v.context = NIL 22 l <= r 23 t <= b 24 Post v.context # NIL TYPE UpdateMsg This message indicates that a rectangular part of a form needs to be updated on the screen. The receiver must not switch on any marks as a reaction to having received this message. UpdateMsgs are sent by concrete form model implementations after any view modifications. UpdateMsgs are not extended. VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; dir # NIL & stdDir # NIL Form model directories. PROCEDURE New (): Model Returns a new model. Equivalent to dir.New(). Post result # NIL PROCEDURE CloneOf (source: Model): Model Returns a new empty model of the same type as source. Pre source # NIL 20 Post result # NIL PROCEDURE Copy (source: Model): Model Returns a new model of the same type as source, with a copy of the contents of source. Pre source # NIL 20 Post result # NIL PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Assign directory. Pre d # NIL 20 Post dir = d
Map to the Form Subsystem UserManual FormCmds form command package FormGen creation of default layout FormControllers form controllers FormViews form views FormModels form models
Form Subsystem User Manual Contents 1 CreatingandSavingForms 2 BasicEditing 3 NavigationKeys 4 Drag&Drop 5 Drag&Pick 6 LayoutandMaskModes 7 ControlsandInteractors 8 ControlProperties The form subsystem implements a simple form editor, which can be used to create dialog boxes or data entry masks. 1 Creating and Saving Forms The command Controls->NewForm... creates dialog boxes and other forms that match exported global variables. All such forms are nonmodal. Almost all dialog boxes in BlackBox are nonmodal, as long as the conventions for the underlying platform permit. To get started, enter "TextCmds.find" into the Link field of the Controls->NewForm... dialog box. By clicking the default button, a dialog box is automatically created which has fields Find and Replace, and buttons like Find Next and Replace All. These fields and buttons directly match the record fields of variable find in module TextCmds. To verify this, select the string "TextCmds.find", and execute command Info->Interface. The browser will display the definition of the record type. The size of a form view can be adjusted by selecting the whole document (Edit->SelectDocument) and then dragging the graphical handles. The dialog box created by Controls->NewForm... exhibits a simple default arrangement of controls (e.g., buttons, edit fields), shown as an editable layout. The controls may be re-arranged, renamed, or otherwise modified using the menus Layout and Controls. The former menu appears automatically whenever a form becomes focused. Instead of creating an initial layout out of an existing global variable, form creation may start with an empty form (click on the NewForm dialog box's Empty button), and then successively insert new controls via the Controls menu. Later, such controls may be linked to suitable global variables. An edited dialog box can be saved by saving the window of the form layout. The BlackBox Component Framework saves dialog boxes in the standard document format. By convention, BlackBox forms are saved in the appropriate Rsrc directory (-> Subsystems and Global Modules). For example, the standard Text->Find&Replace dialog box is stored in Text/Rsrc/Find. 2 Basic Editing A view can be inserted into a form layout by invoking one of the Insert Xyz commands of menu Controls, e.g., the command Controls->Insert Command Button. Arbitrary other views could also be inserted, or copied from the clipboard or via drag & drop. Views in a form can be selected. If one single view is selected ( a "singleton"), it shows resize handles that can be manipulated to change the view's size. If several views are selected, they show a selection mark like singletons do, but no resize handles. A view can be selected either by clicking in it, or by dragging over an area which intersects the view(s). If the shift key is pressed during selection, the newly touched view(s) are toggled, i.e., a selected view is deselected and vice versa. If the shift key is not pressed during selection, any existing selection is removed prior to creating the new selection. Consequently, a simple click outside of any view removes the existing selection and does not create a new one. Pressing esc achieves the same effect. Some attributes of selected views can be modified using the Attributes menu. In this way, the typeface, style, and size of the labels of many controls can be changed. The command Controls->Insert Group Box works like the other insert commands, with one exception: if there is a selection, the group box is placed and sized such that it forms a bounding box around the selected views. A selection can be cut, copied, and pasted using the clipboard. It can be deleted with the backspace or delete keys. Menu Layout contains a variety of commands which are useful for editing a form layout. The Align Left, Align Right, Align Top, and Align Bottom commands align the left, right, top, or bottom borders of all selected views. Alignment occurs to the view which lies furthest in the alignment direction. For example, Align Left finds the selected view whose left border lies furthest left, and then moves all other views (without resizing them) so that their left borders are aligned to the same x-coordinate. Align To Row aligns all selected views in vertical direction, so that all their vertical centers come to lie on the same y-coordinate, which is the average of the old y-coordinates. Similarly, Align To Column aligns all selected view in the horizontal direction, so that they form a single column. The dialog box Set Grid... allows to set the grid. Most commands which move or resize a view round the view's borders to this grid. The dialog box allows you to choose between a grid based on millimeters or on 1/16 inches. The grid resolution allows you to specify how many grid values exist for these units (for one millimeter, or for one sixteenth of an inch). A higher value means preciser placement is possible. Roughly every centimeter or half an inch, dotted lines are drawn on the grid, as visual aids for editing. Select Off-Grid Views selects all views of which at least one of its four borders is not aligned to the form's grid. Force To Grid shifts and resizes them by a minimal distance so that they are aligned again. Conceptually the views are arranged in z-order, i.e., each view is either "above" or "below" another view. Normally, views in a form should not overlap, and thus this z-ordering has no immediate effect. But the same ordering is used for moving the focus between controls, by using the tab key. The focus is moved from the bottom-most towards the top-most view when tabbing through a dialog box. The commands Set First/Back and Set Last/Front allow to change the z-order of a selected singleton. Sort Views sorts the z-orders of all views in a form such that a view further to the left and top is reached before another view (which is further "up" in the hierarchy). This command can be applied after a layout has been edited, to update the z-order to make it intuitive again. Recalc Focus Size operates on a focused form layout view. It calculates the bounding box of the views which are contained in the form, offsets this bounding box by a small margin, and then sets the form view's width and height to this size. This is more convenient than using Edit->SelectDocument and then resizing the view manually. The commands Set Default Button and Set Cancel Button make a selected button into a default or a cancel button. A default button reacts to the input of a return or enter key as if the mouse had been pressed inside; a cancel button reacts to the input of an esc key as if the mouse had been pressed inside. Like other views that have separate models, a form view can be opened in several windows simultaneously. 3 Navigation Keys Arrow keys can be used to move a selection to the left, right, upwards, or downwards by one point. If the ctrl key is pressed before the arrow key, the selection moves by a larger distance. 4 Drag & Drop When clicking into a selection, and moving the cursor around, the selected views can be moved around accordingly. Moving occurs on a grid, the minimal distance is the same as when using the ctrl key together with an arrow key. By holding down the ctrl key when the mouse button is released at the end of dragging, copies of the selected views are dropped, and become selected. Drag & Drop also works across windows, and even between different containers. If a singleton is dragged & dropped into another kind of container (e.g., a text container), then a copy of this view is dropped. If a whole selection is dropped, the selected views are wrapped into a form view and this form view is dropped to the other container. 5 Drag & Pick Drag & Pick is also supported in forms. In forms, another view's size can be picked up. This is very convenient for layout editing. For example, select several controls which have different sizes, hold down the alt key (or, alternatively, use the middle mouse button), and then drag to another view. When you release the mouse over this view, all selected views will be made the same size as this one. 6 Layout and Mask Modes Forms can be used in two different modes. Normally, a form is used in layout mode, i.e. its layout can be freely edited. The views (typically controls) embedded in a form however, cannot be edited directly, because they can only be selected, but not focused. For layout editing, it would be very inconvenient if a click in one of the form's controls would focus it, instead of only selecting it. Forms are saved in layout mode, and opened in document windows. For using a form as a dialog box or data entry mask, a form can be opened in mask mode instead, in an auxiliary window (data entry mask) or in a tool window (dialog box for the manipulation of a document beneath the dialog box). A form in mask mode cannot be modified. However, its embedded views may be focused, e.g. a text entry field may be focused, or a button may be clicked. In contrast to layout mode, embedded views cannot be selected, resized, or moved around. In mask mode, no focus border is shown around the currently focused view. In layout mode, a grid is shown. When a form in layout mode is focus, another window can be opened in mask mode, by using either Controls->Open As Tool Dialog or Controls->Open As Aux Dialog. In this way, a form can be tried out while it is still being edited. Layout changes in the layout mode form are immediately reflected in the other window, and input in the other window is immediately reflected in the layout. Forms need not be saved in mask mode. They are saved in layout mode, and thus can be opened, edited, and saved again via the normal File menu commands. A data entry mask is opened via the StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog command; and a dialog box is opened via the StdCmds.OpenToolDialog command. These commands open a form document into an auxiliary/tool window and force it into mask mode. For example, the following commands show the difference between the two modes by opening the same (layout mode) form in the two possible ways: "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Form/Rsrc/Gen', 'New Form')" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Text/Rsrc/Cmds', 'Find & Replace')" "StdCmds.OpenDoc('Form/Rsrc/Gen')" "StdCmds.OpenDoc('Text/Rsrc/Cmds')" The latter two commands correspond to the File->Open command and allow editing. The difference between auxiliary and tool dialog boxes is that auxiliary dialog boxes are self-contained, e.g. dialog boxes to set up configuration parameters or data entry masks. Tool dialog boxes on the other hand operate on windows below them, e.g. the Find&Replace dialog box operates on the text beneath the dialog box. These OpenAuxDialog/OpenToolDialog commands accept portable path names as input. A portable path name is a string which denotes a file in a machine-independent way. It uses the "/" character as separator, i.e. like in Unix or the World-Wide Web. These commands are usually applied in menu items, for example the following command sequence: "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Text/Rsrc/Find', 'Find & Replace')" In this command sequence, the first command initializes the TextCmds.find interactor with the currently selected text stretch. The second command opens a dialog box with the Text/Rsrc/Find file's form, whose controls are linked to the interactor's fields upon opening of the dialog box. See also modules FormGen, TextCmds, and StdCmds. 7 Controls and Interactors Controls are specialized views. Like every view, any control can be inserted into any general container, be it a text, a spreadsheet, or whatever other container is available. However, most controls are put into forms. Each control can be linked to a variable, more exactly to the field of a globally declared record variable, a so-called interactor. When the control is allocated (newly created or read from a document), BlackBox tries to link the control to its variable, using the advanced metaprogramming capabilities of the BlackBox Component Framework core. In this way, the link between control and variable can be built up automatically when a dialog box is created or loaded, and correct linking (which includes correct typing) can be guaranteed even after a dialog box layout had been edited. The separation of interactor from controls makes it possible to hide many user-interface details from a program, e.g. the layout of a dialog box or other "cosmetic" properties of controls. The BlackBox Component Framework provides command buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, fields, captions, list boxes, selection boxes, combo boxes, date, time, color, up/down fields, and groups as standard controls. 8 Control Properties Controls have various properties, e.g. the label displayed in a button, or the interactor field to which the control is linked. The inspector is a tool used to inspect and to modify the properties of standard controls. To open the inspector dialog box on a control, first select the control, and then execute Edit->ObjectProperties.... To learn more about the inspector, see the documentation for module DevInspector. For more information on the Form subsystem's programming interface, consult the on-line documentation of the modules FormModels, FormViews, FormControllers, FormGen, FormCmds, and Controls. Note that most of these modules are distributed in source form also, and thus serve as an example of a complex subsystem. Simpler examples are given in the Obx subsystem, in particular the examples ObxAddress0, ObxAddress1, ObxAddress2, ObxOrders, ObxControls, and ObxDialog. A tutorial on the form subsystem is given in Chapter4 of the accompanying book on component software and the BlackBox Component Framework.
FormViews DEFINITION FormViews; IMPORT Ports, Views, Controllers, Containers, FormModels; CONST minBorder = 4 * Ports.point; maxBorder = 100 * Ports.mm; TYPE View = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.View) (v: View) ThisModel (): FormModels.Model, EXTENSIBLE; (v: View) SetBorder (border: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) Border (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SetGrid (grid, gridFactor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) Grid (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) GridFactor (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (v: View) SetBackground (background: Ports.Color), NEW, ABSTRACT END; Directory = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (d: Directory) New (f: FormModels.Model): View, NEW, ABSTRACT END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; ctrldir-: Controllers.Directory; PROCEDURE Focus (): View; PROCEDURE FocusModel (): FormModels.Model; PROCEDURE RoundToGrid (v: View; VAR x, y: INTEGER); PROCEDURE New (): View; PROCEDURE Deposit; PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory); PROCEDURE SetCtrlDir (d: Containers.Directory); END FormViews. FormViews are the standard views on FormModels. CONST minBorder, maxBorder The border of a form view is the minimal distance between any of the view borders and the bounding box of the embedded views. The preferred border can be set to a value in the range [minBorder .. maxBorder]. TYPE View (Views.View) ABSTRACT PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel (): FormModels.Model EXTENSIBLE Result type is narrowed. PROCEDURE (v: View) SetBorder (border: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Sets the view's preferred border (preferred minimal distance between any view edge and the closest embedded view). Pre border >= 0 20 Post border < minBoder v.border = minBorder border > maxBorder v.border = maxBorder minBorder <= border <= maxBorder v.border = border PROCEDURE (v: View) Border (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the view's border. Post minBorder <= result <= maxBorder PROCEDURE (v: View) SetGrid (grid, gridFactor: INTEGER) NEW, ABSTRACT, Operation Sets the view's preferred grid (preferred grid on which any embedded view's top-left corner should be aligned) and grid factor (when the grid is shown, every gridFactor-th grid unit a dotted line is displayed). Pre grid > 0 20 gridFactor > 0 21 Post v.Grid() = grid & v.GridFactor() = gridFactor PROCEDURE (v: View) Grid (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the current grid. Post result > 0 PROCEDURE (v: View) GridFactor (): INTEGER NEW, ABSTRACT Returns the current grid factor. Post result > 0 PROCEDURE (v: View) SetBackground (background: Ports.Color) NEW, ABSTRACT Sets a form's background color. Default is Ports.dialogBackground. TYPE Directory ABSTRACT Directory for form views. PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New (m: FormModels.Model): View Interface Return a new view on m Pre m # NIL 20 Post result # NIL result.ThisModel() = m VAR dir, stdDir-: Directory dir # NIL & stdDir # NIL Directory and standard directory for form views. VAR ctrldir-: Controllers.Directory ctrldir # NIL Form controller directory, installed by module FormControllers upon loading. PROCEDURE Focus (): View Returns the focus form view, if it is one. PROCEDURE FocusModel (): FormModels.Model Returns the model of the focus form view, if it is one. PROCEDURE RoundToGrid (v: View; VAR x, y: INTEGER) Rounds the coordinate (x, y) to the closest point on v's grid. Pre v # NIL 20 x > 0 & y > 0 21 Post x MOD v.grid = 0 y MOD v.grid = 0 PROCEDURE New (): View Returns a new form view with a new empty form model, i.e., returns FormViews.dir.New(FormModels.dir.New()). PROCEDURE Deposit Deposit creates a new form view with a new empty form model and deposits the view. Deposit is called internally. PROCEDURE SetDir (d: Directory) Assigns view directory. Pre d # NIL 20 Post dir = d PROCEDURE SetCtrlDir (d: Containers.Directory) Assigns the controller directory for form views. Pre d # NIL 20
MODULE FormCmds; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Strings, Dialog, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Controls, Containers, FormModels, FormViews, FormControllers, StdCmds; CONST mm = Ports.mm; inch16th = Ports.inch DIV 16; left = 0; top = 1; right = 2; bottom = 3; row = 4; column = 5; VAR grid*: RECORD resolution*: INTEGER; (* resolution > 0 *) metricSystem*: BOOLEAN END; find*: RECORD from*, to*: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; link*, label*, guard*, notifier*: BOOLEAN; END; PROCEDURE FindExtrema (c: FormControllers.Controller; OUT l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; OUT s: FormControllers.List); VAR n: INTEGER; p: FormControllers. List; q: FormModels.Reader; w: Views.View; BEGIN (* there is at least one view selected *) l := MAX(INTEGER); t := MAX(INTEGER); r := MIN(INTEGER); b := MIN(INTEGER); h := 0; v := 0; n := 0; s := NIL; q := c.form.NewReader(NIL); q.Set(NIL); q.ReadView(w); WHILE w # NIL DO IF c.IsSelected(w) THEN INC(h, q.l); INC(h, q.r); INC(v, q.t); INC(v, q.b); INC(n, 2); NEW(p); p.next := s; s := p; p.view := w; IF q.l < l THEN l := q.l END; IF q.t < t THEN t := q.t END; IF q.r > r THEN r := q.r END; IF q.b > b THEN b := q.b END END; q.ReadView(w) END; h := h DIV n; v := v DIV n END FindExtrema; PROCEDURE Move (c: FormControllers.Controller; s: FormControllers. List; p, side: INTEGER; name: Stores.OpName); VAR script: Stores.Operation; w, h: INTEGER; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; s0: FormControllers.List; BEGIN s0 := s; Models.BeginScript(c.form, name, script); WHILE s # NIL DO s.view.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b); w := r - l; h := b - t; IF side = left THEN l := p; r := l + w ELSIF side = top THEN t := p; b := t + h ELSIF side = right THEN r := p; l := r - w ELSIF side = bottom THEN b := p; t := b - h ELSIF side = row THEN t := p - h DIV 2; b := t + h ELSIF side = column THEN l := p - w DIV 2; r := l + w END; c.form.Resize(s.view, l, t, r, b); s := s.next END; Models.EndScript(c.form, script); WHILE s0 # NIL DO c.Select(s0.view); s0 := s0.next END END Move; PROCEDURE AlignLeft*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; s: FormControllers.List; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN FindExtrema(c, l, t, r, b, h, v, s); Move(c, s, l, left, "#Form:AlignLeft") END END AlignLeft; PROCEDURE AlignRight*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; s: FormControllers.List; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN FindExtrema(c, l, t, r, b, h, v, s); Move(c, s, r, right, "#Form:AlignRight") END END AlignRight; PROCEDURE AlignTop*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; s: FormControllers.List; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN FindExtrema(c, l, t, r, b, h, v, s); Move(c, s, t, top, "#Form:AlignTop") END END AlignTop; PROCEDURE AlignBottom*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; s: FormControllers.List; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN FindExtrema(c, l, t, r, b, h, v, s); Move(c, s, b, bottom, "#Form:AlignBottom") END END AlignBottom; PROCEDURE AlignToRow*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; s: FormControllers.List; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN FindExtrema(c, l, t, r, b, h, v, s); Move(c, s, v, row, "#Form:AlignHorizontal") END END AlignToRow; PROCEDURE AlignToColumn*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b, h, v: INTEGER; s: FormControllers.List; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN FindExtrema(c, l, t, r, b, h, v, s); Move(c, s, h, column, "#Form:AlignVertical") END END AlignToColumn; PROCEDURE SelectOffGridViews*; VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; v: Views.View; h: FormModels.Reader; l, t, r, b, l0, t0, r0, b0: INTEGER; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SelectAll(FALSE); h := c.form.NewReader(NIL); h.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO v.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b); l0 := l; t0 := t; r0 := r; b0 := b; FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, l0, t0); FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, r0, b0); IF (l0 # l) OR (t0 # t) OR (r0 # r) OR (b0 # b) THEN c.Select(v) END; h.ReadView(v) END END END SelectOffGridViews; PROCEDURE Selection (c: FormControllers.Controller): FormControllers.List; VAR p, q: FormControllers. List; h: FormModels.Reader; v: Views.View; BEGIN p := NIL; h := c.form.NewReader(NIL); h.Set(NIL); h.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO IF c.IsSelected(v) THEN NEW(q); q.next := p; p := q; q.view := v END; h.ReadView(v) END; RETURN p END Selection; PROCEDURE ForceToGrid*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; sel, sel0: FormControllers.List; s: Stores.Operation; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#Form:ForceToGrid", s); sel := Selection(c); sel0 := sel; WHILE sel # NIL DO sel.view.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b); FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, l, t); FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, r, b); c.form.Resize(sel.view, l, t, r, b); sel := sel.next END; Models.EndScript(c.form, s); WHILE sel0 # NIL DO c.Select(sel0.view); sel0 := sel0.next END END END ForceToGrid; PROCEDURE SortViews*; (** Guard: FocusGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; script: Stores.Operation; r: FormModels.Reader; p, q: Views.View; PROCEDURE IsAbove (p, q: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR l0, l1, t0, t1, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN p.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l0, t0, r, b); q.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l1, t1, r, b); RETURN (t0 < t1) OR (t0 = t1) & (l0 <= l1) END IsAbove; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & (c.form.NofViews() > 1) THEN c.SelectAll(FALSE); Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#Form:ChangeZOrder", script); r := c.form.NewReader(NIL); REPEAT (* bubble sort *) r.Set(NIL); r.ReadView(p); r.ReadView(q); WHILE (q # NIL) & IsAbove(p, q) DO p := q; r.ReadView(q) END; IF q # NIL THEN c.form.PutAbove(p, q) END UNTIL q = NIL; Models.EndScript(c.form, script); c.SelectAll(TRUE) END END SortViews; PROCEDURE SetAsFirst*; (** Guard: SingletonGuard **) (** send to back **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; v: Views.View; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.Singleton(); IF v # NIL THEN c.form.PutAbove(v, NIL); c.SetSingleton(v) END END END SetAsFirst; PROCEDURE SetAsLast*; (** Guard: SingletonGuard **) (** bring to front **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; v, p, q: Views.View; r: FormModels.Reader; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN v := c.Singleton(); IF v # NIL THEN r := c.form.NewReader(NIL); r.Set(v); p := v; REPEAT q := p; r.ReadView(p) UNTIL p = NIL; c.form.PutAbove(v, q); c.SetSingleton(v) END END END SetAsLast; PROCEDURE InsertAround*; (** Guard: SelectionGuard **) CONST d = 3 * Ports.mm; VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; v: Views.View; rd: FormModels.Reader; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; s: Stores.Operation; BEGIN ASSERT(Views.Available() = 1, 20); c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN l := MAX(INTEGER); t := MAX(INTEGER); r := MIN(INTEGER); b := MIN(INTEGER); rd := c.form.NewReader(NIL); rd.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO IF c.IsSelected(v) THEN IF rd.l < l THEN l := rd.l END; IF rd.t < t THEN t := rd.t END; IF rd.r > r THEN r := rd.r END; IF rd.b > b THEN b := rd.b END END; rd.ReadView(v) END; ASSERT(l < r, 100); DEC(l, d); DEC(t, 3 * d); INC(r, d); INC(b, d); FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, l, t); FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, r, b); Views.Fetch(v); Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#Form:InsertAround", s); c.form.Insert(v, l, t, r, b); c.form.PutAbove(v, NIL); Models.EndScript(c.form, s); c.SetSingleton(v) ELSE StdCmds.PasteView END END InsertAround; PROCEDURE InitGridDialog*; (** Guard: FocusGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; g: INTEGER; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN g := c.view.Grid(); IF g MOD mm = 0 THEN grid.resolution := g DIV mm; grid.metricSystem := TRUE ELSIF g MOD inch16th = 0 THEN grid.resolution := g DIV inch16th; grid.metricSystem := FALSE ELSIF Dialog.metricSystem THEN grid.resolution := g DIV mm; grid.metricSystem := TRUE ELSE grid.resolution := g DIV inch16th; grid.metricSystem := FALSE END; Dialog.Update(grid) END END InitGridDialog; PROCEDURE SetGrid*; (** Guard: FocusGuard **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; n: INTEGER; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & (grid.resolution > 0) THEN IF grid.metricSystem THEN n := 10 DIV grid.resolution; IF n < 1 THEN n := 1 END; c.view.SetGrid(grid.resolution * mm, n) ELSE n := 8 DIV grid.resolution; IF n < 1 THEN n := 1 END; c.view.SetGrid(grid.resolution * inch16th, n) END END END SetGrid; (** renaming of controls **) PROCEDURE Rename*; (** Guard: StdCmds.ContainerGuard **) VAR c: Containers.Controller; v: Views.View; msg: Properties.PollMsg; p, q: Properties.Property; setMsg: Properties.SetMsg; PROCEDURE Replace(VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN from, to: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR pos: INTEGER; BEGIN Strings.Find(s, from, 0, pos); WHILE pos >= 0 DO Strings.Replace(s, pos, LEN(from$), to); Strings.Find(s, from, pos + LEN(to$), pos); END END Replace; BEGIN c := Containers.Focus(); IF c # NIL THEN c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v); WHILE v # NIL DO msg.prop := NIL; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, msg); p := msg.prop; WHILE (p # NIL) & ~(p IS Controls.Prop) DO p := p.next END; IF p # NIL THEN q := Properties.CopyOf(p); WITH q: Controls.Prop DO IF find.label & (Controls.label IN q.valid) THEN Replace(q.label, find.from, find.to) END; IF find.link & (Controls.link IN q.valid) THEN Replace(q.link, find.from, find.to) END; IF find.guard & (Controls.guard IN q.valid) THEN Replace(q.guard, find.from, find.to) END; IF find.notifier & (Controls.notifier IN q.valid) THEN Replace(q.notifier, find.from, find.to) END END; setMsg.prop := q; Views.HandlePropMsg(v, setMsg); END; c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v) END END END Rename; (** standard form-related guards **) PROCEDURE FocusGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); (** in non-FormView menus; otherwise implied by menu type **) BEGIN par.disabled := FormViews.Focus() = NIL END FocusGuard; PROCEDURE SelectionGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); (** in non-FormView menus; otherwise use "SelectionGuard" **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); par.disabled := (c = NIL) OR ~c.HasSelection() END SelectionGuard; PROCEDURE SingletonGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); (** in non-FormView menus; otherwise use "SingletonGuard" **) VAR c: FormControllers.Controller; BEGIN c := FormControllers.Focus(); par.disabled := (c = NIL) OR (c.Singleton() = NIL) END SingletonGuard; BEGIN find.link := TRUE; find.label := TRUE; find.guard := TRUE; find.notifier := TRUE END FormCmds.
MODULE FormControllers; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "" changes = " - 20080904, mf, StdController.IsSelected: conformance with contract improved - 20160719, center #117, fixes for non-local drop behavior " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Services, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Containers, FormModels, FormViews; CONST noSelection* = Containers.noSelection; noFocus* = Containers.noFocus; rdel = 7X; ldel = 8X; arrowLeft = 1CX; arrowRight = 1DX; arrowUp = 1EX; arrowDown = 1FX; (* range of currently supported versions *) minVersion = 0; maxBaseVersion = 0; maxStdVersion = 0; TYPE Controller* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Controller) form-: FormModels.Model; view-: FormViews.View END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Directory) END; List* = POINTER TO RECORD next*: List; view*: Views.View END; StdController = POINTER TO RECORD (Controller) sel: List; (* (sel = NIL) OR (c.ThisFocus() = NIL) *) reader: FormModels.Reader; lastX, lastY: INTEGER END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; MarkMsg = RECORD (Views.Message) list: List; show: BOOLEAN END; PollFocusMsg = RECORD (Controllers.PollFocusMsg) c: Controller END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; (** Controller **) PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE; VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxBaseVersion, thisVersion) END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxBaseVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) InitView2* (view: Views.View), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN IF view # NIL THEN ASSERT(view IS FormViews.View, 25); c.view := view(FormViews.View); c.form := c.view.ThisModel() ELSE c.form := NIL; c.view := NIL END END InitView2; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) ThisView* (): FormViews.View, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN c.view END ThisView; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Select* (view: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) Deselect* (view: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) IsSelected* (view: Views.View): BOOLEAN, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) GetSelection* (): List, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Controller) SetSelection* (l: List), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) NewController* (opts: SET): Controller, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Controller, EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN RETURN d.NewController({}) END New; (* auxiliary procedures *) PROCEDURE MarkList (c: StdController; f: Views.Frame; h: List; show: BOOLEAN); VAR l, t, r, b, s: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts) THEN s := 2 * f.unit; WHILE h # NIL DO c.view.GetRect(f, h.view, l, t, r, b); f.MarkRect(l - s, t - s, r + s, b + s, s, Ports.hilite, show); h := h.next END END END MarkList; PROCEDURE Toggle (c: StdController; view: Views.View); BEGIN IF c.IsSelected(view) THEN c.Deselect(view) ELSE c.Select(view) END END Toggle; (* StdController *) PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN c.Internalize2^(rd); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStdVersion, thisVersion); c.sel := NIL; c.lastX := -1 END END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN c.Externalize2^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxStdVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); BEGIN c.CopyFrom^(source); c.sel := NIL; c.lastX := -1 END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) RestoreMarks2 (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN IF (c.lastX <= f.l ) OR (c.lastX >= f.r) OR (c.lastY <= f.t) OR (c.lastY >= f.b) THEN c.lastX := (f.l + f.r) DIV 2; c.lastY := (f.t + f.b) DIV 2 END END RestoreMarks2; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) HandleViewMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: MarkMsg DO MarkList(c, f, msg.list, msg.show) ELSE c.HandleViewMsg^(f, msg) END END HandleViewMsg; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) HandleCtrlMsg (f: Views.Frame; VAR msg: Views.CtrlMessage; VAR focus: Views.View); BEGIN WITH msg: PollFocusMsg DO c.HandleCtrlMsg^(f, msg, focus); msg.c := c ELSE c.HandleCtrlMsg^(f, msg, focus) END END HandleCtrlMsg; (* subclass hooks *) PROCEDURE (c: StdController) GetContextType (OUT type: Stores.TypeName); BEGIN type := "FormViews.View" END GetContextType; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) GetValidOps (OUT valid: SET); BEGIN valid := {Controllers.pasteChar, Controllers.paste}; IF c.sel # NIL THEN valid := valid + {Controllers.cut, Controllers.copy} END END GetValidOps; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) NativeModel (model: Models.Model): BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(model # NIL, 20); RETURN model IS FormModels.Model END NativeModel; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) NativeView (view: Views.View): BOOLEAN; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); RETURN view IS FormViews.View END NativeView; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) NativeCursorAt (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); RETURN Ports.graphicsCursor END NativeCursorAt; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) MakeViewVisible (v: Views.View); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(v.context # NIL, 21); ASSERT(v.context.ThisModel() = c.form, 22); v.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b); c.view.context.MakeVisible(l, t, r, b) END MakeViewVisible; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) GetFirstView (selection: BOOLEAN; OUT v: Views.View); VAR rd: FormModels.Reader; BEGIN IF selection THEN IF c.sel # NIL THEN v := c.sel.view ELSE v := NIL END ELSE rd := c.form.NewReader(c.reader); c.reader := rd; rd.ReadView(v) END END GetFirstView; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) GetNextView (selection: BOOLEAN; VAR v: Views.View); VAR h: List; rd: FormModels.Reader; BEGIN (* could be optimized *) ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); IF selection THEN h := c.sel; WHILE (h # NIL) & (h.view # v) DO h := h.next END; ASSERT(h # NIL, 21); IF h.next # NIL THEN v := h.next.view ELSE v := NIL END ELSE rd := c.form.NewReader(c.reader); c.reader := rd; rd.Set(v); rd.ReadView(v) END END GetNextView; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) GetSelectionBounds (f: Views.Frame; OUT x, y, w, h: INTEGER); VAR g: Views.Frame; sel: List; l, t, r, b, gw, gh, border: INTEGER; BEGIN IF c.Singleton() # NIL THEN c.GetSelectionBounds^(f, x, y, w, h) ELSE l := MAX(INTEGER); t := MAX(INTEGER); r := MIN(INTEGER); b := MIN(INTEGER); sel := c.sel; WHILE sel # NIL DO g := Views.ThisFrame(f, sel.view); IF g # NIL THEN sel.view.context.GetSize(gw, gh); IF g.gx < l THEN l := g.gx END; IF g.gy < t THEN t := g.gy END; IF g.gx + gw > r THEN r := g.gx + gw END; IF g.gy + gh > b THEN b := g.gy + gh END; END; sel := sel.next END; IF (l < r) & (t < b) THEN border := c.view.Border(); x := l - f.gx - border; y := t - f.gy - border; w := r - l + 2 * border; h := b - t + 2 * border ELSE x := 0; y := 0; w := 0; h := 0 END END END GetSelectionBounds; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) MarkDropTarget (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; type: Stores.TypeName; isSingle, show: BOOLEAN); CONST dm = 4 * Ports.point; dp = 18 * Ports.point; VAR vx, vy, l, t, r, b: INTEGER; sc: Containers.Controller; s: Views.View; BEGIN (* cf. Drop *) IF ~isSingle & (src # NIL) & (src.view IS FormViews.View) THEN (* mark local form selection *) vx := dx - sx; vy := dy - sy; sc := src.view(FormViews.View).ThisController(); IF sc # NIL THEN WITH sc: Controller DO sc.GetFirstView(Containers.selection, s); WHILE s # NIL DO s.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b); w := r - l; h := b - t; INC(l, vx); INC(t, vy); FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, l, t); dst.MarkRect(l, t, l + w, t + h, 0, Ports.invert, show); sc.GetNextView(Containers.selection, s) END END END ELSIF (w > 0) & (h > 0) THEN (* mark non-local form or singleton selection *) vx := dx - rx; vy := dy - ry; FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, vx, vy); IF ~isSingle & Services.Extends(type, "FormViews.View") THEN (* general form selection *) dst.MarkRect(vx - dm, vy, vx + dp, vy + dst.unit, 0, Ports.invert, show); dst.MarkRect(vx, vy - dm, vx + dst.unit, vy + dp, 0, Ports.invert, show); INC(vx, w); INC(vy, h); dst.MarkRect(vx - dp, vy, vx + dm, vy + dst.unit, 0, Ports.invert, show); dst.MarkRect(vx, vy - dp, vx + dst.unit, vy + dm, 0, Ports.invert, show) ELSE (* singleton selection *) dst.MarkRect(vx, vy, vx + w, vy + h, 0, Ports.invert, show) END ELSE (* cross-hair mark for non-form, non-singleton selections *) FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, dx, dy); dst.MarkRect(dx - dm, dy, dx + dp, dy + dst.unit, 0, Ports.invert, show); dst.MarkRect(dx, dy - dm, dx + dst.unit, dy + dp, 0, Ports.invert, show) END END MarkDropTarget; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) TrackMarks (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER; units, extend, add: BOOLEAN); VAR dx, dy, x0, y0, dx0, dy0: INTEGER; isDown: BOOLEAN; h: Views.View; m: SET; PROCEDURE InvertRect (f: Views.Frame; x, y, dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN IF dx >= 0 THEN l := x; r := x + dx ELSE l := x + dx; r := x END; IF dy >= 0 THEN t := y; b := y + dy ELSE t := y + dy; b := y END; f.MarkRect(l, t, r, b, 0, Ports.dim50, TRUE) END InvertRect; PROCEDURE SelectArea (c: StdController; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; toggle: BOOLEAN); VAR h: INTEGER; rd: FormModels.Reader; v: Views.View; p, q: List; empty: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF l > r THEN h := l; l := r; r := h END; IF t > b THEN h := t; t := b; b := h END; rd := c.form.NewReader(c.reader); c.reader := rd; rd.ReadView(v); p := NIL; empty := c.sel = NIL; WHILE v # NIL DO IF (rd.l < r) & (rd.t < b) & (rd.r > l) & (rd.b > t) THEN IF toggle THEN Toggle(c, v) ELSIF ~empty THEN c.Select(v) ELSE NEW(q); q.next := p; p := q; q.view := v END END; rd.ReadView(v) END; (* this optimization prevents the appearance of a temporary singleton *) IF ~toggle & empty THEN c.SetSelection(p) END END SelectArea; BEGIN dx := 0; dy := 0; (* vector from (x, y) *) InvertRect(f, x, y, dx, dy); REPEAT f.Input(x0, y0, m, isDown); dx0 := x0 - x; dy0 := y0 - y; IF (dx0 # dx) OR (dy0 # dy) THEN InvertRect(f, x, y, dx, dy); dx := dx0; dy := dy0; InvertRect(f, x, y, dx, dy) END UNTIL ~isDown; InvertRect(f, x, y, dx, dy); c.lastX := x0; c.lastY := y0; IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN SelectArea(c, x, y, x + dx, y + dy, extend OR add) ELSE h := c.form.ViewAt(x, y); IF h # NIL THEN IF extend OR add THEN Toggle(c, h) ELSE c.Select(h) END END END END TrackMarks; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Resize (view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN c.form.Resize(view, l, t, r, b) END Resize; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) DeleteSelection; VAR script: Stores.Operation; h: List; BEGIN Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#System:Deletion", script); h := c.sel; WHILE h # NIL DO c.form.Delete(h.view); h := h.next END; Models.EndScript(c.form, script) END DeleteSelection; PROCEDURE MoveRelativeLocalSel (c: StdController; src, dst: Views.Frame; dx, dy: INTEGER; grid: BOOLEAN); VAR script: Stores.Operation; sel, h: List; l, t, r, b, newl, newt: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN sel := c.GetSelection(); Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#System:Moving", script); h := sel; WHILE h # NIL DO h.view.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b); newl := l + dx; newt := t + dy; IF grid THEN FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, newl, newt) END; c.form.Move(h.view, newl - l, newt - t); h := h.next END; Models.EndScript(c.form, script); c.SetSelection(sel) END END MoveRelativeLocalSel; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) MoveLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER); BEGIN MoveRelativeLocalSel(c, src, dst, dx - sx, dy - sy, TRUE) END MoveLocalSelection; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) CopyLocalSelection (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR script: Stores.Operation; q: Views.View; h, s, t: List; BEGIN dx := dx - sx; dy := dy - sy; IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, dx, dy); Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#System:Copying", script); h := c.GetSelection(); s := NIL; WHILE h # NIL DO q := h.view; c.form.Copy(q, dx, dy); NEW(t); t.next := s; s := t; t.view := q; h := h.next END; Models.EndScript(c.form, script); c.SetSelection(s) END END CopyLocalSelection; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) SelectionCopy (): Containers.Model; VAR f: FormModels.Model; rd: FormModels.Reader; wr: FormModels.Writer; v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER; PROCEDURE GetOffset (p: List; border: INTEGER; OUT dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR l, t, vl, vt, vr, vb: INTEGER; BEGIN IF p # NIL THEN l := MAX(INTEGER); t := MAX(INTEGER); WHILE p # NIL DO p.view.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(vl, vt, vr, vb); IF vl < l THEN l := vl END; IF vt < t THEN t := vt END; p := p.next END; dx := l - border; dy := t - border ELSE dx := 0; dy := 0 END END GetOffset; BEGIN f := FormModels.CloneOf(c.form); GetOffset(c.sel, c.view.Border(), dx, dy); rd := c.form.NewReader(NIL); wr := f.NewWriter(NIL); rd.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO IF c.IsSelected(v) THEN wr.WriteView(Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep), rd.l - dx, rd.t - dy, rd.r - dx, rd.b - dy) END; rd.ReadView(v) END; RETURN f END SelectionCopy; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) NativePaste (m: Models.Model; f: Views.Frame); VAR x, y, cw, ch: INTEGER; v: Views.View; rd: FormModels.Reader; wr: FormModels.Writer; n, i: INTEGER; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN x := c.lastX; y := c.lastY; c.view.context.GetSize(cw, ch); IF (x <= f.l) OR (x >= f.r) OR (y <= f.t) OR (y >= f.b) THEN x := (f.l + f.r) DIV 2; y := (f.r + f.b) DIV 2 END; c.lastX := x; c.lastY := y; FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, x, y); WITH m: FormModels.Model DO Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#System:Insertion", script); rd := m.NewReader(NIL); wr := c.form.NewWriter(NIL); wr.Set(c.form.Top()); rd.ReadView(v); n := 0; WHILE v # NIL DO wr.WriteView(Views.CopyOf(v, Views.shallow), x + rd.l, y + rd.t, x + rd.r, y + rd.b); INC(n); rd.ReadView(v) END; Models.EndScript(c.form, script); (* n views have been inserted at the top => select them *) c.SelectAll(Containers.deselect); i := c.form.NofViews() - n; ASSERT(i >= 0, 100); rd := c.form.NewReader(rd); WHILE i # 0 DO rd.ReadView(v); DEC(i) END; (* skip old views *) WHILE n # 0 DO rd.ReadView(v); c.Select(v); DEC(n) END END END NativePaste; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) ArrowChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR; units, select: BOOLEAN); VAR d: INTEGER; BEGIN IF units THEN d := c.view.Grid() ELSE d := f.unit END; IF ch = arrowLeft THEN MoveRelativeLocalSel(c, f, f, -d, 0, units) ELSIF ch = arrowRight THEN MoveRelativeLocalSel(c, f, f, +d, 0, units) ELSIF ch = arrowUp THEN MoveRelativeLocalSel(c, f, f, 0, -d, units) ELSIF ch = arrowDown THEN MoveRelativeLocalSel(c, f, f, 0, +d, units) END END ArrowChar; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) ControlChar (f: Views.Frame; ch: CHAR); BEGIN IF (ch = ldel) OR (ch = rdel) THEN c.DeleteSelection END END ControlChar; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) PasteChar (ch: CHAR); END PasteChar; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) PasteView (f: Views.Frame; v: Views.View; w, h: INTEGER); VAR minW, maxW, minH, maxH, x, y: INTEGER; BEGIN x := c.lastX; y := c.lastY; IF (x <= f.l) OR (x >= f.r) OR (y <= f.t) OR (y >= f.b) THEN x := (f.l + f.r) DIV 2; y := (f.t + f.b) DIV 2 END; c.lastX := x; c.lastY := y; FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, x, y); c.form.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, minW, minH, w, h); c.form.Insert(v, x, y, x + w, y + h); c.Select(v) END PasteView; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Drop (src, dst: Views.Frame; sx, sy, dx, dy, w, h, rx, ry: INTEGER; v: Views.View; isSingle: BOOLEAN); VAR minW, maxW, minH, maxH, l, t, sw, sh: INTEGER; s: Views.View; p, q: List; m: FormModels.Model; rd: FormModels.Reader; wr: FormModels.Writer; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN (* cf. MarkDropTarget *) DEC(dx, rx); DEC(dy, ry); IF ~isSingle & (v IS FormViews.View) THEN Models.BeginScript(c.form, "#System:Insertion", script); m := v(FormViews.View).ThisModel(); rd := m.NewReader(NIL); wr := c.form.NewWriter(NIL); rd.ReadView(s); p := NIL; WHILE s # NIL DO l := rd.l + dx; t := rd.t + dy; sw := rd.r - rd.l; sh := rd.b - rd.t; FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, l, t); s := Views.CopyOf(s, Views.shallow); wr.WriteView(s, l, t, l + sw, t + sh); NEW(q); q.next := p; p := q; q.view := s; rd.ReadView(s) END; Models.EndScript(c.form, script); (* this line was added *) c.SetSelection(p) ELSE FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, dx, dy); c.form.GetEmbeddingLimits(minW, maxW, minH, maxH); Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, minW, minH, w, h); c.form.Insert(v, dx, dy, dx + w, dy + h); c.Select(v) END END Drop; (* selection *) PROCEDURE (c: StdController) HasSelection (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.sel # NIL END HasSelection; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Selectable (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN c.form.NofViews() # 0 END Selectable; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) SetSingleton (s: Views.View); VAR l: List; BEGIN c.SetSingleton^(s); IF s # NIL THEN NEW(l); l.view := s; c.sel := l ELSE c.sel := NIL END END SetSingleton; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) SelectAll (select: BOOLEAN); VAR s: FormModels.Reader; v: Views.View; l, h: List; msg: MarkMsg; BEGIN IF select THEN ASSERT(~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts), 20); c.SetFocus(NIL); s := c.form.NewReader(c.reader); c.reader := s; s.Set(NIL); s.ReadView(v); IF c.form.NofViews() = 1 THEN ASSERT(v # NIL, 100); c.SetSingleton(v) ELSE IF (c.sel # NIL) & (c.sel.next = NIL) THEN c.SetSingleton(NIL) END; l := NIL; WHILE v # NIL DO IF ~c.IsSelected(v) THEN NEW(h); h.next := l; l := h; h.view := v END; s.ReadView(v) END; msg.list := l; h := c.sel; WHILE (h # NIL) & (h.next # NIL) DO h := h.next END; IF h = NIL THEN c.sel := l ELSE h.next := l END; IF msg.list # NIL THEN msg.show := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END ELSIF c.sel # NIL THEN IF c.sel.next = NIL THEN (* singleton *) c.SetSingleton(NIL) ELSE msg.list := c.sel; c.sel := NIL; msg.show := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END SelectAll; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) InSelection (f: Views.Frame; x, y: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR g: Views.Frame; BEGIN g := Views.FrameAt(f, x, y); IF g # NIL THEN RETURN c.IsSelected(g.view) ELSE RETURN FALSE END END InSelection; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) MarkSelection (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF c.sel = NIL THEN (* skip *) ELSIF c.sel.next = NIL THEN Containers.MarkSingleton(c, f, show) ELSE MarkList(c, f, c.sel, show) END END MarkSelection; (* caret *) PROCEDURE (c: StdController) HasCaret (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN TRUE END HasCaret; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) MarkCaret (f: Views.Frame; show: BOOLEAN); END MarkCaret; (* FormController protocol *) PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Select (view: Views.View); VAR l, h, sel: List; msg: MarkMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view.context.ThisModel() = c.form, 21); ASSERT(~(Containers.noSelection IN c.opts), 22); l := c.sel; WHILE (l # NIL) & (l.view # view) DO l := l.next END; IF l = NIL THEN (* view is not yet selected *) sel := c.sel; IF sel = NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(view) ELSE NEW(l); l.view := view; IF sel.next = NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(NIL); ASSERT(c.sel = NIL, 100); l.next := sel; c.sel := l; msg.list := l ELSE l.next := sel; c.sel := l; NEW(h); h.view := view; msg.list := h END; msg.show := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END END Select; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) Deselect (view: Views.View); VAR l, h: List; msg: MarkMsg; BEGIN ASSERT(view # NIL, 20); ASSERT(view.context.ThisModel() = c.form, 21); l := c.sel; h := NIL; WHILE (l # NIL) & (l.view # view) DO h := l; l := l.next END; IF l # NIL THEN (* l is selection node of view, h its predecessor *) IF (h = NIL) & (l.next = NIL) THEN (* singleton *) c.SetSingleton(NIL) ELSE IF h = NIL THEN c.sel := l.next ELSE h.next := l.next END; msg.list:= l; l.next := NIL; msg.show := FALSE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg); IF (c.sel # NIL) & (c.sel.next = NIL) THEN (* singleton *) view := c.sel.view; msg.list := c.sel; c.sel := NIL; msg.show := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg); c.SetSingleton(view) END END END END Deselect; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) IsSelected (view: Views.View): BOOLEAN; VAR l: List; BEGIN IF view # NIL THEN ASSERT(view.context.ThisModel() = c.form, 20); l := c.sel; WHILE (l # NIL) & (l.view # view) DO l := l.next END; RETURN l # NIL ELSE RETURN FALSE END END IsSelected; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) GetSelection (): List; VAR l, h, s: List; BEGIN l := NIL; s := c.sel; WHILE s # NIL DO NEW(h); h.next := l; l := h; h.view := s.view; s := s.next END; RETURN l END GetSelection; PROCEDURE (c: StdController) SetSelection (l: List); VAR msg: MarkMsg; BEGIN c.SelectAll(FALSE); ASSERT(c.sel = NIL, 100); IF l = NIL THEN (* skip *) ELSIF l.next = NIL THEN c.SetSingleton(l.view) ELSE msg.list := l; c.sel := l; msg.show := TRUE; Views.Broadcast(c.view, msg) END END SetSelection; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) NewController (opts: SET): Controller; VAR c: StdController; BEGIN NEW(c); c.SetOpts(opts); RETURN c END NewController; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE Focus* (): Controller; VAR msg: PollFocusMsg; BEGIN msg.c := NIL; Controllers.Forward(msg); RETURN msg.c END Focus; PROCEDURE Insert* (c: Controller; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR w, h: INTEGER; BEGIN w := r - l; h := b - t; FormViews.RoundToGrid(c.view, l, t); c.form.Insert(view, l, t, l + w, t + h) END Insert; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Install*; BEGIN FormViews.SetCtrlDir(dir) END Install; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); SetDir(d); stdDir := d END Init; BEGIN Init END FormControllers.
MODULE FormGen; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Strings, Meta, Dates, Files, Ports, Views, Properties, Dialog, Containers, Documents, Controls, StdDialog, StdCmds, FormModels, FormViews, FormControllers; CONST defaultDelta = 4 * Ports.point; minW = 10 * Ports.mm; minH = 4 * Ports.mm; maxW = 200 * Ports.mm; maxH = 50 * Ports.mm; TYPE ProcVal = RECORD (Meta.Value) p: PROCEDURE END; VAR new*: RECORD link*: Dialog.String END; list: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dialog.List END; select: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dialog.Selection END; combo: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dialog.Combo END; date: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dates.Date END; time: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dates.Time END; color: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dialog.Color END; currency: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dialog.Currency END; tree: RECORD (Meta.Value) p*: POINTER TO Dialog.Tree END; PROCEDURE GetSize (v: Views.View; VAR w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := Views.undefined; h := Views.undefined; Properties.PreferredSize(v, minW, maxW, minH, maxH, minW, minH, w, h) END GetSize; PROCEDURE Gen (f: FormModels.Model; fv: FormViews.View; VAR path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR; wr: FormModels.Writer; var: Meta.Item; VAR x, y, max: INTEGER; VAR first: BOOLEAN); VAR v, str: Views.View; dummy, delta, x0, y0, m, w, h, i: INTEGER; n: Meta.Name; p: Controls.Prop; s: Meta.Scanner; elem: Meta.Item; ok, back: BOOLEAN; pv: ProcVal; BEGIN dummy := 0; delta := defaultDelta; FormViews.RoundToGrid(fv, dummy, delta); NEW(p); p.guard := ""; p.notifier := ""; p.label := ""; p.level := 0; p.opt[0] := FALSE; p.opt[1] := FALSE; p.opt[2] := FALSE; p.opt[3] := FALSE; p.opt[4] := FALSE; back := FALSE; FormViews.RoundToGrid(fv, x, y); v := NIL; w := Views.undefined; x0 := x; y0 := y; IF (name[0] >= "0") & (name[0] <= "9") THEN p.link := path + "[" + name + "]" ELSIF name # "" THEN p.link := path + "." + name ELSE p.link := path$ END; IF var.obj = Meta.modObj THEN (* traverse module *) s.ConnectTo(var); s.Scan; m := 0; WHILE ~ s.eos DO s.GetObjName(n); Gen(f, fv, p.link, n, wr, s.this, x, y, m, first); s.Scan END; IF m > max THEN max := m END; ELSIF var.obj = Meta.procObj THEN var.GetVal(pv, ok); IF ok THEN (* command *) IF first THEN p.opt[Controls.default] := TRUE END; p.label := name$; v := Controls.dir.NewPushButton(p); p.opt[Controls.default] := FALSE; first := FALSE END ELSIF var.obj = Meta.varObj THEN IF (var.typ IN {Meta.byteTyp, Meta.sIntTyp, Meta.longTyp, Meta.intTyp, Meta.sRealTyp, Meta.realTyp}) OR (var.typ = Meta.arrTyp) & (var.BaseTyp() = Meta.charTyp) THEN p.opt[Controls.left] := TRUE; v := Controls.dir.NewField(p) ELSIF var.typ = Meta.boolTyp THEN p.label := name$; v := Controls.dir.NewCheckBox(p) ELSIF var.typ = Meta.procTyp THEN var.GetVal(pv, ok); IF ok THEN (* command *) IF first THEN p.opt[Controls.default] := TRUE END; p.label := name$; v := Controls.dir.NewPushButton(p); p.opt[Controls.default] := FALSE; first := FALSE END ELSIF var.typ = Meta.recTyp THEN IF var.Is(list) THEN v := Controls.dir.NewListBox(p) ELSIF var.Is(select) THEN v := Controls.dir.NewSelectionBox(p) ELSIF var.Is(combo) THEN v := Controls.dir.NewComboBox(p) ELSIF var.Is(date) THEN v := Controls.dir.NewDateField(p) ELSIF var.Is(time) THEN v := Controls.dir.NewTimeField(p) ELSIF var.Is(color) THEN v := Controls.dir.NewColorField(p) ELSIF var.Is(currency) THEN p.opt[Controls.left] := TRUE; v := Controls.dir.NewField(p) ELSIF var.Is(tree) THEN p.opt[Controls.haslines] := TRUE; p.opt[Controls.hasbuttons] := TRUE; p.opt[Controls.atroot] := TRUE; p.opt[Controls.foldericons] := TRUE; v := Controls.dir.NewTreeControl(p) ELSE (* traverse record *) s.ConnectTo(var); s.Scan; m := 0; IF name # "" THEN INC(x, delta); INC(y, 4 * delta) END; WHILE ~ s.eos DO s.GetObjName(n); Gen(f, fv, p.link, n, wr, s.this, x, y, m, first); s.Scan END; IF m > max THEN max := m END; IF (name # "") & (m > 0) THEN (* insert group *) p.label := name$; v := Controls.dir.NewGroup(p); w := m; x := x0; h := y + delta - y0; y := y0; back := TRUE END END ELSIF var.typ = Meta.arrTyp THEN (* traverse array *) i := 0; m := 0; IF name # "" THEN INC(x, delta); INC(y, 4 * delta) END; WHILE i < var.Len() DO var.Index(i, elem); Strings.IntToString(i, n); Gen(f, fv, p.link, n, wr, elem, x, y, m, first); INC(i) END; IF m > max THEN max := m END; IF (name # "") & (m > 0) THEN (* insert group *) p.label := name$; v := Controls.dir.NewGroup(p); w := m; x := x0; h := y + delta - y0; y := y0; back := TRUE END END END; IF v # NIL THEN IF (name # "") & (p.label = "") THEN p.label := name$; str := Controls.dir.NewCaption(p); GetSize(str, w, h); wr.WriteView(str, x, y, x + w, y + h); INC(x, w + delta); FormViews.RoundToGrid(fv, x, y) END; IF ~back THEN GetSize(v, w, h) END; wr.WriteView(v, x, y, x + w, y + h); INC(x, w + delta); IF back THEN f.PutAbove(v, NIL) END; y := y + h + delta END; IF x > max THEN max := x END; x := x0 END Gen; PROCEDURE NewDialog (name: ARRAY OF CHAR): Views.View; VAR var: Meta.Item; x, y, max: INTEGER; wr: FormModels.Writer; d: Documents.Document; f: FormModels.Model; v: FormViews.View; first: BOOLEAN; n: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN f := NIL; v := NIL; Meta.LookupPath(name, var); IF (var.obj = Meta.varObj) OR (var.obj = Meta.modObj) THEN x := defaultDelta; y := defaultDelta; max := 50 * Ports.point; first := TRUE; f := FormModels.dir.New(); v := FormViews.dir.New(f); c := v.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts(Containers.layout) ELSE v.SetController(FormControllers.dir.NewController(Containers.layout)) END; wr := f.NewWriter(NIL); wr.Set(NIL); n := ""; Gen(f, v, name, n, wr, var, x, y, max, first); d := Documents.dir.New(v, max, y) ELSE Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#Form:VariableNotFound", name, "", "") END; RETURN v END NewDialog; PROCEDURE Create*; VAR v: Views.View; i, j: INTEGER; mod, name: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; w: FormViews.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN v := NIL; IF new.link = "" THEN w := FormViews.dir.New(FormModels.dir.New()); c := w.ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN c.SetOpts({FormControllers.noFocus}) ELSE w.SetController(FormControllers.dir.NewController({FormControllers.noFocus})) END; v := w ELSE v := NewDialog(new.link) END; IF v # NIL THEN mod := new.link$; new.link := ""; name := ""; StdCmds.CloseDialog; IF mod # "" THEN i := 0; WHILE (mod[i] # 0X) & (mod[i] # ".") DO INC(i) END; IF mod[i] # 0X THEN (* module.variable *) mod[i] := 0X; INC(i); j := 0; WHILE mod[i] # 0X DO name[j] := mod[i]; INC(i); INC(j) END; name[j] := 0X END; StdDialog.GetSubLoc(mod, "Rsrc", loc, mod); IF name = "" THEN name := mod$ END; loc.res := 77 ELSE loc := NIL; name := "" END; Views.Open(v, loc, name, NIL); Views.BeginModification(Views.notUndoable, v); Views.EndModification(Views.notUndoable, v) END END Create; PROCEDURE Empty*; BEGIN new.link := ""; Create END Empty; PROCEDURE CreateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF new.link = "" THEN par.disabled := TRUE END END CreateGuard; END FormGen.
MODULE FormModels; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Properties, Containers; CONST minViewSize* = 4 * Ports.point; (** size of smallest embedded view **) maxViewSize* = 1000 * Ports.mm; (** size of largest embedded view **) (* range of currently supported versions *) minVersion = 0; maxBaseVersion = 0; maxStdVersion = 0; TYPE (* interface types *) Model* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.Model) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; Context* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Models.Context) END; Reader* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD view*: Views.View; (** most recently read view **) l*, t*, r*, b*: INTEGER (** bounding box of most recently read view **) END; Writer* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; UpdateMsg* = RECORD (Models.UpdateMsg) (** the receiver of this message must not switch on any marks **) l*, t*, r*, b*: INTEGER (** (l < r) & (b < t) **) END; (* concrete types *) StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; StdModel = POINTER TO RECORD (Model) contexts: StdContext (* list of views in form, ordered from bottom to top *) END; StdContext = POINTER TO RECORD (Context) next: StdContext; (* next upper view *) form: StdModel; (* form # NIL *) view: Views.View; (* view # NIL *) l, t, r, b: INTEGER (* (r - l >= minViewSize) & (b - t >= minViewSize) *) END; StdReader = POINTER TO RECORD (Reader) form: StdModel; (* form # NIL *) pos: StdContext (* next ReadView: read view above pos *) END; StdWriter = POINTER TO RECORD (Writer) form: StdModel; (* form # NIL *) pos: StdContext (* next WriteView: insert view above pos *) END; FormOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) del, ins: StdContext; (* ((del = NIL) # (ins = NIL)) OR (del = ins) *) pos: StdContext (* ins # NIL => next Do: insert ins above pos *) END; ResizeOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) context: StdContext; (* context # NIL *) l, t, r, b: INTEGER (* (r - l >= minViewSize) & (b - t >= minViewSize) *) END; ReplaceViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) context: StdContext; (* context # NIL *) view: Views.View (* view # NIL *) END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; (** (dir # NIL) & (stdDir # NIL) **) (** Model **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) GetEmbeddingLimits* (OUT minW, maxW, minH, maxH: INTEGER), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN minH := minViewSize; minW := minViewSize; maxH := maxViewSize; maxW := maxViewSize END GetEmbeddingLimits; PROCEDURE (f: Model) Insert* (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v # NIL 20 v.init 21 v.context = NIL 22 l <= r 23 t <= b 24 **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) Delete* (v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v in f 20 **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) Resize* (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v in f 20 l <= r 21 t <= b 22 **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) Top* (): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Model) PutAbove* (v, pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v in f 20 (pos = NIL) OR (pos in f) 21 **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) Move* (v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v in f 20 **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) Copy* (VAR v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v in f 20 **) PROCEDURE (f: Model) NewReader* (old: Reader): Reader, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Model) NewWriter* (old: Writer): Writer, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Model) ViewAt* (x, y: INTEGER): Views.View, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (f: Model) NofViews* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (): Model, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Context **) PROCEDURE (c: Context) ThisModel* (): Model, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (c: Context) GetRect* (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Reader **) PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) Set* (pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** (pos = NIL) OR (pos in r's form) 20 **) PROCEDURE (rd: Reader) ReadView* (OUT v: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Writer **) PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) Set* (pos: Views.View), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** (pos = NIL) OR (pos in w's form) 20 **) PROCEDURE (wr: Writer) WriteView* (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** v # NIL 20 v.init 21 v.context = NIL 22 l <= r 23 t <= b 24 **) (* StdModel *) PROCEDURE ThisContext (f: StdModel; view: Views.View): StdContext; VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN c := f.contexts; WHILE (c # NIL) & (c.view # view) DO c := c.next END; RETURN c END ThisContext; PROCEDURE NewContext (form: StdModel; view: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER): StdContext; VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN ASSERT(form # NIL, 100); ASSERT(view.context = NIL, 101); IF r - l < minViewSize THEN r := l + minViewSize END; IF b - t < minViewSize THEN b := t + minViewSize END; NEW(c); c.form := form; c.view := view; c.l := l; c.t := t; c.r := r; c.b := b; Stores.Join(form, view); view.InitContext(c); RETURN c END NewContext; PROCEDURE InsertAbove (c, pos: StdContext); BEGIN IF pos = NIL THEN c.next := NIL; c.form.contexts := c ELSE c.next := pos.next; pos.next := c END END InsertAbove; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Internalize (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion, l, t, r, b, x: INTEGER; top, h: StdContext; v: Views.View; BEGIN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStdVersion, thisVersion); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(0, 0, thisVersion); rd.ReadInt(x); (* backward compatibility with Rel. 1.3 *) Views.ReadView(rd, v); top := NIL; WHILE v # NIL DO rd.ReadInt(l); rd.ReadInt(t); rd.ReadInt(r); rd.ReadInt(b); h := NewContext(f, v, l, t, r, b); InsertAbove(h, top); top := h; Views.ReadView(rd, v) END END END Internalize; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Externalize (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxStdVersion); wr.WriteVersion(0); wr.WriteInt(0); (* backward compatibility with Rel. 1.3 *) c := f.contexts; WHILE c # NIL DO IF Stores.ExternalizeProxy(c.view) # NIL THEN Views.WriteView(wr, c.view); wr.WriteInt(c.l); wr.WriteInt(c.t); wr.WriteInt(c.r); wr.WriteInt(c.b) END; c := c.next END; wr.WriteStore(NIL) END Externalize; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) CopyFrom (source: Stores.Store); VAR c, top, h: StdContext; BEGIN WITH source: StdModel DO c := source.contexts; top := NIL; WHILE c # NIL DO h := NewContext(f, Views.CopyOf(c.view, Views.deep), c.l, c.t, c.r, c.b); InsertAbove(h, top); top := h; c := c.next END END END CopyFrom; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) InitFrom (source: Containers.Model); BEGIN f.contexts := NIL END InitFrom; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) ReplaceView (old, new: Views.View); VAR op: ReplaceViewOp; c: StdContext; BEGIN c := ThisContext(f, old); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); ASSERT(new # NIL, 21); ASSERT((new.context = NIL) OR (new.context = c), 23); IF old # new THEN (* Stores.InitDomain(new, f.domain); *) Stores.Join(f, new); new.InitContext(c); (* both views share same context *) NEW(op); op.context := c; op.view := new; Models.Do(f, "#System:ReplaceView", op) END END ReplaceView; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Insert (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR op: FormOp; c, h, top: StdContext; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(v.context = NIL, 22); ASSERT(l <= r, 23); ASSERT(t <= b, 24); h := f.contexts; top := NIL; WHILE h # NIL DO top := h; h := h.next END; c := NewContext(f, v, l, t, r, b); NEW(op); op.del := NIL; op.ins := c; op.pos := top; Models.Do(f, "#System:Insertion", op) END Insert; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Delete (v: Views.View); VAR op: FormOp; c: StdContext; BEGIN c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); NEW(op); op.del := c; op.ins := NIL; op.pos := NIL; Models.Do(f, "#System:Deletion", op) END Delete; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Resize (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR op: ResizeOp; c: StdContext; BEGIN c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); ASSERT(r >= l, 21); ASSERT(b >= t, 22); IF r - l < minViewSize THEN r := l + minViewSize END; IF b - t < minViewSize THEN b := t + minViewSize END; NEW(op); op.context := c; op.l := l; op.t := t; op.r := r; op.b := b; Models.Do(f, "#System:Resizing", op) END Resize; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Top (): Views.View; VAR h, top: StdContext; BEGIN top := NIL; h := f.contexts; WHILE h # NIL DO top := h; h := h.next END; IF top # NIL THEN RETURN top.view ELSE RETURN NIL END END Top; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) PutAbove (v, pos: Views.View); VAR op: FormOp; c, d: StdContext; BEGIN c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); d := ThisContext(f, pos); ASSERT((pos = NIL) OR (d # NIL), 21); IF v # pos THEN NEW(op); op.del := c; op.ins := c; op.pos := d; Models.Do(f, "#Form:ChangeZOrder", op) END END PutAbove; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Move (v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR op: ResizeOp; c: StdContext; BEGIN c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); IF (dx # 0) OR (dy # 0) THEN NEW(op); op.context := c; op.l := c.l + dx; op.t := c.t + dy; op.r := c.r + dx; op.b := c.b + dy; Models.Do(f, "#System:Moving", op) END END Move; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) Copy (VAR v: Views.View; dx, dy: INTEGER); VAR op: FormOp; c, h, top: StdContext; BEGIN c := ThisContext(f, v); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20); h := f.contexts; top := NIL; WHILE h # NIL DO top := h; h := h.next END; h := NewContext(f, Views.CopyOf(v, Views.deep), c.l + dx, c.t + dy, c.r + dx, c.b + dy); NEW(op); op.del := NIL; op.ins := h; op.pos := top; Models.Do(f, "#System:Copying", op); v := h.view END Copy; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) NewReader (old: Reader): Reader; VAR r: StdReader; BEGIN IF (old = NIL) OR ~(old IS StdReader) THEN NEW(r) ELSE r := old(StdReader) END; r.view := NIL; r.l := 0; r.t := 0; r.r := 0; r.b := 0; r.form := f; r.pos := NIL; RETURN r END NewReader; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) NewWriter (old: Writer): Writer; VAR w: StdWriter; BEGIN IF (old = NIL) OR ~(old IS StdWriter) THEN NEW(w) ELSE w := old(StdWriter) END; w.form := f; w.pos := NIL; RETURN w END NewWriter; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) ViewAt (x, y: INTEGER): Views.View; VAR c, top: StdContext; BEGIN c := f.contexts; top := NIL; WHILE c # NIL DO IF (x >= c.l) & (y >= c.t) & (x < c.r) & (y < c.b) THEN top := c END; c := c.next END; IF top = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSE RETURN top.view END END ViewAt; PROCEDURE (f: StdModel) NofViews (): INTEGER; VAR c: StdContext; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := 0; c := f.contexts; WHILE c # NIL DO INC(n); c := c.next END; RETURN n END NofViews; (* StdContext *) PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) ThisModel (): Model; BEGIN RETURN c.form END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) GetSize (OUT w, h: INTEGER); BEGIN w := c.r - c.l; h := c.b - c.t END GetSize; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) SetSize (w, h: INTEGER); VAR w0, h0: INTEGER; BEGIN w0 := c.r - c.l; h0 := c.b - c.t; ASSERT(w0 > 0, 100); ASSERT(h0 > 0, 101); Properties.PreferredSize( c.view, minViewSize, maxViewSize, minViewSize, maxViewSize, w0, h0, w, h); IF (w # w0) OR (h # h0) THEN c.form.Resize(c.view, c.l, c.t, c.l + w, c.t + h) END END SetSize; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) Normalize (): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN FALSE END Normalize; PROCEDURE (c: StdContext) GetRect (OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN l := c.l; t := c.t; r := c.r; b := c.b END GetRect; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (): Model; VAR f: StdModel; BEGIN NEW(f); RETURN f END New; (* StdReader *) PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) Set (pos: Views.View); VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN IF pos = NIL THEN c := NIL ELSE c := ThisContext(rd.form, pos); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20) END; rd.view := NIL; rd.l := 0; rd.t := 0; rd.r := 0; rd.b := 0; rd.pos := c END Set; PROCEDURE (rd: StdReader) ReadView (OUT v: Views.View); VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN c := rd.pos; IF c = NIL THEN c := rd.form.contexts ELSE c := c.next END; IF c # NIL THEN rd.view := c.view; rd.l := c.l; rd.t := c.t; rd.r := c.r; rd.b := c.b; rd.pos := c ELSE rd.view := NIL; rd.l := 0; rd.t := 0; rd.r := 0; rd.b := 0 END; v := rd.view END ReadView; (* StdWriter *) PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) Set (pos: Views.View); VAR c: StdContext; BEGIN IF pos = NIL THEN c := NIL ELSE c := ThisContext(wr.form, pos); ASSERT(c # NIL, 20) END; wr.pos := c END Set; PROCEDURE (wr: StdWriter) WriteView (v: Views.View; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR op: FormOp; c: StdContext; BEGIN ASSERT(v # NIL, 20); ASSERT(v.context = NIL, 22); ASSERT(l <= r, 23); ASSERT(t <= b, 24); c := NewContext(wr.form, v, l, t, r, b); NEW(op); op.del := NIL; op.ins := c; op.pos := wr.pos; wr.pos := c; Models.Do(wr.form, "#System:Insertion", op) END WriteView; (* operations *) PROCEDURE Update (c: StdContext); VAR msg: UpdateMsg; BEGIN msg.l := c.l; msg.t := c.t; msg.r := c.r; msg.b := c.b; Models.Broadcast(c.form, msg) END Update; PROCEDURE (op: FormOp) Do; VAR f: StdModel; c, p, pos: StdContext; BEGIN (* delete *) pos := NIL; c := op.del; IF c # NIL THEN f := c.form; ASSERT(f # NIL, 100); p := f.contexts; ASSERT(p # NIL, 101); IF p = c THEN f.contexts := c.next ELSE WHILE p.next # c DO p := p.next; ASSERT(p # NIL, 102) END; pos := p; p.next := c.next END; c.next := NIL; Update(c) END; (* insert *) c := op.ins; IF c # NIL THEN f := c.form; ASSERT(f # NIL, 103); p := f.contexts; IF op.pos = NIL THEN c.next := f.contexts; f.contexts := c ELSE c.next := op.pos.next; op.pos.next := c END; Update(c) END; (* swap ins and del for undo *) p := op.del; op.del := op.ins; op.ins := p; op.pos := pos END Do; PROCEDURE (op: ResizeOp) Do; VAR c: StdContext; l, t, r, b: INTEGER; BEGIN c := op.context; (* save old state of context *) l := c.l; t := c.t; r := c.r; b := c.b; Update(c); (* set new state of context *) c.l := op.l; c.t := op.t; c.r := op.r; c.b := op.b; Update(c); (* old state is new undo state *) op.l := l; op.t := t; op.r := r; op.b := b END Do; PROCEDURE (op: ReplaceViewOp) Do; VAR c: StdContext; view: Views.View; BEGIN c := op.context; (* save old state of context *) view := c.view; (* set new state of context *) c.view := op.view; Update(c); (* old state is new undo state *) op.view := view END Do; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE New* (): Model; BEGIN RETURN dir.New() END New; PROCEDURE CloneOf* (source: Model): Model; BEGIN ASSERT(source # NIL, 20); RETURN Containers.CloneOf(source)(Model) END CloneOf; PROCEDURE Copy* (source: Model): Model; BEGIN ASSERT(source # NIL, 20); RETURN Stores.CopyOf(source)(Model) END Copy; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); (** d # NIL 20 **) BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; BEGIN NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d END Init; BEGIN Init END FormModels.
MODULE FormViews; (** project = "BlackBox" organization = "www.oberon.ch" contributors = "Oberon microsystems" version = "System/Rsrc/About" copyright = "System/Rsrc/About" license = "Docu/BB-License" purpose = "" changes = " - YYYYMMDD, nn, ... " issues = " - ... " **) IMPORT Dialog, Ports, Stores, Models, Views, Controllers, Properties, Containers, FormModels; CONST (** minimal border between form view and any embedded view: **) minBorder* = 4 * Ports.point; maxBorder* = 100 * Ports.mm; maxSize = 600 * Ports.mm; (* range of currently supported versions *) minVersion = 0; maxBaseVersion = 2; maxStdVersion = 1; TYPE View* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD (Containers.View) END; Directory* = POINTER TO ABSTRACT RECORD END; StdView = POINTER TO RECORD (View) border: INTEGER; grid: INTEGER; (* grid > 0 *) gridFactor: INTEGER; (* gridFactor > 0 *) background: Ports.Color; cache: FormModels.Reader (* reuse form reader *) END; StdDirectory = POINTER TO RECORD (Directory) END; ViewOp = POINTER TO RECORD (Stores.Operation) view: StdView; (* view # NIL *) border: INTEGER; (* border >= minBorder *) grid: INTEGER; (* grid > 0 *) gridFactor: INTEGER; (* gridFactor > 0 *) background: Ports.Color END; VAR dir-, stdDir-: Directory; ctrldir-: Containers.Directory; (** View **) PROCEDURE (v: View) Internalize2- (VAR rd: Stores.Reader), EXTENSIBLE; VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxBaseVersion, thisVersion); IF~ rd.cancelled THEN IF thisVersion IN {0, 1} THEN WITH v: StdView DO (* backward compatibility with Rel. 1.3 *) rd.ReadInt(v.border); rd.ReadInt(v.grid); rd.ReadXInt(v.gridFactor); IF thisVersion = 1 THEN rd.ReadInt(v.background) ELSE v.background := Ports.defaultColor END END END END END END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (v: View) Externalize2- (VAR wr: Stores.Writer), EXTENSIBLE; BEGIN wr.WriteVersion(maxBaseVersion) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (v: View) ThisModel* (): FormModels.Model, EXTENSIBLE; VAR m: Containers.Model; BEGIN m := v.ThisModel^(); IF m = NIL THEN RETURN NIL ELSE RETURN m(FormModels.Model) END END ThisModel; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetBorder* (border: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** border >= 0 20 **) PROCEDURE (v: View) Border* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetGrid* (grid, gridFactor: INTEGER), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** grid > 0 20 gridFactor > 0 21 **) PROCEDURE (v: View) Grid* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) GridFactor* (): INTEGER, NEW, ABSTRACT; PROCEDURE (v: View) SetBackground* (background: Ports.Color), NEW, ABSTRACT; (** Directory **) PROCEDURE (d: Directory) New* (f: FormModels.Model): View, NEW, ABSTRACT; (** f # NIL 20 f.init 21 **) (* ViewOp *) PROCEDURE (op: ViewOp) Do; VAR border, grid, gridFactor: INTEGER; background: Ports.Color; BEGIN (* save old state of view *) border := op.view.border; grid := op.view.grid; gridFactor := op.view.gridFactor; background := op.view.background; (* set new state of view *) op.view.border := op.border; op.view.grid := op.grid; op.view.gridFactor := op.gridFactor; op.view.background := op.background; Views.Update(op.view, Views.keepFrames); (* old state is new undo state *) op.border := border; op.grid := grid; op.gridFactor := gridFactor; op.background := background END Do; (* StdView *) PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Internalize2 (VAR rd: Stores.Reader); VAR thisVersion: INTEGER; BEGIN v.Internalize2^(rd); IF ~rd.cancelled THEN rd.ReadVersion(minVersion, maxStdVersion, thisVersion); IF thisVersion # 0 THEN rd.ReadInt(v.border); rd.ReadInt(v.grid); rd.ReadInt(v.gridFactor); rd.ReadInt(v.background) END END END Internalize2; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Externalize2 (VAR wr: Stores.Writer); BEGIN v.Externalize2^(wr); wr.WriteVersion(maxStdVersion); wr.WriteInt(v.border); wr.WriteInt(v.grid); wr.WriteInt(v.gridFactor); wr.WriteInt(v.background) END Externalize2; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) CopyFromModelView2 (source: Views.View; model: Models.Model); BEGIN WITH source: StdView DO v.border := source.border; v.grid := source.grid; v.gridFactor := source.gridFactor; v.background := source.background END END CopyFromModelView2; PROCEDURE (d: StdView) AcceptableModel (m: Containers.Model): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN m IS FormModels.Model END AcceptableModel; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) InitModel2 (m: Containers.Model); BEGIN ASSERT(m IS FormModels.Model, 23) END InitModel2; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetRect (f: Views.Frame; view: Views.View; OUT l, t, r, b: INTEGER); BEGIN view.context(FormModels.Context).GetRect(l, t, r, b) END GetRect; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SetBorder (border: INTEGER); VAR op: ViewOp; BEGIN ASSERT(border >= 0, 20); IF border < minBorder THEN border := minBorder ELSIF border > maxBorder THEN border := maxBorder END; NEW(op); op.view := v; op.border := border; op.grid := v.grid; op.gridFactor := v.gridFactor; op.background := v.background; Views.Do(v, "#Form:BorderChange", op) END SetBorder; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Border (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN v.border END Border; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SetGrid (grid, gridFactor: INTEGER); VAR op: ViewOp; BEGIN ASSERT(grid > 0, 20); ASSERT(gridFactor > 0, 21); NEW(op); op.view := v; op.border := v.border; op.grid := grid; op.gridFactor := gridFactor; op.background := v.background; Views.Do(v, "#Form:GridChange", op) END SetGrid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Grid (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN v.grid END Grid; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GridFactor (): INTEGER; BEGIN RETURN v.gridFactor END GridFactor; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) SetBackground (background: Ports.Color); VAR op: ViewOp; BEGIN NEW(op); op.view := v; op.border := v.border; op.grid := v.grid; op.gridFactor := v.gridFactor; op.background := background; Views.Do(v, "#Form:BackgroundChange", op) END SetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) GetBackground (VAR color: Ports.Color); BEGIN IF v.background = Ports.defaultColor THEN color := Ports.dialogBackground ELSE color := v.background END END GetBackground; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) Restore (f: Views.Frame; l, t, r, b: INTEGER); VAR form: FormModels.Model; ctrl: Containers.Controller; focus, q: Views.View; k, w, h, x, y: INTEGER; s: FormModels.Reader; BEGIN form := v.ThisModel(); IF form # NIL THEN ctrl := v.ThisController(); IF ctrl # NIL THEN focus := ctrl.ThisFocus() ELSE focus := NIL END; s := form.NewReader(v.cache); v.cache := s; s.Set(NIL); s.ReadView(q); k := 0; WHILE q # NIL DO IF (s.r >= l) & (s.b >= t) & (s.l < r) & (s.t < b) THEN Views.InstallFrame(f, q, s.l, s.t, k, q = focus) END; s.ReadView(q); INC(k) END ELSE f.DrawRect(l, t, r, b, Ports.fill, Ports.grey12) END; IF (ctrl # NIL) & ~(Containers.noCaret IN ctrl.opts) THEN k := v.grid * v.gridFactor; ASSERT(k > 0, 100); v.context.GetSize(w, h); IF w > maxSize THEN w := maxSize END; IF h > maxSize THEN h := maxSize END; x := l - l MOD k; WHILE x <= w DO f.MarkRect(x, 0, x + f.unit, h, Ports.fill, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); INC(x, k) END; y := t - t MOD k; WHILE y <= h DO f.MarkRect(0, y, w, y + f.unit, Ports.fill, Ports.dim50, Ports.show); INC(y, k) END END END Restore; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandleModelMsg2 (VAR msg: Models.Message); BEGIN WITH msg: Models.UpdateMsg DO WITH msg: FormModels.UpdateMsg DO Views.UpdateIn(v, msg.l, msg.t, msg.r, msg.b, Views.rebuildFrames) ELSE Views.Update(v, Views.rebuildFrames) (* catch all update messages *) END ELSE END END HandleModelMsg2; PROCEDURE GetBounds (v: StdView; VAR w, h: INTEGER); VAR form: FormModels.Model; r, b: INTEGER; p: FormModels.Reader; q: Views.View; BEGIN form := v.ThisModel(); IF form # NIL THEN p := form.NewReader(v.cache); v.cache := p; p.Set(NIL); (* set reader to bottom of view list *) p.ReadView(q); (* read bottom-most view *) IF q # NIL THEN r := 0; b := 0; WHILE q # NIL DO IF p.r > r THEN r := p.r END; IF p.b > b THEN b := p.b END; p.ReadView(q) END; w := r + v.border; h := b + v.border ELSE w := 0; h := 0 END ELSE w := 0; h := 0 END END GetBounds; PROCEDURE AssertRange (border: INTEGER; VAR w, h: INTEGER); VAR min: INTEGER; BEGIN (* prevent illegal values *) min := 2 * border + FormModels.minViewSize; IF w = Views.undefined THEN w := 100 * Ports.mm ELSIF w < min THEN w := min ELSIF w > maxSize THEN w := maxSize END; IF h = Views.undefined THEN h := 70 * Ports.mm ELSIF h < min THEN h := min ELSIF h > maxSize THEN h := maxSize END END AssertRange; PROCEDURE (v: StdView) HandlePropMsg2 (VAR p: Properties.Message); VAR sp: Properties.StdProp; q: Properties.Property; BEGIN WITH p: Properties.BoundsPref DO GetBounds(v, p.w, p.h) | p: Properties.SizePref DO AssertRange(v.border, p.w, p.h) | p: Properties.PollMsg DO NEW(sp); sp.valid := {Properties.color}; sp.known := sp.valid; sp.color.val := v.background; p.prop := sp | p: Properties.SetMsg DO q := p.prop; WHILE q # NIL DO WITH q: Properties.StdProp DO IF (Properties.color IN q.valid) & (q.color.val # v.background) THEN v.SetBackground(q.color.val) END; ELSE END; q :=q.next END | p: Containers.DropPref DO p.okToDrop := TRUE ELSE END END HandlePropMsg2; (* StdDirectory *) PROCEDURE (d: StdDirectory) New (f: FormModels.Model): View; VAR v: StdView; grid, gridFactor: INTEGER; BEGIN ASSERT(f # NIL, 20); NEW(v); v.InitModel(f); IF ctrldir # NIL THEN v.SetController(ctrldir.New()) END; v.SetBorder(minBorder); IF Dialog.metricSystem THEN grid := 2 * Ports.mm; gridFactor := 5 (* place at 2 mm resolution *) ELSE grid := Ports.inch DIV 16; gridFactor := 8 (* place at 1/16 inch resolution *) END; v.SetGrid(grid, gridFactor); v.background := Ports.defaultColor; RETURN v END New; (** miscellaneous **) PROCEDURE Focus* (): View; VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS View) THEN RETURN v(View) ELSE RETURN NIL END END Focus; PROCEDURE FocusModel* (): FormModels.Model; VAR v: View; BEGIN v := Focus(); IF v # NIL THEN RETURN v.ThisModel() ELSE RETURN NIL END END FocusModel; PROCEDURE RoundToGrid* (v: View; VAR x, y: INTEGER); VAR grid: INTEGER; BEGIN grid := v.Grid(); x := x + grid DIV 2; y := y + grid DIV 2; x := x - x MOD grid; y := y - y MOD grid END RoundToGrid; PROCEDURE New* (): View; BEGIN RETURN dir.New(FormModels.dir.New()) END New; PROCEDURE Deposit*; BEGIN Views.Deposit(New()) END Deposit; PROCEDURE SetDir* (d: Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); dir := d END SetDir; PROCEDURE SetCtrlDir* (d: Containers.Directory); BEGIN ASSERT(d # NIL, 20); ctrldir := d END SetCtrlDir; PROCEDURE Init; VAR d: StdDirectory; res: INTEGER; BEGIN Dialog.Call("FormControllers.Install", "#Form:CntrlInstallFailed", res); NEW(d); dir := d; stdDir := d END Init; BEGIN Init END FormViews.
MENU "#Form:&Layout" ("FormViews.View") "#Form:&Align Left" "" "FormCmds.AlignLeft" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Form:&Align Right" "" "FormCmds.AlignRight" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Form:&Align Top" "" "FormCmds.AlignTop" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Form:&Align Bottom" "" "FormCmds.AlignBottom" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Form:&Align To Row" "" "FormCmds.AlignToRow" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Form:&Align To Column" "" "FormCmds.AlignToColumn" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "#Form:&Set Grid..." "" "FormCmds.InitGridDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Form/Rsrc/Cmds', '#Form:Set Grid')" "FormCmds.FocusGuard" "#Form:&Select Off-Grid Views" "" "FormCmds.SelectOffGridViews" "" "#Form:&Force To Grid" "" "FormCmds.ForceToGrid" "FormCmds.SelectionGuard" SEPARATOR "#Form:&Set First/Back" "" "FormCmds.SetAsFirst" "FormCmds.SingletonGuard" "#Form:&Set Last/Front" "F5" "FormCmds.SetAsLast" "FormCmds.SingletonGuard" "#Form:&Sort Views" "" "FormCmds.SortViews" "" SEPARATOR "#Form:&Replace..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Form/Rsrc/Cmds2', '#Form:Replace Strings in Control Fields')" "StdCmds.ContainerGuard" SEPARATOR "#Form:&Recalc Focus Size" "" "StdCmds.RecalcFocusSize" "" END
STRINGS &Layout Layout &Align Left Align &Left &Align Right Align &Right &Align Top Align &Top &Align Bottom Align &Bottom &Align To Row Align To Ro&w &Align To Column Align To &Column &Set Grid... Set &Grid... &Select Off-Grid Views &Select Off-Grid Views &Force To Grid &Force To Grid &Set First/Back Set F&irst/Back &Set Last/Front Set L&ast/Front &Sort Views Sort &Views &Replace... Replace... &Recalc Focus Size R&ecalc Focus Size mm &mm 1/16 &inch 1/16 &inch Empty &Empty Guard Field Guard Field Link: &Link: Label Field Label Field Link Field Link Field Notifier Field Notifier Field Set Set Set Grid Set Grid Replace: Replace: Replace All Replace &All Replace Strings in Control Fields Replace Strings in Control Fields Resolution: &Resolution: with: with: in: in: AlignBottom Align Bottom AlignHorizontal Align Horizontal AlignLeft Align Left AlignRight Align Right AlignTop Align Top AlignVertical Align Vertical BorderChange Border Change ChangeZOrder Change Z Order CntrlInstallFailed form controller installation failed ForceToGrid Force to Grid Globals Globals GridChange Grid Change InsertAround Insert Around ModuleNotFound module ^0 not found SetEnabled Set Enabled SetName Set Name VariableNoRecord variable ^0 is not a record or NIL pointer VariableNotFound variable ^0 not found VariableNotFoundIn variable ^0 not found in ^1 FormViews.StdViewDesc standard Form view FormModels.StdModelDesc standard Form model FormControllers.StdControllerDesc standard Form controller
Helpdesk's Adviser (Ratgeber fr Benutzerservice) Helmut Zinn, IG Metall, Frankfurt am Main, Germany The Helpdesk Adviser is a collection of tools to support the work at a help desk. Many questions come up repeatedly and therefore we collect questions and answeres and organize them by creating a subdirectory for every group of problem. There are two possibilities to open a document in BlackBox: 1st in browser mode (StdCmds.OpenBrowser) and 2nd in edit mode (StdCmds.OpenDoc). We need both to edit and view documents respectively. When following links, the new document should be opened in the same mode as the current one is in. Therefore, a simple extension was easily defined and quickly programmed: the new command InfoCmds.OpenDoc. The Helpdesk Adviser was copied to our department server. As the adviser grows, it becomes more and more cumbersome to copy all documents to the server every day. Hence, we created a BlackBox program called Update, which can compare two directory trees and list all the files that were changed, added, or deleted. Based on this list, we can run an update to copy exactly new files and those that were changed. Old files, no longer existing in the original, are deleted. Recently, a cross-reference builder, a search module, and a check link module have been added. Now we are working on a HTML importer and exporter. All tags that are not translated are in a tag view. The tag views can be created, expanded, collapsed, shown and hidden. The Helpdesk Adviser is in use since October 1996. Today (5th September 2000) it manages about 1700 documents.
Control Commands in Windows 7 To open… (Menpunkt) Run Commands… On Screen Keyboard (Bildschirmtastatur) "InfoCmds.Start('osk')" Character Map (Zeichentabelle) "InfoCmds.Start('charmap')" Windows Magnifier (Bildschirmlupe) "InfoCmds.Start('magnify')" Private Character Editor "InfoCmds.Start('eudcedit')" Calculator "InfoCmds.Start('calc')" System Information "InfoCmds.Start('msinfo32')" System Configuration Utility "InfoCmds.Start('msconfig')" Direct X Troubleshooter "InfoCmds.Start('dxdiag')" Quicktime "InfoCmds.Start('QuickTime.cpl')" Flash Player "InfoCmds.Start('FlashPlayerCPLApp.cpl')" SQL Client Configuration "InfoCmds.Start('cliconfg')" ODBC Data Source Administrator "InfoCmds.Start('odbcad32')" Component Services "InfoCmds.Start('dcomcnfg')" Task Manager "InfoCmds.Start('taskmgr')" Logs You Out Of Windows "InfoCmds.Start('logoff')" Shuts Down Windows "InfoCmds.Start('shutdown')" Systemsteuerung Control Panel "InfoCmds.Start2('control')" Display Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control desktop')" ... Auflsung "InfoCmds.Start2('control desk.cpl')" ... DPI Scaling "InfoCmds.Start('dpiscaling')" ... with Appearance Tab Preselected "InfoCmds.Start2('control color')" ... Color Management "InfoCmds.Start('colorcpl')" Automatische Updates "InfoCmds.Start2('control wuaucpl.cpl')" Benutzerkonten "InfoCmds.Start2('control nusrmgr.cpl')" ??? "InfoCmds.Start2('control collab.cpl')" Blootooth-Konfiguration "InfoCmds.Start2('control bthprops.cpl')" Datenquellen (ODBC) "InfoCmds.Start2('control odbccp32.cpl')" Date and Time Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control timedate.cpl')" Drahtlose Verbindung "InfoCmds.Start2('control irprops.cpl')" Drahtlose Verbindung "InfoCmds.Start2('control infrared')" Printers and Faxes "InfoCmds.Start2('control printers')" Accessibility Options (Eingabehilfe) "InfoCmds.Start2('control access.cpl')" Power Configuration (Energieoptionen) "InfoCmds.Start2('control powercfg.cpl')" Game Controllers "InfoCmds.Start2('control joy.cpl')" Scheduled Tasks "InfoCmds.Start2('control schedtasks')" Grafikcontoller "InfoCmds.Start2('control igfxcpl.cpl')" Add Hardware Wizard "InfoCmds.Start2('control hdwwiz.cpl')" Internet Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control inetcpl.cpl')" Mail "InfoCmds.Start2('control MLCFG32.CPL')" Mouse Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control main.cpl')" Mouse Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control mouse')" Touchpad Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control TabletPC.cpl')" Netzwerkinstallationsassistent "InfoCmds.Start2('control netsetup.cpl')" Network Connections "InfoCmds.Start2('control ncpa.cpl')" Network Connections "InfoCmds.Start2('control netconnections')" Folders Optionen "InfoCmds.Start2('control folders')" User Password "InfoCmds.Start2('control userpasswords')" QuickTime "InfoCmds.Start2('control QuickTime.cpl')" Regional Settings "InfoCmds.Start2('control intl.cpl')" Regions- und Sprachoptionen "InfoCmds.Start2('control international')" Scanner und Kameras "InfoCmds.Start2('control sticpl.cpl')" Scanner und Kameras "InfoCmds.Start2('control scannercamera')" Fonts Folder "InfoCmds.Start2('control fonts')" Windows Security Center "InfoCmds.Start2('control wscui.cpl')" Add or Remove Programs "InfoCmds.Start2('control appwiz.cpl')" ... Windows Components "InfoCmds.Start2('control appwiz.cpl,,2')" ... Program Access & Defaults "InfoCmds.Start2('control appwiz.cpl,,3')" Sounds and Audio Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control mmsys.cpl')" Sprachein-/ausgabe "InfoCmds.Start2('control speech')" System Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control sysdm.cpl')" Tablet- und Schrifteinstellungen "InfoCmds.Start2('control tabletpc.cpl')" Keyboard Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control keyboard')" Keyboard Properties "InfoCmds.Start2('control main.cpl @1')" Phone and Modem Options "InfoCmds.Start2('control telephon.cpl')" Phone Dialer "InfoCmds.Start('dialer')" Remote Access Phonebook "InfoCmds.Start('rasphone')" Administrative Tools (Verwaltung) "InfoCmds.Start2('control admintools')" VirusScan "InfoCmds.Start2('control Avsmcpa.cpl')" Windows Firewall "InfoCmds.Start2('control firewall.cpl')" Firewall Control Panel "InfoCmds.Start2('FirewallControlPanel')" Firewall Settings "InfoCmds.Start2('FirewallSettings')" Windows Firewall with Advanced Security "InfoCmds.Start2('wf.msc')" Verwalten (MMC) Computer Management "InfoCmds.Start('compmgmt.msc')" Users and Groups "InfoCmds.Start('lusrmgr.msc')" Disk Management (Datentrgerverwaltung) "InfoCmds.Start('diskmgmt.msc')" Defragmentierung "InfoCmds.Start('dfrg.msc')" Services (Dienste) "InfoCmds.Start('services.msc')" Event Viewer (Ereignisanzeige) "InfoCmds.Start('eventvwr.msc')" Faxdienstverwaltung "InfoCmds.Start('faxserv.msc')" Shared Folders (Freigegebene Ordner) "InfoCmds.Start('fsmgmt.msc')" Device Manager (Gertemanager) "InfoCmds.Start('devmgmt.msc')" Group Policy Editor (Gruppenrichtlinien) "InfoCmds.Start('gpedit.msc')" Indexdienst "InfoCmds.Start('ciadv.msc')" Internetauthentifizierungsdienst "InfoCmds.Start('ias.msc')" Komponentendienste "InfoCmds.Start('comexp.msc')" Performance Monitor "InfoCmds.Start('perfmon.msc')" Printer Management "InfoCmds.Start('printmanagement.msc')" Policy (Richtlinien) "InfoCmds.Start('rsop.msc')" Security Settings "InfoCmds.Start('secpol.msc')" Wechselmedien "InfoCmds.Start('ntmsmgr.msc')" Windows Management Infrastructure "InfoCmds.Start('wmimgmt.msc')" Certificate Manager "InfoCmds.Start('certmgr.msc')" Office & Windows Back up or Restore your stored ... ... User Names and Passwords "InfoCmds.Start('credwiz')" Backup Status and Utility "InfoCmds.Start('sdclt')" Windows System Security Tool "InfoCmds.Start('syskey')" System Recovery "InfoCmds.Start('rstrui')" Command Prompt "InfoCmds.Start('cmd')" Disk Cleanup Utility "InfoCmds.Start('cleanmgr')" Driver Verifier Utility "InfoCmds.Start('verifier')" File Signature Verification Tool "InfoCmds.Start('sigverif')" Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool "InfoCmds.Start('mrt')" Registry Editor "InfoCmds.Start('regedit')" Microsoft Access "InfoCmds.Start('msaccess')" Microsoft Excel "InfoCmds.Start('excel')" Microsoft Frontpage "InfoCmds.Start('frontpg')" Microsoft Movie Maker "InfoCmds.Start('moviemk')" Microsoft Paint "InfoCmds.Start('mspaint')" Microsoft Powerpoint "InfoCmds.Start('powerpnt')" Microsoft Word "InfoCmds.Start('winword')" Picture from Camera or Scanner "InfoCmds.Start('wiaacmgr')" Remote Desktop "InfoCmds.Start('mstsc')" Remote Assistance "InfoCmds.Start('msra')" Shared Creation Wizard "InfoCmds.Start('shrpubw')" Syncronization Center "InfoCmds.Start('mobsync')" Windows Mobility Center "InfoCmds.Start('mblctr')" Software Licensing (Windows Activation) "InfoCmds.Start('slui')" Sound Recorder "InfoCmds.Start('soundrecorder')" Sound Volume "InfoCmds.Start('sndvol')" System Properties ... Advanced tab preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesAdvanced')" ... Computer Name tab preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesComputerName')" ... Data Execution Prevention preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesDataExecutionPrevention')" ... Hardware options preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesHardware')" ... Performance options preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesPerformance')" ... Protection options preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesProtection')" ... Remote options preselected "InfoCmds.Start('SystemPropertiesRemote')" Trusted Platform Module Initialization Wizard "InfoCmds.Start('TpmInit')" Notepad "InfoCmds.Start('notepad')" Paint "InfoCmds.Start('pbrush')" WordPad "InfoCmds.Start('write')" Windows Address Book (Contacts) "InfoCmds.Start('wab')" Windows Address Book Import Utility "InfoCmds.Start('wabmig')" Windows Media Player "InfoCmds.Start('wmplayer')" Windows Update "InfoCmds.Start('wuapp')" Windows Update Standalone Installer "InfoCmds.Start('wusa')" Windows Version "InfoCmds.Start('winver')" Ende.
The Helpdesk's Adviser Basically I use the subsystem Info for my Helpdesk's Adviser. First read the Abstract of my speaking from the BlackBox Developer Meeting on 5th September 2000. It gives you an good overview about this tool. Then look at the PowerPoint slides online at http://www.zinnamturm.eu/doc/Helpdesk.pps (441 kByte). Save this slides at Info/Docu/Helpdesk.pps. Now you can read the PowerPoint slidesoffline and some notes to it. Further I used the subsystems Desktop, Dos and Html with Helpdesk's Adviser. Little German => English Dictionary: Benutzerservice => Helpdesk Ratgeber => Adviser Stichwortverzeichnis => cross reference list Uhl => users help line All source code for the helpdesk's adviser program are available here. The data documents are not included. So all files in the directories and their access via menus Help/... [Infodesk][Helpdesk] Help/Infodesk/... [Infodesk][Infodesk] Help/Uhl/... [Infodesk][Uhl] Help/Additional/Homepage/... [Infodesk][Component Pascal Collections] are missing. The reasons are: - most of the documents are in German - the documents are company specific and of no interest of anybody else outside. - some documents are company confidential - other environment (helpdesk) other problems. Everybody can use my programs and create their own helpdesk by collecting problems and solutions. Every problem with its solution is just one odc document. All this documents linked together via InfoCmds.OpenDoc. Maybe you would like to adapt the Menus to your own needs and then "StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus"
BlackBox Developers Meeting - Helpdesk's Adviser Slide 1: Helpdesk's Adviser The Helpdesk Adviser is a collection of tools to support the work at the helpdesk. Chapter 1. Question and answer Slide 2: 1.1 The Starting Point ... The solutions are in the head of the staff. Not everybody knows everything. The one who knows isn't available right now and we won't reinvent the wheel. Slide 3: 1.2 The Collections The first step is we collect the solutions. ... Slide 4: 1.3 And the Folder Structure I call the main folder 'Uhl' (Users Help Line). There is a directory for every topic. Every directory has a lot of documents. The structure of the document is: Headline The description of the Problem The solution The date of last change at the bottom line. Slide 5: 1.4 The Starting Page And this is the starting page. All topics found in the starting page. This page grows with the adviser. It didn't look like this at the beginning. Every topic is a link to a document which containing a list of contents. Every entry in the list of contents is a link to a document. Slide 6: 1.5 The Tools We need BlackBox and 4 subsystems: Info, Desktop, Dos & Html. To really getting started we need the module InfoCmds only. The subsystem Dos used for updating. The other Info modules used for searching And the last Subsystem Html is optional. Chapter 2. How to organize it? Slide 7: 2.1 Links ... I would like to propagate the state of document through the link. If the document is in browser mode, the link should open the next document in browser mode. If the document is in edit mode, the link should open the document in edit mode. Slide 8: 2.2 Specification of InfoCmds I build my own command InfoCmds.OpenDoc which open a document in browser or edit mode depending on the global Boolean variable. This command is using in the same way as StdCmds.OpenDoc. Slide 9: 2.3 Implementation of InfoCmds The first implentation is very easy. Slide 10: 2.4 The Local Network The master pc used for developing the program, used for insert new document and used for maintenance the old documents. The server has all documents, which are free to used. The users have access to the documents via his/her workstations. At the beginning some years ago there was an Alpha Server. Today it is an NT-Server. The server just works as a file share and provide the access. The program is running on the PC. The document can be changed on the maste PC or on the server. We need a tool for replication. More about this tool in the next chapter. Slide 11: 2.5 Installations On the server we install the BlackBox without the development subsystem. We add the Info subsystem and the Uhl folders. The starting module is changing to opens the starting page automatically. The workstation needs only a shortcut to the program BlackBox.exe at the server. The program is running on the workstation. The helpdesk adviser is used in browser mode. On the master pc I install the BlackBox including the development subsystem, the Info Subsystem and the Uhl folders. Additionally a persistent desktop program is installed. At the start of Blackbox it opens all documents, we worked on at the last session. Chapter 3. Solution changes and updates. Slide 12: 3.1 The World is always Changing As I told earlier the data must be synchronize between master PC and the server. We implement a replication into 2 steps: The first step compares the folders and list all difference in a document and the second step run through that document and updates the change. The reason is: Between step 1 & 2 we can proof the change and desire if we update or not. Slide 13: 3.2 The Update Program Here is the user interface of update program. Quick Compare: takes care of file length and file date only. Not Quick Compare: compares contents of the files byte by byte. Short List: Only directories compared which on both side exist. Long List: All directories compared. Slide 14: 3.3 Sample Output of Compare Here is a sample output of compare. It is a normal BlackBox document... Based on this list, we can run an update to copy exactly new files and those that were changed. Old files, no longer existing in the original, are deleted. Slide 15: 3.4 Sign and switches This slide shows the definition of sign and the behaviour of the switches. Slide 16: 3.5 The Rules of Updating These rules are looking quite complicated, but they are easy. They descript how the program works. Chapter 4. Where are the documents? Slide 17: 4.1 Build a cross-reference list Normally we can find a document through the list of topics and then through the list of contents. But what can we do if I have a keyword only? Every book has an index. The helpdesk adviser should have one too. I divide the cross-reference program into two modules: InfoCrossRef builds the list and InfoIndex uses it. Of course it is a linked list. Slide 18: 4.2 What Is a Word? This was the most difficult question for programming the cross-reference list. Slide 19: 4.3 Search thru all documents I would like to point out that the BlackBox command "Search In Docu" is not suitable for this task. But it is very good template to write a search command for our helpdesk adviser. Slide 20: 4.4 Is every document reachable? Sometimes things go wrong. We put in a new document and we never find it again. So we have to look thru an other way. Chapter 5. Html-Converter Slide 21: 5.1 Html import and export The helpdesk's adviser is in use internally by the staff. The next step is provide access via the intranet. Is it possible to translate them automatically to html? Yes it is. We wrote an converter, which can translate the documents. Slide 22: 5.2 Link fix After we wrote a program, which translate all odc documents to html documents and vice versa. I realised that there is a different approach for relative link. Slide 23: 5.3 Tag views On the left side we see the structure of a html document. On the right side there is an example how tags handle in BlackBox documents. All tags that are not translated are in a tag view. The tag views can be created, expanded, collapsed, shown and hidden. Slide 24: 5.4 What Is Missing It works. It is useful, but it has its limitations. With this slide we look forward. What can be added next the Xhmtl subsystem? This is a short list of wishes and open questions. Lets have a dream. x There are no tabulators in html. Should tabulators translate to tables? x Tables translation in both direction are not handle yet. x Images and graphics too. And so on. Average diskspace of one document: in BlackBox (.odc) 4 kByte in BlackBox converted to html 5 kByte in MS Word (.odc) 22 kByte in MS Word converted to html 13 kByte Slide 25: The End Now I am at the end of my speaking. I hope: You are now ready to quench the fire. You have look over the wall. You enjoy it. And you know the way: How it is going on. The end.
Info Quick-Start Copyright 2000-2022, by HelmutZinn Version 24-July-2023 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the "BlackBox Component Builder Open Source License". Saved from 'Component Pascal Collection' url http://www.zinnamturm.eu Check, collect, link, replace & search all documents The Info subsystem is a collection of tools to manage links and documents. It supports the following tasks: ● Open a document in the same mode (browser or edit) as the current one ● Start a program via link ● Translate a website ● Search through all documents ● Create link list (table of contents) ● Collect the documents ● Correct text & links via change list ● Build Cross-reference (subject index) ● Check filenames ● Check links ● Replace in all documents If you insert the following link in a odc document <InfoCmds.Start('http://www.oberon.ch')>OberonMicrosystems<> then you have a link to the website of ... If you insert the following link in a odc document <InfoCmds.Start('mailto:[email protected]')>mailto:[email protected]<> then you can send a mail to ... Another application of this subsystem is to translate a website. Select an url in your text document (e.g.: http://www.oberoncore.ru) and press the key Shift+Ctrl+L simultaneously. You get the translation of the oberonecore website from Russian to English. Contents: 1 Installation 2 Howtouseit? 3 Changelog 4 Reference 1 Installation Up 1. Preconditions. Check that you have installed the Pac subsystem. Check that you have installed the Ctls subsystem. Check that you have installed the TboxTimer subsystem. Check that you have installed the Dos subsystem. 2. Unpack all files via Tools -> Decode. List of contents: Info/Docu/Quick-Start.odc Info/Docu/Abstract.odc Info/Docu/Control-Commands.odc Info/Docu/Helpdesk.odc Info/Docu/Notes.odc Info/Docu/Shell-Commands.odc Info/Mod/Catalog.odc Info/Mod/CheckFilenames.odc Info/Mod/CheckLinks.odc Info/Mod/Cmds.odc Info/Mod/Collect.odc Info/Mod/Dialog.odc Info/Mod/ForEachEntry.odc Info/Mod/ForEachFile.odc Info/Mod/Index.odc Info/Mod/Links.odc Info/Mod/Log.odc Info/Mod/Look.odc Info/Mod/MissingLinks.odc Info/Mod/ReplaceLinks.odc Info/Mod/ReplaceTexts.odc Info/Mod/Search.odc Info/Mod/Trans.odc Info/Mod/Web.odc Info/Rsrc/CheckFilenames1.odc Info/Rsrc/CheckFilenames2.odc Info/Rsrc/CheckLinks.odc Info/Rsrc/CollectDocuments.odc Info/Rsrc/CreateCatalog.odc Info/Rsrc/CreateLinks.odc Info/Rsrc/LinkList.odc Info/Rsrc/Menus.odc Info/Rsrc/Replace.odc Info/Rsrc/Search.odc Info/Rsrc/Strings.odc Info/Rsrc/Web.odc Info/Rsrc/de/Strings.odc List of contents 3. Compile the following Modules "DevCompiler.CompileThis" InfoDialog InfoLog InfoCmds InfoTrans InfoForEachEntry InfoForEachFile InfoCatalog InfoLook InfoIndex InfoSearch InfoCheckFilenames InfoLinks InfoReplaceLinks InfoReplaceTexts InfoCollect InfoMissingLinks InfoCheckLinks InfoWeb Replace in Winapi the definition of the PROCEDURE GetFullPathNameW* against the following one and compile WinApi. PROCEDURE GetFullPathNameW* (lpFileName: PtrWSTR; nBufferLength: INTEGER; lpBuffer: PtrWSTR; VAR [nil] lpFilePart: PtrWSTR): INTEGER; (*END GetFullPathNameW;*) CPC Notes: If you have a compiling errors 4. Update menus: "StdMenuTool.UpdateAllMenus" 6. Change the configuration in the file System/Mod/Config.odc for autostart of helpdesk MODULE Config; IMPORT Dialog, Converters, OleData, InfoCmds, HostMenus, StdLinks, TextCmds; PROCEDURE Setup*; BEGIN ... (* Dialog.Call("StdLog.Open", "", res); *) InfoCmds.SetBrowserMode; InfoCmds.OpenTopic('Uhl/'); HostMenus.TileHorizontal; TextCmds.find.ignoreCase := TRUE; END Setup; END Config. and compile it. This change is done for the stand alone user version only. After the start of BlackBox it automaticlly opens the document Uhl/Inhalt.odc in browser mode and expand it over the whole window. At the developer station I use the subsystem Desktop instead. Ready 2 How to use it? Up 2.1Openadocumentinthesamemode(browseroredit)asthecurrentone 2.2Startaprogramvialink 2.3Translateawebsite 2.4Searchthroughalldocuments 2.5Createlinklist(tableofcontents) 2.6Collectthedocuments 2.7Correcttext&linksviachangelist 2.8BuildCross-reference(subjectindex) 2.9Checkfilenames 2.10Checklinks 2.11Replaceinalldocuments 2.1 Open a document in the same mode (browser or edit) as the current one Blackbox documents knows 4 states: browser mode, edit mode, hide marks and show marks. You can change this states via menus: Set Edit Mode Dev -> Edit Mode "StdCmds.SetEditMode" Set Browser Mode Dev -> Browser Mode "StdCmds.SetBrowserMode" Show Marks Text -> Show Marks "TextCmds.ToggleMarks" Hide Marks Text -> Hide Marks "TextCmds.ToggleMarks" The frameworks provides 2 procedures for opening documents: "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Std/Docu/Links', 'Docu StdLinks')" Open Docu StdLinks in Browser Mode "StdCmds.OpenDoc('Std/Docu/Links')" Open Docu StdLinks in Edit Mode The Subsystem Info adds the procedure: "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('Std/Docu/Links')" Open Docu StdLinks in the current Mode which opens a document in the same state as the current one is open. For creating and editing links please read the StdLinks documentation. 2.2 Start a program via link In the above descriptions we used links for opening Blackbox documents. Now we start other Windows programs via a link. Starting the windows explorer "InfoCmds.Start('shell:MyComputerFolder')" shell:MyComputerFolder "InfoCmds.Start('shell:Desktop')" shell:Desktop "InfoCmds.Start2('explorer /e, D:\Blackbox\ProjectAll\')" explorer /e, D:\Blackbox\ProjectAll\ You find a list of shell commands in Info/Docu/Shell-Commands Starting command line "InfoCmds.Start('cmd')" cmd "InfoCmds.Start2('cmd /k dir')" cmd /k dir "InfoCmds.Start2('cmd /k ipconfig/all')" cmd /k ipconfig/all Starting a windows control programs "InfoCmds.Start('compmgmt.msc')" compmgmt.msc "InfoCmds.Start('control')" control "InfoCmds.Start2('control nusrmgr.cpl')" control nusrmgr.cpl "InfoCmds.Start2('control admintools')" control admintools You find a list of control commands in Info/Docu/Control-Commands Open Office documents "InfoCmds.Start('Info/Docu/Helpdesk.pps')" Info/Docu/Helpdesk.pps "InfoCmds.Start('Info/Docu/Dictionary.xls')" Info/Docu/Dictionary.xls Open a website "InfoCmds.Start('iexplore')" iexplore "InfoCmds.Start('http://www.oberon.ch')" http://www.oberon.ch "InfoCmds.Start('http://www.zinnamturm.eu')" http://www.zinnamturm.eu Writing a email "InfoCmds.Start('mailto:[email protected]')" mailto:[email protected] 2.3 Translate a website For translating a website just select an url in your text document and open the menu Infodesk -> Translate Website... Men: Infodesk -> Translate Website... or "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Web', 'Translate Website')" Another way is to press the key Shift+Ctrl+L to get the bing or google translation of the selected website. E.g.: Select the url below http://www.oberoncore.ru and then press the key Shift+Ctrl+L You get the bing translation of the oberonecore website from Russian to English. 2.4 Search through all documents You can search in all documents starting at the Source directory. Men: Infodesk -> Search... -> Search In All Docu or "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Search', 'Search')" If the field 'Filter:' is empty then it search in *.* all files. If the field 'Filter:' contains 'odc' then it search in *.odc documents files only. If the field 'Filter:' contains 'osf' then it search in *.osf files only. Note: See 2.8 for creating the Cross-Reference list. 2.5 Create link list (table of contents) You have a directory and you would like to create a link list to all those documents in the directory for easy access. Men: Infodesk -> Link Documents... -> Create Link List or "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateLinks', '#Info:Link Documents')" Note: This document is discarded after closing. You have to save it manally if you would like to keep it. 2.6 Collect the documents In the focus document there are a lot of links. Now you can create a file list of all linked documents. Men: Infodesk -> Collect & Move Documents... -> Create File List or "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CollectDocuments', '#Info:Collect & Move Documents')" Note: Look at the Log for links not insert into the file list. To work thru the file list and collect all files into the destination directory. Men: Infodesk -> Collect Documents... -> Move Files 2.7 Correct text & links via change list After moving the files to the destination some links may be broken. You can use the file list for fixing those links or creating your own document for a list of changes separated by tabs. auto find 1 replace 1 find 2 replace 2 and so on ... In the first line the word "auto" is need for enable the commands. It protects the form against running the commands while another document has the fucus. If the focus is on your list of changes then use Men: Infodesk -> Collect Documents... -> Correct Links Infodesk -> Collect Documents... -> Correct Texts The command "Correct Links" or "Correct Text" works thru the list and does the changes in all documents. See 2.11 to do one replace without a list. Note: Beware, both commands changed all documents without request. Look at the Log to see which documents was changed. 2.8 Build Cross-reference (subject index) Men: Infodesk -> Build Reference... -> New Index or "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateCatalog', '#Info:Build Reference')" New Index will scan through all files and generate an index of all words, except those listed as trivial. Trival word should be listet in Info/Rsrc/Strings following a "Tab" and a "." (Period). STRINGS a . are . do . does . is . the . If the field 'Filter:' is empty it looks at *.* all files. If the field 'Filter:' contains 'odc' then it looks at *.odc documents files only. If the field 'Filter:' contains 'osf' then it looks at *.osf files only. <InfoCmds.SetTopic('Help/Uhl/'); InfoLook.FindInIndex>Stichwortverzeichnis<> --> open file "Help/Uhl/Index.odc" 2.9 Check filenames A filename should be no longer than 64 characters and the complete name including the path should be no longer than 260 characters. This utility finds too long file names and too deep pathes. It can correct it automatically or interaktive. Choose the switch "Testrun" for testing without changing anything. Often I get trouble with national language characters in filename. They can automatically translated. Men: Infodesk -> Check Filenames... or "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CheckFilenames1', '#Info:Check Filenames')" 2.10 Check links Is every document reachable via link? Are all links working? You find it out with Men: Infodesk -> Check Links... or "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CheckLinks', '#Info:Check Links')" 2.11 Replace in all documents If one file move to another directory then you would like to change all links to that file. To do the replace thru all documents use Men: Infodesk -> Replace in all Documents... -> Replace Texts Infodesk -> Replace in all Documents... -> Replace Links or "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Replace', '#Info:Replace in all Documents')" See 2.7 to do replace with a list of changes. Note: Beware, both commands changed all documents without request. Read the Log to see which documents was changed. 3 Change log Up May 2015: New MODULE InfoWeb added for translate a website March 2014: Adapt according to the CPC Edition of BlackBox 1.7 4 Reference Up My thanks for the help to Dominik Gruntz mailto:[email protected] and Werner Braun mailto:[email protected] Use it and enjoy! - salos y disfrtalos! - Bonne utilisation - Приятного использования - Powodzenia - Viel Spa Helmut Zinn [email protected]
Shell Commands in Windows 7 on command line use: start shell:... Daten Shell Commands shell:MyComputerFolder shell:UsersFilesFolder shell:Public shell:Libraries 1. Desktop: shell:Desktop shell:Common Desktop 2. Downloads: shell:Downloads shell:CommonDownloads 3. Eigene Bilder: shell:My Pictures shell:CommonPictures shell:PicturesLibrary 4. Eigene Dokumente: shell:Personal shell:Common Documents shell:DocumentsLibrary 5. Eigene Musik: shell:My Music shell:CommonMusic shell:MusicLibrary 6. Eigene Videos: shell:My Video shell:CommonVideo shell:VideosLibrary 7. Favoriten: shell:Favorites 8. Gespeicherte Spiele: shell:SavedGames 9. Kontakte: shell:Contacts 10. Links: shell:Links 11. Suchvorgnge: shell:Searches 12. TV-Aufzeichnungen shell:RecordedTVLibrary shell:SampleMusic shell:SamplePictures shell:SamplePlaylists shell:SampleVideos Profil Shell Commands shell:UserProfiles Temporre Internetdateien shell:Cache shell:Cookies shell:CD Burning shell:History shell:Recent shell:RecycleBinFolder shell:SendTo shell:AppData shell:Common AppData shell:Local AppData shell:LocalAppDataLow Menu Shell Commands Men shell:Start Menu shell:Common Start Menu Programme shell:Programs shell:Common Programs Autostart shell:Startup shell:Common Startup System Shell Commands shell:AppUpdatesFolder shell:ChangeRemoveProgramsFolder shell:Common Administrative Tools shell:Common Templates shell:CommonRingtones shell:ConflictFolder shell:ConnectionsFolder shell:ControlPanelFolder shell:CredentialManager shell:CryptoKeys shell:Default Gadgets shell:Device Metadata Store shell:DpapiKeys shell:Fonts shell:Gadgets shell:GameTasks shell:Games shell:ImplicitAppShortcuts shell:InternetFolder shell:NetHood shell:NetworkPlacesFolder shell:PrintHood shell:PrintersFolder shell:Profile shell:ProgramFiles shell:ProgramFilesCommon shell:ProgramFilesCommonX86 shell:ProgramFilesX86 shell:PublicGameTasks shell:Quick Launch shell:ResourceDir shell:Ringtones shell:SearchHomeFolder shell:SyncCenterFolder shell:SyncResultsFolder shell:SyncSetupFolder shell:System shell:SystemCertificates shell:SystemX86 shell:Templates shell:User Pinned shell:Windows Ende.
MODULE InfoCatalog; (* Helmut Zinn *) (* Build the TableofContents *) (* InfoCatalog.CreateTableOfContents *) (* "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateCatalog', 'Build Reference')" *) IMPORT DosKeyboard, (* DosSort, *) Files, Fonts, InfoDialog, Ports, StdFolds, StdLinks, StdStamps, TextMappers, TextModels, TextRulers, TextViews, Views; VAR fm: TextMappers.Formatter; count: INTEGER; PROCEDUREWriteRuler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; (* universal units *) VAR ruler: TextRulers.Ruler; BEGIN ruler := TextRulers.dir.New(NIL); TextRulers.AddTab(ruler, 4 * mm); TextRulers.AddTab(ruler, 130 * mm); TextRulers.MakeRightTab(ruler); TextRulers.AddTab(ruler, 150 * mm); TextRulers.MakeRightTab(ruler); TextRulers.AddTab(ruler, 165 * mm); TextRulers.MakeRightTab(ruler); fm.WriteView(ruler) END WriteRuler; PROCEDURE WriteLink (VAR fm: TextMappers.Formatter; IN path, comment: ARRAY OF CHAR; file: Files.FileInfo); VAR cmd: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF file = NIL THEN cmd := "InfoCmds.Start('" + path$ + "')"; ELSE IF file.type = "odc" THEN cmd := "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('" ELSE cmd := "InfoCmds.Start('" END; cmd := cmd + path$ + '/' + file.name$ + "')"; fm.WriteTab; END; fm.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); fm.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(fm.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); IF comment$ # '' THEN fm.WriteString(comment$) ELSIF file = NIL THEN fm.WriteString(path$) ELSE fm.WriteString(file.name$) END; fm.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(fm.rider.attr, Ports.black)); fm.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); IF file # NIL THEN IF InfoDialog.param.listDate THEN fm.WriteTab; (* fm.WriteInt(file.length); *) fm.WriteTab; IF file.modified.day < 10 THEN fm.WriteChar(' ') END; fm.WriteInt(file.modified.day); fm.WriteString("."); IF file.modified.month < 10 THEN fm.WriteChar('0') END; fm.WriteInt(file.modified.month); fm.WriteString("."); fm.WriteInt(file.modified.year); fm.WriteTab; IF file.modified.hour < 10 THEN fm.WriteChar(' ') END; fm.WriteInt(file.modified.hour); fm.WriteString(":"); IF file.modified.minute < 10 THEN fm.WriteChar('0') END; fm.WriteInt(file.modified.minute); fm.WriteString(":"); IF file.modified.second < 10 THEN fm.WriteChar('0') END; fm.WriteInt(file.modified.second); END; fm.WriteLn; END; END WriteLink; PROCEDURE WriteHeader (IN note, path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN fm.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(fm.rider.attr, Fonts.bold)); WriteLink(fm, path$, name$, NIL); fm.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(fm.rider.attr, Fonts.normal)); fm.WriteString(note); fm.WriteLn; END WriteHeader; PROCEDURE WriteOpenFold (IN path, comment: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR mdFold: TextModels.Model; fmFold: TextMappers.Formatter; fold: StdFolds.Fold; BEGIN mdFold := TextModels.dir.New(); fmFold.ConnectTo(mdFold); fmFold.WriteString(' ['); WriteLink(fmFold, path$, comment$, NIL); fmFold.WriteString('] '); fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", mdFold); fm.WriteView(fold); END WriteOpenFold; PROCEDUREWriteCloseFold; VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; len: INTEGER; BEGIN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", NIL); fm.WriteView(fold); fold.Flip; (* swap long-form text, now between the two fold views, with hidden short-form text *) len := fm.rider.Base().Length(); (* determine the text carrier's new length *) fm.SetPos(len) (* position the formatter to the end of the text *) END WriteCloseFold; PROCEDURE ListAllFiles (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR root: Files.Locator; locs: Files.LocInfo; files: Files.FileInfo; begFold, endFold: INTEGER; BEGIN INC(count); InfoDialog.ShowStatus(count, path); WriteHeader("", path, ""); fm.WriteLn; (* generate a list of all files *) root := Files.dir.This(path); files := Files.dir.FileList(root); (* DosSort.FileList(files); *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (files # NIL) DO IF (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = '') OR (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = files.type$) THEN WriteLink(fm, path, "", files); END; files := files.next END; (* generate list of all locations *) root := Files.dir.This(path); locs := Files.dir.LocList(root); (* DosSort.LocList(locs); *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (locs # NIL) DO fm.WriteTab; IF InfoDialog.param.include THEN begFold := fm.Pos(); fm.WriteLn; ListAllFiles(path + locs.name$ + '/'); fm.WriteLn; WriteHeader(" Continue", path, ""); endFold := fm.Pos(); (* write the folded part *) fm.SetPos(begFold); WriteOpenFold(path$ + locs.name$ + '/', locs.name$); fm.SetPos(endFold + 1); fm.WriteTab; WriteCloseFold; ELSE fm.WriteChar('['); WriteLink(fm, path$ + '/' + locs.name$, locs.name$, NIL); fm.WriteChar(']'); END; fm.WriteLn; locs := locs.next END; END ListAllFiles; PROCEDURE CreateTableOfContents*; VAR md: TextModels.Model; vw: Views.View; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; md := TextModels.dir.New(); fm.ConnectTo(md); fm.SetPos(0); count := 0; WriteRuler; ListAllFiles(InfoDialog.param.source); fm.WriteLn; fm.WriteString('Ende. '); fm.WriteView(StdStamps.New()); fm.WriteLn; vw := TextViews.dir.New(md); Views.OpenView(vw); IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak; ELSE (* Aufgabe ausgefhrt *) END; END CreateTableOfContents; END InfoCatalog.
MODULE InfoCheckFilenames; (* Helmut Zinn - *) (* "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CheckFilenames1', 'Check Filenames')" *) IMPORT Dialog, (* DosFiles, DosSort, *) Files, Fonts, InfoCmds, InfoTrans, PacDirChoose, Ports, Services, Strings, StdCmds, StdLinks, StdLog, TboxTimer, TextModels, WinApi; CONST n1 = 64; n2 = 260; speed = 50; keep = 8; linkcommand = 'InfoCmds.Start'; (* Alternativ: linkcommand = 'LibMisc.ShellExecute'; *) underline = FALSE; TYPE Node = POINTER TO RECORD root: Files.Locator; locs: Files.LocInfo; files: Files.FileInfo; n: LONGINT; len: INTEGER; state: INTEGER; last: Node; END; Action = POINTER TO RECORD (Services.Action) pos: Node; END; VAR dialog*: RECORD source*: ARRAY n2 + 1 OF CHAR; path-: ARRAY n2 + 1 OF CHAR; oldname-: Files.Name; newname*: Files.Name; include*: BOOLEAN; interaktive*: BOOLEAN; trapOnError*: BOOLEAN; testOnly*: BOOLEAN; (* test run only, no change done *) renameLongNames*: BOOLEAN; (* cut long names to its bound *) deleteEmptyFolders*: BOOLEAN; (* delete directories while it is empty *) replaceSpecialChar*: BOOLEAN; (* replace blanks & national language character *) toLowercase*: BOOLEAN; (* convert filename to lower case *) cntLocations-: LONGINT; (* total number of directories *) cntFiles-: LONGINT; (* total number of files *) cntBytes-: LONGINT; (* total number of bytes used *) cntToolong-: LONGINT; (* number of files where the filename is too long *) cntToodeep-: LONGINT; (* number of files where the path is too long *) cntEmpty-: LONGINT; (* number of files where the directory is empty *) cntSpecialChar-: LONGINT; (* number of files where the its name has special characters *) cntRenamed-: LONGINT; (* number of files renamed *) cntDeleted-: LONGINT; (* number of directories deleted *) cntSkip-: LONGINT; (* operation not done *) cntError-: LONGINT; (* file already exist or write protected *) END; a: Action; task: INTEGER; running, waiting: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ShowResError (res: INTEGER); BEGIN StdLog.String('==> Error: '); CASE res OF | 1: StdLog.String('invalid parameter (name or locator)'); | 2: StdLog.String('location or file not found'); | 3: StdLog.String('file already exists'); | 4: StdLog.String('write-protection'); | 5: StdLog.String('io error'); | 6: StdLog.String('access denied'); | 7: StdLog.String('illegal file type'); | 8: StdLog.String('cancelled'); ELSE StdLog.Int(res); END; StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Open; IF dialog.trapOnError THEN ASSERT(res = 0) END; END ShowResError; (* Choose folder to proof *) PROCEDURE FixSrcRoot* (IN path: Files.Name); BEGIN dialog.source := path$; dialog.path := path$; dialog.oldname := ''; dialog.newname := ''; Dialog.Update(dialog); END FixSrcRoot; PROCEDURE BrowseSource*; BEGIN PacDirChoose.Choose(FixSrcRoot); END BrowseSource; (* Outputs to Log window *) PROCEDURE WriteMapString (IN note: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR msg: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Dialog.MapString(note, msg); StdLog.String(msg$); END WriteMapString; PROCEDURE WriteLink (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR attr: TextModels.Attributes; beg, end: INTEGER; cmd, msg: ARRAY n2+32 OF CHAR; BEGIN cmd := linkcommand + "('" + path$ + "')"; msg := path$; StdLog.View(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); StdLog.String(msg); end := StdLog.text.Length(); beg := end - LEN(msg$); NEW(attr); attr.InitFromProp(StdLog.text.Prop(beg, end)); attr := TextModels.NewColor(attr, Ports.blue); IF underline THEN attr := TextModels.NewStyle(attr, {Fonts.underline}) END; StdLog.text.SetAttr(beg, end, attr); StdLog.View(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); END WriteLink; (* Change / remove file / folder names *) PROCEDURE Exist (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN old: Files.Name): BOOLEAN; VAR loc: Files.Locator; file: Files.File; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(path$); file := Files.dir.Old(loc, old, Files.shared); IF file = NIL THEN RETURN FALSE ELSE RETURN TRUE END; END Exist; PROCEDURE RenameFile (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN old, new: Files.Name); VAR loc: Files.Locator; BEGIN (* Can't rename if path + oldname is longer than 260 characters. File-IO-Error 2: location or file not found. *) StdLog.String('> Rename to: '); WriteLink(path$); StdLog.String(new$); StdLog.Ln; loc := Files.dir.This(path); Files.dir.Rename(loc, old, new, Files.ask); IF loc.res = 0 THEN INC(dialog.cntRenamed) ELSE INC(dialog.cntError); StdLog.String('<<< File-IO-Error '); StdLog.Int(loc.res); StdLog.String(' >>>'); StdLog.Ln; ShowResError(loc.res); END; END RenameFile; PROCEDURE DeleteFile (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN old: Files.Name); VAR loc: Files.Locator; BEGIN StdLog.String('> Delete file: '); WriteLink(path$); StdLog.String(old$); StdLog.Ln; loc := Files.dir.This(path$); Files.dir.Delete(loc, old$); IF loc.res = 0 THEN INC(dialog.cntDeleted) ELSE INC(dialog.cntError); StdLog.String('<<< File-IO-Error '); StdLog.Int(loc.res); StdLog.String(' >>>'); StdLog.Ln; ShowResError(loc.res); END; END DeleteFile; PROCEDURE DeleteFolder (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR res: INTEGER; BEGIN StdLog.String('> Delete folder: '); WriteLink(path$); StdLog.Ln; res := WinApi.RemoveDirectoryW(path); IF res = 1 THEN INC(dialog.cntDeleted) ELSE INC(dialog.cntError); StdLog.String('<<< Win-Api-Error '); StdLog.Int(res); StdLog.String(' >>>'); StdLog.Ln; (* DosFiles.ShowApiError; *) IF dialog.trapOnError THEN ASSERT(res = 1) END; END; END DeleteFolder; (* Proof the names *) PROCEDURE BuildNewName (IN old: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT new: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN IF dialog.replaceSpecialChar THEN j := 0; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(old$) DO new[j] := InfoTrans.TransChar1(old[i]); INC(j); END; new[j] := 0X; InfoTrans.Trim(new); ELSE new := old$; END; IF dialog.toLowercase THEN Strings.ToLower(new, new); END; IF LEN(new$) > n1 THEN FOR i := 4+keep TO 0 BY -1 DO new[n1-i] := new[LEN(new$)-i]; END; END; END BuildNewName; PROCEDURE CheckSpecialChar (IN path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, n: INTEGER; ok : BOOLEAN; BEGIN n := LEN(name$); ok := TRUE; IF dialog.replaceSpecialChar OR ~dialog.toLowercase THEN i := 0; WHILE ok & (i < n) DO IF (name[i] <=20X) OR (name[i] >= 7FX) THEN ok := FALSE END; INC(i); END; END; IF dialog.toLowercase THEN i := 0; WHILE ok & (i < n) DO IF (name[i] >='A') OR (name[i] <= 'Z') THEN ok := FALSE END; INC(i); END; END; IF ~ok THEN INC(dialog.cntSpecialChar); IF dialog.replaceSpecialChar OR dialog.toLowercase THEN IF dialog.testOnly THEN StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String('Name with special character:'); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; WriteLink(path$); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; StdLog.String(name$); StdLog.Ln; ELSE BuildNewName(dialog.oldname, dialog.newname); task := 1; (* Rename File *) END; END; END; END CheckSpecialChar; PROCEDURE CheckName (IN path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR ok: BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (LEN(name$) <= n1) THEN ok := TRUE; ELSE ok := FALSE; INC(dialog.cntToolong); IF dialog.renameLongNames THEN IF dialog.testOnly OR (LEN(path$) + LEN(name$) + 1 >= n2) THEN StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String('Filename too long:'); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; WriteLink(path$); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; StdLog.String(name$); StdLog.Ln; ELSE BuildNewName(dialog.oldname, dialog.newname); task := 1; (* Rename File *) END; END; END; CheckSpecialChar(path, name); END CheckName; PROCEDURE CheckDeep (IN path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR ok: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF (LEN(path$) + LEN(name$) + 1 < n2) THEN ok := TRUE; ELSE ok := FALSE; INC(dialog.cntToodeep); IF dialog.testOnly & dialog.renameLongNames THEN StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String('Path too deep:'); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; WriteLink(path$); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; StdLog.String(name$); StdLog.Ln; END; END; END CheckDeep; (* Commandos for the first form *) PROCEDURE Init; BEGIN dialog.path := dialog.source$; dialog.oldname := ''; dialog.newname := ''; dialog.cntLocations := 0; dialog.cntFiles := 0; dialog.cntBytes := 0; dialog.cntToolong := 0; dialog.cntToodeep := 0; dialog.cntEmpty := 0; dialog.cntLocations := 0; dialog.cntFiles := 0; dialog.cntBytes := 0; dialog.cntToolong := 0; dialog.cntToodeep := 0; dialog.cntEmpty := 0; dialog.cntSpecialChar:= 0; dialog.cntRenamed := 0; dialog.cntDeleted := 0; dialog.cntSkip := 0; dialog.cntError := 0; Dialog.Update(dialog); END Init; PROCEDURE Start*; BEGIN TboxTimer.Start; Init; NEW(a); NEW(a.pos); a.pos.last := NIL; a.pos.state := 1; running := TRUE; waiting := FALSE; Services.DoLater(a, Services.now); END Start; PROCEDURE Stop*; BEGIN IF (a # NIL) & (a.pos = NIL) & running THEN dialog.oldname := ''; Dialog.Update(dialog); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntLocations); StdLog.String(" folders"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntFiles); StdLog.String(" files"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntBytes); StdLog.String(" Bytes"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntToolong); StdLog.String(" names are too long"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntToodeep); StdLog.String(" paths are too long"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntEmpty); StdLog.String(" folders/files are empty"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntSpecialChar); StdLog.String(" names with special characters"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln; IF ~dialog.testOnly THEN StdLog.Int(dialog.cntRenamed); StdLog.String(" files renamed"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntDeleted); StdLog.String(" directories deleted"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntSkip); StdLog.String(" operation not done"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Int(dialog.cntError); StdLog.String(" errors"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Ln; END; a := NIL; TboxTimer.Stop; END; running := FALSE; END Stop; PROCEDURE Continue*; (* and Skip *) BEGIN running := TRUE; waiting := FALSE; Services.DoLater(a, Services.now) END Continue; (* Commandos for the second form *) PROCEDURE Accept; BEGIN CASE task OF 0: (* No Task - Nothing To Do *) | 1: (* Delete Or Rename Long File Names *) IF dialog.newname$ = '' THEN DeleteFile(dialog.path$, dialog.oldname$); ELSE RenameFile(dialog.path$, dialog.oldname$, dialog.newname$); END; | 2: (* Delete Empty Folders *) DeleteFolder(dialog.path$+dialog.oldname$); ELSE (* Task Not Done *) INC(dialog.cntSkip); END; END Accept; PROCEDURE ShowFolder*; BEGIN InfoCmds.Start(dialog.path$) END ShowFolder; PROCEDURE CopyName*; BEGIN IF dialog.newname$ # dialog.oldname$ THEN dialog.newname := dialog.oldname; ELSE dialog.newname := ''; END; Dialog.Update(dialog); END CopyName; PROCEDURE Rename*; BEGIN INC(a.pos.n); task := 1; Accept; Continue; END Rename; PROCEDURE Skip*; BEGIN task := 3; Accept; Continue; END Skip; PROCEDURE Delete*; BEGIN (* task 1 or 2 *) Accept; Continue; END Delete; (* Enable / Disable Commands *) PROCEDURE StartGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~running THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END StartGuard; PROCEDURE StopGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF running THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END StopGuard; PROCEDURE ContinueGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF (a # NIL) & ~running THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END ContinueGuard; PROCEDURE ShowFolderGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF dialog.path # '' THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END ShowFolderGuard; PROCEDURE CopyNameGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF dialog.newname$ # dialog.oldname$ THEN par.label := "#Info:Copy Name"; ELSE par.label := "#Info:Clear Name"; END; IF waiting THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END CopyNameGuard; PROCEDURE RenameGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := LEN(dialog.newname$); IF waiting & (n > 0) & (n <= n1) THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END RenameGuard; PROCEDURE SkipGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF waiting THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END SkipGuard; PROCEDURE DeleteGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := LEN(dialog.newname$); IF waiting & (n = 0) THEN par.disabled := FALSE ELSE par.disabled := TRUE END; END DeleteGuard; (* Check all file names *) PROCEDURE (a: Action) Do; VAR cnt: INTEGER; ok: BOOLEAN; p: Node; BEGIN cnt := 0; task := 0; dialog.newname := ''; WHILE (a.pos # NIL) & (cnt < speed) & (task = 0) DO INC(cnt); CASE a.pos.state OF 1: (* State 1: Read location & file list *) INC(dialog.cntLocations); a.pos.root := Files.dir.This(dialog.path$); a.pos.files := Files.dir.FileList(a.pos.root); (* DosSort.FileList(a.pos.files); *) a.pos.locs := Files.dir.LocList(a.pos.root); (* DosSort.LocList(a.pos.locs); *) a.pos.n := 0; a.pos.len := LEN(dialog.path$); a.pos.state := 2; | 2: (* State 2: Proof all file name *) IF a.pos.files # NIL THEN INC(a.pos.n); INC(dialog.cntFiles); dialog.oldname := a.pos.files.name$; dialog.cntBytes := dialog.cntBytes + a.pos.files.length; Dialog.Update(dialog); CheckName(dialog.path$, dialog.oldname$); CheckDeep(dialog.path$, dialog.oldname$, ok); a.pos.files := a.pos.files.next ELSE a.pos.state := 3; END; | 3: (* State 3: Proof location name and look at their files *) IF a.pos.locs # NIL THEN dialog.oldname := a.pos.locs.name$; Dialog.Update(dialog); CheckName(dialog.path$, dialog.oldname$); CheckDeep(dialog.path$, dialog.oldname$, ok); IF ok & dialog.include THEN dialog.path := dialog.path$ + a.pos.locs.name$ + "/"; a.pos.locs := a.pos.locs.next; NEW(p); p.last := a.pos; a.pos := p; a.pos.state := 1; ELSE a.pos.locs := a.pos.locs.next; END; ELSE a.pos.state := 4; END; | 4: (* State 4: All done for this location - next location *) dialog.oldname := ''; dialog.newname := ''; IF a.pos.n = 0 THEN INC(dialog.cntEmpty); Dialog.Update(dialog); IF dialog.deleteEmptyFolders THEN IF dialog.testOnly THEN StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String('Folder is empty:'); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Tab; WriteLink(dialog.path$); StdLog.Ln; ELSE task := 2; (* Delete Folder *) END; END; END; IF a.pos.last # NIL THEN a.pos.last.n := a.pos.last.n + a.pos.n; Strings.Extract(dialog.path, a.pos.last.len, a.pos.len-a.pos.last.len-1, dialog.oldname); END; a.pos := a.pos.last; IF a.pos # NIL THEN dialog.path[a.pos.len] := 0X END; (* (* Sonderfall: Delete Profiles *) (* Can't read and delete files with names like .java, .hotjava, .jinit ... *) IF (dialog.oldname$ = 'Profiles') OR (dialog.oldname$ = 'profiles') THEN DosFiles.RemoveTree(dialog.path$+dialog.oldname$+'/'); DosFiles.RemoveDir(dialog.path$+dialog.oldname$); task := 0; END; *) END; Dialog.Update(dialog); END; IF (task # 0) & dialog.interaktive THEN (* wait for user's choice *) waiting := TRUE; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CheckFilenames2', 'Replace Filenames'); ELSE Accept; IF (a.pos # NIL) & running THEN Continue ELSE Stop END END; END Do; BEGIN running := FALSE; waiting := FALSE; dialog.source := 'D:/BlackBox/'; dialog.include := TRUE; dialog.interaktive := TRUE; dialog.trapOnError := FALSE; dialog.testOnly := TRUE; dialog.renameLongNames := FALSE; dialog.deleteEmptyFolders := FALSE; dialog.replaceSpecialChar := FALSE; dialog.toLowercase := FALSE; Init; END InfoCheckFilenames.
MODULE InfoCheckLinks; (* Helmut Zinn *) IMPORT Converters, Dialog, DosKeyboard, (* DosSort, *) Files, Fonts, InfoDialog, InfoMissingLinks, Kernel, Ports, StdCmds, StdFolds, StdLinks, Strings, TextCmds, TextControllers, TextMappers, TextModels, TextViews, Views; CONST (* maxLength = 256; linkcommand = 'InfoCmds.Start'; (* Alternativ: linkcommand = 'LibMisc.ShellExecute'; *) underline = FALSE; *) linkCommand = "InfoCheckLinks.Open('"; org = TRUE; (* source *) ref = FALSE; (* link to source *) TYPE Iterator = POINTER TO RECORD root: Files.Locator; locs: Files.LocInfo; files: Files.FileInfo END; VAR default, link: TextModels.Attributes; docList: InfoMissingLinks.DocList; count: INTEGER; PROCEDURE MakeDocName (VAR name: Files.Name); BEGIN Kernel.MakeFileName(name, ""); (* Append Extension *) END MakeDocName; PROCEDURE New (root: Files.Locator): Iterator; VAR i: Iterator; BEGIN NEW(i); i.root := root; i.locs := Files.dir.LocList(root); i.files := Files.dir.FileList(root); (* DosSort.LocList(i.locs); *) (* DosSort.FileList(i.files); *) RETURN i END New; PROCEDURE ReadLoc (i: Iterator; VAR loc: Files.Locator; VAR name: Files.Name); BEGIN IF i.locs # NIL THEN loc := i.root.This(i.locs.name); ASSERT(loc # NIL, 60); name := i.locs.name$; i.locs := i.locs.next ELSE loc := NIL; name := "" END END ReadLoc; PROCEDURE ReadFile (i: Iterator; OUT name: Files.Name; OUT type: Files.Type); BEGIN IF i.files # NIL THEN name := i.files.name$; type := i.files.type$; i.files := i.files.next ELSE name := ""; type := "" END END ReadFile; PROCEDURE Delimiter (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (ch = "'") OR (ch = '"') OR (ch = "/") OR (ch = "\") END Delimiter; PROCEDURE Stale (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i, j, p: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; t: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; path: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "(") DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; IF ch = "(" THEN t := s$; t[i] := 0X; IF (t = "InfoCmds.Start") OR (t = "InfoCmds.Start2") OR (t = "LibMisc.ShellExecute") OR (t = "Dialog.RunExternal") OR (t = "Dialog.OpenExternal") THEN p := i; INC(i); ch := s[i]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "'") & (ch # '"') DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; FOR j := 0 TO 6 DO INC(i); t[j] := s[i]; END; t[7] := 0X; IF t = "mailto:" THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* use ok *) t[6] := 0X; IF t = "https:" THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* use ok *) t[6] := 0X; IF t = "shell:" THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* use ok *) t[5] := 0X; IF t = "http:" THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* use ok *) t[4] := 0X; IF t = "ftp:" THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* use ok *) t[4] := 0X; IF t = "www." THEN RETURN FALSE END; (* use ok *) IF t[0] = "'" THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* wrong use *) i := p; t := s$; t[i] := 0X; END; IF (t = "StdCmds.OpenBrowser") OR (t = "StdCmds.OpenDoc") OR (t = "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog") OR (t = "InfoCmds.OpenDoc") OR (t = "StdCmds.OpenDoc") OR (t = "InfoCmds.Start") OR (t = "InfoCmds.Start2") OR (t = "LibMisc.ShellExecute") OR (t = "Dialog.RunExternal") OR (t = "Dialog.OpenExternal") THEN INC(i); ch := s[i]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "'") & (ch # '"') DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; IF ch # 0X THEN loc := Files.dir.This(""); path := ""; REPEAT j := 0; INC(i); ch := s[i]; WHILE ~Delimiter(ch) DO t[j] := ch; INC(j); INC(i); ch := s[i] END; t[j] := 0X; IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = "\") THEN loc := loc.This(t); path := path + t + '/' END UNTIL (ch # "/") & (ch # "\"); IF t$ = "" THEN RETURN Files.dir.FileList(loc) = NIL END; (* directory only - no filename *) t[255] := 0X; (* truncate string *) name := t$; MakeDocName(name); IF Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared) = NIL THEN (* file not found *) RETURN TRUE (* file not found *) ELSE InfoMissingLinks.Insert(docList, path, name, ref); (* --> out = link to source *) RETURN FALSE (* file found *) END ELSE RETURN TRUE (* wrong syntax *) END ELSE RETURN FALSE (* unknown kind of command *) END ELSE RETURN FALSE (* unknown kind of command *) END END Stale; PROCEDURE GetCmd (IN path, file: Files.Name; pos: INTEGER; OUT cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR p, bug0, bug1, bug2: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(pos, p); bug0 := linkCommand + path + "', '"; bug1 := bug0 + file + "', "; bug2 := bug1 + p + ")"; cmd := bug2$ END GetCmd; PROCEDURE CheckCmd (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR pos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF TextCmds.find.find$ = "" THEN RETURN TRUE END; Strings.Find(s, TextCmds.find.find$, 0, pos); RETURN pos >= 0; END CheckCmd; PROCEDURE CheckDoc (IN path, file: Files.Name; t: TextModels.Model; VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; check: BOOLEAN; VAR hit: BOOLEAN); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; cmd, cmd0: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF InfoDialog.param.expand THEN StdFolds.ExpandFolds(t, TRUE, '') END; INC(count); InfoDialog.ShowStatus(count, path$ + file$); r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: StdLinks.Link DO IF v.leftSide THEN v.GetCmd(cmd); IF (cmd # "") & (~check OR Stale(cmd)) (* & CheckCmd(cmd) *) THEN hit := TRUE; f.WriteTab; f.WriteTab; GetCmd(path, file, r.Pos() - 1, cmd0); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd0)); f.rider.SetAttr(link); f.WriteString(cmd); f.rider.SetAttr(default); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); f.WriteLn END END ELSE END; r.ReadView(v) END END CheckDoc; PROCEDURE CheckLoc (IN path: Files.Name; loc: Files.Locator; VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; check: BOOLEAN); VAR i: Iterator; fpath, fname: Files.Name; ftype: Files.Type; v: Views.View; conv: Converters.Converter; label, label0: INTEGER; hit, hit0: BOOLEAN; BEGIN label := f.Pos(); hit := FALSE; i := New(loc); ReadFile(i, fname, ftype); IF fname # "" THEN f.WriteString(path); f.WriteLn END; hit := FALSE; WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (fname # "") DO MakeDocName(fname); IF check THEN InfoMissingLinks.Insert(docList, path, fname, org) END; (* --> in = source *) IF ftype$ = 'odc' THEN label0 := f.Pos(); hit0 := FALSE; conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, conv); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(fname); f.WriteLn; CheckDoc(path, fname, v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(), f, check, hit0); IF ~hit0 THEN f.SetPos(label0) END; hit := hit OR hit0; END; END; ReadFile(i, fname, ftype) END; IF ~hit THEN f.SetPos(label) END; IF InfoDialog.param.include THEN ReadLoc(i, loc, fname); WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (loc # NIL) DO fpath := path + fname + "/"; CheckLoc(fpath, loc, f, check); ReadLoc(i, loc, fname) END; END; END CheckLoc; PROCEDURE Check* (check: BOOLEAN); VAR root: Files.Locator; out: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; title: Views.Title; v: TextViews.View; path: Files.Name; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; count := 0; out := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(out); IF check THEN Dialog.MapString("#Info:InconsistentLinks", title); InfoMissingLinks.New(docList) ELSE Dialog.MapString("#Info:Links", title) END; v := TextViews.dir.New(out); Views.OpenAux(v, title); (* set Browser mode: *) IF check THEN f.WriteString('Link failed:'); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn END; default := TextModels.dir.attr; link := TextModels.NewColor(default, Ports.blue); link := TextModels.NewStyle(link, {Fonts.underline}); path := InfoDialog.param.source$; root := Files.dir.This(path); CheckLoc(path, root, f, check); IF check THEN f.WriteLn; InfoMissingLinks.Display(f, docList); f.WriteLn; f.WriteString('Ende.'); f.WriteLn END; out.Delete(f.Pos(), out.Length()); default := NIL; link := NIL; docList := NIL; IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak; ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus(""); END; END Check; PROCEDURE PathToLoc (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(""); IF path # "" THEN i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = 0X) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; loc := loc.This(name) ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (loc.res # 0) END END PathToLoc; PROCEDURE Open* (path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; pos: INTEGER); VAR loc: Files.Locator; v: Views.View; bug: Files.Name; c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN ASSERT(file # "", 20); ASSERT(pos >= 0, 21); PathToLoc(path, loc); ASSERT(loc # NIL, 22); bug := file$; v := Views.OldView(loc, bug); IF v # NIL THEN WITH v: TextViews.View DO v.DisplayMarks(TextViews.show); Views.Open(v, loc, bug, NIL); c := v.ThisController()(TextControllers.Controller); c.SetCaret(pos); v.ShowRange(pos, pos + 1, TextViews.focusOnly) ELSE HALT(23) END END END Open; PROCEDURE ListLinks*; (** Guard: CommandGuard **) BEGIN StdCmds.CloseDialog; Check(FALSE) END ListLinks; PROCEDURE CheckLinks*; (** Guard: CommandGuard **) BEGIN StdCmds.CloseDialog; Check(TRUE) END CheckLinks; END InfoCheckLinks.
MODULE InfoCmds; (* Helmut Zinn - *) IMPORT Containers, Controllers, Dialog, HostDialog, InfoDialog, StdApi, StdFolds, TextCmds, TextViews, Views, WinApi; TYPE DocList = POINTER TO RECORD filename: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; editable: BOOLEAN; last, next: DocList; END; VAR current: DocList; editable: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE KeepInMind (IN file: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR doc: DocList; BEGIN IF (current = NIL) OR (current.filename$ # file$) THEN NEW(doc); doc.filename := file$; doc.editable := editable; doc.last := NIL; doc.next := NIL; IF current # NIL THEN current .next := doc; doc.last := current; END; current := doc; END; END KeepInMind; PROCEDURE SetEditMode*; VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) THEN c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN Views.BeginModification(Views.invisible, v); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} - {Containers.noCaret}); Views.EndModification(Views.invisible, v); END; END; editable := TRUE; IF current # NIL THEN current.editable := TRUE END; IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN (* ShowMarks *) v(TextViews.View).DisplayMarks(TextViews.show) END; END SetEditMode; PROCEDURE SetBrowserMode*; VAR v: Views.View; c: Containers.Controller; BEGIN v := Controllers.FocusView(); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) THEN c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); IF c # NIL THEN Views.BeginModification(Views.invisible, v); c.SetOpts(c.opts - {Containers.noFocus, Containers.noSelection} + {Containers.noCaret}); Views.EndModification(Views.invisible, v); END; END; editable := FALSE; IF current # NIL THEN current.editable := FALSE END; IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN (* HideMarks *) v(TextViews.View).DisplayMarks(TextViews.hide) END; END SetBrowserMode; PROCEDURE SetEditModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF editable THEN par.checked := TRUE ELSE par.checked := FALSE END; END SetEditModeGuard; PROCEDURE SetBrowserModeGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN IF ~editable THEN par.checked := TRUE ELSE par.checked := FALSE END; END SetBrowserModeGuard; PROCEDURE OpenDoc* (IN file: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN KeepInMind(file); StdApi.OpenDoc(file, v); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS Containers.View) THEN IF editable THEN SetEditMode ELSE SetBrowserMode END; END; END OpenDoc; PROCEDURE Select* (IN pat: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN IF InfoDialog.param.expand THEN StdFolds.Expand END; TextCmds.find.find := pat$; TextCmds.find.ignoreCase := TRUE; TextCmds.FindFirst(''); Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); END Select; PROCEDURE Start* (IN file: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Do Command: Start program or Open file *) VAR fullname: ARRAY 260 OF CHAR; res: INTEGER; np: WinApi.PtrWSTR; BEGIN res := WinApi.ShellExecuteW(0, '', file, '', '', WinApi.SW_SHOWNORMAL); IF res = WinApi.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND THEN (* if failed then translate relative filenames to absolute filenames and try again *) res := WinApi.GetFullPathNameW(file, LEN(fullname), fullname, np); res := WinApi.ShellExecuteW(0, '', fullname, '', '', WinApi.SW_SHOWNORMAL); END; IF res <= 32 THEN Dialog.ShowParamMsg("#System:FailedToOpen", file, "", "") END; END Start; PROCEDURE Start2* (IN command: ARRAY OF CHAR); (* Do Command including parameters *) BEGIN HostDialog.Start(command$); END Start2; PROCEDURE SetTopic* (IN root: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN InfoDialog.param.source := root$; InfoDialog.ProofParam; END SetTopic; PROCEDURE OpenTopic* (IN root: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN SetTopic(root); OpenDoc(InfoDialog.param.source$ + 'Inhalt'); END OpenTopic; PROCEDURE LastDoc*; BEGIN IF (current # NIL) & (current.last # NIL) THEN current := current.last; editable := current.editable; OpenDoc(current.filename); END; END LastDoc; PROCEDURE NextDoc*; BEGIN IF (current # NIL) & (current.next # NIL) THEN current := current.next; editable := current.editable; OpenDoc(current.filename); END; END NextDoc; PROCEDURE LastDocGuard* (VAR p: Dialog.Par); BEGIN p.disabled := (current = NIL) OR (current.last = NIL) END LastDocGuard; PROCEDURE NextDocGuard* (VAR p: Dialog.Par); BEGIN p.disabled := (current = NIL) OR (current.next = NIL) END NextDocGuard; BEGIN current := NIL; editable := TRUE; END InfoCmds.
MODULE InfoCollect; (* Collect all files used in the link document Helmut Zinn - InfoCollect.Run *) IMPORT DosFileCmds, DosKeyboard, HostFiles, InfoDialog, StdLinks, StdLog, Strings, TextControllers, TextMappers, TextModels, TextViews, Views; CONST pathLen = HostFiles.pathLen; VAR dst: ARRAY pathLen OF CHAR; cnt: INTEGER; PROCEDURE InitFilename (IN filespec: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN cnt := 0; dst := filespec$; END InitFilename; PROCEDURE CreateFilename (OUT filespec: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR sequentialNumber: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN INC(cnt); Strings.IntToStringForm(cnt, 10, 3, '0', FALSE, sequentialNumber); filespec := dst + sequentialNumber$; END CreateFilename; PROCEDURE ExtractFilename (IN cmd: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT filespec: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a, b, n: INTEGER; s1, s2, s3: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN a := 0; WHILE (cmd[a] # 0X) & (cmd[a] # "'") DO INC(a) END; b := a + 1; WHILE (cmd[b] # 0X) & (cmd[b] # "'") DO INC(b) END; n := LEN(cmd$); IF b > n THEN b := a + 1 END; IF b > n THEN n := b + 1 END; Strings.Extract(cmd, 0, a + 1, s1); (* in front of a - including a *) Strings.Extract(cmd, a + 1, b - a - 1, s2); (* between a and b *) Strings.Extract(cmd, b, n - b, s3); (* behind b - including b *) (* check cmd *) IF (s1 = "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('") & (s3[0] = "'") & (s3[1] = ")") THEN filespec := s2$; ELSE filespec := ""; StdLog.String('Link not insert into the file list: '); StdLog.String(cmd); StdLog.Ln; (* StdLog.String(s1); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String(s2); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String(s3); StdLog.Ln; *) END; END ExtractFilename; PROCEDURE TruncateTitle (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT title: Views.Title); VAR s1, s2: Views.Title; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := LEN(str$); IF n > 63 THEN Strings.Extract(str, 0, 29, s1); Strings.Extract(str, n - 29, 29, s2); title := s1$ + " ... " + s2$ ELSE title := str$; END; END TruncateTitle; PROCEDURE FileList* (destination: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View; title: Views.Title; cn: TextControllers.Controller; r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; cmd, srcFilespec, dstFilespec: ARRAY pathLen OF CHAR; BEGIN InitFilename(destination); t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.WriteString("auto"); f.WriteLn; cn := TextControllers.Focus(); IF cn # NIL THEN r := cn.text.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (v # NIL) DO WITH v: StdLinks.Link DO IF v.leftSide THEN v.GetCmd(cmd); ExtractFilename(cmd, srcFilespec); IF srcFilespec # "" THEN (* if not directory then *) f.WriteString(srcFilespec); f.WriteTab; CreateFilename(dstFilespec); f.WriteString(dstFilespec); f.WriteLn; END; END ELSE END; r.ReadView(v) END; IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak END; END; tv := TextViews.dir.New(t); TruncateTitle(destination, title); (* set Browser mode: *) Views.OpenAux(tv, title) END FileList; PROCEDURE CreateFileList*; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; FileList(InfoDialog.param.source); END CreateFileList; PROCEDURE ReadField (VAR sc: TextMappers.Scanner; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR ch: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; ch := sc.rider.char; WHILE (ch = TextModels.line) OR (ch = TextModels.tab) OR (ch = TextModels.para) DO sc.rider.ReadChar(ch) END; WHILE ~(sc.rider.eot OR (ch = TextModels.line) OR (ch = TextModels.tab) OR (ch = TextModels.para) OR (i > 254)) DO s[i] := ch; INC(i); sc.rider.ReadChar(ch); END; s[i] := 0X; END ReadField; PROCEDURE MoveFiles*; VAR cn: TextControllers.Controller; sc: TextMappers.Scanner; ch: CHAR; srcFilespec, dstFilespec: ARRAY pathLen OF CHAR; BEGIN StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Move Files started ..."); StdLog.Ln; cn := TextControllers.Focus(); IF cn # NIL THEN sc.ConnectTo(cn.text); sc.Scan; (* skip auto *) sc.rider.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & ~sc.rider.eot DO ReadField(sc, srcFilespec); ReadField(sc, dstFilespec); DosFileCmds.Copy(srcFilespec + ".odc", dstFilespec + ".odc"); DosFileCmds.Delete(srcFilespec + ".odc"); sc.rider.ReadChar(ch); END; IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak END; END; StdLog.String("Move Files done."); StdLog.Ln; END MoveFiles; END InfoCollect.
MODULE InfoDialog; (* Dialog for creating link list, collection files and correcting links Helmut Zinn - "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateLinks', 'Create Links')" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CollectFiles', 'Collect Files')" *) IMPORT Dialog, Files, HostFiles, PacDirChoose, Strings, TextCmds, TextControllers, TextMappers; CONST pathLen = HostFiles.pathLen; VAR param*: RECORD source*: ARRAY pathLen OF CHAR; filter*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; useRelativePath*: BOOLEAN; include*, expand*: BOOLEAN; sortHit*, listDate*: BOOLEAN; END; relative: BOOLEAN; workingDir: ARRAY pathLen OF CHAR; (* used by UpdateGuard *) cn: TextControllers.Controller; sc: TextMappers.Scanner; PROCEDURE GetWorkingPath (VAR workingDir: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; loc: Files.Locator; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(""); workingDir := loc(HostFiles.Locator).path$ + '/'; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(workingDir$) DO IF workingDir[i] = '\' THEN workingDir[i] := '/' END; END; END GetWorkingPath; PROCEDURE Initialise; BEGIN param.source := "Archiv/Help/Uhl/"; param.filter := 'odc'; param.useRelativePath := TRUE; param.include := TRUE; param.expand := FALSE; param.sortHit := TRUE; param.listDate := FALSE; TextCmds.find.ignoreCase := TRUE; (* BlackBox Working Directory *) GetWorkingPath(workingDir); PacDirChoose.SetStartingPath(workingDir+param.source); (* Show the Directory path relative to Working Directory *) relative := param.useRelativePath; END Initialise; (* Browse directory *) PROCEDURE FixRoot* (IN path: Files.Name); VAR i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN IF param.useRelativePath THEN i := 0; n := LEN(workingDir$); WHILE (i < n) & (CAP(workingDir[i]) = CAP(Strings.Upper(path[i]))) DO INC(i) END; IF i < n THEN i := 0; relative := FALSE ELSE i := n; relative := TRUE END; Strings.Extract(path$, i, LEN(path$) - i, param.source); ELSE IF relative THEN param.source := workingDir$ + path$ ELSE param.source := path$ END; relative := FALSE; END; Dialog.Update(param); END FixRoot; PROCEDURE BrowseSource*; BEGIN PacDirChoose.Choose(FixRoot); END BrowseSource; (* Check parameters & show status *) PROCEDURE ProofParam*; VAR i, n: INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LEN(param.source$) - 1 DO IF param.source[i] = '\' THEN param.source[i] := '/' END; END; n := LEN(param.source$); IF (n > 0) & (param.source[n - 1] # '/') THEN param.source := param.source + '/' END; IF param.source = '/' THEN param.source := '' END; Dialog.Update(param); END ProofParam; PROCEDURE ShowStatus* (count: INTEGER; IN msg: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR s: ARRAY 10 OF CHAR; note: ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.IntToString(count, s); Strings.Extract(s$ + ' ' + msg$, 0, 127, note); Dialog.ShowStatus(note$); END ShowStatus; (* Guards & Notifiers - TextCmds.FocusGuard used too *) PROCEDURE ReplaceGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := (TextCmds.find.find$ = "") OR (TextCmds.find.replace$ = ""); END ReplaceGuard; PROCEDURE UpdateGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := TRUE; cn := TextControllers.Focus(); IF cn # NIL THEN sc.ConnectTo(cn.text); sc.Scan; IF (sc.type = TextMappers.string) & (sc.string = "auto") THEN par.disabled := FALSE END; END; END UpdateGuard; PROCEDURE UseRelativePathNotifier* (op, from, to: INTEGER); BEGIN IF op = Dialog.changed THEN FixRoot(param.source$); Dialog.Update(param); END; END UseRelativePathNotifier; BEGIN Initialise; END InfoDialog.
MODULE InfoForEachEntry; (* Do for all entries in the list Helmut Zinn - *) IMPORT Dialog, DosKeyboard, StdCmds, StdLog, Strings, TextCmds, TextControllers, TextMappers, TextModels; TYPE Function = PROCEDURE (IN path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: TextModels.Model; VAR hit: INTEGER); PROCEDURE Log (IN path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: TextModels.Model; VAR hit: INTEGER); BEGIN hit := 1; (* StdLog.String(TextCmds.find.find); StdLog.Tab; StdLog.String(TextCmds.find.replace); StdLog.Ln; *) END Log; PROCEDURE ReadField (VAR sc: TextMappers.Scanner; OUT s: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR ch: CHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; ch := sc.rider.char; WHILE (ch = TextModels.line) OR (ch = TextModels.tab) OR (ch = TextModels.para) DO sc.rider.ReadChar(ch) END; WHILE ~(sc.rider.eot OR (ch = TextModels.line) OR (ch = TextModels.tab) OR (ch = TextModels.para) OR (i > 254)) DO s[i] := ch; INC(i); sc.rider.ReadChar(ch); END; s[i] := 0X; END ReadField; PROCEDURE Do* (Task: Function; IN path, filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: TextModels.Model; VAR count: INTEGER); VAR cn: TextControllers.Controller; sc: TextMappers.Scanner; ch: CHAR; firstField, secondField: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; hit: INTEGER; BEGIN count := 0; hit := 0; cn := TextControllers.Focus(); IF cn # NIL THEN sc.ConnectTo(cn.text); sc.Scan; (* skip auto *) IF (sc.type = TextMappers.string) & (sc.string = "auto") THEN sc.rider.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & ~sc.rider.eot DO ReadField(sc, firstField); ReadField(sc, secondField); TextCmds.find.find := firstField$; TextCmds.find.replace := secondField$; IF TextCmds.find.ignoreCase THEN Strings.ToLower(TextCmds.find.find, TextCmds.find.find); END; Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); Task(path, filename, t, hit); (* do the task for each pair of fields *) count := count + hit; sc.rider.ReadChar(ch); END; END; END; END Do; PROCEDURE LogList*; VAR count: INTEGER; BEGIN (* StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/ReplaceAll', 'Replace in all Docu'); *) Do(Log, "", "", NIL, count); StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.String(" entries."); StdLog.Ln; END LogList; END InfoForEachEntry.
MODULE InfoForEachFile; (* Do for all documents Helmut Zinn - "InfoForEachFile.Test" *) IMPORT Dialog, DosKeyboard, (* DosSort, *) Files, StdLog, Strings; TYPE Function = PROCEDURE (IN path, filename, filetype: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR Task: Function; includeSubdirectories: BOOLEAN; count: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Log (IN path, filename, filetype: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN StdLog.Int(count); StdLog.Char(' '); StdLog.String(filename); StdLog.Ln; END Log; PROCEDURE Search (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR files: Files.FileInfo; dirs: Files.LocInfo; loc: Files.Locator; p: Files.Name; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(path); files := Files.dir.FileList(loc); (* DosSort.FileList(files); *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (files # NIL) DO INC(count); Strings.IntToString(count, p); p := p + ' ' + path + files.name; Dialog.ShowStatus(p); Task(path, files.name, files.type); (* do the task for each file *) files := files.next END; IF includeSubdirectories THEN loc := Files.dir.This(path); dirs := Files.dir.LocList(loc); (* DosSort.LocList(dirs); *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (dirs # NIL) DO p := path + dirs.name + "/"; Search(p); dirs := dirs.next END; END; END Search; PROCEDURE Do* (task: Function; IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; include: BOOLEAN); BEGIN Task := task; includeSubdirectories := include; count := 0; Search(path); Dialog.ShowStatus(""); IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak END; END Do; PROCEDURE Test*; BEGIN Do(Log, "Help/", TRUE); END Test; END InfoForEachFile.
MODULE InfoIndex; (* Helmut Zinn *) (* Build the Cross-Referenz List *) (* InfoIndex.CreateNewIndex will scan through all files and generate an index of all words, except those listed as trivial. Trival word should be listet in Info/Rsrc/Strings following a "Tab" and a "." (Period). *) IMPORT Converters, Dialog, Documents, DosKeyboard, (* DosSort, *) Files, Fonts, InfoDialog, InfoLook, Models, Ports, StdCmds, StdFolds, StdLog, Strings, TextCmds, TextMappers, TextModels, TextViews, Views; CONST minWordLen = 2; maxWordLen = 32; rootChar = "0"; (* first letter is zero *) fileName = "Index.odc"; TYPE DocNames = POINTER TO RECORD path: InfoLook.DynString; name: InfoLook.DynString; next: DocNames END; RefList = POINTER TO RECORD docNum: INTEGER; count: INTEGER; (* word occurrences within document *) next: RefList END; WordTree = POINTER TO RECORD word: InfoLook.DynString; ref: RefList; count: INTEGER; (* word occurrences across documents *) left, right: WordTree END; VAR cntDir, cntFiles, cntWords, cntRefs: INTEGER; dName: DocNames; wTree: WordTree; label: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; cmdstr: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; docStr: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; wordChar: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; str: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; PROCEDUREWriteOpenFold (VARf: TextMappers.Formatter; IN label: ARRAYOFCHAR); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.NewFromString(' ' + label + ' '); (* convert label string into a text model *) fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, label$, t); f.WriteView(fold); f.WriteLn; END WriteOpenFold; PROCEDUREWriteCloseFold (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR fold: StdFolds.Fold; len: INTEGER; BEGIN fold := StdFolds.dir.New(StdFolds.expanded, "", NIL); f.WriteView(fold); fold.Flip; (* swap long-form text, now between the two fold views, with hidden short-form text *) len := f.rider.Base().Length(); (* determine the text carrier's new length *) f.SetPos(len) (* position the formatter to the end of the text *) END WriteCloseFold; PROCEDURE (wTree: WordTree) Write (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; VAR letter: CHAR), NEW; (* -- moved to top - stack overflow at recursion - need redesign VAR label: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; cmdstr: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; docStr: ARRAY 512 OF CHAR; wordChar: ARRAY 2 OF CHAR; str: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; *) PROCEDURE AppendDocLinksFiFo (doc: RefList); (* WriteDocLinksFiFo *) (* Appending encoded docNum and count to docStr. Due to recursion, this proc. will process the document at the far end of the link (d1) first. *) BEGIN IF doc.next # NIL THEN AppendDocLinksFiFo(doc.next) (* dive to the bottom *) END; IF LEN(docStr$) > 200 THEN (* Overflow: StdLog.String (wTree.name^); StdLog.Ln; *) Strings.IntToString(wTree.count, label); cmdstr := "InfoLook.Expand('" + wTree.word^$ + "', '" + docStr + "')"; InfoLook.WriteLink(f, label, cmdstr); f.WriteString(" + "); docStr := ""; END; Strings.IntToString(doc.docNum, label); docStr := docStr + label + " "; Strings.IntToString(doc.count, label); docStr := docStr + label + " "; END AppendDocLinksFiFo; BEGIN IF ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (wTree.left # NIL) THEN wTree.left.Write(f, letter) END; IF ~DosKeyboard.Break() THEN Strings.ToUpper(wTree.word^, wordChar); IF wordChar[0] # letter THEN (* About to start a new letter; fold the previous *) WriteCloseFold(f); f.WriteLn; letter := wordChar[0]; (* new letter *) str[0] := letter; str[1] := CHR(0); InfoDialog.ShowStatus(cntFiles, str$); WriteOpenFold(f, str$); END; f.WriteString(wTree.word^); f.WriteTab; (* The document numbers are linked with the first one at the far end: wTree.ref -> dn -> ... -> d3 -> d2 -> d1 -> NIL *) (* --- WriteDocLinksFiFo(wTree.ref) - Using AppendDocLinksFiFo produces a "small" index. *) docStr := ""; AppendDocLinksFiFo(wTree.ref); (* appending to docStr *) Strings.IntToString(wTree.count, label); cmdstr := "InfoLook.Expand('" + wTree.word^$ + "', '" + docStr + "')"; InfoLook.WriteLink(f, label, cmdstr); f.WriteLn; END; IF ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (wTree.right # NIL) THEN wTree.right.Write(f, letter) END END Write; PROCEDURE WriteCrossReferenceList (docList: DocNames; wTree: WordTree); VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; letter: CHAR; lettersBeg: INTEGER; new, mono: TextModels.Attributes; v: TextViews.View; loc: Files.Locator; filename: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; res: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 4 OF CHAR; PROCEDURE GetDocNamesFiFo (docPN: DocNames); (* Due to recursion, this proc. will process the document path/name at the far end of the link (d1) first. *) BEGIN IF docPN.next # NIL THEN GetDocNamesFiFo(docPN.next) ELSE f.WriteInt(cntFiles); f.WriteLn END; f.WriteString(docPN.path); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(docPN.name); f.WriteLn; END GetDocNamesFiFo; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create a new, empty text *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) (* Write document list *) WriteOpenFold(f, InfoDialog.param.source$ + "Documents"); GetDocNamesFiFo(docList); WriteCloseFold(f); f.WriteLn; (* Write word list *) new := f.rider.attr; new := TextModels.NewSize(new, 12 * Fonts.point); f.rider.SetAttr(new); (* change current attributes of formatter *) f.WriteLn; letter := rootChar; lettersBeg := t.Length(); (* we'll start applying the mono font here *) str[0] := letter; str[1] := CHR(0); InfoDialog.ShowStatus(cntFiles, str$); WriteOpenFold(f, str$); wTree.Write(f, letter); WriteCloseFold(f); (* Z *) InfoDialog.ShowStatus(cntFiles, str$); (* Picking a fixed-width font for the folds' capital letters *) mono := f.rider.attr; (* save plain text attributes for later use *) mono := TextModels.NewTypeface(mono, "Courier New"); mono := TextModels.NewSize(mono, 16 * Fonts.point); mono := TextModels.NewColor(mono, Ports.red); t.SetAttr(lettersBeg, t.Length(), mono); (* Open View in BrowserMode *) StdCmds.CloseDialog; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.OpenView(v); IF ~DosKeyboard.Break() THEN loc := Files.dir.This(InfoDialog.param.source); filename := fileName; conv := NIL; Views.Register(v, Views.ask, loc, filename, conv, res); END; END WriteCrossReferenceList; PROCEDURE NewWordTree (): WordTree; VAR wTree: WordTree; doc: RefList; BEGIN NEW(wTree); NEW(wTree.word, 2); wTree.word[0] := rootChar; wTree.word[1] := 0X; NEW(doc); doc.docNum := 0; doc.next := NIL; (* to please WriteDocListFiFo *) wTree.ref := doc; wTree.count := 0; wTree.left := NIL; wTree.right := NIL; RETURN wTree END NewWordTree; PROCEDURE (t: WordTree) NameHigherThan (newName: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN, NEW; VAR oldUpper, newUpper: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF TextCmds.find.ignoreCase THEN RETURN t.word^ > newName; END; Strings.ToUpper(t.word^, oldUpper); Strings.ToUpper(newName, newUpper); IF oldUpper = newUpper THEN RETURN t.word^ > newName ELSE RETURN oldUpper > newUpper END END NameHigherThan; PROCEDURE (t: WordTree) Insert (newName: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; VAR p, father: WordTree; doc: RefList; BEGIN p := t; REPEAT father := p; IF newName = p.word^ THEN (* Found word in tree *) IF cntFiles # p.ref.docNum THEN (* Current document not same as where word was found last *) INC(cntRefs); NEW(doc); doc.docNum := cntFiles; doc.count := 0; doc.next := p.ref; p.ref := doc END; INC(p.count); INC(p.ref.count); RETURN END; IF p.NameHigherThan(newName) THEN p := p.left ELSE p := p.right END UNTIL p = NIL; INC(cntWords); NEW(p); p.left := NIL; p.right := NIL; p.word := InfoLook.MakeDynString(newName$); INC(cntRefs); NEW(doc); doc.docNum := cntFiles; doc.next := NIL; p.ref := doc; p.count := 1; doc.count := 1; IF father.NameHigherThan(newName) THEN father.left := p ELSE father.right := p END END Insert; PROCEDURE IsLetter (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF ('A' <= ch) & (ch <= 'Z') THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF ('a' <= ch) & (ch <= 'z') THEN RETURN TRUE END; (* [192] [193] [194] [195] [196] [197] [198] [199] [200] [201] [202] [203] [204] [205] [206] [207] [208] [209] [210] [211] [212] [213] [214] [215] [216] [217] [218] [219] [220] [221] [222] [223] [224] [225] [226] [227] [228] [229] [230] [231] [232] [233] [234] [235] [236] [237] [238] [239] [240] [241] [242] [243] [244] [245] [246] [247] [248] [249] [250] [251] [252] [253] [254] [255] *) IF ('' <= ch) & (ch <= '') THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF ('' <= ch) & (ch <= '') THEN RETURN TRUE END; IF ('' <= ch) & (ch <= '') THEN RETURN TRUE END; RETURN FALSE; END IsLetter; PROCEDURE IsDigit (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (('0' <= ch) & (ch <= '9')); END IsDigit; PROCEDURE ReadWord (r: TextModels.Reader; VAR word: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN REPEAT i := 0; r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & ~IsLetter(ch) & ~IsDigit(ch) DO (* skip until letter *) r.ReadChar(ch) END; WHILE ~r.eot & (IsLetter(ch) OR IsDigit(ch) OR (ch = TextModels.softhyphen)) DO (* scan word *) (* # $ % & ( ) * + - / _ . , [ ] *) IF ch # TextModels.softhyphen THEN IF TextCmds.find.ignoreCase THEN ch := Strings.Lower(ch); END; IF i < maxWordLen - 1 THEN word[i] := ch; INC(i) END; END; r.ReadChar(ch) END; word[i] := 0X; UNTIL r.eot OR (i >= minWordLen); END ReadWord; PROCEDURE ScanDoc (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; IN fname: Files.Name; m: TextModels.Model); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; word, lexWord, wordFromMap: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN r := m.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0); WHILE ~r.eot DO ReadWord(r, word); IF word # "" THEN lexWord := "#Info:" + word$; Dialog.MapString(lexWord$, wordFromMap); IF wordFromMap # "." THEN (* Die Aufgabe fr das Dokument ausfhren, z.B.: HostCmds.Print *) wTree.Insert(word); END; (* Skip coded text *) IF (word = "StdCoder") OR (word = "PacCoder") OR (word = "Decode") OR (word = "stdcoder") OR (word = "paccoder") OR (word = "decode") THEN REPEAT ReadWord(r, word); UNTIL (word = "end") OR (word = "AtEndOfEncoding") OR (word = "atendofencoding") OR r.eot; END END END END ScanDoc; PROCEDURE InsertIntoNameList (IN path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR docPN: DocNames; BEGIN NEW(docPN); docPN.path := InfoLook.MakeDynString(path$); docPN.name := InfoLook.MakeDynString(name$); docPN.next := dName; dName := docPN; END InsertIntoNameList; PROCEDURE ScanLoc (path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR root: Files.Locator; locs: Files.LocInfo; files: Files.FileInfo; conv: Converters.Converter; m: Models.Model; vw: Views.View; BEGIN INC(cntDir); root := Files.dir.This(path); files := Files.dir.FileList(root); (* DosSort.FileList(files); *) (* for all documents in the directory do *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (files # NIL) DO (* The Extension files.type$ is always lower case *) IF (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = '') OR (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = files.type$) THEN INC(cntFiles); InfoDialog.ShowStatus(cntFiles, path$ + files.name$); InsertIntoNameList(path, files.name); conv := NIL; vw := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, root, files.name, conv); IF vw IS Documents.Document THEN vw := vw(Documents.Document).ThisView() END; IF(vw # NIL) & (vw IS TextViews.View) THEN m := vw.ThisModel(); WITH m: TextModels.Model DO IF InfoDialog.param.expand THEN StdFolds.ExpandFolds(m, TRUE, '') END; ScanDoc(path, files.name, m) END; END; END; files := files.next END; IF InfoDialog.param.include THEN locs := Files.dir.LocList(root); (* DosSort.LocList(locs); *) (* for all subdirectories in the directory do *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (locs # NIL) DO ScanLoc(path$ + locs.name$ + "/"); locs := locs.next END; END; END ScanLoc; PROCEDURE CreateNewIndex*; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; Dialog.showsStatus := TRUE; cntDir := 0; cntFiles := 0; cntWords := 0; cntRefs := 0; dName := NIL; wTree := NewWordTree(); ScanLoc(InfoDialog.param.source); IF ~DosKeyboard.Break() THEN WriteCrossReferenceList(dName, wTree); END; IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak; ELSE StdLog.String(InfoDialog.param.source); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Char(" "); StdLog.Int(cntDir); StdLog.String(" Directories"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Char(" "); StdLog.Int(cntFiles); StdLog.String(" Documents"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Char(" "); StdLog.Int(cntWords); StdLog.String(" Words"); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.Char(" "); StdLog.Int(cntRefs); StdLog.String(" Reference"); StdLog.Ln; InfoDialog.ShowStatus(cntFiles, ''); Dialog.Beep (* done *) END; wTree := NIL; dName := NIL; END CreateNewIndex; END InfoIndex.
MODULE InfoLinks; (* -- Create a link list about the contents of a dieretory. -- This module is a modified ObxLinks version. -- Other samples are -- DosListCmds, Epse21ObxModules, Epse21SysModules, S4System & TboxBook -- Helmut Zinn -- -- "InfoLinks.Directory('')" -- "InfoLinks.Directory('Archiv/')" -- -- "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Dos/Rsrc/ListCmds', '#Dos:List File or Directory')" -- "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateLinks', '#Info:Link Documents')" -- "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/LinkList', '#Info:List Files')" <-- neu nicht fertig -- -- InfoLinks.OpenExternal replace the Dialog.OpenExternal for using BlackBox in Wine *) IMPORT Dialog, DosTextCmds, InfoDialog, InfoCmds, Files, Fonts, Ports, StdLinks, StdStamps, Strings, TextMappers, TextModels, TextViews, Views; CONST callXed = FALSE; (* use editor xed or blackbox - utf8 *) underline = FALSE; cmdLink = "InfoLinks.Directory('"; cmdExternal = "InfoLinks.OpenExternal('"; cmdOpen = "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('"; cmdStart = "InfoCmds.Start('"; end = "')"; PROCEDURE WriteLink (VAR fm: TextMappers.Formatter; IN cmd, path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR vw: Views.View; BEGIN vw := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd + path + end); fm.WriteView(vw); (* insert left link view in text *) fm.WriteString(name); vw := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); fm.WriteView(vw); (* insert right link view in text *) fm.WriteLn; END WriteLink; PROCEDURE PathToLoc (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT loc: Files.Locator); VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN loc := Files.dir.This(""); IF path # "" THEN i := 0; j := 0; REPEAT ch := path[i]; INC(i); IF (ch = "/") OR (ch = 0X) THEN name[j] := 0X; j := 0; loc := loc.This(name) ELSE name[j] := ch; INC(j) END UNTIL (ch = 0X) OR (loc.res # 0) END END PathToLoc; PROCEDURE TruncateTitle (IN str: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT title: Views.Title); VAR s1, s2: Views.Title; n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := LEN(str$); IF n > 63 THEN Strings.Extract(str, 0, 29, s1); Strings.Extract(str, n - 29, 29, s2); title := s1$ + " ... " + s2$ ELSE title := str$; END; END TruncateTitle; PROCEDURE LastIndexOf (IN this: ARRAY OF CHAR; c: CHAR): INTEGER; VAR k, n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := LEN(this$) - 1; FOR k := 0 TO n DO IF this[n - k] = c THEN RETURN n - k END END; RETURN - 1 END LastIndexOf; PROCEDURE GetFilename (IN filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT file: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR pos: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := LastIndexOf(filename, '.'); IF pos < 0 THEN file := filename$; ELSE Strings.Extract(filename, 0, pos, file); (* before & without . *) END; END GetFilename; PROCEDURE GetExtension (IN filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT extension: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR pos, pos2, pos3: INTEGER; BEGIN (* Split "filename" into "file" & "extension" *) pos := LastIndexOf(filename, '.'); pos2 := LastIndexOf(filename, '/'); pos3 := LastIndexOf(filename, '\'); IF (pos < 0) OR (pos < pos2) OR (pos < pos3) THEN extension := ""; ELSE Strings.Extract(filename, pos + 1, LEN(filename$) - pos, extension); (* behind . *) END; END GetExtension; PROCEDURE Directory* (IN path: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR tm: TextModels.Model; fm: TextMappers.Formatter; tv: TextViews.View; textAttr, headerAttr, linkAttr: TextModels.Attributes; loc: Files.Locator; li: Files.LocInfo; fi: Files.FileInfo; fn, cmd: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; title: Views.Title; BEGIN ASSERT((path="") OR (path[LEN(path$)-1] = "/"), 100); tm := TextModels.dir.New(); fm.ConnectTo(tm); (* text attribute *) textAttr := fm.rider.attr; textAttr := TextModels.NewTypeface(textAttr, "Calibri"); textAttr := TextModels.NewSize(textAttr, 12 * Fonts.point); (* header attribute *) headerAttr := textAttr; headerAttr := TextModels.NewWeight(headerAttr, Fonts.bold); headerAttr := TextModels.NewSize(headerAttr, 16 * Fonts.point); (* link attribute *) linkAttr := textAttr; linkAttr := TextModels.NewColor(linkAttr, Ports.blue); IF underline THEN linkAttr := TextModels.NewStyle(linkAttr, linkAttr.font.style + {Fonts.underline}); END; (* write head line *) fm.rider.SetAttr(headerAttr); (* change current attributes of formatter *) WriteLink(fm, cmdExternal, path, path); fm.rider.SetAttr(textAttr); (* reset current attributes of formatter *) (* list directories *) fm.WriteLn; fm.WriteString("Directories"); fm.WriteLn; (* generate list of all locations *) PathToLoc(path, loc); li := Files.dir.LocList(loc); WHILE li # NIL DO (* no particular sorting order is guaranteed *) fm.rider.SetAttr(linkAttr); (* change current attributes of formatter *) WriteLink(fm, cmdLink, path + li.name + '/', li.name); fm.rider.SetAttr(textAttr); (* reset current attributes of formatter *) li := li.next END; (* list files *) fm.WriteLn; fm.WriteString("Files"); fm.WriteLn; (* generate a list of all files *) fi := Files.dir.FileList(loc); WHILE fi # NIL DO (* no particular sorting order is guaranteed *) IF fi.type = "odc" THEN (* there is a converter for this file type *) GetFilename(fi.name, fn); cmd := cmdOpen; ELSE fn := fi.name$; IF Dialog.IsWine() OR Dialog.IsLinux() THEN cmd := cmdExternal ELSE cmd := cmdStart END; END; fm.rider.SetAttr(linkAttr); (* change current attributes of formatter *) WriteLink(fm, cmd, path + fn, fn); fm.rider.SetAttr(textAttr); (* reset current attributes of formatter *) fi := fi.next END; fm.WriteLn; fm.WriteString("Ende. "); fm.WriteView(StdStamps.New()); fm.WriteLn; (* open the view in Browser mode to show the result *) tv := TextViews.dir.New(tm); TruncateTitle(path, title); Views.OpenAux(tv, title) END Directory; PROCEDURE CreateLinkList*; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; Directory(InfoDialog.param.source); END CreateLinkList; PROCEDURE OpenExternal* (IN filename: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR file, extension: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; call: INTEGER; BEGIN IF Dialog.IsWine() THEN GetExtension(filename, extension); file := filename$; Strings.ToLower(extension, extension); IF ('A' <= CAP(file[0])) & (CAP(file[0]) <= 'Z') & (file[1] = ':') THEN Strings.Extract(file, 2, LEN(file$) - 2, file); (* cut drive letter *) file := file; END; call := 0; IF (extension = "odc") THEN call := 1 ELSIF (extension = "") THEN call := 2 ELSIF (extension = "htm") OR (extension = "html") THEN call := 3 ELSIF (extension = "jpg") OR (extension = "png") OR (extension = "bmp") THEN call := 4 ELSIF (extension = "odt") OR (extension = "doc") OR (extension = "docx") THEN call := 5 ELSIF (extension = "ods") OR (extension = "xls") OR (extension = "xlsx") THEN call := 5 ELSIF (extension = "odp") OR (extension = "ppt") OR (extension = "pptx") THEN call := 5 ELSIF (extension = "pdf") THEN call := 6 ELSIF (extension = "java") THEN call := 9 ELSIF (extension = "py") THEN call := 7 ELSIF (extension = "txt") OR (extension = "log") OR (extension = "sh") THEN IF callXed THEN call := 8 (* editor *) ELSE call := 9 (* blackbox - utf8 *) END; END; CASE call OF | 1: InfoCmds.OpenDoc(filename) (* blackbox - odc *) | 2: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/nemo ' + '"' + file + '"') (* dateimanager *) | 3: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/brave-browser ' + '"' + file + '"') (* internet browser *) | 4: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/xviewer ' + '"' + file + '"') (* picture *) | 5: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/libreoffice ' + '"' + file + '"') (* libre office *) | 6: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/xreader ' + '"' + file + '"') (* acrobat *) | 7: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/idle ' + '"' + file + '"') (* phyton idle *) | 8: Dialog.RunExternal('/usr/bin/xed ' + '"' + file + '"') (* editor xed *) | 9: DosTextCmds.OpenDocAs(filename, 'utf8') (* blackbox - utf8 *) ELSE Dialog.OpenExternal(file) END; ELSE Dialog.OpenExternal(filename) END; END OpenExternal; END InfoLinks.
MODULE InfoLog; (* Write the filename as Link into the StdLog windows Helmut Zinn - *) IMPORT Fonts, HostFiles, Ports, StdLinks, StdLog, Strings, TextCmds, TextModels; CONST pathLen = HostFiles.pathLen; underline = FALSE; PROCEDURE WriteLink* (IN path, filename: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR attr: TextModels.Attributes; beg, end: INTEGER; cmd, msg: ARRAY pathLen + 32 OF CHAR; BEGIN cmd := "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('" + path$ + filename$ + "')"; msg := path$ + filename$; StdLog.View(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); StdLog.String(msg); end := StdLog.text.Length(); beg := end - LEN(msg$); NEW(attr); attr.InitFromProp(StdLog.text.Prop(beg, end)); attr := TextModels.NewColor(attr, Ports.blue); IF underline THEN attr := TextModels.NewStyle(attr, {Fonts.underline}) END; StdLog.text.SetAttr(beg, end, attr); StdLog.View(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); END WriteLink; END InfoLog.
MODULE InfoLook; (* Helmut Zinn *) (* Use the Cross-Referenz List *) IMPORT InfoCmds, InfoDialog, TextCmds, TextControllers, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, TextRulers, Views, Containers, StdFolds, StdLinks, Fonts, Ports, Strings, Dialog; CONST maxLength = 256; linkcommand = 'InfoCmds.Start'; (* Alternativ: linkcommand = 'LibMisc.ShellExecute'; *) underline = FALSE; TYPE DynString* = POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR docCount: INTEGER; docList: POINTER TO ARRAY OF RECORD path: DynString; name: DynString; END; PROCEDURE MakeDynString* (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): DynString; VAR d: DynString; BEGIN NEW(d, LEN(s)+1); d^ := s$; RETURN d; END MakeDynString; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {TextRulers.right, TextRulers.tabs, TextRulers.opts}; p.opts.val := {TextRulers.rightFixed}; p.opts.mask := p.opts.val; p.right := 100 * mm; p.tabs.len := 1; p.tabs.tab[0].stop := 80 * mm; p.tabs.tab[0].type := {TextRulers.rightTab}; RETURN TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE UnderlineBlue (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR new: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN new := f.rider.attr; new := TextModels.NewStyle(new, new.font.style + {Fonts.underline}); new := TextModels.NewColor(new, Ports.blue); f.rider.SetAttr(new); (* change current attributes of formatter *) END UnderlineBlue; PROCEDURE Black (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter); VAR new: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN new := f.rider.attr; new := TextModels.NewStyle(new, new.font.style - {Fonts.underline}); new := TextModels.NewColor(new, Ports.black); f.rider.SetAttr(new); (* change current attributes of formatter *) END Black; PROCEDURE WriteLink* (VARf:TextMappers.Formatter; IN label, cmdstr: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR v: Views.View; BEGIN v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmdstr); f.WriteView(v); (* insert left link view in text *) UnderlineBlue(f); f.WriteString(label); (* the string shown between the pair of link views *) Black(f); v := StdLinks.dir.NewLink(""); f.WriteView(v); (* insert right link view in text *) END WriteLink; PROCEDURE ReadUntilDelimiter (r: TextModels.Reader; delimiter: CHAR; VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot & (ch # delimiter) DO str[i] := ch; INC(i); r.ReadChar(ch) END; str[i] := 0X END ReadUntilDelimiter; PROCEDURE Decode (str: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR pos: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR start: INTEGER; intStr: ARRAY 8 OF CHAR; num, res : INTEGER; BEGIN start := pos; Strings.Find(str, " ", start, pos); IF pos = -1 THEN pos := LEN(str$) END; Strings.Extract(str, start, pos-start, intStr); Strings.StringToInt(intStr, num, res); ASSERT(res = 0); pos := pos + 1; RETURN num; END Decode; PROCEDURE LoadDocList; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; r: TextModels.Reader; v: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; i, res: INTEGER; str: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); StdFolds.CollapseFolds(c.text, FALSE, "Documents"); (* in case *) r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0); r.ReadView(v); (* asking for a view, hoping for a fold *) WITH v: StdFolds.Fold DO t := v.HiddenText(); (* : TextModels.Model *) r := t.NewReader(NIL); (* new use for an old reader *) r.SetPos(0); (* read docCount from fold *) ReadUntilDelimiter(r, TextModels.line, str); ReadUntilDelimiter(r, TextModels.line, str); Strings.StringToInt(str, docCount, res); (* read paths/names from fold *) NEW(docList, docCount+1); FOR i := 1 TO docCount DO ReadUntilDelimiter(r, TextModels.tab, str); docList[i].path := MakeDynString(str$); ReadUntilDelimiter(r, TextModels.line, str); docList[i].name := MakeDynString(str$); END END END LoadDocList; PROCEDURE Expand* (pat, docNumberList: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; c: Containers.Controller; v: TextViews.View; title: Views.Title; a0: TextModels.Attributes; start, docNum, count: INTEGER; label: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; cmd: ARRAY 384 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF (docList = NIL) OR (docList[1].path$ # InfoDialog.param.source$) THEN LoadDocList; END; t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create a new, empty text *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) f.WriteView(NewRuler()); a0 := f.rider.attr; f.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(f.rider.attr, Fonts.bold)); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Location", cmd); f.WriteString(cmd); f.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Std:Count", cmd); f.WriteString(cmd); f.WriteLn; f.rider.SetAttr(a0); start := 0; WHILE start < LEN(docNumberList$) DO docNum := Decode(docNumberList, start); count := Decode(docNumberList, start); IF docList = NIL THEN f.WriteInt(docNum) ELSE label := docList[docNum].path$ + docList[docNum].name$; cmd := "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('" + label$ + "'); InfoCmds.Select('" + pat$ + "')"; WriteLink(f, label, cmd); END; f.WriteTab; f.WriteInt(count); f.WriteLn END; (* Open View in Browser mode ... *) v := TextViews.dir.New(t); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Looking for", title); title := title$ +' "' + pat + '"'; Views.OpenAux(v, title); c := v.ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret}); END Expand; PROCEDURE FindInIndex*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; label: StdFolds.Label; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; InfoCmds.OpenDoc(InfoDialog.param.source+'Index'); IF TextCmds.find.find # '' THEN label[0] := TextCmds.find.find[0]; label[1] := 0X; IF label # '' THEN IF ('a' <= label[0]) & (label[1] <= 'z') THEN label[0] := CAP(label[0]); ELSIF label[0] = '' THEN label[0] := ''; ELSIF label[0] = '' THEN label[0] := ''; ELSIF label[0] = '' THEN label[0] := ''; END; c := TextControllers.Focus(); StdFolds.ExpandFolds(c.text, FALSE, label); END; TextCmds.FindFirst(''); END; Dialog.Update(InfoDialog.param); Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); END FindInIndex; END InfoLook.
MODULE InfoMissingLinks; (* Helmut Zinn *) IMPORT Strings, Ports, Fonts, StdLinks, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews, Views; CONST maxLength = 256; linkcommand = 'InfoCmds.Start'; (* Alternativ: linkcommand = 'LibMisc.ShellExecute'; *) underline = FALSE; TYPE DynString = POINTER TO ARRAY OF CHAR; FileList = POINTER TO RECORD name: DynString; count: INTEGER; org, ref: BOOLEAN; next: FileList END; DirList* = POINTER TO RECORD path: DynString; file: FileList; next: DirList; END; DocList* = DirList; PROCEDURE MakeDynString (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): DynString; VAR d: DynString; BEGIN NEW(d, LEN(s)+1); d^ := s$; RETURN d; END MakeDynString; PROCEDURE New* (OUT docList: DocList); BEGIN docList := NIL; END New; PROCEDURE Insert* (VAR docList: DocList; IN path, name: ARRAY OF CHAR; quelle: BOOLEAN); VAR dirList: DirList; fileList: FileList; upath, uname: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN Strings.ToLower(path$, upath); Strings.ToLower(name$, uname); dirList := docList; WHILE (dirList # NIL) & (dirList.path$ # upath$) DO dirList := dirList.next END; IF dirList = NIL THEN NEW(dirList); dirList.path := MakeDynString(upath$); dirList.file := NIL; dirList.next := docList; docList := dirList; END; fileList := dirList.file; WHILE (fileList # NIL) & (fileList.name$ # uname$) DO fileList := fileList.next END; IF fileList = NIL THEN NEW(fileList); fileList.name := MakeDynString(uname$); fileList.count := 0; fileList.org := FALSE; fileList.ref := FALSE; fileList.next := dirList.file; dirList.file := fileList; ELSE INC(fileList.count) END; IF quelle THEN fileList.org := TRUE ELSE fileList.ref := TRUE END; END Insert; PROCEDURE Display* (VAR f: TextMappers.Formatter; (* IN *) docList: DocList); VAR default, link: TextModels.Attributes; cmd, msg: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; dirList: DirList; fileList: FileList; label: INTEGER; hit: BOOLEAN; BEGIN f.WriteString('Link missing:'); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; default := TextModels.dir.attr; link := TextModels.NewColor(default, Ports.blue); link := TextModels.NewStyle(link, {Fonts.underline}); dirList := docList; WHILE dirList # NIL DO label := f.Pos(); hit := FALSE; f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(dirList.path$); f.WriteLn; fileList := dirList.file; WHILE fileList # NIL DO (* f.WriteString(dirList.path$); f.WriteString(fileList.name$); f.WriteTab; f.WriteInt(fileList.count); f.WriteLn; *) IF (fileList.count = 0) & fileList.org THEN cmd := "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('" + dirList.path$ + fileList.name$ + "')"; msg := fileList.name$; f.WriteTab; f.WriteTab; f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); f.rider.SetAttr(link); f.WriteString(msg); f.rider.SetAttr(default); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); f.WriteLn; hit := TRUE; END; fileList := fileList.next; END; IF ~hit THEN f.SetPos(label) END; dirList := dirList.next; END; f.WriteLn; f.WriteString('Link outside:'); f.WriteLn; f.WriteLn; default := TextModels.dir.attr; link := TextModels.NewColor(default, Ports.blue); link := TextModels.NewStyle(link, {Fonts.underline}); dirList := docList; WHILE dirList # NIL DO label := f.Pos(); hit := FALSE; f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(dirList.path$); f.WriteLn; fileList := dirList.file; WHILE fileList # NIL DO (* f.WriteString(dirList.path$); f.WriteString(fileList.name$); f.WriteTab; f.WriteInt(fileList.count); f.WriteLn; *) IF fileList.ref & ~fileList.org THEN cmd := "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('" + dirList.path$ + fileList.name$ + "')"; msg := fileList.name$; f.WriteTab; f.WriteTab; f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); f.rider.SetAttr(link); f.WriteString(msg); f.rider.SetAttr(default); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); f.WriteLn; hit := TRUE; END; fileList := fileList.next; END; IF ~hit THEN f.SetPos(label) END; dirList := dirList.next; END; END Display; PROCEDURE Test*; VAR docList: DocList; path, name: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: TextViews.View; BEGIN New(docList); path := "Uhl/Epost/"; name := "ep1.odc"; Insert(docList, path, name, TRUE); path := "Uhl/Epost/"; name := "ep3.odc"; Insert(docList, path, name, TRUE); path := "Uhl/Epost/"; name := "ep2.odc"; Insert(docList, path, name, TRUE); path := "Uhl/Epost/"; name := "ep3.odc"; Insert(docList, path, name, FALSE); path := "Uhl/Outside/"; name := "ep4.odc"; Insert(docList, path, name, FALSE); t := TextModels.dir.New(); (* create a new, empty text *) f.ConnectTo(t); (* connect a formatter to the text *) (* Open View in BrowserMode *) v := TextViews.dir.New(t); (* create a new text view for t *) Views.OpenAux(v, "Missing Links"); Display (f, docList); t.Delete(f.Pos(), t.Length()); END Test; END InfoMissingLinks.Test
MODULE InfoReplaceLinks; (* Replace Links Helmut Zinn - "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/ReplaceAll', 'Replace in all Docu')" *) IMPORT Converters, Dialog, Files, InfoDialog, InfoForEachFile, InfoForEachEntry, InfoLog, Kernel, StdFolds, StdLinks, StdLog, Strings, TextCmds, TextMappers, TextModels, TextViews, Views; (* uses InfoDialog.param.source InfoDialog.param.include InfoDialog.param.expand & TextCmds.find.find TextCmds.find.replace TextCmds.find.ignoreCase *) VAR single: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE MakeDocName (VAR name: Files.Name); BEGIN Kernel.MakeFileName(name, ""); (* Append Extension *) END MakeDocName; PROCEDURE Delimiter (ch: CHAR): BOOLEAN; BEGIN RETURN (ch = "'") OR (ch = '"') OR (ch = "/") END Delimiter; PROCEDURE Stale (IN s: ARRAY OF CHAR): BOOLEAN; VAR i, j: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; t: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN i := 0; ch := s[0]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "(") DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; IF ch = "(" THEN t := s$; t[i] := 0X; IF (t = "StdCmds.OpenBrowser") OR (t = "StdCmds.OpenDoc") OR (t = "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog") OR (t = "InfoCmds.OpenDoc") THEN INC(i); ch := s[i]; WHILE (ch # 0X) & (ch # "'") & (ch # '"') DO INC(i); ch := s[i] END; IF ch # 0X THEN loc := Files.dir.This(""); REPEAT j := 0; INC(i); ch := s[i]; WHILE ~Delimiter(ch) DO t[j] := ch; INC(j); INC(i); ch := s[i] END; t[j] := 0X; IF ch = "/" THEN loc := loc.This(t) END UNTIL ch # "/"; name := t$; MakeDocName(name); RETURN Files.dir.Old(loc, name, Files.shared) = NIL (* file not found *) ELSE RETURN TRUE (* wrong syntax *) END ELSE RETURN FALSE (* unknown kind of command *) END ELSIF (t = "InfoCmds.Start") OR (t = "LibMisc.ShellExecute") OR (t = "Dialog.OpenExternal") OR (t = "Dialog.RunExternal") THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE RETURN FALSE (* unknown kind of command *) END END Stale; PROCEDURE ChangeDoc (IN path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; t: TextModels.Model; VAR hit: INTEGER); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: Views.View; pos, len: INTEGER; attr: TextModels.Attributes; oldcmd, cmd: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; BEGIN IF InfoDialog.param.expand THEN StdFolds.ExpandFolds(t, TRUE, '') END; hit := 0; f.ConnectTo(t); r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.ReadView(v); WHILE v # NIL DO WITH v: StdLinks.Link DO IF v.leftSide THEN v.GetCmd(cmd); IF TextCmds.find.ignoreCase THEN Strings.ToLower(cmd, oldcmd) ELSE oldcmd := cmd END; len := LEN(TextCmds.find.find$); Strings.Find(oldcmd, TextCmds.find.find, 0, pos); IF pos >= 0 THEN Strings.Replace(cmd, pos, len, TextCmds.find.replace); IF ~(Stale(cmd)) THEN (* file found - link is ok *) INC(hit); (* StdLog.String(' Link changed: '); StdLog.String(cmd); StdLog.Ln; *) pos := r.Pos(); attr := r.attr; f.SetPos(pos - 1); f.rider.SetAttr(attr); f.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); t.Delete(pos, pos + 1); ELSIF Stale(oldcmd) THEN (* file not found at old position then the link is not ok *) StdLog.String(' *** Link failed: '); StdLog.String(cmd); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String(' *** in file: '); InfoLog.WriteLink(path, file); StdLog.Ln; END; END END ELSE END; r.ReadView(v) END; END ChangeDoc; PROCEDURE ChangeAllDoc (IN path, filename, filetype: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; cv: Converters.Converter; vw: Views.View; md: TextModels.Model; hit, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF filetype = Kernel.docType THEN loc := Files.dir.This(path); fname := filename$; MakeDocName(fname); cv := NIL; vw := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, cv); IF (vw # NIL) & (vw IS TextViews.View) THEN md := vw(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF single THEN ChangeDoc(path, filename, md, hit); ELSE InfoForEachEntry.Do(ChangeDoc, path, filename, md, hit); END; IF hit > 0 THEN StdLog.String('> Save file: '); StdLog.Int(hit); StdLog.String(' '); InfoLog.WriteLink(path, filename); StdLog.Ln; (* Views.OpenView(v); *) cv := NIL; Views.Register(vw, Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, cv, res); ASSERT(res = 0, 100); END; END; END; END ChangeAllDoc; PROCEDURE ReplaceLinks*; BEGIN single := TRUE; InfoDialog.ProofParam; StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Replace Links started ..."); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Root Directory: "); StdLog.String(InfoDialog.param.source); StdLog.Ln; IF TextCmds.find.ignoreCase THEN Strings.ToLower(TextCmds.find.find, TextCmds.find.find); Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); END; InfoForEachFile.Do(ChangeAllDoc, InfoDialog.param.source, InfoDialog.param.include); StdLog.String("Change All Links done."); StdLog.Ln; END ReplaceLinks; PROCEDURE ReplaceLinkList*; BEGIN single := FALSE; InfoDialog.ProofParam; StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Replace Link List started ..."); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Root Directory: "); StdLog.String(InfoDialog.param.source); StdLog.Ln; InfoForEachEntry.LogList; InfoForEachFile.Do(ChangeAllDoc, InfoDialog.param.source, InfoDialog.param.include); StdLog.String("Change Link List done."); StdLog.Ln; END ReplaceLinkList; END InfoReplaceLinks.
MODULE InfoReplaceTexts; (* Replace Texts Helmut Zinn - "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/ReplaceAll', 'Replace in all Docu')" *) IMPORT Converters, Dialog, Documents, Files, InfoDialog, InfoForEachEntry, InfoForEachFile, InfoLog, StdFolds, StdLog, Stores, Strings, TextCmds, TextModels, TextViews, Views; (* uses InfoDialog.param.source InfoDialog.param.include InfoDialog.param.expand & TextCmds.find.find TextCmds.find.replace TextCmds.find.ignoreCase *) VAR single: BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE ChangeDoc (IN path, file: ARRAY OF CHAR; md: TextModels.Model; VAR hit: INTEGER); CONST maxPat = 256; VAR rd: TextModels.Reader; i, j, a, b, e, nfd, nrp: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; ref: ARRAY maxPat OF CHAR; wr: TextModels.Writer; buf: TextModels.Model; attr: TextModels.Attributes; BEGIN IF InfoDialog.param.expand THEN StdFolds.ExpandFolds(md, TRUE, '') END; hit := 0; nfd := LEN(TextCmds.find.find$); nrp := LEN(TextCmds.find.replace$); rd := md.NewReader(NIL); rd.SetPos(0); rd.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~rd.eot DO (* Find *) ref[0] := ch; i := 0; j := 0; b := 0; e := 1; WHILE ~rd.eot & (i < nfd) DO IF (TextCmds.find.find[i] = ch) OR (TextCmds.find.ignoreCase) & (Strings.Upper(TextCmds.find.find[i]) = Strings.Upper(ch)) THEN INC(i); j := (j + 1) MOD maxPat ELSE i := 0; b := (b + 1) MOD maxPat; j := b END; IF j # e THEN ch := ref[j] ELSE rd.ReadChar(ch); ref[j] := ch; e := (e + 1) MOD maxPat END END; (* Replace *) IF i = nfd THEN INC(hit); b := rd.Pos() - 1; a := b - nfd; buf := TextModels.CloneOf(md); wr := buf.NewWriter(NIL); rd.SetPos(a); rd.ReadChar(ch); attr := rd.attr; wr.SetPos(0); wr.SetAttr(attr); FOR i := 0 TO nrp - 1 DO wr.WriteChar(TextCmds.find.replace[i]); END; md.Delete(a, b); md.Insert(a, buf, 0, nrp); rd.SetPos(a + nrp); END; rd.ReadChar(ch); END; END ChangeDoc; PROCEDURE ChangeAllDoc (IN path, filename, filetype: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR loc: Files.Locator; fname: Files.Name; cv: Converters.Converter; st: Stores.Store; vw: Views.View; md: TextModels.Model; hit, res: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = '') OR (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = filetype$) THEN loc := Files.dir.This(path); fname := filename$; (* search in converter list for a converter that can import a file of this type *) cv := Converters.list; WHILE (cv # NIL) & (cv.fileType # filetype) DO cv := cv.next END; Converters.Import(loc, filename$, cv, st); vw := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, cv); IF (vw # NIL) & (vw IS Documents.Document) THEN vw := vw(Documents.Document).ThisView() END; IF (vw # NIL) & (vw IS TextViews.View) THEN md := vw(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); IF single THEN ChangeDoc("", "", md, hit); ELSE InfoForEachEntry.Do(ChangeDoc, path, filename, md, hit); END; IF hit > 0 THEN StdLog.String('> Save file: '); StdLog.Int(hit); StdLog.String(' '); InfoLog.WriteLink(path, filename); StdLog.Ln; (* Views.OpenView(vw); *) Views.Register(vw, Views.dontAsk, loc, fname, cv, res); ASSERT(res = 0, 100); END; END; END; END ChangeAllDoc; PROCEDURE ReplaceTexts*; BEGIN single := TRUE; InfoDialog.ProofParam; StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Replace Texts started ..."); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Root Directory: "); StdLog.String(InfoDialog.param.source); StdLog.Ln; IF TextCmds.find.ignoreCase THEN Strings.ToLower(TextCmds.find.find, TextCmds.find.find); Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); END; InfoForEachFile.Do(ChangeAllDoc, InfoDialog.param.source, InfoDialog.param.include); StdLog.String("Replace All Text done."); StdLog.Ln; END ReplaceTexts; PROCEDURE ReplaceTextList*; BEGIN single := FALSE; InfoDialog.ProofParam; StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Replace Text List started ..."); StdLog.Ln; StdLog.String("Root Directory: "); StdLog.String(InfoDialog.param.source); StdLog.Ln; InfoForEachEntry.LogList; InfoForEachFile.Do(ChangeAllDoc, InfoDialog.param.source, InfoDialog.param.include); StdLog.String("Replace Text List done."); StdLog.Ln; END ReplaceTextList; END InfoReplaceTexts.
MODULE InfoSearch; (* Helmut Zinn *) IMPORT Containers, Converters, Dialog, Documents, DosKeyboard, (* DosSort, *) Files, Fonts, InfoDialog, Models, Ports, StdFolds, StdLinks, Stores, Strings, TextCmds, TextMappers, TextModels, TextRulers, TextViews, Views; CONST maxPat = 64; underline = FALSE; TYPE Pattern = ARRAY maxPat OF CHAR; Text = POINTER TO RECORD next: Text; num: INTEGER; title: Files.Name END; VAR msg: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; w: TextMappers.Formatter; count: INTEGER; PROCEDURE List (list: Text; pat: Pattern); VAR a0: TextModels.Attributes; cmd: ARRAY 384 OF CHAR; this, t: Text; max, cnt: INTEGER; BEGIN IF list = NIL THEN Dialog.MapString("#Dev:NoMatchFound", cmd); w.WriteString(cmd) ELSE cnt := 0; a0 := w.rider.attr; w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewWeight(w.rider.attr, Fonts.bold)); Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Location", cmd); w.WriteString(cmd); w.WriteTab; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Count", cmd); w.WriteString(cmd); w.WriteLn; w.rider.SetAttr(a0); REPEAT t := list; max := 1; this := NIL; WHILE t # NIL DO IF t.num >= max THEN this := t; IF InfoDialog.param.sortHit THEN max := t.num END; END; t := t.next END; IF this # NIL THEN cnt := cnt + 1; cmd := "InfoCmds.OpenDoc('" + this.title + "'); InfoCmds.Select('" + pat + "')"; w.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink(cmd)); w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewColor(w.rider.attr, Ports.blue)); IF underline THEN w.rider.SetAttr(TextModels.NewStyle(w.rider.attr, {Fonts.underline})) END; w.WriteString(this.title); w.rider.SetAttr(a0); w.WriteView(StdLinks.dir.NewLink("")); w.WriteTab; w.WriteInt(this.num); w.WriteLn; this.num := 0 END UNTIL this = NIL; w.WriteInt(cnt); w.WriteString(' Documents found'); w.WriteLn; END; END List; PROCEDURE NewRuler (): TextRulers.Ruler; CONST mm = Ports.mm; VAR p: TextRulers.Prop; BEGIN NEW(p); p.valid := {TextRulers.right, TextRulers.tabs, TextRulers.opts}; p.opts.val := {TextRulers.rightFixed}; p.opts.mask := p.opts.val; p.right := 100 * mm; p.tabs.len := 1; p.tabs.tab[0].stop := 80 * mm; p.tabs.tab[0].type := {TextRulers.rightTab}; RETURN TextRulers.dir.NewFromProp(p) END NewRuler; PROCEDURE ThisText (loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name): TextModels.Model; VAR fi: Files.File; cn: Converters.Converter; st: Stores.Store; vw: Views.View; md: Models.Model; BEGIN fi := Files.dir.Old(loc, name$, Files.shared); (* search in converter list for a converter that can import a file of this type *) cn := Converters.list; WHILE (cn # NIL) & (cn.fileType # fi.type) DO cn := cn.next END; Converters.Import(loc, name$, cn, st); (* vw := Views.OldView(loc, name); -- wenn nur .odc Dateien *) vw := Views.Old(Views.dontAsk, loc, name, cn); IF vw = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; IF vw IS Documents.Document THEN vw := vw(Documents.Document).ThisView() END; md := vw.ThisModel(); IF md = NIL THEN RETURN NIL END; WITH md: TextModels.Model DO RETURN md ELSE RETURN NIL END; END ThisText; PROCEDURE SearchDoc (t: TextModels.Model; pat: Pattern; title: Files.Name; VAR list: Text); VAR r: TextModels.Reader; num: INTEGER; i, j, b, e, n: INTEGER; ch: CHAR; ref: Pattern; l: Text; BEGIN IF InfoDialog.param.expand THEN StdFolds.ExpandFolds(t, TRUE, '') END; n := 0; num := 0; WHILE pat[n] # 0X DO INC(n) END; r := t.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(0); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE ~r.eot DO ref[0] := ch; i := 0; j := 0; b := 0; e := 1; WHILE ~r.eot & (i < n) DO IF (pat[i] = ch) OR (TextCmds.find.ignoreCase) & (Strings.Upper(pat[i]) = Strings.Upper(ch)) THEN INC(i); j := (j + 1) MOD maxPat ELSE i := 0; b := (b + 1) MOD maxPat; j := b END; IF j # e THEN ch := ref[j] ELSE r.ReadChar(ch); ref[j] := ch; e := (e + 1) MOD maxPat END END; IF i = n THEN INC(num) END END; IF num > 0 THEN NEW(l); l.num := num; l.title := title; l.next := list; list := l END END SearchDoc; PROCEDURE SearchLoc (path: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR list: Text; pat: Pattern); VAR root: Files.Locator; locs: Files.LocInfo; files: Files.FileInfo; t: TextModels.Model; BEGIN root := Files.dir.This(path); files := Files.dir.FileList(root); (* DosSort.FileList(files); *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (files # NIL) DO (* The Extension files.type$ is always lower case *) IF (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = '') OR (InfoDialog.param.filter$ = files.type$) THEN t := ThisText(root, files.name); IF t # NIL THEN INC(count); InfoDialog.ShowStatus(count, msg$ + ' ' + path$ + files.name$); SearchDoc(t, pat, path$ + files.name$, list) END; END; files := files.next END; IF InfoDialog.param.include THEN locs := Files.dir.LocList(root); (* DosSort.LocList(locs); *) WHILE ~DosKeyboard.Break() & (locs # NIL) DO SearchLoc(path$ + locs.name$ + "/", list, pat); locs := locs.next END; END; END SearchLoc; PROCEDURE SearchInAllDocuments*; VAR pat: Pattern; log: TextModels.Model; v: Views.View; title: Views.Title; (* c: Containers.Controller; *) list: Text; BEGIN InfoDialog.ProofParam; pat := TextCmds.find.find$; IF pat # "" THEN count := 0; Dialog.MapString("#Dev:Searching", msg); Dialog.ShowStatus(msg); TextCmds.find.find := pat$; log := TextModels.dir.New(); w.ConnectTo(log); w.SetPos(0); Dialog.MapString("#Std:Search for", title); Strings.Extract(title$ + ' "' + pat + '"', 0, 127, title); w.WriteString(title); w.WriteLn; SearchLoc(InfoDialog.param.source, list, pat); List(list, pat); v := TextViews.dir.New(log); v(TextViews.View).SetDefaults(NewRuler(), TextViews.dir.defAttr); Views.OpenView(v); (* Views.OpenAux(v, title); (* set Browser mode: *) c := v(Containers.View).ThisController(); c.SetOpts(c.opts + {Containers.noCaret}); *) w.ConnectTo(NIL); IF DosKeyboard.Break() THEN DosKeyboard.ResetBreak; ELSE Dialog.ShowStatus(""); END; END; END SearchInAllDocuments; PROCEDURE SearchGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BEGIN par.disabled := TextCmds.find.find$ = ""; END SearchGuard; END InfoSearch.
MODULE InfoTrans; IMPORT Strings; CONST substitute = "-"; (* substitute character *) PROCEDURE TransChar1* (ch: CHAR): CHAR; VAR res: CHAR; BEGIN CASE ch OF 0000X .. 001FX: res := substitute (* ASCII control character *) | '\': res := substitute (* back slash *) | '/': res := substitute (* forward slash *) | ':': res := substitute (* colon *) | '*': res := substitute (* asterisk *) | '?': res := substitute (* question mark *) | '"': res := substitute (* double quotes *) | '<': res := substitute (* left angle bracket *) | '>': res := substitute (* right angle bracket *) | '|': res := substitute (* pipe *) | '~': res := substitute (* tilde *) | 007FX: res := substitute | 0080X .. 009FX: res := substitute | 00FFX: res := substitute ELSE res := ch END; RETURN res END TransChar1; PROCEDURE TransChar2* (ch: CHAR): CHAR; VAR res: CHAR; BEGIN CASE ch OF ' ': res := substitute (* blank spaces *) | '.': res := substitute (* period *) | ';': res := substitute (* semicolon *) | ',': res := substitute (* comma *) | '#': res := substitute (* pound *) | '%': res := substitute (* percent *) | '&': res := substitute (* ampersand *) | '{': res := substitute (* left curly bracket *) | '}': res := substitute (* right curly bracket *) | '$': res := substitute (* dollar sign *) | '!': res := substitute (* exclamation point *) | "'": res := substitute (* single quotes *) | '@': res := substitute (* at sign *) | '+': res := substitute (* plus sign *) | '`': res := substitute (* backtick *) | '=': res := substitute (* equal sign *) | '(': res := substitute (* left bracket *) | ')': res := substitute (* right bracket *) | '[': res := substitute (* left squared bracket *) | ']': res := substitute (* right squared bracket *) ELSE res := ch END; RETURN res END TransChar2; PROCEDURE TrimChar* (VAR source: ARRAY OF CHAR; ch: CHAR); VAR a, b, i, k, n: INTEGER; BEGIN (* delete first, last and double char *) a := 0; b := LEN(source$) - 1; WHILE (a <= b) & (source[a] = ch) DO a := a + 1 END; (* first char *) WHILE (a <= b) & (source[b] = ch) DO b := b - 1 END; (* last char *) Strings.Extract(source, a, b - a + 1, source); (* Substr - delete first & last char *) n := LEN(source$); (* delete double char - e.g. maximal 1 Blank zwischen den Wrter *) FOR i := n - 1 TO 0 BY - 1 DO IF (source[i] = ch) & (source[i + 1] = ch) THEN FOR k := i TO n - 1 DO source[k] := source[k + 1] END; END; END; END TrimChar; PROCEDURE Trim* (VAR source: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN TrimChar(source, ' '); (* trim spaces *) TrimChar(source, substitute); (* trim substitute character *) (* TrimChar(source, '-'); (* trim hyphen *) TrimChar(source, '_'); (* trim underscores *) TrimChar(source, '.'); (* trim period *) *) END Trim; PROCEDURE BuildNewName (IN old: ARRAY OF CHAR; OUT new: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i, j: INTEGER; BEGIN j := 0; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(old$) DO CASE old[i] OF ' ': new[j] := '_'; | '': new[j] := 'A'; INC(j); new[j] := 'E'; | '': new[j] := 'a'; INC(j); new[j] := 'e'; | '': new[j] := 'O'; INC(j); new[j] := 'E'; | '': new[j] := 'o'; INC(j); new[j] := 'e'; | '': new[j] := 'U'; INC(j); new[j] := 'E'; | '': new[j] := 'u'; INC(j); new[j] := 'e'; | '': new[j] := 's'; INC(j); new[j] := 's'; ELSE new[j] := old[i]; END; INC(j); END; new[j] := 0X; END BuildNewName; END InfoTrans.
MODULE InfoWeb; (* -- Translate Website with Bing or Google -- Helmut Zinn Test Website http://forum.oberoncore.ru/viewtopic.php?f=116&t=2752 http%3A%2F%2Fforum.oberoncore.ru%2Fviewtopic.php%3Ff%3D116%26t%3D2752 *) IMPORT Dialog, StdLog, Strings, TextCmds, TextControllers; CONST bingTranslate = "http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=&to=en&a="; googleTranslate = "https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u="; VAR translator*: INTEGER; PROCEDURE Convert (VAR url: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF translator > 0 THEN StdLog.String(url); StdLog.Ln; FOR i := LEN(url$) - 1 TO 0 BY - 1 DO CASE url[i] OF | '&': Strings.Replace(url, i, 1, '%26'); | '/': Strings.Replace(url, i, 1, '%2F'); | ':': Strings.Replace(url, i, 1, '%3A'); | '=': Strings.Replace(url, i, 1, '%3D'); | '?': Strings.Replace(url, i, 1, '%3F'); ELSE END; END; CASE translator OF | 1: url := bingTranslate + url$; | 2: url := googleTranslate + url$; ELSE END; END; END Convert; PROCEDURE Start* (IN url: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR s: ARRAY 256 OF CHAR; BEGIN s := url$; IF s # '' THEN Convert(s); Dialog.OpenExternal(s$); END; END Start; PROCEDURE ShowWebsite*; BEGIN Start(TextCmds.find.find); END ShowWebsite; PROCEDURE ShowOberonCoreForum*; BEGIN Dialog.OpenExternal('http://forum.oberoncore.ru/viewforum.php?f=116'); translator := 2; Start('http://forum.oberoncore.ru/viewforum.php?f=116'); translator := 0; END ShowOberonCoreForum; PROCEDURE ExecuteSelection*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN TextCmds.InitFindDialog; IF TextCmds.find.find[0] <= ' ' THEN (* skip first 02X, tab & blank *) Strings.Extract(TextCmds.find.find, 1, 256, TextCmds.find.find) END; Dialog.Update(TextCmds.find); END; Start(TextCmds.find.find); END ExecuteSelection; BEGIN translator := 0; END InfoWeb. MENU "Infodesk" "#Info:Translate Website..." "*5" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Web', '#Info:Translate Website')" "" "#Info:Show Website" "*L" "InfoWeb.ExecuteSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" END
MENU "Infodesk" "#Info:Translate Website..." "*5" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Web', '#Info:Translate Website')" "" "#Info:Show Website" "*L" "InfoWeb.ExecuteSelection" "TextCmds.SelectionGuard" "#Tbox:Find / Look at" "*F" "TboxTranslate.LookAt" "" "#Tbox:Translate..." "*T" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Tbox/Rsrc/Translate', '#Tbox:Translate')" "" SEPARATOR "#Info:Uhl" "" "InfoCmds.OpenTopic('Archiv/Help/Uhl')" "" "#Info:Search..." "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Search', '#Info:Search in all Documents')" "" "#Info:Search files" "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Gft/Rsrc/SearchFiles', '#Info:Search files')" "" SEPARATOR "#Info:Last Document" "F7" "InfoCmds.LastDoc" "InfoCmds.LastDocGuard" "#Info:Next Document" "F8" "InfoCmds.NextDoc" "InfoCmds.NextDocGuard" SEPARATOR "#Info:Edit Mode" "E" "InfoCmds.SetEditMode" "InfoCmds.SetEditModeGuard" "#Info:Browser Mode" "B" "InfoCmds.SetBrowserMode" "InfoCmds.SetBrowserModeGuard" SEPARATOR "#Info:Link Documents..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateLinks', '#Info:Link Documents')" "" "#Info:Collect && Move Documents..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CollectDocuments', '#Info:Collect & Move Documents')" "" "#Info:Build Reference..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CreateCatalog', '#Info:Build Reference')" "" SEPARATOR "#Info:Check Filenames..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CheckFilenames1', '#Info:Check Filenames')" "" "#Info:Check Links..." "" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/CheckLinks', '#Info:Check Links')" "" "#Info:Replace in all Documents..." "" "TextCmds.InitFindDialog; StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Info/Rsrc/Replace', '#Info:Replace in all Documents')" "" END
STRINGS Adviser Adviser All Documents All Documents Beg Beg Bing Bing Bing Translation Bing Translation BlackBox BlackBox Browser Mode Browser Mode Build Reference Build Reference Build Reference... Build Reference... Bytes Bytes CP Collections Component Pascal Collections Cancel Cancel Check Filenames Check Filenames Check Filenames... Check Filenames... Check Links Check Links Check Links... Check Links... Collect & Move Documents Collect & Move Documents Collect Documents Collect Documents Collect Documents... Collect Documents... Continue Continue Convert To Lower Case Convert to lower case Correct Links Correct Links Correct Texts Correct Texts Create File List Create File List Create Link List Create Link List Delete Empty Folders Delete Empty Folders Edit Mode Edit Mode End End Expand Folds Expand Folds Filenames are too long Filenames are too long Filenames can't change - already exist Filenames can't change - already exist Filenames changed Filenames changed Files Files Filter: Filter: Find Find Find: Find: Find First Find &First Find Next Find &Next Focus Document Focus Document Folders Folders Folders/Files are Empty Folders/Files are Empty Found Found Google Translation Google Translation Helpdesk Helpdesk Ignore Case Ignore Case Include Subdirectories Include Subdirectories Infodesk Infodesk Interaktive Interaktive Last Document Last Document Leo Dictionary Leo Dictionary Link Documents Link Documents Link Documents... Link Documents... List Date List Date List Links List Links MByte MByte Move Files Move Files Names are Too Long Names are Too Long Names with Special Characters Names with Special Characters New Index New Index Next Document Next Document Online Dic Online Dic Options Options Original Original Paths are Too Deep Paths are Too Deep Proof Proof Rename Files Rename Files Rename Files... Rename Files... Rename Long Names Rename Long Names Replace Replace Replace Links Replace Links Replace Texts ReplaceTexts Replace Special Characters Replace Special Characters Replace in all Documents Replace in all Documents Replace in all Documents... Replace in all Documents... Replace national language characters Replace national language characters Replace: Replace: Reverse Direction Reverse Direction Search files Search files Search In &Cross-Reference Search In &Cross-Reference Search In All &Docu Search In All &Docu Search in all Documents Search in all Documents Search... Search... Show Website Show Website Sort Hit Sort Hit Source Source Source: Source: Start Start Statistic Statistic Stop Stop Table of Contents Table of Contents Test Only Testrun - No Changes Translate Website Translate Website Trap on Error Trap on Error Uhl Uhl URL: URL: Use Relative Path Use Relative Path Update Adviser Update Adviser Update Adviser... Update Adviser... Update Notebook... Update Notebook... Word: Word: a . ab . aber . ago . all . alle . alles . als . also . alt . alte . am . an . and . any . are . art . as . at . auch . auf . aus . b . bad . be . been . bei . beim . big . bis . but . by . c . can . d . da . das . dass . dafr . damit . danach . dann . dazu . dem . den . der . des . did . die . dies . diese . diesem . diesen . dieser . dieses . do . does . doing . e . ein . eine . einem . einen . einer . eines . er . es . f . far . few . fr . g . go . goes . going . got . h . haben . had . has . hat . have . having . he . her . here . hier . high . his . i . ich . id . ihm . ihn . ihr . ihre . ihrem . ihren . ihrer . ihres . im . immer . in . into . is . ist . it . its . itself . j . ja . jeder . jedoch . jetzt . just . k . kann . keep . keeping . kein . keine . kind . kommt . knnen . l . last . later . latest . least . left . less . let . lets . lib . little . lo . log . lot . m . make . makes . making . man . many . may . maybe . me . means . mehr . might . mir . mit . more . much . must . mu . my . n . nach . need . nein . neu . neue . neuen . never . new . news . next . nice . no . noch . not . now . null . nun . nur . o . ob . oder . of . off . often . ohne . ok . old . on . once . one . only . open . or . os . out . over . own . p . per . pro . q . quick . quickly . r . really . right . s . same . say . says . see . seems . set . several . should . sich . sie . since . sind . slow . small . so . some . statt . still . stuff . such . sure . sys . t . tab . take . tell . than . that . the . their . them . then . there . this . those . to . too . true . u . um . und . under . unter . until . up . update . us . use . used . user . v . very . via . vom . von . vor . w . wait . waiting . want . war . was . way . we . weiter . well . wenn . wer . werden . were . what . when . where . wheter . which . while . who . whole . wie . wieder . will . wir . wird . with . within . without . wo . would . wurde . wurden . x . y . yes . yet . you . your . z . zu . zum . zur .
Overview by Example: ObxActions This example demonstrates how background tasks can be implemented using actions. An action is an object which performs some action later when the system is idle, i.e., between user interactions. An action can be scheduled to execute as soon as possible, or after some time has passed. Upon execution, an action may re-schedule itself for a later point in time. In this way, an action can operate as a background task, getting computation time whenever the system is idle. This strategy is called cooperative multitasking. For this to work, an action must not do massive computations, because this would reduce the responsiveness of the system. Longer calculations need to be broken down into less time consuming pieces. This is demonstrated by an algorithm which calculates prime numbers up to a given maximum, as a background task. An action is used to perform the stepwise calculation. Every newly found prime number is written into a text. This text is opened when the calculation is started and shows the progression of the background task. The action checks whether it has reached the Upper Bound set by the user. If this is not yet the case, it re-schedules itself for further execution. In order to speed up the calculation the parameter Step Size can be set to a larger value. This increases the CPU workload and decreases the total response time on the one side but also decreases the responsiveness of the system on the other side. The particular values required for making this effect perceptible depend on the underlying platform's processing power. "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Actions', 'Prime Calculation')" ObxActionssources
Overview by Example: ObxAddress0 One of the hallmarks of modern user interfaces are modeless dialog boxes and data entry forms. They feature text entry fields, push buttons, check boxes, and a variety of other so-called controls. The BlackBox Component Builder addresses this issue in a unique way: • new controls can be implemented in Component Pascal; they are nothing more than specialized views, there is no artifical distinction between control objects and document objects • every view which may contain other views (i.e., a container view) may thus contain controls, there is no artifical distinction between control containers and document containers • every general container view can be turned into an input mask when desired • some controls can be directly linked to variables of a program • linking is done automatically, taking into account type information about the variables in order to guarantee consistency • initial form layouts can be generated automatically out of a record declaration • forms can be edited interactively and stored as documents, no intermediate code generation is required • forms can be used "live" while they are being edited • form layouts may be created or manipulated by a Component Pascal program, if this is desired. Some of these aspects can be demonstrated with the example below: MODULE ObxAddress0; VAR adr*: RECORD name*: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; city*: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; country*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; customer*: INTEGER; update*: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE OpenText*; BEGIN END OpenText; END ObxAddress0. Compile this module and then execute NewForm... in the Controls menu. A dialog will be opened. Now type "ObxAddress0" into its Link field, and then click on the default button. A new window with the form will be opened. This form layout can be edited, e.g., by moving the update checkbox somewhat to the right. (Note that you have modified the document by doing that, thus you will be asked whether to save it when you try to close it. Don't save this one. Now execute the Open asAuxDialog command in the Controls menu. As a result, you get a fully functional dialog with the current layout. This mask can be used right away, i.e., when you click into the update check box, the variable ObxAddress0.adr.update will be toggled! If you have several views on the same variable (e.g., both the layout and the mask window), all of them will reflect the changes that the user makes. A form's controls are linked to a program variable in a similar way as a text view is linked to its text model. Both text views and controls are implementations of the interface type Views.View. The container of the above controls is a form view, itself also an implementation of Views.View. Form views, just as text views, are examples of container views: container views may contain some intrinsic contents (e.g., text pieces) as well as arbitrary other views. Form views are degenerated in that they have no intrinsic contents; they may only contain other views. Instead of starting with a record declaration as in the above example, you may prefer to start with the interactive design of a dialog, and only later turn to the programming aspects. This is perfectly possible as well: click on the Empty command button to create a new empty form. It will be opened in a new window, and the Layout menu will appear. Using the commands in the Controls menu, new controls can be inserted into the form. The form can be saved in a file, and its controls may later be connected to program variables using a tool called the control property editor (see the description of the Edit menu in the User's Manual). BlackBox Component Builder only supports modeless forms, whether used as data entry masks or as dialogs. Modal forms would force the user to complete a certain task before doing anything else, e.g., looking up additional information on his task. BlackBox follows the philosophy that the user should be in control, not the computer. In this example we have seen how a form is used, from the perspective of a programmer as well as from the perspective of a user interface designer. Furthermore we have seen how an initial form layout can be generated automatically; how a form can be viewed (even simultaneously) both as a layout and as a dialog mask; and how a control, like any other view, may live in an arbitrary container view, not just in a form view.
Overview by Example: ObxAddress1 This example combines some features of the previous examples: it takes the address record of ObxAddress1 and adds behavior to it. Such a record, whose fields are displayed by controls, is called an interactor. The behavior for our example interactor is defined by the global OpenText procedure. It creates a new text, into which it writes all the fields of the address record. The fields are written as one line of text, separated by tabulators and terminated by a carriage return. A new text view on this text is then opened in a window. MODULE ObxAddress1; IMPORT Views, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews; VAR adr*: RECORD name*: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; city*: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; country*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; customer*: INTEGER; update*: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE OpenText*; VAR t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; v: Views.View; BEGIN t := TextModels.dir.New(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.WriteString(adr.name); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(adr.city); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(adr.country); f.WriteTab; f.WriteInt(adr.customer); f.WriteTab; f.WriteBool(adr.update); f.WriteLn; v := TextViews.dir.New(t); Views.OpenView(v) END OpenText; END ObxAddress1. After the example has been compiled, and after a form has been created for it and turned into a dialog, you can enter something into the fields (note that customer only accepts numeric values). Then click on the OpenText button. A window will be opened with a contents similar to the following: Oberon microsystems Technoparkstrasse 1 Zrich ZH 8005 Switzerland 1 $TRUE In this example, we have seen how behavior can be added to interactors, by assigning global procedures to their procedure-typed fields.
Overview by Example: ObxAddress2 This example combines features of earlier examples: it allows to enter an address via a mask, and a push button causes the entered data to be appended to a text in a file. Afterwards, the entered data is cleared again. Controls must be notified when a program modifies an interactor. For this purpose, there is the Dialog.Update procedure which takes an interactor as parameter. MODULE ObxAddress2; IMPORT Files, Converters, Views, Dialog, TextModels, TextMappers, TextViews; VAR adr*: RECORD name*: ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; city*: ARRAY 24 OF CHAR; country*: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR; customer: INTEGER; update*: BOOLEAN END; PROCEDURE OpenText*; VAR loc: Files.Locator; name: Files.Name; conv: Converters.Converter; v: Views.View; t: TextModels.Model; f: TextMappers.Formatter; BEGIN loc := NIL; name := ""; conv := NIL; v := Views.Old(Views.ask, loc, name, conv); IF (v # NIL) & (v IS TextViews.View) THEN t := v(TextViews.View).ThisModel(); f.ConnectTo(t); f.SetPos(t.Length()); f.WriteString(adr.name); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(adr.city); f.WriteTab; f.WriteString(adr.country); f.WriteTab; f.WriteInt(adr.customer); f.WriteTab; f.WriteBool(adr.update); f.WriteLn; Views.OpenView(v); adr.name := ""; adr.city := ""; adr.country := ""; adr.customer := 0; adr.update := FALSE; Dialog.Update(adr) (* update all controls for adr *) END END OpenText; END ObxAddress2.
Overview by Example: ObxAscii Many times the input data to a program is given as an ASCII text file, or a given program specification dictates that the output format be plain ASCII text. This example shows how to process ASCII text files with the BlackBox Component Builder and presents a sketch of a module that provides a simple interface to handle ASCII text files. The BlackBox Component Builder departs from the traditional I/O model found in other libraries. Module Files provides classes that abstract files, file directories, and access paths to open files, rather than cramming everything into one abstraction. So-called readers and writers represent positions in an open file. Several readers and writers may be operating on the same file simultaneously. The file itself represents the data carrier proper and may contain arbitrary data. Textual information is handled by the text subsystem. Similar to the file abstraction, module TextModels provides a data carrier class the text proper and classes for reading characters from, and inserting characters into a text. Module TextMappers provides formatting routines to write values of the basic types of the Component Pascal language to texts. It also provides a scanner class that reads texts and converts the characters into integers, reals, strings, etc. Texts may be stored in different formats on files. An ASCII text is just a special case of a text that contains no style information. So-called converters are used to handle different file formats. A converter translates the byte stream in a file into a text object in memory, and vice-versa. The file and text abstractions are simpler, yet more flexible and powerful than the traditional I/O model. As with everything, this flexibility has its price. The simple, linear processing of a (text-)file requires some more programming to initialize the converter, text and formatter objects before a text file can be read. This example demonstrates how to process ASCII text files with BlackBox. Module ObxAscii implements a simple, traditional interface for formatted textual input and output. It is by no means complete. ObxAscii may however serve as a model for implementing a more complete interface. The implementation of data type Text is hidden. This renders possible a different implementation than the one presented below, e.g. using a traditional I/O library. The field done of type Text indicates the success of the last operation. Procedure Open opens an existing file for reading. Procedure NewText creates a new, empty text for writing. Mixed reading and writing on the same text is not very common and is therefore not supported in this simple model. For new texts to become permanent, procedure Register must be used to enter the file in the directory. Finally, a set of Write procedures produce formatted output and the corresponding Read procedures read formatted data from texts. A scanner and a formatter are associated with each text. In order to read ASCII text files and convert them to text objects, the converter for importing text files is needed. The initialization code in the module body finds the appropriate converter in the list of registered file converters and keeps a reference to it in the global variable conv. A locator and a string is used to specify a directory and a file name when calling Open or Register. If the locator is NIL, the string given in parameter name is interpreted as a path name. (We use the well-established cross-platform URL-syntax for path names, i.e., directory names are separated by / characters.) The procedure PathToFileSpec produces a locator and file name from a path name. Procedure Open uses Converters.Import with the ASCII text file converter stored in the global variable conv to initialize a text object with the contents of the file. The scanner is initialized and set to the beginning of the text. Procedure NewText just creates a new, empty text and initializes the formatter. Procedure Register uses Converters.Export with the ASCII text file converter to externalize a text to a file. The Read procedures first check whether the text has been opened for reading and then use the scanner to read the next token from the text. If the token read by the scanner matches the desired type, the field done is set to TRUE to indicate success. The Write procedures first check whether the text has been opened for writing, i.e., created with NewText, and then use the formatter to write values to the text. ObxAsciisources
The rules for playing BlackBox The objective of the game is to find the form of a hidden molecule. The molecule consists of several atoms which are placed on the grid. To find out more about the hidden molecule, rays must be fired into the grid. The rays may be deflected or even absorbed by the atoms. From the position where a fired ray leaves the grid, the positions of the atoms have to be deduced. Only the reaction of the atoms on the fired rays is available, thus the name black box for this game. Below, the possible influences of the atoms on the rays are described and illustrated with examples. 1) If the ray hits an atom head-on then it is absorbed. This situation is marked with an A at the position where the ray went in. 2) If the ray comes towards an atom one square off head-on, it gets deflected 90 degrees away from the atom. The entry and exit positions are marked with a 1 in the example on the right. Absorbing takes priority over deflecting, thus the second ray from the right side becomes absorbed. 3) If the ray tries to pass between two atoms that are one square apart, it is reflected straight back. The ray will return to its entry position which will be marked with an R. This mark is also used if an atom is situated on the border and the ray goes in just one position beside the atom. In this case the ray is reflected even before it enters the board. This sitation is the most typical reason for a reflected ray. In the example to the right, four positions are marked from which fired rays have been reflected. 4) If the ray is neither absorbed nor reflected, the positions where the ray enters and leaves the black box are marked with the same number (the number of the actual guess). Note, that the path of the ray may be arbitrarily complicated. How to play BlackBox To start the game, open the BlackBoxdialogbox. You may install a command into your menu to open this dialog. In the dialog you can define the size of the board and the number of atoms the computer will hide for you. When you click onto the OK button, a new window will appear which contains a new BlackBox puzzle. At the bottom of the view the number of hidden atoms is indicated. To fire a ray into the grid, click into one of the locations on the edge of the grid. The result will be displayed immediately. Obviously this operation cannot be undone. To tell the program where you think an atom is, click on the grid location. This will tentatively place an atom at that location. If you later decide that the atom should not be there, click on the square again, and it will disappear. When you think you have placed all of the atoms correctly, press any key or select Show Solution from the BlackBox menu and the computer will check the atoms that you placed and reveal any that you missed or placed incorrectly. In addition, a score will be displayed. The smaller the score, the better the result. Every ray which has been fired is counted with two points, except for absorbed and reflected ones which are only counted with one point. Additionally, for every misplaced atom five points are added. For an eight by eight board with four hidden atoms the average score is between ten and fifteen. Once the solution has been shown, you can visualize the path a ray will follow by clicking into the edge of the grid while holding down the ctrl key. If you execute the menu entry New Atoms, then the computer will hide a new molecule for you which consists of the same number of atoms as the last one. If you want to generate a new puzzle for someone else, then place the atoms on the grid and select the Set New Atoms command. The number of the hidden atoms will be updated accordingly. You may save and mail such a puzzle to your friends. Some background information BlackBox has been invented by the English mathematician Dr. Eric W. Solomon. All the games he invented are distinguished by the fact that they are easy and simple, but very interesting. In other words, his games are in the spirit of Oberon, namely as simple as possible, but not simpler. BlackBox got published in Germany under the names Logo and Ordo in 1978 but was withdrawn already two years later. It is now again available from the franjos company under its original name BlackBox in a nice edition (wooden stones and atoms made out of glass). Other games invented by Solomon are Sigma File and Vice Versa. The latter has also been published under the name Hyle. The objective of the game is not to deduce the hidden position of all atoms completely, but rather to score with as few points as possible. Thus, in some situation it may be better to apply some intuition than firing additional rays. The worst score is always p*5 where p is the number of hidden atoms. This score can be achieved if no ray is fired at all and if the atoms are placed arbitrarely. Note also, that it is not always possible to find the hidden atoms from the information one gets through the rays. The simplest example for a molecule consisting of 5 atoms is given in the example to the right. The position of the fifth atom in the center can not be deduced. There exist also a few examples with 4 atoms. Can you construct one? Some nice examples The following examples are ready for you to play.
Overview by Example: ObxBlackBox This example implements the deductive game BlackBox, using the BlackBox Component Framework. The aim of the game is to guess the positions of atoms within an n by n grid by firing rays into a black box. The rays may be deflected or even absorbed. From the position where the ray leaves the grid one must try to deduce the position of the atoms. For more information about BlackBox and on how to play the game read the rules. A main point of this example is to demonstrate one advantage of compound documents: The ObxBlackBox views which are implemented can directly be used in the documentation for illustration purposes. Neither additional code nor the use of a drawing program is required. Moreover, these views in the documentation are living elements and can be inspected and modified as desired. This example also shows how a view-specific menu can be used. If a BlackBox view is the focus view, a special menu appears which offers BlackBox-specific commands that operate on the focus view. For this purpose, the following menu is installed in your Obx menu file (-> Menus): MENU "BlackBox" ("ObxBlackBox.View") "Show Solution" "" "ObxBlackBox.ShowSolution" "ObxBlackBox.ShowSolutionGuard" SEPARATOR "New Atoms" "" "ObxBlackBox.New" "" "Set New Atoms" "" "ObxBlackBox.Set" "" SEPARATOR "Rules" "" "StdCmds.OpenBrowser('Obx/Docu/BB-Rules', 'BlackBox Rules')" "" END The first menu entry is enabled or disabled depending on the state of the focus view. A user-defined guard is added for this purpose. For more information about the commands themselves see the section on how to play BlackBox in the rules. "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/BlackBox', 'BlackBox')" ObxBlackBoxsources
Overview by Example: ObxButtons This example demonstrates how new controls can be implemented. A control is a visual object that allows to control some behavior of another part of the program. Examples of controls are buttons, sliders, check boxes, etc. In contrast to full-fledged editors, a control only makes sense in concert with its container and other controls contained therein. With the BlackBox Component Builder, a control is a specialized view. A standard selection of important controls is provided by the BlackBox Component Builder, others can be implemented by third parties. This article shows an example of a simple button control implementation. Our example control has four properties: its current font, color, link, and label. The link is used by most BlackBox controls to bind them to some program elements. In our case, this program element is a Component Pascal command, i.e. an exported procedure. The label is the string displayed in the button. Control properties can be inspected and modified with the control property inspector (module DevInspector). To try this, select the control, and then use the Properties... command in submenu Object of menu Edit. What do we have to implement to make this control work? In the remainder of this text, we will go through various aspects of the control implementation as it is given in the corresponding listing. We will look at all the procedures which must be implemented for the control to work. As is typical for object- and component-oriented programming, these procedures are meant to be called by the environment, not by yourself. This is called the Hollywood Principle of Object-Oriented Programming: Don't call us, we call you. Typically, a control is embedded in a form. When the form is saved in a file, it gives all embedded controls the opportunity to externalize themselves. When the form is read from a file, the form allocates the controls and lets them internalize themselves. A control programmer needs to implement two procedures for this purpose: Externalize and Internalize. In the listing you can see that the auxiliary procedures Views.WriteFont and Views.ReadFont are used. They relieve you from the cumbersome task of writing or reading a font's typeface, size, style, and weight separately. To support copying operations (e.g., cut and paste), a view must be able to copy its contents to an empty clone of itself. For this purpose, the CopyFrom procedure copies the state of an existing control (source) to a newly allocated but not yet initialized control. Our control must be able to redraw its outline and label, which is the purpose of the Restore procedure. It draws the label in the control's color and font. The label is horizontally centered. Note that the control doesn't need to draw the background, this is handled by the container. Only the foreground, i.e., the outline and the label are drawn. Of course, the control should also be able to perform some action when the user clicks in it. Mouse clicks and other interaction events are handled by a view's HandleCtrlMsg procedure. In our example, this procedure only reacts upon mouse-down messages (events). Other interactions such as key presses are not handled, in order to make the example as simple as possible. Basically, the procedure's implementation consist of a mouse tracking loop, which terminates when the user releases the (primary) mouse button. The loop is programmed such that the control's rectangle is inverted as long as the mouse is located over the control, and not inverted otherwise. If the mouse is released over the control, the inversion is removed and the string in v.link passed to the Dialog.Call procedure. This procedure basically implements an interpreter for Component Pascal commands, i.e., strings such as "Dialog.Beep" can be executed at run-time. BlackBox predefines some standard system and control properties. The system properties are the ones that can be changed via the Attributes menu, i.e., font and color. The control properties are the ones defined in module Controls, and changeable via the control property inspector. There is a message that BlackBox uses to poll a view's properties (Properties.PollMsg), and a message to modify a view's properties (Properties.SetMsg). Returning a control's properties is easy: allocate the suitable property descriptors (Properties.StdProp and Controls.Prop), assign their appropriate fields, i.e., typeface, size, style weight, link, and label, and signal that those are the valid properties that the control knows about. For the standard system properties, this is done in the auxiliary procedure GetStdProp. The other corresponding procedure SetStdProp is slightly more complicated, because for each property it must be tested whether it needs to be changed or retained. After all, the user may just have changed the control's color without changing the font. The whole property handling is held together by the view's HandlePropMsg procedure, where the PollMsg and SetMsg messages are recognized. For SetMsg, all elements of its property list are traversed and existing system and control properties are picked out. This is done since obviously a control cannot set properties that it doesn't know. Changes of the control's properties are bracketed by calls to Views.BeginModification and Views.EndModification. These procedures tell the BlackBox Framework that some operation was performed that cannot be undone. Undo support would not be much more complicated, but still a bit overkill for this example here. The calls to Views.Update signal that the control's visible area should be restored as soon as the current command has terminated. In HandlePropMsg, the control also answers some preferences. Preferences are messages that a container view (e.g., a form) sends to its contained views (e.g., the controls). Their purpose is to customize the container's behavior according to its contents. A container is not obliged to ask embedded views for their preferences, but "socially responsible" containers (e.g., texts and forms) do so. For example, a control which doesn't yet have a defined width or height is asked for its preferred size (Properties.SizeMsg). With the Properties.FocusPref preference, a view can influence how it is treated when the mouse is clicked in it. Our control indicates that it is a hot focus, i.e. it releases its focus immediately after the mouse is released. Finally, the New procedure creates a new control, and the Deposit procedure deposits such a new control in a system queue of the BlackBox Framework. For example, the following command sequence can be used to put a new control into this queue: "ObxButtons.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView" And already we are through with the discussion of the whole control implementation! Even though we haven't addressed some more advanced issues such as keyboard shortcuts for controls, and how a control can be linked to program variables instead of commands, it still is a complete control implementation. ObxButtonssources
Overview by Example: ObxCalc This example implements a simple pocket calculator view for integer numbers. The calculator can be used either with the keyboard or with the mouse. It is implemented as a stack calculator. The topmost entry of the stack is displayed. With the ^ key (or ENTER key on the keyboard) this value is duplicated and pushed onto the stack. The p-key performs a pop operation, that is the topmost entry gets replaced by the second one. With the s-key the two topmost entries of the stack can be swapped. Expressions must be evaluated using the reverse polish notation. The arithmetic operations replace the two topmost entries by the result. / stands for the quotient and for the remainder. For example, to add 12 and 25, the keys 12^25+ must be pressed. At the beginning, the stack is filled with zeroes. The implementation is rather simple. The ObxCalc views are views which do not contain a model. Every view keeps its own stack. When a calculator is copied, the state of the copy gets initialized. The state of a view is not externalized. This implies that any calculator loaded from a file is always in a cleared state. From a view-programming point of view the following type-bound procedures are of interest: Restore draws the view's contents. HandleCtrlMsg handles all controller messages which are sent to the view, in particular when the mouse button (Controllers.TrackMsg) or when a key (Controllers.EditMsg) is pressed within the view. HandlePropMsg handles the property messages which are sent to the view by its container. The container asks the view about its (preferred) size (Properties.SizePref), whether it is resizable (Properties.ResizePref) and whether it wants to become focus or not (Properties.FocusPref). Externalize externalizes a version byte Internalize reads the version byte and initializes a new view With only these five procedures we get a fully working interactive view. The view can be saved to a file (without its internal state) and copied using Drag & Drop or Copy & Paste, it can be printed, and under Windows, it can be exported as ActiveX object into any ActiveX container. "ObxCalc.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" ObxCalcsources
Overview by Example: ObxCaps This example shows how the built-in text subsystem of the BlackBox Component Builder can be extended by new commands. To demonstrate this possibility, a command is shown which fetches the selection in the focus view (assuming the focus view is a text view), creates a new empty text, copies the selection into this new text (but with all small letters turned into capital letters), and then replaces the selection by the newly created text. In short, this command turns the selected text stretch into all capital letters. MODULE ObxCaps; IMPORT Stores, Models, TextModels, TextControllers; PROCEDURE Do*; VAR c: TextControllers.Controller; beg, end: INTEGER; r: TextModels.Reader; ch: CHAR; buf: TextModels.Model; w: TextModels.Writer; script: Stores.Operation; BEGIN c := TextControllers.Focus(); IF (c # NIL) & c.HasSelection() THEN c.GetSelection(beg, end); (* upper case text will be copied into this buffer *) buf := TextModels.CloneOf(c.text); w := buf.NewWriter(NIL); r := c.text.NewReader(NIL); r.SetPos(beg); r.ReadChar(ch); WHILE (r.Pos() <= end) & ~r.eot DO IF (ch >= "a") & (ch <= "z") THEN ch := CAP(ch) END; w.WriteChar(ch); r.ReadChar(ch) END; Models.BeginScript(c.text, "Caps", script); c.text.Delete(beg, end); c.text.Insert(beg, buf, 0, end - beg); Models.EndScript(c.text, script) END END Do; END ObxCaps. As an example, select the test string several lines below, and then click on the following commander: ObxCaps.Do teSTstring834 .-st You'll note that the selection has turned into all caps. But now comes the surprise: execute UndoCaps in the Edit menu. As a result, the effect of the uppercase operation is undone! In the BlackBox Component Builder, most operations are undoable; this also holds for the Delete and Insert text procedures in the above example. Thus, you need to do nothing special in order to render such a command undoable! However, you may have noticed that there is something special in the sample program: there is a BeginScript / EndScript pair of procedure calls before resp. after the calls to Delete / Insert. They bundle the sequence of a Delete followed by a Insert into one single compoundcommand, meaning that the user need not undo both of these operations individually, but rather in one single step. In this example we have seen how an existing displayed text and its selection are accessed, how a buffer text is created, and how the selected text stretch is replaced by the buffer's contents.
Overview by Example: ObxContIter This example shows how to iterate over the views embedded in a container, whether it be a text container, a form container, etc. The command searches for the first embedded view whose label is "magic name". At first, the command gets the focus container on which to operate: c := Containers.Focus(); This statement obtains the innermost general container's controller in the focus path, even if the container is in mask or browser mode and some control in the container is currently the innermost (non-container) view. Every general container defines some order for the embedded views. For texts, this is the order of the views in the text, for forms it is the z-ordering, etc. The controller methods GetFirstView and GetNextView allow to iterate over the embedded views in the defined order: c.GetFirstView(Containers.any, v); c.GetNextView(Containers.any, v); The first parameters denote whether all embedded views should be traversed (Containers.any) or only the selected views (Containers.selection). The loop that searches for the specific control has the typical form of a search loop: get first element; WHILE (element # NIL) & ~(element is the right one) DO get next element END; In our example, the condition in the WHILE loop is the following: (v # NIL) & ~((v IS Controls.Control) & (v(Controls.Control).label = "magic name")) The right-side term contains an expression that denotes "element is the right one", in this case: (v IS Controls.Control) & (v(Controls.Control).label = "magic name") This means that the element is a control, and its label is "magic name". The not-operator "~" inverts this condition, so that the loop continues as long as the right element has not yet been found. Note that you shouldn't modify the selection during iteration over the selection. Also, you shouldn't insert into or delete from the container model during iteration. ObxContItersources
Overview by Example: ObxControls A change of an interactor field (i.e., a field of a globally declared record variable) may affect not only controls which are linked to this field, but others as well. For example, a command button may be disabled as long as a text field is empty, and become enabled when something is typed into the text field. Guard commands Such state changes of controls, which are the results of state changes in an interactor, are handled by guard commands. A guard is a command which may disable a control, may denote it as undefined, or may make it read-only. It does not have other side effects; in particular, it doesn't invoke an arbitrary action or change the state of an interactor. For that purpose, notifiers are used. Notifier commands A notifier is an optional command that can be bound to a control, using the control property editor (-> DevInspector). For example, a notifier command may write something into the status bar of a window when the mouse button is pressed, and clear the status bar when the mouse button is released again. It is more typical, however, that a notifier changes the state of the interactor to which its control is linked; i.e., to change one or more of the interactor fields to which its control is not linked. In this way, the change of one interactor field's value may cause a change of another field's value, via the former's notifier. Example The example illustrates guards and notifiers, as well as command button, radio button, and list box controls. Imagine something whose size should be controlled via a dialog, with more skilled users getting more degrees of freedom. For example, this may be a dialog for a game, which allows the user to choose a skill level. A novice user only gets a default amount of money to invest in an economics simulation game, a more experienced user additionally may choose among three predefined choices, while a guru may enter any value he or she wants to use. In order to keep our example simple and to concentrate on the control behaviors, nothing as complex as a simulation game is implemented. Instead, the initial size of a square view can be controlled by the user, in a more or less flexible way that depends on the chosen skill level. In our example, the skill level is implement as the class field of the data interactor in module ObxControls. It is an integer variable, to which a text entry field may be linked, or more appropriately, a number of radio buttons. The radio buttons are labeled beginner, advanced, expert, and guru. Depending on the currently selected class, the interactor's list field is adapted: for a beginner, the list box should be disabled, because there is no choice (the default is taken). For an advanced player, a choice between "small", "medium", and "large" are presented in addition to the "default" size. Obviously, the list box must be enabled if such a choice exists. "expert" players get even more choices, namely "tiny" and "huge". Note that if these choices appear, the list box becomes too small to show all choices simultaneously. As a consequence, the scroll bar of the list box becomes enabled. "guru" players have even more freedom, they can type in the desired size numerically, in a text entry field which is read-only for all other skill levels. The command button Cancel closes the dialog without doing anything, the Open button starts the game, and the OK button starts the game and immediately closes the dialog. Since we are mainly interested in how to implement the described behavior, we don't actually implement a game. Instead, the "game" merely consists in opening a new view, whose size is determined by the size chosen in the dialog (default, large, small, etc.) With the New Form... menu command, a new dialog box for the ObxControls.data interactor can be created automatically. The layout of this dialog can be edited interactively, and the properties of the various controls can be set using the control property editor. They should be set up as in the table below: Control Link Label Guard Notifier Level Radio Button ObxControls.data.class &Beginner ObxControls.ClassNotify 0 Radio Button ObxControls.data.class &Advanced ObxControls.ClassNotify 1 Radio Button ObxControls.data.class &Expert ObxControls.ClassNotify 2 Radio Button ObxControls.data.class &Guru ObxControls.ClassNotify 3 List Box ObxControls.data.list ObxControls.ListGuard ObxControls.ListNotify Text Field ObxControls.data.width ObxControls.WidthGuard Command Button StdCmds.CloseDialog; ObxControls.Open OK Command Button ObxControls.Open &Open "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Controls', 'ObxControls Demo')" ObxControlssources
Overview by Example: ObxControlShifter This example is described in chapter4 of the BlackBox tutorial.
Overview by Example: ObxConv While most data files are BlackBox document files, it is sometimes necessary to deal with other file types as well: ASCII files, picture files, or files created by legacy applications. Sometimes it is sufficient to import such data once and then keep it in BlackBox documents, sometimes it is necessary to export data into some foreign file format, and it may even be desirable to import data from such a file format when opening a file, and to export data back into the same file format upon saving the file. Of course, the latter only works in a satisfying way if the conversion is truly invertible, i.e., both import and export are loss-free. The example ObxConv shows a simple ASCII converter, which converts to and from standard BlackBox text views. The module consists of two commands, one is an importer and the other an exporter. Both commands have the same structure: in a loop over all characters of a text, each character is read (from a file or text) and then written (into a text or file). Actually, the characters would have to be converted from the host platform's native character set to (or from) the portable character set used by the BlackBox Component Builder. This is not done here since it would not contribute to demonstrating the converter mechanism per se. Each BlackBox Component Builder installation provides its own set of standard converters which are registered in module StdConfig and thus made available to the user when the system is started up. A programmer may install additional converters in procedure StdConfig.Setup, by calling the Converters.Register procedure: Converters.Register("ObxConv.ImportText", "ObxConv.ExportText", "TextViews.View", "TXT", {}) StdConfig.Setup is called at the end of the BlackBox Component Builder's bootstrap process, i.e., when the core has been loaded successfully. For each registered converter, there optionally may be a corresponding string mapping; to make the display of a list of importers/exporters more user-friendly. For example, the importer "ObxConv.ImportText" could be mapped to the more telling name "Obx Text" (in the standard file open dialog). The mapping is done in the Strings file in the Rsrc directory of the importer's subsystem, e.g. there is the following line in the Obx/Rsrc/Strings text: ObxConv.ImportText Obx Text File It is conceivable to implement compound converters: an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) converter for example could use the standard ASCII converter of the BlackBox Component Builder (i.e., module StdTextConv) to perform a conversion from the platform's ASCII format to a BlackBox text. The created text could then be parsed and converted into an equivalent text which included some kind of hypertext link view instead of the textually specified hyperlinks. ObxConvsources
Overview by Example: ObxCount0 This example is described in chapter5 of the BlackBox tutorial.
Overview by Example: ObxCount1 This example is described in chapter5 of the BlackBox tutorial.
Overview by Example: ObxCtrls "ObxCtrls.Deposit; StdCmds.PasteView"
Overview by Example: ObxCubes This example implements a simple rotating cube view. The cube rotates around two axes. It performs 10 state transformations per second and after 25.6 seconds it is back in its starting position. The example below shows a large cube rotating in front of a smaller one. Both cubes are embedded in a form view, which is embedded in the text view that you are currently reading: What this example shows is the use of actions. Services.Actions are objects whose Do procedures are executed in a delayed fashion, when the system is idle. An action which re-installs itself whenever it is invoked as in this example operates as a non-preemptive background task. This example also demonstrates a simple property editor through which the colors of the sides of a cube can be changed. To open the property editor click into the cube while holding down the ctrl key (or execute the command below to open the dialog). The property editor always shows the colors of the selected cube. The synchronization between the color fields in the dialog and the selected cube is also performed through the installed action. The colors of the sides are actually changed by a notifier which is attached to each color control in the property dialog. The color white is interpreted as invisible. "ObxCubes.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Cubes', 'Cube Colors')" ObxCubessources
Overview by Example: ObxDb This example provides two commands to the user. The first, EnterData, takes a text selection as input, and reads it line by line. Each line should consist of an integer number, followed by a string, trailed by a real number. Each such tuple is entered into a globally anchored linear list, sorted by the integer value. The second command, ListData, generates a text which displays the data currently in the list. ObxDbsources ObxDb.EnterData ObxDb.ListData ObxDb.Reset To try out the example, select the following lines, and then click the left commander above: 1 Cray 14.8 3 NEC 16.6 2 IBM 8.3 Now click the middle commander, as a result a window opens with the sorted input. If you repeat both steps, you'll note that the input has been added to the list a second time, and that consequently every item appears twice in the output. This example has shown how a text can be scanned symbol by symbol, instead of character by character.
Overview by Example: ObxDialog This example demonstrates list, selection, and combo interactor fields and their appropriate controls. Furthermore, notifiers and guards are used. "StdCmds.OpenAuxDialog('Obx/Rsrc/Dialog', 'ObxDialog Demo')" ObxDialogsources
Oberon by Example: ObxFact This example demonstrates the use of module Integers, which implements arbitrary precision integers. The example implements the command ObxFact.Compute, which computes the factorial of an integer selected as text in a text view, and replaces the selection with the result. Example: 25 -> 15511210043330985984000000 Note: The time required to compute a factorial grows exponentially with the size of the input. For numbers greater than 500 a considerable time will be needed. ObxFactsources
Overview by Example: ObxFileTree This example illustrates the use of the TreeControl. The aim is to create a file browser similar to the Windows Explorer. To keep it simple, the user interface will consist of a text field, three buttons, and a TreeControl. When the user types a path to a directory in the text field and clicks on the Display button the files and folders in the given directory are shown in the tree. The user can browse the files and folders in the tree, and a double click on a file opens the file in BlackBox. The Interactors To achieve this user interface we need a Dialog.String variable to connect to the text field, we need two procedures to connect to the Display and Open buttons respectively, and we need a Dialog.Tree variable to connect to the TreeControl. We also need a notifier to connect to TreeControl. This notifier should detect a double click on a leaf in the tree and open the corresponding file. The TreeControl has several properties which can be modified with the property inspector. For this example the default properties are sufficient. In particular the option "Folder icons" should be switched on. This option makes the TreeControl show icons in front of each node in the tree. The leaf nodes get a "file" icon and the nodes that have subnodes get a "folder" icon. This option gives our program the same look and feel as the Windows Explorer. The only problem is that if a file directory does not contain any files it will be a leaf node and thus look like a file and not a folder. For this purpose the Dialog.TreeNode offers a method called ViewAsFolder, which makes a node in a tree display a folder icon even if it doesn't have any subnodes. The Implemantation To implement this, this example uses four procedures: PROCEDURE BuildDirTree (loc: Files.Locator; parent: Dialog.TreeNode); PROCEDURE Update*; PROCEDURE Open*; PROCEDURE OpenGuard* (VAR par: Dialog.Par); BuildDirTree recursively adds files and folders to the tree, and also makes sure that the ViewAsFolder attribute is set for nodes that are folders. Update is the procedure that is connected to the Display command button in the user interface. This procedure clears the tree and then calls BuildDirTree. The procedure Open opens the selected folder or file. StdCmds.DefaultOnDoubleClick, which is set as the TreeControl's notifier procedure, executes the default command Open when the TreeControl is double-clicked. "StdCmds.OpenToolDialog('Obx/Rsrc/FileTree', 'ObxFileTree Demo')" ObxFileTreesources
Overview by Example: ObxFldCtrls There is no separate documentation.
Overview by Example: ObxGraphs This example is a view which implements simple bar charts. The implementation consists of a view and a model. The view contains the model, and the model contains a linear list of values. For each of these values, a bar is drawn when the view is restored in a frame. The current list of values can be inspected by clicking with the mouse into the view: as a result, an auxiliary window is opened containing a textual representation of the values. This list of numbers can be edited, selected, and then dropped into the graph view again, to change its current list of values. A model's data (the value list) is always replaced as a whole and never modified incrementally. For this reason, not only shallow but also deep copying of a model can be implemented by copying the model reference (the pointer value), rather than by cloning the model and its contents. The same immutability property has been used in example ObxLines already. The most interesting part of this view implementation is the handling of drag & drop messages. In order to let the BlackBox Component Builder provide drop feedback (i.e., the temporary outline denoting a graph view as a possible target for dropping a piece of text) the Controllers.PollDropMsg must be handled. In order to actually execute a drop operation (i.e., to let the graph view consume the dropped piece of text), the Controllers.DropMsg must be handled. In our example, the dropped view isn't inserted into the drop target, but rather interpreted as a specification for its new contents. The handling of the Properties.FocusPref preference is also noteworthy. By setting up this preference, a view can inform its container how it would like to be treated concerning focusing. If this message is not handled, a view is never permanently focused, except if it is the root view. This means that upon clicking into the view, the view gets selection handles, but not a focus border. The focus preference allows to modify this behavior. Graph views are not meant to be targets of menu commands, i.e., it is not necessary to denote them as focusable. Since they should react on mouse clicks into their interior, they shouldn't be selected either. A view which normally is neither focused nor selected, but still should receive mouse clicks in it, is called a hot focus. A command button is a more typical example of a hot focus. A view can denote itself as a hot focus by setting the hotFocus field of the Properties.FocusPref preference to TRUE. Truly editable views should set the setFocus field instead of the hotFocus field, so the focus is not lost when the user releases the mouse button. ObxGraphssources "ObxGraphs.Deposit; StdCmds.Open" After having opened a graph view with the command above, select the list of numbers below 10 53 4 14 24 34 60 52 8 drag the selection over the graph view, and then drop it into the graph view. As a result, the graph view shows a number of grey bars, whose heights correspond to the above values (in millimeters). The bar's widths adapt such that all of them together occupy the whole view's width. Now click into the graph view to get a list of its current values.